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3 Anatomy of a Chart This is an excerpt from Chapter 3 of The Tao of Astrology by Kelly Lee Phipps © 2011 Kelly Lee Phipps. Look for the whole book in late spring/early summer! “Most people would succeed in small things, if they were not troubled with great ambitions.” Henry Longfellow “Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experiences of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and suc- cess achieved.” Hellen Keller Your astrology chart is a map of your soul and its unique passages and secrets. It is a blueprint of how to construct a fulfilling and happy life! You have everything inside that you need for the journey of authentic living. The key is to begin the journey and take the first step into a wider universe. Unravel the mystery of why you came to be! Every chart is a dynamic expression of natural forces of consciousness working at the level of the solar system. These forces shape the combi- nations of elements on the spherical planet we inhabit. In this view of things, there can be no ‘bad’ charts or even ‘bad’ configurations within a chart. The cosmic weather flows on and you may contribute your talents to the novel of being as a static or active character. Your chart is the script of the role you were promised before you were even born. Spiritual triumph happens when you transform the shadow elements of your chart into light, replacing self-defeating patterns with life-affirming creative expressions of soul. The balance between shadow and light will always change, just as you can always slide into the darker dimensions of your character. And that’s okay! In order to know your fullest light you must know your darkness and draw strength from becoming famil- iar with the shadow. That’s how life is designed as a reflection of the Yin and Yang cosmic relationship that crafted the universe. Your light is merely one side of the coin shared with your shadow. An archetype expressed to its ex- treme will transform into its shadow, just as too much of a good thing

3 Anatomy of a Chart

Sep 12, 2021



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Anatomy of a Chart

This is an excerpt from Chapter 3 of The Tao of Astrology by Kelly Lee Phipps© 2011 Kelly Lee Phipps. Look for the whole book in late spring/early summer!

“Most people would succeed in small things, if they were not troubled with great ambitions.”

Henry Longfellow

“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experiences of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and suc-cess achieved.”

Hellen Keller

Your astrology chart is a map of your soul and its unique passages and secrets. It is a blueprint of how to construct a fulfilling and happy life! You have everything inside that you need for the journey of authentic living. The key is to begin the journey and take the first step into a wider universe. Unravel the mystery of why you came to be!

Every chart is a dynamic expression of natural forces of consciousness working at the level of the solar system. These forces shape the combi-nations of elements on the spherical planet we inhabit. In this view of things, there can be no ‘bad’ charts or even ‘bad’ configurations within a chart. The cosmic weather flows on and you may contribute your talents to the novel of being as a static or active character. Your chart is the script of the role you were promised before you were even born.

Spiritual triumph happens when you transform the shadow elements of your chart into light, replacing self-defeating patterns with life-affirming creative expressions of soul. The balance between shadow and light will always change, just as you can always slide into the darker dimensions of your character. And that’s okay! In order to know your fullest light you must know your darkness and draw strength from becoming famil-iar with the shadow.

That’s how life is designed as a reflection of the Yin and Yang cosmic relationship that crafted the universe. Your light is merely one side of the coin shared with your shadow. An archetype expressed to its ex-treme will transform into its shadow, just as too much of a good thing

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can worsen things. Yin transforms into Yang and vice versa in time.For example, Gemini is the archetype of communication, information,

and versatility. But too much communication can make one overly-talkative and unable to listen. Too much sharing of information can lead to a life of gossip. Versatility stretched to its edge can lead to nervous-ness and a scattered life!

How can you follow your bliss when you don’t even know what it is? Astrology is a guide to knowing your shadow and light in such a way that every situation and interaction becomes an art of living it, infusing it with your archetypal essence to a degree that creates the effect you desire. Life becomes spontaneous again, like when you were a child!

Once you become aware of your potential for both darkness and light, you can begin playing the game of life strategically. Little by little you will begin noticing when your dark side traits take control and work to dissolve their obsessive power through acceptance and channel this energy into self-realization. Gradually the shadow is transformed when the light of consciousness is awakened. In this state you can invoke your shadow in perfectly intended and guided amounts to actually perform acts of love and light. Sometimes even angels need to unsheathe their swords and tap destructive power! Just as a parent defending a child from danger is a good and noble deed.

Astrology is a tool that blesses you with the archetypal level of con-sciousness. Once you begin experimenting with your chart, playing with the characters that live inside, you’ll realize the path, the Tao, the way of true happiness in life. You will be at peace as the storm rages.

Astrology has several parts that one must grasp before chart interpreta-tion can be mastered. Every chart has seven main parts: Core Essences,

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Planets, Signs, Houses, Aspects, Evolutions, and Synastry with other charts. These seven parts are depicted in the diagram on the next page. The Yang triad consists of the ‘active’ visible parts of astrology that form the basis of every interpretation: planets, signs, and houses. We discussed these in the last chapter and will continue to deepen their sym-bolism here. While the Yin triad consists of the underlying factors of chart interpretation that lay hidden beneath the surface of things, but that act as the ‘glue’ and dynamic energy of change. These are the aspects, evolutions, and synastry. Evolutions involve an understanding of how a chart changes through time and evolves. Astrologers track this dynamic change using techniques like transits and progressions. Synastry means “joining of the stars” and is the study of relationship astrology, how two people’s energy fields interact.

Why is synastry included as an essential part of astrology? No one is an island in the field of consciousness. We are all linked. Life is a field of interactions on multiple dimensions of consciousness. Therefore, the art of comparing charts, synastry, is crucial to understanding astrol-ogy in its entirety. The people one keeps company with actually enrich, stimulate and can even inhibit certain chart factors. Understanding the dynamic environment one occupies can alter an interpretation.



Signs Houses

Aspects Evolutions


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The Core Essences of astrology encompass the concepts that make up the very nature of the archetypes: Polarities, Modalities, Elements, and Qualities. In the opening chapter we covered these in-depth so that we could construct the language. Without a working knowledge of the Core essences, one cannot do effective astrology or understand how the inter-pretations are derived. Study them, memorize them, meditate on them and attain enlightenment through them!

The study of astrology requires learning all these parts. The effec-tive communication of astrology lies in bringing them together into an inspiring, artistic synthesis. The crux of being able to speak astrology rests in the ability to fluently express the different combinations of the planets in the various signs and houses while simultaneously flowing between the aspects and evolutions. Usually the influence of another person upon a chart (synastry) is only taken into consideration if the session is focused on relationship analysis. Some astrologers will study another person’s chart if the data is available and that person is having a direct influence on a client and is related to a question the client poses. In a normal session, the influence of others can be effectively left out.

While a basic chart interpretation statement about one’s being is de-rived from a planet-sign-house combination, a deeper meaning and context arises when the astrologer integrates the subtleties of the Core Essences along with the aspects and chart evolutions. Just as the foun-dations of astrology in cohesion with the glue of the aspects adds depth to a chart interpretation, so too does the transitions of the planets around the birth chart, both in their continual visible orbits (transits) and their symbolic evolutions (progressions). The birth chart is far from static, but alive with possibilities and growth as time advances and people ma-ture.

Transits and progressions to the natal chart show how the soul of the individual is evolving in current time as well as the archetypal textures and qualities of seasons to come and seasons past. No interpretation should be given to a mature adult without integrating into the discussion these chart transformations. Everyone deserves to know the archetypal shape of the seasons they are living, what’s going on, what secret ener-gies are at play in the current season and months ahead. Occasionally it is wise to look back to the chart of an event that has defined a person’s life to fully understand its archetypal meaning in the context of the life pattern. And sometimes its good to look forward for a time you contem-plate scheduling a certain event. This is called electional astrology. It allows you to tweak the exact date and time for a more favorable mo-ment of initiation. All charts are merely frozen moments of the initia-

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tion of new courses of activity, including the beginning of entire human lives. And the moment of initiation draws on the current of archetypal potential available as indicated by the configurations in the heavens.

In the interpretations of the Tao of Astrology I’ve included a synthe-sis between archetypal astrology and the elemental direct experience of nature on five dimensions of expression: Spiritual, Archetypal, Mental, Emotional, and Physical. The last chapter briefly introduced the five dimensions of life experience and revealed the basic meanings of the planets, signs, and houses in table format. The rest of this chapter will examine each of these multi-dimensional archetypes, breaking them down into their respective five dimensions of activity.

Spiritual: Eternal Being expressed as spiritual principles. Each archetype inspires a universal spiritual dynamic. The Spiritual realm is the dimension of the unified field of consciousness that pervades the cosmos. Its currency is the numinous, experienced as connectivity and overwhelming oneness with the Universe. This was expressed in the Tao Te Ching through 81 chapters full of wisdom and insight written by Lao Tzu in ancient China.

Archetypal: Seed patterns of expression and being expressed as energetic patterns. Each archetype is described by combining a mode of expression with an element of being. The archetypal realm is the dimension of dreams, imagery and pure imagination. Its currency is archetypal imagery, expressed as instincts in the body.

Emotional: Soul forces expressed as polarized emotional urg-es, drives, character traits and behavioral patterns. The emotional realm is the dimension of the heart where the currency is feeling.

Mental: Thought form ideas expressed as symbols, phases of consciousness, mythic stories, and character images. The symbols tell the story of the archetypes by design. Mythic associations are created between archetypes, the planets and aspects. The mental realm is the dimension of the mind where the currency is thought.

Experiential: Fields of life experience expressed on five lev-els. Each archetype governs a domain of life. These are called “Hous-es” in astrology. The ancients called them “places”, as in the places in the heavens that planets occupy. Cosmic forces of consciousness create and interpenetrate the physical dimension where we exist. At the level of the body, the intangible dimensions are equally present and affected. As the poet Rilke said, “Inside human beings is where God learns.” The Experiential includes the physical realm and unifies the other four subtle realms as the unique present experience we observe. Its primary cur-rency is atoms, molecules and matter creating emergent life forms.

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Aries - CourageDare-Devil Warrior Leader

Pioneer Champion Mars

Spiritual: Courage through Direct Action Seize the Moment The Chinese expressed this principle with the term wu wei, “graceful

action”. The force that is forced is not the eternal force. Even the finest warrior is defeated when going against natural law.

Destiny Welcomes Initiative. Timing in Action is Everything.Archetypal: Flames exploding outward daring to initiate new experi-

ence. The quest to express individuality and life. The Golden Fleece.Mode Keys: Outward Element Keys: Fire

Activating Essence

Initiating Vitality

Creating Identity

Expressing Consciousness

Illuminating Energy

Emotional: Desire (Anger)

ArchetypeHarmonious Expressions

Shadow Expressions


Headstrong Fierce childlike SportySpontaneous naive Innocent

Uncontrollable violent ragingCoarse Impulsive Angry belligerent


Adventurous Explosive expressive Assertive Vital Outgoing Brave

Abusive reckless Rash ImpetuousAggressive Pushy combative


Competitive Energized confidentEnthusiastic direct fearless

Careless competitive RashIrresponsible Argumentative


Pioneering Enterprising BrightInnovative exuberant Vigorous

Impatient Destructive SelfishUncooperative hasty


Bold Active Daring Courageous Independent

Arrogant Prideful EgotisticalTemperamental dominating

Mental: The assertion of willpower and creation of vitality for initiat-ing new cycles of being. Mental Fortitude.

Experiential: Soul Embodiment - Appearance - Behavior - Persona - DharmaWherever the Aries archetype is flowing into your chart that’s where

you need to take initiative, lead, motivate, and master courage. Seize the moment and take bold action in that field of life experience.

Body: Head, Adrenals. Muscular System.

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Libra - GraceSocialite Peacemaker Diplomat

Fine Artist Lover Venus

Spiritual: Harmony through Intimacy Live Your Artistry Harmonic motion and grace are achieved through following the Tao,

the“Way” of moving through life with heart vision. Without faltering, fully choose to do what you must do. Support Yin and embrace Yang. Their interplay fills the universe. Balance Evokes Centeredness.

Archetypal: The creation of social harmony, justice and wondrous works of art through intimacy with intricate patterns of beauty.

Mode Keys: Outward Element Keys: AirActivating Awareness

Initiating Ideas

Creating Thoughts

Expressing Concepts

Illuminating Knowledge

Emotional: Love (Remorse)

ArchetypeHarmonious Expressions

Shadow Expressions


Social Affectionate CaringBeauty-Loving Pursuasive Kind

Indecisive Wavering InconsistentDistracted Self-Indulgent Cold


Elegant Cooperative HarmoniousPeaceful Charming Courteous

Plastic Superficial FlirtatiousApproval-Seeking People-Pleaser


Balanced Fair Judicious PoliteConcilatory Lawful Diplomatic

Deceitful Passive-Aggresive RemoteAmbivalent Greedy Placating

Fine ArtistStrategist

Artistic Aesthetic StrategicTactful Impartial Clever

Air-Headed Defensive ConventionalTit-For-Tat Mentality Provoking


Graceful Intimate RefinedAccomodating Beautiful

Conceited Sophisticated VainLuxury-Oriented Temperamental

Mental: Attaining balance, an inner state of deep relaxation and cen-teredness through union with grace and beauty, often discovered through relationships and artistic expression.

Experiential: Intimacy - Friendship - Partnership - Contracts - Aesthetics Wherever the Libra archetype is flowing into your chart that’s where

you need to create relationships, express harmony, and discover love. Live your art and develop friendships in that field of life experience.

Body: Kidneys, Lumbar Region. Endocrine System.

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Taurus - SerenityOwner Gardener Provider

Builder Steward


Spiritual: Presence through Belonging Be Here Now on Purpose Return to the principles of Nature and tranquility arises. Embrace the

sensuality of Body Wisdom and nourishment happens. The Tao provides for all things yet cannot be exhausted as the Mother of the Universe.

As you plant, so you reap. Build Your House on Solid Ground.Archetypal: Receptivity to Spirit. Wasting energy to obtain rare ob-

jects impedes growth. Being aware of the artistic rhythms of nature.Mode Keys: Inward Element Keys: Earth

Penetrating Nature

Harnessing Resources

Concentrating Values

Utilizing Structures

Empowering Life

Emotional: Satisfaction (Scarcity)

ArchetypeHarmonious Expressions

Shadow Expressions


Practical Affectionate KindComfortable Sensuous Caring

Greedy Indulgent MaterialisticStingy Lazy Heavy


Serene Tranquil Placid DependableStrong Fertile Natural Realistic

Slow Plodding SimpleCautious Confused


Determined Traditional SteadfastReliable Stable Hardworking

Unimaginative DullStubborn Stuck Traditional


Artistic Enduring ThoroughPeaceful Composed Pragmatic

Rigid Unyielding ResistantStagnant Predictable

Nature ArtistDruid

Persevering Abundant ProtectiveConservative Resourceful

Conservative PossessiveFearful Controlling Dogmatic

Mental: Discovering abundance through moments of tranquility and pleasure. Cultivating a mind of serenity through reverence for nature.

Experiential: Appetites - Possession - Resources - Nature - Serenity Wherever the Taurus archetype is flowing into your chart that’s where

you need to utilize resources, find serenity, and be productive and abun-dant. Be present and find your unique way of belonging in that field of life experience.

Body: Neck, Throat. Endocrine System.

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Scorpio - TransformationInvestigator Investor Researcher

Alchemist Shaman Mars

Spiritual: Empowerment through Surrender Align With Change Releasing Struggle yields Perfection. Death is Rebirth. When oppos-

ing forces unite within, power is discovered. Grasping leads to Suffer-ing. Creation flows back to return to Tao as rivers to the ocean.

Transformation Invites Regeneration.Archetypal: Direct penetration to the heart of Eternal Mystery. Flour-

ish in endless variation. Stillness reveals the secrets of eternity.Mode Keys: Inward Element Keys: Water

Penetrating Imagination

Harnessing Emotion

Concentrating Empathy

Utilizing Compassion

Empowering Soul Vision

Emotional: Passion (Suffering)

ArchetypeHarmonious Expressions

Shadow Expressions


Passionate Hedonistic IntenseSexy Powerful Resilient

Controlling Possessive Jealous Compulsive Obsessive Dominating


Mysterious Resourceful PrivatePerceptive Loyal Self-Controlled

Inflexible Secretive ExtremeVengeful Moody Ruthless


Deep Probing PenetratingDetermined

Complicated Suspicious PryingConfrontational Seductive


Psychic MagneticTransformational Fascinating

Dangerous ManipulativeSmoldering Dark


Esoteric Magical EngagedRegenerative Sacred

Willful Fierce FearfulPower-Hungry Foreboding

Mental: The process of engaging the infinite, surrendering, and awak-ening to hidden mysteries that stimulate psychological regeneration.

Experiential: Investments - Sexuality - Psychology - Rebirth - Mystery

Wherever the Scorpio archetype is flowing into your chart that’s where you need to investigate, probe the depths, and concentrate passion. Align with transforming action in that field of life experience.

Body: Reproductive Organs. Endocrine & Immune Systems.

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Gemini - SpontaneityTrickster Shapeshifter Messenger

Storyteller Eternal Youth Mercury

Spiritual: Conversation through Spontaneity Know Thyself Abandon holiness and scheming; discard cleverness and rules of be-

havior and commerce. Cultivate the mind of an innocent fool. On Tip-toes, one is not steady. Every word reflects the universe, every moment brings enlightenment. Realize Divinity Within Ordinary Life.

Archetypal: Pillars of Knowledge and the dual essence of cyclic in-terplay and communication. The genesis of language and symbolism.

Mode Keys: Spiral Element Keys: AirSeeking Awareness

Adapting Ideas

Evolving Thought

Demonstrating Concepts

Distributing Knowledge

Emotional: Curiosity (Scattered)

ArchetypeHarmonious Expressions

Shadow Expressions


Quick-Witted Clever TrivialLight-Hearted Curious Comical

Overly-Talkative SuperficialFickle Flirtatious Trivial Tricky


Communicative Mentally-AgileDextrous Flexible Adaptable

Insubstantial UnsympatheticUnemotional Unfocused Nervous


Knowledgeable Logical MobileIntelligent Glib Articulate

Perverse Robotic Uncaring ScammerOver-Intellectual Dishonest


Versatile Variety-SeekingPerceptive Stimulating

Scattered Selfish ZealousQuixotic Changeable

Eternal YouthThe Fool

Youthful Carefree SpontaneousNatural-Mimic

Foolish ImmatureIndiscriminate Schizophrenic

Mental: The quest for information and knowledge through language/symbols; the ability to interrelate experience and render meaning.

Experiential: Environment - Conveyance - Communication - Learning - Intelligence

Wherever the Gemini archetype is flowing into your chart that’s where you need to express curiosity, find mental stimulation, and communi-cate. Have conversations and practice spontaneity in that field of life experience.

Body: Lungs, Arms, Hands. Nervous & Respiratory Systems.

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Sagittarius - InspirationGypsy/Traveler Pilgrim/Seeker Explorer

Scholar/Priest Philosopher Jupiter

Spiritual: Faith through Divine Inspiration Follow Love’s Bliss A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving. The

Sage is led by inner truth and holds to depth. Taking long strides, one cannot keep pace. One who knows himself is enlightened. Your life lived is your religion (Gibran). Civilization Weaves Culture

Archetypal: Overcoming the random surface urges to channel desire into ultimate truth and personal meaning. Inspiring Cultural Vision.

Mode Keys: Spiral Element Keys: FireSeeking Essence

Adapting Vitality

Evolving Identity

Demonstrating Consciousness

Distributing Energy

Emotional: Optimism (Disappointment)

ArchetypeHarmonious Expressions

Shadow Expressions


Multicultural Sporty UpbeatOutdoorsy Buoyant Adventurous

Restless Loud Clumsy IndulgentCareless-of-Details reckless


Ethical Idealistic Honest AthleticFaithful Jovial Optimistic

Idealistic Blunt OverconfidentDogmatic Preachy Boisterous


Enthusiastic Inspiring EducatedOpen-minded Benevolent

Opinionated Scattered TactlessClose-minded Obnoxious


Scholarly Judicious PrincipledHumorous Prosperous Well-Read

Judgemental ExtravagantZealous Addictive Hearty-Appetite

Philosopher/SageSpiritual Teacher

Expansive Philosophical LuckyMetaphysical Spiritual Influential

Uncommitted Deluded Exaggerative Luck-Trusting

Mental: The experience of meaning through the development of a personal philosophy or spiritual path that governs behavior through principles. The discovery of space-time through the inner journey.

Experiential: Exploration - Discovery - Civilization - Knowledge - Meaning

Wherever the Sagittarius archetype is flowing into your chart that’s where you need to explore, seek truth, find meaning, and philosophize. Practice faith and following your bliss in that field of life experience.

Body: Hips, Thighs, Liver. Nervous & Respiratory Systems.

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Cancer - HearthHomemaker Protector Counselor

Healer Hearth Guardian Moon

Spiritual: Compassion through Unconditional Love Feel the HeartThe Sage rules by stilling minds, opening hearts, by filling bellies,

strengthening bones. Opening to Heart Wisdom. Tao nourishes and protects all creatures yet does not claim lordship over them. When there is silence one finds inner peace and the universal anchor.

Archetypal: A mother nurtures her child; two souls in loving union. Opening the heart through compassion. Dwelling in the Hearth of Life.

Mode Keys: Outward Element Keys: WaterActivating Imagination

Initiating Emotion

Creating Empathy

Expressing Compassion

Illuminating Soul Vision

Emotional: Empathy (Depression)

ArchetypeHarmonious Expressions

Shadow Expressions


Caring Domestic Comfortable Food-Family-Security-Oriented

Crabby Moody Cranky ShyIndulgent Clinging Touchy

ProtectorGreat Mother

Protective Emotional InvitingSensitive Sentimental Maternal

Protective Clannish InsecureSnobby Hypersensitive Worried


Supportive Psychic ImaginativeWarm Compassionate Retentive

Illogical Subjective IrritableManipulative Hysterical


Empathic Intuitive HealingConsiderate Helpful Dependable

Dependent Old-FashionAcquisitive Possessive Prickly

Hearth GuardianMatriarch

Traditional Classical HumbleRooted Nourishing Patriotic

Traditional Attached-to-PastPrivate Withdrawn Patriotic

Mental: The organization and operation of the domestic realm of life to give the soul an anchoring foundation. Mental organization of your family and household often expressed as lists, chores, recipes, etc.

Experiential: Roots - Family - Home - Ancestral Myths - Inner Peace Wherever the Cancer archetype is flowing into your chart that’s where

you need to nurture, protect and heal. Express your heart and develop compassion in that field of life experience.

Body: Stomach, Breasts/Chest. Digestive & Immune Systems.

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Capricorn - WisdomEntrepreneur Manager Advisor

Hermit Wise Elder Saturn

Spiritual: Ambition through Integrity Holistic OrganizationWhen the great work is complete, the people say, “It happened by it-

self.” Tao is revealed through perfect virtue and action. Plan your Work & Work Your Plan. Without Promotion - Be Distinguished. Without Reward - Gain Merit. Earth depends on Heaven’s Principles.

Archetypal: The quest for wisdom and truth in deep solitude and their expression in life as structure. Sit quietly and find the truth within.

Mode Keys: Outward Element Keys: EarthActivating Nature

Initiating Resources

Creating Values

Expressing Structures

Illuminating Life

Emotional: Accomplishment (Neglect)

ArchetypeHarmonious Expressions

Shadow Expressions


Controlled Conservative PracticalCautious Hardworking Diligent

Inhibited Conservative PessimisticCheap Mean-spirited Insensitive


Organized Structured DisciplinedMethodical Ambitious Enduring

Rigid Calculating Cold StiffRestricting Worrying Ruthless


Authoritative Efficient SuccessfulEnterprising Status-Conscious

Overworking Materialistic BossyControlling Tycoon-Mentality


Professional Achieving HistoricalSerious Solitude-Oriented

Lonely Miserly Detached CynicalGrave Scrupulous Reserved

Wise ElderPatriarch

Wise Respectful Mature TraditionalResponsible Accountable Grounded

Repressed Conventional Demanding Guilt-Laden Unimaginative

Mental: The creation of a unique Calling in the service of the com-munity, including the promotion of your contribution to society. The mental ability to organize, structure, and plan. Mental Discipline.

Experiential: Reputation - Honors/Fame - Authority - Vocation - Destiny

Wherever the Capricorn archetype is flowing into your chart that’s where you need to get organized, harness discipline and express wis-dom. Practice integrity and seek solitude in that field of life experience.

Body: Knees, Bones, Teeth, Skin, Hair. Skeletal & Immune Systems.

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Leo - CreativityClown Performer Noble Knight/Lady

Aristocrat Magical Child Sun

Spiritual: Creativity through Dramatic Performance Join the Play Endlessly creating, endlessly pulsating. Existence and non-existence

are creations of this hidden supreme power. Action arises from Heart. The highest virtue is to act without a sense of self. Create Your Unique Visions. Learn the wisdom of obscurity. As you live, so you die.

Archetypal: Creative essence pouring from the circle of Spirit. Cos-mic Semen. Royal Lion. Be wary of Honor and Disgrace.

Mode Keys: Inward Element Keys: FirePenetrating Essence

Harnessing Vitality

Concentrating Identity

Utilizing Consciousness

Empowering Energy

Emotional: Enjoyment (Sadness)

ArchetypeHarmonious Expressions

Shadow Expressions


Affectionate Romantic ComicalDazzling Warm Fun-Loving

Attention-Seeking ExtravagantRisktaking Insulting


Creative Theatrical RadiantExpressive Dramatic Zesty Dynamic

Egotistical Conceited Narcis-sistic

Self-Centered Dramatic

Noble Knight/LadyMinstrel/Bard

Charismatic Courageous NobleConfident Honorable Brave

Arrogant Insensitive PridefulSelf-Glorifying Starstruck


Admirable Impressive Loyal ProudRoyal Generous Respectful

Tyrannical OverbearingDominating Power-Hungry

Magical ChildEmperor/Empress

Childlike Joyful PlayfulDignified Magnetic Ambitious

Childish TemperamentalStubborn Luxurious

Mental: Invoking the power of creativity, blending thought forms to create new artistic works. Deriving enjoyment through the experience of developing talents, pursuing hobbies, and recreation.

Experiential: Children - Play - Entertainment - Romance - Lovemaking

Wherever the Leo archetype is flowing into your chart that’s where you need to perform, create, and become a master of fun! Join the dy-namic play of the universe in that field of life experience.

Body: Heart, Spine, Upper Back. Cardiovascular Systems.

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Aquarius - CommunionRebel Inventor Reformer

Humanitarian Cosmic Genius Saturn

Spiritual: Freedom through Authenticity Path of Individuation One who sees self as everything is fit to be a guardian and teacher of

the world. Know everything in this moment and know the eternal Tao. The great master follows his own nature. The bliss of eternity is found in your contentment. Empower the Cosmic Tribe.

Archetypal: Two poles of flowing cosmic energy: Electricity and Knowledge. Embrace originality, innovation, and celestial intuition.

Mode Keys: Inward Element Keys: AirPenetrating Awareness

Harnessing Ideas

Concentrating Thought

Utilizing Concepts

Empowering Knowledge

Emotional: Astonishment (Boredom)

ArchetypeHarmonious Expressions

Shadow Expressions


Independent Self-organizedSurprising Bizarre Eccentric

Shocking Weird Hyper ErraticUnpredictable Rebellious Perverse


Technological Futuristic BrainyTechnical Innovative Brilliant

Cold Aloof Mad-Scientist RoboticOver-Intellectual Insensitive


Communal Freedom-FighterRevolutionary Activistic Radical

Irreverent AuthoritativeDisruptive Mentally-Stubborn


Friendly Tolerant UniqueCharitable Progressive

Conservative Utopian FanaticUnreliable Impractical Crazy

Cosmic GeniusPhilanthropist

Detached Visionary OriginalIntuitive Enlightened Cosmic

Emotionally-Detached ZealousLost-in-ideas Strange Selfish

Mental: The ability to channel paradigm shifting thoughts and per-ceptions into communities, often expressed and realized through goals.

Experiential: Aspirations - Group Activity - Unique Acquaintances - Activism - Humanity Wherever the Aquarius archetype is flowing into your chart that’s where you need to form communities, harness original ideas, and gen-erate excitement by channeling the future into the present. Attain the freedom of authentic individuation in that field of life experience.

Body: Shins, Ankles, Calves, Aura. Circulatory & Chakra Systems.

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Virgo - DevotionLaborer Sacred Servant Craftsman

Mentor Guide Mercury

Spiritual: Devotion to Service & Craft Cultivate Beginner’s MindThe primal Tao guides without forcing and serves without seeking. A

journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. The inner is the foundation of the outer. Cut by cut, one is honed to perfection in Tao.

Work With Intention & Focus. Be Selfless in ActionArchetypal: Spiritual awakening to a life of devotion, purity, humility

and service. Expressing discipline in sacrifice, pragmatism, and craft.Mode Keys: Spiral Element Keys: Earth

Seeking Nature

Adapting Resources

Evolving Values

Demonstrating Structures

Distributing Life

Emotional: Usefulness (Waste)

ArchetypeHarmonious Expressions

Shadow Expressions

LaborerHumble Worker

Realistic Practical PatientHardworking Modest neat

Boring Fussy OverworkingPersnickety Sarcastic Uptight

Sacred ServantDisciple/Apprentice

Discriminating Orderly ReliableService-Oriented Dutiful

Legalistic Picky Prudish TimidDiscriminating Intolerant


Analytical DifferentiatingIntelligent Precise Logical Crafty

Anal-Retentive NitpickingLacking-Perspective Fault-Finding


Healthy Efficient KnowledgeablePragmatic Healing Natural

Perfectionist Bossy PedanticRepressed Narrow-Minded

Wise MasterThe Guide

Pure Discrete Selfless Qualitative Responsible

Critical Self-Effacing TaskmasterMartyr-Like Skeptical Sacrificial

Mental: Expression of purity and devotion in thought. Service to life through pragmatic contemplation and mastery of skills and techniques.

Experiential: Coping - Routines - Health - Training - Employment Wherever the Virgo archetype is flowing into your chart that’s where

you need to analyze, categorize, discriminate and approach perfection. Cultivate the beginner’s mind and devote yourself to a craft related to that field of life experience.

Body: Intestines, abdomen. Digestive & Immune Systems.

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Pisces - Spiritual UnityDreamer Poet/Musician Contemplative

Visionary Mystic Jupiter

Spiritual: Unity through Divine Vision Merge With Spirit The best way to live is to be like water, for water benefits all things.

Tao is the source gate to Eternal Being. Hold fast to the power of One. Heaven depends on the Principles of Tao. The still is master of the rest-less. Emptiness Creates Usefulness. The Uncarved Block is Unified.

Archetypal: The Unification of Heaven and Earth, Yang & Yin. The Oneness of the Universe. The Tao, uniting the river’s Source & Mouth.

Mode Keys: Spiral Element Keys: WaterSeeking Imagination

Adapting Emotion

Evolving Empathy

Demonstrating Compassion

Distributing Soul Vision

Emotional: Unification (Isolation)

ArchetypeHarmonious Expressions

Shadow Expressions


Sensitive Imaginative DreamyIdealistic Romantic Gentle

Spacey Vague Illusory UnrealisticEscapist Impractical Whimsical


Sentimental Artistic PoeticEmotional Fluid

Foggy Clouded Abused AddictiveSentimental Shy Indiscriminate


Compassionate MeditativeSympathetic Charitable

Illogical Passive ConfusedDepressed Changeable Indecisive

Visionary ArtistSeer

Inspirational Intuitive SubtleFantastical Mysterious

Deluded Deceptive EvasiveVulnerable Impressionable


Mystical Unified EnchantingSpiritual Miraculous

Sacrificial Martyr-LikeDogmatic Subjective Longing

Mental: The exploration of the source-conscious through dreaming, active visualization and the poetic imagination. Mystical Perception.

Experiential: Isolation - Secrets/Dreams - Meditation - Inspiration - Compassion

Wherever the Pisces archetype is flowing into your chart that’s where you need to dream, imagine, fantasize and seek spiritual unity. Achieve a state of unified consciousness through expressing divine visions and universal compassion in that field of life experience.

Body: Feet, Toes, Eyes, Soul. Endocrine System.

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The Chinese sages of old envisioned the flow of natural change through five distinct phases that they related to their five elements, depicted in the Wu Xing diagram below. Unlike the psychological nature of the Western elements (fire, earth, air, & water), the Eastern elements reflect the overall cycles of transformation observed in nature. They are more aptly described as dynamic phases as in movements, stages, or steps in the process of change. These five-phases were the inspiration for the evolution of the archetypes through five stages presented in this work.

The phases of the Chinese transformation cycle define five distinct, naturally-observed processes in any phenomena that experiences change through stages. Since astrology is about the evolution of character and its navigation through stages of growth and change, the Wu Xing model offers us a fruitful understanding. It is also based on the Quintile aspect which involves the expression of creative genius and divine inspiration.

The Cycle of Generation flows clockwise around the circle as shown above, one phase giving rise to or generating the next phase in a con-tinuous rhythm. The Cycle of Overcoming flows in the star pattern at the center of the diagram, indicating which phases control and restrain each other. In the Tao of Astrology, these five phases of change govern the evolution of the Zodiac archetypes, the phases of aspect expression, and the stages of chart evolutions depicted through Transits. Each Zo-diac Sign encapsulates a family or genus of archetypes, which evolve through five phases. Aspects as geometrical angles of interaction also show five distinct phases of expression. Transiting planets also exhibit five phases when they play out their retrograde/direct cycles.






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Fire Phase: Primitive fiery expansion and expression symbolizing the call to adventure or beginning of cycles. In astrology it is related to the planet Mars and the initial applying conjunction. Fire phase generates Earth Phase (Fire creates lava/ash) and is overcome by Water Phase (Water extinguishes Fire). Fire phase corresponds to the direct experience of the archetypal dimension. It is the most egoic and yet innocent assertion. Fire phase symbol-izes Primal expression and Initiation.Earth Phase: Consolidation and stabilizing situations after expansion. In astrology it is related to the planet Saturn and the retrograde period the ensues after the sepa-rating conjunction. Earth Phase generates Metal Phase (Earth bears Metal) and is overcome by Wood Phase (Wood penetrates Earth). Earth phase corresponds to the physical dimension of manifestation and the power to crystallize archetypal vision into useful forms. It is by nature practical and grounded, operating through systems of interaction as in the building of a village. Earth phase symbolizes Settled expression and solid Commitment.Metal Phase: Contraction and integration characterize this phase of societal function. In astrology it is related to the planet Venus and the retrograde conjunction process where the plot thickens, the village becomes a town. Met-al phase generates Water Phase (Minerals nourish Water) and is overcome by Fire Phase (Fire melts Metal). Metal Phase corresponds to the Mental Dimension of experience and the development of collective fields of knowledge. As metal plows Earth, civilizations arise. Metal Phase symbolizes Civilized expression and Specialization.Water Phase: Conservation and retreat characterize this phase of collective empowerment. In astrology it is re-lated to the planet Mercury and the stationary direct pe-riod. Water Phase generates Wood Phase (Water nour-ishes trees) and is overcome by Earth Phase (Earth dams /absorbs Water). Water Phase corresponds to the psychic Emotional dimension of imagination. At this stage of evolutionary growth, individuals commit to visionary activity. Water Phase symbolizes Communal expression and Enlightenment. Societies practice compassion!Wood Phase: Spirituality and synthesis characterize this final and most evolved Phase. In astrology it is related to the planet Jupiter and the final passage of a transiting planet, bringing resolution and spiritual growth to the cy-cle. Wood Phase generates Fire Phase (Wood fuels Fire) and is overcome by Metal Phase (Metal chops Wood). Wood Phase corresponds to spiritual unity and holistic functioning where a new synthesis arises. Wood Phase symbolizes Emergent expression and Evolution. New mutations evolve to rebirth the primal Fire Phase.

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Aries - CourageThe Aries symbolism starts off as the Dare-Devil-Thrillseeker at the Fire Phase,

yearning to dive headfirst into any experience that requires courage and entails danger. This impulsive risktaker is the Primal expression of Aries that serves as an Initiation into Courage through Direct Action. Its reckless shadow is coarse but burning in inno-cence. Once the archetype matures into the Settled Earth Phase, the Warrior-Adventurer emerges with a solid Commitment to defend the village or embark on the heroic quest, awakening the journeyman phase of growth. Once a Warrior gains experience, the Civi-lized Metal Phase begins and the archetype becomes an adept in service to the collective through Specialization. The Leader-Commander appears to serve in a more industrial and professional manner, a societal exemplar of the archetype. Once a true Commander leads for a period, he or she discovers a unique leadership style. The archetype matures into the Pioneer-Trailblazer at the Communal Water Phase as this original style is in-corporated in the social fabric as a new trend. This is the Enlightenment experience of the Aries archetype characterized by visionary imagination. By experiencing the work or presence of a person living the enlightened phase, the more primitive Dare-Devil is overcome with inspiration (Water defeats Fire) and begins evolving toward the Warrior phase. Young Arians require Pioneer-Trailblazers to activate their journey of matura-tion. When the Pioneer-Trailblazer is illuminated through deepening the enlightenment, the spirit descends and the archetype reaches its final Emergent expression during the Wood Phase. The shadow grows subtle, expressed as arrogance, but also reaches its full numinous power as the Hero-Champion of the culture. The Hero-Champion embodies the Evolutionary Intent of the archetype experienced as a spiritual virtuoso of Courage. Once the Hero-Champion emerges in character, the cycle begins a new spiral of evolu-tion. The Hero rediscovers the innocence of the Thrillseeker after attaining the heights of experience. From that point on, a person possessing a strong Aries archetypal nature can then choose which dynamic Phase to express during any experience.

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Fine ArtistStrategist


Graceful LoverCompanion

Libra - GraceThe Libra symbolism starts off as the Socialite/Host-Decorator at the Fire Phase, em-

bracing any opportunity for social interaction and artistic expression. This indecisive harmonizer is the Primal expression of Libra that serves as an Initiation into Harmony through Intimacy. Its vain shadow is coarse but laced with elegance. Once the arche-type matures into the Settled Earth Phase, the Coordinator-Peacemaker emerges with a solid Commitment to socialize villages through the creation of justice, equality and law, awakening the journeyman phase of growth. Once a Peacemaker gains experience, the Civilized Metal Phase begins and the archetype becomes an adept in service to the col-lective through Specialization. The Diplomat-Lawmaker/Politician appears to serve in a more industrial and professional manner, a societal exemplar of the archetype. Once an emissary signs treaties for a period, he or she discovers a unique strategic style. The archetype matures into the Artist-Strategist at the Communal Water Phase as this origi-nal style is incorporated into the social fabric as a new trend. This is the Enlightenment experience of the Libra archetype characterized by visionary imagination. By experi-encing the work or presence of a person living the enlightened phase, the more primitive Socialite is overcome with inspiration (Water defeats Fire) and begins evolving toward the Coordinator phase. Young Librans require Artists to activate their journey of matu-ration. When the Artist-Strategist is illuminated through deepening the enlightenment, the spirit descends and the archetype reaches its final Emergent expression during the Wood Phase. The shadow grows subtle, expressed as sophistication, but also reaches its full numinous power as the Graceful Lover-Companion of the culture. The Companion embodies the Evolutionary Intent of the archetype experienced as a spiritual virtuoso of Grace. Once the Lover-Companion emerges in character, the cycle begins a new spiral of evolution. The Lover rediscovers the innocence of the Host after attaining the heights of experience. From that point on, a person possessing a strong Libra archetypal nature can then choose which dynamic Phase to express during any experience.

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Nature ArtistDruid





Taurus - SerenityThe Taurus symbolism starts off as the Owner/Appraiser-Hedonist at the Fire Phase,

yearning to collect the rich textures and flavors of life. This materialistic landowner is the Primal expression of Taurus that serves as an Initiation into Presence through Belonging. Its possessive shadow is coarse but wrapped in affection. Once the arche-type matures into the Settled Earth Phase, the Naturalist-Gardener/Farmer emerges with a solid Commitment to feed and build the village and work the land, awakening the journeyman phase of growth. Once a nature-lover gains experience, the Civilized Metal Phase begins and the archetype becomes an adept in service to the collective through Specialization. The Provider/Chef-Steward appears to serve in a more industrial and professional manner, a societal exemplar of the archetype. Once a true Provider nour-ishes for a period, he or she discovers a unique style of stewardship. The archetype matures into the Builder-Artisan at the Communal Water Phase as this original style is incorporated in the social fabric as a new trend. This is the Enlightenment experience of the Taurus archetype characterized by visionary imagination. By experiencing the work or presence of a person living the enlightened phase, the more primitive Hedonist is overcome with inspiration (Water defeats Fire) and begins evolving toward the Farmer phase. Young Taurians require Builder-Artisans to activate their journey of matura-tion. When the Builder-Artisan is illuminated through deepening the enlightenment, the spirit descends and the archetype reaches its final Emergent expression during the Wood Phase. The shadow grows subtle, expressed as conservatism, but also reaches its full numinous power as the Nature Artist-Druid of the culture. The Nature Artist-Druid embodies the Evolutionary Intent of the archetype experienced as a spiritual virtuoso of Serenity. Once the Nature Artist-Druid emerges in character, the cycle begins a new spiral of evolution. The Druid rediscovers the innocence of the Hedonist after attaining the heights of experience. From that point on, a person possessing a strong Taurus ar-chetypal nature can then choose which dynamic Phase to express during any experience.

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Scorpio - TransformationThe Scorpio symbolism starts off as the Investigator-Dominator at the Fire Phase, long-

ing to discover secrets and control the psyche. This mysterious detective is the Primal expression of Scorpio that serves as an Initiation into Empowerment through Surrender. Its controlling shadow is coarse but deeply fascinating. Once the archetype matures into the Settled Earth Phase, the Investor-Occultist emerges with a solid Commitment to enrich the village through shrewd allocation of inner/outer resources, awakening the journeyman phase of growth. Once an Investor gains experience, the Civilized Metal Phase begins and the archetype becomes an adept in service to the collective through Specialization. The Researcher-Psychologist appears to serve in a more industrial and professional manner, a societal exemplar of the archetype. Once a Researcher seeks for a period, he or she discovers a unique style of perception. The archetype matures into the Alchemist-Transformer at the Communal Water Phase as this original style of ‘seeing’ is incorporated in the social fabric as a new trend. This is the Enlightenment experience of the Scorpio archetype characterized by visionary imagination. By expe-riencing the work or presence of a person living the enlightened phase, the more primi-tive Dominator is overcome with inspiration (Water defeats Fire) and begins evolving toward the Investor phase. Young Scorpios require Alchemists to activate their journey of maturation. When the Alchemist-Transformer is illuminated through deepening the enlightenment, the spirit descends and the archetype reaches its final Emergent expres-sion during the Wood Phase. The shadow grows subtle, expressed as power-hunger, but also reaches its full numinosity as the Shaman-Sorcerer/Wizard of the culture. The Shaman embodies the Evolutionary Intent of the archetype experienced as a spiritual virtuoso of Transformation. Once the Wizard emerges, the cycle begins a new spiral of evolution, rediscovering the innocence of the Investigator after attaining the heights of experience. From that point on, a person possessing a strong Scorpionic nature can then choose which dynamic Phase to express during any experience.

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Eternal YouthThe Fool

Gemini - SpontaneityThe Gemini symbolism kicks off the Fire Phase as the Trickster-Gossiper, overflow-

ing with versatile curiosity and the latest trivia. This scattered butterfly is the Primal expression of Gemini that serves as an Initiation into Conversation through Spontaneity. Its fickle shadow is coarse but refreshing in its lightheartedness. Once the archetype matures into the Settled Earth Phase, the Shapeshifter-Writer/Linguist emerges with a solid Commitment to inform the village, awakening the journeyman phase of growth. Once this scribe gains experience, the Civilized Metal Phase begins and the archetype becomes more adept in service to the collective through Specialization. The Messenger-Merchant appears to serve in a more professional manner, a societal exemplar of the archetype. Books are written as ideas and goods are traded. Once a true Messenger spreads news for a period, he or she discovers a unique communication style. The archetype matures into the Storyteller-Comedian at the Communal Water Phase as this original style is incorporated into the social fabric as a new trend. This is the Enlighten-ment experience of the Gemini archetype characterized by visionary imagination. By experiencing the work or presence of a person living the enlightened phase, the more primitive Trickster is overcome with inspiration (Water defeats Fire) and begins evolv-ing toward the Writer phase. Young Geminis require great Storytellers to activate their journey of maturation. When the Storyteller-Comedian is illuminated through deepen-ing the enlightenment, the spirit descends and the archetype reaches its final Emergent expression during the Wood Phase. The shadow grows subtle, expressed as immaturity, but also reaches its full numinous power as the Eternal Youth and the Fool. The ‘Puer Aeternus’ embodies the Evolutionary Intent of the archetype experienced as a spiritual virtuoso of Spontaneity. Once the Fool emerges in character, the cycle begins a new spiral of evolution. The Fool rediscovers the innocence of the Trickster after attaining the heights of experience. From that point on, a person possessing a strong Gemini ar-chetypal nature can then choose which dynamic Phase to express during any experience.

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Philosopher/SageSpiritual Teacher



Sagittarius - InspirationThe Sagittarian symbolism Fire Phase starts as the Gypsy/Traveler-Idealist, burning to

explore the globe and soak in culture. This restless wanderer is the Primal expression of Sag that serves as an Initiation into Faith through Divine Inspiration. Its boister-ous shadow is coarse but cloaked in buoyancy. Once the archetype matures into the Settled Earth Phase, the Pilgrim/Seeker-Athlete emerges with a solid Commitment to expand the village and/or embark on quests for truth, awakening the journeyman phase of growth. Once a Seeker gains experience, the Civilized Metal Phase begins and the archetype becomes an adept in service to the collective through Specialization. The Explorer-Coach/Teacher appears to serve in a more professional manner, a societal ex-emplar of the archetype. Once a true Teacher shares for a period, he or she discovers a unique style of inspiration. The archetype matures into the Scholar/Priest-Inspiration at the Communal Water Phase as this original style is incorporated in the social fabric as a new trend. This is the Enlightenment experience of the Sagittarian archetype char-acterized by visionary imagination. By experiencing the work or presence of a person living the enlightened phase, the more primitive Gypsy is overcome with inspiration (Water defeats Fire) and begins evolving toward the Pilgrim phase. Young Sagittarians require Inspirations to activate their journey of maturation. When the Scholar/Priest is illuminated through deepening the enlightenment, the spirit descends and the arche-type reaches its final Emergent expression during the Wood Phase. The shadow grows subtle, expressed as delusion, but also reaches its full numinous power as the Philoso-pher/Sage-Spiritual Teacher of the culture. The Philosopher embodies the Evolution-ary Intent of the archetype experienced as a spiritual virtuoso of Inspiration. Once the Philosopher/Sage emerges in character, the cycle begins a new spiral of evolution. The Sage rediscovers the innocence of the vagabonding Idealist after attaining the heights of experience. From that point on, a person possessing a strong Sagittarian archetypal nature can then choose which dynamic Phase to express during any experience.

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ProtectorGreat Mother



Hearth GuardianMatriarch

Cancer - HearthThe Cancer symbolism starts off as the Nurturer/Cook-Homemaker at the Fire Phase,

yearning to establish firm foundations of hearth and family. This indulgent caretaker is the Primal expression of Cancer that serves as an Initiation into Compassion through Unconditional Love. Its moody shadow is coarse but always wrapped in domestic comfort. Once the archetype matures into the Settled Earth Phase, the Protector-Great Mother emerges with a solid Commitment to nourish the village and create familial bliss, awakening the journeyman phase of growth. Once a Protector gains experience, the Civilized Metal Phase begins and the archetype becomes an adept in service to the collective through Specialization. The Counselor-Therapist appears to serve in a more professional manner, a societal exemplar of the archetype. Once a Therapist helps oth-ers heal for a period, a unique counseling style is found. The archetype matures into the Healer/Midwife-Physician at the Communal Water Phase as this original style is incorporated in the social fabric as a new trend. This is the Enlightenment experience of the Cancer archetype characterized by visionary imagination. By experiencing the work or presence of a person living the enlightened phase, the more primitive Nurturer is overcome with inspiration (Water defeats Fire) and begins evolving toward the Great Mother phase. Young Cancerians require authentic Healers to activate their journey of maturation. When the Healer/Midwife-Physician is illuminated through deepening the enlightenment, the spirit descends and the archetype reaches its final Emergent expres-sion during the Wood Phase. The shadow grows, expressed as patriotic clinging, but also reaches its full numinous power as the Hearth Gaurdian-Matriarch of the culture. The Matriarch embodies the Evolutionary Intent of the archetype experienced as a spiritual virtuoso of the Heart and Hearth. Once the Guardian emerges in character, the cycle begins a new spiral of evolution. The Matriarch rediscovers the innocence of the Cook after attaining the heights. From that point on, a person possessing a strong Cancer archetypal nature can choose which dynamic Phase to express during any experience.

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Wise ElderPatriarch

Capricorn - WisdomThe Capricorn symbolism starts off as the Entrepreneur-Realist/Skeptic at the Fire

Phase, licking its goat-like chops to start a business and climb the heights of accomplish-ment. This conservative organizer is the Primal expression of Capricorn that serves as an Initiation into Ambition through Integrity. Its pessimistic shadow is coarse but driv-en by unmatched diligence. Once the archetype matures into the Settled Earth Phase, the Manager-Administrator emerges with a solid Commitment to structure the village and build a functional society, awakening the journeyman phase. Once a Manager gains experience, the Civilized Metal Phase begins and the archetype becomes an adept in ser-vice to the collective through Specialization. The Advisor-Executive appears to serve in a more industrial and professional manner, a societal exemplar of the archetype. Once a true Executive advises for a period, he or she discovers a unique management style. The archetype matures into the Hermit-Consultant at the Communal Water Phase as this organizational style is incorporated in the social fabric as a new trend. This is the Enlightenment experience of the Capricorn archetype characterized by visionary imagi-nation. By experiencing the work or presence of a person living the enlightened peak phase, the more primitive Skeptic is overcome with inspiration (Water defeats Fire) and begins evolving toward the Administrator phase. Young Capricorns require Consultants to activate their journey of maturation. When the Hermit is illuminated through deepen-ing the enlightenment, the spirit descends and the archetype reaches its final Emergent expression during the Wood Phase. The shadow grows subtle, expressed as stern con-ventionality, but also reaches its full numinous power as the Wise Elder-Patriarch of the culture. The Elder embodies the Evolutionary Intent of the archetype experienced as a spiritual virtuoso of Wisdom. Once the Patriarch emerges in character, the cycle begins a new spiral of evolution. The Elder rediscovers the innocence of the Entrepreneur. From that point on, a person possessing a strong Capricorn archetypal nature, can then choose which dynamic Phase to express during any experience.

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Magical ChildEmperor/Empress

Noble Knight/LadyMinstrel/Bard

Leo - CreativityThe Leo symbolism starts off as the Clown-Entertainer at the Fire Phase, expressing

the general human need to experience joy through playfulness. This extravagant player is the Primal expression of Leo that serves as an Initiation into Creativity through Dra-matic Performance. Its attention-seeking shadow is coarse but entwined with dazzling comedy. Once the archetype matures into the Settled Earth Phase, the Performer-Dra-matist emerges with a solid Commitment to color the village with life, awakening the journeyman phase of growth. Once an actor gains experience, the Civilized Metal Phase begins and the archetype becomes an adept in service to the collective through Special-ization. The Noble Knight/Lady-Bard appears to serve in a more professional and regal manner, a societal exemplar of the archetype. Once an honorable Knight/Lady leads for a period, he or she discovers a unique style of command. The archetype matures into the Aristocrat/Monarch-Patron at the Communal Water Phase as this original style is incorporated in the social fabric as a new trend. This is the Enlightenment experience of the Leo archetype characterized by visionary imagination. By experiencing the work or presence of a person living the enlightened phase, the more primitive Entertainer is overcome with inspiration (Water defeats Fire) and begins evolving toward the true Performer-Dramatist phase. Young Leos require noble Patrons to activate their journey of maturation. When the Aristocrat is illuminated through deepening the enlightenment, the spirit descends and the archetype reaches its final Emergent expression during the Wood Phase. The shadow grows subtle, expressed as childish attachment to luxury and fame, but also reaches its full numinous power as the Magical Child-Emperor/Empress of the culture. The Magical Child embodies the Evolutionary Intent of the archetype experienced as a spiritual virtuoso of Creativity. Once the Emperor/Empress emerges, the cycle begins a new spiral of evolution. The Emperor rediscovers the innocence of the Clown. From that point on, a person possessing a strong Leo archetypal nature can then choose which dynamic Phase to express during any experience.

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Cosmic GeniusPhilanthropist


Aquarius - CommunionThe Aquarius symbolism kicks off the Fire Phase as the Rebel-Nonconformist, im-

pelled to follow the beat of an original drummer. This shocking individual is the Primal expression of Aquarius that serves as an Initiation into Freedom through Authenticity. Its unpredictable shadow is coarse but layered with independence and surprise. Once the archetype matures into the Settled Earth Phase, the Inventor/Scientist-Activist emerges with a solid Commitment to revolutionize the village through bold social experimenta-tion, awakening the journeyman phase of growth. Once an Inventor gains experience, the Civilized Metal Phase begins and the archetype becomes an adept in service to the collective through Specialization. The Reformer-Liberator appears to serve in a more professional manner, to implement the new system. Once a true freedom-fighter leads for a period, he or she discovers a unique style of reform and liberty. The archetype matures into the Humanitarian/Altruist at the Communal Water Phase as this original style is incorporated into the social fabric as a new trend. This is the Enlightenment experience of the Aquarius archetype characterized by visionary imagination. By expe-riencing the work or presence of a person living the enlightened phase, the more primi-tive Rebel is overcome with inspiration (Water defeats Fire) and begins evolving toward the Inventor phase. Young Aquarians require Humanitarians to activate their journey of maturation. When the Altruist is illuminated through deepening the enlightenment, the spirit descends and the archetype reaches its final Emergent expression during the Wood Phase. The shadow grows subtle, expressed as strange zealousness, but also reaches its full numinous power as the Cosmic Genius-Philanthropist of the culture. The Philan-thropist embodies the Evolutionary Intent of the archetype experienced as a spiritual virtuoso of Communion. Once this Cosmic Genius emerges, the cycle begins a new spiral of evolution. The Cosmic Genius rediscovers the innocence of the Rebel after at-taining the heights of experience. From there, a person possessing a strong Aquarius ar-chetypal nature can then choose which dynamic Phase to express during any experience.

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Wise MasterThe Guide



LaborerHumble Worker

Disciple/ApprenticeSacred Servant

Virgo - DevotionThe Virgo symbolism starts off as the Laborer-Humble Worker at the Fire Phase, cul-

tivating a life of service and skill acquisition. This persnickety employee is the Primal expression of Virgo that serves as an Initiation into Devotion to Service & Craft. Its up-tight shadow is coarse but guided by practicalities. Once the archetype matures into the Settled Earth Phase, the Disciple/Apprentice-Sacred Servant emerges with a solid Com-mitment to perfect the village and attain skill mastery, awakening the journeyman phase of growth. Once an Apprentice gains experience, the Civilized Metal Phase begins and the archetype becomes an adept in service to the collective through Specialization. The Craftsman-Technician appears to serve in a more industrial and professional manner, a societal exemplar of the archetype. Once a true Craftsman works for a period, he or she discovers a unique technical style. The archetype matures into the Mentor-Expert/Herbalist at the Communal Water Phase as this original style is incorporated in the so-cial fabric as a new trend. This is the Enlightenment experience of the Virgo archetype characterized by visionary imagination. By experiencing the work or presence of a person living the enlightened phase, the more primitive Laborer is overcome with in-spiration (Water defeats Fire) and begins evolving toward the Apprentice phase. Young Virgos require Mentors to activate their journey of maturation. When the Herbalist/Expert is illuminated through deepening the enlightenment, the spirit descends and the archetype reaches its final Emergent expression during the Wood Phase. The shadow grows subtle, expressed as critical skepticism, but also reaches its full numinous power as the Wise Master-Guide of the culture. The Guide embodies the Evolutionary Intent of the archetype experienced as a spiritual virtuoso of Devotion. Once the Zen-like Wise Master emerges in character, the cycle begins a new spiral of evolution. The sacred Guide rediscovers the innocence of simple Humble Worker after attaining the heights of experience. From that point on, a person possessing a strong Virgo archetypal nature, can then choose which dynamic Phase to express during any experience.

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Visionary ArtistSeer



Pisces - Spiritual UnityThe Pisces symbolism starts off as the Dreamer-Sensitive at the Fire Phase, yearning

to merge with life in symbiotic emotional union. This whimsical fantasizer is the Primal expression of Pisces that serves as an Initiation into Unity through Divine Vision. Its escapist shadow is coarse but painted in imaginative bliss. Once the archetype matures into the Settled Earth Phase, the Poet/Musician-Navigator emerges with a solid Commit-ment to inspire the village and/or sail the high seas in search of the unknown, awakening the journeyman phase of growth. Once a Poet gains experience, the Civilized Metal Phase begins and the archetype becomes an adept in service to the collective through Specialization. The Contemplative-Empath/Psychic appears to serve in a more inward yet professional manner, a societal exemplar of the archetype. Once a true Contempla-tive meditates for a period, he or she discovers a unique universal realization. The archetype matures into the Visionary Artist-Seer at the Communal Water Phase as this original insight is incorporated into the social fabric as a new trend. This is the Enlight-enment experience of the Pisces archetype characterized by visionary imagination. By experiencing the work or presence of a person living the enlightened phase, the more primitive Dreamer is overcome with inspiration (Water defeats Fire) and begins evolv-ing toward the Navigator phase. Young Pisceans require Visionary Artists to activate their journey of maturation. When the Seer is illuminated through deepening the en-lightenment, the spirit descends and the archetype reaches its final Emergent expression during the Wood Phase. The shadow grows subtle, expressed as a sacrificial longing, but also reaches its full numinous power as the Mystic-Oracle of the culture. The Mystic embodies the Evolutionary Intent of the archetype experienced as a virtuoso of Spiritual Unity. Once the Oracle emerges in character, the cycle begins a new spiral of evolution. The Mystic rediscovers the innocence of the Dreamer after attaining the heights of en-lightenment. From that point on, a person possessing a strong Pisces archetypal nature, can then choose which dynamic Phase to express during any experience.