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3分間 開発環境クッキング 2012.07 #pyfes

May 24, 2015



Takeshi Komiya
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  • 1. Sphinx

2. Twitter: @tk0miya () () Python mini hack-a-thon Sphinx blockdiag Sphinx Googlechart #bookathon 3. 4. Pycon JP 2012 (9/15-17) SphinxCon JP 2012 5. 3? Wiki 20 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 3 Vagrant VirtualBox Chef (chef-solo) chef-solo 11. 3 / (VM)1. Vagrant VM 2. Chef ()1. OS 2. Chef Chef 12. Vagrant VirtualBox gem vagrant $ gem install vagrant 13. Vagrant: VM ()1. box() $ vagrant box add lucid32 $ vagrant init1. $ vi Vagrantfile1. $ vagrant up 14. Vagrant: box do |config| = "lucid32" config.vm.customize do |vm| vm.memory_size = 512 end end 15. Vagrant: VM $ vagrant up $ vagrant halt $ vagrant destroy $ vagrant ssh 16. Vagrant: box Web OS 17. Vagrant: box Guest Additions VirtualBox Chef () 18. Vagrant: box () A. VeeWee OS VM ISO kickstart Chef, Guest Additions 19. VeeWee: gem github ISO URL gem $ git clone $ cd veewee $ gem build veewee.gemspec $ gem install veewee-0.3.0.alpha9.gem 20. VeeWee: 1. templates 2. define URL 3. build VM 4. export 5. vagrant 21. VeeWee VeeWee box 22. Chef: 23. Chef: ? Firewall, DNS, NTP LAMP 24. Chef: vagrant gem install chef CentOS6 rpm 25. Chef: Chef = :: hosts MySQL 26. Chef: Opscode knife $ mkdir -p cookbooks $ knife cookbook site install ntp -o cookbooks RedHat 37 Signals, 27. Chef: Vagrantfile config.vm.provision :chef_solo do |chef| chef.cookbooks_path = ["cookbooks] chef.add_recipe "ntp" chef.json = { :ntp => {:servers => []}, } end 28. Chef: Opscode $ mkdir -p site-cookbooks $ knife cookbook create my_recipe -o site-cookbooks cookbook/attributes/default.rb cookbook/recipes/default.rb cookbook/templates/default/* OpscodeWiki 29. Chef: Vagrant $ vagrant up $ vagrant provision $ chef-solo c solo.rb j chef.json 30. Chef: Vagrant + chef CentOS 5.8 EPEL SelinuxNTP, Iptables thrift 31. ESXi + chef VeeWee + VMWare Fusion chef-solo chef-server (capistrano ?) 32. Chef + Vagrant 3() Connpass 33. : vagrant-snap vagrant plugin VirtualBox snapshot chef vagrant snap $ vagrant snap take $ vagrant snap list $ vagrant snap go [n] $ vagrant snap back