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3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2005)

Apr 07, 2018



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  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2005)


    B 1 / 1 1 / 2 0 0 5 1 0 : 3 3 5 1 8 4 5 2 8 1 3 1 3 4 A P D A S E P A G E 9

    Albany Police Dept Subject Resistance ReportDaylDltemme oflnciderni:..ssr Ilt/Q.s- /eJ.S"t Incident#:>~/ "..location of Incident: $ ; ~'-. _S 1 II pervisar Notified: __ - + - 0 . t : ~ ' - : . s = - _ On Scene?~NoOfficer(s} Deployirng Force: _Il'ilterrviewins/Fmng Officer (i f Different): _. - - = S : : : . . ; i f m , ~ ~ I . : :. . . . . . . . .. . , . . ; . . ~ _

    I : a ) P hy si c 3i COl1tacfiTouch .Taser (e)Bat~J1 (f) Fireann .Force Dep~Olyedby the Officer (check all that a(h) Open Handed Technique (c) O.C.Spray(9) Other, !Explain: _~ -:-- ~_~--:- ~

    ~~~~s ~:;~~ S' /0"- eight:!7 O .R:"~~:?J C~~~~s:j,dL. .'~ . ~~~.~Force UsedlDispiayed by Subject: /HYdro o~~ "'77IiQi &'r1N. .injuries to Subject: . .~- bS,,".s7er:-"7'""" ~.!..-. o '. o" .Tre~ted by: -' Hospital Admission?: ~ '.~.Subject Under lrofluenc.e Olf: DrugslAlcohoifOther List, if Known: ~/i:r.....s N 1Narrative Description of Incident {Include actions itaken.byboth the SUbJect and the .Officer(s}: . .


    ~::- .. O.C. Administrative Warning. TO BE GIVEN TO ANY PERSON EXPOSED to O.C.'1_ You have been con tamina ted w i t h Oleoresin Capsicum(OC), a na tu ra l product derived from cayennepeppers. I am going to treat you to reduce th e discomfort yo u a re feefing, as long as you cooperate.

    2 . OC i s non -toxi c and the effects w ill d iss ipate in a short tim e. The effects of OC may, however, m ask orc ov er o th er m ed ic al condtons, including overdoses o r t dc levels of drugs li ke coca ine , amphe tam ines,;,a rb itu ra te s, P CP a nd other hal lucinogens, heroine and other opiates, o r a c oho t3_ I am going to a sk y ou 5 q ue stio ns for your own safety. Not answering my questions. withholdinginformation, or giving false or misleading answers could delay medical treatment and may seriouslyjeopardize your health and safety.4_ Do you l..IOderstandeverything i' lave toid you? Yes/NoR .ev ised 312(}(}4. I (over}

    \ i ' ; >l Page of2 ,

    : .

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  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2005)


  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2005)


  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2005)


  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2005)


  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2005)


    '(l-UJ JI

    Force Deployedby the ?ffieer (check all that~.. f fy): aPhyskaH Contact/Touch(lb)Open HandedTeelhmque (c) O.C.Spray ~ttaser (e)Baton (f) Firearm(9)Othe~EXPlain:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    008:Chargees: f I J , ; ? f)wrRrc.ti. ld5 c=~. l'srForce U~ed/Displayed by Subject: ST(lvltkJ w / ~ m ' c J : l , fi..jJ Po :JT~ fH 'xS [ ,. t:557 .P~ , -ey f v : ! > t / !Hnjuresto Subject: 7 1 t ' r f TfHtp PWtS Hol};.5 ~ W t > t l . . i z . 1 6 / n g/!cl~ I M - t : : ! t .Treated by: f tm t u - ( : .7 L . Hospital Admission?: . A r t ' . . ..Subject Under Influence af: Drug~er Ust, ifK " lu r W t l:d J t} fr g . ." . . ~ .f.>;..Narrative Description of Incident (Include actions taken by both the$ubjectan(:ttheOffieer(s): . . . .. .. . ..' . . ....

    . . .~ . . f Y ! [ t J Y I ( ! [ l : f ) T SbP Il '5 t91 . ( fl fud lA) t..i9R.MI)(}fSJ1VJ e-tJj}- . - ' . < J r ! f l ! . T. !l-S.z Ito tllftnt!T. 2t;tJ [Mir i thf,.- 'f.,} dr t2~J.Y)

    trl. :llYIflltt s . /7), D mM J - h : - W I 1 : S CI";J}~ . ~r " . : r . , ;./CI ....ersvetter 1t6tn~ r T (c l ft,~ "td 3101 8N~ Itt: 0'trs- wke A 1 2 u - , : i 7 < 5'rqr .5!f2-v!6.d. '.t/fV+ dl/fi- ~nYJ tb ; 5 H I ) = - IOC. J: 7ft:tJ . / J / : ' P f I 1 Y - c ! riMeR. -ff:f. f!2or/Jl-.' . T Z ! Sc/MYe. . 7S . &MK Sr/B.~.T wC k It) ~~) lrr/P ? g . . td.. m1.. V t . . ' d t . ~IJL..Co/Yl~ tJD5 IO tsi: @c.c { ) (JWrJ / J i i f i@ ?IS O l/ tv 1>/Off ' . . . kO#[W,b/]-tV(!yffl;) S()Jf Its I t!o,"P SVdJrer HiVi W&fZ R L - , j - p y . . . t ' P / c Y 1 1 i l ! l 1 ' JBV 7Jt(fr wttr l/NtJrssfl@Jt< .. _

    Subject's Name: Age: ~(Sex: J 1 1 Height: .!J-r r e Weght: /7 L Race: fl Lj("\. \

    . O.C. Administrative Warning. TO BE GIVEN TO ANY PERSON EXPOSED TO O.-G.1.' You have been contaminated with Oleoresin Capsicum (OC), a natural product derived from cayennepeppers. Iam going to treat you to reduce the discomfort you are feeling, as long as you cooperate.2. OC is non-toxic and the effects will dissipate in a short time. The effects of OC may, however, mask orcover other medical conditions, including overdoses or toxic levels of drugs like cocaine, amphetamines,barbiturates, PCP and other hallucinogens, heroine and other opiates, or alcohol. .3. I am going to ask you 5 questions for your own safety. Not answering my questions, withholdinginformation; or giving false or misleading answers could delay medical treatment.and may seriouslyjeopardize your health and safety. .' .4. Do you understand everything I have told you? Yes/No

    Revised 312004 I (over) I Pagel 0[2 I

  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2005)


  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2005)


    C2i03/~B05 09:45 5184528004 r J APD ASB PAGE 01

    '. A~banyPoUce Dept Subject Resistance Rep~rt.DaYfDat eJ l5meo f rncid ent~ - :4~ $" ' - . . - - incident #:0$- 3 t. .' 15 IL O C 2 1 t i o U l l 1 J f ~Il]cdlrat:Supel ! 'VsQ Il' !No~f iec1: -S:--c,T. ~L ~ n S cene? dLtNoO f fic er{s } Dep!o y lg Forc e:U r r n i l : e f l ' V u e w i o g f I F H B n g dmce r JQfDifferent): ~~":""".s;;.c~:lZ:l!i:....-_-=-':....--.-:-_~ ~-:-_. : .' -'.fore. O"l'lol""d bytheOffic". (cheek allth~ Phy"ical Conta"!'f0uch(b) Open Haf!1de?T~hIl1HqVlI9 (c) O.C~Spray~~ (e ) Baton (lllfarearm(gr) other, JE xplam :. . . '. . . .

    .,\."Subjec.fs Name:Sex:4Height:~. . :e: : . - . Age :-/.s-J Race: LY IDO B : ~A CharQe(s): ~ ..Farce U~edroisp~~yedby.Subject ;J/ff "p .... ' ' Injuri""to SqbJct: "'W~"I!talMInIss!",,?: ~~ ~

  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2005)


  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2005)


    I '

    ~'. GIT,Xi[ AlBAN .Albany P : o h C f 1 ? ( P t ! T o ~ I G ! . i > U [ J J e c t Res~st~nceReport '._.DaylDatelTameof Incr=--3~en.i lA...: J A . R f JS d - . l ~ . . Inc. ident #: O .s " - l ;:CoG- . .Location of Inc ide~B5 c. .. _~.-'-._.:..... _. ' _. :. ~ " -.; "... ''. , . " .Supervisor Notif ied: S G,t. W " ' f t ' g . > ; - " \ On Scene? Yes/@ .

    Officerts) DeployngForce; __ i-- _,~nterviwing/FmngOfficer (if ~ __ . "_._.__ = - - - - _Force lDepfoyedlbythe Officer (check all that apply): (a) PhysicalContact/Tcuch(b) Open Handed Technique (c) O.C. Spray @ Tas"!) (ejBaton (f) Firearm(g) Other, Explain: -'--_,..---- _

    Suoject'sName: '.Sex: 1 " ' \ Height: 5 J;\I Weight: \ q o,~,\

    Age: . . f D ? 008: .. \.....Race: ~__ Charge(s): PLl';o 06- \F o r c e Used/Displayed by Subject: - _ " ~ . - - ==L := . \ ) ~ " i ' 4 - ' 1 . . 1 . . \ '/\~A,.~

  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2005)


    O.C. Administrative Questions'.TO BE ASKED OF ANY PERSON EXPOSED TO O.C.r

    1. Are you currently under the lnfluence of Cocaine, Amphetamines, Barbiturates, PCPor other.Hallucinogens, Heroine or other Opiates, or Alcohol?Yes__ o No' If Yes, Which Onefs)?_~__-....:--_-_ _Refused to Answer: __ 'OatITim'e: _' _ Irutials ,--2_ Have-you taken Cocaine, Amphetamines, Barbiturates, PCP or other Hallucinogens, Heroine orother Opiates, or Alcohol in the LAST 8 HOURS? ,'.',.Yes__ No __ '_ tYes, Which One(s)? _Refused to Answer: OatefTime: ._-_ ntals _3_.00 you normally take any illegal or prescription drugs>Yes__ No_-_ fYes, Which One(s)? ---'-Refused to Answer: __ Dai:efTime: _ initials _. _4_ Do you have heart problems, lung problems; diabetes, high blood pressure, or any other medicalcondition?

    Yes __ . No __ If Yes, Which One(s)? .,,-- _Refused to Answer: Date/Firne: ~._______ Inififls _5_ IDo you have any allergies?Yes__ No_.__ fYes, Which One(s)?Refused to Answer: __ Date/Time;' ------,---::-In-::t-::-a:--Is------,-

    I, ---'-'-- the undersigned officer, have completed the abovei(1tervie'i\f'byith

  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2005)


  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2005)


    o~c.d lm iU"d is tr a ti ve Ques tonsTO BE ASKED OF ANY PERSON EXPOSED TO O.C.If.. .1. Are yo.u currently under the Influence of Cocaine, Amphetamines, Barbturates, PC~ or other'H@lIucmogens, Herolue or other Opiates, Or Alcohol?:: :: .; 1 . 'Yes_ 'No __ lfYes,WhichOn&(5)? .1,.Ref-used!o Answer: DaieITime: Initijals t

    2. Have you takan Cocaine, Amp~etamines, Ba.rbiturates, IPCPQI' omer Hall~dnOgenl!;eroiU1le orotheil' Opiates, or Alconoi ~nhe LAST a HOURS? ' WYes__ 1\10__ If Yes, Which O ,l'e($)? .. :..Refused to An$W~: Daterrimi&: [nit;mlls ;)~ - r '. 3.. '.Do you normaiy take=:iIfllY lUegml or prescriptKn'i drug:;;> ..: ?Yes__ I\fo__ ijfY~, Which On(s)1-"-. ........;_~_-:-:- ~!~".....,:Refused to Answer: __ [)~teflllme: &hi1l:iais-----:-:~!~4. IDoyou have heart problems, IUllg problems, dabetes, !hIgh blood p.tessure, or an~@ther medical.colftdltiot1!.? .' . J . : .Y~s_~ No _ fYt&$,Wl'uch OM(S}? . \ .'Refll.llsad t- o AnsweIl": [)ate(fme: . inils i

    , - - ' \ f6. Do yQU have any allergies? : : . 1 1 1 - ''fa*__ No _ IfY$$, Whih One(s)? ~RlfU$do Answer: ~_ DateITime: Initials ...;".' _" i . l 'f.,;if t he ud lden ii ~$ Jned :~Kete$rl~ve. competed! th$ above #: r. vi ewwith._______________ Qnittl-fs day of . '. . ' 1 ' . ,2o_;..~~---r~-------....Offi~inatul!'e Witm!l$$$d1l3y . T.~e. ~:CompUetio~. : : . :.~. - . J ,


    . ~r. _ - ~ .. w .TasIlt &,&r.lil,1 Crtr!dS~ $~oo#(s): __ ~_N~~rf C~m:ld s re ':. NllJlmb~rof ~robe Contacts: : ; z ' . . .:~rof stuoCOl.ltacts: a ". Number QflProbe~q]$netratit1glt(l":;S i .:~er sighfactlvated only: Kt1. . . . .' . ~?~ '.~~tionof ~achprobecontact:fr1fJt:t S Ide I k i 1 " 1 : ! J - , ~d. (oW up+ / f N LOiStaoce bGlw~lProb$$ (!niA~: 3 " t'oc&e.. ~ .. '.. '. ......".J r . . .tGri~thof Time for Electrical Curr@nt Applicatol!1: ~mm.ed 5 sec. U f IOngerJshmte~:~Qr more'than. one~p!latlon. eJ!:piantotal time frame Invofv@d: . "'.,APproxfmate distance of probe fta;unell: J O . . ; "3 'ft?Jr '~_~~ .J- 'CJ,.O'c :Uhe ap~{catlofl caus.e nj,uiy to ti1e sub lechindfor oth$rs? Ye$lNO. r f yes, explain: J KA d ii U : ~ :: v-r~rets ~ , I L ~ \ M \ . r : n ! l ' . - T I n~f; \ (i Stim&:,-h Md W f t J t C t(~t(9

  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2005)


  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2005)


  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2005)


    0~/~~/2085 15:33 5 1 8 4 5 2 8 1 3 1 3 4 APD ASE PAC:iEI1l",-~--

    A~bany Polles Department Use of FOIree ReportDayllDatelTime i J 1 H r n c d e r d t rt-iQ' I1 < 1 J c s: .,1 /) '3 [ rncRd le ln l!#: O$"' - 3 \ S - t d . C location of Incident; . ... .~Supel !'Vsor l \! !o ti fRedl~ "~ I 4o~Officm'(s) D e i P ~ Q y G B l I g /Force:9 d 1 1 t e n w U 1 l g / F m l T l i j Officer (~fO ~ f f u r r G & 1 t ) : _ _ . . . . . . . . : ._ ~ : . . . . - - - . . : . . - _

    On Scans? ~Nlo ..

    ForcIE! KJetp[oyed ! h y ~ hG gfflc~1l ' !Jheraka l! 'half8 f ! J l ! y ) : ( S i ! ) IP lh ya !C W l . " Hc o r o ta iC . t IT ..O I U C h(b) Open !Handled rec~nique ~.c. $P1l'3y

  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2005)


  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2005)


  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2005)


  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2005)


  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2005)


    ~. /-

    , ~:'~'. Albany Po~ce[Oepta:SubjecfResista.nce Report. DayfD

  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2005)


  • 8/3/2019 3 19 10 Albany TASER UOF Reports (2005)
