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2v2 Double Wehrmacht Strategy

May 29, 2018



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  • 8/9/2019 2v2 Double Wehrmacht Strategy


  • 8/9/2019 2v2 Double Wehrmacht Strategy


    Defensive works well since, with so many Pioneers, you can build bunkers and Flak88 very

    quickly Additionally, the For the Fatherland ability will make your Flamer Pioneers

    devastating vs. all allied infantry


    Elite Infantry Armor

    Did you know that Elite Infantry like Rangers and Commandos are highly susceptible to fire

    damage? That damage is compounded further when they are in yellow or green cover.

    Player A will be teching straight on to Tier 4, while building Observation Posts on the

    medium or high fuel points, building Medic Bunkers and then begin producing tanks and

    getting 1-2 Flak88s, soon thereafter.

    Build Order for Player B:

    Player B will be getting second pioneer squad out and immediately fast-build a Wehrmacht

    Quarters with both of the pios. When it is finished, both go out capping.

    Next, build two Volksgrenadier Squads and two Snipers from the Wehrmacht Quarters.

    Player B's main objective is to counter Allied snipers, weapon teams, vehicles and then,

    tanks. The Snipers are mainly for countering Weapon Support Center units and the

    Volksgrenadier Squads are for protecting Player A's MG42 flanks (mostly from Bren

    carriers), by utilizing the Panzerfaust and dead Volks rapidly become live, free Grenadier

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    Player B should go to Tier 2 right after he has built Snipers and Volks squads and then get

    the following units asap:

    Upgrade both Grenadier Squads with Panzerschreks as fast as possible because an M8 or

    Stuart can really mess up your plans by killing the MG42s and Snipers in no time. After

    that, Player B can get more Gren Squads, a second PAK38, mortar, optional infantry vet or

    just continue teching to Tier 4. WhilePlayer A is using his fuel on Flak88s and

    tanks, Player B will be getting tanks and Stukas. These are the main reasons for going withTier 2 units and not going Tier 3 Blitz.

    Player B will be using the Terror Doctrine.

    With Terror, you can tailor the RHS or LHS to your meta game plan or mix and match. Zeal

    is excellent for Volks Squads and Grenadiers, Propaganda War for those tight Elite Infantry

    blob situations, Commandos for example. King Tiger and V1 rockets are sure to give you

    more late game power.

    Strengths and Weaknesses

    Player A

    Main objectives:

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    yFocus on enemy infantry with vetted Flamer Pioneers and MG42s while supporting

    with Defensive Doctrine abilities

    yTake out landing commandos by using For the Fatherland for on the Flame Pioneers

    yUtilize the capping speed and superior numbers of Pioneer Squads to quickly gain

    and lock down map control

    yDo not forget the power of a well placed mine!

    Weak Versus:




    yMortars and Mortar Pit

    yOn and Off-Map Artillery

    Player Requirements:

    yProper MG micro to prevent flanks and suppress allied infantry

    yProper Bunker and Flak88 placement

    Player B:

    Main objectives:

    yGetting fast Anti-tank weaponry

    yCounter-sniping allied snipers and other WSC units

    yUsing Walking Stukas to finish off enemy artillery and emplacements


    yBritish infantry masses

    yElite infantry (Commandos, Rangers, Paratroopers)

    yMortar pit,


    Needed from the player:

    yGood sniper-microyCare in using Walking Stukas (dodging artillery and avoiding AT)

    yProper PAK38 placement

    Strategy in Practice:

    All the unit tech orders are not written in to stone and you will probably have to modify

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    them during the game. For example, Player A will likely need more Pioneers.Player B may

    want to get a bike to scout for his Snipers. Player A can also get a Sniper as he will be

    floating some manpower. This is because Pioneer Squads are cheap there may not be

    enough fuel to tech immediately. In addition, the extra Sniper will benefit from the second

    level support veterancy.

    Most problems are caused by artillery, strafing runs etc. Bunkers are the main counter for

    this by allowing you to reinforce after you have taken a hit from strafing run or an arty shell.

    Medics will also be gathering the casualties from strafing runs. However, once Player

    B gets Stukas, you will have an effective counter to the artillery.

    If you are facing a mortar pit, you should try to take it out with flamers supported by the

    MG42(s). If the British HQ is close enough, you should rush straight to it when you have

    second level support vet completed. Versus double Brits, rushing to their HQs is a

    requirement and shouldn't be difficult to pull off when you have coordination and superior

    combined arms.

    A Bren Carrier can be a major trouble maker and you should focus on killing it with the

    Volks and Pioneers while the MG42s keep the infantry suppressed. MG42s chew up Bren

    Carriers rather quickly, so when you get a clear shot with your MG42, take it!

    Versus double Americans you should just try to push them off of the field with MG42s. Do

    this by preventing flanks and getting a few bunkers up quickly. Try to survive to Tier 4

    because once you hit Tier 4, you are in a much stronger position than the Allied team.

    Flak88(s) will be a heavy counter for all Allied armor and, as a result, will probably draw allthe artillery fire towards it. You should place a bunker near the Flak and re-crew it with a

    Volks or Grenadier squad. This gives you the ability to cheaply reinforce the squad directly

    from the bunker.

    When armor finally hits the field, Player A should make at least one repair bunker at a safe

    fall-back point.

    So, in the late game you will get the mighty King Tiger, Tier 4 units, Walking Stukas,

    Flak88s and Repair Stations which allow reinforcement. In addition, you will have doctrinal

    abilities like V1 Rockets and 280mm Artillery Barrages. Propaganda War and RegisteredArtillery will give you a nice advantage when fighting the Victory Point war as well.

    The most difficult part of this strategy is to get a solid foot-hold on the map, have enough

    fuel-income (about 30 or more per minute on larger maps like St.Hilaire) and to early rush

    the British Mortar Pit and, iff possible, their HQ. You may also have a rough time if you don't

    have AT-weaponry on time, mismanage your MG42s or lose Snipers.

  • 8/9/2019 2v2 Double Wehrmacht Strategy


    Double PE Strategy GuideBy Decs. - 2nd October 2008 - 13:41 PM

    Double PE can be one of the most effective combinations in 2v2s. It allows for incredible

    firepower early (g43s, mp44s, acs, infhts, mortar hts, at hts, marders) that can knock out

    British players before they even get a chance to get sim city and render riflesquads damn

    near worthless in the process. Double PE is also much more mobile which allows teams to

    focus on certain areas and easily move to other areas quickly when needed.


    Each player absolutely has to support each other nearly at all times, any lapses can

    literally lose you the game.

    The aim is to win the game quickly, as the longer the game goes on the more difficult it

    becomes for double PE

    Dont forget about Bergers, they are awesome when built around the 20 minute mark.

    Usually you can get a couple HTs and maybe a marder or two, if you havent won or lost bythen.

    Be aggressive, but dont be stupid or overly aggressive. Push when you see weakness, but

    dont push too hard as to lose too much of your army. Your goal is ALWAYS to destroy the

    brit HQ. Remove the barriers that stop you from achieving that and you will.

    Always keep pressure on the brit, even if its just token pressure. Itll keep them occupied

    and wont allow them to advance.

    This strategy requires a highly effective team working fluidly together. This is the strategy

    Tamiya and I were using before he left we are 50-0 on it in 2v2at under smurfs.

    Player 1 (T2/T4 - Luftwaffe)

    Build Order:

    1. x4 x2

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    2. Upgrade x2 (Option)

    3. A) B)

    yShrecks come after Luftwaffe, 2nd inf HT is optional

    y4th PG builds T2 immediately

    yIf you are getting more fuel than them, T4 gets built.

    yA) If you suspect a stuart/m8 rush then get an AT HT and perhaps a second Inf HT

    with another shreck squad.

    yB) If you see BARs, emplacements, or a captain go straight to Pz4.


    This player will going heavily with half-tracks (infantry ht, then mortar ht, then either at ht

    or pz4, depending on the situation).

    Infantry HTs - Shreks inside provide excellent early at, protect your shreks from canister

    shots and they can run your squads right by mgs, Theyre excellent for base rushes and is

    also a good counter for very early snipers that double PE has a huge problem with (with the

    help of cloaked kettens from luft)

    Mortar HTs Help clear out trenches with flame nades, deals with mgs, blobs, and

    emplacements extremely well, regardless of what part of the game youre in

    AT HTs/Pz4 If youve successfully managed to cut them off from fuel for an extended

    period of time, a Pz4 will be built. If not, then an AT HT will help bridge the gap for the

    second PE player to get marders on the field and positioned correctly.

    The 88 The 88 is such an awesome defensive emplacement, and on certain maps (Rails,

    Wolfheze, etc) it can be a game changer. Getting the 88 up will stop vehicles in their tracks.

    Generally if the second PE player goes Tank Destroyers an 88 wont be necessary, but an 88

    in combination with Scorched Earth is deadly. Plus, its rare to see an 88 from a dual PE

    team so the allied team probably wont be expecting it

    Dont bother with Henshel, its bugged and doesnt work. Dont forget about goliaths and

    butterfly bombs, especially butterfly bombs against all kinds of blobs. They even damage

    engines sometimes. Remember they are MINES, not Arty. They should be dropped where

    you expect units to go, not on top of units

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    Player 2 (T1/T3 Tank Destroyers or Scorched Earth)

    Build Order:

    1. x3 x2 *

    2. x2

    3. Upgrade x3

    y * - Upgrade to MP44s for your PGs the rest of the game after second G43y 3rd PG builds T1 followed by T3 immediately

    y Build scout cars or PGs in-between the marders

    y Get AT Nades or Flame Nades, if theyre needed to deal with trenches or


    y Late game get the squad size upgrade and group zeal


    This player will be extremely aggressive, with all their units.

    Be aggressive with marders, if you get a marder out before you see any light vehicles,

    bring it straight to the British HQ along with your partners Inf HTs and ACs. If you can deal

    a 10 minute knockout blow then do it, the allies are most vulnerable at this time of the


    Micro your ACs! These will be the most important unit you have because when they start

    to get vet (always use defensive vet, also) they will become damn near impossible to kill as

    long as theyremicrod. The other units on the field (mainly marders and mp44 squads) dont

    require nearly as much micro.

    Losing PG squads isnt the end of the world, its not as bad as losing a rifle squad or a

    tommie squad. Once you have group zeal and squad size upgrades, PG squads become

    much more resilient. Always use defensive vet on mp44s, theres not point is putting

    offensive on and having them mowed down by tommies before they can even get in range

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    to use their weapons effectively.

    Never leave a marder out by itself unsupported, any vehicle can beat it 1v1, but youll be

    hard-pressed to find 2 vehicles that can effectively beat 2 marders positioned correctly. A

    shrek is the best support (which woud come from your teammate), but a marder behind it

    and staggered to the left or right works as well.

    Tank Destroyers - if chosen, going for teller mines first before RHS for Jagd can beeffective, but generally I just go straight for Jagd. Make sure to tank awarenessyou can

    tell where attacks are coming from before they get into your view, allowing you precious

    time to reposition marders and be ready. The Jagd is obviously the best tank in the game,

    and played correctly it sometimes single handedly make allied armor useless.

    Scorched Earth - if chosen, its a really difficult choice to go LHS or RHS. If youre on a

    map thats huge (McGech), where points change hand often (Lorraine), or that have a ton of

    munitions (both McGech or Lorraine), then going straight LHS then RHS is usually better.

    The PG booby traps are just awesome, especially considering theyre free, and they can

    damn near lock a side down by themselves, especially, for example, the right side of

    McGechaens. Only in certain circumstances going Hummels a better choice. If youre low on

    munitions and just cant afford mp44s as well as sector arty, if the enemy is just campingand you just cant break through without arty, or the are blobbing up so bad that hummels

    are the only real choice to kill the blob are the only time I'd go RHS first. Usually I go LHS

    first because of the free booby traps and sector arty can be an unbelievable ability,

    especially on maps with big sectors (Lorraine, Wolfheze) or chokepoints (Rails, etc).

    Generally you're going to want to wait until you have about 4cps before you pick a

    doctrine. Usually by then it's an obvious choice, they're either blobbing or m8/stuart/tank


    Player 1 Defensive Doctrine


    There is none! Pioneers will be your main source of firepower. These little pests are cheap to

    produce and reinforce and with a little Veterancy go a long way. After your sixth or seventh

    Pioneer is on the field you should build your Kampfkraft Center and upgrade to Veterancy 2

    as soon as your have the fuel. Its also a wise idea to OP at least one +10 or +16 munitions

    point somewhere where you can defend it.


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    After your first 6 Pioneers build more as you can afford them though when you have the MP

    and fuel for Vet get it ASAP.

    OPMedium or High Munitions

    At this point in the game you should have Veterancy 2 Pioneers roaming the field and

    between 2 and 4 Flamers mixed in the bunch. Now you need to make a decision base on

    your fuel income. If your fuel situation is good (+30 or more), go ahead and get Veterancy

    3 support. If your fuel income is not so hot go ahead and start your jaunt towards the T3

    Sturm Armory. This decision can make or break you. Veterancy 3 helps quite a bit in large

    infantry battles but if your fuel income sucks you will not have vehicles in time for the

    M8/T17/Stuart or fast Sherman/Cromwell.

    If you have the fuel income for it.

    For the Fatherland!

    Remember to use the Defensive Doctrines most powerful early game assets. During largeengagements use For the Fatherland when in your own territory to give your Pioneers that invincible

    boost that Allied players hate to see.

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    Fortify the Perimeter

    Build a Bunker near your ally so that he can reinforce his Volks/MG army once you have Fortify the

    Perimeter. Upgrade it to a Repair bunker for your upcoming T3 vehicles.


    The best counter to the Pioneer blob is American Grenade spam. Be mindful of this when charging


    T3 Sturm Armory

    Now you have to make a choice based on what your opponents have fielded. If you see

    indications that your opponents have backteched to WSC, BARs, or Elite Infantry, then getPumas. If you see a surge of light armor such as M8s, Stuarts, T17s, etc then get out a few

    StuGs instead. Between these two choices the StuGs are however a safer bet. You will have

    a Pioneer horde that will chase off the pesky Airborne or Ranger squad and Pumas can leave

    you lacking in the AT department. At this stage of the game your partner will have fielded 2

    or more PaKs so StuGs are more of an AT safety net. The choice is yours.


    When you don't have the fuel to make a vehicle make Nebelwerfers.

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    With Support Vet you bought for your Pioneers you have also just made your Nebelwerfers

    killing machines. Use them to pound on the British retreat points and emplacements, and to

    send American Rifles running home. Make sure to move them after each shot if the enemy

    decides to return fire with counter battery.

    At this point in the game you may or may not have the CPs for an 88mm. As soon as you do

    and have the fuel, get one! This will be your main punch when the Kangaroos start flooding

    the field.

    If you don't yet have the CPs for the 88mm then start investing in more Veterancy

    depending on what Vehicles you have fielded. If you went Stug heavy then get Tank

    Veterancy, if you went Puma heavy get Vehicle Veterancy. The good thing about Vehicle

    Veterancy is it also helps your 88mm tank killing, AT Sniping, infantry exploding monster

    machine abilities.

    Vehicle Cover for your 88mm

    Use your Pioneers to build Sandbags around your 88mm gun. The Sandbags will help your 88mm

    stay alive longer against artillery and it will benefit all around from Vehicle cover modifiers due to the


    Protect your Investment

    Build an MG Bunker a few paces behind it to keep off rushing infantry that may want to take your

    prized possession.


    Tier 4 is there if you need it but I tend to spend my fuel on Veterancy instead. Vet 3 Pumas

    and Vet 3 StuGs with an 88mm is a nightmare for Allied players. You may go T4 but your

    partner will be providing all the heavy hitting T4 you will need.

    Other things to consider:

    Late game you should have plenty of Munitions due to an OP or two on high or medium

    Munitions points. Use this for Defensive Artillery and Rocket Barrages on dug in positions.

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    Due to your large amount of Pioneers you can also build Bunkers extremely fast and

    Defensive Bunkers are also very resilient. Use this to your advantage to pop up nearly

    instant MG, Medic, or Repair bunkers. Your large Pioneer investment can also drop down

    large fields of mines in a matter of seconds. Of course keep your and your partner's vehicles

    repaired with your ability to patch up tanks in seconds.

    Player 2 Terror


    This player tends to stay with a more traditional build order. I recommend two Volks, two

    MGs, and a Sniper though sometimes it is recommendable go more MG heavy or Volk heavy.

    The Sniper here is key because 70% of players who see Pioneer spam will backtech to WSC.A sniper will give you the ability to counter-snipe and get rid of MGs. A Medic Bunker is

    always a good investment at this point in the game as well.


    Your first objective when your Kriegs Barracks get up is to get a PaK.PaKs are well known

    for being one of the most devastating units in the Wehrmacht arsenal due to their cloaked

    shot bonuses. Get at least 2 PaKs with a Grenadier Squad in between. Get more Grenadier

    Squads as needed.

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    At this point you will have two options:

    1. Get Veterancy 2 Infantry, then go to T4

    2. Go for quick T4.

    The choice is extremely situational, and the decision is ultimately up to your judgement. Do

    you have time to get Veterancy 2 before the game moves into the next tech level?


    T4 is a very flexible Tier so get what you need or think you will need. The Panther-Ostwind

    combo is never a bad one and neither is straight up Panzer IVs. If StuGs are roaming and

    the 88mm is up you may want to just grab dual Ostwinds and wait for the big ugly.

    THE BIG UGLY, aka KT or King Tiger.

    Another great unit for late game is the Walking Stuka. Use these for chopping down the

    British blob or knocking down emplacements.

    Since Player 1 has OPed Munitions points you should have lots of Munitions at your disposal

    for these bad boys. V1s and Firestorms will soon be at your disposal as well and both are

    fantastic. If the American has built an 105mm Howitzer a Halftrack hit and run with the V1

    is always a great solution.

  • 8/9/2019 2v2 Double Wehrmacht Strategy


    Wehrmacht Team Game Support StrategyBy AvD - 8th March 2009 - 02:17 AM

    This guide consists of a description of my main strategy for this patch and also some

    general pointers about playing Wehrmacht in 2v2s. It mainly describes the role of a

    Wehrmacht player in a mixed axis team. I have seen this strategy or small variations of it

    from most higher level axis teams on the 2v2 ladder.

    Support Strategy:

    This strategy works best when combined with a PE ally who goes for Armored Cars and

    Marders. These two units can deal out lots of damage, but are quite fragile and susceptible

    to early allied light vehicles (especially M8's). I call this strategy - the support strategy, not

    because you will get lots of support veterancy, but because your early and midgame is

    based on supporting your PE ally and filling the capability gaps in his unit mix. This will

    allow him to deal most of the damage to your enemy. Later in the game you will be able to

    get some heavy frontline units of your own.

    I use this strategy when playing in a PE/Wehr team against a US/Brit team (the most

    likely mix of factions you will encounter in a 2v2). Against a double US team I will often

    change my unit mix and build more Volksgrenadiers (they do much better against Riflemen

    than against Tommies). They also have very usefull support abilities; the Panzerfaust and

    wire-laying. Against double Brits I will often skip tier 2 and go for a tier 3 strategy, this is

    because I don't need the PAKs so early against Brits and some quick Pumas (or even StuGs)

    can be very hard to deal with for a Brit player. Depending on the strategy of the Brits I will

    add tier 2 later for Walking Stukas and PAKs (Firefly counter) or go tier 4 if I can afford to.

    Early game

    In the early game you should get a mix of Mg42s, Bikes, Snipers and one or 2

    Volksgrenadier squads. The Mgs stay close to the PE PzGrens to support them against the

    enemy infantry and they play a key role in preventing early Mortarpits. They can also put

    pressure on the Brit HQ, if it was placed very aggressively.

    If the US player goes for a WSC you should get one, or even two snipers, otherwise get

    more Mgs and/or Volks. One or more bikes are good to prevent the early Mortarpit and can

    help against Brencarriers (they can of course be used to hunt for snipers). Volks are there

    to give you the ability to Panzerfaust a Brencarrier, Jeep or early Stuart/M8 and lay wire.

    They are not very effective against Brit infantry so you should pick your fights with them

    carefully. Normally I will end up with a unit mix similar to this: 2 Pioneers, 1 Bike, 3 Mgs, a

    Volks and a Sniper.

    The main objective in the first phase of the game is to put pressure on the Brit forward

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    position (ideally prevent him from setting up in the desired sector). Then either keep the

    pressure up and delay his teching by dealing manpower losses, or secure some key

    positions with mines, wire and Mgs (probably in a bunker).

    Teching to tier 2 and midgame:

    Then I tech up to tier 2 and build a Kriegsbarracks. While doing so I will often get a repair

    bunker, this frees my Pioneers from repairing my ally's early vehicles and leaves them to lay

    some mines and wire. I don't get a medic bunker as it will normally not pay off due to my

    team's unit mix being low on infantry.

    In a normal game I will get one or two PAKs (PAKs are the only good counter to M8s), a

    mortar and one or two Grenadier squads (to prevent the PAKs from being flanked and help

    the Marders). At this time your PE ally should already have 2 ACs and be teching to Marders.

    Your Grenadiers and the PAK will be the early AT capacity of your team (holding off the lightvehicles (M8 and Stuart)). Later in the game they will support the Marders and prevent

    them from being circled by enemy M8s and tanks.

    The goals in this phase are to not get overrun by allied infantry and to weather the impact

    that quick light vehicles can have on the game (especially the M8). Once your team has one

    or two Marders you can again start to exert pressure on the Brit positions and attack the HQ

    area (at the very least get rid of a Mortarpit or even a 25pdr).

    Transition to late game:

    In most cases you will want to get Walking Stukas, they are your best artillery and can be

    used to great effect against all kinds of targets (infantry, vehicles and emplacements). If

    your opponents are doing a variation of the very prominent Elite infantry or Emplacement

    spam you will probably need this type of unit desperately. I prefer to tech to Stukas in most

    cases before I get more than vet 1 on my infantry and/or support units.

    After you have 2-4 Stukas you should get a Panzer Command (depending on the map) and

    your fuel income you should then be spent on getting either more veterancy on your units

    or getting several tanks and getting the veterancy on these units. On maps like 'Lorraine',

    which are low on fuel it will often be better to get more infantry and get them up to vet 3.

    On maps like 'Point du Hoc' you will probably want to get tanks. If your opponents have

    neither lots of infantry, nor many emplacements, you can skip the Stukas and get Ostwinds

    or other Panzer Command units. This will give you some good flexible mobile firepower.

    Once you have some tanks it is also a good idea to get 2 or even more repair bunkers. The

    combination of quickly repaired tanks and the Stukas help against allied infantry hordes and

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    long ranged Fireflies. It is probably the strongest late game unit mix possible.

    This strategy works best with the 'Defensive' or 'Terror' doctrines; as both have good

    synergy with such a conventional tier 2 to tier 4 tech progression.

    I haven't given exact numbers of units, as I will always vary these depending on the flow of

    the game and the map. If you have a good start and you deny your opponents most of their

    fuel, you can stay in tier 1 longer and get a mortar before you get a PAK. Experience and

    common sense are key in making the best decision on unit selection.

    Some general tips which apply to other strategies are:

    Artillery:The artillery options you have as Wehrmacht player are quite powerful, especially

    the Walking Stuka, which might be the best non-doctrinal artillery piece in the game!. One

    weakness that Nebelwerfer and Stuka have alike though, is their low toughness. To avoid

    getting counter-artied or getting Commando's dropped on your Nebelwerfer you should try

    to keep them on the move after each barrage. To do this in a time efficient manner, simplygive them a move order with shift directly after you order them to fire. This way you don't

    have to wait until they have finished shooting and you can micro your other units without

    having to take care of your artillery.

    If you have a higher number of artillery pieces it is often better not to fire them all at once,

    so that your enemy will have a harder time repairing his emplacements/units. Against big

    infantry hordes you will often not kill too many units anyway if your opponent is quick

    enough on the retreat button. If you have problems with a big 'blob' of infantry you can try

    to force them to retreat with a small artillery volley or Propaganda, and then shoot at their

    HQ (when they have finished retreating) with your remaining arty (your teammate/some

    offmap arty can do this too).

    Wire:Wire is not only helpful to seal off areas but when placed in front of green cover (e.g.

    Sandbags) it will make it harder for the allied infantry (which will want to close range in

    most cases), to come too close or get into good cover close to your troops. Some strips of

    wire infront of a Mg42 will also force units (like Rangers with fireup) to run a longer route to

    get past your Mg, giving you time to deal damage and/or flee incase they overrun you or

    get close enough for a grenade. Wire can also funnel enemy units into your mines. Some

    units will give you more trouble than others. Here are some tips on dealing with the more

    serious threats you will encounter while playing axis in 2v2s.

    Dealing with Rangers and Paratroopers:

    One of the biggest problems these guys pose to a Wehrmacht player in a 2v2 is their ability

    to ignore the Mg42s suppression via Fire up. Suppression capability is a cornerstone of

    many Wehrmacht early game strategies. Allied 'elite' infantry when combined with the

    grenade upgrade can make your Mgs nearly useless. There are several things that can help

    your Mg survivability and effectiveness.

    Wire in combination with some mines go a long way in keeping a small number of Ranger

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    and Paras at bay. Once their numbers grow too big (it is not uncommon in 2v2s to face 4 or

    even more Elite squads) a cloaked Goliath in their likely attack path will be able to force

    them to retreat, and sometimes even kill one or two whole squads. Flamer Pioneers also

    deal great damage to Elite infantry and they will not even have to charge. You can just wait

    in 'cover' until the 'elite' infantry are in range. Bunkers also give your Mg the needed

    toughness to survive some charges and grenades. Just be aware of 'offmap' artillery andSatchel charges from Paratroopers.

    If your opponents are going heavy on the Elite infantry, it can be worth going for the

    'defensive' doctrine for the hardened bunker and 'For the Fatherland' ('FtFL') abilities, both

    of which will help you in dealing with the infantry charges. A Mg team at full health and with

    'FtFL' activated will easily survive a grenade. Your PE teammate could assist with the 'slow'

    ability on some of the attacking squads (once they fireup). If he doesn't think of it himself,

    tell him!.A rather tricky counter to 'Elite' infantry are snipers. You have to be very careful to

    keep them at long range so they don't get overrun, but they will be able to pay back their

    high cost much quicker against the expensive Elite infantry than against the cheap Riflemen.


    As a Wehrmacht player in tier 2 you don't have any good counter to these guys. When they

    land in their glider ontop of a concentration of Mgs, mortars and some of your infantry they

    can easily kill units worth a thousand mp in a few seconds and then retreat to safety. Sadly,

    the best counter to this is a good PE teammate with Armored cars or his Halftracks. When

    he is not there in support you will have to make do with a combination of Flame Pioneers,

    Goliaths and some quick retreats.

    If you have a Halftrack of your own you can use it to push around the Commandos,

    preventing them from running amok in your rear area until you can get some troops close

    to deal with them. Later in the game the impact of the Commandos lessens as units likeOstwinds, Pz4s and Pumas can all easily take care of them. An officer kept around your

    Nebelwerfer and bunkers can also be a good solution to them (propaganda).


    Snipers can be a pest, especially for your PE ally who has even worse tools to deal with

    them. Early in the game the anti-sniper tools are quite obvious: Bikes and your own Snipers.

    Later, once there are some Rangers, AT-guns and more infantry it becomes harder and

    harder (especially if your opponents know how to protect their Snipers). Some less obvious

    counters to Snipers later in the game are all kinds of artillery, even if you don't hit them you

    will force the Sniper to move around more carefully and be less effective. An Officer can also

    be helpful to counter a Sniper, as it can take 2 or 3 hits, giving you the opportunity to do acounter-snipe. If you are really lucky your Officer will even kill the Sniper himself.

    If your PE ally has gone Luftwaffe, his cloaked Kettenkrads are also a great help in

    decloaking the enemy snipers. If you coordinate this well you will have the best possible

    anti-sniper solution (although in the current patch I still prefer Scorched Earth or

    Tankhunters for PE in 2v2s). Another use for Snipers is the spotting for artillery late in the

    game. When the game has turned into a static arty-fest and your opponents seem to hit

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    very precisely, without having any obvious spotter units around, it might be smart to get a

    Bike to go looking for their 'spotter' Sniper (hiding somewhere close to your units).

    A few words about counter-sniping:

    The normal way to counter-snipe is to put your Sniper on Hold Fire in cover, so he doesn't

    dance around too much when he shall shoot, and then click on the enemy's Sniper once hereveals himself. This means you will have to be ready, move your mouse cursor around and

    then click. You can achieve the same effect quicker by using the Hold Fire function and the

    Snipers target priority.

    A Sniper will always shoot on enemy Snipers before any other target. All you have to do is

    wait for the enemy sniper to shoot and then deactivate Hold Fire (hotkey F). That's one click

    on the keyboard. Much easier and faster. The downside to this method is that your sniper

    will shoot on some other unit, if the enemy Sniper has already re-cloaked.

    Mortar pits:

    The problem with these is that they invalidate your Mg teams which are one of Wehrmacht'sbest units and bring something to team play that a PE player cannot do on his own. The

    best way to deal with Mortarpits, is to prevent them being built in the first place. Sounds

    simple but against a competent allied team you will often only be able to delay the pit.

    Units that are of great help here are bikes and Mgs, the bike to spot and sometimes kill off a

    Pit that is getting built, the Mg to make it impossible to build one inside it's arc of fire (you

    often have to tell your MG manually to target the Pit instead of the building Tommies). Once

    you prevented the first Pit from getting up you have to be on the lookout and constantly be

    aggressive with your bike(s) and Mgs.

    If you do this right you will normally force the Brit player to either not get a Pit or build itfurther back, this will allow your Mgs to work properly. The earliest units you have that can

    kill a finished Mortarpit are flamer Pios, which are normally too fragile and take too long

    though, so they are not a good solution. Your best bet are either Schrecked Grenadiers or a

    Marder from your ally. If your opponents have only a Mortarpit left you can also setup a

    Mg42 directly next to it as it will kill the Pit way faster than all your other tier 1 units.

    To prevent the early Mortarpit should be your top priority as an Axis team in 2v2, as it

    invalidates Mgs and Bunkers which are both very powerful tools for the Wehrmacht

    player(s) in your team. A double PE team doesn't suffer as much from a Mortar as their

    units are much more mobile and you might simply let the Pit go up and fight elsewhere in

    the early game.

    Panzer Elite Rules of Thumb vs Americans

    By Peacekeeper - 21st December 2008 - 08:44 AM

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    The following list details the appropriate Panzer Elite counter for US units. The counters are

    divided into both 'hard' and 'soft' categories based on when the counter arrives, how cost-

    efficient it is, and how much micro is required to make use of the counter unit. Hard

    counters destroy the unit quickly and with little to risk, whereas soft counters may be less

    efficient or somewhat unreliable. This list does not cover counters for specific combined-

    arms strategies; rather, this chart is intended to help novice Company of Heroes players

    make the correct strategic decision when faced with the enemy.



    yPanzer Grenadiers should be able to chase them off easily. However, this doesn't

    mean that you should rush in guns blazing, because there is the slight chance that

    the Engineer squad will overpower your Panzer Grenadier squad at close range. If

    the Engineers have flamethrowers, use an Infantry Halftrack, Scout Car, or focused

    fire from several other units to easily suppress and destroy them.


    yAnything that moves should be able to beat this builder unit.



    yAn early Armored Car can shut down Riflemen with ease. Just remember to keep

    kiting them. Riflemen in green cover should be tackled at an angle, as most cover

    is directional. For Riflemen in buildings, keep the Armored Car at maximum range.yAssault Grenadiers rip apart Riflemen, even when they are equipped with BARs. Get

    your MP44-wielding Panzer Grenadiers upfront and personal with the Riflemen and

    they will deal massive damage in short order.


    ySpamming Panzer Grenadiers with G43s can thin out Rifle-blobs in no time, provided

    that the Panzer Grenadiers outnumber the Riflemen. Keep them at maximum

    range. The Suppressive Volley's slow ability can be used to prevent Riflemen from

    getting too close to your Panzer Grenadiers.

    yPanzer Grenadiers supported by Infantry Halftracks do a great deal to keep Riflemen

    at bay. Remember to keep your halftrack constantly backing up to keep it safe

    while assaulting the Rifles.

    yA Panzer IV Infantry Support Tank will end the day for Riflemen. With Armored Skirts,

    it can even shrug off the occasional Sticky Bomb.



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    yFast Armored Car

    yInfantry Halftrack


    yPanzer Grenadiers will not take much damage from Jeep fire and will easily be able

    to chase it off.

    Machine Guns


    yA Mortar Halftrack will safely take down MGs, wherever they may be.

    yResearch Incendiary Grenades. Two Panzer Grenadier squads, converging on the MG

    from different angles, can toss Incendiary Grenades (even if one squad runs into

    the MG head-on) that will burn the MG out of its garrison or cover.

    SoftCounters:yFlank it with three Panzer Grenadiers. Keep one squad at long range to distract the

    MG, and flank with the other two. The three Panzer Grenadiers should be kept

    90 degrees apart at all times. If the MG is in a building, G43 Panzer Grenadiers

    should be used to flank, as they do additional damage to the units inside.

    yAny vehicle should be able to easily flank an MG and take it out in open cover.

    However, if the MG's flanking path is on a road, be wary of mines, and send a

    Kettenkrad along with your attack vehicle. If the MG is in a building, use an

    Armored Car and circle the building continuously.


    yThe Mortar Halftrack will almost always beat a US mortar in a showdown. You can

    actually see the enemy mortar packing up and relocating in the fog of war if it has

    damaged you in any way.

    yIf the mortar is concealed by a large obstruction, even a building, use Incendiary

    Grenades. Their range is longer than you think.


    yThin out its support and take it out with any fast vehicle. Speed is the key here or

    else the mortar will just pack up and retreat.



    yAny fast vehicle will take this bugger out. If the Sniper is supported, calculate your

    risks before rushing in some vehicles. However, keep in mind that it is worth losing

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    an Infantry Halftrack or Scout Car to kill a Sniper, as they cost significantly less

    Manpower. An Armored Car also works, but its better to use a cheaper Infantry



    yChoose Luftwaffe Tactics to gain the camouflage ability on your Kettenkrads. The

    detection radius of a Kettenkrad surpasses the radius at which it can be detected,

    so you can safely spot a Sniper and gun him down with whatever is at hand.

    yKeep a vehicle on standby and drop Butterfly Bombs on the Sniper. He'll either

    retreat or stand perfectly still and crap out enough bricks to build a SimCity.

    M3 Halftracks (with Quad .50 upgrade) and M8 Greyhounds


    yThe Anti-tank Halftrack's Treadbreaker ability is invaluable for taking out Motor Pool

    vehicles. Keep the Anti-tank Halftrack at maximum range once the enemy vehicleis immobilized.


    yA Tellermine will one-shot the M3 Halftrack and will most likely one-shot the M8,

    even if it has Armored Skirts.

    yPanzerschreck-equipped Panzer Grenadier squads in an Infantry Halftrack become a

    mobile anti-tank force capable of chasing down vehicles and cutting off their

    retreat by ramming them from the front.

    yA fast Panzer IV will kill both the M3 and M8 with little hassle.


    Anti-tank Grenades (on their own) are not even a soft counter for these buggers.Don't try to take out a vehicle with Anti-tank Grenades unless its been disabled by

    an Anti-tank Halftrack or a mine first. Otherwise, they will be kited indefinitely.

    57mm AT guns

    HardCounters:y The Mortar Halftrack's Incendiary Rounds (or even their regular barrage) will knock

    this unit out before he even knows what hit him.


    y Any sort of infantry will quickly deal with this unit. However, most often, he'll back it

    up immediately when you rush it.

    y The Panzer IV can take a beating from the AT gun and still go on to pulverize it. It's

    not the best idea to counter an anti-tank gun with a tank, however. Try to flank

    around its cone of fire to kill the crew without putting your tank at risk.

    M10 Tank Destroyers

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    HardCounters:y Anti-tank Halftracks can easily immobilize this unit. Send in Panzer Grenadiers with

    Panzerschrecks or Anti-tank Grenades once the tank is disabled.

    y 88mm FlaK 36 batteries will deny an area to all armored units, and an M10 will not

    be able to close the distance fast enough to topple it over.


    y Panzerschrecks alone should be able to chase this unit away. It only takes four hits

    to destroy an M10, barring some unlucky 5% rolls.

    y A Tellermine will often one-shot this unit.

    y Two Marder IIIs supporting each other can take out an M10.

    Sherman CrocodilesHardCounters:

    y An Anti-tank Halftrack can cripple this unit, however, its normal shots will not be

    able to penetrate its armor. Therefore, bring out Marder IIIs or hand-held AT to deal

    with it. Remember that all infantry should keep their distance, as flamethrowers deal

    extra damage to the Panzer Elite's soldier-class armor.

    y A Hetzer will chase off and destroy this unit.


    y A Tellermine will disable this unit, allowing any other form of anti-tank weaponry to

    destroy it.


    A Marder III can take on a Crocodile, but the Crocodile will be able to safely retreatand repair.

    M4 ShermansHardCounters:

    y 88mm FlaK 36 batteries will create large no-go zones for any enemy vehicles, and

    the Sherman is no exception.

    y As with the Crocodile, an Anti-tank Halftrack can disable this unit, but its main gun is

    too weak to penetrate the Sherman's armor reliably.

    y A well-managed Hetzer can destroy a Sherman as long as is not circle-strafed. As

    long as you keep your Hetzer constantly reversing, the Sherman will be unable to

    flank it.


    y A Marder III deals large amounts of damage to a Sherman, but make sure you have

    two, as they're prone to getting circle-strafed.

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    y Tellermines can disable a Sherman, allowing infantry with anti-tank weapons to get


    y Two separate Infantry Halftracks, each loaded with a Panzerschreck-toting squad,

    can ram into a Sherman from both sides and unleash rockets into its rear armor

    without the occupants getting harmed.

    Airborne InfantryHardCounters:

    y The Panzer IV will shrug off Recoilless Rifle shots for the most part (particularly when

    it has Armored Skirts,) and will quickly thin out the squad members.

    y Assault Grenadiers can eliminate Airborne squads in short order. The closer they can

    get, the better.


    y Armored Cars, when kept at long range, can dodge Recoilless Rifle shots and slowlytake down Airborne squad members.

    y Focused fire from multiple G43 squads will beat back the Airborne. Make sure to

    spread out your units to protect yourself from Strafing Runs.

    y The Mortar Halftrack can damage and kill Airborne units at range, making it easier

    for other units to finish them off. Use the G43's Suppressive Volley to slow the

    Airborne squad down if they try to Fire Up and attack your halftrack.


    y A Panzer IV with skirts will take negligible damage from Bazooka fire. It can safely

    be thrown into the middle of a Ranger blob and locked down for rapid fire, after

    which it will throw bodies everywhere.


    y Use the G43's Suppressive Volley to stop Thompson fire from reaching your troops.

    Keep your distance and focus your fire on one Ranger squad at a time.

    y Armored Cars kept at long range can dodge Bazooka shots and slowly pick off


    y As with Airborne infantry, a Mortar Halftrack can soften up distant Ranger squads. As

    before, keep a G43 squad handy to slow down any charging Rangers.

    105mm HowitzersHardCounters:

    y A Jagdpanther can just plow through whatever obstacle conceals the Howitzer and

    then proceed to wreck it. Try to coordinate the attack on the field gun when the US

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    player's Riflemen are busy elsewhere on the map. There's nothing worse than a

    Jagdpanther with a Sticky Bomb up its rear end.

    y Load up two Panzerschreck-equipped squads in an Infantry Halftrack and rush into

    his base (or wherever the gun is located.) It takes three or four Panzerschreck shots

    or two to three Anti-tank Grenades to destroy this 450 Manpower/75 Fuel unit.

    Retreat your infantry once his main force arrives.

    y The 105mm Howitzer is nice, juicy, stationary target that can't move if a Hummel

    targets it. Use the Hummel to bombard his base and get rid of the Howitzer. If the

    Howitzer fires back, simply move the Hummel, and continue firing from a new



    y Panzer IVs and Hetzers can perform a fast raid operation, destroying the Howitzer

    and escaping before the enemy has time to react.

    Hopefully this list will clear up many basic gameplay questions concerning the Panzer Elite'sUS match-up.

    Leave a c

    Panzer Elite T2-T3 StrategyBy Sepha - 23rd May 2008 - 17:55 PM

    Summary: The basis of this strat centers around quick Armored Cars/MP44s and precise

    use of the Tank Hunter Tactics against riflespam and motorpool.

    Notes: All upgrades are interchangeable with the squads you can purchase directly from

    your buildings who come upgraded. It all depends on your ammo situation and how many

    panzer grenadiers you currently have. PGs are expensive to reinforce; you don't want too

    many and be stuck with using all your MP solely on reinforcement costs. Five PGs is typically

    a good number of PGs to have, six being the maximum.

    Basic Build Order:

    Step 1


    ySend your kettenrad out capping with fuel as priority

    yIn small maps, keep your PGs together to fend of the initial rifles from your territory.

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    yOn big maps, where don't have to worry about being cut off early, send your PGs out

    to cap whatever they can

    yYour main goal at this point is hold and defend your territory. However, defending

    your territory doesn't only mean keep your PGs in a static position. Defending your

    territory could also be harassing enemy points because this keeps your opponent

    away from your own points while he addresses the threats.

    yTry to keep your losses to a minimum because those PGs cost a lot to reinforce and

    can delay your fast tech early game

    yOnce T3 is up, use your new MP44s and armored car to drive off the rifles and take

    some ground. This is important for good teller mine placement

    Step 2

    Initial Upgrade

    yIn your newly captured territory, you'll want to place the mine in a location where

    you know his M8 will be coming out of, such as roads or chokepoints. That's the

    reason why it's important you advance your map control because the further back

    your teller mine is, the less useful it will be. Details on teller mine placement below

    yMake sure you have enough munitions for that first teller mine. You may need to

    purchase a tank buster squad otherwise

    Mid Game

    You now have the basic foundation of your army. Continue to fill your ranks with MP44s,

    panzershrecks, and additional ACs. Keep placing teller mines with what your munitions allow.

    Below will be the options you have in the mid game, but you'll have to make the decision of

    which ones to get and when yourself because this will mainly depend on what your

    opponent currently has or your economic situation.


    y - Hetzer-

    The hetzer is an excellent unit to support this strat. It is one of the few units in the

    PE arsenal that can soak up damage and is invaluable for that. A hetzer will allow

    your ACs more breathing room when anti-tank infantry such as rangers or airborne

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    are on the field. They can take a lickin' and keep on tickin', forcing your opponent

    to get a couple AT guns. It's also a nifty little infantry sniper.

    y - Mortar Halftrack-

    The mortar HT is a great counter for AT guns and infantry blobs. They're hard

    hitting, mobile artillery and are essential when AT guns are fielded. Naturally, you'll

    want to keep them in the back of your army well protected from rangers/airborne

    because those guys love to fireup and rush them.


    yDefensive Operations

    This isn't necessarily a mid game upgrade. When you get this will depend on the

    condition of your PGs. Don't hesitate to pick this up early because, as mentioned

    earlier, PGs are expensive to reinforce. It's always better to heal up and save

    yourself the manpower. The initial cost of this ability will quickly be compensated


    yIncrease Grenadier Squad Size

    The most expensive upgrade. With the cost of back-teching, reinforcement costs of

    say 5 PGs, and the upgrade itself, you're looking at about 600 MP total. If you

    don't have that many PGs and plan on building more, you will save some MP. This

    is a good upgrade to have if facing snipers or mass amounts of BARs/rangers. If

    you have the resources to spare, picking this up will make unit preservation muchmore easier for you.

    yAdvanced Repair

    This is a great upgrade to purchase if you haven't been losing many of your

    vehicles. Without it, you'll be looking at huge down times for repairs which never a

    good thing. Besides giving your opponent room to breath and make comebacks,

    the longer your repairing means the longer your economy is stunted. If you have

    five PGs repairing simultaneously, you're looking at -25 to your MP income.

    yGroup Zeal

    If you haven't been able to keep your ACs alive, it's likely you're now facing

    infantry in great numbers by now. To counter them, you might want to fight fire

    with fire and get your own mass of assault weaponry. Group Zeal will aid your

    MP44s standing toe-to-toe with those groups of thompsons and BARs.

    Teller Mine Placement

    Examples of good teller mine (or any type of mine for that matter) placement. Efficient

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    spots for mines are choke points and roads.

    Luring an M8 across the bridge by harassing a point

    Great placement because any vehicle coming out of the base from that side will need to

    pass that point

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    Even if you're not able to advance that far up, there are plenty of good intersections for

    mine placement, especially on Semois.