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2.the Inspirer Second Edition

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Mohd Ashraf
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  • 8/8/2019 2.the Inspirer Second Edition


    Second Edition | Jan 09 Published by the Counseling and Development Unit, SSSD UTP

    what is up with ourattitude and characteristics

    Comfort Zone | Exclusive Interviews | Book Overview | Quickies | Introspective

    The changingGeneration


  • 8/8/2019 2.the Inspirer Second Edition



    ADVISORTn. Haji Abdul Jalil Abdullah

    EDITOR-IN-CHIEFAhmad Bakri Zubir

    EDITORSSit i Sara Lyana Badly ShamNawal ShamsuddinMuhammad AshrafMuhammad Abdul Hadi

    TECHNICALMuhammad Sufiyan Abd Rani

    ARTICLE CONTRIBUTORSMujahid bin BahamanWan Ahmad FayshalLim Hun Pin

    GRAPHIC DESIGNERAhmad Bakri Zubir

    Assalamualaikum wbt and Good Day,

    of the most essential factor to the rise and fall of various civilizations and

    governments around the globe. This concept also implies to a small populatedarea such as our universityis significant enough for us to foresee the type of graduates which will beproduced in the next coming years. Therefore, it is important for the UTP

    perspectives of the management, academician and student themselves.In this edition, we will discuss about the change of attitude in the

    generation of UTP students nowadays (page 2&3). After that, we will take aperspective from an international lecturer about the quality of UTP students(page 4 &5). As usual, inspirat ional stories of UTP students is also portrayed; andthis time Lim Hun Pin will tell us his story which would inspire us all (page 6). Asusual, many good art icles are included in our general section - The Observers,Quickies and Introspective.

    It is very important for us to break the barrier of our comfort zone tomove forward. A good society is a society that practices values and virtues whichcreate a high sense of beneficial mutuality, self-belonging, and hospitalityamong its members. These are some of the factors which must exist more todrive the society forward in this globalization era. The high reputation of asociety does not come from the society itself by default, but it comes from asmall, upright change from each and every one of the pack - a change tobecome a better person.

    Second Edition January 2009


    Editorial Board

    ContentsNurturing thequality- page 4 & 5

    Breaking thecomfort zone- page 7

    Book overview -page 8Quickies -page 9Introspective - page 10From the Counseling Unit- page 11


    Ahmad Bakri Zubir


    1 TheInspirer| Jan 09

    InspirationalStories ofUTP students- page 6

    Editors Note

    attitude: ThechangingGeneration- page 2 & 3

    "And (Allah) has subjected to you all that is in the skies and all that is in theearth; it is all as a favour and kindness from Him. Verily, in it are signs for a

    people who think deeply" (Quran 45:13)

    Wise Quote

  • 8/8/2019 2.the Inspirer Second Edition


    Exclusive Interview

    2 TheInspirer| Jan 09

    the early years until today?

    AP Dr. Ibrahim: When I joined UTP in 1997, the population of the students is notthat big and they have very limited access to good facilities. The earlier batches ofUTP students had less lavish life and they really become a fighter with strongcharacters. As UTP evolves, we have more access to better facilities and personallyI see there is a gradual decline in attitude in UTP students. They are not as muchfighter as their past seniors are. Previously, students always brought up higherlevel issues such as demand for good facilities and better education but today,only trivial issues raised. For example, they do not want to wear collaredt-shirts in lectures and they refuse to sharetheir rooms with international students.These are only comfort-in-living style issueswhich do not develop their thinking. Forme, student should think big. Think aboutthe world contemporary issues which reallyshow their high awareness about the

    society around them. Moreover, the values nurtured in the current generation aredifferent. In the past, they have better respect for elders in the sense that they alwaysgreet lecturers whenever they see them but today, students tend to shy away and less

    talking to their lecturers. They are more self thinking which means they think more about themselves but less about thesociety. Many today, work for high salary but in the past, people sacrificed to work to help build the nation and care lessabout the money they get. I am worried because this shows that the materialistic mind-set is at the heart of the youngergeneration. However, I do not blame them for this because it is happening not just in UTP but also throughout the nation.

    s one of the earliest lecturers inUTP, Assoc Professor Dr.Mohamed Ibrahim binAbdul Mutalib has seen UTPgrows from a minuteeducation institution to a

    prominent university in Malaysia today.Joined UTP in 1997, he was involved inmany parts of UTP growth and one of his

    ment and change in attitude andcharacteristics. Currently, AP Ibrahim is

    Enterprise Office.

    For me, student shouldthink big. Think about

    the world contemporaryi ssues whi ch really show

    thei r hi gh awareness aboutthe society around them.

    Interview by Mohd Ashraf Nor AzrolPE -- 1st year 1st semester

  • 8/8/2019 2.the Inspirer Second Edition



    Exclusive Interview

    3 TheInspirer| Jan 09

    That is why 6 of the well rounded attributes are all aboutdeveloping personal characters to address this problem.

    TI: It is obvious that there is still lack of interactionbetween local and international students. What kind ofattitude contributes to such a situation to happen andhow to overcome it?

    AP Dr. Ibrahim: Actually this depends on the barrier that weput within us. When I was studying in Australia, I have veryfew Malay friends and thus the only way for me to succeedwas by interacting with other local students. Same goes whenyou are in business, you must interact with many internationalpeople to thrive. Here in UTP, I do not know to what extentthe locals learn about the internationals but I see many preferto shy off and be in their own groups. There is still polarisationbetween the locals and the internationals in classes. Actually,everyone should take this opportunity to understand andlearn more about each other so that we do not mislead andhave bad impression on each other. In fact, when they go out ,and have the chance to work overseas, learning about otherculture is very essential.

    TI: UTP students are culturally mixed as they are comingfrom different parts of the world. Do you find anydifferences between the local and international studentsin t erm of att it ude and characteristic?

    AP Dr. Ibrahim: One thing is very clear; theinternational students are less shycompared to the local students. They askmore questions in class and they are braveenough to contest with their lecturers on

    ideas that they found hard to understandwhereas the just locals tend to stand back.The university actually hope that the mixingof local and international students will bringour local student to have that same courage as what theinternationals have. It is not to say that, locals should arguewith lecturers to the extent of being rude but at least theyhave the guts to interact in their classes. In real life, they aregoing to need that courage to be able to make toughdecisions for instance. In time, I hope the locals will break upthe shyness and become more daring and courageous.

    TI: Nowadays most teenagers or students are associatedwith attitude problem which lead them to manyundesirable social activities and poor academicperformance. What are the factors that lead to suchsit uation to happen?

    AP Dr. Ibrahim: I think the cause of the decline in the valuesof the younger generation is because life is getting morelavish. Students have computers and internet whichpreviously are not easily accessible. Of course, no one wantsto leave their good lives but the problem is students takemore serious in having fun. The later batches were moreserious in study rather than leisure. I understand that at thatage, students are more exploratory and adventurous whenthey suddenly get the freedom which they previously did nothave. However, if they treasure the freedom given to them, I

    am sure that they will be more excited in their own self-development for example in sports, debate andcommunity service. I hate to predict but our graduates willbe better in the future in terms of technical competencyand have the well-rounded attributes. Yet, I am not certainabout the values instilled in our students such asrespecting elders and wanting to contribute to the societybut I hope that I am wrong about this. I hope thesequalities too will be upheld by our students and that iswhy we encourage students to get involved in morereligious and moral activit ies.

    TI: Attitude and characteristic are also about two-wayrelation. For example, ones behaviour towardsanother determines how others react or response tohim or her. So, how does a lecturer's att it ude can affectstudents and their studies?

    AP Dr. Ibrahim: Generally, lecturers are human beingstoo. Each has their own ways in doing things. There aresome who are friendly and approachable, and there arealso those who are strict and feel more comfortable in you-are-a-student-and-I-am-a-lecturer gap. For me as alecturer, I always believe that if there is nothing wrong inbeing nice to people, why I should not. At times, I do scoldmy students but most of the time I will try to be friendly.Simply put, lecturer must know how to play their rolebecause our job is to assist students in their studies and

    help them in their education. If wedisplay that we are amiable, thenstudents would not feel shy or afraid tointeract with us. Actually, both canbenefit and learn something from this

    interaction. As, lecturers we must learnto work professionally. In my lecture, Iam teaching as a lecturer, not as Directorof Research Enterprise Office. However,

    when I am working with my staff, the job requires me toact like a director. One important thing is, we must alwayshold our composure and not to get angry easily.

    TI: Lastl y, can you share some ti ps for students to bui ldup t he at ti tude and characteristic and t hus contr ibut eto excellence and vir tues in l ife?

    AP Dr. Ibrahim: For students, they need to start takingtheir studies seriously. We do not want students who onlystudy to pass examinations and then throw away booksafter that. The knowledge will be such a waste. They musthave the hunger for knowledge and learn for the sake ofacquiring knowledge. If they have this attitude theirknowledge will be with them forever. Another thing is thatthey must inculcate the value of serving the human being.When they work, aside from getting paid, they should alsodedicate their work to serving human being where thegoodness that they have will be benefited by others.When they think about others more instead of themselves,they will have a happier and satisfying life. So, they shouldtry as best as they can to serve people and do good virtuesto humankind.

    I think the cause of thedecline in the values of

    the younger generation i s

    because life is gettingmore lavi sh

  • 8/8/2019 2.the Inspirer Second Edition


    Exclusive Interview

    4 TheInspirer| Jan 09

    ultures around theworld vary greatly from

    continents to continents.Generally, cultures also bring a

    b i g i n f l u e n c er e g a r d i n g t h e

    behavior of the society There aremany countries in the world inwhich we take their exemplary

    attitude to implement into ourhighly diversified Malaysian cultureto improve the society.

    To get further information andviews upon this subject matter,TheInspirer (TI) went for aninterview session with aninternational lecturer who haspursued most of his studies inFrance. His hometown is in Senegaland is an expert in the Hamiltoniansystems, Mathematical Modelling

    and Image Processing and Medical

    and friendly, Dr. Ibrahima Faye .

    TI: What inspires you to pursue studies and achieve your goals in life until you havegained the Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics?


    TI: In the past, you have been studying and teaching in University Paul Sabatier ofToulouse before coming to UTP. How would you compare the attitude of students ofboth universities?

    DIF: The main difference is the reactivity of thestudents. For example, if a lecturer is teaching;how many students will correct the lecturer if he/ she has writ ten something wrong on the slides or toask any questions and explanations about the topicduring class?. It is also unfortunate to see here that,in a semester, only about 4-5 out of 100 studentscome to my office to actually ask for furtherexplanations on a particular subject. This does notonly happen to me only but also to a lot of otherlecturers in UTP. In France people will have more

    should work after it . Here, the students are easy to manage. In the sense that theyhave good attitude in respect to the lecturers. Somehow UTP students may lack ofgreeting towards lecturer, which in French they have more interactions with lecturer.

    The main difference isthe reactivity of the stu-dents. In France people

    will have more reactivity

    that people shouldwork after i t

    Interview by Muhammad Iqbal bin IsmailPE -- 3rd year 1st semester

  • 8/8/2019 2.the Inspirer Second Edition



    5 TheInspirer| Jan 09

    TI: There are still a vast room to improve the attitude and characteristics of our students. Where do we start first toeffectively improve ourselves?

    DIF: In my point of view, the first thing we should do is to check where you are -- what is your position right now. And what

    have to evaluate where you are and where you want to go. After that you can plan something to be done. It is some kind ofauto correction, you yourself can do it .

    TI: Every semester, there are many campaigns and events that have been organized by many clubs and student bodies andthe management to develop UTP students. However, there seems to be no significant changes to improve the virtues ofthem. What is your view on this matter?

    DIF: I believe these campaigns should be maintained. Although right now, may be the result is not that good. It should bemaintained and maybe people should look into it. When you do any programme, you need to check what the output is.Because the objective is not only to do a programme, you have to do your programme, and in the end you should check theconsequences of the programme. If your programme is not giving any output, excellent output or good output to thestudents and the university later on, then think about it

    DIF: Do you agree about the notion that many undesirable social activities committed by most teenagers and studentsnowadays are associated with the massive moral degradation of the society. Do you think we can still nurture and revive the

    upright att itude in the young generation in the future?

    TI:n we do

    into university. We have to use this thing, we are kind of privileged people, so, somehow, we must be a good representativefor society, the best representative for the student. At the end we will transmit it to outside society. That means, first, wehave to work for us to get good attitude before that.

    TI: Lastly, can you share some tips for students to build up the attitude and characteristic that you mentioned above andthus contribute to excellence and virtues in life?

    DIF: Maybe there is one. I used to call it the excellence attitude. For example if I am a student, and I can get A-, it is not rightfor me get B. B is not bad, but if I have the potential, I should get better than B, meaning that you must put your level at the

    g C,or D, or maybe F. this is very important actually. You have to be ambit ious.

    Exclusive Interview

    Excuses are what we tend to come out with when wehave the wrong attitude towards something. Put a stopto this habit of making excuses. How do you move to theright attit ude?


    (1)- -You are cutt ing yourself too short, too soon. Youhave to stick with it in order to get t o it. If you do notspend time reading, understanding the material and

    discussing it, you would not be able to get it. No pain,no gain.


    (2)-"I'll do it later" - Procrastination is verydangerous . When you start to make such excuse, you willend up giving up on it because you put it away so many times.When a goal is set, work on it unti l it is accomplish.

    (3)- - Yousurely do not want to give up that easy. Concentra-tion is something you have to bring out from yourinner self. Search for it! Sometimes you might loose

    your concentration just because you are notwell prepared . Have a good sleep, readbefore attending lecture and bring all the

    (4) -"I'm way too busy forthis" - Busy is such a lame excuse. We alllive busy lives. Find time for something you

    wanted to do. A schedule

    would be veryhelpful. You will later find out that you actually havetime to study, to learn new things and to have your

    own personal t ime!

    By Sit i Sara Lyana Badly ShamCV - 2nd year 1st semester




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    6 TheInspirer| Jan 09


    t is my pleasure to share myexperience with my beloved UTPcommunity, especially all my

    juniors. Five years as an under-graduate student is definitely

    exciting and a great milestone of mylife, which is life-changing. This isthe place which moulds me into

    adulthood and getting ready to facethe real industry world out there.

    I can proudly proclaim to theworld that UTP offers one of the bestengineering courses not only inMalaysia but also in the world. Havingsophisticated facilities and excellenteducation system, it is a conduciveatmosphere for learning. Under thegood guidance of lecturers, I manage

    to acquire not only technicalcompetencybut alsoother softs k i l l s .B e s i d e sthat, I wasa l s oi n v o l v e dactively ine x t r a -

    curriculum activities. I have taken theresponsibility of Project Director ofChemical Engineering Week, VicePresident of Chemical EngineeringStudent Society (now known asIChemE), Assistant Project Director andManager of Engineering DesignExhibition (EDX) and NACES, Treasurerof Rotaract Club, Head department ofclubs and events, such as SPE, Oil &GasSymposium, French Week, Facilitatorfor MAS and EduCamp, table tennis

    and others. To juggle well betweenstudy and extra-curriculum is not easy,but thank God, with His blessings andsupport from all the lecturers, brothers,sisters, friends and family, I successfullycompleted my degree with 1 st ClassHonors.

    My internship was a goodexperience. I was the 1 st batch ofMalaysian students selected toundergo training in Republic of Sudan.Trials and challenges came along theway. The language barrier, in whichArabic is commonly used and highliving cost (Khartoum, the capital ofSudan is one of the most expensive city

    in the world- Quoted from The Star) are indeed challenges for me. But, I tellmyself, I must preserve and not going to give up. I learned to be humble topeople and adapt myself to the local cultures, food and even picking up simpleArabic. Sudanese are generally very friendly and helpful to people and Imanaged to make a lot of Sudanese friends. Besides that, I joined in thePETRONAS Sudan team to serve the community in Community Social Responsi-bility (CSR) program, one of it is promoting Mobile Library to the school. I

    Energy receive, energy return, aspiringpeople everywhereand UTP in Sudan. Overall, the staff and people there are very impressed by thecommitment and responsibility that has been put in. This shows that as astudent, our responsibility does not limit to study alone but also serving ourcommunity or even bless the people in other nation.

    This internship develops my technical skills and moulds my character tobe tougher, empathy towards the needy and grateful of what we have. We inMalaysia and UTP are blessed with good facilities and education system,whereas there are some people out there who are so poor and deprived of foodto fill their stomach. Therefore, we should appreciate whatever we have and beexcellent in whatever we do.

    In conclusion, five years in UTP enriches my life. This is the place I

    pursue knowledge, grow my competency, and develop my skills to be a well-rounded student. Under the great leadership of our honorable Rector, Datuk Dr.Zainal Abidin Hj. Kasim and the management team, our university has gainedprestige and reputation to be one of the top universities in the region. I wouldlike to acknowledge all the UTP staffs, lecturers, technicians and even you as thestudents who contribute significantly towards the success of the UTP. Let us beproud of OUR university and play our roles effectively towards accomplishingthe Vision and Mission of our beloved university!

    Personally, I want to say big thank you to every one of you- all thelecturers, all my brothers, sisters, friends and family who guide, assist andsupport me all the way in my university life. You have indeed made a difference

    in my life and I treasure all the fond memories. I would like to apologize for anyshortcomings that I have done. Hereby, I wish you all the best in your study,

    and produce the engineering futures. To all my beloved juniors, do work hardand smart, you can achieve even greater success. I Love UTP! Thank You!

    By Lim Hun PinCE - Graduated wit h Flying

    Colours in July 2008

    ..I tell myself, Imust preserve and

    not going to give up.I learn to be humble

    to people andadapt myself...


  • 8/8/2019 2.the Inspirer Second Edition


    The Observer

    he comfort zone is ourliving, work and social envi-

    ronments that we have grownaccustom to. It determines thetype of friends that we make or

    people we associate with. Itdetermines a lifestyle we accept orreject.

    set of environment and behaviors withwhich one is comfortable, withoutcreating a sense of risk.

    The question is what is thecomfort zone for an average UTPstudent? The next question to answeris what is the danger being in this

    comfort zone?General perception associatesPETRONAS scholars with a life of luxuryand considering the facilities andcommodities that are provided for usone cannot deny that UTP students areliving lavishly. Unlimited internetaccess (even though terribly slow), thebest lab equipments, comfortableliving hostels and not to mention themonthly allowances for every PETRO-NAS scholars are the perks for possess-ing the t it le of a PETRONAS scholar.

    Rational thought and logicalthinking would explain that the bestfacilities and necessities should accom-modate its patrons and thrust them

    forward in performing to their verybest. Referring to UTP students, weshould be at the top of our gameacademically and co-curriculum wise.However this is where the logic is

    faulty, instead of high flyers that areproduces a significant number of thestudents are not performing up to thestandard that is expected of us.

    What went wrong? Why arestudents under achieving whence thebest facilities are ready made availableat the tip of our fingers? Does thismean that the facilities are to beblamed? Should the university beblamed for providing the best learningcondition for us? Has the best facilities

    made us complacent and created a

    then what actions should be taken?These are some of the questions thatarise regarding this issue.

    One of the dangers of comfortzone is the sense of entitlement. Interms of UTP students we can safelyassume that we believe we are entitledto the best facilities and rightfully so,

    are largely made up of PETRONAS andMARA scholars have been carefullyselected based on our academic result sand co-curriculum participation atschool. The students here are straight

    their former school thus it is onlylogical that they continue their excel-lent performance in UTP.

    With that in mind, why has theship turned around? We are entit led to

    best facilities. However, we are not infact entitled to being complacent. It ishigh time we come out of our comfortzone and prove we are in fact entitledto the best.

    By Nawal ShamsudinME - 2nd year 1st semester

    7 TheInspirer| Jan 09



    Success i s not an accident;you must plan for i t --

    hence, thi s requi res sacri fi ceand high will power

    Mr. Mohamed Noor Rosli Baharom duringhis official address to the new MAS JAN 09students

  • 8/8/2019 2.the Inspirer Second Edition


    8 TheInspirer| Jan 09

    cried a little and the next minute we were up insome newfound games. This is the amazingrebounding ability in children, which adult havelost along the way. Experts know t hat everyone isa living miracle born to win, but due to somekind of universal curse, one soon develops

    inferiority and limitations.When work is the stepping stonetowards your grand objective, you will enjoy it,even everyday chores and routine becomemeaningful and fulfilling. No doubt our innerfeelings are colored by external conditions butready joy comes from within, groomed by values,gratitude and expectations.

    Most great people throughout

    history were very clear about their convictions.They consistently led lives in which their values,standard and action are one. President AbrahamLincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., and PresidentNelson Mandela for example, were conclusive

    about the need to eradicate racial discrimina-tions in their countries. When Florence Nightin-gale was only 18, she surprised her parents byvisiting hospitals and charity institutions. Sheachieves greatness with clarities of value. Duringthe Crimean War in 1854, she nursed and saved

    hundreds of wounded. Later she founded theNightingale Home for training nurses inLondon, publish a book and notes on nurs-ing.

    Even if some of us cannot do much,we can do a little. If everyone in the world

    does a little effort, eventually it adds up to anastronomical volume. In technology, thesteps are also the same. In 1903, the firstplane built by the Wright Brothers flew for 12ecstatic seconds, reaching the height of a cargarage. Now, 100 years later, the latestBoeing 747 series can fly 11,000 km for 13hours at 11,000 meters.

    In 1817, a German named B. Draisconnected two wheels with a wooden bar, tomake the first bicycle. The rider has to propelhimself by kicking the ground. The firstautomobile did not even look remotely like acar neither did it have the smoothness andspeed of the latest Lexus or Jaguar. G Daimlermade the first petrol-powered car, he wasone of the founders of the Daimler-BenzCompany that, make Mercedes Benz cars.

    Your mental attitude towards life willform life's attitude towards you. It will deter-mine whether you succumb to life's problemsor you breeze through triumphantly withflying colors. However, many people in some

    succeed. It is very unfortunate when onethought many things were against one when,in fact, one was against oneself.

    Every now and then problem willpop up in your life and you need a positivemental att itude to rise above them. Therewill come a time of great challenge, even

    sometime of a crisis proport ion, where life wil lbe extremely unfair, and your endurance andlimit will be put to the limit. Many people riseabove these tests to become stronger andbetter people. The weaker ones let thesedifficult experiences wreck their lives.

    Book Overview

    he notion that a genius can havegreat accomplishment without

    effort is trash. Since the dawn of time,almost every individuals of extraordinaryachievement paved their years withfrustration, perseverance and hard work.They made full use of their talent, theirwill and their relentless quest for excel-

    lence earned them a permanent place in theheart of humankind.

    Most great men were so focused on t heirdream that they bulldozed through hardship andimpossible odd to reach prominence. Edisonfailed 700 times while inventing the light bulb.Abraham Lincoln trudged 27 years of defeatbefore he reach the U.S. Presidency. NelsonMandela carried his wish through 20 years ofimprisonment, he then become the President of

    South Africa and a distinguish figure.Talents are more common and less used

    than you think, for talents to lead to greatsuccess they must be diligently developed andmanifested in the right time and place to fulfillpeoples need.

    Great people have a majestic purpose.Mother Teresa spent years carrying for the sick inIndia and won a Nobel Prize. Florence Nightin-gale was honored for similar contributions to thesick and wounded. Marie Curie's family won 3Nobel Prize, 2 of which she won herself bycontributing to scientific discovery.

    If you read about big talented peoplelike Soichiro Honda, Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber

    and Steven Spielberg, who produced colossalhits like Jaws, E.T., Poltergeist, Jurassic Park andothers, you will find that they did a tremendousamount of work behind their world class achieve-ment.

    When we were young, we stumbled,

    Your mental attitude to-wards li fe wi ll form li fe'sattitude towards you. It

    will determine whetheryou succumb to life'sproblems or you breezethrough triumphantly

    with flying colors

    Book from Stephen W.K. TanOverview by Muhammad Abdul Hadi

    PE - 2nd year 2nd Semester


    100 Motivational

    Essays for Students

  • 8/8/2019 2.the Inspirer Second Edition



    Grati tude Produces an Opt imal Att it udeIt's important for our well-being and happiness to be thankful forwhat we do have. Look at your list of things to be grateful for andgive thanks for what you've been blessed with. See how it changesyour outlook. Sense how this switch makes you feel and how does itchanges your perspective on life?

    Transform yourself in to having the characteri st ics

    you wish you had.At the beginning of each day and at odd moments throughout theday, write at the top of a piece of paper "Today I Display theFollowing Traits with Great Power and Frequency". Write thestatements over and over until you begin to feel you have the traitsyou desire. Try both the writ ten and the verbal versions of this switchand take note of how it energizes you and improves your day.

    Adjust your posture and spruce up your appearance.Take a mental note of how your posture makes you feel. You caninstantly change the way you feel by changing your posture. Youmay be surprised just how much difference it makes to your attitudeto assume a positive energetic posture and to keep your appearanceat it s best.

    Treat Others wit h Love & RespectWe all need good relationships with others in order to maximize ourpotential. Treat all people with love and respect; try to help othersget what they want. Whenever you encounter someone give them asmile and a kind greeting. In the quiet of your heart and mind say

    These exercises provide just a few simple examples of the poweryour mind possesses. While practicing these exercises your innermindset changes first, and then your out side world begins to changefor the better.

    f you were stuck on a desert Island with one other person, would you want thatperson to be an optimist or a pessimist? Why? Certainly an opt imist would look for away to improve your chances of being rescued. They would try to find the brightside of things. In their twisted little mind they would turn this seemingly negativeexperience into something positive.

    The key to attracting almost everything you desire begins in your powerful mind.

    mindset then good things begin to happen to you. The following techniques areincredibly powerful and are to be used as often as possible until they become a habit.

    Clean out negative clut terThis clutter consists of things like worry, fear, day dreaming, hurt, anger, resentment,insecurity, low self image, regret, and all sorts of unproductive things. Negative thoughtsoften overpower positive thoughts in hand to hand combat. So what's the solution?

    full advantage of positive input .



    Have a posit ive atti tude.It is essential to have a positive attitude in achieving success in any situation. If you aim to achieve academic excellence, you must be responsible to carryyourself well in reaching the goal of att aining the excellence you targeted. Thus, you must develop the right att itude toward the material t hat is neededto be learned in order to become what you desire to be.

    Respect yourself.Quit making excuses for your behavior is the first step in respecting yourself. If you wanted to go forth in any particular subject, you must do all the effortrequired to learn the subject. Mediocrity is not the level of performance you want to achieve, you must aim to excel in whatever you go after. Hardwork isnot easy by any means, but it is worth in reaching your goal.

    Be good t o yourself.Act and t reat yourself accordingly . When you keep saying negative things about yourself, it is going to stick with you. For example, if you continuouslycall yourself stupid, it is going to pop up every single time you try something new. Don't put yourself down. If you continue doing it, you are going toactually believe in it even though it is not t rue!

    Ready to change!Changing attitudes is one key ingredient in order to create a mind of good attitude and habits. Think about your past failures and how you can effectivelychange those habits. If you are a procrastinator, learn punctuality, if you are an excuse maker, work your way out of your excuses, and if you are self criti-cal, think of how wonderful you are and believe in it . It is tot ally a good way to mature and grow as a person.

    Visualize success.If you look for the greater good in everything , you will win every time. Just practice thinking positively about any situation and you will win in one way oranother. If the situation does not turn out the way you expected it to be, it might turn out better. TI

    5Steps Towards Good Attitude

    9 TheInspirer| Jan 09

    By Sit i Sara Lyana Badly ShamCV - 2nd year 1st semester

  • 8/8/2019 2.the Inspirer Second Edition




    10 TheInspirer| Jan 09

    s students, one of the most important matterduring our university life is to master on how toacquire knowledge and skills effectively becauseby having these skills the graduates of UTP willbe flexible in suiting themselves in manydifferent works in any industry. When we

    understand the genuine meaning of skill and knowledgeacquisition, it should not be a problem among UTP

    graduates in shifting their skills adapted according to therapidly changing global demands and trends . This will also

    the workers are more significant in learning new things forhaving strong knowledge-seeking-att itude.

    UTP graduates should not have single-track mind.Our mind must be diversified. For instance, even though oneis a mechanical engineering student, one should be able toextend oneself to other discipline of knowledge.

    Face the facts that there is no life-long employ-menteconomic growth. Moreover, it is possible to have UTPgraduates working at night market to get earnings to live,not because the person is stupid but because the industry ishelpless. This phenomenon had really happened worldwide

    produce excellent people. But the road is still far from

    realizing the ultimate success for this noble vision.This concept of excellence has been proven by

    Islamic civilization of Umayyad, Abbasiyyah, Andalusia,Turkish Uthmaniyyah which have harvested millions ofmultidisciplinary scholars. Let us focus to Avicenna (IbnSina), father of modern medicine. he is famous for hiseminent achievements in medicine. One of his masterpiecewas his book Al-Qanun fit Tibb (the Canon of Medicine).

    When I had the personal chance to see themanuscript of al Qanun fit Tibb which made up of 14 thick

    volumes together with his complex philosophy books, it

    450 volumes of academic manuscript across multipledisciplines! Bear in mind that at the time there were noWikipedia, Google, Xerox, clear fluorescent lamp, laptop,hard disk, pilot g-2 etc to produce such enormous writings.

    It should be enough this one example from the thousandsothers as a reminder that the wisdom of the past must neverbe underestimated.

    Please open your eyes, hearts and minds inanalyzing your future. Do read a lot of newspapers,information on the internet, books and think critically on thecurrent state of our country. This prepares us so that we willnot get a sudden shock if something undesirable interceptsto our nicely planned future life. Our true intellect can neversimply be defined with CGPA or how many events you have

    join or organized in UTP -- it requires more than that to

    By Wan Ahmad FayshalCE - 4th year 1st semester

  • 8/8/2019 2.the Inspirer Second Edition


    From the Counselling Unit

    11 TheInspirer| Jan 09

    For the first time ever, astudent of UTP (Chan Wenzhen

    CHEM) who is in his first year -first semester, has been awardeda scholarship from the Ministryof Higher Education (MOHE). The

    scholarship, known as theBiasiswa Atlet Junior Antara-bangsa, is awarded to selectedathletes who have excelled intheir academic studies andcertain sports as well as beingactive in other extra curricular

    activit ies in the university.

    Involvements and achievement s while in UTP:


    1. Malaysian Closed National Taekwondo Championship -Bronze medal.

    2. SUKMA (Malaysian Games) - Gold medal. 3. Danga Bay International Games (Carnival), Johor Gold

    medal. 4. IChemE-UTP-SC (Academic Club) Secretary. 5. UTP Taekwondo Club Vice President. 6. UTP Debate 2008 - Head of Promotion & Publication

    Dept. 7. SPE-UTP-SC (Academic Club) - Committee Member.


    1. 4 th Asian Youth International Taekwondo Champion-ship, Amman, Jordan - Quart er Finalist .

    It is hoped that this achievement would stimulate UTPcommunity involvement in sports and extra curricularactivities in order to develop into becoming well-roundedindividuals, aswell as living ahealthy lifestyle.Let us all alsol e n d o u rsupport andhope that hewould be ableto perform wellin the ASEANU n i v e r s i t yGames andbring glory &honor to thenation as well asUTP. TI


    (Lim Hwei Shan PE) who is currently in her first year- first semester, has been awarded the UMW scholarship. Thesigning ceremony took place on Friday (28 th Nov. 08) at

    Mr. Marfauza (representative from SSSD) attended theceremony along with Tuan Hj. Mazlan (General Manager ofUMW Strategic Human Capital & Leadership Development).Tuan Hj. Mazlan also indicated that UMW would beincreasing the number of scholarships offered next yearespecially in the Petroleum Engineering field. This iscertainly good news as more UTP students would have theopportunity to obtain the scholarships offered in the future.

    Involvements in UTP :

    i. Head of PR for EDX 20.ii. Head of PR for SPE UTP SC.iii. Committee member for UTP Rotaract Club.iv. Deputy Project Manager for CASFUMAL 2009

    It is hoped that this achievement would spur othernon-sponsored students to perform better academically aswell as being active in various co-curricular activities, inorder to qualify for various scholarships in the future. SSSDwould also like to take this opportunity to thank the UTPmanagement for their strong support and commitment in

    various events / activities (TEC,CASFUMAL,

    ConvoFair, EDX,Titian Budi etc)which undoubtedlyhas nurtured UTPstudents to not onlybe well equippedwith knowledgeand technical skills,but also acquiringthe necessary softskills in order tobecome the drivers

    for societal andtechnologicaladvancement in thefuture.

