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2A. Biopsychology

Apr 04, 2018



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  • 7/29/2019 2A. Biopsychology


    PSY 2012 General PsychologyChapter 2: Biopsychology

    Samuel R. Mathews, Ph.D.Associate Professor

    The Department of Psychology

    The University of West Florida

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    Biological Psychology: Core Concepts

    At the species level there are uniquecharacteristics that are explained within

    biological and psychological sciences from the

    Evolutionary Perspective

    At the individual level unique characteristics are

    influenced by ones Genotype (inherited genetic

    make-up from biological parents) andPhenotype (the way the genotype is expressed)

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    Evolutionary Perspective

    All species have a common origin;

    Individual organisms with attributes

    that allowed them to survive and breed,were more likely to pass on the genetic

    structure to offspring who themselves

    had a higher likelihood of surviving;

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    Biological Psychology: Core Concepts

    Evolutionary Perspective

    Based on a scientific approach of prediction,

    data collection, analysis, interpretation,

    questioning and further prediction with testing

    and revision. Other perspectives based on authority or

    belief that disallow analysis of empirical data

    in favor of belief are not the purview of

    science. They are grounded in philosophicalor theological perspectives

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    Biological Psychology: Core Concepts

    At the individual level, Genetic Codes

    play a role in the unique individual


    Genotypeunique genetic code inherited

    by the individual from biological parents

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    Biological Psychology: Core Concepts

    Phenotypeexpression of the genotype

    in physical and psychological


    Impacted by biological and environmental


    Biological forces: disease, toxins, injury

    Environmental forces: access to health care,access to stimulation from the environment

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    How Natural Selection Works

    Environmental pressure

    (changes in the environment)

    Competition(for resources)

    Selection of fittest phenotype(from among a variety of phenotypes)

    Reproductive success(genotype corresponding to fittest

    phenotypes passed to next generation)

    Frequency of that genotype increases

    (in next generation)

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    The Individual: Chromosomes, Genes,

    and Inherited DNA

    Why are some people shorter than others?

    Why are some babies unable to digest


    Why are some children born with Downs


    Why did Sams hair fall out?

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    The Individual: Chromosomes, Genes,

    and Inherited DNA


    the structure that carries the genetic material (DNA)

    23 pairs half contributed by the biological mother

    and half by the biological father Chromosomes are made up ofgeneswith

    specific DNA codes.

    Each gene is responsible for some characteristic of

    the organism and work in concert with others to yieldthe whole organism

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    The Individual: Chromosomes, Genes,

    and Inherited DNA

    One pair of chromosomes determines our

    biological sex

    The biological mother contributes the X

    The biological father contributes either

    another X or a Y chromosome.

    XX= female (more female fetuses survive than

    males) XY=male

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    The Individual: Chromosomes, Genes,

    and Inherited DNA

    Relationship between genotype and

    characteristics and behaviors is complex;

    Inheriting a genotype linked to some

    psychopathology does not mean individuals

    will experience that pathology (e.g.


    Impact of the pathology is frequentlyminimized by alterations in the environment

    (e.g. corrective lenses).

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    Hot Issues in Genetics


    Choosing the sex of your child

    Diagnosis of genetic fetal abnormalities Choosing your mate

    Social engineering

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    The Central Nervous System

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    The Homer Brain

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    The Human Brain

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    Brain Structures and Functions

    Brain stem (reptilian brain)

    First to evolve

    Life-sustaining systems: breathing, pulse rate

    Similar to brains of reptiles


    Coordination of automatic movements

    (walking, dancing) Processing other temporal (time related)

    stimuli (e.g. music)

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    Brain Structures and Functions

    Limbic system

    Emotion, memories, desires

    Functions to help us remember highly emotional


    Contains the hypothalamuscontrol center for manyfunctions

    Cerebral cortex

    Last to evolve Linked to higher mental processes

    Different areas or lobes control different functions

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    Cerebral Cortex: Higher Mental


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    Frontal Lobe

    Executive functionsPlanning, controlling, recognize

    future outcomes from current actions etc.,

    Brocas area of the frontal lobeproduction of complex


    Motor functionscontrols voluntary muscle groups

    Matures laterlate adolescence into young adulthood

    Issues focus on culpability for crimes among early and

    middle adolescents Alcohol likely decreases the functioning of this part of the

    brain related to impulse control (Amen, 1999)

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    Parietal Lobe

    Receives input from senses

    Distributes sensory information to otherparts of the brain

    Spatial information is processedlocationof limbs in space, location of sounds, etc.,

    Supports selective attention to particular

    sensory information With parietal lobe damage, attention may

    be disrupted (Vecera & Flevaris, 2004)

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    Occipital Lobe

    Visual informationcolor, brightness, motion, etc.,

    Specialized areas for human face recognition

    Infants, at birth, orient to human face in lieu of other


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    Temporal Lobe

    Left temporal lobe (Wernekes area) language

    comprehension, naming, etc.

    Auditory sense is processed

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    Peripheral Nervous System

    Somatic Nervous Systemlinks with senses and

    voluntary muscles

    Sensory NervousSystembrings information FROM the

    senses to the central nervous system

    Motor NervousSystemcarries information from the central

    nervous system TO the muscles for action

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    Peripheral Nervous System

    Autonomic Nervous Systemlinks internal glands and


    Sympathetic Divisionarouses our systems when the need

    arises (e.g. startling stimulus, anxiety producing stimulus, sexual


    Parasympathetic Divisioninhibits our systems or reduces the

    arousal (reduces salivation, inhibits digestive juices in our


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    Putting it all together: Puberty

    The experience ofpuberty is one in which

    we can examine the relationship among

    species-specific and individual differences,

    among the CNS and endocrine system,and social factors.

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    Puberty Process

    Hypothalamus (part of the brain that controls much of the

    endocrine system) Gonadotropin Releasing Hormones

    (GRH)Pituitary Gland

    Pituitary gland GonadotropinGonads (ovaries/testes)

    Gonadsstimulate release of sex hormones

    (estrogens/androgens) that stimulate secondary sex


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    Puberty Process: Process begins approximately 2 years prior to initial

    secondary sex characteristic changes;

    Timing of puberty, particularly for females, is related totiming of maternal puberty but environmental factors also

    have a major impact;

    Hypothalamus secretions typically increase during deepsleep;

    Males and females produce both estrogens andandrogens but in different proportions;

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    Puberty Process: Physical


    Secondary sex characteristics


    Body/pubic hair (males and females)

    Breast enlargement (most obvious in females)

    Increase in growth rate (females and males)

    Changes in voice (most obvious in males)

    For females, increase in fat to muscle cellratio (increase in fat cells relative to muscle


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    Puberty Process: Physical Changes

    For females: as level of estrogen increases, thehypothalamus produces Gonadotropin InhibitingHormones (GIH). This inhibits the production ofestrogen by the ovaries;

    The periodic cycle of increases and decreasesin estrogen controls the ovulation cycle.

    Estrogen is stored in fat cells so the increase infat cells relative to muscle cells allows the critical

    level of estrogen necessary for ovulation.

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    Neurological Changes


    Fatty tissue surrounding nerve cells in the


    Increases the efficiency of transmission ofsignals across the synaptic junctions in the


    Made up of cholesterol and proteins Rapid increase of myelinization during and

    after puberty through adolescence

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    Neurological Changes

    Elaboration of synaptic connections

    Neurons form new connections based on

    experience throughout the lifespan;

    Plasticity still a major forcebrain respondsto stimulation

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    Neurological Changes

    Frontal cortex major area of developmentacross adolescence

    Maturation of neurological systems that allow:

    Planning Regulation of emotion


    Prediction based on this is that across

    adolescence, ability to forecast, anticipatelong-term outcomes and recognize risk islimited

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    Health Practices and Puberty Process

    Nutritionbalanced diet including appropriate levels ofcarbohydrates (myelinization)

    Sleepreasonable opportunities for deep sleep

    (supports initiation and maintenance of puberty process)

    Limited alcohol consumptionsome evidence thatalcohol interferes with hormonal balance of pubescent
