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2802 future Canon Game

Apr 09, 2018



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  • 8/7/2019 2802 future Canon Game


    Future Canon Game Plants VS Zombies

    By Chris Geng

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    What is game?

    Games are a fundamental part of human existence.[1]When human being as a Australopithecus we already know how toplay game, however at that time our games are hunting and ghting.

    With those games Australopithecus nd out the way to hunt the ani-

    mal easy that we start to use weapon. This step makes us differentfrom other animals. We can evolve to be a human that most of the reason dependson games. We get the good or bad experience from games then we learn somethingthrough the game-play-time. It is clearly to see that how important games in our life.

    Human being becomes the cleverest animal in our planet. Then we create theplace where we call it world. However to survive in this place that we create wehave to carry a lot of pressure. Therefore we need to release our pressure we playgames and there are lots types of game more than before for us to choose. Such as


    Face to such many games that we can said that they become a kind of culturalGame cultural.There are hundreds thousands of games in the world however onlysome of those games can be call as canon game.

    What is canon game?

    You may say even they have the name as canon game but they still just somegame. Is that just some game? No, Its a cultural artifact, a artifact of games [2]

    Canon game is a kind of unique game. And those games can do some effects forthe games developed history. To make the game become more brilliant than theothers. They set the principle for games.

    There are the 10 most important video games of all time: Spacewar! (1962), StarRaiders (1979), Zork(1980), Tetris (1985), SimCity (1989), Super Mario Bros. 3(1990), Civilization I/II (1991), Doom (1993),Warcraft series (beginning 1994) andSensible World of Soccer (1994).(reading med3195 v4 68page)

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    How to be a canon game?

    First of all, to be a canon game must unique and creative. If agame that is copy from the other game then there is not any pointscan be a canon game at all.

    Second, Of course the game has a number of fansand supporters. Think about that a game that nobody wants to play how can it be-comes popular how to be famous. Therefore it needs to get a good playable.

    Third, it needs to have some impressed features. This means the game has its ownpoint to sell for game player. It is a important set for game to become a canon game.

    However above-mentioned what I said, just the based things that to become a can-on game. There are still lots of things to decide a game can be canon game.

    What is the game name?

    Plants VS Zombies is thegame that I am going tointroduce. Nowadays lots ofpeople has play this gameand still keep playing on it. Itcan be said that Plants VSZombies is the most populargame at recently few years.But you would not know therst name of this game is not

    call like now.

    Lawn of the Dead is the earlyname of Plants VS Zombies however the name is mapping a zombie movie Dawnof the Dead that it can not be use.Therefore Plants VS Zombies becomes the nameof this game. From the game name you can easily understand what the game istalking about.

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    Game introduction

    The game is talkingabout. Zombies are

    invading your home andthey want to eat your

    brain. The only way to stop and defensethem is by making plants. You have afew of varieties of plants at your dispos-al, Such as pea-shooters, cherry bombs,wall-nuts, and potato mines to name afew. There are 49 plants for player to useto prevent invade your home from zom-bies. For invading in your home there arealso get different kinds of zombies withunique properties that attempt to crossthe players lawn.

    What type of game?

    The type of Plants VS Zombies issimilarly to a traditional tower defensegame that will enhance your action-strategy skills. You may ask what tower

    defense game is? Tower defense is asubgenre of real-time strategy com-puter games. The goal is to try to stopenemies from crossing the map bybuilding towers which shoot at them asthey pass. Enemies and towers usually

    have varied abilities and costs. When an enemy is defeated, the player earns moneyor points, which are used to buy or upgrade towers.[3]Tower de-fense games only have a short history. it proper began in 1990when Atrari Games released Rampart.

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    In Plants VS Zombies it has 5 unique game modes for player to playwhich are Adventure, Mini, Puzzle, Survival and Zen-Garden.

    Adventure mode

    The adventure mode up to 50 set levels. The environment in Plants VSZombies is always changing. From day to night, from roof to swimming. To makeeach level more challenging. The dynamic environment can keep players interest-ing.

    Mini mode

    A number of mini-games are unlocked overthe course of the Adventure Mode. Theseinclude a bowling variant in which the playerrolls defensive structures at zombies insteadof building plants, and a more challengingvariant of the main game where the zombiecharacters have a lot of the offensive capa-bilities that the player possesses, such asprojectile attacks.

    Puzzle mode

    Puzzle Mode is unlocked after the comple-tion of the Adventure Mode. Puzzle Modeinclude two different types of puzzles. The

    rst requires the player to break open vaseswhich can either include zombies or plants.The player must successfully break all of thevases and kill all of the zombies. There are9 different nite levels and one endless. The

    second mode requires the player to play therole of the zombie and assault cardboard cutout plants. The objective is to breakthrough the defenses and consume 5 brains on the other side ofthe plants. This also includes 9 different nite levels and one end-less.

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    Survival Mode

    Survival mode sets the player upagainst multiple waves of zombies.The rst ve levels include each

    venue (Day, Night, Pool, Fog, Roof)and send ve waves of zombies.

    The second set of ve levels in-clude the same ve venues and ten

    waves of zombies. The nal levelprovides an endless wave of zom-bies.

    Zen-Garden Mode

    Starts with two Marigold ow-ers that need to be tended.Additional plants are collectedby playing mini-game, puzzle,and survival modes. All plantsrequire regular watering andfertilizer to grow. These ac-tivities reward the player withsmall amounts of money anda larger amount if the plantreaches its full size. Once full-grown plants also require bug-spray and music to remainhappy for a day. Doing so nets

    the player a fairly large reward. Apart from the standard Zen-Garden a mushroomgarden, aquarium, and the tree of wisdom are also provided. The mushroom gardenallows mushroom plant types to grow further and the aquarium

    does the same for aquatic plants. The tree of life grows as tree-food is placed upon it, handing out advice for every growth spurt.

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    Game play

    There is one thing for delimiting a game as a good game which isgames playable.

    In Plants VS Zombies. Player will be requested to use the wisdomof the brain and the reaction of cerebellum .Once you get the right

    strategic thinking then player need to use tactics to achieve strategies .And tacticsinclude a wide range of area. Such as how to arrange plants in groups, how to setup a good formation during game time and choose when to attack when to defend.Therefore a right tactics can be a important key to decide player win or lose thegame. However before to choose a right tactics need to analyze the situation. Thento make a decision. Go through those things can make players tactical level and theanalysis ability.

    As a ash game.

    It succeeded indrawing some ofthe elements fromof strategy gameswhich Collection ofresources and useresources to build

    other units. It is simi-lar as Starcraft andWarcraft.Then playerneed to decide whenthe game needed todevelop economicand when the de-velop of strength.In this game there

    are more than 40 dif-ferent kinds of plants for player to choose. However 10 is the max number for playerto choose in each scene. It depends on player to accord the tactics to decide use orgive up the plant. Therefore player can replay in lots of time and never get the sameresult twice.As we all know Starcraft and Warcraft both are canon games. The reason for thosegame can be so successful. One those kind of tactics game. Sec-ond ending always depend on the game player. Dynamic result

    can always keep players interesting.

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    Game company

    The publisher and developer of Plants VS Zombies is PopcapGames company.

    Popcap Games is an American video game developer and publish-

    er. It was founded in 2000 by John Vechey, Brian Fiete and JasonKapalka. It is the worlds leading casual game developers and publishers. This com-pany was founded in 2000. PopCaps rst game Bejeweled has sold more than 50

    million units [4]across all major platforms.

    PopCap games are available for Web, PC and Mac, Xbox,Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Zeebo, Cell Phones, PDAs, iPodClassic, iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad as well as other mobiledevices and in June 2010, it was announced that they would

    be producing games for the Android operating system[5]This is quite impress for people. Normally games can only beavailable for one or two platforms.

    However PopCap Games company can develop the marketas much as they can and as a young game company, Pop-

    cap Games has get a lot of awards at least 25 industry awards and one of the gamewon Computer Gaming World Hall of Fame which is the famous Bejeweled.

    Base on such a good game company that the quality of games they published. Mustbe cool.

    Game company Competitors

    Nowadays there are a lot of competitors. Such as Dig-ital Chocolate which released Millionaire City,LOLappswhich released Ravenwood Fair,CrowdStar which re-

    leased It Girl and Zynga released the well know Fron-tierVille and cityVille.All of these companies are wonder-ful game publisher, therefore More and more awesomegames are released every years.That means to keepthe target audience become more different. If the game is awesome and perfect likePlants VS Zombies still can keep win more players to join in playing itself.However

    Popcap Games knows even Plants Vs Zombies is suc-cessful so far. They are keep goingto try to make Plants VS Zombies

    more and more brilliant compare toother games.

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    Game platform and history

    As a game that publish by PopCap Games, there are lots of plat-forms for Plants VS Zombies as well. Such as computer, Xbox andthe IOS devise. It is clearly to see that how popular Plants VS Zom-bies is. If a game can be support run in such many platforms that

    already means succeeded and it must has a good market as well.

    The rst version of Plants VS Zombies is on-line ash game on May 5, 2009[6]. At that time,

    Plants VS Zombies only work on Internet. Thentask more and more player play it. PopcapGame publish the Stand-alone version of thegame that players can download it on their own


    The interesting thing is players even want toenjoy this game wherever and whenever theyare. Therefore the IOS version was released[7]as well that player can play Plants VS Zombieseverywhere as long as has a iPhone or iTouchor iPad.But the iPad version of the game, named

    Plants vs. Zombies HD features higher resolutiongraphics over the iPhone and iPod Touch ver-sion.

    However it still can not be satised. The game was released on XBLA on Septem-ber 8th, 2010. The Xbox 360 version has been available bundled in a retail disk withZuma and Peggle since September 28th, 2010.[8]

    PopCap has also announced a NintendoDS version, released on January 18,2011, that will feature content unique tothe platform. The PS3 version was alsoreleased in February 2011

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    There is a question that brainstorming training games can really im-prove players ability. Lots of experts play a highly controversial attitudeon it.

    Recent research from Pop-Cap Game that casualgames can improve a play-ers cognitive abilities. Although thisresearch just only focuses on Bejew-eled and Peggle these two game fromPopCap Game Company. The imple-mentation side is from the East CarolinaUniversity of psycho and physiology

    laboratory. The study has continued for6 months, and will continue to developthis year.A total of 50 or 50 people who

    more than 40 older to participate in the scheme. So far the conclusion that casualgames does play a supplementary role to humans cognitive aspects part in theshort term from .

    The study could help in Alzheimer and other aspects of medical and health depart-

    ments and make some contribution to rehabilitation.Therefore game play is not long just relax our pressure but also can training ourbrain to make us in a health life.

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    Plants vs. Zombies has received a positive reception from critics,garnering an aggregate score of 88/100 from Metacritic and an89.5% fromGameRankings.[9][10] IGN editor Andy J Kolozsy com-

    mented that it featured a lot more content than other games in thegenre, as well as praising its addictive nature.[11] However, the DS version was criti-cised for its lower quality graphics and expensive price point.[12] GameSpot editorChris Watters praised the design of the plants and zombies, as well as the visualsand its overall value. However, he found fault in the learning curve.[13] 1UP editorAlice Liang found the game enjoyable, commenting that the lawnmowers that pro-tect the left side of the screen strikes a goodbalance between ease-of-use and indepthgame play.[23] Edges review praised Pop-

    Cap Games for adding an imaginative touchto every little detail of the game. He alsocredited them for taking the tower defensegenre and making it their own.[14]

    AwardsPlants vs. Zombies has been nominated forthe Casual Game of the Year and Out-

    standing Achievement in Game Design In-teractive Achievement Awards from the Acad-emy of Interactive Arts & Sciences.[15]Thegame received nominations in Best GameDesign, Innovation, and Best DownloadGame for the Game Developers ChoiceAwards.[16]Plants vs Zombies was pickedby Gamezebo as one of the Best games of2009.

    SalesTo date, Plants vs. Zombies is the fastest-selling video game created by PopCapGames.[17]Plants vs. Zombies director George Fan estimated that half of thegames sales are from hardcore gamers.[18]According to PopCap, the iOS releaseof Plants vs. Zombies sold more than 300,000 copies in the rst nine days it was

    available on the App Store, generating more than $1M in gross sales, and consid-ered it the top-grossing iPhone launch.[19]

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    Based on the knowledge that i know about the canon game. PlantsVS Zombies has a big chance to become the next canon game.

    References1. (reading med3195 v4 51page)2. (reading med3195 v4 67page)3. (1.^ Patrick Dugan (2007-01-30). Slamdance, Post-Columbine - Personal Conversations with Freaks and Geeks. Gamas-utra. Retrieved 2008-12-09. 2.^ Chris Remo and Brandon Shefeld (2008-07-11). Interview: Soren Johnson - Spores Strategist.

    Gamasutra. Retrieved 2008-12-09.3.^ Rutkoff, Aaron (2007-06-20). Strategy Game Pits Players Against Desktop Invasion. WallStreet Journal. Retrieved 2008-03-07.)4. ( Leigh Alexander (2010-02-10). Bejeweled Sales Hit 50 Million. Gamasutra. Retrieved 2010-02-10.)5. (Mark Brown (2010-06-29). PopCap conrms games on Android in 2010. Pocket Gamer. Retrieved 2010-06-29.)

    6. (Plants vs. Zombies. Retrieved 2010-07-31.)7. ( Bailey, Kat (2010-02-15). Plants vs. Zombies Now Available on iTunes. Retrieved 2010-02-15.)8. ( PopCaps Plants vs. Zombies Dances Into Retail for PC and Mac. Retrieved 2010-03-16.^ a b c Plants vs.Zombies XBLA Dated, Awesome. Retrieved 2010-08-18.)9. Plants vs. Zombies. Metacritic. 2009-05-05. Retrieved 2010-03-16.10. Plants vs. Zombies. GameRankings. Retrieved 2010-03-16.11. Hateld, Daemon (2009-05-05). Plants vs. Zombies Review - PC Review at IGN. Retrieved 2010-06-30.

    12. GameSpot. Retrieved 2010-03-16.14. Review: Plants Vs Zombies. Edge Online. 2009-05-05. Retrieved 2010-03-16.15. (13th Annual Interactive Achievement Awards Finalists (PDF). Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences. 2010-01-21. Re-trieved 2010-01-24.[dead link])16. (^ Uncharted 2, Flower, Assassins Creed II Lead Finalists for the Tenth Annual Game Developers Choice Awards. PRNewswire. 2010-01-19. Retrieved 2010-01-24.)17. (Plants vs. Zombies is PopCaps fastest-selling game. Joystiq. 2009-05-20. Retrieved 2009-09-05.18. (Analysis: The Universal (Brain-Eating) Appeal Of Plants Vs. Zombies.Gamasutra. 2009-05-20. Retrieved 2009-09-05.)19. .(^ Faylor, Chris (2010-02-25). Plants vs. Zombies iPhone Sets New iTunes App Store Record, Breaks $1M in Nine Days.Shacknews. Retrieved 2010-02-25)Picture1. https://reader009.{domain}/reader009/html5/0523/5b04a526989d0/5b04a533bddef.jpg6. https://reader009.{domain}/reader009/html5/0523/5b04a526989d0/5b04a533e2c78.jpg7. https://reader009.{domain}/reader009/html5/0523/5b04a526989d0/5b04a534e894f.jpg9. https://reader009.{domain}/reader009/html5/0523/5b04a526989d0/5b04a53614c27.png10.



    16. https://reader009.{domain}/reader009/html5/0523/5b04a526989d0/5b04a536c2d3f.png21. https://reader009.{domain}/reader009/html5/0523/5b04a526989d0/5b04a53756331.jpg22. https://reader009.{domain}/reader009/html5/0523/5b04a526989d0/5b04a537c3304.jpg26. https://reader009.{domain}/reader009/html5/0523/5b04a526989d0/5b04a53894ec9.png28. https://reader009.{domain}/reader009/html5/0523/5b04a526989d0/5b04a53908e2f.jpg30. https://reader009.{domain}/reader009/html5/0523/5b04a526989d0/5b04a5395b18e.png