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11P020_Letterhead_Detail_V1 Page 1 of 11 L7 ONE Oxford Street Darlinghurst NSW 2010 Australia T +61 2 8668 0000 F +61 2 8668 0088 Nicholas Turner Pty Ltd ABN 86 064 084 911 Nominated Architect Nicholas Turner 6695 Principal Nicholas Turner Directors Dan Szwaj James McCarthy Karl May Kevin Driver Stephen Cox Associate Directors Annraoi Morris Gary Colleran Jason Goggi Kristi Wayman Shewanna Mendis Theo Krallis Senior Associates Aniss Adler Brian Fong Carolina Alvarez Cecilia Huang Claire Mallin Janene Fowlstone Tony Stodart Vanessa Saad Yvette Olsen Associates Adam Carabott Adrian Godfrey Corinne Lee Kim Pearce Melissa Koronel Milena Grbovich 23rd October 2019 Ms Amanda Treharne, Senior Planner Major Projects Coast Assessment Teams – Shire Planning Sutherland Shire Council Dear Amanda, DA SUBMISSION CLARIFICATIONS_23.10.19_Rev.B DA18/1448 Woolooware Bay Town Centre, Stage 4, 461 Captain Cook Drive, NSW 2127 Please note the following response to Architectural items referred to in the Council letter dated 5th September 2019. Building Design DRF Comments: Item: Wayfinding Refer to the following Turner documents: 14020_A13_Signage Strategy 14020_A13_WayfindingStrategyDiagrams 14020_A13_WayfindingStrategyPlans Bay Central is a mixed-use development within the Woolooware Bay Town Centre master- planned community. The Bay Central scheme will delivery an integrated town centre that will become the heart of this emerging precinct. The success of this new town centre will come from the legibility of each of the uses within the development, and from the ease of access for both pedestrians and vehicles. Bay Central has therefore made wayfinding a key design principle for the project. The comprehensive Turner Wayfinding Strategy document reflects the detailed and careful planning regarding this matter. The document identifies the path of travel to each of the uses within this scheme and illustrates the logical solution proposed. This wayfinding strategy has then informed the hierarchy, position and sizing for the proposed signage for wayfinding, building identification, and tenant signage within the scheme. Item: Building E access to the level 06 communal facilities Refer to the following Turner documents: S4-A-DA-110-020_GA Plan Level 2 14020_A13_WayfindingStrategyDiagrams

23rd October 2019 -

Apr 12, 2022



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L7 ONE Oxford Street Darlinghurst NSW 2010 Australia T +61 2 8668 0000 F +61 2 8668 0088 Nicholas Turner Pty Ltd ABN 86 064 084 911 Nominated Architect Nicholas Turner 6695

Principal Nicholas Turner Directors Dan Szwaj James McCarthy Karl May Kevin Driver Stephen Cox Associate Directors Annraoi Morris Gary Colleran Jason Goggi Kristi Wayman Shewanna Mendis Theo Krallis Senior Associates Aniss Adler Brian Fong Carolina Alvarez Cecilia Huang Claire Mallin Janene Fowlstone Tony Stodart Vanessa Saad Yvette Olsen Associates Adam Carabott Adrian Godfrey Corinne Lee Kim Pearce Melissa Koronel Milena Grbovich

23rd October 2019 Ms Amanda Treharne, Senior Planner Major Projects Coast Assessment Teams – Shire Planning Sutherland Shire Council Dear Amanda, DA SUBMISSION CLARIFICATIONS_23.10.19_Rev.B DA18/1448 Woolooware Bay Town Centre, Stage 4, 461 Captain Cook Drive, NSW 2127

Please note the following response to Architectural items referred to in the Council letter dated 5th September 2019.

Building Design DRF Comments:

Item: Wayfinding

Refer to the following Turner documents:

14020_A13_Signage Strategy



Bay Central is a mixed-use development within the Woolooware Bay Town Centre master-planned community. The Bay Central scheme will delivery an integrated town centre that will become the heart of this emerging precinct. The success of this new town centre will come from the legibility of each of the uses within the development, and from the ease of access for both pedestrians and vehicles.

Bay Central has therefore made wayfinding a key design principle for the project. The comprehensive Turner Wayfinding Strategy document reflects the detailed and careful planning regarding this matter. The document identifies the path of travel to each of the uses within this scheme and illustrates the logical solution proposed. This wayfinding strategy has then informed the hierarchy, position and sizing for the proposed signage for wayfinding, building identification, and tenant signage within the scheme.

Item: Building E access to the level 06 communal facilities

Refer to the following Turner documents:

S4-A-DA-110-020_GA Plan Level 2


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With regards to the path of travel for residents from Building E to the Level 06 communal facilities, this had been identified and described within the Site Image Landscape drawing reference SS18-3919 L-100 Rev.F. For clarity, TURNER have also updated our Level 02 GA plan to show the dedicated pathway from the Building E lobby to the Building A Level 02 lift lobby, which provides access for Building E residents to the Level 06 Communal Facilities. The pathway is not affected by any vehicle movements, and provides a safe path of travel.

Item: Access to the Foreshore

Refer to the following Turner documents:

S4-A-DA-110-001 _GA Plan Ground Level

S4-A-DA-110-060_GA Plan Level 6

S4-A-DA-810-070_North Foreshore Lobby Entry

S4-A-DA-810-071_North Foreshore Lobby Entry

S4-A-DA-810-072_North Foreshore Lobby Entry


The revised northern foreshore lobby as issued to Council in July 2019 has two lifts. The lift accessed from inside the Ground Floor lobby is a dedicated resident’s lift that connects the foreshore parkland to the Level 06 podium, where resident’s can then access Buildings A – D. The second lift is accessed off the BOH corridor adjacent to the lobby. This second service lift is for deliveries, maintenance and garbage removal. Resident’s can also bring their bikes from the dedicated secure residential bike parking on Level 05 to the foreshore via this service lift. It’s use will be managed by a secure system such as a restricted swipe access, and managed by the building manager. This therefore provides sufficient capacity and appropriate lift access for this location within the development. The Vertical Circulation Consultant has confirmed this in their associated report. Turner has updated our wayfinding strategy document to more clearly show the use of these two separate lifts.

Items: Gross Floor Area Definition & Apartment Areas

Refer to the following documents:

S4-A-DA-720-001_GFA Diagrams_Ground Level to Level 05

S4-A-DA-720-002_GFA Diagrams_Level 06 to Level 11

S4-A-DA-720-003_GFA Diagrams_Level 12 to Level 14

S4-A-DA-110-001_GA Plan Ground Level

S4-A-DA-110-010_GA Plan Level 1

Horizontal fire egress corridors within fire stairs:

The GFA diagrams has been amended to include the horizontal fire egress corridors as requested by Council. Turner confirms that the additional 599sqm GFA for horizontal egress

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corridors can be accommodated within the total approved GFA of the Concept Plan for Woolooware Bay Stage 4. This therefore responds fully to council comments regarding this matter.

Leagues Club Level 01 Chiller:

The Leagues Club Level 01 chiller is a mechanical services plant room only and therefore should not be included in the GFA calculations. The annotation on the Level 01 GA plan has been updated to avoid any further confusion.

‘Retail FSR’ plantroom:

This room is a services room containing hydraulic services for the retail centre and is therefore not included in GFA. The room has been renamed as ‘Fire Services’ to avoid any further confusion. Turner GFA diagram remains unchanged from before.

Apartment Areas:

The GA plans have been updated to show both the apartment internal and external areas. Turner confirms that the apartment areas comply with the ADG minimum areas for apartments.

Item: Building Envelopes:

Item: Building B compliance

Refer to the following documents:

S4-A-DA-710 series - Shadow Diagrams

S4-A-DA-730 series - Solar and Cross Vent Diagrams

S4-A-DA-770 series – Solar Compliance 3d views and plan diagrams

S4-A-DA-730-006_Solar and Cross Vent Diagrams_Level 14

S4-A-DA-810-040_Detailed Facade 3D_Building B

ADG Solar Access Compliance: Further to the email from Council dated 11.09.19, Turner has provided further solar access diagrams to prove the ADG 2hr solar access compliance for the south-east stack of apartments in Building B on levels 09-14. The perspective and plan diagrams clearly illustrate full compliance.

Views and outlook from balconies: The eastern side of the balcony to the south-east stack of apartments in Building B on levels 09-14 balcony has a wind screen consisting of full height clear glazing. This screen provides sufficient comfort levels for the users of the balcony (as required by the wind report) while still offering views eastwards towards Kurnell and the bay beyond. The apartment has been angled deliberately to capture these north-east views and maximise outlook and amenity. The balcony varies in size from 11m2 to 13m2, is ADG and DCP compliant, and it’s shape and configuration is logical and useable.

The balcony location is important to the articulation of the Captain Cook Drive elevation of Building B, while it’s partly solid southern balustrade blocks views of any furniture or clutter on the balcony when viewed from street level below. Therefore the location and configuration of the balcony has been carefully considered and is deemed appropriate.

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Building B massing and built form: Further to the email from Council dated 11.09.19, Turner notes that it would not be appropriate to fill the available building envelope outline in the south-east corner of Building B on levels 09-14. It is far more appropriate in the context of the ADG to have the Building Envelope non-compliance in the north-east corner of Building B on levels 09-14 for the following reasons:

• The proposed Building B massing minimises the length of the southern elevation to Captain Cook Drive, which reduces the bulk and scale of the building. This massing also reduces the overshadowing by Building B of the adjacent context.

• The proposed massing provides maximum amenity to apartments, with more north facing and corner apartments achieving 2hr solar access.

• As illustrated in the ADG solar access diagrams and sun eye diagrams, both the south-east and south-west stacks of Building B on levels 09-14 have full compliance with the ADG 2hr solar access requirement to the main living area and balcony.

• The Building Envelope non-compliance in the north-east corner of Building B on levels 09-14 allows more apartments to avail of the extensive northern waterfront views, and outlook over the Foreshore Parklands and Woolooware Bay.

• The proposed Building B massing minimises the number of south facing apartments with no solar access.

• The massing reduces the number of apartments directly overlooking the busy Captain Cook Drive which is immediately adjacent the south elevation of Building B.

• The non-compliance in the north east corner of Building B is on an internal courtyard façade. Building B is still fully complaint with all building separation requirements and does not reduce the amenity or ADG compliance of any other buildings within the project.

• It would not be appropriate to create a poorly performing building in the context of the ADG, in order to achieve full envelope compliance. Therefore the proposed Building B massing is an appropriate response to the site conditions, and provides a considered building design for this group of buildings at Woolooware Bay Stage 4.

Item: Building D compliance

Refer to the following documents:

S4-A-DA-150-033_GA Plan Building C_ Plant

S4-A-DA-150-041_GA Plan Building D_ Level 6-9

S4-A-DA-150-042_GA Plan Building D_ Level 10-12

S4-A-DA-150-043_GA Plan Building D_ Level 13-Plant

S4-A-DA-250-103_ North Elevation

S4-A-DA-250-104_Building A & E Elevations

S4-A-DA-250-105_Building B, D & C Elevations

S4-A-DA-810-010_ Building D Concept Approval Compliance

S4-A-DA-810-011_ Building D Concept Approval Compliance

Building D has been amended to fully comply with the approved Concept Plan envelopes. To

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achieve this, Turner has shifted the building floorplate south, while still maintaining the Concept Plan requirement of 18m separation between Building D & Building A envelopes. Moving Building D south still maintains the ADG compliance of the proposed design.

The shift of the building to the south has required only minor amendments to the internal apartment planning and façade articulation. The Building D GFA remains the same, as well as the apartment yield and mix. The changes to internal planning mainly occur on Level 06 between gridline L and gridline I.

The ADG solar diagrams and sun-eye diagrams have been reissued to clearly illustrate ADG compliance with this amended Building D position.

Item: Building E compliance

Refer to the following documents:

S4-A-DA-110-040 Level 4

S4-A-DA-110-050 Level 5

The discrepancy in the Level 04 & 05 annotation in the approved Concept Plan building envelope diagrams has been clarified via a S75w submission to the Department of Planning. This is currently being reviewed by the Department who have noted their understanding of the error that occurred in the original submission and are currently processing the S75w for imminent approval. This therefore resolves the queries related to Building E.

Item : Building C RLs

Refer to the following documents:

S4-A-DA-110-080_GA Plan Level 8

S4-A-DA-110-090_GA Plan Level 9

Turner has indicated the requested additional RLs and annotation to the Building C roof on Levels 08 & 09.

Item : Level 01 open veranda

Refer to the following documents:

S4-A-DA-110-010_GA Plan Level 1

The Level 01 open veranda was been amended so that it is fully inside the riparian setback line. This therefore removes any non-compliances, and resolves the associated Council query.

Vertical Circulation:

Refer to the latest report by DSC, the Vertical Services Engineering, noting the projected passenger requirements, and verifying the adequacy of the current DA design. In summary:

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Item: Club/Hotel Entry lift

On game day, the Building E lift connection between Ground Floor and Level 02 is one of several options for patrons accessing the club, including:

1. Direct access into the Ground Floor of the retail centre from the foreshore parklands on the north of the development

2. The external pedestrian ramp and stairs from the foreshore parklands on the northside of the development into Level 01 of the retail centre.

3. The Game Day stairs from the eastern stand direct into the new club deck 4. Direct access into the Ground Floor of the retail centre from Captain Cook Drive on the

southside of the development 5. The multiple lift options within the retail centre that connect to Level 02 (3no.

dedicated retail lifts within the retail centre) 6. The travellators within the central retail atrium that connect to the Level 02 street. 7. The large external stairs from Captain Cook Drive up to the Level 02 street adjacent to

the Building E lift. 8. And the Building E lift that connects from Captain Cook Drive up to the Level 02 street.

To clarify this dispersion of patrons via separate paths of travels on game day, please refer to the additional Turner wayfinding strategy diagrams. This has been prepared based on input from the Sharks Stadium management and show the dispersion of the crowds from the stadium via several exits, and how they then access the Club.

On Game Day the movement of people will be managed by dedicated personal at each of the exits from the stadium and at each of the entries to the retail centre. This will be supported by temporary gameday signage giving instruction and live updates on wayfinding to key destinations such as the club, public transport, parking, etc.

Based on this strategy of gameday crowd dispersion on the site, please refer to the letter by DSC (Vertical Transport Consultant) who have confirmed the suitability of the lift capacity in Building E in their expert opinion.

Item: Solar Access

Refer to the following documents:

Turner confirms that the yellow sun symbols on the ADG Amenity diagrams indicates minimum 2hr solar access to the apartment’s main living area and balcony between 9am and 3pm. Turner has updated the legend on these plans with this wording to remove any confusion.

Please refer to the additional solar access diagrams for the south-eastern stack of apartments in Building B. This confirms the ADG 2hr solar access compliance to the apartment’s main living area and balcony.

To further clarify the matter of solar access compliance, Turner has provided further perspective views to all apartment types in the 5 residential buildings that were questioned by Council, to clearly show the full ADG compliance of this DA submission. This includes all east and west facing apartments, the dual aspect apartments in the middle of the floorplates, apartments that achieve solar access compliance via skylights, and apartments at lowers levels where council were questioning overshadowing from adjacent buildings.

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Item 11: Cross Ventilation

Refer to the following documents:

S4-A-DA-730-001_Solar and Cross Vent Diagrams_Level 4 to Level 5

S4-A-DA-730-002_Solar and Cross Vent Diagrams_Level 6 to Level 7

S4-A-DA-730-003_Solar and Cross Vent Diagrams_Level 8 to Level 9

ADG Natural Cross Ventilation is calculated for the first 9 storeys only - please refer to Objective 4B-3 on page 85 of the ADG for this guideline. Apartments at ten storeys or greater are deemed to be cross ventilated provided that their balconies are not enclosed. The balconies are not enclosed at Bay Central.

All apartments in Buildings A-E from Ground Floor up to Level 08 (ie within the first nine storeys of the project) have been included in the ADG Natural Cross Ventilation calculations. Turner confirms that the project is compliant with the ADG requirements for Natural Cross Ventilation.

Item: Storage

Refer to the following documents:

S4-A-DA-760-001_Storage Diagrams_Level 3 & Level 4

S4-A-DA-760-001_Storage Diagrams_Level 5 to Level 6

S4-A-DA-760-002_Storage Diagrams_Level 7 to Level 8

S4-A-DA-760-003_Storage Diagrams_Level 09 to Level 10

S4-A-DA-760-004_Storage Diagrams_Level 11 to Level 12

S4-A-DA-760-005_Storage Diagrams_Level 13 to Level 14

S4-A-DA-760-150_ Storage Diagrams

77% of apartments have all of their ADG storage requirements within the apartment – refer to the Apartment Storage Schedule and associated diagrams as issued to Council July 2019. In the majority of these apartments, the storage zones provided are far greater than the ADG minimum.

Of the remaining 23% of apartments, the ADG requires 50% of an apartment’s storage zone to be located within the apartment ie 3m2 for 1bedroom units, 4m2 for a 2bedroom units, and 5m2 for a 3bedroom units. The detailed Storage Diagrams Rev.A issued July 2019 show the exact location of the ADG storage within each of these apartment. These have been further updated to show clarifications for Council. Turner confirms that this storage within the apartments meets the expectations of the ADG, and that these storage zones can be achieved within the subsequent construction documentation. Turner confirms that the residential car parks have enough storage cages to cater for the remaining 50% storage requirements for these particular units.

In response to Council queries 05.09.19 regarding the location of the storage within units we note the following:

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In the case of the Building A south-east stack of apartments, we have reconfigured the apartment’s utility room (located beside the balcony) so that it can be used as a study or flexi-room, but the room still has the potential to provide a dedicated storage zone. The remaining storage requirement for this unit is relocated against the corridor wall adjacent the apartment entry.

In the case of the north-west stack of apartments in Building A, Turner deem the proposed storage locations as practical and useful. The large walk-in pantry cupboard beside the kitchen can be used as storage by the resident - it is over and above the standard functionality of the typical kitchen type, and therefore this cupboard is deemed reasonable for inclusion in the ADG calculations. The storage cupboard at the apartment entry will act as a cloaks store, while the adjacent storage cabinet can be used as a study nook but the installation of the desk is at the purchasers discretion – therefore this storage zone is also deemed logical and practical. The area above the laundry tub will include provisions for dedicated storage joinery.

These locations are typical of the proposed ADG storage locations for apartments at Bay Central and Turner deemed these to be compliant.

Item: Communal open Space

Noted. No further action required.

Item: Façade Treatment

Refer to the following documents:

S4-A-DA-250-101_South Elevation

S4-A-DA-250-201_South Elevation

S4-A-DA-250-202_Building A Lobby Entrance

S4-A-DA-250-202_Building A Lobby Entrance

S4-A-DA-250-202_Building A Lobby Entrance

Building A south façade / main residential lobby entry:

Turner has reconfigured the south-east corner of Building A from Ground Floor up to Level 05 in order to achieve the verticality in the architectural expression as requested by Council & the DRF panel. Building A is now grounded within the Captain Cook Drive elevation, and provides a very clear and discernible marker within the streetscape for the main residential lobby.

This revised building massing allows for a series of additional planters that will facilitate a cascading landscape connection from the main car park green wall to the street level below. This cascading green veil will give the green connection to the residential lobby that the DRF had noted in their feedback.

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Building C / car park north façade:

Refer to the following documents:

S4-A-DA-250-203__North Elevation

S4-A-DA-250-204__North Elevation

S4-A-DA-250-204__North Perspective 01

S4-A-DA-250-204__North Perspective 02

Turner have updated the car park façade to Building C from Ground Floor up to Level 04. The length of the car park façade is broken up into 5 ‘bays’. The façade has then been stepped in a dynamic zig-zag profile that creates a playful composition. The façade is further articulated by a white decorative framing element within each of the 5 bays. The strong graphic solution is in keeping with the architectural design intent of the remaining retail centre and associated car park facades.

Building E / car park west façade:

Refer to the following documents:

S4-A-DA-250-104_Building A & E Elevations

S4-A-DA-250-205_Building E Perspective

S4-A-DA-250-206_Building E Elevations

S4-A-DA-250-207_Building E Perspective 01

S4-A-DA-250-208_Building E Perspective 02

S4-A-DA-250-209_Building E Perspective 03

Turner have updated the western and southern elevations of Building E to continue the alternating façade pattern from Captain Cook Drive around to the elevations facing the Sharks Stadium. This provides a holistic design approach to the architectural expression of Building E. The alternating façade pattern, which consists of a series of splayed metal clad walls, also unifies the various uses in the building, and blends the car park levels into the over composition. Building E is therefore designed as a building ‘in-the-round’, ie with all elevations of equal design merit.

Turner has also made some further minor updates to the façade to bring harmony for the building massing and façade composition. These include the change of colour of the roof slab from gold to black. This black roofline will give a capping to the building and provide a clear base, middle and top to the Captain Cook Drive elevation.

With regards to Council’s query about the urban design merit of the Building E massing on levels 4 & 5 (ie the proposed car park component), Turner note that the proposed Building E façade articulation has successfully blended these car park levels into the overall building design and façade composition. The proposed building massing dresses the northern side of the existing eastern stand within the stadium and it’s utilitarian 1970’s façade of fire egress stairs, plant areas, etc. This masking of the existing eastern stand improves the urban outcome for the site. Lastly, the Building E communal outdoor area on Level 05 enjoys excellent solar access,

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and views over the top of the adjacent club buildings to the waterfront beyond. The position of the communal open area on the Level 05 podium provides amenity to the adjacent hotel rooms, and a green landscaped outlook for the hotel rooms and apartments overhead. Therefore Turner is confident that this is an appropriate urban design solution for Building E and a successful way to address the interface with the existing eastern stand within the stadium.

Item: Signage

Noted. Turner has updated the Signage DA package as required by Council and to align with the various façade updates as noted above.

Item: Approved Concept Plan uses

Noted. No further action required.

Item: Staging

Noted. No further action required.

Item: Various Uses

Noted. No further action required.

Item: Engineering matters

Refer to the following documents:

S4-A-DA-110-001_GA Plan Ground Level


The bathrooms and bike parking location is clearly visible within the Ground Floor car park, with good sightlines from all of the Ground Floor entry points. Wayfinding signage will be provided within the car park to direct cyclists to this location. The distance from the car park entries is reasonable, and the path of travel for the cyclist via the main traffic aisles is deemed acceptable. Cyclist move with the one-way traffic flow and do not cross oncoming traffic.

Turner has adjusted the entry to the end of trip facilities so that it is moved further west, and therefore cyclists are not interfacing with cars queuing at the exit lanes at the Woolooware Road North car park exit.

Item: ADG compliance clarification 23.10.19

In response to the most recent Council query requesting clarification from Turner that the ADG compliance is maintained by the proposed October 2019 amendments to the DA submission, Turner confirms the following:

• Turner confirms that the amended Woolooware Bay Stage 4 DA submission October 2019 is compliant with ADG. To fully illustrate this, Turner has updated the DA Design Report, ADG Design Verification Statement, and associated detailed ADG compliance table – refer to the updated revision dated 23.10.19.

• Total number of apartments remains as 255 • Total number of naturally cross ventilated apartments is 74, or 61% of the apartments

on the first 9 levels, and therefore is compliant with the ADG requirements.

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• 184 apartments have minimum 2hours solar access to the main living area and external private open space between 9am and 3pm on June 21, which equates to 72.2%. Therefore the submission is compliant with the ADG solar requirements.

• A total of 34 units or 13.3% receive less than 15 minutes direct sunlight which is compliant with the ADG maximum.

• The total number of adaptable apartments remains as 52 or 20.4%. The number of liveable is 51 of 20%.

• ADG Building separation is compliant for all requirements • The total GFA is amended to 58,632sqm. The GFA diagrams have been amended to

include the horizontal fire egress corridors as requested by Council. Turner confirms that the additional 599sqm GFA for horizontal egress corridors can be accommodated within the total approved GFA of the Concept Plan for Woolooware Bay Stage 4. This therefore responds fully to council comments regarding this matter.

Yours sincerely, TURNER James McCarthy Director NSW Registered Architect 10759