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  • 8/21/2019 23002-d00 3gpp


    3GPP TS 23.002 V13.0.0 (2014-09)Technical Specification

    3rd Generation Partnership Project;Technical Specification Group Services and System Aspects;

    Network architecture(elease !3"

    The present document has been developed within the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP  TM) and may be further elaborated for the purposes of 3GPP.

    The present document has not been subject to any approval process by the 3GPP  Oranisational Partners and shall not be implemented.

    This !pecification is provided for future development wor" within 3GPP  only. The Oranisational Partners accept no liability for any use of this

    !pecification.!pecifications and reports for implementation of the 3GPP TM system should be obtained via the 3GPP Oranisational Partners# Publications Offices.

  • 8/21/2019 23002-d00 3gpp


    $eywordsLTE, GSM, UMTS, network, archtect!re


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     &o part may be reproduced e'cept as authoried by written permission.The copyriht and the foreoin restriction e'tend to reproduction in all media.

    *+,- 3GPP Oraniational Partners (/0%1 /T%! 22!/ T!% TT/ TT2).

    /ll rihts reserved.

    4MT!5 is a Trade Mar" of T!% reistered for the benefit of its members

    3GPP5 is a Trade Mar" of T!% reistered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP Oraniational Partners

    6T5 is a Trade Mar" of T!% reistered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP Oraniational PartnersG!M7 and the G!M loo are reistered and owned by the G!M /ssociation

    3GPP TS #3$%%# &!3$%$% (#%!'%)"#elease !3

  • 8/21/2019 23002-d00 3gpp





    , !cope....................................................................................................................................................

    * 0eferences............................................................................................................................................

    3 9efinitions and abbreviations...............................................................................................................3., Public 6and Mobile &etwor" (P6M&).............................................................................................................3.* 2ore &etwor" (2&) and /ccess &etwor" (/&)................................................................................................3.3 2ircuit !witched (2!) and Pac"et !witched (P!) 9omains..............................................................................

    3.3., 2! 9omain...................................................................................................................................................3.3.* P! 9omain...................................................................................................................................................

    3.3a %P Multimedia subsystem (%M!)..................................................................................................................3.- 6ocation reister................................................................................................................................................3.: 2ell.....................................................................................................................................................................3.; 1ase !tation 2ontroller (1!2) area...................................................................................................................

    3.< 0adio &etwor" 2ontroller (0&2) area..............................................................................................................3.= 6ocation /rea (6/)...........................................................................................................................................3.> 0outin /rea (0/).............................................................................................................................................3.>a Trac"in /rea (T/)............................................................................................................................................3.,+ M!2 area...........................................................................................................................................................3.,, ?60 area............................................................................................................................................................

    3.,* !G!& area.........................................................................................................................................................3.,3 @ones for 0eional !ubscription.......................................................................................................................3.,- !ervice area........................................................................................................................................................

    3.,: Group call area...................................................................................................................................................3.,:a MM /rea.........................................................................................................................................................3.,; PoolAarea............................................................................................................................................................

    3.,< !ervin GB !ervice /rea..................................................................................................................................

    - The basic entities of the mobile system................................................................................................-., The 2ore &etwor" (2&) entities.......................................................................................................................-.,., ntities common to the P! and 2! domains................................................................................................-.,.,., The Come !ubscriber !erver (C!!)......................................................................................................-.,.,.,., The Come 6ocation 0eister (C60)................................................................................................-.,.,.,.* The /uthentication 2entre (/u2).....................................................................................................-.,.,.,.3 C!! loical functions.......................................................................................................................

    -.,.,.* The ?isitor 6ocation 0eister (?60).....................................................................................................-.,.,.3 (void)......................................................................................................................................................-.,.,.- The Duipment %dentity 0eister (%0).................................................................................................-.,.,.: !M! Gateway M!2 (!M!AGM!2).......................................................................................................-.,.,.; !M! %nterwor"in M!2 (!M!A%BM!2)..............................................................................................-.,.,.< !ubscription 6ocator 8unction (!68)....................................................................................................

    -.,.* ntities of the 2! domain............................................................................................................................-.,.*., The MobileAservices !witchin 2entre (M!2)......................................................................................-.,.*.,., M!2 !erver......................................................................................................................................-.,.*.,.* 2ircuit !witched A Media Gateway 8unction (2!AMGB)...............................................................-.,.*.* The Gateway M!2 (GM!2)..................................................................................................................-.,.*.*., Gateway M!2 !erver (GM!2 !erver).............................................................................................

    -.,.*.3 The %nterwor"in 8unction (%B8)..........................................................................................................-.,.3 ntities of the GP0! P! domain..................................................................................................................-.,.3., !ervin GP0! !upport &ode (!G!&)...................................................................................................-.,.3.* Gateway GP0! !upport &ode (GG!&).................................................................................................-.,.3.3 ?oid........................................................................................................................................................-.,.- ntities of the P2 P! 9omain....................................................................................................................


    3GPP TS #3$%%# &!3$%$% (#%!'%)"3elease !3

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    -.,.-., MM......................................................................................................................................................-.,.-.* Gateways................................................................................................................................................-.,.-.*.,. !ervin GB......................................................................................................................................-.,.-.*.* P9& GB...........................................................................................................................................-.,.-.*.3 6ocal GB (6AGB)...........................................................................................................................

    -.,.-.3 !G!&......................................................................................................................................................

    -.,.-.- Trusted and 4ntrusted &onA3GPP /ccess &etwor"...............................................................................-.,.-.: eP9G......................................................................................................................................................-.,.-.; 3GPP /// !erver..................................................................................................................................-.,.-.< 3GPP /// Pro'y...................................................................................................................................-.,.-.= /&9!8...................................................................................................................................................

    -.,.: 1order Gateway (1G)E.................................................................................................................................-.* The /ccess &etwor" (/&) entities....................................................................................................................-.*., The 1ase !tation !ystem (1!!)...................................................................................................................-.*.,., 1ase !tation 2ontroller (1!2)...............................................................................................................-.*.,.* 1ase Transceiver !tation (1T!).............................................................................................................-.*.* The 0adio &etwor" !ystem (0&!)..............................................................................................................

    -.*.*., 0adio &etwor" 2ontroller (0&2)..........................................................................................................-.*.*.* &ode 1....................................................................................................................................................

    -.*.3 /ccess &etwor" elements for A4T0/&....................................................................................................-.*.3., A4T0/& &ode 1 (e&1)......................................................................................................................-.*.3.* volved 4T0/&....................................................................................................................................-.3 The Mobile !tation (M!)...................................................................................................................................

    -.- 4ser Duipment (4)........................................................................................................................................

    -a The specific entities of the 3GPP system..............................................................................................-a., The Group 2all 0eister (G20) entity..............................................................................................................-a.* (void).................................................................................................................................................................-a.3 The 6ocation !ervices (62!) entities................................................................................................................-a.3., 6ocation !ervices (62!) entities in 0/&....................................................................................................-a.3.* Gateway Mobile 6ocation 2entre (GM62).................................................................................................-a.3.3 6ocation Measurement 4nit (6M4)............................................................................................................

    -a.3.- volved !ervin Mobile 6ocation 2entre (A!M62).................................................................................-a.- 2/M6 entities.................................................................................................................................................-a.-., G!M !ervice 2ontrol 8unction (sm!28)..................................................................................................-a.-.* G!M !ervice !witchin 8unction (sm!!8)..............................................................................................-a.-.3 G!M !pecialised 0esource 8unction (sm!08).........................................................................................-a.-.- GP0! !ervice !witchin 8unction (prs!!8).............................................................................................

    -a.: 21!Aspecific entities.........................................................................................................................................-a.:., 2ell 1roadcast 2entre (212).......................................................................................................................-a.; &umber Portability !pecific entities..................................................................................................................-a.;., %&Abased solutionF &umber Portability 9atabase (&P91)..........................................................................-a.;.* !inallin 0elayAbased solutionF Mobile &umber Portability!inallin 0elay function (M&PA!08)


    -a.< %P Multimedia (%M) 2ore &etwor" (2&) !ubsystem entities............................................................................


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    -a.> Global Te't Telephony !pecific entities............................................................................................................-a.,+ !ecurity Gateway (!G)...................................................................................................................................-a.,, /pplication 8unction (/8)................................................................................................................................-a.,* ?oid....................................................................................................................................................................-a.,3 3GPPB6/& %nterwor"in entities..................................................................................................................

    -a.,3., B6/& 4...................................................................................................................................................

    -a.,3.* 3GPP /// Pro'y.........................................................................................................................................-a.,3.3 3GPP /// !erver........................................................................................................................................-a.,3.- B6/& /ccess Gateway (B/G).................................................................................................................-a.,3.: Pac"et 9ata Gateway (P9G).......................................................................................................................-a.,3.; Come /ent (C/)........................................................................................................................................

    -a.,- Multimedia 1roadcast Multicast !ervice (M1M!) specific entities.................................................................-a.,-., General.........................................................................................................................................................-a.,-.* 1roadcastAMulticast !ervice 2entre (1MA!2)............................................................................................-a.,-.3 M1M!AGB..................................................................................................................................................-a.,-.- MultiAcellmulticast 2oordination ntity (M2).........................................................................................-a.,: ?oid....................................................................................................................................................................

    -a.,; G4P !erver........................................................................................................................................................-a.,< Policy and 2harin 0ules 8unction (P208)....................................................................................................

    -a.,= Policy and 2harin nforcement 8unction (P28)........................................................................................-a.,> !upport of !hort Messae !ervice over eneric 3GPP %nternet Protocol access (!M!%P) specific entities

    ...........................................................................................................................................................................-a.,>., General.........................................................................................................................................................

    -a.,>.* %PA!hortAMessaeAGateway (%PA!MAGB)...................................................................................................-a.*+ !ubscription Profile 0epository (!P0)..............................................................................................................-a.*, !ervice 9ata 8low 1ased 2redit 2ontrol 8unction...........................................................................................-a.** Offline 2harin !ystem (O82!)......................................................................................................................-a.*3 Online 2harin !ystem (O2!)........................................................................................................................-a.*- 1earer 1indin and vent 0eportin 8unction (1108).................................................................................

    -a.*: Come (e)&ode1 entities....................................................................................................................................-a.*:., Come &ode1 !ubsystem (C&!).................................................................................................................-a.*:.* Come e&ode1 !ubsystem (Ce&!)..............................................................................................................

    -a.*:.3 2!G 6ist !erver...........................................................................................................................................-a.*:.- 2!G !ubscriber !erver (2!!).....................................................................................................................-a.*; /pplication 8ront nds (/8)..........................................................................................................................

    -a.*< 4ser 9ata 0epository (490)............................................................................................................................-a.*= Traffic 9etection 8unction (T98).....................................................................................................................-a.*> !pecific entities to facilitate communications with pac"et data networ"s and applications.............................-a.*>., Machine Type 2ommunicationA%nterBor"in 8unction (MT2A%B8).........................................................-a.*>.* Machine Type 2ommunicationA /uthentication /uthoriation and /ccountin (MT2A///)..................-a.3+ T2P Pro'y 8unction..........................................................................................................................................

    -a.3, !pecific entities for Pac"et !witched !treamin (P!!) !ervice........................................................................-a.3,., Pac"et !witched !treamin !ervice !erver (P!! !erver)...........................................................................-a.3* !pecific entities for Group 2ommunication !ystem nablers for 6T (G2!H6T)......................................-a.3*., Group 2ommunication !ervice /pplication !erver (G2! /!)...................................................................

    -a.33 0/& 2onestion /wareness 8unction (02/8)...........................................................................................

    : 2onfiuration of a Public 6and Mobile &etwor".................................................................................:., 1asic confiuration............................................................................................................................................:.* 2onfiuration of 62! entities............................................................................................................................

    :.*., 2onfiuration of 62! entities for G0/&..................................................................................................:.*.* 2onfiuration of 62! entities for 4T0/&..................................................................................................:.*.3 2onfiuration of 62! entities for A4T0/&..............................................................................................:.3 2onfiuration of 2/M6 entities.....................................................................................................................:.- 2onfiuration of 21! entities...........................................................................................................................:.: 2onfiuration of %M 2& !ubsystem entities.....................................................................................................

    :.:., %M 2& !ubsystem functional entities..........................................................................................................:.:.* %M 2& !ubsystem !ervice layer..................................................................................................................

    :.:.3 !ervice 2entraliation and 2ontinuity.........................................................................................................:.:.- Beb0T2 access to %M!...............................................................................................................................:.; 2onfiuration of !inallin Gateway 8unction.................................................................................................:.< 2onfiuration of 3GPPB6/& %nterwor"in...................................................................................................


    3GPP TS #3$%%# &!3$%$% (#%!'%)"*elease !3

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    :.= 2onfiuration of Presence service.....................................................................................................................:.> 2onfiuration of M1M! entities.......................................................................................................................:.,+ 2onfiuration of !hort Messae !ervice over eneric 3GPP %nternet Protocol access (!M!%P) entities.........:.,, 2onfiuration of Policy 2ontrol and 2harin entities.....................................................................................:.,* 2onfiuration of 2!81(2! 8allbac")...............................................................................................................

    :.,3 2onfiuration of !inle 0adio ?oice 2all 2ontinuity (!0?22).......................................................................

    :.,3., A4T0/&4T0/& (C!P/) to 4T0/& or G0/& !0?22 architecture................................................:.,3.* 4T0/&G0/& to A4T0/& or 4T0/& (C!P/) !0?22 architecture................................................:.,- 2onfiuration of !ecurity..................................................................................................................................:.,: 2onfiuration of 6awful %ntercept related entities............................................................................................:.,; 2onfiuration of 2harin related entities........................................................................................................

    :.,< 2onfiuration of Come (e)&ode1 entities........................................................................................................:., 0eference Point 2!AMGB J 2!AMGB (&b 0eference Point).............................................................;.-.,.,+ 0eference Point between the 2!! and the ?60 (Cv 0eference Point).................................................;.-.* %nterfaces internal to the P! domain (GP0!)...............................................................................................;.-.*., %nterface between !G!& and C60 (GrAinterface).................................................................................;.-.*.* %nterface between !G!& and GG!& (GnA and GpAinterface)................................................................

    ;.-.*.3 !inallin Path between GG!& and C60 (GcAinterface)......................................................................;.-.*.- %nterface between !G!& and %0 (GfAinterface)...................................................................................

    ;.-.*.: 0eference Point between the 2!! and the GnGp !G!& (Ghv 0eference Point).................................;.-.3 %nterfaces used by 2! and P! domains........................................................................................................;.-.3., %nterface between M!2?60 and !G!& (GsAinterface) for GP0!.......................................................;.-.3.* %nterface between C60C!! and /u2 (CA%nterface).............................................................................


    3GPP TS #3$%%# &!3$%$% (#%!'%)"+elease !3

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    ;.-.3.3 %nterface between !G!&%PA!MAGB and !M!AGM!2!M!A%BM!2 (GdGddA%nterface) forGP0!......................................................................................................................................................

    ;.-.3.- %nterface between M!2?60 and MM (!GsAinterface) for P2........................................................;.-.3.: %nterface between 3GPP M!2 !erver and MM or !G!& (!vAinterface)............................................;.-.- %nterfaces internal K related to the volved Pac"et 2ore............................................................................

    ;.-.-., %nterface between MM and C!! (!;aAinterface).................................................................................

    ;.-.-.* %nterface between !G!& and C!! (!;dAinterface)................................................................................;.-.-.3 %nterface between MM and !AGB (!,,Ainterface)..............................................................................;.-.-.- %nterface between MM and MM (!,+Ainterface)..............................................................................;.-.-.: %nterface between !AGB and P9& GB (!: and !=Ainterface)..............................................................;.-.-.; %nterface between MM and %0 (!,3Ainterface).................................................................................

    ;.-.-.< %nterface between MM and !G!& (!3Ainterface)................................................................................;.-.-.= %nterface between !AGB and !G!& (!-Ainterface)...............................................................................;.-.-.> %nterface between !AGB and 4T0/& (!,*Ainterface).........................................................................;.-.-.,+ %nterface between Trusted nonA3GPP %P /ccess and !AGBP9& GB (!*aAinterface).........................;.-.-.,, %nterface between P9& GB!AGB and eP9G (!*bAinterface).............................................................;.-.-.,* %nterface between P9& GB and 4 (!*cAinterface).............................................................................

    ;.-.-.,3 %nterface between P9& GB and 3GPP /// !erverpro'y (!;bAinterface).........................................;.-.-.,- %nterface between 4ntrusted nonA3GPP %P /ccess and 3GPP /// !erverpro'y (!BaAinterface)

    ................................................................................................................................................................;.-.-.,: %nterface between Trusted nonA3GPP %P /ccess and 3GPP /// !erverpro'y (!TaAinterface)...........;.-.-.,; %nterface between 3GPP /// !erver and 3GPP /// pro'y (!BdAinterface).....................................;.-.-.,< %nterface between eP9G and 3GPP /// !erverpro'y (!BmAinterface)............................................

    ;.-.-.,= %nterface between eP9G and 4ntrusted nonA3GPP /ccess (!BnAinterface)........................................;.-.-.,> %nterface between eP9G and 4 (!BuAinterface).................................................................................;.-.-.*+ %nterface between C!! and 3GPP /// !erver (!B'Ainterface)..........................................................;.-.-.*, %nterface between 4 and /&9!8 (!,-Ainterface)...............................................................................;.-.-.** 0eference point between C09P /& and MM (!,+,Areference point)...............................................;.-.-.*3 0eference point between 3GPP* ,'2! %B! and MM (!,+*Areference point)...................................

    ;.-.-.*- %nterface between C!GB and !AGB (!,+3Ainterface)..........................................................................;.-.-.*: 0eference point between 4 and 2!G 6ist !erver (4h reference point)..............................................;.-.-.*; 0eference Point between the 2!! and the !-A!G!& (!

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    ;a.-.3 M!2 A sm!!8 interface........................................................................................................................;a.-.- sm!28 A C60 interface........................................................................................................................;a.-.: sm!28 A sm!08 interface..................................................................................................................;a.-.; M!2 A sm!28 interface.......................................................................................................................;a.-.< !G!& A prs!!8 interface......................................................................................................................

    ;a.-.= prs!!8 A sm!28 interface (Ge 0eference Point)...............................................................................

    ;a.: 21!Aspecific interfaces.....................................................................................................................................;a.:., %nterface between the 212 and 0&! (%uH12 %nterface).............................................................................;a.:.* %nterface between the 212 and MM (!1c %nterface)...............................................................................;a.:.3 %nterface between the 212 and 1!2...........................................................................................................;a.; &umber portability specific interfaces...............................................................................................................

    ;a.;., %&Abased solution.........................................................................................................................................;a.;.,., &P91 to M!2 interface.........................................................................................................................;a.;.* !inallin 0elayAbased solution...................................................................................................................;a.;.*., GM!2 to M&PA!08 interface...............................................................................................................;a.;.*.* M&PA!08 to C60 interface...................................................................................................................;a.< %M !ubsystem 0eference Points........................................................................................................................

    ;a.., 0eference point 3GPP /// !erver A C60 (9#Gr# 0eference Point)..........................................................;a.>.* 0eference point B6/& access networ" A 3GPP /// Pro'y!erver (Ba 0eference Point)......................

    ;a.>.3 0eference point 3GPP /// !erver J 3GPP /// Pro'y (Bd 0eference Point)........................................;a.>.- 0eference point 3GPP /// !erverPro'y A B/G (B 0eference Point)..................................................;a.>.: 0eference point P9G A pac"et data networ"s (Bi 0eference Point)...........................................................;a.>.; 0eference Point 3GPP /// !erverPro'y A P9G (Bm 0eference Point)..................................................


    3GPP TS #3$%%# &!3$%$% (#%!'%)"-elease !3

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    ;a.>.< 0eference Point B/G A B6/& access networ" (Bn 0eference Point).....................................................;a.>.= 0eference Point B/G A P9G (Bp 0eference Point)..................................................................................;a.>.> 0eference point B6/& 4 A P9G (Bu 0eference Point)..........................................................................;a.>.,+ 0eference point B6/& 4 A B6/& access networ" (Bw 0eference Point)...........................................;a.>.,, 0eference point 3GPP /// !erver A C!! (B' 0eference Point)...............................................................

    ;a.>.,* 0eference point 3GPP /// !erver A !68 (9w reference point).................................................................

    ;a.,+ M1M! specific reference points for GP0!......................................................................................................;a.,+., 0eference point GG!& J 1MA!2 (Gmb 0eference Point)..........................................................................;a.,+.* 0eference point 1MA!2 J 1MA!2 (M 0eference Point)...........................................................................;a.,+.3 0eference point GG!& J 0&! (or 1!! %u mode) (Gmc 0eference Point).................................................;a.,, M1M! specific reference points for P!..........................................................................................................

    ;a.,,., 0eference point M1M!AGB J 1MA!2 (!Gmb 0eference Point)..............................................................;a.,,.* 0eference point M1M!AGB J 1MA!2 (!GiAmb 0eference Point)............................................................;a.,,.3 0eference point M1M!AGB A MM (!m 0eference Point).......................................................................;a.,,.- 0eference point M1M!AGB J !G!& (!n 0eference Point)......................................................................;a.,,.: 0eference point M1M!AGB J A4T0/&4T0/& (M, 0eference Point)...............................................;a.,,.; 0eference point MM J M2 (M3 0eference Point).................................................................................

    ;a.,,.< 0eference point M2 A e&ode1 (M* 0eference Point)..............................................................................;a.,* 0eference Points for 3GPP Generic 4ser Profile (G4P)..................................................................................

    ;a.,*., 0eference Point G4P !erver J /pplications (0 0eference Point)............................................................;a.,*.* 0eference Point G4P !erver J C!! and /pplications J C!! (0p 0eference Point)..................................;a.,3 0eference Points for Policy and 2harin 2ontrol.........................................................................................;a.,3., 0eference Point P28 A P208CAP208?AP208 (G' 0eference Point).................................................

    ;a.,3.* 0eference Point P208 A /pplication 8unction (0' 0eference Point).......................................................;a.,3.3 0eference Point !P0 J P208 (!p 0eference Point)..................................................................................;a.,3.- 0eference Point O2! J P28 (Gy 0eference Point)................................................................................;a.,3.: 0eference Point O82! J P28 (G 0eference Point)..............................................................................;a.,3.; 0eference Point Trusted nonA3GPP %P /ccess and P208?P208 (G'a 0eference Point).......................;a.,3.< 0eference Point eP9G and P208?P208 (G'b 0eference Point)...........................................................

    ;a.,3. 0eference Point P208?P208 J 1108 (G'' 0eference Point)............................................................

    ;a.,3.,+ 0eference Point CP208 A ?P208 (!>A interface)....................................................................................;a.,3.,, 0eference Point 490 J P208 (4d 0eference Point)................................................................................;a.,3.,* 0eference Point T98 A P208CAP208?AP208 (!d 0eference Point)....................................................

    ;a.,3.,3 0eference Point O2! A P208CAP208 (!y 0eference Point)..................................................................;a.,3.,- 0eference Point C&1 GB A P208?AP208 (!,: 0eference Point)........................................................;a.,3.,: 0eference Point 1P28 A P208vAP208 (!>a 0eference Point)................................................................;a.,3.,; 0eference Point O2! A T98 (Gyn 0eference Point).................................................................................;a.,3.,< 0eference Point O82! A T98 (Gn 0eference Point)...............................................................................;a.,- !M!%P specific reference points......................................................................................................................

    ;a.,-., 0eference point %PA!MAGB J C!! (N 0eference Point)...........................................................................;a.,: 4ser 9ata 2onverence specific reference points...........................................................................................;a.,:., 0eference point /pplication 8ront nds A 490 (4d 0eference Point).....................................................;a.,; !pecific reference points for facilitatin communications with pac"et data networ"s and applications........

    ;a.,;., 0eference point MT2A%B8 A !2! (Tsp reference point)...........................................................................;a.,;.* 0eference point MT2A%B8 A C!!C60 (!;m reference point)................................................................

    ;a.,;.3 0eference point MT2A/// A C!!C60 (!;n reference point)................................................................;a.,;.- 0eference point MT2A%B8 A !M!A!2 (T- reference point).....................................................................;a.,< G2!H6T specific reference points..............................................................................................................;a.,

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    This Technical !pecification (T!) has been produced by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP).

    The contents of the present document are subject to continuin wor" within the T!G and may chane followin formalT!G approval. !hould the T!G modify the contents of the present document it will be reAreleased by the T!G with an

    identifyin chane of release date and an increase in version number as followsF

    ?ersion '.y.


    ' the first diitF

    , presented to T!G for information

    * presented to T!G for approval

    3 or reater indicates T!G approved document under chane control.

    y the second diit is incremented for all chanes of substance i.e. technical enhancements corrections

    updates etc.

    the third diit is incremented when editorial only chanes have been incorporated in the document.


    This document presents the possible architectures of the 3GPP !ystem coverin both 4T0/& and G0/& radio access

    technoloies. %n addition this document also includes the volved Pac"et !ystem providin support for A4T0/&radio access technoloy in addition to 4T0/& and G0/& radio access technoloies. /s well as providin support for 

    A4T0/& 4T0/& and G0/& radio access technoloies the volved Pac"et !ystem also provides support for nonA3GPP access technoloies ma"in it possible for these technoloies to interwor" with the 3GPP specified volvedPac"et 2ore networ". The confiuration of nonA3GPP access networ"s usin P! is not within the scope of 3GPPspecification.

    This document also presents the architecture for the %P Multimedia !ubsystem common to 3GPP and other accesssystems such as 8i'ed 1roadband and those specified by 3GPP* and provide architecture for interwor"in and sessioncontinuity between %M! and 2ircuit !witched systems.

    2lause 3 of the document contains the definition of the P6M& entities.

    2lause - of the document contains the description of the basic entities of the P6M& and clause -a contains thedescription of the specific entities of the P6M&.

    2lause : of the document contains the confiuration of the P6M&.

    2lauses ; ;a and < of the document contain the P6Ms basic and specific interfaces and reference points and theP6Ms interfaces towards other networ"s.


    3GPP TS #3$%%# &!3$%$% (#%!'%)"!!elease !3

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    1 Sco$e

    This document offers an overview of the 3GPP P6M& and its architectures and confiuration. The confiuration andthe functional entities of the P6M& and the interfaces between them are described on a eneral level in order to cope

    with possible implementations. These descriptions include interfaces between and within the core networ"s the accessnetwor"s the user eDuipment different service platforms different domains and subsystems and functional entities

    within domains and subsystems.

    This document covers different architectural aspects with varyin level of detail. %n eneral other specifications shall bereferred to for further details these specifications enable the reader to acDuire the full understandin of a system orservice feature.

     &ote that this document does not cover or even list all features of P6M&s.

    2 +e5erence'

    The followin documents contain provisions which throuh reference in this te't constitute provisions of the presentdocument.

    • 0eferences are either specific (identified by date of publication edition number version number etc.) or


    • 8or a specific reference subseDuent revisions do not apply.

    • 8or a nonAspecific reference the latest version applies. %n the case of a reference to a 3GPP document (includin

    a G!M document) a nonAspecific reference implicitly refers to the latest version of that document in the same Release as the present document .

    ,E voidE

    ,aE 3GPP T0 *,.>+:F Q?ocabulary for 3GPP !pecificationsQ.

    *E 3GPP T! **.+,;F Q%nternational Mobile station Duipment %dentities (%M%)Q.

    *aE 3GPP T! **.+;+F QGeneral Pac"et radio !ervice (GP0!) !ervice description !tae ,Q.

    *bE 3GPP T! **.+

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    ,+bE 3GPP T! *:.3+:F Q!tae * 8unctional !pecification of 4 Positionin in 4T0/&Q.

    ,+cE 3GPP T! *3.+

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    3,E 3GPP T! *>.++.+,+F Q%nformation element mappin between Mobile !tation A 1ase !tation !ystem

    (M! J 1!!) and 1ase !tation !ystem A MobileAservices !witchin 2entre (1!! A M!2)

    !inallin procedures and the Mobile /pplication Part (M/P)Q.

    33E 3GPP T! *>.+,,F Q!inallin interwor"in for supplementary servicesQ.

    3-E 3GPP T! *3.**=F Q%P Multimedia !ubsystem (%M!) !tae *Q.

    3:E 3GPP T! -,.,+3F QG!M 0elease : specificationsQ.

    3;E 3GPP T! -3.+:,F QTechnical !pecification Group G!M9G 0adio /ccess &etwor" Overall

    description !tae *Q.

    3E 3GPP T! *3.+,;FQ!ubscriber data manaement !tae *Q.

    -+E 3GPP T! *3.+;;F Q!upport of Mobile &umber Portability (M&P) Technical realiation !tae *Q.

    -,E 3GPP T! -3.+;=F Q?oice Group 2all !ervice (?G2!) !tae *Q.

    -*E 3GPP T! -3.+;>F Q?oice 1roadcast !ervice (?1!) !tae *Q.

    -3E 3GPP T! *3.*+:F Q1earer independent circuit switched core networ" !tae *Q.

    --E 3GPP T! -=.+,-F Q1ase !tation !ystem (1!!) J !ervin GP0! !upport &ode (!G!&) interfaceGb interface 6ayer ,Q.

    -:E 3GPP T! -=.+,;F Q1ase !tation !ystem (1!!) J !ervin GP0! !upport &ode (!G!&) interface

     &etwor" serviceQ.

    -;E 3GPP T! -=.+,=F Q1ase !tation !ystem (1!!) J !ervin GP0! !upport &ode (!G!&) 1!!GP0! Protocol (1!!GP)Q.

    -.+,;F Q!ervin GP0! !upport &ode (!G!&) J ?isitor 6ocation 0eister (?60) Gsinterface networ" service specificationQ.

    ->E 3GPP T! *>.+,=F Q!ervin GP0! !upport &ode (!G!&) J ?isitor 6ocation 0eister (?60) Gs

    interface 6ayer 3 specificationQ.

    :+E 3GPP T! ->.+3,F Q&etwor" 6ocation !ervices (62!) 1ase !tation !ystem /pplication Part 62!e'tension (1!!/PA6)Q.

    :,E 3GPP T! *>.+;+F QGP0! Tunnellin Protocol (GTP) across the Gn and Gp %nterfaceQ.

    :*E %T4AT 0ecommendation C.*-=F QGateway 2ontrol ProtocolQ.

    :3E %T4AT 0ecommendation .,;-F QThe %nternational public telecommunication numberin planQ.

    :-E %T4AT 0ecommendation C.3*3F QPac"etAbased multimedia communications systemsQ.

    ::E 3GPP T! --.+

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    :>E %T8 082 F Q0TPF / Transport Protocol for 0ealATime /pplicationsQ.

    ;,E %T8 082 3*;,F Q!%PF !ession %nitiation ProtocolQ.

    ;*E OM/ M6P T!F QMobile 6ocation ProtocolQ httpFwww.openmobilealliance.orE.

    ;3E 3GPP T! *>.,>=F QOpen !ervice /ccess (O!/) /pplication Prorammin %nterface (/P%)Q.

    ;-E 3GPP T! 33.*,+F Q3G !ecurity &etwor" 9omain !ecurity %P networ" layer securityQ.

    ;:E 3GPP T! *3.*3;F Q%ntra 9omain 2onnection of 0/& &odes to Multiple 2& &odesQ.

    ;;E 3GPP T! *:.-:3F Q4T0/& %upc interface Positionin 2alculation /pplication Part (P2/P)


    ;E OM/ 06P T!F Q0oamin 6ocation ProtocolQ httpFwww.openmobilealliance.orE.

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    ==E 3GPP T! 33.-+*F Q3GPP !ystem /rchitecture volution (!/) !ecurity aspects of nonA3GPPaccessesQ.

    =>E 3GPP T! *-.3+,F Q&onA/ccessA!tratum (&/!) protocol for volved Pac"et !ystem (P!)!tae 3Q.

    >+E 3GPP T! *>.**E 3GPP T! *>.*,3F QP22 !inallin 8lows and Mappin TablesQ.

    >3E 3GPP T! *>.*

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    ,,:E 3GPP T! *:.-;=F Q4T0/& %uh %nterface 0/&/P 4ser /daption (04/) sinallinQ.

    ,,;E 3GPP T! *:.-;>F Q4T0/& %uh interface Come &ode 1 (C&1) /pplication Part (C&1/P)sinallinQ.

    ,,E 3GPP T! -=.+->F Q1ase !tation 2ontroller A 2ell 1roadcast 2entre (1!2A212) %nterface!pecification 2ell 1roadcast !ervice Protocol (21!P)Q.

    ,*+E 3GPP T! *3.33:F Q4ser 9ata 2onverence (492) Technical realiation and information flows!tae *Q.

    ,*,E 3GPP T! *>.33:F Q4ser 9ata 2onverence (492) 4ser 9ata 0epository /ccess Protocol over the4d interface !tae 3Q.

    ,**E 3GPP T! 3;.3+:F Qvolved 4niversal Terrestrial 0adio /ccess &etwor" (A4T0/&) !tae *functional specification of 4ser Duipment (4) positionin in A4T0/&Q.

    ,*3E 3GPP T! *>.,.*,>F QPolicy and charin controlF !pendin limit reportin over !y reference pointQ.

    ,3*E 3GPP T! *3.;=*F Q/rchitecture enhancements to facilitate communications with pac"et datanetwor"s and applicationsQ.

    ,33E 3GPP T! *>.33;F QCome !ubscriber !erver (C!!) diameter interfaces for interwor"in with pac"et data networ"s and applicationsQ.

    ,3-E 3GPP T! *>.33.33=F Q9iameter based protocols to support of !M! capable MMsQ.

    ,3;E 3GPP T! *>.3;=F QTsp interface protocol between the MT2 %nterwor"in 8unction (MT2A%B8)and !ervice 2apability !erver (!2!)Q.

    ,3=,)F QTransmission 2ontrol ProtocolQ (!T9

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    ,3>E 3GPP T! *;.*33F QTransparent endAtoAend Pac"etAswitched !treamin !ervice (P!!) General9escriptionQ.

    ,-+E 3GPP T! *3.-;=F QGroup 2ommunication !ystem nablers for 6T (G2!H6T) !tae *Q.

    3 6e5nton' an are7aton'%n addition to the abbreviations iven in the remainder of this clause others are listed in T0 *,.>+: ,aE.

    The definitions of the entities of the mobile system are iven in the ne't clause.

    3.1 P!&c Lan Mo&e etwork (PLM)

    / Public 6and Mobile &etwor" (P6M&) is established and operated by an administration or 0econied PrivateOperatin /ency (0PO/) for the specific purpose of providin land mobile telecommunications service services to the public. / P6M& may be rearded as an e'tension of networ"s (e.. %!9& corporate and public P9&s etc.) it is acollection of M!2s areas in 2! domain and !G!& areas for GP0! and !G!& or MM areas for P2 in P! domain

    within a common numberin plan (e.. same &ational 9estination 2ode) and a common routin plan. The M!2s are thefunctional interfaces between the fi'ed networ"s and a P6M& for call setAup in 2! domain. The GG!& and the !G!&

    are the functional interfaces between the fi'ed networ"s and a P6M& for pac"et transmission in GP0! P! domain. %ncase of P2 P! 9omain the P9& GB !ervinAGB and the !G!& and the MM are the functional interfaces betweenthe fi'ed networ"s and a P6M& for pac"et transmission.

    8unctionally the P6M&s may be rearded as independent telecommunications entities even thouh different P6M&smay be interconnected throuh the %!9&P!T& and P9&s for forwardin of calls or networ" information. / similar

    type of interconnection may e'ist for the interaction between the M!2s!G!&sMMs of one P6M&.

    3.2 ore etwork () an %cce'' etwork (%)

    The P6M& infrastructure is loically divided into a 2ore &etwor" (2&) and an /ccess &etwor" (/&) infrastructuresas defined in T! *3.,+, ,,aE and T! *3.,,+ ,,bE. The 2& is loically divided into a 2! domain a P! domain and an%M subsystem as defined in ne't clause. The /& are G0/& (also called 1!! for G!M) 4T0/& (also called 0&!)A4T0/& as defined in clause QThe /ccess &etwor"Q.

    3.3 rc!t Swtche (S) an Packet Swtche (PS) 6o8an'

    The 2& is constituted of a 2ircuit !witched (2!) domain and a Pac"et !witched (P!) domain (which includes GP0!and P2). These two domains differ by the way they support user traffic as e'plained below.

    These two domains are overlappin i.e. they contain some common entities. / P6M& can implement only one domainor both domains.

    3.3.1 S 6o8an

    The 2! domain refers to the set of all the 2& entities offerin Q2! type of connectionQ for user traffic as well as all theentities supportin the related sinallin. / Q2! type of connectionQ is a connection for which dedicated networ"resources are allocated at the connection establishment and released at the connection release.

    The entities specific to the 2! domain areF M!2 GM!2 ?60. /ll the other 2& entities defined in clause - QThe basicentities of the mobile systemQ and not defined as P! domain specific entities (see followin clause) are common to the

    2! and to the P! domains. %n case of A4T0/& access there is no support for 2! 9omain.

    3.3.2 PS 6o8an

    The P! domain refers to the set of all the 2& entities offerin QP! type of connectionQ for user traffic as well as all theentities supportin the related sinallin. / QP! type of connectionQ transports the user information usin autonomousconcatenation of bits called pac"etsF each pac"et can be routed independently from the previous one.


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    The entities specific to the P! domain are the GP0! specific entities i.e. !G!& and GG!& and P! specific entitiesi.e. P9& GB !AGB MM !G!&. /ll the other 2& entities defined in clause Q- The basic entities of the mobilesystemQ and not defined as 2! domain specific entities (see previous clause) are common to the 2! and to the P!domains.

    3.3a P M!&t8ea '!''te8 (MS)

    The %M subsystem comprises all 2& elements for provision of %P multimedia services comprisin audio video te't

    chat etc. and a combination of them delivered over the P! domain. The entities related to %M! are 2!28 MG28 M08etc. as defined in the stae * of the %M subsystem T! *3.**= 3-E. !ee T! **.**= *

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    3.# :a'e Staton ontro&&er (:S) area

    The 1ase !tation 2ontroller (1!2) area is an area of radio coverae consistin of one or more cells controlled by one

    1!2. The boundaries of a 1!2 area and a location area are independent a location area may span the boundary between 1!2 area and a 1!2 area may span the boundary between location areas.

    3. +ao etwork ontro&&er (+) area

    The 0adio &etwor" 2ontroller (0&2) area is an area of radio coverae consistin of one or more cells controlled byone 0&2. The boundaries of a 0&2 area and a location area are independent a location area may span the boundary between 0&2 area and a 0&2 area may span the boundary between location areas.

    3.; Locaton %rea (L%)

    The 6ocation /rea (6/) is defined as an area in which a mobile station may move freely without updatin the ?60. /location area includes one or several G0/&4T0/& cells.

    3.9 +o!tn %rea (+%)

    The 0outin /rea (0/) is defined as an area in which a mobile station in certain operation modes may move freelywithout updatin the !G!&. / routin area includes one or several G0/&4T0/& cells. / 0/ is always containedwithin a location area.

    3.9a Trackn %rea (T%)

    / Trac"in /rea (T/) includes one or several A4T0/& cells. The networ" allocates a list with one or more T/s to the4 . %n certain operation modes the 4 may move freely in all T/s of the list without updatin the MM.

    3.10 MS area

    The M!2 area is the part of the networ" covered by an M!2. /n M!2 area may consist of one or several locationareas. /n M!2 area may also consist of one or several 1!2 areas.

    3.11 VL+ area

    The ?60 area is the part of the networ" controlled by a ?60. / ?60 area may consist of one or several M!2 areas.

    3.12 SGS area

    The !G!& area is the part of the networ" served by an !G!&. /n !G!& area may consist of one or several routinareas. /n !G!& area may also consist of one or several 1!2 areas. There need not be a one to one relationship between!G!& area and M!2?60 area.


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    location areas to which the mobile subscriber is allowed to roam. The ?60 andor !G!&MM inform the C60C!! if an entire M!2 andor !G!&MM area is restricted.

    @ones for 0eional !ubscription and their handlin are defined in T! *3.++3 3E T! *3.++= :E and T! *>.++* *;E andT! *>.*

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    4.1 The ore etwork () entte'

    4.1.1 Entte' co88on to the PS an S o8an' The >o8e S!'crer Ser7er (>SS)The C!! is the master database for a iven user. %t is the entity containin the subscriptionArelated information to

    support the networ" entities actually handlin callssessions.

    / Come &etwor" may contain one or several C!!sF it depends on the number of mobile subscribers on the capacity ofthe eDuipment and on the oranisation of the networ".

    /s an e'ample the C!! provides support to the call control servers in order to complete the routinroamin procedures by solvin authentication authorisation naminaddressin resolution location dependencies etc.

    The C!! is responsible for holdin the followin user related informationF

    A 4ser %dentification &umberin and addressin information

    A 4ser !ecurity informationF &etwor" access control information for authentication and authoriation

    A 4ser 6ocation information at interAsystem levelF the C!! supports the user reistration and stores interAsystemlocation information etc.

    A 4ser profile information.

    The C!! also enerates 4ser !ecurity information for mutual authentication communication interity chec" andcipherin.

    1ased on this information the C!! also is responsible to support the call control and session manaement entities of thedifferent 9omains and !ubsystems (defined in section 3.3 and 3.3a) of the operator as shown in fiure +Aa.

    .i/ure %a0 12ample of a Generic SS structure and 4asic interfaces

    The C!! may interate heteroeneous information and enable enhanced features in the core networ" to be offered tothe application K services domain at the same time hidin the heteroeneity.

    The C!! consists of the followin functionalitiesF

    A %P multimedia functionality to provide support to control functions of the %M subsystem such as the 2!28. %t isneeded to enable subscriber usae of the %M 2& subsystem services. This %P multimedia functionality isindependent of the access networ" used to access the %M 2& subsystem.

    A The subset of the C60/42 functionality reDuired by the P! 9omain (GP0! and P2).


    3GPP TS #3$%%# &!3$%$% (#%!'%)"##elease !3

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    A The subset of the C60/42 functionality reDuired by the 2! 9omain if it is desired to enable subscriber accessto the 2! 9omain or to support roamin to leacy G!M4MT! 2! 9omain networ"s.

    The oranisation of the subscriber data is outlined in T! *3.++= :E. %t also indicates which numbers addresses andidentifiers specified in T! *3.++3 3E are stored in C!!. The >o8e Locaton +e'ter (>L+)

    The C60 is shown in the 0eference /rchitecture up to and includin 0elA-.

    The C60 can be considered a subset of the C!! that holds the followin functionalityF

    A The functionality reDuired to provide support to P! 9omain entities such as the !G!& MM and GG!&throuh the Gr !;a !;dand Gc interfaces and the 3GPP /// !erver for P! in case of nonA3GPP access via!B' and for the %AB6/& throuh the 9#Gr# interface. %t is needed to enable subscriber access to the P! 9omainservices.

    A The functionality reDuired to provide support to 2! 9omain entities such as the M!2M!2 server and

    GM!2GM!2 server throuh the 2 and 9 interfaces. %t is needed to enable subscriber access to the 2! 9omainservices and to support roamin to leacy G!M4MT! 2! 9omain networ"s. The %!thentcaton entre (%!)

    The /u2 is shown in the 0eference /rchitecture up to and includin 0elA-.

    The /u2 can be considered a subset of the C!! that holds the followin functionality for the 2! 9omain and P!9omainF

    A The /u2 is associated with an C60 and stores an identity "ey for each mobile subscriber reistered with the

    associated C60. This "ey is used to enerate security data for each mobile subscriberF

    A data which are used for mutual authentication of the %nternational Mobile !ubscriber %dentity (%M!%) and thenetwor"

    A a "ey used to chec" the interity of the communication over the radio path between the mobile station and the


    A a "ey used to cipher communication over the radio path between the mobile station and the networ".

    A The /u2 communicates only with its associated C60 over a nonAstandardised interface denoted the CAinterface.

    The C60 reDuests the data needed for authentication and cipherin from the /u2 via the CAinterface storesthem and delivers them to the ?60 and !G!& and MM which need them to perform the security functions fora mobile station. >SS &oca& 5!ncton'

    This section provides a hih level and not e'haustive description of C!! functionality.


    3GPP TS #3$%%# &!3$%$% (#%!'%)"#3elease !3

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    .i/ure %$40 SS lo/ical functions

    A Mobility Manaement

    This function supports the user mobility throuh 2! 9omain P! 9omain and %M 2& subsystem.

    A 2all andor session establishment support

    The C!! supports the call andor session establishment procedures in 2! 9omain P! 9omain and %M 2&subsystem. 8or terminatin traffic it provides information on which call andor session control entity currentlyhosts the user.

    A 4ser security information eneration

    A The C!! enerates user authentication interity and cipherin data for the 2! and P! 9omains and for the %M2& subsystem. 4ser security support

    The C!! supports the authentication procedures to access 2! 9omain P! 9omain and %M 2& subsystem

    services by storin the enerated data for authentication interity and cipherin and by providin these data tothe appropriate entity in the 2& (i.e. M!2?60 !G!& MM 3GPP /// !erver or 2!28).

    A 4ser identification handlin

    The C!! provides the appropriate relations amon all the identifiers uniDuely determinin the user in the systemF

    2! 9omain P! 9omain and %M 2& subsystem (e.. %M!% and M!%!9&s for 2! 9omain %M!% M!%!9&s and%P addresses for P! 9omain private identity and public identities for %M 2& subsystem).

    A /ccess authorisation

    The C!! authorises the user for mobile access when reDuested by the M!2?60 !G!& MM 3GPP ///!erver or 2!28 by chec"in that the user is allowed to roam to that visited networ".


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    A !ervice authorisation support

    The C!! provides basic authorisation for MT callsession establishment and service invocation. 1esides theC!! updates the appropriate servin entities (i.e. M!2?60 !G!& MM 3GPP /// !erver 2!28) with therelevant information related to the services to be provided to the user.

    A !ervice Provisionin !upport

    A The C!! provides access to the service profile data for use within the 2! 9omain P! 9omain andor %M 2&subsystem. /pplication !ervices and 2/M6 !ervices !upport (for G0/& and 4T0/& access).

    The C!! communicates with the !%P /pplication !erver and the O!/A!2! to support /pplication !ervices inthe %M 2& subsystem. %t communicates with the %MA!!8 to support the 2/M6 !ervices related to the %M 2&subsystem. %t communicates with the sm!28 to support 2/M6 !ervices in the 2! 9omain and GP0! P!9omain (for G0/& and 4T0/& access).

    ditor#s &oteF2/M6 support for G0/&4T0/& via P! (i.e. for !- !G!&) is 88!.

    A G4P 9ata 0epository

    The C!! supports the storae of %M 2& !ubsystem user related data and provides access to these data throuh

    the 0p reference point as described in T! *3.*-+

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    26/109 (7o) The E?!$8ent entt +e'ter (E+)

    The Duipment %dentity 0eister (%0) in the G!M system is the loical entity which is responsible for storin in thenetwor" the %nternational Mobile Duipment %dentities (%M%s) used in the G0/&4T0/&A4T0/& system.

    The eDuipment is classified as Qwhite listedQ Qrey listedQ Qblac" listedQ or it may be un"nown as specified in

    T! **.+,; *E and T! *>.++* *;E.

    This functional entity contains one or several databases which store(s) the %M%s used in the system.

    The mobile eDuipment may be classified as Qwhite listedQ Qrey listedQ and Qblac" listedQ and therefore may be stored

    in three separate lists.

    /n %M% may also be un"nown to the %0.

    /n %0 shall as a minimum contain a Qwhite listQ (Duipment classified as Qwhite listedQ).

    !ee also T! **.+,; *E on %M%.

    4.1.1. SMS Gatewa MS (SMS-GMS)

    The !M! Gateway M!2 (!M!AGM!2) acts as an interface between a !hort Messae !ervice 2entre and the P6M& to

    allow short messaes to be delivered to mobile stations from the !ervice 2entre (!2).

    The choice of which M!2s can act as !M! Gateway M!2s is a networ" operator matter (e.. all M!2s or somedesinated M!2s).

    4.1.1.# SMS nterworkn MS (SMS-=MS)

    The !M! %nterwor"in M!2 acts as an interface between the P6M& and a !hort Messae !ervice 2entre (!2) to allowshort messaes to be submitted from Mobile !tations to the !2.

    The choice of which M!2s can act as !M! %nterwor"in M!2s is a networ" operator matter (e.. all M!2s or somedesinated M!2s).

    4.1.1. S!'cr$ton Locator "!ncton (SL")

    The !68F

    A %s Dueried by the %A2!28 durin the 0eistration and !ession !etup to et the name of the C!! containin thereDuired subscriber specific data. 8urthermore the !68 is also Dueried by the !A2!28 durin the 0eistration.

    A %s Dueried by the /! in conjunction with the !h interface operation to et the name of the C!! containin thereDuired subscriber specific data.

    A %s Dueried by the 3GPP /// server to et the name of the C!! containin the reDuired subscriber specific data.

    A %s accessed via the 9' interface by the 2!28 via the 9h interface by the /! and via the 9w interface by the3GPP /// !erver.

    The !68 is not reDuired in a sinle C!! environment. /n e'ample for a sinle C!! environment is a server farmarchitecture. 4se of !68 is not reDuired when /! are confiuredmanaed to use preAdefined C!!.

    4.1.2 Entte' o5 the S o8an The Mo&e-'er7ce' Swtchn entre (MS)

    The MobileAservices !witchin 2entre (M!2) constitutes the interface between the radio system and the fi'ednetwor"s. The M!2 performs all necessary functions in order to handle the circuit switched services to and from the

    mobile stations.


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    %n order to obtain radio coverae of a iven eoraphical area a number of 1!! andor 0&! are normally reDuired i.e.each M!2 would thus have to interface to one or more 1!!(s) andor 0&!(s). %n addition several M!2s may bereDuired to cover a country.

    Bhen %ntra 9omain 2onnection of 0/& &odes to Multiple 2& &odes is applied all the M!2s servin a poolAarea

    share the responsibility to serve the M!s located in the poolAarea. /ll these M!2s interface to all the 1!!(s) andor

    0&!(s) formin the poolAarea.

    The MobileAservices !witchin 2entre is an e'chane which performs all the switchin and sinallin functions formobile stations located in a eoraphical area desinated as the M!2 area. Bhen %ntra 9omain 2onnection of 0/&

     &odes to Multiple 2& &odes is applied one or more M!2s serve a poolAarea but each individual M! is served by onlyone out of these M!2s as described in T! *3.*3; ;:E. The main difference between a M!2 and an e'chane in a fi'ednetwor" is that the M!2 has to ta"e into account the impact of the allocation of radio resources and the mobile nature of the subscribers and has to perform in addition at least the followin proceduresF

    A procedures reDuired for the location reistration (see T! *3.+,* ;E).

     &OTF Bhen this improves the readability (e.. when dealin with interAreleases handover) the term *GAM!2

    can be used to refer to an M!2 0elease >= or prior and the term 3GAM!2 can be used to refer to an M!20elease >> or later.

    Bhen needed the M!2 can be implemented in two different entitiesF the M!2 !erver handlin only sinallin and the2!AMGB handlin user#s data. / M!2 !erver and a 2!AMGB ma"e up the full functionality of a M!2.

    The 2! fallbac" enabled M!2 supports the followin additional functions accordin to T! *3.*

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    This component is P!T&P6M& transport termination point for a defined networ" and interfaces 4T0/& with the corenetwor" over %u.

    / 2!AMGB may terminate bearer channels from a switched circuit networ" and media streams from a pac"et networ"(e.. 0TP streams in an %P networ"). Over %u the 2!AMGB may support media conversion bearer control and payload

     processin (e.. codec echo canceller conference bride) for support of different %u options for 2! services

    (//6*/TM based as well as 0TP49P%P based).

    The 2!AMGBF

    A %nteracts with MG28 M!2 server and GM!2 server for resource control.

    A Owns and handles resources such as echo cancellers etc.

    A May need to have 2odecs.

    The 2!AMGB will be provisioned with the necessary resources for supportin 4MT!G!M transport media. 8urthertailorin (i.e. pac"aes) of the C.*-= :*E may be reDuired to support additional 2odecs and framin protocols etc.

    The 2!AMGB bearer control and payload processin capabilities will also need to support mobile specific functionssuch as !0&! relocationhandover and anchorin. %t is e'pected that current C.*-= :*E standard mechanisms can be

    applied to enable this. The Gatewa MS (GMS)

    %f a networ" deliverin a call to the P6M& cannot interroate the C60 the call is routed to an M!2. This M!2 willinterroate the appropriate C60 and then route the call to the M!2 where the mobile station is located. The M!2 which

     performs the routin function to the actual location of the M! is called the Gateway M!2 (GM!2).

    The acceptance of an interroation to an C60 is the decision of the operator.

    The choice of which M!2s can act as Gateway M!2s is for the operator to decide (i.e. all M!2s or some desinated


    %f the call is a voice roupbroadcast call it is routed directly from the GM!2 to the ?1!?G2! /nchor M!2 basedon information (?1!?G2! call reference) contained in the dialled number (see also T! -3.+;= -,E andT! -3.+;> -*E).

    ditor#s noteF There is a need to consider possibilities that call incomin to the P6M& may be routed to entitiesother than the GM!2 e.. for networ"s that do not deploy 2! domain.

    Bhen needed the GM!2 can be implemented in two different entitiesF the GM!2 !erver handlin only sinallin asdefined below and the 2!AMGB defined above. / GM!2 !erver and a 2!AMGB ma"e up the full functionality of a

    GM!2. Gatewa MS Ser7er (GMS Ser7er)

    The GM!2 server mainly comprises the call control and mobility control parts of a GM!2. The nterworkn "!ncton (=")

    The %nterwor"in 8unction (%B8) is a functional entity associated with the M!2. The %B8 provides the functionalitynecessary to allow interwor"in between a P6M& and the fi'ed networ"s (%!9& P!T& and P9&s). The functions ofthe %B8 depend on the services and the type of fi'ed networ". The %B8 is reDuired to convert the protocols used in theP6M& to those used in the appropriate fi'ed networ". The %B8 may have no functionality where the serviceimplementation in the P6M& is directly compatible with that at the fi'ed networ". The interwor"in functions aredescribed in T! *>.++< 3,E.

    4.1.3 Entte' o5 the GP+S PS o8an

    The 4T0/&G0/& P!Adomain (or GP0!) !upport &odes (G!&) are the Gateway G!& (GG!&) and the !ervinG!& (!G!&). They constitute the interface between the radio system and the fi'ed networ"s for pac"et switched


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    services. The G!& performs all necessary functions in order to handle the pac"et transmission to and from the mobilestations. Ser7n GP+S S!$$ort oe (SGS)

    The location reister function in the !G!& stores two types of subscriber data needed to handle oriinatin and

    terminatin pac"et data transferF

    A subscription informationF

    A the %M!%

    A one or more temporary identities

    A ero or more P9P addresses.

    A location informationF

    A dependin on the operatin mode of the M! the cell or the routein area where the M! is reistered

    A the ?60 number of the associated ?60 (if the Gs interface is implemented)

    A the GG!& address of each GG!& for which an active P9P conte't e'ists.

    The !G!& .provide support for 9irect Tunnel functions as specified in T! *3.+;+ >aE.

    The oranisation of the subscriber data in the !G!& is defined in T! *3.++= :E and T! *3.+;+ >aE.

    The procedures for information transfer between the !G!& the GG!& the ?60 and the C60 are defined inT! *3.+,; 3>E and T! *3.+;+ >aE.

     &OTF Bhen this improves the readability (e.. when dealin with interAreleases handover) the term *GA!G!&can be used to refer to a !G!& 0elease >= or prior and the term 3GA!G!& can be used to refer to a!G!& 0elease >> or later.

    The !G!& provides support for !0?22 functions as specified in T! *3.*,; =3E. Gatewa GP+S S!$$ort oe (GGS)

    The location reister function in the GG!& stores subscriber data received from the C60 and the !G!&. There are twotypes of subscriber data needed to handle oriinatin and terminatin pac"et data transferF

    A subscription informationF

    A the %M!%

    A ero or more P9P addresses.

    A location informationF

    A the !G!& address for the !G!& where the M! is reistered.

    The oranisation of the subscriber data in the GG!& is defined in T! *3.++= :E and T! *3.+;+ >aE.

    The procedures for information transfer between the GG!& the !G!& and the C60 are defined in T! *3.+,; 3>E andT! *3.+;+ >aE. Vo


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    4.1.4 Entte' o5 the EP PS 6o8an MME

    MM is the control plane entity within P! supportin functions as listed below. 8or detailed functional role of MMsee specifications T! *3.-+,

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    31/109 Gatewa' Ser7n G=

    The !ervin GB is the ateway which terminates the interface towards A4T0/&.

    8or each 4 associated with the P! at a iven point of time there is a sinle !ervin GB. 8or detailed !AGBfunctions see T! *3.-+,

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    A 96 rate enforcement based on the accumulated M10s of the areate of !98s with the same G10 S2%(e.. by rate policinshapin)

    A 9C2Pv- (server and client) and 9C2Pv; (client and server) functions

    /dditionally the P9& GB includes the followin functions for the GTPAbased !:!=!*a!*bF

    A 46 and 96 bearer bindin as defined in T! *3.*+3

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    A 8unctionality defined for the P9G in T! *3.*3- ;

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    4.1. :orer Gatewa (:G)@

    The 1order Gateway (1G) is a ateway between a P6M& supportin GP0!P2 and an e'ternal interAP6M& bac"bone networ" used to interconnect with other P6M&s also supportin GP0!P2. The role of the 1G is to providethe appropriate level of security to protect the P6M& and its subscribers.

    The 1G is only needed in P6M&s supportin GP0! and P2.

    4.2 The %cce'' etwork (%) entte'

    Three different types of access networ" are used by the 2&F the /& include G0/& (also called 1!!) 4T0/& (alsocalled 0&!) and A4T0/&. The M!2 (resp. !G!&) can connect to one of the followin /ccess &etwor" type or to both of themF 1!! 0&!. The MM connects to the A4T0/&.

    The access technoloies offered by the 1!! are described in the -:Aseries of 3GPP specifications. The accesstechnoloies offered by the 0&! (899 T99) are described in the *:Aseries of 3GPP specifications. The accesstechnoloies offered by A4T0/& (899 T99) are described in the 3;Aseries of 3GPP specifications.

    4.2.1 The :a'e Staton S'te8 (:SS)The 1ase !tation !ystem (1!!) is the system of base station eDuipments (transceivers controllers etc.) which is viewed by the M!2 throuh a sinle / andor %uA2! interface as bein the entity responsible for communicatin with Mobile

    !tations in a certain area. !imilarly in P6M&s supportin GP0! the 1!! is viewed by the !G!& throuh a sinle Gbor %uAP! interface. Bhen %ntra 9omain 2onnection of 0/& &odes to Multiple 2& &odes is applied a 1!! mayconnect to several M!2s by several / andor %uA2! interfaces and a 1!! may connect to several !G!&s by several Gbandor %uAP! interfaces. The functionality for the / interface is described in T! -=.++* ,-E and for the Gb interface inT! *3.+;+ >aE. The functionality for the %uA2! interface is described in T! *:.-,+ ,-aE and for the %uAP! interface inT! *3.+;+ >aE.

    The radio eDuipment of a 1!! may support one or more cells. / 1!! may consist of one or more base stations. Bherean /bisAinterface is implemented the 1!! consists of one 1ase !tation 2ontroller (1!2) and one or more 1ase

    Transceiver !tation (1T!). The split of functions between 1!! and 2& for a %u interface is described in the *:Aseries of4MT! Technical !pecifications.

    The split of functions between 1!! and 2& for a /Gb interface is described in the -=Aseries of G!M Technical!pecifications. The split of functions between 1!! and 2& for a %u interface is described in the *:Aseries of 4MT!Technical !pecifications.

     &OTF The mobile station shall operate usin only the followin modesF

    a A ! G" mode e.. for preA0elease - terminals or for 0elease - terminals when connected to a 1!! with no %uinterface towards the 2ore &etwor".

    " #$ mode (i.e. %uA2! and %uAP! ) e.. for 0elease - terminals when connected to a 1!! with %u interfacestowards the 2ore &etwor".

     &o other modes (e.. /%uAP! or %uA2!Gb) shall be allowed.

    !ee also T! -3.+:, 3;E. :a'e Staton ontro&&er (:S)

    / 1ase !tation 2ontroller (1!2) is a networ" component in the P6M& with the functions for control of one or more1T!. :a'e Tran'ce7er Staton (:TS)

    / 1ase Transceiver !tation (1T!) is a networ" component which serves one cell.


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    4.2.2 The +ao etwork S'te8 (+S)

    The 0adio &etwor" !ystem (0&!) is the system of base station eDuipments (transceivers controllers etc.) which isviewed by the M!2 throuh a sinle %uAinterface as bein the entity responsible for communicatin with Mobile!tations in a certain area. !imilarly in P6M&s supportin GP0! the 0&! is viewed by the !G!& throuh a sinle %uAP! interface. Bhen %ntra 9omain 2onnection of 0/& &odes to Multiple 2& &odes is applied an 0&! may connect to

    several M!2s by several %uA2! interfaces and an 0&! may connect to several !G!&s by several %uAP! interfaces. Thefunctionality for the %uA2! interface is described in T! *:.-,+ ,-aE and for the %uAP! interface in T! *3.+;+ >aE. Theradio eDuipment of a 0&! may support one or more cells. / 0&! may consist of one or more base stations. The 0&!consists of one 0adio &etwor" 2ontroller (0&2) and one or more &ode 1.

    The split of functions between 0&! and 2& is described in the *:Aseries of 4MT! Technical !pecifications. +ao etwork ontro&&er (+)

    / 0adio &etwor" 2ontroller (0&2) is a networ" component in the P6M& with the functions for control of one or more &ode 1. oe :/ &ode 1 is a loical networ" component which serves one or more 4T0/& cells.

    4.2.3 %cce'' etwork e&e8ent' 5or E-UT+% E-UT+% oe : (e:)

    /n e&1 is a loical networ" component which serves one or more A4T0/& cells. E7o&7e UT+%

    The volved 4T0/& (A4T0/&) consists of e&1s providin the A4T0/ user plane (P92P062M/2PC) andcontrol plane (002) protocol terminations towards the 4. The e&1s can be interconnected with each other by means

    of the I* interface. The e&1s are connected by means of the !, interface to the P2 (volved Pac"et 2ore) morespecifically to the MM (Mobility Manaement ntity) by means of the !,AMM and to the !ervin Gateway (!AGB) by means of the !,A4 interface. The !, interface supports a manyAtoAmany relation between MMs !ervin Gatewaysand e&1s.

    The split of functions between e&1 and P2 is described in the specifications T! *3.-+, andfollowin. The M comprises the Mobile Termination (MT) which dependin on the application and services may

    support various combinations of Terminal /dapter (T/) and Terminal Duipment (T) functional roups. Thesefunctional roups are described in T! *-.++* ,*E.

    4.4 U'er E?!$8ent (UE)

    The 4ser Duipment /llows a user access to networ" services. 8or the purpose of 3GPP specifications the interface between the 4 and the networ" is the radio interface. / 4ser Duipment can be subdivided into a number of domainsthe domains bein separated by reference points. 2urrently the 4ser Duipment is subdivided into the 4%22 domain


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    and the M 9omain. The M 9omain can further be subdivided into one or more Mobile Termination (MT) andTerminal Duipment (T) components showin the connectivity between multiple functional roups.

    4a The '$ec5c entte' o5 the 3GPP ''te8

    The entities presented in this clause are dedicated to the provisionin of a iven (set of) service(s). The fact that they are

    implemented or not in a iven P6M& should have limited impact on all the other entities of the P6M&.

    /ll the specific entities defined so far are located in the 2ore &etwor".

    4a.1 The Gro!$ a&& +e'ter (G+) entt

    The Group 2all 0eister (G20) is a reister holdin information about ?G2! or ?1! calls the voice roup or broadcast call attributes respectively.

    ?oice roup or broadcast call attributes are defined for a specific voice roup or broadcast call reference and include thedata reDuired to confiure the conference bride for a ?G2! or ?1! call and other call related attributes.

    The Group 2all 0eister (G20) shall hold for a related M!2 area for each roup %9 and cell from which ?oice Group

    2all !ervice (?G2!) or ?oice 1roadcast !ervice (?1!) calls can be established by mobile stations the voice roup callreference or voice broadcast call reference to be used for a ?G2! or ?1! call to be established and an indicationwhether the oriinatin M!2 is the M!2 responsible for that call.

    %f the oriinatin M!2 is not responsible for that call the G20 shall hold the routin information identifyin the M!2responsible for that call.

    / G20 may be in chare of one or several M!2. ach M!2 involved in a voice roup or broadcast call reDuests its proper voice roup or broadcast call attributes from its related G20 by use of the voice roup or broadcast callreference.

    The contents of each list related to reDuests of the M!2 responsible for a voice roup or broadcast call is as followsF

    A a list of cells inside the M!2 area of the reDuestin M!2 into which the call is to be sent (part of the roup callarea)

    A a list of other M!2s into which the call is to be sent

    A a list of identities of dispatchers to which a dedicated lin" is to be established

    A a list of identities of dispatchers which are allowed to initiate the voice roup or broadcast call

    A a list of identities of dispatchers which are allowed to terminate the voice roup or broadcast call

    A the lenth of time over which no activity is detected before the voice roup call is automatically terminated

    A the default priority level related to the voice roup or broadcast call if the eM6PP supplementary service applies

    A a fla indicatin if ac"nowledements are reDuired for this voice roup or broadcast call.

    The contents of each list related to reDuests of an M!2 not responsible for a voice roup or broadcast call is as followsF

    A a list of cells inside the M!2 area of the reDuestin M!2 into which the call is to be sent (part of the roup callarea).

    More information is provided in T! -3.+;= -,E and T! -3.+;> -*E.


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    4a.2 (7o)

    4a.3 The Locaton Ser7ce' (LS) ent