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The scope and nature of occupational health and safety The study of health and s afety involves the study of many subjects including sciences (chemistry, physics  and biology) engineering, psychology, sociology and the law. Define health, saf ety, welfare, hazard. . . . . . . . . . . Definitions are: 1.Health The absence of disease, for example asbestos creates a health risk because if you inhale asb estos dust you may contract lung cancer. 2.Safety The absence of risk of serious  personal injury for example walking under a load suspended from a crane during a lifting operation is not safe because if load falls serious personnel injuries  or death could result. Staying out of danger area results safety. 3.Welfare Acc ess to basic facilities, Such as toilet facility, hand wash station, changing ro oms, rest places and where food can be prepared and eaten in hygienic conditions , drinking water and first aid provision. 4.Accident An unplanned, unwanted even t which leads to injury or loss, for example a worker on the ground is struck on  head and killed by a brick dropped by another worker 5 meter high from scaffold  or a lorry driver misjudge and hit his lorry with road side barriers. In both e xamples the act are not carried out deliberately. Any deliberately attempt to ca use injury or loss will not call accident. 5.Near miss an unplanned, unwanted ev ent that had the potential to lead to injury(but did not in fact do so) for exam ple a worker drops a brick form 5 meter high scaffold and it narrowly misses ano ther worker standing on the ground. No injury result and brick not even broken. The only thing that separates accident and near misses is OUTCOME of the event. Accident causes loss and near miss does not. 6.Hazard

220795929 the Scope and Nature of Occupational Health and Safety

Jul 08, 2018



Minnie AL
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The scope and nature of occupational health and safety The study of health and safety involves the study of many subjects including sciences (chemistry, physics and biology) engineering, psychology, sociology and the law. Define health, safety, welfare, hazard. . . . . . . . . . . Definitions are: 1.Health The absenceof disease, for example asbestos creates a health risk because if you inhale asbestos dust you may contract lung cancer. 2.Safety The absence of risk of serious personal injury for example walking under a load suspended from a crane duringa lifting operation is not safe because if load falls serious personnel injuries or death could result. Staying out of danger area results safety. 3.Welfare Access to basic facilities, Such as toilet facility, hand wash station, changing rooms, rest places and where food can be prepared and eaten in hygienic conditions, drinking water and first aid provision. 4.Accident An unplanned, unwanted event which leads to injury or loss, for example a worker on the ground is struck on head and killed by a brick dropped by another worker 5 meter high from scaffold or a lorry driver misjudge and hit his lorry with road side barriers. In both examples the act are not carried out deliberately. Any deliberately attempt to cause injury or loss will not call accident. 5.Near miss an unplanned, unwanted event that had the potential to lead to injury(but did not in fact do so) for example a worker drops a brick form 5 meter high scaffold and it narrowly misses another worker standing on the ground. No injury result and brick not even broken.The only thing that separates accident and near misses is OUTCOME of the event.Accident causes loss and near miss does not. 6.Hazard

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Something with the potential to cause harm. For example a lorry moving around asite road is a hazard because it might run over a worker. Hazard can be classified as: 1.Physical±things which cause harm because of their physical characteristics e.g. electricity,work at height, radiation, vibration, noise, heat, trip hazards. 2.Chemical±things which can cause harm because of their chemical characteristics e.g lead,mercury, sulphuric acid, cement dust etc. 3.Biological±living micro organism that cause disease and ill health e.g. hepatitis B virus,legionella bacteria. 4.Ergonomic±stress and strain put on the body through posture and movement e.g. frequentrepetitive handling of small boxes. 5.Psychological±things that have the potential to cause injury to the mind rather than thebody e.g. exposure to highly traumatic event. 7.Risk The likelihood that hazards will cause harm in combination with the severity of Injury, damage or lossthat might occur for example an electrical flex trailing across a busy corridor in a hospital creates a risk.For example an electrical flex trailing across a busy corridor in a hospital creates a risk. The degree of riskcan be described as high or medium depending on how likely person might trip over that trailing flexand how badly they might be injured. 8.Dangerous occurrenceA specified event that has to be reported to relevant authority by statute law, even if the event did notlead to fatality or majorinjury of a worker. For example the failure of the load bearing parts of a crane isa dangerous occurrence even no person hat be injured. This is reportable event. 9.Environmental Protection: The prevention for damage to the air, land and water 10.Work related ill health Diseases or medical conditions caused by a person‟s work. For example dermatitis is a disease of theskin often caused by work activities especially when the handling of solvents detergents involved. 11.Commuting


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An accident to a worker that occurs when they are travelling to or from:1. Their work place 2. The place where they take a meal during working hours3. Place where they collect their pay. In order to understand health and safety issue you need to familiar with following things,

solvethe problem. Why might the management of an organization not consider health and safetyto be a priority? The barriers to good standards of health and safety in work place are: 1.Complexity 2. Conflicting demands 3.Behavioral issues Complexity: workplace can be complicated. Many people involve in many different workactivities need coordination. Conflicting demands: a common conflict of interest is that between the need to supply aproduct or a service at an appropriate speed so as to make a profit, and need to do so safely andwithout risk of people. Behavioral issues: good health and safety practice often relies on the perfect behavior of peoples but sometime they do not behave in ideal way. For example a worker on constructionsite should wear hard hats to protect form falling object but people sometime deliberately donot wear hard hats. Moral Social and Economic Reason for Health and Safety Outline the Reasons why an organization should manage health and safety? There are following main 3 reasons why an organization hasto manage health and safety Moral, Social & Economic 1.Moral This about moral duty that one person has to another. Many people killed, injured by other peoplework which is morally unacceptable. 2.Social (legal)

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the minimumstandards set out in C155 and R164. minimum standardsset out in C155& R164. The international framework: In 1981 the ILO adopted the occupational safety and health convention C155. This describes basic policyfor health and safety at national and individual undertaking level.The occupational safety and health recommendation 1981 R-164 supplements C155 and provided moredetails that how to comply with policies of C155. Outline the legal duties that an employer has to comply with? Employer‟s Responsibilities 1.To ensure that the workplace, machinery, equipment and processes under their control are safeand without risk to health. 2.To ensure that the chemical, physical and biological substances and agentsunder their controlare without risk to health. 3.To provide adequate protectiveclothing and protective equipment to prevent risk of accident oradverse affectson health. provide appropriate instruction and training provide necessary supervision ensure that the hours of work doo not adversely affect employees health remove any physical and mental fatigue Outline the legal duties that a worker has to comply with? Workers Responsibilities and rights Article19 of c155 states that all worker and their representatives have to cooperate with theiremployers so that he can fulfill his safety obligations R164 says that worker should: 1.Take reasonable care of their own safety and that of other people who might be affected by thethings that they do and the things that they failto do. 2.Comply with safety instructions and procedures. 3.Use all safety equipment properly and not tamper with it. 4.Report any situation which they believe could be hazard and which they cannot themselvescorrect 5.Report any work related accident of ill health.

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In addition to the basic right to safe workplace article 19 of c155 gives workers the followingrights. 1.The right to be provided with adequate information on actions the employer has to taken toensure occupational safety and health. 2.Theright to the necessary training in occupational safety and health 3.The right to be consulted by the employer on all matters of occupational safety and healthrelating to their work. 4.The right to leave a workplace which he has reason to think presents an imminent and seriousdanger to his life of health and not be compelled to return until it is safe. Outline the consequences for an employer of non compliance with health andsafety responsibilities? The consequences of Non Compliance: A breach of health and safety legislation is usually a criminal offence. Failure to meet legal standardsmight lead employer to 1.Formal enforcement action 2.Prosecution of the organization in the criminal court 3.Prosecution of individuals such as director, managers and workers. Formal enforcement action: An enforcement agency might force an employer either to make improvement within theworkplace orstop carrying out high risk activities. failure to comply considered to be an offence in itself. Prosecution of the organization in the criminal court Successful prosecution might result in punishment in the form of a fine Prosecution of individuals such as director, managers and workers Successful prosecution might result in punishment in the form of a fine or imprisonment As well asthe criminal law consequences there is also the matter of compensation forworkers and other injured by a workplace accident. 1.Taking legal action against their employer through the civil legal system and have prove thatemployer had been negligent. 2.Claiming compensation from national or regional compensation schemeswitho no requirementto prove negligence or blame through the use of the legal sy

stem. What are the organizational requirements for effective health and safetymanagement? Health and safety management system: ILO OSH 2001 safety and health system we can summaries the key elements of this system

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1.Policy 2. Organizing 3. Planning and implementing 4. Evaluation5. Action for improvement 6. Audit 7. Continual improvement Policy: A clear statement has to be made to establish health and safety as a prime commitment at all level of organization particularly at the top Organizing: A framework of roles and responsibilities for health and safety must be created within the organizationfrom top management to down to the floor. Planning and Implementing: Detail arrangement mustbe made for the management of health and safety. Central to this idea is theconcept of risk assessment and the identification and implementation of safe systems of work andprotective measures. Evaluation: Methods must be developing to monitor and review the effectiveness of the arrangements put intoplace. This might be done reactively e.g. by reviewing accident and ill health statistics reports. Action for Improvement: Any identified by the review process must be corrected as soon as possible by making any require action Audit: To ensure that all parts are working acceptably well by systematic and critical examination of the safetymanagement system Continual Improvement: The intention is safety management system will develop over the time to become increasinglyappropriate and useful for company. Identify the internal and external sources of information about health andsafety? Internal & External Information Sources:Internal information sources: 1.Accident records 2.Medical records 3.Risk assessments 4.Maintenance reports 5.Safety representative inspections 6.Audit reports 7.Safety committee meeting minutes External information sources: 1.National legislation (e.g. regulations) 2.Material safety data sheet from manufacturers 3.National codes of practice and guidance notes 4.Manufacturer operating instructions

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5.Trade associations 6.Safety journals and magazines Element 2 The purpose and importance of a health and safety policy The role of the health and safety policy in decision making: The health and safety policy of an organization is an important document that sets out the organization‟s aims with regards to health and safety, who is responsible for achieving theseaims and how the aims are to be achieved. What are the aims of Health and safety policy? 1. Legal compliance 2. Meeting the requirement of management system standards3. Clear communication 4. Continuous improvement What are the three key elements of health and safety policy? A policy is presenting in three sections: 1. General statement of intent 2. Organization 3. Arrangements General Statement of intent: This states the organization philosophy in relation to management of health and safety. Organization: Thissection indicates the chain of commands for health and safety management identifies roles Arrangements: This section outlines the arrangements that exist for effective management of health & safety Note: there is no one correct format or set of content for health and safety policy. Key features and content of a healthand safety policy: 1. General statement of intent 2. Organization 3. Arrangement General statement of intent The statement of intent will usually recognize that manager and workers at all levels within theorganization have a part to play in implementing policy and also state that every person mustcomply with the policy and that negligence of policy may be treated as disciplinary offence.The general statement of intend should signed by the person in charge of overall organizationlike CEO, MD. The statement should also be dated. This indicates when current statement wasprepared. Objectives:

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Meeting legal obligations Provision of a safe workplace, safe equipment and safe system of work, Information,training and supervision Risk assessment of all relevant workplace activities Performance monitoring Provision of adequate resources such as expert health and safety advise Effective communication and consultation with workers. Targets: The statement of intent may also set target for the organization to achieve. Possible targetsmight be related to: Accident rates Active monitoring Organization: It outlines the chain of command for health and safety management and identifies the roles andresponsibilities of staff. It is standard practice for this section to include an organization chartshowing the lines of responsibility and accountability. This chart also show the lines ofcommunication and the feedback routes that exist within the organization This section reflects the management hierarchy of organization and allocatesresponsibilitiesCEO or Managing Director Is responsible and accountable for the entire organization Management at All Level Is responsible for ensuring all safety measure are in place and being carried out effectively. All employees Are responsible for acting safely at site Competent Persons Who have operational duties but are also considered competent to carryout one ore more healthand safety duties like first aiders and fire marshals etc. Specialist health and safety practitioners: Responsiblefor providing advice to support management and employees to achieving safety General health and safety management Arrangements: The section deal with general arrangements in policy that exist to manage health and safetyGeneral health and safety management arrangements:1. Carrying out risk assessments2. Identifying andsupplying health and safety information instructions and training.3. Compliance

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monitoring including auditing4. Accident and near miss reporting, recording andinvestigation5. Consultation with workers on safety matters6. Developing safe system of work and permit to work system7. Emergency procedures and first aid provision. Reviewing Policy:Circumstances which might require a review of policy: Policy should be review regularly so it remains current and relevant. However there are somecircumstances which could give rise to reviews:1. Changes to key personnel e.g. new CEO or MD.2. Changes to the management structure of the organization3. A management take over4. Changes to the type of work that the organizationdoes.5. Recommended by safety audit.6. Requested by a third party such as insurance company or client Element 3 Organizing for Health and Safety Outline the health and safety roles and responsibilities of employers, manager,supervisors, employees and other relevant parties?Organizing health and safety roles and responsibilities:Employer: The employer‟s responsibilities are to ensuring that the workplace is safe and free of health risk. Which categories of people does an employer owe a duty to? It is important to consider who an employer owes a duty to: His own employees Other workers who might be working within his workplace but are not his directemployees His subcontractors Visitors in his area People who mightbe outside his workplace but are affected by his work like publicpassing by Directors and Senior Managers: They have duty to ensure that their organization meets this obligation. They are responsible forsetting policy and allocating resources to allow that policy to work effectivelySo the responsibilities of directorsand senior managers are to ensure that: The right health and safety policy is put in place An adequate budget is set for the implement of policy The right organizational structures are put in place

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Competent people are employed by the organization Middle Managers and Supervisor: Have duty to ensure that the part of organization under their control is safeand free of healthrisk. They execute the policy of their organization operationally Safety specialists: He has responsibility for giving correct advice and guidance to the organization and its workersThe typical responsibilities of the safety specialist include: Promoting a positive health and safety culture Advising management on accident prevention Developing and implementing policy Overseeing the development of adequate risk assessments Identifying training needs Monitoring health and safety performance Overseeing accident reporting and investigations Workers Have duty to take reasonable care of their own health and safety and others who might effect bything they do. They have also responsibilities to cooperate with their employers Controller of Premises: They are responsible for ensuring that the premises that they control are safe to use as aworkplace and that access of workplace is safe. Self Employed: They have duty to take reasonable care of their own and other who might effect by their work. Outline the areas of responsibility placed on people in the supply chain for thearticles and substanceswhich the supply to workplace?Suppliers, manufacturers and designers: have dutyto ensure that: Any plant or equipment that they provide for us at work is safefor its intended purposeand comes with appropriate instructions Any substance that they provide for us at work is appropriately tested packaged, labeledand comes with appropriate information. Contractors:

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They are responsible for their own safety and safety of others who their work might affect.However, the client who takes on contractors is also responsible forensuring that thosecontractors do not endanger anyone. A client must therefore choose contractors carefully and must plan and monitor the contractor‟s work to ensure safety Client can manage contractor in three ways 1. Select the contractor 2. Plant the work 3. Monitor the work. 1. Select the contractor: Before selecting contractor client should carefully check their health and safety competence. Tohelp in this you can ask to see evidence of competence such as: A copy of theirhealth and safety policy Examples of risk assessments The qualifications and training records of staff Membership of a professional organization or certified body Record of maintenance and test for plant and equipment Names of previous or current clients Accident history records Records of enforcement action taken by authorities against them Proof of adequate resources such as access to specialist safety advice 2. Planning Work: Contractor should carryout risk assessment on the work involve and develop safe workingmethods to control the risks indentifies. 3. Monitoring the Work: Client should ensure that contractor complies with safe working practice Joint occupiers of premises: When two or more employers share a workplace they must cooperate and coordinate theiractivities to ensure good health and safety standards Explain the importance and means of consulting with employee on health andsafety issues and the means to achieve effective consultation?Consult with employees:

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Employers should consult with their workers on health and safety matters. It islegal duties inmany countries even where there is not legal duty it is recognized as a good practice Consulting: The two way exchange of information and opinion between employer and workers Informing : Providing information to workers in aform they can understand. This information flow is one wayThe two methods whichemployers normally use to consult workers are:1. Direct consultation 2. Throughworker representativesConsultation is usually achieved by establishing a healthand safety committee made up of keymanagers and workers. The workers involved in this committee are usually representing groupsof workers. Discussed the use ofa health and safety committee as a method of consultationwith workers and looked at the various issues that must be in order to makecommittee work effectively?Health and safety committee: To work effectively the committee has to be set upand run according to agreed rules andprocedure which form part of the policy arrangements of the organization. The following issuesshould be taken into accountin these arrangements1. Who is on the committee ± there should be balance betweenmanagers and workers2. How often will the committee meet? ± the committee should meet regularly3. Who will act as chairperson? ± all meeting need someone to take charge 4. What authority will the committee have? ± Committee must be able to make decision 5. What will be discussed? ± committee meeting should have a published agenda 6. How will the discussion be recorded? ± MOM usually taken & posted on notice board 7.

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How will issues discussed be followed up? ± All agreed actions must be recordedtogether with responsible person name for taking action and deadline. Element 4 The concept and significance of safety culture Describe the concept of health and safety culture and its significance in the management of health and safety in anorganization?Key Information: The safety culture of an organization is the way that all the people within the organization think and feelabout health and safety and how this translates into behavior. It can be defined as shared attitudes,values and behaviors relating to health and safety.There is strong link between safety culture and health and safety performance. Organization with astrong positive culture tends to good performance whereas those with a weak negative cultureperformpoorly. Identify features of positive & negative safety culture within an organization?Positive Culture: In organization with a strong positive safety culture the majority of the workers thinks and feels thathealth and safety is important. There is a strong policy and clear leadership from the top because seniormanagement has this attitude which runs through the whole organization form thetop to bottom. Negative Culture: In an organization with a weak negative safetyculture the majority of workers thinks and feels thathealth and safety is not important; they are poorly educated in health and safety. There is a lack of cleardirection and leadership from senior management. Managers do not think about health and safety intheir decision making and priorities other things on safety. Identify indicators which could be used to assess the effectiveness of an organization‟s health and safety culture and recognize factors that could cause weaknesses?Factors Influencing safety culture: The safety culture of an organization can be assessed by looking at indicator such as


Sickness Rates

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Staff turnover

Compliance with Safety rules

Worker complaint About working conditions Factors Promoting a Negative Culture:



Blame Culture

Poor Communication

Conflicting priorities

Lack of Consultation

Poor Leadership by Management Factors Influencing Safety Related Behavior: Individual worker behavior is a critical importance to health and safety management.One worker maybehave in a ideal manner but another may not and this unsafe behavior may endanger themselves andothers working around him. Identify the factors w

hich influence safety related behavior at work? There are three significant factors influence a worker‟s behavior:

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The individual Factors ± their personal characteristics People bring to their jobtheir own mix of knowledge and experience, attitudes habits andpersonality. These individual characteristics influence behavior in complex ways.

The job Factors ± the task that they are carrying out These are behavior characteristics of worker‟s job that influence their safety related behavior Characteristics of the workplace environment like, temperature, humidity and lighting.Characteristics of plant, machinery and equipment like noise or vibrationCharacteristics of the work itself like worker need to bend or stoop over while workingMental demands of the job like worker has to handle large volumes of work in short time.

The organization Factors ± characteristics of the organization that they are working for These are the characteristics of organization that influence workers behaviorPolicies and procedures. - Commitment and leadership from management.Levelsof supervision. - peer group pressure - TrainingCommunication - Consultation and worker involvement

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Outline the influenced of a worker‟s attitude, aptitude and motivation of their safety related behavior and considered the importance of perception?There are three personality characteristics of an individual that may influence their safetyrelated behavior



Motivation Attitude: An attitude is a person‟s point of view of looking at something; how they feel about it. Changing attitudes is notoriously difficult but canbe done using following method such as:

Education and training

High impact interventions


Consultation and involvement in the decision making process Aptitude: Aptitude refers to an individual‟s innate ability to learn and acquire new skills. For example some people have an aptitude for using computers other for languages. Motivation: Motivation can be defi ned as person‟s drive towards a goal. Workers often behave unsafely not because they are willful, but because they perceive a reward a

nd they think that the risk is worth the reward.Their unsafe behavior is incentivized. What are the differences between mistake and violation?Key information: slips lapses mistakes

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People in a workplace are subject to human error; they get things wrong even though they are trying todo them right. Human error can be broken down into two main types;1. Slips and lapses 2. Mistakes Slips and lapses: When a person is carrying out a routine operation that they have done correctly many times before butthey get it wrong or they forget to carry out an action. Mistakes: When a persondoes something deliberately thinking that it is correct thing to do, but it is not. Forexample an airline pilot caused a plane crash when he deliberately switched off an engine that hethought was on fire. The engine was in fact functioningnormally it was the other engine that wasmalfunctioning Violations: People in workplace also commit violations. They deliberately break rules knowing it is thewrong thingto do. They are three types of violations: 1. Routine 2. Situational3. Exceptional 1. Routine Rule breaking as a matter of custom and practice for example workers went intoBuilding where hard hat require but they do not wear not because they forget(this would be laps) but deliberately not wear hard hats.2.Situational Rule breaking in response to work pressure. For example worker in factory aworker need to change a filter but scaffold is not available and withoutfilterfactory need to stop. Because of this work pressure he does the job with ladder.3. Exceptional Rule breaking in extreme circumstance for example a workeruses forklift truckto lift a heavy piece of machinery that is actually heavier than the rated liftingcapacity. How do an individual‟s peers exert influences overhis behavior? The influence of peers: When people are put together into groups they interact. Some individuals will come to have a lot of influence over the group others will have little influence. In this way a hierarchy is established within thegroup. Certain ways of behaving will

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become the normal which will often be established by the moreinfluential members of the group. A person wishing to become a member of the group will have to comply with the group ªNormº. This pressure to comply with group norms is peer group pressure. Identify methods which could be used to improve the health and safety culture of anorganization?Improving health and safety culture: The safety cultureof an organization can only be improved if following things1. Management commitment and leadership2. Competent staff 3. Effective Communication4. Broadcasting methods (Notice Board, Posters and Videos, Toolbox talks, Memos and Emails &employee handbook)5. Cooperation and consultation6. The effective training. 1. Management commitment and leadership: Management commitment starts at the very top ofthe organization. Senior managers must provide theleadership necessary to inspire and motivate managers at all levels to pursue health and safetyobjectives strictly. Visible commitment can be demonstrated by:

Behaving safely

Involvement in the day to day management of health and safety e.g. attend safety meetings.

Taking part in safety tours or audits

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Promoting changes to improve health and safety

Enforcing the company safety rules. 2. Competent Staff: A competent person is aperson who has sufficient training, knowledge, experience and other abilities orskills to be able to carry out their work safely and without risk to health. 3.Effective Communication: The process of delivering information from a sender toa recipient there are three principal deliverymedia for communicating information: Verbal, Written and Graphic Verbal Communication: Communication using the spoken work e.g. face to face meeting this is easiest and mostcommonly used form of communication but there are some weaknesses like languagebarrier may exist, strong accent, background noise, recipient may have poor hearing,recipient may miss information or forget, no written records as proof. Written Communication: Communication using the written word e.g. report memo, email, notice, companyhandbook, policy, risk assessment and MOMs etc. but there are some weaknesses likeindirect, takes time to write, message may not read by recipient, immediate feedbackis notavailable, question cannot be asked. Graphic Communication: Communicationusing picture, symbols or pictograms e.g. safety signs such as fire exit signsbut have some weaknesses like, can only convey simple message, expensive to by orproduce, may not be looked at, symbols or pictogram may be unknown to the recipient, nofeedback available and question cannot be asked 4.

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Broadcasting Methods: 1. Notice boards 2. Posters and videos 3. Toolbox talks 4. Memos and emails 5. Employeehandbook. 5. Cooperation and consultation: A positive safety culture can only be created in an organization with workers cooperation andinvolvement 6. The effective training: Employers have responsibility to train their staff to carry out their jobs in safe manner. Onceworker has been trained they will understand1. The hazards and risks inherent in their work.2. The correct rules and precaution to apply.3. Foreseeable emergencies and the actions to take should these events occur.4. Limitations and restrictions that apply to their work. When should training be provided? When training is require for person: 1. New employees2. Job change3. Process change4. New technology5. New legislation New Employees : when worker join an organization Job change :

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when worker‟s job changes in such a way that they are exposed to new hazards and risks Process change : when the way in which way the work is done changes that require training New Technology : new technology creates new hazards and risks that worker should familiar with. New Legislation : changes to the law governing aparticular health and safety issue often create need toTrain workers on the implications of new legislation. Outline the internal and external influences on health and safety management standards?Internal and external influences: The standards of health and safety management within an organization are influenced by both internaland external factors Internal Influences: These are the various internal factors which influence the safety and health standards1. Management commitment 2. Production demands3. Communication4. Competence5. Consultation External influences: These are the various external factors which influence the safety andhealth standards1. Societal expectations2. Legislation3. Insurance companies4. Trade unions5. Stakeholders6.

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General economics Element 5 RISK ASSESSMENT: What are the five categories of health and safety? OrDefined the terms hazard? Hazard Something with the potentialto cause harm. For example a lorry moving around a site road is a hazardbecauseit might run over a worker. Hazard can be classified as: 1. Physical ± things which cause harm because of their physical characteristics e.g. electricity,work atheight, radiation, vibration, noise, heat, trip hazards. 2. Chemical ± things which can cause harm because of their chemical characteristics e.g lead,mercury, sulphuric acid, cement dust etc. 3. Biological ± living micro organism that cause disease and ill health e.g. hepatitis B virus,Legionella bacteria. 4. Ergonomic ± stress and strain put on the body through posture and movement e.g. frequentrepetitive handling of small boxes. 5.

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Psychological ± things that have the potential to cause injury to the mind ratherthan the bodye.g. exposure to highly traumatic event. Risk The likelihood that hazards will cause harm in combination with the severity of Injury, damage or lossthat might occur for example an electrical flex trailing across a busy corridor in a hospital creates a risk.For example an electrical flex trailing across a busy corridor in a hospital creates a risk. The degree of riskcan be described as high or medium depending on how likely person might trip over that trailing flexand how badly they might be injured. Explain the aims and objectives of risk assessment? OrIdentified the aim of risk assessment? Objectives of Risk Assessment: The aim of risk assessment is to ensure that hazards are eliminated of risk is minimized by the correctapplication of relevant standards. The objects of riskassessment are to prevent following thing 1. Death and personal injury2. Other types of loss incident3. The occurrence of breaches of statute law which might lead to enforcement action/ prosecution4. The direct and indirect cost that follow on form accidents. Accident can be categorized into following types depending on outcomes . 1. Injury accident2. Damage only accident 3. Near miss4. Dangerousoccurrence5.

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Ill health incident. As per bird triangles these are the numbers: For every 1 serious injury there are 10 minor injuries and 30 damage only and 600 incidents Identify hazards by means of workplace inspection, analysis of tasks, legislation, manufacturer‟s info and incident date ? OrWhat techniques are used for identifying hazards?Hazards identification methodHazards can be identified using various methods such as: 1. Workplace inspection 2. Task analysis 3. legislation4 Manufacturers information 5. Incident rate. Workplace inspection A formal inspection can help to find out hazards that are present at site. Task analysis: This methodhelp to identifying hazards before work start. There is useful acronym for tasks analysis:1. Select the task 2. Records the steps or stages of the task3. Evaluate the risks associated with each step. 4. Develop the safe working method5. Implement the safe working method 5. Monitor to ensure it is effective. Legislation: Knowledge of the legal standards that apply to a particular workplace is an important. Manufacturer information: When new substance is purchased it comes with labels and MSDS that clearly identify hazards. Incident Data: Internal accident and near miss data can be useful in identifying hazards Hazards may generate risk to safety and risk to health.Safety Hazards: Safety hazards can be categorized according to the type of accident that is foreseen: 1. Slips, trips and falls2. Falls from height 3. Falling objects4 Collision with objects 5. Crush between objects 6. Manual handling7 Contact with machinery 8. Electricity 9. Transport10. Contact with Chemicals 11. Fire and explosion 12. Violence

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What are the health hazards? Health Hazards: 1. Physical ± things which cause harm because of their physical characteristics e.g. electricity,work at height, radiation, vibration, noise, heat, trip hazards.2. Chemical ± things which can cause harm because of their chemical characteristics e.g lead,mercury, sulphuric acid,cement dust etc.3. Biological ± living micro organism that cause disease and ill health e.g. hepatitis B virus,legionella bacteria.4. Ergonomic ± stress and strainput on the body through posture and movement e.g. frequentrepetitive handling of small boxes.5. Psychological ± things that have the potential to cause injury tothe mind rather than the bodye.g. exposure to highly traumatic event. State thefive steps involved in risk assessment? OrExplained the five steps or approach to risk assessment? Principles and practice of risk assessment: There are five steps to risk assessment:1. Identify the hazards2. Identify the people who might be harmed and how.3.

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Evaluate the risk and decide on precautions.4. Records the significant findingsand implement them5. Review and update as necessary

Identifying Hazards: Hazards are the things with the potential to cause harm. It is important to identify both safety andhealth hazards. The hazards identification might be done by task analysis, manufacturers information of inspection of workplace.

Identify the people who might be harmed and how. 1. Employees 2. Maintenance staff 3. Cleaners 4. Contractors 5. Visitors 6. Public members Discussed the principle of rating risk using a simple scoring system for likelihood and severity ? Evaluating the Risk and Deciding on Precautions: Risk can be scored or rated using a simple formula Risk = Likelihood X SeveritySemi quantitative risk rating system Likelihood Severity 1 = extremely unlikely 1 = very minor injury2 = unlikely 2 = first aid injury3 = possible 3 = lost time injury4 = likely 4 = hospital treatment5 = very probable 5 = disabling injury Semi quantitative risk rating system is useful for following reasons 1. Clarity of thinking2. Consistency of approach 3. Prioritization4. Timescale 1.

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Clarity of thinking: People are more carefully think about likelihood and severity of injury. It is giving accurateresult. 2. Consistency of approach: Different people can use this system and will get similar result. 3. Prioritization: It is possible to easily separate out the various risks presented by several hazards and rank themin order 4. Timescale: It is even possible to allocate particulartimescales to the risk rating that are calculated using thistype of system. What is residual risk? Residual, acceptable and tolerable risk This risk that remains one these existing controls have been taken into account can be referred to asresidual risk Residual risk: If the residual risk is low then it might be considered Acceptable Risk: The existing control are adequate nothing more need be done. Tolerable: Tolerable implies that it is not acceptable but can be tolerated for a short time while interim control areput into place. Unacceptable: Implies that the risk level is too high for work to be allowed State the principles which underlie the order of the general control hierarchy? General Control Hierarchy: If the risk is unacceptable then controls must be introduced to either eliminate hazards or create safeplace or a safe person. Any residual risk must be acceptable 1. Eliminate the hazard Remove the source of the risk. This is most effective option since removal of the hazardseliminates the risk associated with the hazards

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2. Create a safe place: Use engineering control to change the hazard itself or guard or enclose the hazard in some wayto prevent people coming into contact with it. 3. Create a safe person: Develop safe working methods or system of work sothat people are exposed to hazard incontrolled manner. This requires the provision of information, training and supervision alongwith good enforcement of safe behavior. Use of standards: Legal standards can often be used to indicate what level of risk is acceptable.If there are clear legal standards about the control that should be applied to particular hazard in aworkplace then the use of scoring system and risk prioritization and timescales will become unneeded. What conditions might trigger a risk assessment review? Reviewing Risk Assessment: Assessments must be reviewed on significant change, after an incident and perhaps periodically.There are number of situations that might trigger a review of a risk assessment:1. Significant change to a matter that the risk assessment relates to:Process substances equipment personnel legal standardsWorkplace environment2. There is reason to suspect that the assessment is not valid:1. Accident 2. Near miss3. ill health Criteria for a suitable and sufficient assessment: A risk assessment should be suitable and sufficient. In particular it should1. Identify the significant risks arising out of work2. Enable the employer to identify and prioritize the measures that must be taken to protectpeople from harm.3. The assessment should be balanced to the risks in the workplace.A Low risk workplace like retail shopA high risk workplace like chemical works What particular staff groups require special consideration during riskassessment? Special cases and vulnerableworkers:

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Sometimes it is necessary to focus risk assessment on a vulnerable person or group of workers such asyoung persons, expectant women and nursing mothers, disabled workers and lone workers.

Young person: A young person is defined by law under 18 year age. There are several reason why a youngperson might be vulnerable to risk in workplace o Lack ofexperience o Physical and mental immaturity o Poor perception of risk o Heavilyinfluenced by peer group pressure o Eager to show a willingness to work. It maynecessary to; Prohibit a young person form carryout certain high risk activitiesRestrict their work patterns and hoursTrain and supervise them Expectant women and nursing mothers: Hazards that present greater risk to pregnant women:1. Certain hazardous chemicals2. Certain biological agents3. Manual handling especiallylater in pregnancy4. Extremes of temperature5. Whole body vibration6. Ionizing radiation7.

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Night shift work8. Stress violence Disabled workers: During the risk assessmentprocess it may be necessary to:

Identify certain health and fitness criteria for some jobs then screen staff against these criteria

Identify workers with known disabilities and consider what the implications of their particulartype and level of disability Lone workers: People who work entirely on their own for periods of time like service engineers who spends four hoursalone in a plant room servicing machinery is a lone worker. Element 6 Describe the general principles of control and basic hierarchy of risk reductionmeasures that encompass technical, behavioral and procedural controls? General Principlesof Prevention: There are some general principles of prevention that can be applied to eliminate hazards and reduce therisk in the workplace. These principles rely on the correct selection of technical, procedural andbehavioral controls.1. Avoid risk:2. Evaluate risks which cannot be avoided3. Control hazards at source:4. Adapt work to suit the individual5. Adapt to technical progress6. Replace the dangerous with the non dangerous or less dangerous7. Develop logical overall prevention policy8.

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Give priority to collective protective measures over individual protective measures:9. Give appropriate information, instruction, training and supervision to employees. Avoid Risks: Where possible Evaluate risks which cannot be avoided: Through the risk assessment process Control hazards at source: By going to the source of the problem directly (e.g. if there is noise hazards in the workplace tackle thesource of the nose> Adapt work to suit the individual: By applying good ergonomic principles to job and workplace design (by job rotation) Replace the dangerous with the non dangerous or less dangerous: By substituting one hazard with something less hazardous e.g. replace a corrosive chemical with onethat does the same job but is classified as less irritant and less harmful Develop a coherent overall prevention policy: By consistency using the same approach across the whole organization Give priority to collective protective measures over individual protective measures: By creating a workplace that is safe for all rather thanrelying on measures that only protect one workerat a time e.g. install a guard rail rather than rely on PPE. Why do instruction, training and supervision form a part of safe system? Give appropriate information, instruction, training and supervision to employee: So that workers have the necessary background information to make correct choices.

When selecting control options form these general principles of prevention you should be aware thatpreventive measure can be categorized as:1. Technical2. Procedural3. Behavioral General Hierarchy of Control The following elements make up the general hierarchy of control:

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1. Avoid risks2. Elimination / substitution3. Reduce exposure or the time of exposure4. Isolation / segregation5. Engineering controls6. Safe system or work7. Training and information8. Personal protective equipment9. Welfare10. Monitoringand supervision Avoid risks Risk avoidance is simply to avoid completely the activity giving rise to the risk Elimination / substitution If a hazard can be eliminated then the risk created by the hazards disappears. For example hazardoussubstances can sometimes be replaced with materials which do the same job but present no risk tohealth. Reduce exposure or the time of exposure If the degree to which a worker is exposed to hazard can be reduced then that worker is far less likely tohave an accident with that hazard. For example an engineer who spend allday working on machinerywith hazardous moving parts is more likely to suffer injury than the engineer who spend only an hour of their working day to exposed tothe same hazard. Isolation / segregation Isolation: The aim her to isolate the hazard physically so that nobody is exposed to it e.g. acousticenclosure of a noisy machine to reduce the noise exposure; guards around moving machinery to preventcontact Segregation:

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refer to the idea that certain hazards must not be accessible to unauthorized workers a workplace with radiation hazard only authorized person should have access only What do engineering controls do? Engineering controls Engineeringcontrol involves use of an engineering solution to prevent exposure to the hazard.Engineering control also refer to the inclusion of safety features that ensure that the item is used incorrect way. For example interlock switches are fittedto moveable guard on machinery to ensure thatwhen guard is open the machine will not work but guard is close it will. Safe system of work Safe system of work procedure helps to eliminate hazards or minimizes the risk associated with them. Training and information Training is instrumental in enabling employees to become competent. Personal protective equipment Equipment or clothing that is worn orheld by a worker that protects them from one or more risks totheir safety or health. It is duty of employer to:

Supply suitable PPE where risk cannot be controlled by other more effective methods

Ensure that when tow more items of PPE have to be worn together they are compatible

Provide suitable storage for PPE

Provide information instructions and training to workers on the PPE they will wear.

Enforce the use of PPE

Replace or repair damaged or lost items.

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Welfare Welfare facilities include the provision of toilets, washing facilities, clean drinking water, rest area andclean place for eat meals. Monitoring and supervision Monitoring: For maintain surveillance over something by periodic observation or measurement and inspection toensure that they are using prescribed safe working method. Supervision: Refers to routine inspection and surveillance orworkers but concern direct line management authorityto control behavior Define a safe system of work?SAFE SYSTEM OF WORK: A safe system of work is a formal procedure based on a systematic examination of work in order toidentify the hazards. It defines safe methods of working which eliminate those hazards or minimize therisks associated with them Responsibilities of Employer: It is the responsibilities of the employer to develop safe systems of work with the involvement of bothcompetent persons and employees who will be carrying out the work. These safe system must bedocumented. What is the difference between technical, procedural and behavioral controls? Technical, procedural and behavioral controls: As safe system of work will involve all the elements of control that we identified ealrlier in the generalhierarchy of control1. Technical or engineering control2. Procedural control3. Behavioral control Technical or engineering control: Applied directly to the hazard in order to minimize the risk, this may involve fencing or barriers of different kinds to isolate workers from hazard. Procedural control: The way, in which work should be carried out in relation to the hazards, They specify the exact tasksinvolved their sequence and the safety actions and checks which have to taken.Behavioral Control:How the individual worker acts in relation to the hazard e.g. good housekeeping or using PPE Development of a safe system of work: Safe system of work usually developed using the process of task analysis,

 which involves breaking workdown into a series of steps so that hazards can beidentified and risk controlled at each step usingtechnical, procedural and behavioral controls.

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Once developed, safe systems must be implemented andmonitored to ensure continued effectiveness. Describe what factors should be considered when developing andimplementinga safe system of work? When developing a safe system of work it is important to consider that 1. PEOPLE: Who is the SSW for what level of competence or technical ability should they have?2. EQUIPMENT: What equipment will be worked on? What safety equipment will be required?3. MATERIALS: what materials willbe used or handled the work? Who will waste dispose of?4. ENVIRONMENT: in what type of environment will the work take place? Useful acronym SREDIM can be used to identify the hazard associated with every step of work 1. Select the task to b analyzed2. Record the steps or stages of the task3. Evaluate the risk associated with each step4. Develop the safe working method5. Implement the safe workingmethod6. Monitor to ensure it is effective. Explain the role and function of a permit to work system? OrWhat is permit to work? Permit to work system: A permitto work system is formal documented safety procedure forming part of a safe system of workwhich ensures that all necessary actions are taken before during and after particularly high risk work.A permit system formalizes the control

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of high risk work to ensure that all the risks have been identifiedall the precaution put in place and that appropriate information has been communicated to all relevantparties. What are the key elements of typical permit?There are four main sections to a permit to work: 1. Issue 2. Receipt 3. Clearance / return to service4 Cancellation 5. Extension Explain the need of emergency procedures and the arrangements forcontracting emergency services? OrWhat is the main objective of an emergency procedure? Emergency Procedures: Importance of developing emergency procedures:An organization should develop emergency procedures to deal with foreseeable incidents such as:Fire, bomb threat, spillage of a hazardous chemical, release of a toxic gas, outbreak of disease, severeweather or flooding and multiple casualty accident. Emergency procedures: These procedures should cover the internal arrangements for dealing with the foreseeable incidentswhich will include;1. Procedure to follow2. Provision of suitable equipment3. Nomination of responsible staff 4. Provision of training and information5. Drills and exercises6. Contracting the emergency services Procedure to follow In the event of a fire normal practice for worker to exit the building and go to assembly area but inbomb thread this will be opposite person has to go inside the building and away from the windows Provision of suitable equipment If there is a fire suitable fire extinguisher are available and proper PPE wear by the person involve in firefighting Nomination of responsible staff

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In case of fire there need for fire wardens and fire marshal who will tell to occupant of building aboutsafety instruction in case of fire. Provision of training and information Workers will only know what to do in case of emergency if they have training and information Drills and exercises Emergency procedure should be practiced to ensure that people are familiar with action they might beexpected in case of emergency Contracting the emergency services (first Aid) Describe the requirements for and effective e provision of first aid in theworkplace? First Aid Requirements: An employer must make appropriate first aid provision for his employees. This will include

First aid facilities


Appropriately trained personnel. What factors might need to be considered when determining the first aid provision for aworkplace?First aid coverage: To determine what first aid provision to make an employer will have to undertake an assessment whichshould consider various factors such as:

The general risk level of the workplace

The hazards present in the workplace

Accident history

The presence of vulnerable persons

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The number of workers in the workplace

Work patterns and shift systems of workers

The geographic location of the workplace

The spread of the workplace Element 7 Monitoring, Review and AuditOutline and differentiate between active monitoring procedures and reactive monitoringprocedure? OrDefine active and reactive monitoring?Active Monitoring: Is about checkingto ensure that standards are meets and that the workplace is in fact safe and free of health risk before any unpleasant event takes placeThere are four active monitoring methods can be use to check conformance to standards

Safety inspection



Surveys Safety inspection: The term safety inspection can be applied to:Routinginspection, statutory inspection, periodic inspection and pre use inspection Sampling: For example in large office which have 1200 fire extinguishers must be inspected by competent engineerthen there are several ways to check1. to check the inspection record to ensure all FE are signed2.

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check all 1200 FE directly on by one3. check 50 FE randomly from 1200 FEItem no3 is sampling Safety Tours: A safety tour is high profile inspection of a workplace carried out by a group of managers Safety Survey: Safety survey of one particular issue or topic What do you mean by systematic monitoring?Systematic inspections: One way to actively monitor health and safety performance is to carry out systematic inspections. Theseinspections can focus on the four Ps:1. Plant: machinery and vehicle and examinations2. Premises: the workplace and the working environment3. People: working methods and behavior4. Procedures: safe system of work, method statements and permit to work etc. State the sources of information used in reactive monitoring?Reactive Monitoring Reactive monitoring is about measuring safety performance by reference to accidents, incidents and illhealth that has already occurred. Reactive monitoring uses accidents, incidents, ill health, and other unwanted events and situations asindicators of health and safety performanceWe can calculate Accident Incident Rate (AIR) by this formulaAIR = , number of accident during a specific time period . X 1000Average numbers of workers over the same time period State the purpose of workplace inspections? Arrangements for workplace inspections: Workplace inspection plays an important role in ensuring that safety standards are acceptable in theworkplace. Various factors must be considered when setting up an inspection system such as: 1. the type of inspection2. the frequency of inspection3.

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the responsibilities for inspection4. the competence of the inspector5. the useof checklists6. action planning for problem found What should the introductory part of an inspection report contain? OrConsidered how to write an effective inspection report?Effective report writing: Many inspection systems require the inspector to write a report summarizing their main finding andrecommendations. If an inspection report is written then it must be effective. This requires anappropriate

Writing style



Justify recommendations Explain the purpose of regular reviews of health and safety performance? Review of Health and Safety Performance: Reviewing health and safety performance should be done by managers at all level within theorganization on a routine basis to ensure that management system are working effectively Gathering information: Reviewing performance relies on data gathered from various sources such as:1. Accident data2. Inspections3. Absence and sickness data 4.

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Safety surveys, tours and sampling5. Audit reports6. Other sources (e.g. complaint form workers or QA reports) Reporting on performance: Safety specialists usually play a key role in collecting this data and reporting on performance to seniormanagement. What role does senior management have in workplace inspections?Role of senior management: After getting reports form safety specialists then senior management have to role in evaluating thisinformation so that appropriate priorities and resources can be allocated. Continues improvement: Review enables action to be taken so that health and safety performance is continuously improved.Explain the meaning of term ¹health and safety audit‟ and describe the preparationsthat may need prior, during and after audit? OrDefine health and safety auditing?Auditing: Auditing is the systematic, objective, critical evaluation of an organization‟s health and safety management system Purpose of auditing: Auditing is mechanism for verify that an organization‟s safety management is in place and operating effectively. It will check that1. Appropriate management arrangement is in place.2. Adequate risk control systems exist.3. Appropriate workplace precautions are in place The audit process: What follows in a fairly typical audit process?

Pre audit preparations

During the audit

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At the end of audit Pre audit preparation: Before the audit starts the following should be defined:

The scope of the audit (will it cover HSE management as well)

The area of the audit (on department or whole department)

The extend of the audit (comprehensive or selective)

Who will be required (who will accompanied from contractor side) During audit: During audit three different types of evidence will be sought:1. Documents and records2. Interviews3. Direct observations in the workplace. The typical information examined during audit: 1. Health safety policy2. Risk assessments3. Trainingrecords4. Safety MOMs5. Maintenance records6. Accident investigation reports7. Emergency arrangements8.

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Inspection reports At the end of the audit: Verbal feedback is usually providedat the end of audit and then written reports will be followed after.Internal & external AuditInter audit are done by internal manager and external audits are done by third parties Element 8 Occupational incident and accident investigation recording and reportingExplain the process and purpose of investigating incidents? OrWhat is the prime purpose of an accident investigation?The process and purpose of investigation of incidents:Function of investigations: Incidents should be investigated for several reasons perhaps the most important of which is to discoverthe cause so that corrective action can be taken to prevent similar incident from happening again. What is the purpose of analyzing all information about accident? These are the following reason for carrying incident investigations:1. To identify the immediate and root causes of incidents2. To identify corrective action to prevent a reoccurrence3. T record the facts of the incidents4. For legal reason5. For claim management6. For staff morale7. For disciplinary purpose8.For data gathering purpose. Type of incidents: Incidents can be categorized in terms of their outcomes1. Near miss, 2. Accident 3. Dangerous occurrence 4. ill health Note: there are two important things we should take before start investigation 1. Safety of the scene: that area is safe to approach2.

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Casualty care: any injured person need first aid treatment or need go to hospital Explain the procedure of investigating incidents? OrWhat are the four elements of the investigation process?Basic investigation procedure: Basic incident investigation procedure is to:1. Gather factual information about the event2. Analyze that information and draw conclusions about the immediate and root causes3. Identify suitable control measures4. Plan the remedial actions Step 1: gathering information:

Secure the scene as soon as possible to prevent it being altered.

Collect witness details quickly before they start to move away

Collect factual information from the scene and record it( pics, sketches, temperature videos Step 2: analyzing information: The purpose to draw conclusions about immediate and root causes Step 3: identify suitable control measures: Once the immediate and underlying causes of the accident are known appropriate control measures canbe identified. It is important to take correct control measures otherwise time, money and effort will bewasted on inadequate and unnecessary measures Step 4: plan the corrective actions: An accident investigation should lead to corrective action being taken in just the same way as aworkplace inspection will. Corrective action can be presented in an action plan. Describe the organizational requirement for recording and reporting incident?The organization requirements for recording and reporting incidents:

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Arrangements should be made for the internal reporting of all work related incidents and workersshould be encouraged to report.Reasons why workers might not report accidents:1. Unclear organizational policy2. No reporting system in place3.Overly complicated reporting procedures4. Excessive paperwork5. Takes too much time6. Blame culture7. Apathy8. Lack of training on policy and procedures. List the types of documentation which may need to be consulted during an accidentinvestigation?Typical content of an accident record: 1. Name and address of casualty2. Date and time of accident3. Location of accident4. Details of injury5. Details of treatment given6. Description of event causing injury7. Details of any equipment or substance involved8. Witness names and contact details9. Details of person completing the record10.

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Signature Data collection analysis and communication: Data collected from incident reports can be used for statistical analysis to identify patterns and trendsinthe workplace Identify the categories of staff who might be considered usefulmembers of internal accidentinvestigation team? Incident statistics can be usedto communicate safety performance to various groups within theorganization suchas

Safety committee

Senior management

Employees Defined the types of incident that have to be reported to external agencies?Reporting of events to external agencies: Typical reportable events includes1. Fatalities 2. Major injury 3. Dangerous occurrences 4. Occupational diseases

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