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21206362 the Mind at Night the New Science of How and Why We Dream

Jun 03, 2018



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  • 8/12/2019 21206362 the Mind at Night the New Science of How and Why We Dream


    The New Science ofHow and Why We




  • 8/12/2019 21206362 the Mind at Night the New Science of How and Why We Dream



  • 8/12/2019 21206362 the Mind at Night the New Science of How and Why We Dream



    The New Science ofHow and Why We Dream

    Andrea Rock



    A Member of he !er"e#" Book" Gro#$ New %ork

  • 8/12/2019 21206362 the Mind at Night the New Science of How and Why We Dream


    &o$yri'h ( )**+ by Andrea Rock

    !#b,i"hed by Ba"ic Book"-A Member of he !er"e#" Book" Gro#$

    A,, ri'h " re"er.ed/ !rin ed in he 0ni ed S a e" of America/ No $ar of hi" bookmay be re$rod#ced in any manner wha " wi ho# wri en $ermi""ion e1ce$ in

    he ca"e of brief 2#o a ion" embodied in cri ica, ar ic,e" and re.iew"/ 3or informa4ion- addre"" Ba"ic Book"- 567 !ark A.en#e So# h- New %ork- N% 8**89/

    Book" $#b,i"hed by Ba"ic Book" are,ab,e a "$ecia, di"co#n " for b#,k $#rcha"e"in he 0ni ed S a e" by cor$ora ion"- in" i # ion"- and o her or'ani:a ion"/ 3or moreinforma ion- $,ea"e con ac he S$ecia, Marke " De$ar men a he !er"e#" Book"Gro#$- 88 &ambrid'e &en er- &ambrid'e MA *)8+)- or ca,, ;987< )=)4=)>6- ;6****- 3re#d " -"e $nterpretation of Dreams ar'#edha dream" "$rin' from "#bcon"cio#" wi"he" ;$rimari,y "e1#a, and

    a''re""i.e de"ire"- which 3re#d ca,,ed ,ibidina, dri.e< ha he cen"or4in' e'o norma,,y "#$$re""ed in wakin' ho#r"/ To $ro ec ",ee$ from

    bein' di"r#$ ed- he mind hen ima'ined he"e wi"he" bein' f#,fi,,ed by crea in' dream"C"ymbo,ic- di" oin ed a,e" ha were fi,,ed wi h.i"#a, me a$hor" de"i'ned o di"'#i"e he de"ire" and fear" ac #a,,y

    bein' e1$re""ed/ The"e wi"he" "ome ime" aro"e from day re"id#e-meanin' con"cio#",y remembered wi"he" ha were aro#"ed d#rin'

    he $recedin' day b# were #nf#,fi,,ed- or de"ire" b#bb,in' #$ fromhe #ncon"cio#" once ",ee$ re,a1ed he con ro,,in' 'ri$ of he mind "

    cen"or/In 3re#d " .iew- dream "ymbo," had o be ran",a edCwi h he aid

    of a $"ychoana,y" C o meanin'/ Ana,y" " were a#'h o #"e3re#d " echni2#e of free a""ocia ion Cin" r#c in' dreamer" o "aywha come" in o heir mind" abo# each e,emen of he dream

  • 8/12/2019 21206362 the Mind at Night the New Science of How and Why We Dream


    !reface 1i

    wi ho# cen"orin' heir ho#'h "/ 0"in' free a""ocia ion o decode adream " "eemin',y bi:arre- manife" con en and re.ea, he #ncom4for ab,e hidden r# h of i " ,a en con en wa" a he hear of

    3re#dian $"ychoana,y"i"/ A 3re#dian ,e1icon de.e,o$ed o e1$,ainwha .ario#" "ymbo," re$re"en ed/ The ma ori y of "ymbo," had "e14#a, conno a ion"- and he"e ha.e $ermea ed $o$#,ar c#, #re/ I " dif4fic#, o di.orce he ima'e of a rain en erin' a #nne, from i "3re#dian in er$re a ion- a fac ha A,fred Hi chcock #"ed o hi" f#,, a'e in he fi,m Nort" !# Nort"west, in which a "ed#c ion "cene

    be ween &ary Gran and E.a Marie Sain in a rain " ",ee$er car c# "abr#$ ,y o a "ho of he rain $,#n'in' in o a #nne,/

    In "#mmari:in' hi" .iew- 3re#d " a ed c,ear,y ha he ma ori y ofhe dream" of ad#, " dea, wi h "e1#a, ma eria, and 'i.e e1$re""ion o

    ero ic wi"he"/ He con ended ha im$re""ion" from he ear,ie" yearof o#r ,ife can a$$ear in o#r dream"- which do no "eem o be a hedi"$o"a, of o#r memory when we are awake/ In one of hi" be" 4known ca"e"- for in" ance- 3re#d conc,#ded ha a $a ien " dream of"eein' wo,.e" "i in' in a ree "ymbo,i:ed a ra#ma ic ear,y chi,dhoodmemory of ob"' hi" $aren "' "e1- a" we,, a" an #nder,yin'fear of ob" '

    3re#d " in"i" ence ha mo" dream con en ref,ec ed re$re""ed"e1#a, wi"he" wa" one of he ma or fac or" ,eadin' o he "$,i ha oc4c#rred be ween 3re#d and hi" one4 ime $ro e'e- &ar, J#n'- who"edream heorie" a,"o inf,#enced $o$#,ar ho#'h on he "#b ec

    hro#'ho# m#ch of he $a" cen #ry/ 0n,ike 3re#d- J#n' did no be4,ie.e dream" had o be decoded o deci$her b#ried meanin'/ The

    manife" dream $ic #re i" he dream i "e,f and con ain" he who,emeanin' of he dream- he wro e/ J#n' be,ie.ed ima'e" in dream"co#,d carry me""a'e" from he in" inc i.e- emo iona, $ar " of hemind o i " ra iona, o her ha,f- b# hey weren a,, di"'#i"ed "ymbo,"re$re"en in' re$re""ed "e1#a, #r'e"/ Of en- in fac - dream" e1$re""

    $o"i i.e de"ire" for 'row h and de.e,o$men / He $ro$o"ed ana,y:in'dream" .ia a $roce"" ca,,ed am$,ifica ion- in which he $er"ona,meanin'" a ached o he dream ima'e" are e1$,ored by he dreamerhim"e,f/ If a cen ra, ima'e in a dream were a "hi$- for in" ance- J#n'wo#,d a"k he dreamer o de"cribe a,, of he charac eri" ic" of he "hi$a" "he wo#,d if "he were "$eakin' o "omeone who had "een

  • 8/12/2019 21206362 the Mind at Night the New Science of How and Why We Dream


    1ii !reface

    one before/ Tha way- he co#,d di" wha he dreamer " "$ecifica""ocia ion" o he ima'e were- ba"ed on her c#, #re and #ni2#e $er4"ona, hi" ory/

    In addi ion o meanin' ha co#,d be e1 rac ed ba"ed on each, " $er"ona, e1$erience- J#n' $ro$o"ed ha here wa" ano her,e.e, of meanin' in dream"/ In fac - he be,ie.ed he mo" im$or andream" we ha.e are he $rod#c " of wha he ca,,ed he co,,ec i.e #n4con"cio#"- which ref,ec " he inheri ed e1$erien ia, record of heh#man "$ecie"/ A" h#man ana omy bear" e,, a,e "i'n" of i " e.o,#4

    ionary $a" - "#ch a" .e" i'e" of a ai,bone in he h#man fe #"- "oJ#n' heori:ed ha he mind can no more be a $rod#c wi ho# hi"4

    ory han i" he body in which i e1i" "/ He ar'#ed ha he co,,ec i.e#ncon"cio#" wa" e1$re""ed hro#'h arche y$e" ha a$$ear no on,y

    in dream" b# hro#'ho# hi" ory in he con en of my h"- fairy a,e"-and re,i'io#" ceremony/ Arche y$a, dream" are ,inked wi h " ron'emo ion" and occ#r more of en aro#nd ime" of cri"i" or ran"i ion"in o#r ,i.e"- J#n' con ended/

    The c#rren re.o,# ion in ho#'h abo# how and why we dream de4 b#nk" "ome e,emen " of he heorie" $ro$o"ed by bo h 3re#d and J#n'/B# a" yo# ,, "ee- here are "i'nifican $iece" of each of heir heorie"

    ha are now "#$$or ed by "cien ific e.idence/ In he $a" decade- here.o,# ion ha be'an in a dank &hica'o ,abora ory in he mid48>=*"ha" acce,era ed- hank" o new echno,o'ie" ha a,,ow #" o ac #a,,y"ee he brain a work e.en a he mo,ec#,ar ,e.e,/ In ,ab" hro#'ho#

    Nor h America and E#ro$e- and from So# h Africa o I"rae,- re4"earcher" from fie,d" a""e a" biochemi" ry- aerona# ica, en'ineer4in'- microbio,o'y- and robo ic" ha.e oined ne#ro$hy"io,o'i" " and

    $"ycho,o'i" " in $iecin' o'e her he $#::,e of he dreamin' mind/The a,e of di"co.ery ha #nfo,d" in he cha$ er" ahead e1$,ore"

    how and why we dream- b# i may a,"o #rn yo#r a""#m$ ion"abo# how he brain doe" e.ery hin' from he "eemin',y " rai'h for4ward a"k of "eein' a "#n"e ;be i a "#n"e o# here on he hori:on orone ha " $ar of yo#r dream"ca$e< o more com$,e1 ob" "#ch a",earnin'- formin'- and re' memorie" or dea,in' wi h diffic#,emo iona, i""#e"/ When yo#r body i" "afe,y a re" and yo#r brain

    herefore no ,on'er need" o $roce"" informa ion from he o# "idewor,d- i i" free o foc#" on o her cr#cia, a"k"- inc,#din' in e'ra in'

  • 8/12/2019 21206362 the Mind at Night the New Science of How and Why We Dream


    !reface 1iii

    new e1$erience" in o memory/ Wha ha$$en" d#rin' hi" off,ine $ro4ce""in' in #rn he,$" '#ide yo#r wakin' beha.ior/

    I ha" a,"o become c,ear ha dream con en can $ro.ide .a,#ab,e

    informa ion abo# o#r dee$e" $reocc#$a ion" and fee,in'"/ Weha.e "hown ha 7= o 8** dream" from a $er"on 'i.e #" a .ery 'ood

    $"ycho,o'ica, $or rai of ha,- "ay" Bi,, Domhoff- a $"y4cho,o'i" and an e1$er on a "y" em for 2#an ifyin' and ca e'ori:in'dream con en ha ha" been #"ed for decade" by re"earcher" aro#nd

    he wor,d/ Gi.e #" 8-*** dream" co,,ec ed a co#$,e of decade"and we can 'i.e yo# a $"ycho,o'ica, $rofi,e ha i" a,mo" a",i:ed and acc#ra e a" fin'er$rin in'/ Whi,e "ome re"earcher" in"i"

    ha dreamin' ha" no $#r$o"e- o her" ar'#e ha he dreamin' $roce"" i "e,f $,ay" a ro,e in re'#,a in' o#r mood"/

    If o#r brain" are f#nc ionin' norma,,y- we do indeed dream eachni'h - e.en ho#'h we reca,, on,y a frac ion of ho"e in erna, drama"/Re"earcher" ha.e de.i"ed "im$,e me hod" ha can he,$ im$ro.edream reca,, "o ha we can $eer hro#'h hi" #ni2#e window on hemind more fre2#en ,y/ Scien i" " ha.e a,"o demon" ra ed ha we canincrea"e o#r abi,i y o become aware ha we re dreamin' whi,e adream i" " i,, in $ro're"" and "ome ime" e.en de,ibera e,y con ro,wha ha$$en" ne1 in he ac ionCa remarkab,e $henomenon knowna" ,#cid dreamin'/

    D#rin' REM ",ee$- when he ma ori y of dreamin' occ#r"- he brain chemica," ha are circ#,a in' in ab#ndance are differen from

    ho"e ha $, d#rin' wakin'- a" are he re'ion" of he brain haare mo" ac i.e/ Thi" drama ica,,y a, ered o$era in' en.ironmen cana,,ow #" o make o# 4of4 he4bo1 men a, connec ion" ha wo#,d be re4

    ec ed by he ,o'ica, informa ion4$roce""in' cen er" of he brain incommand d#rin' wakin' ,ife/ The free4form a""ocia ion" ha 'i.edream" heir "ome ime" non"en"ica, 2#a,i y may a,"o e1$,ain whymany ar i" " and "cien i" " c,aim o ha.e come #$ wi h break hro#'hconce$ " in dream"/

    0, ima e,y- dream re"earch may a,"o he,$ an"wer wha many con4"ider o be he mo" in ri'#in' 2#e" ion of a,, wha i" he "o#rce of

    he $ec#,iar brand of "e,f4ref,ec i.e con"cio#"ne"" ha a$$ear" o "e$4ara e h#man" from o her crea #re"C ha neb#,o#" 2#a,i y ha a,4,ow" #" o make in rica e $,an"- fan a"i:e- " rin' memorie" o'e her

  • 8/12/2019 21206362 the Mind at Night the New Science of How and Why We Dream


    1i. !reface

    o crea e a $er"ona, hi" ory- or #"e ab" rac ion" "#ch a" ,an'#a'e andar o re$re"en o#r own men a, $roce""e" Tha 2#e" for he roo "of con"cio#"ne"" remain" a he c# in' ed'e of ne#ro"cien ific re4

    "earch oday/ The an"wer" ha are emer'in' a,ready indica e ha he,ine be ween dreamin' con"cio#"ne"" and wakin' con"cio#"ne"" i"no a" ri'id,y defined a" $",y ho#'h /

    The "i'nificance of he new "cien ific fie,d of dream re"earch wa"e,o2#en ,y "#mmari:ed by Gay Gaer @#ce in a 0/S/4"$on"ored re$oron he " a e of ",ee$ and dream re"earch in 8>9=- when he fie,d wa"fir" akin' off/ 3or he fir" ime- "cience i" 'ainin' a ',immer of hemirac#,o#" machinery of he mind a ime" when i i" "$eakin' on,y

    o i "e,f- @#ce "aid/ I i" no ob,i.ion ha i" " #died in he e1$,o4ra ion of ",ee$- b# he en ire rea,m of man " men a, bein'/

  • 8/12/2019 21206362 the Mind at Night the New Science of How and Why We Dream


    Rocke e"- EEG"- andBanana &ream !ie

    We e%perience a dream as real !ecause it is real) ) )) -"e miracle is"ow, wit"out an# "elp from t"e sense organs, t"e !rain replicates int"e dream all t"e sensor# information t"at creates t"e world we livein w"en we are awake)

    CWi,,iam Demen

    B% THE TIME E0GENE ASERINSK% 3O0ND him"e,f in a d#n'eon,ike ,ab rooma he"i y of &hica'o in he fa,, of 8>=8- wirin' hi" ei'h 4year4o,d "on- Armond- wi h e,ec rode" o record hi" eye mo.emen " and

    brain wa.e" a" he ",e$ - he wa" de"$era e/ The e1$erimen he wa"embarkin' #$on ab"o,# e,y had o work "o ha he co#,d fina,,y earnhi" de'ree and 'e a ob/ A $erennia, " #den a a'e hir y- wi heno#'h co,,e'e co#r"e credi " o 2#a,ify for he G#inne"" Book ofWor,d Record" b# no de'ree o her han a hi'h "choo, di$,oma-A"erin"ky wa" " r#'',in' o $ro.ide he ba"ic nece""i ie" for hi" "onand $re'nan wife in an a$ar men "o "$ar an ha i " on,y hea"o#rce wa" a $o be,,ied kero"ene " o.e/ Hard,y a candida e- i wo#,d"eem- o make a di"co.ery ha wo#,d re.o,# ioni:e "cien ific ho#'h


  • 8/12/2019 21206362 the Mind at Night the New Science of How and Why We Dream



    abo# he brain " ac i.i ie" d#rin' ",ee$ and ,a#nch a re"earchody""ey ha wo#,d "hed ,i'h on how he mind did e.ery hin' from,earnin' o re'#,a in' o#r mood"/

    B# A"erin"ky wa" hard,y an ordinary " #den - and from ear,ychi,dhood on- he d been ,' #ncon.en iona,,y- o "ay he ,ea" / Af4

    er hi" mo her died "hor ,y fo,,owin' hi" bir h- E#'ene wa" bro#'h#$ in Brook,yn "o,e,y by hi" fa her- a ne er4do4we,, R#""ian immi'ranwho wa" a den i" by rade b# who"e r#e $a""ion wa" "e$ara in'

    $eo$,e from heir money in ,a e4ni'h card 'ame"/ When A"erin"kywa" " i,, in e,emen ary "choo,- i wa" a,ready e.iden ha he wa" e14

    raordinari,y bri'h - "o hi" fa her recr#i ed he boy a" a card4"harkin' $ar ner/ To'e her- hey de.e,o$ed a "i'na,in' "y" em ha f,eecedco#n ,e"" #n"#"$ec in' ch#m$" in $inoch,e 'ame"/ Since he 'ame"#"#a,,y wen on #n i, we,, af er midni'h - E#'ene of en "ki$$ed"choo, "o ha he co#,d ",ee$ ,a e/ In fac - for abo# a hird of he"choo, year- hi" c,a""room "ea wa" em$ y/ In ho"e De$re""ion year" ab"ence" were of en,ooked by "choo, officia," and hi"academic $erformance wa" "o " e,,ar ha he "ki$$ed ahead a co#$,eof 'rade"/ Enro,,in' in Brook,yn &o,,e'e a he a'e of fif een- he "oon

    ran"ferred o he"i y of Mary,and- where he mana'ed o akeco#r"e" in e.ery hin' from S$ani"h o den i" ry wi ho# 'e in'a de'ree before dro$$in' o# o become a "o,dier when Wor,d War II

    be'an/Af er he re #rned from En',and- where he d "er.ed a" a hi'h e14

    $,o"i.e" hand,er in he Army- friend" $er"#aded him he wa" wa" in'hi" a,en in he ci.i, " ob he d aken in Ba, imore o "#$$orhi" wife and wo4year4o,d "on- Armond/ So he a$$,ied o he 'rad#a e

    $ro'ram a he"i y of &hica'o- which had a re$# a ion for bendin' he r#,e" o admi " #den " who "howed "i'n" of bri,,iance/He a$$aren ,y fi he bi,,/ In ,a er year"- A"erin"kyCa ",i'h ,y b#i,man wi h dark hair- a Ni.en4" y,e m#" ache- and a $enchanfor dre""in' forma,,y in "#i and ie e.en in he ,abC,o.ed o $oino# ha he d 'one " rai'h from a hi'h "choo, di$,oma o a !h/D/wi ho# any de'ree" in be ween/

    When he arri.ed in &hica'o- he di"co.ered ha he on,,ab,e ad.i"er in he $hy"io,o'y de$ar men wa" Na hanie, K,ei 4man- he fir" and on,y "cien i" in he wor,d who had de.o ed hi" en4

  • 8/12/2019 21206362 the Mind at Night the New Science of How and Why We Dream


    Rocke e"- EEG"- and Banana &ream !ie


    ire career o he " #dy of ",ee$/ A R#""ian immi'ran who ,i.ed o

    he a'e of 8*+- K,ei man wa" "o de.o ed o hi" work ha he d "$en af#,, mon h ,' in an #nder'ro#nd chamber in a Ken #cky ca.e o"ee whe her he ab"ence of en.ironmen a, c,#e" abo# ime of dayco#,d "hif he body " na #ra, cyc,e o ei her a wen y4one4ho#r or a

    wen y4ei'h 4ho#r day/ ;A" he ,earned- he an"wer i" no o#r bodie"ha.e an in erna, c,ock ha " na #ra,,y "e o a ",ee$4wake cyc,e of

    wen y4fo#r o wen y4fi.e ho#r"/< @a er- he a,"o "er.ed a" a '#inea $i'in hi" own ",ee$ de$ri.a ion e1$erimen - " ayin' awake for 86* ho#r"" rai'h - an e1$erience ha he conc,#ded co#,d be an effec i.e formof or #re/

    A"erin"ky ,o.ed $hy"io,o'y- b# he had no in rin"ic in ere" in",ee$ re"earch/ He became e.en ,e"" en h#"ia" ic abo# hi" fa e whenhe fo#nd ha K,ei manCwhom he de"cribed a" a man wi h a 'reyhead- a 'rey com$,e1ion and a 'rey "mock Cwa" #"#a,,y #cked awayo# of "i'h behind hi" c,o"ed office door- re"$ondin' wi h irri a E#'ene knocked/ K,ei man may no ha.e fo#nd him he

    be" $ro"$ec for a 'rad#a e a""i" an - ei her- b# a" A"erin"ky dry,yob"er.ed- he $rimary cri erion for "e,ec in' a 'rad#a e a""i" an wa"

    ha he candida e ha.e a hear bea / Since A"erin"ky did 2#a,ify onha "core- K,ei man immedia e,y 'a.e him a re"earch a"k ob"'

    ",ee$in' infan " o "ee whe her b,inkin' " o$$ed 'rad#a,,y or "#d4den,y a" hey fe,, a",ee$/

    Af er "e.era, #n$rod#c i.e mon h" $#r"#in' K,ei man " 'oa,-A"erin"ky 'a hered hi" co#ra'e o knock on wha he referred o a"

    he dreaded door o $ro$o"e a differen $ro ec " #dyin' eye mo.e4men " of ",ee$in' "#b ec " hro#'ho# an en ire ni'h / He d ob4"er.ed .i'oro#" eye mo.emen " behind he c,o"ed ,id" of "#b ec "who were ",ee$in'- and he wondered whe her ho"e mo.emen "were ha$ha:ard or had "ome $a ern and $#r$o"e/ To hi" "#r$ri"e-K,ei man a'reed o he chan'e- "#''e" in' ha A"erin"ky $#r"#e he

    $ro ec a" a $o en ia, doc ora, di""er a ion/ He men ioned ha herewa" an o,d $o,y'ra$h machine " ored in he ba"emen of he $hy"io,4o'y b#i,din' ha he mi'h be ab,e o #"e o record eye mo.emen " a"we,, a" brain wa.e" and o her $hy"io,o'ica, mea"#remen " on hi" e""#b ec "/ We,, aware ha he wa" akin' a bi' ri"kCif he e1$erimen "

    $rod#ced no new da a wor hy of a doc ora, di""er a ion- he wo#,d be

  • 8/12/2019 21206362 the Mind at Night the New Science of How and Why We Dream



    con in#in' hi" $a ern of co,,ec in' co,,e'e credi " wi ho# earnin' ade'reeCA"erin"ky decided o $roceed anyway/

    Accordin' o my an i4in e,,ec #a, Go,den Man#re heory of di"4

    co.ery- a $ainf#,,y acc#ra e- we,,4foc#"ed $robe of any min# iae i" a,4mo" cer ain o di.#,'e a here ofore #nknown n#''e of "cience- he,a er "aid/ Wha ,ay ahead wa" a 'amb,eC he odd" bein' ha "inceno one had rea,,y caref#,,y e1amined he eye" of an ad#, hro#'h af#,, ni'h " ",ee$- I wo#,d find "ome hin'/ Of co#r"e- he im$or anceof ha find wo#,d de ermine whe her or no I wo#,d win he 'amb,e/

    J#" a" E#'ene had been recr#i ed in o $ar ner"hi$ wi h hi" fa her-A"erin"ky en,i" ed he aid of hi" "on- Armond- in hi" own brand of wa4'erin'/ S ar in' in "econd 'rade- he boy be'an ,o''in' co#n ,e""ho#r" in he ,ab- fir" "' a" a e" "#b ec him"e,f and hen he,$4in' hi" dad "e #$ and ca,ibra e he ricke y recordin' e2#i$men foro her ",ee$ "#b ec "/

    The ,ab wa" horrendo#"Co,d and dark wi h " one wa,,"Cand hemachine wa" ancien - "o i wa" a,way" breakin' down- reca,," Armond-who i" now a c,inica, $"ycho,o'i" / Ge in' $re$$ed for he recordin'

    $roced#re wa" #ncomfor ab,e and I didn ,ike he a,,4ni'h "e""ion"- b# I knew my dad needed he,$- and I wa" f,a ered ha he a,ked o.erhi" findin'" wi h me and a,way" ook wha I "aid .ery "erio#",y/

    The abandoned $o,y'ra$h A"erin"ky had re"c#ed from he ba"e4men of Abbo Ha,, #rned o# o be one of he fir" machine" of i "kind/ I $icked #$ eye mo.emen " and brain wa.e" hro#'h e,ec rode"

    $a" ed on he "#b ec " head and hen ran",a ed ho"e e,ec rica, "i'4na," in o ink $a ern" "cra ched o# by "e.era, $en" on o ,on' ream"of $a$er/ Recordin' a "in',e ni'h " ",ee$ "e""ion con"#med a " reamof $o,y'ra$h $a$er a ha,f mi,e ,on'/

    Thi" echni2#e for recordin' e,ec rica, "i'na," from he brain had been aro#nd "ince he ear,y $ar of he wen ie h cen #ry- when Han"Ber'er- a German ne#ro$"ychia ri" wa" ab,e o record brain wa.e" in"#b ec " who were awake b# re,a1in' wi h heir eye" c,o"ed/ He ob4"er.ed ha he"e EEG ;e,ec roence$ha,o'ram< $a ern" "howed con4"i" en chan'e" a ",ee$ on"e "#b"e2#en " #die" in he 8>5*" aHar.ard f#r her c,a""ified difference" in wakin' and ",ee$in' brainwa.e $a ern"/ B# no one had ried a,,4ni'h recordin'" of brain andeye mo.emen " a" A"erin"ky wa" doin'- in ,ar'e $ar beca#"e K,ei 4

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    in.e" i'a orCwan ed o ob"er.e he e1$erimen a, $roced#re fir" 4hand wi h hi" own da#'h er a" a e" "#b ec / When "he e1$erienced

    he "ame re'#,ar $a ern of ra$id eye mo.emen " hro#'ho# ",ee$-

    he ca"e wa" "ea,ed for K,ei man/ The re"#, " of he REM e1$eri4men " were $#b,i"hed by he re"$ec ed o#rna, .cience in 8>=5- andK,ei man 'ran ed hi" #, ima e "ea, of a$$ro.a, hi" name wa" ,i" ed be4hind A"erin"ky " a" oin a# hor/

    The ,andmark " #dy forced "cien i" " o com$,e e,y re hink heira""#m$ ion" abo# wha ha$$en" d#rin' ",ee$/ 3ar from mere,y id,in'a,, ni'h - a" hey d $",y ho#'h - he brain re'#,ar,y re..ed #$in o a "#$erchar'ed " a e akin o wakin' con"cio#"ne""/ E1ac ,y wha

    he brain wa" doin' d#rin' he"e REM $eriod" wa" a my" ery- b#dreamin' #n2#e" ionab,y wa" an im$or an $ar of he an"wer/

    THE 8>9*S BE&AME he 'o,den a'e of dream re"earch- a" re"earcher"from many di"ci$,ine" r#"hed in o he new fie,d- e1chan'in' idea"C"ome of hem 2#i e wi,dCand "cien ifica,,y ammin' ,ike a:: m#"i4cian"/ B# a he " ar - he cr#"ade o an"wer he co#n ,e"" 2#e" ion"rai"ed by he di"co.ery of REM ",ee$ wa" ,ed a,mo" "in',ehanded,y byWi,,iam Demen - who d become fa"cina ed by ",ee$ re"earch in hi""econd year of medica, "choo, af er a endin' a ,ec #re by Na hanie,K,ei man/

    When an en h#"ia" ic Demen knocked on he infamo#" c,o"eddoor o K,ei man " office in 8>=) o "ee if he co#,d become an a""i"4

    an in hi" ,ab- K,ei man $eered o# - a"ked if Demen knew any hin'abo# ",ee$- and when he yo#n' med " #den re$,ied hone" ,y hahe didn - he aci #rn K,ei man "im$,y "aid Read my book andc,o"ed he door wi h a force #" "hor of a ",am/ Demen 2#ick,yca#'h #$ on hi" readin' and wen o work in K,ei man " ,ab- wherehe he,$ed E#'ene A"erin"ky com$,e e REM ",ee$ recordin' "e""ion"for he " #dy ha fina,,y earned him hi" ,on'4awai ed de'ree/

    I wa"n ,on' #n i, Demen wa" on hi" own- beca#"eA"erin"ky wa" ed no ime c,earin' o# of &hica'o when he fini"hed

    he REM e1$erimen "/ Tho#'h hi" di"co.ery had ca#"ed an ini ia,f,#rry of $#b,ic e1ci emen - i cer ain,y didn brin' him fame and for4

    #ne/ 3ee,in' increa"in' $re""#re o brin' home a $aycheck hawo#,d "#$$or hi" fami,y- he ook he fir" ob he wa" offered in he

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    Rocke e"- EEG"- and Banana &ream !ie


    "#mmer of 8>=5Ca he B#rea# of 3i"herie" in Sea ,e/ There- he

    cond#c ed e1$erimen " o "ee whe her he mo.emen " of "a,monco#,d be con ro,,ed by r#nnin' e,ec ric c#rren " hro#'h wa er/Tho#'h i wa" a far cry from ",ee$ re"earch- a ob wa" a ob- af er a,,-and A"erin"ky wa" ha$$y for he momen o $# he ard#o#" de4mand" of a,,4ni'h ",ee$ recordin' "e""ion" behind him/

    Demen wa" hri,,ed o be akin' he ,ead in dream re"earch a he&hica'o ,ab/ 0n,ike K,ei man and A"erin"ky- he wa" a 'rea be,ie.erin Si'm#nd 3re#d " heory ha dream in er$re a ion wa" he roya,road o #nder" andin' he #ncon"cio#" ac i.i ie" of he mind/

    3re#dian $"ychoana,y"i" "eemed o $ermea e e.ery nook and cranny

    of "ocie y in he 8>=*" and I wa" an arden di"ci$,e- Demen wro e in-"e .leepwatc"ers, an acco#n of hi" ear,y day" in dream re"earch/Since 3re#d had heori:ed ha $"ycho"i" co#,d er#$ in he wakin'" a e if we didn ha.e dream" a" an o# ,e o di"char'e he ener'y of

    he ,ibido- Demen ea'er,y "e abo# doin' REM " #die" on "chi:o4 $hrenic" in a " a e ho"$i a,- o "ee whe her heir men a, i,,ne"" mi'h"$rin' from an inabi,i y o dream/ The heory didn $an o# C heEEG re"#, " "howed hey e1$erienced norma, REM cyc,e"- and heyre$or ed' dream"/

    B# Demen wa" #nda#n edChe had "o many o her heorie" and

    #nan"wered 2#e" ion" o e1$,ore/ D#rin' hi" fina, year" of medica,"choo,- he "$en wo ni'h " a week r#nnin' ",ee$ " #die" in K,ei 4man " ,ab o more $reci"e,y define he charac eri" ic" of REM ando her ",ee$ " a'e"/ &ombinin' ho"e ",ee$,e"" ni'h " wi h he o herdemand" of ,ife a" a medica, " #den mean ha he fre2#en ,y fe,,a",ee$ in he back of he c,a""room he fo,,owin' dayCa $rob,em ha,anded him in he dean " office a one $oin Cb# he end re"#, wa"we,, wor h hi" ro#b,e"/

    The $a$er ha he and K,ei man $#b,i"hed in 8>=7- de"cribin'he charac eri" ic" of REM and o her ",ee$ " a'e"- ,aid he fo#nda4

    ion for informa ion abo# ",ee$ and dreamin' in mo" medica, e1 4 book" for decade" o come- and Demen " infec io#" en h#"ia"m fordream re"earch he,$ed ,a#nch "imi,ar in.e" i'a ion" in o her ,ab"aro#nd he 0ni ed S a e" and in E#ro$e/

    By me ic#,o#",y char in' ni'h ,on' EEG recordin'"- Demenfo#nd ha hea, hy ad#, " $a"" hro#'h $redic ab,e " ,ee$ $ha"e"-

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    which ha.e "ince been di.ided in o fi.e " andard " a'e" of ",ee$/ Inhe re,a1ed $re",ee$ $eriod- we be'in o #ne o# noi"e and o her e14erna, inf,#ence"- and o#r brain 'enera e" he re'#,ar rhy hm of a,4

    $ha wa.e"C he "ame kind of $a ern di"$,ayed by he mind inmedi a ion- a "erene " a e de.oid of $#r$o"ef#, ho#'h / We hen en4

    er " a'e I ",ee$- a,"o known a" ",ee$ on"e - when we may e1$eriencewha " known a" hy$na'o'ic ima'eryCbrief- dream,ike .i"#a, im4a'ery ha of en i" drawn from ha day " e1$erience/ Ne1 come"" a'e II- a $eriod of ,i'h ",ee$ ,a" in' from en o hir y min# e"- a"

    he brain down"hif " in o he ,ar'e- ",ow de, a wa.e" ha charac eri:ehe dee$ ",ee$ of he hird and fo#r h " a'e"- known a" ",ow4wa.e

    ",ee$/ Whi,e we may a,k in o#r ",ee$ a any $oin d#rin' he ni'h - ii" in he"e dee$e" ",ee$ " a'e" ha ",ee$wa,kin' y$ica,,y occ#r"/

    Af er fif een o hir y min# e" in hi" dee$ ",ee$- we mo.e back #$hro#'h he fir" wo " a'e" and en er he fir" of o#r REM $eriod"-

    when o#r brain wa.e" "hif o he "hor - ra$id $a ern" ha re"emb,ewakin' brain ac i.i y/ When we re in REM- o#r m#"c,e" com$,e e,yre,a1- and ho#'h o#r eye" mo.e and hand" or fee may occa"iona,,y

    wi ch- we are e""en ia,,y $ara,y:ed "o ha we can $hy"ica,,y ac o#o#r dream"/ he,e"" we re hi'h,y aro#"ed $hy"io,o'ica,,y o#r

    brea hin' become" irre'#,ar- o#r hear ra e increa"e"- and 'eni a," be4come en'or'ed in bo h ma,e" and fema,e"/ The ini ia, cyc,e from wak4in' o REM norma,,y ake" be ween fif y and "e.en y min# e"- and

    hereaf er REM re #rn" abo# e.ery nine y min# e"/ D#rin' he fir"ha,f of he ni'h - ",ow4wa.e ",ee$ $redomina e" and REM $eriod"may be a" brief a" en min# e"- b# a" he ni'h $ro're""e"- non4REM",ee$ 'row" ,i'h er and REM $eriod" ,a" ,on'er- " re chin' from

    wen y min# e" o a" m#ch a" an ho#r a" mornin' a$$roache"/ A,,o,d- ad#, " "$end abo# a 2#ar er of he ni'h " ",ee$ in REM- an4

    o her 2#ar er in dee$ ",ee$- and he remainder in " a'e II ,i'h ",ee$/!erha$" mo" "i'nifican ,y- he ear,y REM e1$erimen " by De4

    men - K,ei man- and A"erin"ky "howed ha dream" were far more,ike,y o be reca,,ed when "#b ec " were awakened from REM dream"were re$or ed on 7+ $ercen of REM awakenin'" a" com$ared o ,e""

    han 8* $ercen in non4REM/ The"e ini ia, re"#, " ,ed Demen ando her re"earcher" o conc,#de ha dreamin' occ#r" e1c,#"i.e,y inREM ",ee$- whi,e he minima, re$or " of dream reca,, hey fo#nd

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    Rocke e"- EEG"- and Banana &ream !ie


    in non4REM co#,d be wri en off a" fra'men " of dream" reca,,ed

    from ear,ier REM $eriod"/The wide,y acce$ ed a""#m$ ion ha REM ",ee$ e2#a,ed dream4in' bro#'h he new fie,d of dream re"earch o ,ife- and Demen wa"2#i e effec i.e a "$readin' he 'o"$e, ha for he fir" ime i wa"

    $o""ib,e o ac #a,,y $in$oin when a dream wa" in $ro're""/'earned bo h hi" medica, de'ree and hi" doc ora e in $hy"io,o'y- De4men ,ef &hica'o in 8>=7 for New %ork &i y- where he cond#c eddream re"earch a ni'h whi,e com$,e in' hi" in ern"hi$ and re"i4dency a Mo#n Sinai Ho"$i a,/ In order o r#n hi" dream e1$eri4men " wi ho#' o "$end ni'h " away from hi" wife- he ed $ar of hi" a$ar men o a ",ee$ ,ab- r#nnin' ,oca, ad" o re4cr#i e" "#b ec "/ A member of he Rocke e" ha$$ened o "ee head- and "he "$read he word amon' o her member" of he Radio &i ydance ro#$e ha hey co#,d earn money for "im$,y ",ee$in' in De4men " ,abCan idea wi h 'rea a$$ea, o many of he yo#n' women/Tho#'h he re"earch wa" en ire,y abo.eboard- he ro# ine ha en4"#ed made Demen 2#i e he ob ec of c#rio"i y in hi" a$ar men

    b#i,din' a" a " eady $arade of women came " rai'h from he chor#",ine o do heir ni'h ,y " in in he ,ab/

    A ,o.e,y woman- " i,, in hea rica, make#$- wo#,d arri.e a he

    a$ar men b#i,din' and a"k he doorman for my room- Demen re4ca,,"/ In he mornin'- "he wo#,d rea$$ear- "ome ime" wi h one of my#n"ha.en and e1ha#" ed ma,e co,,ea'#e" who had "$en he ni'hmoni orin' he EE& One day- he doorman co#,d fina,,y " and i no,on'er/ Dr/ Demen - he demanded- e1ac ,y wha 'oe" on in yo#ra$ar men I #" "mi,ed/

    E1ac ,y wha wa" 'oin' on in hi" a$ar men and in a 'rowin' n#m4 ber of o her ,ab" wa" an e1ci in' new foray in o #nchar ed erri ory- a"Demen and o her" #"ed a,, kind" of crea i.e e1$erimen " o ry o #n4der" and how dream" are crea ed and how hey are connec ed o o#r

    wakin' ,ife/ Since he " had bea en he 0ni ed S a e" in o "$acewi h he ,a#nch of he "a e,,i e.putnik, 'o.ernmen f#ndin' for ba"icre"earch of a,, kind" wa" "#dden,y free4f,owin' a" he 8>9*" dawned-and dream re"earch wa" one of he beneficiarie"/ In 8>9+ a,one- he

    Na iona, In" i # e of Men a, Hea, h f#nded more han "i1 y " #die"on ",ee$ or dreamin'/ 3rom New %ork o Bo" on- Wa"hin' on o

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    &incinna i and on cam$#"e" in Fir'inia- Te1a"- and Ore'on- re4"earcher" were drawn o hi" ho new fie,d- where "o ,i ,e wa" known

    ha hey were ,ike,y o come #$ wi h "ome hin' new no ma er wha

    hey cho"e o in.e" i'a e/There were co#n ,e"" in ri'#in' 2#e" ion" o be an"wered and no

    ,imi " o he crea i.e me hod" re"earcher" in.en ed o 'e re"#, "/&o#,d dream con en be mani$#,a ed Demen wa" he fir" o ry

    hi" by rin'in' a be,, whi,e "#b ec " were in REM ",ee$- b# o# of )*+a em$ "- on,y )* dream" ac #a,,y incor$ora ed he "o#nd of he be,,a" $ar of he dream $,o / Re"earcher" ha.e had ,imi ed "#cce"" in af4fec in' dream con en by "$rayin' dreamer" wi h wa er andCmorerecen ,yC"2#ee:in' ",ee$er" arm" wi h b,ood $re""#re c#ff" whi,e inREM- b# he ma ori y of dreamer" i'nored he"e mani$#,a ion" oo/On ho"e occa"ion" when rea,4wor,d " im#,i do make i hro#'h o#r"en"ory barrier"- hey are 2#ick,y and in'enio#",y wo.en in o he on4'oin' $,o of he dream/ 3or in" ance- a ",ee$in' e" "#b ec "$rayedwi h wa er may re$or a "#dden rain "hower in he back'ro#nd of hi"dream- b# here " no drama ic chan'e in he dream " co#r"e/

    Nor wa" here any "i'nifican effec on dream con en from $re",ee$ e1$erience"- "#ch a" "' ",ee$er" banana cream $ie or $e$$eroni $i::a ri'h before bed ime- de$' hem of f,#id" o "eewhe her hey had $er"i" en dream" of bein' hir" y- or "howin',en or ero ic fi,m"/ Dreamin' brain" a$$eared o be fierce,y inde4

    $enden direc or"- re,yin' on "ome ye 4 o4be4deci$hered cri eria for"e,ec in' charac er"- "e in'- and $,o in heir ni'h ,y in erna, drama"/

    O her e1$erimen er" $ro.ed ha e.en ho"e who c,aim no odream do in fac concoc dream "cenario" hro#'ho# he ni'h / Ifawakened whi,e REM i" " i,, in $ro're""- "#b ec " remember heirdream"- b# if hey are awakened "e.era, min# e" af er REM ha"ended- he memory of he dream y$ica,,y .ani"he"/ %e ano her" #dy $robed whe her dream" are differen a differen $oin " in heni'h and fo#nd ha dream" ear,y in he ni'h re.o,.ed aro#nd c#r4ren e.en " in he dreamer " ,ife whi,e- a" he ni'h $ro're""ed-dream" incor$ora ed more e.en " and charac er" from he $a" /

    Did he erky eye mo.emen " of REM ",ee$ indica e ",ee$er" werefo,,owin' he ac ion in he dream a" hey wo#,d ima'e" on a"creen Ear,y e1$erimen " by Demen "#''e" ed hi" wa" he ca"e-

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    Rocke e"- EEG"- and Banana &ream !ie


    b# "#b"e2#en " #die" by o her in.e" i'a or" fo#nd ha eye mo.e4

    men " did no in fac direc ,y corre"$ond o dream con en /One of he bi''e" $reocc#$a ion" of he ear,y re"earcher" wa" #n4der" andin' how .i"#a, ima'ery in dream" wa" $rod#ced- "ince he" ron'e" "en"ory $erce$ ion whi,e dreamin' i" #n2#e" ionab,y .i"#a,/In.e" i'a ion" of dream con en from he 86>*" on con"i" en ,y"howed ha near,y e.ery dream con ain" .i"#a, ima'ery- whi,e ",i'h ,ymore han ha,f con ain "ome a#di ory com$onen / Amon' o her "en4"a ion"- o#ch or fee,in'" of mo.emen are $re"en in ,e"" han 8= $er4cen of dream"- whi,e a" e or "me,, rare,y fi'#re in o dreame1$erience a a,,/

    One of he be" 4known e1$erimen " o e" he "o#rce of .i"#a, im4a'ery in dream" ook $,ace back where i had a,, be'#n- a he 0ni.er4"i y of &hica'o/ Af er ",ee$ re"earch $ioneer Na hanie, K,ei manre ired- $"ycho,o'i" A,,an Rech "chaffen #"ed he ,ab before formin'hi" own make"hif dream ,ab in an o,d 'ray4" one b#i,din' aro#nd hecorner from Abbo Ha,,/ He ran cab,e" from an EEG machine in hi"office o "#b ec " who ",e$ on fo,do# bed" "e #$ each ni'h in o heroffice" #$ and down he ha,,way af er heir occ#$an " wen home for

    he e.enin'/ Rech "chaffen crea ed a ,i.e,y a mo"$here ha enco#r4a'ed ri'oro#" b# crea i.e "cien ific hinkin' amon' he yo#n' re4

    "earcher" in hi" 'ro#$/ Hi" wide4ran'in' c#rio"i y and commi men ohe hi'he" "cien ific " andard" made him one of he mo" re"$ec ed

    fi'#re" in he fie,d/ He wa" con"idered a o#'h re.iewer for 'ran $ro4 $o"a," or "cien ific $a$er"- which made winnin' hi" a$$ro.a, a,, hemore .a,#ab,e/ In he ear,y day" a hi" ,ab- yo#n' re"earcher" of enwo#,d come #$ wi h a new hy$o he"i" abo# dreamin' in he af er4noon and e" i ha .ery ni'h on he ho#"ewi.e" and " #den " whowere $aid o ",ee$ whi,e bein' recorded and $eriodica,,y awakenedCa $roce"" ha wen more "moo h,y wi h "ome han o her"/

    We once had a "#b ec who wa" com$,ainin' abo# e.ery hin' a"

    we hooked him #$ o he EEGChe didn ,ike he "#rro#ndin'"- hee,ec rode"- he "me,, of he ace one- reca,," Rech "chaffen/ Af er

    he $rob,ema ic " #den fina,,y wa" $re$$ed for he EEG and #ckedin o bed- Rech "chaffen and hi" a""i" an re #rned o he officewhere hey moni ored he EEG recordin'"/ The a""i" an wry,y "$ec4#,a ed ha af er a,, he ro#b,e he "#b ec had $# hem hro#'h-

  • 8/12/2019 21206362 the Mind at Night the New Science of How and Why We Dream



    he $robab,y wo#,dn fa,, a",ee$/ 0naware ha he in ercom o he",ee$er " room wa" "wi ched on "o ha he yo#n' man in bed co#,dhear e.ery word hey "aid- Rech "chaffen re$,ied- If he doe"n fa,,

    a",ee$ wi hin wo min# e"- I m 'oin' o e,ec roc# e him/ Wi h " ar4,in' "$eed- he chronic com$,ainer ",id in o " a'e I ",ee$/

    Rech "chaffen came #$ wi h a no.e, way o e" whe her "i'na,"ran"mi ed from he re ina ; he 'a eway for .i"#a, informa ion fromhe o# "ide wor,d o he brain in wakin'< $,ayed a ro,e in crea in'

    dream ima'ery/ Ama:in',y he "#cceeded in 'e in' e" "#b ec " o 'oo ",ee$ wi h heir eye,id" a$ed ha,fway o$en/ Once he ",ee$er en4ered REM- Rech "chaffen wo#,d "neak in o he bedroom wi h a

    "ma,, ,i'h o i,,#mina e ob ec " "#ch a" a comb- book- or coffee$oha he wo#,d ho,d #$ in fron of he ",ee$er " a$ed4o$en eye"/ Then

    he wo#,d e1i - and hi" re"earch co,,ea'#e 3o#,ke" wo#,dawaken he "#b ec " .ia in ercom and a"k wha hey had been dream4in' abo# / None of he dreamer " re$or " inc,#ded ima'e" of he ob4

    ec " ha had been dan',ed in fron of heir eye"/ &,ear,y dreamima'ery wa" 'enera ed in erna,,y- ho#'h i wa"n ye c,ear how/

    Addi iona, e1$erimen " indica ed ha e1ce$ for "ome decrea"e inhe c,ari y of back'ro#nd de ai, and in en"i y of co,or- he 2#a,i y of .i4

    "#a, ima'e" we "ee in o#r dream" i" near,y on a $ar wi h wha we "eewhen we re awake/ Mo" dream" are a,"o c,ear,y e1$erienced in co,or-

    ho#'h for "ome #nknown rea"on- be ween )* and 5* $ercen $,ayo# in b,ack and whi e/ Whi,e re$or " on dream" a,, he way back oAri" o ,e inc,#ded reference" o co,or- from he 8>5*" o 8>9*- he $,in' o$inion amon' re"earch $"ycho,o'i" " a" we,, a" amon' he'enera, $#b,ic wa" ha we dream in b,ack and whi e/ No coinciden4

    a,,y- hi" $eriod wa" a,"o when $ho o'ra$h" and fi,m ima'e" were $ri4mari,y b,ack4and4whi e/ Tho#'h co,or $ho o'ra$hy wa" in.en ed in

    he 869*"- i did no become readi,y,ab,e for $#b,ic con"#m$ ion#n i, he 8>+*"/ Simi,ar,y- Technico,or made a bi' "$,a"h be'innin' in

    he ,a e 8>5*" wi h a few" "#ch a" -"e /i ard of ' , b# f#,,4co,or fi,m" didn become common #n i, he 8>=*"/

    D#rin' hi" $eriod- when $"ycho,o'i" " a"ked heir "#b ec " if heydreamed in co,or- he ma ori y "aid no a 8>+) "#r.ey of co,,e'e " #4den " fo#nd on,y 8* $ercen c,aimed o fre2#en ,y dream in co,or- andon,y > $ercen re$or ed dreamin' in co,or in a 8>=6 " #dy a Wa"hin'4

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    Rocke e"- EEG"- and Banana &ream !ie


    on"i y in S / @o#i"/ B# when ",ee$er" in a 8>9) " #dy were ac4

    #a,,y awakened d#rin' REM ",ee$ and a"ked direc ,y abo# he a$4 $earance of co,or whi,e heir dream" were in $ro're""- 65 $ercenre$or ed co,or in heir dream"/ I i" "#re,y no chance ha hi" f,o#r4i"hin' of b,ack and whi e media coincided wi h he f,o#ri"hin' of heo$inion ha dream" are a b,ack and whi e $henomenon- "ay" EricSchwi :'ebe,- a"i y of &a,ifornia a Berke,ey $rofe""or who" #died hi" c#rio#" rend and conc,#ded ha i wa"n he con en ofdream" ha had chan'ed d#rin' ha $eriod b# $#b,ic $erce$ ionCor more acc#ra e,y mi"$erce$ ionCof dream ima'ery/ In "hor - i wa"ano her e1am$,e of he $er.a"i.e $ower of "#''e" ion ha can make

    eyewi ne"" acco#n " in crimina, in.e" i'a ion" "o #nre,iab,e/Whi,e many in.e" i'a or" were foc#"in' on #nra.e,in' he "ecre "

    of dreamin' $er "e- o her" e1amined he #nder,yin' " a e in which iocc#r"- ryin' o #nder" and why we need ",ee$ a a,,/ In addi ion oworkin' on de.e,o$in' " andard" #"ed oday for c,a""ifyin' differen" a'e" of ",ee$- A,,an Rech "chaffen and hi" " #den " in.e" i'a edwha ha$$ened when anima," were de$ri.ed of ",ee$/ They con4d#c ed ",ee$ de$ri.a ion e1$erimen " in ra " and fo#nd ha ho"e de4

    $ri.ed of a,, ",ee$ died af er wo o hree week"/ The ",ee$4de$ri.edra " became e1 reme,y debi,i a ed and had diffic#, y re'#,a in' body

    em$era #re- b# he ca#"e of dea h co#,d no be i"o,a ed/@e"" e1 reme " #die" in h#man" "howed ha when de$ri.ed of

    REM ",ee$- "#b ec " a# oma ica,,y com$en"a ed by en erin' REM"ooner and " ayin' in i ,on'er he ne1 ime hey wen o ",ee$/ A "im4i,ar rebo#nd effec wa" "een for he dee$er ",ow4wa.e ",ee$- "o ob.i4o#",y bo h y$e" are e""en ia,/ In fac - na #re i "e,f $ro.ide" e.idence"#''e" in' ha o a, ",ee$ de$ri.a ion can e.en #a,,y ca#"e dea h inh#man"/ A rare 'ene ic di"ea"e ca,,ed fa a, fami,ia, in"omnia ;33I< wa"fir" iden ified in 8>69 a" he ca#"e of dea h of hir y member" of anari" ocra ic I a,ian fami,y/ Since hen- he di"order ha" been iden ified

    in hir y o her fami,ie" aro#nd he wor,d/ Tho"e "#fferin' from he 'e4ne ic di"order y$ica,,y ,o"e heir abi,i y o ",ee$ when hey reach mid4d,e a'e- ho#'h "ome ha.e been " r#ck in heir een"/ Af er week"wi ho# ",ee$- 33I .ic im" $#,"e and b,ood $re""#re ri"e and hey"wea hea.i,y/ They hen ha.e diffic#, y main ainin' heir ba,ance-wa,kin'- and or "$eakin' and in he fina, $ha"eC#"#a,,y af er "e.era,

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    mon h" wi ho# ",ee$C hey fa,, in o a " a e akin o a coma and die/The di"ea"e "e.ere,y dama'e" a $or ion of he brain ca,,ed he ha,a4m#" ; he "en"ory 'a eway o he cor e1

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    Rocke e"- EEG"- and Banana &ream !ie 8=

    been " #died/ REM ",ee$ d#ra ion .arie" from a" few a" for y min# e"a day in ca ,e o a" many a" "e.en ho#r" a day in o$o""#m"/ !reda orycarni.ore" "$end a 'rea er $ro$or ion of ime in a,, " a'e" of ",ee$- and

    dome" ic ca "- freed of he need o h#n for food- can "$end morehan wo h#ndred min# e" a day in REM/ Re"earcher" " i,, ha.e no

    come o a con"en"#" on whe her he"e .aria ion" are "i'nifican /In h#man"- REM ",ee$ be'in" in he womb and chan'e" a" we a'e/

    I ha" been de ec ed a" ear,y a" wen y4"i1 week" in he ,ife of he fe4#" and a$$ear" o 'o on for wen y4fo#r ho#r" a day/ Amon' new4

    born"- REM acco#n " for abo# =* $ercen of o a, ",ee$ and dec,ine"" eadi,y #n i, a chi,d reache" he a'e of fo#r- when i " abi,i:e" a henorma, ad#, ,e.e, of )* o )= $ercen of o a, ",ee$ ime/ When wereach midd,e a'e- REM be'in" o dec,ine- dro$$in' o ,e"" han 8=

    $ercen of ",ee$ ime in o#r ,a er year"/Wha $#r$o"e REM "er.e" wa" a my" ery o he"e $ioneerin' "ci4

    en i" "- b# ear,y c,#e" were $ro.ided in a no.e, e1$erimen con4d#c ed by Jo#.e " 'ro#$ in @yon/ Jo#.e "#r'ica,,y di"connec ed he

    $or ion of he ca " brain ha norma,,y $ara,y:e" i " m#"c,e" d#rin'REM and fo#nd ha he ca "- ho#'h " i,, dee$,y a",ee$- wo#,d ri"eand a$$ear o be " a,kin' ima'inary $rey or a ackin' in.i"ib,e ene4mie" when hey en ered REM/ Jo#.e fo#nd ha ac in' o# $#r"#i

    beha.ior "ome ime" con in#ed for a" ,on' a" hree min# e" whi,e heca wa" f#,,y a",ee$/ A" a re"#, - he heori:ed ha hi" " a'e of ",ee$ inma #re anima," $ro.ided an o$$or #ni y for hem o men a,,y re4hear"e beha.ior" e""en ia, for "#r.i.a,- "o ha he nece""ary ne#ra,circ#i ry co#,d be main ained in $eak condi ion e.en if ha $ar ic#4,ar "#r.i.a, "ki,,C"ay- defendin' a'ain" an enemyCwa"n ac #a,,yre2#ired on a dai,y ba"i" in wakin' ,ife/ When de$ri.ed of REM ",ee$for more han hree week"- ca " "#b"e2#en ,y fe,, direc ,y in o REM",ee$ from wakin' and "$en 9* $ercen of heir ime in ha " a'e/&a " de$ri.ed of REM for $eriod" of hir y o "e.en y day" a,"o e1$e4rienced chan'e" in wakin' beha.ior- becomin' abnorma,,y h#n'ry-re" ,e""- and hy$er"e1#a,/

    Jo#.e " work "o e,ec rified American in.e" i'a or" ha in 8>9)Rech "chaffen in.i ed he 3rench "cien i" o "$eak in &hica'o a he"econd mee in' of he $rofe""iona, a""ocia ion he and Demen hadformed in 8>9* for he ra$id,y 'rowin' m#, idi"ci$,inary "$ecia, y of

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    ",ee$ and dream re"earch/ A year ,a er- he 'ro#$ me in New %ork-and a ha mee in'- a fi'#re who d ,on' been mi""in' from he fie,dwandered hro#'h he crowd- a rac in' ,i ,e a en ion #n i, a yo#n'

    re"earcher ha$$ened o "$o hi" name a' and rea,i:ed he d #" b#m$ed in o he man who di"co.ered REM/ The yo#n' man b,#r edo# %o# re E#'ene A"erin"ky I ho#'h yo# were deadL Mo" "cien4

    i" " ho#'h A"erin"ky had dro$$ed o# beca#"e he d "im$,y ,o" in4ere" - b# he rea,i y wa" ha hi" career had been derai,ed by fami,yra'edy/ Hi" wife "#ffered a men a, breakdown af er he bir h of heir

    "econd chi,d whi,e A"erin"ky wa" " i,, cond#c in' he REM e1$eri4men " in &hica'o- and af er bein' in" i # iona,i:ed "e.era, ime"- "hecommi ed "#icide/ Sad,y- ho#'h he a em$ ed a comeback- he diedin a car acciden in 8>>6 af er re irin' from a ra her ,ack,#" er co,,e'e

    eachin' career/B# he fie,d he d ,a#nched con in#ed o 'row e1$onen ia,,y a" re4

    "earcher" e1chan'ed idea" in mee in'" "#ch a" ho"e or'ani:ed byRech "chaffen and Demen / A he mee in'" e.eryone ried o kee$#$ wi h e.ery hin'- no ma er how "eemin',y remo e i mi'h befrom heir own workaday in ere" "- reca,,ed 3o#,ke"/ The'ro#$- de"$i e he 'rad#a,,y increa"in' di"$ari y of i " in ere" "- bo hworked and $,ayed we,, o'e her/

    In kee$in' wi h ha in2#i"i i.e- any hin'4'oe" "$iri - dream re4"earcher" were 2#ick o 'o he ac ion wa"/ In he ear,y8>9*"- ha wa" @yon- 3rance- where Jo#.e wa" cond#c in' hi" inno4.a i.e e1$erimen " wi h ",ee$in' ca "/ Amon' ho"e who made he

    $i,'rima'e wa" an ambi io#" yo#n' $"ychia ri" from Har.ard Med4ica, Schoo,/ Bri,,ian and o$iniona ed- a, erna e,y charmin' and abra4"i.e- he wa" abo# o chan'e he face of dream re"earch/

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    The An i43re#d

    -"ose dreams t"at on t"e silent nig"t intrude, And wit" false flitting s"apes our minds delude, ove never sends #" downward from t"e skies, Nor do t"e# from infernal mansions rise ut allare mere productions of t"e !rain) And foolsconsult interpreters in vain)

    CJona han Swif - On Dream"

    J/ A@@AN HOBSON FIFID@% REMEMBERS "i in' on he "hore of a ,ake inMaine on a " arry "#mmer ni'h a" hi" eena'e b#ddie" mar.e,ed a

    he immen"i y of he"e and he my" erie" ha o her 'a,a1ie"mi'h ho,d/ I "eemed "o "i,,y o foc#" wonder e1c,#"i.e,y on he"e when here wa" "o m#ch behind o#r eye" ha we didn #nder4" and- he reca,,"/ Wha in ri'#ed me wa" how o#r mind" had heca$aci y bo h o con" r#c ha ima'e of he co"mo" and o 'enera e

    he"e roman ic fee,in'" abo# i / A he ime- Hob"on wa" a co#n4"e,or a a "#mmer cam$ for dy",e1ic " #den " r#n by hi" men or- aned#ca iona, $"ycho,o'i" named !a'e Shar$/ Shar$ 'a.e he yo#n'man from Har ford- &onnec ic# - ha became he #nder,yin'


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    heme of hi" career o com$rehend he mind and a,, i " my" erie"-yo# m#" " #dy he brain/

    When he arri.ed a Har.ard in 8>== o " #dy $"ychia ry and ne#ro4

    "cience- Hob"on wa" a 3re#d de.o ee-',y de.o#red -"e $n+terpretation of Dreams and e.ery hin' e,"e 3re#d had wri en/ E.enhi" #nder'rad#a e he"i" in En',i"h foc#"ed on 3re#d and Do"4

    oye."ky/ B# by he ime Hob"on be'an hi" re"idency a few year",a er- he wa" becomin' "ke$ ica, of 3re#d and di"i,,#"ioned wi h $"y4chia ry in 'enera, beca#"e nei her "eemed "o,id,y 'ro#nded in any4

    hin' he d ,earned abo# how he brain worked/In o#r rainin' a" re"iden "- we were rea ed a" if we were $"ycho4

    ana,y ic $a ien "Ca" if any 2#e" ion we a"ked were mo i.a ed by"ome ne#ro ic conf,ic / Tha wa" ab#"i.e o $a ien " and ab#"i.e o#"- Hob"on e1$,ain" on a warm a# #mn af ernoon in he "#n4drenched " #dy of hi" ,o.e,y Fic orian home- #" a "hor dri.e awayfrom hi" ,ab a Ma""ach#"e " Men a, Hea, h &en er/ A" an e1am$,e-he reco#n " an inciden ha occ#rred d#rin' a "eminar for fir" 4yearre"iden "/ Jack Ewa, - hen head of Har.ard " $"ychia ric de$ar men -remarked ha Hob"on "eemed o be,ie.e ha ne#ro"cience wo#,d ac4

    #a,,y be ab,e o e1$,ain how con"cio#"ne"" wa" crea ed by he brainCa $ro"$ec Ewa, con"idered iffy a be" / When Hob"on "aid

    ha he didn #" be,ie.e i b# knew i - Ewa, 'a.e him a $"ychoana4,y ic re"$on"e %o# re a,kin' o me a" if I were yo#r fa her/ Theyo#n' re"iden " re$,y wa" c,a""ic Hob"on No- my fa her wo#, make a " #$id commen ,ike ha /

    When Hob"on wa" on,y one year in o hi" re"idency- he ,ef Har4.ard for a " in a he Na iona, In" i # e" of Hea, h ;NIH

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    The An i43re#d


    REM a" $arado1ica, ",ee$- and dreamin' a" a hird " a e of he brain-

    which wa" a" differen from ",ee$ a" ",ee$ i" from wakef#,ne""/Hob"on wa" $ar ic#,ar,y in ere" ed in Jo#.e " e1$erimen " wi hca " ha " i,, e1$erienced REM ",ee$ e.en ho#'h heir forebrain"had been "#r'ica,,y remo.ed/ Jo#.e " work indica ed ha REM ",ee$i "e,f wa" ri''ered by a knob4"ha$ed area ca,,ed he $on" a he ba"eof he brain" em- and Hob"on be,ie.ed ha i wo#,d be $o""ib,e odi" e1ac ,y how hi" ha$$ened by $robin' a ca " brain" em wi hmicroe,ec rode"- iny" ha co#,d de ec he firin' of,

    brain ce,,"/ He "ay" Jo#.e "aw no meri in hi" $,an- "o Hob"on de4cided o re #rn o Har.ard before he year wa" #$/ He 'o $ermi""ion

    o do hi" anima, re"earch $ar 4 ime whi,e he fini"hed hi" $"ychia ricre"idency a nearby Ma""ach#"e " Men a, Hea, h &en er- where he"e #$ hi" ne#ro$hy"io,o'y ,ab in 8>96/

    One of hi" fe,,ow $"ychia ric re"iden " wa" Eric Kande,- who ,a errecei.ed he Nobe, !ri:e for re"earch demon" ra in' ha he ne#ro4chemica, "ero onin $,ayed a cr#cia, ro,e in ,earnin'/ Kande,- who haddone hi" e1$erimen " wi h "nai,"- ad.i"ed Hob"on o " ar hi" re4"earch on he mechanic" of REM ",ee$ in he "im$,e" anima, $o""i4

    b,e/ B# REM wa" diffic#, o de ec in anima," o her han mamma,"-"o Hob"on #, ima e,y decided o " ick wi h ca "/ He eamed #$ wi h

    Rober Mc&ar,ey- a medica, re"iden who wa" fa"cina ed by ne#robi4o,o'y b# wa" a,"o a,en ed in com$# er $ro'rammin' and 2#an i a4

    i.e ana,y"i"/Hob"on- a "e,f4de"cribed car$en er4 inkerer- b#i, hi" own micro4

    e,ec rode" o work in he brain" em- an area of he brain ha $",y been $robed in a ,' anima,/ The wo men com4

    bined heir re"$ec i.e " ren' h" and fo#nd a way o in"er he micro4e,ec rode" in he brain" em" of ca "- iden ify which, ner.ece,," were firin'- and hen "end ho"e e,ec rica, "i'na," hro#'h an a#4dio.i"#a, "y" em "o hey co#,d bo h "ee and hear ce,," firin' a" he ca

    wen hro#'h i " norma, ",ee$ cyc,e"/ Mc&ar,ey and I wo#,d radeoff- one mannin' he for and he o her r#nnin' home for a whi,e-

    b# we of en bo h " ayed #$ a,, ni'h recordin' hi" drama ic ac i.i yfrom he brain" em/ We were wi,d- o#r re"earch wa" on he ed'e- b#we knew we were on he .er'e of findin' "ome hin' no one ho#'hwe d find- "ay" Hob"on/

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    Amon' ho"e who ho#'h Hob"on wa" $#r"#in' a dead end wa" H#be,- a Har.ard ne#ro"cien i" - who wa" a,"o #"in' microe,ec4

    rode recordin'" o " #dy he .i"#a, cor e1 in ca " o ry o 'ain a be 4

    er #nder" andin' of how he brain "ee"/ H#be, and hi" co,,abora orTor" ein Wie"e, won he Nobe, !ri:e in 8>68 for ha work- which e14

    $,ained how .i"#a, ima'e" are formed .ia comm#nica ion be weenhe re ina and he .i"#a, cor e1/ H#be, ori'ina,,y had worked on

    ",ee$- b# he "wi ched o " #dyin' .i"ion beca#"e he re$re"en ed hewide,y he,d .iew ha ne#ra, ac i.i y wo#,d cea"e in ",ee$- Hob"on"ay"/ He wa" con.inced ha when we " #ck a microe,ec rode in he

    brain" em we d 'e no hin' b# "i,ence- and of co#r"e i wa" he e1aco$$o"i e/

    Wha Hob"on and Mc&ar,ey e.en #a,,y fo#nd and $#b,i"hed in

    8>77 wa" a con"ia, ne#ro$hy"io,o'ica, e1$,ana ion of dreamin'ha effec i.e,y kicked he ,e'" o# from #nder 3re#dian heory and

    mo" o her e1i" in' $"ycho,o'ica, a$$roache" o in er$re in' dreamcon en / Ba"ed on he brain ce,, firin' $a ern" hey "aw- Hob"on andMc&ar,ey conc,#ded ha REM ",ee$ #rned on when brain" em ne#4ron" in e""ence f,i$$ed a "wi ch ha com$,e e,y a, ered he brain "

    ba,ance of ne#romod#,a or"C ho"e cr#cia, brain chemica," ha aca" me""en'er" from one ne#ron o ano her and ca#"e chemica,chan'e" in"ide he' ne#ron"- ac i.a in' or deac i.a in'who,e "ec ion" of he brain/

    When we re awake- o#r brain i" ba hed in wo key ne#romod#,a4or" ha are e""en ia, o a,er - wakin' con"cio#"ne"" nore$ine$hrine

    ;which he,$" direc and foc#" o#r a en ion< and "ero onin/ Tho#'h"ero onin now i" $robab,y be" known for i " effec on re'#,a in'mood ;!ro:ac and "imi,ar an ide$re""an " work by increa"in' heamo#n of "ero onin circ#,a in' in he brain

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    Copyright 2003 Nucleus e!ical Art" I#c$ All rights reserve!" %%%$#ucleusi#c$com

    &I'()* 2$+ ,he po#s area o- the .rai#stem is i#volve! i# triggeri#g the stage o-sleep %he# vivi! !reami#g most o-te# occurs$ ,he pre-ro#tal cortex is the seat o-logical thi#/i#g the primary visual cortex is a receivi#g statio# -or sig#als -romthe reti#a !uri#g %a/i#g hours" a#! the motor cortex tra#s-orms i#te#tio# i#toactual moveme#ts" such as ru##i#g or thro%i#g a .all$ Associative cortices piecetogether i#-ormatio# -rom the se#ses a#! memory to create the visual imagery%e see %hether %e1re a%a/e or !reami#g$



    Copyright 2003 Nucleus e!ical Art" I#c$ All rights reserve!$ $#ucleusi#c$com

    &I'()* 2$2 Brai# structures or regio#s that play a sig#i-ica#t role i# the cre4atio# o- !reams$ ,he thalamus is a gate%ay -or se#sory i#-ormatio# a#! helps !i4rect our atte#tio# the amyg!ala is at the core o- our emotio#al system" !irecti#gthe -ight4or4-light respo#se a#! the hippocampus is esse#tial i# memory -orma4tio#$ ,he parietal lo.e speciali5es i# spatial orie#tatio# a#! -ormi#g me#tal im4agery" %hile there is some evi!e#ce suggesti#g that the a#terior ci#gulate gyrusmay .e %here our se#se o- co#scious sel-4a%are#ess origi#ates$

    r cortex

    ro#tal a#!ciatio#ces




    A#terior ci#gulategyrus Parietal lo.e

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    e""en ia,,y $ara,y:edCin o#r dream"- we can " eer ha "$eedin' cardown he hi,, or ",am on he brake- no ma er how hard we ry/ Incom4in' "en"ory informa ion i" a,"o "h# off- "o he brain $roceed" o in er4

    $re a,, of i " in erna,,y 'enera ed ima'e" and "en"a ion" a" if heywere rea,/ In hi" a, ered " a e- Hob"on "ay"- he brain doe" i " be" o"$in a dream $,o o ma ch brain" em "i'na," ha may random,y " im4#,a e an in en"e fee,in' of fear one min# e or a "en"a ion of free4fa,,in' he ne1 / Hob"on and Mc&ar,ey " ,andmark " #dy main ained

    ha "ince he "i'na," ha ini ia ed he crea ion of dream ima'erycame from he $rimi i.e brain" em and he more hi'h,y e.o,.ed co'ni4

    i.e area" of he forebrain were #" $a""i.e,y re"$ondin' o hem- hedream $roce"" had no $rimary idea iona,- .o,i iona,- or emo iona,con en / The re"#, in' dream wa" he $rod#c of he forebrain mak4in' he be" of a bad ob in $rod#cin' e.en $ar ia,,y coheren dreamima'ery in re"$on"e o chao ic "i'na," from he brain" em/

    They ar'#ed ha he "en"e of #d'men we need o reco'ni:e hawe re dreamin' and he abi,i y o remember e1ac ,y wha we dreamedare ,imi ed beca#"e he wo ne#romod#,a or" needed for ho"e f#nc4

    ion" are in "hor "#$$,y #n i, we awaken/ Therefore- we for'e mo"of o#r dream" "im$,y beca#"e we ,ack he ne#rochemica," needed oim$rin hem on memory- no beca#"e we ha.e a 3re#dian cen"or ino#r mind f#rio#",y workin' o re$re"" heir aboo con en /

    @ike a ide ebbin'- ace y,cho,ine 'rad#a,,y recede" and he REM $eriod end"- on,y o be #n,ea"hed a'ain ro#'h,y nine y min# e" ,a er/Hob"on and Mc&ar,ey "aid i wa" hi" con"i" en chemica, dance ,ed

    by he brain" em ha 'enera ed dream"/ By in"i" in' ha dream"con ain no hidden me""a'e and ha he dreamin' $roce"" i "e,f i"

    ri''ered by an e,ec rochemica, $roce"" a" a# oma ic and de.oid ofho#'h a" a hear bea in' or ,#n'" brea hin'- Hob"on wa" e.i"cera 4

    in' 3re#dian dream heory/ A" for 3re#d " former di"ci$,e &ar, J#n'-Hob"on di"mi""ed hi" no ion of he co,,ec i.e #ncon"cio#" and arche4

    y$a, "ymbo," a" a form of re,i'ionC"ome hin' for which he had no $a ienceCb# he a'reed wi h J#n' ha dreamin' wa" a crea i.e $roce"" in he brain and any meanin' ha re"#, ed wa" ab"o,# e,y

    ran"$aren /Hob"on wa" no ar'#in' ha dream" were meanin',e"" in fac - he

    him"e,f con"ider" dreamin' "im$,y ano her form of con"cio#"ne""

  • 8/12/2019 21206362 the Mind at Night the New Science of How and Why We Dream


    The An i43re#d )5

    and record" "i'nifican dream" ri'h a,on' wi h hi'h,i'h " of hi" wak4in' e1$erience in $er"ona, o#rna," ha " he ke$ "ince 8>75- now o4

    a,in' more han 8)* .o,#me"/ B# he in"i" ed ha e.ery "in',echarac eri" ic of a dream co#,d be raced o he #nder,yin' $hy"io,o'yof he brain d#rin' REM Dream" are bi:arre beca#"e he brain ha"" o$$ed "ecre in' he chemica, '#idance "y" em" we ha.e in $,acewhen we re awake- and hi" i" he re"#, yo# can hink yo#r way o#of a $a$er ba'- yo# ha,,#cina e- yo# make a,, he"e error" in #d'4men - emo ion r#n" wi,dCwi h an1ie y- e,a ion- and an'er $redomi4na in'Cand yo# can remember m#ch of i /

    In hi" .iew- he "e in'" and charac er" o#r brain dred'e" #$ fromo#r $er"ona, memorie" or ima'ina ion a" i "cramb,e" o form a $,o

    o re"$ond o hi" chao ic e,ec rochemica, " a e may ref,ec o#r emo4iona, $reocc#$a ion"- and ref,ec in' on ho"e $reocc#$a ion" can

    $ro.ide in"i'h / B# he $,o fi " he emo ion"- and we can ea"i,y infermeanin' wi ho#' o decode "ymbo," in dream" o find forbid4den wi"he" or re$re""ed memorie"/

    Armed wi h hi" $hy"io,o'ica, e.idence ha 3re#dian heory wa" ba"ed on o# moded bio,o'y- Hob"on de,i'h ed in 3re#d ba"hin'- e"4 $ecia,,y when he "$oke a $rofe""iona, mee in'" fi,,ed wi h $"y4cho hera$i" "- "ome of whom he deba ed on " a'e/ We $#,,ed o# a,,

    he " o$"- we were a,mo" ',oa in'- and a" a re"#, we made enemie"for ,ife- "ay" Hob"on now- acknow,ed'in' ha he crea ed heawhere ,i'h may ha.e been more #"ef#,/

    He ha" no re're "- abo# hi" effor " o re$acka'e hi" dreamre"earch for ma"" con"#m$ ion hro#'h a no.e, "cience4a"4ar e1hibi

    ha o$ened in Bo" on he year hi" ,andmark " #dy wa" $#b,i"hed/ Ti4,ed Dreamstage A (ulti+(edia Portrait of t"e .leeping rain, he e14

    hibi " main a rac ion wa" a .o,#n eer who co#,d be "een hro#'h aone4way mirror ",ee$in' whi,e hooked #$ o an EEG ha moni ored

    brain wa.e"- eye mo.emen "- and m#"c,e one/ In" ead of he e,ec rica,"i'na," bein' "cra ched o# in ink on ream" of $a$er a" hey wo#,d bein a ",ee$ ,ab- e.ery brain4wa.e chan'e- e.ery eye mo.emen and m#"4c,e wi ch wa" ed in o wa.e" of ,a"er ,i'h " ri$$,in' on hewa,,"Cbrain wa.e" in 'reen and eye mo.emen " "himmerin' in b,#e/The "i'na," a,"o were re$re"en ed in a#dio form a" chan'in' m#"ica,

    one" beamed from a "yn he"i:er- he brain " .er"ion of a ,i ,e ni'h

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    m#"ic/ To em$ha"i:e he fee,in' of 'oin' in o a bedroom en.iron4men - .i"i or" were a"ked o remo.e heir "hoe" before en erin' he car4

    $e ed- darkened e1hibi room"/ The on,y $eo$,e who ob ec ed oakin' off heir "hoe" before comin' in were "ome $"ychia ri" "/ They

    acc#"ed me of' a foo fe i"h- Hob"on "ay"/&rowd" f,ocked o he e1hibi - which wa" fea #red on he of

    he New 4ork -imes .unda# (aga ine) I " $o$#,ari y ,ed o a ra.e,in'.er"ion of Dreamstage he ne1 year- when he e1hibi made a "i14ci y

    o#r acro"" he 0ni ed S a e"- " ar in' in San 3ranci"co/ 3ederico3e,,ini- who"e fi,m" Hob"on had admired for heir dream,ike 2#a,i y-wa" "o aken wi h he conce$ of Dreamstage ha he o,d Hob"onhe d be ha$$y o "er.e a" he .o,#n eer ",ee$in' behind he mirror if

    he e1hibi came o Rome/ Hob"on " "cien ific $eer"- ,e"" en h#"ia" ic- 'r#mb,in' ha he e1 ra.a'an:a wa"n rea,"cience b# "im$,y e'o i" ica, 'rand" andin' in ended o $#b,ici:e hi"

    heorie" and ad.ance hi" career/%o# 'e $#b,ici y and e.eryone "ay" yo# re narci""i" ic- which i"

    r#e- b# yo#r ar'#men " 'e $o$#,ari:ed and #nder" ood when yo#immer"e $eo$,e in "cience hi" way ra her han #" e,,in' hemabo# i - Hob"on "ay"/ I wa" he hi'h $oin of my ,ife beca#"e I da,way" wan ed o be in he circ#"/ Dreamstage wa" my circ#"/

    When Dreamstage ended- Hob"on recyc,ed "ome of he e2#i$4men from he e1hibi o "e #$ a ",ee$ ,ab in he Ne#ro$hy"io,o'yDe$ar men a Ma""ach#"e " Men a, Hea, h &en er- where a "erie"of $ho o" of a ",ee$in' .o,#n eer from he "how " i,, adorn" he en4

    rance o hi" 'ro#$ " office"/ B# Hob"on a,"o wan ed o " #dy dream"in a more na #ra, "e in'- "o once a'ain- he $# hi" inkerin' a,en " owork and de.e,o$ed a ca,,ed he Ni'h ca$ ha wo#,d a,,owdream re$or " o be co,,ec ed whi,e "#b ec " ",e$ a home/ The

    Ni'h ca$ wa" "im$,y a bandana con ainin' "en"or" ha recorded eyeand head mo.emen " in order o de ec he be'innin' and end ofREM ",ee$ and ran"ferred he informa ion o a $ocke 4"i:e recorder/Recr#i in' ",ee$ " #dy "#b ec " in" an ,y became ea"ier and ,e""co" ,y/ Tie he bandanna aro#nd yo#r head $ira e " y,e- "moo h headhe"i.e4backed eye mo.emen "en"or on o one eye,id- and yo# wereready o re$or dreamin' da a from he comfor of yo#r own bedra her han rai$"in' down for a ni'h in a ",ee$ ,ab/ The e2#i$men

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    The An i43re#d )=

    a,"o co#,d be "e #$ o a# oma ica,,y awaken "#b ec " o re$ordream" when he "en"or" indica ed hey had en ered REM/

    Tho#'h a,, of hi" $rior work had been done wi h anima,"- co,,ec in'

    dream re$or " had become a o$ $riori y for Hob"on/ &on.inced hahe and Mc&ar,ey had fi'#red o# wha ri''ered dreamin'- he wan ed

    o iden ify he forma, fea #re" ha charac eri:ed dream" Wha werehe $redominan emo ion" and y$e" of men a, ac i.i y bein' e1$eri4

    enced How did hey corre"$ond o he $hy"ica, " a e of he brain inREM And how did hey differ from wakin' co'ni ion In hi" .iew- heha,,mark" of dreamin'Cha,,#cina ory ima'e"- di" oin ed narra i.e"-wi,d emo ion"- and ,ack of #d'men or ref,ec i.e "e,f4awarene""Cocc#rred d#rin' wakin' on,y in $eo$,e who"e mind" were deran'ed/@ike hi" neme"i" 3re#d- he ho$ed ha #nder" andin' how dreamin'worked wo#,d "hed ,i'h on he mechanic" of men a, i,,ne"" oo/

    Abo.e a,,- ho#'h- he ho$ed dream re"earch wo#,d ,ead him o hi"Ho,y Grai, #nra.e,in' he "ecre " of con"cio#"ne""- of en ermed he

    mind4body $rob,em/ He be,ie.e" ha e.ery " a e of he mindCfromdreamin' o a,, form" of wakin' con"cio#"ne""Ccan be e1$,ained en4

    ire,y by he y$e of brain ce,, ac i.i y occ#rrin' a a 'i.en $oin inime/ There i" no mind ma er/ Ra her- mind i" ma er/ Se,f-

    free wi,,- and o her "#ch ,of y conce$ " a,, boi, down o a $ar ic#,arfirin' $a ern amon' ne#ron"/",y- hi" .iew$oin di" #rb" any4one who be,ie.e" in he conce$ of a "o#, ha i" "e$ara e from he

    body/ I i" hard o "wa,,ow e.en for he nonre,i'io#"- beca#"e i i" aodd" wi h he no ion of a hi'her "e,f wi hin #" ha i" "omehow "e$a4ra e from he brainC he I who i" aware of bein' aware/

    Hob"on i" me""ianic him"e,f in $roc,aimin' ha o#r emo ion"-memorie"- and ho#'h " are "im$,y ref,ec ion" of he Mor"e code of

    he brain " e,ec rica, and chemica, ac i.i y/ Nowhere i" ha mademore c,ear- he ar'#e"- han in he ran"i ion" be ween ",ee$ and wak4in'- when $hy"ica, chan'e" in he brain #n2#e" ionab,y ,ead o "hif "in he na #re of ho#'h and $erce$ ion/

    !eo$,e who ob ec o wha I "ay do "o wi h ha $ar of hem"e,.e"which hink" ha "e,f i" "ome hin' "e$ara e and 2#a,i a i.e,y differenfrom he body/ %e"- i " hard o ima'ine how con"cio#"ne"" ari"e" from

    he brain- b# i " m#ch harder o ima'ine i ari"in' wi ho# referenceo any hin'- #n,e"" yo# be,ie.e in a God ha con ro," "$iri " and dea,"

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    hem o# / Acce$ in' ha he mind and brain are one "e.ere,y cha,4,en'e" re,i'ion- b# i needn dimini"h he wonder of ,ife- he "ay"/

    3ORT0NATE@% 3OR HOBSON - "#ch mea y 2#e" ion" were a,"o of 'reain ere" o wo o her we,,4known "cien i" " who were #" formin' ano.e, $ro'ram in he 8>6*" o f#nd e1ac ,y hi" kind of re"earch/ TheMind4Body Ne work wa" he brainchi,d of Jona" Sa,k- famed for hi"

    $o,io .accine de.e,o$men - and Nobe, !ri:e4winnin' $hy"ici" M#r4ray Ge,,4Man/ Bo h "er.ed on he board of he MacAr h#r 3o#nda4

    ion- which wa" in he $roce"" of $ro.idin' ,on'4 erm f#ndin' forc# in'4ed'e m#, idi"ci$,inary re"earch/ Hob"on wa" one of he fir"

    hree "cien i" " cho"en o $ar ici$a e in he 'ro#$- who"e member"me fo#r or fi.e ime" a year o brain" orm and e1chan'e informa ionabo# heir re"$ec i.e re"earch $ro ec "/ I hink Ge,,4Man and Sa,kfe, if hey had "#cce""f#,,y ack,ed he $rob,em" of $ar ic,e $hy"ic"and infec io#" di"ea"e- "#re,y o#r 'ro#$ co#,d fi'#re o# he mind4

    body 2#e" ion- "ay" Hob"on/ I remember "i in' acro"" he ab,efrom M#rray in &hica'o when I e1$,ained he kind of re"earch Iwan ed o do and he a'reed ha " e1ac ,y wha hey wan ed- oo/

    3or a f#,, decade be'innin' in he ,a e 8>6*"- he MacAr h#r ne 4work f#nded re"earch in Hob"on " ,ab aimed a iden ifyin' charac er4i" ic" of dreamin' con"cio#"ne"" and racin' heir "o#rce o "$ecific

    $hy"io,o'ica, condi ion" in he dreamin' brain/ If yo# dream hayo# re ryin' o r#n b# yo#r fee are mired in 2#ick"and- i " "im$,y

    beca#"e- accordin' o Hob"on " re"earch- yo#r brain " mo or ac i.i ycirc#i " ha.e been ac i.a ed by random brain" em "i'na,"/ Tho"e cir4c#i " in #rn are i""#in' order" for yo#r body o r#n- b# "ince he

    brain" em i" $re.en in' ho"e "i'na," from reachin' yo#r ,e' m#"c,e"-he $erce$ ion carried hro#'h in o he dream i" ha yo# re ryin' o

    r#n b# yo# re " #ck- "o yo# wea.e ha in o he dream " $,o /&,ear,y- many dream" were accom$anied by " ron' emo ion"- "o

    Hob"on " 'ro#$ a,"o co,,ec ed da a on emo ion" in "#b ec " dream re4 $or " and fo#nd ha #" hree emo ion" acco#n ed for 7* $ercen of

    he fee,in'" dreamer" "aid hey e1$erienced an1ie y wa" he mo"common- fo,,owed by e,a ion and hen an'er/ O her emo ion"- "#ch a"affec iona e or ero ic fee,in'"- "hame- and '#i, - were rare in dream"-each acco#n in' for ,e"" han = $ercen of re$or ed emo ion"/ Thi" oo

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    The An i43re#d 27

    wa" con"i" en wi h Hob"on " heory beca#"e he chemica, chan'e"ri''ered by he brain" em d#rin' REM were known o " im#,a e he

    brain " emo iona, circ#i "- $ar ic#,ar,y an a,mond4"ha$ed " r#c #reca,,ed he amy'da,a- which i" he "ea of he body " f,i'h 4or4fi'h re4"$on"e/ If yo# re fee,in' an1io#"- errified- or o.ercome by road ra'e inyo#r wakin' ho#r"- yo# can be yo#r amy'da,a i" b,a" in' a f#,, .o,4#me- #" a" i wo#,d be when yo# re dreamin' of bein' cha"ed or of"howin' #$ o a,,y #n$re$ared for a fina, e1am/

    Hob"on a,"o :eroed in on wha he con"idered ano her definin'fea #re of dream" heir bi:arre 2#a,i y/ Why doe" yo#r dream " ar offin a ho e, room in !ari"- hen "#dden,y "hif o an #nder'ro#nd ca.e

    ha "omehow a,"o re"emb,e" yo#r co,,e'e dorm room Why are yo#

    fr#i ,e"",y "earchin' for a $ho o a,b#m in yo#r bedroom and hen-wi ho# any ran"i ion wha ra.e,in' on he "$ace "h# ,e wi h afriend from kinder'ar en Accordin' o Hob"on- dream" are inher4en ,y bi:arre beca#"e he $or ion of he brain ha foc#"e" a en ion-r#n" rea,i y check"- and make" ,o'ica, connec ion" in wakin' con4"cio#"ne"" i" #nhin'ed d#rin' dreamin'/ Therefore dreamin' wa" bydefini ion bi:arre- a kind of madne""/

    Wha we "aw and ,ooked for wa" "ha$ed by wha wa" in o#rmind"- and we were more or ,e"" con.inced ha dreamin' corre,a edwi h REM- Hob"on "ay"/

    Whi,e REM c,ear,y wa" he mo" fa.orab,e " a e for $rod#cin' de ai,ed dream narra i.e"- o her re"earcher" had fo#nd e.i4dence ha he brain a,"o concoc " dream" in o her " a'e" of ",ee$/Scien i" " who had e1$,ored non4REM dreamin' conc,#ded hara her han dreamin' on,y wo ho#r" o# of ei'h $er ni'h d#rin'REM- near,y a,, of o#r ",ee$in' ho#r" are fi,,ed wi h "ome form ofmen a ion- which "ome ime" re"emb,e" day ime ho#'h and o her

    ime" become" more ha,,#cina ory/ Ha,,#cina ory dream,ike ho#'hmay e.en brief,y in r#de in wakin' ho#r" when o#r a en ion o e14

    erna, "i'h " and "o#nd" i" re,a1ed/ In "hor - hey $ro$o"ed ha he

    more hi'h,y e.o,.ed- ho#'h 4$rod#cin' $ar " of he brain were ac4i.e,y in.o,.ed in dream crea ion and ha he ,ine be ween wakin'

    and dreamin' co#,d ac #a,,y become ra her f#::y/Hob"on "#$$or ed hi" con en ion ha dreamin' i" by i " .ery na #re

    ha,,#cina ory wi h re"#, " from hi" own 'ro#$ " e1$erimen de"i'ned o

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    c,arify he difference" be ween wakin' and dreamin' men a ion/ Theye2#i$$ed e" "#b ec " wi h bee$er" "o ha re"earcher" co#,d $eriodi4ca,,y and wi ho# warnin' check in o "am$,e he na #re of heir hink4

    in' hro#'ho# he day whi,e hey were "i in' on he "#bway orworkin' a heir de"k"/ A ni'h hey #"ed he Ni'h ca$ o co,,ecdream re$or " from ",ee$ on"e hro#'h non4REM and REM " a'e"/Thi" "am$,in' $rod#ced ei'h een h#ndred #"ab,e re$or "- which were

    hen 'i.en o #d'e" who "cored hem ba"ed on .ario#" charac eri" ic"-inc,#din' de'ree of emo ion- 2#a,i y of hinkin'- and bi:arrene""/ 3roma 2#ie wakin' " a e hro#'h ",ee$ on"e and on in o REM- he fre42#ency of ho#'h " decrea"ed fo#rfo,d whi,e he fre2#ency of ha,,#ci4na ion" ro"e enfo,d/

    MORE THAN A DE&ADE before Hob"on and Mc&ar,ey " inf,#en ia,heory wa" $#b,i"hed- $"ycho,o'i" 3o#,ke" a,"o had demon4

    " ra ed in " #die" a he"i y of &hica'o ha dreamin' did in4deed ake $,ace o# "ide REM/ Hi" fir" " #dy "howin' he"e re"#, "

    became he ba"i" for hi" doc ora, di""er a ion- which he com$,e ed in8>9*/ 3o#,ke" a fir" acce$ ed he wide,y he,d be,ief ha dreamin'occ#rred on,y in REM- b# he wan ed o find o# how ear,y in heREM cyc,e dream" be'an/ To be ab"o,# e,y horo#'h- he ried wakin'"#b ec " before EEG $a ern" "i'na,ed he be'innin' of REM o a"k

    hem wha - if any hin'- wa" 'oin' hro#'h heir mind"/ To hi" "#r4 $ri"e- he fo#nd ha more han =* $ercen of he re$or " "#b ec " 'a.eon awakenin' indica ed ha dreamin' wa" occ#rrin' e.en before

    hey en ered heir fir" REM $eriod/ In ,a er " #die" he $ercen a'eof REM4,ike dream re$or " a ",ee$ on"e wa" "hown o be a" hi'h a"7* $ercen / I 'a.e #$ ryin' o find o# how and where REM dream4in' be'an- beca#"e I co#,d find no $oin a which dreamin' cea"ed-"ay" 3o#,ke"/

    Of co#r"e- he 2#e" ion of how yo# define dreamin' wa" a hehear of ob ec ion" rai"ed by ho"e who ar'#ed ha dream" occ#ron,y d#rin' REM/ Hob"on " defini ion of a dream in he a en ion4'e in' 8>77 $a$er o# ,inin' hi" new heory in he American ournalof Ps#c"iatr# wa" a men a, e1$erience- occ#rrin' in ",ee$- which i"charac eri:ed by ha,,#cinoid ima'ery- $redominan ,y .i"#a, and of by bi:arre e,emen " /// and by a de,#"iona, acce$ ance of he"e

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    The An i43re#d )>

    $henomena a" rea, a he ime ha hey occ#r/ In con ra" - 3o#,ke"inc,#ded a" dreamin' any re$or of men a, con en - inc,#din' whao her" mi'h ca,, hinkin'/ &ri ic" ar'#ed ha non4REM dream re4

    $or " were ,e"" and ha,,#cina ory han REM dream"Cm#chmore ,ike wakin' ho#'h $roce""e"Cand herefore no wor hy of be4in' ,abe,ed dream"/

    B# addi iona, e.idence ha dreamin' wa"n "o,e,y a fea #re ofREM came from John An rob#"- a co'ni i.e $"ycho,o'i" a he &i"i y of New %ork/ He fo#nd ha when $eo$,e ",ee$ ,a er han#"#a, in he mornin'- hey end o ha.e #n#"#a,,y memorab,edream"- he "#$erdream" ha hey of en de"cribe o o her"/ Thi" i"

    he ime of day when he body " in erna, c,ock "hif " a" we a$$roachwakin' and ca#"e" wide"$read brain ac i.a ion/ Dream re$or " d#rin'

    hi" ime frame con ained .i"#a, ima'e" ha were bri'h er andc,earer han in he y$ica, dream- and hey a,"o were #n#"#a,,y de4

    ai,ed and ,on'- re'ard,e"" of whe her hey occ#rred d#rin' REM ornon4REM ",ee$/ If dream" were #ni2#e,y corre,a ed wi h REM",ee$- hi" wo#,dn ha.e been he ca"e- An rob#" "ay"/

    &er ain,y- he y$ica, REM dream re$or end" o be ,on'er andmore de ai,ed han he a.era'e non4REM acco#n - a" "hown by hefo,,owin' wo dream re$or " co,,ec ed in a 8>95 " #dy by A,,an Rech 4"chaffen and Gera,d Fo'e,/ Awakened d#rin' ",ow4wa.e- non4REM",ee$- a "#b ec 'a.e hi" dream de"cri$ ion

    I had been dreamin' abo# 'e in' ready o ake "ome kind of ane1am/ I had been a .ery "hor dream/ Tha " #" abo# a,, ha icon ained/ I don hink I wa" worried abo# i /

    The "ame ",ee$er wa" awakened d#rin' REM ,a er in he ni'h /E.en ho#'h he "#b ec ma er of he dream de"cribed be,ow i" "im4i,ar o ha of he ear,ier one- here are" difference" in he,en' h and de'ree of de ai, in he re$or "

    I wa" dreamin' abo# e1am"/ In he ear,y $ar of he dream- I wa"dreamin' ha I had #" fini"hed akin' an e1am and i wa" a .ery"#nny day o# "ide/ I wa" wa,kin' wi h a boy who wa" in "ome of myc,a""e" wi h me/ There wa" "or of a break- and "omeone men ioned

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    a 'rade hey had 'o en in a "ocia, "cience e1am- and I a"ked hemif he "ocia, "cience mark" had come in/ They "aid ye"/ I didn 'emine beca#"e I had been away for a day/

    Whi,e REM dream" y$ica,,y were ,on'er a" we,, a" more emo ion4a,,y char'ed and co,orf#, han heir non4REM co#n er$ar "- 3o#,ke"fo#ndCa" An rob#" didC ha a" he ni'h $ro're""ed- dream" fromnon4REM ",ee$ were of en indi" in'#i"hab,e from REM dream"/ Thefo,,owin' dream re$or from a "#b ec awakened wen y4fi.e min# e"af er he ,a" REM $eriod of he ni'h i" a $rime e1am$,e

    I wa" wi h my mo her in a $#b,ic ,ibrary/ I wan ed her o " ea,"ome hin' for me/ I .e 'o o ry and remember wha i wa"- be4ca#"e i wa" "ome hin' e1 raordinary- "ome hin' ,ike a b#ffa,ohead ha wa" in hi" m#"e#m/ I had o,d my mo her $",y

    ha I wan ed hi" head and "he "aid- a,, ri'h - yo# know- we ,, "eewha we can do abo# i / And "he me me in he ,ibrary- $ar ofwhich wa" a m#"e#m/ And I remember e,,in' my mo her o

    $,ea"e ,ower her .oice and "he in"i" ed on a,kin' e.en more,o#d,y/ And I "aid- if yo# don - of co#r"e- yo# ,, be ab,e o

    ake he b#ffa,o head/ E.eryone wi,, #rn aro#nd and ,ook a yo#/We,,- when we 'o o he $,ace where he b#ffa,o head wa"- i wa""#rro#nded by o her " ran'e hin'"/ There wa" a ,i ,e "or of"mock ha ,i ,e boy" #"ed o wear a he be'innin' of he cen #ry/And one of he women who worked a he ,ibrary came #$ o meand "aid- dear- I ha.en been ab,e o "e,, hi" "mock/ And I remem4

    ber "ayin' o her- we,,- why don yo# wear i hen 3or "ome rea4"on or o her I had o ,ea.e my mo her a,one- and "he had ocon in#e wi h he b#ffa,o head $ro ec a,, by her"e,f/ Then I ,ef

    he ,ibrary and wen o# "ide- and here were 'ro#$" of $eo$,e #""i in' on he 'ra"" ,i" enin' o m#"ic/

    Whi,e a roomf#, of $"ycho,o'i" " co#,d ar'#e end,e"",y abo# howo in er$re ha dream- here " no di"$# in' ha i wo#,d be hard o

    di" in'#i"h i from he y$ica, REM dream/ S#b"e2#en " #die" ha.eindica ed ha a ,ea" = o 8* $ercen of awakenin'" o# "ide REM

    $rod#ce dream re$or " ha are iden ica, o ho"e in REM- ho#'h

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    The An i43re#d 58

    here i" no 2#e" ion ha he ma ori y of " ory,ike dream" do oc4c#r when o#r brain" are in he hi'h,y ac i.a ed REM $ha"e of ",ee$/

    @ike Hob"on- 3o#,ke" $# no " ock in 3re#dian dream ana,y"i" or

    o her form" of dream in er$re a ion/ He be,ie.ed ha dreamin' a" wee1$erience i i" he acciden a, by4$rod#c of wo "e$ara e e.o,# ion4ary de.e,o$men " he emer'ence of REM ",ee$ and he de.e,o$4men of con"cio#"ne"" in h#man"- which crea ed he #r'e o makenarra i.e" o# of any,ab,e da a he brain recei.e"/ he" ory4"$innin' $or ion" of he brain were ac i.a ed- a" hey re'#,ar,ywere in REM- hey co#,dn he,$ b# ch#rn o# a dream/

    The conc,#"ion" 3o#,ke" reached abo# he ba"ic na #re ofdream"- were differen from Hob"on "/ 3ir" - he conc#rredwi h John An rob#" ha dream" were no inheren ,y bi:arre/ He "#'4'e" ed ha he $erce$ ion of a,, dream" bein' wi,d- ha,,#cina ory"a'a" "$rin'" from he fac ha mo" of he dream" we remember are"o emo iona,,y char'ed or odd ha hey wake #"/ We ",ee$ hro#'h

    he b,ander- more rea,i" ic one" ha fi,, he b#,k of o#r ho#r"- andh#" don reca,, hem/

    He ba"ed hi" .iew" on e.idence from hi" own work in he ",ee$,ab- which he con"idered he be" "e in' for co,,ec in' dream re$or "/When re"earcher" moni ored "#b ec " EEG $a ern" in a ",ee$ ,abo4ra ory and awakened hem in he mid" of bo h REM and non4REMe$i"ode"- many of he dream re$or " hey co,,ec ed indeed ,acked he

    bi:arre f,i'h " of fancy and "#dden "hif " of "e in' we a""ocia e wi hdreamin'/ J#" a" a wi ne"" " re$or aken a he "cene of a car acci4den wo#,d be more acc#ra e han her reco,,ec ion of de ai," ho#r",a er- immedia e re$or " of ni'h ime dream con en were more re,i4ab,e han acco#n " ba"ed on memorie" of dream" af er awakin' in hemornin'- 3o#,ke" ar'#ed/ A r#,y re$re"en a i.e "am$,in' of a ni'h "wor h of dream re$or " co,,ec ed in he ,ab con ained for he mo"

    $ar re,a i.e,y coheren ima'e" " r#n' o'e her in a $,a#"ib,e way/3o#,ke" a,"o conc,#ded ha he crea ion of dream" a" we know

    hem i" a hi'h4,e.e, co'ni i.e $roce"" ha de.e,o$" m#ch ,a er hanmo" $eo$,e a""#me/ Hi" conc,#"ion" emer'ed from me ic#,o#"- e14

    ended " #die" of chi,dren " dreamin'- which $ro.ided fa"cina in' in4"i'h " on how h#man con"cio#"ne"" de.e,o$"/ A" he e1$,ained in hi"

    book 5"ildren6s Dreaming and t"e Development of 5onsciousness, To

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    dream- i i"n eno#'h o be ab,e o "ee/ %o# ha.e o be ab,e o hinkin a cer ain way/ %o# ha.e o be ab,e o "im#,a e a fir" momen ari,y-and ,a er in more e1 ended e$i"ode"- a con"cio#" rea,i y ha i" no

    "#$$or ed by c#rren "en"e da a and ha yo# .e e1$erienced before/

    3o#,ke" " 'ro#ndbreakin' " #die" of chi,dren " dream" came abo#a,mo" by acciden / In a .aria ion on he"i y of &hica'o " #d4ie" he d done e1$,orin' whe her ad#, "#b ec " dream con en co#,d

    be mani$#,a ed by .iewin' .io,en fi,m" a bed ime- he be'an an e14 $erimen o "ee whe her chi,dren " dream" wo#,d be affec ed by $re",ee$ .iewin' of .io,en and,en e$i"ode" of he e,e.i"ion"how Daniel oone) Tho#'h he fo#nd he TF e$i"ode" had no "i'nif4ican im$ac on kid" dream con en - he rea,i:ed ha he d hi #$on afar more in ere" in' re"earch an',e o $#r"#e/ I had a ",ow,y dawnin'rea,i:a ion of wha a do$e I d been in ryin' o "ee how he"e "i,,yfi,m" wo#,d chan'e dream" when in fac we didn e.en #nder" andwha he ba"e,ine $ro$er ie" of chi,dren " dream" wereCno one haddone an ob ec i.e " #dy de"cribin' wha hey were ,ike- "ay" 3o#,ke"/

    When he ook a re"earch $o"i ion a he"i y of Wyomin' a@aramie- 3o#,ke" "e #$ a ",ee$ ,ab o " #dy a 'ro#$ of chi,dren he re4cr#i ed hro#'h new"$a$er ad" for wha ranked a" he mo" e1 en"i.e",ee$ ,ab $ro ec cond#c ed on h#man dream" in ei her ad#, " orchi,dren/ The " #dy wa" ,a#nched in 8>96 wi h fo#r een chi,dren be4

    ween he a'e" of hree and fo#r and ano her 'ro#$ of "i1 een kid"who were be ween nine and e,e.en year" o,d/ Wi h he e1ce$ ion offo#r chi,dren in he o,der 'ro#$ who mo.ed o# of own- a,, of hechi,dren remained in he " #dy for fi.e year"/ 3or nine ni'h " a year-

    hey came in o he ",ee$ ,ab- where hey were awakened hree ime"ni'h ,y- $rimari,y d#rin' REM ",ee$/

    The ",ee$in' room" were made homey wi h oy" and $o" er"/ !ar4en " of yo#n'er chi,dren "ome ime" " ayed o "ee hem off o ",ee$-

    b# 3o#,ke" a,"o fre2#en ,y "er.ed a" "#rro'a e $aren - readin' hem bed ime " orie" and fe chin' drink" of wa er before i wa" ime for,i'h " o# / Tho#'h o her ,ab $er"onne, of en were $re"en - 3o#,ke"wa" he one who con"i" en ,y awakened chi,dren o a"k hem he cr#4cia, 2#e" ion wha wa" ha$$enin' #" now A"kin' if hey d beendreamin' mi'h be "#''e" in' ha he e1$ec ed a $o"i i.e an"wer and

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    The An i43re#d 55

    a,"o demanded a de'ree of in ro"$ec ion ha co#,d be beyondyo#n'er chi,dren " abi,i y/ He "im$,y wan ed hem o re$or ob ec4

    i.e,y- a" if hey were de"cribin' wha hey had #" "een hro#'h a car

    window a" hey were ra.e,in' down a road/3o#,ke" a,"o e" ed he chi,dren " wakin' co'ni i.e "ki,," in day ime

    "e""ion" "e.era, ime" a year/ To 'a her hi" informa ion for he yo#n'erchi,dren- he ran a wo4week4,on' n#r"ery "choo, d#rin' he fir" hree"#mmer" in order o c,o"e,y ob"er.e chi,dren " $,ay beha.ior and in er4ac ion wi h o her $eo$,e/ We wan ed o inc,#de e.ery wakin' ob"er.a4

    ion ha mi'h ha.e "ome hin' o do wi h dreamin' and in effeccom$are he day ime chi,d wi h he ni'h ime chi,d- he "ay"/

    Hi" findin'" were " ar ,in'- for hey con radic ed a""#m$ ion"common,y he,d by bo h "cien i" " and $aren " abo# he na #re ofchi,dren " dream"/ 3o#,ke" " da a "howed ha chi,dren " dream"didn become "imi,ar o ad#, " in ei her form or fre2#ency #n i, heywere be ween nine and e,e.en year" o,d/ When he awakened chi,drenin he ",ee$ ,ab- he ra e of any dream reca,, a a,, d#rin' REM ",ee$wa" no more han 5* $ercen #n i, chi,dren $a""ed ha cri ica, nin h

    bir hday- af er which dream re$or in' ra e" reached he ad#, ,e.e, ofaro#nd 6* $ercen / E.en more "i'nifican ,y- he dream con en hechi,dren de"cribed differed drama ica,,y from ad#, " and e.o,.ed

    ime in a con"i" en $a ern amon' he chi,dren " #died/The dream" of chi,dren #nder a'e fi.e con"i" ed $rimari,y of brief-

    b,and- " a ic ima'e" in which hey fre2#en ,y "aw anima," or werehinkin' abo# day ime ac i.i ie" "#ch a" ",ee$in' or ea in'/ Ty$ica,

    are he"e dream re$or " from one of he chi,dren in he " #dyCafo#r4year4o,d boy named Dean

    I wa" a",ee$ and in he ba h #b/I wa" ",ee$in' a a co4co " and- where yo# 'e &oke from/

    Be ween a'e" fi.e and ei'h - chi,dren " dream re$or " became morecom$,e1- wi h ac ion "e2#ence" and in erac ion" be ween charac er"-

    b# he chi,d him"e,f didn re'#,ar,y a$$ear a" an ac i.e charac er inhe dream" #n i, a'e "e.en or ei'h / When awakened a a'e "i1- for in4

    " ance- Dean 'a.e he fo,,owin' re$or - which charac eri:e" dreamin'abi,i y a hi" " a'e of men a, de.e,o$men

  • 8/12/2019 21206362 the Mind at Night the New Science of How and Why We Dream



    A cabin a Barbara @ake/ I wa" ,i ,e and I ,ooked in i / 3reddie andI were $,ayin' aro#nd- wi h a few oy" and hin'"/

    By a'e ei'h - Dean " dream" de.e,o$ed ,on'er narra i.e" in whichhe wa" fea #red a" a more ac i.e $,ayer

    My fami,yCmy "i" er" and my momCand I were 'oin' on a ri$"kiin'/ We were f,yin' here/ I co#,d "ee he air$,ane and he $eo4

    $,e and hin'" a an air$or / And when I #rned aro#nd- I ook hewron' $,ane- and I wen o he O,ym$ic" in" ead/ I 'o worriedwhen I wen o he O,ym$ic" beca#"e I mi""ed he $,ane/ I co#,d"ee he $eo$,e a he O,ym$ic"- hey had a orch- and $eo$,e "ki4in' and " #ff/

    A dream re$or ed by Dean " "i" er Emi,y a a'e we,.e ref,ec " hef#r her e.o,# ion ha 3o#,ke" $in$oin ed a" occ#rrin' af er chi,drenreached e,e.en- when heir dream"- ,ike ad#, " - ref,ec $er"ona, con4cern" and emo iona, $reocc#$a ion"

    I wa" in a car wi h wo friend" of mine- and ano her 'ir, and hermo her- who wa" 3rench- wa"' #" home/ She had a 3renchaccen and wa" a,kin' o #"/ And here wa" "ome hin' in he " ree

    ha wa" mine and I o,d hem ha ha wa" my choker o# here inhe " ree / And "o we " o$$ed and one friend 'o o# o 'e i / Andhi" o her '#y- her fa her- he wa" in he car oo- he #" dro.e off

    and ,ef her here- " andin' o# in he midd,e of he " ree / And wewere a,, #" ,ookin' a each o her in he car- wonderin'/ A he endof he dream I wa" kind of e1ci ed beca#"e he ,ef her o# here in

    he " ree a,, a,one- and kind of an'ry oward him/

    &ri ic" who re ec ed 3o#,ke" " conc,#"ion" ha.e ar'#ed ha co,4,ec in' dream" in he ",ee$ ,ab ra her han a home "e in' bia"ed here"#, "/ A eam of re"earcher" a Hob"on " ne#ro$hy"io,o'y ,ab con4d#c ed a home4ba"ed " #dy in which $aren " co,,ec ed ei'h y4ei'hdream re$or " from fo#r een chi,dren from a'e fo#r o en/ !aren "were o,d he " #dy " $#r$o"e wa" o de ermine he na #re and fre42#ency of chi,dren " dream" and ha hey "ho#,dn $re""#re chi,4

  • 8/12/2019 21206362 the Mind at Night the New Science of How and Why We Dream


    The An i43re#d


    dren in o re$or in' dream"- ho#'h on fi.e of he ni'h "- chi,dren

    were in" r#c ed o re$ea o hem"e,.e" I wi,, remember my dream" $rior o 'oin' o ",ee$/ a $eriod of hir een con"ec# i.e ni'h "- $aren " co,,ec ed dream re$or " #"in' a microca""e e recorder when

    hey awakened chi,dren in he mornin' and "ome ime" a,"o d#rin'he midd,e of he ni'h / The re"#, " of he Har.ard " #dy "howed chi,4

    dren were ab,e o 'i.e de ai,ed re$or " of dream" ha were "imi,ar oad#, " in ,en' h- n#mber of charac er"- "e in'"- and bi:arre 2#a,i ie"/&hi,dren a" yo#n' a" fo#r and fi.e year" o,d re$or ed dream" and "aid

    hey hem"e,.e" were ac i.e charac er" in mo" of hem/ The re4"earcher" conc,#ded Beca#"e hi" wide ran'e of dream men a ion i"

    on,y re.ea,ed o r#" ed confidan " in a fami,iar and comfor ab,e en.i4ronmen - an im$or an im$,ica ion i" ha he ",ee$ ,abora ory mayno be he be" "o#rce of na #ra,i" ic dream da a/

    In re"$on"e- 3o#,ke" "ay" ha wha he $aren "Cmain,y $rofe"4"iona, co#$,e" from he Bo" on4&a$e &od areaCknew abo# he" #dy inf,#enced he re"#, "/ One can ima'ine no on,y he 'enera,c#, #ra, $re""#re ha con em$orary &ambrid'e4area doc or" and,awyer" wo#,d fee, o "ee o i ha heir chi,dren $erform we,, in any

    e" of ima'ina i.ene""- he ar'#e"- b# a,"o "$ecific $re""#re froman in.e" i'a i.e eam who"e heory a,"o "$ecifie" ha chi,dren "

    dream re$or " m#" be ima'ina i.e/ 3o#,ke" had done " #die" him4"e,f "howin' ha when he "ame me hod wa" #"ed o co,,ec chi,4dren " dream" a home and in he ,ab- here wa" no "i'nificandifference in con en or reca,,/

    O her cri ic" who do#b ed 3o#,ke" " findin'" abo# chi,dren "dream" ar'#ed ha he $a#ci y and m#ndane con en of dream re4

    $or " in yo#n'er chi,dren wa" d#e o imma #re ,an'#a'e and reca,,"ki,,"Cin o her word"- an inabi,i y o acc#ra e,y de"cribe wha heywere dreamin'/ B# 3o#,ke" " day ime e" " of he chi,dren " co'ni4

    i.e abi,i ie" ac #a,,y "howed ha chi,dren who mo" of en re$or ed

    dream" did no ha.e be er memorie"- .ocab#,arie"- or de"cri$ i.e"ki,," han heir co#n er$ar " who re$or ed fewer dream"/ In" ead-

    he chi,dren wi h he mo" fre2#en dream re$or " were ho"e who"cored we,, on e" " ha mea"#re .i"#a,4"$a ia, "ki,,"- "#ch a" a " an4dard e" in which hey are "hown a $ic #re of a co,ored $a ern ha

    hey had o recon" r#c wi h b,ock"/ 3o#,ke" conc,#ded ha .i"#a,

  • 8/12/2019 21206362 the Mind at Night the New Science of How and Why We Dream



    ima'ina ion abi,i ie" de.e,o$ 'rad#a,,y and are a cr#cia, $rere2#i"i efor dreamin'/

    Hi" $oin wa" "#$$or ed by #ne1$ec ed re"#, " amon' wo chi,4

    dren in he " #dy/ Two boy" in he e,e.en4 o4 hir een a'e 'ro#$ "e,4dom re$or ed dream" d#rin' REM awakenin'"/ Tho#'h hey hada.era'e memory and .erba, "ki,," and were ade2#a e " #den " in"choo,- he boy" "cored abnorma,,y ,ow on he b,ock de"i'n e" - wi hre"#, " in he "ame ran'e a" fi.e4 o4"e.en4year4o,d"/ In heir ca"e-e.en more c,ear,y han for he fi.e4 o4"e.en4year4o,d"- i can be ha

    he chi,dren are' dream" b# "im$,y no rememberin' or de4"cribin' hem .ery we,,/ I "eem" m#ch more ,ike,y ha hey were"im$,y no' dream" or no' .ery memorab,e dream"- ar4'#e" 3o#,ke"/

    3o#,ke" " ar'#men ha chi,dren yo#n'er han fi.e ,ack "ome ofhe co'ni i.e .i"#o"$a ia, "ki,," e""en ia, for dreamin' i" a,"o "#$4

    $or ed by " #die" of dreamin' amon' he b,ind- "ome of which ha.e been cond#c ed by hi" wife- co'ni i.e $"ycho,o'i" Nancy Kerr/ &hi,4dren who become b,ind before he a'e of fi.e rare,y e1$eri