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Rol de Financiadores de Projetos 1. CESE – Fazer Carta do projeto que enviamos dando apoio Ilma. Coordenadoria Ecumênica de Serviço - CESE Rua da Graça 164 - Graça CEP 40.150-055 - Salvador – Bahia – BA 2. FUNDAÇÃO O BOTICÁRIO DE PROTEÇÃO À NATUREZA ECODESENVOLVIMENTO A carta-consulta é o documento através do qual a organização proponente apresenta, de forma sucinta, sua instituição, a questão que pretende tratar, as atividades planejadas e os resultados esperados, o método adotado, a qualificação da equipe técnica e uma estimativa dos custos do projeto. As instituições interessadas deverão encaminhar formalmente a carta-consulta em papel timbrado, datado e assinado por seus dirigentes ou representantes legais e pelo executor do projeto, dirigido à Fundação O Boticário de Proteção à Natureza. As cartas-consulta devem ser encaminhadas apenas pelo correio, em 2 vias e contendo no máximo 5 páginas com os seguintes elementos de informação 1. Identificação da instituição proponente (acompanhada de Estatuto e Ata de Eleição da diretoria atualizada) Nome; Endereço completo (com telefone e e-mail de contato); 1
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Nov 11, 2018



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Rol de Financiadores de Projetos 1. CESE – Fazer Carta do projeto que enviamos dando apoio

Ilma.Coordenadoria Ecumênica de Serviço - CESERua da Graça 164 - GraçaCEP 40.150-055 - Salvador – Bahia – BA


A carta-consulta é o documento através do qual a organização proponente apresenta, de forma sucinta, sua instituição, a questão que pretende tratar, as atividades planejadas e os resultados esperados, o método adotado, a qualificação da equipe técnica e uma estimativa dos custos do projeto.

As instituições interessadas deverão encaminhar formalmente a carta-consulta em papel timbrado, datado e assinado por seus dirigentes ou representantes legais e pelo executor do projeto, dirigido à Fundação O Boticário de Proteção à Natureza.

 As cartas-consulta devem ser encaminhadas apenas pelo correio, em 2 vias e contendo no máximo 5 páginas com os seguintes elementos de informação

1. Identificação da instituição proponente (acompanhada de Estatuto e Ata de Eleição da diretoria atualizada)


Endereço completo (com telefone e e-mail de contato);

Município e Unidade da Federação;

DDD, número de telefone, fax, e-mail;

Esfera administrativa (federal, estadual ou municipal);

Informações sobre a instituição proponente do projeto (resumo das atividades);

Experiência anterior com outros órgãos financiadores.


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2. Descrição Geral do Projeto


Nome do projeto;

Nome do responsável técnico pelo projeto;

Questão a ser abordada/justificativas;

Objetivos e resultados esperados com o desenvolvimento do projeto;

Atividades planejadas para alcançar os resultados. Neste item deve ficar claro como o proponente pretende alcançar resultados nas seguintes atividades:

a) geração de renda: são priorizadas cartas-consulta que demonstrem atividades de geração de renda em equilíbrio com os recursos naturais existentes. Estas atividades já devem estar em andamento ou sendo implantadas, podendo-se solicitar recursos para seu incremento e/ou para efetiva implementação. As atividades de capacitação para a atividade apresentada devem fazer parte de um contexto, e não compor o objetivo principal da carta-consulta;

b) perspectivas de sustentabilidade do negócio gerado: com recursos próprios ou com novas captações. Um esboço do plano de mercado deve ser apresentado, bem como as outras formas de captação (se já existentes).

c) mudança de comportamento da comunidade beneficiada em sua relação com a natureza;

d) conservação da natureza: conforme já mencionado, dá-se preferência a projetos desenvolvidos no entorno de unidades de conservação. Alguns exemplos de atividades de conservação da natureza: criação de novas unidades de conservação ou auxílio à implementação e/ou ampliação das já existentes, restauração de Áreas de Preservação Permanente, averbação de Reservas Legais, criação de corredores ecológicos, entre outras.

Formas de medição dos resultados: incluir metas e indicadores de monitoramento;

Equipe técnica e qualificações;

Outras instituições participantes e forma de participação;

Razões pelas quais a instituição se considera habilitada para tratar questões de ecodesenvolvimento.

3. Estimativa de custos, origem dos recursos e duração do projeto


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Valor total do projeto;

Valor solicitado;

Valor da contrapartida (recursos do proponente e de outras fontes). Não serão consideradas contrapartidas bens móveis e imóveis preexistentes, ou seja, a contrapartida deve ser em recursos novos a serem investidos no projeto e em sua sustentabilidade;

Duração do projeto;

Cronograma orçamentário. A contrapartida do proponente deverá aumentar gradativamente no decorrer do projeto, diminuindo o desembolso de recursos da Fundação O Boticário, de forma a buscar a sua sustentabilidade. As rubricas devem estar abertas e descritas (ex.: despesas com viagens – alimentação, hospedagem, combustível, etc.).

O endereço para envio da carta-consulta é:


3. Fundo Mink - Chile – Organizar carta da FETAESC

4. MDA – PRONAF – Carta de Apoio

Secretário Valter Bianchini, no seguinte endereço: Setor Bancário Norte - SAN, Quadra 1, Edifício Palácio do Desenvolvimento, 6º Andar Brasília/DF, CEP 70057-900.

SECRETARIA DA AGRICULTURA FAMILIAREndereço: SBN – Quadra 01 – Ed. Palácio do Desenvolvimento, Bloco D,

6º andar – 70057.900 – Brasília/DFFone: (61) 426.9914 / 426.9924 / 426.9928/ 426.9933 / 426.9934/4269966

Fax: (61) 328.8953e-mail: [email protected]

[email protected]

5. The Moriah Fund


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La Fundación Moriah es una fundación privada, independiente y sin fines de lucro establecida en 1985 y con sede en la ciudad de Washington, D.C. Nuestra cobertura geográfica incluye Latinoamérica, enfocándose especialmente en Guatemala. La Fundación mantiene un personal pequeño de profesionales comprometidos con la calidad de vida y bienestar de poblaciones marginadas social y económicamente, así como con el pluralismo ideológico y democrático. En 1999, la Fundación Moriah estableció un nuevo programa en Guatemala, que responde a las necesidades de promover la participación y el liderazgo de los sectores más marginados de la población, fortalecer la protección de los derechos humanos, y apoyar la construcción de la sociedad civil.

Objetivos Específicos

El Programa para Guatemala de la Fundación Moriah busca:

1. Promover los derechos, la participación y el liderazgo de los pueblos indígenas;2. Fomentar los derechos humanos y la justicia social;3. Mejorar los niveles de bienestar y salud de las mujeres, así como facilitar su participación y liderazgo en la sociedad guatemalteca; y4. Apoyar la implementación de estrategias de desarrollo rural que mejoren la calidad de vida en las comunidades rurales y conserven los recursos naturales para generaciones futuras, a través de un manejo sostenible y conservación.


Para lograr estos objetivos, la Fundación Moriah considerará proyectos y programas que:

Fortalezcan las instituciones y las políticas guatemaltecas a nivel nacional

Creando capacidades organizativas y de incidencia de las ONGs nacionales, a través de la capacitación, la asistencia técnica y el fortalecimiento institucional.

Motivando la participación ciudadana en el diseño de políticas nacionales.

Relacionando los intereses y las acciones locales con iniciativas políticas a nivel nacional.

Construyan capacidades de la sociedad civil a nivel local

Promoviendo la organización comunitaria y el desarrollo de las capacidades de liderazgo a nivel local, así como la movilización y la participación, con un énfasis en aquellos proyectos que contribuyan a esfuerzos más amplios.

Creando capacidades organizativas e institucionales de grupos comunitarios que estén involucrados en procesos regionales y nacionales de desarrollo.

Promuevan que los EEUU y las agencias multilaterales tengan una política justa hacia Guatemala, que fomente los derechos humanos y la justicia social y económica


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Aumentando la capacidad de incidencia y monitoreo de las ONGs estadounidenses que buscan mejorar las políticas de los E.E.U.U. y las agencias multilaterales hacia Guatemala.

Fortaleciendo la capacidad de incidencia de las ONGs guatemaltecas que también buscan mejorar las políticas internacionales hacia Guatemala.

La Fundación Moriah busca promover la transformación social, construir capacidades organizativas, fortalecer capacidades de liderazgo, fomentar y fortalecer la participación e involucramiento de las personas afectadas por las políticas publicas, y relacionar los intereses y las acciones locales con los cambios de política a nivel nacional. Buscamos y priorizamos proyectos que reflejen de manera integral nuestros objetivos programáticos, así como los que beneficien a las poblaciones y comunidades más afectadas por la guerra.


La Fundación Moriah no puede apoyar producciones de vídeo, campañas de recaudación de fondos o de capitalización, investigaciones médicas, becas o proyectos que provengan de personas individuales o instituciones con fines de lucro. También la Fundación dará prioridad a organizaciones guatemaltecas, en comparación con organizaciones internacionales que llevan a cabo actividades similares en Guatemala.

Para Contactarnos

Favor de enviar una carta de solicitud en inglés o español que no exceda 2-3 páginas. La carta debe incluir una descripción breve del proyecto o de la necesidad de financiamiento, las cualidades y capacidades de la organización solicitante, y un resumen de los gastos. Después de revisar esta carta, el personal de la Fundación Moriah les informará sobre la situación de su solicitud y los requisitos de una propuesta más detallada si esta fuera necesaria. Pedimos que no nos envíen propuestas completas hasta que hayamos tenido la oportunidad de revisar su carta inicial. De esta manera le ahorraremos esfuerzo en el caso que su proyecto no se enmarque dentro de nuestros objetivos y estrategias. Por favor envíe su correspondencia a:

Lael ParishProgram Officer for Latin America The Moriah Fund One Farragut Square South1634 I Street, NWSuite 1000Washington, D.C. 20006-4003

Para mayor conveniencia y rapidez la carta puede ser enviada como adjunto por correo electrónico a [email protected].

Fechas Límites

Las cartas de solicitud tienen que llegar antes del 1 febrero para consideración en mayo, y del 1 julio para noviembre. Si el personal de Moriah pide recibir una propuesta completa, estas tienen que llegarnos por el 1 marzo y el 1 agosto respectivamente.

Información Adicional

Nuestros fondos para donaciones no están afiliados con ningún gobierno, grupo religioso, o causa política. Nuestras decisiones sobre propuestas de apoyo se basan en los méritos de los proyectos, sus necesidades financieras, y nuestra disponibilidad de fondos.


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6. União Mundial para a Conservação de Natureza


Através do Comitê Holandês para IUCN, a União Mundial para a Conservação de Natureza (NC-IUCN), existem programas destinados à pequenas subvenções para Organizações Não Governamentais (NGO's), a fim de conservar a Floresta Tropical Úmida. Os programas aplicam os princípios do "Abordagem do Ecossistema" aceitado pelo Convênio sobre a Diversidade Biológica (CDB). O apoio financeira máxima é Euro 85,000.

Informação sobre critérios, formatos e prazos finais de apresentação de propostas:

Programa Selva Tropical Úmida Os fundos do Programa Selva Tropical Úmida (Tropical Rainforest Programme, TRP) estão destinados especialmente para o apoio de projetos no campo de conservação e gestão sustentável de selvas tropicais úmidas, criados e implementados pelas Organizações Não Governamentais (ONG's) locais. Os fundos são obtidos do Governo da Holanda (DGIS), a fim de implementar a "Política do Governo Holandês em relação à florestas tropicais úmidas".

Programa de Pequenas Subvenções para as Áreas ÚmidasOs fundos do Programa de Pequenas Subvenções para as Áreas Úmidas (Small Grants for Wetlands Programme, SWP) estão destinados especialmente para o apoio de projetos no campo de conservação e gestão sustentável de áreas úmidas, criados e implementados pelas Organizações Não Governamentais (ONG) locais. Os fundos são obtidos do Governo da Holanda (DGIS).

Programa Compra de Áreas Naturais Os fundos do Programa de Compra de Áreas Naturais (Small grants for the Purchase of Nature, SPN) estão destinados especialmente para o apoio de projetos de compra no campo de conservação. O objetivo é "apoiar as ONG's locais à comprar áreas naturais vulneráveis com o propósito de conservar a biodiversidade a longo prazo". Os fundos são obtidos da Loteria Holandesa Postal (Nationale Postcode Loterij)

Programa de pequenas subvenções para o país Africano Benin Fundos especialmente destinados para projetos em Benin.


7. Diversas Fontes Internacionais

Abercrombie & Kent Global Foundation (A&KGF, USA)back to index

Abercrombie & Kent is renowned as the world leader in luxury travel. The A&K Global Foundation promotes wildlife research and conservation as well as community education and historical monument preservation. Through active involvement in ongoing conservation projects, the Foundation helps to protect the delicate ecosystems in areas that are visited by A&K's guests.

The goal of the A&KGF is to provide long-term support for existing natural ecosystems to ensure that human



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populations, flora and fauna continue to survive and coexist successfully.

Contact information: Address: 1520 Kensington Road, IL 60523 Oak Brook - United States Phone:+1-630-472.1110 Fax: +1-630-471.1112 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: 

Action for Mangrove Reforestation (ACTMANG, Japan)

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ACTMANG was founded in 1992 with the goal of promoting the preservation and reforestation of the mangrove ecosystems. Model projects for mangrove reforestation have been underway in Vietnam, Ecuador and Myanmar. Contact information: Contact person: Motohiko Koga Address: MM Mansion 1104, 3-29-15-1104, Honcho, Nakano-ku, 164-0012, Tokyo - Japan Phone: +81-3-3373-9772 Fax: +81-3-3373-9772 E-mail: [email protected] 

Aktionsgemeinschaft Solidarische Welt (ASG, Germany)

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Aktionsgemeinschaft Solidarische Welt means Action Community for a Solidary World; solidarity in cooperation is the central issue for the ASW. ASW finances projects in the areas of environmental protection, women's empowerment, food sovereignty and human rights.

ASW especially supports groups in the South which want to ameliorate their living conditions based on alternative concepts and (small-scale) local initiatives. Its Environment Fund focuses on ecology and sustanability. Grants range between € 1.500-20.000. 

Contact information: Address: Hedemannstr. 14, 10969 Berlin - Germany Phone:+49-30-251.02.65 Fax: +49-30-251.18.87 E-mail: [email protected] Internet:   

Amazon Conservation Team (USA) back to index

ACT's activities are based on the concept that by helping the rainforest peoples manage and protect their cultures the forest ecosystems that surround and sustain them also can be managed and protected. ACT believes that the fates of indigenous peoples and of the rainforests on which they depend are profoundly intertwined.

The projects of ACT are designed to address some of the major threats faced by indigenous cultures: the loss of medicinal and botanical wisdom, lack of health care, lack of economic opportunity, the lack of territorial rights that would protect the rainforest from exploitation, and the lack of legal representation. 

Contact information: Contact person: Ester Sztein Address: 4211 N. Fairfax Drive, VA 22203, Arlington - USA Phone: +1-703-522.46.84 Fax: +1-703-522.44.64 E-mail: [email protected] Internet:


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 Ancient Forests International (AFI, USA)

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AFI is dedicated to the protection of primary forests around the world by developing long-term, viable projects to protect some of the world's last wild places. Its main activity is the Acquisition to acquire and protect strategic and invaluable forestlands. AFI has helped coordinate the purchase of nearly a million acres of ecologically critical forested land, primarily along the Pacific coast of North and South America.

AFI is also helping to support the neighboring communities in stewarding those areas for generations to come. AFI supports efforts to develop locally appropriate economic strategies to support the people who live in or near core protected lands, in the interest of protecting those places over the long-term.

Contact information: Address: PO Box 1850, CA 95560, Redway - USA Phone: +1-7070-923.3015 E-mail: [email protected] Internet:  

Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE, India)

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ATREE seeks to advance the protection of the environment, conserve biodiversity and promote sustainable use of resources. ATREE seeks to administer a small grants programme in Eastern Himalayan region (and to a limited extent also for the Western Ghats region) to contribute in biodiversity conservation needs of the region. ATREE will support activities in the following areas: sustainable natural resources use; capacity building of local institutions; strengthening of the policy framework, environmental education, emergent action/activism, conservation based enterprises and survey and information collection to strengthen biodiversity conservation.  Contact information: Contact person: Ms Ruchi Pant Address: Bungalow No. 2, Bhujiapani Near Airforce Officers’ Enclave, 734422, Bagdogra, West Bengal - India Phone: +91-353-550093 or +91-353-551110E-mail: [email protected] Internet:  

Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID, Australia)

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AusAID is responsible for the management of the Australian government’s overseas aid program. NGOs are able to seek funding within individual country programs in developing countries. Substantial aid is provided to African countries, but most of the aid assists the Asia-Pacific region. All aid projects are designed to promote development in ways that are environmentally sustainable.  Contact information: Address: GPO Box 887, ACT 2601 Canberra - Australia Phone: +61-2-6206.4000 Fax: +61-2-6206.4880 E-mail: [email protected] Internet:  

Bäume für Menschen (BfM, Germany)back to index

Bäume für Menschen, which means Trees for the People, is a young and small foundation (with limited means). Its purpose is the reforestation of endangered or totally deforested areas by means of small, local nurseries. The long-term aim is to ensure the survival of the dry savanna forests.

Its activities concentrate on the creation of forest plantations; prevention of further uncontrolled forest exploitation; improvement of agro-forestry systems as well as fruit cultivation within the plantations; education of foresters and rangers; and teaching the local population about the sense and purpose of reafforestation. BfM is active in Lesotho and Namibia as well as in Bolivia. 


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Contact information: Contact person: Gottfried Brenner Address: Angerkapellenstr. 5 (am Landratsamt Nordseite), 82363 Weilheim in OB - Germany Phone:+49-881-8001 Fax: +49-881-8111 E-mail: [email protected] Internet:  

Bruno Manser Fonds (Switzerland)

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This fund is an association for the indigenous peoples of Malaysia, particularly the Penan people of Sarawak. They have small funds and, therefore, focus their work on protecting the remaining virgin forest of the Penan home land. They prioritise activities which are designed to halt logging by the timber industry and to raise awareness of the rights of the Penan people.  Contact information: Contact person: Rudolf DietrichAddress: Heuberg 25, 4051 Basel - SwitzerlandPhone: +41-61-261.94.74Fax: +41-61-261.94.73E-mail: [email protected] Internet:  

Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA/ACDI, Canada)

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CIDA, is the Canadian government’s development agency. In addition to supporting basic human needs, gender equality, and infrastucture services, the Agency also gives attention to issues of human rights, democracy, good governance and to strengthen both civil society and the security of the individual. In the area of the environment, the Agency helps developing countries to protect their environment and to contribute to addressing global and regional environmental issues. Funding can range from medium to large-scale.  Contact information: Address: 200 Promenade du Portage, Quebec K1A 0G4 Hull - CanadaPhone: +1-819-997.54.56Fax: +1-819-953.54.69 E-mail: [email protected] Internet:  

Liz Claiborne & Art Ortenberg Foundation (USA)

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This is a private foundation dedicated to environmental conservation, particularly the survival of wildlife and wild lands and to the vitality of human communities which they are inextricably linked. There are two primary program interests. The first is the mitigation of conflict between the land resource needs of local communities and conservation of biological diversity in rural landscapes outside of parks and reserves. The second is the implementation of relevant, field-based scientific, technical, and practical training programs for local people.Contact information: Contact person: James Murtaugh Address: 650 5th Avenue, NY 10019 New York - USA Phone: +1-212-333-2536 Fax: +1-212-956-3531E-mail: [email protected]  

Compton Foundation (USA)back to index

The Foundation was founded to address community, national and international concerns in the fields of peace, world order, population, and the environment.

The Foundation’s priorities in the environmental field include: land, river, and watershed protection and management for purposes of long-term habitat and ecosystem preservation and restoration; changing the


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relationship between people and the natural environment in order to promote sustainable and just balance between meeting present human needs and conserving natural systems for future generations. Priority is given to projects which more than local application, are replicable and are likely to be taken over and managed by long-term funding sources. 

Contact information: Contact person: Ms. Edith Eddy, Address: 545 Middlefield Rd. Suite 178, CA 94025 Menlo Park - United States Phone: +1-650-328-0101Fax: +1-650-328-0171 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: 

Conservation and Research Foundation (USA)

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CRF gives priority to unique conservation efforts which are not funded by more conventional funding agencies. Issues supported include the establishment of reserves, development of open space programs, environmental law, preservation of unique habitats, insect control, and the conduct of ecological surveys leading to better land use patterns. Other issues supported include overpopulation, human reproduction. The Foundation also provides funding for individual research projects on biological sciences. 

Contact information: Contact person: Dr. Richard H. Goodwin Address: Box 5261, Conneticut College, CT 06320 New London - USA 

Concern America (CA, USA)

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Concern America recruits and sends professionals who serve as nonsalaried volunteers for two or more years. Medical doctors, public health specialists, educators, agriculturalists, engineers, and other experts are sent to share their skills and knowledge with community leaders. After eight to ten years in an area, the Concern America team leaves in place trained local people who are "capacitated" to continue the work and to bring it to neighboring communities.

Concern America is amongst others active in development projects in the fields of agro-forestry, organic farming and fuel-efficient stoves.

Contact information: Address: PO Box 1790, CA 92702 Santa Ana - United States Phone:+1-714-953.8575 Fax: +1-714-953.1242 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: 

Conservation International (CI, USA)back to index

CI is a large conservation organisation that focuses its work on trying to preserve and promote awareness about the world's most endangered biodiversity through scientific programs, local awareness campaigns, and economic initiatives. CI prioritises the protection of biodiversity in tropical forest areas and has on-going programs in 25 countries throughout the world. It assists in the design and implementation of conservation policies and funding programs with multilateral institutions and national governments.   Contact information: Contact person: Peter A. Seligmann, Address: 2501 M Street, NW Suite 200, DC 20037 Washington DC - USAPhone: +1-202-429.56.60Fax: +1-202-887.01.93


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Cordaid (Netherlands)

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The Dutch Catholic development organisation joins the forces of Bilance, Memisa, Mensen in Nood (Caritas Netherlands) and Vastenaktie (Dutch Bishops’ Lenten Campaign). In this way, it is involved in all aspects of development co-operation: emergency aid, structural poverty alleviation and health care.

Cordaid supports projects and programmes from NGO's that involve the active participation of the local population and pursue tangible results for the individual beneficiaries, their self-organisation and its influence on other local actors. In this development approach, special attention is given to environment, gender and geographical and sectoral coherence. The organisation receives its money from the Dutch government, the European Union and financial donations from individual contributors who support the work of Memisa, Mensen in Nood, and Vastenaktie. The maximum grant is €12.500 per project.

Contact information: Contact person: varies according to country Address: Postbus 16440, 2500 BK Den Haag - Netherlands Phone: +31-70-3136300 Fax: +31-70-3136301 E-mail: [email protected] Internet:  

Cottonwood Foundation (USA)

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The foundation is dedicated to promoting empowerment of people, protection of the environment, and respect for cultural diversity. The foundation focuses its funding on committed, grass roots organizations that rely strongly on volunteer efforts and where foundation support will make a significant difference. It has a very limited amount of funding available, and will only award grants to organizations that meet all four of the following criteria: protect the environment; promote cultural diversity; empower people to meet their basic needs; rely on volunteer efforts. Grants range between US$500 and US$1,000.   Contact information: Contact person: Paul Moss Address: Box 10803, MN 55110 White Bear Lake - USA Phone: +1-651-426.87.97 Fax: +1-651-426.03.20 E-mail: [email protected] Internet:  

Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF, International)back to index

The CEPF is a joint initiative of Conservation International, the Global Environment Facility and the World Bank. CEPF aims to invest at least $150 million over the next five years to advance biodiversity conservation projects in critical ecosystems that harbor the richest variety of life. The CEPF Donor Council provides strategic guidance, reviews and endorses ecosystem profiles and investment plans, and authorises funds in block ecosystem grants. CEPF investment per region, once approved by the CEPF Donor Council will be approximately $3 - $5 million per region for a three year window and average grant sizes will range from $10,000 - $80,000.

The Fund is a major new source of international funding directed primarily to non-governmental, community, and grassroots organisations. The Fund is also designed to expedite assistance where it is needed most and when it can do the most good, before a biodiversity threat escalates into permanent devastation. The Fund offers organisations a streamlined procedure to apply for and receive funds, via the Internet. It identifies hot spots on a yearly basis. In the first year of operations, the Fund is focusing efforts on ecosystems in the hotspots of Madagascar, West Africa (Sierra Leone, Liberia, Cote Ivoire, Ghana, Togo) and the Vilcabamba-Amboró Corridor located in Peru and Bolivia in South America.


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Contact information: Address: c/o Conservation International, 2501 M Street NW, Suite 200, DC 20009, Washington DC - USA Phone: +1-800-429.5660Fax: +1-202-887.0193Internet:  

Cultural Survival (USA)

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CS provides empowerment tools that support indigenous efforts to effectively resist cultural degradation and threats to their habitat and sovereignty. CS is currently sponsoring projects initiated by indigenous peoples who seek to obtain land rights, protect and manage their natural resources, market sustainable products, preserve their language and art forms, etc.. Furthermore Cultural Survival provides organizational support, administrative support, and acts as a fiscal sponsor to small, independent initiatives that contribute to Cultural Survival’s mission. Contact information: Address: 215 Prospect Street, MA 02138 Cambridge - United States Phone: +1-617-441-5400Fax: +1-617-441.5417 E-mail: [email protected] Internet:  

Damien Foundation (USA)

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This is a relatively small family foundation. Its aim is to create healthy grassroots environmental organisations and a high degree of co-operation and partnership among them. The Damien Foundation has a Small Grants Program to provide capacity building support and organisational assistance to small environmental organisations. It gives priority to organisations from Brazil.  Contact information: Contact person: Mark Rabine Address: 235 Montgomery St., Ste. 1120, CA 94104 San Francisco - USA Phone: +1-415-421-7555Fax: +1-415-421-0712  

Department for International Development (DIFD, United Kingdom)

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The DFID (formerly ODA, Overseas Development Administration) is the British department for promoting development and the reduction of poverty. Environmental assistance is provided on a national basis in accordance with relevant DFID country strategies with projects handled by individual country desks. Particular emphasis has been given in the past year to work on the following issues: analysing the links between environment and poverty in different countries; assisting countries develop policy guidelines on the principles of sustainable development; providing support to help strengthen the capacity of national and local institutions with environmental responsibilities; analysing the links between environmental stress and conflict; assisting countries to benefit from global environmental conventions. Countries in which DFID is expected in the future to target assistance on promoting the principles of sustainable development are Uganda, Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Zambia, Ghana, Nepal, India, Pakistan, China, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Bolivia, and the Russian Federation. Contact information: Address: 1 Palace Street, SW1E 5HE London - United Kingdom Phone: +44-20-7023.0000 Fax: +44-20-7023.0016 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: 

EarthLink (Germany)back to index

EarthLink, the People & Nature Network, is a small German NGO. EarthLink together with its partners is involved in concrete projects to protect forests, oceans and coastal areas. Through environmental education for children and youth as well as adults and current decision makers from the political and business sector, EarthLink lays the foundation for ecologically sustainable development. Through forest-camps, joint reforestation programmes,


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seminars and workshops practically orientated ways for a future that is worth living in are shown.Contact information: Address: Frohschammerstr.14, 80807 München - Germany Phone:+49-89-3565.2102 Fax: +49-89-3565.2106 E-mail: [email protected]  Internet:   

Earth Love Fund (ELF, United Kingdom)

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ELF was founded in 1989.The emphasis of this fund is on community-based conservation projects in rainforest regions and endangered forests world-wide. Funding is small to medium. Projects which promote and conserve the protection of endangered forests, biological diversity, and cultural and community integrity will be given priority. Contact information: Contact persons: Helen Newing, Vic Coppersmith-HeavenAddress: 9 Standingford House Cave Street, OX4 1BA Oxford - United Kingdom Phone: +44-1865-200208Fax: +44-1865-209091 E-mail: [email protected] Internet:  

Earth Preservation Fund (EPF, USA)

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EPF was founded by the travel company JOURNEYS International Inc., as a non-profit organisation to provide support to nature and cultural conservation projects world wide. The EPF was the first wholly traveller funded conservation organisation in the United States. Generally, the EPF supports projects through: 1) direct financial grants of $500.00 or less, 2) advertising projects via JOURNEYS and EPF publications, and 3)through the visits by JOURNEYS travellers to EPF sponsored projects.  Contact information: Address: P.O. Box 7545, MI 48107 Ann Arbor - USAPhone: +1-734-665.4407Fax: +1-734-665.2945 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: 

EcoLogic Development Fund (EDF, USA)

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The fund was established in 1992 with the objective to conserve endangered wildlife and wild lands by advancing community-based development and resource management. It funds projects that ensure the sound stewardship of biologically rich tropical forests, train farmers in sustainable agriculture, and strengthen community groups so that they can better protect their threatened natural resources. EcoLogic's assistance ranges from helping communities to declare areas protected in order to thwart cattle ranchers and developers, strategic planning to finance reserves and protected areas, providing training in park management, and sponsoring workshops for community leaders on forest co-management. In 1999, EcoLogic Development Fund launched a “green” loan fund that offers fair credit to support environmental enterprise development. Their geographical areas of funding are Mexico and Central America. Contact information: Contact person: Shaun Paul Address: P.O. Box 383405, MA 02238-3405 Cambridge - USAPhone: +1-617-441.63.00Fax: +1-617-441.63.07 E-mail: [email protected]: 

EcoVitality (USA)


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This is a non-profit conservation planning and eco-marketing NGO set up to design, fund, and operate Integrated Conservation And Development (ICAD) programs protecting ecosystems and wildlife of developing countries. They do not have the financial resources to fund projects at this time. Instead, they will raise funds to create conservation-compatible businesses in ecologically vulnerable areas, market the goods or services in wealthy developed states, and send the profits back to the producing communities in return for better conservation outcomes. This approach links new economic opportunities directly to stronger environmental commitments. EcoVitality is also involved in improving the competitive position of marine and forest products produced in an environmentally sustainable manner.  Contact information: Address: 224 Centre Street, 2d Floor, NY 10013, New York - USAPhone: +1-212-966.8803Fax: +1-212-966.8803 Email: [email protected] Internet: 

EIRENE International (Germany)

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This is an ecumenical international peace and development service organisation. It was founded in 1957 by Christians from several denominations and apart from its head office in Germany, it has branch offices in The Netherlands and Switzerland. They focus their work on promoting intercultural dialogue, peace, community development, environment, human rights, and education.   Contact information: Address: Postfach 1322, 56503 Neuwied - GermanyPhone: +49-2631-83790Fax: +49-2631-31160 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: 

Entwicklungswerkstatt Austria (EWA, Austria)

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The name means Development Workshop Austria. The overall objective of EWA's commitment is the support of self-help activities through the provision and transfer of know-how and methods for personal and vocational development and the support of project partners and the local population in order to develop financial instruments and management capacities.

EWA has specialised in regional development programs in the Sahel in West Africa. The main focus of EWA's work lies on sustainable use of natural resources, conservation of the ecological equilibrium, diversification of income generation and the promotion of "rural artisans". EWA is currently involved in the implementation of a total of 10 projects in Burkina Faso and in Senegal. EWA carries out i.a. the following programs: support, development and promotion of ecologically sound land-use systems with focus on agro-forestry, designed and implemented in cooperation with the affected population.

Contact information: Address: Thunstrasse 16, 5400 Hallein -Austria Phone:+43-662-627.112Fax: +43-662-624.812E-mail: [email protected] Internet:  

EU Programme: Promotion of the conservation and sustainable management of tropical forests and other forests in developing countries back to index

The general aim is to promote the conservation and sustainable management of tropical forests and other forests in developing countries, so as to meet the economic, social and environmental demands placed on forests at local, national and global levels.  


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Activities under this programme aim at: Raising the status of forests in national policies and integrating forest policies based on sustainable forest management in development planning; promoting the production and use of wood and non-wood forest products from sustainably managed resources; contributing to the adequate valuation of forest resources and services; ensuring active participation of forest-dependent people and local communities in the development of national forest policies and in development planning; improving coordination and the flow of information between Commission and Member State projects so as to put in place coherent actions in that area. Contact information: EuropeAid Co-operation Office Contact person: Mr. Louis du Breil de Pontbriand Address: Unit F4, Office: J-54 6/41, 1049 Brussels - Belgium E-mail: [email protected] Internet: 

Face Foundation (Netherlands)

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The Face Foundation was set up to help abate the enhanced greenhouse effect by planting and protecting forest. Its slogan is: More Forest, Less CO2. Face works with partners who are genuinely interested in forests and are able to manage these forests sustainably. An independent organisation certifies the forests and verifies the amounts of CO2 they store. Projects are underway in the Czech Republic, Ecuador, Malaysia and Uganda.  Contact information: Address: Postbus 646, 6800 AP Arnhem - the NetherlandsPhone: +31-26-357.0770 Fax: +31-26-357.0777 E-mail: [email protected]  Internet: 

Fauna & Flora International (FFI, United Kingdom)

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FFI provides large financial support to conservation initiatives throughout the world, in the form of partnerships, technical assistance, direct funding and consultancy. Funding priority is for protected areas management to support new or existing national parks and reserves, land purchase in areas of high biodiversity in imminent danger of destruction, and for small-scale conservation projects. Additionally, they support ex situ conservation by captive breeding and plant propagation initiatives and ecological restoration through species re-introduction and invasive species.   Contact information: Address: Great Eastern House, Tenison Road, CB1 2TT, Cambridge - United KingdomPhone: +44-1223-571.000Fax: +44-1223-461.481 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: 

Floresta Inc.(USA) back to index

This Christian non-profit organisation, works to reverse deforestation and poverty in the world by transforming the lives of the rural poor. Floresta's mission of transformational development occurs through planting, teaching, learning, creating enterprise, and sharing the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It offers technically appropriate, business based programs that lead to self-sufficiency and sustainability. The program uses sound business-based economic principles to motivate farmers to change their practices. It provides medium and short term loans through their agroforestry revolving loan fund. When products are ready, it also offers assistance in taking advantage of the local and global marketplace.   Contact information: Address: 4903 Morena Boulevard, Suite 1215, CA 92117 San Diego - USAPhone: +1-800-633.5319 Fax: +1-619-274-3728 E-mail: [email protected] Internet:


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 Ford Foundation (USA)

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This large foundation worldwide supports efforts to ensure sustainable decentralised management of natural resources, aiming at reducing environmental risks and to reverse patterns of poverty and inequity that have prevented generations of poor families and indigenous communities from acquiring land tenure rights, managing their resources effectively, and gaining access to improved livelihood and social services.

Current emphasis is on a multiple use of management of forest resources. To this end, the Ford Foundation supports participatory models of education related to forestry, agroforestry, natural forest regeneration, and non-timber forest products. Funds can range from medium to large.  

Contact information: Address: 320 East 43 Street, NY 10017 New York - USA Phone: +1-212-573.5000E-mail: [email protected] Internet: 

Forest Management Foundation (FMF, UK)

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The FMF was set up as a development organisation to promote community-based forestry. FMF believes that, for forestry projects to become viable and sustainable in the broadest sense, the environmental, social, and economic aspects of these projects must be properly integrated. To assist in this process, FMF provides a range of services focused in particular on the economic and commercial side.

FMF works in partnership with people who plan and manage community forestry projects in order to help them to run projects in an efficient, economic and effective way. Adequate long-term finance is essential to get projects off the ground and to help them through the first years of operating. FMF can assists in drawing up project proposals and finding possible sources of funding for well-conceived community forestry projects. The foundation is active in Africa, the Pacific and Ecuador.

Contact information: Contact person: Hubert Kwisthout Address: 6 Salisbury Avenue, Penarth, CF64 3JA Cardiff - United Kingdom Phone:+44-1222-70.74.44 Fax: +44-1222-71.11.33 E-mail: [email protected] Internet:  

Forest Peoples Project (FPP, UK)

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The Project was established in 1999 as the charitable arm of the Forest Peoples Programme to provide support for forest peoples, particularly in sustainable development, education and capacity building. Its aims are to support indigenous and tribal forest peoples to: promote their collective and individual rights; secure their lands and manage their natural resources; carry out sustainable community development. FPP works to achieve its aims by means of: technical support, capacity building and policy advice for forest peoples; networking with NGOs, indigenous support organisations and agencies; researching and analysing the situation of forest peoples; and providing information on forest peoples. Its funds are limited.  Contact information:Address: 1c Fosseway Centre, Stratford Road, GL56 9NQ, Moreton-in-Marsh - United Kingdom Phone: +44-1608-652893Fax: +44-1608-652878E-mail: [email protected] Internet: 


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Foundation for Deep Ecology (USA)

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The Foundation funds activities that focus on 1) Forests and habitats including campaigns that deal with the root causes of this problems; 2) Grassroots activism in areas as diverse as agriculture, economics, bioregionalism; 3) Providing aid to traditional native societies to maintain their economic, political, and cultural sovereignty; and 4) Campaigns to educate the public about and to resist the growth of new economic trends (e.g. international free trade agreements, etc.). Funding grants vary from small to medium.   Contact information: Address: Building 1062 Fort Cronkhite, CA 94965, Sausalito - USA Phone: +1-415-229.9339 Fax: +1-415.229.9340 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: 

Fundeso (Spain)

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Fundeso's primary attention is directed towards socio-economic programmes centered on reinforcement of the economical position of small producers and the professional education of young people and adults. Fundeso promotes socio-economical development programmes in developing countries, with special attention for Latin America. Themes are amongst others forest issues like afforestation and non-timber forest products.Contact information: Contact person: Mr. Javier Gila Address: Gran Vía, 16-4º izq, 28013 Madrid - Spain Phone: +34-91-7014700 Fax: +34-91-7014701 E-mail: [email protected] Internet:  

GEO schützt den Regenwald (GEO, Germany)

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Trees for Life” was established in 1990 by the magazine GEO. The aim is to protect tropical (rain)forests and to improve the economic situation of its inhabitants and neighbours. Funding preference is for agroforestry projects so as to develop sustainable ways of using the rainforest. They fund infrastructural measures which serve to protect selected areas; technical support, health care, and educational aid for indigenous peoples; information dissemination of the environmental situation in Southern countries.  Contact information: Address: c/o Redaktion GEO: Am Baumwall 11, 20444 Hamburg - GermanyPhone: +49-40-3703-0 Fax: +49-40-3703-5648 E-mail: [email protected] Internet:  

Global Greengrants Fund (GGF, USA)

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The mission of the GGF is to help protect the global environment by strengthening the grassroots environmental movement in developing countries with small grants in the range between US$ 500 and 5000. The Fund supports a wide range of community-based initiatives that protect the environment in the most underserved and threatened regions on Earth. Funding is especially provided for strengthening of organizational infrastructure and networking capability and in particular for those essential expenses that allow organizations to do their work.Contact information:Contact person: Chet Tchozewski, Address: 2840 Wilderness Place Suite E, CO 80301 Boulder - USAPhone: +1-303-939.9866Fax: +1-303-939.9867 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: 


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Global2000 (Austria)

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Global2000 is the largest and most well-known Austrian environmental protection organization. It coordinates and administrates rainforest projects to support the indigenous population in Brazil and Columbia. The objectives of the projects are to support indigenous cultures in the actualization of self-determined and careful development strategies, the long-term maintenance of their habitats and a rash counteraction to the destruction of the rainforests.  Contact information: Address: Flurschützstraße 13, 1120 Vienna - Austria Phone: +43-1-812 57 30-0 Fax: +43-1-812 57 28 E-mail: [email protected] Internet:  

GORTA (Ireland)

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Gorta is now concentrating its development activities in Africa, although several long-term partners in other countries are still being supported. Gorta's emphasis is on the utilisation of local resources, with projects designed, implemented and controlled by the local people to the greatest extent possible. Gorta prefers to projects within the structure of fully integrated programmes.

Themes: agricultural development, herbal & traditional medicine production, animal husbandry, bee-keeping, fish farming, agro-forestry, afforestation, soil conservation, etc.. 

Contact information: Address: 12 Herbert Street, 2 Dublin -Ireland Phone: +353-1-661.5522 Fax: +353-1-661.2627 E-mail: [email protected]  Internet:  

Green Development Foundation (GDF, Netherlands)

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GDF seeks to contribute structurally to poverty alleviation and to increase the possibilities and opportunities of development for marginalised social groups. They do not fund projects. Instead, they assist and advise grassroots organisations in formulating, implementing and evaluating development projects that are socially equitable, ecologically sound and economically sustainable.  Contact information: Address: Leliegracht 19, 1016 GR Amsterdam - The NetherlandsPhone: +31-20-421.80.98Fax: +31-20-421.80.13E-mail: [email protected] Internet:  

Helvetas (Switzerland)back to index

This organisation works with partner NGOs in over 20 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America promoting self-reliant and sustainable development with an ecological awareness and the interests of future generations. In the area of ecology and forest conservation, Helvetas concentrates its work in the following fields: land use planning, soil conservation, afforestation, bio-diversity, rural credit systems, promotion of peasant organisations, marketing of forest and agricultural products.   Contact information: Address: St. Moritzstr. 15, 8042 Zürich - SwitzerlandPhone: +41-1-368.65.00 Fax: +41-1-368.65.80 E-mail: [email protected] Internet:


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 Humanist Institute for Co-operation with Developing Countries (HIVOS, Netherlands)

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HIVOS, seeks to help improve the opportunities and scope for development of people in the South. Respect for human rights, pluralism and democratisation are essential elements here. HIVOS has an integrated approach towards environment and development issues. With respect to environment issues, focus is on sustainable production/consumption and related management of land and (agro) biodiversity. Hivos supports environmental organisations and action groups that are in the vanguard of their own society at the interface between the environment and development. Funding can vary from small to large but the maximum is € 10.000 per project.Contact information: Address: Raamweg 16, 2596 HL Den Haag - the Netherlands Phone: +31-70-376.55.00 Fax: +31-70-362.46.00 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: 

Interchurch Organisation for Development Co-operation (ICCO, Netherlands)

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ICCO finances activities that address poverty and injustice. The main focal points of ICCO are human rights, gender and environment, social development, and organisational and institutional development. With regard to the environment, ICCO funds projects on sustainable forestry and sustainable land use. Funding can range from €5.000 –till €50.000 per project. Contact information: Address: Postbus 151, 3700 AD Zeist - the Netherlands Phone: +31-30-692 78 11 Fax: +31-30-692 56 14 E-mail: [email protected] Internet:  

International Development Research Centre (IDRC, Canada)

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IDRC is a public corporation created by the Canadian government to support research conducted by scientists working in universities, private enterprise, governments, and NGOs. They have several programmes related to natural resource management, water, and land use and funding can vary from medium to large. Their community-based natural resource management programme seeks to provide assistance to people living in ecosystems that face increasing resource exploitation to manage and use their natural resources sustainably. Other priorities include food security, equity in natural resource use, biodiversity conservation, sustainable employment, strategies and policies for healthy societies, information and communication, gender, technology, and the environment. In Africa, special focus is on effective use of information and communication technologies.  Contact information: Address: PO Box 8500, K1G 3H9, Ottawa - Canada Phone: +1-613-236-6163Fax: +1-613-238-7230E-mail: [email protected] Internet: 

International Tree Foundation (ITF, UK)back to index

The ITF was founded in 1924 (!) by Dr. Richard St Barbe Baker, one of the pioneers of tree planting in Britain and the world. On a global scale, ITF tree planting grants help the world's poorest environments and societies. ITF works towards a world richer in trees, by planting, preserving and educating people on the value of trees worldwide.Since 2002 the Foundation has focused its grants on specific areas of Africa and India to ensure that projects get sufficient funding and are followed through properly. ITF is involved in the establishment and maintenance of tree nurseries, tree planting and agro-forestry projects. Contact information: Address: Sandy Lane, RH10 4HS Crawley Down, West Sussex - United Kingdom


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Phone: +44-1342-712.536 Fax: +44-1342-718.282 E-mail: [email protected] Internet:  

Japan International Volunteer Center (JVC, Japan)

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Based on the concept of 'Resident-Lead Village Development', JVC is engaged in various activities including natural farming, mutual aid and environmental protection. JVC emphasizes the importance of 'life in harmony with nature and respect for local culture'. By promoting the restoration and preservation of the natural environment, mutual aid and people' s existence in accordance with nature, it wants to enable the people to lead permanently stable lives in their villages and rural areas. Contact information: Address: Marukou-Building 6F, 1-20-6,Higashiueno,Taitou, 110-8605 Tokyo - Japan Tel.: +81-3-3834.2388 Fax: +81-3-3835.0519 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: 

Keidanren Nature Conservation Fund (KNCF, Japan)

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The KNCF supports field projects which are in accordance with the aims of the KNCF, which, in principle, provides assistance for nature conservation efforts in developing countries, particularly in the Asia Pacific region, including Siberia (but also in Africa and South America). The KNCF gives priority to projects that will serve to enrich biodiversity.  Contact information: Address: Kotani-Bldg. 8F, 1-2-7, Uchikanda, Chiyoda-Ku, 100-0047, Tokyo - Japan Phone: +81-3-5282-5701 Fax: +81-3-5282-5703E-mail: [email protected] Internet:  

Living Earth (United Kingdom)

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Living Earth involves a wide range of stakeholders in its work - people in corporations, communities, schools, and government institutions. The organisation specialises in environmental learning and in developing tri-sector partnerships among corporations, government agencies, and civil society. Living Earth has active programmes in Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Macedonia, Nigeria, Uganda, Venezuela, and the United Kingdom. As well as practical programmes, Living Earth offers training and consultancy services to a broad range of corporate, academic, and institutional clients. Contact information: Address: 4 Great James Street, WC1N3DA, London - United Kingdom Phone: +44-20-7440.9750Fax: +44-20-7242.3817 E-mail: [email protected] Internet:  

McArthur Foundation, John D. and Catherine T. (USA)back to index

The Foundation runs an Ecosystems Conservation (Conservation Science and Training, Conservation and Sustainable Economic Development, Environmental Law and Policy) programme. The purpose of the programme is to help conserve renewable natural resources in selected ecosystems where biodiversity is threatened and to promote the sustainable use of those resources. The Foundation focuses its tropical bio-geographic zones in Asia, Latin America, Africa, and Republics of the former Soviet Union. Funding tends to be from medium to large. Contact information: Address: 140 South Dearbron Street, IL 60603, Chicago - USA Phone: +1-312-726.80.00


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Fax: +1-312-920.62.58 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: 

A.W. Mellon Foundation (USA)

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This is a private foundation that makes grants on a selective basis to institutions working in the area of conservation and environment issues, among others. The Conservation and Environment Program is devoted to basic research on how natural ecosystems work focusing on plant and terrestrial ecosystems. A small number of grants are devoted to research on how environmental regulations work and are used in actual practice. The Foundation concentrates its funding on organisations in the United States, with occasional support for joint projects with institutions in Latin America and South Africa.   Contact information: Contact person: William Robertson IV Address: 140 East 62nd Street, NY 10021, New York - USA Phone: +1-212-838-8400 E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] Internet:  

C.S. Mott Foundation (USA)

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C.S. Mott has an environmental grant making program designed to support the efforts of an engaged citizenry working to create accountable and responsive institutions, sound public policies, and appropriate models of development that protect the diversity and integrity of selected ecosystems around the world.

Mott’s Environmental program is organised into three program areas: Reform of International Finance and Trade, Conservation of Freshwater Ecosystems in North America and Special Initiatives. Program goals include promoting environmentally sustainable development and greater public participation in economic decision-making processes through reform of the core policies and practices of international financial and trade institutions; advancing the conservation and restoration of freshwater ecosystems in North America, with emphasis on the Great Lakes and other globally significant ecosystems; and responding to unique opportunities to advance environmental protection in the United States and internationally. 

Contact information: Address: 1200 Mott Foundation Building , MI 48502-1851 Flint - USAPhone: +1-810-238.5651 Fax: +1-810-766.1753E-mail: [email protected]: 

Mountain Institute (TMI, USA)back to index

The Mountain Institute is a non-profit scientific and educational organisation committed to the preservation of mountain environments and advancement of mountain cultures around the world. TMI focuses its work in mountain areas and on mountain people. It has offices and community-based programs in the Andean, Appalachian, and Himalayan mountain ranges collaborating with local people to strengthen their communities and to conserve their natural resources and cultural heritage. TMI works to connect isolated mountain people world wide through the Mountain Forum (MF). As a founding member of MF, TMI promotes the Mountain Agenda and supports a world wide network of people working for mountain communities and environments. TMI’s projects are international in scale, linking mountain areas through and providing active field programs in mountain ranges on three continents. Contact information: Address: 1828 L Street NW, Suite 725, DC 20036 Washington - USA Tel.: +1-202-452.16.36 Fax: +1-202-452.1635 E-mail: [email protected] Internet:


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 National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (USA)

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The NFWF is a private organisation established by the US Congress in 1984. The Foundation fosters co-operative partnerships to conserve fish, wildlife, plants, and the habitats on which they depend. Its Challenge Grant Program awards funding to projects that address priority actions promoting fish and wildlife conservation and the habitats on which they depend; work proactively to involve other conservation and communities; leverage available funding; and evaluate project outcomes. Projects in Canada, Mexico, and other international areas that host migratory wildlife and other US trust resources (marine mammals, threatened and endangered species, anadromous and marine fish) are considered.  Contact information: Address: 1120 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 900, DC 20036, Washington - USA Phone: +1-202-857.01.66Fax: +1-202-857.01.62 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: 

Nepenthes (Denmark)

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Nepenthes was set up in 1983 as a non-profit organization by a group of biologists, anthropologists and others who wanted to work for preserving the tropical rain forests of the world and help their indigenous people. Its purpose is threefold: 1) To propagate the knowledge of tropical rainforests and other natural forests and the problems associated with their destruction. 2) To work for a long-term sustainable development that will contribute to a rational utilisation of forests and conservation of natural forests. 3) To support indigenous peoples in regions with natural forests in conserving their forests and in strengthen their cultural identity and right of self-determination.Contact information: Contact person: Vibeke Tuxen Address: PO Box 5102, 8100 Aarhus - Denmark Phone: +45-86-135232 Fax: +45-86-125149 E-mail: [email protected] Internet:  

Netherlands Committee for IUCN (NC-IUCN, the Netherlands)back to index

NC-IUCN is an independent foundation which unites Dutch NGO-members of IUCN. It promotes the implementation of IUCN’s objectives in and by the Netherlands. The Committee runs three programmes: The Tropical Rainforest Programme (TRP) is directed at implementing the tropical rainforest policy of the Dutch government. The central objective of this policy is: to encourage the preservation of the tropical rainforest through balanced and sustainable land and forest use, with a view to halt the current rapid deforestation process along with other environmental damage and degradation. The NC-IUCN/TRP was set up to help reach this objective. The projects are to be initiated and implemented by NGOs, preferably from rainforest countries.

Small Grants for the Purchase of Nature (SPN), its main goal is to contribute to the conservation of biodiversity by supporting the purchase of all kind of threathened natural areas. NC-IUCN promotes the realisation of an equitable and wise use of the ecosystems, thereby contributing to a decrease in the current rate of the destruction and degradation of biodiversity.

The Small grants for Wetlands Programme (SWP) funds are especially meant to support projects in the field of conservation and sustainable management of wetlands, set up and implemented by non-governmental, local organisations (NGOs).

Contact information: Address: PO Box 18184, 1001 ZB Amsterdam - the NetherlandsPhone: +31-20-626.17.32Fax: +31-20-627.93.49


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E-mail: [email protected]  spn@nciucn  swp@nciucn Internet: 

NOVIB - Netherlands Organisation for International Development Co-operation (the Netherlands)

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NOVIB has over forty years of experience with thousands of projects in the Third World covering a wide range of areas and subjects. It has evolved a way of working called the 'Novib Method'. The Novib Method involves working to realise the structural, sustainable eradication of poverty in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe. Novib supports projects that focus on such areas as health care, rural development, education, and setting up small businesses. Other priority issues include environment, gender, and human rights. Novib has core programmes in 55 countries and several regional and sectoral programmes on the priority themes in several continents. Since 1994 Novib is a member of Oxfam International.   Contact information: Address: PO Box 30919, 2500 GX Den Haag - the Netherlands Phone: +31-70-3421621Fax: +31-70-3614461 E-mail: [email protected]: 

Organization for Industrial, Spiritual and Cultural Advancement (OISCA International, Japan)

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OISCA-International operates on a conviction that sound development is rooted foremost on agriculture and rural-based primary industries. While promoting no specific religion, OISCA-International stresses a spiritual component along with material development. One of its main activities is the Tree Planting Programme: OISCA has been engaged in creating community forests in several Asian countries. By mobilizing volunteers, mainly from Japan, it cooperates with partner agencies and organizations in Asian.  Contact information: Address: 6-12, Izumi 3-chome, Suginami-ku, 168-0063 Tokyo - Japan Phone: +81-3-3322-5161 Fax: +81-3-3324-7111 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: 

OroVerde (Germany)

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The full name is OroVerde Stiftung zur Rettung der Regenwälder which means Foundation for the Rescue of Rainforests. OroVerde's aim is to foster the protection and conservation of tropical forests in combination with sustainable development practices. It provides funds for initiatives regarding: establishing protected areas, reforestation measures, introduction of forest restoration mechanisms, and environmental education. Contact information: Address: Radilostraße 17-19, 60489 Frankfurt - Rödelheim - Germany Phone: +49-69-609195-0Fax: +49-69-620979 E-mail: [email protected] Internet:  

Oxfam GB (United Kingdom) back to index

Oxfam's work is currently prioritised according to five strategic change objectives relating to (1) sustainable livelihoods, (2) health and education, (3) life and security, (4) the right to be heard, and (5) gender equity. Oxfam GB's programmes are mostly implemented by local partner organisations in developing countries. All funding related matters are dealt with by Oxfam GB through its international field offices.

Besides financing development projects in developing countries, Oxfam GB, together with the Oxfam International family, are involved in campaigning and lobbying activities, such as the current Trade Campaign. Many of the


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projects Oxfam funds explicitly support sustainable natural resources management. Also, potential environmental impacts of a proposed project are considered before funding is approved. In Bangladesh, the Philippines and Vietnam Oxfam is especially involved in the conservation of mangrove forests. Oxfam is working with local people to rebuild this resource.  

Contact information: Address: Oxfam House, 274 Banbury Road, OX2 7DZ Oxford - United Kingdom Phone: +44-1865-312.610 E-mail: [email protected] Internet:  

Packard Foundation, David and Lucile (USA)

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It provides grants to non-profit organisations in the following broad program areas: conservation, population, science, children, families, communities, arts, and organisational effectiveness and philanthropy. In its international conservation program, the Foundation supports programs which protect globally outstanding habitats in areas of natural significance and biological diversity; address important factors of environmental degradation found in inappropriate and unsustainable land, water, energy, and marine resources; elevate the role of natural and social science in the management of key resources and in the arena of conservation policy. Outside of the United States, their focus is Mexico, the Western Pacific, and China.   Contact information: Address: 300 Second Street, Suite 200, CA 94022, Los Altos - USAPhone: +1-650-948.7658Internet:  

Pacific Environment (USA)

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Founded in 1987 as the Pacific Environment and Resources Center (PERC) this non-profit organisation started by working on international energy and resources issues. Pacific Environment protects the living environment of the Pacific Rim by strengthening democracy, supporting grassroots activism, empowering communities, and redefining international policies. Pacific Environment presently supports over 100 different NGOs throughout the Pacific Rim. PE provides them with small grants, equipment (computers, modems), information, advice and other capacity-building tools. Pacific Environment organizes meetings and conferences to get them all in the same room to discuss regional issues and work on regional strategies.  Contact information: Address :1440 Broadway, suite 306, CA 94612, Oakland - USA Phone: +1-510-251.8800Fax: +1-510-251.8838E-mail: [email protected] Internet: 

Patagonia Inc. (USA)

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Patagonia is an outdoor clothing company that gives grants for environmental work. Patagonia funds only environmental work. They are most interested in making grants to organizations that identify and work on the root causes of problems and that approach issues with a commitment to long-term change. Patagonia looks for programs with a clear agenda for change and a strategic plan for achieving the organization's goals.  Contact information:Address: PO Box 150, CA 93002, Ventura - USAE-mail: [email protected] Internet:  

Plant-It 2000 (USA) back to index

This is a nonprofit foundation dedicated to properly planting, maintaining and protecting as many indigenous trees as possible worldwide. In addition to replenishing cities and forests, Plant-It 2000 also periodically provides educational


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workshops on forestry issues to thousands of children. Founded by the late Singer John Denver in 1992, its reforestation projects in many countries often directly help humanity by increasing crop production, fresh water availability and food.  Contact information: Address: PMB 310, 9457 S. University Boulevard, Highlands Ranch, CO 80126 - USA Phone: +1-303-221.00.77 Fax: +1-303-221.0090 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: 

Presbytarian Hunger Program (PHB, USA)

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The PHP provides grants to programs addressing hunger and its causes. One of the five program areas is development assistance for socio-economic activities. PHP supports projects that encourage and support land ownership by the poor, appropriate agricultural technology, rural community development, effective soil conservation, water resource development, and community forestry. Grants range between US$ 500-20,000.Contact information: Address: 100 Witherspoon Street, KY 40202-1396 Louisville - United States Phone:+1-502-569.8963E-mail: [email protected] Internet:  

Pro Regenwald (Germany)

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Pro Regenwald seeks to protect forests, especially tropical forests, and the indigenous peoples who inhabit them. It provides small to medium funds for projects that seek to reverse tendencies which destroy forests and to develop protection measures through education, lobbying, research, and other initiatives. They also have a special fund for small projects especially as starting aid for initiatives and a fund for travel costs of people from the South who want to attend seminars or conferences in Europe.   Contact information: Address: Frohschammerstr. 14, 80807, Munich - GermanyPhone: +49-89-3598650Fax: +49-89-3596622E-mail: [email protected]  [email protected]  Internet:  

Public Welfare Foundation (PWF, USA)

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This is a non-government grant making organisation dedicated to support organisations that provide services to disadvantaged populations. The Foundation focuses its work on addressing the human health impact of environmental degradation and pollution, particularly on disadvantaged communities or those with the least resources to address this impact. Emphasis is given to such issues as air, water, and land contamination. Other themes supported are sustainable development, advocacy, and policy development. Contact information: Address: 99 Park Avenue, Suite 2220, NY 10016, New York - USA Phone: +1-212-370.1165Fax: +1-212-599.6282 

Rainforest Action Network (RAN, USA) back to index

RAN works to protect the Earth’s rainforests and support the rights of their inhabitants through education, grassroots organising, and non-violent direct action. RAN works in alliance with environmental and human rights groups around the world, including indigenous forest communities and non-governmental organisations in rainforest countries.

From its beginnings, RAN has played a key role in strengthening the world wide rainforest conservation movement by supporting activists in tropical countries, as well as by organising and mobilising consumers and community action groups throughout the United States. RAN's Protect-an-Acre Program (PAA) provides grants directly to organisations


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and communities in rainforest regions. PAA prioritises projects that help forest peoples gain control of their traditional territories through land demarcation, the development of locally-based alternative economic initiatives, community organisation, and resistance to destructive practices such as logging and fossil fuel development.

Contact information: Address: 221 Pine St., Suite 500, CA 94104, San Francisco - USA Phone: +1-415-398.44.04 Fax: +1-415-398.27.32 E-mail: [email protected]:  

Rainforest Alliance (RA, USA)

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The Alliance is a non-profit organisation dedicated to the conservation of tropical forests. It runs the Catalyst Grant Program which is awarded to carefully selected conservation projects where the infusion of a modest amount of money can dramatically increase the effectiveness of a specific endeavour. In 1995, the Program added a special emphasis on supporting women’s conservation projects. Priority is given to groups that are out of the funding loop from international or local sources because of their size or geographic location. Catalyst grants are also given in response to emergency needs.  Contact information: Address: 65 Bleecker Street, NY 10012, New York - USAPhone: +1-212-677.1900Fax: +1-212-677-2187E-mail: [email protected] Internet:  

Rainforest Concern (United Kingdom)

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This is a registered charity established in 1993 with the specific objective of protecting seriously threatened habitats in Latin America. RC purchases, leases and manages, for protection, threatened native forest with exceptional biodiversity. If land is purchased this is usually done in the name of partner organisations or local communities. Much of the work concerns the creation of protected corridors of forest between existing reserves.

Furthermore RC develops programmes for health, education and alternative income generation with local people. These are designed to reduce the human impact on native forests. A significant part of alternative income is derived from responsible ecotourism. Also research in biodiversity is promoted through research facilities at several of the projects. 

Contact information: Address: 27 Lansdowne Crescent, W11 2NS, London - United Kingdom Phone: +44-171-229.20.93Fax: +44-171-221.40.94 E-mail: [email protected] Internet:  

Rainforest Conservation Fund (RCF, USA) back to index

This is an all-volunteer non-profit organisation that is dedicated to preserve the world's tropical rain forests. RCF funds small projects related to rain forests - that is, in or near rain forests. They are, therefore, amenable to projects elsewhere if they are pertinent to rain forest conservation. Thus far, they have funded projects in Peru and Costa Rica. RCF supports projects aimed at fauna management, community management of lakes, habitat protection and recuperation, agroforestry, successful species, enriched fallows, maintain local/community possession. The goal is to avoid cutting primary forest and to restore secondary forest and degraded areas.  Contact information: Address: 2038 North Clark Street, Suite 233, IL 60614-4713, Chicago - USA


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Phone: +1-773-975.75.17 E-mail: [email protected] Internet:  

Rainforest Foundation (International)

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The Rainforest Foundation is an international network of organisations that have projects in eighteen rainforest countries throughout Asia, Africa, Central, and South America. The Foundation supports projects aimed at indigenous peoples and traditional populations of the rainforest in their efforts to protect their environment. They fund projects aimed at securing and controlling the natural resources necessary for their long term well-being and which develops the means to protect their individual and collective rights. Foundation provides funding for grassroots projects addressing legal and policy initiatives be it through creating resources, education and training, innovative strategies, or monitoring.   Contact information: Rainforest Foundation Fund Address: c/o 270 Lafayette Street, Suite 1107, NY 10012 New York - USA E-mail:[email protected] Internet: (This is also the International URL)Rainforest Foundation Norway Address: Pb 2113 Grunerlokka, 0505 Oslo - Norway Tel.: +47-2-204.47.00 Fax: +47-2-204.47.01 E-mail:[email protected] Internet:  Rainforest Foundation UK Address: Suite A5 City Cloisters, 188-196 Old Street, London EC1V 9FR - United Kingdom Tel.: +44-171-251.63.45 Fax: +44-171-251.49.69 E-mail: [email protected] Internet:   Rainforest Foundation Austria Address: Weyrgasse 5/2, 1030 Vienna - Austria Tel. & Fax: +43-1-712.46.90 E-mail: [email protected] 

Rainforest Institute (Germany)back to index

The Rainforest-Institute, institute for applied rainforest conservation supports scientific research and development projects that will ensure sustainable and holistic protection of the rainforests. The interests of indigenous and other people who settle in the rainforest will be preserved and supported as far as they promote the protection of their habitat Furthermore it advises and supports national and international institutions, which are acting in agreement with the aims of the institute, and it co-operates with national and international organisations, universities and other research institutes. Also the Institute conducts seminars and educational work. And last but not least it is involved in the purchase of (forest)lands.  Contact information: Contact person: Dr. Rainer PutzAddress: PO Box 1742, 79017, Freiburg - Germany Phone:+49-761-556.13.19 Fax: +49-761-556.13.20 E-mail: [email protected] Internet:


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 Right Sharing of World Resources (RSWR, USA)

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SRWR is a Quaker-organization which primarily works with newly established and small organizations in the developing world. SRWR’s grants support innovative income-generating projects and environmental regeneration (reforestation, agro-forestry, alternative energy sources). Grants provide seed money which is recycled within a community. RSWR supplies each project with no more than $5,000 per year; the idea being to provide just enough capital to "prime the pump." Contact information: Address: 3960 Winding Way, OH 45229-1950 Cincinnati - United States Phone: +1-513-281.4401 Fax: +1-513-281.4340 E-mail: [email protected] Internet:  

Rockefeller Brothers Fund (USA)

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The Brothers Fund is a large philanthropic organisation dedicated to improve the well-being of all people in the transition to global interdependence. The goal of the Sustainable Resource Use Program is to foster environmental stewardship which is ecologically based, economically sound, culturally appropriate, and sensitive to questions of intergenerational equity.

At the global level, the Fund seeks to advance international discussions on climate change and biodiversity preservation and by supporting and publicising practical cost-effective models that can contribute to international agreements on these issues. In the area of climate change, by focusing on utility-based energy efficiency, renewable energy transportation, and green taxes. In the area of biodiversity, by utilising ecosystem approach with special emphasis in the terrestrial context on temperate rainforests and in the marine context on fishery and coastal zone management. The Fund’s three geographic areas of grant activity are United States, East Central Europe, and East Asia. 

Contact information: Address: 437 Madison Avenue, 37th floor, NY 10022-7001 New York - USAPhone: +1-212-812.4200Fax: +1-212-812.4299E-mail: [email protected] Internet: 

SEEDTREE (yeS wE arE inDeed Together Renewing Endangered Ecosystems, USA)

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This small non-profit organization was founded in 1995, it assists self-reliant efforts to protect and renew forests and ecosystems through human economy and ecology, particularly by tree planting, water supply and biogas. SEEDTREE’s aim is to preserve and renew forest ecosystems by developing a sustainable human ecology. Planting the seed of a tree begins restoring lands, forests, their biodiversity and the quality of life they provide. It works in partnership with donors and doers who share SEEDTREE's faith in the transforming power of seeds and "seed deeds" to activate the principles and procedures most promising for ecosystem preservation and renewal.Contact information: Address: RR 2 Box 802 West Cape, ME 04981 Stockton Springs - USA Phone:+1-207-567-3056 E-mail: [email protected] Internet:  

Small Grants Program for Operations to Promote Tropical Forests (SGP-PTF, European Union)back to index

The “Small Grants Programme for Operations to Promote Tropical Forests” (SGP PTF) is a European Commission funded initiative implemented by the UNDP and executed by the SEAMEO Regional Centre for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA). The program is aimed at South-East Asia (and Sri Lanka). The SGP PTF is a community focused, country led programme that works closely with and builds on the existing mechanisms and


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procedures established by The GEF Small Grants Programme. The main objective of this programme is to encourage and support local communities, who often have little access to financial and technical resources to undertake innovative approaches to sustainable forest management at the local level.Contact information: Address: SEARCACollege, 4031 Laguna - Philippines Phone: +63-49-536.22.90 loc. 395 or loc.418Fax: +63-49-536.24.77E-mail: [email protected]  or [email protected]  Internet:  

Stichting School van Z.M. Koning Willem III en H.M. Koningin Emma der Nederlanden (the Netherlands)

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The Foundation provides financial support to projects that promote knowledge of forestry, the training of employees, teachers or information officers, the creation or restoration of training, information or educational centres, the production of information or educational material, and research aimed at the preservation, maintenance, or restoration of forests. The Foundation supports the use, protection, or restoration of forests and forestry woody and herbaceous vegetation occurring under more or less natural conditions in association with fauna and abiotic factors. It also supports projects that look at the use of forest for commercial, educational and recreational purposes; the maintenance of forest for its value to nature and the environment, the use of products originating from the forest, and the use of substitute products in the interest of the forest.  Contact information: Contact person: Ir. P.E. de WitAddress: Koninklijk Park 1, 7315 JA Apeldoorn - the NetherlandsPhone: +31-55-521.97.09Fax: +31-55-5224462E-mail: [email protected] Internet:  

Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (SSNC, Sweden)

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SSNC, works on international environmental issues that include disseminating and exchanging information and expertise on the environmental and economic causes of international environmental problems and developing long term co-operation with environmental movements in other countries. SSNC's provides assistance to and co-operates with NGOs through a Small Projects Fund, information exchange, and by engaging in joint campaigns. Current priority is for projects that support the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities to control and manage their natural resources, on the problems caused by industrial tree plantations and the role of Nordic/Swedish forest industry, as well as on sustainable agriculture, genetic resources and food security.   Contact information: Address: Box 4625, 11691 Stockholm - SwedenPhone: +46-8-702.65.00Fax: +46-8-702.08.55E-mail: [email protected] Internet:  

Swiss Agency for Development and Co-operation (SDC, Switzerland)back to index

SDC is part of the Swiss department of foreign affairs that executes the government’s development and humanitarian aid. SDC concentrates its long-term development co-operation efforts on a limited number of countries and areas of activity. SDC concentrates its development efforts on poverty alleviation, sustainable use of natural resources, supporting the empowerment of people, gender equality, and providing access to information. They also support initiatives to protect endangered areas.

Current priorities of the SDC include safeguarding and promoting peace and security, human rights, democracy and rule of law. Swiss development co-operation aims above all at improving the productive base, by fostering agriculture and food security, together with industrial and crafts production and the development of appropriate technologies. In particular, it will give financial support to socially feasibly structural adjustment programs. This support will also include the strengthening of scientific research capacities, especially in the agricultural domain, the improvement of


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transport infrastructures and, above all, the promotion of economic diversification and of the private sector in a broad sense. 

Contact information: Address: Freiburgstrasse 130, 3003 Berne - Switzerland Phone: +41-31-322.34.75 Fax: +41-31-324.13.48 E-mail: [email protected] Internet:  

SwissAid (Switzerland)

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Swiss Aid supports development initiatives of local partner organisations. It seeks to support projects that promote the autonomy of local populations' and it encourages people to develop sustainable solutions to their problems on the basis of their own knowledge, creativity, resources and traditions. SwissAid supports all aspects of rural development including, agriculture, erosion protection, irrigation and sanitation, transport, crafts, education, healthcare, and organisational development. Special attention is given towards the role of women within the frame of regular projects and by supporting special women’s projects, the latter which are initiated, conducted and exclusively aimed at women. Other fields of priority are biotechnology and MFI’s (national and global). Grants range from medium to large.  Contact information: Adress: Jubiläumsstrasse 60, 3000 Berne - SwitzerlandPhone: +41-31-350.53.53Fax: +41-31-350.27.83 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: 

Trace Foundation (USA)

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The mission of the Trace Foundation is to support economically sustainable and environmentally sound initiatives that strengthen communities and develop knowledge and skills. The goals of the foundation include improving education and training, increasing employment opportunities for the poor, conservation and management of natural resources (including recycling and refuse management, forestry and grassland management and solar and wind energy), and expansion of health care in rural areas. The foundation views strengthening capacity through training as a primary goal of all its programs.  Contact information: Address: 31 Perry Street, NY 10014 New York - USA Phone: +1-212-367.7380 Fax: +1-212-367.7383 E-mail: [email protected] Internet:  

TREE AID (United Kingdom)back to index

TREE AID has a vision to see thriving, self-reliant communities in Africa's drylands. It is working towards this by reversing poverty and environmental degradation for some of the most threatened people on earth, through skills transfer and community forest and income generation projects. TREE AID funds work in the world's poorest regions: Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Northern Ghana, Mali and Niger. TREE AID does not implement its own projects. Rather it funds local organisations that are already working with village communities they know. However, TREE AID does provide training to strengthen the technical and management capacity of partner organisations, so that they can run their own projects long after funding has ended. It also uses local expertise to follow up on projects it funds to learn and improve TREE AID's work on the ground.  

The kind of activities funded include: establishing tree seedling nurseries;  growing trees on and around farms and


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homesteads; developing income generation activities, (such as honey production from acacia trees, sale of fruit…);improving farming methods and soil fertility so people can grow more food. 

Contact information: Address: Brunswick Court, Brunswick Square, BS2 8PE, Bristol - United KingdomPhone: +44-117-909.6363 Fax: +44-117-909.6617 E-mail: [email protected] Internet:  

Trees for the Future (USA)

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This is a non-profit organisation with a people-to-people, action program that promotes and supports tree planting and environmentally sustainable self-help projects, in co-operation with local people in their own (sub-tropical) communities around the world. Their mission is to reverse forest decline (moist, cloud, rain, dry, etc.), to improve the quality of life for those who are dependent upon the land and forests, and to ensure healthy forests for future generations, by assisting local people to employ sustainable land management practices through the means of in-kind donations of tree seeds, hand tools and planting materials, as well as on-site technical training and planning assistance. Other issues they give emphasis to include: reforestation, afforestation, biological diversity, desertification and the restoration of degraded lands.  Contact information: Address: PO Box 7027, MD 20907, Silver Spring - USAPhone: +1-301-565.0630Fax: +1-301-565.5012 E-mail: [email protected] Internet:  

Trees, Water and People (TWP, USA)

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TWP works cooperatively with communities to establish and maintain sustainable forests, watersheds and wetlands while improving people’s lives. It coordinates all the projects and provides financial support, technical assistance and training to the organizations in Latin America that are striving to improve the livelihoods of their people and the quality of their environment. TWP’s current projects are focused on community reforestation, forest watershed protection and appropriate technologies, such as fuel-efficient stoves.  Contact information: Address: 633 S. College Avenue, CO 80524, Fort Collins - USA Phone: +1-970-484.3678 Fax: +1-970-224.1726 E-mail: [email protected] Internet:  

Tropical Ecology Support (TOEB, Germany)back to index

TOEB is an organisation which aims to contribute to the ecological sustainability of development projects of the German government. TOEB finances ecological research projects that fall in line with the aims of the GTZ (German Technical Co-operation). It has three program components to co-ordinate (two of which - tropical ecology and tropical forestry - form a single unit and small-scale environment projects). In Tropical Ecology Research, emphasis is placed on: Local resource management (including issues relating to conflict management, land ownership, and land-use rights; economic exploitation of biodiversity (including sustainable tourism and wildlife management); ecological agriculture and agro-biodiversity; utilisation of indigenous knowledge; and the use of bio-indicators for monitoring purposes. Key areas suitable under the tropical forestry component include: instruments and concepts for the rehabilitation and sustainable management of secondary forests and plantations as an alternative to the utilisation of primary forests; the tapping, use, and marketing of timber and non-timber resources (e.g. bio-prospecting, tourism, CO2 binding); political, legal, institutional, and social frame-work conditions for forest conservation; dynamic of ecological processes in cases of human intervention in tropical forest


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systems.  Contact information: Address: Dag Hammarskjd Weg 1-5, 65760, Eschborn - GermanyPhone: +49-6196-79.0Fax: +49-6196-79.1115 E-mail: [email protected]  Internet: 

Tropical Rainforest Coalition (TRC, USA)

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TRC is an all-volunteer, non-profit organisation that concentrates on the preservation of rainforests and indigenous peoples. It builds coalitions between individuals, corporations, businesses, learning institutions and NGOs that are working to reverse the unsustainable use of rainforests. Funds are small and priority is given to the preservation and conservation of tropical rainforest ecosystems and the indigenous peoples who live in those systems. Other priorities include funding and managing land purchase efforts (Save-an-Acre Program), developing low-impact eco-tourism programs with indigenous participation, promoting environmental awareness and education, and the Tropical Bird Rescue program.  Contact information: Address: 21730 Stevens Creek Blvd., Suite 102, CA 95014, Cupertino - USA E-mail: [email protected] Internet: 

UNDP/Global Environment Facility Small Grants Programme (UNDP/GEF-SGP, International)

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The GEF Small Grants Programme was established in 1992. GEF/SGP grants are awarded for activities which support community-level action in the biodiversity, climate change, and international waters focal areas.

Funding is provided up to US $50,000 to non-governmental organisations and community based organisations. The SGP is rooted in the belief that global environmental problems can be best addressed if local people are involved. The Programme now operates in over 50 developing countries that have ratified the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Convention on Climate Change. SGP supports forestry activities insofar as they refer to biodiversity conservation and integrated ecosystems management. 

Contact Information: Contact person: Ms. Sarah L. Timpson, SGP Global Manager Address: 304 East 45th Street, FF-1038, NY 10017, New York - USA Fax: +1-212-906 6568 E-mail: [email protected]  Internet:  

USAID (USA) back to index

The United States Agency of International Development is the government's agency responsible for implementing the United States’ international development and foreign humanitarian assistance programs. There are several mechanisms currently available for USAID to provide support to forestry and other environmental activities, including an Interagency Agreement between USAID and the US Forest Service (International Programs), several “Indefinite Quantities Contracts” the most recent being the “BIOFORIQC” which is with two major US international development consulting firms and their partners. The main partner for the USAID Global Bureau Forestry Team is the US Forest Service, International Programs. Also, local USAID Mission offices fund specific projects.   Contact information: Address: Ronald Reagan Building, DC 20523-1000, Washington DC - USA Phone: +1-202-712-4810 Fax: +1-202-216-3524 E-mail: [email protected] 


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United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USA)

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This is an agency of the United States government whose goal is to assist countries to become self-sufficient in their capacity to manage their biological resources. To achieve this, the Fish and Wildlife Service supports the Western Hemisphere Program, Asian Elephant Conservation Fund, Small Grants to Russian Federal Nature Reserves, and National Parks. It funds projects that seek to conserve a particular species, education and training in the management of biological resources, community-level environmental education and grass-root activities for the sustained use and conservation of natural resources, technology transfer, and information exchange.Contact information: Address: 4401 North Fairfax Drive ARLSQ 730, VA 22203-1622, Arlington - USAPhone: +1-703-358.1754Fax: +1-703-358.2849E-mail: [email protected] Internet: 

ViSkogen/ViForest (Sweden)

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The Foundation Vi Plant Trees started in 1983. Its main activity is the preservation of tree plantations in East Africa. Vi Forest plants millions of trees every year, to prevent famine and help East Africans build themselves a sustainable future. Agroforestry is a word which perfectly describes how the Vi Forest is using these resources to the very best advantage.  Contact information: Address: P.O. Box 45022, 10430 Stockholm - Sweden Phone: +46-8-769.86.36 Fax: +46-8-769.86.39E-mail: [email protected] Internet: 

Wallace Global Fund (WGF, USA)

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The Fund is recognised as a leader in the foundation community for its timely provision of grants and the willingness to support new, innovative mechanisms that address environmental concerns. It supports initiatives which promise to advance globally sustainable development in some fundamental way. A focal area of investment in the environmental area over the past two years has supported progress on sustainable forestry in the US and abroad. The Fund supports strategic planning, advocacy, coalition building, and outreach on forest certification, as well as substitution and demand reduction of wood products. The Fund also support policy analysis and advocacy on improved forestry programs in institutions. It gives priority to market-based strategies as these have the largest opportunity for promoting forest conservation and sustainable development.  Contact information: Address: 1990 M Street, NW, Suite 250, DC 20036, Washington DC - USA Phone: +1-202-452.15.30 Fax: +1-202-452.09.22 E-mail: [email protected] Internet:  

Weeden Foundation (USA)back to index The Foundation has prioritised the protection of biodiversity. Organisations supported to date range from those that

protect ecosystems and wildlife to those that raise the status of women and increase awareness about family planning. The Foundation tends to provide large funds to projects which serve as catalysts and focus on native forest conservation aimed at promoting greater efficiency in the use of wood products and developing substitutes to wood fibre. Additionally, the Foundation is interested in supporting effective consumer-based and consumer-targeted education and empowerment programs, especially those that use unique and effective delivery systems and outreach methods. 


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The Weeden Foundation will consider funding in any geographical location, but the Trustees have chosen the western US, Chile, Bolivia, and Central Siberia as high priority. Applicants should review the descriptions of past grantees posted on their website to better clarify the types of programs and organisations the Foundation typically funds. Funding outside of priority areas is rare.

Contact information: Address: 747 Third Avenue, 34th Floor, NY 10017, New York - USA Phone: +1-212-888-1672 Fax: +1-212-888-1354 E-mail: [email protected] Internet:  

Weltfriedensdienst (WFD, Germany)

back to index

The Weltfriedensdienst, what literally means "world peace service", was established in 1959. For the WFD, peace is more than just the absence of war. In the projects the WFD supports, securing the basis of existence is a main concern. In the international field WDT concentrates on environmental protection, the conservation of natural resources and sustainable development in combination with the support of grass-roots groups and local initiatives in Southern and West Africa. At present between 10 and 15 projects are being supported financially and, if requested, through the sending of cooperants.  Contact information: Address: Hedemannstr.14, 10969 Berlin - GermanyPhone: +49-30-253.990.0Fax: +49-30-251.18.87 E-mail: [email protected] Internet:  

Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS, USA)

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Since 1895, WCS has worked from its Bronx Zoo headquarters to save wildlife and wild lands throughout the world. WCS is at work in 53 nations across Africa, Asia, Latin America and North America, protecting wild landscapes that are home to a vast variety of species from butterlies to tigers. In 1997 the WCS) initiated the Wildlife in Sustainable Forests Program to complement its traditional regional initiatives in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and North America. This program was created to address wildlife conservation in forests managed for timber production.Contact information: Address: 2300 Southern Boulevard, Bronx, NY 10460, New York - USA Phone: +1-718-220.5100 Internet:  

World Land Trust (WLT, UK) back to index The World Land Trust seeks to conserve the World's tropical forests, as well as other biologically important habitats,

which are threatened by destruction. Its aims are: 1) To protect and sustainably manage natural ecosystemsof the world, to conserve their biological diversity, with emphasis on threatened habitats and endangered species; 2) to develop partnerships with local organisations and organisations to engage support and commitment among the people who live in project areas; and raise awareness in the UK and elsewhere, of the need for conservation, to improve understanding and generate support through education, information and fundraising.Contact information: Address: P.O. Box 27, IP19 8AL Halesworth - United Kingdom Phone: +44-1986-874422Fax: +44-1986-874425E-mail: [email protected]


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World Neighbors (USA)

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This is a non-profit, non-sectarian organisation that works to reduce poverty, hunger and sickness by combining technical assistance in agriculture, environmental conservation, health and small business with training aimed at strengthening the ability of communities to work together to solve problems. World Neighbors in collaboration with local governments and local communities has developed community-based approaches to natural resource management which will ensure the well-being of the people while conserving the natural environment. Contact information: Address: 4127 NW 122 Street, OK 73120, Oklahoma City - USAPhone: +1-800-242.63.87 Fax: +1-405-752.93.93 E-mail: [email protected] Internet:  

World Parks Endowment (WPE, USA)

back to index

The WPE has played a central role in the creation of new protected areas. It works to conserve endangered rainforests and other biologically rich areas by buying land to create new protected areas and creating endowment funds for tropical park protection and management. The Endowment targets only lands that conserve rare or endangered species and which cost less than $65 an acre.  Contact information: Address: 1616 P Street NW Ste. 200, DC 20036, Washington DC - USAPhone: +1-202-939.3808Fax: +1-202-939.3868E-mail: [email protected]:  

World Wildlife Fund - Forests for Life Programme Unit (WWF, International)


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The is the world’s largest and most experienced independent conservation organisation. Its mission is to protect nature. The Forests for Life Programme Unit underpins WWF's forest conservation work which provides support and leadership in the development and implementation of policy positions and actions at both the global and field level. Of particular concern to WWF are illegal logging and forest crime, conversion of forests to plantation crops of palm oil and soy, forest fires and climate change.

WWF's 'Forests for Life' programme is attacking many of these problems with a 3 pronged approach, working to protect, manage and restore the world's forests. This means both on the ground efforts and high level policy work combining to conserve what remains of the world's forests.

Together with WWF national offices around the world, Forests for Life is involved in more than 300 projects in over 65 countries. These include projects which are established to create and manage protected areas, to promote improved forest management, to develop participatory approaches, to conserve biodiversity and to encourage the use of forest goods and service levels that do not damage the environment.  

Contact information: Almost all WWF offices work on forest issues. You can find a complete list of their contact details on the website: The main offcie co-ordinating forest work (both policy and on the ground) can be contacted at the following postal address: Forests for Life Programme, c/o WWF International, Avenue du Mont Blanc, CH-1196 Gland - Switzerland


back to index

Both ENDS has compiled an overview of donor agencies that are primarily funding forest and/or forest related activities.   The information is provided as a service to non-governmental organisations. Copies of any and all content on this website are freely provided to not-for-profit organisations and other charitable, educational, public and community minded organisations to use. We try to provide quality information, but we make no claims, promises or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the information contained in or linked to this document.Before relying on the material, users should independently verify its accuracy, currency, completeness and relevance for their purposes. The material may include views or recommendations of third parties, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Both ENDS, or indicate its commitment to a particular course of action. Links to other websites are inserted for convenience and do not constitute endorsement of material at those sites, or any associated organisation, product or service.Any comments should be directed to the information officer, Huub Kistermann, Funding for this project came from The Netherlands Committee of the World Conservation Union (IUCN).

© Both ENDS (04/2004)

8. Comitê Holandês para á UICN Programa de Pequenas Doações para as Áreas Úmidas (SWP)


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Contato com o SWP

Para mais informações sobre o SWP pôr se em contato com:

Comitê Holandês para á UICN Programa de Pequenas Doações para as Áreas Úmidas (SWP)Plantage Middenlaan 2K1018 DD Amsterdã Países Baixos Tel: +31 - 20 - 626 1732Fax: +31 - 20 - 627 9349

Coordenador do programa: Henri ROGGERI (Sr.) Colaboradora do programa:Maartje Hilterman(Srta.)[email protected]

Apresentação de propostas via o endereço: [email protected]

9. PNUD Brasil

PNUD Brasil SCN quadra 2, bloco A, Ed. Corporate Financial Center, 7º andarCEP 70712-901 Brasília, DF

Enviar carta para Agência ABC:

Agência Brasileira de Cooperação - ABC

Ministério das Relações Exteriores, Anexo I, 8º andar,

Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bl. H,

Brasília, DF

10. MCT - Fundo Setorial de Agronegócios

Secretaria Técnica dos Fundos Setoriais



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Endereço:Ministério da Ciência e TecnologiaEsplanada dos Ministérios Bloco E sala 23470067-900 - Brasília -DF

Fax: (61) 317-7885e-mail: [email protected]

Foco: Estimular a capacitação científica e tecnológica nas áreas de agronomia, veterinária, biotecnologia, economia e sociologia agrícola, promover a atualização tecnológica da indústria agropecuária, com introdução de novas variedades a fim de reduzir doenças do rebanho e o aumento da competitividade do setor; estímular à ampliação de investimentos na área de biotecnologia agrícola tropical e de novas tecnologias.

Executores: Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos - FINEP e Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq.

Origem dos Recursos: 17,5% da Contribuição de Intervenção no Domínio Econômico - CIDE, cuja arrecadação advém da incidência de alíquota de 10% sobre a remessa de recursos ao exterior para pagamento de assistência técnica, royalties, serviços técnicos especializados ou profissionais.

11. Oak Institute for the Study of International Human Rights

Ms. Eliza Denoeux, Associate DirectorOak Institute for the Study of International Human RightsLunder HouseColby CollegeWaterville ME 04901 USA

Fax submissions to: 207-859-4808

Email submissions to: [email protected]

12. Prospect Hill


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Sarah ObraitisProgram [email protected] 

15. Richard & Rhoda Goldman Fund

Richard & Rhoda Goldman FundOne Lombard Street, Suite 303San Francisco, California 94111USA

Phone: 415-788-1090Fax: 415-788-7890

16. The Whitley Laing Foundation

The Whitley Laing Foundation50 Queensdale RoadLondon W11 4SAUK

Email: [email protected]: +44 (0)20 7603 3935Tel: +44 (0)20 7602 3443


SEDE SEBRAE/SCAv. Rio Branco,611 - CEP 88015-203 - Centro - Florianópolis/SC - Brasil.



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Main Office (please direct all inquiries here)140 East 62nd Street, New York, NY 10021Tel: 212-838-8400 / Fax: 212-223-2778

Princeton Research Office 282 Alexander Street, Princeton, NJ 08540Tel: 609-924-9424 / Fax: 609-683-4471

 Contact [email protected] with problems or questions concerning this website.

William Robertson IVProgram OfficerThe Andrew W. Mellon Foundation140 East 62nd StreetNew York, New York 10021212-838-8400fax [email protected] 


Doreen TinajeroProgram AssociateThe Andrew W. Mellon Foundation140 East 62nd StreetNew York, New York 10021212-838-8400fax [email protected]

19. Arca Foundation

1308 19th Street, NWWashington, DC 20036

The Arca Foundation

1308 19th Street, NW

Washington, DC 20036

(202) 822-9193

Fax (202) 785-1446

[email protected]

20. British CouncilO British Council é a organização internacional oficial do Reino Unido para assuntos culturais e educacionais. Nossa missão é promover os valores, as idéias e as conquistas do Reino Unido, construindo parcerias duradouras com países de todo o mundo.

[email protected]

21. Lindbergh Foundation

The Charles A. and Anne Morrow Lindbergh Foundation

2150 Third Avenue North, Suite 310


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Anoka, MN 55303-2200Phone: 763-576-1596Fax: 763-576-1664E-mail: [email protected] Website:

22. The David and Lucile Packard Foundation

The Foundation's assets were approximately $5.2 billion as of December 31, 2004. General program grant awards totaled approximately $217 million in 2004. The Foundation has a grantmaking budget of approximately $200 million in 2005.

The David and Lucile Packard Foundation300 Second StreetLos Altos, California 94022

President and Chief Executive OfficerCarol S. Larson

23. The Dudley Foundation

609 North Shore DriveBellingham, WA 98226-4414 - E-mail: dudleyfdn* - Phone: 360.671.8251

24. The Foundation Center

Who got the grant:

Jobs for Homeless People1526 Pennsylvania Avenue, S.E.Washington , DC 20003Contact: Contessa Riggs, Executive Director at 202/544-9096Phone: 202/544-5300Fax: 202/544-6600E-mail: [email protected] site:


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Who gave the grant:

Herb Block Foundation 1730 M Street, N.W., Suite 901Washington, DC 20036Phone: 202/223-8801Fax: 202/223-8804E-mail: [email protected] site:

25. Mac Found

140 S. Dearborn Street, Chicago, IL 60603-5285 USA   Phone: (312) 726-8000   TDD: (312) 920-6285   [email protected]

26. National Geographic Society Development Office

National Geographic Society Development Office1145 17th Street NWWashington, D.C. 20036U.S.A.

Telephone800 373 1717 (U.S. and Canada only)+ 1 202 862 8638

[email protected]


Please note our new address:909 Third Avenue, 22nd FloorNew York, NY 10022

Our telephone and fax remain the same:T: 212-686-0010   F: 212-532-8528

28. Rockefeller Foundation  w Yo

420 Fifth Avenue   New York, NY 10018   212.869.8500


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A single, large-scale Phase III prevention trial could cost more than $100million..

[email protected], or fax (212) 852-8442


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29. Fundação Tinker

9.850 55 East 59th Street,   New York, New York 10022

Tel: (212) 421-6858 • Fax: (212) 223-3326 • E-mail: [email protected]


30. Hewlett Foundation

The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation2121 Sand Hill RoadMenlo Park, CA 94025Phone: (650) 234-4500Fax:     (650) 234-4501

31. WWF-Brasil

WWF-Brasil SHIS EQ QL 6/8, conjunto E, 2º andarCEP 71620-430, Brasília-DFTel: (61) 364-7400Fax: (61) 364-7474Email: [email protected]

32. Threshold Foundation

[email protected]

237 Camino del Norte, Santa Fe, NM 875014860 Rainier Avenue, South, Seattle, WA 9811865 Ninth Street, Suite 3, San Francisco, CA 94103

33. Tides – Possui Lista Geral de Organizações Internacionais

[email protected]


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34. American Health Association Ms. Nneth Pelletier 1990 N. California Blvd.Suite 830Walnut Creek, CA 94596(925) 932-7074(925) 838-3007 [email protected]

35. Turner Foundation, Inc.133 Luckie Street NW2nd FloorAtlanta, GA 30303Tel: 404-681-9900Fax: 404-681-0172Website:


[email protected] [email protected]

37. United Nations Foundation

United Nations Foundation1225 Connecticut Avenue, NW, 4th Floor Washington, D.C. 20036, 202.887.9040 (phone)202.887.9021 (fax)

38. W.K. Kellogg Foundation

W.K. Kellogg FoundationOne Michigan Avenue EastBattle Creek, Michigan49017-4012USA


TDD on siteFacsimile: 269-968-0413

39. Wajones


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[email protected]; [email protected];

40. The Wallace Genetic Foundation

The Wallace Genetic Foundation 4900 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Suite 220 Washington, DC 20016

Phone  (202) 966-2932 Fax  (202) 966-3370E-mail: [email protected]

41. Weedenfdn

            747 Third Avenue, 34th Floor            New York, NY 10017            Phone: 212-888-1672            Facsimile: 212-888-1354            e-mail: [email protected]

42. Jica

End: SCS , Quadra 01 , Bloco F , Ed. Camargo Corrêa , 12º andar CEP: 70.397-900 BRASÍLIA/DF Coordenador no Brasil: HYOGEN KOMATSUTel: 61 321-6465 Fax: 61 321-7565 E-mail: [email protected]

43. Fundação Onda Azul

SalvadorLadeira da Misericórdia, Número 7CEP 40020-330Sé, Salvador, BATel/Fax: (71) [email protected]

Rio de JaneiroAv. General Justo, 275 / 307, CentroCEP 20021-130Tels.: (21) 2533.3619 / 2524.6144 / [email protected]


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44. Conservação Internacional Brasil

Av. Getúlio Vargas, 1300 – 7º andar – Belo Horizonte . MG . BrasilCEP 30112-021 – Tel.: [31] 3261.3889


SAUS - Quadra 3, Lote 2 - Bloco C - Ed. Business Point,7º andar - Salas 715-72270070-934 Brasília - DF - Brasil Telefax:(61)226-2491

45. Alcoa Corporate Center

Alcoa Corporate Center201 Isabella StreetPittsburgh, PA15212-5858USA

Phone: 412-553-4545Fax: (412) 553-4498

46. American Conservation Association

American Conservation Association MS. Charles M. Clusen, Executive Director1350 New York Avenue, N.W., Suite 300 Washington, D.C. 20005Phone: 202-624-9365 Email: [email protected] Web siteEIN: 131874023 Type: OperatingEGA member

47. Associação Brasileira da Indústria Química

Associação Brasileira da Indústria QuímicaAv. Chedid Jafet, 222, Bloco C – 4º andar, Vila OlímpiaCEP 04551-065 - São Paulo - SP.Tel: (11) 2148-4700 – FAX (11) 2148-4760


Associação Brasileira das Industrias Automáticas de VidroRua General Jardim, 482 - 16º andar


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01223-010 - São Paulo - SP

Atendimento fone/faxTel: 11 - 3255-3033Fax: 11 - 3255-4457

49. SIDA – Sueca e colabora com programas sociais

SE-105 25 Estocolmo, SuéciaVisitas: Sveavägen 20Telefone: +46-8-698 50 00Telefax: +46-8-698 56 15Correio electrónico: [email protected]

50. BID

[email protected]

51. Banco Internacional de Reconstrução e Desenvolvimento - BIRD

Banco Internacional de Reconstrução e Desenvolvimento - BIRDSCN, Qd. 2, Lt. A, Ed. Corporate Financial Center, Cj. 303/304Brasília, DF 70712-900Tel.: (61) 329-1000 - Fax: (61) 329-1010 

52. PPG7

Joseph Leitmann Coordenador [email protected]

Ofélia Ferreira da Silva Oficial de Projetos  [email protected]

Adriana Moreira Especialista Sênior em Meio Ambiente [email protected]

Gregor Wolf Especialista Sênior em Meio Ambiente [email protected] Ricardo Tarifa Especialista Florestal [email protected] Werner Kornexl

Especialista em Desenvolvimento - Setor Privado [email protected]

Marcelo Coelho Analista de Operações [email protected]

Zeze Weiss Especialista em Desenvolvimento Social e Sociedade Civil [email protected]

Mauro Azeredo Assessor de Comunicação [email protected] Marla McCarrol Junior Professional Associate [email protected]


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Pinto-Rodrigues Patricia Melo Assistente de Projetos [email protected] Amanda Schneider Assistente de Projetos aschneider1

Over time, donors have pledged additional resources for the Pilot Program. Total funding (whether contracted, firmly committed or just announced) of the Program currently amounts to about $404 million, including Brazilian contributions. Germany is the largest donor of the Program, followed by the European Union, the United Kingdom and the United States.

53. Canadian International Development Agency

Canadian International Development Agency200 Promenade du PortageGatineau, QuebecK1A 0G4

Tel: (819) 997-5006Toll free: 1-800-230-6349Fax: (819) 953-6088

(For the hearing and speech impaired only (TDD/TTY): (819) 953-5023Toll free for the hearing and speech impaired only: 1-800-331-5018)E-mail: [email protected]


55. Grants Management Associates

Grants Management Associates 77 Summer Street, Suite 800 Boston, Massachusetts 02110-1006


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617-426-7080 617-426-7087 Fax


[email protected]

55. The World Bank

The World Bank1818 H Street, N.W.Washington, DC 20433 (202) 473-1000fax: (202) 477-6391

56. Banco Internacional de Reconstrução e Desenvolvimento - BIRD

Banco Internacional de Reconstrução e Desenvolvimento - BIRDSCN, Qd. 2, Lt. A, Ed. Corporate Financial Center, Cj. 303/304Brasília, DF 70712-900Phone: (55 61) 329-1000Fax: (55 61) 329-1010E-mail: [email protected]

57. Cottonwood Foundation

Cottonwood FoundationBox 10803White Bear Lake, MN 55110 USA

[email protected]

58. [email protected]

life@ dupont


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59. Echoing Green Echoing Green                         60 East 42nd Street                         Suite 520                         New York, NY 10165                         By Phone:        212-689-1165                         By Fax:             212-689-9010                      By Email:         [email protected]


Av. das Nações, quadra 811, lote 39,Setor de Embaixadas SulBrasília, DFCEP 70425-900

Tel.: (61) 442- 4200 (Geral)Fax: (61) 242-2499 (Dep. Consular)Fax: (61) 443-9051 (Dep. Cultural e Informativo)

Kasumigaseki 2-2-1 Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-8919Tel: +81 - (03) 3580-3311 Departamento Consular E-mail: [email protected] Tel: (61) 442- 4200 Fax: (61) 242-2499Departamento CulturalBolsas:[email protected]

Imprensa:[email protected]

Tel: (61) 442- 4200 Fax: (61) 443-9051

61. Fondo Minka Chorlavi Fondo Mink'a de Chorlavíc/o RIMISPCasilla 228 - Correo 22Santiago, Chile


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Tel. +(56-2) 236 45 57Fax +(56-2) 236 45 [email protected]

62. Foundation for Deep EcologyBldg. 1062 Fort Cronkhite Sausalito,

CA 94965 phone: 415.229.9339facsimile: 415.229.9340

[email protected]

63. [email protected]

64. FacepeRua Benfica, 150, Madalena  CEP 50720-001  Recife - PE  

Fone (81) 3445.0455  .  Fax (81) 3445.9695  

[email protected]

65. Ford FoundationTelephone (212) 573-5128Fax (212) 351-3643Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Foundation320 East 43rd St.NY NY 10017Monday – Friday 9 am – 5 pm

66. Inter-American FoundationInter-American Foundation901 N. Stuart Street10th FloorArlington, VA 22203


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Phone: 703.306.4301fax: 703.306.4365e-mail: [email protected]

67. The World Bank

The World Bank1818 H Street NWWashington DC 20433 USATel: (202) 473-1816 Fax: (202) 522-3256

E-mail: [email protected]

GEF Headquarters1818 H Street NWWashington DC 20433 USATel: (202) 473-0508 Fax: (202) 522-3240/522-3245

Chief Executive Officer:Mohamed T. El-AshrySenior External Relations Coordinator:Hutton G. Archer

E-mail: [email protected]

68. GE

Gary Sheffer Executive Director, Communications and Public Affairs(203) [email protected]

David Frail


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Financial Communications(203) [email protected]

Louise Binns Europe, Middle East, Africa, International Public Affairs+32 2 235 [email protected]

Jonathan Klein Corporate Communications (203) [email protected]

Linda Boff Organizational Communications (203) [email protected]

69. General Service557 North Mill StreetSuite 201Aspen, Co 81611

(970) 920-6834Fax - (970) 920-4578

[email protected]

70. IBM

Mailing address:IBM Corporation 1133 Westchester AvenueWhite Plains, New York 10604United States

[email protected]

71. Instituto [email protected]

72. IPT


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IPT - Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas do Estado de São Paulo.

Av. Prof. Almeida Prado 532 Cidade Universitária. 05508-901 São Paulo-SP

[email protected]

T +55 (11) 3767 4126 ou 3767 4456 ou 3767 4744 F +55 (11) 3767 4002

73. BNDSProjetos Sociais

Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social - BNDESÁrea de Planejamento-APDepartamento de Prioridades-DEPRIAv. República do Chile, 100 - Protocolo - Térreo20031-917 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Projetos de Meio Ambiente

Nos empreendimentos de qualquer setor, os investimentos que serão realizados visando a preservação do meio ambiente podem ser financiados no BNDES Automático, FINEM e FINAME. 

O BNDES e as instituições financeiras credenciadas, ao analisarem quaisquer projetos verificam o seu impacto ambiental, condicionando, na aprovação do pleito, a realização de investimentos na preservação do meio ambiente. 

Nos projetos deverão ser observadas as disposições sobre meio ambiente na Lei Orgânica do respectivo município, a legislação de uso do solo e sobre as áreas de preservação, eco-turismo e lazer. Além disso, o projeto deverá definir o uso de estação de tratamento de esgotos ou de rede coletora municipal, bem como a forma de disposição de resíduos, privilegiando a coleta seletiva e reciclagem do lixo. 

O setor agropecuário?

Sim, no âmbito do FINEM, BNDES Automático, FINAME e FINAME Agrícola, assim como nos Programas Agropecuários, específicos para este setor, operacionalizados somente por meio das instituições financeiras credenciadas. 

Operações com pessoas físicas, somente são realizadas por meio de instituições financeiras credenciadas. 

74. EcoFuturo


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[email protected]

75. Conservação Internacional

Jacqueline Nogueira GonçalvesComunicaçãoConservação InternacionalAv.Getúlio Vargas, 1.300 - 7º andar30112-021 - Belo Horizonte, MGTelefax: (31)

76. IAI Directorate Address


Av. dos Astronautas, 1758São José dos Campos - São PauloCEP 12227-010 - BRAZIL

Phone Vox1: +55 12 3945 6855Phone Vox2: +55 12 3945 6856Fax: +55 12 3941 4410e-mail:

77. IDRC

Directorio del IDRCInformación General -  [email protected] Acceso a los catálogos y bases de datos de la biblioteca - [email protected] Escritorio de Referencia, Biblioteca - [email protected]ón sobre las publicaciones del IDRC - [email protected]íe una carta a los editores de la Revista Informa - [email protected]

Sede Central


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PO Box 8500, Ottawa, ON, Canada  K1G 3H9 Street address: 250 Albert StreetOttawa, ON, CanadaK1P 6M1Tel: (+1-613) 236-6163 Fax: (+1-613) 238-7230 Correo electrónico: [email protected] Web:

Oficina Regional para América Latina y el Caribe

Avenida Brasil 2655, 11300 Montevideo, UruguayTel:  (+598-2) 709-0042 Fax: (+598-2) 708-6776 Correo electrónico: [email protected] Web:

78. IRC

P.O. Box 2869 2601 CW DelftThe Netherlands

Visiting address:

Westvest 72611 AX Delft The Netherlands

Phone: +31-15-219 29 39

Fax: +31-15-219 09 55

79. Jenifer Altman Foundation

Mailing Address:

The Jenifer Altman FoundationP.O.Box 29209San Francisco, CA 94129 USA


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Email: [email protected]

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E-mails de Fundos Internacionais:

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