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2021 Jazz saxophone audition sheel - Auburn

Oct 01, 2021



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2021 Jazz saxophone audition sheelSwing q = 160
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Spring 2021 Saxophone Jazz Band Audition
1. D major scale (2 octaves)
2. Bb major scale (2 octaves)
3. chromatic scale 4. The excerpt below
5. optional improvisation on the F concert blues (a play-along track can be found below or on instruction page of the audition processl.)
Auditions for the big band horns will be submitted online for the spring semester. YOu will record yourself playing the selections below (yoiu can use multiple cuts/takes.) Then create a box folder and place the audition excerpts in it. Send an invite for the box to me at [email protected]. All auditions need to be received by me by Jan. 6th 2021.
The audition material is below for all saxophones.
08 F Blues Copy
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