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The DigiTal MarkeTing slang Fashion Technology Accelerator - Milan presents 2019 101 concepts to be fluent in

2019 - Fashion Technology Accelerator

May 22, 2022



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The DigiTal MarkeTing slang

Fashion Technology Accelerator - Milanpresents


101 concepts to be fluent in

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INTRODUCTIONThis is an increasingly digital world.

Today, customers tend to look up online about any service or product before acquiring it. They do it expecting to find relevant informations to corroborate and increase their reasons for purchase. This behavioral pattern has led brands to change the way they practice marketing forever.

To really create relationships with customers we need something much more valuable than just a product or service. We need the promise of complete customer experience. And there’s where Digital Marketing enters to scene!

That’s why we came up with a glossary for Digital Marketing beginners. For startups, entrepreneurs, and all those interested in creating or improving their value proposition online. A list of 101 basic concepts that will encourage you to start speaking the Digital slang.

Our goal with this ebook is to bring you the essentials to develop your own digital marketing criteria. We want to help to promote your business on the internet and make you capable of having a qualified conversation with a marketer or a digital agency.

Are you prepared to start accelerating the achievement of your goals?

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DIGITAL MARKETINGDigital Marketing is the activity that an organisation develops online to create a value proposition, attract users to it and engage and convert them into clients with whom to build a relationship.

Inside Digital Marketing we find the next principal elements, very related one to each other, that we will explain separately ahead.

• SEO • Paid Search Marketing • Inbound Marketing • Content Marketing • Email Marketing• Social Media Marketing • Affiliates Marketing • User experience • Marketing Analytics

As probably guessed from the given definition, the customer is ALWAYS in the centre of the online marketing activity, that’s why the concepts of Buyer Persona, Customer Journey and Customer Relationship Management become structurals inside the Digital Marketing.

BUYER PERSONAGetting into your customer’s mind, that’s the challenge! Forget about targeting, in Digital Marketing, we don’t speak about it anymore.

A Buyer Persona is a real buyer: someone you need to know beyond demographic data. Their behaviour and attitude are what you have to analyse. Their values, beliefs, thoughts, necessities or concerns are what you have to discover. Once you have started internalizing that knowledge, you’ll be more able to align your marketing activities with their expectations.

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CUSTOMER JOURNEYThe Customer Journey is the path that a Buyer Persona takes from the moment in which they discover your company until they arrive at a decision. It’s composed of three main stages, attending to the buyer “awareness” of a necessity, “consideration” of your proposal and “decision” of acquiring your value proposition. It can be predicted, designed and managed and involves all the elements of Digital Marketing, although it’s particularly related to Inbound Marketing processes.



A Customer Journey map is the representation of the Customer Journey process, phase by phase. To create it, you first have to fix your goals for each step and understand which are your buyer personas thoughts and feelings and what makes them move. Then decide: how are you going to call them to action?

Tip: use the analysis of their behaviours as a “sherpa” for your customer journey map’s improvement.

CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT (CRM)CRM is known as the strategy that an organisation executes in order to manage the relationship with their Buyer Personas.

It’s usually supported by a software system that helps companies to analyse and manage the different interactions with their users to provide them with solutions according to their particular requirements. It improves profitability and customer experience overall!




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Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is the Digital Marketing activity behind the purpose of increasing and improving the traffic to your website through two principal activities:

Inside these two main elements we find some specific activities oriented to reach Organic, Referral or Paid qualified traffic, that will be explained ahead.

SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION (SEO)Generates Organic and referral traffic.

Consists of the following activities:

Technical SEO. On-site SEO. Off-site SEO.


Consists of the following elements:

5 Types Of Advertising Campaigns: Search network campaign. Display network campaign. Search network campaign with display opt-in. Shopping campaigns. Video Ads.

2 Advertising Models: PPC (Pay per click), also called CPC (Cost Per Click) and CPA (Cost per Action). CPM (Cost per thousand impressions).

Paid Traffic

Paid Search Marketing activities


Organic and

Referral Traffic

Search Engine



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There are also some transversal tasks to the whole SEM activity: the Buyer Persona’s analysis and intelligence, that is present in every marketing activity, and the Keyword research, that is the core activity of Search Engine Marketing.

But before talking about keywords it’s necessary to understand what Search Engines are and how do they work.

SEARCH ENGINEIs the computer system that enables users to search for content and web pages on the World Wide Web. By typing queries on the Search Bar the users receive a list of webs to visit, videos or images to watch, among other data. This is done by using an Internet bot, called spider or crawler, that is in charge of detecting new pages and adding them into the Search Engine index, classifying it according to its content and the keywords of which is composed.

Google is the most popular Search Engine in the world, with a market share of around 90% in 2018. Bing, Baidu or Yahoo! are other Search Engines.

Crawling Is the process by which Search Engines extract information about web pages. This is done by robots or spiders that travel around the Web searching for new pages and updates to add to the Search Engine index. Indexing Is the process by which Search Engines classify the crawled web pages in a list that is organised according to the relevance of the content found. Search Engine Index is what match SERP (Search Engine Results Page) with queries.


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SERP (SEARCH ENGINE RESULTS PAGE)Is the outcome page that a Search Engine offers to the user as a reply to a sent query. After going through millions of page results, the Search Engine shows the most relevant pages to search. SERP is determined by Page Rank.

PAGE RANKIs the value that ranks the authority and the relevance of web pages according to the quality of their contents, their SEO optimization or their usability. It’s determined by an algorithm that positions websites in the SERP (Search engine results page). It can be modified through SEO activities.

KEYWORD RESEARCHAs explained, the Keyword Research Is the Core activity of the Search Engine Marketing.

It consists of the study of the demand (search volume) and the offer (competition) of the keywords market in order to create an intelligent keywords strategy for your business. Keywords research includes the exploration of many different ways of looking up information about a topic with the aim of getting a good position on the SERP, in the most efficient way.

LSI (LATENT SEMANTIC INDEXING) KEYWORDSA collection of words that are semantically related to the main keyword and create the context to understand it. They help Google to interpret the correct meaning of your keywords and improve your position on SERP.

Latent semantic indexing is the process by which a Search Engine classifies web pages, according to keyword’s semantically related words.



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LONG-TAIL KEYWORDSSpecific search phrases that try to figure out what a potential client will exactly search when looking for your product or service. In a very saturated keywords environment, long- tail keywords find less competition and drive to higher conversions.

How to create an excellent Keyword strategy:

To create a profitable keyword strategy we suggest you start by designing your own keywords map, in which you should collect all the words that are important to explain your value proposition, in detail.

Open an Excel document and write on it all the possible declensions of:

•your brand.•the attributes you want to be related with. Artisanal, handmade, handcrafted, high quality, premium etc.•context information of your business. Fashion, footwear etc. •your products. Shoes, boots, high heels, sneakers, sandals, flats, mules, loafers etc.•the characteristics of your products. Materials (leather, vinyl, buckskin etc.), Colours (black, white, green, blue etc.).Other specific features (animal print etc.)•the platforms where you sell. Online, ecommerce, website, store etc.•the geographical region where they have been produced. Spanish, Made in Spain, Alicante, Elche. •your Buyer Persona. Woman, women.

You can also use this template.

Once you have created your keywords map, you can start exploring different combinations of keywords following the model of our template (second page). The goal is to make a list of the most likely queries related to your brand.

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You can expand your list of queries by using the Search Engine. See how Google suggests on the searching bar the most popular searches related to a query.

And how it provides searches related to the introduced query, in the bottom of the page.

Now is the time to investigate the searching volume and the competition of the selected queries through Google Ads Keyword planner. Select the most profitable queries to invest in and start executing your Search Engine Marketing strategy!

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SEO (Search engine optimization) is the Digital Marketing activity behind the purpose of increasing and improving the traffic to your website through organic/natural (free) results in Search Engines. Inside it, there are four main activities to work on: Technical SEO, On-site SEO, Content Optimization and Off-site SEO.

TECHNICAL SEOTechnical SEO is the activity oriented to ensure that a Search Engine can crawl your site and index the content inside. Other considerations that Search Engines do to rank are Mobile Optimization and Page Load Speed Optimization of your site.

Page load speed optimization The activity of optimizing the time required to display the complete content on a web page. Improving the speed of your website boosts performance and helps you achieve the goals of your website in a more efficient way.

Mobile optimization The process of calibrating content, page loading speed and website structures in order to make them accessible on mobile devices such as phones and tablets.

ON-PAGE/SITE SEOOn- page SEO optimization is the activity of making effective the content and HTML source code of a website to improve its authority and drive relevant traffic to it.

It’s making easy for Google to understand what your page is about and which are the queries you want to be matched with, to improve your position on the SERP. To do it right, you are supposed to work both on the structure and on the individual page level on the next main areas: titles and meta descriptions, heading tags, images ALT text, URL structure and sitemap.

Title Tag Is the clickable headline of your page on SERP. The HTML information, of 50-60 characters length, placed at the beginning of the <Head> section in the code of a page. It’s the first impression that both the Search Engine and the users receive of your web page. A good Title Tag usually has one of the next structures:

The name of the company/main keyword/secondary keyword. Main keyword/secondary keyword/the name of the company.


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Meta Descriptions/Meta Tags A 160 characters long text which is present in a website’s code and acts as a summary of the page’s content. It helps crawlers to recognise what the website is about and complete the information provided in the title, through alternative keywords related to the main one.

The Search Engine usually displays Meta descriptions above the title page, so that they can contribute to complete the information provided to the user and cause the click.

Heading Tags A code snippet on a website that helps to the Search Engine to organise hierarchically the contents of a page and highlight the keywords you want to be related with. The H1 titles a page. The H2 subtitles a page. The H3 and H4 are subtitles inside H2.





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Alt Text The HTML code snippet on a website that describes images and helps to increase their searchability. It’s commonly used to give image results of products on e-commerce websites.

Seo Friendly Url Structure One of the most important On page SEO factors. Search Engines value the hierarchy of its structure above all. It’s also very important to make them legible, to use keywords, to create them short and essential and to use hyphens when separating words.

A SEO friendly URL would be like this:

Sitemap Is the HTML file which collects all the pages on a website. It’s sent to Search Engines to provide them with a list of all the indexable pages in a website, helping to the Crawling and Indexing processes.

Outbound Links Links which are used on a website to redirect the user to other web pages.

OFF- PAGE/SITE SEO Off- page SEO optimization is the activity of creating backlinks outside a website to improve its authority and relevance and, consequently, its rank on Search Engines Results. The links can be earned in a natural/ organic way or acquired through Link Building activities. Those that contribute the most are which pass most link equity.

Backlinks Links pointing to your website from other sites that are considered as validation or votes of confidence. Provide you with authority and promote the rank of your website on Search Engine results.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Protocol Subdomain Domain Category Sub-category Product Sub-product Anchor

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Link Building The activity of gaining authority for your website through the acquirement of backlinks from high- qualified websites.

Anchor Text In Link building, the anchor text is the clickable text pointing to a website.

Link Equity The transfer of authority from one website to another as a result of link sharing. The more relevant and valuable a page is, the more authority is transferred to your website when it shares your page.

Would you like to learn how to optimize your SEO to boost your business?Everything you should know is in our e-book!

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Paid Search Marketing is a push marketing activity whose goal is to increase relevant traffic to a website through paid Search Engine results.

With this advertisement formula, you can make your website appear on the Search Engine Results (SERP) bidding on a set of keywords related to users queries on your business offerings. It requires entering into competition with other advertisers bidding on the same keywords.

Betting on the wrong keywords is like wasting your budget. So, keyword research is the first step to design an effective Paid Search Marketing Campaign. Search Engines also increase your ad’s likelihood to result in click or conversion.

Google Ads is Google’s advertising platform, that allows companies to announce their business on its SERP (Search engine results page) and/ or on its display network. Depending on their goals, advertisers can choose between creating Search Network Campaigns, Display Campaigns, Shopping Campaigns or Video Ads.

SEARCH NETWORK CAMPAIGNAdvertising campaigns on Google’s SERP (Search engine results page) through “bid on keywords” system.



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DISPLAY NETWORK CAMPAIGNAdvertising campaigns on Google’s display network. Google’s display network is a collection of partner websites with Google that agreed to show your advertisements on their websites at a profit. Google Adsense is the platform that gathers website publishers on Google’s display network.

SEARCH NETWORK CAMPAIGN WITH DISPLAY OPT-INAdvertising campaigns on Google’s SERP (Search engine results page) that also show your text ads on Google’s Display Network.

SHOPPING CAMPAIGNSAdvertising campaigns on Google’s SERP (Search engine results page) and Display Network to promote your shoppable products, giving information about them before users click the add.

To create a Shopping Campaign you’re supposed to have an account in Google Merchant Center and create a product data feed (a list of your products) optimized with Google’s attributes requirements (ID, title, description, product category or sale price, among other attributes). Then you can create the campaign from Google Adwords.

VIDEO ADSAdvertising campaigns on YouTube’s search results or before, during or after videos on YouTube and on Google’s Display Network. Built on the promise that you’ll only pay when somebody has really seen your ad, True view is the advertising model of Video Ads.




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PPC (PAY PER CLICK)also called CPC (Cost Per Click) and CPA (Cost per Action) Advertising model that consists of the payment of a fee, to a Search Engine each time that a user clicks on your Ad. It means that you pay for visitors to your web and it’s best used to drive conversions.

CPM ( COST PER THOUSAND IMPRESSIONS)Advertising model that consists of the payment of a fee to a search engine per one thousand views of your advertising. It’s best used for driving awareness and engagement in branding campaigns. Usually used on display campaigns.

AD RANKIt is the value that Google uses to decide the position of your Ad on a SERP in relation to other ads. It’s your ad’s quality score multiplied by your bid amount.

AD RANK THRESHOLDSIt is the minimum bid necessary to be shown in a particular position on Google’s SERP.

QUALITY SCOREGoogle analyses the relevance of your keywords, your ad text and your landing pages to give a quality score to your ad from 0 to 10, that will determine your ad ranking.

CTR (CLICK THROUGH RATE)Percentage of users who click an ad in relation to the number of total views of the ad.

Clicks/ Total views * 100.

CONVERSIONS RATEPercentage of users who convert in relation to the number of total clicks to an ad.

Conversions/ Clicks *100.

COST PER CONVERSION (CPC)Percentage of the cost paid for an ad in relation to the number of conversions.

Cost paid/ conversions * 100.

COOKIESText files installed on user’s computers the first time they visit a site. They allow websites to recognize users when they access to them next time. On retargeting actions, they make users receive display ads from a website content after leaving it.

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Inbound marketing is a method based on the goal of creating lasting relationships with clients, adding value at every step of their customer’s journey. It’s composed of four main stages: attract, convert, close, and delight. Inbound is a Buyer Personas oriented technique that doesn’t search web traffic but qualified leads to convert into delighted customers.

It works like this. First, a company creates a valuable content to attract their Buyer personas to a landing page. There it uses a value proposition and a call to action to convert them into leads. Once achieved this goal it starts providing them with valuable and personalized content to close and delight them through marketing automation.

LEADA person who has expressed interest (through action) in your value proposition.

LEAD GENERATIONThe process of attracting and converting strangers into leads.

FUNNEL OF CONVERSIONA map with the different steps that a user takes to achieve a marketing goal. The top of the funnel is usually focused on gaining traffic, while the middle is oriented to leads generation and the bottom looks towards sales and profits. A funnel of conversion helps to analyse the percentage of losses in each stage of the process and reveals which are the funnel points that need to be optimized.












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INBOUND CHANNELSAll the platforms through which you attract strangers and turn them into visitors of your landing page. Blogging, SEO, Social Media, Emails, Newsletters (CMR) and PPC are the most effective inbound channels. INBOUND LINKSLinks which are used on other websites to redirect the user to your website are called inbound links. They aid in achieving greater priority on search engine results pages.

LANDING PAGEA landing page is the first page of a website which appears when a user clicks on the link to a website. It should possess the power to convert a user who is not interested in your website to actively engage in the website. CTA OR CALL TO ACTIONCall to action is an element which inspires a user to give an instantaneous response. CTA is used to inspire immediate sales and provoke a customer to visit a store or create an account for example.

CRO CONVERSION RATE OPTIMIZATIONCRO is the process by which the visitors to your website are successfully converted into customers, service users, subscribers or respond to achieve any goal of a website.

MARKETING AUTOMATIONTechnology and techniques behind leads and customers management, that allow companies to create personalized campaigns automatically through multiple channels, as a reply to the different interactions that they have had with each client.

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EMAIL MARKETINGEmail Marketing is a form of direct marketing that takes advantage of email contacts to develop and manage relationships with customers or potential customers. It helps to make clients feel appreciated and it’s an efficient method to drive traffic and increase sales on your website.

With an email, you can create a straight conversation with your customers. You can use it to remind your prospects you exist, to encourage existing customers to make another purchase or to provide additional value through exclusive contents, coupons and deals.

Email marketing strategy includes the development of your mail contacts database which is the same as the achievement of leads. It also requires a bit of knowledge in terms of strategy and email’s structure design.

Do you know how to create a good email structure ?

Learn with us!

EMAIL WORKFLOW/ AUTOMATION FLOWSThe process of “sending the right email to the right person at the right time”. An automated sequence of emails that react to the different behaviour of your customers at every stage of the journey.

To create a great automation flow you are supposed to predict all the possibilities of interaction with your clients, design a replay for each one and decide how to implement it technologically.

OPEN RATEPercentage of users who opened an email in relation to the number of emails delivered.

Opened emails/ emails sent *100

EMAIL BOUNCE RATEPercentage of emails sent but not delivered.

Bounced emails/ emails sent *100

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EMAIL CLICK-THROUGH RATEPercentage of users who click on an email in relation to the number of emails delivered.

Clicks/ emails delivered *100

LIST GROWTH RATEPercentage of growth of your email subscribers.

New subscribers- unsubscribes/ total subscribers*100

EMAIL CTA CONVERSION RATEPercentage of users who click on an email and complete the desired action in relation to the number of emails delivered.

Clicks/ emails delivered *100

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Pull marketing technique that is part of Inbound Marketing. It consists of the creation and distribution of valuable and relevant content through owned, earned or paid media to attract, convert, close and delight consumers and potential consumers.

BRANDED CONTENTIn a saturated market full of products and advertising messages, branded content is an alternative to traditional advertising. The key to this kind of promotion is to talk about you without really doing it. Through valuable content, it takes the lead of attracting customers and drive them to real engagement.

Branded content starts with Buyer Personas research. It acts as a reply to their concerns, beliefs, thoughts or necessities and it gives the brands the authority on topics directly or indirectly related to its business activity. This way of promotion helps to get more attention and brings recognition to your brand.

The next Under Armour campaign would be an example of Branded Content. “Ice Blazers” is a serie of video that the sport clothing brand launched in 2018. A five parts docuserie which tells the story of Olympic bobsled team.


NATIVE ADVERTISINGPush marketing technique that consists of adapting the format and functionality of your ads to the native contents of the platform where you publish them.It’s a less intrusive way of advertising, in which brands take advantage of the authority and reliability of a platform to share valuable contents with a well-targeted community of users.


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A branded article or a series of videos published in a daily news website would be an example of Native Advertising. Instead of creating, for example, a display to increase visibility, brands create valuable contents which they commonly distribute them through collaborations with publishers that support its reliability.

The next collaboration between Huck and Vans telling the story of the surfer and musician Lee- Ann would be an example of Native Advertising.


STORYTELLINGWe love stories, especially those in which we can guess what’s going to happen. Storytelling is a marketing technique, or maybe “art”, that consists of connecting with your Buyer Personas through great and engageable stories: those that really capture your attention, those which really create emotions and rememberings.

Storytelling is to turn your everyday activities into a great unique story. It’s to make use of the narrative to communicate your brand’s values, your team’s motivations, your products, your projects, your campaigns… your everything. For that, you first need to decide which are the core messages of your brand in order to create value to your Buyer Personas. Then you can start creating stories aligned in different formats ( from a video to an Instagram story) and distributing them through different media.

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CONTENT STRATEGYThe prospect of how you’re going to contribute value to your Buyer Personas, through qualified contents. As part of the content optimization process, content strategy has to be very well aligned with the SEO strategy.

A good content strategy begins by getting knowledge of your Buyer Personas. Continues by defining the core messages of your brand, the key topics that will become your universe of contents and your speech pattern. Ends by fixing the media by which you want to connect with your Buyer Personas (owned, earned or paid), the goals for each channel and the correct metrics to evaluate your success.

EDITORIAL PLAN/ CONTENT CALENDARThe editorial plan translation of the content strategy into specific tactics. A document in which you decide What, Where and When to publish. The best guideline for the month and the week ahead in terms of publishing schedule.

Here you find some good templates to create a good one. MULTI-CHANNEL/ MULTI-PLATFORM PUBLISHINGThe action of serving content in different channels at the same time. It requires to deliver content in many ways to ensure their adaptation to the different devices and platforms used by consumers. Multi-channel publishing requires user’s interaction research and creativity to design attractive content formats.

Blog posts, long-form articles, videos, e-books, white papers, infographics, webinars, newsletters, cases of study, tips, GIFS, memes, images….................. The possibilities are endless.

LONG FORM ARTICLES Articles that exceed 1200 words, which is not the classic reader-friendly format but is the election of publishers like Quartz, which believes that long publications can increase the engagement.

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SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETINGDigital Marketing element that uses Social Media to spread brand awareness, provoke users engagement and drive them to conversion, through organic or paid content.

Social Media is about personal relationships, which means that what people are expecting to discover is your brand’s personality. It works as a coffee shop friends meeting where you share your anecdotes, thoughts or projects and sometimes give some pieces of advice. Understanding this is the first step to be successful on Social Media Marketing. If you behave as an egocentric brand, talking about your products and services all the time, they will probably avoid you as we do with egocentric people.

SOCIAL MEDIA OPTIMIZATION (SMO)The activity of optimizing your website to increase its shareability on Social Media. That includes the renovation of your web contents to make them more shareable, for example with a blog, or the addition of Social Media buttons to call users to share it with their networks.

SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGYThe prospect of everything you want to do an achieve on your Social Media. A guideline that gives a purpose to all your actions on the different networks. It starts with fixing the goals for each network and with the recognition of the Buyer Personas you want to contact with. It continues with the definition of your contents and speech pattern in order to attract and engage your users and ends with the selection of metrics that evaluate your success.

SOCIAL MEDIA CALENDARAs per our Content strategy editorial plan, Social media calendar is the map that guides our social media performance. A useful tool which brings together all the specific tactics on the different networks that aim to guide us to the achievement of our goals.

You can find a template to create a good one here.

SOCIAL MEDIA ADVERTISING (SMA)Advertising activity on Social Media channels with the aim of increasing a brand’s awareness, consideration or conversions. It’s commonly a path taken on the second stage of a Social Media Strategy, once brands have collected knowledge of their followers and of the contents they engage best with.

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Begins by fixing goals, between Awareness (visibility), Consideration (take to action) or Conversions (attainment of a marketing goal). Continues by choosing the best channel to get them, according to the selected target and the use they do of each particular Social Media. Then comes the selection of the advertising format (photo ads, carousel or video ) and the creation of advertising content. It ends by choosing between paying for impressions or for engagement (interactions) and by fixing the metrics to evaluate the success.

SOCIAL MEDIA INSIGHTSEvery time you meet someone you have the opportunity to analyse which is the impact generated by your conversation. Through the gestures and comments of the others, we learn a lot about how to talk to them and which are the topics that capture their interest.

Social media metrics are data and statistics which evaluate your Social Media performance in order to facilitate your learning and help you with the achievement of your goals. It’s an important part of Social Media Marketing and a constant job for Social Media Managers, always listening to their community.

Although there are metrics that are specific to each network, there are some universal parameters that guide our performance on Social Media, the most important one is the engagement.

ENGAGEMENTThe number of people who interacted (shares, likes and comments) with your content during a certain period of time. Impressions: The number of time that one of your contents have been displayed.

REACHThe number of people who saw your content. Engagement rate: Percentage of people that saw and interacted with your content. It’s the number of total interactions divided by the number of impressions.

Would you like to drive sales through Social Media?

Learn how with our e-book!

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INFLUENCER MARKETING Digital Advertising, part of Social Media Marketing and of Content Marketing, where a person with a big amount of followers or a well-targeted community and the power to influence them, makes promotion or recommends a product or a service through their channels at a profit.

Inside this way of advertising, the brands can select between different kind of influencers depending on their product and the goals they follow.

•Mega- influencers are, basically, celebrities with accounts followed by more than a million people. Although they are undoubtedly famous, they are not always the most influential as they usually have a less targeted community.

•Macro- influencer is someone who has between 100.000 and one million followers. They usually have become famous through Social Media or blogging itself. Using them assures reach and provides a better-targeted community.

•Micro- influencer are people who have between 1,000 and 100,000 followers. They usually are professionals specialised in a concrete niche or industry, with a very well targeted community of followers.

•Nano- influencers have less than 1.000 followers, that means a big community of friends and family. As they’ve got a high level of engagement using them can be effective but doesn’t allow you to get a good reach.

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AFFILIATE MARKETINGDigital Marketing element by which a collection of websites, with a specific target group users, arrange with an advertiser to publish a recommendation of their products or services in exchange of a commission in case that it drives to real conversion.

As the content on the website is linked to the vendor’s page the transaction always happens in its site and the advertiser can exactly evaluate the number of sales directly provided by the affiliate webpage.

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One of the Digital Marketing big elements and the process by which users interact with a website, from the moment in which they get inside it to the moment in which they decide to leave it. It’s something that can be predicted, designed and improved to create delightful journeys that convert them into recurring visitors.

User’s behaviours and psychology research is the heart of UX design while its key elements are Visual Design, Usability, Functionality, Typography, User Interface, Content Strategy, Interaction Design and Prototype Design.

USABILITYThe attribute that determines if a first user can easily interact with an Interface in order to achieve their goals.

FUNCTIONALITYThe attribute that determines if an Interface is enough prepared to achieve its goals in an efficient manner.

USER INTERFACE (UI)The structure of a website, webpage or application that ensures the efficiency of use and facilitates conversions, while keeping in mind aesthetics. It has to be visually appealing, well structured in terms of content and relevant to the brand.

Wireframes The basic structure of the user interface of a website or application, the skeleton. It‘s done in the initial stage of the website design to assign space to the elements of the user interface.

Wire Flow The map that shows how a page progresses to another. It displays how a wireframe is related to another in terms of process and functionality. It helps to understand the sequence of pages. Exploring these possibilities can help user experience and interface designers place content strategically to improve interactions.

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Inside the wire flow, the task flow is a linear map that shows how any user will interact with a page to progress to another, while a user flow is a map of all the possible behaviours that a user can have inside a website.

INTERACTION DESIGNThe interface design activity focused on creating an experiential dialogue between a company and a potential customer in order to drive them to conversion: it invites them to take action.

•Inside it, Input Controls are elements which help a user to interact with the interface (buttons, toggles, checkboxes, list boxes, drop-down menus, text fields and date and time pickers).

•Navigational Components are elements which help a user navigate to different pages, sections and content of a website (search fields, breadcrumbs, pagination, tags, sliders, icons and image carousels).

•Informational Components are elements that help to inform users about notifications (user progress status, pop up windows, tooltips, message boxes).

PROTOTYPE DESIGNThe activity of testing the usability of a user interface during the design process. It means to experiment with various options in order to keep the costs of development low. There are various levels on which prototyping is done, beginning from sketches, mockups and working digital prototypes.

Sketches/Paper Prototyping The first step of the prototyping process that comes even before the wireframe design. It helps to understand the allotment of space and location of elements in a user interface. It’s helpful to make quick changes before the concretion of design.

Mockups Static digital representations of how a website or application will work with the help of visual design. They are made to understand if the user interface design is visually appealing and coherent to the function of the brand.

Interactive Digital Prototypes Working versions of mockups which allow user testing and response. They enable testing of colours, buttons, user flows and allows designers and developers to make changes if necessary.

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A/B Testing Commonly used in User Experience design, but also in Display advertising, is a method that compares the performance of two different versions of a web, an app or an advertisement to determine which of them work better for a given goal.

Learn how to use UX to convert visitors to users

Read more on our blog!

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We arrive at the last but not least part of our Digital Marketing strategy. The efficiency of all that we have done outside will be reflected and can be evaluated on our website’s analytics in terms of traffic and conversions. Furthermore, Web Analytics is the process of getting knowledge of visitor’s behaviour that brings to a business a lot of information about how users interact with their products, contents and with their page itself. It encourages businesses to examine their Digital Marketing results and to fix new goals in order to increase their profits.

User’s Acquisition, Behaviour and Conversion are the three main dimensions of a Website Analytics. Inside of Google Analytics, some specific metrics and data evaluate the performance of a website in each of the mentioned area.

ACQUISITIONThe amount of traffic, the channels from which it came or the type of traffic depending if it’s direct, referral, social, organic or paid. Behaviour: user’s behaviour flow, visitors (unique new and returning), sessions, pages per session, time on page, page views, site speed, bounce rate and engagement rate. Conversion: macro and micro conversions, conversion funnels, transactions, revenue and conversions rate.

KPIA set of quantifiable measures that a company uses to gauge its performance over time. They are used to determine a company’s progress in achieving its strategic and operational goals and to compare a company’s performance against other businesses. They are mandatory for any business that wishes to grow and bloom.


Registered Users / Unique Visitors

WEB BOUNCE RATEThe percentage of users that exit a website after viewing a single page. The bounce happens when users don’t find in your website what they are looking for, what can be related with your offer or with a lack of quality contents or deficiencies on web usability or design.

Number of bounces/ number of visits to your website *100


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WEB CTA CONVERSION RATEPercentage of conversion in relation to the number of visitors to a website.

The number of conversions/ the number of unique visitors * 100. AVERAGE TIME ON PAGEPercentage of the amount of time a user spends on a single page of your website (if the visit bounces no time is recorded).

Total time on page/ (total number of visitor- total number of exits) *100.

AVERAGE SESSION DURATIONPercentage of the amount of time a user spent on your site.

Total time on page/ total number of visitors * 100.

ROIPercentage that evaluates the benefit of an investment in relation to its cost.

(Gain from Investment - Cost of Investment) / Cost of Investment.

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This e-book has come to an end!

Thanks for your attention. We hope to have made it easy and entertaining!

Through this document we have tried to provide you with a panoramic view of Digital Marketing essentials, which you’ll surely need to manage if you

start a business activity on the Internet.

To find more digital marketing useful information, you can visit our blog and our social media channels.

If you’re a Fashion Technology startup looking for investing or consultancy support, don’t miss the call for our 6-month Acceleration Program and our

five days Fast Track Program.


Fast track Program
