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2018 Christian Education & College Guide n Can I Afford a Christian College? n 4 Reasons Students Choose a Christian College n College Bios n 10 Reasons to Consider Private Christian Education n 5 Myths About Homeschooling n Private K-12 School Bios n School Directories

2018 Christian Education & College Guide€¦ · help you discover who you are, and what you want to be. At Concordia, you can make a bigger impact than you ever imagined. Whoever

Sep 28, 2020



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Page 1: 2018 Christian Education & College Guide€¦ · help you discover who you are, and what you want to be. At Concordia, you can make a bigger impact than you ever imagined. Whoever

2018 Christian Education &

College Guide

n Can I Afford a Christian College?

n 4 Reasons Students Choose aChristian College

n College Bios

n 10 Reasons to Consider PrivateChristian Education

n 5 Myths About Homeschooling

n Private K-12 School Bios

n School Directories

Page 2: 2018 Christian Education & College Guide€¦ · help you discover who you are, and what you want to be. At Concordia, you can make a bigger impact than you ever imagined. Whoever

2 • 2018 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Metro Voice


by Kristin Hernandez

Unfortunately, many students areterrified by the thought of paying fora Christian college. At least once aday, I hear the comment, “I’d love togo to this university, but I do notthink I can afford it.” Some studentsare so convinced that they cannotafford a Christian college that they donot even apply.

I completely understand this fear.As a high school senior, I was veryintimidated at the thought of payingfor college. I wanted to go to aChristian college and I had heardrumors that these schools wereexpensive. I was clueless when itcame to scholarships and the term“FAFSA” was nothing more than gib-berish to me. Fortunately, the admis-sions counselor at my college ofchoice was an expert and quicklyopened my eyes to the possibility of

affording a private Christian educa-tion.

Yes, the Christian institution thatyou are considering may have a high-er sticker price than your local statecollege. However, many people donot realize that the final cost may bequite different once financial aid isfactored in. Many Christian collegesand universities offer various types offinancial aid, which help cut downcosts and could make attending yourdream school a reality!

As you begin to contemplatecosts, there are a few tips to try andfactors to consider:

Complete your FAFSA (FreeApplication for Federal Student Aid)regardless of your financial status.The FAFSA could potentially provideyou with thousands of dollars in fed-eral or state aid. Even if you do notqualify for government aid, some col-leges offer their own need-based

grants, which are based on the infor-mation provided on your FAFSA.Your college may have a differentstandard of “need” than the federalgovernment and you may qualify formore than you expect.

Talk to youradmissions counselorand/or financial aidcounselor to find outwhat institutionalscholarships are offeredby their respective col-lege. Most collegesoffer academic scholar-ships to students who

have achieved a particular GPAand/or test score. In addition, manycolleges offer scholarships to studentswho are involved in a particularmajor or extracurricular activity. Youmay also want to ask about scholar-ships for children of alumni, childrenof pastors, or any other opportunitiesthat may be unique to your particularcollege.

Apply for private scholarships.These are scholarships that are fund-ed by private organizations. Fromacademic achievement and essaywriting, to having red hair or beingleft handed, there are hundreds of

private scholarships out there forthings that you may have never con-sidered! Do some research and seewhat opportunities are out there. Afew of my favorite scholarship web-sites are and

Consider the investment.Attending a private Christian univer-sity is a life-changing experienceunlike any other. Not only will youreceive a quality academic founda-tion, but you will have the opportu-nity to learn in an environment inwhich students are equipped tobecome Christian leaders in theirrespective fields. Most Christian col-leges offer small class sizes, personalinteraction with professors, spiritualgrowth opportunities, and ensurethat their students will graduate ontime. I cannot put a price tag on myyears at my university. Those fouryears are priceless to me.

Remember that it is always okayto contact your admissions office ifyou have questions! I guarantee youthat your admissions counselorunderstands. We have all been there. Iam praying for you and your class-mates as you begin to consider thesethings and as you begin to preparefor this exciting new chapter in yourlife!

Can I Afford a Christian College?

So you’re trying to decide between a secularuniversity and a Christian college. The decisioncan be a hard one; it concerns your future career,your social life, and your happiness for the nextfew years.

When you choose a Christian college, youmake an affirmative decision to develop yourselfboth professionally and spiritually. Christian col-leges provide the same choice of majors andexcellent education found at secular universities,but bring something more to the table: fellow-ship, discipleship, and a sense of purpose. Belowyou’ll find four reasons why students choose aChristian college.

1. Education at the Highest LevelA Christian college produces more than grad-

uates and qualified job applicants – it sends disci-ples out into the world. A faith-based schoolsends its students into the entire range of profes-sional fields, from business to government tonon-profit to church life. And then those studentsrepresent Christ in those same fields.

As such, a Christian college takes your educa-tion seriously. Christian universities know justhow high the stakes are in producing Christianleaders, in producing college-educated disciples.When the faculty and administration send youout to represent the faith, they want you

equipped, representing the Gospel well throughyour witness of intellect and excellence.

For this reason, you’ll find academic standardsat a Christian college as – or even more – rigor-ous than any secular college.

2. A Christian View in the ModernClassroom

At a Christian college, you’ll find a biblicalperspective on every subject taught. Professors atChristian universities will bring you the samecurrent, expert instruction found at secularschools, but reinforced and refined with timelessTruth.

To study history at a Christian college is toobserve and interpret God’s unfolding plan inhuman affairs. To study information technologyis to consider how we might be wise stewards ofthe power science gives us. To study criminal jus-tice is to ponder God’s purpose in establishingcivil authorities.

Properly understood, every course can revealthe nature and character of God, and a Christiancollege will search for the deeper truths in everysubject.

3. Fellowship to Feed Your SoulThe friends you make in college will wield a

serious influence on your life, and you’ll find

friends at a Christian college who share your val-ues, your commitments, and your passion forGod. Imagine sharing your college years withfriends who want to see you grow in your walkwith the Lord, who want you to find God’s call-ing. Rather than college being a time of tempta-tion, college could be a time when your socialrelationships spur you on to greater righteous-ness.

4. How Firm a FoundationThe world as we understand it through sci-

ence constantly changes. Research and theory that

were taughtas fact inone era cangive waywhen newdata is dis-covered inthe next.

A goodcollege isobliged toteach its stu-dents thelatest in sci-ence andscholarly

advances, but a Christian college will place thetruths of science in the greater context of God’stimeless Truth. While keeping pace with the mostcurrent thinking on any subject, a Christian col-lege will never be moved from the unchangingtruth of providence by an intellectual fad.

At a Christian college, you will learn the factsin light of the Truth.

There’s no time in your life like college. You’llnever work harder – and you’ll never have morefun. And when you pursue a Christian education,you can find a closer relationship with God whileyou find yourself.

Four Reasons Students Choose a Christian College

As you contemplate the cost, here’s a few tips to consider.

Page 3: 2018 Christian Education & College Guide€¦ · help you discover who you are, and what you want to be. At Concordia, you can make a bigger impact than you ever imagined. Whoever

Metro Voice –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2018 • 3

Founded in 1949, Grand CanyonUniversity serves as Arizona’s privateChristian university where studentsfind their purpose. Today, our rapidlyexpanding campus has grown withmore than 17,000 traditional students

who can choose from nearly 100undergraduate academic programs.Our generous renewable scholarshipopportunities, along with options tograduate early, help make a privateeducation affordable.

We are proud to offer several in-demand STEM degree programs. Ournewly built, state-of-the-art facilitiesfeature more than 30 labs andmachine shops, a collaborative maker-space and high-tech equipment so ourstudents are industry-ready when theygraduate.

Our vibrant campus, featuring

brand-new residence halls and popu-lar eateries, is also home to GCUArena and Stadium, where game daysto cheer on our D1 sports teams areelectric. Students also benefit from ournewly opened enterprises: GCU Golf

Course, GCU Hotel andCanyon 49 Grill, where theycan get hands-on, industryexperience.

GCU has endlessresources for students to getinvolved—from clubs andorganizations, to over 25club sports teams, includingmen’s and women’s basket-ball, golf, lacrosse, rugby,etc., community service and

mission trips, there’s something foreveryone.

At GCU, opportunity abounds,from excelling in academics to makinga local and global difference. If youseek a transformative, impactful andhands-on educational experience,learn more at

For more information about ourgraduation rates, the median debt ofstudents who completed the programand other important information,please visit our website at

Want to serve God and make a dif-ference with your life, but you’re notsure where to start? At Ozark ChristianCollege, we help students discover thatGod has a kingdom assignment withtheir name on it, and we help preparethem for whatever that is. A single-focused Bible college in southwestMissouri, Ozark’s biblical foundation,caring community, and global serviceopportunities provide the trainingyou’ll need for the service God has foryou. OCC’s residential and onlinedegrees will prepare you for a career inchildren’s or student ministry, inter-cultural studies, biblical justice, wor-ship and creative arts, preaching, psy-chology and counseling, or through a

dual degree program with a local stateuniversity. Last year, 94% of our grad-uating seniors entered some type ofministry, and our 15,000 alumni haveserved in all 50 states, over 100 coun-tries, and six continents around theworld. Our championship athleticteams have earned national titles insoccer, basketball, volleyball, and crosscountry. Ozark offers a quality, privateChristian education at a public univer-sity cost. Each year, our generousdonors cover 20% of a student’s actualcosts, and 95% of our students receivescholarships or financial aid.

Take the next steps in followingGod’s plan for your life. Your missionis out there. Training starts here.

Ozark Christian College

Grand CanyonUniversity

Page 4: 2018 Christian Education & College Guide€¦ · help you discover who you are, and what you want to be. At Concordia, you can make a bigger impact than you ever imagined. Whoever

4 • 2018 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Metro Voice

Concordia University, Nebraska isa place where you can find your call-ing and be equipped to answer it. Thefoundation of our Christ-centered,Lutheran university is evident in thecommunity who gathers to worshiptogether, the classmates who genuinelysupporteach otherin success-es andchallengesand theprofessorwho caresabouteveryaspect ofyour well-being. Thevariety ofprogramsand quality of the academics allow youto explore your passions and choose acourse of study that you are confidentabout pursuing. Professors integrateChrist, service to others and practicalskill building opportunities withinacademic content and provide experi-ential opportunities to put the Christ-centered culture and knowledgegained in the classroom into practice

in the real world. You’ll be surrounded by students,professors and a community who willhelp you discover who you are, andwhat you want to be. At Concordia,you can make a bigger impact thanyou ever imagined.

Whoever you are at your core,whatever your passion is, you can putit into practice at Concordia. This isthe place where you can be yourself,share your opinions, find your way—with the loving support of a commu-nity who cares about yoursuccess. And that’s what makesConcordia feel like home.

Concordia University

Midwestern College

When considering college options,Midwestern College student, AlvinFleurant, asked the question, “How doI pursue God’s glory with my life?”This is the exact question that theFusion program at Midwestern

College is designed to answer.Fusion candidates are enrolled in

the BA, Intercultural Studies programat Midwestern College and placed intomission teams for the first year of theirdegree. These teams walk through rig-orous training designed to preparethem for the realities of life on themission field. After a semester of

training and classes, Fusion teamsserve their second semester in placeswhere the gospel of Jesus is notknown.

Through the Fusion process, Godchanges the life of each candidate.

Fleurant is agreat example:“As a newbeliever, it wasclear to methat I was topursue God’sglory with mylife. But I didnot knowhow. Fusiontaught methat pursuingGod’s glorymeant grow-ing in knowl-

edge of Him, holiness, fellowship withHis people, and pursuit of the lost. Allthose things were given root in my lifethrough Fusion.” Currently, Alvin isfinishing his degree at MidwesternCollege and intends to work withMuslim people groups after gradua-tion.

Page 5: 2018 Christian Education & College Guide€¦ · help you discover who you are, and what you want to be. At Concordia, you can make a bigger impact than you ever imagined. Whoever

Metro Voice –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2018 • 5

Word. Worship. World. Christ ForThe Nations is a 3-year ministry train-ing experience that combines theologi-cal study with intensive learning expe-riences beyond the classroom. Ourprograms are built on over 40 years ofdedication to daily worship andhands-on training that allow you toeffectively experience what you weremade for.

Our family is diverse: over 1/3 ofour students hail from 75+ nationsand come from a wide variety ofdenominational and cultural back-grounds. Through our one-of-a-kindmorning chapels, student life, andclasses, we prepare you to spread thegospel anywhere, from the ministry tothe marketplace, and to teach others todo the same.

Christ for the Nations

JBU at a Glance

Interdenominational. JBU hasnever been affiliated with anydenomination but has alwayssought to put Christ Over All. Werespect each other’s different wor-ship styles and learn from eachother’s different views, but ourmission to be Christ-centered andGod-honoring has remained rocksolid.

39 Majors. JBU offers 39 differentacademic majors, includingEngineering, Graphic Design,

Family and Human Services,Business, Nursing, EarlyChildhood Education, Biology,Construction Management,Photography, and Psychology.

The great outdoors. If you are intorock climbing, kayaking, moun-tain biking, (we have a brand newtrail on campus), camping, hikingor other outdoor activities, thenthis corner of the Ozarks is a greatplace to be.

An economic powerhouse.Northwest Arkansas is home toFortune 1 company Walmart,Tyson Foods, and J.B. Hunt. Over1500 suppliers, from Disney toProcter and Gamble, also haveoperations in Northwest Arkansas.

Our students havegreat opportuni-ties here.

Affordable? Yes!Last year over $14million in scholar-ships and grantswas awarded toour students. Ourgraduation rate ishigh, our averageload debt is low,

and 96% of our recent graduateswere working or pursuing theirnext degree within 6 months ofgraduation (based on a 90% sur-vey return rate, 2014)!

John Brown University

Page 6: 2018 Christian Education & College Guide€¦ · help you discover who you are, and what you want to be. At Concordia, you can make a bigger impact than you ever imagined. Whoever

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Heartland ChristianCollege

One of the toughest questions peo-ple face is, “What should I do with mylife?” The answer to that is more thanjust where you go to school and whatyour career might be. And this can behard to figure out. Our desire atHeartland Christian College is to helpyou develop a firm foundation incharacter and relationship with God asHe leads you in that discovery.

Setting aside a concentrated timeto deepen your personal relation-ship with Jesus and to study His Wordis the best way to do that. As a two-year Bible College accredited throughthe Association of Biblical HigherEducation, HCC offers an Associate

Degree in BiblicalStudies with aconcentration inWorship,Education,Missions, or gen-eral studies.

Two shortyears spent atHCC focusing onGod and allowingyourself to bechallenged andencouragedthrough the per-

sonal discipleship available will betime well invested. He has a plan foryou, and we want to help you preparefor it.

Located in the beautiful country-side of northeast Missouri, HCC offersan opportunity to focus on God andbecome the person He created you toBE, so you can DO what He has calledyou to do. And, with our affordabletuition and part-time work possibili-ties, HCC just makes sense. For more info visit

Southwest Baptist University is aleader among private universities inthe Midwest in integrating Christ-cen-tered academic pur-suits with compre-hensive professionalprograms at anaffordable price.Faculty and staff cre-ate a caring, academ-ic community to pre-pare students as ser-vant leaders in aglobal society.

SBU’s southwestMissouri campus in Bolivar, Mo., ishome to about 1,500 undergraduatestudents with a student-teacher ratioof 15:1 — and faculty who care abouttheir students. SBU students haveachieved success in regional, state andnational academic competitions, andgraduates are serving in all levels ofgovernment and have had successfulcareers with major corporations.

Additionally, SBU has been namedone of America’s 100 Best CollegeBuys since 1996 and America’s BestChristian Colleges since 1997.

While providing a quality educa-tion in the classroom is the

University’s top priority, SBU expandseducation beyond academics, withmore than 45 student organizations

that span a broad range of interestsand passions.

SBU also provides opportunitiesfor spiritual growth. The University’sCenter for Global Connectionsencourages students to strengthentheir faith through chapel services,small groups, mission team participa-tion and community service. Morethan 300 students participate annuallyin mission projects around the world.Many SBU graduates have been cho-sen to pastor churches, lead worshipand serve as missionaries.

For more information,visit

Southwest BaptistUniversity

Page 7: 2018 Christian Education & College Guide€¦ · help you discover who you are, and what you want to be. At Concordia, you can make a bigger impact than you ever imagined. Whoever

Metro Voice –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2018 • 7

Oral Roberts University isa world-renowned, interde-nominational Christian uni-versity that builds Spiritempowered leaders throughits unique Whole Personapproach to education, devel-oping students spiritually,academically and physically.Learn more at

Located in the beautifuland fun-filled city of Tulsa,Oklahoma, ORU’s magnifi-cent 263-acre campus is a“home away from home” forits community of studentsfrom every U.S. state and100+ different nations.ORU’s qualified, Christ-cen-tered professors develop one-on-onementoring relationships with students,and with ORU’s network of institu-tional and relational support, everystudent can smoothly transition tocollege life.

ORU’s unique Whole PersonEducation is accessible for students ofall walks of life—from the high schoolsenior to the adult who’s ready toadvance their career. Undergraduatestudents can pursue 130+ majors andminors that span every interest, andgraduate students can pursue a mas-ter’s or doctoral degree in Business,

Education or Theology & Ministry.Flexible online and modular programsare offered to work around yourschedule. High school student canearn college credit through ORU’sAdvantage Program, an affordable100% online dual-enrollment pro-gram with courses developed, facilitat-ed and taught by experienced ORUprofessors. Learn more

In addition, ORU is committed toawarding up to $25,000,000 in scholar-ships and grants this next academicyear through its premier Quest WholePerson Scholarship Program and

countless other opportunities! Learnmore at

At ORU, students experience lifechanging classes, NCAA Division Iathletics, 25+ clubs, leadership devel-opment opportunities, global mis-sions, internships and more! for more information.

Oral Roberts University

Page 8: 2018 Christian Education & College Guide€¦ · help you discover who you are, and what you want to be. At Concordia, you can make a bigger impact than you ever imagined. Whoever

William WoodsUniversity is a coeducation-al, independent, professions-oriented, liberal arts-basedinstitution. Headquarteredon 225 scenic acres on themain campus in historicalFulton, Missouri, just 20minutes from Columbia orJefferson City, Missouri.

U.S. News and WorldReport ranked WilliamWoods as one of the top 75regional universities in theMidwest in 2017. It was thehighest ranking the schoolhas ever achieved.

The school was foundedin 1870 as a school for CivilWar orphans, but expandedand grew through the yearsinto the university it is today offeringprograms up through and includingthe doctorate.

Unique undergraduate programsof study include a four-year AmericanSign Language program (one ofapproximately 30 in North America),an internationally recognizedEquestrian Studies program, and aCriminal Justice program. Both thebusiness programs and education pro-

grams attract a broad range of stu-dents and offer a unique MBA orMED in 5 which allows a student tocomplete a Master’s degree in just oneadditional year of study. In addition,we offer a four-year Exercise Sciencedegree with concentrations in HumanPerformance, Sports Management,Physical Education, and SportsMed/Athletic Training, leading to aMaster’s in Athletic Training. InOctober 2017, the University also

announced the intention to begin anursing degree program, beginningwith the 2018-2019 academic year.

William Woods provides studentswith an automatic scholarship of$5,000 per year for being involved oncampus, a 14:1 student faculty ratio,and a wide range of clubs, organiza-tions, plus, a study abroad program. Find more information

8 • 2018 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Metro Voice

William Woods University

Page 9: 2018 Christian Education & College Guide€¦ · help you discover who you are, and what you want to be. At Concordia, you can make a bigger impact than you ever imagined. Whoever

Metro Voice –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2018 • 9

Revival Training Center

Longing to walk out an empow-ered destiny?

If you have answered yes, now isyour time to thrive as a disciple ofJesus Christ while becoming trained

and ordained as a minister of revival. Receive a strong biblical education

while being empowered as you takepart in our affordable one, two, orthree-year certification programs withthe opportunity for ordination aftercompletion.

We have been serving revival to thenations for 22 years, so grab-hold now

from our experienced revival leadersto become equipped to flow in theHoly Spirit, powerfully faith-filled, andtrained with hands-on ministryopportunities.

Find like-mindedpeople passionatelypursing God, Hiswill, and His way forthis generation. Takepart in calling downheaven, ministeringrevival to the nations,and changing thecourse of history.

It’s time to fulfillyour destiny. Come,join a generation tak-ing its place to usherin the greatest move-

ment the earth has yet to see. Thiscould be your season of opportunity.

For more information go or give us a callat 816-777-0732.

Tabor CollegeWhen choosing a college it comes

down to what you get while you’rethere, and what happens after yougraduate. Both of those things are

important to look at, and here atTabor College, they come together togive us an unbeatable value.

As a student at Tabor College you’llfind value in a personal education,passionate faculty, committed stu-dents, and an engaged communitybuilt around our shared faith inChrist. Your years here are going to befun, productive, and transformative.

Our graduates have less debt thanthe national average. Many of ourmajors, have a 98-100% job placementrate after graduation.

Tabor College islocated in Hillsboro,KS. Offering 29majors, 17 athleticteams, 19 studentorganizations, as wellas the performing arts,you are bound to findyour place here atTabor College. Weinvite you to comeexperience Tabor foryourself through oneof our many visitoptions. Begin

exploring Tabor at Tabor College AdmissionsPreparing people for a life of learn-

ing, work and service for Christ andHis kingdom.

Email: [email protected]: 620-947-3121Website:

Page 10: 2018 Christian Education & College Guide€¦ · help you discover who you are, and what you want to be. At Concordia, you can make a bigger impact than you ever imagined. Whoever

At OklahomaBaptist Universitywe want to helpyou find yourplace, both onour campus andin your life, call-ing and career.We will prepareyou to think criti-cally aboutworldviews, val-ues and truth todiscover God’splan for your lifeand your place in the world.

OBU has a reputation for strongacademic programs with a liberal artscurriculum connecting different fieldsof study for a well-rounded education.With a student-faculty ratio of 13 to 1,OBU offers a close-knit learning com-munity where your professors knowyou and care about your well-being.

OBU has been rated by U.S. News& World Report as one of the top 10comprehensive colleges in the West for26 years and as the only school inOklahoma listed on their “GreatSchools, Great Prices” list for 2018.OBU is consistently listed as a “Best inthe West” college by the Princeton

Review and as one of Oklahoma’s topuniversities by

OBU academics integrate faith intoall fields of study. You’ll experience aChristian worldview in business classesjust as you will in religion classes.Faculty and students actively discusstheir faith on a college campus that istruly Christ-centered.

You’ll find an active community atOBU that studies, worships, serves andenjoys life together. OBU studentsenjoy a wide range of activities includ-ing intramural sports, concerts, Biblestudies, service projects and 21 NCAADivision II varsity sports.

Schedule a visit and find your placeat OBU.

10 • 2018 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Metro Voice

Evangel University

Defining moments are made atEvangel. Affiliated with the Assembliesof God, Evangel is acomprehensive uni-versity with a semi-nary. Students havethe opportunity toearn degrees from thebachelor’s to the doc-toral level in one con-venient location.Through theology,business, science,music, education, thearts, and many otherprograms, Evangelprepares you for a lifeof impact.

Among Christian universitiesnationwide, Evangel stands out as anextremely competitive option for stu-dents seeking quality, value, andaffordability. EU awards more than$40 million in financial aid annually,with 100% of incoming studentsreceiving EU scholarships.Furthermore, our faculty are equippedwith pristine facilities and the latestresources to ensure you are preparedto fulfill your vocational calling.

As an Evangel student, you’ll expe-rience a nurturing, Christ-centeredenvironment. The culture helpsstrengthen our students, faculty and

staff, and solidifies Evangel as a pre-mier Christian university full of peo-

ple who strive for education rooted ina biblical worldview.

Added to all this are Evangel’s out-standing athletics. We offer 16 men’sand women’s sports, including soccer,and compete in the Heart of AmericaAthletic Conference.

Located in Springfield, Missouri,Evangel combines the accessibility of alarger city with the natural beauty ofthe Ozarks. In fact, Springfield hasbeen named one of the nation’s “100Best Communities for Young People.”

Your defining moment starts now.Visit or call 800.EVAN-GEL.

OklahomaBaptist University

Page 11: 2018 Christian Education & College Guide€¦ · help you discover who you are, and what you want to be. At Concordia, you can make a bigger impact than you ever imagined. Whoever

Metro Voice –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2018 • 11

Kansas Christian College is a Christ-centered and stu-dent driven school located at 74th St. and Metcalf Ave. inOverland Park, Kansas – a thriving Kansas City suburb filled

with businesses and charming residential communities. Ourcampus offers several student lounges, dorm rooms, apart-ments, superb dining, and recreational space. Our locationoffers easy access to off campus activities as well – within theimmediate area students can find restaurants, coffee shops,grocery stores, pharmacies, parks, and a variety of jobopportunities.

Kansas Christian provides several degree programs:Pastoral Ministry, Youth Ministry, Teacher Education,Worship Leadership, Performance Music, Business

Leadership, and General Studies. Our area is known forsports and the outdoors—and Kansas Christian deliversexciting sports programs with men’s basketball and soccer

teams, and women’sbasketball, soccer, andvolleyball programs.

Kansas Christianprovides a creative out-let for students inter-ested in theatre andmusic with our dramateam and praise band.We strive to provide aplace where studentscan find their place,with Christ at the cen-ter of all we do. KansasChristian staff and fac-ulty connect with stu-dents in meaningfulways—allowing stu-dents to develop spiri-

tually, academically, and socially. Our low faculty to studentratio provides opportunities for more engaged and benefi-cial learning, and most importantly, a campus atmospherefull of fellowship.

Whether you know your calling or are still finding yourpurpose; you plan on living on-campus, commuting or tak-ing classes online, there’s a place for you at Kansas ChristianCollege. Visit KCC today – you belong here!


Kansas Christian College

Page 12: 2018 Christian Education & College Guide€¦ · help you discover who you are, and what you want to be. At Concordia, you can make a bigger impact than you ever imagined. Whoever

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Emmaus Bible CollegeAre you ready to impact the world

for Christ? We hope so because that iswhat Emmaus Bible College is allabout! We exist to prepare you forboth your career and your life as a

Christian. All of our students major inBible and most also have a secondmajor that prepares them for a specificcareer beyond ministry – careers likecomputer programing, counseling,business administration, healthcare,teaching, just to name a few.

At Emmaus our faculty challengeour students to think for themselves

and to stand up for what they believe.All of our classes are infused withBiblical content and are taught by fac-ulty who are excellent teachers, aca-demic scholars and Christian role

models who trulycare about you. Theywill invest in your life– teaching you, chal-lenging you, mentor-ing you, and inspir-ing you to live the lifeGod has planned foryou.

Emmaus is atight-knit communi-ty where you willdevelop life-longfriendships. Withyour classmates youwill have the oppor-tunity to experiencea vibrant life outsideof the classroom. Youwill grow spiritually

through chapels, small groups, and theservant-leader training program. Youwill have opportunities for funthrough frequent campus-wide events,intra-mural sports, and inter-collegiatesports.

Check us out Schedule a visit

Manhattan ChristianCollege

Manhattan Christian College existsto impact the world for Christ. It is abiblical training ground for individu-als to learn how to put Christ first intheir lives and how to influence thosearound them.

Founded in 1927 by Dr. Eugene C.Sanderson, this is a place where everystudent and graduate is prepared andmotivated to penetrate the world with

the Gospel of Jesus Christ regardless oftheir chosen profession. Therefore, thecore of the curriculum is the Bible andChristian Leadership.

Strategically located across thestreet from Kansas State University,

MCC’s ministry degree programs maybe easily combined with a wide varietyof professional or trade interests. Theultimate goal is to prepare ambassa-dors for Christ to serve in a wide vari-ety of professions.

MCC offers a close-knit communi-ty of believers as well as the atmos-phere of a major university. Studentslearn the Bible in a variety of settings

such as the classroom,chapel, dorm devo-tions, small groups,and local churchinvolvement. Studentspractice their leader-ship skills throughstudent government,athletics, and manystudent-led ministryoutreaches.

God has calledevery believer to “gointo all the world.”Manhattan Christian

College educates, equips, and enrichesChristian leaders who have the heartto change the world.

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Donnelly College

In the heart of Kansas City for over70 years has stood Donnelly College,an institution of higher educationdedicated to access and affordability.

At Donnelly, students enjoy aSMALL CAMPUS EXPERIENCEwhere they are more than a numberand where they don’t get lost in thecrowd. The small environment helpsDonnelly to feel like a family, so whenlife presents challenges, you won’t bealone. In addition to our small cam-pus, US News and World Reportranked Donnelly as the MOSTDIVERSE COLLEGE in the Midwest.

By attending Donnelly, studentsoften SPEND LESS than at other pri-vate colleges. In addition to our low

tuition costs, a robust financial aidprogram allows more than 90% of ourstudents to receive financial assistance.

At Donnelly, students are empow-ered to FOLLOW THEIR DREAMSby pursing what they are passionateabout, and either completing theirdegree at Donnelly, or transferring toanother institution. Donnelly studentsEXPLORE BIG QUESTIONS, andbecause we are a private Catholic col-lege, you can speak your mind and liveyour faith in an environment thatencourages you to express your beliefs.

To schedule a campus visit or toreceive more information, go or call 913-621-8700.

Harding UniversityCollege is a big decision. When

considering a school for your collegeeducation, you want a place to learn;to grow academically and spiritually;to prepare you for a career; and tohelp you find your calling. You want aplace to belong.

You belong at Harding.Harding offers more than 100 aca-

demic majors; a liberal arts educationtaught from a Christian worldview;NCAA Division II athletics; bachelor’s,master’s, specialist and doctoraldegrees; seven study abroad programs;

and 110 clubs and organizations. Our beautiful residential campus is

located in a quaint college town.Harding offers an environment thatsupports and challenges you to growas a person. Meet the friends of a life-time while you get an education thatprepares you for a career and a life ofservice to others.

It’s time to make your collegechoice, and we want you to come toHarding. It’s where you belong. For more information about us,visit orcall 800-477-4407.

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Josiah Murphy got a close look atUnion University when his sister Bethwas a student, so he was well aware ofthe benefits Union offered.

“What I noticed about Union wasthe people,” Josiah said.

Beth Murphy graduated fromUnion in 2014 with a nursing degree.Josiah saw Union’s Christian commu-nity in action during Beth’s junioryear, when she battled a lengthy sick-ness.

Her professors helped her com-plete assignments. One professor eventold her she would come and dictate atest if it meant Beth could stay atUnion.

“The school worked really closelywith my family and helped keep watch

over her – even allowed my family tocome and stay on campus for freewhile she was in the hospital,” Josiahsaid. “It’s like a family here.”

Josiah experienced the same typeof family atmosphere, especially whenhis brother Ted, a Union junior, joinedhim on campus.

“The types of students this placeattracts are the type of people who arefun to hang out with, but they alsohold you accountable and are notafraid to ask you hard questions or tellyou hard things to hear,” he said. “It’sdefinitely been a challenging andgrowing experience.”

Learn more at or call800-33-UNION.

Union University

What do you want to do—teachat-risk youth? Or run an online news-paper? Practice ministry and medi-cine? Run a socially-responsible start-up?Or bring clean waterto forgotten villages?

It’s time to findyour light.

With more than40 accredited degreeprograms, MissouriBaptist Universityprepares graduates toexcel in hundreds ofexciting fields, with aprogressive education that’s groundedin knowledge and guided by faith. AtMBU, you’ll integrate innovative aca-demic exploration with spiritual dis-covery, preparing you for a life of serv-ice and success. And you’ll do it allfrom a progressive, Christ-centeredcampus located in thriving West St.Louis County, which means you’llexperience life in one of the most cul-turally diverse cities in the Midwestwhile living in one of the most exclu-sive areas of metropolitan St. Louis.

Students can pursue studies on ourvibrant St. Louis main campus, with

one of the largest campus coffeehousesin the state, state-of-the-art housingfacilities and an extensive Sports and

Recreation Complex.Missouri Baptist University is a

unique Christian environment. Fromthe classrooms to the residence halls,we are committed to assessing everyaspect of life according to the love ofGod in Christ.

From the beginning, we’ll chal-lenge you to dig deep and discoveryour God-given passions. Become aleader prepared for a life of service andsuccess. You will find your light at acollege as unique as your dreams. It’stime to Shine On.

Missouri BaptistUniversity

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For the fifthteenth year in arow, Hannibal-LagrangeUniversity has been named oneof America’s Best ChristianColleges by InstitutionalResearch & Evaluation, Inc.During the 2016-17 school yearthe Trojans also saw 27 NAIA-Daktronics Scholar AthleteAwards given to HLGU studentathletes. Each of these junior andsenior athletes earned a GPAabove a 3.5.

HLGU students once againtook part in the school’s annualwelcome week tradition ofHannibal’s Helping Hands, acommunity service project. Thisyear, close to 200 students wentout into the Hannibal commu-nity and performed over 400hours of community service. Inaddition, students and HLGU repre-sentatives traveled locally, nationally,and internationally on mission trips. Afew of the mission fields includedChicago, New York, Canada, SoutheastAsia, and Switzerland.

The school continues to offer a50% tuition scholarship for full-timeSouthern Baptist students.

The first cohort of the school’sMaster of Education in EducationAdministration started in 2017. Thisprogram offers two tracks includingElementary Principalship (K-8) andSecondary Principalship (7-12).HLGU also offers completely onlinemaster’s degrees in leadership (MAL)and education (MSE). Go for information.


Be YOU. Be a Warrior.Faith. At Sterling College, you are

surrounded by creative and thoughtfulleaders in a world desperate for ser-

vant leadership. You have the opportu-nity to grow spiritually throughexploring your faith, attending weeklychapel services, joining a Bible studywith your peers, or traveling domesti-cally or internationally through mis-sions. Developing your identity inChrist is what we are all about.

Academics. Sterling College willchallenge you academically in an envi-ronment that is enthusiasticallyChristian. Benefit from the personalrelationships you will build with yourprofessors, coaches and directors as

you fill your resume and learn fromtheir workplace experience.

Community. You can feel the dif-ference in community as you interact

on campus.This is a placewhere youcan developlifelongfriendships ina Christ-cen-tered envi-ronment. Getto know oth-ers by livingin communi-ty with them,sharing life’schallenges

and growing together in faith.


Preview Sterling with a campustour, experience chapel, eat in ourcafeteria, visit a class, and meet withprofessors, directors and coaches. Wewould love to host you for a personalvisit or preview weekend so that youreceive the full Sterling experience.

Sterling College

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At Colorado Christian Universityyou’ll find nationally ranked academ-ics, NCAA Division-II athletics, a ded-ication tospiritual for-mation, andintentionalcommunityliving - all atthe base ofthe RockyMountains!

CCU is afour-year,fully accredit-ed, liberalarts universi-ty that willchallenge you to think critically andcreatively, lead with high ethical andprofessional standards, and embodythe character and compassion of JesusChrist - forming you into someoneprepared to impact the world. AtCCU, our faith in Jesus Christ is thevery core of who we are. We are abody of believers committed to help-ing students grow deeper in their faiththrough the integration of faith andlearning and through intentional spiri-tual formation. We are known for our

authentic Christian community ofbelievers - faculty, staff and studentsalike - who invest deeply and inten-

tionally into each other’s lives. CCUstudents dig deeper into their faith andthey have fun doing it - through dailyinteractions, small groups, disciple-ship, sincere fellowship, and enduringtraditions. All of our on-campus hous-ing is apartment-style and we combineexceptional living with one of the low-est Resident Assistant-to-student ratiosin the country, creating our one-of-a-kind community.

Want to learn more? today.

Colorado ChristianUniversity

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Your college years should be someof the best of your life, so make themost of every second of them withColumbia College!

In the classroom, lab and studio,immerse yourself in your academicarea, learning from professors (nevergrad assistants) in small classes thatallow you to ask questions, get answersand take a deeper dive into your sub-ject matter.

To ease the financial burden of col-lege, you could earn automatic aca-demic merit scholarships of up to$10,000, not to mention $1,000 schol-arships for members of Disciples ofChrist churches.

Use the career services center tosecure a prized internship and perhapseven turn it into a full-time job aftergraduation. In recent years, ColumbiaCollege grads did just that with organ-izations like Amazon, Big Lots and theFBI.

Follow in the footsteps of past CCgrads, who have gone onto some ofthe best grad schools in the nation,including Harvard, NYU Law, andWashington University-St. Louis.

Belong to a close-knit studentcommunity with more than 50 stu-dent organizations, a yearlong calen-dar of campus events, guest speakers

and of course, the virtually unstop-pable Cougar athletic teams, whobring home AMC conference champi-onships on an annual basis.

Experience one of the nation’s bestcollege towns, just a few blocks fromour historic (and quiet) campus, giv-

ing you the best of both worlds. Come visit us and find out how

you can make the most of your collegeyears with Columbia

Columbia College

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At CentralChristianCollege ofKansas, we arededicated toeducating menand women ofcharacter byproviding aChrist-CenteredEducation forCharacter toany persondesiring to become a faithful stewardof mind, heart, body, and soul for thepurpose of impacting the world forJesus Christ.

Central Christian – which wasestablished in 1884 – is a small, four-year private college located in thefriendly town of McPherson, Kansas –conveniently nestled between some ofKansas’ largest cities.

Central Christian’s atmosphere,small-class sizes, personal education,outreach and missions-minded focus,spiritually-emphasized campus life,more than 40 areas of study and 17competitive sports programs, makes it

a great place for you to find your fitand achieve your educational goals.

Central Christian offers Associatesand Bachelors degrees through pro-grams in Business, Communications,Education, English, Fine Arts, LiberalStudies, Ministry & Theology,Psychology, Science & Math, SocialSciences, Sports, and Science & Health

Let Central’s friendly admissionscounselors help you find your fit byscheduling a visit to our beautifulcampus! Visit to learn more or giveAdmissions call at (620) 241-0723 ext.188.

Central Christian Collegeof Kansas

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Lyon College is a selective liberalarts college located in the foothills ofthe scenic Ozarks. Founded in 1872,we are one of the oldest colleges inArkansas. Valued for our small classsizes, strong student-faculty interac-tions, and community atmosphere,Lyon has forged a singular identity bycombining a deep commitment to lib-eral arts education with an invigorat-ing setting. Most importantly, we arethe college that will help you becomethe person you were born to be.

A liberal arts education has noth-ing to do with political leanings ormajoring in art. It’s about gaining the

knowledge you will need to navigatethe rest of your life, exposing you tothe arts, humanities, social sciences,mathematics, and natural sciences. Itteaches you how to learn, how to eval-uate arguments and experiences, andhow to enrich your life. Here you’ll getthe tools to mold yourself into some-thing more, and you’ll take them withyou even after graduation.

As one Lyon student said recently,“Taking part in a liberal arts educationat Lyon has made me fearless. I’m notafraid to learn new things becausewe’ve been pushed to learn outside ofour comfort zone since the beginning.”

Lyon College

Welcome to SouthwesternChristian University (SCU) – a placeto soar!

SCU is an exciting place to be.Since its founding in 1946, theUniversity continues to foster a spiri-tually vibrant, academically rigorous,

and mission-fervent community ofvisionaries seeking to make a differ-ence in this world.

Our vision for a Christian liberalarts education pursued from the per-spective of the Biblical Christianworldview is expressed in more than30 undergraduate degree programs,and attracts students from more than20 different nations. Our Pentecostalblueprint for Christian living, under-girded by our core values ofScholarship, Spirit and Service, makesSCU a perfect place for preparing the

total person to succeed and excel incareers, callings and in life.

Our location in the City ofBethany, which is in the Metropolitanarea of Oklahoma City, and our prox-imity to Will Rogers World Airport(OKC) and state and interstate high-

ways, makes the SCUcampus easily accessi-ble. Additionally, beinglocated on the historicRoute 66 is a reminderof the endless possibili-ties awaiting those whoembrace and desire toparticipate in theAmerican dream.

Our continuouscampus improvements and therestructuring of faculty and staff haveadded to the excitement of student lifeat SCU. In addition, our athletic teamscompete in the prestigious SoonerAthletic Conference in the NAIA andallows for involvement in mission tripsboth locally, regionally and around theworld.

I am thankful for your interest inSCU and invite you to take the oppor-tunity to meet our faculty, staff andstudents who are always eager to meetyou.

Southwestern ChristianUniversity

Page 20: 2018 Christian Education & College Guide€¦ · help you discover who you are, and what you want to be. At Concordia, you can make a bigger impact than you ever imagined. Whoever

AN INTENTIONAL CHRISTIANUNIVERSITY. MidAmerica NazareneUniversity is a Christian university inKansas City. At MNU you’ll find 40+majors and minors that offer outstand-ing academic quality. You will be chal-lenged by highly-qualified, respectedfaculty in a Christian community thatcares about you and is focused on serv-ing others. As a MNU graduate, you willbe prepared for the workplace or gradu-ate school – socially, spiritually andintellectually.NEW MAJOR for 2018 FALL

SEMESTER. MNU students will nowbe able to choose Computer Science as amajor. The program is being added toMNU’s academic offerings as a Bachelorof Science with three tracks to choosefrom: Software development, scientificcomputing and big data/data science.The major will focus on preparing grad-

uates interested in pursuing careers inareas such as software engineering, bigdata and web development, among oth-ers. With our location in the SiliconPrairie, and our Alumni connections tolocal companies like DST, Cerner,Farmers Insurance and Garmin, you willbe strategically situated for valuableinternship and job opportunitiesTAKE CLASSES AT MNU WHILE

IN HIGH SCHOOL. You can earn highschool and college credit throughMNU’s Concurrent Enrollment pro-gram. Classes meet on-campus, so youwill get to see what it is like to be aPioneer and be a part of our excitingcommunity. You will meet our incredi-ble professors and take classes taughtfrom a Christian perspective. We wantYOU to be a Pioneer! To apply, or formore info, visit

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MidAmerica NazareneUniversity

At Central MethodistUniversity, our studentslearn more, experiencemore, and become more.Students rate our facultynear the top in the nationfor their willingness toengage with students.Those who choose CMUcome to understand thisfeeling, an undeniablerealization that CMUhelps you become more.

About two hours eastof Kansas City, CMUenrolls about 1,100 onthe main campus inFayette. We offer endlessopportunities designed todevelop skills that posi-tion you a step ahead ofthe rest. We are what oth-ers wish they could be – auniversity dedicated tostudent success, whereyou will thrive.

Whether in our high-ly-regarded fine and per-forming arts, our 17-sport intercollegiate ath-letics program (includingnew Competitive Danceand E-sports teams),intramurals, Greek Life,or robust campus activi-ties, there is something atCMU for all interests.Choose what you want to do; most of our stu-dents choose multiple activities.

Starting this fall, every student on the maincampus will get their own iPad Pro as part of ournew “Digital U” program. Our philosophy is,learn the way you will work.

We know you have many choices for a college

education. This drives us to be the absolute best atwhat we do. If you are looking for a universitywhere you can live, learn, and lead, CMU is thatplace.

But don’t take our word for it. Learn more, and then visit andfind out for yourself. You can be a lot of things ata lot of places; at CMU, you will be more.

Central MethodistUniversity

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CENTRAL CHRISTIAN COLLEGE OF KANSAS1200 S. Main St. McPherson, KS 67460620-241-0723 ext. 388E-MAIL: [email protected]: www.centralchristian.eduADMISSIONS CONTACT: Kelsey GrimaldoNUMBER OF STUDENTS: 350 on-campusRELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Free MethodistESTABLISHED: 1884ACCREDITATION: Higher LearningCommissionMAJORS AND DEGREES: Associates andBachelors degrees in more than 40 differentprograms including Aviation, Business,Communications, Education, English, FineArts, Liberal Studies, Ministry & Theology,Psychology, Science & Math, Social Sciences,Sports, Science & HealthSTRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: Christianatmosphere, small-class sizes, personal edu-cation, outreach and missions minded, Biblicalworldview in every class, spiritually-empha-sized campus life, competitive sports,Contemporary Music program, Worship Artsprograms, beautiful campus & facilities in safeand quiet community, and leadership develop-ment opportunities.SPECIAL PROGRAMS: Risk Managementand Insurance: This is a very unique program.We partner with Farmer’s Alliance to provide adegree in insurance. Few schools in Kansashave a degree in insurance, and it providesmany job opportunities upon graduation.TUITION: $34,960FINANCIAL AID: 98% of students receivescholarships. The average scholarship perstudent is $15,396, that’s an average total of$61,584 over four years!

CENTRAL CHRISTIAN COLLEGE OF THE BIBLE911 E Urbandale Dr.Moberly, MO 65270888.263.3900 x144E-MAIL: [email protected]: www.cccb.eduADMISSIONS CONTACT: Dylan Hayes,Admissions CounselorNUMBER OF STUDENTS: 222RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: ChristianChurch/Church of ChristESTABLISHED: 1957ACCREDITATION: Association of BiblicalHigher Education (ABHE), Candidacy-HigherLearning Commission (HLC)MAJORS AND DEGREES: Bachelor of Arts,Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of ReligiousStudies, Associate of Arts, Associate ofScience, and Certificate of Biblical Knowledge;BA and BS Degree Majors: Biblical Research(BA only), Christian Counseling, ChristianEducation, Christian Ministries, Cross-CulturalMinistry, Preaching Ministry, and Youth andFamily Ministry; BRS Degree Majors:Vocational and Ministry; Associate of Arts orScience options: General Studies or Bible andMinistry; Certificate of Biblical Knowledge:One year certificate delivered on-site or com-pletely online, 4-year online Bachelor ofScience.

STRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: CentralChristian College of the Bible is a place whereyou will find: Affordable quality education -Ministry focused programs - Biblical teaching -Variety of programs & certificates -Discipleship opportunities - Extracurricularactivities - Inter-collegiate sports - Personalfaculty & staff - Great facilities - Beautiful cam-pus - Leadership development - Life mentors -Safe campus & community - Transfer options -Networks with churches & organizations SPECIAL PROGRAMS: Expanded degreeand certificate options through co-op programsin a variety of fields including business andeducation, honors program, and online educa-tionTUITION: First 100 students to meet Central’sadmittance criteria receive a Full-TuitionScholarship for four years valued at 100% oftuition costs. FINANCIAL AID: Full-tuition scholarships,federal financial aid, supporting church schol-arship, and honors program benefits

CENTRAL METHODIST UNIVERSITY411 CMU SquareFayette, MO 65248660-248-6251E-MAIL: [email protected]: www.centralmethodist.eduADMISSIONS CONTACT: Jennifer ShepardNUMBER OF STUDENTS: 1100RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: United MethodistESTABLISHED: 1854ACCREDITATION: Higher LearningCommissionMAJORS AND DEGREES: CMU offers over40 degrees. Some of the most popular pro-grams are Nursing, Business, Education,Music Education, Communications, CriminalJustice and Psychology.STRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: Digital U (allstudents are given an iPad), learning is per-sonalized, close-knit warm community, CMUhas invested in exceptional technology, musicprograms, science centers and sports facilitiesSPECIAL PROGRAMS: Marine Biology,Occupational Therapy Assistant, PhysicalTherapist Assistant, 3-2 Athletic Training pro-gram and Music MinistryTUITION: $23,650 2018-19FINANCIAL AID: Scholarships are availableto all fulltime, Fayette campus students as wellas Federal and State Aid for those who quali-fy.

CHRIST FOR THE NATIONSINSTITUTE3404 Conway St.Dallas, TX 75224214-376-1711E-MAIL: [email protected]: CFNI.ORGNUMBER OF STUDENTS: 1,000RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Non-DenominationalESTABLISHED: 1970ACCREDITATION: non-accredited (We havearticulation agreement with ORU, SAGU, DBUand TKUMAJORS AND DEGREES: Bachelor in

Practical Theology – Majors: Worship,Pastoral, Market Place, Children, Youth,Media, Missions, evangelism and Counseling. STRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: Worship andLeadershipTUITION: $2,775FINANCIAL AID: No

CLEVELAND UNIVERSITY-KANSAS CITY10850 Lowell AvenueOverland Park, KS 66210913-234-0745E-MAIL: [email protected] CONTACT: Lexa WatrobaNUMBER OF STUDENTS: 495ESTABLISHED: 1922ACCREDITATION: Higher LearningCommissionMAJORS AND DEGREES: Bachelor’s ofScience in Human Biology, Associate of Artsin Biological Sciences, Associate of AppliedScience in Radiologic Technology, Associateof Applied Science in Occupational TherapyAssistant, Master’s of Science in HealthEducation and Promotion, Doctor ofChiropractic STRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: We have anaccelerated three year B.S. in Human Biologydegree program. Still run by its founding family– Dr. Carl S. Cleveland III. University with anemphasis on health degree programs; Smallclass sizes; faculty who have real-world expe-rience in the field; 11:1 Student-to-FacultyRatio for the D.C. program TUITION: $600 per credit hour: B.S. inHuman Biology, AA in Biological Sciences,AAS in Rad Tech and OTA. $650 per credithour: M.S.H.E.P.FINANCIAL AID: Yes

COLORADO CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY8787 W Alameda AveLakewood, CO 80226303-963-3000E-MAIL: [email protected]: ccu.eduADMISSIONS CONTACT: ccu.eduNUMBER OF STUDENTS: 1,343RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Non-Denominational ESTABLISHED: 1914ACCREDITATION: Higher LearningCommission (HLC)MAJORS AND DEGREES: Accounting,Biblical Studies, Biology, Business, BusinessAdministration, Camp Management,Chemistry, Communication, ComputerInformation Systems, Economics, Education,Elementary Education, English, Finance,Global Studies, Health Sciences, History,Industrial Engineering, Intercultural Ministry,International Business, Leadership, LiberalArts, Management, Marketing, MinistryManagement, Music, Music Education, MusicTheatre, Outdoor Leadership, PoliticalScience, Pre-Law, Pre-Med, Psychology,Reading Education, Reading Literacy,Science, Secondary Education, SocialScience, Special Education, Theatre,Theology, Worship Arts, Young Life

Leadership, Youth MinistrySTRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: CCU is firstand foremost an academic community of com-mitted Christian believers rooted in a profoundrespect for higher learning framed within theChristian worldview. Our top three programsare Business Administration, ElementaryEducation, and Psychology. SPECIAL PROGRAMS: Dual Degrees:Bachelor of Arts in Business Administrationwith the Master of Arts in BusinessAdministration; Bachelor of Arts in BiblicalStudies with the Master of Arts in BiblicalStudies; Bachelor of Arts in Theology with theMaster of Arts in Theological Studies;Bachelor of Arts in Psychology with the Masterof Arts in Clinical Counseling; Bachelor of Artsin Psychology with the Master of Arts inBiblical Studies; Bachelor of Arts inPsychology with the Master of Arts in CriminalJusticeTUITION: Tuition (12-18 credits) – $29,870;Student Body Fees – $500; Room and Board– $10,516*; Estimated Total (annually) –$40,886**FINANCIAL AID: Merit; Trustees’Scholarship - $15,000 per year; President’sScholarship - $13,000 per year; Dean’sScholarship - $12,000 per year; HonorsScholarship - $8,000 per year; WorldChangers Full Tuition ScholarshipCompetition; Partner Scholarships: ColoradoChristian University has partnered with dozensof Christian high schools, and organizations,churches and parachurch ministries to providefinancial opportunities for prospective studentsassociated with these organizations to pursuetheir education at CCU.; *We also offer schol-arships in Music, Theatre, Athletics, andSpeech & Debate

COLUMBIA COLLEGE1001 Rogers StreetColumbia, MO 65216800-231-2391WEBSITE: www.ccis.eduADMISSIONS CONTACT:[email protected] OF STUDENTS: 895RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Disciples of ChristESTABLISHED: 1851ACCREDITATION: Higher LearningCommissionMAJORS AND DEGREES: Columbia Collegeoffers a wide variety of programs. For a com-plete list of programs, please visit this link: PROGRAMS: : Forensic Science,Criminal Justice emphasis, Daystar Educationprogram, Associates in NursingTUITION: $22,704FINANCIAL AID: Average package amount$14,981

CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY,NEBRASKA800 N ColumbiaSeward, NE 68434402-643-7233E-MAIL: [email protected]:


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ADMISSIONS CONTACT: Zach GunzelmanNUMBER OF STUDENTS: 1,200Undergraduate students—More than 2,3000including graduate students RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: The LutheranChurch—Missouri SynodESTABLISHED: 1894ACCREDITATION: The Higher LearningCommission; National Council for theAccreditation of Teacher Education; NationalAssociation of Schools of Music; InternationalAssembly for Collegiate Business EducationMAJORS AND DEGREES: More than 70undergraduate, graduate and professional pro-grams STRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: Concordiaoffers professional and liberal arts programs inan excellent academic and Christ-centeredcommunity that equips men and women forlives of learning, service and leadership in thechurch and world.SPECIAL PROGRAMS: Global missions andstudy abroad opportunities along with five for-eign languages offered – Hebrew, Greek,Mandarin, Spanish, and American SignLanguage. Specialized church work and artprograms such as Ecclesiastical Art and ArtTherapy. The only music therapy program inthe state of Nebraska.TUITION: : $31,620. Total cost with room &board, fees and tuition is approximately$40,690.FINANCIAL AID: 100% of Concordia’s incom-ing undergraduate students receive some typeof financial aid. Concordia administers a broadarray of financial aid from institutional, federal,state and private programs. Both need andnon-need-based financial aid options are avail-able to families to help manage their financialobligations. Non-need-based opportunitiesinclude academic merit scholarships and talentscholarships for music, theatre, forensics, artand athletics.

DONNELLY COLLEGE608 N. 18th StreetKansas City, KS 66102913-621-8700E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: ADMISSIONS CONTACT: Kisha Stevenson NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 500RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Catholic ESTABLISHED: 1949ACCREDITATION: Donnelly College isaccredited by The Higher LearningCommission, 230 South LaSalle St., Suite 7-500, Chicago, IL 60604-1411; (312) 263-0456;(800) 621-7440; FAX: (312) 263-7462. TheHigher Learning Commission (HLC) hasplaced Donnelly College in Kansas City,Kansas, on Probation. HLC took this actionbecause it determined that the College doesnot meet HLC’s Criteria for Accreditation relat-ed to assessment of student learning and insti-tutional resources. While on Probation, theCollege remains accredited, and it has theopportunity to remedy the issues that led tothe sanction. Our next comprehensive visit willbe September 2018. Donnelly College hasbeen accredited since 1958.MAJORS AND DEGREES: Associate of Arts,Associate of Science, Associate of AppliedScience, Bachelor’s in OrganizationalLeadership, Bachelor’s in InformationSystems, Practical Nursing, Registered Nurse-

Associate Degree in Nursing, Gateway toCollege. STRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: Small campusenvironment, highly diverse community, excel-lent support services, strong academic pro-grams, affordable, urban location, opportuni-ties to engage in cross-cultural experiencesand campus ministry. TUITION: $290 per credit hour – Under$7,000 annually for full-time (12 hr. persemester) FINANCIAL AID: Many of our students are eli-gible for financial aid including institutionalsupport, scholarships, grants and federalfinancial aid.

EMMAUS BIBLE COLLEGE2570 Asbury RoadDubuque, IA 52001563-588-8000E-MAIL: [email protected]: www.emmaus.eduADMISSIONS CONTACT: LaurelRasmussen, Director of Enrollment, [email protected] OF STUDENTS: 275RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Non-DenominationalESTABLISHED: 1941ACCREDITATION: Higher LearningCommission & Association for Biblical HigherEducation. Approved by the State of IowaDepartment of Education for teacher licensure,Approved by the Veterans Administration foreducational training, Member of theEvangelical Training Association (ETA) andauthorized to award the ETA TeachingDiploma, Member of the Association ofChristian Schools International (ACSI) andteacher education graduates qualify for ACSIteacher certification.MAJORS AND DEGREES: Biblical Studies,Applied Mathematics, Business Administration,Camp Ministries, Computer InformationSystems, Computer Science, CounselingPsychology, Cross-Cultural Nursing,Elementary Education, ESL Education,Intercultural Studies, Nursing, Pre-ProfessionalHealth Science, Secondary Education(Endorsements in Business, English, MathPsychology, World History), Youth MinistriesSTRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: Affordable, highretention, graduation and placement rates,integration of faith in learning, small classsizes, faculty mentoring, leadership opportuni-ties.SPECIAL PROGRAMS: Archaeology minorwith participation in Archaeology dig in Israel,Pre-Professional Health Science, Cross-cultur-al experiences TUITION: 2017/18 academic year: $17,520FINANCIAL AID: Academic Scholarships,need-based grants, church matching scholar-ships, participates in Federal and StateStudent Aid Programs

EVANGEL UNIVERSITY1111 N. Glenstone AvenueSpringfield, MO 65802800-EVANGEL E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.evangel.eduADMISSIONS CONTACT: Ana SolanoNUMBER OF STUDENTS: 2,112RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Assemblies ofGod

ESTABLISHED: 1955ACCREDITATION: Higher LearningCommission, National Association of Schoolsof Music, Missouri Department of Education,Council for the Accreditation of EducatorPreparation, Commission on Accreditation ofAthletic Training Education, AccreditationCouncil of Business Schools and Programs,Commission on Accreditation Council onSocial Work EducationMAJORS AND DEGREES: We offer morethan 76 academic programs in the followingdepartments: Behavioral and Social Sciences,Business, Communication, Education,Humanities, Kinesiology, Music, Natural andApplied Sciences, and Theology and GlobalChurch MinistriesSTRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: Strong aca-demics, integration of faith in learning, com-munity, opportunities to engage in cross-cul-tural experiences, internships, and ministryopportunities.SPECIAL PROGRAMS: Top 5: Psychology,Biblical Studies, Elementary Education,Management, BiologyTUITION: $22,146 (2018-2019)FINANCIAL AID: 9100% of students receiveEvangel scholarships. Averagescholarship/grant award is $12,500. More than14 million in grants and scholarships areawarded in financial aid each year.

GRAND CANYON UNIVERSITY3300 W. Camleback Road, Phoenix, AZ85017855-428-7884 E-MAIL: [email protected]: gcu.eduADMISSIONS CONTACT: Emily WatsonNUMBER OF STUDENTS: Over 17,000 RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: ChristianESTABLISHED: 1949ACCREDITATION: Regionally accredited bythe Higher Learning Commission. (800-621-7440; AND DEGREES: More than 190academic programsSTRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: STEM focused. SPECIAL PROGRAMS: New programs inengineering and technology.TUITION: $16,500FINANCIAL AID: Generous, renewable GCU-funded scholarships available. Go for more infor-mation.

HANNIBAL-LAGRANGE UNIVERSITY2800 Palmyra Rd. Hannibal, Missouri 63401573-629-3264EMAIL: [email protected]: www.hlg.eduADMISSIONS CONTACT: Ashley NewtonNUMBER OF STUDENTS: 1,200RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Southern BaptistConventionESTABLISHED: 1858 ACCREDITATION: Higher LearningCommissionMAJORS AND DEGREES: 34 differentmajors: art, biology, business, Christian stud-ies, Computer Informational Systems,Christian Theatre, criminal justice, Education(many levels), English, Exercise Science,History, Math, Liberal Studies, Media Comm.,

Music, Nursing, Psychology, Public Relations,Social work, Sociology, Sports & RecManagement, TheatreSTRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: Small classsizes, 14:1 student to professor ratio; distinctlyChristian environment, hands-on academicprograms with possible internships andpracticums.SPECIAL PROGRAMS: Honors program;tutoring; career services; new student orienta-tionTUITION: $20,610FINANCIAL AID: FAFSA; academic, athletic,performance based, and endowed scholar-ships

HARDING UNIVERSITY915 E. Market AveSearcy, AR 72149501-279-4407E-MAIL: [email protected]: CONTACT: Jason WhiteNUMBER OF STUDENTS: 5541RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Church of ChristESTABLISHED: 1924ACCREDITATION: High learning CommissionMAJORS AND DEGREES: Harding offersmore than 100 majors and 10 undergraduatedegrees, 15 pre-professional programs and 21graduate and professional degrees. STRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: HardingUniversity is committed to providing a qualityeducation that will lead to an understandingand philosophy of life consistent with Christianideals. TUITION: 2017-2018 Approximate Total Cost(tuition and fees plus room and board) $26279FINANCIAL AID: On average, 89 percent ofour undergraduate students receive financialassistance. In 2016-17 Harding Universityawarded more than $24 million in institutionalscholarships and more than $2 million in needbased grants.

HEART OF AMERICA BIBLECOLLEGE AND THEOLOGICALSEMINARY7600 Blue Ridge Blvd.Kansas City, MO 64138816-356-6380E-MAIL: [email protected]: www.heartofamericaministries.comADMISSIONS CONTACT: Dr. Carroll C.McCarrollNUMBER OF STUDENTS: 100+RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Non-denomina-tionalESTABLISHED: 1983ACCREDITATION: The InternationalAssociation of Bible Colleges and SeminariesMAJORS AND DEGREES: PastoralTheology; Scriptural Psychology; ChurchAdministration; Christian EducationSTRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: Residential,Online, Correspondence. Non-traditionalSPECIAL PROGRAMS: Associate; Bachelor;Master and Doctoral Degree Programs in allour Major courses of study.TUITION: Resident Students $50.00 perCredit Hour; Correspondent $55.00 per CreditHour. Course material averages $60.00 percourse.FINANCIAL AID: must apply

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HEARTLAND CHRISTIAN COLLEGE500 New Creation Rd.Newark, MO 63458660-284-4800E-MAIL: [email protected]: www.heartlandcollege.orgADMISSIONS CONTACT: Judi BartonNUMBER OF STUDENTS: 15RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Non-denomina-tionalESTABLISHED: 1992ACCREDITATION: Accredited through theAssociation of Biblical Higher EducationMAJORS AND DEGREES: Associates inBiblical StudiesSTRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: We are anaffordable, Christ-centered, discipleship basedschool with a small student-teacher ratio. Webelieve the Word of God is Truth, and knowingthe Truth and applying it provides the founda-tion that HCC students need to be preparedfor each new step in life. Our mission is toequip and prepare students to be servants ofJesus Christ, lifelong learners and effectiveworkers in local churches and communitiesaround the world. SPECIAL PROGRAMS: Missions, WorshipArts, Christian EducationTUITION: $1,605 per semester, $3,210 peryear, including residential.FINANCIAL AID: Government Aid is notaccepted

JOHN BROWN UNIVERSITY2000 West University St.Siloam Springs, AR 727611-877-JBU-INFOE-MAIL: [email protected]: www.jbu.eduADMISSIONS CONTACT: Connor YoungNUMBER OF STUDENTS: 1,350UndergraduateRELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Inter-denomina-tionalESTABLISHED: 1919ACCREDITATION: Higher LearningCommission of the North Central Associationof Colleges and Schools; Council for theAccreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP);Engineering Accreditation Commission ofABET; American Council for ConstructionEducation (ACCE); Accreditation Council forBusiness Schools & Programs (ACBSP)MAJORS AND DEGREES: 39 majors andover 40 minorsSTRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: JBU isArkansas’ top ranked regional universityaccording to U.S. News & World Report BestColleges ranking 2017. JBIU’s largest pro-grams include Engineering, Nursing, GraphicDesign, Family and Human Services, andElementary Education.SPECIAL PROGRAMS: Engineering, nursing,construction management, graphic design,digital cinema, honors programTUITION: $12,500/semester, $25,000/year(2017-18)FINANCIAL AID: Last year JBU awarded over$14 million in scholarships and grants to assist90% of our full-time students. Before you sayyou can’t afford it, contact us to see what wecan do for you, at 1-877-JBU-INFO.

KANSAS CHRISTIAN COLLEGE7401 Metcalf Ave.Overland Park, KS 66204913-722-0272E-MAIL: [email protected]: www.kansaschristian.eduADMISSIONS CONTACT: Dave PedottoNUMBER OF STUDENTS: 130RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Church of GodHolinessESTABLISHED: 1938ACCREDITATION: Association for BiblicalHigher Education  MAJORS AND DEGREES: Biblical Studies,Pastoral Ministry, Youth Ministry, Missions,Ministry Leadership, Teacher Education,Worship Leadership, Performance Music,Business Leadership, General StudiesSTRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: Small campusand classes! Benefits include more opportuni-ty for one-on-one contact and collaborationwith professors, careful evaluation of work, astrong sense of community, teaching profes-sors as opposed to teaching assistants and achance for advisers to know students well.SPECIAL PROGRAMS: Men’s and Women’sBasketball and Soccer, Women’s Volleyball,Drama and Music opportunities developing.TUITION: On-Campus Tuition: $295.00 percredit hour; Online Tuition: $275.00 per credithour.FINANCIAL AID: Approved by the U.S.Department of Education to distribute PellGrants and Direct Student Loans.

KANSAS WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY100 E. Clafin AveSalina, KS 67401785.833.4305E-MAIL: [email protected]: www.kwu.eduADMISSIONS CONTACT: Joe BondioNUMBER OF STUDENTS: 791RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: The UnitedMethodist ChurchESTABLISHED: 1886ACCREDITATION: Higher LearningCommission of the North Central Associationof Colleges and SchoolsMAJORS AND DEGREES: 46 Majors,Degrees: BA, BS, and M.B.A.STRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: At KansasWesleyan University, students learn in a small,vibrant, and caring environment that nurturesacademic, spiritual, moral and social growth.Students can pursue their academic AND per-sonal interests. It’s called the Power of AND,and it accentuates the importance of learningoutside the classroom. Leadership, characterdevelopment, relationship management, andcommunication are just a few life skills that arelearned on the performance stages and on thefields of competition.SPECIAL PROGRAMS: Teacher Education,Biomedical Chemistry, Business Management,Honors Program.TUITION: $29,500FINANCIAL AID: 99 % of our studentsreceive financial aid.

LINCOLN CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY100 Campus View DriveLincoln, IL 62656217-732-3168E-MAIL: [email protected]: www.LincolnChristian.eduADMISSIONS CONTACT: Brady Cremeens -Director of Enrollment - ext. 2237NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 900RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: ChristianChurches - non-denominationalESTABLISHED: 1944ACCREDITATION: Higher LearningCommission, Assoc. of Biblical HigherEducation, Assoc. of Theological SchoolsMAJORS AND DEGREES: Preaching, YouthMinistry, Business Administration, Psychology,Communication, Worship Ministry, InterculturalStudies (missions), Teacher Ed, Pre-Nursing,and more!STRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: A community ofcaring believers - emphasis on intellectualAND experiential Christianity - vocational andprofessional degreesSPECIAL PROGRAMS: Psychology toMasters of Counseling, Business to Masters ofOrganizational LeadershipTUITION: $13,020FINANCIAL AID: Institutional aid: academic,athletic, and need-based scholarships.Endowed Scholarships. State and federalgrants.

LYON COLLEGE2300 Highland Rd.Batesville, AR 72501910-584-7782E-MAIL: [email protected]: www.lyon.eduADMISSIONS CONTACT: Bekah BaileyNUMBER OF STUDENTS: 672RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: PresbyterianESTABLISHED: 1972ACCREDITATION: North Central Associationof Colleges and Schools, The Higher LearningCommissionMAJORS AND DEGREES: Anthropology(B.A.), Art (B.A.), Biochemistry (B.A. or B.S.),Biology (B.A. or B.S.), Business Administration(B.S.), Chemistry (B.A. or B.S.), ComputerScience (B.S.), Economics (B.A.), English(B.A.), Elementary Education (B.A.), French(B.A.), History (B.A.), Individualized*,Mathematics (B.A.), Music (B.A.), PoliticalScience (B.A.), Psychology (B.A.), Religionand Philosophy (B.A.), Spanish (B.A.), TheatreStudies (B.A.)SPECIAL PROGRAMS: Journalism,Secondary Education, K-12 Music Education,Pre-Medical, Pre-Occupational Therapy, Pre-Optometry, Pre-Nursing, Pre-PhysicalTherapy, Pre-Pharmacy, Pre-Veterinary, Pre-Engineering, Pre-Law, Pre-MinistryTUITION: $27,100FINANCIAL AID: 99% receive F.A.

MANHATTAN CHRISTIAN COLLEGE1415 AndersonManhattan, KS 66502785-539-3571E-MAIL: [email protected]: www.mccks.eduADMISSIONS CONTACT: Paul Wilson NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 300

RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Non-denomina-tional Christian churchESTABLISHED: 1927ACCREDITATION: Association for BiblicalHigher Education; Higher LearningCommissionMAJORS AND DEGREES: B.S./B.A Bibleand Leadership; B.S./B.A. Christian Ministry;Emphasis options include Bible/Theology,Chaplaincy, Children’s Ministry, Counseling,Family, Intercultural, Pastoral, Residency,Social Justice, Spiritual Formation, WorshipMinistry and Youth Ministry. B.S./B.A. KSUDual Degree (infinite options!)STRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: Our uniquerelationship with Kansas State University ishard to beat! Not only do our students get theclose-knit, Christian community on our cam-pus, but right across the street they haveaccess to all the degrees, programs, amenitiesand ministry opportunities that KSU provides.MCC students love the close mentoring andfriendships (and family meals!) that many ofthe professors and faculty at MCC provide.They have the opportunity to gain experienceas they are in school by planning and leadingour weekly chapel services, volunteering inany number of programs around the city ofManhattan for Christian Service hours andeven weekend ministries to preach at adult oryouth groups around the area. SPECIAL PROGRAMS: Timothy DaysLeadership scholarshipsTUITION: For the 2017-2018 school year:Tuition - $15,000, Room & board & misc fees -$8,500; Average student paid $8000 afterscholarships.FINANCIAL AID: 99% of our students receivea scholarship or some type of gift/aid.Significant Academic Scholarships andFederal/State Financial Aid available.

MIDAMERICA NAZARENE UNIVERSITY2030 E. College WayOlathe, KS 66062913-971-3380E-MAIL: [email protected]: www.mnu.eduADMISSIONS CONTACT: Derry Ebert,Associate Vice PresidentNUMBER OF STUDENTS: 1,880RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Church of theNazareneESTABLISHED: 1966ACCREDITATION: Higher LearningCommission of the North Central AssociationMAJORS AND DEGREES: Accounting,Athletic Training, Bible and Theology, Biology,Biology Education, Business Administration,Business Psychology, Chemistry, Children &Family Ministry, Corporate Communication,Criminal Justice, Elementary Education,English, English Language Arts Education,Forensic Biology, Forensic Chemistry, GraphicDesign, History, History & Government/SocialStudies Education, Intercultural Studies,Kinesiology, Marketing, Mathematics,Mathematics Education, Middle LevelMathematics Education, Middle Level ScienceEducation, Ministry, Multimedia, Music, MusicEducation, Nursing, OrganizationalLeadership, Physical Education, Physics,Psychology, Recreation & Leisure Studies,Sociology, Speech/Theatre Education, SportsManagement, Youth & Family Ministry

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STRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: Well-knownand prestigious School of Nursing & HealthSciences and School of Education, servantleadership mindset, strong sense of communi-ty, “Go Global” international and domestic mis-sion trip initiatives and annual “Passion toServe” projects; graduate degree programs inNursing, Business, Education, andCounseling.SPECIAL PROGRAMS: Pre-ProfessionalPrograms including Chiropractic, Dentistry,Engineering, Law, Medical Technology,Medicine, Occupational Therapy, Pharmacy,and Physical Therapy; Honors Program;Diversity Awareness; Theatrical Productions;General Studies Major; Army and Air ForceROTC Programs; Study Abroad Programsincluding MNU Europe.TUITION: $29,986. Total direct costs includ-ing comprehensive tuition and Room & Boardtotal approximately $39,444.FINANCIAL AID: Academic Scholarship &Grant program, Athletic Scholarships, Fine &Performing Arts Scholarships, Federal andState Financial Aid.

MIDWESTERN COLLEGE5001 North Oak TrafficwayKansas City, MO 64118(816) 414-3700EMAIL: [email protected]: www.midwesterncollege.comADMISSIONS CONTACT: HaydenSummerhill ([email protected])NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 400 College /2,600 SeminaryRELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Southern BaptistESTABLISHED: 1957ACCREDITATION: Higher LearningCommissionMAJORS AND DEGREES: Christian Ministry,Biblical Studies, Business Leadership,Intercultural Studies, Counseling Psychology,Worship Ministry, Student Ministry, Theology,Philosophy.STRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: (1) Biblicalteaching with a high view of Scripture. (2)Emphasis on missions and engaging all sec-tors of society - church, non-profit, and secular- with a Biblical perspective. (3) Close relation-ships between faculty and students. (4) One ofa kind special programs (see below). (5)Midwestern College is part of MidwesternSeminary meaning the college has access toSeminary level professors and resources.SPECIAL PROGRAMS: (1) The Fusion pro-gram allows students to get extended mis-sions experience during the first year of a 4-year Bachelor of Arts degree. For the first sixmonths of this program, students areimmersed in biblical study, cultural training,and language learning. Then, for the next sixmonths, teams of students are sent overseasto serve alongside full-time missionaries insome of the world’s most unreached nations.(2) Accelerate is an opportunity for especiallygifted and aspiring students called into min-istry to receive both a Bachelor of Arts andMaster of Divinity degree in just 5 years. Thisprogram enables cohorts of elite students toreceive special mentorship and study opportu-nities with world-renowned faculty fromMidwestern Seminary and College.TUITION: On-Campus: $280/credit hour(Southern Baptist students), $440/credit hour

(non-SBC students). Online: $325/credit hour(Southern Baptist students), $365/credit hour(non-SBC students).FINANCIAL AID: Students are eligible for fed-eral financial aid, institutional scholarships,and church match scholarships.

MISSOURI BAPTIST UNIVERSITYOne College Park DriveSt. Louis, MO 63141314-434-1115E-MAIL: [email protected]: www.mobap.eduADMISSIONS CONTACT: Cynthia Suttion,Executive Director of UndergraduateAdmissionsNUMBER OF STUDENTS: 5,488RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: BaptistESTABLISHED: 1964ACCREDITATION: Higher LearningCommission MAJORS AND DEGREES: MBU offers morethan 70 programs in undergraduate degrees,graduate degrees and professional certificatesacross 12 locations in the Metro St. Louis areaas well programs offered fully online. STRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: MBU’s purposeis to be able to challenge students’ lives spiri-tually, intellectually, and professionally in orderto serve in a global and culturally diverse soci-ety. There are currently 12 MBU locationsincluding its regional learning centers through-out the St. Louis region and Illinois in additionto a 66-acre West St. Louis County campus aswell as degrees offered completely online forthe working adult. This year, MBU launched itsSchool of Nursing, with more than 20 studentsbeginning the BSN. program. MBU wasrecently named the 7th top university for inspi-ration by peers, which was published in TheWall Street Journal and Times HigherEducation’s top U.S. college rankings lists for2018. SPECIAL PROGRAMS: Honors Program,School of Nursing with state-of-the-art simula-tion labs, More than 20 undergraduate andgraduate degree programs offered fully online,MBA, Doctor of EducationTUITION: $24,764FINANCIAL AID: The average student onlypays half of MBU tuition, with 98 percent ofstudents receiving financial aid.

MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE820 N. Lasalle Blvd.Chicago, IL 60610312-329-4460E-MAIL: [email protected]: www.moody.eduADMISSIONS CONTACT:[email protected] OF STUDENTS: 1600RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: ChristianESTABLISHED: 1886ACCREDITATION: Higher LearningCommission; ABHE; NASM; ATSMAJORS AND DEGREES: 30 + Majors.Bible, Theology, Pre-Counseling, AppliedLinguistics, Intercultural Studies,Communications, TESOL, Urban Ministry,Elementary Education, Bible Secondary Ed,Children’s Ministry, Pastoral Studies, YouthMinistry, Biblical Languages & more. STRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: Ministry

Training, Urban Location, Practical MinistryComponent, Affordable TuitionSPECIAL PROGRAMS: Theology, Pre-Counseling, Teaching English to speakers ofother languages, Communications, PastoralStudiesTUITION: $0, Room & Board $12,000/yearsFINANCIAL AID: Available

NORTHWESTERN COLLEGE101 7th Street SWOrange City, Iowa 51041800-747-4757E-MAIL: [email protected]: www.nwciowa.eduADMISSIONS CONTACT: Natalie WheelerNUMBER OF STUDENTS: 1,260RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Reformed Churchin AmericaESTABLISHED: 1882ACCREDITATION: Higher LearningCommissionMAJORS AND DEGREES: 40+ Majors,16Preprofessional programs, 7 Career concen-trations; Degrees awarded: B.A., B.S.N.,B.A.A.T, M.Ed.STRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: A Christianacademic community engaging students incourageous and faithful learning and living thatempowers them to follow Christ and pursueGod’s redeeming work in the world. 96% ofNWC graduates are employed or enrolled ingrad school within six months of graduation.SPECIAL PROGRAMS: Top 10: Business,Elementary Education, Kinesiology, Biology,Nursing, Psychology, Sociology/CriminalJustice, Mathematics, Spanish/Translation andInterpretation, English.TUITION: $30,000 (2017-2018 year)FINANCIAL AID: The average aid per studentis $25,770 with 100% of full-time studentsreceiving aid.

OKLAHOMA BAPTIST UNIVERSITY500 West University St.Shawnee, OK 74804405-585-5000E-MAIL: [email protected]: www.okbu.eduADMISSIONS CONTACT: Kaleb MiearsNUMBER OF STUDENTS: 2,073RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: BaptistESTABLISHED: 1910 by the Baptist GeneralConvention of OklahomaACCREDITATION: The Higher LearningCommission North Central Association ofColleges and Schools; Association ofCollegiate Business Schools and Programs;National Association of Schools of Music;Commission of Collegiate Nursing Education;Council of the Accreditation of EducatorPreparation; Oklahoma Office of EducationalQuality and AccountabilityMAJORS AND DEGREES: 88 areas of studywith a wide range of subject mattersSTRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: To equip stu-dents with a high proficiency of skill in theirarea of study, through intentional training byfaculty, to allow students to exit and engage adiverse world and live worth of the high callingof God in Christ after their time at OBUSPECIAL PROGRAMS: State of the art nurs-ing simulation labs, study abroad programs,club sports program, honors program, large

and thriving student life programsTUITION: Tuition: $25,183; Full Price (exclud-ing books): $35,608FINANCIAL AID: Every admitted student willbe awarded a minimum $5000 academicscholarship. In addition our financial aid officeworks with students who fill out the FAFSA togive each student a complete financial aidpackage.

ORAL ROBERTS UNIVERSITY7777 South Lewis Avenue Tulsa, OK 74171918.495.6518 or 800.678.8876E-MAIL: [email protected]: ADMISSIONS CONTACT: Alison VujnovicNUMBER OF STUDENTS: 3,852 studentsfrom 90 different countries and every U.S.state.RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION:InterdenominationalESTABLISHED: 1963ACCREDITATION: Higher LearningCommission (HLC)MAJORS AND DEGREES: ORU offers 130+undergraduate majors and minors spreadacross six unique colleges and covering everyacademic interest. Students pursue degreesfrom ORU s College of Arts & CulturalStudies, College of Business, College ofEducation, College of Nursing, College ofScience & Engineering and College ofTheology & Ministry. ORU also offers 12Masters degrees.STRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: Oral RobertsUniversity is a world-renowned Christian uni-versity committed to building Spirit-empoweredleaders who will impact every area of society,from businesses, hospitals, schools, churches,athletics, media, the arts, government andmore! Graduates launch from ORU preparedto succeed because of ORU s unique WholePerson Education, which transforms studentsspiritually, academically and physically! Inaddition, ORU students are challenged toMake no little plans here, a phrase coined byORU s Founder, Oral Roberts, and one thatremains central to the DNA of the universitybearing his name.SPECIAL PROGRAMS: Quest Whole PersonScholarship Program awards up to$20,000/year. Advantage Program a 100%online dual-enrollment program for high schoolstudents.TUITION: 2016/2017 Academic Year under-graduate tuition, $25,800; room and boardvaries based on tiered plans offered.FINANCIAL AID: ORU is committed to award-ing up to $25,000,000 in scholarships andgrants this academic year through QuestWhole Person Scholarships up to$20,000/year; Academic Scholarships $5,000-$13,000/year; Fellows Honors ProgramScholarships up to $20,000/year; NCAADivision I Athletic Scholarships; LegacyScholarships $3,000/year; TalentScholarships; and more!

OZARK CHRISTIAN COLLEGE1111 N MainJoplin, MO 64801417-626-1234E-MAIL: [email protected]:

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ADMISSIONS CONTACT: Ashley NegronNUMBER OF STUDENTS: 500-600RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: IndependentChristian ChurchESTABLISHED: 1942ACCREDITATION: National: Association ofBiblical Higher Education; Regional:Candidacy Status with Higher LearningCommissionMAJORS AND DEGREES: Residential andonline undergraduate. Five bachelor’sdegrees, three associate’s degrees, 14majors, dual degree program with a local uni-versitySTRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: Biblical founda-tion, close-knit community, and global serviceopportunitiesSPECIAL PROGRAMS: Single-focused Biblecollege; dual degree program with a local uni-versityTUITION: $18,300/year (includesroom/board/fees)FINANCIAL AID: Merit and need-based schol-arships available; 95% of students receivescholarships and financial aid; donors offsetstudents’ cost by 20% each year.

PILLSBURY SCARBOROUGHBIBLE COLLEGE & SEMINARYPO BOX 818, Bridgeton, MO 630443426 Bridgeland Drive, Bridgeton, MO 63044PHONE: 888.737.3392 E-MAIL: [email protected]: www.pillsburyscarborough.orgADMISSIONS CONTACT: Contact the officeNUMBER OF STUDENTS: 150 (includesinternational students)RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: non-denom.ESTABLISHED: 1991ACCREDITATION: Granted in 2003 byAccrediting Commission InternationalMAJORS AND DEGREES: Pastoral MinistryDegrees in Biblical Studies (Ministry,Theology, & Divinity) and Biblical Counseling.Christian Counseling DegreesSTRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: Distance learn-ing-study at your own paceSPECIAL PROGRAMS: Bivocational pro-grams available to qualifying ministersTUITION: Starting at $4,500. Monthly pay-ments of $150FINANCIAL AID: Scholarships available.

REVIVAL TRAINING CENTER9900 View High DrKansas City, MO 64134816-777-0732E-MAIL: [email protected]: orrevivaltraining.centerADMISSIONS CONTACT: Aaron LageNUMBER OF STUDENTS: 55RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Non-denomina-tionalESTABLISHED: 2000ACCREDITATION: Transworld AccreditingCommission InternationalMAJORS AND DEGREES: LicensedChristian worker, Ministry license, ordinationSTRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: Practical min-istry training, teachers who actually pastor,opportunity to try in church settingSPECIAL PROGRAMS: 1 year, 2 year, 3year certification, ordinationTUITION: $3,600 annually

FINANCIAL AID: Not at this time

SOUTHWEST BAPTIST UNIVERSITY1600 University Ave.Bolivar, MO 65613800-526-5859E-MAIL: [email protected]: www.SBUniv.eduADMISSIONS CONTACT: ChristopherKimberlingNUMBER OF STUDENTS: 3,700 (1,500undergraduate on main campus in Bolivar)RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Southern BaptistESTABLISHED: 1878ACCREDITATION: Higher LearningCommissionMAJORS AND DEGREES: More than 80areas of study, including associates, bache-lors, masters, specialist and doctoral degrees.See complete list at OF COLLEGE: Small classsizes; 15:1 student-to-faculty ratio; Christ-cen-tered, caring academic community; one ofAmerica’s Best Colleges Buys and one ofAmerica’s Best Christian CollegesSPECIAL PROGRAMS: University SuccessCenter to help freshmen with college transi-tion; Dutile Honors Program to challenge,enrich and support exceptional students whoare interested in academic, social and person-al growth; premier academic programs includebiology (and pre-med), business administra-tion, Christian ministry, computer science,education, intercultural studies (missions),music, physical therapy and social workTUITION: $22,400 per year (2017-18)FINANCIAL AID: $23.5 million awarded annu-ally in scholarships and grants; 98% of ourstudents receive financial aid, with a $23,000average financial aid package per student.Academic scholarships, $8,500-$14,500;Performance scholarships, $500+; Athleticscholarships, $500+; Church-related scholar-ships: up to $2,000. Federal and state grants,loans and work study available.

SOUTHWESTERN CHRISTIANUNIVERSITY7210 NW 39th ExpresswayBethany, OK 73008405-789-7661E-MAIL: [email protected]: www.swcu.eduADMISSIONS OF STUDENTS: Spring 2017 (436Traditional Students)RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: PentecostalESTABLISHED: 1946ACCREDITATION: Higher LearningCommission (HLC)MAJORS AND DEGREES: School of Artsand Science, Professional Studies and SportManagementSTRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: ChristCentered-Liberal Arts InstitutionSPECIAL PROGRAMS: Business, SportManagement and EducationTUITION: $17,030 FINANCIAL AID:

STERLING COLLEGE125 W. CooperSterling, KS 67579620-278-2173E-MAIL: [email protected]: www.sterling.eduADMISSIONS CONTACT: Dennis DuttonNUMBER OF STUDENTS: 600-700RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Non-DenominationalESTABLISHED: 1887ACCREDITATION: Higher LearningCommissionMAJORS AND DEGREES: We offer morethan 90 programs of study to help you discov-er and embrace your passion and calling inlife. For a complete list, (Master’sDegrees: Sports Ministry and Athletic Training)STRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: At SterlingCollege you will discover so much more aboutwho you are and where you want to go in yourlife. Your challenging education is filled with asupportive community that will help you dis-cover your dreams. The student faculty ratio is14:1. 92% of Sterling graduates are employedor in grad schools 6 months after graduation!We promise you a Christ-centered experiencefilled with a lot of adventures! SPECIAL PROGRAMS: Athletic Training,Biblical Studies, Criminal Justice, Art & Designand BusinessFINANCIAL AID: 100% of students receivescholarship-academic, athletic or activity.Yellow Ribbon Institution.

TABOR COLLEGE400 S JeffersonHillsboro, KS 67063620-947-3121E-MAIL: [email protected]: tabor.eduADMISSIONS CONTACT: Kelly DuggerNUMBER OF STUDENTS: 550RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: MennoniteBrethrenESTABLISHED: 1908ACCREDITATION: YesMAJORS AND DEGREES: At Tabor College,we have 26 bachelor’s level programs—repre-senting a host of concentrations andemphases—one associate of arts programand one graduate program. * Denotes a con-centration within a major; – DenotesLicensure: Art & Design, Majors, GraphicDesign, Studio Art, Minors, Graphic Design,Painting, Athletic Training, Major, AthleticTraining, Bible, Religion & Philosophy, Majors,Biblical and Religious Studies, ChristianMinistry, *Christian leadership concentration,*Youth ministry concentration, *Mission con-centration, Minors, Christian Leadership,Mission, Philosophy, Youth Ministry, Business,GraduateSTRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: The core val-ues that influence the mission and vision ofTabor College include a commitment to beingChrist-centered in all aspects of life, a passionfor learning, the promotion of service to oth-ers, and meaningful involvement in collegeand community activities. SPECIAL PROGRAMS: PresidentialLeadership Program, Honors Program,Department Scholarships, International StudyAbroad options.

TUITION: $27,100FINANCIAL AID: Tabor College offers studentaid to nearly 100 percent of the student body.Academic, Performance and DepartmentScholarships available for qualifying students.

UNION UNIVERSITY1050 Union University DriveJackson, TN 383051.800.33.UNION E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.uu.eduADMISSIONS CONTACT: Robbie Graves,Assistant Vice President for UndergraduateAdmissionsNUMBER OF STUDENTS: 3,342RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Southern BaptistESTABLISHED: 1823ACCREDITATION: Commission on Collegesof Southern Association of Colleges andSchools. For more information, AND DEGREES: Over 100 pro-grams of study are available. For a completelist visit OF COLLEGE: UnionUniversity is committed to integrating top-tieracademics and Christian faith. Faculty mem-bers are authors, scholars, and nationalspeakers who invest in students throughclassroom teaching and mentoring. The stu-dent faculty ratio is 10:1. Union graduateshave been accepted to some of the world’stop graduate schools. Others advance to posi-tions of leadership in ministry, missions, andprofessional careers. Each residential studentat Union has a private bedroom and access toin-suite kitchen and laundry.SPECIAL PROGRAMS: State-of-the-art labsand simulation environments; undergraduateresearch emphasis; Global Opportunities trips;study abroad; national honored communityservice. TUITION: $31,550FINANCIAL AID: Yes. 100% of incomingfreshmen receive financial aid.

WILLIAM WOODS UNIVERSITYOne University Avenue Fulton, MO 65251573-826-1847 E-MAIL: [email protected]: www.williamwoods.eduADMISSIONS CONTACT: Kylie HirthNUMBER OF STUDENTS: 1,200RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Christian Church -Disciples of ChristESTABLISHED: 1870ACCREDITATION: HLC, ASBSPMAJORS AND DEGREES: 60+ majors andminors with Graduate and Doctorate leveloffered as well as online optionsSTRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: 14:1 studentfaculty ratio, practical theory application,hands on learning, internships required SPECIAL PROGRAMS: Equestrian 4 yeardegree program, as well as American SignLanguage 4 year degreeTUITION: $23,230FINANCIAL AID: Offered to 100% of students,$5,000 LEAD award, athletic, merit, academic,and honor based scholarships available

Page 26: 2018 Christian Education & College Guide€¦ · help you discover who you are, and what you want to be. At Concordia, you can make a bigger impact than you ever imagined. Whoever

26 • 2018 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Metro Voice

As the fifteen passenger van swingsinto the parking lot, everyone stops tostare. You’ve all seen them – bearingtwelve-inch-thick Bibles, library booksand math joke shirts, they march up, amini-herd swelling around you.Dressed from head to toe in pajamas,with the exception of a Yoda-costumedchild, Mom strides next to them wear-ing a “Super Mom” shirt. These are thefew, the proud, the homeschooled.

Everyone has misconceptions abouthomeschoolers, both the humorous,the ignorant, and the completelyinsulting. Regarded as a separatespecies by many public and privateschool students, as well as adults, vol-umes have been written on home-schooling and its pros and cons. Likeother students, there are variations ofhomeschoolers, ranging from thosewho memorize Latin roots for fun andteach themselves physics, to those whobelieve their age determines their grade(nine years old – ninth grade!) andconsider their birthday an officialschool holiday. Homeschoolers oftenexperience awkward pauses and awedlooks when asked what school theyattend – homeschooling isn’t like other

school, of course! We get extra creditfor doing the dishes, are baffled bylocker combinations, only watch cableon vacation and study outside undertrees. We never do real school… thatwould be too normal! Continue reading to discover thetruth about home schooling myths I’vedebunked, so that the next time yousee a group of children wanderingaround the mall as though they’ve

never been outside their house, you’llknow what to think.

Myth 1: Homeschoolers never doschool. Contrary to popular belief, learn-ing can happen in groups of less thanthirty students and many homeschool-ers do the same amount and caliber ofwork (if not higher) and study thesame subjects as that of other students.We’re just able to finish school faster

because we’re not held back by timeconstraints – in the typical homeschool environment, you’re neverunder lockdown due to bomb threatsor bathroom murders. Additional ben-efits include being the salutatorian,valedictorian and in the top ten per-cent of your class.

Myth 2: Homeschoolers have nofriends...or, their best friend is theirpet rock.

Everyone considers them “quiet”simply because they are knowledgeableand able to talk about more maturesubjects than who Justin Bieber is dat-ing. While some homeschoolers areantisocial, many just simply abide bythe proverb: “Better to keep yourmouth closed and be thought a foolthan to open it and remove all doubt.”Most homeschoolers have friends justlike everyone else, which are madethrough extra-curricular activities,clubs, sports, co-ops, and the like.However, be forewarned whenbefriending a homeschooler – we willspell out every word, use abstract liter-ary quotes, and will openly correctyour grammar.

Myth 3: Homeschoolers don’t

learn as much as private and publicschool kids. Homeschoolers learn the samebasic school subjects as everyone else:Math, English, Science, etc., but theyhave the opportunity to take uniqueclasses and electives (because of thevariety of courses offered), and havethe opportunity to dabble in a varietyof subjects while learning new thingsbecause they’re not confined to thestandard public and private schoolclasses. They are free to pursue theirindividual interests and passions. As ahomeschooler, I have experiencedopportunities that other students don’tnecessarily have access to, one of thembeing my internship at the Good Newsnewspaper, which I pursued because ofmy interest in journalism. Other stu-dents don’t have time to pursue manyextracurricular activities because theyhave to be in school during a certaintime and have to choose from certainclasses; homeschoolers can completeschool and home work simultaneously.

Myth 4: Homeschoolers can’tmake it in the real world.

by Paul A. Kienel

The Christian school movement is thefastest growing educational movement inAmerica today. The U.S.NEWS AND WORLDREPORT and CHRISTIAN LIFE magazineshave referred to the rapid proliferation ofChristian elementary and secondary schools asthe “Boom in Protestant Schools” and “TheChristian School Explosion.” Christian schoolsare currently being established across the UnitedStates at the rate of two new schools a day. In California we average one new Christianschool each week. Obviously parents by thethousands have opted to send their youngstersto Christian schools as opposed to secular pub-lic schools. As a parent who sends my childrento Christian schools and speaks to thousands ofparents on the radio and on tour, permit me toshare ten reasons why you should send yourchildren to Christian schools:

ONE: You are accountable to God for whatyour children are taught in school. Proverbs22:6 is a direct command to parents. It says,“Train up a child in the way he should go...”What your children are taught in school shouldbe a direct extension of your parental views. Theteachers under whom your children are taughtshould be the kind of teachers you would per-sonally hire if your children were being educat-ed in your home.

TWO: Christian schools offer a better level ofinstruction. There is no question about it. Thetest scores over a long period of years are con-clusive. The annual Stanford Achievement Testadministered to first through eighth gradeChristian school students in the western states

shows these students to be seven to nineteenmonths ahead of the national norm in reading,and seven to thirteen months ahead of thenational norm in all subject areas.

THREE: The Bible does not teach that chil-dren should be exposed to all kinds of sin. Weare to train “up” a child, not point him down-ward. Children do not grow spiritually strongerin a negative non-Christian environment. Students do not become stronger Christiansby being taught non-Christian thinking, but bybeing taught Christian thinking, and there is nosuch person as a “neutral” school teacher whoneither advances nor inhibits religion. Schoolrepresents 16% of your child’s time. It is primetime, a training time, and Christian school edu-cation represents a positive Bible- centered formof instruction that will build a child up in thefaith- -not tear him down. Proverbs 19:27 says,“Cease, my son, to hear the instruction thatcauseth to err from the words of knowledge.”

FOUR: The Christian school is right for yourchild because the Christian school has not cutitself off from the most important book in theworld—the Bible. Without the Bible, educationis nothing more than the blind leading theblind. Standards for morality must be takenfrom Scripture alone, not from situations asoften taught in secular schools. As TheodoreRoosevelt stated, “To train a man in mind andnot in morals is to train a menace to society.”

FIVE: The Christian school provides anopportunity for your child to witness for Christ.This surprises some people because they assumeall students in a Christian school are Christians.In most cases a majority are Christian; however,

in every Christian school there are always somestudents who need the Savior. Christian stu-dents are trained and encouraged to reach theseyoungsters for Jesus Christ. Witnessing in aChristian school has the support of parents, stu-dents, teachers, administration and the schoolboard. Presenting Christ as Savior is not illegalin a Christian school.

SIX: Christian school educators teach all sub-ject matter from a Christian context. They putthe Bible at the center of the curriculum and askstudents to evaluate all they see in the worldthrough the eyes of God. To quote Dr. RoyZuck, The secular vs. Christian school issue isreally a question of whether a child will learn toview life from man’s perspective or God’s per-spective. From man’s viewpoint, history is pur-

poseless; from God’s viewpoint, history hasmeaning. From man’s viewpoint, science is thelaws of “nature” at work; from God’s viewpoint,science is the outworking of His laws. In a Christian school, a student is exposedto the centrality of God in all of life. In publiceducation, a student is legally “sheltered” fromthis important dimension of education.

SEVEN: Christian schools support the fami-ly as the number one institution of society.Christian school educators train students torespect their parents. These educators agree withthe early American patriot, Noah Webster, whosaid, “All government originates in families, andif neglected there, it will hardly exist in society.”

EIGHT: “The atheists have, for all practicalpurposes, taken over public education in thiscountry.” Shocking words, yes, but they werespoken by a prominent public school educator,Dr. W.P.Schofstall, former Arizona StateSuperintendent of Schools. Paradoxically, manypublic school personnel openly supportChristian school education. As a matter of fact, the largest group of par-ents who send their children to Christianschools are public school teachers and princi-pals. I conducted a nationwide survey amongthese public school educators. The followingstatement is typical of the responses I received:“I prefer to send my children to a Christianschool because Christ is central to all informa-tion taught and caught. The public school isbasically humanistic and materialistic in itsapproach to life and the fundamental questionsof human existence and purpose. The Christianschool holds a unique position with the homeand the church.”

10 Reasons to Consider Private Christian Education

P R I M A R Y & S E C O N D A R Y


n See HOMESCHOOLING on page 36

n See PRIVATE SCHOOLS on page 36

Page 27: 2018 Christian Education & College Guide€¦ · help you discover who you are, and what you want to be. At Concordia, you can make a bigger impact than you ever imagined. Whoever

Metro Voice –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2018 • 27

Lutheran High Schoolof Kansas City

The Lutheran High School ofKansas City is located on a beautiful29 acre hilltop campus in southKansas City, Missouri. The studentoriented Christ-centered environmentis open to students of all faiths.Christian values and beliefs are at thecenter of a rich curriculum filled withrigor and creativity. The LutheranHigh School is part of a nationally rec-ognized Lutheran Church MissouriSynod preschool, elementary, highschool, college and university system. Our students score among thehighest regionally on the ACT eachyear (24-25). LHS is fully accreditedby Advance Ed. - North CentralAssociation of Schools and Collegesand National Lutheran SchoolAccreditation while presenting aMissouri State Approved CollegePreparatory Curriculum. Dual creditclasses are also offered for upper levelstudents in a variety of subject areas. Developing a well-rounded stu-dent is an important part of theLutheran High School experience.Low student-teacher ratios allow stu-dent identity to emerge and develop.Students are encouraged to beinvolved in multiple co-curricularactivities. Leadership roles abound as

students are engaged in experientiallearning opportunities outside theclassroom. All the while, studentslearn to exercise time managementskills, so necessary in the college anduniversity environment. Come andvisit a vibrant learning community. The Lutheran High School ofGreater Kansas City- PREPARINGLIVES FOR TODAY, TOMORROWand ETERNITY.

Missouri MilitaryAcademy

The Change That Makes theDifference

Missouri Military Academy is acollege preparatory boarding schoolthat has readied young men for collegeand life since 1889. Designed specifi-cally to meet the needs of boys duringtheir formative years, we tap into whatmotivates them - positive reinforce-ment, structure, consistent physicaland mental challenge, loyalty, andteam mentality; removing distractionsthat slow academic progress and fillingthat space with 360˚ Education.

Our 360˚ approach molds boysinto college-ready young men byfocusing on five elements: AcademicExcellence, Character Development,Personal Motivation, PhysicalDevelopment and LeadershipTraining.

Why a Military School?Unlike stereotypes in movies, mili-

tary school is not punishment. MMAcadets know college preparation is thereason they are here and we boast100% college acceptance every year.

The military model provides aplatform to teach attention to detail,structure, resilience, and strong values.Young men who graduate from MMAcarry life lessons they’ve learned wher-ever they go. Self-discipline, self-confi-dence, a sense of duty, organizationalskills, public speaking ability, and thelevel of bearing and polish that isunique to military-style training.

MMA offers boarding and dayprograms for boys in grades 7-12 andan additional postgraduate Gap Year.Contact us today at [email protected] or 1-888-564-6662.

Page 28: 2018 Christian Education & College Guide€¦ · help you discover who you are, and what you want to be. At Concordia, you can make a bigger impact than you ever imagined. Whoever

Saint Paul Lutheran High School–AChrist-Centered, College Prep educa-tion in the heart of Missouri.

What Makes Saint Paul different?Christ Centered

Christ is at the heart of everythingwe do. Chapel is held 3 days a week.Religion class is 5 days a week. Smallgroup Bible studiesare offered afterschool, in the dorms.Student Housing

Saint Paul is a 4-year residential highschool with its own,on-site dormitoryhousing. Safety

Saint PaulLutheran High School is located in thesmall, safe town of Concordia,Missouri. Academics

We offer college preparatory classeswith 24 hours of dual credit coursesthrough Concordia, University,Nebraska.

Small class sizes make learning per-sonable. Your instructors know youand care about you and your academicsuccess.

AthleticsOur athletic teams are competitive

and regularly excel in district and statetournament competitions.Music

Our Choir is highly acclaimed andhas had 3 performances at CarnegieHall. We also offer band and stingsensemble.

Cultural DiversityOur student body of 210 has 68

students from 14 different countries.

There’s a place for you at Saint PaulLutheran High School.

Contact us today. It might justchange your life.

[email protected]

28 • 2018 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Metro Voice

Since 1989,Summit ChristianAcademy has pre-pared students forspiritual leadershipand academicexcellence. SCAhas grown from 32students to nearly800 and has beenranked as one ofthe top five privateschools in the KCarea. Situated on a36-acre campus,SCA provides excellent academics, per-forming arts, speech and debate, ath-letics, as well as leadership organiza-tions and clubs.

An SCA core value is “inspiringexcellence in learning.” SCA facultymembers inspire students to excel aca-demically in an atmosphere where stu-dents can think creatively, learn to dis-cern truth, think critically, and choosewisely. In academics, arts, and athlet-ics, SCA upholds a standard of excel-lence that encourages students toachieve their individual best. SCA stu-dents consistently score 28-30 percenthigher than the national average onthe Stanford 10 administered to K-11students every year and has an average

ACT score of 25 with 98% of gradu-ates going on to higher education.

The environment allows teachersthe opportunity to provide individualattention students need to succeed.This special mentoring approach com-bined with a strong core program inphonics, reading, geography, language,spelling, mathematics, history,Spanish, Bible, and science makes SCAthe school of choice for Christian fam-ilies whose priority is excellence.

The college-preparatory curricu-lum challenges students and providesan opportunity to earn up to 70 hoursof college credit.

For information or a personal tour,contact 816.525.1480.

Summit ChristianAcademy

Saint Paul LutheranHigh School

Page 29: 2018 Christian Education & College Guide€¦ · help you discover who you are, and what you want to be. At Concordia, you can make a bigger impact than you ever imagined. Whoever

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Overland ChristianSchools

Located at 74th and Metcalf inOverland Park, KS, Overland ChristianSchools offers quality Christian educa-tion for students K-3 through highschool. Since 1938, OCS has offeredstudents a Christ-centered atmosphereto pursue truth in a changing world.Overland Christian Schools is a cultur-ally-diverse, rapidly growing school.OCS is dually accredited by theAssociation of Christian Teachers andSchools ( andAdvancED (

Our caring staff is made up ofexemplary Christians who are well-trained, experienced, and dedicated to

helping each of their students discovertheir unique potential. In order tomeet the varied needs of the students,OCS offers a wide assortment of class-es ranging from the traditional cur-riculum to specialized courses.Additionally, students have a numberof opportunities to participate inextra-curricular activities includingathletic and academic competitions,music and drama productions, andmuch more! For more informationabout Overland Christian Schoolsplease visit our website at or call us at913.647.8729.

Why send your child to aLutheran school like HopeLutheran in Shawnee?

Our history in theShawnee area started in 1983when the congregation ofHope Lutheran Church votedto establish a Christian dayschool. It opened in the fall of1983 with 21 students. In 1987 thecongregation approved plans toremodel the existing classrooms andadd an education wing. In 1998, thecongregation approved another build-ing addition, which included a FamilyLife Center (gym) and additionalrooms for meetings, Sunday School,music and day school.

Throughout Hope’s history, we’vekept the emphasis on worship andChristian education. As we continue tobenefit from the growth of our subur-ban community, we prayerfully seekHis will in meeting the increasing spir-itual and physical needs of our congre-gation and school families.nOur school is driven by a commit-ment to the Gospel and focused on amission of bringing hope and healingto students and families.nHope is governed by board mem-bers who clearly understand their rolesand focus on the vision and boardpolicies that effectively govern theoperation of the school.

nHope meets and exceeds state andnational academic standards at allgrade levels from preschool through8th grade. Our students are preparedto succeed in the next grade level.nHope has educators who modelvisionary leadership. nHope has educators who modelspiritual leadership. Our teachersstudy God’s word, share their personalfaith story, apply Law and Gospelappropriately, exhibit a passion forministry, act courageously, equip God’speople for service, care for others,demonstrate and pray.nHope Lutheran School is accreditedby the State of Kansas, NationalLutheran School Association andAdvancED. nWe are intentional about “BUILD-ING lives of EXCELLENCE upon thefoundation of CHRIST.”

Interested in Hope LutheranSchool, please email us [email protected] or callus at 913-631-6940 .

Hope Lutheran School

Page 30: 2018 Christian Education & College Guide€¦ · help you discover who you are, and what you want to be. At Concordia, you can make a bigger impact than you ever imagined. Whoever

30 • 2018 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Metro Voice

Our Savior ChristianAcademy is a mission mind-ed faith-based school locatedjust outside the Kansas CityMetro area. We share the loveof Jesus and instill in eachstudent a love of learningand desire to serve the Lordthrough a Christ-centeredcurriculum. Our SaviorChristian Academy exists tosave the spiritually lost, togrow the faith of the spiritu-ally saved, and to equip thesaved to be courageousChristian witnesses to thenon-believing world. We serve 170students from 10 local school districtswith students enrolled in preschool,elementary, middle and high schoolon two campuses along with 36administration and teaching staff.

Our Savior Christian Academyworks to form positive relationshipswith parents and caregivers engagingthem fully as partners in education.We believe that God created each childunique and special and they bringindividual talent and potential to theclassroom. By providing a Christ-cen-tered, safe and caring environment forlearning that embraces multi-sensory

teaching techniques unique to individ-ual scholars, we create excellence infaith-based education.

n Small class sizes with low teacherto student ratios

nAccredited by National LutheranSchool Accreditation

nOffering excellence in faith-based education since 2007

Visit or callone of our Northland campuses tolearn more:Smithville- Lavonne Pappert816.866.5899 Platte City- Holly Anderson816.866.1597.

Our Savior ChristianAcademy

Kansas City Christian School offersa comprehensive kindergartenthrough 12th grade program, wherestudents experience strong academicsfrom a Christian worldview and pur-poseful spiritual life programs. Weseek to accomplishall of this fromwithin the contextof a vibrant, familyfocused communi-ty. Kansas CityChristian’s curricu-lum is distinctlycollege preparatoryand includesAdvancedPlacement (AP),dual-credit andhonors courses.Over 95% of ourseniors go on topursue four-year college degrees and amajority of our students receives aca-demic, leadership and/or athleticscholarships to a wide variety of high-er educational institutions across thecountry.

We strive to provide a welcomingatmosphere where students can thriveas they are challenged to pursue lives

that exhibit a unified and integratedbiblical worldview and Christ-likecharacter; so that they may shape theculture they are in. Choosing a schoolis an important decision, and we areexcited to assist you!

To explore the options that KCCcan provide for you, please contactour Admissions Director, AmyConnelly at (913) 648-5227 or [email protected] . We would behappy to set up a tour and chat withyou about our program! We also inviteyou to visit our website

Kansas CityChristian School

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Northland Christian is a privateChristian school serving families inKansas City’s northland. We partnerwith Christian familiesand churches to providea God-centered, disciple-ship-based school withacademic excellence anda biblical worldview,equipping students toserve and influence ourworld for Christ.

The school is a mem-ber of Missouri StateHigh School ActivitiesAssociation and offers a wide varietyof academic, fine arts and athleticactivities. Northland Christian isaccredited through the Association ofChristian Schools International andoffers dual credit college courses.

Northland Christian just complet-ed a new 44,000 square-foot buildingon 36-acres which houses 380 pre-school through 12th grade students.Completed after 277 days of construc-tion, the building was opened for stu-dents to begin the second semester onJanuary 8. The Liberty campus beganin 2017 and will enroll preschoolthrough 5th grade for the 2018-2019

school year, as well as offer home-school enrichment classes on Fridayafternoons.

We have a dedicated staff ofChristian teachers who see biblicaleducation as their ministry and mis-sion field. According to the mostrecent research by George Barna, only4% of Americans have a biblicalworldview. Giving children a biblicalworldview from a young age increasestheir probability for staying and invest-ing in the church by 87%. ChristianEducation is an eternal investment.

Details about the school are avail-able Formore information or to schedule atour, contact 816.548.2222.

Northland ChristianSchools

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32 • 2018 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Metro Voice

At Outreach Christian Education,we excel in providing quality, Christ-centered education. Our students arecultivated in Godly principles, andchallenged through our curriculum. Itis our desire to impart in our pupilsthe skills necessary to thrive in theiradult lives as productive contributorsto society. In addition, our studentsare endowed with the guidance anddevelopment of character traits neces-sary to make a powerful impact as thenext generation of world-changers. Wespecialize in small class sizes and indi-vidualized learning, which empoweryour students to master and overcomedifficult concepts. At OCE, your childwill never be “lost in the shuffle.” We

take pride in building life-long rela-tionships with our students and theirfamilies, because at Outreach, we real-ly are one, big family. In fact, Outreachhas been family-owned and operatedsince 1983. Many of our alumni haveeven returned to pour their talentsand love into our next generation. Ourstaff is comprised of caring, Godlyindividuals, who love Christ and feelcalled to His purpose. These individu-als are equipped and eager to aid inthe development and education ofyour child. If you have been strugglingto find the right complement to yourchild’s education, give us a try! Calltoday! We would love to welcome youinto our family!

Outreach ChristianElementary

Nativity of Mary Catholic Schoolin Independence, MO. has been serv-ing families and educating youngminds Pre-School through 8th gradesince 1955. At Nativity, we address theneeds of the whole child -academically, spiritually,morally, emotionally, physi-cally and socially. Our chil-dren grow in a safe, faith-filled and nurturing learningenvironment. Our caring fac-ulty and staff partner withparents in our Catholic faith,values and traditions.

Nativity is accredited byAdvancEd and MNSAA andall staff members receive con-tinuing education. We areproud to be a F.I.R.E.(Foundation for Inclusive ReligiousEducation) school in our Diocese. Nativity offers:n Small Class Sizes n Scholarship Funds/TuitionAssistance n Pre-School for 3-5 year olds - 2, 3,or 5 day programs availablen Student leadership opportunitiesn Study Tripsn Free & Reduced Lunch program n Service ProjectsnWeekly student-led Massesn Tutoring

n and much more!Our students:n score above the national average onstandardized tests. n have the opportunity to cultivate

their God-given talents in our variousextracurriculars such as athletics, art,boy scouts, campfire, chess club, choir,musical theatre, robotics, service, sen-ate, and yearbook. n learn with the use of technology inthe classrooms with chromebooks andsmart boards.

Visit our classrooms and see foryourself that faith makes a differencein a high quality education. We areconveniently located near I-70 and I-435.

Nativity of Mary

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Eagle Heights Christian School

EHCS is committed to Christ–cen-tered traditional education. Our mis-sion is to partner with parents tomotivate students to develop a Biblicalworldview and the character that willmake them champions in any endeav-or to which Godleads them.

Our afford-able tuition,based on a 10-month paymentplan, allows par-ents the opportu-nity to receive afirst classChristian educa-tion. Our alumnihave distin-guished them-selves in govern-ment, education,business, health and ministry fields.We use the finest Christian curriculumin the country.

As a member of the AmericanAssociation of Christian Schools wegive families the opportunity to havenational standardized testing as well asregional and national competitions inBible, Academics and Fine Arts.

We play interscholastic sports. Weemphasize community service, whileinstilling in all students, a work ethicbased on serving others. Our 9th thru12th graders annually attend a studentleadership conference, and our musi-

cal groups reach out to local churchesand community groups. We offer amusic program which includes choirs,hand bells, and private music instruc-tion.

Please call us at 816-454-7410 formore information. We would love tohave you stop by to tour our facilityand meet our staff.

Calvary Lutheran School is proudto celebrate 70 years of educating chil-dren. n Focus on Faith in Jesusn Long-standing tradition of academ-ic excellencen Loving and nurturing teachers withstrong faith and experiencen Small class sizes in a safe and securesettingn 21st Century LearningEnvironment • Computer lab • SMART boards • Technology integrated into theclassroomsn Foreign language instruction in 4th-8th gradesn Fully accredited through NLSA andMissouri Non-Publicn Faith formation through Bible-based curriculum and weekly chapeln Friendly, bright, clean atmosphere

Calvary Lutheran School offerstop-quality Christian education in theKansas City community. Childrenfrom infants through eighth grade arein an environment where they learn tostrive for excellence, serve the Lord,and show love and compassion for allpeople.

For parents seeking an exceptionaleducation for their children, Calvary’scurriculum, programs, sense of com-munity and experienced faculty are alldeciding factors. Calvary focuses onnurturing the whole child — academ-ically, spiritually, physically, emotional-ly, and socially. Our students growwith confidence, developing a strongintellectual and moral foundation thatlasts a lifetime.

Calvary is open to all children inKansas City and surrounding neigh-borhoods. We are dedicated to offer-ing the highest standard of educationfor an affordable tuition.

Calvary LutheranSchool

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GrandviewChristian School

Grandview Christian School wasestablished in 1975 with a mission toeducate students who will serve Godand impact the world through biblicalthought and action.

GCS provides quality education ina Christian context. Our curriculum isbased upon the foundation of God’struth to promote Christian character,conduct, and patriotism. We continu-ally seek to bring glory and honor toGod through assisting parents and thechurch in the preparation of youngmen and women who will touch thenations of the earth by doing all theywere created to do to the best of theirability.

GCS is fully accredited by ACTSand AdvanEd, enrolling students ingrades K-6, as well as students age 3through Pre-K at our Golden EaglePreschool.

The school is located in Grandview,MO, just 5 minutes from the newlyrenovated Truman Marketplace, mak-ing for easy access from 49 Hwy viathe Blue Ridge or Truman Rd exits.

Schedule your tour today by calling816.767.8630 or visiting

Facts about Grandview Christian SchoolnNon-denominationalnApproximately 140 students: PK3through 12thn International Students have comefrom as far as China, Nepal, Uganda,Korea, and the PhilippinesnRichly diverse populationn 1:10 average faculty:student ration 98% of students pursue post-sec-ondary educationnMusic, Band, Choir, Drama, Sports

Notice of Non-Discrimination PolicyAs To Students: GCS admits students ofany gender, race, color, national and eth-nic origin to all the rights, privileges, pro-grams, and activities generally accorded ormade available to students of the school.We welcome students of all races andnationalities who willfully submit to thestatement of faith.

Plaza HeightsChristian Academy

Providing students with a qualityeducation is essential if they hope tomeet the demands of college andcareer. Plaza Heights ChristianAcademy believes that a studentneeds to be equally prepared forcollege and the workplace. It isour goal to provide the support,nurture and care that childrenneed while offering appropriateacademic challenges.

In addition to offering asuperior education, PlazaHeights Christian Academybelieves it is important for aschool bearing the name ofChrist to train its students tothink and live like Christ would.Developing students who seethe relevance of having aBiblical Worldview in every areaof life is our highest objective.

Believing that all truth is God’struth, PHCA offers an education thatdoes not separate the academic fromthe spiritual. Our primary mission isto develop self-disciplined learnerswho are guided through life by aBiblical view of God, man and society.

Originally established as a ministryof Plaza Heights Baptist Church in1999, Plaza Heights Christian

Academy is now an independentChristian school serving 265 studentsin preschool through 12th grade.

PHCA preschool-12th grade is fullyaccredited by the Association ofChristian Schools International. Conveniently located in BlueSprings, PHCA attracts families fromthroughout the Kansas City metropol-itan area. Enrollment information isavailable at orby calling (816) 228-0670.

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Maranatha ChristianAcademy (MCA) has been pro-viding excellence in Christianeducation in the Shawnee,Kansas, area for almost 45years. The mission of MCA isto train and equip students forlife and for service to JesusChrist through a Biblicalworldview, character develop-ment, academic excellence, andfine arts opportunities. Toaccomplish these goals, MCAprovides a consistently solidacademic and Biblical founda-tion on which students’ collegepreparatory foundation is built.That foundation is strength-ened by having challengingcourses, dual credit classes andcharacter building and leader-ship activities. Dually accredit-ed through ACSI and AdvancEd, MCA ranks in the top 7%in Kansas on the ACT.

The truths of God’s Word are woven into each of ourclasses from Pre-School through High School graduation, insuch a way as to grow our students’ faith and to help themdevelop a Christian worldview. As a dually accreditedschool, we provide our students an excellent education thatwill enable them to be successful in their future academicendeavors, to include the opportunity to earn up to 36 col-

lege credit hours while at MCA. Maranatha ChristianAcademy is a safe and nurturing environment where wis-dom, character, and service are taught by an excellent andwell qualified staff who seek to mentor students in the class-room, in athletics, in our fine arts program, and in leader-ship opportunities.

Contact us online at or by calling(913) 631-0637, ext. 315, to learn more about MaranathaChristian Academy and what makes us the Best Choice foryour child’s education.

Maranatha Christian Academy

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Kansans for Lifeand Missouri Rightto Life-WR partnertogether to bringpro-life informationand events to theKansas City Region.Our mission is toeducate the publicand our legislatorson the basic right tolife of all humanbeings from themoment of concep-tion until natural death. To furtherthis mission we have educationalbooths at every opportunity and aredelighted to participate at the MidwestChristian Education Expo. Both Missouri Right to Life andKansans for Life host a Fund RaisingGolf event. The Kansas GolfMarathon is usually in May, check ourweb site for the date. The MissouriRight to Life Golf Tournament will beheld on Friday May 18th. The KFLValentine Banquet is another oppor-tunity to support the organizationwhile being dined, informed and

inspired. MRL will be holding theirannual carnation sale to churches andorganizations for Mother’s Day. Allproceeds from events benefit our officeoperations, booth fees and educationalmaterials.. We always need volunteersto help at various events. Keepinformed by visiting our web or call 913.642.5433 / or call816.353.4113 What can you do? Pray. Spreadthe truth. Support our work!

Missouri Right to LifeKansans for Life

Although most homeschoolersaren’t around multiple students andteachers every day, studies show thatthey have an easier time adapting tocollege and life after high school, andthat their graduation rate, GPAs, andstandardized test scores are higher thanthose of the typical college student. Aclassroom might be a drastic changefrom studying at the kitchen table, butstudies show that homeschool gradu-ates are more likely to have voted andparticipated in community servicewhen compared to other adults. Homeschoolers have the opportu-nity to learn basic life skills such ascooking, cleaning, balancing a checkbook and more because they’re at

home and around their families more.One of the biggest advantages ofChristian homeschooling is establish-ing a biblical worldview in your child’slife that will help them remain rootedin and able to defend their faith whenthey leave for college.

Myth 5: Homeschoolers are athreat. Not all home-educated familieshave ten kids, and the life expectancy isso much lower since we don’t vaccinate(just ask any pediatrician that has todeal with homeschooling mothers),although this might be offset by theorganic food supply coming from ourbackyard gardens. Only 2 percent ofthe U.S. school population is home-schooled, so we’re not about to stripthe teacher’s unions of their power. Weare too busy supporting creationist

institutes and building robots to botherwith world domination, and, after all,we never leave our homes.

This article is not written to assertthat homeschooling is right for every-one, or that all homeschoolers areexempt from these myths; just likeother students, not all homeschoolersare driven enough to stay on pace andresist laziness, and many are trulystrange (you should meet my siblings).There are pros and cons for all types ofschooling, but keep in mind that thestereotypes people have of home-schoolers aren’t always true. The nexttime you meet a homeschooler, think“normal.” We’re just like everyone else– although, if you offer us pie, we’ll askhow you can give us 3.14 (just kid-ding!).

– Madison Iszler

n HOMESCHOOLINGcontinued from page 26

NINE: Christian school educatorsmaintain discipline in the classroomand on the playground. Without a rea-sonable standard of discipline, theprocess of education is severely ham-pered. “For whom the Lord loves, Hedisciplines...” the Bible teaches. And itis within that context of love that disci-pline is carried out in a Christianschool. This important feature of edu-cation is rapidly disappearing from thepublic school education. According to

the recent Gallup Poll of PublicAttitudes Towards Education study,lack of discipline in the public schoolsagain heads the list of problems citedmost often by survey respondents.Discipline has, in fact, been named thenumber one problem of the schools inseven of the last eight years. New evi-dence of its importance comes fromthe special survey of high school jun-iors and seniors. An even higher per-centage of this group names disciplineas the leading problem faced by thepublic school.

TEN: “We believe that our childrenare gifts of the Lord. We are responsi-

ble to train them according to HisWord not only at home and in church,but in school as well.” This statementwas made by a parent in response to aquestion on an application form forenrollment of his children at DelawareCounty Christian School in NewtownSquare, Pennsylvania. More and more parents, especiallyChristian parents, are coming to theconclusion that secular public educa-tion and most of its teachers and prin-cipals no longer represent their per-sonal parental views. These parents areexercising their freedom of choice andsending their children to Christianschools and colleges.

n PRIVATE SCHOOLcontinued from page 26

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K - 1 2 D I R E C T O R YCALVARY LUTHERANSCHOOL12411 Wornall RoadKansas City, MO 64145816-595-4020E-MAIL: [email protected]: www.calvaryschoolkc.comPRINCIPAL OR HEADMASTER: MichelleFischer ENROLLMENT CONTACT: Paula Henry GRADES: K-8CURRENT ENROLLMENT: 145RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: LutheranESTABLISHED: 1948ACCREDITATION: Calvary Lutheran Schoolis accredited by the Missouri Nonpublic SchoolAccrediting Association and the NationalLutheran School Accreditation Agency (NLSA).CURRICULUM: K-8 curriculum is Christ-ori-ented and builds students’ comprehension ofvaluable areas of study, including Religion,Math, Reading, English, Social Studies,Science, Geography, and Spelling andVocabulary. STRENGTHS OF SCHOOL: For parentsseeking an exceptional education for their chil-dren, Calvary’s curriculum, programs, sense ofcommunity and experienced faculty are alldeciding factors. Calvary focuses on nurturingthe whole child — academically, spiritually,physically, emotionally, and socially. Our stu-dents grow with confidence, developing astrong intellectual and moral foundation thatlasts a lifetime. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Band,Choir, Handbells & Chimes, Volleyball,Basketball, Soccer, Track & Cross Country,Cheerleading, Chess Club, Mathletics,Theater, Art & Gallery exhibits, Gathering ofthe Talents, Destination Imagination, GreaterKC Science Fair and Cyber Dudes. OPEN ENROLLMENT DATES: ongoingTUITION: $6150FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: FinancialAssistance is avail. through the TADS program

EAGLE HEIGHTS CHRISTIANSCHOOL5600 N. Brighton Ave.Kansas City, MO 64119816-454-7410E-MAIL: [email protected]: www.EagleHeightsEagles.orgPRINCIPAL: Robert M. FranseenENROLLMENT CONTACT: Patricia FranseenGRADES: P3-12thCURRENT ENROLLMENT: 110RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: BaptistESTABLISHED: 1978ACCREDITATION: Member – AmericanAssociation of Christian SchoolsCURRICULUM: Bob Jones Press and ABEKASTRENGTHS OF SCHOOL: LowStudent/Teacher Ratio; Biblical Worldview;Technology TrainingEXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES:Interscholastic Sports; Community ServiceOpportunities, Letter ClubOPEN ENROLLMENT DATES: April 1–Aug. 1TUITION: Varied by gradeFINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Evaluated

FAMILIES FOR HOME EDUCATIONPO Box 3096Independence, MO 640551-877-696-6343E-MAIL: [email protected]: fhe-mo.orgENROLLMENT CONTACT: Bill and CyrettaHolbrookESTABLISHED: 1983MISSION: The purpose of FHE is to protectthe inalienable right of Missouri parents toteach their own children. As a statewidegroup, FHE seeks to educate families regard-ing MO law and offers support to all MOhomeschooling families. FHE publishes FirstThings First: a Guide for the Missouri HomeEducator, offers monthly Homeschool 101workshops, and hosts an annual rally at theMissouri State Capitol.

GARRETT ACADEMY & LIL’SMARTIES PRESCHOOL11301 Hickman Mills Dr.Kansas City, MO 64134816-656-5083E-MAIL: [email protected] OR HEADMASTER: MarshaGarrettENROLLMENT CONTACT: Nadica GarrettGRADES: K-5th GradesCURRENT ENROLLMENT: 8 Elementary, 22PreschoolRELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: NonDenominationalESTABLISHED: 1999CURRICULUM: Garrett Academy; Starfall;ICL; ACESTRENGTHS OF SCHOOL: Character build-ing, family operated, small class sizes for indi-vidualized attention and teacher to studentrelationship building.EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES:Homeschool, Athletics, KC East LionsOPEN ENROLLMENT DATES: 3/5 - 5/25TUITION: $3,025 per yearFINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: No

GRACE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY7320 Quivira Rd Suite 300, Shawnee, KS 66216(913) 268-6363WEBSITE: gracechristianacademyks.comGRADES: K - 8th STRENGTHS OF SCHOOL: We combine aMontessori philosophy with a homeschool vibein, multi-level classrooms in order to reacheach student at his or her specific need. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Physicaleducation, Drama, ArtOPEN ENROLLMENT DATES: NowEnrolling! TUITION: $5,000/year including all fees!FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Scholarshipsavailable for parents willing to volunteer timein the classroom.

GRANDVIEW CHRISTIANSCHOOL AND GOLDENEAGLE PRESCHOOL12340 Grandview Rd.Grandview, MO 64030816-767-8630E-MAIL: [email protected]: grandviewchristianschool.comPRINCIPAL OR HEADMASTER: Nita Tripp,Head AdministratorENROLLMENT CONTACT: Angie Holmes,[email protected]: PK3-12th GradeCURRENT ENROLLMENT: 134RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Non-DenominationalESTABLISHED: 1975ACCREDITATION: Association of ChristianTeachers and Schools (ACTS) and AdvancEd.CURRICULUM: Bob JonesSTRENGTHS OF SCHOOL: Strong Biblicalteaching, College Prep, Level Learning class-es 4th-6th Grade. Non-denominational, cen-trally located, Sports, Music and Drama pro-grams. Fully Accredited. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Sports,Drama, Music, including bandOPEN ENROLLMENT DATES: 3/1/2018TUITION: Contact school for details

HOPE LUTHERAN SCHOOL6308 Quivira RoadShawnee, KS 66216913-631-6940E-MAIL: [email protected]: hopelutheran.orgPRINCIPAL OR HEADMASTER: Mrs. NancyJankowskiENROLLMENT CONTACT: KatherineVerschelden GRADES: Preschool - 8th grade (3 years old,4 years old, prekindergarten, junior kinder-garten, Kinder - 8th) CURRENT ENROLLMENT: 155RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Lutheran Church -Missouri SynodESTABLISHED: 1983ACCREDITATION: Kansas State Accreditedand National Lutheran School Accreditation, inthe process of obtaining AdvancEdAccreditation CURRICULUM: READING: Grades K-5:Reading Street, Scott Foresman (Pearson)(2013), Grades K-2: LexiaCore5, Dibels test-ing , MAP Testing, Grade 6 - 8: Prentice HallLiterature studies; ENGLISH: Grades K-2:Reading Street Curriculum (2013), Grades 3-8: English, Houghton Mifflin , Abeka Grammar(2017), novels; MATH: Grades K-5: enVisionMath, Scott Foresman-Addison Wesley (2012),Grade K: Supplement Kinder Math (2015),Grade Middle School : McGraw-HillAlgebra/Geometry (2010) & Glencoe Math(2010), Grade K-8: Moby Max Software, MAPtesting; SCIENCE: Grades K-5: Pearson(2016), Grade K: Social Skills using ConsciousDiscipline & Character Education, Grade 6-8:Glencoe Earth, Life and Physical Science(2016); SOCIAL STUDIES: Grades K-6:Macmillan/McGraw-Hill (2009), Grade 7:Geography Glencoe (2007), Grade 8: GlencoeThe American Journey (2007), RELIGION:

Grades K-8: , One In Christ, ConcordiaPublishing House, 2012; HANDWRITING:Grades K-6: Zaner Bloser (2013); FOREIGNLANGUAGE: Elementary Spanish,Avencemos! Holt McDougal, 2007STRENGTHS OF SCHOOL: Affordable,Christian-based education for your preschoolthrough 8th grade student. Spanish, band,music, drama, art and P.E. Before-school andafter-school care. All-day kindergarten andprekindergarten. Boys and girls sports league.Maximum class size of 25. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: LegoClub, Robotics, team sports, Student Council,Band, Math Club, Choir, 4H Club, Melodrama,ScoutsOPEN ENROLLMENT DATES: Start February1st - August 1stTUITION: $5500 (Kindergarten - 8th grade)FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Yes

KANSAS CITY CHRISTIANSCHOOL4801 W 79th StreetPrairie Village, KS 66208(913) 648-5227 ext. 121E-MAIL: [email protected]: www.kcchristianschool.orgPRINCIPAL OR HEADMASTER: ToddZylstra, Head of SchoolENROLLMENT CONTACT: Amy [email protected]: K-12CURRENT ENROLLMENT: 440RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Non-Denominational ESTABLISHED: 1951ACCREDITATION: CESA and AdvancEdCURRICULUM: Based on objectives set ateach grade level with oversight by the division-al principal and Academic DeanSTRENGTHS OF SCHOOL: StudentChristian life formation, strong academic pro-gram, development of Biblical worldview, andcommunity of like-minded parentsEXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Debate,Forensics, Scholar’s Bowl, Drama, Robotics,Jazz Band, 79th Street Singers, Basketball,Cross Country, Soccer, Tennis, Track & Field,Cheerleading, Volleyball, Baseball and Golf.OPEN ENROLLMENT DATES: Accept appli-cation year roundTUITION: Varies by grade levelFINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Available throughonline application process

LUTHERAN HIGH SCHOOL OFGREATER KANSAS CITY12411 Wornall RoadKansas City, MO 64145816-241-5478E-MAIL: [email protected]: lhskc.comPRINCIPAL: Dr. Cary StelmachowiczENROLLMENT CONTACT: Ms. ChelseaStelmachowicz, Enrollment & RetentionGRADES: 9 – 12CURRENT ENROLLMENT: 140RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Lutheran ChurchMissouri SynodESTABLISHED: 1980ACCREDITATION: Advanced Ed./North

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Central Association of Schools and Collegesand National Lutheran School Accreditation CURRICULUM: College Preparatory; TheLutheran High School offers a number of DualCredit Classes in cooperation with ConcordiaUniversity, Nebraska and the University ofCentral Missouri. Those classes include cours-es in Spanish, English, College Mathematics,and Economics.STRENGTHS OF SCHOOL: Our school’sstrengths are centered around the Christianvalues taught to all. Students’ successes inthe classroom, in co-curricular activities, andin making life-long friendships are nurtured inour school’s environment. The low student-teacher ratio assists students in learning com-munications skills. Communication betweenstudents and their teachers is common sincestudents are not lost in overcrowded orunstructured classrooms.CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: In addition toStudent Government, National Honor Society,and a variety of clubs and student centeredevents, each year Lutheran High offers oppor-tunities for interscholastic sports and activities.In the fall – Boys’ soccer, Girls’ Volleyball,Girls’ Tennis, Boys’ and Girls’ Cross Countryand the Fall Musical. Winter has Boys’Basketball, Girls’ Basketball, Cheerleadingand Dance Team. Spring includes Boys’ andGirls’ Track and Field, Girls’ Soccer, Boys’Tennis, Baseball, Academic Team competitionand the Spring Drama.OPEN ENROLLMENT DATES: New stu-dents for the upcoming fall semester areencouraged to register during the prior spring.This is especially encouraged for new fresh-men. Registration should always try to bringthe student into the school seamlessly fromtheir previous school, typically at the beginningof the fall or spring semesters.TUITION: $8950 - For families who are mem-bers of LHSKC Association Churches, theamount is lessened based upon the financialsupport from the association church.FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Assistance isavailable to all applicants regardless of churchaffiliation and centered around need and avail-able funds.

MARANATHA CHRISTIANACADEMY6826 Lackman RoadShawnee, KS 66217913-631-0637E-MAIL: [email protected]: MCA-EAGLES.orgPRINCIPAL/HEADMASTER: Mrs. Janet FoghENROLLMENT CONTACT: Kelly WildeGRADES: PreK to 12th gradeCURRENT ENROLLMENT: 450RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: ChristianESTABLISHED: 1974ACCREDITATION: ACSICURRICULUM: A variety of publishers areused campus-wide. All classes are taught witha Biblical worldviewSTRENGTHS OF SCHOOL: Excellence inAcademics, Strong discipleship emphasis, anurturing and safe environment along withawesome Fine Arts opportunitiesEXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Co-cur-ricular activities include multiple athleticteams, National Honor Society, Scholars Bowl,Drama productions, and Mission trips.OPEN ENROLLMENT DATES: Rolling

admissionsTUITION: Varies by grade and available onour websiteFINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Available viaonline application through Smart Aid to thosewho qualify based on available funds.

MISSOURI MILITARY ACADEMY204 North Grand StreetMexico, MO 65265573-581-1776E-MAIL: [email protected]:www.missourimilitaryacademy.comPRINCIPAL OR HEADMASTER: President:Charles McGeorge, Chief Academic Officer:Richard Geraci, Brigadier General, USA (Ret.)ENROLLMENT CONTACT: Director ofAdmissions: Gregory SiebertGRADES: 7-12CURRENT ENROLLMENT: 192RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Christian/Non-Denominational ESTABLISHED: 1889ACCREDITATION: ISACSCURRICULUM: The curriculum for MissouriMilitary Academy’s high school is challengingand enriching. Cadets are exposed to a widerange of course opportunities and receive aworld class level of instruction led by qualified,caring instructors. For Grade 7 and Grade 8,courses are divided into ability-based groupsthat reinforce the middle school curricularobjectives.STRENGTHS OF SCHOOL: Missouri MilitaryAcademy is a college preparatory boardingschool that has readied young men for collegeand life since 1889. As the only military board-ing school in Missouri and one of few in theUnited States, we provide a unique programthat inspires boys to reach their potential. Ourall-boy program is designed around the needsof boys during their formative years, tappinginto what motivates them - positive reinforce-ment, structure, consistent physical and men-tal challenge, loyalty, and a team mentality.We remove the distractions that slow a stu-dent’s academic progress and fill that spacewith our 360° Education. Our well-rounded“360” approach molds boys into college-readyyoung men by focusing on five essential ele-ments: Academic Excellence, CharacterDevelopment, Personal Motivation, PhysicalDevelopment and Leadership Training.EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: MMAoffers a wide range of activities, varsity sports,and intramural sportsOPEN ENROLLMENT DATES: RollingAdmissionsTUITION: $37,100FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Yes

NATIVITY OF MARY SCHOOL10021 E. 36th TerrIndependence, MO 64052816-353-0284E-MAIL: [email protected]: www.nativityofmary.orgPRINCIPAL OR HEADMASTER: MaryParrishENROLLMENT CONTACT: Mary ParrishGRADES: Preschool - 8th GradeCURRENT ENROLLMENT: 180RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: CatholicESTABLISHED: 1955

ACCREDITATION: AdvancED, Missouri NonPublicCURRICULUM: English/Language Arts,Reading, Mathematics, Science, Religion,Technology, Music, Social Studies/History,Physical EducationSTRENGTHS OF SCHOOL: We offer an edu-cation that combines Catholic faith and teach-ings with academic excellence. We partnerwith parents in the formation of their children.EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: ServiceClub, Choir, Musical, Robotics, Chess, Art,Athletics, Scouts, Campfire, Bricks for KidzOPEN ENROLLMENT DATES: Year roundopen enrollmentTUITION: Prices available upon requestFINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Available

NORTHLAND CHRISTIANSCHOOLS10500 N Arrowhead TrafficwayKansas City, MO 64115816.548.2222E-MAIL: [email protected]: www.NorthlandChristianEd.comPRINCIPAL OR HEADMASTER: RichardRiceENROLLMENT CONTACT: Jennifer WilsonGRADES: Kinderprep-12th GradeCURRENT ENROLLMENT: 398RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Non-denomina-tional ESTABLISHED: 2006ACCREDITATION: AdvancEd andAssociation of Christian SchoolsCURRICULUM: Abeka and Bob JonesSTRENGTHS OF SCHOOL: The KC Northcampus features a new 44,000 square footbuilding that sits on 36-acres north of the river.Students enjoy a state-of-the-art science lab,Family and Consumer Science lab,Makerspace areas for the school’s STEAM(Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, andMath), music and art rooms, a conference andresource space for NCS administration, teach-ers and volunteers. The heart of the newschool is a rotunda which features trophiesand other awards to honor the school’s stu-dents and alumni accomplishments such asthe 2016 and 2017 class 1A state wins for thegirls’ volleyball team. Our average ACT scoreis 23.7 (compared to an average state scoreof 20.2, and a national score of 20.8). 50% ofour faculty hold Masters’ Degrees and our fac-ulty to student ratio is 1:12. NorthlandChristian School was recently recognized asone of the top 25 private schools in KansasCity by Ingram’s Magazine. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES:Extracurricular activities include NationalHonor Society, student council, scholar bowl,praise worship band, student ambassadors,prayer team, yearbook, Association ofChristian Schools International competitions(art, music, speech, debate, spelling, science,creative writing, and Math Olympics), ScienceOlympiad, performing arts (fall play, springmusical, band, Blazer Singers) boys’ and girls’archery, boys’ and girls’ soccer, girls’ volley-ball, girls’ and boys’ basketball, cheerleading,dance team, and girls’ and boys’ track. OPEN ENROLLMENT DATES: March 1st

TUITION: Please see our website for details:www.NorthlandChristianEd.comFINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Yes

OUR SAVIOR CHRISTIANACADEMY1103 South CommercialSmithville, MO 6408914115 Fourth StreetPlatte City, MO 64079Smithville Campus- 816.866.5899 and PlatteCity Campus- 816.866.1597E-MAIL: [email protected]: oursavioracademy.orgPRINCIPAL OR HEADMASTER: Smithville-Lavonne Pappert /Platte City- Holly AndersonENROLLMENT CONTACT: Smithville-Lavonne Pappert/Platte City- Holly AndersonGRADES: Preschool- High SchoolCURRENT ENROLLMENT: 170RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Lutheran ChurchMissouri SynodESTABLISHED: August 2007ACCREDITATION: National Lutheran SchoolAccreditation with state accreditation throughMissouri Nonpublic School AccreditingAssociation CURRICULUM: We share the love of Jesusand instill in each student a love of learningand desire to serve the Lord through a Christ-centered curriculum. We offer an essentiallearning environment that emphasizes multi-sensory teaching techniques as well as a spiri-tual environment where students can grow intheir faith journey. By providing a Christ-cen-tered, safe and caring environment for learn-ing that embraces multi-sensory teachingtechniques unique to individual scholars, wecreate excellence in faith-based education.We partner with publishers such as Abeka andHoughton Mifflin Harcourt and offer advancepreparatory (AP) classes through University ofMissouri Kansas City.STRENGTHS OF SCHOOL: Our SaviorChristian Academy is a mission minded faith-based school located just outside the KansasCity Metro area. Our Savior ChristianAcademy exists to save the spiritually lost, togrow the faith of the spiritually saved, and toequip the saved to be courageous Christianwitnesses to the non-believing world. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: APClasses, National Honor Society, Athletics,Music and ArtOPEN ENROLLMENT DATES: BeginsFebruary 1TUITION: See our website for current tuitionrates- www.oursavioracademy.orgFINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Assistance isavailable to all applicants regardless of churchaffiliation and centered around need and avail-able funds.

OUTREACH CHRISTIAN EDUCATION2900 NE Cates St.Kansas City, MO 64117816-455-5575E-MAIL: [email protected]: outreacheducation.orgPRINCIPAL OR HEADMASTER: JessicaBullardENROLLMENT CONTACT: Jessica BullardGRADES: K4-8CURRENT ENROLLMENT: 75RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Non-denomina-tionalESTABLISHED: 1983CURRICULUM: Bob Jones, Abeka, ACESTRENGTHS OF SCHOOL: Small class size,

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individualized learning planEXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Karate,Music, Chess Club, Basketball, VolleyballOPEN ENROLLMENT DATES: March 1,2018TUITION: Based on family incomeFINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Yes

OVERLAND CHRISTIANSCHOOLS7016 W. 74th St.Overland Park, KS 66204913-722-0272 ext. 8729E-MAIL: [email protected]: www.overlandchristian.orgHEADMASTER: Chad PollardENROLLMENT CONTACT: Tina LinickGRADES: 3 yr/4 yr Pre-K, K5, 1 - 12thCURRENT ENROLLMENT: 130RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Established bythe Churches of God (Holiness)ESTABLISHED: 1938ACCREDITATION: AdvanceED / Associationof Christian Teachers and Schools CURRICULUM: Primarily Bob JonesUniversity PressSTRENGTHS OF SCHOOL: Biblical world-view emphasis; affordable tuition plans; smallclass sizes (11:1 ratio); excellent facilities;state-licensed preschool and childcare center;international student program; full-servicelibrary with 30,000 volumes; culturally diversestudent body; hot lunch program; financialassistance program; dual-credit college cours-es available for upperclassmen throughaccredited Kansas Christian College (on cam-pus).EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES:Participation in the MO-Kan athletic confer-ence and MCSAA state tournaments; middleand high school sports program (soccer, vol-leyball, basketball, and track); academic andmusic competitions; drama production eachspring; private music lessonsOPEN ENROLLMENT DATES: PriorityEnrollment: March 8 - April 30; LateEnrollment: May 1 - August 13TUITION: Full-day Preschool/Kindergarten -$4,950/year (includes lunch) Part-dayPreschool - $3,950/ year; Part-time Preschool(3 days) - $2,950/year, Part-time Preschool (2days) - $1,950/year; First Child (1st-6th

grades) - $4,500/year; First Child (7th-12grades) - $4,950/year; Second Child (allgrades) - $4,150/year; Third Child (all grades)- $3,850/year; Textbook and fee prices varyand are separate from tuition. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Available upononline application and based upon financialneed.

PLAZA HEIGHTS CHRISTIANACADEMY1500 SW Clark RoadBlue Springs, MO 64015(816) 228-0670WEBSITE: www.plazaheightschristianacade-my.orgEMAIL: [email protected]: Rev. Charles LawsonASSISTANT ADMINISTRATOR: Tim AsherENROLLMENT CONTACT: Jill Richardson,Business SecretaryGRADES: Preschool through 12th GradeCURRENT ENROLLMENT: 260RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Independent

ESTABLISHED: 1999ACCREDITATION: Association of ChristianSchools International (Preschool-12th Grade) CURRICULUM: A Beka, Saxon, PurposefulDesign, Bob Jones University, etc.STRENGTHS OF SCHOOL: Christian world-view, College Prep Curriculum, ACT compos-ite of 23, PLAN Test: 99% testing above aver-age, small class sizes, reasonable tuitionrates, family atmosphere, strong school spirit,individual attention, an emphasis in highschool on community service, and successfulalumni are among the many strengths ofPHCA. Art, PE, music, band are all offered toelementary students throughout the week.EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Soccer,volleyball, cross country, basketball, baseball,cheerleading, track, drama and music pro-grams including band, academic and fine artscompetitions, student council, communityservice.OPEN ENROLLMENT DATES: February 15 ANNUAL TUITION: $1350-$5625 forPreschool (depending on class); K- 5th grade$5300, Middle school (6th -8th) $5600; and$5900 for High School (9th – 12th grades).Some discounts and financial aid are avail-able. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Available for fami-lies that qualify.

SAINT PAUL LUTHERAN HIGHSCHOOL205 S Main St.Concordia, MO 6402660-463-2238E-MAIL: [email protected]: www.splhs.orgPRINCIPAL OR HEADMASTER: Rev. PaulMehlENROLLMENT CONTACT: Clint ColwellGRADES: 9-12CURRENT ENROLLMENT: 200RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Christian-LutheranESTABLISHED: 1883ACCREDITATION: Fully accredited throughAdvancEd & National Lutheran School Assoc.CURRICULUM: College Preparatory offeringdual credit classes through ConcordiaUniversity, Nebraska.STRENGTHS OF SCHOOL: We are a 4 yearhigh School – Boarding School. We prepareChristian leaders from all over the world. 79of our 200 students are from 17 differentcountries.EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES:Academic & Math teams, Teens for Life, NAS,sports such as soccer, volleyball, football, bas-ketball, cross country, golf, track, baseball &softball. OPEN ENROLLMENT DATES: Rolling enroll-mentTUITION: Contact us for current tuition infor-mationFINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Available

SUMMIT CHRISTIAN ACADEMY1500 SW Jefferson CityLee’s Summit, MO 64081816-525-1480 E-MAIL: [email protected]: summit-christian-academy.orgPRINCIPAL OR HEADMASTER: LindaHarrelson, Head of SchoolENROLLMENT CONTACT: registrar@sca-

kc.orgGRADES: Early Education-12CURRENT ENROLLMENT: 764RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION:NondenominationalESTABLISHED: 1989ACCREDITATION: Association of ChristianSchools International, AdvancEDCURRICULUM: Summit Christian Academyoffers preparatory curriculum taught from abiblical worldview using a variety of publishersincluding Abeka, Bob Jones University Press,Houghton-Mifflin, McDougal Littell, andPrentice Hall.STRENGTHS OF SCHOOL: Qualified, caring,dedicated teachers who desire to minister toand impact students for Christ. Full-serviceprogram including art, PE, computer lab,Spanish (K-12th grade), band, drama, andmore. One-to-one iPad initiative for highschool. SMART Boards and GoogleChromebook mobile labs for elementary.Secondary students may earn up to 70 hoursof college credit. Independent, non denomina-tional.EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: STEW-ARDS (gifted) program. Virtuosity! fine artsprogram allows students to take private les-sons in vocal music, instrumental music andart. Academic and music competitions, drama,debate, National Honor Society, student coun-cil, student government, studentnewspaper/journalism, clubs, courtwarming,homecoming, prom. Athletics include football,volleyball, cross country, basketball, cheer,dance, baseball, softball, soccer, wrestling,golf and track. Member of MSHSAA. OPEN ENROLLMENT DATES: Open enroll-ment began February 21.TUITION: 2018-19 School Year: $2,330-$11,170 (multiple child discount available forK-12)FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Available

TIMOTHY LUTHERANSCHOOL301 E Wyatt RoadBlue Springs, MO 64014816-228-5300E-MAIL: [email protected]: www.timothylutheran.comPRINCIPAL OR HEADMASTER: Ken HollandENROLLMENT CONTACT: Steve PattonGRADES: Pre School - 8thCURRENT ENROLLMENT: Preschool 113, K-8 73RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Lutheran MissouriSynodESTABLISHED: August 2001ACCREDITATION: National Lutheran SchoolAccreditation, Missouri Nonpublic School,National Federation of Nonpublic SchoolSTRENGTHS OF SCHOOL: Christ Focused,High Academic Standards, FamilyAtmosphereEXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Soccer,Volleyball, Basketball, Band, Track and Field,Scholar BowlOPEN ENROLLMENT DATES: March 1TUITION: $5,060.00FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Yes

VISUAL MANNA CAMP ACADEMYCONTACT: Sharon Jeffus, Josh JeffusPHONE: 573-453-6364 E-MAIL: [email protected]: visualmanna.comESTABLISHED: 1992SERVICES/PRODUCT/MISSION: Educatingin excellence with art and creating spaces forchurches, businesses and ministries. We haveteaching programs and create murals for non-profits. AP art online.

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KANSANS FOR LIFECONTACT: MaryKay CulpADDRESS: 7808 Foster Overland Park,Kansas PHONE: 913-642-5433E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: ESTABLISHED: 1983 SERVICES/PRODUCT/MISSION: Kansans forLife’s mission is to educate the public and ourlegislators on the basic right to life of allhuman beings from the moment of conceptionuntil natural death. We have educationalbooths at every opportunity. We also have abanquet every February with educationalspeakers, a golf fundraising event in spring,and Life Chain the first Sunday in October.

MISSOURI RIGHT TO LIFE-WESTERN REGIONCONTACT: Maryann PealeADDRESS: 9504 E 63rd Street-Ste. 103,Kansas City, MO 64133-4933PHONE: 816-353-4113E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: mrlwesternregion.orgSERVICES/PRODUCT/MISSION: Pro-LifeEducational Materials. Our Mission is to savelives from conception to natural death.

METRO VOICE CHRISTIANMEDIACONTACT: Dwight and Anita WidamanADDRESS: PO Box 1114, Lee’s Summit, MO64063PHONE: 816-524-4522E-MAIL: [email protected]: metrovoicenews.comESTABLISHED: 1989The region’s community Christian news organiza-tion including the #1 Christian website in KansasCity.


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Read MNU’s story on page 20