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2017 Canungra Show Page 1€¦ · 2017 Canungra Show Page 9 - Pavilion - CHIEF PAVILION STEWARDS: Mrs Robyn Mahony. Ph: 07 5543 5528 Mrs Alison Koger. Ph: 0409 665 557 ENTRY FEE:

Aug 12, 2020



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Page 1: 2017 Canungra Show Page 1€¦ · 2017 Canungra Show Page 9 - Pavilion - CHIEF PAVILION STEWARDS: Mrs Robyn Mahony. Ph: 07 5543 5528 Mrs Alison Koger. Ph: 0409 665 557 ENTRY FEE:

2017 Canungra Show Page 1

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2017 Canungra Show

Page 3: 2017 Canungra Show Page 1€¦ · 2017 Canungra Show Page 9 - Pavilion - CHIEF PAVILION STEWARDS: Mrs Robyn Mahony. Ph: 07 5543 5528 Mrs Alison Koger. Ph: 0409 665 557 ENTRY FEE:

Page 8 2017 Canungra Show

Canungra AH&I Society: By-Laws And Regulations • TheStewardsineachsectionwillsettleanydisputesarisingtherein,buttheExhibitorhastheprivilegeoflodgingawrittenprotestagainstany

decisionthusgivenwhichwillbedealtwithbythecommitteewhoserulingisfinal.• Shouldanyexhibitordesiretoimpactanyfurtherinformationregardinganexhibittoajudge,suchinformationwillbeimpartedpermediumof

thestewardathis/herdiscretion.TheinfringementoftheRegulationwilldisqualifytheexhibit.• Shouldanycompetitor,exhibitororemployeeofsuchobstructorabuseastewardorajudgeintheexecutionofhisdutiesheshallbeliableto

forfeitureofhisprizemoneyandshallbeexcludedfromfurthercompetitionattheshow.• TheBy-LawsandRegulationsoftheQueenslandChamberofAgriculturalSocietiescomprisedinthemodelschedule,exceptwheresuchmay


• Noentryfeeswillberefundedunlessdirectedbythestewards.Nohorsewillbeallowedtocompeteunlessnominationfeesarepaid.• Thecommitteereservestherighttohaveanyitemwhich,intheiropinionisconsidereddangerousorobjectionableandwhichisexhibitedor


• Norefundofgatemoney.• ThePavilionwillbeopenfrom1pmto6.30pmonFridaynightthedaybeforetheCanungraShowtoreceiveentriesinPavilionSections.• Pavilionentriescanbecollectedbetween5pmand7pmonthedayoftheCanungraShow.Ifthisisnotasuitabletimeforcollection,please


ENTRIES• EntriestakenonthedayexceptthePavilion,FineArtsPavilion,MiniatureGoats,StudCattle,FatCattle,DairyCattleSectionsandWoodchop.


WORKPLACE HEALTH AND SAFTEY• PUBLICLIABILITYINSURANCE:Allexhibitors,spaceholdersandentertainersareresponsiblefortheirownpublicliabilityinsurance.While


• ELECTRICALEQUIPMENT:Anyexhibitors/spaceholdersintendingtobringelectricalequipmentand/orgasbottlestotheShowgroundswillberequiredtoensurethatsuchequipmentisfittedwithearthcircuitbreakersandthatallelectricalleads,toolsandapplianceshavebeeninspectedandtaggedbyalicensedelectricalcontractororgasfitter.ThisisessentialforthesafetyofallexhibitorsandthegeneralpublicandisarequirementoftheWorkplaceHealthandSafetyActof1989.TheActimposesveryseverepenaltiesintheeventofnon-compliancewithitsprovisions.AnyexhibitorsorspaceholderswhodonotcomplywillnotbeallowedontheCanungraShowgrounds.Exhibitorsshouldcheckallelectricalequipmentand/orgasbottlestoavoidtheoccurrenceofanydifficulties.

• LEADERSOFCATTLE:ExhibitorsallowingminorstoleadcattleintheGrandParadedosoattheirownriskandacceptfullresponsibilityforanyincidentwhichmayoccur.TheCanungraShowSocietyoranyofitsmemberswillnotbeheldliableforanydamageorinjurywhichmayoccurthroughanysuchincident.

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2017 Canungra Show Page 9

- Pavilion -CHIEF PAVILION STEWARDS: Mrs Robyn Mahony. Ph: 07 5543 5528 Mrs Alison Koger. Ph: 0409 665 557ENTRY FEE: $1 per class. 1st Prize $5, 2nd Prize $2 unless otherwise stated.

PAVILION PROCEDURES1. PavilionwillbeopenFriday25thAugust,1pmto6.30pmtoacceptentries.2. Completedentryformsandfeesmustaccompanyexhibitsorentrieswillberefused.3. Receiptswillbegivenforentries,thenmustbeproducedwhenclaimingyourexhibits.4. ExhibitsmustnothavebeenenteredinapreviousCanungrashow.5. AllexhibitsmustbethebonafideworkoftheExhibitor,grownormadebytheExhibitorunlessotherwisestated.6. Entryfeeandprizemoneyarestatedatthebeginningofeachsection.Wherethereisagiftortrophynoprizemoneywillbegiven.Agiftwill

notbetransferableformoney.7. TheJudge’sdecisionisfinal.8. TheJudgeneednotawardanyprizetoanexhibit,whichintheiropiniondoesnotcomplywiththeconditions.TheJudgeshallawardaSecond

PrizeiftheexhibitisnotconsideredworthyofaFirst,andshallnotawardanyprizeiftheexhibitisnottosufficientmerit.9. ShouldanyexhibitordesiretoimpartanyfurtherinformationregardinganexhibittotheJudge,suchinformationwillbeimpartedpermediumof

thesteward.10. Thecommitteereservestherighttorefuseanyitemwhichintheiropinionisconsidereddangerousorobjectionable.11. TheSocietywillnotbeheldresponsibleforanylossordamagetoanyexhibit,however,allpossiblecarewillbetaken.12. Exhibitsforsalemustbemarked‘forsale’onthebackofthework.Acommissionof20%willgotothesocietyforallworksold.

COLLECTION OF ENTRIES13. ThepavilionwillbeopenforpublicviewingonSaturdayfrom9amuntil5pm.AllexhibitsmustremainonshowuntilthecloseoftheShow.


CHAMPION EXHIBITOR OF THE PAVILION (ALL SECTIONS) will receive a Society Sash, Prize and Perpetual Trophy.

Prize donated by O’Reilly’s Rainforest GuesthouseThisPerpetualTrophymustbereturnedtotheShowSocietypriorto


& prize. Class winners receive prize (stated at the beginning of each section)andcertificate.



Glass ReplacementWindows & DoorsFly & Security Screens

Glass Shop FrontsShower Screens

Wardrobe Doors

Win Cash for your Club!Canungra Dental Bubble Football

Teams of 5. Winning Team each game receives $100.

Aussie Lifestyle Properties Dunny Derby

Teams of 5. Minimum age 12 years. Total Prizemoney: $1000

Canungra & District Community Bank Tractor Pull

Teams of 8. Age: Over 15 years. Total Prizemoney: $2000

Community organisations receive prizemoney

Register your team at the Secretary’s Box on Show Day or visit our web site

for more details: - -

GRAND PARADE - 1PMEach competitor entering the Grand Parade will receive a free ticket and will be in the draw for a

$100 cash prize.

Page 5: 2017 Canungra Show Page 1€¦ · 2017 Canungra Show Page 9 - Pavilion - CHIEF PAVILION STEWARDS: Mrs Robyn Mahony. Ph: 07 5543 5528 Mrs Alison Koger. Ph: 0409 665 557 ENTRY FEE:

Page 10 2017 Canungra Show

Entering in the ShowBy Carol Mahony

The Canungra Show has two Pavilions – the Fine Arts Pavilion and the Main Pavilion. We have around 1000 entries each year and invite everyone to start exhibiting.The Fine Arts Pavilion is located at Moriarty Park Hall and is where entries for paintings, drawings, wood work are taken. The Main Pavilion is for Junior entries, cooking, needlework and photography. Check the schedule for details of classes.

Entering in the show is very easy.The most important thing about entering is to read the classes carefully. Entries are judged on a certain criteria which are uniform across all shows. Present your exhibit exactly as it is stated in the schedule. For example, in the cooking section points may be deducted if you have decorated your cake to make it look pretty when in fact your cake is judged on the taste. The schedule will tell you what, if any decora-tion is required. If you have any questions feel free to contact the Chief Steward beforehand - their phone number is at the beginning of each section of the Program.Entries are taken from 1pm until 6.30pm on the Friday the day before the show. Simply fill out the entry form which you will find in the Show schedule or on our webpage If you require any help we can give this to you when you bring in your entries. Judging is done on Friday night after entries close and both of the pavilions are open on Show day from 9am until 5pm. Exhibits in the Main Pavilion can be collected between 5pm and 7pm on Saturday night or by making alternative arrangments with the Chief Steward. Exhibits in the Fine Arts Pavilion at Mori-arty Park can be collected on Sunday between 9.30 and 10.30am. The major prize in the Main Pavilion this year is donated by O’Reilly’s Rainforest Resort and is a night for two at the resort valued at $295.00. The prize is for the Champion Exhibitor of the Pavilion. This is awarded to the person with the most points achieved in the pavilion which covers cookery, needlework, photography, horticulture and fruit and vegetables.All first places in the senior (adult) section attract a prize of $5 for 1st and $3 for second. In the Juvenile section first prize is $3 and second is $1. The Fine Arts Pavilion also has some very worthwhile prizes. Each section also has prizes for the Most Successful Exhibitor and Champion Exhibit. There are also other special prizes for particular classes and you can see the Show Schedule for details. However, any exhibitor will tell you it is for the fun of exhibiting and not the prize.If you would like to help on Friday afternoon or night to help take entries and put up displays or can assist in the pavilions on Saturday or Sunday please contact the Chief Steward or Show Secretary prior to the Show. We will welcome anyone who would like to help.

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2017 Canungra Show Page 11

New Classes in the PavilionDecorated Birthday Cake (any theme)For the first time the Canungra Show is inviting competitors to enter deco-rated birthday cakes. Cakes can be based on any theme, from children’s cakes to elaborate cakes suitable for all ages. This is a great opportunity for our local cakemakers to get creative and show what they can do!The Juvenile clases also include decorated patty cakes for Middle and Sec-ondary school children. It will be great to see the Pavilion’s cookery display cabinets full of colour and imaginative designs this year!For more information see the cooking classes in this program or contact the Pavilion Chief Steward.

Dark Rich Fruit Cake CompetitionThere are several new classes in the Pavilion this year, one of which is the Dark Rich Fruit Cake competi-tion. The winner of this competition can, if they wish, go on to represent Canungra in the Sub-Chamber (regional) Dark Rich Fruit Cake competition, the winner of which goes on to the State Final at the Ekka!This competition is a real test of skills in the art of baking a Dark Rich Fruit Cake for those who wish to maintain a heritage culture which has been renowned for generations.A set recipe is not provided - exhibitors are permitted to use their own tried and proven recipe in accord-ance with the Queensland Shows Rules.All the exhibits for the final must be a 500g mixture (25 1/2 cm tin) and are displayed on the Queensland Shows stand at the Royal Queensland Show. A suggested recipe is below:


METHODSoak fruit in rum or brandy overnight. Beat butter and sugar to a cream, add eggs (which have been beat-en), add sifted flour, baking powder, spice, salt and a cup of prepared flour mixture, then fold in the fruit. Add a little more flour if it is necessary. If too stiff, add 1/2 cup orange juice. Place the mixture in a prepared cake tin 251⁄2 cm square. Bake in a slow oven (130°C-140°C) for approx. 5-6 hours or until cooked when tested. Allow the cake to cool in the tin.

500g Sunbeam raisins500g Sunbeam sultanas500g Sunbeam currants125g mixed peel125g cherries2 cups brown sugar

2 cups butter12 eggs3 cups plain flour2 teaspoons baking powder 125g almonds1 teaspoon mixed spice

1 teaspoon cinnamon1 teaspoon vanilla1 teaspoon lemon essence1 tablespoon syrup1 tablespoon (small) plum jam 1 cup rum or brandy

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Page 12 2017 Canungra Show

Entry Form - Pavilion

(Please circle) Adult / Juvenile

Name .............................................................................Phone No .............................................

Address ......................................................................................................................................ENTRY FEES MUST ACCOMPANY ENTRIES (ALL ENTRIES SUBJECT TO SOCIETY BY-LAWS AND REGULATIONS)

Section Class Exhibit Entry Fee

PLEASE NOTE: All Pavilion, Fine Art & Creative Art entries are to be received between 1pm - 6:30pm on Friday 25th August.

Fine Arts and Creative Arts entries can be collected between 9.30am and 10.30am on Sunday 27th August at Moriarty Park. Pavilion entries can be collected between 5pm and 7pm on Saturday 26th August (Show Day) or by arrangment with the

Chief Pavilion Steward.NO entries are to be removed before 5pm on Saturday 26th August.

Page 8: 2017 Canungra Show Page 1€¦ · 2017 Canungra Show Page 9 - Pavilion - CHIEF PAVILION STEWARDS: Mrs Robyn Mahony. Ph: 07 5543 5528 Mrs Alison Koger. Ph: 0409 665 557 ENTRY FEE:

2017 Canungra Show Page 13

Pavilion - Adult Section

Section 1 - Vegetables & FruitSteward - Mary Peacock• Allproducemustbetheproductionoftheexhibitor.• Whereplatesarementioned,pleaseusedisposableplates-6”(15cm).• Classesarejudgedonqualityanddisplaytechniques.• Rootvegetablesmusthavetopsattached.• Pleasereadentryclassescarefully.PleaserefertothePavilionProceduresonpage9.•CHAMPION EXHIBIT - Prize & Sash. Prize sponsored by Caltex Canungra•MOST SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITOR - Prize & Sash. Sponsored by Wallaby Ridge Retreat

Vegetables sponsored by In the Raw 1000. Beans-1plate(12)1001. Beetroot-1plate(3)1002. Broccoli-1plate1003. Cabbage-1(anyvariety)1004. Carrots-31005. Cauliflower-1(anyvariety)1006. Celery-1bunch1007. Eschallots-1bundle1008. Lettuce-1(anyvariety)1009. Mushrooms-1plate1010. Onions-3(anyvariety)1011. Peas-1plate(12)1012. Potatoes-3(anyvariety)1013. Pumpkin-1(anyvariety)1014. Radish-61015. Rhubarb-6stalks1016. Silverbeet-6stalks1017. SpringOnions-1bundle1018. SweetPotato-(anyvariety)1019. Tomatoes-1plate(3)1020. Turnips-31021. Collection of Vegetables (not less than 6

varieties) - 1st prize $10. Sponsored by The Vintage Pickle

1022. Anyothervarietynotspecified

Fruit1023. Avocados-3(anyvariety)1024. Bananas-1Hand(anyvariety)1025. CapeGooseberries-1plate1026. Grapefriut-31027. Lemonade-31028. Lemons-3Bush1029. Lemons-3SmoothSkin1030. Limes-3(anyvariety)1031. Mandarins-3(anyvariety)1032. Macadamia-1plate1033. MonsteroDelicioso-1fruit1034. Oranges-3Valencia1035. Oranges-3(anyothervariety)1036. PecanNut-1plate1037. Passionfruit-3(anyvariety)1038. Strawberries-121039. Collection of Fruit (not less than 3 varieties) - 1st

prize $10. Sponsored by The Vintage Pickle1040. Collectionof6Herbs(cutandidentified)1041. Anyothervarietynotspecified

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Page 14 2017 Canungra Show

Pavilion - Adult Section

Section 2 - HorticultureStewards - Mrs Trish Corcoran, Mrs R McCabe, Mrs P Hawthorne, Mrs W Wattling• Allflowersmustbegrownbyexhibitorunlessotherwisestated.• BottlesprovidedforexhibitsforCutFlowerentries.• Bowl:Roundandwiderthanitishigh.• Vase:Tallerthanitiswide.• Collection:Notlessthan6,nomorethan12.• CutFlowersmustnotbetiedorrubberbandedtogether.•MOST SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITOR OF HORTICULTURE SECTION - Prize Donated by the Mahony

family in memory of Con Mahony

Cut Flowers•CHAMPION CUT BLOOM - Prize Donated by

CANUNGRA HAIRDRESSING.1042. ArumLilies-1cut1043. Anemone-3stems,distinctcolours1044. Azalea-1cut1045. Bougainvillea-1cut1046. Bract1cute.g.Statice1047. Iris1cut1048. Jonquil1cut1049. Tulip1cut1050. Bulbous,TuberousorRhizomatousFlower-1cut1051. Calendulas-Collection1052. Calendulas-3Blooms,distinctcolours1053. Carnation-1Bloom1054. Camellia-1Bloom1055. Daffodil-1Bloom1056. Daisies-Collection1variety1057. Daisies-Collection1058. FloweringShrub-1cut1059. FloweringCreeper-1Cut1060. FloweringTree(otherthannative)-1Cut1061. Freesias-Collection1062. Gladioli-1spike1063. Pelagoniums/Geraniums-Ivyleaf-3stems-distinct

colours(withleaves)1064. Pelagoniums/Geraniums-Collection1065. Gerbera-Single-3stemsdistinctcolours1066. Gerbera-Double-3stemsdistinctcolours1067. Gerbera-Collection1068. Grevillea-1Cut1069. Lavender-1Bunch1070. Nasturtium-Collection1071. NativeShruborTree-1Cut1072. NativeShrub-Collection1073. Orchid-King1Cut1074. Orchid-Crucifix1Cut1075. Orchid-Cymbidium-1cut1076. PoppiesIceland-Collection1077. Pansy-1bloom1078. Pansy-3stemsdistinctcolours1079. Pansy-Collection1080. Petunias-Singlecollection1081. Petunias-Doublecollection

1082. Phlox-Collection1083. Ranunculi-3stemsdistinctcolours1084. Ranunculi-collection1085. Rose-1bloom1086. Rose-3stemsdistinctcolours1087. Rose-1varietyinthreestages(budtofullbloom)1088. Rose-Miniature-1bloom1089. Rose-Miniature-3stemsdistinctcolours1090. Rose-Miniature-1varietyinthreestages(budto

fullbloom)1091. SnapDragon-3stemsdistinctcolours1092. SnapDragon-Collection1093. Stock-1cut1094. Stock-3cutsdistinctcolours1095. Stock-Collection-singleordouble1096. Strelitzia-1Cut1097. SweetPeas-3stemsdistinctcolours1098. SweetPeas-Collection1099. Verbenas-Collection1100. Violets-Bunch1101. AnyotherFlower-1cut

Floral Art• Flowersinthefollowingclassesnotnecessarilygrownbyexhibitor.•CHAMPION FLORAL ART EXHIBIT

Prize Donated by D & V Finch.1102. Bowlofcutflowers-arrangedforeffect1103. DriedArrangement-naturalmaterial1104. ArrangementofFoliageMaterial1105. Modernarrangement1106. Black&Whitearrangement-Flowers&Accessories1107. Floralarrangementinnoveltycontainer1108. OnecolourArrangement1109. Arrangementusingnativespredominantly1110. Arrangementusingonlyroses1111. ArrangementdepictingSpring1112. ArrangementdepictingaSong-labelled1113. DecorativeBasket-viewedfromallsides1114. Miniaturearrangement-nottoexceed7cmhighby

11cmwide1115. ShoulderSpray-displayedonsaucer1116. ArrangementofCottageGardenFlowers

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2017 Canungra Show Page 15

Foliage and Receptacle Plants sponsored by Beaudesert Districts Orchid and Foliage Society

Prizemoney: 1st $5, 2nd $3, 3rd $2.1117. FernandFernAlly1118. Palm1119. Anthurium/Philodendron1120. Begonia1121. Succulent/Cacti1122. Bromeliad1123. Anyotherfoliageplant1124. Plantinbloom1125. Bonsai1126. Hangingbasket•BEST FOLIAGE (classes 1117-1126) $25 prize.

OrchidsSponsored by Beaudesert & District Orchid and Foliage Society. Prizemoney: 1st $5, 2nd $3, 3rd $2.1127. Nativeorchid1128. Cymbidium1129. Cattleya1130. Anyotherspecies1131. Anyotherhybrid

1132. Collectionoforchids1133. Hangingbasketoforchidsinbloom•BEST ORCHID (classes 1127-1133) $25 prize.

Other Plants1134. Azaleainbloom1135. Hangingbasket-anyvariety

The Beaudesert Districts Orchid and Foliage Society

Proud sponsors of the Canungra Show


Pavilion - Adult Section

ENTERING AND COLLECTING All Pavilion, Fine Art & Creative Art entries are to be received between 1pm - 6:30pm on Friday 25th August.

Fine Arts and Creative Arts entries can be collected between 9.30am and 10.30am on Sunday 27th August at

Moriarty Park.

Pavilion entries can be collected between 5pm and 7pm on Saturday 26th August (Show Day) or by arrangment with

the Chief Pavilion Steward.

NO entries are to be removed before 5pm on Saturday 26th August.

Beaudesert 9A Thiedeke Street Ph: 5541 4882 Fx: 5541 1025

Because there’s a farmer in all of usNorco - an Australian, farmer owned dairy co-operative since 1895

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Page 11: 2017 Canungra Show Page 1€¦ · 2017 Canungra Show Page 9 - Pavilion - CHIEF PAVILION STEWARDS: Mrs Robyn Mahony. Ph: 07 5543 5528 Mrs Alison Koger. Ph: 0409 665 557 ENTRY FEE:

Page 16 2017 Canungra Show

SECTION 3 - COOKERYSTEWARDS - Mrs V Finch, Mrs J Libke, Mrs Y Selleck• Exhibitstobeexhibitedonadisposableplateprovidedbytheexhibitor.• NOTETOEXHIBITORS–entriesaretobepresentedasinstructed.Donotaddpersonaltouchessuchasdecorationsunlessinstructed(eg


MOST SUCCESSFUL COOKERY EXHIBITOR - Prize and Sash - Sponsored by Wallaby Ridge Retreat.

CHAMPION ENTRY - Prize and Sash - Sponsored by Cafe Metz

1136. BOILED FRUIT CAKE - 1st Prize $251137. PATTY CAKES (6 iced, no decorations, not muffin

size). 1st Prize $8, 2nd Prize $3.1138. SixPlainScones1139. SixPumpkinScones1140. SixPikelets1141. Chocolate Bar Cake (Chocolate iced top). 1st

prize $25. Sponsored by Carol Mahony.1142. OrangeBarCake(Icedontoponlydecoratedwith

orangepeel)1143. CarrotCake(Roundtin-nofruit,icedtop)1144. MarbleCake(Icedtoponly)1145. Decorated Birthday Cake (any theme). 1st $15.

Sponsored by Cafe Metz.1146. Shortbread(Platemarkedineightportions)1147. Muffins-Savoury(6-notpacketmix)1148. Muffins-Sweet(6-notpacketmix)1149. Slice(anyvariety)1150. AnzacBiscuits(6)1151. Datebar1152. ApplePie1153. Dark Rich Fruit Cake. 1st Prize $15. Sponsored

by Cafe Metz.

Sweets• Judgedonqualityanddisplay.

Class1154. FrenchJellies-6(dustedwithcastorsugar)1155. CoconutIce-61156. Marshmallows-3Plain,3Toasted1157. RockyRoad-61158. Fudge-Chocolate-61159. Fudge-Caramel-61160. RumBalls-6Classes 1163 - 1166 sponsored by Stuart Comley1161. HomeMadeChocolate(plain)-61162. WhiteChristmas-61163. Butterscotch-61164. PeanutBrittle-6

Canungra AH&I Society Inc is proudly sponsored by

Pavilion - Adult Section

PLEASE NOTE: All Pavilion, Fine Art & Creative Art entries are to be received between 1pm - 6:30pm on Friday 25th August. Fine Arts and Creative Arts entries can be collected between 9.30am and 10.30am on Sunday 27th August

at Moriarty Park. Pavilion entries can be collected between 5pm and 7pm on Saturday 26th August (Show Day) or by arrangment with the Chief Pavilion Steward.

NO entries are to be removed before 5pm on Saturday 26th August.

GRAND PARADE - 1PMEach competitor entering the Grand Parade will receive a free ticket and will be in the draw for a

$100 cash prize.

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2017 Canungra Show Page 17

Home Produce Sponsored by Hinterland Gold Real Estate• JAMSANDPRESERVES-NOTE:Jarsmustnotbelessthan250gramsandnotmorethan500grams.PleaselabeljarsclearlyPickles,

ChutneysandSaucesmusthavePLASTICLIDS.Nowaxontopofjars.Nocoveredtops.•MOST SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITOR Classes 1165 to 1180 - Gift Voucher Prize Voucher and Sash

sponsored by Canungra Hub1165. Marmalade-anyvariety1166. StrawberryJam1167. JarofanyotherJam1168. JarofanyotherJelly1169. LemonCheeseorButter1170. JarofanyotherCheeseorButter1171. FruitChutney1172. JarofanyotherRelishorChutney1173. SweetMustardPickles

1174. PickledOnion(nogarnishing)1175. PickledVegetables(nogarnishing)1176. Bottleoffruitpreserves1177. Bottleofanyvarietysauce1178. Honey-Jar1179. Heneggs-Onedozen(judgedonconsistentsize

andcolour)1180. Eggs-Onedozen-Anyothervariety(pleasename


Section 4 - Poetry CompetitionSteward - Ms Keer Moriarty. Entry: Free. First prize: $100• Firstprizewillreceive$100andwillbepublishedintheCanungraSportsandRecreationAssociation’sCentenaryBookin2018.Thesubjectof


1181. PoemaboutCanungraShowgrounds.

Section 5 - NeedleworkSTEWARD - Mrs G Firth, Mrs V Rowe• Allclassesareopentoallexhibitors.• Allworkmustbetheworkoftheexhibitor,notmorethan12monthsoldorpreviouslyworn.• Anyexhibitwashedwillbedisqualified.Pleasedonotmountwork.•CHAMPION EXHIBIT - Prize Gift Voucher and Sash Sponsored by Spotlight•MOST SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITOR - Prize Gift Voucher and Sash Sponsored by Spotlight•CHAMPION QUILT - $20 sponsored by Speckled Hen Art and Antiques

Knitting and Crochet1182. Infantsknitted3piecewooloutfit1183. Set3pairsknittedbooties1184. Infantsknittedjacket1185. KnittedAdultsGarment1186. KnittedChild’sGarment1187. Crochetinfants3pieceoutfit1188. Set3pairscrochetbooties

1189. CrochetWoolRug1190. OneHandkerchiefwithCrochetedgeorcorner1191. KitchenorHandTowelwithcrochetedge1192. Crochettablecentreorrunner1193. Knittedorcrochetshawl1194. Dollinknittedorcrochetoutfit1195. Softtoy–knittedorcrochet

Pavilion - Adult Section

Viv’s Farm AnimalsFREE animal nursery at Canungra Showground

Bottle feeding 9am and 6pm sponsored by

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Page 18 2017 Canungra Show

Embroidery1196. EmbroideredorCrossStitcharticle(doilyorrunner

only)1197. EmbroideredorCrossStitch3pieceduchessset1198. ArticleofCrossStitch-framed1199. ArticleofLongStitch-framed1200. ArticleofTapestry-framed1201. ArticleofRibbonEmbroidery1202. ArticleofSmocking1203. Anyotherembroiderynotprovidedfor1204. AnyMachineEmbroidery

Sewing1205. Clothingmadeusingmachine1206. ArticleofStretchSewing1207. ArticlemadefromPatchwork1208. ArticlefeaturingAppliqué1209. Quilt-Thewinnerofthisclassiseligibletorepresent


Miscellaneous1210. Softtoy-clothorfelt1211. Jointed Bear. First prize $10. Sponsored by

Canungra Art and Culture Group.1212. Bestdresseddoll1213. Teacosy1214. Christmasdecoration1215. Dressorcoathanger-covered1216. Hand or machine hand bag. Sponsored by The

Shoe Vault (voucher/product)1217. Anyotherarticlenotprovidedfor

For Persons Over Age 65 YearsSponsored by Jean Comley1218. AnyKnittedArticle1219. AnyCrochetArticle1220. AnyArticleofMachineSewing1221. AnyotherArticle

Section 6 - Amateur Photography - Sponsored by The Canungra Times

Steward - Ms Candice Wright• Eachentrytobemountedoncardboardwiderandlongerthanthephotograph,eg.Photo15x10cm(6x4inches)mountedoncardboard18x13cm(7x5inches).

• Entriesmustnotbeframed.Maximum5entriesperclassperexhibitor• AllentriestobetheworkoftheexhibitorandnotpreviouslyenteredintheCanungraShow.• Name,section&classtobeclearlymarkedonbackofentry-NONAMESONFRONTOFPHOTOGRAPHS• Thejudgesandstewardshavetherighttorejectanyentrywheresubjectmatterisconsideredunacceptable.• Allphotos(exceptenlargements)tobe15x10cm(6x4inches)

CHAMPION EXHIBITOR - Prize & Sash. MOST SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITOR - Prize & Sash ENTRY FEE: $1. 1st Prize $5, 2nd Prize $2 unless otherwise stated.

Amateur Photography1222. FloraorFaunaStudy1223. FarmBuildingsorEquipment1224. AnimalStudy1225. ChildStudy1226. Portrait1227. Selfie1228. Groupoffourphotos-anytopic,sametheme

mountedonsameboard1229. Groupoffourphotos-portraitorchildstudymounted

onsameboard1230. YourMysterySpotinScenicRim1231. Black&White1232. Sunset1233. WeatherConditions

Enlargements (Any Size) Mounted1234. FloraorFaunaStudy1235. LandorSeascape1236. AnimalStudy1237. ChildStudy

1238. Portrait1239. Humanfaceshowingemotions-sadnessor


Pavilion - Adult Section

Page 14: 2017 Canungra Show Page 1€¦ · 2017 Canungra Show Page 9 - Pavilion - CHIEF PAVILION STEWARDS: Mrs Robyn Mahony. Ph: 07 5543 5528 Mrs Alison Koger. Ph: 0409 665 557 ENTRY FEE:

2017 Canungra Show Page 19

Section 7 - Juvenile ClassesStewards – Mrs G Gilbert, Miss B Corcoran, Mrs T Wilson•MOST SUCCESSSFUL EXHIBITOR - awarded to the exhibitor with the most points in respective

sections.•Most Successful Exhibitor – Junior Section - $5•Most Successful Exhibitor – Junior Primary Section - $10•Most Successful Exhibitor – Upper Primary Section - $10•Most Successful Exhibitor – Secondary Section - $15•Encouragement Award - Gloria Watterson Perpetual Trophy and Prize donated by the family of the

late Gloria Watterson.• Judges Award for Best Sewing (sewing pack). Sponsored by Joolz.• EncouragementAwardPacksDonatedbyCanungraPostOffice.• PrizesforSelfie(photographs)ineachagegroupdonatedbyCountryMileEscape.

ENTRY FEE $0.50 per entry. Prizemoney: 1st $3, 2nd $1.• JuvenileClassesaresponsoredbyD&JLibke,CanungraVisitorInformationCentre,MargaretDay,CWA(WonglepongBranch).• FordrawingandpaintingseeSection10(exceptingJuniorSection)• DrawingsandpaintingsareexhibitedintheFineArtsPavilionatMoriartyPark.

NOTES TO EXHIBITORS – PLEASE READ FIRST• PLEASECIRCLEJUVENILEONENTRYFORMFORSECTION7–allclasses• Entrieswillbereceivedbetween1pmand6.30pmonFridaybeforetheShow• EntriesaretobecollectedonSaturday26thAugustbetween5pmand7pmorbyarrangementwiththeChiefSteward.• Limitof2entriesperclass• NONEWENTRYCLASSESWILLBEMADE-weonlyacceptworkinclassesspecified.• NONAMESaretobeputontheFRONTofyourwork• COOKERY&FRUIT-tobeondisposableplatessuppliedbytheexhibitor• CAKES-icedtopsonly–nodecorationsexceptwherespecified• EGGS-judgedonconsistentcolouranddisplay• FRAGILEARTICLES-tobepresentedonahardsurface(e.g.tray,plate,cardboard)• ALLPHOTOStobe15cmx10cm(6x4inches)or19cmX13cm(7x5inches)• ALLPHOTOSmustbeMOUNTEDONCARDBOARDslightlylargerthanphotowithgoodqualityglueordoublesidedtape.

Pavilion - Juvenile Section


Authorised by J.Krause. 91 Brisbane Street, Beaudesert QLD 4285. 07 5515 1100 JonKrauseMP

Wishing the Canungra Show Society another

successful event in 2017

Led Dance display and Fireworks at



Proudly Sponsored by

GRAND PARADE - 1PMEach competitor entering the Grand Parade will receive a free ticket and will be in the draw for a

$100 cash prize.

Page 15: 2017 Canungra Show Page 1€¦ · 2017 Canungra Show Page 9 - Pavilion - CHIEF PAVILION STEWARDS: Mrs Robyn Mahony. Ph: 07 5543 5528 Mrs Alison Koger. Ph: 0409 665 557 ENTRY FEE:

Page 20 2017 Canungra Show

Juniors (children up to and including Prep)

1240. Decoratedplainbiscuits-3.1241. Ediblenecklaceonthreadmadefromsweets.1242. ChocolateCrackles-3.1243. Decoratedboiledegg-supportforeggmaybeused


1244. Articleofcraft.1245. Lego/duplomodel-nolargerthan45x45cm.

1246. DrawingorPainting(pleaseputyournameonback).Nonamesonfrontofwork.

1247. Collage-(pleaseputyournameonback).Nonamesonfrontofwork.

1248. EasterBonnet1249. ChristmasCraft1250. Eggs(6)1251. PhotoSelfie.Firstprize$10.

Junior Primary School – (Class Years 1, 2, 3 & 4) Cooking1252. ChocolateCake-cakemix–icedtoponly-no


1253. Patty Cakes - 3 – iced top - decorated. 1st Prize $5

1254. DecoratedPlainBiscuits-31255. Ediblenecklaceonthreadmadefromsweets1256. Heneggs-6judgedoncolourconsistency&display1257. Eggs-anyothervariety-6judgedoncolour


Horticulture1258. FloralSaucer1259. Floralarrangementinavase

Craft1260. Articleofhandormachinesewing1261. Articleofcraft1262. Card – any occasion - handmade. First prize $10.1263. Card–anyoccasion-madeusingacomputer1264. Legomodel-nolargerthan45x45cmtobe


Photography1265. MyPet1266. HumanFaceshowingemotion-happinessor

sadness1267. WeatherConditions1268. Selfie. First prize $101269. Anyothersubject

Middle School – (Class Years 5, 6, 7)Cooking1270. Chocolate Cake - cake mix – iced top only - no

decoration, no soft icing or frosting, use pure icing sugar. Prize $10.

1271. Pikelets-3.1272. Patty Cakes - 3 – iced top - decorated.

1st Prize $51273. DecoratedPlainBiscuits-31274. Heneggs-6judgedoncolourconsistency&display.1275. Eggs–anyothervariety-6judgedoncolour


Horticulture1276. FloralArrangementinavase.

Craft1277. Articleofhandormachinesewing.

1278. Articleofcraft.1279. Card–anyoccasion-handmade.Firstprize$10.1280. Card–anyoccasion-madeusingacomputer.1281. Articlemadefromakit1282. Articlemadefromrecycleditems1283. Christmasdecoration1284. Legomodel-nolargerthan45x45cmtobe


Photography1285. MyPet1286. HumanFaceshowingemotion-happinessor

sadness1287. WeatherConditions1288. Selfie.Firstprize$101289. Actionorsport

Pavilion - Juvenile Section

Page 16: 2017 Canungra Show Page 1€¦ · 2017 Canungra Show Page 9 - Pavilion - CHIEF PAVILION STEWARDS: Mrs Robyn Mahony. Ph: 07 5543 5528 Mrs Alison Koger. Ph: 0409 665 557 ENTRY FEE:

2017 Canungra Show Page 21

Pavilion - Juvenile SectionSecondary School (Class Years 8-12)

Cooking1290. ChocolateCake-NOTpacketcake–icedtoponly-


1291. Pikelets-31292. Patty Cakes - 3 – iced top - decorated.

1st Prize $101293. Heneggs-6judgedoncolourconsistency&display1294. Eggs–anyothervariety-6judgedoncolour


Horticulture1295. Floralarrangementinavase

Craft1296. Articleofhandormachinesewing1297. Cushion1298. Card–anyoccasion-handmade.Firstprize$101299. Card–anyoccasion-madeusingacomputer.1300. Anyarticleofcraft

Photography1301. ActionorSport1302. HumanFaceshowingemotions-sadnessor

happiness1303. Blackandwhiteprint1304. Weatherconditions1305. MyPet1306. YourMysterySpotintheScenicRim1307. Sunset/Sunrise1308. Selfie.Firstprize$20.

GRAND PARADE - 1PMEach competitor entering the Grand Parade will receive a free ticket and will be in the draw for a

$100 cash prize.Participation by competitors would be greatly

appreciated by the Canungra AH&I Society.

QCWA – Wonglepong BranchQueensland Country Women’s

Association Wonglepong Branch members invite you to join us for friendship and

fun on the first Saturday of the month at 9:30am [February to December].

We meet in our historical Hall [in the paddock] at

2779 Beaudesert Nerang Road, Wonglepong.

For more details contact Joyce Libke on

5543 5212 or email [email protected]

For All Your Metal Supply Needs

Phone: 5541 1777 91 Telemon St, Beaudesert QLD 4285

House Pads Laser Levelling Roads Drains Supply & Build Bush Rock Walls

Driveways Clearing Excavations Dams Soils Gravels

Steven 0408 943 940 - Email [email protected]

Proudly supporting the Canungra Show

Page 17: 2017 Canungra Show Page 1€¦ · 2017 Canungra Show Page 9 - Pavilion - CHIEF PAVILION STEWARDS: Mrs Robyn Mahony. Ph: 07 5543 5528 Mrs Alison Koger. Ph: 0409 665 557 ENTRY FEE:

Page 64 2017 Canungra Show