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2016 34 ANNIVERSARY PEACE AND COOPERATION th Peace and Cooperation School Awards Preparing the future Don Quixote or the power of Utopia

2016 School Awards Don Quixote or the power of Utopia Peace … · 2016 34 ANNIVERSARY PEACE AND COOPERATION th Peace and Cooperation School Awards Preparing the future Don Quixote

Aug 01, 2020



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Page 1: 2016 School Awards Don Quixote or the power of Utopia Peace … · 2016 34 ANNIVERSARY PEACE AND COOPERATION th Peace and Cooperation School Awards Preparing the future Don Quixote





Peace and Cooperation School Awards

Preparing the futureDon Quixote or the power of Utopia

Page 2: 2016 School Awards Don Quixote or the power of Utopia Peace … · 2016 34 ANNIVERSARY PEACE AND COOPERATION th Peace and Cooperation School Awards Preparing the future Don Quixote

Peace and Cooperation was founded in 1982 by the Spanish

peace activist Joaquín Antuña. Since the beginning this

organization promotes Creativity for Peace through several

initiatives, the most well-known its School Award. The work of

this Foundation has been acknowledged by the United

Nations, which granted the "Messenger of Peace" recognition

in 1987 and the Special Consultative Status with ECOSOC in

1999. So far more than one million teachers and students

from all around the world have taken part in the Annual

Peace and Cooperation School Award.

In September 2000, World leaders committed to attaining 8 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015 ( These goals ranged from reducing extreme poverty by half to stopping the spread of HIV or achieving universal primary education. Despite the huge impact these goals have had in the lives of millions of people, there is still a lot to do. The post-2015 development agenda will try to address inequality and the new challenges faced by the planet and its population . As -despite the efforts of the UN and the World citizens- there is still a lot to do, now more than ever, we need to believe that Utopia is possible. We need the strength and courage of Don Alonso Quijano, better known as Don Quixote, to fight the windmills when everyone thought he was mad. We face many crisis and challenges and overcoming them seems difficult. We need to face them together. There is still a lot to do. People will learn to accept each other as brothers and sisters, as a unique family and species, capable of loving, caring, being generous, non-violent, fair, fraternal, peaceful and spiritual. Please, refer to the Sustainable Development Goals resolution from September 2015, which sets out the challenges faced by humanity in its quest against poverty.

“Is it Utopia? Yes, it is, but a necessary utopia. It directs our search. Utopia is, by its own nature, unattainable. But it is like the stars: they are unattainable, but what would our nights be without them? They would be complete darkness and we would be completely lost and without direction. Utopia gives us direction and meaning to live and fight.”

Aren't the Development Goals or even the UN Goals a utopia? Possibly, but we need Utopia and people who believe in it to make a better World and develop as a society.



Drawing (for ages up to 6).

Poster with slogan (For ages between 7 and 12):

Mural (For ages between 12 and 16)

Photojournalism prize (from the age of 16 and faculty)

Social networks: do you believe Utopia can become real?



International Jury:


Award Ceremony:

“Each person is the author of their own adventure”. Don Quixote.“Once upon a time, two children were skating on a frozen lake. It was a cold and cloudy afternoon, but the children were playing happily. Suddenly, the ice broke and one of the children fell into the water, where he was trapped. The other child, seeing his friend drowning under the ice, took a stone and started to hit the ice with all his strength until he managed to break the surface, grab his friend and save him. When the firefighters arrived and saw what had happened, they wondered how the child had managed to break the ice, because it was very thick. It is impossible that he managed to break it with that stone and his small hands, they said. Then, an old man appeared and said:- I know how he did it. There was no one around to tell him it was impossible”. (Folk tale).

Draw on a sheet of paper (maximum size DIN-A3 (29,7x42cm) an adventure that you have lived where you demonstrated that anything is possible, that all that is necessary is hope. We would like to know about something you feel really proud of and would like to share with the world. You can use any material or technique. There are endless possibilities!

Materials can include: colour pencils, crayons, felt-tip pens, gouache, paper, chalk, collage, finger paint, watercolours, natural materials, etc.

Who do the children admire? “Believe deeds and not words”, Don Quixote.For the 2016 P&C School Awards we have chosen a well-known character who represents the image of the crazy dreamer for whom Utopia is an attainable reality. Don Quixote represents the values of gratitude, friendship, love, kindness, chivalry, comradeship, compassion, courage and bravery, courtesy, creativity, curiosity, duty, fraternity, generosity, honour and loyalty, humility, justice, patience, tenacity and perseverance, patriotism, respect, sincerity and truthfulness, solidarity, tolerance to frustration and determination. Who do you admire and what does this person (real or fictional) represent for you?

Express your response individually, through a poster with a slogan. Minimum size DIN-A3 (29,7x42cm) and 50x70cm. Free technique.

“Oh, jealousy, root of endless evil and woodworm of virtues!” Don Quixote.

stOur character fought windmills, which, according to critics, represented his fears. Human beings in the 21 century face poverty, conflict, resource scarcity, lack of education, violence, economic crisis, religious conflict, xenophobia, epidemics, etc. Among all the crisis that we face, both individually or as a society, which one do you think is the most important for you? Express it individually or in a group, on a mural (free size and technique).

“As you are not worldly-wise, everything that is slightly difficult seems impossible to you” Don Quixote.

Human beings are capable of unimaginable things. The United Nations is an example of this, and the UN Charter ( ) estates: “We, the peoples of the United Nations determined... to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small.”

We ask you to send us a photo showing an example of self-improvement. We want you to share actions, scenes, situations, people who strengthen our faith in the fundamental human rights.

Send us your photo and participate in the P&C 2016 Photojournalism Awards. Not only the winning images, but also a shortlist, will be published on Peace and Cooperation's website.

Note: students aged 16 and above and teachers will be competing in 2 separate categories. Please, indicate whether the photo has been taken by a student or a teacher.

Share your positive vision for the world in the social networks. “Those who fall today can get up tomorrow". Don Quixote.

We have created a Facebook page called "<<Smile, Please, by Peace&Cooperation Foundation>>” with the objective of bringing hope to those who need it. We want the world to realise that “fighting for your dreams is worthwhile, even when it's difficult.” Upload a photo of yourself smiling, with your message of hope.

You can also share it via Twitter (#smilepleasePyC) or record a video and post it on Youtube. With your help, we will bring happiness, hope and positivity to all those who still think that utopia is “for the crazy”.

Note: Please, send Youtube video links to [email protected]

The entries can be submitted in any of the 6 official languages of the UN (Arabic, Chinese, Spanish, French, English and Russian).

thEntries must be submitted by the 4 July 2016 preferably by mail to the following address: Fundación Paz y Cooperación. C/ Meléndez Valdés, Nº 68, 4 izq. 28015 Madrid (Spain) Ph: (34) 91 549 61 56. Fax: (34) 91 543 52 82.

All entries submitted by mail will have to include name, surname, age at the time of doing the work, school address, phone number and/or email of all the participants in an enclosed sealed envelope.

Email entries will also be accepted:

For the videos, we recommend uploading them on Youtube and sending us the link at [email protected]

thIt will gather in Madrid on the 24 October 2016, Day of the United Nations, at the Egyptian institute.

· 6 diplomas in each category,

· 5 prizes of 500 euros,

· 1 extraordinary prize of 500 euros “III International School Award for Universal Education 2016”.

th7 February 2017 “School Day for Understanding and Peace”.

To all, THANK YOU FOR TAKING PART, and above all, THANK YOU FOR BELIEVING THAT, TOGETHER, WE CAN MAKE A BETTER WORLD. Special THANKS TO THE TEACHERS who help us to educate the children of the world and instil in them the desire to improve that this society needs.

[email protected]

2016 Peace and Cooperation School Awards “Don Quixote or the power of Utopia: preparing the future”,

in the IV Centenary of Cervantes and the year of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Poster: © Raffaella Camarda, Italy