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Colorado Health Matters 2014 Quality Report: Physicians Patient Centered Medical Home
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14 Quality Report: Physicians

Patient Centered Medical Home

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Health Matters 2014 Your Partner in Health

1 . . . . . . . . American Health and Health Care: Accessing Quality Care

2 – 3 . . . . . Training Family Physicians in Colorado: A Valuable Resource

4 . . . . . . . . Bridges to Excellence: A Program to Recognize Physicians

5 . . . . . . . . How to use the Directory

6 – 21 . . . . Doctors Nationally Recognized for Exceptional Care

22 . . . . . . . Bridges to Excellence Recognition Linked to Money Savings and Improved Health

23 – 25 . . . Telehealth in One Rural Community: Lessons Learned

26 . . . . . . . Cutting the Fat

27 – 28 . . . Diabetes Care & Prevention

29 . . . . . . . Heart Health

30 . . . . . . . Disease Management Programs

31 . . . . . . . Resources

32 . . . . . . . Why Employers Need to Collaborate to Improve Health Care

33 . . . . . . . Colorado Business Group on Health

Editor Jane Barnes Wes Gilligan

Executive Director Donna Marshall, MBA

Researchers Wes Gilligan Mike McConnell

Publisher The Colorado Business Group on Health 12640 West Cedar Drive, Suite A Lakewood, CO 80228

Colorado Health Matters Quality Reports are published annually by the Colorado Business Group on Health.

This electronic publication or any portion of this electronic publication may not be reproduced, dupli-cated, copied, sold, resold, or otherwise exploited for any commercial purpose that is not expressly permitted in writing by the Colorado Business Group on Health (CBGH). This electronic publication may be reproduced, duplicated or copied for non-commercial use if all information so reproduced, duplicated or copied is clearly attributed to the Colorado Business Group on Health (CBGH).

The photos in this publication are rights-protected and may not be reused or reproduced for any other purpose.

The information contained in this publication is meant to increase reader awareness of quality in health care. Its contents should not be construed as medical advice or instruction on individual health matters, which should be obtained directly from a health professional.

For more information, contact Colorado Business Group on Health at 303-922-0939 or


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American Health and Health Care: is it the Best?

Only in America does the promise of life-saving drugs, transplanted hearts, and leading cancer care coexist with the reality of nearly 50 million people without health insurance and with the overall per capita cost of health care twice as high as the next most expensive country in the

world, where everyone has insurance .

Is American health care the most expensive because it is “the best?” Is it the most expensive because people without insurance use emergency depart-ments or become more ill while deferring needed care? Is it the most expensive because most studies identify at least 30% waste in the system? The answer seems to be in “all of the above .”

Americans feel pride in a system that can deliver the “best care .” Sometimes, we do receive safe, timely, effective, and efficient care . But, often we do not have a decent chance of getting this type of care . According to a study published in the prestigious New England Journal, researchers found that there is essentially a 50-50 chance that patients will get the care medical experts recommend for routine conditions such as asthma, hypertension, or depression .

Even for patients with insurance, there is no guarantee that you will receive the care you need . And how will you fair if you do not have health insurance? Another study reports as many as 91,000 Americans die prematurely each year because they do not receive routine care for common conditions, such as high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease due to lack of insurance .

This issue of waste in the system, which leads to higher costs and lower quality, is multi-faceted . The math shows that we spend significantly more treating common diseases for some individuals but get worse outcomes than others . In addition, health care is not safe . At least 98,000 individuals die each year in American hospitals due to preventable errors . Meanwhile, other individuals, who would benefit from care, have no access . We educate many more special-ists and fewer primary care physicians than other countries, so it is difficult for many Americans to find a good doctor for routine care . We shift the costs of uncompensated care from individuals without insurance into the premiums of those who do, causing more working individuals to be unable to afford health insurance . And the cycle continues .

What can you do about the problems in health care? Start with a realization and a promise to yourself: good health starts with you . You can prevent the poor health outcomes that accompany obesity, tobacco use, and sedentary life-style . You can immunize your children and get cancer screenings according to

Welcome to our 14th annual edition of Colorado Health Matters Health Quality Report: Hospital.

recommended schedules . You can be informed when you access health care for your health issues . Helpful questions to ask yourself are: Do I understand my diagnosis? Do I know how to preserve my health in spite of illness? Do I know what medicines I take, what is the dosage? Do I have a list of questions for my physician? Do I make routine visits to manage care if I have a chronic ailment?

Good healthcare starts with you, too . You should use objective information about high quality healthcare providers .

• Doesyourphysicianhelpyoumanageyourchroniccondition?Forexample,isyour weight, blood pressure, and blood sugar in normal range? When you and your physician are working as a team: then optimal health is your shared goal . How do you find a physician like this? Look for them in the Colorado Health Matters Quality Report: Physicians. This publication highlights those doctors who attain high marks in patient care .

• Doesyourhospitalreportitsrecordonpatientsafetyusinganationallytestedand respected survey? You will find those top performing hospitals in the Colorado Health Matters Quality Report: Hospitals.

• Doeschoiceofhealthplanalsomakeadifference?Yes!Somehealthplansdoperform better than others in achieving good patient outcomes and good cus-tomer satisfaction . That information is published annually in the Colorado Health Matters Quality Report: Health Plans.

The Colorado Business Group is an advocate for high quality health care, and most hospitals and health plans voluntarily participate in our projects . Over 450 physi-cians have met standards for diabetes and cardiac recognition: up from only 4 in 2006 . Use our publications to inform your decisions . Be an active participant in your health . It’s good for you, good for your family, and good for your pocketbook .

Yours in good health, Donna Marshall, MBA

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Training Family Physicians in Colorado:A Valuable Resource

By Kim Marvel, Ph.D.

Colorado is home to outstanding training programs for newly graduated medical students who will train to become family physicians . These programs, with a national reputation

for educational quality, attract applications from hundreds of medical students every year . Since the 1970’s, over 1,800 family physicians have graduated from Colorado’s residency programs . The majority of these physicians choose to remain in Colorado after completing their education .

As highlighted in recent reports, the shortage of family physicians in Colorado is becoming increas-ingly desperate, most markedly in rural and other underserved parts of the state . A report published by the Colorado Health Institute identified an immediate need for 258 primary care physicians in 2014 . Furthermore, the Robert Graham Center has predicted an additional need for 444 more primary care physicians in 2015, citing a growing state popula-tion, an increasing number of insured citizens, and the pending retirement of many currently practicing physicians . In addition to the increased need for fam-ily physicians, it is often difficult to find primary care providers who are willing to work in rural areas due to long hours and few additional resources .

Board certified family physicians typically spend 11 years completing their education and training before they are able to practice independently . For those pursuing a primary care specialty in family medicine, general pediatrics, or internal medicine, three of those years are committed to completing their educa-tion and gaining experience in a residency training program . Here in Colorado, 68 students are accepted annually into one of the nine family medicine resi-dency programs located throughout the state .

Continued on the following page.

Grand Junction


Fort Collins



Fort Morgan




Colorado Springs


Buena VistaGunnison

Canon City


La JuntaAlamosa

Grand Junction

Carbondale Breckenridge

Fort Collins



KremmlingMeeker Fort Lupton








Colorado Springs


Buena Vista


Crested Butte Canon City


La JuntaAlamosaDel Norte

La JaraMancos

Pagosa Springs




Family Medical Residency Current Developing

Rural Rotation Site

Rural Training Track: Current Developing





1 11

1 2







Burlington 1






1 1








Family Medicine Training Sites

Practice Locations of Graduates 2009-2013

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Kim Marvel, Ph.D.

Kim Marvel is the Executive Director of the Colorado Commission on Family Medicine and the Colorado Association of Family Medicine Residencies .

Prior to his current position, Kim was the Director of Organizational Development at Poudre Valley Health System in Fort Collins . Most of his professional career has been in family medicine education, serving as the Educational Associate Director and Director of Behavioral Medicine at the Fort Collins Residency Program and Behavioral Science Director at the University of Wisconsin Program in Wausau . He has a Ph .D . in clinical psychology and an M .A . in College Teaching of Psychology . His professional interests include leadership development, a relationship-centered approach in teaching and leadership, effective commu-nication in healthcare settings, and a systems approach in patient care and management .

Kim’s wife, Connie, teaches elementary school in Fort Collins . His two sons are perpetual graduate students in the eastern US . Kim enjoys traveling, sports, and outdoor activities, includ-ing hiking Colorado’s 14ers .

Each program functions independently, generally through the sponsorship of a community hospital . Fortunately, although these institutions function independently, Colorado’s residency programs often work together to cooperate on joint projects and share expertise . In many states such collaboration is almost unheard of due to limited resources and the need to compete for medical school graduates . However, here in Colorado, state wide collaboration amongst family practice has proved highly productive .

Through a joint recruiting program, all sixty-eight available training positions in the Colorado residencies are filled every year with high quality medical school graduates from across the country . Nationally, the average for filling family medicine residency positions is less than 50% . Additionally, the programs currently employ cooperative strategies to encourage graduates to practice in those rural areas where they are needed most . All residents are required to complete a one month rural rotation where they gain exposure to rural Colorado and the practice of family medicine in these areas . Some residencies have even implemented training programs, known as Rural Training Tracts (RTTs), in which the emphasis is placed on preparing individuals to practice in rural areas . Developed through cooperative effort, these strategies and the experiences they provide have proven vital in encouraging resident physicians to consider rural practice .

Most recently, progressive cooperation amongst Colorado’s family medicine residencies was seen in a united effort to become patient centered medical homes (PCMH) . The PCMH model of health care emphasizes patient inclusive coordination and communication as critical components of quality care . Increasing evidence has dem-onstrated improved health outcomes, lower costs, and improved patient experiences when care is provided and receive under the PCMH model . Physicians trained in PCMH clinics gain experience and skills rooted in a team based model of practice that enables them to provide high quality care as independent practitioners . Through a partnership with Colorado Health Foundation and the University Of Colorado Department Of Family Medicine, each of Colorado’s residential programs has become a patient centered medical home and tailored their cur-riculum accordingly .

About 85% of medical students accepted into Colorado’s family practice residency programs are from out of state . After graduating, about 65% choose to remain in state to practice . Despite these numbers, the primary care shortage in Colorado, and indeed nationally, remains a significant obstacle to establishing a health care system with a strong primary care foundation . These programs are not only important educational institutions but a valuable resource for those who call Colorado home . The benefits of access to primary care are no secret, fortunately neither are the highly regarded family residency programs of Colorado and their continuous efforts to meet the ever increasing primary care needs of tomorrow .

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What is BTE?

Bridges to Excellence (BTE) is a not-for-profit organization developed by employers, physicians, health care services researchers, and other industry experts . BTE’s mission is to create significant leaps in the quality of care that doctors provide to patients because research shows that very few medical con-ditions are currently being well managed . The BTE organization has developed programs that individual communities, health plans, or employers can adopt . These programs recognize and reward health care providers who demonstrate that they properly manage the care of their patients . To the patient, this means safe, timely, effective, efficient, equitable, and patient-centered care .

The evidence is clear: a patient whose health is carefully managed is more likely to avoid or delay illness or complications of illness . This means that patients are able to lead a healthier, more vibrant life . When a person has a medical condition, such as diabetes or heart disease, it is even more impor-

tant for the physician and the patient to work together to assure the best possible health, and best health care .

In 2006, a number of Colorado health plans and employers joined together in a national program called “Bridges to Excellence” (BTE) . Under the leadership of the Colorado Business Group on Health, these groups agreed to recognize physicians who voluntarily applied to this national organization and who could demonstrate exceptional care for patients with diabetes and heart disease .

When the Colorado program started, only four physicians had sought recognition . This publication recognizes more than 1140 Colorado physicians .

Is your doctor recognized? We thank those physicians who attain recognition and acknowledge their efforts . On the next several pages, the pictures and addresses of physicians recognized for diabetes and cardiac care are shown . Additionally, this year we are also including physicians nationally recognized for Patient Centered Medical Home . To achieve national recognition for Patient Centered Medical Home, physicians must adhere to evidence based guidelines, use appropriate health infor-mation technology, demonstrate the use of best practices, and show a commitment to quality improvement .

Why isn’t my doctor listed?

Most of the physicians who are recognized are “family doctors” who specialize in family practice and internal medicine . Some physicians, such as surgeons, orthope-dic doctors and many other specialists are not in this program .

For more information on how to participate in Bridges to Excellence in Colorado, visit or call 303-922-0939.

Bridges to Excellence:A Program to Recognize Physicians

Number of Recognitions by Year as of date shown

Cardiac Recognition

PCMH Recognition

Diabetes Recognition














0 6/30/2006 6/30/2007 6/30/2008 6/30/2009 6/30/2010 12/31/2010 12/31/11 12/31/12

0 4 427 6235

















92Note: Graph and map on next page show only number of recognitions, not number of physicians receiving BTE recognitions .

Participating Employers Programs

Centura Health Cardiac & Diabetes

Cigna Diabetes

City of Colorado Springs Cardiac & Diabetes

Colorado Springs School District 11 Cardiac & Diabetes

Colorado Springs Utilities Cardiac & Diabetes

Rocky Mountain Health Plans Cardiac & Diabetes

United Healthcare Diabetes

Colorado Public Employees’ Retirement Association (PERA)

Cardiac & Diabetes

There are many benefits to participating in Bridges to Excellence . Participating physicians receive reliable data on their performance and can earn incentives for meeting benchmarks . Health plans and employers benefit from improving quality of care for their members/employees, reducing potentially avoidable complications and reducing healthcare costs . Incentives for physicians are funded from the savings employers and health plans achieve through lower health care costs and increased employee productivity .

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This publication features physicians who have met certain specific standards in providing high qual-ity care for their patients . In every case, the standards for recognition are rigorous . We are pleased to have these physicians practicing in our communities and hope that you’ll consider them when looking for a physician .

The directory includes the physician’s name, their address*, and a photo (if available) as well as icons to indicate program recognition/s .

How to Use the Directory

What do the symbols mean?

❤ Physicians who have attained cardiac recognition through Bridges to Excellence . In order to attain this recognition, physicians have to meet standards on outcomes for patients with heart disease such as blood pressure, cholesterol, smoking cessation, aspirin use and more .

D Physicians who have attained diabetes recognition through Bridges to Excellence . In order to attain this recognition, physicians have to meet standards on outcomes for patients with diabetes such as blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol, foot exams, eye exams, kidney testing and more .

Physicians who have attained recognition for Patient Centered Medical Home though the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) . To attain this recognition, physicians must meet standards regarding patient access, coordination of care, collection of health data, patient support and more .

Werner Baumgartner, MD 165 S Union Blvd Suite 800 Denver, CO 80228 ❤D

* Please note: While we make every attempt to provide accurate address information for the physicians listed, we recommend that you confirm the physician’s address when making an appointment .

What is quality health care?

Quality health care is more than just having a health plan, a certain provider, or a particular treatment. It’s more than a matter of cost. Quality means getting what benefits you most—balancing risk, cost, and quality of life.

It’s effective—the right kind of care for your health condition based on up-to-date scientific knowledge about what works best.

It’s efficient—using precious resources wisely, not wasting time and effort.

It’s safe—delivered without error and avoiding harmful results.

It’s timely—getting the most effective care without delays.

It’s focused on the individual—provided in a manner respecting a person’s individual characteristics, needs and concerns.

It’s equitable—delivered without discrimination based on income, ethnicity, culture, or beliefs.

Important aspects of quality health care are measured in different ways. Health Matters provides you with the information necessary to make cost-effective decisions regarding your health care.

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Doctors Nationally Recognized for Exceptional Care

❤ Attained cardiac recognition

D Attained diabetes recognition

Recognized for Patient Centered Medical Home

Eva Aagaard, MD 8111 E Lowry Blvd ., Suite 120 Denver, CO 80230

Grace A . Alfonsi, MD Pavillion G Unit 40, Wellington E Webb Center for Primary Care Denver, CO 80204

Alicia L . Appel, MD 1100 Federal Blvd, Unit 32 Denver, CO 80204

Julia Atkins, MD 1030 Johnson Road, #200 Golden, CO 80401


Glenn Andrew Baker, MD 14701 E Exposition Avenue Aurora, CO 80012


John Abbott, DO 201 Kendall Drive Lamar, CO 81052

Brandy M . Allen, MD 10400 E Alameda Avenue Denver, CO 80247


Deborah Archer, MD 1635 Blue Spruce Drive Fort Collins, CO 80524

Kenneth R . Atkinson, MD 8120 S Holly Street Suite 200 Littleton, CO 80122


Sarita Gangadharappa Baker, MD 16290 E Quincy Avenue Aurora, CO 80015

Adam Abraham, MD 8111 E Lowry Blvd ., Suite 120 Denver, CO 80230

Lawrence S . Allen, MD 5555 E Arapahoe Road Centennial, CO 80122


Steven M . Archer, MD 8758 Wolff Court Suite 200 Westminster, CO 80031


Stephanie R . Augustine, MD 777 Bannock Street Denver, CO 80204

Paulanne Balch, MD 7701 Sheridan Boulevard Arvada, CO 80003


Pamela R . Abrams, MD 90 Health Park Drive Suite 260 Louisville, CO 80027

Michael W . Allen, DO 220 East . Rogers Road Longmont, CO 80501

Afsaneh Arefie, MD 280 Exempla Circle Lafayette, CO 80026

Virginia Karen Augustitus, MD 165 S Union Boulevard Suite 800 Lakewood, CO 80228


Caryn D . Baldauf, MD 2610 Tenderfoot Hill Street Suite 201 Colorado Springs, CO 80906

Hemamalini Achuthan, MD 3814 E 120th Avenue Thornton, CO 80233


Douglas Robert Altschuler, DO 14701 E Exposition Ave Aurora, CO 80012

Mim Ari, MD 13001 E 17th Place Bldg 500 Mail-stop F-546 Aurora, CO 80045

Alison B . Auster, MD Pavillion G Unit 40, Wellington E Webb Center for Primary Care Denver, CO 80204

Donna M . Baldwin, DO 16290 E Quincy Avenue Aurora, CO 80015


Jennifer E . Adams, MD 1100 Federal Blvd, Unit 32 Denver, CO 80204

Liberty Amador, MD 14000 E Arapahoe Road Bldg C Suite 210 Centennial, CO 80112


Alfred D . Arline, MD 3670 Parker Boulevard Pueblo, CO 81008

Ann E . Austin, DO 11245 Huron Street Westminster, CO 80234

Phillip W . Ballard, MD 2610 Tenderfoot Hill Street Suite 103 Colorado Springs, CO 80906

Olixn Lee Adams, MD 23500 US Highway 160 Walsenburg, CO 81089

Christa E . Ambrose, DO 2525 13th Street Boulder, CO 80304

Deirdre C . Arnholz, MD 14701 E Exposition Avenue Aurora, CO 80012

Brian S . Bacak, MD 4545 E 9th Avenue Suite 010 Denver, CO 80220

Elizabeth Banwart, DO 14701 E Exposition Avenue Aurora, CO 80012

Jay L . Adler, MD 2020 W Colorado Ave Suites 100 201 Colorado Springs, CO 80904

Jeffrey Amundson, MD 205 S Garrison Street Lakewood, CO 80226


Brent M . Arnold, MD 2955 S Broadway Englewood, CO 80113

James J . Bachman, MD 1375 E 20th Avenue Denver, CO 80205

Scott I . Barclay, MD 7030 S Yosemite Street Centennial, CO 80112

Rebecca L . Agnew, MD 7701 Sheridan Boulevard Arvada, CO 80003


Brad D . Anderson, MD 90 Health Park Drive Suite 260 Louisville, CO 80027

Sharisse M . Arnold Rehring, MD 1375 E 20th Ave Denver, CO 80205

Faranghise S . Bahhage, MD 10400 E Alameda Avenue Denver, CO 80247

Lance E Barker, DO 100 S Cherry Avenue Unit 1 Eaton, CO 80615

Caitlin M . Ahern, MD 2127 E Harmony Road Suite 140 Fort Collins, CO 80528

Karen Young Anderson, MD 14701 E Exposition Avenue Aurora, CO 80012


M . Shannon Arnsberger, DO 2600 Campus Drive Suite A Lafayette, CO 80026


Austin G . Bailey, MD 1025 Pennock Place 1st Fl Fort Collins, CO 80524

Jason Veri Barmore, MD 8383 W Alameda Avenue Lakewood, CO 80226

Abahishek Ahuja, MD 1410 S 7th Avenue Sterling, CO 80751

Katherine P . Anderson, MD 4995 East 33rd Avenue, Unit 45 Denver, CO 80207

Fernando L . Arroyo, MD 7600 Shaffer Pkwy Littleton, CO 80127


Valerie A . Bain, MD 4803 Ward Road Wheat Ridge, CO 80033

Jessica E . Barron Essary, MD 1375 E 20th Ave Denver, CO 80205

R . Brian Aikin, MD 8015 W Alameda Avenue Suite 150 Lakewood, CO 80226


Mark E . Anderson, MD Pavillion G Unit 40, Wellington E Webb Center for Primary Care Denver, CO 80204

James Arthur, MD 165 S Union Boulevard Suite 800 Lakewood, CO 80228


Jennifer E . Bajaj, MD 10400 E Alameda Avenue Denver, CO 80247


Daniel W . Barry, MD 10400 E Alameda Avenue Denver, CO 80247

Sameerah Al-bata’a-de montero, MD 9285 Hepburn Street Highlands Ranch, CO 80129

Kristin K . Andreen, MD 8300 Alcott Street, Suite 205 Westminster, CO 80031

Jennifer C . Arthur, MD 16290 E Quincy Avenue Aurora, CO 80015

Dawn Marie Jimenez Baker, MD 8199 Southpark Lane Suite 100 Littleton, CO 80120


Jess B . Bartley, MD 10400 E Alameda Avenue Denver, CO 80247

Gail Albertson, MD 8111 E Lowry Blvd ., Suite 120 Denver, CO 80230

Francine Gaye Andrews, MD 1746 Cole Blvd, Bldg 21 Lakewood, CO 80401

Morris M . Askenazi, MD 4545 Navajo Street, Unit 33 Denver, CO 80211

Elizabeth A . Baker, MD 9695 S Yosemite Street Suite 324 Lone Tree, CO 80124


Cinthia T . Bateman, MD 1000 Southpark Drive Littleton, CO 80120

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Doctors NationallyRecognized for Exceptional Care (Continued)

❤ Attained cardiac recognition

D Attained diabetes recognition

Recognized for Patient Centered Medical Home

F . Keith Battan, MD 11245 Huron Street Westminster, CO 80234

Shira Belman, MD 10400 E Alameda Avenue Denver, CO 80247

Bernard J . Birnbaum, MD 1025 Pennock Place 1st Fl Fort Collins, CO 80524

Katya Bograd, MD 4803 Ward Road Wheat Ridge, CO 80033

Joshua A . Brauer, MD 4803 Ward Road Wheat Ridge, CO 80033


Werner K . Baumgartner, MD 165 S Union Boulevard Suite 800 Lakewood, CO 80228


Michael J . Benavidez, MD Unit 26 Lowry Clinic 1001 Yosemite Street Denver, CO 80230

Amber E . Bisgard, MD 5555 E Arapahoe Road Centennial, CO 80122

Terrence W . Boland, MD 7701 Sheridan Boulevard Arvada, CO 80003


Patricia A . Braun, MD Eastside Clinic 501 28th Street, Unit 36 Denver, CO 80205

Melissa D . Beagle, MD 4545 Navajo Street Denver, CO 80211

John L . Bender, MD 4674 Snow Mesa Drive Suite 140 Fort Collins, CO 80528


Richard Bishop, MD 11550 N . Sheridan Blvd Broomfield, CO 80020


Patricia Anne Bolshoun, MD 1635 Aurora Court, Mail-stop F-729 Aurora, CO 80045

Kristin O . Bresowar, MD 1000 W 8th Avenue Yuma, CO 80759

Norse Rey Bear, MD 4803 Ward Road Wheat Ridge, CO 80033


Kimberly Erin Bentrott, MD 1701 W . 72nd Avenue, 3rd Floor Denver, CO 80221

Debra Bislip, MD 8080 E Park Meadows Drive Lone Tree, CO 80124

Brea A . Bond, MD 2525 13th Street Boulder, CO 80304

Matthew S . Brett, MD 303 Main Street Unit C PO Box 1847 Lyons, CO 80540

Jacqueline S . Bearden, MD 5623 W 19th Street Greeley, CO 80634

Kathryn H . Berger, MD 7701 Sheridan Blvd . Arvada, CO 80003

Callie Gibbs Black, MD 280 Exempla Circle Lafayette, CO 80026

Daniel T . Borkert, MD 7444 W Alaska Drive Suite 200 Lakewood, CO 80226


Kevin A . Briggs, MD 11245 Huron Street Westminster, CO 80234


Suzanne M . Beck, DO 12790 W Alameda Pkwy Suite A Lakewood, CO 80228


Kathryn L . Berman, MD 1100 Federal Blvd, Unit 32 Denver, CO 80204

Jennifer Blair, MD 200 W . South Boulder Road Lafayette, CO 80026

Marcia Bourgeois, MD 10400 E Alameda Avenue Denver, CO 80247

Sarah T . Brodhead, MD 1375 E 20th Avenue Denver, CO 80205


Frank Raymond Becky, MD 4803 Ward Road Wheat Ridge, CO 80033

Roger P . Bermingham, MD 1025 Pennock Place 1st Fl Fort Collins, CO 80524

Thomas J . Blanchard, MD 799 E Hampden Avenue Suite 300 Englewood, CO 80113

Sarah L . Boyer, MD 9285 Hepburn Street Highlands Ranch, CO 80129


Steven K . Brodie, MD 2610 Tenderfoot Hill Street Suite 201 Colorado Springs, CO 80906

Joseph T . Bednarek, MD 4500 W 38th Avenue Suite 220 Denver, CO 80212


Ulla Berringer, MD 10168 Parkglenn Way Parker, CO 80138

Heather Sarah Bleacher, MD 3055 Roslyn St, Suite 100 Denver, CO 80238

Steve Edward Boynton, MD 23500 US Highway 160 Walsenburg, CO 81089

Lesley Clark Brooks, MD 2930 11th Avenue Evans, CO 80620

Robert B . Beeson, MD 280 Exempla Circle Lafayette, CO 80026


Jennifer S . Betz, MD 859 S . Fourth Avenue Brighton, CO 80601

Abby Lise Bleistein, MD 2600 Campus Drive, Suite A Lafayette, CO 80026


Eric C . Boysen, MD 200 W . South Boulder Road Lafayette, CO 80026

Amy E . Brown, MD 1905 Blake Avenue Suite 101 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601

Brian P . Beezley, MD 200 W County Line Road Suite 130 Highlands Ranch, CO 80129


Kimberly Kaye Bezdek Benage, MD 1701 W . 72nd Avenue, 3rd Floor Denver, CO 80221

Scott H . Blitz, MD 7550 W Yale Avenue Suite B-100 Denver, CO 80227


Layne C . Bracy, MD 6255 N Quebec Pkwy Commerce City, CO 80022

Cara E . Brown, MD 222 Johnstown Center Drive Johnstown, CO 80534

John J . Bell, MD 2610 Tenderfoot Hill Street Colorado Springs, CO 80906

Smriti Bhandari, MD 11245 Huron Street Westminster, CO 80234

George W . Bock, MD 4995 East 33rd Avenue, Unit 45 Denver, CO 80207

Julie M . Brady, MD 2020 W Colorado Ave Suites 100 201 Colorado Springs, CO 80904

John Matthew Brown, MD 222 Johnstown Center Drive Johnstown, CO 80534

Sarah Bell, MD 280 Exempla Circle Lafayette, CO 80026


Manisha Bhide, MD 1635 Aurora Court Mail-stop F-729 Aurora, CO 80045

Kevin Scott Boehm, MD 1044 S 88th Street, Suite 200 Louisville, CO 80027

Suzanne Brandenburg, MD 1635 Aurora Court Mail-stop F-729 Aurora, CO 80045

William W . Brown, MD 1100 Federal Blvd, Unit 32 Denver, CO 80204

Christine V . Bellantoni, MD 7701 Sheridan Boulevard Arvada, CO 80003

Vincent A . Bilello, MD 280 Exempla Circle Lafayette, CO 80026


Rebecca Boex, MD 8383 W Alameda Avenue Lakewood, CO 80226

Amy O . Bratteli, MD 3150 N 12th Street Grand Junction, CO 81506

Hillary L . Browne, MD 2575 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302

Travis Bellville, MD 8383 W . Alameda Ave Lakewood, CO 80226

Ingrid Binswanger, MD Eastside Clinic 501 28th Street, Unit 36 Denver, CO 80205

Harvey P . Bograd, MD 1375 E 20th Avenue Denver, CO 80205

John S . Bratteli, MD 3150 N 12th Street Grand Junction, CO 81506

Kimberly J . Broxterman, MD 14701 E Exposition Avenue Aurora, CO 80012

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Doctors NationallyRecognized for Exceptional Care (Continued)

❤ Attained cardiac recognition

D Attained diabetes recognition

Recognized for Patient Centered Medical Home

Patricia Brumbaugh, MD 1030 Johnson Road, #200 Golden, CO 80401


Harry Albert Burnett, MD 6685 Gunpark Dr . East ., Suite 110 Boulder, CO 80301

Michael K . Cavanagh, MD 12201 Pecos Street Suite 500 Westminster, CO 80234


Sarah F . Chess, MD 14701 E Exposition Avenue Aurora, CO 80012

Scott E . Clemensen, MD 11245 Huron Street Westminster, CO 80234

Richard Lewis Brundige, MD 8015 W . Alameda Avenue, #050 Lakewood, CO 80226


Linda A . Burnham, MD 4674 Snow Mesa Drive Suite 140 Fort Collins, CO 80528

Kathleen A . Cevasco, MD 6255 N Quebec Pkwy Commerce City, CO 80022

Dewey W . Chin, MD 4803 Ward Road Wheat Ridge, CO 80033


Philip S . Clodfelter, MD 5555 E Arapahoe Road Centennial, CO 80122

Sandra Bruno-Meyappan, MD 7701 Sheridan Blvd . Arvada, CO 80003

Heather L . Burton, MD 8383 W Alameda Avenue Lakewood, CO 80226


Karen Chacko, MD 1635 Aurora Court, Mail-stop F-729 Aurora, CO 80045

Benjamin Paul Choate, MD 1650 Cochrane Circle Fort Carson, CO 80913

Leeanne M . Coakley, MD 8383 W Alameda Avenue Lakewood, CO 80226

Sara C . Bruns, MD 10168 Parkglenn Way Parker, CO 80138

William V . Burton, MD 1755 48th St ., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80301

Kin L . Chan, MD 5555 E Arapahoe Road Centennial, CO 80122


William C . Choe, MD 1000 Southpark Drive Littleton, CO 80120

Stephen Wayne Cobb, MD 16570 Washington Street Thornton, CO 80023


Lucy M . Budde, MD 8383 W Alameda Avenue Lakewood, CO 80226


Laird P . Cagan, MD 2101 Ken Pratt Boulevard Suite 104 Longmont, CO 80501

Heidi Chang, MD 8383 W Alameda Avenue Lakewood, CO 80226

Eric T . Christiansen, MD 280 Exempla Circle Lafayette, CO 80026


Julie C . Cohen, MD 8383 W . Alameda Ave Lakewood, CO 80226

Richard L . Budensiek, DO 5623 W 19th Street Greeley, CO 80634

Jeffrey Cain, MD 3055 Roslyn St, Suite 100 Denver, CO 80238

Dennis C . Channel, MD 11245 Huron Street Westminster, CO 80234

Stephanie Christie, MD 1420 W Midway Boulevard Broomfield, CO 80020

Ken Cohen, MD 30940 Stage Coach Blvd, 270 E Evergreen, CO 80439


Paul Buisseret, MD 1375 E . 20th Ave Denver, CO 80205

Joshua R . Campbell, MD 3150 N 12th Street Grand Junction, CO 81506

Vivian I . Chao, MD 4803 Ward Road Wheat Ridge, CO 80033


Stephanie Chu, DO 7403 Church Ranch Blvd ., Suite 107 Westminster, CO 80021

Mary E . Coleman, MD 9695 S Yosemite Street Suite 324 Lone Tree, CO 80124


Alex Bulkacz, MD 1701 W . 72nd Avenue, 3rd Floor Denver, CO 80221

Jason Andrew Cannell, DO 1755 48th St ., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80301

Carleen A . Chartier, MD 7600 Shaffer Pkwy Littleton, CO 80127


Ling Yuk Chu, MD 4803 Ward Road Wheat Ridge, CO 80033

Richard E . Collins, MD 1000 Southpark Drive Littleton, CO 80120

Josph E . Burchenal, MD 1000 Southpark Drive Littleton, CO 80120

Jennifer Anne Caragol, MD 2930 11th Ave Evans, CO 80550

Carolyn Sze-Yun Chen, MD 1701 W . 72nd Avenue, 3rd Floor Denver, CO 80221

Amy Kathleen Chudik, MD 7600 Shaffer Pkwy Littleton, CO 80127


Brandon Combs, MD 8111 E Lowry Blvd ., Suite 120 Denver, CO 80230

John R . Burchinal, DO 7701 Sheridan Boulevard Arvada, CO 80003


Adam Haynes Carewe, MD 7701 Sheridan Boulevard Arvada, CO 80003

Casie Chen, MD 41 N . Highway 67 Woodland Park, CO 80863

Cynthia J . Cirolla, MD 280 Exempla Circle Lafayette, CO 80026

Colin H . Combs, MD 4803 Ward Road Wheat Ridge, CO 80033


John H . Burdakin, Jr ., MD 799 E Hampden Avenue Suite 300 Englewood, CO 80113

Christopher Carlson, MD 4301 Lowell Blvd . Denver, CO 80211


Emily H . Cheng, MD 1650 Cochran Circle, Bldg 7300, ATTN: C, Internal Medicine Clinic Fort Carson, CO 80913

Michael J . Citrin, MD 9285 Hepburn Street Highlands Ranch, CO 80129

Laurence Connors, MD 280 Exempla Circle Lafayette, CO 80026

Jonathan Burdick, MD 7600 Shaffer Pkwy Littleton, CO 80127

Robert I . Carson, MD 155 South Madison Street, Suite 210 Denver, CO 80209

Thomas Davies Cherry, MD 8080 E Park Meadows Drive Lone Tree, CO 80124

Douglas P . Clark, MD 6140 Tutt Boulevard Suite 200 Colorado Springs, CO 80923


Colleen M . Conry, MD 3055 Roslyn St, Suite 100 Denver, CO 80238

Daniel J . Burke, MD 3055 Roslyn St, Suite 100 Denver, CO 80238

Ernest R . Castro, MD 1707 Cole Boulevard Suite 150 Golden, CO 80401


Elena L . Chertkova, MD 8510 Bryant Street Suite 350 Westminster, CO 80031


Laura Elaine Clark, MD 8383 W Alameda Avenue Lakewood, CO 80226


Amy Marie Cook, MD 8990 N . Washington Thornton, CO 80229

Ellen M . Burkett, MD 9088 S Ridgeline Boulevard Suite 201 Highlands Ranch, CO 80129

Amanda Barron Cava, MD 10168 Parkglenn Way Parker, CO 80138

Eric Steven Chess, MD 10400 E Alameda Avenue Denver, CO 80247


Trevor L . Clayborn, MD 2345 Bent Way Longmont, CO 80503

Kurt Cook, MD 4320 West Alaska, Unit 35 Denver, CO 80219

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Doctors NationallyRecognized for Exceptional Care (Continued)

❤ Attained cardiac recognition

D Attained diabetes recognition

Recognized for Patient Centered Medical Home

Melissa R . Coomes, MD 11550 N . Sheridan Blvd Broomfield, CO 80020


Roger S . Damle, MD 1000 Southpark Drive Littleton, CO 80120

Alberto DeNegri, MD 1115 2nd Street Fort Lupton, CO 80621

Aubrey R . Dobbs, MD 1805 Kipling Street Lakewood, CO 80215


Robert E . Drickey, MD 1860 Egbert Street Brighton, CO 80601

R . Aline Coonrod, MD 1600 23rd Avenue Greeley, CO 80634

Ira M . Dauber, MD 1000 Southpark Drive Littleton, CO 80120

Elizabeth K . DeSouza, MD 9285 Hepburn Street Highlands Ranch, CO 80129

Cezary Antoni Dobija, MD 1000 W . South Boulder Rd ., Suite 214 Lafayette, CO 80026

Michelle L . Drury, MD 2525 13th Street Boulder, CO 80304

Lillian M . Coppola, MD 1375 E 20th Avenue Denver, CO 80205


Amy Lynn Davis, MD 2121 North Avenue Grand Junction, CO 81501

Neil Joseph Desouza, MD 10400 E Alameda Avenue Denver, CO 80247

Larry Doehring, DO 11310 Huron Street, Suite 100 Northglenn, CO 80234


Kevin J . Dryden, MD 2525 13th Street Boulder, CO 80304

Lisa Corbin, MD 8111 E Lowry Blvd ., Suite 120 Denver, CO 80230

David Jeffrey Davis, MD 580 Mohawk Drive Boulder, CO 80302

Douglas B . Deyoung, DO 1014 Centre Avenue Fort Collins, CO 80526

Bruce C . Doenecke, MD 11245 Huron Street Westminster, CO 80234

Timothy E . Dudley, MD 8200 E Belleview Avenue Suite 100-E Greenwood Village, CO 80111

Linda S . Cosgrove, MD 16290 E Quincy Avenue Aurora, CO 80015

Jared Davis, MD 8383 W . Alameda Ave Lakewood, CO 80226

Pradeep Dhar, MD 1860 Egbert Street Brighton, CO 80601

Anthony A . Doft, MD 1300 Main Street Windsor, CO 80550

Susan S . Duiker, MD 1000 W . South Boulder Rd ., Suite 110 Lafayette, CO 80026

Anna F . Cosyleon, MD 5555 E Arapahoe Road Centennial, CO 80122


Sarah E . Davis, DO 14701 E Exposition Avenue Aurora, CO 80012

Joel L . Dickerman, DO 902 Lakeview Avenue Pueblo, CO 81004

Ann E . Dominguez, MD 6255 N Quebec Pkwy Commerce City, CO 80022

Albert Duncan, MD 6340 Barnes Road Colorado Springs, CO 80922

Joseph A . Craig, MD 7600 Shaffer Pkwy Littleton, CO 80127

Peter M . Dawson, MD 2525 13th Street Boulder, CO 80304

Keith S . Dickerson, MD 2698 Patterson Road Grand Junction, CO 81506

Robert Doolan, MD 155 South Madison Street, Suite 210 Denver, CO 80209

Jan Ruoff Dunn, MD 1650 Cochrane Circle, Bldg 2353, ATTN: C, Warrior Clinic Fort Carson, CO 80913

David A . Craigie, MD 4318 Trail Boss Drive Castle Rock, CO 80104


Wendy Day, MD 2405 Research Pky Colorado Springs, CO 80920

Julie D . Dietrich, DO 859 S 4th Avenue Brighton, CO 80601

Caroline Dorman, MD 2698 Patterson Road Grand Junction, CO 81506

Roy J . Durbin, MD 1930 S Federal Boulevard Bldg A Denver, CO 80219


Jon J . Cram, MD 6179 S Balsam Way, Suite 210 Littleton, CO 80123

Scott De La Cruz, MD 8111 E Lowry Blvd ., Suite 120 Denver, CO 80230

Deidre Anne Dietz, MD 4995 East 33rd Avenue, Unit 45 Denver, CO 80207

Danielle Louise Doro, MD 2010 16th Street Suite C Greeley, CO 80631

Mark Earnest, MD 1635 Aurora Court Mail-stop F-729 Aurora, CO 80045

Kelley Leigh Creamer, MD 1701 W . 72nd Avenue, 3rd Floor Denver, CO 80221

Lauren Dealleaume, MD Pavillion G Unit 40, Wellington E Webb Center for Primary Care Denver, CO 80204

Sabrina Lorraine Digioia, DO 2698 Patterson Road Grand Junction, CO 81506

Nicole Dorotik, MD 7950 Kipling, Suite 101 Arvada, CO 80005


William H . Edwards, MD Eastside Clinic 501 28th Street, Unit 36 Denver, CO 80205

Susan Elizabeth Cruse, MD 16677 Lowell Blvd . Broomfield, CO 80023

Jessica K . Dean, MD 450 N . Cleveland Ave . Loveland, CO 80537

Gregory J . DiLorenzo, DO 1707 Cole Boulevard Suite 150 Golden, CO 80401


Robert M . Douglas, MD 5555 E Arapahoe Road Centennial, CO 80122


Catherine J . Egan, MD 450 N Cleveland Avenue Loveland, CO 80537

Joseph Dai, MD 3920 N . Union Blvd Colorado Springs, CO 80907

Lisa Marie Debuck, MD 55981 E Colfax Ave Strasburg, CO 80136

David W . Dirks, MD 3150 N 12th Street Grand Junction, CO 81506

John D . Douthit, DO 9981 N Washington Street Suite 24 Thornton, CO 80229


David Ehrenberger, MD 1420 W Midway Boulevard Broomfield, CO 80020

Kurt T . Dallow, MD 1600 23rd Avenue Greeley, CO 80634

Brandy Reed Deffenbacher, MD 3055 Roslyn St, Suite 100 Denver, CO 80238

Lori M . DiRusso, MD 4803 Ward Road Wheat Ridge, CO 80033

David A . Downs, MD 10400 E Alameda Avenue Denver, CO 80247


Elizabeth Eichner, MD 11245 Huron Street Westminster, CO 80234

Herman Andrew Damek, MD 1000 W . South Boulder Rd ., Suite 110 Lafayette, CO 80026

Mary G . Deighton, DO 1650 Cochrane Circle, Bldg 2353, ATTN: C, Warrior Clinic Fort Carson, CO 80913

Anjoli M . Dixit, MD 2525 13th Street Boulder, CO 80304

Robert Victor Doyle, MD 7550 W Yale Avenue Suite B-100 Denver, CO 80227


Lovett Ewang Elango, MD 2955 S Broadway Englewood, CO 80113

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Doctors NationallyRecognized for Exceptional Care (Continued)

❤ Attained cardiac recognition

D Attained diabetes recognition

Recognized for Patient Centered Medical Home

Meighan W . Elder, MD 580 Mohawk Drive Boulder, CO 80302


H . Daniel Fahrenholtz, MD 1600 23rd Avenue Greeley, CO 80634

Rachel Katherine Fesperman Woodruff, MD 1635 Aurora Court, Mail-stop F-741 Aurora, CO 80045

Jeffrey Dean Foster, DO 191 E Orchard Road Suite 300 Littleton, CO 80121

Mehul V . Gandhi, MD 10400 E Alameda Ave Denver, CO 80247

Ifeoma R . Eleazu, MD 10400 E Alameda Avenue Denver, CO 80247


Lane M . Fairbairn, DO 5555 E Arapahoe Road Centennial, CO 80122

Iwona R . Filipowska, MD 100 N 11th Avenue Greeley, CO 80631

Eric S . Francis, MD 4803 Ward Road Wheat Ridge, CO 80033


Harlan Gandrud, MD 2930 11th Ave Evans, CO 80550

Megan W . Eliassen, MD 8510 Bryant Street Suite 200 Westminster, CO 80031

Bradley D Fanestil, MD 4820 Riverbend Rd . Boulder, CO 80301

William A . Findlay, MD 3150 N 12th Street 2nd Fl PO Box 10700 Grand Junction, CO 81502

Zara Paulette Frankel, MD 1755 48th St ., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80301

Giovanna Garcia, MD 2010 16th Street Suite C Greeley, CO 80631

Mark E . Elles, MD 155 South Madison Street, Suite 210 Denver, CO 80209

Stephen Farkas, DO 3920 N . Union Blvd Colorado Springs, CO 80907

Andy M . Fine, MD 7720 S Broadway Suite G-30 Littleton, CO 80122


Rae Ann Frantz, MD 280 Exempla Circle Lafayette, CO 80026

Luz-estefana Garcia, MD 4105 Briargate Pkwy Colorado Springs, CO 80920

Hans Elzinga, MD 220 E Rogers Road Longmont, CO 80501

Audrey Christ Farley, MD 1860 Egbert Street Brighton, CO 80601

Gregory J . Finnoff, DO 2930 11th Avenue Evans, CO 80620

Johanna Freedman, MD 9950 W 80th Avenue Suite 23 Arvada, CO 80005


David F . Garfias, MD 4350 Wadsworth Blvd ., Suite 425 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033


Bernard E . Engel, MD 8758 Wolff Court Suite 200 Westminster, CO 80031


Tillman Farley, MD 1115 2nd Street Fort Lupton, CO 80621

Henry H . Fischer, MD 1100 Federal Blvd, Unit 32 Denver, CO 80204

Steven P . Friedrich, MD 1000 Southpark Drive Littleton, CO 80120

David L . Gaspar, MD 3055 Roslyn St, Suite 100 Denver, CO 80238

Regina Opalach English, MD 7600 Shaffer Pkwy Littleton, CO 80127

Edward L . Farrell, MD 8990 N . Washington Thornton, CO 80229

Myka Fisher, MD 2930 11th Ave Evans, CO 80550

Debra Anne Friesen, MD 4803 Ward Road Wheat Ridge, CO 80033


Stuart G . Geer, MD 2345 Bent Way Longmont, CO 80503


Maria Escolar, MD Pavillion G Unit 40, Wellington E Webb Center for Primary Care Denver, CO 80204

John M . Fedack, MD 5257 S Wadsworth Boulevard Littleton, CO 80123


Susan I . Fixman, MD 8383 W Alameda Avenue Lakewood, CO 80226


Deborah L . Fromm, MD 4318 Trail Boss Drive Castle Rock, CO 80104

Dennis P . Genereux, MD 5555 E Arapahoe Road Centennial, CO 80122


Julia Essig, MD 1420 W Midway Boulevard Broomfield, CO 80020

Karen Fedde, MD 4995 East 33rd Avenue, Unit 45 Denver, CO 80207

John P . Flanagan, MD 3150 N 12th Street Grand Junction, CO 81506

DeAnne Fujii, MD 11245 Huron Street Westminster, CO 80234

James C . Geyman, MD 14701 E Exposition Avenue Aurora, CO 80012

Raymond O . Estacio, MD 1100 Federal Blvd, Unit 32 Denver, CO 80204

Andrea M . Fedele, MD 5257 S Wadsworth Boulevard Littleton, CO 80123

Brownie K . Flesche, MD 9285 Hepburn Street Highlands Ranch, CO 80129

Karen A . Funk, MD 200 W . South Boulder Road Lafayette, CO 80026

Lisa K . Gidday, MD 8199 Southpark Lane Suite 100 Littleton, CO 80120


Clifton Etienne, MD 12201 Pecos Street Suite 500 Westminster, CO 80234


Steven G . Federico, MD 12600 East Albrook Drive, Unit 39 Denver, CO 80239

Eileen G . Fong, MD 220 E Rogers Road Longmont, CO 80501

Ozioma T . Gab-Ojukwu, MD 14701 E Exposition Ave Aurora, CO 80012

Lindy S . Gilchrist, MD 8200 E Belleview Avenue Suite 100-E Greenwood Village, CO 80111

Richard O . Evans, MD 2610 Tenderfoot Hill Street Suite 103 Colorado Springs, CO 80906

Michael D . Feil, DO 280 Exempla Circle Lafayette, CO 80026

Paul Wayne Fonken, MD 131 Stanley Avenue Suite 202 Estes Park, CO 80517

Jennifer Gayle Gaide, DO 1701 W . 72nd Avenue, 3rd Floor Denver, CO 80221

William L . Gillaspie, MD 4803 Ward Road Wheat Ridge, CO 80033

Ozioma T . Evans-Nwosu, MD 14701 E Exposition Avenue Aurora, CO 80012

Lawrence Feinberg, MD 1635 Aurora Court Mail-stop F-729 Aurora, CO 80045

John C . Fontenot, MD 13402 W Coal Mine Avenue Suite 110 Littleton, CO 80127

John Gale, MD 1823 Ford Street Golden, CO 80401


Christine Marie Gilroy, MD 1635 Aurora Court Mail-stop F-729 Aurora, CO 80045

Kristin M . Everett, MD 325 S . Teller Street, Suite 250 Lakewood, CO 80226

Christopher J . Fellenz, MD 11245 Huron Street Westminster, CO 80234

Douglas Paul Forward, MD 1707 Cole Boulevard Suite 150 Golden, CO 80401

Lauren Galpin, MD 2955 S Broadway Englewood, CO 80113

David M . Ginosar, MD Pavillion G Unit 40, Wellington E Webb Center for Primary Care Denver, CO 80204

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Doctors NationallyRecognized for Exceptional Care (Continued)

❤ Attained cardiac recognition

D Attained diabetes recognition

Recognized for Patient Centered Medical Home

Michelle L . Glasgow, MD 2950 E Harmony Road Fort Collins, CO 80528

Laurence A . Granston, MD 350 Broadway, Suite 130 Boulder, CO 80305

Stephen D . Haley, MD 2345 Bent Way Longmont, CO 80503


James T . Hardee, MD 11245 Huron Street Westminster, CO 80234

Heath S . Henbest, DO 5257 S . Wadsworth Blvd Littleton, CO 80123

David Glasscock, MD 7950 Kipling, Suite 101 Arvada, CO 80005


Gary L . Grasmick, MD 500 Discovery Parkway, Suite 150 Superior, CO 80027

Brenda A . Hall, MD 10168 Parkglenn Way Parker, CO 80138

Amanda Lynne Harding, MD 6801 West 20th Street, Unit 201 Greeley, CO 80634

Megan Henderson, MD 1100 Federal Blvd, Unit 32 Denver, CO 80204

Jeffrey J . Glaves, MD 16601 E Centretech Pkwy Aurora, CO 80011

Stephanie W . Grayson, MD 280 Exempla Circle Lafayette, CO 80026

Lisabeth Claire Hall, MD 2575 Spruce St . Boulder, CO 80302

Eric J . Harker, MD 580 Mohawk Drive Boulder, CO 80302


Joseph F . Hermann, MD 1555 S Wadsworth Boulevard Suite 3 Lakewood, CO 80232

Cherie G . Glazner, MD 1025 Pennock Place 1st Fl Fort Collins, CO 80524

Mary Carol Greenlee, MD 2589 F 1/2 Road Grand Junction, CO 81505

Lisa F . Halperin, MD 580 Mohawk Drive Boulder, CO 80302

Ronald R . Harris, MD 2955 S . Broadway Englewood, CO 80110


Elias Hernandez, MD 729 E Railroad Avenue Fort Morgan, CO 80701

Dianne K . Glenn, MD 11245 Huron Street Westminster, CO 80234


Karen M . Greenwood, MD 5257 S Wadsworth Boulevard Littleton, CO 80123

Simon J . Hambidge, MD Pavillion G Unit 40, Wellington E Webb Center for Primary Care Denver, CO 80204

Monica H . Hartman, MD 8510 Bryant Street, Suite #210 Westminster, CO 80031

Felipe Hernandez, MD 2955 S Broadway Englewood, CO 80113

John D . Glick, MD 1000 W 8th Avenue Yuma, CO 80759

Joseph E . Gregory, MD 222 Johnstown Center Drive Johnstown, CO 80534

Frances I Hamilton, MD 1155 Alpine Ave ., Suite 360 Boulder, CO 80304

Chandra C . Hartman, MD 4545 E 9th Avenue Suite 010 Denver, CO 80220

Sara C . Herstad, DO 10168 Parkglenn Way Parker, CO 80138

Sarah Y . Goldberg, MD 11245 Huron Street Westminster, CO 80234


Elizabeth M . Groff, MD 8510 Bryant Street Suite 200 Westminster, CO 80031

Douglas C . Hammerstrom, MD 3470 Centennial Boulevard Suite 205 Colorado Springs, CO 80907


Melissa G . Havlik, MD 3150 N 12th Street 2nd Fl PO Box 10700 Grand Junction, CO 81502

Stephanie L . Hess, MD 1755 48th St ., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80301

Gordon R . Golden, MD 2405 Research Pky Colorado Springs, CO 80920

Mark R . Groshek, MD 5555 E Arapahoe Road Centennial, CO 80122

R . Scott Hammond, MD 8601 Turnpike Drive Suite 200 Westminster, CO 80031


Mark P . Hayman, MD 5257 S Wadsworth Boulevard Littleton, CO 80123


T . Kevin Hetherington, DO 10400 E Alameda Avenue Denver, CO 80247


Scott Taylor Goodall, MD 10400 E Alameda Avenue Denver, CO 80247


Daniel Robert Grossman, MD 1420 W . Midway Blvd . Broomfield, CO 80020

Mikyong Hand, MD 220 E Rogers Road Longmont, CO 80501

Regina A . Healy, MD 5555 E Arapahoe Road Centennial, CO 80122


William Hiatt, MD 1635 Aurora Court Mail-stop F-750 Aurora, CO 80045

B . Kevin Gordon, MD 16290 E Quincy Avenue Aurora, CO 80015


Danna O . Gunderson, MD 11245 Huron Street Westminster, CO 80234

Linda M . Haney, MD 14701 E Exposition Avenue Aurora, CO 80012

John Hedberg, MD 165 S Union Boulevard Suite 800 Lakewood, CO 80228


Christopher M . Hicks, MD 10400 E Alameda Avenue Denver, CO 80247


John D . Gordon, MD 7625 W 92nd Avenue Westminster, CO 80021


Pamela Cross Guthrie, MD 2525 13th Street Boulder, CO 80304

Rebecca L . Hanratty, MD Eastside Clinic 501 28th Street, Unit 36 Denver, CO 80205

Jason E . Heine, MD 6255 N Quebec Pkwy Commerce City, CO 80022

Kathryn Hicks-Berger, MD 7701 Sheridan Boulevard Arvada, CO 80003

Steven K . Gordon, MD 4803 Ward Road Wheat Ridge, CO 80033


Kenneth W . Hahn, DO 10835 Dover Street Suite 1100 Westminster, CO 80021


Anne Lynne Hansen, MD 8990 N . Washington Thornton, CO 80229

Kathleen Heist, MD 1635 Aurora Court Mail-stop F-729 Aurora, CO 80045

Kerry T . Higgins, MD 799 E Hampden Avenue Suite 300 Englewood, CO 80113

Jeffrey K . Gori, MD 4803 Ward Road Wheat Ridge, CO 80033


Mark D . Haimes, MD 1155 Alpine Avenue Suite 360 Boulder, CO 80304

Douglas B . C . Hansen, MD 13402 W Coal Mine Avenue Suite 230 Littleton, CO 80127

Melissa A . Helms, MD 2801 Youngfield Street Suite 120 Golden, CO 80401


Kerry Hildreth, MD 1635 Aurora Court, Mail-stop F-750 Aurora, CO 80045

Shauna M . Grace, MD 7701 Sheridan Boulevard Arvada, CO 80003

Lauren J . Halby, MD 4760 Flintridge Drive Suite 200 Colorado Springs, CO 80918


Aline C . Hansen-Guzman, MD 729 E Railroad Avenue Fort Morgan, CO 80701

Michael J . Hemsworth, MD 2610 Tenderfoot Hill Street Suite 103 Colorado Springs, CO 80906

Brian Hill, MD 1338 Phay Ave Canon City, CO 81212

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Doctors NationallyRecognized for Exceptional Care (Continued)

❤ Attained cardiac recognition

D Attained diabetes recognition

Recognized for Patient Centered Medical Home

James R . Hill, MD 1420 W Midway Boulevard Broomfield, CO 80020

Mark S . Hoskinson, MD 580 Mohawk Drive Boulder, CO 80302


Evelyn Hutt, MD 1635 Aurora Court Mail-stop F-750 Aurora, CO 80045

Julie E . Jeffers, DO 9695 S Yosemite Street Suite 324 Lone Tree, CO 80124


Daniel Patrick Jones, MD 2955 S Broadway Englewood, CO 80113

John C . Hill, DO 4545 E 9th Ave ., Suite 010 Denver, CO 80220

Isaac Moses Hotz, MD 2930 11th Avenue Evans, CO 80620

Jennifer Hyer, MD 1100 Federal Blvd, Unit 32 Denver, CO 80204

Thomas Jeffers, MD 7950 Kipling, Suite 101 Arvada, CO 80005


Nicole M . Joseph, MD Eastside Clinic 501 28th Street, Unit 36 Denver, CO 80205

Mark W . Hinman, MD 1350 Tulip Street Longmont, CO 80501


Sandra Gayle Hoyman, MD 1100 Federal Blvd, Unit 32 Denver, CO 80204

Michael R . Iannotti, MD 1022 Depot Hill Road Broomfield, CO 80020


Wayne S . Jeffers, MD 1600 23rd Avenue Greeley, CO 80634

Shane A . Juenemann, MD 6685 Gunpark Drive E Suite 110 Boulder, CO 80301


Gregory Thomas Hirons, MD 7625 West 92nd Avenue Westminster, CO 80021

Julian Hsu, MD 10168 Parkglenn Way Parker, CO 80138

Martha Illige-Saucier, MD 4545 E 9th Avenue Suite 010 Denver, CO 80220

Christine T . Jelinek, MD 5555 E Arapahoe Road Centennial, CO 80122

Cynthia L . Justice, MD 1375 E 20th Avenue Denver, CO 80205

Judith A . Hobson, DO 1000 W . South Boulder Rd ., Suite 110 Lafayette, CO 80026

Shirley A . Huang, MD 1155 Alpine Avenue Suite 360 Boulder, CO 80304

Courtney Beth Isley, MD 222 Johnstown Center Drive Johnstown, CO 80534

Ronald J . Jendry, MD 8510 Bryant Street Suite 200 Westminster, CO 80031

Ingrid M . Justin, MD 11245 Huron Street Westminster, CO 80234


Mark W . Hoenig, MD 2362 E Prospect Road Fort Collins, CO 80525

Wayne Ross Hudson, DO 201 Kendall Drive Lamar, CO 81052

Martha M . Ives, MD 5730 Ward Road Suite 102 Arvada, CO 80002


Thomas F . Jenkins, MD 1960 N Ogden Street Suite 120 Denver, CO 80218


Scott D . Kaiser, MD 7030 S Yosemite St Centennial, CO 80112

Tracy S . Hofeditz, MD 325 S Teller Street Suite 250 Lakewood, CO 80226


Amy Huebschmann, MD 1635 Aurora Court Mail-stop F-729 Aurora, CO 80045

Valerie A . Jacobs, MD 7701 Sheridan Boulevard Arvada, CO 80003

Kristin Manteuffel Jensen, MD 1635 Aurora Court Mail-stop F-729 Aurora, CO 80045

Masroor Ullah Kakakhel, MD 100 N 11th Avenue Greeley, CO 80631

Randall G . Hoffman, DO 41 N . Highway 67 Woodland Park, CO 80863

Sarah Lynn Huffman, MD 8890 N Union Boulevard Suite 200 Colorado Springs, CO 80920


Warren Jaeger, MD 550 Hwy 105 Monument, CO 80132


Kelly Chul Jeong, MD 11245 Huron Street Westminster, CO 80234

Steven M . Kalt, MD 222 Johnstown Center Drive Johnstown, CO 80534

Timothy Edward Holcomb, MD 7701 Sheridan Boulevard Arvada, CO 80003


Linnea C . Hughes, MD 1650 Cochran Circle, Bldg 7300, ATTN: C, Internal Medicine Clinic Fort Carson, CO 80913

Jacqueline H . Jamison, MD 10400 E Alameda Avenue Denver, CO 80247


Luz Maria Jimenez, MD 1100 Federal Blvd, Unit 32 Denver, CO 80204

Kenneth H . Kaplan, MD 2930 11th Avenue Evans, CO 80620

Gregory Hollar, DO 7030 S Yosemite Street Centennial, CO 80112


Denise Nicole Hunter, MD 1375 E 20th Avenue Denver, CO 80205

Claudia P . Jantzer, MD 455 Kokopelli Ave . Unit C Fruita, CO 81521

Anne Marie Jobman, MD 8383 W . Alameda Ave Lakewood, CO 80226

Jonathan A . Kary, MD 1300 Main Street Windsor, CO 80550

Lynn A . Holliday, MD 1120 Wellington Avenue PO Box 10700 Grand Junction, CO 81502

Laura P . Hurley, MD Pavillion G Unit 40, Wellington E Webb Center for Primary Care Denver, CO 80204

Brian Andrew Jaquette, MD 14701 E Exposition Avenue Aurora, CO 80012

Lynn S . Joffe, MD 8200 E Belleview Avenue Suite 100-E Greenwood Village, CO 80111

David L . Kauffman, MD 7600 Shaffer Pkwy Littleton, CO 80127

David Homer, MD 1350 Aspen St, P .O . Box 280 Norwood, CO 81423

Cynthia Husk, MD 280 Exempla Circle Lafayette, CO 80026

Gregory Jaramillo, MD 220 E Rogers Road Longmont, CO 80501

Martha Beth Johns, MD 4545 Navajo Street, Unit 33 Denver, CO 80211

Dimitri Kaufman, MD 1000 Southpark Drive Littleton, CO 80120

Jillian Elizabeth Horner, MD 6685 Gunpark Dr . East ., Suite 110 Boulder, CO 80301

James Byron Hutchings, DO 11245 Huron St Denver, CO 80234

Teresa L . Jarmul, MD 11245 Huron Street Westminster, CO 80234

Thomas G . Johnson, MD 5115 Fontaine Blvd Fountain, CO 80817

Julia Kavanagh, MD 1635 Aurora Court Mail-stop F-741 Aurora, CO 80045

Diana Hornung, MD 745 Russell Street Craig, CO 81625

David C . Hutchings, DO 10400 E Alameda Avenue Denver, CO 80247

Laura L . Jarrell, MD 8383 W Alameda Avenue Lakewood, CO 80226

Richard W . Jolly, DO 799 E Hampden Avenue Suite 300 Englewood, CO 80113

Kari M . Kearns, MD 859 S . Fourth Avenue Brighton, CO 80601

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Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved. © 2012 Colorado Business Group on Health. The photos in this publication are rights-protected and may not be reused or reproduced for any other purpose.

Doctors NationallyRecognized for Exceptional Care (Continued)

❤ Attained cardiac recognition

D Attained diabetes recognition

Recognized for Patient Centered Medical Home

Shannon Kathleen Keel, MD 2698 Patterson Road Grand Junction, CO 81506

Steven Kick, MD 1635 Aurora Court, Mail-stop F-729 Aurora, CO 80045

Steven J . Kolpak, MD Pavillion G Unit 40, Wellington E Webb Center for Primary Care Denver, CO 80204

John F . Krotchko, MD Eastside Clinic 501 28th Street, Unit 36 Denver, CO 80205

Marcie Lavigne, MD 1044 S 88th Street, Suite 200 Louisville, CO 80027

Robert D . Keeley, MD Pavillion G Unit 40, Wellington E Webb Center for Primary Care Denver, CO 80204

Joseph Hyon-Bae Kim, MD 175 S Union Blvd, Suite 350 Colorado Springs, CO 80910


Elin Kondrad, MD 8510 Bryant Street, Suite #210 Westminster, CO 80031

Jennifer Kubista, MD 7777 W 38th Avenue Suite A-118 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033


Theodore S . Lawson, MD 8890 N Union Boulevard Suite 200 Colorado Springs, CO 80920


Christopher J . Keenan, MD 200 W . South Boulder Road Lafayette, CO 80026

James Murray Kinsman, MD 175 S Union Blvd, Suite 350 Colorado Springs, CO 80910


Jennell Annette Kopp, DO 11245 Huron Street Westminster, CO 80234

Jennifer E . Kuhl, DO 2345 Bent Way Longmont, CO 80503

Mark Learned, MD 14701 E Exposition Ave Aurora, CO 80012

Benjamin J . Keidan, MD 4745 Arapahoe Avenue Suite G-50 Boulder, CO 80303


Jude J . Kirk, MD 12201 Pecos Street Suite 500 Westminster, CO 80234


Richard Kornfeld, MD Lowry Clinic 1001 Yosemite Street, Unit 26 Denver, CO 80230

Micheline A . Kuhr, MD 580 Mohawk Drive Boulder, CO 80302

Jacques Y . LeBlanc, MD 729 E Railroad Avenue Fort Morgan, CO 80701

Jennifer N . Kelloff, MD 11245 Huron St Denver, CO 80234

Sorenna M . Kirkegaard, MD 1375 E 20th Avenue Denver, CO 80205

Daniel U . Kortsch, MD Pavillion G Unit 40, Wellington E Webb Center for Primary Care Denver, CO 80204

Jeffrey T . Kulp, MD 2350 International Circle Colorado Springs, CO 80910

Caroline J . Leclair, DO 3055 Roslyn St, Suite 100 Denver, CO 80238

Karen Kelly-Hemler, MD 2801 Youngfield Street Suite 120 Golden, CO 80401


Julie C . Kleczek, MD 8383 W . Alameda Ave Lakewood, CO 80226


Glenn Kotz, MD 1450 E Valley Road Suite 102 Basalt, CO 81621

Patrick A . Kusek, MD 11245 Huron Street Westminster, CO 80234

Charles C . Lee, MD 8199 Southpark Lane Suite 100 Littleton, CO 80120


Jennifer Kempe-Biermann, MD 10400 E Alameda Avenue Denver, CO 80247

Dale J . Kliner, MD 13650 E Mississippi Avenue Suite 120 Aurora, CO 80012

Loree A . Koza, DO 1420 W . Midway Blvd . Broomfield, CO 80020

Tamara L . Kusek, MD 280 Exempla Circle Lafayette, CO 80026

Heather Lee, MD 2930 11th Ave Evans, CO 80550

Jessica J . Kenerson, MD 1701 W . 72nd Avenue, 3rd Floor Denver, CO 80221

F . Paul Knapp, MD 8383 W Alameda Avenue Lakewood, CO 80226


Paula Stoudt Kral, MD 7701 Sheridan Boulevard Arvada, CO 80003


Jean Kutner, MD 8111 E Lowry Blvd ., Suite 120 Denver, CO 80230

Jay H . Lee, MD 4320 West Alaska, Unit 35 Denver, CO 80219

Thomas A . Kenigsberg, MD 222 Johnstown Center Drive Johnstown, CO 80534

Kyle Edwin Knierim, MD 3055 Roslyn St, Suite 100 Denver, CO 80238

Ryan Kramer, MD 1370 S Wadsworth Boulevard Lakewood, CO 80232


Joseph Ladika, MD 8199 Southpark Lane Suite 100 Littleton, CO 80120


Jonathan Jay Lee, MD 8383 W Alameda Avenue Lakewood, CO 80226


Colleen S . Kepner, MD 8990 N . Washington Thornton, CO 80229

Dayton Kobayashi, MD 10168 Parkglenn Way Parker, CO 80138

Jeffrey Michael Krawcek, MD 10400 E Alameda Avenue Denver, CO 80247

Johan O . Lane, MD 8383 W Alameda Avenue Lakewood, CO 80226

Li-Fen Lee, MD 8383 W . Alameda Ave Lakewood, CO 80226


Trina A . Kessinger, MD 1300 Main Street Windsor, CO 80550

Amber Koch-Laking, MD 4320 West Alaska, Unit 35 Denver, CO 80219

M . Ryn Wu Kreidl, MD 580 Mohawk Drive Boulder, CO 80302

Daniel Lange, MD 3920 N . Union Blvd Colorado Springs, CO 80907

Mira Lee, MD 1000 W . South Boulder Rd ., Suite 110 Lafayette, CO 80026

Ami H . Khatri, MD 11245 Huron St Denver, CO 80234

John Koeppe, MD 1635 Aurora Court Mail-stop F-729 Aurora, CO 80045

David R . Kresin, MD 2955 S . Broadway Englewood, CO 80110


Shannon Langner, MD 3055 Roslyn St, Suite 100 Denver, CO 80238

Rita Lee, MD 1635 Aurora Court Mail-stop F-729 Aurora, CO 80045

Sukhjinder Khera, MD 2345 Bent Rd . Longmont, CO 80501

Charles Eldon Koftan, MD 799 E Hampden Avenue Suite 300 Englewood, CO 80113

Elma Kreso, MD 1375 E 20th Ave Denver, CO 80205

Daniel Laperriere, MD 1044 S 88th Street Suite 200 Louisville, CO 80027

Stephano Lee, MD 1860 Egbert Street Brighton, CO 80601

Morteza Khodaee, MD 3055 Roslyn St, Suite 100 Denver, CO 80238

Deniz Yarar Kolozs, MD 14701 E Exposition Avenue Aurora, CO 80012

Peter Sundehl Krogh, MD 9285 Hepburn Street Highlands Ranch, CO 80129

Karen Lynn Larson, MD 4704 Harlan Street, #500 Lakeside, CO 80212


Jeffrey Dean Leininger, DO Building 7490 Sutherland Circle Fort Carson, CO 80913

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Health Matters 2014 Your Partner in Health

Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved. © 2012 Colorado Business Group on Health. The photos in this publication are rights-protected and may not be reused or reproduced for any other purpose.

Doctors NationallyRecognized for Exceptional Care (Continued)

❤ Attained cardiac recognition

D Attained diabetes recognition

Recognized for Patient Centered Medical Home

David C . Leistikow, MD 1022 Depot Hill Road Broomfield, CO 80020


Alan S . Lidsky, MD 1375 E 20th Avenue Denver, CO 80205

Cassana M . Littler, MD 3150 N 12th Street, 2nd Fl PO Box 10700 Grand Junction, CO 81502

Kelly H . Lowther, MD 1014 Centre Avenue Fort Collins, CO 80526

Wendy S . Madigosky, MD 3055 Roslyn St, Suite 100 Denver, CO 80238

Matthew Scott Leiszler, MD 8080 E Park Meadows Drive Lone Tree, CO 80124

Chia-Yen Lien, MD 8383 W . Alameda Ave Lakewood, CO 80226


Ingrid Lobo, MD 1635 Aurora Court Mail-stop F-729 Aurora, CO 80045

Stephen Loyd, MD 7403 Church Ranch Blvd ., Suite 107 Westminster, CO 80021

Glenn Manuel Madrid, MD 1120 Wellington Avenue PO Box 10700 Grand Junction, CO 81502

Amy L . Lemke, MD 16290 E Quincy Avenue Aurora, CO 80015

Rebecca Lynn Liggett, MD 455 Kokopelli Ave . Unit C Fruita, CO 81521

Danielle Loeb, MD 1635 Aurora Court Mail-stop F-729 Aurora, CO 80045

Jean May Lu, MD 220 E Rogers Road Longmont, CO 80501

Gregory S . Maeder, MD 8510 Bryant Street Suite 200 Westminster, CO 80031

David M . Leon, MD 1805 Kipling Street Lakewood, CO 80215

Chen-Tan Lin, MD 8111 E Lowry Blvd ., Suite 120 Denver, CO 80230

Jennifer A . Lomonaco McLean, MD 1701 W . 72nd Avenue, 3rd Floor Denver, CO 80221

Katherine S . Lu, MD 8383 W . Alameda Ave Lakewood, CO 80226

Mary E . Maguire, MD 8383 W Alameda Avenue Lakewood, CO 80226

Lorena R . Letkomiller, MD 300 Exempla Circle, #300 Lafayette, CO 80026


Ann Christine Linares, MD 10103 RidgeGate Pkwy Suite G-23 Lone Tree, CO 80124

Amy W . Long, MD 1100 Federal Boulevard, Unit 32 Denver, CO 80204

Matthew R . Ludemann, MD 8510 Bryant Street Suite 200 Westminster, CO 80031

Nivedita Mahidhara, MD 8111 E Lowry Blvd ., Suite 120 Denver, CO 80230

Meegan Elise Leve, MD 1100 Federal Blvd, Unit 32 Denver, CO 80204

Krystyna Lindenmuth, MD 8585 W 14th Avenue Suite B-2 Lakewood, CO 80215

Jeremy A . Long, MD Pavillion G Unit 40, Wellington E Webb Center for Primary Care Denver, CO 80204

Hillary Day Lum, MD 1635 Aurora Court, Mail-stop F-750 Aurora, CO 80045

J . Dugan Mahoney, MD 2345 Bent Way Longmont, CO 80503


Arthur Levene, MD 1000 Southpark Drive Littleton, CO 80120

Carl Lindquist, MD 3920 N . Union Blvd Colorado Springs, CO 80907

Troy Alan Long, MD 4803 Ward Road Wheat Ridge, CO 80033


Anna Lundeen, MD 745 Russell Street Craig, CO 81625

William A . Malabre, MD 2020 W Colorado Ave Suites 100 201 Colorado Springs, CO 80904

Peter W . Levitt, MD 1000 Southpark Drive Littleton, CO 80120

Miriam W . Lindrooth, MD 1635 Aurora Court Mail-stop F-741 Aurora, CO 80045

Adelina Longoria, MD 1000 W . South Boulder Rd ., Suite 110 Lafayette, CO 80026

Kelsey J . Lundeen, MD 7030 S Yosemite St Centennial, CO 80112

Michelle C . Mang, MD Pavillion G Unit 40, Wellington E Webb Center for Primary Care Denver, CO 80204

Mark Alan Levstik, DO 3814 East 120th Avenue Thornton, CO 80233


Sheila L . T . Ling, MD 2575 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302

David H . Lookner, MD 580 Mohawk Drive Boulder, CO 80302


Michelle Lupica, DO 1000 W 8th Avenue Yuma, CO 80759

Charles D . Manter, MD 2627 10th Street Suite 3 Greeley, CO 80634

Jill Randy Levy, MD 10400 E Alameda Avenue Denver, CO 80247


David D . Linn, MD 10791 Kitty Drive Suite A Conifer, CO 80433


Lucy W . Loomis, MD 4545 Navajo Street, Unit 33 Denver, CO 80211

Corey Jay Lyon, MD 3055 Roslyn St, Suite 100 Denver, CO 80238

David R . Marchant, MD 1025 Pennock Place 1st Fl Fort Collins, CO 80524

Timothy Michael Lewan, MD 12169 Sheridan Blvd . Broomfield, CO 80020


Valerie E . Lipetz, MD 4820 Riverbend Rd . Boulder, CO 80301


Manuel R . Lorenzo, MD 7600 Shaffer Pkwy Littleton, CO 80127

Marianne V . Lyons, DO 100 S Cherry Avenue Unit 1 Eaton, CO 80615

Timothy Marean, MD 3920 N . Union Blvd Colorado Springs, CO 80907

Holly Lewis, MD 2101 Ken Pratt Blvd ., Suite 104 Longmont, CO 80501

Tracy Ellen Lippard, MD 2345 Bent Way Longmont, CO 80503


Joseph A . Lovato, DO 11310 Huron Street, Suite 100 Northglenn, CO 80234


Lee A . MacDonald, MD 1000 Southpark Drive Littleton, CO 80120

Jack M . Markusfeld, MD 1650 Cochran Circle, Bldg 7300, ATTN: C, Internal Medicine Clinic Fort Carson, CO 80913

Julie M . Ley, MD 5555 E Arapahoe Road Centennial, CO 80122

Yvonne M . Lipson, MD 1555 S Wadsworth Boulevard Suite 3 Lakewood, CO 80232

Kathryn A . Love-Osborne, MD Eastside Clinic 501 28th Street, Unit 36 Denver, CO 80205

Thomas D MacKenzie, MD 1100 Federal Blvd, Unit 32 Denver, CO 80204

James Martau, MD 8510 Bryant Street Suite 350 Westminster, CO 80031


Virgilio Licona, MD 1860 Egbert Street Brighton, CO 80601

Pia B . Lisle, MD 16290 E Quincy Avenue Aurora, CO 80015

Kern S . Low, MD 916 Indiana Avenue Suite 120 Pueblo, CO 81004

Satish Anthony Madan, MD 1375 E 20th Avenue Denver, CO 80205

Barry Martin, MD 700 Potomac St, Ste A Aurora, CO 80011

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Health Matters 2014 Your Partner in Health

Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved. © 2012 Colorado Business Group on Health. The photos in this publication are rights-protected and may not be reused or reproduced for any other purpose.

Doctors NationallyRecognized for Exceptional Care (Continued)

❤ Attained cardiac recognition

D Attained diabetes recognition

Recognized for Patient Centered Medical Home

Patrick W . Martin, DO 1375 E 20th Avenue Denver, CO 80205

Paul P . McCaffrey, DO 3670 Parker Boulevard Pueblo, CO 81008

Paul Melinkovich, MD Pavillion G Unit 40, Wellington E Webb Center for Primary Care Denver, CO 80204

Kate Frueh Miller, MD 2955 S Broadway Englewood, CO 80113

James M . Mockler, MD 450 N Cleveland Avenue Loveland, CO 80537

Angie N . Martinez, MD 7701 Sheridan Boulevard Arvada, CO 80003


Janis R . McCall, MD 5623 W 19th Street Greeley, CO 80634

Lora H . Melnicoe, MD Eastside Clinic 501 28th Street, Unit 36 Denver, CO 80205

Laurie A . Miller, MD 1635 Blue Spruce Drive Fort Collins, CO 80524

William M . Moeller, DO 2503 Foresight Circle Grand Junction, CO 81505

Michael R . Martinez, MD 2345 Bent Way Longmont, CO 80503

Douglas McCallum, MD 425 S Cherry Street Suite 510 Denver, CO 80246


Carl Elwood Meredith, MD 1044 S 88th Street, Suite 200 Louisville, CO 80027

Michael K . Miller, MD 4803 Ward Road Wheat Ridge, CO 80033


Victoria L . Moffatt, MD 1551 Professional Lane Suite 170 Longmont, CO 80501


Stacey L . Mason, MD 8383 W Alameda Avenue Lakewood, CO 80226

Michael Corey McCarty, DO 6685 Gunpark Dr . East ., Suite 110 Boulder, CO 80301

Thomas P . Merkert, MD 4803 Ward Road Wheat Ridge, CO 80033


Patrick A . Miller, MD 175 S Union Blvd, Suite 350 Colorado Springs, CO 80910


Andrew M . Mohler, MD 3150 N 12th Street Grand Junction, CO 81506

Richard A . Mathe, MD 1000 Southpark Drive Littleton, CO 80120

Richard A . McConnaughy, MD 2610 Tenderfoot Hill Street Colorado Springs, CO 80906

Susan L . Merrill, MD 11245 Huron Street Westminster, CO 80234

Rachel Jean Miller, MD 8990 N . Washington Thornton, CO 80229

Michael J . Mohr, DO 300 S Jackson Street Suite 100 Denver, CO 80209

Daniel Matlock, MD 8111 E Lowry Blvd ., Suite 120 Denver, CO 80230

Laura F . McCormick, MD 6179 S Balsam Way Suite 110 Littleton, CO 80123

Joshua Brannon Messer, MD 8990 N . Washington Thornton, CO 80229

Richard A . Miller, MD 5115 Fontaine Blvd Fountain, CO 80817

Matthew James Moles, MD 8111 E Lowry Blvd ., Suite 120 Denver, CO 80230

Mark Kenneth Matthews, MD 1375 E 20th Avenue Denver, CO 80205


Mary E McCrum, DO 3150 N 12th Street, 2nd Fl PO Box 10700 Grand Junction, CO 81502

Melanie Suzanne Metcalf, MD 5995 Iris Pkwy PO Box 189 Frederick, CO 80530

Robert J . Miller, MD 10350 E Dakota Avenue Denver, CO 80247

Lori S . Moll, MD 23500 US Highway 160 Walsenburg, CO 81089

Janelle Maxwell Pflieger, DO 12600 East Albrook Drive, Unit 39 Denver, CO 80239

Catherine McElwain, MD 7403 Church Ranch Blvd ., Suite 107 Westminster, CO 80021

James J . Meyer, MD 12543 N Hwy 83 Suite 228 Parker, CO 80134

Steven L . Milligan, MD 916 Indiana Avenue Suite 120 Pueblo, CO 81004

Michael A . Moll, MD 23500 US Highway 160 Walsenburg, CO 81089

Alexander Karl-Wilhelm Maybach, MD 7950 Kipling, Suite 101 Arvada, CO 80005


Howard J . Mcgowan, MD 4318 Trail Boss Drive Castle Rock, CO 80104

George Julian Meyers, MD 1650 Cochrane Circle, Bldg 2353, ATTN: C, Warrior Clinic Fort Carson, CO 80913

Angela L . Mills, MD 5623 W 19th Street Greeley, CO 80634

Erik M . Mondrow, MD 90 Health Park Drive Suite 320 Louisville, CO 80027

Kathleen W . Mayer, MD 5257 S . Wadsworth Blvd Littleton, CO 80123


Kathleen A . McGrath, DO 16290 E Quincy Avenue Aurora, CO 80015


Joyce E . Michael, DO 8890 N Union Boulevard Suite 200 Colorado Springs, CO 80920


Pedro Miranda-Seijo, MD 1100 Federal Blvd, Unit 32 Denver, CO 80204

Peter Monheit, MD 3545 S Tamarac Dr Denver, CO 80237


Kimberly M . Mayhew, MD 580 Mohawk Drive Boulder, CO 80302


John D . McLaughlin II, MD 1421 S Potomac Street Suite 200 Aurora, CO 80012


Renee Micielli, MD 11245 Huron Street Westminster, CO 80234

Terence Burrell Mitchell, MD 559 Vincent Street Peterson AFB, CO 80914

Linda Curchin Montgomery, MD 3055 Roslyn St, Suite 100 Denver, CO 80238

Danilo V . Mazzella, MD 14701 E Exposition Avenue Aurora, CO 80012

Anne McLean, MD 30940 Stage Coach Blvd, 270E Evergreen, CO 80439


Michael D . Mignoli, MD 9218 Kimmer Drive Suite 106 Lone Tree, CO 80124


Andrew Mitchell, MD 16222 W US Hwy 24 Suite 220 Woodland Park, CO 80863


Anisa K . Moore, MD 8383 W Alameda Avenue Lakewood, CO 80226

Daniel S . McAninch, MD 11245 Huron Street Westminster, CO 80234

Albert L . Mehl, MD 280 Exempla Circle Lafayette, CO 80026

Jennifer Joy Miller, MD 16290 E Quincy Avenue Aurora, CO 80015


Gail Elizabeth Mizner, MD 1905 Blake Ave . Suite 101 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601

Eileen E . Moore, MD 10400 E Alameda Avenue Denver, CO 80247

Edward P . McAuliffe, MD 280 Exempla Circle Lafayette, CO 80026


Philip Sydney Mehler, MD Pavillion G Unit 40, Wellington E Webb Center for Primary Care Denver, CO 80204

John L . Miller, MD 8510 Bryant Street Suite 200 Westminster, CO 80031

Steven G . Mlodinow, MD 220 East . Rogers Road Longmont, CO 80501

Morris Moore, MD 580 Mohawk Drive Boulder, CO 80302


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Health Matters 2014 Your Partner in Health

Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved. © 2012 Colorado Business Group on Health. The photos in this publication are rights-protected and may not be reused or reproduced for any other purpose.

Doctors NationallyRecognized for Exceptional Care (Continued)

❤ Attained cardiac recognition

D Attained diabetes recognition

Recognized for Patient Centered Medical Home

Katrine Moreale, MD 2955 S Broadway Englewood, CO 80113


Tammy L . Myers, MD 4545 E 9th Avenue Suite 010 Denver, CO 80220

Joseph John Nissim, MD 2101 Ken Pratt Blvd ., Suite 104 Longmont, CO 80501

Atsuko J . Ohtake, MD 8383 W Alameda Avenue Lakewood, CO 80226


Patrick William Page, MD 1120 Wellington Avenue PO Box 10700 Grand Junction, CO 81502

Frank Morgan, MD 5623 W 19th Street Greeley, CO 80634

Nicole A . Nagel, MD 280 Exempla Circle Lafayette, CO 80026


Michael J . Noble, MD 2405 Research Pky Colorado Springs, CO 80920

Sonja C . O’Leary, MD 12600 East Albrook Drive, Unit 39 Denver, CO 80239

Ted E . Palen, MD 2955 S Broadway Englewood, CO 80113

Matthew Morgan, DO 11310 Huron Street Suite 100 Northglenn, CO 80234


Sherry G . Nakano, MD 3150 N 12th Street, 2nd Fl PO Box 10700 Grand Junction, CO 81502

Erika J . Norris, MD 131 Stanley Avenue Suite 202 Estes Park, CO 80517

Jed E . Olson, MD 1375 E 20th Avenue Denver, CO 80205

Madelyn S . Palmer, MD 6179 S Balsam Way Suite 110 Littleton, CO 80123

Monique H . Morisseau, MD 2698 Patterson Road Grand Junction, CO 81506

Suzanne Nash, MD 3655 E 104th Avenue Thornton, CO 80233


Sepeideh Nouhi, MD 11245 Huron St Denver, CO 80234

Gregg Omura, MD 1120 Wellington Avenue PO Box 10700 Grand Junction, CO 81502

Robert D . Pane, MD 1000 W . South Boulder Rd ., Suite 214 Lafayette, CO 80026

John W . Morris, MD 280 Exempla Circle Lafayette, CO 80026

Ann Kathleen Navarro-Leahy, MD 1960 N Ogden Street Suite 460 Denver, CO 80218

David Nowels, MD 3055 Roslyn St, Suite 100 Denver, CO 80238

Pierre Onda, MD 14701 E Exposition Avenue Aurora, CO 80012

John Panozzo, MD 7550 W Yale Avenue Suite B-100 Denver, CO 80227


Monica Terese Morris, DO 11245 Huron Street Westminster, CO 80234

Carol D . Navsky, MD 1701 W 72nd Avenue Denver, CO 80221


Matthew Nowland, MD 1000 W 8th Avenue Yuma, CO 80759

Caryn E . Orr, MD 10400 E Alameda Avenue Denver, CO 80247


Julia Paranka, MD 7403 Church Ranch Blvd ., Suite 107 Westminster, CO 80021

Jeffrey M . Morse, MD 10400 E Alameda Avenue Denver, CO 80247

Donald E Nease, MD 3055 Roslyn St, Suite 100 Denver, CO 80238

David M . Nuhfer, MD 90 Health Park Drive Suite 260 Louisville, CO 80027

Tamaan K . Osbourne-Roberts, MD 1635 Blue Spruce Drive Fort Collins, CO 80524

Tony J . Park, MD 1375 E 20th Ave Denver, CO 80205

Timothy Gerard Moser, MD 2955 S . Broadway Englewood, CO 80110


Joan M . Neighbor, MD 1707 Cole Boulevard Suite 150 Golden, CO 80401


Josina O’Connell, MD 6255 Quebec Parkway Commerce City, CO 80022

Brian Paul O’Sullivan, MD 5555 E Arapahoe Road Centennial, CO 80122


David Parker, DO 11310 Huron Street, Suite 100 Northglenn, CO 80234


Christopher J . Mote, DO 7030 S Yosemite Street Centennial, CO 80112

Aimee Nelson, MD 8585 W 14th Avenue Suite B-2 Lakewood, CO 80215


Daniel L . O’brien, DO 200 W . South Boulder Road Lafayette, CO 80026

Shawn B . Otteman, DO 1000 W . South Boulder Rd ., Suite 110 Lafayette, CO 80026

Bennett Parnes, MD 1635 Aurora Court Mail-stop F-750 Aurora, CO 80045

Claire Mueller, DO 1375 E 20th Avenue Denver, CO 80205

Max A . Nevarez, MD 6340 Barnes Road Colorado Springs, CO 80922

John E . O’Connor, MD 205 S Garrison Street Lakewood, CO 80226

Linda Overholser, MD 8111 E Lowry Blvd ., Suite 120 Denver, CO 80230

Ian E . Parsons, MD 16290 E Quincy Avenue Aurora, CO 80015


Candace R . Murbach, DO 902 Lakeview Avenue Pueblo, CO 81004

Dawn M . Newell, MD 9285 Hepburn Street Highlands Ranch, CO 80129


Mary E O’Connor, MD 1100 Federal Blvd, Unit 32 Denver, CO 80204

Amy J . Owen, DO 6140 Tutt Blvd ., Suite 200 Colorado Springs, CO 80923


Suzanne L . Parsons, MD 2345 Bent Rd . Longmont, CO 80501

Sergio A . Murillo-Herrera, MD 916 Indiana Avenue Suite 120 Pueblo, CO 81004

Lynda Nguyen, MD 11245 Huron Street Westminster, CO 80234

Bessie M . O’Dea, MD 2525 13th Street Boulder, CO 80304

Behice Ozbay, MD 7625 W 92nd Avenue Westminster, CO 80021


Karla C . Pastrana, MD 5257 S Wadsworth Boulevard Littleton, CO 80123


Sean P . Murphy, MD 131 Stanley Avenue, Suite 202 Estes Park, CO 80517

Susan Michelle Nikels, MD 1635 Aurora Court Mail-stop F-729 Aurora, CO 80045

Brant Odland, DO 5257 S Wadsworth Boulevard Littleton, CO 80123

David L . Pacini, MD 3150 N 12th Street, 2nd Fl PO Box 10700 Grand Junction, CO 81502

Marcia L . Patterson, MD 1336 East Hecla Dr . Louisville, CO 80027

Shannon M . Murphy, MD 3150 N 12th Street, 2nd Fl PO Box 10700 Grand Junction, CO 81502

Andrew E . Nill, MD Pavillion G Unit 40, Wellington E Webb Center for Primary Care Denver, CO 80204

Samuel C . Ogden, MD 1600 23rd Avenue Greeley, CO 80634

Ricardo Padilla, MD 1100 Federal Blvd, Unit 32 Denver, CO 80204

Mark Pattridge, MD 1030 Johnson Road, #200 Golden, CO 80401


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Health Matters 2014 Your Partner in Health

Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved. © 2012 Colorado Business Group on Health. The photos in this publication are rights-protected and may not be reused or reproduced for any other purpose.

Doctors NationallyRecognized for Exceptional Care (Continued)

❤ Attained cardiac recognition

D Attained diabetes recognition

Recognized for Patient Centered Medical Home

John R . Pearse, MD 7600 Shaffer Pkwy Littleton, CO 80127


Julia P . Pierce, MD 280 Exempla Circle Lafayette, CO 80026

Stuart M . W . Prins, MD 14701 E Exposition Avenue Aurora, CO 80012

Ashwini Reddy, MD 700 Potomac St, Ste A Aurora, CO 80011

Leanne Richardson, MD 11550 N . Sheridan Blvd Broomfield, CO 80020


Leslie M . Pearson, MD 8383 W Alameda Avenue Lakewood, CO 80226

Irina M . Pines, MD Pavillion G Unit 40, Wellington E Webb Center for Primary Care Denver, CO 80204

Mark W . Ptaskiewicz, MD 7701 Sheridan Boulevard Arvada, CO 80003


Swarupa T . Reddy, MD 11245 Huron Street Westminster, CO 80234


Terri L . Richardson, MD 10400 E Alameda Avenue Denver, CO 80247

Wesley M . Pearson, MD 7701 Sheridan Boulevard Arvada, CO 80003


Sharon T . Pittenger, MD 1000 W . South Boulder Rd ., Suite 110 Lafayette, CO 80026

David C . Puls, DO 5623 W 19th Street Greeley, CO 80634

Juanita R . Redfield, MD 859 S 4th Avenue Brighton, CO 80601


David A . Richmond, MD 4803 Ward Road Wheat Ridge, CO 80033

Kerry A . Peel, MD 580 Mohawk Drive Boulder, CO 80302


Joanna Maria Plonska, MD 6685 Gunpark Dr . East ., Suite 110 Boulder, CO 80301

James L . Quackenbush, MD 3150 N 12th Street Grand Junction, CO 81506

Paul Redstone, MD 1635 Aurora Court Mail-stop F-729 Aurora, CO 80045

Sean P . Riley, MD 10168 Parkglenn Way Parker, CO 80138

Kathrine A . Pehl, MD 777 Bannock Street MC 0107 Denver, CO 80204

Sourav K . Poddar, MD 7403 Church Ranch Boulevard Suite 107 Westminster, CO 80021

Leto Quarles, MD 1755 48th St ., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80301

Brad Reedy, MD 3260 East Woodmen Rd #210 Colorado Springs, CO 80920

Craig W . Robbins, MD 16290 E Quincy Avenue Aurora, CO 80015

Richard Penaloza, MD 1635 Aurora Court Mail-stop F-729 Aurora, CO 80045

Hanah N . Polotsky, MD 10400 E Alameda Ave Denver, CO 80247

Jill A . Quigley, MD 13402 W Coal Mine Avenue Suite 230 Littleton, CO 80127

Jena L . Reichelt, MD 3055 Roslyn St, Suite 100 Denver, CO 80238

Douglas I . Robertson, MD 5555 E Arapahoe Road Centennial, CO 80122

Philip A . Pennington, MD 6340 Barnes Road Colorado Springs, CO 80922

Karen Polsky, MD 8111 E Lowry Blvd ., Suite 120 Denver, CO 80230

Rachel Rackler, MD 799 E Hampden Avenue Suite 300 Englewood, CO 80113

Bryan Kent Reichert, MD 7950 6th Street Wellington, CO 80549


Ian Robertson, MD 10350 E Dakota Avenue Denver, CO 80247


Lara Penny, MD 12600 East Albrook Drive,Unit 39 Denver, CO 80239

Mary Bruce Poole, MD 2101 Ken Pratt Boulevard Suite 104 Longmont, CO 80501

Alison J . Railsback, MD 2345 Bent Way Longmont, CO 80503

Gregory C . Reicks, DO 2503 Foresight Circle Grand Junction, CO 81505

Susan Robertson, MD 1420 W Midway Boulevard Broomfield, CO 80020

Mark A . Perea, MD 9695 S Yosemite Street Suite 324 Lone Tree, CO 80124


Innessa T . Porter, MD 5555 E Arapahoe Road Centennial, CO 80122

Lauren Ramnarine, MD 1860 Egbert Street Brighton, CO 80601

Erik Reite, MD 16290 E Quincy Ave Aurora, CO 80015

Andrew R . Robinson, MD 1375 E 20th Avenue Denver, CO 80205

Melissa B . Peters, DO 5555 E Arapahoe Road Centennial, CO 80122


Patricia K . Powell, MD 2930 11th Avenue Evans, CO 80620

Melanie Rausche, MD 10400 E Alameda Avenue Denver, CO 80247

Kristina M . Reitz, MD 10168 Parkglenn Way Parker, CO 80138

Clandra Robinson, MD 1115 2nd Street Fort Lupton, CO 80621

Eric P . Peterson, MD 4995 E 33rd Avenue Denver, CO 80207

Michael J . Pramenko, MD 3150 N 12th Street Grand Junction, CO 81506

Charles Harry Raye, MD 902 Lakeview Avenue Pueblo, CO 81004

Lance A . Reynoso, MD 2698 Patterson Road Grand Junction, CO 81506

Kendra D . Robison, MD 6340 Barnes Road Colorado Springs, CO 80922

Susan Park Peterson, MD 11245 Huron Street Westminster, CO 80234


Katherine A . Price, MD 3150 N 12th Street, 2nd Fl PO Box 10700 Grand Junction, CO 81502

Mitra Razzaghi, MD 1635 Aurora Court, Mail-stop F-741 Aurora, CO 80045

Robert J . Rhodes, MD 280 Exempla Circle Lafayette, CO 80026

Juan B . Rodriguez, DO 4674 Snow Mesa Drive Suite 140 Fort Collins, CO 80528


Matthew Aaron Pflieger, DO 1701 W . 72nd Avenue, 3rd Floor Denver, CO 80221

Lynn S . Price, MD 11245 Huron Street Westminster, CO 80234

Janisse C . Rears, MD 7701 Sheridan Boulevard Arvada, CO 80003


Harold Richardson, MD 1030 Johnson Road, #200 Golden, CO 80401


Ramona Ignacia Rodriguez, MD 1650 Cochran Circle, Bldg 7300, ATTN: C, Internal Medicine Clinic Fort Carson, CO 80913

H . Manning Pickett, MD 1805 Kipling Street Lakewood, CO 80215


Richard James Price Jr, MD 627 25 1/2 Road Grand Junction, CO 81505

Leif A . Redal, MD 500 Discovery Parkway, Suite 150 Superior, CO 80027

Katherine S . Richardson, MD 9285 Hepburn Street Highlands Ranch, CO 80129

Mark Douglas Rojec, MD 16290 E Quincy Avenue Aurora, CO 80015


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Doctors NationallyRecognized for Exceptional Care (Continued)

❤ Attained cardiac recognition

D Attained diabetes recognition

Recognized for Patient Centered Medical Home

Jennifer A . Roller, MD 2698 Patterson Road Grand Junction, CO 81506

Katherine L . Rufner, MD 1115 2nd Street Fort Lupton, CO 80621

E . Mark Sarinopoulos, MD 1420 W Midway Boulevard Broomfield, CO 80020

Harvey A . Schuchman, MD 1000 Southpark Drive Littleton, CO 80120

Patrick Shahan, MD 550 Hwy 105 Monument, CO 80132


Daphne K . Rommereim-Madden, MD 1600 23rd Avenue Greeley, CO 80634

Jeffrey Scot Rumbyrt, MD 1746 Cole Blvd, Bldg 21 Lakewood, CO 80401

Shellie K . Sasscer, MD 16290 E Quincy Avenue Aurora, CO 80015

Andrew P . Schulz, MD 11245 Huron Street Westminster, CO 80234

Grishma S . Shah-Elzinga, MD 220 E Rogers Road Longmont, CO 80501

Anna M . Rooney, MD 6685 Gunpark Dr . East ., Suite 110 Boulder, CO 80301

Raymond T . Rupel, DO 200 W County Line Road Suite 130 Highlands Ranch, CO 80129


Susan M . Sayers, MD 3150 N 12th Street Grand Junction, CO 81506

Kari Schultz, MD 2405 Research Pky Colorado Springs, CO 80920

Pooneh Shahmohammadi, MD 10400 E Alameda Avenue Denver, CO 80247

Lynn L . Rooney, MD 1375 E 20th Avenue Denver, CO 80205

Michael E . Russum, MD 4545 Navajo Street, Unit 33 Denver, CO 80211

Amy E . Scanlan, MD 360 S Garfield Street Suite 500 Denver, CO 80209


Laurie D . Schwanitz, MD 9285 Hepburn Street Highlands Ranch, CO 80129

Mason Sidney Shamis, MD 1338 Phay Ave Canon City, CO 81212

Philip J . Rosenblum, MD 3655 E 104th Avenue Thornton, CO 80233


Patrick Philip Ryan, MD 1100 Federal Boulevard Denver, CO 80204

Susan L . Schiff, MD 1805 Kipling Street Lakewood, CO 80215


Robert Schwartz, MD 1635 Aurora Court, Mail-stop F-750 Aurora, CO 80045

Stephan W . Shane, DO 859 S 4th Avenue Brighton, CO 80601

Angela Maria Rosetti, MD 9285 Hepburn Street Highlands Ranch, CO 80129

Eric J . Rydberg, MD 1707 Cole Boulevard Suite 150 Golden, CO 80401


Lisa Schilling, MD 8111 E Lowry Blvd ., Suite 120 Denver, CO 80230

Heather B . Scott, MD 3150 N 12th Street Grand Junction, CO 81506

Gregory E . Sharp, MD 300 W Lake Avenue, Suite 3 PO Box 4918 Woodland Park, CO 80866

Annette E . Rosling, MD 3150 N 12th Street, 2nd Fl PO Box 10700 Grand Junction, CO 81502

Juventino Saavedra, MD 1375 E 20th Avenue Denver, CO 80205

Leslie A . Schipper, DO 200 W County Line Road Suite 130 Highlands Ranch, CO 80129


John Scott, MD 1635 Aurora Court, Mail-stop F-750 Aurora, CO 80045

Heather A . Sharp, MD 300 W Lake Avenue Suite 3 PO Box 4918 Woodland Park, CO 80866

Steven P . Ross, MD 1635 Aurora Court Mail-stop F-729 Aurora, CO 80045

Tracy H . Saffer, MD 8601 Turnpike Drive Suite 200 Westminster, CO 80031

Paul A . Schkade, MD 1746 Cole Blvd, Bldg 21 Lakewood, CO 80401

Mia L . Scott, DO 300 S Jackson Street Suite 100 Denver, CO 80209

Karen Shea, MD 1635 Aurora Court, Mail-stop F-750 Aurora, CO 80045

Mitchel Glenn Rossman, MD 8510 Bryant Street, Suite 350 Westminster, CO 80031

Monica Salas-Meyers, MD 1420 W Midway Boulevard Broomfield, CO 80020

Malinda A . Schlicht, DO 8383 W Alameda Avenue Lakewood, CO 80226

Joyce Hahn Sedlacek, MD 4803 Ward Road Wheat Ridge, CO 80033

Joel C . Shebowich, MD 14000 E Arapahoe Road Bldg C Suite 210 Centennial, CO 80112


Lawrence W . Roth, MD 2955 S Broadway Englewood, CO 80113

Cynthia Kay Salazar, MD 11245 Huron Street Westminster, CO 80234

Dennis Schneider, MD 2405 Research Pky Colorado Springs, CO 80920

Neil C . Segall, DO 3814 E 120th Avenue Thornton, CO 80233


Amy E Sheeder, MD 820 1st Street PO Box 1120 Limon, CO 80828

Kristen M . Royer, MD 1000 W . South Boulder Rd ., Suite 110 Lafayette, CO 80026

Michele D . Salli, MD 4803 Ward Road Wheat Ridge, CO 80033

Wagner Schorr-Ratzlaff, MD 8111 E Lowry Blvd ., Suite 120 Denver, CO 80230

Marc H . Seidman, MD 1635 Blue Spruce Drive Fort Collins, CO 80524

Margaret A . Sheehan, MD 4318 Trail Boss Drive Castle Rock, CO 80104

Jeanne M . Rozwadowski, MD 1100 Federal Blvd, Unit 32 Denver, CO 80204

Shirley U . Salvatore, MD 902 Lakeview Avenue Pueblo, CO 81004

Kathryn E . Schorr-Winchell, MD 1375 E 20th Ave Denver, CO 80205


Britta Christina Seppi, MD 3150 N 12th Street Grand Junction, CO 81506

Mark W . Sheehan, MD 1000 Southpark Drive Littleton, CO 80120

Joanne E . Ruch, MD 1805 Kipling Street Lakewood, CO 80215


Carolyn J . Sanders, MD 1000 W . South Boulder Rd ., Suite 110 Lafayette, CO 80026

Kent Schreiber, MD 3814 East 120th Avenue Thornton, CO 80233


Carl D . Severin, MD 14701 E Exposition Avenue Aurora, CO 80012

Carolyn M . Shepherd, MD 200 W . South Boulder Road Lafayette, CO 80026

Robert Steven Rudolphi, MD 1650 Cochran Circle, Bldg 7300, ATTN: C, Internal Medicine Clinic Fort Carson, CO 80913

James Sando, MD 6801 West 20th Street, Unit 201 Greeley, CO 80634

David B . Schuchman, MD 1000 Southpark Drive Littleton, CO 80120

Sabine Shaffer, MD 2405 Research Pky Colorado Springs, CO 80920

John C . Shepherd, MD 200 W . South Boulder Road Lafayette, CO 80026

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Doctors NationallyRecognized for Exceptional Care (Continued)

❤ Attained cardiac recognition

D Attained diabetes recognition

Recognized for Patient Centered Medical Home

Roger Sherman, MD 214 6th Street, Suite 1 PO Box 1546 Crested Butte, CO 81224

Nicole Silver, MD 580 Mohawk Drive Boulder, CO 80302

Jeffrey G . Snyder, MD 16222 W US Hwy 24 Suite 220 Woodland Park, CO 80863


Andrew W . Steele, MD 1100 Federal Blvd, Unit 32 Denver, CO 80204

Donna L . Sullivan, MD 1025 Pennock Place 1st Fl Fort Collins, CO 80524

Judith C . Shlay, MD Pavillion G Unit 40, Wellington E Webb Center for Primary Care Denver, CO 80204

Paul M . Simmons, MD 2698 Patterson Road Grand Junction, CO 81506

Kenneth M . Soda, MD 8510 Bryant Street Suite 200 Westminster, CO 80031

Laura A . Stein, MD 916 Indiana Avenue Suite 120 Pueblo, CO 81004

Paul M . Sunde, MD 6169 S Balsam Way Suite 220 Littleton, CO 80123


Melissa J . Sholtzow, MD 5555 E Arapahoe Road Centennial, CO 80122

Robert M . Sims, MD 6169 S Balsam Way Suite 250 Littleton, CO 80123


Royce Solano, MD 6340 Barnes Road Colorado Springs, CO 80922

Jacqueline Stern, MD 4545 E 9th Avenue Suite 010 Denver, CO 80220

Scott T . Sutton, MD Eastside Clinic 501 28th Street, Unit 36 Denver, CO 80205

Whitney West Short, MD 1375 E 20th Avenue Denver, CO 80205

Steven A . Singer, MD 6179 S Balsam Way Suite 110 Littleton, CO 80123

Maria Trista Somerset, DO 8300 Alcott Street, Suite 205 Westminster, CO 80031

Jean F . Stewart, MD 7600 Shaffer Pkwy Littleton, CO 80127

Anna Svircev, MD 8080 E Park Meadows Drive Lone Tree, CO 80124

Zachary Shpall, MD 4301 Lowell Blvd . Denver, CO 80211


Jacqueline A . Skaggs, DO 8890 N Union Boulevard Suite 200 Colorado Springs, CO 80920


Jeffrey S . Sorensen, MD 5555 E Arapahoe Rd Littleton, CO 80121

Richard M . Stiphout, MD 3670 Parker Boulevard Pueblo, CO 81008

Thomas G . Swanson, MD 5555 E Arapahoe Road Centennial, CO 80122


Stephanie L . Shrago, MD 3150 N 12th Street Grand Junction, CO 81506

Deborah L . Skarda, MD 580 Mohawk Drive Boulder, CO 80302

Petra C . Soule, DO 7600 Shaffer Pkwy Littleton, CO 80127

Charlotte Morrigan Stork, MD 280 Exempla Circle Lafayette, CO 80026

Tod Sweeney, MD 6390 Gardenia Street Arvada, CO 80004


Heather A . Shull, MD 8383 W Alameda Avenue Lakewood, CO 80226


Sandra Slamkova Plybon, MD 1905 Blake Avenue Suite 101 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601

Michael W . Spangler, DO 175 S Union Blvd, Suite 350 Colorado Springs, CO 80910


Helen M . Story, MD 6169 S Balsam Way Suite 250 Littleton, CO 80123

Robert H . Swietarski, MD 8400 N Alcott Street Suite 108 Westminster, CO 80031

Nikki Sides, MD 100 N 11th Avenue Greeley, CO 80631

Bruce Robert Smith, MD 1960 Ogden Street, Suite 120 Denver, CO 80218


Corydon Sperry, MD 350 Broadway, Suite 130 Boulder, CO 80305

Lynn M . Strange, MD 902 Lakeview Avenue Pueblo, CO 81004

Rachel Swigris, DO 8111 E Lowry Blvd ., Suite 120 Denver, CO 80230

Amarbir Sidhu, MD 10835 Dover Street Suite 1100 Westminster, CO 80021


David B . Smith, MD 1600 23rd Avenue Greeley, CO 80634

John M . Spine, DO 720 Austin Avenue Suite 103 Erie, CO 80516


Sherman D . Straw, MD 2698 Patterson Road Grand Junction, CO 81506

Adele R . Sykes, MD 1960 N Ogden Street Suite 120 Denver, CO 80218


Carol D . Siegel Friefeld, MD 1701 W . 72nd Avenue, 3rd Floor Denver, CO 80221

Eric Herbert Smith, DO 118 8th Street Dacono, CO 80514


Craig A . Spoering, MD 3150 N 12th Street, 2nd Fl PO Box 10700 Grand Junction, CO 81502

Paul H . Sturges, MD 3150 N 12th Street Grand Junction, CO 81506

Lisa H . Talamantes, MD 1044 S 88th Street, Suite 200 Louisville, CO 80027

Gary Lewis Siegel, MD 1746 Cole Blvd, Bldg 21 Lakewood, CO 80401

Jennifer Sue Smith, MD 10400 E Alameda Avenue Denver, CO 80247

Michael Staab, MD 1000 Southpark Drive Littleton, CO 80120

Doris May-Gee Sturtevant, MD 3055 Roslyn St, Suite 100 Denver, CO 80238

Robert M . Tanabe, MD 2405 Research Pky Colorado Springs, CO 80920

Amber Sieja, MD 1635 Aurora Court Mail-stop F-729 Aurora, CO 80045

Peter C . Smith, MD 4545 E 9th Avenue Suite 010 Denver, CO 80220

Thomas J . Staff, MD Lowry Clinic 1001 Yosemite Street, Unit 26 Denver, CO 80230

Kyle Suire, DO 4590 W 121st Avenue Broomfield, CO 80020


David Tanaka, MD 8111 E Lowry Blvd ., Suite 120 Denver, CO 80230

Danette Marie Silaban, MD 2942 Evergreen Pkwy Evergreen, CO 80439

Robin Lynne Smith, DO 8601 Turnpike Drive, Suite 200 Westminster, CO 80031


Suzanne Snowden Stamm, MD 350 Broadway, Suite 130 Boulder, CO 80305

Daniel P . Sullivan, MD 3150 N 12th Street Grand Junction, CO 81506

Moriah L . Tarpey, MD 1190 Bookcliff Avenue Suite 104 Grand Junction, CO 81501

Linda M . Silveira, MD 6025 Delmonico Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80919

Camilla Smith Wright, MD 9285 Hepburn Street Highlands Ranch, CO 80129

Marshall Steel, MD 1120 Wellington Avenue PO Box 10700 Grand Junction, CO 81502

Sarah H . Sullivan, MD 14701 E Exposition Ave Aurora, CO 80012

Susan Lesley Taylor, MD 280 Exempla Circle Lafayette, CO 80026

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Doctors NationallyRecognized for Exceptional Care (Continued)

❤ Attained cardiac recognition

D Attained diabetes recognition

Recognized for Patient Centered Medical Home

Scot Alan Tebo, MD 1650 Cochran Circle, Bldg 7300, ATTN: C, Internal Medicine Clinic Fort Carson, CO 80913

Diana Tidler, DO 7403 Church Ranch Blvd ., Suite 107 Westminster, CO 80021

Adam Gilden Tsai, MD 1100 Federal Blvd, Unit 32 Denver, CO 80204

Stephen D . Vogler, MD 1100 Federal Blvd, Unit 32 Denver, CO 80204

Jeannine Wallnut, MD 7701 Sheridan Blvd . Arvada, CO 80003


L . Bradford Tewes, MD 6340 Barnes Road Colorado Springs, CO 80922

Albert C . Ting, MD 14701 E Exposition Ave Aurora, CO 80012


J . Dale Utt, DO 2503 Foresight Circle Grand Junction, CO 81505

Robert P . Vogt, MD 6005 Delmonico Drive Suite 150 Colorado Springs, CO 80919

Kristine E . Walsh, MD 2803 Roslyn Street Denver, CO 80238


Rita E . Thieme, MD 1001 S Perry St . #101B Castle Rock, CO 80104

Christopher T . Todd, MD 2525 13th Street Boulder, CO 80304

Kari Uusinarkaus, MD 41 N . Highway 67 Woodland Park, CO 80863

John W . Volk, MD 2930 11th Avenue Evans, CO 80620

Louise Marie Walsh, MD 450 N Cleveland Avenue Loveland, CO 80537

Julie Marie Thistlewaite, MD 8990 N . Washington Thornton, CO 80229

Tony J . Toloczko, MD 5555 E Arapahoe Road Centennial, CO 80122


Jennifer L . Vacca, MD 4803 Ward Road Wheat Ridge, CO 80033


Robert K . Von Rueden, MD 5257 S Wadsworth Boulevard Littleton, CO 80123


Harry J . Walter, DO 8380 Zuni Street Suite 200 Westminster, CO 80221


Franklin T . Thom, MD 2345 Bent Way Longmont, CO 80503


Jennifer M . Tom, DO 5257 S . Wadsworth Blvd Littleton, CO 80123

Richard J . Valenziano, MD 6169 S Balsam Way Suite 220 Littleton, CO 80123


Rachel A . Voogt-Clayborn, MD 280 Exempla Circle Lafayette, CO 80026


Jonathan E . Walter, MD 9950 W 80th Avenue Suite 23 Arvada, CO 80005


David Robert Thomas, MD 4318 Trail Boss Drive Castle Rock, CO 80104

Margaret Tomcho, MD 1100 Federal Blvd, Unit 32 Denver, CO 80204

William A . Van Eimeren, MD 8300 Alcott Street, Suite 205 Westminster, CO 80031

Kenton Voorhees, MD 8080 E Park Meadows Drive Lone Tree, CO 80124

Kurt S . Walters, MD 7701 Sheridan Boulevard Arvada, CO 80003

Michelle Thomas, MD 425 S Cherry Street Suite 510 Denver, CO 80246


Christopher John Tonozzi, MD 1905 Blake Ave . Suite 101 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601

Sarah Beth Van Scoy, MD 16290 E Quincy Ave Aurora, CO 80015

Mary Vostrejs, MD Pavillion G Unit 40, Wellington E Webb Center for Primary Care Denver, CO 80204

Prosper Wang, MD 8383 W . Alameda Ave Lakewood, CO 80226

Richard S . Thomas, MD 2222 N Nevada Avenue Suite 4001 Colorado Springs, CO 80907

Bradley A . Torok, MD Lowry Clinic 1001 Yosemite Street, Unit 26 Denver, CO 80230

Karyl M . VanBenthuysen, MD 1000 Southpark Drive Littleton, CO 80120

John W . Voth, MD 1770 Deer Creek Road Monument, CO 80132

Lisa H . Wanger, MD 12600 East Albrook Drive, Unit 39 Denver, CO 80239

Ronnie G . Thomas, MD 8383 W Alameda Avenue Lakewood, CO 80226

Tiffany Toth, DO 1000 W 8th Avenue Yuma, CO 80759

Deja Starr VanDeLoo, MD 9285 Hepburn Street Highlands Ranch, CO 80129

Mary Vrabec, MD 700 Potomac Street Suite A Aurora, CO 80011

Pamela Jean Wanner, MD 2345 Bent Way Longmont, CO 80503


Breanna Thompson, DO 1635 Blue Spruce Drive Fort Collins, CO 80524

Angela T . Tran, DO 14701 E Exposition Avenue Aurora, CO 80012

Heather Varnell, MD 1100 Federal Blvd, Unit 32 Denver, CO 80204

Zachary Charles Wachtl, MD 1701 W . 72nd Avenue, 3rd Floor Denver, CO 80221

Donald G . Ward, DO 2942 Evergreen Pkwy Evergreen, CO 80439


Margaret S . Thompson, MD 14701 E Exposition Avenue Aurora, CO 80012


Elizabeth F . Trevathan, MD 4803 Ward Rd ., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033

Julie A . Venci, MD Pavillion G Unit 40, Wellington E Webb Center for Primary Care Denver, CO 80204

Angela Walcher, MD 8383 W Alameda Avenue Lakewood, CO 80226

Emily Field Warm, MD 2525 13th Street Boulder, CO 80302

Warren G . Thompson, MD 7701 Sheridan Boulevard Arvada, CO 80003

Julia B . Trevino, MD 2930 11th Avenue Evans, CO 80620

Deanne L . Veselka, MD 5115 Fontaine Blvd Fountain, CO 80817

Christine B . Walden, MD 4318 Trail Boss Drive Castle Rock, CO 80104

Kindra Lynn Warnecke, MD 1100 Federal Blvd, Unit 32 Denver, CO 80204

Eric Thorson, MD 214 6th Street, Suite 1 PO Box 1546 Crested Butte, CO 81224

Christopher A . Trojanovich, MD 16677 Lowell Blvd . Broomfield, CO 80023

Amelia Virostko, MD 1635 Blue Spruce Drive Fort Collins, CO 80524

Justin J . Walker, MD 2930 11th Avenue Evans, CO 80620

Laura C . Warner, MD 8383 W . Alameda Ave Lakewood, CO 80226

Penelope H . Thron-Weber, MD 8510 Bryant Street Suite 200 Westminster, CO 80031

Christopher A . Tromara, MD 1650 Cochrane Circle Fort Carson, CO 80913

Anju Visweswaraiah, MD 7403 Church Ranch Blvd ., Suite 107 Westminster, CO 80021

Jeffrey Wallace, MD 1635 Aurora Court, Mail-stop F-750 Aurora, CO 80045

Deborah E . Way, MD 5730 Ward Road Suite 102 Arvada, CO 80002


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Doctors NationallyRecognized for Exceptional Care (Continued)

❤ Attained cardiac recognition

D Attained diabetes recognition

Recognized for Patient Centered Medical Home

Alexandra Weaver, MD 220 East . Rogers Road Longmont, CO 80501

Clinton R . White, MD 10400 E Alameda Ave Denver, CO 80247

Kathryn A . Witzeman, MD 1100 Federal Blvd, Unit 32 Denver, CO 80204

Tricia Yeo, MD 4803 Ward Road Wheat Ridge, CO 80033

Dennis P . Zoglo, MD 8758 Wolff Court Suite 200 Westminster, CO 80031


Christopher S . Weaver, MD 3150 N 12th Street Grand Junction, CO 81506

Harry C . White, MD 4105 Briargate Pkwy Colorado Springs, CO 80920

Amber Wobbekind, MD 777 Bannock Street Denver, CO 80204

Soumya Yeturi, MD 11245 Huron St Denver, CO 80234


Ruben E . Zorrilla, MD 220 E Rogers Road Longmont, CO 80501

Pamela S . Webber, MD 1025 Pennock Place 1st Fl Fort Collins, CO 80524

Kelly White, MD 1635 Aurora Court Mail-stop F-729 Aurora, CO 80045

Peter M . Wolsko, MD 280 Exempla Circle Lafayette, CO 80026


Jessica Ann Yoder, MD 11245 Huron Street Westminster, CO 80234

Philip Frederick Weber, MD 1155 Alpine Ave ., Suite 360 Boulder, CO 80304

Marla White, DO 1635 Aurora Court, Mail-stop F-741 Aurora, CO 80045

Jennifer E . Wood, MD 8383 W Alameda Avenue Lakewood, CO 80226

Michael A . Yoesel, MD 8890 N Union Boulevard Suite 200 Colorado Springs, CO 80920


Terri B . Weber, MD 6140 Tutt Boulevard Suite 200 Colorado Springs, CO 80923


Elvera Whiteford, MD 2698 Patterson Road Grand Junction, CO 81506

Bruce A . Woolman, DO 131 Stanley Avenue Suite 202 Estes Park, CO 80517

Mary Jo Young, MD 1375 E 20th Avenue Denver, CO 80205

Brian Wegner, MD 8585 W 14th Avenue Suite B-2 Lakewood, CO 80215


John W . Whiteside, MD 2698 Patterson Road Grand Junction, CO 81506

Janell R . Wozniak, MD 1025 Pennock Place 1st Fl Fort Collins, CO 80524

Erik B . Youngblood, MD 16290 E Quincy Avenue Aurora, CO 80015

Kenyon J . Weidle, MD 191 E Orchard Road Suite 300 Littleton, CO 80121

Douglas William Whitman, MD 1635 Blue Spruce Drive Fort Collins, CO 80524

Peggy Wrich, MD 3150 N 12th Street Grand Junction, CO 81506

Hillard Zallen, MD 2345 Bent Way Longmont, CO 80503

Ann Marie Wells, MD 9285 Hepburn Street Highlands Ranch, CO 80129

Mary K . Wilkerson, MD 450 N . Cleveland Ave . Loveland, CO

Camilla Smith Wright, MD 9285 Hepburn Street Highlands Ranch, CO 80129


Paula J . Zegob-Hartmann, MD 2345 Bent Way Longmont, CO 80503


Teresa Stuever Welsh, MD 16290 E Quincy Avenue Aurora, CO 80015


Laurence Williams, MD 1635 Aurora Court Mail-stop F-729 Aurora, CO 80045

Alison R . Yager, MD 14701 E Exposition Avenue Aurora, CO 80012

Robyn A . Zehr, DO 450 N Cleveland Avenue Loveland, CO 80537

Pamela M . Wendell, MD 8383 W Alameda Avenue Lakewood, CO 80226

Sue Ellen Williams, MD 7701 Sheridan Boulevard Arvada, CO 80003


David Warren Yamamoto, MD 7768 Vance Drive Arvada, CO 80003


Wendy S . Zerin, MD 7701 Sheridan Boulevard Arvada, CO 80003

Sarah C . Werner, MD 500 Discovery Pkwy Suite 150 Superior, CO 80027


Wayne Williamson, MD 450 N . Cleveland Ave . Loveland, CO 80537

Christine A . Yang, MD 8383 W Alameda Avenue Lakewood, CO 80226

Darren Scott Zimbelman, MD 8383 W Alameda Avenue Lakewood, CO 80226

Cydney N . West, DO 7777 W 38th Avenue Suite A-118 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033


Michael J . Willig, MD 1421 S Potomac Street Suite 210 Aurora, CO 80012


John H . Yang, MD 5257 S Wadsworth Boulevard Littleton, CO 80123


Barbara J . Zind, MD 3150 N 12th Street, 2nd Fl PO Box 10700 Grand Junction, CO 81502

Michael J . Whistler, MD 3150 N 12th Street, 2nd Fl PO Box 10700 Grand Junction, CO 81502

David Brian Winn, MD 1375 E 20th Ave Denver, CO 80205

Robin K . Yasui, MD Pavillion G Unit 40, Wellington E Webb Center for Primary Care Denver, CO 80204

Jennifer Ann Ziouras, MD 8383 W . Alameda Ave Lakewood, CO 80226


Patrice Gendel Whistler, MD 3150 N 12th Street, 2nd Fl PO Box 10700 Grand Junction, CO 81502

Mark Andrew Wisner, DO 1755 48th St ., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80301

James Yeash, MD 11550 N . Sheridan Blvd Broomfield, CO 80020


Ali Zirakzadeh, MD Pavillion G Unit 40, Wellington E Webb Center for Primary Care Denver, CO 80204

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Health Matters 2014 Your Partner in Health

Bridges to Excellence Recognition Linked to Money Savings and Improved Health

We acknowledged those physicians receiving BTE recognitions for diabetes and cardiac care programs . Now, we want to answer the question: Do BTE recognized physicians have better outcomes for their patients? First, what is a better outcome? A better outcome for a patient means that the disease is

managed so the patient avoids trips to the emergency room, avoids hospitalizations, and avoids life-threatening complications such as heart attack or stroke.

How can we measure BTE physician performance? We compared the performance of BTE diabetes recognized physicians with physicians who were also primary care physicians, but who were not recognized . We looked at both utilization and cost metrics . A utilization measure is determined by traditional actuarial methods, for example how many patients per thousand went to the emergency department and how many days were spent in the hospital . For costs, we used more clinically-based measures defined by the proprietary PROMETHEUS Payment Model® . Most simply these are:

• RelevantCosts. Costs that relate specifically and exclusively to a patient’s underlying condition and co-morbid condition .

• PotentiallyAvoidableCosts(PAC). Costs of care for services that reflect poor outcomes for patients, such as emergency department visits, admission to the hospital, heart attacks and other complications of the disease . For example, a patient whose diabetes is well- managed should hopefully be able to avoid or defer poor outcomes .

Using two years worth of medical claims for a national health care plan that covers Colorado, we looked at performance measures for six chronic conditions: Asthma, Coronary Artery Disease (CAD), Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Diabetes, Gastro-esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), and Hypertension .

What We Observed. For diabetes, we found that BTE recognized physicians have:

• LowerCosts. Diabetes recognized physicians had lower average relevant costs than non-recognized physicians . They also showed a strong trend of lower aver-age potentially avoidable costs as well .

• LowerUtilization.Recognized physicians fared better on a variety of utiliza-tion metrics including: º Significantly lower number of emergency room visits (Figure 1) º Less total days spent in a hospital (Figure 2) º Lower frequency of hospital admissions (Figure 3)

This means that the patients with diabetes who see these BTE diabetes recognized doctors are less likely than other similar patients to have to visit the emergency room, or be admitted to the hospital in general . We also see that patients of recog-nized physicians are more likely to get all the routine care they need .

Interestingly, for coronary artery disease, we saw that BTE diabetes recognized physicians demonstrated significantly lower average relevant costs as well .

Other Observations. It is important to note that other than on the cardiac and diabetes measures that are part of the BTE Recognition program, recognition as a whole did not translate into better care in terms of either costs and utilization for the other chronic diseases .

Conclusions. No one should be surprised that in medicine, as in other fields, providers perform better for conditions on which they are measured . We applaud the efforts those physicians have made to attain cardiac and diabetes recognition, and patients can appreciate top quality management of their disease .

Figure 1Number of emergency room visits per 1,000 patients with diabetes

BTE Diabetes RecognizedNon-recognized











Figure 2Number of days spent in a hospital per 1,000 patients with diabetes

BTE Diabetes RecognizedNon-recognized













Figure 3Number of hospital admissions per 1,000 patients with diabetes

BTE Diabetes RecognizedNon-recognized

















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Health Matters 2014 Your Partner in Health

Telehealth in One Rural Community:Lessons Learned

The advent of telehealth programs as a means to bring medical expertise into rural Colorado communities in the early 2000s was at the forefront of what has become an increasingly commonplace practice in hospitals and clinics across the country . Today, an entire

industry dedicated to the support and development of remote medical consultation technologies exists . A pioneer of telehealth initiatives in Colorado, Dr . Marc Ringle, reflects on his work as well as the efforts of his colleagues to establish such programs in Brush, Colorado .

Dr . Ringle initiated three telehealth programs in Brush in the early part of this millennium, none of which are still in existence . Yet, all three experi-ments in the intersection of technology and medicine are considered success stories . Let’s learn why .

Psychiatry Tele-Consult

We began a psychiatric consultation program with the chair of the depart-ment of psychiatry at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, Steve Dubovsky . Steve served as our remote consultant and did a great job helping us manage our most challenging psy-chiatric patients . He would email or fax us a detailed report with explicit suggestions for patient management on the same day he had spent an hour of video face time with the patient . Patients liked the process . Providers loved having an expert available that we’d never had before . However, the project was grant funded and the funding ended and no alternative funding source was available . The program ended .

But,welearnedalot! • Psychiatrytele-consultisnotdifficulttodo. • Patientslikeit. • Providerslikeit. • Sustainabilityneedstobeincorporatedintheinitialprojectplanning.

Continued on page 24

By Marc Ringel, M.D.

Marc Ringel’s first professional job was as a general practitioner in the National Health Service Corps in Yuma on the high plains of eastern Colorado, followed by five years in private practice in Ripon, Wisconsin . He then joined the faculty of North Colorado Family Medicine Residency Training Program in Greeley . Marc developed the rural training track in Wray, the smallest town in the United States with a full-time graduate medical training program . For fifteen years in Brush, Colorado, Dr . Ringel, devoted himself to his family practice as well as to helping develop the local health care system, including telehealth . He co-authored with Jeff Bauer, Telemedicine and the Reinvention of Healthcare . KUNC radio broadcast his commen-taries for sixteen years . Currently he serves as medical director of Hospice of Northern Colorado in Greeley, as senior instructor at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, and on the governing board of Colorado HealthOP insurance company .

Telehealth is different from telemedicine because it refers to a broader scope of remote healthcare services than telemedicine . While telemedicine refers specifically to remote clinical services, telehealth can refer to remote non-clinical services, such as provider training, administrative meetings, and continuing medical education, in addi-tion to clinical services .

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Anti-Coagulation Tele-Clinic

Another venture in employing electronic technology to bring care and expertise where it was needed was an anti-coagulation unit . Providers spend a lot of unreimbursed time adjusting warfarin (an anti-coagulation drug) doses for many patients with atrial fibrillation, deep venous thrombosis, and artificial heart valves . At the same time, our tertiary partner, North Colorado Medical Center (NCMC) in Greeley, was developing its first pharmacist-staffed anticoagulation clinic . They were looking for business . We arranged to slot our patients into their clinic . The only difference? They met with our patients through a computer screen instead of face to face . It took some planning to assure that test results, records, and reports all got to where they needed to be at the right time . Once those processes were in place, the program worked well from the onset .

So, what happened? The physicians in Brush really appreciated access to the expertise this program provided and the assistance managing these high maintenance patients . But, the physi-cian assistants in Brush missed the business . They were having trouble meeting their productivity targets . And these patients encounters were ones they enjoyed .

The result? The two physician assistants were trained by NCMC pharmacists . After all protocols had been approved and processes tailored, the physician assistants took over the warfarin management responsibili-ties . I’m sure they did a better, more consistent job of managing our large panel of anti-coagulated patients than the physicians had been doing prior to the implementation of the tele-health program using our unstandardized practices .

Anti-coagulants are a type of drug that inhibits the body’s ability to form clots in the blood . Often called blood thinners, anti-coagulants do not thin the blood, they simply lengthen the time it takes for your blood to clot . They will not dissolve existing clots, although they may prevent the clot from getting larger .

Anti-coagulation therapy is often prescribed for patients who have been diagnosed with: • Atrialfibrillation(AF) • Artificialheartvalve • Deepveinthrombosis(DVT) • Pulmonaryembolism(PE) • Preventionofbloodclotse.g. genetic clotting disorders • Stroke • HeartAttack

Patients on anti-coagulation therapy need extra help managing their medications because every individual needs a unique does of the drug and it is very important that the level of the drug in the body is kept stable .

Wound Care

Wound care was our most successful and long-lived endeavor in telehealth . The initiative originated with our tertiary partner, North Colorado Medical Center, which had a new wound care doctor and a starving hyperbaric chamber . I sug-gested we try to provide some wound care services remotely, as sixty-three miles exist between East Morgan County Hospital in Brush and North Colorado Medical Center in Greeley . That’s a long wayinbadweather!

The nurse practitioner from our medical practice, Kim, joined the wound care doctor in Greeley for a couple of weeks of training . She was present on the Brush side of every consult to position the patient for the camera, undress and dress wounds, and describe the wounds and the smells . When a wound did require a higher level of care, the patient was sent to NCMC . Fortunately, that was not often .

The two large nursing homes in Brush werethrilledforthisservice!Decubitusprevalence (bed sores or pressure ulcers) is one of the most watched adverse indicators in long term care . I wish we had done an outcome study . I know, from direct experience, that because of this telehealth program, wound care greatly improved in our community – in prevention, early intervention, and in intensive treat-ment to resolution .

Continued on page 25

Wound Care

Pressure sores, commonly known as bed sores, are injuries to skin and underlying tissue resulting from pro-longed pressure on the skin . People most at risk of bedsores are those with a medical condition that limits their ability to change positions, requires them to use a wheelchair or confines them to a bed for a long time . Bedsores can develop quickly and are often difficult to treat .

Additionally, diabetics may encounter diabetic wounds, a serious complication of the disease . The main concern with diabetic wounds is poor or delayed healing . Having high levels of blood glucose for extended periods makes the immune system function improp-erly . Due to reduced blood flow and damaged nerves, patients with uncontrolled diabetes are at high risk of developing non-healing or infected wounds .

Left untreated, wounds lead to serious infection requiring surgical procedures and in some cases, limb amputation .

Hyperbaric chambers are used to treat serious wounds . Hyperbaric medicine is the medical use of oxygen at a level higher than atmospheric pressure . Wounds need oxygen to heal properly, and exposing a wound to 100 percent oxygen can, in many cases, speed the healing process .

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Many of the improvements we saw from this program continue in Brush today . The tele-wound program no longer exists but Kim became trained and certified in wound care . She now performs all of the wound care duties that had been done remotely, eliminating the need for the tele-wound clinic . She still consults with a wound care specialist when she feels the patient might need surgical intervention or hyperbaric treat-ment . Kim, along with her very smart CNA, is a very important resource to our eastern Colorado community .

This program alerted the medical community in Brush to an important treatment option for our patients . As a result, the quality of care for patients in our community increased and they no longer had to travel to Greeleyformostwoundcare.Wejusthadn’tknownwhatwedidn’tknowpriortothisprogram!

Tele-health in Brush Today

• EastMorganCountyHospitaltodayhasane-ICUwhichhasgreatlyenhancedtheabilityofphysiciansto care for higher-acuity patients right in Brush without requiring patient travel to Greeley .

• APACSradiologysystemprovidesexperteyestoreviewimagingstudies24hoursperday,7daysperweek, 365 days per year .

(PACS - A picture archiving and communication system is a medical imaging technology which pro-vides economical storage of and convenient access to, images from multiple sources)

• Automatedcareprotocols,ordersets,andembeddedqualitychecksstandardizedacrossalargesystem

These tele-health initiatives as well as a host of other information technologies have contributed enor-mously to the range and quality of care delivered in Brush, Colorado . Patients and medical professionals can enjoy the benefits of living in rural Colorado and enjoy access to state-of-the-art, high quality health care,thankstotele-health!

e-ICU or electronic intensive care unit uses state of the art technology to provide an additional layer of critical care service . Two-way cameras, video monitors, micro-phones and smart alarms connected by high speed data lines provide eICU caregivers, who are called intensivists, with real-time patient data around the clock . Intensivists can also communicate with on-site caregivers through dedicated telephone lines . This allows rural facilities to offer the same, high quality emergency care that you might find in a big city hospital – all through the wonders of technology .

Many patients with chronic disease return to the emer-gency room and the hospital time after time . Medical providers believe, that by standardizing the care of patients with chronic diseases, they can intervene before medical problems escalate . These protocols and care standards are based on evidence-based practices .

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During the past 20 years there has been a dramatic increase in the amount of Americans that are overweight or obese . Colorado is no exception . In the past two decades obesity among Colorado adults has more than doubled . As of 2012, almost 21 percent of Colorado adults were obese and more than

half were overweight.

What’s my healthy weight?

The most common way to determine if your weight is in a healthy range is to measure your Body Mass Index (BMI) . To calculate your BMI, all you need to know is your height and weight . The resulting number is an indicator of body fat and risk for obesity related health problems .

In 2012, 20.7% of

Colorado adults were obese.

Cutting the Fat The Obesity Epidemic

To your wallet

Almost 10 percent of all medical spending in the US is related to obesity . People who are obese spend almost $1,500 more annually on their health care than the non-obese . Additionally, worker absenteeism due to obesity is estimated at $4 .3 billion annually and lower worker productivity costs employers approximately $506 per obese employee per year .

To your health

Obesity is not just about the way you look or how your clothes fit, it also has serious health consequences . Obesity increases the risk for at least 20 health conditions, including diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, stroke, heart disease, and asthma . For example, research shows that as weight increases to reach the levels referred to as “overweight” “and “obese,” the risks of the following conditions also increase:

• Coronaryheartdisease

• Type2diabetes

• Cancers(endometrial,breast,andcolon)

• Hypertension(highbloodpressure)

• Dyslipidemia(forexample,hightotalcholesterolorhighlevelsoftriglycerides)

• Stroke

• Liverandgallbladderdisease

• Sleepapneaandrespiratoryproblems

• Osteoarthritis(adegenerationofcartilageanditsunderlyingbonewithin a joint)

• Gynecologicalproblems(abnormalmenses,infertility)

The costs of obesity…

1990 2000 2010 2020

Classification BMI Range

Underweight Below 18 .5

Healthy Weight 18 .5 – 24 .9

Overweight 25-29 .9

Obese Above 30

To calculate your BMI, visit

Another way to assess your weight is to measure your waist size . Excessive abdomi-nal fat also places you at greater risk for developing obesity-related conditions, such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease . Your waistline may be telling you that you have a higher risk of developing obesity-related conditions if you are:

• Amanwhosewaistcircumferenceismorethan40inches

• Anon-pregnantwomanwhosewaistcircumferenceismorethan35inches

If your BMI falls outside of the Healthy Weight range, or your waist size is larger than the measurements listed above, you may want to talk to your health care provider about how you might achieve a healthier body weight .

In 1990, 6.9% of

Colorado adults were obese.

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Take note• Diabetesistheseventhleadingcauseofdeathfromdiseaseinthe

United States .

• Adultswithdiabetesaretwotofourtimesmorelikelytohaveheartdisease or a stroke than adults without diabetes .

• Thoselivingwithdiabeteshaveanincreasedchanceofsufferingfromserious health complications such as kidney failure, lower-limb amputa-tions, & blindness .

• Preventivecarepracticeshavebeenshowntobeeffectivein decreasing new cases of diabetes and the progression of diabetes- related complications .

• Medicalexpensesforpeoplewithdiabetesaremorethantwotimeshigher than for people without diabetes .

Are you living with diabetes?The Diabetes Epidemic

The number of people with diabetes in this country is continuing to rise . More than 25 .8 million Americans are currently living with the disease . The burden of diabetes and the cost of treatment contribute to potentially preventable long-term complications such as heart disease, blindness, kidney disease, and

stroke . In order to prevent these long-term complications, people with diabetes should measure and control their blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure while receiving regular eye exams and urine tests . While the majority of the burden for get-ting these tests is on the individual, physicians should be directly engaging patients .

Know the ABCs of diabetes

HbA1c(diabetesonlybloodtest) • TheA1cbloodtestmeasuresyouraveragebloodglucosecontrolforthepast2to

3 months . • Testresultsareexpressedasapercentage,with4to6percentbeingnormalinmost

cases . A reasonable goal for many adults is less than 7 percent . • Allpatientswithdiabetesnotmeetingthegoalssetwiththeirphysicianshouldtest

their HbA1c levels quarterly . Every patient with diabetes should have their levels checked at least twice a year .

B lood pressure • Haveyourbloodpressurecheckedateveryroutineofficevisit.Ifyourbloodpressure

is high, have it checked again on a different day . • Topreventorreducehighbloodpressure,exerciseoften,avoidhighsodiumfoods,

drink alcoholic beverages in moderation, and find healthy ways to manage stress .

C holesterol • Everyone20yearsofageoroldershouldhavetheircholesterolcheckedatleastonce

every five years . Patients with diabetes should have their cholesterol checked every year . • Tomaintainhealthycholesterollevels,eatfoodslowinsaturatedfats,transfatsand

cholesterol .

D iet • Ahealthydietisrichinfruitsandvegetables,wholegrains,leanmeats,andpoultry. • Inmaintainingahealthydiet,avoidfoodswithaddedsugars,eatfish2-3timesa

week and limit dairy intake to fat-free and low fat dairy products . • Considerportionsizes.Eveneatingtoomuch“healthyfood”cancauseweightgain.

E xercise • Toincreaseyoureverydayexercise,takethesesmallsteps: • Adultsshouldaimfor30minutesofexerciseonmostdaysoftheweek. ➤ Use the stairs, instead of the elevator or escalator ➤ Park farther away from the office or store ➤ Work in the garden, clean out the garage, or mow the lawn ➤ Go for short evening walks ➤ With your physician’s permission, participate in activities like brisk walking,

aerobics classes, swimming, running, yoga, dance classes, and/or strength training .

• Tolearnmore,contactyourdoctor,healthplan,theAmericanDiabetesAssociation,or the American Heart Association .

What are the symptoms of diabetes?

Diabetes often goes unnoticed and undiagnosed . Early diagnosis may help prevent some of the complications of diabetes . If you have one or more of the symptoms below, see your doctor right away .

• Frequent urination • Unusual thirst • Extreme hunger • Unusual weight loss • Extreme fatigue and Irritability • Frequent infections

• Blurred vision • Cuts/bruises that are slow to heal • Tingling/numbness in the

hands/feet • Recurring skin, gum,

or bladder infections





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Pre-diabetes and the Diabetes Prevention Program

The obesity epidemic sweeping the nation is creating an alarming rise in pre-diabetes, a precursor to type 2 diabetes . The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) predicts that if the trend continues, one in three Americans could develop type 2 diabetes by 2050 .

Impact of pre-diabetes in Colorado

The CDC estimates over a third of Colorado adults and half of all adults aged 65 years and older have pre-diabetes . Without lifestyle changes to improve their health, between one-third and two-thirds of people with pre-diabetes are likely to develop type 2 diabetes within six years, compared to fewer than 5 percent of those with normal blood glucose .

The more than 200,000 Coloradans who already have diabetes know how serious it is . They deal with the constant monitoring of their condition, regular health emergencies and the risk of serious and costly health problems such as vision loss, lower limb amputations and kidney disease . The average medical costs for a person with diabetes are nearly twice those of a person without dia-betes, and the costs are more than four-fold for a person with diabetes-related complications compared to a person without diabetes .

Colorado Diabetes Prevention Program Advisory Group and Action Plan

In 2012, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) organized a group of stakeholders to address pre-diabetes-related policy issues . This advisory

group includes the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Finance (Medicaid), health systems, the Governor’s Office on Policy and Research, health plans, employers and community-based organizations . The advisory group’s five-year implementation plan includes the following goals:

1 . Achieve employer and health plan reimbursement for the Diabetes Prevention Program

2 . Increase awareness and referrals to the Diabetes Prevention Program

3 . Identify and train appropriate community-based organizations to provide the Diabetes Prevention Program

The Diabetes Prevention Program

The future described here doesn’t have to happen . There are proven strategies that can reverse the obesity epidemic and prevent the risk of diabetes . Early detection and treatment through increased physical activity and weight control could prevent most cases, saving health care costs and improving quality of life for those afflicted .

The Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) is a 16-week group based program taught by Lifestyle Coaches (para-professionals) at community-based

organizations, including but not limited to the YMCA of Metro Denver, the Center for African American Health, and the San Luis Valley Regional Medical Center . The DPP is based on clinical research trials led by the National Institutes for Health and the CDC . Participants in the study who lost 5 percent to 7 percent of their body weight and increased their physical activity to 150 minutes per week reduced their risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 58 percent . A 10-year follow up study showed reduced diabetes incidence of 34 percent in the program’s lifestyle group .

For more information or to find a community organization offering the program in your area, call 1-800-DIABETES or visit:

Call 1.800.DIABETES for class locations in your area

Sign up now for the Diabetes Prevention Program!

You are eligible for this program if you are overweight (BMI >24) and you have a history of gestational diabetes, have been diagnosed with pre-diabetes, or score 9 or higher on the following risk test:

Had a baby weighing more than 9 pounds? +1 Have a sister or brother with diabetes? +1 Have a parent with diabetes? +1 Are you overweight (BMI >24)? +5 Are you younger than 65 and do little or no exercise in a typical day? +5 Are you between 45 and 64? +5 Are you older than 65? +9 Your Score

Take Steps to Prevent Diabetes

Are you 9?

In Colorado, 1 person in 16 has diabetes.

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Heart Health

C ardiovascular disease is the single largest killer of Americans and Coloradans alike . In fact, every 34 seconds, an American suffers a coronary event, and about every minute an American dies from one .

Cardiovascular disease includes, but is not limited to the following: • Angina(chestpain) • Highbloodpressure(140/90) • Coronaryarterydisease • Myocardialinfarction(MIorheartattack) • HeartFailure • Stroke • Congenitalcardiovasculardefects

Tips to reduce your risk of heart disease: • Donotsmoke • Controlyourbloodpressure • Exerciseregularly • Eatahealthydiet • Maintainahealthyweight

Why high blood pressure matters

High blood pressure is known as the silent killer because it has no symptoms but has serious consequences if not controlled . 76 .4 million U .S . adults have been diagnosed with high blood pressure .

• 77percentofAmericanstreatedforafirststrokehavebloodpressureover140/90 .

• 69percentofAmericanswhohaveafirstheartattackhavebloodpressure over 140/90 .

• 74percentofAmericanswithcongestiveheartfailurehavebloodpressureover 140/90 .

Smokers have two to three times the risk of suffering coronary heart disease . In Colorado, someone dies every hour due to cardiovascular disease . Call 1-800-QUIT-NOW or visit coquitline .org .

This is a public service notice .

Take note

Systolic Diastolic

Normal Less than 120 mmHg Less than 80mmHg

At risk (prehypertension) 120–139 mmHg 80–89 mmHg

High 140 mmHg or higher 90 mmHg or higher

Blood Pressure

What you need to know about cholesterol

There are two types of cholesterol . It is very important for you to understand the dif-ference . Too much of one or not enough of the other can put you at risk for coronary heart disease or stroke . LDL is commonly referred to as the “bad” cholesterol . LDL has been linked to the formation of blockages or plaques that narrow the arteries, raise blood pressure, and make the heart work harder . HDL, on the other hand, is referred to as “good” cholesterol because it prevents formation of plaques with the arteries . Low LDL levels coupled with high HDL levels indicate a reduced risk of heart attack or stroke .


of all deaths in Colorado are caused by heart disease.

715,000 heart attacks occur in the

United States annually.

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Suggestions on disease management from a physician

1 . Follow up on your tests, because not all physicians have reliable systems to notify patients of results in a timely way .

2. Knowyournumbers!Whatistheoptimallevelforyourbloodpressure,yourcholesterol, and your blood sugar? What is your healthiest weight?

3 . If you are told you have diabetes, heart disease, or any other chronic health problem,findoutmore!Findahealtheducatororacaremanager,orseeifyouare eligible to join a disease management program through your health plan . You have questions; they have answers .

4 . Follow through with your health provider’s recommendations . Lose a few pounds, quit smoking, and get active . Take your medications exactly as prescribed . Go back to see your physician routinely, so you have the time to talk about managing your health, tracking your progress, getting preventive care as scheduled, and making changes in medications if necessary .

5 . Be persistent . A patient without a physician’s knowledge might make assumptions that could have proved deadly . You must be your own advocate .

Many health plans offer programs to their members with asthma, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, and other chronic conditions .

Through these programs you can learn to manage continuing health conditions so you stay active and avoid complications . Many plans will provide you with a case manager, a nurse, or a call-in number so you can talk to a health professional . You may use these resources to answer day-to-day questions that you may have such as:

• WhatdiseasesmaycausethesymptomsIhave?

• WhattestsmightIneed,orwhatdothesetestresultsmean?

• WhatarethesemedicationsandhowcanItakethemmosteffectively?

• WhendoIneedtoseemyphysicianagain?

• HowcanIchangemydailyactivitiessothatIcanstartfeelingbetter?

Your nurse or case manager can work directly with you and your doctor to design a plan that is right for you . Effective disease management programs are based on the best evidence and practices available in the medical literature .

How can disease management help my family member or me? Common benefits of disease management programs include: children missing fewer days of school, adults missing fewer days of work, and fewer complications from chronic conditions .

How can I get into a disease management program? Contact your health plan or your physician to learn more about these programs . Many of these programs are available to plan members at no cost .

How can I organize my health care information? Track your health and your health care services in an electronic personal health record . A personal health record can organize your medications, test results, and allergies into a private, personal, and accessible record .

For more information, call the Colorado Business Group on Health at 303-922-0939.

Disease management programs

Disease Management Programs

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Medical Home Matters1. Nielsen, M. et al. “Benefits of Implementing the PCMH: a Review of Cost and Quality Results.” Patient-Centered Primary Care Collaborative

September 2012.

2. Reid, R. J. et al. “The Group Health Medical Home at Year Two: Cost Savings, Higher Patient Satisfaction, and Less Burnout for Providers.” Health Affairs 2010;29(5):835-43.

3. Ehrenberger, D. “Cost Modeling of the PCMH (preliminary).” University of Utah; HealthTeamWorks, Personal communication. April 2013.

Cutting the fatAmerica’s Health Rankings. ”Colorado Obesity 1990-2012.”

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “Healthy Weight – It’s not a diet, it’s a lifestyle!”

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “Overweight and Obesity – Causes & Consequences.”

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “Overweight and Obesity – Data and Statistics.”

Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. “Overweight and Obesity.”

Finkelstein, EA, Trogdon, JG, Cohen, JW, and Dietz, W. “Annual medical spending attributable to obesity: Payer- and service-specific estimates.” Health Affairs 2009; 28(5): w822-w831.

Gates, DM et al. “Obesity and Presenteeism: The Impact of Body Mass Index on Workplace Productivity.” J Occup Environ Med. January 2008; 50(1): 39-45.

Are you living with diabetes?American Diabetes Association. “Diabetes Basics.”

American Diabetes Association. “Food & Fitness.”

American Diabetes Association. ”Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes – 2013.” Accessed from:

American Heart Association. “Why Diabetes Matters - Cardiovascular disease and diabetes.” Cardiovascular-Disease-Diabetes_UCM_313865_Article.jsp

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “National Diabetes Fact Sheet 2011”

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “Cholesterol Fact Sheet 2012.”

Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. “Diabetes - Data/Publications.”

Prediabetes & the Diabetes Prevention ProgramContent provided by the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment – Prevention Services Division

Heart HealthAmerican Heart Association. ”About Cholesterol.”

American Heart Association. “Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics – 2013 Update.”

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “Cholesterol Fact Sheet 2012.”

Centers for Disease Control & Prevention. “Blood Pressure Fact Sheet 2013.”

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “Heart Disease Fact Sheet.”

Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. “Heart Disease and Stroke – Data/Publications.”

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Why Employers Need to Collaborate to Improve Health Care

Colorado ranks high on many health indicators, yet health care costs are not lower in Colorado . Every dollar spent on “not helpful” health care detracts from our core business’ missions . Virtually every employer has a

common need for community care to improve . However, no individual employer or health plan, regardless of size, can effectively create or incentivize sustainable improvements at the community level by themselves . Employers, working together, are in the best position to engage providers to make these changes.

The Colorado Business Group on Health (CBGH) has been working for 17 years to improve health care, improve health, and lower health costs in Colorado . CBGH is an employer led non-profit organization that is the state-wide leader in improving the value of health care for Colorado employers and their employees through education, practical purchas-ing tools and innovative programs . CBGH occupies a unique position in the health care conversation because it is directly involved with helping employers understand the issues and implement practical solutions .

My community of Boulder almost always ranks near the top of national and state health rankings, but clearly that is not enough to keep health costs under control . In my organiza-tion, Boulder Valley School District (BVSD), the success of our efforts to improve health care, improve health, and reduce health costs directly impacts our ability to provide a high quality education for all students . A ten percent increase in health care cost means thirty fewer teachers in BVSD .

Even though each employer has unique needs based on its unique employee population, and employers have to address individual needs in a way that works for their culture, our district’s involvement with CBGH has been critical to success-fully managing our health care costs . We cannot simply cost shift our way out of this challenge .

The overarching objective is engaged employees with access to better, safer, well-coordinated, and less-expensive health care . Employees, providers, health plans, consultants, and employers all play a part in coordinating efforts for a better functioning healthcare system . Physicians and hospitals in

Bob Jamieson, President, Colorado Business Group on Health

Director of Benefits, Boulder Valley School District

Boulder Valley have shown great leadership in collaborat-ing with each other in diverse and independent practices to develop a more coordinated health care delivery system and have developed an organized structure, the Boulder Valley Care Network (BVCN), to help facilitate improvement . In order to be successful, these efforts require an extra level of com-mitment by our physicians and hospital leaders and direct involvement by local employers .

BVCN and integrated Physician Network (iPN) physician, Dr . David Ehrenberger, use the phrase— “All and only the care that a patient should receive” to describe this new, patient-centered stewardship of healthcare services—in a value based context rather than the current system that simply rewards more care . Working together with other employers allows our community to start to develop common quality standards, sustainable improvement measures and new pay-ment models .

We have a long way to go to connect some of these dots, but we have made significant progress, and we need your voice .

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Creating a State of Quality




•Toengageyouremployeesandconsumersabouttheimportanceofqualityinthepurchasing decision

•Tounitetogetherinjointpurchasingprojectswithotheremployersinordertolever-age purchasing opportunities and our influence on the health care market

•Tocollaborate,prioritize,andleveragethoseinitiativesthathavethegreatestimpacton health care cost management and quality


We engage the health care marketplace through leadership and active participation, driving positive change to address quality and realize savings .

Here’s how we are doing this:





•Providingdataabouthighperformingprovidersandhospitalssolowerperformingentitiesare inspired to improve

•Focusingonkeystrategiesformanagingcostsuchaswellness,demandmanagement,and incentive design; developing incentives and benefits focused on rewarding quality

•Advancinguseoftechnologytoreduceredundancy,increasequality,improvepatientoutcomes, and engage employees in their own health




What does CBGH do? Why should employers join CBGH?

Your partners in quality

The Colorado Business Group on Health is a non-profit coalition representing large purchasers of one of your most important benefits—health care services . By working together, we can assure that consumers have the best possible information on health care quality . CBGH and Colorado health plans have been working on the “big picture” of health care quality since 1996 . Health care is a service that is delivered locally; therefore the only way to successfully incorporate value-driven principles is to act locally .•[email protected] 303-922-0939

Members Boards of Education Self-funded TrustBoulder Valley School DistrictCity of Colorado SpringsColorado Public Employees’

Retirement Association (PERA)Colorado Springs School District 11Colorado Springs UtilitiesElward Systems CorporationPoudre School DistrictSt . Vrain Valley School District Thule Organizational SolutionsTIAA-CREFUniversity of Colorado

Association membersDenver Metro Chamber of CommerceMountain States Employers CouncilRocky Mountain Healthcare CoalitionSouth Metro Denver Chamber

of Commerce

Affiliate membersAetna AspenPointeAstraZenecaCentura HealthCNIC Health Solutions Colorado Foundation for Medical CareColorado Permanente Medical GroupColorado Springs Health Partners Craig HospitalEthicon Endo-Surgery

(part of Johnson & Johnson)

Foothills Health Solutions integrated Physician Network (iPN) Jefferson Center for Mental Health Memorial Health SystemMerck & Co ., Inc .New West Physicians, P .C .Penrose–St . Francis Health ServicesPfizer, Inc .Rocky Mountain Cancer CentersSanofi USThe Denver Hospice

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For the average person, finding quality health care can be a daunting task . Where can a person find information to help them select a high quality doctor, hospital or health plan?

The Colorado Business Group on Health created the Colorado Health Matters Quality Reports to deliver concise and objective information on what matters most to health care consumers .

Colorado Health Matters Quality Report: Health Plans aids in evaluating health plans by presenting key information for Colorado plans in a comparative, graphical, and numerical format .

Colorado Health Matters Quality Report: Physicians recognizes those Colorado physicians that work on improving the health of their patients and gives guid-ance on what a consumer can do to proactively improve his or her health . Colorado Health Matters Quality Report: Hospitals ranks Colorado hospitals based on national hospital quality, safety, and efficiency standards .

When read together, Colorado Health Matters Quality Reports leaves a Coloradan with the know-how to make informed decisions regarding his or her health care . Please view our library of Colorado Health Matters Quality Reports at www .ColoradoHealthOnline .org .
