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1 토요행복학교에서 멘토와 멘티는 만납니다. 함께 공부하고, 함께 뛰놀며 배우고 성장합니다. 대원국제중학교 대원·마천 토요행복학교 2014학년도를 돌아보며

2014 Daewon Saturday Happy School

Apr 07, 2016



Hyunji Park

2014학년도 대원토요행복학교 갈무리 책자 e-book입니다. =)
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토요행복학교에서멘토와 멘티는 만납니다. 함께 공부하고, 함께 뛰놀며 배우고 성장합니다.

행복함계나누는재단� �B�R�A�N�D� �I�D�E�N�T�I�T�Y

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대원·마천 토요행복학교2014학년도를 돌아보며

Page 2: 2014 Daewon Saturday Happy School


목 차

감사 의 말

2 0 14 학 년 도 대 원 토 요행 복 학교 와 함 께 한 이 들

2 0 14 학 년 도 멘토링 프 로 그램

멘토들의 영 어 교육 봉 사 일 지

멘토 와 멘 티 ‘ 가르침 과 배 움 을 돌 아보며 ’

멘 티 가 멘토에 게 ‘ 마 음 에 쓰 는 편 지 ’

Page 3: 2014 Daewon Saturday Happy School


‘행복함께나누는재단’이 외국어 영재 교육의 요람인 대원국제중학교, 대원외국어고등학교와 키

출판사가 함께 한 ‘토요행복학교’ 1년의 과정이 그 끝을 맺고, 보고서를 발간합니다. 과정을 기획하

고 실천한 대원국제중학교의 관계자들과 과정에 참여한 멘토와 멘티, 그리고 후원해주신 키출판

사 관계자분들 모두에게 감사의 인사를 드립니다.

때로는 잃지 않으면, 얻을 수 없는 경우가 있습니다. ‘토요행복학교’에 참가한 멘토와 멘티들은

아마도 서로가 함께한 과정들 속에서 이 점을 경험했을 것입니다. 남들은 다 쉬는 주말에 시간을

내는 일이 쉬운 일이 아니었겠지만, 멘티들은 좋은 친구와 선배를 얻고, 멘토들은 그들을 돕는 시

간들 속에서 보람을 얻고, 때로는 능력의 한계에 부딪히고 그 한계를 넘어서기 위한 노력 속에서

성장을 얻었을 것입니다.

끝으로 한 일화를 통해 ‘토요행복학교’에 대한 개인적인 소망을 피력하며, 인사말을 마치려고 합

니다. 사우디아라비아의 ‘하일’시 거리에 하루는 냉장고가 등장했답니다. 그 냉장고는 동네 주민이

설치해 놓은 것이었는데, 남은 음식을 넣어두면, 배고픈 누군가가 가져다 먹을 수 있도록 하기 위

함이었습니다. 그리고 그 냉장고는 음식을 가져가는 사람만큼 음식을 두고 가는 사람이 많아 항

상 음식물로 가득찬 ‘나누는 냉장고’가 되었답니다. ‘토요행복학교’가 ‘나누는 냉장고’처럼 나눌 재

능이 넘치고, 또 그 재능을 이용할 사람들이 끊이지 않는 곳이 되었으면 합니다. ‘행복함께나누는

재단’에 대한 사랑과 관심 그리고 후원에 다시 한 번 거듭 감사드립니다.

2014. 12

감사의 말

행복함께나누는재단 이사장 이원희 박사

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대원토요행복학교와 함께한 이들

멘토단 대원국제중학교 멘토 51명

강다현 강승원 강지영 구나현 권민경 김 린 김보경 김소연 김수빈 김영경 김유정

김원강 김윤아 김장욱 김지윤 남지윤 남창훈 도현지 류한별 박수빈 박수진 백승준

손서연 손예지 신동하 신여은 심소연 안하람 양윤석 오유선 오현주 유지권 윤다은

이도엽 이소영 이수현 이주연 이중현 이하은 임경민 임지영 장채연 전호연 정예진

조은경 조은아 최서연 최윤정 하지수 함수정 홍승연

대원외국어고등학교 멘토 4명

김진재 백세미 이재림 최승훈

멘티들 멘티 41명

김동현 김민서 김민지 김성민 김지성 김 찬 김태준 노성은 명서연 박유정 배준환

서예진 서은규 송하윤 신미르 신승헌 신호제 윤주영 우승현 이사라 이지성 이지영

임정다현 장서진 장현지 전주영 정민우 정민영 정은서 정혜연 조현찬 조형빈 조호윤

주유빈 차나경 차용준 차은준 천예슬 허수연 함서연 황도연

선생님 전지영 부장 선생님 박현지 선생님 김재홍 선생님 문진완 선생님 박수정 선생님

이향숙 선생님 Mr. Cook Mr. Fallon Mr. Moessinger Mr. McDonald

Mr. Paul Treanor

후원해 주신 분들 

운영비 후원 교과서 후원  

행복함계나누는재단� �B�R�A�N�D� �I�D�E�N�T�I�T�Y

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2014학년도 멘토링





화합을 이루는 활동

Page 6: 2014 Daewon Saturday Happy School


영여교육 봉사일지-개강식


김원강처음 내 멘티인 호제를 만났을 때, 전혀 나를 어색하게 대

해주지 않고 자신의 이야기를 솔직하게 말해주어서 상당

히 많이 친해졌다. 호제의 영어 실력을 판단하기 위해서 간

단한 시험을 봤는데, 단어의 뜻은 아는데 그 단어를 어떻

게 발음해야 될지를 모르는 것 같아서 앞으로의 수업시간

에는 먼저 문장이나 단어를 읽게 하고 그 다음에 해석을

시켜야겠다는 생각을 했다. 약 1시간 동안 이야기해본 결

과, 공부에 대한 열의가 있고 욕심도 있어 수업을 잘 진행

할 수 있겠다고 생각했다.


신동하3월 29일 내 멘티 용준이와의 첫 만남이 있었다. 초등학교

6학년이라고 했는데, 그러기엔 너무 귀여워 보였다. 하지

만 얘기를 해보니까 귀여운 이미지와는 다르게 상당히 똑

똑한 아이였다. 꿈도 건축학과로 확실히 정해져 있었고,

또한 IMF와 같이 우리 나라의 사회에 대해 알고 있는 것도

많았다. 거기다가 우리가 배우는 MIE 수학책을 보여달라

해서 보여줬더니, 재밌다면서 읽고 있다. 내가 용준이한테

배울 것도 참 많을 것 같다.

멘토들은 영어교육일지를 작성하며 오늘을 돌아보고 다음 멘토링을 준비해왔습니다.

영어교육 봉사 일지에는 1년 동안 땀 흘린 노력의 흔적과 소소한 추억이 담겨있습니다.

소중히 만나온 멘토와 멘티의 정성에 감사합니다.

영어교육 봉사 일지


Page 7: 2014 Daewon Saturday Happy School


4/5 강지영내가 나의 꿈을 정하게 되고 공부를 열심히 하게 된 나이

가 4학년이었기에 4학년인 예쁘고 착한 아이를 만나서 너

무나도 행복하였다. 지영이는 수학을 제일 좋아하고 영어

실력은 또래와 비슷하고 항상 최선을 다하는 편이었다. 지

영이를 가르치면서 알게 된 점은 지영이가 발음하는 것을

어려워한다는 점과 알고 있는 영어단어가 많이 없다는 점

이다. 또 특이하게도 숙제가 많았으면 좋다고 하였다. 그

만큼 지영이는 영어 실력을 높이고 싶다는 의지가 강한 것

이라고 생각된다. 그래서 다음에는 더 많이 준비해야겠다

고 생각했다.

4/12 오현주복습을 통해 다현이의 기억력을 되살려 보도록 노력했다.

또 예습을 시킴으로써 이번 멘토링이 원활하게 진행되도록

하였다. 나날이 수업을 할수록 다현이의 영어에 대한 호감

이 높아지는 것 같아서 기분이 좋았다.

5/31 김장욱오늘은 농작물 재배와 관련된 영어 지문을 태준이와 함께

읽었다. 전에 비해 조금 더 심화된 단어들과 문장구조들

이 나와서 그런지 태준이가 많이 힘들어하였다. 그래서 수

업 중간 중간에 웃긴 얘기도 많이 해주고 지난 일주일동

안 있었던 일들도 얘기해주었다. 태준이는 거의 매일 수영

을 친구들과 하는 듯 했다. 또 굉장히 노는 것을 좋아하는

것 보면 나와 비슷한 면도 상당히 많은 것 같았다. 수업 시

간에는 다양한 단어들을 중심으로 공부를 하였는데 태준

이는 harvest, agriculture, grain, crops, grind 단어들을

잘 못 외우는 듯 했다. 그래서 grind 같은 경우에는 한국

말로 “갈다” 이기 때문에 gr로 시작하는 단어를 생각해봐

라는 식으로 암기를 도와주었다. 다음주에 다시 한번 서프

라이즈 테스트를 봐야할 듯 하다.

6/14 조은아세계 여러 나라의 축제에 대해 수업을 잘 끝마쳤다. 멘티

들 모두 질문에 대답도 잘하고 경청도 잘하고 집중도 잘해

서 너무 고마웠다. 생애 첫 수업을 한 느낌은 매우 설레면

서 뿌듯했다. 이런 기회는 흔하지 않은데, 특히 지금 우리

나이에 누군가를 가르친다는 것을 생각하기 어려운데 나

에게 이런 기회가 주어져서 너무 고맙게 생각한다.

7/5 김수빈성은이가 나에게 편지를 주었다. 오늘은 집안 사정 때문에

일찍 가야 한다고 하더니 나에게 고양이 그림이 그려있는

예쁜 편지지 봉투를 건네준다. 너무 감격한 나머지 고맙다

는 인사도 제대로 못했다. 성은아, 대원토요행복학교 하반

기 프로그램에 참가하게 된다면 우리 서로 멘토/멘티가 아

니어도 반갑게 인사하자~ 네가 하고자 하는 모든 일이 잘

풀리기를 기도할게! 너의 꿈을 응원한다 :)

영여교육 봉사일지-영어멘토링


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7/5 백승준1교시는 먼저, 하지 못한 발표수업을 하는 날이었다. 지연

이 된 만큼 기대도 많이 했

는데, 후배 멘토들이 정말

잘 해주었다. 내용도 지금까

지 배운 내용의 연장선에 있

어서 한 학기동안 통일성 있

게 발표수업을 한 것 같다. 2

교시에는 1학기 종강식을 하

였는데, 1학기 때의 수업을

듣고, 가르친 소감을 돌아가

면서 듣는 시간이었다. 모든

멘토, 멘티가 자신의 생각을

말했고, 숫기 없어 보이던 멘

티도 보람찼다는 말을 하였고, 나에게는 이것이 소소한 감

동으로 다가왔다. 내 멘티 준한이도, 영어에 자신감이 생겼

다는 말을 하였는데, 이 말이 기쁘기도 하였고, 이 말은 결

정적으로 내가 멘토링을 그만두지 못하고, 2학기 때 더 잘

가르쳐야겠다는 책임감을 주었다.

7/5 윤다은첫 번째 시간에는 혜연이와 함께 워드퀴즈를 풀었다. 여

름과 관련된 것이었는데, 모든 퀴즈를 다 풀자 ‘Happy

summer vacation’이라는 말이 나왔다. 그 말을 보니, 이

제 혜연이와 나, 모두에게 여름 방학이 다가왔다는 사실

이 새삼 느껴졌다. 나는 혜연이에게 해와 달 중 어떤 것이

더 좋은지 영어로 물었고 혜연이는 해가 노래서 더 행복해

보이기 때문에 해를 좋아하지만, 만약 살아야한다면 시원

한 달에서 살겠다고 대답했다. 혜연이가 어느덧 자신의 영

어를 더 수월하게 구사하며, 내 앞에서 작은 유머도 보여줄

수 있다는 것이 뿌듯했다. 처음에는 많이 부끄러워하고 고

개만 끄덕였지만, 날이 갈수록 영어로 더 많이 말하기 시작

했고, 오늘은 더 발전된 모습

을 보여준 것이다. 그 뿐만이

아니라, 혜연이가 나에게 감

사 편지를 주었는데, 그 감

사 편지에는 혜연이뿐만 아

니라 어머니의 편지까지 들

어 있어서 놀라웠다. 나의 재

능을 이용하여 많은 사람들

에게 큰 기쁨을 주고 그들이

나에게 정말 고마워한다는

사실이 신기하면서도 어느덧

내 자신이 자랑스러웠고 앞으

로도 이런 기회가 온다면 망설이지 않고 자원할 것이라고


8/30 오유선1학기 첫 수업과는 달랐다. 오리엔테이션과 같이 특별히

따로 모두 만나는 자리 없이 각자 자기 반으로 들어가 1대

1 수업을 했다. 4반을 들어가자마자 먼저 온 서진이가 보

였고 우린 허그를 한 뒤, 아무 서먹함이나 거리낌 없이 바

로 방학얘기를 시작했다. 재잘재잘 서로의 이야기를 들

어주고 하나둘씩 1학기 때 보았던 교재를 꺼내놓았다.

Writing부분에선 My Best Friend라는 주제로 paragraph

를 썼었고 내가 고쳐준 상태였다. 너무나 오래 전 쓴 글이

기에 숙제로 다시쓰기를 내주면 벌써 다 까먹은 상태에서

어느 부분을 왜 고쳐줬는지 잘 모를 것 같아 내가 옆에 있

을 때 다시쓰기를 시켰다. 서진이는 생각보다 빨리 쓰스슥

영여교육 봉사일지-영어멘토링

Page 9: 2014 Daewon Saturday Happy School


한 페이지를 다시 채워나갔다. 내가 그 전에 Essay 형식을

알려주고 연습할 기회가 없었어서 그런지 서진이는 다시쓰

기를 하며 paragraph와 essay 사이의 애매모호한 글을

써내 내게 웃으며 보여주었

다. 풉 웃음이 나왔고 essay

를 쓰려했던 것이라는 것을

듣고 난 서진이가 고쳐 쓴

My Best Friend를 완전한

essay형식으로 바꾸는 것을

도와주었다. 다시 쓰는 것을

숙제로 내주고 의외의 창의

적인 아이디어들에 가득 찬

서진이를 기특해하며 칭찬하

자 간식이 들어왔고 수업이

끝났다. 오랜만에 또 다시 한

번의 신선한 충격이었다. 우리가 얼마나 빨리 하루하루 달

라지고 성장하고 있는지, 이런 배움과 가르침이 얼마나 좋

은 것인지 느꼈다. 다 다음 주엔 임경민이 전체 수업을 할

것이며 난 서진이와 미국 남부의 흑인 인권 운동에 대해 읽

고 공부할 것이다. 서진이가 대견하다.

9/13 유지권은지가 좋아한다는 게임 Minecraft 중심으로 수업을 진행

할 것이다. 블록과 다양한 무기, 아이템 등의 이름을 영어

로 알게 할 것이다. 게임의 액션 작면 등을 찍어서 은지한

테 케릭터가 뭘 하고 있는지 영어로 설명할 예정이다. 또

한, 저번 수업에 이해가 잘안 간다는 집합 명사를 더 설명

해 줄 예정이다.

9/20 김영경하윤이가 아직 영어 책을 시작을 못했다고 해서 내가 계획

했던 것은 할 수 없었다. 그래서 그것은 다음에 하자고 하

고 이번 주에는 원래 쓰던 교재로 독해, 발음을 연습하고

모르는 단어들을 가르쳐 주는 것에 초점을 맞추어서 수업

을 했다. 그리고 멘티들과 체육활동을 하면서 멘티들을 조

금이나마 더 알 수 있는 계기가 된 것 같아서 좋았다.

9/20 오현주교과서와 원서를 병행했다.

원서는 추리 소설같은 내용

을 읽었다. 다현이를 이해시

키기 위해서 모르는 단어도

많이 알려주고 이해가 안가

는 문장이 있으면 다른 문장

으로 재해석해서 알려주기

도 했다. 원서라서 미국아이

들의 문화에 맞춰져 있는 내

용이라서 그랬는지 나도 어

떤 부분은 이해가 안 갔지만 최대한 그 뜻을 알려고 노력


10/25 전호연오늘 20분동안 보려고 했던 시험을 무려 50분동안이나 봐

서 다른 일을 아무것도 하지 못했다. 다만 오늘 지성이가 정

말 80점을 넘었다!(비록 내가 힌트를 뿌려주기는 했지만)그

래서 내가 문화상품권을 주고, 앞으로는 85점이 문상획득의

기준이라고 말해주었다.

11/15 도현지멘토링 수업이 이제 정말 얼마 남지 않았다는 것이 실감이

나지 않는다. 사라를 처음 만났던 때가 아직도 어제 일처

럼 생생한데 한 해가 지나서 나는 중학교 3학년이, 그리고

사라는 6학년이 되어서 헤어질 수도 있다는 생각에 많이


영여교육 봉사일지-영어멘토링

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11/15 이수현오늘은 나 자신에게 정말 뿌듯했던 점이 주영이와 정말 많

이 친해졌다는 생각이 들었기 때문이다. 1학기 초반에만

해도 주영이와 무슨 얘기를 해야 할지 잘 몰라서 불편하고

어려웠는데 이제는 주영이와 자연스럽게 대화도 하고 우리

가 무엇을 공통적으로 좋아하는지도 많이 알게 되었다. 오

늘이 지금까지 했던 수업 중에서 주영이가 제일 많이 웃었

던 수업인 것 같아서 많이 뿌듯하고 기뻤다. 영어 실력뿐만

아니라 멘티와의 친밀도가 오른 것도 나에게는 몹시 큰 성

과라고 생각한다.

11/22 신여은오늘도 아쉽게 시험을 보지 못하였다. 그 이유는 안하람

의 발표(?)였던 영화 상영 때문이였다. 물론, 수업이나 시험

을 보지 못한 아쉬움이 있긴 했지만, 재밌고 코믹한 영화인

“Mr. Popper’s Penguins”를 보며 활짝 웃고 재밌어 하던 성

민이의 얼굴을 생각하면 나도 절로 미소가 나온다. 성민이가

영화를 보면서 중간 중간에 다음에 뭐가 나올 것 같다는 말

들도 해주었는데, 나도 그 말에 덫붙여서 직접예측해 보기

도 하면서 여러모로 즐거운 시간을 보냈던 것 같다.

12/6 김윤아오늘은 선배님 두 분께서 먼저 수업을 진행하셨는데, ‘잘못

은 우리 별에 있어(The Fault is in our star)’라는 책에 관

한 내용과 탄생석(birthstone)에 관한 내용 두 가지였다.

서연이가 굉장히 집중해서 듣고, 특별히 자신의 생일이 있

는 달인 11월의 탄생석에 관한 이야기를 들을 때 노트에

적으려고 하는 적극성까지 보여 멘토로서 기분이 좋았다.

아쉽게도 오늘은 1대1 수업을 하지 않고 jtbc에서 방송하

는 ’비정상회담‘을 보았는데, 서연이는 매우 흥미를 가지며

즐겁게 시청하여 나까지 즐거웠던 것 같다. 내가 앞으로 서

연이의 직접적인 멘토가 될 날이 얼마 안 남았지만 서연이

의 마음 한 구석에 희미하게라도 내가 훌륭한 멘토로 남아

있었으면 좋겠다.

영여교육 봉사일지-영어멘토링

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4/26 이중현1시간은 수업 시간으로, 나머지는 전부 체육대회였다. 1시

간 동안에는 여러 단어들을 배웠는데, 원래 마인크래프트

가 영어 기반 게임이라서 그런지 은준이도 이 게임을 하긴

하는데 어떤 게 어떤 건지를 헷갈려 하고 있었다. 하지만

조금 알려주고 이해를 시켜 주니까 곧잘 하였다. 의성어와

그림에 곧잘 반응하고 있었다. 발음 교정도 예상 외로 빨

리 끝났다. 이제 r과 l의 발음을 구별할 줄 알게 되었다. 아

마도, 열심히 공부한 아이에게는 상이 있을 거라는 말이

맞는 것 같다. 수업이 끝나자마자 체육대회였다. 나는 감

독 및 심판 역할을 하고 있었다. 그것도 버려져있던 상자들

을 쌓고 앉아서 말이다. 계속 양쪽 팀원들을 코칭하고 있

었다. 진짜 이번 체육대회 이후로 목이 죽은 것 같다. 아

무튼, 아주 즐거운 시간이 되었다. 은준이에게도 축구실력

을 발휘할 수 있는 기회가 된 것 같다.(걔한테 들은 이야기

인데, 이번에 중곡문화센터 축구친선대회에서 우승했다고

한다, 장하다!)

영여교육 봉사일지-짝꿍체육활동


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5/24 조은경본격적으로 레크레이션을 하기에 앞서 각 조의 조장을 뽑

는 시간을 가졌다. 처음에 조장으로 지목되었을 때 부담스

러웠지만 내가 적극적인 모습을 보여야 예진이도 적극적으

로 참여할 수 있을 거라고 생각해서 조장을 맡게 되었다.

많은 멘티, 멘토들과 함께 몸으로 부딪히면서 활동을 해보

니 더욱 가까워진 것 같아 좋았고 뜻깊은 시간이었던 것 같


5/24 이도엽레크리에이션은 생각보다 훨씬 즐거웠다. 특히, 다른 멘토

들과 멘티들 6명과 함께 이룬 우리 4조는 정말 미르 덕분

에 우승을 만끽할 수 있어 더욱 즐거운 활동이 될 수 있었

다. 무대에 올라가 춤도 추고, 노래도 부르고, 퀴즈도 맞

추고, 림보도 모두가 놀랄 만큼 유연하게 잘 하는 미르가

정말 자랑스러웠다. 그동안 앉아서 1:1 수업으로만 소통

한 미르의 숨은 잠재력은 끝도 없는 것 같다. 무엇보다 땀

을 흘리면서 열심히 활동에 임하는 모습과 크게 웃음짓는

미르의 얼굴이 이 세상 무엇보다 보기 좋았다. 미르야, 오

늘 정말 잘했어. 형이 미르 계속 속으로 응원할게! 파이팅


영여교육 봉사일지-화합을 이루는 활동

화합을 이루는 활동

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영여교육 봉사일지-원어민 특강

원어민 특강

5/10 안하람정말 재미있었던 수업이었다. 첫 번째로 FALLON 선생님이

들어오셔서 슈퍼히어로와 관련되어 있는 수업을 하였다.

내 멘티인 은규는 수업을 좋아했고 영웅 색칠 놀이도 했었

는데 은규가 색칠 놀이에서 일등을 해서 작은 선물을 받아

좋아했다. 두 번째 수업은 moessinger 선생님이 들어오셨

다. 빙고와 컴퓨터 게임을 했다.

빙고와 컴퓨터 게임에서는 이기지 못했지만 정말 좋아했

다. 은규가 좋아하는 것을 알게되었고 은규와 더친해질수


6/21 남지윤이번 수업은 원어민 특강이었다. 첫 수업은 Mr. Fallon 선

생님께서 진행하셨고 인체의 여러 부분에 대하여 배웠다.

은서는 shoulder같은 8글자짜리 단어들에서는 끙끙 거렸

고 많이 도와주어야했다. 두 번째 시간에는 Mr. Mac 선생

님께서 수업을 하셨다. 수업내용은 Mr. Fallon 선생님은

여러 동작들을 사용하고 풀 프린트 물 같은 것을 이용해서

흥미로웠고 Mr. Mac 선생님은 동영상을 보고 자연스럽게

보이는 것을 영어로 말하고 재미있는 ‘자기 등 뒤의 사진의

인물의 이름 알아맞히기’ 놀이를 해서 즐거웠다. 내 등 뒤

의 인물은 가수 비로 결국 못 맞췄다. 이번 수업은 은서가

영어를 재미로 받아들였던 수업같았다.

10/18 손예지서연이와 많은 수업을 함께해서 원어민 선생님들이 굉장히

친한데, 그래서 수업이 더욱 재미있었던 것 같다. 모씽어

선생님은 할로윈에 대해서 수업을 하셨다. 할로윈의 trick

or treating과 costumes 같은 여러 가지 풍습들에 대해서

말씀을 하셨고, 맥 선생님께서는 여러 가지 동물들을 소개

하며 그 동물들의 신체 부분에 대해서 이야기하셨다. 서연

이와 똑같은 내용의 수업을 한 번 했다고 하셨다. 그래서

그런지 서연이도 수업에 힘내서 참여했고, 사탕을 받았다.

서연이가 사탕을 받고 알수 없는 미소로 나에게 사탕을 건

내줘서 기뻐하며 입에 넣었는데, 알고보니 아주 신 맛의 사

탕이어서 끝까지 먹기 힘들 정도였다. 서연이와 즐겁게 웃

으며 수업을 마무리했다.

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권민경오늘 성은이가 학교 일 때문에 오지 못해서 내가 한번도

보지 못한 한 남자 멘티와 함께 수업을 들었다. 다시 토요

행복학교를 처음 시작할 때 같이 서먹하고 말을 꺼내기 무

서웠지만 책임감으로 수업을 진행하려고 했다. 다행히 낮

선 멘토인 나의 말도 잘 따라주고 수업내용도 잘 이해해주

었다. 그래도 성은이가 오지 못해 아쉬웠다. 할로윈 다음

날이어서 줄 초콜릿 선물도 가져와서 더 아쉬웠지만, 이번

에 새로 알게 된 멘티에게 그 초콜릿을 대신 주었다. 초콜

릿을 받고 멘티가 “고마워”라고 말할 때 가끔씩 새 멘티와

수업을 하는 것도 그렇게 나쁘진 않다는 생각도 들었다.

11/29 오현주마지막 원어민 수업을 진행했다. 곧 크리스마스여서 다현

이가 크리스마스 카드를 만들었다. 부모님께 정성스레 편

지를 쓰는데 영어로 쓰는 거였기 때문에 많은 도움이 필요

했다. 선생님께서 나눠주신 몇가지 표현들을 적절하게 사

용해가면서 편지지도 꾸몄다. 또 시간 표현들

도 배웠다. 심화 표현인 a quarter to~ 도 잘 습득하는 것


영여교육 봉사일지-원어민 특강

원어민 특강

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영여교육 봉사일지-수료식


12/20 이수현오늘 발표한 친구가 birthstones랑 <The Fault In Our

Stars>라는 책에 대해서 수업을 하였다. birthstones는

생일과 관련된 것이어서 몹시 흥미로웠고, <The Fault In

Our Stars>는 내가 제일 좋아하는 책 중 하나라서 수업이

재미있었다. 두 번째 시간에는 오늘이 마지막 날이라서 다

같이 영화를 보고 과자를 먹고 음료수를 마시며 즐거운 시

간을 보냈다. 멘토링이 벌써 끝났다는 것이 믿기지 않고,

너무 아쉽다.

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When I close my eyes and recall my memories of the past, I have always been proud of myself when I gave someone, perhaps my family, friends, or neighbor hope and courage. Fortunately enough, I had a chance to teach a mentee this year, and it gave me a feeling of pleasure and astonishment. On the other hand, I also felt worried about me, thinking if I could help my mentee a lot for a year. Finally, I met my mentee Seo hyun for the first time, and she was a small little girl with a great smile. At first, I couldn’t know what to do; my heart began to beat fast and my legs were trembling anxiously. I really wanted to have fun, but I didn’t have the guts to speak to her. I just couldn’t believe the absurd situation happening between the two of us! However, as time passed, my worries turned into happiness and joy. Every Saturday morning, thinking of Seo hyun made my heart flutter with great excitement. She came early every day, waited me to come, and greeted me with a big smile. She was a shy little girl, so I had some difficulties when there were activities as singing, dancing, drawing, or presenting with her. So it was my job to encourage her and tell her to defeat the fear of standing in front of people. That caused Seo Hyun to change into a bright, active girl as time passed by. Seo hyun was not only a positive, warm-hearted girl, but she had great capacity on studying. The only thing she needed to improve was vocabulary and sentence analyzing skills. I decided to focus on reading passages in a book, and talk about the story and some vocabularies I wanted her to know. She decided herself to practice writing down a list of words she learned that day several times. Her actions made me feel proud as a mentor, and they were truly praiseworthy. She participated actively, and that made me even more desperate to build great relationship with her forever.I’ll never forget my mentoring experience with Seo hyun, and I hope she won’t, too. My teacher once said that life is all about meeting others and building good relationship with them. I think this is true, because even though from now on I’m not a mentor who helps Seo hyun directly, I will always be her heart and encourage her every time she is in trouble. I hope Seo hyun will be able to meet great people in the future which will affect her positively. This valuable experience changed me greatly, too. I learned from Seo hyun how to respect others and listen carefully when they are speaking. Seo hyun, thank you for your enthusiasm for English! It was great to teach you, and I’ll never forget you!

김윤아대원국제중학교 1학년

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Today marks two years of mentoring, one year at Daewon International Middle School, and the second at Macheon Youth Center. 2014 has been a complete blur, but one of the most memorable experiences I have ever had occurred right inside the Macheon Youth Center building, with two remarkable kids named Hoyun and Minji.When I first met Hoyun, I thought it would take some time for him to warm up to me because he seemed so shy. I was wrong. After just one day of basic self-introduction, we became good friends. Hoyun turned out to be really outgoing, especially when it comes to games. We even had our own so-called tradition; we would each bring one of our favorite books every week, switch, and read. He didn’t actually read the books I brought, of course. He just skimmed through the pages, looking for words that he could understand. I think Hoyun was fascinated by the thought that I could read books like these and wanted to someday be able to read thick and advanced books like Harry Potter himself. I could tell he was in this program not because someone forced him to participate, but because he really loved studying English, the way he would give everything into the mentoring sessions.My second mentee, Minji, didn’t feel like a student to me at all. Instead, she felt like a younger sister. Someone who looked up to me, someone who made me feel as if I had to set a good example. Going to the youth center every Saturday did not feel like volunteer work anymore; it was like going to meet a friend. Mentoring sessions with Minji involved a lot of laughing out loud, because it was so fun. I remember what she said to me when we saw eachother for probably the last time forever, “You inspired me.”Anyone can teach. But being able to influence another human being is just the most amazing feeling in the world. One day, I hope I’ll be able to see Hoyun and Minji again and find out what kind of people they have grown up to be and tell them what I didn’t have the chance to say before; “No, you inspired me.” “In a battery, I strive to maximize electrical potential. When mentoring, I strive to maximize human potential.” -Donald Sadoway, Professor at MIT, one of TIME’s “The World’s 100 Most Influential People” in 2012.

김지윤대원국제중학교 2학년

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I was always a student before I met her. When I first heard that I needed to become a teacher, the first thought I had was ‘How can I fulfill my role as a teacher, when I lack experiences, and knowledge?’ It was the first day I met Sunghyun when everything seemed to go the opposite way of what I wanted. Well first, she could not sit in her seat for more than five minutes. Second, her English level was a pre- schooler’s, and third, it seemed that she did not want to learn anything. I thought that I should shout at her like what some teachers do when she did not concentrate. But I hesitated, and changed my mind. When I was punished by teachers, I did not feel so good. Instead, it made me more furious. So, I told Sunghyun to sit down, and said, “There once used to be a student in my class who could not concentrate. At the end of the semester, I found out that there was a huge gap of knowledge between a student who concentrated, and the student who did not. If you have just a little more will to study, you might be surprised of how much you improved, at the end of the semester.” I worried that she wouldn’t listen to me. Not only that, I worried that I wouldn’t be able to teach what seemed so obvious to me. I tried my best to explain in the easiest way I could. I came the next week, and before going into the classroom, I sighed once. But when I came out of the room at the end of the class, I was smiling. Sunghyun concentrated during the whole class, but what moved me more was how much she studied herself at home, and how she changed her attitude- it seemed that she sincerely wanted to learn something. As a teacher, I wanted to teach as much as I could. I was surprised that a child who is only eleven years old could change her whole attitude by just making her will stronger. We had several more classes, and during those classes, we became closer and sometimes we talked about our personal lives. I learned how to think in a more positive way. Sunghyun told me one day, “I always try to think about the happiest moment of my life when I feel gloomy. That way, I can smile every day.” It seemed that a student three years younger than me had more experiences than me. We started to learn more about each other, and I regret thinking in a negative way towards her in the beginning. We finished two books together, mostly by Sunghyun’s efforts. We were both surprised at how much Sunghyun improved in just four months! During this semester, although I taught her a lot, sometimes I felt like a student learning small lessons from Sunghyun, about courage, positivity and effort. We all learn from each other, and during this semester, I learned so much from an eleven-year old child.


대원국제중학교 1학년

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Teaching and Learning

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This is the second time I’ve participated in the mentorship. That’s why I thought I would be a better mentor than the other ones who had entered this year. That thought turned out to be false; after the first session with Suyeon had ended, I found out that this would be a much harder task for me. Although Suyeon was in fifth grade of elementary school, she couldn’t even read the alphabet. At first, I couldn’t understand her because at that age I used to read American classics like “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.” or “Wuthering Heights.” That’s why I focused only on teaching Suyeon how to pronounce and write the alphabet. I taught her four letters each day and pushed her to memorize the words from each chapter every day. Suyeon didn’t learn the things I tought her as fast as I wanted to, and it frustrated me so much. However, after about four times meeting Suyeon, I realized that what we need in our relationship is not a huge working load, but a real connection. From then on, I listened to what Suyeon had to say and gave her supporting comments on it. It turned out Suyeon and I had a lot in common. Both of us had an interest in dancing, cooking, and music. We both had a secret we couldn’t tell anyone but our closest friends. We actually did have a special connection. Suyeon began to build an interest in the English language and asked me about definitions of words and the structure of sentences through text messaging. Towards the end, we could end the mentorship with a more polished soul and an experience we could never forget, and both Suyeon and I promised to come back next year.

손예지대원국제중학교 2학년

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대원국제중학교 2학년

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The day before the first day of mentoring, I was both very nervous and excited. I really looked forward to meeting my menti, but at the same time I was unsure of whether I would be able to help my menti improve his or her English skills. The next day when I met my menti 주영, both of us had a very awkward attitude. I tried asking him questions and finding what he is interested in, but his replies were quite difficult to continue a conversation. To me, 주영 was a boy that was hard to become close. However, I thought that the first step of being a good mentor would be understanding my menti and getting close with him like friends, so I pushed back all my embarrassments and tried to find some similarities between me and 주영. At first, he seemed as if he was uncomfortable talking with me, but as days passed, I could feel that he was getting more relaxed and comfortable around me and that he was starting to enjoy our classes. I was really happy and proud of myself. After we became close, I could definitely recognize that 주영 was a smart and diligent boy. Whenever I asked him to do some homework or to review that day’s class at home, he would always do as I asked. When I gave him a few mini review tests on the book we were studying, he would remember most of the grammar and vocabulary that I taught him. Thinking that I will not be able to see him anymore next year since he will be going to middle school too makes me feel sad. Through the mentoring classes, 주영 learned English from me. However, I am pretty sure that I was able to learn many things from 주영 too. I hope that he will not forget me and that he had a fun and joyful time with me.

My Mentoring Days

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As Aristoteles once said, human beings are social animals. What can this mean? All people try to live in groups relying on each other, and we refer this to as one of the fundamental human instincts. We cannot live alone; we need others’ help in order to live a high-quality life. And, if we reverse this idea, others also need our help; it is reality that no one can show their backs on other human beings on earth.‘Daewon Saturday English Class_대원토요행복학교’ is an activity where mentors spend time with their mentees, having conversation about their school life, secrets, troubles, and so on, not only teaching mentees English. It is a special place where mentors and mentees interact with each others, instead of mentors’ one-sided progress. I personally believe that it was a great experience to make new relationships, whom I can truly interact with. With my lovely mentee, Mir_신미르, every Saturday felt wonderful. Mir was just like my valuable friend, not like a mentee. Even though the first meeting was quite awkward, after several months, I was able to share my troubles and secrets with him, and he also was able to empty out his own problems. I can easily remember things I learned from Mir in reverse, such as which way is the best, fun way to teach with high participation. Moreover, I regard this chance as a valuable one, due to the fact that I can feel the pride of teaching someone else, based on what I can do well. I finally felt worthy for my English skills that I have constantly piled up since I was very young. I finally found out that the true excitement that comes from teaching is the fact of enabling the mentee to be good at some particualar thing. For my case, I was delighted at the fact that I can make a kid to be fluent in English, and have interest in English. It might seem learning and studying, not only English, is a totally useless thing. However, I want to shout out that studying is not only for my good, but it is also for the other people, no, the whole society’s goods, which leads back to our introduction. From this activity, I eventually realized that Aristoteles didn’t say anything wrong. Every human being needs interaction with each other, or he or she gets isolated, and unless he or she can’t feed himself or herself, it is likely that the person will die. What I can be sure, anyways, is the fact that I will continue on various kinds of volunteer activities in the future, including Daewon Saturday English Class. I want to show gratefulness to my mentee, Mir, for reminding me the importance of interaction. Also, I want to thank all the teachers on this planet for contributing their knowledges and experiences to all others.

이도엽대원국제중학교 2학년

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Memorable semester with 유빈

Mentoring: a system where people with a lot of experience, knowledge etc advise and help other people at work or young people preparing for work

-Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English

As a student in Korea, I believe that most of the students had negative thoughts about Korean curriculum at least once. Because I am opposed to cramming education, I always wanted to be taught, and teach in creative way. By chance, Daewon Saturday Happy School granted my life-wish.

When I first met Yoo-Vin, I was anxious about my English skills and personal relationship skills. I was afraid that I could mess up the whole program. However, I realized during the mentoring that I can teach him better than the teachers in school. Because he was at relatively similar age with me, I could understand his status better than anyone else. Due to the fact, I gave him a motive to study English hard so that he won’t give up. While mentoring Yoo-Vin, I was happy to see him

smile when he learned something new. He made my Saturday to be the happiest day in whole week.

As the journey ends, I also learned lots of things from Daewon Saturday Happy School. Consideration, Courage, patience..etc. If I have more chance, I want to apply again to this program to make a place where both mentor and mentee can progress.


대원국제중학교 2학년

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The Last Day of 대원토요행복학교

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I can’t believe that this is the end of ‘토요행복학교’ because the encounter with my mentee Sara is still fresh in my mind. I feel awkward, but at the same time, I feel proud too. When I first met Sara, I was worried that I might not be able to teach her well, but it turned out to be a great and meaningful experience to teach someone. I learned a lot myself by teaching Sara- I feel more confident than before. I also want to thank Sara for participating actively in my classes and for working hard. Sara was a very kind student and I would miss her a lot. We had a very fun time and I am glad that we got to know each other well. I want to tell Sara to work harder, that I will always be by her side. By participating in ‘토요행복학교,’ I was able to learn the value of knowledge and the pleasure of teaching and learning from someone else. Even though there were times when I didn’t want to go to ‘토요행복학교,’ I still tried my best and definitely learned a precious lesson. There are not many chances to teach someone else, and I was very lucky to have the chance of teaching Sara. I thank all the teachers of ‘토요행복학교’ who allowed me to grow and develop mentally. I would never be able to forget the times I spent at ‘토요행복학교’ teaching other students and learning from them. I also realized the difficulties of my teachers which allowed me to expand my vision of the whole world. Again, I thank all the mentors, mentees, and teachers of ‘토요행복학교’ who gave me a chance to see a larger world.

도현지대원국제중학교 2학년

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What Teaching a Youngster Taught Me

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For every students in Korea, volunteering for a certain amount of time is mandatory. I always wanted to fill the time allotted for me meaningfully, not just doing an one-shot labor volunteer, like organizing books of a district library or picking up garbages in the park. Although I was very willing to do that kind of activities, where I can help one recipient for a long time, I never had the chance to do it because of the uncertainty of time and place. Because ‘Daewon Happy Saturday School(DHSS)’ Program was the ideal volunteer I was thinking of, and fit well with my schedule, I did not hesitate to be a mentor. However, teaching a youngster, as a student who don’t have complete understanding of any subject, was not that simple as I thought. It was hard to figure out what the mentee needed, what level he was in, and what he really enjoyed to learn. My mentee was not that active in expressing his feelings, so it was a bit hard to know whether or not he understood me. I wanted to make a worthwhile lesson for a elementary school student, who gave up the sweet oversleep of Saturday to see his admiring school’s senior. I knew that teaching things that he don’t need or he don’t understand is not meaningful. I thought every Friday night about what the mentee needed to learn, and how I should teach him. I considered two kinds of teaching skills; questioning and drawing. By giving specific questions about contexts that might be hard, and making him answer, I can know if he understood or not. Also, by drawing a picture while reading a hard passage about science, I made it easy for the mentee to understand. Both were successfully used in my teaching.As you can see, being a great mentor is not easy. You have that moral duty to teach properly, but this hard progress will give you two great lessons. Firstly, you can know that volunteering is not one-way helping. By the mentor volunteer, I was able to obtain an ability to explain complex things easily and simply, and this skill is very important to be a patent lawyer, which is also my dream. By helping a youngster, I was also being helped. Secondly, you will be able to look behind your attitude of volunteering, in a long-range. Because I always had done short-term activities, I did not have a chance to constantly think about a better behavior to help someone. Meeting frequently, for a long time, I kept changed my self in a positive way, both consciously and unconsciously. I strongly claim being a mentor will help you in many ways, so don’t hesitate!P.S) To all my juniors of DWIMS, the DHSS will help only when you start the program with your own willpower, and don’t just think

about volunteering hours in 생기부. Also, you should think constantly about your teaching skills and lectures even when its not

Saturday Morning. By this way, you can teach the mentee without any delay. Lastly, the time given to teach is actually not that long,

so try to meet the mentee for a long time; I think one semester is too short.


대원국제중학교 3학년

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A Priceless Experience

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Looking back at the mentoring sessions with my mentee, Hayoon for the last 3 months, I realized that I learned a lot from mentoring. I realized that sharing what you know is a kind of happiness. Each week I taught Hayoon a new concept of English that she didn’t know of and she told me that the concept I taught her was interesting. As she learned, she was happy with the things she got to know. As I taught her, I felt good about myself and I was happy that I could help my mentee and that I could make a difference. Because I knew that what I said could influence Hayoon, I tried my best to teach her the concepts she really needed to know. I tried to tell her not only about English, but also about what I’ve learned about studying, middle school, and so on.The first time, I was nervous about a lot of things. I didn’t know how to break the ice and form a good relationship with my mentee, how I had to teach my mentee, and so much more. There were lots of worries and I was anxious, but Hayoon helped me overcome these worries. She wasn’t the shy one so I didn’t have a lot of difficulty breaking the ice. She followed along well with what I taught her and asked me questions freely. Every week, she learned something new, even if it was just one word or one pronunciation. I believe that even one small thing every week can make a difference. I thought these mentoring sessions were really helping her improve her English skills. I’m sure that she has a better understanding of English right now compared to 3 months ago when I first started mentoring.I’m very thankful for the opportunity I had even if it was only for the second semester, which was a short time. I’m glad that I had the chance to share the knowledge I have about English, influence my mentee in a positive way, and overall make a new relationship that I will maintain. Even though I wasn’t perfect, I’m grateful that Hayoon followed along well. Mentoring every Saturday was a valuable experience that helped me realize the happiness of mentoring and helped me connect with Hayoon.

김영경대원국제중학교 2학년

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A Bond Between a Mentor and a Mentee

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Being a mentor is certainly not an easy job to do when you are still learning the subject, especially if you come across a question you don’t know the exact answer to. However, considering that life is full of learning and that those who have experienced learning recently can relate better to the students, mentoring younger kids in need is a great way for everyone to learn effectively. That’s why I became part of it in my first grade at the Daewon International Middle School. Every Saturday was a day when I would make a total of 2 hours commute to my school to mentor a special student of mine. She was a 4th grader that was known by the name Jung Eun-suh and had a round face with pigtails and a cute smile only a limited number of people could show. The only flaw was like every other student, learning was not a subject of interest, a crucial thing when one has to learn. So, to spice it up, I had prepared stickers with various kinds of expressions on it for her to select. By using imagery, I wanted her to learn to memorize stuff by pictures, not to mention succeeding in gaining her enthusiasm. In the end, both of us had learned a lot from each other and had bonded with other mentos and mentees by team dodgeball, which I excelled at, and by group classes with interesting topics shown by each mento. All in all, a pretty good semester was what we had, but as in every story, all good things must come to an end. Due to the fact that I had been accepted to the gifted class for math run by the Duksung Women’s University, I had to quit during my 2nd semester and had to say goodbye to my mentee. Though all I had known about her was her name, grade, phone number, and that her blood type was B, we had grown close together and it made me feel heavy as she gave me a letter with roses on the front cover. Even now, I can still picture all those momentos we had together like the time when we spent two whole weeks learning the word ‘surround’ through stickers, hangmans, drawings, and brightly colored pens. Well, that’s all and I guess what my point in writing this article for people to see is that even if I can’t tutor my mentee anymore, I want many others to get to know other kids, mentor them and become good friends cause I personally think that’s the best way to teach and learn through others. Not by professionals, but by friends, whatever the age difference is.


대원국제중학교 1학년

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An Unforgettable Journey

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Most people believe journeys to be a long, memorable adventure to a far land. I haven’t been any place farther away than my school this year, but my mind has travelled more than any spaceship in space.This was my second year of teaching little children. I had little experience, but I was all fired up and ready to give it my all. I couldn’t wait to meet my next student for this year. I was eager to teach everything I could give. Chan Kim is a fourth grade student. He was at first shy but eager to learn anything he could and was enthusiastic about coming to meet me and his friends on Saturdays. I still remember the time when we were selecting our textbooks. My student seemed hesitant about telling his opinion about the textbooks he was shown. There were various books each with varying difficulties. We got down to two books, but he seemed reluctant to use both, even though the harder one seemed too hard for him and the easier one seemed just right. The teacher later told me quietly that he wanted to look smart and didn’t want to acknowledge his inferiority to his classmates. A lot of kids do have that tendency to hide their ignorance. But that doesn’t help in the long term.I encouraged Chan to tell me what he did and did not understand. Feigning knowledge may protect your pride, but it restricts your potential to learn. People don’t know what you think if you do not express what you are thinking. Everyone cannot act according to their own perceptions. I could not focus on what to repeatedly emphasize or simply mention when Chan nodded vaguely all throughout the lesson. I somehow used his pride against him. I translated ignorance into curiosity and curiosity into knowledge. He no longer had to act smart – he was, in reality, more knowledgeable than before.It was not all about teaching though. I learnt more than I ever would be able to from textbooks and internet research. I learned about the minds of people and teaching in action. Teaching is not all about books and intelligence – it is about how well you nurture the minds of the young and how much potential you can maximize. To do this you need a deep understanding of the human mind. Learning about people and their thoughts was what made this experience the longest and most meaningful adventure in my life yet. I hope Chan will remember the attitude for learning and never let his hunger for more knowledge cease to growl.

김소연대원국제중학교 3학년

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The Importance of Interpersonal Relationships

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It was August 20. It was my first day with Jisung, and my heart was throbbing to see him. Unluckily, I ended up being late, and our relationship started there. Both Jisung and I introduced ourselves to each other, and I told my mentee about my plans for the second semester. Because I was filled with passion, I assured him that he would take review tests every week, and that he would have to finish much more homework than the first semester. I made a mistake.The next few months went pretty well, although the problem exploded in November. On November 29th, Jisung seemed to be in a slightly different mood than other days. I forced him to take a review test, and promised to let him rest for the rest of the day. But the test actually took much less time that I estimated, and I had to give him a lesson. I started lecturing about the solar system, when Jisung suddenly took his phone out and started playing games. Eventually I had to stop the lesson, and just let Jisung rest for the day. That day, I felt a problem in my way of creating interpersonal relationships.Interpersonal relationships consist of two or more components(people) and a relationship caused by identity and belonging. And these interpersonal relationships basically require a powerful and humane bond in order to continuously thrive. As I had been guiding Jisung for four months, the relationship between Jisung and I can also be considered as an interpersonal relationship. However, our relationship cannot qualify as a “successful” one. Why? The reason is simple: my coercive attitude towards Jisung. In the process of mentoring, mentors must always respect the mentee, prioritizing the mentee’s opinions and choices. However strongly Jisung protested against my mentoring plan, I firmly maintained my plan and did not respect the mentee’s opinion. That was my crucial mistake.During the last four months, I had been teaching Jisung with passion and enthusiasm. I had

tried my best to share engaging lessons. But I failed. Nonetheless I learned something important through my experience as a mentor, something much more powerful than what I had taught Jisung. I learned the way to make a good interpersonal relationship. I truly thank Jisung for allowing me to learn something I could not have learned myself. “Gracias, Jisung.”


대원국제중학교 1학년

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Like watching my past

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The day when the mentoring program first started will be remembered forever, because it was the day I first heard about who is going to be my mentee. Since my mentee didn’t come that day, I was depressed that I could not take a photo with her while everyone smiles a bright smile with their mentees. However, the fact that my mentee is a girl in the fourth grade of elementary and has the same first name as mine was sufficient for me to get a powerful motif to make a useful and wonderful time for my mentee. When I was 4th grade of elementary, I started to study hard and decided to enter Daewon International Middle School. In looking back, the fourth grade of elementary is the time of change in my life. Therefore when I heard that my mentee Ji Young was 11 years old at the moment, I felt that I got a significant mission to make my mentee get a lot of interest in studying English and be good at it. But the process of accomplishing the mission was not so easy due to the three difficulties. My mentee Ji Young Lee acts timidly and shyly so it was too hard to lead a long conversation, know each other well, and have an active lesson which might be the ways to become familiar. Moreover, she did not participate in the mentoring school frequently. Finally she seems to be afraid of me while other mentees who I have been teaching when she was absent treat me as their friends. Since those difficulties are not my mentee’s faults but my faults, I tried to cope with these difficulties by seeing her off and playing a game related to English and giving ice creams as the reward. As she noticed my efforts, she also tried to change herself and make a great time during mentoring program. When she started to change, I felt my heart leaps and I felt certain that now I can accomplish my mission ideally. As I felt sure, my mentee got full marks in the English exam. The pleasure I got at the moment when I heard the news was the biggest one I have ever gotten. I think the reason why I felt like watching my past.

강지영대원국제중학교 2학년

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I participated in a similar mentoring program last year too. There were two differences between my two experiences except the centers that managed the programs. The students that I took care of were distinct from each other, and the lessons’ atmosphere was also different.The name of the twelve years old student I taught for a semester was Minseo Kim. He is fully interested in music and he wanted to be a composer or a conductor when he grows up. To be honest, I was a little bit surprised when I first met him because I was told that the students that we will meet are in poor circumstance, so that we must treat them with thoughtful consideration. With the aware of it, I asked him of his basic information to find out what I have in common with him. What he told me was that he can play more than ten instruments skillfully and is already a member of an youth orchestra. It was good to see a student diligently moving for his future, but it was sorry to meet him only some times because he was too busy of participating in an orchestra.Last year, I think my lessons were not so interesting for both me and my mentee. To change it, I focused on the lesson itself’s fun this year, and the result was great. Minseo concentrated well, and he laughed a lot. Additionally, I delivered him more than the information in the textbook. For example, I tried to remember how my teacher in elementary school taught me and used the same method such as cutting papers to find out a triangle’s interior angle. This voluntary service was a nice experience, and I think it will be helpful for my future job. I want to continue similar mentoring program even if I become a high school student.


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It was a pleasure for me to be able to take part in 대원토요행복학교. The past year had been full of various lessons that I wouldn’t have been able to learn otherwise. For that, I would like to thank Minyeong, my fellow mentors, and teachers. Minyeong, my dear mentee, was a delightful one to teach. I was lucky to be paired up with her. Not only was I able to learn the joy of teaching, she also taught me many things as my mentee. Passing on the knowledge that you have to someone else who can make it valuable is indeed a very proud action to take. She wasn’t able to take in anything that I told her, but that allowed me to think about how to teach her. When she got it, it made my heart swell with pride. She taught me that. Minyeong wasn’t just a mentee to me. She was my teacher, my sister, and my friend.I also learned a lot from my fellow mentors. Not just from their lectures, but also throughout

the whole course. I was able to learn how to cooperate, share ideas, and come to a reasonable conclusion. By participating in this course together, I personally believe that I was able to witness the other side of my friends. Lastly, I would like to thank teachers of 대원토

요행복학교 for arranging this superb experience for all of us. It has been a very valuable time, and if time allows, I would love to participate again.

하지수대원국제중학교 2학년

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“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others”Like as what Mahatma Gandhi said, the past 4 months I spent with Seungheon certainly gave me the valuable opportunity to serve my mentee with true love and also to find who myself really is. As a student who is still continuously striving hard in the process of learning, I have always thought that the Korean educational environment teaches students that learning is only a means for themselves in order to success and attain materialistic values. I was also a student who used to think that learning is only a requisite for my own good and success. Well, now I can assure that that’s definitely not the only reason why we learn. We learn to share our knowledge together with other people, we learn to give hope to people whose hearts are crying but still have the fervent passion to learn, and we learn in order to make this world a better place.The 4-month adventure with my mentee Seungheon was not always a smooth one. When I first met Seungheon, I was totally mixed up. “What should I teach? How should I teach? Should I read him books? Should I make him memorize a bunch of words? Won’t he be bored? What should I do from now on?” With my mind full of anxiety, the first class actually turned out to be fun and motivating for Seungheon. I prepared word flashcards and played memory games with him in order to make him interested in English. However, when we started class with the textbook which was given to us, I could see that as the contents were getting harder and harder, he was getting much more bored. The solution was this. I thought that when Seungheon feels the joy and pleasure of himself advancing, his attitude would be more positive towards English. From the very next week, I started to make him take vocabulary tests with the words we learned from the previous class. In the first test, he got 30 questions right out of 31 words! Every time we took vocabulary tests and as he could see that his abilities are actually being enhanced, Seungheon was able to be more animated in the progress of learning English.I believe that genuine service is when we share our best with others and fill their hearts full of warmth even though it might be unseen. Even if I am still having an occupation as a pupilage, and even if my abilities are not enough to teach younger kids, I tried my best during the 4 months to give them hope and love. Materialistic services will lose their value when time passes, but sharing our knowledge with other people will always act as a steppingstone for them to fulfill their wishes and dreams. I finally thank my mentee Seungheon, who has been so passionate during the process. He has been a true present who will last forever in my memories. Thank you Seungheon!


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대원국제중학교 2학년

During second semester this year, I participated on a program called, ‘토요행복학교’. Every Saturday, I taught English to 5th grader in Macheon Youth Training Center. Before, I have never taught anyone formally, and I wasn’t able to imagine what ‘teaching’ (instead of ‘learning’) would be like. To be honest, I had a lot of concerns before the first class: “What if I have nothing to teach?”, “What would happen if I don’t know how to deliver my idea effectively and excitingly” etc. Just telling myself to do my best, I did what I can, and actually, this ‘mentoring’ was not as hard as I imagined. With my mentee I talked about school lives, friends, games, and of course, English. It was meaningful to be a help to someone, and actually, I was able to learn from her in some ways. Of course, we weren’t able to follow a perfect curriculum like in school or academy, but we were still able to do various things about English we don’t get to do in daily lives, such as singing pop songs. From this program, I was able to understand that teaching is not about ‘giving’ help. It is actually ‘exchanging’ help. It was a very meaningful activity, and if I get a chance, I wish I can do it again. And most of all, I was so glad to meet her.111


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My Mentoring Days

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I had been feeling that I had been loved by my family and I had been thinking that I should give this love to others. Also, I had felt that I learned English very easily thanks to my parents .Fortunately, I saw a notice of finding mentors and I thought that it would be a good chance for me so I had applied to it.Mentoring was very fun for me. We did many things during our class First, we studied with the book that we got from the program. I taught her some vocabularies and grammers in the book. However the book wasn’t that fun so I bought her new vocabulary and grammer book. We enjoyed studying with that book . Mentoring was kind of hard in some aspects. I had to spend my every Saturday for mentoring, and I had to keep the time. However there was more good parts than bad parts. cFirst, I was able to learn more English my teaching somebody else. I was able to look up what I wasn’t sure of. Also, I felt very pleasure and satisfied that I could give some help to others.


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From March to December, I particpated in ‘마천 토요행복학교’ This program is a volunteer work teaching middle school students English. The volunteer work was divided into two semesters and I took part in both of them as a mentor, and taught two students. In the first semester, I taught a first grade middle school student named Jiwon. Surprisingly, Jiwon was the student of Songpa middle school, where I graduated from. Therefore, I could talk about not only English but other topics like school life with her. From this, I could be more familiar with her. Although I have taught my friends or my little sister, because this was my first time that I teach someone formally, I was really nervous and wondered, ‘Could I teach somebody?’ Of course, at first, I was clumsy. But as the time passed, I became more and more proficient in leading the class. I read the passage with her, translate it, and taught her vocabularies and grammar she didn’t know. Because Jiwon was from Japan and she learned English grammar in Japanese, she didn’t know the grammar in Korean, which I considered essential for understanding English grammar at school. So with other grammar books, I taught her English grammar. It seemed like she was confused at first, but as I repeated explanation, she seemed to understand much better. Watching this, I was really proud of Jiwon and also myself. In the second semester, I taught another first grade middle school student named Sujin. I used ways that are similar to the methods that used when I taught Jiwon. So it was much easier and the flow of the class was much more smooth. I could feel myself much more improved than before. Also, I didn’t only taught her English but also tried to be friendly to her, playing some games with her, eating snacks, or having lots of conversation. As a result, I could make the class that was not boring like the one at school or academy but really interesting. Besides, the relationship between the mentees and me was not the strict relationship just like that of students and teachers but something that was much closer to the relationship between friends. This way, I think mentees could feel more comfortable and have more interest in class. However, it was not only mentees that learned something from this program. I also learned lots of things from this program. By preparing the classes, I could learn new things and review things that I learned. And the experience itself was really fresh to me, because I had never been a teacher before. Mentees that concentrated in my sayings made me responsible to teach them and try harder. Also, watching mentees who improved through my teaching, I was really satisfied. But what I think that I earned most is the relationship with all the mentees in 마천 토요행복학

교. Through lots of activities, I made lots of memories that I would never forget. I really became attached to them and in the last class, I was really sad that this program was over. I hope this kind of opportunity is given to me again, and if the opportunity comes to me, I wouldn’t hesistate to do it again.


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Every moment I was given during the mentoring program in Macheon makes me look forward to every time with my mentee and teacher. Teaching history, science, technology, Arts and literature in English is one of the most meaningful missions given to me due to its significant effects. The first effect is about my attitude. Before the day’s mentoring, I ought to have prepared teaching materials for my mentee. Searching on the internet for civilization with rivers, ancient Greece and Roman Empire, Cells and reproduction, Baroque Art and many other topics for the lecture makes me not only busy every Friday night but also pleased with mentoring tomorrow. The second effect is about my responsibility for my teaching. Teaching has to be accurate and not be different from what my mentee has learned from the textbook. So I cannot help to be concerned about materials I prepared before the day’s lecture due to its accuracy. So I always checked what I prepared for the mentoring program and it makes me feel responsible for my mentee. People will never grow without doing something beyond what they have already mastered. This mentoring program gives me some opportunities to do something valuable as a mentor beyond what I have already achieved as a student.


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It’s been much of a pleasure to work as a volunteer for 대원행복나눔재단 over the Saturdays for weeks. I might seem like an extrovert to people, but when it comes to meeting new people and having to bond with them with some kind of a tie, I am an introvert. Therefore, I was worried that it was going to be awkward with the mentees that I had to teach, but it turned out that I didn’t have to worry about such thing at all! Over the first semester I was the representative of all first graders of Daewon Foreign Language High School students and I managed many things such as what to do when the mentees came to our school and how to take care of the expenditure. Carrying the responsibility, I found that among the middle school students who I could mentor, there was a boy who went to the middle school that I graduated – which surprised me because my middle school was quite far away from the place where we did the mentoring work. So I decided to teach him English with my friend Germy and that’s how first semester passed by. We chose an American textbook that seemed to be fit for his English level (he was already quite fluent at English) and he said he enjoyed his time with us too. The second semester wasn’t a promised volunteer time because the contract was only valid for the first semester. However, we were called once again for the second semester and I was excited to once again take care of a fascinating mentee. This time Germy and I took care of two brothers who have lived in the U.S.A. for almost half of their childhood. I got the older one who got along well with me because he was mature and hardworking. I decided that he was too good for the textbook so I analyzed rap lyrics with him and taught him SAT World History and he loved all of them because they were what he was interested in. I enjoyed myself so much being a mentor at 대원행복나눔재단.


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After Finishing Mentoring Program..

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대원외국어고등학교 1학년

I had a Macheon Mentoring Program at Macheon for almost a year. At first, my school’s homeroom teacher wanted someone to volunteer in mentoring program, and since I have had a lot of interest in mentoring program, I said to my teacher that I wanted to do that program. I was kind of worried about that because even though I have had a lot of interest in mentoring program, I didn’t have lots of experience of mentoring, and whether mentee could follow my teachings or not.At first semester, I had a mentee whose name was Yuna Park. She was extroverted and very passionate about studying. We studied English with the textbook called ‘American School Textbook’. I had an awkward silence with her, but after teaching and teaching, I became more familiar with her. However, after only 10 times of teaching, we just ended our class.At second semester, I met new mentee whose name was Hu MiYoung. She was first introverted, and calm person, but I have changed her personality to be less introverted, and talkative person.I think mentoring program helped me and my mentee a lot, and if I have any kind of new opportunity to do similar activities, I would definitely apply that activities.

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When I first entered Daewon Foreign Language High School, I had to decide so many things. Especially I really struggled with choosing which volunteer work to do, because there were a lot of appealing activities. Meanwhile, I heard that there was one supervised by ‘행복함께나누는재단.‘ This sounded really attractive to me because I liked teaching and playing with children and the institution was quite close from my house. So I decided to join it.First, there was an orientation. A teacher explained to us about the works we’ll be doing. I was excited because it was my first time to teach a student officially, as a mentor. So I went to the institution with thrill. I was surprised because I thought I would be teaching an elementary student but we were to teach middle school students, and I was motivated to study and work harder. Then we went on to choose which one to teach. At first, it was a little bit awkward because we were not really familiar with them, but as we played some games, we got close with each other and in a comfortable atmosphere everyone grouped into two or three. I decided to teach a girl named Sujin in the first grade of middle school.Sujin was a quiet and hard-working girl, and we had a good time for a whole year. What I liked most was that I learned a lot from teaching her. I gained not only much knowledge but also many other things like how to teach others a concept in a way for them to understand easily. We dealt with different themes each time we met because I thought it would be good for her to have a contact with various fields of studying. Every time after class, I took pictures about the texts we’ll deal with the next time and studied about it.There are two themes I remember most. The first one, about supply and demand and the market economy is the subject that I taught her in the first class. I was really pleased to have the subject because it was the part I had confidence as I have learned about it in middle school. I taught her not only the notions presented in the text but also many other concepts that would help her learn about it in school. For example, I introduced her the supply-demand curve. Although it seemed that it was a little bit hard for her, I could see that she was really satisfied and proud of herself to know such things. I also taught her about the figures of speech. Knowing that this subject is crucial for her to know during the middle school years and also in high school, I taught her from the most basic figures of speech which she already knew, to many other ones that will be really useful for her. I hope that when she studies these concepts at school, she’d at least remember that she had learned it although she doesn’t remember all the things I taught her, because it helps a lot if she feels


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comfortable and familiar with that concept because she can approach to that notion easily simply with the fact that she has dealt with it once.Every time after I taught her all the concepts, I tested her if she had understood the whole things perfectly with the questions provided in the book. I thought it was very good to do so because it allowed her to review all the contents briefly and it also contained vocabulary questions so she could memorize many words. Seeing me thinking like this, I think I learned a lot about how to teach well, and I’m sure that this will be very helpful in some way in my life.Twice a semester, we invited the whole children to our school and explained to them about our school, introduced the buildings, and we played games. Other times, the mentees could have a lecture with native teachers. I was proud to introduce them our school and I thought it would be great if they came to our school. It would also have been a good chance for them to visit our school to motivate themselves to study harder. I told them what to concentrate on at that period and what they should really do to do well in middle school. I was happy with the fact that I was in the status where I could provide those kinds of information to others, and also received a great impulse to study harder. It was really fun time at our school.I think the time when we really got close with each other was at the small party which was held at the end of each semester. There, we shared each other’s phone number and our own stories while playing games. However I was also really sad when I had to say good bye to Sujin and all the other mentees. I regret about not being able to teach Sujin more things and be closer with her. I really hope that she’ll study hard continuously as she does now so that she could enter our school. This mentoring program that I attended this year was so good and helpful and this would be remembered to me as my first teaching career.

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To. Andrew

가르침과 배움을 돌아보며 멘토

Hello, my precious Mentee, Andrew. It wasn’t long, but I feel certain that I was lucky to teach you. Actually, this program is a specific action for me as I want to share my talents especially music, study and sports to the people who are uneducated to experience those things. So, I was glad teaching you. Do you remember when we first met? You were late, but after a few minutes, I found out you are riveting, brave guy. We were positioned into a circle introducing ourselves and you joined us without anxiety. At that time, your loud, strong voice was impressive to me. You are totally extroverted, passionate while studying and talking. I hope to work hard and actualize your dream which includes ‘going to Honolulu University’. I really had a great time with you and I’ll never forget the memories of playing soccer and basketball after our class finished.I hope you to keep in touch with me meaning that you should better buy a cellphone :) (01038717518) I can help you English and any other subjects. Also if you have any problem adapting to your school environment feel free to call me. Good bye my friends. From. John Lee

이재림대원외국어고등학교 1학년

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이지영 영어 단어를 많이 알게 되었다. “그동안 친절하게 대해줘서 고맙습니다. 멘토 언니 고마워.”

장현지 “한 학기 동안 열심히 가르쳐 주셔서 감사합니다.”

조형빈 영어에 대해 더 많이 알게 되었습니다. “한 학기 동안 일찍 일어나 가르쳐 준 멘토 형에세 감사합니다. 친구들

과 선생님께도 감사하다. 정말 기쁘다.”

장서진 내가 모르는 여러가지 단어들을 배우고 에세이를 잘 쓰는 방법과 해석하는 법을 자세히 배웠습니다. 여러 분

야의 글을 읽고 영어와 더 친해졌습니다. “항상 좋은 분위기 만들어 준 우리반 멘토, 멘티들 정말 감사합니

다. 멘토 언니와 헤어지게 되서 슬퍼요.”

배준한 영어 단어를 알게 되었고, 차분함도 같이 배웠다. “친하게 대해 주고, 나를 웃겨줘서 고마워.”

차은준 영어도 많이 알게 되었고 세계 축제에 대해서도 배웠다. “고마워, 친구들, 멘토 형. 그동안 모두 고마웠어요.”

명서연 영어 단어나 문장이 조금씩 외어진다. “언니 고마워, 2학기 때 만나자. 언니 정말 고마워.” “언니 오빠들 고마


신호제 영어가 쉽게 느껴진다. “영어 공부 같이 해서 고맙고, 다음에도 잘 하자!”

송하윤 영어학원 선생님이 아닌 다른 사람이 영어를 알려 준다는 게 낯설었는데 이제 안 그렇다. 영어를 친근하고 쉽

게 또 친절하게 알려주어 재미있었다. 생애 처음 본 사람을 만나 웃고 떠드는 시간이 정말 소중했던 시간이

었다. “한 학기 동안 나에게 열심히 영어를 가르쳐 준 멘토 언니에게 고맙다. 멘토 언니가 영어를 잘 알려 주

어서 영어가 더 친근하고 재미있게 느껴진 것 같다.” “일년 동안 계속 왔는데 이제 마지막이라 아쉽다. 열심히

가르쳐 준 멘토언니에게 정말 정말 고맙다.”

신미르 미국에 대해 많은 걸 알게 되었고 영어 단어도 많이 알았다. “친절하게 대해줘서, 가르쳐 줘서 고마워. 내년에

또 보자.”

이사라 모르는 것을 배웠고, 배운 내용을 영어 캠프에서 활용할 수 있었다. “좋은 것을 많이 배웠습니다.”

정다현 영어를 많이 배웠다. “영어 수업 재미있게 가르쳐 줘서 고맙고 이제 마지막 날이라 아쉽다.”

김태준 “재미있었다.”

서예진 영어 말하기, 독해, 협동심을 배웠다. 영어랑 더 친해지는 시간이 된 거 같다. “잘 가르쳐 주시고 수업에 함께

해 주셔서 감사합니다. ”

정혜연 즐겁게 영어를 배웠다. “정말 고맙습니다. 좋은 시간을 보내서 좋았습니다.”

윤주영 즐겁고 신기한 배움 “우리반 멘토, 멘티들! 한 학기 동안 열심히 했으니 2학기 때도 열심히 합시다!” “누나, 이

제 마지막 날이네, 이게 완전한 마지막은 아니겠지만 내 멘토가 되어줘서 고마워”

이지성 “재밌었어요. 감사합니다.”

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가르침과 배움을 돌아보며 멘티

정은서 “언니, 잘 가르쳐 줘서 고마워”

노성은 “우선 나를 가르쳐 준 언니에게 고맙고, 대원토요행복학교를 무사히 끝낸것이 무척 뿌듯하다.”

서은규 “지금까지 가르쳐 줘서 고마워.”

김성민 Thank you for studying with me. You guys are really good at English!”

함서연 “윤아 언니, 멋진 시간을 만들어 줘서 고마워. 언니 덕분에 단어를 50개 정도 배울 수 있었어. 고마워.”

김지성 “고마워, thank you.”

차용준 “가르쳐 줘서 고마워요.”

김찬 저는 지난 가을부터 토요행복학교를 다니게 되었습니다. 첫 수업 때는 모든 사람이 낯설었습니다. 처음이라

이 프로그램이 어떤 것인지 몰랐습니다. 그런데 이제 보니 정말 재미있는 것 같습니다. 어떤 선생님을 만나게

될지, 어떤 책으로 공부하게 될지 몰라 어려웠습니다. 하지만 첫 수업을 하고 나서 수업을 또 하고 싶어졌고

재미있다고 느꼈습니다. 저희 선생님은 제가 모르는 문장, 단어가 있을 때마다 괜찮다고 저를 격려해 주시면

서 모르는 것을 알려 주셨습니다. 그리고 쉬는 시간에 간식도 있고 친구들과 이야기도 할 수 있어서 더 좋았

습니다. 토요행복학교를 통해 영어를 더 배울 수 있었고 저를 알려주신 선생님께 감사하고 또 이번이 마지막

이라서 아쉽습니 다. 다음에도 또 했으면 좋겠습니다.

허수진 외고 멘토 언니들을 만나 멘토링을 하고 나니 외고에 대해 더 잘 알게 되었고 영어 공부에도 많은 도움이 된

거 같다. 그리고 외고에 직접 가보니 생각보다 크고 굉장히 좋았다. 일반 고등학교에 비해 시설이 더 좋은 것

같다. 외고 언니 오빠들을 만날 기회가 흔하지 않은데 이런 기회로 만나 좋았다.

전주영 멘토링은 뭐지? 나는 맨 처음에 멘토링 신청서를 볼 때 영어를 가르쳐 준다는 말에 약간 끌렸다. 영어를 배

우고 싶은 마음이 있었기 때문이다. 그런데 오케스트라 끝나고 2시간 뒤에 시작해서 조금 망설여졌다. 할까?

말까? 그러던 중에 엄마가 신청 한다고 하셔서 그냥 마음 먹었다. 그렇게 신청을 했다. 신청을 한 후 시간이

지나 드디어 멘토링 첫번 째 날이 왔다. 그런데 5층 강당에 유정이가 있었다. 아는 동생이었다. 일단 아무것

도 몰라 동생에게 물어봤다. 뭐 가져와야 되는 거 있어? 물어봤더니 괜찮다고 했고 잠시 이야기를 나눴다. 때

마침 선생님께서 한 줄로 앉으라고 하셨고 모르는 애들이랑 멘토 언니들이랑 서로 알게 되었다. 서로 재미있

게 놀고 하는 첫 만남이었다. 그렇게 놀고 멘토를 정하는데 나는 하은 언니가 되었다. 그 언니가 맨 처음에

영어를 잘 못한다고 말했다. 그런데 난 그 언니가 영어를 굉장히 잘 할 것 같았다. 서로 대화를 나누고 책도

골랐다. 서로의 성격에 대해 이야기 했다. 두번 째 만남 때는 수업을 했다. 좀 어색했는데 언니가 분위기를 잘

이끌어줘서 덕분에 재미있는 수업이 되었다. 가끔씩 재미있는 이야기도 하면서 같이 웃어 주는 그런 언니인 거


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마음에 쓰는 편지 멘티가 멘토에게


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마음에 쓰는 편지 멘티가 멘토에게

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To. 멘토 진재

멘토링이 시작된지 엊그제 같은데 벌써 끝이 났네요. 제가 부끄러움을 많이 타서 말을 잘 못했죠? 제가 원래 성격이 내성적이라서요. ㅎㅎ 암튼 열심히 가르쳐 주셔서 감사해요. 열심히 가르쳐 주신 덕분에 제가 영어에 대해서 더 많이 안 것 같아요. 또 다른 문법 교재도 가지고 오셔서 가르쳐 주시기도 하시고, 시험지를 가지고 오셔서 가르쳐 주셔서 더 많이 알게 되지 않았나 싶어요. 이렇게 먼 곳 까지 오셔서 멘토링 하시느라 수고 많으셨을 것 같아요. 마지막으로 열심히 가르쳐 주셔서 감사해요~ 미영

온수진 언니, 그동안 멘토링 수업을 해주셔서 고맙고 수고하셨어요 고민이나 궁금증에 친절하게 대답해주시고 상담해주셔서 도움이 많이 됐어요. 그리고 세삼 대원외고에 다니는 언니가 대단하다고 느꼈고 부러웠어요. 저도 열심히 노력해서 꼭 대원외고에 붙고 싶어졌어요~ 앞으로 저도 열심히 노력해서 대원외고에 붙어서 언니를 만날게요~ 그동안 감사했습니다^^ 마천행복학교를 하면서 대원외고에 가기 위해 어떤 노력을 해야하며 어떤 준비를 해야하는지, 그리고 대원외고 그 자체에 대해서 더 자세히 알게 되었다. 또, 대원외고에 대한 내 꿈도 더 확실하게 세울 수 있었다. 막연한 꿈이 아니라 이제는 확실한 꿈으로 변해서 멘토링을 통해 배운 여러가지를

통해 앞으로의 계획을 세우게 되었다. 박주영

김지윤 멘토님!^^언니! 영어수업도 좋았지만 그보다 언니와의 만남이 너무 좋았던 것 같아. 이 수업이 토요행복학교인데 정말 토요일 마다 즐겁고 행복했어. 언니와 다른 멘토 언니들 보면서 부럽기도 하고 정말 닮고 싶다는 생각도 들었어. 엄마는 언니들의 성실하고 노력하는 모습이 이 수업을 통해 배울 수 있는 가장 큰 의미라고 하셨는데 같이 생활해보니 무슨 말인지 알겠더라고.. 언니! 나는 이 수업을 통해 작은 목표가 생겼어. 열심히 공부해서 언니와 같은 학교에 진학하는 거~ 나도 언니처럼 꼭 국제 중학교에 가고 싶어.그 다음 목표는 생각해 봐야겠지만^^ 언니! 금요일과 토요일에 걸스카웃에서 동계수련회를 1박2일로 가게 됐어. 이번주 토요일에 수련관에 못 갈 것 같아. 마지막날인데 못가서 아쉽고 정말 미안해. 2학기동안 열심히 가르쳐 줘서 감사합니다. 김민지


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우리들의 날은 아름다워

사랑하는 내 동무야, 네 마음은 꽃 같아

외로울 때 너를 보면 어느새 환해지네

나도 네가 힘들 때 꽃이 될 수 있다면

우리 서로 꽃이 되어 영원히 사랑하자