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NEWSLETTER June 2013 PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers Contents From the PMI Netherlands Chapter President - Seeing is believing.................. 2 Update on Events – “a continuing story” ........................................................ 4 Event Calendar .............................................................................................. 5 Impression after IIL webinar: Practical Negotiation Skills for Managers........... 5 PMI Netherlands Summit Impression 2013..................................................... 6 PMP Exam Coaching Class.............................................................................. 7 PMO Local Interest Workgroup ...................................................................... 8 Huge interest for volunteering with Translations of Project Management Toolkit for Youth! ........................................................................................ 10 How consortia collaborate in pursuit of a project goals - survey.................... 11 Our LinkedIn Discussions ............................................................................. 11 PM Network June issue available to members ............................................. 12 PMI Today June issue available to members ................................................ 12 Pulse of the Profession™ Report: The Essential Role of Communications ...... 13 Get to Know PMI’s Pulse of the Profession™ ................................................ 13 Let’s stay in touch! ...................................................................................... 14 PMI® Netherlands Chapter Members get a 15% Discount Off Training Courses by ESI International..................................................................................... 15 Our Sponsors .............................................................................................. 16

2013.06 - PMI Netherlands Newsletter

Mar 18, 2016



PMI Netherlands Newsletter
Welcome message from author
This document is posted to help you gain knowledge. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think about it! Share it to your friends and learn new things together.
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PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers


From the PMI Netherlands Chapter President - Seeing is believing.................. 2

Update on Events – “a continuing story” ........................................................ 4

Event Calendar .............................................................................................. 5

Impression after IIL webinar: Practical Negotiation Skills for Managers ........... 5

PMI Netherlands Summit Impression 2013..................................................... 6

PMP Exam Coaching Class .............................................................................. 7

PMO Local Interest Workgroup ...................................................................... 8

Huge interest for volunteering with Translations of Project Management Toolkit for Youth! ........................................................................................ 10

How consortia collaborate in pursuit of a project goals - survey.................... 11

Our LinkedIn Discussions ............................................................................. 11

PM Network June issue available to members ............................................. 12

PMI Today June issue available to members ................................................ 12

Pulse of the Profession™ Report: The Essential Role of Communications ...... 13

Get to Know PMI’s Pulse of the Profession™ ................................................ 13

Let’s stay in touch! ...................................................................................... 14

PMI® Netherlands Chapter Members get a 15% Discount Off Training Courses by ESI International..................................................................................... 15

Our Sponsors .............................................................................................. 16

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PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers


From the PMI Netherlands Chapter President - Seeing is believing

While still enjoying a very successful summit I am considering what to write about this event and what to write in this monthly column anyway. Let’s first dive into some of the key notes of our Summit. I was very lucky, that’s one of the benefits of being president of our chapter is, to have a very nice dinner with Dr. Lynn Crawford from down under Australia en Dr. Terry Cooke-Davies from the UK. Despite my growing experience in Project Management, during this conversation, I was overwhelmed by the experience both Lynn and Terry brought to the table as well as their passion and engagement regarding our profession. What a great experience! Listening carefully to their key-note at our summit it becomes clear that Project Management and therefore what we are and who we are is changing. We must learn to align our projects and the way we run them to our companies’ strategy. The company defines what project management capabilities are required and how projects should contribute to customer intimacy, operational excellence or product leadership. No one size fits all but focus on capabilities that deliver business benefits. In the end that is all that counts.

Listening to our closing key note Joe Norton and an excellent panel of executives (many thanks for participating!) we hear that transparency is a must have skill for excellent Project Managers. Transparency to be able to report the actuals of a project even when they are not very promising. That requires guts and confidence, being in control. That is how easy it is, in particular if you combine this with a leading by example attitude. My take away from this was that besides soft skills, hard skills on scheduling, cost management and so on are really necessary. That probably explains why there seems to be a revival of hard skills. Over the last years we focused very much on the soft site e.g. leadership, team management, communication skills and so on. That still is

ultimately important but it is one the fundaments, equal to the other fundament of being able to get and stay in control by understanding WBS, EVM and all the other practices and knowledge areas in PMBOK® and numerous other sources. Time to rebalance? Have a look at and contribute to the discussion on Executives "versus" Project/Program Managers via LinkedIn

In between, taking us out of our Summit after lunch dip, Jacques Dunselman on behalf of founding partner Capgemini Academy, took us flying in a brilliant comparison between an aircraft pilot and a project manager. What took me most was his statement on who should be in control, air traffic control or the pilot. When it really comes to it, the pilot is in charge and responsible for

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PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers


keeping the plane flying. Compare that to a troubled project and a steering committee. The project manager is occupied pleasing the steering committee creating all kinds of exception reports where he should be in leading his project out of the swamp. Now that is something to consider next time you run into trouble with your project. But of course you never are in trouble I guess?

So yes I was very, very pleased with this Summit and all the presentations, knowledge sharing and networking opportunities. Great also to have representation of IPMA and BPUG visiting us as that underlines the good cooperation between the three most significant not for profit organizations with focus on Project Management in the Netherlands. For sure we will explore further cooperation each from without its own identity. And finally one last thank you to our sponsors. Without you support a Summit like this in not possible at all. Hope we can count on you again next year: Cap Gemini Academy, Compuware, CXS, ESI International, IIL Europe and T-Systems.

We will evaluate this year’s Summit before we will continue towards next year but based on the first feedback you can already mark June 12th, 2014 in your agenda. We are hoping to see more of our members at next year’s Summit as that for me is the only negative comment on this Summit. We would like this Summit to be attractive to our members. We already offer a significant discount, what more do we need to do to make this attractive to you? For those members that didn’t attend, I would appreciate your feedback so we can take those into consideration and perhaps make it even more attractive? Anyway have a final look at for the foto-impression 2013. Seeing is believing…

Over the next two month the Chapter activities will be limited. We all deserved a good Summer break. We are planning to send a Summer newsletter and then of course in August new chapter events, LIWg meetings, Webinars and also a

new coaching class starting in October, are planned for. Enjoy your summer break, have fun and don’t forget to bring a friend or colleague to one of our next events. Seeing is believing, we are always open to welcome new members.

Cees Pijs (President)

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PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers


Update on Events – “a continuing story” In the May newsletter we made a reflection on the Chapter Meetings in the first 5 months and we are proud to report an average Customer Satisfaction of 7.5 on a scale from 1 to 10.

We closed the pre-summer cycle on June 13th at the FIGI conference centre in Zeist for a marvelous 2nd edition of PMI NETHERLANDS SUMMIT. What a day!! Only those who attended this event realize what others missed: outstanding and inspiring keynotes – a variety of great parallel sessions – interesting topics … for sure a day of learning.

And really worth mentioning is “the day after”. One of our speakers – Manoj Vadakkan from Washington DC – offered a highly interactive workshop with the title: Learn the fundamental principles and practices of Agile & Scrum. Attendees could earn 7 PDUs and thanks to the cooperation of FIGI, who facilitated the workshop, this Philanthropy Event was able to raise 700 Euros to the KIKA foundation (a charity in The Netherlands to keep children free of cancer; Dutch: Kinderen Kankervrij).

Many thanks to Manoj, FIGI and the contributors!!

To remind you about our attractive chapter meeting program after the summer break:

On September 11th we will be hosted by ExxonMobil in Breda. The topic of this event is Estimating & Control (“everything you always wanted to know about the chapters 6 and 7 of the PMBOK”).

In October the AVANS University is hosting us again. This time the subject is How can Project Managers use diversity, creativity and innovation. During an interactive session including research, cases, and exercises, the question “How does team diversity stimulate innovation and high performance?” is explored.

In November we are guest at the premises of ASML in Veldhoven during a Friday afternoon session. The topic of this session will be PMO (in general as well as ASML specific).

Finally in December we will be in Nijmegen (Regus52). The subject of this meeting is “under construction” (Risk Management will definitely be part of it).

As usual these Chapter Meetings (of course all without entrance fee) will give you the opportunity to gain knowledge, discuss the topic and network.

We are looking forward to meet you there!

Jan Cardol (CEO)

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PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers


Be prepared for a negotiation… Although that is so obvious to us, how often we as project managers fail to reach our goal because we are not prepared? It was worth to be reminded of that during the June 5th webinar “Practical Negotiation Skills for Project Managers” offered by IIL’s Learning Center. The instructor, who is an experienced PMP and PgMP, has succeeded in providing the participants - one third were members of PMI NL Chapter - an understanding of the principles of successful negotiation. Effective communication is the key to enable productive negotiation and assessing stakeholders is helpful in identifying and prioritizing potential risks and attitudes. The webinar is interactive; questions and feedbacks can be submitted via the chat function. I enjoyed the presentation and found it useful, however would recommend a bit more time for discussion. Khánh Doan, Project Manager at HP Enterprise Services

Event Calendar

Impression after IIL webinar: Practical Negotiation Skills for Managers

SEPTEMBER 2013 9-9-2013 IIL PMP Training

11-9-2013 Meeting: ExxonMobil in Breda, topic: Estimating & Control

16-9-2013 IIL CAPM Training OCTOBER 2013

TBA Meeting: AVANS University 12-10-2013 PMP Exam Preparation Coaching Class (1/4) 16-10-2013 Webinar: Managing Multiple Projects - Overview

NOVEMBER 2013 2-11-2013 PMP Exam Preparation Coaching Class (2/4) 4-11-2013 IIL PMP Training

15-11-2013 Meeting: ASML in Veldhoven, topic: PMO 16-11-2013 PMP Exam Preparation Coaching Class (3/4) 20-11-2013 Webinar: The Benefits of Risk Management 30-11-2013 PMP Exam Preparation Coaching Class (4/4)

DECEMBER 2013 TBA Meeting: Regus52 in Nijmegen, topic: U/C

18-12-213 Webinar: Art of Influence

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PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers


I’m glad that I’ve attended the PMI NL Summit event today, as this gave me new insights and understandings. The main thing that I take away from this event is the confirmation of my understanding that Project Managers need to speak the language of business executives to be able to inspire and connect with each other.

Stefan Willard, Canon,

The atmosphere was very positive, the participants were very willing to participate and seemed eager to make new contacts and learn from each other. I enjoyed that! The research by Lynn and Terry connected with the participants; it's a great example of how research can drive practice.

Matthijs Schilde, AMI Consultancy,

I experienced the last PMI NL summit as an injection of concentrated, useful information and advice on relevant project management topics. That effective project management starts from the perception that PMs have of themselves in relation to their organizations and projects was inspiringly depicted using the pilot/ airplane metaphor. A number of workshops focussed on team dynamics and ways to improve performance; a key note addressed the need for PMs to speak and understand the business language of their executives for enhancing the value of their deliverables. Throughout the day I could appreciate and enjoy how professionals from many different fields of work can feel part of the same group and are able to discuss and share experiences on project management without ever needing to use the specific language of their trade.

Francesca Manca, Program manager at OctoPlus,

PMI Netherlands Summit Impression 2013

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PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers


PMP Exam Coaching Class

Mark your Agenda’s for October & November! Register for PMP Exam Coaching Class!

You are probably a long time aware that project sponsors and stakeholders such as customers, employers and suppliers of project management services and so on, do look for proven technology when acquiring people for projects.

Therefore, we continue our efforts to support chapter members and others who are eligible to become Project Management Professional (PMP) or Certified Associate in Project Management.

If you take the right steps you could earn your credential too. This will help to qualify for new roles and challenges in projects, a new position or better salary pay. Because of busy schedules at work and often at home too, a lot of people do not find the time and discipline to do what’s necessary to prepare for the exam. This is where we come in.

Attend our Coaching Class. You will invest four Saturdays in two months and self-study time. Experienced PMP Coaches will discuss exam taking tips, questions & answers. The class sessions will inspire and motivate you to hold on and pass the exam.

If you are serious about your career you register for our PMP Exam Coaching Class.

Please do so before September 12th. PMP Coaches

[email protected]

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PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers


PMO Local Interest Workgroup On May 14 we met with a group of 30 people at the Mediq office in Utrecht where Jan van Egmond and Dennis van der Spoel took us on a journey across the field of portfolio management. Both Jan and Dennis are experienced speakers on the topic who combine theory with rich personal experience on the topic and a very good interaction with the audience.


The evening started with a warm welcome by Ebbe Yonce who welcomed us with food and drinks. I was happy to recognize people from an earlier session at TenneT and excited to see new visitors. During the evening we also heard good news from Mediq who offered to host more sessions which allows us to increase our group size in a central location with excellent facilities.

Theory of Constraints

After the initial introductions the floor was given to Jan van Egmond. Based on feedback from surveys, customer presentations, fellow project managers and colleagues he identified a generic pattern that is relevant for project success in organizations who operate in very different industries. Via an interactive “bingo” game with prizes Jan established an overview of the key questions in the audience and created a bridge to The Theory of Constraints.

The Theory of Constraints, heritage from Eli Goldratt, aims at identifying, utilizing and elevating the constraint and focusing on root causes and critical chains. The Thinking Processes are one of the key instruments in The Theory of Constraints toolkit and Jan explained how to use these tools in assessing the effectiveness of Portfolio Management for increasing project success.

For questions Jan van Egmond can be contacted by e-mail: [email protected]

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PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers


Portfolio management

In the second half of the evening Dennis van der Spoel demonstrated how to utilize constraints to get the maximum strategic value based on a best practice of “Portfolio Management in 100 days”.

During his presentation Dennis positioned Goldratt’s “Theory of Constraints” as minimizing the effects of unexpected chance events (friction) and the immediate action they require. There was specific attention to use a compass instead of a fixed route.

One clear advice from Dennis is to show each team member in the project how their role contributes to the greater picture and the importance of defining values to make trade –offs on key decisions.

Portfolio management was positioned as an enabler for strategic decision making with practical tips and examples to improve communication and cooperation.

For further information Dennis van der Spoel can be contacted by e-mail: [email protected] , the slides of his presentation can be downloaded:

Next meeting

The evening closed with a loud applause for Jan and Dennis and ideas for new sessions and topics which will be announced via the PMI Netherlands Chapter website.

We look forward to seeing you after the summer holidays!

Arno Boer

[email protected]

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PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers


Huge interest for volunteering with Translations of Project Management Toolkit for Youth!

It’s always good to be able to give something back, to contribute to the others who need your support. PMI is organization driven by volunteers and the response to our request for volunteers has once again proven that we have a lot of members in our chapter who really live to this thought. These individuals are teaming with our Belgium colleagues to create the Project Management Toolkit for Youth aiming to get those benefits in an easy and understandable way to the youth.

We were very happy to see so many people responding to our request. With the support of Maria Nikilopoulou (our Volunteer Liaison Manager), of the nine people who responded, six actually were accepted as a volunteer. These people are:

• Peter Schrijver • Hans Fransen • Edwin Hommes • Jeffry Turfboer • Laurie Ferrier • Stephan Jansen

As mentioned before, the PMI Belgium Chapter have given their commitment to the PMIEF to get the translations done to Dutch, French and German and Frederic Pattyn is leading this team of volunteers for the translation on behalf of the PMI Belgium Chapter. We fully support this initiative and since more volunteering opportunities will come up soon Please make sure that you have created a profile in VRMS to be able to apply for an opportunity as soon it’s published. It will help us to serve you better and the application process for an opportunity will become shorter and easier. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us our Volunteer Liaison Manager (Maria) or me for support at the email addresses mentioned below: Maria: [email protected] Diepak: [email protected]

Many thanks for your consideration and support.

Diepak Kasi (Director Membership and Volunteers)

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PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers


How consortia collaborate in pursuit of a project goals - survey Many large and complex projects around the world are executed through consortia, an association composed of multiple companies.

A number of researchers claim that the performance of consortia is directly dependent on how consortium members opt to collaborate, however, the delivery of projects through consortia challenge traditional project management and leadership principles, with collaboration being perceived as difficult to achieve.

Extant research has been conducted on inter-company relationships, collaboration frameworks, collaboration antecedents, team effectiveness, teamwork, and inter-company collaboration. However limited theory exists on collaborative inter-company dynamics, particularly in the form of consortia, and how consortium members collaborate to accomplish project goals.

An anonymous, on-line questionnaire-based survey is being undertaken by an M.Sc. student at the University of Liverpool, to increase the understanding on how consortia collaborate to achieve project objectives. The student researches existing theory on team behavior, virtual team dynamics, collaboration antecedents and their impact on collaboration quality, to articulate and better understand the collaborative environment and interactions that occur among members of consortia.

If you have knowledge or experience in consortia, and wish to take part in this survey, please access the link below:

Link to the survey

Our LinkedIn Discussions

Go LinkedIn Discussions

Executives ‘versus’ Project/Program Managers

During PMI Netherlands Summit 2013 we had very interesting discussion panel "What do Executives want and need from Professional Program and Project Management". We would like to encourage you to continue this discussion here. Dear Project/Program Managers: What do you want and need from Executives? Dear Executives: What do you want and need from Program and Project Managers?

PMI Netherlands Summit 2013

Did you attend? What did you learn?

Lessons Learned Knowledge Base

Does your organization have a "Lessons Learned Knowledge Base"? Do you use it? How do you use it?

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PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers


PM Network June issue available to members Link to the issue

PMI Today June issue available to members Link to the issue

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PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers


Pulse of the Profession™ Report: The Essential Role of Communications

Much research, including PMI’s Pulse of the Profession™, shows that executives and project managers around the world agree that poor communications contributes to project failure. What hasn’t been clear until now is just how much of an impact ineffective communications has on project outcomes and subsequent business success. The Pulse study shows that communications is the most critical success factor.

A new report by PMI, Pulse of the Profession™ In-Depth Report: The Essential Role of Communications, quantifies that insight and it’s staggering! According to the Pulse report, for every US$1 billion spent on projects, US$135 million is at risk. Fifty-six percent of that amount—US$75 million—is at risk due to ineffective communications.

Despite this risk, many organizations admit that they are currently not placing adequate importance on effectively communicating critical project information, especially concerning strategic alignment and business benefits—only one in four organizations describe themselves as highly effective communicators.

Finally, there is quantifiable PROOF that organizations that communicate more effectively deliver more successful projects. PMI’s Pulse research reveals that highly effective communicators are five times more likely than minimally effective communicators to be high performers—to complete their projects on time, on budget and having met original goals and business intent.

This new report identifies key initiatives that can help organizations improve their communication as they face their own unique challenges in such a complex and risky environment. Specifically, high-performing organizations distinguish themselves by excelling in all aspects of project communication:

1. High performers communicate better around key project areas, including objectives, budget, schedule, scope and outcomes, as well as the project’s business benefit and connection to strategy

2. They communicate in a timely manner, providing sufficient clarity and detail, using the language of their audience, and choosing appropriate settings or media for the delivery

3. And they use formal communication plans more frequently, and more effectively, enabling standardization, consistency and agility.

Get to Know PMI’s Pulse of the Profession™ PMI’s Pulse of the Profession™ thought leadership program consists of a series of original market research studies and analysis of third-party data and reports, combined with unique customer insight. The annual Pulse of the Profession report identifies trends in project management along with implications for practice. The Pulse materials can be very valuable for chapters as you are working in your communities to demonstrate the value of project, program and portfolio management. Keep reading to find out what materials are available and how you can use them at your events and on your websites.

From Project Management Institute

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PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers


Let’s stay in touch!

Check out our website!

Our webpage is the main source of information about the Chapter:

You can also sing here to get Chapter news on your email.

Join and Follow us on Linkedin!

Join 462 members of our Linkedin group: , share your thoughts and join discussions. We will also inform you about Chapter events, newletters issues and other PMI news.

You can also follow our company page: with 466 other followers.

Like us on Facebook!

Check out our Facebook Fan page: which was set up to inform you about recent news and for community building purposes. We will let you know about Chapter events, newletters issues and share with you our meetings’ impresions.

Follow us on Twitter!

Besides the website, Linkedin and Facebook you can follow us on Twitter: On regular basis we sent tweets to inform you on Chapter events, news from PMI etc. Have a look and give it a go and join the 194 followers. Looking forward to tweet-connect.

Watch us on Youtube!

If you miss our Chapter meeting or want to hear it again, now you can check our Youtube channel were we publish recordings from our events:

Read us on Issuu!

To make reading our newsletters more convenient for you, we’ve created an Issue account where you can find all our newsletters:

Communication – Let’s stay in touch!

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PMI Netherlands Chapter | Postbus 90261 | 1006 BG Amsterdam - Vakvereniging voor Project-, Programma- en Portfoliomanagers


PMI® Netherlands Chapter Members get a 15% Discount Off Training Courses by ESI


Are you looking to maintain your PMP® and PgMP® credentials?

Well ESI are here to help you! By attending our project management training courses, you can collect PDUs which allow you to maintain your PMI® certification and prove your dedication to the field of project management. And don’t forget, all PMI® Netherlands Chapter members get a 15% discount off all of our public training courses taking place in the UK!

Don’t delay, download our UK 2013 course catalogue today for a full list of training courses!

Book your training today!

Visit our website, for more information.

ESI International an informa business

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Our Sponsors




Thank you to all our sponsors for your generous support.