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Migrating eZ Publish 4 extensions to eZ Publish 5

2013.04.23 eZ Sessions 6 - Migrating legacy eZ Publish extensions - Lukasz Serwatka

May 10, 2015



Talk given by Lukasz Serwatka during the eZ Session Show, 6th episode, online. Learn more at

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Migrating eZ Publish 4 extensions to eZ Publish 5

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Extending eZ Publish 5§ Presenter

Łukasz Serwatka

Product Management Technical Lead

[email protected]


§ Working with eZ since 1st of March 2005§ Over 10 years of experience with eZ Publish§ Former member of the Engineering team§ eZ Publish & Polish PHP Community Member§ Expert in mobile solutions (mobile applications & mobile strategies)

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Extending eZ Publish 5§ Preparation

§ Drivers for migration (challenges, requirements) - It is very important to understand the drivers behind a migration effort

§ Inventory of current environment - Creating a detailed summary of the current extension portfolio really helps in terms of understanding the scope of a migration effort

§ Migration service provider - evaluate at least a couple of migration service providers if you do not have migration skills and staff in-house.

§ Migration effort estimate - the estimate depends on many factors such as extension size, database complexity, components, etc. Usually provided by the migration service provider.

§ Training requirements - Training requirements for existing development team on the new platform need to be assessed to ensure that they can support the new environment effectively and can participate in the migration process if required.

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Extending eZ Publish 5§ Preparation

§ Make in-depth analysis of the existing eZ Publish 4.x extension functionality and code base, focusing especially on§ External storage (custom tables)§ Configuration (INI settings overrides)§ CLI scripts§ Template overrides§ Datatypes§ Edit handlers§ Workflow events§ AJAX calls§ Translations§ User interface (backend)

§ Carefully judge which elements can be natively implemented in eZ Publish 5 and which ones still require legacy kernel. Not all legacy features are available in eZ Publish 5 yet, and it is an ongoing process to fill the gaps.

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Extending eZ Publish 5§ Preparation

§ The eZ Publish 5 supported extension points at the moment:§ FieldTypes (with custom tables)§ Templates (view providers for Content, Location and Blocks [since eZ Publish

5.1])§ Services (Persistence API)§ Controllers & Actions (Routes)§ Events (PostSiteAccessMatchEvent, PreContentViewEvent,

APIContentExceptionEvent)− eZ/Publish/Core/MVC/Legacy/LegacyEvents.php− eZ/Publish/Core/MVC/Symfony/MVCEvents.php

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Extending eZ Publish 5§ New concepts in eZ Publish 5.x

eZ Publish 4.x eZ Publish 5.x

Module Controller, extends eZ\Bundle\EzPublishCoreBundle\Controller

Action & View Action: the method on the Controller to execute. View is a (Twig) template that displays the result of the Action.

eZTemplate Twig, new template engine, new syntax

fetch() Render function, HMVC concept, a function that enables embedding if other controller calls

Extension Bundle in the eZ Publish 5 (Symfony2)

CLI eZ Publish 5 ezpublish/console component for creating command line interfaces

INI settings YAML, recommended configuration type in eZ Publish 5

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Extending eZ Publish 5§ Naming differences between eZ Publish 4.x and 5.x

eZ Publish 4.x eZ Publish 5.x

(Content) Class ContentType

(Content) Class Group ContentTypeGroup

(Content) Class Attribute FieldDefinition

(Content) Object Content (meta info in: ContentInfo)

(Content Object) Version VersionInfo

(Content Object) Attribute Field

(Content Object) Attribute content FieldValue

Datatype FieldType

Node Location

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§ eZ Publish 5 can be extended thanks to the bundle system§ A Bundle is a directory containing a set of files (PHP files, stylesheets,

JavaScripts, images, ...) that implement a single feature (a blog, a forum, etc) and which can be easily shared with other developers.

§ eZ Publish 5 also provides a command line interface for generating a basic bundle skeleton:$ php ezpublish/console generate:bundle –namespace=eZ/TestBundle

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Extending eZ Publish 5

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Extending eZ Publish 5§ Bundle Directory Structure

Bundle Directory Structure Description

Controller/ contains the controllers of the bundle (e.g. HelloController.php);

DependencyInjection/ holds certain dependency injection extension classes, which may import service configuration

Resources/config/ houses configuration, including routing configuration (e.g. routing.yml);

Resources/views/ holds templates organized by controller name (e.g. Hello/index.html.twig);

Resources/public/ contains web assets (images, stylesheets, etc) and is copied or symbolically linked into the project web/ directory via the assets:install console command;

Tests/ holds all tests for the bundle.

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Extending eZ Publish 5§ Bundle Directory Structure – Advanced

Bundle Directory Structure Description

API/ contains the value object definitions, service interfaces, etc. In short, public API interfaces provided by your bundle.

Core/ holds field types implementation, persistence related classes, repository implementations, signal-slot implementations, etc.

SPI/ (Service Provider Interface) holds interfaces that can contains one or several implementations around Persistence (database), IO (file system), FieldTypes (former DataTypes), Limitations (permissions system), etc.

EventListeners/ holds event listeners implementation for both eZ Publish 5 and LS

Command/ contains Console commands, each file must be suffixed with Command.php

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§ Example eZ Publish 5 Bundle architecture

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Extending eZ Publish 5§ Bundle Directory Structure

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§ File: eZTestBundle.php

<?php Namespace eZ\TestBundle; use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Bundle\Bundle; class eZTestBundle extends Bundle{}

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Extending eZ Publish 5§ Main Bundle Class

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§ Before a Bundle can be used it has to be registered in the system.§ With the registerBundles() method, you have total control over which bundles

are used by eZ Publish 5 (including the core Symfony bundles).// ezpublish/EzPublishKernel.php

public function registerBundles()


$bundles = array(


// register your bundles

new eZ\TestBundle\eZTestBundle(),


// ...

return $bundles;


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Extending eZ Publish 5§ Registering Bundle

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§ eZ Publish 5 provides a shortcut for automatic bundle registration

php ezpublish/console generate:bundle --namespace=eZ/TestBundle

php ezpublish/console assets:install --symlink

php ezpublish/console cache:clear

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Extending eZ Publish 5§ Registering Bundle

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§ File: eZTestBundle.php

<?php Namespace eZ\TestBundle; use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Bundle\Bundle; class eZTestBundle extends Bundle{ public function getParent() { return ’eZDemoBundle'; }}

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Extending eZ Publish 5§ Bundle Override

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§ File: src/eZ/DemoBundle/Controller/MyController.php<?php

namespace eZ\DemoBundle\MyController;

use EzSystems\DemoBundle\Controller\DemoController as BaseController;

class MyController extends BaseController


public function footerAction( $locationId )


// Call parent method or completely replace its logic with your own

$response = parent::footerAction( $locationId );

// ... do custom stuff

return $response;



§ Only works if the bundle refers to the controller using the standard EzSystemsDemoBundle:Demo:footer syntax in routes and templates

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Extending eZ Publish 5§ Controller Override

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§ File: view.html.twig

<h1>Hello</h1><p>I’m a Twig template!</p>

§ Created Twig template can be included as follows:

{% include ‘eZTestBundle::view.html.twig’ %}

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Extending eZ Publish 5§ Example Twig Template

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§ Legacy template include

// eZ Publish 5.0{% ez_legacy_include "design:parts/menu.tpl" with {"current_node_id": location.contentInfo.mainLocationId} %}

// eZ Publish 5.1 and above{% include "design:parts/menu.tpl" with {"current_node_id": location.contentInfo.mainLocationId} %}

Note that if you pass Content or a Location it will be converted to the corresponding eZ Publish Legacy objects.

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Extending eZ Publish 5§ Working with legacy templates

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§ The best practice for extension migration regarding configuration is to keep a compatible format



# Skin for the editor, 'default' and 'o2k7' is included as standard


# Lets you control alignment of toolbar buttons [left|right]



# Namespace is ezoe (INI file was ezoe.ini), scope is defined to ezdemo_site siteaccess

ezoe.ezdemo_site.EditorSettings.Skin: o2k7

ezoe.ezdemo_site.EditorSettings.ToolbarAlign: left

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Extending eZ Publish 5§ Working with INI settings

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// Assuming that the current siteaccess is ezdemo_site

// The following code will work whether you're using the legacy extension or the migrated one.

$resolver = $this->getConfigResolver();

$skin = $resolver->getParameter( ’EditorSettings.Skin', ’ezoe' );

$toolbarAlign= $resolver->getParameter( ’EditorSettings.ToolbarAlign', ’ezoe' );

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Extending eZ Publish 5§ Working with INI settings

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§ Datatypes are FieldTypes in eZ Publish 5§ Extends eZ\Publish\Core\FieldType\FieldType class§ Uses Value objects for storing arbitrary data (extends

eZ\Publish\Core\FieldType\Value)§ Requires converters for field values in legacy storage (implements

eZ\Publish\Core\Persistence\Legacy\Content\FieldValue\Converter)§ A NULL Converter is available for developers' convenience § Uses gateways for getting data from external storage (custom tables)

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Extending eZ Publish 5§ FieldType

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§ A common issue with rendering legacy field types in eZ Publish 5 is the API_CONTENT_EXCEPTION

§ It occurs when the API throws an exception that could not be caught internally (missing field type, missing converter, internal error...)

§ For simple field types, declaration of NULL converter is often a resolution

// Resources/config/fieldtypes.yml

ezpublish.fieldType.ezsample.class: %ezpublish.fieldType.eznull.class%


class: %ezpublish.fieldType.ezsample.class%

parent: ezpublish.fieldType

arguments: [ ”ezsample" ]


- {name: ezpublish.fieldType, alias: ezsample}

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Extending eZ Publish 5§ NULL Converter

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// Resources/config/storage_engines.yml

ezpublish.fieldType.ezsample.converter.class: %ezpublish.fieldType.eznull.converter.class%


class: %ezpublish.fieldType.ezsample.converter.class%


- {name: ezpublish.storageEngine.legacy.converter, alias: ezsample, lazy: true, callback: '::create'}

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Extending eZ Publish 5§ NULL Converter

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§ Some FieldTypes store data in external data sources§ Possible through the eZ\Publish\SPI\FieldType\FieldStorage interface.

// Resources/config/fieldtypes.yml


ezpublish.fieldType.ezsample.externalStorage.class: eZ\Publish\Core\FieldType\Sample\SampleStorage



class: %ezpublish.fieldType.ezsample.externalStorage.class%


- {name: ezpublish.fieldType.externalStorageHandler, alias: ezsample}

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Extending eZ Publish 5§ External storage

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§ It is recommended to use gateway-based storage§ Implement a gateway infrastructure and a registry for the gateways§ Possible through the eZ\Publish\Core\FieldType\StorageGateway// Resources/config/fieldtypes.yml


ezpublish.fieldType.ezsample.storage_gateway.class: eZ\Publish\Core\FieldType\Sample\SampleStorage\Gateway\LegacyStorage



class: %ezpublish.fieldType.ezsample.storage_gateway.class%


- {name: ezpublish.fieldType.externalStorageHandler.gateway, alias: ezsample, identifier: LegacyStorage}

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Extending eZ Publish 5§ External storage

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abstract class Gateway extends StorageGateway



* Stores data in the database based on the given field data


* @param \eZ\Publish\SPI\Persistence\Content\VersionInfo $versionInfo

* @param \eZ\Publish\SPI\Persistence\Content\Field $field


abstract public function storeFieldData( VersionInfo $versionInfo, Field $field );


* Gets data stored in the field


* @param \eZ\Publish\SPI\Persistence\Content\VersionInfo $versionInfo

* @param \eZ\Publish\SPI\Persistence\Content\Field $field


abstract public function getFieldData( VersionInfo $versionInfo, Field $field );


* Deletes field data for all $fieldIds in the version identified by

* $versionInfo.


* @param \eZ\Publish\SPI\Persistence\Content\VersionInfo $versionInfo

* @param array $fieldIds


abstract public function deleteFieldData( VersionInfo $versionInfo, array $fieldIds );

} 13-4-26Presenter: Łukasz Serwatka Slide 26

Extending eZ Publish 5§ External storage

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* Deletes field data for all $fieldIds in the version identified by

* $versionInfo.


* @param \eZ\Publish\SPI\Persistence\Content\VersionInfo $versionInfo

* @param array $fieldIds


public function deleteFieldData( VersionInfo $versionInfo, array $fieldIds )


$connection = $this->getConnection();

$query = $connection->createDeleteQuery();


->deleteFrom( … )




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Extending eZ Publish 5§ External storage

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§ Possible to run some PHP code inside a sandbox through the runCallback() method


// Declare use statements for the classes you may need

use eZINI;


// Inside a controller extending eZ\Bundle\EzPublishCoreBundle\Controller

$settingName = 'MySetting';

$test = array( 'oneValue', 'anotherValue' );

$myLegacySetting = $this->getLegacyKernel()->runCallback(

    function () use ( $settingName, $test )


        // Here you can reuse $settingName and $test variables inside the legacy context

        $ini = eZINI::instance( 'someconfig.ini' );

        return $ini->variable( 'SomeSection', $settingName );



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Extending eZ Publish 5§ Running legacy code

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§ Stored in the Resources/translations/ directory of the bundle.§ Each translation file must be named according to the following path:

domain.locale.loader. For example Resources/translations/§ Keyword messages preferred over messages that are written in the

language of the default locale. For example $t = $translator->trans(’ez5.great');

§ YAML is recommended configuration type§ Possible to dump messages into the file with ezpublish/console

$ php ezpublish/console translation:update --output-format=yml --dump-messages <locale> <bundle name>

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Extending eZ Publish 5§ Translations

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§ Commands should be placed under Command/ folder inside your Bundle and file name must be suffixed with Command.php, e.g EzTestCommand.php

Class EzTestCommand extends ContainerAwareCommand


protected function configure()



protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)




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Extending eZ Publish 5§ Console commands

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§ Console command configuration

Class EzTestCommand extends ContainerAwareCommand


protected function configure()




->setDescription(’eZ Publish 5 Console Test')

->addArgument(’first', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, ’First argument')

->addOption(’second', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, ‘Option param')




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Extending eZ Publish 5§ Console commands

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§ Console command configuration

Class EzTestCommand extends ContainerAwareCommand


protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)


$name = $input->getArgument(’first');

if ($name) {

$text = 'Hello '.$name;


if ($input->getOption(’second')) {

$text = strtoupper($text);





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Extending eZ Publish 5§ Console commands

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§ We recommend using composer ( for bundles installation

§ Provide packages via website for ease of distribution§ Configuration with composer.json

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Extending eZ Publish 5§ Composer

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"name": ”ez/testbundle",

"description": “",

"license": "GPL-2.0",

"authors": [


"name": ”eZ",

"homepage": ""



"require": {

"ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel": "dev-master"


"minimum-stability": "dev",

"autoload": {

"psr-0": {”eZ\\TestBundle": ""}


"target-dir": ”eZ/TestBundle"


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Extending eZ Publish 5§ composer.json