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2013 Jan/Feb - Real Heatlh - Maximized Living Magazine

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JAN - FEB 2013

Momentum: mo – men – tum /mō'mentəm/1. The quantity of motion of a moving body, measured as a product of its mass and velocity.2. The impetus gained by a moving object.

We want you to experience momentum in how you look, feel and how truly healthy you are. To find yourself in a place where you’re always doing great. To be in a place where it’s actually easier to live—not harder—than it is right now.

When people are discussing a sporting event or an election, they often use the word “momentum.” This is when the tide has turned to favor someone, whatever they do is working, and they can’t be stopped. If you can get a hold of it, momentum is a powerful ally.To achieve momentum, you cannot just push and grind and work more intensely than you did before—momentum doesn’t mean working harder. You don’t have momentum if your tasks feel incredibly difficult, like you’re always fighting uphill battles. Yet it doesn’t happen simply by chance either. People, teams, and organizations who gain, experience and harness momentum are smart, not lucky. There’s a strategy for health and fitness momentum and we’ve discovered it at Maximized Living. In 2013, we’ve aligned a series of some of the world’s most up to date resources and highly charged events specifically designed to get you the lifestyle you need to thrive and the lifestyle you have always wanted.

Momentum = Mass x Velocity.

By loading up on high-quality products and life-advancing experiences all aimed to speed you towards your maximized health potential, you will be propelled forward like no other year before. Will there be speed bumps? Absolutely. But just get back to the formula your Maximized Living doctor offers you and you will surely regain any momentum you may have momentarily lost.

A fInAL noTe: I don’t believe anyone ever has gained momentum without putting others before themselves. As edward everett Hale said, “I am only one, but I am one. I can’t do everything, but I can do something. The something I ought to do, I can do. And by the grace of God, I will.” Don’t just transform your life this year, join our global mission by helping the people around you live a Maximized Life, too.

on behalf of Maximized Living doctors everywhere, we look forward to serving you this year. Thank you for joining our mission to change the way the world views health.

HoW Do You RIDe THe WAVe of



Dr. Ben Lerner Co-founder of Maximized Living





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Whole Foods There is a Difference.

hoW To GeT The MosT FoR YoUR MoNeY

Is the food you ate today healthy and nutritious? Are you sure? Since most of us don’t hunt or grow our own, our answer depends almost entirely on the nutritional labels on our food -- nutritional labels prepared by large corporate food suppliers. Cutting edge food science, confusing legal requirements and smart marketing techniques make nutritional labels challenging to understand. The same applies to labels found on food supplements. To help you navigate the terrain, here are three important explanations you need to know.

NOT YOUR GRANDMOTHER’S NATURALThirty to forty years ago, “natural foods” were the rage, and concepts like “organic” or “whole” foods were not even on the radar. “Natural” originally meant no artificial or chemical additives in the food. Unfortunately, in today’s world of advanced food science, the line between artificial and real has been blurred beyond recognition. Now we have “natural” flavors, preservatives, and sweeteners that are anything but natural. The terms “natural” and “unprocessed” have been so stretched and manipulated by food manufacturers, they’re almost meaningless. Bottom line: consumers should pay very little attention to the word “natural.”

ORGANIC: GOOD, BUT NOT THE WHOLE STORY Organic foods do not contain synthetic pesticides or chemical fertilizers. Organic foods are also not processed using radiation, industrial solvents or chemical food additives. “USDA Certified Organic” means 90% or more of the ingredients in the product are organic. Various certifying bodies regularly audit the records of food manufacturers to ensure these percentage requirements are being met. The phrase “made with organic” can be used if the product contains at least 70% organic ingredients. Products with less than 70% organic ingredients cannot use the term “organic” anywhere on the packaging, except in the list of ingredients to label any particular organic ingredients as such. Due to the growing popularity of the term “organic” over the past 2 decades - as well as growing misuse - the USDA continues to enact stricter guidelines as to what it means.

While “USDA Certified Organic” does encourage more sustainable and less toxic food production, the term itself does not always mean healthy or nutritious. “Organic white flour,” “organic refined white sugar,” “organic sodas” and “organic donuts” are just a few obvious examples.

THE GOLDEN TICKET FOR YOUR BODYWhole foods refer to a class of foods that have not been adulterated or fractionated, but remain intact or complete. Foods - even organic foods - that have been enhanced or fortified, changed in some significant way or had critical elements removed, are not “whole foods.” Whole foods, as well as whole food based supplements, are often challenging to find.

What about “raw” foods? Whole foods include raw foods in most instances. Raw foods are foods that have not been heated (cooked) above 115 F and, therefore, retain the nutritional value that could be lost in cooking. For example, raw fruits and vegetables picked straight from the plant and eaten without any adulteration are whole foods. Whole foods are the same raw foods your body was designed to run on.

Why are whole foods important? Unlike processed and chemically enhanced food, unaltered whole foods maintain their full enzymatic potential and impart life-giving, energy-boosting micro-nutrients. These enzymes, probiotics and other nutrient co-factors are necessary for the human body to perform optimally. Fractionated and isolated food elements that are then recombined with various chemicals and artificial nutrients do not have the bioavailability that whole foods have. Whole foods offer a much higher degree of absorption, utilization and potency. This means greater strength and endurance, as well as superior immunity to disease and faster recovery from injury.

So, yes, whole foods are very different from “natural” and “organic” foods. Organic whole foods are vastly superior and should always be your first choice when it comes to food and supplements.

For optimal health and well-being, it’s important to supplement your diet with the best supplements available. These supplements must maximize the nutritional power of raw and whole foods and should be made with organic ingredients whenever possible. Your supplements should contain 100% whole foods, formulated and combined in such a way that absorption, utilization and potency are the highest possible.

Absorption refers to the ability of the body to digest and easily access the nutrients in your supplement, instead of passing them right through the body.

UtilizAtion refers to the ability of the body to actually use the nutrients in your supplements in the most effective way for organ and system health.

potency refers to the maximum affect a supplement should have on the body. In other words, it should really work.

Unlike other supplements based on fractionated and isolated nutritional elements which are then recombined with various chemicals and artificial nutrients, Maximized Living supplements have been formulated and manufactured with an optimal matrix of organic raw and whole food ingredients to give you increased absorption, utilization and potency.

organic, naTural, raw

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JAN - FEB 2013

SUMMARYThe antioxidant glutathione serves a myriad of benefits. Over the last 12 years, studies have consistently found glutathione to be an essential part of proper cell functioning, disease prevention, and general vitality. Although the body produces its own glutathione, the availability of this naturally occurring antioxidant can be compromised by environmental toxins, stress, and poor diet. Glutathione levels must be replenished in order to maintain good health.

INTRODUCTIONCreated from the body’s own amino acids, this molecule is responsible for keeping humans alive at the cellular level. As an antioxidant, glutathione ushers harmful free radicals and other toxins out of the body. It also rebuilds other antioxidants. By “lending” its atoms to damaged cells, glutathione recycles other antioxidants while regenerating itself.

Research shows glutathione is also essential to:

• Building and repairing DNA• Protecting immune system function• Preventing cancer• Fighting heart disease• Controlling inflammation• Increasing strength and muscle tone1• Eliminating cancer-causing toxins in our bodies

The human body generates its own glutathione. However, dietary toxins, environmental exposure and stress cause the synthesis to slow down and sometimes cease. Aging also causes glutathione levels to drop6. For these reasons, it is essential to replenish glutathione levels in your body.

ENHANCING IMMUNE SYSTEMGlutathione works on another level to boost the immune system. It does this by fighting “oxidative stress,” which often causes illness.

Oxidative stress occurs when free radicals outnumber antioxidants in the body. A wide range of diseases have been attributed to oxidative stress, including Parkinson’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, and cancer1. In one study, patients with HIV and low levels of glutathione were given an 8-week treatment in which their glutathione and other antioxidants were replenished, and their ability to fight infection improved.

Also, a variety of clinical and experimental studies have indicated antioxidants like glutathione could treat diabetes and diabetic complications.

BUILDING DNAAs people age, their DNA becomes damaged from constant free radical exposure and other traumas. Genetic studies in mice have shown a relationship between glutathione and age. Older mice were found to have lower levels of the antioxidant present in aging livers, kidneys and other organs, whereas the organs of younger mice showed higher levels. Similar studies have been conducted in humans with the similar results.

DNA can also be damaged by toxins and trauma to the body. In the journal Carcinogenic, researchers recorded the effects of tobacco carcinogens on strands of DNA, and found reduced DNA damage when glutathione was present compared to when it was removed. Although these findings certainly do not make a case for cigarettes, they do show the powerful effects of glutathione on repairing DNA.

GLUTATHIONE DRAINERSCommon glutathione drainers include pollution, smoke, and chemicals found in our environment. But the top three contributors to glutathione shortage are:

1. Stress depletes antioxidants and weakens the immune system.

2. Diets low in selenium and vitamins E and C, prevent glutathione from functioning at full capacity.

3. Sunburn increases a person’s free radical exposure.

GLUTATHIONE BOOSTERSThere are also ways to boost glutathione levels. One way is to take in the three amino acids it is made from: cysteine, glycine and glutamine. Studies show glutathione levels to be positively influenced by the presence of these amino


GLUTATHIONE: The Supreme Antioxidant and Detoxifier


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acids. They can be found in some foods, like asparagus and walnuts, and also in high-quality supplements.

Another method is to take in antioxidant precursors, which work in varying ways to raise glutathione levels. Precursors are certain vitamins and nutrients that have been found to either raise or support glutathione levels. They include:

• Vitamins E and C• Vitamins B6 and B12• Selenium• Lipoic Acid• Magnesium

Vitamins E and C are known to work with glutathione when it comes to ridding the body of free radicals. These vitamins are common to many fresh foods, including berries, citrus fruits, nuts, and leafy greens.

While vitamin B6 can be found in meats, starchy vegetable and some fruits, vitamin B12 is usually not found in plant derived food and instead found in mostly animal products like beef, milk and eggs. Selenium, a trace mineral, is significant because it aids in the recycling of glutathione. Certain plant foods and even some meat can provide selenium to the diet, but it depends where food is grown, as selenium is concentrated in the soil.

Studies show that lipoic acid— found in broccoli, yams, spinach and organ meat —helps glutathione return to its stable state during the recycling process. Magnesium is known to improve heart health and fight cardiovascular disease. Studies show that glutathione actually enhances the magnesium present in a cell. Just as other antioxidants work synergistically with glutathione, this mineral is found to be more abundant and work better when glutathione is present. Like other vitamins and nutrients listed here, magnesium can be taken through high-quality supplements that aid absorption.

CONCLUSIONGlutathione is vital to good health, but unless action is taken to keep the antioxidant at an optimal level, the body is likely to respond with sluggishness, disease and chronic illness.

With toxins and free radicals overflowing in our environment, the average person is likely to have depleted levels of glutathione.

For good health and overall wellbeing, it is imperative that glutathione levels are addressed and actions are taken to keep levels raised.

The Maximized Living Detox System is designed to ensure the right balance of glutathione by providing the body what it needs to create it.

For more information on the benefits of

glutathione, contained in

Daily Detox® please visit

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JAN - FEB 2013

I have worked in the food service industry all my life. The last 20 years of my career I was a restaurant manager. On Thanksgiving of 1999, my life changed forever! I had my first of three pulmonary embolisms. The second put an end to my career. The third one nearly took my life. Since the first embolism (and several blood clots in my legs) I have also been diagnosed with: lupus anticoagulants (the cause of my blood clots), sleep apnea and narcolepsy, carpal tunnel in my hands (I had carpal tunnel surgery years ago and started seeing symptoms return within a year), rheumatoid arthritis, degenerative disk disorder, severe migraine headaches and depression. I was placed on 14 prescription drugs, including strong pain medications, anti-depressants and even shots along my spine to deaden my nerves because the pain was so severe.

I had gained 140 pounds due to the medications and my inability to perform daily activities because of the pain. I had such severe migraines that I would be bedridden for days. As you can imagine, my outlook on life was extremely bleak.

Before all this, I was a happy, outgoing, fun-loving person who almost overnight turned into a pain-ridden introvert who could not stand being around people—including my own family. I would go to church and just huddle and cry because I was so overwhelmed with anxiety with the closeness of people; a hug would literally throw me into fits of anxiety.

To top it all off, I was told by a disability judge that I would never be a value to society. Therefore, he put me on permanent disability. I lost my home and my life savings. My insurance went up and that wasn’t including what I was paying per month for prescriptions. I lost a total of 10 years of my life (for which there is no monetary value), and I went in debt I couldn’t pay. I had to file bankruptcy.

I had literally hit rock bottom. I thought I had tried everything. I was seeing many doctors and specialists, including a chiropractor, with no positive results. My friends and family were constantly suggesting different doctors to see and different things to try.

I was ready to give up.My brother and sister-in-law asked me continually for three months to see Dr. Katie, but I was already seeing 12 doctors who didn’t know what was wrong with me and didn’t care—why would I want to see another one? Then I saw the improvement in their health. They each had several health issues and I was very interested in learning what they were doing. I made three appointments to see Dr. Katie, but canceled two of them because I felt there was no hope, no sense in wasting her time or

mine. I honestly thought I would walk into her office, and she would take one look at me and tell me she could not help me—just like everyone else. However, my brother and sister-in-law kept nagging me and I finally gave in.

When I walked into Dr. Katie’s clinic, I was overwhelmed by the love I felt. It was like nothing I have ever experienced before. When I met Dr. Katie, she looked me in the eye and said, “Bonnie, I can help you.” In that moment, my life changed (this time for the better). By my third visit, the difference in how I felt was amazing. Within six visits I was meeting with my doctors to begin the process of getting off some of my medications. The pain management specialist I was seeing actually refused to see me anymore because I wanted to get off my medications and get well. In just three and a half months, Dr. Katie and her team gave me my life back.

I am currently off 13 of 14 of my medications, still working on the last one. I have lost 49 of the 140 pounds I had put on. (Still working on that as well—it’s a process). My friends and family can hardly believe how I have improved and have also taken notice of Dr. Katie and her staff. My father was scheduled for carpal tunnel surgery, but after one adjustment from Dr. Katie, he canceled the surgery. He hasn’t had any pain in his hand since.

I am not usually one to recommend doctors but I cannot say enough about Dr. Katie Benson and her staff. She has given me back my life. I can now do all the activities the pain had taken away. When I told her that I was ready to start job hunting again, she blessed me again by offering me a job at her office (I took it!).

Now, I enjoy the company of people again, and every day I get to make them happy. More importantly, I get to extend the hope that was given to me. I also get the great pleasure of working for a company that has great respect for the human body and the way God designed it.

CH A NGE D Lives

*This is the testimonial from a real Maximized Living patient. The patient’s name has been changed for privacy purposes. If you would like to contribute your story to this series, please contact us at: [email protected]

“I had gained 140 pounds due to the medications and my

inability to perform daily activities because of the pain. I had such

severe migraines that I would be bedridden for days. As you can imagine, my outlook on life was

extremely bleak.”

B. Gardner

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World champion freestyle wrestler Jordan Burroughs stayed undefeated in international competition in 2012, earning himself a gold medal in the process. The 24-year-old regularly receives care from Maximized Living’s Dr. Fred Roberto and Dr. Fred Rossi. Leading up to the London event, Burroughs became a media darling because of his prophetic Twitter handle, “alliseeisgold.” His prediction became reality when, he took his spot atop the famous medal stand.

A Rising Phenom“I’ve been waiting for this moment—this opportunity—for a long time, and to actually get it done and finally be here is pretty cool,” Burroughs told NBC after winning his first gold medal (he insists it won’t be his last). Burroughs is the embodiment of athletic hyperbole. He’s as immovable as an ocean liner run aground, and calling him explosive is as egregious as labeling Michael Phelps an overachiever. Burroughs has gone undefeated—everywhere—for nearly three years. The only fitting description is “the best.”

His last loss? In December 2009, while still wrestling for the University of Nebraska, Burroughs was outpointed 3-2. In the match’s first period, he simultaneously tore the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) and lateral collateral ligament (LCL) in his left knee. He finished the match anyway. That loss snapped Burroughs 44-match winning streak, during which he won the previous season’s NCAA championship. After rehabbing and redshirting the following year, Burroughs stormed back onto the NCAA wrestling scene. He finished his Cornhusker career with an unblemished 36-0 record, becoming the school’s first ever two-time national champion. Burroughs was back.

The mAximized Living edgeAfter college, Burroughs was invited to train with the USA Wrestling. He seamlessly transitioned to international style, which is significantly different from collegiate wrestling in the United States.

Maximized Living doctors serve as the official chiropractic and performance team for USA Wrestling. Roberto and Rossi have been providing Burroughs with their unparalleled care for almost a year, but getting him started took some convincing.

“Last year I had a bad experience with a young chiropractor—I don’t think he was certified or anything,” he said in an interview with Roberto. “But being with you guys [Maximized Living], you guys made me comfortable.

Maximized Living has improved Burroughs’ eating habits—he has given up candy and soda, though he says he still sneaks in ice cream—and he credits his adjustments for giving him the edge he needs.“The best adjustment of my career was the day before I wrestled in the Olympic Games,” Burroughs said. “Not only did it help me physically, it helped me mentally. It was just a level of confidence I had knowing I adjusted

well before I had to wrestle.”

PRePARing foR RioOne gold medal will not be enough for Burroughs. He aspires to take home the gold again in 2016. “I’m only 24—still young, still got a couple Olympic Games in me,” Burroughs told NBC. “I’m excited about what I’ve accomplished and what I can in the future.”

Burroughs is equally clear about his future with Maximized Living. “It makes me feel better every

day, so I look forward to it and I’m putting it into my training regimen going into 2013 and beyond.

It’s definitely something that’s helped me get to the level I’m at today.”


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JAN - FEB 2013

“When you take in more calories than you burn, you gain weight.” This line of thought would have us believe that gaining and losing weight is simple, but we know our bodies are more complex than that.

A recent study shows that protein has a greater effect on weight than researchers had previously realized. These findings may change the way people approach losing, and gaining, extra pounds.

In a two-month-long experiment, 25 participants agreed to live in a laboratory and consume an extra 1,000 calories each day along with varying amounts of protein.

While participants in the low-protein group gained less weight initially, the weight they did gain was entirely fat. High-protein participants not only achieved more lean muscle, they also experienced increased metabolism, making their bodies more efficient at burning fat in the long run.

other studies have shown a link between protein intake and decreased appetite, making a case for the nutrient’s ability to promote weight loss.



Participants on a low-protein diet:• 95% of extra calories turned to fat• Other 5% was burned off as heat• Lean muscle was lost instead of gainedParticipants on a high-protein diet: • 50% of extra calories turned to fat• 40% was burned off as heat• 10% was gained as lean muscle

Maximized Living offers not just a quality protein, but the perfect protein for your body. ML Perfect Protein comes from the whey of grass-fed, 100% naturally-raised cows – without a trace of harmful chemicals, pesticides, genetically modified organisms, or hormones.

With all the essential amino acids you need to burn fat, build muscle, and maintain optimal health, this great-tasting supplement is built for performance. If weight is something you struggle with, ML Perfect Protein is built for you.

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13 Maximized Living offers not just a quality protein, but the perfect protein for your body. ML Perfect Protein comes from the whey of grass-fed, 100% naturally-raised cows – without a trace of harmful chemicals, pesticides, genetically modified organisms, or hormones.

With all the essential amino acids you need to burn fat, build muscle, and maintain optimal health, this great-tasting supplement is built for performance. If weight is something you struggle with, ML Perfect Protein is built for you.

How do you decide which supplements to purchase? Is your decision based on popularity, price, and recommendations; or do you consider the actual quality of the supplement? Hopefully, the bottom line for you will be the ingredients contained within the supplements and how the supplements are manufactured.

for example, we examined some of the top selling proteins and found that most protein powders on the market today have low quality hydrolyzed proteins combined with dangerous artificial sweeteners. Many contain toxins such as cadmium, lead, mercury and arsenic. often, the whey-producing cows are injected with hormones and fed genetically modified foods. High heat used in processing damages many of the enzymes, immune factors and amino acids necessary for optimum nutrition. All of this results in low absorption, utilization and potency. In other words, your supplement won’t work very well for you.

In contrast, the cows used to produce the protein in Maximized Living products are never injected with hormones and are raised in natural grass pastures, free from pesticides. We use a low-temperature filtration process which prevents nutrient damage caused by heat.

The closer you look at our ingredients and manufacturing processes, the more you will see that Maximized Living is a brand you can trust.

Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold StandardAmazon’s #1 best-selling protein

Maximized Living Perfect Protein

r Artificial flavors ü Only natural flavorr Sucralose ü Steviar "Modified" food starch ü Nothing "modified"r Maltodextrin ü No maltodextrinr Soy Lecithin ü No lecithinr Cadmium, lead, mercury, arsenic ü No metals/toxinsr ??? ü Whey from naturally-raised cowsü Isolate-Concentrate blend ü Isolate-Concentrate blendr 1-3 servings per day ü 1 serving per day

Goes Into a Top Seller?

A Closer look At



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JAN - FEB 2013

THE IMPORTANT ROLE OF VITAMIN DStudies show 50-78% of the general population has lower than optimal levels of vitamin D. This places them at a high risk for several degenerative diseases including cardiovascular disease, cancer, and respiratory disease. A recent study reveals that adult patients admitted to the hospital with pneumonia are more likely to die if they have vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D also supports cell growth, neuromuscular function, and reduction of inflammation, thereby reducing your risk of major diseases.

THE WRONG FORM OF VITAMIN DNot all forms of Vitamin D are equal. Vitamin D3 is readily absorbed by the body, protects bones, and boosts the immune system to help prevent diseases such as cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, and even cancer. Vitamin D2 is more difficult to process and has limited health benefits, but is still the type most recommended by doctors and used in many multivitamins and fortified foods. Several studies over the last year indicate that Vitamin D3 is superior to Vitamin D2:• in helping the body absorb calcium • in maintaining potency• in raising overall Vitamin D levels• in promoting general health and longer life

Although sunlight is an excellent way to obtain D3, several factors can complicate your intake.

WINDOWS & VITAMIN D3 UVB rays trigger your body’s production of Vitamin D3, but if sunlight is traveling through glass to reach you, UVB rays cannot penetrate. Instead only harmful UVA rays make it through.

SHOWERING & VITAMIN D3Showering can also affect your sun-derived Vitamin D3 by washing it away before it has a chance to reach your bloodstream. This process can take up to 48 hours. CLIMATE, LIFESTYLE & VITAMIN D3Season, time & length of day, cloud cover, air quality, skin type, personal schedule, and sunscreen all affect Vitamin D synthesis. For these reasons, the best method for ensuring optimal Vitamin D3 intake is through a high-quality supplement.

Maximized Living Vitamin D3 with probiotics has all the goodness of the sun, and more. Not only are you getting the quality, high-potency D3, you also have the added benefits of 22 whole fruits and vegetables and the metabolic help of active live cultures.

Maximized Living doctors know the powerful effects of Vitamin D3. Whether it is for your bones, heart, immune system, liver, kidneys, or any of your other vital systems, you can’t afford to be taking the wrong Vitamin D. Talk with a Maximized Living doctor today to make sure you’re getting what you need for optimal health.

Are you GettinG the RIGHT

VITamIn D?


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This new Year, this should be your mindset: It’s not if it’s going to happen, but rather when it’s going to happen! The Holidays can be really rough on your body. Honestly, for many, December is so packed with parties, get-togethers and celebrations that the month just seems to fly by. With Christmas being heavily marketed as early as Halloween, november can get totally lost in the shuffle. That’s what makes January the perfect month to reset, to take back accountability for your actions. To restore health to yourself and your family. We’ve just rushed through a season of excess that somehow has been stretched from six days into six weeks. If you’ve just been going with the holiday flow, it is remarkably easy to feel run down and worn out. Some of you may have taken care to avoid the avalanche of sugar and other toxins that come with the holidays (take a bow if that’s you!), but only a weary few manage to survive without ending up in a severe food coma.

Whichever route you’ve chosen, January brings good news: It’s time to recover, and anyone can do it. forget that first holiday party or indulgent meal that kicked off your unhealthy start to the holidays. It has already happened and now it’s long gone. Let go of your little missteps. With a little focus and the 5 essentials of Maximized Living, 2013 can be your year.

At Maximized Living, we do not want you to hide from the holiday feasts and festivities—we want you to stay smart, plan ahead and bounce back so you can live the healthy, happy life you deserve. Remember, we are behind you. We’re on your team. We are all rooting for you. The 5 essentials were specifically designed to help people of all ages, conditions and backgrounds transform their bodies into perfectly functioning machines that prevent injury, fight off illness and overcome disease.

QuICk TIPS:• Get back on track with your scheduled adjustments. If you still have visiting family, bring somebody with you to the

clinic. This is part of your heart healthy routine, so they probably deserve to know about it, too. • Get back into the kitchen. Cooking at home is far healthier than eating out. use the healthy and tasty Maximized

Living Recipe book to keep your menu fresh. If you get invited to any weekend festivities, bring a snack that fits your meal plan. If your dish is delicious and healthy, you’ll definitely stand out.

• Get back in the gym. or your fitness room. or your garage. Wherever you break sweat, remember: Ten minutes of exercise is better than none! Pop in the Max T3 DVD even if you don’t get the complete work out in.

There’s no better day to start than January 1. Take the wheel in 2013. We’ve all struggled with our health at some point, so always remember: we have been there, too, and we are on your side.

Happy new Year, and God bless!


Dr. Greg loman Co-Founder of Maximized Living

Staying focused through the first months of the year to help achieve your New Year’s goals.

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JAN - FEB 2013

Which protein supplement is better – whey or soy? There is no simple answer. The biological value (BV) of whey protein is very high, and for this reason, athletes and body builders use whey protein to accelerate muscle development and aid in recovery. Meanwhile, soy protein is low in cholesterol, contains many important amino acids and can even speed up metabolism. Studies on both whey and soy protein have shown positive and negative effects. Rather than suggest “everything in moderation,” let’s delve further into the research to determine which protein option is better. THE CASE fOR WHEYWhat is it?Whey is one of two major proteins found in cow’s milk. Whey protein is produced during the cheese-making process, which begins when special enzymes are added to milk causing it to separate. The curds are used to make cheese, leaving behind whey protein in the liquid portion. The protein is then removed from the liquid and processed into dried powder. There are three kinds of whey proteins: concentrate, isolate and hydrolyzed. Whey protein isolate contains a higher concentration of protein per gram (about 90 percent protein by weight) than whey protein concentrate (29-80 percent). Hydrolyzed whey protein is created when high-heat processing is used to break protein chains down into smaller chains of amino acids called “peptides.” This form of whey protein is most commonly used in infant formulas, medical protein supplements and some sports drinks.

How can it help?Protein, generally speaking, is critical for the growth and repair of muscle tissue. The body needs essential amino

acids for recovery after a hard workout. And since protein requires more calories to digest than either carbohydrates or fat, it can also be an important factor in achieving fat loss goals (for this and other reasons). Because the BV of whey is very high, this protein offers several benefits:

• Assist in maintaining proper weight• Act as a natural antibacterial or anti-viral• Improve the function of the immune system• Improve blood pressure, and more.

What is the downside?Certain manufacturing processes can remove the nutritional value of whey protein, or even contribute to its toxic load. Be wary of whey protein supplements that:

• Come from grain-fed cows, raised in a conventional way, ingesting unnatural foods, antibiotics and growth hormones.

• Are denatured due to higher temperature processing.• Contain residual casein, particularly A1 casein which

has been linked to heart disease and a myriad of other serious health problems.

• Contain lactose.• Contain excess sugar, artificial sweeteners, and often

artificial preservatives and colours.• While most of the marketing of whey protein products

relates to percentage of isolate versus concentrate and cost per gram of protein, these characteristics are the most vital to consider when choosing a product.

THE CASE fOR SOYWhat is it?Originally, soybeans were used to produce vegetable oil. Fermented soy products—foods like tamari, miso and tempeh—were the only form of soy meant to be consumed (and they were supposed to be sides and flavorings, not main courses). However, soy was misrepresented as the cornerstone of the healhy Asian diet. Soy products were developed to aid the hunger problem in China. For China’s poor, soy was more affordable than meat.

How can it help?Some soy studies have shown reduction in the symptoms of menopause and prevention of breast, prostate and endometrial cancer. Soy protein can also speed up the metabolism of the thyroid which can help when trying to release weight. And soy proteins contain ingredients that improve kidney function and prevent bone loss. Most of these benefits stem from the consumption of organically grown, GMO-free, fermented soy. What is the downside?Some studies have linked soy to increased rates of irregular heartbeat, heart disease and even breast cancer




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(conflicting and confusing, but true). Also, supplementing with soy protein can work if you can find the healthy version described above. That’s tough to find, and rarely will you find it on the shelves of your average supplement store. Low-quality soy has been linked to the following characteristics:

• High in natural toxins such as trypsin inhibitors, which block digestion of proteins.

• Contain Hemaglutinin (which causes red blood cells to clump together), growth depressant substances and goitrogens, which can depress thyroid function.

• High in phytates, which prevent the absorption of important minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc.

• Processed with chemicals in aluminum tanks, leaching the aluminum into the final soy products.

• Increased levels of isoflavones, a compound similar to human estrogen. This compound is similar enough to estrogen to interfere with hormone production and increase risk of estrogen-driven diseases. (This has a significant impact on infants and young children, particularly boys. Personally, I’ve had more male patients diagnosed with gynecomastia (male breasts) in a decade of clinical practice than my father did in his 30-year practice before me.)

• Genetically modified. Ninety percent of soybeans in North America are GMOs. These soybeans are washed in chemicals that increase toxicity.

VERdICTI caution anyone interested in using proteins—soy or whey—as a replacement for the healthy foods that God has provided for us naturally. The best option is clean whey protein. Before buying, it is necessary to ensure that a particular brand is free of A1 casein and lactose, is derived from grass-fed cows, is processed at low-temperatures and is sweetened with stevia (or not at all).

Now, in the winter especially, it can be challenging to find the naturally rich sources of antioxidants and nutrients we need—the fresh vegetables we can find in the winter have often spent far too much time in transit and have lost many of their nutrients before they hit the produce stands in the stores. And, unless we’re buying organic meat and produce from farmers we know and trust, we’re getting artificially fertilized or nutrient-depleted produce. In these cases, some supplementation can be a good idea.



Real nutrition for a healthy body and mind

Discover the scientific solution for weight loss

Lose weight, even if nothing else has worked

Build a thriving family

Balance and regulate your hormones through diet

Stop, prevent, and even reverse diet-related

chronic disease










HEALTHY & DELICIOUSNeed healthy dinner options? Try this delicious recipe for your next meal.


Ingredients● 1/2 cup water● 3 Tbsps organic almond/cashew butter● 1 pound ground turkey● 1 Tbsp sesame oil● 1 cup shitake mushroom caps, Chopped● 1 Tbsp rice vinegar● 1 8 ounces) can water chestnuts, drained and chopped● 3 cloves garlic● 2 Tbsps fresh ginger, minced● 1/3 cup tamari● 1/2 cup green onions, optional● 1 head lettuce, separated into leaves

PreparationThis is a very tasty dish that will rival any elegant Chinese restaurant. It makes a nice presentation for an appetizer as well.

Cook turkey about 5 minutes, stirring until turkey crumbles and is no longer pink. Add water, almond/cashew butter, sesame oil, mushrooms, rice vinegar, water chestnuts, garlic, ginger and tamari and cook, stirring constantly for 4 mintues. Add green onions if desired and cook, stirring constantly, one minute. Spoon mixture evenly onto lettuce leaves; roll up. Serve with extra tamari sauce if desired.

(Tip: For the core plan, You can replace the lettuce with all-natural whole-wheat tortillas and can also add ¼ cup chopped carrots that have been lightly steamed.) THE SOLUTION TO THE DANGERS

OF MODERN NUTRITIONReal nutrition for a healthy body and mind

Discover the scientific solution for weight loss Lose weight, even if nothing else has worked

Build a thriving family

Balance and regulate your hormones through diet

Stop, prevent, and even reverse diet-related chronic disease








* This and many other recipes are available online at or in the Maximized Living Nutrition Plans Book.

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JAN - FEB 2013

FlU Vaccine We hear a lot this time of year

about the flu and the flu shot. Our government est imates the 5-20% of Americans get the flu each year and according to the CdC “over a period of 30 years, between 1976 and 2006, estimates of flu-associated deaths range from a low of about 3,000 to a high of about 49,000 people.” Certainly a loss of life in any one family is worth preventing but have we traded smart, proactive immune boosting essentials steps with potential side effects and toxic effects of vaccines? And, what are some of the critical steps we can take to naturally avoid the flu?

One of the most important immune system boosters is vitamin d. In fact, more and more people in the medical field are finally realizing that vitamin d deficiency can lead or contribute to the severity of a host of health problems including asthma, eczema, fatigue and even depression.

Many people in the world are seriously vitamin d deficient. According to dr. Holick, a researcher and author of The Vitamin d Solution, this chronic and serious deficiency leads to osteoporosis, rickets, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, multiple sclerosis and more.

during the winter months, coincidently also the flu months, many people in places where the flu hits the hardest go for weeks on end without any sunlight. Sunlight is one of the best, if not the very best, source of vitamin d. In fact, studies show that when children take vitamin d3, they had lower incidents of flu and asthma attacks.

If you want to protect yourself and your loved ones from the flu this year the first thing to do is become empowered and make an informed choice as to whether or not you choose to vaccinate. Next, find a high quality vitamin d3 supplement. Our family uses the Maximized Living Vitamin d3 Complex.

finally, boost your intake of whole foods high in vitamin C during the winter months as well. This can really help to strengthen your immune system and protect you from the flu today and chronic diseases tomorrow. Remember, when it comes to vitamin d, the best source is the sun. Engage in safe sun exposure, eat real foods, back up with a vitamin d3 supplement, get plenty of rest, drink lots of pure water, and you’ll be off to a great start to naturally avoid the flu.

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it’s All AboUt tHe rAtio

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Restaurants, retailers and clinics are all in the business of fulfilling the needs of their respective patrons, clients and patients. Anywhere a good or service is provided, customer satisfaction is essential to success. Too often, however, decision makers and business owners assume they know what consumers want—without actually asking the people themselves.

Clients are the true experts. They are the only ones fully experiencing the end product. This firsthand expertise makes online customer reviews essential to the success of professionals across any field.

Maximized Living clinics like ours have only one simple goal: To help improve the lives of as many people as possible. As one of our dedicated patients—and one of these true experts— you have a great opportunity to help.

Consulting the ExpertsAccording to a recent survey, more than 66 percent of shoppers research online prior to heading to their local shops, restaurants and clinics. Online consumer reviews help improve businesses because they are authored by those who know the products best. Ultimately, customers decide whether a service is worth someone’s time and money.

Potential consumers seem to understand the power of these reviews, which is why they so reliably consult online business reviews. By taking a few minutes to review our clinic online, you give back to our community.Why should you review businesses online? Two reasons:

• To recommend a quality service provider to your community.

• To provide honest feedback so we can better serve our patients.

In general, customer reviews—whether negative or positive—can improve the reputation of a local business, practice or clinic. Positive reviews reflect the viewpoint of the satisfied customer, but negative comments reveal opportunities for improvement.

Business owners who care about their clientele remain open to feedback, and use it to improve. (Side Note: Though overwhelming negativity is never good, the occasional bad review keeps the feedback balanced. As always, honesty is the best policy.)

Become an ExpertWhen people enter a chiropractic clinic, they often don’t know what to expect. This can make a first visit to a chiropractor a strange or even intimidating venture. Your review can shed light on the flow of a chiropractic clinic.We hope you’ve had consistently great experiences in our clinic, but that may not be true. Regardless, we need your feedback so we can be as caring, helpful and encouraging as possible.

This is a clinical practice, not a business. We’re always trying to improve. Please take the time to review our clinic online today, so we can better serve you, your family and our community.

Maximized Living World ChangersAs a Maximized Living patient, you have a unique opportunity to impact the health of your local community, and the world at large. We invite you to make a difference in our hometown. Review us on Google Plus, and you help us improve our care while helping others like you enjoy life like never before.

If you’re interested in becoming more involved with our clinic, ask us about our World Changers program today.

Be A

GrowinG Through Feedback


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JAN - FEB 2013

The best part of all is that this plan fits into even the busiest schedule. No longer does an effective exercise program take hours of time away from your work, family, and social life. You can get your workout in and get back to your life.