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2013 Beach Volleyball Referee Delegate Manual

Jun 02, 2018



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  • 8/10/2019 2013 Beach Volleyball Referee Delegate Manual


    Fdration Internationale de Volleyball, Chteau Les Tourelles, Edouard-Sandoz 2-4 - 1006 Lausanne, Switzerland

    Fax: +41 (21) 345 35 48 e-mail:[email protected]





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  • 8/10/2019 2013 Beach Volleyball Referee Delegate Manual


    Table of Contents

    Functional Relationships ... 1

    Preparation Before the Event ... 1

    Upon Arrival on Site .... 1 - 2

    Standard Program for Extra Clinic .. 2

    Standard Referees Clinic Program . 3

    1. Session One: 9:0011:00 ..,.. 3

    2. Session Two: 11:0012:30 3

    3. Session Three: 14:0018:00 . 3

    Preparation of Session One and Session Two 3 - 4

    1. FIVB Referee Delegate ............. 3

    2. Technical facilities 3 - 4

    Administration of Session One (Referees Theory Clinic) 4 - 5

    1. Working language . 4

    2. Program for the theory clinic ... 4 - 5

    Administration of Session Two 5 - 6

    1. Theory Instruction for various groups 5

    2. Court Inspections .. 6

    Preparation of Session Three (Practical Clinic) ............. 6

    Administration of Session Three (Practical Clinic) . 6 - 8

    1. Administration 6 - 7

    2. Organization of referees .. 7 - 8

    3. Organization of linejudges ... 8

    Assistant Referee Delegate .............. 8

    Referee Manager .. 9

    1. Pre Event 9

    2. During Clinic (theory and practical) 9

    3. During Competition ... 9

    4. After . 9

    Ball Checker ..

    Guidelines for the Appointment of Officials .


    11 - 12

    Guidelines for Evaluation and Assessment of Referees ............. 12 - 14

    1. Scoring 12

    2. Evaluation during the tournament ............. 12

    3. Refereeing Delegates Report (BVB/25) . 12

    4. Referee Performance Supplemental Report (BVB/41)............................................................................... 12

    5. Referee-Evaluation-Formula (BVB/38)....................................................................................................... 13

    6. Referee Evaluation Form (BVB/43) ............ 13

    7. Principles for evaluation .. 13

    8. Principles and criteria for evaluation of referees ............ 14Overall Criteria for Rating Referees 15 - 16

    1. First referee criteria 16

    2. Second referee criteria.. 16

    Referees Daily Meetings . 16

    Enforcement of Eventual Monetary Sanctions . 17

    Use of Internet ( .. 18

    Guidelines to complete the WT Refereeing Reports .. 19 -20

    1. BVB/24 . 19

    2. BVB/25 ............ 20

    3. Enclosures to complete the BVB Refereeing Reports . 20

    List of Appendixes ............. 21

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    F U N C T I O N A L R E L A T I O N S H I P S

    1. The FIVB Refereeing Delegate will have a functional relationship with a number of personnel beforearrival and on site at a tournament. It is the Delegate's responsibility to work within the FIVB BeachVolleyball Handbook requirements to ensure the smooth running of the tournament.

    2. It is important that prior and/or during the tournament the FIVB Referee Delegate establishes contact with

    the following persons (some before, some upon arrival, some during) ensuring that the requirements arefully understood and implemented according to the FIVB Beach Volleyball Handbook.

    3. Of particular importance to the FIVB Refereeing Delegate, are (refer to the organizational chart):

    FIVB Technical Supervisor

    Competition Director

    Referee Manager and Assistants

    Eventual Assistant Referee Delegate (in case of secondary or spread out venue lay-out)

    Technical Manager and Assistants

    Court Manager and Assistants

    Official Medical staff (doctor, physiotherapist, first aid)

    PR & Protocol Director

    Electronic Scoreboard Operators HTVB and FIVB TV Coordinator

    P R E P A R A T I O N B E F O R E T H E E V E N T

    1. Two months before every concerned event the Referee Delegate MUST ensure that the followingrequirements are met. This must be done by establishing contact with the Referee Manager by e-mail orfax so that there is no confusion over these requirements. Please note that all exchanged communicationmust be copied to the FIVB Referee Commissioner. Confirm that:

    The MIKASA balls will be ready for respective checking and homologation according to theHandling of the Mikasa VLS 300 Beach Volleyballs procedure,at least 24 hours before the startof the competition. A ball checker designated by the Organizers must be available for daily

    handling the Mikasa balls for the entire tournament (including the initial homologation process).

    ALL logistic requirements for the Referee Clinic and the eventual Extra Clinic are in place

    Travel arrangements of ALL refereeing related officials meet the Clinic(s) schedule

    As much as possible board and lodging of Neutral and Local Referees will be at the same hotel

    The Referees and the Auxiliary Officials (linejudges and scorers) will have separate areas onsite, meeting the requirements of the FIVB Beach Volleyball Handbook

    The meals times and daily transport schedule both have enough flexibility built in to allow for allthe needs of the Referees and the Auxiliary Officials while allowing the event to run smoothly

    ALL Linejudges and Scorers will attend the Referee Clinic from 11am on the day before thetournament starts

    ALL Court Personnel (i.e.: Court Manager and Assistants, Ball-retrievers, Rakers, etc) will attendthe Referee Clinic from 11am on the day before the tournament starts

    ALL requirements and personnel will be in place in order to start the Country Quota Play Off(CQPO), if applicable, from 2pm on the day of the Referee Clinic (in conjunction with the practicalsession of the Clinic).

    Note:exceptions may apply to the three last points above depending on the tournament format.

    Note:the Referee Delegate may be required to run a mandatory 1 full day pre-preparation clinicfor the local Referees and/or for the Auxiliary Officials and Key court related personnel the daybefore the standard event Referee Clinic should an extra day on-site be necessary in order totrain the local referees, the line judges and the scorers at first time events or at tournamentswhich have been reported as problematic in refereeing or poor in cooperation and/or poor inperformance in this areas in general (marked below 4 at the previous editions respectiveReferee Delegate Report).

    U P O N A R R I V A L O N S I T E

    1. Minus 3 days IF REQUIRED to run the mandatory 1 full day pre-preparation clinic for the local Refereesand/or for theAuxiliary Officials and court related personnel, the Referee Delegate MUST upon arrivalconduct a meeting with all the concerned members of the Organizational Chart to verify that all logistic

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    and technical requirements for this pre-preparation clinic to be staged next day are in due accordance tothe communication previously exchanged, as well as verify that all logistic and technical requirements forthe Referee Clinic to be staged in two days, including the agenda, timetables, arrival of concernedofficials and personnel, plus that the coordination of action with the CQPO matches are meet (ifapplicable). An alternative solution must be secured for practical session in case no CQPO will apply.

    2. Minus 2 days, in case NOT REQUIRED to run the pre-preparation clinic, the Referee Delegate MUST

    upon arrival conduct a meeting with all the concerned members of the Organizational Chart to verify thatall logistic and technical requirements for the Referee Clinic to be staged next day, including that thecoordination of action with the CQPO matches are meet (if applicable).

    3. In either case, he/she must check andhomologate the MIKASA balls before the competition.

    S T A N D A R D P R O G R A M F O R T H E E X T R A C L I N I C : F O R L O C A L

    R E F E R E E S ( E V E N T U A L L Y ) , S C O R E R S , L I N E J U D G E S , A N D C O U R T

    P E R S O N N E L

    1. Session One: 9:0010:30Dedicated: - Court Personnel (various key personnel for court related functional areas)

    Cover items: - Theory instruction of court related procedures and protocolsLocation: - Conference room at the hotel, or press conference room at the venueTechnical facilities: - Enough seats and writing surfaces for all participants, PC with Microsoft Power

    Point plus Projector and screen, plus flip chart and pens.

    2. Session Two: 11:0012:30Dedicated: - Court Personnel (various key personnel for court related functional areas)Cover items: - Practical instruction of court related procedures and protocolsLocation: - At the venue (two (2) adjacent playing courts)Technical facilities: - Two playing courts, equipped with volleyballs, rakes, towels, scoreboards, etcNote: Court Personnel required to attend - all key people responsible for the various court relatedfunctional areas (i.e.: court manager and assistants, various court personnel group leaders and/or

    various functional areas coordinators, etc, depending on the specific structure locally implemented)

    3. Session Three: 14:0015:00Dedicated: - ScorersCover items: - Theory instruction for scoring procedures and protocolsLocation: - Conference room at the hotel, or press conference room at the venueTechnical facilities: - Enough seats and writing surfaces for all participants, enough copies of

    scoresheet, paddles, and table flip scoreboards, PC with Microsoft Power Pointincluding Projector and screen, plus flip chart and pens.

    4. Session Four: 15:0016:00Dedicated: - LinejudgesCover items: - Theory and practice instruction for linejudging procedures and protocolsLocation: - At one of the competition courtsTechnical facilities: - Equipped with beach volleyballs, linejudge flags, towels, etc

    5. Session Five: 16:3018:00Dedicated: - Scorers, Linejudges, and Court Personnel (various key personnel)Cover items: - Full Dress Rehearsal (practical session addressing the overall coordination of

    the various procedures and protocols involving all above officials)Location: - At one of the competition courtsTechnical facilities: - Equipped with volleyballs, rakes, towels, scoreboards, linejudges flags,

    paddles, table flip scoreboards, scoresheets, etcNote: in case the extra clinic applies also to the Local Referees, they are required to attend all FiveSessions above.

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    S T A N D A R D R E F E R E E S ' C L I N I C P R O G R A M

    1. Session One: 8:3011:00Cover items: listed 2.1 - 2.6 Referees Theory Clinic including written test

    2. Session Two: 11:0012:30Note: to be coordinated by the local Referee Manager under the supervision of the Referee Delegate.Experienced International Referees may assist in the training and instructing of the working groupsGroups/Cover items: - Scorers briefing and theory instruction (the room used must be comfortable

    and of sufficient quality with enough seats and writing surfaces for allparticipants, and equipped with PC with Microsoft Power Point includingProjector and screen, plus flip chart and pens).- Linejudgesbriefing and theory/practice instruction (the same room as abovecan be used at the initial stages of the clinic for simultaneous addressing ofcommon aspects in the training and instruction of the auxiliary officials).- Court personnelbriefing (court managers, rakers, ball retrievers, etc)- Inspection of courtsarea(s)for the homologation of the venue by the TS

    Note:all Clinic times must be previously established in a very clear manner with the organizers. This is to

    ensure that all staff involved and all activities will be covered in a timely and efficient manner.Note:Court Inspection should be a complete check (seeCourt Inspect ion Ch eckl is t BVB/52) of ALLcompetition related facilities and tournament equipment by all the remaining available referees.

    3. Session Three: 14:0018:00 (estimated)Cover items: listed under Referees' Practical Clinic.This should be as close as possible to a simulation of potential match situations. ALL Referees plus ALL

    Auxiliary Officials and court personnel must be present. A step by step demonstration of all majorprotocols and relevant procedures to be included in this session (emphasis to the Ball Mark Protocol).Note:This Practical Clinic may be required to accommodate the Country Quota Play-Off in case applies.

    P R E P A R A T I O N O F S E S S I O N O N E A N D S E S S I O N T W O ( R E F E R E E ' S

    T H E O R Y C L I N I C / V A R I O U S W O R K I N G G R O U P ' S T H E O R Y

    I N S T R U C T I O N / V E N U E C O U R T I N S P E C T I O N S )

    1. FIVB Referee DelegateThe FIVB Referee Delegate will be nominated by the FIVB for each concerned World Tour event.Note:An Assistant Referee Delegate will be nominated by the FIVB anytime there will be more than onevenue or spread out venue lay-outs at a given event. The Organizers will be responsible to cover thecosts (travel, board and lodging, per-diem, etc, same conditions as for FIVB neutral referees). The FIVBwill cover the relevant part of the per-diem.

    2. Technical facilitiesPrior to the theory clinic, the FIVB Refereeing Delegate should ensure that the following facilities havebeen provided by the organizer, according to the FIVB Beach Volleyball Handbook:

    a) Meeting Room (preferably at the referees hotel) equipped with:- enough seats and writing surfaces for all participants with space for observers- white board with markers, flip chart and pens- podium with table, chairs and microphone- PC with Microsoft Power Point plus PC Projector and screen- video recorder and monitor (if requested by the RD)- overhead projector and screen with transparencies and pens (if requested by the RD)- access to photocopier

    b) Meeting areas (at the venue or at the referees hotel) to accommodate the various workinggroups needs, equipped with:- enough seats and writing surfaces for all participants- PC with Microsoft Power Point plus PC Projector and screen

    - white board with markers, flip over and pens- podium with table and chairs

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    c) Copies of appropriate information on tournament and technical information, including:

    FIVB Official Beach Volleyball Rules

    Refereeing Guidelines and Instructions, plus Casebook

    Other RDM Appendixes (i.e.: Misconduct sanction fee scale implementation guidelines, etc)

    Blank Scoresheets (BVB/11) plus Official Scoresheet Instructions

    Scorers, Line judges, ball-retrievers, rakers checklists

    Any specific regulation(s)/procedure(s) for the concerned tournament

    Any new information shared by the preceding event(s) FIVB Refereeing Delegate and/or bythe FIVB Refereeing Commissioner/FIVB Beach Volleyball Department

    A D M I N I S T R A T I O N O F S E S S I O N O N E ( R F R S T H E O R Y C L I N I C )

    1. Working language1.1 English is the compulsory working language of the clinic.1.2 A check of all referees English will be conducted during the theory clinic. This will be reported back to

    FIVB as part of the BVB Refereeing Report.1.3 Referees who do not fulfil a Basic English requirement should not be allowed to participate in the

    tournaments officiating. As much as possible they must not be assigned as first referees and as aminimum they should not be assigned for any Centre Court match.

    2. Program for the theory clinic2.1 The theory clinic must cover four main areas:

    General introduction

    Current status of FIVB Beach Volleyball competitions

    Current Rules and Guidelines (including latest interpretations, protocols and communications)including the implementation of a written test on latest interpretations for specific regulations.

    Tournament Specific Instructions

    Note: it is expected that ALL referees have a full working knowledge of the Official BeachVolleyball Rules and the Refereeing Guidelines and Instructions, including the various Protocols.Referees who do not achieve, after a second attempt, a positive mark at the theory test (80% orabove), must not be allowed to participate in the tournaments officiating. As a minimum theyshall not officiate as first referees, and as soon as competition courts will start decreasing, they

    must be stopped from officiating.

    2.2 The following sub-areas must be covered during the theory clinic. It is important for all to understandthese areas fully. Note that other items can be introduced during the season if it is seen that specificareas need to be addressed on an ongoing basis.

    Welcome / introduction

    Clinic schedule

    Written test

    Current status of the FIVB Beach Volleyball competitions

    Philosophy of officiating

    Daily procedure re assessment of referees

    Daily procedure re appointment of referees

    Daily procedure re meetings / communications Any specific tournament regulations esp.: protocol, transport, board and lodging

    Uniform requirements for refereeing plus agenda for respective distribution

    Attendance at technical meetings

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    Expectations of referees in all areas

    Procedures for inspection of courtsarea (initial homologation of venue plus daily inspection)

    Discuss final individual assessment debrief meetings (RD/referee)

    Procedure for implementation of the Heat Stress monitoring, at all Center Court matches

    Assign tasks for the second and third sessions of the clinic

    2.3 Once these points are covered the FIVB Referee Delegate should focus on current issues on Rules,

    Guidelines and Protocols with emphasis to latest interpretations. Discussion should be rigorous and eachpoint clearly explained and illustrated.a) Contained in the discussion of the Refereeing Guidelines the following should be covered:

    Rules changes or eventual Rules tests for this period

    Any clarification on new interpretations and applications from previous tournaments

    Ball handling (double contact, catch balls, hard driven ball, tip, etc)

    Any Beach Volleyball Handbooksnew or amended regulations (players uniforms, etc)

    Communication with players

    Misconduct Sanction Scale application in due relation with the money fine sanction scale

    ALL Protocols especially Medical, Protest, Forfeit and Ball Mark

    Collaboration techniques between Officials

    Scoring system

    Time-outs and Technical Time-outs Delays, including management of the pace of the game (time between rallies)

    Interference at the net

    Coachingb) The presentation can additionally include:

    Use of Power Point Presentations ( FIVB prepared)

    Video or DVDs

    Overhead transparencies, diagrams or illustrations on a white board

    Practical situations or use of Case study based discussion

    2.4 Other theory clinic points to note:a) Notes, especially on clarifications, should be taken and then circulated from this clinic.b) Initiate procedure for referees individual photo collection. If required time should be allocated to

    official photographs for FIVB purposes.c) Initiate procedure for eventual collecting of cases for submission to the Casebook.d) Verification of annual medical certificates (issued less than 12 months prior to the start of the

    event) by all local referees.e) Brief referees on the referee database project emphasising the need for their active participation.f) Verification of referees uniform distribution.

    A D M I N I S T R A T I O N O F S E S S I O N T W O ( V A R I O U S W O R K I N G G R O U P S

    T H E O R Y I N S T R U C T I O N , P L U S V E N U E C O U R T I N S P E C T I O N S )

    1. Theory Instruction for various groups

    1.1 This session will deal with the Auxiliary Officials and Court Personnel training and will be split into variousworking groups, i.e.: Scorers, Linejudges, Court Personnel (Court Managers, Ball-retrievers, Rakers, etc).

    1.2 The aim is to instruct these groups with particular reference to the extra requirements needed for an FIVBBeach Volleyball tournament. Particular attention should begiven to the protocols, uniform requirements and timings.Personal issues should also be covered in terms of food,drink and well being / comfort. Experienced International top-level Referees may be used for assisting the RefereeManager in this instruction.

    1.3 The Referee Delegate and the Referee Manager shouldensure that all relevant documents are available for eachworking group and all members fully understand what is

    required and expected. The need for interpreters needs to beassessed and dealt with in due time.

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    1.4 The Referee Delegate should ensure that all recruited staff is of the minimum required level and to checkthe people in attendance against the submitted master list approved by the Commissioner and then takeappropriate action.Note:For events where more than 10% of the names of the auxiliary officials have changed from the listsubmitted for FIVBs approval to the ones effectively officiating at the tournament or other extremecircumstances (i.e.: line judges not meeting quality, age, or referee certification requirements) the FIVBReferee Delegate will be compelled to not use local line judges for the entire event. For semi-finals and

    finals Referee Delegates are entitled to select line judges among the referees officiating at a given event.

    2. Court InspectionsSimultaneously ALL remaining available referees will be in charge of carrying out a court inspection:

    This is to be carried out as part of the practical clinic. It is the initial check of ALL competitionrelated facilities and equipment (see BVB/30). Care must be taken to cover all areas and a fullreport back on each court on the appropriate form made to the Technical Supervisor

    Referee Delegate should ensure that Court Manager/assistants, equipment and forms (CourtInspection Checklist BVB/52) are available

    It is important that it should be regarded as an integral part of the clinic. It is becoming vital thatthe issues identified in the court inspection are rectified to ensure safety and presentation of thetournament is maximized

    In case of distant side courts check that that all communication requirements (i.e.: available faxmachines, etc) are in place.

    Where required check that the overall quality and components of the sound system for the 1stReferee Communication with the Audience are in accordance with requirements

    Copies of the court inspection forms to be submitted by the Referee Delegate to the TechnicalSupervisor for venue homologation purposes.

    Any major issue should be addressed to the Event Management / Court Management staff forresolution (through the relevant FIVB Officials).

    P R E P A R A T I O N O F S E S S I O N T H R E E ( P R A C T I C A L C L I N I C )

    1. Technical facilitiesWell in advance, the Refereeing Delegate is required to check with the relevant Officials the competition

    program for the afternoon of the day before the tournament starts (in case applicable, they should checkif the Practical Clinic will be required to accommodate the Country Quota Play-Off).Prior to the Clinic, the Refereeing Delegate is required to check with the Referee Manager that thefollowing facilities have been arranged by the organizer, as detailed at the Beach Volleyball Handbook:a) Two (2) playing courts (or as many as needed in case of Country Quota Play-Off) that comply

    with FIVB Beach Volleyball regulations as per the FIVB Beach Volleyball Handbook. (e.g.:chairs, tables, refs stand, volleyballs, flags, paddles, scoreboards, etc.)Note: sometimes all the equipment is not readily available, so every effort must be made toinspect the equipment to ensure conformity well in advance.

    b) A minimum of six (6) teams of either high national level and/or international players.c) It is desirable to use as much as possible teams participating in the tournament for practice

    games.d) Ensure that the two courts are not allocated to the teams for their practice sessions. These

    should be next two each other (given the later explanations).

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    A D M I N I S T R A T I O N O F S E S S I O N T H R E E ( P R A C T I C A L C L I N I C )

    1. Administration1.1 The Practical Clinic should be divided into various sub-sessions and held on two courts (as close as

    possible to allow the RD to watch both courts). Use of Center Court will be mandatory every time theprocedure for 1

    stReferee Communication with the Audience will be implemented.

    1.2 The first half (1.5 hour approx) will be dedicated to practice and training of ALL Protocols:

    On one of the courts Court Personnel will practice ball-retrieving, raking, etc

    On the other court Referees and Auxiliary Officials will practice all on court match protocols(i.e.: collection of weather data at C1 for Heat Stress monitoring purposes, 1

    st Referee

    Communication with the Audience, Medical, Protest, Ball Mark, Coin Toss with one missingteam, etc) plus refereeing techniques with special focus on communication amongst officials.

    1.3 The second half (2 hours approx) of the Practical Clinic will be dedicated to train real game conditionsand will include all parties (Referees, Auxiliary Officials, Court Personnel and Players). This will besimultaneously implemented on the two allocated courts. As much as possible this part of the clinicshould be held under the same full match conditions as the Qualification (if applicable) and Main Drawtournaments. This includes:

    a) Use of Scorer and Assistant Scorers plus scoreboard (manual scoreboards as a minimum)b) Use of linejudgesc) Use of sand levellers and ball retrieversd) Use of 3-ball systeme) Players utilising a uniform that will enable scoring to be practicedThis is to provide structured and supervised preparation for all officials and allows any problems to becorrected prior to the tournament.Note:if the Practical Clinic has been used to accommodate a Country Quota Play-Off, then a full revisionof the various partiesroles performances will follow immediately upon conclusion of the CQPO. Also aflexible approach will need to be taken in regards to the demonstration of the protocols. This will need tobe accommodated in a different way during the clinic.Note:Referee Delegates must very accurately check and report each missing auxiliary official, and/or,not a previously Beach Volleyball experienced auxiliary official, or non-recognized referee (refer to host

    NF), acting as line judge. Under extreme circumstances the Referee Delegate is entitled to not use thelocally provided linejudges for the entire event and to use referees as linejudges for the last 2 days of theevent.

    2. Organization of refereesIn organizing the practical clinic the following should be considered:

    The use of host NF refereesand candidates should be apriority as an initial assessmentneeds to be made of thesereferees. Give each referee, asmuch time as possibleofficiating, to get them used to

    the conditions. Note:in case of Country Quota

    Play-Off, even if it is desirablethat the host NF referees andcandidates will be observed bythe Referee Delegate, caremust be taken to ensure thatthe standard of officiating iskept consistently high, as verystrong and balanced matchesmay occur at this stage.

    This can be extended upon (orshortened) based on time andavailability of courts.

    Referees pairs should be rotated as appropriate.

    Feedback should be given as often as is practicable.

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    Comments and feedback should largely focus on the practical aspects of refereeing anddemonstrations etc may be required.

    It is desirable to include practice of the before and after match protocols

    Referees should also be asked to practice scoring on a minimum of one set if possible

    It is desirable to pair referees, one experienced, and one inexperienced in the practical clinic

    During the practical clinic it is mandatory to have the presence of the scorers, linejudges, sandlevelers, and other auxiliary officials, performing their designated functions. Feedback should

    also be given to these persons. The experienced referees (preferably local) can be utilized forthis task especially if there is a language problem.

    Special attention should be made to the application of new interpretations.

    The Ball Mark Protocol should be specifically reviewed.

    Instruction on sand leveling and court inspection.

    Positioning of the 1stand 2

    ndreferee and all auxiliary officials plus collaboration procedures.

    It is especially important to use practical scenarios to demonstrate these areas. Practicalapplication will always help with understanding as the requirements are visualized.

    3. Organization of linejudges

    In organizing the practical clinic the following should be considered:

    Referee Delegates are required to address as a priority area of the linejduges training, the

    assessment of the small block contacts during play, the assessment of ball marks, and theassessment of balls recovered from the opponents free zone.

    During the semi-final and final matches of the FIVB Beach Volleyball tournaments, for TVpurposes linejudges may be required to be positioned according to the lay-out previouslyenforced at various editions of the Olympic Games.

    A S S I S T A N T R E F E R E E D E L E G A T E ( I N C A S E A P P L I E S )

    The following are key tasks of the Assistant Referee Delegate

    Works under the authority of and in close coordination with the FIVB Referee Delegate assisting him/her:o in the running of the relevant clinicso in the running of the daily meetingso ensuring the smooth running of the competition on the field of play (at the courts he/she maybe

    assigned to) acting on behalf of the Referee Delegate and deciding in close coordination withhim/her every time required

    o observing the referees work at the concerned courts and reporting about their performance on adaily basis

    o reporting to the Referee Delegate about the events overall referee and on court related aspectso plus any other tasks delegated to them by the Referee DelegateNote:decisions to be made at occasions such as Protocol Protests, eventual Forfeit, etc, must betaken only after consultation with the relevant FIVB Official(s), i.e.: Referee Delegate, TechnicalSupervisor, etc.

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    R E F E R E E M A N A G E R

    The following are key tasks of the Referee Manager:

    1. Pre Event

    Establish contact with the Refereeing Delegate (minimum minus 2 months)

    Confirm the arrival flights and times of all referees with FIVB Ensure all facilities will be available for the Theory and Practical Clinics (3 sessions)

    Confirm that ALL Linejudges and Scorers will attend the Referee Clinic from 11am on the daybefore the competition commences

    Confirm that ALL Court Personnel (including Court Managers, Ball-retrievers, Rakers, etc) willattend the Referee Clinic from 11am on the day before the competition commences

    Confirm Hotel bookings for referees securing that as much as possible both Neutral and Localwill share the same hotel while All staying at a different hotel from the one of the athletes

    2. During Clinic (theory and practical)

    Confirm the availability of Clinic facilities and appropriate equipment

    Make available all necessary documents for the clinic

    Deal with administration requirements

    Ensure availability of refereeing uniforms in the appropriate numbers

    Confirm player, court availability and equipment for the practical clinic

    Conduct auxiliary officials clinics and instruct them appropriately

    Arrange auxiliary officials clinics with appropriate instruction

    Arrange Delegates meetings with other key personnel

    Ensure resources for court inspections

    Arrange for the payment of the Per Diem to theneutral and local referees

    3. During Competition

    Produce recommendations for referee appointments under guidelines of Referee Delegate andinput into refereeing assignments and evaluations if requested, supporting RD where appropriate

    Maintain referee appointment summary (of number of matches) if possible on computer and

    provide an updated version of the appointments schedule and summary of nominations Coordinate nominations of auxiliary officials and respective system of rotation at all courts

    Work with court staff to ensure good quality facilities / equipment

    Arrange venues for daily refereeing meetings securing that referees and the auxiliary officials willhave separate areas at the site

    Conduct daily debrief meetings with auxiliary officials

    Assist RD on the daily implementation of the alcohol test for referees and auxiliary officials

    Manage scoresheet production, copying, and distribution

    Obtain copy of all scoresheets for RD and TS on a daily basis. Provide him/her with a dailysummary of data (see remarks section of the scoresheets) concerning regulation violationsoccurring at the courts. This is done through the use of the RM scoresheet delivery protocol(BVB/53)

    Daily fill-in the BVB/45 Heat Stress Monitoring Overall Results with basis on the data collected

    at the BVB/44 Heat Stress Daily Monitoring Form, at every C1 matches Be the advocate for all off court refereeing issues and the point of contact for minor problems

    Provide some feedback for referees Daily meetings

    Distribution of any updates of appointments, memos, messages etc

    Ensure transportation, food and security is to FIVB requirements. Focus on meals times anddaily transport schedule making sure that both have enough flexibility built in to allow for all theneeds of the referees to allow the event to run smoothly

    Obtain any information relating to FIVB tests, analysis, or investigations

    Arrange for the Official FIVB Photographer to take individual digital photos of each InternationalBeach Volleyball referee and the Referee Delegate duly uniformed. These photos to be senddirectly to the FIVB Referee Commissioner under the supervision of the Referee Delegate

    Ensuring organization of final assessment meeting (assisting RD at any required administration)

    4. After

    Provide any recommendations/comments to the Referee Delegate

    Ensure the Referee Delegate receives copies of all scoresheets

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    2013 FIVB Beach Volle ball Refereein Dele ates Manual Pa e 10

    Provide the RD with the signed printouts of the BVB/44 and the Excel file of the BVB/45

    Ensure Referee Delegate has summary of numbers of matches officiated

    Provide all Referees and Auxiliary Officials information form duly completed (Ref Del -LocalOfficials Additional Information) to Referee Delegate

    Collect and provide any case for submission to the Casebook to the Referee Delegate

    Attend a post Tournament debrief with the Referee Delegate

    B A L L C H E C K E R

    The designation of a person in charge at the competition site as the ball checker is mandatory. His/her namemust be submitted to the FIVB Referee Commissioner 60 days prior to the competition, together with the nominallists of all local refereeing related officials for the tournament.

    The ball checker will be under the authority of the Competition Director and will work in close coordination withthe FIVB Technical Supervisor and the FIVB Referee Delegate.

    The ball checker must be available on site from the arrival of the FIVB Technical Supervisor until the end of thetournament.

    The following is the role and the key tasks of the Ball Checker

    Assisting the FIVB Technical Supervisor in verifying that the chain of custody of the BeachVolleyball balls delivered from MIKASA is correct. This includes the confirmation of availability ofthe Ball Inspection Kit plus the relevant forms (check list and evaluation sheet);

    Correctly inflating all Mikasa balls (aiming to 0.25Kgf/cm2 inner pressure), two days ahead of thearrival of the Referee Delegate;

    Assisting the Referee Delegate to inspect and homologate all balls the day before the start of thecompetition;

    Daily assisting the Referee Delegate inspecting the pressure of the competition balls, also theweight and circumference if deemed necessary, including balls for the warm up courts, seventyfive (75) minutes before the start of the day/session;

    Being permanently available for responding to any calls on the courts whenever a ball is rejected

    by the referees or the players; Assisting the TS/RD, by monitoring the balls when used under rainy conditions and by

    implementing a procedure for replacing them as much as possible after each set/match (iffeasible) in order to avoid excessive water absorption;

    Permanently keep the balls dry by wiping them with a dry cloth whenever applicable;

    Assisting the Referee Delegate inspecting the inner pressure, weight and circumference of thecompetition balls at the end of each competition day (session);

    At the end of every competition day and after the individual ball inspection, wipe and store theballs in a dry place where there is no (or very low humidity);

    At the end of the tournament return all balls to the organizers;

    At the end of the tournament assist the FIVB Referee Delegate completing the form BVB/46MIKASA EVALUATION SHEET FOR VLS300

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    G U I D E L I N E S F O R T H E A P P O I N T M E N T O F O F F I C I A L S

    1. The initial appointment of officials should be made the night before the matches as much as permissibleby the draw and then distributed by the Referee Manager in the next morning meeting. This shouldprimarily be done in rounds and then continuously modified / progressed during the day through theReferee Manager. As a minimum pairings, preliminary thoughts or patterns to be used should be

    discussed with the Referee Manager. It may be necessary initially to use a groupings strategy for eachcourt, as resources may not allow another option. Take into account any historical information gatheredfor each referee, their English skills, and the observations gained during the practical clinic.

    2. It is desirable that all referees get a balanced schedule and the opportunity to both 1stand 2

    nd referee

    (especially International Neutral Referees) but care must be taken to ensure that the standard ofofficiating is kept consistently high. In this case it is acceptable to appoint persons only as 1

    st or 2


    referee depending on issues of neutrality and performance.

    3. The balance of matches officiated during a day should be managed to ensure quality of officiating andalso to a balanced program, both in number of matches, spacing between matches and teams officiatedexcept where obvious differences exist in standard of officiating, taking into consideration the neutralityissues.

    4. Referees should ideally be appointed to multiple courts (if they are operating), and have a good balanceof matches, this is especially important at events where both men and women are competing.

    5. Neutral referees by country shall be applied, as much as possible, especially during the elimination stageof the competition. If numbers prohibit during the qualifications stages of the tournament, the emphasisshould be the appointment of a neutral 1

    streferee with the 2

    ndreferee being from the host country.

    6. The application of neutrality in appointments should additionally be made under the following guidelinesas much as possible: (Playoffs, Semi-Final, and Finals)

    Neutrality by country in the individual matches


    ndreferee neutrality on all final days matches

    Neutrality not required to be based on countries left in competition

    7. A referee should ideally referee no more than eight matches in a day; this may vary due to localconditions at each event relating to number of entries and expertise of the refereeing group. It is

    acceptable for the International Neutral referees to receive more nominations therefore during atournament.

    8. If it is required for a referee: to referee two matches in a row then the pattern 1streferee then 2


    then break should be used. It is also acceptable to referee one match on and then one match off (matchon, match off). Both these patterns allow the 1

    st referee to deal with the pre-match planning and post

    match administration duties.It must also be noted that it sometimes may be necessary for referee to officiate several matches in arow. This should be reserved for the most experienced referees who can handle the situation and shouldonly happen on rare occasions especially where neutrality is involved.

    9. Nomination of officials can be recommended first by the local Refereeing Manager and approved by theFIVB Referee Delegate. Generally this process takes into account the views of the Referee Manager, butthis depends purely on their experience. (see note re Final matches)

    10. It is not necessary for the Referee Delegate to personally write the schedule (this can be delegated) butthe pairings, pattern, groupings etc. must originate from the Refereeing Delegate. It is ultimately theRefereeing Delegates responsibility for referees to be appointed correctly obeying all the underlyingprinciples.

    11. Refereeing Delegates should generally follow the principles below in due coordination with the number ofreferees considered for match appointments:

    To use all referees in early rounds (Pool play or Double Elimination, Qualification and MainDraw) pairing up any new and inexperienced referees with those of greater experience.

    In the early rounds (Pool or Double Elimination, if applicable) ensure that the level of refereeingis as high as possible while also monitoring the referees and noting who are not of the requiredstandard and taking appropriate nomination procedures to minimize their opportunities forofficiating.

    In the final phases (both Qualification and Main Draw) use the most experienced referees as 1stofficials. The other referees depending on their ability should be used conservatively and not inmatches beyond their clear level of ability.

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    This is suggested as enabling the most difficult matches (quarter finals onwards) to be refereed by thebest referees at the Tournament, including the desirable element of the host country referees of sufficientstandard. This should be communicated at the referees meeting and discussed as appropriate with thereferees concerned.Note:at the events where the 1

    stReferee communication with the audience will be implemented, only

    referees of the highest officiating standard and English communication skills are to be assigned as 1st

    referee at the Centre Court.

    12. As an objective, match appointments should reflect your individual rating of the individual referee. It ishighly desirable that the last match that each referee 1

    streferees reflects his or her overall performances.

    13. Based on the principles above it is important that you discuss with the Technical Supervisor theappointments to be made for the final 4 matches.

    It is required to discuss with the TS the relative rankings of all referees to ensure that a commonunderstanding of performance levels is achieved with a view to the final match appointments.

    It is extremely important that this meeting takes place, as it is difficult once a pattern in your appointmentsis undertaken to alter it to reflect performance, balance, neutrality etc. Good ongoing communication withthe Technical Supervisor is vital during the event to ensure all issues are dealt with in a timely manner.

    14. For all TV and semi-final and final matches a reserve referee and a reserve linejudge shall be appointed.They will seat behind the scorers table and assist the game referees (i.e.: measuring the weather

    conditions; availability of water; replacement of match balls if required; etc (refer to the 2013 RefereeGuidelines and Instructions).

    15. Alterations to the appointments originally made may need to be undertaken due to unforeseencircumstances, diminished performance, etc, but responsibility for these changes implementation lieswith the Referee Delegate. The timing is important when publishing these nominations as changes maybe necessary close to the matches.

    16. The Referee Delegate in conjunction and agreement with the FIVB Technical Supervisor has the overallright to reduce the refereeing corps at any time based on availability, performance and ability etc.

    G U I D E L I N E S F O R E V A L U A T I O N A N D A S S E S S M E N T O F R E F E R E E S

    1. Scoring

    All referees should know how to use and complete the scoresheet; any doubts in this area should bechecked prior to the competition.

    2. Evaluation during the tournament

    The results of the written tests must be communicated to the referees before the start of the tournament.These results will have a 10% impact in their respective final performance marks.The feedback received during the daily debriefs, will contribute in helping ascertain the level of theoreticalknowledge of the referee and will reflect at the practical officiating assessment.The referees will undergo practical evaluation during both the qualification and main draw tournaments.Overall performances are evaluated according to the following scale:10/9.6 (Excellent) - 9.5/9.0 (Very good) - 8.9/7.5(Good) - 7.4/6.5 (Sufficient) less than 6.5 (Insufficient)

    3. Refereeing Delegate's Report (BVB/25)

    At the completion of the tournament, the FIVB Refereeing Delegates must note on their final report(BVB/25) the evaluations made for each referee, including the numeric results of the written test and therespective level of English. This report should be forwarded to the FIVB Refereeing Commissioner andthe FIVB Beach Department.

    4. Referee Performance Supplemental Report (BVB/41)

    During the competition, daily, the BVB/41 individual referees record of performance must be distributedto each referee (ideally at the end of the day, or as a minimum at the next days starting meeting). Thisshould give an accurate assessment of the performance of the referee in the technical areas highlightedfor the season (setting overhand with fingers, delays, and other, including all protocols). These same

    files must be e-mailed on a daily basis to the Referee Commissioner. At the end of the event thecomplete BVB/41 for each referee, must be distributed by the Referee Delegate to the respectivereferee(s). These final reports must be also e-mailed to the Referee Commissioner.

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    5. Referee-Evaluation-Formula (BVB/38)

    At the completion of the event, the FIVB Refereeing Delegates must evaluate the performance of eachreferee officiating at the tournament. This is done with the assistance of the Referee-Evaluation-Formula(BVB/38) and based on the contents of the respective WT/41. The procedure is as follows:

    Column Officiating / 1 Referee- In case a referee does not perform as 1

    stReferee or is not evaluated in this role:

    Action: record 65 points at the respective box- In case a referee performs few matches as 1

    stReferee and then is stopped from 1

    strefereeing due to

    problems identified in his officiating in this role:Action: establish the average of his/her 1st referee evaluation for the amount of matches officiated, plusthe 65 points rate based on the impossibility to further evaluate the referee due to him/her having beenstopped. Divide by 2. This is what must be inserted at the corresponding 1st referee box.- In case a referee fully performs as 1


    Action: start from the relevant Referee Performance Supplemental Report (BVB/41) notes, and subtractthe points required as per stated at the BVB/41 filling in guidelines. Remember that this is applied on thetournaments basis for the overalltournaments referee evaluation.

    Column Officiating / 2 RefereeSame as above

    Column Theory Test- In case of a positive result (80% or above) directly record that result at the respective box.- In case a referee needs to repeat the written test the Referee Delegate must record only the initial result(the second result only counts towards deciding how to use this referee for the rest of the tournament).

    Column Other- For any issue in this area the Referee Delegate must implement the penalty increasing scale as statedat the BVB/41 filling guidelines- For appearance, i.e.: presentation; medical issues (if the referee is identified close to, or over BMI) etc,the Referee Delegate must subtract respectively 10 or 20 points

    - For lack of English, subtract 10 points for basic and 20 points for poor English

    6. Referee Evaluation Form (BVB/43)

    Together with the other reports, the Referee Delegate must submit within the next 7 days following thetournament, a Referee Evaluation Form (BVB/43) for each International referee and Candidate officiatingat the event. This should be based on the contents of the respective WT/41 and give a summary of theperformance of the referee highlighting both areas of strength and improvement, and also include thenumeric results of the written test and the respective level of English. In case a referee must repeat thewritten test, both the first result and the second result must be recorded, while for the purpose of theWT/38 only the first result is valid (see point 5 above).

    7. Principles for evaluation

    7.1 All referees should as much as possible be watched on a daily basis. This may mean that the FIVBRefereeing Delegate watches more than one game at a time and the referees may rotate throughdifferent courts. It also means that the FIVB Refereeing Delegate should be in a position such that theyare able to watch as many games as possible.

    7.2 However, the FIVB Refereeing Delegate must manage their time effectively to ensure that as a minimumthey are able to watch a complete game of every referee during the week, and that they have theopportunity to see each referee perform in both functions on an equal basis.

    7.3 Evaluation should take into account both positive and negative points. The evaluation should be used togive feedback to the referees at the appropriate time. (As soon as is practicable during the day, and as aminimum at the debrief meeting mandatory to be staged at the end of every day)

    7.4 The remarks should be then added to each individual refereesrecord of performance (to ascertain their

    overall ranking and evaluation). See BVB/41.7.5 Daily, the FIVB Refereeing Delegate must compile a summary sheet, which summarizes the major points

    of the day covering all areas of officiating. This should form the basis for your daily referees meeting.The summary sheet should be the basis for ongoing feedback on refereeing points and should be in aform that is capable of being widely distributed. Also the BVB/41 individual referees record of

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    performance (Referee Performance Supplemental Report) must be distributed on a daily basis (ideally atthe end of the day, or as a minimum at the next days starting meeting) including the final distribution atthe end of the tournament with all relevant information included. The organizers may assist by typingand/or printing these documents.The FIVB Refereeing Delegate should record any incidents comments regarding a referee's off courtbehavior. This also should be discussed with the individual referee explaining the effect this has on theirassessment and ranking.

    8. Principles and criteria for evaluation of referees

    8.1 The FIVB Refereeing Delegate will record all comments/evaluations relating to a referee's games both as1st and 2nd referee.

    8.2 The FIVB Refereeing Delegate should give an overall score based on the FIVB referees assessmentscale using the following as criteria. Note that it differs from Volleyball in a number of areas.

    8.3 The main areas for a 1st referee to concentrate on in evaluation are: ball handling, management ofdelays and enforcement of the 12 rule, plus misconduct and application of the rules and correct use ofprotocols.

    8.4 The main areas for a 2nd referee to concentrate on in evaluation are: application of the rules,performance and correct use of protocols.

    8.5 Ratings to be used in overall evaluations

    These ratings must be used in FIVB Refereeing Delegates final report submitted to the FIVB and atthe BVB/43 Referee Evaluation Form

    Only referees rated 9 or above will be considered suitable as traveling FIVB appointed NeutralReferees

    Those rated between 7.5 and 9 would be considered as having the potential for future progress intothat area

    Judgments should be an overall evaluation and a summary of all matches, theoretical knowledge,plus actions on and off the court. Overall judgment should be weighted: theoretical knowledge (10%)actual Officiating (80%) from which 1

    streferee weights (70%) and 2

    ndreferee (30%), plus other (Role

    model, Contribution, English etc.) (10%)

    This rating 1-10 is used by the FIVB for selection of appointed referees so close attention must be madewhen assigning ratings to the individual referees. Consistency and accuracy are the important factorswhen assessing in this area. Decimal marks can be used.

    The final rating assigned to each referee must be based on the contents of the BVB/41 and calculatedwith basis on the BVB/38 (Referee-Evaluation-Formula). See point 5 above.

    8.6 At the separate column provided for in the final report BVB/25 the Referee Delegate must position thereferees in the correct ranking sequence (should rank the referees 1, 2, 3, 4etc). Equal ranking are tobe avoided as much as possible.

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    O V E R A L L C R I T E R I A F O R R A T I N G R E F E R E E S



    Displays exceptional qualities in officiating techniques and game management,judgment consistent and precise, is seen to be a high quality role model on and offthe court, contributes fully in meetings both professionally and collaboratively, etc.

    Demonstrates excellent English abilities and other communication skills.

    Usually involved in finals, semi-finals and /or key matches. May undertake specifictasks, outside of the refereeing role, for the Referee Delegate including observations,auxiliary officials training, etc.

    Fully understands the rules of the game and the principles behind the rules, therefereeing guidelines, all protocols, meeting instructions, TV requirements andinstructions etc.

    Is of a standard consistent with top International Refereeing in all areas.


    Very Good

    Displays very good qualities in officiating techniques and game management,judgment consistent and precise, is seen to be a good quality role model on and offthe court, contributes fully in meetings both professionally and collaboratively, etc.

    Demonstrates very good English abilities and other communication skills.

    Likely to referee finals, semi-finals and /or key matches. May undertake specifictasks, outside of the refereeing role, for the Referee Delegate including auxiliaryofficials training, etc.

    Fully understands the rules of the game and the principles behind the rules, therefereeing guidelines, all protocols, meeting instructions, TV requirements andinstructions etc.

    Is of a standard consistent with top International Refereeing in all areas.



    Displays good qualities in officiating techniques yet still required improvements ingame management, judgment is generally consistent and most of the times precise,shows good qualities on and off the court, contributes in meetings bothprofessionally and collaboratively etc.

    Demonstrates good or acceptable English abilities yet still required to further improve

    other communication skills. May in special circumstances referee some major matches, but very seldom used as

    R1 at the final days.

    Has a good understanding of the rules of the game, refereeing guidelines, mostprotocols etc. in most situations and is of a standard consistent with a goodInternational referee, but not suitable as a Neutral Referee at present.

    Has the possibility to develop further as a referee.



    Displays acceptable qualities in officiating techniques yet many problems in gamemanagement, judgment often lacks consistency and precision, inconsistent rolemodel on and off the court, rarely contributes in meetings, etc.

    Has low/mixed English skills and relevant problems in communication ability.

    Seldom appointed to any difficult matches as R1, will not be appointed to any majormatches especially from the 2nd

    day of the Main Draw onwards.

    Clearly has some misunderstandings in interpretations of the rules of the game,refereeing guidelines, protocols etc.

    Needs improvements to attain standard consistent with International refereeing.

    less than 6.5


    Displays poor qualities in officiating technique, many problems in gamemanagement, judgment is highly inconsistent and lacks precision, poor role modelon and off the court, rarely if at all contributes in meetings.

    Has very low English and other communication abilities

    Seldom appointed as R1, never appointed to any major or difficult matches.

    Clearly misunderstands the rules of the game, refereeing guidelines, protocols etc.

    Not of a standard required to be an International referee or nominated in future as

    National local referee at World Tour events. In need of more experience at a nationallevel before further exposure to a World Tour event.

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    2013 FIVB Beach Volleyball Refereeing Delegates Manual Page 16

    1. First referee criteria (70%) 2. Second referee criteria (30%)

    1.a Appearanceandpersonality 10%

    Presentation, Reactions, Attitude, Externalinfluence, interaction with both players andofficials

    1.b Knowledge of rules & application 30% Service order, Screening, Net touches, and

    all protocols and their application. EspeciallyMedical, Ball Mark and Protest

    1.c Ball contact 40%Number of contacts, Simultaneous contact,Dink / tip attack, Criteria overall - uniformity,Ball touch by body, Hard driven ball, first andsecond touch criteria

    1.d Game management 10%Time-outs, Delays control, Court changeprotocol, Misconduct sanctions, Position,Co-operation with officials, Attention todetails, Use of whistle, use of correct handsignals

    1.e Organization 10%Pre game protocol, Post game protocol,Punctuality, scoresheet administration,communication of essential information bothbefore and after the game.

    2.a Appearance and personality 10%

    Presentation, Reactions, Attitude, Externalinfluence, Interaction with both players andofficials

    2.b Knowledge of rules & application 30%Interference under net, Screening, Net touches,time out requests and management, control ofthe free zone. Application of protocols especiallyMedical and Ball Mark

    2.c Ball contact 10%Number of contacts, 4 contacts, Touch,Communication to 1st referee

    2.d Game management 40%Time-outs, Delays, Court changes, Misconduct,Position, Co-operation, Attention to details, Useof whistle, Hand signals, Collaboration

    2.e Organization 10%Pre game, Post game, Punctuality

    R E F E R E E S D A I L Y M E E T I N G S

    1. Unless for exceptional circumstances, meetings MUST be held at the completion of each day's playingschedule and prior to commencement of play the next day.

    2. The meeting held after play completion should focus on reviewing the days play, while meetings heldbefore play should set the scene for the coming matches concentrating on the major areas of focus.

    3. Discussion should be of a general nature, focusing on common errors and significant areas forimprovement as per the daily summary sheet compiled by the Referee Delegate (see BVB-26 DailyReferee Performance Summary Sheet).

    4. During this meeting, questions anddiscussion should take place.Interaction between all participants

    is necessary for there to be acommon understanding or theobjectives of the day and theevent. Effort should be made toinvolve all in the discussions.

    5. Any guidance established at thesemeetings must be circulated to thereferees and be summarized in theReferee Delegates reports at thecompletion of the tournament.

    6. This meeting can be held either atthe playing court or in a meetingroom or another appropriate place.

    Note: meetings should also address auxiliary officials for respective areas of performance

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    E N F O R C E M E N T O F E V E N T U A L M O N E T A R Y S A N C T I O N S

    1. A monetary sanction will be enforced by the relevant FIVB Official(s), in due accordance with thehereunder scale every time the Organizers will not comply with the Handbook requirements for refereeingand court personnel related matters such as the anticipate preparation, i.e.: submission of officials lists,

    confirmation of arrangements for eventual extra clinic and the referee clinic, etc, set up and attendance ofthe extra clinic and the referee clinic, facilities in general, i.e.: meeting rooms, lounges with privacy,comfort and security, reliable transportation system, quality nutrition all day long, etc.

    Breach of organizational requirement as per Handbook Controller Fine

    Deadline for submission of officials lists (Ref Manager, Ball checker,Local Referees, LJ, Sc, etc) by 2 months prior to the event

    Ref CommissionerPrior to the event

    From USD 500 up toUSD 2500

    Deadline for confirmation of eventual extra clinic and standardreferee clinic set-up, etc, by 1 month prior to the event

    Ref DelegatePrior to the event

    From USD 500 up toUSD 2500

    Set up requirements plus attendance of standard referee clinic andeventual extra clinic

    Ref DelegateOn site

    From USD 1000 upto USD 5000

    More than 10% changes at the previously approved nominal lists forthe Auxiliary Officials and/or insufficient quantities and/or qualityrequirements established for this area during the tournament

    Ref DelegateOn site

    From USD 1000 upto USD 5000

    Meeting room (equipment, location, size and privacy requirements)Ref DelegateOn site

    From USD 1000 upto USD 5000

    Separate lounges for Referees and Auxiliary Officials (location,security, size, comfort, availability of snacks, fruit and drinks)

    Ref DelegateOn site

    From USD 1000 upto USD 5000

    Quality and time appropriateness of main meals (breakfast, lunch anddinner). Lunch on site may be replaced by a quality ongoing supply ofsnacks, fruit and drinks.

    Ref DelegateOn site

    From USD 1000 upto USD 5000

    Transportation system (reliability and time appropriateness)Ref DelegateOn site

    From USD 1000 upto USD 5000

    Insufficient quantities and/or quality requirements established for the

    court personnel area (Court Managers, Assistants, ball-retrievers,rakers, scoreboard operators, player assistants, etc)

    Ref DelegateOn site

    From USD 1000 upto USD 5000

    Note: a different policy may apply to first time events while fines may suffer adjustments on a case by case basis

    2. A monetary sanction will also be enforced by the Refereeing Delegate, in due accordance with thehereunder scale, every time the Organizers will not comply with the Handbook requirements for court andcompetition equipment in general (i.e.: mandatory supply of cellular phones as the communicationsystem to run the competition, reliable net systems, court lines meeting the requirements, flat rakes, etc).

    Breach of sport equipment requirement as per Handbook Controller Fine

    Mandatory supply of cellular phones as the communication system torun the competition

    Ref DelegateOn site

    From USD 500 up toUSD 2500

    Alcohol test deviceRef DelegateOn site

    From USD 500 up toUSD 2500

    Reliable net systems (allowing good cable tension, quick net highchanges, not presenting any danger to the athletes, etc)

    Ref DelegateOn site

    From USD 1000 upto USD 5000

    Appropriateness of court lines easily adjustable on all 4 corners, notpresenting any danger to the athletes not excessively light or elastic

    Ref DelegateOn site

    From USD 1000 upto USD 5000

    Enough flat rakes (minimum 2 per court) in appropriate sizes (80 to100cm length / 10 to 15cm high) and material (wood recommended)

    Ref DelegateOn site

    From USD 1000 upto USD 5000

    Appropriateness of other court equipment, i.e.: number 1 and 2paddles (same number on both sides), table scoreboard readablefrom either side, quantities and appropriate sizes of towels for LJsand B-r, numbers, flags, etc at the side courts scoreboards, etc

    Ref DelegateOn site

    From USD 1000 upto USD 5000

    Note: a different policy may apply to first time events while fines may suffer adjustments on a case by case basis

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    U S E O F I N T E R N E T

    It is important that the FIVB Refereeing Delegate utilizes the Internet facilities provided by the organizer or theirown if they have one available.

    It is MANDATORY that on a daily basis, the Refereeing Delegate e-mails to the Referee Commissioner the

    Referee Performance Supplemental Report (BVB/41) of each referees officiating at the tournament.

    The Refereeing Delegate should at the end of the tournament supply to the Referee Commissioner very accurateinformation concerning the tournament Referees and refereeing Auxiliary Officials (FAMILY NAME, and name,etc). For this purpose you should use the BVB/24 and the BVB/25 forms. It is vital that the information recordedfor each official is TOTALLY ACCURATE; care must be taken on the correct spelling of the ALL names of eachreferee. It is also important where hand written details are given that the writing is legible. It is recommended thatbefore submission to FIVB the information relating to each individual referee is checked by the concerned personfor correctness.

    In order to quickly share information a Summary of relevant comments MUST be sent to the concerned RefereeDelegate and Technical Supervisor before the start of the next events Referee Clinic. In order to avoid lost ordelayed messages it is therefore required that the Summary Report will be also faxed directly to the next event(s)

    on site FIVB Office. In order to ensure that this can be done in the correct timeframe, the email and the faxaddresses of the next event(s) must be obtained in anticipation.

    It is vital that this information will be also supplied to all 2013 active Refereeing Delegates, Assistant RefereeDelegates and Technical Supervisors. The Summary Report should be therefore copied within the next 24 hoursfrom the end of the event to the FIVB Beach Department and to the FIVB Refereeing Commissioner who will beresponsible for distributing the information. This procedure is to be implemented regardless if the next event isnot due to start during the next week.

    It is MANDATORY to attend a post tournament meeting with the FIVB Technical Supervisor, the Promoter andthe National Federation representative to give initial feedback on the event and to cover all points that will beidentified in the Referee DelegatesReportBVB/24 (SECTION F : CLOSING REMARKS ON TOURNAMENT,to be submitted as a minimum requirement).

    BVB/24 is specifically for the Host Federation and the Promoter, and MUST be sent to them by e-mail within 24hours of completion of the event.

    Together with the BVB/25, the Referee Delegate is also required to secure that the BVB/43 and the BVB/41Forms, plus the BVB/38 - regarding each referees individual performance/assessment - are submitted to theFIVB Referee Commissioner. The BVB/43 must be simultaneously copied to the Referee Database administratorso that they are posted online the latest one week time following the tournament.

    E-mail addresses for Referee Database [email protected]

    The Refereeing Delegate MUST copy their full report (within seven days) by Email attachment to the FIVB Beach

    Department and the FIVB Refereeing Commissioner.

    E-mail addresses for FIVB Refereeing Delegates to send their reports are:

    FIVB Beach Volleyball Department [email protected]

    Jos CASANOVA, Refereeing Commissioner [email protected]

    For any questions and updates the FIVB Refereeing Delegate can contact:Jose CASANOVA, Refereeing Commissioner [email protected]

    FIVB Web site:

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    2013 FIVB Beach Volleyball Refereeing Delegates Manual Page 19

    G U I D E L I N E S T O C O M P L E T E T H E B V B / 2 4 B V B / 2 5 R D R E P O R T S

    1. BVB/ 24

    For all sections A, B, C and D

    Indicate YES (provided) or NO (not provided)

    Evaluate on scale 1(poor) to 5 (excellent) for each individual item

    Include all comments especially noting both concerns and positive comments under remarks

    and proposals. Be realistic with your comments

    Section ARefereeing Clinic Organization

    Note the location of the rooms used and any additional areas used during the event

    Also rate the success of both the Theory and Practical Clinics

    List any additional equipment used during the clinic in the area provided

    Section BMeetings and Rooms

    Report on the rooms used for all meetings (respective location and eventual problems)

    Within each area remark on the requirements both positive and negative

    Section COfficials Equipment

    This area is of specific importance, care must be taken to record the information accurately

    It is important to comment of those area affected by the new rule changes Pay special attention to the court personnels equipment in terms of quality of quantity

    Ensure also that ALL court equipment is safe and presents no danger

    Section DEvaluation of Personnel

    Record the Referee Manager and the Court Manager by name including any assistants used

    Quantify and assess the level of performance of the Auxiliary Officials used during the event

    Quantify and assess the level of performance of key court officials used during the event

    Quantify and assess the level of performance of the various job related areas court personnelused during the event. Be careful not to double count as some may be used for more than 1 area

    Section EList of Scorers

    Record the family name, name and country of the Scorers officiating at the event

    Confirm that their names where registered at the official list approved by the FIVB and informedby the FIVB Referee Commissioner for this tournament

    Acknowledge and register their respective referee status or years of experience at FIVBtournaments (including this event), age and gender, plus any other relevant information.

    Section FList of Linejudges

    Record the family name, name and country of the Linejudges officiating at the event

    Confirm that their names where registered at the official list approved by the FIVB and informedby the FIVB Referee Commissioner for this tournament

    Acknowledge and register their respective referee status and years of experience at FIVBtournaments (including this event), age and gender, plus any other relevant information.

    Section GSummary Comments on Personnel

    Give overall summary of each area highlighting both positive and negative areas Suggest improvement in these areas

    Summarize organizational structure and working methodology

    Section HList of eventual monetary Sanctions to the Organizers

    Record any fines or sanctions applied due to breach of organizational requirements

    Record any fines or sanctions applied due to breach of sport equipment requirements

    Section IClosing Remarks

    To be submitted as a minimum requirement to the closing meeting with the Organizers

    Give a general summary of the tournament

    Identify any issues relating to refereeing or rules interpretation of local (NF) interest

    List any key recommendation that will improve the event in the future

    Submit the report to the organizers within 24 hours from the tournament in order to obtain thesignatures of the Tournament Director and National Federation Representative

    Send to FIVB and Referee Commissioner within 7 days duly signed by yourself

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    2013 FIVB Beach Volleyball Refereeing Delegates Manual Page 20

    2. BVB/ 25

    Section AAssessment of Facilities and Administration for Referees

    Complete this section highlighting a Yes or No for each element

    Also indicate the frequency of the feedback given to the referees and the frequency and timing ofthe meetings held

    Give overall comments on Food, Accommodation, Uniform and Per Diem distribution

    Evaluate on scale 1(poor) to 5 (excellent) each of this individual items

    Section BEvaluation of Referees and Overall Comments

    List each Referee by FAMILY NAME, and name, and indicate Nationality

    Indicate the status of each referee

    Indicate numeric result of the theory test. Indicate result of second attempt in case applied.

    Report the English level of each referee (Good; Basic; Poor)

    Record accurate summary of the games refereed as 1stand 2


    Indicate performance level on a scale of 1 to 10 (corresponding to the BVB/38 ratings)

    Make any overall comment specific to each referee

    Ensure that each referee is placed in the correct ranking order for this event

    Section CEvaluation of Referees for Final Matches

    List both 1stand 2

    ndreferee for the final matches of the tournament

    Ensure that both name and country are recorded Evaluate their performance on a scale of 1 to 10

    Include any remarks that are important to that performance

    In case of one gender event only the appropriate Section C should be used.

    Section DFinal Comments

    This section to be taken as a summary report and to be copied within 24 hours/before the start ofthe Clinic of the next event(s) by fax or text to be inserted to e-mail message.

    Summarize your views on the overall tournament focusing on the improvements required inthis area. Mainly focus on the big issues arising from the tournament identifying them by subjectand make suggestions for the resolution of these issues

    Indicate the amount of MTO for each respective specific nature (i.e.: regular; blood related;certified traumatic related; use of toilets related)

    Indicate at the bottom of the report, under Statistic information the total number of matches, theinformation on the amount and nature of Protest Protocol Reports attached, and the informationon the referee game sanctions leading to fines (if any)

    Indicate the total amount of BMP implemented throughout the entire tournament

    Finally sign the report when it is complete and send together with Part 1 to the FIVB and theReferee Commissioner within 7 days

    3. Enclosures to complete the BVB Refereeing Reports:

    Summary Refereeing Report (see page 17 USE OF INTERNET)

    Referee Performance Supplemental Report (BVB/41) to be emailed to the RefereeCommissioner together with the respective tournaments Referee-Evaluation-Formula(BVB/38)

    Scoresheets originals, plus the signed printouts of the BVB/44 Heat Stress Daily MonitoringForm to be sent to the FIVB along with other information after the event (please provide the

    FIVB Technical Supervisor with) Excel file of the BVB/45 Heat Stress Monitoring Overall Results, e-mailed to the FIVB Medical

    Commissions member in charge of the FIVB Heat Illness Surveillance, Dr. Roald Bahr([email protected])and the Referee Commissioner

    Individual Referee Evaluation Form (BVB/43) e-mailed to the Referee Database administrator at([email protected])and the Referee Commissioner, at ([email protected])

    Any BVB Refereeing Delegates Protest Protocol Report(s)including a copy of the scoresheet

    The Mikasa reports (BVB/46 Mikasa Evaluation sheet for VLS300, plus BVB/47 Mikasa VLS300checklist_1st Inspection)

    Any other useful information concerning the refereeing of the event

    Other information eventually requested by the Refereeing Commissioner, such as:

    Passport size individual digital photo of Int. Beach Volleyball referees and Candidates officiating

    at the event, plus action shots from various referee officials (during play) Any case for submission to the Casebook collected during the event

    Note: per-diem reimbursements will only be disclosed after the Referee Commissioner confirms that allreports have been duly completed and delivered by the relevant Referee Delegate

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