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2013 1st Quarter Lesson 8 Powerpoint Presentation.pptx

Apr 04, 2018



Ritchie Famarin
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  • 7/29/2019 2013 1st Quarter Lesson 8 Powerpoint Presentation.pptx


    Lesson 8 for February 23, 2013

  • 7/29/2019 2013 1st Quarter Lesson 8 Powerpoint Presentation.pptx


    [Jesus] who being the brightness of His glory andthe express image of His person, and UPHOLDINGALL THINGS BY THE WORD OF HIS POWER, when

    He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down at theright hand of the Majesty on high (Hebrews 1:3)

    How does that verse refute the next human philosophies?

    1. Deism. God created the universe and its laws and then got out of it.2. Pantheism. God and the universe are one only thing.

    3. Panentheism. God inhabits the universe as if it was His own body.

    Although God has created laws that

    rule the universe, it cannot exist

    without Jesus sustaining power.

    God and the universe are different

    thingsGod is the Creator and the

    universe is His creation. God cares

    about the universe and lovingly

    sustains it.

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    I lay down and

    slept; I awoke, forthe Lord sustainedme (Psalm 3:5)

    By You I have been upheld from birth; you are Hewho took me out of my mothers womb. My praise shallbe continually of You (Psalm 71:6)

    Fear not, for I am with you; be notdismayed, for I am your God. I willstrengthen you, yes, I will help you, I willuphold you with My righteous right hand

    (Isaiah 41:10)

    Knowing that Jesus sustains this huge universe is comforting but what about me?

    Does God sustain every person individually?

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    God furnishes the matter and the properties with which to carry

    out His plans. He employs His agencies that vegetation may

    flourish. He sends the dew and the rain and the sunshine, that

    verdure may spring forth, and spread its carpet over the earth;

    that the shrubs and fruit trees may bud and blossom and bring

    forth. It is not to be supposed that a law is set in motion for the

    seed to work itself, that the leaf appears because it must do so of

    itself. God has laws that He has instituted, but they are only the

    servants through which He effects results. It is through the

    immediate agency of God that every tiny seed breaks through theearth, and springs into life. Every leaf grows, every flower blooms,

    by the power of God.

    The physical organism of man is under the supervision of God; but

    it is not like a clock, which is set in operation, and must go of itself.

    The heart beats, pulse succeeds pulse, breath succeeds breath, but

    the entire being is under the supervision of God. Ye are Godshusbandry, ye are Gods building (1 Corinthians 3:9). In God we live

    and move and have our being. Each heartbeat, each breath, is the

    inspiration of Him who breathed into the nostrils of Adam the

    breath of lifethe inspiration of the ever-present God, the great I


    E.G.W. (Selected Messages, vol. 1, p. 294)

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    Now may He who supplies seed to the sower, and breadfor food, SUPPLY and multiply the seed you have sown

    and increase the fruits of your righteousness (2 Corinthians9:10)

    The Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden, andthere He put the man whom He had formed. And outof the ground the Lord God made every tree grow

    that is pleasant to the sight and good for food. Thetree of life was also in the midst of the garden, andthe tree of the knowledge of good and evil(Genesis 2:8-9)

    When Jesus created everything, He also provided the food for His

    creatures; seeds and fruits for man and green herbs for the

    animals (Gn. 1:29-30)

    Jesus still provides for the needs of each of His children,

    He also provided a place where man could

    live, work and rest (Gn. 2:8-15)

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    Who has ascended into heaven, or descended?Who has gathered the wind in His fists?Who has bound the waters in a garment?Who has established all the ends of the earth?What is His name, and what is His Sons name, if you know?(Proverbs 30:4)

    If Jesus controls the wind and the waters, why are there

    hurricanes that destroy properties and kill people and

    animals? Are they out of His control?

    As we studied in previous lessons, the answer to that question

    is related to evil. Evil entered the world and it didnt only

    affected man; the whole creation groans

    (Romans 8:22)

    We must accept this answer by faith, Every word of God is

    pure (Proverbs 30:5). God allows some consequences of evil

    in His infinite wisdom until He will make all things new

    (Revelation 21:5)

    Just like Job, we cannot explain nor understand evil. We just

    can accept the way God works and trust His care.

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    While appearing to the children of men as a great physician who

    can heal all their maladies, he will bring disease and disaster, until

    populous cities are reduced to ruin and desolation. Even now he is

    at work. In accidents and calamities by sea and by land, in great

    conflagrations, in fierce tornadoes and terrific hailstorms, in

    tempests, floods, cyclones, tidal waves, and earthquakes, in every

    place and in a thousand forms, Satan is exercising his power. He

    sweeps away the ripening harvest, and famine and distress follow.He imparts to the air a deadly taint, and thousands perish by the

    pestilence. These visitations are to become more and more

    frequent and disastrous. Destruction will be upon both man and

    beast. The earth mourneth and fadeth away, the haughty

    people ... do languish. The earth also is defiled under theinhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the laws,

    changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant. Isaiah

    24:4, 5

    E.G.W. (The Great Controversy, cp. 37, pg. 589)

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    Evil affects nature, but God still keeps sustaining it and managing it as its Master

    and Creator.

    Lets see how He used the wind He gathered the wind in His fists (Pv. 30:4),

    He brought a windto dry the waters

    from the Flood (Gn.


    He brought a windthat carried the

    plague of locusts to

    Egypt (Ex. 10:13)

    He brought a windthat carried quailsto feed the people

    of Israel at thedesert (Nm. 11:31)

    He appeared toElijah within a

    gentle wind (1K.


    There are many examples in the Bible of how God can

    still manage nature at His will,

    He stopped the

    sun so a day could

    last for almost 48

    hours (Jos. 10:13)

    He stopped the

    waters of the Red

    Sea and the Jordan

    River (Ex. 14:21;Jos. 3:16; 2K. 2:8)

    He filled the desert

    with water so the

    people of Israel

    could drink (2K.3:17)

    He moved the sun

    10 degrees back

    (2K. 20:11)

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    Uphold my steps inYour paths, that my

    footsteps may notslip (Psalm 17:5)

    Cast your burdenon the Lord, andHe shall sustainyou; He shall

    never permit therighteous to be

    moved (Psalm 55:22)

    If I say, My footslips, Your mercy, OLord, will hold me up

    (Psalm 94:18)

    If God sustains nature despite the evil that affects it, can He sustain us

    despite the sin that affects us?

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    Despite sin, God provided for the needs of Adam and Eve by using His ownhands, Also for Adam and his wife the Lord God made tunics of skin, and

    clothed them (Genesis 3:21)

    And do not seek what youshould eat or what you shoulddrink, nor have an anxious mind.For all these things the nations

    of the world seek after, andyour Father knows that youneed these things. But seek thekingdom of God, and all thesethings shall be added to you(Luke 12:29-31)

    That is why He invites us to trust Him; He will

    provide for the needs of each of us.