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2013 1 교육공학 학습저널

Jun 10, 2015



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  • 1. Thank you12 JUNG, SUHYUN

2. EDUCATIONAL TECH -NOLOGY What is EDUcational TechnolOGY? SPEACIAL PAGE : SMART LEARNING 1210026 Jung, SuHyun2013 JUNE, 21 3. 3Educational Technology?What isEducational Technology? ? 'edcare'(bring up) education , 'techne' technology . Edcation , , . Technology , , , . hardware software , 'engineering' .EDUCATIONTECHNOLOGY 17 . Comenius . . Pastalozzi . , . . Pastalozzi , . . . 4. " , , ." 1963 " ""Educational Technology is the study and ethical pratice of facilitating lesarning and improving performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological processes and resources. (AECT, 2008)"1972 " , , " 1977 9 . ''(appropriate) '' . '' . '' , . '' . '' , , . '' , , , , , . '' . . '' , . ' ' '' '' . . ' ' '' '' . '' . , 1994 " , , , " . ' ' .'' , , , '' .Jung, Su Hyun4 5. : 1900-1950Dewey . , , . Dewey , . . . 1 .MontessoriMontessori . . , . , Motessori . . Thorndike . . , , n) . (connectio sm) nectioni (con . ike ThorndThorndike5Educational Technology 6. History of E.T. 1920 1960 1923 DVI 1930 . , , 2 1947 DAVI 2 : -> .1970 1970 DAVI (AECT) 1994 , , , , 1963 () 20082013 Herstory of Ewha E.T.Jung, Su Hyun6 7. : - COMMUNICATION "communicare" -"" . . . (Burgoon & Fuffner, 1978) 4 , , , : , : , , , , , . . , . - . , .WE ARE COMMUNICATING by DIGITAL MEDIA (ICT) . . , , . (CMC) , , , . CMC . . (Virtual Communication) CMC . , , , , , TV, . CMC .7Educational Technology 8. : Jung, Su Hyun8 9. " ." -Haward Gardener . . , . , 8 . , . , . .. - IQ . , , . , Broca . : , , : .- (IQ) . , - : ,, . , -auditory/vibrational intelligence - ,, , - : 9Educational Technology 10. : , , . , , , , , , . , : (socio-gram) , , , , . , . , , : , . : . , . . . : , . . . , , , , , . - : , , , : , , .. spirituality moral sensibility sexuality humor intution creativity culinary abiltiy olfactory perception abiltiy to synthesize the other inelligenceJung, Su Hyun10 11. 1Facilitating Learning: Learnign and Lerning Theory.2 BEHAVIORISM3 . . , chunks , . .(feedback) , .4 (classical conditioning) . . . . . 5 6 (operant conditioning) , , . , . . 7 11Educational Technology . . . . . Skinner, , , , , . .() . . , . , . . , Computer Assisted Instruction(CAI) . 12. 12 COGNITIVISM3 . . , , , . , Piaget . schema , , , . , . (schemata) . . . . .4 . , . . , , . (feedback) . , . (instruction) , .56 - . - . .Jung, Su Hyun7 12 13. 1 Facilitating Learning: Learnign and Lerning Theory.2 CONSTRUCTIVISM3 . . , . . , , .4Vygotsky Vygotsky . Vygotsky , , . . .56 . . . (, ) . 7 - (, , ) . 13Educational Technology (cognitive apprenticeship) . - . . (Problem-Based learning) - . . - (Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, CSCL) . , , , . 14. Improving performance CONCEPT of Imprving Performance Performance . Improvement () , () . . , , . . , , . (HPT) , . , , . . . , (HPT) . , , , , .: (francesco.chillari), 63Jung, Su Hyun14 15. 1Improving performance 21. . . . . . 3 .2. . . , . . - . . .45 . . . , . , , , , .6 1. 7 . . . . .15Educational Technology 16. 1 . . , input output .1. Organizational Learning2. . , , .2 . , .33. . Pershing , . .42. 5 , , , , , .6 3. , , 3 .4. . .5. . . , 7 .Jung, Su Hyun16 17. ING ATRE C Instructional Design . , , , . . . (, 2009.8.15, Blue Fish) system theory system , . , ( ) (, 2006.1.30, ) [ general systems theory , ] (embody) . () . (, 1995.6.29, ) systems approach , , , , (Mood, 1964)17Educational TechnologyHo w To Teac h 18. ADDIE , . ADDIE . (Analysis), (Design), (Development), (Implementation), (Evalution) 5 , ADDIE . 5 feedback . , . , . , , , . , , , . , , . . . . , , . prototype . , , , . . . . .Dick&Carey Dick & Carey , . . Dick and Carey 10 . a. , b. , c. , d. , e. , f. , g. , h. , , i. ( ). .Jung, Su Hyun18 19. 1Creating: Instructional Design TheoryInstructional Design Theory 2 . Reigeluth(1999) Gagne Briggs(1979) - . . .3This is for you!4 Gagne Briggs Merrill CDT First Principles , Regeluth , Keller ARCS- . Regeluth .5 Regeluth . (epitome) . (sequencing) , , ADDIE , ADDIE . . . 6 . . . . .7 19Educational Technology 20. 1Creating: MacroMessage Design Theory 2 Fleming Levie(1993) '1 , , (, , )' . , , . - . cognitive load theory . . 4 .3 . .4 .5 .67 Jung, Su Hyun20 21. 1Creating: Macro2Instructional Analysis3learner needs (What should be) 4 , , . , , , , , . , , , , .(what is) (gap) . . , (gap) 4 5environment . , , , , , .67 21Educational Technologycontents . , . . , , , , . 22. 1Creating: Macro2 3 3 9 . , , , + , , , , , , , , . 1. . , , ? . , , .. ? . , ?4 2. 5. ? . ? . ? . ? . ? from. 3 . ? . ? . ? . ?64 . - ? . ? . ?Jung, Su Hyun7 22 23. 1Creating: Macro media . instructional media - - () () .2 1. 3 , , . . , , .2. , . , TV, .43. 567 23Educational Technology . .4. , ASSURE - (Heinrich et al., 2002). . A-Analyze learners, S-State objectives, S-Select methods, media & materials, U-Utilize meadia & amterials R-Require learner participation, E-evaluate & Revise 24. Creating Speacial page.Instructinal media:SMART LEARNING (Technology Embeded), (Resource enriched), (Adaptive), (Motivated), (Self-directed) . SMART=Self-directed, Motivated, Adaptive, Resource enriched, Technology Embede. (, , DIGIECO FOCUS, 2011) , , (, , ) , , . (, , DIGIECO FOCUS, 2011) 1. e-learning 2. 3. 1. e-learning , . , , 2. , .Interface Gesture Gesture InterfaceJung, Su Hyun24 25. 1USING and MANAGING Usnigfrom. pptunsing (2) . , (creating) ( ) . , , (usability), , (diffusion) . . . - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? . .34 . . . , .( , 2009) 3 cognitive presence, emotional presence, social presence . . . . . .5 Managing . , , , , , . ' ' , .6 , , , . Seels & Richey(1994) , , , , . . . (object) . . . . . . 7 , , .(Seels & Fichey, 1994) 25Educational Technology , . 26. 1 Resources and Processes resurces . , , , , ."" , , , . , . , ."" , , , , , . , . () ,-, . . . , .2 '' .technological proccesses , , . , , . -- . input-process-output .34 , , , . . , . .5 . , , . .6 7 Jung, Su Hyun26 27. 1Professional Ethics and Future of Educational technologyETHICS&FUTURE2 3 5 ., . ., ., 4 . ., 5 ., , , .1920 40 . , , (AV) . . 40-60 .( ) 60 80 , technoligy . , CAI . 6 ' ' ' ' . 1994 -> , . 7 27Educational Technology 28. " " 6, . , . 3 . . 2 , . , , , . ? , , . . , .. ? ? . . . ? ? ?" ." . . , , . . . . , '' . . . . ? . , , , . . . . , , , , . . . '' . , , , , . '' . 6 21 - PPT - () - (2013-1 ) -KTX magazine -rail Eurpope - : -: -: -: - : - : ' , .' 2013 1 '' .Jung, Su Hyun28