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2012-03-16- TAITZ v Astrue (USDC DC) - Opposition to Motion for Summary Affirmance - Transport Room

Apr 06, 2018



Jack Ryan
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  • 8/2/2019 2012-03-16- TAITZ v Astrue (USDC DC) - Opposition to Motion for Summary Affirmance - Transport Room


    MAR 1e~ ~ ' 1 ! DR. ORLY T ~ t R f E I V ' E D 29839 SANTA MARGARITA . 51El00RANCHOSANTA MARGARITA, CA 92688PH 949-683-5411 FAX 040-7667603CA Lie 223433PRO SE IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA




    Case # 11-5304


    A : ~ DlSTR:::F : : : ; :C'IITCLERK

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    Comes now Appellant Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ, (Hereinafter Taitz") and opposesMotion for Summary Affirmance, as frivolous and without merit

    Argument1. This case is an appeal of a denial fo r information requested under FOIA SUSC5522. Taitz submitted to the Social Security Administration (Hereinafter "SSAIt)request for information under the Freedom of Information Act.3. This request contained information that Barack Hussein Obama, President ofthe United States, (Hereinafter "Obama") is using a stolen Social Security numberxxx ..xx-442S, which was issued in the state of Connecticut to another individual,resident of Connecticut, who was born in 1890.4. Taitz provided the SSA affidavits from a licensed investigator Susan Daniels(Exhibit 1) and retires senior deportation officer John Sampson, (Exhibit 2) whichattested to the fact that the SSN in question started with digits 042, Which wereassigned to the state of Connecticut. Obama was never a resident of Connecticutand there is no possible reason fo r him to have a Connecticut CeNt Additionally,Taitz provided SSA with information that in national databases such number isassociated with two dates of birth: 1890 and 1961, which is an additionalindication that Obama is iIlegaHy using a SSN, which was issued to a resident ofCT, who was born in 1890, whose death was not reported to the SSA1 and whoseSSN was illegally assumed by Obama around 1980-1981. Taitz requested a

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    redacted 55-5 application to the aforementioned SSN. Taitz advised SSA thatthey are endangering the national security by withholding the information inquestion. SSA refused to provide the redacted application.5. Taitz appealed. The case was assigned to judge Royce C. Lamberth in the USDistrict Court in the District of Columbia.6. Taitz provided judge Lamberth with all of the above information as well as asworn affidavit from Deportation officer Sampson,(Exhibit 3) which stated that incase of suspected theft of a Social Security number it is common for the lawenforcement to request and receive from the SSA the original application to thenumber in question, which would show some of the information in relation to theidentity of the lawful holder of the SSN in question. Such information wouldinclude gender, date of birth, zip code, race. For example, if it shows that thelawful holder was a white woman, who resided in Dunbarry-Stamfort Connecticutarea and was born in 1890, but this number was appropriate by Obama, who is anAfrican America man, born in 1961 and resided in Hawaii, that would not revealthe actual identity of the lawful holder of the number in question, but wouldprovide the ultimate proof in order for Congress to start the impeachmenthearing of Obama and for the law enforcement around the country to startcriminal prosecution of Obama.7. Judge Lamberth refused to release the redacted SSN, claiming that it wouldinfringe on Obama's privacy8. Taitz provided Lamberth with yet another affidavit from a adobe illustratorexpert Felicito Papa,(Exhibit 4) showing that Obama posted his full unredactedSSN on line in 2010, when he posted his tax returns in 2010 on line and forgot to"flatten" the PDF file, so the full SSN was visible to the public, was downloaded bymillions of people until Obama realized his mistake and took down the file andreposted it as a "flattened" redacted file. Due to the oversight by Obama, himself,he made his full unredacted SSN visible and readily available to the whole nation.he no longer has privacy in the number in question.

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    9. Taitz provided Lamberth with a sworn affidavit by one linda Jordan (exhibit 5),who swore in that she personally ran the SSN in question through the E-VerifyJofficial Social Security verification systems, and it showed that the number usedby Obama and posted in his official tax returns, while in the White House, did notmatch the name Barack Obama.10. Taitz argued that at this point there was no privacy attached. Moreover, athief does not have privacy rights in keeping private stolen identification papers.Actions by Appellee Astrue, U.S. attorneys defending him and judge Lamberthhimself are so outrageous, that they represent criminal complicity and collusionwithObama to defraud the whole nation. Commissioner Astrue, U.S. attorneysdefending him and Judge Lamberth himself are committing high treason againstthe United States of America, bV allowing a criminal with a stolen Social Securitynumber to continue usurping the position of the President and Commander inChief.On January 26., 2012 at an administrative court hearing in Atlanta Georgia alicensed investigator Susan Daniels as well as a senior deportation officer JohnSampson testified that Obama is using a Connecticut Social security number,which was assigned to a different individual, resident of the state of Connecticut,born in 1890 (sealed certified transcript attached). On March 1, 2012 Sheriff ofMaricopa County, Arizona, sheriff Joe Arpaio held a pressconference, where heannounced results of his 6 months of investigation, where he confirmed thatObama is using forged identification documents, arnong them a forged computergenerated birth certificate and a forged selective service certificate. due to anenormous level of corruption and censorship there was very little reporting onArpaio's press conference and so far attorney General of the US, Attorney GeneralHolder is not taking any action.11. Appellee in his Motion for Summary Affirmance simply tried to whitewash theSocial Security fraud, omit any reference to the subject of FOIA, Barack Obama,and continued the same debunked theory of privacy, even though as it wasshown, the privacy no longer exist, as Obama himself released the number in

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    question and a thief does not have a right in privacy in stolen identificationnumbers12. During Whatergate over 30 corrupt high ranked governmental officials wereindicted and convicted and went to prison. ObamaForgeryGate is much biggerthan Watergate, as a number of corrupt high ranked governmental officials,corrupt US attorneys and corrupt judges are complicit in the biggest case ofelections fraud, forgery and high treason in the history of the United States ofAmerica.13. Due to the fact that Taitz provided irrefutable evidence showing that Obamahimself released his full Social security number, the argument of privacy is totallywithout merit. Additionally, due to the fact that the evidence shows Obama usinga Social Security number not assigned to him, he does not have any right toprivacy in a stolen Social Security number.14. For all of the above reasons not only the motion for affirmance needs to bedenied, but the Court of appeals needs to issue a Summary judgment granting anappeaL15. Due to enormous threat to the national Security of the United States of

    America this court should Sua Sponte appoint a special prosecutor of panel toinvestigate Obama's use of a stolen social Security number. not taking an action inprosecuting this case of elections fraud will expose this court to charges of Hightreason as well.

    Respectfully submitted,

    /s/ Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ

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    lsi Dr. Orly Taitz ESQ1', Lila Dubert, attest, that I served the Appellee through his attorney, USAttolneys' office on March 15, 2012 by first class mail

    (\," \ \

    Is! LilaDUbL_J----

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    Dr. Orty Taitz, Attorney-at-Law(California SBN 223433)Orly Taitz Law Offices26302 La Paz, Suite 211Mission Viejo, California 92691Telephone: (949) 683-5411E-Mail: [email protected] STATES DISTRICT COURTFOR THE CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIASANTA ANA (SOUTHERN) DIVISIONCaptain Pamela Barnett, et al.Plaintiffs,


    Barack Hussein Obama, Michelle L.R. Obama, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary of State, Robert M. Gates, Secretary of Defense, Joseph R. BideD, Vice-President and President of the Senate, Defendants.

    Civil Action:SACV09-00082-DOC (Anx)

    Affidavit of Susan Daniels1. My name is Susan Elizabeth Daniels. I am over 18 years old, am of soundmind and free of any mental disease or psychological impairment of any kind orcondition.2. I am a citizen of the United States of America, I am 68 years old and I wasborn and raised in the State ofOhio.3. I am licensed by the State of Ohio as a private investigator; I am president ofDaniels and Associates Investigations, Inc., incorporated in March 1995, licensenumber 65199565509.4. I have personal knowledge of all the facts and circumstances described hereinbelow and will testify in open court to all of he same.5. I located a social security number for Bamck Hussein Obama and found that itwas issued between 1977-1979 in the State of Connecticut but as I investigated

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    further, I found an additional eight social security numbers. One of he numbers had(Deceased) behind it. I was able to find the name of he person the SSN actuallybelonged to and printed it from the Social Security Administration death index.6. I researched social security numbers for Michelle Obama. When I ran hername, two different social security numbers appeared for her, includimg one thatdoes not belong to her but is listed for her at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington,D.C.7. The true and correct copies I personally obtained are attached.8. I solemnly swear under penalty ofperjury that all the facts stated andcircumstances described above are true and correct statements.9. I have not received any compensation for making this affidavit.Further, Affiant saith na / /Signed and executed in - - - I ~ ~ ~ ~ ' - b ~ . - , - " - ~ { ) - - / ' _ rr-_-on thisp-vJay ofOctober, 2009.

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    Person Search https:/

    .. All Full Name AgeJDOB Address Dates Phone Infonnation ...--I \ ! i Q D ~ (MICHELLE OBAMA 5046 S GREENWOOD AVEGender: Female ., CHICAGO IL 60615-2806 Aug 05 - Aug 07350-60xxxx I I--1 l ! i 4 0 ~ MICHELLE OBAMA 1 OLD STATE CAPITOL PLZAPTSPRINGFIELD IL 62701-1512 May 09 - Sep 09 :1-ender: Female

    ( ICHELLE OBAMA 1600 PENNSYLVANIA AVE NW ,' I i ( ( [ ] ~ Gender: Female WASHINGTON DC 20500-0003 Jun 08 - Sap 09j Newspaper facility.282-88-xxxx I IIi '- ! [ [ ( ( ] ~ MICHELLE OBAMA 5030 QUENTIN ST 303-365-5697 - MDTDENVER CO 80239-4312 Jul 09 - Aug 09Gender: Female522-67-xxxx ,IHrroiJ MICHELLE OBAMA 123 W NORTH AVECAROL STREAM IL 60188-2001 Mar 09 Aug 09Gender: Female ,. ! i ( [ Q ~ MICHELLE OBAMA 936 4 MILE RD NW APTGRAND RAPIDS M149544-1503 Jan 09 - Jul 09Gender. Female324-56-xxxx ,

    MICHELLE OBAMA 505 CATHARINE ST1l:K(((]1j PHILADaPHIA PA 19147-3009 Aprf1lGender: FemaleI I--\!t4CJiJ MICHELLE OBAMA 3550 S RHODES AVE APT 1802Gender: Female CHICAGO IL 60653-1273I II t

    f 1 ! [ 4 C J ~ MICHELLE OBAMA 1901 COLLEGEAVEFREDERICK MD 21701 Jun 09 - Sep 09Gender: FemaleI I"ICHELLE OBAMA1!i[[Di) 1 PENNSYLVANNIABEVERLY HILLS CA9021 0 Jan 09 - Sep 09Gender. FemaleI I"

    2of3 10119/099:15 A

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    SSN Verifier PlusS S N . I _ ~ 4 1 4 4 2 5

    Year(s) and State IssuedVear(s) Issued: 1977-1979

    Slate Issued: ConnecticutSocial Security Death IndexSSN not found in Social Security Death IndexNames Associated With 55NOBAMA, BARACKOBAMA, BARACK HUSSEINOates of Birth Associated With SSN189008/04/196104/08/1961

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    Tracers lnfonnation Specialists, Inc. Standard People Semch hUps:/Iwww.tracersinfo.comISearchCentrai/viewretum.php3?pargs=

    Standard People Search105 Records

    Search erHerlaName: OBAMA, BARAeKFtags: Arrests, Bankruptcies, Criminal Records, Evictions, Professional Licenses, WarrantsRepons Name Address SSN/DOB

    OBAMA 295 HARVARD 8T 1505 2xiJ BARACK CAMBRIDGE MA 0 2 1 3 9 ~ 2 3 8 2 Map N._- H Reported: 0112009 - 0110112009 I tCounty: Middlesex1600 PENN AVE 1xI OBAMA WASHINGTON DC 20007 Map NBARAeK Reported: 1212008 - 1212008 ItCounty: District of Columbia559WGOLFRO 1x

    11 OBAMA ARLINGTON HTS IL 60005-3904 Map N_ . BARACK Reported: 1112008 - 1112008 ItCounty: Cook56 THORNTON RD 1x

    11 OBAMA NEEDHAM MA 02492-4330 Map N--_. BARACK Reported: 0912008 - 1112008 ItCounty: NORFOLK713 HART SENATE 1xI ] OBAMA WASHINGTON DC 20510-0001 Map N. __ . BARACK Reported: 1112008 -1112008 ItCounty: District of Columbia3535 OLIVE 5T 1x[ I OBAMA DENVER CO 80207-1523 Map (720)336-7722 N._- BARACK Reported: 0912008 - 11f200s ItCounty: Denver810 E 13TH AVE 1x

    11 OBAMA EUGENE OR 97401-3742 MapBARACK (POSSIBLE HIGH RISK) It NReported: 09/2008 - 1112008County: Lane435 DALLAS AVE 1x[I OBAMA LANCASTER TX 75146 Map N_- BARACK Reported: 0912008 - 1112008 ItCounty: Dallas

    OBAMA 1930 WALLACE ST 2x11 BARACK PHILADELPHIA PA 1 9 1 3 0 ~ 3 2 2 0 Map Landline: N-::.,-: Reported: 0911712008 -10/0312008 It (215)235-3040L COUnty: Philadelphia1000 NW33 AV E 2x[ I OBAMA FORT WORTH TX 76180 Map 675-54-6554 N,-- BARACK Reported: 0412008 - 0912008 ItCounty: Tarrant

    Reports Name Address Maps SSN/DOS Phone Aft123 MAIN ST 1xIJ OBAMA CHARLESTON SC 29464 Map N:!.'" BARACK Reported: 0812008 - 0912008 ItCounty: Charleston

    10f8 1012109 9: 14 A

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    Tracers Infonnation Specialists, Inc. - Standard People SeaJCh https:/lwww.tracersinfo.comISearcbCentmllviewretum.php3?pargs



    5450 S EAST VIEW PARK PK 1xCHICAGO IL 60615Reported: 0812012008 - 0812012008County: Cook14 WERlE 5T 1xCHICAGO IL 60654(POSSIBLE HIGH RISK)Reported: 0812012008 0812012008Countr: Cook

    ~ 1 4 . 2 5 Map ued: 1977-1979 in CTIt 008: 0810411961 Age: 48MapIt

    Landline:(773)684-4809 N

    CeH:(312)310-0069 N

    E-mail: [email protected] (No IP Address Reported) Phone: (312)751-1170









    NO ADDRESS REPORTEDCHICAGO IL 60615Reported: 08/1812008 - 0811812008County: Cook180 N LASALLE 1xCHICAGO IL 60601(POSSIBLE HIGH RISK)Reported: 08/1812008 - 08118/2008County: Cook83775 BATES RD 2xJACKSON NJ 08527Reported: 0212008 - 0812008County: Ocean1000 33RD AVE 1xFORT WORTH TX 76180Reported: 0812008 - 0812008County: Tarrant505 FARR C 3xCOLUMBUS GA 31907-6275R e p o ~ : 0 1 Q O O 8 - 0 8 Q O O 8 County: Muscogee1603 RUCKER RD 1xALPHARETTA GA 30004-1435Reported: 08/2008 - 0812008County: FULTON180 N LA SALLE 8T 2200 4x








    485-40-5154(DECEASED) NIssued: 1954-1955 in 1& -/JeL 11 I I


    420-67-2965 N



    CHICAGO IL 60601-2610(POSSIBLE HIGH RISK) ~ A 4 2 5 Map lSsUia: 1977-1979 in CTIt OOB: 0810411961 Age: 48

    landHne:(773)684-4809 N

    NameReported: 0610112007 - 0610112008County: Cook

    AddressOBAMA LN 1xOBAMA FRANKLIN WI 53132 MapBARACK Reported: 0512008 - 0612008 ItCounty: Milwaukee123 WHITE HOUSE 1x

    OBAMA IRVINE CA 9261B MapBARACK Reported: 0612008 - 0612008 Itcounty: ORANGEOBAMABARACK


    15 A 1A 1xMANALAPAN FL 33462Reported: 0512008 - 05flOO8County: Palm Beach5046 S GREENWOOD AVE 5xCHICAGO IL 60615-2806(POSSIBLE HIGH RISK)Reported: 1210112007 - 0410112008County: Cook


    SSN/DOS Phone ARN



    - Landline:(773)684-4809 N

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    Tracers Infonnation Specialists, Inc. - Standard People Search

    fI--.:. ~ : . ! --_.ReportsIi]-'lol4.

    iJ11I~ : : I . ' " . 11~ : : ! . ~

    IIJ--tI?l..IJ: , . : ~ r o : fI


    [ I---










    123 MAIN STLANSING MI 48910R e p o ~ : 0 7 Q O O 7 - 0 7 ~ O O 7 County: Ingham180 N LA SALLE ST 2200NCHICAGO IL 60601-2501(POSSIBLE HIGH RISK)Reported: 0212007 .. 0612007County: Cook

    Address1236 PO BOXPROVO UT 84603R e p o r t e d : ~ O O 7 - ~ O O 7 County: Utah610 E OLD WILLOW RDPROSPECT HEIGHTS IL60070-1913R e p o r t e d : ~ O O 7 - 0 4 Q O O 7 Count: Cook505 CATHARINE STPHILADELPHIA PA 19147-3009Reported: 04/2007 - 0412007County: Philadelphia5450 S EAST VIEW PARK 1CHICAGO IL 60615-5916Reported: 0712006 .. 0712006County: Cook607 E ADAMS STSPRINGFIELD IL 62701-1634(POSSIBLE HIGH RISK)








    Reported: 04121/2006 0510712006County: Sangamon300 MASSACHUSETTS AVE 5 1xWASHINGTON DC 20001Reported: 0210112006 - 02/0112006County: District of Columbia2276THST 1xWASHINGTON DC 20002Reported: 0210112006 - 0210112006County: District of Columbia300 MASSACHUSETrS AVE 10xWASHINGTON DC 20001-2629R e p o ~ : 0 W 2 0 0 5 - 0 2 / 0 1 1 2 0 0 6 County: District of Columbia300 MASSACHUSeTIS AV 3xWASHINGTON DC 20001-2640Reported: 06101/1986 - 02/0112006County: District of Columbia2276TH ST axWASHINGTON DC 20002Reported: 02/0112006 - 0210112006County: District of Columbia


    2276TH ST 2xWASHINGTON DC 20002-6067Reported: 06/01/1986 - 0210112006County: District of Columbia














    Ma pIt

    4425Issued: 19771979 in CT


    _4425'88 : 9n-1979 n CTDOS: 0810411961 Age: 48

    _4425: 1977-1979 in CTDOB: 0810411961 Age: 48:ct425Issued: 1977-1979 in CT

    DOS: 0810411961 Age: 48:C4425Issued: 1977-1979 in CT008:04l08I1961 Age: 48

    4425Issued: 1977-1979 in CT008: 08/0411961 Age: 484425Issued: 1977-1979 in CTDOB: 0410811961 Age: 48SSN/DOB

    -4425Issued: 1977-1979 in CTDOB: 0810411961 Age: 48



    Phone ARN



    Landline: N(773)684-4809

    LandJine: N(217)492-5089

    landline:(773)684-4809 N

    Landline: N(773)684-4809

    Landline:(773)684-4809 N

    6844809 N

    Landline:(773)6844809 NPhone AR

    684-4809 N

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    14 WERlE ST 2x- CHICAGO IL 60610-5397(POSSIBLE HIGH RISK)Reported: 12121flOO4 - 0112006County: CookMapIt Landline:(312)751-1170 N

    E-mail: [email protected] (No IP Address Reported) Phone: (312)751 .11705046 S GREENWOOD AVE 2x

    OBAMA CHICAGO IL 60615-2806 Map 4425 Landline:iJ (POSSIBLE HIGH RISK) N.. ::..... BAAACK Reported: 0712005 - 1112005 It laaued: 1977-1979 in CT (773)684-4809County: CookOBAMA 54501 E view PARK Ix 4425[ I BARACK CHICAGO IL 60615 Map Issued: 1971-1979 in CT landline: N--- HUSSEIN Reported: 06101/1997 - 0512612005 It DOB: 08l04I1961 Age: 48 (773)684-4809County: CookOBAMA 7436 S EUCLID AVE 2 1x 1 ! ! ! ; 4425II BARACK CHICAGO IL 60649 Map : 1977-1979 in CT landline: N._-- HUSSEIN Reported: 05126/2005 - 0512612005 It DOS: 08l04I1961 Age: 48 (773)684-4809County: CookOBAMA 54501 SEVW 1x -3-4425[Ij BARACK CHICAGO IL 60615 Map Issued: 1977-1979 in CT Landline: N---" HUSSEIN Reported: 0512612005 - OS/2612005 It DOS: 0810411961 Age: 48 (773)684-4809County: CookOBAMA 5450 E VIEW PARK 1 1x 4425II BARACK CHICAGO IL 60615 Map lsau8Cl: 1977-1979 in CT Landline: N...-. HUSSEIN Reported: 0512612005 M 05I26l2005 It DOS: 08l04I1961 Age: 48 (773)684-4809County: Cook

    5450 S EAST VIEW PARK 1 1x[ I OBAMA CHICAGO IL 60615-5916 Map N._- BARACK Reported: 0512005 - 0512005 ItCounty: Cook1 0 1 ~ E 53RD ST exOBAMA CHICAGO IL 60615-4311 Map Landline: NIJ BARAeK Reported: 1212112004 .. 0111412005 It ( 7 7 3 ) 3 6 3 ~ 1996- County:Cooi(14WERIEST 1x

    OBAMA CHICAGO IL 60654-5397 Map land ine:fi (POSSIBLE HIGH RISK) N: - ~ : . BARACK Reported: 1212112004 - 0110612005 It (312)751-1170County: CookE-mail: [email protected] (No IP Address Reported) Phone: (312)751-1170Reporls Name Address Maps SSN I DOS Phone AR

    10131/53RD ST 1xIJ OBAMA CHICAGO IL 60615 Map Landline: N_- BARACK Reported: 0712003 - 0712003 It (773}363-1996County: Cook10131 53RD ST 1x

    11 OBAMA CHICAGO IL 60615 Map LandJine: N0'::'-' BARACK Reported:07QOO3-0712003 It (773}363-1996County: CookOBAMA 1741 E 718T 8T 7xII BARACK CHICAGO IL 60649 Map Landline: N~ . : : r SEN Reported:02m1QOO3-02m1I2003 It (773)363-1996County: Cook

    E-mail: [email protected] IP address: Reported: 10/C

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    OBAMA 5450 S EAST VIEW PARK 1 4x --:u 4425CHICAGO IL 60615-5916 MapIJ MRACK Reported: 10/1997 1012002 It Issued: 1977-1979 in CT N._- H DOB: 08l04I1961 Age: 48County: CookOBAMA 5450 S EAST VIEW PARK 1 1xi l CHICAGO IL 60615 Map t!!!4425BARACK Reported: 0712002 - 0712002 It : 1977-1979 in CT NH County: CookOBAMA 5450 S EAST VIEW PARK 1 1xIJ BARACK CHICAGO IL 60615 Map 350-602302 N. - - ~ H R e p o r t e d : 0 7 ~ 2 - 0 7 ~ It Issued: 197&-1976 in ILCounty: CookOBAMA 365 BROADWAY 7x t!!-4425[ I SOMERVILLE MA 02145-2440 MapBARACK Reported: 06101/1986 - 0711712001 It ued: 1977-1979 n CT 684-4809 NH COUn\': Middlesex DOB: 08l04I1961 Age: 48OBAMA 7436 S EUCLID AVE 2 ax _4425CHICAGO IL 60649 Map Landline:[ I BARACK Reported: 11/1312000 -11/1312000 It i i id: 1977-1979 In CT (773)684-4809 N._- HUSSEIN DOB: 04l08I1981 Age: 48County: CookOBAMA 7436 S EUCLID AV ax _-4425IJ CHICAGO Il60649-3626 MapBARACK Reported: 0810111986 - 11/13/2000 It : 1977-1979 in CT 684-4809 NH County: Cook DOS: 0810411961 Age: 48OBAMA 5450 VIEW PA ax 8-4425II BARACK CHICAGO IL 606'15 Map IsS : 1977-1979 in CT landline: N:-.:.:..-: Reported: 10101/1999 - 10/01/1999 It (773)684-4809HUSSEIN County: Cook DOS: 04108/1961 Age: 48

    Reports Name Address Maps SSN/DOB Phone AROBAMA 54501 SE VIEW PK 1x 1 4425IJ BARACK CHICAGO IL 60615 Map 1aa"""ii8ii: 1977*1979 in CT 684-4809 Nn ! . ~ Reported: 06/01/1986 -10101/1999 ItH County: Cook DOS: 0811961 Age: 48OBAMA 54501 SE VIEW PK 1x 1 ~ 1 ~ : ' ~ 1 9 7 9 in CTi l BARACK CHICAGO IL 60615 Map Landline: N-- Reported: 10101/1999 - 10101/1999 It (773)684-4809HUSSEIN County: Cook 008: 08l04I1961 Age: 48OBAMA 5450 S EAST VIEW PA 1 5x 1425 684-4809i l BARACK CHICAGO IL 60615-5916 Map li8ued: 1977-1979 n CT Landline: N: - ~ ! f . Reported: 0610111986 - 10101/1999 ItH Count,: Cook DOS: 08l04I1961 Age: 48 (773)684-4809OBAMA 5450 VIEWPA 1x e-4425I BARACK CHICAGO IL 60615 Map : 1977-1979 in CT Landllne:-iE Reported: 10101/1999 1010111999 It (773)684-4809 NHUSSe.N County: Cook DOB: 0810411961 Age: 48OBAMA 49798 PO BOX 1x 1-442511 BARACK CHICAGO IL 60649 Landline::-.:.:... Reported: 09101/1999 - 09101/1999 Issued: 1977-1979 in CT (773)684-4809 NHUSSEIN County: Cook DOB: 0810411961 Age: 48OBAMA 849798 PO 1x 24425[I CHICAGO IL 60649 Map landline:BARACK Reported: 0910111999 - 09101/1999 It IssUed: 1977-1979 in CT (773)684-4809 NHUSSEIN Countr: Cook DOB: 08l04I1961 Age: 48OMMA 849798 PO 2xCHICAGO Il 60649 Map "",,!,4425fI BARACK Reported: 09/1999 - 0911999 N_- H It Issued: 1977-1979 in CTCounty: Cook

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    PO BOX 49798 2xCHICAGO IL 60649Reported: 0911999- 0911999County: Cook2152 E 71ST 8T 7xCHICAGO IL 60649Reported: 05101/1999 05101/1999County: Cook1440 E 52ND ST axCHICAGO IL 60615Reported: 01101/1999 - 0110111999County: Cook

    AddJ8SS1440 E 52ND ST 1xCHICAGO IL 60615Reported: 01101/1999 - 01101/1999County: Cook365 BROADWAY 81 1xSOMERVILLE MA 02143Reported: 11/1211997 -11/1211997County: Middlesex54501 E VIEW PARK 4xCHICAGO IL 60615Reported: 0611997 - 0611997County: Cook54501 VIEW PA 16xCHICAGO IL 60615Reported: 10101/1994 - 1010111994County: Cook54501 SE VIEW PA 6xCHICAGO IL 60615-5942Reported: 06101/1986 -10101/1994County: Cook5450 S EAST VIEW PK 1 1xCHICAGO IL 60615Reported: 06101/1986 - .1010111994County: Cook54501 SE VIEW PA 2xCHICAGO IL 60615Reporlad: 10101/1994 - 10101/1994County: Cook365 BROADWAY ST 4xBOSTON MA 02111(POSSIBLE HIGH RISI

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    Tracers Infonnation Specialists7 lnc. - Standard People Search https:/Iwww.tracersinfo.comlSearchCentral/Viewretum.php3?pargs

    Ceu : Cook5450 EASTVIEW PK 1 1x

    OBAMA CHICAGO IL 60615 Map 4425 NI ] BARACK Reported: 08101/1993 - 09101/1993 It Issued: 1977-1979 in CT-- County: Cook7436 S EUCLID AVE 2x[ i OBAMA CHICAGO IL 60649-3626 Map . . . . J : 4 1 ~ i , - 1 9 7 9 in CT N...-. BARACK Reported: 08/1993 - 0811993 ItCounty: Cook365 W BROADWAY 1xOBAMA BOSTON MA02127 =1 425[I BARACK (POSSIBLE HIGH RISK) Map landllne: NIt : 1977-1979 in CT (773}684-4809-- HUSSEIN Reported: 07/01N991 - 07101/1991 DOS: 0810411961 Age: 48County: Suffolk

    OBAMA 5324 S KIMBARK AVE 3x I 4425[I] BARACK CHICAGO IL 60615-5287 Map Issued: 1977-1979 in CT N- : ! . ~ H Reported: 06101/1986 - 1211990 It DOS: 08104/1961 Age: 48County: CookOBAMA 365 BROADWAY 81 1x 4425( I BARACK SOMERVILLE MA 02145 Map Issued: 19n-1979 n CT Landline: N--- HUSSEIN Reported: 08101/1988 - 09101/1988 It DOS: 1990 (617)623-1266County: MiddlesexOBAMA 1N N 1x n 425

    IJ SARACKCHICAGO IL 60615 Map laaued: i9n-i979 in CT

    Landline: N-_. HUSSEIN Reported: 01101/1988 - 0110111988 It 008: 0810411961 Age: 48 (773)684-4809County: CookOBAMA N1N 2x E 4425[I BARACK CHICAGO IL606i5 Map Issued: 1977-1979 in CT N-:!.- Reported: 01/1988 - 01/1988 ItH County: Cook DOS: 08l04I1961 Age: 48OBAMA 5429 S HARPER AVE 1 N 1x 425III SARACK CHICAGO IL 60615 Map Issued: 1977-1979 in CT landline: N:;:; Reported: 1010111986 - 10101/1986 It {773)684-480.9HUSSEIN County: Cook DOB: 0810411961 Age: 48OBAMA 5429 S HARPER AVE 1N 3x 5 4425I ] BARACK CHICAGO IL 606155548 Map NReported: 06101/1986 -1011986 It : 1977-1979 in CT-- H DOB: 0810411961 Age: 48County: Cook

    Name Address Maps SSN/DOB Phone AROBAMA 1440 E 52ND ST 1xBARACK CHICAGO IL 60615-4131 Map NI Reported: 0411986 - 0411986 It DOS: 0811961 Age: 48. - - ~ H Co"",,: CookOBAMA 5450 EASTVIEW PARK 1 2x Map[ I BARACK CHICAGO IL 60615 N-- ItH CookOBAMA 365 BROADWAY B 1 2x MapIJ BARACK SOMERVILLE MA 02145-2440 N'!!. ItHUSSEIN MiddlesexOBAMA 5450 E VIEW PARK 1 2x MapIJ BARACK CHICAGO IL 60615 NGl'; ItH Cook

    11OBAMA 54501 SE VW 2xBARACK CHICAGO IL 60615 Map 684-4809 NH Cook It

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    , Social Security Death Index Search Results


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    ] ) r ~ . O r l y . T a i ! Z , E s q 29839 Santa

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    which is located in the State ofMassachusetts, and with whom I have a user agreement, andrequested that 1obtain any and all legally available imormation relating to U.S. Social Securitynumber 042-68-4425.6. On, or about, November 16,2009, pursuant to the aforementioned request by Orly Taitz,I requested from LocatePlus, any and all legally obtainable information relating to SSN 042-68-4425.7. As a result of his inquiry, I came to learn that PlaintitfBarrack Hussein Obama, has usedthis Social Security number since at least from June 1, 1986 to present. A detailed report wasgenerated showing family relationships, past residence history. real property owned by Mr.Obama, and other detailed infonnation to include, but not limited to, driver's license information,telephone numbers associated with Mr. Obama, and people possibly related to Mr. Obama.8. This information was obtained pursuant to a legitimate and permissible search under theuser agreement I have with LocatePlus. This request was made in connection with a pendingcivil action, which is one of he expressed permissible purposes to conduct such an inquirythrough, LocatePlus, as well as apossihle criminal-violation ofUtrited-States law, and possiblefraud.9. As a result of his search and the results that were obtained, on or about November 17,2009, I accessed a public access database named "SSN Validator" at The information this site provided me was that SSN 042-68-4425was issued by the Social Security Administration based upon an application filed for a SocialSecurity Number in the State ofConnecticut between the years 1976 and 1977.10. Based upon information and belief, Plaintiff Barrack Hussein Obama has never had adirect connection with the State of Connecticut and has never claimed residency in the State ofConnecticut.11. I am a recently retired Senior Deportation Officerof he United States Department ofHomeland Security1 Immigration and Customs Enforcement (DHS ICE) having retired onAugust 30, 2008.12. As a result of my formal training as an immigration officer, conducted at the Federal LawEnforcement Training Center (FLETC). located in Brunswick, Georgia, and advanced trainingreceived at FLETC in Artesia, New Mexico and elsewhere during my 27 year career, as well as, my professional experience spanning 27 years of federal law enforcement, it is my knowledgeand belief that Social Security Numbers can only be applied for in the State in which theapplicant habitually resides and has their official residence.l3. Duringtbe period between January I, 1976 and December 31, 1977 inclusive, it is myknowledge and belief that Barrack Hussein Obama habitually resided solely within the State ofHawaii and was between the ages of 14 and 16 during the time period stated above. During thatperiod of time, based upon infonnation and belief, Mr. Ohama resided with his maternalgrandparents, Madelyn and Stanley Dunham in the State ofHawaii.

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    14. On or about February 2,2010; I received anemail from a person identifying himself as"Jim Russo", Operations Manager for LocatePlus, 100 Cummings Center, Suite 235M, Beverly,MA, 01915, requesting that I contact him regarding my account.15. On or about February 3, 2010, I telephoned Mr. Russo at 978-921-2727, extension 319and inquired as to why he wished to discuss my account. At that time, Mr. Russo stated thatLocatePlus had noticed I had conducted what he called a "celebrity political figure" inquiry andwanted to know why I had done so and which permissible reason pursuant to the user agreementI was under with LocatePlus pertained to my making my inquiry.16. I told Mr. Russo that I was a private investigator in the State of Colorado, that I had beentasked by Dr. orty Taitz, an attorney in California who was prosecuting a civil suit involvingMr.Obama and that I had emails and other documentation that I could send him verifying that fact.Mr. Russo stated that he would appreciate it if I would send that information to him which I didon or about February 3,2010. He assured me at that time that i f l were to provide thisinformation to him it would resolve any "issues" LocatePlus may have regarding my inquiry intoa ~ ~ p o l i t i e a 1 - e e l e b r i t y " . -17. In the email I sent to Mr. Russo, I offered to have Dr. Taitz send him an email as wellconfirming the fact that I had been tasked by her to conduct this inquiry pursuant to a pendingcivil suit in the United States District Court for the Central District ofCalifornia He stated thathe would like to receive such an email.18. On or about February 4,2010, Dr. Orly Taitz, at my request, sentMr. Russo an emailindicating that she had requested m e ~ in connection with the pending civil suit in CaliforniaagainstMr. Obama, to conduct research through the commercial databases I habitually use as aprivate investigator, related to SSN 042-68-4425.19. Numerous em.ails have been exchanged between me and Mr. Russo due to the fact that asof February 2,2010, my account with LocatePlus has been frozen and I can no longer access thisdatabase despite the fact that I responded to their inquiries and have provided evidence to themindicating that I had followed the user agreement we have entered into. I have repeatedly askedthat my account be unlocked, unfrozen, and made available to me.20. Despite all of his, as ofMarch 8,2010, my account remains frozen and I am unable toconduct legitimate. legal database searches in connection with my business. As a result, I ambeing financially harmed, unable to conduct legal, lawful, legitimate investigations pursuant tolaw, and unable to provide to my clients, the services they have contracted with me to provide,thereby subjecting me to possible civil litigation for failing to provide contracted services.21. Based upon infonnation and belief. misuse of a Social Security number is a directviolation ofTitle 42 United States Code. Section 408(a)(7)(B), which is a federal felonypunishable under Title 18 United States Code by fine or imprisonment of up to five years, orboth.

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    22. I swear under the penalties ofperjb:ry that aU the factS stated and circumstancesdescrit:>edabove are true and correct to the bes tofmy knowledge and belief23. r have not been compensated for making this affidavit.Further, Affiant sayetb not.Signed and executed in Aurora, Colorado on this 8 day ofMarch. 2010.

    B y : ~ ~ . r -John N. Sampson

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    Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq.29839 Santa Margarita Parkway, STE 100Rancho Santa Margarita CA 92688Tel: (949) 683-5411; Fax (949) 766-7603E-Mail: [email protected]


    Dr. Orty Taitz, Esquire, Pro Se,Plaintiff

    v.Barrack Hussein Obama,Defendant


    Affidavit of John N. Sampson

    Civil Action:

    1. My name is John N. Sampson. I am over 18 years ofage, am of sound mind and free ofany mental disease or psychological impairment ofany kind or condition.2. I am a citizen of he United States ofAmerica. I am 59 years old, and was born inJackson Heights, Queens, New York and raised in the State ofNew York.3. I am the Chie f Executive Officer, Owner, and Operator; ofCSI Consulting andInvestigations LLC, a consulting and private investigative firm registered with the Secretary ofState of Colorado as a Limited Liability Company pursuant to the laws of he State of Colorado.The company was formed in the State ofColorado on January 2, 2009 and is in good standingwith the Secretary ofState ofColorado. Colorado does not have any licensing requirements orprovisions for private investigators.4. I am a retired Senior Deportation Officer of the United States Department ofHomelandSecurity, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), having retired aft er 25 plus years ofcredible federal service, on August 30, 2008. (See Exhibit "A", attached)


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    5. As a result ofmy former employment, and in furtherance ofmy current employment, Ihave appeared as an expert witness in numerous courts throughout the United States, havingbeen admitted as an expert witness in the areas of immigration law, immigration enforcement,immigration fraud, immigration marriage fraud, visa fraud, Violence Against Women Act fraud,and as a forensic document analyst. The States in which I've testified as an expert witnessinclude Colorado. New York, Arizona, Florida, Nebraska. I have also been endorsed as an expertwitness relating to the aforementioned areas in California, Massachusetts, and Florida.6. I have personal knowledge of all of he facts and circumstances described herein belowand will testify in open court to all of he same.7. From my personal experience having dealt with the verification of social securitynumbers being used by illegal aliens in violation of law, when there is a need for verification ofthe legitimacy of a Social Security number, certain information can be, and is routinely, obtainedfrom the Social Security administration on questionable social security numbers that is permittedto be released under the Privacy Act. This information is of non identifying nature and includes,but is not limited to:

    a. The exact date that the social security number in question was issued;b. The zip code to which the Social Security number card was mailed to;c. The age of the applicant at the time they applied for the Social Security number in

    question.d. The gender of he applicant who applied for the Social Security number inquestion.

    8. While this information does not provide the identity of he account holder which isPrivacy Act protected, it is beneficial in determining if a suspect social security number is beingused fraudulently or being misused by someone other than the rightful account holder withoutviolating the provisions of the Privacy Act. If he Social Security Administration should refuse toprovide the requested information, a court order directing the release of he aforementioned nonidentifying information would be useful and beneficial in determining if a particular socialsecurity number was being misused in violation ofTitle 42 United States Code, Section408(a)(7XB), a felony cognizable under the laws of he United States.9. I swear under the penalties ofpeljury that an the facts stated and circumstances describedabove are true and correct to the best ofmy knowledge and belief10. I have not been compensated for making this affidavit.Further, Affiant sayeth not.Signed and executed in Strasburg, Colorado on t h i ~ day ofSeptember, 2010.


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    B Y : ~ ~ ' ~ John N. SampsonSigned and subscribed to this J . . : ' ~ day of September, 2010 in Strasburg, Adams County,State of Colorado.

    N6tary Public ASCOtY, Colomdo


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    Mr. John SampsonOffice ofDetention and Removal OperationsU.S. Immigration and Customs EnforcementU.S. Department ofHomeland SecurityDenver Field Office4730 Paris StreetDenver, CO 80239Dear Mr. Sampson:

    OjfIce ofDetention ami &IffUVQIOperalionsu.s. Oepan. . of0.... ealrily425 I Street, NWWashington. DC 20536

    . '.' .... U.S. Immigration. .' and CustomsfillS mEnforcement

    AUG 22 ')GOP

    On the occasionof your retirement after more than 25 years of service, I would like to take thisopportunity to express my sincerest appreciation and best wishes. i!C.ftt a ~ e m p t ' O " JOt ~ J f t S ~ d e after September 8. 1976. and11 SaiGoce. S l 1 b t r a t : t ' \ : ~ f; m kne 9i 2 Umfle!! creoll E m ~ r me sm Her 01 fne ti or 'lne 113 Credit tor fQreYij'l gdt Tbes fFlS!rucWnSJ

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    form 709: : ~ r r . ~ i ' ~ r . : t f ~ 1 . o - ~ tt..:e i f t . ~ ~ - r l i ' ! ! ' , r ~ : o n : J ~ P ' t - ' ; " J " Y w ? ~ . , . ...

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    United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return.. . See separate instructions. 2009

    3 OGnots social security Dumkr"04.-i 88 '6255 !..q!al res,derlte idc>mriJe)ILLINOIS

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    709 United States Gift (and GenerationSkipping Transfer) Tax Returnformj 1 ~ . , t : i ! U . ~ ~ t.Jt tlfo 7 ! ~ ~ . c r 4 ' " ~ - , - . ~ ~ r ; : ( .~ ; : ' d " i ~ ~ - i ~ - .... See upar.ate il'tStroctioftS. 2009

    1 ila,nors forst mme l m ~ m ~ . . I , j i ' f ' ,r"lte::MICHELLE L ..4 A d d r e S 5 ~ j l l j m o e r . nrtt. a . ~ d apartment m:mb-fot}1600 P E N N S Y L V ~ I A A V E N U E s NW

    5 legi l residence t O O m i C i ~ ! l ILLINOIS8 C!!v. s ~ t a , 1t'-i1 Z l P ~ j t WASHINGTON I 20500 1 C i t J z ~ ; S ; , t p isee l J ' l i . ~ t r o c t i l m s ) UNITED STATESI: i 8 It th.! drmar dird during 'i:!'la ~ i T . thea nera . 'U I\d enter at dram19 If ii)U mended me t i ~ 10 t e ttl,s F:t

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    L Linda lordan (n1 over J8 years old. do not suner from any Inentali l l l p a i n n e l 1 l ~ hav penionnl knovldcdge of the facts listed belo\v and declareunder penalty ot peJjury:I used lhc goverllllcnI rlln c-Vcril),' S y s l ~ n l l o verity the cmploYlnenleligibility for Brack H Obmna ()baJl1n) and it reveulcd a "Notice ori'vl ismatch . I-:let\' cell ()hatna's nmne. birth date and Social Set:urity Number(SSN), C0l11pare't lo the int(H',nmion t h ~ Social Security ,.!.\dministratinn has011 Ii Ie.I saw ObHlna's 'ekctive Service Registralion (SSR) fOrl11 \vhich \,\'as{1vailable on the \veh at V V W \ ~ ! ~ s s . g o v and copied lh e SSN ()hatllCl tls('d onthat fonll. I also read the reports of licensed investigators Neil Sankey_Susan Daniels a 1d th(' opinion of reLin:d senior dCpOJ1aiion officer or lhedeparunclll of I o l n c l ~ l n d Security John Smnps(H1, that tht' SSN Obarna \vaslIsing \vas n'i:lud .Ient and/or never issued to him.BCl\Veel1 (krab r 2008 and r"vlay 20 I J. I submitted several requests toagencies and p p l ~ with the legal responsibility and authority to investigatethe lise or fbrge dOc.:Ulllents and election ti'aud, concerning ()bama's birthr e ~ o r d s [mel SSl 1. (anaChnlenl A)To date no one ;it'll Ihe legal responsibility and authority has responded toallY of Il ly requ( read part of the Lestin10ny or rvlarianna LaCanll)ra before the C0l1l111incc on\Vavs and I'vlea s Suh COlllll1iltcc on Sot:ial Secllri(v in the I louse ofRc,;resentati\'e dated April 14'h, 2011. She e x p l a i l ~ e d that a SSN illconjunction \

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    On July 26.20 I. I tried \0 enroll in l h ~ E-Verify SYSlclll but it required theI.:!n1pioyer 10 en er data fr0111 their L'lllployees 1-9 Elnp)oYlnclll EligihilityVeri ticatiol1 Fo "Ill. 1have been unable \0 locate ( l l l l ' f ix ()bam(J.On Augus( 17. ::!O 11. I wenl back on the E- V e r i t ~ , website and sa\\' that therewas a "Sdf-Se vice" function that 'vas Inore streatnlined and easier to use\ \ h ( ' n c h e ( ' k i J l ~ an elnployces elig.ibility. I ( ' n t ~ r e d the name Barack H( ) b H I 1 U . l ~ birlh dale August 4, 1961 and SSN 041-6g-4425. This dntn wast ! ' n t e r t ~ d correct y. The report I got back l i ~ o n l the SSA included a "Notice of;VliSll1iltch \vitl Social Security Administration (SSA) R c c o r d s ~ . (altachlnenlB)S i ~ l 1 " d . J . , - , , - ~ . \ ' c , - ~ \ , . t ~ C L ' i . i l ~ d a lordan 4 ~ l S ; ; : l ) a w s ~ ; n SL-S-,t . . : - " ' a - t - l i ~ \\lA 9811 2 0 6 ~ , c 7 : ! J .6471

    , I \ . -' ' ' - , , ~ ... -. , \ . ~ ' I \ ;In l city of ,/ l-:;,.( \.,CLx..L \v"..t , j .. r',j..V \ .. ( ({.(l\.. - . , , - - - - - . ~ - - - - . ,..",,, ;S ~ a t t k \,yushing.lon

    \ l . ,( t" .. ,! L ' ; - ' ~ \ , _OUl1lY 0 _ ,_..._." _ ' . ~ . __ \, . t ~ _ KIng~ ' l T + "

    Dated the .,A' day or H "'ir l ):-c __ ___ w _ ~ _ ~ . - - - - - - ~ - .. -Aug,lIst 20 t I-"'., ~ : ; . . ~ f

    USCA Case #11-5304 Document #1364625 Filed: 03/16/2012 Page 35 of 36

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    SelNotice of Misr(SSA) Record atctl with Social Security AdministrationPrinf \ ' ~ n E ,-p.allot

    Bring this notice ith you when you visit SSA.~ ~ ~ . - - - ~ - -, '- ~ . - . ._._.- " ~ ' - - ~ ~ ' . ~ , - ~ ~ . - , - - _._, ~ . - ' - - - ' . - - . - ' ~ " ---. - ' - - ' .- ~ - ' - -IiFor SSA Field Office taft: Do not use EV-STAR; See POMS RM 10250.000ff ,1-,.,. --=--_ .....~ _ . _ . _ . -.._.,_ ......_ ~ _ ~ . _ _.___ ___ " _> __