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2011 Utah Big Game Guidebook

Apr 09, 2018



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  • 8/8/2019 2011 Utah Big Game Guidebook



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    U t a h D i v i s i o n o f

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    CONTENTSContact in ormationGuidebooks are changingWho makes the rules?

    HighlightsHow many permits in 2011?Take a closer look at the rules2011 season datesSpecial opportunity or young

    huntersLicense, permit and program eesAntlerless big game huntingBasic requirementsIts required: Hunter educationTypes o big game permitsApplying or a big game permitImportant application datesMore youth permitsDrawing process

    Applying as a groupWaiting periodsDepredation huntsBonus pointsLi etime licensesPre erence pointsSurrendering a permitPermit re unds and exchangesGathering shed antlersSportsman permit drawing or

    2012Dedicated Hunter programCooperative Wildli e Management

    UnitsHunt tables

    Mandatory reportingBoundary descriptions onlineDe nitions









    CONTACT USDivision o cesOfces are open 7 a.m. 6 p.m.,Monday through Thursday.

    Salt Lake City 1594 W North TempleBox 146301Salt Lake City, UT 84114-6301801-538-4700

    Central Region1115 N Main StreetSpringville, UT 84663801-491-5678

    Northeastern Region152 E 100 NVernal, UT 84078435-781-9453

    Northern Region515 E 5300 SOgden, UT 84405801-476-2740

    Southeastern Region319 N Carbonville Road, Ste APrice, UT 84501435-613-3700

    Southern Region1470 N Airport RoadCedar City, UT 84721435-865-6100

    Washington County (Field Ofce)451 N SR-318

    Hurricane, UT 84737435-879-8694

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    Whats new this season?Nine-day ri e deer hunt in most areas:In2011, the general-season ri e deer hunt will beextended to nine days, running rom Oct. 2230across most o Utah. For a complete list o seasondates, please see page 6.

    Shorter deer hunt in a ew areas:There area ew hunting units where the general-seasonri e deer hunt will be shortened to ve days.In 2011, the hunting season will last rom Oct.2226 on the ollowing units: Oquirrh-Stansbury;Monroe; Plateau, Boulder/Kaiparowits; and SouthSlope, Vernal. For a complete list o season datesin those our units, please see page 6.

    Attention Dedicated Hunters:Be ore yousign up or the program this year, you need tobe aware o changes that may occur duringyour enrollment. To learn more, please see thein ormation box on page 24.

    Who makes the rules?The Utah Wildli e Board passes the rules

    and laws summarized in this guidebook.There are seven board members, and

    each serves a six-year term. Appointed by thegovernor, board members are not Divisionemployees.

    The Divisions director serves as theboards executive secretary but does not have

    a vote on wildli e policies.Be ore board members make changes

    to wildli e rules, they listen to recommenda-tions rom Division biologists. They alsoreceive input rom the public and variousinterest groups via the regional advisorycouncil (RAC) process.

    I you have eedback or suggestions or

    board members, you can nd their contactin ormation online atwildli .

    Jake AlbrechtDel BradyBill FenimoreTom Hatch

    Keele Johnson

    Wildli e Board membersRick Woodard,Chair Ernie Perkins,Vice Chair James F. Karpowitz,

    Division Director

    Executive Secretary

    GUIDEBOOKS ARE CHANGINGYou may have already noticed that the guidebook is slimmer than usual. Tha

    because weve split it into two tightly ocused books: an application guidebook youre reading now) and a eld regulations guidebook (printing in late May 201

    This guidebook ocuses on the big game application. It has the in ormationand resources you will need in order to apply or a big game permit between FeMarch 3, 2011.

    This application guidebook does not contain species descriptions or eld regtions. Those items will appear in Utahs2011 Big Game Field Regulations Guide-book, which will include the rules or both big game and antlerless hunting. Theregulations guidebook will be available rom license agents and Division o cesend o May. It will also be available online atwildli .

    In addition to these two guidebooks, an antlerless application guidebook wilavailable be ore the end o May. For more in ormation on the antlerless applicaguidebook, see the box on page 9.

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    Dont lose your hunting and fshing privilegesI you commit a wildli e violation, you could lose the privilege o hunting andfshing in Utah. The Utah Division o Wildli e Resources cansuspend the license o anyone who knowingly, intention-ally or recklessly violates wildli e laws. Your license can

    be suspended or a wildli e violation i :You are convicted.You plead guilty orno contest.You enter a plea in abeyance.

    You will be notifed o any action against yourprivilege a ter criminal proceedings conclude.And remember, i your license is suspended inUtah, you may not be permitted to hunt orfsh in most other states. (Visitianrc.orgtosee a map o participating states.)

    Apply online or depredation hunts:Occasionally, the Division issues depredationpermits. These permits allow hunters to removenuisance animals that afect homeowners andlivestock. To apply or a depredation permit, visitwildli

    And keep in mindHunting license required:Be ore you canapply or a 2011 big game permit, bonus poinor pre erence point, you must have a valid Uta

    hunting or combination license. Please see pag1011 or more in ormation.

    Mandatory reporting: Many big gamehunters must report hunt in ormation within 3calendar days a ter the end o the hunting sea(even i they did not harvest an animal). To seyou are required to reportand to learn how treportsee the in ormation box on page 27 ovisitwildli

    Collecting shed antlers:I you want to collectshed antlers and horns rom Feb. 1 to April 15must complete an online course. You will rececourse-completion certi cate that you must caon your person while collecting the antlers andhorns. For more in ormation, see page 22.

    How many permits willbe available in 2011?

    The Utah Wildli e Board will set permitnumbers or both the big game and antler-

    less hunts when it meets on May 5, 2011.This meeting occurs a ter the big gameapplication period and be ore the antlerlessapplication period.

    Division biologists will collect and ana-lyze the most recent harvest and populationdata be ore making their recommendationsto the Wildli e Board.

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    Guidebook correction:I errors are ound inthis guidebook a ter it is printed, the Divi-sion will correct them in the online copy. Visitwildli view digitalversions o all the Divisions guidebooks.

    Protection rom discrimination:The Divisionreceives ederal nancial assistance rom the U.S.Fish and Wildli e Service. Under Title VI o the CivilRights Act o 1964, Section 504 o the Rehabilita-tion Act o 1973, Title II o the Americans withDisabilities Act o 1990, the Age DiscriminationAct o 1975, Title IX o the Education Amendmentso 1972, the U.S. Department o the Interior andits bureaus prohibit discrimination on the basis o race, color, national origin, age, disability or sex.I you believe that you have been discriminatedagainst in any program, activity or acility, or i you desire urther in ormation, please write to:

    The U.S. Fish and Wildli e ServiceO ce or Diversity and Civil Rights Pro-

    gramsExternal Programs

    4040 North Fair ax Drive, Suite 130Arlington, VA 22203

    Private lands: The Division cannot guaranteeaccess to any private land. I you plan to huntorengage in any other wildli e-related activi-tiesin an area made up o all or mostly privatelands, you must obtain WRITTEN permission romthe landowner or the landowners authorizedrepresentative. For more in ormation, please seeUtah Code 23-20-14 and 23-20-3.5.

    Division unding:The Division is mostly undedby the sale o hunting and shing licenses andthrough ederal aid made possible by an excisetax on the sale o rearms and other hunting- and

    shing-related equipment.

    Take a closer look at therules

    This guidebook summarizes the rulesand laws that regulate big game hunting

    in Utah. Although it is a convenient quick-re erence document or Utah big gameregulations, it is not an all-encompassingresource.

    For an in-depth look at the statesbig game hunting laws and rules, visitwildli

    You can use the re erences in the

    guidebooksuch as Utah AdministrativeRule R657-5-24 and Utah Code 23-20-25to search the Divisions website or thedetailed statute or rule that underpins theguidebook summary.

    I you have questions about a particularrule, call or visit the nearest Division o ce.

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    CWMU season datesThe Wildli e Board has established the o

    lowing time rames or hunting on CooperativWildli e Management Units (CWMUs). Huntshould expect to hunt at least ve days withinthese time rames, although the CWMU operamay allow you to hunt additional days. Be oreyou apply or a CWMU permit, contact the optor to obtain general in ormation about huntdates, permitted weapons and other rules. I ydraw a permit, youmust contact the CWMUoperator to con rm your season dates. For moin ormation on the CWMU program, see thearticle on page 25.

    Hunt DatesArchery buck deer Aug. 20Oct. 31

    Any legal weapon buck

    deer and bull elk

    Sept. 1Oct. 31

    Muzzleloader buck deer Sept. 1Oct. 31

    Archery bull elk Aug. 20Oct. 31

    Any legal weapon bull elk Sept. 1Oct. 31

    Muzzleloader bull elk Sept. 1Nov. 11

    Buck pronghorn Sept. 1Oct. 31

    Bull moose Sept. 1Oct. 31Some deer and elk CWMUs have hunting

    seasons outside o these time rames. For morin ormation, see the hunt tables that begin onpage 40 and visitwildli

    General-season datesHunt Dates

    General archery deer* Aug. 20Sept. 16General muzzleloaderdeer*

    Sept. 28Oct. 6

    General any legal weapondeer*

    Oct. 22Oct. 30

    Northern Region buck/bullcombination

    Oct. 8Oct. 20

    General archery any bullelk Aug. 20Sept. 16

    General archery spike elk Aug. 20Sept. 9

    General season spike andany bull elk

    Oct. 8Oct. 20

    General muzzleloader elk Nov. 2Nov. 10

    Youth general any bull elk Sept. 17Sept. 25

    Youth late season anybull elk Dec. 3Dec. 31

    * The Oquirrh-Stansbury; Monroe; Plateau, Boulder/Kai- parowits; and South Slope, Vernal hunting units are only open during the ollowing season dates:

    General archery deer: Aug. 20Sept. 4General muzzleloader deer: Sept. 28Oct. 2General any legal weapon deer: Oct. 22Oct. 26

    Shed antler and shedhorn season datesOnline course and comple-tion certi cate required

    Feb. 1April 15

    No requirements Jan. 131 andApril 16Dec. 31

    You must complete this course every year. See page 22or details.


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    Sportsman andstatewide conservationpermit season datesHunt DatesDeer and elk on any openunit with archery equip-ment**

    Aug. 20Aug. 31

    Deer and elk on anyopen unit with any legalweapon**

    Sept. 1Jan. 15,2012

    Pronghorn and moose on

    any open unit with anylegal weapon

    Sept. 1Nov. 15

    Bighorn sheep, RockyMountain goat and bisonon any open unit with anylegal weapon**

    Sept. 1Dec. 31

    Turkey on any open unit April 1May 31

    Black bear on any open


    During the season

    dates listed in the 2011 Utah Black Bear Guidebook

    or that unit

    Cougar on any open unitor any harvest-objectiveunit that has been closeda ter meeting its objective

    During the seasondates listed in the 20112012 UtahCougar Guidebook

    or that unit

    ** You may not take an elk or Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep on the Pilot Mountain hunting unit.

    Antelope Island is not an open unit. There are only acouple o permits that authorize hunting on the island.Those permits are listed in the hunt tables on pages 27 and 39, respectively.

    Special opportunity oryoung hunters

    I youre 18 years o age or younger onAug. 20, you might have some extra hunting

    waiting or you this all.I you obtain a general muzzleloaderor general any legal weapon deer permit,you may also use archery tackle to archeryhunt on open units statewide rom Aug.20Sept. 16. I you havent taken a deer bythe time the archery season is over, you mayhunt during the general muzzleloader and

    general any legal weapon deer seasons inthe region printed on your permit, using theappropriate equipment.

    Please remember that i you hunt onone o the our units with restricted seasondates, you will have ve days to hunt duringthe general muzzleloader and general anylegal weapon deer seasons. The units and

    restricted dates are listed in the General-season dates ootnote on page 6.

    I you obtain a general archery buckdeer permit, you may hunt ONLY duringthe general archery deer season and theextended archery seasons. You may not huntduring the general muzzleloader or generalany legal weapon seasons.

    For more in ormation, please call thenearest Division o ce.

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    License eesResident license ees

    Hunting license (under 14 years o age)*


    Hunting license (14 years o age orolder)*


    Combination license* $30

    Nonresident license ees

    Hunting license* $65Combination license* $80

    * Hunting and combination licenses are valid or 365 daysrom the day you buy them. Combination licenses allow

    you to sh, hunt small game and apply or big game and other hunting permits.

    Deer permit eesPermit Resident NonresidentGeneralarchery

    $35 $263

    General anylegal weapon

    $35 $263


    $35 $263

    CWMU $35 $263

    CWMUmanagementbuck deer

    $75 $463


    $163 $563

    Limited entry $75 $463

    Premiumlimited entry

    $163 $563

    Managementbuck deer

    $75 $463

    NorthernRegion buck/bull combo

    $80 $651

    Elk permit eesPermit Resident Nonresident

    Generalarchery $45 $388

    General anybull

    $45 $388

    General spikebull

    $45 $388

    Generalmuzzleloaderany bull

    $45 $388

    Generalmuzzleloaderspike bull

    $45 $388

    Youth any bull $45 $388

    CWMU $280 $795

    Limited entry $280 $795

    Premiumlimited entry

    $508 $1,500

    Pronghorn permit eesPermit Resident NonresidentCWMU $50 $288

    Limited entry $50 $288

    Moose permit eesPermit Resident NonresidentBull moose $408 $1,513

    CWMU bullmoose

    $408 $1,513

    Bison permit eesPermit Resident NonresidentHenry Moun-tains

    $408 $1,513


    $1,105 $2,610


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    Bighorn sheep permitees

    Permit Resident NonresidentDesert bighorn $508 $1,513

    Rocky Moun-tain bighorn

    $508 $1,513

    Rocky Mountain goatpermit eesPermit Resident Nonresident

    Rocky Moun-tain goat $408 $1,513

    Dedicated HunterProgram ees

    AdultResidents $180

    Nonresidents $1,032

    Youth (12 to 17 years old)Residents $105

    Nonresidents $799

    Li etime license holderAdult $75

    Youth (12 to 17 years old) $37.50

    Antlerless big gamehunting

    Antlerless hunting is the primary toolbiologists use to control the size o big gameherds.

    In Utah, you can hunt antlerless animals i you obtain an antlerless permit or the speciesyou want to hunt. This year, you can apply on-line or antlerless deer, elk and moose permits,and or doe pronghorn permits.

    In May 2011, the Division will provide anantlerless application guidebook to help youprepare or the 2011 antlerless applicationperiod, which begins on June 1.

    The Division will also print a combined biggame and antlerless eld requirements guide-book in late May. That guidebook will containin ormation you can use in the eld during thebig game and antlerless hunts.

    The Antlerless application period willrun rom June 121, 2011, and the drawing

    results will be available by July 14. I anyantlerless permits remain available a ter thedrawing, you can purchase them beginningat 7 a.m. on July 21. You can buy them atwildli and at license agent loca-tions and Division o ces.

    Please rememberI you obtain an antlerless deer or elk

    permit, you can also obtain a buck deer or abull elk permit.

    You may have only one pronghorn andone moose permit each year. I you obtain adoe pronghorn or a cow moose permit, youmay not obtain a buck pronghorn or a bullmoose permit this year.

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    BASIC REQUIREMENTSAre you planning to hunt big game in Utah this year? Be ore you apply ormake sure you meet Utahs age, hunter education, license and permit require

    I youre 13 years oldand youll be 14 byDec. 31, 2011you can also apply or limitedentry or CWMU permits in the public drawing

    All hunters under the age o 16 must be accompanied in the eld by a parent, legal guardor responsible person 21 years o age or oldermore in ormation on this requirement, see thein ormation box below.

    Have you passed huntereducation?Utah Code 23-19-11 & Utah Admin. Rule R657-23

    I you were born a ter Dec. 31, 1965, youmust provide proo that youve passed a hunteeducation course approved by the Division beyou can apply or or obtain a hunting license

    big game permit.This proo can be a hunter education coursCerti cate o Completion (this certi cate is ca blue card in Utah) or a hunting license roprevious year with your hunter education numnoted on the license.

    I you become a Utah resident, and youvecompleted a hunter education course in anothe

    state, province or country, you must obtain a bcard be ore you can apply or or buy a residehunting license or a resident big game permit. can obtain a Utah blue card at any Division oby providing proo that youve completed a hueducation course approved by the Division. Thcard costs $10.

    For more in ormation on how to

    complete Utahs hunter education course,see the in ormation box on page 11 or visitwildli

    Are you old enough?Utah Code 23-19-22To hunt big game in Utah, you must be at

    least 12 years old.I youre 11 years oldbut youll be 12 by

    Dec. 31, 2011you can apply or or obtain a biggame permit. Remember,you cannot huntuntil you are 12 years old.

    I youre 11 to 13 years old, you are eligible to: Apply or general season deer, youth anybull elk, or buck/bull combination permitsin the drawing.

    Buy general season deer, general seasonelk and youth any bull elk permits overthe counter.

    Buy a Cooperative Wildli e Management

    Unit (CWMU) permit directly rom aCWMU operator.

    Adults must accompanyyoung huntersUtah Code 23-20-20

    While hunting big game, a personunder 16 years old must be accompaniedby his or her parent, legal guardian or otherresponsible person who is 21 years o ageor older and who has been approved by theparent or guardian.

    The Division encourages adults to beamiliar with hunter education guidelines

    or to complete the hunter education course

    be ore accompanying youth into the eld.While in the eld, the youth and theadult must remain close enough or theadult to see and provide verbal assistance tothe young hunter. Using electronic devices,such as walkie-talkies or cell phones, doesnot meet this requirement.

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    Do you have a license?Utah Code 23-19-1, 23-19-22 and 23-20-3

    You must have a current Utah hunting orcombination (hunting and shing) license be oreyou can apply or any big game permits, bonus

    points or pre erence points. Licenses are availableatwildli and rom license agents andDivision o ces.

    Be sure to take a quick look at the date onyour license be ore you apply or any permits orpoints. As long as your license is valid on the dateyou submit your application, you dont have topurchase a new license or the actual hunt.

    For example, assume that your license expireson June 25, 2011. I you apply be ore that date,you do not have to purchase a new license oryour hunt in the all. All hunting and combinationlicenses are valid or 365 days rom the dateo purchase.

    Do you have a permit?Utah Admin. Rule R657-62-19

    To participate in any o Utahs big game hunts,you need to obtain a hunting permit. See page12 to learn about the types o permits available

    in 2011.Utah issues most o its big game permitsthrough the big game hunt drawing. To apply orthis drawing, visitwildli between Feb.1 and March 3, 2011. For additional details andimportant dates, see Applying or a Big GamePermit on page 13.

    Carry your permitI you are success ul in obtaining a big gamepermit, you must have it on your person whilehunting. You cannot alter your license or permit,nor can you sell, trans er or loan either o them toanother person.

    Its required: HuntereducationI you were born a ter 1965, you must take

    and success ully complete the states huntereducation course. Its an easy process:

    1. Obtain a hunter education registra-tion certi cate. Each certi cate costs only$10, and you can obtain them online at

    wildli or over the counter rom theDivision or a license agent.

    2. Register or a class with your localhunter education instructor.

    3. Take your registration certi cate to yourinstructor on the rst night o class.

    4. Success ully complete the courseyour instructor will then validate yourcerti cate. The validated certi cate serves asyour hunting license.

    Note: Both the registration certi cateand the corresponding hunting license arevalid or 365 days rom the date o purchase.The license enables you to apply or or obtainpermits in the Divisions hunt drawings. Inorder to maximize your hunting opportuni-

    ties, you should register or and complete thehunter education course as soon as possiblea ter purchasing your registration certi cate.

    A ter completing the course, you willreceive your o cial hunter education card(commonly known as the blue card) by mail.It will be sent to the address listed on yourregistration certi cate. This card certi es that

    you passed hunter education.You should also keep the ollowing in mind: Hunters under the age o 16 must be ac-companied by an adult while hunting.

    Regardless o when a student graduates,all hunting regulations (such as seasondates and bag limits) will apply.

    Students who are planning to hunt out

    o state should allow enough time ortheir hunter education card to arrive inthe mail.

    For more in ormation or to see a listo online hunter education courses, You canalso contact your local Division ofce or call801-538-4727.

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    ResidentsI youre a Utah resident, you can apply to hunt

    one o the ollowing: Buck deerpremium limited-entry,limited-entry, management buck deer and

    CWMU hunts Bull elkpremium limited-entry, limited-entry and CWMU hunts

    Buck pronghornlimited-entry andCWMU hunts

    In addition to applying or a limited-entrypermit or one o those three species, you can alsoapply or one once-in-a-li etime permit.

    You may draw only one o the above permitseach year.

    NonresidentsI youre a nonresident, you can apply to hunt

    all o the ollowing: Buck deerpremium limited-entry,limited-entry and management buck

    deer hunts Bull elkpremium limited-entry andlimited-entry hunts

    Buck pronghornlimited-entry hunts All once-in-a-li etime species or which youare eligible

    You may draw only one o the above permitseach year.

    Note: All nonresident big game permits alsoserve as nonresident shing licenses.

    Both residents andnonresidents

    There are additional hunting opportunitiesavailable to both residents and nonresidents. Ei you apply or one or more o the hunts list

    the le t o this page, you can also apply or oo the ollowing general buck deer or buck/bcombination permits:

    An archery buck deer permit A regional any legal weapon (ri e) buckdeer permit

    A regional muzzleloader buck deer permi An any legal weapon Northern Region budeer/bull elk combination permit

    As you apply or various permits, pleaseremember that you may not obtain more thanone buck deer or one bull elk permit each yearFor example, i you obtain a limited-entry deepermit, you may not buy a general season deerpermit.

    You also may not obtain more than onepronghorn, moose, mountain goat, bison orbighorn sheep permit in the same year.

    Reminder: I youll be 18 years o age oryounger on Sept. 17, 2011, you can also applya youth any bull elk permit.

    TYPES OF BIG GAME PERMITSUtah Admin. Rule R657-62-19

    Be ore you apply or a Utah big game permit, its important to know what ytions are. Although residents and nonresidents can apply or many o the sa

    permits, there are some diferences. This section explains what you can applyon your residency. See pages 2650 or a detailed look at all o Utahs big g

    ResidencyUtah Code 23-13-2(37)

    Be ore you apply or a big game hunt,its important to know whether you are alegal resident o the state o Utah. See thede nition o residency on pages 5152 todetermine whether you are a resident or anonresident.

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    Important datesI you are planning to apply or a 2011 big

    game permit, please be aware o the ollowingdates and deadlines.

    February 1: Apply onlineStarting Feb. 1, 2011, you can visit

    wildli to apply or the ollowing items: Big game hunting permits Bonus points Pre erence points

    You can also apply by calling any Divisiono ce.

    To apply or a resident permit, you must be aresident on the date the permit is purchased. May31, 2011 is considered the purchase date o thepermit and the date by which you must establishresidency in the state o Utah. Please see the resi-

    dent de nition on pages 5152 to learn whetheryou quali y as a resident.

    American Express, Discover, MasterCardand VISA credit or debit cards may be used aspayment, and they must be valid through June2011. You can also use a pre-paid credit card. I you have questions about using a pre-paid creditcard, check with your nancial institution or morein ormation.

    When you submit your application, youll becharged an application ee or each species orbonus point you applied or. I you havent boughtyour license yet, youll also be charged a license

    ee. You will not be charged a permit ee unlessyou draw a permit.

    March 3: Deadline or permit applica-tions

    You must apply online or by phone no laterthan March 3, 2011. Theres an 11 p.m. deadline

    or online applications and a 6 p.m. deadlineor phone applications. To apply, simply visit

    wildli or call any Division o ce.

    Correcting and resubmitting your ap-plication

    Did you make a mistake in your online permitapplication? Simply withdraw your original onlineapplication and submit a new, correct applicationbe ore 11 p.m. on March 3, 2011.

    You must have your con rmation number,your customer ID and your date o birth in orderto withdraw your application. For each newapplication you submit, you will be charged a $10nonre undable application ee.

    I you need help with your online application,please call any Division o ce be ore 6 p.m. on

    APPLYING FOR A BIG GAME PERMITUtah Admin. Rule R657-62-17

    To participate in any o Utahs big game hunts, you need a hunting permit. Your and possibly only, chance to obtain one o these permits is through the states big

    drawing. Be ore you can apply, you must also have a valid Utah hunting or comlicense. I you dont have one o these licenses, you can buy one online when y

    You may not apply i ...You may not apply or a permit or a

    bonus point i any o the ollowing condi-tions apply:

    Your license or big game hunting hasbeen suspended.

    Youre under a waiting period or thespecies you want to apply or.

    Youve already obtained a permit orthe once-in-a-li etime species youwant to apply or.

    You drew a limited-entry, premiumlimited-entry or once-in-a-li etimepermit in 2010, but you didnt submita harvest report.

    You dont have a hunting or combina-tion license.

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    May 31: Drawing results availableYoull be noti ed o your drawing results

    e-mail. You can also learn your drawing resultby visitingwildli or by calling 1-800-221-0659, starting May 31, 2011.

    To protect applicants privacyand to comwith changes in governmental records accesslawsyoull receive access to only your owndrawing results.

    I you draw a permit, youll receive yourpermit in the mail in June.

    I your permit requires you to complete anonline orientation course, you must rst comp

    the course in order to receive your permit.Please be aware that i you receive your

    permit, and then the credit card you used or pment is re used, your permit is not valid.

    July 19: Remaining limited-entrypermits available

    Any limited-entry permits remaining a ter

    the big game drawing will be available begin-ning July 19 at 7 a.m. You can buy permits atwildli and at license agent locationsand Division o ces.

    Remaining permits are available on a rst-come, rst-served basis. You must have a valihunting license or a combination license to buone o these permits.

    A license agent list is available atwildli ore youvisit any o the agents, contact them to veri yhours o operation.

    July 27: Remaining general season buckdeer permits available

    Any general season buck deer permits rem

    ing a ter the drawing may be obtained beginnat 7 a.m. on July 27, 2011 atwildli and rom license agents and Division o ces.Remaining permits are available on a rst-com

    rst-served basis. You must have a valid huntilicense or a combination license to buy one othese permits.

    March 3. A Division employee will be available toassist you!

    March 10: Deadline or bonus/pre er-ence points

    I you plan to apply or bonus or pre erencepoints only, the deadline is March 10, 2011at 11 p.m.

    Visitwildli to submit your applica-tion, and please remember that you must have avalid Utah hunting or combination license in orderto apply or a point.

    March 14: Deadline or withdrawingyour application

    I you decide not to hunt, you can withdrawyour online permit application at no cost until 11p.m. on March 14, 2011.

    Please remember that the $10 application eeis not re undable.

    More youth permitsTwenty percent o the general buck

    deer permits in each region are reservedor hunters who will be 18 years o age or

    younger on Aug. 20, 2011 (the opening dayo the general archery buck deer season).

    I you meet the age requirements, youcan participate in the youth drawing bysubmitting an application as an individualhunter. You wont be included in the youthdrawing i you apply as a member o a group.

    I you do not obtain a permit in thedrawing, you may still have an opportunityto hunt. An additional 1,500 youth archerydeer permits will be available to younghunters beginning July 27, 2011.

    I you are eligible to obtain this permitand you will be 18 years o age or youngeron Aug. 20, you can purchase the permit atwildli or by visiting any licenseagent or Division o ce.

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    A license agent list is available atwildli ore youvisit any o the agents, contact them to veri y theirhours o operation.

    July 27: General bull permits availableGeneral bull elk permits may be obtained

    beginning at 7 a.m. on July 27, 2011 atwildli and rom license agents andDivision o ces. General bull elk permits are avail-able on a rst-come, rst-served basis. You musthave a valid hunting license or a combinationlicense to buy a general bull elk permit.

    A license agent list is available atwildli ore youvisit any o the agents, contact them to veri y theihours o operation.

    Applying as a groupUtah Admin. Rule R657-62-7 and R657-62-19

    Instead o applying as an individualhunter, you and your riends and amily canapply together as a group.

    Both residents and nonresidents canapply together. However, i youre a Utahresident and you decide to apply witha nonresident, make sure nonresidentpermits are available or each hunt yourgroup is applying or. I nonresident permitsare not available or a hunt your group is

    applying or, the nonresident and everyoneelse in the groupincluding the Utahresidentswill not be allowed to draw orthat hunt unit.

    Up to our hunterscan apply togetheror limited-entry, premium limited-entry

    and resident CWMU deer, elk or pronghornpermits. Group applications are not ac-

    cepted or management buck deer hunts.Up to10 hunters can apply togetheror general buck deer and buck/bull

    combination permits.NOTE:I youre a youth, and you want

    to be included among those who draw orbuck deer permits that are reserved oryouth, you must apply as an individual

    hunter. Do NOT apply as part o a group.Please see page 14 or more in ormationabout youth hunting opportunities.

    Up totwo youths may apply togetheror youth any bull elk permits.

    I your group is success ul in the draw-ing, all o the applicants in your group whohave valid applications will receive a permit.

    Drawing processUtah Admin. Rule R657-62-19

    Big game permits are drawn in theollowing order:

    Firstbuck deer (premium limited-entry, limited-entry, CWMU andmanagement buck deer)

    Secondbull elk (premium limited-entry, limited-entry and CWMU)

    Thirdbuck pronghorn (limited-entry and CWMU)

    Fourthonce-in-a-li etime

    Fi thyouth general buck deer Sixthgeneral buck deer andgeneral buck/bull combination

    Lastyouth any bull elk

    Because o the order in which permitsare drawn, you wont be included in thedrawing or a once-in-a-li etime permit i you draw any o the ollowing permits:

    Buck deer (limited-entry, premiumlimited-entry, CWMU or managementbuck deer)

    Bull elk (limited-entry, premiumlimited-entry or CWMU)

    Buck pronghorn (limited-entryor CWMU)

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    Waiting periodsWaiting periods keep success ul applicants

    out o the drawing or a ew years and give otherhunters a better chance at drawing a permit.

    Buck deer, buck pronghornand bull elk permitsUtah Admin. Rule R657-62-19

    The waiting period or buck deer and buckpronghorn is two years. The bull elk waitingperiod is ve years. Waiting periods do not applyto general season permits.

    Once-in-a-li etime permitsUtah Admin. Rule R657-62-19

    Bull moose, bison, Rocky Mountain bighornsheep, desert bighorn sheep and Rocky Mountaingoat permits are once-in-a-li etime permits.For example, i you obtain a once-in-a-li etimepermit, such as a bull moose permit, you may notapply or or obtain a bull moose permit again.

    You can still apply or once-in-a-li etime spe-cies that you havent drawn a permit or, however.

    Also, i youve been convicted o unlaw ullytaking a once-in-a-li etime species, you maynever apply or or obtain a permit or thatspecies again.

    Permits obtained a ter thedrawingUtah Admin. Rule R657-62-15

    I youre under a waiting period or a certainspecies, you can still obtain any permit that re-mains or that species a ter the drawing, but yourwaiting period will start all over again.

    For example, i you have two years le t on yourbull elk waiting period, and you buy a limited-entry bull elk permit that remains available a terthe drawing, youll begin a new ve-year waitingperiod that will prevent you rom applying or alimited-entry bull elk permit or the next ve years.

    I youre not already under a waiting periodand you obtain a limited-entry or once-in-a-li etime permit that remains available a ter thedrawingyou will lose your bonus points orthat speciesand incur a waiting period.

    CWMU, conservation,convention and landownerpermitsUtah Admin. Rule R657-62-19

    I you obtain a limited-entry CWMU, consvation, convention or landowner permit ordeer, elk or pronghornyou wont be subject a waiting period.

    The rules regarding CWMU and once-in-a-li etime permits are as ollows:

    I you have obtained a once-in-a-li etimpermit in the public drawing in the past, ymay buy a once-in-a-li etime permit romlandowner or a CWMU operator.

    I you have not obtained a once-in-a-li etime permit in the public drawingayou buy a once-in-a-li etime permit romlandowner or a CWMU operatoryoumay not obtain a permit in the public drawing

    or that species in the uture. I you have obtained a once-in-a-li etimpermit in the wildli e convention drawinyoumay not apply or that species in anyother public drawing.

    Bonus pointsUtah Admin. Rule R657-62-8

    Utahs bonus point system has been put inplace to increase your chance o drawing a biggame permit.

    Every time you apply or a limited-entry,premium limited-entry, management buck dee

    Depredation huntsWhen deer, elk, bison or pronghorn

    cause damage to agricultural crops, theDivision may hold hunts that are not

    listed in this guide. These hunts are calleddepredation hunts. They may occur on shortnotice, involve small areas and are o tenlimited to only a ew hunters.

    To apply or the depredation hunterpool, complete and submit an online ap-plication atwildli

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    you are unsuccess ul in drawing a limited-entry,premium limited-entry or CWMU deer permit.

    Dont lose your pointsI you do not apply or a limited-entry or

    once-in-a-li etime permitor a bonus pointat least once in a consecutive three-year period,you will lose any bonus points youve accrued.

    This rule went into efect in 2009, and pointloss will not occur until a ter the 2012 antlerlessdrawing.

    I you didnt apply or a limited-entry or once-in-a-li etime permit or point in 2010, simply apply

    or one o them in either 2011 or 2012 to avoidlosing your points.

    Applying or a bonus pointEven i youre not going to hunt in 2011, you

    can still receive a bonus point by applying or oneTo apply or a bonus point, select the appropriatebonus point code on your application and paythe $10 application ee. The 2010 bonus pointapplication period is Feb. 1March 10, 2011.

    Because you apply or bonus points by speciesinstead o by hunt, you may apply or a limited-entry, premium limited-entry, management buckdeer or once-in-a-li etime bonus point, even i thespeci c hunt the bonus point is being awarded orisnt being ofered in 2011.

    To apply or a bonus point, you must be eli-gible or the hunt the bonus point will be awarded

    or. For example, i youre eligible or a limited-entry buck deer permit, youre eligible to apply ora limited-entry buck deer bonus point.

    ResidentsI youre a resident, you may apply or one o

    the ollowing: One limited-entry permit and one once-in-a-li etime permit

    One limited-entry permit and one once-in-a-li etime bonus point

    One limited-entry bonus point and oneonce-in-a-li etime permit

    One limited-entry bonus point and oneonce-in-a-li etime bonus point

    CWMU or once-in-a-li etime permit, but youdont draw one, you receive a bonus point orthat species.

    Applying or a general buck deer permit willnot afect your ability to obtain a bonus point orlimited-entry deer. I you draw a general buckdeer permit, youll still receive a bonus point i

    Li etime license holders:Obtaining your permitin 2011Utah Admin. Rule R657-17

    Li etime licenses were last sold in Utahin 1994. I you are one o the lucky hunterswho has a li etime license, the Divisionwants you to obtain your deer permit asquickly and smoothly as possible:

    I you want to hunt the same regionyou hunted last year, you dont have todo anything. Youll receive your permit

    in the mail. I you want to hunt a diferent regionthan you hunted last year, youll needto complete the online li etime licensequestionnaire. The questionnaire islocated in the big game application.Visitwildli between Feb. 1and March 3, 2011 to access the ap-

    plication, complete the questionnaireand change your region.

    I you have not selected a region orthe past three years, please completethe li etime license questionnaire byMarch 3, 2011. Otherwise, you willnot receive a permit.

    I your address changes, please noti y

    the Division immediately. I you join the Dedicated Hunterprogram, you are not required tocomplete your li etime licensequestionnaire.

    For more in ormation about li etime li-censes, visit see Utah Ad-min. Rule R657-17 atwildli

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    You may NOT apply or the ollowing: A permit and a bonus point or thesame species

    More than one limited-entry bonus pointor more than one premium limited-entry

    bonus point More than one once-in-a-li etimebonus point

    NonresidentsI youre a nonresident, you may apply or

    permits or bonus points or all limited-entry andonce-in-a-li etime species. However, you maynot apply or a permit and a bonus point or thesame species.

    Please remember that you may draw onlyone limited-entry or once-in-a-li etime permiteach year.

    How your bonus pointswork

    Fi ty percent (odd numbers are roundeddown) o the permits or each hunt unit numberare set aside or applicants who have the mostbonus points.

    Be ore the drawing takes place, a computerrandomly assigns a drawing number to you oreach species you applied or. The computer alsorandomly assigns a drawing number to you or

    each bonus point you have or the species youapplying or. A ter the computer has randomassigned your numbers to you, it takes the lownumber you received, and thats the number youse in the drawing. The lower your number, th

    better your chance at drawing a permit.Applying as a group

    When two or more hunters apply as agroup, their bonus points are averaged androunded down.

    For example, i hunter A has seven bonuspoints, and hunter B has zero bonus pointsa

    they apply together as a grouptheir bonuspoints are averaged (3.5) and rounded down tothree. The computer then assigns the group thrrandom drawing numbers or their three bonupoints, plus one random drawing number (insto two drawing numbers) because the two huners are applying together as a group. That leavthe group o two hunters with a total o our

    drawing numbers. The computer then takes thelowest number the group received, and thats tnumber the group will use in the drawing.

    Pre erence pointsUtah Admin. Rule R657-62-10

    Utahs pre erence point system gives huntewho dont draw a general buck deer or a North

    Region buck/bull combination permit a betterchance at drawing one the ollowing year.Each time you apply or one o these

    permits and dont draw one, youll receive apre erence point.

    Applying or a pre erencepoint

    Even i you wont be hunting general buckdeer in 2011, you can still apply or a pre erepoint by selecting code GDR on your applicatand paying a $10 application ee. The applicaperiod is Feb. 1March 10, 2011.

    Obtain permission tohunt private property

    I you want to hunt on private property,you must obtain written permission romthe landowner be ore you can hunt. Ideally,you should have permission be ore you even

    apply or a permit.I you obtain written permission in

    advance, you know youll be able to use thepermit i you draw it.

    The Division cannot guarantee accessto private land, and the agency does nothave the names o landowners who ownproperty where hunts occur.

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    Draw a permit, receive apre erence point

    I you hunt general season buck deer, itsworth your time to mark more than just your rsthunt choice when applying or a permit.

    I you arent success ul in drawing yourrst choicebut you draw your second, third,ourth or th choiceyou will still receive a

    pre erence point.For example, i you choose the Southeastern

    Region as your rst choice and the Central Regionas your second choice, and then you draw theCentral Region permit (your second choice), youwill receive a pre erence point.

    I you draw your rst choice, you will notreceive a pre erence point.

    How your pre erence pointswork in the drawing

    In the drawing, general buck deer applicationsare rst sorted into groups based on the number

    o pre erence points each applicant has: a 4pre erence point group, a 3 pre erence point groupand so orth. Then, a computer randomly assignsdrawing numbers to each applicant in each group.The computer then takes the lowest drawingnumber you received, and thats the number youlluse in the drawing. The lower your number, thebetter your chance at drawing a permit.

    Permits are awarded to the 4 pre erence pointgroup rst.

    Applying as a groupWhen two or more applicants apply as a

    group, their pre erence points are averaged androunded down. For example, i hunter A has threepre erence points, and hunter B has zero pre er-

    ence points, their pre erence points are averaged(1.5) and rounded down to one. You and yourhunting companion would then be included in the1 pre erence point group.

    Applications in the 1 pre erence point groupare considered a ter all the groups or individualswith two or more pre erence points have been

    considered, and be ore all o the groups orindividuals with zero pre erence points areconsidered.

    I you obtain a limited-entry, premiumlimited-entry or CWMU deer or elk permit, youll

    still receive a pre erence point i you applied or general deer permit.

    Surrendering a permitUtah Code 23-19-38 and Utah Admin. Rule R657-42

    What happens i you obtain a permit and thenrealize you wont be able to use it?

    As long as your season hasnt started, you

    should consider surrendering the permit. Its aneasy process, and its important i you want tokeep your bonus points or pre erence points andavoid a waiting period.

    Depending on the type o permit you have,there are diferent rules or surrendering it.


    How permit surrender afects bonuspoints

    I you draw a limited-entry, premium limited-entry or once-in-a-li etime permitand thenyou decide to surrender itits a good idea toreturn it to the Division be ore the season opens.

    I you surrender it be ore the start o theseason, youll get all o your bonus points back,and youll receive a bonus point or that year.

    Youll also be eligible to purchase a reallocatedpermit or any other available permit youreeligible to obtain.

    Re unds are subject to Utah Code 23-19-38. Please see Sales nal on page 21 or morein ormation.

    How permit surrender afects pre er-ence points

    I you obtain a general season buck deerpermit, and then you nd that you wont be ableto use it, you can get your pre erence points backi you surrender the permit be ore the seasonbegins. Youll also receive a pre erence point or

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    that year and be eligible to purchase reallocatedpermits or permits that are still available a terthe drawing.

    Re unds are subject to Utah Code 23-19-38. Please see Sales nal on page 21 or more

    in ormation.How permit surrender afects waitingperiods

    I you surrender your permit be ore the seasonbegins, the waiting period will be waived. Generalseason permits are not subject to waiting periods.


    How permit surrender afects bonuspoints

    I you obtain a permit through a group ap-plicationand then you decide to surrender ityou will not have your bonus points reinstated orearn a new point unless your entire group meetsthe ollowing conditions:

    All group members must surrender theirpermits

    Permit surrenders must occur more than 30days be ore the start o the season

    Members o the group may not surrendertheir permits individually unless the surrenderoccurs because o :

    Activation in the military An injury that will prevent the individual

    rom hunting Death

    Re unds are subject to Utah Code 23-19-38. Please see Sales nal on page 21 or morein ormation.

    How permit surrender afects pre er-

    ence pointsI you obtain a permit through a group

    applicationand then you decide to surrenderityou will not have your pre erence pointsreinstated or earn a new point unless all groupmembers surrender their permits be ore theseason begins.

    Members o the group may not surrendertheir permits individually unless the surrenderoccurs because o :

    Activation in the military An injury that will prevent the individual

    rom hunting DeathRe unds are subject to Utah Code 23-19

    38. Please see Sales nal on page 21 or morein ormation.

    How permit surrender afects waitingperiods

    I members o a group surrender their perbe ore the season begins, the waiting period wbe waived. General season permits are not subto waiting periods.

    Dedicated huntersI youre enrolled in the Dedicated Hunter

    program, and you decide to surrender yourpermit, you must return it to the Division be oAug. 20, 2011 (the day the general archery deeseason opens).

    Private landowner andCWMU permit holders

    I you obtain a limited-entry landownerpermit or a CWMU permit, you can surrender

    Limited-entry private landowner permitsmust be surrendered be ore the season the perwas issued or opens.

    To surrender a CWMU permit, there are twoptions. I possible, you should surrender youCWMU permit be ore the CWMU season opedates listed on page 6.

    To surrender your permit a ter the CWMUseason has started, you and the person whoissued the permit to you (the CWMU operatorthe landowner-association operator) must signan a davit stating that you did not hunt with thpermit. Both o the signatures must be notariz

    A ter the signatures are notarized, submit ta davit and the unused permit to the Division

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    In some cases, you can still receive a re undi you surrender a CWMU or limited-entrylandowner permit a ter the season opens.

    Please see the Sales nal section on page 21or more in ormation.

    Permit re unds andexchangesUtah Code 23-19-38 & Utah Admin. Rule R657-42

    Re undsQI I apply or a permit, but I dont draw

    one, will I get a re und?

    AThe $10 application ees are the only eesyoure charged when you apply. The applicationees are not re undable.

    Sales fnalQI I buy a license or permit, and then nd

    that I cant use it, can I get a re und?AIn most cases you cant get a re und, but

    there are some exceptions. The Division may pro-vide a re und under the ollowing circumstances:

    The Division or the Utah Wildli e Boardcancels the hunt or which you obtainedthe permit.

    The Division determines that it collected aee rom you by mistake. I you believe the

    Division collected a ee rom you by mistake,

    please contact the agency. The Division hasa committee that reviews these mistakes.

    You obtain a limited-entry permit and thensurrender it to the Division no less than30 days be ore the season-opening date.

    Under these circumstances, you will receivea re und o the permit eeminus a $25re und eeand your bonus points will bereinstated.

    You become ill or sufer an injury thatprevents you rom participating in thehunt you obtained a permit or. To receive are und, you must provide veri cation rom a

    physician o your illness or injury. You mustalso surrender the permit be ore the seasonthe permit was issued or ends. You cannotreceive a re und i you hunted.

    I youre a member o the United StatesArmed Forces, or a public health or apublic sa ety organization, you might beeligible or a re und i youre mobilized or

    deployed in the interest o national de enseor emergency, and your mobilization ordeployment prevents you rom participatingin the hunting or shing activity you boughtthe license or permit or.

    A re und may also be granted i the personto whom the license or permit was issued diesbe ore they can participate in the hunt.

    If you want to hunt it tomorrow,help us protect it today.

    Turn In a Poacher3337

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    Please see Utah Code 23-19-38.2 and UtahAdmin. Rule R657-42 atwildli in ormation.

    Duplicate licensesUtah Code 23-19-10 & Utah Admin. Rule R657-5-5

    QI I lose my license or permit, can I getanother one?

    AYes. I your unexpired license or permitis destroyed, lost or stolen, you can obtain aduplicate rom a Division o ce or a license agent

    or $10 or hal o the price o the original licenseor permit, whichever is less.

    To obtain a duplicate, the Division may requirethat you sign an a davit testi ying that thelicense or permit was lost, stolen or destroyed.

    I you drew a license or permit, but you neverreceived it, the Division may waive the ee thatyou would normally have to pay to geta duplicate.

    Permit exchangesQId like to exchange my general buck

    deer permit, or my general bull elk permit, ora general season permit or a diferent regionor area. Or, Id like to exchange my general buckdeer or bull elk permit to hunt during a diferentseason in the region or area I obtained the permit

    or. Can I do that?AYou can exchange your permit or

    another available region or area, but you must ex-change your permit or a permit or the same spe-cies and sex. For example, you cannot exchange abuck deer permit or a bull elk permit.

    You can also exchange your permit to huntduring a diferent season in the region or areayou obtained a permit or. For example, you canexchange your general muzzleloader deer permit

    or a general ri e buck deer permit or the sameregion. You must exchange your permit be ore theseason you have a permit or opens. For example,i you want to exchange a general muzzleloaderdeer permit or a general ri e deer permit, youmust exchange the muzzleloader permit be orethe general muzzleloader season opens.

    I youd like to exchange a Dedicated Hunpermit or a diferent region, you must do sobe ore Sept. 28 (the day the states generalmuzzleloader deer season opens). You may exchange your permit only or a region that stillpermits available.

    You must pay a $10 handling ee to exchana permit.

    Gathering shed antlersUtah Admin. Rule R657-5-22

    You may possess antlers or hornsorparts o antlers or hornsthat wereobtained:

    From law ully harvested big game By law ully meeting the require-ments listed in the Purchasing orSelling Big Game or Their Parts rule(see Utah Admin. Rule R657-5-21 atwildli

    From law ully gathered antlers or

    horns shed by big game animalsYou may gather shed antlers or hornsor parts o shed antlers or hornsstate-wide, but there are a couple o seasonalrequirements.

    From Feb. 1 to April 15, 2011, you musthave an antler-gathering certi cate onyour person while collecting shed antlers

    or horns. You can obtain this certi cate reo charge by visitingwildli andcompleting an online education course. Youdo not need an antler-gathering certi cateat any other time o the year.

    Shed antlers are antlers that a biggame animal has dropped naturally as parto its annual li e cycle. Shed antlers have

    a rounded base thats commonly called anantler button or burr.

    A shed horn is the sheath rom thehorn o a pronghorn that the animal hasdropped naturally as part o its annual li ecycle. Pronghorn are the only big gameanimals that shed their horns.

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    November 23, 2011: Applicationdeadline

    You must apply online or by phone no laterthan Nov. 23, 2011. Theres an 11 p.m. deadline

    or online applications and a 6 p.m. deadlineor phone applications. To apply, simply visit

    wildli or call any Division o ce.

    November 23, 2011: Withdrawing yourapplication

    I you decide not to hunt, you can withdrawyour online permit application at no cost until 11p.m. on Nov. 23, 2011.

    Please remember that the $10 application eeis not re undable.

    December 1, 2011: Drawing resultsavailable

    Youll be noti ed o your drawing results

    by e-mail. You can also receive the drawing resultsby visitingwildli or by calling 1-800-221-0659.

    Waiting periodsYoumay apply or a sportsman deer, elk,

    pronghorn, bear or cougar permit, even i youare on a waiting period or that species. Likewise,

    you will not be given a waiting period i youdraw a sportsman deer, elk, pronghorn, bear orcougar permit.

    Youmay not apply or a sportsman bison, bullmoose, desert bighorn sheep, Rocky Mountainbighorn sheep or Rocky Mountain goat permit I you have already used your once-in-a-li etimeopportunity or that species. I you draw a sports-

    man permit or a once-in-a-li etime permit spe-cies, you will be given a li etime waiting period othat species.

    Long season dates and the ability to huntalmost every hunting unit in Utah makesportsman permits the most prized permits o -

    ered to Utahs public hunters.Only Utah residents can apply or sportsman

    permits. One sportsman permit is usually oferedeach year or each o the ollowing species: buckdeer, buck pronghorn, bull elk, bull moose, desertbighorn sheep (ram), Rocky Mountain bighornsheep (ram), hunters choice bison (excluding An-telope Island) and hunters choice Rocky Mountaingoat. Sportsman permits are also ofered or blackbear, cougar and wild turkey.

    Bonus points cannot be earned or used in thesportsman drawings.

    Important dates orapplicants

    November 1, 2011: Apply onlineUtah residents can apply or a permit at

    wildli . You can also apply by calling anyDivision o ce.

    To apply or a 2012 sportsmans permit, youmust be at least 14 years old by Dec. 31, 2012.

    You must also be a Utah resident on the datethe permit is purchased. Dec. 1, 2011 is consideredthe purchase date o the permit and the date bywhich you must establish residency in the state o Utah. Please see the resident de nition on pages5152 to learn whether you quali y as a resident.

    When you apply, a $10 nonre undable appli-cation ee will be charged. You will not be charged

    or a permit unless youre success ul in drawingone. A valid hunting or combination license isrequired to apply.

    SPORTSMAN PERMIT DRAWING FOR 2012Utah Admin. Rule R657-41, R657-42 and R657-62-25

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    Program may changeUtah Admin. Rule R657-38

    Be ore you apply or the DedicatedHunter Program, please be aware o the

    ollowing conditions:

    I you are success ul in the 2011Dedicated Hunter Program drawing,you will be enrolled in a three-yearprogram.

    In 2011, you will have the opportunityto hunt buck deer in a region o yourchoice.

    In 2012, the ve deer-hunting regions

    will be replaced by approximately 29hunting units. With this change, youwill receive a permit to hunt in one o the units, but it isvery possible thatyou might not receive your unit o choice in 2012 and 2013.

    Re unds will not be given i youare success ul in the drawing and

    then choose to withdraw rom theprogram.

    All Dedicated Hunters are subject to anychanges made to the rules and regulations.I you are unwilling to accept the potentialchanges or 2012 and 2013, please do notapply or the Dedicated Hunter Program atthis time.

    DEDICATED HUNTER PROGRAMUtah Admin. Rule R657-38

    Enjoy more hunting opportunities and help Utah wildli e

    Benefts and requirements

    As a Dedicated Hunter, you can obtain a depermit every year or three years. Even bettercan hunt all three seasonsarchery, muzzle-loader and any legal weapon (ri e)with youDedicated Hunter permit. In exchange or thisopportunity, you agree to complete the ollowrequirements:

    Participate in all three years o the progra

    Pass an online wildli e conservation andethics course

    Complete a minimum o 40 service hourDivision-approved conservation projects

    Harvest only two deer in the three-yearperiod

    To learn more about the programs require-ments and to read important reminders, please


    Joining the programOnline applications or the Dedicated Hun

    Program will be accepted rom Dec. 20, 2010until 11 p.m. on Jan. 11, 2011. You may apply an individual or in groups o up to our hunteResults o the drawing will be available on

    Jan. 31, 2011.To join the program, visitwildli

    and click How to apply in the menu at the rio the page. The links will walk you through tprograms online orientation course and lead yto the online application.

    You must success ully complete the orienttion course be ore you will be able to apply o

    The course takes a minimum o 30 minutes tocomplete. Do not wait until the last minute, oryou might not have time to complete the coursand submit your application be ore the deadli

    You must pay a $10 application ee to appor the program. I your application is drawn

    you will be charged the appropriate program (Dedicated Hunter program ees are listed wit

    Want to spend more time hunting deer in

    Utah? You should consider applying or the statespopular Dedicated Hunter Program.This year, the Division will hold a drawing to

    ll approximately 4,400 open spots in the three-year program.

    I your name is drawnand you meetthe program requirementsyou can expectgreat hunting opportunities and a chance to help

    Utah wildli e.

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    Utahs Cooperative Wildli e Management Unit(CWMU) program provides landowners with aneconomic incentive to keep their private rangeand orest lands as productive wildli e habitat.

    The landowners receive vouchers or hunting

    permits, which they can sell or pro t, as long asthey also allow a percentage o public hunters ontheir lands.

    CWMUs comprise more than two millionacres o land in Utah. They will provide more than3,400 hunting permits or bucks and bulls in2011. About 14 percent o those permits are avail-able to the general public through the states big

    game drawing.Obtaining a CWMU permit

    I youre a Utah resident, there are two ways toobtain a CWMU permit: you can apply or one inthe states big game drawing, or you can obtain apermit voucher rom the landowner or operator o the CWMU you want to hunt.

    I youre not a resident o Utah, you cannot ap-ply or a CWMU permit in the public drawing. You

    license and permit ees on page 9.) However, youdont have to buy a hunting license until its timeto get your hunting permit each year.

    Loyalty pointsI your application isnt drawn in 2011, youll

    receive a loyalty point. You can also purchase aloyalty point separately. The loyalty point willensure your application is among the rst drawnto join the program in 2012.

    Loyalty points are only valid in the ollowingyears drawing.

    I 2011 is your last year o enrollment in theprogram, you can earn a loyalty point or the 2012drawing by completing all o the program require-

    ments be ore Oct. 1, 2011. Check your statusonline atwildli

    can, however, obtain a permit voucher directlyrom the CWMU landowner or operator.

    For more in ormation on redeeming avoucher and using a CWMU permit, pleasevisitwildli click the In or-

    mation tab.I you draw a permit to hunt on a CWMU,you must contact the CWMU operator to obtainessential in ormation about when and whereyoull be hunting. The operator will also providethe CWMU rules.

    For more in ormation on CWMU season dates,see page 6. For in ormation on individual CWMU

    properties, visitwildli your harvestsuccess

    I you obtain a CWMU permit, you mustreport in ormation about your hunt within 30days a ter it ends. See page 27 to learn moreabout this important requirement or visit

    wildli completeyour harvest report online.


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    General buck deerPermit ee: Resident $35, Nonresident $263Use the 4-digit hunt number to apply. Deer pre erence point code:GDR

    Archery huntsHunt # Hunt name Season dates

    1500 Statewide* Aug. 20Sep. 16

    Any legal weapon huntsHunt # Hunt name Season dates

    1501 Northern Oct. 22Oct. 30

    1502 Northeastern* Oct. 22Oct. 30

    1503 Central* Oct. 22Oct. 30

    1504 Southeastern Oct. 22Oct. 30

    1505 Southern* Oct. 22Oct. 30Muzzleloader hunts

    Hunt # Hunt name Season dates1506 Northern Sep. 28Oct. 6

    1507 Northeastern* Sep. 28Oct. 6

    1508 Central* Sep. 28Oct. 6

    1509 Southeastern Sep. 28Oct. 61510 Southern* Sep. 28Oct. 6

    Youth any bull elk huntsPermit ee: Resident $45, Nonresident $388

    Hunt # Hunt name Season dates3498 Youth Late Season Any Bull Elk Dec. 3Dec. 31

    3499 Youth General Any Bull Elk Sep. 17Sep. 25

    The Division does not guarantee access to any private or public land. Hunt unit boundaries may include pother excluded areas. Hunters must research land accessibility be ore hunting.

    Northern Region buck/bull combination huntPermit ee: Resident $80, Nonresident $651

    Hunt # Hunt name Season dates1800 Northern Oct. 8Oct. 20

    * This region includes at least one unit with restricted season dates. See page 6 or more in ormation.

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    Mandatory reportingI you obtain a premium limited-entry,

    limited-entry, management buck deer,CWMU, conservation, sportsman, conventionor once-in-a-li etime permit, you must com-plete a harvest survey questionnaire within 30days a ter your hunt ends. This in ormation isrequired even i you didnt harvest an animal.

    I you harvested an animal, this is an idealtime to return your tooth packet. Returningyour tooth packet doesnot ul ll the harvestsurvey requirement.

    You can report harvest in orma-tion about your hunt online by visiting

    wildli bycalling 1-800-221-0659.

    Reporting your hunt in ormation is impor-tant. I you dont report your hunt in ormationwithin 30 days o the end o the hunt, youwont be allowed to apply or a once-in-a-li e-time, premium limited-entry, limited-entry,

    management buck deer or CWMU permits, orbonus points in 2012.

    I you didnt report your 2010 harvestsurvey questionnaire by the deadline, youcan restore your eligibility to apply or a 2011permit by paying a $50 late ee. For morein ormation, call 1-800-221-0659.


    Premium limited-entry buck deerPermit ee: Resident $163, Nonresident $563Use the 4-digit hunt number to apply. Deer bonus point code:DEE

    Archery huntsHunt # Hunt name Season dates

    1000 Henry Mountains Aug. 20Sep. 16

    1001 Paunsaugunt Aug. 20Sep. 16

    Any legal weapon huntsHunt # Hunt name Season dates

    1002 Antelope Island Nov. 19Nov. 24

    1003 Henry Mountains Oct. 22Oct. 30

    1004 Paunsaugunt Oct. 22Oct. 30

    Muzzleloader huntsHunt # Hunt name Season dates

    1005 Henry Mountains Sep. 28Oct. 6

    1006 Paunsaugunt Sep. 28Oct. 6

    The Division does not guarantee access to any private or public land. Hunt unit boundaries may include privatother excluded areas. Hunters must research land accessibility be ore hunting.

    BLACK TEXT: At least one nonresident permit BLUE TEXT: Resident permits only

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    Management buck (any legal weapon) huntsPermit ee: Resident $75, Nonresident $463Use the 4-digit hunt number to apply.

    Hunt # Hunt name Season dates1007 Henry Mountains Oct. 31Nov.4

    1008 Paunsaugunt Nov. 2Nov. 6

    Limited-entry buck deerPermit ee: Resident $75, Nonresident $463Use the 4-digit hunt number to apply.

    Archery huntsHunt # Hunt name Season dates

    1009 Book Clifs Aug. 20Sep. 16

    1010 Fillmore, Oak Creek Aug. 20Sep. 16

    1011 La Sal, Dolores Triangle Nov. 5Nov. 18

    1012 Plateau, Thousand Lake* Aug. 20Sep. 16

    1013 San Juan, Elk Ridge Aug. 20Sep. 16

    1014 South Slope, Diamond Mountain Aug. 20Sep. 16

    1015 West Desert, Vernon Aug. 20Sep. 16

    Any legal weapon huntsHunt # Hunt name Season dates

    1016 Book Clifs Oct. 22Oct. 30

    1017 Fillmore, Oak Creek Oct. 22Oct. 30

    1018 La Sal, Dolores Triangle Nov. 19Dec. 02

    1019 Plateau, Thousand Lake* Oct. 22Oct. 30

    1020 San Juan, Elk Ridge Oct. 22Oct. 301021 South Slope, Diamond Mountain Oct. 22Oct. 30

    1022 West Desert, Vernon Oct. 22Oct. 30

    BLACK TEXT: At least one nonresident permit BLUE TEXT: Resident permits only

    * Public lands only USFS lands west of I-15 only

    The Division does not guarantee access to any private or public land. Hunt unit boundaries may include pother excluded areas. Hunters must research land accessibility be ore hunting.

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    Muzzleloader huntsHunt # Hunt name Season dates

    1023 Book Clifs Sep. 28Oct. 6

    1024 Cache, Craw ord Mountain Nov. 19Dec. 4

    1025 Fillmore, Oak Creek Sep. 28Oct. 6

    1026 La Sal, Dolores Triangle Dec. 3Dec. 16

    1027 Plateau, Thousand Lake* Sep. 28Oct. 6

    1028 San Juan, Elk Ridge Sep. 28Oct. 6

    1029 South Slope, Diamond Mountain Sep. 28Oct. 6

    1030 West Desert, Vernon Sep. 28Oct. 6


    Limited-entry bull elk Permit ee: Resident $280, Nonresident $795Use the 4-digit hunt number to apply. Elk bonus point code:ELK

    Archery huntsHunt # Hunt name Season dates

    3000 Beaver Aug. 20Sep. 16

    3001 Book Clifs, Bitter Creek/South Aug. 20Sep. 16

    3002 Book Clifs, Little Creek (Roadless) Aug. 20Sep. 163003 Cache, Meadowville Aug. 20Sep. 16

    3004 Cache, North Aug. 20Sep. 16

    3005 Cache, South Aug. 20Sep. 16

    3006 Central Mountains, Manti Aug. 20Sep. 16

    3007 Central Mountains, Nebo Aug. 20Sep. 16

    3008 Fillmore, Pahvant Aug. 20Sep. 16

    3009 Fillmore, Oak Creek South Aug. 20Sep. 16

    3010 La Sal, La Sal Mountains Aug. 20Sep. 16

    3011 Monroe Aug. 20Sep. 16

    3012 Mt. Dutton Aug. 20Sep. 16

    BLACK TEXT: At least one nonresident permit BLUE TEXT: Resident permits only

    * Public lands only USFS lands west of I-15 only

    The Division does not guarantee access to any private or public land. Hunt unit boundaries may include privatother excluded areas. Hunters must research land accessibility be ore hunting.

    Limited-entry buck deer (continued)

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    Archery huntsHunt # Hunt name Season dates

    3013 Nine Mile, Anthro Aug. 20Sep. 16

    3014 Nine Mile, Range Creek, South* Aug. 20Sep. 16

    3015 North Slope, Three Corners Aug. 20Sep. 16

    3016 Oquirrh-Stansbury Aug. 20Sep. 163017 Panguitch Lake Aug. 20Sep. 16

    3018 Paunsaugunt Aug. 20Sep. 16

    3019 Plateau, Boulder/Kaiparowits Aug. 20Sep. 16

    3020 Plateau, Fishlake/Thousand Lake Aug. 20Sep. 16

    3021 San Juan Aug. 20Sep. 16

    3022 South Slope, Diamond Mountain Aug. 20Sep. 163023 Southwest Desert Aug. 20Sep. 16

    3024 Wasatch Mountains Aug. 20Sep. 16

    3025 West Desert, Deep Creek Aug. 20Sep. 16

    Any legal weapon huntsHunt # Hunt name Season dates

    3026 Beaver (early) Sep. 17Sep. 25

    3027 Beaver (late) Nov. 12Nov. 20

    3028 Book Clifs, Bitter Creek-South (early) Sep. 17Sep. 25

    3029 Book Clifs, Bitter Creek-South (late) Nov. 12Nov. 20

    3030 Book Clifs, Little Creek (Roadless) Sep. 17Sep. 25

    3031 Box Elder, Grouse Creek Sep. 17Sep. 25

    3032 Box Elder, Pilot Mountain Sep. 17-Oct. 7

    3033 Cache, Meadowville (early) Sep. 17Sep. 25

    3034 Cache, Meadowville (late) Nov. 12Nov. 20

    3035 Cache, North (early) Sep. 17Sep. 25


    Limited-entry bull elk (continued)

    BLACK TEXT: At least one nonresident permit BLUE TEXT: Resident permits only * Public lands only

    The Division does not guarantee access to any private or public land. Hunt unit boundaries may include pother excluded areas. Hunters must research land accessibility be ore hunting.

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    Any legal weapon huntsHunt # Hunt name Season dates

    3036 Cache, North (late) Nov. 12Nov. 20

    3037 Cache, South (early) Sep. 17Sep. 25

    3038 Cache, South (late) Nov. 12Nov. 20

    3039 Central Mountains, Manti (early) Sep. 17Sep. 253040 Central Mountains, Manti (late) Nov. 12Nov. 20

    3041 Central Mountains, Nebo Sep. 17Sep. 25

    3042 Fillmore, Pahvant (early) Sep. 17Sep. 25

    3043 Fillmore, Pahvant (late) Nov. 12Nov. 20

    3044 Fillmore, Oak Creek South (early) Sep. 17Sep. 25

    3045 Fillmore, Oak Creek South (late) Nov. 12Nov. 203046 La Sal, Dolores Triangle Dec. 10, 2011Jan. 31, 2012

    3047 La Sal, La Sal Mountains (early) Sep. 17Sep. 25

    3048 La Sal, La Sal Mountains (late) Nov. 12Nov. 20

    3049 Monroe (early) Sep. 17Sep. 25

    3050 Monroe (late) Nov. 12Nov. 20

    3051 Mt. Dutton (early) Sep. 17Sep. 253052 Mt. Dutton (late) Nov. 12Nov. 20

    3053 Nine Mile, Range Creek, South (early)* Sep. 17Sep. 25

    3054 Nine Mile, Range Creek, South (late)* Nov. 12, 2011Jan. 31, 2012

    3055 Nine Mile, Anthro (early) Sep. 17Sep. 25

    3056 Nine Mile, Anthro (late) Nov. 12Nov. 20

    3057 North Slope, Three Corners Oct. 1Oct. 14

    3058 Oquirrh-Stansbury (early) Sep. 17Sep. 25

    3059 Oquirrh-Stansbury (late) Nov. 12Nov. 20

    3060 Panguitch Lake (early) Sep. 17Sep. 25

    3061 Panguitch Lake (late) Nov. 12Nov. 20

    Limited-entry bull elk (continued)

    BLACK TEXT: At least one nonresident permit BLUE TEXT: Resident permits only * Public lands only

    The Division does not guarantee access to any private or public land. Hunt unit boundaries may include privatother excluded areas. Hunters must research land accessibility be ore hunting.

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    Any legal weapon huntsHunt # Hunt name Season dates

    3062 Paunsaugunt Sep. 17Sep. 25

    3063 Plateau, Boulder/Kaiparowits (early) Sep. 17Sep. 25

    3064 Plateau, Boulder/Kaiparowits (late) Nov. 12Nov. 20

    3065 Plateau, Fishlake-Thousand Lake (early) Sep. 17Sep. 253066 Plateau, Fishlake-Thousand Lake (late) Nov. 12Nov. 20

    3067 San Juan (early) Sep. 17Sep. 25

    3068 San Juan (late) Nov. 12Nov. 20

    3069 South Slope, Diamond Mountain (early) Sep. 17Sep. 25

    3070 South Slope, Diamond Mountain (late) Oct. 8Oct. 20

    3071 Southwest Desert (early) Sep. 17Sep. 253072 Southwest Desert (late) Nov. 12Nov. 20

    3073 Wasatch Mountains Sep. 17Sep. 25

    3074 West Desert, Deep Creek Sep. 17Sep. 25

    Muzzleloader hunts

    Hunt # Hunt name Season dates3075 Beaver Sep. 28Oct. 6

    3076 Book Clifs, Bitter Creek-South Sep. 28Oct. 6

    3077 Book Clifs, Little Creek (Roadless) Sep. 28Oct. 6

    3078 Cache, Meadowville Sep. 28Oct. 6

    3079 Cache, North Sep. 28Oct. 6

    3080 Cache, South Sep. 28Oct. 63081 Central Mountains, Manti Sep. 28Oct. 6

    3082 Central Mountains, Nebo Sep. 28Oct. 6

    3083 Fillmore, Oak Creek South Sep. 28Oct. 6

    3084 Fillmore, Pahvant Sep. 28Oct. 6

    Limited-entry bull elk (continued)

    BLACK TEXT: At least one nonresident permit BLUE TEXT: Resident permits only * Public lands only

    The Division does not guarantee access to any private or public land. Hunt unit boundaries may include pother excluded areas. Hunters must research land accessibility be ore hunting.

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    Muzzleloader huntsHunt # Hunt name Season dates

    3085 La Sal, La Sal Mountains Sep. 28Oct. 6

    3086 Monroe Sep. 28Oct. 6

    3087 Mt. Dutton Sep. 28Oct. 6

    3088 Nine Mile, Anthro Sep. 28Oct. 63089 Nine Mile, Range Creek, South* Sep. 28Oct. 6

    3090 North Slope, Three Corners Nov. 02-Nov 10

    3091 Oquirrh-Stansbury Sep. 28Oct. 6

    3092 Panguitch Lake Sep. 28Oct. 6

    3093 Paunsaugunt Sep. 28Oct. 6

    3094 Plateau, Boulder/Kaiparowits Sep. 28Oct. 63095 Plateau, Fishlake-Thousand Lake Sep. 28Oct. 6

    3096 San Juan Sep. 28Oct. 6

    3097 South Slope, Diamond Mountain Sep. 28Oct. 6

    3098 Southwest Desert Sep. 28Oct. 6

    3099 Wasatch Mountains Sep. 28Oct. 6

    3100 West Desert, Deep Creek Sep. 28Oct. 6

    Limited-entry bull elk (continued)

    BLACK TEXT: At least one nonresident permit BLUE TEXT: Resident permits only * Public lands only

    The Division does not guarantee access to any private or public land. Hunt unit boundaries may include privatother excluded areas. Hunters must research land accessibility be ore hunting.

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    Premium huntsPermit ee: Resident $508, Nonresident $1,500

    Hunt# Hunt name Season dates3101 Beaver All Limited Entry Seasons

    3102 Book Clifs, Bitter Creek-South All Limited Entry Seasons

    3103 Book Clifs, Little Creek (Roadless) All Limited Entry Seasons

    3104 Cache, North All Limited Entry Seasons

    3105 Cache, South All Limited Entry Seasons

    3106 Central Mountains, Manti All Limited Entry Seasons

    3107 Central Mountains, Nebo All Limited Entry Seasons

    3108 Fillmore, Oak Creek South All Limited Entry Seasons

    3109 Fillmore, Pahvant All Limited Entry Seasons

    3110 La Sal, La Sal Mountains All Limited Entry Seasons

    3111 Monroe All Limited Entry Seasons

    3112 Mt. Dutton All Limited Entry Seasons

    3113 Nine Mile, Anthro All Limited Entry Seasons

    3114 North Slope, Three Corners All Limited Entry Seasons

    3115 Oquirrh-Stansbury All Limited Entry Seasons

    3116 Panguitch Lake All Limited Entry Seasons

    3117 Paunsaugunt All Limited Entry Seasons

    3118 Plateau, Boulder/Kaiparowits All Limited Entry Seasons

    3119 Plateau, Fishlake-Thousand Lake All Limited Entry Seasons

    3120 San Juan All Limited Entry Seasons

    3121 South Slope, Diamond Mountain All Limited Entry Seasons

    3122 Southwest Desert All Limited Entry Seasons

    3123 Wasatch Mountains All Limited Entry Seasons

    BLACK TEXT: At least one nonresident permit BLUE TEXT: Resident permits only

    Limited-entry bull elk (continued)

    The Division does not guarantee access to any private or public land. Hunt unit boundaries may include pother excluded areas. Hunters must research land accessibility be ore hunting.


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    Limited-entry pronghornPermit ee: Resident $50, Nonresident $288Use the 4-digit hunt number to apply. Pronghorn bonus point code:PRO

    Archery huntsHunt # Hunt name Season dates

    5000 Beaver Aug. 20Sep. 16

    5001 Book Clifs, Bitter Creek Aug. 20Sep. 16

    5002 Book Clifs, South (Cisco) Aug. 20Sep. 16

    5003 Box Elder, Pilot Mountain Aug. 20Sep. 16

    5004 Box Elder, Promontory* Aug. 20Sep. 16

    5005 Box Elder, Puddle Valley Aug. 20Sep. 16

    5006 Box Elder, Snowville Aug. 20Sep. 16

    5007 Cache, North Rich Aug. 20Sep. 16

    5008 Fillmore, Black Rock Aug. 20Sep. 16

    5009 Mt. Dutton/Paunsaugunt Aug. 20Sep. 16

    5010 Nine Mile, Anthro Aug. 20Sep. 16

    5011 North Slope, West Daggett/Three Corners Aug. 20Sep. 16

    5012 Pine Valley Aug. 20Sep. 16

    5013 Plateau Aug. 20Sep. 16

    5014 San Ra ael, Desert Aug. 20Sep. 165015 San Ra ael, North Aug. 20Sep. 16

    5016 South Slope, Bonanza/Diamond Mountain Aug. 20Sep. 16

    5017 South Slope, Vernal Aug. 20Sep. 16

    5018 Southwest Desert Aug. 20Sep. 16

    5019 West Desert, Riverbed Aug. 20Sep. 16

    5020 West Desert, Rush Valley Aug. 20Sep. 165021 West Desert, Snake Valley Aug. 20Sep. 16

    BLACK TEXT: At least one nonresident permit BLUE TEXT: Resident permits only * Most