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The CENTRE for EDUCATION in MATHEMATICS and COMPUTING Le CENTRE d’ ´ EDUCATION en MATH ´ EMATIQUES et en INFORMATIQUE 2011 Results 2011 esultats Canadian Senior and Intermediate Mathematics Contests Concours canadiens de math´ ematiques de niveau sup´ erieur et interm´ ediaire c 2012 University of Waterloo

2011 Results R esultats Canadian Senior and Intermediate ...

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Page 1: 2011 Results R esultats Canadian Senior and Intermediate ...







Canadian Senior and IntermediateMathematics Contests

Concours canadiens de mathematiques

de niveau superieur et intermediaire

c©2012 University of Waterloo

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Competition Organization Organisation du Concours

Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing Faculty and Staff /Personnel du Concours canadien de mathematiques

Ed AndersonTerry BaeSteve BrownErsal CahitKaren ColeSerge D’AlessioFrank DeMaioJennifer DoucetFiona DunbarMike EdenBarry FergusonBarb ForrestJudy FoxSteve FurinoJohn GalbraithSandy GrahamAngie HildebrandJudith KoellerJoanne KursikowskiBev MarshmanDean MurrayJen NissenJ.P. PrettiLinda SchmidtKim SchnarrJim SchurterCarolyn SedoreIan VanderBurghTroy Vasiga

Problems Committees / Comites des problemes

Canadian Senior Mathematics Contest / Concours canadien de niveau superieur

Mike Eden (Chair / president), University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ONKee Ip, Crescent School, Toronto, ONPaul Leistra, Guido de Bres Christian H.S., Hamilton, ONDaryl Tingley, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NBJoe West, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ONBruce White, Windsor, ON

Canadian Intermediate Mathematics Contest / Concours canadien de niveau intermediaire

John Galbraith (Chair / president), University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ONEd Barbeau, Toronto, ONAlison Cornthwaite, Lo-Ellen Park S.S., Sudbury, ONBrian McBain, North Lambton S.S., Forest, ONGinger Moorey, Abbey Park H.S., Oakville, ONDean Murray, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON


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Foreword Avant-Propos

The Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing is pleased to announce the results of the 2011 CanadianSenior and Intermediate Mathematics Contests.

Our congratulations go to all who participated in this year’s CSMC and CIMC. This year’s Contests were re-sounding successes, with averages of 32.4 and 32.7, respectively.

As always, we would like to thank the hard-working Problems Committees. Many of the members of theseCommittees are active secondary school teachers who volunteer their time and contribute dozens of hours of ex-pertise. Without their intriguing and sometimes amusing problems, these Contests would not be possible.

We would also like to thank all participants, both teachers and students. We hope that the papers providedyou with some interesting mathematics to think about and play with. Thank you for your support! Please con-tinue to encourage your colleagues and fellow students to become involved in our activities.

Le Centre d’education en mathematiques et en informatique a d’annoncer les resultats du Conours canadiensde mathematiques de niveau superieur et intermediaire 2011.

Nos felicitations vont a tous les participants du CCMS et du CCMI de cette annee. Les Concours de cetteannee retentissaient de succes, avec des moyennes de 32,4 et 32,7, respectivement.

Nous aimerions surtout remercier les Comites de problemes pour leur dur travail. Plusieurs membres de cesComites sont des enseignant(e)s d’ecole secondaire actifs qui offre leur temps et contribuent des douzaines d’heuresd’expertise. Sans leurs problemes perspicaces et amusants, ces Concours ne seraient pas possibles.

Nous aimerions remercier aussi tous les participants incluant les enseignants et les etudiants. Nous esperonsque les concours vous ont offert des mathematiques interessantes qui vous ont amusees et portees a reflechir.Merci pour votre soutien continue!


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Comments on the Contests


1. Very well done. A common mistake was giving 3116 as the final answer and forgetting to multiply by 16.

Average: 4.7

2. Well done. Quite a few students had trouble formulating the correct equations from the given information.Also, some students needed to take more care when defining their variables to specify whether the ages werenow, in the past, or in the future.Average: 3.5

3. Well done. Common errors included assuming that each of the possible sums 2 through 12 is equally likely,miscounting the number of results giving a perfect square, and drawing only the top or bottom half of thetable to obtain a denominator of 21.Average: 3.5

4. Many students did well on this problem. The most common error was trying to list the divisors by trial anderror, and then missing one or more of them.Average: 2.7

5. Generally very well done. Many students got the answer of 5 without sound mathematical reasoning, perhapsby having seen the numbers 3 and 4 and a right-angled triangle. A significant portion of students failed todivide the chord lengths in half when working with half of the chords.Average: 3.0

6. This was a difficult problem in which it was very easy to go in circles. Many students wrote one equationcomparing two sums from rows/columns/diagonals but nothing more.Average: 1.0

Part B

1. This question was very well done. In general, it would be helpful to see slightly more in the way of explicationor justification of students’ work.Average: 9.2

2. Part (a) was attempted by most students. While most students gave a correct answer, some students gavenon-integer values for x and y, while others forgot to give a particular solution even after obtaining x = 7y.While parts (b) and (c) were difficult, a good number of students presented complete solutions to these. Inparts (b) and (c), many students worked with specific numbers rather than working in a more general setting.An alternate correct solution that appeared a number of times for (b) started with the inequality ad < bc,multiplied both sides by y to obtain ady < bcy, added abx to both sides to obtain abx + ady < abx + bcy,

factored to obtain a(bx + dy) < b(ax + cy), and then divided to obtaina

b<ax+ cy

bx+ dy, which is part of the

desired inequality .Average: 3.3

3. Part (a) was generally well done – most students wrote out the cases and counted correctly. Part (b) wasattempted by very few students, though a small percentage noticed without much work that if p = m, theresult is true.Average: 1.5


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Comments on the Contests


1. Very well done.Average: 4.6

2. Very well done. Quite a few students incorrectly used “guess and check”. Also, a number of studentssubtracted the two given equations to obtain 0 = 4 − c instead of 0 = 4 − 2c.Average: 4.5

3. This question was fairly well done. The most common mistake was the answer 6, from giving the number ofweeks at $100 per week, rather than the total number of weeks. The majority of students who solved thisproblem used an algebraic solution.Average: 4.1

4. Many students did well on this problem. Many students were able to determine that there were 36 equallylikely outcomes, but some would then get stuck on either the definition of a perfect square or had too manyor too few possibilities. Common mistakes included double counting (2, 2) or not counting rolls like (1, 3)and (3, 1) as separate possibilities.Average: 2.9

5. In this problem, students either obtained the correct answer or made very little progress, with not much inbetween.Average: 2.0

6. This was a very difficult problem. Most students gave the prime factorization of 616 but were unable toproceed further.Average: 0.3

Part B

1. This question was well done. A number of students used the expression 2πr for the area of a circle withradius r instead of πr2. (Since r = 2 in this problem, the answer turns out to be the same.) Most studentsunderstood the concept of subtraction of areas, even if they were unable to obtain the correct answer.Average: 7.8

2. Parts (a) and (b) were well done and most students who attempted part (c) did quite well. Most studentssolved part (a) by drawing out Figure 4 and adding up the side lengths. Most students solved part (b) bycalculating the Ink Lengths of Figures 8 and 9 and then subtracting those two numbers. We required thatstudents provide some justification/explanation of their approach for parts (b) and (c).Average: 5.1

3. This was a difficult problem to solve, but even more so to write a good solution. Many students useddiagrams without any numerical work to attempt the problem. Some students did not read the questioncarefully to get the meaning of the word cross for the two swimmers and thought that a cross occurred whenone of the swimmers reached one of the ends of the pool. Often students gave an answer of one more thanthe correct answer because they misread the question.Average: 1.4


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Commentaires sur les concours


1. Ce probleme a ete tres bien reussi. L’erreur la plus commune etait de repondre 3116 , soit la valeur de la

parenthese, en oubliant de la multiplier par 16.Moyenne: 4,7

2. Ce probleme a ete bien reussi. Bon nombre d’eleves ont eprouve de la difficulte a representer les renseigne-ments par des equations. De plus, certains eleves auraient eu avantage a definir les inconnues avec plus desoin et a specifier si une inconnue representait l’age passe, l’age present ou l’age dans cinq ans.Moyenne: 3,5

3. Ce probleme a ete bien reussi. Certains eleves ont suppose que les sommes possibles, de 2 a 12, etaientequiprobables. D’autres ont mal compte les resultats qui donnaient un carre parfait. D’autres ont construitla moitie du tableau des resultats, soit la partie superieure ou la partie inferieure, ce qui ne leur donnait que21 resultats equiprobables au lieu de 36.Moyenne: 3,5

4. Bon nombre d’eleves ont bien reussi ce probleme. L’erreur la plus commune resultait de la tentative detrouver les diviseurs par tatonnements, ce qui entraınait l’omission de certains diviseurs.Moyenne: 2.7

5. Ce probleme a ete plutot bien reussi. Bon nombre d’eleves ont obtenu la reponse de 5 sans l’appuyer parun raisonnement, probablement en voyant des triangles remarquables 3-4-5. Un nombre surprenant d’elevesont omis de diviser la longueur des cordes par 2 lorsqu’ils ont travaille avec les demi-cordes.Moyenne: 3,0

6. Ce probleme etait difficile et en tentant de le resoudre, il etait assez facile de tourner en rond. Bon nombred’eleves ont ecrit une seule equation, en comparant une rangee et une colonne, une diagonale ou une autrerangee, mais rien de plus.Moyenne: 1,0

Partie B

1. Ce probleme a ete tres bien reussi. De facon generale, il serait bon que les eleves justifient davantage leurtravail.Moyenne: 9.2

2. La majorite des eleves ont tente de resoudre la partie (a). La plupart d’entre eux ont donne une bonnereponse, mais certains ont donne des valeurs fractionnaires de x et de y, tandis que d’autres n’ont pas pudonner une reponse, meme apres avoir obtenu l’equation x = 7y. Un bon nombre d’eleves ont reussi lesparties (b) et (c) qui etaient tout de meme assez difficiles. Bon nombre d’eleves ont tente de repondre entravaillant avec des valeurs particulieres des variables, plutot que de considerer une situation generale. Dansla partie (b), bon nombre d’eleves ont utilise une approche differente avec succes, en multipliant les deuxmembres de l’inegalite ad < bc par y pour obtenir ady < bcy, puis en ajoutant abx a chaque membre pourobtenir abx + ady < abx + bcy, en factorisant pour obtenir a(bx + dy) < b(ax + cy), puis en divisant pour


b<ax+ cy

bx+ dy, ce qui represente une partie de l’inegalite que l’on cherche.

Moyenne: 3,3

3. La partie (a) a ete plutot bien reussie. Les eleves ont reussi a ecrire tous les cas et a compter correctementTres peu d’eleves ont tente de repondre a la partie (b), mais certains ont remarque, sans fournir trop detravail, que le resultat est vrai lorsque p = m.Moyenne: 1,5


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Commentaires sur les concours


1. Ce probleme a ete tres bien reussi.Moyenne: 4,6

2. Ce probleme a ete tres bien reussi. Bon nombre d’eleves ont procede par tatonnements. D’autres ont soustraitles deux equations, membre par membre, pour obtenir 0 = 4 − c au lieu de 0 = 4 − 2c.Moyenne: 4,5

3. Ce probleme a ete assez bien reussi. L’erreur la plus commune decoulait de l’utilisation du nombre desemaines a 100 $ plutot que du nombre total de semaines pour le calcul de la moyenne, ce qui donnait unereponse de 6. La majorite des eleves qui ont reussi ont utilise une methode algebrique.Moyenne: 4,1

4. Bon nombre d’eleves ont reussi ce probleme. Bon nombre ont determine le nombre correct de resultatsequiprobables, soit 36, mais certains ne semblent pas avoir compris ce qu’etait un carre parfait et ont donneune reponse erronee. Certains ont compte deux fois le resultat (2, 2) ou ont considere les resultats (1, 3) et(3, 1) comme etant identiques.Moyenne: 2,9

5. Les eleves ont soit bien reussi, soit rien accompli du tout.Moyenne: 2,0

6. Ce probleme etait tres difficile. La plupart des eleves ont exprime 616 en factorisation premiere, sans pouvoircontinuer.Moyenne: 0,3

Part B

1. Ce probleme a ete tres bien reussi. Certains eleves ont utilise l’expression 2πr, plutot que πr2, pour calculerl’aire d’un cercle de rayon r. (Puisque dans ce probleme r = 2, la reponse numerique etait la meme.) Laplupart des eleves comprenaient qu’il s’agissait de soustraire des aires, meme ceux qui n’ont pas reussi.Moyenne: 7,8

2. Les parties (a) et (b) ont ete bien reussies et ceux qui ont entrepris de resoudre la partie (c) ont bien reussi.La plupart des eleves ont resolu la partie (a) en tracant la figure 4 et en additionnant les longueurs descotes. La plupart des eleves ont resolu la partie (b) en determinant la longueur des lignes des figures 8 et 9et en soustrayant les resultats. Dans les parties (b) et (c), les eleves devaient appuyer leur travail par desexplications ou une justification.Moyenne: 5,1

3. Ce probleme etait difficile a resoudre, mais il etait encore plus difficile de rediger une solution complete.Bon nombre d’eleves ont tente de proceder en fournissant des diagrammes, sans explications et sans travailnumerique. Certains eleves n’ont pas lu l’enonce avec attention et croyaient qu’une rencontre etait realiseelorsqu’un nageur atteignait une extremite de la piscine. Souvent, la reponse des eleves etait 1 de plus que labonne reponse, sans doute a cause d’une mauvaise lecture de l’enonce.Moyenne: 1,4


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Champions – 2011 Champions – 2011



STUDENTS /ELEVESStudents are listed in alphabetical order / Les eleves sont nommes en ordre alphabetique

Plaques School Location Grade

Ecole Endroit NiveauARIK GERSHON William Lyon Mackenzie C.I. North York 12JAMES RICKARDS Colonel By S.S. Gloucester 12DANIEL SPIVAK Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill 11FEI WU Upper Canada College Toronto 10TIANCHEN ZHAO David Thompson S.S. Vancouver 12

Each plaque winner receives a $500 cash prize from the Centre for Education in Mathematicsand Computing. /Chaque eleve qui recois une plaque recevra aussi un prix de 500 $ du Centre d’education enmathematiques et en informatique.


School Location Score

Ecole Endroit NoteChampion / Premiere Lisgar C.I. Ottawa 271Second / Deuxieme Pinetree S.S. Coquitlam 268Third / Troisieme Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor 267Fourth / Quatrieme West Vancouver S.S. West Vancouver 262Fifth / Cinquieme University of Toronto Schools Toronto 260


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Champions – 2011 Champions – 2011



STUDENTS /ELEVESStudents are listed in alphabetical order / Les eleves sont nommes en ordre alphabetique

Plaques School Location Grade

Ecole Endroit NiveauMICHAEL CHOW Albert Campbell C.I. Scarborough 10ZIYE MA Pierre Elliott Trudeau H.S. Markham 10ERIC PAN London Central S.S. London 10MATTHEW ST. DENIS Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor 10HENRY WU University of Toronto Schools Toronto 10XIAOZE JERRY WU Marc Garneau C.I. North York 10

Each plaque winner receives a $300 cash prize from the Centre for Education in Mathematicsand Computing. /Chaque eleve qui recois une plaque recevra aussi un prix de 300 $ du Centre d’education enmathematiques et en informatique.


School Location Score

Ecole Endroit NoteChampion / Premiere University of Toronto Schools Toronto 278Second / Deuxieme Marc Garneau C.I. North York 277Third / Troisieme Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill 272

Waterloo C.I. Waterloo 272Fifth / Cinquieme St. George’s School Vancouver 268


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Student Rankings Classements des eleves

CSMC/CCMS CIMC/CCMI CSMC/CCMS CIMC/CCMIScore/ Rank/ Rank/ Score/ Rank/ Rank/

Note Position Position Note Position Position60 1 30 2957 234659 4 1 29 3161 251158 6 3 28 3360 266857 7 7 27 3549 278956 10 16 26 3718 291455 19 20 25 3890 305154 31 39 24 4032 317153 49 58 23 4174 327052 66 75 22 4277 336351 91 104 21 4375 344650 116 127 20 4486 350449 147 160 19 4568 356848 196 226 18 4644 360947 239 283 17 4695 365846 301 335 16 4758 371045 353 415 15 4807 375544 446 505 14 4863 378643 552 595 13 4896 381642 687 694 12 4916 383741 862 806 11 4945 386140 1020 901 10 4963 388639 1175 1010 9 4971 390438 1340 1117 8 4988 391337 1547 1254 7 4995 392136 1743 1382 6 5007 392735 1935 1527 5 5012 393034 2145 1679 4 5020 393933 2345 1837 3 5022 394032 2556 1997 2 502431 2767 2173 1 5025 3942

N.B. These rankings pertain to official contestants only. /N.B. Ces rangs ne s’appliquent qu’aux concurrents officiels.


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271Ottawa1 Lisgar C.I.

268Coquitlam2 Pinetree S.S.

267Windsor3 Vincent Massey S.S.

262West Vancouver4 West Vancouver S.S.

260Toronto5 University of Toronto Schools

259Richmond Hill6 Bayview S.S.

256Nepean7 Bell H.S.

255Saskatoon8 Walter Murray C.I.

254North York9 Crescent School

254Burnaby9 Moscrop S.S.

253Vancouver11 Kitsilano S.S. (English)

253Surrey11 Semiahmoo S.S.

253Toronto11 Upper Can Col-Upper School

252North York14 Marc Garneau C.I.

252Markham14 Unionville H.S.

251Gloucester16 Colonel By S.S.

251Markham16 Pierre Elliott Trudeau H.S.

250Richmond Hill18 Richmond Hill H.S.

250Vancouver18 St. George's School

248Scarborough20 Dr. Norman Bethune C.I.

246Vancouver21 Magee S.S.

245Markham22 Markham District H.S.

245North York22 Victoria Park C.I.

243Mississauga24 Glenforest S.S.

242Vancouver25 David Thompson S.S.

242Waterloo25 Waterloo C.I.

241Mississauga27 John Fraser S.S.

241London27 London Central S.S.

240Calgary29 Western Canada H.S.

240North York29 William Lyon Mackenzie C.I.

238Burnaby31 Burnaby Central S.S.

238Mississauga31 The Woodlands School

237Scarborough33 L'Amoreaux C.I.

235Surrey34 Fraser Heights S.S.

233Victoria35 St. Michael's Univ. School

231Richmond Hill36 Holy Trinity School

231Edmonton36 Old Scona Academic H.S.

231Thornhill36 Thornhill S.S.

231Scarborough36 Woburn C.I

229North York40 Don Mills C.I.

229Winnipeg40 Fort Richmond C.I.

229Markham40 Markville S.S.

228Montreal43 College Jean de Brebeuf

228Delta43 Seaquam S.S.

228Scarborough43 Sir John A. Macdonald C.I.

228Hamilton43 Westdale S.S.

227Scarborough47 Agincourt C.I.

227Mississauga47 St. Francis Xavier S.S.

226Scarborough49 Albert Campbell C.I.

226Hamilton49 Columbia Int'l College

226Coquitlam49 Gleneagle S.S.

226Waterloo49 Sir John A. Macdonald S.S.

226Port Hope49 Trinity College School

2011Canadian Senior Mathematics Contest/

Concours canadien de mathématiques de niveau supérieurTeam Honour Rolls/Palmarès d'équipes

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Name/Nom School/École

Group I/Groupe I Scores/Notes 60 - 59GERSHON ARIK 12North YorkWilliam Lyon Mackenzie C.I.

RICKARDS JAMES 12GloucesterColonel By S.S.

SPIVAK DANIEL 11Richmond HillBayview S.S.

WU FEI 10TorontoUpper Can Col-Upper School

ZHAO TIANCHEN 12VancouverDavid Thompson S.S.

Group II/Groupe II Scores/Notes 58 - 55TorontoThe Abelard SchoolBAR NATAN ITAI 10TorontoUpper Can Col-Upper SchoolBRENNAN MATTHEW 12TorontoThe Abelard SchoolBUTERIN VITALIK 12SaskatoonWalter Murray C.I.DONG ANQI 12SaskatoonWalter Murray C.I.FEHR LUKAS 12WaterlooWaterloo C.I.GATEA ALEXANDRU 11West VancouverWest Vancouver S.S.GENG QINYI 11TorontoUniversity of Toronto SchoolsGUAN MELODY 12SurreySemiahmoo S.S.HUANG ROBERT 11North VancouverWindsor S.S.HUI DANIEL 12MississaugaSt. Francis Xavier S.S.LAU STEPHEN 12NepeanBell H.S.LI SIMON 12CoquitlamPinetree S.S.LIU HENRY 12SurreyEarl Marriott S.S.LOU ERIC 12VancouverEric Hamber S.S.LUO KEVIN 12OttawaLisgar C.I.SONG GEOFFRY 12OttawaLisgar C.I.WANG JESSE K 11NepeanBell H.S.WANG SUNNY 11CoquitlamPinetree S.S.WEI YUCHEN 11St CatharinesRidley CollegeWU CHARLIE 11WindsorVincent Massey S.S.XU ZHAOYUE 11ScarboroughL'Amoreaux C.I.YU DARIN 12OttawaLisgar C.I.ZHANG FAN 11West VancouverWest Vancouver S.S.ZHANG STEVEN 11ScarboroughWoburn C.IZHOU KEVIN 12

Group III/Groupe III Scores/Notes 54 - 5312Glenforest S.S.ALBOGATCHIEV ADAM Mississauga

12Claremont S.S.CHEN WINNIE Victoria

10 CHOI YOUNG SUK coquitlam

12 CHOO INSOO Mississauga

11Old Scona Academic H.S.CHU WEILIAN Edmonton

11London Central S.S.DONG HONGDAO London

12Trinity College SchoolFANG MENGYI Port Hope

12Semiahmoo S.S.HAN TONY Surrey

11Kitsilano S.S. (English)KANG JU HEE Vancouver

12Crescent SchoolLEE JOSHUA North York

12L'Amoreaux C.I.LI ALAN Scarborough

12West Vancouver S.S.LI JIA SHU West Vancouver

12Albert Campbell C.I.LIAO KEN Scarborough

12Elgin Park S.S.LIN BORIS Surrey

12Dr. Norman Bethune C.I.LIU RAY Scarborough

10Ste. AnneMOLINA ANTONIO Fredericton

12Vincent Massey S.S.QIN HUNTER Windsor

2011Canadian Senior Mathematics Contest/

Concours canadien de mathématiques de niveau supérieurStudent Honour Rolls/Palmarès d'étudiants

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Group III/Groupe III Scores/Notes 54 - 5311Richmond Hill H.S.QIU BRYAN Richmond Hill

12Holy Trinity SchoolSCHIEFER NICHOLAS Richmond Hill

11Magee S.S.TAM BRIAN Vancouver

10Markham District H.S.TANG JOHNNY Markham

12The Woodlands SchoolTONG FREID Mississauga

12John Abbott CollegeTURNER LISE Sainte-Anne-De-Bellevue

10Cawthra Park S.S.WANG JIAMING Mississauga

11Earl of March S.S.WEI YUANHAO Kanata

11St. John's SchoolWU IVY Vancouver

11Vincent Massey S.S.XIE CHEN Windsor

10Vincent Massey S.S.XU YUWEI Windsor

11Moscrop S.S.YANG BYRON Burnaby

12A.B. Lucas S.S.YANG FAN London

11Fraser Heights S.S.YANG YOUNG Surrey

12Pinetree S.S.YU STEVEN Coquitlam

12Pierre Elliott Trudeau H.S.ZHANG JUNCHENJACK Markham

12Walter Murray C.I.ZHOU CHENGHUI Saskatoon

11Lisgar C.I.ZHU MICHAEL Ottawa

Group IV/Groupe IV Scores/Notes 52 - 51WindsorVincent Massey S.S.CHANG CHEN 10

OttawaLisgar C.I.CHASSIN NICOLE 11

NewmarketSir William Mulock S.S.CHEN JIAYE 12

BurnabyMoscrop S.S.CHEN MARIA 11

VancouverSt. George's SchoolCHIU PANG CHIEH 12

TorontoUniversity of Toronto SchoolsCHOW VINCENT 12

North YorkCrescent SchoolCHUN BRENDAN 12

North YorkMarc Garneau C.I.DENG MARTIN 11

MarkhamUnionville H.S.DENG VANESSA 12

ThornhillThornhill S.S.FRIEDMAN TAL 12

EtobicokeMartingrove C.I.GRAYDON BILLYZ 12

HamiltonWestdale S.S.GREIG ETHAN 11

Richmond HillRichmond Hill H.S.HAN ANGELA 12

TorontoJarvis C.I.HONG SEOLIM 11

ScarboroughAgincourt C.I.HUANG RUNSHENG 12

BurnabyMoscrop S.S.KIM YOUNGMIN 12

TorontoUpper Can Col-Upper SchoolKONG NATHAN 12

TorontoUniversity of Toronto SchoolsLAI JOHN 12

North YorkCrescent SchoolLEUNG ANDREW 12

VictoriaSt. Michael's Univ. SchoolLI JAMIE 11

VancouverSt. George's SchoolLI JIMING 11

North YorkMarc Garneau C.I.LI SALLY 12

TorontoUniversity of Toronto SchoolsLIM HYUN SUK 11

MississaugaJohn Fraser S.S.LIN RUI 12

MarkhamPierre Elliott Trudeau H.S.LIU LIANG 13

OttawaLisgar C.I.LIU RICHARD 11

Richmond HillBayview S.S.MA FANG 12

North YorkVictoria Park C.I.MENG ALLAN 12

GloucesterColonel By S.S.PAREKH VIVEK 12

CoquitlamPinetree S.S.PARK JONGOH 12

BurnabyBurnaby Central S.S.RHA YEJI 12

CoquitlamPinetree S.S.SHI JAMES 12

TorontoBloor C.I.SONG DAVID 11

West VancouverWest Vancouver S.S.SUN SUSAN 12

North YorkMarc Garneau C.I.TU JAMES 11

2011Canadian Senior Mathematics Contest/

Concours canadien de mathématiques de niveau supérieurStudent Honour Rolls/Palmarès d'étudiants

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Group IV/Groupe IV Scores/Notes 52 - 51KitchenerResurrection C.S.S.VERDUGO PAREDE EMILIO 12

WaterlooSir John A. Macdonald S.S.WANG FENGYANG 9

Thunder BaySir Winston Churchill C.V.I.WANG YUNYU 12

MarkhamUnionville H.S.WANG ZI 12

WinnipegFort Richmond C.I.WU SHUYI 11

ScarboroughDr. Norman Bethune C.I.WU TONY 11

North YorkDon Mills C.I.XIE PETER 11

MississaugaJohn Fraser S.S.YANG JING BO 11

BurnabyMoscrop S.S.YU ELISHA 12

TorontoBloor C.I.YU H I TIANYI 11

WindsorVincent Massey S.S.ZENG LINDA YIHE 12

TorontoUniversity of Toronto SchoolsZHAN ERIC 12

MontrealDawson CollegeZHU JIAQI 13

Richmond HillBayview S.S.ZHU MEIXIAN 12

MontrealCollege Jean de BrebeufZLOTCHEVSKI ANDREI 11

Group V/Groupe V Scores/Notes 50 - 48WindsorVincent Massey S.S.BANG HARRY 12

MississaugaGlenforest S.S.BAO HAOWEN 12

WaterlooWaterloo C.I.BORISSOV ANTON 12

OakvilleHoly Trinity C.S.S.CAMARGO JAYSON 12

EtobicokeMartingrove C.I.CAO RUN ZE 12

MarkhamUnionville H.S.CHEN ERHAO 12

TorontoUniversity of Toronto SchoolsCHEN HENRY 12

CoquitlamGleneagle S.S.CHEN JIAYI 11

Saint-LambertChamplain Regional College - St. Lambert


St CatharinesRidley CollegeCHEN SHIHLUNG 12

ScarboroughCanada Int'l CollegeCHEN YIJUN 12

North YorkCrescent SchoolCHIEN KEVIN 11

North YorkMarc Garneau C.I.CHIK LEMUEL 11

North YorkCrescent SchoolDATCU TUDOR 12

North YorkMarc Garneau C.I.DAVE MAHIMNA 11

CalgaryWestern Canada H.S.DENG MICHAEL 11

WindsorVincent Massey S.S.DHALIWAL ARSHDEEP 12

VancouverSt. George's SchoolDING ZHENG 12

North YorkMarc Garneau C.I.DU RICHARD 9

YorkVaughan Road AcademyDU XIAOHAN 12

ScarboroughSir John A. Macdonald C.I.DUAN JUNRAN 11

Richmond HillRichmond Hill H.S.FATA AMIR 12

JolietteCegep de Lanaudière JolietteFAUTEUXCHAPLEA FRANCOISSIMO 12

Richmond HillHoly Trinity SchoolFONG CHRIS 11

MississaugaClarkson S.S.FREY SHARDUL 12

TorontoUniversity of Toronto SchoolsFUNG ALEXANDER 12

NewmarketNewmarket H.S.GE AMON 12

West VancouverMulgrave SchoolGE YANG 12

OttawaLisgar C.I.GU BAILEY 11

MississaugaGlenforest S.S.GUAN YI 12

SudburyLo-Ellen Park S.S.HAN XUAN 11

WaterlooWaterloo C.I.HE MORGAN 12

VancouverKitsilano S.S. (English)HE TIANYI 12

VancouverKitsilano S.S. (English)HE TIANYI 12

VancouverKitsilano S.S. (English)HE TIANYI 12

HamiltonColumbia Int'l CollegeHE XIAOCHEN 12

SurreySemiahmoo S.S.HU HAOYANG 12

WaterlooBluevale C.I.JAYAWARDENA SANASI 12

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Group V/Groupe V Scores/Notes 50 - 48OakvilleAppleby CollegeJI HYEONSHIK 11

LondonLondon Central S.S.JIANG ER IC 12

HamiltonColumbia Int'l CollegeJIAO ZIXIN 12

coquitlam JIN HARRY 11

BurlingtonRobert Bateman H.S.KARIMULLAH ALAN 12

RockcliffeAshbury CollegeKENNEDY CHRISTOPHER 12

BedfordCharles P. Allen H.S.KESELJ STEFAN 10

VancouverSt. George's SchoolKIM KUN 11

Richmond HillSt. Theresa of Lisieux C.H.S.KNYAZHEVSKIY SASHA 12

WindsorVincent Massey S.S.KONG ANGUS 11

CalgarySir Winston Churchill H.S.LEAHY JANET 11

North YorkCardinal Carter AcademyLEE JAE 12

coquitlam LEE SEUNGWON 12

VancouverMagee S.S.LI JACK 12

WolfvilleHorton H.S.LI JIAQI 12

NewmarketPickering CollegeLI YOUPING 12

Richmond HillRichmond Green S.S.LI N SIRUI 12

NewmarketSir William Mulock S.S.LIAO YIN 11

WinnipegFort Richmond C.I.LIU YUE 12

NewmarketSir William Mulock S.S.LIU YUXUAN 12

WindsorVincent Massey S.S.LU SEAN XIAONAN 12

VancouverSt. John's SchoolLUO JI 12

TorontoUniversity of Toronto SchoolsLY SOPHIA 11

ScarboroughSir John A. Macdonald C.I.MENG RON 12

MontrealCollege Jean de BrebeufNASSIF MATHIEU 12

MississaugaSt. Francis Xavier S.S.NG MATTHEW 12

TorontoUniversity of Toronto SchoolsNOUKHOVITCH MICHAEL 12

WindsorWalkerville C.I.PALMER LIAM 11

WindsorWalkerville C.I.PALMER LUCAS 11

VancouverKitsilano S.S. (English)PAN DAVID 12

NepeanBell H.S.PENG LAURYN 12

VancouverKitsilano S.S. (English)QIAN KUN 12

AuroraDr. G.W. Williams S.SQIN VIOLA 12

North YorkDon Mills C.I.QIU BOBBY 11

AjaxPickering H.S.REN KEVIN 11

VancouverDavid Thompson S.S.SHE ADRIAN 11

MarkhamMarkham District H.S.SITHAMPARAPILL ARUN 12

OakvilleWhite Oaks S.S.SUN YISHI 12

North YorkVictoria Park C.I.SUO SHUN DA 11

NewmarketNewmarket H.S.TANG JINGYUAN 12

MarkhamPierre Elliott Trudeau H.S.TANG LISA 12

ScarboroughStephen Leacock C.I.TAO YIFAN 12


TorontoUniversity of Toronto SchoolsTIAN JIM 12

RichmondRichmond Christian S.S. (secondary campus)


MarkhamMarkville S.S.TONG CHARLENE 12

WindsorVincent Massey S.S.TSAI EDWARD 11

WindsorVincent Massey S.S.URSU DAN 9

CalgaryWestern Canada H.S.WANG CODY 12

TorontoUniversity of Toronto SchoolsWANG DAVID 12

ScarboroughStephen Leacock C.I.WANG OSCAR 12

SurreyFraser Heights S.S.WANG YIDING 12

Port MoodyPort Moody Sr. S.S.WONG ALVIN 11

WindsorVincent Massey S.S.WONG SANDY 10

TorontoUniversity of Toronto SchoolsWONG SHERWIN 12

LondonLondon Central S.S.WOO JAY YOUNG 12

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Group V/Groupe V Scores/Notes 50 - 48MarkhamUnionville H.S.WU GAO JUN 12

North YorkVictoria Park C.I.WU KEVIN 11

VancouverSt. George's SchoolXIA QING XIAO 12

OttawaLisgar C.I.XIA SEAN 12

VancouverKitsilano S.S. (English)XIAO QING 12

RichmondRichmond S.S.XIE RONALD 11

BurnabyBurnaby Central S.S.XIONG YAYANG 12

OakvilleAbbey Park H.S.XU DENNIS 11

HamiltonWestdale S.S.XU JACK 11

Richmond HillRichmond Hill H.S.YAN JERRY 12

Richmond HillBayview S.S.YANG HAOTONG 12

GloucesterColonel By S.S.YAO YUAN 11

VancouverMagee S.S.YIN XIAOSONG 11

TorontoUniversity of Toronto SchoolsYING LESLIE 11

MississaugaThe Woodlands SchoolYING TED 11

WindsorVincent Massey S.S.YU DAVID 12

CalgaryWestern Canada H.S.YU LILLY 11

NepeanBell H.S.YU MICHAEL 12

MarkhamUnionville H.S.ZHA CHARLES 12

North YorkVictoria Park C.I.ZHANG JASON 11

ScarboroughDr. Norman Bethune C.I.ZHANG JUSTIN 12

VancouverMagee S.S.ZHANG QILE 12

TorontoJarvis C.I.ZHANG YUNHAO 12

BurnabyBurnaby Central S.S.ZHANG ZHIYUE 12

MarkhamPierre Elliott Trudeau H.S.ZHAO MIKE 11

TorontoNorth Toronto C.I.ZHENG CHENGBIN 12

RichmondRichmond S.S.ZHOU NED 11

MarkhamUnionville H.S.ZHU JIA LIN 12

MarkhamUnionville H.S.ZHU YINQIU 12

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278Toronto1 University of Toronto Schools

277North York2 Marc Garneau C.I.

272Richmond Hill3 Bayview S.S.

272Waterloo3 Waterloo C.I.

268Vancouver5 St. George's School

263Burnaby6 Moscrop S.S.

259Etobicoke7 Martingrove C.I.

254Markham8 Pierre Elliott Trudeau H.S.

254Surrey8 Semiahmoo S.S.

253Richmond Hill10 Richmond Hill H.S.

252North York11 Don Mills C.I.

251Winnipeg12 St. John's-Ravenscourt School

249Surrey13 Fraser Heights S.S.

249Ajax13 Pickering H.S.

249Coquitlam13 Pinetree S.S.

249Windsor13 Vincent Massey S.S.

248Scarborough17 Dr. Norman Bethune C.I.

248North York17 Havergal College

247Coquitlam19 Gleneagle S.S.

246Richmond20 Richmond S.S.

246Toronto20 Upper Can Col-Upper School

245Port Moody22 Port Moody Sr. S.S.

245Saskatoon22 Walter Murray C.I.

244Oakville24 Abbey Park H.S.

244West Vancouver24 West Vancouver S.S.

243Victoria26 St. Michael's Univ. School

242Thornhill27 Thornhill S.S.

241West Vancouver28 Mulgrave School

240Mississauga29 Glenforest S.S.

239North York30 Crescent School

239Vancouver30 Kitsilano S.S. (English)

238London32 London Central S.S.

237Winnipeg33 Fort Richmond C.I.

236Mississauga34 St. Francis Xavier S.S.

235Toronto35 Bishop Strachan School

234Gloucester36 Colonel By S.S.

234Scarborough36 Sir John A. Macdonald C.I.

233Montreal38 Lower Canada College

233Edmonton38 Old Scona Academic H.S.

232Richmond Hill40 Langstaff S.S.

231Nepean41 Longfields-Davidson Heights S.S

231Calgary41 Western Canada H.S.

230North Vancouver43 Handsworth S.S.

230Delta43 Seaquam S.S.

230Mississauga43 The Woodlands School

229Ottawa46 Nepean H.S.

228Fredericton47 Leo Hayes H.S.

228Langley47 Walnut Grove S.S.

224Winnipeg49 Acadia Jr. H.S.

224Guelph49 Centennial C. & V.I.

224North York49 Highland Jr. H.S.

224Richmond Hill49 Richmond Green S.S.

224Thornhill49 St. Robert C.H.S.

224Oakville49 White Oaks S.S.

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Name/Nom School/École

Group I/Groupe I Scores/Notes 59 - 58CHOW MICHAEL 10ScarboroughAlbert Campbell C.I.

MA ZIYE 10MarkhamPierre Elliott Trudeau H.S.

PAN ERIC 10LondonLondon Central S.S.

ST DENIS MATTHEW 10WindsorVincent Massey S.S.

WU HENRY 10TorontoUniversity of Toronto Schools

WU XIAOZE JERRY 10North YorkMarc Garneau C.I.

Group II/Groupe II Scores/Notes 57 - 55VancouverSt. George's SchoolCHOI YOUNG SUK 10


BurnabyMoscrop S.S.FAN KATHY ZIYING 9

TorontoUniversity of Toronto SchoolsFARRANT DIAZ NATHAN 10

TorontoUniversity of Toronto SchoolsGE SABRINA 10

West VancouverMulgrave SchoolHU KEVIN 9

North YorkMarc Garneau C.I.HUANG SIMON 10

West VancouverMulgrave SchoolJI MICHAELT 10

WaterlooWaterloo C.I.JIN BILLY 10

AjaxPickering H.S.KHONG EDREA 10

Port MoodyPort Moody Sr. S.S.KIM DONG KYU 10

OakvilleKing's Christian CollegiateKIM EUN KEE 10

North YorkToronto French SchoolLAU MICHELLE 9

VancouverSt. George's SchoolLI TONY 10

EtobicokeMartingrove C.I.LIANG JEFFREY 10

North YorkDon Mills C.I.LIU SIHAO 10

WaterlooWaterloo C.I.MIN TIM 9

WinnipegSt. John's-Ravenscourt SchoolPANG MICHAEL 9

FrederictonLeo Hayes H.S.PARK CHANWOO 10

RichmondSteveston London S.S.SHIH ANDY 10

SurreySemiahmoo S.S.SUN FOREST 9

ThornhillThornhill S.S.TAN SHAW 10

NepeanLongfields-Davidson Heights S.STHOMPSON FLASH 9

VancouverSt. George's SchoolTIAN KEVIN 10

CoquitlamPinetree S.S.WANG MIKE 10

North YorkMarc Garneau C.I.WEI KYE 10

Richmond HillBayview S.S.XU MICHAEL 10

OttawaLisgar C.I.XU ROBBIN 10

ScarboroughWoburn C.IZHANG BEN 9

WaterlooWaterloo C.I.ZHANG JIM 10

North YorkMarc Garneau C.I.ZHOU AMELIA 10

Vancouver ZHU FRA NK 10

Group III/Groupe III Scores/Notes 54 - 539Walter Murray C.I.CAO RICHARD Saskatoon

10Upper Can Col-Upper SchoolCHAI JUSTIN Toronto

9Bishop Strachan SchoolCHAN CHRISTABEL Toronto

10Bayview S.S.CHOI ANDREW Richmond Hill

10University of Toronto SchoolsCHU CHRISTOPHER Toronto

10Bayview S.S.DING ADA Richmond Hill

10Don Mills C.I.DONG JIAQI North York

10Centennial C. & V.I.DONG KELLY Guelph

9Bayview S.S.DU JAMES Richmond Hill

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Group III/Groupe III Scores/Notes 54 - 5310Albert Campbell C.I.ELAMURUGAIYAN AARURAN Scarborough

10Martingrove C.I.GUO SHERRY Etobicoke

10Richmond Hill H.S.HE MARS Richmond Hill

10Waterloo C.I.HU TING HAN Waterloo

10University of Toronto SchoolsJEDRAL DEREK Toronto


9Dr. G.W. Williams S.SKALININ ANTON Aurora

10Gleneagle S.S.KIM CHAE EUN Coquitlam

9Bayridge ElementaryKWON WOOJOO Surrey

10St. Francis Xavier S.S.LAU STELLA Mississauga

10Upper Can Col-Upper SchoolLEUNG EDRIC Toronto

10Bayview S.S.LI LYN Richmond Hill

10Semiahmoo S.S.LI SHUHAO Surrey

10Merivale H.S.LIANG JEFFREY Nepean

6 LIN ANDRE W Vancouver

10Gleneagle S.S.LIUPEI LU Coquitlam

10University of Toronto SchoolsMCCLURE ROBERTSON Toronto

9College St. LouisMILOSLAVOV IVAN Lasalle

9Marc Garneau C.I.RONG FRIEDA North York

9Abbey Park H.S.SAFADI YUSUF Oakville

10Martingrove C.I.SUK PAUL Etobicoke

9Burnaby Central S.S.TAN HELEN Burnaby

10Fraser Heights S.S.WANG MASSIE Surrey

10Marc Garneau C.I.WANG ZHI YUAN North York

10Marc Garneau C.I.WEN CHRISTIAN North York

10Bell H.S.XU STEPHEN Nepean

10University of Toronto SchoolsZHAN REENA Toronto

Group IV/Groupe IV Scores/Notes 52 - 51North YorkMarc Garneau C.I.CAO JESSICA 10

TorontoUniversity of Toronto SchoolsCHEN HARRY 10

OttawaNepean H.S.CHEN JOHNSON 9

Richmond HillAcademy for Gifted Children-PACECHEUNG ANSON 10

Richmond HillSt. Theresa of Lisieux C.H.S.CHO WON BUM 10

RichmondRichmond S.S.DAI VIVIAN 10

AjaxPickering H.S.DARBY BART N DEANNA 10

DunrobinWest Carleton S.S.DAS DYUMAN 10

Port CoquitlamCitadel M.S.DAWSON JEFFREY 9

Richmond HillRichmond Hill H.S.DENG EMILY 10

Thunder BaySir Winston Churchill C.V.I.GONG SHAWN 10

BurnabyMoscrop S.S.GUO SHIRLEY 9

North YorkMarc Garneau C.I.HARI KUMAR SAI GOVIND 10

WinnipegFort Richmond C.I.HU DANCHENG 10

Richmond HillLangstaff S.S.HU WILLY 9

MarkhamPierre Elliott Trudeau H.S.JI RAYMOND 10

WinnipegKildonan E. CollegiateJIN HYERANG 9

VictoriaSt. Michael's Univ. SchoolKANG ANDREW 10

VancouverSt. George's SchoolKAY RUPERT 10

VancouverCrofton House SchoolKIM VALERIE 10

North YorkHavergal CollegeKOO ASHLEY 10

North YorkHavergal CollegeKOO VALERIE 10

WaterlooWaterloo C.I.LAI ELBERT 9

MontrealLower Canada CollegeLAI PATRICK 10

London LAVI EILON 10

WhitbySinclair S.S.LEE NICHOLAS 10

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Group IV/Groupe IV Scores/Notes 52 - 51OakvilleAbbey Park H.S.LEE YUJIN 10

VancouverEric Hamber S.S.LI HEATHER 9

SurreyFraser Heights S.S.LIN LABAN 10

BurnabyMoscrop S.S.LIU IVON 9

LondonLondon Central S.S.LIU QINGFAN 10

TorontoUniversity of Toronto SchoolsLOVSTED DANIEL 10

Richmond HillBayview S.S.LU HENRY 9

Vancouver LUO PAI 10

NepeanBell H.S.LUO YUCHE N 9

North YorkVictoria Park C.I.SHANG CE 10

BurnabyMoscrop S.S.SHEN LUCY 10

West VancouverWest Vancouver S.S.SHI HAOJUN 10

StittsvilleSacred Heart H.S.STAUCH JUSTIN 10

London SUN KAI 9

BurnabyBurnaby Central S.S.TING TA JIUN 10

Richmond HillRichmond Hill H.S.WANG BENJAMIN 10

North YorkMarc Garneau C.I.WINCH HARRISON 10

BurnabyMoscrop S.S.WONG JASON 10

West VancouverWest Vancouver S.S.XU QIAN DAI 9

Scarborough YAN ZEN 10

ScarboroughDr. Norman Bethune C.I.YANG MICHAEL 10

Richmond HillBayview S.S.YIN MICHAEL 9

ScarboroughDr. Norman Bethune C.I.YU ALLY 9

TorontoUniversity of Toronto SchoolsYU RAYMOND 10

VictoriaClaremont S.S.YZENBRANDT KAI 10

CalgaryWestern Canada H.S.ZHANG AL 10

Group V/Groupe V Scores/Notes 50 - 48WinnipegSt. John's-Ravenscourt SchoolASAMINEW JOSEPH 10

KitchenerCameron Heights C.I.ASMA JACOB 9

SaskatoonCentennial CollegiateBAE SUNH O 10

NanaimoDover Bay S.S.CAMERON GAVIN 10

BurnabyMoscrop S.S.CHANG MATTHEW 10

OakvilleWhite Oaks S.S.CHE WILLIAM 10

GloucesterColonel By S.S.CHEN ZI KAI 10

GloucesterColonel By S.S.CHENG LINYI 10

North YorkMarc Garneau C.I.CHIANG BOBBY 10

SurreySemiahmoo S.S.CHO SEUNGHWA 10

SurreyFraser Heights S.S.CHOI DENNY 9

MarkhamPierre Elliott Trudeau H.S.CHOW ELLEN 10

ThornhillSt. Robert C.H.S.CHUNG JOHN 10

StratfordStratford Northwestern S.S.CONGRAM BEN 10

North YorkMarc Garneau C.I.CORJA VLADIMIR 10

RichmondRichmond S.S.CUA GELINE 10

North YorkMarc Garneau C.I.DAS ANINDITEE 10

AjaxPickering H.S.DEANE MATTHEW 10

YorkRunnymede C.I.DIEU ALBERT 10

MontrealLower Canada CollegeDIMENTBERG RYAN 9

VancouverDavid Thompson S.S.DONG BRANDON 10

EdmontonOld Scona Academic H.S.DU CICIL Y 10

FonthillE.L. Crossley S.S.DUDZIK GAVIN 9

EtobicokeMartingrove C.I.FLOREA ALEXANDRU 10

MississaugaSt. Francis Xavier S.S.GEORGESCU SAMANTHA 10

OshawaO'Neill C.V.I.GREEN LAURA 10

BreslauWoodland Christian H.S.GUETTER RACHEL 10

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Group V/Groupe V Scores/Notes 50 - 48EtobicokeMartingrove C.I.GUO DANIEL 9

VancouverSt. George's SchoolHA N HENRY 10

BurnabyMoscrop S.S.HAH ASHLEY 10

North YorkMarc Garneau C.I.HAJI TARIQ 10

WaterlooSir John A. Macdonald S.S.HARRIS OCTAVIO 10

WinnipegSt. John's-Ravenscourt SchoolHONG FEI 10

CalgaryHenry Wise Wood Sr. H.SHU PETER 10

SurreyFraser Heights S.S.HUANG CINDY 9

Richmond HillRichmond Hill H.S.HUANG VERONICA 9

WaterlooCentennial Waterloo GiftedILYAS ANDREW 9

NepeanMerivale H.S.ISMAIL AMEEN 10

SaskatoonWalter Murray C.I.JERRY WEI 9

Port MoodyPort Moody Sr. S.S.JIANG YI 10

VancouverMagee S.S.JIN DING 10

Richmond HillAcademy for Gifted Children-PACEJONES HAYDEN 10

CalgaryBishop Carroll H.S.KIM ANDREW 10

OakvilleAbbey Park H.S.KIM CHELSEA 10

OakvilleIroquois Ridge H.S.KIM JAMES 10

NanaimoDover Bay S.S.KIM JI HOON 9

VancouverKitsilano S.S. (English)KIM JULIA 10

Port MoodyPort Moody Sr. S.S.KIM TAEHYUN 10

St CatharinesHoly Cross S.S.KUZNYETSOV IGNATIY 10

HalifaxHalifax West H.S.KWUN TAEK HEE 10

Richmond HillLangstaff S.S.LAM JASPER 10

MississaugaSt. Francis Xavier S.S.LAZARO SEAN 10

WinnipegSt. John's-Ravenscourt SchoolLEE BRIAN 10

WinnipegFort Richmond C.I.LEE JAEWOO 10

FrederictonLeo Hayes H.S.LEE JUNHO 10

CoquitlamPinetree S.S.LEE LOUIS 10

CoquitlamPinetree S.S.LEE SEONGBIN 10

WindsorVincent Massey S.S.LI ANDREW 9

SurreySemiahmoo S.S.LI GELING 10

WinnipegAcadia Jr. H.S.LI KEVIN 9

North YorkMarc Garneau C.I.LI MINGHAN 10

North YorkDon Mills C.I.LI MOLLY 9

North YorkMarc Garneau C.I.LI PINGDA 10

MississaugaGlenforest S.S.LI RICHARD 10

North YorkHavergal CollegeLI TERESA 10

WinnipegSt. John's-Ravenscourt SchoolLI VICTOR 10

WinnipegFort Richmond C.I.LI YIQIAN 10

Richmond HillBayview S.S.LIN BERTRAND 10

North YorkCrescent SchoolLIU DANNY 9

MarkhamMarkville S.S.LIU LILY NO 9

North YorkCrescent SchoolLIU MAX 9

Richmond HillBayview S.S.LU ALICE 10

EtobicokeNorth Albion C.I.MERJA VISMAY 10

TorontoBranksome HallMOFFATT CLARE 10

CharlottetownCharlottetown Rural H.S.MURATA MOTOKI 10

CoquitlamPinetree S.S.NI FAY 10

EtobicokeMartingrove C.I.NI TERESA 9

ThornhillVaughan S.S.NUZ ALICE 10

LangleyWalnut Grove S.S.OH JUSTIN 10

VictoriaSt. Michael's Univ. SchoolPARK DANNY 10

FrederictonLeo Hayes H.S.PARK HANAH 10

WinnipegAcadia Jr. H.S.PARK YOONSIK 9

North YorkHavergal CollegePRESTON MIKAELA 10

MarkhamPierre Elliott Trudeau H.S.QIA N KUN 10

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Group V/Groupe V Scores/Notes 50 - 48MississaugaGlenforest S.S.QIN LIFEI 10

TorontoUniversity of Toronto SchoolsRAVINDRAN MITHUNAN 10

ScarboroughSir Oliver Mowat C.I.RIVETT LUKE 10

VancouverKitsilano S.S. (English)ROH DOOHYEUN 10

North YorkCrescent SchoolROSE JAMIE 10

AjaxPickering H.S.ROUSSO DAVID 10

OttawaGlebe Collegiate InstituteRUPAR S NICHOLAS 10

EdmontonTempo SchoolRUTAR ALEX 9

MississaugaGlenforest S.S.SAKUMA RYO 9

EdmontonTempo SchoolSANDHA SIMRAT 10

VancouverKitsilano S.S. (English)SHANG YUN LI 9

North YorkBayview Glen SchoolSHEN DANIEL 9

KingstonKingston C.V.I.SIEMONS JACOB 10

CalgaryWestern Canada H.S.SISSON DESMOND 10

ScarboroughAlbert Campbell C.I.SIVASUNDARAM PRAGASH 10

SaskatoonWalter Murray C.I.SONG KEVIN 9

Richmond HillBayview S.S.SU ZI QING 10

ThornhillThornhill S.S.SUCHOLUTSKY ILIA 9

Burnaby SUN YUZHE 10

Vancouver TAO XINGYU 10

Thunder BaySt. Patrick H.S.THROM NICHOLAS 9

RichmondRichmond S.S.TU WENTING 10

North YorkE.S. Etienne-BruleUCHIMARU AIDAN 9

SarniaSarnia Northern C.I. & V.S.VINOKURTSEVA ANASTASIYA 10

HamiltonWestdale S.S.WANG ANGELA 9

MississaugaPort Credit S.S.WANG EDWARD 10

WaterlooBluevale C.I.WANG JEAN 10

SurreyEarl Marriott S.S.WANG JIA QI 10

Richmond HillHoly Trinity SchoolWANG KEVI N 10

North YorkHighland Jr. H.S.WANG MARK 9

ScarboroughDr. Norman Bethune C.I.WANG OLIVER 10

WinnipegAcadia Jr. H.S.WANG OLIVER 9

North YorkMarc Garneau C.I.WANG RENHAO 10

GloucesterColonel By S.S.WANG SHENGJIN 9

Vancouver WANG WEI 10

West VancouverRockridge S.S.WANG YITAO 10

MarkhamMarkham District H.S.WEI NATHAN 10

North YorkMarc Garneau C.I.WEI TOM 10


New LiskeardTimiskaming D.S.S.WILLARD TIMOTHY 9

North YorkMarc Garneau C.I.WU E NANCY 10

RichmondRichmond S.S.XIANG JENNA 10

VancouverVancouver Tech. S.S.XU CALVIN 10

BurlingtonSir Ernest MacMillanXU GANG 9

North YorkHighland Jr. H.S.XU NINGRUI 9

ScarboroughDr. Norman Bethune C.I.XU PETER 10

RichmondRichmond S.S.XU STEVE N 10

Richmond HillRichmond Hill H.S.YANG JIAN QUN 10

VictoriaSt. Michael's Univ. SchoolYANG TIFFANY 10

West VancouverWest Vancouver S.S.YANG YINGFAN 9

North YorkMarc Garneau C.I.YE ERIC 10

VancouverSt. John's SchoolYE KAIREN 10

Richmond HillBayview S.S.YEUNG BRIAN 10

North VancouverHandsworth S.S.YOO JASPER 10

SurreySemiahmoo S.S.YU JESSICA 10

SaskatoonWalter Murray C.I.YU XIAOXUAN 10

ScarboroughSir John A. Macdonald C.I.YUAN ELAINE 10

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Group V/Groupe V Scores/Notes 50 - 48VancouverEric Hamber S.S.ZHANG BOB 10

Vancouver ZHANG CHUYU AN 9

MarkhamPierre Elliott Trudeau H.S.ZHANG FREDERICK 9

WindsorVincent Massey S.S.ZHANG JOE 9

CoquitlamGleneagle S.S.ZHANG JONATHAN 10

TorontoUniversity of Toronto SchoolsZHANG RICHARD 10

BurnabyMoscrop S.S.ZHAO ALICE 10

ScarboroughAlbert Campbell C.I.ZHAO KINNA 10

MississaugaThe Woodlands SchoolZHAO STEPHEN 9

Richmond HillBayview S.S.ZHONG RUIYING 10

TorontoDanforth Coll & Tech. Inst.ZHOU PETER 10

ScarboroughAgincourt C.I.ZHU JIM 9

OakvilleWhite Oaks S.S.ZHU YUANHAO 10

TorontoNorth Toronto C.I.ZOU WILLIAM 9

TorontoUniversity of Toronto SchoolsZUNG JOSHUA 10

2011Canadian Intermediate Mathematics Contest/

Concours canadien de mathématiques de niveau intermédiaireStudent Honour Rolls/Palmarès d'étudiants