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2011 Dan Gibbon Enerphit Retrofit Talk

Apr 14, 2018



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  • 7/27/2019 2011 Dan Gibbon Enerphit Retrofit Talk



    UK Passivhaus Conerence

    October 2011

    Aiming or the Passivhaus/EnerPHit standard inoccupied buildings

    Dan Gibbons, bere:architects

    [email protected]

  • 7/27/2019 2011 Dan Gibbon Enerphit Retrofit Talk



    Retrot or the Future

    The RF programme was split into two phases, Phase 1 saw 194 design and easibility studies

    developed, while Phase 2 took 86 o these studies and unded the implementation o the retroftproposals

    Each o the projects will see innovative plans put in place or low carbon refts o existing low-risesocial housing that will meet the UK governments target or reducing greenhouse gas emissionso 80% by 2050, while also cutting energy use dramatically.

    Programme applicants were asked to develop whole house retroft solutions that would result indeep cuts to CO

    2emissions whilst also signifcantly improving energy perormance. Applicants

    were required to take a whole house approach, i.e. to consider a households energy needsand carbon dioxide impacts as a whole, and establish a comprehensive package o measures toreduce them.


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    Existing Buildings

    3 Passeld Drive 78 Grove Road

    Terraced house

    No lot insulation

    Solid wall construction

    Single-glazed metal-ramed


    Lean-to extension

    Concrete ground slab

    (Semi) detached house

    No lot insulation

    Solid wall construction

    Poorly tted double-glazedwindows

    Suspended timber ground


    Bay window in poor repair

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    3 Passeld Drive beore the Retrot works (rear extension)

    Passeld Drive

    3 Passeld Drive beore the Retrot works

    Existing Buildings

  • 7/27/2019 2011 Dan Gibbon Enerphit Retrofit Talk


    bere:architects Passeld Drive

    The proposed Retrot works as shown on the original competition entry

    Initial Proposals

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    Initial Proposals

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    bere:architects Grove Road

    The proposed Retrot works as shown on theoriginal competition entry

    Initial Proposals

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    bere:architects Grove Road

    Initial Proposals

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    A Passivhaus Planning Package (PHPP) assessment o the energy

    requirements o the existing house

    A PHPP assessment o the proposed Retrot works as shown on the

    original competition entry

    3 Passfield drive3 Passfield drive

    Passeld Drive

    Initial Proposals

  • 7/27/2019 2011 Dan Gibbon Enerphit Retrofit Talk



    Passive House Verification

    Photo or Drawing

    Building: TSB retrofit for the future property proposed work

    Location and Climate: Hounslow, London GB-London

    Street: 78 Grove Road

    Postcode/City: TW3 3PT London

    Country: United Kingdom

    Building Type: Detached house

    Home Owner(s) / Client(s): Hounslow Council

    Street: Lampton Road

    Postcode/City: TW3 4DN Hounslow

    Architect: bere:architects

    Street: 73 Poets Road

    Postcode/City: N5 2SH

    Mechanical System: Alan Clarke T

    Street: The Woodlands, Woodland Close, Whitecroft

    Postcode/City: GL15 4PL Lydney

    Year of Construction: 1950's

    Number of Dwelling Units: 1 Interior T emperature: 21.0 C T

    Enclosed Volume Ve: 353.1 m3 Internal Heat Gains: 2.1 W/m2

    Number of Occupants: 2.7

    Specific Demands with Reference to the Treated Floor Area

    Treated Floor Area: 84.2 m2

    Applied: Monthly Method PH C ertificate: Fulfilled? Verification:

    Specific Space Heat Demand: 26 kWh/(m2a) 15 kWh/(m2a) No

    Pressurization Test Result: 0.6 h-1 0.6 h-1 Yes

    Specific Primary Energy Demand

    (DHW, Heating, Cooling, Auxiliary and Household Electricity):94 kWh/(m2a) 120 kWh/(m2a) Yes

    Specific PrimaryEnergyDemand

    (DHW, Heating and AuxiliaryElectricity):53 kWh/(m2a)

    Specific PrimaryEnergyDemand

    EnergyConservation bySolar Electricity: kWh/(m2a)

    Heating Load: W/m2

    Frequencyof Overheating: 8 % over 25 C

    Specific Useful Cooling EnergyDemand: kWh/(m2a) 15 kWh/(m


    Cooling Load: W/m2

    A Passivhaus Planning Package (PHPP) assessment o the energy

    requirements o the existing house

    A PHPP assessment o the proposed Retrot works as shown on the

    original competition entry

    78 Grove road 78 Grove road

    Grove Road

    Initial Proposals

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    bere:architects Grove Road

    78 Grove Road beore the Retrot works

    78 Grove Road beore the Retrot works

    Existing Buildings

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    Architect: Schulze Darup & Partner

    Location: Bernadottestrae, Nrnberg

    Year o rst construction: 1964

    Year o retrot: 2006

    Heated foor area: 918m2

    Number o residences: 24 > 31

    images: Dr. Burkhard Schulze Darup schulze darup & partner architekten nrnberg

    Precedent Study

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    Walls: 200-240mm external insulation = 0.16-0.14 W/(mK)

    Roo Terrace: 200mm external insulation = 0.18 W/(mK)

    Ceilings: 120-240mm = 0.16-0.22 0.18 W/(mK)

    Windows: triple glazing = 0.92 W/(mK)

    Heat Recovery Ventilation = 85% Eciency

    District heating system

    Precedent Study

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    Walls: 200-240mm external insulation = 0.16-0.14 W/(mK)

    Roo Terrace: 200mm external insulation = 0.18 W/(mK)

    Ceilings: 120-240mm = 0.16-0.22 0.18 W/(mK)

    Windows: triple glazing = 0.92 W/(mK)

    Heat Recovery Ventilation = 85% Eciency

    District heating system

    New Build Lot Apartments:

    6 new Passivhaus certied apartments 70-110m

    Precedent Study

    204 26 15

    heating demand


    Beore Ater Lots

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    Retrot Works

    3 Passeld Drive 78 Grove Road

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    Passivhaus Windows and Doors

    3 Passeld Drive 78 Grove Road

    Windows and doors achieve

    0.8 W/(m2K)

    Timber rames position

    windows and doors within

    line o insulation

    Frames provide tolerance

    to allow early ordering o


    Existing windows remain in

    place longer

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    Airtight membranes provide continuity

    between the window sealing tapes and

    the parge coat o the external walls

    The window sealing tapes are continuous

    with rabbit ears at the corners to

    acilitate sealing and allow or dierential


    The rabbit ears are olded back so that

    they can be sealed to the membranes

    Passivhaus Windows and Doors

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    Passivhaus Windows and Doors

    3 Passeld Drive 78 Grove Road

    membranes and tapes

    provide continuous seal to

    parge coat

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    External Insulation

    3 Passeld Drive 78 Grove Road

    240mm EPS insulation to

    ront and rear walls. (180mm

    extended one meter below

    ground creating thermal

    bubble beneath building)

    Average U-values:

    pre-retrot = 1.76 W/(m2K)

    post retrot = 0.117W/(m2K)

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    External Insulation

    3 Passeld Drive 78 Grove Road

    200mm and 250mmm EPS

    insulation to ront and

    rear walls. (180mm extended

    one meter belowground creating thermal

    bubble beneath house)

    Average U-values:

    pre-retrot = 1.76 W/(m2K)

    post retrot = 0.13 W/(m2K)

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    New Construction

    3 Passeld Drive 78 Grove Road

    New extension insulated

    with 375mm wood bre

    insulation to walls and

    225mm mineral wool and

    150mm wood bre

    insulation to roo.

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    New Construction

    3 Passeld Drive 78 Grove Road

    New bay window

    construction insulated

    with 375mm wood bre

    insulation to walls and

    225mm mineral wool.

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    Floor Insulation

    3 Passeld Drive 78 Grove Road

    150mm Mineral wool

    suspended between

    timber joists on geo-textile


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    bere:architects Grove Road

    Geo-textile membranes were laid across the foor joists to

    support mineral wool insulation. OSB boards are laid over

    the foor and taped to the walls to provide an airtightness

    barrier. This work was also carried out on a room by room


    Original proposals assumed that the suspended timber foor could be

    replaced with a similar insulated slab requiring a decant o the tenants

    Floor Insulation

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    Floor Insulation

    3 Passeld Drive 78 Grove Road

    10mm thick Vacuum

    Insulation panels protected

    by 4mm sheets o EPS


  • 7/27/2019 2011 Dan Gibbon Enerphit Retrofit Talk


    bere:architects Passeld Drive

    Original proposals assumed that the ground foor slab could be replaced

    with a new insulated slab requiring a decant o the tenants

    Preabricated vacuum insulation panels were tted above

    the existing concrete ground foor slab; protected with oam

    sheets. The insulation could be installed one room at a time

    Floor Insulation

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    Roo Insulation

    3 Passeld Drive 78 Grove Road

    490mm mineral wool

    insulation to attic space

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    Roo Insulation

    3 Passeld Drive 78 Grove Road

    100mm mineral wool and

    300mm cellulose insulation

    to attic space

    U value = 0.10 W/(m2K)

    PUR insulation at eaves

    provides continuity oinsulation rom attic space

    to walls

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    bere:architects Grove Road

    Eaves were extended to allow continuity o insulation rom

    the lot to the walls without removing the entire roo

    Original proposals assumed that the existing roo tiles could be replaced

    allowing insulation to be installed between and above the raters.

    Hounslow Homes wanted to avoid the requirement or a temporary roo

    and requested an alternative solution.

    Roo Insulation

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    Heat Recovery Ventilation

    3 Passeld Drive 78 Grove Road

    Paul Novus 300 Heat

    Recovery Ventilation units

    located in lot spaces

    provide continuous hygienic


    Tilt and turn windowsprovide secure natural

    ventilation in summer

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    Heat Recovery Ventilation

    3 Passeld Drive 78 Grove Road

    Duct routes ollow chimney

    breasts and existing storage

    spaces to minimise intrusion

    into living spaces

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    Solar Thermal

    3 Passeld Drive 78 Grove Road

    Grove Road:

    3 no. AuroTHERM exclusive

    VTK570/2 tube collectors

    with new Vaillant solar

    cylinder and boiler.

    Passeld Drive:

    2 no. AuroTHERM plus VFK150V collectors with Vaillant

    cylinder and reconditioned

    Vaillant boiler.

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    Other Measures

    3 Passeld Drive 78 Grove Road

    Breathable internalinsulation on party walls

    Low fow taps and dual fush

    WC throughout

    High perormance insulation

    (0.038 W/m2K at 40C)

    to hot water pipes.

    All timber products were

    either FSC or PEFC.

    Water butt and outside tap

    provided to assist residents

    commitment to their garden

    Additional kitchen and

    bathroom upgrades carried

    out by RSLs during retrotworks to minimise later


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    Air Tightness

    3 Passeld Drive 78 Grove Road

    Continuous membraneinstalled in attic sealed to

    parge coat on walls.

    Continuous seal rom parge

    coat to airtightness

    membranes in extension.

    Windows sealed to parge

    coat with continuous


    Airtightness grommets tted

    to all service


    Passeld Drive:

    Improved airtightness rom

    5.6 ach - 1.9 ach at 50Pa

    Grove Road:

    Improved airtightness rom

    6.3 ach - 1.7 ach at 50Pa

    (as veried by ALDAS and BSRIA)

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    bere:architects Passeld Drive

    A continuous membrane installed in the lot at Passeld Drive to create the

    airtightness barrier, sealed to the external walls.

    The membrane proved dicult to install; requiring many taped joints and

    dicult sealing details around service penetrations

    Air Tightness

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    The boards allowed access to be maintained in the roo space and simple

    seals to be used around services

    18mm OSB provides the airtight barrier. Membranes are used to seal

    around roo timbers and connect to the external walls

    Grove Road

    Air Tightness

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    Air Tightness: potential losses

    3 Passeld Drive 78 Grove Road

    air inltration through

    interstitial foors suggested

    party walls may be source

    o some air losses

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    Air Tightness: potential losses

    3 Passeld Drive 78 Grove Road

    additional losses through

    discontinuity o air tightness

    layer at oundation level

  • 7/27/2019 2011 Dan Gibbon Enerphit Retrofit Talk


    bere:architects Handover

    These vents remove possiblestale and damp air rom thekitchen, bathroom and WC.The heat recovery unit savesheat, which saves money. Theventilation runs continuously all

    year round but specialmotors have tinyenergy consumption.The extract air ventlter in the kitchenneeds to be cleanedabout every 3 monthsdepending on use.

    Passeld DriveUser Guide


    This unit saves heatrom the internal airproduced by solargains, people andelectric items to pre-heat a supply o reshair. I air heating is notrequired only reshltered air is supplied.These lters need to bereplaced every 6months

    in London. The system saves about 10 times moreenergy than it uses! It is located in the store in aninsulated cupboard.

    The resh airsystem can belet on autobut the anspeed can also

    be manuallychangedusing thispanel duringcooking or i thebathrooms are

    steamy. I you go away or a period o time dont turnit o but leave it on the lowest speed.

    This unit stores hot water produced bythe panel (8) on your roo and or theheating and added water heated by thegas boiler (7). The tank is well insulatedmeaning there is hot water day and

    night. The temperate o the tank isset with the control panel below. Thespace heating is controlled with the

    Thermostat inthe entranceway (5) andnot via thispanel.

    In summeralmost all thewater in thesolar tank isheated by the

    sun shiningon the solarpanel on theroo. In winter

    the panel can heat the bottom hal o the tank andthe boiler is used to top up the temperature. Thismeans there is always hot water available in the tankeven on a cloudy day.

    To keep the internaltemperature cool in thesummer utilise the coolernight temperatures byleaving the windows

    open in the secure tiltposition overnight. Iits hotter outside inthe day you can shut

    the windows then turn the heat recovery ventilationto summer by pass using the user settings on thecontrol panel (4) to keep cool inside. Please reer tothe heat recovery ventilation unit manual surplied byAD enviro.

    This house has beenwrapped in insulation, foorwalls and roo. The ront wallhas 200mm, rear 250mm,the roo 490mm andvacuum insulation on thefoors. Every penetrationso this insulation has beensealed to produce a dratree building suitable orusing a heat recovery unit.These improvement willmake your energy cost muchlower.

    Alan Clarke (Building Services Engineer)Tel: 01594 563356E-mail: [email protected]

    bere:architects (passivhaus specialists)Tel: 020 7359 4503E-mail: [email protected]

    The thermostatin the entranceway sets thetemperatureor your house.20-21C isthe normaltemperature,but you couldturn it down i

    you are away or a ew days or just or a ew hours tosave energy. To adjust the room temperature, locatethe room temperature display and simple rotate theright knob up or down.

    This boiler serves asback up or the solartank (6). I there has notbeen enough sun thewater in the solar tankmay not be hot enoughor heating or showering.In this instance the gasboiler will top up the solartank. There is no needto amended the settingon the boiler. To turnthe heating up use thethermostat (5).

    The resh air (pre-warmedin winter) is supplied bythe heat recovery unitand delivered to thebedrooms and living

    room using these resh airvents. The heating system(6,7) is automatic but youcan adjust the an speed(4) manually with the wall

    mounted panel in the kitchen. This will keep the airresh during a amily gathering or intensive cooking(in addition to the extractor an.

    1 Heat recovery ventilation unit

    4 Heat recovery ventilation control panel 6 Solar tank and control panel

    7 Bo iler and cont rol pane l 9 Insulation and dra t ree cons truc tion

    8 Hot water rom the sun 10 Windows (or summer cooling)

    5 Thermostat

    Passeld drive north elevation

    2 Fresh air vents

    3 Extract air vents

    The term passivhaus reers to an advanced lowenergy construction standard or buildings, whichhave excellent comort conditions in both winter andsummer. They typically achieve a heating saving o 90%compared to existing housing. Passivhaus buildings areeasy to live in and require little maintenance, but theydo have some important eatures, which are explainedin this guide. The eatures are simple to operate, but aull understanding will help you get the lowest energy

    consumption and best comort. This guide has beendesign by Alan Clarke and bere:architects or you (theuser) to understand how a passivhaus works and how tooperate the controls in this house.Each eature is labelled on the drawings below,highlighting their locations and briefy explaining how tooperate them in the corresponding text. Please take thetime to read this guide and amiliarise yoursel with thecontrols.

    This house is built towards a buildingstandard called Passivhaus.

    AD enviro (passeld drive building contractor)Consult the specic manuactures guides supplied

    For urther inormation regarding these eatures:

    Ground foor plan First foor plan Second foor plan Section AA

    Supply ducts

    Extract ducts


    Wall construction

    Outside air intake


    Dining area

    Sitting area

    Sitting area






    Roo space

    BedroomLiving room

    Living room




















    2 2





  • 7/27/2019 2011 Dan Gibbon Enerphit Retrofit Talk



    Passive House Verification

    Photo or Drawing

    Building: TSB retrofit for the future property proposed work

    Location and Climate: Hounslow, London GB-London

    Street: 78 Grove Road

    Postcode/City: TW3 3PT London

    Country: United Kingdom

    Building Type: Detached house

    Home Owner(s) / Client(s): Hounslow Council

    Street: Lampton Road

    Postcode/City: TW3 4DN Hounslow

    Architect: bere:architects

    Street: 73 Poets Road

    Postcode/City: N5 2SH

    Mechanical System: Alan Clarke

    Street: The Woodlands, Woodland Close, Whitecroft

    Postcode/City: GL15 4PL Lydney

    Year of Construction: 1950's

    Number of Dwelling Units: 1 Interior Temperature: 20.0 C

    Enclosed Volume Ve: 353.1 m3 Internal Heat Gains: 2.1 W/m2

    Number of Occupants: 2.4

    Specific Demands with Reference to the Treated Floor Area

    Treated Floor Area: 76.0 m2

    Applied: Monthly Method PH Certificate: Fulfilled?

    Specific Space Heat Demand: 28 kWh/(m2a) 15 kWh/(m2a) No

    Pressurization Test Result: 1.7 h-1 0.6 h-1 No

    Specific Primary Energy Demand

    (DHW,Heating, Cooling,Auxiliary and Household Electricity):97 kWh/(m2a) 120 kWh/(m2a) Yes

    Specific Primary Energy Demand

    (DHW,Heating and Auxiliary Electricity):56 kWh/(m


    Specific Primary Energy Demand

    Energy Conservation by Solar Electricity:kWh/(m


    Heating Load: W/m2

    Frequency of Overheating: 15 % over 25 C

    Specific Useful Cooling Energy Demand: kWh/(m2a) 15 kWh/(m


    Cooling Load: W/m2

    We confirm that the values given herein have been Issued on:

    determined following the PHPP methodology and based

    on the characteristic values of the building. The calculations signed:

    with PHPP are attached to this application.

    Passive House Verification

    Photo or Drawing

    Building: TSB retrofit for the future property proposed work

    Location and Climate: London GB-London

    Street: 3 Passfield Drive

    Postcode/City: E14 6QJ London

    Country: United Kingdom

    Building Type: Terraced house

    Home Owner(s) / Client(s): Southern Housing

    Street: P0 Box 643

    Postcode/City: West Sussex RH12 1XJ

    Architect: bere:architects

    Street: 73 Poets Road

    Postcode/City: N5 2SH London

    Mechanical System:



    Year of Construction: 1960's

    Number of Dwelling Units: 1 Interior Temperature: 20.0 C

    Enclosed Volume Ve: 352.9 m3 Internal Heat Gains: 2.1 W/m2

    Number of Occupants: 4.0

    Specific Demands with Reference to the Treated Floor Area

    Treated Floor Area: 82.2 m2

    Applied: Annual Method PH Certificate: Fulfilled?

    Specific Space Heat Demand: 25 kWh/(m2a) 15 kWh/(m2a) No

    Pressurization Test Result: 1.9 h-1 0.6 h-1 No

    Specific Primary Energy Demand

    (DHW, Heating, Cooling, Auxiliary and Household Electricity): 119 kWh/(m2a) 120 kWh/(m

    2a) Yes

    Specific Primary Energy Demand

    (DHW, Heating and Auxiliary Electricity):58 kWh/(m


    Specific Primary Energy Demand

    Energy Conservation by Solar Electricity: kWh/(m2a)

    Heating Load: W/m2

    Frequency of Overheating: 0 % over 25 C

    Specific Useful Cooling Energy Demand: kWh/(m2a) 15 kWh/(m


    Cooling Load: W/m2

    We confirm that the values given herein have been Issued on:determined following the PHPP methodology and based

    on the characteristic values of the building. The calculations signed:

    with PHPP are attached to this application.

    Predicted specic heat demand reduction o 91%

    78 Grove road3 Passfield drive

    Predicted specic heat demand reduction o 94%


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  • 7/27/2019 2011 Dan Gibbon Enerphit Retrofit Talk



    thank you

    Dan Gibbons, bere:architects

    [email protected]