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Winter/January 2011 On Saturday December 11 & 12, The Big Chicken Chorus, the Savannah Storm Youth Chorus, 3 Chapter Quartets, guest soloist Jennifer Martin, and Santa Claus all made appearances at the BCC’s annual Holiday Shows in Marietta. Continuing the tradition with “A Radio Day’s Christmas”, with this very impressive line-up of talent including Master of Ceremonies Rhubarb Jones, once again the Chapter put on three great shows Get all the details and place orders: a personalized card and two songs The Big Chicken Chorus will deliver Singing Valentines on from the heart Starting at $50: A special quartet delivers, in person, a rose, Monday February 14 Savannah Storm whips up the energy level during their performance. CONTINUED: Scroll Down To Pages 2-4 BCC & Special Guests Put on a Great Show The Big Chicken Chorus put on an entertaining 2010 Christmas Show. Above, one of the special guests, soloist Jennifer Martin, gets ready to sing with the chorus as director Rick Ramsey (right) introduces the song.

2011 - Big Chicken 2011 On Saturday December 11 & 12, The Big Chicken Chorus, the Savannah Storm Youth Chorus, 3 Chapter Quartets, guest soloist Jennifer Martin, and

May 21, 2018



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Page 1: 2011 - Big Chicken 2011 On Saturday December 11 & 12, The Big Chicken Chorus, the Savannah Storm Youth Chorus, 3 Chapter Quartets, guest soloist Jennifer Martin, and

Winter/January 2011

On SaturdayDecember 11& 12, The BigChickenChorus, theSavannahStorm YouthChorus, 3ChapterQuartets,guest soloistJenniferMartin, andSanta Clausall madeappearances at the BCC’sannual Holiday Shows inMarietta. Continuing thetradition with “A Radio Day’sChristmas”, with this very

impressive line-up of talentincluding Master of CeremoniesRhubarb Jones, onceagain the Chapter puton three great shows

Get all the detailsand place orders:

a personalized card and two songs

The BigChicken Choruswill deliverSinging

Valentines on

from the heart

Starting at $50: A

special quartet delivers,in person, a rose,

Monday February 14

Savannah Storm whips up the energy level during their performance.

CONTINUED: Scroll Down To Pages 2-4

BCC & Special Guests

Put on a Great Show

The Big Chicken Chorus put on an entertaining 2010 Christmas Show. Above, one of thespecial guests, soloist Jennifer Martin, gets ready to sing with the chorus as directorRick Ramsey (right) introduces the song.

Page 2: 2011 - Big Chicken 2011 On Saturday December 11 & 12, The Big Chicken Chorus, the Savannah Storm Youth Chorus, 3 Chapter Quartets, guest soloist Jennifer Martin, and


to very appreciativeaudiences at the CobbCivic Center’s Jennie T.Anderson Theatre.

In the theatre, the snowfell, the chords rang andthe Storm really rockedthe house, and everyoneagreed it was the perfectopening to the HolidaySeason! Meanwhile,thanks go to ShowChairman Ron Reganand the ShowCommittee, all theperformers, and theladies of the RoosterBoosters for all theirsupport before, duringand after the Shows!

CONTINUED from front page

PHOTOS:Three quartets took their turnson stage during the Christmasshow to share their favoriteholiday songs and somebarbershop standards.

TOP: The quartet 129 &Counting with, from left, BillSchreiner, tenor, ShelbyRobert, lead, Ray Taylor, bass,Bob Snelling, baritone.

MIDDLE: The quartet DiverseCity, with, from left, AndyReach, tenor, Maury Morris,lead, Rick Ramsey, bass, JackCrawford, baritone.

BOTTOM: The quartetMartha’s Finest, with, fromleft, Tim Tarpley, baritone,Rufus Massey, bass, DannyPrice, lead, and Tony Boyd,tenor.

There’s more: Keep scrolling down

Page 3: 2011 - Big Chicken 2011 On Saturday December 11 & 12, The Big Chicken Chorus, the Savannah Storm Youth Chorus, 3 Chapter Quartets, guest soloist Jennifer Martin, and


Santa smiled for thecamera with lots ofgood girls and boysin the lobby of thetheater atintermission of allthree showsSaturday andSunday. In thephoto at left: Ella ison the left andAbbey is on theright. Santa, thatguy with the whitebeard, is in themiddle.

Above: Savannah Storm joins the full Big Chicken Chorus forseveral solemn Christmas season favorites, including “Veni,Veni, O Come Emmanuel” and “Silent Night“. The combinedchorus is led by Savannah Storm’s director Jeremy Conover.

At right: Rhubarb Jones plays on the Christmas Show theme“A Radio Days Christmas” by emceeing as a radio host. Hebrought some nostalgia and some laughs to the show byplaying radio commercials from the 1940s and 1950s, andgiving the historical background of some of the songs thechorus sang.

A Radio Days Christmas

Page 4: 2011 - Big Chicken 2011 On Saturday December 11 & 12, The Big Chicken Chorus, the Savannah Storm Youth Chorus, 3 Chapter Quartets, guest soloist Jennifer Martin, and

By Judy Dorn, Rooster Booster Team Leader

Contact Rooster Booster Team Leader Judy Dorn: [email protected] • 404-431-8550Be A Rooster Booster

The next meeting will be Feb. 1 at chorus rehearsal.

Christmas Was In The AirThe Big Chicken Chorus Christmas Show for 2010 is now over and was a lotof fun. A big THANK YOU to all who helped things run smoothly. Close to950 people attended the show.

We were able to bring $103 to the BCC treasury from water sales. The bigemphasis for us this year was to keep people off the stage area. The chorusmembers came down from the stage to greet people and to prevent well-wishers from going on stage to greet them. We had Rooster Boosters guard the stage entrances for all three shows.

Donna French was a trouper and manned the Ticket Office for all three shows. She was kept busy with will-call and also with selling over $650 worth of tickets for walk-in customers.

Denise Evans, Gail Freshour, Sue Ann Justus, Erin Ebdon, Linda Shelles, Nancy Cox, Paula Morris, Marilyn Hrach, Amy Slaney, Alta Brause, Judy Dorn and Norma Patton and her familymembers, took on the duties of ushering, guarding the stage, selling water and Big Chicken CDs, and passing out cookies to hungry attendees. And, thank you Emery Cushing for supplying water for chorus members and also to sell.


Thank you to each and every person whoattended "A Radio Days Christmas". Welove to perform for you. Here are somecomments from our patrons:

“This was the first time I had ever been tohear this type of singing and I could not believehow wonderful it was.”

“It is so different than other choirs I have seen.The men seem to really be enjoying themselvesand they sing so freely!”

"I came all the way from Michigan to see yourshow and it was well worth the drive. It did somuch to lift my holiday spirits. Thank you for

what you guys do... it was wonderful!"

"The show on Sunday was tremendous. Youguys really out-did yourselves this time."

"It was the best ever!"

"We'll be back next year!"

“The quartet’s song (Daddy’s Little Girl) wasso beautiful it made me cry.”

Page 5: 2011 - Big Chicken 2011 On Saturday December 11 & 12, The Big Chicken Chorus, the Savannah Storm Youth Chorus, 3 Chapter Quartets, guest soloist Jennifer Martin, and


ver the past year, the BigChicken Chorus has

focused on four key strategicinitiatives. These initiatives are(1) youth programming, (2)membership, (3) sponsorshipand (4) developing a new lookfor the chorus. Progress has been thoughtful andsteady. Our work with Savannah Storm(headliners for our 2010 Christmas shows) andSouth Cobb High School are two examples ofsuccessful efforts withyouth involvement insinging in thebarbershop style.

ur membership teamhas made

improvements inengagement andhospitality for ourchapter rehearsalguests, resulting in verypositive feedback fromour guests and newlyregistered members.

onsistent activity inthe area of additional

sponsorship will no doubt be rewarded as theeconomy rebounds, and we remain optimistic.Our “new look” for the chorus was showcased atthe Dixie District Competition in Knoxville and

the men are well pleased with our professionalblack/red/yellow casual outfit.

If you are a fan of the Big Chicken Chorus youcan look forward to even further progress onthese initiatives in 2011.

ur mission statement reads: “The Marietta,Georgia, Chapter of The Barbershop

Harmony Society strives to preserve andencourage barbershop singing in a professional

and congenialatmosphere. Ourpurpose is to enrich thequality of life in ourcommunity, engage ouraudiences and providemusical challenge andreward to our singers.”

f you like to sing andwould like to be a part

of our mission, considervisiting a rehearsal. Werehearse 7 PM everyMonday at John KnoxPresbyterian Church onPowers Ferry Road.Directions and full

information are available at . Come join usto see what the excitement is all about!








OF DIRECTORS• President ................................Rufus Massey• Executive Vice President ......Rick French• VP Music & Performance......Dan Shelles• VP Programs ..........................Bob Slaney• Treasurer ................................Terry Morrison• VP Membership .....................Ron Regan• VP Marketing .........................Charlie Roberts• Recording Secretary..............Dave Elvers• Corresponding Secretary......Joe McDonald• Member at Large ...................Sims Hawkins• Past President........................Sandy Sanders

BCC Stays True ToMission Statement

Page 6: 2011 - Big Chicken 2011 On Saturday December 11 & 12, The Big Chicken Chorus, the Savannah Storm Youth Chorus, 3 Chapter Quartets, guest soloist Jennifer Martin, and


ecember 17 was theCherokee Town &Country Club’s 34th

Annual Wassail Ball, and itcontinued the BCC’s traditionof being the featuredentertainment at this festiveevent for many years.

The celebration in the OldEnglish tradition, includesthe pageantry of the Boar’sHead Procession with King Henry, IrishWolfhounds, Pages & Jesters, and the BCC.After singing and caroling by all, a few holidaysongs by the BCC and the band Party Nation,the guests enjoyed a gourmet dinner withdancing into the wee hours!

This annual holiday celebration at CT&CC isreally true to the Christmas spirit of familywarmth and friendship’s close ties, so onceagain our thanks goes to Cherokee for theinvitation!


Here We Come A-Wassailing

PHOTOS:In the photo at the top, the BigChicken Chorus members take theirplaces in preparation for the start oftheir performance in the CherokeeTown & Country Club Wassail Ball onDec. 17.

In the photo at left, the festivities havebegun and it’s nearly time for thechorus to begin singing.

In the photo above, the Irishwolfhounds and King Henry aredefinitely part of the performance ofOld English pageantry and the Boar’sHead Procession.

Photos courtesy of the Cherokee Town & Country Club

Page 7: 2011 - Big Chicken 2011 On Saturday December 11 & 12, The Big Chicken Chorus, the Savannah Storm Youth Chorus, 3 Chapter Quartets, guest soloist Jennifer Martin, and


On October 15, an Octet fromthe Big Chicken Chorusentertained an enthusiasticaudience at Lenbrook SeniorLiving in Buckhead. Inattendance in Lenbrook’sbeautiful Performing Artsfacility were about 70Seniors, and the performancewas also broadcast live ontheir CCTV system and wasavailable to all residents atthe facility. It was the secondtime in two years that theBCC was invited to performat Lenbrook, and all agreed itwas a memorableperformance! With the groupwearing the BCC’s newcasual uniforms, these guyswere definitely looking goodat Lenbrook. And we soldsome CDs, too!

Above is the BCCoctet at Lenbrook,from Left: BernieBookman, TonyBoyd, Rick French,Harry Bissinger,Rufus Massey, RickRamsey, DanShelles and FrankHrach. At right,the audienceenjoys the octet’sperformance.

Martha’s Finest, from left: Tim Tarpley singing baritone,Rufus Massey singing bass, Danny Price singing lead, andTony Boyd singing tenor.

OnWednesday,Dec. 8,Martha’sFinestentertainedabout 80Atlanta IBMQuarter Century Club members at their annualholiday party in Marietta. All members of Marietta’s own Big ChickenChorus, Martha’s Finest sang some Christmasfavorites and some barbershop standards. Butthe grand finale was “O Holy Night,” withMartha’s bass, Rufus Massey, awing the crowd.

Page 8: 2011 - Big Chicken 2011 On Saturday December 11 & 12, The Big Chicken Chorus, the Savannah Storm Youth Chorus, 3 Chapter Quartets, guest soloist Jennifer Martin, and


December 9, 2010, five members of the Men Of Note visited and sang for Art & Brita Buhrman attheir home in Marietta: From left: Bernie Bookman, Hal Freshour, Art & Brita, Ron Magnuson,Ralph Cordaro with Arthur Brause taking the photo.

‘tis the season to

Share The Cheer!

On Thursday evening December 9, fiveof the Men of Note visited with andsang a few Holiday Songs for Art &Brita Buhrman, and Art sang along - HEknows his part! Art is looking forwardto getting back on the risers as hisrecovery progresses, and at the time ofthe visit with 21 of 28 treatmentscompleted and the results very good,everyone was in high spirts!

It was great that Art & Brita laterattended the Saturday Matinee HolidayShow and had a chance to visit witheveryone. Art was wearing his new RedBCC Shirt and Brita was really thrilledto finally see a BCC Holiday Show!Well, it seems that with her service

being the Big Chicken Mascot, workingin the Lobby with the Rooster Boosters,and back-stage as technician, this wasBrita’s first opportunity as a guest andshe loved it!

After leaving the Buhrmans’, the grouptraveled to the Cherokee Town &Country Club to meet John Nixon, theMen Of Note’s sixth member, and singa few holiday songs and promoteHoliday Shows to a group of John’sgolf buddies and spouses at the club. Agreat time was had by all, with manysaying they were really looking forwardto the BCC visit to the Club for theirWassail Ball on December 17.

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Lighthouse took the Gold! The BCC’s own Jack Crawford, secondfrom right, sings Lead, with Ryan Fuller, at left, singing Baritone,Nick Daley singing Bass, and Bill Packard, far right, singing Tenor.They are shown here singing at the BCC rehearsal Monday Dec. 13.

The BCC’s Diverse City, shown above during the BCC Christmas ShowDec. 11, placed 10th at District. Above, from left, Andy Reach, Tenor,Maury Morris, Lead, Rick Ramsay, Bass, Jack Crawford, Baritone.

The weekend of Saturday October 2,2010, 30 members of the Big ChickenChorus traveled to Knoxville, Tenn., tocompete with nine other chorus entriesin the Dixie District Chorus Finals, andfinished 7th of 10 with an average scoreof 63.5. For the first time, the Music CityChorus from Nashville won the Gold asDixie Champions with 57 men on-stagescoring an average of 82.8.

In the Dixie Quartet finals that sameevening the BCC’s own Diverse City(Maury Morris - Lead, Rick Ramsey -Bass, Jack Crawford - Bari & Terry Ezell -Tenor) finished 10th, and the new Dixiequartet Lighthouse took the Gold withour versatile Jack Crawford singing Lead –




Page 10: 2011 - Big Chicken 2011 On Saturday December 11 & 12, The Big Chicken Chorus, the Savannah Storm Youth Chorus, 3 Chapter Quartets, guest soloist Jennifer Martin, and


Start of Jack’s Mile on Johnson Ferry Road at Bishop Lake Road looking north.

On Saturday morningOctober 16, Dave Elvers,Sims Hawkins, BobSlaney and ArthurBrause got together on abeautiful day to pick upthe BCC’s Jack SweitzerMemorial Mile onJohnson Ferry Roadbetween Bishop LakeRoad and Oak Lane.

As part of the Keep CobbBeautiful program, thenext scheduled quarterlypick-up of Jack’s Milewill be Saturdaymorning January 15,2011. So mark yourcalendar and join us ifyou can. As you can seeJack’s Mile is continuingto look very good thanks to the men of the BCC! Next pick-up date:

Saturday January 15, 10 a.m. to noonContact Arthur Brause at [email protected] / 770 410-1191


The Atlanta Falcons tend to win when 129 &Counting sings the National Anthem. And thequartet was shooting for their eleventh straightappearance with a win whenthey sang before the Dec. 27game against the Saints.Falcons head coach MikeSmith requested them afterthey performed before the lasttwo Chicago games when theFalcons won.

Well after this very close, butlosing, game Dec. 27, thequartet reflected that: “Weguess records are meant to bebroken and that’s OK with us

because we can assure you, 129 & Counting didour very best to present the barbershop sound tothe 80,000 fans in attendance. And, if it wasn’t for

a couple untimelyfumbles, dropped passesand a defense thatcouldn’t keep the Saintsout of the end zone, ourrecord of 10 wins vs. 0losses would still beintact. Of course, as wefinished performing thelast couple notes, theapplause was deafeningand, it’s always great toget a standing ovation!”


129 & Counting at the Falcons v Saints game Dec. 27,from left: Bill Schreiner, Shelby Robert, Ray Taylorand Bob Snelling.

You can’t win them all,but you sure can sing!

Page 11: 2011 - Big Chicken 2011 On Saturday December 11 & 12, The Big Chicken Chorus, the Savannah Storm Youth Chorus, 3 Chapter Quartets, guest soloist Jennifer Martin, and



More Chicken Nuggets

ChiCken nuggets

The Prez Sez - Jack Sweitzer1990 obviously is going to be a trying year for the Mariettachapter. Not only are we going to compete at the Internationallevel, representing the Dixie District, in San Francisco in July(who would have believed it even a year ago?), but we’regoing to try to raise funds by putting on the largest show ofour short history at the Fox Theatre! If anyone can make a“go” of this, it’s our Immediate Past President and ShowChairman, Frank Hrach. He’s going to need a lot of help, so ifyou’re asked to pitch in, be sure to say “yes”. Remember, it’sto benefit us all.

HISTORIAN’S NOTE: According to the June and July 1990 editions of theCHIT...CHAT, the chorus pulled it off. On June 16, the BIG CHICKENCHORUS and the SONG OF ATLANTA CHORUS combined for a fantasticshow at the FABULOUS FOX THEATER! And on July 7 in San Francsico,the BIG CHICKEN CHORUS placed 11th in their first try atINTERNATIONAL contest.

Years Ago AsWritten In ... Sky Cunniff received the

coveted Barbershopper ofthe Year (BOTY, or “bowtie”) award for 1989,presented to him byprevious BOTY winnerDave Philo, at the annualLadies Appreciation/-Installation Banquet heldon Saturday, January 20.

Sky was a clear choice forthe 1989 award forhaving taken on the jobof Membership V.P. to thefullest, engineering a 33%membership increasefrom 76 on 12/31/88 to101 as of 12/31/89.Beginning 1990, Mariettaboasts having the largestand fastest-growingchapter in the DixieDistrict, and currently isDixie’s only Century(100+) chapter.

Sky Cunniff isBarbershopperof the Year

Names of current roster members appearing in the newsletter of 20 years ago include:• Ralph Cordaro, Program V.P. and toastmaster for the annual banquet• Joe McDonald and Ray Taylor recognized for perfect attendance in 1989• Frank Hrach and Bill Schreiner also receiving attendance awards, and Bill Schreinerreceiving the Gold award for 1989 Christmas show ticket and program ad sales.



Page 12: 2011 - Big Chicken 2011 On Saturday December 11 & 12, The Big Chicken Chorus, the Savannah Storm Youth Chorus, 3 Chapter Quartets, guest soloist Jennifer Martin, and



If you have been to one or more of the Big Chicken Chorus performancesover the years, you may have seen or encountered a rather large yellowchicken on stage or mingling with the crowd. With input from several of ourchorus members, we have compiled a list of the people who have donnedthe chicken costume to serve as the chorus mascot.

You, too, can Have Fun In FeatHers


• Irene Philo, wife of Dave,the first director of thechorus

• Sarah Roose, daughter ofJim

• Debbie Geer, wife of Frank• Pat Yelton, wife of Bob• Claudia Bell, wife of Russell• Debbie Bruner, wife of Will• Vicki Morrison, wife ofTerry (current member)

• Terry Morrison (currentmember)

• Brita Buhrman, wife of Art(current member) (Seearticle and photo of Britaand Art on page 8)

• Bob Slaney (currentmember)

THIS CAN BE YOU! Let a Chorus member

know if you’re interested

There may be others and we would certainly like to hear from you if you areone of them or know of someone who has served as the chorus mascot.

Page 13: 2011 - Big Chicken 2011 On Saturday December 11 & 12, The Big Chicken Chorus, the Savannah Storm Youth Chorus, 3 Chapter Quartets, guest soloist Jennifer Martin, and


Personally describing himself as “tall, dark, handsome andItalian”, Frank is ever so modest and humble! Frank and his wifeBetty Jean reside in Cartersville, GA, where Frank owns a cateringbusiness known as “Chef Frankie B’s”. Retiring in 2003 after 28years with Verizon, Frank and his family moved to Georgia in 2005.The youngest of 10 children, Frank is a native New Yorker fromLong Island. He has lived previously in Florida and a short time inNorth Carolina. He and wife Betty of 22 years, on a combinedbasis, have 13 grandchildren! Ask him more about his family, andget ready for this - he will tell you he has 68 nieces and nephews,and 44 great nieces and nephews! But who’s counting?!! Whenasked about how he is enjoying his experience with the BigChicken Chorus, he immediately summed it up: “I was sold the first day. Don [Jackson] and hiswife Nancy encouraged me to check it out, but I didn’t know what to expect. But when I came tothat first rehearsal, (riding with Don and Mac) everyone was so exceptionally warm andwelcoming that I knew I wanted to sign up right then! And I continue to love every minute ofit.” Frank went to work on the music right away, and only 4 weeks later, was “suited up” andwas competing along with us on stage at the Fall District Contest in Knoxville! Welcome“Frankie B!”


In this issue we are excited to “welcome” newmember Frank Biscardi and “welcome back” former member Frank Evans to the risers! Goahead and ask…”Since they are both named Frank, does that mean that they are related?”Are we having fun yet? Oh, did I mention that they are both LEADS?

WElcomE & WElcomE back!

by Terry “T-Bone” Morrison Membership VP

EnJoy gETTing To knoW ouR nEW mEmbERs EnJoy gETTing To knoW ouR nEW mEmbERs

We are looking for YOUNG MEN of ALL AGES to join us in song! If you like to sing; sing ina church choir, in the car, in the shower, anywhere… we have a place for you in our BIGCHICKEN CHORUS! Music, camaraderie, and Monday nights with great friends singingfour-part close harmony! Join us on the risers for our great hobby, or just listen if youlike… bring a buddy… watch, listen and sing! We provide learning materials to get you started singing with us right away!

We meet every Monday night 7 PM to 9:30 PMJohn Knox Presbyterian Church .

505 Powers Ferry Rd . Marietta, GA 30067

Scroll Down

For Frank Evans

We are glad to see these guys back actively singing again:Ray Taylor, Jerry Walsh and Rod Patton.

Page 14: 2011 - Big Chicken 2011 On Saturday December 11 & 12, The Big Chicken Chorus, the Savannah Storm Youth Chorus, 3 Chapter Quartets, guest soloist Jennifer Martin, and


It is so nice to see Frank back with us again after a year away fromhome! Frank and his wife Denise live in Dallas, GA. They have 2children and 2 grandchildren, all living in Pittsburgh, PA, where hespent most of his career. Taking design and implementationresponsibility for a major I/T conversion for the Honda Motorsplant, Frank relocated to an apartment in South Carolina inJanuary 2010. Meanwhile, his wife Denise remained here. At thattime, Frank transferred his BHS membership to the Frank Thorne(at large) chapter, so he could stay active. As it turns out, once theconversion was completed successfully, Honda decided to re-aligntheir divisions, and Frank was able to return home! Lucky for us!Frank has spent 38 years in information technology, doing justabout everything. Born in Albany, KY, he has an undergraduate degree from University ofKentucky, and a MBA from the University of Pittsburgh. He must be a smart guy! His singingexperience includes church choirs and also 2 barbershop choruses! The first was a start-up inFlorence, SC, and then he joined the Columbia, SC, chapter in 2000 when he moved there. Hecontinued to sing with them until he and Denise moved to Georgia in 2005. A friend and fellowbarbershopper suggested that he visit the Big Chicken, and the rest is history! Frank first sangwith us in July 2005. You might see him wearing his digital recorder at rehearsals. Way to goFrank, and welcome back!


Continued From Page 13

Scroll UP For

Frank Biscardi

DeCeMBeR Sat. Dec. 10 BCC Christmas ShowSun. Dec. 11 BCC Christmas Show

JanuarySat. Jan. 8 Atlanta Regional

Leadership AcademyJan. 25-30 BHS Mid-Winter

Convention - Las Vegas, NV

FebruaryFeb. 14 Singing ValentinesSat. Feb. 26 Harmony Prep School

MarchMarch 10 Hearts For HeroesMarch 11-13 Dixie District

Spring Convention

JulyJuly 2-10 BHS International


JuneJune 9-13 Dixie District

Harmony Explosion CampJune 10-13 Dixie District

Harmony College

Mark that Date BCC Calendar 2011

MAYSat. May 14 7:30 p.m. Reinhardt ShowMon. May 31 Memorial Day

sept.-Oct.Sept. 30-Oct. 2 Dixie District

Fall Convention


Page 15: 2011 - Big Chicken 2011 On Saturday December 11 & 12, The Big Chicken Chorus, the Savannah Storm Youth Chorus, 3 Chapter Quartets, guest soloist Jennifer Martin, and


Contact Ron Regan:404-434-1238 [email protected]

Visit our rehearsal: Every Monday,7:00 p.m. at John Knox PresbyterianChurch Fellowship Hall 505 Powers Ferry Road inMarietta


BCC MerchandiseVisa & Mastercard are accepted and orderscan be picked up in Marietta at no charge orshipped to you for an additional Shipping &Handling charge.

Poultry In MotionCD & Cassette

We Need A LittleChristmas Availableon CASSETTE ONLY

Have Yourself AMerry-etta ChristmasCASSETTE ONLY

CDs $10 – TAPES $5

BCC PinsOn Sale: $3 each or 2 for $5(regularprice $5)

Please contact: Arthur Brause(770) 410-1191 [email protected]

How would you like to bethe most successfulEntertainment Chairpersonyour organization ever hadand be the real Star of theShow?

The Big Chicken Chorushas entertained audiences fromcoast to coast. Askany of our vast list ofsatisfied clients, andyou’ll soon find outwhy the BigChicken Chorus ison a repeatschedule with manycompanies andorganizations. Just thinkhow proudyou’ll bewhenfellow co-workerscon-gratulateyou for thewonderful program youpresented. The Big Chicken Choruswill provide yourcompany, church,

convention, park, meetingor banquet with aperformance tailored tomeet your needs. And yes,it’s Americana at its best!

Sentimental ballads thatwill tug at your heart,

holiday favoritesthat will prepare

you for theanticipated

season ahead, orthat “Wave the

Flag”performance that will

get you on your feetand make you proudyou’re an American.We’re here to produce

an enter-tainmentpackage ofchorusandquartetnumbersdesigned

especially for your groupor organization, so give usa try, and consider yourselfthe real Star of the Show!

Let us enteRtAin YOu

Contact our Performance Business Manager: Sandy Sanders 404/388-2211 or [email protected]


We Need Your Help!Please send us your e-mail address! Postage rates haverecently increased, and we spend a lot of money on postalmailing fees. If we can add you to our list of e-mail patronsand friends, we will be able to more efficiently use ourfunds to provide our services to the community.


Page 16: 2011 - Big Chicken 2011 On Saturday December 11 & 12, The Big Chicken Chorus, the Savannah Storm Youth Chorus, 3 Chapter Quartets, guest soloist Jennifer Martin, and


NEWSLETTER TEAMRUFUS MASSEY - BCC PRESIDENT ...................................................WRMASSEY@BELLSOUTH.NETARTHUR BRAUSE - EDITOR .......................................................................ALBRAUSE@AOL.COMAMY SLANEY - LAYOUT/GRAPHICS ......................................................AMYSLANEY@COMCAST.NETBOB SLANEY - E-DISTRIBUTION & PROGRAM ..........................................RJSLANEY@COMCAST.NETROGER DIMSDALE - GRAPHICS & CONTRIBUTOR [email protected] REGAN - MEMBERSHIP/NEW MEMBERS.....................................RONALDJREGAN@CHARTER.NETRON MAGNUSON - CHAPTER HISTORIAN ........................................................RONMAG@AOL.COM


[email protected]


Please keep these members and their families in yourthoughts and prayers, and give them a call or drop them aline - they'd love to hear from you!

“Thanks” for thephotos in thisissue go toFrank Biscardi,John Bolton, Arthur Brause,

Brita Buhrman,Cherokee T&CC, Maiah Morris, Terry Morrison, Amy Slaney, Jessica Tolbert.

Happy Birthdaty To You

ART BUHRMAN – Artcontinues his battle withSarcoma cancer, a very rareform of cancer. He attendedthe Christmas show and isoptimistic of a full recovery.You may call the Buhrmans at(770) 367-0955.

TERRY MORRISON – Terryhad some minor surgery tohelp his heart and missedsinging in the Christmasshows. But he is now back.

ROD PATTON – Rod is back onthe risers after a lengthy battlewith cancer. Welcome back,Rod!! We missed you.

Thank You!

1/1 – Don Jackson1/1 – Maury Morris1/19 – Colin Ebdon2/10 – Emery Cushing

2/27 – Jack Crawford3/2 – Tony Boyd3/2 – Bill Schreiner3/4 – Frank Hrach