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2007 CMGE Psycho Metric Testing

Apr 07, 2018



Duchess Glover
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  • 8/6/2019 2007 CMGE Psycho Metric Testing


    Set yourself apart in the ocean of careers

    Career Management and GraduateEmployability Programme

    Psychometric Testing

    Eleanor Bueza, Careers Consultant

  • 8/6/2019 2007 CMGE Psycho Metric Testing


    C ontents

    Wh at is psyc h ometric testing? Wh y use psyc h ometric testing? T ypes of tests L ive mock psyc h ometric testing session S trategies for preparation/success O th er recruitment tools at t h e assessment centre

  • 8/6/2019 2007 CMGE Psycho Metric Testing


    W hat Is Psychometric Testing?

    It is a recruitment tool t h at:assesses a candidates basic reading and numeracyskillsassesses a candidates intellectual stamina andendurance under timed, pressurised conditionsprovides objective, reliable and relevant informationconcerning t h e likeli h ood of job success and satisfactioncan be used pre-assessment (online) and during an

    assessment centre (in person).

  • 8/6/2019 2007 CMGE Psycho Metric Testing


    W hy Use Psychometric Tests?

    The candidates view:I will be fairly assessedagainst ot h er candidates

    I will find out more aboutmy strengt h s andweaknessesI will be compre h ensivelyassessed for selection

    The employers view:I will select people bestsuited to t h e demands of


    e jobI will identify areas of weaknesses for staff developmentI will place personnelappropriately wit h in anorganisation

  • 8/6/2019 2007 CMGE Psycho Metric Testing


    Types of Tests V erbal Reasoning

    Based on a paragrap h of text, candidates must uselogic to decide if concluding statements are T rue,Untrue or Cannot S ay

    N umerical ReasoningBased on c h arts or grap h s, candidates must interpret

    data to identify t h e correct answer out of 5 c h oices.

    A bstract ReasoningBased on diagrams, symbols or s h apes, candidates

    must identify th

    e underlying logic of th

    e pattern anddetermine t h e solution out of 4 c h oices.

  • 8/6/2019 2007 CMGE Psycho Metric Testing


    V erbal Reasoning SamplePlastic bags litter our streets, killwildlife, block drains and remain inth e environment for decades. Plasticbags account for less t h an 1% of t h eh ouse h old waste sent to landfillsites. 80% are recycled at least onceas bin liners or are put to some ot h er reuse. Th ey are more energyefficient t h an alternatives suc h aspaper or cardboard. If th ey areincinerated in energy from waste

    plants t h en some t h e energy used inth eir manufacture can berecovered.

    Graduate Psyc h ometric Test W orkbook, 2005

    1. A mong disposable items, plasticbags h ave a h igh reuse rate.

    a) T rue b) False c) Cannot say

    2. Plastic bags are a h ygienic andconvenient way of carrying t h ings.

    a) T rue b) False c) Cannot say

    3. O verall, t h e passage can be judged as being in favour of a casefor banning or taxing of plastic bags.

    a) T rue b) False c) Cannot say

    Th e answers are C, C, B.

  • 8/6/2019 2007 CMGE Psycho Metric Testing


    Nu merical Reasoning SampleMcCoopers Consultancy N ew York O ffice

    Application C ategories Nu mber of Applicants Nu mber of Job Offers Made

    2005 2006 2005 2006

    MB A Postgraduates 150 200 20 60

    Industry S pecialists 78 112 30 60

    O th er Consultancies 42 76 7 4

    A cademia 24 18 9 6

    1. Wh ich group h ad t h e lowest ratio of job offers to applicants in 2005?

    a) MB A b) Industry S pecialists c) O th er Consultancies d) A cademia

    2. Wh ich group s h owed t h e largest percentage c h ange in applications between

    2005 and 2006?a) MB A b) Industry S pecialists c) O th er Consultancies d) A cademia

    The answers are

    Aand C.

    How To Pass N umerical Reasoning Tests, 2003

  • 8/6/2019 2007 CMGE Psycho Metric Testing


  • 8/6/2019 2007 CMGE Psycho Metric Testing


    Mock Psychometric Testing Session

    V erbal Reasoning (10 mins)InstructionsPage 3 of your Management and Graduate Item Bank

    Nu merical Reasoning (10 mins)InstructionsPage 4 of your Management and Graduate Item Bank (20minutes)

    AnswersManagement and Graduate Item Bank, 2004

  • 8/6/2019 2007 CMGE Psycho Metric Testing


    V erbal Reasoning Test

    Ch oose A if th e statement is patently tr u e or follows logically, given t h e information or opinionscontained in t h e passage.

    Ch oose B if t h e statement is patently false or t h eopposite follows logically, given t h e information or opinions contained in t h e passage

    Ch oose C if you cannot say wh et h er t h e statement

    is true of untrue or follows logically, with

    out furth

    er information.

    Management and Graduate Item Bank, 2004

  • 8/6/2019 2007 CMGE Psycho Metric Testing


    V erbal Reasoning Test: Passage 1

    The big economic difference between nuclear and fossil-fuelled power stations isthat nuclear reactors are more expensive to build and commission, but cheaper torun. So disputes over the relative efficiency of the two systems revolve not justaround the prices of coal and uranium today and tomorrow, but also around theway in which future income should be compared with current income.

    Management and Graduate Item Bank, 2004

    1. Th e main difference between nuclear and fossil-fuelled power stations is aneconomic one.

    2. Th e price of coal is not relevant to discussions about t h e relative efficiency of nuclear reactors.

    3. If nuclear reactors were c h eaper to build and decommission t h an fossil-fuelledpower stations, t h ey would definitely h ave t h e economic advantage.

  • 8/6/2019 2007 CMGE Psycho Metric Testing


    V erbal Reasoning Test: Passage 2A t any given moment we are being bombarded by physical and psychologicalstimuli competing for our attention. A lthough our eyes are capable of handlingmore than 5 million bits of data per second, our brains are capable of interpretingonly about 500 bits per second. With similar disparities between each of the other senses and the brain, it is easy to see that we must select the visual, auditory, or

    tactile stimuli that we wish to compute at any specific time.

    Management and Graduate Item Bank, 2004

    4. P h ysical stimuli usually win in t h e competition for our attention.5. Th e capacity of t h e h uman brain is sufficient to interpret nearly all t h e stimuli t h e

    senses can register under optimum conditions.6. Eyes are able to cope wit h a greater input of information t h an ears.

  • 8/6/2019 2007 CMGE Psycho Metric Testing


    Nu merical Reasoning Test: Data Set 1

    Pop u lation at start of year (millions) Live Births per 1000pop u lation (Jan-Dec) Deaths per 1000pop u lation (Jan-Dec) Percentage of popu lation at start of year aged

    Under 15 60 or over

    UK 56.6 13.3 11.8 19 21

    France 55.2 13.9 10.0 21 19

    Italy 57.1 10.1 9.5 19 19

    Germany 61.0 9.6 11.5 15 20

    Spain 38.6 12.1 7.7 23 17

    Pop u lation Str u ct u re, 1985

    Management and Graduate Item Bank, 2004

    1. Wh ich country h ad t h e h igh est number of people aged 60 or over at t h e start of 1985? A UK B France C Italy D Germany E S pain3. How many live birt h s occurred in 1985 in S pain and Italy toget h er (to t h e nearest 1000)? A 104,000 B 840,000 C 1,044,000 D 8,400,000 E 10,440,0004. Wh at was t h e net effect on t h e UK population of t h e live birt h and deat h rates in 1985? A Decrease B Increase C Increase D Increase

    of 66,700 of 84,900 of 85,270 of 752,780 E Cannot say

  • 8/6/2019 2007 CMGE Psycho Metric Testing


    Nu merical Reasoning Test: Data Set 2

    Sales price

    S tandardqualitybuttons:5.70 per 100

    S ub-standardbuttons:2.85 per 100

    Management and Graduate Item Bank, 2004

    ro u c tio n o m m u ttons u l Dec













    Jul Aug S ep O t No


    ont s

    r o

    u c

    t i o


    n t

    o u s a n


    standardand sub-standard quality buttonprodu tion

    S tandardQuality button

    rodu tion

    2. Wh at per entage of t h e total 15mm button

    produ tion was lassed as sub-standardin S eptember?A 23.5% B 25% C 27.5%

    15% E 17.5%5. By h ow mu h did t h e total sales alue of

    No embers button produ tion ary fromO tobers?

    A 28.50 B 142.50 C 285.00de rease de rease in rease427.50 E No h ange

    de rease. Wh at was t h e loss in potential sales re enue

    attributable to t h e produ tion of sub-standard as opposed to standard

    buttons o er t h e mont h period?A 213.75 B 427.50 C 2,137.502,280 E 4,275.00

  • 8/6/2019 2007 CMGE Psycho Metric Testing


    Strategies For Preparation and S u ccess

    Ca S E S ervices:Mock Psyc h ometric T esting S ession wit h Feedback (available in

    an 2008)

    Psyc h ometric T esting books Ca S Es Information RoomPractice Psyc h ometric tests available from Ca S E Reception (1)

    W ebsite: My PotentialMock A ssessment Centres on campus wit h IBM

    Prospects W ebsite: h ttp://

  • 8/6/2019 2007 CMGE Psycho Metric Testing


    Assessment C entres: Other Tools

    Individ u al ExercisesIn-trayCase S tudy


    Gro u p ExercisesRole PlayDiscussion

  • 8/6/2019 2007 CMGE Psycho Metric Testing


    C ontact Us


    Harrow C amp u s

    Room EG.16Maria Hewlett BuildingN earest T ube: N ort h wick


    C entral London

    Marylebone C amp u s3rd Floor 35 Marylebone RoadN earest T ube: Baker S treet

    Tel: 020 7911 5184E-mail: [email protected]

    h ttp://

  • 8/6/2019 2007 CMGE Psycho Metric Testing


    Q uestions?