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2003 Had Better

Feb 12, 2018



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  • 7/23/2019 2003 Had Better


    Had better It's time ...

  • 7/23/2019 2003 Had Better


    Had better

    (I'd better / you'd better etc.)

    I'd better do something= it is advisable to do it. If I don't do it, there will be a problem

    or a danger

    I have to meet !nn in ten minutes. I'd better go now or I'll be

    late.'"hall I ta#e an umbrella$' '%es, you'd better. It might rain.&

    he negative isI'd better not(= I had better not)

    '!re you going out tonight$' I'd better not. I've got a lot todo.&

  • 7/23/2019 2003 Had Better


    Had betterandshouldHad better is similar to should but not eactly the same. e

    use had better only for a speci*c situation (not for thingsin general).

    %ou can use should in all types of situations to give anopinion or give advice

    +. It's late. %ou'd better go. / %ou should go. (a speci*csituation)

    .%ou're always at home. %ou should go out more often,

    (in general - not 'had better go')

    !lso, with had better, there is always a danger or a problemif you don't follow the advice.

    "houldonly means 'it is a good thing to do'.

    ompare+. It's a great *lm. %ou should go and see it. (but no problem

    if you don't). he *lm starts at .01. %ou'd better go now or you'll be


  • 7/23/2019 2003 Had Better


    2ead the situations and write sentences with had better or had betternot. 3se the words in brac#ets.

    + %ou're going out for a wal# with om. It loo#s as if it might rain. %ousay to om

    (an umbrella) 44444444444 5ichael has 6ust cut himself. It's a bad cut. %ou say to him (a plaster) 4444444444444%ou and 7ate plan to go to a restaurant this evening. It's a popular

    restaurant. %ou say to 7ate (reserve) e 44444444444448ill doesn't loo# very well - not well enough to go to wor#. %ou say to

    her (wor#)9 %ou received the phone bill four wee#s ago, but you haven't paid it

    yet. If you don't pay soon, you could be in trouble. %ou say toyourself

    (pay): %ou want to go out, but you're epecting an important phone call.

    %ou say to your friend (go out) I;%ou and

  • 7/23/2019 2003 Had Better


    It's time ...

    %ou can say It's time (for somebody) to ...

    It's time to go home. / It's time for us to gohome.

    >ut you can also sayIt's late. It's time we wenthome.

    Here we use the past (went), but the meaning ispresent, not past

    It's +1 o'cloc# and he's still in bed. It's time hegot up. (not It's time he gets up

  • 7/23/2019 2003 Had Better


    It's time you did something

    = you should have already done it or started it. e

    often use this structure to criticise or to complainIt's time the children were in bed. It's long after

    their bedtime.

    %ou're very sel*sh. It's time you realised thatyou're not the most important person in theworld.

    %ou can also say It's about time .... his

    ma#es the criticism stronger8ac# is a great tal#er. >ut it's about time he

    did something instead of 6ust tal#ing.

  • 7/23/2019 2003 Had Better


    2ead the situations and write sentences withIt's time (somebodydid something).+.%ou thin# the children should be in bed. It's already ++

    o'cloc#..%ou haven't had a holiday for a very long time. %ou need

    one now. It's time I+.%ou're sitting on a train waiting for it to leave the station.

    It's already *ve minutes late.+.%ou en6oy having parties. %ou haven't had one for a long


    .he company you wor# for has been badly managed fora long time. %ou thin# some changes should be made.

    0.!ndrew has been doing the same 6ob for the last tenyears. He should try something else.

  • 7/23/2019 2003 Had Better


    Prefer to do and prefer doing%ou can use 'prefer to (do)' or 'prefer -ing' to say

    what you prefer in general

    I don't li#e cities. I prefer to live in the country,or I prefer living in the country.

    "tudy the di?erences in structure after prefer.e say prefer something to something else. prefer doing something todoing something else.but

    prefer to do something rather than (do)something else.

  • 7/23/2019 2003 Had Better


    We use would prefer to say whatsomebody wants in a speci*c situation (notin general)

    'Would you prefer tea or co?ee$' 'o?ee, please.&

    e say 'would prefer to do something' {not doing)'"hall we go by train$' 'I'd prefer to drive.'

    {not I'd preferdriving)

    I'd prefer to stay at home tonight ratherthan go to the cinema

  • 7/23/2019 2003 Had Better


    Would rather (I'd rather ...)Would rather (do) = would prefer (to do).We use would rather @ infnitive (without to). ompare

    '"hall we go by train$' 'I'd prefer to drive.' 'I'd rather drive.' {not to drive)

    'Would you rather have tea or co?ee$A 'o?ee, please.'

    he negative is 'I'd rather not (do something)'

    I'm tired. I'd rather not go out this evening, if you don'tmind.

    'Bo you want to go out this evening$A 'I'd rather not."

    We say 'would rather do something than do somethingelse'I'd rather stay at home tonight than go to the cinema.

  • 7/23/2019 2003 Had Better


  • 7/23/2019 2003 Had Better


    In this structure we use thepast (a!e didetc.), but the meaning is present not past.

    ompareI'd rather !a#e dinner now.

    I'd rather you made dinner now.

    {not I'd rather you ma#e)I'd rather you didn't (do something)

    = I'd prefer you not to do it

    I'd rather you didn't tell anyone what I said.

    '"hall I tell

  • 7/23/2019 2003 Had Better


    hich do you prefer$

    rite sentences using 'I prefer (something) to

    (something else)'.Cut the verb into the correct form where


    (drive / travel by train)

    (bas#etball / football)

    I prefer

    (phone people / send emails)

    I to

    (go to the cinema / watch videos at home

  • 7/23/2019 2003 Had Better



    %ou can say 'I wish you lu# $ every suess $ ahappy birthday' et. %

    I wish you every success in the future. I saw im before the eam and he wished !e lu#. e say 'wish somebody something' (lu# $ a happy

    birthday etc.). >ut you cannot 'wish that somethinghappens'. e use hope in this situation. Dor eample

    E & hope you get this letter before you go away, (not

    I wish you get) ompare I wish and I hope% I wish you a pleasant stay here. I hope you have a pleasant stay here, (not I wish you


  • 7/23/2019 2003 Had Better


    Cut the verb into the correct form.

    +. If I (#now) his number, I would phone him.

    . I wouldn't buy (not/ buy) that coat if I were you.0. I (help) you if I could, but I'm afraid I can't.F. e would need a car if we (live) in the country.9. If we had the choice, we (live) in the country.:. his soup isn't very good. It (taste) better if it wasn't

    so salty.;. I wouldn't mind living in Gngland if the weather (be)better.

    . If I were you, I (not /wait). I (go) now.. %ou're always tired. If you (not / go) to bed so late

    every night, you+1.wouldn't be tired all the time.++. I thin# there are too many cars. If there (not / be) so

    many cars,+.there (not / be) so much pollution.

  • 7/23/2019 2003 Had Better


    e also use wish to say that we regretsomething, that something is not as we

    would li#e it. hen we use wish in thisway, we use thepast (#new$livedetc.), but the meaning ispresent:

    I wish I #newwhat to do about theproblem.

    (I don't #now and I regret this)

    I wish you didn'thave to go so soon,

    (you have to go)

  • 7/23/2019 2003 Had Better


    o say that we regret something in thepast, we use wish @ had ... (had

    #nown / had said) etc.

    I wish I'd #nown about the party. I

    would have gone if I'd #nown. (I didn't#now)

    It was a stupid thing to say. I wish Ihadn't said it. (I said it)

  • 7/23/2019 2003 Had Better


  • 7/23/2019 2003 Had Better


    I wish I ould (do something) = Iregret that I cannot do it

    I'm sorry I have to go. I wish I ouldstay longer, (but I can't)

  • 7/23/2019 2003 Had Better


    e often use I wish ... would to complainabout a situation

    he phone has been ringing for *ve minutes. I

    wish somebody would answer it.I wish you would do something instead of

    6ust sitting and doing nothing.

    %ou can use I wish ... wouldn't ... to complainabout things that people do repeatedly

    I wish you wouldn't #eep interrupting me.

    e use I wish ... would ... for actions andchanges, not situations. ompare

    I wish "arah would come. (= I want her tocome)

  • 7/23/2019 2003 Had Better


    Cut in wish(ed) or hope(d).

    +.I 4444you a pleasant stay here.

    .Gn6oy your holiday. I 44you have a greattime.

    0.oodbye. I you all the best.

    F.e said goodbye to each otherand444each other luc#.

    9.e're going to have a picnic tomorrow, soI44444the weather is nice.

    :.I you luc# in your new 6ob. I4444it wor#sout well for you.

  • 7/23/2019 2003 Had Better


    hat do you say in these situations$ rite sentenceswith I wish ... would ... .

    + It's raining. %ou want to go out, but not in the rain.%ou say %ou're waiting for 8ane. "he's late and you're getting

    impatient.%ou say to yourself I wish

    0 %ou're loo#ing for a 6ob - so far without success.Jobody will give you a 6ob.%ou say I wish somebodyF %ou can hear a baby crying. It's been crying for a long

    time and you're trying to study.

    %ou say9 >rian has been wearing the same clothes for years.

    %ou thin# he needs some new clothes.%ou say to >rian