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2003-AHS Straining a vortex filament - Experiment

May 30, 2018



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  • 8/14/2019 2003-AHS Straining a vortex filament - Experiment




    Manikandan Ramasamy J. Gordon Leishman

    Alfred Gessow Rotorcraft Center,

    Department of Aerospace Engineering,

    Glenn L. Martin Institute of Technology,

    University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742


    An experiment was performed in an attempt to quantify

    the interdependence of straining and viscous diffusion ef-

    fects on the development of rotor tip vortices. The prop-erties of the blade tip vortices were measured in the wake

    of a hovering rotor, and compared to the results for the

    case when the wake approached a solid boundary. The

    presence of the boundary forced the tip vortex filaments

    to strain or stretch, allowing the effects of this process

    on the tip vortex developments to be studied and mea-

    sured relative to the baseline case. It is shown that vortex

    stretching begins to decrease the viscous core size and,

    when the strain rates become large, this can balance the

    normal growth in the vortex core resulting from viscous

    diffusion. A parsimonious model for the effects of vor-

    tex stretching based on the conservation laws was used to

    correct the measurements, which brought the results intoagreement with what would be expected on the basis of

    viscous diffusion alone. A byproduct of the process of

    progressively stretching the vortex filaments allowed their

    properties to be measured to older wake ages than would

    otherwise have been possible. The measured results were

    used to compare with other vortex measurements, and to

    augment previous correlations in an attempt to develop a

    more general vortex model that would be suitable for use

    in a variety of aeroacoustic applications. A new model

    is suggested that combines the effects of diffusion and

    strain on the vortex core growth. The empirical coeffi-

    cients of this model have been derived based on the best

    available results from many sources of both fixed-wing

    and rotating-wing tip vortex measurements.

    Graduate Research Assistant. [email protected] Professor. [email protected]

    Presented at the 59th Annual Forum and Technology Display

    of the American Helicopter Society International, Phoenix, AZ,

    May 68, 2003. c2003 by the authors. Published by the AHSInternational with permission.


    a1 Squires coefficient

    c Rotor blade chord, m

    d Non-dimensional downstream distanceCT Rotor thrust coefficient, T/(A2R2)e Correlation coefficient

    k Empirical constant

    l Filament length, m

    p Probablility density function

    r Radial distance, m

    rc Viscous core radius, m

    r0 Initial core radius, m

    r Non-dimensional radial distance, r/rcrl Position vector of the filament, m

    rp, zp LDV measurement location w.r.t. rotor axes

    rv, zv Vortex core location w.r.t. rotor axes

    R Rotor radius, mRev Vortex Reynolds number, v/t Time, s

    T Rotor thrust, N

    V Swirl Velocity, ms1

    V Free stream velocity, ms1

    V Filament strain rate, ms1

    z Downstream distance, m

    Oseen constant = 1.25643v Tip vortex strength (circulation), m

    2s1r, z Standard deviation of vortex location in

    radial and axial directions, respectively, m

    Effective diffusion constant

    Filament strain Wake (vortex) age, deg Kinematic viscosity, m2s1 Azimuth angle, deg Flow density, kg m3 Vorticity, m2s1 Rotor rotational speed, rad s1

  • 8/14/2019 2003-AHS Straining a vortex filament - Experiment



    During the past two decades, considerable research has

    been conducted into the problem of measuring the de-

    velopment of blade tip vortices trailed into the wakes of

    helicopter rotors. The structure of the tip vortices define

    the majority of the induced velocity field at the rotor, as

    well as being responsible for a number of adverse prob-lems. These problems include large unsteady airloads

    and high noise levels associated with blade vortex inter-

    actions (BVI), and significant vibration levels associated

    with rotor wake/airframe interactions. Therefore, better

    models of the tip vortex structure should, at least in prin-

    ciple, translate directly into improved predictions of over-

    all rotor performance, the unsteady airloads on the blades,

    rotor and airframe vibration levels, and also rotor noise.

    The reduction of rotor noise has become an extremely

    important goal from both military and civil perspectives.

    Small changes in the structure of the tip vortices and their

    positions relative to the rotor blades can have substantial

    effects on BVI noise (e.g., Ref. 1). The blades may also in-teract with vortex filaments that are relatively old in terms

    of rotor revolutions. During this time, the vortex filaments

    will have undergone some amount of viscous diffusion,

    as well as encountering steep velocity gradients that can

    also affect their viscous evolution. This suggests that vor-

    tex models need to be developed with very high levels of

    fidelity to ensure sufficient confidence in the induced air-

    loads predictions. Only then can effective strategies aimed

    at the control or alleviation of adverse vortex induced phe-

    nomena be considered.

    There has been much experimental work done to mea-

    sure and otherwise characterize the structures of blade tip

    vortices. A good summary of the various experiments,

    as well as the relative capabilities, limitations, and pre-

    cision of different measurement techniques, is given by

    Martin et al. (Ref. 2). Typical experimental goals include

    the measurement of the induced velocity field close to the

    vortex, the viscous core size, and the rate of growth of

    the viscous core as the vortex ages in the flow. However,

    the velocity field and viscous core size by themselves are

    insufficient quantities to develop comprehensive and fully

    satisfactory models of the tip vortices.

    Making vortex flow measurements from rotating blades

    is very challenging, e.g., see Ref. 3. For example, despite

    the instrumentation issues in making rotor flow measure-

    ments, one concern is that the measurements must usually

    be made on sub-scale rotors. This is a situation of neces-

    sity because of the enormous (and perhaps impractical)

    difficulties in making measurements with the necessary fi-

    delity on full-scale rotors. However, amongst other issues,

    this raises questions about flow scaling effects, which at

    model scale may have vortex Reynolds numbers that may

    be up to two orders of magnitude less that those asso-

    ciated with full-scale rotors. The vortex Reynolds num-

    ber is known to affect both the structure and the viscous

    growth rate of the tip vortices (Refs. 47), although the

    dearth of quality measurements over a wide range of vor-

    tex Reynolds number means that the dependency has not

    been fully quantified.

    Unlike fixed-wings, which trail rectilinear vortices, he-

    licopter tip vortices are curved, and also lie in proxim-

    ity to other vortices. This means that the rotating-wing

    vortices are subjected to self and mutually-induced ef-fects from other vortices as they are convected in the rotor

    wake. The inherent difficulties in performing detailed vor-

    tex flow measurements inside rotor wakes and isolating

    the effects of the individual tip vortices has forced rotor-

    craft analysts to augment mathematical models by using

    results from fixed-wing vortex flow measurements. This

    is, in part, because rotor wake measurements have been

    too sparse, too incomplete, or simply unavailable at older

    wake ages to enable models to be developed with high

    confidence levels. Also, the measurements themselves

    may be inconsistent between similar rotor configurations,

    making it difficult to rely on some experimental data.

    The tip vortices also experience strain effects as they

    are convected in the velocity gradients produced inside the

    rotor wake. This means that filaments must undergo con-

    tinuous changes in their vorticity field, even in the absence

    of ongoing diffusion (Ref. 8). Ananthan et al. (Ref. 9)

    showed that filament stretching may have significant ef-

    fects on the local velocity field induced by the tip vortices,

    which in turn, will have an effect on the development of

    the overall wake as adjacent vortex filaments move rel-

    ative to each other. This can be a particular modeling

    issue in forward flight, where individual vortices tend to

    bundle and roll up together from the lateral edges of the

    rotor disk. These straining effects can make the mea-sured vortex properties different to those that might be

    obtained with equivalent rectilinear vortices in a uniform

    flow. Therefore, isolating any contributing effects is es-

    sential for the development of better vortex models.

    The present work has two primary goals. First, to per-

    form an experiment in an attempt to examine any inter-

    dependence of straining and viscous diffusion in a rotor

    wake flow. The properties of the blade tip vortices were

    measured in the wake of a hovering rotor, and were com-

    pared to the results for the case when the wake was con-

    vected near to a solid boundary. The presence of the

    boundary forced the tip vortices to stretch in a known

    (measured) strain field, allowing the effects of this pro-

    cess on the tip vortex development to be measured and, to

    some extent, isolated. Second, to further examine the is-

    sues of vortex modeling, from the practical perspective of

    including such models in rotor aeroacoustic simulations,

    and with overall the goal of improving the overall fidelity

    of the model based on the best available empirical infor-

    mation. Problems considered include the modeling of vis-

    cous diffusion, the interdependent modeling of strain ef-

    fects, and the issues of vortex Reynolds number scaling.

  • 8/14/2019 2003-AHS Straining a vortex filament - Experiment




    (a) Baseline configuration rotor operates in free-air


    Tip vortexWakeboundary

    (b) Rotor operates next to ground plane


    Ground plane




    Filamentsare stretched


    Description of the Experiment

    Rotor Facility

    A single bladed rotor operated in the hovering state was

    used for the measurements. The advantages of the sin-

    gle blade rotor have been addressed before (Refs. 10, 11).

    This includes the ability to create and study a helicoidalvortex filament without interference from other vortices

    generated by other blades (Ref. 10). Also, a single heli-

    coidal vortex is much more spatially and temporally sta-

    ble than with multiple vortices (Ref. 11), thereby allowing

    the vortex structure to be studied to much older wake ages

    and also relatively free of the high aperiodicity issues that

    usually plague multi-bladed rotor experiments.

    The blade was of rectangular planform, untwisted, with

    a radius of 406 mm (16 inches) and chord of 44.5 mm

    (1.752 inches), and was balanced with a counterweight.

    The blade airfoil section was the NACA 2415 throughout.

    The rotor tip speed was 89.28 m/s (292.91 ft/s), giving a

    tip Mach number and chord Reynolds number of 0.26 and272,000, respectively. The zero-lift angle of the NACA

    2415 airfoil is approximately -2 at the tip Reynolds num-ber. All the tests were made at an effective blade loading

    of CT/ 0.064 using a collective pitch of 4.5 (mea-

    sured from the chord line). During these tests, the rotor

    rotational frequency was set to 35 Hz ( = 70 rad/s).The rotor was tested in the hovering state in a specially

    designed flow conditioned test cell. The volume of the test

    cell was approximately 362 m3 (12,800 ft3) and was sur-

    rounded by honeycomb flow conditioning screens. This

    cell was located inside a large 14,000 m3 (500,000 ft3)

    high-bay laboratory. In the baseline case, the wake was

    allowed to exhaust approximately 18 rotor radii before en-countering flow diverters. Aperiodicity levels in the rotor

    wake have been measured, and were used to correct all of

    the velocity field measurements - see appendix.

    Ground Plane

    To examine the effects of superimposed velocity gradients

    on the tip vortex developments, an artificial means was de-

    veloped using a solid boundary or ground plane. Based

    on the experiments of Light & Norman (Ref. 12), calcula-

    tions showed that significant strain rates could be expected

    well before the vortex filaments reached the ground. A

    schematic of the experimental setup is shown in Fig. 1.

    In the current experiment, the ground plane was twice the

    diameter of the rotor diameter. The ground plane could

    be adjusted to give different distances between the rotor

    plane, although for the present tests it was set to 0.5R. As

    the rotor wake approached this ground plane, the vortex

    filaments were rapidly strained in the radial direction.

    The possibilities of aperiodicity and recirculation of the

    wake was reduced by the use of a flow diverter placed

    along the circumference of the ground plane. This di-

    Figure 1: Schematic showing the experimental setup. (a)In the baseline case, the rotor operates in free air. (b) In

    the other case, the rotor operates close to a solid ground


    rected the flow away from and behind the ground plane.

    A further series offlow diverters behind the ground plane

    was used to control the flow quality, which was veri-

    fied using flow visualization. The inherent difficulties

    in measuring vortex velocities close to surfaces, and also

    in measuring the velocity profiles of tip vortices at older

    wake ages, however, imposed restrictions on how close

    the ground plane could actually be placed to the rotor.

    Measurements were made at up to 0.05R from the groundplane.

    Flow Visualization

    Flow visualization images were acquired by seeding the

    flow using a mineral oil fog strobed with a laser sheet. The

    light sheet was produced by a dual Nd:YAG laser, which

    generated a light pulse on the order of nanoseconds in du-

    ration at a frequency of up to 15 Hz. The light sheet was

    located in the flow using an optical arm. Images were ac-

    quired using a CCD camera, and were later digitized using

    a calibration grid. The laser and the camera were synchro-

    nized using customized electronics, which converted the

    rotor one-per-rev frequency into a TTL signal that pulsed

    every third rotor revolution. A phase delay was introduced

    so that the laser could be fired at any rotor phase angle.

    The seed was produced by vaporizing oil into a dense

    fog. A mineral oil based fluid was broken down into a

    fine mist by adding nitrogen. The mist was then forced

    into a pressurized heater block and heated to its boiling

    point where it became vaporized. As the vapor escaped

    from the heat exchanger nozzle, it was mixed with ambi-

  • 8/14/2019 2003-AHS Straining a vortex filament - Experiment




    Tip Vortex








    Fiber OpticProbe

    GreenBeams Motor V





    Tip VortexVelocity


    Enlarged Viewof




    Figure 2: Setup of 3-component LDV system.

    ent air, rapidly cooled, and condensed into a fog. From

    a calibration, 95% of the particles were between 0.2 m

    and 0.22 m in diameter. This mean seed particle size

    was small enough to minimize particle tracking errors for

    the vortex strengths found in these experiments (Ref. 13).The fog/air mixture was passed through a series of ducts

    and introduced into the rotor flow field at various strategic


    LDV System

    A fiber-optic based LDV system was used to make three-

    component velocity measurements. A beam splitter sepa-

    rated a single 6 W multi-line argon-ion laser beam into

    three pairs of beams (green, blue and violet), each of

    which measured a single component of velocity. A Bragg

    cell, set to a frequency shift of 40 MHz, produced the sec-

    ond shifted beam of each beam pair. The laser beams

    were passed to the transmitting optics by a set of fiber-

    optic couplers with single mode polarization preserving

    fiber optic cables. The transmitting optics were located

    adjacent to the rotor (see Fig. 2) and consisted of a pair

    of fiber optic probes with integral receiving optics, one

    probe for the green and blue pairs, and the other probe for

    the violet pair. Beam expanders with focusing lenses of

    750 mm were used to increase the beam crossing angles,

    and so to decrease the effective measurement volume.

    To further reduce the effective size of the probe volume

    visible to the receiving optics, the off-axis backscatter

    technique was used, as described in Martin et al. (Ref. 2)

    and Barrett & Swales (Ref. 14). This technique spatially

    filters the effective length of the LDV probe volume on

    all three channels. Spatial coincidence of the three probe

    volumes (six beams) and two receiving fibers was en-

    sured to within a 15m radius using an alignment tech-

    nique (Ref. 2) based on a laser beam profiler. Alignment

    is critical for 3-component LDV systems because it is ge-

    ometric coincidence that determines the spatial resolution

    of the LDV probe volume. In the present case, the result-

    ing LDV probe volume was measured to be an ellipsoid

    of dimensions 80 m by 150 m, which for reference was

    about 3% of the maximum blade thickness or 0.5% of the

    blade chord.

    The high capacity of the seeder allowed the entire test

    cell to be uniformly seeded in approximately 30 seconds.

    Signal bursts from seed particles passing through the mea-

    surement volume were received by the optics, and trans-

    mitted to a set of photo multiplier tubes where they wereconverted to analog signals. This analog signal was low

    band pass filtered to remove the signal pedestal and any

    high frequency noise. The large range of the low band

    pass filter was required to allow measurement of the flow

    reversal associated with the convection of a vortex core

    across the measurement grids. The analog signal was dig-

    itized and sampled using a digital burst correlator. The

    flow velocities were then converted into three orthogonal

    components based on measurements of the beam cross-

    ing angles. Each measurement was phase-resolved with

    respect to the rotating blade by using a rotary encoder,

    which tagged each data point with a time stamp. The tem-

    poral phase-resolution of the encoder was 0.1, but themeasurements were averaged into one-degree bins. The

    uncertainty in this process has been discussed by Martin

    et al. (Ref. 2).

    Experimental Results

    Wake Displacements and Strains

    In the current experiment, the vortex strain rates were de-

    termined based on measurements of the spatial locations

    of the tip vortices at various wake ages. Therefore, much

    care has to be taken in locating the vortices to avoid er-rors. To do this, flow visualization images were acquired

    at several wake ages using the strobed laser sheet tech-

    nique. To make these images, the volume and distribution

    of seeding were judiciously adjusted so that the core of

    the vortices appeared as distinct voids of seed. These

    seed voids were then used to find the centers of the vortex

    cores. At each wake age, a minimum of 300 separate im-

    ages were taken, from which the spatial average locations

    of the vortex relative to the rotor were quantified by using

    a calibration grid. Later, these locations were also cross-

    checked when making the LDV measurements. The flow

    visualization results were used to acquire statistics of the

    small aperiodic deviations of the vortex positions from the

    mean, and were used to correct the LDV measurements for

    aperiodicity effects (see appendix).

    From the results shown in Figs. 3 and 4, it is apparent

    that the tip vortices move inboard radially from the blade

    tip and axially downward at the early wake ages. In both

    cases, the axial convection velocities are nominally con-

    stant until the first blade passage at = 360. As a resultof the ground plane, the tip vortices then start moving ra-

    dially outward, and become almost parallel to the ground

  • 8/14/2019 2003-AHS Straining a vortex filament - Experiment








    0 180 360 540 720 900

    With ground plane




    Best fit (Landgrebe model)

    Best fit








    0 180 360 540 720 900

    With ground plane




    Wake age, (deg.)


    Best fit (Landgrebe model)

    Best fit






    0 180 360 540 720 900

    With ground plane



    Wake age, (deg.)












    0 180 360 540 720 900

    With ground plane



    Wake age, (deg.)

    Strain rate increases rapidlyas filament approaches the ground

    Figure 3: Results showing the axial and radial locations

    of the tip vortices relative to the rotor tip-path-plane. (a)

    Axial displacements. (b) Radial displacements.

    Figure 4: Estimated components of the tip vortex convec-

    tion velocities compared to the baseline condition.

    plane at older wake ages. It can be deduced from Fig. 4

    that the vortices move through the flow at a modest rate at

    early wake ages, but encounter much higher overall veloc-

    ities when in close proximity to the ground plane. Clearly,

    the axial (slipstream) velocity component of the tip vor-

    tices must asymptote to zero as they approach the ground


    After the spatial locations of the tip vortices were mea-

    sured, the average strain rates acting on the vortices was

    calculated as they convected in the flow. This was done by

    Figure 5: Estimated strain experienced by the vortex fila-

    ments as they approach the ground plane compared to the

    baseline condition.

    fitting a series of curves to the displacements, and differ-

    entiating the curve numerically by means of finite differ-

    ences. From the locations of the vortices at various wake

    ages, the length of the vortex filament was determined byits location in space defined by the position vectors of two

    adjacent locations atrl and rl1. If the filament is assumedto be a small straight-line segment, the length of the fila-

    ment is given by |l| = |rl rl1|. Therefore, the rate ofchange of the length of the filament as it convects through

    the velocity field is given by



    d(rl rl1)dt







    l (2)

    which implies that the strain, , is




    t =




    where = l/l is the strain imposed on the filament overthe time interval, t.

    Results documenting the estimated strains are shown

    in Fig. 5. Notice that the amount of strain or stretch-

    ing produced on the tip vortex as it develops near the

    ground plane is much larger than that obtained in free air

    conditions. For the baseline case, the filament strain is

    negligible at older wake ages. This is expected, because

    the results in Fig. 3 have shown that the radial locations

    of the tip vortices in the baseline case begin to asymp-

    tote to a constant value and the radial velocities approach

    zero after the initial wake contraction. When the tip vor-

    tices approach the ground plane, the strain on the tip vor-

    tex is initially slightly negative at early wake ages similar

    to that found in the baseline case. Thereafter, the strain

    becomes quickly positive as the vortex filaments stretch

    radially outward.

  • 8/14/2019 2003-AHS Straining a vortex filament - Experiment











    -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6

    = 16


    = 350

    = 590




    Non-dimensional distance from core center, r / c










    -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6

    = 91


    = 1770

    = 2020




    Non-dimensional distance from core center, r / c








    -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6

    = 3540

    = 438


    = 4820

    = 5210



    Non-dimensional distance from core center, r / c









    -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6

    = 727o

    = 824o

    = 899 o

    = 972o



    Non-dimensional distance from core center, r / c

    Figure 6: Swirl velocity profiles in the tip vortex at different wake ages, showing the vortex diffuses under the action of


    Velocity Field Measurements

    Phase-resolved LDV measurements of the vortex proper-

    ties were acquired by making a radial traverse across the

    vortex core at various planes in the wake between the rotor

    and the ground plane. By estimating the blade azimuth at

    which the vortex core was centered on the grid, the in-

    stantaneous velocity field could be measured. Through

    post-processing of the data, the vortex properties could be

    studied as a function of wake age. Wherever possible, the

    results measured with the ground plane were compared

    to the baseline measurements at the same wake age. The

    ability to measure results at older wake ages ( > 360)was considered a novel feature of the preset work relative

    to what has been previously possible, in part because of

    the precise spatial alignment of the LDV system, which

    gives high quality data with good data rates.

    Swirl Velocities

    Figure 6 shows a series of tangential (swirl) velocity pro-

    files measured across each radial grid as the convecting

    vortices intersected the measurement grid in a cross flow

    plane (see Fig. 1). These profiles are presented in terms

    of the non-dimensional distance with respect to a coordi-

    nate system centered at the vortex axis, and the velocity

    is non-dimensionalized with respect to the rotor tip speed,

    R. In other words, all the data is placed in a frame ofreference moving along with the vortex. Also, all the data

    was corrected for the measured effects of aperiodicity (see


    Notice that the results in Fig. 6 show that peak swirl ve-

    locity decreases as the vortex ages, which is symptomaticof the effects of viscous diffusion. The distance between

    the peaks in each swirl velocity profile can be considered

    as indicative of (but not equal to) the viscous core diame-

    ter (see later). The peak swirl velocity at the earliest wake

    age ( = 16) was about 35% of the tip speed, which istypical of the values measured on helicopter rotors. The

    initial core radius was only 3.2% of blade chord (dimen-

    sionally this is only 1.4 mm), which gives some idea as

    the spatial resolution necessary to resolve the vortex core


    For the initial 600 degrees of wake age, the strain rates

    are small, and vortex develops (diffuses) in a manner sim-

    ilar to the baseline case (Ref. 15). However, the last four

    measurements at = 727,824,899 and 972 show adecrease in the core size, with an increase in the peak ve-

    locity. This is a reversal in the earlier trends, which sug-

    gests that the imposed strain rates have affected the char-

    acteristics of the vortex. Measurements at even later wake

    ages were not possible because the vortex comes too close

    to the ground plane to be able to exclude the consideration

    of external viscous effects.

  • 8/14/2019 2003-AHS Straining a vortex filament - Experiment








    0 180 360 540 720 900

    Squire / Lamb model


    With ground plane



    Wake age, (deg.)

    = 1 (laminar)

    = 2

    = 8

    = 16







    0 180 360 540 720 900 1080

    Net circulation

    Core circulation






    Wake age, (deg.)

    Figure 7: Measured growth of the vortex core radius as a

    function of wake age.

    Core Dimension

    The vortex core radius was determined from the LDV

    measurements based on a measurement of half the dis-

    tance between two velocity peaks. This determination wasbased on a spline curve fit to the measured velocity pro-

    files, which was then used to find the distance between

    the two peaks. This technique helps remove the otherwise

    subjective nature of this determination process.

    The deduced vortex core radius is plotted in Fig. 7 with

    respect to wake age. This plot, when compared along with

    Fig. 5, throws some light on the physics involved as the tip

    vortex is strained as it approaches the ground plane. At

    early wake ages, the two sets of results in Fig. 7 seem to

    agree well, but there are some differences. With the pres-

    ence of the ground plane, the core growth was found to be

    initially larger, although the differences were small. More

    importantly, however, at later wake ages, the growth trendwas reversed as the strain rates became positive. These re-

    sults suggest that the effects associated with straining be-

    gins to balance viscous diffusion. At the older wake ages

    (near the ground), the filament starts to stretch at a much

    faster rate, as shown in Fig. 5, and this distinctly arrests

    the core growth.

    Results from the modified Squire/Lamb-Oseen core

    growth model (Refs. 4, 7, 16, 17) are also shown in Fig. 7,

    which are taken as a reference to represent the effects of

    viscous diffusion on the core growth (see next). It is ap-

    parent that at earlier wake ages, the measured results fol-

    low this model quite well.


    The vortex circulation can be estimated from the measured

    swirl velocity distributions shown in Fig. 6, the results be-

    ing shown in Fig. 8. The net circulation was determined at

    a distance of 0.25c from the vortex axis, and by assuming

    flow axisymmetry in the reference system moving with the

    vortex core. The core circulation is that value contained

    within the dimension of estimated core radius. Notice

    Figure 8: Measured circulation as a function of wake age.

    that the values of net circulation decrease only relatively

    slowly with wake age, and the core circulation stays essen-

    tially constant. This confirms that disipation of the vortex

    energy is small, and that the competing mechanisms in the

    dynamics of the vortex evolution are diffusion and stretch-

    ing, respectively.


    Treatment of Viscous Diffusion

    When presented in an axis system moving with the vor-

    tex core, the swirl velocity field induced by the trailing

    vortex resembles that of a potential vortex at a large dis-

    tance from the vortex center, a near solid body like ro-

    tation in the viscous core of the vortex, and zero veloc-

    ity at the center of the vortex see results in Fig. 6 and

    also the schematic in Fig. 9. While a variety of math-ematical models have been suggested for the diffusion

    of tip vortices, one of the simplest is the classic Lamb-

    Oseen model (Ref. 16). However, the spin down of the

    swirl velocity and core growth given by the Lamb-Oseen

    model is found to be unrealistically slow when com-

    pared to measurements. In light of experimental evi-dence (Ref. 7), empirically modified Lamb-Oseen growth

    models are found to give better representations of the ve-

    locity fields surrounding rotor tip vortices.

    Bhagwat & Leishman (Refs. 6, 7) have modified the

    Squire model (Ref. 4) with the inclusion of an average

    apparent viscosity parameter to account for turbulence

    mixing on the net rate of viscous diffusion, effectively in-creasing the viscous core growth rates to values that are

    more consistent with experimental observations. Further-

    more, at t= 0, the swirl velocity given by the Lamb-Oseenmodel is singular at the origin of the tip vortex, and so un-

    realistically high velocities are always obtained at young

    wake ages compared to measurements. Therefore, an ef-

    fective origin offset can be used to give the tip vortex a

    This is because of the laminar flow assumptions invoked inthe model; that is, molecular diffusion only is allowed.

  • 8/14/2019 2003-AHS Straining a vortex filament - Experiment


    Swirl velocity

    Swirl velocity

    Filament undergoesviscous diffusion Filament is strainedor "stretched"

    Swirl velocity

    Swirl velocity



    l + l

    Figure 9: Schematic showing the spin down of the vortex

    and core growth resulting from viscous diffusion.

    finite core size and finite induced velocity at its origin.

    In light of the foregoing issues, Bhagwat and

    Leishman (Refs. 6, 7) suggest that the viscous core ra-dius, rc, of the tip vortices can be effectively modeled as a

    function of age, , using the equation

    rc() =



    r20 +4


    with = 1.25643. The ordinate-shift, 0, is responsiblefor the non-zero effective core radius, r0, at the tip vortex

    origin where = 0, to give a more physically correct (fi-nite) induced velocity there compared to the Lamb-Oseen


    Results from this viscous diffusion model have beenshown previously in Fig. 7. Notice that the growth of the

    vortex core is relatively quick at young wake ages, but

    grows less slowly at older wake ages, which is generally

    consistent with experimental observations. The proper de-

    termination of is clearly key to the success of the model,and the selection of this parameter is considered later.

    Treatment of Strain or Stretching

    To understand the interdependent consequences of strain

    effects acting on a viscous vortex filament as it diffuses in

    the rotor wake, consider a section of an axisymmetric vor-

    tex filament of arbitrary length, l, and with the vorticityconcentrated over a cross-sectional area, S. In the absence

    of external viscous effects, Helmholtzs laws require con-

    servation of circulation, , of the filament, which can bemathematically stated as



    dS = constant (5)

    It has been shown previously in Fig. 8 that the measured

    circulation in the tip vortex decays only very slowly with

    wake age.

    Figure 10: Schematic showing the positive straining or

    stretching of a vortex filament.

    Suppose after a time t+ t, the filament convects to anew position under the influence of the local velocity field

    and it becomes strained, as shown in Fig. 10. Conserva-

    tion of mass (constant density assumption) implies thatthe change in filament length is accompanied by a cor-

    responding change in the cross-sectional area over which

    the vorticity is distributed. Therefore, a change in the fil-

    ament length is accompanied by a proportional change in

    its vorticity. In cases where the strains are large, this can

    have a pronounced effect on the induced velocity field in

    the immediate vicinity of the vortex filament.

    It can be assumed that the bulk of the vorticity is con-

    tained with the vortex core, although this depends on the

    assumption of a particular velocity profile. The change in

    the core radius resulting from the imposed strain is calcu-

    lated using the conservation of mass (see development in

    Ref. 9), which gives

    rc = rc


    1 +


    This result in Eq. 6 also satisfies momentum conservation


    It should be noted that the above argument is strictly

    valid only in incompressible or constant density flow

    fields. In compressible flow, the stretching of the fil-

    ament need not necessarily be accompanied by an in-

    crease in vorticity because the density of the fluid will also

    change with filament stretching. The formation of rotor tip

    vortices clearly involve compressibility effects (Ref. 18).However, it is reasonable to assume that to a first level of

    approximation that any changes in flow density are small

    enough so that an increase in vorticity can be considered

    to be the primary effect offilament stretching.

    Correction for Strain Effects

    In light of the foregoing, it is apparent the mechanisms of

    viscous diffusion andthe effects of strain fields can act to

    change the size and growth rate of the viscous core. In

  • 8/14/2019 2003-AHS Straining a vortex filament - Experiment








    0 180 360 540 720 900

    Squire/ Lamb Model


    With ground plane



    Wake age, (deg.)

    = 1 (laminar)

    = 2

    = 8

    = 16

    All measurements correct for the effects of strain







    = 0

    V= -0.5


    = -0.25

    V= -0.1

    V= 0.1


    = 0.25

    V= 0.5

    0 360 720 1080



    Wake age, (deg.)

    = 10



    Figure 11: Trends in the core growth when correcting the

    measurements for the effects of filament strain.

    Fig. 11, the core growth for the two cases are plotted as a

    function of wake age. In this case, the results also include

    the development of the core radius, which has now been

    corrected to account for the effects of strain. This was

    obtained by following a inverse procedure, whereby the

    core radius was corrected assuming the validity of Eq. 6

    and using the measured values of strain as given in Fig. 5.

    Notice that while the correction only makes a difference at

    older wake ages where the strain rates are large, the results

    fall into much better agreement with the trends resulting

    only from pure viscous diffusion (without the effects of

    strain). The results suggest that an average value of = 8,in this case, gives good agreement with the experimental


    Contributions to Vortex Modeling

    Combined Growth Model

    The forgoing results suggest that a vortex model can be

    developed that accounts for both the effects of viscous dif-

    fusion and the effects offlow field strain. Using Eqs. 4 and

    6, the two equations can be combined to give an equation

    for the core growth as

    rc(,) =

    r20 +



    1 +


    The strain rate, , can be determined based on a knowl-edge of the velocity field in which the vortex develops.

    This would normally be calculated as part of the rotor

    wake model, e.g., in a free-vortex scheme. The two em-

    pirical parameters in this model that are used to describe

    the viscous development, are the initial core radius, r0 (or

    virtual time, 0), and the average turbulent diffusion pa-rameter, , which is known to depend on vortex Reynoldsnumber (see later).

    The significance of strain or stretching effects using

    Eq. 7 can first be illustrated with reference to the vis-

    cous development of a rectilinear vortex filament. The

    Figure 12: Representative growth of the viscous core ra-

    dius of a rectilinear vortex filament as a function of time

    (wake age) for uniformly imposed strain rates.

    effects on the filament were examined as a function of a

    prescribed strain rate, as defined by V = d/dt. Figure 12shows the growth of the viscous core radius of a rectilin-

    ear vortex filament as a function of time (wake age) fordifferent uniformly applied strain rates using an imposed

    strain rate of the form

    V() = constant (8)

    The results are compared in Fig. 12 to the baseline case

    where viscous diffusion alone (with = 10) is allowed ina zero strain field.

    Notice from Fig. 12 that the effect of strain on the core

    development differs depending on whether the filament

    length increases (stretches) or decreases (contracts) with

    time. For negative strain rates the core radius is found to

    increase relatively rapidly or bulge compared to that ob-tained with positive strain. This is because as the filament

    approaches zero length, the core radius must increase to

    infinity to conserve volume (conservation of mass, con-

    stant density flow). Furthermore, in this case the effects

    of viscous diffusion and strain on the viscous core devel-

    opment are complementary. With positive strain rates, the

    core radius becomes nominally constant for later values

    of time. In this case, after an initial development, the in-

    crease in core radius resulting from viscous diffusion can

    be balanced by the decrease in the core radius as a result

    offilament stretching.

    Figure 13 shows the computed core growth for different

    linearly imposed strain rates. The imposed strain rate isdefined by

    V() = A +




    with the assumption ofA =0.5 in this case. Typically, ina practical rotor calculation A would take values less than

    this. However, these conditions are representative of the

    strain rate conditions found in the wake of a rotor operat-

    ing in hovering flight, where the wake initially contracts

  • 8/14/2019 2003-AHS Straining a vortex filament - Experiment








    Baseline, dV/d =0




    0 360 720 1080


    Wake age, (deg.)

    A = 0.5, = 10







    0 180 360 540 720 900

    Squire / Lamb model


    With ground plane

    Diffusion / Strain model



    Wake age, (deg.)

    = 1 (laminar)

    = 2

    = 8

    = 16

    Figure 13: Representative growth of the viscous core ra-

    dius of a rectilinear vortex filament as a function of time

    (wake age) for linearly imposed strain rates.

    below the rotor (negative strain rate) and then becomes

    constant or slowly starts to expand radially outwards (pos-

    itive strain rate) as the wake gets older and is convected

    into the downstream region (see Fig. 5).

    The results in Fig. 13 illustrate an interesting conse-

    quence of imposing varying strain rates along the length of

    a vortex filament. In the baseline viscous diffusion model

    (without strain rate effects), the cores of the filament at

    later wake ages are significantly larger than found with

    the applied strain rate. In other words, the segments of the

    wake undergoing positive strain or stretching may have a

    much smaller core radius, even though they have existed

    in the flow for a longer time. This means that the peak

    induced velocity surrounding those segments is larger and

    the vorticity is more concentrated than that found at the

    earlier wake ages.To further show the validity of the model in Eq. 7, it has

    been used to predict the core growth with the assumptions

    of = 8 (see Fig. 11) and using the strain rates definedby the results plotted in Fig. 5. The results are shown

    in Fig. 14, where it is apparent that the model faithfully

    predicts the measured core growth. Such levels of corre-

    lation give considerable confidence in the ability of this

    type of relatively parsimonious model to predict the vis-

    cous core growth for a tip vortex encountering an arbitrar-

    ily imposed strain rate.

    A Model for As previously mentioned, the determination of the diffu-

    sion parameter is key to the success of the model. Apurely laminar flow, i.e., where viscous diffusion of vor-

    ticity takes place on the molecular level alone, then = 1.In such a case, with = 0 and r0 = 0, then Eq. 7 reducesto the classical Lamb-Oseen core growth model. In most

    practical cases of lift generated tip vortex flows, however,

    experimental measurements suggest that turbulent flow ef-

    fects increase the average rate of diffusion of vorticity so

    Figure 14: Predictions of core growth under the assump-

    tions of viscous diffusion with = 8 in a known strainfield.

    that > 1, therefore increasing the core growth rates. Thedetails of this core growth process, however, are not fully

    understood or documented with rotors, and existing ex-

    perimental results are not entirely conclusive. There isevidence that the inner core growth is laminar and there

    is no turbulent mixing effects to enhance the diffusion of

    vorticity in this region (Refs. 15, 19). There is also evi-

    dence that turbulent flows surrounding the vortex core can

    be re-laminarized. Other measurements suggest that there

    is turbulence at the edges of the laminar core (Ref. 20),

    which acts to enhance the net diffusive growth character-

    istics of the tip vortex.

    While complete understanding the details of tip vortex

    flows still requires much further research, more readily

    derived vortex properties such as the peak swirl velocity

    and effective core size can be used to better understand the

    overall vortex modeling requirements. While the value of

    can be estimated from the present measurements (whichsuggests 8), in the general case will be a function ofvortex Reynolds number, Rev

    v/ . For the presentmeasurements, Rev is of the order of 10

    5. For a full-scale

    rotor, however, the values of Rev may be of the order of

    107 or greater. Therefore, the difficulty in constructing a

    more general vortex model that has a wide range of appli-

    cability is to establish how will vary with Rev.

    Functional Representation for

    Squire (Ref. 4) hypothesized that should be proportionalto the vortex circulation strength. The value of was thenformulated in terms of the vortex Reynolds number as

    = 1 + a1Rev (10)

    where a1 is a parameter that must be determined empiri-

    cally from tip vortex measurements.

    Existing vortex models assume that the velocity profiles

    are self-similar, indicating that the vortex can be repre-

    sented using a single shape function by appropriately scal-

    ing length scales and velocities (Refs. 7, 15). Even when

  • 8/14/2019 2003-AHS Straining a vortex filament - Experiment






    0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000

    All fixed-wing data

    Iversen's correlation

    Lamb's model







    Equivalent downstream distance, z v

    / V


    Correlation ~ ( - 0)


    ~ -0.5





    0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000

    Present dataMartin & LeishmanAll fixed-wing dataIversen's correlation

    Lamb's modelCookMahalingam et al.Bhagwat & LeishmanMcAlister







    Equivalent downstream distance, v

    / c2

    Correlation ~ ( - 0)


    ~ -0.5

    Figure 15: Correlation of peak swirl velocity with equiv-

    alent downstream distance for fixed-wing tip vortex mea-


    the profiles may not be self-similar, it is generally eas-

    ier to measure the peak swirl velocity in the vortex flow

    than derived quantities such as its core dimension. Fol-

    lowing an approach similar to Iversen (Ref. 5), Bhagwat &Leishman (Ref. 6) have shown a correlation between the

    non-dimensional peak swirl velocity and the wake age, ,or equivalent downstream distance, d, of the vortex. This

    correlation takes the form


    d+ d0 1

    2 = k (11)

    where the constants d0 and k can be determined empiri-


    In the case of a fixed-wing, the non-dimensional veloc-

    ity, Vmax , is defined as

    Vmax =




    and the equivalent non-dimensional downstream distance,

    d, is defined as






    where z is the distance downstream of the wing. In the

    case of a rotating-wing, the non-dimensional velocity is

    defined as

    Vmax =VmaxR


    (14)and the equivalent non-dimensional downstream distance

    is expressed in terms of wake age as





    Examples of the Iversen-like correlation curves are

    shown for fixed-wing tip vortex measurements in Fig. 15,

    and for rotating-wings in Fig. 16. In the case of the fixed-

    wing, measurements have been taken from Refs. 2127

    Figure 16: Correlation of peak swirl velocity with equiv-

    alent downstream distance for rotor tip vortex measure-


    and 28. For the rotating-wings, measurements have been

    taken from Refs. 2931 and 32. The measurements ob-

    tained in the present work were obtained at relatively old

    wake ages compared to that shown in other measurements,

    and so can be used to further augment the correlation

    curves. In both cases (Figs. 15 and 16), the measurements

    show a definitive trend as given by Eq. 11. With the trans-

    formation that t = z/V or t = /, the correlation givenby Eq. 11 shows that




    The maximum swirl velocity as given by the Lamb-Oseen

    model is

    Vmax v

    2rc v








    Comparing Eqs. 16 & 18, it follows that





    = constant (19)

    which means that the average apparent viscosity coeffi-

    cient, , is proportional to the vortex Reynolds number,v/. Therefore, this analysis supports the initial hypoth-esis that

    = 1 + a1Rev (20)

    Determination of and a1

    Figure 17 shows an assemblage of tip vortex measure-

    ments (from the many sources cited previously) as the

  • 8/14/2019 2003-AHS Straining a vortex filament - Experiment








    1000 104




    Fully laminarCorsiglia et al., 1973Cliffone & Orloff, 1975Rose & Dee, 1963McCormick et al., 1963Kraft, 1955Jacob et al., 1995Jacob et al., 1996Govindaraju & Saffman, 1971Bhagwat & Leishman, 1998Mahalingam & Komerath, 1998Cook, 1972McAlister, 1996Baker et al., 1974Dosanjh et al., 1964Martin & Leishman, 2000Present data


    Vortex Reynolds number, Rev


    = 0.0002


    = 0.00005

    Model scale Full scale10






    1000 104




    Laminar trendCorsiglia et al., 1973Cliffone & Orloff, 1975Rose & Dee, 1963McCormick et al., 1963Kraft, 1955Jacob et al., 1995Jacob et al., 1996Govindaraju & Saffman, 1971Bhagwat & Leishman, 1998Mahalingam & Komerath, 1998Cook, 1972

    McAlister, 1996Baker et al., 1974Dosanjh et al., 1964Martin & Leishman, 2000Present data


    Vortex Reynolds number, Rev


    = 0.0002


    = 0.00005

    Model scale Full scale

    Figure 17: Effective diffusion parameter, , as a functionof vortex Reynolds number, Rev.

    estimated value of from the measured core growth re-sults which is then plotted versus the corresponding vor-

    tex Reynolds number. The data include results from fixed-

    wing as well as rotating-wing trailing vortices. Lines are

    shown for the predominantly laminar trend, along with the

    trends obtained on the basis of Squires hypothesis.

    For low Reynolds numbers, the measurements show

    small and nominally constant values of, suggesting thatthe core is mostly laminar for these Reynolds numbers.

    However, it is apparent that increases with increasingReynolds number, with an almost linearly increasing trend

    at higher Reynolds numbers. Notice that any experimen-

    tal values of < 1 are physically impossible, and the vari-ous challenges and uncertainties in experimental measure-

    ments may account for such inconsistencies. The over-

    all experimental evidence, however, strongly suggests the

    validity of Squires hypothesis that turbulent diffusion of

    vorticity from within the vortex core is directly propor-

    tional to the vortex Reynolds number.

    Figure 18 shows the same experimental data in the form

    of Squires parameter, a1. The experimental data sug-

    gests that a1 falls into the range O103 to O104.However, it appears that the rotating-wing results show

    a slightly higher effective viscous diffusion rate corre-

    sponding to an average value of a1 = O


    , while the

    fixed-wing results show a lower value of a1 = O



    It must be recognized, however, compared to fixed-wing

    vortex measurements most rotating-wing results will have

    the implicit effects of vortex straining resulting from fila-

    ment curvature and other wake distortion effects included

    implicitly in the measurements, which may account for

    part of these differences.

    Figure 18: Effective viscosity parameter, a1, as a function

    of vortex Reynolds number, Rev.

    In light of the previous results and discussion, isolat-

    ing the viscous effects associated with diffusion of vortic-

    ity from those associated with strain or vortex stretching

    is clearly a problem for further consideration. Further-

    more, isolating and correcting for the effects of wander-

    ing and aperiodicity in some of these measurements must

    be accomplished. This may be difficult or impossible in

    some cases because the necessary wandering (or aperiod-

    icity) statistics have not been measured. (See appendix

    for a method for correcting the vortex measurements forwandering or aperiodicity.) Clearly, however, the average

    value ofa1 is of the order of 103 to 105 for all the data

    shown here.

    Therefore, on the basis of the foregoing results, it can

    be concluded that Eq. 7 provides a best available model

    for the growth of the viscous core of a trailing tip vortex,

    with the value of the empirical parameter a1 being deter-

    mined from various vortex experiments, as described pre-

    viously. For full-scale helicopter rotors, which will have

    much larger values of Rev, the correlation curve would

    suggest values of 1000. This suggests that the tip vor-tex may exhibit diffusive characteristics that are orders of

    magnitude larger than compared to those expected on the

    basis of laminar diffusion alone.

    Finally, some estimate for r0 is in order. The initial

    core radius of trailing vortices has been measured to be

    typically 510% of chord, i.e., of the order of the airfoilthickness at the blade tip where the vortex originated. The

    effective origin offset, z0 or 0, can then be establishedfrom the initial core radius, rc0 , by using Eq. 4 or Eq. 7.

    It would seem that from the data shown, 0 is typicallybetween 20 and 25 degrees.

  • 8/14/2019 2003-AHS Straining a vortex filament - Experiment



    An experiment was performed in an attempt to examine

    and quantify the interdependence of straining and viscous

    diffusion on the tip vortices in a rotor flow. The properties

    of the blade tip vortices were measured in the wake of a

    hovering rotor, and compared to the results for the case

    when the tip vortex was strained. The results have beenused, in conjunction with other vortex measurements, to

    construct a model for the vortex core growth that accounts

    for both the effects of viscous diffusion and straining.

    The following conclusions have been drawn from the


    1. The use of a ground plane was found to be success-

    ful in imposing a strain field on the developing rotor

    wake. This boundary forced the vortex filaments to

    stretch, allowing the effects on the tip vortex de-

    velopment to be examined. From the measured wake

    displacements, the strain field could be estimated.

    2. It was shown that vortex stretching slows the normal

    viscous growth of the vortex core. When the strain

    rates become large, the effects can balance or counter

    the growth in the vortex core resulting from viscous

    diffusion. A model for the effects of stretching was

    used to correct the measurements, which brought the

    results into agreement with what would be expected

    on the basis of viscous diffusion alone.

    3. As a byproduct of the process of stretching the vor-

    tex filaments, it allowed their properties to be mea-

    sured to much older wake ages than would other-

    wise have been possible. Corrected results for zero

    strain field were used to compare with other measure-

    ments, and to augment previous correlations where

    measurements could not be made to old wake ages.

    4. The new results were used to help support a more

    general vortex model valid for older wake ages that is

    suitable use in a variety of aeroacoustic applications.

    A model was suggested that combines the diffusion

    and strain on the vortex core growth. The empirical

    coefficients of this model have been derived based on

    an average of available measurements that have doc-

    umented the viscous core growth of trailing vortices.


    The authors wish to thank Mahendra Bhagwat and

    Shreyas Ananthan for their contributions to this work.

    This research was supported, in part, by the National

    Rotorcraft Technology Center under Grant NCC 2944.

    Drs. Yung Yu and Thomas Doligalski were the technical



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    Hovering Rotor Wake, 56th Forum of the American He-

    licopter Society, Virginia Beach, VA, May, 2000.

    34Devenport, W. J., Rife, M. C., Liapis, S. I., and Follin,

    G. J., The Structure and Development of a Wing-tip Vor-

    tex, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 312, 1996, pp. 67-


    35Leishman, J. G., Measurements of the Aperiodic

    Wake of a Hovering Rotor, Experiments in Fluids,Vol. 25, 1998, pp. 352-361.

    36Gursul, I., and Xie, W., Origin of Vortex Wandering

    Over Delta Wings, Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 37, No. 2,

    1999, pp. 348350.

    Appendix Aperiodicity Correction

    Aperiodicity is the inherent random movement of the

    phase-resolved spatial locations of the vortex cores in-

    side the rotor wake. Measurements of aperiodicity were

    made using laser light-sheet illumination of the seeded

    flow. A laser pulse duration on the order of nanoseconds

    was achieved using an Nd:YAG laser. The laser was syn-

    chronized to the rotor so that the aperiodicity of the core

    position could be measured at a fixed wake age. A CCD

    camera with a micro lens acquired the images, which were

    digitized and the vortex positions quantified with respect

    to a calibration grid.

    Various methods have been proposed for correcting

    measurements for aperiodicity or wandering (Refs. 33

    36). The method of Leishman (Ref. 35) is used here,

  • 8/14/2019 2003-AHS Straining a vortex filament - Experiment


    (rv, zv)

    Measurement grid








    -0.5 0 0.5

    Measured data

    Corrected data




    Non-dimensional radial distance, r / c

    Figure A 1: Flow visualization image of the vortex core,

    showing the measurement grid and the coordinate system

    relative to the vortex axis.

    and accounts for an arbitrary velocity distribution and

    anisotropic variations in aperiodicity.

    Consider the two-dimensional aperiodic motion of a tipvortex at a given wake age, . Define the LDV measure-ment location, which is fixed with respect to the rotor axes

    system, as (rp,zp). The current location of the vortex coreaxis relative to a rotor based axis system is assumed to

    be (rv,zv) - see Fig. A1. The velocity field measured at(rp,zp) at a wake age will be functions of r and z andthe position of the measurement point relative to an axis

    at the center of the vortex, i.e.,

    V(r,z,) = V(rp rv,zpzv,) (A1)Over a sufficiently large number of rotor revolutions,

    the aperiodicity of the vortex location relative to the mea-

    surement point can be described by using a probabilitydensity function (p.d.f.), say p = p(rv,zv,). FollowingDevenport et al. (Ref. 34), it may be initially assumed that

    the aperiodicity is normal (Gaussian) so that a joint nor-

    mal p.d.f. can be defined as

    p(rp,zp,) =1


    1 e2 exp 1

    2(1 e2) r2v2r


    2 e rvzvrz


    where r = r() and z = z() are the measured r.m.s.aperiodicity amplitudes in the radial and axial directions at

    each wake age, respectively, and e = e() is the correlationcoefficient. Using Eq. A2, the actual or measured velocity

    V(rp,zp,) can then be determined by convolution where

    V(rp,zp,) =

    V(rprv,zpzv,) p(rv,zv) drv dzv(A3)

    The discrete equivalent of Eq. A3 is

    V(rp,zp,) = V(rp rv,zpzv,) p(rv,zv) rv zv(A4)

    Figure A 2: Example results of applying aperiodicity cor-

    rection at a wake age = 521.

    This latter equation is solved by re-expressing V in a

    Cartesian coordinate system, and the summations are

    taken over length scales that are at least one order of mag-

    nitude larger than . An advantage of the numerical so-lution using Eq. A4 is that very general velocity profiles

    such as the non-axisymmetric tangential profiles gener-

    ally found in rotor wakes can be solved to establish actual

    quantitative effects of aperiodicity on the results.

    Starting from an initial (assumed) tangential velocity

    profile without any aperiodicity, a profile with the ef-

    fects of aperiodicity can be obtained numerically by using

    Eq. A4. By comparing in point by point sense this new

    profile with a specified amplitude of aperiodicity to the

    actually measured velocity profile, then a correction can

    be applied and a new guess made at the true tangential

    velocity. The process can be repeated using Eq. A4 until

    convergence is obtained, which is typically within a few

    iterations. This technique, therefore, yields an estimate of

    the true velocity field based on the measured velocity field

    and measurements of the aperiodicity of the tip vortex lo-


    An example is shown in Fig. A2, which shows LDV

    measurements of the tangential velocity in the tip vor-

    tex at wake age of 521

    in terms of the distance in core

    radii from the vortex axis. The results for the corrected

    (true) velocity profile in the absence of aperiodicity are

    also shown in Fig. A2, where it will be apparent that the

    true peak tangential velocities are about 30% higher and

    the core radius is about 20% smaller than those actually
