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1 2002 DISNEY WILDLIFE CONSERVATION FUND AWARDS Organization Partner Groups Principal Investigator/ Researcher Location Geographic Reference Category African Elephant Conservation Trust (Amboseli Elephant Research Project) Consolidation and Outreach Program Providing compensation to Maasai villagers for livestock loss related to elephant aggression, and diffusing potentially serious human-elephant conflict situations before they occur. Partially supporting a conflict manager and community outreach program to avoid retaliation toward elephants. Kenya Wildlife Service Moss Kenya Africa Elephants Amazon Conservation Team Biological Characterization of the Predio UMIYAC Purchasing equipment and supporting a research station for this Colombian reserve to determine distribution of endemic plants and animals. Working with the Cofan Indians to identify species of medicinal and ritual importance. Instituto de Etnobiologia, National Park Unit of Colombian Ministry of Environment Plotkin, Zuluaga, Giraldo Colombia Cen/S America Plants Audubon Florida Bald Eagle Conservation Program Recognizing and addressing the critical role the Audubon Center for Birds of Prey performs in saving raptors and educating the public. Sponsoring educational materials, a workshop and establishment of medical protocols associated with the Center’s mission. USFWS, FFWCC, National Eagle Repository, National Audubon Society, University of Florida Veterinary Hospital Collins Florida, USA N America Birds Avian Research and Conservation Institute Documentation and conservation of critical Swallow- tailed Kite wintering sites in South America Ensuring this long term trans-equatorial study continues to identify key migration areas for these raptors and protect these areas in Brazil. Deploying FFWCC, Georgia Dept. of Natural Resources, USFWS, Tulane University, Centro de Pesquisa para Conservacao das Aves Silvestres, SC Department of Natural Resources, SC Meyer Florida, USA, Brazil & Paraguay, SA Cen/S America Birds

2002 DISNEY WILDLIFE CONSERVATION FUND · Reproductive migrations of male and female Loggerhead Turtles from a S.E. / U.S.

Aug 23, 2020



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Page 1: 2002 DISNEY WILDLIFE CONSERVATION FUND · Reproductive migrations of male and female Loggerhead Turtles from a S.E. / U.S.



Organization Partner Groups PrincipalInvestigator/Researcher

Location GeographicReference


African Elephant Conservation Trust (AmboseliElephant Research Project)

Consolidation and Outreach Program

Providing compensation to Maasai villagers forlivestock loss related to elephant aggression, anddiffusing potentially serious human-elephant conflictsituations before they occur. Partially supporting aconflict manager and community outreach program toavoid retaliation toward elephants.

Kenya Wildlife Service Moss Kenya Africa Elephants

Amazon Conservation Team

Biological Characterization of the Predio UMIYAC

Purchasing equipment and supporting a researchstation for this Colombian reserve to determinedistribution of endemic plants and animals. Workingwith the Cofan Indians to identify species of medicinaland ritual importance.

Instituto de Etnobiologia,National Park Unit ofColombian Ministry ofEnvironment


Colombia Cen/SAmerica


Audubon Florida

Bald Eagle Conservation Program

Recognizing and addressing the critical role theAudubon Center for Birds of Prey performs in savingraptors and educating the public. Sponsoringeducational materials, a workshop and establishmentof medical protocols associated with the Center’smission.

USFWS, FFWCC,National Eagle Repository,National Audubon Society,University of FloridaVeterinary Hospital

Collins Florida,


N America Birds

Avian Research and Conservation InstituteDocumentation and conservation of critical Swallow-tailed Kite wintering sites in South America

Ensuring this long term trans-equatorial studycontinues to identify key migration areas for theseraptors and protect these areas in Brazil. Deploying

FFWCC, Georgia Dept. ofNatural Resources,USFWS, TulaneUniversity, Centro dePesquisa paraConservacao das AvesSilvestres, SC Departmentof Natural Resources, SC

Meyer Florida,USA,

Brazil &Paraguay,SA



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satellite transmitters on Florida and Georgia birds tomonitor their movements to Paraguay and Brazil.

Center for Birds of Prey

Avian Research and Conservation InstituteForaging behavior of White-crowned Pigeons in thelower Florida Keys: Identification of critical sites forconservation

Studying these fruit-eating pigeons in the Florida KeysNational Wildlife refuges to determine theirdestinations, activity ranges and dispersal patternswith the goal of protecting not only the pigeons butestablishing conservation easements anddevelopment rights to protect the deciduous forests ofthe mainline Keys.

NFWF, USFWS Meyer Florida, USA N America Birds

Bat Conservation International

Latin American Bat Conservation Project

Expanding this successful Mexican conservationprogram to Bolivia, Costa Rica and Guatemalafocusing on migratory, endemic and threatened batspecies. Funding workshops and materials to train incountry people to carry program forward to preventeradication of bats in target areas.

Institute of Ecology,UNAM, National Instituteof Natural History, MXWildlife Trust, MonteVerde National Park &National Museum ofNatural History (CostaRica), Bolivian GeneralDirectorate for Biodiversity

Tuttle, Walker,Medellin

Bolivia,Costa Rica,Guatemala



Caribbean Conservation Corporation

Sea Turtle Migration-Tracking Education Program

Tracking sea turtles via the internet as a publiceducation tool to promote greater understanding ofturtles.

UCF, USFWS,NMFS,NPS, WILDCOAST,Ministry of Env. CostaRica, Cal Acad ofSciences, Univ of Mexico

Godfrey Florida,USA,

Costa Rica

Marine Reptiles/Amphibians

Caribbean Conservation Corporation

Reproductive migrations of male and femaleLoggerhead Turtles from a S.E. / U.S. foraging ground

Investigating routes and breeding grounds of aglobally significant population in Florida to managethreats to turtles and raise awareness of conservationneeds.

FFWCC, NMFS Schroeder,Foley,Witherington

Florida, USA Marine Reptiles/


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Defenders of Wildlife

Restoring the Swift Fox to the Blackfeet IndianReservation

Re-establishing a self-sustaining population of swiftfox to restore an important ecological component ofthe prairie ecosystem as well as returning to the wildan animal of spiritual significance to the Blackfeetpeople. Supporting efforts to monitor foxes, identifyden sites and conduct educational programs in localcommunities, including sponsorship of a summer tribalintern.

NFWF, Blackfeet Fish andWildlife Dept., CochraneEcological Institute,Montana Fish, Wildlife &Parks, Wyoming Fish &Game

Johnson Montana,USA

N America Dogs

Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund (The)

Creating a healthy environment for gorillas andhumans in Rwanda and the Democratic Republic ofCongo

Working in Tayna Gorilla Reserve and both Virungaand Volcanoes National Parks to identify parasitichealth issues between gorillas and people. Paying formedical supplies and health managers to providetraining and when needed, treatment, as well aseducation for people living sympatrically with greatapes.

USAID, Rwandan Officefor Tourism, RwandanMinistry of Health, InstitutCongolais pour laProtection de la Nature,Action Communiautairepour la Protection de laNature

Lilly, Mehlman DemocraticRepublic ofCongo,Rwanda

Africa Primates

Fauna and Flora Preservation Society, Inc.Antiguan Racer Conservation Project: Saving theworld's rarest snake

Addressing issues related to the 115 survivingAntiguan Racers by building local capacity to surveyand conserve wildlife, ensuring islands are kept free ofinvasive predators and creating greater appreciationand awareness for the variety of threatened species inthe area. Over the three years DWCF has supportedthis project, Racer population has increased by 40%.

USFWS, AntiguanForestry Unit, Ministry ofAgriculture/Antigua &Barbuda, Durell WildlifeConservation Trust,Environmental AwarenessGroup of Antigua &Barbuda, US PeaceCorps, IUCN SSCInvasive SpeciesSpecialist Group, Societyfor Caribbean Ornithology


Antigua,Barbuda,West Indies



Fauna and Flora Preservation Society, Inc.Development of the Che Tao Western Black CrestedGibbon Sanctuary in Northern Vietnam

Working with communities to ensure long-term

Forest ProtectionDepartment, People’sCommittee of the Yen Baiand Son La Provinces andMu Cang Chai District,Forest Planning and

Momberg Vietnam Asia Primates

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survival of these gibbons in Yen Bai province.Creating a species conservation area and training andequipping (with radios) rangers and reserve staff,biological monitoring to support. Exploring alternativelivelihoods as part of a rural development programme.

Inventory Institute, MargotMarsh Foundation

Fauna and Flora Preservation Society, Inc.Siamese Crocodile Conservation Project savingCambodia's last crocodiles

Training two “crocodile teams” to seek out thesecritically endangered animals throughout theCardamom Mountain Range. Previous support fromDWCF established the animals are now extinct over99% of their former range. Goal is to create/supportcommunity conservation efforts to protect remaininghabitat.

Natl GeographicExpeditions, WildlifeReserves Singapore,Association for CulturalExchange, Department ofForestry and Wildlife,IUCN Crocodile SpecialistGroup, CadamomConservation Program,Partnership for LocalGovernance, Dept. forNature Conservation andProtection

Daltry, Paley Cambodia Asia Reptiles/Amphibians

Fly By Night, Inc.

Habitat use by the Southern big-eared Bat

Studying one of three colonies of these bats in Floridaby using intensive radio tracking to map activity areasand determine if behavior is changed by activity onadjacent waterways to The Disney WildernessPreserve (owned and managed by The NatureConservancy). Disney’s Animal Kingdom will alsoprovide in-kind equipment loan for this project.

South Florida WaterManagement District, TheNature Conservancy, BatConservation International

Finn Florida,


N America Bats

Friends of Animals

Restoring the Scimitar-horned Oryx to Senegal

Creating a new national park in Senegal and re-introducing these antelope to natural range. Providingcuratorial care for the animals, assisting in equippingpark headquarters at Vendoo Katane and educateparks staff. Continuing support provided since 2001.

Government of Senegal,Taiwan Council ofAgriculture, Paris Zoo,Foundation BridgitteBardot, Israel Nature &National Parks ProtectionAuthority

Clark,Mamadou Ba

Senegal Africa HoofedStock

Harbor Branch Oceanographic InstitutionPreserving Queen Conch through Aquaculture andconservation education

Supporting Conch Heritage Network to help

Mote Marine Lab, ProjectAWARE

Davis, Main, Florida, USA Marine Fish

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restore/preserve commercially threatened conch inSouth Florida. Rearing and restocking the conch inthe Keys.

International Iguana Foundation

Expansion of in-situ captive breeding for the GrandCayman Blue Iguana

Launching a phased expansion of captive breedingfacilities for the endangered Blue Iguana to createpopulations that will be reintroduced in protectedareas. Establishing this facility as a public education,outreach tool.

National Trust for theCayman Islands, IUCNIguana Specialist Group,Queen Elizabeth II BotanicPark on Grand Cayman,Forth Worth Zoo


CaymanIslands,West Indies



Kinabatangan Orangutan Conservation Project(with Foundation for Comparative andConservation Biology)

General Census of Orangutans throughout the Stateof Sabah

Censusing highly endangered orangutans throughaerial surveys of nests and using line-transectmethodology for statistical models to determinedensities. Funding for helicopter flight time willprovide data needed to create a statewideconservation strategy for the species.

Darwin Initiative Project,Columbus Zoo, ClevelandMetroparks Zoo, USFW,National GeographicSociety, Sabah Wildlifeand ForestryDepartments, SabahParks, Universiti MalaysiaSabah, Cardiff UniversityUK, Foundation forComparative andConservation Biology

Ancrenaz Malaysia Asia Primates

Mote Marine Laboratory

The Clearnose Skate as a Basic Biomedical andEducational Resource

Understanding the reproductive biology ofelasmobranch fishes to aid in management decisionsregarding diminishing populations, applyinginformation to laboratory-raised models to relievepressure on depleted stocks.

Moffit Cancer Center,Clemson, Cal IT, U ofMaryland, U of Cal Irvine,USF Children’s ResearchInst., Oregone GraduateResearch Inst.

Luer Florida,


Marine Fish

Mote Marine Laboratory

Conservation biology of smalltooth sawfish

Continuing funding from 2001 to investigate biology ofcritically endangered sawfish, surveying distribution

NMFS,Iowa State Simpfendorfer Florida,


Marine Fish

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and abundance in South Florida and tracking viasatellite.

Mote Marine Laboratory

Behavioral assessment of the impacts of boatdisturbance on Bottlenose Dolphins using a digitalacoustic data logging tag

Aiding wildlife managers in developing protectionstrategies for dolphins in coastal waters bydetermining alterations in behaviors of these animalsto vessel traffic. Using Digital data logging devices(DTAGs) to record temperature and depth of dolphinin the water column, possibly resulting in applicationsfor right whales and manatees.

NMFS, ChicagoZoological Society,Dolphin Quest, WoodsHole OceanographicInstitute

Wells Florida,


Marine MarineMammals

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation

Tiger Conservation in Dry Tropical Forest in Panna

Documenting the effect on tiger habitat when villagersresettle outside Panna Reserve. Providing a vehicleto enable the study of tiger ecology and prey to ensurea viable tiger population.

Wildlife ConservationSociety, Exxon Save TheTiger Fund


India Asia Cats

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation

Jaguar Conservation in Mexico

Examining the Calakmui Biosphere Reserve insouthern Mexico to develop infrastructure needed tosupport sustainable practices in the region.Supporting expertise toward developing amanagement plan and working with local communitiesto conserve not only the jaguar but a variety ofneotropical migratory birds and 90 species ofherptofauna.

USFWS, MexicanConservation Fund,National University ofMexico, Safari ClubInternational, Unidos parala Conservacion, MexicanDepartment of NaturalResources

Ceballos Mexico N America Cats

National Wildlife Federation

Karner Blue Butterfly Education and ConservationProject

Promoting the recovery of this endangered butterfly

AZA, NH Fish and Game,USFWS, Concord SchoolDistrict

Murdock,Zhang, Baer


N America Insects

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which is found only in Concord, NH. Engagingclassrooms in habitat restoration and teaching theimportance of butterflies as a model for other USregions containing imperiled butterflies.

North Carolina State University (EnvironmentalMedicine Consortium)

Development of diagnostic tools to assess the healthstatus of corals

Evaluating the potential for fatty acid methyl esterprofiles to serve as biomarkers on health of wildcorals, particularly threatened elkhorn and staghorncorals. Supporting student assistants and supplies forproject.

USGS Stoskopf Oceania Marine Reef

Operation Migration – USA

The reintroduction of a discrete, migratory populationof Whooping Cranes into Eastern North America

Leading juvenile Whooping Cranes with ultra-lightaircraft on a 1225-mile migration path from Wisconsinto Florida (Chassahowitzka National Wildlife Refuge)in hopes the cranes return north in the spring,migrating on their own in the future. This is the fourthyear DWCF has supported this effort, which was firstpiloted successfully with Sandhill Cranes. Funding willsupport expenses associated with the rearing andflight of the birds.

Whooping Crane EasternPartnership: Canada/USWhooping CraneRecovery Team,International CraneFoundation, NaturalResources Foundation ofWisconsin, USFWS,USGS Patuxent WildlifeResearch Center

Duff, Ray Florida,Wisconsin,


N America Birds

Perry Institute for Marine Science/CaribbeanMarine Research Center

Designing, monitoring and building support for marinereserves in the Bahamas

Supporting for the second year the conservation ofBahamian coral reefs and adjacent marineecosystems by creating Marine Protected Areas(MPAs). Providing technical assistance to Bahamianorganizations to enhance marine fisheries. Involvingthe communities in workshops and research to buildgrassroots support in Exuma Cays and Great Exuma,

Bahamas National Trust,Bahamas Reef Enviro EdFoundation, BahamasMinistry Ministry ofEducation, BahamasDept. of Fisheries, ExumaFoundation EducationalResource Center, Collegeof the Bahamas, NFWF,US NOAA, NSF, DardenEnv. Trust, NCSU, OregonState Univ, U of Miami,AMNH

Dahlgren Bahamas Marine Fish

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Andros Island, Bimini Island and Eleuthera Island.

Rapid Response Fund

Providing emergency funding of up to $5,000 perapplicant to address a critical conservation or animalwelfare need requiring immediate attention. Availableto organizations throughout the year.

Multiple Global Multiple

Save the Manatee Club, Inc.

International Edition of the Manatee Educator's Guide

Completing work funded in 2001 to produce educatormaterials for countries in the wider Caribbean andCentral/South America where manatees exist.Identifying specific conservation concerns, regulationsand populations in these areas for teachers to sharewith local students.

Sirenia Project Sadusky,Thompson,Tarr, Vallee

Caribbean Marine MarineMammals

Smithsonian Institution (Conservation andResearch Center)

Mitigating Elephant-People Conflicts in Myanmar

Providing sustainable livelihoods for local populationsfocused on Alaungdaw Kathapa National Park andHtamanthi Wildlife Sanctuary. Determining currentsocio-economic situation, assessing conservationattitudes in communities, identifying resource options.Benefits from living with elephants will hopefullyprotect these elephants long-term.

USFWS, Wildlife Divisionof Myanmar Dept. ofForestry, ChristensenFoundation


Myanmar Asia Elephants,People

Smithsonian Institution (Environmental ResearchCenter)

Invasive Species of Marine Ecosystems

Sponsoring conservation biology interns at the collegelevel as participants in the Coastal ConservationProgram. Specifically studying invasive species in the

US Coast Guard, Dept. ofDefense, NOAA NationalSea Grant Program,USFWS, SmithsonianMarine Station at Ft.Pierce

Hines, Ruiz Alaska,California,Connecticut,Florida,Maine,Oregon, RI,Texas,

Marine Multiple

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marine and estuarine ecosystems through the MarineInvasive Research Laboratory. Measuring patterns ofnonindigenous species transfer and assessing theefficacy of management strategies to limit the spreadand impact of invasive species.


Sri Lanka Wildlife Conservation Society

Saving Elephants by Helping People

Continuing support for integrating wildlife conservationand human development efforts to minimize andmitigate human-elephant conflicts. Paying for fieldguides who will gather data on elephant populationsand movements, ultimately helping create a naturetourism base beneficial to residents.

USFWS Corea Sri Lanka Asia Elephants

Stanford University

Establishing Essential breeding habitat of BluefinTuna in the Gulf of Mexico

Purchasing six popup satellite archival tags to followthe movements of Atlantic bluefin tuna in theirspawning grounds to better define critical breedinghabitat of these fish to ensure those areas areprotected from exploitation.

NFWF, Monterey BayAquarium

Block Gulf ofMexico,USA

Marine Fish

Tapir Preservation Fund

Conservation biology of lowland tapirs and theirpotential as landscape detectives at Pontal doParanapanema Region, Sao Paulo State, Brazil

Describing home range size and overlaps as well asbehavioral aspects of tapirs in the Atlantic Forest,Morro do Diabo State Park. Determining additionalland and corridors for protection, training students inconservation management plans.

Medici, Mangini Institute dePesquisasEcologicas,IUCN/SSCTapir Spec.Group, AZA,Wildlife Trust,CERC, AAZK,RogerWilliams ParkZoo

Brazil Cen/SAmerica


Texas A&M University

Conservation of Endangered Dugongs and HumpbackDolphins in East Africa

Conserving the last remaining biologically viable

Texas Institute ofOceanography, Universityof Central Florida, Centerfor Dolphin & WhaleStudies South Africa,Universidade Eduardo



Marine MarineMammals

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dugongs (manatee like animals) and threatened Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins by assessing populationsin the Bazaruto Archipelago, determining level ofhuman-cause mortality and identify specific problemsand challenges. Creating a long-term communityconservation plan for the Bazaruto Marine Parksupported by local people.


The Nature Conservancy

A Fire Strike Team to save the Florida Scrub-Jay

Managing the ancient scrub ecosystem of the LakeWales Ridge to ensure the endangered scrub jay and24 other threatened plant and animal species thrive.Conducting restoration burns to the benefit of fire-dependent species like the jay. This is the fourth yearDWCF has helped make this program possiblethrough support of management labor.

NFWF, USFWS, FloridaDept. of Transportation,Archbold BiologicalStation, Florida Division ofForestry




N America Birds

University of Florida Archie Carr Center for SeaTurtle Research

Are Older Females Better - Effect of Age onReproductive Output in Sea Turtles

Supporting a graduate student to computerize andanalyze 30 years of reproductive data collected at theCayman Turtle Farm. Creating population models andmanagement plans for understanding how wildpopulations respond to conservation efforts,correlating reproductive output with demographicconditions.

Archie Carr Center for SeaTurtle Research


CaymanIslands, BWI

Marine Reptiles/Amphibians

University of Florida (Department of Fisheries andAquatic Sciences)

Benthic Mapping, Monitoring and 3D visualization ofCorals and Reef fishes in Dry Tortugas Nat'l Parkusing GIS technology

Documenting changes in staghorn coral and itsinfluence on reef fish community. Using digitalphotography and computer technology developed withDisney Wildlife Conservation Fund support over thepast four years to gather information to support

USGS-Florida CaribbeanScience Center, FSU, DryTortugas National Park,Florida Keys MarineSanctuary, REEFFoundation




Marine Reef

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management plans for future of these sites in DryTortugas National Park. Many patches of staghornhave been lost to white band disease.

University of Florida (Department of WildlifeEcology & Conservation)

Beach Nourishing and its effect on gas exchange inSea Turtle Nests

Investigating the effect that nourishing sands have ondevelopment and hatching of sea turtle embryos.Determining base specifications for sand sources toreplace eroded beach to ensure optimal success forsea turtle nesting.

NASA Mota Florida, USA Marine Reptiles/Amphibians

University of Florida (Department of WildlifeEcology & Conservation)

Ecology and conservation of the Andros Iguana

Developing a multidisciplinary program to protect theBahamian Andros Island iguana and habitat.Determining the impact of illegal hunting and feralanimals that threaten this species. Creating an island-wide community awareness program to raise thevisibility of this animal.

Bahamas Dept. ofAgriculture, BahamasNational Trust, SheddAquarium

Knapp AndrosIsland,




University of Florida (Department of WildlifeEcology & Conservation)

People and Parrots: Integrated research andstakeholder outreach for Abaco National Park (ANP),Bahamas

Supporting the management of ANP to maintain aviable population of parrots by collaborating withresidents, leaders, teachers, hunters and tourismrepresentations to create a comprehensive needsassessment for park (and parrot) education andoutreach program. Paying part time salary of aBahaman educator to develop materials. Less than3,000 Bahama parrots remain.

Bahamas National Trust,Friends of the AbacoParrot, Dept. ofAgriculture, Lands andSurveys Forestry Division,Ministry of Tourism,Bahamas





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University of Florida (Department of Zoology,Seahorse Key Marine Lab)

Conservation Monitoring of Biotic Resources inFlorida's Big Bend Coastal Region

Focusing on the Cedar Keys as barrier islands ofsignificance to wildlife and nesting birds. Establishinglong term monitoring plans to be considered aseconomic planning and growth proceed. Trainingstudents in GPS/GIS technology applicable to wildlifemanagement.

USFWS, Lower Suwaneeand Cedar Keys NationalWildlife Refuges

Lillywhite Florida,


N America Birds

University of Florida Center for Latin AmericanStudies

Community based management and conservation ofthe vicuna in Andean Peru

Obtaining and integrating biological andanthropological data to formulate sustainability criteriafor this llama-like species which is prized for its qualityfiber. Training local Andean technicians in basicmapping and GIS technologies.

Conatura, WCS,Econtinuidad Peru


Peru Cen/SAmerica


University of Georgia

Investigation of Avian Vacuolar Myelinopathy (AVM) ofeagles, waterfowl and other birds

Attempting to determine the cause of this fatalneurological disease that has killed nearly 100 baldeagles in four states in the past several years.Conducting epidemiological investigations at AVMoutbreaks. Identifying measures to reduce thisdisease’s impact on eagles as well as several duckspecies and great horned owls.

Arkansas Game and FishCommission, ArcadiaWildlife Preserve,USFWS, USGS, US ArmyCorps of Engineers, StateWildlife Managementagencies of Arkansas,Georgia, N and S Carolina

Fischer, Lewis USA N America Birds

University of Washington

Tracking Magellanic Penguins at Sea:Data for MarineZoning Policies

Identifying foraging areas during the penguin breedingseason at Punta Tombo where population has

WCS, FundacionPatagonia Natural


Argentina Marine Birds

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declined 25% since 1987. Combining this data withoceanic productivity data from NOAA which leads toestablishing compatible traffic areas for industries inthe region. Paying student stipends and costs of 10satellite tags and monitoring time.

Wildlife Rescue and Conservation Assn(ARCAsia) with Columbus Zoo/Project COPE

Mayan Biosphere Reserve Environmental Educationand Interpretation Center

Redesigning and relocating this center which is criticalin returning confiscated wild animals back to theirhabitats. Increasing awareness of the illegal pet tradeas well as furnishing an aquatic interpretiveexperience for students, including purchase of a boatand motor.

Guatemalan GovernmentNational Council ofProtected Areas, OaklandZoo


Guatemala Cen/SAmerica


Wildlife Trust

Antillean Manatees in Belize

Continuing for the third year an all-encompassingconservation program involving scientific research,professional training and public education. Trackingmanatees and monitoring environmental health factorswhich affect reproduction.

Fla Marine Research Inst.,Belize Dept Forestry &Wildlife, USGS SireniaProject, Mote Marine Lab,Univ. Fla., Woods Hole OI,Gale’s Point Tour GuidesAssociation, Univ. Collegeof Belize


Marine MarineMammals

Note: All long term programs are required to submitprogress reports which are evaluated prior toawarding funding for consecutive years, ensuringadequate success and goals have been met to date.

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2002 Conservation Awards – The Walt Disney Company Foundation29 Projects/Programs, 12 Organizations, 26 Countries

Organization Partner Groups PrincipalInvestigator

Location GeoClassif


African Wildlife FoundationEnvironmental Impact Assessment of Critical MountainGorilla HabitatMeasuring the impact of key threats in the VirungaNational Park and estimating the direct damage to thisprotected area from ongoing conflict/civil war and avolcanic eruption in 2002. Providing a laptop computerand GPS units for this work.

World Wide Fund forNature, CARE


DemocraticRepublic ofCongo

Africa Primates

African Wildlife FoundationAfrican Wild Dogs: Conservation Through Coexistencein Kajiado, KenyaResolving conflicts with local Maasai pastoralcommunities related to a remnant wild dog populationin Kenya and Northern Tanzania, including creation ofa consolation program to encourage tolerance of thesepredators.

Kenya Wildlife Service,Colorado StateUniversity


Kenya Africa Dogs

African Wildlife FoundationConservation of Grevy’s Zebra in Samburu, KenyaIdentifying critical habitats for this zebra andaddressing population decline issues, such ascompetition with cattle. Understanding thedemographics and distribution characteristics. Workingwith stakeholders to address these issues.

Mpala ResearchCenter, LaikipiaWildlife Forum


Kenya Africa Hoofed Stock

American Zoo andAquarium AssociationConservation Endowment FundEnabling zoological professionals to conduct fieldresearch on endangered and threatened speciesthrough modest awards administered through ascientific advisory committee to AZA.

AZA Zoos andAquariums

Multiple Global Global Multi

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Birdlife InternationalCommunity-based conservation of the White-wingedFlufftail at Berga Wetland

Implementing activities to protect the world’s onlypopulation of this bird including protecting theirbreeding site, educating local people about theimportance of the wetlands, and encouraging alternate,sustainable livelihoods.

Ethiopia Wildlife andNatural History Society


Ethiopia Africa Birds

Conservation InternationalA Wild Dog Conservation Program in BotswanaStudying communities that interact with predators,creating solutions to related conflict, and expanding a12-year project focusing on field research focused onthese endangered carnivores.

Zoological Society ofPhiladelphia, Dept. ofWildlife and Parks,Botswana

Hanks Botswana Africa Dogs

Conservation InternationalGlobal Amphibian Assessment

Contributing to this comprehensive, strategic review ofthe status of every species of amphibian in the worldand analyzing their conservation needs. Producing abook on the outcomes and recommendations as wellas CD-ROM which will be integrated into the IUCN RedList of Threatened Species.

Center for AppliedBiodiversity Science(CI), IUCN GlobalAmphibianAssessment Group,NatureServe, AmphibiaWeb at UC Berkeley

Stuart Global Global Amphibians

Conservation InternationalPopulation Status, Ecology and TransboundaryMovements of Elephants in the Okavango/UpperZambesi Transfrontier Conservation Area

Studying the behaviors of elephants in the largestcontiguous wilderness, wetland and wildlife area insouthern Africa to identify corridors linking theprotected areas across five countries.

USFWS, IFAW, TuskTrust, BotswanaWildlife ManagementAssn., OkavangoResearch Center,Kalahari ConservationSociety, ZambiaWildlife Authority,University of Pretoria

Hanks Angola,Botswana,Namibia,Zambia,Zimbabwe

Africa Elephants

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Duke University Center for Tropical ConservationRare & Endangered Carnivores of AmazoniaSupporting in part for the second year, research andconservation efforts toward the giant river otter and theshort-eared dog in Manu National Park and Alto Purusreserved zone. Creating a strategy to protect thesetwo top carnivores, addressing disease issuesassociated with domestic animals.

Associacoa Pro-Carnivoros, IUCN,APECO, Frankfurt Zoo,AZA, Denver Zoo,John Ball Zoo, LincolnPark Zoo


Peru Cen/SAmerica

Dogs, MarineMammals

International Crane FoundationConservation planning and capacity building forWattled Cranes and wetlands in Southern AfricaConducting field studies, the first in more than 30years, developing regional conservation plans andassessing the effects of aerial spraying on insecticideson cranes as well as other species of concern.

SA Crane WorkingGroup, BirdlifeBotswana WorkingGroup, Natural HistoryMuseum of Malawi,University of Angola-Luanda, OrnithologyLaboratory of Centerfor Research onNatural Sciences,Bukavu DRC


Angola,Botswana,DemocraticRepublic ofCongo,Malawi

Africa Birds

International Crane FoundationCommunity-based conservation of cranes andwetlands in the Lake Victoria basin of East Africa

Engaging thousands of children and young adults inwetlands monitoring, conservation and awarenessactivities, as well as wise-use of wetlands, in an effortto stem the decline of Grey Crowned Cranepopulations breeding in this area.

Kipsaina WetlandsConservation Group



Africa Birds

International Rhino FoundationTechnical & Operational Support for Conservation ofNorthern White RhinoProviding extensive protection for rhinos withinGaramba National Park, DRC. Previous support of thisprogram has helped ensure successful births of 7calves under the supervision of Kes and Fraser Smith,IRF coordinators. The Walt Disney CompanyFoundation has supported this project since 1999.

UN Foundation,Frankfurt ZoologicalSociety, USFWS,Darwin Foundation,WWF, WCS

Smith, Mesi,Foose

DemocraticRepublic ofCongo

Africa Rhinos

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International Rhino FoundationIn Situ Conservation of Sumatran & Javan RhinoSupporting rhino protection units (RPUs) to destroysnares and traps and apprehend poachers of thesecritically endangered animals. The Walt DisneyCompany Foundation has supported this effort since1997.

USFWS RTCF,Howard GilmanFndtn.,WWF, AnnaMerz Trust, DirectorateGeneral ofConservationBiodiversity (PKA),AZA Bowling forRhinos

Foose, VanStrien,Hutabarat,Khan


Asia Rhinos

International Rhino FoundationSumatran Rhino Managed Breeding CentersContinuing support provided since 1995 for nativehabitat enclosures to protect these rhinos and topropagate rhino to revitalize wild populations. Creatinga tourism attraction/education centre to generatefinancial support for programs in Indonesia andMalaysia.

Howard Gilman Fndtn.,Indonesia DirectorateGeneral of NatureProtection andConservation,DWNPPM, SumatranRhino Foundation,Cincinnati Zoo, LA Zoo

Foose,Alikodra,Khan, VanStrien,Adi,Mohamad


Asia Rhinos

National Audubon SocietyCommunity monitoring of Patagonian endemicbirds: The ALAS project

Teaching the primary and secondary schoolchildren ofArgentina and Chile principles of forest ecology andbiodiversity through partnerships with local universitiesand field biologists in an effort to protect the animalsliving in this area. Partnering with schools in Alaskaand Montana for biocultural exchanges.

Birder’s Exchange,Montana ChapterPartners of Americas,Partners in FlightNFWF, AvesArgentina, SociedadNaturalista Andino-Patagonica, Asociacionde Aves Patagonicas,Parque EtnobotanicoOmora, ProyectoLemu, Piuke

Olson,Matarraso,Rodriguez-Cabal, Sasal,Grajal




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National Audubon SocietySeabird Restoration at Eastern Egg Rock and PondIsland National Wildlife RefugeProtecting nesting colonies of endangered marine birdsincluding puffins, terns, herons, ibis and murres, andinvolving interns and volunteers to collect data on thepopulation size and behaviors. Restoring terns toOuter Green Island and promoting responsibleecotourism. Supporting for a second year.

NFWF, Maine OutdoorHeritage Fund, MaineAudubon Society,Anheuser Busch,Maine Dept. of InlandFisheries and Wildlife,USFWS

Kress Maine,USA



Oxford University (Americans for Oxford)Survey of the Bushmeat Trade in the Sanaga-Crossregion

Conducting nutritional and market surveys throughoutCameroon, Nigeria and Equatorial Guinea tounderstand the hunters and consumers of bushmeat.Determining social background as well as volume ofmeat involved to develop strategies to tackle theproblem.

Darwin Grant, DurrellWildlife ConservationTrust

Goslett Cameroon,Nigeria,EquatorialGuinea

Africa Primates,hoofed stock,birds

Oxford University (Americans for Oxford)Attitudes to the Ethiopian Wolf: assessment &education of local communitiesAssessing local human communities to tailor aneducation campaign to address resident attitudestoward the rarest canid in the world (less than 500remaining).

Born Free Foundation,Government ofEthiopia, EthiopianWildlife ConservationOrganization


Ethiopia Africa Dogs

Peregrine Fund (The)Satellite Monitoring of California CondorsAttaching satellite-monitored transmitters to captive-bred condors released in Arizona, allowing students totrack condor positions, collect data to better managecondor recovery, including feeding locations. Thereare presently 33 birds in this population, up from 26 in2001.

USFWS, Bureau ofLand Management,Arizona Fish & Game,Zoological Society ofSan Diego, LA Zoo andRaptor ResearchCenter, Boise StateUniv., National ParkService

Heinrich,Parish, Rose,Hunt




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Peregrine Fund (The)Cape Verde Red Kite Conservation Project

Preventing the extinction of this species by conductingsurveys of surrounding islands, capturing remainingindividuals for captive breeding and establishing a long-term species restoration program, including addressingthe cause of the population’s decline.

National Birds of PreyCenter UK, CapeVerde Ministry ofAgriculture andFisheries, InstitutoNacional deInvestigacao eDesenvolvimentoAgrario, CEAI, CapeVerde Project Natura2000, Konrad LorenzInstitute forComparative Ethology

Hille, Watson,Sandfort

Cape Verde Africa Birds

Peregrine Fund (The)Sokoke Scops Owl Project

Helping to secure the largest known remainingpopulation of this forest bird by locating nest(s) andfollowing birds to determine use of habitat threatenedby illegal logging. Training local owl guides to increasetourism value to the local people and generateconservation awareness in surrounding villages.

Dept OrnithologyNational Museums ofKenya, Kenya WildlifeService, Forest Dept. ,Nature Kenya,Arabuko-Soloke ForestGuides Assn.

Virani Kenya Africa Birds

Peregrine Fund (The)Asian Vulture Crisis ProjectDetermining the cause of alarming mortality rates ofthree vulture species and exploring this epidemic tooffer sound scientific solutions to combat the problem.Supporting for a second year.

Ornithological Societyof Pakistan, BirdConservation Nepal,Bombay NaturalHistory Society,Zoological Society ofSan Diego,Washington StateUniv., Minn. RaptorCenter, Gordon/BettyMoore Foundation

Virani, Oaks,Gilbert,Watson

Pakistan,India, Nepal

Asia Birds

Peregrine Fund (The)Harpy Eagle Conservation through EnvironmentalEducation

Building upon existing conservation values in thecommunity to create environmental educationcurriculum regarding this national symbol of Panamaand ultimately assure successful restoration of the

USAID, Panama CanalAuthority, NationalEnvrionmentalAuthority andGreenCorn

Salas, Valdez Panama CEN/SAmerica


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species and preserve expanses of pristine forest.Supporting a vehicle for educator to travel with acaptive-raised Harpy Eagle to communities andevaluate effectiveness of presentations.

Wildlife Conservation SocietyNest Predation and Oil Development: Examining theValue of Protection in the Arctic National WildlifeRefugeComparing ecological patterns between developed andundeveloped regions specifically whether developedareas increase the populations of predators for groundnesting birds. Continuing to collect data on effects ofglobal warming on arctic habitats and wildlife.

USFWS Zack,Liebezeit




Wildlife Conservation SocietyBiodiversity Conservation on the Northern Plains ofCambodiaGathering data on human and wildlife use of thislandscape which contains 32 species on the IUCN RedList. Attempting to ensure critical areas are consideredin land use planning process and national resourcesare allocated to promote long-term sustainability.

Royal Government ofCambodia, USFWS

Walston Cambodia Asia Birds, Cats,ElephantsReptiles

Wildlife Conservation SocietyStatus and threats to Lesser Apes Across the SouthernSumatran LandscapesCensusing siamangs and agile gibbons, determiningpopulation density and group composition related tohuman activities and forest block size. Providing abasis for regional planning and forest monitoring aspart of CANOPI (Conservation Action NetworkProgram, Indonesia). Supporting equipment, suppliesand research assistants.

Indonesian Dept. ofForest Protection andNature Conservation,University of BandarLampung, USFWSGACP

Lee, Kinnard,O’Brien

Indonesia Asia Primates

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Wildlife Conservation SocietyMigration and Population Demography of theMongolian GazelleStudying the population dynamics and movementpatterns of nearly one million gazelle which migrate onthe eastern steppes of Mongolia and addressingplanned future development and its effects on theseanimals. Supporting a second year.

UNDP-GEF EasternSteppe BiodiversityProject, Ministry ofNature andEnvironmentGovernment ofMongolia


Mongolia Asia Hoofed stock

Wildlife Conservation Society – St. Catherine’sIsland Wildlife Survival CenterThe American Oystercatcher: A Bio-indicator Speciesfor Assessing Ecosystem HealthEstablishing baseline information on the health,contaminant and reproductive aspects of this bird andto investigate cause for poor reproductive success inthis species. Using information as an indicator of theoverall coastal health of Georgia. Supporting for thesecond year.

Ga. Dept. NaturalResources, Univ. ofMiami, USFWS,USGS-BRD CaribbeanScience Center, UF

Norton, Winn,Sepulveda,Deirenfeld,Denslow,Cray,Masson,Sasser,Olivia,Kirkland




World Wildlife FundSupporting Rural Schools and Communities forConservation of the Atlantic Forest and the GoldenLion TamarinPurchasing supplies to train teachers in environmentalactivities/curriculum in an effort to ensure the successof re-introduced tamarins and protection of theirhabitats. Measuring effectiveness of this program.

Golden Lion TamarinAssociation, NationalZoologicalPark/Smithsonian,General PublicEducation Dept. SilvaJardim (Rio de Janeiro)


Brazil CEN/SAmerica
