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20 Sure Fire Ways To Increase Your Traffic Increase Your Traffic

20 Sure Fire Ways To Increase Your Traffic

Mar 30, 2016



John Carson

Most website owners want more traffic to their websites and blogs. However it can be difficult to get it, especially for newer sites. Traffic is so important to an online business. If you double traffic then you can double your earnings, assuming the quality of the traffic is the same. Here are some great simple ways to help you increase the traffic to your site.
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20 Sure Fire Ways To Increase Your TrafficIncrease Your Traffic

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Most website owners want more traffic to their websites and blogs However it can their websites and blogs. However it can be difficult to get it, especially for newer sites. Traffic is so important to an online pbusiness. If you double traffic then you can double your earnings, assuming the

f ffquality of the traffic is the same. Here are some great simple ways to help

i th t ffi t ityou increase the traffic to your site.

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Hold a competitionIf you hold a competition with a decent If you hold a competition with a decent

prize, you can really get the visitors in. $50 is often enough to get people $50 is often enough to get people interested. Obviously the more you give the more interest you will attract. y

You can even contact other bloggers in your niche who might share the details of your comp with their visitors.

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The competition might be asking them to do something such as “like” your do something, such as like your Facebook page and Tweet your homepage. p g

A winner can then be drawn out of those A winner can then be drawn out of those who email you with proof they have acted.

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You can then gain traffic from all the people who have socially bookmarked people who have socially bookmarked you, plus the attention from other bloggers. gg

Also visitors might tell their friends to Also visitors might tell their friends to enter as well, although some might be reluctant as it reduces their chances of winning!

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Write a huge postIf you write a big informational post If you write a big informational post,

then you are likely to attract some natural links to it Successful blog owners natural links to it. Successful blog owners know the value of pointing their visitors to great content. They didn't need to g yspend ages writing it, yet they have provided it for their visitors, who will be

t l t f l It i d ti t extremely grateful. It is good practice to link out to great content.

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If you give your visitors a good experience then you are going to be experience, then you are going to be more popular yourself. Also some people believe that search engines rewards sites gthat link out to quality content.

Google want their users to be satisfied gwith their search results. A site that has its own great content AND links to other

t t t i l t d th great content is a real asset, and the search engines probably recognise this and rank them higherand rank them higher.

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People also like to share huge informational posts on social networks informational posts on social networks. You can find that one really great post with loads of work and info can really get y gthe visitors in, who will hopefully also take the time to look at your other content, and perhaps even sign up as a regular visitor.

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Write a guest postFind a very popular blog in your niche Find a very popular blog in your niche

that is accepting guest posts and write as good an article as you can and submit it good an article as you can and submit it. It is better to get published on 1 or 2 top blogs than it is several small ones. g

A big popular blog will usually be more picky about what they will publish, but you can get far better SEO benefits and direct visitors from the link in your bio. Go for quality over quantityGo for quality over quantity.

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Facebook fanpageHere is a great little tip Create a Here is a great little tip. Create a

Facebook fan page, but not strictly about your site or product Make it related to your site or product. Make it related to your niche, and something that a lot of people will click on. For example if you p p p yhave a site about cars then you might have a fan page called ”I love Ferrari”.

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Build links to your blogEven after all the search engine changes Even after all the search engine changes,

getting other sites to link to you is still the best way to rank high Also you the best way to rank high. Also you benefit from traffic that click through these links directly. y

There are many ways to attract backlinks, and it is a whole article or 20, within itself. Check out other articles and forums online to learn more about link buildingbuilding.

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Use Intriguing Headlines A good idea is to go through your old A good idea is to go through your old

articles and change your headings to make them more intriguing The secret is make them more intriguing. The secret is to compel people to click on your articles because the title makes them curious.

There are several tried and tested techniques that will help you achieve this, which you can find on my site.

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Reduce the amount of adverts and products you sellproducts you sell

A lot of people are put off by excessive advertising and selling Of course you've advertising and selling. Of course you ve got to make some cash, but think about whether you are overdoing it. y g

Other blog owners are far more likely to link to a blog post that isn't full of adverts and products.

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Sort out tags and keywordsSpend a day going through your past Spend a day going through your past

posts and check for popular keyphraseson Google's keyword tool on Google s keyword tool.

You can then update your tags and sprinkle the phrase 2 or 3 times within sprinkle the phrase 2 or 3 times within your article body. This should help your individual posts rise in the search rankings for more popular search terms, and gain more visitors.

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Write a humorous postThere is nothing is more appealing on the There is nothing is more appealing on the

internet than a little humour. Posts such as this share well on social network sites as this share well on social network sites, and get eyes on your site. Lots of pictures and a quick punchy style often p q p y ywork. Also make sure you remember to share it at various social networks.

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Of course it may not be the most targeted traffic in the world but targeted traffic in the world, but sometimes it's good to get a load of people on your site. p p y

A certain percentage will be interested in A certain percentage will be interested in other things you have to say, especially if your funny content is at least vaguely related to your niche.

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Use share buttonsSome novice bloggers and site owners Some novice bloggers and site owners

reason that if someone wants to share your content then they will do so your content, then they will do so whether there is a share button or not. This is true to some extent, but certainly ynot entirely. The easier you make it to do something on the internet, the more lik l it i th t l ill d it Vi it likely it is that people will do it. Visitors are usually on some sort of time budget, even if it is just psychologically self even if it is just psychologically self imposed. They do not like to waste time.

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If say 100 people click on your great article without a share button then article without a share button, then maybe 1 person will share it. With a share button, that one person will still , pshare it, plus a few more because it is so much easier to do.

Then you might also enjoy the knock on effects of when people pass this on

i Al if h t again. Also if a person has to go on a social network to share your content, they could very well get distracted whilst they could very well get distracted whilst there, and not return to your site.

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Interlink within your own postsIf you have an article or two that is If you have an article or two that is

getting a lot, or even some, traffic for a particular keyphrase then take particular keyphrase, then take advantage of this.

Do a Google search and if it ranks Do a Google search and if it ranks anywhere less then number one, then it is worth linking to it contextually from some of your other posts with the anchor text of that keyphrase. Hopefully this will move you up a notch or two and give you move you up a notch or two and give you even more traffic.

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Get to know other bloggers in your nicheniche

It's a good idea to visit other peoples' blogs regularly and make valuable blogs regularly and make valuable comments on their articles. You will find that some will eventually visit your blog y y gand also comment.

After a while they are far more likely to link trade or link to some of your blog posts, or do other deals with you.

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You may also attract some of their traffic to your blog if these targeted readers like to your blog if these targeted readers like your thoughts and opinions.

There are also forums and social networks where you can meet other networks where you can meet other bloggers. This can also help with trading advice and ideas to help each others blogs.

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Don't have loud audio or video automatically playautomatically play

Nearly everyone agrees that when they click on a site and loud audio kicks in click on a site and loud audio kicks in, they quickly hit the back button and never return. If you have this on your y ysite, then remove it, or give them the option of pressing play when they are

d T t thi f k 2 d I b t ready. Test this for a week or 2 and I bet your visitor time increases quite a bit.

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Encourage regular visitorsEncourage visitors to subscribe to you Encourage visitors to subscribe to you.

This may be RSS feeds, newsletters, or email updates email updates.

Regular visitors are the lifeblood of a Regular visitors are the lifeblood of a successful blog. Regulars are more likely to comment, contribute, buy products, , , y p ,and recommend you to others.

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As well as offering ways for people to follow you also keep reminding them in follow you, also keep reminding them in places such as at the end of a blog post and in your side bar. y

Of course great content is the key for success here, but making it easier and gproviding a reminder here and there can really help.

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Write about topics in the newsThere are always hot topics in the news There are always hot topics in the news,

and a great way to get some traffic is to write about it With some creative write about it. With some creative thought, even if it is nothing to do with your niche, you can make it relevant to y yyour blog. A classic example is comparing something with something l Thi d 't k I k ! I'll else. This doesn't make sense I know! I'll


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During a Presidential election, you could compare running for President with compare running for President with blogging. You could discuss issues such as marketing yourself, mission g y ,statements, image etc. The article could be called something like “Why Running For President Is Like Blogging”.

This would take advantage of increased h f th t i d l searches for the topic round a popular

time, plus the headline would arouse curiosity Many people would want to curiosity. Many people would want to know why this is so.

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Another idea is say Arnold Schwarzenegger has been in the news Schwarzenegger has been in the news for some reason, and you run a blog about investment.

You can write about all his investments You can write about all his investments and what you would advise him to invest in, given his circumstances, and why.

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Be controversial You don't need to criticise people or You don't need to criticise people or

things needlessly, but a bit of controversy can get eyes pointing your controversy can get eyes pointing your way. Since I advocate ethical affiliate marketing I prefer the approach of g p ppholding a view that flies in the face of “conventional wisdom”.

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So a good weight loss title might be “Why Eating Breakfast Hampers Your Why Eating Breakfast Hampers Your Weight Loss”, since it is generally accepted that eating breakfast actually p g yhelps with weight loss. If you do want to go down the line of criticising someone who is known and popular, then at least be constructive with it.

Gi h th d 't Give your reasons why they don't agree with them, rather than just calling them for no reasonfor no reason.

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Give Away freebiesFree gifts can create a nice goodwill Free gifts can create a nice goodwill

feeling on your blog, and can attract natural links when people tell other natural links when people tell other people about them. Also your free gifts can often contain reminders about your ywebsite.

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For instance I give away free hypnotherapy audios and at the start of hypnotherapy audios, and at the start of each one I remind them of my web address.

If you give away a free e book, then If you give away a free e book, then there's nothing to stop you from mentioning and linking to some of your online resources.

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Yahoo AnswersYou can answer some questions on You can answer some questions on

Yahoo Answers and if relevant, point them to some of your resources for them to some of your resources for further information. Please don't be spammy with this method. It won't do p yyou or anyone else any good.

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Ask readers to shareAt the end of each post you could add At the end of each post, you could add

something that asks if your readers liked the article they would share on the article, they would share on Facebook, Twitter etc. By giving a reminder, you greatly increase your y g y ychances of people doing so, which could help drive more traffic your way.

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