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N. Ekrem Düzen
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  • 8/8/2019 2. Universitelerde Psikolojik Danismanlik Sempozyumu_Ozet Bildiriler





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    Abstracts Book

    Editrler / Editors:Hatice Gne - N.Ekrem Dzen

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    niversitelerde Psikolojik Danma ve Rehberlik Sempozyumu (2.: 2007: stanbul)

    II. niversitelerde Psikolojik Danma ve Rehberlik Sempozyumu zet bildiriler kitab: 7-8

    Haziran 2007 = Proceedings o 2nd

    Symposium o Psychological Counseling and Guidance at

    Universities abstracts book : 7-8 June 2007 / ed. Hatice Gne, N. Ekrem Dzen. stanbul:

    Sabanc niversitesi, 2007.iv, 48 p. ; cm. (Sabanc niversitesi Yaynlar)

    ISBN 978-605-4348-09-1

    1. Counseling in higher education Congresses. I. Gne, Hatice. II. Dzen, N. Ekrem.

    III. Proceedings o 2nd

    Symposium o Psychological Counseling and Guidance at Universitiesabstracts book : 7-8 June 2007 IV. Sabanc niversitesi Yaynlar

    LB2343.55 2007

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    Editrler / Editors:Hatice Gne - N.Ekrem Dzen




    zet Bildiriler Kitab

    II. niversitelerde Psikolojik Danma ve Rehberlik Sempozyumu

    7-8 Haziran 2007

    Sabanc niversitesi Gsteri Merkezi, stanbul






    Abstracts Book

    2ndSymposium o Psychological Counseling and Guidance at Universities

    7-8 June 2007

    Sabanc University, Convention Center, Istanbul

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    Mehin Akhun Hacettepe niversitesi

    Cumhur Amasyal Ik niversitesi

    Tlin Arman Boazii niversitesi

    Alev avdar stanbul Bilgi niversitesi

    N. Ekrem Dzen zmir niversitesiala Glol Sabanc niversitesi

    Derya nceolu Sabanc niversitesi

    Yudit Namer Boazii niversitesi

    Sevil Taner Ko niversitesi

    Sabanc niversitesi, Gsteri Merkezi, Orhanl, Tuzla 34956 stanbul

    II. niversitelerde Psikolojik Danma ve Rehberlik Sempozyumu zet Bildiriler Kitab2nd Symposium of Psychological Counseling and Guidance at Universities Abstracts Book

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    II. niversitelerde Psikolojik Danma ve Rehberlik Sempozyumu zet Bildiriler Kitab2nd Symposium of Psychological Counseling and Guidance at Universities Abstracts Book



    Editrlerin Sunuu (Hatice Gne & N. Ekrem Dzen)

    Gelien Bir Uygulama ve Aratrma Alan Olarak niversitelerdePsikolojik Danmanlk(N. Ekrem Dzen)

    niversite Psikolojik Danma ve Rehberlik Merkezlerinin Rol ve levleri:Gelimeler ve Snrllklar (Cem Ali Gizir)

    niversite Danmanlnda Yaadmz Sorunlar ve Gelimeler (Deniz Albayrak-Kaymak)

    ada Rehberlik Sistemleri (Hatice Gne & zlem an)

    Yksekrenimde Engelli renciler ve Destek Sistemleri (Elzi Menda)

    Akran Danmanl Programnn Etkililii zerineDeneysel Bir alma: Ege niversitesi rnei (Mine Alada)

    Adnan Menderes niversitesi Genlik Sorunlar Aratrma veUygulama Merkezi (AD-GEN): zgn Bir Deneyim (Mehmet Eskin & Gler Kksal)

    Dou niversitesi Psikoloji Merkezi (DPEM) (Serap zer)

    Yksekretimde Psikolojik Danma ve Rehberlik Uygulamalar:Atlm niversitesi Modeli (B. Dilek Karaduman)

    Psikoloji ve Psikoterapide Bir Kltrleraras Uyum Modeli veUygulama rnekleri (Meral ulha)

    Kiileraras Kabul: niversitelerde Uygulamalar (Fato Erkman)

    niversite rencilerinin Yalnzlk Dzeylerinin Baz Deikenlere Gre ncelenmesi(zden Tagn, Selahattin Avarolu, Barbaros Yaln, Nazan Karaolu, & zgl Bike Ycalan)

    niversite rencilerinde Psikodramann Kayg ve Depresyonzerindeki Etkisi (Alev avdar &Ayegl Kumanl Gne)

    niversite Psikolojik Danmanlnda Yeni Bir Yaklam ve Uygulama: Snfa Terapi(zden Uslu, Mari Ito-Alptrer, lk Tosun, & Emin Doan Aydn)

    Geliimsel Yaklama Gre Yksekretimde Psikolojik Danma veRehberlik Hizmetleri (Binnur Yeilyaprak)

















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    II. niversitelerde Psikolojik Danma ve Rehberlik Sempozyumu zet Bildiriler Kitab2nd Symposium of Psychological Counseling and Guidance at Universities Abstracts Book



    Mehin Akhun Hacettepe University

    Cumhur Amasyal Ik University

    Tlin Arman Boazii University

    Alev avdar stanbul Bilgi University

    N. Ekrem Dzen zmir University

    ala Glol Sabanc University

    Derya nceolu Sabanc University

    Yudit Namer Boazii University

    Sevil Taner Ko University

    Sabanc University Convention Center, Orhanl, Tuzla, 34956 Istanbul, Turkey

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    II. niversitelerde Psikolojik Danma ve Rehberlik Sempozyumu zet Bildiriler Kitab2nd Symposium of Psychological Counseling and Guidance at Universities Abstracts Book



    Editors Introduction (Hatice Gne & N. Ekrem Dzen)

    Counseling in Universities: A Developing Area o Application and Research (N. Ekrem Dzen)

    Roles and Functions of University Counseling Services: Developments and Limitations (Cem Ali Gizir)

    Problems and Advances we Experience in University Counseling (Deniz Albayrak-Kaymak)

    Contemporary Counseling Systems (Hatice Gne & zlem an)

    Students With Disabilities and Support Systems in Higher Education (Elzi Menda)

    An Experimental Study on the Efectiveness o Peer Helping Program:The Sample o Ege University (Mine Alada)

    Adnan Menderes University Youth Research and Application Center:AD-GEN (Mehmet Eskin & Gler Kksal)

    Dou University Psychology Center (DPEM) (Serap zer)

    Psychological Counseling and Guidance Applications In Higher Education:Atlm University Model (B. Dilek Karaduman)

    A Model o Cross Cultural Adjustment in Psychology and Psychotherapy (Meral ulha)

    Interpersonal Acceptance: Application in Universities (Fato Erkman)

    An Examination o University Students Loneliness Levels.(zden Tagn, Selahattin Avarolu, Barbaros Yaln, Nazan Karaolu, & zgl Bike Ycalan)

    Efects o Psychodrama on Anxiety and Depression Levels among University Students(Alev avdar & Ayegl Kumanl Gne)

    A New Approach and Application in University Psychological Counseling Services:Therapy in the Classroom (zden Uslu, Mari Ito-Alptrer, lk Tosun, & Emin Doan Aydn)

    Psychological Counseling and Guidance Services at High Education with respect toDevelopmental Approach (Binnur Yeilyaprak)

















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    II. niversitelerde Psikolojik Danma ve Rehberlik Sempozyumu zet Bildiriler Kitab2nd Symposium of Psychological Counseling and Guidance at Universities Abstracts Book


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    II. niversitelerde Psikolojik Danma ve Rehberlik Sempozyumu zet Bildiriler Kitab2nd Symposium of Psychological Counseling and Guidance at Universities Abstracts Book



    lkemiz niversitelerinde giderek artan sayda psikolojik hizmet birimlerininkurulduunu grmek sevindiricidir. Her ne kadar bu say niversite saysndaki

    arta paralel ykselmiyorsa da belirli bir eiin alm olduu sylenebilir. Bir

    yandan psikolojik hizmetlere ynelik talebin oalmas dier yandan bu hizmetlerin

    nemini kavrayabilen yneticilerin ortaya kmas psikolojik danmanlk

    birimlerinin (PDM) kurulmasn ve hizmet sunmasn kolaylatrmaktadr. te

    yandan uluslararas standartlarda hizmet sunma kapasitesine sahip PDMlerin

    her niversitede kurulmas PDMlerin rol ve ilevlerinin dinamik bir tanmakavumasna ve zgn zelliklerine uygun dzenlemelerin hayata geirilmesine


    niversitelerde Psikolojik Danmanlk ve Rehberlik Sempozyumu bu ihtiyalarn

    iyice hissedilmekte olduunun bir iaretidir. Bu Sempozyumun niversitelerde

    psikolojik hizmet sunan tm uzmanlar tarandan sahiplenilmesi nemlidir. levsiz

    ekimelerin psikolojik hizmet alanndan uzak tutulmas bu alann gelimesinin ilk

    artdr. Gerekli ve yeterli olann uzmanlk eitimi ve denetimli deneyim olduuhibir zaman unutulmamaldr. niversitelerde uzmanlar iin zengin aratrma ve

    uygulama rsatlar vardr. niversitede psikolojik hizmetler kapsamnda yaplacak

    aratrma ve uygulamalar hem bu alann hem de yakn almalarda bulunan dier

    disiplinlerin kendi z deerlendirmelerine ve karlkl ilikilerine ok nemli katk


    II. niversitelerde Psikolojik Danma ve Rehberlik Sempozyumu zet Bildiriler

    Kitab bu alanda beliren ihtiyalar karlamaya ynelik bir ilk adm niteliindedir.

    Elinizdeki kitabn uzun saylabilecek bir gecikmeyle hazrlanm olmasn, bu alann

    kendine zg kurumsallama zorluklarnn bir iareti olarak deerlendirmenizi

    temenni ediyoruz. Umuyor ve diliyoruz ki bu kitap bundan sonra bu alanda

    yaplacak almalar ortak bir deneyim birikimine dntrmey nclk eder.

    Sempozyum Bildiriler Kitab, uluslararas dzlemlerde tarama ve takip kolayl

    salamak amacyla almalarn hem Trke hem de ngilizce zetlerinibarndrmaktadr. Uluslararas standartlarda hizmet retme ve sunmas beklenen

    bir alanda ilk almalardan balayarak bu standartlara uygun davranma gayretini


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    II. niversitelerde Psikolojik Danma ve Rehberlik Sempozyumu zet Bildiriler Kitab2nd Symposium of Psychological Counseling and Guidance at Universities Abstracts Book


    Sempozyuma nclk eden ve bu ortak zemini ilk olarak niversitelerde Psikolojik

    Danmanlk ve Rehberlik Gnleri olarak dzenleyen Ko niversitesi Psikolojik

    Danmanlk Birimi uzmanlar Pelin etinkaya, Meltem Aydodu, ve Sevil Tanernemli bir misyon balatmtr. Sabanc niversitesi Bireysel Danmanlk Birimi

    de bu zemini gelitirmeyi ve misyonu srdrmeyi amalamtr. Bu erevede,

    Sempozyumun dzenlendii tarihte Sabanc niversitesi Bireysel ve Akademik

    Geliim Merkezi (BAGEM) Direktr Mnire Arkola kran borluyuz.

    yelerimiz Do. Dr. Meral ulha, Dr. ala Glol, ve Uzm.Psk. Yudit Namerin

    ok nemli katklarn anmadan gememeliyiz. Dzenlemenin her aamasnda

    zverili desteini sunan, dnemin BAGEM dari Asistan Nee Aktua ve renci

    asistanlarmza da teekkr ediyoruz. Kukusuz, Sempozyum Yrtme Kurulu

    bu nc giriim nedeniyle zel bir teekkr hakediyor. Elbette, almalarn bu

    Sempozyum araclyla paylaan tm katlmclara da teekkrlerimizi sunuyoruz.

    Hedemiz bu Sempozyumun srekliliinin salanmasdr. Diliyor ve umuyoruz

    ki nmzdeki yllarda Sempozyum gerek kapsam gerek ierik olarak geliecek,

    genileyecek ve bu alann zerk bir alma alan olarak kurumsallamasnn

    yolunu aacaktr.

    Dr. Hatice Gne Dr. N. Ekrem Dzen1

    Sabanc niversitesi zmir niversitesi

    1 Sempozyum tarihinde Sabanc niversitesi yesi

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    II. niversitelerde Psikolojik Danma ve Rehberlik Sempozyumu zet Bildiriler Kitab2nd Symposium of Psychological Counseling and Guidance at Universities Abstracts Book



    It is gratifying to observe that psychological counseling units are increasingly

    coming into service at universities of our country. Although, this number does

    not increase parallel to the increase in number of universities, it could be noted

    that a certain threshold had already been exceeded. A growing demand for

    psychological services on one hand and a growing number of administrators who

    perceive the importance of these services on the other facilitate the launching

    of psychological counseling units than earlier times. Nevertheless, establishing

    psychological counseling units, in each and every university, having the capacity

    to offer services at international standards entail a number of requirements.

    These requirements include dynamic definitions of roles and functions of

    psychological counseling units within the framework of practically applicable

    by-laws and regulations specifically tailored to suit these units.

    II. Symposium of Psychological Counseling and Guidance at Universities is itself

    a significant sign that these basic needs are being thoroughly felt. In this sense,

    it is important for this Symposium to be owned by all psychological counselingexperts at universities. The development of this field is possible only by

    keeping away from dysfunctional quarrels. It should never be disregarded that a

    combination of recognized expertise and supervised experience composes both

    the necessary and the sufficient condition for being able to offer psychological

    services. There are infinitely rich research and application opportunities in

    universities waiting for experts. Research in and application of psychological

    services within the context of universities would contribute significantly to self-

    evaluations of the field itself as well as and interrelationships between fields

    working on close domains.

    2nd Symposium of Psychological Counseling and Guidance at Universities

    Abstracts Book is a first attempt to respond to the needs rapidly emerging in

    this area. We wish you deem the delay in preparation of this Proceedings is an

    indication of inherent difficulties frequently encountered during the process of

    institutionalization of which this area encounters. We hope that this book wouldpioneer to transform work in this area into a common ground of experience and


    The present book include both Turkish and English versions of presentations

    in order to facilitate access and contact by international networks. We find it

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    II. niversitelerde Psikolojik Danma ve Rehberlik Sempozyumu zet Bildiriler Kitab2nd Symposium of Psychological Counseling and Guidance at Universities Abstracts Book


    important to follow international standards in a field devoting itself to produce

    and provide services at high standards.

    We are pleased to express our indebtedness to several people. The experts in

    Ko University Psychological Counseling Services Unit; Pelin etinkaya, Meltem

    Aydodu, and Sevil Taner assumed a mission by initiating this Symposium

    and helped it to become a common ground for us all under the designation

    of Istanbul Psychological Counseling and Guidance Days. Sabanc University

    Individual Counseling Center aspired to expand this ground and continue the

    mission. In this sense, we are thankful to Munire Arkol, Director of Center for

    the Individual and Academic Development at the time of the Symposium. We

    must not skip mentioning valuable contributions of Individual Counseling Center

    members; Assoc. Prof. Meral ulha, PhD ala Glol and PhD candidate Yudit

    Namer. We also express our thanks to then administrative assistant Nee Aktu

    and assistant students for their invaluable help at every step of the organization

    of this Symposium. The steering committee deserves special thanks for their

    pioneer endeavor. Finally, we should express our thanks to all Symposium

    participants who showed their diligent motivation.

    In the long run, we aim to sustain an uninterrupted continuation of this Symposium.

    We hope and wish that in the forthcoming years this Symposium will expand and

    develop in terms of scope and content, giving way to institutionalization of this

    field, to become an autonomous area of research and application.

    Hatice Gne, PhD N. Ekrem Dzen, PhD

    Sabanc University zmir University

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    II. niversitelerde Psikolojik Danma ve Rehberlik Sempozyumu zet Bildiriler Kitab2nd Symposium of Psychological Counseling and Guidance at Universities Abstracts Book


    Gelien Bir Uygulama ve Aratrma Alan Olarak

    niversitelerde Psikolojik DanmanlkN. Ekrem Dzen

    zmir niversitesi

    Uluslararas standartlar, niversitelerde psikolojik hizmetlerin zel olarak

    tasarlanm bir ereve iinde ele alnp deerlendirilmesi gerektiini

    gstermektedir. Bu gereklilik, niversitelere zg zelliklerden, bu zelliklerin iaret

    ettii hizmet eitlilii ve sunum biimlerinden kaynaklanmaktadr. niversitetoplumu arlkl olarak belirli geliim evrelerinde bulunan, zel bir renme ve

    yaama evresini paylaan, bireysel hedeere sahip ancak benzer amalar etranda

    bir araya gelmi kiilerden olumaktadr. Bu toplumda psikolojik hizmet ilkeleri

    deimeyecektir; ancak, ihtiyalarn baz alanlarda younlamas veya arkllamas

    olaandr. te yandan genel psikolojik hizmetlerin henz gelime srecinde olduu

    lkemizde bu zel balama gre gelitirilmi program, eitim, ve rgtlenmeler

    bulunmamaktadr. Gnmzde bu hizmetler her niversitenin kendi bnyesinde

    edindii deneyimlerle yrtlmektedir. Psikolojik danma merkezlerinin (PDM)hizmetleri henz ortak bir paylam zemini bulabilmi deildir ve ortak deneyime

    dnme srecine girmemitir.

    Dolaysyla PDMlerin rol ve ilevleri ile hizmet sunum dzenlemelerinin

    doas ncelikle hizmet sunan uzmanlar tarandan iyi anlalmadr. Bu ise yine

    disiplinin kendi metodolojisi ve olanaklaryla gerekletirilmelidir. Bu anlamda

    niversitelerde ihtiya duyulan ve talep edilen psikolojik hizmetlerin hangialardan genel psikolojik hizmetlerle benzerlikler ve arkllklar gsterdii

    balbana bir alma alan olarak ortaya kmaktadr. Bu alma alannda

    saysz aratrma bal bulunaca aktr. lkemizin zgl koullar daima gz

    nnde tutularak niversite toplumunu ve bu toplumun dinamik yapsn yakndan

    tanmay salayacak aratrma balklar byk bir kme oluturmaktadr. Dier bir

    byk balk kmesi ise yine niversite toplumunun psikolojik hizmet taleplerinin

    nasl ekillendii ve hangi alanlarda younlatdr. Bu iki kme bir arada

    dnldnde PDMlerin niversitelerdeki dier destek birimleriyle iliki veibirlii konular da nc bir balk kmesi olarak kendiliinden belirmektedir.

    Dier yandan, PDMlerin nnde bulunan bu byk alma alan sadece aratrma

    ve hizmet sunum dzenlemelerini deil uygulama alannda yer almas gereken

    yenilikleri de haber vermektedir. Psikolojik hizmetler alannda niversitenin

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    II. niversitelerde Psikolojik Danma ve Rehberlik Sempozyumu zet Bildiriler Kitab2nd Symposium of Psychological Counseling and Guidance at Universities Abstracts Book


    dinamik doasndan kaynaklanan talep arkllamasnn, bu hizmetlerin sunum

    biimlerinde bir akllamaya yol amas olaandr. Baka bir deyile, bu alanda

    hizmet sunan uzmanlarn repertuarnda bulunan uygulama yntem, ara, vetekniklere yenilerinin eklenmesi veya var olanlarda deiiklikler yaplmas

    doal bir gerekliliktir. Kukusuz psikolojik hizmet alannda ok sayda etkili

    ara bulunmaktadr. Bu aralarn niversitelerde ilevsel olarak kullanlabilmesi

    uygulamann da niversitenin doas gz nnde bulundurularak yaplmasyla

    mmkndr. Bu anlamda PDMler, niversite toplumunun ilevsel uyumuyla

    ilgili katk sunarken kendisi de niversite yaamna uyum gelitirme iiyle kar


    rneklemek gerekirse, niversite yaam belirli dnemlerde belirli ilerin

    tamamlanmasnn zorunlu klnd son derece somut hedeerle ekillenmi bir

    yaam alandr. Dier yandan ayn yaam alannda belirsiz veya zorunlu olmayan

    iler ve yaam grevleri de yer almaktadr. Bir anlamda niversite yaam, biri

    zorunlu programlara dieri kiilerin insiyatierine gre ekillenen bu iki ana

    grevin birlikte ve dengeli olarak yerine getirildii uyumlu bir yaam biimini

    gerektirmektedir. Bireylerin tm kiisel zelliklerinin ve bu evrede yaayabilecekleritm deneyimlerin bu denge denkleminde yer almas gerekmektedir. Bu noktada

    PDM, sadece bireylerin deil niversite yaamnn da genel uyumuna ok nemli

    bir katk yapma potansiyeline sahiptir. Bu potansiyelin gereklemesi, PDM

    uygulamalarnn niversite erevesinin gerektirdii zorunlu ve insiyatie bal

    grevler balamnda yeniden ve dinamik olarak adapte edilmesiyle mmkndr.

    Bylece niversitelerde psikolojik danmanlk hizmetleri lkemizde kendine zg

    zellikler tayan bir alma alan olarak yeniden ortaya kmaktadr. Dier yandanbu durum, gelimi dnya iin ne yeni ne de z itibaryla tartmal bir durumdur.

    Baka hizmet ve destek alanlarnda olduu gibi psikolojik hizmetler alannda da

    lkemize uygun adaptasyon ve dzenleme sistemleri kurulmas gerektii aktr.

    Bu anlamda, temel ilkelerin ve dzenlemelerin yerleik hale getirilmesinin

    nnde ilkesel bir engel bulunmadn saptamak da nemlidir. Ayn zamanda

    bu durum lkemizde genel psikolojik hizmetlerin daha kkl ekilde yerlemesi

    iin nemli bir rsat sunmaktadr. Psikolojik hizmetlerin niversitelerdenbalayarak yaplandrlmas ve alann gerektirdii dzenlemelere kavuturulmas

    dier tm psikolojik hizmetlerle ilgili yaplandrma ve dzenleme ilerine olumlu

    katk salayacaktr. Psikolojik hizmet sunum ve dzenlemelerinin akademideki

    uygulamalardan balayarak yaplandrlmas inandrcl yksek iyi rnekler


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    II. niversitelerde Psikolojik Danma ve Rehberlik Sempozyumu zet Bildiriler Kitab2nd Symposium of Psychological Counseling and Guidance at Universities Abstracts Book


    Counseling in Universities: A Developing Area of Application

    and Research

    N. Ekrem Dzen

    zmir University

    International standards clearly ordain that counseling services at universities

    should be dealt in a specially designed frame. This requirement arises from

    unique features of universities and due variations in service offerings those unique

    features point out. University society consists mainly of people who go throughspecific developmental stages, share a special learning and living environment, and

    have individual aims while getting along with shared goals. In this society, basic

    principles of psychological services are not expected to change; however, it is

    predictable that psychological needs center upon in some areas than others and

    in differential ways. On the other hand, there is no supportive program, training

    or organization targeting this special context in our country where general

    psychology services, too, are still in the process of development. Today, these

    services are carried out by sole experiences being accumulated within the body of

    each separate university. The counseling units did not yet had founded a common

    ground of sharing; neither they are in the process of converting these experience

    into a common knowledge.

    Therefore, the roles, functions, and the nature of service provision regulations of

    counseling should comprehensively be understood, in the first place, by experts

    offering services in those units. As a matter of course, the methodology and utilities

    of the discipline are natural means in such understanding. In this sense, the search

    for similarities and differences between counseling at universities and general

    psychological services emerge as a vast field of inquiry. It is obvious that in this

    field there will be unlimited research topics. Not disregarding the unique state of

    affairs specific to our country, research topics that enable a close understanding of

    university dynamics, including its society, comprise one large cluster. Another large

    cluster consists of assessing psychological service demands of university society

    with respect to areas of concentration and frequency. Taken these two together,the ways of collaboration between counseling services and other support facilities

    in universities emerge as a third cluster of research topics, unpretentiously.

    Nevertheless, this vast area of study encompasses not only fields of research but

    essential improvements and novelties in the field of application. It is expectedly

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    II. niversitelerde Psikolojik Danma ve Rehberlik Sempozyumu zet Bildiriler Kitab2nd Symposium of Psychological Counseling and Guidance at Universities Abstracts Book


    usual that dynamic nature of universities might have a differentiating effect on

    demands with regard to psychological services. This logically follows that new

    methods, tools and techniques should be added to or renewed in the repertoire ofexperts serving in these units. Apparently there are already effective tools in the

    field of psychological services. Functional use of these tools within a university

    framework is possible only by taking into account the nature of university dynamics.

    In this sense, university counseling units are also face the challenge of adjusting

    themselves to university life while contributing university society to adjust to the

    university and to life.

    More specifically, university life is shaped by certain tasks that are supposed to

    be accomplished by certain stages throughout a predefined schedule. On the

    other hand, the same life space brings about uncertain and unobligated tasks.

    Therefore, it is implicit in these two types of charges that university life is shaped

    by this tension of balancing obligatory and nonobligatory tasks. All characteristics

    and experiences of individuals are called for help to take a role in this equation.

    At this point, counseling units have the potential to contribute not only to

    individuals but also universitys life in general to help balance their adjustmentfunction. Actualization of this potential is viable if and when counseling units

    adapt themselves and their service applications to the dynamic context of those

    obligatory and nonobligatory tasks. Hence, psychological counseling in universities

    emerges as if there is a new field of study having its own particular qualities.

    Although this is neither new nor controversial for the rest of the developed world,

    it is obvious that essential adaptation and regulation mechanisms should be

    established in our universities, adjusted to our country, via international standards,

    as it should be in other service providing fields. In this respect, it is important to

    emphasize that there is no substantial obstacle preventing the establishment of

    fundamental principles and regulations.

    This presents us with an important opportunity to help psychological services

    establish in a more sound way with a stronger base. Structural and organizational

    improvements in psychological services at universities would contribute positively

    to the improvements that should be realized in the general realm. These

    improvements would constitute good examples of high credibility if academy

    would take the lead.

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    niversite Psikolojik Danma ve Rehberlik Merkezlerinin

    Rol ve levleri: Gelimeler ve SnrllklarCem Ali Gizir

    Mersin niversitesi

    Son yllardaki hzl sosyal, kltrel, ekonomik ve politik deiimlere bal

    olarak niversite Psikolojik Danma ve Rehberlik (PDR) Merkezlerinin rol ve

    ilevlerinde de nemli deiiklikler meydana gelmektedir. zellikle Trkiyede

    1982de yksekrenim kanunuyla beraber kurulan rehberlik servislerinin grev veilevlerinde nemli gelimeler grlmekle birlikte, bu merkezlerin kurumsallama

    sreci henz tamamlanmamtr. Yasal dzenlemelere ramen ou niversitenin

    rehberlik servisleri, birbirinden arkl ama ve anlayla yrtlmektedir ve sz

    edilen grev tanmlarndaki deikenlie bal olarak verimlilik dzeyi dktr.

    Dolaysyla, rehberlik hizmeti sunan uzmanlarn sre giden deiiklikler, talep ve

    rsatlardan haberdar olmas ve bu balamda kendi grev ve ilevlerini stratejik

    olarak gzden geirmesi beklenmektedir.

    Tarihsel adan bakldnda, 1920 ile 1980 yllar arasnda mesleki rehberlikten

    bireysel rehberlie bir gei olduundan sz edilebilir. niversite rehberlik

    blmlerinin grev ve ilevleri zamanla gelimi, oalm ve niversite kampus

    hayatnn genel zelliklerini gz nnde bulundurarak deimitir. 1980

    ylndan beri gerekleen deiiklikler incelendiinde ne kan konular ise yle


    1. Yksekrenim ats altndaki kurumlar arasnda mali kaynaklarn paylamasndan rekabet artmtr.

    2. niversite rehberlik servislerindeki en byk kstlamalar mali snrlamalar

    ve personel says kstlamalardr ve bu kstlamalar yakn gelecekte de devam


    3. Yerlekelerde rehberlik servislerine olan talep, srekli artmaktadr.

    4. niversite rencilerinde grlen ruh sal sorunlarnn yaygnl ve

    iddeti, dzenli olarak art gstermektedir.

    5. renciler arasnda grlen ruh sal sorunlarnn iddetindeki artnyan sra, eitliliinde de art grlmektedir.

    6. Sunulan rehberlik hizmetlerinin ok kltrll gz nnde bulundurmas


    7. Rehberlik alanndaki uygulama, eitim ve spervizyonda postmodern

    yaklamlarn giderek yaygnlat grlmektedir.

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    8. Alkol kullanm, cinsel istismar ve intihar konularna ynelik sunulan kriz

    rehberlii ve kriz ynetimi hizmetleri iin talep artmaktadr.

    9. Kriz rehberlii modellerinde nemli gelimeler olmutur ve niversiterehberlik servisleri ounlukla bu kriz ynetimi giriimlerini uygulamaktadr.

    10. niversite rencileri arasnda bireysel danmanlk iin youn talep

    olmasna ramen giderek grup danmanl, geliimi hedeeyen nleyici

    mdahaleler ve danma programlarna ynelik ihtiya ve beklentiler


    11. ou niversite rehberlik merkezinde uygulanan temel mdahale yntemi

    hala ksa sreli danmanlk hizmetidir.

    12. alanlarn gncel mdahale yntemleri, eitim ve aratrmalar takip

    edebilmeleri iin onlara imkan salanmas, stajyer eitliliinin tevik edilmesi

    nemle tavsiye edilmektedir.

    13. niversite rehberlik merkezlerindeki yeni teknolojilerin kullanm


    14. Etik konu ve dourgulara olan ilgi ve ihtiya artmaktadr.

    15. niversite rehberlik merkezlerinin deerlendirme ve aratrma aaliyetlerini

    artrmalar asndan ihtiya olduu gibi, bu alandaki aaliyetleri oaltmalariin bask da sz konusudur.

    Bu gelimelerle beraber Uluslararas Rehberlik Servisleri Birlii (International

    Association o Counseling Services, IACS), niversite rehberlik programlarna

    ynelik yeterlik onay kriterleri gelitirmitir. Bu standartlar renciler iin gerekli

    olan, yksek kaliteli rehberlik hizmeti program ve uygulamalarn yanstr. Yeterlik

    onay kriterlerini karlayabilmek iin niversite rehberlii u ykmllkleri

    yerine getirmelidir (IACS, 2005):1. Bireysel ve grup danmanl/psikoterapisi.

    2. Kriz mdahale ve acil durum hizmetleri.

    3. Da-eriim (outreach) hizmetleri.

    4. Danmanlk hizmetleri.

    5. Ynlendirme kaynaklar.

    6. Aratrma.

    7. Program deerlendirmesi.8. Eitim.

    Yeni gelimeler ve IACS yeterlik onay standartlar gz nnde bulundurulduunda,

    niversite rehberlik merkezlerinin grev ve ilevlerini hzl sosyal, kltrel, ekonomik

    ve siyasal deiikliklere gre gzden geirmesi ve geniletmesi kanlmazdr. Bu

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    nedenle, niversite rehberlik merkezlerinin, rencilerin deien ihtiya, beklenti

    ve taleplerini tespit edebilmesi, gncel hizmet ve mdahale yntemleri gelitirmesi,

    snrl kaynaklarn etkin bir biimde kullanmas, ve stratejik planlama yaparakhizmetin kalite ve etkinliinin gelecekte karlalabilecek zorluklara kar dayankl

    hale getirmesi beklenmektedir.

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    Roles and Functions of University Counseling Services:

    Developments and Limitations

    Cem Ali Gizir

    Mersin University

    There have been important modifications in the roles and functions of university

    counseling services related to the rapid social, cultural, economical and political

    changes in the last years. Especially in Turkey, although important improvements

    in the roles and functions of university counseling services have been observedsince they were established after the legislation of higher education act in 1982,

    these services could not have been finished their institutionalization process.

    In addition, there are many university counseling services having different

    objectives and understanding form each other despite legal arrangements

    and most of them have low level of productivity related to variety of tasks.

    When these explanations are taken into consideration, it can be stated that

    counseling center staff should be aware of the continious changes, demands

    and opportunities in the environment and also should evaluate their roles and

    functions strategically.

    Historically, it can be stated that there was a transtion form vocational guidance

    to individual counseling between the years 1920-1980 and the functions and the

    roles of the university counseling centers have been gradually developed and

    expanded as taking into consideration the general environmental characteristics

    of the university campuses. When the research examined after 1980, the issues

    emerge in the last years are as followings:

    1. There is an increasing competition for financial resources among

    institutions in higher education.

    2. Financial constraints and available staff limitations are the most important

    restrictions of many university counseling centers and these restrictions will

    continue in near future.

    3. Demand for counseling services on campuses are continuously increase.

    4. Number and severity of mental health problems among universitystudents on campus has been steadily increasing.

    5. Not only severity, but also diversity of mental health problems among

    university students has been steadily increasing.

    6. Increasing the multicultural competence of counseling services provided

    are suggested.

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    7. Postmodern approaches to counseling are being used widely in counseling

    practice, training, and supervision.

    8. The demands for crisis counseling and crisis management services mainlyon the abuse of alcohol sexual-assault and suicide is increasing.

    9. There are important developments on crisis counseling models and

    university counseling services are mostly implementing these crisis

    management initiatives.

    10. Although the intense demands for individual counseling services among

    university students, there is an increasing needs and expectations for the

    group counseling interventions, outreach and consultation programs efforts

    that are directed toward personal and educational growth on campus.

    11. Short-term counseling continues to be the primary treatment model at

    most universtiy counseling centers.

    12. Providing training and opportunities for staff to keep up with the latest

    research related to students and treatment approaches and training is to

    promote intern diversity are strongly suggested.

    13. Using new technology in university counseling centers are increasing.

    14. Interest and needs on ethical implications are increasing.15. There are strong need and pressure to conduct assessment, evaluation

    and research activities of university counseling services.

    With these developments, International Association of Counseling Services

    (IACS) outlined the accreditation standards as the basis for the formal

    accreditation of university counseling programs. These standards reflect

    program elements and practice standards that are deemed essential in a

    counseling center that provides high quality services to students. To be eligible

    for accreditation a university counseling service must provide the following

    program functions (IACS, 2005):

    1. Individual and group counseling/psychotherapy.

    2. Crisis intervention and emergency services.

    3. Outreach intervention.

    4. Consultation interventions.

    5. Referral sources.

    6. Research.

    7. Program evaluation.

    8. Training.

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    When current developments and IACS accreditation standards were taken into

    consideration, it is inevitable for university counseling centers to modify and

    expand their roles and functions related to the rapid social, cultural, economicaland political changes in the last years. As a result, university counseling centers

    must continue to identify the changing needs, expectations and demands of

    university students on campus; develop updated interventions and services; use

    their limited resources effectively; implement strategic planning and evaluate

    the quality and effectiveness of their services in order to be resilient for future


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    niversite Danmanlnda Yaadmz Sorunlar

    ve GelimelerDeniz Albayrak Kaymak

    Boazii niversitesi

    lkemizde niversite rencilerine sunulan psikolojik yardm hizmeti mediko-

    sosyal yaplanmann ierisinde eyrek yzyldan beri bulunmakla birlikte, rehberlik

    ve psikolojik danmanlk balamnda bu hizmetin salanmas grece yenidir

    ve geliim aamasndadr. Bu almada, niversite rehberlik ve danmanlkhizmetlerine zg i ve d idari yaplanma, yerlekedeki konum ve mekan

    olanaklar, nansal kaynaklar, alanlar, sunulan hizmetler, i ve d ibirlii

    ihtiyalar, alanlarn mesleki geliimi, hizmetlerin deerlendirilmesi, niversite

    danmanlna zg zorluklar, gncel sorunlar ve son olarak danmanlk eitimi

    verenlerin gz nnde bulundurmas gereken unsurlar ele alnmaktadr.

    ne kan konunlar u ekilde sralanabilir. ncelikle, d idari (ynetimsel)

    yaplanma asndan merkezlerin taraszln salayacak ekilde, medikal,akademik ve dier idari birimlerden bamsz bir organizasyona sahip olmalar

    gerekmektedir. idari yaplanma sz konusu olduunda, danmalk anlay

    ierisinde kendine zg, esnek almalarn yaplabildii ibirliine ak bir sistem

    beklenmektedir. Merkezlere yeterli destek ve kaynak salanmas ve personelin

    hizmetleri salayacak lde geni olmas, zellikle yetersiz salk sistemleri

    ierisinde d kaynaklara ynlendirmenin ilevsellikten uzak olmasndan dolay,

    byk nem tamaktadr. Mevcut sistem ierisinde danmanlar ve spervizrleriin yeterli uygun pozisyonlar ne yazk ki bulunmamaktadr. Yine mevcut sistem

    ierisinde danmanlarn niversitedeki konumlar olduka eitlilik gstermekte

    ve rol tanmlaryla uyumamaktadr. Sunulan hizmetler asndan danmanlar

    dorudan hizmet yolunu semekte ve bu nedenle niversite topluluu zerindeki

    etkileri azalmaktadr. renciler, dier hizmetlerdense bireysel danmanlktan

    yana tercih gstermekte olduklarndan, bekleme listeleri de uzayp gitmektedir.

    Kstl kaynaklarn daha ilevsel kullanlabilmesi iin ksa sreli, danmanlk

    odakl hizmetlerin sunulmas nerilmektedir. rencilerin yaadklar sorunlarneitlilii ve ciddiyetindeki art, danmanlk hizmeti salayanlarn yetkinliinde

    ilerlemeyi de gerekli klmaktadr. Danmanlar, rencilerin tm hizmet ihtiyalarn

    karlayamamakta; aratrma ve program deerlendirme gibi almalarda ekingen

    davranmaktadrlar, buna bal olarak da niversite genelinde ve aklteler arasnda

    grnrlk asndan dk bir prol ortaya koymaktadrlar. Danmanlk

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    hizmeti sunanlarn gerekli tm teknolojik olanaklara sahip olmalar; rencilerin

    yaad ortak sorunlara ynelik ksa, bilgilendirici metinler hazrlayarak geni

    renci topluluklarna ulaabilmeleri, kendi kendine yardm cesaretlendirici birrol stlenmeleri beklenmektedir. Hazrlanan programlarn nleyici ve geliimsel

    niteliine arlk verilmesi, tm sistemi kapsayan mdahaleler planlanmas,

    alanlarn mesleki geliimine de nem verilmesi gerekmektedir.

    Trkiyede niversite danmanl alannda bamsz bir birlik atsndan, belirli

    konularda aratrma ve yaymlama aaliyetlerinin srekliliinden henz sz

    etmek olanakl deildir. Yine de, son on yl iersinde YRET (Yksekrenimde

    Rehberlii Tantma ve Rehber Yetitirme Vak) bamsz vak olarak niversite

    danmanl ekseninde bir dizi toplantlarn dzenlenmesine nclk yapmtr.

    Dier yandan niversiteler ise, ancak geen yldan itibaren (2006) zgn mesleki

    toplantlar dzenlemeye balam, ilki Ko nivesitesinde gerekletirilmitir. Bu

    alma, ilkini takiben Sabanc niversitesi bnyesinde dzenlenen sempozyumda

    sunulan bildiri temelinde hazrlanmtr. Son szler olarak, niversite danmanlk

    alannda ilerlemelerin, rencilerin yaam kalitesine yklenen deere bal olduu;

    danmanlk hizmetlerinin balang aamasnda ve geliim iin daha ok yol katedilmesine ihtiya duyulduu iade edilebilir.

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    Problems and Advances we Experience in

    University Counseling

    Deniz Albayrak Kaymak

    Boazii University

    Psychological services for Turkish university students existed within medical social

    framework over a quarter century, but counseling services are rather new and at

    the stage of development. This article examines various unique characteristics

    of university counseling services, including external and internal administrativestructures, campus location and setting, fees and financial sources, personnel,

    services provided, cooperation needs to be built, evaluation and development of

    services, unique challenges faced, issues and current concerns and finally, lessons

    to be taken by counselor educators.

    Important issues can be listed as in the following: outer administrative structure

    of counseling services need to be affiliated to, but separate from medical,

    administrative and academic units to have their own neutral organizations;

    inner administrative structure need to be kept open to contributions of its own

    personnel; local services are preferred over single centers if they are provided by a

    sufficiently large team and supported by adequate resources; services have to be

    affiliated to clinicians or in good referral relations for treatment of severe problems;

    outsourcing is not an effective way of serving students especially in insufficient

    health care systems; there is lack of appropriate positions for counselors and

    supervisors within the existing system; positions held by counselors are various

    and do not fit their role definitions; counselors either prefer direct student

    services, thus remain limited in their impact on campus life or get lost in providing

    in indirect services; students have clear preference for individual counseling over

    other services thus waiting lists accumulate; brief and focused counseling and

    limited number of sessions are recommended to better use of scarce resources;

    variety, severity of student problems as well as their diversity are on rise requiring

    higher competence level from counselors; counselors cannot meet all student

    service needs and replace other services like career development; counselors shyaway from research and evaluations thus present a low profile lacking visibility

    among academic faculty; peer projects are just beginning and have importance in

    increasing student input; counselors need to use technological means and prepare

    brief informative texts on common student concerns to reach larger groups and

    encourage self-help; counselor education programs need to give more emphasis

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    on lifespan development, college counseling, system-wide interventions,

    consultation and personal development as a way to avoid burn-out.

    University counseling in Turkey does not yet have its own association (separate

    from the national association of counseling), continuing publication and consistent

    research focus. However, it has its own foundation, YORET, which initiated a

    series of meetings on university counseling issues last decade. Universities,

    however, started unique professional meetings only last year. This first meeting

    was organized by Koc University. This article was based on a presentation made

    at the second meeting held at Sabanci University this year. Despite all the efforts

    both meetings had limited attendance rates. Advances in university counseling are

    dependent upon the social value attached to increased quality of student life and

    services were initiated but they are yet to develop.

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    ada Rehberlik Sistemleri

    Hatice Gne zlem anSabanc niversitesi Boazii niversitesi

    Yksek renimde renci destek hizmetlerinin son derece nemli olmasnn

    nedeni, tek hede zerine odaklanmalardr: renciler iin verimli bir renim

    ve yaam ortam yaratmak. Genlerin ruhsal sal ve iyilik hallerini ana eksene

    yerletirmi olmalarndan dolay, bu hizmetler arasnda rehberlik servislerinin esiz

    bir konumda olduu sylenebilir. Yksek renim Kanununun 2574. maddesigerei Trkiyede 1982 ylndan itibaren niversiteler, sz edilen hizmetleri

    (psikolojik danmanlk, salk, sosyal olanaklar vb.) sunmakla grevlendirilmitir.

    Dolaysyla, akademik almalar tarandan glgede braklm olmasna ramen

    rehberlik servislerinde say, grev ve ilev eitlilii asndan 1982den beri nemli

    bir art olmutur. ada rehberlik sistemlerinden bireysel/grup danmanlk/

    psikoterapi, kriz ynetimi, da eriim, konsltasyon, aratrma, program

    deerlendirme ve eitim gibi geni bir alanda grevler beklenmektedir. Ancak

    bireysel danmanlk/psikoterapi gibi dorudan hizmetlere ayrlan dengesiz iyk dalm, gnmz uzmanlarnn en ne kan sorunlarndandr. Uzmanlar,

    aklteler ve idareyle birlikte almay hedeeyen bir iliki kurmaya, nleyici

    ve geliimsel mdahalelere, aratrma yapmaya, dzenli olarak hizmetlerini

    deerlendirmeye, stajyer eitimine, ve ayn zamanda kendi mesleki geliimlerini

    salayacak aaliyetlerde bulunmaya yeterince vakit ve kaynak ayramamaktadrlar.

    eitli psikolojik zorluklarla karlaan rencilere sunulan bireysel danmanlk/

    terapi kukusuz rehberlik merkezlerinin yerine getirmeleri gereken nemli bir

    hizmetidir, ancak, yalnzca bireysel seanslara odaklanmak baz sorunlar da

    beraberinde getirmektedir.

    ncelikle merkezlerin sadece psikolojik sorunlar yaayanlara deil, btn

    niversite rencilerine ynelik grev ve sorumluluklar vardr; onlarn geliimsel

    gereksinimlerini karlayacak almalar yrterek eitim ve yaam kalitesinin

    ykselmesine de katkda bulunmalar, istendikten te, temel hedeeri arasnda

    olmaldr. Bunun yan sra, dorudan hizmetlere odaklanmak, danmanlkmerkezlerinin niversitedeki konumunu marjinalletirmekte, bu da aklteler

    ve idareyle olan iletiim ve ibirliini zayatmaktadr. Kanlmaz olarak

    danmanlk merkezinin niversitede karar alma ve politika gelitirmede etkisi

    azalmakta, idari kurumlar ve aklteler tarandan grnrlkleri ve aldklar

    destek zayamaktadr. Farkl merkezlerdeki uzmanlar gncel durum ve sorunlar

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    sempozyum gibi toplantlarda tartmaktadrlar ancak, niversiteler ncelikle

    eitim kurumlardr ve her ne kadar uzmanlarn izlenimleri nemli olsa da ideal

    olan, alanda alan kiiler olarak almalarn, grlerini akademik yaymlardada iade etmeleridir. Bu ekilde etkileyici tartmalardan daha ok verilere nem

    veren akademik topluluk iindeki karar alc merciiler tarandan ayn misyon iin

    alldna dair arkndaln oluturulaca umulmaktadr. Son olarak, yksek

    renim ats altnda bulunmann gereine dayanarak ada rehberlik hizmetinin

    gereksinimlerini karlayabilecek uzmanlar yetitiren akademik programlarn

    hazrlanmasnn da sz edilen btn bu almalarla birlikte, niversite topluluu

    iinde rehberlik hizmetinin nemiyle ilgili bilinci arttraca ve tannmasn

    salayaca dnlmektedir.

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    Contemporary Counseling Sytems

    Hatice Gne zlem an

    Sabanc University Boazii University

    Student support services are vital institutions in higher education for they focus

    on one organizing belief: building a fruitful learning and living environment for

    university students. Counseling services are in a unique position among these,

    since they are dedicated to student mental health and well being. In Turkey, Higher

    Education Law No. 2574 mandates university student services to provide students

    with health services, guidance and counseling as well as social services since 1982.

    Since then, although overshadowed by academic activities, there has been a

    significant increase in the number of counseling centers and multiplicity of roles

    and functions in higher education. Contemporary counseling systems are expected

    to provide a wide range of activities including individual/group counseling/

    psychotherapy, crisis intervention, outreach and consultation interventions,

    research, program evaluation and training. However, one of the challenges that

    deeply concern the professionals today, is the unbalanced workload spent fordirect services, namely individual counseling/psychotherapy. Practitioners do

    not have time to develop working relationships with faculty and administrators;

    to offer preventive and developmental interventions for students; to conduct

    research; to evaluate their services regularly and provide education for trainees

    as well as promoting their own ongoing professional development. Needless to

    say, providing individual counseling/therapy to students experiencing diverse

    psychological difficulties is an essential duty of counseling centers; however being

    lost in individual sessions causes some major problems.

    Firstly, these centers are not expected to be solely involved with students who

    suffer from psychological problems, but they have duties and responsibilities

    for the entire student population in the university; they are also expected to

    make every effort to meet the developmental needs of all students in order to

    maximize their higher education experience. Additionally, being fixated in direct

    services marginalizes the role of the centers in the university community, andthis debilitates communication and cooperation with faculty and administrative

    units. And this, in turn, weakens decision taking and policy making power of

    the centers to promote various aspects of university life. Due to the lack of

    cooperative relationship, administrative units and faculty are far from being fully

    aware of and supportive of the complex role of counseling services. Without

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    any hesitation, universities are primarily academic institutions and practitioners

    do not have time to engage in academic writing due to being overwhelmed by

    direct service. Professionals from different centers generally tend to discuss theircurrent issues and concerns during the meetings as symposiums. Needless to say,

    impressions of practitioners are valuable, and ideally such knowledge should be

    based on written documents authored by university counselors who are on the

    front lines working with students and university community, because it is more

    likely that the actions of decision makers will be influenced more by data than by

    impressive arguments in academic communities. Finally, as being an integral part

    of the educational mission, counseling services are supposed to design academic

    programs producing professionals who are fully equipped to meet the needs of

    contemporary counseling service. All of these efforts will contribute to raising

    awareness about the crucial role of these services and to achieve recognition in

    university communities.

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    Yksekrenimde Engelli renciler ve Destek Sistemleri

    Elzi MendaSabanc niversitesi

    Yksekrenim gren engelli rencilerin eitim-retim srelerine tam

    katlmlarnn salanabilmesi iin gerekli destek sistemleri gelitirilmelidir. 2006da

    yaynlan zrller Danma ve Koordinasyon Ynetmelii de bu gerekliliin resmi

    bir iadesidir. Destek sisteminin oluturulmasnda dikkat edilmesi gereken en

    nemli noktalar unlardr: rsat eitliini hedeemesi; renci katlmna nemvermesi; rencinin sosyal ve kiisel geliimini hedeemesi, her renciye bireysel

    yaklamas; gvenilir ve gizlilik ilkesine bal olmas, adil olmas (renciye haksz

    avantaj salamamas; eitim standartlarndan dn vermemesi) ve sorumluluklarn

    paylalmasdr. Sorumluluklarn paylamnda ynetime, akltelere, retim

    yelerine, rencilere ve destek sorumlusuna nemli grevler dmektedir.

    niversite ynetimi, renciden talebin gelmesini beklemeden, gerekli olabilecek

    dzenlemeleri dnmeli ve planlamasn yapmaldr.

    Dier yandan retim yeleri, her renciye eit mesaede durarak, tm rencilerin

    eriebilecei ders malzemelerini hazrlayp, snn yapsna uygun bir retim

    metodu gelitirmelidir. Fakltelerin, rencilere ders seimlerinde yardmc olacak

    bir akademik danman atamalar, rencinin doru ynlendirilmesi asndan son

    derece nemlidir. Atanan danmann nyargdan uzak bir ekilde, rencinin nasl

    yapabileceine odaklanmas, neriler sunmas ve son karar renciye brakmas

    gerekir. rencinin sorumluluu ise ncelikle birime bavurmak, gereksinimlerini

    dile getirmek, istenen belgeleri salamak, dzenleme taleplerini zamannda iletmek,

    derslere katlmak ve kararlatrlan dzenlemelerin takipisi olmaktr.

    Destek sorumlusu ise gerekli dzenlemelerin koordinasyonundan ve takibinden

    sorumludur. Destek sreci, adayn bavuru aamasndan balar. Aday renciler

    iin hazrlanan tm tantm malzemelerinin (CD, bror, kitapk, vs.) eriilebilir

    olmas ve engelli rencilere sunulan destek hizmetleri de iermesi gereklidir.

    Bavuru ormlarna herkesin eriebildiinden emin olunmaldr. Bu ormlardaengellilik durumu ile ilgili sorular bulunursa, sonraki aamalar iin gerekli

    dzenlemeler tespit edilerek hazrlklara balanabilir. Destek srecinin ikinci

    aamas niversiteye kayttr. Burada da kaytla ilgili tm bilgi ve ormlara

    eriilebildiinden emin olunmaldr. Ulam, konaklama, yabanc dil snav gibi

    konularda gerekli dzenlemeler yaplmaldr. rencinin kampus ve niversite

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    yaamna oryantasyonunda st snardan gnll akran danmanlar destek

    verebilir. Ders kaytlaryla birlikte balayan akademik destek srecinde, rencinin

    gereksinimleri dorultusunda ders materyallerinin arkl ormatta sunulmas,alternati deerlendirme yntemleri, destekleyici teknolojiler, vb. gibi dzenlemeler

    sz konusudur.

    niversiteye gelene kadar birok engellerle karlaan bu renciler iin niversite,

    baa kmalar gereken yeni engelleri de beraberinde getirmektedir. Bu anlamda

    destek sorumlusunun renciyle dzenli grerek, gerekli grd durumlarda,

    psikolojik danmanlara ynlendirmesi rencilerin kiisel geliimlerinin

    desteklenmesi asndan da son derece nemlidir. Destek srecinin bir dier

    paras da kariyer danmanldr. Uygun staj olanaklar, staj yaplan kurumla

    iletiime geilerek dzenlemeler konusunda destek verilmesi son derece nemlidir.

    Kukusuz ziksel eriimin salanmad bir yerde destek de snrl kalacaktr. Bu

    nedenle ziksel koullarn, herkesin eriimine uygun ekilde olmas iin almalar


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    Students With Disabilities and Support Systems

    in Higher Education

    Elzi Menda

    Sabanc University

    Support systems need to be developed in order to provide the full participation

    of students in academic learning and teaching environments. The Consultation

    and Coordination Regulations for People with Disabilities, published in 2006 and

    it is an official document stating this requirement. The most essential points thatneed to be regarded while developing the support system are as follow: targeting

    equality of opportunity; valuing student participation; targeting the social and

    personal development of the student; individualized approaches to every student;

    abiding by the safety and confidentiality principles; being fair (should not unjustly

    advantage the student; should not concede from educational standards) and

    sharing responsibilities. Administration, departments, instructors, students and

    support personnel have important roles in sharing responsibilities. University

    administration must consider and plan the necessary arrangements before a

    request is made by the student.

    Instructors, on the other hand, need to regard all students equally, prepare course

    materials accessible to every student, and develop a teaching method that suits

    the needs of the class. Appointment of academic advisors by departments to

    assist in the proper selection of courses is a crucial process towards the students

    guidance. Appointed instructor needs to act without prejudice and focus on how

    the student can accomplish things, make recommendations and leave the final

    decision up to the student. Responsibilities of the student are primarily to request

    assistance, voice his or her needs, provide the necessary documents, submit

    arrangement forms on time, participate in classes, coordinate and follow up on

    the necessary arrangements.

    Assistance period starts after the candidates application. The introductory

    materials for assistance (CD, fliers, booklets, etc) need to be accessible and alsoinclude the support materials offered to students with disabilities. It should be

    made certain that the application forms are accessible by everyone. If these forms

    include questions about the conditions of disability, necessary arrangements for

    the further steps can be detected and preparations can start. Second step in the

    assistance period is registration to the university. University should make sure that

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    all forms and information about registration is accessible to everyone. Necessary

    arrangements should be made to areas like transportation, residency, and foreign

    language examinations. Peer upperclassmen can volunteer to be advisors duringthe students orientation to campus and university life. In the period of academic

    assistance that starts with course registrations, presentation of the course

    material in formats requested by the student, alternative evaluation methods,

    supportive technologies and similar arrangements are made.

    University brings about new challenges that need to be dealt with for these

    students who have faced with numerous challenges throughout their lives.

    Therefore it is essential for the students personal development that the support

    personnel meet with the student regularly and direct the student to psychological

    counselors if it is necessary. Another component of the support system is career

    advising. It is very important that the support personnel communicate with the

    places of internship in order to provide support for the necessary arrangements

    to take place in the workplace for the creation a suitable environment. Support

    systems will be limited in places where physical accessibility is restricted. Work

    needs to be done to make sure that the physical conditions are appropriate.

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    Akran Danmanl Programnn Etkililii zerine

    Deneysel Bir alma: Ege niversitesi rneiMine Alada

    Ege niversitesi

    Bu alma ile akran danmanl programlarnn daha nitelikli ve etkili bir

    ekilde yrtlebilmesi iin belirlenen standartlar ve izlenmesi gereken aamalar

    temel alnarak niversite rencilerine ynelik olarak gelitirilen bir akran

    danmanl programnn tantlmas amalanmaktadr. Aamalar, (a) programnplanlanmasn (ihtiya taramas, rasyonel ve amalarn belirlenmesi, eitim

    programnn gelitirilmesi ve program iin ynetimden destek alnmas), (b)

    programn uygulanmasn (akran danmanlarn seilmesi ve eitilmesi, akran

    danmanl hizmetlerinin sunulmas ve spervizyon verilmesi) ve (c) programn

    deerlendirilmesini (programn deerlendirilmesi ve uzun sreli bir planlamann

    yaplmas) kapsamaktadr.

    almann birinci aamasnda Ege niversitesi, Eitim Fakltesinden 316 (168

    kz, 148 erkek) renciden oluan bir rneklem ile bir ihtiya taramas almasyaplmtr. Bulgular, rencilerin dier yardm alabilecekleri kiiler arasnda akran

    danmann setiklerini; hem ynlendirici olmayan (empatik tepkiler) hem de

    ynlendirici olan yardm biimlerini (arasal tepkiler) tercih ettiklerini; programn

    yararna inandklarn ve bavurma eilimi gsterdiklerini ve programn onlarn

    mesleki, akademik ve kiileraras ilikiler konusundaki sorunlarna odaklanmasn

    istediklerini gstermitir.

    almann ikinci aamasnda akran danmanlarn yardm becerileri ve kiiselgeliimlerini artrmada akran danmanl eitim programnn etkisini aratrmak

    amacyla 31 katlmcdan (15 deney grubu, 16 kontrol grubu) oluan bir rneklem ile

    n-test, son-test, izleme testi kontrol gruplu deneysel desen almas yrtlmtr.

    Bulgular, akran danmanl eitim programnn deney grubu katlmclarnn hem

    empati hem de yanstma becerilerini artrmada kontrol grubundaki katlmclara

    gre daha etkili olduunu ortaya koymutur. Bulgular, deney grubunun benlik

    saygs puanlarnda n test ve izleme testi arasnda ve kendini kabul puanlarnda da

    n test ve son test arasnda anlaml bir art olduunu gstermitir.almann nc aamasnda, 15 akran danman ve akran danmanl hizmeti

    alan 33 gnll renci/akran dananla (17 kz, 16 erkek) byk lde nitel verilere

    dayal bir alma yrtlmtr. Nitel veriler, akran danmanl programnn hem

    akran danmanlar hem de akran dananlar tarandan olumlu deerlendirildiini


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    An Experimental Study on the Effectiveness of Peer

    Helping Program: The Sample of Ege University

    Mine Alada

    Ege University

    The purpose of this study is to introduce a peer helping program developed for

    university students based on the standards and consecutive phases defined for

    conducting more effective and well-qualified peer programs. The phases includes

    (a) program planning (need assessment; rationale and goals of the program;development of training program; administrative permission-support; program

    trainer-coordinator), (b) program implementation (screening and selection of peer

    helpers; peer helpers training; service delivery; supervision), (c) program evaluation

    (evaluation of the training program and service delivery; long-range planning).

    In the first phase of the study, a need assessment study was carried out with a sample

    of 316 (168 females, 148 males) students from Faculty of Education of Ege University.

    Results indicated that students preferred peer helpers among other helping agents;

    they preferred both non-directive helping styles (empathic responses) and directive

    helping styles (instrumental responses); they seemed to believe the helpfulness of

    the program; they tended to apply to the program; and they wanted the program

    to concentrate on their career, academic, and interpersonal relationships concerns.

    In the second phase of the study, in order to investigate the effect of peer helping

    training program on improving peer helpers helping skills and the self-growth, a pre-

    test post-test, follow-up test control group experimental design study was carried

    out with a sample of 31 participants (15 experimental group and 16 control group).

    The results indicated that a peer helping training program was more effective on

    improving both the empathic and the reflection skills of the experimental group

    participants as compared to the control group participants. The results also indicated

    that there was a significant increase in the experimental group participants self-

    esteem scores from the pre-test to the follow-up test and also a significant increase

    in the experimental group participants self-acceptance scores from the pretest to

    the posttest.

    In the third phase of the study, a study, mainly based on qualitative data, was carriedout with 15 peer helpers and 33 volunteered students/peer helpees (17 females,

    16 males) who received peer helping services. The analysis of the qualitative data

    indicated that peeer helping program was positively evaluated by both peer helpers

    and peer helpees.

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    Adnan Menderes niversitesi Genlik Sorunlar

    Aratrma ve Uygulama Merkezi (AD-GEN):zgn Bir Deneyim

    Mehmet Eskin Gler Kksal

    Adnan Menderes niversitesi

    Geliimsel bir dnem olan genlik nemlidir. Bu dnemin geliimsel zellik ve

    gereksinmelerinin anlalmas, hem bilimsel adan hem de toplumun bu kesimine

    ynelik hizmet retilebilmesi iin, nemle zerinde durulmas gereken birunsurdur. Bilindii gibi genlik dnemi rsatlar a olduu kadar belli skntlarn

    yaand da bir dnemdir. Adnan Menderes niversitesi Genlik Sorunlar

    Aratrma ve Uygulama Merkezi (AD-GEN) sz konusu gereklilikler gz nne

    alnarak 1997 ylnda kurulmutur. Bu almada AD-GEN ve etkinlik alanlar

    tantlmaktadr. Psikoloji, psikolojik danmanlk, psikiyatri, sosyoloji, psikiyatri

    hemirelii gibi deiik akademik disiplinlerden gelen retim elemanlarnn

    birlikte grev ald merkez, genlik ana zg sorunlarn belirlenip zme

    kavuturulmas ve bu konularda kamu ve zel sektre danmanlk verilmesi gibi

    etkinliklerde bulunmaktadr. Merkezin etkinlikleri psikolojik-eitsel hizmetler,

    aratrma-planlama ve sosyal-kltrel hizmetler birimlerince yerine getirilmektedir.

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    Adnan Menderes University Youth Research

    and Application Center: AD-GEN

    Mehmet Eskin Gler Kksal

    Adnan Menderes University

    Youth is an important developmental period. Knowing the developmental

    characteristics and needs of this developmental period is important from a

    scientific point of view and for providing service for this group of society. As iswell known, youth is a period of opportunities as well as a developmental period

    characterized by some problems. By taking these considerations into account,

    Adnan Menderes University Youth Research and Application Center (AD-

    GEN) was founded in 1997. This paper describes AD-GEN and its activities.

    At the center, academicians from fields of psychology, psychological counseling,

    psychiatry, sociology and psychiatric nursing work together to determine the

    problems of youth and for the solution of these problems. The activities of the

    center are realized through the units of psychological-educational services,

    research-planning and the social-cultural services.

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    Dou niversitesi Psikoloji Merkezi (DPEM)

    Serap zerDou niversitesi

    Dou niversitesi Psikoloji Eitim Merkezinde rencilere ynelik danma

    hizmetleri, arkl bir modelle sunulmaktadr. niversitede yer alan klinik psikoloji

    yksek lisans programnn i staj kapsamnda yksek lisans rencileri canl

    spervizyon alarak grmeleri gerekletirmektedirler. Bu merkezde rencilerin

    yan sra renci aileleri, personel ve aileleri de hizmet almaktadrlar. Bu programbilisel davran terapi modelinde eitim vermektedir. Btn grmeler canl

    olarak izlenmekte ve grsel-iitsel kayt alnmaktadr. Dananlara en bata tm

    sistem tantlmakta ve spervizrn de psikoterapinin katlmc bir paras, terapi

    ekibinin nc yesi olduu anlatlmaktadr. Bu srecin banda da kiilerden bu

    terapi ekli ile ilgili onay alnmaktadr. Spervizrler grmelere teleon yolu ile

    veya ieri girerek katlmaktadrlar. Spervizyon hem teleon kanal ile canl olarak, ya

    da canl modelleme ile gerekletirilmesinin yan sra, her grme bitiinde stajyer

    ve spervizr grme kaydnn zerinden geerek de yaplmaktadr. Byleliklebir ekip almas gerekletirilerek hem yksek lisans rencileri tezgahta

    eitim almakta hem de dananlar kaliteli hizmet almaktadrlar. Merkezin iki yllk

    kullanm istatistikleri rencilerin bu hizmeti kayt altnda almay ret etmedikleri

    ve erken sonlandrma yzdesinin, uzun sreli terapi alma yzdesinden arkl

    olmadn gstermektedir. Bu yzdelerin arkl merkezlerdeki kullanm yzdeleri

    ile karlatrmas ve rencilerin aldklar hizmetle ilgili doyumlar ve yararlanma

    lmleri, gelecekte zerinde allmas gereken konulardr.

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    Dou University Psychology Center (DPEM)

    Serap zer

    Dou University

    Dogus University Psychological Education Center (DPEM) provides psychological

    services to students, staff as well as families. Services are provided to clients at

    DPEM within a unique framework. The therapeutic interviews are conducted by

    second year graduate students in the clinical psychology MSc program under live

    supervision within the module of the programs Internal Internship. The Masters

    Program is clearly defined as providing education within the Cognitive Behavior

    Therapy framework. All therapeutic interviews are conducted in rooms equipped

    with audio-visual recording capacity and all interviews are supervised live and are

    recorded. Supervision is not only provided live, but also, the recordings are viewed

    after each session by the intern and supervisor and discussed. At the beginning of

    the therapeutic process the setup of the center and how it operates is explained

    to the client and the supervisor is introduced as a third member of the treatment

    team. An informed consent is obtained from the client at this stage. Supervisorsbecome a part of the therapeutic process through phone calls to the consultation

    room or by actively entering the therapy room when they deem necessary. This

    model enables the graduate student to receive on the job skills training, while

    providing high level services to clients. Two year utility statistics of the Center

    is provided. These statistics appear to indicate that students are not averse to

    receiving services in this setting, very few refusals were observed. Premature

    termination percentage is not higher than percentage of clients continuing for 12

    or more sessions. It would be important to compare these statistics with utility

    statistics from other University Centers. Further research at the Center will focus

    on client satisfaction and pre and post measurements of problem behavior.

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    Yksekretimde Psikolojik Danma ve Rehberlik

    Uygulamalar: Atlm niversitesi ModeliB. Dilek Karaduman

    Atlm niversitesi

    Bu almann amac, Atlm niversitesi rencilerine ynelik olarak hizmet

    veren renci Geliim ve Danma Merkezi (GDM) ile ilgili bilgi vermektir. Bu

    ama dorultusunda; merkezin kuruluu, hedeeri ve aaliyet alanlar ile ilgili bilgi

    paylamnda bulunulmaktadr. Atlm niversitesi renci Geliim ve DanmaMerkezi, 2001-2002 akademik yl balangcnda, renci sorunlarnn youn

    olarak yaand, ngilizce Hazrlk Okulu Mdrlne bal olarak kurulmutur.

    Kapsaml geliimsel psikolojik danmanlk yaklamna gre almalarn srdren

    merkezde, u anda bir merkez bakan ve iki tam zamanl psikolojik danman

    grev yapmaktadr. Merkezde, bireysel ve grup danmanlk almalarna ek

    olarak renci niteliklerini belirlemek iin aratrmalar yrtlmekte, rencilerin

    bireysel ve akademik geliimlerine yardmc olmak amacyla, "akademik baary

    artrma ve etkili ders alma teknikleri" gibi tm rencilere ynelik olarak herrencinin katlmnn saland sertikal kurs programlar dzenlenmekte ve

    eitli seminerler verilmektedir. Hazrlk okulunda renimlerine devam eden

    tm rencilerin bir sn akademik danman bulunmakta ve bylece renciler,

    bireysel olarak takip edilebilmektedir. Hazrlk okulunu baaryla tamamlayarak

    blmlerine devam edecek rencilerden danmanlk hizmeti verilenlere dair

    nemli olan bilgiler, renci bilgi aktarm ormuna ilenerek, blmlerindeki

    akademik danmanlarna gnderilmekte, bylelikle bilgi ak ve ibirlii dahaetkili hale getirilmektedir. niversitemizde, psikolojik danma hizmetlerinde

    uyguladmz bu modelin, yeni kurulacak niversiteler iin de nerilebilecei


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    Psychological Counseling and Guidance Applications In

    Higher Education: Atlm University Model

    B. Dilek Karaduman

    Atlm University

    The purpose of this article is to give information about Student Development

    and Counseling Center at Atilim University. For this purpose; the information

    concerning the establishment, goals and the activities of the center will be

    presented. Atilim University Student Development and Counseling Center wasestablished at the beginning of the 2001-2002 academic year as a subdivision of

    English Preparatory School, since newcomers have many problems. Our centers

    aproach is comprehensive, developmental psychological model. There are two

    full time psychological counselor and a coordinator at the center. Apart from

    individual and group counseling, researches focusing student profiles and needs

    are fulfilled. Seminars and course programs like improving academic achievement

    level of students and effective studying strategies are delivered to all the students

    at Atilim University, English Preparatory School. All students at preparatory school

    have an academic advisor, so that students can be followed individually. Important

    information related to student is shared with their advisors in the departments as

    soon as they finish the preparotory school succesfully. The model used at Atlm

    University Student Development and Counseling Center could stand as a good

    example for the new universities pychological counseling centers.

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    Psikoloji ve Psikoterapide Bir Kltrleraras Uyum

    Modeli ve Uygulama rnekleriMeral ulha

    Sabanc niversitesi

    Psikoloji ve psikoterapi uygulamalarmda yllardr kullandm bir modeli takdim

    edeceim. nereceim kuramsal ereve bir kltrleraras uyum modelidir ve Minnesota niversitesi Psikoloji Blmnde yrtm olduum doktora

    tezimde uygulanmtr. Tez almas yabanc rencilerin uyumunu aratrmaktave kuramsal model kii ile evresi arasndaki uyumu, uygunluu ele almaktadr.

    Kii ile evresi arasndaki uygunluk kii-evre ilikilerinin harmonisi, kii ile evresi

    arasnda karlkl ve birbirini tamamlayan bir ilikinin varl demektir. Bu ilikiye

    kii kendi beklentilerini getirir, buna karlk evrenin de kiiden beklentileri vardr.

    Herhangi bir evrede yaayabilmek iin kiinin bu evre ile belirli bir derecede (bir

    asgari derecede), uyum halinde olmas gerekmektedir. Doyum ve yetkinlik kii ile

    evresi arasndaki uygunluu-uyumu gsteren iki nemli kavramdr. Bu iki kavram

    kiinin evresi ile uyumunun ne derecede baarl olduunu gsterir. (Dikkatedilirse evresine olan uyum demiyoruz). Burada kiinin evresi ile karlkl

    uyumu vurgulanmaktadr. Kii ile evre arasnda bir etkileim, bir alveri

    sz konusudur. evre de kii kadar iin iindedir. Kiiden bu evreye uyumu

    beklenemez, nk sre tek ynl deildir. Modelin baka bir boyutu da kiinin

    yeteneklerinin evrenin beklentilerini karlayp karlamadnn saptanmasdr.

    Modeli bir rencinin yeni balad niversiteye uyumuna uygulayacak olursak:

    Bir niversite rencisinin niversiteye uyumu, kiinin olduu kadar niversiteninde sorumluluudur. Genlerin yeterli olmadklar alanlar tespit edilip bu alanlarda

    programlar dzenlenebilir. O halde herhangi bir niversite ortamnda yukarda

    anlatld ekilde rencinin uyumunda nemli grlen aktrler, artlar tespit

    edilip yerine getirilir. Bu kanmca psikolojik danmanlk elseesine de uymaktadr.

    Ksaca, doyum (satisaction) kiinin ihtiyalarnn ne derece karlandn,

    yetkinlik (satisactoriness) ise kiinin yeteneklerinin, evrenin beklentilerini

    hangi lde karlayabildiinin gstergeleridir. Memnun ve yetkin kii kendisi ile


  • 8/8/2019 2. Universitelerde Psikolojik Danismanlik Sempozyumu_Ozet Bildiriler


    II. niversitelerde Psikolojik Danma ve Rehberlik Sempozyumu zet Bildiriler Kitab2nd Symposium of Psychological Counseling and Guidance at Universities Abstracts Book


    A Model of Cross Cultural Adjustment in

    Psychology and Psychotherapy

    Meral ulha

    Sabanc University

    I will present a model that I have been using for years in my practice of psychology

    and psychotherapy. My proposed theoretical framework is a model for cross

    cultural adjustment and was implemented in my psychology doctoral dissertation

    in the University of Minnesota, USA. The thesis researches foreign studentscompatibility, and deals with the adjustment and correspondence between the

    theoretical model individual and the environment. The correspondence between

    an individual and the environment means the harmony between the person and

    the environment, and the existence of a mutual and complementary relationship

    between the individual and the environment. The individual brings his/her own

    expectations into this relationship; on the other hand, the environment has

    expectations from the individual. In order to live in an environment, the person needs

    to be in a certain degree (at least a minimum degree) of correspondence with that

    environment. Satisfaction and competence are two important concepts showing

    the adjustment-correspondence between an individual and the environment.

    These two concepts indicate how successful the individuals adjustment to the

    environment is going to be. (If you will notice, we are not saying the individuals

    adjustment to the environment). The mutual adjustment between the individual

    and the environment is emphasized here. Environment is a participant as well.

    We cannot expect an individual to conform to the environment because it is

    not a one-way process. Another dimension of the model assesses whether the

    individuals abilities meet the environments expectations. If we are to implement

    this model to a students adjustment to a new university: a students adjustment to

    the university is as much a responsibility of the university as it is of the individual.

    Areas where the youth is not competent should be detected and programs need

    to be developed. Therefore, the factors and conditions important to students

    adjustment are detected and implemented in any university. In my opinion, this is

    consistent with the philosophy of psychological counseling. In short, satisfactionis a measure of how much the individuals needs are met, and satisfactoriness is

    a measure of how much the individuals abilities meet the expectations of the

    environment. Satisfied and competent individual is at peace with herself.

  • 8/8/2019 2. Universitelerde Psikolojik Danismanlik Sempozyumu_Ozet Bildiriler


    II. niversitelerde Psikolojik Danma ve Rehberlik Sempozyumu zet Bildiriler Kitab2nd Symposium of Psychological Counseling and Guidance at Universities Abstracts Book


    Kiileraras Kabul: niversitelerde Uygulamalar

    Fato ErkmanBoazii niversitesi

    Gnmzde niversite rencilerinin ar bask algladklar ve psikolojik

    uyum ve salklarnn tehdit altnda olduu bilinmektedir. Bu durumun zm

    psikolojik salamla sahip genler yetitirmekten gemektedir. Genlerimizin

    direnli olabilmeleri iin bir alt yapya ihtiyalar vardr ve bu alt yapnn temel

    talar da kabaca yksek zdeer, yetkinlik duygusu ve umuttur. Ronald P. Rohner(2000) tarandan ortaya atlm olan ebeveyn kabul red kuram, ocuklukta

    anne-baba tarandan kabul veya reddedilmenin, ocuun psikolojik geliimini ve

    yetikinlikteki uyumunu nasl etkilediini aklayan ve yordayan bir sosyalleme

    kuramdr. Gnmzde bu kuramn kapsam geniletilmi ve insanlarn tm

    nemli yakn ilikilerini ierecek biimde gelitirilmi ve dnyada herkesin kabul

    edilme temel gereksinimi olduunu grgl almalarla ispatlanmtr. Bu modelde

    herkesin az veya ok kabul alglad ve herkesin bu boyutta, her ilikisinde bir

    yere yerletii ne srlmektedir. Dnyann eitli lkelerinde yaplm olanaratrmalar, kabul veya reddedilmenin ocuklarn hem duygusal, davransal ve

    sosyal-bilisel geliimini, hem yetikinlikteki psikolojik uyumlarn etkilediini

    gstermitir (Rohner, 2002, 2005; Erkman, 1992, 2007).

    Bu balamda niversitelerde rencilere ynelik etkinlikler planlarken oturtulacak

    olan ereve yle izilebilir: 1. niversitede rehberlik ve psikolojik danmanln

    birincil hede, direnli ve etkin genlerin geliimini salamaktr. 2. niversite

    ortam nemli bir anahtar btnletirici sosyal sistemdir. 3. Gvenle kullanabilecek

    olan iki kuramsal yaklam; psikolojik sa