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2. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Since this thesis is concerned with optimising stand density in teak plantations using growth models, developments associated with important concepts and techniques involved in the subject are reviewed here so as to facilitate later discussion without getting involved into details of the methodology. Other than indicating the current status of the subject field, the review also justifies the selection of the methods from a broad set of alternatives possible. The concepts that are reviewed in this chapter include stand density and its optimisation, growth models, intrinsic biological units for measuring growth, allometric relations, fractal geometry and its application to tree growth. This is followed by a review of past works reported on thinning and rotation age and also environmental effects of growing teak plantations. 2.1. Stand density One of the main goals of plantation forestry is to maximize volume growth, improve wood quality, and thus, increase the returns. The easiest and often profitable way to achieve this goal is to control stand density by initial spacing and subsequently by thinning. Most often foresters measure density by number of trees per unit area. Harper (1977) reported that tree size is an indispensable component of stand density. Although foresters had been more imaginative than other ecologists and had developed a rich variety of density measures (West, 1982) and its kinds (absolute density, relative stand density, stocking and stockability), only one was being commonly used: the basal area. Thus a popular density guide (Gingrich, 1967), used as a Forest Service standard for stocking guide, was based on basal area. Several other variables were also proposed as density measures. They include average distance between trees expressed in proportion to average height or diameter, stand volume, crown closure, and leaf area. Each of these has some advantages and disadvantages. Yet these variables are not satisfactory for the same reason as basal area-stocking (that is, degree of crowding) changes with tree size (Assmann, 1970; West, 1982; Vose and Allen, 1988). 5

2. REVIEW OF OF LITERATURE Since this thesis is concerned with optimising stand density in teak plantations

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Page 1: 2. REVIEW OF OF LITERATURE Since this thesis is concerned with optimising stand density in teak plantations


Since this thesis is concerned with optimising stand density in teak

plantations using growth models, developments associated with important

concepts and techniques involved in the subject are reviewed here so as to

facilitate later discussion without getting involved into details of the

methodology. Other than indicating the current status of the subject field, the

review also justifies the selection of the methods from a broad set of

alternatives possible. The concepts that are reviewed in this chapter include

stand density and its optimisation, growth models, intrinsic biological units for

measuring growth, allometric relations, fractal geometry and its application to

tree growth. This is followed by a review of past works reported on thinning

and rotation age and also environmental effects of growing teak plantations.

2.1. Stand density

One of the main goals of plantation forestry is to maximize volume growth,

improve wood quality, and thus, increase the returns. The easiest and often

profitable way to achieve this goal is to control stand density by initial spacing

and subsequently by thinning. Most often foresters measure density by

number of trees per unit area. Harper (1977) reported that tree size is an

indispensable component of stand density. Although foresters had been more

imaginative than other ecologists and had developed a rich variety of density

measures (West, 1982) and its kinds (absolute density, relative stand density,

stocking and stockability), only one was being commonly used: the basal area.

Thus a popular density guide (Gingrich, 1967), used as a Forest Service

standard for stocking guide, was based on basal area.

Several other variables were also proposed as density measures. They include

average distance between trees expressed in proportion to average height or

diameter, stand volume, crown closure, and leaf area. Each of these has some

advantages and disadvantages. Yet these variables are not satisfactory for the

same reason as basal area-stocking (that is, degree of crowding) changes with

tree size (Assmann, 1970; West, 1982; Vose and Allen, 1988).


Page 2: 2. REVIEW OF OF LITERATURE Since this thesis is concerned with optimising stand density in teak plantations

Despite numerous attempts, finding an optimal density, which maximizes

volume growth of forest stands, has been an elusive task primarily because a

clear definition of density was lacking. Number of trees or basal area does not

make up a valid measure of stand density, as both are incomplete by

themselves to describe the extent of crowding in a stand. For a fixed number

of trees, when the diameter increases, even understocked stands become

overstocked. For constant basal area, the trend of stocking is opposite. Both

basal area and number of trees can be presented as a product of the number

of trees per unit area, N, and mean diameter, D, of the stand with appropriate

choice for the power of D as 2 or 0. The opposite trends in stocking suggests

that there is some power r, confined between 0 and 2, which produces a

proper measure of density, i.e., a measure which remains constant in equally

dense stands, regardless of their diameter. Reineke (1933) identified this

power r and offered an index based on the number of trees and diameter. This

index is a more reasonable measure of density than leaf area because it is a

stable variable that integrates both aboveground and belowground competition

as well as environmental conditions. Reineke’s index (S) is given by




4.25 (2.1)

where, N = Number of trees per ha

D = Quadratic mean diameter of trees in cm

r is a parameter which is taken as 1.6 for all practical purposes.

Reineke’s index lumps together two processes of self-thinning viz., increasing

average crown size expressed by diameter and diminishing crown closure.

Zeide (2002) further modified this index to describe both processes explicitly.

The modified index was



= Dc


eDNS (2.2)


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where, b = Rate of tree mortality caused by the increase in crown size

c = Mortality rate due to diminishing canopy closure

Equation (2.2) defines stand density as the number of trees per unit area with

D = 25.4 cm. Equation (2.2) applies to any even-aged stand. The definition

(Equation (2.2)) does not impose canopy gaps. If canopy closure is complete, c

would be 0 and Equation (2.2) would be reduced to Equation (2.1).

However, for use in growth equations, the exponential part of the index was

found redundant as this aspect could be taken care of by other growth

parameters, thus reducing the modified index to a form similar to that of

Reineke’s index but with a smaller b which can be interpreted as a measure of

self- tolerance of a species, i.e., the ability of trees to compete with or tolerate

conspecifics (Zeide, 1985). This ability is measured by the proportion of trees

eliminated during the period dt by a certain increase in average diameter, dD/Ddt.

Reduced form of the modified Reineke’s index is being used in this thesis.

2.2. Optimal stand density

Relating growth and density is a principal problem in forestry. Particularly

important is the relationship at which the output of desired products reaches

the maximum. Density at this point is called the optimal density. Search for

this optimum has been conducted since the beginning of forestry without

producing a convincing answer. Even the existence of optimal density was

questioned in the past by many foresters. Curtis et al. (1997) denied the

existence of such a density. On the other hand, Moller (1954) asserted that

frequent thinning of moderate intensity produces the density that maximizes

growth. At present, many foresters believe that volume growth does not

change much over a wide range of stand densities, so that thinning can

redistribute growth from smaller to larger stems but not increase its amount

(Zeide, 2001). One of the reasons is that the effect of density on growth is not

always separated from those of tree size and age. Such a separation is not

easy when the relationship between density and growth is expressed as a

graph (Langsaeter’s curve).


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Zeide (2004) as part of a long derivation proposed the following simple model

that expresses volume growth of an average tree as a function of three

predictors viz., tree size, age and density.

cSqtp eeaDdtdv /' −−= (2.3)

where, dv/dt = Current volume growth of a tree

D = Diameter at breast-height of the tree

t = Age (year)

S = Stand density index (Reineke, 1933)

a, p’, q and c are parameters

It allows one to calculate the density that maximizes volume growth at any

given moment (current annual increment of volume).

Zeide (2002) had shown algebraically that the current optimal density index,

Sc, is defined as the density index at which current volume growth reaches the

maximum at c. The optimal density was independent of plantation age,

implying that the density, which maximizes the current growth, is the same at

any age level. It was also invariant to diameter, canopy closure, interest rate

flows and merchantable limits (Zeide, 2002). In addition to species and

possibly region, optimal density change with any factor related to density. He

also indicated that insects, diseases, storms and other disturbances are likely

to decrease the optimum because of the damage caused by these factors,

which actually escalates at higher densities.

If at each moment, volume growth is maximal at the highest density, then it

seems that the sum of volume increments (total volume) must also be the

highest. This reasoning is true if volume growth is a function of density only.

Actually, it is a function of two variables, density and diameter. Diameter also

depends on density but not on the current density. As the sum of increments,

diameter has been formed by density that existed in the past. Optimal value of

long-term density is the density that maximizes volume accumulated by the

rotation age and, therefore, its mean annual increment. The results obtained

for loblolly pine by Zeide (2002) showed that the accumulated volume (and its


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mean annual increment) culminates at I = 0.72, which is lower than the

current optimum, I = 1 (where, I indicates relative measure of density = S/Sc,

S = Reineke’s Stand density index, and Sc = Current optimal density index).

This confirmed that, although current optimal density maximizes volume

growth at each moment, it is not optimal in the long run. The same high

density that assures maximal increments at younger ages diminishes diameter

and undermines the total yield.

To improve growth, foresters maintain stand density at a certain fixed level by

regular thinning. In Europe, these levels are known as thinning grades A, B, C

and D. In the United States the levels are defined quantitatively, usually in

terms of residual (after thinning) or average basal area per unit area. As in

Europe, it was found that medium values of basal area are best for volume

growth per unit area. To maximize stand volume, many authors (Chapman,

1953; Wahlenberg, 1960 and Schultz, 1997) recommend reducing basal area in

even-aged loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) stands to the residual level of 18 m2/ha

when they reach 27-28 m2/ha. Lately, stand density index has become

popular for specifying the levels. Dean and Chang (2002) recommend growing

loblolly pine between indices to 610 (thinning density) and 390 (residual

density). Williams’ (1994) estimates of these levels are 540 and 390. Similar

values (560 and 390) are used by Doruska and Nolen (1999).

Average optimum density is the simplest but not necessarily the best way to

maximize merchantable volume of teak stands. It may be that the optimum of

current density changes with age. Whereas in the past foresters were

concerned mostly with finding one optimal fixed level of average density, now

the challenge is to find an optimal trajectory of current density. Zeide (2004)

described a method to determine optimal trajectory of stand density and

practical recommendations to implement it. Keeping number of trees per unit

area constant, assures optimal trajectory of stand density. The number

maximizes final yield (or income) because the number provides the lowest

density at the beginning (to increase stem diameter) and full stocking at the

end and as a result, the fastest diameter growth. Such a prescription is called

the minimum number-maximum yield (minimax) strategy. As a result, on good


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sites this strategy reduces expenses on planting and thinning, minimizes root

rot, insect infestation and other possible hazards. At the beginning, minimax

requires only less than 10 per cent of the land for trees. The rest can be used

to diversify land use and grow agricultural crops that do not compete with

trees for light. To remedy shortcomings of minimax, it is suggested to plant

trees in clusters and prune them. Zeide (2004a) had indicated that the real

problem is to find out the best trajectory of density that minimizes the

negative side of density (growth suppression) and capitalizes on its positive

side (increased volume).

2.3. Growth models

A ‘model’ represents a structure showing the proportions and arrangements of

its component parts. Common usage of the term ‘growth model’ encompasses

the mathematical equations, numerical values embedded in those equations,

the logic necessary to link these equations in a meaningful way, and the

computer code required to implement the model in a computer. Growth and

yield models may be precise and realistic, but are limited in their scope and

may require empirical data for calibration. Growth models are of considerable

importance in forest management.

Growth models allow foresters to optimise thinning, fertilization, and virtually

any management activity. Model form and parameters embody the essence of

forestry knowledge and are the basis of contemporary forestry. While there are

no doubts about its significance, there is considerable disagreement on how to

model growth. At present, forest models either merely fit data and predict

future values of measured variables or attempt to understand and describe the

underlying cause-and-effect processes responsible for stand dynamics. The

first class of models is known as empirical models and the second as process-

based models.

2.3.1. Empirical models

The empirical approach to growth modelling is exemplified by equations

selected to maximize fit to the given data set and smooth the data. Their form

and parameters have no ecological or mechanical interpretation. A classic


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example of such models is a polynomial. The Chapman-Richards (Richards,

1959), Gompertz (1825), Korf (Kiviste, 1988), Hossfeld (Peschel, 1938) and

other popular growth equations also belong to this category. Attempts to

design more meaningful growth models represented by the Bertalanffy (1957)

and logistic equations failed because these equations do not fit data well.

They are valued for pragmatic reasons and also for convenience of

calculation. Parameters of these equations are computed to minimize

deviations from data and have no meaning besides serving this practical

purpose. It is believed that empirical models may be useful in practice but

contribute little to our knowledge.

One important development that occurred with respect to the form of growth

model to be used was the analysis of growth equations and was formulated by

Zeide (1993). By analyzing the structure of several growth equations, it was

observed that their diversity is superficial and can be reduced to two basic

differential forms (Zeide, 1993). Each form can be presented as a product of

two modules (expansion module and decline module). In all studied equations

(except the moderately accurate Weibull’s), the expansion module brings the

increment up and describes it as a power function of size. The decline module

pushes the increment down. The decline module has two forms: exponential

and power. This module can be either negative exponential or power functions

of age. This could be explained by a greater number of factors that hinder

growth: scarcity of resources, competition, reproduction, aging, diseases,

herbivory disturbances, etc. The Bertalanffy, Richards, logistic, Gompertz and

other equations belong to the group of Exponential Decline (ED). The Korf,

Hossfeld, Levakovic, and Yoshida equations comprise the group of Power

Decline (PD). The decline module is driven by age, which stands in these

equations as a proxy of all forces that reduce growth.

These two forms of growth equations are

ED: z and PD: ( ) qtpekXtX −=, ( ) qptkXtXz −=, (2.4)

where, k is the scale parameter

p and q are the parameters characterizing the rates of growth

expansion and decline, respectively.


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Zeide (1993) noted that growth of plants results from two opposing factors: the

intrinsic tendency towards unlimited increase (biotic potential) and restraints

imposed by environmental resistance and aging. Expansion tendency prevails

in the beginning of a tree’s life, while growth decline becomes prominent

towards the end. The existing growth equations can be transformed so that the

components that correspond to these two factors are exposed. This

transformation revealed the intrinsic form of the analyzed equations as

or (2.5) tqypky ln ln ln ' ++= qptyky 1' =

or yky = (2.6) qtypky ln ln ' ++= qtpe1'

where, p is the constant of size y or ln y

q is the constant of age t or ln t

p > 0, q < 0, and k1 = ek

k = intercept

In both forms, the expansion component is proportional to ln(y) or is a power

function of size. The forms differ in the way the decline component is

presented. In Equation (2.5) it is proportional to logarithm of age, t. This form

is referred to as the LT-decline or LTD form. The decline component of

Equation (2.6) is directly proportional to age, t. Accordingly, Equation (2.6) is

referred to as TD (T-decline) form. Growth decline of individual trees appears

to be more variable and can be rendered with equal accuracy by a variety of

expressions. Zeide (1993) found that the accuracy of these basic equations

(LTD and TD) is equal when they are applied to individual trees for any tree

variable (diameter, height, volume).

In addition, for individual trees the equation containing tree size as

independent variable was found to be equally successful.

or qyypky ln ln ' ++= qypeyky 1' = (2.7)

where, p = Constant of size y or ln y

q = Constant of age t or ln t

p > 0, q < 0, and k1 = ek

k = Intercept


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Because the decline component is proportional to the size y this form would be

referred to as the Y-decline, or YD form. Zeide (1993) suggested that the best

two variable equations were almost as accurate as equations with three and

four variables. The effect of data type on the accuracy of a given equation

indicated that the effect was especially clear for the YD form; it was the best

for height and diameter growth of individual trees and the worst form for

pooled data for the same variables. The distinguishing feature of the three

equations (LTD, TD and YD) is that growth expansion is proportional to the

logarithm of size. Zeide (1993) discovered a new promising equation form by

combining the three basic forms such as LTD, TD and YD at the expense of

introducing additional parameters.

(2.8) yqptqpqp eykeyktyky 332211321

' ++=

The LTD form corresponds to k2 = k3 = 0, and the TD form arises when k1 = k3

=0. When all three parameters are different from zero, Equation (2.8) becomes

a single general form that includes the discussed forms (LTD, TD and YD) as

special case. However, these equation forms were basically suited for growth

simulation than explicit prediction of yield.

2.3.2. Process-based models

Process-based or simply process models (such as those collected in Dixon et

al., 1990; Korpilahti, 1997; Makela and Landsberg, 2000) aim not only at a

description but also at understanding the underlying cause-and-effect

relationships. Although the promise of process models is yet to be realized,

they are considered as the major achievement of forest science in the twentieth


The bottom-up approach is the key feature of existing process models. These

process models proceed from the particular to the overall result. They start

with describing physiological processes in various tree compartments. Among

these processes are radiation absorption; photosynthesis of shaded and

unshaded conditions; transpiration; respiration of foliage, extent of sapwood

and heartwood, fine and coarse roots, and other tree compartments; like rate


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of senescence; amount of nutrients retranslocated from senescing foliage;

allocation of resources by tree compartments, concentration of nutrients in

each of these, efficiency of carbon conversion; and many others.

The contribution of each process is expressed in the same units, unit of mass.

The bottom-up models present the whole as the sum of its parts. In the words

of the experts, process models "treat plants as consisting of elementary units.

The core of such a model is the description of what happens in a single plant

element. Models can use various elements, such as bud, leaf, internode, stem

segment, etc. A computer program takes care of all the elements and

integrates their activities to the functioning of the whole plant" (Sievanen et

al., 1997). As a result, the structure of these models is simple: the constituent

processes exist on one level and are connected by addition (or subtraction).

Even though bottom-up process models are intended to describe biological

phenomena, their conceptual framework–carbon balance–is adopted from

physics. The ideal of a "process-based forest stand growth model" is borrowed

from physical engineering" (Makela, 1992).

Bottom-up process models are praised for their contribution to the

understanding of key mechanisms of growth and yet they have limited

practical application. The authors of one of the early models write that their

model (with 27 parameters) "provides insights into the relationships between

processes and suggests principles governing growth, but is unlikely to be

useful as a yield predictor; for this purpose a more complex model with more

detailed mechanistic descriptions of the various growth processes would be

required" (McMurtie and Wolf, 1983). Seven years later, Sievanen and Burk

(1990) admitted, "although process-based models have been in widespread

use, their usefulness for forest management has yet to be shown." Still, the

authors are optimistic because "in principle these models have the potential

for being highly applicable in solving various forest management problems."

Yet after seven more years, another carbon balance model (with 34

parameters; several of which are guessed) again "provides mainly a qualitative

description of the growth of an even-aged stand" (Makela, 1997). A more recent

review paper by eight leading modelers published acknowledges that "process-


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based models have not yet been implemented in operational management

systems" (Makela et al., 2000).

Many foresters have tried to realize the promise of the process-based approach

to produce meaningful models of wide applicability. Since 1980, foresters in

New Zealand have made determined efforts in this direction. Several teams of

researchers worked on a comprehensive physiological model that included

various blocks dealing with the interception of radiant energy, photosynthesis,

transpiration, water balance, and other processes. This work has been

summarized by Goulding (1994).

There are several problems with this approach. One of these is that “the

reassembly of these units into a functionally predictive model of a community

seems Utopian. Simulation modelers have abandoned the hope of a realistic

composite model as unworkably complex (Zeide, 2003). Such a model would

be impossible to specify and the massive calculations will inflate error until

the predictions are rendered meaninglessly uncertain, and the purpose of the

model will be obscured by its own complexity” (Zeide, 2003).

The second problem is the incompleteness of bottom-up models. The actual

number of physiological processes is too large to model and some of them are

still unknown. Many important processes are often neglected. Among these

are the adaptation and reproduction. Thus, the index of Dixon’s et al. (1990)

collection of works on forest growth modelling (with 38 contributions) contains

no entry on reproductive effort or seed production. Adaptation ("adaptive

response") is mentioned but not modeled. The number of interactions is still

larger, in fact much larger. And these interactions are critical for both

understanding and prediction (Johnsen et al., 2001).

The third shortcoming is the incapacity of physiological models to utilize tree

measurements and, specifically, the most valuable asset of forest science-long-

term observations on permanent plots. Instead, these models require as input

sophisticated and rarely available information. We do not measure regularly

on our plots radiation absorption, transpiration, rate of senescence, and

annual retranslocation of nutrients. When occasionally we do, the errors are


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large. Some of these variables cannot be measured at all so that values have

to be guessed. Many problems of parameterization and calibration could be

avoided if we are able to utilize readily available tree and stand measurements.

Given these deficiencies, it is easy to understand why bottom-up process

models, praised for their contribution to knowledge of growth processes, poorly

predict stand dynamics. The current state of forest modelling is a paradox. In

other areas of science, deeper understanding results in more accurate

predictions, wider applicability, and practical usefulness. If knowledge is

power, it is first of all the power of prediction. On the other hand, in forestry

we are told that the principal value of process models is “to improve

knowledge rather than to accurately or precisely predict outcomes” (Korzukhin

et al., 1996). This common view begs a question: do we really need an

“improved knowledge” if its predictions are at variance with reality? Outside

forest modelling, such knowledge is called fallacious rather than improved.

The presumed opposition of understanding and prediction is false. These

concepts are closely related: understanding is a major purpose of science

while prediction is confirmation of its correctness. Only meaningful models

can be consistently accurate. The single reason for model inaccuracy is failure

to understand the studied object. If so, despite their claim to be meaningful,

process models are not. And, conversely, allegedly nonsensical empirical

models may be superior not only in predicting stand dynamics but also in

reflecting growth processes as well.

Shrader-Frechette and McCoy (1993) defend the separation of prediction and

explanation because prediction is a goal of a theory and not a criterion of its

scientific status. They use geology as an example of a strong science, which

can explain earthquakes (by compressional or tensional stresses built up at

the margins of the moving lithospherical plates), but not predict them with

certainty simply because they are not deterministic. Geology may be a strong

science but Shrader-Frechette and McCoy (1993) argument is not. The very

ability to assess the intrinsic unpredictability of earthquakes qualifies as a

precise prediction. Prediction is both a goal of a theory and the main criterion

of its scientific status. Still, there is a difference between the discovery of order


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and the discovery of chaos. Both provide reason to act. The result that the

subject matter of a given science is unpredictable can be considered as a

positive achievement: we can put cross on such a science and switch research

efforts to the areas where our knowledge does make a difference.

It may be that the sterility of bottom-up models is not accidental and

transitory. Perhaps, at this stage of our knowledge the bottom-up approach

alone is not capable of describing growth. Still the listed deficiencies are not

an excuse to revert to empirical data-based models. The advocates of the

bottom-up approach equate it with process modelling: "process-based modelling

can be defined as a procedure by which the behaviour of a system is derived

from a set of functional components and their interactions (Makela et al., 2000).

A complementary, top-down approach was discussed by Landsberg in 1986,

who considered it as a temporary stopgap for physiological bottom-up models.

In his latest book (Landsberg and Gower, 1997), this issue is not mentioned at

all. Actually, the top-down approach is an indispensable component of research

and thinking in general. Any attempt to understand which factors, forces, or

processes have produced the most obvious that we see in a given forest–species

composition, tree size or number–can be deemed as a top-down inquiry.

Biological processes of growth can be divided into the following three linked


(1) Innate tendency of living beings to grow and multiply; (2) Growth

restraints; (a) Intrinsic processes (aging, growth impediments associated with

increasing size and allocation of resources to reproduction); (b) Extrinsic

processes, chiefly competition stress; and (3) Adaptation to these restraints.

Diving down into the inner mechanisms of tree growth we may learn about the

rate of aging, intensity of competition, increase of proportion of dead tissue,

and infer parameter values that produce a certain tree size. Although this

knowledge can be used to evaluate future growth, by itself those rates, ratios,

and parameters are mainly of academic interest. The top-down approach is

not intended for immediate practical use; rather it is a method to uncover the

forces that produce the measurable variables, identify growth processes, their

hierarchy, and even assess the values of parameters.


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2.3.3. The U-approach in growth modelling

Zeide (2003) proposed a new kind of process models, namely U-approach

model, which combines the merits of both bottom-up and top-down

approaches. The parameters of the model are biologically meaningful and are

directly linked to the physiological and ecological characteristics of the

species. We are interested in deciphering the underlying growth mechanics

only to uncover inner mechanisms of growth in hope of predicting future

diameter, number of trees, volume and other practical variables. The joint, U-

approach is a manifestation of the common strategy of learning known under

many names such as analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction,

differentiation and integration, reductionism and holism. The proposed U-

approach to modelling can be summarized as follows.

1. It uses as input “top” variables, which are easily measured tree and stand

characteristics such as diameter, crown width and stand density.

2. Through these variables at the top-down stage of modelling, we decipher the

underlying “bottom” mechanical, physiological and ecological processes,

starting with multiplicative increase for growth models and tree growth for

mortality models. Then we proceed to uncover more specific processes by

inferring consequences of general processes or splitting them into

constituents. Thus, a growth restraint is a consequence of multiplicative

proliferation. These restraining processes can be divided further into two

component groups: internal and external.

3. All this work is done to produce as output predicted values of the variables

needed for management (bottom-up branch).

Zeide (2003) found that the U-approach promises to be meaningful,

comprehensive, and, because it supplies growth information, practical. Even

though the U-approach also combines two strands of modelling, it does not

sacrifice a theoretical basis for accuracy. Its components reinforce each other

so that the whole is superior to the parts (bottom-up and top-down branches).

Along with uniting these two lines of investigations, the U-approach brings

together both understanding and utility.


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Zeide (2004) had developed certain process-based models and procedures for

projecting diameter and volume growth. For the present study, models

proposed by Zeide (2004) are used with appropriate modifications to suit the

context of the data. The models are based on unified approach (Zeide 2003),

which combines the merits of both top-down and bottom-up enquiry in

scientific investigations. The parameters of the model are biologically

meaningful and are directly linked to the physiological and ecological

characteristics of the species.

2.3.4. Resolution level of growth models

Traditionally, forest growth and yield models are divided into three broad

categories with regard to the structural complexity and input detail viz., (i)

Whole stand models, (ii) Size-class distribution models and (iii) Individual tree


Whole stand models predict the different stand parameters directly from the

concerned regressor variables. The usual parameters of interest are

commercial volume per hectare, crop diameter and crop height. Such models

require stand summary information like age, stand density, site index etc. as

regressor variables. Since age and site index determine the top height,

sometimes only the top height is considered in lieu of age and site index. The

whole stand models can be further grouped according to whether or not stand

density is used as an independent variable in these models. Variable density

whole stand models can assess the effects of variation in stand density (e.g.,

crown cover, basal area) on yield. Traditional normal yield tables do not use

density since the word ‘normal’ implies Nature’s maximum density. Empirical

yield tables assume Nature’s average density. Variable-density models split by

whether current or future volume is directly estimated by the growth functions

or whether stand volume is aggregated from mathematically generated

diameter classes. A second distinction is whether the model predicts growth

directly or uses a two-stage process, which first predicts future stand density

and then uses this information to estimate future stand volume and

subsequently growth by subtraction.


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Models which use information on size distribution of trees (e.g., diameter class

models) are called size-class distribution models. Diameter class models trace

the changes in volume or other characteristics in each diameter class by

calculating growth of the average tree in each class, and multiply this average

by the inventoried number of stems in each class. The volumes are then

aggregated over all classes to obtain stand characteristics.

Individual tree models are the most complex and individually model each tree

on a sample tree list. Most individual tree models calculate a crown

competition index for each tree and use it in determining whether the tree

lives or dies and, if it lives, its growth in terms of diameter, height and crown

size. A distinction between model types is based on how the crown competition

index is calculated. If the calculation is based on the measured or mapped

distance from each subject tree to all trees within its competition zone, then it

is called distance-dependent. Distance-dependent individual tree models

maintain a spatial record of the point density around individual trees. If the

crown competition index is based only on the subject tree characteristics and

the aggregate stand characteristics, then it is a distance-independent model.

Experience to date suggests that distance-dependent tree-level growth models

have proved to be useful tools for simulating various silvicultural practices.

However, other current yield model applications such as inventory projections,

stand validation, and harvest scheduling generally utilize other model types

that provide adequately detailed information at far less cost (Daniels et al.,

1979; Clutter, 1980). Especially, whole stand models combine simplicity and

precision levels that are needed for most of the management purposes.

Moreover, the thesis deals with stand summary features such as the stand site

index, density, and age at inflection point etc. Hence whole stand model

approach was considered as most appropriate for the present study.

2.3.5. Allometric relations

Allometric relations refer to the relationship between parts of an organism, or

in general, that of a biological system. In forestry, allometric relations form the

basis of many prediction equations. For example, allometric relations can be

used for predicting tree or stand attributes, which are difficult to measure, based


Page 17: 2. REVIEW OF OF LITERATURE Since this thesis is concerned with optimising stand density in teak plantations

on certain easily measured characteristics. Typical examples of such prediction

equations are height prediction models based on diameter, volume prediction

models based on diameter and height and most of the growth and yield

prediction models used in forestry. Such models gain importance as modern

scientific forest management relies heavily on well-defined growth and yield

models that can be used to assess the status of forests at any point of time

and also predict the future stand conditions under alternative management

regimes. Traditional prediction models used in forestry are based on ordinary

regression functions. Estimates of parameters in a regression function are

obtained based on the principle of least squares (Montgomery and Peck, 1982).

Estimates obtained through Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression method

are unbiased and accurate. OLS produces unbiased estimates of the dependent

variable when the predictor contains no errors. However, this need not be the

case always in the case of allometric relations where both the interdependent

variables may contain errors. Various methods have been developed to relate

variables subject to errors (Bartlett, 1949; Sprent and Dolby, 1980; Ricker,

1984; Leduc, 1987). One of the most popular one is the Reduced Major Axis

(RMA) method. While OLS minimizes the sum of the vertical deviations along

the y-axis, RMA estimates regression parameters by minimizing the sum of the

products of the horizontal (along the x-axis) and vertical deviations. The RMA

slope is the geometric mean of the slope obtained by regressing y on x and the

slope obtained by regressing x on y. An equivalent method to calculate the

RMA slope estimate is to divide the OLS slope by the correlation coefficient

(square root of R2). The variance of the RMA slope is the same as for the

corresponding regression line (Teisser, 1948; Kermack and Haldane, 1950).

Unlike OLS, RMA is designed to estimate parameters when predictors contain

errors. For this reason, RMA is more suitable for this investigation than OLS.

RMA is the maximum-likelihood or least biased estimator of the functional

relationship when theoretical errors of the variables are unknown.

2.4. Intrinsic units in growth modelling

Zeide (2004a) demonstrated the benefits of using intrinsic units of age and size

provided by trees (and other plants) themselves in growth models by choosing

the basic Richards function models (Richards, 1959) as an example. When


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the age and size at inflection point were employed to rescale the Richards

equation, the model became simpler (reduced number of parameters in the

growth model) and its parameters became more transparent. The age and size

at inflection point are discernible from extraneous observations on trees

(through stem/stump analysis) other than that used for estimating the model


The basic Richards equation is:

(2.9) cbteay )1( −−=

where, a, b and c are parameters

It describes the development of any non-diminishing tree dimension y (such as

diameter or height) as a function of a single variable–age, t. This description is

highly artificial because it presumes that all other factors of growth are

constant and the development is a pre-determined unfolding of some innate


The Richards equation belongs to the exponential decline family of growth

equations, which also contains the Bertalanffy, Gompertz, logistic and

monomolecular equations. This family has a common differential form:

y’ = k yp e-qt (2.10)

where, y’ = Derivative of y with respect to age t

k = a1/cbc

p = (c-1)/c

q = b

are parameters (Zeide, 1993).

Equation (2.10) consists of two modules standing for two opposite groups of

growth factors. The expansion module driven by tree size, yp, represents an

innate tendency to grow and multiply, while the decline module, e-qt is a proxy

of growth restraints, both intrinsic (such as aging) and extrinsic (chiefly

competition). The expansion module, yp of Equation (2.10) indicates that

growth is proportional to tree size raised to power of p. This makes clear that


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because growth is related not only to total mass but also to the living part of it,

or, more specifically, to the absorbing surface.

There are several advantages of presenting the differential Equation (2.10) as

the product of two modules rather as their difference (Zeide, 1993). First, the

multiplicative presentation reveals two basic forms behind existing growth

equations: exponential decline and power decline. When the growth equations

are expressed as difference of two modules, the number of basic forms is twice

as large. Instead of one multiplicative form, there are two for the exponential

decline forms. The second advantage is that the Equation (2.10) is more

convenient for calculations (it can be linearized by taking logs, which cannot

be done for difference). The final advantage is accuracy.

Since Richards (1959) discarded the physiological reasoning employed by

Bertalanffy (1957) to justify the value of parameter p, little is known about

expected values of the parameters and their relationships. Their values are

estimated by fitting the equation to data. It would be helpful if we were able to

assess the parameters from early tree measurements and express them in

terms of tangible landmarks of tree growth such as the inflection point (the

point where increment y’ culminates and the initial period of accelerated

growth shifts to the period of deceleration). This can be done by rescaling the

Richards equation using the age, t$, the tree size, , at inflection point,

instead of the cryptic a, b, and c. The rescaled form of the Richards equation

was reported by Zeide (2004a) and is given as


(2.11) cT−cAY )1( −=

where, , rescaled tree size $/ yyY =

T = / tt , rescaled tree age $

A = Asymptote (maximal tree size in the units of ),which is a

function of c: $y





c is a parameter, which is also a function of the values at the

inflection point


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Parameters of the rescaled equation are palpable, especially from stem

diameter. Zeide (2004a) found that the rescaled form of the model was found

applicable to stands of any site quality and requires no additional parameters

because the intrinsic units serve two purposes: (1) they change with site

quality and (2) they are the equation parameters. Zeide (2004a) found that the

parameter c is site- independent, which was established through mechanical


In addition to accuracy, the rescaled Richards equation eliminates the problem

of presenting the parameters as a function of site index. The regular form of

the Richards equation requires an extensive and expensive (in terms of the

number of parameters and computational complexity) modification to reflect

site quality (Goelz and Burk, 1992). The advantages of rescaling are as follows:

1. Clear meaning of parameters and possibility to measure them.

2. Possibility to predict growth from early measurements. Because inflection

occurs at young age, the parameters allow one to predict a large portion of it.

3. Checking validity of growth equations. Comparison of the measured values

of the parameters with their statistical estimates can be used to assess

adequacy of an equation.

4. Interpretation of parameters p and c in terms of crown fractal dimension. It

is shown that parameter p (functionally related to c) is one-third of crown

fractal dimension.

5. Relating the parameters to site quality. Rescaling makes transparent the

relationship between the parameters and site. Parameter c does not change

with site (globally).

6. Using the inflection point as base of site index classification would increase

accuracy of site estimation.

The disadvantage of these units is that, these units are not known prior to

measurement because they are intrinsic to individual trees or stands.

2.5. Fractal geometry and its application in growth modelling

The parameters of the Richards function are associated with eco-physiological

parameters of the species. Biologically, unrestrained growth of trees is very


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much related to utilization of light and thus related to tolerance and self-

tolerance. Tree crowns, which provide structural support to all photosynthetic

activities of the trees, differ from solid objects of classical geometry. It is

neither a three-dimensional solid nor a two-dimensional photosynthetic

surface. It can be viewed as a collection of holes that serves to conduct

sunlight and gases or as a multilevel hierarchy of clustered dots. The crown is

a hybrid of surface and volume. Their understanding requires new ideas about

spatial relationships. Such objects are called fractals (pigment molecules and

chloroplasts). Fractal geometry provides concepts and tools needed to describe

fractals common in nature (Mandelbrot, 1983). The central concept of this

geometry is fractal dimension. Fractal geometry allows one to condense

information on crown structure into a few meaningful numbers such as fractal

dimension, which is a generalization of the spatial dimension of classical


Any spatial dimension, F, be it Euclidean integer dimension or fractal

dimension, is represented by the power of the relationship between the

number of units, N (such as smaller cubes), and the linear size of the unit, r,

which is the length of its side (Mandelbrot, 1983).

FrN 1= (2.12)

Fractal dimension )ln()ln( rNF = (2.13)

More precisely, fractal dimensions reflect two kinds of adaptation to shading:

functional (ability of foliage to function in a wide range of light intensities as in

tolerant species) and structural (permeable crowns with deep penetrating

cavities that let the sunlight in). Both adaptations distinguish the crown

surface from the smooth, two-dimensional surface of Euclidean geometry.

Accordingly, the crown’s fractal dimension, or rather its excess over the

Euclidean dimension, has two components, functional and structural (Zeide,

1990). Only the functional component relates to tolerance.

Many studies report fractal dimensions of two-dimensional projections of

crowns (Morse et al., 1985; Strand, 1990; Gunarsson, 1992; Mizoue and


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Masutani, 1993). These dimensions, aptly named by Mandelbrot (1983) “ sieve

dimensions”, are different from fractal dimensions of actual crowns occupying

three-dimensional space (called “sponge dimension”). While sponge

dimensions are always greater than 2, sieve dimensions never exceed this

value. Sponge and sieve dimensions are related only by an inequality: their

difference is less than 1 (Pfeifer and Avnir, 1983).

At present, a method for determining fractal dimension of single three-

dimensional crown does not exist. The two-surface method provides such a

dimension for a group of trees (Zeide and Pfeifer, 1991; Corona, 1991; Osawa,

1995). The standard method for determining fractal dimension, the box-

counting method, is not practical. It would require slicing the crown into many

layers without distortion of its structure, subdividing them into cubic boxes,

and counting the number of nonempty boxes. This procedure is repeated

many times using various box sizes. The fractal dimension of the studied

object is one of the parameters of the relationship between the number of

boxes and their size. Technical difficulties make this procedure all but

impossible. While it can easily be applied to obtain a sieve dimension of a

photographed image, dissecting the crown into regular boxes would destroy

the structure one is trying to capture. Besides technical problems, the box-

counting method instills two mental blocks that hamper analysis of three-

dimensional crown geometry. The method uses crown measurements in terms

of regular cubes and consecutive sequences of their sizes and counting.

Zeide (1998) proposed a method, which operates with volume and mass of

natural units of the crown, such as shoots and branches, rather than with

numbers of regular cubes. He pointed out that fractal dimension alone is not

sufficient to describe foliage distribution in the crown because it says nothing

about the density of foliage at a given point. Thus the proposed method makes

it possible to separate purely spatial factors represented by fractal dimensions

from eco-physiological effects characterized by foliage density. Application of

the method showed that neither fractal dimension nor foliage density of the

studied loblolly pines correlates with current diameter increment. At the same

time, there was a pronounced negative correlation between fractal dimension


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and crown size. These results suggest that as crowns become larger, the

amount of foliage located at the crown periphery increases in proportion to the

foliage amount inside the crown. As a spin-off of this analysis, Zeide (1998)

developed a method for estimating relative foliage density (defined as the ratio

of actual to maximal foliage mass for a given branch).

Fractal dimension can be computed either through parameter estimated from

the growth model or through the digital image processing method or through

box-counting method (Zeide, 2004a). Advances in digital processing make it

possible to measure fractal dimension very easily. Even now fractal dimension

of the crown projection (sieve dimension) could be obtained easily using the

box-counting method (Mandelbrot, 1983). Fractal dimension, F varies between

2 and 3. If the dimension of tree surface F > 2, then ,

where is a parameter of the growth model.

)3/2()3/( >= Fpv


2.6. Past research on thinning and rotation age in teak

Past research on thinning in teak stands have been few, even globally. Perhaps

the first of its kind, Hellinga (1939) made the following observations on natural

thinning in unthinned teak plantations. The initial number of trees per

hectare in plantations of different spacing varied from 2,500 to 5,000. After a

period of 20 years, natural mortality had reduced these numbers to

approximately 1,300 to 1,800 trees per hectare. At the same age, the better

sites tend to grow relatively fewer trees than did poor sites. Yield studies of 21

teak sample plots, which were left unthinned since their establishment 20

years ago, showed that the mean basal area diameter was only 70 to 95 per

cent of that of normally thinned plantations; that the number of trees per ha

was 50 to 250 per cent more, and the total basal area per ha 50 to 100 per

cent more than under normal conditions of thinning. The total tree volume per

ha of the unthinned plots was 20 to 80 per cent more than the total tree

volume of the remaining stand and 5 to 25 per cent less than the total tree

volume of the total stand (remaining stand plus thinnings) of normally thinned

plantations. There was very little difference (only 2 to 10 per cent) in the

weighted mean height of the thinned and unthinned plantations.


Page 24: 2. REVIEW OF OF LITERATURE Since this thesis is concerned with optimising stand density in teak plantations

Khlail (1943) advocated delayed thinning in teak plantations by stating that

heavy early thinnings are inadvisable for the following reasons, viz., (i) Teak

responds well even to late thinnings. (ii) Opening up a young crop will cause

the trees to become branchy. (iii) Pruning would prove too expensive in teak

plantations. (iv) Weed growth can be kept suppressed only as long as the

canopy is closed. (v) The thinnings of the first four years are too small to be

merchantable. (vi) Heavy early opening of the crop may lead to storm damage

among the young shallow-rooted trees. (vii) Drastic opening of the canopy

produces an exposure of site that may result in the conversion of good

productive soil into hard, unproductive laterite.

Venkataramany (1956) gave detailed account of the work and periodic results

in the Wayanad and Nilambur Divisions in Kerala State. Figures were adduced

to show that Craib-type thinnings give rapid diameter increment but less

volume than D-grade thinnings, leaving height unaffected.

Tint and Schneider (1980) reported dynamic growth and yield models for

Burma teak. A computer simulation model in FORTRAN was developed for

analysis of stand basal area and volume growth as functions of diameter class

distribution and site class. Examples of output were presented, consisting of

growth and yield tables for a natural teak selection forest in central Burma

and for teak plantations, giving stand statistics, by 5-year age intervals,

including mensurational and yield data for main crop and thinnings, mean

annual increment and current annual increment. The authors also gave

volume tables used in developing the model.

Abayomi et al. (1985) reported results of analyses of variance of diameter and

height increment of 12 teak thinning trials at 6 sites in Nigeria, comparing 4

treatments: no thinning and thinnings down to residual stockings of 800, 400

and 250 stems per ha. Diameter increment tended to increase with thinning

intensity, while height increment and basal area were less affected by thinning

treatment. It was recommended that teak plantations be thinned at ages 5, 10,

15 and 20 years to residual stockings of 800, 600, 400 and 300 stems

respectively to produce a good stocking of large-sized timber stems by age 50-

60 years.


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Gonzales (1985) presented growth and yield prediction model for teak (Tectona

grandis Linn.) plantations in the Magat Experimental Forests in Philippines.

Volume equations and tables were developed for merchantable and saw timber

heights from models chosen by stepwise regression with data from Nueva

Vizcaya, Philippines. Merchantable volumes were predicted using an equation

with diameter at breast-height and merchantable height from 0.3 m height to

10- or 20-cm top diameter without bark (respectively for total merchantable

and saw timber heights) as independent variables. More recently, Bermejo et

al. (2004) reported yield tables for teak plantations in Costa Rica based on the

data from permanent sample plots in the region.

Perez (2005) developed a set of intensive management scenarios for teak

plantations in Costa Rica that could lead to alternative timber production

practices with attainable and promising economic returns. The study

consisted of measurement of growth and yield parameters at the stand level

and wood properties at the individual tree level and the interrelationship

between silvicultural management and site conditions. High intensity and on

time thinning yielded both individual tree and stand volume. Pruning up to a

reasonable height and on time caused no reduction in tree growth and stand

yield. Important characteristics, such as heartwood content and wood density,

were found to be related more to tree age than to silvicultural management

practices, especially at early plantation stages. Growth scenario for 20 and 30

year rotations were developed for high, medium and low quality sites. Different

site classes, production objectives, rotation periods, and discount rates

resulted in marked differences in the financial profitability projections of the

developed scenarios.

In India, the existing stocking guides for teak plantations were offered by FRI

(1970). Some recent evidences generated through simulation studies indicated

a need for rethinking in this line (Jayaraman, 1998). The results of the

simulation studies using yield prediction models estimated from a huge set of

temporary sample plots in teak plantations indicated that total yield for a

rotation age of 60 years is enhanced by retaining trees larger in numbers than

that specified by the yield table. Jayaraman and Induchoodan (2004) reported


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the results of attempts to develop growth simulation models and optimise

stand density for teak plantations in Kerala. The models were similar to that of

Zeide (2004). The present study shall extend the work of Jayaraman and

Induchoodan (2004) using rescaled Richards function based on intrinsic

biological units offered by the trees. The age and size at inflection point of

diameter are proposed to be used for rescaling of the growth model.

Information on inflection point of diameter is obtainable from annual rings of

trees. In forestry, stem analysis is the most dependable practice to generate

historical data on the growth of trees.

2.7. Environmental effects of growing teak

The environmental effects of growing teak plantations are not well documented

so far. However, a few related studies are discussed here.

Although teak is an extremely hardy species capable of growing over a wide

range of edaphic factors, the primary features affecting the growth of the

species with regard to surface and subsurface soils are depth, drainage,

texture, moisture status, and fertility (Seth and Yadav, 1958). Teak is a

pronounced light demander and requires complete overhead light and a fair

amount of space for proper growth and development (Troup, 1921; Tewari,

1992). The environmental effects of growing teak plantations have not been

studied in detail partly because of methodological problems (Thampi, 1997).

In many cases, environmental effects are location specific and are contributed,

either individually or jointly, by a variety of biotic, anthropogenic and

managerial factors. Also, the environmental effects in teak plantation areas are

the net effect of the influence of all interacting factors. Thus, in a long rotation

crop like teak, the changes in environment cannot be monitored at

disaggregated level. However, it has been pointed out that low undergrowth,

increased run-off, soil compaction and erosion in teak plantations have

contributed to the deterioration of soil fertility, which in turn affects the

environment adversely (Shanmuganathan, 1997; Ram and Jana, 1997; Jose

and Koshy, 1972). Decline in soil fertility in successive rotation of teak

plantations in Kerala was noted by Balagopalan and Jose (1982) and


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Balagopalan and Chacko (2001). It is also a general observation that good

quality teak is restricted to strips along riverbanks and lowering of site quality

occurs at places away from riverbanks.

Effects of growing teak on wider environment are also not well documented.

Few studies have been conducted on carbon absorption and storage ability of

teak plantations. Some of the important ones are reviewed here.

Dabral et al. (1964) studied the effect of dew deposition during two cold

seasons in fully closed stands of Pinus roxburghii, Tectona grandis and

Dendrocalamus strictus. It was observed that dew deposition retarded the

under cover, especially immediately below the crowns. No frost was recorded

inside these plantations. Among these three species least dew deposition was

observed under teak. Hence he opined that plantations (teak) not only helped

in reducing the direct frost injuries to the tender undergrowth, fauna and

innumerable soil microorganisms but also prevented excessive water loss due

to transpiration of the trees, as the dewdrops are still adhering to the canopy.

This according to him again helped in maintaining the soil moisture recharge.

Krishnakumar et al. (1991) studied the influence of rubber and teak

plantations and natural forest on soil properties, nutrient enrichment,

understorey vegetation and biomass recycling at three sites in the Siliguri

subdivision, Darjeeling District of West Bengal. All the three sites had high

input of organic carbon enriching the soil. Teak had the highest organic matter

content in the surface layers. The depletion of organic carbon with depth was

highest for teak and least for natural forest. The results suggested that the

depletion of sub-surface soil moisture would be less under rubber than teak.

The soils under teak showed higher calcium content in the surface layers.

Gogate and Kumar (1993) assessed ecological losses and gains in teak

plantations raised in West Chanda Project Division, Maharashtra vis-à-vis

natural forest areas. The study revealed that clear felling followed by teak

planting would not affect plant diversity in the initial stages of plantation

because during these stages, there was no loss of plant diversity as all the

characteristics of original crop were preserved. The finding was attributed to


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safety measures adopted at clear felling which involved retention of small

patches of original forest in the form of section and compartment lines,

roadsides, retention of fruit trees etc.

The rates of organic carbon diminution in the soil under different monospecific

tree plantations including teak in Nigeria were studied by Aweto (1995). The

differences between the organic carbon status of their soils and soil under

nearby natural rain forest vegetation were compared. The study indicated that

the tree plantations released more carbon dioxide from the soil into the

atmosphere than the natural forest.

Siringoringo and Gintings (1997) investigated the role of teak in the carbon

sequestration in plantations in Bojonegoro Forest District, East Java. In the

study location, an analysis was undertaken on microclimatic conditions of

light intensity, relative humidity, air pressure and temperature and carbon-di-

oxide in seven stand age classes. Absorption of carbon-di-oxide varied by age

classes of the plantations and absorption ability was highest in old age classes.

Singh (2003) suggested that teak is one of the best suitable tree species in

farm forestry programmes. He also reported that farm forestry holds

tremendous potential for sequestering and storing carbon. Usually, eucalypts,

poplar, teak, kadam (Eucalyptus, Populus, Tectona grandis and Anthocephalus

chinensis, respectively) are being planted in the farm forestry activities.

Reforestation is being considered as a means to capture significant amounts of

carbon, and expected to contribute to soil quality and conservation. If

afforestation is considered as a temporary option to store carbon for several

decades, the amount of carbon removed from the atmosphere over the

decades-long rotation (but prior to harvest) is the same as the standing crop of

carbon at maturity, and the average amount of carbon removed annually is

equivalent to the mean annual growth increment (Schroeder, 1992). He also

indicated that longer the rotation length, the higher the accumulation of

biomass over time, and therefore the greater the mean carbon standing crop.

Rotation length and growth rate interact to determine storage. Growth rate

alone cannot adequately characterize carbon storage potential.


Page 29: 2. REVIEW OF OF LITERATURE Since this thesis is concerned with optimising stand density in teak plantations

Although there are several estimates of carbon storage in various forest types

(Brown, 1993; Lugo and Brown, 1992; Vogt, 1991), few estimates of individual

forestry-based carbon storage potential have been established. For most species

used for reforestation, only aboveground biomass potential are known. To

have a whole picture of species’ carbon storage potential, one must know the

aboveground - to – belowground biomass allocation patterns. Hence, Kraenzel

et al. (2003) measured above and belowground biomass and tissue carbon

content of 20-year-old teak (Tectona grandis) trees in four Panamanian

plantations to estimate carbon storage potential. They concluded that teak

plantations have appreciable mean carbon storage capacity, much greater

than that of the abandoned pasture. The compartment of the plantation with the

greatest potential for carbon sequestration and storage was the wood biomass.

Singh et al. (2004) studied the impact of young high density plantations of two

native leguminous(Albizia procera and A. lebbeck) and one non-leguminous

timber tree (Tectona grandis) species on the soil redevelopment process during

the early phase of mine restoration in a dry tropical environment, Madhya

Pradesh, India. They found that there was a general improvement in soil

properties due to establishment of teak plantations.

Growth and sustained productivity of forest ecosystem depend, in the absence

of fertilizer application, almost entirely on cycling of nutrient elements. Forest

ecosystems systematically produce more litter fall dry mass per unit of

nitrogen in sites with less aboveground nitrogen circulation. Cycling rates vary

between regions of the world and between species within a region. This is

largely because of the inherent differences between species relative to nutrient

requirements and cycling strategies. It is also a result of environmental

differences between regions and forest types affecting nutrient availability,

forest floor decomposition, and nutrient leaching losses.

Few studies have been conducted on nutrient cycling in teak plantations.

Some of them are reviewed here.

Seth et al. (1963) studied nutrient cycling in plantations of different species

including teak, during November 1960 to June 1961. He mentioned that the

nutrient requirement of hardwoods is maximum, and pines the least,


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especially in the case of calcium (Ca). Hardwood species like teak return 8-10

per cent of the total potassium (K) and phosphorus (P) absorbed and depleted

the soil to the extent of about 100 kg/ha.

Kaul et al. (1979) estimated dry matter production and nutrient content of 38

years old teak plantation as obtained through the mean tree technique and

stratified tree technique. The total aboveground biomass was in increasing

order with increasing diameters. The total standing biomass (94,381 kg/ha) as

obtained by the mean tree method was about 73 per cent of the total biomass

(29,580 kg/ha) as calculated by stratified tree technique. The total nutrient

contents with regard to Ca, Mg, P, K and N as obtained by the mean tree

technique were respectively 80, 69, 65, 76 and 67 per cent of that calculated

by the stratified tree technique. The total standing nutrient content obtained

by the mean tree technique is therefore 20, 31, 35, 24 and 313 per cent less and

as such an underestimate of the total nutrient content of the stand in this case.

On comparison of litter production in the natural forest and teak plantations,

it was reported by Chaubey et al. (1988) that litter fall was more in teak and

the nutrients returned also followed the same trend. Whereas, Aborisade and

Aweto (1990) found meager organic carbon and nutrient contents in plantation

soil of teak and accounted for its more open organic matter, nutrient cycling

and nutrient immobilization.

It has been reported by George and Varghese (1992) that the total biomass

production of 20 year old teak plantation was 180 t ha-1and the annual

productivity of non photosynthetic biomass components was 8.69 t ha-1. Total

annual uptake of the major nutrients was N - 0.264 t ha-1; P - 0.017 t ha-1and

K- 0.132 t ha-1; about 36-24 per cent was retained in the biomass while 64-76

per cent was returned to the soil. They have also found that teak returns more

nutrients than it retains and therefore it is more efficient in recycling nutrients.

Vyas et al. (1976) found an annual litter production of 4.45 t ha-1 and the

annual nutrient release from 78.42 kg ha-1for Ca to 3.92 kg ha-1for Na.

Marquez et al. (1993) studying nutrient cycling within teak plantations found

increased nutrient status in older plantations and release of nutrients was in

the order Ca > N > K > Mg > P. Joshi et al. (1997) reported that leaf litter

accounted for majority of the nutrients.


Page 31: 2. REVIEW OF OF LITERATURE Since this thesis is concerned with optimising stand density in teak plantations

Aweto (2001) studied the impact of monoculture plantations, which included

teak, on nutrient cycling in West Africa. He found that the rates of nutrient

uptake and the recycling to the soil vary with tree species and ecological

zones. The study indicated that single species tree plantations immobilize soil

nutrients faster and return less nutrients to the soil than native forest and

savanna vegetation.

Pande (2004) studied the distribution of different nutrients in different life

forms, their allocation in tree components and nutrient cycling in teak forests

of Satpura Plateau. The allocation of nutrients was higher for bole and lowest

for leaves, irrespective of sites. The accumulation of nutrients in bole was

higher for disturbed and mature sites (I and II) whereas the trend was reverse

for leaves. The contribution of belowground nutrients in tree biomass was

higher for disturbed site I and lower for undisturbed site III. Tree, herb and

shrub contributed 87 - 94, 0.73 - 6 and 3.47 - 6.69 per cent nutrients in

aboveground biomass at different sites respectively. Nutrient uptake by trees

was 41-51 per cent of the total uptake at different sites, while herbs

contributed 42 – 52 per cent to the total uptake. Nutrient use efficiency as per

unit biomass was higher for herbs followed by shrub and trees irrespective of

sites. The contribution of teak in total tree biomass nutrients were 62.66,

70.08, 84.60 and 99.92 per cent for site I, II, III and IV respectively. The young

and undisturbed sites showed higher contribution of nutrients in teak.


Page 32: 2. REVIEW OF OF LITERATURE Since this thesis is concerned with optimising stand density in teak plantations

Materials and Methods