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2. Laurel v Garcia

Feb 21, 2018



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  • 7/24/2019 2. Laurel v Garcia


    G.R. No. 92013 July 25, 1990

    SALVADOR H. LAUREL, petitione,


    RA#ON GAR$%A, &" 'e&( o) t'e A""et *i!&ti+&tion u"t, RAUL #ANGLA*US, &" Se-et&y o) oei/n

    A))&i", &n( $AAL%NO #A$ARA%G, &" Ee-uti!e Se-et&y, e"pon(ent".

    G.R. No. 920 July 25, 1990

    D%ON%S%O S. OJEDA, petitione,



    . GAR$%A, A#6ASSADOR RA#ON DEL ROSAR%O, et &l., &" 7e78e" o) t'e *R%N$%*AL AND

    6%DD%NG $O##%EES ON HE U%L%A%OND%S*OS%%ON *E%%ON O *H%L%**%NE

    GOVERN#EN *RO*ER%ES %N JA*AN, e"pon(ent".

    Arturo M. Tolentino for petitioner in 92013.

    GU%ERRE, JR.,J.:

    'e"e &e t:o petition" )o po'i8ition "ee;in/ to en

  • 7/24/2019 2. Laurel v Garcia


    'e "u8 :'en t'e Roppon/i 8uil(in/ nee(e( 7&

  • 7/24/2019 2. Laurel v Garcia


    On July 25, 19, t'e *e"i(ent i""ue( Ee-uti!e O(e No. 29> entitlin/ non?ilipino -iti+en" o entitie" to

    &!&il o) "ep&&tion"C -&pit&l /oo(" &n( "e!i-e" in t'e e!ent o) "&le, le&"e o (i"po"ition. 'e )ou popetie" in

    J&p&n in-lu(in/ t'e Roppon/i :ee "pe-i)i-&lly 7entione( in t'e )i"t @'ee&" -l&u"e.

    A7i("t oppo"ition 8y !&iou" "e-to", t'e Ee-uti!e 8&n-' o) t'e /o!en7ent '&" 8een pu"'in/, :it' /e&t

    !i/o, it" (e-i"ion to "ell t'e ep&&tion" popetie" "t&tin/ :it' t'e Roppon/i lot. 'e popety '&" t:i-e 8een"et )o 8i((in/ &t & 7ini7u7 )loo pi-e o) 225 7illion. 'e )i"t 8i((in/ :&" & )&ilue "in-e only one 8i((e

    =u&li)ie(. 'e "e-on( one, &)te po"tpone7ent", '&" not yet 7&tei&li+e(. 'e l&"t "-'e(ule( 8i((in/ on

    e8u&y 21, 1990 :&" e"t&ine( 8y 'i" $out. L&te, t'e ule" on 8i((in/ :ee -'&n/e( "u-' t'&t t'e 225

    7illion )loo pi-e 8e-&7e 7eely & "u//e"te( )loo pi-e.

    'e $out )in(" t'&t e&-' o) t'e 'eein petition" &i"e" (i"tin-t i""ue". 'e petitione in G.R. No. 92013 o85?>>B. Hen-e, it -&nnot 8e &ppopi&te(, i" out"i(e t'e

    -o77e-e o) 7&n, o to put it in 7oe "i7ple te7", it -&nnot 8e &lien&te( no 8e t'e "u8

  • 7/24/2019 2. Laurel v Garcia


    popety &t t'e 7o7ent, t'e petitione &!e" t'&t t'e "&7e e7&in" popety o) pu8li- (o7inion "o lon/ &" t'e

    /o!en7ent '&" not u"e( it )o ot'e pupo"e" no &(opte( &ny 7e&"ue -on"titutin/ & e7o!&l o) it" oi/in&l

    pupo"e o u"e.

    'e e"pon(ent", )o t'ei p&t, e)ute t'e petitioneC" -ontention 8y "&yin/ t'&t t'e "u8F B t'e en&-t7ent 8y t'e

    $on/e"" o) Rep. A-t No. >>5 Mt'e $o7pe'en"i!e A/&i&n Re)o7 L&: on June 10, 19 :'i-' -ont&in" &

    po!i"ion "t&tin/ t'&t )un(" 7&y 8e t&;en )o7 t'e "&le o) *'ilippine popetie" in )oei/n -ountie"F 5B t'e

    'ol(in/ o) t'e pu8li- 8i((in/ o) t'e Roppon/i popety 8ut :'i-' )&ile(F >B t'e (e)e7ent 8y t'e Sen&te in

    Re"olution No. 55 o) t'e 8i((in/ to & )utue (&teF t'u" &n &-;no:le(/7ent 8y t'e Sen&te o) t'e /o!en7entC"

    intention to e7o!e t'e Roppon/i popety )o7 t'e pu8li- "e!i-e pupo"eF &n( B t'e e"olution o) t'i" $out

    (i"7i""in/ t'e petition in Ojeda v. (iddin" )o##ittee, et al., G.R. No. :'i-' "ou/'t to en

  • 7/24/2019 2. Laurel v Garcia


    5B 'e po'i8ition &/&in"t t'e "&le to non?ilipino -iti+en" o entitie" not :'olly o:ne( 8y ilipino -iti+en" o)

    -&pit&l /oo(" e-ei!e( 8y t'e *'ilippine" un(e t'e Rep&&tion" A-t Se-tion" 2 &n( 12 o) Rep. A-t No. 19BF


    >B 'e (e-l&&tion o) t'e "t&te poli-y o) )ull pu8li- (i"-lo"ue o) &ll t&n"&-tion" in!ol!in/ pu8li- intee"t

    Se-tion 2, Ati-le %%%, $on"titutionB.

    *etitione O

  • 7/24/2019 2. Laurel v Garcia


    2B 'o"e :'i-' 8elon/ to t'e St&te, :it'out 8ein/ )o pu8li- u"e, &n( &e inten(e( )o "o7e

    pu8li- "e!i-e o )o t'e (e!elop7ent o) t'e n&tion&l :e&lt'.

    AR. 21. All ot'e popety o) t'e St&te, :'i-' i" not o) t'e -'&&-te "t&te( in t'e pe-e(in/

    &ti-le, i" p&ti7oni&l popety.

    'e Roppon/i popety i" -oe-tly -l&""i)ie( un(e p&&/&p' 2 o) Ati-le 20 o) t'e $i!il $o(e &" popety

    8elon/in/ to t'e St&te &n( inten(e( )o "o7e pu8li- "e!i-e.

    H&" t'e intention o) t'e /o!en7ent e/&(in/ t'e u"e o) t'e popety 8een -'&n/e( 8e-&u"e t'e lot '&" 8een

    %(le )o "o7e ye&" H&" it 8e-o7e p&ti7oni&l

    'e )&-t t'&t t'e Roppon/i "ite '&" not 8een u"e( )o & lon/ ti7e )o &-tu&l E78&""y "e!i-e (oe" not

    &uto7&ti-&lly -on!et it to p&ti7oni&l popety. Any "u-' -on!e"ion '&ppen" only i) t'e popety i"

    :it'(&:n )o7 pu8li- u"e $e8u Oy/en &n( A-etylene $o. !. 6e-ille", >> S$RA 1 M195B. A popety

    -ontinue" to 8e p&t o) t'e pu8li- (o7&in, not &!&il&8le )o pi!&te &ppopi&tion o o:ne"'ip until t'ee i" &

    )o7&l (e-l&&tion on t'e p&t o) t'e /o!en7ent to :it'(&: it )o7 8ein/ "u-' %/n&-io !. Die-to o) L&n(",10 *'il. 335 M19>0B.

    'e e"pon(ent" enu7e&te !&iou" ponoun-e7ent" 8y -on-ene( pu8li- o))i-i&l" in"inu&tin/ & -'&n/e o)

    intention. @e e7p'&"i+e, 'o:e!e, t'&t &n &8&n(on7ent o) t'e intention to u"e t'e Roppon/i popety )o

    pu8li- "e!i-e &n( to 7&;e it p&ti7oni&l popety un(e Ati-le 22 o) t'e $i!il $o(e #u$t /e

    definiteA8&n(on7ent -&nnot 8e in)ee( )o7 t'e non?u"e &lone "pe-i&lly i) t'e non?u"e :&" &tti8ut&8le not

    to t'e /o!en7entC" o:n (eli8e&te &n( in(u8it&8le :ill 8ut to & l&-; o) )in&n-i&l "uppot to ep&i &n( i7po!e

    t'e popety See Hei" o) elino S&nti&/o !. L&+&o, 1>> S$RA 3> M19B. A8&n(on7ent 7u"t 8e & -et&in

    &n( po"iti!e &-t 8&"e( on -oe-t le/&l pe7i"e".

    A 7ee t&n")e o) t'e *'ilippine E78&""y to N&7pei(&i in 19> i" not elin=ui"'7ent o) t'e Roppon/ipopetyC" oi/in&l pupo"e. E!en t'e )&ilue 8y t'e /o!en7ent to ep&i t'e 8uil(in/ in Roppon/i i" not

    &8&n(on7ent "in-e &" e&lie "t&te(, t'ee "i7ply :&" & "'ot&/e o) /o!en7ent )un(". 'e e-ent

    A(7ini"t&ti!e O(e" &ut'oi+in/ & "tu(y o) t'e "t&tu" &n( -on(ition" o) /o!en7ent popetie" in J&p&n :ee

    7eely (ie-ti!e" )o in!e"ti/&tion 8ut (i( not in &ny :&y "i/ni)y & -le& intention to (i"po"e o) t'e popetie".

    Ee-uti!e O(e No. 29>, t'ou/' it" title (e-l&e" &n &ut'oity to "ell, (oe" not '&!e & po!i"ion in it" tet

    epe""ly &ut'oi+in/ t'e "&le o) t'e )ou popetie" po-ue( )o7 J&p&n )o t'e /o!en7ent "e-to. 'e

    ee-uti!e o(e (oe" not (e-l&e t'&t t'e popetie" lo"t t'ei pu8li- -'&&-te. %t 7eely inten(" to 7&;e t'e

    popetie" availa/le to )oei/ne" &n( not to ilipino" &lone in ca$e of a $ale, le&"e o ot'e (i"po"ition. %t

    7eely eli7in&te" t'e e"ti-tion un(e Rep. A-t No. 19 t'&t ep&&tion" /oo(" 7&y 8e "ol( only to ilipino

    -iti+en" &n( one 'un(e( 100IB pe-ent ilipino?o:ne( entitie". 'e tet o) Ee-uti!e O(e No. 29>po!i(e"

    Se-tion 1. 'e po!i"ion" o) Repu8li- A-t No. 19, &" &7en(e(, &n( o) ot'e l&:" to t'e

    -ont&y not:it'"t&n(in/, t'e &8o!e?7entione( popetie" -&n 8e 7&(e &!&il&8le )o "&le,

    le&"e o &ny ot'e 7&nne o) (i"po"ition to non?ilipino -iti+en" o to entitie" o:ne( 8y non?

    ilipino -iti+en".

  • 7/24/2019 2. Laurel v Garcia


    Ee-uti!e O(e No. 29> i" 8&"e( on t'e :on/ pe7i"e o &""u7ption t'&t t'e Roppon/i &n( t'e t'ee ot'e

    popetie" :ee e&lie -on!ete( into &lien&8le e&l popetie". A" e&lie "t&te(, Rep. A-t No. 19

    (i))eenti&te" t'e po-ue7ent" )o t'e /o!en7ent "e-to &n( t'e pi!&te "e-to Se-tion" 2 &n( 12, Rep. A-t

    No. 19B. Only t'e pi!&te "e-to popetie" -&n 8e "ol( to en(?u"e" :'o 7u"t 8e ilipino" o entitie" o:ne(

    8y ilipino". %t i" t'i" n&tion&lity po!i"ion :'i-' :&" &7en(e( 8y Ee-uti!e O(e No. 29>.

    Se-tion >3 -B o) Rep. A-t No. >>5 t'e $AR* L&:B :'i-' po!i(e" &" one o) t'e "ou-e" o) )un(" )o it"

    i7ple7ent&tion, t'e po-ee(" o) t'e (i"po"ition o) t'e popetie" o) t'e Go!en7ent in )oei/n -ountie", (i(

    not :it'(&: t'e Roppon/i popety )o7 8ein/ -l&""i)ie( &" one o) pu8li- (o7inion :'en it 7ention"

    *'ilippine popetie" &8o&(. Se-tion >3 -B e)e" to popetie" :'i-' &e &lien&8le &n( not to t'o"e e"e!e(

    )o pu8li- u"e o "e!i-e. Rep A-t No. >>5, t'ee)oe, (oe" not &ut'oi+e t'e Ee-uti!e Dep&t7ent to "ell t'e

    Roppon/i popety. %t 7eely enu7e&te" po""i8le "ou-e" o) )utue )un(in/ to &u/7ent &" &n( :'en nee(e(B

    t'e A/&i&n Re)o7 un( -e&te( un(e Ee-uti!e O(e No. 299. O8!iou"ly &ny popety out"i(e o) t'e

    -o77e-e o) 7&n -&nnot 8e t&ppe( &" & "ou-e o) )un(".

    'e e"pon(ent" ty to /et &oun( t'e pu8li- (o7inion -'&&-te o) t'e Roppon/i popety 8y in"i"tin/ t'&t

    J&p&ne"e l&: &n( not ou $i!il $o(e "'oul( &pply.

    %t i" e-ee(in/ly "t&n/e :'y ou top /o!en7ent o))i-i&l", o) &ll people, "'oul( 8e t'e one" to in"i"t t'&t in t'e

    "&le o) ete7ely !&lu&8le /o!en7ent popety, J&p&ne"e l&: &n( not *'ilippine l&: "'oul( pe!&il. 'e

    J&p&ne"e l&: ? it" -o!e&/e &n( e))e-t", :'en en&-te(, &n( e-eption" to it" po!i"ion K i" not pe"ente( to t'e

    $out %t i" "i7ply &""ete( t'&t t'e le' loci rei $itaeo J&p&ne"e l&: "'oul( &pply :it'out "t&tin/ :'&t t'&t l&:

    po!i(e". %t i" & e( on )&it' t'&t J&p&ne"e l&: :oul( &llo: t'e "&le.

    @e "ee no e&"on :'y & -on)li-t o) l&: ule "'oul( &pply :'en no -on)li-t o) l&: "itu&tion ei"t". A -on)li-t o)

    l&: "itu&tion &i"e" only :'en 1B 'ee i" & (i"pute o!e t'e title or oner$ip o) &n i77o!&8le, "u-' t'&t t'e

    -&p&-ity to t&;e &n( t&n")e i77o!&8le", t'e )o7&litie" o) -on!ey&n-e, t'e e""enti&l !&li(ity &n( e))e-t o) t'e

    t&n")e, o t'e intepet&tion &n( e))e-t o) & -on!ey&n-e, &e to 8e (ete7ine( See S&lon/&,rivatenternational La, 191 e(., pp. 3?33BF &n( 2B A )oei/n l&: on l&n( o:ne"'ip &n( it" -on!ey&n-e i"

    &""ete( to -on)li-t :it' & (o7e"ti- l&: on t'e "&7e 7&tte". Hen-e, t'e nee( to (ete7ine :'i-' l&: "'oul(


    %n t'e in"t&nt -&"e, none o) t'e &8o!e ele7ent" ei"t".

    'e i""ue" &e not -on-ene( :it' !&li(ity o) o:ne"'ip o title. 'ee i" no =ue"tion t'&t t'e popety 8elon/"

    to t'e *'ilippine". 'e i""ue i" t'e &ut'oity o) t'e e"pon(ent o))i-i&l" to !&li(ly (i"po"e o) popety 8elon/in/

    to t'e St&te. An( t'e !&li(ity o) t'e po-e(ue" &(opte( to e))e-t it" "&le. 'i" i" /o!ene( 8y *'ilippine L&:.

    'e ule o) le' $itu$ (oe" not &pply.

    'e &""etion t'&t t'e opinion o) t'e Se-et&y o) Ju"ti-e "'e(" li/'t on t'e ele!&n-e o) t'e le' $itu$ule i"

    7i"pl&-e(. 'e opinion (oe" not t&-;le t'e aliena/ilit!o) t'e e&l popetie" po-ue( t'ou/' ep&&tion" no

    t'e ei"ten-e in :'&t 8o(y o) t'e &ut'oity to "ell t'e7. %n (i"-u""in/ :'o &e -&p&8leof ac4uirin"t'e lot", t'e

    Se-et&y 7eely epl&in" t'&t it i" t'e )oei/n l&: :'i-' "'oul( (ete7ine o can ac4uire te propertie$ "o

    t'&t t'e -on"titution&l li7it&tion on &-=ui"ition o) l&n(" o) t'e pu8li- (o7&in to ilipino -iti+en" &n( entitie"

    :'olly o:ne( 8y ilipino" i" in&ppli-&8le. @e "ee no point in 8el&8oin/ :'et'e o not t'i" opinion i" -oe-t.

    @'y "'oul( :e (i"-u"" :'o -&n &-=uie t'e Roppon/i lot :'en t'ee i" no "'o:in/ t'&t it -&n 8e "ol(

  • 7/24/2019 2. Laurel v Garcia


    'e "u8"e=uent &ppo!&l on O-to8e , 19 8y *e"i(ent A=uino o) t'e e-o77en(&tion 8y t'e in!e"ti/&tin/

    -o77ittee to "ell t'e Roppon/i popety :&" pe7&tue o, &t t'e !ey le&"t, -on(itione( on & !&li( -'&n/e in

    t'e pu8li- -'&&-te o) t'e Roppon/i popety. #oeo!e, t'e &ppo!&l (oe" not '&!e t'e )o-e &n( e))e-t o)

    l&: "in-e t'e *e"i(ent &le&(y lo"t 'e le/i"l&ti!e po:e". 'e $on/e"" '&( &le&(y -on!ene( )o 7oe t'&n &


    A""u7in/ )o t'e "&;e o) &/u7ent, 'o:e!e, t'&t t'e Roppon/i popety i" no lon/e o) pu8li- (o7inion,

    t'ee i" &not'e o8"t&-le to it" "&le 8y t'e e"pon(ent".

    Tere i$ no la autori5in" it$ conve!ance.

    Se-tion 9 )B o) t'e Re!i"e( A(7ini"t&ti!e $o(e o) 191 po!i(e"

    Se-tion 9 ) B )onve!ance$ and contract$ to ic te Govern#ent i$ a part!. 6 %n -&"e" in

    :'i-' t'e Go!en7ent o) t'e Repu8li- o) t'e *'ilippine" i" & p&ty to &ny (ee( o ot'e

    in"tu7ent -on!eyin/ t'e title to e&l e"t&te o to &ny ot'e popety t'e !&lue o) :'i-' i" in

    e-e"" o) one 'un(e( t'ou"&n( pe"o", t'e e"pe-ti!e Dep&t7ent Se-et&y "'&ll pep&e t'ene-e""&y p&pe" :'i-', to/et'e :it' t'e pope e-o77en(&tion",$all /e $u/#itted to te

    )on"re$$ of te ilippine$ for approval /! te $a#e.Su-' (ee(, in"tu7ent, o -ont&-t "'&ll

    8e ee-ute( &n( "i/ne( 8y t'e *e"i(ent o) t'e *'ilippine" on 8e'&l) o) t'e Go!en7ent o) t'e

    *'ilippine" unle"" t'e Go!en7ent o) t'e *'ilippine" unle"" t'e &ut'oity t'ee)o 8e

    epe""ly !e"te( 8y l&: in &not'e o))i-e. E7p'&"i" "upplie(B

    'e e=uie7ent '&" 8een et&ine( in Se-tion , 6oo; % o) t'e A(7ini"t&ti!e $o(e o) 19 Ee-uti!e O(e

    No. 292B.

    SE$. . Official Autori5ed to )onve! %eal ropert!. K @'ene!e e&l popety o) t'e

    Go!en7ent i" autori5ed /! la to /e conve!ed,t'e (ee( o) -on!ey&n-e "'&ll 8e ee-ute( in8e'&l) o) t'e /o!en7ent 8y t'e )ollo:in/

    1B o popety 8elon/in/ to &n( title( in t'e n&7e o) t'e Repu8li- o) t'e *'ilippine", 8y t'e

    *e"i(ent, unle"" t'e &ut'oity t'ee)o i" epe""ly !e"te( 8y l&: in &not'e o))i-e.

    2B o popety 8elon/in/ to t'e Repu8li- o) t'e *'ilippine" 8ut title( in t'e n&7e o) &ny

    politi-&l "u8(i!i"ion o o) &ny -opo&te &/en-y o in"tu7ent&lity, 8y t'e ee-uti!e 'e&( o)

    t'e &/en-y o in"tu7ent&lity. E7p'&"i" "upplie(B

    %t i" not )o t'e *e"i(ent to -on!ey !&lu&8le e&l popety o) t'e /o!en7ent on 'i" o 'e o:n "ole :ill. Any

    "u-' -on!ey&n-e 7u"t 8e &ut'oi+e( &n( &ppo!e( 8y & l&: en&-te( 8y t'e $on/e"". %t e=uie" ee-uti!e &n(le/i"l&ti!e -on-uen-e.

    Re"olution No. 55 o) t'e Sen&te (&te( June , 199, &";in/ )o t'e (e)e7ent o) t'e "&le o) t'e Roppon/i

    popety (oe" not :it'(&: t'e popety )o7 pu8li- (o7&in 7u-' le"" &ut'oi+e it" "&le. %t i" & 7ee

    e"olutionF it i" not & )o7&l (e-l&&tion &8&n(onin/ t'e pu8li- -'&&-te o) t'e Roppon/i popety. %n )&-t, t'e

    Sen&te $o77ittee on oei/n Rel&tion" i" -on(u-tin/ 'e&in/" on Sen&te Re"olution No. 3 :'i-' &i"e"

  • 7/24/2019 2. Laurel v Garcia


    "eiou" poli-y -on"i(e&tion" &n( -&ll" )o & )&-t?)in(in/ in!e"ti/&tion o) t'e -i-u7"t&n-e" 8e'in( t'e (e-i"ion

    to "ell t'e *'ilippine /o!en7ent popetie" in J&p&n.

    'e e"olution o) t'i" $out inOjeda v. (iddin" )o##ittee, et al., $upra, (i( not p&"" upon t'e

    -on"titution&lity o) Ee-uti!e O(e No. 29>. $ont&y to e"pon(ent"C &""etion, :e (i( not up'ol( t'e

    &ut'oity o) t'e *e"i(ent to "ell t'e Roppon/i popety. 'e $out "t&te( t'&t t'e -on"titution&lity o) t'eee-uti!e o(e :&" not t'e e&l i""ue &n( t'&t e"ol!in/ t'e -on"titution&l =ue"tion :&" neit'e ne-e""&y no

    )in&lly (ete7in&ti!e o) t'e -&"e. 'e $out note( t'&t M@'&t petitione ulti7&tely =ue"tion" i" t'e u"e o) t'e

    po-ee(" o) t'e (i"po"ition o) t'e Roppon/i popety. %n e7p'&"i+in/ t'&t t'e (e-i"ion o) t'e Ee-uti!e to

    (i"po"e o) t'e Roppon/i popety to )in&n-e t'e $AR* ... -&nnot 8e =ue"tione( in !ie: o) Se-tion >3 -B o)

    Rep. A-t No. >>5, t'e $out (i( not &-;no:le(/e t'e )&-t t'&t t'e popety 8e-&7e &lien&8le no (i( it

    in(i-&te t'&t t'e *e"i(ent :&" &ut'oi+e( to (i"po"e o) t'e Roppon/i popety. 'e e"olution "'oul( 8e e&(

    to 7e&n t'&t in -&"e t'e Roppon/i popety i" e?-l&""i)ie( to 8e p&ti7oni&l &n( &lien&8le 8y &ut'oity o) l&:,

    t'e po-ee(" o) & "&le 7&y 8e u"e( )o n&tion&l e-ono7i- (e!elop7ent po5 *'il. 5>

    M193B. 'e $out :ill not p&"" upon & -on"titution&l =ue"tion &lt'ou/' popely pe"ente( 8y t'e e-o( i) t'e

    -&"e -&n 8e (i"po"e( o) on "o7e ot'e /oun( "u-' &" t'e &ppli-&tion o) & "t&tute o /ene&l l&: Sile !.

    Loui"!ille &n( N&"'!ille R. $o., 213 U.S. 15, M1909, R&ilo&( $o77i""ion !. *ull7&n $o., 312 U.S. 9>


    'e petitione in G.R. No. 92013 "t&te" :'y t'e Roppon/i popety "'oul( not 8e "ol(

    'e Roppon/i popety i" not

  • 7/24/2019 2. Laurel v Garcia


    Roppon/i i" no o(in&y popety. %t i" one -e(e( 8y t'e J&p&ne"e /o!en7ent in &tone7ent

    )o it" p&"t 8elli/een-e )o t'e !&li&nt "&-i)i-e o) li)e &n( li78 &n( )o (e&t'", p'y"i-&l

    (i"lo-&tion &n( e-ono7i- (e!&"t&tion t'e :'ole ilipino people en(ue( in @ol( @& %%.

    %t i" )o :'&t it "t&n(" )o, &n( )o :'&t it -oul( ne!e 8in/ 8&-; to li)e, t'&t it" "i/ni)i-&n-e

    to(&y e7&in" un(i77e(, in"pie o) t'e l&p"e o) 5 ye&" "in-e t'e :& en(e(, in"pie o) t'ep&""&/e o) 32 ye&" "in-e t'e popety p&""e( on to t'e *'ilippine /o!en7ent.

    Roppon/i i" & e7in(e t'&t -&nnot K "'oul( not K 8e (i""ip&te( ... Rollo?920, p. 9B

    %t i" in(ee( tue t'&t t'e Roppon/i popety i" !&lu&8le not "o 7u-' 8e-&u"e o) t'e in)l&te( pi-e" )et-'e( 8y

    e&l popety in o;yo 8ut 7oe "o 8e-&u"e o) it" "y78oli- !&lue to &ll ilipino" K !ete&n" &n( -i!ili&n"

    &li;e. @'et'e o not t'e Roppon/i &n( el&te( popetie" :ill e!entu&lly 8e "ol( i" & poli-y (ete7in&tion

    :'ee 8ot' t'e *e"i(ent &n( $on/e"" 7u"t -on-u. $on"i(ein/ t'e popetie"C i7pot&n-e &n( !&lue, t'e

    l&:" on -on!e"ion &n( (i"po"ition o) popety o) pu8li- (o7inion 7u"t 8e )&it')ully )ollo:e(.

    @HEREORE, %N V%E@ O HE OREGO%NG, t'e petition" &e GRANED. A :it o) po'i8ition i" i""ue(en

  • 7/24/2019 2. Laurel v Garcia


    not & l&:. 'e "&le o) t'e "&i( popety 7&y 8e &ut'oi+e( only 8y $on/e"" t'ou/' & (uly en&-te( "t&tute, &n(

    t'ee i" no "u-' l&:.

    On-e &/&in, :e '&!e &))i7e( t'e pin-iple t'&t ou" i" & /o!en7ent o) l&:" &n( not o) 7en, :'ee e!ey

    pu8li- o))i-i&l, )o7 t'e lo:e"t to t'e 'i/'e"t, -&n &-t only 8y !itue o) & !&li( &ut'oi+&tion. % &7 '&ppy to

    note t'&t in t'e "e!e&l -&"e" :'ee t'i" $out '&" ule( &/&in"t 'e, t'e *e"i(ent o) t'e *'ilippine" '&""u87itte( to t'i" pin-iple :it' 8e-o7in/ /&-e.

    *AD%LLA,J., -on-uin/

    % -on-u in t'e (e-i"ion penne( 8y #. Ju"ti-e Gutiee+, J., % only :i"' to 7&;e & )e: o8"e!&tion" :'i-'

    -oul( 'elp in )ut'e -l&i)yin/ t'e i""ue".

    Un(e ou tip&tite "y"te7 o) /o!en7ent o(&ine( 8y t'e $on"titution, it i" $on/e"" t'&t l&y" (o:n o

    (ete7ine" poli-ie". 'e *e"i(ent ee-ute" "u-' poli-ie". 'e poli-ie" (ete7ine( 8y $on/e"" &e e78o(ie(in le/i"l&ti!e en&-t7ent" t'&t '&!e to 8e &ppo!e( 8y t'e *e"i(ent to 8e-o7e l&:. 'e *e"i(ent, o) -ou"e,

    e-o77en(" to $on/e"" t'e &ppo!&l o) poli-ie" 8ut, in t'e )in&l &n&ly"i", it i" $on/e"" t'&t i" t'e poli-y ?

    (ete7inin/ 8&n-' o) /o!en7ent.


  • 7/24/2019 2. Laurel v Garcia


    #oeo!e, t'e "&le o) pu8li- popety on-e -on!ete( )o7 pu8li- (o7inion to "t&te p&ti7oni&l popetyB

    7u"t 8e &ppo!e( 8y $on/e"", )o t'i" &/&in i" & 7&tte o) poli-y i.e. to ;eep o (i"po"e o) t'e popetyB. Se-.

    , 6oo; 1 o) t'e A(7ini"t&ti!e $o(e o) 19 po!i(e"

    SE$. . Official Autori5ed to )onve! %eal ropert!. K @'ene!e e&l popety o) t'e

    Go!en7ent i" &ut'oi+e( 8y l&: to 8e -on!eye(, t'e (ee( o) -on!ey&n-e "'&ll 8e ee-ute( in8e'&l) o) t'e /o!en7ent 8y t'e )ollo:in/

    1B o popety 8elon/in/ to &n( title( in t'e n&7e o) t'e Repu8li- o) t'e

    *'ilippine", 8y t'e *e"i(ent, unle"" t'e &ut'oity t'ee)o i" epe""ly

    !e"te( 8y l&: in &not'e o))i-e.

    2B o popety 8elon/in/ to t'e Repu8li- o) t'e *'ilippine" 8ut title( in t'e

    n&7e o) &ny politi-&l "u8(i!i"ion o o) &ny -opo&te &/en-y o

    in"tu7ent&lity, 8y t'e ee-uti!e 'e&( o) t'e &/en-y o in"tu7ent&lity.

    E7p'&"i" "upplie(B

    6ut t'e e-o( i" 8&e o) &ny -on/e""ion&l (e-i"ion o &ppo!&l to "ell Roppon/i. 'e e-o( i" li;e:i"e 8&e

    o) &ny -on/e""ion&l &ut'oity eten(e( to t'e *e"i(ent to "ell Roppon/i t'u pu8li- 8i((in/ o ot'e:i"e.

    %t i" t'ee)oe, -le& t'&t t'e *e"i(ent -&nnot "ell o o(e t'e "&le o) Roppon/i t'u pu8li- 8i((in/ o

    ot'e:i"e :it'out & pio -on/e""ion&l &ppo!&l, )i"t, -on!etin/ Roppon/i )o7 & pu8li- (o7inion popety

    to & "t&te p&ti7oni&l popety, &n(, "e-on(, &ut'oi+in/ t'e *e"i(ent to "ell t'e "&7e.

    A$$ORD%NGL4, 7y !ote i" to GRAN t'e petition &n( to 7&;e *ER#ANEN t'e te7po&y e"t&inin/

    o(e e&lie i""ue( 8y t'i" $out.

    SAR#%ENO,J., -on-uin/

    'e -ent&l =ue"tion, &" % "ee it, i" :'et'e o not t'e "o?-&lle( Roppon/i popetyC '&" lo"t it" n&tue &"

    popety o) pu8li- (o7inion, &n( 'en-e, '&" 8e-o7e p&ti7oni&l popety o) t'e St&te. % un(e"t&n( t'&t t'e

    p&tie" &e &/ee( t'&t it :&" popety inten(e( )o pu8li- "e!i-e :it'in t'e -onte7pl&tion o) p&&/&p' 2B,

    o) Ati-le 30, o) t'e $i!il $o(e, &n( &--o(in/ly, l&n( o) St&te (o7inion, &n( 8eyon( 'u7&n -o77e-e. 'e

    lone i""ue i", in t'e li/'t o) "upe!enin/ (e!elop7ent", t'&t i" non?u"e t'eeo) 8y t'e N&tion&l Go!en7ent

    )o (iplo7&ti- pupo"e"B )o t'e l&"t t'iteen ye&"F t'e i""u&n-e o) Ee-uti!e O(e No. 29> 7&;in/ it

    &!&il&8le )o "&le to &ny intee"te( 8uyeF t'e po7ul/&tion o) Repu8li- A-t No. >>5, t'e $o7pe'en"i!e

    A/&i&n Re)o7 L&:, 7&;in/ &!&il&8le )o t'e po/&7C" )in&n-in/, St&te &""et" "ol(F t'e &ppo!&l 8y t'e*e"i(ent o) t'e e-o77en(&tion o) t'e in!e"ti/&tin/ -o77ittee )o7e( to "tu(y t'e popetyC" utili+&tionF &n(

    t'e i""u&n-e o) Re"olution No. 55 o) t'e *'ilippine Sen&te e=ue"tin/ )o t'e (e)e7ent o) it" (i"po"ition it,

    Roppon/i, i" "till popety o) t'e pu8li- (o7inion, &n( i) it i" not, 'o: it lo"t t'&t -'&&-te.

    @'en l&n( o) t'e pu8li- (o7inion -e&"e" to 8e one, o :'en t'e -'&n/e t&;e" pl&-e, i" & =ue"tion ou -out"

    '&!e (e8&te( e&ly. %n & 190> (e-i"ion, 1it :&" 'el( t'&t popety o) t'e pu8li- (o7inion, & pu8li- pl&+& in t'i"

    in"t&n-e, 8e-o7e" p&ti7oni&l upon u"e t'eeo) )o pupo"e" ot'e t'&n & pl&+&. %n & l&te -&"e, 2t'i" ulin/ :&"

  • 7/24/2019 2. Laurel v Garcia


    eite&te(. Li;e:i"e, it '&" 8een 'el( t'&t l&n(, oi/in&lly pi!&te popety, '&" 8e-o7e o) pu8li- (o7inion upon it"

    (on&tion to t'e to:n &n( it" -on!e"ion &n( u"e &" & pu8li- pl&+&. 3%t i" not&8le t'&t un(e t'e"e t'ee -&"e", t'e

    -'&&-te o) t'e popety, &n( &ny -'&n/e o--uin/ t'eein, (epen(" on t'e &-tu&l u"e to :'i-' it i" (e(i-&te(.

    #u-' l&te, 'o:e!e, t'e $out 'el( t'&t until & )o7&l (e-l&&tion on t'e p&t o) t'e Go!en7ent, t'ou/' t'e

    ee-uti!e (ep&t7ent o t'e Le/i"l&ti!e, to t'e e))e-t t'&t t'e l&n( . . . i" no lon/e nee(e( )o Mpu8li- "e!i-e?

    )o pu8li- u"e o )o "pe-i&l in(u"tie", Mit -ontinueM" to 8e p&t o) t'e pu8li- M(o7inion, not &!&il&8le )o

    pi!&te epopi&tion o o:ne"'ip. 5So &l"o, it :&" ule( t'&t & politi-&l "u8(i!i"ion t'e $ity o) $e8u in t'i"

    -&"eB &lone 7&y (e-l&e un(e it" -'&teB & -ity o&( &8&n(one( &n( t'ee&)te, to (i"po"e o) it. >

    %n 'ol(in/ t'&t t'ee i" & nee( )o & l&: o )o7&l (e-l&&tion to :it'(&: t'e Roppon/i popety )o7 pu8li-

    (o7&in to 7&;e it &lien&8le &n( & l&n( )o le/i"l&ti!e &ut'oity to &llo: t'e "&le o) t'e popety t'e 7&

  • 7/24/2019 2. Laurel v Garcia


    )o t'e (e!elop7ent o) t'e n&tion&l :e&lt' i" illu"t&te(, in Ati-le 339 o) t'e Sp&ni"' $i!il $o(e o) 19, 8y

    7ine" o 7ine&l popetie". A/&in, 7ine&l l&n(" o:ne( 8y & "o!eei/n St&te &e &ely, i) e!e, )oun( :it'in

    t'e teitoi&l 8&"e o) &not'e "o!eei/n St&te. 'e t&"; o) e&7inin/ in (et&il t'e &ppli-&8ility o) t'e

    -l&""i)i-&tion "et out in Ati-le 20 o) ou $i!il $o(e to popety t'&t t'e *'ilippine" '&ppen" to o:n out"i(e

    it" o:n 8oun(&ie" 7u"t, 'o:e!e, 8e le)t to &-&(e7i-i&n".

    o pe"ent pupo"e", too, % &/ee t'&t t'ee i" no =ue"tion o) -on)li-t o) l&:" t'&t i", at te pre$ent ti#e, 8e)oe

    t'i" $out. 'e i""ue" 8e)oe u" el&te e""enti&lly to &ut'oity to "ell t'e Roppon/i popety$o far a$

    ilippine la i$ concerned.

    'e 7&

  • 7/24/2019 2. Laurel v Garcia


    continue to /e part of te pu/lic do#ain not availa/le for private appropriation or

    oner$ip.10 *'il. &t 33?339F e7p'&"i" "upplie(B

    'u", un(e %/n&-io, eit'e t'e;'ecutive epart#ent or te Le"i$lative epart#ent 7&y -on!et popety o)

    t'e St&te o) pu8li- (o7inion into p&ti7oni&l popety o) t'e St&te. No p&ti-ul& )o7ul& o po-e(ue o)

    -on!e"ion i" "pe-i)ie( eit'e in "t&tute l&: o in -&"e l&:. Ati-le 22 o) t'e $i!il $o(e "i7ply "t&te" t'&t*opety o) pu8li- (o7inion, en no lon"er intended forpu8li- u"e o )opu/lic $ervice, $all for# part o)

    t'e p&ti7oni&l popety o) t'e St&te. % e"pe-t)ully "u87it, t'ee)oe, t'&t t'e only e=uie7ent :'i-' i"

    le/iti7&tely i7po"&8le i" t'&t t'e intent to -on!et 7u"t 8e e&"on&8ly -le& )o7 & -on"i(e&tion o) t'e &-t" o

    &-t" o) t'e Ee-uti!e Dep&t7ent o o) t'e Le/i"l&ti!e Dep&t7ent :'i-' &e "&i( to '&!e e))e-te( "u-'


    'e "&7e le/&l "itu&tion ei"t" in e"pe-t o) -on!e"ion o) popety o) pu8li- (o7inion 8elon/in/ to 7uni-ip&l

    -opo&tion", i.e., lo-&l /o!en7ent&l unit", into p&ti7oni&l popety o) "u-' entitie". %n )e/uO'!"en

    Acet!lene v. (ercille$>> S$RA 1 M195B, t'e $ity $oun-il o) $e8u 8y e"olution (e-l&e( & -et&in potion

    o) &n ei"tin/ "teet &" &n &8&n(one( o&(, t'e "&7e not 8ein/ in-lu(e( in t'e -ity (e!elop7ent pl&n.

    Su8"e=uently, 8y &not'e e"olution, t'e $ity $oun-il o) $e8u &ut'oi+e( t'e &-tin/ $ity #&yo to "ell t'e l&n(t'ou/' pu8li- 8i((in/.Altou" tere a$ no for#al and e'plicit declaration of conver$ion of propert! for

    pu/lic u$e into patri#onial propert!, t'e Supe7e $out "&i(

    2B ince tat portion of te cit! $treet $u/ject of petitionerB.

  • 7/24/2019 2. Laurel v Garcia


    % :oul( &l"o &(( t'&t "u-' :&" t'e -&"e not only in e"pe-t o)C popety o) 7uni-ip&l -opo&tion" 8ut &l"o in

    e"pe-t o) popety o) t'e St&te it"el). #&ne"& in -o77entin/ on Ati-le 31 o) t'e 19 Sp&ni"' $i!il $o(e

    :'i-' '&" 8een -&ie( o!e ver/ati#into ou $i!il $o(e 8y Ati-le 22 t'eeo), :ote

    L& (i)i-ult&( 7&yo en to(o e"to e"ti8&, n&tu&l7ente, en )i, :'i-' :&" i""ue( 8y t'e *e"i(ent on 25 July 19. A""u7in/ t'&t t'e 7&

  • 7/24/2019 2. Laurel v Garcia


    popety, it i" 'ee "u87itte( :it' e"pe-t t'&t Ee-uti!e O(e No. 29> i" 7oe t'&n "u))i-ient to in(i-&te

    &n intention to convert te propert!pe!iou"ly (e!ote( to pu8li- "e!i-e into p&ti7oni&l popety t'&t i"

    -&p&8le o) 8ein/ "ol( o ot'e:i"e (i"po"e( o)

    -B Non?u"e o) t'e Roppon/i lot )o )outeen 1B ye&" )o (iplo7&ti- o )o &ny ot'e pu8li- pupo"e".

    A""u7in/ 8ut only ar"uendoB t'&t non?u"e (oe" not, /! it$elf, &uto7&ti-&lly -on!et t'e popety intop&ti7oni&l popety. % e"pe-t)ully u/e t'&t polon/e( non?u"e, conjoined it te oter factor$ ere li$ted,

    :&" le/&lly e))e-ti!e to -on!et t'e lot in Roppon/i into p&ti7oni&l popety o) t'e St&te. A-tu&lly, &" &le&(y

    pointe( out, -&"e l&: in!ol!in/ popety o) 7uni-ip&l -opo&tion" i" to t'e e))e-t t'&t "i7ple non?u"e o t'e

    &-tu&l (e(i-&tion o) pu8li- popety to "o7e u"e ot'e t'&n pu8li- u"e o pu8li- "e!i-e, :&" "u))i-ient to

    -on!et "u-' popety into p&ti7oni&l popety o) t'e lo-&l /o!en7ent&l entity -on-ene(. Al"o &" pointe(

    out &8o!e, #&ne"& e&-'e( t'e "&7e -on-lu"ion in e"pe-t o) -on!e"ion o) popety o) t'e pu8li- (o7&in o)

    t'e St&te into popety o) t'e pi!&te (o7&in o) t'e St&te.

    'e 7&

  • 7/24/2019 2. Laurel v Garcia


    8e ee-ute( &n( "i/ne( 8y t'e *e"i(ent o) t'e *'ilippine" on 8e'&l) o) t'e Go!en7ent o) t'e

    *'ilippine" unle"" t'e &ut'oity t'ee)o 8e epe""ly !e"te( 8y l&: in &not'e o))i-e.

    E7p'&"i" "upplie(B

    'e 7&

  • 7/24/2019 2. Laurel v Garcia


    SE$%ON 2. Te $ale of te land referred to in t'e pe-e(in/ "e-tion$all, i) "u-' l&n( i"

    &/i-ultu&l, 8e 7&(e in t'e 7&nne &n( "u80, en&-te( on ?2

    e8u&y 191, &ut'oi+e( t'e "&le o) t'ean La5aro ;$tate lo-&te( in t'e $ity o) #&nil&, :'i-' '&( &l"o 8een

    pu-'&"e( 8y t'e Go!en7ent )o7 t'e Ro7&n $&t'oli- $'u-'. %n J&nu&y 191>, A-t No. 2555 &7en(e( A-t

    No. 23>0 8y in-lu(in/ t'eein &ll l&n(" &n( 8uil(in/" o:ne( 8y t'e Ho"pit&l &n( t'e oun(&tion o) S&n L&+&o

    t'eeto)o le&"e( 8y pi!&te pe"on", &n( :'i-' :ee &l"o &-=uie( 8y t'e *'ilippine Go!en7ent.

    A)te t'e en&-t7ent in 1922 o) A-t No. 303, t'ee &ppe&", to 7y ;no:le(/e, to 8e only one "t&tute

    &ut'oi+in/ t'e *e"i(ent to (i"po"e o) & "pe-i)i- pie-e o) popety. 'i" "t&tute i" Repu8li- A-t No. 905,en&-te( on 20 June 1953, :'i-' &ut'oi+e( t'e

    *e"i(ent to "ell &n %(enti)ie( p&-el o) l&n( o) t'e pi!&te (o7&in o) t'e N&tion&l Go!en7ent to t'e N&tion&l

    *e"" $lu8 o) t'e *'ilippine", &n( to ot'e e-o/ni+e( n&tion&l &""o-i&tion" o) po)e""ion&l" :it' &-&(e7i-

    "t&n(in/, )o t'e no7in&l pi-e o) *1.00. %t &ppe&" ele!&nt to note t'&t Repu8li- A-t No. 905 :&" not &n

    outi/'t (i"po"ition in pepetuity o) t'e popety in!ol!e(? it po!i(e( )o e!e"ion o) t'e popety to t'e

  • 7/24/2019 2. Laurel v Garcia


    N&tion&l Go!en7ent in -&"e t'e N&tion&l *e"" $lu8 "toppe( u"in/ it )o it" 'e&(=u&te". @'&t Repu8li- A-t

    No. 905 &ut'oi+e( :&" e&lly & donation, &n( not & "&le.

    'e 8&"i- "u87i""ion 'ee 7&(e i" t'&t A-t No. 303 po!i(e" "t&n(in/ le/i"l&ti!e &ut'oi+&tion )o (i"po"ition

    o) t'e Roppon/i popety :'i-', in 7y !ie:, '&" 8een -on!ete( into p&ti7oni&l popety o) t'e Repu8li-. 2

    o "o7e, t'e "u87i""ion t'&t A-t No. 303 &pplie" not only to l&n(" o) t'e pi!&te (o7&in o) t'e St&te lo-&te(

    in t'e *'ilippine" /ut al$o to patri#onial propert! found out$ide te ilippine$, 7&y &ppe& "t&n/e o

    unu"u&l. % e"pe-t)ully "u87it t'&t "u-' po"ition i" not &ny 7oe unu"u&l o "t&n/e t'&n t'e &""u7ption t'&t

    Ati-le 20 o) t'e $i!il $o(e &pplie" not only to popety o) t'e Repu8li- lo-&te( :it'in *'ilippine teitoy

    8ut &l"o to popety )oun( out"i(e t'e 8oun(&ie" o) t'e Repu8li-.

    %t e7&in" to note t'&t un(e t'e :ell?"ettle( (o-tine t'&t 'e&(" o) Ee-uti!e Dep&t7ent" &e alter e"o$o) t'e

    *e"i(ent illena v. ecretar! of te nterior, > *'il. 51 M1939B, &n( in !ie: o) t'e -on"titution&l po:e o)

    -ontol ee-i"e( 8y t'e *e"i(ent o!e (ep&t7ent 'e&(" Ati-le V%%, Se-tion 1,19 $on"titutionB, t'e

    *e"i(ent 'e"el) 7&y -&y out t'e )un-tion o (uty t'&t i" "pe-i)i-&lly lo(/e( in t'e Se-et&y o) t'e

    Dep&t7ent o) En!ion7ent &n( N&tu&l Re"ou-e" Araneta v. Gat#aitan101 *'il. 32 M195B. At t'e !eyle&"t, t'e *e"i(ent et&in" t'e po:e to &ppo!e o (i"&ppo!e t'e ee-i"e o) t'&t )un-tion o (uty :'en (one

    8y t'e Se-et&y o) En!ion7ent &n( N&tu&l Re"ou-e".

    %t i" '&(ly ne-e""&y to &(( t'&t t'e )oe/oin/ &n&ly"e" &n( "u87i""ion" el&te only to t'e &u"tee =ue"tion o)

    ei"ten-e o) le/&l po:e o &ut'oity. 'ey '&!e not'in/ to (o :it' 7u-' (e8&te( =ue"tion" o) :i"(o7 o

    popiety o el&ti!e (e"i&8ility eit'e o) t'e popo"e( (i"po"ition it"el) o o) t'e popo"e( utili+&tion o) t'e

    &nti-ip&te( po-ee(" o) t'e popety in!ol!e(. 'e"e l&tte type" o) -on"i(e&tion" He :it'in t'e "p'ee o)

    e"pon"i8ility o) t'e politi-&l (ep&t7ent" o) /o!en7ent t'e Ee-uti!e &n( t'e Le/i"l&ti!e &ut'oitie".

    o &ll t'e )oe/oin/, % !ote to (i"7i"" t'e *etition" )o *o'i8ition in 8ot' G.R. No". 92013 &n( 920.

    Hernan, ).J., &arva$a, Ganca!co, )orte$ and Medialdea, JJ., concurrin".

    Sep&&te Opinion"

    $RU,J., -on-uin/

    % -on-u -o7pletely :it' t'e e-ellent ponen-i& o) #. Ju"ti-e Gutiee+ &n( :ill &(( t'e )ollo:in/o8"e!&tion" only )o e7p'&"i".

    %t i" -le& t'&t t'e e"pon(ent" '&!e )&ile( to "'o: t'e *e"i(entC" le/&l &ut'oity to "ell t'e Roppon/i popety.

    @'en &";e( to (o "o &t t'e 'e&in/ on t'e"e petition", t'e Soli-ito Gene&l :&" &t 8e"t &78i/uou", &lt'ou/' %

    7u"t &(( in )&ine"" t'&t t'i" :&" not 'i" )&ult. 'e )&-t i" t'&t t'ee i" ?no "u-' &ut'oity. Le/&l epeti"e &lone

    -&nnot -on

  • 7/24/2019 2. Laurel v Garcia


    Ee-. O(e No. 29>, :'i-' e&(" li;e "o 7u-' le/i"l&ti!e, (ou8le t&l;, (oe" not -ont&in "u-' &ut'oity.

    Neit'e (oe" Rep. A-t No. >>5, :'i-' "i7ply &llo:" t'e po-ee(" o) t'e "&le o) ou popetie" &8o&( to 8e

    u"e( )o t'e -o7pe'en"i!e &/&i&n e)o7 po/&7. Sen&te Re". No. 55 :&" & 7ee e=ue"t )o t'e (e)e7ent

    o) t'e "-'e(ule( "&le o) tile Roppon/i popety, po""i8ly to "top t'e t&n"&-tion &lto/et'eF &n( ill &ny -&"e it i"

    not & l&:. 'e "&le o) t'e "&i( popety 7&y 8e &ut'oi+e( only 8y $on/e"" t'ou/' & (uly en&-te( "t&tute, &n(

    t'ee i" no "u-' l&:.

    On-e &/&in, :e '&!e &))i7e( t'e pin-iple t'&t ou" i" & /o!en7ent o) l&:" &n( not o) 7en, :'ee e!ey

    pu8li- o))i-i&l, )o7 t'e lo:e"t to t'e 'i/'e"t, -&n &-t only 8y !itue o) & !&li( &ut'oi+&tion. % &7 '&ppy to

    note t'&t in t'e "e!e&l -&"e" :'ee t'i" $out '&" ule( &/&in"t 'e, t'e *e"i(ent o) t'e *'ilippine" '&"

    "u87itte( to t'i" pin-iple :it' 8e-o7in/ /&-e.

    *AD%LLA,J., -on-uin/

    % -on-u in t'e (e-i"ion penne( 8y #. Ju"ti-e Gutiee+, J., % only :i"' to 7&;e & )e: o8"e!&tion" :'i-'-oul( 'elp in )ut'e -l&i)yin/ t'e i""ue".

    Un(e ou tip&tite "y"te7 o) /o!en7ent o(&ine( 8y t'e $on"titution, it i" $on/e"" t'&t l&y" (o:n o

    (ete7ine" poli-ie". 'e *e"i(ent ee-ute" "u-' poli-ie". 'e poli-ie" (ete7ine( 8y $on/e"" &e e78o(ie(

    in le/i"l&ti!e en&-t7ent" t'&t '&!e to 8e &ppo!e( 8y t'e *e"i(ent to 8e-o7e l&:. 'e *e"i(ent, o) -ou"e,

    e-o77en(" to $on/e"" t'e &ppo!&l o) poli-ie" 8ut, in t'e )in&l &n&ly"i", it i" $on/e"" t'&t i" t'e poli-y ?

    (ete7inin/ 8&n-' o) /o!en7ent.


  • 7/24/2019 2. Laurel v Garcia


    $on/e"" :'i-' -&n (e-i(e &n( (e-l&e t'e -on!e"ion o) Roppon/i )o7 & pu8li- (o7inion popety to & "t&te

    p&ti7oni&l popety. $on/e"" '&" 7&(e no "u-' (e-i"ion o (e-l&&tion.

    #oeo!e, t'e "&le o) pu8li- popety on-e -on!ete( )o7 pu8li- (o7inion to "t&te p&ti7oni&l popetyB

    7u"t 8e &ppo!e( 8y $on/e"", )o t'i" &/&in i" & 7&tte o) poli-y i.e. to ;eep o (i"po"e o) t'e popetyB. Se-.

    , 6oo; 1 o) t'e A(7ini"t&ti!e $o(e o) 19 po!i(e"

    SE$. . Official Autori5ed to )onve! %eal ropert!. K @'ene!e e&l popety o) t'e

    Go!en7ent i" &ut'oi+e( 8y l&: to 8e -on!eye(, t'e (ee( o) -on!ey&n-e "'&ll 8e ee-ute( in

    8e'&l) o) t'e /o!en7ent 8y t'e )ollo:in/

    1B o popety 8elon/in/ to &n( title( in t'e n&7e o) t'e Repu8li- o) t'e

    *'ilippine", 8y t'e *e"i(ent, unle"" t'e &ut'oity t'ee)o i" epe""ly

    !e"te( 8y l&: in &not'e o))i-e.

    2B o popety 8elon/in/ to t'e Repu8li- o) t'e *'ilippine" 8ut title( in t'e

    n&7e o) &ny politi-&l "u8(i!i"ion o o) &ny -opo&te &/en-y o

    in"tu7ent&lity, 8y t'e ee-uti!e 'e&( o) t'e &/en-y o in"tu7ent&lity.

    E7p'&"i" "upplie(B

    6ut t'e e-o( i" 8&e o) &ny -on/e""ion&l (e-i"ion o &ppo!&l to "ell Roppon/i. 'e e-o( i" li;e:i"e 8&e

    o) &ny -on/e""ion&l &ut'oity eten(e( to t'e *e"i(ent to "ell Roppon/i t'u pu8li- 8i((in/ o ot'e:i"e.

    %t i" t'ee)oe, -le& t'&t t'e *e"i(ent -&nnot "ell o o(e t'e "&le o) Roppon/i t'u pu8li- 8i((in/ o

    ot'e:i"e :it'out & pio -on/e""ion&l &ppo!&l, )i"t, -on!etin/ Roppon/i )o7 & pu8li- (o7inion popety

    to & "t&te p&ti7oni&l popety, &n(, "e-on(, &ut'oi+in/ t'e *e"i(ent to "ell t'e "&7e.

    A$$ORD%NGL4, 7y !ote i" to GRAN t'e petition &n( to 7&;e *ER#ANEN t'e te7po&y e"t&inin/o(e e&lie i""ue( 8y t'i" $out.

    SAR#%ENO,J., -on-uin/

    'e -ent&l =ue"tion, &" % "ee it, i" :'et'e o not t'e "o?-&lle( Roppon/i popetyC '&" lo"t it" n&tue &"

    popety o) pu8li- (o7inion, &n( 'en-e, '&" 8e-o7e p&ti7oni&l popety o) t'e St&te. % un(e"t&n( t'&t t'e

    p&tie" &e &/ee( t'&t it :&" popety inten(e( )o pu8li- "e!i-e :it'in t'e -onte7pl&tion o) p&&/&p' 2B,

    o) Ati-le 30, o) t'e $i!il $o(e, &n( &--o(in/ly, l&n( o) St&te (o7inion, &n( 8eyon( 'u7&n -o77e-e. 'e

    lone i""ue i", in t'e li/'t o) "upe!enin/ (e!elop7ent", t'&t i" non?u"e t'eeo) 8y t'e N&tion&l Go!en7ent)o (iplo7&ti- pupo"e"B )o t'e l&"t t'iteen ye&"F t'e i""u&n-e o) Ee-uti!e O(e No. 29> 7&;in/ it

    &!&il&8le )o "&le to &ny intee"te( 8uyeF t'e po7ul/&tion o) Repu8li- A-t No. >>5, t'e $o7pe'en"i!e

    A/&i&n Re)o7 L&:, 7&;in/ &!&il&8le )o t'e po/&7C" )in&n-in/, St&te &""et" "ol(F t'e &ppo!&l 8y t'e

    *e"i(ent o) t'e e-o77en(&tion o) t'e in!e"ti/&tin/ -o77ittee )o7e( to "tu(y t'e popetyC" utili+&tionF &n(

    t'e i""u&n-e o) Re"olution No. 55 o) t'e *'ilippine Sen&te e=ue"tin/ )o t'e (e)e7ent o) it" (i"po"ition it,

    Roppon/i, i" "till popety o) t'e pu8li- (o7inion, &n( i) it i" not, 'o: it lo"t t'&t -'&&-te.

  • 7/24/2019 2. Laurel v Garcia


    @'en l&n( o) t'e pu8li- (o7inion -e&"e" to 8e one, o :'en t'e -'&n/e t&;e" pl&-e, i" & =ue"tion ou -out"

    '&!e (e8&te( e&ly. %n & 190> (e-i"ion, 1it :&" 'el( t'&t popety o) t'e pu8li- (o7inion, & pu8li- pl&+& in t'i"

    in"t&n-e, 8e-o7e" p&ti7oni&l upon u"e t'eeo) )o pupo"e" ot'e t'&n & pl&+&. %n & l&te -&"e, 2t'i" ulin/ :&"

    eite&te(. Li;e:i"e, it '&" 8een 'el( t'&t l&n(, oi/in&lly pi!&te popety, '&" 8e-o7e o) pu8li- (o7inion upon it"

    (on&tion to t'e to:n &n( it" -on!e"ion &n( u"e &" & pu8li- pl&+&. 3%t i" not&8le t'&t un(e t'e"e t'ee -&"e", t'e

    -'&&-te o) t'e popety, &n( &ny -'&n/e o--uin/ t'eein, (epen(" on t'e &-tu&l u"e to :'i-' it i" (e(i-&te(.

    #u-' l&te, 'o:e!e, t'e $out 'el( t'&t until & )o7&l (e-l&&tion on t'e p&t o) t'e Go!en7ent, t'ou/' t'e

    ee-uti!e (ep&t7ent o t'e Le/i"l&ti!e, to t'e e))e-t t'&t t'e l&n( . . . i" no lon/e nee(e( )o Mpu8li- "e!i-e?

    )o pu8li- u"e o )o "pe-i&l in(u"tie", Mit -ontinueM" to 8e p&t o) t'e pu8li- M(o7inion, not &!&il&8le )o

    pi!&te epopi&tion o o:ne"'ip. 5So &l"o, it :&" ule( t'&t & politi-&l "u8(i!i"ion t'e $ity o) $e8u in t'i"

    -&"eB &lone 7&y (e-l&e un(e it" -'&teB & -ity o&( &8&n(one( &n( t'ee&)te, to (i"po"e o) it. >

    %n 'ol(in/ t'&t t'ee i" & nee( )o & l&: o )o7&l (e-l&&tion to :it'(&: t'e Roppon/i popety )o7 pu8li-

    (o7&in to 7&;e it &lien&8le &n( & l&n( )o le/i"l&ti!e &ut'oity to &llo: t'e "&le o) t'e popety t'e 7&

  • 7/24/2019 2. Laurel v Garcia


    Repu8li- o lo-&te( :it'in t'e teitoy o) &not'e "o!eei/n St&te, i" not"el)?e!i(ent. 'e )i"t ite7 o) t'e

    -l&""i)i-&tion popety inten(e( )opu/lic u$e 6 -&n "-&-ely 8e popely &pplie( to popety 8elon/in/ to t'e

    Repu8li- 8ut )oun( :it'in t'e teitoy o) &not'e St&te. 'e t'i( ite7 o) t'e -l&""i)i-&tion popety inten(e(

    )o t'e (e!elop7ent o) t'e n&tion&l :e&lt' i" illu"t&te(, in Ati-le 339 o) t'e Sp&ni"' $i!il $o(e o) 19, 8y

    7ine" o 7ine&l popetie". A/&in, 7ine&l l&n(" o:ne( 8y & "o!eei/n St&te &e &ely, i) e!e, )oun( :it'in

    t'e teitoi&l 8&"e o) &not'e "o!eei/n St&te. 'e t&"; o) e&7inin/ in (et&il t'e &ppli-&8ility o) t'e-l&""i)i-&tion "et out in Ati-le 20 o) ou $i!il $o(e to popety t'&t t'e *'ilippine" '&ppen" to o:n out"i(e

    it" o:n 8oun(&ie" 7u"t, 'o:e!e, 8e le)t to &-&(e7i-i&n".

    o pe"ent pupo"e", too, % &/ee t'&t t'ee i" no =ue"tion o) -on)li-t o) l&:" t'&t i", at te pre$ent ti#e, 8e)oe

    t'i" $out. 'e i""ue" 8e)oe u" el&te e""enti&lly to &ut'oity to "ell t'e Roppon/i popety$o far a$

    ilippine la i$ concerned.

    'e 7&

  • 7/24/2019 2. Laurel v Garcia


    trou" te e'ecutive depart#ent or te Le"i$lature, to te effect tat te land in 4ue$tion i$

    no lon"er needed for coa$t-"uard $ervice, for pu/lic u$e or for $pecial indu$trie$, te!

    continue to /e part of te pu/lic do#ain not availa/le for private appropriation or

    oner$ip.10 *'il. &t 33?339F e7p'&"i" "upplie(B

    'u", un(e %/n&-io, eit'e t'e;'ecutive epart#ent or te Le"i$lative epart#ent 7&y -on!et popety o)t'e St&te o) pu8li- (o7inion into p&ti7oni&l popety o) t'e St&te. No p&ti-ul& )o7ul& o po-e(ue o)

    -on!e"ion i" "pe-i)ie( eit'e in "t&tute l&: o in -&"e l&:. Ati-le 22 o) t'e $i!il $o(e "i7ply "t&te" t'&t

    *opety o) pu8li- (o7inion, en no lon"er intended forpu8li- u"e o )opu/lic $ervice, $all for# part o)

    t'e p&ti7oni&l popety o) t'e St&te. % e"pe-t)ully "u87it, t'ee)oe, t'&t t'e only e=uie7ent :'i-' i"

    le/iti7&tely i7po"&8le i" t'&t t'e intent to -on!et 7u"t 8e e&"on&8ly -le& )o7 & -on"i(e&tion o) t'e &-t" o

    &-t" o) t'e Ee-uti!e Dep&t7ent o o) t'e Le/i"l&ti!e Dep&t7ent :'i-' &e "&i( to '&!e e))e-te( "u-'


    'e "&7e le/&l "itu&tion ei"t" in e"pe-t o) -on!e"ion o) popety o) pu8li- (o7inion 8elon/in/ to 7uni-ip&l

    -opo&tion", i.e., lo-&l /o!en7ent&l unit", into p&ti7oni&l popety o) "u-' entitie". %n )e/uO'!"en

    Acet!lene v. (ercille$>> S$RA 1 M195B, t'e $ity $oun-il o) $e8u 8y e"olution (e-l&e( & -et&in potiono) &n ei"tin/ "teet &" &n &8&n(one( o&(, t'e "&7e not 8ein/ in-lu(e( in t'e -ity (e!elop7ent pl&n.

    Su8"e=uently, 8y &not'e e"olution, t'e $ity $oun-il o) $e8u &ut'oi+e( t'e &-tin/ $ity #&yo to "ell t'e l&n(

    t'ou/' pu8li- 8i((in/.Altou" tere a$ no for#al and e'plicit declaration of conver$ion of propert! for

    pu/lic u$e into patri#onial propert!, t'e Supe7e $out "&i(

    2B ince tat portion of te cit! $treet $u/ject of petitionerB.

  • 7/24/2019 2. Laurel v Garcia


    % :oul( &l"o &(( t'&t "u-' :&" t'e -&"e not only in e"pe-t o)C popety o) 7uni-ip&l -opo&tion" 8ut &l"o in

    e"pe-t o) popety o) t'e St&te it"el). #&ne"& in -o77entin/ on Ati-le 31 o) t'e 19 Sp&ni"' $i!il $o(e

    :'i-' '&" 8een -&ie( o!e ver/ati#into ou $i!il $o(e 8y Ati-le 22 t'eeo), :ote

    L& (i)i-ult&( 7&yo en to(o e"to e"ti8&, n&tu&l7ente, en )i, :'i-' :&" i""ue( 8y t'e *e"i(ent on 25 July 19. A""u7in/ t'&t t'e 7&

  • 7/24/2019 2. Laurel v Garcia


    popety, it i" 'ee "u87itte( :it' e"pe-t t'&t Ee-uti!e O(e No. 29> i" 7oe t'&n "u))i-ient to in(i-&te

    &n intention to convert te propert!pe!iou"ly (e!ote( to pu8li- "e!i-e into p&ti7oni&l popety t'&t i"

    -&p&8le o) 8ein/ "ol( o ot'e:i"e (i"po"e( o)

    -B Non?u"e o) t'e Roppon/i lot )o )outeen 1B ye&" )o (iplo7&ti- o )o &ny ot'e pu8li- pupo"e".

    A""u7in/ 8ut only ar"uendoB t'&t non?u"e (oe" not, /! it$elf, &uto7&ti-&lly -on!et t'e popety intop&ti7oni&l popety. % e"pe-t)ully u/e t'&t polon/e( non?u"e, conjoined it te oter factor$ ere li$ted,

    :&" le/&lly e))e-ti!e to -on!et t'e lot in Roppon/i into p&ti7oni&l popety o) t'e St&te. A-tu&lly, &" &le&(y

    pointe( out, -&"e l&: in!ol!in/ popety o) 7uni-ip&l -opo&tion" i" to t'e e))e-t t'&t "i7ple non?u"e o t'e

    &-tu&l (e(i-&tion o) pu8li- popety to "o7e u"e ot'e t'&n pu8li- u"e o pu8li- "e!i-e, :&" "u))i-ient to

    -on!et "u-' popety into p&ti7oni&l popety o) t'e lo-&l /o!en7ent&l entity -on-ene(. Al"o &" pointe(

    out &8o!e, #&ne"& e&-'e( t'e "&7e -on-lu"ion in e"pe-t o) -on!e"ion o) popety o) t'e pu8li- (o7&in o)

    t'e St&te into popety o) t'e pi!&te (o7&in o) t'e St&te.

    'e 7&

  • 7/24/2019 2. Laurel v Garcia


    8e ee-ute( &n( "i/ne( 8y t'e *e"i(ent o) t'e *'ilippine" on 8e'&l) o) t'e Go!en7ent o) t'e

    *'ilippine" unle"" t'e &ut'oity t'ee)o 8e epe""ly !e"te( 8y l&: in &not'e o))i-e.

    E7p'&"i" "upplie(B

    'e 7&

  • 7/24/2019 2. Laurel v Garcia


    SE$%ON 2. Te $ale of te land referred to in t'e pe-e(in/ "e-tion$all, i) "u-' l&n( i"

    &/i-ultu&l, 8e 7&(e in t'e 7&nne &n( "u80, en&-te( on ?2

    e8u&y 191, &ut'oi+e( t'e "&le o) t'ean La5aro ;$tate lo-&te( in t'e $ity o) #&nil&, :'i-' '&( &l"o 8een

    pu-'&"e( 8y t'e Go!en7ent )o7 t'e Ro7&n $&t'oli- $'u-'. %n J&nu&y 191>, A-t No. 2555 &7en(e( A-t

    No. 23>0 8y in-lu(in/ t'eein &ll l&n(" &n( 8uil(in/" o:ne( 8y t'e Ho"pit&l &n( t'e oun(&tion o) S&n L&+&o

    t'eeto)o le&"e( 8y pi!&te pe"on", &n( :'i-' :ee &l"o &-=uie( 8y t'e *'ilippine Go!en7ent.

    A)te t'e en&-t7ent in 1922 o) A-t No. 303, t'ee &ppe&", to 7y ;no:le(/e, to 8e only one "t&tute

    &ut'oi+in/ t'e *e"i(ent to (i"po"e o) & "pe-i)i- pie-e o) popety. 'i" "t&tute i" Repu8li- A-t No. 905,en&-te( on 20 June 1953, :'i-' &ut'oi+e( t'e

    *e"i(ent to "ell &n %(enti)ie( p&-el o) l&n( o) t'e pi!&te (o7&in o) t'e N&tion&l Go!en7ent to t'e N&tion&l

    *e"" $lu8 o) t'e *'ilippine", &n( to ot'e e-o/ni+e( n&tion&l &""o-i&tion" o) po)e""ion&l" :it' &-&(e7i-

    "t&n(in/, )o t'e no7in&l pi-e o) *1.00. %t &ppe&" ele!&nt to note t'&t Repu8li- A-t No. 905 :&" not &n

    outi/'t (i"po"ition in pepetuity o) t'e popety in!ol!e(? it po!i(e( )o e!e"ion o) t'e popety to t'e

  • 7/24/2019 2. Laurel v Garcia


    N&tion&l Go!en7ent in -&"e t'e N&tion&l *e"" $lu8 "toppe( u"in/ it )o it" 'e&(=u&te". @'&t Repu8li- A-t

    No. 905 &ut'oi+e( :&" e&lly & donation, &n( not & "&le.

    'e 8&"i- "u87i""ion 'ee 7&(e i" t'&t A-t No. 303 po!i(e" "t&n(in/ le/i"l&ti!e &ut'oi+&tion )o (i"po"ition

    o) t'e Roppon/i popety :'i-', in 7y !ie:, '&" 8een -on!ete( into p&ti7oni&l popety o) t'e Repu8li-. 2

    o "o7e, t'e "u87i""ion t'&t A-t No. 303 &pplie" not only to l&n(" o) t'e pi!&te (o7&in o) t'e St&te lo-&te(

    in t'e *'ilippine" /ut al$o to patri#onial propert! found out$ide te ilippine$, 7&y &ppe& "t&n/e o

    unu"u&l. % e"pe-t)ully "u87it t'&t "u-' po"ition i" not &ny 7oe unu"u&l o "t&n/e t'&n t'e &""u7ption t'&t

    Ati-le 20 o) t'e $i!il $o(e &pplie" not only to popety o) t'e Repu8li- lo-&te( :it'in *'ilippine teitoy

    8ut &l"o to popety )oun( out"i(e t'e 8oun(&ie" o) t'e Repu8li-.

    %t e7&in" to note t'&t un(e t'e :ell?"ettle( (o-tine t'&t 'e&(" o) Ee-uti!e Dep&t7ent" &e alter e"o$o) t'e

    *e"i(ent illena v. ecretar! of te nterior, > *'il. 51 M1939B, &n( in !ie: o) t'e -on"titution&l po:e o)

    -ontol ee-i"e( 8y t'e *e"i(ent o!e (ep&t7ent 'e&(" Ati-le V%%, Se-tion 1,19 $on"titutionB, t'e

    *e"i(ent 'e"el) 7&y -&y out t'e )un-tion o (uty t'&t i" "pe-i)i-&lly lo(/e( in t'e Se-et&y o) t'e

    Dep&t7ent o) En!ion7ent &n( N&tu&l Re"ou-e" Araneta v. Gat#aitan101 *'il. 32 M195B. At t'e !eyle&"t, t'e *e"i(ent et&in" t'e po:e to &ppo!e o (i"&ppo!e t'e ee-i"e o) t'&t )un-tion o (uty :'en (one

    8y t'e Se-et&y o) En!ion7ent &n( N&tu&l Re"ou-e".

    %t i" '&(ly ne-e""&y to &(( t'&t t'e )oe/oin/ &n&ly"e" &n( "u87i""ion" el&te only to t'e &u"tee =ue"tion o)

    ei"ten-e o) le/&l po:e o &ut'oity. 'ey '&!e not'in/ to (o :it' 7u-' (e8&te( =ue"tion" o) :i"(o7 o

    popiety o el&ti!e (e"i&8ility eit'e o) t'e popo"e( (i"po"ition it"el) o o) t'e popo"e( utili+&tion o) t'e

    &nti-ip&te( po-ee(" o) t'e popety in!ol!e(. 'e"e l&tte type" o) -on"i(e&tion" He :it'in t'e "p'ee o)

    e"pon"i8ility o) t'e politi-&l (ep&t7ent" o) /o!en7ent t'e Ee-uti!e &n( t'e Le/i"l&ti!e &ut'oitie".

    o &ll t'e )oe/oin/, % !ote to (i"7i"" t'e *etition" )o *o'i8ition in 8ot' G.R. No". 92013 &n( 920.

    Hernan, ).J., &arva$a, Ganca!co, )orte$ and Medialdea, JJ., concurrin".


    *&(ill&, J.

    1 At. 22 o) t'e $i!il $o(e po!i(e"

    *opety o) pu8li- (o7inion, :'en no lon/e inten(e( )o pu8li- u"e o pu8li- "e!i-e, "'&ll

    )o7 p&t o) t'e p&ti7oni&l popety o) t'e St&te. 31&B

    S&7iento, J.

    1 #uni-ip&lity o) O&" !. Ro&, *'il. 20 190>B.

    2 #uni-ip&lity o) Hinun&n/&n !. Die-to o) L&n(", 2 *'il. 12 11913B. 'e popety

    in!ol!e( 'ee :&" & )ote"".

  • 7/24/2019 2. Laurel v Garcia


    3 H&ty !. #uni-ip&lity o) Vi-toi&, 13 *'il. 152 1909B.

    See &l"o %% OLEN%NO, $%V%L $ODE O HE *H%L%**%NES 39 192 e(.B, -itin/ 3

    #&ne"& %%%. See &l"o *o!in-e o) &78o&n/& (el Note !. $ity o) &78o&n/&, No. L?20,

    #&-' 2, 19>, 22 S$RA 133.

    5 %/n&-io !. Die-to o) L&n(", 10 *'il. 335, 339 19>0B.

    > $e8u Oy/en P A-etylene $o., %n-. !". 6e-ille", No. L?0, Au/u"t 29, 195, >> S$RA


    G.R. No". 92013 P 920, 21.

    S&l&" !. J&en-io, No. L?29, Au/u"t 30, 192, > S$RA 3F R&8u-o !. Ville/&", No.

    L?291>, e8u&y 2, 19, 55 S$RA >5.

    9 See Li&n/& 6&y Lo//in/ $o., %n-. !. Lope+ En&/e, No. L?30>3, July 1>, 19, 152 S$RA0.

    10 $ONS., &t. %%, "e-. 2.

    eli-i&no, J.

    1 @e &e o&lly &(!i"e( 8y t'e O))i-e o) t'e Die-to o) L&n(" t'&t A-t No. 303 i" !ey 7u-'

    in e))e-t &n( t'&t t'e 6ue&u o) L&n(" -ontinue" to (&te to &-t un(e it. See &l"o, in t'i"

    -onne-tion, Se-tion" 2 &n( o) Repu8li- A-t No. , en&-te( 9 June 1950 &n( &" l&"t

    &7en(e( 8y 6.*. 6l/ 233. 'i" "t&tute /o!en7ent t'e (i"po"ition o) l&n(" o) t'e pu8li-

    (o7&in &n( o) t'e pi!&te (o7&in o) t'e St&te, in-lu(in/ l&n(" pe!iou"ly !e"te( in t'e Unite(St&te" Alien *opety $u"to(i&n &n( t&n")ee( to t'e Repu8li- o) t'e *'ilippine".

    2 Sin-e A-t No. 303 e"t&8li"'e( -et&in =u&li)i-&tion" )o &ppli-&nt" )o pu-'&"e o le&"e o)

    l&n( o) pi!&te (o7&in o) t'e /o!en7ent, it i" ele!&nt to note t'&t Ee-uti!e O(e No. 29>,

    po7ul/&te( &t & ti7e :'en t'e *e"i(ent :&" "till ee-i"in/ le/i"l&ti!e &ut'oity, po!i(e" &"


    Se-. 1. 'e po!i"ion" o) Repu8li- A-t No. 19, &" &7en(e(, &n( o) ot'e l&:", to t'e

    -ont&y not:it'"t&n(in/, t'e &8o!e 7entione( popetie" -&n 8e 7&(e &!&il&8le )o "&le,

    le&"e o &ny ot'e 7&nne o) (i"po"ition to non?ilipino -iti+en". E7p'&"i" "upplie(B