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2. Client Acquisition Guide

Feb 24, 2016



Andrew Esipov

1 T WO P ATHS T O T HE F ACE TO F ACE – C OLD OR H OT ? ................... 19 C OLD - E XECUTION ........................................................... 20 H OT – E XECUTION ............................................................ 21 METHOD 2: THROUGH MAIL ..........................................21 THE TWO WAYS TO USE THE FLYER ...............................13 CONCLUSION AND NEXT STEPS .....................................30
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Page 2: 2. Client Acquisition Guide


WELCOME! ....................................................................... 3

WHAT WE WILL COVER ........................................................ 4

WHO IS BRENDEN CLERGET? .................................................. 5

THE FEAR OF „LOSING OUT‟ ............................................. 6

HOW IT IS USED IN INTERNET MARKETING ................................. 6

HOW WE WILL USE IT .......................................................... 6

HOW TO CLOSE MORE OFTEN .......................................... 7

PRODUCT & CUSTOMER QUALIFICATION ........................ 9

THE FLYER AND ITS ANATOMY ...................................... 10

THE HEADLINE HOOK ......................................................... 10

THE ENVY BOX ................................................................. 11

FACT FOR NECESSITY ......................................................... 11


CALL TO ACTION – SAYING YES ............................................. 12

OUR INFO, COUPON, FINAL CALL TO ACTION ............................. 12

THE TWO WAYS TO USE THE FLYER ............................... 13

FACE TO FACE DROP OFF .................................................... 13

DIRECT MAIL ................................................................... 13

PREPARING THE FLYER ................................................. 14

OUR BURNING GOAL: GET THE MEETING ....................... 19

METHOD 1: FACE TO FACE ............................................. 19

TWO PATHS TO THE FACE TO FACE – COLD OR HOT? ................... 19

COLD - EXECUTION ........................................................... 20

HOT – EXECUTION ............................................................ 21

METHOD 2: THROUGH MAIL .......................................... 21

PREPARING THE MAIL – YOU‟VE GOT OPTIONS ........................... 21

THE NOTE ON THE BACK? ................................................... 22

CLUNKY MAIL .................................................................. 23

ALWAYS FOLLOW UP! ......................................................... 23

THE MEETING ................................................................ 24

THINGS TO CONSIDER WHEN PREPARING ................................. 24

GETTING LIFELONG INCOME FROM HOSTING .............................. 25

BRING YOUR TOOLS ........................................................... 26

ASK FOR THE SALE ........................................................... 29

CONCLUSION AND NEXT STEPS ..................................... 30

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Congratulations on picking up Offline Flyer Frenzy! This

system details a method that my business has been using for a

pretty long time now (nearly a year), but recently perfected

after much tweaking.

Let‟s go over exactly what we‟ll be covering then move onto the


1. This step is optional for this method. In Offline

Marketing Madness, I included a goal setting exercise,

this time the exercise is optional, but encouraged. It

was a separate download on your download page.

Here is a quote from Offline Marketing Madness

that I‟ve decided to include that I feel sums up

goals the best:

“Remember when you were in elementary

school and the teacher would give various

stars and awards for doing certain things?

These were implied goals, and students that

wanted the end result would do the things

required to get it. In essence, goals are

accomplished in the process, and the students


Your goals will be very similar, except you

won’t be getting gold stars, but instead a new

car, a nice new piece of jewelry, or just

cold hard cash in your bank account. This is

where determination and action drive comes

from, and we will inspire this in you first.”

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2. I‟ll talk a bit about myself for those that don‟t

know me to start out. It‟s always good to know who

you‟re talking to.

3. The fear of „losing out‟ and how it is used widely in

marketing; internet marketing namely. We will also

cover exactly how we are using it in order to induce the

desired actions that we want.

4. How to close more often, as well as product &

customer qualification were both things that I

covered in Offline Marketing Madness. These have been

included again, almost verbatim as they were written in

Offline Marketing Madness, for two reasons:

a. They are crucial marketing principles as well

as very important to understand. If you read

my last product or something else that has

talked about this, it won‟t hurt you to review it

before moving on. It‟s an immensely important


b. Some of you may not have read my last

product, or may have never heard of this

concept, and this is included mainly for this

reason – so nobody is left out.

5. The flyer and its anatomy top to bottom will be

covered next, since it‟s important to understand your

tools and how they‟re built.

6. I will then cover the two ways to use the flyer as

well as each in detail. In this mix of this, I will reveal to

you what your burning goal should be throughout this

entire process, and the reason why many fail when

doing this.

7. Finally, I will cover the meeting, things to consider

when packaging services, as well as how to ask for the

sale. Then I‟ll wrap it up, and move you onto the

outsourcing guide.

Then it‟s up to you to get out there, TAKE ACTION, and land

some clients. The system you have in your hands was

responsible for over $16,000 for me in the month of June

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alone, and as of writing this has started to bring in more money

in recurring income since the start of July.

I‟m just like all of you, in

reality. I‟ve been on the path you

are on, I‟ve been where you

are out. Regardless of my success now, I was once upon a

time an unsuccessful person. I wasn‟t a professional web

designer or SEO expert. I wasn‟t the owner of my own

business, and I surely didn‟t drive the cars or have the stuff I

have now. However, one thing I believe has set me apart

from everybody else I know that does, or tries to do, what

I do for a living and fails:

When I begin a business

venture, when I attempt a

new marketing technique, I

always have a plan and a


success I plan to obtain from


In other words: When you start this

method (after you have READ and

UNDERSTAND it) write down a step by step action plan for

yourself, starting at Day 1 and ending at Day X (whatever you

deem necessary time wise). Then write down exactly how

many flyers you will hand out, how many clients you want to

land, and an EXACT dollar amount you plan to achieve from

this – THEN and ONLY then, start on the plan RIGHT AWAY.

Day and night, when waking and before sleeping, read your

plan to yourself out LOUD, believe it, drive it into your

subconcious, because eventually your subconcious WILL

achieve what you have written – when and only when – it

believes it is true.

My name is Brenden Clerget. I am a 23 year old web design

and SEO Professional, as well as a part-time internet marketer.

I started in internet niches, and have moved to local marketing,

only because of the gold mine that is constantly available. I‟ve

seriously been pursuing my efforts for five years, although as

young as age 16 I began to sell websites to friends and


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This method was created in order to give you only another tool

in your repertoire of offline marketing tools. Use this as one

method, not your ONLY method, of garnishing clients.

I have a fiancé, two beautiful Pomeranians, Subi and Ozzie, and

can‟t wait to get married. I aspire to be a professional poker

player, as I was briefly in college.

The other side of me is a businessman, inside and out deep to

my heart. I am constantly evolving new methods of getting

business, trying to stay ahead of the curve, testing, re-testing

and evaluating my tests for their effectiveness. I develop

systems for myself, and then hire people to do them for me. I

do what it takes to succeed.

This is one of the most

powerful fears, as well as

marketing methods that is

currently used today. It is in

fact, often used in internet marketing.

Some of you may already know what I‟m talking about.

Scarcity, in the sense of,

“This won‟t be available forever,” or more specifically,

“This WSO closes on MMMMMMM, DD, at XX:XX”

are both perfect examples of how the fear of losing out or

missing out is used in internet marketing. This can also be

translated to the offline world, which is how we will be using it.

How exactly are we going to use it? If you‟ve already taken

a peek at the flyer (probably 99.9% of you) then you can see a

couple things:

1. There is a box in the middle, called the envy box, that

we will cover later, but this box is one major generator

of the fear of losing out.

2. The coupon at the bottom has an expiry date. Many

business owners that will eventually purchase from you,

will do so much faster because the coupon expires at the

end of the month. They fear losing out on the discount.

Both of these will be covered shortly in more detail.

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This also might be review for

you if you have Offline

Marketing Madness. Move

on past this section, or re-

read it for refresher. It‟s

good information and will help you land more clients more

often. If it isn‟t, pay close attention to this part as it‟s going to

help you in every other offline venture that you take part in.

I have people regularly ask me things like,

“How come I get a lot of appointments but they just don‟t seem

interested when I show up?” Another one I‟ve heard often is,

“Nobody is interested in SEO, I can‟t get anybody to buy.”

Can‟t, won‟t, don‟t, aren‟t – these are all words that

aren‟t in a salesperson‟s vocabulary. You WILL FAIL if

you use these words.

Anybody that has been in sales knows that people buy when

certain conditions are met. To put it in the MOST SIMPLE

TERMS that I can, there are only a handful of reasons people

don‟t buy.

These reasons are:

1. They don‟t understand the value behind what you are

offering or how it directly benefits them.

2. They aren‟t a qualified buyer, in other words, they

don‟t have the need you think they have, or don‟t

UNDERSTAND that they have this need.

3. They understand the value, they understand their need,

are a qualified buyer, but you just simply didn‟t ask

for the sale.

Straight up, those are the reasons people don‟t buy. If

you are meeting with potential clients and they aren‟t buying,

they will fall into one of those categories upwards of 99% of

the time. Rarely there is another issue or objection, but these

are things that can be overcome.

I‟ve included an overcoming objections guide from my Offline

Optimizer product, and I expect you to study and use it as

you meet with your clients. It will increase your closing rate

significantly. I‟m saying again: STUDY AND USE IT.

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I‟ve used this analogy before, but I‟m going to use it again

because it‟s perfect.

Car dealerships and website sales are VASTLY similar. Let me

explain how it correlates to what we‟re doing.

When a customer enters a car lot, the first thing the salesman

starts doing is what is commonly called building rapport. In

other words, he starts asking about their family, profession,

and their hobbies. They don‟t do this because they are

necessarily directly interested in these things personally (sad,

but true, I used to sell cars) but are rather interested because

it will help them sell the person.

Here are the two reasons they do this first:

1. They need the customer to understand his or her own

needs and wants. There is no better way to do this than

have the customer state them clearly, using words, to

the salesman. By telling the salesman about their life,

they are telling him basically what the car needs to do.

If they camp often, they need an SUV or something with

storage. If they have children, they need more seats. If

they are have a long commute, they need good gas

mileage. These are things that poor salesman ask

straight out, instead of deducing from the things

they are told.

Business owners will do the same thing, if you can make

conversation correctly, you will not only build rapport,

but you will put yourself in a position to offer services

they need.

In specific terms, this is called product

qualification. This is the “what”.

2. They need the customer to SEE THE VALUE in the

vehicle being offered, and connect that to understand

that the buying decision is then justified. It meets their

needs, and therefore, they now have a desire to

purchase. This is the “why”.

If business owners understand and can see the

value, they will buy. End of story.

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Now the car salesman takes the prospect for a test drive. This

gets the customer interested because they can feel what they

can have, know they want it and it will fit their lifestyle, and at

this point, if everything previous was done correctly – the sale

is a lock.

If this isn‟t the car for the customer, they just switch to another

one, and drive again. Eventually the customer‟s eye glimmers

with excitement and a purchase is imminent.

No matter what – there‟s still one more thing to be done

though: They have to qualify the buyer. This method will

teach you how to do this with business owners.

If you‟ve ever purchased a car you know the first thing that

takes place is a credit application. They don‟t want to talk

numbers before they know you can actually BUY the car being

offered. We will be qualifying our customers by finding people

that already have shown an interest in SEO and the market we

are working in – but need a little extra push.

Maybe this will tie it in for you a bit better:

The What: SEO services and

other internet marketing

services that we can offer them.

Customer: Offline business

owners and independent

contractors in your area

The Why: We know they are

close to ranking to the first

page, but need us to actually

get them there. They also have

a need for these services,

because they will make them

MORE MONEY, and with our

flyer we show them that their

competition is doing this.

Value Justification: They

already will have a website (in

most cases) and be close to the

first page, but their direct

competition is succeeding with

SEO, while they aren‟t. Plus you

have other things to help them

garnish more profit.

Product qualified, customer qualified, boom.

You should have a pretty good grasp on the entire qualification

topic or have had a nice refresher. Now we move onto the

meat of the system, the flyer.

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Many offliners often overlook or

choose to write off the potential

of marketing with flyers.

Maybe this is because they

work in such a „high tech‟ field that they feel it‟s too basic of an

idea. However, there is a reason that flyers still exist and

are used.

When designed right, flyers can be more effective than

television commercials per view, and in most cases, they


Let‟s break down my flyer you‟ve been given.

You‟ve seen the term hook or headline before. Our headline is

similar: it asks a question that engages the reader. In this

case, the question is, “Want More Business?” which in nearly

99.8% of the cases this is read, will be yes. This is good for

us, positive answers = positive results.

There are also a couple icons, that say results guaranteed and

FAST ROI right next to the hook. This implants safety right off

the bat, and interests them, because if it‟s FAST and Results

are Guaranteed, then how can they lose?

You then quote Google search volumes in their city in order

to hook them on a number basis of how many clients they are

missing out on. You then state the obvious, they‟re not being

found, or focused on.

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This is exactly what it sounds like, a box designed to induce

envy and jealousy (both very powerful emotions) in the

person we‟re trying to land.

This box shows them that they aren‟t getting business, that

they COULD BE GETTING, and their direct competitors ARE

receiving that business.

Then we use imagery and NLP by asking if they‟ve heard of any

of those businesses (which they will have, it‟s their

competition) and saying the traffic could be theirs, it makes

them envision the end result of being ranked and receiving

more business.

We‟ve connected the word yes, with the result of being

ranked, which is important. This is the second time they‟ve

said yes mentally while reading the flyer.

Some business owners might be stubborn at this point,

however, they will keep reading, they won‟t throw this away

until they‟ve read it all and decided it‟s not for them, or read it

all and decided to contact you.

This fact is nothing more than a way to show the necessity of

being ranked, and that 71% of all consumers use Google to find

local businesses at least once a month.

It justifies our service, with one sentence. Now we need to add

authority to our flyer, some type of subconscious feeling

that, everything will be alright if they go with us.

Authority images? What are those?

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This section starts with a question, why aren‟t you the one

they‟re finding? This implants necessity to be that person

in the pattern that we‟ve introduced information. Then we

state what we can do for them in the way of services. They will

glance at those images on the left, however, before reading the

rest of this section.

This does something important: Mentally connects our

business with the feelings they have about those

businesses. Not one business owner thinks of Google or

YouTube or Facebook as lame second-rate companies. They

associate them with large, blue chip stock names that are trust

worthy. We‟ve subconsciously just fit ourselves into that


This lines purpose is to get them to say yes again mentally

before offering our contact information, coupon and final call to


This section is our contact info with a coupon and final call to

action. There is nothing special about our info box, just our

information so they CAN call us back or email us. The coupon,

however, has one sneaky scarcity tactic, the expiry date.

I‟ll explain how exactly to choose the date, but for now, know

that it induces people to buy like crazy.

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We then offer a final call to action, after offering a coupon and

our information. They‟ve said yes to our questions three

times in the flyer, have associated us with necessity and

authority, and now we‟re asking for their business.

And THAT, folks, is the anatomy of the flyer. Now let‟s talk

about the two ways you can use this flyer.

There are two distinct ways to use this flyer, as well as some

other ones I‟ve left out. Feel free to do what you want, but

keeping simplicity and actionable content in my mind, I

included these two methods.

1. The first way to use the flyer is face to face. This will

involve you taking a printed out version of this flyer and

physically handing it to somebody, and trying to land a

meeting (more about this in a moment as well).

Out of the two methods, I had a moderately higher

success rate with this one, however, both did well.

2. The second method is direct mail. You package this up,

stick a stamp on it, wait for a call, follow up, and hope

for the best.

Obviously there‟s less rapport building going on

here, so it may not work as well, but it does allow for

much more clients to be contacted, and ultimately a

chance for more sales to be made if perfected.

Many people are going to ask me the following question so I

figure I should just answer it here.

Which one should you use?

Do both, and see which one works better for you.

You have some options

when it comes to preparing

this flyer. We‟ll walk

through the entire thing step by step.

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You need to pick a niche in order

to fill out the sentence in the top

right. Here‟s some advice I have

for picking a niche. It is

verbatim from a niche picking

guide I wrote for my employees and sales people (as well as

been in some of my other products):

Here are a few truths about 95% of niches:

1. Offline niches are soft. You will be able to get the

first spot on Google with solid on-site SEO and NONE to

VERY LITTLE off-site SEO. This means your local area is


2. There is a prospect in EVERY NICHE. Period.

3. The niche doesn‟t REALLY matter, however some

niches are better than others.

What makes a niche better than other niches? They will

meet some or all of the following conditions:

Their profit per customer is LARGE. Every

customer you can land them is worth a LOT and will

justify the prices we will be charging. Does this mean

that a hair salon selling $50-$100 services isn‟t worth

it? Absolutely not. Why? Because…

Their repeat customer percentage and customer

retention is high. This means that the customers will

come back multiple times (at least 3) in a year, and

provide them with a high lifetime value per customer,

which is just as beneficial. If neither of these apply,

you‟re probably dealing with some type of retail

establishment, and even if not, you can still work with

them if…

They have an opportunity to build a web-store or

directly profit from activities completed on the

website that you will be doing SEO or other

services for. This will open possibilities of you taking

profit sharing percentages. I helped a local T-shirt

company that specializes in sports uniforms take their

business online, and I‟m reaping benefits of a 10%

commission each month on sales made (not profit) on

the website. They do over $10,000 a month in sales.

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Are these points not connecting well for you? Don‟t


Here is a list of businesses I suggest starting with that will be

receptive businesspeople that UNDERSTAND how crucial

marketing is to their business:

Accountants and CPAs

Lawyers (I specifically did work for a lawyer in

return for him writing up all my contracts for me.

He did all my legal work, and then after a few

months, signed on to keep paying me. Have them

draft contracts if you work with them – and then

ask them to explain them to you, as they are

legally obligated to do so.)


Auto Body Repair shops

Independent Car Dealerships (Most big name car

dealerships do this work internally and you have

to jump through too many hoops, trust me)



Chiropractors (GOLD MINE!)

Construction Companies

Carpentry & Remodel Services


Restaurants & Bars

Hair Salons & Stylists

Plastic Surgeons

Specialty Shops (specifically smoke shops)

And on and on and on until the end of time.

I‟ve laid out the hard work for you. These niches are some

of the best, but not the only ones. If you don‟t have luck with

any of those, try this:

Head over to (YellowPages), leave the business

category blank, and enter your city/state as shown below:

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Click find, and you will be shown a list of a couple hundred

popular categories in your town. If those aren‟t enough, you

can get EVEN MORE categories by clicking the “A-F, G-K…”

headers at the top of the list.

Pick a niche.

You need to pick out some


Read the steps above about

using, that is the easiest way to find them. Pull

up your niche, find all the prospects in the area in your niche,

and copy them into notepad, or leave the window open.

It‟s time to think logically: Let‟s say we‟re looking for a

plumber in Olympia, WA. What would you search for on

Google? Here‟s a list of keywords I came up with:

Olympia Plumber

Olympia Plumbing Service

Plumber in Olympia

Search each of those keywords in Google and write down the

top 4 results (whether it is places listings or organic) and then

do NOT use this flyer on ANY of them. We are targeting

people outside the top 4. I‟ve contacted a couple #4‟s, landed

one, lost one, but had no success within the top 3 I can speak

of. You can try #4 if you want, but prepare yourself for tons of


Search those keywords in the External Google Keyword Tool.

Use Exact or Phrase match, do not use broad, and now fill in

the box in the top right of the flyer with the total of the

search volumes from ALL of the keywords. Use Global

search volumes as some people will be searching those terms

from proxies or VPNs, be located in the area, but not in local

search volume Google is showing you.

I use the total search volume across all keywords because it

accurately represents search volumes for long term total

keyword placement.

Long term total keyword placement is the long term

expected search volume per month for all keywords you

plan on eventually ranking for. This is the best measure of

search volume for long term projects, as it most accurately

represents search volume that you will experience for a

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majority of the site‟s life once established, instead of only for

one keyword.

You very well may only get 100-200 or less searches for

these keywords. You might be saying: “Well that‟s nothing!”

Let me explain to you how vastly wrong you are.

Remember the clients we are targeting will either have high

profit per customer, high customer retention, or ability to

expand to online sales.

Let‟s consider 100 extra visitors per month for a lawyer.

If only 5% of those convert into clients, they‟re getting 5 new

clients a month.

If they charge an average retainer of $2500, and average profit

of $10,000 per representation, they‟re adding $62,500 to their

bottom line each month. Is this worth it to be charged $1997

up front with $997 recurring commissions? ABSOLUTELY.

You will be building a client list,

before filling out the Envy Box.

Go back to the Google Search

Results you pulled up to find

the top listings previously.

Enter all your potential clients into the lead tracking

spreadsheet starting at #5 (or #4) and going down to at

least the bottom of page one (I do the end of page two). Go

back to and try to find more businesses with websites

that are established but

lacking of SEO or other design.

It will be YOUR JOB to show

them what they‟re missing out

on and that their #7 first page

ranking is probably doing jack

shit for them.

Here‟s a diagram for you:

This is from a study done by

Cornell University. It‟s also a

heat map by color, red being

hottest, black being coolest,

for where the eyes go when

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something is searched. Over 50% of clicks go to the first

SERP result on average. This is normally higher for local


You can find this diagram at:


It will be beneficial to show this to business owners if they

seem skeptical. It‟s proof, hardcore proof. #7 on Google?

Who cares?! #8? You do worse than #9! You get the


You need to fill out the Envy

Box. Take the top two or three

businesses from the Google

search results for the keywords

that you thought up, and put

them into the box.

You get to decide whether to just list businesses in the

envy box or put logos of the businesses. I recommend the

latter. If you don‟t have Illustrator of Photoshop, print out

logos for the three businesses, size them down using Gimp2

(free graphics editor, Google “Gimp graphic editor”) and print

them out. Slap them on the printed flyer you have, then re-

photo copy it with them taped on there, you will have a flat

flyer then with the logos.

Fill in your contact information

on the bottom of the page.

Sixth, fill out the expiry date for

the coupon.

If it‟s before the 15th of the

month that you are handing

these out/mailing them, make the date the end of the month.

If it is past the 15th of the month you are doing this, make it

the 10th of the next month.

These timeframes have shown to be the best converting out of

our tests, however feel free to try out others.

… and the flyer is ready to go!

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Many people, my salespeople

included had this goal:

“This flyer is going to land me a

lot of clients and make me a lot

of money (or commission)!”

Terrible goal, here is a better one:

“This flyer is an amazingly effective vessel to landing meetings

with the people that read it, and I plan on getting as many

meetings as I can so I can make the most money off the people

that receive this flyer”

That is an AMAZING goal.

In short:

Your overwhelming, burning desire and subconscious

goal should be to land as many MEETINGS as possible

with people who you contact.

That means when you are speaking face to face, or constructing

mail to send, you will keep in mind that you simply need to

transition from this being your first contact with the person to

first meeting.

You aren‟t trying to get a check when you pass out the flyer,

you are trying to set up a meeting, so you can further

educate yourself about your potential client‟s website and

market, and offer them the best value, as well as make the

most profit.

Now I‟ll talk briefly about the two different methods,

how they differ, and how each one has its benefits.

Once you have the prospects

picked out and the flyer

created and printed, it‟s time to approach each of the

prospects. Your first option is face to face.

There are two ways to do this. Cold and Hot. Each has

advantages and disadvantages, and you will simply have to

decide which one sounds more appealing to you.

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The cold approach

involves simply going

out to each business

you found cold, walking in, and talking to the receptionist and

trying to get past her to the person that makes decision, or at

least get your flyer past her.

There isn‟t much advice to be given. Some businesses have

different policies and you can simply ask for so-and-so, and

some will request you give them the flyer and they will pass it


This is the pattern I normally use, feel free to try it out, and

perhaps modify it to each situation:

I walk in cold and say something like:

“I was wondering if the owner is in…”


“Is there a manager available?”

If I get the owner, I just ask him for a few minutes of his time,

no sales pitch guaranteed, and say I have something he would

be interested in looking at.

Normally they‟re receptive of the request, and if so, show them

the flyer piece by piece and close with,

“When‟s a good time to meet to talk about this at

length?” Close the meeting, and done.

If he isn‟t receptive of the initial request, say something like:

“Would it be okay if I left this with you, and you can

decide what to do with it?”

I‟ve never had anybody say no to that, and in fact, many

business owners who go this route end up asking more

questions than the people who let you show it to them initially.

At all costs, try to set up a meeting. Grant Cardone has

GREAT sales tapes out there, and I recommend looking at

them if you are interested. He focuses on car sales, but he has

materials that cover more general topics, and you simply can‟t

lose with his stuff.

If you‟re not a fan of this approach, perhaps try the other one,

the hot approach.

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The hot approach, in my

mind, is much tougher

simply because many

people are poor at cold calling. If you absolutely dread it but

can fathom speaking to someone face to face that you‟ve

probably never met, then go with the cold approach.

In the hot approach, you call each prospect before you

go in.

Many of my sales people do this, in order to have the meeting

time set up when they go in with the flyer. They bring the flyer

and a laptop (or iPad, iPhone etc) and show the prospect some

proof of the entire flyer.

They practically read the flyer off to the prospect and anything

that can be pulled up on Google or otherwise, they show it to

them, while explaining the flyer.

Close rates for meetings set up this way, are MUCH higher,

usually result in much less resistance, and make more money

long term.

This is because the prospect is presold, much like if they had

visited a squeeze page, and are ready to buy what you have to


That is really the only difference. This isn‟t a cold calling

course, so I‟m not going to list a ton of scripts in this guide,

HOWEVER, if you read the Overcoming Objections guide

that I included from Offline Optimizer – then you will be in

great shape when calling people for hot approaches.

This method has two main

benefits over the face to face

method. First off, you will

never have to waste time or

breath speaking at length to somebody that isn‟t interested

because they will not contact you back or be receptive on the

phone when you follow up if they‟re not. Second, your

clients will be much easier to work with simply because

they are clients that came to YOU and this means that the NLP

and methods in the flyer worked how they should have. This

means you are positioned in a position of power and

authority, and in general, they will like you more.

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First let‟s talk about preparing

the mail. Many people will

simply put this flyer in an

envelope, put all the addresses

on the envelopes, put stamps on the envelope, and mail them

all and wait. This method will get you very poor results

compared to ANYTHING else we have talked about.

You have options! You can call to let them know there is

something on the way, you can bundle this flyer with other

materials, other mail, other things, and send them to

businesses. Here‟s a couple examples:

1. Perhaps you have clients already, or visit businesses

frequently that you like. Ask those businesses or clients

if they‟ll give you some coupons to give to new clients,

they get more exposure, and you get a bonus to

throw in. Put these in with the flyer when you send it,

giving something away free is a great way to build trust.

2. Staple your business card to the top left corner of the

flyer, this will help show that you had your hands on it

before it was sent out and took a bit extra time. It‟s an

unspoken touch that helps.

Another thing I have done in the past is write a note by hand

on the back of the flyer. You simply say something like:

“Dear Owner of _______,

Here is some information I thought you might be interested in.

If you are interested in talking at length, call me at the number

listed on the business card and the flyer.

I know I could help your business expand and grow, and in the

recent market, I know we could all use more business.

Talk with you soon!


<Number Again>”

It‟s simple and effective and shows you took a few

seconds to be sincere, it helps, a LOT!

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This is a term that I use to refer

to mail that you send to

prospects that is sent in bigger

envelopes, with plenty of other advertising pieces inside of it.

You could throw in some brochures that explain your business

services, a flyer about your referral program (if you have one),

a picture of you, testimonials, anything you can think of.

This is more time consuming, but consider doing this if you

DID a “Hot Mailing” where you contacted them to let them

know you were sending them some information.

Clunky mail works great, but is more expensive, and should

only be used under circumstances where there is interest

already – simply to avoid throwing money out the window

on putting it together.

I‟ve included a lead tracker in this

system that was similar to the one I

offered in Offline Marketing Madness.

I made a few changes so it fits

this system. If you have the old

one feel free to use it, or use this

new one that better matches the steps you are taking and the

system you are doing. It was included to help you stay

organized and up your chances of success.

USE IT! Be sure when you send mail or make

contact, you list it in the lead tracker!

About a week after you mail out all your flyers and mail, give

each business a call. Ask questions like:

“Hey I am <Name> from <Business Name>, and I was

wondering if the mail I sent last week concerning your guys

website and SEO ever got delivered to the person in charge?”

You‟ll normally either be talking to someone who can tell you,

or be transferred to someone who can tell you, a lot of times,

the person in charge. You didn‟t ask to talk with them, you

asked a question that directly concerns them, and often, this

is all it takes to talk with them.

Once you get them, just chat it up! Ask if they got the mail,

what they think, when a good time to talk at length would be.

Just go for the meeting! Don‟t forget, IT IS YOUR



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There is some information in

this section that overlaps

Offline Marketing Madness as well, but once again, it doesn‟t

hurt to hear it again.

Obviously, the sooner you close the sale, the better. If the

business owner gives you the time of day when you hand off

the flyer then TAKE IT and move right into the meeting then.

I said earlier, your goal should be to get the meeting, but I

never said don‟t get the meeting on the first shot!

There‟s a term in sales, it‟s ABC – Always Be Closing.

Always, ALWAYS keep the sale in mind and be making actions

that can directly relate in you completing the sale. In this

system‟s case, the actions that will directly relate to sales for

you, is getting a meeting.

Remember something else:

If they are meeting with you, you‟ve accomplished the

qualification process, and they are interested. You just

have to get them to a price point where the value is

justified, and then ask for the sale. You should close

upwards of 90% of your meetings once you get good at

this. The sales funnel does the pre-sell for you, so the

hard work is done.

Some things to consider when working

together a package for a client and

preparing for a meeting:

Do they need a fresh website redesign?

A lot of websites are ugly! If there‟s a chance for you to

sell them a website with the SEO, do it. However, if the

idea of doing a fresh WordPress design from a $27

template is daunting, don‟t offer it. If they want it,

make sure you have a provider lined up before hand to

outsource it to just in case. There‟s no reason to say, “I

can‟t” when it can easily be “You can” if you charge

someone and pay someone else to do it.

Even if you don‟t do design personally, you can buy a

WordPress template for $47 and have it put together

and built with all the pages for under $200 normally.

You can charge upwards of $1,000 for something like

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this, so it‟s just money in your pocket!

Are there any other services you can offer?

Easiest way to answer this is to go down the list on the

flyer and see which ones apply to them. Once you have

a meeting, do research!

Do they have a Facebook page, a Twitter?

Would they benefit from either?

Do they need an optin list and some type of newsletter?

Could they offer coupons through the same list?

Use your imagination here - you can run this angle

many of different ways.

Other services you can offer include logo redesign,

content creation (for more in-site content) and many

more. If you want to keep it simple and just go

SEO at first, that‟s ABSOLUTELY FINE! Don‟t feel

the need to upsell them now, because you can always

upsell them later – remember, they WILL be paying

you for a while. Also, upselling later means you

don‟t have to work a bundle deal and give

discounts, you‟ll make more later on for the same


Offer hosting to the client. There‟s a big yellow star

next to this for a reason:

If you pick up a “Reseller” package from HostGator, you

can host as many domains under your plan as you‟d

like. This means you can get access to wherever their

domain is located, redirect their nameservers to your

Reseller package, and get another $19, $29, $whatever,

per month just by hosting their website.

This is normally a LONG TERM (5+ years) profit for

you because they just won‟t swap out the hosting

very often if you provide good uptime and service.

They have better things to do, and why would they

crap on their marketing guy and his hosting?

Offer webmaster services for $97 or $197 or

$whatever a month. Offer to keep the posts updated on

their website for them and all they have to do is email

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you with what they‟d like you to do.

Set up a separate email for this, something like

[email protected] and redirect it to a gmail

or something so you can keep track of all your clients

requests in real time and figure out what they need.

Many businesses will go this route with you, simply to

take more work load off their back. If you‟re bringing

them in money, it will seem “free” to them because

of the success they‟ve garnished from marketing

through you.

ALWAYS QUOTE HIGH. If you want to get $1,497 up

front and $497 a month, quote them at $1,997 up front

and $997 a month. This way once they get sticker

shock, you can say something like:

“I‟m looking to really help you out here and build a

relationship, so how about I knock off $500 off the

up-front cost, and give you 50% off the monthly

recurring for LIFE if you sign up with me today.”

You can also use this with a website redesign sale.

Let‟s say you quoted $1,997 for SEO up-front, and $997

a month. Tell them, if they buy a website, you will do

the SEO for $997 up front and $497 a month, and the

website will only run them $997 instead of $1,997.

Knowing you‟re probably going to outsource the website

for $250, you‟ve made another $750 in profit, upped

your overall up-front revenue on the sale to $1,747, and

still receive $497 a month while framing the sale to

look like an AWESOME deal.

It‟s all about pacing and leading, and framing the

conversation correctly.

Bring your TOOLS! I‟m talking about a laptop, an

iPad, iPhone, ANYTHING you can show them in

real time what‟s going on.

Perhaps the client needs you to show them the things

they‟re doing wrong.

Make sure you have done a brief analysis of the website

and what kind of things need to change on their SEO.

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Did you check for the keyword in the title? Do they

have meta keywords? Is the content structured with H1

tags? All this stuff is basic SEO, but normally isn‟t done.

Be sure not to give away so much they can go

hand it to “their guy” and do it themselves. I‟ve

had this happen, big mistake.

They might want you to show them the search volume

info and SERPs in front of their face. Doing these things

will improve the relationship you guys have, up the trust

they have in you, and as well prove that you know what

you‟re doing.

You might even stumble upon an upsell you

missed! They will tell you what they want, so just

LISTEN and react!

It is crucial to have tools, especially with this flyer


Book the meeting at a neutral location, or at your

office. Never meet at their place of business

unless it is the moment you have handed them the

flyer and they say,

“Hey let‟s talk in my office about this.”

This comes from my psychology background. You don‟t

want to meet at their place of business because

mentally, they will be in a familiar place in a position of

power. You don‟t want this. You want an even playing

field, or even one in your favor. However, if they

offer up the meeting, it means your authority

volume is high.

Authority volume is a term that we spoke about in my

psychology class, that my professor kind of made up.

However it makes sense:

Let‟s say authority is measured by the variable A, and if

it was a number 1-10,000, it would be the total amount

of respect that somebody has for somebody else. 1 is

low, and 10,000 is high.

Let‟s say that T represents the total time you‟ve known

someone. Let‟s also say that V represents authority

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If you plug those into this equation: V = A/T

V equals A divided by T

Then you get the authority volume. Basically this

term means that as time progresses, the total

amount of authority and respect you have for

someone levels out from

“More than you have for yourself” to

“The same as yourself” or “Less than yourself”.

In general, you‟re more respectful to people you don‟t

know, than someone you‟ve known forever.

Now how does this play into the flyer system?

You‟ve JUST MET this business owner. You gave him

the flyer. He wants to meet. DO IT! The authority

volume is HUGE for you and it levels out the playing

field between the two of you as far as the meeting place

and leverage goes.

However, in GENERAL, try to meet at a neutral location.

Try to book a lunch or round of golf, something that

will keep you with them for more than 45 minutes and

allow a real friendship to develop, so that you can

garnish the trust it requires to make this sale.

If you meet at their place of business, you better believe

that once they hear one thing that slightly turns them

off, they might say, “You know what, I don‟t think this is

for me” but when you‟re at lunch or golfing with them,

they will NEVER just get up and walk out on you.

Use the contract I‟ve included. It‟s a basic

contract I use for my SEO clients. It‟s sufficient and

easy to understand. You won‟t get burned this way from

verbal agreements.


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You‟ll know when it‟s time. Once you‟ve answered

questions, just re-quote the numbers. Remember, you

are in a position of power, you have the product they

want, you have a qualified lead, and you have social

proof. They need this. You have the upper hand.

Build value until you feel like the business owner

is almost finishing your sentences for you.

Be their hero, use the price quoting we described

above. This is where the overcoming objections guide

REALLY comes in handy, because you will face most

your objections right here. This is why we quoted

high, because we can drop it now to impulse into a


If they say, “So how do we get the ball rolling?” you

simply say, “A business check would be great, fill it out

to ________________.” Collect, rinse, repeat.

You can also use any of the following:

“Let me get a payment link and subscription set up

through PayPal and we can get this going right now.”

“You give me some money, and I turn around and give

your business a whole ton more… let‟s both get paid

(with a smile!)”

“We accept all forms of payment, just don‟t pay with

pennies, please? ”

Long story short, the hard part is over, just ask for the

money already.

One other thing I also mention in almost every one of my


When you start to land clients, collect checks and cash in,


You know that new pair of shoes, headphones, new shirt you

want? Go buy it for yourself. Every time you make a sale,

reward yourself with something!

This is called conditioning. It will condition your mind to

associate the work with positive results and outcomes, thus

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increasing your productivity and focus when working on your


I ALWAYS reward myself after cutting a deal – because it‟s only


You only live once, and I promise, you can‟t take it with you

when you die. So spend some of it.

That‟s it! That is how one

flyer, coupled with a little

preparedness and effort, brought me over $16,000 in a month!

Not too hard is it? Be sure that if you have questions, you

email me, here is my support information again for those that

didn‟t catch it on the download page or WSO:

Support E-Mail: [email protected]

Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did creating it for

you! Sincerely, I appreciate your support!

- Brenden Clerget

PS: Be sure to check out the other

AWESOME offers I have:

Recommended Reading:

Offline Marketing Madness $14,000+ In 14 HOURS?! The SHOCKINGLY SIMPLE

Offline SYSTEM You've Been WAITING For! [A+++


Super Simple SEO


ANYWHERE! Darren: “Looks like WINNING to me.”