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Frequent item set and Association rules Viet-Trung Tran 1
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Frequent item set and Association rules

Viet-Trung Tran


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Credits •  Jure Leskovec, Anand Rajaraman, Jeff Ullman

Stanford University


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Supermarket shelf management

•  Goal: Identify items that are bought together by sufficiently many customers

•  Approach: Process sales data to find dependencies among items

•  A classic rule: –  if someone buy diaper and milk, he/she will buy



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The market-basket model •  A large set of items •  A large set of baskets •  Each basket is a small

subset of items •  Want to discover

association rules –  People who buy {a,b,c} tend

to buy {x,y,z}


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•  Many-to-many mapping between two kinds of things – But asks about connections among "items", not

baskets –  Items and baskets are abstract

•  products/shopping •  words/documents •  drugs/patients


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Application •  Products = items , sets of products = baskets •  Amazon people who buy X also buy Y •  Real market baskets: chain stores keep TB of data

about what customers buy together –  Tell how typical customers navigate stores –  Run sale on diaper and milk but raise the price of beer


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Application [2] •  Documents = items; sentences = baskets

–  Items that appear together too often could represent plagairism

•  Patients = items; drugs & side-effect = baskets –  detect combinations of drugs that result in side-effect


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Application [3]

•  Finding community in graphs (e.g., Twitter)


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Frequent itemsets •  Simplest question: find set of

items that appear together "frequently" in baskets

•  Support for itemset I –  Number of baskets containing all

items in I •  Given a support threadshold s

–  Set of items that appear in at least s baskets are called frequent itemsets


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Association rules

•  If-then rules about the contents of baskets •  {i1,i2,...,ik} -> j means: "if a basket contains

all of i then it is likely to contain j" •  Confidence of this association rule is the

probability of j given I = {i1, i2,...,ik}


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•  Not all high confidence rules are interesting – The rule X -> milk is high confidence but it is just

milk is purchased very often •  Interest of an association rule I -> j

– Different between its confidence and the fraction of baskets that contain J

–  Interest on those with high positive or negative


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Finding association rules

•  Goal: finding all association rules with support >= s and confidence >= c

•  Hard part: finding the frequent itemsets –  If {i1,i2,...,ik} -> j has high support and

confidence, then bot {i1,i2,...ik} and {i1,i2,...,ik,j} will be frequent


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Itemsets: computation models

•  Hardest problems often be finding frequent pairs – Probability of being frequent drops

exponentially with size, number of sets grow more slowly with size

•  First concentrate on pairs, and then extend to large datasets


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Naive algorithm

•  Read file once, counting in main memory •  For each basket of n items, generate n(n-1)/2

pairs by two nested loop •  Failed if (#items)^2 exceeds memory

– 100K (Walmark) , 10B web pages,


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A-priori algorithm [1] •  A two-pass approach limits the need

for memory •  Key idea: monotonicity

–  if a set of items I appears at least s times, so does every subset J of I

•  Contrapositive for pairs –  If items i does not appear in s baskets,

then no pair including i can appear in s baskets


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A-priori algorithm [2]

•  Pass 1: Read baskets and count in main memory the occurrences of each individual item

•  Items that appear >= s time are the frequent items

•  Pass 2: Read baskets again and count those pairs where both elements are frequent


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Main-Memory: Picture of A-Priori


Item counts

Pass 1 Pass 2

Frequent items


n m


y Counts of pairs of

frequent items (candidate


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Frequent tripe, etc.


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PCY (Park-Chen-Yu) Algorithm •  Observation:

In pass 1 of A-Priori, most memory is idle –  We store only individual item counts –  Can we use the idle memory to reduce

memory required in pass 2? •  Pass 1 of PCY: In addition to item counts, maintain a hash

table with as many buckets as fit in memory –  Keep a count for each bucket into which

pairs of items are hashed •  For each bucket just keep the count, not the actual

pairs that hash to the bucket!


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PCY Algorithm [2] –  Pass 1:

•  Count exact frequency of each item: •  Take pairs of items {i,j}, hash them into B buckets and count of the number of pairs that hashed to each bucket:

–  Pass 2: •  For a pair {i,j} to be a candidate for

a frequent pair, its singletons {i}, {j} have to be frequent and the pair has to hash to a frequent bucket!


Items 1…N

Basket 1: {1,2,3} Pairs: {1,2} {1,3} {2,3}

Basket 2: {1,2,4} Pairs: {1,2} {1,4} {2,4}

Buckets 1…B 3 1 2

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Frequent Itemsets in < 2 Passes

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Frequent Itemsets in < 2 Passes •  A-Priori, PCY, etc., take k passes to find frequent

itemsets of size k •  Can we use fewer passes? •  Use 2 or fewer passes for all sizes,

but may miss some frequent itemsets –  Random sampling –  SON (Savasere, Omiecinski, and Navathe) –  Toivonen


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Random Sampling [1] •  Take a random sample of the market baskets

•  Run a-priori or one of its improvementsin main memory –  So we don’t pay for disk I/O each

time we increase the size of itemsets –  Reduce support threshold

proportionally to match the sample size


Copy of sample baskets

Space for counts


n m



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SON Algorithm [1] •  Repeatedly read small subsets of the baskets into

main memory and run an in-memory algorithm to find all frequent itemsets –  Note: we are not sampling, but processing the entire file

in memory-sized chunks •  An itemset becomes a candidate if it is found to be

frequent in any one or more subsets of the baskets.

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SON Algorithm [2] •  On a second pass, count all the candidate

itemsets and determine which are frequent in the entire set

•  Key “monotonicity” idea: an itemset cannot be frequent in the entire set of baskets unless it is frequent in at least one subset.

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SON – Distributed Version •  SON lends itself to distributed data mining •  Baskets distributed among many nodes

–  Compute frequent itemsets at each node –  Distribute candidates to all nodes –  Accumulate the counts of all candidates


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SON: Map/Reduce •  Phase 1: Find candidate itemsets

–  Map? –  Reduce?

•  Phase 2: Find true frequent itemsets –  Map? –  Reduce?