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2  · 2018-06-11 · 4 Myth # 1 – The Girls Just Want a Green Card - These Marriages Never Last Many people make the uneducated assumption that marriages that have resulted from

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Page 1: 2  · 2018-06-11 · 4 Myth # 1 – The Girls Just Want a Green Card - These Marriages Never Last Many people make the uneducated assumption that marriages that have resulted from
Page 2: 2  · 2018-06-11 · 4 Myth # 1 – The Girls Just Want a Green Card - These Marriages Never Last Many people make the uneducated assumption that marriages that have resulted from


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LIMITS OF LIABILITY/ DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY All trademarks are the property of their owners. This report is NOT legal or accounting advice and you would have to be out of your mind to consider it to be such advice. Every person’s individual situation is different and you should perform your own due-diligence to determine if the content of this report is right for YOUR particular circumstances. The purpose of this book is to offer ideas and information that many men have never considered about international dating, but it should not be considered comprehensive or authoritative. Furthermore, the publisher of this report is not liable for any damages or losses associated with the content in this report. In English: You are a full-grown man. You are responsible for your own decisions about the romantic relationships in your life. DISCLAIMER AND TERMS OF USE AGREEMENT The information contained herin is the reasoned judgment of the author and publisher based upon the best available research and personal experience. However, the author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, fitness, applicability, or completeness of the contents of this Ebook.

The Ebook is strictly for educational purposes. Therefore, if you decide to implement the ideas contained in this Ebook, you are taking full responsibility for your actions and any issues, complications, errors, injuries, mental anguish, or legal challenges may result from such actions. The author and publisher do not warrant the performance, effectiveness or applicability of any sites listed or linked to in this Ebook. You should do your own research, form your own opinions, and take responsibility for your own actions. The author and publisher shall in no event be held liable to any actions you may take that result in any direct, indirect, punitive, special, incidental or other damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of this material, which is provided “as is”, and without warranties.

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A Great Time to Be Alive!

Do you feel lucky to be alive?

You should. You should feel incredibly lucky that you weren’t born in 1860 or 1350 or


Why? Because in 1860, if you were the Czar of Russia or the Prince of Wales, you didn’t

have the opportunity to meet as many stunning women from as many different cultures

as a reasonably successful American or European guy can today.

The Internet allows you to meet the most amazing women from around the world,

regardless of where you live, and low cost international air fares makes traveling to meet

your dream girl in person a realistic option.

You don’t have to simply settle for “the girl next door” like most men have done from

time immemorial.

You are lucky enough to be moving into a global society in virtually every facet of our

lives, so why shouldn’t romance be included?

Unfortunately, many men miss out on potentially meeting an amazing foreign woman

because of some common myths that are floating around about international dating.

You’re about to learn the truths behind the most common myths associated with

international dating, so you can make an educated decision on whether or not

international dating is for you. You may be surprised by what you’ll learn in the next few


Okay, let’s get to it!

NOTE: If you didn’t get this Ebook by signing up for our newsletter then you might want to

do that now, you’ll get a ton of great information on International Dating sent directly to

your inbox. Here’s the link:

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Myth # 1 – The Girls Just Want a Green Card - These Marriages

Never Last

Many people make the uneducated assumption that marriages that have resulted from

international dating don't last, but that is simply a media fiction. The sad truth in our

society today is that heartbreak and horror stories sell a lot better than stories that touch

the heart, so “Green card bride” stories sell a lot better than stories about the thousands

of happy marriages.

Sure, there are isolated cases where some girl cons some poor guy out of some cash and

then takes off once she gets her papers, but the reason you hear about these things is

because they sell newspapers and get ratings on TV. This sort of thing is NOT happening

all the time. There are millions of sweet, sexy, and caring young women that truly want a

long-term relationship with a Western man.

In fact, the best official estimates in the United States and the European Union show

that marriages that start on international dating sites are actually more successful

overall than other marriages.

Dr. Robert J Scholes, in an official report to the United States Congress, noted...

"...marriages arranged through these services would appear to have a

lower divorce rate than the nation as a whole; fully 80 percent of these

marriages have lasted over the years for which reports are available."

One explanation for this might be the fact that both the bride and groom have a real

expectation to make this work. After all, if a person is moving halfway around the world

to be with someone, they’re typically going to be serious about the relationship.

There’s also the fact that there’s a lot larger pool of potential pairings when you venture

outside of your community. With international dating you’re putting yourself out there

to meet people all over the world, so statistically your odds of finding someone

compatible are much higher than dating only locally.

Many people will say that these women are only interested in marrying foreign men

because it improves their standard of living. There is some merit to this, but keep in

mind, “improving one’s circumstances” is part of the “dating ritual” with domestic

dating as well. In a way, being able to offer these women an opportunity to live in a

society that doesn’t degrade women, but rather gives them unlimited opportunities is

just one of the many things that you contribute to the relationship.

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Lisa Simmons, whose dissertation is easily the best academic study of the modern mail order bride phenomenon, and her discussion of why women around the world are seeking out Western men deserves to be quoted at some length.

She wrote that…

"In addition to believing that marrying a foreigner would contribute to

financial security, all of the women in my sample strongly articulated the

belief that an American man would make a better emotional partner

than would a man from their own country. They felt that a marriage

should be based on mutual love and respect; and they wanted a man who

would be able to provide the sort of emotional support that they felt was

not easy to find among their own countrymen. The emphasis on quality

of relationship was an unexpected finding because this aspect of

international marriage has not been the focus on much media coverage.”

Divorce rates must also be considered when it comes to this myth. When you look at

domestic divorce rates in the United States estimated at 48-54% and divorce rates in the

EU not trailing too far behind that, it’s quite refreshing to see data that suggests that

marriages that result from international relationships have divorce rates that track

significantly lower.

In fact, Switzerland reported that marriages between Swiss men and foreign women were

approximately 10% less likely to end in divorce than marriages between Swiss men and


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Myth #2 - Foreign Dating Is Only For Losers Who Can't Get a

Date in Their Own Country

This one is incredibly FALSE! First off, foreign dating agencies are just like

domestic dating services. If you will remember back a few years, there was a stigma

about using online dating sites like in the beginning, but now the concept of

finding a partner online is WIDELY accepted. Millions of people utilize online dating as

a resource to find the "loves of their" lives, and there are countless success stories of

people who have met lifelong partners online.

International dating simply takes the idea of online dating and moves it to the next level.

In fact, even offers an international dating service now, so they can

obviously see the benefits of international dating. Instead of only having access to

women in your country, you can now meet women from around the entire

world. It increases the odds of finding “the one” and allows you to expose yourself to

various worldwide cultures.

Think about it for a second... With almost 7 billion people on the planet, is it really

logical to think that everyone's soul mate lives in the same city, state, or even country?

Of course not. Just 100 years ago, think about how difficult, time consuming and

expensive traveling around the world was. Now, the world is literally at your

fingertips. With cell phones, the internet, cheap and even free international calling,

supersonic jets, and relatively inexpensive travel expenses, making global connections is

easier than ever.

You can literally make meaningful romantic connections with anyone anywhere in the

world. Geography is no longer a boundary to consider when it comes to

meeting that special someone.

It just makes you wonder how many people missed out on truly meeting their soul

mates in generations past because they were unable to travel easily on an international

scale. Perhaps that’s why we see a higher divorce rate in domestic marriage

relationships? When you don't limit love to your backyard, you have the potential to

truly meet the love of your life.

With international dating you can also get away from the mundane. When you meet and

cultivate a relationship with someone from another part of the world, you get to learn all

about a culture other than your own. This can be rewarding for both you and her on so

many different levels. When you look at everything foreign dating has going for it, it

certainly seems MUCH more appealing than just meeting that boring girl next door...

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Myth #3 - International Dating Agencies Are All Just Scams

While there are a lot of scams out there, that could certainly be said about almost

anything these days. What most people don't realize is that using an international dating

agency is just as safe as making a purchase at a well-known online retailer. Just like

online shopping, you must deal with reputable international dating agencies.

Helping people stay safe and not get scammed is incredibly important to us, so here at

ILS, we've researched all of the sites that we've featured girls from to weed-out as much

of the risk as possible and provide you with a pleasant dating experience.

Not only do we watch out for the scammers for you, but we also give you the scoop on

shady operations, or anything else that we deem to not be on the up-and-up.

We want your quest for finding the love of your life to be as risk-free and enjoyable as

possible. Unfortunately, scams can never be completely eliminated, but if you use a little

common sense just like you do when you're shopping or paying bills online, you can

avoid almost all of the online dating scams out there.

Here are some tips to keep your quest for love on the right track:

This is a big one... Never send money to a girl! NEVER! Now, this rule

sounds pretty easy to follow, but you'd be surprised at how many guys end up

sending money even though it goes against their better judgment. So, if you're

going to send money, at least wait until you have been communicating with

someone for six to eight weeks. This will minimize your risk substantially.

Make sure the girl you're corresponding with is replying with direct answers to

your questions. Watch out for copy/pasted replies and/or "form letters". These

types of responses are a huge red flag that something is not right.

Don't propose without meeting the girl. Again, this sounds like common sense,

but a lot of guys propose before they even meet the person they've been

communicating with. You wouldn’t do this offline, so it’s best to avoid doing this

online as well. If someone is trying to pressure you into a rushed decision

regarding marriage or anything else, you need to take a step back and evaluate

the situation.

Use a reputable agency and read the information about the agencies you're

considering working with very closely because the level of service you'll

experience will vary widely from agency to agency. One of the big reasons many

men believe they've been scammed is because they didn't fully understand what

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the agency they were working with was actually offering. Some agencies make it a

habit to make you "dig" to get ALL of the information. Although this isn't a true

scam, it's something to watch out for. Know what the fee structures and

costs look like going in and budget your spending wisely.

Just because you got your heart broken, does not mean you got scammed.

Heartbreak occurs in all walks of life whether you're dating domestically or

internationally. Sometimes things just don't work out, and you have to be

mindful of the fact that even under the best circumstance most relationships

don't turn into lifelong romances. Make sure your expectations are realistic going

in. Can you find the love of your life through international dating? You bet! Will it

be the first person you start talking with... Who knows? That's one aspect of

dating that doesn't change regardless of the venue.

The big thing to take away from this is to do your homework and use common


Surely Those SUPER-HOT Girls Can't Be Real?!

One of the things most guys notice when they start looking at

international dating sites is all of the beautiful women. While

it's true in the old days of foreign dating many of the profile

pictures were of “Natasha” but the emails were actually coming

from “Boris”. This is typically not the case any longer if you're

working with a reputable agency.

Although the reputable agencies do everything they can to

prevent scams, they're not perfect, and it goes back to having a

little common sense and paying attention to the tips we've

mentioned above. You greatly minimize your risks by being

smart AND working only with reputable agencies.

To help you to stay safe and avoid being scammed by the less

than ethical agencies out there, we've compiled a list of

legitimate international dating agencies that you can use in

your search.

You can find the list of Agencies in the Appendix at the end of this report.

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Myth #4 - Foreign Dating Is Only For Rich Guys

One of the big reasons most men don't attempt to date internationally is the myth that

doing so requires you to be rich. Many men believe that these beautiful young women

are only interested in money and nothing else.

This can't be further from the truth. Sure, many of these women may look at

international dating as a means to meeting someone and potentially moving to a country

with more opportunities, but many of these women are interested in foreign dating for

the exact same reasons you are. They are truly looking for their soul mates and if they

can find their soul mate in a place that also offers them social and financial advantages,

what’s wrong with that?

It is true that some of the women that you'll meet will be after money and rich guys, but

how is that any different than dating domestically? Motives for trying to date someone

vary from person to person... There are hundreds of reasons why someone would be

looking to meet someone, but you’ll run into the same good things and bad things

whether you’re dating locally or internationally.

Like you, a lot of the women you’ll meet dating internationally are looking for a solid

connection, someone interesting, and many are looking for their soul mate, “the one”,

and true love.

But keep in mind, everyone is different and has different goals, dreams, and aspirations.

Even though the dynamic of international dating is a little different than domestic

dating, ultimately it’s about getting to know someone to see if your paths align. There

are plenty of regular guys that aren’t millionaires that have been highly successfully with

international dating and have met some really amazing women. If you find that a girl is

just after your money, if that’s not the type of girl you’re looking for, you can simply

move on to the next girl just like you would if you were dating locally.

“Ok, so the girls aren’t all “gold diggers”, but isn’t

international dating expensive?”

It can be, but once again, domestic dating can be expensive. Everyone has different

tastes and different levels of income. If you want to go jet setting around the world,

you'll need to have plenty of money and flexibility in your work, but there are tons of

girls out there that you can meet through international dating agencies that don't expect

you to drop everything and come see them after the first conversation. (This isn’t smart


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You simply need to set a budget and stick to it. These days, if you plan your trips in

advance and book your lodging and airfare wisely, you can often travel internationally

for very reasonable rates. I have regularly seen international airline tickets that were the

same price or even cheaper than domestic tickets depending on when the flight was


Myth #5 - I'm Too Fat, Old or Ugly to Do This

Many men with an interest in international dating begin to get self-conscious and think

that they wouldn't be successful due to their physical appearance or age. This type of

thinking is incredibly flawed.

A lot of beautiful women are looking to date internationally for reasons much deeper

than finding someone young and attractive. If that's all they were looking for, they could

easily find young and attractive men in their own country and bypass the trouble, effort,

and time involved with dating someone in a different country.

These women are looking for a man that will treat them right and provide them with

companionship and things that don't have access to in their home countries. Sure, part

of the reason they're looking to meet someone in another country is the opportunity that

it brings.

As you may know, in many of the countries where international dating is more popular

for women, these women are often not given the same rights as men. Just like girls that

you’d meet and date domestically, foreign girls are looking for a man that will treat

them with respect and provide a safe environment for them. They want to be

loved and find someone to love. Your age and the way your look are just a tiny piece of

the puzzle.

As you begin to correspond with these girls, you’ll get to learn about them and they’ll

learn about you. In a way, international dating provides a component that you can’t get

when you date locally. You get to work on your relationship and get to know someone

long before you meet them when you date internationally. You both get to know each

really well on a personal level which helps to establish a stronger bond that makes your

looks and your age less relevant than if you were dating locally and you met in person on

the first date.

Many older men and men that our culture might not consider to be the most attractive

have had tremendous success with international dating.

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Okay, sure… if you’re 80 you’re gonna have to work a little harder than a 30 year old,

but we’ve seen tons of profiles from attractive, intelligent women who are willing to take

guys up to 99. One profile I read recently even put 57-104 in her “acceptable age range”

on her dating profile!

Don’t let your age, looks, or the amount of hair on your head prevent you

from taking the first step toward meeting the girl of your dreams.


Dating internationally can be extremely fulfilling, and it’s a great way to meet some

amazing girls. If you’re interested in learning more about dating internationally you may

want to sign up for our mailing list (if you haven’t already done so). Here’s that link


And be sure to check out some of the agencies we’ve listed in the Appendix below. They

all have FREE sign-ups so you don’t need to spend a dime to poke around their sites for

a while and get the feel of things.

Thanks alot for Reading…

Ed Orton

“The International Love Scout”

Goto The Next Page to See a List of International Dating Websites.

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Appendix A - International Dating Sites

Below is a list of International Dating Sites you might want to take a look at. There are

literally thousands of dating agencies out there on the web, some of them are downright

shady. We’ve included the ones below because they are the best known, biggest and are

generally considered to be the most legit of the bunch.

Russian and Eastern European Dating Agencies

A Foreign Affair


Elena's Models

A Pretty Woman



Latin Dating Agencies

A Foreign Affair


Brazil Cupid

Dominican Cupid

Colombian Cupid

Asian Dating Agencies

A Foreign Affair

Cherry Blossoms

Asian Beauties

Filipino Cupid


Japan Cupid

Vietnam Cupid

Thai Love Links

African Dating Agencies

Africa Beauties

Afro Introductions

Ethiopian Personals

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If you just can’t make up your mind and want to contact women from all over the world

these sites are for you:

A Foreign Affair

International Cupid

We have reviews of many of these agencies on our website over at website:

Check ‘em out.