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MUSIC IN 1 CHURCHES XEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE, SATURDAY. DECE3IBER 24. 1910. I'.-jinis of Glory Stnart ! 1W COULDNT PfiOCEEO Tracks Found Torn Up 77 Miies South cf E! Paso. « LfOOUS NOTICES. -•-•; FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Br»i(J»a» and ~9th 9tre«t. PISTOR. I. H. NALKMI. 11 A. M— "THE MRTtf Or CHM9T: OB* THE Hi IK OF ALL TKl>r,*. 8 P. M.— "THE BIRTH or TMT. rfJBU~ Tl\> : OK. THJE fOI^T HUH WITH CHRIST." *-:?»"-::jl Chrism** Mit^i- alt <•\u25a0\u2666 Baptism at f_w of rrtmlm m wrina. . TE \ CIVILIANS EXECUTED BRICK CHURCH : -•>\u25a0 ATerro* and Thir.y-«*v«nt?« Str««t. ' \u25a0 HENRT VAN DYKE will r»_l a CbrimrMH Stan at 11 o'clock. . rCormia Tho—tas •— Ui " -\u2666\u25a0• \u25a0 •\u25a0 *. special Christmas - .-•• •\u25a0 - Strings. Harp. Orggan and Chofcr. will fcegia at lf>:« and »:\u25a0•». ?. f. . School CbTi*tsi*n r- .-. It) a. ta. r-»^'-i- .-- ---\u25a0 - ~.*«>dn'»»day. i p. -a. Uainrsi'y Piaea Frsisftmai Chrrt, Cor. of lOtb St. fane Work wttt frarr. aaj |aa« . GEOEOE ALEXANDETR. D. D Parrw. --- Ik- wonhip to-morrow at 11 A. St an.i a P. at At th* momma; acme* th* Pastor win praaan. la th« evenimr. at i o'clock, tn tft- e!inrc*t». &•* Sunday achool and Bible *•*•»« •'ft Rare « special a«rvle« appropriate to rftrlsrrv>ta< t*ar. . ev-nlas ~t- -. la t!*» rTi,-»p«*. \u0084 » o'clock. Th* Church of tar Div Pal»mn». Central parU West and 7«li irfft Th' Paster. FRANK OLIVER H A LU •>.'*?.. will preach it 11 •. m. 3om- - -<Ro»>ri» WITH )J.IST rgo»>*' ' E--»ninsf t>rrtc<». * - •••• DirTtPTN^-.- "CiIRISTM.*iS ..-.,.. RE^»D W . Mr. ... DAVIT*. Special CHrtacmas Jfoafe by Quarts and rtv*rr» ' OMIT. WEST END PRSSBYTEIUV CfflHHli Comer Amsterdam Ar«ira« »n4 ICStJi ?«. : >\u25a0 - Rev. I. mm KE!?W)I, B. 6. At '-. a. 1. tb*i *>,»--- \u25a0 til pr»acli. - A CHRISTMAS JERMOX. Special muaic will b<» t<n««rM by th- «h«lr \u25a0 at 8 p. m. Th* ?ahh*rh School «-.<•«!*•* -*m b^ carried out with Cull « *.--\u25a0-\u25a0* ; St. Bartholomew's Church >ti<sUon aye.. earner •Mtft *t. Tt« B«v. LEIOHT-JN PAP.K3, D. I>.. S«cMr. First CammcsUc. 5 '" A. .VI ilornin? Prayer. s*ra»ia and lloly *>-Brr;«ia»«T- 11 A. M. Preacher. tl*s P.ertor. Children's Sandaj- School ?-•:.--! : •-* P. M AESnal Carol -\u25a0-\u25a0•-. at -,->\u25a0.\u25a0- 4 P. K. $100,000 WILL' RUTGERS PIESITTEmi CM Id BraadTray and *3d *t. REV. ABBOTT E. KITTREDBE, 0. 1.. « Preaches at 11 and 8. aid conducts -.a« Prayer llwtlar Ws<!a«*Jay Ersntr* as S:IS. ; --\u25a0-\u25a0-ns -•--;-•..-* .-. : -r."» moraloc ae<t j gvitnlsg-. | CHURCH OF THE" MESSIAH <ITNITARIA.V:.. Park Art. and 34ta M. ,„„,..„.. B-' Robert Collyer. Lit. D Jl^s-sterJ. , Eev Jot . jj J71 ,,, Kolma*. 11 A. tnninl fkriolirat iH*, E«v. ir:-ix KAYN'ES HOLITE* win tiiwrt Subject: -The Id«al Chviac." Special Maslc by Augmented Cimlr. All Cordially lasted. __ ; THE -OCIfcTY FOR AL~TrStfiC 1 Founded IS'«. . I Meftinir-HouM. Central F»rfc W. * Mtfc **,] U A.M. J CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL FOR TOXTXG A OLOI; ADDRESSES br I>B. FELIX ADI-ETI \NT) DR. JOHX L. ELLIOTT Th« Public la W«t«*— - J Fourth Presbyterian Church* XV-<»t End A - and 91st St. EDGAR TVHITAKER 'WORK. D. D-. Tnat—J P. EIAVOOD ERICItSOX. Aam\azaai. 11 a. --\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0«-— Sarmoa by th« \u25a0?!*»<» 8 p- m. A-ldr««s«i br th« mioistars. SIS'~rVSO OF CHRISTMAS CA«OL«. J Madison Squart lyttriaa Cain M \u25a0!*;;*• •-:•! 24th »tr*«t P.?v. C. K. PARKHUK3T. t>. D. Fwor. Rev. G. R. M'".'N"rGOMEaT. Ph.. t).. Assistant Minister. Th» Pastor will preach 11 » as. anti 8 p- m. A ftartac squad of four revolutionists ro<S« into this city last night, distributing- rircr-lars stating that citizens should re- mais within doers aft-r S p. m. to-morrow ss th« rebels intended to enter the city. The warring- Is not regarded seriously. A patrol of eight soldiers, who fired many ehots, £roy» the;.: from the streets, and they d-sapreared in the direction of the <>-»'• Eranfion, correspondent of "The ilexican Herald." "Who has been with the f«cers-i icrces and for whose safety grave ?<?Ers have been entertained, returned here laaj a%feC He left the army pursuant to a TTar GfEce order that no more cor- respondents be allowed with the troops. T. A- Somroertleid, who has been ebserv- 'Tijr operations from the rebel side, also re- rumefi. SommcrSeld was fired on a week *£0, but was not injured. While the revolutionists surround Navar- ro at Pedemales. his situation, according tc this information, is not precarious. He «relc march out with his force and do bat- tle, bat Is waiting reinforcements. When le TrtEhes fresh meat he is compelled to «r! a good s£htlr:^ force, for small par- ties are rot safe. Judge Among 1 Mexicans Killed by Revolutionists, According to American at Chihuahua. £3 pasc T«x.. Dec 23.— The southbound r.«ses£ er train on the \u25a0 Paso & North- c-?m Railroad, which left Cludad Juarez tt l'o'clocJt this afternoon, found the track earn ti; at Guzman, seventy- seven miles «csih. *n& is coming back to El Paso. The ir fcas 150 passengers aboard. The loco- "I*,.. ir : passenger coach which the rev- SftrtkS*3st*i to csi last night twenty-rive miles «ccti of Jaa-e* have not yet been found a^«JBM are down south of Guzman. Fifty 6<Jldiers arrived her© this morning fro*3 Cfci*-* 1112 1to ad<s to tie garrison In joarez- Soldi«rs out scouting returned this -Mtaoor. and reported having found a de- b^sjl cam? ©I rebels twelve miles west r \ Juarez, tot the Insurgents were not -\u25a0- rebe^ axe believed to be in the hills trfttla a *<?w miles of Juarez, but appar- estly are making no effort to attack the .'.. As \u25a0.- revolutionists -went south on ti:e m*" which they took last night they -ay have attacked the town of Casas Craves, which is the supply point of all tie Monran colonists in the region. £ol- «dier£ -trere recently sent to Casas Granges, and tnsxr arms have been chipped there. C3jU:"Jar."-i». Mei ., Dec 23.—An Ameri- can who has been ten days with the revo- lation*ry forces returned to-day bringing ae»-s that the latter recently executed ten r)vj:jaos hostile to the revolt. Their num- **r included one judge. FIRE DAMAGES HISTORIC TAVERN. LttchSeld. Conn., Dec. 22.— Tha United States Hotel, famous for a century as the gathering place of lawyers and judges on court days and as the scene of a ball for the Marquis de Lafayette in lS2t, narrowly escaped destruction from fire to-day. The- upper floor, en which the Sre started, was ruined, the total loss being between 13.000 and $4,009. The hotel was built about 17S0. Franz Faltl, of Baltimore, "Was a Pio- neer Women's Tailor. [Br Tries;rarih to I** Tribute.] Baltimore. Dec 23.—Franz Faltl. a pioneer women's tailor and the protege of royalty, died her* Wednesday from Blight's disease. Faltl was born in Vienna. The Empress became interested in him and sent him to Paris to study his craft. Later he was connected with fashionable tailoring estab- lishments in London. He came to this coun- try and started in Baltimore what was then said to be the first establishment at its kind in this country. PROTEGE OF EMPRESS DEAD Parents, Whose Only Daugnter Died. Give Vassar 510,000. Rochester, Dec. 23.— T0 endow a scholar- ship \u25a0in Vassar College. Poughkeepsie, in memory of their only daughter, who died while a student there, and to give seme worthy giri an education such as their daughter would have had if she had lived, Hr. and Mrs. "William Johnson, of Cheshire, Ontario County, have given $10,000 to Vas- sar. The daughter died last summer, when she was about to begin her second year at the college. WILL EDUCATE ANOTHER GIRL One Result of Interdenominational Conference To Be Seen To-morrow. Asth« result' of a resolution adopted at the Interdenominational meeting cf clergy tn the Marble Collegiate Church last No- \u25bcember an appeal is belne made to the min- isters of this city and the country at large to observe Christinas Sunday as Peace Sun- day.. The resolution upon which the move- ment is based follows: "Resolved. That wa recommend that Christmas Sunday of tbis year be availed! Gf as an ajajpajafjajaj time on -wnich the min- isters of. New York City and the country shall emphasize the Importance of an* In- ternational court of arbitration for -v"-- securing of universal and perpetual peace.** The committee appointed to promote the idea consists of the following clerg7inen: Bishop Greer, the Rev. Dr. Junius B. Rem- ensnyder, the Rev. Dr. Charles H. Park- hurst, the Rev. Dr. David J. 3urre the Rev. Dr. Charles E. Jefferson and the Rev. Dr. Neweii D^ight IHUis. THIS TO BE PEACE SUNDAY Postlude: March froia Queen cf Si tea. Goon e4 . ST. MoDi CHAPEL. 2:30 A. M. ' Oirijtmas airols. Ti,.-. Birthday of a King Neldlinirer The Star of.Bethlehem. Holy >:i?ht. Silent Night. Violin du«:3. Y. W. C. A. «f th* 0:7 of Ns-» York. 7 East 13f!" ft. CHRISTMAS SERVICE. t Sunday afternoon. Dec 'Jsr.ii. at S:S9. " . -\u25a0 '\u25a0-\u25a0 Theme and '"a.r-'..->- ^ All wota»n coritany lavtr.'»<t. RELIG'CUS NOTICES. H.\PI«ON ATE>TT. BAPTIST CHI'«CH«I MADISON AVENUE. OS. SlaT STJtSST. ' C. A.EATON, D. D., Pastor "\u25a0:.. preach Sunday mim.rig and ••«•««?« 11 a- m. "The Cradle of tie "World's H*p^- - * | - p. m. "W"aat Shall We Srtag to Serh'.^n-r-.-' ; Broadway Tabernacle, Broadway and 3«th Street. Rev. CHARLES Ev JEFFERSON. D. D.. Pastor, preacher .. \u25a0 I] a. m. « P. M. mpm lal cs3sl«l service. ••Th« Messaes of the Star." br Woc>l- man. Wednea-iay. bP. M.. Prayer M<**ttng. CHRIST CHURCH. Broadway. 71at St.. Rev. G. A. STRONG. Rector. S A. M.— Holy Coniciunion. with Carol*. It A. M. Morning Service with fan order of Muo^ and Sermon ty Rector. « P. M.— Sr<*<"tal Mssteal Service. Bride's Cantata. The Cradl* at Chrt-t. and Carols. TIIE MIDDLE COLLEGIATE CHURCH. , Cd Aye. and 7th St. Rev. JOHN G. FAGG, D. D.. Minister. Christmas Services at VJ:ZO A. M. and S P. 2. THE MARBLE COLLEGIATE CHURCH, sth Aye. and 20th St. Rev. DAVID.TAMES BURRELL, D. D.. Minis- ter, will preach at 11 A. M. and I P. M. Morning: -Th« Wolf, tie Lamb and the Little Child." Evening: "On the Way to Bethlehem." Special iluslc THE COLLEGIATE rni'KCH OF ST. NICHOLAS. ."••'- Al."-,A 1 ."-, and -iSta St. Rev. MALCOLM JAMES MAC LEOD, Minister, willpreach at 11 A. M. At 8 P. M., Christmas Musical Service. THE WEST END COLLEGIATE CHURCH. West En,l Are. and 77th St. Rev. HENRT EVERTSON COB 3. D D.. Minis- ter, will preach at 11 A. M. and 4:30 P. M. Special Music. .dPHfcALVWRVW I^. '"• MACARTHUR. IT. \u25a07/"""' Messiah selections; ft *Tne Crad> hi Beth.' Mtiskal service an.} Twl!lc?-.S Organ Recital. Calvary Grani Choir. Bmvmaa. Cond. . ; Crinity Church GRACE CHURCH, JStS%. Christina* Day «wic«r* Holy Communion, it 10 and 11 A. M- Preachers. Rector at It. Rev. W. P. . Eddy at 4. Rector at ? P. M. MADISON AVENUE; REFORMED CBCBCH. 57th St. and Madison Avenu*. He* WH. CARTER. D. D. Pastor. 11 A Christinas s«rmon try the WJ « P. M a ;.. \u25a0 Festival of Christmas Carol Musi; by C>.i'.--r°n'3 Chorus an.l *•>*-* r. Week-day services, 7:20, 0:00 a. m. ; 3p. m. Christmas Eve., children's service, 3 p. in. Christmas Day services. Holy Communion. 6:30, 7:30 a. m. High Celebration and sermon, 10:30 a. m. Choral evensong. 3:30. 3:00 p. m. CHURCH OPEN ALL DAT. The public is cordially invited to the services, both on Sundays and on week-days. Sunday services. 7:0O. 7:oO. I0:3O a. m. iS«r- nom; 3:3f>. S:00 p. m. ST MARK'S. 12. aye. and lOth . st.. . B*v. Dr. L. W. BATTEN. Reetcr. Christmas Service*. 8 a m. Holy CommanJcn. -with Christina* Carols. 11 a. m. Morning prayer,, -* -ron 'Jn'l Holy Communion, with spacial niustcal program. 8 p. m. Service of ancient Chri»«aa» Carol? ALL ANGELS" CHURCH. West EaU A 5. ar.4 81st St.. Rev. 9. DELANCET T^WVSEWt 1 D. D.. Rector Holy Communion. * A. X, Holy - .r.;oa and Sermon by tie Rector. 11 A. *\u25a0• Traditional Chrt9?ma3 Cards »-<! Cast*», "r>« Holy Child." 4 P. M- Strangers Welctnr.aL GRACE GOSPEL CHURCH. 10:45 A. M. ; Processional: Lift Up Tour Hearts. »... .Fanre , Vested choir. ! Opening chorus: Across the- Silent Mid- night Gray Choir. Invocation. ; O Come All Te Faithful. Contralto solo. Miss Edith. Beach. \u25a0 Hark: The Herald Angels Sing. Contralto solo. Miss Edith Beach. ' O Little Town of Bethlehem. ' Offertory: Wake, O World, from. Slumber llalloy Choir. 1 The Birthday of a King, i It Came Upon the Midnight Clear. ST. DAVID'S P. E. CHURCH. 11 A. M. ProcessionaJ hymn: Hark! the Herald Angels Sing Mendelssohn Vcu it Exultimus Buck Gloria Patri Calkin Te Dura Laudamus, B flat Buck, Jubilate, F major Tours ; Credo, T. Rat Eyre lltrmn: Q Come. All Te Faithful Reading \u25a0 Communion Service: KyrtA Ei«>ison Adger , i^anctus (St. Cecilia) Gounod \u25a0 Ben«?dictus Yon Weber Gloria in Exceisls Farmer Offertory: Behold I Bring Good Tidings.. Gonnod Retroc^yslonal hymn: Ang"is from the Realms of Glory Pmart 7:45 P. H. Processional hymn: Hark" the Herald Angels Sing Mendelssohn Gloria Patr! Calkin Magnificat .'Nunc Dimittis, E flat) Bamby Cr»do fchant) Meditative Hymn Nevin It Came Upon the Midnight Clear. O Come All Ye Faithful Reading Chorus: Inflammatus Rossini Soprano: More Love to The" Harris; Chorus: Sanctus (Messe Solennelle). . .Gounod ; Barytone: Nazareth Gounod Soprano: The Lord Is My Light Allitsen <*•' s•\u25a05 •\u25a0- Benediction Nuptiale Ho!lin3 Trfo: Praise Te (Attila) Verdi Offertory: Good Tidings of Joy Gounod Fraiss God from Whom All Blessings Flow Adg»r Choral Benediction Gounod Eetrocesslonal hymn: Angels from the Prelude: Noel Breton Qu»f Te Dfuai, in F Morley Offertory : The Angel* Message Reed Postlude: Finale. Maquaire 4 P. M. Christmas cantata: Th» Shepherd's Vision Parker CHRIST CHURCH. 11 A. M. Ta Deum In F L«mare Introit: Lo, How a Rose ....Prsetorius Communion Service in F atainer Offertory, o Holy Night Adam Carols. -^.= 6 F. M. Cantata. The Cradle of Christ Bridge Carols, old and new. UNION METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHrRCH. 11 A. M/ ; Ogam. Oflertorio on eld Christmas hymns. .Guilmant Hymn. Joy to toe World, the Lord Has Come. 1 Anthem. Eancttjs ... .., Gounod Trio and chorus: 11- Shall Feed His Flock. Hymn. -;^-s:."v. Postlude- Chorus of Shepherds Lemmens > t I P. M. Or^an piogramme: Grand Choeur Kinder Berceuse (Cradle Song Dickenson March of til* Magi Dubois Hymn, Hark, the Herald Angels Sing. Carol (by choir). He Shall Feed His F10ck.... Harker -Trio and Chorus. Anthem: Nazareth Gounod-Buck Christmas Carol for Women's Voices. .Conant Tenor Solo: The Birthday of a King. Neidllnger It Came Upon a. Midnight Clear. Glory to God In the Highest... Harker Contralto solo. Anthem, O Holy Night... Adam-Buck Hymn. Postlade: Hallelujah Chorus Handel: i CHURCH OF THE DrVTNT: PATEKXITT. 10:43 A. M. : Shout the Glad Tidings Hauler Like Silver Lamps ..........Barnby .Come and Worship. Warren iHaik. the Glad Sound Marro f Offertory: Holy Night Adams Soprano, violin, harp and organ. I Postlude. Violin, organ and harp. THE CHUUCH OF THE TRANSFIGURATION. 10:30 A. M. 1 Processional: Hark! the Herald Angels Sing Mendelssohn Venlte Crotch Te Deum, In C Lutkin Benedictus Woodward Introit: Adesta Fiddles Novel lo Eucharigtlc Office, in C Concern© Office hymn: Angels from the Realm* of Glory Smart OSertorium: Before the Heavens Were Spread Abroad Parker Eurharlßtic hymn: Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne. Poet Communion: O Salutart* Ho«tl». . Gounod [Recessional: Once in Royal David's City.. Gauntlet 4 P. M. Prccelsional: O Come, All Faithful.Reading Psalter. Psalm« 89. 110, 132. Mag-nifioat. in A flit Man Nunc Dimittis, in A flat Mann Anthem: There Were Shepherds Vincent Offertorium: The Birthday of a. King. Neidiinger Evening hymn: Now the Day Is Over. .Barn by Office hymn: Ona Holds Me Fast Claris Recessional: The Faithful Shepherds. Le Jeune SOUTH CHURCH. 11 A. M. Organ Prelude: Th« Manger Guilmant Carol:O Lovely Voices Broome Gloria Manney Anthem: Lisrht of Earth Coombs Response: The Virgin in th« Manger. .Franc Anthem: Sing. O Sing Rogers Offertory: My Heart Ever Faithful Bach Carol: Once a Little Baoy Lay Smith Organ Po»tlud«: Fantasy on old English carols. CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION. 11 A. M. , Government troops which, started a week kzq from Senora are reported within two <ie^' march of Guerrero, one of the revo- lutionary strongholds. The first independent report of the Sght- izz between General Xavarro's troops and th»? rebels at Pademales and Its vicinity us' brought last' night by an American \u25a0Bja was on the train which stopped at La. Junta a week ago. This American said that there was fight- laa; last Thursday, Friday and Saturday at FeflerrsaJes, and that the revolutionists lost fiity-one killed and injured. He knew nothing of th«» f«2«»ral losses. This fighting sppfirr.'Jy was" brought about by Xavarro' = attempting to carry out hi? instructions to trccw! to Mai Paso and hold it for the protection of trains. He failed. Up to Saturday night General Xavarro Ireld . .firsts and was well supplied with TsoS and water. The oScial headquarters \u25a0«ere tn th« railway station. Revolution- ist? \u25a0*>!*«? in th«? neighborhood. The insur- e*bv leader. M.ascual Orozco, was alive and \u25a0w*m;. as was Navarro. Train Now Runs at WiU. The passenger train, " which was stopped list Thursday, now runs at will between X*d«rc and La Junta every day. Weber. the conductor, brought It to within a mile •A -•'ess Tower Erected. crescents of more than a thousand ere now in th« city. A wireless tower has tees erected a? the penitentiary and troops «tt:- to-day brought material for an- other tower, to be «rect«*<l in the disaffected district. Court Eefnses to Increase Income of Young Married Couple. fßy Telegraph to The Tribune.] -Cincinnati. Deo. 23.— Judge O'Connell to- day authorized the payment of $14,000 debts of Dwight li Klnney, now a resident of Detroit and a son of the late Dwight Kinney. The debts, it was alleged, had an been contracted by young- Kinney since the first \u25a0'' the year. The young man has an income of $500 a month, and his wife a like amount. An application for an increase was refused by the court some time ago. Money to buy a country place near De- troit was also refused to him, the court holding that he has a sufficient income to care for all his wants. CA>'T LIVE CF 512.000 A iIiFS Schmidt Fays that $12,000, which she realized by the Bale of property left by her sister, will keep her the rest of her life in Germany, but would be insufficient in this country- They Are Ail Dead—Living Cheaper in Germany. Terre Haute, Ind., Dec. 25.— The present high cost of living; is the reason assigned by Miss Alma Schmidt, sixty years old. af- ter forty-nine years* residence in this coun- try, for returning to Germany. She has started for New York .City, taking: with her the bodies of her Bister, who died last spring; her brother, who died twenty-two years ago; her mother, dead twenty-four years, and her father, buried twenty-elgnt years ago. She will make her home m Bismarck, Germany. WCTvIAIS" TAKES FAMILY HOME Cincinnati Woman Left $5,000 to Broadway Tabernacle. [By Telegraph to The Tribune.] i Cincinnati, Doc A will contest Involv- ing BUM is predicted by interested attor- neys as the result of the Probate Court decision yesterday in which Judge L«uders refused to strike from the files the will of :Helen K. Smith, known in Cincinnati as "Kitty Bennett." If Th» will is- sustained, the decision of | Judge Leuders sustains charitable bequests amounting to ?2?,000, among them a bequest of 55.000 to the Broadway Tabernacle, of J New York. The immediate decision was on the application of the testatrix's sister, ] Mrs. Mary J. Langdon. of Franklin. Ohio, \u25a0 to strike the will from the files of the local court and refile it in New Jersey, where a part of the estate is situated. This appli- "cation was opposed by Lawrence K. Lanp:- ! don, of Lebanon, Ohio, a well known state jlegislator. FIC-HT 0 FEAR THEFT OF EDDY BODY Trustees Arm Guards at Tomb with Rifles. [By Telegraph to The Tribune.] Boston, Dec. The trustees of the Mother Church of Christian Scientists have redoubled their care of the body of Mrs. llary Baker G. Eddy, and their elaborate precautions suggest that they fear an at- tempt may be made to take away the body. J *:- The guards, four in number, have been instructed to telephone to the trustees in- stantly should any strangers approach and seek admittance to the tomb or should any other exigency arise. These guards have been armed with rifles, and seldom do they open the doors of the tomb, save when two of them relieve the other two. Whenever a guard appears at the door of the tomb he has a rifle in his hands. Two stock cars, with horses and two coaches and about thirty men, came in yesterday from Bustillos. The men be- longed to Various regiments. There were Also a number of uniforms and four offi- cers* swords. There is much mystery about It. Railroad officers and employes were or- dered not to talk to anybodj*. reporters or others. Neither were outsiders allowed to approach the soldiers. of La Junta, where th« revolutionists \u25a0topped it. -"Weber then wanted to proceed on foot to the station to ask NTavarro's permission to resume the trip to Chihuahua. This as denied him, and on Sunday he tied up the train until the situation should work itself out- \ An American overheard a soldier in c6n- : vernation with a woman say that they -were in two fights the day before, but when the foreigner's presence was noted he was re- quested to depart. The- coaches probably are some of those \u25a0which were ambushed at ilal Faso and which have been on a sid- ing at Bustillcs since, but the return of the soldiers with horses is not so easily ac- counted for. CHCKCH OF THE ASCKXSIOX Fifth Aye. and Tenth Street. REV. DR. PERCY STICKNEY GRANT. Rector. CHRIST.*.! EVE. « P. M. Sunday School Festival and Christmas miaijm DAY. 8 A.' M. Holy Communion. 11 A. Holy Communion and Sermon (Rector). 4 P. Selections from "The Messiah" and Bach' a "Christmas Oratorio." 9 P. M. People's Service. Dr. Grant will preach en "How Can Carnegie's Gift Help Peace?" a P. M.— People's Forum. Mr. Sol Fleldman: Till \u25a0 ' LENOX AVENUE O*ITARIA>~ CHrKCH. Cor. 121st St. Services -\u25a0: 11. ' Ta« Barsttns: of the -;--,-. a :; s of Christianity.** Her. V!?! : ST. CROIX WRIGHT. D- D- Mla:s»«r Chri3tmas Servica. CHARLOTTE WSXLH SAENvJ'— R at the orranL CHURCH C? THS'INCARN ATION. M*Sl»n aye. and S3th st. Re^-. "W. M GROSTTEJCOR. D. D., Rector. 3 and 10 a. m.. Holy'Tamm-anJtf^ 11 a. m.. Mommy !> raT»r. Sermon (H*ctor> an* Holy Communion. 4p. m . Cantata, "Ti» Sh*p- herd's Vlsioa." Parker. _^ ST. MATTHEWS CHURCH. Wegt «4ta 9.., near Central Park. Rev aJITHCH H. SVDGZ* ' Rector. Christmas services: T ami 9a. m., Hf> ; » Communion. 11 a. m., Mo'"--irs- Prayer and \u25a0ar- mor:. 3p. eu. Parker's ••Sh«pa*r4'» V!?lca a*» 4 address. FIFTH AVEKUE BAPTIST CHURCH 8 West Fcrty-sixth Street. « CHRISTMAS SUNDAY. Morning Service at 11 o'clock. Preacher, DR. CHARLES F. AXED. Special Christmas Music Evening- at 8 o'clock. Musical Service: Dr. Harry Rows Shelley and the Choir will iriva selections from Handel, Schnecker and Saint- Saens, as well as Christmas Carols. Address by DR. ADDI*O\ MOORE. Subject, "The First Christmas Anthem." BIBLR CLA«jSKS fOF. iiiiNT, MEN AXD YOUNG I .TO^^K^ AT 9:30 A. >f. Mrs. Mary E. Chapln. New "houi^ht. Afteraonrt. 3. B«rTc«!ey T!)«*tr%. West 44th St.. near oth aye. To-morrow:- "Oa>\ Gift of Life." _J SAI>T ANDKETW'S CHXTKCH. 7Bth Street. West of Cclumbu* Av«as% . GEORGE CLARKE PECK. D D.. M3ala«a»- 11 A. M. fHRT«TM.IS SKKMOX. S P. ji. MTSICAI. «rrTRTTTC. '\u25a0 TENT EVANGEL MISSION HALZ* Free Bread for Poor Saturday Bvansrelists CRABILL ana 3OCILW •• . , 2.30 and 8. Sunday and Tm&j. Next Thre» 'W«*lt«. FiFTH AVENUE PR£SB/TEBU?I CHUBOH Fifth Aye. and 53th Street. Services at 11 A- M. and 4 P. 11. REV, FRANCIS L P.4TTON, D, DMDM President of Princeton Theolosrical Seminary, "ill preach at both services. TSib'e school meets at 9:30 A. M. Men's Bible Class meets at 10 A. 31. REV, J. WILBUR CHAPMAN. 0. D. .... preach Wednesday Eve. at 8:15. Subject, "A Special Message for Christian People." Every One Is Invited to Thf«e Services. North Presbyterian Charch, 153th St., feet. Broadway &Amsterdam Ati L Hey. JQHNR.HACIUY, Ph. D., Pastor ; 11 a. m., "The Bright and Morals? Star." B S p. to., '•Looking on the Bright Side." Special Christmas Music. TEMPLE BETH-EL. Fifth At*, and TWtn •* { Sunday morning, at 11. lUrr.Dr. BCKTIJt»J» j will preach en. "Judaism and Christianity Cs*> t - ---r-i- Though Not Worshipcia? lr. Caasaaß."* All welcome. j I Hf ICED TIOMIT MeetteKs. : .--a Hal!. JS» VT. T2al Sr_. wtT|: be postpened until Jarrosrry *,19IL .; CHURCH OF THE HEAVENLY KBIT, ' ' Fifth »v.. abov* 45th st- 7.*-. HER3SR7 SHIPMAN. R«c*or Services. 8 and 11 a. m. ! p. m; MAI>I«ON a \~r~ntt»n xtkwoas~~c hiMK Northeast corner of 73. i ** Dr. HENRY SLOANS COFFIN will preach at II a. re. and S p. nt. - Batur<la7.O«o*24. 1910. Local Temperature Dzta for This Dste. i Nonna! •••••••••• »SS i Highest. .".SS in 1900 I Lowest. «• sin 1898 ; Local Precipitation Data for TbU Month. - i Normal S « 4S lnoha« Orgies; -In 2884 Uast 0.95 In 1877 I\E<T PRE*BTTKIU%> CBUKCft. On 421 St.. between 3th and StS ivei. Rev. ANTHONY H. EVANS. D D.. Paste* preaches at 11 a. m. and 3 p._tn. \u25a0__ SERV] \u25a0'-- in Christ> Mission. 231 <jr-»t 3T* V St.. Rev. JAMES A. O'CONNOR. ***** BhisbUi i afternoon. 3:30. Rev. Dr. M'GERALD pr-acftr». Subject, "Christ 'i Co.T.lng for All Mankind. " CHURCH OF THE HOLY COMMUNION 20TH STREET AND eTH AYE. CHRISTMAS SERVICES 7 A. CAROL SERVICE. 7:30 A. M.—HOLT COMMUNION. 11 A. M.— SERVICE AND SERMON. 12 M.—HOLY COMMUNION. 3 P. CHILDREN'S FESTIVAL. 6 P. M.—SERVICE ANT- SERMON. ,Ct*tr.-a;H>tß tsk« at 8 p. «-. 752> a*ri*lJaH 6ot, tat *-f«- Airpressure reduce* to sea level. ***<w, -..-,. toss \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .."points ef canal \u25a0-\u25a0 ptKce. " I .-,-'• Ua!*nrs. dotted hoe*. pass 0"ouc!ipwnts Cf >»\u25a0« enMm«rlyfc»r zera.irersinc. 90. ird100 decrees. O Ctr-. O Party Oondr. Cloudy; 11Rain; S Sno*, M fsporf inssnis. Arrows fiy wiflla>e wind. Txv t«r.Tcs \u25a0mtvzvt tenperasrr; second, 24-hour prcdp- »»o» of CI nr' or mow. tor ba«r« ending 6 p. m *es- *^*C*t: tt:rd.v.rad»xtecty»hra or more miles per boar. OLD FIRST CHURCH Sth- Aye.. 11th to 12th St, Rev. HOWARD DUFFIELD. D. D.. Pastor. Rev. ROBERT MACKENZIE. D. D.. wiU preach. 11 a. m. Subject, "The Appeal of Christmas to the Hearts of Men." 8 p. m. Oratorio, "The Messiah." under di- rection of WUlim C. Carl, organist and choir- master^ Augmented choir. All teats fr»*. CENTBAiTI*RK-B\ \u25a0! !It] CIIUKCU. West 57th at., between Broadway and 7:h aye. Rev. WILTON MERLE-SMITH. D. 1.. Pastor. Rev. G. 11. SMYTH. Jr.. Assistant. Dr. MERLE-SMITH preaches 11 a. m. A S p. m. Ev«ning subject: "CHRISTMAS OPTIMISM/* Christian Endeavor meeting Sunday mnrataa;. 0:«. Young: Men's Bible Class. 10 a. m. Sun- day School at 3 p. r.i. Devotional Meetln« Wednesday at Sp. m. All welcome. CHURCH of tfce TR-A.NSKIGURATION.I \u25a0-- -3- CHRISTMAS DAY Communions. «. 7. $. 9 Cot* - con«*3 3faaa. Orchestra and Sermon. lOri''*. CHORAL EVENSONG. 4. Orchestr*. ALLSOULS* *Unltarian>. 4th are.. 011 •«. Rev. THOMAS R. SLICE!:. Pa«t.->' will pr>*srh a CHRISTMAS SEItMO.V. 3p*»cUl mu»' i^*"- vWa 11 a. tn. All cordially irv'n^. _ "Spiritual and ethical society. f«2 West 125th St.—Mrs. HELEN TEMPLE BRIO- HAM speaks moraine and evenins. Evenir-r tb«m»t*"Wh»t Db^« Gly rT^ RELIGIOUS snCTETY OF FRIENt>S «Ortb-.v- dox). Meetings for Worship. I*4 Kast »»»\u25a0 st. New Ycrk: Washington ami LaOiy^t! \u25a0 .-»v««« . Brooklyn. 11 o'cioefc. LKNOX WE. COLLEGIATE fKURCK. co-.* 12U1 St.. R*v. EDOAR TILTON. Jr.. D. TV. Paiitor. Christmas s«rmou» nnj \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 1! a. n. and I p. m. _ RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIFU»T>« M*"tingit for worship. 11 a. m.. at SSI E2«t 13th st.. Manhattan, and 110 3ch<*rm«ri at. Brooklyn. GRACE. 104ta. W. of Cotumbu*. CbHiltia F. Relsner. 11. '"Christmas Happ!n<J»." » 1 "Puma I Like." Blrda" fionga rtprctto**-.*. «;t. -»TerHr>>i CHI'RCH. V^ WVst «ni V»". t'HKLSTMiS PAY <i|;K\lU>. and II .V M. Mil !V. M ALL SOULS' (Ant Son Memorial) CHPmV, St. Nicholas arc. 114th St.. liev. G. STARK- WEATHKR PRATT. Rector— twrvlcg*. S. lt£ , PARK PRESBYTERIAN CIIURCH. ««t» st.f Amsterdam aye. I'.ev. Dr. ANSON P. ATTEIS- BURY. rajtor. Servjce;* <• 11 a. m. and - p. m. MEMORIAL BAPTIST. WashlnsrtonrSauarr— EDWARD JUDSON, Pastor, will preach \u25a0] Mr. SIMMONS a. CUUKCH CF ZIOS AND ST. TIMOTHY. 334 West 57th Street. Rector. Rev. HENRY LUBECK. D. C. U Holy Communion (Choral) Urn. Morning Prayer: Holy Communion; preach- er, th« Rector 11 a. m. Children's Carol Service; preacher. Key. Dr. Rustiton . . 4 p.m. "~THE UNION THEOL»O<»IeAL SEMINARY .in the City of New York. Service !n the Chapel, Claremont Avenue, be- tween li"Oth and 122 d .Streets, at eleven o'clock. Preacher, the Rev. Professor CHARLES P. i \ INANI, D. D. The attendance of all not regularly worshipping* elsewhere U conilaUy InvUed. MADISON AVENUE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, corner «*>th Street. Rev. WALLACE MACMULLEN. D. D.. Pastor. 11 A- M. V»reachlas by th« Pastor, 'The Christmas Glorj'" Hpecisl Christmas Music - >\u25a0 m Tho Cantata. "The Shepherds' Vision." tv Horatio Parker, will be suns; br the choir. Extra Instrumental roosic morning and evening. Z7ZT&T. \u25a0 PArfL'f* MCTHODIST CHURCH, \V(st End Avenuo *nd Mlth Street. Itev. GEORGE P. ECKMAN. £>. d.. Pastor. CIIKIST3IAS MUSIC; Choir assisted by Mr. (.r-.irKf llarrlere-. Flutf ««nloi»f 11 A. M.— "THE CHRISTMAS MESSAGE." i X M.— CHRISTMAS CANTATA. Th« Star of Uethlehem. Brooklyn. PLYMOUTH CHURCH. n»n«f> Stwt. between \u25a0i ,- and llenrv Streets. The pastor Rev. NEWELL PWIGHT HILLJS. will preach. *«r vlc*» at W>:4s A. M. and 7:45 P. M. Moni:nr ' subject. "WHAT CHRISTMAS HAS DONE TCV HUMAN HAPPINESSV* J>n evening --"» nr <—\u25a0\u25a0* mualo. ."-.I Dr. Kill.* will »p-»x en "Charles Dickens* Christmas <\u25a0».--•' a-.* th« Itv- fltjenc- of tho I?a7 _ a Oold anl Mls«rtx Him** portion: Sunday fair, much colder; brisk to high southwest to northwest winds. ' 1r',.' \u25a0 For Western Pennsylvania, snow and eolfler to-day, much colder by night: Sunday fair, ex- cept snow flurrieß near Lake Erie; brisk aouth- wa*t to northwest winds. , 1. \u25a0",.'" For Western New York/ snow and colder to- day and Sunday; brick to high southwest to northwest winds. \u25a0\u25a0••' N**w England, snow In northern, rain or snow in southern portion to-day: Sunday fair in southern local snows in northern portion, much colder; brisk to high southwest to west winds. Official observations of United States weather bureaus, taken at 8 p. m. yesterday, follow: cay Temperature. Weather. Albany •'' Cloudy Atlantic City M Cloudy Boston ** Cloudy I':n..U. •£ Rain Chicago -'• know Km Orleans \u25a0»» Cloudy St. Louis* •*•* Clear Washington \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 •&* Rain Official Record. following official record from the Weather Bureau shewn the chansra in th« temperature for the last twenty- four hours In comparison with the corresponding dale of laat year: IJW?>. 1H1" \u25a0 •\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0 1910. 3 a m ... •'•" *'• Op. m...... •"' 3fl <t a. m . 30 -• Op. m H 43 »an» ... 8-2 2" 11 p. m M 44 JV-s:::::: * \u25a0 P ' m S7 ~ Uigheet temporal y«*nterday, 44 ii<"gT«w>; loweet, S3 (at 4:15 a. m.); overage. .d, average tcr corrcFponding daw last year. 34; average for corresponding i " l ' il! "' thirty-three >*.ars, ,T5. i' . a i Forecast.— To-day, rain or wow; Sunday falrTtnurh <-oI.1t; brisk to high southwest to uu'nh.-. tMt wind*. Madison square fresbyterian. 10:30 A. M. Meditation Mistake Two harps, 'cello, trumpet and organ. Avo Maria.. '. .-. . .Luzsi Trumpet solo. At» Maria .Schubert Two harps. Andante EeUgloso. . ... Thorns 'Cello solo. The Nun's Prayer . .Oberthur Harp, 'cello, trumpet and organ. Symphony (from The Messiah) Handel Organ. Processional hymn: Adest* Fldeles. . SanctU3 and Benedictus (from Mass in E Cat) "Weber Cradle Song of the Virgin..-. .Brahms Alto solo and chorus: "cello, harp and organ. Offertory, Sancta Mater (from Stabat Mater) Rossini Holy Xlght, Christmas Carol . .Schnecker Recessional hymn: Still Will We Trust.'. Flemmlng P»etlude: I Need Thee Every Hour. ' * . 7:30 F. M. Prelude: Agitato: Gratzloso Parkhurst Two harps, "cello, trumpet and organ. Schone Erinnerung Harm Two harps. Meditation Lavalee Trumpet solo. Karnennol O«trow Rubinstein Harp, 'cello, trumpet and organ. Aria from Suite in D Bach Organ. Cradle Song Nolck 'Cello solo. Processional hymn: Holy. Holy. Holy. .Dykes Chorus: By Babylon's WIN Gounod When Ontrard I Am Gazing (from Christ- mas Eve) Oade Soil and chores. Christmas Carol ..• Barnby Offertory: Aye Maria Mascheronl Arranged for two harps, 'cello, trumpst. . organ and chorus. Chorus: Shades of Eve Schubert Recessional hymn: Hark. Hark. My Soul. Dykes Postlude: Cast Thy Burden on the Lord . Hews 'Cello and organ. ZION AND ST. TIMOTHY. 8 A. M. Prelude: Pastoral Symphony Handel Processional: O Come All Ye Faithful. Reading Communion Service, in F Steane Recessional: Hark, What Mean Those Holy Voices? : .'. . Gear Postlude: Hallelujah Chorus Handel Prelude: Sonata In D ....Peace Processional: O Come. All Ye Faithful. Reading Ta Deum in E Flat Warelnjr Anthem*: Thou Art My Son Adams Behold My Servant... Harris Communion Service in E flat Stalnier Recessional: Joy Fills Our Inmost Souls To-day Smith Postlude: Pastoral Sonata... Rhelnberger CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH. 11 A. M. Prelude: Prayer "Wagner Yon Ende violin choir. Anthem: Silent Night Rlesberg With violin ohbl'gato. Lullaby: Sleep, Baby, Sleep Adams Offertory: Soring-tlm* (arranged by Rice). Grieg Yon Ende violin choir. Chant: BTessed Be Thou, O Lord God. i Night Divine Offenbach Duet, with violin obbligato. Anthem: Like Silver Lamps . Dubols 8 P. M. Prelude: Christmas Sketch Yon Hoist them: Draw Nijrh. Iznmaxiuei . .Old French Offertory: O Holy Nisrht Adam Chant: Blessed Be Thou. O Lord God. Postlude: Cantilena Pastorale Ashmall BRICK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 11 A. M. Prelude for violin, 'cello, harp, organ and bells: The Shepherds at the Manger Liszt Old Christmas Song Liszt Revert* Krlens Choral: Break Forth. O Beauteous Heav- enly Light Bach Anthem: Glory to God in the Highest. .Mozart Carols: A Joyful Christmas Song Old French (Arranged by Gevaert) The Sleep of the Child Jesus.... Old French (Arranged by Gevaert) Hark, the Christmas Bella "Ward Offertory: Arise. Shine Saint-Saens Carol: Silent Night Old German (Arranged by Damroseh) Postlude: March of the Magi Liszt * i to *\r * "- " Prelude for violin, 'cello, harp and organ: Benedictus Otis Berceuse Godard Fantasia on Christmas Hymns Guilniint Anthem: Glory to God N»ble Solo: Christmas Kong- of the Old«n Time. .Liszt ?nedicttis Otis \u25a0rceuse Godarrt inraaSa on Christmas Hymns. .. .Gullnnnt \u25a0>*m: Glory to God N»ble Christmas Pong- of the OId«n Time. .Liszt Cs>rols: Three Kings of the Orient Cornellus-Damrosch To re Is Born Tmmanuel Prjetorlus Sleep, My Little One Reger lude: Reverie Kriens OLD FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 11 A. M. Prelude: Christmas Pastoral*. .Rdg?r-DracAss<» Carols: Puer Natus in Bethlehem Gevaert Christmas Carol of the, Pifferari. Neapolitan The Sleep of the Child Jesus .. .Old French A Child Is Bora in Bethlehem. .. Chadwick Sing Joyously .Old French When Christ Was Born .Stokoveki Alleluia! Christian! Come Ye Lofty Old English A Joyous Christmas Carol Old French The Shepherd's Christmas Song. .De Lange Gloria in Excelsis De Lan?? The Oratorio Of The Messiah Handel CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH. 11 A. M. Choir processional: As \u25a0with Gladness Men of Old Keener Christmas Doxology: Joy to the World. Handel Choral Anthem: And the Glory of the Lord The Messiah) Handel Gloria Patri stores The Shepherds of Bethlehem Harker Quartet and chorus. Prayer Ar.tlphon Bowman Aas-ls from the Realms of Glory Smart O Thou That Tellest -. Handel - Recitative, air and chorus. Ascription: The Hallelujah Handel Organ Pcst''jil»" Glory to God In the High- est Handel S P. M. Or*an Processional: Angels from the Realms of Glory ......Smart Christmas Dcxolojy: O Come All Ye Faithful .Reading Sing, O Heavens: and Be Joyful, O Earth Maunder Gloria PatrJ Greatorex Th* Angel Gabriel (quartet) Stevenson Antlphon Eow»ian O'er Salam's Toners West Solo from The Story of Bethlehem. Hark' the Herald Angels Sin? .. Mendelssohn Canilque de Noel: Holy Night Adam Cradle hymn, written by Martin Luther for - his children. Spllman Tvllieht organ recital: March of the Wise Men . Dubols The Pastoral Symphony (The Messiah) Handel Prayer and Cradle Song . .Guilmant Chr,'.r Recessional: Glory to th» Klne- of Kings Whinfleld ST. MARK'S CHURCH. 11 A. M. Orsran Prelude: Th? Shepherds In the Field Mallln Christmas Pastorale Merkel Tc Deum. in E flat Motley Jubilate, in A flat Foote Introit: Sleep. Holy Babe Old English Offertory anthem: Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming Praßtorias O-tran Postlude,: Toccata and 'Fugue in D minor Bach MARBLE COLLEGIATE CHURCH. 11 A. M. V :;; Organ Prelude: Weshnacht3 Pastorale. Merkel Ar.them: Welcome. Happy Morn . . Chadwick With bass solo. Anthem: I Will Set His Dominion In th» Sea. Parker Tenor Selo: Recitative: Comfort Ye My People: and Aria. Every Valley (from the oratorio, (The Messiah) Handel It Came Upon the Midnight Clear .. Sullivan Offertory: Organ. Chant Pastoral Dubois Glory to God In the Highest Massenet Contralto solo. Anthem: Born To-day Bweelinc Organ Postlude: Hosanna ....Wachs S P. M. Orsran Prelude Overture (Anthem 12). Handel Anthem: Glory to God in the Highest. Pergolesl Anthem: Kingdom of Light Lutkin With tenor solo. Barytone solo: Nazareth Gounod Old French Noel: The Sleep of Jesus Gevaert Offertory: Organ: Dialogue Klein Song of Noel Adam Soprano solo. Anthem : Bethlehem Bartlett With poli for soprano and alto. Organ Postlude: Christmas Rhapsody. .Clgoat ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI. Prelude: Pastorale Pelzer K.vrie Rheinberger Clorla. Rheinberger Graduate: Adeste Fideles Novell© Credo Guilmant Offertory: O Dies Praeclara Gounod Pi Adeste Fideles Rheinberger O Dirs I'racilara Gounod Rheint cre^r Apnus Del ..." Rheinberser Communion: Resonet In Laudibus Klein Processional: Sonata In D Guilniant CHURCH OF THE PILGRIMS. 11 A. M. Organ Prelude: Pastorale Rheinberger (First movement.) i"\.rol: Tha First Noel Traditional Sentence Colo Anthem: (from the Holy Child) Parker £?a.nctus Kennedy Response Gibson Offertory anthem: Th* Three Kings. Corneiious Anthom: Rejoice (from The Holy Child) Parker Amen : Sevenfold Stalner Organ Postlude: Hallelujah Chorus. .. .'Handel 4:30 P. M. Prelude: Strings, harp and organ: Meditation: Harp of Bt Cecelia Wiega Kftverie Gann Intermezzo Massenot Haramenal Itulwinst; Aye Maria Schubert Carol: When Christ Was Born. OKertory Carol: Old Breton Melody. Cantlque de Noel (entire) Saint-Saens Pout lude: . Adagiette: L'Arltfiianno Bizet Prize Son?: Die Metatersinger Wagner Sons dv Solr .Krlens Coronation March: Le Prophete.. Meyerbeer ST. LUKE'S CHURCH. 7 A. M. Kyrlrt and Gloria .Tlbl-Tallis Ofttrtory: T'js .... Sanctus and Benedictus qul V. alt In B flat . Simper A»uus Dei Coombs METROPOLITAN TEMPLE. i^ing. O Heavens Tours Christians, Awake » Maunder The Lord Is Exalted West The (lift Behrens Halleluiah Chorus (The Messiah) Handel Cm KGB op st. mart the virgin. 10:43 A. M. Overture to Athalle Mendelssohn Solemn Procession . . ) _ . Mass la B flat i .Schubert Offertory: <> Come. Redeemer West I'ustiud'--: Imperial March El?ar 4 P. M. Prelude: Peaceful Night R*seh Vespers la Caro-V ' ""* - '" ZtJvUn^ Ol.ristmßß Caro k. Solemn Procession. ! CHAPEL OF THE INTERCESSION. TRIN- ITY PARISH. 7 A. M. Organ Prelude: Noel Dubois ! Processional: Hymn 559 Harrat i Communion Service in F Tours Offertory: Carol. Sleep, Holy Babe Field Recessional: Hymn 31. ii a. m i Organ Prelude: Christmas Themes. —.. .Buck i Processional : Kvmn 539 Harrat Kyri* Eleison; Gloria Tibl, In F Tour* Hymn 53. i Offertory anthem: Let Us Now Go Even Unto Bethlehem Woodman i ' Saisctus ...Gounod Recessional: Hymn 51. : Organ Postlude: Hosanna Wachs I P. M. ! Organ Prelude: Christmas Themes Buck , Processional: Noel Ancient Christmas Cantata: The Message of the Star Woodman Offertory Carol: Sleep, Holy Babe Field ! Sevenfold Amen Stainar j Recessional: Hymn 539 Harrat jOrgan Postlude: Hosanna Wachs BEDFORD PRESBYTERIAN.' 11 A. M. i Hark! What Mean Those Holy Voices?. .Stair i Virgin Lullaby, from Coming of the Kin? Buck Contralto solo. I If with Your Heart Mendelssohn Tenor solo. i Come Unto IN (The Messiah) Handel Soprano solo. ;Quartet: There. Where Shepherds Buck ! It Came Upon th« Midnight Clear. ..-.Bartlett ' Nazareth .- Gounod Basso solo. PROSPECT AVENUE M. .E. CHURCH. 11 A. M. ; Sing. O -Heavens Tours jNazareth Gounod- West Barytone solo and chorus. j Christmas Carr IAr.clent Christmas Songs (a Cappella): Es Ist Em Ros Entsprungen Prjetorius (Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming:.) Chanson Joyeuse Noel. (A Joyful Christmas Song.) « P. M. ;Oratorio : The Messiah Handel MADISON ' AVENUE REFORMED CHURCH. 11 A. M. ' ". ': Pastorale \u25a0 Sullivan Calm on the Listening Ear Parker The Birthday of a King Neidllnger Christmas Oratorio Saint-Sa«r.a i Hozanna Wachs i Sing. O Heavens Tours King All Glorious Barnby j Holy Night Adam WEST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 11 A. M. ! Organ Prelude: Pastorale In A Gnilmant J Anthems: Christians Awake Frey Gloria in Excelsis ; Schnecker ! O Holy Night Adam Soprano solo. | Anthem: Sing. O Sing This Happy Morn Rogers Organ Foßtlud<»: March of the Magi Kings Dubois " \u25a0\u25a0:-? ... a P. M. Organ Prelude: Halleluiah Chorus Handel Anthem: Break Forth Into Joy Spencs FOURTH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. \u25a0 .;.- . . 11 A. M. Or»an Prelude: Fantasia on Two Christ- mas Hymns: Noel and Adeste Fldeles Guilmant Anthem: Sing. O Heavens ...Tours There Was Joy in Heaven Smart ; . - Duet. Glory to Heaven's Eternal Kin* . . Helmand -\u25a0 Solo. Organ: Halleluiah Chorus Handel I S P. M. Organ Prelude: Fantasia .........Batiste Christmas Carols: Christmas Morn \u0084 Adams When Chriit Was Born Brown What Child Is This? When the Sun Had Sunk to Rest.Old English When I View the Mother Holding. .Barnby The First Noel. Pastoral© on the Organ MacMaster i Tho Virgin's Lullaby Buck 1 Solo. Christmas Carols: There Dwelt a King West \ We Three Kings of Orient Are. The Angels and the Shepherds Riedel i A Joyful Christmas Song Gevaert I Silent Night Barnby i Glory to God In the Highest . . Pergolesi I Organ Postlude. .; Rogers' V.v.- LABOR TEMPLE. 7:30 P. M. The Messiah Handel ' ST. PAUL'S METHODIST EPISCOPAL. 11 A. M. Prelude: Romance Bernard | Organ and flute. .Anthem: Noel Gounod' Trio: My Soul Dcth Magnify the Lord.. Saint-Saens ! O Holy Night Adam j Contralto solo. Offertory: Ada?lo Mozart ! Organ and flute. Anthem: Calm on the Listening Ear of Night Harker I Postlude: Halleluiah Chorus Handel I 7:30 P. M. Cantata: The Star of Bethlehem Harker Prelude: Andan:s Con Moto. Organ and flute. Offertory. Scene d'Orphee Qluek. Organ and flute. Postlude: Christmas March Merkel BROOKLYN BAPTIST TEMPLE. 10:30 A. M. Organ Prelude Fulmer Processional: Holy. Holy Dykes Ar.therr. : Glory to God Simper j Anthem: Behold the Tears (The Nativity). Pilgrims of the Night Westbropke '\u25a0 Solo and chorus. Offertory: O Sing to God Gounod Joy to the World Handel , A!, Hail th«» Power of Jesus' Name Holden '• Organ Postlude. 7 30 P. M. Organ Prelude. O Come All Ye Faithful. Chorus: And the Glory of th« Lord (The Messiah > Handel The People That Walked in Darkness (The Messiah) Handel ; Snlo. For Unto Us a Child la Born (The Mes- siah) Handel . \u25a0 Chorus. Star of the Orient Shelley Solo. I Cnrol anthem: The First Christmas .. Barnby . Hymn: Jesus Shall Reign. But Who May Abide <Tha Messiah). ..Handel i Solo. Ar-them: Hark. Hark. My Soul Shelley Organ Postlude. - - .: - WEST END PRESBYTERIAN. 11 A. M. Th»«r<« Were Shepherds ...Foster i TeH It Once Again Schiiiinif I The Christ Child Coombs Carol Anthem: While Shepherds Watched Shackley j Gloria In Exce1515.... ... .../...•..-•-•CJemson >"unc Dimitfis Gregorian n a. m. i Prelude: Hymn to St. Cecelia- .•••\u25a0- \u25a0 -Gounod ; Kyri-? and Gloria Tibl in E flat...- --•-,- re Ofiertory: There Were Shepherds ADldms in th 9 Fields \u25a0 •• - .Vincent Sanctus and Benedicts gui Vcnlt in _- Eat Eyre -Sevenfold Amen Stalner !Gloria in Excelsis in E flat.... >' r « I Xunc Dimittis Gregorian 1 Postlude: March In E. -..Faulkes \u25a0 P. M. Proluda: Intermezzo in D flat -.Hollins : Carols : There's a Song in the Air Coombs The First XoeX ' * ~ We Three Kings of Orient Are Hopkins Now Lift the Carol. Men and Maid*.. Brown Away In a Mansrar.., Spillaian Good King w>ncesia.«. . ; Postlud*: March from Suite for Organ- .Rogers CHURCH OF THE HEAVENLY REST. 11 A. U. Prelude from Christmas Oratorio.. . .Salnt-Saens Violin and organ. 2. Deum in B flat ..Pointer i i Jubilate in F Tours ; Introit: Hark, What Mean Those Holy Voices? Marks j Communion Service In E fiat Marks . i Offertory: There Were Shepherds: Glory to God. and Hallelujah (Messiah) Handel Posilude: Adoration Borowski I P.M. Preluda: Chanson: Meditation Cottenet | Magnificat and Nuac Dimittis in E flat. . King-Hall i ! Sacred Cantata: The Story of Bethlehem. West Postlude: Romance Rles LAFAYETTE AVEXUB PRESBTTEKIAX. 11 A. 2£. Crsan Prelude: : Pastoral Symphony (Th« Messiah) Has(?«! j introit: And the Glory of the Lord (The Messiah ) Handel | Hymn 249 Tune. Onido ; Anthem: Nazareth Gounod Offertory: Alto solo and chorus (The Mes- siah) Handal i Hymn 243 Tune. Herald Angels , Rejoice Greatly (The Messiah) Handel , Soprano solo. Chorus: Hallelujah (The Messiah).:. .. Handel Hymn 312 Tun*. Harwell \u25a0 Organ Postlude: Alleluia Dubois j 8 P. M. Organ Prelude: The Holy Night Euck ! Hymn 224. Tune, Ariel Chorus: Lo, How a. Rose, E'er Blooming-. Prsetorius Offertory Sunset Lemire Hymn 137 Tune, Regan: Square I The Holy Night. Christmas Cantata for selL quartet and chorus, with organ accompaniment. Hymn 220 Tune, Miles Lane Org-an Posting": Christmas Pastorale.... Salnt-Saens i THE WEATHER REPORT. i •*••»« fc«-orcl smil rore~i*t.— \V_ehiaston. •*«- r3— Tbf mm dieiurt>ane« BMW j Jroni the South Atlantic etatee north- •**» through Ontario, tut with wmewbat | \u25a0ajiß*r in-«. n «ny. \u25a0, T.-g^^ii d urine Fri- j \u25a0W by r-cral mowa over the northern and i *Utt, <,-.> r *4m southern district* east of the ; •\u25a0tar- R jTer , and much higher temper- ; £\u25a0*•\u25a0 \u25a0?- the Atlantic elates, the- upper Ohio j&llfryajj^ til 3 ea£ter _ lo'aer lake region. la . * Middle V»"est pressure Is risla* rapidly, j ?** cicar and decidedly colder weather, and j **•« »i- uarninpi! have been ordered in . *riion» of .1,4 upper Mississippi Valley and ; *** \u25a0\u25a0*« lafca region »nd fruai warning* as j ** r Cowe aa the West Ter.-ae coast. In the '^cse w««t pr«aeurc is again fall Ins rapidly, **&mucij higher temperature, but with fair •taintr except la the north I'acific stales and j •^ttitata, -a-heie there were local rains and : ****«• Haom and rains Saturday in the At- | **U? et&wg will be followed IV clearinc and | **«« colder «rca£ber during the night, txcept •* sorthrrn Sew England, where local ssows *** like'y to eontinua Sunday. Soowb will *"*» continue funday in the upper Ohio Valley j lt *s greater portion of the 1... region. \u25a0 f^'bwe over the country the wather will ' «^ lr> **'*«* in tb« Pa'-Mc - •»»«. w)i<-r"\u25a0 v "" ~11" be ra.irjs and in »ho <-xtr«*zu«s North- j ?*• *1»«e li»er« «niU be Jocal onows. j -** ~H! be ~*ri<j. ,:iv roloW- >atur<3ay iiuM- I -•- ... t_c ialic rv;it/u a—S tUe iliiai*- i , mndasa have b<*n «rdere4 iTor Eaatern io«a : Wisconsin, ilicliiinn. Northern I»kiois. *£w£ t SSTS in* temperature lor .Arkansas and the Interior or sis ; I «rt Oulf Com*, mod- | . .Ml for >p«iul LooalJUrs.— For th« Dis- trict cf Columbia and Mar>land, rain cr tnow to-day colder by afternoon; .«un<3ar fair and much 'colJex: moderate, shifting winds, HUIIM lns Ml northwest. For Delaware, rain to-fiay. colder at nlgW. Sunday fair, much colder; fertile to ** h{ftlßir irfndi» btcomisg northwest. F^r New J^rs^y, >a!n In s uthern. rain or " j n ' northern portion to-day, colder at nl«hr ; \u25a0 311 . ««h aolter: bri.k to M* +mm rasn or «^ Jc ' r .Tf.-r hr Blrhl Sun.lav fair, much uclder; SSt'^SjK "wftl»K Stady. Nomine nonh- wt-ftt - r«. t*n» N"w Yurk. rain' cr miow to-flay. ES2 taW&SertS and at nirnt in ca Bl6 ra U. S. Department of Agriculture, VL, WEATHER BUREAU. io*{ 7 &0 WILLIS L MOORE. Chief. 9


Mar 10, 2019



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I'.-jinis of Glory Stnart !

1W COULDNT PfiOCEEOTracks Found Torn Up 77 Miies

South cf E! Paso.


FIRST BAPTIST CHURCHBr»i(J»a» and ~9th 9tre«t.



8 P. M.—"THE BIRTH or TMT. rfJBU~Tl\>: OK. THJE fOI^THUH WITHCHRIST."*-:?»"-::jl Chrism** Mit^i- alt <•\u25a0\u2666Baptism at f_w of rrtmlmm wrina. .

TE\ CIVILIANS EXECUTED BRICK CHURCH: -•>\u25a0 ATerro* and Thir.y-«*v«nt?« Str««t. ' \u25a0

HENRT VAN DYKE will r»_l a CbrimrMHStan at 11 o'clock. .

rCormia Tho—tas•—Ui " -\u2666\u25a0• \u25a0 •\u25a0 *.

special Christmas-

.-•• •\u25a0

-Strings. Harp. Orggan and Chofcr.

will fcegia at lf>:« and »:\u25a0•».?. f..School CbTi*tsi*n

—r-.-. It)a. ta.

•r-»^'-i- .-- ---\u25a0

-~.*«>dn'»»day. i p. -a.

Uainrsi'y Piaea Frsisftmai Chrrt,Cor. of lOtb St. fane Work wttt frarr. aaj |aa« .


Ik- wonhip to-morrow at 11 A. St an.i a P. atAt th* momma; acme* th* Pastor win th« evenimr. atio'clock, tn tft- e!inrc*t». &•*Sunday achool and Bible *•*•»« •'ft Rare «special a«rvle« appropriate to rftrlsrrv>ta< t* ev-nlas ~t- -. la t!*» rTi,-»p«*. \u0084 »

o'clock.Th* Church of tar Div Pal»mn».Central parU West and 7«li irfft

Th' Paster. FRANK OLIVER HALU •>.'*?..willpreach it11•. m. 3om-

--<Ro»>ri» WITH )J.IST rgo»>*'


E--»ninsf t>rrtc<».* - ••••

DirTtPTN^-.- "CiIRISTM.*iS ..-.,.. RE^»D W.Mr. ... DAVIT*.

Special CHrtacmas Jfoafe by Quarts and rtv*rr»' OMIT.

WEST END PRSSBYTEIUV CfflHHliComer Amsterdam Ar«ira« »n4 ICStJi ?«. :>\u25a0-Rev. KE!?W)I, B. 6.

At '-. a.—

1. tb*i *>,»---

—\u25a0til pr»acli.


Special muaic will b<» t<n««rM by th- «h«lr \u25a0

at 8 p. m. Th* ?ahh*rh School «-.<•«!*•* -*m•b^ carried out with Cull

—« *.--\u25a0-\u25a0* ;

St. Bartholomew's Church>ti<sUon aye.. earner •Mtft *t.

Tt« B«v. LEIOHT-JN PAP.K3, D. I>.. S«cMr.First CammcsUc. 5

'"A. .VI

ilornin? Prayer. s*ra»ia and lloly*>-Brr;«ia»«T-11 A. M. Preacher. tl*s P.ertor.

Children's Sandaj- School ?-•:.--! :•-* P. MAESnal Carol -\u25a0-\u25a0•-. at -,->\u25a0.\u25a0- 4 P. K.

$100,000 WILL'

RUTGERS PIESITTEmi CMIdBraadTray and *3d *t.

REV. ABBOTT E. KITTREDBE, 0. 1..« Preaches at 11 and 8. aid conducts -.a«Prayer llwtlar Ws<!a«*Jay Ersntr* as S:IS. ;

--\u25a0-\u25a0-ns -•--;-•..-* .-. : -r."» moraloc ae<t jgvitnlsg-. |

CHURCH OF THE" MESSIAH<ITNITARIA.V:.. Park Art. and 34ta M.,„„,..„.. B-' Robert Collyer. Lit. D

Jl^s-sterJ. ,Eev Jot.jjJ71,,, Kolma*.

11 A. tnninl fkriolirat iH*,E«v. ir:-ix KAYN'ES HOLITE* win tiiwrt

Subject: -The Id«al Chviac."Special Maslc by Augmented Cimlr.

All Cordially lasted. _ _ ;THE -OCIfcTY FOR AL~TrStfiC 1

Founded IS'«. . IMeftinir-HouM. Central F»rfc W. *Mtfc **,]U A.M. J



Th« Public la W«t«*—-


Fourth Presbyterian Church*XV-<»t End A

-and 91st St.


11 a. --\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0«-— Sarmoa by th« \u25a0?!*»<»8 p- m.

—A-ldr««s«i br th« mioistars.


Madison Squart lyttriaa CainM \u25a0!*;;*• •-:•! 24th »tr*«t

P.?v. C. K. PARKHUK3T. t>. D. Fwor.Rev. G. R. M'".'N"rGOMEaT. Ph.. t)..

Assistant Minister.Th» Pastor will preach 11 » as.

anti 8 p- m.

A ftartac squad of four revolutionistsro<S« into this city last night, distributing-

rircr-lars stating that citizens should re-mais within doers aft-r S p. m. to-morrowss th« rebels intended to enter the city.

The warring- Is not regarded seriously. Apatrol of eight soldiers, who fired manyehots, £roy» the;.: from the streets, andthey d-sapreared in the direction of the

<>-»'• Eranfion, correspondent of "Theilexican Herald." "Who has been with the

f«cers-i icrces and for whose safety grave

?<?Ers have been entertained, returned herelaaj a%feC He left the army pursuant toa TTar GfEce order that no more cor-respondents be allowed with the troops.

T. A- Somroertleid, who has been ebserv-'Tijr operations from the rebel side, also re-rumefi. SommcrSeld was fired on a week*£0, but was not injured.

While the revolutionists surround Navar-ro at Pedemales. his situation, according

tc this information, is not precarious. He«relc march out with his force and do bat-tle, bat Is waiting reinforcements. Whenle TrtEhes fresh meat he is compelled to«r! a good s£htlr:^ force, for small par-ties are rot safe.

Judge Among1 Mexicans Killed byRevolutionists, According to

American at Chihuahua.

£3 pasc T«x.. Dec 23.—The southboundr.«ses£ er train on the \u25a0 Paso & North-

c-?m Railroad, which left Cludad Juareztt l'o'clocJt this afternoon, found the track

earn ti; at Guzman, seventy- seven miles

«csih. *n&is coming back to El Paso. Their fcas 150 passengers aboard. The loco-"I*,.. ir:passenger coach which the rev-

SftrtkS*3st*i tocsi last night twenty-rive miles«ccti of Jaa-e* have not yet been found

a^«JBM are down south of Guzman.Fifty 6<Jldiers arrived her© this morning

fro*3Cfci*-*1112 1to ad<s to tie garrison Injoarez- Soldi«rs out scouting returned this-Mtaoor. and reported having found a de-

b^sjl cam? ©I rebels twelve miles westr\ Juarez, tot the Insurgents were not

-\u25a0- rebe^ axe believed to be in the hills

trfttla a *<?w miles of Juarez, but appar-

estly are making no effort to attack the.'.. As \u25a0.- revolutionists -went south on

ti:e m*" which they took last night they

-ay have attacked the town of CasasCraves, which is the supply point of alltie Monran colonists in the region. £ol-

«dier£ -trere recently sent to Casas Granges,

and tnsxr arms have been chipped there.

C3jU:"Jar."-i». Mei., Dec 23.—An Ameri-can who has been ten days with the revo-lation*ry forces returned to-day bringing

ae»-s that the latter recently executed ten

r)vj:jaos hostile to the revolt. Their num-**rincluded one judge.

FIRE DAMAGES HISTORIC TAVERN.LttchSeld. Conn., Dec. 22.—Tha United

States Hotel, famous for a century as thegathering place of lawyers and judges oncourt days and as the scene of a ball forthe Marquis de Lafayette in lS2t, narrowlyescaped destruction from fire to-day. The-upper floor, en which the Sre started, wasruined, the total loss being between 13.000and $4,009. The hotel was built about 17S0.

Franz Faltl, of Baltimore, "Was a Pio-neer Women's Tailor.

[Br Tries;rarih to I**Tribute.]

Baltimore. Dec 23.—Franz Faltl. a pioneerwomen's tailor and the protege of royalty,

died her* Wednesday from Blight's disease.Faltl was born in Vienna. The Empress

became interested in him and sent him toParis to study his craft. Later he wasconnected with fashionable tailoring estab-lishments in London. He came to this coun-try and started in Baltimore what wasthen said to be the first establishment atits kind in this country.


Parents, Whose Only Daugnter Died.Give Vassar 510,000.

Rochester, Dec. 23.—T0 endow a scholar-ship \u25a0in Vassar College. Poughkeepsie, inmemory of their only daughter, who diedwhile a student there, and to give semeworthy giri an education such as theirdaughter would have had ifshe had lived,

Hr. and Mrs. "William Johnson, of Cheshire,

Ontario County, have given $10,000 to Vas-sar. The daughter died last summer, whenshe was about to begin her second year atthe college.


One Result of InterdenominationalConference To Be Seen To-morrow.Asth« result' of a resolution adopted at

the Interdenominational meeting cf clergytn the Marble Collegiate Church last No-\u25bcember an appeal is belne made to the min-isters of this city and the country at large

to observe Christinas Sunday as Peace Sun-day.. The resolution upon which the move-ment is based follows:

"Resolved. That wa recommend thatChristmas Sunday of tbis year be availed!Gf as an ajajpajafjajaj time on -wnich the min-isters of. New York City and the country

shall emphasize the Importance of an* In-ternational court of arbitration for -v"--

securing of universal and perpetual peace.**The committee appointed to promote the

idea consists of the following clerg7inen:Bishop Greer, the Rev. Dr. Junius B. Rem-ensnyder, the Rev. Dr. Charles H. Park-hurst, the Rev. Dr. David J. 3urre theRev. Dr. Charles E. Jefferson and the Rev.Dr. Neweii D^ight IHUis.


Postlude: March froia Queen cf Si•tea. Goone4

. ST. MoDi CHAPEL.2:30 A. M. • • '

Oirijtmas airols.Ti,.-. Birthday of a King NeldlinirerThe Star of.Bethlehem.Holy >:i?ht. Silent Night.

Violin du«:3.

Y. W. C. A.«f th* 0:7 of Ns-» York.7 East 13f!" ft.

CHRISTMAS SERVICE. tSunday afternoon. Dec 'Jsr.ii. at S:S9.". -\u25a0 '\u25a0-\u25a0 Theme and '"a.r-'..->-^ All wota»n coritany lavtr.'»<t.


'C. A.EATON,D.D.,Pastor

"\u25a0:.. preach Sunday mim.rig and ••«•««?«11 a- m.

—"The Cradle of tie "World's H*p^-


p. m.—

"W"aat Shall We Srtag to Serh'.^n-r-.-' ;

Broadway Tabernacle,Broadway and 3«th Street.

Rev. CHARLES Ev JEFFERSON. D. D.. Pastor,preacher .. \u25a0 I] a. m. « P. M. mpm lal cs3sl«lservice. ••Th« Messaes of the Star." br Woc>l-man. Wednea-iay. bP. M.. Prayer M<**ttng.

CHRIST CHURCH. Broadway. 71at St..Rev. G. A. STRONG. Rector.

S A. M.—Holy Coniciunion. with Carol*. ItA. M.

—Morning Service with fan order of Muo^

and Sermon ty Rector. « P. M.—Sr<*<"tal MsstealService. Bride's Cantata. The Cradl* at Chrt-t.and Carols.

TIIE MIDDLE COLLEGIATE CHURCH., Cd Aye. and 7th St.Rev. JOHN G. FAGG, D. D.. Minister.

Christmas Services at VJ:ZO A. M. and S P. 2.


Rev. DAVID.TAMES BURRELL, D. D.. Minis-ter, will preach at 11 A. M. and IP. M.

Morning: -Th« Wolf, tie Lamb and the LittleChild."

Evening: "On the Way to Bethlehem."Special iluslc


."••'- Al."-,A 1."-, and -iSta St.Rev. MALCOLM JAMES MAC LEOD, Minister,

willpreach at 11 A. M.At 8 P. M., Christmas Musical Service.


Rev. HENRT EVERTSON COB3. D D.. Minis-ter, will preach at 11 A. M. and 4:30 P. M.

Special Music.


\u25a07/"""' Messiah selections; ft *Tne Crad> hiBeth.' Mtiskal service an.} Twl!lc?-.S

Organ Recital. Calvary Grani Choir. Bmvmaa.Cond. . ;

Crinity Church GRACE CHURCH, JStS%.Christina* Day «wic«r*

Holy Communion, it 10 and 11 A. M-Preachers. Rector at It. Rev. W. P.

. Eddy at 4. Rector at ? P. M.MADISON AVENUE; REFORMED CBCBCH.

57th St. and Madison Avenu*.He* WH. CARTER. D. D. Pastor.

11 A 3£ Christinas s«rmon try the WJ« P. M a ;.. \u25a0 Festival of Christmas

Carol Musi;by C>.i'.--r°n'3 Chorus an.l *•>*-*r.

Week-day services, 7:20, 0:00 a. m.;3p. m.Christmas Eve., children's service, 3 p. in.Christmas Day services. Holy Communion.

6:30, 7:30 a. m. High Celebration and sermon,10:30 a. m. Choral evensong. 3:30. 3:00 p. m.

CHURCH OPEN ALLDAT.The public is cordially invited to the services,

both on Sundays and on week-days.

Sunday services. 7:0O. 7:oO. I0:3O a. m. iS«r-nom; 3:3f>. S:00 p. m.

ST MARK'S. 12. aye. and lOth. st.. .B*v. Dr.L. W. BATTEN. Reetcr.

—Christmas Service*.

8 a m. Holy CommanJcn. -with Christina*Carols. 11 a. m. Morning prayer,, -* -ron 'Jn'lHoly Communion, with spacial niustcal program.8 p. m. Service of ancient Chri»«aa» Carol?

ALL ANGELS" CHURCH. West EaU A 5. ar.481st St.. Rev. 9. DELANCET T^WVSEWt 1

D. D.. Rector—

Holy Communion. * A. X, Holy- —.r.;oa and Sermon by tie Rector. 11A. *\u25a0•

Traditional Chrt9?ma3 Cards »-<! Cast*», "r>«Holy Child." 4 P. M- Strangers Welctnr.aL


;Processional: LiftUp Tour Hearts. »....Fanre• , Vested choir.!Opening chorus: Across the- Silent Mid-

night GrayChoir.• Invocation.

;O Come All Te Faithful.Contralto solo. Miss Edith. Beach.

\u25a0 Hark: The Herald Angels Sing.Contralto solo. Miss Edith Beach.'

O Little Town of Bethlehem.'Offertory: Wake, O World, from. Slumber


1 The Birthday of a King,iIt Came Upon the Midnight Clear.


ProcessionaJ hymn: Hark! the HeraldAngels Sing Mendelssohn

Vcu it• Exultimus BuckGloria Patri CalkinTe Dura Laudamus, B flat Buck,Jubilate, F major Tours;Credo, T. Rat Eyre

lltrmn: Q Come. All Te Faithful Reading\u25a0 Communion Service:

KyrtA Ei«>ison Adger, i^anctus (St. Cecilia) Gounod\u25a0 Ben«?dictus Yon Weber

Gloria in Exceisls Farmer

Offertory: Behold IBring Good Tidings..Gonnod

Retroc^yslonal hymn: Ang"is from theRealms of Glory Pmart

7:45 P. H.Processional hymn: Hark" the Herald

Angels Sing MendelssohnGloria Patr! CalkinMagnificat .'Nunc Dimittis, E flat) BambyCr»do fchant) Meditative Hymn Nevin

It Came Upon the Midnight Clear.O Come All Ye Faithful ReadingChorus: Inflammatus RossiniSoprano: More Love to The" Harris;Chorus: Sanctus (Messe Solennelle)...Gounod ;Barytone: Nazareth GounodSoprano: The Lord Is My Light Allitsen<*•'

s•\u25a05 •\u25a0- Benediction Nuptiale Ho!lin3Trfo: Praise Te (Attila) Verdi

Offertory: Good Tidings of Joy GounodFraiss God from Whom AllBlessings Flow

Adg»rChoral Benediction GounodEetrocesslonal hymn: Angels from the

Prelude: Noel Breton Qu»fTe Dfuai, in F MorleyOffertory:The Angel* Message ReedPostlude: Finale. Maquaire

4 P. M.Christmas cantata: Th» Shepherd's Vision



Ta Deum In F L«mareIntroit: Lo, How a Rose ....PrsetoriusCommunion Service in F atainerOffertory, o Holy Night AdamCarols. -^.=

6 F. M.Cantata. The Cradle of Christ BridgeCarols, old and new.


Ogam.Oflertorio on eld Christmas hymns. .GuilmantHymn. Joy to toe World, the Lord Has

Come.1Anthem. Eancttjs... .., GounodTrio and chorus: 11- Shall Feed His Flock.Hymn. -;^-s:."v.Postlude- Chorus of Shepherds Lemmens>

tIP. M.

Or^an piogramme: Grand Choeur KinderBerceuse (Cradle Song DickensonMarch of til* Magi DuboisHymn, Hark, the Herald Angels Sing.Carol (by choir).He Shall Feed His F10ck.... Harker

-Trio and Chorus.Anthem: Nazareth Gounod-BuckChristmas Carol for Women's Voices. .ConantTenor Solo: The Birthday of a King.NeidllngerIt Came Upon a. Midnight Clear.Glory to God In the Highest... Harker

Contralto solo.Anthem, O Holy Night... Adam-BuckHymn.Postlade: Hallelujah Chorus Handel:


:Shout the Glad Tidings HaulerLike Silver Lamps ..........Barnby.Come and Worship. WarreniHaik. the Glad Sound MarrofOffertory: Holy Night Adams

Soprano, violin, harp and organ.IPostlude.

Violin, organ and harp.


1Processional: Hark! the Herald AngelsSing Mendelssohn

Venlte CrotchTe Deum, In C LutkinBenedictus WoodwardIntroit: Adesta Fiddles NovelloEucharigtlc Office, in C Concern©Office hymn: Angels from the Realm* of

Glory SmartOSertorium: Before the Heavens Were

Spread Abroad ParkerEurharlßtic hymn: Thou Didst Leave Thy

Throne.Poet Communion: O Salutart* Ho«tl». .Gounod[Recessional: Once in Royal David's City..

Gauntlet4 P. M.

Prccelsional: O Come, AllY«Faithful.ReadingPsalter. Psalm« 89. 110, 132.Mag-nifioat. inA flit ManNunc Dimittis, in A flat MannAnthem: There Were Shepherds VincentOffertorium: The Birthday of a. King.

NeidiingerEvening hymn: Now the Day Is Over. .BarnbyOffice hymn: Ona Holds Me Fast ClarisRecessional: The Faithful Shepherds. Le Jeune


Organ Prelude: Th« Manger GuilmantCarol:O Lovely Voices BroomeGloria ManneyAnthem: Lisrht of Earth CoombsResponse: The Virgin in th« Manger. .FrancAnthem: Sing. O Sing RogersOffertory: My Heart Ever Faithful BachCarol: Once a Little Baoy Lay SmithOrgan Po»tlud«: Fantasy on old English carols.


Government troops which, started a weekkzq from Senora are reported within two<ie^' march of Guerrero, one of the revo-lutionary strongholds.

The first independent report of the Sght-

izz between General Xavarro's troops andth»? rebels at Pademales and Its vicinityus' brought last' night by an American\u25a0Bja was on the train which stopped at La.Junta a week ago.

This American said that there was fight-

laa; last Thursday, Friday and Saturday atFeflerrsaJes, and that the revolutionists lostfiity-one killed and injured. He knewnothing of th«» f«2«»ral losses. This fightingsppfirr.'Jy was" brought about by Xavarro' =attempting to carry out hi? instructions totrccw! to Mai Paso and hold it for theprotection of trains. He failed.

Up to Saturday night General XavarroIreld ..firsts and was well supplied withTsoS and water. The oScial headquarters

\u25a0«ere tn th« railway station. Revolution-ist? \u25a0*>!*«? in th«? neighborhood. The insur-e*bv leader. M.ascual Orozco, was alive and\u25a0w*m;. as was Navarro.

Train Now Runs at WiU.The passenger train,

" which was stopped

list Thursday, now runs at will between

X*d«rc and La Junta every day. Weber.the conductor, brought It to within a mile

•A -•'ess Tower Erected.crescents of more than a thousand

ere now in th« city. A wireless tower hastees erected a? the penitentiary and troops«tt:- to-day brought material for an-other tower, to be «rect«*<l inthe disaffecteddistrict.

Court Eefnses to Increase Income ofYoung Married Couple.

fßy Telegraph to The Tribune.]

-Cincinnati. Deo. 23.—Judge O'Connell to-

day authorized the payment of $14,000 debtsof DwightliKlnney, now a resident of

Detroit and a son of the late Dwight

Kinney. The debts, it was alleged, had anbeen contracted by young- Kinney since the

first \u25a0'' the year. The young man has an

income of $500 a month, and his wife a likeamount. An application for an increasewas refused by the court some time ago.

Money to buy a country place near De-troit was also refused to him, the courtholding that he has a sufficient income to

care for all his wants.

CA>'T LIVE CF 512.000 A

iIiFS Schmidt Fays that $12,000, which she

realized by the Bale of property left by hersister, will keep her the rest of her life

in Germany, but would be insufficient in

this country-

They Are Ail Dead—Living Cheaper

in Germany.

Terre Haute, Ind., Dec. 25.—The present

high cost of living;is the reason assignedby Miss Alma Schmidt, sixty years old. af-

ter forty-nine years* residence in this coun-try, for returning to Germany. She has

started for New York .City, taking: with her

the bodies of her Bister, who died lastspring; her brother, who died twenty-twoyears ago; her mother, dead twenty-four

years, and her father, buried twenty-elgntyears ago. She will make her home mBismarck, Germany.


Cincinnati Woman Left $5,000 toBroadway Tabernacle.

[By Telegraph to The Tribune.]i Cincinnati, Doc

—A will contest Involv-

ing BUMis predicted by interested attor-• neys as the result of the Probate Courtdecision yesterday in which Judge L«udersrefused to strike from the files the willof:Helen K. Smith, known in Cincinnati as"KittyBennett."If Th» will is- sustained, the decision of

| Judge Leuders sustains charitable bequestsamounting to ?2?,000, among them a bequest

of 55.000 to the Broadway Tabernacle, of

J New York. The immediate decision was on• the application of the testatrix's sister,

] Mrs. Mary J. Langdon. of Franklin. Ohio,

\u25a0 to strike the will from the files of the localcourt and refile it in New Jersey, where a

• part of the estate is situated. This appli-

"cation was opposed by Lawrence K. Lanp:-

!don, of Lebanon, Ohio, a well known state



FEAR THEFT OF EDDY BODYTrustees Arm Guards at Tomb

with Rifles.[By Telegraph to The Tribune.]

Boston, Dec.—

The trustees of theMother Church of Christian Scientists haveredoubled their care of the body of Mrs.llaryBaker G. Eddy, and their elaborateprecautions suggest that they fear an at-tempt may be made to take away thebody. J *:-

The guards, four in number, have beeninstructed to telephone to the trustees in-stantly should any strangers approach andseek admittance to the tomb or shouldany other exigency arise. These guards

have been armed with rifles, and seldom dothey open the doors of the tomb, savewhen two of them relieve the other two.Whenever a guard appears at the door ofthe tomb he has a rifle in his hands.

Two stock cars, with horses and twocoaches and about thirty men, came inyesterday from Bustillos. The men be-longed to Various regiments. There wereAlso a number of uniforms and four offi-cers* swords. There is much mystery aboutIt. Railroad officers and employes were or-dered not to talk to anybodj*. reporters orothers. Neither were outsiders allowed toapproach the soldiers.

of La Junta, where th« revolutionists\u25a0topped it.-"Weber then wanted to proceedon foot to the station to ask NTavarro'spermission toresume the trip to Chihuahua.This as denied him, and on Sunday hetied up the train until the situation shouldwork itself out-

\ An American overheard a soldier in c6n-:vernation with a woman say that they -werein two fights the day before, but when theforeigner's presence was noted he was re-quested to depart. The- coaches probablyare some of those \u25a0which were ambushedat ilal Faso and which have been on a sid-ing at Bustillcs since, but the return ofthe soldiers with horses is not so easily ac-counted for.

CHCKCH OF THE ASCKXSIOXFifth Aye. and Tenth Street.

REV. DR. PERCY STICKNEY GRANT. Rector.CHRIST.*.! EVE.« P. M. Sunday School Festival and Christmasmiaijm DAY.

8 A.'M. Holy Communion.11 A.

—Holy Communion and Sermon

(Rector).4 P.

—Selections from "The Messiah" and

Bach' a "Christmas Oratorio."9 P. M.

—People's Service. Dr. Grant will

preach en "How Can Carnegie's Gift HelpPeace?"a P. M.—People's Forum. Mr. Sol Fleldman:Till\u25a0


LENOX AVENUE O*ITARIA>~ CHrKCH.Cor. 121st St. Services -\u25a0: 11.

'Ta« Barsttns:

of the -;--,-.a :;s ofChristianity.** Her. V!?!:ST. CROIX WRIGHT. D- D- Mla:s»«r

Chri3tmas Servica. CHARLOTTE WSXLHSAENvJ'—R at the orranL

CHURCH C? THS'INCARNATION. M*Sl»naye. and S3th st. Re^-. "W. M GROSTTEJCOR.D. D., Rector.

—3 and 10 a. m.. Holy'Tamm-anJtf^

11 a. m.. Mommy !>raT»r. Sermon (H*ctor> an*Holy Communion. 4p. m. Cantata, "Ti» Sh*p-herd's Vlsioa." Parker. _^

ST. MATTHEWS CHURCH. Wegt «4ta 9..,near Central Park. Rev aJITHCH H. SVDGZ*

'Rector. Christmas services: T ami 9a. m., Hf>;»Communion. 11 a. m., Mo'"--irs- Prayer and \u25a0ar-mor:. 3p. eu. Parker's ••Sh«pa*r4'» V!?lca a*» 4address.


« CHRISTMAS SUNDAY.Morning Service at 11 o'clock. Preacher,

DR. CHARLES F. AXED.Special Christmas Music

Evening- at 8 o'clock. Musical Service: Dr.Harry Rows Shelley and the Choir will irivaselections from Handel, Schnecker and Saint-Saens, as well as Christmas Carols.Address by DR. ADDI*O\ MOORE. Subject,"The First Christmas Anthem."BIBLR CLA«jSKS fOF. iiiiNT,MEN AXD

YOUNG I.TO^^K^ AT 9:30 A. >f.

Mrs. Mary E. Chapln.New "houi^ht. Afteraonrt. 3. B«rTc«!ey T!)«*tr%.

West 44th St.. near oth aye. To-morrow:- "Oa>\Gift of Life." _J

SAI>T ANDKETW'S CHXTKCH.7Bth Street. West of Cclumbu* Av«as% .

GEORGE CLARKE PECK. D D.. M3ala«a»-11 A. M.


S P. ji.—

MTSICAI. «rrTRTTTC. '\u25a0

TENT EVANGEL MISSION HALZ*Free Bread for Poor Saturday

Bvansrelists CRABILL ana 3OCILW••

. , 2.30 and 8. Sunday and Tm&j.Next Thre» 'W«*lt«.

FiFTH AVENUE PR£SB/TEBU?I CHUBOHFifth Aye. and 53th Street.

Services at 11 A- M. and 4 P. 11.REV, FRANCIS L P.4TTON, D, DMDMPresident of Princeton Theolosrical Seminary,

"illpreach at both services.TSib'e school meets at 9:30 A.M.

Men's Bible Class meets at 10 A. 31.REV, J. WILBUR CHAPMAN. 0. D..... preach Wednesday Eve. at 8:15. Subject,

"A Special Message for Christian People."Every One Is Invited to Thf«e Services.

North Presbyterian Charch,153th St., feet. Broadway &Amsterdam Ati

LHey. JQHNR.HACIUY, Ph. D.,Pastor;11 a. m., "The Bright and Morals? Star."B S p. to., '•Looking on the Bright Side."

Special Christmas Music.

TEMPLE BETH-EL. Fifth At*, and TWtn •* {—Sunday morning, at 11. lUrr.Dr. BCKTIJt»J» j

will preach en. "Judaism and Christianity Cs*> t----r-i- Though Not Worshipcia? lr. Caasaaß."* •

Allwelcome. j IHf ICED TIOMIT

MeetteKs. :.--a Hal!. JS» VT. T2al Sr_. wtT|:be postpened until Jarrosrry *,19IL .;


Fifth »v.. abov* 45th st-7.*-. HER3SR7 SHIPMAN. R«c*or

Services. 8 and 11 a. m. !p. m;MAI>I«ON a \~r~ntt»n xtkwoas~~c hiMK

Northeast corner of 73.i**Dr. HENRY SLOANS COFFIN

will preach at IIa. re. and S p. nt.-Batur<la7.O«o*24.


Local Temperature Dztafor This Dste.


iHighest. .".SS in 1900ILowest. «• sin 1898

;Local Precipitation Datafor TbU Month.

-iNormal S «4S lnoha«Orgies; -In 2884Uast 0.95 In 1877

I\E<T PRE*BTTKIU%> CBUKCft.On 421 St.. between 3th and StS ivei.

Rev. ANTHONY H. EVANS. D D.. Paste*preaches at 11 a. m. and 3 p._tn. \u25a0__

SERV] \u25a0'-- in Christ> Mission. 231 <jr-»t 3T*V

St.. Rev.JAMES A.O'CONNOR. ***** BhisbUi iafternoon. 3:30. Rev. Dr. M'GERALD pr-acftr».Subject, "Christ'i Co.T.lng for All Mankind.





,Ct*tr.-a;H>tß tsk« at 8 p.«-. 752> a*ri*lJaH6ot, tat*-f«- Airpressure reduce* to sea level.

***<w, -..-,. toss \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .."points ef canal \u25a0-\u25a0ptKce.

"I .-,-'•

Ua!*nrs. dotted hoe*. pass 0"ouc!ipwnts Cf r»>»\u25a0« enMm«rlyfc»r zera.irersinc. 90.ird100 decrees.O Ctr-. O Party Oondr.

•Cloudy; 11Rain; S Sno*,

M fsporf inssnis. Arrows fiy wiflla>e wind. •

Txv t«r.Tcs \u25a0mtvzvt tenperasrr; second, 24-hour prcdp-»»o» of CI nr' or mow.tor 2« ba«r« ending 6p. m *es-

*^*C*t:tt:rd.v.rad»xtecty»hra ormore milesper boar.

OLD FIRST CHURCHSth- Aye.. 11th to 12th St,

Rev. HOWARD DUFFIELD. D. D.. Pastor.Rev. ROBERT MACKENZIE. D. D.. wiU preach.

11 a. m.—

Subject, "The Appeal ofChristmas to the Hearts of Men."

8 p. m.—

Oratorio, "The Messiah." under di-rection of WUlim C. Carl, organist and choir-

master^ Augmented choir. All teats fr»*.CENTBAiTI*RK-B\ \u25a0! !It] CIIUKCU.

West 57th at., between Broadway and 7:h aye.Rev. WILTON MERLE-SMITH. D. 1.. Pastor.

Rev. G. 11. SMYTH. Jr.. Assistant.Dr. MERLE-SMITH preaches 11 a. m. A S p. m.Ev«ning subject: "CHRISTMAS OPTIMISM/*

Christian Endeavor meeting Sunday mnrataa;.0:«. Young: Men's Bible Class. 10 a. m. Sun-day School at 3 p. r.i. Devotional Meetln«Wednesday at Sp. m. All welcome.

CHURCH of tfce TR-A.NSKIGURATION.I\u25a0-- -3-

CHRISTMAS DAYCommunions. «. 7. $.9 Cot*-

con«*3 3faaa. Orchestra and Sermon. lOri''*.CHORAL EVENSONG. 4. Orchestr*.

ALLSOULS* *Unltarian>. 4th are.. 011 •«.—

Rev. THOMAS R. SLICE!:. Pa«t.->' willpr>*srha CHRISTMAS SEItMO.V. 3p*»cUl mu»' i^*"-vWa 11 a. tn. Allcordially irv'n^._"Spiritual and ethical society. f«2West 125th St.—Mrs. HELEN TEMPLE BRIO-HAM speaks moraine and evenins. Evenir-rtb«m»t*"Wh»t Db^« GlyrT^


—Meetings for Worship. I*4 Kast »»»\u25a0 st.

New Ycrk: Washington ami LaOiy^t! \u25a0 .-»v««« .Brooklyn. 11 o'cioefc.



Christmas s«rmou» nnj \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 1! a. n.and Ip. m. _


M*"tingit for worship. 11 a. m.. at SSI E2«t13th st.. Manhattan, and 110 3ch<*rm«ri at.Brooklyn.

GRACE. 104ta. W. of Cotumbu*. CbHiltiaF. Relsner. 11. '"Christmas Happ!n<J»." »

1 "Puma ILike." Blrda" fionga rtprctto**-.*.«;t. -»TerHr>>i CHI'RCH. V^ WVst «ni V»".

t'HKLSTMiS PAY <i|;K\lU>.•and II .V M. Mil !V. M

ALL SOULS' (AntSon Memorial) CHPmV,St. Nicholas arc. 114th St.. liev. G. STARK-WEATHKR PRATT. Rector— twrvlcg*.£


Amsterdam aye. I'.ev. Dr. ANSON P. ATTEIS-BURY. rajtor. Servjce;* <• 11 a. m. and


MEMORIAL BAPTIST. WashlnsrtonrSauarr—EDWARD JUDSON, Pastor, will preach \u25a0] Mr.SIMMONS a.

CUUKCH CF ZIOS AND ST. TIMOTHY.334 West 57th Street.

Rector. Rev. HENRY LUBECK. D. C. UHoly Communion (Choral) Urn.Morning Prayer: Holy Communion; preach-

er, th« Rector 11 a. m.Children's Carol Service; preacher. Key.

Dr. Rustiton .. 4 p.m."~THE UNION THEOL»O<»IeAL SEMINARY

.in the City of New York.Service !n the Chapel, Claremont Avenue, be-

tween li"Oth and 122d.Streets, at eleven o'clock.Preacher, the Rev. Professor CHARLES P.i \ INANI,D. D.The attendance of all not regularly worshipping*


CHURCH, corner «*>th Street.Rev. WALLACE MACMULLEN.D. D.. Pastor.

11 A- M.—

V»reachlas by th« Pastor, 'TheChristmas Glorj'" Hpecisl Christmas Music-

>\u25a0 m—

Tho Cantata. "The Shepherds' Vision."tv Horatio Parker, willbe suns; br the choir.Extra Instrumental roosic morning and evening.

Z7ZT&T. \u25a0 PArfL'f* MCTHODIST CHURCH,\V(st End Avenuo *nd Mlth Street.

Itev. GEORGE P. ECKMAN. £>. d.. Pastor.CIIKIST3IASMUSIC; Choir assisted by Mr.

(.r-.irKf llarrlere-. Flutf ««nloi»f11 A. M.—"THE CHRISTMAS MESSAGE."iX M.—CHRISTMAS CANTATA. Th« Star

of Uethlehem.


PLYMOUTHCHURCH. n»n«f> Stwt. between\u25a0i ,- and llenrv Streets.—

The pastor Rev.NEWELL PWIGHT HILLJS. will preach. *«rvlc*» at W>:4s A. M. and 7:45 P. M. Moni:nr


<—\u25a0\u25a0* mualo. ."-.I Dr. Kill.* will »p-»x en"Charles Dickens* Christmas <\u25a0».--•' a-.* th« Itv-fltjenc- of tho I?a7 _

a Oold anl Mls«rtx Him**

portion: Sunday fair, much colder; brisk to highsouthwest to northwest winds. '

1r',.' \u25a0

For Western Pennsylvania, snow and eolflerto-day, much colder by night: Sunday fair, ex-cept snow flurrieß near Lake Erie; brisk aouth-wa*t to northwest winds. , 1. \u25a0",.'"

For Western New York/ snow and colder to-day and Sunday; brick to high southwest to

northwest winds.\u25a0\u25a0••' N**w England, snow In northern, rain or

snow in southern portion to-day: Sunday fair insouthern local snows in northern portion, muchcolder; brisk to high southwest to west winds.

Official observations of United States weatherbureaus, taken at 8 p. m. yesterday, follow:

cay Temperature. Weather.Albany

•'' Cloudy

Atlantic City M CloudyBoston

** CloudyI':n..U. •£ RainChicago

— -'• know

Km Orleans \u25a0»» CloudySt. Louis*

•*•* ClearWashington \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0

—•&* Rain Official Record.—

following officialrecord from the Weather Bureau shewn the

chansra in th« temperature for the last twenty-

four hours In comparison with the correspondingdale of laat year:

IJW?>. 1H1" \u25a0

•\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0 1910.3 a m ... •'•" *'• Op. m...... •"' 3fl<t a. m. 30 -• Op. m H 43»an» ... 8-2 2" 11 p. m M 44

JV-s:::::: * \u25a0 P'm S7 ~

Uigheet temporal y«*nterday, 44 ii<"gT«w>;

loweet, S3 (at 4:15 a. m.); overage. .d, averagetcr corrcFponding daw last year. 34; average forcorresponding •i"l' il!

"' thirty-three >*.ars, ,T5.

i' .aiForecast.— To-day, rain or wow; Sunday

falrTtnurh <-oI.1t; brisk to high southwest to

uu'nh.-. tMt wind*.

Madison square fresbyterian.10:30 A. M.

Meditation MistakeTwo harps, 'cello, trumpet and organ.

Avo Maria.. '. .-...LuzsiTrumpet solo.

At» Maria .SchubertTwo harps.

Andante EeUgloso. .... Thorns'Cello solo.

The Nun's Prayer ..OberthurHarp, 'cello, trumpet and organ.

Symphony (from The Messiah) HandelOrgan.

Processional hymn: Adest* Fldeles. .SanctU3 and Benedictus (from Mass in E

Cat) "WeberCradle Song of the Virgin..-. .BrahmsAlto solo and chorus: "cello, harp and organ.Offertory, Sancta Mater (from Stabat

Mater) RossiniHoly Xlght, Christmas Carol . .SchneckerRecessional hymn: Still Will We Trust.'. •

FlemmlngP»etlude: INeed Thee Every Hour.' * . 7:30 F. M.Prelude:

Agitato: Gratzloso ParkhurstTwo harps, "cello, trumpet and organ.

Schone Erinnerung HarmTwo harps.

Meditation LavaleeTrumpet solo.

Karnennol O«trow RubinsteinHarp, 'cello, trumpet and organ.

Aria from Suite in D BachOrgan.

Cradle Song Nolck'Cello solo.

Processional hymn: Holy. Holy. Holy..DykesChorus: By Babylon's WIN GounodWhen Ontrard IAm Gazing (from Christ-

mas Eve) OadeSoil and chores.

Christmas Carol ..• BarnbyOffertory: Aye Maria Mascheronl

Arranged for two harps, 'cello, trumpst.. organ and chorus.Chorus: Shades of Eve SchubertRecessional hymn:Hark. Hark. My Soul. DykesPostlude: Cast Thy Burden on the Lord.Hews

'Cello and organ.


Prelude: Pastoral Symphony HandelProcessional: O Come AllYe Faithful.ReadingCommunion Service, in F SteaneRecessional: Hark, What Mean Those

Holy Voices? :.'.. GearPostlude: Hallelujah Chorus Handel

Prelude: Sonata In D ....PeaceProcessional: O Come. AllYe Faithful.ReadingTa Deum in E Flat WarelnjrAnthem*:

Thou Art My Son AdamsBehold My Servant... Harris

Communion Service in E flat StalnierRecessional: Joy Fills Our Inmost Souls

To-day SmithPostlude: Pastoral Sonata... Rhelnberger


Prelude: Prayer "WagnerYon Ende violin choir.

Anthem: Silent Night RlesbergWith violin ohbl'gato.

Lullaby: Sleep, Baby, Sleep AdamsOffertory: Soring-tlm* (arranged by Rice).Grieg

Yon Ende violin choir.Chant: BTessed Be Thou, O Lord God. iNight Divine Offenbach

Duet, with violin obbligato.Anthem: Like Silver Lamps . Dubols

8 P. M.Prelude: Christmas Sketch Yon Hoist

them: Draw Nijrh. Iznmaxiuei..Old FrenchOffertory: O Holy Nisrht AdamChant: Blessed Be Thou. O Lord God.Postlude: Cantilena Pastorale Ashmall


Prelude for violin, 'cello, harp, organ and bells:The Shepherds at the Manger LisztOld Christmas Song LisztRevert* Krlens

Choral: Break Forth. O Beauteous Heav-enly Light Bach

Anthem: Glory to God in the Highest. .MozartCarols:

A Joyful Christmas Song Old French(Arranged by Gevaert)

The Sleep of the Child Jesus.... Old French(Arranged by Gevaert)

Hark, the Christmas Bella "WardOffertory: Arise. Shine Saint-SaensCarol: Silent Night Old German

(Arranged by Damroseh)Postlude: March of the Magi Liszt*

ito *\r*"- "

Prelude for violin, 'cello, harp and organ:Benedictus OtisBerceuse GodardFantasia on Christmas Hymns Guilniint

Anthem: Glory to God N»bleSolo: Christmas Kong- of the Old«n Time. .Liszt

?nedicttis Otis\u25a0rceuse GodarrtinraaSa on Christmas Hymns. .. .Gullnnnt\u25a0>*m: Glory to God N»ble

Christmas Pong- of the OId«n Time. .LisztCs>rols:

Three Kings of the OrientCornellus-Damrosch

To re Is Born Tmmanuel PrjetorlusSleep, My Little One Reger

lude: Reverie Kriens


Prelude: Christmas Pastoral*. .Rdg?r-DracAss<»Carols:

Puer Natus in Bethlehem GevaertChristmas Carol of the, Pifferari. NeapolitanThe Sleep of the Child Jesus .. .Old FrenchA Child Is Bora in Bethlehem. .. ChadwickSing Joyously .Old FrenchWhen Christ Was Born .StokovekiAlleluia! Christian!Come Ye Lofty Old EnglishA Joyous Christmas Carol Old French

The Shepherd's Christmas Song. .De LangeGloria in Excelsis De Lan??

The Oratorio Of The Messiah Handel


Choir processional: As \u25a0with Gladness Menof Old Keener

Christmas Doxology: Joy to the World.HandelChoral Anthem: And the Glory of the Lord• The Messiah) HandelGloria Patri storesThe Shepherds of Bethlehem Harker

Quartet and chorus.Prayer Ar.tlphon BowmanAas-ls from the Realms of Glory SmartO Thou That Tellest -. Handel-

Recitative, air and chorus.Ascription: The Hallelujah HandelOrgan Pcst''jil»" Glory to God In the High-

est HandelS P. M.

Or*an Processional: Angels from theRealms of Glory ......Smart

Christmas Dcxolojy: O Come All YeFaithful .Reading

Sing, O Heavens: and Be Joyful, O EarthMaunder

Gloria PatrJ GreatorexTh* Angel Gabriel (quartet) StevensonAntlphon Eow»ianO'er Salam's Toners West

Solo from The Story of Bethlehem.Hark' the Herald Angels Sin? .. MendelssohnCanilque de Noel: Holy Night AdamCradle hymn, written by Martin Luther for

-his children. Spllman

Tvllieht organ recital:March of the Wise Men .DubolsThe Pastoral Symphony (The Messiah)

HandelPrayer and Cradle Song ..Guilmant

Chr,'.r Recessional: Glory to th» Klne- ofKings Whinfleld


Orsran Prelude: Th? Shepherds In theField Mallln

Christmas Pastorale MerkelTc Deum. in E flat MotleyJubilate, in A flat FooteIntroit: Sleep. Holy Babe Old EnglishOffertory anthem: Lo, How a Rose E'er

Blooming PraßtoriasO-tran Postlude,: Toccata and 'Fugue in D

minor Bach


Organ Prelude: Weshnacht3 Pastorale. MerkelAr.them: Welcome. Happy Morn .. Chadwick

With bass solo.Anthem: IWill Set His Dominion In th»

Sea. ParkerTenor Selo: Recitative: Comfort Ye My

People: and Aria. Every Valley (fromthe oratorio, (The Messiah) Handel

It Came Upon the Midnight Clear .. SullivanOffertory: Organ. Chant Pastoral DuboisGlory to God In the Highest Massenet

Contralto solo.Anthem: Born To-day BweelincOrgan Postlude: Hosanna ....Wachs

S P. M.Orsran Prelude Overture (Anthem 12).HandelAnthem: Glory to God in the Highest. PergoleslAnthem: Kingdom of Light Lutkin

With tenor solo.Barytone solo: Nazareth GounodOld French Noel: The Sleep of Jesus

GevaertOffertory: Organ: Dialogue KleinSong of Noel Adam

Soprano solo.Anthem : Bethlehem Bartlett

With poli for soprano and alto.Organ Postlude: Christmas Rhapsody. .Clgoat


Prelude: Pastorale PelzerK.vrie RheinbergerClorla. RheinbergerGraduate: Adeste Fideles Novell©Credo GuilmantOffertory: O Dies Praeclara GounodPi

Adeste Fideles

RheinbergerO Dirs I'racilara Gounod

Rheint cre^rApnus Del ..." RheinberserCommunion: Resonet In Laudibus KleinProcessional: Sonata In D Guilniant


Organ Prelude: Pastorale Rheinberger(First movement.)

i"\.rol: Tha First Noel TraditionalSentence ColoAnthem: (from the Holy Child) Parker£?a.nctus KennedyResponse GibsonOffertory anthem: Th* Three Kings.CorneiiousAnthom: Rejoice (from The Holy Child)

ParkerAmen: Sevenfold StalnerOrgan Postlude: Hallelujah Chorus. .. .'Handel

4:30 P. M.

Prelude: Strings, harp and organ:Meditation: Harp of Bt Cecelia WiegaKftverie GannIntermezzo MassenotHaramenal Itulwinst;Aye Maria Schubert

Carol: When Christ Was Born.OKertory Carol: Old Breton Melody.Cantlque de Noel (entire) Saint-SaensPout lude: .

Adagiette: L'Arltfiianno BizetPrize Son?: Die Metatersinger WagnerSons dv Solr .KrlensCoronation March: Le Prophete.. Meyerbeer


Kyrlrt and Gloria .Tlbl-TallisOfttrtory: T'js....Sanctus and Benedictus qul V. alt In B

flat . SimperA»uus Dei Coombs

METROPOLITAN TEMPLE.i^ing. O Heavens ToursChristians, Awake » MaunderThe Lord Is Exalted WestThe (lift BehrensHalleluiah Chorus (The Messiah) Handel

Cm KGB op st. mart the virgin.10:43 A. M.

Overture to Athalle MendelssohnSolemn Procession ..) _ .Mass la B flat i .SchubertOffertory: <> Come. Redeemer WestI'ustiud'--: Imperial March


4 P. M.Prelude: Peaceful Night R*sehVespers laCaro-V

'" "* - '"•ZtJvUn^Ol.ristmßß Caro k.

Solemn Procession.



• Organ Prelude: Noel Dubois!Processional: Hymn 559 Harrat

i Communion Service in F Tours•Offertory: Carol. Sleep, Holy Babe FieldRecessional: Hymn 31.

iia. miOrgan Prelude: Christmas Themes. —.. .BuckiProcessional :Kvmn 539 Harrat

Kyri* Eleison; Gloria Tibl, In F Tour*Hymn 53.

• iOffertory anthem: Let Us Now Go EvenUnto Bethlehem Woodman

i'Saisctus ...GounodRecessional: Hymn 51.

: Organ Postlude: Hosanna WachsIP. M.

!Organ Prelude: Christmas Themes Buck,Processional: Noel AncientChristmas Cantata: The Message of the

Star WoodmanOffertory Carol: Sleep, Holy Babe Field

!Sevenfold Amen StainarjRecessional: Hymn 539 HarratjOrgan Postlude: Hosanna Wachs


iHark! What Mean Those Holy Voices?. .StairiVirgin Lullaby, from Coming of the

Kin? BuckContralto solo.

IIfwith Your Heart MendelssohnTenor solo.

iCome Unto IN (The Messiah) HandelSoprano solo.

;Quartet: There. Where Shepherds Buck!ItCame Upon th« Midnight Clear. ..-.Bartlett'Nazareth .- Gounod

Basso solo.


;Sing. O -Heavens ToursjNazareth Gounod- West

Barytone solo and chorus.jChristmas CarrIAr.clent Christmas Songs (a Cappella):

Es Ist Em Ros Entsprungen Prjetorius(Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming:.)

Chanson Joyeuse d« Noel.(A Joyful Christmas Song.)

« P. M.;Oratorio : The Messiah Handel


11 A. M.'

". ':Pastorale \u25a0 SullivanCalm on the Listening Ear ParkerThe Birthday of a King NeidllngerChristmas Oratorio Saint-Sa«r.a

iHozanna WachsiSing. O Heavens ToursKing All Glorious Barnby

jHoly Night Adam


! Organ Prelude: Pastorale In A GnilmantJ Anthems:

Christians Awake FreyGloria in Excelsis ; Schnecker

!O Holy Night AdamSoprano solo.|Anthem: Sing. O Sing This Happy Morn

RogersOrgan Foßtlud<»: March of the Magi Kings

Dubois" \u25a0\u25a0:-? ... a P. M.Organ Prelude: Halleluiah Chorus HandelAnthem: Break Forth Into Joy Spencs


Or»an Prelude: Fantasia on Two Christ-mas Hymns: Noel and Adeste FldelesGuilmant

Anthem: Sing. O Heavens ...ToursThere Was Joy in Heaven Smart

• ;. - Duet.Glory to Heaven's Eternal Kin* .. Helmand

-\u25a0• Solo.

Organ: Halleluiah Chorus Handel IS P. M.

Organ Prelude: Fantasia .........BatisteChristmas Carols:

Christmas Morn \u0084 AdamsWhen Chriit Was Born BrownWhat Child Is This?When the Sun Had Sunk to Rest.Old EnglishWhen IView the Mother Holding. .BarnbyThe First Noel.

Pastoral© on the Organ MacMaster i

Tho Virgin's Lullaby Buck 1Solo.

Christmas Carols:There Dwelt a King West \We Three Kings of Orient Are.The Angels and the Shepherds Riedel iA Joyful Christmas Song Gevaert ISilent Night Barnby iGlory to God In the Highest . .Pergolesi I

Organ Postlude. .; Rogers'V.v.-


The Messiah Handel '•


Prelude: Romance Bernard |Organ and flute.

.Anthem: Noel Gounod'Trio: My Soul Dcth Magnify the Lord..

Saint-Saens !O Holy Night Adam j

Contralto solo.Offertory: Ada?lo Mozart !

Organ and flute.Anthem: Calm on the Listening Ear of

Night Harker IPostlude: Halleluiah Chorus Handel I

7:30 P. M.Cantata: The Star of Bethlehem HarkerPrelude: Andan:s Con Moto.

Organ and flute.Offertory. Scene d'Orphee Qluek.

Organ and flute.Postlude: Christmas March Merkel


Organ Prelude FulmerProcessional: Holy. Holy DykesAr.therr.:Glory to God Simper jAnthem: Behold the Tears (The Nativity).Pilgrims of the Night Westbropke '\u25a0

Solo and chorus.Offertory: O Sing to God GounodJoy to the World Handel ,A!, Hail th«» Power of Jesus' Name Holden '•Organ Postlude.

7 30 P. M.Organ Prelude.O Come All Ye Faithful.Chorus: And the Glory of th« Lord (The

Messiah >HandelThe People That Walked in Darkness (The

Messiah) Handel ;Snlo.

For Unto Us a Child la Born (The Mes-siah) Handel .

\u25a0 Chorus.Star of the Orient Shelley

Solo. ICnrol anthem: The First Christmas .. Barnby .Hymn: Jesus Shall Reign.But Who May Abide <Tha Messiah). ..Handel i

Solo.Ar-them: Hark. Hark. My Soul ShelleyOrgan Postlude.

- ->» .:


11 A. M.Th»«r<« Were Shepherds ...Foster iTeH It Once Again Schiiiinif IThe Christ Child CoombsCarol Anthem: While Shepherds Watched

Shackley j

Gloria In Exce1515.... ... .../...•..-•-•CJemson>"unc Dimitfis Gregorian

n a. m.iPrelude: Hymn to St. Cecelia- .•••\u25a0- \u25a0 -Gounod;Kyri-? and Gloria Tibl in E flat...- --•-,- reOfiertory: There Were Shepherds ADldms

in th9Fields \u25a0 ••-.Vincent

Sanctus and Benedicts gui Vcnlt in _-Eat Eyre

-Sevenfold Amen Stalner!Gloria in Excelsis in E flat.... >'r«IXunc Dimittis Gregorian1Postlude: March In E. -..Faulkes

\u25a0 P. M.

Proluda: Intermezzo in D flat -.Hollins:Carols :

There's a Song in the Air CoombsThe First XoeX

' * ~

We Three Kings of Orient Are HopkinsNow Lift the Carol. Men and Maid*..BrownAway In a Mansrar.., SpillaianGood King w>ncesia.«. .

;Postlud*: March from Suite for Organ- .Rogers


Prelude from Christmas Oratorio....Salnt-SaensViolin and organ. 2.

T° Deum in B flat ..Pointer iiJubilate in F Tours;Introit: Hark, What Mean Those Holy

Voices? MarksjCommunion Service In E fiat Marks.iOffertory: There Were Shepherds: Glory

to God. and Hallelujah (Messiah) HandelPosilude: Adoration Borowski

IP.M.Preluda: Chanson: Meditation Cottenet |Magnificat and Nuac Dimittis in E flat..


!Sacred Cantata: The Story of Bethlehem. WestPostlude: Romance Rles


Crsan Prelude: :Pastoral Symphony (Th«Messiah) Has(?«! j

introit: And the Glory of the Lord (TheMessiah ) Handel |

Hymn 249 Tune. Onido ;

Anthem: Nazareth GounodOffertory: Alto solo and chorus (The Mes-

siah) Handal iHymn 243 Tune. Herald Angels ,Rejoice Greatly (The Messiah) Handel ,

Soprano solo.Chorus: Hallelujah (The Messiah).:. ..HandelHymn 312 Tun*. Harwell \u25a0

Organ Postlude: Alleluia Dubois j8 P. M.

Organ Prelude: The Holy Night Euck !Hymn 224. Tune, ArielChorus: Lo, How a. Rose, E'er Blooming-.

PrsetoriusOffertory Sunset LemireHymn 137 Tune, Regan: Square IThe Holy Night.

Christmas Cantata for selL quartet andchorus, with organ accompaniment.

Hymn 220 Tune, Miles LaneOrg-an Posting": Christmas Pastorale....

Salnt-Saens i


i•*••»« fc«-orcl smil rore~i*t.— \V_ehiaston.

•*«- r3—Tbf mm dieiurt>ane« BMW


Jroni the South Atlantic etatee north-•**» through Ontario, tut with wmewbat |\u25a0ajiß*r in-«.n«ny. \u25a0, T.-g^^ii durine Fri- j\u25a0W by r-cral mowa over the northern and i

*Utt, <,-.>r *4m southern district* east of the ;

•\u25a0tar- RjTer, and much higher temper- ;

£\u25a0*•\u25a0 \u25a0?- the Atlantic elates, the- upper Ohioj&llfryajj^ til3 ea£ter

_lo'aer lake region. la.*

Middle V»"est pressure Is risla* rapidly, j?** cicar and decidedly colder weather, and j**•« »i- uarninpi! have been ordered in.*riion» of .1,4 upper Mississippi Valley and ;***

\u25a0\u25a0*« lafca region »nd fruai warning* as j**r Cowe aa the West Ter.-ae coast. In the'^cse w««t pr«aeurc is again fallIns rapidly,**&mucij higher temperature, but with fair•taintr except la the north I'acific stales and j•^ttitata, -a-heie there were local rains and :****«• Haom and rains Saturday in the At-|**U?et&wg will be followed IV clearinc and |**«« colder «rca£ber during the night, txcept•*

sorthrrn Sew England, where local ssows*** like'y to eontinua Sunday. Soowb will*"*»continue funday inthe upper Ohio Valley

j lt*s greater portion of the 1... region. \u25a0

f^'bwe over the country the wather will'

« l̂r> **'*«*in tb« Pa'-Mc-

•»»«. w)i<-r"\u25a0


""~11" be ra.irjs and in »ho <-xtr«*zu«s North- j

?*• *1»«e li»er« «niU be Jocal onows. j-**~H! be ~*ri<j.,:iv roloW- >atur<3ay iiuM-I-•- ... t_c ialic rv;it/u a—S tUe iliiai*-i,

mndasa have b<*n «rdere4 iTor Eaatern io«a:Wisconsin, ilicliiinn. Northern I»kiois. *£w£t

SSTSin* temperature lor .Arkansas and the Interior or

sis ;

I «rt Oulf Com*, mod-

|..Mlfor >p«iul LooalJUrs.— For th« Dis-

trict cf Columbia and Mar>land, rain cr tnow

to-day colder by afternoon; .«un<3ar fair and

much 'colJex: moderate, shifting winds, HUIIM

lns Mlnorthwest.For Delaware, rain to-fiay. colder at nlgW.

Sunday fair, much colder; fertile to**•h{ftlßir

irfndi» btcomisg northwest.

F^r New J^rs^y,>a!n In s uthern. rain or"jn'

northern portion to-day, colder at nl«hr ;\u25a0 311. ««h aolter: bri.k to M*+mm

rasn or «^Jc'r .Tf.-r hr Blrhl• Sun.lav fair, much uclder;

SSt'^SjK "wftl»K Stady. Nomine nonh-


r«. t*n» N"w Yurk. rain' cr miow to-flay.

ES2 taW&SertS and at nirnt in caBl6ra

U. S. Department of Agriculture,VL,WEATHER*{7 &0WILLIS L MOORE. Chief.