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1st of Batxillerat - Summer homework 1 Contents Unit 1 revision page 2 Unit 2 revision page 6 Unit 3 revision page 10 Unit 4 revision page 14 Unit 5 revision page 18 Unit 6 revision page 22 Compositions page 26 Students name: .............................
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1st of Batxillerat - Summer homework



Unit 1 revision page 2

Unit 2 revision page 6

Unit 3 revision page 10

Unit 4 revision page 14

Unit 5 revision page 18

Unit 6 revision page 22

Compositions page 26

Student’s name: .............................

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1st of Batxillerat - Summer homework


Unit 1 Grammar practice

Present tense review

1 Put the words in the correct order to form sentences.

recently / been / you / anywhere / Have / interesting / ?

Have you been anywhere interesting recently?

1 adults / social networking sites / days / use / Many / these


2 replacing / is / communication / Technology / face-to-face


3 Peter / at home / staying / today / is


4 you / for / at / Are / exams / moment / studying / the / ?


5 every / meet / Do / day / you / friends / your / ?


2 Write sentences. Use the verb tenses in brackets.

Fred / stay / with his grandparents / in the holidays

(present simple)

Fred stays with his grandparents in the holidays.

1 I / not play / tennis / today / because / it / rain

(present continuous)


2 Rafa / not often use / the phone / but / he / text / a lot

(present simple)


3 Annie / not work / today (present continuous)


4 you / listen / to music / every evening?

(present simple)


5 who / Sally / talk to / on the phone / ?

(present continuous)


3 Write sentences. Use the present perfect.

how many / text messages / you / send / today?

How many text messages have you sent today?

1 you / change / your / email address?


2 I / not speak / to / Joe / today


3 you / finish / using / the computer?


4 not phone / Paul / us / this week


5 how long / you / have / a laptop?


4 Choose the correct alternatives.

‘Can I see your homework, please, Jane?’

‘I’m sorry. I haven’t finished / didn’t finish it.’

1 ‘Let’s get something to eat. I’m really hungry.’

‘Hungry? But you’ve have / you’ve had dinner!’

2 ‘Did Alicia go / Has Alicia been to Canada before?’

‘No, she never travel / she’s never travelled outside the UK


3 ‘What’s wrong with your hand?’

‘I’ve broken / break it.’

4 ‘Perhaps you should rest, Lucy. You’ve looked / look very


‘I am. I’ve been / am to the gym every day this week.’

5 ‘Did you hear / Have you heard from Glen this week?’

‘Yes, he called / he’s called twice today.’

6 ‘Do you want / Are you wanting to go out?’

‘No, it still rains / ’s still raining.’

7 ‘How often does the bus go / is the bus going into town?’

‘It is going / goes every hour on week days.’

8 ‘Quick! Run! There’s our bus!’

‘Oh no! We’re missing / ’ve missed it!’

for / since / just / yet / already

5 Choose A, B or C to complete the sentences.

Do you know where Sara is? I haven’t heard from her

A ages.

A for B since C yet

1 I’ve ________ given up, but Toni is still trying to do that

maths exercise.

A for B already C yet

2 Have you met the new language assistant ________ ?

A yet B already C just

3 She’s upset because she’s ________ seen her boyfriend

with another girl.

A just B since C yet

4 My computer is broken, so I haven’t checked my messages

________ .

A since B already C yet

5 Where have you been ________ the past hour?

A since B for C already

6 I haven’t seen my brother ________ he came home at


A since B for C yet

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Unit 1 Vocabulary practice


1 Complete the sentences with the words in the list.

cousin grandfather granddaughter husband nephew niece uncle wife

Your aunt’s son is your cousin.

1 Your dad is your mum’s ____________________ .

2 Your sister is your grandmother’s ____________________ .

3 Your sister’s daughter is your ____________________ .

4 Your dad’s brother is your ____________________ .

5 Your mum is your dad’s ____________________ .

6 Your sister’s son is your ____________________ .

7 Your dad’s father is your ____________________ .

2 Match 1–7 with A–H.

to split up A someone out

1 to ask B someone up

2 to fall C well with someone

3 to get married D in love with someone

4 to chat E someone

5 to get on F an argument with someone

6 to have G with someone

7 to fancy H to someone

Appearance and personality

3 Match the words in the list with the definitions.

ears eyes freckles hair mouth neck nose teeth

You smell and breathe with it. nose

1 You see with them. ____________________

2 You eat and breathe with it. ____________________

3 It’s on the top of your head. ____________________

4 You eat with them. ____________________

5 They’re on your skin and often appear in the summer.


6 You listen with them. ____________________

7 It’s between your head and your body.


4 Put the adjectives in the correct column.

hard-working casual curly funny fashionable friendly shy generous long patient tall

Appearance Personality


5 Choose the correct alternatives.

I want you to give a / an A answer. No more lies, please!

A honest B serious

C positive D innocent

1 Alice is very _______ and she’s determined to do well in her


A practical B bad-tempered

C ambitious D active

2 David is really _______ . One minute he’s happy and the

next minute he’s sad.

A moody B impatient

C brave D talkative

3 Katie is quite _______ and she gets upset easily by people’s


A curious B sensible

C big-headed D sensitive

4 He’s too _______ to buy a sandwich even when he’s very


A negative B mean

C tolerant D hard-working

5 I’ve studied hard and I feel _______ that I can pass the


A shy B intelligent

C intolerant D confident

6 Chloë is a _______ person and she’s always in a good


A generous B patient

C cheerful D sad

7 Sue is really _______ and she’s always telling everyone that

she’s the best.

A big-headed B selfish

C determined D loyal

Verb + -ing form / to infinitive

6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the bold


I’m bored of reading (read) this fashion magazine.

1 Debbie has gone to the shopping centre

____________________ (buy) some shoes.

2 Mark finds it difficult ____________________ (do) maths


3 I should spend more time ____________________ (read) in


4 Sam doesn’t feel like ____________________ (go) to the


5 Charlotte needs ____________________ (change) her hair


6 ____________________ (smoke) is not allowed in public


7 We’re really happy ____________________ (be) here.

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Unit 1 Writing practice

Improve your writing


1 Correct two mistakes in each section of the profile.

Name samantha malherbe

Samantha Malherbe

Where you’re from

I’m from johannesburg, south Africa.


Ill be seventeen next week! My birthday is 1 october.


Your family

I live with my parent’s, my sister and my cat! His

names Coco.


Your likes

I like swimming running going out with my friends

and playing tennis.


Your dislikes

¡I dont like cooking!


At the moment …

I’m studying for my french exam. Its next Friday …

Basic linkers

2 Choose the correct alternatives.

1 I’m a vegetarian but / because I love all animals. I can’t

stand the idea of eating them!

2 When I finish school, I want to study interior design and / or

journalism – I haven’t decided yet.

3 I’m learning to ride a motorbike, so / also I’m practising a lot

at the moment.

4 I love music. I play the piano, the guitar and so / also the


5 I’ve got an older brother, because / but he left home last

year. He’s at university in another city.

6 My favourite subjects at school are English also / and


Focus on the text

3 Read the text and match the paragraphs with the headings below.

1 Family B

2 Current activities ____

3 Request for information ____

4 Hobbies and interests ____

5 Personal information ____

A Hi, everyone! My name’s Sinead O’Sullivan, and

I’m sixteen. I’m from dublin, the capital of

Ireland. I’m looking for penfriends all over the

world (1) ___________ I want to learn about

culture in other countries.

B I’ve got three brothers (2) ___________ a sister.

Our house is very noisy, as you can imagine!

C Ireland is famous for it’s music, and I’m really

into all kinds of music – folk, rock, jazz …

At the weekend, my friends and I go to concerts

and gigs. That’s our favourite thing to do.

I (3) ___________ like reading going to the

cinema and eating out.

D I’ve just started taking guitar lessons,

(4) ___________ I’m practising a lot at the

moment. Its not as easy as it looks! I can only

play one song, (5) ___________ I’ll get better!

E What are you doing at the moment? Id love to

hear from you, so please email me!

4 Correct five punctuation and capital letters errors in the profile.






5 Complete the profile with the correct linking words.

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Unit 1 Reading practice


A Susan Maushart’s three teenage children are relaxing at

home in Perth, Australia. Fifteen-year-old Bill is playing

his saxophone. Fourteen-year-old Sussy and eighteen-year-

old Anni are playing a board game in the same room. Ask

the three of them how they prefer to spend their free time,

and they will tell you that it is by doing things together.

However, it has not always been like that.

B Six months earlier, the family spent their time in a very

different way. Sussy and Anni constantly updated their

social networking pages and chatted online to classmates

and acquaintances. Bill shut himself off in his bedroom

with his video games. Susan also disappeared with her

laptop to write ‘crucial’ emails. They lived in the same

house but spent their free time with their online friends

instead of talking to each other. Susan was not happy about

the situation, so she took a very unpopular decision. All the

media technology in the house would be unplugged – for

six months!

C At first, things didn’t go to plan. Sussy became addicted to

the ‘old’ landline telephone to keep in contact with her

friends. However, Bill soon adapted to the situation: he

learnt how to play the saxophone and, eventually, sold his

games computer. Anni sometimes needed to use a

computer to do homework, so she used the computers at

the local library. With time, the two sisters also began to

appreciate the benefits of chatting with the family after

meals and playing board games together. In addition, Sussy

started doing much better at school.

D After six months, the experiment was over. Susan says that

it is not realistic for people who live in the modern world

not to use media technology. However, all the family agree

that they will not let it take over their lives again.

1 Find words in the text that mean:

1 keep apart from other people (paragraph B)


2 very important (paragraph B) ______________

3 disconnected from the electricity supply (paragraph B)


4 a cable that carries telephone signals (paragraph C)


5 to gain control of something (paragraph D) ______________

2 Answer the questions with the names Susan, Anni, Bill and Sussy.

Who …

1 … plays a musical instrument? ______________

2 … used social networking sites? ______________ and


3 … wanted to be alone when they used media technology?

______________ and ______________

4 … continued to chat to her friends from home after the

experiment started? ______________

5 … spent more time in a public building after the experiment

started? ______________

3 Read the text again and choose the correct alternatives.

1 Susan’s family has / hasn’t always done things together.

2 Susan didn’t like her children’s online friends /

the way the family used media technology.

3 Sussy and Anni reacted in the same / a different way to the


4 The experiment was a success from /

wasn’t a success at the beginning.

5 Susan thinks we can / can’t live without media technology in

the modern world.

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Unit 2 Grammar practice

Past tense contrast

1 Identify the verb tense of the bold words. Choose from past

simple, past continuous and past perfect.

I spoke to my father on the phone earlier. past simple

1 I think Ana was playing tennis at 11 o’clock.


2 Nobody had been there before. _______________

3 I didn’t get home until very late last night.


4 Who were you sitting with at the match?


5 By the end of the trip, I’d spent all my money.


2 Choose the correct alternatives.

When I arrived / had arrived home, my father helped me with

my homework.

1 While I was walking home, I was losing / lost my mobile


2 I got up, had breakfast and went / had gone to school.

3 My sister ran / was running through the park when she

broke / was breaking her ankle.

4 While I was travelling / travelled around Italy, I

met / had met a lot of interesting people.

5 When I had arrived / arrived at the sports centre, I realized

I left / had left my trainers at home.

3 Choose A, B or C to complete the text.

At Easter, I went on a cycling trip with my friend, Paul. It was the

first time we C anything like that and I was quite excited when we

(1) __________ . At first, we made good progress, but then we

reached some hills. We (2) __________ much training and we

were soon exhausted, so we (3) __________ our bikes and

walked. While we (4) __________ our bikes up a steep hill, a

group of female cyclists overtook us. At midday, we

(5) __________ for lunch at a café. While we (6) __________ in,

the female cyclists were leaving. They (7) __________ and they

were setting off again!

A did B were doing C had done

1 A set off B were setting off C had set off

2 A didn’t have B weren’t having C hadn’t had

3 A got off B were getting off C had got off

4 A pushed B were pushing C had pushed

5 A stopped B were stopping C had stopped

6 A went B were going C had gone

7 A already ate B were already C had already

eating eaten

4 Complete the sentences with the bold verbs. Use the verb

tenses in brackets.

I didn’t know (not know / past simple) you played the clarinet in

a jazz band.

1 We got the bus home after we ____________________

(spend / past perfect) the afternoon at the sports centre.

2 When I got home, I was very hungry because I

____________________ (not eat / past perfect) anything at


3 We ____________________ (watch / past continuous) a

video when our parents arrived home.

4 When we finally ____________________ (arrive /

past simple) at the cinema, the film had already started.

5 I ____________________ (not listen / past continuous)

when the teacher explained what we had to do.

used to / would

5 Put the words in the correct order to form sentences.

comics / used / when / younger / was / I / to / read / I

I used to read comics when I was younger.

1 use / in / listen to / didn’t / People / the 1960s / to /

rap music


2 walk / I / to / would / school / every morning


3 be / There / a music shop / to / used / here


4 to / have / Did / piano / you / lessons / use / ?


5 Where / live / your parents / did / to / use / ?


6 Choose the correct alternatives.

When I was younger I used to / would love playing board


1 Did you visit / Did you use to visit any interesting places

when you were in France last year?

2 My sister and I would spend / were spending hours

climbing trees when we were kids.

3 When I used to be / was fifteen years old, I belonged to a

martial arts club.

4 Where would you go / were you going for family holidays

when you were a kid?

5 My dad used to play / played the guitar in a band, but he

doesn’t any more.

6 I wouldn’t / didn’t use to like swimming, but now I go twice

a week.

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Unit 2 Vocabulary practice

Free time

1 Match the activities in the list with the pictures.

do crafts do martial arts go shopping make models play the guitar play board games

take photos text friends

do crafts 1_______________________

2_______________________ 3_______________________

4_______________________ 5_______________________

6_______________________ 7_______________________

2 Match the verbs 1–7 with the activities A–H.

listen to A TV

1 read B friends

2 play C the piano

3 go D music

4 meet E on the internet

5 do F magazines

6 watch G to the cinema

7 chat H puzzles

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs do, go and play.

William goes swimming every day at six in the morning!

1 I ____________________ judo after school.

2 Do you want to ____________________ tennis this weekend?

3 Rebecca ____________________ ice skating quite often.

4 The girls’ basketball team is ____________________ in the

final this weekend.

5 We’ve ____________________ gymnastics for five years


6 Lisa wants to ____________________ sailing this summer.

4 Circle the incorrect word in each group. Then write why it is wrong.

reggae cycling hip-hop heavy metal

It isn’t a type of music.

1 surf save download cook


2 read draw paint sketch


3 plot actor magazine screenplay


4 coach dancer player team


5 crafts art football models


-ed and -ing adjectives

5 Choose the correct alternatives.

I thought the film was very amusing / amused.

1 Sarah was really shocking / shocked by what he said.

2 His talk on the history of sport was fascinating /


3 It was very depressing / depressed watching the news on

TV tonight.

4 We were disgusting / disgusted by the hotel room – it was


5 Their first CD was an astonishing / astonished success.

6 I’ve always been frightening / frightened of spiders.

7 I find his voice really irritating / irritated.

Adjective affixes

6 Complete the adjectives with the negative prefixes in the list.

dis- im- dis- il- un- un-

I don’t know what he does to get so much money, but I think it’s


1 He’s really _______reliable and never does anything that he

says he will do.

2 Jack’s comments were _______kind and upset everybody.

3 My mum was _______satisfied with the service and she

asked to speak to the manager.

4 The shop assistant was very _______polite and didn’t say

‘please’ or ‘thank you’.

5 It’s _______legal to drive a car in the UK if you’re under the

age of seventeen.

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Unit 2 Writing practice

Improve your writing

Time expressions

1 Complete the sentences with the words in the list.

ago for last since when until while

(1) _____________ summer, my parents and I

went to Venice for a weekend trip.

(2) _____________ we were checking in at the

reception desk of our hotel, I heard someone call

my name in disbelief. It was my old childhood

friend! Her family had moved away from our town

ages (3) _____________ and (4) _____________

that day, I hadn’t heard from her

(5) _____________ she left. We hadn’t seen each

other (6) _____________ years, but

(7) _____________ we started talking, it was as if

we had never been apart.

2 Replace the underlined words with the words and phrases in the list.

during at first by the time in the end as soon as

1 I used to be terrible at playing the guitar, but I kept practising,

and when I was fifteen years old, I was really good at it.

2 My parents used to take us on long driving holidays and we’d

always get lost! Eventually, they bought a satellite navigation

system – and we’ve never been lost since then.

3 I started rollerblading when I was about twelve years old.

In the beginning, I found it really difficult to balance.

4 Please phone me the moment you arrive at the station.

5 It was very embarrassing when my mobile phone rang

in the middle of the play.

Focus on the text

3 Read the text and order the paragraphs A–F.

A (1) During / While the meal I began to relax a

little. The food was delicious. By the time we’d

reached the end of the first course, I felt

completely at home with Japanese food and


B I picked up a spoon and sipped the liquid. It

didn’t really taste of anything and, (2) at first /

in the end, after several sips, I moved it away

and picked up the pancake instead.

C I remember my first date, a few years (3) since

/ ago. A boy asked me out to a Japanese

restaurant. At first, I was very excited – I loved

eating out, and (4) since / until then, I’d

never tried Japanese food.

D I was just about to bite into it (5) when / while

I realized what I had done. I had drunk the

water in the finger bowl and had almost tried

to eat the face cloth!

E But when we arrived at the restaurant, I

realized that I’d left my glasses at home! I felt

a bit nervous because it was quite dark in the

restaurant and I couldn’t see very well. We

went into the restaurant and (6) first of all /

in the end, we had to sit on the floor, at a

very low table.

F (7) While / When we had finished the first

course, the waitress brought each of us a

steaming white object on a plate. It looked like

a pancake. And with it, she brought us a small

bowl of warm liquid, with a slice of lemon in it.

1 C

2 ____

3 ____

4 ____

5 ____

6 ____

4 Circle the correct alternatives in the text.

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Unit 2 Reading practice

Working for a hobby

A When 16-year-old Jamal Edwards received a video camera

for Christmas, he did not realize that it was going to have

such an amazing impact on his life. Filming his family and

people in the neighbourhood soon became his favourite

pastime, but it was a recording of foxes in his garden in

Acton, London, that made him see his hobby’s potential.

Jamal uploaded his video of the foxes to the internet and was

astonished to see that it received 1,000 visits.

He realized that he could combine his love of filming with

his other great passion: grime music.

B Grime is a type of hip-hop music that started in London. It

used to be impossible to find grime artists on TV, so Jamal

started filming them. He filmed them performing in the

street, in cars and at concerts, and he did what he had done

with his video of the foxes: he uploaded them to the internet.

At the time, there was a growing army of grime fans

desperate to see and hear their favourite rappers in action, so

the videos became an instant success.

C When Jamal saw that thousands of people were watching

and downloading his videos, he decided to create his own

online TV station, SB.TV. At first, he just showed grime

music videos, but he soon added live concerts and interviews

with musicians, and he started using more sophisticated

filming equipment. He also decided to increase the channel’s

appeal by including videos and interviews with musicians

that related to different types of music.

D Now, at the age of 22, Jamal employs twelve people and

SB.TV is visited by millions of viewers. He also works with

a national British TV channel and has just signed a deal with

Sony to create a recording company. Not bad for a hobby

that started with a Christmas present!

1 Find words in the text that mean:

1 the area that surrounds a person’s house (paragraph A)


2 transmitted while events are happening (paragraph C)


3 a quality that makes somebody or something seem attractive

and interesting (paragraph C) __________________

4 to pay someone to work for you (paragraph D)


5 a business agreement (paragraph D) __________________

2 Read the text and write true or false for sentences 1–5. Correct the false sentences.

1 Jamal uploaded a video of his friends and family to the




2 The success of his first video gave Jamal the idea for a new




3 The quality of the videos on SB.TV is the same as when the

station started.



4 SB.TV is not just for fans of grime music.



5 Jamal sold his TV company to Sony.



3 Read the text again and answer the questions. Use your own words and complete sentences.

1 What were Jamal’s two hobbies when he was 16 years old?


2 Why were Jamal’s grime videos successful?



3 Why did Jamal decide to create his own TV station?



4 How did Jamal increase the number of people who watch




5 How many people now work for Jamal?


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Unit 3 Grammar practice

Modal verbs

1 Match sentences 1–5 to the explanations A–F.

She shouldn’t eat so much fast food. E

1 Sara might not live in Bristol for much longer. __________

2 She doesn’t have to revise this evening. __________

3 She must be at home. __________

4 Tim may have her phone number. __________

5 She can’t go out today. __________

A The exam isn’t until next week.

B I saw her bike outside her house.

C She isn’t very well.

D They’re close friends.

E It’s not very healthy.

F She said that she wants to move.

2 Put the words in the correct order to form sentences.

Liz / languages / How / can / speak / many / ?

How many languages can Liz speak?

1 into / mustn’t / exam room / take / Students /

mobile phones / the


2 gym / Sarah / be / the / might / at


3 he / couldn’t / until / eight years old / Tom / read / was


4 class / eat / We / in / allowed / aren’t / to


5 university / might / to / I / year / go / next


6 they / sure / brothers / I’m / can’t / be


7 art project / have / to / We / Monday / hand in /

don’t / the / until


3 Choose the correct alternatives.

I don’t know if I can go to the cinema. I may / could not have


1 I’m not sure where she is. She might / must be upstairs.

2 He hates football, so these might / can’t be his boots.

3 You mustn’t / don’t have to take a dictionary into the

exam. It’s against the rules.

4 That boy looks exactly like Lisa. He must / can be her twin


5 I’m sorry, but you aren’t allowed to / don’t have to sit


6 He should / could work harder if he wants to pass the exam.

7 I used to be embarrassed because I couldn’t /

might not dance.

Modal perfects

4 Which pairs of sentences have the same meaning?

Put a tick () if they are the same or a cross (✗) if

they are different.

They must have finished school by now.

They should have finished school by now. ✗

1 She might have forgotten his birthday.

She may have forgotten his birthday.

2 They could have gone to the cinema.

They must have gone to the cinema.

3 I could have left it on the bus.

I may have left it on the bus.

4 It can’t have disappeared.

It may have disappeared.

5 He should have gone to university.

He could have gone to university.

6 He couldn’t have come by train.

He shouldn’t have come by train.

7 We ought to have helped our parents.

We should have helped our parents.

5 Choose A, B or C to complete the sentences.

I feel sick! I A eaten so much chocolate.

A shouldn’t have B couldn’t have C must have

1 The road is very wet. It __________ rained in the night.

A should have B may have C must have

2 The students are laughing. The teacher __________ said

something funny.

A could have B should have C can’t have

3 The man wasn’t wearing a uniform. He __________ been a


A can’t have B mustn’t have C may not have

4 Dan took them to the station an hour before the train left.

They __________ missed it.

A mustn’t have B might not have C couldn’t have

5 My mum’s beautiful vase is broken. She thinks the cat

__________ knocked it over.

A should have B may have C can’t have

6 My dad has false teeth. He __________ eaten so many

sweets when he was younger.

A shouldn’t have B couldn’t have C mustn’t have

7 The hall was crowded with people, so he __________ been


A mustn’t have B can’t have C might have

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Unit 3 Vocabulary practice

School life

1 Complete the sentences with the names of school subjects in the list.

art English geography history ICT maths music PE science technology

We study…

algebra in maths.

1 electric circuits in _________________________ .

2 computer programs in _________________________ .

3 sports in _________________________ .

4 musical instruments in _________________________ .

5 animal and plant life in _________________________ .

6 grammar and vocabulary in _________________________ .

7 rivers and mountains in _________________________ .

8 the Romans and Greeks in _________________________ .

9 drawing and painting in _________________________ .

2 Choose the correct alternatives.

I always make notes in my notebook / desk.

1 My bag / laptop is really heavy when I put all my books in it.

2 The CD player / pen wasn’t working and we couldn’t do the

listening exercise.

3 Mark left his English book on a poster / shelf in the


4 If you don’t know the meaning of a word, look it up in

a ruler / dictionary.

5 That chair / door is for sitting on, not standing on.

6 Amy left her mobile phone on her window / desk in the

classroom, but it’s disappeared.

3 Match the words in the list with the definitions.

boarding school mixed school primary school school holidays secondary school single-sex school

state school uniform

A school that both boys and girls go to. mixed school

1 A school where students live and study.


2 A set of clothes that people who go to a school wear.


3 A school for children between the ages of five and eleven.


4 A school where only boys or only girls go.


5 A school that is free to go to and is paid for by the

government. _________________________

6 A school for children between the ages of eleven and

eighteen. _________________________

7 Times of the year when students don’t go to school.


Verb collocations

4 Put the words in the list in the correct column.

a break good marks an excuse exercise friends homework a mistake

do make have get

a mistake

5 Choose the correct alternatives.

I always have food / lunch at home.

1 Andy doesn’t start school / classroom until 10 o’clock.

2 Ashley leaves home / house with her parents.

3 We’ve got to do / make a project for geography.

4 Sue takes / makes the bus to school with her friends.

5 Excuse me, can I ask / make a question?

6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the list.

bully copy do expel fail get leave pass play revise for suspend

Students shouldn’t copy their friends’ work.

1 Students can __________________ or

__________________ an exam.

2 Students can __________________ good marks and a


3 Students should never __________________ other students.

4 Students usually have to __________________ homework

every evening.

5 In the UK, students can __________________ school at the

age of sixteen.

6 If students __________________ truant, they will be in


7 A school can _________________ or _________________ a

bad student.

8 Students should leave plenty of time to

__________________ an exam.

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Unit 3 Writing practice

Improve your writing

Opinion expressions

1 Correct the mistakes in the sentences.

As my opinion, everyone should have the right to a free


In my opinion, everyone should have the right to a free


1 As I view it, we all need to take responsibility for what



2 It seems me that it was a misunderstanding.


3 My friends all love art. Getting personal, I’ve got no artistic



4 I’m clear that we can do something about the problem.


5 I view that it’s necessary to be able to do basic maths.


6 I feel that, in conclusion, languages are more useful in

everyday life than science.


7 It’s sure that if you don’t practise speaking a foreign

language, you won’t improve.


8 In conclude, nothing can be achieved without hard work.


2 Match the words and phrases 1–7 with words and phrases A–H which have similar meanings.

as an illustration A but

1 broad B conclusion

2 clear C for example

3 however D general

4 it appears E It seems

5 opinion F obvious

6 speaking for myself G personally

7 summary H view

Focus on the text

3 Read the opinion essay. Then add the missing sentences A–C to spaces 1–3.

A We can now fly to and from more airports, more cheaply and

more frequently than ever before.

B Unless you are able to look through it, you will never see the

panorama around you.

C You cannot really know other people if they cannot speak to

you in their own language.


There are many reasons why we should learn a foreign

language. Personally, I want to learn about and understand

other cultures and, in my opinion, unless you speak the

language of another culture, you can never fully understand it.

(1) ______________________________________________


It is clear that the world has grown much smaller now and

travel is no longer only for the wealthy.

(2) _______________________________________________


However, in order to have a really meaningful travel

experience, you need to know another language. In my view, a

person who does not know the native tongue is excluded from

participating in any way other than that of a tourist – an

outsider looking in. Generally, people are much more willing to

accept you when you show that you are making an effort to

communicate in their language.

In conclusion, I believe that learning a new language is a

window on the world.

(3) _______________________________________________


4 Find words in the opinion essay and sentences A–C that match the following definitions.

1 trying _______________

2 prevented from being part of something _______________

3 cooperative and enthusiastic about doing something


4 a view of a wide area _______________

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Unit 3 Reading practice

Excuse me, do you speak English?

A Approximately one billion people study English so they can

get a qualification and improve their chances of getting a good

salary. However, do their classes prepare them for the

hundreds of ‘World Englishes’ that are spoken today? What

would the students say if they were asked ‘Wherr iz dat boi?’

or told ‘Dun know oreddy lah’?

B The expression ‘World Englishes’ was first used in 1978 to

describe how English has developed in ex-British colonies.

Some of these ‘Englishes’ reflect the speech patterns of the

different people who arrived in the colonies. ‘Wherr iz dat

boi?’ (Where’s that boy?) is an example of Caribbean English

from Barbados, where African slaves had mixed with British

and Irish prisoners. Others show how English was adapted to

the grammar of local languages. ‘Dun know oreddy lah’ (I

don’t know any more than what I told you) is a sentence from

Singlish, which is spoken in Singapore by people who also

speak Malay and languages from China.

C Caribbean English and Singlish are just two examples of

‘World Englishes’, but they give us an idea about what might

happen to the English language. In both Barbados and

Singapore, standard English is used in business, government

and the media, but people use the local dialect at home. Some

people believe that this situation is comparable to modern-day

Arabic, where all Arabs write in the same way but speak local

dialects of the language. And, of course, Arabic, like English,

was once the language of an empire. However, others say that

English has more in common with the language of another

former empire: Latin.

D Latin was spoken across the Roman Empire for centuries.

When the empire collapsed, Latin developed into different

languages like Catalan, Spanish, French and Italian. Is English

going through the same process? Whatever happens, in the

future it is certain that the language will be very different to

the English that students have to study today.

1 Find words in the text that mean:

1 people who are owned by another person and are forced to

work for them (paragraph B) _______________

2 people who are kept in a building for criminals (paragraph B)


3 a regional form of a language (paragraph C)


4 a group of countries that is controlled by one country

(paragraph C) _______________

5 experiencing something (paragraph D) _______________

2 Read the text and choose the correct answers.

1 People take English classes so they can:

A communicate with speakers of ‘World Englishes’.

B get good or better jobs.

C work in different places around the world.

2 The expression ‘World Englishes’:

A refers to the different accents of English speakers.

B was another name for the British colonies.

C refers to developments in the English language in some

parts of the world.

3 Singlish developed when:

A some grammar rules of local languages were used with


B African slaves mixed with speakers of Malay and

Chinese languages.

C English-speakers learnt Malay and Chinese languages.

4 Caribbean English and Singlish:

A are the only examples of ‘World Englishes’ that exist.

B are used in business, government and the media.

C show us how English might develop in the future.

5 Arabic:

A is written differently in each Arab country.

B has developed into different languages.

C has a lot of different dialects.

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Unit 4 Grammar practice

Defining relative clauses

1 Match the sentence halves.

A cinema is a place G

1 New Zealand is the country

2 Steven Spielberg is the director

3 Hollywood Boulevard is a street

4 February or March are the months

5 I don’t like films

6 Toy Story 1 was the first film

A when they usually hold the Oscars ceremony.

B which have unhappy endings.

C where you can see footprints of film stars.

D which used entirely computer-generated images.

E where they made the Lord of the Rings films.

F who made Jurassic Park and War Horse.

G where we watch the latest films.

2 Put the words in the correct order to form sentences.

in / who / the actor / Slumdog Millionaire / He’s / starred

He’s the actor who starred in Slumdog Millionaire.

1 a person / An author / is / writes / who / books


2 dangerous scenes / in / Stunt artists / actors / stars /

replace / are / who


3 he / an Oscar / won / the director / whose / Is /

last year / film / ?


4 like / a lot of / which / action / I / films / have got / only


5 go / when / Saturday / I / the day / to the cinema / is /



6 the restaurant / This / saw / where / I / Brad Pitt / is


3 Cross out the relative pronoun in the sentences if it is not necessary.

Is this the DVD which your brother bought yesterday?

1 We usually go to a cinema which is in the town centre.

2 The students who arrived late must do extra homework.

3 What’s the name of the first film that Spielberg directed?

4 This is the book that we’re studying in class at the moment.

5 The best special effects that I’ve ever seen were in the film


6 He’s the director who made The Artist.

Non-defining relative clauses

4 Underline the relative clauses and write whether they are defining (D) or non-defining (N).

Amy, who doesn’t speak any Spanish at all, is going to live in

Mexico. N

1 The website which you told me about is really

fascinating. __________

2 I’ve just watched the DVD that you gave me. __________

3 Charles Dickens, who is my favourite author, wrote Oliver

Twist. __________

4 The hotel where we stayed in New York was called the

Radisson. __________

5 He comes from a small town in Australia, where my mum

grew up. __________

6 Sean Connery, who was born in Scotland, played James

Bond. __________

7 I visited the castle where they made the Harry Potter

films. __________

5 Choose the correct alternatives.

Emma Watson, who / whose is English, played Hermione in

the Harry Potter films.

1 My favourite music is reggaeton, which / where originated in

the Caribbean.

2 Wellington, where / that Peter Jackson made the

Lord of the Rings films, is in New Zealand.

3 In May, which / when the festival takes place, it’s very warm

and sunny in Cannes.

4 My brother, who / that is crazy about cinema, is making a

film at school.

5 My sister, who / whose idol is Robert Pattinson, has got all

the Twilight DVDs.

6 Complete the sentences with the relative pronouns and adverbs in the list.

whose where who when which whose which

My new e-book reader, which I bought from the supermarket, is

already broken.

1 Jane Austen, _______________ wrote six novels, lived in

the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

2 The neighbours, _______________ cat I am looking after,

are on holiday in France.

3 The hotel next to the beach, _______________ we stayed

last year, has closed down.

4 In summer, _______________ there are a lot of tourists, the

town is very crowded.

5 Kim, _______________ dad is from Tokyo, speaks

Japanese fluently.

6 Skiing, _______________ is popular in my country, is my

favourite sport.

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Unit 4 Vocabulary practice


1 Choose the correct alternatives.

Cars and Toy Story are horror / animated / thriller films.

1 There is a lot of singing in a western / thriller / musical.

2 There are a lot of horror / science fiction / martial arts

films about Dracula.

3 They said the film was a western / comedy / musical, but I

didn’t laugh!

4 I think the Indiana Jones films are the best

action-adventure / mystery / romantic films.

5 I don’t usually like science fiction / horror / animated

films, but I enjoyed the Star Wars series.

6 They don’t make many cowboy films now, but thrillers /

westerns / musicals used to be very popular.

7 The best romantic / fantasy / comedy films that I’ve seen

are the three Lord of the Rings films.

2 Complete the sentences with suitable nouns.

A man who acts in films is an actor.

1 A woman who acts in films is an ____________________ .

2 A person who directs films is a ____________________ .

3 A person who sings is a ____________________ .

4 A person who dances is a ____________________ .

5 A person who composes music is a ___________________ .

6 A person who presents a TV show is a

____________________ .

3 Match the words in the list with the definitions.

blockbuster box office cast character plot scene setting special effects

The story of a book, film or play. plot

1 A person represented in a book, film or play.


2 The place where the action and events in a book, film or play

happen. ____________________

3 Action in a film that is made with special equipment or

computers. ____________________

4 A book or film that is very successful.


5 The place where you buy tickets to see a film.


6 A part of a film or play when the action is in one place.


7 All the actors and actresses in a film or play.


Strong adjectives

4 Match the normal adjectives 1–7 with the strong adjectives A–H.

good-looking A disgusting

1 unpleasant B furious

2 tired C freezing

3 interesting D gorgeous

4 angry E exhausted

5 cold F filthy

6 dirty G unforgettable

7 memorable H fascinating

5 Replace the underlined adjectives in the sentences with the strong adjectives in the list.

ancient boiling disgusting enormous furious shocking tiny unforgettable

This summer has been hot. We’re not used to it here! boiling

1 It was a memorable performance from the experienced actor.


2 I couldn’t eat the food because of the unpleasant smell.


3 My father was angry with me for coming home so late.


4 They live in a big house in Hollywood with ten bedrooms.


5 That computer is old. Isn’t it time to buy a new one?


6 It’s one of the most surprising things that I’ve ever seen.


7 I live in a small student flat in London.


Phrasal verbs

6 Complete the sentences with the words in the list.

up after off on out up off

The plane will take off at 5 o’clock.

1 Could you turn ____________________ the TV? The

programme’s finished.

2 Jane has given ____________________ smoking.

3 I’ve decided to take ____________________ yoga. I start

next week.

4 My parents are going out tonight, so I’ve got to look

____________________ my sister.

5 My dad works ____________________ at the gym for an

hour every morning.

6 Put ____________________ your school uniform. It’s nearly

time to go!

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Unit 4 Writing practice

Improve your writing


1 Complete the recommendations with the words in the list.

find miss recommend should would miss

1 It’s awful. Give it a ______________.

2 I strongly ______________ that you watch this film.

3 I think you ______________ enjoy it.

4 Everyone who likes animals ______________ read this


5 It’s excellent. Don’t ______________ it!

6 You might ______________ it a bit disappointing.

2 Rewrite the sentences. Use the bold words.

Don’t go and see it (miss)

Give it a miss.

1 It was a terrible film. (stand)


2 It was very good. I can’t recommend it enough. (strongly)


3 I liked it very, very much. (absolutely)


4 You’ll be so pleased that you saw this film. (regret)


5 I would have preferred it if the acting had been better. (could



6 I didn’t mind it. It was OK. (quite)


Focus on the text

3 Read the review and choose the best word to complete the sentences.

1 A said B gave C recommended

2 A example B type C title

3 A filmed B made C set

4 A the same as B different from C similar to

5 A characters B words C paragraphs

A I don’t usually read detective novels, but a friend

(1) ____________ that I read The Number One Ladies’

Detective Agency by Alexander McCall Smith, so I felt I had

to give it a chance. And I’m really glad I did! It’s the

(2) ____________ of book that makes you laugh out loud.

B The story is (3) ____________ in Botswana, Africa.

Precious Ramotswe opens a detective agency. Most of the

people in the town are surprised when she becomes a

detective. The country has never had a female detective

before! But the detective agency is a big success. Most of

the crimes that Precious investigates are not serious, but

she always tries her best to find out the truth.

C This book is (4) ____________ other detective books, but

this one is funny. The (5) ____________ are interesting

and most of the cases have a happy ending! If you want a

book that makes you feel good after reading it, try this one!

4 Find and write the following information from the text.

The paragraph that describes the plot. B

1 The paragraph that describes the type of book it is.


2 The paragraph that describes the reviewer’s reading habits

and reason for choosing this book. ______

3 The reviewer’s opinion of the book, and the paragraph where

this opinion is given.



4 Three adjectives that the reviewer uses to describe the book.


5 The sentence that tells us whether the writer recommends

the book.



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Unit 4 Reading practice

Cinema’s biggest star: money!

A What is the link between a lipstick, a calendar and jewellery?

The answer is the Twilight films. These are just some of the

products made by companies that paid film studios for the

rights to use images from the film series. Film-making is very

expensive, so studios look for as many ways as possible to

make money. But what do studios spend their money on?

B If a film is going to succeed, it needs a good director, and they

cost from $5 to $10 million per film. Casting famous actors as

the main characters can also help a film to do well, but this

makes a big hole in a film’s budget. Top actors expect salaries

of up to $30 million, with extra money for ‘essential’ luxuries

such as a five-star hotel suite during filming. Film production

is also incredibly expensive. The special effects for the

superhero film Spider-Man 2 cost an amazing $65 million!

C So how do film studios make a profit? In most cases, films

make money from ticket sales at the box office. This is

followed by DVD and internet sales, which are the only way

of seeing the film outside the cinema for several months after

its release. And the moment a film reaches the cinemas,

the merchandising begins. In recent years, films such as Toy

Story 3, the Cars series and the Harry Potter series have made

more money from merchandising than from ticket sales.

D So while film fans talk about the quality of a film’s plot, the

director’s skills or the actors’ performances, for the film-

makers there are more important considerations. Has the film

made enough money to repay the enormous investment that

has gone into making it? Will it make a profit so the studio can

go on to make more films? Without doubt, for the studios, a

great film is a film that makes a lot of money.

1 Find words in the text that mean:

1 objects that are worn as personal decoration (paragraph A)


2 a plan of how to spend an amount of money over a period of

time (paragraph B) ________________

3 enjoyable and expensive things that a person doesn’t really

need (paragraph B) ________________

4 the money that you make when you sell something for more

than it cost you (paragraph C) ________________

5 products connected with a popular film or TV series

(paragraph C) ________________

2 Read the text and write true or false for sentences 1–5. Correct the false sentences.

1 Companies needed permission to make Twilight jewellery

and other products.



2 A good director costs more money than a famous actor.



3 Film studios only make money from ticket sales.



4 As soon as a film finishes at the cinema, you can see it on




5 There are different opinions about what a great film is.



3 Read the text again and answer the questions. Use your own words and complete sentences.

1 What are the positive and negative points of having a famous

actor in a film?



2 What extra things do famous actors expect while working on

a film?



3 Why does the article mention the film Spider-Man 2?



4 How did films such as Toy Story 3, the Cars series and the

Harry Potter series make a lot of money?



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Unit 5 Grammar practice

Future forms

1 Match sentences 1–6 with the replies A–G.

Look at those dark clouds! E

1 Have you made any plans for the summer? _______

2 I don’t really want to go on my own. _______

3 What do you think of artificial meat? _______

4 Sorry, but I have to go now. _______

5 You’re making a terrible mess. _______

6 I forgot to send Jim an email about the meeting. _______

A Are you meeting Janet?

B I don’t think it will solve the food problem.

C I’ll tidy up when I’ve finished.

D Will you remember to tell him that it’s on Friday?

E Yes, it’s going to rain.

F I’m going to stay with my grandparents in Canada.

G I’ll come with you, then.

2 Match the replies A–G from exercise 1 with the future uses.

B will for predictions

1 _______ will for a decision

2 _______ will for a promise

3 _______ will for a request

4 _______ going to for a prediction based on evidence

5 _______ going to for a plan

6 _______ present continuous for an arrangement

3 Put the words in the correct order to form sentences.

buy / Maria / to / a bicycle / going / is

Maria is going to buy a bicycle.

1 meeting / Steve / We / this afternoon / are


2 fail / John / I’m / the exam / sure / will


3 will / extinct / Tigers / one day / become


4 in / replace / What / will / oil / energy / the future / ?


5 going / It / today / rain / isn’t / to


6 you / I / come / won’t / with


7 going / Where / you / to / are / stay / ?


4 Complete the sentences using the bold words. Use the verb

tense in brackets.

Hurry up! We’re going to be (be / future with going to) late.

1 They _________________________ (go / present

continuous) on a protest march this afternoon.

2 _________________________ (you / sign / future with will)

this petition to protect endangered species?

3 The government says it _________________________

(create / future with going to) thousands of jobs for young


4 We _________________________ (run / future with going

to) in the London Marathon for charity.

5 The protest march _________________________

(not change / future with will) the situation.

6 There isn’t any food left. I _________________________

(go / future with will) to the supermarket later.

Future continuous and future perfect

5 Choose the correct alternatives.

This time tomorrow, we will be sitting / will have sat in the


1 At the end of July, we will be leaving / will have left


2 By 2050, a lot of rare animals will be becoming /

will have become extinct.

3 I’m afraid I can’t go with you this afternoon. At 4 o’clock,

I’ll be playing / ’ll have played football.

4 They always have lunch at 1 o’clock, so they

will be finishing / will have finished by 2 o’clock.

5 I won’t be at home tomorrow. I will be taking /

will have taken part in a protest march.

6 We will be eating / will have eaten less meat in 20 years’


7 This time next year, they will be living / will have lived in


6 Complete the sentences with the bold verbs. Use the future

continuous or future perfect.

This time next week, Joe will be cycling from London to Paris

for charity. (cycle)

1 I _______________________ all these irregular verbs

by the end of the week. (learn)

2 By this time tomorrow, we _______________________ our

exams. (finish)

3 This time next week, I _______________________ on the

beach in Costa Rica. (lie)

4 By the time they get home, they _______________________

six different countries. (visit)

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Unit 5 Vocabulary practice

The environment

1 Choose the correct alternatives.

A flood / drought happens when it doesn’t rain for a long time

and the earth becomes very dry.

1 A strong, dangerous wind that moves in a circle is called a

storm / tornado.

2 A hurricane / tornado is a violent wind that starts

at sea and moves along the coast.

3 A tornado / flood happens when a lot of water fills places

that are usually dry.

4 A storm / drought consists of a strong wind, heavy rain,

and thunder and lightning.

2 Match 1–5 with A–F.

carbon A warming

1 climate B fuels

2 endangered C footprint

3 fossil D energy

4 renewable E change

5 global F species

3 Choose the correct alternatives.

When you …

B something, you destroy, damage or injure it with fire or heat.

A bury B burn C pollute

1 _______ something, you collect used objects and materials

so that they can be used again.

A waste B destroy C recycle

2 _______ something, you stop it from being killed, injured or


A save B burn C poison

3 _______ something, you use it again.

A reuse B throw away C save

4 _______ something, you get rid of what you do not want any


A pollute B throw away C burn

5 _______ something, you put it into a hole in the ground and

cover it.

A save B recycle C bury

6 _______ something, you use too much of it or use it in a

careless way.

A waste B poison C destroy

7 _______ something, you make it dirty or dangerous.

A save B pollute C bury

8 _______ something, you damage it so badly that it can no

longer be used.

A throw away B reuse C destroy

Making a difference

4 The words in the list can be used as verbs and nouns. Use each word twice to complete the sentences. Write whether you have used it as a verb or a noun.

ban volunteer campaign

There should be a ban on hunting elephants. It should be

illegal. noun

The government is going to ban the fishing of some fish in the

summer to protect them. verb

1 I’m a ____________________ for the Red Cross and we

help people at public events. ____________________

2 The protest and march were part of our

____________________ against the new nuclear power station.


3 Sam says he will ____________________ to work for

nothing in a developing country when he leaves school.


4 Sandra wants to ____________________ for the Green

Party in the next general election. ____________________

5 Complete the sentences with the words in the list.

donate meeting organizations publicity sign support supporter

We’re having a meeting on Wednesday.

1 I’ve always been a ____________________ of

environmental charities and I help them when I can.

2 We’ve received a lot of ____________________ thanks to

the TV report. Everybody is talking about us.

3 Andy wants to ____________________ £50 to WWF.

4 They’re asking people to ____________________ a petition

against the plans for the new motorway.

5 Most people agree that we need a park and they

____________________ the plans for a new one in the town.

6 The article was about different ____________________ and

the work that each one does.

Noun suffixes

6 Form nouns with the words in the list and the suffixes in the table. Write each noun in the correct column.

active argue collect entertain locate possible react real situate treat

-ity -tion -ment


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Unit 5 Writing practice

Improve your writing

Formal language

1 Put the words in the correct order to make formal sentences and requests.

1 got / any vacancies / you / could / whether / have / you / me /

tell / Please / ?


2 grateful / you / if / send / could / I / could / me /

be / the details


3 would / like / about / I / to enquire / job opportunities


4 the position / interested / I / for / in / applying / am


5 an interview / possible / it / be / Would / to arrange / ?


6 forward / I / to hearing / look / you / from


2 Rewrite the sentences in a more formal way. Use the words in brackets.

Dear Mr Brent,

I want to ask about doing work experience at your company.

(like / enquire)

I would like to enquire about doing work experience at

your company.

1 Shadowing a lawyer for a day would be fun. (interested)


2 Please tell me more about the scheme. (could / ?)


3 Will you send me the application form? (grateful)


4 I’d also like to know if I can visit the offices one day.

(possible / ?)


5 Write soon. (look forward)


Yours sincerely,

Daniel Saunders

Focus on the text

3 Read the email and match paragraphs A–C with 1–3.

1 A description of Jessica’s skills ______

2 The reason why Jessica is writing ______

3 What information Jessica wants ______

Dear Sir or (1) ________________,

A I am writing to enquire (2) ________________ the work

opportunities at your holiday centres, which I read

about in last Sunday’s newspaper (The Observer).

B I am (3) ________________ in this opportunity

because I will have finished school at the start of this

summer and

(4) ________________ like to gain some work

experience before I go to university. I speak Spanish

and French, and I play the guitar. I am also a keen


C I would be (5) ________________ if you could send me

more information. (6) ________________ you also tell

me whether you have any camps in France? I will be on

holiday there at the start of the summer and wondered

whether it would be (7) ________________ to get a

placement in southern France.

I look (8) ________________ to (9) ________________

from you.

Yours (10) ________________,

Jessica Langton

4 Complete the email with the correct words and phrases.

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Unit 5 Reading practice

Setting a good example?

A For a lot of people, there is no doubt: the environmental

changes that are happening are caused by human activity. Over

200 years of industrialization have had a very negative effect

on the planet. Water and air pollution, a growing number of

endangered species, and the loss of natural resources are just a

few of the consequences.

B These environmental problems are mostly the responsibility of

Western countries. However, during the nineteenth century

and most of the twentieth century, nobody was aware of the

damage that we were causing. Now, the situation is different

and ecologists in the West are warning that the new industrial

nations in the developing world are damaging the planet too.

C Over the last 30 years, people in the West have adopted a

number of ‘green’ habits. Many people recycle materials, and

leave their cars at home and cycle to work. However, the same

people also listen to MP3 players or talk on mobile phones. In

fact, thanks to the dramatic increase in the use of electronic

gadgets, instead of reducing their carbon footprint, people in

the UK are using 20% more energy at home than they were 20

years ago.

D Our love of gadgets has no end, and the sale of these energy-

consuming devices is going to increase in the near future.

According to the Energy Saving Trust, in Britain, 45% of the

electricity used in homes in 2020 will be powering computers

and electronic gadgets. The International Energy Agency has

predicted that the amount of energy used globally to power

gadgets will have increased by 100% between 2009 and 2022.

Perhaps before warning others about their environmentally

damaging practices, we should first make a genuine effort to

stop our own.

1 Find words in the text that mean:

1 threatened or at risk (paragraph A) _________________

2 knowing about something (paragraph B)


3 harm or injury caused (paragraph B) _________________

4 small tools or devices that have particular uses

(paragraph C) _________________

5 a measure of the amount of carbon dioxide that each person

produces (paragraph C) _________________

2 Match 1–5 with A–E.

1 People in the West have acted in a more environmentally

friendly way over this period of time.

2 The amount of extra energy that some people predict we will

be using for gadgets in 2022.

3 When we started damaging the planet.

4 The amount of energy that computers and other devices will

be using in British homes in 2020.

5 The amount of extra energy that people in the UK are now

using compared with 20 years ago.

A Over 200 years ago

B 20%

C 45%

D 100%

E The last 30 years

3 Answer the questions. Use your own words and complete sentences.

1 What do a lot of people think are causing the changes to the




2 Why are most environmental problems today the

responsibility of Western countries?



3 What have people in the West been doing over the last 30




4 What has been the result of our love of gadgets?



5 What is the writer’s conclusion?



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Unit 6 Grammar practice

First and second conditional; unless

1 Complete the sentences with the bold verbs. Use the first


She won’t go out tonight unless she feels (feel) better.

1 If he _________________________ (not work) harder, he

won’t get good marks.

2 If you aren’t more careful, you

_________________________ (injure) yourself.

3 If we _________________________ (win) the competition,

we _________________________ (celebrate) all night.

4 He _________________________ (not be able) to play for

a while if he _________________________ (sprain) his

ankle again.

5 What _________________________ (you / do) tomorrow if

the weather _________________________ (improve)?

2 Put the words in the correct order to make second conditional sentences.

rich / I’d / work / If / I / never / was / again

If I was rich, I’d never work again.

1 were / on a diet / Would / if / you / go / you / overweight / ?


2 give up / You / chips / should / if / be healthy / want / you /



3 to school / could / bought / You / a bike / if / cycle / you


4 tired / if / wouldn’t / She / more / feel / got / sleep / she


5 fit / If / any exercise / you / do / wouldn’t / didn’t / you / be


3 Choose the correct alternatives.

If you want to get fit, you’ll have to / ’d have to train harder.

1 You’d feel / ’ll feel a lot better if you ate less chocolate.

2 If you take / took an aspirin, you’ll feel better.

3 You won’t / didn’t improve your performance unless you

train regularly.

4 If I have time this evening, I’d go / ’ll go running.

5 If I had enough money, I’ll go / ’d go hiking in the holidays.

6 How many calories would / will I burn if I swim for

an hour?

7 What activity would you choose if you had / have to get fit


4 Choose the correct endings for the first and second conditional sentences.

You’ll be a lot fitter ...

A if you’d cycled to school more often.

B if you cycle to school more often.

1 If she didn’t eat so much, ...

A she wouldn’t be overweight.

B she won’t be overweight.

2 If I have time this evening, ...

A I’d work out at the gym.

B I’ll work out at the gym.

3 You won’t lose weight ...

A unless you changed your diet.

B unless you change your diet.

4 He wouldn’t get bad headaches all the time ...

A if he didn’t spend hours on his computer.

B if he doesn’t spend hours on his computer.

5 What would you say ...

A if the coach asked you to play in the team?

B if the coach asks you to play in the team?

Third conditional

5 Choose the correct alternatives.

If he hadn’t gone on a diet, he wouldn’t have lost / didn’t

lose weight.

1 I would have recovered faster if I took / ’d taken some


2 I wouldn’t be here if my parents never met /

had never met!

3 If I knew / ’d known that Marta was here, I’d have come


4 She got / would have got the job if she hadn’t worn old

jeans to the interview.

5 I’d have been disappointed if I’d lost / lost the race.

6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the bold

verbs. Use the third conditional.

If I’d known that you were ill, I would have come (come) to see


1 I wouldn’t have arrived late for school if I

_________________________ (hear) my alarm.

2 If he _________________________ (not win) the match, he

would have been extremely disappointed.

3 She _________________________ (not be) sick if she

hadn’t eaten all that cake.

4 If he had trained harder in his free time, he

_________________________ (finish) the marathon.

5 If you _________________________ (tell) me it was his

birthday, I’d have sent him a card.

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Unit 6 Vocabulary practice

Sports and leisure activities

1 Match the activities in the list with the pictures.

aerobics athletics cycling gymnastics hockey martial arts water polo windsurfing

aerobics 1_______________ 3_______________

3_______________ 4_______________ 5_______________

6_______________ 7_______________

2 Complete the sentences with a word from A and a word from B.

A contact cycling football running ski tennis

B race runs sport stadium tournament track

The Camp Nou is a football stadium.

1 Wimbledon is a _________________ _________________ .

2 The Tour de France is a _________________

_________________ .

3 Usain Bolt is a very fast man on a _________________

_________________ .

4 Judo is a _________________ _________________ .

5 Many people think the best _________________

_________________ are in the Swiss Alps.

3 Answer the questions with the words in the list.

champion finalist journalists runner-up spectators sponsor

What do we call a tennis player who has reached the final?


1 What do we call a tennis player who has won the final?


2 What do we call a tennis player who has lost the final?


3 Who are the people who pay to sit and watch the final?


4 Who writes or talks about the final in the media?


5 What do we call the company that pays the tennis player to

wear its sports clothes? _________________


4 Choose the correct alternatives.

The most common injuries in the home

Cuts / Burns / Bruises from extremely hot water or from


1 Bites / Cuts / Burns from knives and glass.

2 Cut / Burnt / Broken arms and legs from falling off

ladders, tables and chairs.

3 Bruises / Bites / Sprains from cats, dogs and other pets.

4 Sprains / Cuts / Burns to wrists, arms and the back from

lifting or moving heavy objects.

5 Bites / Bruises / Sprains from hitting arms and legs

against objects.

5 Complete the second sentence with the verb form of the underlined noun in the first sentence.

He’s going to have an operation on his knee.

The doctor is going to operate on his knee.

1 He will have treatment for a skin problem.

They will ____________________ him for a skin problem.

2 There’s no cure for a cold.

You can’t ____________________ a cold.

3 Alexander Fleming made an important discovery: penicillin.

Alexander Fleming ____________________ something

important: penicillin.

4 The government is working on the prevention of a number of


The government is working to ____________________ a

number of diseases.

Adjectives / verbs + prepositions

6 Choose the correct alternatives.

Stop talking and concentrate C your work.

A of B at C on

1 We were proud _______ our daughter’s victory.

A of B on C for

2 The doctor was amazed _______ the success of the


A in B on C at

3 I’ve never been interested _______ sport.

A about B in C on

4 The team apologized _______ their poor performance in the


A for B with C at

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Unit 6 Writing practice

Improve your writing

Linkers of addition and contrast

1 Choose the linker that is not correct.

1 I’m not very good at sport – although / nevertheless, / on

the one hand, I do play the occasional game of tennis.

2 I belong to a gym. However, / In addition, / But I hardly

ever go!

3 Running is a convenient and cheap form of exercise.

What’s more, / Moreover, / On the other hand, it’s

something you can do wherever you are.

4 You may be very slim – nevertheless, / however, /

what’s more, you still need to do exercise.

5 Vegetarian food is better for you than meat, and / but /

although it can be a bit boring sometimes.

2 Complete the sentences with suitable linkers of addition or contrast. Sometimes there is more than one possible answer.

1 _______________ he’s 85 years old, my grandfather is still

very healthy. _______________, he still does sports!

2 A little chocolate every day is good for you. Too much

chocolate, _______________, is unhealthy.

3 It has been proven that coffee isn’t bad for you.

_______________, you should try and limit the amount of

coffee you drink every day.

4 These are the pros and cons of making sport compulsory at

school. _______________, it forces everyone to take part in

healthy exercise. _______________, it can put some people

off doing sport for life!

3 Correct the mistakes in the linkers in the sentences. Sometimes there is more than one possible answer.

Healthy food is good for you. Moreover, it’s more expensive and

less tasty. However

1 I love cycling. It’s environmentally friendly, on the other hand,

it’s good for you! _______________

2 It’s good to drink lots of water, moreover, you shouldn’t drink

too much, too quickly. _______________

3 I love going horse-riding, in addition, it’s a very expensive

sport. _______________

4 I know you aren’t hungry first thing in the morning, what’s

more you should always eat breakfast. _______________

5 I’ve got mixed feelings about running marathons. On the one

hand, it’s a good challenge, but nevertheless it can be quite

dangerous if you haven’t done enough training.


Focus on the text

4 Read the opinion essay and order the paragraphs A–D according to points 1–4.

1 Introduction to the topic _______

2 Arguments for the statement _______

3 Arguments against the statement _______

4 The writer’s own opinion _______


A In my opinion, although rugby can be a dangerous

sport, like other dangerous sports, the benefits often

outweigh the negative aspects of the activity.



B It is true that rugby can bring out an aggressive side

of players. A rugby tackle carried out anywhere

except on the pitch – in the street, for example –

would be classed as violence by anyone, including

the police. Moreover, there have been several

serious accidents in rugby.



C Nevertheless, thousands of men, and an increasing

number of women, have been playing rugby for

many years. They enjoy the competitiveness and

physical challenge of this exciting game. It is also a

good way to teach discipline and sportsmanship.

What’s more, it can give people the chance to

exercise natural aggression through a controlled




D Many people feel that rugby is a dangerous sport

and it should, therefore, be banned.



5 Complete paragraphs A–D in the text with sentences 1–4.

1 Some of these have left players with permanent injuries.

2 Others believe that, although rugby should not be banned, it

should not be played at school.

3 For these reasons, I believe that it should continue to be

played, including at school.

4 If rugby is taught correctly, the chances of players suffering

from accidents can be minimized.

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Unit 6 Reading practice

Running for life

A They still laugh about the Swedish coach who visited the

Eldoret athletes’ camp in Kenya. He was determined to

discover why the Kenyans are the world’s greatest runners.

Was it the altitude? Was it the bread that they ate? Maybe it

was the Kenyan water? The man finally left, disappointed that

he had not discovered anything. However, if he had opened his

eyes, he would have seen that the secret was in front of him.

B Almost all the great Olympic runners that Kenya has produced

share a similar background. They come from the poorer

farming areas of western Kenya and, while they were growing

up, lived far away from their schools. In these areas, school

children as young as ten get up early, have breakfast and then

run up to ten kilometres to arrive on time for their first class.

After running home, they are sent out to work on farms. These

are not children who spend their free time in front of TV and

computer screens.

C However, a disciplined, active life is not the only reason for

their Olympic success. The Kenyans have another ‘secret’:

they train barefoot. Journalist Christopher McDougall recently

wrote about the increase in running injuries that has happened

since modern trainers first appeared in 1972. He believed that,

if joggers took up running barefoot or in trainers with thin

soles, they would suffer fewer injuries and run better. He may

be right. Some people who have abandoned their expensive

trainers report that they can run better and with fewer injuries.

D Apart from demonstrating that modern footwear is

unnecessary for running and possibly harmful, the Kenyans

have another lesson to teach us. Many studies have shown that

people who spend their lives running rarely suffer from any of

the health problems that those with more sedentary lives come

down with. As the Kenyans will tell you, running, not sitting,

is what humans are really made for.

1 Find words in the text that mean:

1 someone who trains people (paragraph A)


2 the type of family and social class that you come from

(paragraph B) _______________

3 not wearing anything on your feet (paragraph C)


4 causing injury or damage (paragraph D) _______________

5 involving a lot of time sitting down (paragraph D)


2 Match a heading with each paragraph in the text. You don’t need to use one heading.

1 School is the easy part


2 Life at Eldoret training camp


3 Running is good for you


4 The blind visitor


5 Cheaper and better


3 Read the text again and choose the correct alternatives.

1 The Kenyans think the Swedish visitor was rude / funny.

2 The great Kenyan runners mostly

come from the same area / went to the same school.

3 The children from western Kenya have free time / work

after school.

4 The Kenyans run in trainers with thin soles /

with nothing on their feet.

5 The article suggests that the Kenyan / Western way of life

is better.

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Write a composition on each of the following topics.

1. Imagine you are a novelist working on a novel. Write

a letter to a friend explaining your ideas.

2. What will your life be like in 10 years’ time?

3. If you could choose to be successful at any sport,

which would it be and why?

4. You are an Erasmus student at the University of

Bergen (Norway). One professor asks you to talk to

your class about the Catalan language and culture.

Write the text of your presentation.

5. Write a review (summary and opinion) of your

favourite book /film or one that you have read or

have seen recently.

6. Write an opinion essay about anything you want.