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1980 - · PDF fileIf you don't like 1t don't look Mary ... you can do tomorrow" ... " And did I tell you the joke about .

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Page 1: 1980 -  · PDF fileIf you don't like 1t don't look Mary ... you can do tomorrow" ... " And did I tell you the joke about .
Page 2: 1980 -  · PDF fileIf you don't like 1t don't look Mary ... you can do tomorrow" ... " And did I tell you the joke about .
Page 3: 1980 -  · PDF fileIf you don't like 1t don't look Mary ... you can do tomorrow" ... " And did I tell you the joke about .
Page 4: 1980 -  · PDF fileIf you don't like 1t don't look Mary ... you can do tomorrow" ... " And did I tell you the joke about .
Page 5: 1980 -  · PDF fileIf you don't like 1t don't look Mary ... you can do tomorrow" ... " And did I tell you the joke about .

Jht Jtaff ft)f

ltagabond ~~

Prrsrnts ~ts. ~~1980" l!dition lrtith mrmorirs ~f

Ihr '70's Rnd l-toprs Jor Ihr 'so's

Page 6: 1980 -  · PDF fileIf you don't like 1t don't look Mary ... you can do tomorrow" ... " And did I tell you the joke about .


•·a~e3 CONTENTS Ad10inistration

page& Seniors

Student Life pagc3

Classes page&&----____.


page _____ t,_a_g_c 8 7 Spor-ts S-tuden-t Life

....----p-ag_c 93 Activities

page l 0 Senior Direc-tory

page l 2 Dedica-tion

Page 7: 1980 -  · PDF fileIf you don't like 1t don't look Mary ... you can do tomorrow" ... " And did I tell you the joke about .

Mr Hunter Pnnc1pal


Mr Stempek Elementary Pnnc1pal

Mr Leonard Supenntendent

Seated L to R: Mr. Sheldon, Mrs. Wysocki, Mr. Thorpe, Mr. Holbrook. Standing L to R: Mr. Sutton, Mr. Petersen, Mr. Fraz1er. Mr. Niles. Missing: Mr. M1ner.


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''What Will We Have Left?''

What Will we have left? Throughout our lives we will enter new dimensions We will change and grow. There will be little ones demanding our attentions We will meet head on our foe. But when all is said and done,

What will we have left? Memories!

Throughout life we will climb But this is the most difficult jump. Never again will we be tossed a dime To smooth out some little bump. Now it is the time. To reach over that last big hump.

What will we have left? Memories!

For now we must call our own bluff. To leave our mothers' arms We must become tough. We must stifle all alarms. We've been sheltered long enough We shall leave our nests innocent and unharmed.

What will we have left? Memories!

We will be filled with joy, yet mourn The passing of our childhood, our mother's constant fuss. Now we are on our own • solitary, unadorned There's something different about us! The little babes who yesterday were born Why have we left the security? We must!

What will we have left? Memories!

Dena Testa

Page 9: 1980 -  · PDF fileIf you don't like 1t don't look Mary ... you can do tomorrow" ... " And did I tell you the joke about .

....... ...... ..... . ... ··- ..... , ___ .. .. • • • h ~

§rniors ''We Will Change And

G '' row .....


Page 10: 1980 -  · PDF fileIf you don't like 1t don't look Mary ... you can do tomorrow" ... " And did I tell you the joke about .


Seniors Seniors Sell Over $10,000

In Magazines!!

We, the class of 1980, leave with fond memories of years gone by, and yet with the willingness to accept the changes that we may encounter in years to come.

The seniors of today are the leaders of tomorrow, and we are prepared to accept this challenge. Our innovative ideas will be those which will help to mold the thoughts of generations to come.

As we complete our final year at Hoosick Falls Cen­tral, we enter a new decade and a new way of life. The special closeness that is felt between each and every senior will follow us throughout the years ... to be cherished forever.

Mrs. Cllntsman - Adv1sor

(L. to R ) J1m Mart1nez, Treasurer; Beth Okerman , Secretary; J1m Lynch, Vice-President; Kev1n Brewster, President.

Page 11: 1980 -  · PDF fileIf you don't like 1t don't look Mary ... you can do tomorrow" ... " And did I tell you the joke about .

M1chael Allard

Ralph Andrew

Brian Bach

Ronnie Baldwin


" Go for 1t "

Joann isn't qu1te sure wh1ch one IS the " tur­key ".


" You am 't heard nothin yet folks" AI Jolson



" Why put off until tomorrow what you can do today "

" Can't get no satisfaction "



"If you'll believe 1n me, I'll be­lieve 1n you "

Today 1s one of those days because last mght was one of those n1ghts


Once a k1ng always a kmg once a kn1ght 1s enough

Tina Arnold

Jane Baldwin

Mark Bass


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"Be it as 1t may."

"D1d anyone tell you your mommy dressed you funny?"

Mary Benkoski

Ken Benson

Scott Bet1t


Love wasn't put in your heart to stay . Love 1sn 't love until you share it With someone.



" Do unto others as you would have them to do unto you."

"Test? What test?"


" Yesterday doesn't matter 1f 1t's gone.

"Last year, and I'm glad ."


"A winner never qu1ts. A quit­ter never w1ns."

Chuck Blakey

Chns Breese

Kevin Brewster

Holly Bosson1

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Laure 1Ce J Bump

Amy Campbell

JoAnn Campbell

Frances L. Caron


"Whatever happened to the good ol' days?"

Bnan presents a cast of thousands."


Luxurious lobster n1ghts, farewell!!

"One who IS qu1et can suc­ceed"


"Self trust IS the f1rst secret of success."


"Don't bnng me down "


"Fly on proud b1rd, you're free at last."

All are needed by each one; Noth1ng IS fair or good alone.

Glenn C1pperly

Kelly Cllntsman

Bonn1e Cottrell


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Don ' t look back someth1ng m1ght be ga1nmg on you

My cake 1s better than yours , says Chns. Donald J . Cottrell

Gerald Cottrell

Nancy Danforth

Roxanne Dooley

" B1ts "

" Big th1ngs come 1n small packages"


" Hey, 1t's my life and I'm gonna live 1t to the fullest

" Nance"

" Fnendsh1p IS the pnceless g1ft we give to each other ."


True love IS rare- True fnend­shlp IS rarer .

" Rox"

"Ya a1n ' t gonna learn what ya don ' t wanna know" : Bob We1r: " Grateful Dead"

D1ana Danforth

Mary Allee Doherty

Except for Kelly, the driver- ed class seems to be very interested m road maps.

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" L1fe IS 1nterestmg if you make m1stakes "


"Congratulations on your, promot1on!"

Debb1e Dubuke John Duket

Eva Dun1gan

Joe Fab1ano

Jan1ce Fa1rbanks


"Fnends are our windows on the world ."


"When I go to a party my mam worry IS. w111 I make 1t home?!"

Tom a

"Us Munchk1ns keep our feet on the ground and keep reach1ng for the stars."


"I get h1gh w1th a l1ttle help from my fnends."

81g Red

" Always have the conf1dence to speak your mmd and the courage to stand behind your words."

Jeff Estes

Nancy Fab1ano

V1cki and Wendy congradulate each other.


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Annette Gardner

J1m Greeley

Bob Griffin

Old Gardeners never d1e; they JUSt spade away



We know noth1ng of tomor­row; our business IS to be good and happy today.

When you least expect 1t , ex­pect it.



Life is a JOke that's JUSt be­gun.

It IS not nature that dece1ves us: 1t IS we who dece1ve our­selves.



Uncle O'Gnmace

Do what you th1nk IS best don't worry about what other people m1ght say!

Bob struggles to keep the lead.

Glynda Gray

Lisa Griesemer

Patrick Gnff1n

Brian Hall

Page 17: 1980 -  · PDF fileIf you don't like 1t don't look Mary ... you can do tomorrow" ... " And did I tell you the joke about .

David Harrison

Doug Hamson

Wayne Howard

Colleen Kelly


" You 're Crazy"

Kelly . " Was that for here or to go?"


" We JUdge ourselves by what we feel capable of domg, while others JUdge us by what we have already done. "


" The only thmg a body knows about life IS that you're never going to get out if alive."


" I don't plan on it! "

Bren - der

" Take one day at a t1me."


"What you talkmg about?!"


" Craz1ness comes in t1me."

Jenn1fer Lynn Hoag

Brenda Jeanne Hunt

Darren Kimball


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" Wendy '·

" To reach for the goals you have set for yourself - that is success.' '

Eva hopes to whtp up a gourmet's deltcacy.

Jeffery Ktpp

Kimberly Kovage

Mtchael Lefebvre


"You only go around once tn ltfe."


" Be Cereal! "

" Mtke"


" Remember the past , ltve tn the present and await the fu­ture ."

" Smtle - it makes people wor ry!! "

" If you see someone without a smile , give them one of yours."

" If you don ' t do somethtng right the ftrst time , you do it agatn ."

Wendy Ltporace

Kevtn Loveland

James Lynch

James Mabee

Page 19: 1980 -  · PDF fileIf you don't like 1t don't look Mary ... you can do tomorrow" ... " And did I tell you the joke about .

Daniel Magazu

Jeanne Mahar

James Mart1nez

John McMahon


Every one of us IS a fiddler on the roof, trying to scratch out a pleasant, s1mple tune without break1ng h1s neck.

Lets see how many we can get into a pickup truck


" I am not afra1d of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today."

" People can be divided mto three groups: those who make th1ngs happen, those who watch things happen , and those who wonder what happened ."


" I see red ."


" That ' s where you ' re wrong."


" There 's a sucker born evey minute."


" If you don ' t learn to laugh at trouble , you won 't have any­thing to laugh at when you're old."

Brian Manoog1an

David McCabe

Tom Mentiply


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A fnend IS a person w1th whom I may be s1ncere . Be­fore him, I may thmk aloud

Now th1s 1s what you call a mult1 season hat .

Dav1d Monks

Ken Ne1l

Harold Niles


Be ongmal - make a d1fferent m1stake every t1me.



We will remember the mo­ments not days.

Green grass and H1gh t1des



Dnv1n' on to Cambndge on the back roads .

Ah! What can I say.


Never have a bad thing to say about anyone.

Kelly M1chaels

M1chele Moore

Bob Niles

Jeff O'Dell

Page 21: 1980 -  · PDF fileIf you don't like 1t don't look Mary ... you can do tomorrow" ... " And did I tell you the joke about .

Beth Okerman

Joyce Ormsbee

Harold Parker

Mary Philpott


Everything I l1ke is either il­legal , immoral , or fattening.

Chns IS ready to take on his new JOb as taxi driver m the " big city " of Hoosick Falls .


" Love is the Sunshme of the heart."


" To be good in athletics takes a good coach."


If you don ' t like 1t don ' t look


"There are many d1fferent doers m your life - take t1me to open them all.


" I hate school. "


"There are two mam Groups of people, those who party and have fun and those that study all the t1me.

R1chard Pme

Christopher Re1nfurt

Tony R1ce

Page 22: 1980 -  · PDF fileIf you don't like 1t don't look Mary ... you can do tomorrow" ... " And did I tell you the joke about .

Tom Restmo

Julie Rodak

Kev1n M. Salisbury

Vicki Seifert



Only the best will succeed.


A friend is someone who knows all about you, but likes you anyway.


The rung of a ladder was nev­er meant to rest upon, but only to hold a man's foot long enough to put the other some what h1gher.


Wake me up 1n time for the weekend.


Nobody's Perfect


Everybody must get stoned.


Don't walk 1n front of me - I may not follow. Don't walk beh1nd me - I may not lead. Just walk beside me and be my fnend.

Mary Robinson

Kathryn Ryder

Steve Schwartz

"The Marx Sisters"

Page 23: 1980 -  · PDF fileIf you don't like 1t don't look Mary ... you can do tomorrow" ... " And did I tell you the joke about .

Robert Shea

Jay Sheldon

Cheryl A. Sm1th

Bruce Snyder


Is knowledge unknowable. If so how do we know th1s?


" Nice guys f1n1sh last"


Open your heart to love, for 1f you don't open your heart to love, you close your eyes to life .


If you love someth1ng. set 1t free . If 1t comes back to you its yours , if it doesn't 1t never was .


A fnend's role IS to shut up . . . and listen. and listen and lis­ten.


Life; you make it what 1t 1s .


Don't cross the bridge till you come to it!

Mike Sheffer

Janet Mary Sherw1n

Susan Ann Sm1th

Do you really th1nk he likes me?


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" By a small sample we may Judge the whole p1ece"

J1m says " .. and 1f you take th1s w1re and touch th1s w1re the car will ... ? "

Ronald Stevens

Austm St. Hlia1re

William Su1te


"If 1t can happen. 1t w1ll hap­pen"


(Red) Squirrel

" Complain - 1t makes you feel better! !"

" The countdown contmues .



" Don 't put off today what you can do tomorrow"

"Break1ng legs IS easy to do. JUSt look at Manoog."


" Nothmg IS qu1te so annoymg as to have someone go nght on talkmg when you ' re lnter­ruptmg."

Fred Steller

Lon Stewart

Stacy Stowell

Dena Testa

Page 25: 1980 -  · PDF fileIf you don't like 1t don't look Mary ... you can do tomorrow" ... " And did I tell you the joke about .

Dav1d Trav1s

Steve Vogler

John Wescott

l ...

Bill Wyman


" All I want IS less to do and more t1me to do 1t "


" Speak k1nd words and you w111 hear k1nd echoes"


" L1ve your l1fe to 1ts fullest wh1le you still can "


" Learned fools are more fool1sh than 1gnorant fools "


"You Loved It!! "


" A penny saved IS a penny earned "


" A good heart IS better than all the heads 1n the world "

Jane Tudor

Edward Wendel

Scott W1lson

Chns and Jeff take t1me out to pose.


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Y sock

" Y" you 're crazy!"

Is Andy auditioning for the " Bubblehead of the Year" award?

Jill Wysocki

Chuck Yavaniski

Michael Yavaniski


" They love, they hate, but can­not do without him"



" If not found here, then where does one go to find ones-self? "

"It doesn 't matter if you win or lose, just how much you can get away with ." Yava


" The thing that goes farthest to­wards making l1fe worth while , that costs the least , and does the most, is just a pleasant smile."

" T1me waits for no one."


" I love work; I could sit and watch it all day"

Jeff Wysocki

Judith Ann Yager

Kathy Yavaniski

John Yurewitch

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Class Favorites

Most MUSICal Most Likely to Succeed Most Ambitious

Best Looking Smartest Noisest Most Popular

Nicest Smile Class Flirts Done Most For School Quietest

Most Athletic Class Clowns Class Couple Best Dressed


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Class Wills

Mike Allard leaves ol ' Mr. Peckham with one less problem!! Andy Andrews leaves Without a pass. Tina Arnold leaves a year early still saymg to everybody, " Leave me alone ." Brian Bach leaves m h1s f1ery little Triumph to go mto the A1r Force. Jane BaldWin leaves say1ng, " Ed , don ' t ... stop! " and st ill trying to convmce Calv1n she can be senous. " Hollywood , here I come." Ronnie Baldwin leaves still want1ng to play 3 - back. Mark Bass leaves school to work 1n a grease p1t . Mary Benkosk1 Mary and Jane leave " together . " Ken Benson leaves study1ng to the m1ndless id1ots who thmk they need 1t. Scott Bet1t leaves Sandy w1th three years of school left and nobody to flirt w1th . Chuck Blakey leaves h1s crutches to whoever wants them . Holly Bosson1 leaves H.F.C.S. making a beeline for the Big Apple . Chns Breese leaves Matt Fauler h1s gnobs and football skills ( if he wants them) . Kevin Brewster leaves the Devo Lyric, " Q. Are we not men? " " A. We are DEVO!! " to the upcommg students . Larry Bump leaves Coach Baker w1th nobody to g1ve 500 push-ups a day and leaves Mr. Waltz st1ll laughmg. Amy Campbell leaves Mary Rop1tzky jogging alone late for classes. JoAnn Campbell leaves Mrs. Rider to look for a new pam and still try1ng to convmce everyone she doesn ' t talk funny! Fran Caron - Fran and Jill - leave the West Hills open and ready for Tommy, Velardi , Lewsey, LaPorte , and Barry . Carole Chnst1an leaves her sister Ruth Ormsbee with three more years of school left and Kim Ormsbee with e1ght years left . Glenn C1pperly leaves wait1ng for Ren1e . Kelly Clintsman leaves w1th D1ana Danforth to make more calls to Tony T. and Tom S. Bonn1e Cottrell leaves Bob with no one to poke and pinch. Donnie Cottrell leaves wa1tmg for a growth spurt to be taller than Eva . Gerald Cottrell leaves Vars1ty managing beh1nd to manage in the " Big Leagues." D1ana Danforth leaves to pursue a career in law and she leaves her crazmess to Billie-Jo. Nancy Danforth leaves L1nda and Nancy to stand alone w1th no one to tell the1r problems to . Mary Alice Doherty leaves hoping Dr. Joe Donovan will give her a physical. Roxanne Dooley leaves, hoping, for Steve 's sake, that phone rates go down w1th1n the next four years . Debb1e Dubuke leaves w1th her shorthand theory m the back of her m1nd - where 1t has always been . John Duket leaves Mr. Everly with peace and quiet. Eva Dunigan leaves dragging Donny along. Joe Fab1ano leaves h1s " Woody Woodpecker" calls to anybody crazy enough to do it . Nancy Fabiano leaves her teachers to suffer with two more Fabianos, M1ss Wadsworth w1th a sect1onal Jacket , Pablo Without a

lover, Jeff Sprague 1n McDonaldland , and partying all the way . Jan1ce Fa1rbanks leaves st1ll say1ng, " If you ' re not ahead , you're behind ." Annette Gardner leaves Mr. Roy with no one to yell at every day in class , but sure he 'll find someone else. J1m Greeley leaves H.F.C.S. remembermg h1s f1rst day and chenshmg h1s last . L1sa Gnesmer - Glynda and Lisa leave together Wa1ting for Trish at " Bones." Bob Gnffin leaves Brent to smile for Coach Baker dunng wrestl1ng season . Pat Gnffin leaves h1s morn1ng gnob to Matt Fauler . Bnan Hall leaves to jom brother Chuck and Mr. Betts and the " Agway Boys" at Agway . David Harrison leaves to take care of the mailboxes and to work on the farm . Doug Hamson leaves Pablo LaPorte and Bob Velardi Without a ride . Jenny Hoag leaves insearch of a Senator in need of a good secretary and still cla1m1ng that Pittstown is better than Hoos1ck Falls. Brenda Hunt leaves with a different outlook on l1fe w1th thanks to Mr. Eastw1ck- telling Mr. Eastw1ck, " Don 't worry." Colleen Kelly leaves Kathy, Pat, and M1ssy w1th the1r highschool days. Darren Kimball is leavmg. Jeff Kipp leaves w1th no regrets. Kim Kovage leaves the Vars1ty Field Hockey team her "h1ckers " Tracy Peterson and Catherine LaPorte to go take a sw1m, and M1ss

Cicero fond memories of the " Red Coach Grill. " Mike Lefebvre leaves school saymg " h1" to people he doesn ' t know but probably should . Kevm Loveland leaves the " fort " to anyone w1th enough ambition to clean it. J1m Mabee leaves the Video for who he trams. Dan Magazu leaves Doc Waltz w1th no one to explam the concepts of phys1cs to h1m and no one to check h1s menu before A Lunch . Bnan Manoogian leaves Coach Baker a bottle of aspirin for the future years . James Martinez leaves h1s determmat1on to wm the Sect1onals to next year ' s Varsity team. Dav1d McCabe leaves on h1s second try . John McMahon leaves hop1ng never to return . Tom Ment1ply leaves runn1ng down f1eld for a pass . Kelly Michaels leaves Mrs. Ryder beh1nd to carry on without her and to find someone else to call "Sunshine ." M1chael Moore leaves waiting for J1mmy to graduate ... no matter how long it may be, and cheerleadmg to anyone who thinks they

candeal w1th 1t

Page 29: 1980 -  · PDF fileIf you don't like 1t don't look Mary ... you can do tomorrow" ... " And did I tell you the joke about .

Class Wills Ken Netl leaves dotng hts best to make 1t through thts past year . Bob Ntles leaves Bonnte sttll saytng, " Later " Harold Niles leaves Vtdeo to whoever want 1t. Jeff O'dell leaves Mr. Mttche sweepmg the floors . Beth Okerman leaves Lon Stewart wtth no one to complatn to · her locker to anyone who can stand three people shanng tt ; and

Kelly Clintsman wtth memories of some pretty shocktng Saturdy ntghts Joyce Ormsbee leaves to catch wtth " Poopsy." Harold Parker leaves Mr. Marozas one less person to pt ck on m the morntng Mary Phtlpott leaves Mr. Marozas wtth no one to call htm " Bozo " everyday; leaves her "hetght " to Mr Everly ; and a supply of

apples to anyone who eats C Lunch everyday. Rtck Ptne leaves hts Student Handbook to Mr. Hunter and hts Board of Educatton. Chns Remfurt leaves Tma Bump wtth one less person to play games wtth Tom Resttno leaves Rtcky wtth fond memones of Apnl Fool's Day. Tony Rtce leaves to go "coon huntmg" wtth Harvey and Clyde Mary Robtnson leaves Yvonne wtth no one to blow fuzz around wtth or htt tn the hall Julie Rodak leaves Rtck Ptne to ftnd somebody else to turn mto a nervous wreck . Sally Russell leaves school wtth ftve brothers to follow m her footsteps . Kathryn Ryder leaves to carry out future 00 mtsstons wtth 007 and still eatmg Kevm Salisbury leaves Kelly betng the last of the Salisburys tn H.F.C.S. Steve Schwartz leaves wtth Larry Jenntngs still wattmg for htm to turn 18, and still " wtcked messed up " Vickt Setfert leaves the prestdency of cheerleadmg to anyone Who can handle 1t and wtshing Wendy and Kyle much happmess in

thetr remainmg years at H.F.C S. Bob Shea leaves cross country to anyone who can put up wtth Steve Coulter Mike Sheffer leaves all hts worldly basketball sktlls to hts ltttle brother Rob . Jay Sheldon leaves headed southbound on Route 22 to Colleen 's. Janet Sherwm leaves H.F.C.S. taking along many happy memories and lookmg forward to many more. Cheryl Smtth not only leaves searchtng for new double 0 mtsstons wtth 006 and sttll sttcktng up for Dallas but also leaves Mary

Ropttzky wtthout a shoulder to cry on. Sue Smtth leaves to JOin Don sailmg the Seven Seas and leaves Steff caught m the waves back at H.F.C.S. Bruce Snyder leaves one more year for hts brother and four more years to hts Sister . Fred Steller leaves sttll wondenng how he made it. Ron Stevens leaves for the mountams Lori Stewart leaves cheerleadmg to anyone who can put up wtth the " evils " of 1t. Austtn St. Htlatre leaves saymg, " It's finally over! " Stacy Stowell leaves to JOin Danny and Mrs. Holmes and Mrs. Cramer oneless vtsttor. Btll SUite leaves sttll trytng to get the ball. Dena Testa leaves Spantsh 4 to anyone Willing to take 1t and leaves Chorus to anyone who needs to fintsh thetr homework. Mtke Thorpe leaves Mtss Ctcero wtthout gomg to dtnner Stssy Tollisen - Stssy and Nancy leave Kns the " head " of hts tenth grade class . Jane Tudor - Jane and Mary leave together Ed Wendel leaves hts ptnk cadtllac to Jane. John Wescott leaves Gordon, Tammy, and Bob to start htghschool. Scott Wilson leaves Mr. Betts sttll trymg to ftnd where he parked the Dnver Ed car. Billy Wyman leaves Mrs. Douglas wtth rt few less problems and still wondenng where her "ptne cone tree went to! " Jeff Wysockt leaves hts JUmpmg abtlity to Noordtn Said and Dan McMahon and heanng, "Y, you ' re crazy!" Jtll Wysocki - Jill and Fran leave the road to the West Hills open and ready for Tommy, Velardi , Lewsey, LaPorte . and Barry Judy Yager leaves Mr Greenberger wtth regrets and all her other teachers with thtrty less questiOns Chuck Yavantskt leaves to become a bum Kathy Yavantsktleaves to JOin Mtke (hopefully!) , leaves Susan wtth all the fond memones of H.F.C.S. and the two " Lynn Ann's " wtth

two more years to ftntsh . Mtke Yavantskt leaves Mr. Roy with a monkey m hts ftltng cabtnet. John Yurewttch leaves hts stster Karen four more years of school.


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Student Life

"School sure 1sn' t what 1t's cracked up to be."

Future Mechan1cs of Amenca

" You mean someone is actually going to buy these cakes "

Ed1th f1nally f1nds someone h1s own s1ze .

" . .. And here comes the Grand Ole Opera!"

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Don't tell me that Snoopy and Charlie Brown have gone DEVO!

It's too early in the morning for M1chelle - she looks like a walking ZOMBIE.

Beth and Jeff are keepmg themselves extremely busy.

Kelly is makmg her " Amencan Graffiti" ....


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The whole class has heart failure

Chris msists that his cake 1s better.

Cindy shows Patty one of her better talents.


Brenda knows that long d1stance IS the next best thing to bemg there .

Bruce and Bob try to s1ng.

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We are DEVO Jack1e dares Tracy to squ1rt her.

M1ke th1nks about Cheryl before class. Kathenne tnes to get every last drop.

"I won't move!" says Jenn1fer. A true artist at work.


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"Robin , look at Kim! She 's playing her flute and sleeping at the same t1me!"

" ... but I can cut a hole in the pattern if I want to! Just don ' t tell the teacher!"

"Do I know what I'm do~ng? Of course I do!" " Hi Mom, I'll meet you at the f1nish line!" says Paul.

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One of the greatest sculpturers of our time.

" I told you I could do 1t! "

"We are family. I've got all my s1sters with me."

"What's so funny? "

"Hey don't take my p1cture!"


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Toma doesn ' t want anyone to hear what Sharon is saying.

The high school listens to another Christmas Concert.

Another exciting English Class!!

Bonnie complains after Dawn hit her in the head .

Janet and Lori try to pretend they are studying.

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tlassts ''This Is The Most

Difficult Jump . . . . . . . ''


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11th Grade Marc1e Adams Cathy Am1don Theresa Arm

Karen Armstrong Jenny Bakait1s Patnck Baka1tis

"Mine eyes have seen the glory of the burnmg of the school

Glenn Baker Sandra Bass Sharon Bass James Bates Matthew Beck Lmda Benson Jim Bett1s

Melissa BISSOn Robert B1ssonette Rick Blakey Julie- Bohmer Jack1e Bradley Paul Breese Beth Brom1rsk1

T1na Bump Jo1 Campbell Patsy Carknard

Dee Cipperly Tracy Cilntsman K1m Colvin

Wayne Corbett D1ane Cuddihy Jerry Dacch1lle

Glen is having enough trouble trying to read the Table of Contents.

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Maureen Davock Patt1 Davock Vick1 Davock

Laura Deluca Dean Dubo1s Don Ely

Cindy, Chris, and Linda wish Lisa would get to the good part .

Everything is fmger-hckm ' good!

Matt Fauler R1chard Ferrann1n1 Gary Filkins Lisa Flono Karen Flynn Steve Foster Cmdy Francis

Allan Gates Irene Gates Lorra1ne Gatus Mary Gilson Yvonne Goodwin Chris Green Heidi Griesemer

Brent Gnffin Thomas Gnff1n Steve Grobusk1

Cecilia Harrington Lee Anne Harnson Clara Hendry

Susan Hernngton J1ll Hoag Seth Holbrook


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I Beth wonders what Sue is talking to Bob about."

Kelly G. King Sandy LaPerle Catherine LaPorte Joan LaPorte Cynthia Lefebvre Deborah Lohnes William Mabee

Doug McCabe Thomas McGuire Stephen Monks Thomas Morin Scott Mosely Jim Myers Stanley Niegoda

Steve N1egoda John Nugent Loren O'Dell

Kurt Palmateer Tracy Petersen Jeffery Pokines

Donna Powers Ed Pugliese Holly Reilly


Larry Hrbek Maureen Hulihan Kevin Hyde

Dav1d Jones Terry Jones Steve Keeler

Roxanne, " Class is mside the school. "

Page 41: 1980 -  · PDF fileIf you don't like 1t don't look Mary ... you can do tomorrow" ... " And did I tell you the joke about .

Ed Remfurt John R1ce Betsy Robson

Mary Rop1tzky David Rowland Kelly Salisbury

"I think I'd rather be a cowboy, " says Seth.

" I hope at least one of us can remember these answeres Ed ," says Brent.

Jan Wysocki John Zw1ercan

Gary Sargood Katy Schonbeck Bruce Seney Pam Sherman Ceil Skott Kenny Snyder Beth Sprunger

Brenda Stell Annette Stella Bob Stevens Elinor Stevens R1chard Stowell Scott Stroffoleno Kevin Suite

Helen Sukuskas Sharon Surdam Judy Thomas

Ke1th Thompson Fred Waite John Watts


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lOth Grade

Eric Am1don Nad1ne Andrew

Dawn Baldwin Apnl Barnhart

Max1nne Bartolatta Shirley Bates

Rocky lets Mr. Hunter have 1t.

Joyce wonders why no one else wants to read .

Elizabeth Dav1s Jane Decker Tern Decker Linda Deluca

Walter Beagle Laune Bettis Michelle

BISSOnette Tammy Bowen Aug1e Brownell

Michelle Brogue Terry Bump Hyac1nthe

Burnham Anthony Bushey Jeff Callahan

Maureen Carknard Mollie Caron

Lisa Couch Lisa Cramer

Carol Cutler Mark Danforth

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These are Semors!?!

MaryAnn Deluca Rosalie D1Magg10 Kathlene Daughtery

Mark Dubuke AI Eberle Yvonne Eberle

Bonn1e Fairbanks Chns Francis Paula Frank

Kathy Flem1ng Dianne Flynn Eileen Flynn

Dawn not1ces someth1ng crawling 1n Nad1ne's ha1r

M1ke Flynn John Greeley Paul Greeley Belinda Green Shelly Green

John Greenwood Jodi Gre1smer Steven Gnff1th D1ane Goodw1n Carl Harnngton

Terry James Rob1n Jepson

B1ll Hamson Greg Hoard Regma Hoffman

Mary Hoffman Mary Hrbek Mark Hunt


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Sue Kelly Cindy Keeler

Holly advises Tom not to talk in the library

John Kipp Chris Lacro1x Laune Lanoue

Phil Lanoue Gary Laperle D1ane Lefebvre

You've been caught now- there's no use hid­ing the evidence.

Karen Lewsey Tammy Liporace Jeff Lovingston Chris Lohnes Linda Magazu

Patty Mahar Maureen Mart1nez Lisa Matte Regma Matte Dan McMahon

Paul McMart1n Karen M1cheals Paul Miller Frank Morandi Nadme Moore

Dawn Ogert Debbie Mulready

Rob1n Noble Lynn O'Bnen

Julie Prebble Kathy Keene

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J1m says, "Let's get them. "

David Redden Sheila R1ce Carol Rondeau

Debbi Russell Noorda1n Sa1d Fred Salluzzo

Debra Sausville Darlene Searby Wendy Se1fert

"We are the Hoosier g1rls .

Tracey Shaw Julie Shea Don Skott Paul Sm1th Stacey Sp1ak

AI Stevens Sue Stevens Cmdy Stra1t Dale Stroffoleno T1m Su1te

Darryl Taber Donald Taber A.J Tate Marg1e Wnght Terry Thorpe

Jod1 Tollisen Kns Toll1sen

Jackie Travis Calv1n Watts

She1la Wh1tton Carol Verrastro


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Mane Allard Robert Allen Elon Baker

Lisa Baker Shawn Bet1t Beth B1sson

R1chard Bissonette Barb Boesse Kent Bornt

L1sa Brownell Kevin Buck Judy Bump Lynn Burgess Lynn Burt Kevm Cardillo Larry Casavant

Beth C1pperly Elva Cipperly Chris Chapones Jeff Colegrove Todd Colegrove Paul Corbett Anne Corb1n

Vince Costant1no David Cottrell Jeff Cottrell Laura Cottrell Mary DeMars Terry D1magg1o Bill Dixon

Monday morn1ng Bridge Club?

9th Grade

Ed says, " Th1s not the way I remember the alphabet. "

Tim Dubo1s Donna

Durkey Carol Eddy

M1ke Eldred Rober t Ely

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Hilary is shocked by the sight of our roving cameraman

Melissa Jones Kathleen Kelly

Rae Jepson Sheri Jepson Cindy Jones

Hey, now wait JUSt a minute!

Kevin Estes Donna Fab1ano Sharon Fauler

Laura Fiona Valene Flynn Dave Fogarty

Nancy Fogarty Robert Foster Thomas Foster

Stephanie Geraghty Dav1d Gilson Ed Granger Marlene Gren1er B1ll Grobusk1 M1ke Grobuski Loreen Hackett

K1m Harrison Barbara Hartnagle Clark Haskell Kim Haskell Pam Hathaway Ted Haag Dan1el Hunt

Darlene Hunt Marlene Hunt Tracy Hunt Sally Hunter Violet Hurlburt Ed Hyde Tina James


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Carolyn Koronas Melinda Kuscsik Kelly La Cro1x

Frank Lane Robert LaPerle Pablo La Porte

Jenn1fer Letourneau Barbera Lewis Dav1d Lewsey

Amy Loretan Mark Lukas Judy Luke Bruce March Marcel Matte Isabel McGuire Kathy McMahon

Chns Ment1ply K1m Merrills Michelle Howard T1m Milliman Tim Morin Cindy Nell Jerry Niles

Jody Niles Tammy Noble Usa North Ruth Ormsbee Ray Peckham Sonny Peckham Penny Perrotti

Ruth gives us that see through image.

A meet1ng of the old and the new.

M1chael Pi ritz Jamie Pok1nes K1m Philips

Michael Philips Joanne Powers

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Where are some men when you need them?


Kim Young Alan Zelenka

Tom Wysocki Gary Yavaniski Karen Yavan1ski

She1la Rayner Brett Reed Kathy Rest1no

Carolyn R1der Debb1e Roberson Dale Roose

Jenmfer Salluzzo De1dre Salv1 Dom1n1c Schwartz

Julie Schwartz Bill Skaflested Matt Sm1th Becky Sporbert Tammy Sprague Paul Sprunger AI Stevens

Robert Stra1t Fred Sura Greg Sura David Sutton Peter Tollisen D1anne Towne Den1se VanderKar

Robert Velardi Tom Waite Roger Weeden Margaret Wh1tton Danny Williams Joy Wysocki Todd Wyscok1

Santa Claus is getting lazy this year. He has h1s helpers do all of the wrapp1ng.


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8th Grade

Reading a book in class Seth? Shame, Shame, Shame! Theresa isn't sure if she wants to come into class or not­one foot in the door and one foot out!

Jackie Allard Mickey Andrews Mike Appel Gail Armstrong Peter Bakaitis Ricky Baker

Bill Bartolotta Diane Beagle Heidi Beck Andrea Betit Norm Betit Kim Blinstrub

Shelley Bounds Donald Bowen Harold Bowen Denise Brownell John Calhoun Kim Callahan ~

Eric Case William Chapones Chad Cook Lisa Coon Mike Connradt Denise Cross Billie-Jo Danforth

Tammy Danforth Lisa Davendonis Toni Deluca Martha Demars Ann Eldred Tim Ellis Christine Esposito

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"Oh, come on show some excitement."

Pat Kelly Lisa Kongsvik

Karen Hyde Trisha James Debbie Jepson

Brian Jones Kyle Jones Edgar Keene

An art1st at work.

Joe Feran1n1n1 Andrea Flynn

Dav1d Flynn Ed Flynn

Larry Foster Scott Foster A1mee Frank BenJarmtn Ga1nes Dennis Gardner Scott Gates Vince Gilbetti

Ed Gorman Jill Greismer Wendy Green Kevin Hackett Mark Hackett D1ane Harnngton Mike Harrington

Madeline Hartnagle Steve Hathaway Wilham Hendry Keith Havis Charlene Hicks Paul Higg1ns Chris Hoffman


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Pablo shows us how to dress correctly.

Kev1n Nagle Conn1e Niles Heather N1les Mary Ogert Mike Pacileo Holly Palmateer Tammy Peckham

Lauren Peterson Terri Pine Bob Piritz

Jim Powers John Powers Colleen Reeve

Mark Rice Melissa Rivard Mike Rowland

Robert Kowalak Edward Kusc1k Maria Laporte Wilham Laporte

John L1porace Beth Litherland Chris Marsh Theresa McGu1re

Brett M1nor Claire Monks Bill Morandi Kevion Momson

Lori Moore Donald Mulready Andy Murray Jeff Myers

"Dan, you don ' t have to cry about 1t! If you don 't understand it, you'll just flunk."

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Monday 's Special for lunch: frog legs in mud!!

Arnold Russell Brian Russell Kevin Russell Scott Russell

Maimon Said Sharon Sargood Lisa Sausville Amy Schonbeck

Eric Shaefer Robert Sheffer Joe Sherwin Matt Sherwin

Karen Sicinski Shawn Skaflestad Dawn Smith Jennifer Sparks


" Oh no! The enemy has discovered my secret fleet! "

Mike Stachelsk1 Ed Stell JeH Stevens Neil Stowell Robin Stowell Karen Snyder

Mary Thomas David Watson Ray Weatherwax Tom Webster Florence Weeden Tammy Wescott

Sue Whittet Joyce Wilwol

Sue Yavaniski Paul Yerke Karen Yurewitch


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7th Grade

Sign up now for your free order blank to cancel your report cards!

Susan Blinstrub Kari Bornt Jonathan Bossoni Richard Bounds Chris Bradley Mane Bredbenner Bonme Breese

Barry Brogue Candy Browe Dean Brownell

Ken Bruner Chris Cabana Jenn1fer Cahill

Walter Callahan Cathy Carknard

Paul Aleksonis Pete Aleksonis Robin Andrews

Leroy Baker M1ke Bacon Betty Beagle

Tina Beck Luke Bigelow Paul Bissonette

The Invasion of the Munchkins!!!

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Larry can't f1gure out how to get the paper into the ma­chine.

Earl Case Agnes Clancy Kim Clark Mary Beth Cook Peter Coonradt Mary Corb1n

Pat Corbm D1ana Corey Charlie Costantino Theresa Danforth Gregg Davendon1s Mark Davock

" Open the door here it comes .... Maypo!??!

James Decker Howard Dewey George Dimaggio Karen DiPippa Karen Dunnigan Tony Fabiano

Lisa Foucher Patty Fleming Bnan Gardner Tony G1arraputo Jackie Godbout Cindy Granger


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Greg works hard on his masterpiece.

Toni Granger Cheryl Gyberg Paul Hand David Hansen David Harris Brian Harrison

Alan Haskell Kim Hav1s Paul Haynes Hilary Hodgson Sarah Holbrook Corena Hunt

Dawn Hunt Pam Hunt Terry Hunt Timothy Hunt Renee Howard Calvin Hurlburt

Gail Jepson Rhonda Jepson Mark Johnston Arnold Jones Tammy Jones Eric Jergens

Brian takes time out for a short nap.

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Judy and Jeanne work hard at looking busy.

Maureen Monahan Tom Moore Wayne Morgan

Patti Pacileo John Parker Lori Peck

M1chelle Peckham Rickey Rice Jackie Ryan

Missy Keeley Stacey Kenney Betsy King

Ronnie King Todd King Dav1d Kipp

Robert Koronas Suzanne Klebbe Mike Kowalik

Mimi Lane Margi LaPorte Lyle Livingston Carol Lohnes Howard Lohnes Wayne Magisano Bill Matte

Kelly and Michelle make posters to honor the "stars" of H.F.C.S.


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No one else is dressed for Halloween, Wendy. Are you sure it's today?!

Norma Stevens Theresa Stewart Conn1e Stra1t Bruce Stroffoleno Jeff Suite Tma Thomas Teresa Thurber

Cindy Wade Jean Weatherwax Joan Weatherwax

Bill Webster Bobby Wescott Matt Williams

Jody Wright Philip Yerke Leroy Young

Mike Schne1der Norhayati Sa1d Patti Sausville

Joe Scott Stephan1e Smith Beth Sousie

Conn1e Stearns Geraldme Stevens Jerry Stevens

If you keep doing your homework every ntght, the teachers will think someth1ng IS wrong with you!

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Jarulty ''We Shall Leave Our Nests

Innocent And Unarmed . . . . . ''


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Mr. Altobell - Science Mr. Baker - Phystcal Education Mr. Bero - Math

Mr. Betts - Driver Education Miss Bouplon - Reading, English Mr. Brewster - Guidance

" And did I tell you the joke about . ..... !" Mrs. Brown - Spantsh


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Mrs. Carpenter - Home Econom1cs M1ss Cicero - Math Mr. Baker shows us how to do hp-ups.

Mrs. Clintsman - Engl1sh Mr. Clintsman -Special Ed. Miss Dence - Psychologist

Mrs. Douglas - Business Mr. Eastw1ck - Social Studies M1ss Eddy - Engl1sh


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"But Mr. Everly , I don't like carrots." Mrs. Fraz1er - Home Economics Mr. Greenberger - Math

Mr. Everly - Music Mr. Ga1llard - Mus1c Mr. Gronning - Soc1al Stud1es

Mr. Folgert - Gu1dance Mrs. Goldstein - Math, Sc1ence Mr. Hager - Math


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Mr Hamson - Heath

Mr. Holloway - Soc1al Stud1es

What do you mean you d1dn't do your homework?!?!

Mrs. Hutch1ns - English

Mr. Idleman - Soc1al stud1es

Mrs. Holmes - Nurse

Mr Marozas - English

Mrs . M1ller - French

Mr. Lang - Business


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" Gee, I don't know what you mean." Mrs. Neaten - L1branan Mr. Peckham - English

Mr. Pedersen - Music Mrs. Pellidmo - Math, Soc1al Stud1es Mrs. Perry - English , Social Stud1es

Mr. Reeve - Science M1ss Rob1nson - Art Mr. Rodak - Sc1ence


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Mr. Roy - Social Stud1es Mrs. Thornton - Social Studies Mr. Waltz - Science

Mr. Sargood - Wood Shop Mr. Turi - Science Mr. Wright - Auto Shop

Mr. Stritch - English Mr. Veldman - Metal Shop M1ss Wadsworth - Physical Education


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Elementary F acuity

1st row I. tor. Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Brankman , Mrs. Zelinkas, M1ss Keatly , Mrs. Fogert. Mr. Brankman , Mrs. Burdick. Back row L. to r . Mrs. Cunningham, Mrs. Harnngton . Miss Farrara , Mrs. Tudor, Mrs. Gifford , Mrs. Aman . Mrs. Burdick, Mrs. Konsvik.

Back row L. tor. Mr. LaStage, Mr. Redden , Mr, Hodgson, Mrs. Burd1ck, Mrs. Neudecker, Mrs. Davendonis . Mr. Russert . Front row I. to r . Mr. Dewey, Mr. Barotto , Mrs. Marbot , Miss Hughes, Mrs. Ubelacker, Mr. Wilson .

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Mrs. Brenenstuhl Mrs. Holmes and Mrs. Cramer

Mrs. Bryce

Mrs. Hume Mrs. Frank

Mrs. Durkey

Mrs. Whittet Mrs. Jones

Ms. Eddy

Mrs. Ogden Mr. McCart

Mrs. Redden


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c u s t 0 d . I

a n s

c a f e t -e r . I


B u s D r

v e r s

(L. toR.) - M. Philpott, H. Michie, T. Chirosello, F. Perotti , T. Kalinowski, W. Durkee, L. Cardillo, D. Bisson .

(L. to R.) - Back row: Mrs. Bradley, Mrs. Constantino, Mrs. Paradis, Mrs. Ryder, Mrs. Pleasant, Mrs. Shaw, Mrs. Miner , Mrs. Moore. Front row : Mrs. Holzauer, Mrs. O' Malley, Mrs. Brownell , Mrs. Eighney, Mrs. McCart.

Back row (L. toR.)- B. Barber, H. Taber, F. Schmigel, J . Suite , B, McCart, Dority , 0 . Brenenstuhl. Front row (L. sto R.) - B. Harrington, H. Barber , W. Sheffer , P. Bakaitis , S. Scaglione, M. Hoffman .

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§ports ''We Will Be Filled With

Joy, Yet Mourn ...... ''


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Varsity Football

Panthers Finish Second In The League.

The 1980 Panther Varsity Football team complet­ed an extremely successful season. They had a re­cord of 7 - 1 - 1. The Panthers roared through the season losing only to Whitehall who went on to win the division title. This loss puts us into second place by half a game. In a majority of the games the Panthers came from behind to win. The coaches and two captains, Chris Reinfurt and Chuck Yavan­iski, got the team fired up to come out winning in the end. There were also several squad members that were elected to the Conference All Star Team. Those members are Chris Reinfurt, Mike Yavaniski, Skip Howard, Ronnie Baldwin, Steve Vogler, and Ed Reinfurt. Chuck Yavaniski, Scott Stroffoline and Matt Fauler were also elected as honorable men­tion .

Edith kicks off.

Front row (L. to R.)- M. Fauler, J . McMahon, C. Breese, B. Suite, M. Yavaniski, C. Yavaniski , C. Reinfurt, S. Howard, R. Baldwin, J . Wysocki, T. Ment1ply, R. O'Dell , S. Vogler, J. Fabiano. Second Row (L. to R.) A.J. Tate , B. Manoogian, B. Hamson , S. Schwartz, M. Dubuke, G. LaPerle, S. Stroffoleno, J . Rice, D. DuBois, E. Reinfurt, S. Niegoda, A. Brownell. N. Said, B. Griffin , D. Stroffoleno, P. Lanoue. Third Row (L. toR.)- Coach Baker, R. Stevens, S. Schwartz, S. Niegoda , D. Skott , K. Suite, F. Waite , J . Sherwin , J . Betis, Coach Greenberger, R. Stowell , R. Maussert, J . Dacchille, C. LaCroix, D. St. Hilaire, A. Stevens, D. McMahon, F. Salluzo, E. Pugliese , D. McCabe, B. Bissonette, Coach Baker .

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I Can 't hold them back anymore Ron.

John gives the ball a btg hug.

Matt is bittng his nails between plays. Chns hopes he can out run the enemy.

The team rejoices as Ed adds another six potnts to the Panther score.


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" We are Gr - r - r -reat!!! "

" I guess we scared them!"

Matt goes back to pass to Brent .

Chris is ready for the snap.


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The worried looks indicate an opponent's score.

The cheerleaders rush on the field as spectators look on.

Cheerleaders Spirit!!

The consistent spirit of the cheerleaders can be seen throughout the season whether they are out on the field or in the halls working on posters and hoops for the football season.

They worked hard to perfect their routines, which have greatly improved since the girls began going to camp. This year nine went and won the coveted spirit stick for excellence and many blue and red ribbons as receiving new ideas for cheers and chants.

The officers for the 1979-80 school year are: President, Vicki Seifert; Vice president, Wendy Liporace; Secretary, Maureen Davock; Treasurer, Lori Stewart.

Mrs. Frazier, the cheerleading advisor, has done much to add to the support and leadership of the cheering squad.

I sure hope he doesn ' t bite.

(L. toR.) D. Goodwin, T. Arm , A. Barnhart. K. King, J . Wysocki , V. Se1fert , L. Harnson, M. Robinson , M. Wnght, W. Liporace, C. Lefebvre , M. Davock.


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Varsity Field Hockey

Field Hockey Team Champions Again!!

The varsity field hockey team finished the season by capturing the league Championship. Contributing to the overall record of 14 - 3 was Catherine LaPorte with 12 goals, Tracy Peterson with 11, and Patty Mahar with 6. There Were a total of 41 goals scored against 18 teams this season. Although the team is losing three seniors as the upcoming J.V. players will provide a strong team next year.

It's a varsity Victory. " Elinor , don 't just stand there do something!" says Nancy.

Standing (L. toR.) - Coach Wadsworth , E. Stevens. T. Petersen, J. Bradley, J . LaPorte . T. Bump, J. Thomas, S. Bass Kneeling (L. to R.) - G. Gray, L. Deluca. K. Kovage , H. Sukuskas. N. Fab1ano. P. Mahar, C. LaPorte . T. Chntsman , P. Carknard

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J. V. Field Hockey

" Umph! Ugh ."

J.V. Field Hockey Team Goes Undefeated!!

The 1979 J.V. Field Hockey team finished with an out­standing league record of 10 - 0 - 4 and an overall record of 11 - 0- 5. The highest scorer for the season was Terry Thorpe who scored 11 goals. The second highest sc?rer was Linda Deluca who scored 10 goals. Congratulatrons should be given to the team and their coach, Mrs. Thompson. The team only had two goals scored against them in 16 games. The Varsity team looks forward to a great season next year.

Linda takes charge of the ball .

Standing (L. toR.)- K. McMahon, D. Flynn, J. Salluzo, J. Bump, J . Wysocki , M. Jones, K. Dougherty , S. Harnngton, E. Cipperly, T. Bowen, P. Perrotti , L. BettiS, T. Thorpe , L. Deluca Center - Coach Thompson Kneel1ng (L. toR.) - M. Allard , M Carknard, D. BaldWin, L. Dav1s , T. Bump, P. Frank, B. Fairbanks, M. Brogue , D. Fab1ano, T. Shaw


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Holly w1ns by an elbow.

"I hope I make 1t this time." says Rose.

Girls Track And Field Three Records Broken

The 1979 Girl's track and field suffered through a very frustrating season as they didn't win a single meet. On the bright side of the season, the girls did break three records. Penny Armstrong broke the shot put record, Kathy Hayden, Holly Bossoni and April Barnhart broke the two mile record, and Cath­erine LaPorte also broke the 330 hurdle record. The girls are expecting a much improved season next year.

Look at that determination on Cathy's face .

Back row: C. Cutler , K. Restino , L. Petersen, G. Armstrong, A. Barnhart , T. Clintsman , C. LaPorte; K. Ryder , J . Griesmer, T. Petersen, J . Wysocki , L. Benson , B. Conn1e Front Row: M. Gilson , L. Matte, H. Bossoni, D. Dubuke, L. Stewart , L. Luke, S. Bossom, R. Bates, D. Testa , K. Hayden sittmg; Coach Restmo

Page 77: 1980 -  · PDF fileIf you don't like 1t don't look Mary ... you can do tomorrow" ... " And did I tell you the joke about .

Cross Country Cross Country Team

Finishes 6 - 3. The team had a difficult season but finished with an

overall record of 6 - 3 and a 3 - 4 record in the league. At the Salen Invitational, the team finished 3rd out of eleven teams. The individuals at Salem finished 12th, 19th, 23th, 25th, and 27th. They had a difficult season, but the future does look promising.

" What's my strategy today . Should I be first or last or ... He 's eat1n ' me up fast. I'd better kick m!

(Stand1ng L to R.) L. Hrbek, S. N1egoda, R Weeden , T. GriH1n , J Myers. B Shea , Coach Coulter . Kneeling (L . to R) - S. Foster, D. Schwartz, J . Scott, M. Hunt. B. Harnson. L. Bigelow.


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Varsity Basketball Panthers Tie For Second In League

Coach Dewey's Varsity basketball team fin ­ished the regular season with 17 wins and 3 losses and a 2nd place finish in the Wasaren League. The team was led by the scoring of Kevin Brewster, James Martinez, Andy Andrew, and Mike Thorpe. They all averaged double figures . Also, Kevin led the team in rebounds. This year's team consisted of 8 seniors, 4 juniors, and 1 sophomore . The outlook looks promising next year with many talented new additions from the J. V. squad .

HFCS 53 51 68 54 77 64 57 57 56 62 88 64 71 55 66 61 64 86 71 90

South Glens Falls Stillwater Avenll Park Schuylerville Mt. Anthony Greenwich Tamarac Salem Mt. Anthony Hoos1c Valley Cambridge Stillwater Schuylerv1 le Greenwich Avenll P.ark~,~~---­Tamarac So t h lens Fall Salem Hoosic Val Cambridge

Standing L toR: B. Hall , J . Lynch, M. Sheffer, J . Wysocki, M. Beck, B. Shea, W. Corbett. M. Thorpe, Coach Dewey. Kneeling L to R: F. Salluuo, J . Rice, J . Martinez, A. Andrews . M. Fauler, K. Brewster, K. Dewey, K. Se1fert.

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Kevin and Bob don't seem to be too thrilled about tonight's game.

" Will somebody get the ball !!! !"

Jimmy moves tn for another Panther score.

Everyone 1s totally captivated by Mike 's shot.

Jim prepares for another great pass.

Mike shows what you can do if your Mother uses Bounce in her dryer.


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J. V. Basketball Junior Varsity Finishes

Season 19-1.

The Junior Panthers completed the 1979-80 sea­son with a spectaculr 19-1 record . This placed them first in the Wasaren League. Their only loss was a tough two point decision to South Glens Falls . The young Panthers showed an explosive and balanced offense led by Phil Lanoue , Dan McMahon, Noor­dann Said, and Frank Morandi . They mixed this with a tenacious defense . Their efforts will surely show in future varsity endeavors.

Tim lays one up for two.

David Lewsey drives around a pick for a score.

Paul lets go of his elevator pass ..

Standing: L. to R. A. J . Tate , M. Pir itz, P. Corbett, V. Constantino, D. McMahon, Coach Wilson , D. Skott , T. Wysocki , D. Lewsey. Kneeling: L. to R. C. Dewey, F. Saluzzo, P. Lanoue, N. Said , B. Harrison, F. Morandi , D. McMahon , D. Gilson

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The J . V. Cheerleaders sing the Alma Mater during a home game.

The cheerleaders show all their spirit during the game.

Cheerleaders "5 . •t I " p1r1 ........ .

The Basketball Cheerleaders at H. F. C. S. are under the advisorship of Mrs. Margaret Frazier . The girls worked very hard getting the gym filled with posters. A lot of time and effort was given in order to get a spirited rally (Both squads dis­played decorative hoops.) The cheerleaders also kept up spirit and helped lead the team onto many victories.

Cindy and April are walking the tight ropes.

Top L toR: M. Davock, W. Liporace, M. Moore. Middle L to R: Advisor- Mrs. Frazier, K. Clintsman, C. Lefebvre, J . Wysocki , M. Robinson , V. Seifert. Front : L Harrison


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Wrestling Wrestlers Class C

Champs Again!

Coach Ken Baker led the Panthers to an­other successful season with a thirteen win , two loss record . After losing their opening match to Amsterdam , the Panthers came on strong to win twelve in a row before falling to an old nemisis, Salem. The Panthers, led by Co-Captains Bob Griffing and Dave Monks, had one of the best tournament teams in Section Two. They placed first in the Spencer-Van Et­ten, South Glens Falls, Washington County and the Class " C" sectional tournaments . The Pan­thers , though losing seven seniors, have sever­al returning lettermen and an able J . V. team ready to continue the winning tradition .

Hoosi k Falls - 51 HOOSICk Falls - 23 Hoos1ck Fallis - 47 Hoosick Falls - 53 HOOSICk Falls - 38 HOOSICk Falls • 63 Hoosick Falls - 63 Hoosick Falls - 36 HOOSICk Falls • 75 HOOSICk Falls - 29 Hoosick Falls - 76 Hoos1ck Falls - 39 Hoos1ck Falls - 5 Hoosick Falls - 24 Hoosick Falls - 40

Gui derland - 8 Arnst rdam - 26 South Glens FAlls - 9

Columb1a- 9 Mt. Pleasant - 20 L1nton - 3 Cambrid e - 7 Glens Falls - 22

Tamarac- 0 Queensbury - 23 Stillwater - 0 Mt. Anthony - 19 Schuylerville - 2

Salem - 31 Draper - 13

Standing (l to R) R. Stevens, E. Reinfurt , C. Yavan1ski , E. Pugl iese, L. Bump, R. O'Dell , J . Bettis . Kneeling (l to R) J . Gardner, J . Gardner, B. Griffin , B. Griffin , D. Monks, S. Howard .

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Dave gets his man for a two point takedown .

"But Coach ... I can't pin him. He's crying on my shoulder."

Larry walks away a winner ... as usual.

Skip Howard goes HULK while trying to bring his man to the mat.


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J. V. Wrestling Wrestlers Finish Year

With 9-3 Record!

This year the J. V. 'shad an over all record of 9 and 3. A lot of time and effort was put into the junior varsity squad to get a wrestler's body in shape, mental attitude fixed, and his moves per­fected, knoing that he alone can determine the out come of the match .

On the Junior Varsity, the work is hard, the defeats just as hard to take, and the winning just as rewarding and important.

The J. V. 's have shown themselves to be very competitive and a rather hard act to follow.

Mark gets ready to roll his opponent .

Standing L. toR. M. Hunt, D. McCabe, C. Lacroix, D. Roose , D. Sutton. Kneeling L. toR. M. Dubuke, D. Towne, R. LaPerle , E. Baker.

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Patsy, the leading scorer. goes up for two more.


Girl's Basketball Girl's Basketball


The Panther girl's basketball program has gained ir.1petus under the coaching of Mr. Green­berger and Mrs. Cabana . The varsity is currently tied for second behind league-leading Tamarac. The team was led by the scoring and rebounding of Patty Carknard and Tracy Petersen and the excellent guard play of Maureen Martinez. Pros­pects look bright for '81 with 13 out of 14 veterns returning.

Tracy concentrates on putt1ng 1t on . Back row (L to R) - Coach Greenberger, Michelle Brogue, Terry Bump, Sue Kelly, Tracy Petersen, Cecelia Skott ,Joan LaPorte , Julie Shea. Holly Reilly. Front ros (L to R) - Patsy Carknard , Terry Thorpe, Glynda Gray, Maureen Martinez, Elinor Stevens. Patty Mahar.

(L to R) - Coach Cabana, P. Perotti , J. Trav1s, L. Deluca, C. Chapones. J. Luke, J. Wysocki, K. LaCro1x, K. McMahon, M. Jones.

Maureen gets set to drive as Patsy struggles for pos1t1on.


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Varsity Baseball Varsity Baseball

Finishes 6-7 the 1979 Panther baseball team finished

the season with 6 wins 7 losses. The Pan­thers where led by the hitting of Matt Fauler (.342), Ernie Bates (.348), AL Bornt ( .324), and Wade White ( .305). Offensively, the Pan­thers finished the season with a respectful team batting average . (252). Matt Fauler led the pitching corps with 4 wins . With 9 return­ing veterans, the 1980 season looks promis­ing

Brent says "I don 't think he's going to get me."

Now, that's what I call sliding in!

Like the coach says, "keep your eyes on the the ball .

Back Row 1 tor D. Bradley, S. Brownell, B. Griffin, e E. Reinfurt, J. Fabiano, S. Schwartz. 2nd Row 1 tor J. Cottrell , R. Baldwin, A. Bernt, E. Bates, M. Fauler, M. Allard, Coach Altobell 1st Row I to r W. White, J. Rice , L. Jennings, D. McCabe, B. Niles, B. Gnffin.

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" With a little concentration maybe I can catch it this time."

"We could be doing bigger and better things this afternoon, but ...

J. V. Baseball Young Panthers Finish

3rd In League

The J.V. Baseball team completed the '79 season with an eight win and six loss record . This placed them third in the league. The junior Panthers were led by the hitting of Dan McMa­hon, Fred Saluzzo, and Phil Lanoue. Each led the team with eleven hits apiece. This year's team consisted of mostly freshman . Next year's outlook is very promising as several key players will return as seasoned veterans.

"Sorry, but we lost our pep three innings ago."

Front Row L. to R. J . Gardner, B. Harrison, M. Hunt. D. Skott, M. Debuke, T. Monn, F. Morandi. 2nd Row L. to R. A. Stevens, D. Reilly , J . Sherwin, J . Myers. D. McMahon, D. McCabe, D. St . Hilaire, N. Said , Coach Wilson . 3rd Row L. R. P. Lanoue, F. Saluzzo. K. Suite .


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Varsity Softball Kelly Shaw Finishes With

.410 Batting Average. Although the Varsity Softball team had a league

record of 3-11 , a great effort was put forth by the team. Nancy Danforth pitched two winning games and Patsy Carknard pitched one. Kelly Shaw, Patsy Carknard , and Tina Bump with bat­ting averages of .410, .383, and .353 respective­ly, contributed a great deal to the team . While losing two sen iors , next year 's team looks strong with some promising players from the J . V. team .

" Oh no! I th ink she 's gaining on me! " The great Fabiano up to bat.

Standing (L. to R.) P. Carknard , L. Coon , J . Fairbanks , E. Stevens, P. Cross, T. Bump, S. Bump, J . Bradley, S. Harrington, Coach Wadsworth . Kneeling (L. to R. ) K. Monahan , C. Kelly, M. Martinez, N. Fabiano, K. Shaw, L. Harrison .

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J. V. Softball Junior Panthers

Complete Successful Season.

The J. V. Girls' softball team completed their season with a 7-7 record good enough for a 3rd place finish in the league. The team was led by the hitting of Joamlaporte, Patty Mahar, Terri Bump, and Paula Frank and the pitching of Diana Dan­forth and Linda Deluca . Their future contribu­tions to varsity play will be realized in years to come.

Diana winds up for a strike .

L. toR. Standing H. Sukuskas. J . Thomas, M. Brogue, J . LaPorte, D. Danforth, C. Skott, L. Deluca. D. Baldwin, L. Bettis, T. Liporace, Kneeling L. to R. T. Thorpe , M. Carknard , T. Shaw, P. Mahar, P. Frank, T. Bump, P. Sherman, S. Whitton, B. Green , Coach C. Thompson.


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G. Baker K. Baker T. Altobell S. Coulter

H. Dewey K. Greenberger R. Lang C. Reopel

S. Restino C. Thompson C. Wadsworth G. Wilson


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§tudtnt lift ''Now We Are On

Our Own ....... ''

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Judy's place

I've heard of the Women 's movement - but the MEN'S!?!

"Rick, you can 't be that hungry."

Investing in gold does pay off!!

I don 't believe this - the students are on str ike.

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Mary attempts to sneak a peak.

Does anyone REALLY know if this IS David or Doug?

Now, doesn ' t Bob look GREAT ...•. The cheerleaders new E1ffel Tower cheer.


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Ttna and Bob have a chug-a-lugcontest

Chns, you don ' t have to stand up for your picture.

Ken , wearing a suit won't impress the teacher!!?


Darryl 1n one of hts more ambittous moments.

Kim are you really supposed to read that book 1n school.

Ktm decides to see tf the theory of gravity works so she 'll stand on the ruler .

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Gary shows Maureen h1s good test mark .

... Bruce pretends he knows how to read .

J1m Marker poses as Groucho Marx on Sen1or dressup day.

Another thrilling assembly!

Ed makes a tough dec1s1on.

Jeanne is really " rollmg in the dough ".


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What's everybody looking at?

Kelly helps the S. A. E. decorate cakes .

It's time for another thrilling class at H. F. C. S.!!!


Tracy wants to help the school celebrate Valen­tine 's Day.

Linda does her homework during a track meet.

What's the latest news, Wendy?

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Rrtiuitirs ''M . I'' emor1es ....... .


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Wrestling Pep Club Pep Club-Tremendous

Numbers - Tremendous Spirit. The Wrestling Pep Club is the motivating force be­

hind the spirit seen at all Panther Wrestling matches. With approximately 70 members , it comprises one of the largest groups at H.F.C.S. Members are always seen making posters and hoops. Members are also working behind the scenes making cookies and juice for the wrestling team . These people are also seen at the chalk boards keeping a running score and at the scorer's table keeping time and scores of the individual matches. This primary goal , however, is keeping "Pan­ther spirit" right on top .

Our scorekeepers are definitely enthused by this match! Jody, Regina, and Sally prepare to keep the running score of an upcoming match.

Front Row (L. TOR.) - R. Hoffman, J. Hoag, C. Hendry, M. Kuscsik, S. Bass, T. Bump, C. LaPorte , T. Clintsman, L. Harrison, H. Burnham, M. Brogue, J. Bump, M1ss Eddy. 2nd Row (L. to R.)- S. Spiak, L. Magazu, M. Clancy, M. Bartalotta, M. Allard , M. Gates, K. Kelly, M. Hullihan, K. Young, K. Flynn , L. Baker , C. Eddy, D. Vanderkar , K. Phillips, I. McGuire . Row 3 (L. to R.)- K. Restino , L. Bett1s, N. Moore, K. Keene , D. Goodwin, N. Andrews, D. Baldwin , K. Dougherty, S. Hunter, S. Geraghty, S. Green, R. Ormsbee, E. Flynn, M. Davock, V. Flynn , K. LaCroix, J. Bakaitis , S. Bass, Dianne Towne, K. Pine. 4th Row (L. to R.)- K. Merrills, P. Hathaway, J. Wysocki , H. Grismier , T. Arm, D. Sausville , T. Bowen , R. DiMaggio , S. Rice , D. Stell , D. Searby, S. Surdam, R. Jepson, J. Niles.

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Mrs. Fraz1er plans a highly successful post mduction ban­quet.

The candlelight procession.

Honor Society Twelve Students Inducted In '79.

The Hoosick Falls Chapter of the National Hon­or Society inducted six seniors and six juniors this spring in the first night induction ceremony at H.F.C.S. This was followed by a smorgesborg pre­pared by the old members for the newly inducted members and their parents. Members were se­lected on the basis of scholarship, leadership, service , and character. Juniors must have a cu­mulative aveage of above 87 and the seniors an 85 or better to be eligible. National Honor Society members are presently working as coordinators with the Volunteer Bureau of Troy, tutoring stu­dents for their competency tests , and raismg money for another night induction ceremony and dinner this coming soring.

Bob leads Vicki to her moment of glory.

Mr . Waterhouse , J . Weingard , J . Martinez, P. Armstrong, J . Wysocki , B. Trahan, D. Reynolds , M. Carknard , R. Cottrell , J . Kipp, S. Waite , D. Hand, V. Seifert , C. Bakait1s, R. Bates, W. L1porace, K. Hayden, K. Benson, D. Magazu, R. Monn, S. Mabee, Mrs . Frazier


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SAE 15S.A.E. Sponsors Indonesian


"S .A.E. " means " Students for Action in Educa­tion" ; this group is involved with education in our school at the elementary level by assisting teachers during so e of their free periods. They also give a Christmas party for Mrs. Zelenskas' class and spon­sor a child in Indonesia through World Vision , Int. Fund raising even-ts include selling refreshments at school plays, and Valentine cakes as well as putting on a spaghetti supper in the spring. Thanks to an especially large membership this year, the SAE hopes to have a successful year.

Ceil 1sn't quite sure what Miss Robinson is saying.

Front L. toR. R. Hoffman , K. Snyder , K. Jones, H. Beck, M. Said , C. Espisito . Back L. to R. J. Hoag, C. Lohnes, C. Skott , D. Lomnes, J. Sparks, V. Seifert, A. Frank, Miss Robinson .

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Kevin talks over the evenings happenings With Sue.

"Shall we dance? " says Bob

Junior Prom An Evening Enjoyed

By All

The Junior Prom, the main event of the Junior year , was a great success . Long hours were spent putting up backdrops working many nights and after school. "We've Got Tonight" was chosen as the theme of the prom. Bonnie Cottrell was crowned Prom Queen . Miss Cicero's hard work and tremendous guidance helped to make this prom an outstanding success.

Chris poses for the Camera as Brian takes a snooze.

Back Row L to R- Joe Hackett, Rick Pine, Mark Bass, Don Bissonette, Paul Davendonis, Ron Baldwin, David Harrison , Jeff Wysocki, Bill Wyman, Donny Cottrell, Jim Lynch, Front L toR- Janice Fairbranks, Kim Kovage , Jeanne Mahar, Sue Smith, Kathy Monahan, Jane Tudor, Vicki Seifert. Wendy Liporace, Glynda Gray, Eva Dunigan, Kelly Clinstman, King­Bob Griffin , Queen - Bonnie Cottrell, Princess - Marci Blinstrub, Prince - Chris Haynes.


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All Because Of Agatha

"A Comedy In 3 Acts! The Drama Club of 1979 presented the com­

edy " All Because of Agatha ". The Cast played to a large audience both evenings.

The story is about Duff and Joan O'Hara who buy a house that turns out to be haunted. It shows their struggle to get rid of the witch that haunts it in order to keep the ir home.

It was an evening enjoyed by both the audi­ence and the performers.

How conceited can you get?

Beth and Kevin catch disco fever .

Duff O'Hara Joan O"Har Mr. Van Buren Mrs. Boggs Ethel Dr . Randolph Thelma Breckinridge Flip Cannon . . . . . . . . . Madam La Solda Agatha Forbes

. Jim Marker Carol Eberle Jeff Pokmes

. ........ Donna Reynolds . ............... Kim Pme

. . . . . . . Kevin Salisbury Beth Flynn

. . . . . . . . . . .. Jason Keough

. . . . . . Jacqueline Winegard . . . . Donna Green

I found a fly in my cup "'Says Beth '"

Carol says, '" I'm warning you , Jim'".

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"Coffee, tea , or me? "

Kim and Jason attempt to stare each other down.

Carol asks, "Who won the Tic Tac Toe Tournament?"

" My darling .... AH .... AH .... what is my line? "

"Now what do I do with her? " Jackie had put everyone to sleep.


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Fiddler On The Roof A Rousing Success!!

For its ' 1979 Fall production , the H.F.C.S. Dra­ma Club presented the musical " Fiddler on the Roof" to a full house on both Friday and Saturday nights.

Under Mr. Pedersen 's direction , the cast and chorus transported the audience to a small town in Russia just before the revolution , where Tevye , a poor dairyman, is torn between following the age-old traditions and his family 's pressures on him to change his ways. Though dealing with this serious subject, the play is kept humorous and enjoyable through Tevye 's casual conversations with God and his apprehensive discussions with his wife, Golde .

Despite the long length , the audience was held captivated right through to the dramatic ending. The play drew standing ovations on both nights and will be remembered as one of the Drama Club's best musicals.

John defends the auditorium with the lastest laser gun.


TEVYE The Da1ryman GOLDE H1s Wife TZEITEL Daughter HODEL Daughter CHAVA Daughter SPRI NTZE Daughter BIELKE . . . . . . Daughter VENTE .... The Matchmaker MOTEL . . The Tailor PERC HIK The Student LAZAR WOLF . . . The Butcher MORDCHA The Innkeeper RABBI . . . . . The Rabbi MENDEL His Son

Dan Magazu . . Katy Schonbeck

. . . V1ck1 Seifert . Mary G1lson

. . . . Beth Sprunger Jane Baldwm Mary Philpott Betsy Robson

Kev1n Salisbury J1m Marker Ken Benson Dale Roose

AVRAHM??? . The Bookseller

Ke1th Thompson Cal Watts

.... AI Eberle ... Matt Sm1th

.. Lmda Benson

.. Holly Bosson1 Austin St. Hilaire


. . . . . . . Paul McMartm SASH A SHAN DEL YUSSEL

.. Motel's Mother . Jill Hoag

THE FIDDLER Wayne Corbett

.. Mary Robmson

Holly is ready for take off! " ... well , my grandfather told me that HER GRANDMOTHER WAS A BIG LIAR! "

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Hey, Ken , there is somebody watchmg us!

" Oh , I'm losmg my head. One day it will fall off altogether and a horse will k1ck 1t into the mud. "

" Matchmaker, Matchmaker, make me match .. . "

J1mmy tries to sweep Mary off her feet .

.. . and now Kevin will pull a rabbit out of his hat.


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Yearbook The Deadline Is

Done!! The 1979-1980 Vagabond staff was few in num­

bers but great in enthusiasm. The staff spent several Saturdays of their own time working extra hours to meet fast-approaching deadlines. Members also spent almost everyday after school coordinating the many aspects of yearbook productions, sorting and captioning pictures, doing layouts, etc. Many hours of frustration, encouragement, and days of accom­plishment were realized in the final copy of Vaga­bond II, and those sweet words "The deadline is completed."

"Cip" is in the darkroom trying to work out a new formula that will get the yearbook done faster .

Jane is getting mad while trying to figure out what pictures goes where!

Front row (L. to R.) - Holly Bossoni, Lisa Cramer, Mary Gilson , Mary Philpott, Dena Testa . Back Row (L. to R.) - Debbie Dubuke, Jane Baldwin, Jenny Hoag, Chris Lohnes, Mary Hrbek, Diane Cuddihy , Mr. Marozas. Jan Wysocki, Kevin Cardillo .

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Kevin this IS a dark room not a barroom .

Mary IS st1ll try1ng to f1nd out who that teacher is and where to put h1m.

" Dena , trying to hide the fact that the yearbooks just aren ' t selling! " but 1t doesn ' t seem to bother the editor.

The senior typists for the yearbook get their big thrill of the year; typing up captions .

Diane, with her panther protect1ng her, is able to take the sports p1ctures needed.


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10 4

Student Council Interest Grows With More Responsibilities

The Student Council has begun to grow and stu­dents are taking more interest in it. The Student Council had their annual Bloodmobile again this year. They also exchanged students with Berlin . At Christmas time they put a tree up in the lobby and had kids in 1-3 make decorations and decorate it . When the school had their Parent Teachers Confer­ences, the Student Council acted as guides and served refreshments to parents and teachers. With this growing interest, the Student Council should get the responsibilities that they were meant to have.

Kim Kovage-President, Kevin Brewster-Vice-President, Wendy Liporace-Secretary, Tracy Clintsman-Treasurer .

1st Row L. to R. Elva Cipperly, April Barnhart, Kathleen D Dougherty , Diane Goodwm , Kim Kovage , Kevin Brewster, Tracy Clintsman, V1ck1 Se1fert , Kelly K1ng, Mary Gilson, 2nd Row L toR. Tammy Liporace, Donna Fab1ano, Catherine LaPorte. L1nda Deluca, Judy Thomas, SKip Howard, Helen Sukuskas, D1ane Cuddihy , Beth Sprunger, Kathy Schonbeck, Jan Wysocki , Jack1e Bradley, Patty Mahar, Lee Ann Harrison , 3rd Row I. to R. J1m Martinez, Linda Deluca, Sally Hunter, Todd Wysocki, Joi Campbell, Reg1na Hoffman , Karen Lewsey, Carol Verrastro , Theresa Arm , Tern Bump, Sharon Bass. J1m Lynch , Kev1n Salisbury, David G1lson.

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Mary thinks the next number IS rather humorous.

Clarinet Choir Clarinet Choir Receives

A Rating.

The clarinet cho1r under the direction of Mr. Gaillard is a small ensemble of clannets rang1ng from the Bb through the contra bass Clannet . The clarinet choir is able to perform original works, as well as transcriptions from orchestra , band or organ works . Each year the clarinet choir performs two concerts and attends the New York State School Music Association contest where last year they received a " A" rating on the selec­tion played . The clarinet choir obtains a high level of achievement considenng it only rehearses once weekly. The clannet choir movement was begun in Hoosick Falls By Mr. Gaillard in 1965 and is a common musical group on college campuses .

Back; Mr. Gaillard Back Row: (left to nght) - Regma Hoffman , Pam Hathaway, Tommy Bowen . Theresa Stewart, Corena Hunt Front Row (left to right) Chnstme Lohnes. Mary Philpott , Marlene Gren1er, Annn Elored, A1mee Frank, Jack1e Ryan . Enc Jergens. Kim Mernlls, Patty Pac1leo


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Senior Band Exchange Program · All

County · Parades!!

This year the High School Band , under the di­rection of Mr. L. Everly , participated in Christmas, Spring, and Pops Concerts , an exchange program with the Queensbury High School Band in March , two Memorial Day Parades, the New York State Sectional Music Association . Some members were involved in the Band , Jazz Band, and Wind Ensemble of the All County Concerts .

Also this year, the band received new marching uniforms and plans are in progress for new con­cert uniforms also .

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Another great performance conducted by Mr. Everly.

-Back row L toR: Kim Kovage , David Harrison , Beth Okerman , Kevin Suite , John Rice , Jeff Gardner , Scott Mosley, Matt Beck, Bonnie Fairbanks, Paul Smith , Dav1d St. Hilla~re , Wendy Seifert , Belmda Green , David Gilson, Tom Wa1te , Elon Baker, Beth Cipperly, Doug Harrison, Fred Wa1te , Jay Sheldon, David Sutton, Elva Cipperly , Mary Gilson, Ke1th Thompson, Paul Corbett , Lisa North, Vince Constantmo, Robert Laperle , Larry Hrbek, John Zwerken , John Duket , AI Eberle 2nd Row L to R: Mane Allard , Ann Corb1n, Tammy Liporace, M1chelle B1ssonette , Paula Frank, Rob1n Jepson , Jody Tollisen , Lisa Cramer, Barbara Bosse, Jeff Pokmes, Carol Eddy, Tammy Bowen, Tammy Noble, Glen Baker, Dav1d Towne, Dav1d Jones, Kevm Buck, Kevm Salisbury, Jim Marker, David Cottrell , Ken Benson, D1ane Towne, D1ane Goodwin , Debb1e Sausville , Betsy Robson , Wendy Liporace, Frank Lane, Paul Sprunger , Tony Bushey, Rye Maussert , Bnan Hall , Third row L toR: Mary Philpott, Jack1e Bradley, Lee Ann Hamson, Cathenne Laporte , Pam Hathaway, Joi Wysocki , ~ev1n Estes, Gary Laperle , Ceil Skott. Eleanor Stevens, Linda Benson, Lisa Flono, Regma Hoffman, Roxanne Dooley Fourth row L to R: Clara Hendry, Debbie Lohnes, Dan Magazu , Julie Rodak, Jan Wysocki , Kim Haskell , Yvonne Eberle , Sally Hunter, Beth Bisson , V1ck1 Se1fert, Wayne Corbett , Robert Stevens, Todd Wysocki , Lisa Baker , Linda Magazu,

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The trumpet section shows its stuff.

Junior Band Junior Band Receives

B + Rating

The Junior Band directed by Mr. Gaillard is one of the most active bands of this level in Rensselaer County. The Junior Band performs fourteen pro­grams annually . The school programs are the Christmas, spring and pops concerts and assem­blies. Outside the school programs are done at the Health Center, Grange Hall and the state contest. The band provides the music for the opening of the little League season as well as Memorial Day Pa­rades. The Junior Band received a B + rating at the contest last season. The rating system runs from D­to A+ .

The Junior Band has made four stereo recordings in the last four years and plans on doing so again this year. The school can take great pride in this active group of young people .

Front: A. Haskell , J. Cahall, A. Jones, D. Smith , F. Weeden 2nd Row; B.J. Danforth , C. Hoffman . D. Hansen, M. Thomas, C. Niles, J. Sparks, D. Harrington, M. Rivard . S. Kenney, S. Klebbe , M. Corb1n , H. Hodgson , M. Monohan , K. Bruner , S. Holbrook, K. Callahan 3rd Row; K. Hackett, B. Morandi , A. Eldred , L. Peterson, A. FRank, A. Bet1t , P. Paclleo, K. Bornt , J. Ryan , K. Clark , C. Lohnes, E. Jorgens, C. Browe, C. Hunt, T. Stewart 4th Row; M Bacon , W. Morgan . H. Beck, B. Harnson , D. K1pp , B. Ga1nes, B. Webster, C. Stra1t, C. Wade, J. Powers , M. Lane. M. Paclleo , J . Scott , L. B1gelow, S. Hathaway, M. McGu1re, J. Calhoun, ABSENT: B. Grogan


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Senior Chorus Chorus Busy With Several Concerts

The Senior High Chorus , directed by Mr. C. Pederson and accompanied by Miss Des Laur­iers performed in the Christmas and Spring Concerts and were enthusiastically received . There were well over 100 members, some of whom were chosen to participate in the All County Chorus and Swing Choir.

Mr. Pedersen leads the Senior Chorus during the Christ­mas assembly.

" Are we ready for Santa's helpers!?! "

Top L ToR: Beth Cipperly, Carol R1der, Lisa Brownell , Violet Hurlburt , Debbie Mulready, Sharon Surdam , Shirley Bates, Dale Roose , Jeff Vargus, Ken Benson , Paul Corbett , David Gilson, AI Eberle , Calvin Watts , Debbie Lohnes, Brenda Hunt, Jane Baldwin , Mary Robinson , Vicki Seifert , Lisa Cramer , Holly Bossoni . 2nd L to R: Sandra Laperle , Yvonne Eberle, Beth Sprunger , Linda Benson , J . Salluzzo, D1ane Flynn , Clara Hendry, Jeff Colegrove, Wayne Corbett, Gary Filkins , Tony Bushee, Paul Sprunger , Lisa Flono, Katy Schonbeck, Chris Lohnes, Mary Hrbek, Beth Bisson , Sally Hunter, Dena Testa , Mary Philpott. 3rd L to R Barbara Bosse , Lynn Burgess, Linda Magazu, Tern Jones, Jill Hoag, Tammy Noble, Denise Miller, Jody Niles, Sherri Jepson, Rae Jepson , Barbara Lew1s , Joanne Powers , Ke1th Thompson , Danny Williams, Kevm Salisbury, Danny Magazu , Laureen Hackett , K1m Haskell , Rob1n Noble, Laura Flono, Marlene Grenier, Mary Gilson , Betsy Robson , Mr. Pedersen.

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Are these Santa 's helpers.

Junior Chorus Junior Chorus Participates

At Christmas Assembly.

The Junior Chorus made the Christmas and Spring concerts a success due to their long hours of practice and hard work . Their singing, dancing, and choral se­lections were performed behind the fine direction of Mr. Pedersen . We look forward to their talents in the years to come .

Bottom row L toR: Jeanne Weatherwax, Theresa Stuart , Bill Greeley, Ken Bruner , J1m Powers, Arnold Jones, Enc Jorgans, Colleen Reeves, Joyce Wilwol , Amy Schonbeck, Middle Row L to R: Pam Hunt, Suzanne Klebe , Connie Strait. D1ane Harrington, H1lary Hodgson , Belinda Grogan, Mary Corbm, Cheryl Gyberg, Mim1 Lane, Patty Pacileo , Norma Stevens, Jackie Ryan, Maureen Monahan, Jennifer Cahill, Carina Hunt, Michelle Peckham , Cathy Carknard .

10 9

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SENIOR DIRECTORY Allard, Michael - Baseball 2 - 4; Football 1 - 3; Prom Commitee 3 Andrew, Ralph - Football 1, 2; Baseball 1; Basket­ball 1 - 4; Freshman Class Secretary 1 Arnold, Tina -Chorus 1; Drama Club 1, 2; Wrestling Pep Club 1,2 Baldwin, Jane -Wrestling Pep Club 1 - 3; Chorus 2 -· 4; Drama Club 4; Yearbook 4; Winter Ball Commi­tee 4; Big Brother, Big Sister 4; All County Chorus 4; Track 4 Baldwin, Ronald - Football 1 - 4; Baseball 1 - 4 Bass, Mark - Football 1 - 3; Wrestling 1 - 4 Benkoski, Mary - Wrestling Pep Club 1 - 3; Prom Committee 3; Winter Ball Committee 4 Benson, Ken - Band 1 - 4; Chorus 2 - 4; Ski Club 1 -4; Drama Club 1 - 4; Yearbook 2 - 4; Porn Commit­tee 3; National Honor Society 3, 4 Brian Bach - Ski Club 4 Betit, Scott Blakey, Charles - Wrestling 1 - 3; Wrestling Man­ager 4 Bossoni, Holly - Chorus 1 - 4; Cross Country 3; Track 3, 4; Ski Club 3, 4; Yearbook 3, 4; Prom Committee 3; Winter Ball Committee 4; Drama Club 2- 4 Breese, Chris - Football 1, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2 Brewster, Kevin- Basketball 2- 4; Class President 3, 4; Student Council Vice President 4; Magazine Drive Chairman 4 Bump, Larry - Wrestling 1 - 4; Football 1, 2; Prom Committee 3 · Campbell, Amy - Ski Club 1; Track 1, 4 Campbell, JoAnn - Chorus 2, 3; Big Brother, Big Sister 3 Caron, Frances - Prom Committee 3 Christian, Carole - Chorus 1 - 4; Drama Club 2, 3 Cipperly, Glenn - Ski Club 1 - 3 Clintsman, Kelly -Wrestling Pep Club 2 - 4; Band 1 -4; Cheerleading 4; Girls' Basketball Manager 3; Track 2; Prom Committee 3; Prom Court 3; Winter Ball Committee 4; Cottrell, Bonnie - Track 1 - 4; Varsity Basketball 3; Prom Committee 3; Prom Court 3; Prom Queen 3; Wrestling Pep Club 3, 4; Winter Ball Committee 4 Cottrell, Donald - Prom Committee 3; Ski Club 1 -3; Football 1 Cottrell, Gerald- J.V. Baseball Manager 1, 2; Varsi­ty Baseball Manager 3, 4; Class President 2; Prom Committee 3; Student Council 2 Cottrell, Greg -Danforth, Diana - Student Council 1; Field Hockey Manager 3; Girls' Basketball 2, 3; Girls' Softball 2, 3; Prom Committee 3; Winter Ball Committee 4 Danforth, Nancy - Girls' Softball 1, 3 Doherty, Mary Alice Dooley. Roxanne - Band 1 .: 4; Clarinet Choir 1; Girls' J.V. Softball 1 Dubuke, Deborah - Track 3, 4; Yearbook 4; Big Brothers, Big Sisters 4; Yorker Club 1

Duket, John - Band 1 - 4; Football 2; Wrestling 1 - 3; Stage Crew 1 - 4 Dunigan, Eva -Wrestling Pep Club 1 - 3; Ski Club 4; Prom Committee 3; Prom Court 3; Winter Ball Committee 4 Fabiano, Joe - Wrestling 1; Football 1 - 4; Prom Committee 3; J.V. & Varsity Baseball; Stage Crew Fabiano, Nancy - J. V. Field Hockey 1, 2; Varsity Field Hockey 3, 4; Varsity Field Hockey Captain 4; J. V. Softball 1, 2; Varsity Softball 3, 4; Varsity Basketball Manager 3; Wrestling Pep Club 1, 2; Prom Committee 3; Winter Ball Committee 4; Band 1, 2; Student Council 4 Fairbanks, Janice- Field Hockey 1 - 3; Basketball 2, 3; Softball 2; Ski Club 1 - 4; Pep Club 1; Band 1, 2; Prom Committee 3; Prom Court 3 Gardner, Annette- J. V. Softball 1;; Wrestling Pep Club 1 - 3; Prom Committee 3; Winter Ball Chair­person. Gray, Glynda - Hockey 1 - 4; Basketball 1 - 4; Ski Club 1 - 4; Softball 1; French Club 3; Class Vice­President 3; Prom Court 3; Prom Committee 3; Senior Band 1 - 3. Greeley, James- Baseball Griesemer, Lisa- French Club 1, 2; Wrestling Pep Club 3; Prom Committee 3 Griffin, Robert - Baseball 1 - 4; Wrestling 1 - 4; Griffin, Patrick -Hall, Brian - Band 1 - 4; Basketball Manager 2 - 4; Prom Committee 3; Football Cameraman 4; Dra­ma Club 1, 2 Harrison, David - Prom Committee 3; Winter Ball Committee 4; Band 1 - 4 Harrison, Douglas- Band 1 - 4; Prom Committee 3, 4; All County 1 - 4 Hoag, Jennifer - Yearbook 4; Big Brothers, Big Sis­ters 4 Howard, Skip - Football 1 - 4; Wrestling 1 - 4; Base­ball 1 - 4; Spanish Club 1 - 3; Varsity Club 1 - 3; Home Ec Club 3 (Pres.) Hunt, Brenda - Chorus 3, 4; Big Brothers, Big Sis­ters 4 Kelly, Colleen - Softball 1 - 3; Chorus 1 Darren Kimball - Ski Culb 1, 3, 4; Freshman Foot­ball Kipp.. Jeffrey -Kovage, Kim - Band 1 - 4; All County Band 1 - 4; Chorus 1, 2; Drama Club 1; Field Hockey 2 - 4; Captain 4; Track 1; Softball 2, 4; Football and Bas­ketbaiiCheerleading 1; Class President 1; French Club 3; Prom Committee 3; Prom Court 3; Winter Ball Committee 4; Student Council 1 - 4; President 4; Football Pep Club 4 LaCroix, Tom Lefebvre, Michael - Prom Committee 3, Yearbook Staff 4, Winter Ball Committee 4 Loveland, Kevin · Lynch, James - Basketball 1 - 4 Mabee. James -

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SENIOR DIRECTORY Magazu, Dan- Band 1 - 4: Chorus 1 - 4; Drama Club 2 - 4: Football 1, 2: Prom Committee 3; SkiClub 1 -4: National Honor Soc. 3, 4 Secretary 4: All County .Wind Ensemble 2: All County Chorus 3, 4 Manoogian, Brian - Football, Wrestling. Martinez, James - Basketball 1 - 4; Student Coucil 4: Honor Socieyt 3, 4; Class Treasurer 4 Matte, Gary McCabe, David - Football 1: Wrestling 1, 3, 5: Base­ball 2, 4, 5 Marker, James- Band 1 - 4; Chorus: Drama 2- 4. McMahon, John - Football 3, 4; Ski Club 1 - 3 Mentiply, Tom - Football 1 - 4; Wrestling 1 - 3 Michaels, Kelly Moore, Michele - Wrestling Pep Club 1 - 3; Varsity

. Football Cheerleading 3: Basketball Cheerleading 2 - 4: Prom Committee 3: Winter Ball Committee 4 Monks, David - Wrestling 1 - 4; Football manager 3 Neil, Ken - Baseball : Vollyball Niles, Robert - Baseball 1 - 4; Prom Committee 3: Winter Ball Committee 4 Niles, Harold - Audio - visual Dept. O'Dell, Jeffrey -Okerman, Beth - Wrestling Pep Club 1 - 4; Student Council 3, 4; Calss Secretary 3, 4: Softball 2 - 4; Band 1 - 4: Prom Chairman 3: Football Pep Club 4: Winter BaiiCoinmittee 4; Ski Club 1 - 4 Ormsbee, Joyce Parker, Harold -Philpott, Mary - Band 1 - 4: Chorus 1 - 4; Clarinet Choir 4; Yearbook 3, 4: Editor 4: Football and Bas­ketball Cheerleading 2: Drama Club 4; Prom Com­mittee 3: Winter Ball Committee 4 Pine, Richard - Basketball 1 - 4: Band 1 - 3: Prom Committee 3: Prom Court Escort 3 Reinfurt, Chris- Football 1 - 4; Captain 4: Wrestling 2, 3; Baseball 1, 4 Restino, Tom - Football 1 - 3 Rice, Tony ~ Football 2 - 4 Robinson, Mary- Band 1 - 4; Chorus 1 -4: S.A.E. 3, 4; Historian 3: Cheerleading 2- 4; Drama Club 1 - 4; Prom Committee 3: Yearbook 4; Winter Ball Com­mittee 4; Student Council 2, 4: Class Treasurer 2: Varsity Track 1, 2, 4: All County Band 1 Rodak, Julie - Band 1 - 4; Class Vice Presbdent 2; Varsity Track and Field 1, 2: Drama Club 2: Honor Society 3, 4; Honor Society Vice President 4; All County Band 1, 2: Student Council 2: Prom Com­mittee 2 Russell, Sally Ryder. Kathryn -Chorus 1, 2; Track 2 - 4; Ski Club 1 - 4; Prom Committee. 3; Drama Club 2; Wrestling Pep Club 3; Winter Ball Committee 4; Big Sister 4; S.A.~. 3, 4; S.A.E. Treasurer 3: Student Rep. 1: School Paper 1 : Softball 1 Salisbury, Kevin - Yearbook 4; Schwartz. Steve - Football 1 - 4; Baseball 3, 4 Seifert, Vicki -Varsity Cheerleading 2 - 4; Treasurer 3; President 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; S.A.E.

2 - 4; Vice President 3: Student Council 2 - 4; . French Club 3: Vice President 3: Band 1 - 4; Chorus 1 - 4; Drama Club 1 - 4; Track Manager 1: J. V. Softball 2: All County Band 1, 2; All County Chorus 3: Prom Committee 3; Prom Court 3; Winter Ball Committee 4: Ski Club 1: Wrestling Pep Club 1, 2: Yearbook 4 Senecal, David - Band 1 - 4 Shea, Robert - Basketball 1 - 4; Cross Country 1 -3: Prom Committee 3 Sheffer, Michael- Basketball 1 - 4; Prom Commit­tee 3 Sheldon, Jay - Cross Country 1, 2: Band 1 - 4 Sherwin, Janet Mary - Band 1 - 4; Track 1, 2: Prom Committee 3: Wrestling Pep Club 2, 3 Smith, Cheryl A. - Band 1 - 4; All County Band 1: Wrestling Pep Club 1, 2: Yearbook 4: Track 2: Varsi­ty Cheerleading 2: Prom Committee 3; Winter Ball Committee 4; Hosted Exchange Student 3; Big Sis­ter 4 Smithe, Susan Ann - J.V. Field Hockey 2: Varsity Field Hockey 3: Softball Manager 2: Prom Commit­tee 3: Prom Court 3 Snyder, Bruce Steller, Fred Stevens, Ronald - Football 1 - 4 Wrestling 1 - 4 Band 1 - 4 Stewart, Lori- Band 1 - 4: Cheerleading 2- 4; Track 1 - 4; Prom Committee 3: Winter Ball Committee 4; Ski Club 4; Wrestling Pep Club 2 - 4 St. Hilaire, Austin - Drama Club Stowell, Stacy Suite, Willaim - Football 4 Testa, Dena- Track 1, 3, 4; Chorus 1 - 4; Yearbook 3, 4; Prom Committee 3; Winter Ball Committee 4 Thorpe, Michael - Basketball 1 - 4; Football 1 Tollisen, Mildred -Track 1 Travis, David -Tudor, Jane- Wrestling Pep Club 1- 3; Prom Com­mittee 3: Prom Court 3: Winter Ball Committee 4: Ski Club 4 Vogler, Steve - Football 1 - 4; Baseball 1, 2, 4 Wendel, Ed - Cross Country 1 Wescott, John - Wrestling 2 - 4; Baseball 4 Wilson, Scott -Wyman, William - Football 1, 2 Wysocki, Jeffrey - Football 1 - 4: Basketball 1 - 4; Prom Committee 3 Wysocki, Jill - Basketball 3: Ski Club : Track : Prom Committee 3 Yager, Judy -Yavaniski, Charles - Wrestling 1 - 4: Football 1 - 4 Yavaniski, Kathy- Track 1 - 2- 3: Prom Committee: Winter Ball Committee. Yavaniski, Michael - Football 3, 4; Basketball 1, 4 Yurewitch, John


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This Vagabon Is Dedicated To Our Conductor AnCI ne d - Mr. Everly. It Is Our Way Of Sayi Tha k You Everything You Have Done From The Class Of 1980.

You Have Led The Band In Many reat Cone iving An "A" At The B nd Competition Last Year Wa Ver Memor ble Highlight For Us All. You Never Gave Up nUs· And You Wouldn't Ever Let Any Of Us Give UP. E" her. You Took The Ti e To Get To Know E ch And Every One Of Us s Our Own Individual

We, The Class Of 198 , Upon Leaving Our Alma a er, ish You And All The Future Senior High Bands Of oosick Fails Central chool Much Luck And Continued Great Success.

Thank You "Class Of 1980"

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Page 119: 1980 -  · PDF fileIf you don't like 1t don't look Mary ... you can do tomorrow" ... " And did I tell you the joke about .
Page 120: 1980 -  · PDF fileIf you don't like 1t don't look Mary ... you can do tomorrow" ... " And did I tell you the joke about .