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1971-10-07 - Lincoln County · Mr. and Mrs, Rogene Alford, Tawna , Ward and Roe Ann,Mr •. and ... Brown,

Apr 07, 2018



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Page 1: 1971-10-07 - Lincoln County · Mr. and Mrs, Rogene Alford, Tawna , Ward and Roe Ann,Mr •. and ... Brown,
Page 2: 1971-10-07 - Lincoln County · Mr. and Mrs, Rogene Alford, Tawna , Ward and Roe Ann,Mr •. and ... Brown,
Page 3: 1971-10-07 - Lincoln County · Mr. and Mrs, Rogene Alford, Tawna , Ward and Roe Ann,Mr •. and ... Brown,
Page 4: 1971-10-07 - Lincoln County · Mr. and Mrs, Rogene Alford, Tawna , Ward and Roe Ann,Mr •. and ... Brown,
Page 5: 1971-10-07 - Lincoln County · Mr. and Mrs, Rogene Alford, Tawna , Ward and Roe Ann,Mr •. and ... Brown,
Page 6: 1971-10-07 - Lincoln County · Mr. and Mrs, Rogene Alford, Tawna , Ward and Roe Ann,Mr •. and ... Brown,
Page 7: 1971-10-07 - Lincoln County · Mr. and Mrs, Rogene Alford, Tawna , Ward and Roe Ann,Mr •. and ... Brown,
Page 8: 1971-10-07 - Lincoln County · Mr. and Mrs, Rogene Alford, Tawna , Ward and Roe Ann,Mr •. and ... Brown,

' . I . i<>

,: I


ALUMINUM PLATES - 26-3/4 X 30·1/2 ideal for siding - tor sale 5 for $1,00 at News in Carrizozo, · Unc

. . Unc FOR SALE •• 1969 Ford V8

- Cuslxlm Sedan, new t,lres, new . battery. See Austin Wo6teo.


PRODUCT specials foJ; your cuslxlmers help you big profits as a Ra wleigh Dealer. Write l.lawlel_gh, 1415- Z3rd Sr,,· Denver, Colo. 80205, 40-lc .

Y2 '' · ····· ......... ····•••••n•••·•·····•··•• 99c s;, ......................................... $1.29. %" · ................................. - ... $1A9.


3!I" ..... . ........... :............... . $3.611

CLASSIFIED AD-RATES One time, per word ................ k Two tlmu, .-r word .............. Sc. Throe nioro ................ 4c

p/r ln ..... St25 $1

FOR SALE-~ New 12-footwfde mobile home, $3,995,00, Lone Star Trailer Sales, 609 South Pennsylvania, Alamogordo Phone 43'1-4803, · '

F'OR SALE -{ 5 to 40 acre tracts in Sweetwater Hills- near the Nogal· turn off, _$250,00 to $500,00 ·per acre, Small down and 10 year terms, Lantoyne Carpenter. Lrult!. Sl!!les,·_.l. milll . south. of C a pita n on Ruidoso Hi way, Box 452 Capitan, New Mexico, Phone =!_54-2Zil~. tf11

cinder block on and one ~ bedroom, 2 bjith, fr, stucco.

Two-b.edroom( modern house fliLSouth_west edge of town, nice· yard and trees, ! - '


ol!f sinc~e sympathy Is ex­tended.

Mrs. Margaret Cramer, W ilCTI\ta, Kans., bas been visit­ing her brother, A.E.Mulke)' and family for a few 'llle Mul·

she took a plane Wash, where she wlll visit daughters during Oclxlber before returning to Corona to plcll Up her car and return lxl her home,

Mr, and Mrs, L~ty Hayes were · visiting friends in Corona W"'ea. We are glad to have tbem tnck in Lincoln ·county, k

Mr. and Mrs, L,L. Argenbr~t and two. friends were over from , A-lbtquerque--Wednesday,·· Mr, · Argenbright Is recnpetating from cataract surgery and said

hence m.,. ..... n.

tending viere Mr. Mrs. D, Honeyman, Karen and Lon, Mr. and Mrs, Rogene Alford, Tawna , Ward and Roe Ann,Mr •. and Mrs. Clay Crist and Cary, and David Brunson. Bunk left Satur~y · morning for SP!lrry, Oklahoma, · to attend Farrier College,

Mr. and Mrs. George Ranney, , Chicago, are spending a couple · ·of weeks on thll ranch. 'llley

shipped· Calves saturday· -as did several other ranchers. Lambs · were also ·

Tuesday,- 'llley were returning home from. a trip to Las Vegas.

nlngs, Duncan, Okla., spentafew days last week with their cousins -r.rr;-a,M-'Mt's;-Ftoytr'l'roctor• -- --+-•...ettJ-Jrt-~>J---N-e\~tH:.c-11. -

A ,19' sllower early Thursday brought the Septembllr total lxl

, 1.55" mol.f;ture. Mrs. Fred T.urner and chil­

dren, Santa Fe, are visiting at tile Sultemeler ranch. Alr;;o there

$5.00 a year-Jn Lincoln County


. .

-... '$:o<l"" __ _ r~~~~~~~dff~~~t!i:~~-~~e~~:~¥~~~.~tl~l~n~~ beaut1ful homo son all

Slate Roofing tO#

$4.09 Shingles

$10.35 -- -- ~

6' T Posts $1.15

Barbed Wire Am., Inn

$11.25 Railroad Ties


2'" IC 3211' . :12' IC 320' 35" • 3211' , ... 320'

$15.35 rl. St1.;1 rl. $19.35 rl. $2·0.95 rl.

Over four 1cres of bvlhllng m1toriala 1nd farm and r~nch w,n ... Trad• with tht country

lloys, Wo appreclatt your lluafntu.

Ranchero Builders Supply Co., Inc.

511 N. Main StrHt •tan, Now Mulco

Phone H4-4455

Rod & lau·ra Galloway's

,.;,z, ......

Rustler Reste.ura.nt & Ga.~le_ry

Now Location- Acrou From Win, PliCa & Show


6 P.M. To ?7'1'

Ladies Styles

& Fashions

New no frlz product

Saturday-Sunday · October 9·18

Smokey Bear Motel

Room 12

beartltul homes on all sides, better tlwlmostany in Carrizozo. BeautHul ~ wns, trees aJXI' Uoe brick t>tt!Jdlogs wblch wiD · show up in tho football pietures. Gerald Leo tells us that well-to-do Morl!laiiB in

cl the stti1enlsfrom the numerouS colon.les around.

The News photographer hW to work the ~Ionia side to have SliD sh1nfng on the players. We worked near the coach. (also the academy ~lntcment) much ct. the tlme, • Must lillY --fflat liis vocablllary 1!1 allout liko ours-­four-letter words iipl'"''figliig out regUlar with the stress cl the gm~e. Coach told one cl the llnemen that ll his boys could just get on the olllsklo they 110uld run right over tbat UWe s-t

-4~ w·· d. - --- IR 5 ..

on the cOO. They never tll2de it aJXI Andre Hclf v.-ollld have cut them down ll they•a have get there,

Names cl players on the Lobo footlxill Slw.d went l1ke tbls: Johnson, Jald, Beall. Jones, mutb, Farnsworth, Bowman, Lopes, Hatch, RobinsOn, Call, Brown, Fimbres, Gonzales, Silem, Talford. They "-ere big boYS.

Hospitality cl the Colonia Juarez people was actmlly fine. They dldn't want lo lose,

· nattnlly. but alter the game everyone shoOk !lands. coach and. other people wtsbed us a safe trip home,

The school bUs pulled out at 6:00 p.m., fll1lad and. coaches 'slxlwed to eat at Casas Grandes and again at El Paso. Theypulled into Carrizozo at 6:10 a.m. Sundily. Route home was chilnged because qarbcurator neatlY fell elf on the down triP aJJ1 Nat Chavez, the driver felt the bUs would DOt stand another rough one like those 90 miles clgravel.

Us other people came home the sam!) route, Going throUgh '· Casas Grames the streets were full ci people, two wedding parties gOing on in front i:J. theatre, Oile groom had coat that would out do Llberace , with SJ.lilliles 1tJ aJXI dOwn the front.



Maybe we can help you ... We make installment ·

' ':.~ ·-,

$1.85 $1.95

$1.35 $1.65

$1.9$ $2.25

$2A5 $2.95




The Lock aJJ1 Simpsonvehlcles stopped in Dentfng tor mkJnlght snack after three aJJ1 half hard hours oo the roati Can't say

. eoough good tbfngs about food at the 'lllree Points (Chevron) truck stop, Never did staak Iilii eggs, combination plil.te, aJXI st1tt taste

loans so people can buy- and enjoy- what they need, with payments they

· so gQod. Really fiDe restaurant service, Grizzly boosters maidng the trip were: · .

Cbarlle Lestte am Joy Leslie, and alii Dorotby Pa)'llll. Leon Loot a.ol Helen Lock, Gerald aid VerOIIIl Lee, Paul _Pa.ytoD. Robert <>wen aul· Jean Slmp8011 and t.-other WoodY lfart~li. Fred Cbavez aJXI Matt- Chavez,

·· Robert Nata. Dan Wright.. Cllii'ley Annex _In Ctamrozo caswto aid AJtce eastmo. nay A ·MW ~ftttr~MIIIIi._ clltt f~elllty it near Ilk• a ~ .w-ay · Wella and Marge Wells, Mr. ·11111 ........, .. ......-w~u fllitf an.-.-. Mts.WilllamSuily, OoDIJt,Diai:ae

L .. ·:.,·.=· ~~~---:.!!:!l~--~-'="·~=-·i!!;!~~Wttr~~~t:·:"~'"':,.:!'.J _. =.nO:.te WelllioDickamJackle

can afford ..• Maybe we can assist you. Come in and talk it over. We'll be of service- beCause we~ care about you.

,Maltl office: Va~,~ghtl: erar~clles~ Estancia, Carrizozo

Membot toac , ·


' .. ·-

' ·Campus - Fotd Pickups Lincoln, N- Mexico •


AIV. WID£ D£LMltY DIAL-----'---


Bring Your Eyeglass .Pmsuiptio.n To

Palmer Optical Service

1120 lOth 4374131 Al•mogordo, N.M.

-:: SUNGLASSES - . Repairs & Adjustment



W.ll""' Bn,. """"""' d ZEPP£ !0 SWr<">t Michael York :-:..~ Elke Sommer --=-~


~~~~~ SUN-TUE OCT. 1D-12




The Scavengers RATED.)(


AMOit lit'~ LAS NUBE~ ........:.....AHD-; . .PEDllO INf:ANT&

1 I


Octob~r Issue· 'P~ P.O. Drawer 459


·A Ma'gazine Supplement for·­ r

The Lincoln County News, Carrizozo the Torrance', County Citizen, Estancia

Carrizozo, New ¥exico 8830 I A Publication Qf The Press

Turn 1o Page ll

for story about

Sacramento Peak


Sacramento Peak Observatory

Page 9: 1971-10-07 - Lincoln County · Mr. and Mrs, Rogene Alford, Tawna , Ward and Roe Ann,Mr •. and ... Brown,

Message from the publisher_­P'aul W. Payton ,_


Oktober 1

. -- -· - ---- ~._ . •

--The Villager I October 1971 I Page 2 ·


Introducing ...

~---. -~u-,p~me~:l~g~~ ~ui ~e~~~e;~P~~#sh~by~lle Footh<>ll gamf!- ~'::~v~s~.~fita~;w!JL __ ~C~l£oud~cr~o~f~t~--.~tn:=-::-----Press -- but more than that, much more, The Villager ~ K' r is people m0st1y Iivinrr 1n southwest New Mexico. 7:30p.m. Special Guests: Governor mg -- -

Lincoln '

- -- - ·- . ·- . - -· -".

, ll _ ~.., and German Consul Alamogordo - . . . . - -- - - - - ---- ----- --, . -- --·--· ----·-·---------..,-, ,..,lb irl-o--t'l~~~-;--:-~~~~~--Jt .. Our plall of pre~aration of our newspapers '"" 11-tt-1--rti-W~ is to fill tile m witl1 live, local news,- pic hires and rea tures.. Indian dances and- ar-t ~.aft,. ....Weekends Mescalero --· -----~--~------All auout people in ti1e areas they serve. We have prepared Sheep to Shawl Exhibitions, Weekerxls The Villager in the same manner -- ~xcept --,that this Art Show, Weekeoos maga.zlne is full, of featUre news. News stories of the Alamogor-do Museum~ Open __ . __ interesting ti1ings being done and to be done in our atea. MoiX1ay thru.Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Interesting places to 60, places to see are high on our Sunday 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. . · Alamogordo . list. Goooola rides Sierra Bianca Ski Resort, Daily Ruidoso The Vfila~te Press, of Carrizozo • am its owner-

Gold panning - White Oaks - weekeoos W!lite Oaks -~-o You won't know all of the people who have written " Oktober 2 , '" publisher Paul Payton, are pleased to announce a new

the features for The Villager so let me introduce them Polo _ Aooerson Stud Farm, addition to the community of responsible newspapers

-- .::...·---to-;tou. ___ --· __ -------------l-0--lll-lllt::;--~:aou~s~~~~~.lW!!.,..-..------"-__:_no~w~sf:lerv;;..lng c.entral am southern New Mexlco •. Oktober 2- 3 . t}agler;-:FolHlllilt;-ilf--Paul Payton.ts executive editor, a New Mexican since

l95G, this yeai serving as president of New Mexico Press Association arxl each week- editing the Lincoln County News at Carrizozo. Bill Edwards is editor-in-chief a00 has written some very interestlngfeatures!ar The Villager· as well as editing The Clou:lcroft Sun each week,

Aspencade tours leave each hour beginning ·,for no other reason, perhaps .tilCk .~ .... Y:------·

. Associate editors lnclu:le Jane Powers at Estancia aJXl

Jeanette Phillips at Tularosa. Both of these editors will be contributing stories to The VIllager about places

10 a.m. , Ctou:lcroft after you have read it because. V.illager ~ ae.f;tuuaa Fair - Clou:lcroft SQuare.- 10 a.m. for great things for the readersh.fp of the J..aoo of Barbeque at Noon Clou:lcroft EncbantmP.nt. .. 7th Annual Chess Tourney, Fire Hall, ~ a.m. Cloudcroft For one thiDg, we are prom ~ our editor,:-A. W. Camlilre under Full Moon, White S~s "BID" Edwards. In addWDn to edit1Dg The V1llager, BUl N~tlonal MonumP.nt 7:30p.m. has become well knownforh1snewscoverageam repor~

Oktober 3 - style as editor of The ClotllcrOft Sun, havJng assumed·. 12th Annual Eoouro Motorcycly RaceCnippeway those duties in August~ this year..;.·-Park- 4 mUes south of Clou:lcroft at 7 a.m. - - . . arxl people 1n their areas.

· , l>oLo game Peter Hurd Ranch at 3 p.m, San Patricio tre 1s no stranger to journalism, hav!Dg been the The entire operation ls managed by Ron Doyle who Trinity Slte Tour, leave, Alamogordo Chlmber editor cj The Corpus Chrlsti Voice-Chronicle,~ Corpus

does a great many chores, advertising, story leads, plus of Commt>rce at 9:30 a.ll4 - Chrlsti, Texas, prior to maldng hJs move to the New teootng to the many details at distr1bution of four Oktober 4 - a Mexico mounlalns he wlll readily co~ess, were ~pers in a very large area. Aspencade tours ~romQQu:lcroft~!Jaml>ei ~. __ _ _ _ _ the magnet that hfin. ·

We have some contribrrti~ editors this weekaJXl expect Commerce beginning at 1 p.m. BID bas been pubUsbed ~ such Th v 111 1s ubl 1 ~"'ed ell mo "' Oktober 5 - 10 - ma~'-lnes as Saturda:y Review, Electronics · Radio-more as eager p .wu ea nu.. Clo·--' N~~~ Gold Tourney, The Lodge, 9 a.m. Clotllcroft o-

I.N ....., ~ Ele~tronics, Reader's Digest, f'ieveral oewspapets In We have changed [rom our usual newspaper format to wider colimns am a more open· makeup. We hope you find this magazine easy reading a00 attractiVe to the eye.

Oktober 6 · Ru.ld•>so Oklahoma, Colorado, Texas, am New Mexico. He 1s a Fldtfle Contest, Elks Club, 8 p.m. iicensed radio engineer, an ex-merchant marine radio

Oldober 7 • a officer, WW U veteran, was an Intellfgence <Xticer for Overnlgbt Trail Rides !rom Nogal to · the Centrallntelllgeooe Agency for about seven years, has Parsons at 9 a.m. am back to Ruidoso - . knoeked about the globC extensivelY, am can ~k on lhe 8th. Dinner & Dance- Parsons Hotel at least two foreign ~s: !:ipantsn am German, He

Circulation of The VIllager will total 5000 copies this week, It will be inserted 1n The Lincoln County News, publJshed at CarrizOzo; the Torrance County Citizen, publJshed at Es~cia;Jlle otero County Tribune, publlshed at Tularosa; a.a1 ne Clou:Icro!t SUD, punnstmtt at Clou:lcroft. AU are owned a00 published by The Bl11age Press with main office in Carr lzoz.o.

Ok:tober B haB sometimes been overheard muttering ln Russian or Beer drink!~ contest fJn:aJs, Buckaroo Lo~e ~'WdOOI:t--1~~~~~)_1E_(~~J~~------------1 or • begliffi~ at a ]). m. -- - · Old Timers Reunion, Legion ~ 4 p.m. Ruidoso Although for most ~ his professional life BUl has

The startup story of The V lllager would sure not be complete without nam1ng people who have done much of the work. We use three keyboard operators, Joy Leslle, Catherine Cornett, am Beatrice Samora. These ga1B have been more than busy this week. Advertising composition, camP.ra work (.for affset prJntiag) and press work was done by Peter Aguilar and Davki LaFave.

Thus 1t ls that we protdly anoounce the debut cj ··The V Wager • '--a magazine of inter~ items about the people, the doings, a00 the places cj our state cj New Mexico. The VUiager is a !ree supplement, publJshed monthly, to The Village Press newspaper famUy: The Lincoln Cotmty News, The otero County Tribune, The Clou:lcro!t Stm., a.a1 The Torrance Cotmty Citizen.

We earnestly invite you to look over this first edition of The Villager. We welcome your letters to us, telling us what you think about it, what you'd Like to see in it, am so on. Arxl keep it a while, won't you? You'll find items of erxlurtng interest in this and the succeeding issues.

There ls a broad purpose in all these long hours, and the purpose is to better tell the story of New Mexico. It's a woooerful la.OO, full of woooerful a00 Interesting people. Right now we're confining our efforts to the central southwest part of the state. In time to come these borders wllfbe broadened some.

It's a new baby. We love u. We hope you are as prom cj the eoo result as we are. We inVite comments am feature story leads !rom our readers. Sure-it has not been an easy latmcbing but what comes easy that is worthwhile these days ••• except maybe to staoo on a high lookout point in vmage Press country and view the marvel eo us scene that unfolds for miles. Or, breathe the crisp, !resh air cj our mo•mtaln valleys.

We've trled to put some of that vle~ and breathing into The vmager. Let us know bow you like it.--PWP


Pro-Am Bow~ Tournament, Community been a radio am electronics engiooer, hisflrstlove, harx!s Center Ruidoso dovro, Is thewr1tfnggame.Fo.rthfsreaooll--mo~tmn--we_

Oidober 9 think sm·w really In his element when putting down Prcjession:al Bow~ Tournament, the facts a.OO Information that are the liood m1 bone Recreation Center at 9 a.m. Carrizozo ~any jonrnal1sticem1eavor.AtthJBJaror~love, he excels. Gymkham - Muble Canyon Are~ 1st & Scenic Drive at 10 a.m. BarOOiue at Noon, Rodeo at 1 p.m.


otero County Arena . Alamogordo Aspencade Bus Sightseeing tolif", Chamber cjfice 3 p.m. Rtrldoso Sqmre Dance - Carrizozo Lodge 9 p.m. Carrizozo Parade-Suklreth-Mechem Drlve-11 a.m. Ruidoso Chuck Wagon Dlnoor, Two Rivers Pa.rk, 1 p.m. Ruidoso Western Dance, Elks Lodge, 9 p.m. Ruidoso Dance - Chaparral Hotel, 9 p.m. Ruidoso

Oldober 10 Lake Lucero Tour - Check Time Aspencade Bus Sightseeing Tour Chamber office beginning at 9 a.m. Golf Tournament - Cree Meadows Golf Course, 9 a.m. Motorcycle Races - Rtrldoso Downs Race Track - Noon

Ok:tober 14 - 16 Fiddle Contest- Local am Finals City Gym at 7:30 p.m.

Oldober 14 - 16 Mens am Womens Events, Tennis Tournament - Alto Tennis Court, School Park Tennt.s Court, High School Tennis Court beginning 9 a.m. New Mexico Press Convention Chaplrral Lodge

Oldober 16 Gymkhana - Flying "H''Stables Holloman AFB- 10 a.m. All day outdoor Art Show, Desert League, City Hall Mall beg1nnfng at9a.m.

Oldober 16 - 1 'l Apple Festival, 9 a.m.

Oldober 17 Art Show, Gallery on 1lthSt.-1p.m.










Higb Rolls



* Cloudcroft * Ruidoso * Alamogordo * lincoln * Tularosa * Mescalero * Carrizozo * La Luz * Capitan '


Where People Live Better Electrically Thanks To 0

Otero County Electric ·~o-Op . •

. ·'


Page 10: 1971-10-07 - Lincoln County · Mr. and Mrs, Rogene Alford, Tawna , Ward and Roe Ann,Mr •. and ... Brown,

•2 ----_, ,..., ,111!11.).11!2122 --...:u:-.11!1'4 1211.--...--IJI!l.!"".'--z;""' ___ ,_...,_.,_ --·-----· ....,...,.~. ·-~~~--,-- ---, - ~ ·· ft ·-·-· • • • . •

,· . ' . "• ---- ---. --- - - --

1 --·. -- .. ;·-'-- .. -, - - -' ... -- ___ -_ ~ --· -- . -· --

. . •

. Map dated 1764 'pro· ved to ,A my~ery f~r generatioos_·aro~ Lincoln County has .- . been} the location of a Spamsh Mme, thought to exist

_ , . • · • . . because of word..:;of-mouth t:.Ues. hamed down to sons am ·.Herman ~hdpot' that he Indeed-- daughtel's.Of or-~inal~ettlers i,n this area. ~- . .. __ ... __ _ . . .

bad found the Old Lost ,J ••• 0ne man. in 'Lincoln County. apparently koows' the · · ~ location of rriine am recenUy he brought gold~

S . h M. I pan•s - 1ne •. o A By Paul W. Payton

He started worklilg a . lode mine 18 years ago -­. som~where in Lincoln County--- am kept at this pick­shovel-dynamite work unW some time 1n 1969 when a lucky shot of dynamite opened -up a walk-in bmo,el that


• ' \

The Villager I October 1971 I Page 3 ·


' ~-· ,

- .-,· . !l. •

:BUCKHORN CABINS ___ .. ____ , _____ ~---~- ·--- ·•- -------- ---· ·-·- ;;;r~:-;~~liil~- ·-·---~--~--=- --...........::-·-:~~~~::--o--.~-.------1-''~-----

Herman saki, "I had figured out as· as 196~ loudcroft, 9,000 Feet • that the old mine was near, but after I in there I .

fomxl a map ,wrapped in waxed cloth that showed_ mines · all aroum this area am carried the date t '164. 'l1l.18 .

brought me to the conclusion that I had fowxl the Old fl. Lost Spanish Mine. The map -shows every water hole

.. Surrounded r By ·"f~il Pines An'd . . .

- Lush Forest

---from the Capitan Motmtalns plum to Mexico City." ..., .,_ "flbese were Phllpot's words. ·

Cabins-Fireplaces.:Ritchenettes Television

The Sparil~ must have worked a smelter there, the rock forge is stn1 setup. They had Ioo!aos world.llg for -­

- .them.. almost as slaves, .am wh,en the IooJans fJnaUy run. tbem f11 am took ()Ver, the mine became lost in

Philpot says he can .p;lll out 25 ounces of gold a'day ··-oam ·~ · his bac~dfllc;assay"'~oreirom1bfs-··

mtne nms 3 to 6 ounces ol per too, 2 otmees c:l c. H. Pbllpot c:l Lf.ncotn lrotlgbt this £Old 'blr trom the • gold, 5 per cent qUick silver, 40 per cent copper, 5 pc.r

Old Lost Spanish Mine, to the News ctr!ce where 1t .was cent lead, am 3 ounces c:l platinum. According to Herman weighed at 18-3/4 .pmuxls, am worth aromxl $1,254.58 the assay was done by Reed Eogineer.lng in

He fjgures this one mtne 1s worth aroum $50 mmtoo.

Within WaJkim.r~Disttsnce To Any Part-Of The V-illtsge


- "

-- ------ -

• ¥-OUR -SECURilV-fAMil Y OF- BANK& ,... -.q: -- -

• • " • -

Alamogordo I Security Center I Tularosa I Holloman

Vaughn I Estancia I Carrizozo ..

Cuba I Bernalillo I Corrales I Rio Rancho

• • • Carlsbad

• Ruidoso


• Members FDIC ' ~·.-

THIS IS - -------- -------·---~---·~--·- --·- --- . ·· Where-.People-U¥& . Electrictslly Thanks To


es Otero County Electric Co-Op

' • •


tr '

Page 11: 1971-10-07 - Lincoln County · Mr. and Mrs, Rogene Alford, Tawna , Ward and Roe Ann,Mr •. and ... Brown,

.. •

-· . '

• -~-----. --·-·--·-------- ------- ---~-------- ··-- , ____ _ ·~----- ·--· --- --.- ~---~------- - -- -~- ~- •.. -.......__._. .•... ~.......--- .. ~. ·---- ---* --~---...-----* --~---~-~--~~~~~~~~=..,.Q

. . '

• rtzozo~

eko • Hcmdi·cap

Bowling l

, 'Play three games wilh three professional

partners. Scoring based on autelevr

Starts 3:00 P.M. Friday

New shift eves y two hows


Entry Fee $12.00 All Pa o Am "'aney rclut nad te Ata•loura

Flnt Ptb:w Maater of $2?5.11 Ea; acted

~flour· at 11:• p.M. for

-. 8

.. •

, . 'l •

. J I ,.

• , .

.. - - . ------ -~ ·> . ----------•

• ecreatton nter


s You To It's 1971 •

• Professio·nal Bowhng Association -ilJumamenf: ·-· ----


.-Sun. Open to any PBA rnen1ber in the southwest

Region comprised of New Mexico, Colondo,

Olclahoma, Te:xas, Arkansas and IIC.ansas

Saturday Sessions

9 & 11 a.m. 1 p.m. 4 68 p.m.

RMI Four auar.fying Matches •

Start at 9:00 a.m. Sunday

Finals Start at 1 :00 p.m. -ADMISSION PRIC£S 50c Each Session

$1.00 All Day Sunday I $1.50 for breakfast •

and Final Professional Bowling Matches

Extra seating capacity is being provided!

• 9-10

.. partklpa ••• In Pre Arn twanament • .,.... Hill, Jr. Guaranteed 1st Place - $750

~. ll~lock -Alamogordo National Resldtint Pro Champ Dehndlng Pto-Am Champ


Page 12: 1971-10-07 - Lincoln County · Mr. and Mrs, Rogene Alford, Tawna , Ward and Roe Ann,Mr •. and ... Brown,

' . .. . . ~

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' ' re-a== . •

By PauJ W. Payton , I .

A "first 1n New Mexico" fs bappenlng fn a beanlutlfffllul recreation center wbfcb was also a "first' ·in the Lag!

to present plans for a , commtm.ity center. ' . ......,- . --

The building would have 1400 SJ.uare feet ~ floor 1Space, efght • bowling lanes, bUllard tables, pfog-po~ · tables, snack ~s am dance area, terrace am space for parking, check rooms, locker rooms, ldtcheri, and be •

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rue ' '

The Villager I

October 1971 I

__ v-Page S.

.. ~-----~- -•nurSpencer·fam y-ille -· · · ~,. . construotlonand alf!O pay the maintenanceandmanagement cost for a 10 year perJod aftef wblch the property wotJ)d come mder the management <t the town. -

· .., C9DStructlon· contracts were let 1n December <t 1966.

Work was completed 1n·A~ <t 1967 am tbh Carrizozo Recreation Center opened its doors September 1967.

• •

'Ibe secom "first' fs a re211m~ event for New · :Mcxlco. P.r<tessJooal bowl!Dg has become a popUlar. ~ sport both nrst barxt am oo tetevfsJoo. cesm­:Manager Joe Lfgbt says tbat the only reason there bU . not been a Pr<tessJoO!ll Bow~ Tournament held before, · ~ere 1n the state, fs that no one has come 14l wfJh the prize money. r . •

It would not be rlght to say that co~ wittlr-----:----l'"let1~-Wfl.ei-lt-lts,l:n-clowtnk:•WJ11-0tm~::I-StJUC~c:ledl.b\~ euy --bat good pl.amfng am good local~ made 1t ' possible. The first place w1Dncr 1n the pro tournament bas

-·1i gmrantoo ~$150.'00 -ca~ -TboprOw'am wlmerean~t ;-- ~--to take bomo at least $225.00 1n <::ash.

'Ibe na&o fs dtri!ed fnio dJstricts tor pt'(tesslonal bow~ tournaments. Bowlers trom New, Colorado, Oklahoma., Teus, Arkansas am Kansas are JntbeSouthwest RegJon am are elJgDie to compete 1n Carrfmzo. :ua~

umti()jljJ w1fiii!fif1lfelll tms areae -~--- ---Such as Tim Bl'o6mn <t Ft. Worth wbo won $2,850

tb1B winter • Jim Cbesb:ie1 cl AuroH, Colo., woo1lld~'-­yeuly w1nn1ngs d. $8,190 1n UYIO. BoliJJCooperrl Houstoo wbo awl~ All.Star in 19'ltt Gary D!ck:lnsOO f1 Ft. WOtlh wbo 1100 $11,14.0 the wimer d. 1971. Stee Foremsk,r <t Wichita, a PBA champion. Batcb Gearhart <t Houston wbo has scored three perfect games am bad~ <t $16,096 1n 1970.

J. B. Blaylock <t Alamogordo h2d a bJg yeu 1n 1970 when he woo the NatJomJ Residem Prciesslooal Championship at Waterloo, Iowa. Qtxlting from the PBA Tour Program, '''Ibepayc:ilgame, worth$2,500to Blaylock, came after a loog battle. It all started 1n the PES's six ~ regions where ellmfnatioo tournaments were staged to determine two qmttners from each regJou.

Scor~ was on the sensational side as ~t am Blaylock averaged close to 220 :m1 five <fEB were above the 210 mark.'

Local bowlers will get to bowl with rna~ <t the Yisfti~ ~essf.onals 1n the pro-am tournament FriJaJ m1 -a.ayone wbo cares to can buy a r~ side seat at tbe Recreation Center to watch some <t the best 1n the natfon do their slUt on tbe Carrizozo lanes.

'Ibe pro bowlers start to work Saturday mornfog and have a sfl: session (plus a practice session). 'Ibe final four games d. qmlUf~ wfll · be rolled Smday mornq am the finals start at 1:00 p.m.

• •

Tqp bowlers show otf 1heir trophies, Joe light in center ___ ..., ., ' ' .. .

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• • •

Additional seatillt bas been provided at the Recreation Center.. Snack .Bar is popular meeting place at Rec Center Pool tables are popular with young and old

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THIS IS . ' • •

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Where People Live Better · Electrically Thanks To

Otero County· Eftctric Co-Op


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Page 13: 1971-10-07 - Lincoln County · Mr. and Mrs, Rogene Alford, Tawna , Ward and Roe Ann,Mr •. and ... Brown,


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J!,. • n a e s a

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The Villager I October 1971 I Page 6

by ___ BU! Edwards

. . __ .. .Yi.hefL_LJ!!ew the assignment to go on a rattlesnake and magnificent reooition of' LBJ that the President Ught fantastic over to where he was staixling, wil:h Uui·

hWlt, one " I've ever seen," snake catcher he'd designed 1n and focused my publisher-ooss was, "Gee, fangs a lot!'' Aoo when 1 and rejected it out of realized that the hunting equipment consisted only of such an accolade for authenticity. poking around a den, aril swdenly

------. " ~k~e~c~a~tc~h~er~·~-~-~a==:!!This guy in fact, is like a hunk of flint with the only adjective they know) he was .re~rr.ll'leled ·device to- -handle- .a.OO- grasp. the_ y_~~ll\OUS v ~~~,7!~!!!~~~~:!!--__:!!n~~~~~·~· Z~z~z~zz~!·;· :He had a live one! imm•~lately chose my own weapon: a x was TV-ertm


binoculars with which to watch thls ·g.ooc~ clean fun measure from the Gab.of the 4.-wheel-<!rive pickup truck. displeased at being disturbed, and gathered itself

But alas, the camera 1 brought bad no telephoto ·the deadly esses of death aJV1 retalia&n. Rattlers are lens. And I soon foUI¥1 that the easy confidence of my · plf vlperr,lllld-strike either--by- -Yifl;uaJ,--DEtr~ml .... ,.,._"------11 host, Boo P.ayne, of Carrizozo, had so affected rnA tlrget, or by infrared (beat) sensors In their head that many of shots of the snake we captured were which detect warmth--such as body heat of an antinal--taken, me lying on the ground...,focused on that five- wltb swift and unerr~ accuracy. foot chuck of poisonous muscle from less than three Whang! Quicker than the eye could follow1 the nervous feet aW6¥. Then, as tne. afi~rno~n wore od, a three-foot r:v~~~ .... . . . snake had struck the em Ol Bul's metal snake catcber, racer snake wbl,zzed by me, almosT.iJooertoot,- an:l-on- · ·· · t,. · · · · ··· ~~ .. ~..,....""'-:zi""";;-;.,.,+--.:.lea.=;; an ugly ooze f1 venom at the spot. ulrler the plckup aoo "pa' ~lla," but by ,then 1 k.\00 o;f , . . t>U,KI-aJil~DgEiCL_ yawned aoo said, "How about that!' !flO~' death-dealer, .vre ~!~l 1!1@ ~ Jl._~la.PJ>aCk

The area Bui took me to was past the north eoo of the · ~-.)' which, with its fiber pltantness, doesn't give the repllle -lava now in the Chupadera Mesa area of Socorro much "putchase" to coll or str1ke, am 1t becomes

• CoWlty, The.-e are literally huooreds-perhaps a passive lump. Stfll, no one plays p-ab-Jlai with lt., thousands--of raWesnake dens dotting the area, and Bt11 seemed as much at home poking aroUI¥1 ln those dens as you and I might be,. opening our mailbox at the post aU ice,

.... /

A typical rattlesnake den. It is a sinkhole f1 rocks, w1tb grass or- ·brush growing between the openings. Such a den easlly can harbor fifty snakes, as the crevices underground run all over.

Bui Payne ls quite a man. F lr st of all, he's six-four, lean aoo hard, tanned, and has the easy air of a mao who ls all guts and confidence to any situation. Yet he ls so unassuming and soft-spoken that you get used to his o!Ihand descr lptlons of situations which, viewed to the cold light of day, are hair-raisers. (I listened attentively, as I'm getting a bit thlo on top anyway.)

Bui is well known and respected for huooreds of s:tuare miles around Lincoln County. He is a rancher, owns th{' Petty Motel 1n CarriZozo, and who knows what else thls amazlog iOOivldual ls up to. He has a rolllog bunkhouse made from a converted school bus. It is palnted a dark blue, is fitted with wilxiow curtains, and is fully outfitted for extended trips. It has carried him for tens of thousands of m Ues, locluiing two trips to Alaska.

Now almost everyone will agree that both Alaska and Canada are quite scenic and, ln some parts, are rugged and forbidding. Not only that, but one passes through some of the prettiest parts of the United States to get to those northern lams. So 1t surprised me when I asked Boo which, of all the places he'd seen or been to, he liked the most. He grinned, as if enpying a private joke, and came out with the brief verdict, "Right here.~

Except that John Wayne may be a mite more talkative,

these men are of one mold, to give you an idea of tbJs New Mexican who has, by the way, at the request f1 renowned artist Peter Hurd, posed for the cover picture d. the old "Country Gentleman' magazine.

Lest you fall to appreciate the significance of this, Peter Hurd is the artist who was commissioned to do a portrait of LytX)on B. Johnson, while be was still residing ln the White House. Hurd did such a faithful


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. &II Payne, trouhle 1n a den w1lh Ufe _ "sna!w ~ttmer'~jl_fL_~es~~~arJ~d~b~uil~t.--~--~~~------------J

But back to the bunt. we bad driven outmrth1rom. • Carrizozo maybe eJght, ten miles, then northwest, first on a co~mty road,. then on a lesser road, am flnaJJy, on oo road at all, out. on the rim of the Cbqladera Mesa. Several roadrtmners were seen, taking their unbelievable strldes ml cuts thro~ the bJgb grass, cbolla_ am yucca plants. a these, am avers that the roadrunner {also mrwn as chaparral am v-t•saoo) 1s more lizard than bird, am he can cUe pretty good evidence that 1t Just may be a repWe with feathers. One ttlbJg fonro:re:-ik'ollld-Ntbel' _______ _

Did you know that rattlesnakes take water "like a horse does?'' Bu1 has seen them dJp their 6Il0uts 1nto water, then work their ja-w muscles to draw 1n water, One source says be saw a raWer perched ~ecariously on the tb1n metal edge of a wtmmlll tank, 1ts body draped over both sides' r1 the edge to maintain its posillon wbile tald.og water as descrfbed.

When we got to the rattlesnake den area-many dens were seen from the plc~-Bw admonished me to stay by the truck unm he collld reconnotter 100 immedtat& area. This was a totally rmnecessary instruction. What be should have said waB, "It's all right, you can come down oil the dashboard..' 1 waited, au a-tremble, to hear his "all cleat" sJgnal. (Note: The exceptloml clarity f1 the photog:rapbs must be attributed to the fast rnm used.)

Success! (?) An angry five-foot rattler struck the snake catcher, leaving a smear ct venom on lt.

The first den or two offered oothf~ But directly Bud hollered that he'd made a contact, so I tripped the


'Ibe ~ helpleu aptnct the mate catcher wielded by~ ...... ~ lsabouttobetransferredto a oorlap rack.

Bu1 related that these snakesdocausecaWeam other Uvestock

1, losses. A prize bUll was felled by ooo bite

from a olg rattler am a1so two cows met death by a similar snakebite, ln this regJon. Out on the Cbtp.dera Mesa am 1n the slll'rotm~ areas, BOO says also that tbe .coyote . popula.ticm .has beco1ll!!. a l!lemce. loners, tlley are now seen travel!~ 1n packs. He · a pair of the wily canines methodlcatJy !diU~ one sheep at a time 1n a herd, not out ol bUDger, marely for the lust of the k11l. Abo¢ every two or tbree huOOred yards a dead sheep wotlld be fowxJ.. vlcttm d the coyotes dead]1 game.

Continued on next page

Where People Live Better

Electrically Thanks To

County Electric: Co-Op


Page 14: 1971-10-07 - Lincoln County · Mr. and Mrs, Rogene Alford, Tawna , Ward and Roe Ann,Mr •. and ... Brown,

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/ • ' I

As. the sun began dropPing. 'bebilxl th~ distant hills, we stal'te(l back over roadless terrain. Spying a bleached

· deer skull, complete with antlers, we stopped the pickup am decided to see . if Roscoe the Rattler would pose iii; OD, iliider 1 Oi' aro~ . - - - ~ n • • •• -- ~

' · Buzzing with a chilling death;.rattle oi defiance, the snake was caretuny . over the Skull. After

to a steel drum in Bud mentioned how much he admired New Mexican He is interested

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. J~~1?fl·.· '


lnuch enjoyment nature. He collects rocks, am has somi.lapidary equipment; also old bottles, arrowheads, am other Ioofan artifacts. He does not like to hunt to lilll animals, except the dangerous ""':. · ··

Here is a man "'~. whom natlll'e lLaS 1~ec11 ~ocaLted .



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• .'': ........ , .. -- . ·.~,.

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' ~-- ~-----. . .

wltb most e~rate coucb,could ~twlnb!s patients. ·· aMio-satisfy-a.-perpettnl-wamerlust.---- --------------o-

He does nnt kfll snakes, just to Jdll snakes, just a8 he does not seek to g1lD down niany wildlife species. ..

• •

• •

He won't k1ll quall especialJy , am several times on our trip he swerved to avo kes am even. ~. tarantulas. We stopped am at one <t the bfg furry ~arachnids, whose span was possibly four-am­a-half inches. I turned 1t over, am could ·obserVe the two starUingly large fangs· on the uMerskle. It de­tinltely c.Ud oo.t like being wrong sJde up am, whEm r·~leased, ran with 1ts rear poised hfgh, quite dJfterently

- from when 1t was merely traveling along wxlisturbed. .. , . - "

• ( .

The Villager I October 1971 I 'Page 7

\ , -~~ ------..,-.

Galloway's '




• • When 1. reluctantly. J>.ld. ID>Odbye to Boo, it ~ with

ttie -promise d some mor~r1nteresting excurs.tons--with

yours truly, taq':c~d am sh~akf~ng~~~llke~· at'Xl:!!!anL!ln!!J~~ner~n~~~~us~' -~-~R~u~st~l~er~R~e~s~ta~u~r~a.~n~t~· __ _z_ __

. i

Tommy Tuailtula was one ct several observed when -we finally got blckon tbe roadway. - ·· · ··· -


. I that lt wiD be my cbolcet;t ~~~me--snans-­but whatever )t is, J hope you'll enjoy the trJp in a future !Bsue <t "nte VIllager.' . .... •

. ~ If you enioyed reading this •

· feature on raHiesnake hunting • • •

we invite you to be· our g~'st next

Villager goes Bottle Hunting with host Bud Payne ofCarrizozo. - ··


• •

.. , .

Ntw Location - Acroc. From WJn, Place & ShOw

Rullfoso . • -OPEN 7 DAYS A WIIK

6 P.M. To???


-·· --~ .. --·--y--nuiT\a7 A. -~•r·-A-·::r::e-~{T-n.:rx---DET[-- ----\JU YV, 1'1 ~ Ut ,VI~M ,-., ------~---~---·-·-----¥" -----·------- -------

- -- --~------~ --- -- -- -- . -"------. •


• •







Bus. 847-2485 (Mountainair) • P.O. Drawer 477

Mountainair, N.M. 87036


1'Drive A UHie, Save A LofP

Where People Live Better Electrically Thanks To •

Otero County Electric Co-Op

. .~--------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Page 15: 1971-10-07 - Lincoln County · Mr. and Mrs, Rogene Alford, Tawna , Ward and Roe Ann,Mr •. and ... Brown,

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• •

. The Villager I October 1911 I Page 8

-------Autumn enters--the mountains ane owers •

is a part of the Cibola National Forest. This past we1~k when you look to the Manzano's the upper baJf or the DOl'mally ··blue mountains look· . .pink.. The. -~-.a~g, _____ _ maple and willows are turning all the warm colors ~ thestm.

Now is a woooerful time to tour the mountain roads. At the Tajique lo-lp motorist will turn by the old


church yatd ·of Sl 's Catho~ic Church, which is

am1G~;;~:d s;: ~:=.>N~!· churdl was bu~~u~t~abo~~ut~tHht:-1~~y--tA~~ulW'ul-Ma.I12;aruura.ilJ:a.__~----1915. This church yard is the turning place for the Taj.klue-Torreon loop road for a tour or the beautiful cha~~ <X· the leaves in the MonzaDO Mountains.

.. . ..


•• I

. -

You have to see .it to believe il Words can describe the colors and names af .trees, but you really have to ~ee it to drink in all it's beauty and glory. The holly

~-and Ivy have tuz:ned a briJJ!ant scarlet. The maples are every shade from yellow to red, while the oaks are shades or bronze t copper and amber. The tourist can see the yellow daisi\!s, purPle asters am red foxglove am .IOOJan paint brushes in. blOOJJk,~ the pine, pinon, spruce aoo juniper have new coats or green am bluegreen.

The To1rance County Sheriff's. Posse coooucted a c:olor hOrseback ride through the changing trees. The



ride lasts about four hours reaching the very swnmits ·-· ·-- --- - ·--- -. ----- ------ or lM moQIJ,tabJ am -down---through--eanyons.-The-color STANDING IN A BOWER OF GOLD are Clay Russell

.... "

. --

ride is an anmJal afialr <X the Sheriff's Posse. The Trall (left) am Bobby DOWDS Qf Alblijue.tijue; 'lbe boys with ................ -· -"BOss;~ ·NI'i'rt·-scmr stated' ·tttat·Urey· ·alway&·' 'tleeiL·in--the--~-nth~Jt.JQIM~~L~np.S. a ~in the Monzcu:K> mountains. •

aspen groves, which is something everyone wbo takes 'Golden yellow leaves coveroo ifgro'U'OO''Wittrmmmtil:nelfw·a·~ . '-· the color rides look rorwo::d to seeing. still on the trees. Tilts scene 1s near the Fourth·o! July

• __ Springs camp groUI¥Js. _

3omt> unl<l'!ntitied vines have entwined themselves · aroUI¥1 au1 U;.rough some of the uu:;hes am small tree:;-. The ride lasts about four hours reaching tbe very slmmlts ct the mountain am down through canyons. The color

'---~::::aroum and through some of the bushes am small trees.

'I"HE ROAD ~ the mo•o1b!tn passes many scenes .,suchrv>h as. this one . with the tall pines casting shadows ~n the copper colored oaks~ red and yellow mapels, scarlet creepers am y~ ~!!!:! cherries trees.

-LOG CABlliS such as the one above lam theJr rustic

charm to the mounta_pl byways. (left) The gathering ~ riders for the Sheriff's Posse's color ride through the gloriously colored mountainsides. One or the things they look forward to seeing on the ride besides the warm colors or the changing trees are the deer in the high aspen groves. If they're lucky they may spot wild turkey. too.


~ cotton. It makes a small evergreen look like someone 1s rushing Christmas. -

. There arc m:my camp sight!> and r.a'blns within easy

accc~b ior U<~.Y c..;.rr.pers or overnJght stayers. Points ~ beauty and color on a tour where you need DOt leave your car are the Tajklue Ranger Station campgrouOO.s, the Inlow Youth Camp dr.ive, the 4th or July Springs (especJally lovely now), Big Spr~.s just past tbe K ~ P Cabin, continuing on mountain am down again with beautHul


The other eOO c1 the loop drive enters the town or ManzaDO, two miles south ~ Tajque.

While you are on this drive looking at the everchanging colors of the trees, continue on south on Highway 10 about five m Ues to the town or Punta de Aqua where you will fiOO just west ~ it the old Quari Rntns, an Indian pueblo o! the 1400's which has been excavated in part. lt tells the visitors o! a bygone civilization, a part or New Mexico's hJstory.

. . . . .... ~-. II'

The M~nzano motmtafns are· lovely all year rouoo, not just .,_in the Autumn when the leaves are turning. People go there' to camp, cut wood for the winter, to get theJr Christmas trees, for to commune with nature

• The trees are really beautiful right- DOW why DOt go

see them- and yoU'll .know our ~tE3 SOI~JjJs_, ~P~ Fair New Mexico ·• - -- - -• • •

Send the Villager to your friends and relatives ... let them discover for themselves,the beauty and mys­tery of the 11 Land of Enchantment .. Send One dollar for each copy or­dered, along with their mailing address and we will do the rest. Send your check or money order to THE VILLAGER BOX 459 CARRIZOZO, NEW MEXICO 88301 ·

Electrically Thanks To

Otero County Electric Co·Op ------------------------~----------~~----~------~ .

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Page 16: 1971-10-07 - Lincoln County · Mr. and Mrs, Rogene Alford, Tawna , Ward and Roe Ann,Mr •. and ... Brown,


' .

No. 21 No. 2!-l ·

. . • Advances in commwlications technology nave changed the face of the nation. The st{>er-efficient microwave systems


Many of tile of

are present. Often there were botfi a .~leal' _glass variety am a tinted glass variety with the same type or model number. 'lbEt tiJlts _v;u-y, from a p:lle-·_green to 4eeper · ·

· blue-green aoo dark greens. Some "clear glass'' types exhibit a very. slight hue, sometimes amber, sometimes pinkish.

The golden era of tile wired circu.Us which criss;.·· crossed our nation was the period, 1860-1950, ..

some thousarxls of miles · ~~------~~~-

The .become nostalgic rememhrances, objects of . affection a maudlin relic to cling to, nor



0 "


Moriarty, New Mexico

Phone 832-4322 · •

. '


I of communfcatio~ Microwave beams with a faptastic . _ __ message-handlf~ capabllity span the long hauls, while ·

wbUilln the cny, · multtcomuctor--eablesencased--m-an----- --d- ---- tlle most deticioumy good;1ti~tinc• · ti\'ely different !4oft drink ~·ou'\'t? en•r

impermealJle sheatht~ are strung from ntnfty poles or, in an increasing trend, buried undergromxl. The poles, wires and insulators so famiJfar to the American scene will eventually go t!le way of the kerosene lamp. IDE}tficient and tmeconomicat, their eoo is certain: total abaooonment. . ----- ~-~--- --;. _______ .......

wooden poles were susceptible . to . dry ro~ . -.. . --. - -·. ~fir~ co~r ~ten~e resultant tanure of service due to They also sti'fered breakage from wiOO, lee storms am various other causes.


The other important component of these mlle-straddli~ systems was a glass insulator. While there were many variations on the form and size during the period, its function was always the same: support the wire so tbat none ol tile signal intelligence was lost to electrical leakage. -·

l(o. 18

if; ~ - -

a. -- ... -.. _ i -~­' ~-~ .. ....... .

lfo. 1'1

. The earlier types were small am less able to withstand the physical stresses and thermal strains imposed upon tllem by a relentless am often hostile service environment; Later types evolved much beefier, showing the 1J1lilence of new design based on experience am empriical data.


" •

- c--• • • • • '"- _.....,......_-~,--_,_ _____ ~----. - - -~--,------:- ·--- -

. ' 1

tasted ... Dr'Pepper! And there'14 nothing else like it in the whole Koft drink world! Not a cola, not a root beer, Dr Pepper--il' a happ~· blend of •

~- ~!rui11lan)rs_-:::-dellghtfully dif-,, -----~---------~-- ----ferent and refreshingh· goo<t! Get a

-~~~o~nn'jor two the next time ~·ou i(O


Bottled and Distributed By The Coca-Cola Bottling Company

Of Alamogordo, New Mexico


Where People live Better Electrically Thanks To

. .... Otero County



Page 17: 1971-10-07 - Lincoln County · Mr. and Mrs, Rogene Alford, Tawna , Ward and Roe Ann,Mr •. and ... Brown,

., L -



.. 1: . . . . .. ' .. . .... ... . . . 1>,-.r--·-...,---·-··-·-· .. ·-.-.,. ---··~-~......._.,. ___ .,. ...... ~·-"'!11 ...... ' ..... -.. ·- ..... _'H-f'Mo• .. .............. .,.,.. .... .-';_ l!~;,::;::=~~ ' I • . ' . ! .·· 'Fhe


-- ---- -·-···---- --------- - -- ----.--- -- __ __.__._,__~__,_--- - ---c--. ·------------ --·- ___ __,_ ____ -- , ,

Pictured are the campers aat vek!cles r1 the hmxlreds Q! na,rticl.pants .aM their fam111es at .the. TweHth Mlle _ High Eoow-o Motorcycle Race held Sumay, October 3, 1971, at Chippeway Ar.ena near Clolllcra!t. License __

,I • • • '

~s lnclllled New Mexico.

colored Lincoln ~;;r.. in the Sacramento MPJI!!ta~ear ~lom1f1"2ft... _______ .~·-~---------~~=--··- .


The 12th Mile High Enduro

Motorcycle Race was a roaring success!


I "

By Bi 11 Edwards I

By anyone's stuxl.ards, the- Twelfth Mile High EJX!uro Motorcycle Race, sponsored by the Prairie Dawg Motorcycle Club r1 Alamogordo, at Chlppeway Rodeo Arena, Clolllcraft, Surxiay, October 3, 1971, was a roaring success.

Frank Butcher, ol El Paso, TeDs, tar am away the top scorer in the all-classes category, drove home a braJXl-new Suzuki trail bike tor his efforts.

. - --------------

Excellent am valuable communicatiOns over the course were provided by the Alamogprdo REACT. an organlzatfou c1 Citizen Band radio operators. Bob Gffling, director of REACT communicatiollS, explained that REACT starxts for "Radio Emergency Assistance Citizens' Team.' It was through their network that speedy medical UJ was reJX!ered to the injured persons, one r1 whom was located in a remote place on the course.

- -The h~hly successful spor~ event drew 247 actual Of.b~ winners intheeventwereawardedgfftcertificates

' . . . .. • •



. --='.-- ~ - .

CharUe W11UamJ. t1 CarlltwJ, Is asslsted·lnto an IUDbUlance which took him to a. hospital Jn AlaY~ogordo • His Injary, a clisl.oQted sboulder, was patr(ul but oot serJ.ous. ,, ~ •

starters, incl\111ng two r1 the !air- sex. Contestants af $200 am l.IDder, depeJX!fng on their place. ---- from poln'ls as -distant- as -Obio- -am Arlzooa,.wl.UMticell8@~cy.lil ~tt;Y. ~~tye~l' ~e=:fs~=ln:! :~ cogemm~~

plates from Texas, Oklahoma, am New Mexico ..., c::w.

• '

predominating, assembled &aturday afternoon at the r1 the race. This year's EJX!tD'o was covered by at least Cb lppeway Arena, six miles southeast r1 Clolllcroft on two motorcycle magazines in addition to this publication. State Highway 24. The typical cycllst is a happy-go-lucky, well-adjusted,

The event was blessed with .Ideal autumn weather a.JX! competitive 1I¥llvidual. He is tough, but is the first to gorgeous Call colorations in the forested race couse. remer assistance to a downed cycllst, even tho~ it But, as one veteran cyclist put it, "It you had time tD will go against his overall time. More cyclistS were look up, you weren't maJdng a compettUve time!'' there with their families than as "loners", which proves

Only two injuries resulted from the numerous spills the point about it being a very wholesome SpOrt. which inevitably occur"in such an event, whose machine-aJX! All entrants were admonished to observe the rules man-mangling course was almost 80 mUes long, not of good coJX!uct am protection r1 the environment. This counting miles accicenta lly ridden off the mar ked trail. But they dJd, inchlfing the cleanup of litter, respecting c1 two, af 247 entries, is remarkable, being less than one property rights d. others, being fire conscious, am not percent. chasing or otherwise harassing w11d life or livestock.

PraJrie Dawg Motorcycle Club members were busy Charlle Williams, of Carlsbad, a.JX! Russ E. Ward, r1 after the event in making sure the Utter was removed,

Albt~~uerque, were hospitalized at Gerald Champton inclllli~ the taking up d. trail markers alo~ the 00-mile Hospital in Alamogordo, transported by ambnlance to course. They wished to leave the trail stilstantfaiJy as that facility. Williams suffered a dislocated shoulder, am they had found i~ mmlful r1 the U. S. Forest Service's Ward got af! with cracked am braised ribs from a spill rgulations am in order toassurethatagency'scooperation that many thought had Inflicted tar severer injuries. Both In future events d. this kiJX!. · were reported in good coJX!.ition gext day. These guys Charles Fuller, owner c1 C~ Arena, seemed are to~' pleased with all aspects r1 the yearly event. While it ~ compliments were registered rega.rding the fine is, by the very nature r1 the course, not a spectator

receptiOn accorded the group by Clotllcrafters. Most event, tbosewhopa.rUcfpl.tedcameawaytiredbuthappy, am will be back next year, even It it is the thirteenth annual with many declarations, mostly from "also-rans' , to running of the race. the effect tha~ "Well, there's always nezt year!'


------ - ---~

One d. the many ftnfsbers crosses the flnfsblfoo bAck at Chfppeway after complet!Dg the~,OO-milerace.

• "Splash!'' One rl the contestants negotiates a water

obstacle at the Penasco Canyon checkpoint.

Where People Live Better

Electrically Thank5 -To 0

Otero County Electric Co-Op

!_ ____ ---- -----.--·~-_

~·~· .. -- ~ ----··-· --~ --~­--~-


Page 18: 1971-10-07 - Lincoln County · Mr. and Mrs, Rogene Alford, Tawna , Ward and Roe Ann,Mr •. and ... Brown,

' .

I ~ w•

First telescop'

installed ·in

·ar · . . .

....... ,, ..... ~ .... ~· ... ,, .... , ......... ~···· ... • . • • ~ • ,• . ,. . " • ~ • • • • .r

• -Th~ Villil.rl October 1971 I Page 11

ately 1lard vacuum--one Equivalent to the near . space atmosphere at 180,000 feet altittlle. It is evacuated to' eliminate the heretofore classic aiil very bothersoUle·,

of having air caused the heating

'lbe solar tmage is projected for television screen in. the housing the

... ..__~--···........ in "real


.. ... -I 'By Bill Edwards

from the SUD. . . .

is a experience to all ages. • , oAt other times one may take a selt..gulded tour.

An fnterestiDg bOOklet expla.fns the route aiil giVes many dQtaUs rl the instruments, am· descr~s some d. the sotar acttvitles monitored am sbll!ed. · ·

AlsO, from the overlook point adjacent to. the Tower Telescope,· one ~ a fine view of the TularOsa Basin, the San Armes am Organ Motmtafns, Holloman Air ·· Force Base, am part f1 the White Sands. '11le cllmate 1Ir this ~son Is excellent, am you wm cert21nly enjoy the hour or so spent at the . top d. the Sacramento )!()ljjJatns. · ·

dotnlrp.tes the bol'tmn d.

-~·~~ uoD~eintheoo~:~m~dr.--------------~~~--~----~~~------~~~~~--------~·~·--------------~ c- the Unt.ted States Afr~F~or=c=e·~dfd=-no=t~se=· t~-------~---;' ______ _:_· .~·. _.....::..,· --~--·-·--~_-··"-:"""'"""""'·.-~"~-======= • 'Ibe . !l'ower

.out, back in 1949, tp" create a tourist attractJon.1bat was the year that the ffrst telescope was 1Dstalled on Sacramento Peak for the ,express parp:ose cl. makl~ ·• various qnatttatlve· aJ¥1 qnaDtttative (what lcfJxS aJ¥1 how much ·or how many) obse7:vatJons f1 our parent star, the sun. ·


complex on Peak, some · Clotllcrftt, Is one d. the most interesting places to <

... - visit fn this part of the state._ . • Recognl.z1ng the value d. demOilSU'a~totlle American ---~ ···· ·

pwllc the kfrd am extent d. sclentiflc work done here, the Air Force has opened as much d. the world-famous facility to visitors a¢ tour1sts as possible. 'lbousands annua.lly slgti the registel at the entrance to the newest

~ d. the-telescopes, the Tower Telescope. . . 'lbe scten~ techn.lclans. rl Smspot co~

a select commtlllty, most d. whom 1tfe at the 9,200• foot site. Sunspot was named, aptly am awropriately, by its resklents, and baS US own post cifice, zip code 88349.

'lbree main instruments are employed to watch the fiery orb as long as 1t Is in view. 'lbe ffrst one installed was in an mtmpo~ sf:r!~cture referred to even today. as 'lbe Grain Bin Dome. On its spar--the blsi.C monntl~ structure that may be positioned to follow the sun-are two ~phs, specialized instruments that blot out very precisely the entlre solar disc (as 1t appears to be, thouglr n 1s· in tact spherlcal), permtttlng a detaned sttlly of the "corona' the blazing flier~» f1 torment that Is the visible surface d. the SUD, viewed with the corona graph. Th1s lJght is diverted into a regular camera am into a spectrograpb, which analyzes the lJght into Unes am allows the composition~ the tncemlary material to be Identified as specUlc elements like hydrogen, iron, bellum, etc.

'lbe Big Dome went into operation in 1952. other am more detaned sttJUes d. the events on the sun are obserVed am recorded by the instrUments attached to the spar d. the Big Dome.

By all standards, the Tower Telescope is the most imposing d au, both structurally and for its tllltJ.t¥! design. Sunlight enters the top d. the 136-foot tower tbro~ a SO-inch wiJXJow,. placed at a height to avoid shimmering am distDrtJons present at levels nearer the ground. Two 44-inch mirrors direct the stm's rays down a four-foot diameter tube to a point 180 feet below grotmd level. 'Ibis huge tube is umer a moder-



,. ('

. I

• . "

• (I

" •

. •

' •

'• -....




--- -~-- ------.. .. -. ---~-- -~---- -- --- ----



Where _People Live Better

, Elec:tric:~anks To Otero County· ilectric Co-Op

• . l. .... ~ ....

Page 19: 1971-10-07 - Lincoln County · Mr. and Mrs, Rogene Alford, Tawna , Ward and Roe Ann,Mr •. and ... Brown,

. ..,, .......... ,._ ..... ·-~-~ ..... - ...... - ....... , .

·Weather Outlook for October


n \

High Low Pcpn

• ' .... .. ;

69 32 0.93


--- - .. ... ,

-t I


' . ' I

• I

• '· I

• \

' I I

' I \ ,. .. ··"'·' ,,

' . ... r- . ~- - . .l. --

High 78 Low 44 Pcpn 0.80

• J ....... h~..... .~

Figures on the above map

arc· long-term averages •

~. --· Donrt miss a single issue

of The Villager A subscription to any one of the

Village Preu News,-pers will insure your receiving The Villager each month.

Future issues wilt be packed witt. interesting people, placM, things to dol

Just a ·few of the many interesting articles planned for the future are

Hunting for old time bottles Panning for gold Gran Quivira, ancient city of old Hunting for indian relics

PLUS many, many more



$5 for in-county subscribers Brings you a full year of reading pleasure. $7.00 for out-of-county- subscribe today!

THE VILLAGER P. 0. Drawer 495

Carrizozo, New Mexico 88301


.. ·-----~- -- -. . -- --------


' • '•

High Low Pcpo



The Villager I October 19~1 7 Page·

nights be frosty in momlf.ain areas. Average maxtmum temperatures ~e from 81 at

· ·' .Jat·· and- -tordsbUrg-1n ·the ·soutJlern-coruers--to-·6t at Wolf Canyon in the Jemez Mountains. Averagemfnimums range f:rom 53 11t Carlsbad .Caverns to 23 at Eagle Nest. Extremes are 101 at- Carlsbad in 1934 am 15- below zer.o at Red Rlver in 1945. · · - :~~ · .

Too, an occasional earlY snow will tall in mo1mtlln •' 1 are2s, though. continues tO. decrease from

--~---------1mmm~~ ~~

Highest usually receive as mucb as 3 to inches ~ precipitation in October •

In the past, records Bbow tbat 195'1 am 1960 were exceedingly wet years. One year, 1952, October . '\GB totally dry statewJdf. .,,

The greatest precJpJtatJon in October was 11.95 inches Qt Porter in 1930. (Porter ls 25 mlles east 01 TucumcarJ.) Almost 10 inches ~ that total ten fn Z4

oo~s. -lt1mters am hikers, skiers _iJ!l SDO-gOerS, bikers

45 1.21

and sam b1.ay enthusiasts an look to Octobe: skies I

tor oWil ~ reereitional BJgus ft. jOy - &Ill. like a· benevolent mother, Nflture in October In New Mexico seldom lets them down.

-------·-------r-----------------------..__ _ ___j

q I

-- . -- ·- . - -. ----- -·

NOAA, National Weather Service Forecast Office, Albtquerque 243-0'102

·--· ---- . --- -···· -- --·--·-·-----~

. .

WATEilf.Al.L "Did Someone Say, 'Quiet?'"

The murmuring Of dea,...runnlng spring wahr Is lu": allovt the

loudest sound you heu at Waterfall • . . unleu the whisper

of the 10ft wind In the tall, tall ,,. .. l-o-In In nature's symphony . ... there . . . . and , you can .. ft all; the portderacu, the

aspen, the oak and &pruce, becauM tttm ar. no u~lghtly wlrM er

poles to mar the refreshing vista of sylvan perfection. lkHtj.ays

and hvmmlngblrds fly from nature's palate to ltrlthten tfte KeM . wtth their flasbn o(! bright color • • • and the alrl At tflls

l,ooo..foot-plus elevation you've left poUutfon In the dictionary. A

living Chrlstmu canl In winter, theM hideaway hbmeSlhls are a

d e ll~g h t to all the 1 en 1 • s, In nery season. Swlt'al

select homesite cholc:n are still available. Look_ them over you,...

nlf, first, If you wish. Only six-and-a-half millS SE of CIOUikroft '

on St.ate Highway 24. 1ut for a pf.usanr, no-pnuure tour of the

properties, place an appointment by te.Jephonlng ahead to (515)

612-2350. There's no way you can lose; the tTip atone will become

one of your fondest memori-es. Follow the Waterfall signs fo tM

kind of living you've talked about

help you make It a rullty.

• • •


Where People Live Beffer Elecfri·· o


v .

Otero County Electric Co-Op

---~· ------- ____ ..,..

Page 20: 1971-10-07 - Lincoln County · Mr. and Mrs, Rogene Alford, Tawna , Ward and Roe Ann,Mr •. and ... Brown,

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-- 4 •••

..... ~---~- --- ~· - - ----- -~---- -~-----7

! . I

., • ox·· on·· •

• . .

.. The Villager I October 1971 I Page lT

- . time, 'caus!Dg the clocks to lag until they are behind by just the right amount. Ingenious? You bet.

' •. ' •

that spolls weekends 1s put into the middle 'lbe beautiful weather we ·

on a practical time jfggllng, in my opinion.



'l •

-- "The day tho vernal UJ.WDOX comestotolll14J au :the clock&1

•• ' ,,




From a purely scientific Viewpoint, if this time­Rgl~ fs so oecessary, why dkJn't JJI:. Einstein see fit to fnclu:le m(!mtfon c1 it in his theories ~ relativity, c1 time eXlJArurloO, and space-time conttnmun?


•• •

• • ~ And tt lt 1s needed, wby make it come in at such an

unlovely hour? "Two o'clock in the morning, Eastern ~Standard Time." Fa~ I Wbat(l need more than that 1s .

nlgbt savJng time. 1 am at an age (over tortyj'wbere nlgbt m~ns rest aJXlrepOse,andl'dUketo bank more night hours, · tt we are to save anything at all by these chrooologlcal maneuvers.

• ' .

'Ibere is an~ way out, in this age cl. technology, for those 1100se clocks are operated from bouse current. These clocJcs are Tery accurate beCause their movements are slaved to tbe frEqUenCY ol the current from the power company. 'Ibis ~uency Js constamiy monitored :mlis controlled to a very close tolerance.

Someone has to be q, an n1ght at the power company aJzyll'a;y, rfght? WeD. theu. Pn the magic day, twice each year, when the eqnfooxisatourdoor,let us sleep blisstully on. Let tbe pOWer CODJI1o1IIJ increase the frEqUency cl. the bouse current from its normal 60 cycles per secom to, say, 120 cycles per secolll, !or exactly ane hOur. 'Ibis would make all clocks run twice as fast for that period c1 time, resulting in their automatically ga fning exacUy one hour.

When it comes time to set theclocksbaek an hour, they could be rm at only 00 cycles per secom for two hours"


year •• •.

THE- lODGE-- ~·~







·' --In Tht --.


Clouiicroft, -New ~Mexico- ~ ·· --




O_ktoberfest Country

Otero ills, I c. ALAMOGORDO,


Where People Live Better Electrically Thanks To

' .

Otero County~ Electric Co-O,p . ..

• ...

~ -------

Page 21: 1971-10-07 - Lincoln County · Mr. and Mrs, Rogene Alford, Tawna , Ward and Roe Ann,Mr •. and ... Brown,

\ . I •


~~X~~XX~XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX&XXXXXXXXX~XXXX~~XXXX~~XXXX • X The Villager I October 1 '171 I Page 14 . ,

• X - . --- - x · · - · -, -YolJ'-re··-;nvirect--ro·--a-

-- .



! ., it



::< ·~

K X X X X ~ X X X ·x X X ~ X X X X X X X X X X ~ X :>( X :X: X ~

~ X X

F • •• ·-lfi· . . ··-· . -----···---- -- -- ---·----- ----=-,.

8:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. - -- ·- . ··~ -- . ---- ··-·. ·-·····. ··- ------- _______ ....._ _____ ·-------------- ~-----

--- '

\ -- .,., .... ·-· -- - .. ---- ....- ...


.... -·-~,.


Air rt Facilities at Carrizozo, N. Mex. Modem In Every Way· -

e Paved Runway, 75 feet by 4900 feet.

e Tie-downs, turnarounds & connecting aprons.

• SAVASI Visual Landing System

• Radio Operator

• Beacon & Landing Strip lights

Courtesy Car

General Contractor - Floyd


----- -

Yours For

• Hunting Trips

• Skiing Trips

• Business

• Sight-seeing

• Historical Sites

• Racing

• Recreation

Construction Co.

Page 22: 1971-10-07 - Lincoln County · Mr. and Mrs, Rogene Alford, Tawna , Ward and Roe Ann,Mr •. and ... Brown,


' -

. .

• ·•



' --


.... , . ·- ,·'


• ( •

• . - --- ' - - - -\- ~ . . . . . .

Sheep - to -~hawl -- -

' .. ---------- -.-

demonstration was -· Th~. Vi1-l~g~~ l~O~tober 1971 I PagelS-·--~-

' ' -

A sheep to shawl demonstration in the Livestock ' ...._ ~LlE~-~~~~_:_-~.::_· ~~~~~~~~~ a fair-goer this at thve--:------· _ • .


.. • l" "" (· .

' ~ <~ -1.·\ i_i ' • .. .

is new to the fa4'' am work <i Los Aranas,.a spinning am weaving guild of

to the fair. An expert shearer is shearing sheep . •

The teased ·wool or -cleansed wool is placed in a

the wool is ham-crafted. Janice orJgfnator of the display owrates

'-------Yh~ear!J'--(].s1wold. AU woven goods on display, everything f~ro~~m~-------·..:_ ____ _ · purses to ponc~os is ham-crafted by mem~s and ·

,, -<- ,. • '

-a.ssocJates of Las Aranas. . ; · .. : · ·• A gazeebo on the west sJde of the display illustrates

modern teclmk}ues in vrool processing am explains sonie - ct plaguing the iOOustry. -


featured a this year. _ Betty , president <i Las Aranas saJd the guild

claims a membership c1 55. Somo mem'Ders are from Santa Fe am El -Paso. The guild was foulded seven montbB ago. · , ·

Through her aBs&Jatlo_n wUJ.!. Las Aranas, Mrs. Gna~wsJd plans to start her own gUild in Ancho •

.... - .- .. --·-· -·----- - -- . - -e ~PONSqRED IY -~

-- 1 -------- --- '"" ·- • • --·--- '___j ___ _

• J. G .. Moore Agency Your Local lndtpt-nd.-nt

Insurance Agency

.. ... . stlVJHO' OKTOIU1£ST COUNJlY

... •

• "

· ~ ~ ·· · -Aitn& MiirjeteT'SfiGlft:r-&-'OtnrthJ Sirek')' - - -- ._ - --- -

OCT •. 16 ~- C.rri:a:oxo VI. Dexter

· OCT. 16 - Texas vs. Ark1nsas

OCT. 17 - St. Louis VI. Washington

OCT. 23 .... UNM VI. Arizon1 State

OCT. 24 - Houston vs. Pittsburgh


Octo&ltr 22




Entries Must Be Sub miffed To:

Bob Steams at J.G. Moore Agency -

Carrizozo, New Mexico

By 5:00 p.m. October 15, 1971 Circle The Team You Think Will

Win, Tie Breaker Will Determine Winner In Case A Tie, One Entry Per Person


sro11s ..

---PRIZES ---1st $5-.00



2nd $3.b0 3rd $2.50

Where People Live Better •

0 0

Otero County Electric Co·Op

Page 23: 1971-10-07 - Lincoln County · Mr. and Mrs, Rogene Alford, Tawna , Ward and Roe Ann,Mr •. and ... Brown,

- ---~~

A New Apartment Complex Under Construction In Moriarty.

A New Home Just Complete In Morlerty.


A Good Place

To Live, Work

And Raise A

Family .

The New Building For The Morierty Branch Of The 1st National Bank Of Belen Under Construction

e. . We Invito You To

The Friendly City Of

Moriarty, New Mexico

To See For Yourself

The Crossroads Of



IVlClti!ltTY Blt!NCH Member F.O.I.C

Complete Banking Facilities

OF BELEN We Invite You To. Make Our Bank Your Bank

The Villager I October 1971 I Page 16

m'5 KEE; NEW MIXJto arAN -'f;.O.,...

"Per 15¢ ~opy_ ..


. .:, .·•

··~ .. -..# ... "~··~···--•" ~-- ............ _,.....--;"'"""'~-·..,. .... ----··

, CARRIZOZO, N. M. 1,301'

CoUnty ·liqi.Or voti · Nov. 2 a · separa. te ..Vote ·!MY· .be. Lfncoln Collllty does not quaUfy there. ·

Interesting games on tap for Friday Two Lln®ln Cowty, the whipped the number 1 team,

Corona CarclinalS IIIXI Capitan Demlllg, 31-8 last weet. 'lbe Tigers, 91tare oU lor a match Warriors from RUidoso IJIYade that lOoks tatrly._even from Wildcat conntry Friday. with a previous scores. The game wlll 5-l record am that game ought oo pl2ym at eorona -- spot · to oo • lilller-.- TheM two-team!t them 6 points. Capitan beat .coUld wen be playlng tor the 3A Vaoglm 14-8, Vaughn beat Corona district championship. l.t-0 •• give those sf% po!n!s Carrizozo's Ulllleieated Griz.. to tl!e Tigers. Melrose beat zlies head east Friday ml in Dexter 34-8 ml last weekeul past years that trip has spelled

•• . f'1 ~ '

. !\


3 beat Capitan 38-6 which really t-r-o-u-b-1-e, a letter at a time. ·lD . does not make the Tigers look Dexter has been up m1 down like

15 WL 'Ibis game ought to be a a teeter-totter thiS season bUt 3 d,aD!y. on their home lfeld they ought · 5 We are ge~ sort~ proud to be at least 13'po!n!s toughter 5 ~ !be Tularosa Wildcats arotlllll !ban usuaL The Demons played 5 these parts, espec!ally alter !bey Continued On Back Page

. .

wins pro-am, Newman is pro champ Pr~essional bowlers from

Cotorado, Texas ml New Mexico were !banking tour1111.ment manager Joe Light ml tellJng . hJnJ how much they enjoyed his tournament as !bey departed last SWK!ay, some lor other tourllll.­ments. . It was a real well run atraJr, · so closely contested that the winDer ol the first Carrizozo' Regional P B A Open Bowllng Tournament was not known untfl weU aloug into !be finals.

Friday was one ol !be real big days in the life ol Juanita Vallejos ol Carrizozo. She turned back a lot ~high-scoring local bowlers, got some good help trom pro partners am went alllb!! way to win both .first am secoJJI in !be Pro Am event which started lbl!' weekeJXI ol l!owllng at CarrizoZo. Recreation

...!.,. center •. Juanita b6wled with Maury

Newman ~ Houston, TeXJ\8; ·J. B. Blaylock ol Alamogordo; ml Cecll Caddel ot Dallas, Texas on her way to the big money. She was paid $140 for first ml $90 for sccoud,

Tommy Lee ot Ruidoso won 3rd · with $80, Jllly Kannady ot Ruidoso 4th, Fred Vega .of Carrizozo 5th alii Jack Kannady sr. o~· Ruidoso 6th in the Pro-A~ . -

Joe Light said they would probably have this same tourna• ment in March ol next year, a . month when there are not quite so many other spor~ events

Maury Newman ~ Houston, winner of !be Regional PBA Open was in 4th place after 8 games, in 5th place after ~ games but then in !be match games Sunday he won 8 straight, collecting a 30-pin bonus lor' each win ml zoomed out in front with total ~ 4488 and collected the $'150 first money.

J. B. Blaylock ~ Aiamogordo, pulled the unusual just a l1We. He was in 2oo place alter 8, same after 12. aJJI his 6 wins JI;M 3 losses in match play held IUs secooo place wlth total ~ 44o4 aDi won hJnJ $375.00. ·

Chu.y Castaneda II El Paso . '-i· t; was in 3rd place wllb 1665 alter · 8 games, he dropped to 8th after 12 and went to 5th Slllday to win $150.

c • Brennan started in 6th

place after 8 games1~!lnt.· t .:: I 3rd, and beid ma , · .. through Sunday t9 wlll . . • . ~ • : is from El Paso. · . • •· . .,. ·

Cecil Caddel topped !be list i .

two days, Ist at 8 games, 1st. '. ·l'

after 12, but then he lost a. coUple in the Sunday inatch play · t

, and dropped to 4th to win $180. i: Cecil is .from Dallas, n

Moury Newman, with two . • other Houston bowlers aJd , jl, sponsor drove tliefr rentM car oock to Alb~querque ml Warded a plane for Paramus, New Jersey to partiCiPate in the

• National Championship bowliDg. -finals to · be televised thiS weekeoo.

'I'· 1be whloeril atd,c:llampicills In cilrrizOzo tournaments. From left, J-.B. Blaylock, Juanl.ta Vallejos, Milll'Y NeWIIW!Illil Cec.ll CackleL go~ on at the same time. ..

Complete scoring resUlb follow •

. . . '