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1950’s Political and Social History

1950’s Political and Social History. SOCIAL UNREST PERSISTS African Americans felt they deserved equal rights, especially after hundreds of thousands.

Jan 04, 2016



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Page 1: 1950’s Political and Social History. SOCIAL UNREST PERSISTS African Americans felt they deserved equal rights, especially after hundreds of thousands.

1950’s Political and Social


Page 2: 1950’s Political and Social History. SOCIAL UNREST PERSISTS African Americans felt they deserved equal rights, especially after hundreds of thousands.


African Americans felt they deserved equal rights, especially after hundreds of thousands served in WWII

Truman took action in 1948 by desegregating the armed forces

Additionally, Truman ordered an end to discrimination in the hiring of governmental employees

Page 3: 1950’s Political and Social History. SOCIAL UNREST PERSISTS African Americans felt they deserved equal rights, especially after hundreds of thousands.


The Democrats nominated President Truman in 1948

The Republicans nominated New York Governor Thomas Dewey

Polls showed Dewey held a comfortable lead going into election day


Page 4: 1950’s Political and Social History. SOCIAL UNREST PERSISTS African Americans felt they deserved equal rights, especially after hundreds of thousands.



Truman’s “Give ‘em hell, Harry” campaign worked

Truman won a very close race against Dewey

Truman holds a now infamous Chicago Tribune announcing (incorrectly)

Dewey’s victory

Page 5: 1950’s Political and Social History. SOCIAL UNREST PERSISTS African Americans felt they deserved equal rights, especially after hundreds of thousands.

To protest Truman’s emphasis on Civil Rights, the South opted to run a third candidate, South Carolina

Governor Strum Thurmond

Page 6: 1950’s Political and Social History. SOCIAL UNREST PERSISTS African Americans felt they deserved equal rights, especially after hundreds of thousands.

Truman’s Fair Deal: What was it?

What does he win? Housing subsidies—yes Higher minimum wage—yes Extension of Social Security—yes Better farm subsidies—no National Health Care—no More TVA-like projects—no Civil Rights for African-Americans—no

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By 1951 Truman’s approval rating sank to an all-time low of just 23%

Why? Korean War, McCarthyism, civil rights, and a general impression of ineffectiveness

Page 8: 1950’s Political and Social History. SOCIAL UNREST PERSISTS African Americans felt they deserved equal rights, especially after hundreds of thousands.

Stevenson vs. Ike: 1952

The Democrats nominated intellectual Illinois Governor Adlai Stevenson

The Republicans nominated war hero Dwight David Eisenhower

Page 9: 1950’s Political and Social History. SOCIAL UNREST PERSISTS African Americans felt they deserved equal rights, especially after hundreds of thousands.

“I Like Ike”

Eisenhower used the slogan, “I Like Ike” for his presidential campaign

Republicans used Ike’s strong military background to emphasize his ability to combat Communism worldwide

Page 10: 1950’s Political and Social History. SOCIAL UNREST PERSISTS African Americans felt they deserved equal rights, especially after hundreds of thousands.

Nixon’s “Checkers” Speech

One potential disaster for Ike was his running mate’s alleged “slush fund”

Richard Nixon responded by going on T.V. and delivering an emotional speech denying charges but admitting to accepting one gift for his children – a dog named Checkers

The “Checkers speech” saved the ticket

Page 11: 1950’s Political and Social History. SOCIAL UNREST PERSISTS African Americans felt they deserved equal rights, especially after hundreds of thousands.

Ike Wins!

Page 12: 1950’s Political and Social History. SOCIAL UNREST PERSISTS African Americans felt they deserved equal rights, especially after hundreds of thousands.

Eisenhower Republicanism

In all things that deal with people, be liberal. In all things that deal with money, be conservative.

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Ike’s Middle Way Accepts the New Deal

as here to stay Raises minimum wage Expands social

security coverage for seniors

Raises unemployment benefits for those out of work

Increase money for housing projects

Builds the National Interstate System

Tries to cut taxes

Page 14: 1950’s Political and Social History. SOCIAL UNREST PERSISTS African Americans felt they deserved equal rights, especially after hundreds of thousands.

Highway Act of 1956 As a soldier in 1919, Ike

was asked to go from NY to San Francisco w/ a military convoy

2 Months to do it!! In WWII, the autobahn

and its use in defense also peaked his interest.

Today, 47,000 miles of interstates in the US

Other Uses National Defense-1/5

miles must be straight

Evacuation from natural disasters

Page 15: 1950’s Political and Social History. SOCIAL UNREST PERSISTS African Americans felt they deserved equal rights, especially after hundreds of thousands.

Interstate Highway Act of 1956

In 1956 Pres. Eisenhower authorized a nationwide highway network – 41,000 miles of road linking America. It became the largest public works project in US history

Page 16: 1950’s Political and Social History. SOCIAL UNREST PERSISTS African Americans felt they deserved equal rights, especially after hundreds of thousands.

Impact of Interstates

The Interstate Highway system resulted in:

More trucking Less railroad More suburbs, further

away from cities (bedroom communities)

The commuter culture.

Trucking is the #1 means of moving cargo

in the United States today

Page 17: 1950’s Political and Social History. SOCIAL UNREST PERSISTS African Americans felt they deserved equal rights, especially after hundreds of thousands.

The Interstate Culture

Another effect of the highway system was that the scenery of America began to look the same

Restaurants, motels, highway billboards, gas stations, etc.all began to look similar

The nation had become “homogenized”

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“Our new roads, with their ancillaries, the motels, filling stations, and restaurants advertising eats, have made it possible for you to

drive from Brooklyn to Los Angeles without a change of diet, scenery, or culture.”

John Keats, The Insolent Chariots-1958

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The Car Culture

After the rationing of WWII, inexpensive and plentiful fuel and easy credit led many to buy cars

By 1960, over 60 million Americans owned autos

The car culture contributes mightily to the growth of Suburbia and “bedroom communities”.

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New Business Models

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Car Friedly Franchises A new strategy for

business expansion was franchising

A franchise is a company that offers similar services in many locations

Fast food restaurants developed the first franchises in America

What is the most ubiquitous American franchise today?

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Conglomerates Emerge Conglomerates, major corporations that

include a number of smaller companies in unrelated fields, emerged in the 1950s

One conglomerate, International Telephone and Telegraph (ITT), bought rental car companies and hotel chains

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The “Organization Man”

During the 1950s, businesses expanded rapidly

More and more people held “white-collar” jobs - clerical, management, or professional jobs

The fields of sales, advertising, insurance and communications exploded

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Social Conformity Accelerates

American workers found themselves becoming standardized

Called the “Organization Man,” the modern worker struggled with a loss of individualism

Businesses did not want creative thinkers, rebels or anyone that would “rock the boat”

Page 25: 1950’s Political and Social History. SOCIAL UNREST PERSISTS African Americans felt they deserved equal rights, especially after hundreds of thousands.

Women’s Roles in the 1950’s

During the 1950s, the role of homemaker and mother was glorified in popular magazines, movies and television

Page 26: 1950’s Political and Social History. SOCIAL UNREST PERSISTS African Americans felt they deserved equal rights, especially after hundreds of thousands.
Page 27: 1950’s Political and Social History. SOCIAL UNREST PERSISTS African Americans felt they deserved equal rights, especially after hundreds of thousands.
Page 28: 1950’s Political and Social History. SOCIAL UNREST PERSISTS African Americans felt they deserved equal rights, especially after hundreds of thousands.

 “After one look at his Mr. Leggs slacks, she was ready to have him walk all over her.”

Page 29: 1950’s Political and Social History. SOCIAL UNREST PERSISTS African Americans felt they deserved equal rights, especially after hundreds of thousands.
Page 30: 1950’s Political and Social History. SOCIAL UNREST PERSISTS African Americans felt they deserved equal rights, especially after hundreds of thousands.
Page 31: 1950’s Political and Social History. SOCIAL UNREST PERSISTS African Americans felt they deserved equal rights, especially after hundreds of thousands.
Page 32: 1950’s Political and Social History. SOCIAL UNREST PERSISTS African Americans felt they deserved equal rights, especially after hundreds of thousands.
Page 33: 1950’s Political and Social History. SOCIAL UNREST PERSISTS African Americans felt they deserved equal rights, especially after hundreds of thousands.
Page 34: 1950’s Political and Social History. SOCIAL UNREST PERSISTS African Americans felt they deserved equal rights, especially after hundreds of thousands.
Page 35: 1950’s Political and Social History. SOCIAL UNREST PERSISTS African Americans felt they deserved equal rights, especially after hundreds of thousands.
Page 36: 1950’s Political and Social History. SOCIAL UNREST PERSISTS African Americans felt they deserved equal rights, especially after hundreds of thousands.
Page 37: 1950’s Political and Social History. SOCIAL UNREST PERSISTS African Americans felt they deserved equal rights, especially after hundreds of thousands.

How did some women react to their roles as wives and


Page 38: 1950’s Political and Social History. SOCIAL UNREST PERSISTS African Americans felt they deserved equal rights, especially after hundreds of thousands.

1950’s Working Women

Those women who did work were finding job opportunities limited to fields such as nursing, teaching and office support

Women earned far less than man for comparable jobs

Sexual harassment was common and not a crime.

Page 39: 1950’s Political and Social History. SOCIAL UNREST PERSISTS African Americans felt they deserved equal rights, especially after hundreds of thousands.

The Affluent Society

Page 40: 1950’s Political and Social History. SOCIAL UNREST PERSISTS African Americans felt they deserved equal rights, especially after hundreds of thousands.

The Affluent Society

By the end of the 1950s, Americans were enjoying the highest standard of living in the world.

This way of living, with its emphasis on consumerism, was called “The Affluent Society.

Page 41: 1950’s Political and Social History. SOCIAL UNREST PERSISTS African Americans felt they deserved equal rights, especially after hundreds of thousands.

Leisure in the 50’s Americans

experienced shorter work weeks and more vacation time than ever before

Labor-saving devices added more spare time

Leisure time activities became a multi-billion dollar industry

Page 42: 1950’s Political and Social History. SOCIAL UNREST PERSISTS African Americans felt they deserved equal rights, especially after hundreds of thousands.

Popular Leisure Activities

In 1953 alone Americans spent $30 billion on leisure

Popular activities included fishing, bowling, hunting and golf

Americans attended, or watched on T.V., football, baseball and basketball games

Page 43: 1950’s Political and Social History. SOCIAL UNREST PERSISTS African Americans felt they deserved equal rights, especially after hundreds of thousands.

The Consumer Culture

By the mid-1950s, nearly 60% of Americans were members of the middle class

Consumerism (buying material goods) came to be equated with success and status

Page 44: 1950’s Political and Social History. SOCIAL UNREST PERSISTS African Americans felt they deserved equal rights, especially after hundreds of thousands.

New Products and Credit

One new product after another appeared in the marketplace

Appliances, electronics, and other household goods were especially popular

The first credit card (Diner’s Club) appeared in 1950 and American Express was introduced in 1958

Personal debt increased nearly 3x in the 1950s

Page 45: 1950’s Political and Social History. SOCIAL UNREST PERSISTS African Americans felt they deserved equal rights, especially after hundreds of thousands.

The Advertising Age The advertising

industry capitalized on runaway consumerism by encouraging more spending

Ads were everywhere Ad agencies

increased their spending 50% during the 1950s

Page 46: 1950’s Political and Social History. SOCIAL UNREST PERSISTS African Americans felt they deserved equal rights, especially after hundreds of thousands.

Television’s Emergence

A new era of mass media led by television emerged in the 1950s

In 1948, only 9% of homes had T.V

In 1950, 55% of homes had T.V.

By 1960, 90% of American homes had T.V.

Page 47: 1950’s Political and Social History. SOCIAL UNREST PERSISTS African Americans felt they deserved equal rights, especially after hundreds of thousands.

The Golden Age of Television

The 1950s was known as the “Golden Age of Television”

Comedies were the main attraction as Milton Berle, Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz were very popular

Desi Arnaz and Lucille Ball starred in I Love Lucy

Page 48: 1950’s Political and Social History. SOCIAL UNREST PERSISTS African Americans felt they deserved equal rights, especially after hundreds of thousands.

Television’s Experimental Stage

Kids’ shows like The Howdy Doody Show and The Mickey Mouse Club were extremely popular

Page 49: 1950’s Political and Social History. SOCIAL UNREST PERSISTS African Americans felt they deserved equal rights, especially after hundreds of thousands.

TV Ads, TV Guide and TV Dinners

TV advertising soared from $170 million in 1950 to nearly $2 billion in 1960

TV Guide magazine quickly became the best selling magazine

Frozen TV dinners were introduced in 1954 – these complete ready-to-heat meals on disposable aluminum trays made it easy for people to eat without missing their favorite shows

Page 50: 1950’s Political and Social History. SOCIAL UNREST PERSISTS African Americans felt they deserved equal rights, especially after hundreds of thousands.

Music in the 50’s

Musicians in the 1950s added electronic instruments to traditional blues music, creating rhythm and blues

Cleveland DJ Alan Freed was the first to play this music in 1951– he called it “rock and roll”


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The King of Rock and Roll: Elvis

Presley’s rebellious style captured young audiences

Girls screamed and fainted, and boys tried to imitate him

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Although mass media and television were wildly popular in the 1950s, dissenting voices emerged

The “Beat Movement” in literature and rock n’ roll clashed with tidy suburban views of life

Page 53: 1950’s Political and Social History. SOCIAL UNREST PERSISTS African Americans felt they deserved equal rights, especially after hundreds of thousands.

The Beatniks Centered in San

Francisco, L.A. and New York’s Greenwich Village, the Beat Movement expressed social nonconformity

Followers, called “beatniks”, tended to shun work and sought understanding through Zen Buddhism, music, and sometimes drugs