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A meeting of the Federal Aeserve Board was held in the office of the Federal Aesorve Board on Tuesday, March 24, 1925 at 11:00 o'clock. PAENT: Governor Orissinger Mr. Platt Mr. Hamlin Mr. Miller Mr. James Mr . Claim 7;ham Mr. Noell, Assistant Secretary The minutes of the meeting of the Federal deserve Board held on 4arch. 20th were read and approved. Letter dated March 17th from the Federal Aeserve Agent at San P ralicisco, advising that the Security Trust and Savings Bank will move its branch temporarily located at 722 North Fairfax Avenue, Los Angeles to a permanent location at the southwest corner of Melrose and Fairfax 'venues, 7900 Melrose Avenue, and requesting approval of this change. Approved. ketter dated March 21st from the Acting Comptroller of the Clur ferzy, advising that the post of reports of examinations of national banks furnished to Federal Aeserve banks has been reduced to ki 7.50 Der report, effective April 1, 1925. Noted. Letter dated March 21st from the Federal deserve Agent at Atlanta, re questing approval of the designation as special examiner of Mr. IT K. Bevan, Chief Clerk of the discount and credit depart1Tents of the bank. Approved. Letter dated March 20th from the Secretary of the Governors' °04 ference, transmitting copies of the program of topics submitted for Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
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A meeting of the Federal Aeserve Board was held in the office of

the Federal Aesorve Board on Tuesday, March 24, 1925 at 11:00 o'clock.

PAENT: Governor Orissinger

Mr. PlattMr. HamlinMr. Miller

Mr. JamesMr . Claim 7;ham

Mr. Noell, Assistant Secretary

The minutes of the meeting of the Federal deserve Board held on

4arch. 20th were read and approved.

Letter dated March 17th from the Federal Aeserve Agent at San

Pralicisco, advising that the Security Trust and Savings Bank will move

its branch temporarily located at 722 North Fairfax Avenue, Los Angeles

to a permanent location at the southwest corner of Melrose and Fairfax

'venues, 7900 Melrose Avenue, and requesting approval of this change.


ketter dated March 21st from the Acting Comptroller of the

Clurferzy, advising that the post of reports of examinations of national

banks furnished to Federal Aeserve banks has been reduced to ki 7.50 Der

report, effective April 1, 1925.


Letter dated March 21st from the Federal deserve Agent at Atlanta,

requesting approval of the designation as special examiner of Mr. IT K.

Bevan, Chief Clerk of the discount and credit depart1Tents of the bank.


Letter dated March 20th from the Secretary of the Governors'

°04ference, transmitting copies of the program of topics submitted for

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Page 2: 19250324_Minutes.pdf


3/24/25 -2-

discussion at the Dnfero...3c! on April 6th.


Aeport of Oomnittee .on j:Laminations on letter dated ..iarch 18th

fro,1 the 2ede.:-1 ,Aeset've Agonl, at Minneapolis, recoTnmendinf- a )preval of

an a,plic-Ltion of the 13an'c..' of Philip, Philip, J o D., to take over the

Jtockmens ik of a,,a, j. J.; the JomiTlittee also recommcaling



Llano randarn from 00:-:..11 tt ea on Jal )01111. it uros andffi lene,

with reE;ard to letter dated Li:•_rch :20 th from the Uhp,irman of the 'federal

ai3stIrve Ban:, of 1.,:ew York, a3visin: that the for .al rei,orts of the Jo_mittee

are bein: sabmitted to the directors o: thit bank, toether with se. .s

thereof ::ladre 0ontroller ,i.ounds; the Ommittve su2-estiil7; that the

Chair-ran of the 2edoral Aes -Jrve Ban-lc of ,iew York be regleste$ to furnish

the Board with coi?Les of the s;paopses.

Upon motion, the si.I•gestion of the jormittee

was approved.

:eport of Exnmination of the federal Joserve Bank of Dallas and

its jl Paso and Houston branches made as at the close of b,77:ne3s

1024 .

to the jo.!--,:ittee on . x.tinations and.

0o1112;!ittee on District :11.

Hr. Platt then presented a letter addressed to him under date of

Harcb 11th , Vice .J.'rosiC.ent of the A.r.lcan

ictional -Bank. of 'jreensboro, 0., recluostur:, on behalf of the

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Greensboro lrj :iouse .issceiation, that

to ,permitted by the 3oarcl, at its convenience, to fresent aionts in

favor of th estal islun:nt there of a branch of the 2edoral eserve sank

Of aiclimond.

.ttft(r d is ea 3:1. -lc n , iLr. oved that

r. 3.pL'adlirig be iisoJ that 5.1. it is

br',J...(;h of the ,..'eCier-L1 -,r,ri,ro 3a-cf.', of

eiirnii1 should e stab 11 shed u the Carolixns

all interested cities will be -iven an oppo7t-.11.1%-

to 1)(7.- heard.

idr Iia,n1 in' s mot ion ben -Gut by the

chair was carjoi, ides 21att and

1iier vo t1.-.L:a "no"

„1,20 Or" STAIIDIIG OILI '2211:45 :

Dated, *March 3rd, i eCOITilIOJiuuLf chan-es In stock at 2eder:,1 ,.eserve

baras , as sot forth in the IL-a:ciliary Linn te 3ook

of this date.AprOVe a.

Dated idarch 24th, JAecornmenlin: action on aLd.)1 ic at ions for f icluc24th,iory

j2owors as set forthLn the xi1iary 1.1Inu. 3ook

24th, of this date.

24th, iy,Troved.

'-)atcd. , liarch 21 s t 11.6 i g 0,14) l'OV .3,1 of the alicet1On of Lir •

Ohn Li. -'nrijlt to serve at the sae time as

director of the Union Trust L.Lid Hudson amity

anal 3au-2.-_, as director of the .1erchants liat anal

3ank., an the 1:an::. of Lafayette, all of Jersey C



.LhC 1c;eLini A.joury at 11:30 a.m.



s is t Lait -2c rty

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis