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1907 Wooster Roll of Wisconsin Potawatomi Transcribed by Larry M. Wyckoff April, 2014

1907 Wooster Roll of Wisconsin Potawatomi

May 01, 2023



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Page 1: 1907 Wooster Roll of Wisconsin Potawatomi

1907 Wooster Roll of Wisconsin


Transcribed by

Larry M. Wyckoff

April, 2014

Page 2: 1907 Wooster Roll of Wisconsin Potawatomi


In 1902 the Potawatomi of northern Wisconsin sent a memorial to Congress claiming

payment for annuities and other provisions they never received under the 1833 treaty of Chicago.

Under provisions of that treaty, they were supposed to remove west of the Mississippi River.

They never removed; and the Indian Office claimed that by not doing so, they forfeited their

rights to payments under any provisions of the September 26, 1833 Chicago treaty.

The Potawatomi then hired a Washington D.C. attorney by the name of R.V. Belt to

prosecute their claims. This action generated more interest in Washington than just a memorial

submitted by a group of Indians. The result was an act passed by Congress in 1906 directing the

Secretary of the Interior to investigate the Potawatomi claims and to determine what number of

Indians continued to reside in Wisconsin after the treaty of 1833. He was also directed to make

out a census roll of those Potawatomi.

An attempt at making out a roll was made in 1906 by Agent Churchill but was found to

be incomplete. Walter M. Wooster, a clerk in the office of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs,

was then ordered to proceed to Wisconsin to prepare a roll. His roll lists 1880 individuals. Of

these, 457 resided in Wisconsin and Michigan and the remainder resided in twenty-nine different

locations in Ontario, Canada (these locations ranged from Thessalon in the north, to Walpole

Island in the south). After the 1833 treaty, many Michigan and Wisconsin Potawatomi moved to

Canada, with the encouragement of Canadian officials, in an effort to avoid being removed west.

Wooster’s roll lists the names of each individual (English name and Indian name), age,

sex, relationship to other members in the family, their residence, and gives a translation of the

Indian name.

Transcribed below is Wooster’s report to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs and his

census roll. If anyone needs copies of the original roll and the Congressional documents relating

to this roll, they can be obtained on CD for a small charge from the transcriber. For more

information, contact Larry Wyckoff at [email protected].

Wooster’s Report.

Department of the Interior

Office of Indian Affairs

Washington, Dec. 18, 1907.

The Commissioner

of Indian Affairs


Pursuant to your instructions of June 28, 1907, to complete the enrollment of Wisconsin

Pottawatomies and their descendants in Wisconsin, Michigan and Canada, as provided for by the

Act of Congress approved June 21, 1906 (34 Stats. L., 380), I have the honor to submit herewith

a roll or schedule containing the names of 1880 persons, and to report as follows:

As instructed I proceeded directly to Carter, Wis., and at once called on Rev. Erik O.

Morstad, a Lutheran, missionary among the Pottawatomies, who had rendered valuable

assistance to Indian Inspector Churchill in the preparation of his roll of the Indians. On

consultation with the missionary it was learned that he had inaugurated the movement to

prosecute a claim against the United States in behalf of these Indians; and that he was personally

acquainted with nearly all their families. It was learned also that the method followed in making

the previous enrollment in Wisconsin was to visit the town or village nearest the Indian group or

settlement and send an Indian interpreter or guide for them so that their tribal status might be

inquired into and their right to enrollment determined; that he, the missionary, had subsequently

ascertained that some of the persons enrolled at the various places visited had misrepresented the

facts and consequently misled the Inspector into believing that they were entitled to enrollment.

It was learned also that there had been some omissions by reason of absence and failure of

Indians to remember the names of all their children, etc.

On the strong recommendation of Rev. Mr. Morstad, Charles Kisheck, a chief of his

people, and by far the most reliable and best versed man among them in genealogical matters,

was employed by me as interpreter.

In company with the missionary, who was engaged as guide in accordance with your

instructions, the group of Indians some six or eight miles (by trail) east of Carter Wis., was first

visited. At this place some changes in the previous enrollment were found to be necessary by

reason of births, deaths, etc.

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A consultation at which Chief Kisheck—the intelligent and trustworthy Pottawatomie

interpreter—was present, developed that it would be impossible to obtain definite information by

correspondence with the Indians of the various groups in Wisconsin for the reason that they were

unable to read or write; and we accordingly decided to make quick visits to their camps, or

wherever they could be found, in order properly to check up the Churchill roll.

Method of Enrollment and Evidence Required:

During our visits to the groups and camps of the Indians in Wisconsin, inquiries were

made of the oldest and most reliable Indians to ascertain what knowledge they had of any

relatives residing in Canada, or their ancestors, and whether they were receiving rights from the

Dominion Government.

At the Carter group the principal sources of information were Joe Pemma, a full blood

Pottawatomie, eighty-three years of age, and Chief Kisheck, sixty-five years of age. In Canada,

when reservations were visited, the Indian Agents were usually found to be courteous and of

material assistance to us in the work. Here, much was learned also from questioning the old

Indians—the ones of greatest assistance being Chief John Tobey, eighty-eight to ninety years of

age, of Henry Harbor, Josiah Williams, eighty years of age, of Sarnia; Amos Wemigwans,

seventy years of age, residing at South Bay, Manitoulin Island; William Waukay, eighty-six

years of age, of Cape Croker; and William Abi, ninety years of age, living at Christian Island.

On arriving at a camp, settlement, or reservation, the Indians were immediately gathered

in council or a meeting was called for the next day. At the council the Indians claiming

Pottawatomie Indian blood were then separately carefully examined with the aid of the

interpreter; and Rev. Mr. Morstad who speaks the Chippewa tongue—the court language of the

Ojibway, Ottawa and Pottawatomie tribes—also assisted in the examinations. At many of the

places—especially reservations—the chiefs and head men were of considerable help in having

all those of alleged Pottawatomie descent present at the conferences.

In order to be enrolled a claimant was required to prove satisfactorily (1) that he or one of

his ancestors was a member of the Wisconsin Pottawatomie tribe or band at the time of the

making of the treaty of 1833 but did not move west of the Mississippi River as required by that

treaty, and consequently did not receive any of the benefits accruing thereunder; and (2) that

neither he nor the member through whom he clamed was or had been enrolled with any other

tribe or band in the United States.

A large number of applicants were examined, who, by their own admission, were clearly

shown to be without Pottawatomi blood. They were refused enrollment and told why. In many

cases, where Wisconsin Pottawatomie descent was claimed, a searching inquiry disclosed that

their ancestors while Pottawatomies belonged in southern Wisconsin or to the Michigan branch

known as Pokagon’s band of Pottawatomies. They also were rejected.

Where doubt existed the claimants were given the benefit of it; their names were taken in

the field book of enrollments, and their cases were submitted to two or more of the old men

heretofore mentioned as authoritative sources of information. Most of the ancestors of the

applicants were at once recalled by Chief Kisheck, and in the end his objections to any

enrollment were invariably sustained by the other old men. One doubtful case in which

statements were taken for submission to the Office is that of the Bibonisi family, which is

discussed under the Wikwemikong group.

Location of Various Groups.

These refugee, roving Indians are widely scattered in northern Wisconsin, Michigan, and

in the Province of Ontario, Canada,—the points or towns in the United States nearest to which

the principal groups are located being Carter, Star Lake, Phlox, Minocqua, and Wausaukee, Wis.,

and Bark River, Mich.

Carter Group.

As a result of our visit to the group named the following changes have been made in the

enrollment at that place:


An unnamed son born May 15, 1907, to William Pem-mob-i-mee, (#19 Churchill



Kishigobiness (#79 Churchill roll), died in November, 1906.

George Wabnum, or Netagwetak, (#9), and his children—Liwesse,

Okitchigamig, Wendassinok, Wenakoww, and Anawatons (#11-15 inclusive)

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were found to be enrolled and allotted (allotment Nos. 797-802 inclusive) at the

Pottawatomie Agency, in Kansas.

Joe Shawno, or Miaogishig (#121) is enrolled at the Green Bay Agency,

Wis., with his mother, under the name of Honest John Jr.

Phlox group.

Phlox is a small village two or three miles west of the northwest corner of the

Menominee Indian Reservation. The Indians were found to be residing as intruders about ten

miles (by trail) within the northern part of the reservation. They were living with fifteen or

sixteen wandering members of the Prairie Band who have been allotted and are enrolled in

Kansas. The changes made necessary by the visit are:


An unnamed daughter, born June 10, 1807, to John Noon (#135).

Miaogishigok, a daughter of #142, and her son, Kaponike;

Pitwewegishigok, a cousin of #134; John Kowabami, a brother of #142;

Tohingwe and Aiatabit, children of #158; and Migo, an old Pottawatomie woman

who was a child at the time of the treaty of 1833. These persons were found to be

entitled to enrollment, having been overlooked or unreported to the Inspector at

the time of his visit.


Honest John, Sr., (#142), who died July 7, 1907.

Mekatewikomekwe, (#147), enrolled and allotted (allotment #794) at the

Pottawatomie Agency, Kansas.

Kiwenike (#150), who is enrolled and allotted (allotment #904) at the

Pottawatomie Agency, Kansas.

Abwekoang, or Charlie Batiste (#151) also enrolled and allotted (allotment

#791) in Kansas.

Minocqua group.

These poverty-stricken Indians were reached by going to a station (Goodnow) about

fourteen miles from Minocqua; thence by hand-car five miles; and by Indian trail some five or

six miles. They reside on private land and live in poorly built log huts or shacks. The changes in

this group are:


Kakekwe, a daughter born November 1906, to Tohibaiassinok (#221).

An unnamed daughter, born in February 1907, to Nanawakamigog (#237).


Nambishikwe (#165), died in June 1907.

Migisiwewe (#234), died in January 1907.

Kobchigabawi (#245), died in January 1907.

Star Lake group.

Some of this group were found to be residing on private land at a place called “Camp

Two” about ten miles northeast of Star Lake. The others were found at Partridge Lake some four

miles by trail from Star Lake. The changes are:


Frank Daniels, born in April 1907, son of Jim Daniels (#265).


John Escanaba, or Wabanissi (#250), died in March 1907.

Bark River group.

These Indians are situated about eight miles by road and trail from Bark River, Mich.

They reside also on private lands, have log houses and a church and school. The lands are

cultivated by them; and while they will eventually be evicted therefrom, they are at present more

progressive and prosperous than the group near Minocqua. The changes are:


Julia Kisheck, born July 26, 1907, to Christina Kisheck (#322).

Alec Philemon, born October 29, 1906, to Hettie Philemon (#339).

Webanakaa, born in May 1907, to Jessie Mishigand (#347).

Added—Indians from Canada:

Living with the Bark River group are eighteen persons of Pottawatomie

descent who were born in Canada and have but recently some to this country,

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seeking enrollment. But two of them are enrolled as Canadian Indians and

receive rights from the Dominion Government. Their status is fully set out on the

roll or schedule herewith—numbers 410-427 inclusive.


Abraham Mishigand (#294), died October 28, 1906.

Charles Burns, or Shagesh (#290). This is a mixed-blood Chippewa

Indian who has no Pottawatomie blood. At the time of our visit he had

disappeared from the group or settlement of the Indians at which he had been

residing and could not be found. From the evidence submitted it clearly appears

that he is not entitled to enrollment. (See Exhibits A, B, C, and D).

Wansaukee group.

The main place of residence of the Indians constituting this group is what is known as

“White Rapids” on the Menominee River about twelve miles by road and trail from Wausaukee,

Wis. The changes found necessary here are:


An unnamed son, born in June 1907, to Mary Ben (#365).

Mrs. Mary Wabee, a daughter of John Shins (#377), and her four

children—Wassigok, Ossaogishig, Niganigishigokwe, and Kageiassinok. This

family resides near Crandon, Wis., and was probably not reported to the Inspector

at the time of his visit.

Louis Seenong, a cousin of #375. This man also was overlooked, or failed

to present himself for enrollment.


Wendaban (#381), who died June 21, 1907.

Joe Anty, or Nawakassin, (#397), enrolled and allotted (Allottee #796) in Kansas.

Joe Wlaker, or Wabigens, (#408) enrolled and allotted (Allottee #795) in Kansas.

William Claffin (#389) was found to be not entitled to enrollment. In

conversation with Chief Kisheck, and others, I learned that the father of #389 was

a white man and his mother a mixed-blood Menominee and Chippewa Indian. In

this case I obtained a joint affidavit (Exhibit E) from Alexander Summercloud and

Ben Qwewe, who know Claffin well. They say that he is not of Pottawatomie

blood and should not have been enrolled. At the time of my visit to Wausaukee

this Indian could nowhere be found, though we spent several days seeking him

through woods, berry fields, etc.

Katin, or Catherine Shins, (#378). This woman and her family have

moved to the carter group. Chief Kisheck and the other Pottawatomies with

whom I talked said that she was enrolled as a Chippewa Indian and received

payments with the L’Anse Band in Michigan. She admitted to me that she was so

enrolled and receiving rights as an Indian.

Mrs. Julia Martin, or Ishkweiabam, (#403), enrolled and receiving rights

with the Menominee tribe at the Green Bay Agency, Wis. She admitted to me that

she was so enrolled and receiving rights.

Additional Enrollments in the United States.

Those from Canada and enrolled under Bark River, have heretofore been mentioned.

There were also enrolled seven members (Nos. 427-434 inclusive) of the Wandahsega family,

nearly all of whom were born in Canada where they resided a number of years, and then

removed to the Pottawatomie reservation in Kansas. A like number of Indians (Nos. 436-442

inclusive) belonging to the George family, and of similar Canadian status, were found on the

Indian reservation at Odanah, Wis., and enrolled. There were enrolled also fifteen other Indians

from Canada (Nos. 435 and 1846-1855 inclusive) who had removed from the Stony Point and

Sarnia reservations to Michigan. None of these persons is enrolled or receiving rights in this


The total of enrolled Wisconsin Pottawatomies in the United States, including the

Churchill roll, in 457. Nearly all are of mixed-blood—the band for years having intermarried

with the Chippewa and Ottawa. Some few have a small percentage of white blood, but to all

appearances they are full bloods.

These Indians as a rule have no fixed homes, but roam from place to place, picking

berries, digging ginseng and other roots, gathering evergreens, working in lumber camps, etc. A

few of them have homesteaded and not hold from forty to eighty acres of public land, and have

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made small clearings and erected rude log houses. In the main though, they are squatters and

have built shelters or shacks and made small clearings in the forest or wherever vacant land

could be found. All the public land in Wisconsin has long since been settled, and lumber

companies now own or control the lands on which these nomads temporarily reside.

Consequently, when the cut-over lands are sold to settlers, the squatter Indians are forced to

move on, and thus lose what few improvements they have made.

The number of Indians at the various groups or settlements is at all times variable—

individuals and often entire families moving from one group to another at the dictates of

necessity or caprice. Consequently, much time and trouble were required to trace the families;

and many places were visited other than the towns or villages by which the groups are


At some of the camps visited much patience and tact were required to get any

information whatever from the Indians. They were sullen and suspicious, still considered

themselves refugees, and repeatedly said that they did did not wish to be enrolled. For the most

part they feared that their children would be sent to school, or that they would be collected and

forcibly removed to Kansas by the Government. In these cases it was due to the extensive

knowledge of the Indians possessed by Rev. Mr. Morstad, to his unfailing patience and tact, and

to the personal influence of Chief Kisheck, that the information necessary to complete the

enrollment was obtained.

Canadian Indians of Pottawatomie Descent.

Those that fled to Canada, and their descendants, are scattered along the northern shore,

at distant inland, and on islands (including Great Manitoulin) from the eastern end of Lake

Superior to the southeastern part of Lake Huron. They also reside along the entire mainland of

Georgian Bay, and on the Canadian peninsula formed by that bay and lakes Huron, Erie, and


In view of the peculiar fitness of the missionary and the Indian chief for the work, and of

the valuable assistance rendered by them in Wisconsin, they were again employed as guide and

interpreter, respectively, for the trip to Canada—of which full report was made to you in a letter

dated July 19, 1907.

At the suggestion of the Secretary of the Department of Canadian Indian Affairs, we

visited Walpole Island Reservation—thirty miles south of Sarnia, Ontario, in the St. Clair river.

Between seven and eight hundred Pottawatomies were found at the Reservation, but there was

none who belonged or was related to the Wisconsin band.

The places visited in the Province of Ontario, near which the principal groups of Indians

are located, were:


The Indians reside on the Sarnia Reservation, located about two miles south of the town

of the same name. Heads of families have ten acres of land each which they cultivate, and upon

which they have made substantial improvements. The reservation is still unallotted, whiskey is

excluded, and the Indians are fairly prosperous and contented. Fourteen of the seventy persons

enrolled by me reside in Michigan, whence they removed some years ago. They are not

considered as wards of the Dominion Government, and receive no benefits therefrom. The

others are British subject and receive full rights as Canadian Indians.

Here was found “Big Josiah” Williams, a full blood Pottawatomie, who was about seven

years of age at the time of the treaty of 1833, and was then residing with his people in

Wisconsin. His knowledge of those that fled from Wisconsin to Canada, and their descendants,

was of great assistance to us in tracing the genealogy of many claimants.

Kettle Point:

The Kettle Point Indian Reservation is situated on the south shore of Lake Huron, about

twelve miles north of the town of Forest. Of the seventy-nine persons enrolled at this place all

but twenty-two receive full rights as Canadian Indians.

Stony Point:

The Indian reservation of similar name is a few miles northeast of Kettle Point, and is

also on the shore of Lake Huron. Thirteen persons were enrolled here—three of whom receive

no rights under the Canadian Government.


The Muncey Reservation is about three miles from the town of the same name; and all of

the seven Indians enrolled enjoy full tribal rights the Dominion Government.

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Lake Simcoe:

The ten Indians enrolled reside on Sougog and Georgiana islands in Lake Simcoe. The

five enrolled at the island last named receive full tribal rights as Canadian Indians. The others do



The Southampton Indian Reservation, is situated about four miles northeast of the town

of Southampton. Here three hundred six persons were enrolled,—ninety-eight of whom are not

accorded rights as Canadian Indians.

Cape Croker:

The Indian Reservation of Cape Croker is situated on the Saugeen peninsula, about

sixteen miles northeast of Wiarton. Here we enrolled 318 persons, and all but forty-six receive

full tribal rights under the Canadian Government.

Grand Manitoulin Island Group:

The Sheshegwaning Indian Reservation is located in the northern end of Manitoulin

Island, about three miles south of the village of Morrisville. Fifty-six persons were enrolled, all

of whom are British subjects and receive limited rights as Canadian Indians.

These enrolled Indians hold lands, have fairly good homes, and receive annuities from

the Dominion Government. However, they do not share in what they term “treaty money,”—

funds arising from a sale of a part of the reservation under an earlier treaty.

Sucker Creek:

The reservation of this name is about six miles north of the town of Little Cuttent. Here

four persons were enrolled—all of whom have full rights as Canadian Indians.

Little Current:

Thirteen persons were enrolled at the town of the above name; and all receive full tribal

rights as Indians under the Dominion Government.

In the region of West Bay:

At the place named, which is also known as Honora Bay, twenty-eight Indians were

enrolled. Eleven receive no rights in Canada.

In the region of South Bay:

Here were enrolled fifty-four persons—thirty-two of whom receive no rights whatever

under the Dominion Government.


The Indian reserve of similar name is located at the village of Wikwemikong. Seventy

persons were enrolled—forty-six of whom receive no rights in Canada.

While on the Wikwemikong Reservation we were led to believe—mainly by a Chippewa

Indian named Anderson—that his father-in-law, Peter Bibonisi (or Pebonisi), ninety years of age,

was a Pottawatomie from Wisconsin. Further, Saganaki, a Pottawatomie about ninety years of

age, also said that he knew Emikwan, the father of Bibonisi, to be of Pottawatomi blood.

However, on visiting Wikwemikongsing, we, after some trouble, found Bibonisi and questioned

him at some length. He said to the interpreter and guide, in my presence, that he was “about all

Ottawa”, and not a Pottawatomie Indian; that his mother was a Chippewa; and that his father was

Emikwan, an Ottawa, who came from some place in the states—he did not know where.

As Bibonisi was quite feeble and somewhat deaf, and as the testimony of Saganaki and

Anderson seemed to be rather more definite, it was decided to enter in the field book the names,

etc., of all the members—about 150 persons—of the Bibonisi family and make further inquiry of

other old men of the tribe as to his ancestry when opportunity presented. This was done with the

result that we were fully convinced that Bibonisi’s statements as to his parentage were true.

Formal statements were accordingly obtained from Chief Kisheck, Joe Pemma and rev. Mr.

Morstad, and are submitted herewith as Exhibits G, H, and I. Josiah Williams and Chief John

Tobey also said that Bibonisi was of Ottawa and not Pottawatomie Indian blood.

In view of the evidence neither he nor his descendants have been enrolled; and it is

recommended that my action in omitting their names from the schedule be approved/

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The Indian reserve of similar name is located about six miles from the village of

Wikwemikongsing. We enrolled twenty-three persons at this place—sixteen of whom received

no rights in Canada.


In the town of Manitowaning and vicinity fourteen persons, all receiving full tribal rights

as Canadian Indians, were enrolled.


In the reserve of this name is located near the town of Sheguindah. Here five persons

were enrolled—all of whom receive full Canadian rights.

Miscellaneous Groups.

At Thessalon, on the north mainland of Lake Huron, two Indians, who receive full rights

in Canada, were enrolled.

At Killarney, also on the mainland north of Manitoulin Island, thirty-five persons were

enrolled,—all of whom receive no rights in Canada.

At Whitefish River, on the mainland mentioned, sixteen persons, all receiving full rights

in Canada, were enrolled.

On Birch Island, in the Northern Channel of Lake Huron, nine persons, receiving full

rights under the Dominion Government, were enrolled.

At Spanish River, on Aird Island, also in the Northern Channel of Lake Huron, one

Indian who receives full tribal rights in Canada was added to the roll.

At the town of French River on the northern mainland of Georgian Bay, nine persons

were enrolled, four of whom receive no rights in Canada.

At Byng Inlet—also on the northern mainland of Georgian Bay—there were enrolled two

persons who receive full tribal rights as Canadian Indians.

Parry Sound District group.

At Moose Point, five miles east of Moon River, there were enrolled eleven persons who

receive no rights in Canada.

At Shawanaga Indian reservation—about five miles south of Pointe Au Baril—ten

persons receiving full Canadian rights were enrolled.

At the reserve on Parry Island, located in Parry Sound, ninety-seven persons were

enrolled—seventy-six of whom receive no tribal rights as Canadian Indians.

At what is locally called “Tobeyville”, about six miles south of Honey Harbor, in

Victoria Harbor, forty-seven persons receiving no rights in Canada, were enrolled.

Christian Island.

The island of the same name is located in the south end of Georgian Bay, and is an Indian

reservation. Here 127 persons were enrolled—fifty-one of whom do not receive rights under the

Dominion Government.

The total enrollment of Indians of Wisconsin Pottawatomie descent in Canada, is 1423.

Political Status of Indians.

The political status of these Indians, in whom the proportion of Canadian Indian blood

(Chippewa usually) greatly predominates, is that of British subjects. At least this was the usual

view of the Indian Agents of the Dominion Government who were consulted. At all the Indian

reservations where these people are residing, they are allowed to hold lands which they cultivate,

but the lands have not been allotted.

The Indian Agent of the Christian Island band of Chippewas said that should the

reservation be allotted it might be that the “American Indians” who receive no financial aid from

the Dominion Government but are allowed to occupy and cultivate land, would be denied

allotments of land by that Government. However, at some of the other Agencies visited, the

officials in charge did not take the same view of the matter, but thought that the Indians of

Wisconsin Pottawatomie descent would be given full rights, including allotments of land, with

the other British subjects on the reservation.

In Canada the Indian children follow the status of the father. In some cases, where a so-

called “American Indian” has married into a Canadian band or tribe, neither he nor his children

receive any rights other than being allowed to occupy and cultivate lands. Again where a woman

of similar descent so intermarries, she thereby becomes a member of the Canadian tribe, and she

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and her children receive full rights. In cases of illegitimate (Canadian) Indian children, the rules

seem to be to deny them the rights enjoyed by their parents.

As a rule the Indians found residing on Canadian reservations are occupying and

cultivating lands, have fairly comfortable homes, are in a measure industrious, and seem

prosperous. So far as we could observe, whiskey was kept away from them, and they appeared

to be well contented with their lot.

In most cases the information as to whether or not an enrolled person is receiving rights

under the Canadian was obtained from Government officials in charge of the Agencies or

reservations visited. At some of the reservations the Agents were surprised to learn that certain

apparently full blood Canadian Chippewas were of Wisconsin Pottawatomie descent.

Rights of Canadian Indians in the Pending Claim.

In the instructions of the Office it is said:

The fact of their residence in a foreign country is held not to affect their

right to enrollment with the Pottawatomies of Wisconsin for the purpose of the

Act under which the roll is to be prepared.

Recognizing clearly, as I do, that it is beyond the scope of your instructions to include in

this report any discussion of the right of the enrolled Canadian Indians to share in the present

claim, it is thought best, in order to furnish full information, to set out briefly their apparent

status in Canada.

With but few exceptions all the enrolled Indians found living on reservations are

considered and treated as British subjects. They are allowed to occupy and cultivate lands and to

make improvements thereon, have access to the schools, are in fairly prosperous condition, and

are being well cared for by the Dominion authorities, being in general treated as are Indians

whose ancestry has been solely Canadian. These Indians, who are for the most part the second

generation removed from the original fugitive ancestors, are fully domiciled wards of the

Dominion Government. Such rights as they may now have by reason of their small quantum of

American Pottawatomie blood would seem to exist merely as an interest in an estate—should the

claim pending before the Congress be treated merely as an estate. If all descendants of the

original Pottawatomies who refused to remove to Kansas, and for that reason received no

benefits under the treaty, are to be recognized solely on the basis of descent, than it would seem

that these Canadian Indians would be entitled to the same share in any fund arising from the

claim as the Wisconsin Pottawatomies. With the few exceptions to be hereinafter mentioned,

they are not homeless, are making rapid progress toward complete civilization, and in fact, seem

to be much better off and better contented than their distant relatives in Wisconsin.

Whether they will all be recognized eventually as Canadian Indians and accorded full

rights, including allotments of land, is a matter I am unable to forecast. As hereinbefore reported

the Canadian Indian Agents differ on this question, and there would seem to be no way of

ascertaining definitely just how they are regarded by the Dominion Government and what rights

they will eventually get, other than by submitting a list containing their names to that

Government for information as to their present and probable future status. Certainly the equity

on the side of their American relatives is much greater than in their case.

The exception to which reference has heretofore been had are in the cases of the

Wemigwans family at South Bay, Manitoulin Island, the non-reservation Tobey family, and all

those Indians who do not live on reservations and are indicated on the schedule as “receiving no

rights” in Canada. These it would seem should be placed on an equal footing with the Wisconsin

Indians if a distinction is to be made.

Spelling of Indian Names, etc.

The orthography used in the roll conforms to the authoritative and accepted dictionary of

the Ojibway or Chippewa language.

In all cases where persons have Indian names, not only the names but their meaning, so

far as possible, was ascertained and added to the roll under the impression that it might prove of

future value in identifying individuals. Some few names were not of the Chippewa tongue, or

were so corrupted as to be meaningless.

The roll and all papers transmitted by the Office to be used in connection with its

preparation are submitted herewith. There are enclosed also the copies of correspondence with

Indian Agents, etc., the field books used in the work, and all other papers relating to the matter.

Since preparing the roll and this report, lists of names of additional claimants have been

received from Michigan John, of Laona, Wis., and Amable Wemigwans, of South Bay,

Manitoulin Island, Canada. These lists have been sent to Rev. E.O. Morstad with request that he

look into the status of the persons named therein and confer with Joe Pemma and Chief

Page 10: 1907 Wooster Roll of Wisconsin Potawatomi

Kisheck—the best Indian authorities in Wisconsin. He has been asked also to expedite the

matter as much as possible; and when his answer shall be received, a supplemental report

containing the names of such additional claimants as may be found entitled to enrollment, will be


Michigan John, who represents a faction of Pottawatomies in the vicinity of Laona, was

given by me while there the fullest opportunity to present any additional claimants, and

repeatedly said that he knew of no more. The list now furnished by him is very imperfect, and it

is thought that all thereon have already been enrolled under different names. At South Bay,

Amable Wemigwans was also given ample opportunity to present the names of claimants, and

said that he had furnished all of Pottawatomie descent. In submitting the list of additional names

he says that the claimants were absent at the time of my visit and he forgot them.

Very respectfully,

W. M. Wooster,

Clerk and S.D.A.

1907 Wooster Roll.

Page 11: 1907 Wooster Roll of Wisconsin Potawatomi



No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

1 1 Charles Kisheck 64 M Head Kishkinakaang Cut off Carter, Wis. None Chief

2 2 51 F Wife Kakekotok Everlasting cloud Carter, Wis. None

3 3 31 M Son Ponse Chicken hawk Carter, Wis. None

4 4 9 M Son Wemigwans Small feather Carter, Wis. None

5 5 70 F Widow Kabegishigok All day Carter, Wis. None

6 6 32 F Widow Wawassamok Lightning Carter, Wis. None

7 7 16 M Son Waban Coming day Carter, Wis. None

8 8 Alice Kisheck 1 1/2 F dau. Kishiabanok Warm morning Carter, Wis. None

9 10 40 F Wife Abwekotok Returning cloud Carter, Wis. None

Husband (#9) and other

children (11-15) enrolled in


10 16 3 M Son Nemaetong Licks his mouth Carter, Wis. None

11 17 Joe Wisconsin 75 M Head Miaogistug Center of sky Carter, Wis. None

12 18 55 F wife Matinoss (French name) Carter, Wis. None

13 19 William Pemmobimee 46 M Head Waiekwakamig Earth's end Carter, Wis. None

14 20 39 F Wife Pietewetamokwe Coming noise Carter, Wis. None

15 21 17 M Son Pais Mermaid Carter, Wis. None

16 22 12 F dau. Wawiitehaam Whirlpool Carter, Wis. None

17 23 7 M Son Etchitawas Looking down Carter, Wis. None

18 24 4 F dau. Shibatchiwan Underground stream Carter, Wis. None

19 1/2 M Son not named Carter, Wis. None

Born subseq. to Churchill


20 25 55 F Widow Minwe Sounds good Carter, Wis. None

21 26 John Cook 37 M Head Tibishkogishig Same as day Carter, Wis. None

22 27 1 1/2 M Son Wawiieshing Curled up Carter, Wis. None

23 28 John Shepodock 41 M Single Matchissip Bad river Carter, Wis. None

24 29 John Thunder 45 M Head Pietewetak Thunder Carter, Wis. None

25 30 Peter Thunder 22 M Son Pakomagan War club Carter, Wis. None

26 31 Frank Thunder 19 M Son Kekek Pigeon hawk Carter, Wis. None

27 32 William Thunder 26 M Head Ashawegishig Beyond the sky Carter, Wis. None

28 33 Nina Thunder 25 F Wife Kabes hkam Goes to the end Carter, Wis. None

29 34 Susan Thunder 4 F dau. Animikwe Thunder woman Carter, Wis. None

30 35 John Mann 51 M Head Kinowens Little eagle Carter, Wis. None

31 36 32 F Wife Pietossekwe Walks toward us Carter, Wis. None

32 37 18 M Son Nabawid He who stands Carter, Wis. None

33 38 15 M Son Neshkewewidang Singular sound Carter, Wis. None

34 39 12 F dau. Pemidjiwan Running water Carter, Wis. None

35 40 10 M Son Kitchigamins Little ocean Carter, Wis. None

36 41 6 F dau. Ogabedjiwan Rivers mouth Carter, Wis. None

37 42 1 1/2 F dau. not named Carter, Wis. None

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No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

38 43 87 F Widow Pamishe Flying Carter, Wis. None Mother #30

39 44 John Shawano 46 M Head Nawakwegishig Noon day Carter, Wis. None

40 45 38 F Wife Audjaok Changing Carter, Wis. None

41 46 Claudi Shawano 20 M Son Gississ Sure Carter, Wis. None

42 47 May Shawano 18 F dau. Mishakotok Beautiful cloud Carter, Wis. None

43 48 Cora Shawano 16 F dau. Shawanogishigok South cloud Carter, Wis. None

44 49 Peter Shawano 14 M Son Kitchiassin Big rock Carter, Wis. None

45 50 Henry Shawano 12 M Son Abamange Circle wing Carter, Wis. None

46 51 Eva Shawano 10 F dau. Wasse Lightening Carter, Wis. None

47 52 John Shawano, Jr. 8 M Son Nibinegwan Waning summer Carter, Wis. None

48 53 Clara Shawano 6 F dau. Gishigokwe Sky woman Carter, Wis. None

49 54 Julia Shawano 4 F dau. Ossawabanokwe Yellow morning Carter, Wis. None

50 55 James Shawano 3 M Son Kawashamon Flying wind Carter, Wis. None

51 56 Anna Shawano 1 F dau. Webassinok Wind swayed Carter, Wis. None

52 57 62 F Mother of #40 Kagetchiwa Rapids Carter, Wis. None

53 58 Sky Shawano 58 M Head Nigaanigishig Day goes ahead Carter, Wis. None

54 59 Sozete Shawano 52 F Wife Carter, Wis. None

55 60 George Shawano 16 M Son Mishakwad Clear day Carter, Wis. None

56 61 Mary Waubegay 8 F granddau. #53 Mishwanakwadok Red cloud Carter, Wis. None

57 62 Scott Waubegay 6 M grandson #53 Shabowetank Sounds three times Carter, Wis. None

58 63 Joe Pemma 83 M Head Pemabimi Moving object Carter, Wis. None Died 6/15/12

59 64 79 F Wife Pietewetamokwe Coming noise Carter, Wis. None

60 65 George Pemma 43 M Single Kaotakamigo All around Carter, Wis. None

61 66 Mack Pemma 32 M Head Kebewissadang Walking down Carter, Wis. None

62 67 22 F Wife Wassidjiwan Swift water Carter, Wis. None

63 68

John Michigan or Michigan

John 67 M Head Kitchigam Ocean Carter, Wis. None

64 69 57 F Wife Kishiabanok Morning comes quickly Carter, Wis. None

65 70 Frank Michigan 30 M Son Kassigassige Sun shine Carter, Wis. None

66 71 Billy Joe 29 M Head Kishisho He who is warm Carter, Wis. None

67 72 33 F Wife Kenodjew Long hill Carter, Wis. None

68 73 1 1/2 M son Oqunajoniia Chief's money Carter, Wis. None

69 74 Jim Anishinabe 63 M Head Wenessadang Comes from east Carter, Wis. None

70 75 46 F Wife Miaotinok Ascending hill Carter, Wis. None

71 76 Peter Anishinabe 30 M Son Meiatchiweosse Walks up hill Carter, Wis. None

72 77 John Anishinabe 17 M Son Pemossadang Walks around Carter, Wis. None

73 78 88 F widow mother #69 Animitaw Carter, Wis. None

74 80 4 M nephew Kitchianakwad Big cloud Carter, Wis. None No. 79 died Nov. 1906

75 81 Shewau Shepodock 50 M Single Otchwan Running current Carter, Wis. None

76 82 William Shepodock 62 M Head Ossawakoang Yellow thunder cloud Carter, Wis. None

Page 13: 1907 Wooster Roll of Wisconsin Potawatomi



No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

77 83 66 F wife Aiassowadinok Carter, Wis. None

78 84 42 F Head, dau. #77 Kissok Phlox, Wis. None

Husband enrolled with


79 85 Hattie Kisme 16 F dau. #78 Kiweiassinok Returning cloud Phlox, Wis. None

80 86 James Kisme 1 M Son Carter, Wis. None

81 87 Wallace Pemma 55 M head Niganigishig Sky goes ahead Carter, Wis. None

82 88 50 F wife Nagishigokwe Sky woman Carter, Wis. None

83 89 Fred Pemma 5 M son Mishawass Big bird Carter, Wis. None

84 90 Elizabeth Pemma 2 F dau. Wendassinokwe Wind driven Carter, Wis. None

85 91 John Pemma 18 M Single Waponosse Walks all night Carter, Wis. None

86 92 John Manomin 62 M head Ogimabinens Chief bird Carter, Wis. None

87 93 52 F wife Animikiwanens Thunder cloud Carter, Wis. None

88 94 Sam Manomin 18 M son Wegimaobitang Sitting chief Carter, Wis. None

89 95 William Kisheck 25 M head Miawassige Shines in middle Carter, Wis. None

90 96 Mary Kisheck 24 F wife Abitaoshigok Half day Carter, Wis. None

91 98 Dan Kesheck 59 M head Kiwitagishig Round sky Carter, Wis. None No. 97 died Mar. 15, 1907

92 99 57 F wife Pitwewe Coming sound Carter, Wis. None

93 100 Oscar Kesheck 18 M son Edjitawa Looking down Carter, Wis. None

94 101 John Ottawa 58 M head Kiwegosham Comes and goes Carter, Wis. None

95 102 52 F wife Pimidjiwan Running water Carter, Wis. None

96 103 Ellen Ottawa 17 F dau. Shawanogishigok South sky Carter, Wis. None

97 104 John Ottawa Jr. 13 M Son Eshkwegakewid Stands behind Carter, Wis. None

98 105 Jimmie Ottawa 23 M Son Tawani Storekeeper Carter, Wis. None

99 106 William Ottawa 25 M Son Migwan Feather Carter, Wis. None

100 107 Frank Kahkah 28 M Single Meskwe Blood root Carter, Wis. None

101 108 66 F widow, sister #2 Ominowegishigokwe Good sounding sky Carter, Wis. None

102 109 Frank Waubegay 69 M head Weshigabawid Ready to run Carter, Wis. None

103 110 Mrs. Waubegay 59 F wife Bigoanakwatok Broken sky Carter, Wis. None

104 111 William Waubegay 25 M Son Wassekoang Lightning Carter, Wis. None

105 112 John Waubegay 10 M grandson Pietewetok Thunder Carter, Wis. None

106 113 Lizzie Waubegay 7 F granddau. Shawaneno South wind Carter, Wis. None

107 114 Jim Frank Waubegay 30 M head Anakwad Cloud Carter, Wis. None

108 115 37 F wife Komakwe Queen Carter, Wis. None

109 116 Henry McIntosh 10 M son of #108 Tigow Wave Carter, Wis. None

110 117 Susie McIntosh 8 F dau. of #108 Mokidjiwan Spring of water Carter, Wis. None

111 118 John Kahkah 17 M Single Sagidjiwe Rising sun Carter, Wis. None

112 119 William Frank 29 M widower Wabassige Cloudy sky Carter, Wis. None

113 120 67 F mother #112 Kiwetinok North Carter, Wis. None Husband is a Chippewa

Page 14: 1907 Wooster Roll of Wisconsin Potawatomi



No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

114 122 John Summit 55 M head Okans Carter, Wis. None

No. 121 enrolled with


115 123 Mary Summit 46 F wife Mani ______ Mary Carter, Wis. None Lives apart from husband

116 124 9 M son Poniash Alighting bird Carter, Wis. None

117 125 Tom Pemma 46 M head Abidess Flying cloud Carter, Wis. None

Wife and children enrolled

with Menominees

118 126 James Young 33 M head Maketegishig Black sky Phlox, Wis. None

119 127 22 F wife #118 Miqissakwe Wampum woman Phlox, Wis. None

120 128 7 F dau. Matakamigokwe Bare ground Phlox, Wis. None

121 129 4 F dau. Gigiagoss Young girl Phlox, Wis. None

122 130 Jack Mirricle 13 M orphan Nenaogishig Phlox, Wis. None In Wittenberg Ind. School

123 131 Bill Wabanum 63 M head Wabanimous White dog Phlox, Wis. None

124 132 51 F wife Mabon Drifting down Phlox, Wis. None

125 133 John Bapa 59 M Single Papa Father Phlox, Wis. None

126 134 59 M Single Niakouiis Hail Phlox, Wis. None

127 135 John Noon 30 M head Nodin Wind Phlox, Wis. None

128 136 20 F wife Kageiadjiwan Everlasting stream Phlox, Wis. None

129 137 George Noon 4 M son Pitchigo Waiting Phlox, Wis. None

130 1/2 F dau. not named Phlox, Wis. None Born June 10, 1907

131 138 87 F

widow grand

mother of #128 Netiss or Netinok (French name) Phlox, Wis. None

132 139 Tom Noon 61 M Single Kini Eagle Phlox, Wis. None

133 140 Peter Noon 60 M head Matchikiniw Bad eagle Phlox, Wis. None

Wife and children enrolled

in Kansas

134 141 Jim Noon 37 M head Kishkinakaong Sitting high Phlox, Wis. None Wife is a Winnebago

135 143 Margaret Oncoat 38 F

head (wife of

Menominee) Maginit Margaret Phlox, Wis. None No. 147 died July 7, 1907

136 144 65 F Single Kigiak (French name) Phlox, Wis. None

137 145 68 F single Kibiia All done Phlox, Wis. None

138 146

Bill Young, or Young

Mixago 41 M head Kopin Bare potatoes Phlox, Wis. None

Wife and children enrolled

with Winnebagoes

139 148 Jack Waubegay 39 M Single Pangishim Sundown Phlox, Wis. None

No. 147 enrolled in


140 149 Sam Sky 71 M head Enimigishig Sunday Phlox, Wis. None

Wife and children enrolled

in Kansas

141 152 63 F widow (blind) Nibowis Standing Phlox, Wis. None

Nos. 150 and 151 enrolled

in Kansas

Page 15: 1907 Wooster Roll of Wisconsin Potawatomi



No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

142 153 34 M head Makatewabo Black water Phlox, Wis. None

143 154 31 F Single Piteesho Flocking Phlox, Wis. None

144 155 Billy Cook 34 M head Animiki Thunder Phlox, Wis. None Wife enrolled in Kansas

145 157 Charlotte Waubegay 53 F single, sister #63 Ashibik Rocky mountain Phlox, Wis. None

146 158 Benjamin Wamixico 67 M single Pitawanakwad Clouds above each other Phlox, Wis. None


Joe Pemmabimee or Joe

Ellick 42 M head Eshkwegwaneb Bird's tail Phlox, Wis. None

Wife and 3 children

enrolled in Kansas

148 11 M son Tchingwe Thunder Phlox, Wis. None

149 2 M son Aiatabit Changing seat Phlox, Wis. None

150 80 F Migo (French name) Phlox, Wis. None

151 John Kowabami 100 M bro. #142, decsd. Kowabami Phlox, Wis. None

152 22 F

head, dau. #142,

decsd. Miaogishigoh Cloud center Phlox, Wis. None

153 3 M son Kaponike Alighter Phlox, Wis. None

154 Mrs. Perote 41 F cousin #126 Pitwewiegishigoh Phlox, Wis. None

Wife of Amos Perote, 1/2

breed Menominee

155 159 John Manis 39 M head Painessik Little bird Minocqua, Wis. None

156 160 32 F wife Kakekimik Forsoer Minocqua, Wis. None

157 161 12 M son Kagigegabaw Ever standing Minocqua, Wis. None

158 162 10 M son Shangwesh Mink Minocqua, Wis. None

159 163 8 M son #155 Kebeshkang Boy Minocqua, Wis. None

160 164 7 F dau. #155 Pietewetamok Coming sound Minocqua, Wis. None No. 165 died June, 1907

161 166 19 F

dau. No. 165

decsd. Mokidjiwan Spring of water Minocqua, Wis. None

162 167 17 M

son No. 165

decsd. Ogimagigito Speaking chief Minocqua, Wis. None

163 168 15 M

son No. 165

decsd. Ishkwegishig Last end of sky Minocqua, Wis. None

164 169 62 M

single, uncle of No.

155 Mishikekek Black hawk Minocqua, Wis. None

165 170 George Winn 48 M head Nodinokoang Windy sky Minocqua, Wis. None

166 172 Billy George 18 M son Naganwewitang First thunder Minocqua, Wis. None

No. 171 enrolled in


167 173 13 M son Makatewanim Black dog Minocqua, Wis. None

168 174 8 M son Pishikins Little calf Minocqua, Wis. None

169 175 2 F dau. Ashibik Rock Minocqua, Wis. None

170 176 82 F widow Pemassinok Flying cloud Minocqua, Wis. None

171 177 Jack Alloway 29 M head Ketigigwan Speckled wing Minocqua, Wis. None

172 178 25 F wife Animikkwe Thunder woman Minocqua, Wis. None

173 179 8 F dau. Kiwek ?? nok Returning thunder Minocqua, Wis. None

Page 16: 1907 Wooster Roll of Wisconsin Potawatomi



No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

174 180 6 F dau. Wabinok Morning woman Minocqua, Wis. None

175 181 3 M son Ebonakig??awid Standing on tree top Minocqua, Wis. None

176 182 Jim Alloway, Sr. 50 M head Wabigishig White sky Minocqua, Wis. None

177 183 46 F wife Kageiadjiwan Everlasting stream Minocqua, Wis. None

178 184 Charlie Alloway 26 M son Peshkinuo Minocqua, Wis. None

179 185 Jim Alloway, Jr. 23 M son Missabe Giant Minocqua, Wis. None

180 186 16 F dau. Negaogishigok Between earth and sky Minocqua, Wis. None

181 187 14 F dau. Gissisok Sun woman Minocqua, Wis. None

182 188 7 M son Wikweianakwad Round cloud Minocqua, Wis. None

183 189 2 M son Pais Mermaid Minocqua, Wis. None

184 190 86 F

widow, Mother

#176 Mitchiginikwe Great war eagle woman Minocqua, Wis. None

185 191 Joe Michigan 34 M head Abidanakwad Cloudy all over Minocqua, Wis. None

186 192 23 F wife Abidassigek Everlasting lightning Minocqua, Wis. None

187 193 George Michigan 3 M son Mensinobi Great warrior Minocqua, Wis. None

188 194 Daniel Morgan 49 M head Shimagan Lance Minocqua, Wis. None

189 195 Kate Morgan 6 F dau. Nawakweiassinok South wind sailing Minocqua, Wis. None

190 196 Tom Indian 76 M head Nawakwe Noon day Minocqua, Wis. None

191 197 66 F wife Kagessihok Prompt woman Minocqua, Wis. None

192 198 Mustache 62 M head Shawanange South thunder Minocqua, Wis. None

193 199 57 F wife Paiwi Shapes herself Minocqua, Wis. None

194 200 John Mustache 27 M head Kenosid He who is tall Minocqua, Wis. None

195 201 21 F wife Miskotekwe Fire woman Minocqua, Wis. None

196 202 Black Hat 82 M single Kishessam Black hat Minocqua, Wis. None

197 203 George Young 34 M head Tekiiassige Sunshine on ground Minocqua, Wis. None

198 204 29 F wife Wassidjiwan Strong foaming current Minocqua, Wis. None

199 205 10 F dau. #197 Shawanogishigok South sky Minocqua, Wis. None

200 206 7 F dau. Nibaossekwe Walking by night Minocqua, Wis. None

201 207 5 M son Mishakwad Clear day Minocqua, Wis. None

202 208 2 M son Wetekishkang Minocqua, Wis. None

203 209 Indian George 52 M head Shawanebine Blue bird Minocqua, Wis. None Wife enrolled in Kansas

204 210 28 F head, dau. #203 Netenokoang Minocqua, Wis. None Husband is a Menominee

205 211 4 F dau. Mishkwanakwatok Red cloud Minocqua, Wis. None

206 212 62 F widow Shigok Pine Minocqua, Wis. None

207 213 Joe Bill 26 M head Ossabikoang Yellow Minocqua, Wis. None

208 214 42 F wife Anamihamik Under the earth Minocqua, Wis. None

209 215 12 F dau. Kitchigamikwe Big ocean woman Minocqua, Wis. None

210 216 5 F dau. Manitokwe Spirit woman Minocqua, Wis. None

211 217 2 F dau. Kigiago Little girl Minocqua, Wis. None

Page 17: 1907 Wooster Roll of Wisconsin Potawatomi



No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

212 218 40 F widow Potow Pollywog Minocqua, Wis. None

213 219 78 F

widow, mother of

#212 Nadjidabibwe Begins to pull Minocqua, Wis. None

214 220 38 M head Mitigomin or Pebokwe Snow track Minocqua, Wis. None

215 221 27 F wife Tchibaigassinok Dau of dead woman Minocqua, Wis. None

216 222 7 F dau. Bineiassam Minocqua, Wis. None

217 223 5 M son Shibawasse Thin or transparent Minocqua, Wis. None

218 1 F dau. Kakekwe Ever woman Minocqua, Wis. None Born Nov. 1906

219 224 Joseph Wabiness 44 M head Pietwewitang Thunder Minocqua, Wis. None Wife is Chippewa

220 225 20 M son Mekiteosse Walks in darkness Minocqua, Wis. None

221 226 18 M son Meiawabi Sitting upright Minocqua, Wis. None

222 412 John Mack 39 M son Miteomek Wausaukee, Wis. None

223 227 Charles Wabiness 34 M head Ossawanakoang Yellow cloud Minocqua, Wis. None

224 228 26 F wife Pemosseg Walkers Minocqua, Wis. None

225 229 2 M son Mitigwab Bow Minocqua, Wis. None

226 230 40 M head Negotwewitang One hand Minocqua, Wis. None

227 231 12 M son Kissinadjiwan Cold river Minocqua, Wis. None

228 232 George Washington Mixigo 81 M single Nawakweshkam Noon walker Minocqua, Wis. None

229 233 46 M head Shawanassige South sunshine Minocqua, Wis. None

230 235 8 F dau. Oshawasshkwaban Minocqua, Wis. None No. 234 died Jan. 1907

231 236 31 M head Matchigi Grower Phlox, Wis. None

232 237 23 F wife Nanawakemigog Center earth woman Phlox, Wis. None

233 1/2 F dau. not named Phlox, Wis. None Born February, 1907

234 238 John Pott 59 M head Matchisib Bad river Minocqua, Wis. None

235 239 Ethel Pott 18 F dau. Ogawayasinokwe Trying to sail in wind Minocqua, Wis. None

In Lac du Flambeau Ind.


236 240 19 M son Medweiash Whistle wing Minocqua, Wis. None

237 241 17 M son Migisagishig Wampum sky Minocqua, Wis. None

238 242 6 M son Nibinowewegishig Summer sky sound Minocqua, Wis. None

239 243 4 M son Animikiwash Thunder sound Minocqua, Wis. None

240 244 36 M head Nandawabi He looks around Minocqua, Wis. None

241 246 51 M head Negitawanakwad Single cloud Minocqua, Wis. None No. 245 died Jan. 1907

242 247 41 F wife Kitchigamikwe Ocean woman Minocqua, Wis. None

243 248 3 M son Kiia Person/present Minocqua, Wis. None

244 249 51 M head Gissis Sun Minocqua, Wis. None

245 251 12 F dau. No. 250 desd. Wawassamokwe Lightning woman Star Lake, Wis. None No. 250 died Mar. 1907

246 252 9 F dau. No. 250 desd. Nawage Fluttering Star Lake, Wis. None

Page 18: 1907 Wooster Roll of Wisconsin Potawatomi



No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

247 253 3 F dau. No. 250 desd. Nibinekamik Evergreen land Star Lake, Wis. None

248 254 Jim Young 33 M head Matchisib Bad river Star Lake, Wis. None

249 255 Mrs. Young 25 F wife, dau. No. 250 Wasse Light Star Lake, Wis. None

250 256 10 F

dau. #299 by

former husb. Kageiassinok Always floating in air Star Lake, Wis. None

251 257 14 F

dau. #248 by

former wife Makonsikwe Little she-bear Star Lake, Wis. None

252 258 5 F dau. Tabassassinok Floating low Star Lake, Wis. None

253 259 Bill Young 27 M single Kawatakanigo All around the land Star Lake, Wis. None

254 260 Charlie Willey 41 M head Kagedji??? Everlasting stream Star Lake, Wis. None

255 261 25 F wife Otchaninessinok Flying cloud Star Lake, Wis. None

256 262 5 F dau. Enaogishgok Straight cloud Star Lake, Wis. None

257 263 4 F dau. Wabanigishgok Morning sky Star Lake, Wis. None

258 264 1 M son Tabassin?ness Flies near ground Star Lake, Wis. None

259 265 Jim Daniels 37 M head Mishobiness Red bird Star Lake, Wis. None

260 41 F wife Obesha Many colored cloud Star Lake, Wis. None

261 Frank Daniels 1/2 M son not named Star Lake, Wis. None Born about April, 1907

262 266 12 M son Nibinekoak More than one thunder Star Lake, Wis. None

263 267 5 M son Ossawanekwad Yellow cloud Star Lake, Wis. None

264 268 2 F dau. Wendabinok Where morning comes from Star Lake, Wis. None

265 269 George Excanaba 73 M head Shoshkona Slides along Star Lake, Wis. None Wife enrolled in Kansas

266 270 46 F head Sagadjiwekwe Arrives at mountain top Star Lake, Wis. None Husb. enrolled in Kansas

267 271 Johnson 50 M head Wabigishig White sky Star Lake, Wis. None

268 272 40 F wife Tibassaam Flies low Star Lake, Wis. None

269 273 21 M son Tetegwassige Shines on all Star Lake, Wis. None

270 274 19 M son Niiaw Myself Star Lake, Wis. None

271 275 17 M son Mitigwab Bow Star Lake, Wis. None

272 276 15 M son Nawakwegissis Noon sun Star Lake, Wis. None

273 277 13 M son Mabanegishig Half day Star Lake, Wis. None

274 278 11 F dau. Miawassamok Shines in the center Star Lake, Wis. None

275 279 9 M son Wassagwan Torch Star Lake, Wis. None

276 280 3 F dau. Eshpina Raise her high Star Lake, Wis. None

277 281 74 F widow Kamanokoatok Star Lake, Wis. None

278 282 18 F orphan Madjiosseg Beginning to walk Star Lake, Wis. None

279 283 52 F widow Wabanowe East woman Star Lake, Wis. None

280 284 42 M head Wasseshkang Lighter Star Lake, Wis. None

281 285 30 F wife Wassegishigok Light sky woman Star Lake, Wis. None

282 286 12 M son Neshkewewitang Star Lake, Wis. None

283 287 10 M son Migwaus or Shikagons Little feather Star Lake, Wis. None

Page 19: 1907 Wooster Roll of Wisconsin Potawatomi



No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

284 288 8 M son Neshewakoank Lone thunder Star Lake, Wis. None

285 289 38 M single Gebeo Painted face Star Lake, Wis. None

286 290 Charles Burns 32 M head Shagesh Star Lake, Wis. None

287 291 Willie Mishigaud 27 M head Aiabidassang Lightning Bark River, Mich. None

288 292 Agnes Mishigaud 24 F wife Bark River, Mich. None

289 293 George Mishigaud 5 M son Bark River, Mich. None

290 295 Violet Mishigaud 1 1/2 F dau. Bark River, Mich. None

No. 294 died Oct. 28,


291 296 Abraham Mishigaud 78 M head (blind) Mishigaud Harry legs Bark River, Mich. None

292 297 Jeanie Mishigaud 66 F wife Ogimakwe Queen Bark River, Mich. None

293 298 Moses Mishigaud 41 M head Pimadjiwan River current Bark River, Mich. None

294 299 Angeline Mishigaud 44 F wife Saganakwadok Coming cloud Bark River, Mich. None

295 300

Elizabeth Mishigaud or

McCullough 16 F adopted dau. Bark River, Mich. None

296 301 Maggie Mishigaud 15 F adopted dau. Bark River, Mich. None

297 302 Jacob Mishigaud 13 M adopted son Bark River, Mich. None

298 303 Willie Mishigaud 10 M adopted son Oshawwashkogiskig Blue sky Bark River, Mich. None

299 304 Richard Mishigaud 29 M head Kishigobiness Sky bird Bark River, Mich. None

300 305 Mary Mishigaud 28 F wife Bark River, Mich. None

301 306 Harry Mishigaud 6 M son Bark River, Mich. None

302 307 Jeanie Mishigaud 3 F dau. Bark River, Mich. None

303 308 Joseph Philemon 48 M head Neianakwad Pointed cloud Bark River, Mich. None

304 309 Martha Philemon 41 F wife Sosekwe St. Joseph Bark River, Mich. None

305 310 Jim Kisheck 34 M head Nanagishig In the sky Bark River, Mich. None

306 311 Mary Ann Kisheck 33 F wife Abidassigek Lightning Bark River, Mich. None

307 312 Emma Kisheck 17 F

dau. by Wm.

Kisheck, decsd. Bark River, Mich. None

308 313 Peter Kisheck 15 M

son by Wm.

Kisheck, decsd. Iskwassogishigweb Eight days Bark River, Mich. None

309 314 Agnes Kisheck 16 F

dau. by Wm.

Kisheck, decsd. Bark River, Mich. None

310 315 Stephen Kisheck 10 M

son by Wm.

Kisheck, decsd. Shibogishig Through the day Bark River, Mich. None

311 316 Irene Kisheck 8 F

dau. by Wm.

Kisheck, decsd. Bark River, Mich. None

312 317 William Kisheck 6 M son Shawanokaam South thunder Bark River, Mich. None

313 318 Mabel Kisheck 3 F dau. Bark River, Mich. None

314 319 Dora May Kisheck 1 F dau. Bark River, Mich. None

315 320 Anthony Kisheck 66 M head Nanagishig In the sky Bark River, Mich. None

316 321 Thomas Kisheck 36 M head Ossaganakwad Coming cloud Bark River, Mich. None

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No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

317 322 Cristina Kisheck 31 F wife Wawassamok Lightning Bark River, Mich. None

318 323 Lucy Kisheck 15 F dau. Bark River, Mich. None

319 324 John Kisheck 13 M son Bark River, Mich. None

320 325 George Kisheck 11 M son #316 Bark River, Mich. None

321 326 Mary Kisheck 9 F dau. #316 Bark River, Mich. None

322 327 Anna Kisheck 7 F dau. Bark River, Mich. None

323 328 Paul Kisheck 2 M son Bark River, Mich. None

324 Julia Kisheck 1/4 F dau. Bark River, Mich. None Norn July 26, 1907

325 329 Maggie Mishigaud 72 F widow Wishkoban Sweet Bark River, Mich. None

326 330 Louis Philemon 34 M head Minindowab Bark River, Mich. None

327 331 Elizabeth Philemon 43 F wife Bark River, Mich. None

328 332 Archie Megonup 13 M

son #327 by

former marriage Bark River, Mich. None

329 333 Daniel Megonup 12 M

son #327 by

former marriage Bark River, Mich. None

330 334 William Philemon 7 M son Bark River, Mich. None

331 335 Andy Philemon 5 M son Bark River, Mich. None

332 336 Sophia Philemon 3 F dau. Bark River, Mich. None

333 337 Eva Philemon 1 1/4 F dau. Bark River, Mich. None

334 338 Alex Philemon 23 M head Babamisse Fly around Bark River, Mich. None

335 339 Hettie Philemon 17 F wife Bark River, Mich. None

336 Alec Philemon 1 M son Bark River, Mich. None Born Oct. 29, 1906

337 340 Sarah Philemon 84 F widow Bark River, Mich. None

338 341 Mary Jane Edwards 31 F widow Bark River, Mich. None

339 342 Josephine Philemon 16 F

dau. #326 by

decsd. wife Beshabanok Coming daylight Bark River, Mich. None

340 343 Eve Salipenaiss 79 F widow Giwegishigokwe Passing day Bark River, Mich. None

341 344 Abraham Thunder 24 M single Bark River, Mich. None

342 345 John Wolfe 83 M single Shawanakwad South cloud Bark River, Mich. None Present at treaty of 1833

343 346 Doty Mishigaud 38 M head Bemassing Moving light Bark River, Mich. None

344 347 Jessie Mishigaud 35 F wife Mishokwad Red cloud Bark River, Mich. None

345 348 Isaac Mishigaud 20 M son Tabassanakwad Low cloud Bark River, Mich. None

346 349 Maggie Mishigaud 16 F dau. Oshawashkogishigok Blue sky woman Bark River, Mich. None

347 350 Mary Mishigaud 14 F dau. Giokomog Distant thunder Bark River, Mich. None

348 351 Bessie Mishigaud 11 F dau. Niganigishigok Ahead of day Bark River, Mich. None

349 352 Rosie Mishigaud 9 F dau. Gishigok Sky Bark River, Mich. None

350 353 Louis Mishigaud 3 M son Waimieiassige Round light Bark River, Mich. None

351 1/2 M son Wabanakwad White haired Bark River, Mich. None Born May, 1907

352 354 David Croteh 67 M head Nesawakwad Crotch Bark River, Mich. None

353 355 Margaret Croteh 66 F wife Giwitang Circle wing Bark River, Mich. None

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No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

354 356 Maggie Sauba 81 F widow Mishiginikwe Big blue snake Bark River, Mich. None

355 357 Susan Wamixago 62 F widow Kiningishigokwe Eagle woman Bark River, Mich. None

356 358 Anna Pahtahswa 83 F widow Kekekokwe Sparrow hawk Bark River, Mich. None

357 359 John Jacobs 49 M head Tchinbadiness Big buttons Bark River, Mich. None Wife is an Ottawa

358 360 Eliza Peterson 46 F Kitchikweigan Big neck Bark River, Mich. None Husband is a Swede

359 361 John Negahnahkwad 58 M single Anishinab Indian Bark River, Mich. None

360 362 Simon Kahquados 58 M single Kakanassige Bright light Bark River, Mich. None

361 363 Sarah Jane Curtis 21 F Bark River, Mich. None Husb. is Chippewa

362 364 William Ben 50 M head Miskominito Red sun Wausaukee, Wis. None

363 365 Mary Ben 45 F wife Maniss Little Mary Wausaukee, Wis. None

364 366 9 F dau. Anaogishigok Between earth and sky Wausaukee, Wis. None

365 367 6 F dau. Wassegishigok Light of day Wausaukee, Wis. None

366 368 4 M son Wassishkang Beginning light Wausaukee, Wis. None

367 1/2 M son not named Wausaukee, Wis. None Born June, 1907

368 369 Ben Qwewe 89 M head Wassinak Reflection Carter, Wis. None

369 370 64 F wife Binmikwatok Carter, Wis. None

370 371 Jim Crow 58 M head Shoniaus Little coin Keshena, Wis. None Wife is Menominee

371 372 17 F dau. Miskwaban Red morning Keshena, Wis. None

372 373 17 F

orph. grand dau.

#368 Kakegabawik Always standing Carter, Wis. None

373 374 13 M

orph. grand son

#368 Ossawanakwad Yellow cloud Carter, Wis. None

374 375 Alec Summercloud 46 M single Beshanakwad Striped cloud Carter, Wis. None

375 376 Angeline Wamixago 79 F

widow mother

#374 Keiash Pull Carter, Wis. None

376 377 John Shine 64 M head Pinesswa Thunder cloud Carter, Wis. None

No. 378 enrolled at L'Anse

as Chippewa

377 379 14 F dau. Tabassaam Tornado Crandon, Wis. None

378 380 13 F dau. Bemwewitamok Sounding Crandon, Wis. None

379 382 8 M son Nawakweshkam Noon Crandon, Wis. None

No. 381 died June 21,


380 Mary Wabee 39 F head dau. #376 Peboniiassinok Coming snow Crandon, Wis. None Husband is Chippewa

381 9 F dau. Wassigek Shining Crandon, Wis. None

382 7 M son Ossaogishig Yellow sky Crandon, Wis. None

383 5 M son Niganigishigokwe Front of sky Crandon, Wis. None

384 3 M dau. Kageiassinok Fast flying clouds Crandon, Wis. None

385 383 Mary Williams 82 F widow Kiwanakwadokwe Home cloud Wausaukee, Wis. None

386 384 Duncan Williams 37 M son, single Pinesse Birds Wausaukee, Wis. None

387 385 Tom Williams 49 M head Kiwanakwad Home cloud Wausaukee, Wis. None

388 386 Joseph Williams 25 M son Pemossadang Travelling Wausaukee, Wis. None

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No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

389 387 Moses Williams 17 M son Webikoang Wausaukee, Wis. None No. 389 not entitled

390 388 Peter Sahpenaiss 25 M single Piwash Passing by Wausaukee, Wis. None

391 390 Jennie Martin Claffin 29 F

wife No. 389 Illeg.

dau. #87 Kiwakawamok Wausaukee, Wis. None

392 391 9 M

son #391 by

former husb. Pebasnidjiwan Swift water Wausaukee, Wis. None

393 392 7 M

son #391 by

former husb. Mokidjiwan Spring water Wausaukee, Wis. None

394 393 Louis Claffin 14 M

son No. 389 by

former Pottaw. wife Wausaukee, Wis. None

395 394 Libby Claffin 9 F dau. Wausaukee, Wis. None

396 395 Jimmie Claffin 7 M son Wausaukee, Wis. None

397 396 John Claffin 25 M son Wausaukee, Wis. None No. 397 enrolled in Kansal

398 400 Madeline Bever 35 F wife No. 399 Namidine Madeline Wausaukee, Wis. None

No. 389 enrolled with


399 401 Julia Beaver 17 F dau. Kitchigamikwe Big water woman Wausaukee, Wis. None

No. 399 enrolled with

Chippewas at L'anse

400 402 Peter Martin 74 M head Wausaukee, Wis. None

No. 403 enrolled with


401 404 Margarette 93 F widow Madjinage Wausaukee, Wis. None

402 405 Jim Mixago 27 M head Wabishkinis Wild rose Wausaukee, Wis. None

403 406 Nancy Mixago 25 F wife Kitikamik Kitty Wausaukee, Wis. None

404 407 Maggie Mixago 7 F dau. Kiwetinok North wind Wausaukee, Wis. None

405 409 Mary Walker 62 F wife No. 408 Assima Stone Wausaukee, Wis. None

No. 408 enrolled in


406 410 Josie Mitchell 39 F widow Pitaban Dawn St. Jaques, Mich. None

407 411 Charlie Mitchell 14 M son St. Jaques, Mich. None

No. 412 enrolled under

No. 222

408 413 7 F dau. No. 412 Giwetinok North wind Carter, Wis. None Adopted by No. 368

409 Louis Seenong 56 M single Peebonesa Chicken hawk f. Henry Seenong Wausaukee, Wis. None

410 Gus Mitchell 31 M single Wemigissaso Wampum f. Niganmakwad Bark River, Mich. None

Born in Canada, came to

U.S. 15 ys. ago

411 Nancy Williams 15 F none Bark River, Mich. None

Children of deceased

daughter (Alice) of David

Crotch #352, Father is


Page 23: 1907 Wooster Roll of Wisconsin Potawatomi



No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

412 George Williams 13 M none Bark River, Mich. None

Children of deceased

daughter (Alice) of David

Crotch #352, Father is


413 John Williams 10 M none Bark River, Mich. None

Children of deceased

daughter (Alice) of David

Crotch #352, Father is


414 Amanda Williams 6 F none Bark River, Mich. None

Children of deceased

daughter (Alice) of David

Crotch #352, Father is


415 Henry Pedoniquot 62 M head Enimik?be Sitting thunder f. Pedoniquot Bark River, Mich. None

Born in Canada, and came

to U.S. in 1906, Children

all born in Can.


Mary Pedoniquot (nee

Lovely) 57 F wife g.f. Wabanissi Bark River, Mich. None

Born in Canada, and came

to U.S. in 1906, Children

all born in Can.

417 Daniel Pedoniquot 32 M son head Wabani White nature Bark River, Mich. None (P.O.) Chippewa Hill, Ont.


Elizabeth Pedoniquot (nee

Ritchie) 33 F wife Bark River, Mich. Full Enrolled at Saugeen resn.

419 Caroline Pedoniquot 6 F dau. Bark River, Mich. None

420 Aileen Pedoniquot 4 F dau. Bark River, Mich. None

421 Elias Henry Pedoniquot 3 M son Bark River, Mich. None

422 Hester Pedoniquot 16 F dau. #415 Bark River, Mich. None

423 Mary Jane Pedoniquot 12 F dau. #415 Bark River, Mich. None

424 Peter Wandahsega 56 M head f. Waudahsega Bark River, Mich. None Born in Canada

425 Mary Wandahsega 20 F dau. Shabogishig Through the sky Bark River, Mich. None Born in Canada

426 John Wandahsega 16 M son Ogimans King Bark River, Mich. None Born in Canada

427 Frank Wandahsega 9 M son Shawanakaam South thunder Bark River, Mich. None Born in Canada

428 Mary Wandahsega 88 F head mother #424 g.f. Sheiakibi

Pottawatomie Resn.Hoyt,

Kans. None

429 Joseph Wandahsega 49 M son head

Pottawatomie Resn.Hoyt,

Kans. None

430 Agnes Wandahsega 20 F dau. #429

Pottawatomie Resn.Hoyt,

Kans. None

431 Nelson Wandahsega 43 M son #428

Pottawatomie Resn.Hoyt,

Kans. None

Page 24: 1907 Wooster Roll of Wisconsin Potawatomi



No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

432 Philip Wandahsega 18 M son

Pottawatomie Resn.Hoyt,

Kans. None

433 Mrs. Betsey Trapp 53 F dau. #428, head

Pottawatomie Resn.Hoyt,

Kans. None

434 Katie Shepherd 25 F

dau. #433 by

former husb.

Pottawatomie Resn.Hoyt,

Kans. None

435 Peter Cloud 33 M head Anakwad Cloud f. Meskwakonawj

Pottawatomie Resn.Hoyt,

Kans. Full

Is enrolled at Sarnia resn.,

Ont. Wife lives at Stony

Point Resn., Canada

436 Alice George 19 F g.g.f. Sheiakibi Odanah, Wis. None

Children of John George,

deceased bro. of Thomas

George, of Kettle Point

Ind. resr., Canada

437 Mary Jane George 16 F Odanah, Wis. None

Children of John George,

deceased bro. of Thomas

George, of Kettle Point

Ind. resr., Canada

438 Delia Greorge 13 F Odanah, Wis. None

Children of John George,

deceased bro. of Thomas

George, of Kettle Point

Ind. resr., Canada

439 Charlotte George 10 F Odanah, Wis. None

Children of John George,

deceased bro. of Thomas

George, of Kettle Point

Ind. resr., Canada

440 Isaiah George 7 M Odanah, Wis. None

Children of John George,


441 Methuselah George 4 M Odanah, Wis. None

Children of John George,


442 Joseph George 2 M Odanah, Wis. None

Children of John George,


443 Josiah Williams 80 M head Pemwewitang Big noise f. Mikonini Sarnia, Ontario Full

Father fled to Toronto,

Can. after treaty of 1833.

444 Frank Williams 35 M son, head Wabasswe Bright light Sarnia, Ontario Full

445 Lolla Jane Williams 6 F dau. none Sarnia, Ontario Full

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No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

446 Alec Williams 4 M son none Sarnia, Ontario Full

447 Mary Cottrell 65 F head sister #443 Pimidjiwanokwe Swirling water Sarnia, Ontario Full

448 Adam Cottrell 38 M son none Sarnia, Ontario Full

449 Thomas Mayville 34 M

son by former

husb. none Sarnia, Ontario Full

450 Jack Mayville 31 M

son by former

husb. none Sarnia, Ontario Full

451 Louise Williams 24 F

dau. #443 wife of

Jim Williams none Sarnia, Ontario Full

452 James Byron Williams 3 M son Kebeshkang Ended Sarnia, Ontario Full

453 David Roy Williams 2 M son Shabogishig Through the sky Sarnia, Ontario Full

454 Clarence Williams 1 M son Shebagishig Shining through the sky Sarnia, Ontario Full

455 Mrs. Jane Stone 47 F head dau. #443 none Sarnia, Ontario Full Married out of tribe

456 James Stone 23 M head son none Sarnia, Ontario None

457 Wilson Stone 2 M son #456 none Sarnia, Ontario None

458 Thomas Stone 21 M son #445 none Sarnia, Ontario None

459 William Rodgers 32 M head Naogishig Low sky g.f. Shagwe Sarnia, Ontario Full


Mrs. Mary Rodgers (nee

Shawkeence) 36 F

wife, niece of

Thos. George

#487 Sarnia, Ontario Full

461 Rose Rodgers 11 F dau. none Sarnia, Ontario Full

462 Stafford Rodgers 5 M son none Sarnia, Ontario Full

463 Elma Rodgers 2 F dau. none Sarnia, Ontario Full

464 not named 1 day M son none Sarnia, Ontario Full Born Aug. 12, 1907

465 Mrs. Margaret Manness 44 F head, sister #459 none Sarnia, Ontario Full

466 Agnes Manness 14 F dau. none Sarnia, Ontario Full

467 Daniel Manness 26 M son, head Wabos Rabbit Sarnia, Ontario Full

468 Nora Manness 4 F dau. none Sarnia, Ontario Full

469 Andrew Manness 1 M son Negishig Edge of cloud Sarnia, Ontario Full

470 Alexander Rodgers 55 M head, bro. #459 Pishigonebik Monster Sarnia, Ontario Full

471 William Rodgers 25 M son Sarnia, Ontario Full

472 John Rodgers 23 M son Sarnia, Ontario Full

473 Samuel Rodgers 21 M son Sarnia, Ontario Full

474 Harry Rodgers 19 M son Sarnia, Ontario Full

475 John Cloud 55 M bro. #435 Puakwad Cloud Sarnia, Ontario Full

476 Henry Oliver 70 M head Wemigwans Small feather m. Wenenikwe Sarnia, Ontario Full

Father was halfbreed


477 George Oliver 40 M head, son Sarnia, Ontario Full

478 Llewellyn Oliver 21 M son Sarnia, Ontario Full

479 Albert Oliver 10 M son Sarnia, Ontario Full

Page 26: 1907 Wooster Roll of Wisconsin Potawatomi



No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

480 Mabel Oliver 7 F dau. #477 Sarnia, Ontario Full

481 Adelaide Oliver 19 F dau. #477 Sarnia, Ontario Full

482 Josephine Oliver 18 F dau. #477 Sarnia, Ontario Full

483 Agnes Oliver 16 F dau. #477 Sarnia, Ontario Full

484 Philip Oliver 22 M son #476 Sarnia, Ontario Full

485 David Oliver 18 M son #476 Sarnia, Ontario Full

486 Levi Oliver 54 M bro. #476 Sarnia, Ontario Full No children

487 Thomas George 70 M head Manedohkay Spirit maker g.f. Sheiakibi Kettle Point Resn. Full

488 Milton George 35 M son, head Shawano South Kettle Point Resn. Full

489 Stafford George 7 M son none Kettle Point Resn. Full

490 Ella George 4 F dau. none Kettle Point Resn. Full

491 Frank George 31 M head, son #487 none Kettle Point Resn. Full

492 Harvie George 5 M son none Kettle Point Resn. Full

493 Eva George 3 F dau. none Kettle Point Resn. Full

494 Angus George 28 M head, son #487 none Kettle Point Resn. Full

495 Gladys George 2 F dau. none Kettle Point Resn. Full

496 Maurice George 26 M head, son #487 none Kettle Point Resn. Full

497 Phyllis George 1/2 F dau. none Kettle Point Resn. Full

498 Mrs. Louisa Milligan 33 F head, son #487 Kettle Point Resn. Full

499 Grant Milligan 5 M son Kettle Point Resn. Full

500 John Milligan 2 M son Kettle Point Resn. Full

501 Mrs. Tabitha Shawkeence 68 F head, sist. #487 Kiwekodji Striving to go home Kettle Point Resn. Full

502 Stephen Shawkeence 56 M son Shenwash Rustling sound Kettle Point Resn. Full

503 Wesley Shawkeence 40 M head, son Saganakwad Coming cloud Kettle Point Resn. Full

504 Jessie Shawkeence 11 F dau. #503 Kettle Point Resn. Full

505 Baxter Shawkeence 5 M son Kettle Point Resn. Full

506 Wilfred Shawkeence 2 M son Kettle Point Resn. Full

507 Moses Wolf 19 M grandson #501 Kettle Point Resn. None

508 Johnnie Bruce 9 M grandson #501 Kettle Point Resn. None

509 Sutton Shawkeence 48 M head, son #501 Kettle Point Resn. Full

510 Emily Shawkeence 24 F dau. none Kettle Point Resn. Full

511 Norah Shawkeence 18 F dau. none Kettle Point Resn. Full

512 Caleb Shawkeence 21 M son none Kettle Point Resn. Full

513 Lily Shawkeence 16 F dau. none Kettle Point Resn. Full

514 Grace Shawkeence 10 F dau. none Kettle Point Resn. Full

515 Winnie Shawkeence 7 F dau. none Kettle Point Resn. Full

516 Vera Shawkeence 3 F dau. none Kettle Point Resn. Full

517 Amelia Waudahsega 22 F dau. #424 Stony Point Resn. None

518 Mrs. Elizabeth Henry 80 F head, sist. #487 Gikai Kettle Point Resn. Full

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No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

519 Adam James 38 M

grand nephew

#518 Ketigigoneb Spotted feather Kettle Point Resn. None

520 Mrs. Sarah Southwind 60 F dau. #518 Ebegoshi Kettle Point Resn. Full

521 Elijah Southwind 40 M son #520 Nenawishima Rattling Kettle Point Resn. Full

522 Mrs. Lucy Ashquabe 57 F

head dau. #518 by

Pewash Kekekwe Sparrow hawk Kettle Point Resn. Full

523 Beatty Greenbird 30 M head, son #522 Tebogwen Feathered Kettle Point Resn. Full


Mary Greenbird (nee

Shawkeence) 28 F wife cousin #487 none Kettle Point Resn. Full

525 Alfred Greenbird 5 M son none Kettle Point Resn. Full

526 Joel Pewash 42 M

son #518 by

Pewash Akwitawigishig Covered sky Kettle Point Resn. Full

527 Mrs. Annie Elyah 40 F

head, dau. #518 by

Pewash Shibadjiwa Underneath Kettle Point Resn. Full

528 Wellington Elyah 8 M son none Kettle Point Resn. Full

529 Mrs. Jessie Bresette 38 F

head, dau. #518 by

Pewash Kettle Point Resn. Full

530 Mrs. Martha Phoebe Gray 20 F head, dau. #529 Kettle Point Resn. Full

531 William Gray 1/2 M son Kettle Point Resn. Full

532 Mrs. Elsie King 18 F

head, dau. #518 by

Pewash Kettle Point Resn. None

533 Myrtle King 1/2 F dau. Kettle Point Resn. None

534 Lizzie Bresette 16 F dau. #529 Kettle Point Resn. Full

535 Fred Bresette 15 M son #530 Kettle Point Resn. Full

536 Edna Bresette 12 F dau. #531 Kettle Point Resn. Full

537 Annie Bresette 10 F dau. #532 Kettle Point Resn. Full

538 Norman Bresette 8 M son #533 Kettle Point Resn. Full

539 Thomas Bresette 1/2 M son #534 Kettle Point Resn. Full

540 Gilford Henry 36 M head, son #518 Kettle Point Resn. None

541 James Henry 15 M son Tebigwen Scattered feather Kettle Point Resn. None

542 George Henry 13 M son Kettle Point Resn. None

543 Ross Henry 11 M son Kettle Point Resn. None

544 Mary Henry 9 F dau. Kettle Point Resn. None

545 Rosie Henry 7 F dau. Kettle Point Resn. None

546 Bessie Henry 5 F dau. Kettle Point Resn. None

547 Mrs. Nancy King 45 F head, sister #435 Kettle Point Resn. None

548 Percy King 26 M son Kettle Point Resn. None

549 Willie King 17 M son Kettle Point Resn. None

550 Louis King 28 M son Kettle Point Resn. None

551 Joe King 30 M son Kettle Point Resn. None

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No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

552 Eli George 26 M nephew #487 Manitoke Idolater Kettle Point Resn. None Father was John George

553 Mrs. Eliza Bresette 36 F head Mishwanakwadokwe Red cloud

g.f. Eshkiwi; f. Chief

Jas. Tomah Kettle Point Resn. Full

554 Christine Bresette 14 F dau. none Kettle Point Resn. Full

555 Edwin Bresette 6 M son Etowigishig Center of sky Kettle Point Resn. Full

556 Margaret Bresette 2 1/2 F dau. none Kettle Point Resn. Full

557 Albert George 60 M head, bro. #487 Pakamanakwad Coming cloud Stony Point Resn. Full

558 Mrs. Lucy Cloud 35 F dau., wife #435 Stony Point Resn. Full

559 Stanley Cloud 12 M son Stony Point Resn. Full

560 Mrs. Ida Wild 33 F head, dau. #557 Stony Point Resn. Full

561 Elma Wild 3 F dau. Stony Point Resn. None

562 Cecelia Wild 1/2 F dau. Stony Point Resn. None

563 Olive George 37 F dau. #557 Stony Point Resn. Full

564 Moses George 31 M son #557 Stony Point Resn. Full

565 Robert George 18 M dau. #557 Stony Point Resn. Full

566 Mrs. Mina Waucaush 50 F head, sist. #475 Muncey, Ont. Full

567 Frank Waucaush 19 M son Muncey, Ont. Full

568 Edward Waucaush 17 M son Muncey, Ont. Full

569 Elmira Waucaush 11 F dau. Muncey, Ont. Full

570 Andrew Waucaush 6 M son Muncey, Ont. Full

571 Mrs. Lizzie Cloud 27 F #572 Stony Point Resn. Full

572 Tommie George 62 M head, bro. #487 Wemboagwon Feather Georgina Island, Ont. Full

573 Simpson George 22 M son Georgina Island, Ont. Full

574 James George 20 M son Georgina Island, Ont. Full

575 William George 18 M son Georgina Island, Ont. Full

576 Annie George 16 F dau. Georgina Island, Ont. Full

577 Alice Henry 16 F grand dau. #572 Manitoke Idol-maker Stony Point Resn. Full

578 Sarah George 18 F

dau. decsd. bro.

#487 Stony Point Resn. Full

579 Thomas Saganaki 90 M head Newago

Wikwemikong Ind. Resn.

Ont. None

Ind. resn. in Maitoulin



Mrs. Philemon La Collie (or

Recollet) 55 F dau. Nibiwikwe Married woman Wikwemikong, Ont. None

581 John La Collie 39 M head, son #580 Ossawaie Wikwemikongsing, Ont. None

582 Mary Ann La Collie 13 F dau. Pinekwe Wikwemikongsing, Ont. None

583 Therese La Collie 11 F dau. Dinok Wikwemikongsing, Ont. None

584 Josephine La Collie 1 F dau. Wikwemikongsing, Ont. None

585 Mrs. Mary Madeline Sagima 23 F Head, dau. #580 Pagwatchikwe Savage woman Wikwemikongsing, Ont. None

586 John Sagima 14 M son Sagainini Well-dressed Wikwemikongsing, Ont. None

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No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

587 Agathe La Collie 21 F dau. #580 Madjiwanokwe Wikwemikong, Ont. None

588 Joseph La Collie 19 M son #580 Wikwemikong, Ont. None

589 Francis La Collie 17 M head, son #580 Mengisite Big foot Wikwemikong, Ont. None

590 Rosie La Collie 3 F dau. Wikwemikong, Ont. None

591 Catherine La Collie 15 F dau. #580 Wikwemikong, Ont. None

592 Florence La Collie 8 F dau. #587 Wikwemikong, Ont. None

593 Mrs. Mary Wabanosse 53 F head, dau. #579 Ossawakwaanokwe Yellow woman Wikwemikong, Ont. None

594 Mitchell Wabanosse 25 M son Nibineianakwad Cloud strings Somewhere in Mich. None Address unknown

595 Mrs. Jane Atawish 23 F dau., no children Wikwemikongsing, Ont. None

596 Mrs. Veronie Bebamikawe 21 F head Wikwemikong, Ont. None

597 Julia Bebamikawe 1/2 F dau. #596 Wikwemikong, Ont. None

598 James Wabanosse 14 M son #593 Wikwemikong, Ont. None

599 Mrs. Agnes Nedowash 51 F head, dau. #579 Manitoulin Island None

600 Mrs. Agnes Shawanday 25 F dau. no children Manitoulin Island None

601 Alec Nedowash 14 M son #599 Manitoulin Island None

602 Jackson Nedowash 12 M son #599 Manitoulin Island None

603 Ambrose Nedowash 10 M son #599 Manitoulin Island None

604 Josephine Nedowash 1 F son #599 Manitoulin Island None

605 Joseph Saganaki 49 M dau. #599 Kakinangwe Stone fish Manitoulin Island None

606 Peter Ritchie 60 M head Mamawassige Old daylight

g.f. Witchiwes; f.

Shegasnang Saugeen Ind. Resn. None


Sophia Ritchie (nee

Wahbezee) 50 F wife, dau. #766 Shawanonok South wind g.f. Ogimawabisi Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

608 George Ritchie 35 M head, son none Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

609 Edgar Ritchie 5 M son #608 none Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

610 Howard Ritchie 3 M son #608 none Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

611 Stuart Ritchie 1/2 M son #608 none Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

612 Francis Ritchie 18 M son #606 none Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

613 Peter Ritchie 16 M son #606 none Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

614 Benjamin Ritchie 14 M son #606 none Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

615 Alice Ritchie 12 F dau. #606 none Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

616 Mrs. Mary Oliver 40 F

head, dau. #606,

no children Kokotchiss Ground hog Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

617 William Ritchie 24 M son none Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

618 80 F cousin #606 Nodinokwe Wind woman

f. Enimikins; g.f.

Maketabinessi Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

619 James Ritchie 47 M head, bro. #606 Namegos Trout Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full


Mrs. Mary Ritchie (nee

Wahbezee) 47 F wife, sist. #606 Wemitigoshikwe French woman Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

621 Jesse James 35 M head none m.g.f. Kagigeb Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

Page 30: 1907 Wooster Roll of Wisconsin Potawatomi



No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

622 Margaret James 35 F wife, dau. #619 none Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

623 Edward James 7 M son none Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

624 Laura James 5 F dau. none Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

625 Norman James 3 M son none Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

626 Loisanne James 1 F dau. none Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

627 Thomas Ritchie 20 M son #619 none Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

628 James Ritchie Jr. 12 M son #619 none Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

629 Grace Ritchie 8 F dau. #619 none Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

630 Howard Ritchie 7 M son #619 none Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

631 Mrs. Liza Jane Kewaquom 22 F

dau. #606, wife

#755 none Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

632 Lottie Kewaquom 5 F dau. #631 none Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

633 Anna Kewaquom 3 F dau. #631 none Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

634 Henry Ritchie 46 M head, bro. #606 Meshekwad Clear sky Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

635 Mrs. Helen Kayoshk 22 F dau. no children Pitwewegishigok Coming wind noise Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

636 Valentine Ritchie 7 M son none Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

637 Henry Wilfred 5 M son none Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

638 David Ritchie 42 M head, bro. #606 Beshigishig Sky stripe Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

639 Susan Ritchie 20 F dau. Shebegie Growing Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

640 Mrs. Bella Angegabough 18 F head none Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

641 Flora Angegabough 3 F dau. none Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

642 Livingstone Ritchie 13 M son #638 none Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

643 Sylvester Ritchie 11 M son #638 none Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

644 Lois Ritchie 8 F dau. #638 none Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

645 Louisa Ritchie 8 F dau. #638 none Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

646 Florence Ritchie 5 F dau. #638 none Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

647 Middleton Ritchie 2 M son #638 none Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

648 Sampson Ritchie 50 M head, bro. #634 Wabanakwad White cloud Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

649 Jesse Ritchie 32 M head, son none Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

650 Elizabeth Ritchie 18 F wife, dau. #415 none Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

651 Mrs. Amy Snake 22 F

dau., #648, no

children none Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

652 Josephine Ritchie 20 F dau., #648, (Illegit.) none Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

653 Wilson Ritchie 65 M head, bro. #606 Anikeosse Follower Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

654 Andrew Ritchie 34 M head, son #653 none Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

655 William Savage Ritchie 8 M son none Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

656 Ardwin Ritchie 6 M son none Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

657 Percy Ritchie 4 M son none Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

658 Milton Ritchie 2 M son none Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

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No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks


Mrs. Bertha (or William)

Cameron 32 F head, dau. #653 Kitchikwe Big woman Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

660 Percy Cameron 14 M son none Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

661 Gertie Cameron 12 F dau. none Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

662 Mary Cameron 10 F dau. none Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

663 Florence Cameron 8 F dau. none Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

664 Willie Cameron 5 M son none Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

665 John Cameron 2 M son none Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full


Mrs. Louisa Crow (nee

Richards) 30 F head none

g.f. Nigigons, or

Young otter Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

667 Daniel Brownly Crow 2 m. M son none Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

668 Martha Richards 19 F sist. #666 none Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

669 William Ritchie 30 M single, son #606 none Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

670 Mrs. Amanda Shawano 28 F head, dau. #653 none Kettle Point Resn. Full

671 Nancy Shawano 9 F dau. Nizhapiassinokwe Down coming cloud Kettle Point Ind. Resn. Full

672 Isaac Sylvester Shawano 7 M son Abitawanakwad Middle sky Kettle Point Ind. Resn. Full

673 Lottie Ellen Shawano 5 F dau. Shigonebit Birch bark river Kettle Point Ind. Resn. Full

674 Edgar Wilson Shawano 3 M son Wigwassibikwe Grindstone Kettle Point Ind. Resn. Full

675 Eddie Logan Shawano 1 1/2 M son Tecumseh Overshadows Kettle Point Ind. Resn. Full

676 Mrs. Adelaide Ahyahba 26 F head, dau. #653 Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

677 Ardwin Ahyahba 7 M son Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

678 Mabel Ahyahba 3 F dau. Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

679 Elliott Ritchie 24 M head, son #653 Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

680 Austin Ritchie 3 M son Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

681 Zachariah Wahbezee 29 M head, bro. #620 Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

682 Liza Jane Wahbezee 24 F wife, dau. #653 Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full no children

683 Joseph James 35 M head Omaiiawa Touching correctly


Assaganashkam French River, Ont. Full

684 Beatrice James 4 F dau. French River, Ont. Full

685 ___ James M son French River, Ont. Full

686 ___ James M son French River, Ont. Full

687 John Nashkewa 50 M head Kiniwgishig Sky eagle g.f. Assaganashkam Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

688 Richard Nashkewa 25 M son #687 Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

689 Abia Nashkewa 21 M head, son #687 Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full


Mary Nashkewa (nee

Kiwegishig) 18 F wife, no children

g.g.f. Chief

Abwekoam Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

691 Edward Nashkewa 18 M son #687 Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

692 Eileen Nashkewa 16 F dau. #688 Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

693 Asa Nashkewa 6 M son #689 Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

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No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

694 Thomas Nashkewa 4 M son #690 Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

695 Isabella Nashkewa 2 F dau. #691 Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

696 William Nashkewa 40 M head, bro. #687 Dazhikweshig End of skies Saugeen Ind. Resn. None


Sophia Nashkewa (nee

Kewaquom) 29 F wife none g.m. Nimagaut Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

698 Sarah Nashkewa 12 F dau. Minodjiwan Smooth stream Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

699 Wilfred Nashkewa 5 M son Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

700 Martin Nashkewa 1 M son Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

701 Angus Nashkewa 34 M head, bro. #687 Awassigishig Beyond the sky Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

702 Liza Jane Nashkewa 25 F wife none


Pezhigwanakwad Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

703 Peter Nashkewa 8 M son none Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

704 Louisa Nashkewa 6 F dau. none Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

705 Oliver Nashkewa 4 M son none Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

706 Moses Nashkewa 36 M head, bro. #687 Wembweshkang Dust-raiser Saugeen Ind. Resn. None


Julia Nashkewa (nee

Cameron) 25 F wife m. Mary Mishigaud Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

708 Amos Nashkewa 3 M son Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

709 Infant Nashkewa 2 mo. M son Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

710 Matthew Nashkewa 32 M head, bro. #687 Saugeen Ind. Resn. None


Eliza Jane Nashkewa (nee

George) 26 F wife g.g.d. Kagigemanito Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

712 Lena Nashkewa 5 F dau. Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

713 Archie Nashkewa 3 M son Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

714 David Nashkewa 31 M head, Bro. #687 Saugeen Ind. Resn. None


Mary Jane Nashkewa (nee

Mechesue) 25 F wife f. Jno. Mechesue Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

716 Ida Nashkewa 5 F Oginawa Sky bird Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

717 Mrs. Magdelene Nashkewa 70 F head, mother #687 Beshaban Peep of day Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

718 Stephen Nashkewa 21 M Bro. #687 Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

719 Mrs. Lavina Cameron 23 F head, sist. #687 Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

720 Stephen Cameron 6 M son Nibineianakwad Cloud strings Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

721 Patrick Cameron 1 M son Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

722 Mrs. Etta Angegbough 25 F head Sist. #687 Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

723 Beatrice Angegabough 1 F dau. Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

724 Evelyn Angegabough 5 F dau. Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

725 Daniel Nashkewa 27 M

head, no children,

Bro. #687 Wikwemikong, Ont. None

726 Frank Kahgee 74 M head Kahgee g.f. Minakwad Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

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No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

727 Mary Kahgee 62 F wife Neshwasogonebi Eight-feathered f. Neswasognebi Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

728 Thomas Kahgee 46 M head, son Meshkigoneb Unfeathered Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

729 Levi James 25 M head g.f Kagigeb Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

730 Mrs. Sophia James 23 F wife dau. #728 Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

731 Flossie James 5 F dau. Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

732 Cameron James 3 M son Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

733 Infant James 1/2 F dau. Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

734 Isaiah Kahgee 21 M son #728 Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

735 Louisa Kahgee 19 F dau. #728 Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

736 Susie Kahgee 1 F illegit. dau. #735 Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

737 Louis Kahgee 17 M son #728 Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

738 John Kahgee 15 M son #729 Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

739 Stella Kahgee 13 F dau. #730 Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

740 James Kahgee 11 M son #731 Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

741 Levi Kahgee 9 M son #732 Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

742 Joseph Kahgee 33 M head, son #726 Pemassam Lightning Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

743 Amos Kahgee 19 M son, head Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full


Lucy Kahgee (nee

Nahwash) 17 F wife, no children g.f. Pezhigwamkwad Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

745 Livingstone Kahgee 17 M son #742 Minakwad Green Cloud Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

746 Esther Kahgee 14 F dau. #742 Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

747 Sarah Kahgee 11 F dau. #742 Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

748 Leonard Kahgee 1 M son Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

749 Luke Kewaquom 55 M head Gishigoke Day maker m. Nimagans Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full


Martha Kewaquom (nee

Kahgee) 31 F wife, dau. #726 Kewaquom Home thunder Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

751 Edna Kewaquom 13 F dau. Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full


Thomas Wallace

Kewaquom 3 M son Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

753 Russell Kewaquom 1 M son Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

754 Lily Kewaquom 7 F dau. Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

755 Christopher Kewaquom 26 M

son #749 by

former wife Paqustekinimi Wild man Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

756 Albert Kewaquom 21 M

son #749 by

former wife Kwekidjiwan Returning stream Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

757 Stella Kewaquom 18 F

dau. #749 by

former wife Tahingotehiwa Stream sound Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

758 Mrs. Mary Jane Martin 31 F head, dau. #726 Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

759 Anna Martin 17 F dau. Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

760 Sylvester Martin 15 M son Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

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No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

761 Lizzie Martin 13 F dau. Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

762 John Martin 11 M son Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

763 Mary Martin 9 F dau. Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

764 Frank Martin 7 M son Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

765 Sophia Martin 5 F dau. Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

766 Thomas Wahbezee 70 M head Waiekwakamig End of earth g.f. Ogimawabisi Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

767 Mrs. Margaret Root 42 F head, dau. #766 Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

768 Joseph Root 20 M son Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

769 Albert Root 18 M son Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

770 Sarah Root 16 F dau. Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

771 Alec Root 12 M son Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

772 Georgianna Root 9 F dau. Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

773 Fred Wahbezee 37 M head, son #766 Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full


Maria Wahbezee (nee

Naywash) 30 F wife


Pezhigwanakwad Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

775 Bella Wahbezee 16 F dau. Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

776 Lillian Wahbezee 14 F dau. Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

777 Ida Wahbezee 12 F dau. Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

778 Elyah Wahbezee 10 M son Wassebiness Bright bird Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

779 Ernest Wahbezee 8 M son Ogimebiness Chief bird Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

780 Bessie Wahbezee 6 F dau. Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

781 Jacob Wahbezee 4 M son Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

782 Daniel Wahbezee 35 M head, son #726 Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

783 Mary Jane Wahbezee 30 F wife Manitons Bug g.f. Pezhigwa akwad Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

784 Eliza Wahbezee 1 F dau. Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

785 Mrs. Gracie Mandowab 15 F niece #726 Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

786 Mrs. Rachel Paul 33 F head, dau. #726 Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

787 Louisa Paul 10 F dau. Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

788 John Paul 8 M son Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

789 Isabella Paul 6 F dau. Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

790 Adam Paul 2 M son Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

791 Ernest Paul 1/2 M son Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

792 Mrs. Esther Tobias 27 F head, dau. #726 Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

793 Anna Tobias 10 F dau. Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

794 Susan Tobias 8 F dau. Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

795 Noah Wahbezee 25 M

single, nephew

#726 Assaganashkam Rushing Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

796 Mrs. Rebecca Henry 27 F head, sister #795 Ogisitchiwan Swift current Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

797 Russell Henry 7 M son Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

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No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

798 Victor Henry 5 M son Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

799 Louis Henry 3 M son Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

800 Elias Wahbezee 17 M bro. #785 Saugeen Ind. Resn. None


John B. Kewakeshig (or

Ahbwakokom) 63 M head Kewakeshig Day's end g.f. Abwekwaam Saugeen Ind. Resn. None


Annie Kewakeshig (nee

Pezhigwanakwad) 45 F wife Wassekwaam Bright living


family Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

803 Mrs. Anna Johns 38 F head, dau. #801 Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

804 Louie Kewakeshig 34 M son #801 Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

805 Isaish Kewakeshig 22 M son #802 Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

806 Sarah Jane Kewakeshig 18 F dau. #803 Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

807 Albert Kewakeshig 16 M son #804 Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

808 Paul Kewakeshig 23 M

head, nephew

#801 Kakagewish Hemlock Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full


Mrs. Elizabeth Kewakeshig

(nee Wahbezee) 18 F wife Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

810 Lottie Kewakeshig 3 F dau. Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

811 Nettie Kewakeshig 1 F dau. Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

812 Paul Pedoniquot 34 M head, son #415 Pedonikwad Coming cloud Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

813 Mary Pedoniquot 26 F wife g.f. Kagigeb Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

814 Stella Pedoniquot 8 F dau. Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

815 Alec Pedoniquot 6 M son Kagigib Ever sitting Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

816 Violet Pedoniquot 4 F dau. Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

817 Jerry Pedoniquot 2 M son Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

818 Mrs. Nancy Wahbezee 36 F sister #812 Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full Lives apart from husband

819 Mrs. Mary Ahyahba 60 F head, sist. #415 Pimassaweg Lightning streak Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

820 Christine Ahyahba 18 F Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

821 Joseph Ahyahba 14 M Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

822 John Ahyahba 12 M Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

823 Joseph Pedoniquot 14 M son #415 Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

824 Christinia Pedoniquot 9 F

g. dau. #415,

mother #1013

Cape Croker Ind. Resn.

Ontario None

Children of Levi

Pedoniquot, decsd.

825 Methuselah Pedoniquot 7 M

g. son #415,

mother #1013

Cape Croker Ind. Resn.

Ontario None

Children of Levi

Pedoniquot, decsd.

826 Mike Pedoniquot 5 M

g. son #415,

mother #1013

Cape Croker Ind. Resn.

Ontario None

Children of Levi

Pedoniquot, decsd.

827 Zachariah Pedoniquot 19 M g. son #415 Saugeen Ind. Resn. None

Son of John Pedoniquot,


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No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

828 James Pedoniquot 33 M

head, nephew


French Bay, near

Southampton, Ont. Full

Son of Peter Pedoniquot,


829 Phoebe Ann Pedoniquot 22 F wife

g.m. Catherine


French Bay, near

Southampton, Ont. Full

830 Charles Edward Pedoniquot 7 M son

French Bay, near

Southampton, Ont. Full

831 Ella May Pedoniquot 5 F dau.

French Bay, near

Southampton, Ont. Full

832 Luke Pedoniquot 3 M son

French Bay, near

Southampton, Ont. Full

833 Thomas Pedoniquot 31 M Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

children of Peter

Pedoniqout, deceased

bro. #415

834 Jacob Pedoniquot 29 M Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

children of Peter

Pedoniqout, deceased

bro. #415

835 Joel Pedoniquot 27 M Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

children of Peter

Pedoniqout, deceased

bro. #415

836 Mrs. Celia Halfday 35 F Muncey, Ont. Full

children of Peter

Pedoniqout, deceased

bro. #415; no children

837 Eliza Pedoniquot 28 M son #415

South Bay, Manitoulin Is.,

Ont. None

838 Mrs. Eliza Naywash 60 F head, sister #415 Tebassigeg Reaching sunshine Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

839 George Naywash 22 M son Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

840 Martha Naywash 20 F dau. Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

841 Daniel Naywash 18 M son Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

842 Adam Naywash 35 M head, son Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

843 Albert Naywash 8 M son Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

844 David Naywash 6 M son Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

845 Livingstone Naywash 4 M son Saugeen Ind. Resn. Full

846 Mrs. John Wahbogona 65 F head, niece #291 Kizhiassimog Hastening daylight Saugeen Resn. Full

847 Eliyah Wahbogona 32 M head, son Akiwensi Old man Saugeen Resn. Full

848 Peter Wahbogona 10 M son Pitwegishig Second sky Saugeen Resn. Full

849 Edward Wahbogona 8 M son Kizikaang Haste lightening Saugeen Resn. Full

850 Andrew Wahbogona 6 M son Missabe Giant Saugeen Resn. Full

851 Mrs. Sarah Muskosega 30 F head, dau. #846 Sagatchiwek Ascending the hill top Saugeen Resn. Full

852 Christina Muskeosega 13 F dau. Saugeen Resn. Full

853 Magdaline Muskeosega 2 F dau. Saugeen Resn. Full

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No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

854 Mrs. Mary Ann Cameron 63 F head, sist. #846 Saugeen Resn. Full

855 William Cameron 40 M head, son Saugeen Resn. Full

Wife and children enrolled


856 Henry Cameron 38 M head, son Saugeen Resn. Full

Wife and children enrolled


857 Louisa Cameron 16 F dau. #854 Saugeen Resn. Full

858 Joe Cameron 14 M son #854 Miagwewitang Loud voice Saugeen Resn. Full

859 Mrs. Margaret Wabanisi 50 F head Minissinok Brave woman Saugeen Resn. None

860 Peter Wabanisi 33 M head, son Gishigobiness Sky bird Saugeen Resn. None


Nancy Wabanisi (nee

Ritchie) 30 F son (#860) Ritchie family Saugeen Resn. None

862 Elijah Wabanisi 13 M son (#860) Saugeen Resn. None

863 Michael Wabanisi 8 M son (#860) Saugeen Resn. None

864 Peter Wabanisi Jr. 6 M son (#860) Saugeen Resn. None

865 Francis Wabanisi 4 M son (#860) Saugeen Resn. None

866 Abraham Wabanisi 2 M son (#860) Saugeen Resn. None

867 Liza Jane Wabanisi 34 F dau. #859 Wassianakwdok Bright sky woman Saugeen Resn. None

868 Eva Wabanisi 8 F illegit. dau. #867 Saugeen Resn. None Father said to be #701

869 Jeremiah Wabanisi 12 M son #859 Saugeen Resn. None

870 Mrs. Catherine Mandowab 60 F head, sist. #859 Pamosakegosikwe Moving day light Saugeen Resn. Full

871 Robert John Mandowab 37 M son Mandowab Famous eye Saugeen Resn. Full

872 Mrs. Susan Taylor 35 F dau., head Pinessiwadonokwe Mountain bird woman Cape Croker Resn. Full

873 Enoch Taylor 10 M son #872 Abidassige Continual lightning Cape Croker Resn. Full

874 Sarah Mandowab 20 F dau. #870 Mizhakonigishigokwe Bright day sky Saugeen Resn. Full

875 Mrs. Louise Ahyahba 48 F sist. #859 Andjiokwe Turning woman Saugeen Resn. Full no children

876 Wellington Angahbough 22 M grandson #859 Pakakanabe Plain person Saugeen Resn. Full

877 Elijah Angahbough 20 M grandson #859 Naganibitang Front sitter Saugeen Resn. Full

878 Mrs. Mary Kahbige 50 F head Nebineiassinokwe Continual lightning

g.f. Chief

Ogimawabisi Saugeen Resn. Full

879 Victoria Kahbige 7 F dau. Saugeen Resn. Full

880 Riley Kahbige 4 M son Saugeen Resn. Full

881 Lily Kahbige 1 F dau. Saugeen Resn. Full

882 Mrs. Agnes Angahbough 25 F head, dau. Pitabinokwe Dawn woman Saugeen Resn. Full

883 Lizzie Angahbough 7 F dau. #882 Saugeen Resn. Full

884 Jerry Angahbough 5 M son #882 Saugeen Resn. Full

885 Percy Angahbough 2 M son #882 Saugeen Resn. Full

886 Benjamin Kahbige 25 M nephew #801 Saugeen Resn. Full

Son Louisa Kewakeshig,



Elias Mechesne (or

Mitchell) 27 M single Saugeen Resn. Full

Page 38: 1907 Wooster Roll of Wisconsin Potawatomi



No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

888 Solomon Mechesne 23 M bro. #887



d Saugeen Resn. None

889 Wellington Mechesne 7 M bro. #887 Saugeen Resn. None

890 Sarah Jane Mechesne 16 F 1/2 sister #887 Saugeen Resn. None

891 Anna Mechesne 7 F 1/2 sister #887 Saugeen Resn. None

892 Joe Mechesne 42 M uncle #886 Misinab Fine feather Saugeen Resn. None

893 William Mechesne 33 M bro. 892 Pemoswadung Shout on Saugeen Resn. None

894 Mrs. Eliza Noon 39 F sister #892 Pitabanokwe Peep of day Saugeen Resn. Full

895 Edward Noon 22 M son #894 illegit. Saugeen Resn. None

896 Gracie Noon 15 F dau. #894 Saugeen Resn. Full

897 Mrs. Elizabeth Mandowab 41 F head, sist. #892 Kazeah Passed on Saugeen Resn. Full

898 Amos Mandowab 10 M son Saugeen Resn. Full

899 Mathew Mandowab 8 M son Saugeen Resn. Full

900 David Mechesne 24 M bro. #892 Ogimabiness King bird Saugeen Resn. None

901 Elijah Pashegahnahquod 56 M head Gisiss Sun f. Pashegahnahquod Saugeen Resn. Full


Susan Pashegahnahquod

(nee Lovely) 40 F wife m. Wahbanisse Saugeen Resn. Full

903 William Pashegahnahquod 37 M head, son Mizhakonigishig Bright sky Saugeen Resn. Full

904 Ellen Pashegahnahquod 8 F dau. (#903) Kizhiskwe Woman's form Saugeen Resn. Full

905 Beatice Pashegahnahquod 3 F dau. Saugeen Resn. Full



Pashegahnahquod 1 F dau. Saugeen Resn. Full

907 Angus Pashegahnahquod 35 M son #901 Wemigwaus Feather form Saugeen Resn. Full

908 Mrs. Mary Thompson 33 F head, dau. #901 Nandashkab Tired of looking Saugeen Resn. Full

909 Jack Thompson 4 M son Saugeen Resn. None

910 Alex Thompson 2 M son Saugeen Resn. None

911 Simon Pashegahnahquod 21 M son #901 Giwitagishig Round sky Saugeen Resn. Full



Pashegahnahquod 19 F dau. #901 Saugeen Resn. Full



Pashegahnahquod 17 F dau. #901 Saugeen Resn. Full

914 Maggie Pashegahnahquod 15 F dau. #901 Saugeen Resn. Full

915 Jerry Pashegahnahquod 13 M son #901 Sssawakwaam Yellow sky Saugeen Resn. Full

916 Mrs. Mary Naywash 65 F head, sist. #901 Kagigeiassigeg Everlasting sunshine Saugeen Resn. Full

917 Catherine Kewaquom 78 F Nawaka Noon-day g.f. Memangosit Saugeen Resn. Full

Page 39: 1907 Wooster Roll of Wisconsin Potawatomi



No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

918 Mrs. Emily Root 29 F head, dau. #936 Kabianokwe Southwest wind Kisheck family Saugeen Resn. Full Father was Peter Kisheck

919 Ephraim Root 8 M son Minossin Fair wind Saugeen Resn. Full

920 Edward Root 6 M son Ishwassogishigweb Eight-day sitter Saugeen Resn. Full

921 Riley Root 4 M son Saugeen Resn. Full

922 William Pashegahnahquod 42 M

head, nephew

#901 Bezhigwanakwad Single cloud Saugeen Resn. Full

Mother was Elizabeth


923 Lazarus Pashegahnahquod 10 M son Saugeen Resn. Full

924 John Pashegahnahquod 44 M head, son #922 Maiaokoang Direct thunder Saugeen Resn. None


Sophia Pashegahnahquod

(nee Pedoniquot) 35 F wife niece #415 Saugeen Resn. None

926 Elias Pashegahnahquod 22 M son #924 Saugeen Resn. None

927 Mrs. Nancy Besito 27 F head Saugeen Resn. None

Illegit. dau. Eliza



928 James Besito 16 M son Wendjigishigok Source of daylight Saugeen Resn. None

929 Angelique Besito 14 F dau. Bagwadabekwe Wild woman Saugeen Resn. None

930 John W. Keeshig 40 M head g.f. Kagigemanito

Cape Croker Ind. Resn.

Ont. Full

931 Christine Keeshig 36 F wife g.f. Nadjiwan Cape Croker, Ont. Full

932 Barney Keeshig 14 M son Cape Croker, Ont. Full

933 Gregor Keeshig 12 M son Cape Croker, Ont. Full

934 Sylvester Keeshig 10 M son Cape Croker, Ont. Full

935 Virginia Keeshig 1 F dau. Cape Croker, Ont. Full

936 Mrs. Eliza Keeshig 62 F head, mother #930

cousin chief

Wemisago Cape Croker, Ont. Full

not entitled. Is Huron

Indian and did not

participate in treaty.

937 Edward Keeshig 38 M son, bro. #930 Kagigemanito Everlasting god Cape Croker, Ont. Full

Chief of Cape Croker


938 Lawrence Keeshig 14 M son (#937) Cape Croker, Ont. Full

939 Willis Keeshig 12 M son Cape Croker, Ont. Full

940 Lily Keeshig 11 F dau. Cape Croker, Ont. Full

941 Electa Keeshig 9 F dau. Cape Croker, Ont. Full

942 Johnnie Akiwenze 26 M

nephew #930, child

of No. 1210 Cape Croker resn. Full

943 Willie Akiwenze 24 M

nephew #930, child

of No. 1210 Cape Croker resn. Full

944 Susan Akiwenze 22 F

niece #930, child

of No. 1210 Cape Croker resn. Full

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No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

945 Louie Lamorandiere 2 M illegit. son #944 Cape Croker resn. Full


William Waukey (or

Waukaygeshig) 86 M head Nanebikaam f. Oginotigo Cape Croker resn. Full

947 Joseph Waukay 60 M head, son Tchingwassido Magic noise Cape Croker resn. Full

948 Archie Waukey 19 M son Cape Croker resn. Full

949 Sarah Waukey 16 F dau. Cape Croker resn. Full

950 Martha Waukey 14 F dau. Cape Croker resn. Full

951 Mrs. Margaret Jackson 58 F dau. #946 Kabegishigokwe All day woman Cape Croker resn. Full No children

952 William Waukey, Jr. 56 M son #946 Pitowegishig Sky noise Cape Croker resn. Full


Eliza Jane Waukey (nee

Elliott) 54 F wife, dau. #967 Cape Croker resn. Full

954 Peter Waukey 54 M head, son #946 Pitwanashwad Between two clouds Cape Croker resn. Full


Mary Jane Waukey (nee

Walker) 28 F wife g.f. Nawekamigo Cape Croker resn. Full

956 Alvina Waukey 5 M son Cape Croker resn. Full

957 Matilda Waukey 21 F dau. by first wife Cape Croker resn. Full

958 Caroline Waukey 19 F dau. by first wife Cape Croker resn. Full

959 George Waukey 52 M head, son #946 Keewatin North wind Cape Croker resn. Full

960 Willie Waukey 13 M son #959 Cape Croker resn. Full

961 Jacob Waukey 50 M son #946 Pitweweshkang Coming steps Cape Croker resn. Full

962 Therese Waukey 30 F wife, no children f. Shawanoghishig Cape Croker resn. Full

963 Mrs. Sophia Solomon 30 F head, dau. #946 Cape Croker resn. Full

964 Eliza Solomon 5 F dau. Cape Croker resn. Full

965 Elsie Solomon 1 F dau. Cape Croker resn. Full

966 John Pigeon Waukey 60 M head, bro. #946 Pitwegishig Sky noise Cape Croker resn. Full No children

967 Mrs. Lucy Elliott 84 F head, sister #946 Oshkikwe New woman Cape Croker resn. Full

968 Mrs. Sophia Pawis 56 F head, dau. #967 Shawanago, Ont. Full

969 Sylvester Pawlis 25 M son #968 Sagassige Dawn of day Shawanago, Ont. Full


Mrs. Susan Pawis (nee

Megis) 30 F wife, no children Pashkwaban Clear daylight g.f. Peshigob Shawanago, Ont. Full

971 Stephen Elliott 40 M head, son #967 Cape Croker resn. Full

972 Mary Ann Elliott 42 F wife niece #1116 Cape Croker resn. Full

973 Alvia Elliott 18 M son Andassige Moon change Cape Croker resn. Full

974 Effie Elliot 16 F dau. Wabishwawkotok Bright cloud Cape Croker resn. Full

975 Angus Elliott 38 M head, son #967 Cape Croker resn. Full

976 Carrie Elliott (nee Chegano) 26 F wife, dau. #994 g.f. Eshkiwi Cape Croker resn. Full

977 Georgianna Elliott 2 F dau. Cape Croker resn. Full

978 Mrs. Susan Wahboose 60 F head, sister #946 Agonakwe Woman impersonator Cape Croker resn. Full

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No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

979 Mrs. Liza McGregor 40 F

head, dau. no

children Cape Croker resn. Full

980 Fred John Jones 50 M

head, nephew

#966 Cape Croker resn. None

981 Carl Jones 26 M son Cape Croker resn. Full

982 Arthur Jones 24 M son Cape Croker resn. Full

983 Elmira Jones 22 F dau. Cape Croker resn. Full

984 Irene Jones 20 F dau. Cape Croker resn. Full

985 Rosie Jones 12 F dau. Cape Croker resn. Full

986 William Pedoniquot 66 M head, Bro. #415 Negishigweb Settling weather Cape Croker resn. Full


Mary Pedoniquot (nee

Tomeh) 60 F wife Nibowabikwe Water sitter g.f. Eshkiwi Cape Croker resn. Full

988 Isaiah Pedoniquot 38 M head, son Pitanakogishig Forming cloud Cape Croker resn. Full


Mrs. Maggie Pedoniquot

(nee King) 32 F wife Madjiabanokwe Drifting woman g.f. Pashigobe Cape Croker resn. Full

990 Stephen Pedoniquot 9 M wife son (#988) Cape Croker resn. Full

991 Alec Pedoniquot 7 M Cape Croker resn. Full

992 Foster Pedoniquot 2 M Cape Croker resn. Full

993 Charles Pedoniquot 26 M head, son #986 Madjiianakwad Drifting cloud Cape Croker resn. Full


Sarah Pedoniquot (nee

Makowinine) 40 F wife Sagatchiweg Coming over horizon g.f. Napons Cape Croker resn. Full

995 Cleveland Pedoniquot 5 M son Cape Croker resn. Full

996 Wellington Chegans 22 M

son, child of #994

by first husband Cape Croker resn. Full

997 Llewellyn Chegans 20 M

son, child of #994

by first husband Cape Croker resn. Full

998 Rose Ann Chegans 18 F dau. Cape Croker resn. Full

999 Margaret Chegans 12 F dau. Cape Croker resn. Full

1000 John Pedoniquot 26 M

head, twin bro.

#993 Saganakwad Rising cloud Christian Island, Ont. Full Wife is #1736

1001 Peter Pedoniquot 24 M son #986 Cape Croker Resn. Full

1002 Percy Pedoniquot 18 M son #986 Cape Croker Resn. Full

1003 Mrs. Sophia Kabashkong 36 F head, dau. #986 Cape Croker Resn. Full

1004 Wellington Kabashkong 14 M son Cape Croker Resn. Full

1005 Hattie Kabashkong 8 F dau. Cape Croker Resn. Full

1006 Mrs. Sarah Taylor 28 F head, dau. #986 Cape Croker Resn. Full

1007 Ellena Taylor 8 F dau. Cape Croker Resn. Full

1008 Mary Louise Taylor 6 F dau. Cape Croker Resn. Full

1009 Isadore Taylor 4 M son #1006 Cape Croker Resn. Full

1010 Ignatius Taylor 2 M son #1006 Cape Croker Resn. Full

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No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

1011 Mrs. Lucy Elliott 20 F head, dau. #986 Cape Croker Resn. Full No children, wife of #1245

1012 Adam Pedoniquot 18 M

son #1177,

nephew #986 French River, Ont. None


Mrs. Methuselah

Pedoniquot (nee Williams) 22 F

head, Mothers

Nos. 824-826 g.f. Kiwekoam Cape Croker Resn. Full

1014 Mrs. Sophia Shawanogishig 50 F head, sist. #986 Gishigosoweg Bright light Cape Croker Resn. Full No children


Mrs. Elma Megis (nee

Williams) 80 F head Kiweiia Home-going f. Kiwekoam Cape Croker Resn. Full

1016 Mrs. Mary Jane Martin 30 F head, dau. #1015 Wabiskwinessikwe White hawk Cape Croker Resn. Full

1017 Samuel Martin 14 M son Cape Croker Resn. None

1018 Peter Martin 10 M son Cape Croker Resn. None

1019 Martha Martin 12 F dau. Cape Croker Resn. None

1020 Thomas Martin 8 M son Cape Croker Resn. None

1021 Paul Williams 40 M nephew #1015 Nizhike??abaw Stands alone Cape Croker Resn. None

1022 Henry Johnson 48 M head, son #1037 Kiwissigishig Red sky


Assaganashkam Cape Croker Resn. Full

1023 Julia Ann Johnson 28 F wife, dau. #1015 Cape Croker Resn. Full

1024 Harriet Johnson 13 F dau. Cape Croker Resn. Full

1025 Lennox Johnson 11 M son Cape Croker Resn. Full

1026 Talford Johnson 9 M son Cape Croker Resn. Full

1027 Adeline Johnson 2 F dau. Cape Croker Resn. Full

1028 Morgan Johnson 1/4 M son Cape Croker Resn. Full

1029 Mrs. Amelia Wesley 26 F head, dau. #1015 Cape Croker Resn. Full

1030 Henry Wesley 6 M son Cape Croker Resn. Full

1031 Eliza Wesley 4 F dau. Cape Croker Resn. Full

1032 Susan Wesley 2 F dau. Cape Croker Resn. Full

1033 Infant (no name) Wesley 1/2 M son Cape Croker Resn. Full

1034 Jacob Richards 30 M head g.f. Padassowe Cape Croker Resn. Full

1035 Sarah Richards (nee Megis) 17 F

wife, granddau.

#1015 Cape Croker Resn. Full No children

1036 Jonas Megis 22 M illegit. son #1016 Cape Croker Resn. None

1037 Dominick Johnson 87 M head Kiwitagishig All around daylight f. Kamiskwassige Cape Croker Full


Therese Johnson (nee

Nadjiwan) 85 F wife Kiokoamok Rumbling thunder Nadjiwan family Cape Croker Full

1039 Paul Johnson 50 M head, son Wemigoneb Sitting alone Cape Croker Full No children

1040 Mrs. Susan Lavalle 52 F head, dau. #1037 Minissinokwe Brave woman Cape Croker Full

1041 Edwin Johnson 38 M head, son #1037 Wemitig French man Cape Croker Full

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No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks


Rosa Johnson (nee

Lamorandiere) 31 F wife

g.g.f. Tchigano; g.f.

Ombanekwaam Cape Croker Full

1043 Rufus Johnson 6 M son Cape Croker Full

1044 Alfred Johnson 4 M son Cape Croker Full

1045 Walter Johnson 2 M son Cape Croker Full

1046 Fred Johnson 25 M Bro. #1041 Maiausegishig Brave sky Cape Croker Full

1047 Frank Johnson 62 M head, bro. #1037 Mizhobine Two partridges Cape Croker Full


Mary Johnson (nee

Williams) 78 F wife, sister #1015 Nawakwens Small woman Cape Croker Full

1049 Mrs. Angelique Solomon 45 F head, sister #1041 Cape Croker Full

1050 John Ansley Snake 16 M son Cape Croker Full

1051 Mary Louise Snake 14 F dau. Cape Croker Full

1052 Vera Snake 12 F day Cape Croker Full

1053 Mrs. Matilda Lavalle 30 F head, sister #1041 Cape Croker Full

Have received full rights,

but commited for cash.

1054 Fred Lavalle 8 M son Cape Croker Full

Have received full rights,

but commited for cash.


Mrs. Louise Johnson (nee

King) 30 F head, sist. #989 Gwenwinoss g.f. Pashigobe Cape Croker Full

1056 Matthew Johnson 10 M son Cape Croker Full

1057 Seraphine Johnson 6 F dau. Cape Croker Full

1058 William Johnson 55 M head Gisiss Sun

g.f. Towish; f.

Shawan Cape Croker Full


Maria Johnson (nee

Walker) 30 F wife, sist. #955 Cape Croker Full

1060 Oliver Johnson 15 M son Abitawanakwad Half cloud Cape Croker Full

1061 David Black 90 M head Misianahwad Cloudy f. Maketewin Cape Croker Full


Sara Ann Black (nee

Kozeyah) 90 F wife Wendabanokwe Eastern woman

g.f. Megido; f.

Kozeyah Cape Croker Full

1063 Peter Black 36 M son Tchigwassido Sifter Cape Croker Full


Esther Black (nee

Shawkeence) 40 F wife, niece #487 Kabegishigokwe Daily woman Cape Croker Full

1065 Mary Black 10 F dau. Niganoss Headlight Cape Croker Full

1066 Edward Wolf 28 M head, son #1064 Cape Croker None

1067 Lyman Wolf 4 M son Cape Croker None

1068 Moses Aloin Wolf 1 M son Cape Croker None

1069 George Black 27 M bro. #1063 Shawano South Cape Croker Full

1070 Louisa Black 20 F granddau. #1061 Cape Croker None

1071 Mrs. Mary Ann Snake 84 F head, sist. #1062 Pinessikwe Partridge Cape Croker Resn. Full

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No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

1072 Mrs. Mary Peters 52 F head, dau. #1071 Obitagishigokwe Half-day woman Cape Croker Resn. Full

1073 Elizabeth Peters 34 F head, dau. #1071 Cape Croker Resn. Full

1074 Louis Nadjiwan 59 M head g.f. Nadjiwan Cape Croker Resn. Full


Mary Jane Nadjiwan (nee

Snake) 40 F wife, dau. #1071 Azhawatch Side-hill climber Cape Croker Resn. Full

1076 Henry Nadjiwan 22 M son Cape Croker Resn. Full

1077 Andy Nadjiwan 19 M son Cape Croker Resn. Full

1078 Lucy Ann Nadjiwan 21 F wife, dau. #1074 Kabeshkamokwe Ending woman Cape Croker Resn. Full

1079 Elijah Nadjiwan 2 M son Cape Croker Resn. Full

1080 Mary Florence Nadjiwan 1 F dau. Cape Croker Resn. Full

1081 Edward Madjiwan 12 M son #1074 Cape Croker Resn. None

1082 Jacob Snake 10 M

grandchild of

#1071 Abidassige Ever light Cape Croker Resn. Full

1083 Catherine Snake 8 F

grandchild of

#1071 Pezhibiano Water streak Cape Croker Resn. Full

1084 Isabella Snake 12 F

grandchild of

#1071 Pimossekwe Walking woman Cape Croker Resn. Full

1085 William Nadjiwan 45 M head, bro. #1074 Cape Croker Resn. Full


Matilda Nadjiwan (nee

Nashkwa) 40 F wife, sist. #687 Ossaobig Yellow water Cape Croker Resn. Full

1087 Sophia Nadjiwan 18 F niece #1085 Cape Croker Resn. None

1088 Felix Nadjiwan 20 M nephew #1085 Cape Croker Resn. Full

1089 Patrick Nadjiwan 10 M nephew #1085 Cape Croker Resn. Full

1090 Francis Dominick Nadjiwan 2 M cousin #1085 Cape Croker Resn. Full

1091 Peter Nadjiwan 22 M

head, cousin

#1085 Cape Croker Resn. Full

1092 Hannah Nadjiwan 2 F dau. #1091 Cape Croker Resn. Full

1093 Charles Nadjiwan 24 M bro. #1091 Cape Croker Resn. Full

1094 Robert Nadjiwan 36 M head, bro. #1090 Cape Croker Resn. Full

1095 Lizzie Nadjiwan 12 F dau. Garden River Ind. Resn. Full

1096 Paul Nadjiwan 31 M head, bro. #1090 Cape Croker Resn. Full

1097 Mrs. Margaret Tomah 60 F head



p. Tchigano Cape Croker Resn. Full

1098 Anderson Tomah 40 M head, son Cape Croker Resn. Full

1099 James Tomah 12 M son Cape Croker Resn. Full

1100 Thomas Kozeyah 55 M head, bro. #1071 Kebishkawind In the way

g.f. Megido; f.

Kozeyah Cape Croker Resn. Full

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No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks


Elizabeth Kozeyah (nee

Elliott) 54 F wife Mindinoie Old woman g.f. Otchewens Cape Croker Resn. Full

1102 Allen Kozeyah 16 M son #110 Neshwassagoneb Eight day feather Cape Croker Resn. Full

1103 Elmer Kozeyah 14 M son #110 Abitawewegishig All day thunder Cape Croker Resn. Full

1104 Phoebe Ann Kozeyah 12 F dau. #110 Kagigeiassigeg Everlasting sunshine Cape Croker Resn. Full

1105 Prince Albert Kozeyah 8 M son #110 Cape Croker Resn. Full

1106 Isaiah Williams 26 M

head, son #1236,

nephew #1015 Cape Croker Resn. Full

1107 Eva Williams 26 F wife, dau. #1100 Nawegishigokwe Noon woman Cape Croker Resn. Full

1108 Charlotte Williams 6 F dau. Cape Croker Resn. Full

1109 Noah Williams 4 M son Cape Croker Resn. Full

1110 Sophia Williams 2 F dau. Cape Croker Resn. Full

1111 Wellington Elliott 13 M nephew #1101 Cape Croker Resn. None

1112 Sylvester King 20 M single g.g.f. Ogimawadj Cape Croker Resn. None

Father was Alex King,


1113 Frank King 24 M single, bro. #1112 Cape Croker Resn. None

Father was Alex King,


1114 Albert King 33 M head, bro. #1112 Pedonikwad Coming cloud

g.g.f. Ogimawadj;

g.f. Kwesind Cape Croker Resn. None

Father was Alex King,


1115 Edward Elliott 1 M son Cape Croker Resn. None

1116 Solomon Jones 60 M head


Kagigemanito French River, Ont. Full

1117 Alec Jones 6 M son French River, Ont. None

1118 George Jones 4 M son French River, Ont. None

1119 Wallace Jones 2 M son French River, Ont. None

1120 Mrs. Nancy Richards 57 F head, cousin #606 Cape Croker Resn. Full Father was uncle of #606

1121 Mrs. Susan Lamorandiere 21 F head, dau. Cape Croker Resn. Full

1122 Ernestine Lamorandiere 3 M son Cape Croker Resn. Full

1123 Mrs. Mandy Lavalle 30 F head, sister #1120 Cape Croker Resn. Full

1124 Berlin Lavalle 12 M son Cape Croker Resn. None

1125 Mary Ann Lavalle 11 F dau. Cape Croker Resn. None

1126 Gracie Lavalle 8 F dau. Cape Croker Resn. None

1127 Norman Lavalle 3 M son Cape Croker Resn. None

1128 Marguerite Lavalle 1 F dau. Cape Croker Resn. None


Mrs. Mary McCloud (nee

Tobi) 60 F head Wasseieban Day dawn g.f. Assigauashkam Cape Croker Resn. Full

1130 Mrs. Therese Manitowabi 28 F head, dau. Wikwemikong Ind. Resn. Full

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No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

1131 Mary Victoria Nadjiwan 12 F

dau. by first

husband Wikwemikong Ind. Resn. Full

1132 George Manitowabi 8 M

children by second

husband Wikwemikong Ind. Resn. None

1133 John Manitowabi 6 M

children by second

husband Gasongi Strong one Wikwemikong Ind. Resn. None

1134 Samuel Manitowabi 4 M

children by second

husband Zhagonazh English-man Wikwemikong Ind. Resn. None

1135 Anna Manitowabi 2 F

children by second

husband Wikwemikong Ind. Resn. None

1136 Alfred Manitowabi 1/2 M

children by second

husband Wikwemikong Ind. Resn. None

1137 Joe Daniel McCloud 26 M head, son #1129 Pagwatchamiskinabo Wild Indian Bying Inlet, Ont. Full

1138 Lizzie Victoria 1 F dau. Bying Inlet, Ont. Full

1139 Mrs. Maggie Desjardine 22 F head, dau. #1129 Quashemego Discourager Cape Croker Resn. Full No children

1140 Norman McCloud 20 M single, son #1129 Wassigishig Bright sky Cape Croker Resn. Full

1141 John McCloud 17 M single, son #1129 Sagitchiweosse Hill climber Cape Croker Resn. Full

1142 Florence McCloud 11 F dau. #1129 Paszhidekamigokwe Over hill woman Cape Croker Resn. Full

1143 Mrs. Marguerite Desjardine 70 F head, no children Ogabiiassinokwe Drifting leaves

g.f. Pitwewego; f.

Tebigwan Cape Croker Resn. Full

1144 Joshua Waubedick 30 M nephew Cape Croker Resn. None

1145 Mrs. Philemonea McGregor 70 F head Sekassigekwe Sunbeam's end

g.f. Kinozhekam; f.

Matshissib Cape Croker Resn. Full

1146 Mrs. Susan Johnson 74 F head, sister Miskwabanokwe Red day light Cape Croker Resn. Full

1147 Mike Johnson 47 M head, son #1146 Cape Croker Resn. Full

1148 Mrs. Josephine Taylor 25 F dau. #1147 Cape Croker Resn. Full

1149 Herman Joseph Taylor 3 M son Cape Croker Resn. Full

1150 Morgan Taylor 1 M son Cape Croker Resn. Full

1151 William Johnson 19 M son #1147 Cape Croker Resn. Full

1152 Alexander Johnson 17 M son #1147 Cape Croker Resn. Full

1153 Archie Duncan Johnson 15 M son #1147 Cape Croker Resn. Full

1154 Gracie Johnson 13 F dau. #1147 Ossawi Yellow streak Cape Croker Resn. Full

1155 Victoria Johnson 11 F son #1147 Cape Croker Resn. Full

1156 George Lamorandiere 25 M nephew #1145 Cape Croker Resn. Full

1157 Louis Lamorandiere 23 M nephew #1145 Cape Croker Resn. Full

1158 Wilfred Lamorandiere 12 M nephew #1156 Cape Croker Resn. Full

1159 George Ashkewe 50 M head Maiawassige Meridian g.f. Eshkiwi Cape Croker Resn. None

1160 Ingersol Ashkewe 17 M son Awassanakwad Over clouds Cape Croker Resn. None

1161 Peter Ashkewe 52 M head, bro. #1159 Idawassige Sun-crossed Scugog Island, Ont. None

1162 David Ashkewe 9 M son Scugog Island, Ont. None

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No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

1163 Christie Ashkewe 7 M son Scugog Island, Ont. None

1164 Henry Ashkewe 2 M son Scugog Island, Ont. None

1165 Mabel Ashkewe 1/2 F dau. Scugog Island, Ont. None

1166 Mrs. Louisa Deschineaux 60 F Sister #1159 Kizhiassigekwe Fast coming day Cape Croker Resn. Full

1167 Mrs. Nancy Trapp 26 F head, dau. #1166 Cape Croker Resn. Full

1168 Peter Trapp 3 M son Cape Croker Resn. None

1169 Willis Trapp 2 M son Cape Croker Resn. None

1170 Frank Ashkewe 45 M

head, 1/2 bro.

#1159 Pitokoam Coming thunder g.f. Eshkiwi Cape Croker Resn. Full

1171 Lizzie Ashkewe 40 F wife, dau. #916 Kabegishigok Day's end Cape Croker Resn. Full

1172 Bert Ashkewe 20 M son Cape Croker Resn. Full

1173 Sophia Ashkewe 10 F dau. Pitakwamokwe Coming cloud woman Cape Croker Resn. Full

1174 Josephine Ashkewe 6 F dau. Cape Croker Resn. Full

1175 Ephrain Ashkewe 8 M son Wanakwad Over hanging cloud Cape Croker Resn. Full

1176 Reuben Ashkewe 4 M son Cape Croker Resn. Full

1177 Mrs. Mary Paul 60 F head, sister #1170 Ninwewe Beautiful music Cape Croker Resn. Full

1178 Stephen J. Elliott 30 M

head, nephew

#1170 Cape Croker Resn. Full

1179 Velvetina Elliott 6 F dau. Gwanstshikwe Good-looking woman Cape Croker Resn. None

1180 Gertie Elliott 4 F dau. Tchingwassidokwe Rumbling thunder Cape Croker Resn. None

1181 Joseph Elliott 1 M son Cape Croker Resn. None

1182 Willie Elliott 24 M single, Bro. #1178 Cape Croker Resn. Full

1183 Harry Elliott 16 M Bro. #1178 Cape Croker Resn. Full

1184 Louis Solomon 42 M head Shawanogabau South leaning man


Assagauashkam Cape Croker Resn. Full

1185 Bernard Solomon 9 M son Cape Croker Resn. Full

1186 Alfred Solomon 7 M son Cape Croker Resn. Full

1187 Almena Florence Solomon 5 F dau. Cape Croker Resn. Full

1188 William Louis Solomon 3 M son Cape Croker Resn. Full

1189 Joseph Aloysius Solomon 1 M son Cape Croker Resn. Full

1190 Joseph Solomon 40 M head, bro. 1184 Cape Croker Resn. Full

1191 Willie Joe Solomon 10 M son Cape Croker Resn. Full

1192 Wesley Solomon 26 M head, bro. 1184 Cape Croker Resn. Full

Wife and children #963-


1193 Phileas Proulx 63 M head

m.g.f. Odepinish;

g.m. Gweweness Cape Croker Resn. Full

1194 Joseph Proulx 32 M son Kwiwisse Cape Croker Resn. Full

1195 James Proulx 26 M son Cape Croker Resn. Full

Page 48: 1907 Wooster Roll of Wisconsin Potawatomi



No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

1196 Stephen Proulx 24 M son Cape Croker Resn. Full

1197 Maggie Proulx 30 F dau. Cape Croker Resn. Full

1198 Narciss Proulx 1/2 M illegit. son #1197 Cape Croker Resn. None

1199 Mrs. Sarah Elliott 34 F head, dau. #1193 Ikwesans Little girl Cape Croker Resn. Full Wife of #1246

1200 Margaret Solomon 12 F dau. by first husb. Cape Croker Resn. None

1201 Michael Kewagishig 6 M

son by second

husb. Cape Croker Resn. None

1202 Mrs. Lucy Augustus 38 F head, dau. #1193 Cape Croker Resn. Full

1203 Verinic Augustus 4 F dau. Cape Croker Resn. Full

1204 ___ Augustus 2 F dau. Odjins Fly Cape Croker Resn. Full

1205 Daniel Augustus 15 M illegit. son Cape Croker Resn. None

1206 William Augustus 13 M illegit. son Sehwens Spitter Cape Croker Resn. None

1207 John Tomah 60 M head, no children Awangishig Foggy day f. Tomah Cape Croker Resn. Full

1208 Mrs. Susan Akiwenze 75 F head Miaogishigokwe Noon woman

g.m. Madjibabokwe

(was sister Eshkwi) Cape Croker Resn. Full

1209 Mrs. Susan Jones 55 F

head, dau. no

children Tahwe Cape Croker Resn. Full

1210 David Akiwennze 53 M son, head Cape Croker Resn. Full Children Nos. 942-944

1211 Joseph Akiwennze 51 M head, son Kishkidjii Broken body Cape Croker Resn. Full

1212 Alexander Akiwennze 20 M son #1211 Cape Croker Resn. Full

1213 Anthony Akiwennze 18 M son Cape Croker Resn. Full

1214 Peter Akiwennze 16 M son Cape Croker Resn. Full

1215 Racine Akiwennze 14 M son Cape Croker Resn. Full

1216 Charles Akiwennze 12 M son Cape Croker Resn. Full

1217 Henry Akiwennze 10 M son Cape Croker Resn. Full

1218 John Akiwennze 8 M son Cape Croker Resn. Full

1219 Eva Akiwennze 4 F dau. Cape Croker Resn. Full

1220 Mary Akiwennze 3 F dau. Cape Croker Resn. Full

1221 Mrs. Therese Shawanday 50 F head, dau. #1208 South Bay resn. Full

1222 David Shawanday Jr. 9 M son South Bay resn. Full

1223 Jonas Shawanday 7 M son South Bay resn. Full

1224 Genevieve Shawanday 5 F dau. South Bay resn. Full

1225 Amy Shawanday 3 F dau. South Bay resn. Full

1226 Jacob Akiwenze 48 M single, son #1208 Cape Croker Resn. Full

1227 Victoria Lavalle 12 F granddau. #1208 Cape Croker Resn. None

1228 Elizabeth Lavalle 10 F granddau. #1208 Cape Croker Resn. None

1229 Daniel Augustus 34 M head Nawakwegishig Noon day g.f. Shago; f. Khiwan Cape Croker Resn. Full Wife

1230 Betsey Augustus 12 F dau. Cape Croker Resn. Full

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No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

1231 John Augustus 32 M head, bro. #1229 Cape Croker Resn. Full

Wife and children #1202-


1232 Margaret Augustus 19 F niece #1229 Cape Croker Resn. Full

1233 Mrs. Cecilia Davis 40 F Sist. #1229 Wawuc Circle Cape Croker Resn. Full No children

1234 Louis Lavalle 20 M nephew # Cape Croker Resn. None

Mother was Agnes


1235 Frank Lavalle 18 M nephew # Cape Croker Resn. None

1236 Noah Williams 60 M head, bro. #1015 Idowegishig Astride of sky f. Weboam Cape Croker Resn. Full

1237 Anamias Kabashkong 8 M nephew #1236 Cape Croker Resn. Full

1238 Agnes Richards 38 F single, niece #1071 Cape Croker Resn. Full Mother was sister #1071

1239 George Richards M illegit. son # 1238 Cape Croker Resn. None

1240 Martha Richards F sist. #1238 Cape Croker Resn. Full

1241 Jonah Elliott 17 M

children of ??

sister of #1238 Cape Croker Resn. Full

1242 Lawicer Elliott 12 M

children of ??

sister of #1239 Cape Croker Resn. Full

1243 Morrison Elliott 5 M

children of ??

sister of #1240 Cape Croker Resn. Full

1244 Mrs. Elizabeth Elliott 55 F head, sister #726 Penassekwe Partridge woman Cape Croker Resn. Full

1245 Duncan Elliott 26 M head, son Cape Croker Resn. Full Wife is No. 1011

1246 Daniel Elliott 21 M head, son Cape Croker Resn. Full Wife is No. 1199

1247 Mathew Elliott 18 M son Cape Croker Resn. Full

1248 Hiram Elliott 16 M son Cape Croker Resn. Full

1249 Carson Elliott 14 M son Cape Croker Resn. Full

1250 James Elliott 12 M son Cape Croker Resn. Full

1251 Joseph Elliott 32 M head, son Mitigwab Bow Cape Croker Resn. Full

1252 Alfred Elliott 5 M son Cape Croker Resn. Full

1253 Jackson Elliott 3 M son Taia Halloo Cape Croker Resn. Full

1254 Martha Elliot 1/4 F dau. Cape Croker Resn. Full

1255 Henry Sims 60 M head Pinewinigwan Feathered spirit

g.f. Eshkiwi, f.

Kebeshkong Cape Croker Resn. Full

1256 Mrs. Sophia Thompson 26 F head, dau. Panabekwe Mermaid Cape Croker Resn. Full

1257 Infant Thompson 2 wks. F dau. Cape Croker Resn. Full

1258 Mary Sims 24 F dau. #1255 Cape Croker Resn. Full

1259 Adam Sims 7 M son #1255 Cape Croker Resn. Full

1260 John Sims 45 M head

g.f. Shawawaikwad;

f. Keginegwan Cape Croker Resn. Full

1261 Mrs. Rachael Seneca 18 F dau. Muncey, Ont. Full

1262 David Sims 42 M head, bro. #1260 Cape Croker Resn. Full

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No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

1263 Mary Sims 35 F wife, dau. #846 Mishwamkwad Red cloud Cape Croker Resn. Full

1264 James Sims 19 M son Cape Croker Resn. Full

1265 Peter Sims 30 M head, bro. #1260 Cape Croker Resn. Full

1266 Lavina Sims 8 F dau. Cape Croker Resn. Full

1267 Flossie Sims 6 F dau. Cape Croker Resn. Full

1268 Mrs. Angelique Sandy 65 F head f. Mitchell Cape Croker Resn. Full

1269 Hannah Sandy 18 F dau.

g.f. Oginotigo's

brother Cape Croker Resn. None

1270 Michael Sandy 31 M head, son Cape Croker Resn. None

1271 Elizabeth Sandy 26 M wife Sessaganokwe Hail-storm woman m.g.f. Awanakwad Christian Island, Ont. None

1272 Grace Sandy 9 F dau. Christian Island, Ont. None

1273 Louisa Sandy 5 F dau. Christian Island, Ont. None

1274 Edmund Sandy 3 M son Christian Island, Ont. None

1275 Mrs. Louise Odgjig 45 F head, sister #1090 Wikwemikong Resn. Full

1276 Madeline Odgjg 18 F dau. Nodinokwe Wind woman Wikwemikong Resn. None

1277 Jonas Odgjg 14 M son Wikwemikong Resn. None

1278 Dominick Odgjg 12 M son Wikwemikong Resn. None

1279 Rosalie Odgjg 10 F dau. Wikwemikong Resn. None

1280 Mrs. Marcelline Fox 22 F head, dau. Wikwemikong Resn. None

1281 Adeline Fox 6 F dau. Wikwemikong Resn. None

1282 John Fox 4 M son Wikwemikong Resn. None

1283 Oniesieme Fox 2 M son Wikwemikong Resn. None

1284 John B. Angus 53 M single Nibingahab Summer bird


Assaganashkema Cape Croker Resn. Full

1285 John Proulx 68 M head, bro. #1193 Wemigonebi Feather Manitoulin Island None

1286 Mrs. Therese Lamorandiere 45 F head, dau. Manitoulin Island None

1287 Mrs. Emma Rock 23 F dau. (#1286) Manitoulin Island None

1288 William Lamorandiere 21 M son Manitoulin Island None

1289 Charlotte Lamorandiere 19 F dau. Manitoulin Island None

1289.5 Elizabeth Lamorandiere 17 F dau. Manitoulin Island None

1290 James Lamorandiere 15 M son Manitoulin Island None

1291 Louis Lamorandiere 13 M son Manitoulin Island None

1292 Samuel Lamorandiere 11 M son Manitoulin Island None

1293 Mary Jane Lamorandiere 9 F dau. Manitoulin Island None

1294 Louis Proulx 43 M son #1285 Address unknown None

Last heard of 15 years ago

in Michigan

1295 Alexander Proulx 32 M son #1285 Killarney, Ont. None

1296 Napolean Proulx 30 M son #1285 Killarney, Ont. None

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No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

1297 Charles Proulx 52 M bro. #1285 Killarney, Ont. None No children

1298 Mrs. Mary Ann Grignon 48 F sist. #1285 St. Louis, Mo. None

1299 Mrs. Mary Bernard 50 F head, sist. #1285 Killarney, Ont. None

1300 Mary Bernard 18 F dau. Killarney, Ont. None

1301 Oliver Proulx 41 M head, son #1285 Killarney, Ont. None

1302 Charlotte Marcella Proulx 6 F dau. Killarney, Ont. None

1303 Arthur Proulx 4 M son Killarney, Ont. None

1304 Mary Proulx 2 F dau. Killarney, Ont. None

1305 John Proulx 1/2 M son Killarney, Ont. None

1306 Stella Proulx 11 F dau. Killarney, Ont. None

1307 Yoon Proulx 2 M son Killarney, Ont. None

1308 Bertha Proulx 3 F dau. Killarney, Ont. None

1309 Jane Proulx 36 F dau. #1285 Killarney, Ont. None

1310 Augustine Proulx 20 M

Illegit. child of

#1309 Killarney, Ont. None

1311 Alfred Proulx 18 M

Illegit. child of

#1310 Killarney, Ont. None

1312 Mina Proulx 16 F

Illegit. child of

#1311 Killarney, Ont. None

1313 John Proulx 14 M

Illegit. child of

#1312 Killarney, Ont. None

1314 Willie Proulx 5 M

Illegit. child of

#1313 Killarney, Ont. None

1315 Peter Wacowsia 65 M head Shawanopinesse South bird

g.f. Wakaosse; f.

Wegonigishig Sheshegwaning Resn. Part*

* Are British subjects, and

receive all rights except

1316 William Wacowsia 37 M head, son Wendassang Clashing thunder Sheshegwaning Resn. Part*

sharing in money arising

from sale of surrendered

1317 Gabriel Wacowsia 10 M son Gebeosse Straight walker Sheshegwaning Resn. Part*

part of Indian reservation

under a former treaty.

1318 Therese Wacowsia 8 F dau. Peghishishigokwe Spotted sky Sheshegwaning Resn. Part*

1319 Mrs. Sophia Endanawass 45 F head, sister #1315 Madjigishigokwe Dawn Sheshegwaning Resn. Part*

1320 Joseph Endanawass 17 M son Shawanakoang South thunder Sheshegwaning Resn. Part*

1321 Angelique Endanawass 3 F dau. Sagitehiossekwe Looking over hill Sheshegwaning Resn. Part*

1322 Annie Endanawass 1 F dau. Shabikoamokwe Yellow Sheshegwaning Resn. Part*

1323 Mrs. Philomon Sampson 68 F head, sister #1315 Maiaogishigokwe Half-sky woman Sheshegwaning Resn. Part*

1324 Mrs. Rosa Niganawina 50 F head, dau. (#1323) Akwemig Beaver woman Sheshegwaning Resn. Part*

1325 William Niganawina 20 M son Pedonikwad Coming cloud Sheshegwaning Resn. Part*

1326 Mrs. Susan Ashawanashi 48 F head, dau. #1323 Nigegishigokwe Over sky woman Sheshegwaning Resn. Part*

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No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

1327 Mrs. Maggie Obimawaoia 32 F head, dau. #1326 Shawanokwe South woman Sheshegwaning Resn. Part*

1328 Agnes Obimawaoia 15 F dau. Ashawashigokwe Blue sky woman Sheshegwaning Resn. Part*

1329 Sylvester Obimawaoia 10 M son Minoassige Bright sunshine Sheshegwaning Resn. Part*

1330 Joseph Obimawaoia 7 M son Kakahishe Raven Sheshegwaning Resn. Part*

1331 Joseph Sampson 41 M head, son #1323 Minoassige Bright sunshine Sheshegwaning Resn. Part*

1332 Mrs. Alice Kebeosse 44 F head, dau. #1323 Sheshegwaning Resn. Part*

1333 Noel Kebeosse 18 M son Sheshegwaning Resn. Part*

1334 Dan Kebeosse 13 M son Sheshegwaning Resn. Part*

1335 Mrs. Esther Neos 46 F head, dau. #1323 Kagigigishigokwe Always day woman Sheshegwaning Resn. Part*

1336 William Neos 25 M son Ossawabekoam Yellow thunder Sheshegwaning Resn. Part*

1337 Joseph Neos 21 M son Nawakweiassige Moon sun Sheshegwaning Resn. Part*

1338 Edward Neos 14 M son Sheshegwaning Resn. Part*

1339 John Neos 12 M son Sheshegwaning Resn. Part*

1340 Alexander Neos 10 M son Sheshegwaning Resn. Part*

1341 Albert Neos 4 M son Sheshegwaning Resn. Part*

1342 Mrs. Angeline Wabigoni 66 F head, sist. #1323 Kagigebikwe Forever sitting Sheshegwaning Resn. Part*

1343 Andrew Wabigoni 32 M son Sheshegwaning Resn. Part*

1344 Robert Wabigoni 30 M head, son Sheshegwaning Resn. Part*

1345 Mary Elizabeth Wabigoni 32 F wife, dau. #1366 Sheshegwaning Resn. Part* No children

1346 Anna Wabigoni 25 F dau. #1342 Shawanobinessikwe South hawk Sheshegwaning Resn. Part*

1347 Mary Wabigoni 15 F dau. #1342 Sheshegwaning Resn. Part*

1348 Mrs. Magdaline Cado 52 F head, sist. #1323 Nawatchigishigokwe Side sky woman Sheshegwaning Resn. Part*

1349 Paul Cado 32 M head, son (#1348) Idowegish?? Meeting days Sheshegwaning Resn. Part*

1350 Paul Cado, Jr. 5 M son Sheshegwaning Resn. Part*

1351 Maggie Cado 3 F dau. Sheshegwaning Resn. Part*

1352 Edward Cado 1/3 M son Sheshegwaning Resn. Part*

1353 Mrs. Mary Ann Simon 30 F head, dau. #1348 Sheshegwaning Resn. Part*

1354 Ellen Simon 6 F dau. Sheshegwaning Resn. Part*

1355 Andrew Simom 3 M son Sheshegwaning Resn. Part*

1356 Moses Cado 6 M grandson #1348 Sheshegwaning Resn. Part*

1357 Mrs. Eliza Simpson 47 F head, sist. #1315 Sheshegwaning Resn. Part*

1358 Joe Simpson 12 M son Sheshegwaning Resn. Part*

1359 Catherine Simpson 3 F dau. Sheshegwaning Resn. Part*

1360 Mrs. Susan Essiban 35 F head, dau. #1315 Sheshegwaning Resn. Part*

1361 Veronica Essiban 7 F dau. Sheshegwaning Resn. Part*

1362 Sophia Essiban 5 F dau. Sheshegwaning Resn. Part*

1363 James Essiban 3 M son Sheshegwaning Resn. Part*

1364 Mrs. Mary Shabidis 28 F head, dau. #1315 Sheshegwaning Resn. Part*

1365 Ernest Shabidis 8 M son Sheshegwaning Resn. Part*

1366 Mrs. Lizette Jacob 60 F head, sister #415 Awanokwe Foggy woman Manitowaning, Ont. Full

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No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

1367 Bazil Jacob 35 M son, single Sikate Sunshine Manitowaning, Ont. Full

1368 Bernard Jacob 45 M head, son Wassaiasiige Sunshine Manitowaning, Ont. Full

1369 Agnes Jacob 11 F dau. Manitowaning, Ont. Full

1370 Rosie Jacob 8 F dau. Manitowaning, Ont. Full

1371 Sophie Jacob 6 F dau. Manitowaning, Ont. Full

1372 Johnnie Jacob 4 F dau. Manitowaning, Ont. Full

1373 Mrs. Catherine Park 38 F head, dau. #1366 Kabegishigokwe All day woman

West Bay, Manitoulin Is.,

Ont. Full

1374 Tillie Park 18 F dau. Pinessotinokwe Bird woman

West Bay, Manitoulin Is.,

Ont. Full

1375 Louie Park 16 M son Mizhiminahwad Clearing cloud

West Bay, Manitoulin Is.,

Ont. Full

1376 Annie Park 14 F dau. Zhibagiding

West Bay, Manitoulin Is.,

Ont. Full

1377 Lizzie Park 12 F dau.

West Bay, Manitoulin Is.,

Ont. Full

1378 Sarah Jacob 28 F dau. #1366 Mashkikwe Medicine woman Manitowaning, Ont. Full

1379 Martha Jacob 22 F dau. #1366 Kiweiassigokwe Home-wind woman Manitowaning, Ont. Full

1380 Mary Ann Jacob 18 F dau. #1366 Wabishkigishige?? White sky woman Manitowaning, Ont. Full

1381 Mrs. Veronica McGregor 40 F

head, cousin

#1366 Birch Island, Ont. Full

1382 Tillie McGregor 15 F dau. Sagitehiweosseke Coming from mountain Birch Island, Ont. Full

1383 Augustus McGregor 14 M son Birch Island, Ont. Full

1384 William McGregor 12 M son Birch Island, Ont. Full

1385 David McGregor 10 M son Birch Island, Ont. Full

1386 Eli McGregor 4 M son Birch Island, Ont. Full

1387 Susan McGregor 3 F dau. Birch Island, Ont. Full

1388 Mrs. Katheline Shabidis 22 F head, sister #1381 Birch Island, Ont. Full

1389 Alexander Shabidis 1/2 M son Birch Island, Ont. Full

1390 Sarah Jacob 41 F

dau. #1366 no

children Oshkikwe Young woman Sheshegwaning Resn. Part

1391 Percy Jacob 39 M son #1366 Sikate Sunshine Sheshegwaning Resn. Part


Mrs. Mary Madeline

Tebassige 37 F dau. #1366

West Bay, Manitoulin Is.,

Ont. Full

1393 Mary Ann Tebassige 10 F dau.

West Bay, Manitoulin Is.,

Ont. Full

1394 Jennie Tebassige 8 F dau. Wasseia Eight days

West Bay, Manitoulin Is.,

Ont. Full

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No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

1395 Esther Tebassige 6 F dau. Giwegabawikwe Homeward standing woman

West Bay, Manitoulin Is.,

Ont. Full

1396 Lily Tebassige 4 F dau. Mashkigokwe Swamp woman

West Bay, Manitoulin Is.,

Ont. Full

1397 Susie Tebassige 2 F dau.

West Bay, Manitoulin Is.,

Ont. Full

1398 William Wacowsia 37 M head, son #1315 Wendassang Clashing thunder Sheshegwaning Resn. Part

1399 Gabriel Wacowsia 10 M son Gebeosse Straight walker Sheshegwaning Resn. Part

1400 Therese Wacowsia 8 F dau. Pezhigishigokwe Spotted sky Sheshegwaning Resn. Part


Mrs. Catherine

Pahwakodado 43 F head, dau. #1366

West Bay, Manitoulin Is.,

Ont. Full

1402 Louie Pahwakodado 15 M son

West Bay, Manitoulin Is.,

Ont. Full

1403 Ann Pahwakodado 13 F dau.

West Bay, Manitoulin Is.,

Ont. Full

1404 Elizabeth Pahwakodado 9 F dau.

West Bay, Manitoulin Is.,

Ont. Full

1405 Mrs. Therese Tebassige 20 F

head, dau. no


West Bay, Manitoulin Is.,

Ont. Full

1406 Mary Meski 10 F niece #1401 Tanda Manitowaning, Ont. Full

1407 Elizabeth Pitawanukwat 77 F head Wemikomikwe Ice woman



p.g.f. Wakogonebi Wikwemikong Resn. None

1408 Moses Ashkimo 60 M

head nephew

#1407 Manitoulin Is., Ont. Full

1409 Stephen Ashkimo 35 M son Manitoulin Is., Ont. Full


Mrs. Mary Jane

Meniskotawa 32 F head, dau. Manitoulin Is., Ont. Full

1411 Joe Meniskotawa 10 M son Manitoulin Is., Ont. Full

1412 Lizzie Meniskotawa 8 F dau. Manitoulin Is., Ont. Full

1413 Mrs. Mary Assance 70 F head, niece #1407

Christian Island Resn.,

Ont. Full

1414 Alexander Assance 35 M son

Christian Island Resn.,

Ont. Full

1415 William Assance 33 M son

Christian Island Resn.,

Ont. Full

1416 Wrison Assance 29 M son

Christian Island Resn.,

Ont. Full

1417 Benson Moses Assance 24 M son

Christian Island Resn.,

Ont. Full

Page 55: 1907 Wooster Roll of Wisconsin Potawatomi



No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

1418 Louis Pituwanukwat 57 M head, son #1407 Wikwemikong Resn. None

1419 Mrs. Philomon McKenzie 26 F dau., head Wikwemikong Resn. Full

1420 Mary Jane McKenzie 2 m. F dau. Wikwemikong Resn. Full

1421 Sam Pituwanukwat 22 M son #1418 Wikwemikong Resn. None

1422 Edward Pituwanukwat 20 M son #1418 Wikwemikong Resn. None

1423 Mathew Pituwanukwat 8 M son #1418 Wikwemikong Resn. None

1424 Rosa Pituwanukwat 6 F dau. #1418 Wikwemikong Resn. None

1425 Paul Pituwanukwat 3 M son #1418 Wikwemikong Resn. None

1426 Ignatius Pituwanukwat 53 M head, son #1407 Shagonebi Wikwemikonging, Ont. None

1427 Joe Pituwanukwat 21 M son Saganakwad Rising cloud Wikwemikonging, Ont. None

1428 George Pituwanukwat 19 M son Pagamikwaam Coming thunder storm Wikwemikonging, Ont. None

1429 Bazil Pituwanukwat 16 M son Pagonegishig Hole in the day Wikwemikonging, Ont. None

1430 Jonas Pituwanukwat 14 M son Wikwemikonging, Ont. None

1431 Moses Pituwanukwat 12 M son Wikwemikonging, Ont. None

1432 Philip Pituwanukwat 10 M son Wikwemikonging, Ont. None

1433 Peter Pituwanukwat 8 M son Wikwemikonging, Ont. None

1434 Albert Pituwanukwat 3 M son Wikwemikonging, Ont. None

1435 John Ashkima 50 M

head, nephew

#1407 Sahbandins Sensible man

Sucker Crrek Ind. Resn.,

Ont. Full

1436 Alice Ashkima 17 F dau. Neogishigokwe Fourth sky woman

Sucker Crrek Ind. Resn.,

Ont. Full

1437 Mrs. Christine Trudeau 45 F head, dau. #1407 Manitoulin Island, Ont. Full

1438 Angus Trudeau 24 M son Inikins Little finger Manitoulin Island, Ont. Full

1439 Andrew Trudeau 18 M son Tchogedwe Manitoulin Island, Ont. Full

1440 Lucy Trudeau 16 F dau. Babama Gadder Manitoulin Island, Ont. Full

1441 Albert Trudeau 5 M son Manitoulin Island, Ont. Full

1442 Alec Trudeau 3 M son Manitoulin Island, Ont. Full

1443 Agnes Trudeau 22 F dau. Madjianokwe Beginning wind woman Manitoulin Island, Ont. Full

1444 Mrs. Catherine Asscy 30 F head, dau. Weshiba Manitoulin Island, Ont. Full

1445 John Asscy 8 M son Pedonikwad Coming cloud Manitoulin Island, Ont. Full

1446 Joe Asscy 6 M son Wabanga Manitoulin Island, Ont. Full

1447 Fred Asscy 4 M son Manitoulin Island, Ont. Full

1448 Celia Asscy 3 F dau. Manitoulin Island, Ont. Full

1449 Louise Asscy 1/4 F dau. Manitoulin Island, Ont. Full

1450 Stephen Pituwanukwat 55 M head, son #1407 Wikwemikonging, Ont. None

1451 Joe Pituwanukwat 18 M son Wikwemikonging, Ont. None

1452 Amelia Pituwanukwat 4 F dau. Wikwemikonging, Ont. None

1453 Mrs. Mary Ann Tebassige 49 F head, dau. #1407 Omamikwe Sioux woman Wikwemikonging, Ont. Full

1454 Joseph Tebassige 32 M head, son Oga Pickerel

West Bay, Manitoulin Is.,

Ont. Full

Page 56: 1907 Wooster Roll of Wisconsin Potawatomi



No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks


Mrs. Mary Tebassige (nee

Tobi) 25 F wife, dau. #1129

West Bay, Manitoulin Is.,

Ont. Full

1456 Lazar Tebassige 7 M son

West Bay, Manitoulin Is.,

Ont. Full

1457 Philomine Tebassige 5 F dau.

West Bay, Manitoulin Is.,

Ont. Full

1458 Therese Tebassige 4 F dau.

West Bay, Manitoulin Is.,

Ont. Full

1459 Claire Tebassige 1 F dau.

West Bay, Manitoulin Is.,

Ont. Full

1460 Eli Tebassige 35 M head, son #1453

West Bay, Manitoulin Is.,

Ont. Full

1461 Annie Tebassige 3 F dau. (#1460)

West Bay, Manitoulin Is.,

Ont. Full

1462 Martha Tebassige 9 F dau. #1453 Wikwemikonging, Ont. Full

1463 Mrs. Mary Mandamin 19 F head, dau. #1453 Wabigonikwe Flower woman Wikwemikonging, Ont. Full

1464 Sarah Mandamin 1 F dau. Wikwemikonging, Ont. Full

1465 Mrs. Harriet Necriss 30 F head, dau. #1453

West Bay, Manitoulin Is.,

Ont. Full

1466 Ignatius Necriss 8 M son

West Bay, Manitoulin Is.,

Ont. Full

1467 Joe Necriss 6 M son

West Bay, Manitoulin Is.,

Ont. Full

1468 Mary Jane Necriss 1/2 F dau.

West Bay, Manitoulin Is.,

Ont. Full

1469 Mrs. Mary Megoss 18 F

head, dau. #1426,

twins Ossawassigekwe Yellow shining woman Wikwemikonging, Ont. Full No children

1470 Mrs. Madeline Megoss 18 F

head, dau. #1426,

twins Peshandegishigokwe Striped sky woman Wikwemikonging, Ont. Full

1471 William Megoss 7 M son Wikwemikonging, Ont. Full

1472 Wilson Ashkimo 58 M head, bro. #1408 Shegwakosshing Knife striker Whitefish River, Ont. Full No children

1473 Mrs. Martha Gaikesheonga 40 F head, niece #1472

Sucker Crrek Ind. Resn.,

Ont. Full

1474 Isaac Gaikesheonga 3 M son Wassegishig Bright sky

Sucker Crrek Ind. Resn.,

Ont. Full

1475 Mrs. Sophia Toulouse 48 F head, sister #1472 Nibanokwe Night traveller Spanish River Resn., Ont. Full No children

1476 Joseph Ashkimo 48 M head, bro. #1472 Pagonegishig Hole in the sky Port Arthur, Ont. Full

1477 Edward Samuel Ashkimo 24 M son Port Arthur, Ont. Full

1478 George Ashkimo 56 M head, bro. #1473 Whitefish River, Ont. Full

Page 57: 1907 Wooster Roll of Wisconsin Potawatomi



No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

1479 Eli Ashkimo 26 M head, son Whitefish River, Ont. Full

1480 Maggie Ashkimo 6 F dau. #1479 Whitefish River, Ont. Full

1481 Wilson Ashkimo 1 M son #1479 Whitefish River, Ont. Full

1482 Simeon Ashkimo 20 M son #1478 Whitefish River, Ont. Full

1483 Abram Ashkimo 24 M son #1478 Whitefish River, Ont. Full

1484 Joseph Ashkimo 18 M son #1478 Kakek Sparrow hawk Whitefish River, Ont. Full

1485 Wellington Ashkimo 7 M son #1478 Whitefish River, Ont. Full

1486 Jonah Ashkimo 5 M son #1478 Whitefish River, Ont. Full

1487 David Ashkimo 3 M son #1478 Whitefish River, Ont. Full

1488 Agnes Ashkimo 1 F dau. #1478 Whitefish River, Ont. Full

1489 Mrs. Mary Bidassige 27 F head, dau. #1407 Whitefish River, Ont. Full

1490 Agatha Bidassige 12 F dau. Whitefish River, Ont. Full

1491 Joseph Bidassige 8 M son Whitefish River, Ont. Full

1492 Louise Bidassige 4 F dau. Whitefish River, Ont. Full

1493 Simeon Pituwanakwat 11 M nephew #1407 Wikwemikong Resn. None

1494 Mrs. Mary Ann Minakang 17 F head, niece #1407 Wikwemikong Resn. Full No children

1495 Charles Tebutch 10 M bro. #1494 Wikwemikong Resn. Full

1496 Catherine Tebutch 7 F sister #1494 Wikwemikong Resn. Full

1497 Dominick Bizion 19 M nephew #1407 Thessalon, Ont. Full

1498 Louie Bizion 17 M bro. #1497 Thessalon, Ont. Full

1499 Alice Trudeau 7 F 1/2 sister #1497 Wikwemikong Resn. Full

1500 Philemon Bonde 16 M nephew #1473 Wikwemikong Resn. Full

1501 Eliza Bonde 14 F sister #1500 Wikwemikong Resn. Full

1502 Joseph Bonde 18 M bro. #1500 Wikwemikong Resn. Full

1503 Amable Wemigwans 70 M head Awishtoia Blacksmith



f. Wemigwans South Bay resn. None

1504 Mrs. Sophie Shawanday 40 F head, dau. Shawanopinessikwe South bird South Bay resn. Full

1505 Ellen Shawanday 20 F dau. Kabegishigokwe All day woman South Bay resn. Full

1506 Mrs. Madeline Shawanday 37 F head, dau. #1503 Waiekwagishigokwe End sky woman South Bay resn. Full No children

1507 Mrs. Mary Kebeshkam 35 F head, dau. #1503 Gishigokwe Sky woman South Bay resn. Full

1508 Daniel Wemigwans 27 M head, son #1503 Wemigwans Feather South Bay resn. None

1509 Julia Wemigwans 19 F wife Wabigonikwe Flower woman m.g.f. Shako South Bay resn. None

1510 Alexander Wemigwans 1 M son South Bay resn. None

1511 Catherine Wemigwans 20 F dau. #1503 Wassidjiwanokwe Spring rapids woman South Bay resn. None

1512 Felix Wemigwans 1 1/2 M illegit. son #1511 Manitogwiwis Supernatural being South Bay resn. None

1513 Moses Wemigwans 50 M head, bro. #1503 Shawan South South Bay resn. None No children

1514 Thomas Wemigwans 48 M head, bro. #1503 Wabis Swan South Bay resn. None

1515 Jocum Wemigwans 30 M head, son #1514 South Bay resn. None

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No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

1516 Therese Wemigwans 6 F dau. South Bay resn. None

1517 Victoria Wemigwans 4 F dau. South Bay resn. None

1518 Mary Wemigwans 1/4 F dau. South Bay resn. None

1519 Stephen Wemigwans 28 M head, son #1514 Makemishikekek Black hawk Wikwemikong Ont. None

1520 Joe Demah Wemigwans 7 M son Wikwemikong Ont. None

1521 Mary Wemigwans 5 F dau. Wikwemikong Ont. None

1522 Mrs. Rosie Shibinishima 18 F head, dau. #1514 Wabanokwe East woman Wikwemikong Ont. Full No children

1523 Peter Wemigwans 16 M son #1514 South Bay resn. None

1524 John Wemigwans 14 M son #1514 South Bay resn. None

1525 Paul Wemigwans 12 M son #1514 South Bay resn. None

1526 Mary Louise Wemigwans 10 F dau. #1514 South Bay resn. None

1527 Frank Wemigwans 22 M son #1514 Kagigeb Ever sitting South Bay resn. None

1528 Mrs. Therese Shabodis 73 F head, sister #1503 Ossawananikwe Yellow feathered woman South Bay resn. None

1529 Mrs. Mary Madeline Akogis 30 F head, granddau. Pakabigishigokwe Striped sky woman South Bay resn. None

1530 Johnnie Akogis 10 M son South Bay resn. None

1531 William Akogis 8 M son South Bay resn. None

1532 Augustine Akogis 6 M son South Bay resn. None

1533 Justine Akogis 4 M son South Bay resn. None

1534 Paul Akogis 1 M son South Bay resn. None

1535 John Shabodis 26 M

head, grandson

#1528 Wikwemikong Ont. Full


Mary Shabodis (nee

Niganigishig) 26 F wife g.f. Wakaosse Wikwemikong Ont. Full

1537 Eli Shabodis 10 M son Wikwemikong Ont. Full

1538 Paul Shabodis 28 M

head, grandson

#1528 Wikwemikong Ont. Full


Bertha Shabodis (nee

Shako) 28 F wife, cousin #1509 g.f. Shako Wikwemikong Ont. Full

1540 Julius Shabodis 5 M son Wikwemikong Ont. Full

1541 John Shabodis 3 M son Wikwemikong Ont. Full

1542 Peter Shabodis 40 M

head, cousin

#1503 Nibineiauakwad Summer cloud Wikwemikonging, Ont. Full

1543 Delphine Victoria Shabodis 4 F dau. Wikwemikonging, Ont. Full

1544 Anna Shabodis 1 F dau. Wikwemikonging, Ont. Full

1545 John Shabodis 35 M head, bro.#1542 Nibineiauakwad Summer cloud Wikwemikonging, Ont. Full No children

1546 Mrs. Susie Cooper 39 F

head, illegit. dau.

#1503 Wabanokwe East woman Manitowaning, Ont. Full Wife of John Cooper

1547 Ignatius Cooper 22 M son Manitowaning, Ont. Full

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No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

1548 John Cooper 8 M son Ossawanibi Yellow thunder Manitowaning, Ont. Full

1549 John Tobie 88 M head Tebassang Lightning

f. Chief

Assagauashkam Honey Harbor, Ont. None Chief

1550 Susanne Tobie 93 F wife Nadjiwanokwe Rapids f. Chief Ogimawadj Honey Harbor, Ont. None

1551 John Tobie Jr. 58 M head, son Aiazhiwanahwad Rolling clouds Honey Harbor, Ont. None

1552 Philemon Tobie 25 F dau. Nessiwadinokwe Thunder woman Honey Harbor, Ont. None

1553 Mary Tobie 23 F dau. Shibagishugokwe Going thro' sky woman Honey Harbor, Ont. None

1554 Cecil Tobie 3 M illegit. child #1553 Ossawabikoang Yellow thunder Honey Harbor, Ont. None

1555 Tommie Tobie 20 M son Abitagishig Middle of day Honey Harbor, Ont. None

1556 Annie Tobie 18 F dau. Manominikwe Menominee woman Honey Harbor, Ont. None

1557 Charles Tobie 12 M son Neningigoneiash Quill Honey Harbor, Ont. None

1558 Jimmie Tobie 10 M son Nibinanakwad Summer cloud Honey Harbor, Ont. None

1559 Grace Tobie 8 F dau. Wezhibikwe Rock woman Honey Harbor, Ont. None

1560 Nancy Tobie 2 F dau. Honey Harbor, Ont. None

1561 Mrs. Annie Cousineau 51 F head, dau. #1549 Wemitigoshikwe French woman Honey Harbor, Ont. None

1562 Peter Cousineau 25 M son Assagauashain Bamboo pole Honey Harbor, Ont. None

1563 Joseph Cousineau 21 M son Wemigwans Feather Honey Harbor, Ont. None

1564 Johnnie Cousineau 19 M son Gabonike Snow Honey Harbor, Ont. None

1565 Mrs. Maggie Dibeau 15 F head, dau. Ozhendib Bony head Honey Harbor, Ont. None

1566 Mary Ann Dibeau 1 F dau. Honey Harbor, Ont. None

1567 Jonas Cousineau 13 M son (#1561) Wendassige Meeting lightning Honey Harbor, Ont. None

1568 William Cousineau 11 M son (#1561) Nessoabeiois Three thunder heads Honey Harbor, Ont. None

1569 Lily Cousineau 9 F dau. (#1561) Wassidjima Far running river Honey Harbor, Ont. None

1570 Andrew Cousineau 7 M son (#1561) Pegoneiassige Shining through clouds Honey Harbor, Ont. None

1571 Peter Tobi 46 M head, son #1549 Nenamatabi Sitting down Honey Harbor, Ont. None

1572 Susette Tobi 11 F dau. Shibadjwanokwe Going thro' rapids Honey Harbor, Ont. None

1573 Lucy Tobi 9 F dau. Wezhiokwe Well dressed woman Honey Harbor, Ont. None

1574 Arthur Tobi 7 M son Meskwaking Red dressed Honey Harbor, Ont. None

1575 Fred Tobi 5 M son Kokoow Owl Honey Harbor, Ont. None

1576 Kate Tobi 2 F dau. Honey Harbor, Ont. None

1577 Willie Tobi 23 M

head, nephew

#1571 Pagwatchinini Savage person Honey Harbor, Ont. None

1578 Chenia Tobi 2 F dau. Honey Harbor, Ont. None

1579 David Tobi Jr. 21 M brother #1577 Animikins Little thunder Honey Harbor, Ont. None

1580 Jimmie Tobi 19 M brother #1577 Sagassige Sun shining thro' Honey Harbor, Ont. None

1581 Sarah Tobi 14 F sister #1577 Zhawashwabinokwe Beautiful dawn woman Honey Harbor, Ont. None

1582 Theophile Tobi 11 M brother #1577 Tabassang Lightning Wikwemikong Ont. None Attending Jesuit School

1583 Mary Tobie 9 F sister #1577 Wikwemikong Ont. None Attending Jesuit School

1584 Nora Tobi 7 F sister #1577 Wikwemikong Ont. None Attending Jesuit School

1585 Ida Tobi 5 F sister #1577 Wikwemikong Ont. None Attending Jesuit School

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No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

1586 Theophile Otter 35 M

head, son #1129

by first husband Nizhikewinini Lone mane Honey Harbor, Ont. None

1587 Annie Otter 9 F dau. Tchingodjianokwe Trembling thunder Honey Harbor, Ont. None

1588 Angel Otter 7 F dau. Shabogishigokwe Faintly shining sun Honey Harbor, Ont. None

1589 Alice Otter 5 F dau. Wabanogishigokwe Morning sky woman Honey Harbor, Ont. None

1590 Frances Otter 4 F dau. Wabanang Morning star Honey Harbor, Ont. None

1591 Mary Otter 3 F dau. Honey Harbor, Ont. None

1592 Minie Otter 2 F dau. Honey Harbor, Ont. None


Mrs. Susan Vasseur (or

Corbeau) 37 F head, sister #1586 Nawakwedauokwe Midday sun woman Honey Harbor, Ont. None

1594 Maggie Vasseur 14 F dau. Sagitchiweossikwe Morning sun rays Honey Harbor, Ont. None

1595 Susanne Vasseur 12 F dau. Saganakwadokwe Rising cloud Honey Harbor, Ont. None

1596 Therese Vasseur 10 F dau. Shawanokwe South woman Honey Harbor, Ont. None

1597 George Vasseur 8 M son Tabassagishikweaam Low thunder Honey Harbor, Ont. None

1598 David Vasseur 3 M son Honey Harbor, Ont. None

1599 Joe Vasseur 1 M son Honey Harbor, Ont. None

1600 William King 60 M head Nawadegishig Center heart sky g.f Chief Ogimawadj Parry Island Ind. Resn. None

1601 David W. King 33 M head, son Kagigeiadjiwan Ever running rapids

m.g.g.m. Giweiabau,

was a sister of

#1549 Parry Island Ind. Resn. None

1602 Julia King 25 F wife Ogimabinessikwe Chief bird woman Parry Island Ind. Resn. None

1603 James Bird Kind 9 M son Wemigwaus Feather Parry Island Ind. Resn. None

1604 Adeline Florence King 6 F dau. Pitwewitamokwe Coming shouting woman Parry Island Ind. Resn. None

1605 Sylvester King 1 1/2 M son Parry Sound, Ont. None

1606 Adam King 34 M head, son #1600 Shawauckoang South thunder Parry Sound, Ont. None

1607 Mabel King 11 F dau. Parry Sound, Ont. None

1608 Sophia King 10 F dau. Parry Sound, Ont. None

1609 Levina King 8 F dau. Parry Sound, Ont. None

1610 Rose King 7 F dau. Parry Sound, Ont. None

1610.5 Lilly King 5 F dau. Parry Sound, Ont. None

1611 Harry Wesley King 3 M son Parry Sound, Ont. None

1612 Anna King 1 F dau. Parry Sound, Ont. None

1613 William King Jr. 14 M son #1600 Pebeshagotegishig Striped sky Parry Sound, Ont. None


Mrs. Elizabeth

Ashewahsiga 16 F head, dau. #1600 Mizhakotokwe Clear sky woman Parry Sound, Ont. Full No children

1615 Maria King 12 F dau. #1600 Menodjionokwe Good running rapids Parry Sound, Ont. None

1616 Maggie King 10 F dau. #1600 Wassegishigokwe Light sky woman Parry Sound, Ont. None

1617 Jonas King 69 M head, bro. #1600 Kebamosay Ground walker Parry Sound, Ont. None

1618 John J. King 33 M son Parry Sound, Ont. None

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No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

1619 Albert King 31 M son Parry Sound, Ont. None

1620 Daniel King 22 M son Parry Sound, Ont. None

1621 Galna King 20 M son Parry Sound, Ont. None

1622 Alexander King 14 M son Parry Sound, Ont. None

1623 Sarah Jane King 7 F dau. Parry Sound, Ont. None

1624 Mrs. Eliza Menominee 58 F head, sist. #1617 Pahgahkahmokwe Coming woman Parry Sound, Ont. None

1625 Philip Menominee 24 M son Parry Sound, Ont. None

1626 Edward Menominee 20 M son Parry Sound, Ont. None

1627 Isaac Menominee 10 M son Parry Sound, Ont. None

1628 Mrs. Susan Megis 28 F head, dau. #1624 Pashkweban Bald Parry Sound, Ont. None No children

1629 Mrs. Anna Pawis 40 F head, sist. #1617 Wassainokwe Lightning Shawanaga Ind. Resn. Full

1630 Charles Pawis 22 M son Shawanaga Ind. Resn. Full

1631 David Pawis 20 M son Shawanaga Ind. Resn. Full

1632 Maggie Pawis 18 F dau. Shawanaga Ind. Resn. Full

1633 Anna Pawis 16 F dau. Shawanaga Ind. Resn. Full

1634 Elijah Pawis 19 M son Shawanaga Ind. Resn. Full

1635 Alice Pawis 8 F dau. Shawanaga Ind. Resn. Full

1636 Richard King 45 M head, bro. #1617 Tabassang Lightning all over Parry Sound, Ont. None

1637 Mrs. Mary Tabobedung 22 F head, dau. #1636 Parry Island Ind. Resn. Full

1638 Dan Tabobedung 3 M son Parry Island Ind. Resn. Full

1639 Levi King 19 M son #1636 Parry Island Ind. Resn. None

1640 Eliza Jane King 17 F dau. #1636 Parry Island Ind. Resn. None

1641 Solomon King 15 M son #1636 Parry Island Ind. Resn. None

1642 Louie King 10 M son #1636 Parry Island Ind. Resn. None

1643 Moses King 8 M son #1636 Parry Island Ind. Resn. None

1644 Walter King 6 M son #1636 Parry Island Ind. Resn. None

1645 John King 4 M son #1636 Parry Island Ind. Resn. None

1645.5 _____ King 2 F dau. #1636 Parry Island Ind. Resn. None

1646 Robert King 42 M

head, brother

#1617 Shedonikwad Against the cloud Parry Island Ind. Resn. None No children

1647 William King 80 M head, uncle #1600 Neshwesion Red napkin f. Chief Ogimawadj Parry Island Ind. Resn. None

1648 Mrs. Sarah Hawk 60 F head, dau. Sayahnekweb Long hair woman Parry Island Ind. Resn. Full No children

1649 Mrs. Catherine Lafrinier 53 F head, dau. Nodonokwe Wind woman Parry Island Ind. Resn. None


Mrs. Mary Ann

Wassagawon 36 F head, dau. #1649 Wesseiaban Coming daylight Parry Island Ind. Resn. Full No children

1651 Mrs. Josephine Trimble 32 F head, dau. #1649 Miskwan Red morning Parry Island Ind. Resn. None

1652 Maggie Trimble 15 F dau. Parry Island Ind. Resn. None

1653 Martha Trimble 9 F dau. Parry Island Ind. Resn. None

1654 Rachel Trimble 5 F dau. Parry Island Ind. Resn. None

1655 Josie Trimble 3 F dau. Parry Island Ind. Resn. None

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No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

1656 Joe Lafrinier 30 M son #1649 Meshwanakwad Red cloud Parry Island Ind. Resn. None

1657 Napoleon Lafrinier 28 M son #1649 Couiskwassige Red day Parry Island Ind. Resn. None

1658 Mrs. Mary Maronguier 20 F head, dau. Kwekekwan Returning water Parry Island Ind. Resn. None

1659 James Nadjiwan 2 M son (by first Parry Island Ind. Resn. None

1660 Minnie Lafrinier 15 F dau. # 1649 Parry Island Ind. Resn. None

1661 Victoria Lafrinier 13 F dau. # 1649 Parry Island Ind. Resn. None

1662 Mrs. Mary Lafrinier 40 F head, dau. #1647 Neganonkwadokwe Ahead of clouds Parry Island Ind. Resn. None

1663 Philemon Lafrinier 10 F dau. Penetanguishene, Ont. None

1664 Napoleon Lafrinier 8 M son Penetanguishene, Ont. None

1665 Charles Lafrinier 6 M son Parry Island Ind. Resn. None

1666 Thomas King 41 M head, son #1647 Wassegewan Swift rapids Parry Sound, Ont. None

1667 Esau King 18 M son Ossewagishig Next day Parry Sound, Ont. None

1668 Eva King 16 F dau. Shimigong Parry Sound, Ont. None

1669 William King 12 M son Nischinabe Indian Parry Sound, Ont. None

1670 Henry King 10 M son Noawkwe Noon Parry Sound, Ont. None

1671 Ellen King 8 F dau. Aojoshe Cross roads Parry Sound, Ont. None

1672 Mrs. Mary Ann Judge 39 F head, dau. #1647 Wessegishigokwe Second sky woman Parry Sound, Ont. Full

1673 Peter Judge 20 M son Parry Sound, Ont. Full

1674 Adam Judge 18 M son Parry Sound, Ont. Full

1675 Sarah Judge 16 F dau. Parry Sound, Ont. Full

1676 Paul Judge 14 M son Parry Sound, Ont. Full

1677 Frank Judge 12 M son Parry Sound, Ont. Full

1678 Susie Judge 1/2 F dau. Parry Sound, Ont. Full

1679 Louis King 70 M head, bro. #1647 Naganabe Goes foremost Parry Sound, Ont. None

1680 Mary Jane King 65 F wife Ogiwisseiabanokwe Coming day Sister of Abi (# ) Parry Sound, Ont. None

1681 David L. King 50 M head, son Kagigeianakwad Everlasting cloud Parry Sound, Ont. None

1681.5 Matthew King 16 M son Parry Sound, Ont. None

1682 Adam King 24 M son Wassadjiwan Light rapids Parry Sound, Ont. None

1683 Emerick King 22 M head, son Makons Little bear Parry Sound, Ont. None

1684 Mrs. Maggie Monague 20 F head, dau. #1681 Shawanogishigokwe South sky woman Parry Sound, Ont. Full

1685 Rufus Monague 5 M son Parry Sound, Ont. Full

1686 Beatrice King 2 F dau. #1683 Mizhokwe Clear sky woman Parry Sound, Ont. None

1687 Russell King 1/2 M son #1683 Parry Sound, Ont. None

1688 James L. King 45 M son #1679 Niganash Leader

Christian Island Resn.,

Ont. None

1689 John L. King 35 M son #1679 Abitanakwad Ever cloudy

Christian Island Resn.,

Ont. None

1690 Mrs. Mary Jane Monague 40 F head, dau. #1679 Nakassinokwe Gentle breeze woman

Christian Island Resn.,

Ont. Full

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No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

1691 Augustus Monague 16 M son Pezhigobe Small sea gull

Christian Island Resn.,

Ont. Full

1692 Susanne Monague 7 F dau. Mangabinokwe Western woman

Christian Island Resn.,

Ont. Full

1693 Annie Monague 14 F dau. Wabiskinessikwe White bird

Christian Island Resn.,

Ont. Full

1694 Gertie Louise Monague 5 F dau. Wasseiaban Light dawn

Christian Island Resn.,

Ont. Full

1695 Douglass Monague 3 M son Kagigeianakwad Everlasting cloud

Christian Island Resn.,

Ont. Full

1696 Daniel Monague 1/4 M son Makogad Bare legs

Christian Island Resn.,

Ont. Full

1697 Mrs. Julia Pamahsega 28 F head, dau. #1679 Mizhakodokwe Blue sky Parry Sound, Ont. None

1698 Isabel Pamahsega 12 F dau. Ogwisseiaban Dawn Parry Sound, Ont. None

1699 Hanna Pamahsega 10 F dau. Kekotchish Ground hog Parry Sound, Ont. None

1700 John King 68 M head, bro. #1679 Shimaganish Soldier Moose Point, Ont. None

1701 Mrs. John King 70 F wife Ogimabinessikwe Chief bird

g.f. Nigigons; f.

Wipakamigas Moose Point, Ont. None

1702 John King Jr. 48 M head, son Gebeiash Sails all the way Moose Point, Ont. None

1703 Walter King 22 M son Moose Point, Ont. None

1704 Fred King 20 M son Moose Point, Ont. None

1705 Ida King 12 F dau. Moose Point, Ont. None

1706 Edward King 4 M son Moose Point, Ont. None

1707 Joe King 2 M son Moose Point, Ont. None

1708 Archie King 35 M head, son #1700 Nigananakwad Big morning cloud Moose Point, Ont. None

1709 ____ King 1 F dau. Pitabanokwe Morning light Moose Point, Ont. None

1710 Frank King 25 M son #1700 Ossawakwebines Peering eagle head Moose Point, Ont. None

1711 Mrs. Mary Miximong 44 F head, dau. #1700 Pinessiwaban Morning bird Christian Is. Ont. None

1712 Charlotte Miximong 13 F dau. Sheiawebigokwe Christian Is. Ont. None

1713 Charles Miximong 10 M son Mishiakwad Blue sky Christian Is. Ont. None

1714 John L. Miximong 8 M son Madweianakwad Thunder cloud Christian Is. Ont. None

1715 Mary Miximong 6 F dau. Gabaianokwe West wind woman Christian Is. Ont. None

1716 Andrew Miximong 4 M son Shawanakwad South cloud Christian Is. Ont. None

1717 Joe Sandy 28 M grandson #1700 Ozhawashkwanakwad Pure blue sky Christian Is. Ont. None

1718 Jack King 65 M

head, nephew

#1700 Gissie Sun Christian Is. Ont. None

Son of Kwesind King,


1719 Mary Jane King 30 F dau. Giwegishigokwe Return of day Christian Is. Ont. None

1720 Jameson King 10 M son (illegit) #1719 Assinins Little shore Christian Is. Ont. None

1721 Jacob King 3 M son (illegit) #1719 Wasseshkang Illumination Christian Is. Ont. None

1722 Elijah King 22 M son #1718 Waiekwagishig Days end Christian Is. Ont. None

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No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

1723 Marie King 22 F niece #1718 Wikwemikong Ont. None

Father was George King,


1724 David Q. King 39 M head, bro. #1718 Abwekwaam Returning thunder Christian Is. Ont. None

1725 Casey King 18 M son Christian Is. Ont. Full

1726 Sarah King 16 F dau. Christian Is. Ont. Full

1727 Margaret King 8 F dau. Christian Is. Ont. Full

1728 John King 52 M head, bro. #1718 Niganakwaam Preceding thunder Parry Sound, Ont. Full

1729 Mrs. Alcie Nawakwegishig 20 F head, dau. Parry Sound, Ont. Full

1730 Enoch Nawakwegishig 16 M son Parry Sound, Ont. Full

1731 Mrs. Caroline Norton 46 F head, sister #1718 Kwekidjiwanokwe Returning current Christian Is. Ont. Full

1732 Alexander Norton 32 M head, son Kwesins Interferer Christian Is. Ont. Full

1733 Mrs. Eva Norton 31 F wife, dau. #1478 Christian Is. Ont. Full

1734 Violet Norton 9 F dau. Shawanokwe South wind Christian Is. Ont. Full

1735 Liza Norton 2 1/2 F dau. Christian Is. Ont. Full

1736 Mrs. Sophia Pedoniquot 30 F

wife #1000, dau.

#1731 Nawekwagishigokwe Noon day woman Christian Is. Ont. Full

1737 Florence Pedoniquot 4 F dau. Omasinanokwadokwe Ornamented clouds Christian Is. Ont. Full

1738 Mary Norton 20 F dau. #1731 Pagonagishgokwe Hole in the sky Christian Is. Ont. Full

1739 Moses Norton 8 M son #1731 Nanawigaban Standing on air Christian Is. Ont. Full

1740 Mrs. Charlotte Coppigoge 18 F dau. #1731 Emogishigokwe Center of day Christian Is. Ont. Full No children

1741 James G. King 46 M

head, cousin

#1718, nephew

#1700 Shawanakaam South thunder Christian Is. Ont. None

Father was George King,


1742 Christina Jane King 6 F dau. Shawanab?? South sitting Christian Is. Ont. None

1743 Edward King 25 M nephew #1741 Christian Is. Ont. Full

1744 Fred King 12 M bro. #1743 Nenenetab Sitter Christian Is. Ont. Full

1745 Esther King 10 F sist. #1743 Christian Is. Ont. Full

1746 Charles G. King 50 M head, bro. #1741 Pimessiwigishig Sky bird Christian Is. Ont. None

1747 Simpson King 13 M son Inakisse Christian Is. Ont. None

1748 Alice King 10 F dau. Christian Is. Ont. None

1749 Annie King 3 F dau. Christian Is. Ont. None

1750 William Sandy 38 M head, son #1268 Christian Is. Ont. None

1751 Victoria Sandy 35 F wife, niece #1741 Kikhigia Christian Is. Ont. None

1752 Thomas Sandy 3 M son Christian Is. Ont. None

1753 Henry Jackson 25 M

head, nephew

#1751 Christian Is. Ont. Full No children

1754 John Hawk 26 M head, Bro. #1751 Christian Is. Ont. Full

1755 Stephen Hawk 3 M son Nadowe Iroquois Christian Is. Ont. Full

1756 Mary Jane Hawk 1/2 F dau. Christian Is. Ont. Full

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No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

1757 Allen Hawk 18 M bro. #1754 Christian Is. Ont. Full

1758 Wilfred Coppigoge 12 M nephew #1751 Christian Is. Ont. Full

1759 Mrs. Annie Coppigoge 48 F head, sister #1741 Gissisokwe Sun woman Christian Is. Ont. Full

1760 Isaac Coppigoge 25 M son, Illegit. Patewewitang Approaching voice Christian Is. Ont. None

1761 David Coppigoge 19 M son, Illegit. Christian Is. Ont. None

1762 Alfred Phillips 22 M nephew #1759 Igwaiash Landing Christian Is. Ont. Full

1763 Elmer Peters 33 M

head, mother

#1072, father was

nephew #1679 Christian Is. Ont. Full

1764 Elsie Peters 7 F dau. Christian Is. Ont. Full

1765 Rosie Peters 5 F dau. Christian Is. Ont. Full

1766 Elmer Peters Jr. 3 M son Christian Is. Ont. Full

1767 Percy Edgar Peters 1 M son Christian Is. Ont. Full

1768 Mrs. Maggie Sandy 23 F head, sister #1763 Christian Is. Ont. Full

1769 Susanna Sandy 4 F dau. Christian Is. Ont. Full

1770 Agnes Peters 16 F sister #1763 Christian Is. Ont. Full

1771 Peter Peters 20 M bro. #1763 Christian Is. Ont. Full

1772 John Peters 11 M bro. #1763 Christian Is. Ont. Full

1773 Thomas Peters 60 M head, uncle #1763 Christian Is. Ont. Full

1774 Christine Peters 24 F daughter Christian Is. Ont. Full

1775 Mrs. Louisa Smith 28 F head, dau. Christian Is. Ont. Full

1776 Ella Smith 6 F dau. Christian Is. Ont. Full

1777 Ernest Smith 4 M son Christian Is. Ont. Full

1778 not named Smith 1/12 M son Christian Is. Ont. Full

1779 Stephen Monague 29 M

head, nephew

#1773 Christian Is. Ont. Full No children

1780 Josiah Monague 26 M

head, nephew

#1773 Christian Is. Ont. Full

1781 Emily Monague 15 F niece #1773 Christian Is. Ont. Full

1782 Cain Miximong 20 M nephew #1779 Christian Is. Ont. None

1783 Louisa Miximong 15 F niece #1779 Christian Is. Ont. None

1784 William Abi 90 M head Getigang Separator Christian Is. Ont. Full Took part in treay

1785 David Abi 49 M head, son Wewindessamosug Coming together Christian Is. Ont. Full

1786 Sarah Abi 47 F wife


Kamiskwassige Christian Is. Ont. Full

1787 Hannah Abi 17 F dau. Mizhakigabamikwe Christian Is. Ont. Full

1788 Mrs. Christine Sunday 61 F head, sist. #1784 Nessobikwe Lower-sitter woman Christian Is. Ont. None

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No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

1789 Mrs. Elizabeth Isaac 47 F head, dau. (#1788) Pemossegishigokwe Walking thro' sky Christian Is. Ont. None

1790 Mrs. Maggie Mishigahkwon 22 F head, dau. #1789 Pinessewatinokwe Bird woman Christian Is. Ont. None

1791 James Mishigahkwon 2 M son Christian Is. Ont. None

1792 ______ Mishigahkwon 6 F dau. Shawanassinokwe Coming south cloud Christian Is. Ont. None

1793 John Sunday 43 M head, son #1788 Christian Is. Ont. None

1794 Annie Sunday 20 F dau. Kiwetinahwaamokwe Home thunder storm woman Christian Is. Ont. None

1795 William Sunday 18 M son Nibinieianakwad Summer cloud Christian Is. Ont. None

1796 John Sunday Jr. 16 M son Wabanokwad Eastern cloud Christian Is. Ont. None

1797 David Sunday 12 M son Nizhikebin Lonely bird Christian Is. Ont. None

1798 Cathrine Sunday 10 F dau. Christian Is. Ont. None

1799 Sarah Sunday 8 F dau. Christian Is. Ont. None

1800 Peter Sunday 6 M son Christian Is. Ont. None

1801 Mrs. Jane Manitowabi 39 F head, dau. #1788 Parry Sound, Ont. Full

1802 Sophia Manitowabi 16 F dau. Parry Sound, Ont. Full


Stanley Washington

Manitowabi 12 M son Parry Sound, Ont. Full

1804 Sampson Manitowabi 8 M son Parry Sound, Ont. Full

1805 Joe Sunday 35 M son #1788 Christian Is. Ont. None

1806 Johnson Sunday 33 M son #1788 Christian Is. Ont. None

1807 Jackson Sunday 28 M son #1788 Christian Is. Ont. None

1808 Mrs. Liza Jane Assance 43 F head, dau. #1784 Nigenanakwadokwe First coming cloud Christian Is. Ont. Full

1809 Isaac Assance 22 M son Abi Christian Is. Ont. Full

1810 Wilson Assance 20 M son Essibon Raccoon Christian Is. Ont. Full

1811 Julianne Assance 18 F dau. Kiwatinokwe North woman Christian Is. Ont. Full

1812 Sophia Assance 16 F dau., twins Nessobikwe Lower-sitter woman Christian Is. Ont. Full

1813 Lawrence Assance 16 M son, twins Meshkeosse Mud-hen Christian Is. Ont. Full

1814 Florence Assance 10 F dau. Ogimikwe War-eagle woman Christian Is. Ont. Full

1815 Noah Assance 8 M son Christian Is. Ont. Full

1816 Sam Assance 6 M son Christian Is. Ont. Full

1817 Solomon Assance 4 M son Ozhawashkobines Blue bird Christian Is. Ont. Full

1818 James Assance 2 M son Pebamash Sails every where Christian Is. Ont. Full

1819 David Pedoniquot 80 M head, bro. #415 Mousonian Moose dung Christian Is. Ont. Full

1820 Mrs. Christine Henry 25 F head, dau. Christian Is. Ont. Full

1821 Johnnie Henry 10 M son Christian Is. Ont. Full

1822 Nellie Henry 5 F dau. Christian Is. Ont. Full

1823 David Henry Jr. 19 M son #1819 Christian Is. Ont. Full

1824 John Otter 55 M head Nawakamigs In center of earth f. Nizhikeinin Parry Sound, Ont. None

1825 70 F sister Niganikwaamog Foremost thunder bird Parry Sound, Ont. None

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No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

1826 Mrs. Catherine Norton 52 F sister Ikwewish Bad woman Christian Is., Ont. None

1827 Maggie Norton 23 F dau. Niganebanokwe Foremost dawn woman Christian Is., Ont. None

1828 Mrs. William King 75 F sister #1824 Otamidjiwanokwe Middle rapids woman Parry Sound, Ont. None

1829 Mrs. Josephine Bisaillon 37 F head, niece #1193 Sasaganokwe

North Star Mines, near

Sudbury, Ont. None

Daughter of Alex Proulx,


1830 Jerome Bisaillon 15 M son

North Star Mines, near

Sudbury, Ont. None Wife of Danile Bisaillon

1831 Frederic Bisaillon 12 M son

North Star Mines, near

Sudbury, Ont. None

1832 Phoebe Bisaillon 10 F dau.

North Star Mines, near

Sudbury, Ont. None

1833 Clement Bisaillon 9 M son

North Star Mines, near

Sudbury, Ont. None

1834 Ernest Bisaillon 7 M son

North Star Mines, near

Sudbury, Ont. None

1835 Albert Bisaillon 4 M son

North Star Mines, near

Sudbury, Ont. None

1836 Wilfrid Bisaillon 1/2 M son

North Star Mines, near

Sudbury, Ont. None

1837 Mrs. Elizabeth Assance 34 F head, sist. #1829 Dinokwe South Bay, Ont. Full Wife of Chas. Assance, Jr.

1838 Clara Assance 10 F dau. Oginikwe South Bay, Ont. Full

1839 Stanislas Assance 8 M son Gagigwe South Bay, Ont. Full

1840 Eugenie Assance 4 F dau. Sasaganokwe South Bay, Ont. Full

1841 Josephine Assance 1 F dau. Gwawanoss South Bay, Ont. Full

1842 Alexander Proulx 31 F head, sist. #1829 Mijakwatokwe Killarney, Ont. None

1843 Franklin Proulx 9 M illegit. children Killarney, Ont. None

1844 Frederick Proulx 6 M illegit. children Killarney, Ont. None

1845 Rosalie Proulx 2 F illegit. children Killarney, Ont. None

1846 William Demarse 62 M head

g.f. Napoance or La

Ponce Wyandotte, Mich. NoneMother Nagoewechequa was a

sister of Josiah

1847 Cora Demarse 28 F dau. Wyandotte, Mich. NoneWilliams, of Sarnia resn. These

persons removed from

1848 Frederick Demarse 25 M son Wyandotte, Mich. None Sarnia Resn.

1849 Edith Demarse 22 F dau. Gibralter, Mich. None

1850 Ezeb Demarse 57 M

bro. #1846, no

childn. Gibralter, Mich. None

Removed from Sarnia


1851 Mrs. Eliza Fryer 50 F head, sist. #1846 Gibralter, Mich. None

Removed from Sarnia


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No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

1852 George Fryer 22 M son Gibralter, Mich. None

Removed from Sarnia


1853 Mabel Fryer 21 F dau. Gibralter, Mich. None

Removed from Sarnia


1854 Alice Fryer 12 F dau. Gibralter, Mich. None

Removed from Sarnia


1855 Grace Fryer 8 F dau. Gibralter, Mich. None

Removed from Sarnia


1856 Mrs. Elizabeth Smith 47 F head, sist. #1846 Gibralter, Mich. None

Removed from Sarnia


1857 Edith Smith 22 F dau. Gibralter, Mich. None

Removed from Sarnia


1858 Flora Smith 19 F dau. Gibralter, Mich. None

Removed from Sarnia


1859 Emery Smith 14 M son Gibralter, Mich. None

Removed from Sarnia


1860 Allan Bunce 60 M head

g.f. Mikonce, or

Young beaver Sarnia Resn. Full

Cousin of Josiah Williams

of Sarnia Resn.

1861 Mrs. Flora Rogers 20 F dau. Sarnia Resn. Full

1862 Mrs. Sophia Williams 35 F dau. Sarnia Resn. Full Wife of Levi Williams

1863 Caleb Thomson 15 M

son #1862 by 1st.

husb. Sarnia Resn. Full

1864 Sarah Williams 3 F dau. Sarnia Resn. Full

1865 William Bunce 18 M son #1860 Sarnia Resn. Full

1866 Nora Bunce 10 F dau. Sarnia Resn. Full

1867 Sam Walker 28 M nephew #1860 Sarnia Resn. Full

Son deceased, dau.


1868 William Smith 21 M

Illegit. children of

deceased dau. of

#1860 Kettle Point Resn. None

1869 George Smith 16 M

Illegit. children of

deceased dau. of

#1860 Kettle Point Resn. None

1870 Mrs. Mannie George 19 F

Illegit. children of

deceased dau. of

#1860 Kettle Point Resn. None

1871 John Joe 15 M Illeg. son #1860 Kettle Point Resn. None

1872 Stigner Gray 23 M

children of

deceased sister

#470 Sarnia Resn. Full

Page 69: 1907 Wooster Roll of Wisconsin Potawatomi



No. Names Age Sex Relationship Indian Name Meaning Ancestor Residence

Rights in

Canada Remarks

1873 Mary Gray 21 F

children of

deceased sister

#470 Sarnia Resn. Full

1874 Carrie Gray 19 F

children of

deceased sister

#470 Sarnia Resn. Full

1875 Alex. Gray Jr. 17 M

children of

deceased sister

#470 Sarnia Resn. Full

1876 Mrs. Sarah Taylor 42 F head

g.g.f. Ogima

wahbeese Cape Croker Resn. Full

1877 Solomon Walker 18 M son g.f. Ogema Keegid Cape Croker Resn. Full