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[ I POPULATION O:E' CIVIL DIVISIONS LESS THAN COUNTIES. 233 TAilLE III.-lVIINNESOTA-Oontinued. Nnrno of placo. Township, I County, Populn-1 Name of 11Jnco. Township. Cunntr. /Po;l!;;.,_ Deaver Crfi°k....... . • . . Reaver Creek .••..••. 1-R-,-,c-·J-, - .. -.-.- .. -.--- .. -.-.-.- .. -.· I Long Prairie....... • • • • . • _L_o_n_g_I-'r-1-1il_'i_e_ .. -.-.- .• -.--- •. -1-T-01-lc-l-.-. --.-.----- •. -.-_-_ ------.. 220 l3cavcrl!'a s ............ <'averl!'alls -··-·---· J:cnville.............. " :\fcGL'l1gorSwitch ..•••.. Aitkin ........... •••.. Altl<in................ 11 lligdow ··•··· .......... lligolow ········-··-·· Nobles ............... 28 Jl.fahtow1t ............... 1\luoseLnlrn ........... Carlt1m ...... ..•..•.. 1-l:J llinglrnm Lake .......... Lakesido ····---······ Cottonwood........... 44 Jlfaplcl'lnin ............ Imfopen<lence ........ Iknnepin............. lU5 hir<l lHland •.•• • · - · · · - · · Birt! Isl!11111. • • . • . • . • .. Item dlle - ........... _ 289 Mn1·ion .... •... _ - ... _... J\Iarion . . . • • • • . . • . . . . . Olmsfo<l.. • • . . • . • • . . . . 112 l3lnflton ..... •.••.••••.. Bluffton·······--····· Otter Tail ........... GU l\Iendota ................ 1\fouilota ..••••.•.••... I Dalwt11 .•• ..... ______ 348 ................ Bi·ainerd .............. Crow Wing........... 1, 8115 J\Iiluu ................... Kragero .............. Chip1rnwa............. 28 l3rownsVnlloy ................................. Tritv«rso ·-··-····-··· 04 ll:IilleLac ..•••••..•.••.. Aitkin ...... •• ........ Aitkin................ 27 llrownton ............... Sumpfor ............. 1\foLcoil --·-·---··--·· 75 1\lillerslJurg ............. l!'mxiHt ................ 1lice .................. 27 Central l'oint ........... Coutrnl ..•.•..•. Goo1llmo ............. 112 1\Iillvillo .' ..... ••••..••. Oukwoo1l ··---···--··· "\Val<nnha ............. 14:! Centro Cit.y •..•.. ·-·· -- Chim1go Lalrn ......... Chisago.-·--- ......... B:J QJ,.t 11 ., 1 •.:-. _·_··.· .. •••.· I(ollingstone.. .•.••••. Whwrnt _ .. __ ....... <Jenf.r"vlllo ·····--·--·-· Oentrevilfo .......... ;\uolrn................ lBO , .. , "' ., Jlfomt'Hllbt I•'alls ...... Yellowl\1odicino...... liia Champlin ............... Champlin ........... llcnneriin............. 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••. Hennepin............. Wl Ulwster ................. 1\larion ...... •...•.••. Olmstml .••••••••...•• 5U llloos" Lake ............ lllooHo Lake ..••...••. Carlton............... JOI! Cif.y UhiNafio Laku ......... ChiHap;o................. O:! MorriHtuwn .............. ............. ltice ................... r,17 Clrn1rtlrit ............. Carro Jt,on ·--········· l<'i!lmoro.............. 107 Motley ................. Jllotlil.Y ............... Morrison ............. 1 !!Ill C'}Nu·wnter .............. CJJonrwntur .............. \Vright ................. 218 Now..Anburn ........... New Auburn .......... Hihle.y................. 2U-1 Clinton ..................... Monoy Crrek . ............ Houaton .................... 40 Ntmrln1rg . .................. Newburg .............. F1lhnoro ........... .... 05 Clinton }culls ..•...• .... Cliuton l!'alls ··-··---· Stcl'le................. 01 New Lo111lon ............ N11wL0111lon......... Ra111livolii •••••• .••••. 55 Concnril ..••..•.•..••••. Concord .............. DodgB ................ 144 Nicollet . Nicoll"t ·-··--·--··--· Nieolli,t ............... nn Cunio .................. Murray .... •...•.•.•• : 1\11umy............... 78 NorthBrnnch ........... Branch ............... Chisago.............. 142 ll:tkot.a ................. Now IInrtforcl .••••••. Winonn................ 81 Oak Park .......... · ..••. B:1ytowu ............. Waah_ington .......... Hi9 Ilurwin ..••.••.•.•••..•. llnrwin ............... J\Ieeker ·---·-··-----· iiO Olivia ................... Illl'dlslau<l ..••••.•.•• Rrmv1lle.............. 48 Ilit.i·ton ................. llttyton ............... IIcnnopin .... •••.•••. 255 Oronoco·----·····-'·--· Oronoco ............... Olnrnted .............. 241 llol•'orcst; ............... HrnbnmLitke ......... Nohh·s ................ l9 Otsego ..•• .... •••.•.••.. Otsego ............. --- W1-h!;ht ............... 02 DoverCentor ........... Dover------·----··--- Olmstecl .............. 231 OttuwlL ................. mtawa ............. J,eSueur ............. 208 llrcslrn11h ... .. .. . ... - .. Dr!'shnch . . • . • • . . • •• • . Wiuuna..... •• • • • . • • .. 185 l':t.i·neaviUe Pnvn•svillo St<'arUR 127 Grnnitc Fulls .... Gmnite l!'nlls .. - ...... Chippewit ....... ·--- •• 174 Pei·Junu ... .'. :::::: :::::: Plli·hnm ...• ::::::::::: :::::::. 21m '.Eil{.!;llrton ..•.••••.•.•.•. 0Hliom ..••..•.••••••. I'lp118tone............ 80 Pickwick ..•••...••..•.. IImner ....... •...••••. Winon:t ............... 124 Elba .................... l.;!\J1t .................. Winomt ............... 08 l'lllto .................. ll!llen ···-··-··------· 1\foLco1l .............. ·HI E 1 '.1 1 gln,_-.t·l·····-··· .. ••• PointDonglus .......... Denmark ............. \Vushington.......... -"' 17.n Ill, i. .••. -·. - -··. -- > iz11uo L -···-· .••••. ttor Tm . .. .... .• . .. lteil Lako l'alls ......... Heil L11ko Fulls ..... l'olk ....... ...... .• o. I>lliota .................. C11nton ............... l!'illmoro.............. 71 ll<'11vilfoSt11tiou ..•..••. Emmett .•••.•.•••••. ltenville.............. 2:12 l'alrl'olnt ••••...• ...... Ch!lrryGrove ......... G11111lbuo.............. 60 ltichwoo1l ...•.••••••••. Jtichwornl. ...• ..... ••• lll'ckcr ............... 4li l'illnwm ...•.•.••• .... •. l"illmoro .............. 212 Uockl'or1l ............... Hoekfonl ............. "\Vri.d1t .••..•. :: ... '... 159 li'}oreucn ................. ]i'lurenco ............... GoOllhut' ................ 04 Tiolliugstonc .............. RollingHtouo .......... \Yinonn................ 0.8 l!'orestLn.ko •••••• : ...•• l!'orestLako .••••••... "\Vnshini,>ton.......... ltoseUrcek ............. "\Yimlmn .............. llfower ...••• ...... ••. 114 a ............. Znmhrot:n. .............. Gooclhuo ·••u····-- . . lttrn1nnore .................. Dewul1\ ................. No1)h•s.................... BU lcorl'stvillo ..•••••. - . • . • J<'oroRt.dllo .•.•... - . • . . l<'illmoro ........ •. _... 5:i Sncrecl Ifoart . . • . .. .. . .. Sacre<l Ifoart .... . . .. Htrnville.............. 76 l!'ortS1wlling ........... l!ichllL•lcl ..••••••••••• Henne1iin............. B52 f;1m1l:;L:1ke ...•.•..••.. Aitkin ............... Aitkin............... 34 11,rnnoonin. ................. Frm1conitt ................. Chiongo ............. -...... lfiO I Sttrato.gtt ................... SarntoAa. ................ 'Vinona ·---·······--· urn l!'mzco City ............. Bnrlington ............ Iltickcfr --·-··-·-·----· 117 Sauk ltnpicls ............ Sank Hnpi<ls-------·-· lfontnn ............... 508 Frouton110 •••.•••.•••••. I>'Joronce .............. GoodJrno .••••••. •••••• 104 Slwll Hock .•...•. --·.__ Shcll ltock ..••.. ·--· •• Fr!'" born.--·· ........ 2116 Fulda .................. Jlornlln .••••••.•.••••. llfnrmy............... 150 Shid.lsvi!Je ...••.•...•.• Shid1ls\•ille ........... Rietl .................. 118 fllml<'ll City ............ Garden City .••••.•••. Blue Earth·····--·-·· 203 Sieottles ................ Aitkin ............... Aitkin ..• .... ••••. ,... 13 Glyndon................ _. .. .••••• •••••• •••••• Clity ..... 1 ....... --·-.. 4116 s 8 ·outh Sctlllwatcr ··-·---· B 8 11ytu 1 1r' ..... ---··--- Wusl1ingtrm -·-·-·-·-· og 0 1 GoO!l'flmrnlcr ........... 1 L 1 y 1 •i'":to .. 1 ·-.· •• -·.·.·.--·.-.- .• ·.·.·--.· Blu0Eart1 .••...••••• HU .y1·!ng ,reek ...••••.••• caminr ..•...•• ..... Ottel''fail -·-·-··-···- G-rnnger .............. ......... .,, :E'illmoro ....... ....... ... . 111 Spring Ci-rove ................ Spring Grove ........... Houston..................... 2tKI Greunlcltf ............... Ellsworth .... ••••••••• 1\foekor--------·------ 03 Stewart ................ Collins ............. ••. JllcLco1l .............. 80 Grceul\Iendow .......... Green 1\fcMluw ···---- Pollo.................. ..41 Stockton ................ IIillsllale ............. Winnria............... 214 lln1lliw ................. Lec1ls ................ 1\hwray............... 22 Sunrise City ••••••..••.. Sunrise ............... Chisago............... 70 llmnil'ton ................... Hnmnnr .................... lUO Thomson .............. Thomi:;on ................... Carlton................... 2G:i- Hnrthm1l .••••.•.••...•. Ilnrtl!md ............ Freohom ............. 107 Tifton .................. 1.Hoornlield ............ Fillmore.............. 41! :::::'.:::: :::::: :::::: IforonJ,11Jrn ............. "\Voiruer .............. Jackson···-····-·---·• 103 ?;,1 1 1 1 8 e.:.r_._·_·_··.- •• ·.·_·_-_·_·_·_--_·_-_·_·_ Ilopo ................. Lincoln............... i>l Hilton .................. 1\fol'lwrson .......... BlneEnrtll ........... 133 v; " Marino ............... IY11sl1ington.......... 48 Jlmner ...................... Homer ..................... \Yinona................. 64: VerdL ....................... Vm·{\i. ..................... Lincoln.................... !!5 tlunction ..................... 'J'wi11L1tkes ................. Carlton................ 108 Vernon Centre ............ Vernon ................... ................. JCnncliyold .............. Knwliyohi. •.•.•••••.. Knmliyuhi ........... 75 "\Ynconia ................ "\Vaconia .••.•••••••••• Carver ............... 2U! :Korkliovun ............. Kerkliovon ·····--·--· Swift ................. D4 ·warren .......................................... llfnrshall ............. 108 lCilknnny ............... ICillrnnny ............. LoSneur ............. ·warsaw ..••••... •--·-·· Warsaw ..... ••..••.•. Rico.................. 122 J\\mberh·-···-·-·-··---· A.\tld11 ................ A.Itkin............... " Waterford .............. WatNfor!l ............ Dakota............... 104 JCnilh li,1il1s ................. Lnlrns .............. Cnrlton .................. 93 W1ttson .................... Tnnsbul'g H ................. Chip]Hnv1L .................. 5(} Lnc-qui-1mrlc ........... Lac-11ui-parlo ·---··--· Lac-fjni-parlc......... 108 Wa;rznta ··-·---·--··--- J\Iinneturika .......... Hennepin............. 132 LaOr11HCl'nt ........... LaCrescont ••••••• .... IIonslou.............. 326 '.Veavei· --·---·········· Wntopn. ...• ........ ••• Wabash11............. 81 IJuko Atlcliu ......... ....... 8nmtN, .................. hfcLcml ................ 72 West\Vatorville .......... Wntcrvillo ............ Lo Suuur ................ J,o,Jrn Bi'liton ...... ----·· J,11Jrnl3enton ••••.• .... Lirnmlu............... 184 Willow River ..••••••••• Aitkin ................ Aitkin .......... ______ 87 Litkiilnml ............... J,akol11n1l .••••.• ._ ••••• 1 3 0 0 0 3 w,,,!lto 1 n 1 .••••••.•••.••.•• WW!lto 1 nd ................ 11 ';,'aLseca 1 ............... HO J,(m(n'lt ................. Unnton ••••••••••.•••. "'' moro.............. ,,ms ec ············--·- ms.e .............. '" cm ............. . LongLn.ko .................. l\Icdinn. ..................... 150 lVitoka ....................... lVilson ......................... \Vinona....................... 5Q 1\ITNOB CIVIf, DIVISIONS. ADA!!S. Bent. 1, inn!. Natelioz cU.y ..•••. .•••. N11telwz cit,y •••••••••.•••..•.••••••. '\V11rcl !. ........................ .. II 2••••••••••• ••••••••• ••••••• 3 ..••••••••.•••••• •••·•• ·-·· 4 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• l3ont 2 ....................... ; •••••••• II 3 ••• •••• ••" ••••• • • •••••• """""" II <! '"""""" •••• • ., """""" •••• "" • """""" II fj ••• • • ·• ••• "'"""•""""""'"""""" ••• Incomploto in 1870. ALCO!IN. Bent 1, inol. Corinth town ............ . Coriutl1 town. - ............. ---·--·· neat 2, incl. Jacinto town . - ...••.•••. ,Jacinto town ....................... , .. .. lfoat, 3, ind. Rienzi villigo .•••.•.••• -• Rienzi villago ...................... . 1sso. 1sro. 12, 058 7, 058 1,405 2, 819 1,:JH 1,400 2, 000 ·1, ?3,l 2,070 3,178 4,174 2, !!75 2, 567 80 2,713 S16 O, 057 l\IISSISSIP .PI. REJ\1.A.RKS. 1\IINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1sso. 1sro. REMARKS. AT.conN-contlnned. Beat4, inel.Kossnth village---·--··-· KMsnth village .................... . 2, 038 132 Ilettt 5 -······--· ................... . 1, 880 Incoruplote-in 1870. AMITE. Bent 1, incl. Liberty town ........... .. Lihel'ty town. -- ..... ••.•. -· •• -- .. Beat 2, incl. Ccntrovillo town .. - ..... . Ceutrcwillo town ......... -----· ... . 3, 823 560 420 2, 048 70 Beat 3 ............................... . 2, 708 " 4 ...................................... . 2, 586 II . 5 •••••• •••••••·••••••••·•••••·•·• Nut retm'Ded hy bents in 18i0. 2, 140 ATJ'Af,A, JJoat.1. Kosciusko, incl. Kosciusko J.n_ Kosciuskotown ................. , .•. 4, 230 21505 1, 126 577

1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.

Feb 13, 2019



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Page 1: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.




Nnrno of placo. Township, I County, Populn-1 Name of 11Jnco. Township. Cunntr. /Po;l!;;.,_ ~1 ~

Deaver Crfi°k....... . • . . Reaver Creek .••..••. 1-R-,-,c-·J-, - .. -.-.-.. -.---.. -.-.-.-.. -.· 1---1-38·-~ I Long Prairie....... • • • • . • _L_o_n_g_I-'r-1-1il_'i_e_ .. -.-.-.• -.---•. -1-T-01-lc-l-.-. --.-.-----•. -.-_-_ ------.. 220 l3cavcrl!'a s............ <'averl!'alls -··-·---· J:cnville.............. " :\fcGL'l1gorSwitch ..•••.. Aitkin ...........•••.. Altl<in................ 11 lligdow ··•··· .......... lligolow ········-··-·· Nobles............... 28 Jl.fahtow1t ............... 1\luoseLnlrn ........... Carlt1m ...... ..•..•.. 1-l:J llinglrnm Lake .......... Lakesido ····---······ Cottonwood........... 44 Jlfaplcl'lnin ............ Imfopen<lence ........ Iknnepin............. lU5 hir<l lHland •.•• • · - · · · - · · Birt! Isl!11111. • • . • . • . • .. Item dlle - ........... _ 289 Mn1·ion ....•... _ -... _... J\Iarion . . . • • • • . . • . . . . . Olmsfo<l.. • • . . • . • • . . . . 112 l3lnflton .....•.••.••••.. Bluffton·······--····· Otter Tail........... GU l\Iendota ................ 1\fouilota ..••••.•.••... I Dalwt11 .••.....• ______ 348 l!rain!l~tl ................ Bi·ainerd .............. Crow Wing........... 1, 8115 J\Iiluu ................... Kragero .............. Chip1rnwa............. 28 l3rownsVnlloy ................................. Tritv«rso ·-··-····-··· 04 ll:IilleLac ..•••••..•.••.. Aitkin ......••........ Aitkin................ 27 llrownton ............... Sumpfor ............. 1\foLcoil --·-·---··--·· 75 1\lillerslJurg ............. l!'mxiHt ................ 1lice .................. 27 Central l'oint ........... Coutrnl I~oiut ..•.•..•. Goo1llmo ............. 112 1\Iillvillo .' .....••••..••. Oukwoo1l ··---···--··· "\Val<nnha ............. 14:! Centro Cit.y •..•.. ·-·· -- Chim1go Lalrn ......... Chisago.-·---......... B:J 1111 1r1,:111n111~~c0ittui· QJ,.t

11.,1•.:-. _·_··.· .. •••.· I(ollingstone.. .•.••••. Whwrnt _ .. __ • ....... ~73

<Jenf.r"vlllo ·····--·--·-· Oentrevilfo .......... ;\uolrn................ lBO , .. , "' ., Jlfomt'Hllbt I•'alls ...... Yellowl\1odicino...... liia Champlin ............... Champlin ........... llcnneriin............. 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••. Hennepin............. Wl Ulwster ................. 1\larion ......•...•.••. Olmstml .••••••••...•• 5U llloos" Lake ............ lllooHo Lake ..••...••. Carlton............... JOI! Chi:-m~o Cif.y -··--~---· UhiNafio Laku ......... ChiHap;o................. O:! MorriHtuwn .............. l\Iorrh~town ............. ltice ................... r,17 Clrn1rtlrit ............. Carro Jt,on ·--········· l<'i!lmoro.............. 107 Motley ................. Jllotlil.Y ............... Morrison .............


!!Ill C'}Nu·wnter .............. CJJonrwntur .............. \Vright................. 218 Now..Anburn ........... New Auburn .......... Hihle.y................. 2U-1 Clinton ..................... Monoy Crrek . ............ Houaton .................... 40 Ntmrln1rg . .................. Newburg .............. F1lhnoro ........... .... 05 Clinton }culls ..•...•.... Cliuton l!'alls ··-··---· Stcl'le................. 01 New Lo111lon ............ N11wL0111lon......... Ra111livolii •••••• .••••. 55 Concnril ..••..•.•..••••. Concord .............. DodgB ................ 144 Nicollet . Nicoll"t ·-··--·--··--· Nieolli,t............... nn Cunio .................. Murray ....•...•.•.•• : 1\11umy............... 78 NorthBrnnch ........... Branch ............... Chisago.............. 142 ll:tkot.a ................. Now IInrtforcl .••••••. Winonn................ 81 Oak Park .......... · ..••. B:1ytowu ............. Waah_ington .......... Hi9 Ilurwin ..••.••.•.•••..•. llnrwin ............... J\Ieeker ·---·-··-----· iiO Olivia ................... Illl'dlslau<l ..••••.•.•• Rrmv1lle.............. 48 Ilit.i·ton ................. llttyton ............... IIcnnopin ....•••.•••. 255 Oronoco·----·····-'·--· Oronoco ............... Olnrnted .............. 241 llol•'orcst; ............... HrnbnmLitke ......... Nohh·s................ l9 Otsego ..••....•••.•.••.. Otsego ............. --- W1-h!;ht............... 02 DoverCentor ........... Dover------·----··--- Olmstecl.............. 231 OttuwlL ................. mtawa ............. J,eSueur............. 208 llrcslrn11h ... .. .. . ... -.. Dr!'shnch . . • . • • . . • •• • . Wiuuna..... •• • • • . • • .. 185 l':t.i·neaviUe Pnvn•svillo St<'arUR 127 J~nfit Grnnitc Fulls .... -· Gmnite l!'nlls .. - ...... Chippewit ....... ·--- •• 174 Pei·Junu ... .'. :::::: :::::: Plli·hnm ...• ::::::::::: C)tt~r '1'1~i!:::: :::::::. 21m '.Eil{.!;llrton ..•.••••.•.•.•. 0Hliom ..••..•.••••••. I'lp118tone............ 80 Pickwick ..•••...••..•.. IImner .......•...••••. Winon:t............... 124 Elba .................... l.;!\J1t .................. Winomt............... 08 l'lllto .................. ll!llen ···-··-··------· 1\foLco1l .............. ·HI ~~1lgin1 -'t-1·-······-·····-- E

1'.11gln,_-.t·l·····-··· .. ••• "o'ahash~1.•••••••••••. 11~_,18 PointDonglus .......... Denmark ............. \Vushington.......... 1?,~

-"' 17.n Ill, i. .••. -·. - -··. -- > iz11uo L -···-· .••••. ttor Tm . .. .... .• . .. lteil Lako l'alls ......... Heil L11ko Fulls..... l'olk ....... ...... .• o. I>lliota .................. C11nton ............... l!'illmoro.............. 71 ll<'11vilfoSt11tiou ..•..••. Emmett .•••.•.•••••. ltenville.............. 2:12 l'alrl'olnt ••••...•...... Ch!lrryGrove ......... G11111lbuo.............. 60 ltichwoo1l ...•.••••••••. Jtichwornl. ...•.....••• lll'ckcr ............... 4li l'illnwm ...•.•.•••....•. l"illmoro .............. l~illrnoro.............. 212 Uockl'or1l ............... Hoekfonl ............. "\Vri.d1t .••..•. :: ... '... 159 li'}oreucn ................. ]i'lurenco ............... GoOllhut'................ 04 Tiolliugstonc .............. RollingHtouo .......... \Yinonn................ 0.8 l!'orestLn.ko •••••• : ...•• l!'orestLako .••••••... "\Vnshini,>ton.......... J.~_,o4 ltoseUrcek ............. "\Yimlmn .............. llfower ...•••......••. 114 Forl~Ht1'.fil a ............. Znmhrot:n. .............. Gooclhuo ·••u····-- . . lttrn1nnore .................. Dewul1\ ................. No1)h•s.................... BU lcorl'stvillo ..•••••. -. • . • J<'oroRt.dllo .•.•... - . • . . l<'illmoro ........•. _... 5:i Sncrecl Ifoart . . • . .. .. . .. Sacre<l Ifoart • .... . . .. Htrnville.............. 76 l!'ortS1wlling ........... l!ichllL•lcl ..••••••••••• Henne1iin............. B52 f;1m1l:;L:1ke ...•.•..••.. Aitkin ............... Aitkin............... 34 11,rnnoonin. ................. Frm1conitt ................. Chiongo ............. -...... lfiO I Sttrato.gtt ................... SarntoAa. ................ 'Vinona ·---·······--· urn l!'mzco City ............. Bnrlington ............ Iltickcfr --·-··-·-·----· 117 Sauk ltnpicls ............ Sank Hnpi<ls-------·-· lfontnn ............... 508 Frouton110 •••.•••.•••••. I>'Joronce .............. GoodJrno .••••••. •••••• 104 Slwll Hock .•...•. --·.__ Shcll ltock ..••.. ·--· •• Fr!'" born.--··........ 2116 Fulda .................. Jlornlln .••••••.•.••••. llfnrmy............... 150 Shid.lsvi!Je ...••.•...•.• Shid1ls\•ille ........... Rietl .................. 118 fllml<'ll City ............ Garden City .••••.•••. Blue Earth·····--·-·· 203 Sieottles ................ Aitkin ............... Aitkin ..•....••••. ,... 13 Glyndon................ _. .. .••••• •••••• •••••• Clity .....

1 ....... --·-.. 4116 s

8·outh Sctlllwatcr ··-·---· B


11r' ..... ---··--- Wusl1ingtrm -·-·-·-·-· og


GoO!l'flmrnlcr ........... 1L1y1•i'":to ..

1·-.· •• -·.·.·.--·.-.-.• ·.·.·--.· Blu0Eart1 .••...••••• HU .y1·!ng ,reek ...••••.••• caminr ..•...••..... Ottel''fail -·-·-··-···- •

G-rnnger .............. ......... .,, :E'illmoro ....... ....... ... . 111 Spring Ci-rove ................ Spring Grove ........... Houston..................... 2tKI Greunlcltf ............... Ellsworth ....••••••••• 1\foekor--------·------ 03 Stewart ................ Collins .............••. JllcLco1l .............. 80 Grceul\Iendow .......... Green 1\fcMluw ···---- Pollo.................. ..41 Stockton ................ IIillsllale ............. Winnria............... 214 lln1lliw ................. Lec1ls ................ 1\hwray............... 22 Sunrise City ••••••..••.. Sunrise ............... Chisago............... 70 llmnil'ton ................... Hnmnnr .................... ]~illmoro................... lUO Thomson .............. Thomi:;on ................... Carlton................... 2G:i-Hnrthm1l .••••.•.••...•. Ilnrtl!md ............ Freohom ............. 107 Tifton .................. 1.Hoornlield ............ Fillmore.............. 41!

m~~;~~: :::::'.:::: :::::: 'iie~i,~~:::::::::: :::::: ~~~~~,iii~:::::::::::::: l~b ~;,?fii·r:nk~·::::::::::::: ~~:~~~~·~:::::::::::::: ilr~~i1~~;;::::::::::::: i~ IforonJ,11Jrn ............. "\Voiruer .............. Jackson···-····-·---·• 103 ?;,1

1•118e.:.r_._·_·_··.-•• ·.·_·_-_·_·_·_--_·_-_·_·_ Ilopo ................. Lincoln............... i>l

Hilton .................. 1\fol'lwrson .......... BlneEnrtll ........... 133 v; " Marino ............... IY11sl1ington.......... 48 Jlmner ...................... Homer ..................... \Yinona................. 64: VerdL ....................... Vm·{\i. ..................... Lincoln.................... !!5 tlunction ..................... 'J'wi11L1tkes ................. Carlton................ 108 Vernon Centre ............ Vernon ................... DhrnE~u<th ................. 1~5 JCnncliyold .............. Knwliyohi. •.•.•••••.. Knmliyuhi........... 75 "\Ynconia ................ "\Vaconia .••.•••••••••• Carver............... 2U! :Korkliovun ............. Kerkliovon ·····--·--· Swift................. D4 ·warren .......................................... llfnrshall ............. 108 lCilknnny ............... ICillrnnny ............. LoSneur ............. ~39 ·warsaw ..••••... •--·-·· Warsaw .....••..••.•. Rico.................. 122 J\\mberh·-···-·-·-··---· A.\tld11 ................ A.Itkin............... " Waterford .............. WatNfor!l ............ Dakota............... 104 JCnilh li,1il1s ................. ~rwin Lnlrns .............. Cnrlton .................. 93 W1ttson .................... Tnnsbul'g H ................. Chip]Hnv1L .................. 5(} Lnc-qui-1mrlc ........... Lac-11ui-parlo ·---··--· Lac-fjni-parlc......... 108 Wa;rznta ··-·---·--··--- J\Iinneturika .......... Hennepin............. 132 LaOr11HCl'nt ........... LaCrescont •••••••.... IIonslou.............. 326 '.Veavei· --·---·········· Wntopn. ...•........••• Wabash11............. 81 IJuko Atlcliu ......... ....... 8nmtN, .................. hfcLcml ................ 72 West\Vatorville .......... Wntcrvillo ............ ~. Lo Suuur ................ ~~ J,o,Jrn Bi'liton ...... ----·· J,11Jrnl3enton ••••.•.... Lirnmlu............... 184 Willow River ..••••••••• Aitkin ................ Aitkin .......... ______

87 Litkiilnml ............... J,akol11n1l .••••.• ._ ••••• ~~~1n1sbiugton.......... 130003 w,,,!lto


1 .••••••.•••.••.•• WW!lto

1nd ................


1............... HO

J,(m(n'lt ................. Unnton ••••••••••.•••. "'' moro.............. ,,ms ec ············--·- ms.e .............. '" cm ............. . LongLn.ko .................. l\Icdinn. ..................... llennu1~in................ 150 lVitoka ....................... lVilson ......................... \Vinona....................... 5Q



Bent. 1, inn!. Natelioz cU.y ..•••. -· .•••. N11telwz cit,y •••••••••.•••..•.••••••.

'\V11rcl !. ........................ .. II 2••••••••••• ••••••••• •••••••

3 ..••••••••.•••••• •••·•• ·-·· 4 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••

l3ont 2 ....................... ; •••••••• II 3 ••• • •••• • ••" • ••••• • • •••••• """""" II <! '"""""" •••• • ., """""" • •••• "" • """""" II fj ••• • • ·• ••• "'"""•""""""'"""""" • •••

Incomploto in 1870.


Bent 1, inol. Corinth town ............ . Coriutl1 town. - ............. ---·--··

neat 2, incl. Jacinto town . - ...••.•••. ,Jacinto town ....................... , .. ..

lfoat, 3, ind. Rienzi villigo .•••.•.••• - • Rienzi villago ...................... .

1sso. 1sro.

12, 058 7, 058 1,405 2, 819 1,:JH 1,400 2, 000

·1, ?3,l 2,070 3,178

4,174 2, !!75 2, 567

80 2,713


O, 057




Beat4, inel.Kossnth village---·--··-· KMsnth village .................... .

2, 038 132

Ilettt 5 -······--· ................... . 1, 880 Incoruplote-in 1870.


Bent 1, incl. Liberty town ........... .. Lihel'ty town. -- .....••.•. -· •• -- .. -·

Beat 2, incl. Ccntrovillo town .. - ..... . Ceutrcwillo town ......... -----· ... .

3, 823 560 420

2, 048 70

Beat 3 ............................... . 2, 708 " 4 ...................................... . 2, 586 II . 5 •••••• •••••••·••••••••·•••••·•·•

Nut retm'Ded hy bents in 18i0. 2, 140


JJoat.1. Kosciusko, incl. Kosciusko J.n_ Kosciuskotown ................. , .•.

4, 230 21505 1, 126 577

Page 2: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.



_.. .. .. ~--·--•-""""___ =."'=-======~=========;====r=o==;====== MINOit crnL DrvrnroNs. ) 1sso. 1s10. ___ n_E_:r.r_a_n_K_s_·. --tt--M_r_x_o_n_u_rv_1_L_n_1v_1_s_r_ox_. _s_. _


_1_s_·s_o_. _1_s_1_0_.,, ___ 1_t_rn_M_A._1_u_c_8_. __

ATrALA-continncd. I Bent~. XorthraRt .............. .. . .... . ......... 3, 12:! 2, 507

" 3 Miteb• ll s :!\fills ................. :J, JGO 2, 34r. " 4. Nt•wport 1li~trid, incl. tbe fol- j 5, 724 4, 477

lowin1r tmrni:;o Newport tow;).................................... 107 Sallis t•1wn...... ............ ........ 132

P.>1:at 5. Centre district................ a, 746 ··2; sfii' BEXTQ!'I.

J;!(~at 1 ................................................. . " ~: ind. the following places ......... . Lan1a.rto"irn .... ................................. . lli1:Ligan dty ~ ................................... .

Th·at :.1, ind. ABhlanil. town ........... . A•li!aml town, .................... ..

l~1:~t ~ :::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::~:: DOLIYAil.

lli·:it 1 ............................... . u 21 inr L Concordia town ......... : . Coneonlia town .......................... .

~:n :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Not p11!Jlisllrnl by beats in lSiO.


Bf•at 1, inrL PittBliOro' town ........ .. Jl1f(!!llmru 1 tvwn ............................... .

Il<•at~ ............................. .. u 3 .......................................... . H 4 ... .,.,_..., ....... ,.., . .,.,.,,.., .... ., .. .,. ......... . H fj

~ ot 'P~iiii~h~d-by beata i~· i87o: ...

2,276 3,956

164 3, 980 4,036 4,404

2, 91)! 2ri:;

2,217 ...... .. 2,803 ..•.••••

3, 1~3 [--·"··· 2,454 ....... .

Form'ly pt. of Tippah co. Formerl.v pts. of 'rippah

[aml :Marshall cu•. [nn<i Marshall cos.

Formerly l'ts. of TipJ>ah fnrn llfaralrnll cos.

Fornll'rl.V pts. of Tiprmh Do. Du,

CAlutOLI• Th:~t~ ............................... .

ii 5 ::::::··:::::::::::::::::::::::: 1, 948 2, 002 il,690 5 1')')

[ery co. 3, 537 I In 1871, pt. to Montgom·

847 In 1871, pt. tu L11 Floro co. 4, 5il2 Do. Do.

" 4, ind. Ca11·11lltcm town ......... . ('an11Hton t~1wn ...... ·······-··~·-··

}{f~at ii hu·L Vaitlue town .......... ------Y11iJnu town ...................... ..


I!<·at 1, incL Huust-On town, ••••• , ••••• ,1,lH~~stun tmvn ........... 0 ............ . .............................. .. " ;J, incl. Okolona town ........... .

13 Okolona town ...................... . ~~~t~ ...................................................... .

1~.;;,;;1;i:.,1-;; i~ isio: · · · · · · · .. · ·· ..

r:.:it 1 .••••••••• ~'.~\':· " ~. irid. W1·~t Poi;t-t-0~,;:::::::::

Wr ;;f Point town 1· t ,.., ............................ ..

~:'.' i :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .................................

'3g:j'. 4,581

an 5,o:rn

Lt20 7, 5ii0 In 18711 pt. to Montp:om­

[cry co.

2,425 480 400

fi,413 3, 523 1, 838 1,410 3,860 2,684

2,3'.!7 163

1,854 l,862 4~0

1,341 1,052

4, 700 2, 180

48 2,466 4,108 u, la4

2,521 410

4,324 7ii4

4,2~6 1,m;, l, 050 2}000

2, O'.!l 5,251

1, 780 a, nr,s 3, t37 2,:!llO


··2;535· ··2;ii8"

702 6~1

1, 744 972 a T''l 1, 489 '676 2, 9In 1, 007

147 t ........ 4, ~flO 1, 031 liul2 785

fconnt:v. ~onnerl.r pt. of Lowu<liis 1' orm.,rl.\< p1;;.of Lowrnles

and :Mon.rot) counties. l"""" and OkLil>helu1 eos.

l! ormt'rly pts. of Chicka-Do. Do. Do. Do.

In 1877, pt. to Quitman co.

In1S77, pt. to Quitman co.


B!'Jtt l, incl. IInzlelmrst town ..•••.... Hazlelnust towIL .................. .

Beat 2, incl. tho following towns ..... .

Ilcnnrcg:ml town .................. . '\Vcssen town ...................... .

Beat3 ........... , ................... . " 4 ............................................ . '' 5, incl. Cr,ystal Springs village ... . Crystal Svrings village ............ .


Ileat 1. Willinmsburgh ............. .. " 2. \Vatls' ................................ . " 3. IIollo<lay Cronk .............. .

4. Mmmt Uarnrnl. .............. . " 5. Ocoha ...................... ..


Bea~ 1, incl. Oliv~ Ilrnnch village ..... . Oltve Branch village .............. ..

Beat 2, incl. Pleasant Hill village .••••. l'leasan t Bill villa go ............... ,

Bent3 .............................. .. " 4 " o,"i:r;'c1: the foiio~ing places:::::: Jiemauclo city ..................... . JiernlUldo town ................... . Love's Station village .............. : N csbitt's St;. ti on village .•••••.••••.


B~~t ~· ................... . . Hamburg ................... ..

;; ~· Meaclvi11Io . .............................. .

" .,· M0 s ..................... . , . n1n.a ................................ .

Not ]iu!Jli"llcd in clctuil in 1870.


Beat 1. J,eaksville .................. .. " 2. Sta to I.Jino . .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . . . .... . " 3. Washington ........... :: .... :

:: t: ;fa1l~1~.::::::::::::::::::::'.:: GllENADA.

Bent 1, Incl Grena<la town .......... .. B Gtenada town ..................... .

~~ ~ ::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::: " ~incl. Harcl.v Station town .... .. Har y Station town ................ .

Bcat5 ......................... . Not pn!Jlishcd by beats iu 1870: · · ·


B~~t 21. PGe1;1rlin~on ..•••••••••.•••• _ •.

, . a1nesv1lle ............ _ ............... . ' 3. Yamacraw ............................. .

, 4. Jorclnn IUver ................ . ' 5, Bn:v Saint Louis, incl. Bay

Saint Lonis city. Bay Saint Louis city .............. ..


B'!BA,~~i~~oxl, incl. Biloxi town ••••••• wn ............. .

B~~t ~· .MississipJ1i cit,1' ... :.:: ."::::::: a. Po~sChristian, incl.PaaaChris­

tian town. Pass Christian town Beat4 ............... . " 5 ............................................... . ....................................................


Bent 1, incl. Clinton town Clinton town .. .. • .. • • • · • .. • • ·'

Beat. 2, incl. tho rou~,;;in.g ;;;,~;;,; · · · · · · ~~lton'j' Depot town .. .. . . • •• : : : : : :

Ernt~ 3~i1~ci.\J'ti~ii .t .. OW~; · .. · · · · · .. · · "· · · · Utii:iLtown .. .. .. . . .. · · · · .. • • • · · ..

Beat4, incl Raymond to;;{::::::::::: Ila,vmontl town ........ .

B~t 5, incl. the following i)iacca:::::: J.vr~m to'Yn ....................... . "No~.!~ ~~~<i::::: ................. . s ................. . Wuti1 ward ...................... .

es ·Warcl .... .. Notpuhllsilcd byb;~t8i.Il"i87o:·


7, 518 463

U, 023

517 1, 707 B, 882 4, 171 0,41i8


1, 104 808 07'1

1, 01:! 1, 044

6, 383 73

3, 003 173

a, 475 3, Ol:l 0, 400

58:l 100

98 117

2, 905 2, 040 l, 791 1, 592 l, 341

4l'i5 042 672 040 476

4, 807 l,OH 2,476 1, 054 1, 63•1

144 1,440

l, 301 l, 205

590 800


1, 978

2, 001 1, 540 1, 080 2,702

1,410 600 537

7, 173 mm

8, 334 440 431

8, 2:17 230

0, 121 488

11, ODB

2, 20G 602

5, 238

315 464

2,7ltl 620

D,8:!B 804

Mil ouu lJ~O

1, •JUO 1, O:YJ

o, 844

7, 840

--a;aili. a, 557 7, 040


400 401 373 3115 403


900 400

40 1,520 1, 280

l, 320 054

1,1:14 2, 688

1, 051 404 240

80 5,204 '"4;234" 2, 202 1, 510 1, 402

BLt 1 .• incl. Lexington town.......... 5, 497 exmgton town ..................... : . 798

3, ODO 744

Samons clist. No.1in1870.

Samo ltS nmnrngnrcl nntl W csson in 1870; and '.Vs. O ancl 1().

Snmons<list, No. Oin 1870. Smnons <list. No.4iu1870. Sam" ns n1•, Sv1'hli;s

[in 1870, nml Tu •. l nn1l:J.

In 1873, imrt to 'rate OD. Do. Do.

Satne ns Lexington ells· [ ti·lot in 1870.

\1 (1 \> \, \'



J r

Page 3: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.




J3eat 2, incl. the following towns .••••• Dmanttown ....................... . \Vest Station town ................. .

Bcut 3, incl. the following towns ..••.. Goodman town ••••••.•••••.••••••••• Pickens town ...................... .

J3eat4 .............................. .. " 5 ................................................ ..


Beatl ····················:···········

II 2 •••••••••••••••.,•·••••••••"""""" H 3 """"""""'"""'""""'""""""""" •••••••• " 4, incl. Mayersville town .••..•••

lTAWA!!nA. Beatl ............................... .

" 2 ............................................ . " 3 ...................................................... . " 4 .......................................... .. II {) •••••••••••••••••••••••••

Incomplete in 1870.


J3cat 1. Nortlwast ..•.•..•.••• <. ••••••

" 2. Central ..••••••••••••••••••••. " 3. Southrnst .................... . " 4. Southwest ................... . '' 5. Northwest ........................ .

Incomplcto in 1870.

JASPER. Beat 1. Centre .•.••••••••••••••••••••.

" 2. Northeast ............................... . " 3. Northwest .•••••••••••.••••••. " 4. Southeast .................... . " 5. Southwest ................... .

JEFFERSON, Beatl ......... , ..................... .

II 2 ••••• •. •··•• •••••• • • ••• •• • ••-"'"' " 3, inol .. F1iyetto village ..•.••.•••. Fayette v1llngo ................... ..

:Beat4 ............................. .. " 5, incl. llodney village .......... . Rodneyvillngo ..................... .


Beat 1. Ellisville, incl. Ellisville town. Ellisville town ..................... .

Bout 2. l'inoh•illo .................... . 11 3. Ernta ............................. . 11 4. Southeast .................... . u 5. Son111west ...................... .

Not published in detail Jn 1870.


J3eat l. Scoolia c1istrict ............... . '' 2. Gninsvillo Junction ............... . " 3. :Moscow .................... .. " 4. Kellis' Store ................ .. 11 5. DoKn11.! .................... .

Not pulllishcd in detail in 1870.


J3oat 11 incl. Oxford town ............. . Oxfortl town ....................... .

J3eat 2 ............................... . " 3, incl . .A.bhovillo town .•••.•.••. .A.hhovillo town ................... ..

J3cat 4, incl. Taylor's town ........... .

]3~~,~~~'~.~~~~: :::::::::::::::::: :::: Incomplete in 1870.


Bent 1. Meridian, incl. :Me1·idinn city .• Morillian city ..................... ..

Bent 2. Latulordnlc, incl. Laudordalotn Lauclerclnlo town .••••••••.•.••••..••

Bent 3. Daleville ..................... . " 4. 'l'unncl Hill .................. . 11 5, llurrioauo ()reek .••••••••.••.•

LAWRENCE, Boat! ............................... .

ll 2 .......................................... . " 3 .......................................... . " 4 ................................ ; ........ . .. 5 . - ....... ·----· ·----- --~--- -- --·-

Not published by beats in 1870.

T.A.BLE III.-MISSISSIPPr.!..oontinuecl.

1sso. t87o. RE:MA.ItKS.

5, 044 724 200

5, 58:l :l78 122

4,294 0,746

1, 400


4, 801 Samo as Durant c1iatrict an [in 1870.

1, 50{) 4,317

Samo as Richlancl dis­[trict- in 1870.

[in 1870. Samo as Eulo!(y clistt'ict Same as Tchula clistr'ict

in 1870.

Embraces Dunbarton mul partot'Scholn precincts ofl870; in 1876, part to Sharkey co.

' [cinct of 1870. Embraces 'l'allnla j're· Emhraccspartofll.ol ing

Fork prec.-of 1870; in 1870, pt. to Sharkey co.

3, 109 2, 349 Em braces Ekipwith pre­cinct of 1870,

2, 153 2, 550 2, 160 1, 769 2, 022

572 813

3,054 2, 208


2, 700 2,4r.2 1,412 1, 930 s, 533

3,409 3 844 4: 036

300 2,·Jll 3,014


381 37

1, 207 795 405 soo

4, 362 2, 706 2,800 2 585 £;14(1

6, 121 1, 534 2, 796 5, 618

2~3 3, 662

85 3,474

9, 110 4, 008 3, 580

206 3, 080 21 U50 3, 081

2,083 852

1, 408 a,uoa 2,014

3, 160 2,407

832 2, 305 2, 090

440 4,51!3

200 120

5,888 2, 757


5, 000 2, 700 2,440

2, 265 1, 387 1,380



Beatl. Eclin1mrg .................. _ •• " 2. Carthage, incl. C11l'thage town. Carthage town .................... , .

Beat 3. 'l'hornastown ................ .. " 4. Good Hope ................. .. " 5. \Valnnt Grove ............... .

Not pu!Jlishod in detail in 1870.


Beat 1, ind. tho following towns .... .. l!ulclwyu town (part of) .• : ......... . Guntown town ......................... .

Beat 2, incl. tlw following towns .•.•.. Uft•mingham town .................... . ........... _ ........ ..

Beat B, incl. 'l'npclo town ............. . 'l'npelo town ................ _·- ....... .

Beat 4, incl. Verona town ............ . V!'rona town ...................... .

Beat 5, incl. Shannon town.- ••.•.•.... Shannon tqwn .................... .. Baldwyn town (in Lee and Prentiss


LE FLOitE. Bcatl ...... ; ....................... ..

.1 2 ·--·-· ·---·--··-·--···--·· ...... .. " 3, incl. Greenwood town ........ . Grcenwoocl town .................. .

Beat4 .............................. .. " 5 ······------···-·--·-·····-··-··


Beat 1, incl. tho following towns .•.••. Bogue Chitto town ...................... . B!'ookhtwen town ................. ..

Beat2 ............................... . II 3 •••••••••-··••-•••••••••-••-•••• H 4 ••••••••• .. •••••••••••••·-·•••••• ti 5 ·-----········---··········-····

Rcclistrictccl since 1870, but the records are lncom1ilete.

LOWNDES. Beatl ............................... .

" 2, incl. ColumbllS city ... - ......... --Columbus city ..................... .

Bents .............................. .. " 4, incl. Crawforcl village ......... . Crawfol'cl village .......•...••••••••.

Beat 5, incl. Artesili town ............ . Artesia town ...................... .


Beat 1, incl. Canton city .............. . Canton city ................. ·----···

Bmit2. Vemon ................ ·-····· " 3. Livingston .... ; .............. .

4. Sharon ....................... . " 5 ................................. ····--· ... .


Beat 1. Columhia .................... . " 2. Cmfoys ...................... .

3. Tilton ................... . " 4. 'Vatcr Jioles ................ .. " G. ltecl Creek and Wolf River .••.


Boat 1, incl. :S:olly Springs city •••••••. Rolls: S1mngs qity ................. .

Beat 2, me!. Mount l'fonsant town ••• , Mount Pleasant town ............. ..

Beat 3, incl. Bvhalia town .••.•.••••••. Byllalhi town ..................... ..

Beat,4, incl. Wall Rill town···-···-··· Wall Hill town .................... .

Beat5 ...... .. ................... . Not published by beats in 1870.


Beat l, incl. Cotton Giu Port town .... . Cott.on Gin I>ol't town. -- ........... .

Beat 2 ............................... . " 3 ......... : ...................... .

Beat 4, incl . .A.herlleen town .......... . Allcrdeen town ................... ..

Beal;5 ............................... . Not puhli~hed hy heats in 1870.


Beat 1. Winona, incl. Winonu. town .•. Winona town ...................... .

Bent 2. Duck Hill, incl. Duck Rill t.wn. Duck Hill town ................... ..

Beat 3. Lmli, incl. Locll town .•••••.••. Locli town ......................... .

1880. 1870. JmM.A.ItKS.

2, 302 3, 857

285 2, OOG 1, 800 3, 031

3, 717 13lf 103

3, 50± 85

202 4,0U2 1, 008 4, 077

500 3,820

232 477

1, 804 2, 27:1 2, 117

308 ], 905 2,m1

5, 733 143

1, 615 1, 321 1 455 1: om 3,305

4, 702 5, 510 31 U55 3, Of9 GI 056

304 8, 258


8, 507 2, 083 2, 078 0, 002 3, 300 4, 020

l, 050 1, 207 1, 107 1, 447 1, 361

8, 823 2, 370 6, ;103

135 6, 028

346 4, 540

77 3, 540

4,400 1, 204 2, 787

151 2, 040


3,001 ma 2·10


148 a. 208

018 2,459


104 1,014

In 1874, pt. to Union co.

Iu 1874, pt. to Union co.

[nncl Snnflowrr cos. Formel'l.Y pts. of Carrol'

Do. Dn. Do. IJo. Lnrnl Sunflower cos.

Formerly pls. of Carroll Do. Do.

2, 856 In 1872, pait to Cliw co. 7, 307 Do. Do." 4,812 2, 545 In 1872, part to Clay co. 6, 708 Do. Do.

"ii; 02-0" In 1872, iiart to Clay co.

7, 003 1, 003 2, 2!15 4,509 3,1U2 3, 379

1, 548 412 441

1, 127 683

Formerly in Carroll co.

Formerly in Cnr~·oll eo.

Formerlyin Choctaw co.

Page 4: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.


TAnLE III...!..l\IISSISSIPPI-Oontinued.

---·:;NO~~c::::::::=-1~~80.1 ~s~~r-HEMARKS. MlNOTI .CIVIL DIVISIONS.

Mox1,,0~1E1n:-eontinul'tl. i---~ - ~I . TIA!\KJN.

Beat]. Rteen'R Creek ................ . ii 2. llrandon, incl. nranllon town ..

• count.\', Brnmlo11 town ....................... .

lle~t 4. :Mayfidtl...................... 1, 000 _ .......


Former! v m Choctaw co.;

I' in 187·1, pt. to Sumner

.ti. Popk~r Creek·-·--·--·_ .. ·.···.· 2, 353 ........... i Pormn·lyin Choctnwco.i 1 in 1874, pt. to Sumner

l3eat a. Fnunin .... -· ....... __ ......... . " •l. Pelahatchie .....•..••.•..••••.

NEollOBA. county.

lli·at 1. PliilrultlplJia ................. . '· !!. 11.agw·wuod ...................... .

.. :t Z1~~:~1~t_::::::::::::::::::::::1 >I ti • .,.,•••••••••••••••••••••••••-··'

1mwrnx. B1·at 1 .............................. ..

" :;.:! .................................... ..

H a''"'""'"'""'"''••"'""''""""""""''""' ii 4 ......................................... . " G .......................................... .

?WXU'!JEE. ll•;~t ~ ............................... .

" ~. i~~i."ii~;:~"dt~-,~~·:::::: .·::::: :: ?.fae11n tuwn ...... ------ ............ ..

D1·at 4, iud. Shu,1ualak town .....•.••. Hl1w11ialak tmru ...................... ..

l~·ut r,, ju d. Bro1Jkvi11e town .......... . Brouk ville t<nrn .•......••.....•.•..


Il1·at 1, ind. Starkville town .· •••••.••. Stark\·i!le town .•••••...•.. _ •......

Bt~t i ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PANOLA.

n .. at l, incl.Como town .•.•........... ('.hO!OtOl\"Jl ............................ .

ll1·at ~. ind. Longtown town ....•.... -1 I,nngtffWil town ....................... .

Jltat a, ind. tb1•. following tOWnB ..•••. Coul'tlarnl town ........................ . Pope'i;town ............................... j

J!l,at 4 •..••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ·• 5, ind. the following towns ..... . Dat+-1'lvillu town .......................... . Sardis town ..•••••••••••••••••••••..


nr:at I. .A nirirnta ...••.......•..••...•. ·· 2. ~onroe ................ ~----·····

3. 'l'a1lahala .••••••.••••••••.•••. u 4. Thoillpson'a Creek ............. . " 5. Blu,;k Creek ...... _ .......... .

Not pulilished by heats inl870.

I'll()!, ::t ~ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .. :i.:1-;;~i.'th; r;.iiowfu:i t"ci'wiIB: ::: : : .Mct:otn!J City town ................ . 8uuunit f4)\Yll . ..•.••• ,, .................. ., •. lllft r1 ~ in!:l. tht: following towns ......... ..

Ur;~~·i~~\\!~;~:~: ::::: :: :: :: : : : : ::: ::~ !i ut puhli•hctl Ly Lent" iu 1870.


nc;it ~· C!wrry Cl'(·1:k .....••••••••.••. :. :... HutH·1n1ilk ~prings .....•...•. .: ~- Rawlolph ......•. ~---·········! , 4. Pont41trn•1 ind. the foll. towns.

( !Ji,st•,rvilf,. town 1 1'01110101~ t11Va1 · ....... •·•·•• ·~·---·

Bt:.~~1t ii. 1:....a l.anri:·········.·o-- .. ····· Incomplete in i87o:· ·• ······ ·•·· ··


n .. ~t 1. inrl. Il<••nM'illc town .•••••• ···I lji1HJH'.Villt: town ..

llt·,1 ~ ............ :::::::::::::::::::! ... . :" IDel. Ji:att 11f U~tldwyn town.- . .!

:i;,.~;.~Jiw;-n town (J•ati uf'1 .••••••.•.••• 1

i·~.1?1,;~;li:1:~::,;:(i~:i,~;~~~~:;.~~~:1i~~:1 ('l1Utltlh'1). I

Not puiJliHhed l1y beats in 1870. I !If.a l (,il:ITMAX,

~: t ~ :~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~] In~~~~~;~j,~0 ~AA t;)y1;;;,i!,~; iri ;~i~~r- 11 c1•il 1hrnn01u; mcompldt:.

1, li02 !J92

2, Oiil I} fj!)8

i; ~HJ8 21 ri9G ~.1'11 2, 744 2,mm ~,9:i0

8, f.09 4, 719 4, 537 4, 101 0, 351 7, 2!JJ 2, Oi4 9~5 4, 9:J8 2, •JG2

3ri2 ··-----· fi, 4H9 I 2, ~00

284 r······ 4, 105 l, 500 3, 500 1,871 2, !Gl 4,335

3, IGO 475

3, 847 1, 991i In 1875, pt. to Sumner co. 1, 728 4, 160

3, 717

"4,468" 7, am

149 3, li27

lUU 4, li7

221 1~1

5,171 8, 010


2, 714 In1877,pt. toQuitmauco.


885 90

1,00!'; 670 777

2, 001 2, 608 2, 084 5,86H 1, 982 .•••••••

5fJ7 •••••••• ~: ~~~ 1'::::::::

542 ............. .

2,370 J,9:!2 2,477 3, 8lll

~9 447 884

3, 269

0 8°7 -· - 1·······-6ua 41iS

~! 7¥5 r········ .. , g~1~ ! .......... .

l, Pll 1:::::::: 111~~ ! .......... .. J ... .

aa41·:::::::: t:i~ ········1 24-1·······-oo ·······-


" 5. Cato, incl. (;a Lo village ....... . Cato village ..•••••••••••••••••••.•..

SC01'T, Beat 1 ............................... .

II 2 •••••••••••••••"''"" •••·•••••••·•· " 3 ............................................. ~ .. " 4 .................................... . 11 5, incl. T ... ako town ................. · - . Lakotown .••.••..••.••••••......•..

SHAHKICY. Bent 1 ............................... .

" 0 (I 3, ·1iic·1: RC,iiiiig F~rit to~~n ~: ~ ~:: :: Rolling .h,ork town ..................... ..

n~!1t E . : : : : : ~::::: : : : ~:: : : : : : : : : : : : : : ~ Information as to clrnngra in minor

civil tlivi•iona incomplete.


B~~t ~ :::::::::::: :::::::::::::: :::::: (I 3 ......................................... . " 4 ....................................... . " 5 ......................................... .


Bent 1. Raleigh ...•••.•••••.•..•••••• " 2. Dunker Hill ................. . " 3. TaylorsYille ·~ ...•....•...•••.

4. Trenton ••••••.••..••.••.•.••• " 5. Pincvillo .................... .


Beat 1. Walthnll, incl. Walthall town. \V11lthall town .....•.........••.•.•.

Beat 2. Catlamttn ..................... . 11 3. Gret'nsh01•0 1

-----· ............... .

" 4. Spring Valley •••.•.••.••••••.

" 5. Cum liorlau<l, incl. Cumhm'1an1l town.

Cumberlitncl town .••••••.•••.••••••. BU!\FLOWJlR.

Details cannot bo given, as tho beats were not separately returDGil,


Boat 1, incl. Jfarrison town .•••••••.•. Harrison town ............. _ .......... ..

Beat 2, incl. Charleston town .•.••• _ •. : Uha~lcston town .... _ ..•••••.••.•••.

Bq~t ~ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: TA1'E,

B~~t~ ................................ .

" a, ·1;;,;i:-c~i<i\;.ii.;i; ·1.;,~;;:::::::::: Cul<lwatcr town .........•.......••.

Beat 4, incl. Um following towns •••••• Looxahoma town .................. .

B Senatobia town .................... . oat 5 .•••.•..••••.•.•••••••••.••.•••.

Tll'PAII, Beatl .............................. ..

" 2, incl. Il.iploy town ...•.•.•••.•. _ Ripley town ....................... .

Beat 3, incl. tho following towns •••••• Bl\m Mountain town ............... .

B Or1z11ha town. ..•••••..••...••••••••.

~~t t : :: : : : ·::::: ·::::: ::: : : : : : : : : : : . Not puhlishurl hy beats in 1870. -


llPat 1, incl. Iuka town .............. .. Iuka town ......................... .

Jl~t 2, Burirnville town ..••••••.

I Bea~~n~~:=~~ ~~_".°~. :::::: :::: ::::::: ::: :: ~ :·······-············-·······-·· ............................................

. TUNICA. B~~t ~ ..••••••••••...•••••••••••••••..

~u~t~~;~~·~~;Sti;; tOWi{: :~ :: : : ~ ::: : : n~~t g ............. :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::~

~ ........................ " ......... -...... -.

lSl!lO. 1870.

~. ii40 4,rn;;

<04 2, n~o 2l 574 3, fJOS


2, 787 l, !il4 2, 820. 1, OB~ 1, 0~:1


fi.13 740

1, l:J5 01

2, aon 1, D74

1, 488 1, 007 2,4fl·! 1,:~00 1, 790

2, 603 1, 054 1, 4110 1, 734 1, 258

2, 008 101

1, 820 2, 070 1!488

2, 058


2,282 224

2, 407 308

2, 0;;7 2, t07 1, ua

3,103 2,,0,18 4, l.00

OU7 ,4,457

81 035


3, 047 3, 687

0:17 2, 642

166 77

1, 741 1, 750

2, oa2 8·15

1, 005 240

1, 150 1, 338 1, 359

2,060 840

2, fiill 252

2,H~l 700

2, 713 2, ll78

7;i(i 2, 07!J 2, 220 2, B78

2, 51·1 1,471} 1.m. 1, o:n

1, 040 1, 1~0 1, ~1g 1, 100,

1, 700 085

1, 270 l, 802 11 BOO

1, 788

· ·i;noo· · ·i;:i20·

1, 8112 073


2, 754

1, 650

.. i; 045 840


1,483 613

2, 2oa

3W 740


From ]lt. of Choct.n.w l\O,

[Montgoll\l'l'V ''""· ]'mm J>IH. 01'Ul11l<lt.11'w nml

Jlo. Do. From /itfi. ol'()Juw1:1rn·nrnl

Okt hlw!m 11on11tioH. ]'l'nm p1n·ls of Chnlltn.w,

Okt.lhlH1lrn, 11n<l Uhlok· nsaw oounLios.

In 1877.,ptut 1;o Qull.tnn.n [county.

In 1877, }1n1•t to Q11itm11n cou11ty.

('.1~1111ion, MA. From pta. oi'lln Ho to nnil

Do. Do. From p1wt of Do l:loto uo.

From p1tt•t o.r Do Soto uo.

From iitfi. of no Solio iimt :Mnrshnll countlos.

Page 5: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.




llent 1 .••••..••....•••••.....•..•••••. B 2 •••••••••••••••········· •••••••• " a, incl. New Albany town ....... . New Albnny town ................ ..

llmtt4 .............................. .. " 5 ···--------·--·--· ·------··---··


ll"nt 1.,n111l Vicksburg city (coexten­sive).

'Var!l ! ............... , ............ . " 2 ................... ................... .

3 ............................ . 4 ..•••••••••••.•••.•.•.•...•..

]Jent 2 ............................... . II 3 """""""" •••••••••••••,.••••••••.;.• " 4 ----··--········-· ................ . " G .. ··············--···----- ·-····

Not imbliehecl by beats in 1870.

WASHINGTON. llent 1 ......•.........................

II 2 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• '' . a, incl. Gmenville town ........ . Greenville town •••.....•...•.......

Brnit. 4 -- ............................. . ti 5 ········--··------------------·-

Incompleto in 1870.

WAYNE. Bent 1 --········---· ............. .' ... .

11 21 incl. Wnyuc~al>0ro' town ...... . \Vaynesboro' town ... _ .............. .

Jlent; a .............................. .. 11 4 0

" • • • • • •.,., ~., ~" "" - """ .. """"" "".,"" •

,, 5 ...................... · ......................... .


Ben.t 1, incl. Wooclville town ......... . Woodville town ..••••.......•......


1880. 1870.

1, 085 1, 068 4, 2il8

250 3, 548 1, 021

11, 814 12, 443

2, 148 3, 010 3, 253 3, 397 5, 1D7 5, 640 4, 8lil 3, 726

5, 008 4, 566 7,451 2, 101 800 4, 381 3, 001

l, 700 636 1, 5\)7 608

150 2. 082 1, ROS 1, 048 986

754 518

5, 578 3,426 905


[Pontotoc counties. From pts. of '.l'ippah ancl

Do. lJo. Do. Do.

[Lre countiee. From pts. of '.l'ippah aml

Do. lJo.



Beat2 ............................... . II 3 •••••• ·••••• •••••" ""'"'"'"''" •••••• •• u 4 ............................................... . H 5 "" ·••••••••••••••••••••• """'"'"""""


Beat 1. Louisville, incl.Louisville twn. Louisville town ................... ..

Bcat2. Suutheast .................... . " 3. Webster ..................... . " 4. Northeast .................. . " 5. Plattsburg, incl. Plattsburg

village. Plattsburg village ................. .

Not published by beats in 1870.


Beat l, incl Coffeeville town ........ .. Coffeevillo town ••..••.••.••..•••. __

llcat 2, incl. Water Valley town •••••• Water Volley town ............... ..

Beat 3, incl Oaklnml town .......... .. Oaklunt! town ..•. -- .••••• _ .••••••••.

Beat 4, incl. Garner's Station town ... . Garner's Station town ............. .

Beato, incl.Air Mount town ....•..... Air Motlllt town .. . . . . . • • • • . ......

Nut published in 1fotail in 1870:


Bent 1 .............................. .. Bent 2, inrl. Benton town ........... ..

Jlenton town ...•..••••••••••• ---·-· Beat 3, incl. Yazoo city ............. ..

ll!~~o~-~~t-~:: ·.:::: :·.:: ·.::::::::: .: : : : " 5 ................... ·-·--- ........ ··-·-···

Not pnblisheil by beats in 1870.

1880. 1870.

5, 311 4, 301

049 1, 076

2, 467 418

2, 043 2, 123

012 2, 542


3, 062 749

5, 555 2, 220 2, 506


2, ~~g 1, 961


6, 264 5, 315

180 10, U04

2t542 5, 746 5, 916

3, 840 1, 519 2, 480 1, 440




N'OTE.-The following unincoi-pornted places have been i·eturued separately by the enumerators. The list is not by any means complete, as very many enumerators have failed to separate such bodies of population, The population of tlloso places has of course, been inclllllod in tho heats in which they are respectively situated. The figures can be considered as only approximate, as t1e limits of such places are not sharply defined.

Name of place.

Allg'11Rtn. .............................. . llomrntt's L:tll(ling (Otlwllo

I'. 0.). llrownHvillo .••••••••••••••.. C1ularlltta .....•....••.•.....• Cn1mlonia ..... u•·· .......... .. CtmHlon ................... .. lJonsonvillo .•••••......••.•.. Dmmtur ................... .. Dlxio ....................... .

~~~:~::::: :: : : :::::::: ::: :: : : ]'ort Adams ............... . l~nlton ...................... -Gatnesvlllo ••••.. -.......... -Gnl111111n ..•••• , ........... .. Gra,vsport i ................. . llnrnlshoro .•••.•.•••••••..•. llolmosville ................ . Inllinn CL"eek ............... . Ludlow .......•.....•••.••••• MeN11tt . .......................... . 11arictt11 ................... .. l'l'forlon ............. -...... .. J\foyl10w .................... -Mississl1rpl City ...•••••.•••• Moormwillo ........ ................ . Jl.foas Point .................. .

Beat. County.

i ¥~~i6~::::::::::::::::::::: 2 Ilin!ls ..................... . 2 Hurn11cr ....... ................. . 1 Lowndes ................. . 5 M:t<lison .................. . 2 Yazoo .................... . 1 Newton ................... . 4 Do Soto ...•••..•... ······--s Chickasaw.-····· ......... .

~ K%1i~i;;::::::·.:::::::::::::. 2 \V 1lkmson ... . . • • ••••.••.• 5 It1twarn!Ja ................ . 2 Hancock ................. .. 1 Copiah ................... .. 2 Grenada-·-··· ............ . 2 Harrison .......................... .

i ¥::u'l.;0:::: ::::: :: : ::: ::: : : : 4 Scutt .................... .. 2 Lo Flore ............••••••. 4 Prentiss .................. . 1 Lnudenlale ............... . 5 Lowndes ................. . 2 Harrison ......••..•.••••.•. 3 Lee ...... , ................ . 3 Jackson .................. .


52 19

100 10

145 161

liU 47 72 D5

... 41

1071 220 240 207

83 G7

519 80 38 87 83 63

347 197 265

54 1, 333

Name of place.

Mount Carmel ..•••••••...•• _ Oe~un Springs ....................... .. Pascagoula ................. . l'anhling ................... . Pcnl'lingtun ....•••..•••••.••. Pelahatchie ............... · .. . l'hiladdphia ................ . Provl!lenco ................ .. Rocky Springs .............. -Saint .Mnrtin'e .•..••••••..••• Seranton ........•..•...•.••. Sharon ..................... . Silver City .••.••..•••.••••••. State Lino .................. . Stonewall Factory .......... . Tchula ..................... .

~r,~.fti;.n,·: ::::::: :::::::::: :: 'l'illman's Slation •••••••••••• Toomsuba .................. . Tyro ...........••.••...•...•. Union Church .............. . Vernal. ..................... . Vernon .................... .. Wahalak ................... . 'West Hnzleburst ••••••.••.•• Whitefil'ld .................. . Whitestown ................ . Winstonville ............... .


4 Covington ..••.•.•.•••..••. 4 Jackson ................. . 8 do .... : •.....•..•••••••. 1 Jaeper .................... . 1 Hancock ..•... · ............ . 4 Rankin •••..••••••••••••••. 1 NuRhoba .................. . 2 Hl'cnntla ............................... . 3 O!aihorne .••••••.•..... __ .. 5 .... do ..................... . S ,Jackson .•...••.•••...•.•. 4 .Madison .................. . 5 Yazoo .................... . 2 Greene ................... . 3 Clarke .................... .

Holmes •••...•.••••..••.•••. Ilinds ••••••••••••••.•••.•. •.rate ...................... . Claiborne .....•• ···-·····-Lauderdale ............... .

5 Tate ....................................... . 1 J nfferson ••••••••••.••••••. 4 Greene ................... . 2 Madison .................. . 1 Kemper .................. . 1 Copiah. "··.················ 4 Oktibbeha . .-.............. . S ·wnkinson ............... .. 2 Winston •....•...•••••.••.


96 849 418 2~9 6~9 117 101 40 58 44

1, 052 184

45 97

145 90

108 36 50

118 53 83 47 26

115 839

50 65 31




Benton twp., incl. Kirksville town ... . Kirksville town ................... :.

C!a,y township _ ........... _ ........ . Liliorty township .................... . Mo1Tow township ......•.........•••.. Nineveh township ................... .

1880. 1870.

4, 229 2, 314 1, f32 1, 030 1, 083 1, 218·

3, 369 1, 471 1, 340

854 877. ·420



Pettis township ..•..•••...•••••.••.. -· Polk township ......•.•........••..... Salt River twp., incl. Brashears town._

B"nshenrs town .................... . Walnut township ................... .. 'Vilson township .................... .


1880. 1870.

1, irn 71U

l, 377 164 691

1, 301

1, 041 769

·1, 164

····495· 1, 119


Page 6: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.




B1•ntnn 1ownship, inct·Bo!ckowt-0wn. :U.1!1'kow town ..................... .

C,by ~own~IJip ., ...................... . Empire township .................... .

J:wkson twp., ind. Fillmore village .. . f'iilnwrt• viJia~e .............................. - -

Jt•fft·J:,.un tw"'·n1o;J1ip ..••. -- -: .... : ....... .. Liu1'11ln twp .. incl. Amazonm '\·1Ua~C--

Awa1.1mhi villa~e .............................. . liunro1.i townsllip~ .. - ...................... .. .Nodaway twp. 1 incl. Su:vuunull tQWD ...

Ha,·.annah tf)wn ........................ . Platte tfJWI1ship ........................... .. ltut:hester township ................. .


P•·nton town•hip .................... . l!uchamrn t{)WllHliip ................. o .... .

Cl:trk tuwn>hip ..................... . Clar t1Jwn•hip, incl. Hockport -village

Iiutl-"1111rt ,-illa6e ....................... . Dak t(nv!li-ihip ............. _ ................... . Jjw·oln towm;Jtip ......................... .. :Ni,Jl!lalmturia twp., incl. Watson tn .•

'1'atSi:Il t<fln.t. ......................... .. I-»oJk townflliip ................................. .. '!'arkio tutvnr-hip ............................ .. '.l.'<·mpl•·toIJ _twp., incl. Phelps City tn ..

l'htl11s I.My town .................. .


Cuirr1J twp., incl. Vandalia -village .••• YaudalhL vrllage · .................... ..

Lmnrf: ~\''j'·· i.w;l.~Mai1.insbnrgv1llage .Mart1nH mtg vdlagc ......................... ..

I.y11n town•hi!> ...................... . l)rairi1downship ............................... . t'aliu:.r tHWH);jbip .......................... - - • ~It Hin,rtwp.,incl.MexicoCity-vill

1fexim City village ................ . Wilson towns!Jip .................... .


Asl1 townsl1ip ...................... .. CapJ1·Hr:rt'f·ktownHl1ip ••••••••••••••. Cr.uw Cr•·Pk t11wnship ................... . }:l.r~t ~.~1'£'.!:k .h!WUH!Jjp ._. ..................... .. l'\.lll'.!" I rairu• towu1d11p .................... . l.ih•·rty town•ltip .................... . Jlfrl!onaltl townBhip ................. . Mouut;.dn tc1w1rnltip ........................ . ltflarjJl:.! I~in~r townHhip ................ . Slwal Creek twp., incl. Uorsican11 -vill..

lJr,rslc.ana Yillage ...•...•. : ........ . Sugar Cre«k tw11.', incl. WaHlllmrn tn.

\\'"arlhlmrn town ........................ . Wl1ite l:in:r townHlilp .............. .


Ilarton City 1owuship ••••••.••••••••• C,·utral towrrnhip ................... .. llHVlt4'port t<ownHhi:p ................ . fiulth:n CJtv tow1rnhip ...................... . Lamar tw.Yn~hip, hicl. Lamar tow!l ..... ..

Lan1ar tr1'\Vll ............................ .. l .. •~.r<!Y tH\~'llHhip_ ................................ . ~1U:1n_l tow11~luj1: .......................... . }\a~1rn1l1· tuww-1 up .................... ·-·-·· ~t--V>Jilll',t tovrn:-!lJi!J.;·--...-................. .. ~Htth h;rk toWllShlIL ..................... . (~1~rk tl1w~,;hip ................................. . ~ .. idilarnl tmvnfihip ............................. _ ~Jl~tlJW.-Ht Ulv:nsJ1ip ••····•·••••••···· L1Hon townHlup .................................. .

Inforrnatfon as to chan rres in minor ti,,.il divli!ions incoU:VMe.


Itoonr: ff1Wn.~1'lip ............................. . Ghnrlottr· township ............. : •• ::: 111·1·1• Water tomBl!iP .............. .. l!•·Hf:1td< towuslup ................ . F;lkl1art t•,,,.n,hip .................. .. (:rr·awl nivu township ....................... .. Ifomn towmiliip .................... . rOWoU'fl ttf\Hll'!1Jip ·••··-·•••""•··•·"··

Intlr.tnn towm1hip................ , IA~rn~ 0H1' t-0w.r:i:ihip .............. ::::::::::! l.1m,go tUWUl'lhlJl ............... . 3!oruu1 tolrn~h1p ........... :~:::::::: . lfonnt. I'lr::J!<.1rlt twp., im·I. Dntler tn

.. Bntl1·rt{i'Wli ............................. ·-1\vw Hnnw tini:n:-:ihip .................... :: t ~!";Jt.:.::t~ tlf\'ir":j~!lip ······~······----} }1·~f4~1nt t.ap Htl'itlShip .................... . I

1r·.11r11·; tffWJJ"ihip .............. ,.. ......... __ _

1-..od~nllr· twp .. Itl(•}, Ruckvilievilfauc lW!:hiJlt, ,-ill~ge ................ ~.:

1880. 1810.

1, 920 346

1, 193 1, 283

1, 541 297

1, 1!10 1, 7:!7

202 1, 172 2, 021 1, 20U J, 610 2, U39

769 757

2, 0;17 2, 181

715 l,49;; 1, s:io l,Hi8

2l8 1, 628 1, 715

986 302

3, 309 501

1,455 ~25 9.19

1, 7BO 1, fl.}7 7, 773 3,B:J5 2,8UU

373 1, 9~0

848 2,4:i2 1,317

918 0;;9 990 7U2

1, 6G7 JU5"

1, 774 217 795

oni 447 8:12 813

2, 209 007 657 9.JO 4li6 1i18 7U5 2fill

1, OG8 440 353

2, 401 271

1, ou;; 2, 680

--2;5ii1' 1, 257 3, 416 2, G72

680 905

1, 270 1,6W


"i;2~a· 75

5G2 1, 120

974 252


1, 003

300 1, 191

991' 5, 602 2,G02 1, 740


1, ra1 857

509 704 667

1, 686

2, 112



385 405






1,498 l, 257 966 1, 289

1, 096 070 ··i;o57. 6:12 ........

~rg 1:-~ .. ~:~. 51ri ........... .

i:~~f 11··i;ii6ii' :.::5 789 l:Jb6 ........

.:J, 42R ! 2, BrB 2, rn2 i 1, 004 J,47:J ; ....... . i, :1::0 r aoo 1, 4f13 •, 1, 6;J4 ~411 ...... .. 917 ...... .. 315 ...... ..



In J872, fr. pt. of Platte.

In 1872. fr. pt. of.Jackson. In 18i2, fr. pis. of Platte

and Rocl1ester. In 1872, part to Clay.

In 1872, part to Monroe.

In 1872, fr, pts. of Jeffer­[son and Rol'IHister.

[am! Denton. In 1872, parts to Empire In 1872, parts to Monroe

and Empire.

Sinco 1870, part to Dalo. fkio.

In 1870, reported in Tar­Since 1870, fr. pt.ofClark. Since 1870, from part of


Sincel870, pt. to Lincoln; [in 1870, iucl. Rockpon.

In 1870, fr. pt. of Sngar [Creek.

1n 1870, part to Liberty.

In 1870, fr. pts. of Shoal [Creek nnt Flat Creek.

In 1870, part to Liberty.

In 1870, part to

Since 1870, name changed [from Go!tlcn Grove.

Sincel870, name cl1nngpd [from East Fork.



Shawnee townehip ................... . Rpruc11 towns!Jip .................... .. Summit towushiJ:l ................... .. Walnut township .................... . West I'oint towuship ................ .

Information aR to chnngeA in minor civil divisions incomploto.


Alexander township ................ .. Cole township ..................... .. Fristoe township ................... .. Lindsey township, incl. Warsaw town

War.saw t1nvn ............................. -.. Tom town•hip ...................... .. Union township .................... . 'Vhito towns!Jip .................... .. Williams town.<hip .................. .


Crookecl Creek township ............ .. .Fillmorn township ................... . German township .................. .. Liberty township ................... .. Lorance twp., incl. tho following villa.

Lntesvillo -villa~c._. ............... .. Mar hie Hill village ................ .

Union township .................... .. 'Va~·no town"hiIJ .................... . White Water township ............. ..


Bonrhon twp., incl. Sturgeon village .. Sturgeon vilhtg-o ....................... .

Cedar township, incl. .Ashlnml village Ashlan<! vilhtgo .. . • .. . .. . .. . . .....

Contrali:t twp .. inel. Ccntmli11villnp;c .. Centralin, villa~o-.-: .................... .

Co~umhia twp .. incl. Uolumhi11 village. Colum hin. vilfago ............................ .

Missoud twp., incl. Hooheport villngo. Itor.hc•portYillngo ........................ ~--

Perclle township .................... . Itocky Fork township .............. ..


.A1gency ~~wnship .... :-·······..,..····· .. .

Dioommn~an township .................... . Crntl'n townsl1ip .................. ,; ........... . Crawford township ......................... . J;tokson township ................. . J_,,ako township ....................................... . l\fat ion township .................... . Plat to townHhip .................. . Hus!~ tow1rnhip, incl. 'Vinthrop town ..

Wmth1·op town .................. .. Tremont l'uwuship .......................... . Washington tw11., incl. Saint Joseph

. city. Sam t. ,J oscph city ................. .

'Yardl ........................ .. II 2

.. :: 3 :::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4 ...................................... .

II 5 •·•••··•••••••••.,,.,,' ..... ,.,,., Wayne township .................. ..


Ash Rill townsl1ip ................... . JlenYer Dam township ............... . Black Itiver township .............. . Cano Ureek township ........................ ~ Env.s township ..................... .. Gillis Bluff township ............... .. Neeley township ................... .. Poplar· nluff. township, incl. Poplar

Bluff village. Poplar Blnff ..••••••••••••..

Saint Franr;ois_townahip ..... : ...... .


BreckiJ_1ril1!!o township, incl. Breckin-1·1d.!!'e town •.

nreckinridgo town ....... . Davia township, incl. Black oi;j,· tow~ ~n~k Oak town ................... .

~mr-v1ew township ................. .. Gomer towna!Jip ..................... . ran~ township. .. ................. ..

Hmn1lt_on twp.;incl. Hamilton town ... IC~drn1Jton town ................... ..

H ei·township ... ~ ................. . K~~!'at-0n twp., incl. Kingston town .• , Ii 10 r,st on town ..................... .

I ii~·'iiiHet1~,~~W .................... . N y R ................... . R~cl<fo~d1tJ~';;nJ:. ip .............. '. .. .

a ip .................. .

1880. 18'10.

809 1, 124

789 1, 207


1, 1G9 1, 000 1, :UH l, 021

510 812

l, 205 2,45'1 2, 510

11 28U 700

1, 387 21 020 2, 8;10

311 205 8:12 701


2, 832 050

5,fHG 3il

1, aa1 703

o. 017 a, 320 3, 443

728 2, fJ~l 2;•1:JO

810 1, GOO 1. 270 1,402

000 a10

1, 720 1, 218 21 :mu 1, ](i4 1, am

35, 821

32, 431 f>, 4!i0 0, 094 5, 2l0 7, 802 6, 870 1, 111

507 1, 0116

759 341 381 172 642


791 275

l, 704

777 932 82

800 881

1, 044 2, 004 1,200 1, 119 1, non

470 806 000 988 770

1, 500

921 sou

1, 401 1,383 . . ~.

700 1, 181) J, 003 2, 277

'""427' 1, 117 1, !l~O 2, 872

. "i,'4:'1ci' 030

2, 38!

. ·5;020·

·~ri;noo 2, 2ao •) 81" .... , R~iJ 3, .llD 1, 870

'"i,'487' 1, 018 l,f>l!J

890 207

1, flf)7 1, l:iO 1, 020

1, 100 2:J, 007

19, 505


401 780 402 323 203 21'8 054 840



515 573

010 658 000

1, 658 975 9~2

l, 277 414-580 9Hl 8ii7 870



Inl878, fr.11tR,ofT,orn11ce [untl (lt1rmuu.

In 1878, pnl't. to Urnoko,! fCI'POk.

In 1878, Illti't to L ronk<'<l (Ul'Ook.

In 1870, part to Whifo uvatm·.

In 1870, fr. 1it. of uiou.

Sin co 1870, ruwt to Cnn-[t.t·n!itt.

Siuco 1870, fmm imri; of [Bourbon,

In 1870, fr. J>IR. of Wntth· [htgton mul C11mti·11.

In 1870, rmrt to Agtmoy.

In 1870, pitrl; to Agonny,

In 18721 nitmo clrnngocl J.i.•. ['.I:liom11s.

Page 7: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.




.Auxvasse township ................. . Bourbon township ................... . Cal wood township ... · ................ .

Cedar township ..................... .. Cotc-sans-1lessoin townsliip ....•.•.... IcnU on township, incl. Fulton City tn ..

Icnlton City town ................. .. Jackson township ................... ..

L~berty_towns1iip ..••••• ·:·······--··· Nrno-Mile Pmmo township ......... .. Jton111l Prnirio township •••••••••••••. Saint Aubert township ............. ..


.Aclnir township .................. ; ••••

.A uglaizo township .................. .. Jackson township .................. .. Jasper township ............ ! ....... .. Osago township ..................... .. ltnssoll township ................... .. '\Varron township ................... ..


.Apple Creek township, incl. the fol­lowing towns:

.A]lpfoton town .................... . Otik Ridgo town ................... .

B.vnl township, incl..Tnckson town .. . Jackson town ...................... .

Capo Gfrnrd"au township, incl. Capo Gir1mlenu city.

Cape Gh·nrdoau city ............... . Wardl ......................... .

II 2' ••• •• • •••• ~• • • • • •• • •••• • • • liubble township, inol. the following

villages: Allenvillii village .••••••.••••••••••• Grmlonvillo vltlngo •.•••.••••••••••• Whito Wnl:er Station vlllnge .••••••

Kinrlor township ••••••••••...•••••••••

Lihorty twp., incl. Strodorsville town •• . Stroiim·svi!lo town ................. . Rn111lol township ................... . Shtiwnee twp., incl. flhawnootown tn ..

Shawneetown town ............... .. W olch township .................... .. "\Vllito Water township, incl. Millers­

villo villngo. Mill~rsvillo village ••..••.•••.•••••••


Bates fownRhip ...................... . Bo11ty township ...................... .

Bogart township .................... . Carrollton township, !no!. Carrollton


Citrrollton t,own ................. .. Grmul ltiver twp., incl. Do Witt vill ..

Dti Wittvill11ge .••••••••.•••• ' ..... .. Mot•ris township ................... .. Norborne township, i:nol. Norborne tn.

Norhornotown .................... . Rrnt township, incl. Wakamlit town .•••

"\Ynkn111ht town .................... . Wood township ••.•••••••••••••••••••


Cm·tor township ..................... . J nr.kson township ................... . Johnson township ................... . Kelly township ...................... .

fnformation as to changes in minor civil divisions incomplete.


Austin township, incl. Austin town .. . Austin town ....................... .

Big Urcok township .................. . CamJ.l Branch township .............. . Uol!l 1Vnter township ................ . D11\'ton township ..• - .............. . Dol11n township, incl. Froeman town ••

Freemnn town ............................. .. Everett township ....•...••••.••••. · .. . Grantl River twp., incl. Harrisonville


liarrisonvillo town .• ' .••••.....••.. Tnclex township, incl. Gun City town ..

Gun Cltytown ................... ,.· ••


1880. 1870. REMARKS.

2, 098 1, 083 1, 395

3, 30G 1, 030 5, OGO 2,409 1,404

1,230 2, 032 1, 312 l, 320

900 1, 775 1, 004

4!J7 1, 244 1, 150



100 180

2, OiG 705

5, 701

3, 889 2, 352 1, 537 1, 079

122 81 53


733 44

l, 833 2,200

71 574

1, 315


1, 824 2, 323

2, 123 4, 026

2, 313 1, 700

G30 1, 753 2, 710

602 2. 8fi9

149 2, 9j7

708 747 510 107

1,414 214 011

1,460 088 843

1, 831 309

1, 131 n, 038

1, 113 1, 083



2, 050 1, 590

2, 453 869

4, 505 1, 585

1, 040 3, 070 1, 211 l, 130

637 l, 330

810 202

11426 1,141



In 1876, fr. pn,rts of Ful­ton, J nckaon, andNine­Mile Prairie.

In 1876, pa.rt to Calwood.

In1875, fr. pts. of Libert,v and Nine-Milo Prairie; in 1870, pt. to Calwood.

In 1875, part to Jackson. In1875, pt. to Jackson; in

(1876, pt. to Cal wood.

2, !t~ In 1872, part to Kinder.

5, 230

3, 585

1, 689 In 1872, 1iart to Kinder.

In 1872, fr. -pnrts of White Wator, Liberty, Byrd, nnrl Huh hlo.

870 In 1872, part to Kimler.

1, 534 1, G70

.... 589

1, 220 Tn 1872, part to Kinder.

1, 832 3, 802

817 3, 831

2, 285

700 095

1, 306

In 1877, fr. pt. of Mon·is. In 1877, fr. pts. of Sugar­

tree Bottom nnd Wa­k11n1l!t.

In 1877, fr. pt. of Morris. In 1877, f1·. pts. of Sngitr­

troo J3ottom nnd Wa­ku111la. [kanda.

In 1870, reported in Wa-' In 1877, part to '.Rea.

(Bogart. In 1877, pts. to Bates and In 1877, fr. pts. of Sugar­

tree Buttom and Wa­kanda.

In 1877, fr. pt. of Graml [River.

In 1877, u•me Ohl\Ilgcd fr. Hurricane.

1, 097 In 1873, pt. to Raymore. 1, 2u8

439 In 1873, name changed fr.

· "i,'475 · . . [Page.

905 3, 0_78 In 1871, pt. to Peculiar;

· in 18i2, pnrt to West Pemdiar.

1, 032 705


CASS-continued •

Monnt Pleasant twp., incl. Delton tn •• Jlelton town ...................... .

Peculiar township ................... .

Pleasant Hill twp., incl. Pleasant nill town.

Pleasant nm town ................ . Polk township ....................... . Raymore township .................. .

Sherman township ................... . Union township ..................... .

West Peculiar township .••.•.•••••••• Information as to changes in minor

clvll divisions incomJJlote .


Benton township .••••••••••••••••••••• nox township ....................... . Cedar township ...................... . Jefferson township .................. . Linn townHliip, incl. Stockton town ••.

Stockton town ..................... . Madison township ........... : ....... . Washington township ............... .


Dee Branch township ................ . Bowling Green twp., incl Dalt-On tn .•

Dalton town ......... ; ............. . Brnnswick twp., incl. Brunswick tn ••

Brunswick town .................. .. Chn,riton township ................... . Clark township . • • • . • .. .. . .......... . Cunningham twp., inc!. Cunningham

town. Cnnninghrun town ..••••••••.•••••••

Keytesvillo twp., incl Keytesville tn . Koytesville town .................. .

Mendon township .................... . Missoul'i townslnp ..•..••••...•...•.•. Musso! ]'ork township...... . .••..... Salislmry township, incl. Salisbury tn.

Salisbury town ................... .. Salt Creek townHhip ••••••••••••.•••.• Triplett township ................... . Wayland township ................. .. Yellow Creek township .............. .


Benton township .•••••••••••••••••.••. Finlev townehip ..................... . Galloway township .................. . Lincolu (,ownship ................... . Lin<len !ownsbip ...... _ ............. .. Linn township ......... : ............ .. Marion township ................... .. Polk township_ ....................... . Portor township .................... ..


Clay tmynship .••• : ................. . Des Momes town,sh1p ............... .. Folk or township ..................... . Grant township: .•••••••• , .......... .. Jackson towmih1p ................... . Jefferson township ................. . Lincoln township, incl. Kahoka town .

Kahoka town ..................... · Madison township ................. .. Sweet Home township .............. .. LTnion township ..................... . Vernon township, incl . .Aloxandria tn.

.A.lexnmlria town •••••.•••...••••••• Washington township ............... . Wyaconda township ................. .


Fishing River twp., incl. Missouri City town.

Missomi City town ................ . Gallatin townsllip .................. . Kearney township, incl. the following


Holt town ......................... . Kearney town .................. - .•.

Liberty township, incl. Liberty town .. Liberty town...... .. ........... ..

Platte township, incl. Smithvillo vill •. Smithville villup;o .................. .

Washington township .............. ..

1880.11870. REMARKS.

1, 210 552

1, 069

3, 073

2, 372 1,409


l, 020 730


1, 643 1, 706

877 1, 109 2 575

'407 1, 6D5 1, 136

2, 298 1, 246

199 4, 164 1, 801 1, 356 1, 136 1,270

177 3, 337

737 680

1, 151 1, 001 B, 800

008 001

1,108 017 730

655 1,fl14

776 1, oio 1, 6ii0

545 805

1,416 838

1,202 1, 062 1, 022

8-18 1,404

923 1, 855

704 908

1, 053 1,357

027 700

1, 389 1, 021


~81 2,772 2,607

162 404

8, 714 1, 476 2, 352

231 1, 212

712 In 1873, pt. to Raymore.


2,554 1,307

1, 559 003

1, 130 1, 307

788 1, 040 2, 670

1, 561 978

1, 503 1,406

4, 570 1, 645

651 030 701

1, 063 529

820 710

2, 764


674 1,010

527 1, 276


In 187l, from pt. of GrRnd River; in 1872, part to West Peculiar.

In 1873, from pts. of Big Creek and Mount Pleas· ant. [Sugar Creok.

In 1873, name changed fr. In 1872, name changed fr.

North Dolan, and pt. to West Peculiar.

In 1872, fr. pts. of Pecu­liar, Grand River, and Union.

In 1874, pt. to Triplett.

In 1874, pt. of Prairie an. f!rnxcd.

In 1874, parts to '.rriplett and Mendon.

In 1874, part of Prairie (annex•cl.

In 1874, from part of Unu­[ningbam.

In 1871, fr. all of Bnfl'alo

~~~~lei:n~a;;.; of re reek.

T n 1874, fr. pt of Yellow In 1874, fr. pts. of nruns­

[wick & Cunningham. In 1874, pt. to Salt Creek,

In 1880, fr, pts. of Porter, 1, 440 [and Polk;

300 473

11 243 In 1880, part to Lincoln. 959 Do. Do.

1, 119 1, 235

824 750

1,472 843

1, 100

1,060 1, 000 l, 155

902 688

1, 310 885

2, 798

572 2,241

396 4,831 1, 700 3,085

Since 1870, pt. to Xear. noy.

Since 1870, from parts of ·wasllington, Liberty, Platte, and Fishing River.

[ington. In 1870, reported in Wnsh­Sincel870, pt.toKBnrney.


"2,'ilo9" Sincel870,pnrt to Konr­ney; in 1870, including· Kearµey town.

Page 8: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.



-------------~cc=====-================:c==~===c"°"'==~=== ·· --------

~::=~lYI~-D~;:~~;~~FSSO. ;s70._1 ___ n_E_M_A_n_rr_s_. ___ 11

__ M_r_N_T_o_n_. _c_rv_r_L_n_rvr __ s_r_o_N_s_. ___ 1s_s_o_. _1_s.,._o~ CJ.J!'iTOX.

.Akhieon townshi11, incl. Gower town. Go\\·1:rto¥.-11 . .............. ------ ...... .

Clinton towuHhip ·-···· ....... ---····· Concur<l twp., ind. l'!attHLurg town ..

}Jlattslmr:.rtown ....... ----·· ---··- .. Jiarrlin t0Wn8!1ip ................... .. J~u.'kHllll tuwns1Jip . --· ....................


L:i .Fan:He lo'i\'lJ.slJij1 •.. - -· ----- ...... . LatlU';,l, t 'iYp., ind. t w follinving tns .. I~athtup town ...................... . Tunwv town.... . ----------·-·

I'LtttB ti]1., ind. pt. of Osl.Jorn Yi!lage. ! 0Hhor:a-villa~e (p3rtof) ............ .

Shoal t'"J>·• ind. Cameron to1\·n .. - .. _. Vamtt'oll tnwn...... ........ .. .. Ot>hor11 village {in PJuttu twp., Cliu­

tnn 1·0.,:incl in Colftl~ twp., Do Kalli eo.).


Clnrk t(JWIJAhip ..••••.•. -- ....... -... . J"eif~1:Ro~1 twl!:• i;1cLJdforson City ····1

Jdlc1•ull C1tJ ..................... . J.,.jliPrt,Y iitWilHJJip.,. ............... ..... _ ...... . ];fation town~hi11 ..... u ....................... I ~!Off~Ull toWll!;_bip . .......................... . 01m1l.;t~ tU\\'ll!ilUjJ • ..................................

coor.En. I

rnarkwat<-r tnwtrnl•i[I. ·-·-·· .... ___ .•. I l:hu~ffiH~~ tWJ.1.1 incl. Iloonville city .....


' Uuounlle mt:;..· ................................ ..

Clark'~ Fork f(Jwn,•bip ...... ·--· ...... 1 ('l•·:lr CrM~k tuwnahip ......................... .. _K.,J]_v town~lJip ........................... . l..1'.lminu towm;hip . ......................... . J~dmrmn iuw11Hhip ,.. ........................... . towna11ip. ···---·---····-·--

Ottervill!, t WJI., ind. Otterville town .. Ottervillt• tc1wn .................... .

Pnl~Mfin•• towm;hip ................ _ .... _ I) 11.~ it GI'.(J\"t•. twp., iiwl. l>ilot Grove vill

IJiint (·h<i\·e , .. !Ila_~, • ......................... 11rail'it: ilonw tuwu.alii]l ......................... .

Saline towrn~hip .................................. .


Jlr-nfcm twp., incL Cnl.Ja '"illa~e •••••••. Guh:i \."iJfago .................... --~-----·· ..

B1111w~ tow11:;1tip ....................................

1 Cmuto!s tmrnsb.ifl . .......................... . li.noll\~1evr 1uwn.i-1l111J ........................... 1 Liln~rty\:m;Jup . ............................ . M~r"m'''.' t WP:• incl. St1,dville Yill:tgc ..

, tet·l.nlle village .................. .. 0.1k Ilill t wuship .................. _ o~:q.rn towmdtit> ...................... ~.-- ... -lini<;n tuwnohi11 .................... ..


q•·•lnr tnwrrnl.iip ••••••• ···--· ··-··· ··-. l.1·~1tre t-y:p., 1ud Greenfielil city ......

f rl't'·1mti.1•hl t·itv lin111t tim~nr:I~·iJ; :::::: ::: .. :::::: ::::-~ ~f:n'iontu~ru!-lhiv .................................. :. liurg-;m towrnd1ip .... .. N .. 1tlr towns!<ip • • ··-·-· · ..... 1'."lk town,;lifp _:::::::::::::::::::::: l_.ock Prairiy township ..... _ ................ . ~at~. ti1Wf1Alllp ............................... ,. .... ; .... .

~nutb townHhip. ·••••• ··--·· ·--·-- .••. South fowns~ip ....... ·--·-----·-·----

Inf11rmation nFJtochnn<r(ls in1ninor ci\•il divisions iu<:ornl)lcte.

llAL!.AS, I l!1·nt"11 fownship ·····---··-·-·····--· trrrtut th\\'Il!2.hip -~-- ........................ . Jat:kti11n iowru;hip --···---- ................... : ~T~Hp~t· towmllJip ... .............................. . I~1;i1'.t1ln t.M-vnsbip.~ ................... ....... .. :r.r;n .. 1:townsliip ..................... : '\ ll!llnn~ton tuwn•hip --·········-·---


n1-nton towirnhi)l Col~.lx twp, ind. \fj;;_~t;°1~tow,;· ::::::1

1\ mRton town ......... _ .. . Gr•nrl I!iwrt". ·r., incl .. J~me~o;;_·tf;;;,;:


,Tamf•f.',()u fffttn IIan·i11JJn town~bip :::: :::::: ::::::::: · J•Wk8CJn t"WDHlliJI . • JameHport twp., md:.r~~eai.iort-to~: 1

,J:ina·RT11.Ht town ............................ _, 1Tt·ffor~f•rt towrrn}jill .................. __ ... .\

l, 407 JG3 874

2, E07 11 344 1, 175 J, ooa J, t4G 21 !!HH

74G o:i

l 380 J 99

B, :HO 2, 100


1, 640 7, ~:n 1'J 271 1; ~(j() 1, !'40 l, 7:J6 l, 1U6

Q.jQ 5, GW'i a a:a 1;.iuo 1, H~4 l,O~I 1, l!lfl 1, 2U7 l, ;;:io

In 1871, fr. pts. of Hardin I [and I,"; l".tyette. '

.. .. . . .. In 1871, fr. pt. of Concord. 2, 401 In 1871, part to Cliuton. l, UG7 I l, ~25 'I In 1871, part to Atchison. 1, 7fi~ . 2, oui I In 1871, part to Atchison. 1

1 782 I


1, o:n 2,475 l, 428

800 G~ 250 4,420

Oil! 1, 108

020 004

548 nl:no 3, r.uo l, l~O In 1872, part to Prnirie 1, J08 I [llorue. 1, 372 1, 088 3, :no I In 1872, pt. to Otterville. 1, 373 · In 187j1 part to I''rairfo

Ilonw. 1, 310 1 .. _ .. - .. In 1872,fr. pt.ofLel.Janon.

l, ~~~ l .. 2 .. 4:iti" 1·~3~ 1 .. ~·-~~~-

0U5 1 ••••••••

1, 030 1, 836

1, :.~·l 1, 184 .• ,4 1··- ......

l, 117 1 s:rn 1, iiO." I ur.u tm:l lH5 ], JfJ•l 1, 07! l, 9:i4 007

410 I 2a2 1'~~~ I m 1, 310 I 11 015

l, 101 1,0RB

712 028 G04

l, 070 1, 2UO l,1!7 l, UU7 1,200

741 1,143

2, 3841 !!HS l,6'11

00~ mm Oi-i

1, G4G

1, !'i{iB Uti4 279 414

2, 114 72G


5C4 1, 020

21 O!ir, 1, 002 J,4w.l

Oil3 043 548


1, lflO 51i4

1, 003

.... 83i.

In 1872, fr. 11ts. of Clark's Fork,1\-Ioniteau, nml Sn.­litlll.

In 1sn, 1uwt to Prnirie Iloruo.

11 875 l, JG7

3,,4 i,nri2

405 7Ufl

I, 505 1, 309

GUS 1, 372

1, 059 7g4 I In 1872, nnmc chnn)!r<l fr,

·i;o5o· . [Grant.


Libert.y township ................... . Linwlll township ................... . 1\In!iun townsl1ip ........•. _ .•. - .. , . - - . MonrOl~ t.nwnshiJl ........ ..................... . 8alem tow1rnhip ............ u ............ .

bhrriuun township . . .. . . . . ..... . Union township, incl. Gallatiu cit.y ..•

Galin.tin city ...................... .. "\Yusltiug;tou tuwnshi11 .................. .


Adams tow11ship .................... . Camcll'n tw11., incl. !Uayaville town ... .

.Jlfaysvillo 1.o\n1 .... · .. .. • • . •.• Colfax twp .. incl. pt. of Osborn yilJago

I Oshmn yilJag;e (p11rt· of) ...... --····

Dnll:rn t<mnslnp ..................... . Gl'ancl lti\'"{'l' t.ow1IHl1ip ............... . Grant township .................... . Polk tow1rnhip ............ ·--·-· ..•... Sherman t11wm1hi11 .................. . ·waahington twp., incl. Stewm•taville

f.ow11. StewartHYillu town.... .. ......... .. O<ibtn·n v!llagu (in Colfax t.wp., Ile

Knlh co., aml iu l'JaLto twp., Clinton c:o.).


Curront township.··············-·-·-· I•'mnldin towi1shlp ..•.•• ·······--···· Linn towushi11 ............ ·--·-··-··-· 1Ylmm1wc township ...••.•••...•••••.. No!'lunn township ...•.. ·-······-··· •. Oeaµn tow1rnhip . _ .••..... _ .......... . Short Bernl townahip .............. _ .. Siu king tO"n-nship .. ................... . Sp;·iug Cr~!ek twp., incl. Salo1n yillngo.

Sulem v11lap:o .......................... . T<~x:na township ................... u ~. ·watkhrn township ............... _. __ .


Bonton township ..................... . DmnrntowHHhl11 ·······-·--·····-···-· Hm:hnnnn townsltip •••...•.•••. _ •.•.. Camplmll township ................. .. Casa township·······-···· .......... .. Cla;y tnw1rnhip ......................... . Clinton toWilHb!JI ................... . 11"'info~· tcnvmdiip ...................... ~ ... · ;Jnnlrnou townHhip .... ····--·· ··---· .. 1Jh1enln toWHHhip........ ........ . ......... · ltichl:u1<l townshlp ........•. _ .......•. Hpr;uµ: Crtwk tow1mllip ................. . \YnMhiugtou towushiil ...... ..... .. .

lnthrmation nH {o clmngPH in 111inor civil <liYiaiouH incom11Jctc.


nu:lfolo l0Wl1Rhip ..................... . Cotton IIill.tw11., ind. illnlcll'n vlllngo.

Maldt•n v1llago ....................... . CllLy tU\UIHhip ....................... . l•'renhom t.wp., inel. Cl11rkton YUl1ige ..

CJark1on v1llaµ-e .•.. ................... Ifalcon1h .......... .. Int~eJ1<'1Jcleuc:c1·twp., incl. KmrnoLt Yill. T~ennott v1Jh1go .....•......... ·-·--·

Salem tow1rnhip ..................... .. Union township . __ .................. .


Boouftownehip ....•....... -· ........ . Boles ~ow11•liip, incl. Pncific yilJ11go ..•

Pnmficvillnp;o ................ . Boonf\tow1rnhiP .... ..... _ .: ...... : : ::: Cah·cw township .......... _ ........ . Cmttrnl towwihip ...... _ ............ : .... . I, yon townslup ...................... : . l\!ernmec tow1rnhip ................ _ .. New llnvc•ntwp. nnclNewJirwontown

(cot~xtf111sivc). Pr~iriP· townsl1ip ....... _ ............... . Saint John's townsMu ....... ........ . U1}01_1 tow.nship, incl. Union Yi1111go ... .

111~n village ..................... _ .. Wnshmgto11 twl'·"J\'l Washington twn.

(cooxt~ns ve m 1880).


noeuf·tow1rnhip ............ __ .. ---·-·· Bonhrnre town~hiJ.1 ................ _ .. Jlo11rb01~ townslcip. __ ................ . Bmsl1 Creek township .. Ut}ntum township ... . : .. :: : ::::: :: : :: 1;ichlnncl township ................... . I,onrk lownRlii[l, incl. Hermann town ..

Iformann town ... -·~ .. Thirtl Crm'k townsl1i1».· ... ::::::::::::

ORS 840

1, fl~(} 8U!I OH2 007

2 'l'l" i: i41 04.G

1, lO:J 1, 040

-118 1, '1ri0

:11a 1, llll 1, ltl8 l, iilH 1, B•.ln 1, (i:l,l 2, ~ms

400 1, :mo

'lil:! a~1 OJ:! ~Ui8

1, 151 [!~()

B, JB~ 1, o~.1

!J.J:l 1, 07U

7r.:i 4H2 GHH 004 U78 5:!5 07/i 710 ~iJI)

:m 7H8 117;, 4HO

lfj.J. 11 nun

:/,JU 1, 7llll 11 ()!);]

:11.J 8~B

I, fi7H 171 7fi0

1, 780

3, OR2 41 B21 1, ~75 2 1)1)1 i: 4i7 ri:~n 1, 1·12.


1, 628 1, 0111 2, 7mr

402 2, •121

1, 261 1, 074 1, 070

083 l, 41il 1, 170 3 165 1: BJ4 1, 207

781 7a0

1, :121 7211 !J~ll o~:i

1, IUD


870 1, arm


··-'8i17" Uiiil !lGO 007

1, llll ~,o:.:m

407 !HH '10:1 H/.J. 7:1tl U8H

.. i; 2Ai :!,f•IJ 870

1, ouo

3711 'J.Htl <1:w 'J.1:1 'Jill Baa

. .. 'ti:i~. a:w BHil :.?.l:J

"i,".i~1i" l, lfl,J.

001'! H7

'170 1, 0:1,7

3, 010 5, 1H3 1, 208

.1, rnrn 2, ]ti() 2, 271 3, fi2!l" 1, 480

1, 502

~2, 855. 5, Ol·i

1, 277 0811 800 500

], 107 J,000 3,0:)3 l, 3il5 1,228


Ill 1Ri6, ])art to Rlnltlnrr, !11187U, Jlt. toSh<n·t,Htnlcl.

. [11wo. Jn lH711, rr. ii(;, of lll<lm· tn lll7G, fr. vt. of Linn.

[Flalmn. i'llnflo 1870, from ]1111·1; of i'lilHHI 1H7ll, from Jllll'L of


Fllnco 1870, p1wt lo (·101 ion (Hill.

Sln0<' 1870, 1>t. to Htdlhlo. ln 1870, J>t. uJ' Union 01·1·0-

neouslypnl>li•llllll l•'onr· Mil\'·

ln 187a, pt. to Nnw lfavm1.

!a 1873, fr.1>t. ol' Jlonuf.

In l873, f1•. part of ·wnRh [iuglon-

In 1873, pt. toS1iiuLJol Ill' a.

Page 9: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.


T.A.IlLE III.-1\HSSOUHI-Oontinned.

MINOR CIVIL DIVISIQNS. 'ss::l •s70. -:~MAR"'~~ 11 · - IDNOR ":'_"_ DlVNlONS -1 •ss•. '"'"·1--~~~ARKS. -~-' i HEXnY-continuecl. , GEN'!'ltY,

A.thenR tow1rnhi1i, incl. All.Jany town .. Albany town ...................... .

Bogle to'wnshi~i ...................... . Oo,?pcrtownslup, incl. 8tanbct·rytown.

ntn.nbcrry town .................... . Howard tO\'i-'11sbip •...•....... .•..•..•. Huggins township .................. .. ,Jnckflon. townshil) ................... . Miller tow1rnl1ip, ncl. Gentryville viii.

t,Jc·nt1',yvillu vi LI ago ................. . Wilaon township ................... ..


Iloono townsl1ip .................... .. Brooklhrn township .................. . 011111plrnll township, incl. tho follow·

inn· 11lacea: Nort!i'"Spriugilold village ......•..•. S11ringf1"1tl city .................. ..

War1ll .......................... . JI 2 ..... ~ ........... - ... : .... .

3 .......................... . 4 ......................... ..

Cass township ...................... .. Cunll'(J township ..................... . Clay township ...................... .. J<'rnnkliu township ................... . ,Jttcltson township ................... . Pond Creek township ............... !. Robberson township ................. . '.l.'a:vlor township ..................... . 'V1ilunt Gro;·e township ............. . \Vashington towuship ............... . Wilson township ........... : ....... ..


Fr11J1klin tW]l., incl. S11icknrdvillctwn. Spicknrilvllle town ................ .

Harrison township ................... . J"aclrson to,vnshlp ...................•. ,foJl'orson township ................. .. Lib ~rty t0Wl1sl1ip .................... . Lincoln township ................... ..

ltfa!liHOll twp., incl. Edin hnrg town .•.. Edinburg town .......... : ........ ..

Mnrion township, incl. Limlley town .. Lindley town ..................... ..

Myc1·s township .................... , 'l'11ylor townslup .................... .. Trenton township, incl, Trenton town

'Trenton town ..................... .. \Vnshington township .............. .. Wilson township, incl. Alpha, town .•.•

Alphntown ....................... ..


Ad11ms township .................... .. J3uthn.nytownship, iucl. Iluthanytown.

Botlrnn:v town .................... .. Butler to1vnship ................... . q1a:y township,- ..................... .. Oolfitx township ..................... .

Cypress township ................... ..

Dallas township ..................... . J<'ox Creek township ................. .

Grant township .................... ..

Jirunilton township .................. . .Tofl'orson township .................. .. Lincoln township ................... .. Maclison twp., incl. CainosvH!o village.

Caines villa viii ago ............... , .. Marion township, incl. Eaglevillo vill .

Eaglaville vill1t,!l"o ................. .. Sherman townslnp .................. ..

Sugar Crook towusliip ..•....•.....•.. Cr~ok township ............... ..

Union township ...................... .

3, 04G 079

1,431 a, ~73 l, 207 1, 571 1, 170 l, 735 3,441

2081 1, 501

2,100 1, 822

10, 771

0, fi22 1, 4~0

. 1, 081 2, 152 1, 26:! 1, 945 1, 740

852 l, 4f>l 1, 725 1, 009 1, 200

806 921

1, 004 1, 110

1, 201 330 5"7 540

1, 180 007

1, 170

1, 001 174

1, 307 200 750 479

4,477 0-11 128

075 2, 118

004· l, 045 1, 074 I, !08


l, 011 990


803 1,120

705 1, 089

198 1, 485

453 8tl0



1, 011

"\V nshington township ................ , 776 White Oak township.................. 1, 105


Bear Creek townallip .. . .. .. . .. .. .. • .. 817 Bethlehem township .................. , 1, 380

16 p

,1 ! : I Big Creek township .................. !I

J3ognrd towm~l1ip .. _ ...... __ ... _. 1, 038 I, !Dj 3, 84U

I 1, 390 i

.. '.·.~'.'..I 2, 211

007 9U1

1, 408 , Clinton township, incl. Clmton town ..


L'lintuu town ....................... . ' Dazis township, incl. La Due town ... .

2,808 OJO ~ In187U,reportrdi11Gran<l 1, 074 ........ i (J:h·er.

l, 310 1, 112 1, 1137 2, 506

255 852

I · Grove. 1, 602 ' In 1872, part to ·wnlnut

· · fi,' 004 · In 1873, fr. pt. of Wilson.

5, 555

1,531 1, 081


1, ·Jua

In 1873, frompartofilob­[herson.

In 1873, pt. to Franklin. In '73, pt. to Washington. In 1872, fr. i1t. of B1ione. In 187il, fr. vt. of 'l'nylor. In 1873, pt. to Brookline.

1, 020 In 1872, pt. to J,incoln. [inj!ton.

In 1872, fr. 1mrt of Wnsh-8741 In1872,

Ltt Due town ........................ , Deepwatc>r t·Vi'p., incl. 1'ifontrnso town.

Montl'uautowu .................. -··/ DcerCrecktwp. 1 ind. Lt:vdaS11.1t.iun ln.·

LewiH Station town ................ ' Ji'uirvicw township ................... . Fiel<l'H Cmck town•hip ............... . Hone~· Creek township ............•.. ' Leesvil!H township, incl. Leesvilletwn.!

Leesville town ...................... ·I Osage twp., incl. JJ1·m\·nh1gton town .. .

Brownington town ................. . I Shawnee twp., incl. Hunti11µ;1luk. town.

H11ntin~dn.l1~ towu ................. . HpringtiPlil township ................. . 'feho towu~hip, incl. Cnlhonn town ..

Callwun Luwu . ..................... . 'Ynlker township ................... .. 'Yhite Oak township ...........•...... 'Yhulsor township. Incl. Wiudsnr town

'VinilRm' town . : .................. .. Info11uat.icm us to changes in minor

civil divisions incomplutu. i


Center tow1rnhip .................... --1 Cross TimllcrH tcnvnship .............. .

. i Green townslnp ......................


. Mont;ru1m·1·,v tuwn~hip ............... . Sturk township .................... .. Tyler township .1;~·r.~.-- ...............


Benton twp., incl. 1ifotmd City town .. 1!Iound Cit,y town. . ............. ..

d~~ "2,'1i65 i 495 I

I, 121 :::::: :: 1G4 ........ ! 848 ...... . 852 ....... . 480 , ..... ..

1,2~[1 ....... i l,ot8 j"""fizg'I

251 ....... . !,l04 ........ 1

60 ....... i nu l,8U6 I

1, 12Ci 3,:ws 492 -···-- .. ,

l,1V2 ....... :. 505 l, 857 I

1, OUU ....... :!' 872 ...... .


I 600 '11, 245

1, 132 ....... .

!, 380 1, 217 11 R75 1, 575

057 1, 130 1, 047 1,285

2, 02fi i .. :·.::~. 078 1, H!J5

[llCl'S, Jn 1873, pt. to Crt1ss Tim­Jn 187fl, fr. pts. of Center

nnclStai·k: inl880, pmt from Stark.

In 1873 timl !880, p,aits to [Cross Timbern.

In 1874, pm·ts tn ITkkory (:i11<l Libert,~.

In 187'l, fr.11nrt of' Dallas. 1, 030 Tn 1872, pal't to !tfyers.



In 1872, fr. 1rnrts of 'l'rrn­ton an1l l!'rnnklin.

l, 306 In 1872, part to '£a;r!or.

.. 2,' 2S·i ·I In 1872, pa;'t to Wilson.

llig~·low township, ind. J3igclow town .1 Bigelow town ...................... .

Olu,y tnwnshi]l: ....................... I J<'orhos toll'nslnp .................... ..

100 · ... 887 · In 18J4, pni·t to Jiicl~m·~" 1,;;00 1, ouo .. ...... I In 1814, lr.11arts of JS otln-

2, 934 920

1, 014

2, 400

In 1872, fr. pt. of Lihcrty. Inl872, fr. pt.ofMadioon. In 1872, p.u'ts to .Tacksou

[n111l Lincoln. In 1872, part to Harrison. In 1872, l"r. pt .. of !Inrion.

[and Sugar Creek. In 1874, fr. pts of Cypress In 1874, pt. from Cypress,

an1l parts to JeJforson, Grnnt,1 nnd Sherman.

Hickory townslii]l .................. ..

Lmvis tw11. 1 incl. the following townR .. Forest Uit.r town .................. . Oregon town ................. -··- .. .

J,ibcrty townsl1ip ................•.•.. Lincoln tmv11ship, incl. Corning town ..

Corning town .. ............. --···-· Nodaway township .................. . Union townshi!), incl. Craig town .... .

Cmigtnwu ......................... .


Bonno Ti"t~mnw township······-··--··· Boon's Li<:k township ............... .

748 In 1874, pnit to Cypress. Cbaritun tm~·nship, ind. Glasgow city. 011 In 1874, to qolfa'\. I Gln•r;ow m1J', .... : ................ .

....... '! In 1874. Ir. pts. ol ~Innon 1 Fr~nkhu_twp., md. 1' mnklin town ••..

ancl Clas. 11

I1rm1ldm to1\'IL---···-·······-------· 1, 2:JO j In 1874 part from Butler I Moniteau towushi\l .................. 1

· ancl 'parts to .A<lnm~; JI Prairil' towmdlip, mcl. tl10 following I Bethany,andShemrnn.

1 plnc«s: .

551 . I ArmBtrong village ................. . Jn 1874 fr pnrtsof Sugur I ltoannlrn town ...................... ,

Cree.I< n~tl Trnil Cmik. I' Hiohmoml t.wp., incl. Fayette citJ• . · · 1 In 1874, fr. pis. of Union, 1''11yette city ...................... ..

Bethany, &'l'rni!Creek .

way uml Lewis. 088 In 1874, fr. parts of Olay,

Benton, nntl NOl1awi1y. 4,087 4, 081 In 1874, part to For!Jcs.

421 G71l 802 824

1, 065 In 1874, fr. pt. of Benton. 761 In 1874, fr. part of Dalles. 221 752 2, 055 In 1874, parts to Hickory

2, 028 1, 118 [tuul J;torhes~ 5U

1, 780 1, 240 2,608 1, 080 4, ouo 4, 043 1, 841 1, 795 1, 038 2, 474

2GO 227 2,400 2, 317 2, 5RG 2, 470

76 215 220

a, GOO 2, 088 1,247 815

.. . . . . ..


In 1874, fi., pt. of M11d!m· HOWELL. .. ...... In1874,fr.pa1·tsofUmou

555 Lant! Bethany. Benton township............................. 1, 274 800 In 1874, South Fork. In 1872, fr. pt. of Gnlils· 801 In 1874, part to Ma1101i. Cb11pel township ; ... .. . • . .... • .. . • •. 247

Dr,- Creek township .. . • • • . . . . . • • • • • • . 001 "2; 507· Tn 1874, pls.1.o Hamilton, Gol1lsherrv townslnp ....... .... .• .... 581 177 [llmry. fl40 , In 187~, Jl•rt to Ch,11wl.

Colfax, nn1l Union, an!l I Howoll tu\vnship, iucl. 'VcstPlninstn. 1, 574 parts frnm Union all!] \Vest I'lnins town ... ... .... .. ...... 3iil

........ Mnc-lison. . _ Ii Hutton VHllovtnwnship .. ,........... 030

. My:ltt towusliip .... ... .. .... . .. . •• • . • 440 .. ......


In 18,.J, from parts of 'I Si;sorilownship ....................


, 873 Betliany,Crpress, 'l'rail I Sou~h F?rlr township.................. 857

' Creek fmrlSngnrCrcek. II Snrmg; Cr<•ek townslnp .............. 1·1, 059 1, 133 In 1874, 'pts. to Sherman, 11 ·wmow Sprini:ts township. ... .. .. . ••. 072

Adam111 nrnl Fox: Creek. i I

H70 I 130

·l21 430

418 008

1, 085 In 1874, par la to Grnnt, 11 IHON • j Shennnn, &FuxCreek. I . . . ,

1, 193 In 1874 pt. from Uu!'ion I .A.rea!lrnlwp .. mcl. thefollowmg·nlb •• I nml 1its. to Marion ,f(•f. 1 Ironton villni:tn ..................... 1

3, 432 i 3, 058 750 ! 575

· forson, and Grnnt: I! Pilot Knob. villag;c .................. : 409 I Dent township ............. -. ... • ..•. -- I 872 I hon township, in~l.t.J1cfollowingvills.·.


Ghrrmnnv1llc village ............. ~··; Mid1llehrook vill11gc ................ :

i Knolin townshiJ! ...................... 1

Ii Libert,· township ..................... : ! ; lfnion towuship ........................ i

i, u5o I 581 475 ' 417

1, 348 I I, 118 31 ...... ..

108 53!) , 665 :

1, 724

403 479 743

[low Sprinc:s. In 1876, frnm 11nrt of Wil· Iu 1874, pt. toSuuth l<'tn·k.

Ju 18i!, fr. pts.of B1•1110I1 [nntl Myatt.

In 1870, part to IIntfQn Valley.

Page 10: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.



----.,,.-7---· ···-~..::·=c-====

~c:-~I~OI~ 1::~~!;,-~~:~-=~~ / 1~so.ii 1870· I I:EMAr~-s~----1-~INOU CIVIL DIVISIONS.

----·,- I J.\t'li:SON. I I J,ACJ,EDF..

I 18-o t t Brooking I A nglrrizo township ... -... - -...... · · · · · llluetownBhip,inel.Irnlepcndcncccity. g. r~~ ~-ml I n ·-· l' . ·O • l•'ranklin townohlp ...•. ·••••· ..•.....

Iml•·p~·mlcucP city·················· 1' 2471 ' · I In 18i2 from pts. of Dluo Gm;eornulo tuw1rnhip .. · · • · • •• · · - - -- --- · Jlrookiug ttiWDHliip. · ··· · ·••••• • ••·•••· '2.t, 207 ·· 1.·,· G95'I land 'Vnshingtou. Hooker township - ...•.. •••··· · · · · · · · }'11rt oaage tu,,·!1..;1t11• ·······.····r···· 8 .. ;:, Lehanon township

1 incl. Le1Jnno11 tn ..

Kaw tuwnHhiJI, md. Knnsaa city······ ~~' ~4~ ! ~~· .'(;~ I Lebanon town ... ~ •........ -- . · ·· · · ·

K'~~~·~ 1

4~~i'..-~.-:.::_:~ __ :::_·:_. :_:_:::_::_.~LH~C~.1, :~! ~~.:~ i}L~I ~:~~·;:::::::~:h::::~: ::::::~:~:: :: ::: I I Spring Hollow township .•••••.••.. · · · .• 5 ··•············•••••••· ..• 1' ~.n.1 .•.....

" O •••••• •• •• •••• • • 1

• 4

on · · · ·· · · ·· Union township .. •· ···· ·• · ·· · · · · •• • ·· Prairie twp.~ iucl. LN(B Summit town.I 3, 2{~ 3, 493 L<""" Summit. town ....•.•..•••..•• · 1 0.13 .. 2. 767. t.i.rwuship ............. ~ - ..... - . i ~· 9~8 , , Vt1n !Jurrn !liwn•hip · ················I ~. 1~4 ?• 9°~ In 1872, pt .. to Brooking. Wuol>iJJ"tun towu•hiJJ ..•............. I 1, GOO 2, 30.1 'Vt·~tfHJrt tmnrnl1ip, ir>cl. "l)estport tn.

1 2, 5~? ~'it~

"u;tpu1t towu --············---···· 1 9ulJ , I

JJnrnl ti.w1"lii1• ....•.•• · · ·: .. ·:·· •. I (;~1'-ua 1wp.,im:l. p:nt uf Joplm city ...

J~1yJ:iu 1·ity (Jl·'.rt 11f) ·----------- ····: J:wh@ t<>Wll"_lup .•.• · • · · • · • · • • · · • · I ,Jal"lpt·rtuw.1H;hi11 ....•. ··. ···-··--··i .foJiliu tw)I., ind. the followrng phtces.!

Ca:t•~1Yil11.~ to-wn ....••.•• -- ··----1 .J .. pliu titv (part rif) .••.•..••••••••• : \\'"d)htown .. :·················· ···!•nln townslnp..... . ......•.•.... ! 11(· lJonalil 1uwn~Li11, ind. Avilla, Yill .. :

AYilh villaµ-<>; ••••••••••••••••••••• -- 1:

~IwliH-tJH township ..... - . - ----- ----- · i lfal'iou towm~hitJ, iud. Crnthnge city .. i

raitlm!;!t• dtV' • 000000 ·••OH •ooo • •••• ! Mim.·ml t1,,rnship, ind. Oronoga town. ·1

OIC.111ogah1wn ······•H•--········· l'reaton t11wr"hip .••• , . . . .. .. . ... -!-;a~co~ie ~own~hip, iucJ. Sarcoxie tcwn: [

8arcnxie to\\JJ --···········--···-· 8Jwi-i1hm tfJ\\'ll~hip . _ ....••.•.•••••••• 'fn'ill (.hov(:f.I township .•.. Uuion tmYn!iltiI• ..................... .

• foplin citv 1iu Galenamu] ,Joplin) .. . lnfurru:;tiuu ns todum).{t~8 in miuor

civil di\·i•ions incO!lll'iete.

JU~ Uiver towuqhip .................... . C"ntral town,hip ......••..•..•....••. ,Joad1im township ············o ..... .. lf1~l'anwc townslnp ..................... . l'Jattiu towMhi11 ....•••..•...•.•••••. I!nr:k towm;hili .......................... . Valle t•1wnRhip, ind. De Soto city .•••.

De boto city ...... H ............... .- .... .

JOHNSON. I C!Ontreview township ..•..•••••••••••. Chilhowee township ..••••.•.....••... Culumhus tuw1rnhip ...•....•••..•••.. ~-7rovt~tmvui;hip ........................... . Hazel Hill township •••••..••.••.••••. .Tadrnon township .....•.••••••.•.•••. .Tefforson township ...•..••..•..• ; .••. Kin~8\·illo township ................. . Madi.11>11 township, incl. Holden tc>wn.

llolth•n town .•....•...••......•..••. Pokt Oak township ....••..••••••••••• ltuoe Hill township ..••••••••••••.•.• Simpson township ..•. ; .••.... : ...•.•. Wai-rcn•lmrgtuwnshlp, incl.Wnrrens-

lmrg town. \Varrensbnrg town ........................ .

l'lmihin~ton township, incl.Knob N1>S­tcr town.

Knoh :Nu;itcr town •••••.• : •...•••..


Del! Ridge township •••.....•••••••••• Henton township .••....•••••.•••••••. Bourhun township .••.••.•..•.••.•.•• · 1

C~tre township, incl. E11ina t-own .••. Ulna town.·····-·······-·······--·

Colon) township ..•.••...••.•.•....•• '}t~hi11s t1rwn~hip, incl. Newark town ..

.Newark town ..•..•......••..•...••. Grec·nsJmrg township ................. . .T1·rltlu tuwimbip ............•••......•. Liberty fownHhip ...•......•......•• Lyon towmhip, mcl. Hnrdland town ..

Hunllaml town .•••...••••.•••...•. Mkrtl« t<!~·JJshi11, incl. Knox City tn ••

nr.xC1trtown ····················! Snit Riveriown~hip •.•.•.•••••••••..• Shelton town&hip ....•••••••••.••••••. i

I 046 1· •...... 6, 066 i• ...••••

;·: ~rn I'· · i: 238 · 884 758

5' ~~51::::::::

l, 712 !--····· ),fi88 ] .•••....

81(i 1 .•••.••• 1, 181 I 2, oa5 I

:,~o :· ······· J, •• 141- ...... . f>,310 3,96-.l

i· i~~ 1 ·i-iii5' I 100 \ .•• ' ..•.•

I, 048 I! l, 174 1, 543 1, 98~

311 I····· .. 013 !········

1, 110 ·1· ...... . I, 431 .••..••• 7, 088 .•••....

2, 135 2, 033 l, 8:l2 l, 780 2, Rr.s l, 865 3, 097 2, 764 1,692 1,2171 3, 517 I 2, 896 3, 60512, SIG 1,080 ..•..•..

.. i;362" 1, 394 1, 233 1,904 2, 200

··1;ii60· 3, 329 1,576

In 1870, from pts. of War­[renshurg and Madison.

In 1875, part to Simpson.

In 1872, from part of Post [Oitk.

In1870, pt.toCentreview.

1, 5P.3 l, 715 1,307 1, 188 1, 263 2,108 1, 403 1, 100 3, 012 2,014 1 858 1:u;m

2, 631 In 1872, pt. to .T eiferson. 1, 430

978 5, 778

In 1875, fr. part of Grove. 4, 804 In18i01 pt.toCentrevlew.

4, 049 3, 166


2, 9i5 2, 992


1, 178 2, 410 l, 156 E07

045 1, 095 1, 587

304 354 1, 100 904

[Fn.lJins, ancl Salt River. In 1872, fr. pts. of Centre, In 1872, part to Colony.

"\tis;!;~ ~~d iJl!\;l~~~ Salt In 1872, pts. to Shelton,

[ L1herls, and Deelti<lgo. In 1872, ii-. llt. of Benton .. In 1872, 11ts. to BPo Hi<lge

( ancllloarbori.

624 1, 134 In 1872, part to Myrtle. E59 In 1872, tr. pt. of Centi"·

1, 402 1, 121 In 18i2, po.rt_ to ShPlton. 108 ·••·••·· Di'8 .••..•.. In 1872, fqit. of .Tedclo, 234 · ·· ... ··1 [BourlJon, am\ Shelton.

l,421 / 2,120 Inl872,pts.toBeoRldge, 1, 087 j· ....... In 1872, fr. pts. of Centre,

Lyon, aml Salt River.

\Vashiugton tnwnsllip ...•...... · ••• • ·

J.A li'AYE1'TE.

Clay townsl1ip .................. -•... Dn\·i" township. iuel. Iliggins1•llle. vill.

Hig'ginsvilll: villagu ................. . Dovur t11wm1l11p •.••..•••••••.••• · ..... . I1'r1..1ellom t.wp., incl. tllo folJowing tus ..

.Aullville town ......•.............. Concordia town ........•.•... - : - - ..

Lexin!(tou tw~l-, incl. J,exington city .. Lexmgton c1tv.......... . ..... -

Middleton twp.; incl. tlrn following tns. .Alum town ...................•.. IV1wer]y town ..............•...•..

Sninb:ir townHhip, ind. Ode•sit villiLgo Odessa, villngo ...•.........••.•..••

'Vashinglon tuwnsl1ip ................ .

I • .A.W!tENCE,

.A mom township .•.•••.•.....••..•.. Buck l'mi1fo township ..•..........•.• Greene township ..••••..•••••........ Lincoln townslnp ...•••..........•...

Mount Plensnnt township ............ .

Mount Vernon township ............. . Ozark township .••.................•.. PicrM town~ip, incl. :Piorco City ln.'

Pierce City town ........•. ' ...••••. Sf!ring River township .•....•...... : •. Tnrnback to1vn~hip ...•••.•••.....••.. Vineyard township .......•......••••.


Canton township, incl. C1mton town ... Canton town..... . . . . . . . . . . . • . . ....

Dickerson twp., lnoJ.:Mouticello town. Monticello town ..••..••••••.••..••.

Highlnnd township ......••....•.••••. Lit Belle twp., incl. the following tna ..

La Belle town .....•.•••.•......••.. Lewistown town ...••.•......••.••••

Lyon township . . . . . ...........••••.• Iteddish twp., incl. Williltmatown vill.

Willi!llllstown village .........••••.. Salem township.. . . . . . • .•.•....•••••. Union township, incl. La Grunge city ••

Lri Grango city ........•••••.....••. Inforruationns to.changes Jn minor

civil divisions. incomplete.

LL'WOLN. twp., incl. Troy village ....... Troy villngo ...........••.......•••• I Bnrr Oak township ............••••..

Clarke township ......•.........•..•• Hurricane townsliip .........••....••.

. Millwoo<l township .....••.....••••••• l\Iomoo ~ownship ...•.••••••..... ; •.•.

Nin_evch township .••••......•...••.••

Prairie township ....................•. Snow Hill township ..•........... • •... Union township ..................... · Waverly township ......••.•......•...


Baker township ..........•.......... nc;iton t~vp., incl Drowning town·~ .. .

Ilrowmng town .................... . Br<1okfic1l<I twp., incl. llrooldlehl town

Brnokilelcl town ................... . Buc:,Jin twp., incl. Bucklin town ...•••

Bucklin town ..................•.•••

1 Clay township . . ••.... ' ........... .

!. Enterprise township ......•...........

1sso. 1s,o. ltE:il'f.AUKS.

1, 001 0:13 720 880

2, 11.Ul 1, 410

:ll7 1, 041

O~l fiOO

1, 3~0

l, 2110

al ~mt 2, OH

707 2, 052 2, 805

2811 a01

0, 070 3, noo 2, BIG

lia Olio

1, 0117 100

2, 835

1, 181 1, :ms l, 350 1, 080

1, 040

2, 900 l, 044 2, 383

1, 350 1,4011 1, a21 1, 700

3, 514 2, 632 1, 040

324 1, 000 1, 740

3•10 127

1 442 1: 720

2117 1, 107 3, 000 1, 330

2, 704 839

1, 289 1, 904 2, 827 1, 107 1, 944

1, 005

088 888

1, 542 1, 228

1, 17fi 1, 019

187 a,rna 2, 204 1, 802

430 1 432 '644

[!Iookl'r. Shlco 1870, from J>al't of Slnco 1811!, from /HI Its ul'

[Omtgo mu Union. Sinco l H711, l•t 1o A 11.l'fofae. 8iucn lr..70, ]Hirt to Hpl'ing

[llollmv, 81n<1e1H70, .. ol'Hmillt.

11 2.17 Shwn 18711, ptH. to Fl' nk­lin nrnl \\'t1~hinµ;11111.

1, 140 ShwolH70, pt.hi Mn.yil«l<l. ShHJ<I 1870, fr. pt. or Lol!­

llllllll. 1, 8!i0 SiJwo 1X70, plH. to l"rnnk­

Jln 11rnl "'nshlnglon. . . . . . . . . Sinon 1H70, lhnn, parts of ' I Oango mal U1uou.

.i, 1ill8 1, 7~:1 I

. . 2;~fii. 2,rilm

u, a:10 4, 3711 2, !O:J

887 1, 550

l,fiH 1, 41!•!

l, 853

3, oao 1, 7l32

412 1, 008

007 1,410

3, 434 2, 3(i3


· · · ·a20· 180


2, 325 703

1, 887 31 712 l, 470 2, 010


1, 301 1, 330

[Pt•uh-io &8pring Hivm'. ln JR70, fr. JllH. of !lu(lk Iu1870, llltrt. loAurm·n. ln 1871, pm·t. to Lhwuln. ln 1871, fr. JllH. of (lr.,Cll!I

mul Ozm·k. ln 1870, incl. l'im·rn• Clty;

inJ871, 1>t. loPiPl'Cl'i iu 1872, pt. from l'i""'"'; in 1878, 11!;. to .Piim:11.

In 1871, J!Urt; to Lhwolu. In 1H71, Ji·. iii;. ol' Ml;,

l'lut1Hnut.; In 187~, pt:. to J\Il;. Plt•l\Hllllt·; in l87H, tit. fr. l\It.. l'l"a"1ml'.

Jn 1870, 1·oport<'<l in l\[t, (.l'i<•as1111t.

f CflllO nml Jlfomon, In 1875, fr. 1its. of Hnrri·

[mid Snow Hill. In l.87li, pts. tu Bm·i· Onk In 1872, 111wt to N imwoh . Iu l87u, pts. 1 o llmr On k

nnd Snow llill. Ia 1872, li:(im vts. ol' Mill­

woo<l, Pmitw, u11<l IV11-vnrl,y.

In lf\72, J'art. (o Nh1l'n·h. In 1875, 'rom ptH. of Uur­

[rfonnn nn<l l\fournn. Ta 1872, pni t to Nln<n-<'h.

1, 200 Ia 1871. ]It. to (frnntsv!llo. 090 Do. llo.

··2;:i21· 402


In 1870. fr. pt. of YHllow [Cronk.

a22 Jnl871, pt. tuGm11tsvill1•.

Page 11: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.




Grantsville township ......•.

tTaclrson hnvnsllip ·------··--···-----­,Joffcrsou twp., incl. Laclede tff\Vn .•••.

Laclmle town .... - ............ . I...ooust Creek t.wp., incl. J .. inneus town.

Linneus town ........... ----------·-North Salem lrnvnship .............. . Parson Creel~ township .............. . Yel1011• Creek township ............ ..


m~, l\Iountl township .............. .. Chillkotbn twp., incl. Chillicothe city.

Chilli cot ho city .................... . Cream Ilidgetownship .......... ·-----· Fairvfow township ........•...... Grauil Hivt'l' township ........ -- ...... . Grct·ne township ............•........ Jaelu-;on township ................... . l\Iedkimi township .................. . :Monroe tcrnmship..... . .... _ ....... . Moorcsvilll\ twp., ind.l\Iooresvillevill.

Mooresville village ..... _ .......... . Rich Hill tow1rnhip .................. . Sampsel township .................. .. "\Vheeling townsltip .............•.....


Buffalo township ..................... . Ceu tre hrn-'nship .............. - ...... . Elk Horn township .................. . :Elk niver townshi11 ................. . EriH townr.;hip ........•......•.•....•. l\Iel\1illnu township .................•. !Iouutain townRhij) . . . ....••........ PineYilhi twp .. inc . Pincwille town ....

l)inovilln t(1Wn •••••••••••••••••••••• Prairin township ..................... . Hichwoml tO\VllHhip ..••.......•.•.••. ·white Tiock tuwnsllip ............... .

Informnti1m nAto chnnges in minor ci\Til tliviAiousincomi>lete.


DcviPL' township ............•......... Callao township ............. _ ....... . Chariton towrrnhip ............•....•.. Dralrntownship ············-···--·-·· Eagle town~hil1 ......... - ... - ....•••.. E:rn.ley tovrnslnp ..................... . II nelson t.'~ll·i incl. Macon city .... _ - ..

Macon c1t,J· ......................... . Indcpeu!lonco townshi1\ ........•...... ,Jackson towu~hi11 .........•......... 11 ohuHOll to\YllHhip - - - .. - ...• - . -- - . - - --L:i Pinta twp., incl. Lit Plata town ... .

.L:t Plata. town ..................... . Lihcrty township .................. _ .. Liug-o twp. 1 incl. New Cumbrh1 town •.

NtwrCanthriatnwn .....•.........••. Lyda township ..................... . l\1i1\1lltl Fork township .............. .. 1\lorrow township ................... . N mToWs township ............... _ .. . IUchlaml tmvuship ........... - ... _ .. . llounll U1 O\~o township ...... _ .....• - . Jiussell town."hi11 ..•....••. --- .....•.. '.l'cn-Mil" township ................. .. Valley town•hip ..................... . \Vah!ut; Creek township ............. . \Vhitc township ..................... .

Information nsto chnnges in minot· civil<livislous incomi>lete.


Castor township ..................... . German township ...............•. _ .. _ Libert,\' township .................••.. i:o}k t~1wns~i11. ····--.---···· ...•....•. Samt f ranms township ............. . Saint Michael township ..•...•....... Twelve-Milo township ......•.........


13oonc townHhip. ·- --- ............. ---- .• D1·y Creek township ..•..••........•.. ,Jackson township ......................... . .Jefl~n·son toYiTnHhip .................... _. ,folmson townshi11 ..................... . ~lillortow1rnhip .................... . Spriug Cr1!ek tm•inrnhip ............... .


]1~n.bhrn towuship ................ : ..... -·I Li\ierlyt,wp., iucl. l'nlruyrn, town .... ..

Palmyra town ..................... .


1880. 1870. REMARKS. 111INOR CIVIL DTVISIONS. 18SO. 1870. ! REMARKS.

--- ---- ------------

2, 135 1, 531 1, 031 1, 643 1, 104 1, 269

425 SW 743

41235 .5, o;,4 3, 046 3, 678 1, 008 1, 120

767 1, 755 501

1, 280 1, 566 529 546

1, 2:io 1, 210 1, 287

275 997 "i;i:i4' om 708

1, 111 1,132 830 J, 180 !lll '"i;658' 809 084 1, 518 911 '"i,'3ii4. 006 660

1, 040 1,474

420 875 520

3, ~~g

801 625

1, 729 1, 310 1, 304 1, 038


1,857 l s, 594 I 2,47U:

1, 000 868 480 320 386

1, 825 869

692 422

1,419 1, 123 1, 257

750 244

1, uos l a. s11 I 2, 015


I MA!tION-continuc<l.

I Mason ~wp., ~ncl. Hannibal city ...... .

llamubal cit,,} ..................... .. Wnrtl 1 ......................... .

II 2. •• ••••••••••• •••···••• 3 .......................... . 4 ........................ .. 5 . -·· ..... - - .. - - .•.....•.

Mill~r tnwuship ................ ' .•.•. Hound Grm·e tinvnship .............. . South ltiver township, incl. Ely town ..

Elstn,vn ............................ . Union township ....................... . ·warren township .................. ..


HarriROn township .................... . Lindley township.......... . ........ . Madison townehip ................... . Marion townshiy1 .....•.... - ........... . lll"'licino township .................. . l\foq.ian twp., incl. Princeton town .•..

l'rinCl~tnn town ....................... . Ravanna twv .. incl. Ravanna town~ .. .

I!avnnnatown ..................•• -· Sotnmerset township .............. . Wrrnbington twp., incl. Mill Grovevill.

lllill Grove village ................. .


Eqnnlit:v twp. 1 incl. Tuscumbia villnge. 'l'usr1im hia village ........ _ ......... .

li'rankliu tnwuBhip .....•............•. Glaize townAhip ..................... . ,Tim Ilenry to~vnship ...... - .......... . 08age townslup ..................... . IticlnvomlR township .•............... Saline township ......... : .......... ..

MISSIBS!rl'!. I ,Tames townAhip .............. . L~ng; Pmit}o towns)iip .........••..... l\Irns1sslp111 township ................ . Ohio township .. . . .. ................ f ,Tames to,\.·nship ..............•. 'rywappity hvp. 1 incl. Charleston tm~vn.

Cburh~!-ltou town ..................... · ·wolf Islarnl township ................ .


Burris Fork township ............... .. Harrison township .................. .. Lhm twp., incl. Jamestown town: ...... .

Jmuestown town .....•...••......... Moreau township .................... . Pilot Grove township ................ . Walkt'l' t.wp., inel. Cnliforni" town ... .

Calit'ornilLtown . .. . . . .......... .. Willow Fork twp.,,incl. Tipton town ..

Tipton town ...................... .


Chw township ...................... .. Irn.linu Crcl~k township .............. . Jacl\BOll townsliip1 incl. Paris town .. .

PnriR town .............•........ - .. . .Tefforsou township ................. .. :Marion township . . . . . . . _ ........... . Monroe tow!'sbip,iucl. }Ion me City tu.

I :Monroe City town ..................


I South Fork tow1rnhip ................ . Union twp., incl. llfiddlo Groye town ..

I l\Iiddle Groyc town ............... ..

Washingt,on townsf1ip .•.••. ·---··--·--'\V oodlf1wn township . .. . • . ......... .


Bcnr Creek towuship ...........•..... Danville township, incl. the fol. vills ..

Danvillevilla~e ···-···-······--···· New FlorencA village .............. .

Lontre township ........... :.. .. .. .. Montgomery twp., incl. :Montgomery

City town.

Montgomery City to"n -.....•..... Prairie township, iirnl. Mitltlletown vlll.

lllidtlletown Yillago . . ........... . UpperLontretwp., incl. Wdlsvillevill.

Wellsville village .................. .


Buffalo township ............... . Haw Ct'cBk township ............... . :Mm Creek twp., incl. Syracuse town ..

Symcuse town ...................... I Moreau .twp., incl. Versailles town ....


Versailles town ................... .. O~ag;e township ; .....................

1 Richland towuslnp ................. .

11, 534 11, 074

21 015 2, 147 1, fifiO :!, 4f;4-2, 008 I, 230 1, 808

7f0 ;,2

11 5G7 2, fi:n

1, 258 1, ou;; l, 286 1, 5:J1 1, 31'i :!1857 1, 2,10 1. r,72

171 1, 12:1 2, 036


707 lf.i7

1, 007 1, !'i88

901 8H5

2 283 2: 404

aos I 9~7

1, 001 1, 423

OU 3,474 1, 1128


1, 218 UG4

2,4:J2 185

1, 36ii 1, 478 •!, 504 1, 427 2, 325


1, fifi5 5U7

4, 808 i, 2:m 2,410 21 27B 1, mo

G4U l, fi14 1, 903

lfi9 1, 4il6 1, 319

2,811 2, 055

2:m 873

2, 77,; 2, 778

1, lG5 21 7711

391 2, 4:.6


ROo 2, 085 l, 631

202 3, 0·1-5

578 1 ()"" 1: nii4

10, 725 10, 12;;

........ ,


1, 273 1, :!70


1,471 2,425

014 1, 519 2, ()21 1, 000

939 2, 107

389 1;129

1, 114


I, 008 125 622 0118 Also called Auglaize. 542 695

1, 361 1, 720

361 697 357 O:l2 505

1, 778 635 05:!

1111875, fr. pt.ofHnrrison. 1, 5g5 In 1875, pm·t to Burris 1, 9·18 (Fork.

1, 084 1, 024 3, 492

2, 242

1, 518 @4

4, :l67 895

2,B7 2, LU7

880 353

1, 463 1, 5GG

1, 512 0%

2, 200 I 2,254 In18721 parttoMontgom­


I, (i58


543 1, n1 I

DH I 2, 108 i

: . ..... ]

1. ~~x \

In 1872, from vts. of Dan­ville, Prairie, antl Up· per Loutr0.

In 1872, pnl't· to Mont~nm­( ery,

In1872, pnrttoMunt:..{om­[ery.

Page 12: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.



"'·=-"c~=~==-·o=========== =========;c-= MINOit CIVIL DIVISIO:NS. I 1sso. 1870. RE:M.A.RKS.

-- ·-----· ---·---·---1-···-----1

NEW MAD!l!ll, i

mg 1•rairioh~ow1rnhip ............... --1 2, ~~f 1, OB9 East towns 1p ........................


r.e Bienr twp.; ind l'uint Plea•ant viii. I 1, ~~~ 2, 004 Point Pl~n•nnt,·illa~e ·N····M~ii''.i' 3, 70t 20861


In 1874, -part to Ellst. In 1874, from part of Big

Pmfrfo. In 1874, part to Portnge.



Bois Drnl6 township ............... : .. . Brazeau twp., inol. the follow mg villa.

.Altenburg villnge ..........• -- ... - - . '\Yitt1m1Jerg villa"O ................ .

Central township, Incl. Perryvillo vill.

Perryville village .................. . N:J~;'.:1i::tlt:::~· -~~:'.'. ~-:~: .. '.-~·:·Ir ~Jo_rtagt'. t1nvmJliip : •• ~ .............. - •. Srunt .folln tuwn8L1111 .... _ ......... ··---~

712 fi03 467

In 1874, from purt of Le / 403 [Sieur. Uinque Homme township ........... ..

!.'EWTON. I Denton township . • • .. .. ........... .. Bnffalo township ..................... I D~Lvttm tov;m~l1ip .........•.•••.•..... 1.

l'ranklin townsllip ................... I Granby t")l., ind. Granby villnge .... .

GraulJy·vjlJage -· --·--·-····--·····1 Marion tmrnship ................... . Negsb~ twp.1 inf!. Xeosho town ....... .

.,.:!\t•oB.100 t(i\\:,,n , ·;•··········•.;,.····· ••

.Newtonia tolYUH1Hp ................... . SenBcu. town,hip .................. .. !'hon! Cn'ek tuwnsl1ip ............... . Van Bnn-n township ......•...........


Inform at ion !l.H to c l.anngea in minor civil divir1ti011s incomplete.


Atcl1ison f•;Wnobip .................. . Grant township,fof'l. Ilarnnrd town ... 1

IJ~rmml towu ................ i Greene t1Jwn,hip, incl. QuitmnIJ 1'ill ..• ,

Qnitman village . . .. .............. . HoJ1hiM toWI!ship, inc1. Hopkins tn .. .

1 op kins tilwn .. . . . .. .. . . .. . . .. .. •. IIuglieA town•hip, incl. Graham vill. •.

G-ralum1 Yilla:,zo ••. ~- ................ :. In1l•·pcndcni:" fownsllip ............ .. Ja<·kson tov•·n:;bip ·········"-·····-----i1

fJt,;fJ\;I'HOH tff\lllH!1ip .................... · j Lm<·oln townslnp ......•.... " ........... 1

Nodaway townst1ip, hiel Burlington i ~unction vill:'.::o. . I

1, 437 968 1, 181 785 1,165 ........ 1, 767 1, 2381 2, 777 1, 889

u~~ t"i;ii;i» 3 "'J7 ° O"" 1;0in .. 1 a75 1, 612 1, 600

965 1, 383 "'7ilii' 1, 840 1, 288

1, 389 1, 8G3

424 2, 815

335 1, 883

920 2, 505

1, 210 In 1871, pt. to Nodu.wny. 1, 105

.. i; oiii. In 1871, pt. to Nod:tway.

4G'2 1, 431 1, 708 l, 148 2, 107 21 on;;


670 895

1, 042

Go7 ! ....... .

In 1871, fr. pt. of Union.

In 1871, pt. to ,fofforson. In 1871, fr. pts. of Jack­

[son anil 'VnHliington. In 1871, fr. pts. of 1\tchi­

son and Gi·ecue; in1878,

Snint Mary's township ...•...•••..••.. Sulem township ....................... .

Saline township ..................... .. Union township, incl. Longtown vill ••

Longtown village ........................ .


Blackwater township ..•••.•• , •.••..•.

llowlini: Green townehip ........... .. Cedar township ......•.••...• , •..•••.

Dresden township .................. ..

Elk Fork township ................. ..

Flat Creek township ................. .

Green Ridge townsliip .....•••••.•.•••

Heath's Croek township ...•.•.....••

Houstonia township ................ ..

Hughesville townAhip ............... . Lake Ure ck township .........••••••••

Lamonte township .................. ..

Longwopcl township ................. .

Pmidn township ..................... .

1880. 1870.

1, 605 1, 576

234 129

2, 046


1, 440

1, 493 1, 087

1, 331 1, 308


1, 330

1., 105 l, 178

l, 101

1, 050

I, 217


1, 273


1,arm 555

1, 203



1, 337 ~.281

200 110


2, 010

I, 940

l, 409

1, 003

2, 407

2, 404

1, Otil

2, 523

Since 1870, pis. to Rnlcm ·[11ml Union.

Sinco 1870, from pnrts of Cinque Jiomnw, 8niut :Mn.ry'R, und Salino.

Iu 18711, l'll]l· in CiIHJ\10 Ilomnrn.

Sinclll870, pf·a.1oC"ntral, Snlem, nntl Union; in 1870, ind. l'llrr.vvlJIP.

Sin co 1870, pt. f,o Con I rnl. Sinco 18711, Jio. J>IH. nl'.Jlm.

zoau &. Cinq1rnl101Wnrn. Sinco 1870, pt. to Uontml. Sinco 18711, fr. ptH. of Jlm­

[ze11.u &. Chupwllommo.

Slnco 1870, JHWLH f·O Jl01rn­tonin1 Iln/,lllt'avillo, u111l Lnmont11 •

Sinco '70, pt. to Smithton. Sinco 18711, from purt ot'

1\iount Stm-lhiµ. S!noo 1H70, fr, ]!LH. of Elk

li'orlc &1Iount-.ilnr1inf,.r. Slne'i '70, pta. tu llrt•Htl .. u,

I~nmontt~, nutl llrairh~. · SinM lR70, purt lo Lnlrn

Orm\ le, Siuco 1870, from pnrt of 'VnRhin~ttm.

Sine11 18711, p11rtH to If OlJH· touia, ll11glH'IWil111, 1m1l Longwnotl.

Sincol870. Ji·. ptH.of llluek· w11llll'&1Im1tl! 1a Creok.

llo. l>o. Sinco 18711, from 11111'1° of

~'htt un~ok. Sin<ll\ 18711, from JHll'tH or

Ilhtolt wn.\,p1•&.lllk :l!'nrli. Sin co l H711, l'rom lllll'l• of

lfo1\th'>1 Cr1•11k,

Bnr1mgton .Tunctinn village .......... 1

Polk to"!•Hhip, intl. llfaryvillo city .. . Marynll1> <'1ty .................... ..

o, G62 3, 427 3,485 1, 682

part to Union. I Seclnlia tolVllship, incl. Sed11lht oity.... 10, 845

Sitwo 18711, fr, ]llA. ot' Elk l!'ork&. ~lonnti-:t orlhiµ.

Sin1•11 1H711, !)·om ]l!lt·f, ol' J\[onnt1 Hlnl'lilH~·

l:nion townshiJ1, incl Pickering vill ... I,itkel'ing; villag-0 ........... ······-·

WnHhimrton township .............. .. Wl!ite Cloutl. township .............. .


Fallin~ i'prinf(• tHwnshlp ............ . Highland township .. ":. ............... . Johe toll'n•hip ..................... .. .Tohn"<m townRhip ................. .. Lnm townshi\l ..................... . Moore tOWDHb1p ..................... . Oak Grove fownship .......... : ...... . Pine~· township ..................... .. Wcmdsi<letownship ................. .

Informntion as to cban!(r• in minor civil dh-isions incomplete.

OS.A.HE. •1 Ik,;itm1 t•)WD;Bhip, incl Clmmoia vill ... c(!'.j!flO/R Vlllai:fo! .................. •· 1

a ore township ............................


Jai·kson tmn1sl1ifi .................. .. {~ffi·r.,,n to"'.nsh p .................. . ,~:h\~~1sb1p .................... ..

~ on towosb1p ............... .

ozAnK. j Bayou town•hip ..................... . Dn,tlJ!ES to;wnship, incl. Gainesville tn. J ham1:sv11le town ................... . Jack.on town8hip ..... ., .......... .. J.{"~··r township ................... .. R?tnon townflb1p ............................ .

1chlllnd townsl1ip ................. ..


~ragga11ocia township ............... .

G11tl"r tmvn~bip .................... . a;rJl!o to,;:usb1p, inc1. Gayoso villn"e.

C !xf::oso Y1lla,1w. ·--····-· --····---~--L:t~;\ ~Ur tO.WDi"oblJL ..................... .

!tile Prairie township .............. . ~\!ti!' ltiV(ottOWMhip ................ . v'.·tn~S<;ot townsl1ip .................. .

1rg1nL'l townshiv ·········--··· .. ··---

1, 363 l, 308 In1871,pt.toHopldns; in [1878, pt. fr. N ocfawny. 118

934 1, 058 In 1871, pt. to J eft'erson. I, 541 99.!

119 208

1, 039 400

1., 061 573

1, 303 604 424

2, 043 562

2,862 984

l,1i02 1, 804 l, G69

897 1,141

165 638 953

1, 041 046

214 454 771 148 257

1, 086 220 644 653



[si<1e. In 1~74, fr. pt. of Woo<l­In 1874, fr. pts. of J,ynn

[nn<l Moore.

: : : : : : : : In 1874, pt. to Riglllnnd. 021 I Do. Do. 1, 081 • 437

. ....... 1 In 18?4, part to I<'nlling 1 Sprmgs.


2,438 1, 104 1, 390 1,757 1, 591

.. j~~-1 353 618 745 635

90 ~ii~ In 1871, part to Gocl!tir.

In 1871, fr. pts. of Tintler 492 [aml Liltlo River. gg In 1871, part to Godair.


Sedalia city ........................ .

Smithton township, incl. Smithton vill. Smit.hton villngo ........ ~ ............... .

Washington township ............... .


Arlington township ................. . Cold Spring township .............. .. DnwRon townshi11 .................. .. Dillon township ..................... . Liberty township .................... . Meramec township ................... h ... .

Miller township .................... .. Rolla townshi11, incl. Rolla village •••.

Uolht villago ....................... . Spring Creek township ........... . i'JnintJnmes l;wp.,iucl. Snint.famesvlll.

Saint Jnmcs vill11ge ................ .

.Ashfoy to~nship, incl. Ashley village. Ashleyv11lago.... ... ... .. ......

Buffa!? fownsf1ip, incl. Louisiana cit.y. I,omslana city .. .. .. .. . . . .. .. • .

Calumet twp., lncl. Cl11rksvillo vill: •. Clarksville village ................ .

Cniv1·0 twp., incl. Dowling Green town. Dowling Grct~n town ..... _.~ .

Hartford tw1i., incl. Ne1v Hartfonl vill. New Ila1tford villai;e .............. .

In<lia.nCreektwp., lnci. New Harmony village.

Now Harmony villa_go ............. . Peno towIJship,' incl • .1rrankford vlll .. .

Fran kforcl villai;o ................ .. Prairieville twp., me!. Pmirievillo vill.

Prairieville villai:e ...........•....•. Salt River township ................ . 13:pencer twp., incl. the following villa. 9urr~;vme vill~ge •.....••••.....•••• Spencerburg village .............. ..


Carroll t"J'·• incl Platte City town .•. Plntto City town ................... ,

Fair towns nip .................... . Green town•hiJ? .. .. .. ............ .. Lee township, mcl. Farloy town ..... .

Fl1rley town ...................... ..

9, fiOl 4, 500 ln 1870, roJHirtt•rlin llfount St.orling.

1, 237 il07 800 "i;7C.:i'

Slnco lo70, from vnrL nl' [Howlinµ:Urtw11.

Slnc~o 1870, vnrt t<> ttrtwu 1tidgt1.

802 1, 208

0!11 1, 747

535 1,4~·!

032 2, 687 l, 582 l, 521

8.U 303

1,425 407

7, <JO:J 4, 825 4, 845 l, 40.l a, 1!43 l, 007 1, 950

58 l, 247

5)l 2,810

402 l, 283

107 480

2, 021 273 157

2, 782 670

J, 275 2,425 1, 117


1, 100 90<1

'""47ti' 1, O•J8

'"4,'i84" l, 3fi4 l, 119 1, li:Jl

1, 222 308

6, 510 3, 630 5, 185 1, 1.52 3, 271

509 1, 583


2, 100

370 1, 054

In 1872, pnrl: to Mill""· [H:tiut:,"JnmllH.

Shwn 1870, from pnrt of In 1878, fl', ptH. ul' l~oll1t

[IUHl i-:1ti11t ,fo1l!l'H, [Lon mu1 Holht.

In 1R72, fr. ptH. ol' A rlhi~­In 1872, pt:. to Mi!lor; rn

[1878, iit:, \o Dillon.

In 1878, 1J1n·t to :Dillon; [sinoo '70,pt. tol>1tWH1m.

In 1872, port to Prnitfo· [villo.

In 1872, Jrom .J>ltl't of [C11lumt1\,

2, 091 In 1876, port to llfoy. 599 [Lne, nml 'Vr•Hlon.



In 18711, fr, pts. of Qrpon, 2, 245 In 1876, pm·t to F'nlr. 2, 200 Jn 1870, iiat•ts to Jrnir nrnl

.... · .. · lWnlt1rou.

Page 13: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.



I MINOR CIVIL mv_I_s_rn_N_Ts_._ 1880. 1810. ____ n_E_MA_n_,K_s. ____ 11!1--:MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS.

l'J.A'l"m-continued. I UEl'NOLDS.

Marslrnll township ..•...... - - .. . . . . . . 1, 010 2, 038 I [roll and Pettis. Black River township ............... .

Pettis township .................. "'.. 2, 354 3, 943 In 1870, pnrts to Mav nncl Jackson township ................... . :Mn.v township........................ 809 ........ In 1870, fr. l>ts. of Car· I Carroll townshi\' .................... .

Preston township..................... 1, 008 1, 002 [Wnlclron. Lestorvilletownship ................. . \Vul<ll'On towirnhip. .•. . .•. . . .. .. . . . . .. 840 ........ In 1870. from pts. of Lee Logan township ..................... .

. and Pettis. Webb township ...... ••••·•· •••••••••.

1 ·weston township, incl. Weston town. 2, 156 2, 453 In 1876, part to l!'ail'.

"Weston town....................... 1, a20 1, 614 · llll)LEY.


Denton township ..........••..•.••••. Grl'Cnll townshi11 ................... .. ,Jncl<son township ................... . ,foff.,rsun townsllip .................. . ,Johnson towr1Rhip .................. .. I. .. omrny tnwnHhit> ···-··--··----- .•••. Mndisim township .•...............•. Mnrinn t11wnshiJJ, incl. BoliYnrvillago

I~o1iYur villng;e .................. _ ._ .. Moor:.ey township .................... .

l'UI,AHKI. . Cullen township ..................... . Lilltlrtv twp., inlll. IUchlaml town .... .

Rielilnn<l town ..................... . Piney townHhip ...................... . nohi(Ieaux township ................... . 'l'avcrn township ..................... . TJninn township ....................... .


Elm township ....................... . Grant.towmd1i11 ......................... . ,Jnckson to ll'nslilp ••..•..•••.......••• J,iliert.;1· toWnHhip .................... . Vneoln township .................... . l\focllehrn townshi11 .................. . ItichlnIHl tow1rnhip ............•••.••. Shmrnnn township ................... . Union twp , incl. Unionville town .... .

U niom·lllo town •.• ~ ............... . "Wi!Kon township ..................... . York township ...................... .


Centro tow11Hhi1L ...................... . Cln~· tnwur1hip .••·•· .................. . ,JnHper tow11Hl1111 ..................... . Snliiw towrn;hip ..................... . Sult. lliveduwnship ................ .. Siwcrtnn towusllip .............. . S[H'llC(ll' twp., incl. New London viii •.

New Loudon villngo .............. ..


Cairo to"'nsliip ...................... .

Chariton township ................... . Clifton township ................. .. Jackson twp., incl. J"ncksondlle t,own.

,Jnelrnon,·illo town ..............•... "Moniteau twp., incl. Iligbc(l town .... .

lligbcu town ....................... . Prnh'in t.wp., iuc!. llcnlck town ...... .

licniekt.ow.n ........................ . Solt Rivor township ................ .. Salt Spriny; twp., incl. IluntHville twn.

IlnntsnJJo town .................. .. Silver Creek township ............... . S1},1ur Crnck. twp., incl. Moberly city .•

· W~i:~r 1cn1:.:::::::::::::::::::::::

Ii 2. ••••••••·· ...... ••·••• .... . a .................... ··•····

Union township .................... .


Cittudcn twp., incl. the following twmf. Crumlon town ....................... . Orrick town . . . . . . . . . ............. .

Crooked River twp., incl. IlardhiJ;own. Ilnrcliu town ...................... .

FiRhing Rlvor twp., incl. Vihhnrd twn. Yibl111rr1 iowu ••..........•.•.•.•••.•

Gmpo GrnY(l tmvrnihip ............... . Jinoxvil!o twp., incL Tn,itsvillc town ..

T11itsvillo triwn .................... . Polk townabip, incl. Litwaon town ..•.

Lnwimn town ....................... . Richmond twp., incl.·Rlohmoml town.

llichmontl town-~·········-···-····

1, 726 1, 430 1, 746

885 1, 278. 2, 117 1, 700 3, 282

fllO 10 501

1, 650 1, 074 1, 483

480 898

1, 750 1, 301 2, 489

J, 200

849 803

lt 25:! 1 084

'360 535 708

1 23~ 1: 770

541 In 1870, publisho<l Bi!! 077 [Piney; 790

2, 371 70-1

1, 005 1,402 I, 285


l, 040 038 709

l, 174 1, 057

665 720 987

818 785

1, 058 l, 763

772 2, 053 In 1873; part to Wilson.

402 701

1, 573 In 187a, fr. pt. of Union.


1, 153 I, 700 1, 800 1, OR-J l, 681 I, 488 2, 268


1, 193

'726 1, 701 l, 394 J, 034 1, 337 1, 599 2, 119


1, ~~! 1-. ~ .. ~~~ 97;, 1, 175 1631'········

1, 472 .••.•••. 3,17 • • •..

3, 081 2, 803 400 861 782

3, 218 3, 520 1, 527 1, 301 7, 031 6, 070 1, 501 2, 597

·Tsai· 2,896 1, 514

In 1871, fr. pts. nf .Tatlk· sun. Sult HiYer, Sugar Creek, nncl Union. [Spring& Silver Creek.

Jn rn12, from l>ts. of 8alt In 1871, po.rt tn Cairo.

In 1874, fr. pts. of Prairie [am1 Silver Creek.

In 1874, pt. t-0 Moniteau.

In 1871, pnrt to Cairo. In 1872, Jlll.rt. to Clifton.

[1874, pt, to Moniteau. In 1872, pt. to Clifton; in In 1871, part to Cairo.

1' ~ii 1, 136 In 1871, part to Cairo.

3 353 3, 347 '500 357

193 1, 883 1, 622

247 1, 961 1, 653

140 3, ODO 2, 060 2, 301 2, 460

108 1, 53·1 ! 1, 308

o,~~~ 1··5j·5si· 11 1.J.:!•J ' 11 218

Cm~·cmt IUvcr township ............. . Doniphan township .................. .

Fourchee townsllip .................. . llnrris township •••••••...........•.•• J er<ll'Il township ..................... . J" ulmson township .••••..••.•••••.•••• K"1ly township ................... ·---1 '1.'homas township . .. . . • • . . . • . ••.•••• U11ion t1nvnahip ............. H .........


Wnshington township .....•........•. luformntion UH tu changea in n1inor

civil <liviHiona incomvlete.


i I '

Callmmytownsl1ip .........•...• _ .••• · 1·

Utlivre twp., iucl. ,,r entzville village ... "\Ventzville village ................. .

D1mlennc township ................. . l!'emmc Osai:i.e twp., incl. A.ugustavi!LI

Aug1rnta v1Jlago ................. . Portage des Sioux twp., incl. Portage

villagB. P01·tago village ..................... .

Saint Chal'les twp., irrcl. Saint Charles I city. I

Saint Uharlcs city .................. · j

SAIN'!' CI .. Alll.

Allpleton tw~:• inc). Appleton Cityvill. ~\ppleton C1~.v\'illage .••.•....•.•...

Butler township ..................... . Chalk Level township ......... · · · • · · -

1 Uollins township .•...•••....•..•...•.. Dallas township ..................... . Doynl township .................... .. Jackson township ................... . Mouegan tOW!iBlii11 .!----···-···· .... . Osceola tw]l., incl. Osceola town ...... .

Oi•meola to\vn ....•.... -· ............. .. Polk townslfip ..................... . Roscoe townShip, incl. Roscoo town .. .

Iloscoe town ....................... . Speeclwoll township ..•....•••.••••••. '.l:ahnr township ..................... . 'Vashingtou township ............... .

SA!N'l' l'l!AN90JS,

Dig Rivertownship ...•......•••••.••. Iron twp., incl. thofollowingvillagcH .•

Bismarck villngo . . . . • . • . . • . . • • • .•. Iron Monntain village .••..••.••••..

Lillert.vtwp., incl. Libertyville yiJlage. Libertyville village ••••...•.•.••••••

Marion township ..••..•....•......••. Pendleton township ..••....•••.•••••• Perr.v township : • . •.••••••••.•••... Ilnmlolph township .......•...•.•••.• .Saint J;'1·angols twp., incl. Farmington

vHlage. Furmington vill11go .•••....••.•.••••


Deau~ais twp., incl. Saint Mary town. Saint Marytown .••..••.••.•••••..••

Jackson township . . ............ . Sainte Genevieve twp., incl, Sainte

Gcncvie\"e city. Sainte Genevieve city .....•.•••••••

Saline township ••.•.........•••..••• • 1 Union township .•.•...•.. -•.••..•• - ••

SAIN'l' LOU!f:S. '

Bon ltommo twp., incl. Kirkwood vill •. I Kirkwood viii age ....................


Carondelet town"hip ............ - - .•• Central township ..................... . ·Meremec township .................. . SainL Ferdinand twp., incl. the follow-1

ing villa es: ~r1clgeton y~Jao-e._ ................. . Saint Forclmauc'l village ............ .

1s80. \_18_,._o_ • .,I ___ n_El_M_.i1._n_K_s_. _· _

50711, 280 1,.234 605

640 I a21 I, 068


....... . 1, IGO 910 1, 1G4 034

2DD I 960 701 ...... .

230 500

~~~ .... 2so· 496 240 241

1, 417 855 777 080


1, 830 f-745 I 3,820 3, 174 i

643 4, 056 ·1~~~-1 2,401

318 2,541 .. i. iioi ·1

225 HO\ 8,417 o, 049 '

5,014 5, 570 ~: I

In18i2, pt. to Lesterville.

In 1872, from pt. oflllack [River.

In 1871, pt. t<> Doniphan. In 18il, fr. pt. of Current

J{iver. In 1871, fr. pt. of Union.

[son.and Kelly. In 18il, frompts. ofJohn­In 1871, pa1't to J" er<lcn.

Do. Do. In 1871, I"eformecl. • In 1871, pt. to Fourchec,

1, 083 1, 034 1,300

I . : : : : ~~:I In 1871,fr. pt.ofMonegan.

861 803 635 838 775


l, 102 373 005

1, 253 172

1, 133 051 346

875 2J 150

280 1, 243 1, 802

80 1, 183

958 S, 755

705 2, 325


1, 722 419

1, 364 B, 029

1,422 1,403 1,882

7,043 1,280 5,001 7,485 3, 74G 71923

107 817

851 In 1871, part to Tabor. . .. . . . • . In 1871, fr. pt. of Polk. ..••.••. Do. Do.

ln 1871, fr. ]Its. of Osceola 411 [ancl Wnehin)!;ton.

1, 434 In 1871, pts. to .A. ppleton and Tabor.

057 331 310 922 802 606

In 1871, part .to Doyal.

In 1871, parts to Collins [andDalltl#.

fLGvel and Monogan. In ill71, fr. pts. of Chalk

500 In l 871, part to Doyal.

436 2, 555

·2. 018 1,405

:··"'85.i: 851

1, 351 676



1, 306 307

1,112 3,409

1, 521 980

1, 577

0,162 i°ity, 5,ii87" In 1876, pt. to Saint ouie

8,923 Do. Do. 3,430 7, 214

········· • ...•..• 1

Page 14: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.



MINOR c_r_v_r_L_n_r_v_rs_·r_o_N_s._ \_1_8s_o_. J_1_8_,,_o. / ___ R_E_M_AR_rr_s_. __ r_~._r_N_o_R_c_I_vr_L_n_I_v_rs_r_o_N_s_. -i--sAL»T LOUIS CITY. ) 1· SCOT'r-continned.


· 3·0 "18 310 804 Mot'ley township, incl. Morley villngc. Saint Loms citv ...•...• · · .. • • · .. · · · · .


" • " I • Moifoy yi\lugo .. .. . ............. .

"'.:rd ~: ::):::::::~~:~~::::::::::~I·~~:~~! ;::~~::~ ::~lJ~~,~~~~*~;i;~:i:·i~~~~~~~:~i:l;~~~:: 5 ............................. 110,445 .••.••.. Sylvnmn: township ................... .. o o 049 '£ywapp1t.y township ..•............•.

L:::~~~:~::~~:::~:::~:::~:::i ~ni~ 1;::;~:~: SH.ANNON. 10 ' 20 <JO! Birch Tree townshiR ..... : ......... ..

i~::~~rn ~~HH~~ )Hi~~:I :~i ~~i ~~~~~~r5~~~~~~!i?.';~: ~~'::: :::: ::: :::::: .. iL~~~~~~~~~~~~:::~:~:~;:;;J !Hf! ·::::::: ~~1~~~~,~~\~~~~ti1~·::::::::::::::::::

19 ............................. 1 7,2291········ 20 ........................ : .... 12, 24fi ........ .Tackson township ................. - .. 01 4 187 Jnspcr township .................... ..

~l ~~~::~~:~;~~~~:~:~ ~~~:~: ::~~/ l~: ~~f ~~~~~~~~ ¥lr~~8~:~~tt~?;~~;i:I~: ::: : : : :: :: : :::::: 25. •••.•.•••••• •••••. .......... 1, 015 ........ :>pring Vnlley township ............ .. 20 ............................. 2,504 27 ....... ............ ...... ••.. 4, 824 28 ................ -- ...... ;... 9, 412

In 1876, fonue<l as a separat-0 mn­nicipnlity am! incrcnse<l h;1· ptH.

1 of Camnrlelet nnd Central an<l all of Saint Louis twr1s., Saint l.,,ouis county. !

BAL!Nll. I I

Arrow nock township, incl . .A.rrow II Rock town. ·

"' rie tmv11.

2. 445 I 3, 174

304 ,. ...... 1, 230 1, 784

Arrow !tock town............ . .. ·i Hlackwat•rtownship, incL Iti<l:,;ePrai-1

Rirli;e Prairie town .. .. . • . • . . . • . • • . . 40 Cam!Jridge township, incl. the folluW· 1 2, 402

iug town'i: Cambrirlge town.................. 275


375 Gilliam town ....................... ! f,O ...... .. Slater t-0wn ......................... [' 771 ...... ..

· Cby townsliip .... .............. .. .. . 2, 242 .... .. Flruwood t<1wnship, incL the follow- 2, 297 1, 538

int! 'l'"illai:es: i Dlackbnrn village .................. 1 214 Mount Leonard village ............. ! 28

G1-an<l Pass twp., incl. Maltn,Bend twn.' 2, 425 1, 950 Malta Bend town ................... 1 412

Jefferson township ................... , 1, 542 3, 002 Lihett.Y tOWJ'.!Bhip, incl. Herndon vlll .. I 1, 810 H1~rndonv1llage. ________ __________ ! ,55

Marshall twp., incL :Marshall town .••. \ 5, 945 Matshall town .................... I 2, 7ul

Miami towuship, incl. Miami town..... 4, 140 Miamitown ......................... [ 813

Salt Fork township .................. ., 838

I !

Salt Ponrl ~"11·· incl. Brownsville two.! Ilrownsnlle town.·----------~ ....... ,


Cb~rit{ln _twp., incl. Coatsville town .. ·I Loatsnlle t-0wn .................. ..

Fat.ins township ..................... . Glenwoo<i town•hip .................. [ ln<ltpemlc·nce township ............. . LilJertytownship, incl Lancaster twn.!

Lanca<ter town .. .. .. ... .. I Pr:i.irfotownship. incl. Quem:i Cit·,;t~~:

Queen City town ............ : ...... . SalF I:in;r twp:, incl. Gr9en Top vill •.

Green Top1·1Uage. ········--------·

Sf'OTl.ASD. I lian1'"m t<1wnship, incl. ArlJcla town . !

Ar ..,Ja tc1wn ....................... 1

J•l{•·l'S<i'li~wp.,incl.Mr;mphls town .•• I J h erup "'t<iwn .....................

11 l!!'· nl!<m tawn~hip .................. ..

ilkr township ...................... I ¥o~n~~fea."'1nt township •....•••••.. !

2, 526 21 Sos 1, 182 1· .......

7051 E33

1, 8~~ 1"·i;474· 1, 311l 1, 101 1, 406 l, 115 1, 720 1, 529

528 427 2, 221 1, mm

357 1, 111 1, 115


1, 80411. 401

4, m i--a:291·

I, 230 l, 230

In 1873, pt. to Snit Fork; in '74, pt. fr. Salt Fork.

In 1871, j)t. to Libt'ity; in. 1873, part to Snit Ii'ork.

In 1871, from part of J ef. ferson.

In 1873, organized.


Bethel township ..................... : lllaok Creek twp., incl. Shelbyville tu.

Sht'lbyvlllc tgwn ................... . ClfLy to\vnRhip, incl. Clarenco town ... .

Clarcnco town .................... ..

J·w~.~~~~~ti"1:::~;; .~:~~~~~~~~ ~~~ : : Jeffm••on township ................. .. Salt lth·µr t.wp., incl. Shelhiui>town ...

Shelbina town .................... .. ~!t.Ylor J;.ownship .. ·: . ................ . I1g<1r 1'ork townslup ................ .


Castor twp., inel. J~loomfiolrl village .. . llloomfiul<l vil!agn ................. .

Duck Creek township ............... . Elk township ...................... . LibertytO\i;nship, incl. Dexter villngo.

Dex tor Y11Jago .................... .. New Lfobon township .............. .. Piko township ....................... . Ilirhlnml townsbip, incl. Essex vlllngo.

Essux villa go ...................... .


Gass township ....................... . Flat Creek towris!J.ip ................ . ,James township ................. ___ .. . J'lorco townshllJ ..................... . Wnshin1,'1;on township .............. .. Williams township .............. .


Bowman township .................. . Buchanan township ................. . Ulay township .................... .. Duncan ~WIJ., Incl. Browning to\Vn· .. .

Ilrowmng town.............. . .. . J acl,son township, incl. Pollock town L Pollock town ...................... :

iberty township .................... . ¥orristownship .................... . >cnn township ........•..... .......

Pleasant Iilll township .............. . .Polk township, incl. Milan town ..... .

:Milan town ....................... .. Taslo.r township ..................... . Union township .................... ..


fi~a0cr tuwuship ................... .. 1g reek towusl1i1l ................. .

Jasper township ................... . N~wton township .................... , Oliver township .................... . Scott township ..................... .. Swan townslnp ...................... .

U""~ 1 tow!"'hip ................... j mon tow:nshtp ...................... 1

1, 418 I l, 007 1, 2:10 I 1, 2rn 1, 22711, 245

1, 005 784 J, 700 1, 404 1 TEXAS.

] ! Roon~ township_. .................... . I SCOTT.

i Commerce twr., incl. Commetce city .. i X~~1:~~~j~Y::::::::::::::::::::::! More~nd town.hip, incl. t:he follow- I

mg villages: I Benton village .................... .J Nflw HlUllbnrgvill"ge .............. '

t I . urdmetownslnp ................... . l,Gll i l,~G7 0q:111:rolltowil~hlp ..................... . 44U · . 1 ,'."s towuslup ....................... . 1 101 .- ·i"ooo·i , :' Cc;lmton township .................... . 1' 371 1 q' om I 11 '<nTeut.township. ..... ........ • • • ! ., Inl872.part~ to Morley/ Jnclrnontownship .............. ~.::::

100 \ nllll Sslvama. . Lync!1 township ..................... . 1oa : ........ ! ii Morris township ..................... .

......... "Ozark townshi]i ...................... .

828 232

1, 2U4 l!ll 870 8<11 602

500 187 230 213

2ao mm

33'2 177 140 201 fl40 2llO

l, :M:J 2, 074

010 1, 701

570 2, 057

424 1, 548 2,800 1, 280 1, 212 1, 1Uil

a, ·122 389

1, 640 804

2, 800 480

I, 850 l, 83•!

07!1 77

710 500 BOfi

1, !188 040 705

I, OSO 005

1, 002 1, 088

03 2, 043

104 i, uoa

000 1, 713 l, 052 ll, 002 1, 117

850 1,100

803 050 62,[) 575 800 742

l, 230

300 •J25 661

1, 122 1, 1•15

2iil lill2 702

1, 080 476

18"10. ltEMAHKS.

In 1872, fr. part of Morr.-[hm<l.

1, 080


080 In 1872, fr. imrt of llfore.


312 In 1870, fr. pn~t oC Emi·

150 fllPllllO, Iu 1870, fr. ptR.of,Juoksnn,

J1rnpllr, nnd S1n·in)fVnl· Joy,

ms U25 Iu 1871, nnmn chanixml ''"

Cmrent lliY<•r; In 1875, Jl!tt·t to 1U11ir'~ Urenk.

370 In 1870, p1trt to Unsto, oa Do. Do,

280 103 155 251 In 1870, 1mrt to Onsto.

1, 224 1, 418

fiUO l, •!3:1

444 1, 4.JO

327 807

1, 080 1, lt15

020 sr;:;

2, 785 379 781 021

l, 307

1, 182 1, 421


fi02 li05 447 781 GOO 332

581 1, 104

877 ·1, 004

.... 002·

"''.77:i' 004

·l, 744 0:14

1,415 310 628


li81 207 015 003

554' In 1870, fr. pal't or Swan.

1, 787 In 1870, part t<> OliYcr.

""323 810 510 770 721

5:17 522 530 638



Page 15: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.


i J~



=-===-----==•·=-~='-~~~~=- ~===~====~,=~~cc-;-c-=ccc~~======'=~o="-'~"='==

.1880.1-~8,-o. REMARKS. I JIUNOR ClVIL DIVISIONS. MINOlt CIVIL DIVISIONS. 18so. 1 siro. 1mMAnKs.

TEXAfl-Conli·n--u-e<-1.---- ---,- ---- -------------l1----w=:IXO'l'ON-routi:11.:i.=-.- ---

Piert•c tmvnHliip .............. - .. ___ .. l)iney townHltip, ind. Houston town- ..

Houston town ..................... . J{o111>ic1011x t()wrniliip ............... . Shonill t,wp. 1 hiel. IJiekinp; Cit.y town.

·Lkkillf,!; Cit.y town ................ . Upton tu\\'llRlii)l ..................... 1

Iuformntion ns toclurngPs in minor i civil di,·isions incomplete. I


Bnc:on t-wp., incl. Schell City yiJlago . · [' Sclil'il Uity Yillnl!e ................. .

Ba<lgl·r11rn·nHhi1l . ................. . Bl1111 :Mmuul tm\'Irnliip .............. ·J Ueutn~ to\\'U8hip, iuel. Nc't"uda town ..

N cvada town . . .. ..... -........


' Cl('Hl' Cnwk township ............... . Coa11,rn:nship ................... . Dc.,rfi1•lil townHhip ................ . IloYertowm;hip :······-·············· Dr.vwo11tl tow1rnl11p ................. . Tiani!mn t.owuHhip ................. . lfrur,\' towm:1hip ..................... . I~ako tow1rnhip ...................... . Jllet.z tmrnship . . .. _ .. _.. . .... . JI! 11111.,,-:1110 twp., incl. l\funtovnllo twn.

Montcwallo town.......... . ...... . Moumlville township ................ , Osage township .................... : llichlancl township ................ .. Vil·gil 1:ow1rnbip .................... .. Walker township, incl. Walker town ..

'Vallrnr town .................. . "rashington tuwmiliip ........ - · .. - .

Iuformation as to changei-i in minor civil divisionH incomplete.


Bri1lgep11rt township ................. . Carnp Brunch township ......... ....... . ClmrrPtte township .................. . lolkhom township, incl. the fol. vills ..

Truesclal<ivillago . . .. ........... .. \Yurrentou villit.gc ........... ..... .

Hickory Gro,;e townshi1>, incl. Wright City vil!age.

WrightCit1•villnge ............... . Pinelmey to,vnship .................. .


Bel~rnclo townshi11 ................... . Bellevue township .. - . • ............. . Breton township, incl. Potosi vlll1>ge ..

Potosi v!lluge ...................... . Conccml township ................... . Harmony township ................. .. ,f '!lmson townahlJ.l ............. " ••.•. Kmgston tuwm~lnp .............. o ... .. .

474 11 720

101 467

1, 8t:!J 103 788

1, &17 fi7fj f>75 7:M-

21 7U5 1, Ol:J

650 780

1, 001 701' !'iO:I

l, OtiU 1, 152

un~ ], :155 1, OOf>

22G 70-1

1, 052 Olfi 8iB 750 200 710

1, 23G om

2, 800 2, fig~

290 2, 140

300 R66

617 1, 399



2, 003



475 415 I 080

1, 340

807 1. 5fl8

547 079

. . . . -....

822 901

2, 600 2, 470

····588' 1, 763

303 1,110 ··i;i>i8'

052 1, 027 2, U91

715 1, 120

823 863

I, 266

'"i,'867' 2,396

897 1, 343 1,485

717 1, 085

In 1870, fr. pi;. ofBell<Wu3. In 1870, prtl't to Bclgrn<lo. In 1872, p<Lrt to 'V alt on.

In 1872, pEtl't to Walton.

I...ibetty township .... ................. . Jtic:.wfmt1H township . ................ . Union towIH:!hi11 ................. - ... - - . ·walton township .................... .


B"nton twp., in!'!. Piedmont village .. I>fotlmont village .......... - - ....... .

JUack JUver towuHhip ....... -~····· Crclar Creek township .............. .. Crnvan 1ow1rnhip ....... ................ . J efrerson towrrnhip ................... . Iingnn towuAhip .................. . I.JoHt Crc~el~ fanvtrnhip .................... . ·r.rm S1ni11µ: tow1rnhip ................ . Silint J!'rancif; towm~'hiJl. ............. . William~ tow1rnhip ................. ..


Bm1lou townRhip ..................... I Dallas townBhip ..................... . Finky towns_hi]I .................... .. Grant townAhi11 .. - ............. -· ..... . IIazelwood township ........... ···"'··.

IIigll l,rui1·it~ towm~l•i1l . ................. .

Omrk t"'nrnhip, incl. Mnrshfielil twn . MrrrHltfii!ld town ................... .

Union township .................... .. 'Vasl1iup,ttm tow11sbi1~ ............... .

WOl!Tll •

Allen townRhip1 incl. Ilpnver tmYn ... . Denvor town ...... ............... .

Fltit,chnll f,wp., ind. Grant Cit-y town. Grnnt.Cit.y town ................... .

Grcenet,ownship .................... . J\Iid<l)!l l"ork tOWl!Bltip .. - ............ . Smithtowushi]I ..................... . Union township ..................... .


BOOilOfOWDR]Ji]l ................ , ••••. Brush Creek tmrnship ........•...... Clark township ..................... . Elk Crcok to\l·nsl1ip ................. . G:-umornuln 1ownMhip .... .............. . Hart township ....................... . 1'i:1out,gonwry township ............ _ .. . Mountniu Gm1'l\ townRltip ........... . Ple!lsnnt Vnlltiy townshi11. ........... . Union towufilli


}l ........................... . Vnu Bmcu township ................. . 'Voml tow1rnhip ...................... .

Information us to l~lmnges in 111iuor civil divisions incomplate.

090 l,127 1, 500


l, 000 GOU O~G 7:..>lJ 7U4 2no

l, JGU 420

11 2G2 1 4'>•)

J 785

1. 055 I, 449

761 1, om !, 232


2, oaa 055

1, 074 1, 450

I, 847 281

1, 380 40:! 037 71l8

1, 500 11 702

08! 61l5 455 540

1, 233 1, 007

841 721 722 0-1:1 661 841

87Q 7li0

1, 187 . In 1872, from partR of ....... 1 Dreton ~ml Harmony.

. ~' ~~~- i In 1872, 11t. to Mill Spring.

74!! I In 187~, pm·t to Willinms. !J70 402 ' 371

1, 057 f Fnmcis . ........ / In1872, f1om)lartof8ai11t ..- ..... '. Inl872,fr.]lLofBl'nton.

l, 73ti /' In 1872, pt. toLrmtCrcek. • ...... In 187~. from iiart of I mack River.

1, ~~~ 11

.. .. . . .. In 1871, fr. pnrt of Ozark 1, 2G7 'I In 1874,_ ]1UI't to ITigb

Prniri1•. ........

1 In 1874, fr. pts. of Hazel.

'vntHl, Oznrk ,u111l Union. a, 488 I' In 187. J, pt. to (. :o·ant-; in

son [1874,11t, to High l'mirie. I, 59B lu 187-i, 1rnrt to High 1, 438 [I'mirie.

1, 352


703 279 880

1, mo


NoTI~.-The following 1111inco1:pomted villages have been returned se1mrafoly by the enumerators. The list is not by any me:tns complete, ns very many euumemtors have faile<l to separate such bodies of impulat-ion. The population of these ii laces has, of com·sc, been included iu the townships in which they are respectively situated. 'fho figures mm be considerecl us only :ip1n:oxim11te, ns tho limits of such i1laces are not sb11rpl~, clefinecl.

N<Lmo of place. ·Township, County. Pojlnla· t1on. Nnmo of place. t10n. Township. Count-~" :ll'opnltt·

Acasto ................. 1-F_•_o_ll_rn_r_'._. --.-.-.-.-.. -.-.---.. -.-.· l-C-'l-a-rl-r-.-.----.-.-.:-. -. -.-.-. -. ~ --2-~6~-u~ - i-BB-,c-;_11-~,-,:'.-',.<-l,,e,·v-. _.-•• -•. -••• -•. ---.-•. -•. ~ .... -.• -.• -.. ' Belgrade ............. -~Vashington -... · ..... -1--7~

Agency ................. AW. g1.:1


11cny .... ·.·.·.•.••·••.•.· ..... · •. Buchanan............. \G, Iron .................. Iron .............. 4-7

.AlnnUtns ............... ~ ?0e1.1n1tt1'¥


1,-8 ••.•• •.·.•.· .. ·.·•·.••· 1J~,-I02 Benton City ............ Loutro ................ Auclmin .............. \ 64

Allentown .......... ... l'leramec. ~-·- .. ... . . . ~·L L llcrgtn· .. . . .. . .. .. . . . . . . Ilom1f ......... .......... F~~rn.klin. -· .. - . . ....... li~~

±ir~~: ::: : : : : : ::::::: :: : f>l::w:: :: : :: : : : : : : :: : . g~~~~~n'.'.:: :: : : : :::: :: 1gi ~~~fl~ : : : : : : : :::::~::::: N~~~~ : ::: : : :::::::::: i:~1~i~,:1.t;;: ::::::::::I 42 .Alton'lfist ................ ,Tetforstm ............. D1wicss............... 36 Bertrmu] _ .............. J,01igfrnirie .......... ~!i"N"sip\Jf'........... rn~


;::::::::: ::: : :: ~~~~1!i~:::: ::: : : :: : : ·:: ~·~~~;·: :::: :: ::: : : :: : :: ~~~ ir1W:;~s :: : ::::::::: :: : : : r.;:w:,::: :: : : :::: :::::: ~~~~,~i~~";;::: ::: ::·::: ::1 ~~b A1·koe .................. Whitn Clollll .......... ~;,·:Yp'':'.'~::: :::: :::::: 33 Bl:wk Oak Point....... Sbtl'k ............... I Hiclrnry ............ "I 31 +,1:111i0n1g1. 1:o,~1. 11;, •... ·•· .. ·•· .·•· .· .· _· .· Arlington . . . . . .. .. .. . 50 Blorlgett............... S:nH\ywmlll . . . .. . • .. .. S!l<lH .. -..............


1·2~30· .. a. "' " J'acksOn ............... lluebanan ............. •10 BlucRpringa ............ Sutau:1r ................ tTnckAon ··-•H••····.-· AshGrovo .............. Boono ................... Greene................ · 500 Boisd'Arc ..... - ........ .................... Greene................ 72 .Ash Hill ................ Ash Hill .............. Butler................ GB

1 BolivaT (Ilmuliicks' acl- N:n·iou ............. Polk.................. W1

Athens ................ Grant ................ Clflrk................. 222 1

<lit-ion). Ailant:t... Lyda .. .. •. Macon ............ _... l:iG Bolton.- .......... - .... Fox Creek ........... . .A ulmrn~ .:.: .: ::: ::: : : :· u'nion-~: .. :: .. :: :::: .. Lincoln...............

1981t TIB~~. tn,"

1•11110_ .".o_n_g_J_i_ .· ·.:: ·.: · ..... B1;~tl~~,1~ L·i-~k-_-_-,·.·_-_-_:::.

Ava .................... Benton ............... Douglas.............. ,., . <~ Avalon." ................ FairYiew ............. Livingston............ 2riu JJourhon ........ Bo01w ................. . Bainhl'itlge ............. Hnr<lin ····-···--·-··· Clinton.................. 30 Ilower"N 1:lill.-1. .......... Vhrn~arcl ---~-·-· -·-· Ilullwju ................. Bnubomme. ........... Saint Louis............ um Doylt~rsvilh~ ········~-·· Butfalo ---·····-····· Bancroft ...... __ ....... Lincoln. --- - -- . -- .. - .. Davir.•.:rn .... - · · ·- ·· · - · · ~~ I R~~;;~;~}i~t~.- ~ ~ ~ ~: ::: : : : : ~. ~~~~:~~k~~11;:::::: ~: :; ~: ~ ]~nr1wsvillo ... ~---·-··-· r ... ogun ................ ltwvnollls ............. . ll:n·ry ............... _ .. Gnlllttiu ....... _ ....... Chiv .. .. .. .... . ....... 45

1~ Broo!<l)'ll - .. .. .. ... ... IJniun - ............. ..

Hodfor1l. ................ GranclRiver .......... J,iviup;ston ........... 1 77 'Brown'RStation ........ Columhiii ...... · ..... . Bccmont ............... Lyon ................. Franklin ............ ;.; 35 Brumle)' ............... ., Glaize ............... .

Ilarrisnn .... .. -- ... . Ilownr<l. ............. . J,,i11n ................ . Crawford···-····---·· Lawrence ............ . .l\lorgan. ··············1 Sullivnu ·······~···-~·

?r~~·~·fs~1~::-.::: :~::~:::I Boone ................ ! Miller ............... .,.

110 1~6

75 31 69 34 86

143 71 -05 37

Page 16: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.



TABLE III.-MISSOURI-Oontinued. -··----~·---···-·

Name Township. County. ti on. · Township. County, Popula- ·1·· .Name of place.

-------1 --·-----·

Jlr11n1ot .••.•.•..•••..... ! Ce1!arCreek .•...•••.. ·wayne .............. . Und\Jit'r ................ ! Fort Osage ............... Jucksun .............. .

m.:1:;'.):.!~lfJ::::::::::::::::: ~;11:~:~:::::::::::::::: 1 R~~3:i;1:::::::::::::: CaJ.•clonia ............... _f Tidlevuo .............. I Washington ........ .. Cnll;111 ............. -. •• 1 Callao·-·······------- Mm~on ................ . ('uhYornl .••••. ····-··-··i Ch-1h~ornl ----·······-··i Caltu.was .............. .

!~~~~~~~1Hilf~)-i~~t-:: ~ ::: . :: :: i~~::1:i~~n:::::::: :: : : -: · ~~;~l;~!. · ·:::::::: ::: ~: · Cuppf'lu ................ · ........... SnintCharles ......... 1

ca~rk !tock ............. : Jackson .................. Osago ................ 11

;:~:~:.~Jl~;i:.~::::::::·: :::1 f~i~~t-::::::::::::::1 ~~mrl;_ ::::::::::::: Gt••larCity .....•......• j C1•dr.r. --·-············I Callaway ..•..•..••••. , C<~utntowu .............. l lfariun ·······:·······I Col~ .................... . ()<'111n• ................... Ci:ntre- .................. 1 Jtulls ................. . Ce11tre Point ........... 'l'arkio ............... 1, Atchison. ············1 Cr<utrt~vfow .............

1j Ct.•ntrevicw .......... --1 Johnson ..........•.•.

Ch apt! Hill . .. • . . . . . . . . . Snial1ar .............. ·I La Fayette ........•.. «;!j~!lw;·•cn ....... ...... _cI:il!IOWCO ............. ,T~h_r;~~)Il ............ .. CnJJJ,1:t11l ........... M.trion •.••••••••..•.. D.nHHH ............. . Cltp111·r.............. Intli:mCrcek ......... Monroe ........•......

1 Cla\·ton ............... Coal ..................... Ve111n11 .•..•••••.••• Cl~·\·el.1w1. .............. Nrnlaway .............. Nod:rw,ly ............. . Chfron .................. J,yun ................. Oregon ·······-·······1 l'liftu1i. ................. Clifton .••...•••••..... Ilandolph .. · .......... . Clh1tonCity ..•.......•. , ~JH~kr-nm .................... Callawu.y ................ . Cli11tou.-ill"······· ..... 1


Box ..........•••...•.. Ce<lnr ............... . Cuk'Hl'ump ..•......•.. WilliamA ...••..•••••. Benton .......•....... C11ll1·g:e.Muuml ..... ._ .... )Chariton .............. Macon ................ . <:"Ioma •.......•..••.••


Bogart................ Carroll .•.••.......... Colon,v..... . . . . . . . .. . . .. . Colony. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. • . Ku ax .. • ................. .. r:,.Jonttlo Black . . • . . . . Longwoo<l . . . . . . . . . . . . Pettis ...•......••..... C'olumlms .............. \ Columlnrn ................ Jolmson ............... . C•1uipton ...................... I 1Voml .................... l (JnrroH ................ .. C.mcr·ption ............ ·

1 Jdf1:rson ........••..• 1 Nodaway •.••.......•.

Crmc·t~ptiuu Station .. , dn ..................... 1·---do ................ . C11rn ....•..••••...• -···i Dnncnn. • ........... Sullivan ............ .

. ~i::~:::~i~i;;~::::::::::J ~~rr:~~::::'.:::::> ~~r~:::-::::::::::~: Cnttlt•,·ill" ............. ! Dnnkmw .•..••.•.... SnintCharles ........ . Cottonwou~l. . . . . . . .. . :Marion . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. Mercer ............... .. (.'ott.nnwornl Pj1lnt .••.•• , P~miseot ................ l 1emhmot· ....••....... i c.;ror<,-t. Ti~~h~~n~ ........ --: CrosR Timbers............. IIic1wry ............. ·1 (.'.'!""!!Cit; ···········:Joachim .........•..•. Jefferson ............ .

{;~~1ti:1~:~n: :::~~ ::::::::; ~;:t~n. · · · ::::::::~:: ~~~~r): ~::::::: :::: :: ~ JJawn .........•..••.• : BlueMonrnl .....•.•. J,ivingAtnu ........... 1

11.rn·snnnlle ......•...• : Lincoln .......••.•.•. N!llaway ..••..•.•..• I

fi::~rn~j~·~:::~:·::·:·:::::: li~i:;~s~i::: ::: ::::::::: ti~~1:::::::::::::: :: lle _Kn lb ..... ·-- ......... I. Dloomington ..... ·-···1 Bncliannu ......... . JleR .\rn . . ._ ......... Union ............... Iron ............ . Df'Hlogf~Lt-afllllll~s .... , J>erry ................ gaiutFrnnQois ........ . ll~tuwl~I. ;········ ..... :Lyon ......•...•.••. Franklin ..... · ..... . Tiixi:n Hpnn~R ............ ; S~tin;.?:Cri•ek .......... 1 Howell ............. . l~<•ll1[1han .....••........ · JJoniphau ..•...•..... 1 Jlipley ..•.•........... lJO\ ~r. . . - - -- . -. . ..••. : !Jover . . . . . . • . . • . . • . La Fityette ....•...... liownmg ............ "'i FabhtR .................. Schurler ............. .

L~;:"'li~~Dl;h :::: :: :::: :: i f!~~~:'.'.i~.::: :::::~ :::: f,;:,~~~Ii;;::.·.::::::: :: : Jh1nkAhUt·g . ........... ! TIJ.:rnk1rnttr ....•..... l'ettfo .............. .. ~rnlrnm ················, H1~hlau1! ............. Lewis ................ . I, utd1town . ..• .. . .... . liulihlu ......•..•.... Cape Girn1·deau ...... . .F;'1~t Lr·anuworth ...... · T.r-e..... . ........ J'lutte ........•....... ~:t•l L:-nn ............ ,Camp Branch ....••.. Cnsa .............•.•• F~a!it< 1~1 ... ._ ............... i y-~u;ion .......... Iluclrnnun .......... .. ~-~l~a1 ~pnuga .........

1 Hpt·m~ Cre~lc • ..... . .... . PhPlps ........ ~ _ .... ..

E·l,.(artuu ..•.....•. ,.•, l'H•ston .....••.....•.. 'I Platte l.l1~hHhtown .................. i lm1irm Creek ............ :Monro~:::::::::::~::: P.1~; •II ·· • ··--······· 1 I'Sl!:l'. ............•.. [ IJickor1· ............ . F;lh 1tt ••••• ··-·········, Prairm ...•.•.•..... ~-' P"•ndnlilh

~IE~:~~-:::::::::::·::::: ~l~~~,a:::::::::::::: ~\~~~~-~~~~::~~~;~;;;; li:m~ti;tlll ..................... ·I nunnd Grove - .......... Marion .F .. tu1rn~ru~.t~ • · ......... - ...... i Eminen<>o . • .. .. .. • • .... .. .. • Shanno~: -· · • ........ • .. • ~ntcrpm1e ••.•••.•.••••• 1


Ent~.rprise ..•..••...•. J,inn ··· ........ . }'~n~k····· ····· ·········, Ilarrison .............. Scotl~~ii ·· ··_·_·_·::::::: Ev:r a. -·--·-··········i Myramec ·············1 SaintLoriis .. · •...•.... .F;ve:i?tL::::::::::;.::::1 ilv~~~ft··············· Buchanan ........... . Ever.,.inville I Cl • ··············- C~ss ..•.•••...........

i~~:~~~;;,i-·::::::::::::::::: b~h~,j: :::-.:: :::::: ::1 ~~':i~11::::::: :: : :::.:: Fa!r Dr-aling ..••.•.....• :1 \y~8h~~,f0~·-· ··· ·-- ·· · Ri°rga!1. ~ · · ·····- · -· · · F:a!rfMd ............... 1 Alexander ·····•···· Be~le~ ............... . I~~!rGrove ................... '. JnekRon .:::::::::::: Gre~~~ ................. . i!\~n{!';~~ ................. Washington ....•••••. CI~k .::::::::·.~:·.::· 11:at·ht-r .. _. :::: .. ::::::::~: lJ~'~-~~.-- --······ ......... Sa1~t ~rarn;ois ........ . .Fa\·•·tt{ovill" 'Du· 1.ri·ii············ An .. ram ............•• p,.fr1uH·Osafl';·-···H••·~ F ze J ................ ,Jolmson .......... . r:inn:\·'s Gr,~v~ :~:::~ ::::! Gi:1:::G~;;e ......... ~tint Uharlrs ·-···. ·- .'. }fornne«... ; I'icS!a 1 ·······--·! J.ay .. ·······-·······

t:;:~·;~;::::::::::: ::::::· ~~;r,,,o~i\r ::~::::::: :: :j fhi'~~~~:::: :::::::~ :·. Foti•t~Jl« IC .. s ..••......••.••. j Holt .... ············ .F'ranklin················: .,:.""·re ...•...•.•.•.... SaintClrnrles .......•• Ji"r-az(•r - ............... - _J_!utJa1t"aJ· ............. ·1 Andrew .........•.••. }'rn}11j1:················, 11,n·uuint. ............... , Buclrnnan .............. . c l , .................... , tf;lZf':tU •·•••• 11·l'l1'\' I ;r.t CUA ..................... ' "\\~nxliiugton .. ::::::::1 8touf\ .:::::::::::~::~:

19 Galesburg ........••.•.. Jasper ..........•• ,, .. Jns1ier ......•....•.... 88 (lalesbnl'g ..•........•• York .......••••.••... P11tmnn .•........•...

437 , q-1·org~to~yn ..... . .. .. .. . . Cedar ..... - .. . .. .. . . • . . J>ottis .................. . 64 I (,eorgia City. - .......... JL101"rla'en.1c· ;:·.·.·_ ·_ .· .. ··. ·_ ·.· •• ··.·.·_· ,Ji>spcr.. - -.••....... - .

100 Glen Ailen Station...... u llollinf"''" .. - ......... . 230 I (i]c•ncoe ................ Jlf,.1·nnwc •..••..••••.. Snint ,ouis .......... . 330 Glr·nwood............... Gleuwooil............. Schuyhir .•.........•.. 95 GoldenCity ..•.....•••.. G·ol1lenCity ., ....•.. ll1uti111 ............... .

142 I Goshen City . . . . . . . . . . . . IInrriHon.. . . . . . . . . . . .. Jlf(n·c01' .............. . 37 Grnin Valley . .. . . . . . . . . Snin liar·.............. J1wlrnon ............• H3 ! Gran~el' . . .. ... .. ... . .. . • .. Harrison....... . .. .. . . .. . Scotland ................. , 28 Graniteville ..••........ Iron ...............•.. Iron ................. . as Grant .................... Shor1nan .. ~··········· (JuHa ......... ., ......... . ~ii Gra.s's~m:umit.,. ........ Doles .................... J!"J'rt11klin ................. . 18 Grel-(orysLnnilmg .••••. Cl:iy ..............•••. f']al'k ..•....•.•.•••...

108 Green Cast.Jo............ PL•JlJl . • • • • . • • . . • Hnllivnn ............. . 154 Green Ridgn............. Gr·cen Hitlgo........... Pl~Uis .......... _ ...... . 55 GrecnvHle............... Saint Frnneis ......... \\rltJ'UC\ ................ .. 8il Grermwood ..... ..... ... .. Prnirin....... ............ rTnck1mn ................. .

227 Gnilfortl ................ WnRhington ......... :N"oll:1woy ............ . oa Gu thrill- ............... Ctt<lnr . : .....••..•••.. Call1tW1Ly ............ . 86 i Jfainesvillo ...•...••.•.. ,Joc!rnnn .•..•••.••.... Clinton'. ..•........... 78 Half Hock . . . . . • . . . . . . . . l\frdil'ino . . . . . • • • • • . . . Jllnrcor .............. . 30 Half Way .............. Ill'llton ............... l'olk ............•..... 84 Hulleck .••..•......... Cmwf'urtl .•..•.•••••. Jluchnnnn .•••.••..••. 40 Uall~\·ille .. . .. ....... .• Jlocky Fork .......... IlolllHI ..............•. 2U Hamburg ...•.•......... Dnrilennll ....•...•..•. Hnint Chnrlos ..•..••.

182 Harl1~m .............. ~.. Gnllutin .. . .. • ... . .. .. .. . Cln.y .......................... . 80 Harrisburg . . • • . . . . . . . . . l'nrdie................ l31rnno . .. . . ..•.•..•• 07 Hartf'onl................ I~lm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. l'11t11nm .....•...••••.

227 Hartville . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . Ifart . . . . .. • • • . . .. . . . . W1·ight ...•..•.••.•••. 122 Uarviello . . . . . •. . . . .• .. . Jlmwor Dam . . • . . . . .. . JluLfor ........ .' ...... . 81 Hns•nrd . . •• . . . ••. • . . . . . Hnlino........ •. . . . . . . . IlttllR .•..••.....•...... 64 Hr1Ynn11 ................ Mi!lor ... . . .. . . . .•. . • Gtmtr.r .......•••.•.•. RO Heali!ei·sville. . . . . . . . . • . ,fonchim . • • • • • • • . . • • . J (·iforHon ..•...•...••••

100 HeclgeCity .......•••••• Ilotn'bou .•.•...•..... Knox ....•...........• 52 Helena. ............ - . . .. .. . Ito chester . . .. .. • . .. . .. . . .A.n<l1·ow .............. ~.

lfi6 Hematite ............... Joncbim .••.••••••.... Jdforson .........•... 81 Henderson .......•...... IlPnton .......•..••••. "\V(lhster ............. . 78 Hermitage .• • • • . • . . . • • Center ....•..•...•.•. : liiokory ............. . 87 Hielunanl\fills .•••••.... Wtrnbington ..•..••••. Jnclrson ............. .

186 Hickory Hill............ Clark ... ' . . . . . . . . • . • . . Coln . . . •....•..•..... 49 High Ilill.............. near Cre[lk ..•....•••. l\Iontl-(!lllHWy .•...••...

225 · IJigblan!l . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . Cinquo Ilommo....... l'el'l'Y- ..••••.••.•••••• 57 Hiµ;h Point ............. Harrison ..•••....... Jlfonltc'tut ............ . on I Hill l'own .. • • .. . • . . . • • . Perry . • . . • • . • • • • . . • . . Saint l•'rnn9ois .••.•••. ~~g {i~H.\~"s\{m ..·.·:·.·.·.·. llfarion .............. Momon .............. .

" Ceclnr ...•••.•••••..•.. Cnll1tway ..••••..••••• 243 House's S!trings . . . . . .. . Meramec . . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . . Jofferson ................ u

64 l!umitnsv lie ............ Johnson ............. Polk ....•..••••• : ••••. 160 Hutton VnileyCity ..... Jlulton Vall(ly ........ Howoll .•...•••••..•..

GO . . . . • . . • • .. . • • • • . . l\lnrshnll...... . • . . • • • . l' ..•..••••••.•••• o:; lhmfa .................. Hichwoolls •••.. ••••• Millt11' .............. .. 47 Irondnlo ................ Cone·rml • .• . . . • . • . . •• W11shington ......... . 30 Isahella................ Jnsjier ............... Oz111·k ...•..••.....••..

2il7 Jsl>rnil Citx ............. J11c (Son .. . • .. .. . . • . • . Gt;ntr.v ..•• _. ......... .. 114 James Bayou........... Jnmes ll1wo11 . . . . . . . . . M1ss1ss11lp1 .•••...••..

440 ,Jonrslmrg ... ~....... ... JJcm• Cre(l1c . . .. . • . • . . . . ~t01rt./{<m1ery .......... . Go 1;:"j'8ville .......•..•..•. Union ................ Umwltll'll ............ . :n Ki1 der .................. Ki<lcler ................ Onl1lw11ll. ............ .

157 li:ltldvil!o ............... I'onn ................. Snllivnu ............ . 321 King City . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ,Jncl!son . • • • . • • . . . . . . . Gtn1tr,v ............. .. 1G2 .Ii:ingsvi!lo .•............ Kingsville ............ .Jolnwm ............ . 201 Knoxville............... Kuoxvillo l!11y

fi K 1 · · • · • .. • • • ·.. ()sn~·,.,).· _· _· ·. ·. ·_. ·. • .. • .· •. •. •• •. ·• ·. it 'oe lztown .....•....... ,fookson .......••..••. .. 1'6 Ln.mnr.Htation ........... I~h1colu ............... ., N()(ln.wny ........... .. GS Lnmonto .......•.•...... J,amont:e .............. l'ottiH .......••..••••. 46 Laporto . . . . . . • .. . • . . . . . 'fon Milo . • . . • • . •••• •. Mncon .......•.....•.. 89 L11w1e111•c,Jiurg ......... Ozark ..•.........•... LiHVl'!lllO(I ........... .

195 Laynes\'illo ............. Grunt! I'nss..... .••. .. Saliuo ................ . 201 Le11clw1H ~[ill ............. 1Tt1.ffm·au11 ·········~·H .................. . 48 Leasburg .............. J,iliorty ...•..•••..... Cr1twford ........... .

145 1iebn1wn ................ J,e\lnnon .•.......••••. C1111Jl!'l' ............•••. 45 Lei·o.r. . . . . . . . . • . . . .falro.v. . . . . . . • . . . . • . . . llnrt;oii. .............. . 33 Leviek's Mills.......... Salt llivot' . • . . • . • • • • • . J!1tntlolph ...•.••..••.•

113 Lincoln. . . . . .. . . . . . . Wl1ite . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • llc111ton .............. . 87 Lincolnville . . . . . . . . . . . . Setlnliit . . . . . •. • • • • . • • J>ottis .............. .. 07 Linden ...... ·..•... . . . . . . Polk •..••..•••• ~ • • • . . . Atchison. . . . ........ .

108 Linden .................. Llutlon ................ Christiitn .......... .. ~o £llf"·······'··· .. ······ Lingo ........•..••.•. Mitcou ............... . 1 s on ...••... -· - .•.•••. lloon's Liok .••.••••.•. IIownrcl .• ;,. ..•• : .. ..

04 Logan .... .'. .•• • •• . . . . . . l3nck Prnirio .. • • . • • • . Lawrence ............ . 100 fono,Tack ..........••.. Vanl3uren .......••••• ,Jackson ............ .. 141 Lone ...•........... Ilowarcl.......... .. . . Gou try _ ..••........

50 onµ;woo1l .••.••......•. Longwooll .......•••• Pettis ............... :.· 57 LoniurCity ..••••.•.••.• Washington ............. <lo ................ . 91 foose Creek............ Linn...... . • . . • . • _... Omtgo .....••..••.....

1~~ L ori:ll~IO . • . . • . . . . • • • . . . . ,friforson . . . .. . . . • • • . . IJ rtrrison ........•.... ~ oms nrg .••••......... Grant ................. Dnlhts ............... . ~\e ..••••..••.... Waverly ...•.......... Lincoln .........••••.

Lo,·o am .............. Lycla ................. Maeon .............. . 72 Lo\vr;• ................. I~ntl<lr ................ SnlntC!nlr .........•..

221 umy ..•.•. - -. . . . . . . . . • WC ~·neon ii a . . . . . . . • • • . • Clark . . . . • • . . . . • •.••. 23 Mccurry -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . oopor Gtmtry

117 Mcl•'alls ............••. Jllill~r .:::::::::::::: ..... clo •• ::::::::::::::: 1240 ~adison ..••.•....•.. : .. Marwn ..•••.......... Monroe._ ...... _ •..••. o 1 ..,raiJisouvil!e...... . ; J JI 46 i Manchester ........ :::: 'us1ier ..• ············I !n a ............... ..

50 MalHleville ·········-·· Tiouhommo ........... SnintI,onis ··•···•·•·· HO Mnrion ...•...... _ . . . • . ~;or!·is · · · · · · · · · · · · • · · · C1t1Toll ............... .

1'"9 '"' . "II , arlon. ······~····· Colo ................. . a =ar10ny1 () .•.•.••.•.... Buck Prairie .•....•... I.11wr1mce ........... .

103 Ma,.quaml • • • . .•. • .. . . . . G1•1 i ~-r Ji 76 llfartinsvi!lc ........... . ·nan ......•••...•.. Ji nc son ............. . 43 lllarthrn\'illo .... .. . . . . ~allns - ....... - . - ..... Ifnr•1•iso11 ....... ; .•.•.. fl7 Mea1hi111•............. ~ .. \'f,8~1nl;')~;j:········· If.owoll ---············· 8.1 lfocllauicHvllle ..... ~::., - • l 1 'ce .. ·--·~·-· I~iu11 .......... ~······· Dnrt ennc............. Saint Uh11rlos ..••..••.


Bl 4

zuo IJ3 ~o fiO

;;~:1 mo

n:1 HO 4.7 J)I! O:.! tJ:I 25

11>1 147 100 ll:J•!-ll7 :.?a

Hl Sii 78

l:ll IJ()

w ~mo 88 :w

21H-I !!2 34 87

mo !!~I 31

llU 1'1f> 167

21 lH

~!JH 17

rnH llll 115 ~m fiH

D28 Ufi

11'/ w

~.JH 70 tiO 80

4ilfi ~(·

2llU fi7

mu 17-l 88 IN 8:1

llfl(I ]{I

77 l.JU til 70

100 40 rio

102 HO

1J2 :m 74

llU 71

111 r:o

l:l~ •ll. 70

100 :!•l 1~7 a2 riH

~17 :17

ltri a1n

fill :mo

1-1.~ 40

41J2 104.

n1 l'.!O ·HU 7a

I ··~

I ~

I I l ~

Page 17: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.


N11me of place.

J\fodoc ..•••....•••••..•.

Nr.~~~"d~~tioii:::::::::: Midcllo Brouk .......... . Midlaud ............. . J\ii<] WILY .... - •••••• • .. • • .M.ih~s' J>oint ................. .. Millard ................ . Jl.fillerslrnrg .. ,. ......... . Millport ............... . J\lill 8pring ............ . Mill Town ............. . J\1illwoucl ............. . Jlrilton ............. ~ •••• J\liU.un ................. . Mineral Sprinir ....... ; . Jlfimhifo ............... . J\10<101111 ................ . J\1onherrat ............ . Morrison··--·--·-··--· Jllorrisvllle ........... .. 11orton ................... .. Moselle ..... ; ......... . lllounclvilJ.1 ............ . ~fountain GroYe ...... .

~~::~~ f1~~?i,;1;· ::::::::: Mnunt Plea~ant ....... . Mount l'lensant ...... .. Mount Vernon ........ . Mulberry .............. . Nuptou ............... .. N<'ely'R Landing ....... . Now Bloomfiel'l .......... . New· Bloomington ..... . New BourlJon ......... . Nnwbnrl( .............. . New Castle ............ . Now Luxomlmrg ........ . Now M:trlrnt ........... . New Market ........... . New Mello ............. . Now Pnle•tine ......... . Nnw Point ............ .. New Sunt11 F·e ........ .. Newtoni11 ............ .. Nowtown . ................. .. New Wells ............ . Ninoveh ................... . N islrne Stati@n ..••..•.. Normand.v ....... : .. ..•. North Salem .......... .. Nov!•lty .............. . Nnvmgur . ............. . Oak Grove ............ . Oclearville ............. . 0 1 Fnllon ............... . Olney ·:·····--········· l)sup:o City ............ .. Oz111·k ................. . Papinville .•••..•••..•• l'nrlrn;-illo ............. . PnttPrson . ............. . Pntt.onslmrg ••••.•..•••. Paynesville .•••••••..•.. Pa'.yntorville .•••.••.••.• Pcakville ...••.•.••..••. P~l'l'y ...•••••••••••••••• PhelJls ................. . Philaclolphi11..... .. ... . Piketon .............. .. Pink Hill .............. . Pisp:nh ................. . Pittsburg .............. . Pittsvilln ............. . Plensnnt Hope .••....... Pocahontas ..•• ' •••••.• l'olo .................. . Portnirevlllo ......... -. •. Portl11ncl ............. .

·i:~::~~i~ ~\~Ki~::::.::~::: Pmthorsvillo ......... . l'reston ................ . Jlrice's Brnnch ... ...... . Proctorville .......... . Quarrytown ........... . quincy ................ . I.aymoro ... .


Township. I County.

i Jnsper .•••...••.•...•• Jasper ............... . I~asley .................. Macon ................. . Gmnd River .......... Carroll. ........•...... Iron ........••..•. SaintFrangois ....... . llforamec ........... ,. Cmwford ............ . Preston ............... Jasper ............... . N otborne . . . . . . .. . . . . . . Cal'roll ...... ............ . l'ettis..... .• • • • • •• . . . . .A.clnir ................ . Bomhon. . . . . . . • .. .. . Callaway ............ . Ilcnton .. , ............ 'Knox ............... .. Mill Spring........... Wayno .............. . Union ................ Iron ................. . Millwood ............. Lincoln ............. .. Ulurk ................. Atehison ............ . Union .....•.•.•.••.. Rnn<lolph ............ . FlatCrcek ......••.••. Barry ................ . Mfra llilo . , .. . . . . . .. • . . Caldwell ............ .. Madison·'···· .•..•••. llforcer ..••.•••.•...•. ·washington .......... .:folmson .....•.....••. Hieh1:uuL............. G1umonatle .................... . Looney .... _. ........ .-. Poll<. ................ . Crooke!lIUver ........ Ray ................. . Central ............... Franklin ............. . Monnllvillo ........... Vernon .............. . 1\'louutain Grove ........... \Vright . ................... . Silver Creek . . . • . . . .. . Uundolpll ......•...... Trail Creek .•..•.••.. Ilnnison . : ....... ..

~,~{i~~r:::: :: : ::: :::::: ~lU~1/.::::.: ::: :::::: MountVcrnon ..... -·~· Ln.wrencB ............... . IlonH~r ..... ..................... Bates ......................... . Al'rowllock~--------· 8a1ine ........................ . Shawnee .............. c"fi" Girardeau .••••••

Y~l~~~~~;: ::::: :::::::: ~ti1!~~a~ .. ::: :: : :: : ::.:: Saintt~ Ge110viovo...... Sainte Genevieve .... .. :Franklin ..................... I~ncledo .................. . A thens . . ••• • . . • • . • . . . Gentry ............. .. Caro1111elei;........ .• . . Saint '.Louis .......... . \Vrrrren.............. Marion .............. . Green ...........•..•.. Platte ................ . Calla"'."Y . .•••.•...... Saint Charles ........ . Pnlestme ....•.••••... Cooper ............... . Eiekory . .. .. . . . . . . . . . Holt ................. . \Vnsh!ngton .......... Jackson ............. . Newtonia ............. Newton .............. . Clay .................. Sullivan ............. . Shawnee .............. Cap" Girardcnu ...... . Nineveh............. Adair .............. . Clark ................. Atcllison ........... . Central ............... Saint Louis ..••.•..... North Snlem .......... Linn ............. · •.... Salt River ............ Knox ............... . Nineveh .. • • • . . . • . . . • . Adair ................ . Sniahar............... Jackson ............. . Clay . .. . • . . . . . . . • .. . . . Saline ................ . Dardenne............. Saint Chnrles ........ . Nineveh .... . . . • . . . . . . Lincoln .............. . Liberty . . • • • • . • • • .. • • . Colo ................. .

~:~l~hi:::::::: :::::::: fi~t'~~t'.~~-:::: :: : :::::. Pettis . . • .. . . . . • • • . • . . !'latte ................ .

~~ff~~n·::::::::::::::: ifa~1~:8: :::::::::::::: Cnlnmet .............. Pike ................. . Maillson . . . . . .. . . . . .. . Cedar ................ . Sweet Hotne.......... Clark ............... .. Salt River .•... ; . . • . . . Ralls ................ . Greene ............... Lnwrenco ........... .. Union ................ Marion ............. .. Pike .................. ' Stoddard ............ . Sniabar.. . . . .. . • . .. . .. .faclrnon ............. · 1

Moniteau . . .. . .. . . . .. . C~oucr .............. .. Green ................ Hickory ............. . J'ackson ..... , .•..... Johnson .............. , Mooney............... Polk .. ._ .............. . Shriwnco .............. Cope G1rarc1can .••....


Grant . . . . . .. • . • • . . . .. Cal<lwell . . . • . • • • • . ... Portfl!(O . . . . . . .. . .. . .. N cw Madrid ••.•..... Auxvasse ......••..... Callaway ........... .. l>rnirie ................... __ Bntes. ----·· ............. .. PraMe Home ......... Cooucr ............... ! Fishing IUvor .. "'.... Ola~· ................ .. Preston ............... Jaspnr ...... , ........ . Ilear Creek . . . . • • • .. . . Montgorne1·y ......... . Fairview • . • . . . . . . . .. . Caldwell .. : . ......... . Sainte Gencvie'\"e . • . . . Sainte GcneYiove .•••. Montgomery .•........ Hickory .•......•..... Hnymore ............. Cass ................. .

Popula­tion. Name of J.llace. Township. County.

114 Ret!Oak ....... ' ......... GreentL .............. Lawronco ............ . 93 RcpulJlic. ...• •• . .. .. . • . Brooldine. ... • • . • ••••. Greene .............. . 28 Itfoh Hill ............... Boone............... TintcR ................ . ·20 Ridgeley ..•••...••..•.•• Prrston ............... Platt" ............... . 49 Roanoke................ Silrnr Creek.... . . . .. . I1an<lolph ...•..••••••• 54 Hoch ester .. . . .. . • • .. . .. I:ochrster • . . . • • . . . . . . Androw ............. . 01 Rock l'mfrie.. .. ... • . . • . Rock Prairie.......... Dnlle ................ .

123 Rocky Comfort......... nichwood . . .. . •. • . . . . l\!cDonalc1 ..••.•••.... 87 l!oHtmdale . . ............ Benton ..• , • • . • . • . . • . . Anrlmw ............. . 52 Hound Grove ................ Greene ........................ Ltnvrcnce ................ ..

174 I1um Branch ..•....•..•. Welch ................ Cape Girardeau .•••• ~. 17 ltushvillo.. ... . . . . ... . . • I:1rnl1 . . . • ..... . . . . • • . Buclumun ........... . 81 Russellville ............. l\IorPan ............... Colrl ................ . 91 Saukville ..................... Washington.............. fJrn.fo1'. -- .................... .. 69 SalntC!air .............. C!'ntrul ............... Franklin .•..•.•.•••••• m ~~h~~~~~~·~i~~li1~·:::::: i],',~ii~Y1~t:s:::: :::::: 81~~kr_:::::::::::::::·

2g; ~~:~g ~~!'.~~~-~~~~-s-:: §'~~!:~;;;~: '.:::::::::::: ~~:J~a~r~~?~'.~:.:::::: 118 Saint Paul. .•••.......•. Cuivm., .............. S11int Clmrles ........ . 122 SaintPetor's ............ Darclrnne ................. <lo ..... : .......... .

t~ ~~1~1~/'.~~'.1'.·~~::::::::::. ~,~i~~~: ::::::: ::: :::::: g~~i;·88:: :: : : : : : : ::::· ~~ ~~li1~1~.\~9::::::: ::::: ~l~~fw;.~;i: :::: :: : :: : : . ~~~:~,n. ::: : : : : :: : :::::: 40 Runta l!'e...... ......... 8ouLh l!'ork .......... Jl!onroe .............. .

103 Sappington .. . •• . . . . • . • . Camncle!Pt....... . .. . !'aint LouiR ......... . 115 SchluerHllllrg .................... I1'mnme Osngo .......... SniutUharkH ............ .

89 Hcott8Yillo .... , ........ ,. Duncan, ... : .......... Snllivan ............. . 527 Senecn. ..................... Sc~neca ........ _. ........... Nowtnn ............... . 4·i Settleton................ Perry. . • ... . .. . • • .. . • . Saint Fmn~oia ....... . 28 Shafton ................ l'raiifo ................ Hanclolph ...... -~---·-45 SliaYerville ............. Union··-··········-" ·IJ'On ................. .

100 Sidney. . . • .. .. . . • .. . . . • . Saline . .. . . . . . . .. • . . . . Jlalls ................ . 30 Smithville .............. White Water........ Bollinirer .......... -. .. 58 Snillfills ................ VauBuren ............ J1telrnon ............. . 44 Sornrueraet . ... • . . . • • . Somrnmset .. • .. . •• . . . 1forc!•r ............. .. 42 South Carrollton........ Carrollton . . . .. .. . .. • . Carroll ............... .

Hi8 SnuthPoint ............ SaiutJobn's ........... lf1·nnklin ............... . 21 South West City ........ Prairie ............... McDonald.... . .... .

156 Sparta .................. Linllen ............... Christian ............ . 204 Spring Hill ............. Jackson ........ ...... Livingston .....•••••. 35 Stoutland ............. "' Auglaize ............. Camden ............. . 81 Stoutsville .............. J'ef:!erson .•••.•.•••••. Moi1roe .•.............

4~~ ~~;l~~r:~.:::::::: ::-.::: -~-o~ko-_·.-.::::::: ::::::.- x1d.:J;.:: :: : :: :::: :: :: ·.: 24 Sno Cit.y.......... . . . . . . ,fohnson .. • . • . • • . • • . . . Macon ... : ........... . 70 Sullivan ................ Mcrnmec ............. I•'rnnklh1 ............. . 1i8 Summit ................ Bevier ................ Macon ............... . 43 Sweet Homo............ ,Jackson . ... .. • • • . . ••. N oclawn.v ........... .

109 Torre Haute............ 11feclicino .. . .. . . . .. • . • l'utnnm: ...... ; ..... .. 24 '.rhomasvillo ............ llf<Hll'" ................ Omiron .............. .

138 '.l:hnrman ............... I S)i~alCrc•ek ........... Newton .............. . 32 Tracy ................. l<a1r .................. Platte .............. ..

208 '.friplett ....... ..... ... Triplett ....••••••.•.. Ohnritun ............. . 37 Umon Grove .•........•. Bogle................. Gent-1·1· ............. .

205 Union Star............ .. Polk.................. De K:illJ ............ "'

2~~ ml~~::::::::::::::::::: R~~,~~,~-- :::::::::::::: fii:~~~t~n·::::::::::: 235 Verona.---······ ........ Spring Iti-rer. ·~---·· I .. awrPnco --· .... ---·-208 Victorin. ................ J<Jfforscm .....•.•••••. Daviess .••...•••••••. 482 Victoria .. • . . • . .... ... • Central............... J'pfferson ........... .

~~~ ~!~~~:c.;i~;:::::: :::::::: ~i~ ~0~~: :::::::::: ~~1~~~: ::::_:;: ~::::::: 34 ·waldo .................. IInzlcwoo<l ........... Wohster ..•...•• : •••••

110 Wnl<lron ........•••..... Wal<lron ............. Plntto ............... . 1•17 'Vallace ................ Orawfurcl. ............ Buchanan .......... ..

GO \Vnlnut Grove.......... \Valnut Grovo........ Greeno ............. .. 173 Wnrron ................. W11rrcn ............... Marion ........•••....

50 \Vaterloo ............... MadiRon .............. Clark ................ . 12 ·wayland ............... Des Moines .............. !lo ................ . 00 Waynesville.......... .. Culllm . . . . . . . • . •• • • • • Pulaski. .....••••••.•. 01 WohluuSprings ....... llnrclonne ............. Saint,Oh111foa •.....••. 30 Wellington . . . . . . . . . . . .. Clay . . .. .. . . .. . • • .. . • . Ln Pnyotte .•...••.•.•. 80 Wc·st Line .....•••...... llolan ................. Cn"s .... ; •...•..... ' .• 47 'V catplialiit......... . . . . W nshington .. . . • • • • • • Osago ............... . 72 'VestPoint ............. WestPoint ... -- •••.. ~ Bates ................ . 73 Wheatlnn<l ..........•.. :Montir~mery .•.••..... H_ic]rnry ............. .

100 Wheellnl( ............... Wheelrng....... .••.. L1vmgston ...••..... 93 WbigVnlloy........... Cla.v .................. Holt ..••...••..••..•.. 43 Whitesville ............. l'Ja'tttt ..••....•.•••••. .Andrew ....••••••••• 70 Willimnshnrg .. . . . .. . .. Nine-Milo Prairie> .•• ,. Onllnway ............ . ;J2 1 Williamsville.---~----- Williams ............. Wnyne ....•••.•...•. GG , Wilmothville ........... Ch1_v ................. Ailnir .............. : •. 571 Winchester .........•.• ,Jackson ............. Clark ................ .

133 Winfield................ Monroe............... Lincoln .............. . 82 Wint,eraville ............ Liberty .... .- .••••• '. ... Sullivan .............. . 83 Wyreka ................ York ................. Putnam ............. .



4U 81 36 84 55

212 36

121 128 101

H4 341

G7 24

217 ]fj.

206 827 l4!J M

334 110 75

105 J, OJR

77 110

28 08

380 wr J47 27 2-0 01 47 :JS

3!il 142 173 2" al

182 118 75 28 00

155 100 41 fl7 74 86 7!1

203 40 72 71

CGl ·1i0 as

132 83 70 41 34

141 1[>7 2!H

7:J 64 114 64 43

378 13,1 207 74

101 mo 26 01

106 184 4ii

118 80' 6ll 10

Page 18: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.



NOTE.-As the Ilrecincts in the different counties were not separately returned by tho enumerators, the counties cannot be pnbliHlrnil in ii ct ail. The li$t given bdow embraces all the places which can be separately g'iven. The figures for the nnincorporn~ted places can be considered aH only ap11roximate, as the limits of such places are not, slrnrply defined.

=======-====="=-=======-=-·=======-=--=--=--=--=-=-----===,=.·="'"·'-" !Population./ N nme of place. County. Name of place. Countr. J'opnl11tlo11 •

. ·---------·-· ----- -------··-·---- 11----------------1

A1lohetown....... .•• . . .•• •• . •. . .. . . . :Madison ..................... .

i~,~;~'~,'kh!'.·::;~:~~'- :: ::: : : : : :: : :: : :: : : : ~~~~"f~~ei]:~,;.i: :: :: : : : : :: : : :: : : . lleanr Ifrad Rivcr<lill!rict ............. do - ..................... .. B<'lnwnt ···-··············· ......... Lewis nm! Clarke ........... .. !kl! City·-----······················ Meagher ..................... . l~!.~ JJlar~k :Flat Foot .............. - ... Dee~ Lo1lge ........ ~ .•..••••.. llig Hok -... - . . . . .. .. .. . . ..• . . .... . . Beaver Head ................. . B!w:kfoot City ................... - • . Deer Lorl!(O ................ .. l!vn11I1·r ....... - ...•...•. - - .. - - - . - - - • . Jefferson .•. - ................... . J~11zt·n1un .........•.........••....••• Gnllutin ........................ . Jlu1 t" City (iDl'1JrJ1orat«<l). .. . .. .. . . • . Deer Lodge .................. . Cli!n1·.v ..........•...•... - ..•....•.•. ,fefthrson .....••• . : .••. ...••••.

~ik:filf J:~:~liftt2iii/Iiiiii: 'i¥~;~~DiiHi'.'.Htii ~·lat lli•atl Ag<:ncv .............. ·----- Missoula. ............... .. J'.lint Cre.'·k V•!llty .................. Deer Lodge .......... : .... ::::

~~ i~~f ~,!!!;!)!!!!! ;;;:: ~f liii !!!;!•••• ••••• }n-11d1town ......................... Missoula wor~<:tuwnand CaU!e ............... Deer Lotlji~::::::: :::::: :::::: , !1·11'. ale -.. . • .. • . .. • • .. • • • • • . . . . . . • .. Beaver Reacl ................. .

Ha uni ton . . . . . . . .. • • . . . • . . . . . . . . . . • .. Gallatin

«~f~~~~~-: :: ::: : : ::::: :::: :: : : :::::. E~:;;~g§~~~~;: ::: ::: ::::::

98 18

282 711 225 80 50

104 82

214 894

3, 303 76

041 595 49 04 17 27

166 450 60

I, 018 7119 50

267 000 136

50 50

078 50 80

3, 624.

Hell Gato Valley ..... , . . . .. . . . .. . . • . Deer Lodge .................. . Hoover City ......................... ~~i~fi-~~~·: ::::::: :·:_ ·_:::::: . __ · _· L"~.·flucr'l'nao_n __ c_·~~Y-::: ::: : ·.·.:: .- .··.:: :: : :: : : .· " Madison .................... .. LionR City ............ - .. . . . . . . .. . . . Beitvor lica<L .........•..•.... Litt.lo Black Foot.................... Deer Loclgo..... •. . . . .. • .. • • . MilcR City........................... Custer ....................... . Missouri '.Rh·cr Valley ...... -........ . M .. c_.<a

10gh_o_r_·_. _· _· .· _· _· .·.· _· _ .. __ · _· _· ._ ..•.. _ .· •• _ ..

Missouri Valley...... .. . . .. .. . ...•. Nevada.............................. Madison .............. , ...... . i!:~Jr %Ill~~~~-:::::::: .... :::::::::::: Deer J,11llp;o .............•.•.••

,, Lowis an!l Clarlrn ............ . l'hillipslmrg ......................... D __ c1<1ir11 1_~_a_d_g_o .. ·.·•·.·.·.·.·· ... · .• ·••.·•·.·•·•••·•· l!ioneer City ................ _. _ .... . Quartz Jli!l .......................... lkaver Head ................. .

f tin•••••••••••·••••:•••••:•• . ~;:;m,,j;• ;·· ··: :··· ,. Stevcnsv1\Io . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . Missoula S;mR.ivor .... -- ..................... , I,cwis 1irnf bi~i·i~~ ·:: .'::: :::::: ;i;orm1nus W. W. R Jt................ Jlcnvm· lfonll ................. . ~ower --~--1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Ileer J ... o<lgu ..•...•.....••••.• Trappers Guleh...... . . . . • . . • • . • . . . . Beavor Hc:ul Unionvillo ........................ : . . Lowis nml CJ;1i·i~o::::::: :::::. Vestal ............................ ,.. Decii• Lodge Vire;tni11 9it,v (incoi·porated) • . • . • . • . . l\fa(lison .•• : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : W!11kerv1llo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . • . Dem· LO!lgo .................. . W~ckes.............................. 1Tofllirson .................... . Willow Creek Valley . . • • . . . . . • .. .. .. Deer Loclgo .................. . Yrun Hill ... : ........................... (la ........................ .


,JO BB ~10

tiO 2fiD

GO O!W 4Gll 107 rio l~7 ar;

2nn ~71 !JJ

Hill .Jl r.o

100 40 :!Ii 47 70


Ru ~:.!H 72

HO U34 •l•H

. 200 48



MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1880, lS'fO,l----~~M~~~~~---~lNOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. .1880. 18')'0, lU~llfAHKS.


Ayr precinct • •• .. . . . . . . . . • . . .. . .. I Cottumrno1l prcdnct .•. _ .........• : : : : [ Denn~ pn·~1.nct., incl. linstiugs city .•. I

IfaHtmi::s city .................. _ •••. J umata pre_cinct, incl. Juniata village.

tTunmtav1llage ........................ . K!IH., pndnct .......................... . ~-.1ttln Binn precinct ................ .. l.'11'"1:r Lake prtcinct • West B!ue prccinct.-.• ::::::::::::::::1

A.~TELOPE. I f~r;:lar 11rt!einct ............................ . Ct~ntn~ precinct. __ .... . l~lm Grove precinct._ · · · · • · · · • · · ·'" · · ~Iilbprecinct •... - •• ::::::::::::::::: Hhe-~rlll~Il pretin~t ........... _ ........... . Twm f.rrove precinct ..•. -.. ............... .

l!OO!'!E. '

.A"hlaml !Jrccin"t ........... I D~JaV-el' lH~cim:t., .•• . ......... . nrniIW pn•cintt. . .................... / Ce11"r !'l'('cinct '· ........ ••• • •• ... • .. • llul1lin pmcinct~: ::: :::::: ::::: :: : · · · · lfaw:heKlt~r 11rPr.inet • •• -Oakl"rnl J•rer;inct .••. • .. • •• .. • • •• · · • • • ~lmu ~ireek pn·c.lnct.::::::::~:::::::: t;h,,ll CrN;k precmct. ................ .


~:\Vitl'pfHint•t ............... .. I:ut1.d1, l>l'( dm·t .............. _' pn::f'int•t •• ......... . (\-ntt-1' 11rpdnet .. • · ................................ ..

}~~~:1~;,~;;;,~~ir;l~€::: :: : :::::::::::::::I (df1111m prcl1inct ............... . Hritnt pr<~cinct. · .............. · ·-·-···· --· K;:_:1rn1·y pre.cinct,-i~ci.':ii:.eame;; city .. ·

i<~3.I'DI',)' CllJ' . ••••• ... • ' •• J;.tn11•1irc·dnt:t ................ -··········· \)1h·n~~: pr~.·eintt .............. ::·· • • !':c-Ln~ulror prcdrwt. · -• · !':h<:ltnn pnduct ..• :·· ........... · ·•·• T.a\for pn·t·inl't .... : ....................... ·• W1·&tHD vn•dnct ................ .

111~!·,r~mt!i<!n. a~ t;~·;l;I~~ j!C:S {1~ ~ i n;)r .. crnl dtnHwns mcom11Iehl. I

1, 123 7Gl

3,830 ...... .. 2, 817 .... ··-1,4401 ...... ..

494 ...... .. 738 1··---· .. 841 ...... .. 584 918

uao 864 892 634 295 838

250 603 382 6i3 190 816 377 284 505

141 182 170 955 407 377 743 262

2, 123 1, 782

257 234 244 917 150 81l(J


Arizona precinct .................... . Bell Creek precinct .................. . Decatur pr<·~iuct, incl. Dccnturvillngo.

Deeutur nlltt!(e ................... . Everett precinct .................... · Or.tklan,!l pre!'.iuct .................... : R1ve1'8ule precinct ................. . Silver Creek JH'cciuct . . . . .......•.•• Summit precmct .................... : Tolwmah precinct, incl. '.l'ohamah vii!

Telmmnli village ................... :


Alexis pre,ciuct •..•...........•...•• , .

Bone Cre<•k tirecinct ................. .

Center pf<lcinct. ........... _ .. Frnnltliu p,recinc!', in el.David Cit,y·,:;ii ·

David City viilngo ............ : ... .. Lillwoml 11rceinct ...... _

I Oak Creek precinct ..... ::::::::::::::

Olivo p1'ccinct ............... . Rea!l precinct ... _ ..... . Reaclingprecbrnt ..... __ :::: ~.: • - · · · · · · Richardson preein?t .• _ .... :. _: ~ ~.::::

Sttvnnnnh precinct ....• Skull Creek precinct .• _::::::::::::: ·

~purlq1rccinct .................... .. flummit precinct ... _ ... . UlS•ases precinct ....... .'.::·::::::::::/

Union precinct .... -.................. .


Avoca precinct . ·• ~.. . . • - . Ccntr0 precinct, incl. p1i1:t· -.,-i \v ~;·ii:

ing town · . Wcepipg Waler to";~ (pm·t of) ....

I Elgitt-M1le Groye-premnct ~!mwno<l Jlf(lciuct .•.••... :::::·--· ·• · ("'reeuwood }1recinc.t . • • · • • ...

, Li!rnrty prncluet.. .. :::::::::::. ::::::

020 040

1, OUG fi33 om

114Ll5 U2u 470 377

1, 082 770



GOl 1, liJa l, 0(10 l, 078


liOl 382 805


401 mm fill

·Jari 500


rJ72 702

DD Bfil 700 883

l, 281


534 287 014

277 227 l3!J 271 [mnh.

In 1880, fr. 11t. u!' 'l'<lh!I· 408 ln 1880, p111-t. to Summit.

J.97 ln 1874, VlH. to St\Vlllll1nh, Snmnut, nml Olivu 1 in lB78, 11111no (llumged fr. l'O]l]l!Jl'Vi!fo, .

384 Jn lBHI J>tA. to J,Jnwoo<ll 1 l,,1·m1 din, mHl Hknl

Gl'O(!k. [Ul'lll~k. In lfi7·1, fr. 111ut of Onk Jn 11:'7·1, fr. pm·I; ol.' .Bom1

[Crcuk. In 187·1, fr. ]HnL uf llmw

U1·""k· 119 In lti7·J, 1111rtR to Ceu I or,



. IU\·lut1',<lH1m,m~.dSpurk. · · · · · · · ln l!l.7·1, lr.11t. ol AhlxlH,

· • · • • · • ·, ln 187•1, fr, pt, of UlyA8f!H. llo. Do. -

In 1874, fr(lm Jllll't of 01tk CrN~k.

In 187'1, fr. pt. or Alox!H. 2:l8 In 1874, from pt. of llon"

U1 !"'le [<Jr(l!1k. Tu 187•1, from ])lWt, of' Oak In 1874, J'r.11t. of' AloxiH.

353 In 187•1, pm·tR Io lto111l ltoncling-1 mH1 Union, '

In 187'1, fr. pt. of' UlysH!'H,


480 317


In '7•1,fr.vts.· ed,on!Hvill11 aud Wnopb11~ ·wnt,or.

In 187,1, from l'fil•t.of' Orn­. [opollH. In 187'1, from part of i:'\nlt



'"' ' z

Page 19: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.




---------·-·---- ------1----------11---------------1--- ____ I __ --·-------·--CASS-continued.

Louisville Jirccinct ......•....•.•••••. Mount Plensnnt precinct .. ." .•...•.•.. Plattsmouth city nntl precinct (coex-

tensive in 1880). Plnttsmouth precinct ..•.•••..•••..... Rock Bluffs vreciuct ......... ....... .. Halt Ureek precinct ...•..........•••.. South B .. ncl precinct ....•.....•••••••. ~~_ave Creel~ precinct ..•.......••..••. I1pt01q1recmct ..................... . ·w ceping \\rater precinct, incl. pa1·t

of Weeping Witter town. Weeping Wntcr town (p11rt of) ..... ·weeping Water town (in Centre

mu! WcepingWnter precincts).


Precinct 1. Snint Jnmcs .•..........•. " 2, incl. Saint 1Ieleu1li villa.go.

Saint Helena village ....••.••••..... Precinct 3 ........................... .

II ii·.~~~~:~~-~:::::::::::::::. 6 ........................... . 7 ........................... . 8 .......•.••......•..•••.•... 0 ........................... .

10 ....••••••.•.•.••••••••..... 11. Lime Creek ......•••.....

Iuformation as to chnngos in minor civil divisions incomplete.

CHASR (unorganlzecl). (Not diviclcd into precincts.)


Antelope precinct •.....•• : •••••• ,. ••• llig Springs precinct .••••••••..•.••••• Court-House Rock precinct .....•••.•• Loclge Polo precinct .•.•...•.•••..•••• Potter precinct ...................... . Sidney precinct .••••....•.•••.••••••.


Edgar precinct, incl. Eclgnr town .... . 1~dgnr town . ........................ .

FairJlel<l preciuct, incl. Fnirileltl town. Fnidielcl town .•......••••......•••

Glc1willo precinct .......•••.•.....••• Ilnl'ntrd precinct., incl. Hnrvartl town.

Hnr\~al'cl town ........ - ................ . Ldc<·ster 11rccinct ••••••..........•••. Lewis precinct ....................... - . J_,lncolu in·ecinct: ...... -- -............ . Logan precinct ...................... . Lo11c 'rree ptccinct ................... . Lsnn precinct ....................... . llforshnll precinct ........•.......•••. School Crock precinct ..•.•.....•••••• Scot(. preeinct .........•.••.•...•.•••. She1·ldnn 1irccinct ...•..••••......•••. ~pt·ing Hunch precinct ................. . Sutton precinct .•...•...•....••••••••


Aclnms 11recinct ....•.........•....... Colfax p1·eeinC1t ..•...•...••...•.••.••. Grantpl'l~einct ·····••HUe< .....•.•.. Lincoin precinct ..................... . Maple C n•elqirccin~t ..•••...••.••.••. Midlarnl 1n·ecmc1, ....•.........•....•. Richlanol precinct ...•............•••. Schuyler I>l'erinct, incl. Schuyler vill ••

Schuy!e1• villnge ••.•.............••. Rh ell Crnek precinct ••••••••..••..••.. 'Stanton precinct .•.............•...••. Wilson precinct ..................... .


l!ism.ttrck prr.cinct ................... . Cnmmg precinct ..•.•.•..••••.•••.•.. Lincoln precinct .•..•..•..•......••.•. Logan precinct •...•••.•••••...•.•..•. 8nint Charles precinct ............... . W~st Point precinct .•.••.......•••••. Wisner prccrnct .•..............•.••..

Notpublishccl by precincts in 1870.


Precinct 1' ...•...•••.....•.....•.•.. ..i

749 568


1, 208 1, 211

053 741 785 717 818

227 317

316 6Hi 200 503 194 388 129 130 150 100 116 ~30

38 00 85 07 66


1, 080 577 910 400 504

1, 384 768 508 503 621 438 544 600 408 803 500 405 447

1, 630

517 652 585. 592 527 651 409

1, 377 1, 017

448 . 333


641 400 324

036 320

1, 044

750 4i8 :n1 480 315 481


668 . ·'· ••••• 760

l, 543 1, 134

. L::::::::.::: :::::::~iJ 154 410 138

89 361 .....•..

~431········ 330 •••••••• 179 ...••• ~. 203 .....•..

In 187 4, p_art to Centre.

In 1874, from pnrt of Orc­[orrnlis.

In 1874, pt. to Greenwood.

In 1874, pm·t to Centre.


Covington prec., incl. Covington vill •• . Uovin1J'tun villago ................. .

Dukot11 }.recinct, incl. Dnkota Cit.v-vill. Dakota Citv village ..••.•..•..••.•..

OmnlliJn't~eillct ... ................ --- . -Saint ohn's, Hummit, and Pigeon

Creek precincts.


qo~·oto prc~inct ...•.•.•..•..••.•..... Cozncl precrnct ...••...•.....•••••••• Plattll precinct .....•.•••••.•••••.•••. l>recinct 1 ............................ ..

1' 2, incl.lll11m .. .

l'lum Creek village ..................... . l 1recinct 3 ................................ . Wood IUver precinct ................ ..


Clark precinct .....•.••.••.••••..•••••. Daily precinct ....•..•..•..••••••.• • .. Gnlena precinct ........................ . Ho~ker 11r~cinct .........•..•••.••.•.. Joma precmct .....•....•.•••••..•••• Lo!,!an precinct ..............•. · ••..•.. N cw Cnstlo pr<•cinct ................. . North Berni precinet ..........•..•••.. Otter Creek precinct .....•...•.•.•.... Poncn. 11reciur.t, incl. Ponca City vill ..

Ponca City village ..•.....••••.•.••. Silver Oreeli: precinct ........... -- .. . South Crt,ek precinct ....•...••••..... Springbank precinct.. .....••....•.... Smnmorhill Jll'Ccinet ............. . ~ ... .

Information as to chnngrs in minor civil divisions inconi\Tlcte.


I Cuming precinct ................... ••· Elkhorn precinct .................... . Everett precinct .•.............••...•. Fremont city a?<l ;Fi"L•mont prcQiilci;

(coextensive m 1880). Lop:an precinct ..... -··· ·-·-·· ......... . Maple precinct, incl. Hooper village ..

Hooper village...... . .•........••.. Northilm1cl precinct, incl. North Ilcmtl

villngo. North Bentl village .....••..•....•..

l'e!Jble precinct· ...................... . I'lntte precinct ...•••........•..•..•.. Union precinct ...................... . "\Vubster precinct ...•••••.•............

In format.ion as to change a in minor civil <llvis!ons incomplete.


Chicngo precinct .......•••••.•••••••• Douglas precinct .•••••••••.•.••••.•••.

Elkhorn precinct ..•.•.•..•.•...••••••• F~1rcnco precinct ..•..•••••••••••..••. J elferson prc~lnct ..•.•..•...•.•..••••.

llfoCanlln precinct .........•••..•••••.

Millard precinct. .•.•...•...•....• · ..••.

Omaha city nn<l Om1tl111 precinct (co­extensiye in 1880).

Warcl 1. .....................•.•..•. ,, 2 ................ ___ .......................... .

3 ............................ . 4 .. ····•·· ····· ···•·· •••··••· 5 . ........................................ . 6 ..••.••.....•..••. •• : • ••••••

Platte Vnllev precinct ......•...•..••. SnratogtL prc"cinct ....... : ................. .. Union precinct .............••..•••••. West Omnh11precinct.-. .•..••••••••••.

:Vbx1n: (unorgnnizml). (Not divill<"<l iu!o prc>c!ncts.)

FILLMORE. I Bello Prairio_precinct ..•..•••••••.•.•. Bennett precmct .........••.••••••••.

. B1·.i·nr1t precinct ....•.•..••••••••..•.. · J

Cli~lsea precinct . . ..•.•••••....•. l~xete1· precinct, incl. Exeter town .... .

]~xetor town ............................ ·-Fah111ont pr<•cinC't1 incl. :Fnhmont tn ..

l .... nirmontto~·n _ ............................ . Frnnl<liu 1ircC'.i1wt.. .. . . . . .......... .. Genm·a pre1-lnct, incl. Genova town .. .

Genevn town ....................... . Glenp;itrY precinct .. , .•..••..•••....... Graft.on precin,::_t... •• . • • • • • • •• • • • • • • .1

BlG 225 224 104 830 595 304 300 015 552


313 202 400 3~0 008 344 205 345

.129 20Jl 181 335 162 334 180 244 12~ 200

1, 107 843 501-402 103 408 182

504 346 015

3, 013 1, 105

1, 012 723 0~2 456 204 906 809

115 - ....... . 1. 101 I 521

086 •••.••• ·1 700 .••.•••

802 ......... !

650 260 918 17·1

376 206 501 305 325

000 •140


30, 518 10, 083

[Creek. In 1874, ]lart !o l'igcnn Not sepurately re tu rnetl.

In 1870, published ll8 Lo· [gan Creek.

In 1874, partto1lillnrc1. In 1872, 1iart to Wntt

Omnhn. In 1874, pt. to Jc·fferson. In 18721 y1t. to Sm·atOAfL. In 1874, t'r. bnts uf Elk·

hnrn nn<l 11io11. In 1872, part tu IYPst

Omalm; in l 87.J., part tn 1-lillarcl.

Inl874, fr.11ts. nfClticai;o nrnl :Mcenrdll'.

In 1872 1 pnrt. to Snrn.t og:t.

0, 300 u, 1)32 21 012 4, 285 3, ti37 7, 552

907 878 GlO 674

631 [aml Omnhn. . ........ In 1872, fr.pts.ofl•'l111..-1H·n

472 502 400 577 003 412

1, 137 600 540 045 370 588

. 725

217 ! In1874t]HLl't101Tt•:fr(~rsm1. •••••.•• 1 In 1872, fr. ports of llouµ:­

las nncl l\lc-Cnr<lh•.

. ....... . ........ ,

Page 20: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.

252 I



llfl~OI: CIVIL DIVISIONS. i 1sso. [ 1sro. · .. -·--···-· --·---- --1----1--------i -·-·


. J.JI.LM~HE-continued. I I Hunnlton 1nctmct ...... ................. 440 LiLertv JlTd'im•t, .... .. . •. ... . .. . . . . ... 695 Madisrm preciuct.. ..... . ..... .. •• .. • 583 Mom•im·1~ pn·cinct...... ...... .. ...... 502 Stanton precinct.. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. 403 "'••Ht llllle preeinct .... .. .. .•• •• • • •• .. 003


Anif:fope }Jreciuct .................... . Ash Urovo pr1~ciud ...... ................ . Uioomi11gton precinct, incl. Bloomlng-

158 / ....... . 271 ...... .. 858 . ·······

t.11n town. ·1 Bl,nurnin~t.on town ................... .

Jlufid!OpI'eCJUCt ............. , ...... .. :Franklin precinct ..................... j Gr~~t vrt:eind~ iuc1. ltkerton tow!l .. .

htVt!rtun t.o\ln ....................... . Lincoln pn~duct ..... H .................... .

~~f~~lp;.·;:~l,i'ri',\. :::::::::::: ::::::::: North Franklin precinct ........... .. Oak Grove pri,cinct .....•.......•••• •· l:lalem precinct ................. - ... .. TurkHy Creek preciuet .............. .. 'Vasl1f!1gton precinct.·-·-·· ........... .


:Ud ails cannot be !(iven, as the pre­tiucts were notscparatelyreturne<l.


.Arapahoe precinct, incl. Arapahoe tn. .Arapahoe town....... • .. .......

Bt•:l n·r City prec., incl. Beaver City tn. H1:aYf!r City town ..................... .

llurtuu's J!<;nd precinct ............. .. Dcxkrpn;cinct . ....................... ·. E<lison pr<'cinct ...................... . Eureka pr~dnct ....................... . Lincoln 1,recinct ......................... . Lyndon 111·cdnct ........................... . Maple Cr.,ekpn.cinct ............... .. M"dicine Urcck precinct ............ . Nel'lo0 Era prf~dnct . ......................... . Riulmumdprcdnct ...... .............. . nocktun precinct ............. - ...... . Shernum prt'cinct .. ................. __ ... . 81tring Gret.'.U pre.einct ......••.....•.. Wil,on"<"ille precinct .............. ..


Ad:ime precinct .......... _ ......... .. Ilt>atrkl.' pre!~inct, incl. Ilea.trice city .. .

Bj~at11tl~ city...... . ............... . lllakd;; pri;cinct ... . ........ .... •. Illm~ :-spring-~ precinct, incl Blno

Sf!riI!~FI vil~a~e. , Bltw Sprmgs TI11'1ge .............. ..

Clatonia precinct .................... . Elm pn-.cinct ....................... . q1cnwood l?recinct .. ............ _ ... :. (rrant :rm•cmct ...................... .. IIanovcr prednct ... .............. . Hi:<hl:md precinct ............... : .. :· Holt prednct ....................... .. Ifook£'r prednct ..................... . L!h•·rty precinct ..................... . Lmculn precinct ..................... . I .. ogan prfl~·inct ................. . 11-!ud Creek i1rerinct ........... : :::::: Nemaha p1·ecinct ..................... 1

Paddtic·k precinct. .................... ! Rockford prN,intt .................... I ~!it:=. an J1retinct ..................... j Sreih rmcm~t ....................... .

Int~n·!na~ll~n.astof·hnnµ;osin minor! c1nl d1ns10ns incomplete. I

GOl\PE!!. I ~;"t 7>{ ml<ly precinct ................. 1

1'.Jk Cree_k pr1'dnct . I Jtol1hvrc•dncL •••.. ::::: ::::::··:··· Tiil'.k1•,v CrPPkprechu~t .......... ::. :::· 'hi~t Mud<ly precinct .............. --1

!IX!EF.t.E\'. j Addi prreinct .... CN!ar Valley prec;;,;,i: .... · ............ i f!'C~nnor prec·inct .... ::::::::::· ~ ·--· 1 &ot11q1recinct. •• · · ... Spring Creek pre;i;;0·t":::: ::::::::::::


52.4 242 597 681 426 :m 340 lii5 403 221 239 U68 295

1, 130 470 5Ul 153 :J03 349 306 440 400 429 346 463 320 453 184 144 267 282

507 3, 386 2,447

570 1, 207

513 600 305 530 488 267 592 '1!17 179 76-1 165 379 364 413 712 569 171 524

225 224 233 700 2Ql

114 302 284 518 243



Grand Island precinct, incl. Grnn<l Island city.

Gruml Islan1l'city ................. .. Wartl 1 ......................... ..

2 ......................... .. !Jake prccinck ................................. . Martinsville prccirwt ............... ..

Prairie Creek preci~ct ............... .

South Loup precinct •••••............

South Plat,to precinct •...••.•••.......

Woml IUver precinct .............. : ..


.Aurom precinct .................... . Be1LVeq1recinct ...................... . Bluff precinct ........................ . Ceclur Vallev precinct .............. .. Deep Wcll precinct ................. .. Farmers' Valles precinct ........... .. Gl'nnt prccinct ...................... .. Hamilton precinct .................. .. Monroe pn~cinct ........................ . Orville precinct ..................... .. Otis i1recinct ........................ .. Platte precinct ...................... . Scoville precinct .................... .. Union precinct ..................... .. Valloy precinct ..................... .

Information as to changes in minor civil divisions incomplete.

l!ATILAN. AlLany precinct ..................... . .Alm'1 precinct ...................... .. .Antelope precinct .................. .. Fairfield precinct ................... .. Mullally precinct ................... .. qrlt;a!1B precinct_. .................... . I ramo Dog precmot ............... .. Republican precinct ................. . SaI>I>!t precinct ...................... . Springbrook precinct ......•......... Spring Creok 11rechrnt ................. .. 'l'urkoy Creek precinct ............. : : Washington precinct ............... ..

HAYES (unorganized). (Not divided into precincts.)


Cu~hertson prccinet ..............•.... Driftwooil precinct ................. ..


4tkinson iireoinct .................. .. precinct.~ ............................. . Ford iirccinct ....................... .. Inman Groye precinot ............... . Rc1a Paha precinct ................ .. Pa< cloek prli!)Jnct.. .. • • .. • .. .. • .. . .. • . Steel Creek precinct ................ : • Unorganized terTitory ............... ,


Cbtcsficlcl prccfoct ................ . Dannebrog precinct ................ : : : :[a\rdalo precinct .................. .. S ~ so £rocinct ..................... .. s::ln~ p abfry in:ccinct ••.•••.......•. : s I! c" precmct .................. .

prmg rock precinct;" ........... ..


.Antelope precinct ................ . Buckley precinct ................. ." .. ~Uh rl'C'Ck J).l'CCinct .... .......... ... ::: ~UFe i'aprecmct ...................... . ]111,r~ury pre~., incl. Fairhury villag~: G;';airLnr,y y1Jlage .................. . J' ft~on prccin~t .................... ..

I ~ or1son precmct .................. ..

.11nc.o .n precinct ................ _. . . . Mcrrclrnn precinct ................... : . Newton IH'eeinct, incl. Steel City vlll ..

Pl Steel City village .................. . casant precinct...... .. .. .. .. . ... ..

P~ymouLh precinct ............... .. Rwhlan1l precinct · · ·

AM:. Jir<-cin<t. .... Cawu·on pn:tin('t. ::::::::::::::::: :::

1, 037 506

........ I~iB'.•l,f~.pts.ofthelst, Wnshingtoni,,.ecinet :.:::: ........ ..

I 1

!?d, and 3d Jll'ccincts. I Hock Cr.,ek precinct:·: .. • .. • .. · · .. • ..

........ L~ii~.frnmpt. of South I In;9rynri~10.n~sto~hange~-i;;minor . ., cn·il d1vis10ns mcomploto.

1sso. rnro.

3, 54fJ . 2, 908 I, 722 1, 241

Hl7 320


704 308

417 1, ooa

277 242 338 477 473 201

008 1, 083

241 ll70 341

1, 822 226

436 702 500 302

1, 581 1, 2fil

350 230 ma 507

1, 21"

375 227 443 fi23 352

• 370







In 1874, fr. ptH. of nw l8t and 2tl )ll'CllhWtH •

[Crl~tik. In 187!1, fr. pt,, of .l'rt1Mo In 18U, fr. pt. ol' tlw Hit

11ret1inc1t .. Jn 187.J, fr.1itA. of [,]111 l Elt",

211 1 ltlHl :JI lll'Ptdtll\tH i in 1870, part 1.n J,n k11.

Iu 1874, fr. pL of tho ail in·11chw1,; in 188U, i11t1·t; to C1Jrnm·mt.

In rn7'1, fl', pl,H. of (;Im lHt 111Hl 2111n·m~i111'.!H,

Jn 1H7·l, fr. pt .. or Ow at\ prt~cinet.

Si11trn 1870, mtmo chnnp;otl from ,l enkhlH, 111ul 1m1•(; ·to l'hlusnnt;, ·

Since 1870, fr.1it. of Nmv .. [ton.


Page 21: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.



---·-----------==============·c·= ==·=··=-=· =-·-=· ===-=-=-=====

I 1sso .. f 1s7o. ! MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. lSSO. 181'0. REMARKS. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. HEM.ARKS. I : ·------------------ ---- ---·----------- -------. ··-·--·-1------- ·- -


Helena precinct ..................... . Lincoln prccin<:t .................... . N('malm prec., lncl.1'ccurnaeh town .. . · Tecumsl•h town ........... --·-·· ... . Spring Croek J,rc~cinct .... - .... - ... - .. Stm·linl! yn·peinet, incl. Sterling town ...

Stm'ling to:wn ...................... . Tod<l Creek }JI'lWinct. ..•...••••. ··----Vesta precinct ....................... .


Cosmo precinct ...................... '. Eaton vrecinct ...................... . Gmnt Jlrecinct • . • .. . . • • • . .......... . Hayes precin~t ..................... .. Kearney Jlrecmct ............ , ....... . Lihert.y ]ll'Ccinct .................... . I,incoln precinct .................... . I,owp]] jlrnCinct ..................... . M:1y prcwinc_t ........................ . M1mge precinct ..................... . Newark precinct ..................... . Oneida precinct ...................... . Sherman precinct .................... .


Alkali precinct ...................... . OgalalhL precinct, incl. Ogulalla town ..

Ogalalht town ......••......•.•.••.••


Ilol1ernia IH'eeinct._ . .... --- - - --- -- - -- -Central precinot ..................... . Creightcm precinct .••••............... Eastel'n precinct•. ____ .......... _ ..... . Ninbmm precinct, incl. Niobrara vill.

Niobrnrn.village ........... ......... . Verdigris precinet ................... . '\Vestcirn precinct .................... .


Buda, precinct H .................... . Centre>ille, precinct 13 .....• - .••.• - .• lJPntou, precinct 3 ............ -· .•... - .. l>lk, precin~t 5 ........................ . Grant, prcmnct 17 ................... .. Hi~hlan<l 1 preciru·t2 ................... . Lmicaster1 precinc·t 18 ..... ... - -- - -... - . Lincoln precinct ..................... . Little Snit, preciIH1t 7 ................ . Il!iclcllB Creek, precinct 4 ............. . l>I!cllnncl·prec.,incl. pt. of Lincoln city.

Lincoln city (part of) .............. . :Mill, precinct 20 .................... . Nemaha, pl'ecinct 25 ..................... . North Bluffi>ncl Oak precincts ....... . Olivo Bmnch, precinct 1 ....•......•.. Panama, prBcinct· 26 .......... -- ---~- - -TI.ock Creek, precinct 22 .. ........ -- .... . Saltillo precinct ...................... . Sonth Pnss, precinct 15, incl. Firth tn ..

Firth town ........................ . Steven• Creek, precinct 23 .•...•...••. Stockton, precinct, 24 ................. . '\Vaverly, precinct 21, incl. Waverly

village. Waverly village ................... .

West Oak, precinct O •••••••••••••••••• Yankee Hill, precinct 12 ... _ ......... ..

Lincoln city (compl'ises all ofCapitul prec.No.11 & pt.of:Micllnnclprec.).

Ward 1 (in Capital precinct) ....•... " 2 (in Midluncl precinct) .••••.• " 3 (in Capital precinct) ........ .


Brady Island precinct .............. .. Cottonwood SprhH~s preeinct ..... -·- .. Fox Creek prec:L"t- ................. . McPherson precinct . • • . . . . .....••••. North Platte vrccinct, incl. North

Platte city. North Platte city .................. .

O'Fallon's precinct ..•.•....•..•.•••••


Centre precinct. ..................... . Doer Creek precinct ................. .

11 Emerick -precinct .......................... . Fairview precinct ................... .

Grove precinct .........•..••••••.••••• .Tcfferson precinct ................... . ~ orfolk precinct .................... . 8choolcritft precinct ..••••• ; ••••••••••

Shell Creek precinct •••••.•••..•.•••..

Union ,Creekprec., incl. Madison vill •. Mnd1son village .................... .

722 508

2, 177 1, 208

546 1,878

560 1, mo 1, 014

261 195 400 428 142 280 433 262 192 360 384 348 387

46 148 114

411 2!!8 7U5 416 849 475 536 421

505 601 381 464 623 022 007 2fi0 493 467

4, 860 4,421

027 1, 02·1 1, 113

749 549 601 8-05

1, 013 230 357 557 652

132 337

1, 111 13, 003

3, 923 4,4n 4,659

69 283 32 91


363 284

518 584

197 324

370 345

1,210 533


1,200 417

833 [Creek. Since 1870,fr. pt. of Spring

722 Since 1870, name clrnngecl (from Tecumseh.

52 l Since 1870, J>t. to Lincoln. 480


Since 1870, all of \V eston .... .. .. [annexed.

1142 089

........ 1 ..........

In 1873, formed. Do. Do. Do.

........ Do.



Do. ........ Do,

2,441 ... .. . . . . In 1878, formml. ..... . .. I Do. . ....... [ llo.

: : : : : : :.I 11; 187:1, formed. ........ i Do. .••.... ., Not B<'pnmtely roturnc;d. . .. • . . . . In 18W, formed.


!lo. lJo. Do. Do.

In 1873, formc<l. Do. Do.

.... : ••• 1

. ....... ' In 1873, formed,

........ ! Do. ----·-··!

I In 1874, l'r. pt. of Norfolk. I In 1874, from pt. of Battle ,

Creek. [Crrck. ' In 1875, from pt. of Shell fn 1876, from pt. of Union

MER!t!CK •

Central precinct ..................... . Chapman precinct .................. .

Clarksville precinct ....•...•••........

Lone Tree 1irecinct, incl. Central City town.

Central City town ................. . Loup precinct ....................... . Mead precinct ...................... .. Midlalll! precinct ................... ..

Prairie Creek precinct .............. . Prairie IAlaIHl precinct . . ........... . Silver Creek precinct ............... ..

Vie1;cgg precinct .................... .


Cottonwoocl precinct ................. . l!'ullerton preeinct .................. .. Genoa -pri;clnct ...................... . Loup Ferry precinct .•••••.•.•.•••.... Timber Creek precinct ............. ..


Aspinwall 1irecinct .................. . Bedford 1irccinct ..................... . Bentun -r.recinct ..................... .

B~;:;~~UI'err~;;.~n~:--~~~~-~i'.:~ '.~:~: Donghts precinct .................... . Glen Rock precinct .................. . La Fayette precinct ................ .. London precinct ..................... . Islaml precinct ...................... . Nemaha city ancl Nemaha Citf, pre-

cinct (coextensive in 1880 • Porn precinct, incl. Peru town •••••••.

Peru town ........................ . Saint Deroin precinct. . . ......••..••. Washington precinct ................ .


Alban precinct ...................... . Beaver precinct, incl. Superior villng11.

Snper10r village ................... .. Bobnartprecinct ..................... . Elk precinct ...... : ........ _ .... , .... . Liberty precinct ..................... . Nelson precinct ...................... 1


Norn precinct ....................... . Sherman prPc!nct .................... . Spring Creek precinct .. ·-.:. .......... . Spring Valley precinct ............. ..


Belmont p1·ccinct ................... .

Berlin precinct ...................... .

Delaware precinct .............. : . ... .

Four-Mile precinct ................. . Hendricks precinct ................. . Mc Williams precinct ................ . Ne.braskaCitypreoinct, incl.Nehraska

city. Nebraska city ..••.•.•..•...•...••..

North Branch precinct ..••.•••.•••••. Os11go precinct ...................... . Otoe precinct ........................ . Pal1:nyra precinct .................... . Rock Creek precinc~ ............... .

Russell precinct ............ ' ...••... South Branch precinct ............... . Syracuse pre?·• incl. Syrncnse village.I'

Symcuse vil!itge .................. .. W;ymning precinct ...... --- ........ ,. ,.,. .

PAWNEE, Creek. [CreL•k.

In 1879, from pt. of 1l!Lt,tle Clay precinct ...........•.••••...••••. Do. Do. MilcR precinct . .. .............. .



In 1874, part to Centre. Mission Creek precinct .............. . In 1874, from pt. of Shell j Pn;vnee pre,~., in~!. Pawnee City vill ••

Creek. I awnee C1ty·v1llage ............... . Inl874,pt.t0Sel10olcraft; I Plum Creek precinct .•..•••.•.••..••• . i.n 1875, pt. to Emerick. i'\hurirhm precinct .......•..•• ., ....... In 187U, part to l'airvfow. I ~outh Fork pr~clnct .•••....••.....•..

1 . litl'ru1mei· prec100t ................... .

169 ... "'". In '73, fr. pt.of Lone Tree. 443 178 In 1870, nume changrcl fr.

precinet No. 3; in 1873, parts to Lonp, Prahie Ureek, .nnd ViC're,!?g>; in

873 1874, part to Micll:md.

In 1870, from part of pre­cinct No. 1.

1, 319 243 Formerly,prcdnct Nci. 2; in 18.731 Jlts. tu Cenintl, Loup, Mead, and Prni­rie Island; in 1874, part to Micllond.

648 . • •••. .. [and Chapman. 408 ....... · 1 In '73, fr. pt. of Lorn> Trc" 825 ........ In '73, fr.1it.ofLone'~'rec•. 332 ......... In 1874, fr. pts. of Char•·

I man nml Lonn Tn~e.

490 . • . .. .. . Jn '73, fr. pt. ofCbn1m10n. 83 .•...•. -I ln '7:!~ fr .. pt.ofL~-ne ~'r~"· 421 ....... ln l810,J10mpa1tofp1e-

cinct No;1. 478 . ••.. .. . In '7:S, fr. pt. ofChapumn.

~~~ : :::::::I 'li :::::::·:1

580 195 9iil 456

735 5721

1, 601 j 2, 3B6 1 In 1871, part to London. 1, ~~g 1, ~ri~ I

752 5821 l, 072 618 [ville.

609 . • • . • • . . In 1871, fr, pt. of Brown-107 •••.••.. , In 1872, from pt. of Peru. 008 628

1, 187 567 mo 789

120 642 458 405 588 400


276 323

898 ........ . 208 1 ...... ..

4?31···--··· 237 ....... . 2441···--··

I 722 :



670 396 457

4, 818



571 440 480

6, 050

In 1872, part to Island.

In 18771 from pt-. of Dela· wure1 nml pt~. to Fonr­Milo & Nebraska City.

In 1873, fl'<lrn pts. nf Dda­wa.n~, Korth llr:n1ch, and Wyoming.

In 1873, vt. to Ilerlin; in 1877, pt. to Belmont.

InlR77, fr. )lt. ofBl'lnwut. In '74, pt. to South llranch. In '73, pt. to nock Cr.,,,k. In 1877, fr. 1it. of Delmont.

.i, 183 56~ 560

1, 013 1, 392


In1870l fr.11t ofSyracusc~i 218 [in 187a, pt. to Berlin.

1, 044 In '7:l, pt. t.o Rock Crec:k. 886 In 1870, pt. to RuRSl'Jl.

In 1873, Ii', ptR. of:Mc Wil­liams aucl Otoe.

1,148 ........ InlSiO,!~·m. 316


...... In.74, 1, 138 640


In 1870, part to North 510 • . .. . •• . fBranch. 8Ul I 911 , In 1873, part to flerlin.

. I ' i

~58 [ .••••••• 1

~~~ 1::::.:::1 1, 332 ........ 1

763 •••••••• / 442 1--······j 367 I •....•..

i~~ i::::::::1

Page 22: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.



:::::'.'."·:~=;::-:::::.::.::--:=:::=:::....-==....::::=::..::=:::-=::-··· o=====~=====;===~=~=-----·--

! i I :MINOR CIVIL DIVlSION~-118§0. ! 18,-o, / __ nEMARKS.

i I

11 A WXEE--c-ontinucd.

'.I'ali1" llock r•rrriuc.t. .•.•.•........... 1

'.l'Ul'kP:I' Crcrk precinct .......•... · ... I W eBt llran"11 prccilH:t ..•.. - .. · · •• · /

Nut puhliol!cil IJy preducts iu 1870 ..

Cn1Ur pn•cinct. :·· - -· ---- -- ........ . Cott,inwoorl ptcemet ....... ------ ... . IH·d1h.~ pre1•iJJl't . .. ---- ...•...•...... -· Jndush',\" ~.m:ciu<:t ...... --·-·· -··· ... . Lak1· l•tcemc:t ..••..••.••.... · · ... - - · 1

J>r::lirk JH't~l·intt ...................... . ll0<:k }"alls pr.,cinet. ........•..•.•..•. 'I i.\'"r:suli<l1: pneinet .. .......•.... -----· William"IJurg precinct ..•....•.•..•••.


11rnr~cE. 11

Dry Cn•ek prr:dnf't ..••••..•.....•••. ·/ IJi,;n:e 1ri·eciuct, ind. Pierce village -..

I Pfo-rre viJiuge. -----· ................ .

Slough precintt ............. H••·· .••

St1uth Branch precinct ................. . Willow Gn:ck preeirwt ..•••...........


Jlismartk precinct. ..•.•.•••••..•..... IlurroWH J)recinct. ----- ... - -- . - - ... - .. Bntl1·r1n·t:cinct .................. .... . Culmnlma prec., incl. ColumlJua city •.

C'ulunil1nH ciLy ---- ..................... . Cn·>S.ton pn:cind ..................... .. nrauvilfo, J>rt•cinct .. ------. ---- - --- --­Hum11hrc,v precinct ..•••.••.••...••... I ... nokmg-UlaHH prednct .......... ... . J,oHt CrH:k precinct ................... . lfonrrn~ }JJ'ecinct ........................... I

Ph•asm1t Valley precinct ••••.•....... Shdl Creek precinct ..•.••.•••...•.•• 8bcrmnn preeinct . .............. _ ... _ .. Stt•arn~ pn.·dnct . ............... ------ ... . Walkn precinct •..•...••••....•..••• Wuoilville pncinct ..••••••..••..••.•.



Canailaprecinct ................... . Clear Creek precinct. •••••.•.••.••••.. Iluckht:n~· precinct ...•••.•..•.• ·•·•·· 1

IH1". nol 111·ecinct ....•...•.••.•.•••..•.. < 1r1·olu p1·.-.cinct ..•.•....•.•.•........ 1' att..:in·f•dnct ..•••••...•..••••......


l'lteasl~t Ullum 11rccinct .••••.•••.••• :itnuuttlmJ':,! pt'eCinct ......... ................ . Vulky prcd1wt. ................•••..

l11fi1rmation as to chnn"'<'sin minor · civil tlivisfous incom'Plete. !

IlED WU.LOW. I B1~t1xl'rprer.inct ... ,. ... -............. 1

Ih111)ml",\' 11r1..~<.:in_.ct ·--··········-----·:i llr1inn••l ptecmct ..••••• ···········! lmlhln,nh1 prednet .. ................. . HNl "illuw 11rncinct .••••••........• I

I 1, 447 I ....... .

2071·--·--·· 334 •••.•••.

I an5


/ ....... .

50 .••••••• GO! •••••••• 370 I ··· .... ~i~ ;:::::::: 1~9 .•...••. 110 •••.•••. 221 ........ .

379 323

73 110 266 124

152 In 1872, fr. pt. of Pierce. In 1872, pts. toDryCreek

nncl South Branch ; in 1879, pte. to Slough and Willow Creek.

In 1870, fr. pt. of Pforce. In 1872, fr. pt. of Pierce. In 1870, fr. pt.. of l'ierce.

480 .••..•.. ! lu'73, 532 .•••.... ! In 1873, fr. pt of Monroe. 850 328[' '

2, 656 1, 233


In 1873, pts. to niRmnrck, Humphrc~-,ShellCreek, Sherm1111 1 nnd StearnA i in 1875, part to Creston.

2, Ial ' 52G I . 300 f ·...... Jn '75, fr. pt. ofColumlms. 302


....... lnl875, 384 •.•.••.. In'73,fr. pt. ofColnmlms. 33,, ....... ·I In 1878, ft. pt. of Monroe. 703 ........


Do. Do. 524 i 338 In 1873, parts to Bnr-


1 rows, Looking- Glass, LoRt Cr<~ek, Plcusn.11 t

· i Valley, Walker, nnc!

j ~ U'x'.~;,i~NHo'.n 1875, pt.

430 I·. . . . . In 1873, fr. pt. of Moriroc. 3iJ8 •••••••• In'73,

!~r 1:::::::· B~: ~~: 339 .•...... Do. Do. 447 j'..... . . . In 1873, fr. pt. of Monroe.

8231········ 402 ······•· 827 ..•..••. 278

1, 315 673 868

11 OOL 569

417 521 449

1, 231 426

44 In '70, publishecl ns Platte [RiV<ir.

8Bll J, 245 Sinco 1870, J?Urts to Falls lfi.! j 364 [City anil Rulo.

1, 207 . 886

2, am I .. i,.iili; Since '70, pt. fr. of Arago. 1, 583 G07

677 2251 nu I 515

1, 627 605

917 .••. ····1 085 506 728 408 500 404 92l 022 &10 210

1, 418 1, 326 Since '70, pt. fr. of Ara"O· 073 Gll "' 48f I 001

1, 035 G81 47:J ' 304 001 \ sa8


---------- --~ .... -----------------\1


Atlanta precinct ........•..•••...•.... Big Blne prcr.inet ------ ............. . Brush Creek lJt'ccinct .... - . - . . . .... . Uroto precinct, incl. Crote town ...... .

Crete town .........•...•... - - -·· .. . De Witt precinct ..••......•.......••. Dorchester· prcciuct ..........••....•.. ,foJmson Creek precmct .....••••••.•

Lincoln prneinct .........•.••••....... Monroe precincL .......••.........••. North Pork precinct .......•.•....•... Olive precinct ....................•••.

Pleaannt Hi!l prc<:inct ...•...•....•••. South Fork precinct ......•......•.•.. Swan CrPck precinct ................... . Turk<~)' Crl'ck precinct ........ - .... . \Vil her precinct, incl. Wilber town .••.

Wilber town .......•.•...•.•........

BelloYuo 11rcciuct ...••..•............ Fairview precinct ..............•••••. l'oreRt Cit.y precinct ......••.......•.. La Platte 1m•cinct ..•.....•••...•..... l'npillion precinct.: ............•...... l'lutforcl precinct ..••..•..•.....••.•.. Richlnrnl precinct ................... .


Ashlan<l precinct, incl. Aslilanil fown. Asblnml town .......•.••.••.•...•..

Bohemia precinct ........•..•.•••...•. Ceclaqirceinct ..•...•....••.••..••••. Uenter precinct ....... ............... . Chapnrnn precinct .......•••.......... Chester precinct ..•.................. Clem· Creek precinct ....... .......... . Douglas precinct ............ ......... . Elk 11rccinct ........•.••.••..•.....•• Grec•nc precinct ...................... . Marble precinct .••.........••••••••. Marietta pt·cclnct .•......•........... Mari110sa precinct ...........•........ Newman 1n·eainct ......••.• : ....... . Onlc Creek.precinct, incl.Valparnisotn.

Valpnrmso town ................... . Polioeco 111·ecinot ..........•.•.•...... mchlnn<lprccinct ·············-····--· Hock Creek prell!nct ...............•.. Stockinp;prccinct, incl. Wahoo Oit.ytn

1ynltoo C!ty town ..•.....•.......••. Umon prccanct ..•.................... Wnhoo precinct ..................... .

Not publishccl by precincts in 1870.


PrecinctA .............•••••.•••..•.•. u Il ............................ .

c ---························ D .......................... . 1~. --- ..... , .................. . F ........................... .

" G, incl. Sewur<l City ...••.•...

Pr~~~~~dlfi.t~:: :: : : : : : : : : : : :: : : : : : : : : : ,, I·················-··········

;r -••. ----_; --.•••• -. -...••••. IC··························· L ........................... . llf ....... -- -· ........ -- . - .... . N ..... ··---·················

i::::::::::::-.::::::::::::::: snmmAN.

Clear Creek pnciuct ...•••••..•..•.•.. Deer Creek precinct ...••........•••• H11ycstown precinct , . . . . . . . . . ....••. Lowor Loup precinct ..........•....•. 011k Creek iirecinct .................. . Upper Loup precinct ...•••.•..••.....

s10ux (nuorgauizecl). (Not clivlclccl into precincts.)


Humlingprecinct ...••.........•..•.. Kingsburg precinct ........•.•...•....

I Stanton iirecinct. ......••.............

I THAY!lll,

jl Alexmulriuprllciuct ....••.......••

I RelYicleroprecinct ···'··----········ Uarletun p1·ecinct~ .. ...... ~- .......... .

i DaYenpol't, preC'inct .. ............ ,. .... .

554 847 702

2, 500 1, 870

880 !l53

1, 245

707 031 002 300

l, 014 (l'lO 513 005

1, 484 710

704 051



448 304

OGl ll8l a8a

380 200 0021 OJB 833 oa2 550 000 .•••••

1, 118 078 053 520 817 088 Oil8 fiOl 723 050 850 li85 800 070 770 502

. 000 300 7fi:J 002 002

1, 80•1 1, OB4

704 G27

203 •lOl G88 o:m 71iU mrn

2, 220 1, fi2fi

581 5fi3 6B5 408

501 505 042 .••...•.

J, 037 ..•••.... •129 •••••• -·

448 176 27'! 133 213 817

251 179

1, 383

810 805 7G7 223


········1 ........

· · fCr111!lc. In 1872, fr. pi'. of '" nhm (,

rcrl~l\k. In 1872, fr. pt. of Wnhmt In 187 l, fr. pt. of Onmclc•11.

. [Uit,y. In 1874, fr. 1it,. oJ ::lwnn In 187'1, fr. 111:. of Unmch•n. In 1871, fr. Jlt. of \Vulunt

CrC'<ik. In1871, fr. pt. oi'Cnnuh•lJ,

[Crc•"1<. In 1871, fr. i•t. )[' Wnlnnf, In 1874, fr. pt. of Swan

City. !Crc·•·k. In 1871, fr. i1t·. of \\'nl1111l: Iu 1871, fr. ii( .. of Hw<1n


In 1877, fr. pt-.ol'Wnlnnt [Cr"ek.

In 1870, pnt·t to lllehlrmcl. In 1870, from jlt. of l'lllt·


[Grav•'· In 1$7:1, from imrt-. of Onk

Do. llo. Do. Jlo. Do. Jlo.

Iu 187B, fr. pt. of Hmvm:<l. llo, Jlo. J.lo. llo.

In JR7B, fr, pt. ol' R"wnrcl. In 1873, fr, 11t. ol'Cnmrl1m. In 187B, fr. Jlt. ol' Mililml. ln 1873, fr. pt. or Jlol\\'l\l'

Cr1Jnk, Do. llo. Do. Do. Do. Do.

In 1873, rr.1it .. or ll1ilfo1·cl, In 18711, fr. pt.. ofCamclon.

'i" I


Page 23: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.




YlIAYim-continue!l. WAYNE.

1880. 1S70.; I i :



{}ilmul precinct ..............•........ Gra11t1)reci11ct .................... . Holmm iirm:i1rnt., incl. Ifoliron town •.

1ci\~~~!:;-~~~~e~~i~~·1~t · ~ ~ ·. -. ~ ·.: ~::::::: :: : : : : ~

481 310

1, 132 406 D87 730 472

La Porte precinct, incl. La Porte

La PoI"te village . _ ................ .

410 In l~'i"J, fon111·111 :rn<l 1·rn­hrae1·s T:-:. 2:J, ::!U, :1wl '..!7. J~s. !.! anrl ~. :mtl Ti.;. :.•:J mul !.!01 It. ·t

ltnHl\ C1·1·Bk procinel; ................. . L1'1;1ic precinct ................. _ ... . 1)3

2B2 171

[l1nu~f's 'Ts.:.;!"is~ :!O,n.s. Sprin.~ Creek pI'ccinct ..•..•.......•.. 8pring Dranc11 precinct._ ..... _ .•.


In lt-i"i"i 1 fornll'd. alltl \'Ill~ ..


: lu lb/5, 1tn·uH:d, awi j·I!l· Jn;wi:S Ts. 2f•1 :.:U1 awl

i '271 I~. 1. ..r\.Trnulin i1renint1t; ..................... . ~--~1~ la1111rn vrl'dtwt ................. ,. .. l ... tlu.~rt,;y pn~ei1wt. ~ ................... . 1\1irn ti1·el1k Jln!cinct ...............•.. North Lon11 precinct; ................ .. 91'<1. proeinot ... : .................... .. 8p1·111gdalo ureemct .................. .


~lt~ll Cr<'l~k Jll'l'rduot ..•••••...•...•.•.• ]\lair prochwt, iucl. ll!nil' eity ......... 1

BJ11i1· city ......................... .. Ctnuiug Uit.\r 1n·oeinct ..••... -.. - . _ ... . l)u. Soto prc'1.1i1w1'. ...•.•.•...•......••. Ji1·outn_ll(lllo ureciuct ..... - ............ . Fr>i't. Unlhon11 jn'ecinot1 incl. 11\ll't Cal-

. hmm vil a,g:n. I 1;ort Cnlhoun Yillagc ... _. _ ... - ...•..

(}rant llI't:ciuct ....... -··. - ......... --· lI01·n1m1 precinct._ .......••........••. J:.,ineoln \>rceinot ..................... . Hit~l1lmH precinct .................... . l-:;ht•1·i1la11 pn~l\ineL ······-··--··· ------

285 206 279 242 510 401 311

774 2, 197 1, 317

fJ88 224 708 859

240 7ii:! 5•!0 671 !JOil 012


Bntin precinct ................... _.... 270 Elm C1·eek precinet. ·-· ... ...... ...... 3u7 (~lenwoo1l preci~ct~---········-······· :H2 Guide Hock precinct................... H:.i7 Harmony pn.~ciuct ·---·-·-- ..••.. .... GD2 Inavnle precmct, ....................... 42i Oak Creek precinct ........ -......... 418 l'k1H:mt Hill precinct .. .. .... • .. .. • .. 409 l'otoilnrn prednct . .. .. .. .... . .. • . . . I 485

200 , Hetl Cl~wl Jll't!Ci11ct, incl. lletl Clout! tu 11 1

1 f!~Q 1 ••••••••

017 lted Clo111l town ................... I' g11 I· ..... .. 404 Stillwater· pH·<·inct ... .. ..... ... ... oh9 1 ....... -. ~~g In 1873,p~rttollermrm. \VahmtCrcckJJreciuet ............... I 348 : ..... -. i 8Q8 . WIIEELF.H (11uorgm1izetl). II I

i (Not iliviilc<l int11 i1reduets.) 2811 I I •l7U In 1873, rinrt to Herman. I '

........ ln 1873, fr. p1H. of Cuming; I YOH!C i II 27U I [City arnl Grnut. I . . \ 221 i Dt~t:uls cnnnot he gn·eu, UH 1he pn·· 1

200 · 1

) cincts were not 8el>Hl'ately 1·ctu111t:<l. j ! ---'-~-.-C~-~-~

: :: : : . :.I ....... I ........ [ ··-··--·

No·rn.-'l'lw lbllnWinµ; 11ni11co1·pm·atecl viacos hiwe been mturncll sepnrntely by the ennnrerntors. The list is not l.iy uny means comp!etr-, aH \'!H'.Y many !lllnmorntors have f:tile!l to sopamt.B 8twh lJcJ!lies of population. The population of ih('8(1 places luts, of course, l1een iuellHkd in tlw prnoi11e!H in which they are respccLively sitirntcd. The figures can lie considerecl' us onl~· ap1ll'oximutc, as the limits of such plac"-; an1 1w(; Hlutrply dcJiuc!l. .

N:11110 of placo.

Aila ms ................. . Alhion ................ .. ~\ luxurnlria ..... - ....... . . Alina ................. . --'\ n1hoy ................ . Al"cndo --·······-······

~.~';1;,·61:11·,;{::::::::::· Ha~i1t1 ................ . BPH.vt•l' 0l'OAi-dnµ; .•...... lh~llo Crt•nk ............ . H(•Jlo\'tw ...•.......•... Bo11wouii ............... 1

l\d \'ld111·11 ............. .. ll<'lllll'l-1 ................ .. :1:1110 llill ............. .. l~ruinnnl ............... . (Jn111h1•iilt!t1 ..••...••..... (Jnuq1 l~lnrkn .......... . Cn.1·lt1t<m ...••..•••..... Ula rkH\·illn; ............ . <.n:.i,,v Ut1ntr11 ·······H··· Uluztr Un~nk ............ . Uruiµ;hton ..•.......... Uulhrn:bmn ............ . 1 >antwhl'og· ......•..•.. llt< \ViU. .. ........ .. 1 lollimu'~ T~mnliug- ...... . lloniphnn .............. . .l.Jorl'IH•Htot• ........... .. Elk Cmok ...... ····.•··· :I•:lkhorn .............. .. :J~ln1w11ml ...•........... 1"ont.:irwllo ............ .. Pl'Hnklin ................ . ]t'l'itqHl. ................. . ClOHOIL ................. . OBl'lllltlliiOWll ..••••.•••. Oihl11m ................ . (Hl~H\'illn .........•..... Gt'lWll\\'IHlll ...••.••••.•. G:Tt'i'llWOll<l .••••••••.••. ]Juk11rnn ...... -········ l-Itn•1n1111 .•.••••••.••••. T11d lm1ola .............. .

I:i11~~~~1·,,,~ ~ ~ ·. ·. ~::::: ~:::::: LouiHvillo ..•........... Loup ................. .. Lyons ...... _ ......... ..

Prooinct. County.

A1l1unH F• •••••••••••• Gago .........•... Jvlnucliet:itim' • • . . • • • • . . Bnmrn . . . . . . . • . • • • . •. Aluxarnl rin. . . • • . • . . . . 1rlrnycr .............. . AlmtL ................. IInrlan ........ .. l'lrnrnnnt llill ......... "\Yelmter ........... .. Um1utl11 ............... rnlk .................. .

<\~~~·t«~~.- .- .- : .-.-:_·_·.-: ~ .-: : : fr~·(w~~,ii ~::::: :~ ~::::: Croightun ............ l{uox ................ . Jrl ......... ___ .... _ ... Sl~wm·tl ........... _ .. . Bull UrrnJk...... .. .. .. 'Wnshington ........ .. H11!111vnn.............. Sm JI.\' ................ . Hav:nmah ............. Butler .............. . B"lvitlm·o ............. .,'!'l111yer ............. .. N1nnalm .............. i -1~nncastcr ....... ..- •••.. J>ohulmn ..••••.•..•... \V11lrntur ..............

1 Unk Urcol< ........... Jlntler ................ . ~lmlidnn Creole . . . . . . l!


m·nns ... · · --- · - · • · · · j ( !uurl; ][ouso Hock.... Clwyenne .......... - . Oarl11lnn ........•..... Tlmym· .....•••....... \ ClarkHYillo ........... 1\ferriek ------·-------! T,01111 'l'l'eO ............ Oby ................. 1

Union ................ Hn11rnlm'8 ......••..... Cruighton ···-·-----·- Knnx ..........•...... CttllH"rtHon ........•.. 1Til.d1cock ·····-···-·· ~-·:dnt Lahory ........ lI11ward ............. .

~l1o;;;.:,~~t ~::::::::::.. i'C~~~~'.:::::::::::::::: Hon th !' llall ................ .. Dorchm~t1·t' ........... Snlinu ............... . 'J'tultl C1•e;.,k..... ....• ,Jolnrnon .............. l ~,~:,i~;:~7Yret~1~·:::::::::. U:;l~~~.l~\~.::::::::::::: ~ }'outano]JC\ .......... · 1 w.rnhinµ;ton ....... .. Jh·:mlilin ............. Fnmklin ............ . ;r uh11Hon1s Creek..... R:1li1m_ ....... - ...•••.

n<~1_1~1~~::: ::: :: ::: : :~:.I ~~~~~i~~'c7::::: :: : ::::: :: Gihhon .............. Buffalo ............ ..

~;~.ltU!~~~:1,::::::: :: : : : 8~1:~~:::::: ~::: :~:~:::: L()(lp;<1 Pol<> ........... Clw~·enm1 .•••••..••...


Hnll.illo ............... Lnnmrntcr ........... ..

'!Iormnn ........ _ ..... \ynshin:rt.ou .......... \ ln1litnwl1i ............. ).('(\Willow ....... ..

~~(;~~·1l~T:::.: :: : : : : ~ ~ ~ ~ g1i~1~~~x-: ~-_ ::::::: :: : : : : Norlh Lonp .......... Valloy ................

1 I~vorott ............... Burt ................. .

Popnfa.1) hon.·;: Name of place. Count.1·.

" i 52 '1folco1n1 ...•............ Elk ................... \ Lancash!r ........... .

ii~~ ~i\~;;~~f~~~~::::::: ::: :: g~~·:~~: :: :: :: ::::::::: 1 -~~~;:,',i:::::: ·: :: : :: : 2~! m~~a~~~. :: . : ::: :: ::::::: ~::~~~~ cii.~~~;::::: :::t f~~~~)\i:: :::::: ::: : . 128 ~-~·,,:1],u.1~,~,'111~'_'.'_:_:_: :_ :_ :_ :_ :_:_:_:_:_:_ : __ :_:_· c1,ntn\ ·----- ·----· .... i "~utr·lope ...... " ..... i2a " " ~G·,":.l1s11otu. •. •. •• ·• • •• • •• •• .·.--. • __ •• • ·.: i, ~j~';;:;;.~850;;:::::::::: · 11 ;-..•or:n·ille .............. . 40 Norlblk .. .. ........... Norfolk ............... ! :MadiHun ........... ..

200 Oak1lulB ............... Twin Gro\e ..•.•.•... ! ln1tt~lupt~ ........... .

i}i ' ~~:;,;"' I ~~KU li I ~~~{···· •••••• 100 l'apillion .............. I Papillion ............ -I Sarpy .............. .

.J8 Pil~cr ..•... ····- i llurnlmg ............ Stanton ............. . 274 Centt'J' .......... ·1 Lost Creek ........... Ph~!t" ............. .. ~08 I'Jpaeant. Hill . ..... . ... l'!Pns_:mt llill .. - .-.... Salm11 ._ ............ ..

1)8 HP!\ Willow ............ He•! Willow......... Hi·tl Willow ....... .. 145 He1ml1lienn City........ 1~<'}lllhliean. ... . . .. . . . . . Harlan.~ ......... .

JO ltoea ..... -. ..............


Hultilln ............... L:measter ..... _ ... .. 10811,tc~ckBlnft'~.---····-···- !t1.~c·.klJln.ff~-·-········ (~·~.H8,·-~··············

fJ:1 S:nut t•erom········-····! ~alilt De101n .•••.... :Nun.1ha .............. . ao:> Saint E1lward ......... I 1-!1•;1\"L'l' ······----~·-· llooni~ .............. .

r1 :I £-;ainttTames ............


l\o. l ................... (;1·tlar -·············-85 ! ~ai11t.,f,m ............... Det:p 'Yt~ll ............... HarL"i1tou ........... .

win 1 j 8aintPnnl .............. 8aiut,Paul ............ ~owm·il .--··-······

Popu!H-1 ti•lll. I

115 1 • ., ,_ r:o

1'·8 bl

4t-:! 1:_m !1 Saint,8kphens .......... 1 Ifolmait ................ j :\uckolls .............. ,

j! 111;f ~:w:n · t~~~%+ 1 ~!~:z + , 187 ,'\ SontJi_IJeml. ........ ----.' f?11uth Delli\ ............ \ Cn:-::; .............. ····'

11' 12fi

4:: u~;~ ::!ti:J

11 ~;~g

:!i ·.i ~~~~m:••••••••••··.~~~i[t.,•••••••••I ~~~~·•·•·•••·•••••· 2~~ : Watc-r!tu1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Platte Valley •••..... · i lluu::;laH ••• - .......... i fi4- '\ \Y L•ston .... _.. . . . . .. • . Chapman ....... _...... ~;mu.1fors ......... - •. : 27 \V1 1st Point City ----- .. 'Vest Point ........... C1m1lll~---- --···· ·•·· .:

3~t I ~!;}rii~~'~'.l:l~~::::::::: ~~~'.l.~:l::::::::::::::::1 ~i~;j);;'.~.::::·:·:·:::~~::. i 1, OLH


.r ,oniHv_mo ............. ) C:asH ......... ·, .... "I

-----c-·----- -----

Page 24: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.



NOTE.-As the precincts in the different counties were not separately returned by the enmnerators, the counties cannot be published in clet,ail. The list givr;n below embraces aU the places which can bo separately given. The figures for the unincorporated places can be ~um;itlerecl as only aliproximate, as the limits of such places not shar11ly clelined.

Name of place. County.

.Alpha.·--·-------------· ........ --- Eureka ----· ----·-··· .. ·-··-. Aurora .............................. Esmeraldu ................... . AustinCit.Y (incorpomted) ........... Lander ...................... . lfarcelona .... ------ .......... -- . - .. - . LN, • .v,nt;,1-e.

1; -. -. -. -. -. ·. -- .- -. -•• ·--_-_-_-_-_-_·_·_-_· • __ •

Ilnttlo Mountain .. - . - -.............. . llelleville ............................ Esn1"l'Ulcln -·--· -·-·-··-- .. ·-· Be!lllOllt .... - - - . - .... - · - • . -.. .. .. .. .. E~,.~,·re01-,-11- --.. · _· •• ...... _ -. -. -. -...... - ------ •· -•• - -. Buo""·•t\Ve ............................. . Bristol. ....... -·-·· •. ------·-- .. -- -- . Lincoln ...... - .. - -· -- . -- . ·----Jlu!lionville .............................. do ........................ . Bnnkerville .. --- ...... ----·- ..... -- . --- .do .... - . - . - .. - . ·-. - -- -·----Cnll(lalaria. ·----- ...... ··-·-· ·- ...... Esmera!cla .••• -· ........... --· · Curlin ........... --------------···--- Elko--·---·------ ........... . Carson City (incorpowted) ..•••• -· -·. Ormsh~- - --·· - . - ..... ·- ---- .•.. Cherrv Creek ......................... \VhitH 1~ine ................. . Colnnitms _ ·--··· ···-·--····-----··-- Esnwml<la .• -- . -- ............. ! ]Jayton ··--··----------··-·------··· LJ•o11 ........................ . Eherlw.rdt ..... ------------- ---·---- ·white Pine.-------·-. - ·--- .. Elko ...... --· ........................ Elko .. -· .................... .. Empire City ....... ___ ,,--·------. --- Ormsby .. --- -- ---· .... ------ .. Eurelrn (incorrorated) ....... --·-··-- Enmka _ .................... .. FortChurchil ----·-·-·-·--·-···----· Lron ·-·-·---·---- .. -- .. ··--·· Fortlfalleck ..... ---·---- .. ·-------· Elko ................ ,, .. ., •. Fr11nl1:tuw11 ........................... Wasl10G ..................... .

[ti.~i:',~raak::::::: :::: :::: :::: :: :::::· .~~~i~1 '.1 ~_: ::: :::::: :::::: :::: :: ii'.:h~~~'.1_:::::::::::::::::::::::: :::: ~i\>,~~~:::::: :::::::::: :::::: :: Hamilton·--·-- .. ·------------ ...... \Vhite Pino._ --- ---···---·-- ..

VO 341

1, 679 42

022 380 ~b4

62 167

68 mo 750 394

4-, 220 500' 06 I

HO! i 102 I 752 I

a1a : 4, 2071' 50

157 llil 313 I

aa5 1

4, (i31 I !16

203 i

Kingston------- .......... ····------· Lander .................... -· . Jifal'ietta ____ ,,, _____ ·-·--··--· ···--· Esmeralrfa ................... . J\TiuemlDilL ....................... J~urck11. ·--··· .......... -----

~.~;.!'~,;r1~~ai~~:::: :::::::: :::::::::: f~gn·: :: :::::: ::::: :::: :::: :: : Ne.'v rro\"Il ·-·--···················· Eureka. ......................... . Osceola .. --·-·---------............. '\Vhito Pinc-·-----··--·--·-·-. l,1tlisa<lt3 . ............................... I~urch:u ......................... . I'i11e Station .......... _, _______ , _____ .... do··--··--··----.----······ Pioche ............................. Lincoln ...................... . l'.vramitl ....... ·-··--·--------·-----· 'Vnshoe ..................... . ll1•no (i11corpornk1l) ..................... do ....................... ..

~~i:~~~~~1;~ ::: : : : :: : : : : : : : : : : : : :: : : : : ~}Etb:o!'.1~:: :: : : : ::::::::::: :: : Tal1lu ]\fountain .. -- ........ -----. .. . Esmcl'ltlda ......... ............. . ".J~eeom11 ..•.... ......................... El1i:O . ....... ____ ............... . 'l'11anit . ...............••..••....••••. .... clo ......................... .

~~~t~i~~~~~~~~::::: :::::: :::::::::::::. iXfu~~ ~~~~:: :: : : : : : : : : ::::::: ii;~gm:m,; :::::::::::: ::: : : ::: : :::::. fil~~.i;0"1;it :::::: :::::: :::::::: Vir)!inittCity(incorporatcd).... ..... Storey .••... ·----- .......... .. \Vadswortll. ----. ---- .. -·--- _. __ . .. . \Vnahoe ---- _ ...... _ ----- .. __ . "'ard ..... - ...... ·-·--· ............ -· "\Vhito l'ine. ____________ ..... .

i~:fi~~~-~~~~·::::: :::::: ::: :: :: : :::::. iXk~h~'.'. :::::::::: :: ::: : :::::-\Vlnnemucca ---- -- . -- . ·-- --·. _ .. __ _ Humboltlt _ .... __ ... __ ...... _.

li8 lif.i

14!1 !12 OU

2Dl ~N!> ~11 12(} NG

8:1 1, 302

00!\ 120 431i 12·1

00 123

•H 1, :!U·:!

2nn 308

10, D17 (i(ll fllH 01

24:l 763

-------------------------------------------------------·- ·------'--- -----·



Alton town ........................ -·-Bnrnateacl town ----·--·-· -------·--·· BPlmonttown ...................... . Centro Harburtown ------------ ..•. :. flilf'orcl town .................... ·-·---(7ilm:mton t-Own . ..................... . r,aeoni:1 town ............... -....... -l\Iemrlith town ----------- ------ ------New Ilnmpton town ................ --Snnlloruton town ..................... . Tilton town.·-·-··-------·--·· ••••.••


Albany town ........................ . Bartlett. town and lfole's location .... . Brookficlrl town ..................... . Uhat.h:nn town ......................... .

~~~~~~~;;,'1~vn _: ::::::::::: :: :: : ::::::: Effin~lmm town-----··---·-·------·-··· Frcc~1lom town ......................... . Hart's location--------'--··---··------,JnckHun town .................. ··--·· ..... . l\Ia1liso11 town---------·---·-.--···-- .. Moultonborougl! town-·-·-··-----· .. Ossipee to,vn .......................... . San•lwich town ----- .. ·-·-·---- .... .. T:mmortl1 town---·--·---·----------· Tuftonhomugh town ........ -··-·- .. .. \Valrnlielil tnirn -·---·-----------·---· Woltblwrough tnwn ........ .


Alstencl town ........................ . Chesterfiehl town .................... . Du\Jlin town ................ _________ _ Fitzwilliam to'm-------···- ·-···-----Gilsum town ............................... . Ila!Tisville towu ..•••. --··----------·-

~~~1l~D\\ \·\\ \-~- .: · • m •· 4 ____________ ,, ____ , ______ ,,,

Marlhor~ii;.h't~ - • -- -- -- · -· · -- • - - • ·- -· · l\!nrlow tc\~n .. ~: ::::::::::::::::::: Nelson town ............ . Uichmoud town ....... ............... .

~~)~'~ff.~.~(~~~~::·· ..... ::::::~::~::::: Sto<lilar;lto _ ···---·--- .......... ..

~ullivnn to~.:::::·:·_:-_::::::::::::: s~~~iiz~~:t~~~--··•••eO•o•O••oeoo Too• "I T . --·····--------------··-' '~~f· ~f:fown·::::::-- ···-·- ··-··-·-·.I w,,.ics~1morelanc1 t-Own ::::::::::::::::::I

l m"" lestC'l' town .................... .I





1, 476 1, 200 1, 220

521 2, 821 1, 485 3, 700 1, 800 1, 050 1, 102 1, 282

301 1,0H

428 421

2, 004 020 805 714 70

- 404 riso

1, 254 1, 782 1, 701 1, 274

02B 11 BO.! 21 ::!22

1, 037 1, 17:J

450 l, 187

00:1 870

1, 868 1, 207 o, 784 1, 732 1, 001 1,470 1, 105 1, fl17 1, 280

701 438 660 034 120 5ri3 382 3~0

l,GGJ 700 I

2,orn I 1 095 . 2: 444 I

1, 708 11 5-j.3 i, rn;;

440 a, so1 l, G42 2, 300 1, 807 1, 257 1, 236 l,H7

3:io 410

Not separat1·l~·rotu1'nc11.

445 1, 007

057 UO·i 'i':l7

20 Unorgnnizccl. 4-74 040

1, 200 1, 822 l, 854 1, 344

040 l, 185 1, 095

1, 213 1, 280

080 Ju 1870, pt. to Jinrrieville. 1, 140

500 I .. _. _... In 1870, fr. pts. of Dnhlin l, 342 I [nn<l Nt•lson. 1, 200 I 5. 071 111'74, eitychnrt. nc1optcd.

1, 017 7Hl 744 In18i0, pt. to liarris\·ille. ROS

1, 107 174 067 347 318

1, 026 707

1, 83Q 1, 256 2 097


Bm·lin town ........ ·----- ·-----------Camhri<lgo town ..... ·-·--··---·-·- .. Carroll t.o\vn .......................... . Clarksl'il!o·town ........... _ .... _. _ .. . Golel>rook tuwn ....................... . Columliia.fowu ...................... . Crn1v.fonl'H ~rant .................... . llalton town ....................... .. llix'H ~1·nnt .......................... . llixvillt1 townshi]l ...•. : __ .• _ •••.••••. TlllllllllPl'tOWJl .....•••••..•••••••.••.. J~rrol to\Vll ............................ . Gorhnm to,rn ..... ................. ~ .. .

Y~ff~~~~~;;-~~~~;11::: ~--·. ~--·:.: :: : : : : : : : : : : · LnnenHter town ................ ....... . l\lartin's location .•. _ .. -- ____ ....... _. Milnn town .......................... . 1liillHllelil town .................... .. Nn!ih llWl Snwycr's locntion .. .......... . Nol'tlmmlterlaml town .. _.·-·--· - .• - - . PiUAhllrl.{towu ...................... . Ha1u1ol1ih town ......... ---------·--· Sar:.!m•t,'H 1>nrcluum ................... . Seooncl Collugo grant ............... . Slwllmmo town ............ ·----- ... .. Starlc to\Vll ........................... . StcYwnrtstown town ................. . StmtfoI'll town ... - ....... - --- .... -- -- . Thompson mul Afoserv"£~'a 1mrclrnse ... . WPnt.wol'th1s lncntion ................ . Wl1itc:fiel1l town·-·--·----·- ........ ..


Afoxamlria town ........ - .•... - .... - . Ashlmul town .... -··------·-- -- ---- - .. Batl1 town·--·-· ..................... . Beuton town ........................ . ncthlchem town"---------- ....... ·-· Brill"ewatPr town--· ... ---- ___ .-·- --nr;Htol !OWU .......... 'li!' ··-- ·- ..... --· Campton town .. _ ......... _._ ..... -· __


Cnnann town .......... ............ . Dorchester town._ ... _ ... __ .. -..... -· Euston town ........................ . Bll•wmth town ...................... . Enfielcl town ......................... . Franconlt1 town ....... -·· - -· ·--·- ..•. Grafton town .................... , ___ _ Groton town ...................... ·--· Hanover town ............. ·-4··· ..... . Ha.vCl'hill town ... -··-------- ... - .... .

I H"ltrontown ·---··--·---·-·-·-----·-· Holderness town ...... ......... .-..... .

I r,a1111nfftowu ........................ .

: IJPl1anon town n••··---- .. ·····-· ...... .

II L!ncnln town .............. ----··--·--1 L1sbon to\vn ......................... .

Ill L!ttleton town ....................... . L1v~r11101•a town ..................... .

11 Lymttinto,vn .................... ~·-·-~·

l, 144 30

632 328

1, 580 702 28

570 4

B2 404 JIJ!

1, 38:J 8

951 2, 7~1

3:J 80ii 02

101 1, 002

1\8! 20:1

18 2fi2 690 958

1, om 20 5!>

1, 828

828 060

1, 032 I 378

1, 400 384

1, 352 1, 163 1, 7G2

585 302 209

1, 680 550 934 566

2,147 2,455

329 703 500

a, 334 65

1, 807 2, 930

103 654

mm 28

37H ~GU

1, :i72 75-J


8 317 178

1, 107 71

820 2, 2•!8

17 710


905 400 188

250 404 009 8HO

38 1, 19

876 885

1, 168 375 908 453

1, 4-lu 1, 220 1, 877


193 1, 662

549 907 583

2, 085 2,271

382 703 882

3, 004 71

l,844 2, 446


~- ----·------·----



U llOl'J.'.tfllliZt~d. llo.




Unorgnnizl•ll, Do.

Uno1r,anize<l. o.

Inl876, fr. pt. of LnmluJf.

Iu 1870, imrt to Easton.

In 1876, fr. UllOl'j(Ullfac<l [territory.

Page 25: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.




Lymotown ......................... . Jllonroe. town ............... -....... .. Ornngo to,vn ................................. . Orford town _ ................. -- -- .. .. Piermont town .............................. . Plymouth town ..................... ..

~~1~~~~~~K1;~~~i{: ·.::: :~::::: ::: : ::: :: : : \Varren town .............................. . "\Vatenillo town._ ................... . W cut.wort.Ji town . . • . .............. --"\V uodstuck town ................... .


.A.rnherst town .................. -.... .

.A.a trim town ........................ . De<lt'ortl town ............................... . Bennington town ................................. . Brookline town_ .................... . Deering town ............................... . ll'rancestowu town ........................ . Goffstown town ...................... . Grccniklcl town ......... -- ... -....... . Gre<·nville town ..................... . Ilancock tcnvn .............................. . llillsllorough town ........... -.... -. --llullis town ......................... . Hudson town ....................... .. J,itllhfielll town ..... : ................ -L)·nclchorough town ................. . Manchester city ..... _ ............... .

War!l l ............................ . II 2 """"'""""'""""""""""""" ••••••••

3 ............................ . 4 ........................... .. 5 ......................................... . 0 ............................ . 7 ........................... .. 8 ............................ .

Mnson town ........................ .. Jlfordmuek town ......... - ••...•...• --1\filfor<l iuwn ........................ -Jlfont Vm'llon town ................. .

N'"l~~a ~i~:.:::::::::::::::: :-. : ::::::: .. 2 ................... ···------------3 ............................ . 4 ........................... .. fi .................................. . (i ........................... -7 ............................ . 8 ............................ .

New Ilostnu town ........... -........ . Nuw I11swi<"h town ............................. . I>clhnm town. . ...................... .

~1l;~~~:~~o~1t;)~~l~-1-~~~-::::: :::::: :: :::::: 'l'('lllplt•tff\Yll ..................................... . "\V '"iru town ......................... . ~rilton tf)\YU ....................................... .. 'Windsor town ... -................... .


.A.llonstown town .................... .

.Andover town ................................... . Boscawen tO\Vll .......................... .. 13owtown ........................... .. Hrnclforcl town ....................... . Cnntel'hury tinYB ............................... . ChicJieRtoi· town ............ -~ .• - ...... - .

u~v;:~~;tl {i_t!. :: :::::: :::::::::: :: :::::: .. 2 ........................... ..

a ............................ . 4 ............................ . • 1 .•• ~. - - - - ....... - - - - ••• - •••••••

6 ............................ . 7 ............................ .

Dnnlmr.v town .......................... . Dunbarton towu .......•..... - ......... . Evsu1u t.cnvn ................................. . Franklin town ................................ . IlPnnikm-t-0wn ...................... . Hill town ........................... .. Hooksctttown ........... : ......... .. Hopkinton town ..... H•• ................. .

Louclon town .............. -........ .. Nuwbury town ............. -........ . Now J,ondon tol~·-·· .............. ..

17 p


1sso. 1870.

1, 313 504 335

1, 050 752

1. 719 11 050

775 7f0

54 o:m 367

1 295 '8i7

1, 204 4-13 f,08 Oi4 9:l7

J, 690 049

J, 072 om

1, C40 l, 077 1, 045

291 818

32, 030 I) 009

2:421 0 ''00 5: 981 o, 8~5 3, 281 2, -ll7 2, 701

045 J, 042 2, 3!18

517 13, 397

1, ·'115 1, 301 r, a10 1, 2U5 1, 730 3, G27 1, 450 1, 327 1, 144 11 222

848 2, 200

20:! 402

J, 829 1, 7-17


J, 707 1 "04 1: :isl

7:!4 050

1 03U • 7~·1

13, ;:4a 1, ii~l

762 88J

3, 4!10 2 ·130 u: l:JO 1, 621

700 708 909

31 21J5 1, ~2()

tlG7 l,7ml 1, 8ao ]I 221

590 875

1, 358 532 340

1, 119 792

1, 409 1, 105

840 ouo

3:1 971 405

1, 353 004

1, 221 401 741 722 9:J2

1, 050 527

fi02 1,mm J, 070 1, OGO

345 820

23, 5:JU

1, 304 l, 000 2, GOO

001 l0, 543

1, 241 1, 380

8(il 2, 230

182 421

2, 002 .1, 074


F04 1, 2UG J, 037

74G l, 081 1, mo

871 12, 241

"""7ii6 778 093

. 2, 301

1, ~~g 1, 330 1, 814 1, 282 . 001



In 1872, fr. pt. of Mason.

In 1872, pt. to Greenville.

In 1871, from.Grafton co.



Northfield town ..................... .. Pcmhroko town ..................... .. Pittsfield town ............ - . -........ . Salisbury town ....................... . Sutton tOwn ......................... . \Varnur to,vn ................................ . Wellstl'l' town ...................... .. Wilmottown ........................ .


.A.tkinson town ...................... .

.A.ullnru town ....................... --Brent,voo1l town .................. -·····~--Camlin, town ............... -........ --Chest,er town ................................. . Danville town ....................... . Decrtid<l town ...................... . Dm-ri·towu ......................... .. ErtsfKingAton town ........................ .

~i~i~i?li::::::::: ::: : ::: :::::: :::::: Fremont town .............................. . Gl'Cenlnnrl town ..................... .. HampRteml town .....•.... - ....••..... Ilnrnpton town ............ -......... .. Hampton Falls town ................. . 1{ens1ngton town ........................... . Kingston town ............ -......... --LnnilonClerry town ............................. , NewC;1atlo'town .................... . Newington tcrwn .• ~-·- ................. . N!IW 1\lnrket town .................. .. Newton town ....................... .. North Jfampton town_ .............. .. Nort,Jtwoml town .................... .. NoUinghnm town ............................ . PlaiHtoiv town ...................... .. Portsmouth eity ..................... .

Ward 1 ............................ . Ii 2 • •• •,." • ~ •" • • .... • .... • ...... • • .. • • • • • ,, a ...... -... ·-. -· ........................ . Cl 4 .................................. ~--·--

Rn.ymon<l town ..................... ..

~ii\~1~10~~~;;:::::: :: ::: ::: :::: :: ::: :::: Santlolvn town ............................... . Seabrook town ....................... . South Ifampton town - ...•.•••••• - •• -South Newm:trket town ............. . Stmtham town ...................... .. '\Vimlhnm town ..................... -.


Barrington town ..................... .

D,,~~~dif~ :::: :: ::::::::: :::::::::::: II 2 • • •• .. •• • • • •• •• • ............ ,. ....... .

3 ........................... .. '·' 4 ........... ·-·····--·---·-···-···

5 ......................................... . Purhrtm town ....................... . Fannington town .................. ---Leo town .......................... .. Mncllmr~· town ................. - ..... . Michlletim town ...................... -hlHton town ................ : ........ . New Durham town .................. . ltocl10stnr town - ..................... . Hornn~for1l town .................... .. Somersworth town ......................... ; .. . Straflbrcl town ...................... ..


.Ackworth town. -................... --Charlestown town .................. .. Clurcn1outtown ............................. . Cornish town - ........ -............. .. Cmyllon tmvn .............................. . Gosh cu town ....................... .. Grnnthmn town ............................ . Lnngclon town ............................. . Lempster town ...... - .............. .. N<'wymrt town ..... , ................ .. Plainftolcl town ...................... . Sp1ingfichl town ................ -~----SnnBllCO town ................................ . Unity town ... , ...................... .. "\Vnshington town ................... ..

1880. 1870.

018 2, 797 1, 974

795 09:J

1, 5:17 047

1, 080

502 710 009

1, 340 1, mo • 013 1, 560 2,H'J

570 J, ;;:10 3, 560

U24 <HJ5 fJ5.J

1, H4 671! 614

1, u~o 1, Uli3

0111 43:!

2, BOB 1, 0110

774 11 B·15 11 U!J.3 1, co~ n. r,oo ii, 201 31 7GD 1, 1rn 1,liii!i 1. ~fi:J 1, 111 1, FOO

500 1, 745

3U:l 829 720

. 005

833 2,518 1, 000

897 1, 1G5 1, 007

089 1~ 072

488 815 895

J,450 1, 153

548 J, 768 1, 809

553 1, 270 a,4:17

52i 095 085

1, 177 ow U42

1, 054 J,4ur.

Oli7 414

] 1 9H7 850 12:1

J,4:10 ' 1, 1:10

8i9 0,211

l, 121 093

1, ooa 4!l0

1, GIJO 448 808 7611 753

1. 407 l, 581 11, 087 o, 20! l,~f,4 .......... .

·2, ,, .• o 1· ...... . 2, 224- ......... . 2, urio .• ••• :··: •• 21 043 • 002 3, U44

715 397 355

1, 5t0 772

5, 784 i, z1:i 51 .1r.O 1, GJ!

l, 298 2, 0G3

7;0 408 470

1, 5US 97il

4, 103 1, 5110 4, 51:<1· 1, GOO

os2 1, or.o l,087 l,741 4, 704 4, ur,a 1, mo 1, a:14

0118 G/i2 r.11 507 MO 008 3fi4 411 002 078

21 012 2, 1oa 1,372 1,51"9

7112 781 895 808 814 841 082 830



Page 26: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.



KOTE.-'l'hc following 1111i11corporaled placcs lun-e been returuccl sepamtely'liy the enumerators. Tho list is 11ot hy any me and comp1etC\1

n8 Y•·n· 11i:mYcnumi:rator~-ll;Lrn fail••tl to separute such hollies ofpnpul:ttfon. 'J'he populatio11 of these placc•s has, ofcom·so, hm·n innln<lntl in 1lie'towwi in which the~· arc rcspectivdy situated. 'l'he Jigures can be cbnsitlerecl as 011ly a11proxinmte, as the limitH of 1mch places aro

uot slmrp ly deliu eu.

Name of place. Town. Couuty.

Aea1fomy ............... Gilmanton............ Bt•lknap ............ .. .At·woI"th ... ~--- ............. .Acworth ..................... Snllh·nn ................... . .t\l~t.•·•HL ............................. . Ahtea11. ..................... Cbeshirn ............. ....... . Alt<>n ................... .A.ltnu ................. J3l'llrnap ............ .. ..:-\lt1111 llay .................... . do ....... ........ .... do ................ . ,\wh1·1«t ............... AmherRt .............. Hillslrnrough ........ . .Aw1ov1:1' Cl:ntre ........... .Amlorr~r ......... .......... !f.errimack ............ .. ;\ohlnwl ................. l.nhl:iutl ...... ....... Gl'nftnn ....... · ...... .. .-hhm·fot . ...... . .. .. ... Wirn•lwHfor ........... CheHhire ............. . .. Aul111r:u . ....•.....•..•.. .. A.ulmrn . .................. Tiockiu~hnm ............ . J:arnHto:,ul Ct·nter. ...... llamsti:ad ............ Jlelkunp ............ .. J\;11h ................... Jlat!i. ................. Grafton ............ .. nd11J11nt ...................... Bnlnwnt ................... Il(•lknap ................ .. lh·uuin~tun ................ r Ht>m1ing:ton............. Hillshorongb ........... . l~radl'onl. .................. Tir;it]f,~riL ................ l!t' ................ . nrhtol ...... ............. 11rfoto1 ........................ Grafton .............. .. c~111ll1rMg-e Hollow ........ LPlllpRter ................. SulliYtlil ··-········--· (•;iw1ia ................. C~mclia .................. Hcwkinghmn ............ . (~audia D<·11ut................. tio .......................... do ....................... .. t':u•ft'l' ..................... Ne"-ton....... ........... clo .................. . C1•11!r" . .. . . . . ... .. .. .... Cllf'Bt.,rllel1J. ... .... • .. GheRbiro ............. . L'l·ntn~ ·····--·· Ct·r~treilarUo!' .......... Bl·lkuap ............... . Ctnt1'1· :-:iah~hury ····-·· Hal1Hlmnt ............... MBrrimack ........... . C1·11tn~ k11t·on ............. Sutton.:· .............. ... do ..................... . Ch:nl ·Htuu ................. Clrnl'11·~1un ...... ....... Sullivan .............. . «liutnn . . ............ Anll'im ............... IIillslJorough ........ .

! ,::rt~~~r~tr~~~~- :::::::: :: ?.~1!1~11~~,;,~1,· :~:::: :: : ::· . c~;~~~}-::: :::: ::· ::: ::: . Cumptou .................... Cmu1lton................ Grafton ................. . C.'011fn1•('(1ok ................ Ilnp1duton ................ 1\Ierrimack ............ . <'f1uwa~-corner ........... C11ni;vay ...................... Carroll ..................... . c.:on1M•ltu1Jy ................ 1 \Varrwr ...................... :Mt•rrimack ............. . Cm·niHh Flat ............


' Cornish ............... Sullivan ............ .. C1nwl 1·y'_N F:ills .......... Iln11twoo<l ............ nockingham l>1·trfh·)1! Centro ........ Dt•.('rfleltl ................ clo ....... ::::::·· ..

.fi:::i:t~~:=i~~·~~:::::::: :~·~~t::::::::::::::: ::J~ :::::::::::::~~~~ lJrcwKnllu.......... .... Wal1wfo .. . .. .. .. .. . .. Ch<'sl1iro ............ . l!nnlm11H~ ..................... Drmlmdon ............... Merrimack ............ .

i~'.:~! b~~;,~~;;f ::::::: :::: ~~~~;r'iL::::: :::::::. ::::~g: :::::: :::::::::. I"'"t Il1·nT ............ D<'l-ry..... .... .. .... .. Tiockingham •• •• • 1;:"t GN1ft1in ...... ~ .... Grafton ............... Grnfton ..... : ..... :::. }~'"t ~1,mpKtf-r ... • • • .. • L1•1n1•sh;r............. Sullivan ............ .. :F~:i~t ~1·wport .......... N'ewport.............. <lo ............... .. }~nMt, l''Yatl';('Y ..... ... . Swanzey.............. Clll'Shire ............. . J~:is.t w_aHlnngton .••• ••· 1 WaHhin1,rton ... .. .. .. . Sullivan ............. . l:ast w·~·nri• ............ - Weoro...... . .. .. .. • • . Ilill•horough ........ . l:a~t W'1ltot! ......... "Wilton . .............. .. do ................ . :Etlmµ:lmru l'alla ......... EJlingham ............ CaJTol! ............. .. F.1;;•_-t•·r._. ............ · ...


~xi;tcr -............... nockinglrnm ........ .. :•ctor;; ................. Cbestcl'fieltl .......... C.:l1cs]Jiro ............ ..

J~actory.,_ .................... 1

S\\"anzey ................... ... tlo . ........... . l:•:u:t•'.~-1·, ............... ., JS°!'W I_n~wiclt ......... Hillsborough ..... :::: :i;:1~z" 1lharn .. .. ..... .. . l' 1tzw1lham. .......... Cheshire ............ .. }1.me1·~tuwn ........... J::mnee~town ......... Hillsborough ........ . ~r~t'tl1~11 -F··:11 ............ }r.,nklm .............. Merrimack ......... . m u s ............. tlo ..................... rlo .... ; .......... .. :r.~•·t·1iom ............. - ......... ~ FH•ctlom ................ ~ Carroll (~1bum ............... I GilRnm ............... Cheshi~~--· ........ ·· l:"ff"town .............. 1 Goflstrrwn •••••••••••. Ilillshoro~gh ........ . (~1,ff~town Centre ....... 1 ... <lu .................... dn . .. ..... .. f~JJ0!<'- .................. 1 Jtoclwstc" ............ Straff~r<l ............ . f_~nd ton CentM ........... : Grafton . ... .. .. .. . . .. . . ... . G-r~t'ton - · · .. - · · · · ...... · (mmth:un .............. j Gtantham ........... 8nlliv11n ............ .. f~reat Full• ............. 1 J;o1ui;rnworth .... : .... Rtmfforcl ............ .. hron:tnn ...................... , N"o11Jmn1betland. .......... C1m;!>!. · · ·· ... · · · · · · · · lfancm·k ................ I Jfoneock ..... ....... Hillsho;·o;i.,1;"· .... .. llaul~n·: · · ...... · · · .. · .. - • ... · \ Ham1vl'r . .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . .. . Graft on ° · .. · .. ' · · · · Ha111s!·1lJo ..............


Jinnisvilfo........... Cheshir~ .... ·· ..... ·· Ilav~r1l!·l1l ....... ...... Ila>erhill ............. I Grafton ............ .

~~;'.~~'if~~::::::::::::::. 1 · jj, ~;:ik-~1:·::::: :: : :: : : Me~~~ini~~i:::: :::: :: :: }j1lf ..................... I "\\'1,Htmur"1an1l ...... / C:beshiro .......... .

nili~ti~,;,;,i;h'ii;i;ii~:::.1' MUl~i.oro"~~i;· ........ 1

Niil'·lmnci<·;:::::::: :: HL1Rburough Cnrtre .... 1 ~ -----···· BJoroug l ........ ,.. Jli!M..-m.n;:h (LOWt•r) ... 1::: :1~: ::::: .......... , · ~j0 · .............. .. ll~llsl101rn1gh (UJ1p.,1·J •. <lo.. . ......... 1- .. 1° · ............. .. Hin~h,fo .•••.. ------··· I Ilinsdu!~'.::: .......... f ('Ji' '.'i · .............. .. Hull1H. n . .. ........... t':-; nre ............. . f!onk~ei•·--····· ........ ,I n"ll~~ .ti""""_. .... Hillsliornugh ....... .. llo1tkint~~~::::::::::::: H!;0,k7~toii·-·········· lil11rimnck ·········~· lH•n ·works I Gill ............ · · <lo ............... .. Lnr·onin .... ::::::::::::: La~~~fJun ..... :······· Ilelknap ·----·.········

f~~:~~~.;;~ :::::::::: ::::_ f~b~~~~~·:~:::::::::~: ·a~~-d~::::: :::: :::::: L!·mp•ler.. .... . .. .. . . .. L1·m11•tcr sun· . · ............ .. L!Rh1Jn .......................... r .. i!i;f1on ... .................. 1 I.. 11nn .................. .. Li1tl1•tnn ............... I.ittlt·ton""""·· .... Gr~flon ............. . Lowt!Mlle ............. ) ~I:u·lliurou'idl::::::::: "i::1ic.iliire·:::::::::::::

. . I

Popula· I' t10n.

187 I 071 30ii

m1 43! 200 73:J 40 02

121 18ii 512 282 307

1, OOQ 38

ml 108 145 110

03 J62 700

BU 82

(l3[i 207 32(i 313 na 120

03 08

105 2HO 444 87 72

180 284 117 123 45

1H3 178 lll3 111 824 100

1,520 245 77

120 200 2rn 4r.a

l, 057 168 2G4 501 177 208

32 103 850 472 12:1

1, JH4 521 234 517 36" 05

100 003 34

132 70

], 351 140 910 200 189

1,445 1,40~ J, 05·!

70 772

1, GGl 108

Namo of place. Town. County. l'op11ltt· tum.


Lowe~Wnrner .......... "\Varner ............... llferrimnck .......... .

t~~6·iii;.;;::::::: :::: -~~-;\~~: ::: ::: :::: :::::: -~1''1{~''.~:::::-:::::: :: :: Marl!Jorough ........... Mnrlborough ......... CheHhiro ............ .. Mason.................. J\faRon .. . .. .. ... ... .. . llil!Hhorough ...... .. J\fere<lith .. .. • .• . • .. .. . . J\fcr<'<lith .. . .. .. .. .. • • lh•llrn11p ............ .. 1iforitfou .... .. .. .. ... . .. I'l:tiufiel<l............. Sullivan ............. . Milan Cmn1ws .......... Mi!tm ................ CooH ................ .. 1ililton Mills............ Miltnn...... ... .. . ... Strnffor<l ............ .. :Mont Vernon ........... J\Iont Vernon ......... llillshorough ........ . l\foultonvilhi ............ O•sipeo ............... Cnrroll ................ . Munsouvillo............ N"1s<111............. ... CheHhiro ............ .. N«w JloHton ............ Now Bn•ton .......... llillshorough ....... .. N"wpo1·t ................ Nowpnrt .............. Sullivan ............ .. Newton ................. Newton ............... Rockinglunn ......... , NewtontTunufinn .............. !lo ............................. do ..................... . J>[orth l!rnnch .......... Antrim ............... Ilillshorough ....... .. North ClmrleHtown ..... Clinrl!'Htown .......... Su!Jh·nn .. : .......... . }forih Co1nvay- ........... Conway ...................... Unrroll ....................... . Norlh Nmvport ......... N"w11ort ............. S11llh-au ............ . North Hichmoml.... .. nichmon<l ............ Cheshiru ............. . North Salem ............ Hah~1n . ........... , ............ H1mkinghnn1 ............. . North Sandwich....... Snudwich ............. Cnrroll. ........ : .... .. Nol'th Sl-ratfor<l ....... ·StmtJ'o1'll ............. Coos ................ . North Sutton .......... Sutton,, .............. J\forl'imnok .......... . North Walpolu ......... \Valpolo .............. Cht'shiro ............. . North Wtnro ........... ·wonro ................ Hillsborough ....... .. Oil ~!ill ................... <lo .................... <lo ................ . 0Hs!peo., •. .. . .. .. .. .. .. Os•ipee............... Cm·roll ............... .. OsH!JICll Centro . • .. . . . .. . .. do .................... tlo ................ . Osstjl('oVnlley ............. rlo ..................... clo ............... .. P:irkrr's . . .. .. .. . .. . Golfotown .. • .. .. .. • .. llillshorough ........ . Pnrn Ground ............ Cl1ichenter ............ l';fon·lnuick .......... . l'ittsfielcl • .. ... .... .. J'itt~Jfolcl ...... ....... do ................ . Pln!niio!il Plain ......... Plainfl<>ltl. ............ Sullivan ............. . .!'lams ....................... ICingt-iton ................. Hooldnghain ........... ..... . Plymouth ............... I'lnuonth ............. Grnfton .............. . Poncl ...... _ ................... Winclwster ................ Cht•Hhiro ..................... . Proctor M1lls .. . .. .. .. .. Amlover........... .. . J\[orrimnelc ......... .. jlt;t;hnon<\ ·; .. - .. ... . .. Itoymond ............. ltockinghmn ........ ..


1 mou\ gentre....... IUclnnoml .. .. .. .. .. .. Chl'Hhiro ............. .

"1c11nont oruPrs ........... flo .............................. do .......................... . I~oclrnstN' . . . . . . . .......... Jtnchester .................. St.1·nffor<l. ....... .......... .. l:ocklnncl llfills ......... Wearo ............... Hillshnrough ....... .. ii:~~~;:~~ DC-~t·::::::::: .numnuy ................... Gml'ton ................ ... . S 1 ~ P ... clo ..................... do ................ . ~"i"m.D .... :···'"·'"'"' Sitlom ................. Rocldughnm ......... . nil om opot. .... .... .. . <lo tlo · Salmol\ l~nlls ............ ·n~mn~f~~d· ::: :: :: ·_-_ :· .. St;·nm;,:,i::::::::: :: : : ·. ~a!)(lW!cj1 0 .. 't" · ..... , · Snmlwich.. •• • • • • •• • • • Cnrro!l .............. . 'snnhw1c i en i·e . . . .. . .. . . ... <lo ................................. do ....................... .

c.v 10 Fadory .,. ....... Litt.foton .............. Gmfton ............. .. ~lu~lwr C01nmumty .... Unntprhnry ........... 1tfr.i·rin11u1k .......... . ~nni-h ... - .. . . .. .. .. . .. . New Ipswich......... Ilillsl>ol'Ough ........ . South ................... Winclsnr .................. do ................ . ~onth Acworth........ Acworth .............. Sullll'nn ............ .. ~outhChat·lcRtow1~ ....... Chnl'lPstown ................... ,,lo ............... - ..... . ~1mth Hni'.'!!ton ll1ll .... Soutl! II111npton ....... R~ckingham .•• : .... .. tlonth ~!0_1111nnck....... llfrnmmek .. ... . .. .. . lhl1H110ro11gh ....... .. ~ont.118nlislmry ........ ~nlialmt•y .••••.••...•. Mntl'hnnck •.••••••••. South Sutton .. . .. .. .. • . Sl!Ltou.. . <lo ~on)"h \\Tnstmorelnn<l ... Wcstmor;iiimii:::::::: °i:Ji;c•Mhii:o:::::::~::::·: ~prmgficltl.............. Sprini1fiehl._........... Suliivun . , ......... : . Stm-~< .................. Stnrk ................. Goos ............ : ••••• ~ttm nrtsto":n........... Stow:irl stown ............ do ............... .. ~to1~lnr1l Mill ........... Stod<lartl .............. Cht•shlre ............ .. ~llll·_I"'~ -............... Sunnpeo .............. SuJliynn ............ .. Snnrnok · ............... Alleustown........... ll:lc·nimaclt ......... . ~11~~l~uk ................... P<~mhroko ................. .... tlo .................. · .... . 8m 1.r. ... .. . .. .. .. . .. . Surry........ Ch<'shiro · Swn~1ztwCm1fl'o ........... Hwnllzoy......................... clo ........... o ....... .

~."~;1t}Y"t'~,. .......... 1M1i ......... ::::::::: ·0:1·Mto1i::::::::::::::: Ih n,on U t>!'l'y. ....... M.,rrnunck ........... llillH!wrough }!]"';<>Ponds ........... ~~,iUon ................ Str11mml ..... ::::::::. '1':-~<." ................... ~1ltou ............... J3!'1knup ............ ..

11;:h~;,::::::::::::: :::: &~;~,;,;r::::::::::::::: ~l:.~-i~'.~:~01~·:: :: : : :: ::: {~:11•.n ............... W:t!'ron ............... Grnfton ............. .. w::t~'·l ................. Ossipee ............... Carroll ............... .

1 ,1 no - -.. - .. · - . .. .. . .. .. .. . "\V 1n·uer. • .. . .. .. .. . J\''" ~~"~Ic,.,Ceptrn .......... Wuni'!> .. : ..... :::.:::: IIillshol'on~i;·· ..... .. w::at ir:~;l~ll~,~·r ......... Ii!Hlo:;cr · ..... · ... · · · · Mcnhnnr,k ••• ::::: ::: "\Ve8t L~bnn~1~. ::: ~:::: ." L:.;~~~<~~:1~ :: : : : : : : : : :: : ·G~.1~~~~~ - - ............. • ••• "\Ye-st i\hlnn ]If'] · • • •••• • ...... •• West ·t ............. -'nu ................. Coos ................ ..

· pm .............. Swanzey .............. CheAllire West Uunmoy .......... Rumney..... . Grnftnn · ·' ........ • · · Wu~t Swanzey .......... Swanzey ..... ::::.:::: lJhPshlro .......... • ... W!nt"fiul<l. .......... •• Whitefi'elcl. .......... Coos .... " .... • ••• ~mch<>~for ............. Wiucllestor ......... :. Clwsl;ii·~·· .. _. ........ . .Voo<lsY1llo ............. H1werhill. .......... Gmt'ton ............ .. Wooclrnlo .............. Somersworth ......... Stmtrorci::::::::::::::

Jtt2 2GO JOH 70~

H•I 8fJO

!),I J;J[ HHG 117 101 111 2m

11 B4~ 200 440

08 44

55:J 07

145 200

Ol 24~

711 1r1n 1-HI li8

lllll J1Hi 75 flfi f>H

1, 18·1 75

315 Ml

117 ma 207

B7 14:1

4, (J~:l 8ri

1H7 ll4

•1110 noo DftO

7H "2!.!fl

21111 1.-.n 7l

mw lJll fill !M (Jf>

121 1111 m 78

]>f(l JHH !H

n7o 1. fi~l l, fl:lll

!O 1:·0 n~

1t•7 21!8 tiUl 413 Bia 278

411 no

121 !10

1(111 G15

!iU l~ll li2

4:w 070 fl97 •Jtlll 173

Page 27: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.



-- -~--·-··--·-·-·--·_·-_-...:;;.~

MINOR ~IV~~~~~~S~ONS. USSO. i 1870.1 CAPE ~IAY-continne<l. I

--~:~::~:~-, -D=Il-'_IS_I_ON_T_S.~~- 1§8{):1:,,~.,1_ -----1-~E-• 111-·-_,.,_--~-K_S_. ~-!1 ItEMAllKS.


.A tlantfo city .........•..•.••••••..••.. Ruemt Vist:1 township ........ ' ...... . ]~gp: Ilm·Um· city ................... . iEgl( Ilurbor twj1., incl. Al>secom Yill..

Al>secnm villaJ.te ..... ................ . Gallowaytow1rnhip .....••....•..•.... Jramil1on town1<hi11 ................ . Hammonton tn. and IImnmonton twp.

(co"xtensi\·e). Jlf1111ic11 township .•......••.••.....• ·weymouth towu1;hip .......•.......•.


Englowoocl f;ownsl1ip ..•••••....••••.. Franklin to1rnship ................... . llclrrington township ................ . Uohokus township .................. . ~I ... otli township ..................... . 1\li<Uancl to1rnsliip .................. .. N"'v Barhadoes twp. ancl JinrkPns:wk

Til1U:,{O (cOt~xtensiYe in 1R80). l'ulisaclo township ................... . Jlidgl~Jield townHhip ..................... . l:itlJ!BWOCHl townshi1i ................. . Raddle Hi,·er township ................ . Union township ..................... . ·washing ton township ............... .


llnss River townsl1ip ................. . lhiYPTly towni-hip ................... . Dor<ktitown twp., incl. Bordentown

eitv. Dor<lc1itnwn cit~T ................. -.. .

Durling ton twp., incl. Tinrlington cH:l. Jlnrlin!.(tou cif'.y .................... .

Chm~tnr f.ownshfp ...... --············· f~~ll'Slllr~1·1<1 township ............... . CnmnmmAon tnwm-111111 --············· D1•lmnco township .................. . Ensl hnmptnn t11wnshi1> ............... . l~Vl'Hhnm township ........................... . Florence lownship ..................... .. Li.ttln B,trl4llnrhor1nwnship ............... . LumhPrtnn township .•..•....••...... 1\f:rn,ikl1l township ..•..•...•.•.••••.. ~ [ ,.<] forcl towuship ..............•... :M11uul, L:tnml tow1!Hhip ................. .. NPW I-InnoYPI' tow1rnhip ..................... . N<~rthnmptou towrn'\l1h1 ........ -- ... .

1.>t·mlu•rton 1,wp 1 iucl. l 1 cmhe1•ton bor-ou;.d1.

l 1 l·JlllH'rtou llornngh ....................... . Ibrnlolph township~----- .................. . Hhamm1µ: tow1IHhip ........................... . Sonthnmpion tow1rnhip .................... . S11rinµiid<l township ....................... . lVmihingtun towuHhip . ..................... . 'V1·s1hnm(lton township ..•........... '\Villin~hol'ongh rowuship .................. .. Woolil1rntl towm;l1ip ....................... .

Informntiuu llH to<·.hnngw;in minor ch"il tlivisions incomploto.


Cnm1kn eit.v ......................... . 'V1ml !. ........................... .

" 2 . ................................... . a ........................... . ·i ........................... . 5. ····----------· ............... . 6 ........................... . 7 .•..•.........••...••••••.•.. 8 ...... ······················-

QPntre tov .. ·uship .............................. _ l>l'lnwnro township .................. . Glonc1~ster city .............................. . 01uuceHtcr townsllip .... _ ............... _. Uadclon tolrnHhip, ind. IIndtlonflel<l

horouj!h. Jin<lflonlielcl borough .••••.........•

Stockton.twp., hicl.lllerchnntvillo bor­ongl1.

1'Ierclrnutville borough ...•••.•••... 'Vatl'rfor1l township ......••••••.•..•. Winslow township .....•••.•.••.•.....

Cape Mn.v cit:v ........................ . lh·nnis towncihif. .....•.••••......... Lower tw1i., inc. Cape Ma.v Pointbor· 1

Oll!.(11. Cnpe May Point borough ..•..•.•••.

5, 477 1, 043 88:\ 048

1, ~:J~ J, Hll 4, ~75 I 3, G8,j

; 07 .•...... 2, ;•a7 2, 8GU l, 41H l, 27! 1, 77U 1, 40·1

717 7-ll

4, OiG 2, ~o~ 2, 570 2 0''0 4'. o7t 11 5Ul 4, 248

2. 302 3, !Jfi2 1, 1~~ 1, ;l,Jl) 3, 10-1 2, 853

2, 2G:i 810

2, 809 2, 004 2, o:J2 a, 221


1, 1 JS 2, 057 2, &14

1, 000 807 B, 128 2, 4:18 u, :!:!·1 G, 0-11

4, 21i8 7, 2:17 G, 0!10 2.~~5 1, ,,,5 2, JP4 1, 700

fifiO l, 602 l 1 52R l, f8t 1, or:o 1, 048 l, 08U 1, ?H!J 2, :!73 4,ll:IO 2, 8ti5

709 42H

], 007 2 2G!J l:fi8{)

389 715 7.13 325

0, 842 5, 817 2, G80 1, 748 a, 112

"a, 351

l, 770 1. 718 2, 8f.:O 2, 18!.I

2; fi~hJ 4, 018 2, 743

707 450

1, 140 2, 374 l, 701

009 1, 309

750 380

20, 045

In 1870, incl. in Gallow,ny 1



In 1870, incl. Egv; ll1ubor . [dty,

In 18701Jinmmonton to\\~Il incl. in Mullica twp.

In 1870, incl. ll:un1n1,nton [town.

[ensack. In 1871, from pt. of Hnck­lnl870,pt. tolticlgt1wood.

[Barl1nllorH. In ~871, from pnrl of Nmv In JSil, part to Jlli<llnncl.


In 1871, from pt. of' lluck· I . Do. Do. In 1870, fr. pt. of Frank·


In 1870, fr. part. of \Vrst-• [h:unpton.

In 1879, pt. to Ensthamp· [ton.

Mirlcllo township...................... 2, 57'1 3, 443 In 1870, incl. Ca1ie Jlfay [cit~;· Upper tuwnsilip ............ .•••.•.•.. 1, 70J 1,483


nriilgctou llit.v ................. - ..... . \Yanl 1. ........................... .

2 .•••••••...•.••.•..••••.•.••• 3 ...•. .. . ............... .

Commerdrtl townahip .•••....•.•....•. De<•rfiul<l township .•.•.•••...•••.••.. Downe township .•.•........•.•••..... Fairfil'lll township ....••.••..••.••.••• Greenwir:h townHl!i11 . ... - ................ . Hop<rn·ell township ......•.....•...... J,andi~ twp .. in el. Vinelarnl borough .. .

Vinel:uul horoug-h ..................... .. 11Innricc Iti\ .. er townahip .......... .......... . Milldll" city ........................ .

\Yard 1. ........................... . u 2 ....................................... .

3 ····-·· .....••. ····-- ••...• Stow Crellk township ................ .



8, 722 3, 78(! 2, 4UG 21 fj~7 ~' ~o;; 1, 6'13 1, (;87 31 215 l, 2-15 l,7M 0, 005 2,fJIO 2, 37.:f. 7, GOO 2, ~17 2, 8D2 2, 5ill 1, 107

0, E:!O

. . . . . . . In 1874, fr. pt. of Downe. 1,518 3, 1!~5 I In 1874, purMo Com1111•r-3, 011 [cinl. l,262 l,8:i7 7,070

2, 500 o, 101


I nclloville townsl1ip .•••••.. •. . • • • .•••. 3, 004 3, 044 I In 1871, pt. nf Worn1Ri1l11

I' •mie,Ml; in 1874, pt. to l~muk!in.

Bloomfi.,111 township.................. r., 748 4, USO I Cnl<hvu1l to";11Hhip. ....... . ........ ---· 3, 1fi7 2, 7'!.7 Ulh1tnn t ownHhi1i 1 incl. Ir~ington vill.. 2. 74~ 21 240

I!'dngton villttl(!I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 077 ••..... · [ E,~t~st <}1:.n1!~e ~a~~I_lAhip . .. . .. . . .. ... ... .. .. . .. 8, :~40 41 315 . . , F!n!1Urn townslnp_...... ••••••••••.•. 1, 017 ..... :··'In 1874, from 1it.ofB1_Jh.. Ln•mj!;Ston townslnp .•••.• .•••.. ..•.. l,40l l, 1.,7 I [nlle. l\Iilhurn 1,tr\VllHhip . .... .. . . .. .. . ..... .. .. ~' 74il j :' O?~ Mcmt C'ln1r townslnp .•.... ....••..... ,,, 1'17 2, 8:"1 . Newark cU.y .......................... '131i, fitlS 103, u;;o In 1871, pt. of "Tooclsille

\Yn;r<l 1. ........................ : ... 7,G1U ........ 1 Lannexedl> " 2............................. 8, IR7 ....... .

3 --·--·.. ....... ....... •• • ........ .. G, 572 4 ................... ···--····· ll, 7·15 5 .......... _ ............................... 51a4a

L:::::: ::::::::: ::::::: :::::1 1~:rnj

J:::::::::::::::::::::::::J ~~:!i~~ " 11 ••••••••..•••••. ····----····[ u, 140

12 ................. ••••••••• •. 12, !177 13 ..•.•••••...•...•....•......• l~, 200

:: it::::::::::::::::::::::::::::I ~:~bg Ornngccity ........................... I IB,207 0,348

W1irdl ................... ~ •••••••• a,540

:: ~::::::~::::::::::::::::·::::::! ~:~~~ SouthOmnl(otwp., incl. South Ql'nnge 3, Ull 2, 003 South 01·m11(0 village;.............. 2, 178 ••••••..

'West Omngc township............... 3, 385 2, 106


Clnyton 't.ownship .........•........... Il<'11t.lhr1l tw11., incl. Wcoclbury city ...

Wnocllmrr eity ...••..••••.•.•...... Franklin tow11Hlti11 ........................... . GlaHHlrnro' tnwuHhip ........................ . nrnenwich tnvrm;hip ....................... . lltn'I'hmn townRhiJl . .......... - ............. .. J~oµan township .......... !' .................... . 1\f:111!11a township ..•..•.•.•••••••..... J\fonroetow11Hl1i1) .............................. . 'Vashingt,on tov~·nslli.p ··-·-··--· ........ .. West Dciptfonl township ............. .

1, 081 a, HJs 2.:ms 2, 4BO 2, ORR I) 'jf)8

~· ~~L i: 70.1 l, 718 1, Rll8 11 iHiO 1, 300

3, 07-1 Jn 1878, pt. to Gfassboro'. 4, OGa In 1871, J11Lrt to 1Vc•Ht. l, oar. [Dc11tliml. 2, 188 '

, .......


Jn 1878, fr. pt. of Clayton. 21 B42 B, oas

........ 1In1877, fr. part of Wool· 1, 8071 fwkh.

. ........... In 1871, from Canufou co ..

........ no. JJo,

41,Gf.9 o, ao2 n1 c11m :J, 052 o, o:rn U, lits :1 1 7:W 4,426 4, !HG l,iiaH 1, 481 fi, :147 2, ii"27 2, LJ51

1, 718 J, U25 a. os2 2, 710 1, O:!U

In1871,part.ofWaAhing- 1 Woolwich townBltip ................. . [ton 1tnnexed.

l, 074

....... ·1 In 1871, from pl. uf Dcp_t­forcl.

3, 700 In 1877, part to Logan.

1, 480 3, 5:1~

430 2, 140 2, 158

l, 699 1, Rl2 1, 077


11 07i'i 2, 381

2olfi 2, 071 2, arm

1, 248 In 1870, incl. in 1\fi1lclle 1, 040 [township. 1, 783


n'w~~;le1ci~:. :::: :::::::: ::::::::::::: " 2 ......................................... .

3 ............................ . 4 ············--···-········--·

li~~~~.?~~;~t~,:~~~~:::::: :::::: :·~':::::~ llohoken ci!y .....•.•••.•.•..•........

·wanll ............................. . '' 2 ......................................... ..

3 ............................ . 4 ........................... ..

O, 372 3, 8B4 Formerly Bnyonuo tw11. 1, 701 1· ...... . 3,448 ....... . 1,fil7 ........ . 2, 67•11··· .. ··· 1,2-00, ._ ........... . 6, 898 4, 12!1

30, !WO I 20, 207 ri,oa3


........ . 4,450 •.•.••••

111, 0-!3 •••••••• 8,60~ ....... .

Page 28: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.



1>1INOR CIVIL mvrnIONS. I 1sso. 1s10.

lltiDSON-cuntinued. 1--Jersey city·-···· .••...••..••.•••.. -·· 120, 722 82, 546

Precinct 1, district 1. .. -•• . . . . . . . • • . 3, 489 ~· 2 " 1.H ............... a. 3,:!·18

I I iul1!iii1:1: Ii 7' 2................ 1, 080

i: ~:::::::::::::::: ~: ~~~ 2' 3...... .•••.••. .. 2, 824 3' 3 ....•. ·-········ 2,119 4' :L.................... 3,:HO 5: 3....... ........... 3, 148 o, a ....... ·-······· 1,000 7, " 3 .••••• ·••••••• •• 2, 009 8 3 .••.•..•.•••.•.. 1,402 1' " 4 ................... , a,73a 2' 4................. 3,9!}8

!~ L~~~ ~~~~~~~~~: U~~ ]~ 5 .................... 2,51()

ii' ~-::::::::::::::: ii·~~& ;1: 5...... .•.•••. ••. a: 217 5, 5 ....................... 2,4:15 1, 0...... ... . . . . • •. 4, 063 2, 6--···· .•••••. _ •. 4, O:J8 3, 6...... .......•.. 3, 2!~ 4, 6 .•••• •••••••. •. 2, 13. 5, 6 .... ;................ 2,465

0 b, " CL................... 2, fi03. "Kearney township·-····.............. 777 Nortl1 Bergrn township............... 4, 208 Union 1owi1 ................................ ,. .... 5, 840 '[; 11i11n township................... . • • . 1, 310 W1·f'l1awken township................ 1, 102 W"st Iloliokcn township.............. 5, 441


Alexandria t~wnship .•••.•.••••••••.•

TIPl11lPt1fm townAhip ................. . Clinton townHhip, incl. Clinton town ..

Clint on town .....•••.•••••........ D"l:i.warn townAhip .•..••••••....•••. East Amw.•11 township .•.••....•..... Fmnklin town•hi]i .••••.•••.•.•••.... Frend1town boroul!:lt .•••••..••••••••• High Ildclge township ......... ----·-- --·

Ilnllanil township .••••••••••••.••..•.. J~iu~!WOod ti1wnship -----···-··"······ Lamb<-rtYille city .•••••••••..•••••.••.

War<l l .••••••••••••••••••.••..•.... .. 9

3 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: r.elJanon fownship .•••••........•.••.. Raritan town•hip .....•.•..•.••.••••.. JteatliU!.!tOn tnv.JJAhip ..................... . T1·wlrnlmr~· township ...•..••..•••••.. l'uiun tOWUAhip .....•.•.•• •••••• ••.. West Amwdl township ........... ___ _



2, 830 2, 075

842 3, 002 1, 006 1, W.l8 1, 039 21 20!)

1, 886 1, ()()4 4, 1sa 1, 354 11 28L 1,M8 2, ODD 4,1~8 :I, lO:J 21108 l, 1G7 1, o:m

ChambPrfibnr~ borough awl Clmm- j 51 437

974 3, 032 4, ij.jl)

0, 737 507

4, 132

4, 253

2, 211 3, 919

785 2, 950 1, 802 1, 342


l, 042 3, 842

3, 561 3, 034 3, OiO "W)7 1: 051 4, 872

bend1urg twp. (f~acxti·nsin•}. I :East 'Vindsor towm;hip, ind. Rights- 1 2, 271 2, 383

tuv.Lt l)orou:,rb. [ Ilightstown borough ................. _,_ 1,35:)

:Ewiug township......................... 2,41~ Hamilton townsl1ip ·····-···· ......... 3, :J71l llop1,wdl townRhir• ·--···· •••••• .••••• 4, 41J~ J,;1wrm01; fownship . . . • . • . .• . . . H, li·I J•rinc•·tnn town;;hip, Incl. P1inceton 4, 348

1, 347 2,477 fi,41i 4, ~70 ~J »11 3; 98u

ttt~ron!!h. [ Prlncf·t1!n borough .................. .........

1 3, 200 2, 708

Trr·ntrm r1ty.... ... . •. . . • . . • •.. • .• ••• . 29 OHi "" 8i4

w: i ·:::.:.·· )·: .. ::·::::rn·: ~ i rn::: Wa•liindt~;.·t.;;;;.~i1ij;:::: ::::::::: :: : ~' ~~i



In 1873, Groenville town- I (ship annexed.

In 1870, Union twp. Inl870, incl. Union town.

In 1870, part to Hollancl; in 1870, inl'.1'. :French­town borough.

In 1871, part to High [Bridge.

[clria township. In 1870, incl. in Aloxan­In 1871, fr. pts. of Clinton

an<l Ltibnnon. In 1870, from pt. of Alox­

[nmlrla. In 1870, incl. in West Am­


In 1871, part to High [Brillgo.

In 1870, inrluiling Lam-berLYille city. I

In 1872, from pt. of Ham- :



Maclison township .......•.•.•.••..••. :Monroe township ...••..........••.... Nuw Brunswick ciLy ...•.•.••..•..•...

"'ar<l l ................... · · · · ·••••· u 2 ---------··-·······-····----· " a ............................... . II 4 ·•·••••••••••••••••••••·••••• " 5 ................................ . " 6 ············ ....... ····· ....... .

North Brunswick towuship ..•........ Perth Amlm.r city mu! Perth Amboy

township (1ioexLtmsiYll). Piscataway t,owmihip ············-···· Harit.nn towmd1ip ...................... . SayreYillo township ......... ·--······· South Amboy township ...•.•.•••.••.. South Ilrunswi11k township .....••.••. Wooclbriclge township ....••..•..••••.


Atlantic township .....•...•...•.••.•. Eatontown towm-ihip . .................. . F1w•hol!l twp., incl. Freehold town ... .

Frenhohl town ......................... . Ilolmili·l township ...•....•..••...••. Howell township ..........•..•.•••.•• Mnnnlnpnn township ...•. ····-· .•.•.. 1\ln.rlborongh towm:il1ip ...................... . l\fatnwun township ................• _. Miflilletown township .•••••••..•••..• :h1illstonu townHhip .....•.•••..••... - . Neptune township .•.••......•.•..••.• Ocean twp., inul. Long Branch vHlrtge.

Long Branch ylJl"go .••••••......••. J!aritnn towushi\• ··-·············-···· Shrewslmry township .•••••.••..••.•• Upper ]'r11iihold township----········· "\Vall township ....................... .


Boonton twp., incl. lloonton villngo ••. Boonton village ...................... u ...... .

Clmtham township ...........•....•.•. Chcstc:r township ................... . llnnover township ........................ ~ ..... . Jofforsou town•hhi ..••••..•••••••••.. Mendham township ...............••. Morris twp., incl. :hforrlstown town .. .

MorriKt11wn town .................. .. Monnt Olim township ....••.•••••••.. Mountvilhi townshi1i ....•......••..... l'>rnsn!n 1 own ship .••...••••..•...••. Pequannock township .....•...••...•. Randolph township, incl. Dover town.

DoYcrtown ........•.............••. Uoclrn.wa.y tmvnship .......................... . Roxlnn-.v "tcnrnship .••••..•.•.•..•.••• ·washington township ..•..•.••.•••.•.


Berkley township .................. .. Brick township ..•...•..••••....... _ .. DoYlW town~hip ............................... . Eap;l!·swoocl townshi11 .•.•.••••••.•••.. Jackson townHhip .•.... ·--··· .••.•••. Lacey townslnp ......•••..••••.. ····-·

l\fauchcstt1r townsl1ip .......... .' .•.••• Ocl·nn townHhip .................. ............ . Pln wste!l township ..... _ ..•••••.•.•.. Stafford to,vmdlip ............•... ..... Union township .••••.••.....•• , ..•.•.

PASSAIC. ilton.


.i\.~,qmir.lmnonek to~nship .••.••...••• L1ttfo Falls townslnp .........•••..••.

I ·¥:mc~Wti~er tow1uihip ·:.········ ....... . l nss:i1c city ..........•............•...

In 1872, part to Cham- B:et:tion "tlistriut No. 1. ............ . [lle1·sburg. " •1

11 I)

u 3 :::::::::::::: Pat11rso11 city .••.•••...•.......•...•.•

'Varel 1. ·-···· .......•..••..• · ...•• II 2 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

3 ...•.••... ····••··•···••·••··

" ~ ::::::: ~::::: ::::: ::::::::::· 6 ..••••••••••••.•.•••••.•..••.

" 7 ..................................... . " 8 ................................ .

Pompton township ..•.......•••.••... "\Vnyno townsbi1i ..........••.•...•... West Milford township .••....•....•..


We;it Win1laortownRhip •.••.•.•••••.. , 1:3UO u~~

~1:1'.nhf'B.rry Uiwnship .................. [ 1 f>OO I In!87' fr pts oflfonroe .~lsinlwl.1; townsisp ·1···1 ······1··· ..•••• ....... t runsw1ck t.own•hi"p ••.•••••••.• "• 27, ··~· 8· 6· 1·· [

1-8, • · · . ower oways rce r :owns up •.••.

" " "• " "· am outh Brunswick. 1 Lower Penn's N eek township .. , ..... .

1880. 1870. REMAltKS.

1, 002 3, 017

17, mo 2, 7:111 3, 000 2, Ol:l l, 070 4, 014 4, 20li 1, ~51 4, 808

~: ~~~ 1, !130 3 Ol8 2: 803 4, uoo

1, 743 2, C: 1!3 4,,i!ll2 2, 4a-J 1, 57.i> a, au 2, 175 2, JD:J 2, 000 o,mm 2, o~o •l, 187 o, 027 3, 8:13 3, BDl 0, 526 3, 236 3, 820

2, 682 2, 277 4, 270 2, BB7 4, 1:18 1, 7fl2 1, 520 0, 887 fi,418 1, 082 I, 270 1, 800 2,:!:m 7, 700 2, 058 7, HOU 2, 1:10 2, 081

683 2, 000 2, •l:lO

502 1, 803


11 or)7 •lH4

l, GOL 1, 008 1, 02•1

1, 781 1, 40-1 11 filll 61 532 1, 771 2. 551 •) ''10 ni: ()31 fi, 270 fi, 782 7, (115 5, 051 7, 055 4, 140 5, om 0, :JOO 2, 251 1, 767 2, uOl

"70. 1, 3i:l 1, 334

1, 634 3, 2!ii1

15, U58

1, 124 2, 801

2, 757 3, 400

. "4; 5~5. a, 770 B,717

1, 713

4, 231

1, 415 3, an 2, 21'0 2, 231 2, 8:JO 4, 039 2, 087

0, 180

""ii,«i.i:i" 5, 440 3, 0•10 2, 071


n,7Hi 1, 74:! n, n2a 1,4:1ll l, n1a n, n1j1

l, 403 1, 024 1, r,3,~ fi, 111

. ·(;;~45 a, a20 2, 48•1


1, 102

. "i; 000. l,fil·I 1, 023


In 1872, pt. to CmnlJorry.

[Am hoy. In 1870, frnm ~t. ol' Hou1h In 1870, pt. to ,·,1yr<'v1llt1. In 1872, iit. to Umnl>orry.

In 1873, fr. pt A. of Occnn [nnd ShrowHhury.

Tn 1870, fr.11t. of Oe~m1. In 1873,11t. to !Gnfonlown;

[in 1870, pl. to N 11vtnnn.

Inl873, pt. to lC1\tontow11.

Iu 18711 from pt. of Ilox• [lnll',Y•

In 1871, p1lt't to 1\fnnnt [Ollv".

In :187ti, !~"}Iii. of Dovc11•. [187:i, pt.. to .llt•rkl11y,

In 1871, pt. to I,n1111.v 1 In .ln 187'J., lr. vt. of Ht·11il\1r1l.

Jn 1871, fr. Jl(fl. of IloVl'l' nncl Union; in 1870, pL. to Oconn.

In 1870, f1•. pl'H. of T,1rnny (nml Union.

Iu 1874,pl;. to gl~l-(lnswornl. In 1871, pt. to .LOCll\y I In

1870, pa1·t to Ocrn111.

l, •18:J Ju 1878, part to Qnluton, 1,472

' t 1£ i~:

! I I·


I j1 !


Page 29: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.





Mnnnington township .••••.••••...... l'i!Psgro''O township ..••••... __ ... ___ _ Pit.tsgl'ovn towm1hip ................. . Qumton township, incl. So,lem city .•..

S1¥~~~t ";~t~;.;l:::::::::::::::::::::::: \Vest wnrcl ...................... .

Up1H1r AllowttyR Crock townshiri .. _ •. Upper Pl!lu1's Nock township ........ . Upper Pittsgrove township ........ _ ..


Beclmhrntor township .. _ ............. . lh1r11111·tl's township ... _ ••••••••..... _. l~mnchburµ; towirnhir . _ ............ . Brlclgc1wntm· twr1., incl. SomUl'villo vill

Sonw.~·Yilln villnp;~ ................. . Frnnklm township •.....•....• _ •. __ .. llillHliorough township ............ _ •. '.Monf;gomery township ............. .. Ncll't.h l'lninftclcl township .•.•.••..•.. 'Wt1rnm towushi11 .• , ..... - .......... .

lnl'ornrnHon us to chn.llO"<~R in minor civil clivisions inomn]iloto,

sussiex. .Anclover township .................. . . llymm township ..................... . .l'rnnkliirc1 township ................. . Greeno towm~hlp .. ~ ..... - ----- --- ........ . Tinm11ton towirnhip .................. . Hn~·c\~·Htun tuw1rnhip ................ . J,nJ11,n1ttll townHhi!l ....••..••...... _ •. l\fontngnn towimhip ··-·----·······-·· Newton town nncl Newton township

(C.'Ollxtoush·<~). Rnntl~·stou tnwna\Jip ................. . R1rnr(,1t tuw1rnhip .................. .. RtillwntPr township ................. .. Vernon tuwnRhtp ............................ ". '\Ynll1111ck township ........ __ ......... . ·w1mtngu township ...••..•••..•...••.

UNION. Olnrk tow11Hhip ...................... . Crnni'onl tuwirnhip .•.•••....•.. __ . _.

1880. 1870.

2, 230 3, 41!7 1, 7i8 6,440

u, 050 2,488 2,5G8 1, 017 a. 301 2, 073

1, 812 I} {1')1)

1: BlO 7, UU7 B, 10:1 3, Hl8 B, 248 1, U28 B, 217 1, 204

l, 150 1, ,JOG 1, 082

727 80ii

2. 04fi 781

1, 0~2 2, 513

1, 105 2, 274 1, 502 1, 811

57n 3, 301

3;,3 1, 184

2, 351 B, n~r; 1, 007


a, or.2 ll,178 2, 087

1, 881 2, 300 1, ~5l r., 883 2, ~30 3, 012 3, 443 2, 000


1, 12ti l '!'!'' 1: 770

808 1, OilH 1, 008

88,J D3J

2, 40:1

1, 230 2, 032 1, 032 1, 070

047 s, oao



In 1873, pnrt to Quinton.

In 1873, fr. pts. of Man­nington nncl Lower and Upp or .A.llowo.ys Crook.

In 1873, part to Quinton.

In 1871, pt. to Crnnford. In 1871, fr. pts. of Clark,

J..,imlen, Kpr1ng-fh~ltl, Unlou, mul \V cstfield.



·Elizabeth city ...................... .. · '\V:ml 1 ........................... ..

" 2 ...................................... . II 3 •. • •. • • • • - • • • •,. • - . • •.• • • ••. • • • " 4 ......................... - .. .

,, ~::::::: ~::: :: : :: ~: :: : : ::::::: ,, 7. -- ..... - - -- . -- ·----·· ......... . II 8 ......... ...................... .

F.anwoml towrnil1i11 ..................... . Lin1l1•ntownship .................... . New Provitlencu t<nvnship -··----·-··· l'folnlldcl city·--···-----·---·------··

m;~;~'iY t:~::::: :: ::::·.::::::: :::: :: : II 2 ....... •••••••"••-···••••••••• " 3 ....... - .................. ------· II 4 •••••••··· ...... ··•········••

Springfield town :me! Sprinirft!'lil town· ship (coextensive in 1880).

Summit township .................... . Union township ..................... . '\Vestfield township .................. .


.All!'much;v townAh_ip .••... _. _ •••..... lllmrstown townslnp ................ .. Frituklin townshir>- .. -··---· ......... . li'rdinghu~sen township ............. . G1·rn~11wieh township .................... . lln.clH:>t,tHtown town·······------····· Ha.rel wick townAl1ip ................. . II armony to1~nsllip .......... _ ....... . H'JJO townslnp ...................... . In ependenco town-hip ............. . E:nowlton towrrnhip ................ .. Lap:1tcong township ................. . M1msfielll townsl1 IJ1 ................ . O:xfor<l township, incl. Belvidere town.

Ildviilere tO\Vll ................... .. Pa\lfl!JnmTy to~vnsbip ................ . Plnlhpshurg city ................... .

'\Vnr1l l ........................... .. II 2 ...... , ... , ...................... . " 3 --···-· .... ···--- -----· ....... .

ton hm·onc:h.

I Wns;:inito~-io,:;,;~i1ip; ;;,~i." wa';1;i1;g:.

'\V nshington iiorough ............. _.

,1880. 1870.

28, 22D 20, 832 51 327 5, 280 a. ooo 1, 9~4 fl. a~o 2, lCf> 1,8~0 •. ··-···


2, 40:1


.. ... . . . [flelcl nnd WPstfi,,Jrl. 1, 107 ....... ·I In 18i8, fr. pts. of I>Jnin-1, m 1, ~g2 ' !Ii 1871, pt. to Cmuforcl.

8, 125 5, 00:> In 1878, pt. ,of Plainflr.Jd 0, ~~? I O, ~58 (twp. mmcxt~tl. l,"12 ....... . 1,4!!6 1-- ... . 2, ~~* ! _______ _ 1,.J,}OJ

844 770 In 1871, pt. to Cmnforcl.

1, 910 1, 176 2, 41~ 2, 814 In 1871, pt. to Cranford. 2, 210 2, 753 In 1871, pt. to Cr:tnfurd;

648 1,458 1, f,2~ 1, 0~2 2, 5:-l-1-2t 502

58'1 1, :!511 l1f.ifjf) 1, 018 1, 470 1, ii91 l 1 7tlD o, $07 1, 773

418 7, 181 1,1m 11 ~~45 2, 22l l, BG2 H, 5U4

2, 142

1, 379 1, '1:i5 1, 113 2,587 2, 202

638 1,405 1,542 1, 7fi0 1,-0m 1, 150 1, 907 4, s:i.i I, SR2

405 5, 032

4, 040

1, 880

inl878, pt. tn 1'':tnwoou.

In 1873, from pt. of Inclc­[pc•ntll'nce.

In1873, pt, to.A.l111muchy.

NOTE.-Tlrn following uninl'orpomtcil places havo been retnrne<l sc1u11·ntely by tho ennmerntors. Tho list is not by any means corn1ilete, ?S Ylll';I' nmny ennmm·n.t:orH have fo,ilcd to sept1mto such liodies of 11orrnlation. The Jiopulation of these place's has, of course, been inclndccl rn t.lw townHhipH in which 1;hey 1tre res11ectivcly situated. 'l'ho figures can he considered as only approximato, as the limits of such iilaces aro uot Hharply defined . =----·cc·==== ...... -------==-=~=======:====;=========;================

N amo of pla~e.

Anon ................. .. .A.llimtown ............. . A llow1t,vMown ........ .. ArnlnrHon .. ............... . J\1ulovt•r .................... . Annarnlnlci ............. . J\ 1·1ingtun ............... . Al'lwytowll. .............. . A8hm·y .............. _ •. AHhlll'~'- .............. .. ,\Rh,m·.v Park ......... .. Ats1011 ................. . .AttfotL --···· .......... . A11hum ............... . lln.ptiAtml'll .......... - .. llnrhertuwn ........... . Jlnl'ltllj!Rf; .............. . Bnrnshoro' ............... . llirnkinp: lliclgo ••••.•.•.. Dntosv1l10 .............. . Jlenoh Glc>n ............ . Jlr,cltuinstet· .....••..•••. llollu l'lnin ............ .. llonnutt's Mills .•••..••. Bllrkloy ................ . ]lcirlin ................. . Jfornul'(lBvU!o ..••••..•••. Jlovm·ly. .. ........ .. Jliclcll111s Islancls ........ . llioomington .• - ••••• - - - . llloonrnlmry ........... . Bogotn. ........................ . llonuilhrook .......... .. llmnclrvlllo .......... - .. llmnellJ>ort .•••••...•••. llr.ick 1 oicso ......... - .. Brioksl.Joro' ........... ..

Township. County.

Chntbnm • • •• .. . . ... • • }.forris ............. .. UJl]ll\r F1'l1eho1<1 ..... Monmouth ......... .. llpJH•r.Allowaiys Crock Hnl"m ............... . JvLmeill'hl .• .' .......... \Vni'l'en .............. . Andover ................... ~usat·~x: .... ~ .. ···--···-· Clinton ............... lluntenlon ..••.••••.•• K1,111·11oy.............. II nelson ............. . Now Hanover .. . . • • • • ll nr!ington .......... . IJognn ··--········· ...... GlonceR!ot' ............... . l•'rnnklin .............. '\Tarrm ............. . N1•ptunn .............. Monmouth ..•..•••••• Shamong ...................... Ih1r1in~ton ............... . ·wntmfor11 ........... Cnmden ............. . l!pper l'eim'sNeck •. Salem .............. .. l\.lngwootl .............. IIunterclon ······-·····

clo .................... clo .. ~ .............. . Union ................ Ocenn ............... . Mn11tu·1 ............... O\nucester ........... . Ile1·natd1s . ................. Homor~eh ................ ... Jllllr1w1u't1 ............. Cnm11on ............. . Rocknwriy ........ - - . . :Uol1'is ........... -... Bethniushn· .. -· .......... ·Sonrnl'set .. .............. . l\fanrico ltfrer .. - ..... Cumlierlancl ........ .. ,JttckAon .............. Ocenn ............... . Gnwnwinh...... ........ Glonoester ...... ,.. ·--~ .. .. ·wntcrJonl ............ Camden ............ .. Jlm·n11rcl's ............. Somcr~et ............ . Jleverly ............... Durlington ......... .. ]lor1lentown .............. do ................ . Frnnl!Iin .. _.......... Sonwrsct ........ - .••. Botl1lehmn ............ Iluntorclon ••..•••.••. Riclgofiel!1 ............ lll1rgcn ............ __ , Dritlµ:ewntor._ .......... Souwr~et ········H··· Jlrm1kfurcl ............ Snssox ......... ---·-·· Ocean .••••.. _........ Mnmnouth .......... - . Mmllng-ue . .............. Sussex ................... . Maurice H!ver ........ Curulierlund ......... .


270 1, 010

584 07

304 370 777

64 115 08

1, 040 04

1sa 208 112

40 015 182 305 114 1!15 140 109

01 182 385 147

1, 7~~ 67l fi85 145 034 405 201 84


Namo of place. Township. County.

Bri<lgoboro'. ............ Delranco ............. Burlington ..••....••• Bric\J!epo1t ............. L1,1~.~1,nnr1,:n·--.· •• ·.·-·.·.·.--.. ·.-.·.· Glouce•ter ........... . llronclw1ty ...•.••• ...... ~ 'Vnrrt!n ............. . Ilroukh n . , ..... ___ .... .... l.Ionroo ........... - . . . Gloucr.stcr ............. . l~rooksiilo .............. Ml'Illlbnm ............ l\Ionis .............. .. Bnrrsvillo .............. Ilifok .............. Oci•nn ............... . l3urt'M Cr('(~k........ ...... SayrP\ille ~-·······--· l.Iithllesc1x: ............. . Capo Mny Court House. Micl1llo •••• ......... C:apc May .......... .. Cnrlo.tnclt ............... Lo1li .................. BL'rrren .............. . Cn"s'•ill11, ............... 1 ·Tndrnon .............. Ocean .............. .. C1•cl11rvi110 ............. FairfiL-11! ............. C11mbcrlnnd ......... . Crutrc1on ..................... Pitts,l!rm·A ............. Rnlem ................ . Centrmillo ........... ..... .. IfotHlingfon . ............ HunterUon ............ . GhnpPlHill ............ Mi<111ll'lnwu ......... lllonmonth ........... . Chm·lcston Spring...... Millstone. . ........... tlo ............... .. Clrnrlottehurg . ___ .•• • • . '\V!'st. Milfol'll........ Passnic .............. . Chatham.............. Olrnthnm ....... --·-·- Motris ............... . Che~ryville ..... ....... Frnnkliu. ·····-····· lluntcr<lon .......... . Chest{,. ............... Clwsfor.............. llforris ............. _._ Clww'RLnn<ling ........ GlouCl·StL·T ................. Cmmlcn ................. .. CJnrlrnboro' .................. Grl·cuwich ............... Gloucr.stPt" ....... - ..... ~ .. Clnrkslmrg •• . . . . ... •• . 1Iillstoue... ... •• • . •• . 1\ionmouth ........... . Glnysvillo .................. Mannington ................ Salem .................... . Cln,·ton ................. Clayton ......... Glonoester ••••••••.. --Clover Hill ............ - liillsborong;h .. • ...... Somerset •.••.•••..••• Colo's Jliill ............. Monroe ........ _ ••.••. Gloucester .••••.•••••• Colesvilll\ ............... ·wautago .......... ~-- Sussex .• - ... ----·---·· Collinsville·····------·· Morris· ................ Munis .............. .. Colt's Neck ............. Atlnnt.ic .............. Monmouth .••••••.•••• Columbus ............... Mansfield ............. Bm·llngton ........... . Cookstown ............. NmvHanover ....... _ .... .rlo ............... .. Cooksville .............. Greenwich ............ Wnrrcn .............. . Coyiesvillc ............. Hi<lirefielcl ............ Bergen ..•••...•..•••. Cramer's Hill ........... Stockton ............. Camden ............. . Crcssldll ................ Palisade .............. Berg1•n ···-·······----Cross Keys·····•,•·-'--· J\1onroo .............. Gloucester ........... . Crosawicks ............. Chesterfield .......... Burlington .......... .


400 441 203 HO lk7 201 202 570

1, OtiO 1:!3

1, 077 125

U4 ~18 09

151 W8 no

705 3-10 180 106 281

1,483 24

142 90

129 123 547 lUO 00

42i cri

333 127 351

Page 30: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.



N:ime of Ji face. County. Township.

I ropt;h1.


·--------1-------~1-------~ 1----------1---------1-------~ Township.

Cmulu1rluml .............. l.frrurico River ......... Cumborlund ........... . ]h·d~"rtown ............... \Y:mt:1~e ............... S1u1sex ............. 7 •••

]l• ... •l'li1·l1l ............... 1· 1Jenfie.l1l ............. Cnmherlaml ....... .. J>i·him·u .................... Jh•y1·1·ly ................. I~urlingto11 ........... .

: n:~~g:ri;.:: ::::: :::::::: ~~~:t:1':;:~~ :::::: :::::: -:~~·:;::::::: ::::::: ::: : JHvidiU!.!' Cl'eek ......••• j l>own_c - :··· ·••·· .•. enmberland d•••··-·· lJH:du~!itl.'r ............... ' Al:1uncu R1"Vcr ........... do ..................... . ])J"uJi1·s,·illo ............. ) H!1xlmrr ·-·-··-······ l\I~n'l'is ................... . !Juw·Jkn ................. ! !>JH<'at!n>.-·ny ............. :M1tl1lle?iex ................ . lJ\'•·r'" Crc"k ........... [ .:illd11l<J ........ ., ..... C.ip<> l\Iay .......... .. }::rnr {~m111len ................


. Stoditon .................... Cmrnhm ................... . J;;i>t Jfrrnmm1t-011.... ... Mullie~...... ......... Atlantic· ............. . ]fast 1iillston~ .............. .F1·uuklin ................. Somerset .................. . J~:1st N•:W Urunswick ... narltnn ········•····· ~1ii\tlll'BC.X. .............. . }~:1dt l:aH~ai!~ ............. I· ~iuldfo. Hivcr ............. l3o~gen ....................... . l:.a:;t 81mmat ...................

1 8nmn11L .................. Union ..................... .

E:itoniown ................ I J~atoutff\Vn .................. l!omnm1f,b ................ . E1!Q'L'lrater .................... Jkn:1·ly ................... JJu!'lington .................. . J~d.inJ1111·glt ................. l ............... hlnnmnuth .......... .- .. . I~ 1 fo;hrir•" .................... I lldaware .................. f)amclen .................... . 1'JJ',;1lale ................ I Now Jfanowr ......... llul'!ington .......... .

m::';;;;,i: ::: :::::: :::::::1 ~i~ilrc,~'-'~~:::::::·:::: ~i\~,i::t.J~·:: :::::::::::: }}.-,·sh<JT'o' ................. 1 En·HJiam ............... Burlington ............... . J~win!.(HNcck ............ Mnurict~ River ........ Uumhorltmtl ........... . l'airtfd1l ............... [ "Twulhritlge .......... llfiil<lles1•x .......... .. I~airtlm ....................... , ;Ifairiil~ltl ................. Cnnibcrhuul .............. . J.':tirview .. ..- ............. 1 H icltwfiel11 ............. -- . Ber:rcn ................... . J.'air \'bw .............. 1 :\fi<ltllt•town .......... Monmouth .......... .. J.'arminµ:tlafo ............ l Ifowdl ................... <Io ............... .. l'i1~l1l:>Luruugh ............ j lfol'tlt·ntown ............. Bm·lingtou .............. . }'btto. .. ..............


. Pnli"od11 •. '. ........... l\e1·gen ............. .. Tlt·min1.!ton ................ Hnritan ..................... Hunterdon .................. . J.'ul't L~~~ _ .....................


Hiclgdidll ................. -1 llltrgen ..................... . }'rr:mlilin Fnn1act~---···· HanlvHton .................. Sussex ................... . flt·nrgdown .............. 1 Ma11Rn1~1fl ................... Bmlington ................ . {_}1rmau Valley ............ I '\\"'nHhin~rtou ................ Mm·ris .................. . HihlmlJlfro1

.. _ ........ _ ....... _ _.I 1\,..att~rfurtl . .... .. .. .. . .. . • ... Camden ................ . Gosh"n ................ / 1U.l<llu ................ Cape llfay .......... .. (.i-nwn Creck .............. 1


.... do ............................. tlo ................... . Ur1·enville .............. I!oekaway ............ Mm·rls ............... . Grm·nvilh~ .................... \ U-ret~rw ~ ................ Sussl•x ... •••H••····· Grn£~rn-;·ich ................... ; Gn•enwiclt ................ Cmuherland ........... . U:iJ1,1fon ................ ' 1\f::nclicster ........... Passaic ............. .. JI:unhnrg .................. j llard_vston ....... , .... 811Hst~x ...................... . ~Iamil1011 R•lnare ............ ! Hmnilton ............... !frrcer ................. .. Hurri~oll\'illc ................ .\ JI.nrriimn ...................... Gloucester ............ . HeiKl1·1Till<'- .~ .......... , 1l:rnriee River ........ Cnmberlaml ........ .. lfrrl11·1·1xill" ............ Ildck ................. Ocean ............... .. lli~hlat1tl$ of Nnvesink · :\!iddMown ........... 1\fomnouth ........... . Hilton ......................... -'. Srmth Oraugo ........... E:-isex .......................... . ll11m<'sle:11h·ille ......... : ll<·la ware . .. .. . . . •. • •. Cmnden .............. . 1I11J11'. .. .............. : lfopc ................. ·warren ............. .. llt1J""""ll ..............

1 llopewcll . .. .. . • ... . •. llfcrccr .............. .

Ilurfi\·iUc ..• :···········i 'Yn!ihingtuu .............. CHuuccster ................ . lluyh·r I,q-nt111.1g ---·---·i Palumdo .................... 11el'gen .,. .................. . lHlillulJie.1g;hts ............ - .... \ :po,:t·r ........................ Occnn .......... ~ ••••••. oT:1'ksonvdlr. ............ : Mpl'm;tfil>ld ............ Bm·lington ........... . ,J,wuhstown ..................... ( :Nt..1 W llauover ............. \ clo ................... . tT:m~t·tt. lmrg ................ -I MlnnyR ..................... 1 Mhldle.~sex ................. .. ,Tt.·~ler:-mn .................... , Har~1son ................. Gloucester ............. . ,T1!1111Hrin:Hlml'g ............... 1 Frc·lmghuysen ........... \Yarn•u ................. . K1

.. !I~k?~~m1l .................... 1;!1~io11l. ....................... J~ergen ....................... . u1 \\om ....................... (:rl.Jm..c.•stcr ................. Cnnulen .................... .

I..dmn<1:1 ....................... Clinton .......... ~ ........ IInntorclon .•.• ~-----·· fa,uJ,o;nllc .......... .... llfi1ltllctnwn . . .. . .. . .. ll!onmouth .......... .. IJ1·C·:il.nirµ:; .. .. .. .. • . .. .. . ..... .. .. .. 1-f nurice Ith· er .. _......... Cum berlancl .............. . L~'oma: .. ;. -~ ................. I!idg-1~iichl ................. Dt!I'gt~n .................... . I~!lu·rty Corner ......... u ..... BL•rnanl'e .................. Some1set ................. . J.rn~len .............................. Linden ........... . Union

ti:\l:'.1~;;;1:·:. :: :::::::::: ! ~:~;f.~,~'.;'1. ::: : : : :::::: fi:~f;;~ :_~:_:_:_:_:_::_:·::::: j:'\~town .............. 1 Ilcl~1mm ............. Rnntmdon ........... .

"' 1 ................ 1

Lo1h ......... ,... ... Bet•g<>n J .. · 1 11~ E1·:ich .................. En;.dt•s-wood ............. Occiill ••••••·••· ..... ..

{'.::;~::::: ari~::~~-i~~J~:::::::i no:i.~"'.wo.y :::::::::::: ~".i'~is:::::::::::::::: 1-~~;u1~_1.~~;t11n .................... i I~urnlJertou ................ nurlingr.on ............ ..

f'."Ji~~~U'.'.: :: ::: : ::: : :::1 l~);~\\~,~;~~ .'.".".'.".".".': ::. -~".j'~is:::::: :::::::: :: :J·tl~ ~~mV"11le ................ I J~i·rwtr~l :J ......... ---· Somerset ................ . l? ·:,r...·~ "":·-··- .... • .. u••J I~ran,khn .................. Gloucester ............. .

fon,;Jmwkm ........... ! Htatlorcl ............... Oeean ................ . :!11:'111 lu'"!«r .............. .!\fnnclir·ster.......... do ................ . 'l1I.q1lcwr•11l .............


8rmtlt <_Jrangtl. ........ Essex :Mm·kf.ihoro· ··••u ........ Frdinglm:rscn........... \Vnr;·p~·-···--········ i}:~~·~\~.~; ...................... I~vt•sharn: .............. Bnrlingt-~1~~:::::::::::

• ". 'n ............... , .!\fatawan ............ \ Moumouth . ~~an~·lf1·~·tnv;.·p ··-········1 (~t1tntnt!I'Cial ................ Cumlwrhud ............. . - ay ~ ,.,amlmg .......... llmnilt.on ................. Atlantic. .. ............ . :?lfayv1llr• ............... « .!\lid11ln • (J1 ' M ; ........... .. M·dmniesvme ........ ! 1:1•a1li11~t~ii"'••ooooooo n:re. 'P"'"'"" ... .. :hli·"1ian~e1wille .......... ! Glum~t·sf(:l' .::::::::::: Va nt1c;< on ......... ··-··· ~frd1.umrsville ! .-;.:-...• "ll .. m( en ................. . :!II .. 1lfnnl .......... i ... t.llL\l e ............. Mul1llcsex .......... .. M l ··•• ...... ••·· .. i :llt:<lfnril • • .... · ... .. l!urlington ~;-nf han1 ............... , llfrn1lham ............ llfori·i• ........... . ~u 1 ·r11kn .................... 1 nuekawn.y .


1 ---~·--------··· Mi·vrr:·n·nlf.. , 1, .. , • ................. ····' o ........................ . liil-klPtuu . ::::~::::::::! n·:.~~:111

1~.i~h ·-·· · · · · · ·· · 1 • ·; .Uo · ·- ~· · · ........ · •· · :!lli1l1lklill,,h ............ ' Fr·mkliu ............

1 ~loncester .......... ..

'".\ii111ll~·tiw.-u f M:lll ................. 1 ~ nmerset ................. . M··.1 ll ............... , , u' eto\vn ............. I Jiionmouth ~·' do\\11 ............... \ J:oe1rnwri,y J\:Ic . ·· ··•·•••·•••·

1tl:1l1.ll1· \·;ilh·~· ......... 1 Wrrnliind<>;;·-- ....... 1 ']118"·"--· ........ .

lhlliu~tHn .......... ,. ....... ; Pn~t;:tic ~-- ... : ::: : : : : :~i::: .d~ :.: :::.:: ::: :: ::::~

County. Name of plttce.

212 Millstone ............... Uillshc1roug-lt ... . ..... Somt•rsPt ........... .. 370 J\[omnoutlt Beach....... 0<1erlll-................ J\1onmontlt ........... .

Jg~ ~~~~~t~;i~;"ViU~~~:: :: : :: . ~~:~·;;;~.-:::::::::::::: {~~:~·!:~ig~(~1•1::::::.::: ·.: lll4 ]\fount Hope............ I:nck11w:iy ... . .. . .. .. . llfonis....... .. .... .. 384 Mount Salem........... W:mtngo .. . . ... . . .. • . SuHsex ............. .. 101 :MnUicn Hill ........... Hnnison .............. .......... .. 677 Nupokom·illo ........... l\lillstnne ............. Momnontlt .......... .. 320 Navesink ............... Mi<ltlletown ............... do ............... .. 2Ul Neshunic ................... llillsl.Jorow4h .............. Somet·Het .................. . 817 New Brooklyn .......... l'lscat1twtLy ........... Jlfiddlesex .......... .. 356 NewCm·lstallt ........... I.Jodi ...................... nm·1.nm .................... . 535 Now GolumlJi:i ........ J\Iullic11 ............... Atluutic ............ .. 15 New E!!ypt ............. l'lurnsted ............. Ocean ............... ..

i~~ ~~~ N~:~~~;i,i.h"::: ::::: r}J:!S{~'t~~~i.·::.:·:::: :: 1~;,·~~,;~',~:;1,-- :: : : :::::: 178 Newport ...................... ]Jow1w ................. Cnml1erlancl ............. . 2UO New Pro,pcct .......... Jach sou .............. Oco:rn ............... . fi2!1 1

1 New Vt~rnou .................. J>amuliu .................. llmris .................. . 109 Ne'Y Villngo ............ :Franklin.......... •. \\'nrrPn ............. .. 71 Nortlt llrmich ........... llr:mchhurg ........... Somnr•et ............ . 50 Ocenn GroYe....... •.•... N<·ptunfl.............. lllonmouth .......... .. 40 OcmmI.>ort .................. Eatontown ...................... do ..................... .

345 OcoanYillo .............. Gnlloway ............. Atlantic ............ .. 3~~ 8~:l::::~1Y~~- :::::: :::::: -~~~1;:~ :::::: :::::::::·. ~"~t~~:::::: ::: : :::::: 330 01<1 and Now llridgo .... Pnlis:ttle .............. Burgrn .............. . lfi4 OtthornYillo....... ...... Brick................. Occ>nn ................ . 400 Oxford .................. Oxforcl ................ "'arren .............. . 410 Pacqnnnnck ............ Wnyno ............... I'aHsaio ............. .. 100 l'nintYillo ............... Nmv Jfanovnr ......... Burlington ..••••.. , .. 882 llnlmyrn. .......... ~ .......... Cinnnmimmlt ............. tlo ........................ . 464 l'nrlrnrtown ............ llli<lclletown ......... llromuonth .......... .. 181 Pm11in:1. • ............. Frnlinghnysen ........ ·warren ............. .

1,751 ranls!Jm·o' ................... GrnmnVicli ............... Cflouecstcr ................... . 1

1424 l>erqlack ................... 13Pllmhrnter .............. Somni'ROt .................... . 790 J'edricktown ........... Upper l'enn's Neck ••. Sul<1rn ................ . 100 Pennington............ Hopewell . . .. . .. .. .. Mercer .............. . 130 l'onn's Grove....... .. 1Jp1rnr l'mm's Nock ... Salem ................ . 1713 1'crrinevllle ............. 1ihl1Btone ............. Monmouth ........... .


02. \ l'ctcr's Vnl!cy .......... Sandyston ............ H1rns<>x ............ ..

l'lmlaux ................ Atlni1tie .............. MonmoutlL .......... . 4~0 l'isN1t:1wtty.. .... . .. . . .. llnrltnn ••• .. .. • .. • • .. llliddlesr•x .......... ..

33 Pittstown ............. 1!'rnnklin .............. Hmitm·don ........... . 5l3 l'leasnnt llfills.......... Mnllioti...... .•• ... . • .. A tlrmtio ............. .. 481 rkasnnt J:1m ........... Headington ........... 1Im1tt1rdon .......... , • 412 Plucknnnn .................... Bl~llmhlHtor ................ Smn1.~1·seit ................. .. 200 Point l'leasnnt .......... Jlriok. ................ Ocmm ............... .. 100 Pompton ............... \Vnym1 ............... l'nsH>ii<I .............. . 3B8 JJort Elizabeth ............ 1\fai1rioC1 River .......... C11mhor1nrul .... _ ...... ~. 202 Port lllonmoutlt ........ llfid:Il<'!own .......... llfonmontl.J .......... .. 2·18 l'ort1Trmis ............ Hox\Jm•y .............. llfonls ............. .. 310 Port Norris ............ Cornuwrcit1l. .......... CJnmlwl'lnntl ......... . 72 Port lt<>1mlillo .......... Gn1\own,v ............ Atl:mt.lo ............. .

230 powe1'\'ille ••• .. . .. . .. .. lloolmwa,v . . . . • .... • •. llfoll'is .............. . 415 1.->reakm~s\ #:-·········· ~rn;ynu .................... l~nHHnin ............... . 180 l'.rospcct l !:ims......... 11onroo.. ... •• . • • .. . .. 11Ii<hll<mox ........... .

43 I ... :m1soy ....................... Jloho1rns .............. llor 1rt\U. ........ .. 34 ltnncocas ............... WeHt\1nm11tonancl Wil· llu11'ington .... :: :.:::: 04 1ingboru1.

123 ltnritan . .. .. .. • • ... . . .. lll'i<lgcwater..... •• .. • Somerset ........... .. 081 lhwon Rock ............ Delnwaro ............. lluntur<lon .......... .. i~~ l!i•n<lington ............. 11;entdiA111~to11 1. 1 ....... , ..... il

1o ................ .

BUS Jteavilln ........................ t.inH tuWll .......... CO······••••••• ... .

108 ~i~Xl]\~,~~~~:".~::::::::::: ~/'""tmilold .......... ~i"1·lingtj'.J1'··· ....... . B~~ llitlg;ciiPl1l ................. Jti~ll~~~·a1.~l:l': .. :::::::::: n~~~~~i~ 1~-~::~.:::::::: 473

l~!dgefioltl Pn.rk ....... ,. c o ................... no ................ . .200

h1ugocs ................. Bnst Amwoll ......... Hnntllrdon ........... . H!o Gr~nrlo .............. ll!i<l<l\o ............... Un11ollfay ........... ..

97 Rn·en-uclo ................... !~1..~lt·,ml'~- .................... llnrlington ................ . 737 Hil;orton ............... Ci11n:11umtto11 ............. do ................ .

3~~ Iton<\Htown ............. l!ope,ycll ............. Cnmllllrlnnd ......... .

20 Uobbinsvillo ............ "'ns\nng!on ......... llforf\cr ............. ..

980 11ocknwa.v ............. Houlrnway ............ Morris ............... .

tl;J lio11ky Hill ............... Montgomol';y- ............ s~m1ersot .................. . l?O'.iclle ................. Linch:n ··········---· Union .................. .

20 Jlowlan<l Ui!ls ......... J:c:~<lmgton ..... ! ..... I11111terclo11 ........... . OJa ltutherfor<l .......... :. UJ!IO!l ................ Ile1;gon .............. . 4i8 Sandy Rook... ....... ~[Hl<llo!own .......... ltfomnouth .......... .. Hl I Snyreville .............. s,n:vrm·dlo ...... ••••. lliiddlosox .••••••••••.

l, 750 I Schraate:ium·gh ......... I nlisr.d" .............. Ilergen .............. . 40 Sr,oho.Ftlle. ...... .•••• .< .............. 11101\month ........... ,

330 1

Seabright.; ............. Oe<•nn ................... do ................ . ~~~ I ~e~·ge:n!tr'1lle .......... Jlc·lriw<lro ............. Hunterdon .. . " - , 'h,u\~ Su ll .............. Ridgeilolcl ............ Jhwgen ...... ::::::::: 429 ' Shurpstown............... Pilosgrovu .. ~.... . . .. . . Salem .................... .

3~g Shiloh ........ ... • .. . • .. H(R.~::J~ll nncl Stow Cnm horlaml ......... .

1, fi~~ Sini<ac ............ ..... Wayno. , ... . . . • • .. • . . P1rns11ic ............. ..

744 ~m\tklnllg ............. Vreehol<l .•• : ........ llfonmout,h .......... .

273 Snnt. ~hf'········ ..... Ensthm111iton ..... .•• Burlington .......... ..

200 Sno']' 131 .................. Cl'111re..... . ............ Cnnuleu ...................... .

75 S~l:t i l'llDCh ........... ~iJ18borough ......... ~11111"1.Het. .......... ..

230 st"N"i' ·i .............. p:u-tn. ................ Nrneox .............. .. 805 Sn \"'' sv1 le .......... Enj!leswood ........... Ocenn .. ~ ............. . 204 stnn w1m .................... Byram ·······-········ Htrnsox ........................... .

09 f::lnliton ................. lkn<lingtoµ ........... I!nntordon ...... •• : •..

H5 si~1~\~~g".:·::.".::::::::::: i~~~~t\~:::: .......... ~:;;,1.i~sox ........... . ~l ~l)/T"~;!r1~~1.0. ::::: :::::: . ~1·;r;1:~~~1~:: :::: ::: : : : . ::·:r.~·0_1'.::::::: :: ::::::

210 1'_1 · 11 '.water ............... Stillwatm' ............ HnRRox .............. . lH Stockton ................ Il<"laware ............. Unutm·don .. ..

60 ' 8nmmit. .................... Summit ..... ..... .. Uutou · • • ..... · · 112 1 SwartHWOU<l ........... .1 Stillwater ...... ::.:::: Sussox::::::::::::::::

Popn]n,. tlon,

20:3 f>.J8

1, 407 10:1 U:J7

Bl:! H4 liiO f10li 117 lU:l 3li7

[)IJ O:J2 f>ll:J ;:i

1, Olll 70

11111 :u;o 120 021) ll8·t ma no2 21W 21U non

n,mrn 72

l•ID fi7l 240 41

?!iO 2B5 2H!J 7~:! 7·HI mi ar. 7H 87

100 {)I)

18-i li\G 708 l\l2 •Uri ;mu 21.!8 PR.> 7\l~ a:;

1. 2~1 :ll:l

3·Hi 202

2, O·lfl llO

fiO 213 liol

2, 118<(. ~:!l

7.7 20~ 2"1 777 fi8<t

71 s:1

11 Ofi2 11:12 7il7

3[) 21 ~uo

Of> 7:15 lil17

fiO B~m l:lll 4B2 UfH 205

77 Bl

2H!} 4!.W 117 ~ll~

53 077 1011'

70 lH:i fill() ~·2

117 fi77

1, Oil IH

1 \

Page 31: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.

i ... I


TABLE III.-NEW JERSEY-Continued. of pince. Township. County. I l'opula· tion. of place. Townsltip. Coiinty.

1-I'upula I tion

~---------1-------'----l----------1----ll-----------1----------1---------l---Rwo<lcs\Jorough •...••... '\Yoolwich ............ Gloncester .......••••. ~;vkeRvilltJ .............. Cli«sl11rilehl .......... Bnrliugtun .......... .. rl'unal.Joro' .................. "TinHlow ............ Camdon ............... . 'l'n.ylorAvillu ............... lU<lµ;efiehl ------·----- Bmfren ................ .

r1i~;ii~~fi~!~::: :·: :: : : : :: : : : . i>·,~{f~utl~::::~: ~ ::::::: . -~ ·!1~! . : ::::: :::· ---- --':.Phr·ou 'Bl'i<lgPs ............ RB1Hlington ............. Ilnntc>r£lon ...... ::::::: ?·:!uflo 'l'tmH............... l\:IanHfh11d. . . . . . . . • . .. .. • Bm1!ngtou .............. .

'11,!mbnr.too...... .. . .... . '\Vl'Hthnmpton ............ do ................ . ,_ 1 1tnH-\~illo ..... ........... . Jr1.1\1nwell .............. J\fl~l'cer ............... ·. 1 ownHt·111J Inlet.......... M1< <llo ............... Cape 1fav ............ . ~uclcurtc.m . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . Litt lo 'E~g Harbor.... Hurlingtiin ........ _ .. Iurni1.'irvi1h~ ............. \Vuahing,t·Jn .......... Gloucester_ ........... . U11ion1 or 8tuurp. ... . . .. . J.,npatc11i1g.... .... .. . . \Varrcn ............. . Uniontown .... .. .. .. . .. '\Voo11\Jritlgo .......... J\lid11lesex .......... .. Unlonvillo . . .• . .. .. .. .. J~aHt.h1unpton. .... ... . Burlington .......... . Unionville............. WaHhin~tnn .......... Mm·1-is .............. .. Upper Hilrnrnin... .. .. ... Iloclmway ................ !lo ............... .. Vornon .............. Vernon ............... 811ssex ... -.......... .. . Vinct,ntown .... .. .. .. .. 8011tb1unpton ......... Bnrliugtou ........... . \YnHhiu~tnn ............ ]~a~t. Ut·unswick ...... Millillcsex. ............. . \Yntm·t'or<l...... . . . .. .. W11t<;1for1l............ Cam1lcn ............ .. 'VaughrigbtsvillC\ ...... \Vnahiugtou .......... :Morris ............... .

804 Wa:vne • .. '\Vayne . .. .. .. .. ... . .. PnsHaic .............. . 120 Wt>rik-t~w~:::::: ... :::: M11llic11 ............... .atl:mtic ............. . 284 Wrnor1'1h ............... ll<•ptford .... .. . ...... Gloutcster .......... . 257 W1wtBYille .. : ........... E:ist Aunv .. n ...... .. IIunh•nlnn .......... .. 238 \V CHt Crl'l'k .. . .. .. .. .. . Eagli•swood........... nc,,1m ................ .

1, urn Wl'st. Port ~Ionmoutl.t .. Miu1l!down .......... Monmouth ........... . lUH 'VeRt, ~mnmit .... - .. ·-- Hummit, . .............. llu;nn ·-·-·· .......... . 48 W"slYillu ............... Il<>ptfurcl ............. Obueeater .......... .

108 \Vc•H[W<JOil. ............. Washinglon .......... n.,rg1·n ............. .. 219 'Ye;vrnoutlt ......... .. llnmilton ···---·----·· ..:\tl:mtic ............... . :rnu \Yliippnny...... . ... TI:movf~r ----·-~······ .Mords .................... I

1,fi:W \VhiteH011A1~Htatfon .... Hl•<ttlin•.;tou .............. IIlll1t.ert1on ............... . 1114 I• Whitn :l'.fonclow... ..... It11nlrn1\-ay ............


. M<mfa .......... .

1u;; i~lilf~,';i~~~~<;,· :::::::::. ~1":t~''..o :::::::::::: ::: .~1'a~"".'.~~~~:::::::::::: ! 8~ I '''imlso1· ................ Wm.;hmgton .............. l\f1:!rcer ................... J 57 '\Vinslow .............. Wil~slo,v .............. Camllcn ............... 1 7;;0 Woo1lhriilgo ..... ...... Loch ................ BeTJ!••n ............... !

110 1Nnrulhritlgo .............. \Voo1lbriclge ··•H••·-· :Mi<1Cllesex. ............... · G~3 I 'Voocl;tl}\\'n ............ l'ilt·H~rovc ............ Sitlr·m ... ~ ............ .

1, 081 \Vo:'t<'llll.1·lrn ............


~r:tnklin ....... -- .. llerg~n · ............. ·1' 331 Wrightstown ........... New Hanover ......... Bnt·ltn!'(ton .......... . 81 Wrightaville ... . • .... .. Stockton .... . ... .. • . Cnrutlen .............. .


92 OS

106 41

r;111 06

4fl8 170 :iuu lfll [;i;i{ :J~O

4 73

l,2!JO ]i_~j

GiO ~18 G.'3 4UO fiUO l :4 217

NEW M:EXIUO TERRITOHY. NoTJa.-As tho precincts in t.llo <lifferent conntics were not separately returned liy1he enumerators, the counties cannot be publisl1<'<1

in <lernil. '!'ho list. given below ernl.mtccs a1l the places whieh can he separately ~h·en. '!'he figures for the uniucorporateu places can J.ri consirlererl ns only approximate, as the limits of such places nre not sharply iletinecl.

Namo of plMe.. County. Population.\


2.~rg \ Name of place. I County. iPopulntion.

Al11mc<ln. ............................ Bernnllllo .................... .

11~:;:1,;~~~~~''.~ ::: ::: :::::: ::: ::::::::: : : : ::\:: . :::: :: :::::: :::::: :::::: ~t~\~:,'tu~"':~'~:::::: ::::::: :·::::::: ::::: ~1~;~n~1\W~"1.:::::: ::::::::::::: l~e1·mtllllo ................................ do ....................... .. C11fl1mf'itO . .............................. lUo Arrihn ................... . Uaiion <loJmnes ...................... Bornulillo ................... . C11flu11Lal'go ............................. SnnMiguel; ..................... . CaHn lln Sulazar ....................... ,. Bl~J·nalillo ..................... . Cm1trnl City ......................... Grant ..................... . Ulllmnllo ............................. ltio Arrih11 ................. .. (~i111a11·on. .... . . ...... ... . .. ... .... . . . . . .. . . Uolfnx ... ........................ . Cm:all<'H .............................. Jlrruulillo .................... .

8~:r,::~.~ \~'.~~I)~;~::::::::::::::::::::::: -~~1~;;,;!;I~:::::::::::::::::::: :: ~~ 2:;~.~~~.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~{i!! l\ ::::::::::::::::::: J.;Jiz1Ll,.,thtown .... . . . ... ... .... •. . • . Colfax .................... .. 1~1 Hmwhu .............................. 13t\l'utlli11o ...................... . Entlnulo ................................. Rio.Arl'il.m o•······-··-······ .b'o1t ~tnnton ........................... LhJt~ulii. ...................... . l•'ort Union .......................... llfom ...................... . (tnlistcn ............................... Sant!t}"'(\ ......................... . (Jeorget.cnvn ........................... Grnut ······"·················· G1 .. 1<l11lupo ......................... llmm1lillo ................... ..

£1~~~tt~1~:p~t.1~::: ::: :: : : :: ::: :::: :: : :: : ~~t~r~n~·t~<:i :::::: ::::::: :~:::: t;~ f~)l~1t. ::: : ~::: ::~:: :: : : ::::: ::::::: ~::~~:\'}ll~:::: :::::: ::::::: ::~ IJnH Colunins ................ ~----········ Snn l\liguel. ................. . J ... ns 'l'1·1whnH . ............................... Hio A1Til10.. ......................... . J..,n. Vl\ntuna. .............................. ~. lll•rnnlillo ............................ . J~inroln ..... .... _........................... IJincn1u ... ........................ . ].,orenzo ....... ~ .............................. Snn llliu:nel ......................... .

1:~:= ~:~i~I~~- =~: ::::::::: ::::: :: :::::: ¥~~l~~~lt~~. ::: :::::::::::::::::


.A.l\Jnny cit;v ........................ .. \Viml 1. ........................... .

2 ........................... .. 3 ........................... .. 4 ............................ .. 5 .......................... .. (j . .............. - . - ·"")· ........... . 7 .......................... . 8 .......................... .. 0 ........................... ..

10 ............................ . 11 ............................ . 12 ........................... .. rn ........................... .. 14 ............................ . 15 ........................... ..

.10 ........................... .. 17 ............................ .

00, 758 00, 422 5, 628 5, Dl5 5, 080 5,821 4, 705 4, 171 fl, 522 4, 143 4, SOD 0, 880 I~ 119 6, 03! 4, 023 4,SIJD


....... . 5, 007 ....... .. 7, 370 ...... .. 5, 867 ....... .

870 128 I

d~~ I 147 JOO 1861 200 1261 175 200 604 3U8 180 253 l:l9 228 175 400 249 118 104 500 510 JGl 428 117 347 2•!0 148 220 122 638 2iiJ 300 870

Los Ranchos......................... Bl'rnalillo.. .... • ... •. . • • ... • .. 400 Los Sirceros ......................... mo.Arriba.................... ~e;: Mrdera. ............ ............ ..... Bernalillll..................... "" J\lom .. • .. • • • • .. • .. .. • .. .. • . • .. . .. .. . J\lom . . .. .. . . .. .. .. . • .. .. .. .. . 915 Nar.imfouto ............................. Ilmw11illo...... .......................... ~~

~:~~.?,".:::::: ::::: :::::: :::~:::: :::::: ~~1Jf1~i~:':~1. :::::::: ::::: :::::: r.o l'adillns ................. : ........... Bemalille>..................... 3o0

~~~~,~~~.:: :: ::: :::::::: :::::::: :::: :: · sr.~11Ji~~~~i::::::::::::: ::::.: ~'.tf. Pena Blnnca. ... • • • . ... .. • . . • .. . • .. .. Bemalillo....... .•• • • . .. • .. .. . 50! l'inos Altos.......................... Grant......................... ~~~ I'laritns . . . . . . . . . • • . • • . . • . . . . • • . . • • . Berrn1l illo ••.••••..•••.•••..••. Plaza <1"1 Alcalde.................... Rio A.rrilm....... .... •• ..... .. 108 Pnenta .: .... ............................ <lo ....... .................. 195 Itnnchos do Atrisco....... •• • . .. . .. . . Bernalillo .................... · 740 na.vmlo .......................... ."... Colfax .. .. .. • • • .. •• • • • • .. .. • .. 72 IloinHroville ................................. San Miguel.......................... ~~ii

~~~ij!.~~~~i~co.:::: :::::: :: :: : : : :::::: 'iie~0ai1ii;;:::::: ::::::::: :::::. mo

i~~ ~~~;~~~~~~~~~ ~:~~~ ~~;~~;~~ ~~~ ~ ;; . t~~!:t~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~::~ ~~~ Santtt Cl'UZ .......................... RioAni\Ja. ..... ,.... .......... 100

~~~~~1~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ :~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~i~t;~~~~~~; ;~ ~::~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~' :: i~~

il~Jl::::::::::::::'.::::::( l~t::: : ::::::::::::: ] NEW YORK.


ALBANY-continued. •

l3.crn e town . • • . • • • .. • .. • . .. • . • • .. .. • .. 2, 616 2, 502

I Bethlelicm town...................... 3, 7a2 6, nr.o Cm~ymans town .......... ................ .... . 21 9L2


1 3, 077 Cohoes city................. ... .. .. .. . l!l, 416 15, 357

\Vn1·cl 1. ............................ 1 6, 737 / ..... .. " · 2 ............................. 3,04G ..... .. " 3 ............................. 4,320

4 ............................. 3, 180 5 ·-···· ........ -----··----~---· .11 524-

Gnilderlnml town..................... 3, 459 Knox town . .. . . ................. .. 1, 004 New SeoUaml !own..... .......... ... 8, 251 Rensselaerville town...... .. .. . . . . .. .. 2, 488 Wat~rvliet town, incl. tho following 22, 220

Tillages: Green lslan!l village .............. .. West Troy villag~ ..................

1 Westerlo town ............ _ ........... .

4, 160 8,820 2,324

3, 135 10, 693 2. 3B4


Page 32: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.



-··----=-c-.. c =================================:====c-======= :\WWI'. CIVIL DIVISIONS.


.Alfr1'<l town ........................ .. ~\llt•Il tu\\'ll ................................... . .Ah.ttato,vn .................................... . .A.humul tol\"fl ............. -----··--····· . Amit\" town, in(']. Ik~lmont village .... .

Ht·lirnmt dllu~e .............................. . .Am!on·rtcnvn ............. -----·-··· All!.:.elku town, incl. A.ngeliieayillnge ...

}}(~f A~~;:1;:;~~-~~1_1~~-~ ~:::: ~::::::::: :: : : : H1nlsall town ............................... . DnJi.,·.ar town ............................... . J~nrn~ itJ"\Yll- ................... - ......... .. Ca1k:ti It-a t<nrn ........................... . C1·11tn.•viIJl::lt11wn •••••••••••••••••••••• Cl:irkovill1.o tmrn ....... -............ .. Cu ha town, incl. Cuba Yill:tge ........ .

Culm villa,c;e .••..•.•••...........••. FJ'iend.RJ1i11tuwn .................... . Gc·n•~see ttf\\"Il ........................... .

(ir;1ngT~r1own ···-··--···---·······--· (ifll'\"f~ t(J\Yil . • • •, •••• , .................. . llnn11~ to\v11 ........................ ----·-Intll'p~~mh·nce town ..................... . NM\" 1Iml:-n11 trrwn ...................... . J!us!Jford town .......................... . 8f'iU tOii\'11 .............................. . '\\"arfl to\YD .......................... . WdJH,.iJ!., town, incl. Wdls>ille vlll ..

Wdhwillc v>lla::c .................. . \\"est _\Jn10n1l town .................. .

~~;:~~~~~~~::::::: :::::: ::::::::::::

1sso. 1s?-o.

l, fi2G 818 ~f)5

1, fili7 1, 07~

804 1, !188 1. 020

705 1, 470

8[10 1 0"0 1: 071 1, 704

950 B!i2

2, 203 1, 251 2, 1·21

074 1, 080 1, 12!i 1 905 1: 186 l,OiH 1, 4ii3 1, Gfi5

020 4,259 2, 040

F03 1,2G7 17225

], 333 17, 317

5,345 2.100 3, 903 3, 710 2, 184 2,555

373 ], fi90 3, 2118 l, 4:?0 1, !i;j5 l, 1:44 2,300 2, 129

{}!19 3,495

t75 2,073

818 2,590

737 2,184 3, 280 1,419

4, 044 1, B13 2, 171

9~3 US!

1, 299 l; 705 l,251 1, 949

748 1, 128 1, U82

072 1,312 1, ~;;o 1, 004

!107 035

1,102 l, 100

5GO S:ll

1, 545 1, rno ], 120 1, 732 G,575 3, 030 1, 111 1, 370 1, 370

f\U2 2,400

1, ij[i5 704 700

1, 080 2, 087

7!.J;'j 1, 873 1, 043

991 1,488

753 OJ9

1, 340 1, 809 1, 043

784 2,397

], fi28 8·8

l, OiiU l, OiiU 1, 020 l, 175 1, 142 1, G31i 1, (i52

745 3,71ll 2, ll:J4

709 l, 199 1,204

1, 390 -12,002

.. 2;06ii

1, 080 3, 4UO 1, 440 1,400 1, 402 2, 5:!5 2, 035 1,058 3, 240

700 l, 044

4HO 2, 538

··2;22i· 2, OiiS 1, 286

2,485 1, 801 l, 142

--··935· 1, 281 1, 207 1, Hl4 1, 833

579 l, 114 l, 55{)

J, 371 1, 041 1, 491 1, 005

872 1, 204 1, 108

""804" l, 170 1, lilii l, 174 1,487 2, GOS 1, 327 1, 028 J, 313 1, 220

581 1, 814



Randolph town, incl. Uanrlulph vil111go. Hnntlolph village .................. .

Reil llouse town _ .................... _ Snlnmunca townl incl. Safamnnc11 Yill ..

Salamanca.vii age ..................... . South Vnlle,ytown ................. .. Yorksh!ro town .................... ..

Gownml;t vil1age (in l>erain., town, Cttttamugus co., an<l Collins town, Erie county).


Anlntrn city ........................ .. Wal'1l 1. ........................... .

II 2 ......................... ,,.,,..,,.,,.. 3 ............................ . 4 ............................ . 5 ................................. .. 6 ........................... .. 7 ........................... ..

,. 8 ........................................ . 0 ............................ .

10 ............................ . Aurelius town, ino!. Cayuga yi!J11go .••

Cayuga villng11 .. .. .. .. . . .. . ...... ~rntus town, i~c], Woeds1wrtvillngo ..

·wecdsport v1ling11 ................. . Cato t~~·n, incl. :Ucriclinn village .••...

Mcmlrnn villa go .................. .. Conquesttown ....................... . 11'l1~ming town .......................... . Geuonto\vn ............................. . Im town, iucl. Onto villngo .......... ..

Cato villnp;o ........................ . Leclynl'!l town, incl. Aurow vlllnge .••.

Auror11 villngo .................... .. Locke town .......................... . Meut.z town, incl. Port Dyron vi!lnge ..

Port Tirron Yillago _ . _ ••••••..•. , ••. :Uontczum11 tu., incl. l\foutezun111 vil! ..

Moutcznnm vlllngo .... _ .•• , .....••. Moravia _tow.n, incl. Moravia villngo •..

;Moravia v1lluge ..................... . N1h•s town .......................... .. Owasco town ........................ . Scipio town._ ........................ . Sempronius town ......................... . Sennett toll'n. . . .. ... .. • .. • . .. . .... _ Spl'inm!ort, town, incl. Union S1n'inga

v1tlngn. Union Springs vil!llgll ......•.....•.

Sterling town, incl. l!'nir IIavcn villugo. Falrllaven village ................ ..

Sunmrnr llill town .................. .. Throop town ......................... . V~nice town ........................ . Victory town ............. ; ......... ..


.Arkwright town .................... .. Busti town ......................... .. Carroll town ........................ . Charlotte town . . • . .. ............. . Cl1autm!1!u11 town, incl. Mayville yilJ::

Ma,1·v1J o v1llago ............ : ...... .. Cherry Creek town ................. .. Clsmer town .•••.•.••.••......•••.••. Dunkirk city .. • . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ....

,.Il:::::::::::H:rn::;:::j Ellicott town, irn·l. .Tnmestown villngo E{.ame~town Yillllgo .••..•.....••.•••• ,'. hugton town . . ................... . (~nmch Greek tmvn .................... . ,errytown..... .. ............. ..

IInnovcrtown, incl. thofollowingvills Forest.ville Yilla"e ... Si!vel' Creek Yillnrre .... • • · ....... •

Harmony town, incCPnnn~~-~·ii1itii<i:'. K;pannnHL village ....................... . M1_nnto11e town ...................... .. p~~;~"l~~··::· .................... . Pomfret town, in~i.".F~·c~i~1ii~ ·vi1ingo .. -p l'rc1loni11 villngo ............... : .. : : Rl1lnnd town ...................... .. s' jl e.r tow11 ........................ .. sl"'l'i<lau town ..................... .. S H~rn1nn to\Vll .......................... . -Ji'Jfltton town ................ ; ..... ..

enova town ................ _ .•.••. Westfiel1ltow11, incl. Westfield vill110-o

Wostfiol<l villnge ............... .'"..:


Ashlarnl town,_lncl. Wellsburgvillngo.

13 Wcl!sbnrg v11lago .................. .


1880. l S'rO.

2,4fi9 1, 111

487 3, 408 2, fiHL

OU5 1, 784 1, 243

21, 024 a, w1 2, 400 J, 000 2, 025 1, OU4 2, 077 1, 803 2, 187 1, G02 2, 040 1, 054

481 2, 730 1, 411 2. 050

401 l, 061 1, 2il3 2, 517 2, 113


2, 107

407 1, 881

743 1, 075


17, 225

1, 952 4!15

2, 021 1, 348 2, 001

240 1, 8~1" 1, 207 2, 200 2, 014

2, JOO 2, 221 44<1 4f:O

1, 141 1, 077, 2, 2~8 2, 278 1, 146 l, 080 1, 204 1, 202

4'18 <!73 2, 000 2, 100 1, 540 1,R75 "i,oi2" 11 2U7 · 1, 2Gl 2, ooa 2, 0111 J, 1:!8 l, 105 1, C<14 1, 748 2,1~5 2,170

l, 210 3, OB4

021 1, 028 1, ms l, 880 1, 052

1, 070 1, !Jiil 1, 718 1, Oli7 a, 57fr

ao2 1, Bii4 11 .1fj5 7, 2~8 1, 050 1, 0:18 1, 070 J, OH4 1,fHjfj

10, 842 0, 357 1, 002' 1, 0•!2 1, 175 4, 221 7~4

1, OHO 91455

473 51il

1, 102 1, 5:JO 4., 551 ri H01.> 2; o't4 1, noo 1, fifJl 1, nus l, 808 1, 440 81 B~3 l, 0~4

1,HO 03•1 008

1, 080

l, 150 2, 840

fi:!2 1, o:io 1, 302 1, 880 1, 808

1, 030 l,~H 1, 5•J8 1, 082 3, 004

701 1,arm 1,480

1, 010 6, 070 U, 3Bfl 1, 550

9Tl ], 000 4, 0:17

722 006

3, <liO Q[iO 5BO

l, 002 1, 418 4, 300 2, fi40 1, 887 l, O•lO 1, 080 1, <170 l, o:m 1,401 3, 045 3, 000

1, 558 042 009

1, 90~


In 1871, part of Ro1111Ptt [nnnoxcd.

In 18711 i>nl't to Anhnrn [ciLy,

Iii 'SO, chnrtom1l us a oi'l;y.

Page 33: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.




Callin town ...•...•.•.••••••.••••••... Chenmu,g town .............................. .

E\'\}'.;;~1c~t~:::: :::::::::: :::: :: : : : : : : : Ii 2 .................... -----·····

3 ............................ . 4 ............................ .

" 5 ............................... . 6 ............................ . 7 ............................ .

Elmira town ........................ .. Erin to,vn .. ........................... . Hm·sehcncls town, incl. Horseheads viii.

Ilnrsehends vilhtge .•..••....•..••..• Southport town ...... , .............. . Van Etten town, incl. Yun Ettcnvillo I

vilhlgll. Yan Etten ville village ............. .

Veteran town ........................ .


.Afton town, Incl. Afton village ....... . Afton village ...................... .

Buin\Jrhlgn town, incl. Bainbridge vill. llnlnln·idgo village ................ .

Colum\Jus tuwn ...................... . Coventry town ............. , ........ . German town ........................ . Greeno town, incl. Greene villnge ...... .

Greene villrv,!e ........ ................. . Guilford town ....................... . Liucklnm town ........... : ••...•••••• llfo'Donough town ....•...•.••••...... Ne.wHm-lin town, incl. Now Berlin vilL

N1nv Borlin villngo ................ . North Norwich town ............... . Norwich town ...................... .. CHs"lic town ........................ . Oxfor1l. town, incl. Oxford vilfage •.••.

Oxforc1 village ..................... . l'hnraalin. town ...................... . Pitcher fown ........................ . I'lymouth town ..................... .. l'l'c8ton town ......................... ... Slwrlmrne town, Incl. Bhc.rburno v!IL.

Shcrlmrno village .................. . Smitln·i!lo town ..................... . Smyrnn. town, incl. Smyrna village , ••.

Smyrna village .................... .


Altona town ............... - ......... . .Aus:iblo town, incl. part of Keeseville

Yill11ge, Keeseville village {pm·t of) ........ .

Dt>.elnuantown town .................... . Bl.wk llrook town ................. . Champlain town, inel. the follow. villa.

Chnrnplniu vill1_g11 ................. ; lttmff~ 18 I>oint village ............... .

Ch:tz\·town .......................... . Clintim tow11 ........................ . Dnnnemora town ........................ . Elfonhnrglt town ..... .- ............... . 1\Inmustown ............................. . l)t•r11 towu ............................. . l'lnttshtn•gh twn., incl.Plattsburgh vill.

Plattslmrgh village-----········· .. ·· Saraunc town ... H•······--- ....... .. 811lm~·Jpr I•'nlls town ................. .

ICeesevilfo ,·illagu (in Au~nhlo town1

Clinton co., nrnl Chesterfiel1l Lwn., Eosox county).


Ancram town ........................ . .A ustel'Jitz town ...................... . Cnnaau town ......................... ! Chatham town, ofClmtliam vi!L

Chatham villagu (part of) ......... ·I Claverack town ...................... . Clermont town ...................... . Cop1tko town ........................ . Galhttin town ........................ . GGrmnutmrn town ..................... . Ghent town, incl. pt. of Cbathnm viU .•

Chatlrnm village (part of) ........ . Green110rt town ..................... . llills<lalotown ....................... .

m\$~~:1 li~~::::::::::::: ::::::::·. :::: II 2 .. ., ... ., ....... ••••"'"'""""""''"' ' ...

3 ........................... . 4 ........................ .

Khu1erhooktown, incl. Ynlatiovillage. .Va1ntio village ...................... ,

Livingston town .................... . New Lebanon town ................. .. Stockport town ...................... . Stuyvesant town ......... : ......... ..

TABLE III.-NEW "fORK-Continued.

1880. l870.

1, 450 2,098

20, 541 1, 938 3, 001 3, 215 8,4!!3 3, 448 a, :119 1, 987 l, 986 1, 5G2 3, 449 1, 684 B, 619 1, 991

2, 248 7:14

1, 9~4 781

1, 177 1, 317

004 3, 378

470 2, 441

901 1, 298 2, G72

9;)7 Oll4

5, 7:l0 1. 512 3, 0;15 1, 209 1, 147 1, 075 1, 30~

900 3, 128

944 1,492 1, 6,;1


s,mo 2,980

l, 128 2,014 3, 3115 5, 407 11 mm

14-2 3, 147 2, 194 2, U02 3, lti2 4, :l81 2, OLO 8, 283 5, 2.ff> 4, 532 l, 2, 181

1, 002 1, B 11 1, G.i4 4,574 1, 062 4,1J47

918 1, 005 1, 252 1, !108 2,053

703 1,275 1, 039 8,070 l, GIO 2,008 1,0iiO a, ono 4,200 1 770 2:060 2,245 1,980 2,097

1,342 1, 007

15, 803

·Tino· l, 392 2, 061 1,410 2, 185 1, 533

1, 031 457

1, 703 081

1, 107 1,490

712 3, 537 1, 025 2, 806

920 1, 280 2,4GO

1, 075 5, UOl 1, 733 3,278 1, 278 1, 141 1, 124 1, 523

9;,7 2, 027

'"i,'4ti5. 1, Gu8

2,759 2,863

2,552 3, 50l 5, 080 l, 850 1, 266 3, 200 2,2UO i, urn 3, 0•12 4,034 2, 032 8,414 5,130 3, 802 1, 084

1,793 1,442 1, 877 4,372

818 3,071 1,0~1 l, 8+7 1,410 l, 303 2, 880

560 1, 325 21 08!3 81 015

1, OBS 21 l~·i J, 438 2, 263


Erccte<1 May 15, 187.2.



Taghlrnniuk town .................... . Chatham 1·illage (in Chntham and



Cincinnatus town .................... . Cortlnmlville tn., incl. the follow. villu.

Curtlaml villagu ................... . llicGrawvillu village .•••.•••.••.••••

Cnylet• town ....................... . li\reetown town .... -.......................... .. Harford town .......... - ............ . Homer town, incl. Ilomer village .••••• II om er village •.••....••.•••••••••••

Lapeertowu ........................ . Mnrathoutown, lncl.Mnratl1on village.

Marathon village ••••.•...•.••.••••• P1•1Jblc town ......................... . Scott town ........................... . Rolon town .......................... .

~~ii~~~!0t~~~~· ::::: ~ :: : : : : : : : :: : :~:: :: Virgil town .......................... . Willett town ....................... ..


.A.nclcs town, incl. Andes village ..•.•.• Antle a vi.Ha go . ............................... .

Bovina town .......................... . Colchester town ..................... . Tlavcnporttown ..................... . Delhi town, .incl. Delhi village ...... ..

Delhi villa go ...................... . Deposit towri, incl. pt. of OC\posit vill ..

Deposit village <1mrt of) ........... . Franklin town, inc . Franklin yiJlago ..

Franklin village ................... . Ilamclontown .. '" ............... ~ ......... . Hancock town .............. : ....... .. Ilnrperafielcl tawn .................. . Kortrlgl1 t town ..................... .. Masonville town ................... --Mere<litlt town ............ ' ........ .. l11id1Uotown town, incl. M11rgaretvilla

village. Margaretville village ••••••••.•..••.

Roxbur.v town ....................... . Shines town.......... . ............ ~ .. Stamfor1l tuwn, incl. Ilobart villngo •••

liohurt village .................... .. Tompkins town ..................... . \Vnlton town, incl. Walton village .•••.

\V11lt:on villag(l . .. .... --·"··---­Depo~itvillage (in Deposit tn., Deln·

wnre co., nnd Snnford tn., Broome count,Y).


.Ameniatown ........................ . BPekmnn town ....... ~ ...................... . Clinton town ........................ . Dover town .......................... . East Fishkill town .................. . Fis~ldll town, incl. Fishkill J,am1ing

villn_ge. Fi Rh kill Lamling village ..•..•.•••..

Il,vdo Purk town ..................... . La Grange town ...... ------·-"•'"" .... . Mil:m town ......................... . North Enat town, incl. Mil!cirton vil1 •.

Millerton village ................... . Pawling town .•..•.••..••••••...••••.• l'ine Plains town .................... . Plcasnnt Valley town ................ . Poughlrnepsie ·city ... "'.------·-········

\Vnrd 1. .......... : ............... . ll 2 ..................... ............. .

3 ........................... . 4 .................. ···-·- ····--5 ....... · .............. . 6 ............................ .

Poughkeepsie to1vn .................. . :Reil Hook to1vn, incl. Tivoli village •••

'rivoli village .................... .. lthinu beck town, incl. Rhinoheek vill ..

Rhinebeck village ................. . Stnnfor<1 town ...................... . Union Vulotown .................... . 'Vappin_ger town ....... - ...................... . Washington town .................... .


Al<len town, incl. A.ltlen village ...... . Alden village ..................... ..

A1nlwrst town, incl. Williamsville vill. Willinmsvillti village .... : •••••••••.

Aurora town, incl. EnstAnroravillage. · East Aurora village .............. ..

Roston town ......................... . . Brandt towu .•••.••••••••••••••••••••.

1880. 1870.

1, 308 l, 765

1,093 7, 114-4, OGO

037 1, 382

8!4 1,0U 3, 691 2, 331

757 1, 700 1, 006 1, 138

980 812 903

1, 550 1, 8G·l


2, 630 400

1 0°2 2: 041 J,11:!9 2,0H 1, 384 1, 714

544 2, 907

660 1,4!10 3, 238 1,420 1;1:w 1,673 1, G(J3 ll, 077

418 2,344 2,461 1, 038

300 2, 534 3, 544 1, 31l9 1,419

2, 607 1, 518 1, U'lU 2, 281 2, 574

101 7a2

2, 003 :l,873 lr 74:!5 1,275 2, 181

000 2, UOfi 1, 352 1, 785

20, 2{17 3,714 3, 044 3, 038 3, 413 3, 040 al 052 4, 028 4, 471 L 25l 3, 902 1, 500 2, 002 1, 407 4, 901 2, 707

2, 534 521

4, 510 FHO

2, 723 1, 100· 1, 017 1,G:a

1,485 1, 387

1, 155 0, 082 3,061)

517 1, 357

906 997

3, 813 2,008

735 1,0lt

871 l, 150 1, 083

872 1, 016 I, 618 1, 880


2, 840

'"i,"ci22 2, Gf>2 2, 187 2 0"0 1: 223

400 8, 288

681 1, 762 B,000 1,4~5 1,812 1, 7B8 1,402 B, 035

'"2,'i88. 2,597 1,658

··4;0.iii" a,2rn

866 1, 286

2, 002 1,480 1, 708 21279 2, 306

11, 752

2, 902 2, 005 l, 77! 1, <174 2, 170

·T7aa· 1, 5031 1, DG3

.:~ .. ~~~-

2, 547

··4;555· Ul2

2, 5i3

I., 633 1, 359


[kins. Inl880, from pt. of1'mnp­Iul870,incl. in Tompkins.

In 1880, part to Deposit.

Ju 1875, pnrt to Wnppin-gut•,

Page 34: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.



______ ,,, ___ .. ~~. ----- -------



llulfalo city ........................... ·15!i, l:l4 'Vunl 1: ...... ...................... 14, O:il

,. 2 ................................... 01978 3 ............................. ll,~ii3 4 ............................. 8,9ill 5 . ....................... ---·-···. 20, 6tl5 6. ·····---------·· ........ ·----- l:i, 47LJ 7 ............................. 21,o;JO

~- :: ::::::::: :::: :: : : : :: :: : ::: I ~; ~~~ 10 ............................. 11,496 11. ............................ 13, 137 12 ...................... ...... II, 6~7

,, 13............................. 3,405 CJwektowagn town................... 2, :127 Cl~:trf'llCt~ town ........ -- - . -... -. . . .. .. . .. . a, 405 Cul!l••n town......................... 1, 404 Collins town, incl pt. of Gownml:l YilL 2, 37l

Gowarnl:tvi11:t~t· {pmt of).... -·· 4!1 Cm1c11nl town, ind. 8priugvillcvi11Jgc. 3, itOO

Sprinir~·ille villagfl ... .............. --- . . . 1, 227 Eat't llamlmrgll town ........ ... . .......... 2, ·1-09 IM~n town............................ 2, :ioa Elmntowu ...... · ............................ 2,535 E\·.ana town, ind. AnHo]a ·villnge..... .. 2, 010

An1wlavillago...................... 508 Graml !Hfancl tmvn ........... .... ...... 1. HiO Jfamhurgh town, incl. Ramburglt vill a, 2:i4

Jiamlmrgh \illago ........................ ~US Ifollarnl town......................... l, 720 Laucasl<:r town, incl. Lancaster vill .• . 3, !lt4

r .. :i,ncaHter \'illnge •••••• H••U ·• o• H 1, 602 Mal'llll1towu .......................... l,825 N.,wRtea<l !own, incl. Akron village... 3, 570

Akron "11lag-0 .. .. .. .. • • .. . • .. .. .. .. 1, 036 '/{°'1~ ~ollin• iown ................... 1, ~50 • ar'11ma town........................ 1, 7(17 'ron:tvrnncla town,incl.Tonawancln vill. 4-, 9UO

'l'onawumla viUa:.;c..... ...... ......... 3, 8G4 Walt1Htown .......................... l,H02 W'r•Rt,i""nec:itown ................. 3,403

Guwan11" village (in• tn., Erie 1, 243 co., nrnl l'crsia tn., Cattu1·nuguH county).


Chester6d1l tn., incl. pt. ofKecscYillo vill::t<re

, Kt:t•H.,Yill•,'viIJ ige (part of} ........ , Cn1wnPointtown .............. . Elizabethtown tmvn, incl. Elizalrnth-

t-Own villagf~. E Elizabethtown village ............ ..

~~~ff ~l~~~~{\;;;;f~~~iii~lli~~;~ iforrnh town ....................... . N~weomh town .................... ..

01th El ha town .................. : •. North Hu<lson town · ~.~1:!.:·,!l'~~l tmrn.:::::::::::::::::: 'l'i1·onUero11a, to·w;;· ------ -----· · ·-- ... · 1\r(·St IOI'tt'mYn --·---······---·---:-w·n I ...................... . ,yj1:i1~;;fg~~o~:n ···--· ······ ··----·

Km·se'°;·ille village .. (f,;. c·1;~~i~;fi;,j,j. town, EHsex co., nncl ...\.usable town, Clinton county).


il~f.~?.~£!~-----···"···•••ooo ...... . Uumhav f(fWI~.::::······ ·· .......... · ····· Hnmrlt)n town ..... :::::::::::::::::::~ 1~11'..!litun town l~nTkl!tuvtn ··-··-·······--··---···· c11~tcangay tii.",·t~;Ci"c5ii~te~nga~: ~-iii-. ChatP:rng;1~· villago ............... ·

Constahle tm\.·n ... · · ·

~~~k~~~;:~-~~~-n .. ::::: :::::::::::··--~ Fort rovin!..rffl~t~Wii··--·-·---· ....... ·1· l'i:mklin town ...... · ........ .. I!a1·rfots1own town ............. ···· ···1 Malone town,incl.lia1;;1;t;;:iiiG~~---·· 1

:Ualon" villa~e " ..... I' ?ifnita. t 1u· . 0 .................... •••••••

Wt~IYihe t,,;.;;:: ............ " ...... . ......................... FULTO:i.

2, 752

1, 053 ·11287 l, 3G:J

44;; 1,4G2 2, 443

910 1, 774 1, 102 7, :no

2:J7 480 Uil3 4ii2

1, 7Hl 3, :lU4 1, 7B7 1, 4fi0

899 2,ldl

2, 440 2,098 1,044

sir. . 207

2, Hll 2,~28

080 1, 532 2,320

285 2, 424 l,lf.I!

5;J3 7, 1109 4, JOH 2,2ri4 11 Ul::l7

llko•<·ker town Tln•atlaluintom;:·- ................... 1,04~ C~u·'lwa town .................. ····- .. 2, 17;) Epln:;tah to~-U""""'""""""'·"•'"•""'I 855 JoJ;n•town_town.'in~Cti;~ r~ii."vi1~· ... 11~· ~r:~ b hf\"l'fH-Ydle villa e · · · · 1

. •

,Jo Jiu st own Yillo g .. · • · " .... • .... ·. 7, 1.13 lfay flclu town ge ......... · .. · ·.- - .. 5, om

..... ,.................. ........ 2, 231

117, 714

·2.405 3, 147 l,472 2, 100

413 3, J7l 1, 0116 2, 270 2, ~iO 2, f\2i

2, gg~ 1, 120 2, 934

1, 451 4, 336 l, 697 1, 804 3, 380

444 1, 017 1, 701 3,039

1, 410 3, 1116


2, 795

2, 140 1, 488

l, GOO 2, 490

720 1, 724

OOH 4, 083

178 B49 7i!8 a~m

], 800 21 5UO 1,rm 1, 719


2, 431 1, om 1, 488

G92 204

2, 141 2,971

1, 540" 1, 090

2B4 2,430 1, 195

416 7,180

'"2: 004' 1, 658

970 2,402

828 2, 207

i2, 2;a 4,518 3, 282 2, 241


Nortltnm]lton tn., incl. Northville vill. Nlll'thville villuge .................

Oppm1heim tmvn ........................... 1 Perth town ...........................

Stratford town .............................. <JENESEE.

..A.htbnmn town ...•..

.Alc•XHilllcr town, incl. Aio~andor viii:: Alexander villngo ...................

Jlntttvia .L•rn:n, incl. village .... Data.Ym v1l11tgo ..................

Bm·gen town, incl. Bergen villago ..... Berrron villago .......................

Detl1any town ....................... ,

~~;:\~~ tfe~1:i :::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~,It~~~~~,:1i:::::::::::: ::: : : : : : : :: : : · Oakficl1! town, incl. Cary villngo ......

C11r,v villnge ........................ Pnv1hon Lown ....................... Pemli~ok~ town, incl. Corfu villngo .••.

Corfu v11lage ...................... Stuilbnl town ....................... :


..A.sl1lnml town ........................ A.thons tow.n, incl. Athens villngo ..••.

Atlwus village ..................... Cniro town ............................ Cittskill town, incl. Catskill village ... _

Cntskill villnge .................... Coxsn.ckic town, iucl. Coxs:ickio viii. ..

Coxsnckh1 village .................. Durltnm town ......................... G1·omwlllo town ...................... lfalcott town ......................... lluntPl' town ....................... Juwott town ........................ Lexington town ......................... -Now llnl1imoro town ................. Prnttsvilll1 town ...................... \Vindltnm town .......................


ftricttn town ....................... ..

n~'j,~oe)~~~~.:::: :: : ::: :: : : : : :: : :: : : : . Int inn Lo.Im town ................... .. J,nlrn Plensnnt town ................ .. Long La.ko town ............................ . 1vfor.,J10nso town .. .. . .. .. .. . ... • . . '\Yells town ........... , ........... ::.:


Columlii11 town ..................... .. Daul1lie tO\Yll .. ............................ .. Ji'uirild•I town .. . .. . . .. .. .. . .. . .. . · ]'rnnkfort town. incl. Frnukfol't vill. · ·

Frankfort villngo . . .. .. . .. .. . ·:: G~r!nnn Flnts town, incl. tlrn foll. villa .

lion vllln1«> ..................... .. . Mo~rnwk villngo .................. . He.rk1n~ertown, incl. Hurkimervillago.

Hnrknum· villngo Lltohilohl town .... :::".:::::::::----:: Lit.tic fi'.n llH town, incl. pt.of Littln Fulls

v11Jnp;e. Litt·l~ Fnlls vlllngo (pm·t of} ....... .

Manlw1pl town, incl.1>L. of L!tLlo 1>'1tlls vtlht:,ro.

J,ittlo F1tlls villnge (pnrt of} ........ Newport tnrn1, incl. Nnwport Yilln~o NNHWJJOrtvillago .•.•...........• ~.:: 01~{~v:C!, ;o':~ ....................... .. }l . v l ·-·· .......................... .

s~~ii:11i~1;0~~~~ • • • · · · · · • · · · • • · · • • · · - - • • s J J y It ...................... .. s'"'jY or town ..................... .. ,41~~~{~,yn ......................... · .. .

I Wllmmf~~~1{ ... : .................. .. Winfi<,Jd town ... ·• ................. .

l.!ttlc Fn I Js ,;i1iii~;; 'ch;· rit'no· ~·;;1iii · Ult(] Jlfnnheim In 1880),


.A.dnms tow:n, incl. A<lnnrn villa"o ..... . Ad1u11R v11lnp;o ..... __ ..... ~ ...... .

..A.lexnn!, incl' . .A.loxnmlrlaDay vdlngo, · ·

..A.lexnn<lrin Bay villnp:o ....••••.•••. ..A.utworp town, incl. Antwnrp villn"o

.Ant.W\'l'P villngo ............... ~ ... llrownv1ll~ 1 own, Incl. tho follow. villa·

Browuv11lc v1!1aao Dexter viBnO'e = · ····' • •• • •• ••• • ••

Cnl,"e Vin~ent t.i:., i!ici: Cni;r;vi;1;;c~tvii1: Capo Vmcent v11lugo ............... .

1sso. 1870. REMARKS.

2, 000 1, 027 703

l, 845 1, Ol:iO 015 ], 013

1, 000 1, 103

1, 07G 1, 805 1, 008 1, 005

305 7, 510 6, 48ri 4, 8°45 3,81!0 2, 0(12

G75 1, 0117

l,G71 1, 052 1, 751 l, 731 21 04G 21 {i5·i 1, 008 1, oori 4,4UO 4, 027 1, 405 1, 471

,139 "i,'iii.i' l, 040

2, 845 3ii3

2, 810

1, 808 l, 34.7

800 002 3, 005 2, 042 2, 100 11 7U3 2, 287 2, ~8:1 8, Bll 7, 077 4, n20 a, 101 4, 000 3, 820 J, 001 2, 173 2, ~"7 2, 043 2, 084,

B!lll •i~G 1, 882 11 5:H 1, 070 l, ion l, !lfiO J, an 2, 020 2, 017 l, 118 1, 2·10 1,401 1, ·185

2M mo 4112 320 or.i. 008 015 2112 34:! BJS 32·l 2EO 181 180

l, 113 817

1, 010 1, 037 11 2a5 11 B:M l, !!GO ]I {lf1!J a, o~o a, our. 1, ORfi 1, o~:i 0, 740 r., 718 3, 711 2, 870 1, 441 1, 404 a, !iOB 2, IJ.J!I ~' arin l, 220 1, 218 l, 384 O, OlB G, 012

5, 079 2, 11:n 2, 000

Oill 11 Ufi3 1, 05'!

71:1 Out 1, Q1J('i 1, 117

001 1, 000 2, 177 2,~:W 1, 8Rt 1, ua:i 11 402 1, 5ri8 1, 470 1, 541 1, 4:JO 1, noa

271 101 1, 507 1, Gill O, DlO 5, 387 In 1870, in Dnnnho, J,!tt.\o

J!'nlls, nn<l llfonlwlm.

a, 302 3, 3•18 1, 250 1, :rn2 n, 13;) 3, OB7

587 B, 414 a, u10

7111 77il 2, 0~4 3, 210

400 400 487 · ·3; n·i2 · 3, 14il

1, 301 1, 200

Page 35: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.


' ~f



Jit11F1rnsoN-co11 tiuuotl.

Cham11ion town ......... _ ............ Ul:~ron L•m:n. inl'l. Clayton vlllngo .•••

C ayton v1llngo .................. - - . l~lli~lim·1rh town, incl. tho follow. vills.

llolltwilln villago ....... - ...... ·-· .. ElliHhUl'g"h dllll/,lO ............... --· J.Immsvilhi vlllago ..... __ , ..........

Ilc.•ntlm•Rtm tuwn ...................... - . 1IomrnJll!l1\ town, iucl. Snoket~'H Ho.r-

borvlH1tp;11. Snclwtt's ll!trbor villago .••..••.. _ •.

J,ci Itn.y town ...... _ ................. l..1m•rni'110 town ............. --· .......... L~·nw tnwn, ind. Chaumont village_. - .

Chnnmout \'lllttgo ..... ·-··-- ..... _ .. 01·IontJR town ....... - ................. ]>HJll(1}i;1 tO,Yll 1'1tilm\olphi1i to\v~::::::::: :: : : : :::::: H111lnl1111 town ....... - ... - ........... J{11t.l11ml town '~hm·c1HfL tnwn1 i1l(~i.·i·1;(;i:t;~1~ ;:{1i~g~·::.

'l'lwrrn~n ''i1L1p;u ............................ 'Vtttm·tuwn city : .......... ...........

Wurtll .......................... -. " 2 .....................................

a .................................. •! ................... _ .. _______

\V11.to1·towu (·.own ............. -- .. --··· 'Yil111t t.ow11, i1\cl. Cnrtlmgo vi1111go ••• ,

Un.1't1hngo vilbtgo ................... - ......... 'Vorth town ..........................

1rnws. lll'O~>klyn llil:,y ............. ,,_ .........

"ltl"!l 1. ......... ___ ................ .. 0 .................................. 3 ................... _ ......... 4 ............................. 5 ..................................... 0 ......................................

" 7 ............................. 8 ..................................... 0 ................................

10 .• _ .......................... 11 ............................. 12 . .....................................

ll ]:! ....... - ..................... 14 ........................................ 15 . ................................ " .. 10 .............................

" 17 ............................. 18 ..................................... ,, HI ...... - ..................... -~o . ......................................

" 21 . ......................................

" 22 ......... ............................

" ~:l ........... .............................. 2-1. ............................

" 2n ............................. l•'l1ii.lnrnh town ..... - ................. l•'ltitl1m1l• town ....................... (irnv1~t·rnucl to\vn .................................. N11\V I..111\t-1 Lown ............................ Nuw lHrecltttown ..... - ..............

LTCWJB, C1•0:,thrm t:nwn .............................. . JJ(m1111trk town, inn!. Copcmlrngon vilL-

<Jopenh11µ;1m villago .................. . J)itmlt town ... ---··--··· ........... - .. Ur<1i.u: t:own ................................. . JI111riBh111·~·h town ................ ---· llkh Mttrlrnt town .................. .. JA(\\ViA tU\Vll ..... " .......... ••. ••, • • ......... - • · ],.,v1k11 tnwn .............. _ ........ .. JJo\vv·illo1uwn ................................... . J,ymrndnlo !own ......... - ............ . Mnrtlnslmrµ;l1 town ......... - .... ·-··· Mm1tn/,lnt1town ...................... . Nnw llrlllll(lll town ............. .,_ ... . 001,.,0111 tnwn ......................... . l'hu:lnwy town _ .................... .. ~'nl'in to'wn, incl. '£uriu villnge ......... .

'l'nriu villnµ;o ...................... · .... . 'VntHon town ........................ . 'V"st'l'nrin tn .. incl.Constalllovillu vi!l.

Ounst1t\Jlov!llo vill11go. - ••••••••••••.


Avon town, incl. A.van viii ago ....... - . Avon villngo ................ ---·····-·

Onlm1nnin .. town ..... ' ........................ . ConcHUAttnvn ........................... .; .(}PJWH.oo towu 1 inel. Gm1CRL10 Yillngo ... .

GmH•Hon villngl'······--·-······-··-· G1•1ivnl11111l town ............... _ ... --·· ]..1oitrnH1'.t\l' town ...... ~ .................... -J,lnut town, hwl. Lima villngo .•.••.. - •

J..1im1t villn.gB . ................................... . JAvuuin t.owu . .......................... ·. ;Mo1111t 'MorriH t.n., incl. :Mount Morria

vlllngo. ::M.ouut Morris villttgo •••.• ,, •. - • - .••


1880. 187'0. REMARKS.

2, 2139 2. JflO 4,214 4, 082

880 1, 020 4,810 4, 822

402 2:'.2 473

1, 812 1, 026 2, 770 2, 636

885 713 2, 600 2, 862 1, 4:rn 1, 377 2, 277 2,405

47!) B70 2, il18 2, 445 1, 143 1, 202 1, 7ri0 1, 070 1. !il7 1, 004 1, 71!0 1, oua 21mm 2, 364

R~2 708 10, 607 0, 3:10

2, GOD 21 20G 2, ;17:1 a, r.4o 1, 20·1 1, 37'! 4,:wa •J, 060 1, 012

or.1 727

noo, ona ao6, ooo 18, 72!!

ll, 2fi·l 18, 271 1~, RIO lH, 517 a.114:n :n. 00:1 17, B88 rn, 014 27, 140 21, li8!l 22, 201 21, 02!! ~51 fif>O 2a,mH 42, 712 an, tlf8 ~B, O'..!O 27, 1101 2·1, 188 31, O:iO 2a, 47H H,Hllll Erectetl in 1873.

8, H~a Do. Jlo. 10, Oiili

''G;:iti1i' Do. Du.

7,0:H 3, 127 2, 2t'.O B,GN 2, 1at

1a, mm 0, 8110 •1, 7(12 a, ~uo

313i·t 2, 433 2, ~0·1 2, lllO

702 urn 2, 0:?6 l, 778 l, 570 2, mrn 1, 08~ l,lJllll

In 1873, pt. to Lyons1lu\o.

!IH 1, Ofit 1, Hll 1 f>l)•J

1, 03:! ~: ~~~ a, l.li8 1, 1J7;) . . 2; 282 2, 1180 . o-;r; 718

lu 1873, from pt. ofG1·dg.

2,414 1, 008 OUO U88

l, 152 1, 1-10 1, 381! 1,4!J:l

41D fil:J'! 1, •170 l, l.40 2, 0110 2, 111

5U:J 712

3, 4:;0 3, 038 l, 017 000 1, 027 1, Hl:I l, :107 l, :102 3,iWl 3, 0~2 1, 02;) . i:.155. 1, 342 1, 071l 1, 744 2, 782 2, D12 1, 878 l, 2!i7 3, no 2. 7115 3, ll31 a, 877

1, 899 1, 930



NorthDansvilliltn., incl.Dansvi\levilL Dunsvillevilln!!e .......... ........ ..

Nunda towu, iucLNnnda village·····-Nn1Hfa yillage ................ -----·

Ossian town ....................... - - . Portage town .................. - • - .. .. Sparta town-- ................... --··-Springwatertowu ...... - ...••..•.... - . West Spart:t town ......... - ......... . York towu ....................... ---··


Brooldiclll town .............. _ ...... . Cazenovia town, incl. eazenovia ,·ill .. .

Cazenovia villncre .... ................ . De ltuyter tO\~n, focl. De Ruyter vill ..

Do ltn1 ter v11laµc. . ............. - . En ton to\vn, hll'l. hl onisvillc y.illnge ..

Morrisville villug~ ..... -............ . I1'ennc>r trr\Vll. . ............................

1 Georgetown tnw11 . . .. . .. . .. • .. . . . .. . Hmmlton town, ind. Ifamilton villago.

Hamiltonvillago ............... ... . T ... ehnnon town . - ..................... . Lenox: town, ind. the following 1·ills .••

Canastota village .................. . (J1widit village .... - . . • ......... - •.

Mmlison town, incl. Madison village .•• lln.dison vi11age ...... .................. .

Nphmn tirwn ............................ . Smithfiel1l town ..................... . Stocklni<lge town ....... - ............ . i:lullivau town, inel. Chittenango vill ·-

Chittenango Yillage ........... -·----

MO!\'llOE. Brighton town ..................... __ _ Chili town ......................... _._ Clarkson town .............. --·--···· GntcA town ................ .......... .. Greece town, incl. Charlotte village .. .

Chal'lotte villtLgo .............. - •. - : . Hamlin town .................. - ..... . Henrlett:t town ................. - - - - •• ho1111eqno:t to,vn ................... .. JHourlon town, incl. tho following 1·ills.

1 Honeoye I:,alls villn~a ......... ....... . :Men1lon village ..................... ..

Qcrclcn town, irn.·1. Spencerport villa.glL 'Rpcncerport vHlugo ................. - .

Pnrn1a to\vn ............................... . Penfield town ...................... .. Perinton tuwu, incl. Fairport village ••

Fu.iryiort villa.~n ........ - ........ . Pittsfrml town, incl. P1ttsfurtl village ..

Pittsfortl villa!tC...... .. .... .. . . Rigi town, incl. Ch1n•chville villnge .. .

Uhnrchville village ................ . Ilochcstor city ....................... .

\Val'll !. ........................... . II 2 ............. , ............... .

3 ...................... - ..... . 4 ........................... . 5 ......... ...................... . 0 ............................ . 7 ............................. . 8 ........... - ............... _. 0 .................. - ........ ..

10 ....................... - ... .. 1l ......................... _ .. 12 ......... - ................ .. 13 .. -........ - .............. ·-· H ..... -_ .................... ..

" •15 .... ......................... . 10 ................... ,, .• _ .. ·-·

I Rush town .......... - ........ _ .... : ••. Sweden town, ~IU~l. nroclqmrt ~illnge: .

.Brockport y1llnge .. ...... -· ........... . Webster town ................... - .. .. '\Yheo.tlan<l town ........ ---·--·····-··


.A.mstcl'llmn town, incl, Amsfordn,m vill. .Amstcr(hnn village -............. - - - .

Cnnnjoliarie tn., inlll. Cnun.john.rie Yill. Cairnjoharie village ......... - ......... ..

ChurlB:-iton town .._ ..... - ........ .. l'lorl<la town, incl. Port Jackson vill.

Port Jacks ·n village...... . ..... . Glen town. incl. Fn\tonvillo villnge .. .

Fnltom·i!lCJ villngo ............. -- ... Minden town, incl. Fort Plain village. -

I•'ortPluin villa.~e ......... :·-- ----Mohawk town, iucl. Fon<ln. nllago .••

Fonda villn"e ............... -·- .•.. PnlaI ine town~ incl. tho following vilfa. Nelli~ton village---·-·-·---·~ ....... . l'ahltine Bridge vi!111ge •••• - - ...... .

~,tl~1t t•J-~in~~iii,;. t o\vii;. ·;;;.;1: .. saint. ,Johnsville village.

s~int J ohusville village .••.•••••.••.

1880. 1870.

4,178 31 G2G 2, 790 1, 037 l, 204 1, 295 1, 2iJl 2, 270 1, 157 2,482

3, 73G 21274 ~. 100 1, 988 4, 848

902 2, 55G 2, 248 1, 980 a, 10:1 1, oua

22•J 2, 907

070 3, 180 ~,mm 4, OilU ], 920 2, 2B6

750 2,221

513 89, 31i6 2, 639

~· zoy n1 1r-.l 31 {!HU 7 •i75 4:S::o 5, t:04 O, lll2 7, 130 4, li7 61 (;'58 5,0:l'.J 8, 7().1 51 2b4' 3, 048 n, :.88 1, 7-1-1 5, 734 1, 071 2, (15) 2, 5~0

11, 710 0,4U6 4, 2fl4 2, Ol:l l, 3B4 312.10

715 2, 022

881 !i, IOU 2,443 2, 943

OH 2,786

558 332

2, 27.3 2, 002

1, 072 (

4, 015 a, 387 2, 08~ l, 180 1, 168 1, 338 l, 182 2,174 1,244 2, 56!

31 5Q!j 4, 2fili 1, 718 2,000

COii 3, ono

570 1, ast 1,423 3,Gb7 l, 520 1,559 D, 810 1,492 3,202 2,4U2

1, 730 1,227 1, 847 4, f\21


4, 304 2, :w1 1, 8?4 3, Ml 4,314

2, 304 2,280 3, 000 2, 000

921 .· ...... .

2,874 mn

2, 80! 2, 928 3,201

1, 074 505

2, 171

02, 386

1, ~54 4, 558 2, 817 2, 740 2, 56j

7, 706 5,420 4, 256 1, ~22 1, 001 3, 002

Hll 21782 1,117 4, fiOO 1, 707 3,015 1, 002 2, 814

4n3 2,49J 2,vm 1,376


Erecto1l in 1874. Do.

Page 36: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.


TA:nLE III.-NEW YORK-Continued.

REMARKS. :MINOR CIVIL DIVIi:iIONS. / 1sso. /.1870.

NEW YOitK. ,----i---l----------Nelv York city ....................... 1, 206, 299 942, 292

\\'ard 1.... .. .•..•.. ... .. .. . . ... .. . 17, 939 " 2 •••.•• •••••• •••••• •• ••••.• •. l, GUS

L:::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2~:~J~ 0................................. 15 8-i[i 0 ............ ........ ........ 2.0: 190 7 .................... ........ 50, 000 8 ............................ 35 870 0............................. 54:500

JO............................ 47, ii54 11............ ................ 08, 778 l~............................ 81,800 13 ............................ 37, 797 14 .......................... •• 30, 171 15 ...................................... 81,8~2

'' lG ...................................... 52, 188 17 .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • .. • • 104, 8:l7 18 ............................ 66, 611

'' 19 ....... ....... ......... ........... lfi8, IUl 11 20 ........................... - . ••. •. 80, OJ[i " 21...... ••••.•.•• ... .. . ..... •• or;, 536 " 22 .••• ... ........ ... •• .. .... • • 111, 0!16

23 ............................ 28,3:J8 " 24............................ 13, 288

NIAGARA, Camb1fa town ....................... . Hartland town ....................... . Lewiston town, incl. Lewi"ton village.

Lowiston villa.go ..................... . Lockpo1t city ........................ .

Wardl ............................ . ll 2 ..................................... .

3 ............................ . u 4 ................................ .

L.oel<porttown ...................... . 'Nt~t1t·iane town--~-·· ................... .. Nfagara town, incl. the followingvills.

NiaguraFa1lsvi11ago .............. . Sus1iension Bridge Yillage ......... .

Pt•ntllctun town ............................ . 1•01·ter tov.·n ............................ . ltu.r:ilton town, incl. J\Iiclcllcport viii ..

.M:1cl<llepo1t v1llagu ................. .

Sotnerset town ................................ . Wheatflelil town ................... .. 'Vil;i:on tow:11 1 incl. '\Tilson villngo ... . .

\\1lson Y1llage ...... ~ ................ .


.A unsYillo tmm, incl. Tabcrg village .. Ta berg village ..................... .

.Augusta town ...................... ..

.Avatmm ........................... . Boonville town, incl Boo1H"illc •ill• "C •

J}ounville village .................. :-~.~ Bnll.!Ji<'water town ................... . Camuen town, incl. Camilen village .•..

Camden village .................... . Deertleld town ....................... .

~~~·~n~~~~:::::::::::::::::::::::: l:,orestport town •H .. ............... , .... ..

Rir~lanil town, incl. Clinton vilh1"e ..• L Clinton village ................. ". •...

~~dK~h~,~;:::::::::::::::::::::::: New Hartford town, incl New Eart-

forcl villa""· p Nf!W Hartforc'i village ..•..•.•••.••.. l~~~;~~~~:::··--------···-·--·----1' ..................... . \vi~rf~Y-········ .. ··-·--........... .

:: t~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~: Sa "fl~l'·· ...................... . st!~~~~n\~~~~~- ·-- · · ~-···· · ·-Tr1·nton town, in"c;1: '.f;~~t~nYiii;g~:::

'.l'renton Y!lla"e

Vernon tom;:i~ci.'tii'0''f0ii~;;in-.;·~u: · 1ag-es; o

Oneida Castle villa"e Vernon village ...... ~ ... :::::::::::::::

2, 267 3, 3l0 2, 708

()80 13, 522 3, 547 2, 031 4, 744 2, 300 2, 847 814ti2 7,4'.!2 3, a20 2,470 1, no 2,2i8 4 88H '7n

2, 015 4, 30U B, 2:;4


2,~~ 2, 171 1. o:rn B, 006 1, 077 1, 218 ·1 ao• j: Gsii 2, 082 2, 073 1, 1L5 1, 358 4, 984 1, 230 2,360 l,4n 2, 270 4, 39-l

710 3 573 1: 10J

12, 104 2, 370 2, 151 2, 721 2, 115 2, 807 3, 171 1, 223 3, 007

280 33, 014 1, 025 3, 345 2, 000 2, 703 1, 503 1, 062 3, 469 3, OUl 5, 393 2, 289 2, 090 3, 235 3, 056

. 239 345

2, 145 3 226 2: 050

770 12, 426

·a;o:i2; :;, 007 G, 8:J2 3, 000

··i·77~· 2, OJ2 4, 7~()


1, 862 3, 400 2, Ul2


2, 710 400

2,om 1, mo 4, 100 1,418 l, 258 3, 087 l, 7U3 2, 045 2, 200 1, 200 1, ~76 4, 912 1, GJO 2, 650 1, 4:il 2,145 4, 037

743 t,575 1, 184

11, 000

2, 513 1, 201 3, 156

20+ 28, 80+

··2;840' 262 391

(Westcliester co. }i'ormerl.\' Morrisania, I•1orm. J(ingsllridgo ancl

Wt•st Fnrms, Wcst­cbcstcr county.

In 1870, of Mi<lclleport, 100 in lfortlaml, and 022 in Itoyalton.

Erected !n 1872. Ereete•I in 1880.

Do. Do.



Verona to,vn ....... ............... ---· .. --Vienna towu ......... : . ............. . \Vcstem town ...................... .. l\T estmore1nnll town . - .............. -- . - - . \Vhitestowu tn., incl. Whitesboro' vill.

\Vhitcsboro' village ............... ..


Camillus town, incl. Camiilus vill:tgo .. Citmillus vi!l!lf:\'O ..••• , ............ ..

Cice1·0 town, inc1. Dreworton vi1111go .. llrewei-ton village ................. .

B~:vmvrow~::::::::::::::::::::::::: Elbridgu tmv!lj incl. tho following villa.

El !nldge y1l age .................. .. Jorllnn v1llng1~ ..................... .

Fabius town, itwl. Fabius villn.,2e ....... .. F:i,bius viii ago .................... ..

Geddt•s town, incl. Geddes vilhtge ..••. Gedlles village .................... ..

La Fn;vetto town .................... . Lysander town, incl. irn.rt of Ilal1lwins­

villu vi1lage. Ilahlwinsville vlllnge (part of) ...•••

Manlius town, incl. tho following villa. l!'iiyc~tevllle vi1111go ..•.•.•...•....•. 1l[anlms v1lhtge ..................... .

Mnrccl!us town ...................... . Onond~ga tOl\'n, incl. D.mforth villngo.

J?11nflll'th village .................. .. Otisco town .......................... . Pompey town ........................ . Salina town, incl. Liverpool village ... .

T,i verpool village ................... . Ska.nenh~lus towu,incl.8kaneateles vill.'les village .................... . Spatlur•I town ....................... ..

s\~~:~1~ ~~t:i:.:::: :::::: :::: :::::::: :: u 2 ................................ .

3 ........................... .. 4 ........................... .. 5 .................... ·--··· - ... . 0 ............................ . 7 ........................... .. 8 ............................ .

Tully town, incl. Tully villngo .••..•• Tnl'y village . . . . . . . .. .. . ........ .

V un Buren town, incl. pt. of llal<Lwins­ville villngo.

Ba!tlwinsvillo village (part. of) ...... Il1tl<lwinsvillo v!llngo (in Lysn1uler

o.n<l Yan Buron).


Bristol town ............... ." ........ . Corntdiee town .. __ ...... . _ .......... : Uunmul11igmt town, incl. Cananllnigun

vill:tgo. Cnnamlaigmt village ....•.••••.••••.

E1tst Bloom!lehl town ............... .. li1armington town ... __ ._ ...... ....... . Gennvn tcnvn, incl. Grneva. viUaµ:o ..... .

Geneva village,.-· ..... _ ........... . Go:·hnp1 ~own, inrl. pt. of Rnshvillllvill. I!10 v!llngu (part of) ........ ..

I opewell towu ...................... .. Mnno!wstm· town, incl. part of Clifton

Springs village. N Cl{fton Springs villngo (part of) ..•.

ap ostown ........................ .. Phr~]~S town, incl, the following vills ..

Chtton Spl'ings villago (pttrt· ol') .••. phelps ,·illnge ..................... .

Itwh muml town ...................... . ~«necit town ........................ .. , r~uth Ilristol town .................. . Vw~or town, ind. Victor villnge ...... .

Vrnf'.or• villnge .............. _. ~ ........... .. West, Bloomfiol<l town ............... ·

Clifton Springs vi llago (in Manches- · ter and l'helµs).

Rushville village (in Gorham town Outm·io co., am! Potter town' Yates cu.}, 1


~~oruing Grove town ............... .. C est"\f"wn ...................... _. ..

ornwn town ............................. . uraw ford town ....................... . D1•erpm·k town, incl. Port Jervis vill

:Po1·t Jervis villa1re ·· Goshen town, Incl. Go~i;cn Yiiiii;,.~ · · · · · G Gosh~n village ............... ~.::::·

reenville town ............. . ~!''\1~t01lburgh town ......... ::::::::

iµ:i nm town .................. .. Minisink town, incl. Unionville vill. • ·

Unionville village ................ :::


5, 287 2, 834 2, 2ti4 2, 744 4,408 1, 370

2,416 477

2, 034 305

2, 010 3, 075 4, 087

5.W l,3H 2, UGO

405 7, 088 4, 28H 2, 100 4, 003

1, 375 5, 05·1-1, GUO

8:1<! 2, 078 0, !158

802 1, fi5S 8, 240 2, 8~8 1, 3ii0 4, RtlU 1, {jQ!) 1, 4GO

fil, 702 4, 277 7, {j~8 3, 4GU 0, :l'J3 8 754: 4: H~7 7, 878 5, s:w 1, 476

4:H 3, OUl

740 2, 121

1, o:;o 8Uf>

8, 303

5, 7:.!0 ~) 1)97 i; 07s 7, •ll2 5, 878 2, 521.

l•!O l, SO•f 3, 020

700 2, 000 5, 180

112 1, 300 1, 772 2, 877 1, 327 2, 811-1

711<1 1, 713 . 002


2, 44'! 2, 220 B, 833 1, 051

11 1 1i~w 8, Oi8 4, 387 2,nm l, 002 1, 143 3, 404 1, 300



5, 757 3, 180 2, 423 2, 952 4, 3BO


2, 423 508

2, 002

a, mo 3, 105 a, 7110

40:1 I, 20!1 2, 04·7

fl78 4, fj{)fj

a. u~o 2, 2:1:1 4,04'!

1, 401 5, saa l, •!02

870 2, 1137 u, riuo

.. i,' 002' 3,3H 21 01'\H 1,rmn 1!,(i:.!·l 1, 400 11 fiU5

,131 OUl

.. i;r.uo· ''ii,'1i:i8.

720 2, mo

I, 5u1 005


1J, 802 2, 2fi0 1, 800

.. r,;ri2t· 2, BHO

1, 80:1 3, 5·10

OU 2, 188 o, 1ao

105 11 arm 1, 022 0, 1H8 1, 218 2, 437

500 1, 051


2, fi02 2, ll:J


[Soneca. In 1872, from ~1n·t. uf ln 1870, incl. In 'onceii.

In 1872, pt. to Genova,

~; ~~~ In1872, pt.1oII!gl1lnm\

0, 387 o, 377 3, 003 2, 205 1, 123 l, 2~M

· -1-,-

4.4.3 .. In 1872, fr. i1t. of Com·


Page 37: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.




Monroe town ........................ . Mou tgnnrnry town, incl. tho following

villaµos: 1\ion tgomcr·y vil111go ....••••••.••••• IV11l<IP11 l'ilfago ................... ..

~onnt Uo110 town .................. .. "whnrgh city ...................... . IVnrtl 1 ............................ .

~I 2 ,

NP,." .; :::::,:::::::::::::::::::::::: N. 1 hmgh to"n .................... ..

ow \Vinilso1· town ................. .. "\Ynlikill town, incl. Mirlcllctown vill .. .

11 !itldlotown villnf." ................ . \Ynrwick town, hw . "\Yarwick village.

1 \Ynrwlck villngc .................. ..

V1twnyanil11 town .................. ..

.Albion town --~~:~~~~-8: ............. .. ~nrro town .......................... .

'arlton town ............................... . Clarendon town ................ -- .. ----- .. (}a,ineiA town ................................... . K~mlitll town ....................... . l.{nrniy to~rn, incl. IIolloy vlllago .... .

Ifolloy v1llngo ...................... . lU1lguw'iw town, inel, part of Mc<linfL

villagB, 1\fo<liim villngo (part of) . . .. . .. .. .

Slwlby town, incl. pcwt ol' He<1iim viii .. llfc<lillft villag<~ (part of) .......... ..

Yntlu~ ttnvn ............................ .. Me<1itut villngtl (in Ititlgewny nnd



Albion town, ind. Sand Ilnnk villa go .. 8nn1l ll1tnk vlllngu ................. .

Atnltoy town ............................... . lloylHinu town ..................... .. Coi1st<mtitt town, Incl Clovclaml viii ..

Clt1\·0!11n1l village ................. . Grnnl1y town, Incl. Osw1igo Falls vill .• Oinn~go Fnlla 10·lllago .. _ ............ .

licumihnl towu, inn!. I:Innnibnl 91llngo Ilnunibnl villnµo .................. ..

IlnAtings town ...................... .. 1\foxlco town, incl. l\foxico village ... ..

.All~xico villngl' ................................ . N{wr· 1I11vc~n town ............................. . Onnill town ........................ .. 0HW<'gO city ........................ ..

W~t·cl L :::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: 3 ........................... ..

u 4 .................................. . 5 ........................... .. 0 ............................ .

,, 7 ....................................... . 8 .......................... ..

Os,vogo town .................................... . l 1ulor1no town ..................................... . l'nrh1h town ......................... . ltmlHL"ltl town ....................... .. Ri"lilmul town, incl. l'11l11sld villngo .••

PulnHki village .. . .. .. .. .. .. .... Snmly Urecik town, Incl. tho following

vlllngeH: L1wun11 village .................... .. Smul.Y Cmek vl1lago .............. ..

Sch1·uoppol town, iu"1. Pheonix village . Phmnix vilhtgo .......................... ..

Scribntown ............................. . Yolno.v to"'.n, incl. Fulton village ..... .

li'nlton village ............................ . W"st Jlfonroo town ................. . Williamstown town .................. .


n111·1ing-ton town ..................... . Buttomnts town...... . ........... . CJ1orr,v Ynl.ln,y town, Incl. Clrnrry Vul-

loy v11lago. Cherry Yitlley villtigo .............. .

Decnturtowti. ....................... . E1ln.1.eston town ..................... .. E,,.-otcr to,vn ... ............................. . llnrtwick town ..................... .. Lim rena town ...................... .. Mnr1·l1m<l town ...................... . :Midillolle](l town .............•........ :Milforil town .. .. .. ................ : J\'lol'l'ls town, incl. Morris village .••..•

Uon•is village ..................... . NC\W Lisbon town .................. .. Ono onto, town, hlel. Oneonta village .. .

011uont11 villa go . .. . .. • ........... .. Otuµ;otown .......................... .

. Ots.,go tow11, incl. Coopurslown vill ... Cooperstown villngo ............... .


1889. 187'0. REMAHKS. MINOR CIVIL DIYISIONS. 1sso.1 ts7'o. REMARKS,


5, 006 4, 705

93:; l, 804 1, 549

18, 040 5, 5413 0, 025 a, o;;o :J,428 3, 018 2, 576

11, 48fi 8, 40·1 5, GUO 1, 0•13 1, 870

5, 147 2 3•J5 2: 477 1, 797 2, Bll8 1, RUJ 2, 812 l, 018 5, 4U5

2, 370 a, 8~4 l "6' 2: o~o 3, 032

2, 500 75:J

1, ~41 1, 283 a, 124

724 •I, 514 l, 8:U 3, 17,J

400 21 HBO 3, 087 1, 27:! 1, 7l:J 1, 5:ip

21, 110 a, 7uo 2, 1rn B,4UG 2, (}~5 2, 707 2, 355 1, <i4:l 2, 401 n QI)')

1: u:JO 1, 817 1, 2!14 B, 001 1, f.01 2, 878

378 Ofil

n, :l81 11 Hl2 2, 071 G, fi8/j 3, 011 1,314 1, 820

l, 500 2, 0:10 2, 200

4, 006 4, 530

060 11 254 1, 842

17, Ul4

3, ~Hl 2, 4R2 0,477 6, 040 5, 73CJ

038 1, 000

--5;006 1, 968 a.,!~~!;

8.1.l 2, 014 2,8:H

2, 350

'T4:li. 1, U5:l 3, 4:!7

805 3, 072 1, 110 31 ~34

451 3, 058 a, so2 ], ~().! 1, 76-1 1, 215

20, 010

3, 043 2, 052 r, n20 1, 324 3, 075

2, 029

086 3, 087 1, ·118 3, 005 G, 505 3, 507 1, 30·1 1, 8~3

1, 476 2, 174 2, 337

030 R02

1, 744 1, 2~0 2, H30 l, 010 2,402 2, Ci68 2, ao1 ~I 203

In 187fi, fr. pt .. of Harre. lll 1875, imrt to Alulon.


Pittsficl1l lown ..................... .. P!ainficl1\ town ...... -.............. .. 1Uchiiel1l town, incl. Richfi"11l Springs

villa:xe. · Jtichtieltl 8pringa villa~e ....... ..... .

Roseboom town ......................... . fipdngtkl<l town .................... .. ITnn1lilla town ....................... . Westford town ..................... .. Worcester t-0wn .................... ..


Carm~l town ......................... . R<•nttown ........................... . l'atterson town ............... ~ ............ . Philipstown town, incl. the following

villages: Col>l Spring village ............... . Nelsonville villn.go ................ ..

Putnam Valley to,\'n .•••.•••••.•...•.• Southeast town ..................... ..


Fhrnhing tn., incl. tlie following villa Collegn Point villago ....... _ ........ . Flnshing villaQ;e .................. .. 'Vhir,estone villaµ:o .................. _.

llempstcad town, incl. Ilcmpstca1l Yill. HetuIJHtmul Yillago . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .

J"nmuic:~ lt"v:1l' incl. Jamaica. village .. . .rama1cet nllage .................... .

Long Island city .................... .. Wanll ............................ .

" 2 ............................ . 3 ........................... .. 4 ........................... .. G .. - . - ........... - ................... .

Newtown town ...................... . North Hempstead town ............. . Oyster Bay town ................... ..


Berlin town ......................... . BrunRwick town ......... ~ .......... .. East Greenbush town ...................... . Grnftc111 t<nvn ......................... ·-----GrccnbuKb town, incl. Greenbush viii.

Greenbush villaµ;o .......................... . Hoosick towu, itwl. lluusick Falls vill

Hoosick :Falls villagu .......•....•.. Lansinglmrgh towu, incl. Lansing­

hurgh-villngo. Lansing burgh village .................... .

NasRnn town .................... . North Greenbush town, incl. Bath-on­

tbc-IImlRon Yillnge. Bath-on-thc-llndson village ........ .

Pctnrslmrµb town ........................... . l'ittstuwn town ...................... . l'oestcnkill town ...... : .... ........ .. Sanllln-lrn town ..... ~---············ .. Schaghticoke town, incl. Hart's Falls

village. Hart's Fnl\R vill:t!!;C ............... ..

Schm1ack town, ind. Castleton villagc.1 UnstlPtnn vi1lnire . .......................... .

Stephentown town ................. ..

T\'{t;l~At1 :::::::::::: ::::: :::::: :::: :: II 2 •••••••••••• ................... ••• u 3 ........................................ . " 4 ............................ ~ .......... .

5 ............................ . H (i ....................................... .

7 ........................... .. ll s .................................... . u 0 ....................................... . " 10 .................................. .

:: ~~ :::::::::: ::::::::::::::::~:: " 13 ...................................... ..


Castleton town a111l New Brighton Yil· lagc (co.~xtenMiYr).

:Mi<ldletown t-Own, incl. part of Edgc­wafor village.

Etlgowatcr villngo (part of) ........ Northtlel<l town, incl. Purt Ricliruoncl

village. Port. Itichmontl YHlngo ................. .

Southfielcl town, incl. pnrt of E<1gc· water village.•. -

Eclgmvnter Yillngo (part of) ........

1 W estllel<l town .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Edguwuler Yillage {in :Mitlc.llotown ancl Suuthfielll).

1, 4uO 1, 195 2, 515

1, 307 I, 515 2, OlU 2, 523 1, i71 2, 513

2, 811 1. 301 1, 579 4, 375

2, 111 54-1

11 555 a, uoo

15, 000 4. 102 n, osa 21 fl20

lR, JM 2, 52l

10, 088 !t 01)•)

i7: 120 5 330 2: 22\l 2, 278 4, 80! 2, 398 9, 804 7, 5GO

11, 92:1

2, 202 3,402 2, 127 1, 076 o, 743 a •or, 1;ii14 4, 53U 7, 759

7, 432 2,029 4, 131

2, 040 1, 785 4, 005 1, 072 ::i, 550 3, 501

11275 4, 319

Dl2 1, 086

50, 7'17 3, 871 4, 882 2, 571 4, 3UB 5, 019 4,555 5, 098 4, 112 4,533 5,fl84 4, no 4,012 3, 023

12, G70

1, 460 1, 248 l, 831

696 1, 5rO 2, U22 2, 555 1, :100 2, 327

2, 707 1, 547 1,418 5, 117

3, OF6

1, 566 2, 975

14, 650 B, 65~ 6, 22:1 l, 907

13, 000 2, 31ti 7, 745 3, 701

::::::::l 20, 274

u, 540 10, 595

2. 088 3, 128 l, P.45 1, 500 6, 202

5, 728

0, 804

0, 372 2,705 3, 058

1, 465 1, 732 4, 003 1, 760 2,033 3, 125

1, Ill 4,442

5811 2, 1:13

4.0, 405 .........

o, 020 7, 580•

4, 367 7, 014 5, 940

3, ii61 I a. 028 4, 980 5, 082

~:~~z 1--4;005 8, 044 ...... ..

Estimated in 1880.

Page 38: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.



Clnt·J;stowntn., inel. thefollowingvills. Hocldawl Lrt.kl' vi1Ja~o ............. . Upper N~·nck villng" .............. .

Ilavt:1·:.;tn1w tu., incl. lla'\"'crstrawyill. IlaYP?'fitraw villa~e -. . ......... .

Oi m1;t;r~t0Yt'll town 1 incl. I1 ierruo11t vill Pit:rnumt villago ..... H••·· ..•...•.

l~aniaJ)O town. --- ................ -----8tony Point to\'r'Jl. ··-·;- •..•.••••..••.


JlrnHl1t•r tQ,YD. --- ................... · ... . L'uuton town, b1cl. Canton Tillage ... ..

Cautou viJiagc ........................ . Clifton town ......................... . (

1olton to\vu .............................. . ])., Kalli tuwn ....................... .

r.~s,~;~~~·i~t¥:;~·~1\~~1. ::: : : ::: :: :: : : : : ~::: ~ J."j110 trnr11 ............................ . }'o,vJ1~r to,\'Il ......... ................ - . Guu,·enu·m· tu., ind. Gou,·erneur 1•ill.

Uouvt·rneur village ................ . Ilanmrnml town H•••········-········ J]i~n1111n towu, ind. Hermon village .. .

Ifo11110n vill:t:!o ...... ---- .......... . JI01•kint1m tcnrn ............................ . L:1\Tre.ncc~ town·--······- ............... . Lisbon tow11 ................................... . l.iuuis\·illu tuwn .......................... . 1\lucomh town ••••••.....•.•....•••... 'llfadritl town ........................ .. l\1U5fit'mt town ............................... . 1Ioniatown town ....................... . Nol'fi,lk town ....................... . U~1l1·nshurg city ....................... .

Ward! •••.•••••••••••••••••..••.... •I 2 "'"""""••••• •••• ...... ~ .. •• •••• ,, 3 .......................................... . ii 4 ......... ------ ......... -----~ ...... .

Oswegatchie town •••••••••••..•••••• l'm'i811Yllle town .•••.•.••••••••..•••.. J>it~trepunt tmn~ .............................. . l'itcnim town .•.••.•.•••...•.••..•.... l'ot•dam tow!l, i11cl. thefollowingvills. ~11rwoocl Ytllngo ......................... . Potsdam village ••••••.•...•••••....

ItoBsin t(n\"n ................................... . Itnssdl town ..................................... . St<ll'kholm town ..................... . Wa<li!il!gtm1 tn., incl. Waddini,<ton vil!.

"\Vadumgton village ..•.••.....•..... SARATOGA,

llallston town, incl. pal't of Ballston Srm vil!ag~.

llall•ton Sp>t village (part of) •.•..•. Charlton town ....••...•.•.....•...•.. Clifton Park tuwn .•••.•••••..•.....•. Corinth town ............................. . I>ay town ....••..•••...•.•.••• , .•••••. E1hnlmrgh town .................... . llulway tow.n, incl. Galway village ••.. Galwa~1·vi!lago ................... .. G1·eeirfi<~ 11 town ............................ .

TI:ulleytown.. ......... .... ... . . ... I!nlfi:lliJOn tuwn, incl. pt. of lliecbanics-

ville village. Mechimicsvilfo village (part of} .••••

lfalfa town .......................... . :Milton tn., incl. pt. uf Ballston SJH1 viii.

Dalis ton S11a village (part of) ...... . l\I Ol'l~au t11wn ............. . Nurtbumberlaml tuwn ... ::::::: :::::: P1·oyiiJencetown ..................... . Saratuµa town, incl. thefollowin"vills.

8!'.hnylerville village ......... '." ••..• \ lctor,v Mills vilfoge .. , ........•. _ ..

Samtnga Sprinirs town, incl. Saratoga Hpl'inrrs village.

. Sam toga §prinµ;a villairo .•.......... Stillwater tn., incl. the followinrr Yill&.

~[~·chm1icsville village (part .;'r) ... _. !5t11lwatcr village........ . ......•.

"\~ aterfoH1 town, incl. 'Vntcrforil vill ~Vnt<-rf'ord village ................ ::

Wilton town .•.....•.••••........••... Ba!Mrm Spa village (inllallstonand

Milton). MechanieH•ille Yillago (in Halfmoon

aml Stillwater).


p.;mm;•l111rgh town ••••••••.••••.•..•.

Ni~k~~!!1l~~0~~·.~:::·····-·-··········· PJfoc(.town tuw ....... •••••· ····-.· I,totterdnm townn. :::::::::::: ::: : ::::. St:Wnc:cta1ly city •.•••.•••••. __ •......

~~'Cl~ .................................... ··--·~

:: [~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:

4, 3i8 4H 412

0, U/~ 31 {j{){j 8, Oi7 1, :mu 4, !lt'i4 3, 308

31!i78 6, 275 2, 0-10

71 1, &74 a, V:.!7 ), 1!14 J, 08:l

803 l, fJUU 4,165 ~.Oil 1, EGO l,G:J4

5~2 1 Cj~l )

2: 4~3 4 207 2:1nn 1, 731 2,HG 2, 730 2 IFG 2'.m

io,an 2, 701 2, OJ4 J,OJB. 21 758 2,~Rl 2,384 214!li

mo 7,0111 1, 2tl f) 7{"' i: 700 2,4UB B, 441. 2, 008


2, 035

383 1,474

. 2,454 1, 7:17 1, 2as 1, 523 11 U02

187 2,448 J, UO:J 3,102

7GO 1, 234 51 5G5 2,U28 ~,555 1, 583

OOl 4,530 1, 017 l, 120

10, 820

8,421 3,412

515 877

41328 J,822 1, 118 3,011

1, 205

2, fifi5 2, 746

000 f~O

2,826 13, 055 J,410 J, 020 a, 2 4 3, 703 31 G53

T.A.IlLE III.-NEW YORK-Continued.

4, 137 510

"ii,«ii:i' G. ~JO ), 70;! 4, om 3, 20j

3, 342 0, 014 l, 081

221 1, 71!) 3, 1111 1, ms 1, li76

Gll:l 1, 785 a,5:m J, G~7 1, 757 1, 7fi~

573 1, Ou7 2, 577 4, 475 21 l:J:! I, 673 2, 1171 ~' 5UO l, 9;..1 2,441

10, L76

3, 018 2, 241 2, :!Ol

fiU7 7, 774

2 8Ul 1:mn ~. UHH 3, SIH 2, GUO



344 1, 6117 2,657 1, GOO J, 127 1, 405 2, 174

2, 608 1, oao 3, 003

581 1, ~12 4, om 2, G2G 2, 256. 1, 055 l, 155 4, 05~ l, :167

870 8, 537

7,516 3, 401

4a.! 737

3, mn H, 071 1, 20cl 2, 070

1, (,75

3, 042 2, rna 1, 105

846 2J 3fi5

11, o~o

ItEXUitl\:8. I!





Blenheim town ..................... . J~roome town ........................... --Carlis1o town ....................... . Coblc•;Jdll town,inel.Cohleskill vilhtge.

Cohh·Hkill village .................... . CmlC'svil 1n tmrn ......................... . Ef.lperancu towu ....................... . Fulton to,\11 ............ .................... . Glll1oa town .•.••..••.......••....... Jpfi'11rso11 town ........................... . J\li1l11lnh11rgh town .................. . HichmondvHlo town ................ . Sc110lrnriH towu, ind. Schoharie village

Schohari(.I village ................. - .. S11\v11rd town ........................ . Sharon town 1 ind. Sharon Springs vill.

Sharo11 S1iringH villago .............. . Snmmittcnvn ......................... . ",. rigli~ town . . . . . .. . . ................ .


Cuthrrino town ..................... .. Ca~·ut:t t11wn ......................... . Dix town, iirnl. 11ts. of Urn f,,!low. vills.

IIm·mm villagu (part. of) .........•. Wnt.!dus village (1mrt o!') .......... .

Jfoctor town .. . . .. . . . . . ........ . J\fontour town, incl. pt. of HtW>Ulll vi!!.

1 Ifarnrn1 villago (part of) ......... .


1 Orau,gl' t1nvu .. _... . . . . . . ............ . HPncliH~town 1 inl'l. pt. of "rutlduA vill.

i Wntkhrnvillago(Jl!ll'tof) .....•.... rl1;\TOlHI town ... -. . . ............... .

Hm·:u1<1 Yillngt' (in Dix nml Uontonr) ·w atkius Yilluge (in Dix mul llca1liug')


CoYort town, hwl. Farmer village ..... . J.t'arm1~r villug;n ..... .............. .

Fn.vcttt1 town, incl. pt. of Waturloo vill. '\l'!tl• rloo village (part of) .•..•••..•.

I ,Tnn~11:-i town ........... ,. ................ .

I I.10th ttn,·n - . . . .................... . Uvi<l.t.m:u, ind. Ovill Yillago .•••••••.

OvHl v1llagc ............................. . Timnuhrn 1nwn ...•... ................... SNlBCfl. FalJs tn., ind. Scmcca l~allsvi11.

Hmwcn. Falls villago ................ . 'r.\·ru to,,·11 .......... : . .. . . . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . .. Vn1·ick town ... . . . ... . . . .......... . "\Vat(\rloo tn., Juel. pt. of Wntorlno viii . ·waterloo vill:tgfl (part of) ......... .

"\Viitmfoo \•illugo (in Fiiyette m11l Waterloo).


.A<l1lis~n toll'.n, incl. Addison villngo .. . .Ad1hson Y!llage ................... ..

.A_,tO('tLt0'1i"Il ....... . .................... . Bath towu,ine!.Bath vil!ngo .••.......

Bnth village ....................... . Bm11t'oril to'\\'11. ..................... .. Camuron town ............................ . Camplrnll town ...................... .. Cn~1istE~o to,\:n, incl. Canisteo villago ..

C.:amsteo v1ll11ge .....••..••......... Caton town ......••••.•.•.........••. Cohoeton town . . . . . . . . .. . .. . _ ........ . Co~nin(: tow.n, incl. t.110 f . .11. vilfoges .. .

Cormng v1llnge ....................... . Gihso1i village .......................... .

Dnnsvilln town ..•.•••.•••••.•••••.... l~rwin tnwn .................................. . 1''re1nont. ttnvn ..................................... . Urucnwoocl town .............................. . llmtsYillo town .•..•.....••••••••.•.. Homl1y town................ . ...... . Horm•llsville town, incl. Ilurncllsvillo

villnn·o · Horirnl!s'Villo villago ...•...••••..•..

IfnWlml town ....................... . Jnspertown ..........•........... l.ii1Hlley town .................... : : . · J>rnttsh1n·g;h tn., incl. PraUslmr~h vill.

Pmttshnrµ;!t vill11:,;o ............. __ . l'ulkney tuwn .•••••••.•••.••.••...•.. Hathhono town ........................ . Thurstun town ..................... . :r:1·oupsbnr:rh town . ........... ~ ........... . Iuscarorn. town ................... : ..... . Url1nm1tow11, hwl. Hammondsport vill.

Ilnmmornlsport yill:1gn ... _ ......... .. Wn.ylnrnl to\\:n. incl. "\Vnylancl Yillngo.

1 Waylnllll vlllngo .....•....••••••.••

:Vnyun t1rwn .......................... .. \Vest Union town ......•..••• · ·••· Whe<'lertown ...•..•••..•.. ::.:::::: 'Voodhull town ...................... .


lSSO. 1870.

1, 101 l, 437 1, u:rn · 1, AB-I l, 7~0 1, 7:IO a, B7U 2, 8·17 ], ~22 11 < ao ), 1~7 l, BM l, :178 1, ~iG ~I 083 :.1., 700 ~I O·JO ~t :!27 11 nan l, 712 B, a7tl a, rno 21 08:.! ~I :J(l7 a, ar.o a, ~o7 l, IH8 1, 2UO J, 7:J·l 1, 71i5 ~, 1301 2, C:·IH

rm r.;o J, ·1lJj l, G:ll 1, mn l,!:i:.!i'.i

1, 017 l, o~o fllll (J.1]

4, lUH 4., 282 Oil 1110

2, B78 2, u:m 5, 025 •J., !JO!"! ], 771 1, H:.!H 1, :.!UB l, 17:1 21 U20 l, OliO 1, !iHl 1, 701

BilH '"i,"uii:i· ~I Oi1U 1, 274 1, ~;a 21 7lU 2, 03U

2, JGii 2, 2:18 54.i . ":i,"3cii' 3, BIO fiH.t nm

l, BGli 1, ·1~0 l, 0•17 1,8!.!fi 3, 009 2, 4oa

705 72·1 2, 70ij 2, :!:.!:I (!, 8ii3 (i, Hll.J Ii, 8811 Ci, HUU 1, Hi8 11 ~HO 1, 7BO 1, 7.Jl •l, :rno 4, 4111) a, aon a, 4rn 3, 803 4, 0811

2, fi31l 2, 218 1, Mill "i,"7iii' 1, H·l:I 7, anu o, 2iill a, JH:I

037 1, 0811 J,(111 1, Ba4 I 1, 881 1, OHO B, fi0-1 1, 007

2, 4B:i

1, (J1l2 1 Ml a, :Mo 2, 710 71 402 1J1 811:3

u, 003

278 an 1, 788 l, 081 2, ()!)(j l, Oi7 l, 277 1, 110 1, BHO 1, BU·l 1, otr. 00:1 1, ~on 1, 20~ 0, 8ii~ 5, 8:17

8, l!lli 4, fi!i~ 2, lal 2, l~~ 1, 800 1, 083 1, f>O:l l, ~f)l 2, lJ.JO 2,·110

001 mm J, 0011 1, :•11:1 l,B71 11 Bii7 1, Bila ·1, 21n 2, 404 2, 281 l, 544 11 ;l:?H 2, :118 2, 082•

755 002 2, fiOl

0115 2, 553

827 801 1, 271 1, 20<J. 1,42.t l, 3:JO 1, 003 1, 007

In lHiO, iiwl. nll of Wnt­!kit1H \'illngc,

In 1870, 1111 rncl. in l.1ix.

In 1870, l'llportetl in lllx.

Bnbylontow11 ·····'·······----······· 4,730 In 187?1 frot1111t.orII11nt· BrookhaYe11 town ..................... 11, uH 'io,'i5~· [lugtnn,

Page 39: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.




:MlNOlt CIVIL DIVISIONS. I 1 sso. ] 81.0. nE;;c.u:.Ks. JIIINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. \ rnso. l 1sro. REMaRKS.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-l-~~--~~-1~~~~~~~~~~-11-~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~ 1-~~~~~~~~~-


East Hampton town, incl. part of Sag HnrlJor village.

Sa::: Harbor village (part of) .••.•••. TI1111Ungton town ...................... . Ifilip t.own .......•••••....•••.......•• I-th·t·rhciul town ........................ . Shelter Islarnl town •...•.•••••...•••. 8mitllto,vn town ............. , ... _ .. 8uutlrnmr•ton town, incl. irnrt of Sag

Hal'hor villal(o. Sal( Harbor villagti (part of) ....... ,

Southoltl town, incl. Grccn1wrtvillvgo. GrcL•npol't village ....... ........... . Sag Ilarbor villni::c (in East Ilnmr>­

ton ancl Sou1llllm!J!On).


Bethel town .••.....••.•..•.•......••. Callicoon town ....•.•••••.••.......•.. Cochectnntmvn ............. ......... . Dd:n-;-are town ..••.•..••......••.•... li'nllsbnrp:h town ...................... . Forcstlmrgh town ...................... . Fre111ont to\Vll _ ....................... . lligllland town .......... _ ............ . Liberty town, incl. Liberty villagB ... .

Lihlll ty villtt[.\e ........•....•....... fattuhN·lnnd town .................. . :Mamakating tu., incl. "Wurtsboro' vilL

·wnrtshoro' village ..••••••..••••.... Neversink town--···················-l:ockluud town ...... -. - -............ . '.l'hornpsan town, incl. Mcmticcllo vilL.

Mouticello village ................. . Tusten town ...••••...•.••.•...••••••.


Jlarton town, incl. Waverly village .... Wiworly village .••••••••.....•.•... 1

Bl'rkshiro town ..•...••.•............ Candor town .••..•••••.•.•..•.••.••••• Newark \Tnlluy town ...•....••..•••.•

· Niclrnls town ......•.•..•.....•....•.. Owego town, incl. Owego village ..... .

<hn~µ-11 villap;e ·---------------······ Richford town .............••..••.•...

~J;~~~l~l~~~\'-[~:::: :: ::::::::: ::::::: :: .. TOMPKINS.

Caroline towu ..•...••...•••.•.••.•••. llauhy tu\vn .................... ·--~ .. Dr,v<len t'rn:n. lucl. Dryden village ....

D~'.nleuvlll:lge --------------------· Enficltl town. . . . . • . . . . . . . . .•.....••.. Groton town incl. Groton ..... c

Grol;ou vilingo ....................... . Itlrnc1t town, ind. Itlrnca village •••••.

Ithacrt village ...............•..••••. Wnril !. ...•......................

H 2 ............................. . 3 .•••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 ••••••••••••••••••••••.••••

Lansing town .............................. . Nf'wll"W town ...................... . UlyHses town, incl. Trnmanslnn·g vill ..

'.rrmnansburg yillago ........... ....... .


Dennlui:: town ••••••....•.••.•.••••••. Etw1111s town ............................ . Garllinrr town ......................... . Ilartfoulmrgh town ............. ------· llmk_vtowu .......•.•••••..•....•••••

K~~~;~~l11~ ~~:.\::: ~:::: ::: :: : : : ::: : :::::: 2 •..•••..••••.••••••••.•.. -.•.. 3 ............•..••• ; ......... . ·:! ........................... .. 5 ............................... . 6 ..••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 7 ............. ·'·· .•.•.•...... s ···························· O .•••••••••••••• c •••• , ....... .

KingRtnn tow11 ...................... -.. . Lloyd town ....•.....••••.......•••••. Mnrblctown town .••..•...•.•••..•... Marlhoroni::h town ..•..•••••••...••••.. Now P<iltz town .........••.••......•. Uli '""town .•..••••.••..••.•..•...•.. Plattekill town ...••••.••..••••....••. Itochester town ........................... . I~osendulLI town ....................•.. S1t11gertieR t11., ind. Saugerties villugo

Siiugm-tles Yillage ................. . Shnrnlukcn town --··-···· ............. . Shawnngu11k tow11 ..................... . \\Tu.wnrsingt1own, incl. EllPn"illo vill ..

Ellc·nville village ..... - ............. . IYoo<lsloek.lown ..•.....•...•....••.. Ulster town .....•.•.......••••..••••.

2, 515

&32 8, 003 U, 433 3, ow

1:m 2, 24U G,332

J,4fi4 7, 207 2, ~70 1, OUG

21 502 2, 180 1, 328 1, 8:!0 2, 045 1, o:;s 2,0::?5 1, UJ3 3, ~OU

478 1,0;,o 3,£45

.5:J8 2, lfl2 2, 4Hl 3, 711B

!M-l 1, OGO

51 fi25 2, 7ti7 l,3114 ~I ~~a 2. ,)17 1, 700 0, 88! 5, fi2.3 1,477 2,:182 3, 102

2, 17l 21 OJ5 4, EOii

770 I, GOO 3, 450

013 11, HIS

0, 105 l, 701 2, 183 a ~>·1 0 2: iiii1 !l, oou 2, uos a, 1J58 11 H7U

1, oan •J,7:m 1, 7E14

801 n tj•ll

2, 372

10, 704 4, f,07 3, 4hl

fi·l5 2, i:rn 0, 135

0, 71ti 1, Kl!) 1, 7~3

2, 73G 2, 70:1 1, 400 l, 998 3, 200

015 2, 218

038 3, 380

l, 005 •!, 8GG

7H7 2,45~ 1, om I S,5U

012 1, 028

5l 087 2,230 1, 240 4,20() ~) 3'Jl j: G03 9,"142 4, 75(1 l,•134 1,81\fl 3, ~72

2, 175 2, 12G 4, 818

612 1, on:: a, 5rn

EG:l 10,107

8, 4C2

.. 2,'i74. 2,Ul.2 3, 271 1, 246

628 2, 0o7

In 1872, part to Duby Inn.

In 1870, iul'l. nll Harbor.

of Sng

In 1870, rc~~urtPcl as PH-tirely in , 'outhumptun.


Bolton town ..•.••••••.••..•...••••••. CaHwoll town ....................... . Clu·oit"rt:iwn ..•..........•....••••.•.

ji~fit~:l}i!0t~~·~~·~ .. : :: :: : ·:::::::: ~:: :: ·:: ~ Johnsllu1·;,!" toYt·n .................. -····· J~uze1·nB town.-~--··...... . ....... . (~11<'1•11slmry oown, incl. Glen Falls vill.

Glen :F1alls Yillago .............. _ ... . Ston.v Cre1•k t1rwn ..................... . 'l'hurnu111 t.uwn ............................. . \Varrcnslmrgb. town .•.••.....••.•.••.

W ASll!XG'fOX.

Argyle town, incl. Argrln Yillage ... . . .A1·gvl" villa.go ............. - ....... .

Curnl.Ji·idi(u town, incl. iiart of Cam­hriclge vilhtge.

Cmnln·i<ll(B Yilluge (part of) ..•••.•. Dl'estlen tu,vn. ---- ..... - ................ . Eastcn1 tO\Vn ................................. . Fort tinvn . _ .... . . . . .... . Fort Etlwnl'll town, incl Fort Eel wanl

Yil'age. Fu1·t Etlwanl villago .......... ......... .

Grnn1•illo town ••......•..•.....•. Grct·nwi1~h town, irH'l. Greeuwich vill.

G1·cenwich \"illugo ................... . .IIumplou tm•nl . ........................... . lln1tfu1<1 town ....................... . lfohnm tnYm ................•.••.... ,Joolu11n1 town .......................... . Kiugslmr.v town, incl. Samii- Hill yiJl

Ha1ul,y Hill Yillago .................... . Pntniun tinvn ......... .................. . Salmu town, including Salem li1lag(i .. 8alc~m villag·o ................ ····-~·-··

White Creek town, incl. pnrt of' Cam­bri11~n village.

Cnmhricll(O yilJagc (pnrt of) ··---··· Wltikhall towu, ind. Whitolmll vill ..

\VhltPball vlllngo . .. . . . .. ••.••. Cambridge villago .(Jn Cambridge

nm! Whit<> Creek).


.i.\.rcnclin town, incl. Newark vill1tge .. Nownrlc: vill 1go . ................ ~ ... .

Bntler t11w11 • • . . • . • • . • • . •••••••. GnlPt1 ttnvu, incl. Clytle villa go ...... .

Clyclo villa go •..................... Ilurnn to\Vll ........................... . Lyons t<n,·n, incl. Lyons villil~n ... .... .

'I..vons villng(\ . ...................... . 1iinl~l·tlon town, ind. hlnccdon village

J\'lace<lou dllngo ......................... . Mnl'iou tow1L .............. ~ ...... ........ . Ontario tllwn ..••.............•....... l'nlmyr11 town, foci. Palmym villngo ..

l'al'i-ny1·n villa,ge .................. ..... . Roso town .•..••..•••.•.............. Hn.Ynn1mlt town.--··-··········· ..... . Soclns town .................... : . .. . Wnlwort.11 tuwn •••.............•..... Willittmscm town ........................ . 'Volcott town ...•..........••.•.•.....


Dc•clfonl town, iucl. llfount KiAeo vill Mount KiHCO villn.a-u ............. .

CorUnnclL town, hrnl.'l1cckskil1 Yilhtgo r>eekakill villngo...... ..... . ..... .

EasLClwster tnwl1 1 incl. Monut Vernon . ~·illa~c.

18: ~:41 1, 780 1, rmu 1, G79 2, 170

1,0441 1: g~r I

..•..•. In 1872, from T':u·t of j [Kingston fown. I

Mount VN·non Yilfago .............. --Gr,L•t:n liur1~I1tow11, iucl. thef'ollo,~r. Yills.

Grcl'nhiirgh village ................. . ll'vingt on \·illngo .................... .

2, Blil I, fl47


...... .

2,0:.?4 ---· .... . 2r Hi~ ....... . 2, 633 ..•...•. l, 0~3 21, 94!! Jn 1872, Jlnd to Kini::•tun 2, 7 J 3 I 2, or.8 [city; in '70, pt. to Ulster. 3, ll 10 4·, 223 3,47J 2,07ii 1, u;;s ~. u4o 2.0~7 :i,t83 2, ~05 2, Olll 4, 1!10 4, OE8 41 724- B1 ,U25

10, 375 10, 41'.ij H, 023 3, 731 2,8 .. 9 2,75l 2, 910 2, F~3 8, 5·17 8, lGl ~) 7r;o i;oos 2,022 [ton. 2, ~06 ...... , In 1870, fr. pt. of Rmb•·

Ta~r.vtown villiige .................. . Jlnn·ison 1own ..................... ~ ...... . I .. ewishoro' town ...... --···· ........ . Mnium·onerk to\ln ....... .... , ... -···· Mount Pleasant. town, incl. Nc1·tl1 Tnr-

1·ytown villnge. North Tarrstuwn yilJngc ••..•••....

Nc'v Uusllo town ....................... . N1)\V Itndwllo to\vn . ................... . Nm·th CaHile tow1i. ............... - .. . North S~lem town .....•......•••..... O~~inin~. tow1_i. ind. Sing Sing villa~t~.

Ming 8m~Tllht.go ....... ............... . Jlellrnm tuwn ............................ . I)oundritlge town ................... .. Ryo ti:,vn, lnd. I'ort Chester Yillnge ..

T1ort Chest er ,·illngo .. .... - ...... - . ~ .. Sears<lalo town .••..............••....

I Somers town ....•........••... --·· .... '"''StchP>tertOWII ·····-··············

I .White• Plrll_.ns town, inel. Whito Plains

I Yilln9:e. I ! Wb.itu Pl.1!11s Yillngo .......••. - •.•.. '

1, 132 1, 13:; I, 223 1,0H 2, 247 2,329

807 037 1, 6H3 1, 501) 2, 742 2,5!}!) 1, 4:m l,17+ 9, 805 8,il~7 4, UCO 4, GOU 1, 2iJ3 l, J;l7 J,lH 1,084 1, 7:.!5 11 579

2, 775 2, 85() am 301

2, 324 2, 589

4SO 5G3 no 08!

2, 740 3,072. 3, ::!03 3,SW 4, 080 5,12:i

2, 9F8 S,402 4, 140 4,0il:J 3, ~fJU •J, 030 1, 2;JL

b:m !)55 I, 7HJ 1, UHD 21 asa 21 aon l, fiU:! 11 OU:! 4, Ul4 4,277 2, 487 2, H-17

611 01•:1 3,4!18 a,556 I, 4!0 112!!9 2, 74-2 2,881

00:1 007 5, :J47 5,fi04-4,!HU 4,32~ l, 482 l, 530

5, 702 5, 271 2,4uo ~. 248 2, JG! 2. u2:i 5, 4!'}1 fi, 700 2, 826 2, 7i15 2, (}3j 21 OGO fi1 7li2 u, 115 3, ~20 a. 350 2, 871 2, 036

53~ 451 2, 1110 1, 067 2, 002 2, 295 4, 435 4, 1B8 2, :l08 2,152 2, 24-1 2,05(} 1, 807 1, 03~ 6, 285 4,mn 2, 3B8 2, 2:rn 2, 745 2,4:rn a, 731 3, 223

3, 731 3,007 728 .ii,'iiii4. 12, 00·1

0, 8011 6, fifiO 8, 737 7,4Ul

1, 857 2, 700 8, 034 .~~:'.~~-1 l, om I, DO-! ········1 3, 0:.?5' ... -ifr 1, 4ll4. 1, 012 1, Gill I, E63 1,•lll:l 5, 450 u, 210

2, G84 .......

~· ?~7 ! ~' lfi~ a, 21G ..,,fJl;1 1,1:18 1 m:n 1, OH:J 1,7M 8, 7(j!J· 7,708 6, !;78 4, UDO 2, fi4U 1, 700 1, 0::4 1,lM 6,mu 7, 150 3, 254 3 797

GH I [iJ7 1. 030 1. 721 o, 7rn o om •l,llN 2, (hH}


Page 40: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.



=··--···-·-------"===l=S=S=0"-.=1=8= .. =o=.··,,c ==1='E00

, ,=r= .. =R.=K"'S°". ==.1=:=:M:IN==O=R:C:I:V:IL:=D=I=V=I:SI:O=~=s:.=_:"'i.=_,=_s=s_o_. _is_7~0.·~=~·~::::;;1:;=,··~~ :MI.\'OR CIVIL DIVlSIOXS. , • n "" • ,- _


y~~~~~.J."' f'.'.::'::::: ::::: ::::::::::: ::::: 5: ::::~: :::: :: ::::::::::::::::/

• 4 ..••. ·•••·•••••··••··· ··•·•· Yorktown town ...................... .


Arc:ulP· town, ind. Arcncle village ..... Arc.a'11• village ........ -... ~ ..•••..••.

Attieu tnwu, . .Attirn. Yillag:e .••••• .Attica .......... - . - .•.•• - -- . -·

U1•uninµton town ....•.•.. -.• - - - .•• -t'u~tih: town, incl. CnHtile village .....

Castile Yillage ••••••.••..•.•••.••••. Covington town ......................... .. J~ i:,::!1~ tO\\"Jl .•••• ·••• •• •···•••• • •••• • •• Uuine•ville town ..................... . (J•.-rh r;1·r Falls town ......... ----~--- .•. Java to'\rn ........................... . Mi1l11l"b~r~· town .................... . Orau~V\.'llli~ town ....................... . J1,•rrv town, incl. Perry village ....... .

Pt:i·1vviUago ........................ . l'ikr: town, iiicl. Pik~ "illago ••..•••••

1Jike village ......................... . Shdtlon town ........................ .

18, 89~ 5, !4!) G, !l17 5, n:;a

87H 2,481

2, 000 70~

3, (,9!J 1 935 2; :m5 2 315

'!JU5 1, 176 1, 2113 1, 7ti7

860 1, 95;) 1, 822 1, 104 2 571 1: llfJ 1, 707

644 2, 2;i7

18,.357 In 1872, erected fr. Ynnk· [ers town.

1, !~? a1.J

2, G46 i,a:m 2, :J85 2, 180

71!! 1, 180 1. U40 1, H12

!i7!1 1, 956 1, 020 1, 217 2, 3,12

8G7 1, 7iJO

fiiil 2, 258


Warsaw town, incl. '\Varsn,w vi,llugo .. i;vur ... aw villngo ........................ .

Wothersfielcl town ................... .


Barrin"ton town .................... .. Benton town, incl. part of l'eun Yan

villagl~. Penn Ynn villago (part of) ...•..•.•.

Itnlvtown ........................... . J eri1salem town, incl. Dmnchpcn·t v!ll

Bmnchport "illago ................. . l\Hilcllesox town ...................... . :Milo town, incl. pt. of Penn Yun vill ..

Penn Ynn village (]lllrt ol') ......... . PoLler town, ind pl;. of Rnslwillll vill.

Rushville villng" (part ol') •......••. St.arkBY t,own 1 incl. Duullcc villagl1 .•

Dmuh·n village ...........•.... · ....•. ~rorrev 1 own 1 hwl. Dresden village ..•.

DreAclen rillago ..............•...... Penn Ynn v1llago (in B1mton urnl

l\[ilo). R1rn1' villo villap:e (lu Potter town,

Yates co., nml Gorhan1 town, Ontmio co.).

3, 227 1, 010 1, :n1

1,'478 2, 41:.l

105 1,H·l 2, n~o

271 1,457 r>, 75G 3, 310 11 !140

a4a 2, 720 1, 025 1, 2'!5

BOO 3, 475


3, J4:l 1, Gill 1, 219

1, 500 2, 422

4H5 1, B·1l ~I 012

1, 314 4, 77Q a, 01,3 1, !170

··2, :i7!i. 7:10

1, 281

· ·5;.iss·

------------'----'----'--------_c.c__ ___________ _:._ __ .:._ __ ._ _________ . ____ .. _ ,,_

NOTE.-The following unincorporatcrl places have l1een rctnrnctl sc11arntPly h~·tl1c cnnmcrators. The list is not by any nwnuH oom\1lPlo, ab v1•ry many enumcmtors harn faile<l to separate 8UCh hoc lies of population. The popnlatiou of thcso 11lacm1 hnH, of 0011 nm, hcinn inc 11<1<-tl iu the tr.wns in wMch they are reHpectivcly situated. The figure.; cau l.HJ cousidcrell as ouly approximttto, tis tho limits of ~twit pl1W\\!I arc not sharply defined.

Name of place. Town. County.

Ahbott's Corners ....... Hamburgh...... .••..• El'io ................. .

!:i~:= /J:~!~e· :::::::::: ~fi1~:s·::::::::::::::: ~:fl~~~~~~·::::::::::::: Alahama ............... ,\Jnhama ............. Gt•neseo ............. . Altlen Center ........... Alclcn ................ Erio ................. . Al1lel' Creek............ Iloouvillo ..... . . ... . • . Ollcicl~ ........ .' ...... . .A lfrml.......... •• .• • . • • Alfreil ........ :.. .. . . Al!Pgany ........... .. Alfred Center ............... do................. . . do ............... .. Ailegany ............... Allegany............. Cattaraugus ••••••.•.. Alpine .................. CnthnriLe ............ Schnylor ............ .. A!tay ................... 'l'yrono ................... do ............... .. Amagansett ............ E:\llt IIamptun ........ Suffolk .............. . Am her ....... •••••• ••. . Otisco .••• •• • • ... . . . •• Onondaga ............ . Am hoy Center ••...••••• Amb<iy ............... Oswel(o .............. .

±:~~~ u;;i~~:::::::::: -~~ii~n'.a::::::::::::::: -~~13~~s~::::::::::: ::: Am~ ................... Canajoharie ..••••••••. llruntgomery ..•..•.•.. Am~ty .,. ..................... '\nrwick ..•••...••••. Orange ............... . Am1tyv1lle ............. Babylon . .. . • •. • • .. . •. SnJTulk ............. .. 1~~~~~ Lead ':Min~~~::: .~~,~~a~_:::::::::::::: . ?0\]~m-~i-~::::::: :::::: Andover . . • .. • ... • • • .. • • .. . A111lo't'cr.... . • . • • . . .. • . Allogany ___ ...•...... 1unarnlale ............. , RP.<l. Ilook •••••••••••. Duchess ............. .

A~~~i~~-~:':~1~:.: :::: "(i~·'!~ci:::::::::::::::: 0 Ti~~!t: :::::: :::::::::: A11uehogne- •.•...••••••• Rl\'erheacl ............ Suffolk,. ............ .. 1'gllsvillo ....•.•.•..••. Carlislll ............... 8chnhnrie ............ . "'rmonk .•••••..•••• , .•. North Castle:......... \Yestchcster ........ . Arshamomoque . .. .. . .. So11thold.... •• .•••• ... S11ffolk t•hland ················ Asblan<l. .............. Greene::::::::::::::: • sh,·1J!e ·:···· .......... Harmony ............. Chautauqua ......... . Atlan!tcv~Jle ............ S,111tbampton ......... Sntfolk .............. . ±::~~~i:,~n~ ......... Angnsta .............. Onc!cla ............... .

¥~i~k,~·:::~':::::::::::: ~x~;tl~:::::::::::::: fi~r~~n::::::::::::::: :P'ntm~ ~ullow .. . • .. • . . R1Yerhead ................ do ................ . Ji>ltlwm s ........... •••· HPmpstuacl .•••..••••• Queens .............. . rmgall .................. Stanf'onl. ••..•.....•.• Duchess .............. . Ji~ng:o~ ii "ii·· .. ·····.... Ba_n.!lor .. • • • . . • • • • • • • . Franklin ............ .

}'','. p:1~ } ............. Bnst.?l. ............... O,nta1fo ............. ..

Brrkcra,11le •••••••••. ·••. Prornlence ........... Saratoga 'lines' Corners p· ·k · · ...... • •• .....

ltu·rm I•land .. ·•· · · · · :Fine! n'i:y • • · • • .. · • · • • · 1 L,~wrn ... · · · · · · · · ·· • · · · l'a.r ··t . ............... ) nt ant q ·········---· l\..1ngs ···--··········· 1iar~~~;~·r,~;.;;·;s····· !."~ Ilouk •.•••.•••••• Duohess ............. .

1:=rme ·.-·---~ .. ::::: 'iii~h'1i.;;,i:::::::::::::1· s"i;1\\~-~il··············· t:~~ d~Jr11le •.•••••••. ~tlinlm~gh ..•••.••.••. Saratoga:::::::::::::: ll~x\t~I ? .............


fx;ce11~1cb ............ \VashingLon ......... . Il:L\ I~r1"" n. · • • .. • • • · •• · ~j'.lppmgcrs. ·........ Duc.hess ...... : ..... ..

it~~~~~~~~~~;::::: ::::1.cit~Yf ·.::::::::: :::: :: · ~'.'.~~iir::: ::::::: :: :: : : lk'<lfo l s ....... ! "'' ic ................ Chenango ............ . lletlfr1cl.Staii~~···-·----1 Bedforcl .... ••·••••••· W.,s:chestcr ......... .

il:'~~b,·n Ilouow·::::::::1 :E·a.~1;n·ri1;·::::::::::: · s:1i'.;~oii~ ........ ····· u.1:.11n:rn ............... R"ekman ............. Dn~lu:ss .:::::::::::::

lklhst ·····- ··········1 1Jlnon ............ · .. W1tsh.11~'1:on ......... . l~o·lri1rt ........ ,. ....... Ifelfust .............. Allognuy ............ .

Bel1<1na ::::::::::::::::: ~~if~~~:::::::::::::: i~~~::::::::::::::::::

Name of place. Town. Com1Uj'• Pop11lrt-1 tiun.


110 I. Bellport .. . • . . . .. . .. .. .. Brookhn"on ......... . 274 Iloll1mrt Station ............ do ................ . 4D:I Bellvnlo ................ WnrwiclL .......... .. 173 Tiounnti,"bur~h ......... Hectol' ............... . 1._~80 n, nnin~Cton <fontro . . . . . lh:•1mington ........... .

ll"ntou 'eutre.......... llc:nton .............. . n5 Berlin .... ., .. • • • • . . . .. Berlin ................ . 513 Jlernharcl'R Bay......... Constnntirt ........... .

1, OJO Jl~thauy qt•ntro... •. . •• . B11thnn~·· ............. . 180 Bwkuclh'lllo ............ Stockholm ........... . 130 Bingham's Mills........ Livin.t1ston ........ .. 5rn Birmingham ..••••.••. { ~11s1tble · .. · · · • · ..... . lii6 Lhestorfloltl .....•.•.. 40 Black Creek ••••••.••••• Now Huclson ........ .

303 Black RivBr .•••• ..... •. Lo llay .............. . 5! Blauvoltville....... •• • . . Omugi,towu ......... .

148 Blenheim............... llleuheim .•.•.•.•..•. 131 Blockville • •. • • • .. • .. • .. !Inrmouy ............ .

1, 003 llloocl's ... • • • ... . . . . . . • . Cnhnctoii. .......... .. 28:! Blooclvillo .. ..•••• ...... Milton ............... .

BG llloumJicllcl. ............. Northfiol<l ..... ., .... . 794 Bloom"lllo .............. Kort wright ......... .. 1~~ m::~ I-:t0oi~~- ........ •••·· 1Il,!·,~01·nkl'.Ut'o'nl'll ........ .. 223 ~') ···--·······-· -' I:') •••••••••••

s23 R~ll~-:~:~ ::: : :: ::: : :: : : : : fi~~ll~:~,:: :: :: :: : : : : : : : : 1 !1 Jlorod!no .. .. .. . • • • • • • • . Spofforcl , ............ . 265 Ilo•ton .................. Boslon ............. .. 143 llonckvillo.............. llfadison ............. . 268 Jlowmansvillo . . . . . .. . .. Lmwastor .......... .. 214 llradforcl...... ••• • •• . • .. Ilm<l!'cml .••.•••.••• ; . 21?.·170 Brainar<l. ................ Nussnu. ,, .......... ..

Brnmnn's Corners....... Duancslmrgh ...... _ .. Branch (or South Balls- Ballston ............. .

tcm). ·

Suffolk .•••••••...••••. ... <lo ............... .. 01'1\llµ'O ............... . filfllU,\'llll'. •••.••• , •.••.

¥iil:~~''.1:'.~:: :: : : : ::: :: : ]l(\\lHHll}ltOl' ••••..•••••• (hnvt~go ....... · ...• , .••. Gl'nosno ... , ••.•.•.•.. Saint; L11wrmH111 ••••••• Uo\u111hl1t •••••..•••••. Clinton ............. ~ l~~n;e:s:. ................ 5 Allllµ;nny ........... .. 1Tollb1·tmi1 ................. . ltot'.kl1111cl ............ . 81~hohnrio ............... . Clumt111111mi ........ .. O\tmtlH\11. ............ .. Rlll'c'l..togn ................ . Jtioh11Hn11l •••••••••••• llolawm·o .••..••..•••. Snllhlk .............. .. Colnmbict ............ . l::\nffolk ............... . Al!nµ;nny .•••••••••••. 011011clug11 .•• ~ ........ . J~l'ln ................... . :ti,l<\CliHcm ............. . lt..l lCI ....................... . Sle11l1P11 ............. .. Hot\8H(!l1wr .............. . Hcolwnel\Lncly .•.•••..•. Sat·a.togn •.. : .............. .

5+7 2, 142

340 ~rasher Falls .. • . • .. ... Ilrashor . . . . . .. .. .. . . . Sn Int J,awl'PlHlO ••••••• rccspor~ ······----·-·· HorsBhcacls ........... <Jlwmung ............. .

1, urn 151 ~~9 150

50 112 I

309 I 2;;0 I 75

271 344 142 ~o

. 481 l, 015

105 181 ~on 107 105

57 405 JB2 107

Brentwood . .•.•.• .•.••. Islip.................. Suffolk .............. .. nreslau. ··········----· Bal>,vluu .•.........•..... llO ............ ~····· Bl'i<lgehampton... •• • • • Southampton .... , ....... tlo ........... , ... .. Bridgeport .............. Snllimu ............. Mmli8011 ............ . Il1·iclgrport... •. • .. •••••. lh:mpstc»tcl....... . • • . Qtt<'nns .............. . Il"idgownter.. .• . . .•• . .. Jhdgowutcr ... .. . . . .. 01u•itlrt ............... . Brier nm ................ !,r~~l'I'ISt.own .•.•.•....• Hn;nl. L1\Wl'rnl<\n ....... . Brighton ................ I~11ghton ........ ,. .... Mount.' ........•...... Brisbin ................... ~reono .............. CJ1111ut11g-o ................... . Brocton ................. I or!land ............. Ulrnul.ituqn11, ........ .. Bronxvillo .............. \Vostr.hc"tet'.......... W <1Htehestn1· ......... . Brookbuven ............. Bro?kh:wen .......... RuJfolk ...•.••....••..• Brnsblaml ............. Bo~ma ............... lll•lltwm'ci ••••••..••... Brushton ............... (:!i;fo1m ... : ............ J1'mnkll11 ............ . Buck :Mountain . • ... • • . ,rown Pomt.......... JCss"x Burdett ........ ~ ........ Hector ............... Rr.l11ivi;,;,::~".:::::::::: Rm·~c ,. .............. Bn\·ke ................ I•'r11ukli11.......... . llur(1gton ~ats ........ Burlington ....... .. OtanAO .............. .. Bn1 u1p;ton rocu .......... clo ................... do ........... -··· B mns . . . . .. . .. . . .. .. . .. llairnvillo. ... .. • . . . . .. St"uhi·n ...••.••••..... Bnmt m

11!s ............. ll:illston .. , ........... Sur.itoga ............. .

urtonYi lc ............. Chnrlr.ston :Mont" UH'l Iluslmell's BuRin •••••••• PPrinton ···--···-··· ll t->u '•y ............ I Busklrk's Bridge . . . . . • . Whitu cr~eir::::::::: w~.~1:l~gtt;it.:: :·:::::::I

'.Popnln· tum.

Page 41: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.


TA.TILE III.-NEW YORK-Continued. ==========;o============================================--,-=~~~--::-::~:-.~::.::::.:-::~";,,;;.;~.".-:;:;:;:·-;:·~:;.,·::::.·;;

1'011ult:1· 1.!on. Namo of placo. Town. Couuty. l'o_puJa.

ti on. Name of place, Town. County.

--------1--------1---------l----'--ll----------l----------i-----------·---Butchervlllo ............ Northfidtl. ........... JUchmond ........... . Buttervillo ............. N"w p,\ltz.. •. .. ...... Ulster ............... . Byrncsvillo.... .• . ••• . . . J!'islikill ... • • . . •• . . . . . Duclieas ............. .

~m~e~t~:~~::::::::::: Hm'~o1i:::: :::::::::: W'~'r~~'::'.::::: :: ::::::: Caledonia ............... Cnletlonia •••••••••••• Livingston ........... . Callicoon Centro........ Callicoon ............. "Sulliv11n ............ .. Cnlli11oon Dopot ......... Dlll11w11ro ................. do ................ . Calverton ............... Riverhead ............ Suffolk .............. .. Cameron ................ Cnm .. rou...... ........ Steuben ............. . Cameron Mills .......... Rathbone ................. clo ................ . Campville ............ Owego................ Tioga ................ . Canaan Four Corners . . . Canaan . . . .. . .. . . .. .. . . .. . . Colun1l1in. ................ . Cimalla ................. Bo!.han;v.............. Gmwsec> ............ . Canarsie............ .... l!'lat.Jamls....... ... • .. Kings ................ . Canaaeraga. ...... •••••. Ilurna .. .. .. .. .. ...... Alle~a11y ............ . Cn11aseraga. .... .. ••• .. . Sullivan.............. M1<thson ............. . Cnnllor . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . Candor . . . . . . .... ... .. . . . . Tioga. ............... .... . Caneatlca ............... Cuneatl~a ............. Allegany .......... , .. Cannonsvlllo ............ Tompkms.. ... ....... Delaware ...... · ..... ..

8~~11~~ ::::::::::::::::: ~~I11!f~.::::::: ::::::: ~~h~~~i~:::::: ::::::: Carmel ................. Carmel ............... Putnam .............. . Caroline Ct>ntre .......... Carolino ............... 'l~ornpkins ............. . Cc'au18't8lvu1.1~~-L-_u_n·d· 1-·n. g.'.·.·.·.·.·.·. Wuppingers . . . • .. .. •. Duchess ........... : ..

Jiu Paris . . . .. .. . . . • . .. . . . Ouci<l11 ............... . Castle Creek............ Chenango .. • •• • ...... Broome .............. . Cattaraugus............ New Albion .......... C11t.tar:mgus ......... . Caughdenoy.. .... . •• .. . HaRtings ....... .... •. Oswego .............. . C11yuta. . . . . .. . .. •• • • •• . Cayuta....... .. .. . • .. Sclm,rler ............. . Center J\forichea ........ l!rookh:wen .......... Huffolk .............. . Centerville . . . . .. • ... • .. Corning...... • .... .. . Steu!Jcn ............ .. Central Bridge.......... Sclwhario.. •• .• . .... .. Schnhnrie ...... · ...... . Central Islip ............ Islip .................. HuJlblk .............. . Square.......... Hastings . .•. .. • .... . . Oswego ........ _ ..... . Cent report • • . . .. .. • . .. . Huntington........ . . . Suffolk ............. .. Centre Post............. :Mentz . .... .. • • ••••••. Cayuga ............. .. Centreville..... .. • • .. .. l'orLland.............. Cliaut1mq1m ......... . Centrovillo .... .. .. • . ... q1ay . .. .. .. • • . .. • .. ... Onomlnga ........... .. Ceres ................... Genesee .............. Allegany ............ . Chappa'lua ............. New Castle ........... 'YeatclJester ......... . Charleston .............. Charleston ............ :Montgomery ......... . CharlestonFourCorners .... llo ..................... 1!0 ................ . Cl1at"lotte ............... Newfane .............. Niagarn ............. .. Chnrlotteville ........... Summit.............. 8chob11rio .......... .. Cl1arlton ................ Charlton .............. Samtoga ............. . Chase's :Mills ........... Louisville...... ...... Saint Lnwrence ..... .. Chatham Centre ........ Chatham .............. Colum!Jfa ............ . Chazy............ ... ... Chazy.......... • .. . • . Clinton .............. . Chclsra ................ Northfield .••.•••••••. Iliehmond .......... .. Chenango .l<'orka ... .. .. . B11rkor.......... ... ... Ilroome ............. .. Cher~·.v <Jrcek........... Cherry Creek......... Chautam111a ......... . Cherubusco ............. Clinton.............. Clinton ............. . Cheshire ................ Caur1mlnigua ......... Ont:ulo ............. .. Chester ................. Chester ............... ·warrnn .............. . Chesterville ............ 'Vcsterlo .. .. •• ....... .Albany ............. .. Chittenango De-pot..... Sullivan .. .. .. . ..... •. 1.faclison ............. . Cicero ......................... Cicero ....................... Onontla~a ........ ........ . Cincinnatus ............ Cincinnatus .......... Cortlanil. ............ . City Islnncl ............. l'elham ............... ·westchcstcr ........ .. Clark's Mills........... Kirklau<l. .... • • ... . .. Oneid11 ............ .. Clarkson................ Clarkson .. • . . . •• . . .. . Monroe .............. . Clnrksv!lle ............. ClnrksYille. •••.• ...... .All~gnny ............ . Ul11rksv1llo .............. New Scotland ......... Albany .... , ......... . Clarksvllle .............. llrookfteld .•....••••. Mndisim .•••• .' ...... .. Clarksville.............. Niagara............... Niagnm ............. . C!nrlrnville.............. Mitlllloflelll . • .. ... • . •. Otsego .............. .. Clavemck ..... .. •• • • ... Clavomok............ Coluill bin ............ . Cl11ysburgh.. ... • • • .. ... Black Brook.......... Clinton .............. . Clayville ................ l'aris ................. Oneilla ............... . Clcmnont . . . ... .. . • ... .. Clorruont .. • ... • ••• •• . Columbia ............ . Clift.on.. . . .. ... • .. . • • • . . Chili...... . . . • . • ... .. . Monroe .............. . CliJ'tou Pnrk .... . .. .... . Halfmoon............. Samtoga ............ .. Cliftondalo .............. Plattekill. ............ Ulster ............... . Clinton Prison.......... Dunnemom .. .. • . .. .. . Clinton .............. . Clintonville ........... { 4nsa~lo ............... ·;·<lo ............... l

· Chesterfte!tl .......... Essex ............... ) Clockvme. ....... . •. ••. Lenox ....... .".. .... .. Madison ............ . Cochecton .. • .. • • .. .. . .. Cochecton .. .. • .. . ... . Snlllvan ............ .. CoB

1ymnns .............. Collymans . .... . ... .. Allmny .............. .

Colt Brook ......... : .. . Sar:inac 11nc1 Illack Clinton ............. .. Dmok.

Cultl Ilrook ........... .. Russia ............... . Herkimer ............ . Ilun(,ington .......... . Collins ............... .

Cold SJiring ............ . Collins Centre ......•..•

SnJfulk .............. ; El'lo ................ ..

Colton.... . ........ .. Culton ............. .. Su int Lawrence ....•.. Columbia Centro ..... .. <Jolnm!Jia ............ . Herkimer ............ .

Stockport ............ . Co1umlms ................. . ConeRus .................. . Graveaeml ........... . Il11<lleJ' ............. .. ltenaaelaer .......... ..

Culumhiavillo ..... ; ••... Columbus Center ...... . Conesus ............... . Conoy Islanll ..••••••••. Conklingville ........ · .. , Conne1svillo (or Wil-

linms!Jurg). Couqnes"t . ..... .. ....... Conquest............. Cayuga ............. .. Const:mtia .............. Constnntin ............ Oswego ............. .. Cookabur_g.. ............ Renssel:icrvillo • ...... Albany .............. . Coopcrsv1llo ............ C!Jnmplnin... ......... Clinton .............. . Copake. •. . ......•••.. Copitko.. ... ... •. ... •. Columbia ........... .. Copulrn Iron Works ......... uo ..................... <lo ............... .. Coram . .... . .. . ... .••. .. Brooklmven . .. • • .. •• . Sntfolk .............. .

Columbia ........... .. Chc11a11go ......... . Livingston .......... . Kings ............. .. Sarntogn. . .............. . Albany .............. .

Corbettsvi!lo . .... •• . .. . Conklin............... Droon10 ............. .. Corinth ................. Corin1h ............... 8nrutogn ............. . Comers ................. Now P11ltz ............ Ulstor ............... . Corona ................. Newtown............. Queens .............. . Coventry ............... ! Coventry.......... Chenango ...... ; .• : ••

18 p

75 35

217 201 310 777

0± 810 210 262

77 94

2~g I 1, 760

701 144 965 102 258 177 128 57l

0 251 220 110 705 215

53 noo 208 195 110 309 425

05 125 200 100 1130

51 106 200 126 175 114 223 202 60

153 448 111 204 340 167

07 275 420 080 303 319

93 260 581 180 185 311 200 847 109 150

40 371 525


182 188 054 360

117 857 345 000

00 234 124 190

1,184 820


101 355

82 118 190 337 158 230

:i~ l 151

Coveville .. .. .. • • . .. .. .. Day ....... · .. • • • • • • • · Covin~tmt Centre . . . • . . Covinirton · • • • • • • - • • • • Cran" s .. .. • • • .. . . • . .. .. Amstcrllam. • • • · • • • - • • Crcsc~nt ........ ,. • • . • . HalfJfloou ••• • · .. • .. • • · Crittenllcn.. •• . • . . . .. . .. Alden ..... ·• .. · • • • • • • Croghan . . . .. . . .. . ... . . ......... CFr1.oagnlk~a11?n::::: :-: : : : : : : : Croton ................. . Croton Falls............ North Salem·.···· .. •• • Croton Lanlling ......... Cortlamlt ..•• • · ••• • • • • Cruger1s ......................... ...... do .. ·-·~ -- - · · .......... - .. Ct·ystal S11rings......... Bal"l'ington .• - • • • • • • • • Cununinu;oville ......... North Dansville·-·-·· Cntchogtio .............. Soutbolcl .......... --·· Cuylet•...... ....... ..... Cuyler .•••••••• ••••••• CuylersYillo .•• ... •••••• Lelcester •••• • .. • . · • • • Danby .................. Danby ...... •• - • •• • • • • Dannemora. ...................... Dauucmura ............. - - • · Darien..... . • .. • .. • • • • • • Darien ......... • • · • • • • D11rien Centm .... •• ... . . ... do ....... • • • · • • - • • Dnvi<l's lsland .... •• .. • . Nc>w Rochelle •. • · • - - •

g~K!~'~ Co;~~ra ::::::: :: r1.m'l~to~vii."::: :: : : : : : Deansvillc ... . .• • . . .. . • . Marshall. ..•• ••••·• • • • Deertlcl1l Corners....... Dcm·lle!c1 •••• •• • • • • • • • De Freestvillo .......... Nort,h Greenbush.···· De Laney............... lianulen ........ • • • • • • DoLand ................ Stockton ..•••••••••••• Delphi.................. Pompey ........ • • • • • -Delta................... I,eo ............ • • · • • • · Dep:tnvillo ............. Cla_vton .. ---·· ..... - •. Dewit.tvilfo ............. Chautauqua ........ •• Dial City ........... .. t. Watorfbr<L ... - • • •• • • • • Dosoris . .. • .. .. • . • • • .. .. Osst01· Il11y .•••• • •• - • • Dover Plains ........... Dover ........... • • • • • Dresserville ... .. • ... . .. Sempronius ..•.••••• - • Duancshurµ;h.. .... .... • Duanesburgh •.••.• • • • Dubllu .................. Junius .....•••••••• - - .

R~~::'.~"li1i;·::::::::::::: ti{~ll:l~'i:ia;;a::::::::::: .Englo . ..... ~- ................ Eagle . ........ - . - ........ - .. . Eaglo Bridge .. • . .. . . . .. Wltif,e Creek ....... .. E 1 ill } Sherbul'no ........... .

ar v e. ••• •• .... · · · i J:Iamilton EaatBerne. ; ........... Demo .... ::::::::::::: Enst :Uothun:r. .......... Bethany •••••••••••• ". Enst lllo"mlieltl......... Enst Dloomfleld .•••••• East Bloomflelcl St>itlon .... <lo ............ - ... . Enst Ca~snrlnga ......... Stockton .•••• ~ ••••••• East Chatham .......... Cb11tharu ............. . East Day............... Day ................. . EastElma .............. Elma ................ . East Gainesville . • • . . • . . Gainesville ••••••••••• East Jinml'tou .......... Ea~t !fmupton .••.••• East Henrietta ......... Hem·wtt!li .•••••••••••• East Homer . . .. . • • • • .. . Homer ...•..••••••• -. •• East Kingston.......... Ulster .••••••••••••••• East Marfon .. . . • • • .. . .. Southol<l ............. . East Meredith...... .. .. :Merc<lith ............ . East M011chea ... • •• .. .. Brookhaven ..••••••••

"East Nassnn ............ Nassnu ...•••••••••••• East Pembroke......... Pemhroke .••••••.•••• Enst l'hnr·salia.... •••••. l>imrsnlia ............ . l'ilrn......... ••••.. Pike ........ _ ..... . Eastport ................ Ilrool<h11ven & South·

amptou. EnstR:indolph .......... Ilanriolplt ........... .

~:::g:o0t~~~~t~::::::::: ~;:~El,~~~,~~:::::::::'. East Springtleld ...... f1111fogficlll ••••••.••• , Enst Stcambnrgh .•••••. Hector ..••.••••••••••• East Stockholm ......... Stockholm ........... . Enst Syracuse ... • •• . ••. De \Vitt ............. . EE~ aasstt iaal"l'rlc"vktow .• n ••• ••••.• •• --. .... Green burgh ••••••••••

Var~ck .••••.•••••••••. Enst Victor ............. Victor ............... . East W11vcrly . ......... Barton ............... , East Williamson . •. . • .. Willinmson .......... . Etl<lvtown .............. Stm·kny .............. . Eddyville .. . •. . .. • .. • .. Ofator ............... . Eddyville . ............. Easlon ............... . Ellen . .. .. • • • • • • • .. • • • .. Et11m ................ . Edenv:illo ..... .......... 'Vn1·wick ............ . Edmeston............. Erlmcston ........... . Edwarrls ................ Ellwards ...••••• : ••••• Eg;vpt . . .. •• ••. ••. • •.• •. Por-intlln ••. _ ••••••••• Elllngton . . ••• • • .. .. . • . Ellington ............ : Elma ................... Elmot ................ . Emwonsl>Ul'g ........... fltrnt.fur<l .•••...•••••• EplJmtnh ............... Ephratnh ............ . Erievllle ................ ..••••••••.••••• Espern11c~ . - . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . 1~s11e.rnncc. ................ _ .... .. Evans' !;fills ........... ~c Ray ...... , ....... . E"cter Center .......... ..J<,,,eter .•.•••••.••• _ •• lfairil~Id ................ J!'nirfl~l<l. ••••••.•••••• Fairv1llo ................ ArcadlfL .... . F11rme1·s \'ille... . . • . • . . • . Farmersville : : : : : : : : : Farm~ng<ialo........ . .. . qystc:r Bay ••••••••••• Fayv1lle . . .. .. .......... I rovulPnco ••••••.••• , Feeder J?nm .. . . .. .. .. . . l\iuroau .............. . F~lts Milla ... ... .. • • .. • l•)ttlancl ........... _ •• Fine ............................... Fino.·-·- ..................... ..;; F!ro Islaml . • • • .. .. .. • .. Is,ip ................. . Fishers ................. Victor ...•• Fishet•'s Islnml ......... Southohl .•. : • .. · • • ·" -~!sh ~ouse ............. Jt01·th?m11ton~::::.::. I!1shk1Il ................ 1'Jshk11l ............. .

Sar1~toga .•••.•.•..••.. \V\•ornlnp; ............ . Mtin1,µ;mm1t•y ......... . Snrntogi~ ••••.•.....•.. E1·i•} ......................... , .. J,owlA-····· .. •••••· ... DllhHVl\.l'll ••••••••••••. >Vm1toh11Htnr .••....••.

•••• do ................ . .... do ............... .. Yntea ................ . LivhtgHtOll ........... . Suffolk .............. . Cu l" rn l . • .......... .. J~ .. t vinµ;Hl11nl u. u •• ~ .... , '.l'om11ldm1 ........... . OliuLllll ............. .. GetH]BOO ...................... .

•..• !lo ............... .. \\rN11".ch1•HL!ll' ••••••..•. Cntt1nn11g11~ ........ .. ~J)(1]n..,VU.l'l~· ..... •., • ... ~ • ... . Oneid1~ .............. ..

......... clo ............................. . UonHfltllalllr •••••••••••• lh>}ltWlll'(l. •••••••• .... Clmll"l·&\.1111mb •••••••••• 011omlnµ;1b ............ . 01111i<lti ............... . J.ntn-n·Hun ................ . Oh1io.1tl\1Hltllb •••••••••. Snrntoµ;1i ............. .

~~~~~~1:~1~0 ·:::::::::::::: <;.J1vyug1~ ............. .. 8('.)l(llll'Ol·ntly •••• ..... , Su1\t.~11..~H· ........................ . OHWllµ;O .............. . Allnmy .............. . \Vyornlug ............ . \VhRhluµ;tou ........ .. 01t .. 11n111-1n ........... l. Mnclhmn ............ 5 Albnuy .............. . (}t!ll('fl.00 .................. ~ Onl-lll'iO ............. ..

•••. <In ............... .. CJlmntMUl~l&b ........ .. Oolrnn hln ............ . Hnnituµ;IL •••••••••.•••• l•:i•lo ................. . 'Vymnlug .•• , ••...••.. Sn'nhllt .............. .. llltmn·o11 ............. .. CJ1n·t.lnml. ••••••••••••. Ulti1.m· ............... ~ R11llhll<: ............... . J>olnwu.i·o ............ . fh1Irol1( .............. .. l?.t.~naRt 1 lnut• .............. . ftt·Hl0H(10 ...... ., •• , ... , '" •, Ohl'lllllllJ,:O ............ . \Vyornlnµ; ............ . Snlli1lk ............. .

CltHm·trn µ;UR •••••••••• 9Ll<l!'llH ............ , ... Hnll'o!1( ............... . Ohmgn .............. .. ~<1!m.vl111• •••...•..••••. Hnm t, J,n.w1·11111m ..... .. Ono1Hhtµ;1t ............ . \Vt~fltclwHlm• ......... . f:?unt.~nn. ... ................... . Ontni·lu .............. . '.l'log1i ............... .. \Vit~·1HI ............. .. Y11t1l11 ................ . Ul11ti11• .............. . \V11ahiugto11 ......... . l~l'lo ................ .. Oinngo ............. .. Ohmp;o .............. .. Rn h1t J>40."'l't' ~ ........ . 1\'·oo .............. . Clmut.i1m1u& ......... . :iertt, .............. ~ ......... . l<'n lf OJI , • •• •••••••• • •• •

•· .. do ................ . :i\'.(1tdhmn ............ .. Ht·l1oh1a·il1 ••••••••••••• ;fl.lil°tll'Hllll , ........... . Ot11t'1!:<> ••••••••• , •••••• Hm•kinwr ............ . \Vn;nrn •••••••••••••••\t'l\\\Ji;l1R .••••.•••. Quonnii •• ~ ........... . Snt•ntogn, ............. .

••. 1lo ............... .. 1T <~fft)l'SOll ~ .......... ~, •• , Sn int r,11 wruncn ...... . SuflblJ; ............. .. Onfnrln ............. .. Rnllblk .............. . 1•'11ltun .............. ,. Duolwm1 ............. ,

f>3 78 70 ~A7 l~M 4.f5 2~.m 40:1 HO(; J4r. tf>l} 120 H~l\ J:ll 201l· Ul7 577 lllO 107 tlOO U07

•17 ~00 711!

011 llU U~ll mrn 1811 t!.16 ]118 aon mo 7~1 JOH

01. HO H7 4!!'

rn:i DO

2na 4110

0\.1 d74 JOH 2fiH 01),t

rcr.t 78

ll•17 H07 W-1

7U 1H'1· B•lll

fit) OHR

HH 117

llW 2211 11110

2Kfl fill!) UHol H2 ~2 HU

1, 000 fll II~

lUCl .1111

DU l•lll 017 11~0 1)71)

iuo 11111 1170 lfll 1171 lOH

Bfl uoo JUU !Ml G7H r.8

Jr.O 12jl 110 fi2,I. 07

220 1110 2117 77 DH

llH rna OH~

Page 42: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.



Name of place. Town. County.

Five Corners •••• •• • • •• . Genoa • • • • • •• • . • . • • . . . Carug:t .•••• • ........ . P1aekvillo ••• ••••••••••. Lisbon................ Saint Lawrence ....•.. l'landcrs.... ••• •• .. • • • •• Southampton • . • • . • • • . Suffolk .............. . :Flat hush .•• •••. •••••••• Saugerties............ Ulster .•••.......••••• :Fl.lltlamla Neck ••••••••• Flatlands............. Kings •.•••••.•••..•.. 1'1atlands •.•••••••••••• : .... du ...••••••••••••••.•• do ................ -JP!eming ... . •••• •• • ••• •• Fleming . • • • •• • • • • . • • . C::iyuga .............. . }'kmino-ville ••••••.••••• Owego ................ Twgu ................ . :Flint c;:cek. •••••• •••••• Seneca................ Ontario .............. . P'lorcnee ..•••••••••••••• Florence .••••...•••... Oneida .••••.•......... J;'Jorhla .. .. .. • • .. •• • • ••• Warwiok . ••• . • • • • • • . . Orange .••••••••••.... :1"1.r Crerk . • . • • •• . • • • • • . Otsego. . • • . • • • . . •.• •• • Otsego .............. .. }'onda"s Bush •••••••••. Broatlul!Jin .••••• .•••• Fulton .............. .. }'or<lslms!I .............. Minden ............... Montgomery ..•.••.••• }'ore•t Home • •• • •• .. • • • Ithaca...... .. . • • • • •• . Tompkins .••...•..••. Forge Hollow........... J\farshall........ •• • • • . Oneida ............... . }'oriest .. .. .. • •• • • • • • • • • Altona. . • . • •• • . ... • • • • Clinton .............. . P'ort Covington ......... }'01-t Covinf(ton. ••••.• Fl'anklin .... : ........ . }'(lit llunter ............ Flnri11". . •. •••• •• • •• . Montgomerr ......... . l''ott J1wkson ........... Hopkinton............ Saint Lawrence ...... . Fort J\!iller .•••••••••••• Fort Eclwanl ......... Washington ......... . Fo•ft'r's .Meadow ....... Homi:stcai.I ........... Queens .............. . Fost<-rville .••.• : •••••••• Aurclins .••..•.••.•..• Cayug:t .••••..•...••.. l',JHterville . ............... Moreau................ 8aratoaa .............. . l•'owlerville .......... ••. York . . ......... •• •• .. Livingston ......... .. Frnn1'1in Iron Works ... Kirklan1l ............. Oneida ................ . Franklin SrJiiare........ Hempstead........... Queen• .............. . }'r"nklinton •••••• .•• .. . Jlruonrn.. .... .. •. .. •• . Schoharie ............ . Franklinville........... Southolcl ••••• •• •• .. .. Suffolk ............. .. l<,n:elwlrl. ... ......... u...... Greenville . . . . . . . . . .. . . Greene .............. . Free P ... ort ................


Hempstead .. • .. . . • • • Queens .............. . Freetown Corners .•• ... Freetown............. Cnrtlamlt ............ . Fresh Pond. . •• . . • •• • ••• O_vHtel'llay .. . • .. • . • •• Queens ............. .. :i;;r~wslm~J! ............. C_a:rull. :············· Chautauqua ........ .. :FncmlsJup ............. .Jir1emlsl11p ........... .Allegany ............ . Fullervillc .............. Fowler ............... llaintLawrenee ...... . };n!·nace\·ille...... ... .•. qn~ario ....... •••• ... . \Viiyne .............. . Gaines .................... ,, .. (ya1nes ...... .............. Orleans ................. . Gollu;n-illc ....... ...... Wright............... Schoharie ............ . Gang Milla............. Erwin ...... ... • ... • .. Steulien ............ .. qamK:\·oor.t ............... Nortbumbr.rland ....... Saratoga .................. . (,m-Lntti;;i:-11!0 ........... Wheatlancl ••• • • • .. • .. Monroe .............. . Garden C,:•tr. •••••••• ••. Hempstead........... Queens .............. . Gartl~·uvllle..... •• •••••• WcHt Seneca.......... Erie ................. . <{ar<l!ncr, ..... ....... ••• Gardiner . ...... •••• •• UIHtcr ............... . <,a~mi:r s IRiand ••••••• Enst. Hampton .••.•• -.. Suffolk .............. . <:arbck }'alls ........... Bin ck Brook.......... Clinton .............. . <~anJga . ; .. - . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . Eplrrafah . . . . .. . . . .... .. . .. Fulton ....... ..... _ ..... . qan1Hon s ............. Phillipstown .......... l'utuam ............. . hasport . • • .. • • .. • •. • •• . Uo~·n!ton .. • • • • • .. . • .. Niagara ............. . q<'nua .. .. . • ••• • •• .. .. .. Genoa, .••••• : •• • . • . • • . Cayuga ............. .. !!corgeto~n ••• ... .••••• Georgetown • • .. .. • • .. J\fndison ............. . (!~:rruan Corners ........ German .••• .• •• ••• • • . Chenango ............ . G1l\Jo;, .••••• ... • •• ••• ••• Gilboa................ Scbobnrie ........... .. q1asco. ... . . ...... . . ... . .. . San:.t~rtics ....... ... ....... Ulster ................ _ .. q1en .Au brr •••••• •• • ••. N::nticoke ............ Broome ............ .. hl1·ncoe Mills........... Lh·ingston ..... •• . • .. Colum\Jia ............ : <{lemln!e ................ Martinslmrg .••.•••••• Lowis .............. .. Glcneric ••• • •• . •• .. • . • . . S~ugc!fies .......... ,. , Ulster .••.•••••.•.•••• q1euham ...... •• ••••••. FIBhkill. ............... Dnchess ...... . q1cn'?.ore ............... Annsrillo ............ Oneida ......... ::::::: (~Jcmdle •••••••••••.••. Greenbnrp; ............ ·1vestchester ......... . Gli·nwood .............. OvsterD:w. Queens · '!'""!Ground ........... ~imtlrnmp'ton''.'.'.'.'.:::: Suffolk:::::::::::::::

Cqorh~m ................ (,ol'lrnm ............... Ontario ~ramk<llle ............ Northnclcl ............ Richmoni1'.::::··--··· <1!rant.. • ................ llnrmony ............... Chnutauqun • ..... . -!'rant : .. •H••·-·---··- .... Itussia ..................... Herkimer ............. .

Gl'llntv1lle .............. }fort-h llcmpstead QnePns · · ·· .. ••· • · • · q-=nll~ ·•••••••••••••· Granville ......... :::: ·Wnshin;•i~n ........ .. Gravesnlle .... ••• •••••• Russia................ Herkimer .. • .. · • •• · Grl,at Bend............. Champion · ;r ro ·••••· •·· .. .. Great Neck ............. North He~--t .. ii"""' Qe crson ........... .. Greennclcl •••.•.••.••••• Wnwarsin ps ea • • •. ll'ueons .............. . Gn·enlawn H t' g; · •••••• • •• · later ............... . qrecnrale :::::::::::::: 0 ;;ei:ifiin ........... Suif~lk ............. .. f,reenville G' .

11 Y .... • ... ... Qnrrns .............. .

{Srttn ood...................... ref·nv1 e ................ Greene ..................... . G . w ....... •••••• Greenwood . .......... Steuben G~~:t~~~~i1i~·::::::::::::: ~~1~.~ ......................... L~~i~ .. :::::::::::::: Griffin's Corners •••••••. J\!idrl!i•to-;.;:·· ·••••· .••. ~"}m,,ston .......... . qrutm1C:ity ................... , Groto:Il n ............... '.re aw~:e ............. . hrnnnor'a Comera .•••• I Carli J ................ 'ompk1?s ........... . Grov1o<illc .............. Fishl~ift · •••••• · • ...... 8cbolrnr10 ............ . fiuihletland Crntre G .11 1 .. ·d· •• ...... • • • Duchess ............. . Gui!for<l. · ••.•. 1 U! 1 er an ..........


Albany .............. . Guilfrml c;~t~~·--·· · ... I Glllfford •••• •• • ••· •••• Chenango ............ . Bull IRialid ........ ·s· l ~ ·;····· .............. do ................ . lfa~cdorn's ii;iiS'::::::: 'p'~~~-ia'.'l.. ............ Hutrolk ............ .. llaileshoro' I F 1 cnee ··••·•••••• Saratoga ............ .. llalrutt Contre""····· ... rr0f er ....... ••••• ··· Saint Lawrence ••••••• ll11lc1>ttt·iJle ... ::::::::: M~•~ll~i-0w;,--········· Bryene ............. .. llatl'~ Corners.......... Seneca ... ••• ... • ( c U\~are ........... .. lfam1Ji.n Ha d · • • .. ••• •• • ••••. Jntarro ............. .. JJ~milto,;Staiion ... ····1 L.· ~ ~n ..... ••••··••· Delaware ........... .. Ifotulct. .. ·••••• ....... VlJJ°.nu•; ...... · · • ..... ~ivingston ........... . II:mu•·k •• •• • • ••• , mou · · • •• •· • •. . • . Chautauqun. ......... . l!•n:•il•al F;~ter:::::::: 1 ji~~~j'j;~i · · ··········· 8el~ware ............ . liarford Mills II r l .. ·· ...... ... 8 " ego .............. . IIalltmw!ne .::::::::::: ufi!.:\~\ ............... 8'T11an~1.. ........... . l1~"1"f:f1"1d ............ Haq1ersftei;i··----··-- D~lumlna ............ . .... rr sv11le....... ....... Diana · • •• · •• - · · L a;wnrc ............ .

II11.11foru....... If ................. ewis .............. ,_ H:ut·s Ialand. :···· •·•· 1, ~l"tfonl .............. Washington ......... . lfastings.onJ:Iud;;Q~:: :: (l~~!'::~m: ·ii"····· .. ·· - Weskheafor ..••••.••. llauppauge •• ,. ......... Is!in g .......... ·;:,·i,0

1k:··- ............ .

.;-····-~··~··"''""•.~·· i,;ill.y.U_ .................... 1•


Name of place. Town. County.

12:J Ilawkinsvillo ........... Boonvillo ..... ~....... Oneicl!t ......... •••• • • • 30 Helena ................. Bmshor ••••••••.•••••• Saint Lriwronoo ...... .

126 Ilemlock J,ake ......... , Livonirt............... Livingston ........... . 155 !Ienderson .............. Henderson............ J"oJforson ••••••••••••• 163 Henderson Harbor .......... llo ..................... do ................ . 881 Henson ville........ • •• . "Wimlhnm............. Gre~no .............. . 123 Henvelton .............. Oswep;atol.!ie .......... R1tintL1twroncn ..... .. 37 Hicksville •••• •• .. •• • ••. Ovster Bay ..... '·.... Queens ...... ' ...... .. 92 High Falls.............. ~.fnrbloto\vn . • • ... • • .. Dlstor ............... .

232 11!ghlaml Falls .••• •• .. . Highland............. Ornugo .............. . 555 H1ghlnrnl Mills . .. •• • •• . Monroo ................... clo ................ . 230 Hillsdale . ........ •• • .. . Hillsdnle......... •• • • . Columbia ............ . 056 Ilimrotl's Corners ....... Milo.................. llcttes ............... .. 09 Hinklcyville............ Parma . • .. • .. • .. . .. • • . :Monroo ........... , •••

114 Hinmanvillo ............ Schroeppel. .......... Oswogo .............. . oo Hinsclalo.. •• • • . • . • • . . • • • Hins11nlo ........... ,., Cnttn rnugna •••.••••••

170 Hinsclalo.. .•• • •• .. • .. .. . Hempatend . • • . .. .. • • . quoLm!\ ............. .. 031 Ilop;anslmrgh .••••••.••. Bombny .............. l~rnnklm ............. . 212 llolbrook..... ......... IRlip mid Brookhaven. Suffolk .............. . 153 Hollan!l Piitent : ..... ••. Trenton . .. .. . ........ Onol!ln ............... . 124 Hollowville ............. Clavemck ............ Cohnnl>ict ........... .. 477 Holt•ville... •• •• • • .. • • •• Brookhaven . .. • . .. • .. ~uffolk ............. .. 77 Homownck ..... .• .... .. Mnm11k11tlng.......... 8ullivllll ............ .. 50 Ilonco.vo.. •• .. . .. .. .. • • • Uichmoncl .. • • • .... • .. Ont.1trlo ............ ." ..

386 Hopkinton ........... _ _- Hopldnton ............ Snint I.1t,~rtmM ...... . B52 Hornby Forks .......... IIornbv. .............. Steuht'll ............ .. 207 IIow11rcl ............... Ilowm:cl. .................. do ................ . 77 Howell's Dovot...... ... Wallkill .............. Omnp;o •••.••••••••••.

128 Hublmrclsvillo .• .• .. .. . . Ilamllton .. • • .. • • . .. • • Madison ............ .. 140 Hughsouvillo. •• • • • • .. .. \Vnppingors .. . • . .. • •. Duobcss ............. .

1, 217 Hunter................. Hunter :.. .. • .. • .. • • .. Grllllllll .............. . 70 Hunter's Land ......... Mldcllohurgh ••••••••• Schnl111do ........... .. 50 Huntington ............ Huntington ........... Snflblk .............. ,

li38 Hycle l'nrk . . . .. .. .. .. .. H;rdCJ l'1trk .. • • .. .. • .. 1 lnclrnsa ............ .. 1, 134 H_vcle Pnrk .. • • .. • .. .. • . Hempstenil .. .. • • • .. • • Quomrn ............. ..

117 Ilyn1lavlllo ............ Soward .••••• .• . .. . .. l:'fot10Jrnrfo .•••••••••••. 177 i"g!'nhnm . •. • •• . .. .. .. . Chazy • .. • • .. • • .. • • • .. Clinton ............. .. 185 on~:t ................... Van Ilnrrll .. . . .... . . . Onouclngit ............ . 2ii8 Irvrng .................. Hanover .............. <Jhnntanqmt •••.•••••• 372 j~f1~m>. ................. Iso}m11 ................ Cnqm·1<ngus ........ .. 150 l .................... Islip .................. i;1lflolk ............. .. 172 ~neksonvillo ............ Ulysses . .. ............ '.l'om11ld11a ••••••••••• , 574 • nmcsport •• .. .. . .. .. Riverhead . .. • • .. .. • .. Suffolk .............. . iii6 · ~nmcsvillo .............. Do Witt .............. Onomlngct ............ .

40 J~sper .................. J"nsper ............... St.cmbl•n ............ ..

67 /"ct .................. ·· ,Jaret .................. "Wyoming ............ . cd~o ................... Iticlgoway ............ Orlnnns .............. .

59 Joficrso:n:illo ........... CaUicoonnudDelctwnre Sullivnn ............ .. ~~i ~olmsonnllo ............ PiLtstown .. ... .. .. .. . lfonasC'l11111• ........... .

307 Johnston · •••• •• . . ... . .. J,ivingston............ Colurn hht ........... ..

270 ifo~~;?·.::·.:::::::::::::: ¥r~~~~·:: :: :::::: :::::: ::·~¥:~~-::: :: : :: ::::::: 2~~ Kone lit ................. Romulus .............. ScnM1t ............... .

900 · C enn.ecly ............... Polan cl................ Ohnutnnqnct ........ ..

07 ~S11s 1co ................ North Castle ......... 'Woot<1lwsla11'. ........ ,

100 JC! aijog ·,--···· ·•• ..... Lisle .................. 1lroomo .............. .

111 IC!nf

18 10\o ..... -- ...... J~hustown ........... Jruitou ......... ., ..... .

K!r1< "!Y .. · · -- · .... -.. - Krrklnml . •. • .. . •••••• Onold1t .............. ..

l,~~~ K 1r<v1, e ......... ~ ..... MnnlittH ............. , Onu111h1p;ct ............ . Knapp s Crc.ik .......... .AllHgnny ............. Cntt11m11gus ....... .

1 ~~ Kno"ysv!/}o ........... Gnilcleriancl .......... .: •••• ....... :: Know esv1 e ........... • Iticlgow11y ............ 01·IM1is .............. .

150 Knoi\·'·; .............. Knox ................. Albnny .............. . 553 K noi~ 1~jo . . . .. . .. . .... • . 4 ngt)Sta...... .. • . • • • 91rnl111t ............... . 286 Kuo.xv] o.: ............. Cornmir ...... ....... filcmlrnn ........... .. 45 I rcksc 1orv1llo .......... WeRt.ilel!l. .••••• •••••• ~Udnnmul .......... ; :

10s LaeF ctwax~H ............ Hlghh11111. ............ Snlllvun ............ .. 117 La Fctrgov1 o ........... Orleans .... •••••• •• • . ,Tuffo1•son • •• • 78 L~Fa~oLto ............. ~aFuyetto ........... Onomlugit .•• ::. :::::::

1, 071 fo F~~, o~~e :·ii.......... ~J.o1 ton . .. .. • .. • • .. .. . '.I:omvl<lno .......... .. 72 L G ,c 0'1 e ......... .w.11t11 ................. l)ncboss ·

181 a rnugo.:·--··-- ..... Covington ............ Wyomtng'.:::::·:··: .. 1, 112 Lu Gr~ngev1lle ......... LaGmngo ............ DiiC1lwss .•••••• :.::. '. •

071 LLako Grove ............. Brookhaven .......... , Snffolk · 127 . akoport . .. .. .. . . . .. .. Sullivan Ji:[ JI · • • .... • • • •• • • .. 408 Lake Riel go..... · L . · • • • • .. • • .. • .. , Ill ~on • •.• • ....... .. 265 Lalrnvillo .... · ·.. ?~"'~'p; ·•· · .. · • .. · .. · Tompkins ........... . 263 I h' c . .. .. . . . .... .. . Ln Ol!lfi............. .. I,\vingRto11 ••••••••••.

• ..a~. s ornors . . . . . . . . Nn.niilcok.o... .. . .. .. . .. . 13roonio 2!~ j:ans~ngrille ............ Lnusing ............. : 'J'ompkii1fi·:::::::::::: l' 2 Lapan"· ................. M_arblctown .... •••••• Ulstm• .............. .. U I Lnsa !I;................ Nmgam .. • .. .. .. • .. .. Ninµ;itm . 71 nse.llvrlle .............. Eph!·atnh ............. l~nlfon · •• • .. • .... '" .. 60 Lattmp;town........ . • • Oyster Ilay () · • • • · • • • • • • • • • • ' 370 Laurens . I, , .. • • .. ... .. "nocma .............. .

222 I.awrenc ""·iii........... ,am ens .... ··• • · .... · · Otsego ............... . 204 I I b ''" o .. .. .. ... . Lawrence............. Saint. J,MVl'ClHlO ..... .. 5i L~e t~~~~.............. J,ebanon.............. Ji.In<lison ............ .. 7 Leon ...... :::::::::::::: f~~n ................ ·· <~nel<l~----' .. ···--·· ..

01 Leonarllsvillo......... . . Ilrool~ii01;i · · · · · · · · · · · · ~r\r1 augus • · • • • • · • • • 243 Lo Raysville........... L R .. • .. . .. .. .. " nc son ............ ..

50 Lewis' ................. : L~wi~y ......... •••• .. ~eif()l:son ............ . 45 Uberty,.. .•. .. .. .. . . • .. Cohocto;; .. · · •• .... • • • ~t~80f" .. · · .... · ·· · · · .. 87 Libertyville ............ Gardino ........... '. .. 1JJ°11 >oil ..... • ••• ., ...

i;,s L~meriek .............. B~ownvhi~·::::::::::: .ro~o~~0 --···-- ...... .. ,17 Lmden ... • .. • ... • .. . • . . Iloth·m (;' 11

• • •• • • • • • .. • • 232 Linoloumvillo ........... Nortbfi~1;1 ............ n~'.\0800 ·1······--"'· .. 6'6 IJshon Centro L' b · • • .... ·.... 1 ~ imo1u .......... .. 148 I· J .... • .... • !3 on .. -- · .. ••• -- · ·.. S111nt Lctwrunoo

,JR c .................. · .. Llslo l3ro ..... .. 197 Litt.lo Geneseo......... Gcncs~o ............ •· .A.II omo ............. ..

60 Lit11o Utica L · 1· · .. -- .. -- .. · • · ogany .... -- ...... : no L"ttl y 1' .. • · .... · · · · ysnnrnr -- •· · -- -- • -- · Onomlap.n .. .. ,· 1 . o on: ........... Fowler ............... Saint I ' ....... ..

8.13 Livrngstonv1lle. ····-···1 IJroomc S l h .. nwrcm<!() ....... .. 302 Lh·onict .. ... . • .. Livonict .. : ...... · .. • • · Ll ip arlo ............ . 7fi6 I Livonia Station ............ do .. ::::::::::::::: ~{ngston .... · ....... .

1, 200 Lock Del'lm ............. Galen "\.v 0 -- ••· ••• • •• ... • .. 01 I LocustYalloy .......... 0;-stor B~y::::::::::: Qu'ci~~~ .............. . ....................

ro1mlt\• Lon.

230 ll!O 2!10 407

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Page 43: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.


Name of place. Town. Couuty.

Lodi . . . . . . . • •• • . • • .. . . .. Locli . . . • • • • . • .. .. .. . .. Senec11 ............... . Lnn1(I~ddy ............. 'Fre'!lol!t .............. Snl!ivnn ; ............ . Lomsv1llo ............... Lomsv1lle ...•.. .••••. Saint Lawrence ...... . J,onisvillo Landing ........ -<lo ..................... do ....•...•.••..••. Lower Ebenllzer. . . .. . . . 'Vest Seneca.......... Erie ......... _ ....... .

f~~~~'{.r~";Y'o'ri.: ·.M1ii8: {ffute:~town:::: :::::: ~~'~'~<l'~: ::::::::::::: :: Lowville ................ Jlfanlins .............. ~no111lnp;a ............ . J,mJlowville ............ Lansing .............. fotnpkrns .......... .. Lumborville ...... ...... Mitldlot.own . . . . ...... Dclttwiuo ........... .. Luzl~rno ................. J.1uz-erno.: ............. Warren ............... . Lymlonvi!le ............ Yates ................. Orleans .............. . L.vsnmlor............... J,ys:m1ler .. . . . . . . . . . .. Ononclaga ............ . McDonough .........••. McDonough . ......... Chenango ............ . Macedon Center........ Macedon.............. iVayne .......•....... 1\fac:hias ................ Machias .............. Cattnra11gns ........ .. McLean ................ Groton ............... 'l'ompkins ........... . Madl'id . .. ... . . .. . . .. . .. Jlfa1lrid . ... . . • . . . .. . .. Saiut L11wrence ......• Jlfaiuo . . .. . . .. . • • . . . . . . . Jlfaiuo . • • . • . . . . • . .. • • . nroome .............. . Jlfnl<!en ................. ClmJ:ham ............. Columh!it ............ . Mnlurnyvillo ............ Drsdon ............... '1'0111pl<ins ........... . 1\fancliestcr , . . . . . . .. . . . 1\fanchoster........... Ontario ... ; ..•..•..... Mnmluna, . . ... .. . ... .... Sku11ci1telcs.. .. .. .. . . . Onondaga, ........... .. Munhassef .............. North IIcm\j)stead .... Queens ............. .. Munurville ............. 4llrooklmveu........... Suffolk ............... . Mnplo 'l'own ............ Cn1111jolnnio .......... Munti,ornery ......... . Marcellus ............... Marcellus ............ Ononu11ga .•...•....... 1\farcngo ................ G11lcn ................. '\Va;ync .............. . Mariaville ..••.......... Duanesbmgh ......... Scht•nectndy ......... . Mllrietta. .....• ....... ... Mal'Collus ............ Onondaga ............ . Mariner's Ifarhor ....... Northfield ............ Richmond ........... . M11rion ................. llfarion ............... Wa~·no .............. . Jlf111·tindnle . ........... Clave.ruck ••.• ........ Columbi!L ............ . Mnrtinslmrgh .......... Jlfnrlinshnrgh ........ Lowis ............... . Martville. ....... ....... Sterling .... .' ......... C•1:vuga ............. . 1\faRonvil!e.............. Masonville............ Deluwflrc . .. . • . . ... .. 1\fnst.ic .................. Tiroukluweu .......... S11ffolk .............. .. Jlfatteawan . .. . .. . .. . . .. Fishkill............... Dnch<'ss ............. . Mattituck .............. Snuthulcl. ............. Suffolk ............... . Jlfayfteld ................ Mayfield .............. Fulton ............... . Meoklenlmrgh .......... Rector................ Schuyler ............ .. Medford .... .. .. • . . .. . . . J3rooklmven . .. . .. . . .. Suffolk ............... . Mlldusa. .••••.... .. . .. llensselaervJlle. .•.•.. Albany ............. .. Jlfolfonvi!le ............. Claverack ..•......... Columhla ............ . Memphis ............... Van Buren .•••........ Onondaga ............ . Mendon Centre ......... Jlfon1lon .............. Jlfonroe .............. . Jlforclmntvillo ......... '.l'hurston ............. St<.ubon ............ .. Me1'cdith ............... Meredith ............. Del1,waro ............ . Meredith Hollow ..••••..•.. tlo .. ; .................. clo ................ . Middle ......... , ........ Spring;field ........... Otsego .............. .. Middle Brush........... Wap11mgers . .. .... . . . Ducho~s .••...•..•... M!cl<llcl.Jmgh, ........... M!(ldlclmrgh ..... : .•. Sc!wha;rie .....•...•... 1\hd<Uefiel<l Center...... 111H!ole1ielll-. .. . .• . . • .. Otsego .............. .. 1\fid<11c Grove .. : ........ Grecnftchl ............ Samtog11 .....••.•..••. Mi11<lle lslaml. .......... nrookh11vcn .......... Sull\ilk ........ : ...... . Mi<l11!0 Ron<!. ........... Rivet•hcnd ··'·· .......... clo ................ . Mhl<Uetown ............. Iralfmoon ............. Sa.r11toga ............. . Jlfi<l<llovillo ............. N1nvportandFairfield. llct•kimer .•...•..•••.. Milford .. . .. .. .. . . • . . . .. Milford ...•. ~......... Ot•cgo ............... . Millburn ................. Conklin .................. nromno .................. . Milfor's Comers ........ 'Vest Bloomfield., .... Ontario ............. .. Mil1"r's ~fills........... Columl.Jia. ..•. .. .... .. llu1·kimer .•.••••..•••. Millm"s l'lace . . . . ... . . . Ilrookl111ve11 . . . . . . . . . . Suffolk ............... . 1\Iillgl'O\'O . . . . .. . . • .. . . . .Alclcn . . . . • • . . . . . .. . .. Erie ..........•....... Millport .....•...•...... Veteran •.•.•. ........ Chemung ........... .. Milo C<'nter ......... ; • . . Milo . .• . . . • . . . . . . .. .. . Yates ................ . Mlnavillo ............... ]'lorida ............... Montgomory ......... . Jllimlenville .. . •• . ... . .. Mindeu .•.•......••...... -<lo ...•••.••.•••.... Mineola .............. · ... Nm·th Hempstead .•.. Q,ueens ............. .. Mineville .............. · ... .Moriah .................. Essox ..................... . Mintzcskill ............. Schodack .•••••.....•. Rensselaer ........... . Mongnup ,;;; ...... ; .... J3etllel. ............... SuUfru.n ..•.. : ...... . Monroe .. : ......... ; .... Monroe ............... Orange .............. . Munsey................. ltumapo .. • . . .. . . . . . • . :i:ockland .........•••. Montem.v .... .... .. ..... Orange . ....... ..... •. Sc)1Uyler •••...•••••••. Mooer's ................. Mooers ............... Clmton ............. .. Mooer's Forks ............. .<lo ..................... do ................ . Moriah ................. Moriah ••.•• : ......... Essex ................ . Moriah Center .............. do .................. ,.clo ....... : ........ . 11Iori11h Corners ............. do ..................... clo ................ . Jlforiches ............... J3rookllaveu .......... Suffolk .... ; ......... . Morristown............. Morristown . .. . . .. • . . Saiut Lawrence ...... . Moscow ................ Leicester ............. Livingston ........... . Mottville .c .••... .. .. .•. Skaneateles ........... Onornfoga ............ . Mount Sinai ......... ;:. Tirookhaven.......... Suffolk ............... . Mount Vision ........... Laurens .............. Otsego ..•.......•..... Mun1for(l ... c ...... ;.... Whc1ttland . .. .. . . . . .. Monroe ............. .. Munnsville .. . . . . . . .•. .. Stookhridge .. . • ... . . . Madison ............ .. Naples ..• -..· ............ Naples ................ Ont~rio ..•.. , ....... ,. Narrowsburg .... .. . • .•. Tusten ......... ·...... Sulhvnn ..•.••••.••••• Nassau ................. Nassau ............... Rensselaer ........... . Natural Dnm .... ~ ...•.•• Gouverneur .......•.. Saint Lawrence .....•• Neulville .: ............. Hunter ............... Greeno ............... . Nels on. . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • . Nelson . . . • .. . . . . . . . . Muclison .. : ..... : ... .. New Albion ............ New Albion . . .. •••••. Cattaraugus ..•.• : •••. NowCity ...... , ..•..•.. Clarkstown .. c •...•.• Rockland .•.• : ....... . Newfielft ............... Newtlel<l. ••..•.••..••. Tompkins .......... .. New Ilatnbnrgh ........ Poughkeepsie ........ Duchess ..•..•••. · ... . NewL01!don ............ Verona ...•.•••••••••. Onei1l11 ..• :., ......... . New Milford ............ Warwick ............. Ornngo ............. :. New Paltz: ...• c-.· ....... New Paltz ............ Ulster ...• ~; .•. ;. ..... . New Salem ............. New Scotland ........ .Albany .............. . New Salem ...... : .••••. 1'1tt'1Dington ..•. -. ..• c •• Ontario .............. . New Springville ..•.•.•• Northfield ...•.....•.. IUchmoud ..••••••••.. Newton ................. Newton ............... Queens .............. . NowYernon ...••••••.•• Mountllopo .......... Orange ............. ..

I PO).lula··

t10n. Name of pince. Town. County. Poimla· I tiuu. I

433 New \Voodstock ........ Cazenovia ....... ••• M r. 11

237 NewY<irl·MillsProner '\Vhite•t • · miimn ............. . 207 ' " . "Te,,· l·I"·,1°r·'1"ronrd··· .. ··- .. Oneid:t ............. ···1 40

NewYorkUpperM11ls. L.1" ........... <lo ............... .. Nicholvilll> ............. ~wreuce ............. Sa>ntLawr1;uce ....... I

287 NN/,•~;~Nf;'t:::::::::::::: N!slm.Yuua ............ Sclwnectaoy ........ .. B81 , Kmilerhook ........••. Colnmbia ..•..•.••••.• I 373 North Argyle .....•..... '*rgyle ............... Wnshington ........ ..

2g~ North Bergen .......... ffrgt"!n····-......... Genesee ............ ..

06 ~~~t\:Ri~~~\~"~~::::::: Carlie oomfield ...... Ontario ............... , 40H North Bt•idgowater ..... Bridg~~'.it~r:::--····· Sul~!van .........•.•.. ; 41'' N t" B kl' Id n . kft Id •...••. One1!l" ............... / , or ll ruo . Ie • • • • • • • c~ootl c ....••.••• - . Ma<lisrm ............. . 240 North Chatham......... un mm Uuluruhia 284 North Cohocton ........ Cohocton ....... ······ Steu'·"n · ........ , ... 1 158 N l l C Hi Nort.h Coll·m: ·•· · · • .. • ·.. '. .· u. · · ·• • • · •• • • · .. 333 o1· ' o ns ........... C l ......... Ene ................. .

''l?O North Cul.Ja ............. ..,,u1a ................. Al!egany ............. '!


NorthEvans ........... N,,v11nhsfi .....•..••.•••• Errn .................. 1 "',"l Northfield ............ ;. Irort el<J .•.••.••••• JUdimond ........... .


4 North H11rpersfield ...•. S ar1hiersileld ......... Ddawm·e ........... .

01 North Haven . . . • • .. • • .. if uht all!pton • • . . . . • • . S1~Jfoll,< ............. ..

320 )forth Hel.Jron .....•••.. u· e ron ............... l\nshm~tun ........ ..

91 N01·th Ifoctol" ..•...••.. Hcct~r ................ f:klrn,rJ,,1._ ........... ..

•0107 North Hoosick...... . • .. T oo.s1ck •. ·.....••..••. ItensHefacr .......... .. North Java ............. uav» .................. Wyoming ............ .

4a s81~0 ~g~U: ~~~,~1~1~~ :::: :::: ~~J;~~i~icii: :::::.: 3t~;.~~:~:~~~: ::::::

Not'th Owego . • •• . . • • .. Owego..... TirJ"a

irn ~g~:~i: f,~~1fi~;k~·::::·::: r.~~1~~kii:::::::::::: i~f:ii:::::::::::::: · 41~47 Nm·t.h Petersburg . . ••• Petersburg ........... Rensschter .......... ..

North l'hnrsulilt ........ Phnrsalia ............. Chcmango ............ . 412 North l'itchcr .......... Pitcher .................. 110 ................ .

2~g Northport .............. jtuntington .•••.•..••. Suffolk ................ / North Hose............. ose .................. Wasne ............. ..

38 Nor(.11 Side . . .. . . . .. .... Waterford •.......•••. Saratoga ............. . 2~6•.31 No1th Tornnvurnl!L •.•... '\'t'.heatlield ........... Niagara .............. .

4, 411 ~g~:kvYii~t~:!.:::::::::: ~!~~~·~::::::::::::::: .?:1;;~~~::::::::::::::: 843 Northvillo .............. Rivcffhead .••. ,. ..•.•. Suffolk ............... . 210 Nm thw.,st .............. East Hampton ............ do ................ . 200 North iVestcrn ......... ·western .............. Oncitla ............... .

7 N01tonJiill ............. Greenville ............ Greene .............. . 141 Norway ................. Norway .............. Herkimer ........... .. 360 Norwootl .....••.••••••. Hcmpstea1l ........... Qnet·ns .............. . 152 No)·nck ................ Southampton .•.•.•••. Su:ffolk .............. .

SO Nunda Station .......... Nunda ....•...••..•.•. Livingston ........... . 131 Nyack .•..•..........•.. Orangetown .......... Rockland ..••.•.••••.• 7a Oakdale ................ Islip .................. Suffolk .............. . 80 Oak Ir!U ......... ; • • . . . . Durham .. .. . . . . . . . • • . Greene ••••••.•.•.•••.

,64 Ollk Orcharcl ............ JUdgeway ..••••..••••• Orleans ..••..•••••••.• 61 Oak Hj<lgo .............. Chadestim ............ Montgomery ......... .

1, 12a I UnksY1lln ...•••••.•...•. Otsego ................ Otsego ............... . 89 Ocean Point............. Hempstead . .......•.. Queens .............. .

144 Oclcssa...... ...• .. .... .. Catherhrn ............. Schuylel' ..••••••••••.• 283 Ohioville ................ New Paltz ............ Ulskr ............... . 106 Olcott .................. Newfane ......•....... Niagara ............. . 147 Olil Cha1.Jiam .•.•••••. Chatham ..•..•••.••••. Uoluml.J!a ............ . 533 01<1 Placo ............... Norihfteld .••••..••••. Ricl!mo1ul ..•.. : .•••.• 5o7 Olinvillo ................ ·westchester .......... Westchester ......... . 122 Olmstca(lvlllo ........... Minerva .............. Essex ............... . 200 Omar ................... ()deans ................ Jefi'ernon •••.••..•••••• 100 OnoidttOommunity.; •.. Lenox ................ Madison ..•...••• ::··: 134 Onon.laga Hill .......... Onondaga ............. Onondaga ............ .

u~g g~r1~'l~~~.'.'~1'.~:.::::::: ·o"i;~~rio::::::::::'.:::: ·wa~?ne·::::::::::::::: 120 Ontal'io Centrn ..•.....•.... do .................... clo ........... ; •••.• 106 Owmol ................. Cancallca: ............ Allegany ........... .. 140 Orient ..••••..•••...•••. Sout·holcl. ............. Suffolk •.•....•.•..... Sl3 ' Oriskany . ...... ..•. .•• \Vbitestown ..•..•••• Om·itla .............. .

2, 561 Oriskany Falls ..•.••.•.. Angustit .................. do ..••....•...••••• 62 Orleans .................. Phelps ................ Ontario .••••••••••.•.•

270 Osceola ................. Osceola ............... Lewis ................ . 459 Otego ................... Otego ...••••••••..•... Otsego ........ ; •... ;;. 237 Otisco Centre........... Otisco .... .. ..•.••. •• . Onondaga ............ . 276 Otisville ................ Mount Hope .. : ....... Orange .......• ; •••..• 345 Otselic .•.. _............. Otselic................ Chenango.; .•.•.•.••• ·

d~~ 8~£~~~ ::::::: :::::::::: ~t~~0 --::::::::::::: ~:rr~r~~n·::::::::::::: 170 Oyster Day .............'lfay ... ; ....••. O.ueens .. : .....••••••. 208 Painted Poat .•••••...•.. Erwm ................ i:lteuben ..•....•.•.... 250 l'arish .................. Pnrish ................ Oswego .......... ; •••. 307 Paris11ville ............. Parishvil!o ............ Saint Lawrence ...••.• 2U2 Park Vi<iw ........ : ..... Allognuy .••••••.••••. Uattarnugns. : •• :···; .. 533 Pitrma .................. P11rma ................ Monroe ..••..•.•.••••. 275 Patchogue ............. Brookhaven .......... Suffolk ...•••. : ....••.• l!H Patterson ............... Patterson: ............ Putnam ............. . 455 ·Pavi!lon ................ Pavilion .............. Genesee-············.· 320 l'n.wlin,!'. ...• : ........... Pawlin11 .•• ; .......... Duche~s ........... ..

1,360 Pearl Creek ............. Covington .••• ; ...•••• Wyommg ............ . 313 Pearsall's ............... Hempstead ........... Queens ............ ·•• 440 Peaslovvillo .....•...•.. Peru .................. Clinton ...............


222 Peconfo ................. Southold .............. St!lfolk .............. . 07 Poldn .................. CamhriaandLewiston Nm:rara ·······•······

103 Pclhamvll!o ............ Pelham ............... W:estchester ......... . 104 l'endlctou .............. Pendleton ............ Nmgara ............... , 270 Pcnfielcl ..•••..•.•...... Penfield .............. :;irvonro~ ............... [ 419 Peoria .................. Covington ....... ;.... • yommg ............ . 501 Porkinsvillo ......... , .. Wayland. ............. Stenhe!l-··--·········1 391 Perry Centre ........... Pen•y ............. •••· Wsonung ............. I 98 Perry City .............. Hector ................ Sciluy~er ........... •··

493 i l'erryshui·gh.... ....... Perrysbnrgl:i ....... ~-- 1 C~ituraugqe ......... .. 175 ' l'erry's Mills ........... Champlaiu ......... ···1 CU~~on. ·•·••······ ··· 141 I/ Perr"v:il!e .............. Sullivan .............. :lf~d1son ......•.• , ••••


. • s p , · · · p . ., Chuton ......... · .. • .. 3 U 1 eru ..................... ern .............. '.-·. 'l' k' 8

• 133 :[ Peruville ............... Groton ............ ·••· .,,,Oijf m ............ ! 55 I P"terlloro' .............. Smit4f\eld ............ ..,.a so11 ...•..••.. ••··

334 w.l 931 280 73

210 9J

139 14~

!17 52

W.1 163 208 4~1


149 l:>o 57

100 {i()

21l 239 ~fJ5 46(1 104

4(i 376 92

14U lr.l

1:n 1, :J81

320 )fj7

1,49-~ 35

304 4Gll 78

183 85

HO 47

227 419

3, f!ill 187 151 ~:! 34

141 282 230 44

260 242 187 476 173 105 248 210 194 429 1~7 215 7f0 597 598 lM 92

749 15ll 471

$3 240 212

l 955 '7o1 402 4U6 193 146 2.m 264 580 73

965 48

455 lllli 2111 1aa 894 75

170 159 14!l an 283 119 843 141 33Q

Page 44: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.


Name of place.



Town. County. Name ofplaco. Town. Oounty. ropnla­

tion. 1

Popula-1 twu. '~~~~-~~~.1~~--~---1---------1-~~

P b I' s lier 3151 Sanborn ..••••••.•••..•. Lewiston .•..••••••••. Niagara .••••.•••••••• Petersburg ••••••• .••••• etc1·s nrg · · •·• •• • ••· .en 8'' : · ••• • ••• • • • • 4s Sandlako .. . • • . • • . . . • • • . Snmllake ••• •• . • • .. •• lfonsselner ..••••••••.. Pl1illip's Creek········· Ward , , · ••••••••·· AIJ~gany ............. 661 Sarnl Springs ..•••••••.. Van Bl!ren .••...••••• Onornlug11 .....•...•.. PhillipHport ·••••·•••••• Mamakating .••••.••.. Sull ,·an.............. 1,343 San<luskv ....••..••.••.. l<'rceilom .••••..•.•.•.. Cattnra1igus .•••...... I'hilmont - • - • • •••. •• •••• Claverack · • • ••• •••••• f 01!1mb/" ,.. · •• ..... · 13'1 t;aranac °Lake........... Harrietstown......... Franklin ..••••••.••••• PHfarllina---- ................ York ...... -.~ ............. ~ if{ngs .on............. 120 Surdinia .................. Sardinia .................. Erio ...................... . I'ike l'ond .............. lJ<'laware ··•••·••••••· ~u imn .............. 65 Savannah ............. ;. Siwnunah .•••••..•.•.. 'Wayne .............. . l'intlIAlantl ..................... 'Ym·wick ................. )l'm~?o ...... .......... 529 Sa.Yowi .................... BaUi. ................. u. Steuben ............... . J'iuel'laius ............... IJinoP!ains ....... ... Ducucss............. 1 I 1. s il'lk Pine Valley •.•••.••••••• Catlin un!l Veteran ... Uhcmung...... ....... 276 S:iyvil e ··•··· ··•···· ·•· s lJJ. ••••••••••• •••••• di o ••··••• ....... . Pitcher ..•••.•••..•••••• l'itcher .••••••..••.•.. Chenango............. 144 Scliouack Landing...... Schodack............. Rcn•solaer ..•...••.•.. Plainfield............... Hempstead . . ••• .• • . . . q,w<"ns . .. .. .. .. . . . . . • 107 Schroon Lnko..... .••••• Schroon ..• ••••..•.•••. Essex ............... . J'lainyille .••..••.••••••. Lvsander ............. Ouumlaga. ............ ms Schuyler's Lake ........ Exeter ................ Otsego ..•............. pJ tt k"ll Sau ertfos I Ulster 574 Scio .............. - •..••. Scio .......... •••·••••· Allcgm1y .. - .. - .. - .•.. 1•i~as~;tB~~ok::::::::: i{nsZhooni:::::::::::: otscgo:::::::::::::::: 94 Sciot11 .••••..•••••....•. Uh11zy ••••••..•••••••. Clintou .............. . I'fous:mtPlains •.•••.•.. Westfield ............. Riclnnond ............ m ~~$i~Yiil",;::::::::'.::::: .~~'.R~0_:::::::::::::::: .?~:;l~g-~::::::::::::::: J'leasnnt Vnlle,v •...••••• Pleasant Valley •.•••.• , Duchess············· 214 Sl\otch Bush .••••••••••• Florldl1 ............... MoJ1tgolllN'Y·· ••••.••. Plc•"is .•••••.•••••.••••• Alcxnnrkia ........... ,Jefferson............. Gl ·n S h 1 Plum Island •••••••••••• Southold ... - .•.••.•••. Suffolk .............. 15 Scotia .....•••• .'........ env1 e •.••••..••••. , c cncctnt y •.••••••. Ph'month •.•••••...••••.


Plymouth ............. Chenango ...••• ••••. 144 Scott .•••••..... ; ••••••. Scott ..•....••.•...... Coitlun<l ............. . J'tiestenki!I ..•••••••••.. PMstenkill ........... Itensselacr...... ...... 250 Scottsville .•.•.•..•..••. Wlwntland ...••..•••. Monroo .............. . Poland •••••.•••••.••• ··1 lb1Rsiu nnd :Newport.. Herkimer............. 282 Sea Cliff. -. . . • • •• • • • • •• . Oyster Ilay . : . . • .. . . . . ~1rncns ..•..•.•••••••. Po1kvilla .••••••••.••••. L:;s,mrlsr ...•.......•. Ono~daga............. 34 S"nraburgh .••..•.••.•. Rector ....•.••••••••.. Schuyler ••••••••••••• Puulvilfo ................ Ramil tun ...•.••.••••• Mndrnon •. . :.......... 172 Schlcn .................. Brookhaven .......... 8nfriilk .••.••..••••••• Puu•patt11ck .. . . . . .•• • • . llruokbaven .•....•.•. Suffolk................ 24 / SellllJroniua ... - · •. • •• •• ~mnprouius · • • • • • .. .. ()11,yulln .•• -- •.••.••• - • Pujltl's Mills . • . • .• •• • • •• ~1aeo111b ......... .. • • . Saint Luwrcnco . .. . . . 84 Scnec11 Ca8tle...... ... . . Seneca. - ... - --·. -· ••• . 011tano .•••.•.••.•.•• J'rnt Ewen ....•.••••... Esopus• .............. Ulster................ l, 580 Scnec11 l!ill ............. Volner, •••.••..•..•••. Oswego .............. . Purt Uilison .. . • •• . • •• •• :Maueheat-0r... •• • • • • • . Ontario............... 200 Sutaukct........ •• • . .••. Brook iaven .. • • • . • • • . Suffolk .............. . Port Gfasgow.... ... . . .• Ilm"n ... . .. . ••• • • • • • . Wasno .............. ,. 74 Seward ValJey.... ••• • . . Sc11mrd ••••••••• - •. . • . Sclwhm·io ............ . I'ortJdfoi·son .•.•••.... llrookbaven ....•••••• Suffolk............... l,724 8baker ....•••••••••••... 'Vntervliet ..•...•• : •• Albany .............. . Pol't Kt·nt .•••.•.•••.... Ch1•Ht.,rfiehl •••••.•... Essex .•. •. ... ... .. . 130 Shaker .............••... Cannan ..• ··. - ••••..•. Columhia ...•.•.•••••• Port'l"ill!l ........... ; ••• I'ortdllo ............. (Jattarnugna .......... 083 Shelby Center ....•••••. Shelby .....•.••••••••. Oifonns .............. . p,,rt W,LRhin•rron ··•···· North Hempstead .... Queens............... 1,038 Sherburne Quarter .••••• Sherburne············ Olrnnnngo ........... . J'otte1,.s Hollow .••...•.. Itcnssdaerdlle ..•••.. Albany............... 91 Sherman .••••.......•••• Sl!ermnn.. .. . ... ....•. Ubantanqua ..••.••• , . l'ottPrHillu ..•.•..... ; •. Chester ..•.••••••••.•• Warren............... 16S Sherwoo<l. .............. Scipio .•••..........•. Unynga .............. . Ponndri~ge ............. Ponnilridge ••••.•••••• 'Westchester.......... 92 Sh011go ................. 'Villing ..••••••..••••• ;\Ilt•gany •••••••••••.• I'rutt's Hollow .......... \ Eaton ..••.•..•.•• , .••. :MntliHOll ...••. .... •• .• 102 Sho1tville. - ............. Mnnchoster .••• .' ••.... Ont111fo •..•••..••••••• :f>r;<tt<"illa ............. · ••.


I'ratt\"llln ••••••...••.. Greene ............ ::. HOS Shull town .••..•••.•••.. Gormnnl!'lats .•••••.•. !Iorkltmir ............ . Preble •.•..•.•••••.•••.. l'rclll<l .............. Oorllnnr1. ...... ;...... 2UO I Slwslum ................ s:1Iem ••••••••••••••••. 'Vaehingtm1 •.•..••.•. Preston llollow. •.••.• •. Ilensselaervllle. .••... Albany .. • . . •.. . .•. • .• 212 Sidney Centre ..•.•••• ;. Sulncy.......... ••• • • • Dol:twa1·0 ..••••.••••.. Promise<l Lnml... .. . • •. East Ilamptcm .• .••. •• Suffolk . . • •• • • . . . . . . . . 71 Sil \'Or Lako , • • • . • • . . • .. lllacik Brook.......... Clinton .............. , Pros1>ect .... ············1 Trenton ••••••••••••.. On..iti11......... .••.... 326 fliuclail"l'ille ...•.•...... <Jhmfotto ••••••...•. '.. Ulmut!11HJU11 •••••••..• Prospect Hill........... l'cm!Jroke • • • • • • . •• .• . Geneseo . .. . • . . .. .•. . . 50 Skinncrsville .•..•••• ; . Stockholm............ Sitint I.awrcnco .•••••• Protection •••••••••••••. Ilollnml. .............. Eric.................. 50 Sldghtbnrg ............ Eso11us .....•.••...• ., Ulster .............. .. l'ultcne,r ••••• : .•••••••• ! I'nltcncy ............. Steuben.............. 202 S!o:msville .............. Eaplll'llnco •.........•. Schoharie .••..•••...•• PuJtncyville ..••• ; .••••• Williiuuson ........... 'V:iJ·no .....•.•....... 247 Smithboro' .............. 'l'iug11 ................. 'fioga •••••..•••.•••••. Pnrd:.·'a .•••.••••...••... N01·1l1 Salem .....••... 'Westchester.......... 22S Smith Mills ••••.•••... Ila1101·or.. ••• ••• •••.•. ChnutnuqtUL .••••• , •• , l'utnam .•••••••..•••••• Pntnnm ..••••.•.•.•... 'Vnsltington •••• ••••. 30 Smithville ...•...•.•.... Smithville .•••••.••••• Cltr:1rnugo ............ .

luakcrSprings •...••••• Sarntuga .•••••.••••••. Saratoga.............. 150 Smithl'illo .............. Ileudorson ..•....••••. ,ToJlcrnou .•••••.•••.•• uakl!r Street •••••••••• Duanesburgh, •....••. Schenectady.......... 250 Smokctown ..••••....... North Hempstead ..... q!tocna •••.••••.•••••• u.1J;;erSt!·eetDepot ••••. » • .<lo ...••.•.••••••.•.•••. 11? •.••........••••• 163 Sorhis .••.••••••• ; .••• :. Sodus .••..•.•.....•••. Wnyuo •••... : ••.•••. uahty Hill ..•.•...••.. Lenox: ................ :uachson ••••••••• ::... 84 Solon . . . . .............. Solon ....••.••••••.••. God!nml. ••••••••.•••• uerns ••••.•••••••••••• liempsfoad & Jamnicn Queens............... 347 South Alabama ......... Al11bam11 .......... -~ .. Otlll<·Hce ·•••• ....... ..

(lueechey •••••••...••••• Cnnu.11n .•..•....•. : ••. Columbia •••••••.•.. :. 64 SoulllAm<'Bia •.•••.•... Amenia ..••..•.•••.•.• Duch<:ss .•••••••••..•• Quo:rne .•••••••••••••••• Southampton ......... Suffollc ..•••••••..•..• 104 So\1thampton ......... ;. 8outlmmpton ......... Snlfolk ...•...•••••..•. lfansumville .••••••••••• l'ortcr ..••••.•••••.•.. Niagara ••.. : ..•...• ~. 275 South Argyle ........... Argylo. •• ••••••• ••. ••• Washington •••••••••. Rathlionoville •••••• •. . . r.,1tltl.Jone... •. . ..•.••• StoubRn •• • • ... .. • .. •• 181 South Ballston (or Ilnllston . . . . •. . .•• . . . . SnraLogrL .•...••.....•• Raymurnlville ••• '. •••••• Nm'folk .•••••..••••••. Saint Lawrence....... 134 Jlranch). , ltayville .•••••.•.•.•.••• Chatham .•••••..••.•• Columbia............. 31 South B,ty ......... ; .... Fort Ann .•••••.••••.. Wnshlngton •••••••••. Reauing Cente1•........ Ren<ling .•••••••...••. Solm~ler...... •••••. •• 128 South Bothlchcm. .••••. Bethlehem............ Albany ............. . Rt•cl Qr!'ek .............. Wulco!t .............. 1 Wayne............... 525 South llra<1rQr<l ......... llruufor<l ............... St·onbon •.•..••.•••.•• Rt;1l l!alls •••••••••.••••• PrnttYillo •••••••.•.•.. Grc<'nO .••••• •••••. .• . 79 Sou!h Bto11kfiol<l ....... llrookfield •••••••..••. Madison ••••••••• , •••. ltt'<lford •••.••.•••.•.•.. Snmnnc .•••••••••••••. Ulinton .••••• •.•.•. ... 447 South Butler ............ Ilutlor •••••..... ..•••. Wityno .••••..•.•••.•. Ifod Hoak.: ••••... · ...••. Red Hook •••••••••••. Duchess.............. 036 South Bntler ........... Snvanno,h ................. 11o •••••••••••••• , •• lt1od ltock .••••.•••••.••. Cnna:rn ••••.•.•..•.. Colmull\a ............. 92 South Byron ............ llyrnn .•••••.• ; ....... Gm1<18eo ......... •• ltedwoml •••.••.••.•.•.. Alex:nndrfa ........... Jefferson............. 541 South C(ilton .......... Colton .•••.•••••••.... Saint L11wr<•1wo •• :· .: Reetl'sUorners ..••.••••. Gorham ............... Ontario............... 76 South Columbia ........ Colnml>ia •••. •. . .. . • . Ut\l'klmm'. •...•..• :: •• R1"1<lsville •••••••.•• ; ... Berne .•.•.•••••••••••• Albany...... ........ 227 SouthD<t,j'ton .....•••••• Dayton ..•••••••••••.. Gatllunugqs .••....... J:ensselncr Falls........ Clinton ......... •. . • . . Saint Lawrence ...... : 409 South E1lmeston.. .••••• Edmeston ....... ,..... Otso}.lo ••••••••••••.••• nenss~l~en1lle .••...•• ·J :r:~nHRelaervj])e . .•.••. Albany............... 803 South G illlo~ .. .. .. .. •. . Gilboa................ Schoharie ..••••..••••• lfu::<'fmd.H Flats .••••••. - q1i~ton Park •••••••••• Saratoga ..•••• ,....... 10~ South Glen Cove ........ 0.rstcr B11y .•••••.•.•. (Juocus .•.•.. " .•.•..•.• Rlnn<lchtf. -············ l.hmebeck ••••.•.•..•. l)uchess.............. 5Sa ~outh Glen~nlls ..•••••• More~u ............... S11rntogl\ •••••••.•••••• ltichfield •••·•• .. ; •.•••. Richtlcld .•••••..••••• Otsego............... 84 South E:anmlml. •....••. Iranmbnl ............. Osw11g0 .••••••••.••••• Jtirhford · • •••••·•• •••••. Richford .............. Tio"a . •.••.• : 317 South B:ivcn ........... Brookhaven •.••.••.•. Suffolk ..••••• ~ •..••••• l!!cbmun1l ._ ............. Northfielrl ............ Rich~o~d .••. :::::::: .88 South Ilwn ••••••.• : • .'. Garmuu Flats ....... lforkinrn1· ..•.•• l.1cbJr\on1lv1Ile ••••..••.• Richmondville ••.•.••. Schoharie............. 6?3 SoulhL!ma ..•••••...•••. qma :···········- .... Livingston ••..• ::::::: :R!cb,:1n" : . --. • . . . . .. . • . De Kalb . •• . • . • ••••. .. Saint Lnwrenco. •..••• 330 South Ln·oma . . . • •• • • • . L1voma ................... do ...•.••• j~!d<lcraMills ...•.•.•.... (~hatham .•• ,.! ..... :. Colnmbia ......... :... 52 ~onthNuwBerliu ....... NowBol'Iin .••••••..•. Chenango ••• :.:::::::: ~! %eW'.lY •••••••••••••· I.ulgeway •.•.••.••••• O!'k>ans............... 119 Southol<l ... ;············ Southolcl. ............. Suffolk .............. .

1:1smi:ville ..•• - ••••••• •. Thm•ton - ·••· ..•.... Steuben .......... .. •. 3,~ ~on th Ots<•lrn ...•••..•.. Otselic ... •.••....•••••. Chem~ngo ••••••..••••• I.ivcrhead · •• · •••••••••. Ri\"e,rhend and South- I Suffolk ...••.. •. ..•••• 1, 7u7 South Rondout .••.••••. J~sopus .••••. .. . •.. . .. Ulst<ll' ••••••.••••••••• P. hilal l'amptkon. .

120 South ~,cl.1o<lack ........ ~.Cl.1o<lack ..••••••••••. Ilen.sselnor ••••••.•••••

:oc .. e ·••·••·•·•·•••· '!ugh cepaie ........ Duchess .••.•..•... :.. " ~outh Iientou .......... '.J:w4.on .............. Onmd11 .••••• , ••••••••• i·'oc~ f.!tY ·•••••··••· --· M1llln...... ....... •••. . . do . . .... ... 005~3 ~outh Vnllc.v ....•....•. nroscboom ...• .• . .. .•. Otsego ............... . 1!0 \ <1

1fYJ"n1ls .••••• ••• Milton .••••• ••••••••• Samtoga ..••.. :::::::: o Soutl1 Worceste1• ..•••.. ';ore.ester ................ <lo ... ,. ........ , •••• 1:oc ,v: " entre.:···· ··1 HcmpHtea<l ·••••·••••· l~nccns .••• •••..•..••• 1, S82 Specdsvlllo ....•.. .•.•. Qnrolmo .•••••.•••.••. 'l'omjlkhts •••••••••••• \ockwum~ ......................... :Ephnttah ... : ............ I<ulton................... 2U4 Spcnce1· ..................... ~pencor ............... ~~iog-R. ...... , ............. .

ltoeky l>omt ••••...••••• Ilrunkbu,,-en .......... Sutfolk • .... •• ........ 200 Speonk ., •••.. : .......... Southampton ......... Suffolk .............. .

lltrnlnian ...•..••...••..•. Ilmlmnn •. ; •••••••.••• Jefferson............. 2''8 S11rnkeraD-1sm " t M t !"!!'""v1II!l .•••••.• ••••• 1 JJnnRville . . . . • . . . • • . Steuben . . • • • • • . • • • • • . - ', . ,, ..• , • • . • . ,.oo ..........•.... ;_. on gomcry ..••.••• -

1.unn.'ln~ ••••••••••••••• Ilo!nnlnsnnd Varick .. Seneca................ 175 Spi::ug Ilrook .......... E111;11 ••...•.•....•.••. l~tio .~ ............... . Ifonkoukoma ••••••••••.

1 I~il[J .•••.•••••••••••• Suffolk ..••...... ....• 17S Sp•!UJ:P!cl<l ··· ··· ·••···· SpungJlelcl.. .......•.. Otsego ............... .

l;osehnom :············-/ lwseboom • •··••••·••• Otsego................ l~~ Spr1ngliel~ ·••·•• ....... .i;nmnic11 .............. (~ueei1s ...••.. , .•...•• I.ose Yalies ..•.....••• ··1 Itose ...... •···· ....... ·wayne ········.. .• Spr~ng Ln. '° ............ Conquost ••••••....••. Cayuga ..••••.••••.•.. l!<•·~l.fn -················ Nort"!tilcmpstea<l .••. Queens .........• : •• :: 502 Spr!ng Mill. •••••..••..• lmleJlmHlenco ......... Allo:rnny ••••••··•·•·• llw<SIO ··;··· .•••.• •••••• n, OSRIO •••••••••••••••• Saint L11wrenco ••••.. 1, }~! ~Jl~!ngs .•...•...•..•..•. ~nst !fampton ••••.•. ' 8uifnlk .............. . tu~am•n s Milla •...•••• StoU'kport ............. Columbia............. a • P'!ngtown ·••··· •.••... :Now I ultr. .••..• ..••. Ulster ............... .

lto•anlle ···············/ Wetittleld ••••••.•.••.. Wcbmond ••• 5~~ ~Pl'!ngVnlley .......... Rnl!!UlJO .............. Roeklnn<l. •...•••.•••. Jtoxl1ul'Y ··~------- Ito:s:lmry ................ Dolaware ...... ··-······ 33t:: Sprrngw:ttmj·.-·········· S1>rmp;watcr ............. Livingston ..... . l:ntlle l,lal" Islnnrl. ······i Flatl:mc1s ••••••..••••. l(ings ....•..• ::::::::: " .,Jl

1ff·o,ut Broo c. ...••..• :. Conojolmrio ........... Montgomery ... ::::::: Itw·al GroTe Il o' 'f H tita urcl........ •.. .. . . • . l:lt\lfford.. .. . . . . . . .. . . . G L'llt'SPO J• "h •••••••••••• 0

, •·················· "'ontgomcry.......... 117 Stamfortl ............... Stamforclnmlliatpors- Dol11w;1ro······· ·••••• .us ................... Itnsh •....•••••.•••••. Munroe...... 210 fioltl. ' •••·•••••••••

Rnsl!ful'<l ..••....•.•••.

1 Ilmhfor<1 • • • . . . • • • . . . . Allerrany .... · • · · · · · · · 480 s £ 1 ·11

Snt!J!John~anil ......... !'mlthtown ...•• : ••.••. Snfi'OJk ..••.. •····•·•• 216 •. tan or< YI e .....••..•. Stnnford .•••.•.••..••. Dttcl1~8s ......... · •.••. ~~!ts['!'r.~CCentre ........

1 Sulisbnry ••••••...•... Herkimer .... :::::::;: 841 S!aulcy Uorners ......... Senee11 ..••••.••.••.••. Ont\ll'HJ .•••••••••.••.

,,~·'•s J.1n . oruHs .••••• , •••• tlo ..................... <lo. .••• 124 ~~anwbix ..•••• ·········· Romo ................. OneHfa ............... . u;uumonsv11le ........... 1 Jnltustown ••••.•.•••.• l'nlton:: .•.• :::::::::: 138 • C•UU nrg .............. Colt\ Spring.......... Catt\lr-:tugus ........ ..

Sterlingbush .. ., .••••••• lJiima ................. Lewrn .•...•.••••. ,' .. ,

177 777 08

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'418 447

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1114 r,z

mo 217

1, 221. 2au 4113

tll lll·l 122 Jal 10

700 lOJJ 210 mo 71

1117 oa 85

1J30 ar;

810 1W9 72

212 li22

340 24:! uo

242 L08

)., •,j

i "•

Page 45: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.



I ' 'i • "i;

"' ~ '"":'


T.A.BLB III.-NEW YORK-Oontinnecl ..... N nme of place. Town. County.

~rung i;;.e~{er .•....•... stm·ling.. . . . . . • . . . • . . . Cayuga ......•....•... St e1 l1gb a ~Y •••••••••.•. do ........••.......... do ..•........•..•.. St~ll0~f nrg · · • • • · · · • · · .Allognny . .. . . . . . . .. . • C\lottamugns .•.•...... st' ,Ji, 1d· .. • • . . . . . . . . . . . TrentOI\ .•••••......... Oneicln ............... . , oc < t ga, · ··......... Stookbndge . • • . . . . • • . Madison ...........•.. ~l0"J'~o}m gontrt ·. •• •. Stockholm............ Saint Lawrence ...... . Stooi' o 1l1 opo ........... do .................... do ..•.•••...•...... st"c'IQ~r· .. i ....... , .... Stockport ............ Colnmblo. .....•......• st°"~ 1/nrk i.. • • •• •• • • · Bergen..... . • . . . . . •• . qcnesee .•••...•...... St 0 f;1£

111roo •····· · ••• · · Brookhaven . • . . .. • . . . Spifolk : ............. .

st~ttr .f··············· Stookvort ..•••••...... colnmb111 ............ . st ,' oIC • • •• •• • • • • • • • •• Strattord . . . • . . . . . • . . . Fulton ..•............. S u.vves.lfticr···· · ·•••·· Stuyvc-.sant .•••....... C~lnmbia ............ . Stmunlt o •••·•••••••• Northfield ............ R1rhmond .........•.


1t·:c············· Summit ............... Sclwhnrio ...••........ S um

1m ill le · ··• • • ···. •. Mamakating.......... Sullivan .•••..........

•.rw'\ ~v .e . . . . . . • • • . . • . . Grove ...•... :......... .Alle;(nn_Y ............ . T 3ff 1 't't"ilf · · ··· · ·· ···· •rn~hlrnniok . . . . • . . . . . Colu!Jlllm ............ . Tf TI l e ....•.•..... Lo~den ..•.....••••.... Lewis ...•••••.•...... '.l.'l1~ ·];ii!··········· .... .Argyle ................. Washington ......... . Tluoo .. eBay .•...... L~mo ........••....... Joffornon .•........... Ti1ro0Nv1!1<1.. .•• • . . . . . . . Tnroop . • . . . • • ••. . . . . Cayuga .............. . '.rl con\ erogaLowerFnlls, Ticonderoga .•...•.... EaRox .........•.••.•.. Tl eom ·'ll'oga U 11por Fnlls .... do ..........•.••.•..... i\o ..........•......

tusv1 o. .••• •• . . . . . . . . Lit Grange............ Duchess ......•....... ~;ottonvill!J .•••.• ..... .• Weatfielcl. ............ l{iuhmoud ...••....... Towner

1ll11l .••••....•.. Crown l'oint ...•.•.... Esso:i:: .........•.......

~~~~v~e;i}i" ··· -· ..•... _.. ~attei~~on ................... P~1tnmn ..................... . v s e . . . • • • • • . . • . . :N orU> field . • • • • . . . . . . . Illchmond ........... .

Tronton Falls ........... Trenton .............. Oneida .............. . !l\rin;njtfo .................... 'l'rinngle ................ Bro9mo .................... . Troupslrnrgh. .. .. • . .. • . Truupsburgh . • .. . . • .. StoulJen .•••••.....••. Trout Creek . .. . . . . . . . . . Tompkins . ••• . • •• •• • . Delaware .•••••....... Tmmbull's Corners ..••• Nowllel<l. ............. Tompl1iua ........... . 'l~rux.ton............ ...... .. .. . .. . ri•ruxton . .. .. . . . . .. .. . .. .. .. . CortlancL. o ........... .

Tnsc1t1•orit . .. . • .. • . . . .. . Mount Morris . . . . . . . . Livingston .......... . ;i;uthill .•.•••..•••••.... Girrc1iuer .............. Ulster ............... . Tyro .................... Tyro ... •. ...... .••... Seneca ............... . Tyrot!B ................. T,yrone ............... Schuyler .•••.•........ Unnchlltt .......••..••••. Unadilla ....••......•. Otsego ........•.....•. U nndilltt Forks . . . . . . . . . Pfainfi.eld...... . . . . . . • . . do ................ . Union Center........... Union·................ Broome ..••......•.... Union ·corners . . . . . . . . . . Mansfi.olcl............. CaLtamugns .••..•..•. Union Falls............. Black Brook.......... Clinton .............. . Union Grove............ .Andes . • . . . . ..• •• • . . . . Dolliwaro ............ . Union Mills ...•••.••.... Broadalbin............ Fulton ............... . UppnrJay .....•........ Jay ....•..••.•.••..... Essc•:i:: ................ . Upper Hslo . .. . . • . . . . •• '.rrinngle .•.• ."......... n1·oomo .............•. Uppi.r lte1l lloolc ....... Red Hook ..........•.. Duchess ............ .. Upp..,· Saint Johnsville. Saint Johnsville .....• Montgomery ......... . Valley ]'alls ............ Pitistown and Schag. llensselaer ........... .

ticoke. Vnllo:v Stronm ..•••..... Vau 1Iornnsvlllo ....... .

t~~:r;~~~~~:I.:::::::::::: • Vernon CentLw ......... .

Vorplanck's Point ..•••• VeA}ler ..•.....••...•••. Victory ................ . Virgil ................. . V18c1bor's FmT:V ........ . WMJmm'R Mi1Js ....... . Wiicling Itivor ......... .

Jfompstead .........•. Stark ............... . Orangovillo ..•..••.••. Union Vale .••........ Vernon ...................... . Cortlandt ............ . Tully ..•.........•.•• Victory ......•..•..... Virgu: ............... . Clifton Park .•.••..... Westport ............ . Bt·ookhavennndRiver·


Queens .............. . Herkimer ............ . Wyoming ............. . Duelwss ....•......... Oueid1 ................ . Westchester ..•..•.... Ononclaga. .....•...... C1wuga ........••..... Cortland ............. . Rnratoga ................. . Essl'x ................. . Sulfolk ............... .

'Vninscott .•......•..••. Enst Hampton ............ clo ............... .. 'Yalwlit,1<1 .............. 'Ve•tchester .......... Westchester ..••••.... 'Ynlcs . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . Wales . .. . . .. . .. .. . • . . Erio ................. . 'VnlosCentor ....... , ••..... clo .................... do ........•..••.•.• 'Vall1tco . . .• . • .. . . . . . .A Yoea . .• . . . .. . .• . . . . . Steuben ............. . 'Vnmorsvllle . . . . . .... •. Richmomlvillo... .. . . . Schoharie ............ . 'Varrensburg • .. . ...••• 'V1111·1msburg ......... Warren .............. . Vvnshiup;ton 8qnare..... IIomrstend . . . . . . . . . • . Queens .........•••••. ·wnshini1touville ......•. E11st Chester ..•....... 'Vcstchester .•••••.... 'Vnssnic . . .. . . . . . . .. .. . . Amenia . . . . •. . . . . . • .. Duchess ............. . "\Viitcr :Mills . •• • . • • •.. • . Southampton......... Suffolk .............. . "\V1Ltta Flats . . • .. • • . . . .. Harmony............. Cluu1tauqua ....•..••. iVaverly. . • . . . • • . . . . . .. • OLto . . • . . • • •• • .. . . . . . . Cattaraugus .••.•...•.

I 1· l'O,PUla- I

t1011. I I

167 ' 111 fil

184 217

5U 14G 302

00 549 720 114-925 179 121 223 183 72

129 41

1, 041 110

1,108 597 79

1, 147 70

113 304 138 167

1061 Do

2~~ I 124 I

83 77

227 922 210 116

60 53

l35 H

14~ 150 l84.

• 149 782

605 199

83 144 100

1, 337 137 192 175 206 165 397

N arne of place. Town. County.

Wttyne ......••...•..... Tyrone .........••.•... Sclmyler ............ . ·wayno . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . Wayne . ... .. .. . • . . • . . Steuben ..•......•.••. 'Veavcrtown ............ Johnshnrg ............ Warren ........••...•. 'Webster .•••••..•....... WclJstcr .............. Monroe .............. . Wells . . . . . . . • . . .. . • . . . Wells................. Hamilton .......•••••. West .Albany ........... Watervliet .........•.. 41~any .............. . 'Vest Alden ............ .Alden ................. Et·rn ................. . West Almon<l Center .•. West .Almond ••••••.. Allegany .•.•.•....... '\Vest .Amboy .•....•.... Amboy ............... O•wego .......... ,. ••. West Jlangor . . • . . . . • . . . Bangor . ... •. .. . . . . • .. Franklin ....••..••... : West Bloomflcltl. . . . . . . . West Bloomfield...... Ontario , ....••...•.... \Yest Burlington ..••... Burlington ........ , .•.. Otsego ................ u.

-v;;:esthnry .............. Victory ...............


Cayuga .•.........•... V.. esL Carthage ........... Clunnpion ............. JetforBon ............. . 'Vest Cassadaga ········1 Stockton ....•......•.. Clmutauqua .......... 1 West Chazy ............ Chaiy ................ (Jlinton ............. . West Danby ............ Danby ................ Tompkins ..•......... '\Vest Day . . . . . . . . . •• • • . Day . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . .. . Saratoga ....••.••.•... West Edmeston ........ Edmeston ............. OtsPgo .••••.•••. Westernvllio ...... ·····I Wcstcrn .....•••••.•.. Oneida .......... :::::: '\Vest Exeter ........••..


Exeter ................ Otsego ............... . Westford .............. Westford ........•••...... !lo ..••...•....••.•• West GrnnvilleCorners


Granville ............. Washington ••••••.... Westhampton • • • . . . . . . . Southampton . . . . • . .. . Suffolk .....••...••••• West IIebrou •.•.....•..


Hebr?n ............... 1\'ashington ......... . ·west llenrletta......... Henrietta . .-.......... Monroe .••..•. ··· .••• · 1 '\Vest lslip .•.••••••••••• lRlip_ .................. Snmilk ......•..•.•..• West Lorden ........... J,ew1s ................. Lewis .••........ Wcst:Milton ......•..... :Milt<m .............•.. Saratoga .••••••.• ::::: '\Vcstmordaml .......••. Westmoreland .....•.. Oneida ............ ·•·· 1 West New 13righton .... Castleton ............. Richmond .•...•...... Weston................. Tyrone . . • . . • . . • . . . . • . Sclmyler ..•.•••....... West Oneonta ...•...... Oneonta .•••••........ Otsego .......••....... '\Vest Phrnnix. ... . . . . . . . Lysander............. Onmitlaga ...•••....... : West Point ............. Highlands .....•...•.. Omngo .•.•.•..•...... i Westport ..•.........•.. Westport ............. Essex .•.•.......•..... · West Salamanca ........ Salamanca ............ Cattaraugus .•...•••.• West Saudlako ..•...••. S>n1llnke ..•.......•... Renss.,laer ........... . West ·.rown ............. Minisink ...•....•..... Orange ..•.....•...••• West Vienna . . . . . . . . . . . Vicnntt .... . . . .. . . . • .. Oneida ............... . Westville ............••. Westford .........••.. Otsego ............... . West W:iterford .••..... Waterford ..•......•.. 8arnt?gtt ........•.•... \ WcstWmfi.eld ...•...... Wmfield .••.......•••• H1irk1mer ............. I Whcatvllle ............. .Alnbnmtt ..•.•...•.•... Genesee ...•.....•.•.• White Creek ............ Whiro Creek .......... Washington ...... · ..•. Whiteport. ••. . . . . . . . . .. Rosendale............. Ulster ............... . Whitesville............. Imlcpemlence.... .• ... Allegony ..•.•...•.••• Willai·d ...........•...•. Romulus .............. Seneca ............... . Willard Asylum........ Homulus and Ovid .•...••• do ................ . Willett................. Willett . . . . .. . • . • • . .. Cortland ..•••......••• WilliamAbnrg (or Con- lleusselaer .•..•• .•••.. Albany ............. ..

norsville). Williams burgh ......... Black Brook ..•..••.•. Clinton············· ··1 Williamson ..•..•...••.. Williamson ........... Wayne •.••••.•....•.. '\Tillshorough. ••• •. . . • . . Willsborough ......... Essex ..•....•.••...... ~m~,~~~M~o.:::::::::::. candor ............•.. Tioga ................ .

Wimlham ....••...•..... Wl:a.i~~::::::::::::: ~%~~r::::::::::::::! '\Voodlmll. ... • • • . • . . . . . . Woodhull............. Steuhcn .......••..•. ·. Woodrow ............... Westfield ............. Richmond •....•...... Wooil's Falls ..•......•.. Mooers ...........•.•. Clinton ....••.•....... Woodside ............... Newtown ............. Queens .............. . Wooclstoek ..••••....... Woodstock ........... tilster ............... . Wooclville .......••..•.. Ellislmrp; ...••.•••... Jefferson ............ . '\Vorcester ...•.•.•....•. Worcester ........•.•• Otsego ............... .

100 Worthville ............. Worth .........•.•.•.. Jefforsnn ...•.......•. 478 W.vnantskill ..•..•..•••. North Greenbush ..... Rensselaer ... ; ...•..••

63 Wyoming ............... Miiltllebnry .......•..• \Vyoming ............ . 1341 Ynpbank ............... BrookhaYcn .....••... Suffolk .............. . 170 Yates Center ........... Yutes ...•.......•••••• Orleans •...••.•••••••• 263 York Center ............ York ................. Livinp;ston .........••

· 748 'I Yorkshirc .............. 1

Yorkshire ....•..•.... Cattaraugus .•......•. 128 [ Yqrks.hlro C.1mter ...••...... do ......•............ .•••.....•.•••••. 206 I Yorkville ........... ···1 Whitestown .•••••.... Oneida .••••....••••••. 228 Youngspnrt ............. Islip .................. Suffolk ••.••••.....•• 1731' Yomwstown ..•.....••.. Porter ................ N1np;ara ............. . 243 I Youn;;sville •.•...•...•. Callicoon ............. Sullivan ..••••... !" .•• · 366 I " .




182 78

176 381 227 307 52 53

109 113 :117 107 137 807 94

407 157 !lil

116 200 lll 139

67 437 205 130 ;193 lBl 241 403

2,276 167 165 6il

I, 131 3()4. 409 185 175 13B

69 441 59! 96

189 198 ~97 105

1,826 147


2::16 :i:u; 2.~;0 58>S 81

34! 317 3<9 175 50U 170 179 682 78

176 381 42~ 190 277 257 430 295 299 500 113

:MINOll CIVIL DIVISIONS. ·\1sso.l ts>ro. REM.ARKS. MJNOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1sso. 1s-ro. j REll.A.RKS.


Tow11Ahi1i No. 1. Patterson ............ 816 717 Ellendale townsbi~ ...................


1,052 008

" " 2. Coble ......•..••••.. , 1, 112 875 GwallneY'a towns "p ...•...••••...•.. 1, 321 1; 126

" a. Boon's Station ........ 1, 150 1, 100 Little River townshtJ! .••••.••.•...••. 768 6'J5

" 4. Morton .............. 984 704 Mm•e• """""'' ... -- ••.••••...•.. -- .


890 741

" 5. Ii.,auc"tt ............... 1, 687 I, 327 Sharpo's townshi .••••..•••••........ 982 8~5

" o. Gmham, incl the fol· 2, 440 2, 332 Su1tar Loaf town~1ip .................. 8~8 707 '.l.'aylorsvllle twp., incl. Taylorsville tn. 1, 360 l, o·s

lowin;t towns: 817 Taylorsville town ..•••.•••••...•.... 180 ]1:9

Compun,y s Shops town ............. l, 154 348 Gmhnm town ..............••..•.... 379 502 Witten berg's township ................

Township No. 7. Albriffht ....••...... 796 6:!5 " 11 8. Ne,vl n ....... !. ........ 1, 167 862 ALLEGHANY,

" 9 Th · 1, 280 775 . omnson ·-·····--· Cherry Lnne township .•••••..•••••••• 527 309

" " 10. Melvi o, incl. Mel· 1, 607 1, 221 Cranlie!Tv township .................. U02 458 ,-mo town.

89 Gap Oi..-il township .....•.•.••••.••••. 11 512 9581 Molvillo town ....•.......•...••..•.. Townsbil' No.11. PlcusantGrove •••.. 1,514 ··i;246' Also called Lea's.· Glade Creek township ................ 817 640


Page 46: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.



lUXOlt crvn, DIVISIOSS. I ~~so. 1s10. REM.ARKS.


l'in"v CrePk t-0wnship .......... ----·-Pratltt•r'" Crt>ek town•!Iip. ------·-----

t;iw~P 18iO. portion~ of AHbt1, Sur~

rt',V, l-!nd \Vilkes eonnti1~R have lwtn ::mrw:xetl, lint tlw town .. •llip iu wliid1 they am situat<!!\ arc unJumwn.


Ansnnville town•liip ................. . l~1ffn,~vill1; toW!l:-<lii1• ............................ . tf nl11·ilg~!·~ tu\YJH:1ltip ............................ . I .. am1·J.1}~1ro' tl-\'}l. 1 ind. Polkton town ..•

1Jolkton town , .................................... / Lih-R,·i111• tuwnohip, iutl Li11o8\'ill" tu.

J_,.iJe.svilfo toWll .................................... .. llof'\"f'll t11l\"ll"hil•············· .......... . Wa<l•·Ml•,ro' rown~hip, iu.-1. 1Vades­

lt1ll'o' town. ,, ... adt·h.hnrd town, .......... ••••.u ......... ..

"\\'hite'8 Store towirnhip .............. .


<:hr~trmt mu township .............. . lldtou tow11•hi11 ................... . l!iJrw· Crl'·tk township ................ . J1·1li·r~m tr1wn6lJip, ind. Jt-:ffonmn twn.

. J-t·fif·rson tolYll ·-···· .................... . I.aurd town"hip ..................... . Nortli Fork townHIJlp ...... --··-------Uldli<HR CrH,k township ............ . J•pak Cx·,~ek tnwns1iip ................... .. l1lr11~ Swamp town"'lup .................... .. 1'il.J':y Crt~.ek bJWRH.hi{> ... -........... -- ..... -f:ita~gH <.:reek tow1udu1,. -----··-······


Bath to1nu1llip, ineL Ilath village ..... 1fa.1lt \'H!uge .••••• ···········~o•••••

(~hm•uwiuitv toWnHbip .................... . ];•t'fl~ .Ac:1·e iown~bi p ........................ . ]'antq.!;h towru;hip _ ...................... .. l!idihmd f~]1., im:l.Aurorn. vilia~o .. ..

Aur<1ra. v1lla!.?;e ................................ .. Wa•liington t(,wn•hip, inel Washing.

ton town. \Vafo!l!iug;ton town ........................ .


C~~erain_township, incl Colerain twn. . o1P:ra1n town.-----··-----··········

lfrrrfu mu township ................ .. llite ell's township .... __ ..... _ ..... .. l:mrnlwl townshi11 ---------·--·--·-··· l'uala• llit<1tmrnship ................. . 1\"ltiti<'• towmd1ip .................... . Wiml~"rtwp., ind. WiiulHor town .••• v,}V1w~H}Jrttiwn ·:···············-····

ot><lvil e town•lup ................. .


AJifo,tt.Hhurg township ............... . llt:thd township .••••••••••••••••••••. ·

J.lla;li·nlinro' townAhir.- ............... . ~~t'iiWn .Mar.Hlt townh 1iJ1 .................. . Z"fi"n'>< Cri'f•k town•liip ............. .

I~ 'j"fU\llo"llH~p .................................. ..

C~·pn:8SCreek towmhip .•••••••••••••

F,lizlllw,thtown tovm•hii•---···-······· 1' 11·11th"• Cre•;k town•h1p ........... ..

j~~i1,'.'ci~~~k''sllir•-.-h·:···· ............ .. . . tOWilH 1p ................ .

'l'!U'llh_uJl f.BWIJ8hip ................... . '\\ IHte.; Cr..,,k town,hip Whit•.l Oak tmrnBhip .... ::::::::::::::


J:iwkw0<~1'8 Fl1l!y tHWns!Jip .•• ••••. ••• J;ol'th "i;~t towmdup ................ . ~h~ll11t~t· 111ww-1hip ..••. ____ ............ __ Srt\llh,·ill!· twp., ind. SmithYill(• town.

~mlllJ\'lll1• tf•wn T,1\-n1CrH,:k1•,wu811iP~ ....................... . W"CCill!lll.W tuWnHhiJl .::::::::::::::::


.A>lu·.-m~ twp .. ind. A•!ie,·i1J., town •. . A:-.J.i 1·nll1· town ..

Ji1~~~'j;' ~~~"n1i:l~";r~~·:~;;ii: ::::: :::: :: l

988 J, 040

2,~M ], fi[i7 2, 28;j 2, 041

10~ 2, 420

1!)2 2,~~5 3,327

&JO 1, 775

1.815 1,211 l 'J'J7 2:032

l!J6 772

l, 239 l,O:H 1,913

777 1, 120 1,287

2,7G8 S9

2,400 21 Hfi8 2',1:m 3,!!~U

H 4, 789


2, 518 04

1,!'i80 11358 l, 702 1, 291 1,154 4,mm

401 2,111

089 637

l, 843 1, 038 1,519 1, ::!!J:~

0 i,"7i5" 1. ~:~;; 2, 337

480 1,358

l,412 l, 004

813 l, 2".!8

""'4fi6" 9"1 595

1, 0U5 409 8'J!) 861


1, o:io 1, r,r,1 1, 7il3 2,0'J7




. -i;ii4" 856

1,384 I, 3il6 l, 02;; 3, 732

427 1, 535

9l8 710 8:l3 •••• - - • • 1n 1875, from parts of

I I Bla1fonhoro', Eliza­hethtown, an1l Hollow.

~;g 1

1, ~~Z rn 1875, part toBothcl.

l,~ 9?6 I 8tio 1, 220 In 1878, parts to Cypress

Creek aml Lake Creek. 573 .. ... • •. Iu 1Si8, from parts of

Colly and l'urn]Jnl!. 2, 267 1, 004 In 1875, part to lletlwl. 1, :l72 1, 176


In 1878, part to Lake Creek.

l, 38· !.~ 1, 243 In 18!5, J!nrt to Bethel. '" .. • ..... In 1818, ll'. pis. of Colly

ancl French's Creek. 4471 In 1878, part to Crprcsa [

1, 44~ . [fJrcek. 1, 20o I Smee 1870, part of Bea­

ver Dam nnne>:c<l.

388 1, 612 1,507

lt ~4fi f<7-i 1, 313 / 2, o:m Since 1870, part to Co-1, O:JU 1, 11::;, [Jumlms connty.

i: iii I 1' ~i~

2,:m2 J 1 ... o 1 '4~:! I

,:ual n., o:I, ,108 I ._,,jf\u 2, GIG i 11 4!!0

m I a;5 llll9 J---·····j' InlS70,frompt.ofSwan­




l!'airvicw township ................... . I!'lat C:cek tuwns!Jip ................. . Ivytownahip ....................... . L<;icestor twp., incl. town.-•

Leicester town ................... .. Limest mrn tO\I nship .. - • - • - -......... . Lower Hominy township-···-···----· Iteom's Croek'twp., incl. Weaverville

town. Weaverville town .•••••.•••••••••••

Sandy Mush township ... - -........ - - . f;wannanoa township .................. . Upper Hominy township ............. .


BJ'inc11etown township .•••••.••••••••• Icard town•hip ......... .- ........... . Linville township .................... . 1.ovelnd~'. twp., incl. Excelsior town •.

ExceJs1orton·11 .......................... .. Lower Cl'cok township .. _ ...••.. - . __ -Lower l''ork township ............... . Morganton twp., incl. Murgl1nton tu ..

Morganton town ................... . Qnakcr llfea<low township . _____ . __ - _. Silver Creek township ............... .

Upper Creek township ............. . Upper Fu1•k township .•••••••••.•••••


Township No.1. Rocky Ilivor ...... .. " " 2. Poplar '£cnt ........... . " " 3. Doweso ................. .

11 4. Browm.·1s ............... . " 5. }\:[l~cnhoimer'a ......... .. " 6. li'a.ggart.'s .............. . " 7. Reed Miaeuheimor1a.

" " 8. lfouut PlBaFmnt, incl. ]\fount Pleasant vill11ge.

J\tount l'foasant vJllago .... ___ .... __ Township No. 0. Dntch Iluflhlo ...... .

" " 10. l3Ht.11<.1l Church .... .. "11. Oltl .b'folrl. ...••.•••••

" " J 2. Concor<l, Incl. Con-cord town.

Concord town ...................... .


Buffalo towlll!hip .................... . Globe township .•••••.•••.••.•.••••••• John's River township .• , ............ . Kings Creek township, ............. .. Lenoir twp., incl. part of Lenoh- town.

Lenoir town (part of) ••• __ ......... . Little River township .•• _ •• __ ... __ ••• Lovelarl,1' township ................ _. _ Lower Creek township, Incl. part of

Lor.oirtown. " Lenoir town {part of) ............. .

Patterson township .................. . Lenoir town (in Lenoir and Lower



Con rt lionso township ................ Shiloh township ....... _........ .. • . South Mills township .............. : : •


Township No. I. White Oak .......... " " 2. Morehen<l City, incl. Morohonrl City town.

Moreheacl City town .•...• _ ......... Township No. 3. Newport, incl. Now-

port town. Newport town ............... __ ....

Township No. 4. Boanfort, incl. Beau: fol'ttown.

Beaufort town. ____ .••• , •••.•••. _ ••. Tow11ahip No. ri. Straits ___ . _ .........

11 11 6. Sn1yrna. ................ 7, Hunting Quarter ...

" 8. Portan1onth ....... _


Ancl<lrson township •••••••••• _. _ ...... Dal1 Hiver township ..... _ ..... ___ . _ .. IIigbtowe1•s township._ •• __ . ___ •••.••. Lensllnrir.townshifi ................... L~<mst Hill towns 1ip ........... _ ..... Mf t!'\1 tcm:nship, incl. Milton villngo ..

IIL·on r11lngo ............ _ ......... Pelham township .................... Stony Creek township .............. :. Yunceyvill~ township .................

007 779 1 521 1, 108 1: 700 1, 270 2, 838 2, 180

542 . 000 088

I, 0:10 1, 215 1, 702 1, 121

,147 1, 175 SM 11 2:18 1, ii20 1, 070 1, 32:.1

479 1, 281 ow

830 1, 030 1, 012 fi07

230 011 7fi0 078 610

2, OIJO Sul

2, 231 054

884 .. i,'iJi,i. 1, 487

1, 103 1, 730 770 50,!

1, 512 1, 405

1, 521 1, 280

1, &10 1, ()lfi 1, 422 l,li5 1, 0-!2 662

712 010 5U7 422

1, 234 1, 021

314 . ... oi:i' 907 1, 513 1, 005 1,308 1, oa2 1, 701 1, 250

1,204 878

851 702 1\70 904 88:! 083 025

1, 780 2,0fl4 216 301

1, ocm 888 l, HOJ 1, :rna 1, li27 1, 002

200 l,i5 1, 038 780

422 440

1, 087 1, 750 1,854 1, 546 2,433 2, 056

1, 108 842 1, 305 1, 108

520 267 1, 027 0118

ion 121 2, 981 2,s:;o 2, ODO 2,430 1,149 DVl

803 005 1, 060 94G

222 341

1, 522 1, 544 21127 1, 010 J, 555 1, 502 l, 6'17 1,461 1, 054 .I, 78l 2, 033 2, 7fl2

613 2, llil '"i." rii11i. 1, 015 1, :wa 2,350 2, 2oa


l''ormorly Big Ivy.

In 1870, p1trt fo Illnllk (Mou11tni11.

In 1877, from pt .. of i'lll\'nr [C1'<1ek,

In 1875, pnl't fo (~1t11lrnr (llfo1itlow,

[nml Ur•P<ll' Orenk. ln 187ii,ti'.11tH. oJ'LinYillll In 1877, pllt't to .Brlrnllo·

town. In 1875, Jlltrt to Q111tlrn1•

[Mlllt<luw •

Fm·mnrly Dm1nHVR. Fornrn1·ly !Iohlhrook'H. I!'ornrnrly Llvongoml's.

l!'ormorly Miller's.

Form orly Plot.i.R'. l!'omwrl\•B11t.l\lll. I!'orm. Jfa11tlst Clua·oh.

(ltiYPJ', In 1871, Ii-. 111;. of ,J ohn'N ln 1871, im1·t to GlolJo, •

T!'ormorly Summer's.

Page 47: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.

I I'

I ~


I 1

l I




Tirtrnly's townshiD .•.••.......•••••.••. Cnl<h\·~ll's townehip ................ .. Catnwlm township, incl. Cl1tnwbl1 vill.

Catawba villl1ge ................... .. Cline's township ..................... . Hickory township .................. .. J11coha 'Fork township ............... . Mount11in Creek township ........... . Nnwton twp., incl. tho following t\Vlla.

Conover town ..................... .. Newton town ..................... ..


.Albright township ................... . ll!thlwiu township .................. .. llonr Crook township ...............•. Cape Fon1· twp., incl. Ifaywoo<l town ..

Jiaywootl town .......... , ......... . Contrn township .................... .. Gulf townsliip ...................... .. lfodlny townshijl ..................... . ·Hickory llfonnt1th; township ......... . Matthews town Alu JJ .......... .- ....... . N<l\vIIopotowimhip ................. . (htklmul township ................... . '\\Tllli1inrn township ................... .

Inform11tion ns to changes in minor olvil <livlsions incomplete.


llcn,v~r Dmn township .............. .. Jiot; Hou so township ................. . Mnr11hy townshlv ................... . NoLnltttownsliip .................... .. Shoal Cr<\llk town•hip .............. .. Vnlioy 'J:own township ............... .


.!Menton twp., incl. Eclonton town .... . l~llenton town ............................ .

:Mi<11li<1 township .................... . Upper townshlp ..................... . Yop11lm township ................... .

nl'orn111tion ns to changes in minor civil 1livlsions incomplete.


Brnsstown township ................. . Il11yesvillo township ................. . liiivassco tmvnsltip .................. .

~ Shootlni:t Crellk township ............ . Tusquitten township ................ .

In 1872 n portion of Macon county wns 11ttllChed, Jmt it is not known in what township it is situated.


'.l.'ownahlp No. l. JUvor ...... .' ....... . ,II II 2 .. • • • • • •• """" "" •••••• •• " " a. lllppys ............ ..

" 4. Kinl!:'slliountnin, in­cltuling Kil!g's Mounhtln town.

Kin"'H Mountnm to'ltn .......... •. · Township No. 5. "\Varlick's ......... ' ..

" " a. Shelby, incl. Shelby t.own. ·

Alrnlhj: town .. ·.;· ..... -; ................. . 'J:owush1p No. 7. S:11Hly 1~1m ........ ..

II 11 8. Dnncnn s c~eek . .... . " 9. Douhln Shonls ...... . " 10. ltnob Creek ........ .

H II 11 ••••• ····••••••••••••


llo,,no township ................... • · · Jiu~ Hill township ................... • l!'1ur Bluff township, incl. the follow·

ing villages : Cerro Gor1lo village ................ -]J'ah• Blnff villa.go ................. •·

Loo's township ...•...•. -••........ •• · · ltimsom township ................. • ... 'l'ntoms township ............... - • •. · · '\\Tnccnm<Lw township ............... .. "\\Tofoh's Oreok t.ownsl1ip ............. . '\\'Bstorn Prong township ............ . "\Vhitnvillo t.owuship ................ .. Williams township .................. .


Township No. 1, incl. Vanceboro' twn. Vnncoboro' town .................. ..

Township No• 2 ...................... . 11 II § ...•... ,. •• ,. ............ .

H 6 ••·••••••••••••··•·••• II 7 ............ ··••••••·•• " 8, incl. Now Berno city.

Now ~orn!l city .................. .. Townsh11> No. 9 ...................... .


1880. 1870.

1, 025 727 1, 107 1, 101 2, 240 1, 5G2

142 ··i:no4· 2, 134 3, 071 11 591 1, 443 1, 100 1, 614 1, 2U8 2, 312 1, 005

150 583 323

1, 507 1, 963 1, 647 1, 328 2, 420 2, 285

lb2 2, 220 2, 133 1, 780 1, 488 1, 955 1, 381 2, 205 1, 837 1, 503 2, 622 ........ ,

1, 222 763 8li4 645

2, 233 1, 545 1, 2LG 940 1, 004 1, 3;)2 1, 043 1, 030

3, 055 3, 004 1, 382 1, 243 l, Ul2 1, 610 1,423 1, 170 1, 510

507 305 1, 300 884

415 41R 030 4~3 458 341

502 471 1, 305 1, 167 1, 605 l 2"''·' 2, 000 i:24ii

337 1, 850 2, 606

l, 507 1,849

900 1, 512 1,101 1, 456 1, 242 1, 899 1,410

750 638 939 751

1, 110 1, 393 912 513

1, 807 1, 309

90 218

1, 148 631 1, 463 1, 247 870

008 1, 177 818

456 2,670 1,541

2, 026 905

2, 476 2, 447 146 ..1;666" 7~6

1, 531 988

11 352 - 056

2,143 2, 241 8, 636 7. 455 6,443 5, 849 31 229 2, 200


Formerly Hamilton.

Form. Sulphur Spring.

Since 1870, part to Wac. (cnmaw.

Since 1870, from Drnns-[wick county.

Since 1870, from 1mrt of [Bogue.

In 1873, from Blailen co.



Beaver Dam townsl1ip .............. .. Black Rh-er townshi11 .............. .. Carver's Creek township ............ . Cedar Creek township .............. .. Cross Creek township, ind. Fayette.

ville town. Favettevilfo town .................. .

\Vard 1 ......................... .. II 2 .... -:••••••••·•-••••·•••••••

3 ......................... .. 4 .......................... . 5 ......................... . 6 .......................... . 7 ......................... ..

Flea Hill township ................... . Gray's Creek township ..........•.... Little River township ............... ..

Qnewhiflle township ................. . I ltockfish j,ownship ............ • • •.. · -I Sevcnty-Firattownahip .............. .


Atlantic township .................. .. Crawford township ................. .. I•'rnitvillo township ................. . Moyock township ..•.....•.•... - .•.... Poplar Branch township ............ ..

Informal ion as to cliang~s in minor ch·il divi;;iona incomplet.,,


Cltickamacomico township .......... .. Croatan township .................... . East Lake township ................. . Ilatteras township .•.......•.••....... Kennekeet township ................ .. Nag's Head township ............... .. Stumpy Point township ..... : ... 0 ... .

Information as to cbangcs m mmor civil divisions incomplete.


.Abbott's Creek township ............ .

.Alleghany tuwnship ................. . Arcadia townsl1ip ................... . Boone townsliip ................. - .... . Clcmmonsvillo township.~ ........... . Conra<l Hill township ................ . Cotton Grove township ............. .. Emmons tow1rnhip ................... . IIealing Springs township ........... . .Jnckson nm township ............... . Lexington twp., incl. Lexington town.

Lexinrrton town ................. .. :Midwaftownsbip .................. .. Silver Hill township ................. . Thomasville township, incl. Thomas-

villo town. Tbomnsvillo town ................. .

Tvro township ...................... .. Yadkin township ................... .. Yadkin College township, incl. Y ndkin

College town. '!'ailkin Uolloge town ............. ..


Cnllaban township ................... . Clarksville townsllip ................. . Fanninrrton township ..•.••.•.......•. Fulton township .................... .. .1 erusalem township ................ .. Mocksvllle township, incl. :Mocksville

town. Mocksville town ................... -


Albertson township ................. . Cypress Creek ~ownship .....•.•...... FaJSOn ~ownslnp, ................. · •.• Ghs8on s townslnp .................. . Islan<l Creek township, incl. tho fol-

lowing villages: . · Duplin Road village ............... . Teacbey's village .................. .

KenansYillo t,own•hip, incl. Kenans­ville town.

Kenansville town .... · .............. · Limestone township ............ .- .. · .. :Magnolia township, incl. :Magnolia tn.

:Mttµ;nolia town ................. -..• · Rockftsh toWllship .................. .. Smith's townshijl ................ · .. .. WallBaw township, incl. Warsaw twn.

Warsawtown .................•.•.•. Wolfscrape township ................ -

1880. 1870.

853 1, 085 2,299 3, 114 5,076

i60 1,301 2, 358 4,807

3, 485 4, 660· 7~0 428 728 ····-- --

~~ i:::::::: 610 \ ........


In 187 4, from Bladen co.

2, i~ 1


--i,'899' · [fish. 1,073 ........ In 1878,frompt.ofltock-

484 , ........ In 1874. from pt. of Que. I whim". · 808 954 In '74, pt. to Little River.

2, 184 1

1 2, 932 : In 1878, part to Gra~"s

3, ~:J6 . 1, 884 [Crook.

332 2, 350

599 1, 38t 1,S14

263 176 365 821 368

1, 104 146

1,009 5fl'J 857

1, 524 1, 028 l, 218' 1,002 1,097

643 583

2,877 626

1,3~ 3,057

1,867 600

l, 204 1,140

255 2;;1 ow 599

987 Formerly Brownfuwu. 436 7t0

1,3ll 978

1, 115 868 on 675 037

2, 289 475

1,026 975


450 214 1, 363 985 [Colleii.e.

BIG 954 In 1878, part to Ya<lkm 465 In 1~78, fr. pt. of Yadkin.


1, 347 1, 232 1, 10-2 919 2, 537 2, 047 2, 678 2, 3211 1, 67811, 54{ 1, 754 1, 558

562 300

754 667 1,234 2, 355

1,0:!4 ·l, 918

592 4~1 2, 118 1,449

144 56 ··2;878" 2, 851

370 1, 203 709 2, 000 1, 606

403 1,os2 ··i;sso·

852 662 1, 904 1, 362

d~ l"'i;o~G-

Page 48: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.




__ M_r_is·_o_n_c.:_·r_v_1_L_n_1_v_rs_·1_0N_s._.1

_1ss_·o_. 1sro. l ___ n_E_M.A._R_K_s_. --ll--MI-N_o_R_crv_r_L_n_IVI __ sr_o_N_s_. -·J---


Autu!'.s Creuk town•hip .•.•.........•. Coc:oa township .... -- ............... -·· lli:cp Cr<'ek t01ruship .....•••...•.•.. L11wer Conet0<> towusliip ......•...•.. J .. 11wer Fi~hinf.7 Creek tuwns}iip .•.•••• Lower Town Cre<'k tuwnshif ..•...... l:ocky :Mount township, inc . part of

I!ock:v Mount town. Jfo<'k.r llfount town (part 6f) .•...•••

Sr•arta township, incL Sparta town .••. Sparta town ......••.•.•........•.••

Swift Creek town•hip ....••..•.••••••. '.l"arl1oro' townsWp, incl. Tarhoro' town

Tarboro' town .......................... .. FpperC1;uctoo township •....••.•.••• Up1••r :Fishing Creek township, incl.

1\"hitakcr's town. "Whitaker's town ...••..•...•••.••••.

T°JlpH Town Creek towmhip ...•••..• :Wuln11t Creek townsl1ip ••••......•..

!tocky"Monnttmvn (in l:ocky:Mount twp., Ed:!econtlle co., antl Jtocky Mnunt twp., Nash ct>.).


.A bliott's Creek township .••••••••.••• Jldow's Creek tow'.llsllip ....•...•••.•• lli:tbanfa tu"l\·n•hip .••••.•••••••••••.. llroa1l ll&y tawnHhip .•••••.•....•.••.• :Kerncrsvill1i twp., incl Kornel"S\·ilh'

Tillage. Kernernville "l"illnge ••.•••.•••.•.••.

L"wisville township .•••••.••••..••••. J.f:rl•lle Fod.: township .•.••••••.•••••• Olil 1'..ichmonil township .••••••••••••. Ol•I '.fown township .••••••• , •••.••••• ~al em Chap<:! iownship .••••••••.•••.. .Srmtl1 For& township .•••••••••••••••• 1i ir·nna to"l\'.llsbip .••••••••••••••.•••.. ·wiu•ton townsliip,incl the full. "rills ..

Hal em villa1rn ••••••••••••••••••••••• Winston village ...•••.•••.•••••••••


Cedar 1'..ock tawnsbip .•••••••.•••••••. £spr~ss towns~ip •••••••••••.•.••.•..

1mn s township •••••.•••••••••.••••• :F'ranklinton twp., incl. Franklint&.n tn

Fran klintou town ....••••••.•••..•. : '.Fr';'.eman's!"1'·• incL Y(l!Jng1<villehrn.

l'onngsnlle town .•••••••••••••••••• ~f.'ld ."!ine tow~al1ip .•••.••.••••••••••

arrrn tnwllllhip .••••••••••.••••••••• llay,;villetownsbip ..•••..••.••.•••... Louisburg twp., incl Louisbtrrg tom:o.

Louislnirg town ....................... .. S•n<l:; Creek 1ownroip .•••••..••• : .•• :

Since 1870, JlOitions of Grnnvrne co. were aJmexe1l,. but it is not knomt "lo wllich to"'lL><hiys they ar0 aUach.,.1.


CT;f'ryvm~ twp., incl. Cherryville tn • Aterryv1Ile town ..••.•.••......•••••

Crow1ler's 1\fountllin iwp., We!. Gar;. tcmia1own.

Gah"tonia wwn .•••••••.•.•...•••••. Dallas townihip,i:ncl D.:Jlas t<>Wll ••• :

_llallai. town. • •....•..••.•.•••....•• l:t1ver BHld 1wp., Ind. B1"evaltl n]Jarre ., Ur"<-:1nl village .•..•.•••••.•.•... ':. · ...,nth Poiut twp. incl. Le>w£U town •

Lowen town •. '. •.•••••••••••••••• :::


Ga.temlle t"'P" ineL Ga~ille t&wn lf <;at«l<'l·i11".town .••.••••••••••••.••• :

Jia I1 to~n~1up ··:····················· llH ett s township •••••••••••••.••.•• llully Grow tl>Wn~hip .••.••••••.•••• 11 untn" s Mill town&hip ••••••••••••• ." ~mtol~Ile tuwn•hip .•••••••••• , .•. :

e.) nu n township .••.•••••••••••••


Cheoal1 twp.,incl. JlohlJinaonYillo tn &U.1hl~DHOU\"il1'1 town .............. ::

•cua tOWDl!hip .••.••..•••••••••••••


:Rr•••llel1l fownshli;> :f!!ttcbvilfo t1nrns)J)p·:: :::::::: :::::: · l' ••hini; Creek town•Mp · lI1-nd(·r1«m twp., Incl. Ht:~de;.~;,; ·t";:n·

Ifon1ler.-;on town · Xilri-11'• tmrnsh" 1 • •• •••• ••••••••••••• Hill tow h~I •.. ·•••••• •••••• ·•••

JIS Ip·•···••.•·•••••·•·••·

828 051 l,207 l, ~81 1, 8i2 ], 706 2, 617 2, oou 2, 119 1, U20 1, 2:rn o:J7 1,850 2, 158

202 357 1, 620

128 1,U22

2, 228 2, 383 3, 746 3, 102 1, 600 1, :wi 1,923 J,4;17 2, 6\13 2, 06i

]50 l, 133 l, O!IZ 1, 116 1,008


747 7;,3 1,010 817 J, 346 l, 16"2: 1, 103 ou:~ l,435 D!l:>

;i85 804 8tf1

2r38Q l,O.f6 J,010. 833 1, 066 8()(1 l,2W 841! l,4::i0 l,3HB

018 8;!(; 4,470 1, 6!13 1,840 2,.851 443

u~~ I ~:~~~1 1,309 R38 3,651 1, 95£>

484 305 1,973 l, 318

111 .••.•••• l, JOO 11.JZ J,900 l,201). 2,MS l,O:ll> 3, 458 2,542

730 7f1LI 2; 054 l, 4@ '

2,:J<iG 2,003: 68 .. i;93i" 2,824

2116 ··4;006:" 2,747 417 2D&

2,689 2,248 75

·-~-4i4" 3,6:18 35


i~ I 1,103 l,541 l, Ml 1, 389 l,184

J, ir,r, 156 771:1 946

1,213 1, 41il 1, 183


l,774 •••••••• lformerlyinCherokeeeo. 47

561 Formorlyill Cherokeoeo.

~:.~~.I i: ~~~ 2, 008 2, 41H 4;696 3, 033 1, 421 545 2,8361 l,829 2, 341 . 2, 183


Oxfor<l township, incl. Oxfor<l fown - -Oxford town ......••.•...•.•.•••••.•

Sassafras Town township .•.••••...•.. 'Inlly Ho townallip. -•........••....••. Towns\'ille twp., incl. Willimnsilor.

ouµ;h Yillnge. "\Villiams!.::orough village ................ .

·walnut Grove township ..•..•••••.••.


Bnll Hea1l township ••••.•••..•..•..•. Hoolrerton twp., in cf. Ilookorton town.

Hookerton town ..••••.....•....••.• Olcls township·······-···········-···­Snow Ilill twp., incl. Snow Hill town

Snow Hill town .............•....•.. Sproight's Bridge township .•••••••••.


Bruce township ...... --.....•.•••••••• Uentro Grove township ...•.•••.•..... Chty township ..••.•....••.••.•••..••• Dellp River t.ownshi1i .••.••••••....... FuntreHs town"ship .•.•.••••••••••..••• Friendship township ....••••••.....•. Gilmer township, incl. part of G1·eens·

boro' city. Greensboro' ~ity (part of) .••••••••••

Greeno township ...•••.•..... _ ..•.••• High Point twp., Incl. High Point vilJ.

High Point village ..•......•••...•.• Jamestown township ••••••••••..•••.. Jefferson to1rnship ..••.•...•••....•.. Madison township .••••..•••••.•.••••• 1\fonroe township ••.•••••.••..•....... Morehead twp., incl. part of Greens·

boro' cit.y. Greensboro" city (part of) ••••••..•..

Ouk Iti<lgo townsliip .•••••...•... -.... Hock Creek township, Incl. Gillson·

ville town. Gibsonville town .•••••..•.••....•..

Sumner township------.------ .•.••••• ·washington tow11slli11 •• _ .....•....•••

Greensboro' city (in Gilmer an<l


Ilrinklcyvillo township, in~l. lting. woo<l village.

Ilingwoo\l vi1111ge ..••••.•••••••••••• Bnttcrwoocl township ••...••.•.•.•.••. Caledonia township, incl. Scotland

Neck village. Scotlnncl Neck village .••••••••.••••

Conocanar.r township ..............•.• Enfield township, incl. Enliol!l town •.

Enfield town ..•....••••••••••.•••••. Funcott's township ..••••.. _. _ .. -.. __ -Halifax twp., lnclu<lin" Ilallfnx town.

Jiulifax town .•..••• ~ ..•.... : ...... . Littleton townsltip, incl. part of Lit­

tleton tOwn. J,\ttfoton town (part of) .••••••••••••

Palmyra township ..........••••..•••.

TioscneaLh township .•••.•.•••..•••••. ·wel<lon township, incl. ""\Vcl\lon town.

Wt•ldon town ...•................••• Littleton town (in Mt.lleton twp.

IIn!ifax county, and lUvor twp.; Warren county) .


A nclorson Creek township .•••••.•.••. Averysboro' township, incl. Avervs·

boro' town. ~ Averyaboro' town .•...•.•.....••••.

Bnrhecne township ..••••..•••••.••••• Black mvor township .••.....••• -.••. ~uckhorn township .•••••••.•.••.•••••

rovo township . . . . . . . • • • . . . . . . • . Ilector's Creek township •.•••..•.•• •• ,T <_>~sonville township ....•..••..... :. L~!ngton twp;, incl, Lillington town.

1llmgton town ...•..••••••.....•. :!foill's Creek township ..••••. : ••••• :. Stewa1·t's Creek township ••••••.•••••. Upper Little River township ......••.

Infonnution ns to changes in minor civil divisions incomplete.


J!en,·er Dnm township............... • Catalooeheo township ..•..••••••••. •• Orab ~'l'HC township .................... :: .. E~st,I• ork township .......••••......• Fme s Creek townRhip .•.••••••••..... Iron Duff township .....•..•...••..••.


3, 938 1, 349 1, 083 3, 300 2, 607

176 2, 180

1, 510 1, 470

170 2, fHif) 1, 70:J

3:12 2, 4U3

018 000

1, 011 1, 000

uus 1, H21 3, 124

1, 373 1, 066 2, 000

001 1, 437 1,260

820 005

2, 690

732 D31

1, 213

lll 1,074

701 2, 105

3, 010

137 1, 034 2, 835

482 1, ~77 4, 681

50·1 2,470 3, 8138

376 2, 700

74 2, 425

1,452 3, 120

D32 113

824 1, 244

88 765 643 !161 807 71l2 586 802

63 776

1, 331 1, 301

1, 563 301 840 300

1,463 446

1870. :REMA.mes.

2, 724 016

1, BfiO 2, 1~8 2, 187


. "i,"28ii" l!J:J

Since 1870, frmn imrt ot (Hnow llill,

2, 031

~,g~g Since 18701 part to llull [llentl,

1, 820

1, 03! 1, 110

8:J5 1, 071

HO<i 1, :118 2,311

280 1, 110 1, 627

..i;5:io· 1,04r>

810 8·l0

2, 10<!

217 lj 022 1, 082

1, l!!O 823 407

2, 957 Formcl'ly Fot•mosn.

[I,ltf,foton. .. 2; iiii. Stnoo 1870, from pnrt of •

S!nco 1870, p111•b to Uouo. 'ctnmry,

[G1ilmlm1l11. Sinco 1870, from LnrL of

2, 706 ]'ormorly D11lnuit a,

1, 78i Fornrnrly Jlncknrln. 2, 808 l!'ormorly Arm1cll11.

420 2, 038 ]'01111orly l~trurl11; Rinr.n

1870, pt, to JluLl.orwooll, .. 2, 34il Slnco 1870, Jlt, to :HnHu•

mmtl1. [l'11l•nym. Rhrno lfi70, from iui.r't of

2, il74 ]'ornrnrly 1(1i1Jido&, 208


"1, 111

..i;.iii8" 1, 003

• ••. 483" 609

··i;Jii-7· 007


1, 745· 108

1, 048 286



Page 49: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.

! •

'" 'l 1l

f 1


11 :1 l

l I ! .)

i ,.

. l :i

·1 ~·,~ fiJ .,,.,.



__ MIN __ o_R_c_rv_IL __ n_Iv_rs_r_o_N_s_. __ 1_1_s_s_o_. _1_s_r_o_.

1 ___ R_E_M_A._R_K_s_. --ii--M_r_N_o_n_c_rv_rL_n_r_v_rs_r_o_N_s_. __

1_1_s_s_·o_.i 1sro.



Ivy Ilill township-··------·······•··· .Tonntlmn's Creek township .......... . rl,!gcon township ..................... .

1geon Valley township ........... .. ·waynosville'township, incl. \Vaynes·

ville town. W 1iynesvil1<1 town ................. .

Information as to changl\s in minor civil divisions inoomploto.


Blue Rldge townsl1lp ....•....•.•••••. Ulen1· Oruek town•hip ................ . Omb Crc0k township ................ . l~tlnoyvillo township ................. . Greem River townahip ............... . llcmlorsonvllle township, incl. Hon·

cler80n1•illo town. lfonclorsonvillo town .••..•.....•.•..

Iloop01"s Cr<iek township •••.......... Mills Riv or township ................ .


Iln rrellsville townsl1ip .•••••.••..•..•. :Mnnnoy's Nock township ........•..•. Mmfreeshoro' t.wp., incl. 11Iurfrecs-

1Joro' town. • l.·[urf'rcoshoro' town ............... .

Sn int ,John's townshiJ> .............. .. "\Vinton township, incl. Winton town.

\Vjnton town ...................... .


Cnrl'itnok township •••••••••••••..... l•'nh·JiPJ<l township .................... Lako I,anding township ••••..•..•.... Ocracoko township .•..•••.••••.•••••. Swnn Qmirter township .••••..••••••••


Ilal'l'inger's township ................. Dutlmny township ... '. ................ Ol111ml1eral!mg township ..........•... Co<ltllo Creole towuship, incl. Moores-

vlllo villn.11e .. Moomsvllle v1llngo ...•..•.•.••.•••••

Conmml township ............... ; ••. Cool Sp tings township ..•.••..•...•••• Davidson twp., incl. Mount Mourne

town. Mount Mourno town ...............

:Eau;lo Mills township ................. Fnllstown township, .................. lfow Hope townah p ................... Ol!n township ...... ,. ................. Sharpesbnrg township ................ Shiloh township ...................... Statesville township, incl. Statesville

village. Statesville villago ....•••.•••.•••••.•

Tm·norshurg township ................ Union Grnvn township,. •••••••..••.••.


lfarl<or's Creek fownship ............. Cnnnda tow11ship ..................... Cnrnw lfork township .• _. ............. Cnshler's Vttlley towush1p ...••••.•••. Cullowhco towirnhip .................. J[am burg township ...•••••••...•..••. Qu11lla township ...................... Jtiver towuahlp ....................... S1wnnnah township ................... Scott's Creek township ............... Wobst<1r township ....................

Informntion ns to changes in minor civil divisions inoomplote.


:Bontonsvllle township ••••••••••••.... J!m1lah township ..................... . ]30011 Hill township .................. . Clayton township, inul. Clayton vlllago.

Clayton .................... . Elevation township .................. . 1ngmm township .................... . :Mend ow township ................... . O'Neal townsblp .................... . rlonsant Grovo township ............ . Selma twp., incl. the following towns .•

Pinc Level Lown ................... . Selma t.own ....................... ..

Smit.hftelll twp., incl. Smithfield town .. Hmithti"11l t.own .................. ..

Wilde1"s township .••••••••••••••••••.

664 851

1, 233 058

1, 757


1, 167 482 875

l 515 '071.

2, 561

5Ui 036


2, 233 1, 482 2, 152

645 3, 300 2, 676

0 253

2, 055 1, 080

a,~~ l, 178

1, 200 810

1, 305 2, 350


1,~gg .2. 202

93 1, 151 1, 101

'034 1, 084 1, 134 1, 800 2, 967

1, 062 1, o:io 1, 220

483 382 500 426 713 588 967 307 604 621


.1, 076 J, 481 2, 283 2, 645

352 1,800 1, 755 1, 727 1, 032 1, 850 1, 821


1, 354.

607 1, 125

700 1, 636

278 755

1, 520

l, 74il 1, 313 1, 061

753 2, 010 2, 240

1, 58! 1, 145 2,235

368 1, 115

008 506 049

1, 629

860 711

1, 540

··i; ooo· 870 871 920 047

1, 541 1, 656

644 706

1, 020

051 509 520

""i;697" 515 529


022 1, 105 1, 445 1, 534

"i;459· 1, 326 1, 043 l, 204 1, 535 1, 107

219 256

3, 522 .. :i; 804" 485 415

1, 470 I 11 203

In 1874 from part of E<l· ' (1wyvil10.:

In 1874 part to Clear [Creek.


In 1871, i1nrt to Swain co.


Township No.1. White Oak .•••••••.. " " 2. Pollocksville, incl.

Pollocks\·ille \"illage. rollocksvllle "\"illago ............... .

Townsl1ip No. 3. ·.rrcnton) incl. 'rren­ton village.

Trenton vlllage ................... .. 'Xo":~Bhip ~o·~· (~.Ypress.Creek ---···

o. Tuckahoe .......... . " u 6. Ilea:\et" Creek ........ .


Contentnea Neck t-0wnship ......... .. FallingCrc!lk township .............. . Kinston towuohip, incl. Kinston town.

Kinston town ...................... . LP110ir Institnte fownahip .•••••••••.•

1 Mosely llall twp., incl. La Grang(' twu. La Urauge town .................. ..

Pink Hill township .................. . Saud Ilill tnwnship .................. . Trent township ...................... . Vance tmvnsb1p .................... .. Wooclington township ............... .


Catawba Springs township, incl. Dcn­ver vil1ag-e.

Drmvcr villaµ;n ..................... . Howard's Creek township ........... . Iront-0n township .................. .. J,incolnton township, incl. Lincolnton

village {coextensiYein 1870). Lincolnton villagn ................ .

No1thbrook township ................ . Information as to changf\s in minor

civil divisions incom1i1ete.


Broad River township ..•.••••••••••. -Crooked Creek township •...•.••.••••• Dysartsville township .••..•••.•••.••. Fi_nley townshiP. ..................... . Iliggms towuslnp ..••••.•••.••••••••.. Jamestown township ............... . Marion township, incl. Marion town .••

1\Im-ion town ....................... . Montford Co\·o township ........... .. North Cove township .... : •••••••.•.•. Old Fort township .••••••••••.••.•••..


Blno Ri1lge twr.., Incl. Ilighlands vill .. HiJ1ihlands village :·············--··

Bnrnmgtown townsluP. .............. . Cartoogechayc township ...••••••••••. Cowee township .................... .. Ell\jay township .................... . Franklin township ................... . Millshoal township ................ , •. Nantahaln township .•..•..•••••.••••• Smith's Bridge township ............. . Sn gar Fork township ................ .


Illp; Laurel townsllip .•••••.••••••••.•. Bnll Creek townshiJ!-····· ....... , .••• Marshall township, me!. 1\Iarshall tu ..

Marshall town ................... .. Jl!iddle Fork oi' Ivy township •••..••• Pinc Creek townsliip .•••••.•••••••••• .1

Sanely Mush township: .•.••••••.•••• -1 Shelton Laurel town"h1p ..•••..•••.••. Spring Creek townsliip •••••••••••.••. 1

Upper Laural township ••••••••••••••• ·wnrm Rprings township ............. . Westl!'orkof Ivy township .•••••••••

Information as to chan~es in minor civil divisions incomplete.


Bearp;rnss township ................. . Cross Roaifa township .•••••••••••.••.

Goose Nest township ................ . Griffin's township ...•••.••.••••••••••.

Hamilton twp., incl. Hamilton town ..

Hamilton t-0wn ........... ' ••••.•••. Jamesville twp., incl Jamesville town.

Jamesvillo town ................... . Robersonville township, incl. Rober­

sonville town. Robersonville town •••••••.••.••••••

\Villi~ms township .................... .

9Gl 660 2,2'.!8 1, 263

53 1, 173 ••• 8i4"

~ig 1--··5ji" 6751 616

1, 754 1, 108

1, 453 · 1, 470 1 In lW/7, part to Vmice. l, 443 . • • .. . -1 In '77, fr. 1•t. of Ki11ston. 2, 778 4, 604 : In 1875, pal't to W u<Kling-

1. ton: m 1071, part to

Falling Creek. l, 2Hi l, 103 j fHall. 1, 087 ........ 1 In 1877, fr. r•t. of Moiwly 2, m 2, ll27 I In 1877, pt. to Lf·no!r l~·

a_. <"···--··' [ijt1tut-0. 707 I 5721 593 l 4qo nm 7!ij,,,\ [t,,ntnea Neck.

1, 106 ......... In 1877, fr. )Jart of Con· 2,632 .••••••• 1 In18i5,

3,088 2,097

148 1, 986 ""2,'ii;i!" l, 888 2, 698 886

708 AA6 1, 401 G25

577 399 749 :JR9

1, 215 7b7 845 580 406 401

461 I 412 2.m --~·-~::. 798 547 991J 874

1, 483 i 1, 2&J

436 82

597 584

1, OGU 689

1,840 671 855 890 436



3~0 480 760 525

1, 310 528 383 708

• 356

~: f.~~ .. i, 502 ·1, 175 ...... .

1,}~~ :~' g~~ '. ... :~~.1

1,tHJ.l 941 ()63 ........ 1

1, 160 4!)8 621 746

756 1,377

2, l&i 750

1,933 3,957

Erroneouslycallerl !'ugar [Hill in 1870.

fWilli..-.mston. In 1879, from part of In 1870, fr. 1it. of Wil·

liamston. [ilton. In 1!!79, fr. pt. of Ham. In 187tl, from part or

Jameoville. In 18i9, p&rts w Goose


1, :;g 2 ~g In 1879, parts to Griffin·s 2!19 '100 I [and Williams.

1, M6 • • • • ... • In 1879, from part of HJllllilton.

148 •••••• •• [Jllllll'BViJlC. 1, 006 I· ....... 1 In 1879, from part or

Page 50: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.





WilliamRton twp., incl, Williamston town.

3, 100

Williamston town ................. ..

2, 109

482 520


Tow11•l1ip No.1. Charlotfo, incL Char. Jotte ci~y.

ChaTlotte city ...................... . •Ym·dl ......................... ..

2 ......................... .. 3 .......................... .

11 4 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Tow;;ohip 1f.o. ~: ~;.,~{";,1~;~eir.": ::::::: " 4. Sharon ............ .. " 5. I1roviUenco .......... . " 6. Clear Creek ........ . " 7. Crab Orchat·d ...... . " 8. Malhn·d Creek ..... .

" " 9. DeweF;1e1 incl. David-son Coll«ge town.

Da\'idson College town •.••..•.••••• '.l.'ownship No. JO. Lcmley's .......... .

u n 11. Long<.::reek ... u••·· '' 12. l'aw· Creek ........ ..

11 u 13. :Morning Star, incl. Mattlwws town.

Matthcvrn town ................... .. Town"hi11No.14. Pineville, Incl. Pine­

ville town. Pineville town ..................... .


:Bakorsville twp., incL Bakersville tn .. Ilakerin·ille town ................... .

Grassy Creek township .............. . Harrell's town•hip .................. .. llollow l'oplar township ............. .

Linville towna!tip ................... ..

I.ii!IP Rock Creek township ........ .. llt,.1 Hill township ................. .. Snow Cn•ek township ............... .. Tou Rh-tr township ................. ..


Cheek's Creek township ............. . EMnradu township .................. .. Hill township ...................... .. Rollingsworth township ............ .. Little Uh-~r towns!tip ................ . :Mount Gilead township ............. . ()phirtownship ...................... : Pt0i.-Dee townBhip .................... . Tiocky Hprings townsbip .•••. · •..•..••. '.l.'roy township, inclmling Troy town ..

"froy town ............................... . Uwhamc township ................. ..


Town•hip No. l. Carthage, incl. Car. thagetown.

Carthage town .................... .. Township No.2. Bensalem

a 11 3. Shuffield.:::::~::::: :: ~- }~itter ................... .

o. ocket ............. .

10, 547

7, OM 2, 2:l8 1, 030 J ~04 i: 326 1, o~o 2 0'"' 2: 048 2, 11'9 l, 350 2 223 2: 115 1, 915

391 1,492 l, 01" J, 7:l0 1, 593

101 1, 401


2,400 476

l, 087 1,053


1, 186

388 633 7G5


080 1, 040

607 495 532

2,119 501 742 758 855 130 616

6, 685


"i;4i4' 1, 951 2, 107 1, 9ao

au; 1, 522 1, 436 1, 000

07! 1, 4r.7 1,501



514 470


3!l7 488 385 om

960 887 477 695 415

1, 2FO 451 640 320 882 67


2, 336 1, 786

a oil 1, mo .. i; oi'i!i • l, 689 1, 270 1, 761 1, 524 1, 930 1, 362

In 1879, parts to Bear Grass and Cross Roads.

In 1870, part to N o.14. Du. Do ••

In 1870, from parts ofN os. 31111(14.

In lSil, part of Little [Rock Creek attached.

In 1872, from Brnmmet's Creek nnd part of Yan-oey county,

In 1871, Oranherry at. ta<,he<l.

In '71, TI!. to Bakersville. In 1871, Dco Urcek at·



Cape Fear township ................ .. Ji'etleral Point township .............. . llarnett township ................... .. :l>fasonboro' township ............... .. Wilmington city and Wilmington

township (coextensive). Ward 1 ........................... ..

II 2 • •••••• •••·~· • ••• ••• • •••••••• 3 ........................... .. 4 ........................... .. 5 ........................... ..


Gaston township .................... .. Jnckson township, incl. Jackson vlll ..

Jackson village .................... . KMiy township: .................... .. Oconeecltee townshif, ............... .. Jtich Squaro townsh p ............. .. Roanoke township----·· .................. . Soahmml townHhip, incl. Seaboard viii.

Seaboard village .................. .. Wiccacanee township ............... ..


Jacksonville township, incl. Jackson­ville village.

Jacksonvillo village .............. .. Richlands township ................. .. Stump Sounrl township ............. .. Swansboro' twp., incl. Swansboro' tn •.

Swansboro' town .................... . White Oak township ................ ..


Bingham township .................. .. Cedar Grove township ••••••.•.•.•.... Chapel Hill twp., incl. Chapel IIill vill.

Ciiapel Hill viIJage ................. . Dnrham township, incl. Durham town.

Durham town.......... .. ........ .. Hillsboro' township, incl. Hillsboro' tn.

Ilillshoro' town .................... . Lebanon township ................... . Little River township .•••••• , •••• , •.• Mangum township ................... . Patterson township ................. ..


Township No.1 ...................... . " " 2, incl. Stonewall town •

Stonewall town ................... .. Tow~~Ui1J ~?· 3 ..................................... .

u ~::::::::::::::::::::::: PASQUO'PANK,

Elizabeth City township, incl. Eliza. beth Citv town.

Elizabeth Clty town ............... .

Mount Hermon township ............ . N ?Wiand township .................. .. N1xonton township .................. .

1, 203 441

1, GOG 027

17, 350

6, 367 1, 008 2, 380 2, 288 4, 343

3, 088 745 255

2, 722 2, 446 a, 010 2, 275 2, f>05

167 2, 642

1, 845

oi 2, 030 2, 005 11 007

128 1, 002

1, 001 2, 003 a, 124

831 5, 507 2, 041 4, 005


006 410

1, 54H 541.

13, 440

2, 310 523 181

l, 844 l, 0.J4 3, 1:13 1, 778 I, 570


1, 106

60 2, 133 1, nrn 1, 4,7{)

141 1, 260

·1, 004 2, 047 2, 70U

2, 323

··a; 02.1 · 800

80•1 .. i.'553. 2, 178 2, 351! 2,,Jcm 1, 642 1, 002

l, 323 1, 7<J8 . 200 I, 810

03,1 790

2, 721 2, 006

2, 315 030

1,471 1, 184 1, 518 1, 481 1, 096 1, 620

Inl877, from '111ut;ofMm1· [gum.

In 1877, J>nrt to Lobunou.

[1877, 1111r(; to No. 5, Iu '7~ ft•, CmY1m trn.; 111

o. llo,

In 1R72, from OriW<'ll ~lO. In 1B7•J, ft'. ll1111.nfort• co. In 1877, fl'om pn1'(ij of

Nos. 1 niHl 2.

In '70, of Irnztth(lf:h Oit.h town, 801 In ml?.1tlioL 1 City & l~D in N lxonton.

" 6. J oncshoro', incl. the f'ollowin~ towns: 2, 048 2, 206 Formerly Sloan's. Providence township ••••.••••.••••••.

Salem township ..................... .. 783 520

1, 880 1, 314 {oneshoro' towu ................... . Sanforrl town .................... .

Townspip No. 7. Greenwood, inoC Cameron town.

(.'a111f.ron town ......................... .. Town•.hip,No. 8. ll'.cNeill'a,incl.Mauly.

Statwn villaJ;(e. Manly Ht.~tion vilJarre ...

Tow~sbip No. 9. Sand'B:ms::::::::::: " 10. Mineral Springs .....


i:aney township .................... .. Cutalla .township, incl. Castalia town. Ct~nA1:1.l~~~:hj··· .............. ~ ........... __ . l'e.J':.11 town~] _p .. .................. .. (' 'fl' t h!lp .................... .. J,r1km owns tp .................... . ac 'MUD township ·

l'>!anni!'g town•lup:::::::::::::::::: • • N"~tmllf' town8btp, incl. Nashville tn:

N118hv11let<iwn :&oc1<.r .:i.rnnnt towlliiiiii:·i~~Cilact.·~r·

l<-0cky Mount town. Roc,k~ Mount town {part of) .......

StonJ Ln-ek townshin Wbitakt-r townsl1ip. ~: :::: ::::::::::::

Rocky Monnt town (in Nash anil E.lgec?mlll\ counties),

Information ns to cbang .. 6 !n minor civil di-risions iucomr•lete,

372 236

2, 001 '"i; 52:i' 117

1, 213 532

101 837 208 787 537 Form. Jackson Spring~.

1,124 ....... . 866 , ...... .. 133 1 ....... .

I, 683


1 ...... .. 1, 202 ....... . l,3G7 ...... .. 1,290 j ....... . 1,785 ...... ..

l,~i~ !:-::::::-: 1,702 ....... .

350 ...... .. l, 897 ...... .. 3,207 ! ...... ..

552 ...... ..


Conetuck township .................. . Caswell township ................... ..

Columbia towM!tip .................. .

Grunt townshiJ? ...................... . Holden township, incl. Bm•gaw village.

H ~naw vv~age .................... . .o s owna np ..................... ..

Lmcoln twp., me!. Lillington villtt"e Lillington villarro "' ..

I Rocky :Point towns1;f1;::: • .... • · · .. • • Union township ......... :::::::::::::


~~tJi~ie£~~o'f sblp .•••.••••••••••••• ,

Hertfonl to~~~fifi); iiici. ·n~;tfo~;i i;;~ · N

HertHt'orrl town .. . .. .. • .. . .. .. .. · ew ope township • .. ·

l'arksville township ::::::::::::::::::


Allens ville township ........ . Bushy Fork township .••..••

801 1, 150

1, 550

1, 705 050

184 l, 180 1,392

08 1,830 1, 703

2, 028 l, 053 1, 410

001 2, 221 1, 548

1, 380 1, 748

2, 403 1, 128 1, 188

480 1, 033 1, 203

1, 120 I 1, 425

In '70, fr. 11t, of OnRw11ll. In 1875, from p11rt ol'Nmv

Ilnnovm• oount;y; In 1870, 1111rt to Ooni1tuulc.

In 1875, from 111wtof Nuw J:fnnover county. ·

Do, Do. In 1875, from p11rt ofN11w

lln11ov01· connl•y · aliH\o 1870,pt.t0Rook)•'.Poh1t.

[lfonovor cou11t,r, In 1875, i'rom1111rt ofNtiw

Do. 1Jo. [lfol<1<111.

Since 1870, from 1•111'1; of Iu lb75, from pnrtot'Now

H11novo1• county.

l I I


Page 51: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.




Cunningham's township .•••.•.•••.•. -Flat River township .•.......• - .••• - - • Holloway'stownsb1p .••••.•••••••••••. Mount Tirzah tuwnsbip ..••...••...•. Olive Ilill township .............••••• -11oxboro' township, incl. Roxboro' tn.

Roxboro1 town.---- ....................... . Woo<lsdale township .••...••••.•••••.•

Dolvoir township, incl. the following villages: ·

llethel village ..•.•...••••.•••••. - . • • Penny village .••••....•...••••••••..

Chicoa township ..................... . Cont1ml.nea townsbip ................ . Falkland township ................... .

l!'armville townsl1ip, incl. the follow-ing villages:

Farmville villa go .................. . Marlboro' villal(e •..•......••.•.....

GrcenvUJo township, incl. Greenville town. •••.•....•••••.••... Pnctolns township.···'·· •..••.••.•••. Swift Creek township .•...••••••••...


Columbus township, incl, Columbus town.

Columbus town ...... ,. ............ . Cooper's Gap township .••••••••..••.. Grc(m1s Cre"k townsl1ip ............. _ ...... - . 'l'ryon township ..................... . White Oak townsl1ip ................ ..

lnfo1matio11 as to changes in mi:qor civil divisions incomplete.


.Aahboro' township, incl. Ashboro' tu . Ashboro' town ........••••.••.••.••.

Back Creek township ..•..•.•••.••••. Browcr's township ..•••.•....••••.•.. Cedar Grove t-Ownship ......•••.•••••. Columbia township .................. . Concor<l township .......••..•••••••••. Frnnklinsvillo township ............ .. Grant township ...................... . Liber:rfty township ..••...••••.•••.••... New ope township.-················· New Market townslnp .••..••••••••... Now Salem township ..••..•••••••••.• Pleasant Grove township ..••••••. ; •.. Randleman township ••••••••••••••••.

Richlanrl t-Ownship ...••.•.••••••••••.. Tnbernnclo towns hip ..•.....•..•.••.. Trinity township, lncl. th!> following

villnfics: Dush Hil villng1> .................... Trinity village •.•••....•.••••••.•••

Union township ..••••• , .•....•••.•••..


Beaver Dnm townRhip .....••••••••••• J3lack J'nck township ................. Liturol Hill township ................. Mineral Springs township ..••.•...•.. Itockingham township ................ Steele 'a township ..................... StowartsvillCI township, inoL Lm1rin-

burg town. Laurinburf. town ......•..••.

Williamson own ship ..•.•..••. : : • : : : : Woll'.l'it townBhip ..•..•...•••.•• ~ ••..


.Alfordsville township .•.•••.•.••••••• Il1tek Sw>;tmp township ...•.•••••..••.• Illi;o ,Sprmga townshlp ..••....•.••••• Jlntt a iownship .•.....••••••••••••.•• Burnt Sw!'"lp townRl1ip .••.••.••••.•. Howollsvtlle township .....••. Lum lier Bri<lga township .•.•. :::·:::: Lumbortof twp., incl. Luniborton. tn •.

Lumbar on town ............ ~aint Paul's township .......•• ::::::: Shoe Reel township, mcl. Shoe Heel tn. · S).lo~ Heel tc>wn .•••••.••••••.••..... Srn1t\1 s townRltip ..................... Sterhug's ¥ills township ..••••••..... Thompson s township ..••.•.•••...... W!Jito :u;ouso townsbip .••••.••••••••. .Wishart s township .••.•••.•..••...•••


1sso. 1s.,.o.

I, 331 1, 205 1, 653 1,377 1, 611 1, o:rn

483 1, 876


127 36

2,523 2,000 1, 937


111 70


01'2 2, 808 2,6~0


71 88•1

1, 227 1194

l, 119

708 209

1, 188 1, 047 1, 501 1, 495 1, 206

044 805

1, 035 1,008 1, 222

o:JO 1, 370 1, 383

842 l, 602 1, 518

131 240 813

500 1,388 2, 487 1, 150 2, 482 2, 303 81 652

%8 2, 412 1, 872'

l, 571 1, 4~0 1, 400 l, 451 1, 875 1, 240 l, 350 1,849

533 1, 622 1, 661

214 2, 244 1, am 2,734 1, 428


1, ll!l o:;s

1, 279 1, ll7 1, •l:lO 1, 117

'"i; 500·

2, 151

--i;oii:i. 2, 118

3, 838

601 2, 000 1,800



0·10 UfiD

1, 172 182

1, 212 781

··i;254· 1, 028 1, 528

O·lll 1, 009 1, 005 1, 2!17

U31 1, 218

713 1, 206 1, 471


635 790

2, 127 1, 040 1, 455 l, 056


.. 2;04.t· l, 239

·1,ou 800

1,014 1, 150 l, 511 1, 023 l, 075 1,330

615 1, o,;2


. ·1;684 1, 088 .1, 708

084 624


Jn 187f>, pt. to F1trmvillo. Jn 1872, from part of

Cnlif'ornin. I11 1872, ft•. 1it. of Cnlifor·

nia; in 1875, part of Contont.nea auuoxod,

In 1875, pa.rt to Co<1nr \Grove.

In '70, pt. to Rn.m lcmn.n. [Ashboro'.

In 1875, from pa1·t of

In '79, pt. to Randleman.

Iu '70, pt. to Itanlllomnn. Do. Do.

In 1879, from pn.Tts of B11okCrook, rrrnnl<lins-villo, Now'Mtirkot, and NewSalom.



Huutsvillo townshif. .................. Loakavili<l twp., jne. Lcaksvillevill ...

J,e11ksvillo villag o .............. · ....•. Ma<Hson twp., incl. Madison villago ...

Ma<lison villairc; ..................... Mayo tmynshi8, incl. Stonovlllo vill ...

Stoncv1!10 v Iago ................... Now Ilethel township .•••.....•..•..•. Oroizonvillo townshi}l .•.•••...•••...•. Simpsonville township ...••..•••••.... 'Ventwurth township ................ Williamsburg twp., me!. Reidsvillo tn.

Reidsville town .••••.•••••.....••••.


.Atwell townshlR, incl. Enochvillo vi!L Enoch ville vi !age ..................

Franklin township .................... Gol<l Hill towMhip,incl.G oltl llill vill.

Golll Hill villng1> ................... Litaker township ..................... Locke township ...................... Morgan towns!Jip ..................... Mount Ulla township ....•...••••..... Provlilence towirnhi11 .••.•...••..••••. Snlisl1nry township, incl. Salisbttry tu.

SnJrnbury town ..................... Scotch-Irish township ................ Unity townshi11 ..•••••••.•.•.•••••....


Cn~p Creek township:········· •••••• Clnmnoy.Itnek. townslup ........••.••• Colfax township ...................... Cool Spring township ................. Duncnn's Greek townshiJL ............ Golden Va!li;y township .•..•..•.•... Groen Hill townslllR ................. High Shon! townsh Si ................. Lognn's Store towns Ip .•.•....••..... Mor~an township. ' ................... Rut iert'orilt~n towns hi£.- ............. Sulphlll' Sprlll~s towns 1p ....•••••... Umon township ..•.••••••...•..••••••


Clinton township, incl. Clinton town .. Clintan town .••••••.........•......

Dlsmnl townsbih ...................... Franklin towns ip .................... Il11ll's township ....................... Hon!lycutt's township .•••••..•.....•. Ljsbon township ...................... Little Coharie township ......•••••••• Mo Daniel's township •.•....•.......•• Mingo township ....••.•••••.••..••• , • Piney Grovo township ....•..•••.••• Taylor'• Bl'i<lge township: ............ Turkey t-0w11sblp ..................... Westbrook township, incl. Newton

Grovetown. Nowton Grove town ••••..••••••••••


.A.lhemarle township .................. .A lmontls townsliip ................... Bi-§ Lick township, incl. Big Lick town.

ig J,fok town .•....••.••..••••• , •• , Con tor township ...................... Fun's township ••••••••.••..•.....••• Ha1Tis townsl1ip . . .. • . . . . . • .. • • . •.... lU<lenhour's township ................ Tyson's township ..•••••..••.••....••.


Jle11ver Island townsl1ip ..•....••..••• Me11c1ow townsl1ip ................... . l'etor's Creek towns!iiP .•....•••••••• Qn11kcr Gap townsl11p ............... . Simratown township .••••.•.....•••.• Snow Crock tml'nsliip .•••••.•......•. Yadkin township .••••••.....••••••••.


Dr:van township .....•••.•.•••••••.••. Dobson townahip .................... . .El<lora townshiJJ ..................... . J!'ranklin townslllp .•...•.•...•......•. Hotel towns Mp ...••••••.••••••.•..•.• Mnrsh township .................... .. Monnt Air)' township ...•••••.......• Pilot township ....................... . Rookforcl township .................. . Stewart's Creok township ..•..•...... Westfield township ..•.....•.....•.•••

1880. 1870.

1, 207' 2, 854

682 1, 851

301 2, 400

1<10 1, 7!15 3, 70(1 1, 833 2,488 4, 011 1, 316

2, 041 77

l, 820 1, 184

348 1, 044 1, 303 1,180 l, 803 l, 585 4,085 2,723 1,005


1, 28t 1, 336 1, 537 J, 440

750 1, om 1, 372 1, 16! 1, 631

713 1, 243 l, 188


3,441 620

1, 272 1, 774 l, 24.8 1, (191 1, 590 1, 4111 1, 086 l, 023 2, 559 1, 706 1, 300 2, 0~7


1,802 U~4

1,714 99

1,473 1, 386 1, JOO

875 1, 141

1, 400 2, 050 1, oou 2, 681 1, 816 2, 375 2, 507

1, 205 1,747 1, 087

8DO 803 813

2,893 1, 007 1, 144 1, 150 1, ~05

1, 880 2, 031

~ ···205. 3, 539

--2;1iiii' l, 5DO 1, 707 2,340

2, 051

"Tisi" 050

·· i;nos· 1, 110 1, 004 1, 720 11 nrn a, 327

108 1, 4110


1, 007 1, 024

96t 1, 031

ODO 1, 122 1, !RB

004 1, 597

731 1, U07

067 402

2, 777 204 746

··j; iiiii. 1,28:1 1,389 1,235

8•13 l, 2•1U 1, 776 11fi:U 1, 1<17 1,449

1, 000 702

1, 8!i4

··i;oaii· 1, 0'14

924 or.a 880

1, 247 2, 0(}5 l, 401 1, 740 1, 117 1, 78l 1, 758

1, 032 1, 2ti5

858 02U 709 010

2, 353 1,nn

890 7UO BOO


In1877, :pt. toNewDothol;

In 1877, from Rt. of Mayo, In 1870, ind. n Mayo. In 1877, pint to Mn<liso11.

In 1877, fr. pts. of JI1111ts-(vil!n & 8impsouvi!lo.

In 1877,pt. to Now llothol.

In 1872,·from New Hano· · [vC>r uo.

Page 52: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.



'-'---=-~.-0.-~c-==="==============~=================;===T===p'==-=== MIN OH CIVIL DIVISIONS. J 1 sso. /_1_s_1_0._[ ___ R_E_M_A._n_.KS_·_··--ll--:M-I_N_o_1_t _c_rv_r_L_n_rv_x_s_r_o_N_s_. -1-1_s_s_o~. _•_s_1_0 __ ·.1---1_m_· M_A_n_i_rn_ .. __

SWAIN. 1---Char!l'l\ton tow11el1ip .••.•..••...•.••••

1 l, 352 Jn 1871, from .Juckson co.

In 1871, from Macon co. J.'unw~· Crt"f;k towu~hip . ............. -- 5fi2

~~y,;:~·1'.~f;~:';:,~~J~~;1;:::::::::::::J 1' ~lN

Tl.:ANorLVANIA. I J\uvtl town•!iip . . .•••• •.•• •• •• •.•••••• 639 eathi•y"a Crt•Pk fOWU'!hiJl ........ ······1 723 lloivid•on Itiwr twp .. ind. Brevard tn.


1, 22~~ Ilrtvartl town ........... ~ ......... . lhum·s Jt(wk towmihip. ... ... . . .. ......... LJ78 :Ea,tat•*' tuwn,hif, .............. -.... 6tJ3 Glom~flltf'l' t~>W,n~ lip·---.................. eu71 ll11~ha.1·k to~ni~lnp ........................

1 t1 J


448 urn

Do. Do. Jn 1871, from Jackson co.

784 Formerly Brevard.

420 1Wl 372 243 403 J,il!k ltinr tvwn,Jiip ............... ·1 795

Alligator towmltip ................... 917 778 t't1l11m1Ji:t. towwsllip1 incl. Columbia tn. 1 1, 302 1, 206

Columbia. town , . ... ....•.... ...... 166 fi-um Nt:ck tovrn:-ol1i~-·· ..• .•••.... .••. 1, l29 l, 008 [Fork.

1, rn1 I Since 1R70, part to Huutlr Since 1870, from part of


fo;.i·npp·M'nongtownR ip ................ 1, 108~70 !:ivuth Fork wwnahip ................ .


lluforn town•hip ................. ~ .. (Jw;,~e Cn·f.!k tw»-nHhip .................... . Jw.J,,.,,n tmrn•liip .............. -•.••. Lam;H c"~'k t<1wru;hip, incl. Griffins-

villti t,.1wn. Grifiinsville tnwn ................ _ ..

.lfmlf<H'. towmihip, iucl. lfonroe town . .



Mvnrof.'°UJwn ............................. . N•w lial"m township ................ . 8edy Ridge townBliip ............... .


Ilart<m's Cr<"ek tttwnahip .••••••.••••• Uw k Hom t11wnAl1ip ................ . Cary U1wmhip, incl. Cary village ..... ,

r; ... y villa~e ......... -............. . CNlar ~·t1r)< twp., incl. Morrisdllevill"

Mbrrrnvllh· Y1llaµ;~·- ..................... . lliva~- ·~ Cr~·k tfH\'llHhiI) ................. . l.itth~ ltivl'r townfilbjp .................. . lh•rk s i;niek town!!Ilip ............. . l!•lldlP (...,k township .............. . ~elll>8 River township .............. .

:Nrw l,ight town.~hlp ................ . 4.i&k Grow• t<twn•hip ................ . l'andtf'r Iln;nch township ........... . ltaleii;!J. tow:n•hip, incl. !Weigh city .•.

ltaleti:h t1tv .. • • •• • ••••• Sa!nt Maty'a'towW1bip ............... . Slliut Mattbt'<I"~ township 8wifi Creek t<nrnRhip .••• :··········· '\Vak;, FO)""~t t<rwnahip, m;C1'h~'i01:· 1 h1wm~ places:

Ft>r<,~t'."llle town ..•••.•••••••.••••••

1 •·!!laze ... _ •• W>1ke For,.,~t College town··········


2, 022 2, 915 l, 530 2,508

49 4, 051 1, 504 2, 511 2,519

l, 5.19 l,380

316 1, 715

105 2 304 2; O~JO 2, OJ3 2,081 1,409

1,295 2, 59! 1, 402

13, 843 9,265 2, 94-i 1, 8i8 1,na 3, 8\l9


l, 158 2, 207 l, 010 1,575

2,380 448

2, 191

1. 690 I l, 585 1 In 1877, part to Neuse 1, G94 [River.

In 1872, fr. pts. of Cedar Fork1 House's Creck1 SwiftCreck,and White Oak.

.. i,' 533· In 1872, part to Cary.

"2,'oo8' In 1s12, part to Cary; in 1, 315 [1877, pt.toNeuseli:iver. 1, 390 1,4i7

.••..••. In 1877, fr.pis. ofBnrton's

I Creek. House's Creek, Saint Matthew's, and Wake Forest.

708 .

2.g~t I 10, 149 7, 700 2, 124 1 [Ri,.er. 2, 192 In 1877, part to Neuse 1, 445 In 1872. part t.o Car.v. 3, 135 In 1877, part to Neuse


115 ....... . 4a6· ..... _ ..

1, 948 1, 680 In 1872, part t-0 Cary. White Oak town•bip ........ :::::::::!

f.i"hing cn,,,k_ township .............. , 1 4~ 1 5 8 ··rkt '· •~" ,9_ O llWn•ulfl .••••.•••• ., .......... .' l, 187 Jlawt_rP<I Viwnsbip ............ -.. I l 649 ....... . J_ur\kmMtown•]lip .............. :::::, l'. 658 ~'. ~~ }\nthu~htwp.,md Mitldlehurgvill I 3 o·· 2 430

)li!ul<H,,IJui:g viltali(o ...... -...... ::: ' $4 ' ll.1Vf·l' tw11., ind pt. of Littleton townJ ·1 ·•· · ·

L1ttl"t'-'1J tmrn 1part of) I '417


• 5-00 li•udyCr•"'k wwnsh'n ··········••[ JO .. ____ ,. ~bt1Cr·otown-M-hi 1i··············· .... 3,489 21753 !!ix-Pmrn<l town~b-ip ........ ··········1

1 ~.· 16~t1 l, 06?,.0

7 Sruith cr*'fk t<1wn.11iii'~"···········-, -:; Wo:nmtontwp.,ind.WaiT°ent-Ont~;;.~:1' 1, 30 [ 1, tJ62

1\_aIT•·ntoo 1,, .... n.... ••• 3,610 1 2,886 Littleton tm.-n fin mnr i:;;.j;.; 1;,;;_;.: • ~rn ' OH

f~ ;',~~:~,'.\_Littleton twp., Ha!i-

lllf!'~'"lit~ri_as to_cban~r8 inmlnor c1nl d1ns1ons JDeomplete.


J,f<''A lfilJ8 W'lfll$bir l'!Pvm

1 _"'1th n. P • ine . 1i),:,;,'Oiliii' iQ;il ..

'mkmtb tol\·n · ·· &-c'!P"'". rmin~twp;iiic'tc;f,58Weli'ill··1

N'l!l!Wd! tM;·n •• S.kbw~r•-ville wwn~h';ji: ::::::::::: ::: - .

2,218 a,~

2,2-5.1 J4'j

1, 058

1,522 2,565 1,:189

•• ~'. ~~~ .. [ F?rmerly CoolSprlng.



nnl<l Mountain township ........... .. Beaver Dam township _.,., .•••••.••. lllowinp: Hock townHhip .•..•...•.•..• nine Rulgo townsl1ip ............... .. Bonno township, incl. Boone town .... .

I!oono town ..... -- ................. . Cove Creek township ................ . Elk township ................... .,_ ... L>mrel Cl'l"tlk township ............. .. :!>feat Camp township ............. __ •• Slrnwnellhaw township ....... _ ....... . Stony Fork towuship ................ . Watauga township ............. · ..... ..


Brogden township ... - ............... . Fork t.ownship ..................... . Goltlshoro' twp., incl. Goldsboro' city.

Gol<lehoro' city .................... . Grantham township __ ............... . Great Swamp township ....... ; .• : .. .. Indian Springs tuwnfihip ........... .. Nahunta twp., incl. tho follow. towns ..

I•'remont, town--···-·----·--'-· ...... . Saul's Cross Roa<ls town .......... ..

New Uopn township ......... ; .••.•••. Pikeville township ................. .. Snulston tnwn•hip ................... . Stony Creek township .••••••••••••• '.


Antioch township ................... . Beaver C l'eek township ..••.••..•••••• Brushy Mountain townsl1ip- .••..• __ •. E1lwards township .................. .. Elk township ................. , ..... .. Fishin~ Creek township ............ .. Jo h's Callin townsl1ip ..•••••.••••••••. Lewis Fork township ................ . Lovelace town•bip .................. . Mulberry township ................. :. Now Castlo township ............... .. Red1l!o's River township ............. . Rock Oreok township ..•••••.•••••.•.. Somers township ................... .. Trap Hill township ................ _ .. Union township ..................... . 'Valnut Grove township._ .• __ . __ .... . Will~esboro't)Vp., incl.Wilkesboro' tn.

Wilkesboro town ................ .. Inf!1r!11util! to changes in minor

c1v1I dlv1s1ons incomplato.


Black Creek twp., incl. Dlack Creek tu. Blnck Creek town ................. .

Cross Roads township-····· .••• : ... .. gardner's township .• : ................ .

l<l Fields townshlp ................. . Saratoga twp., incl. Samtoga town .•.•

Saratoga town . .. . .. • • • · · Spring Hill township._ .... :::::::::::: Stanto'.'sburg township ••••• ;, ....... · ;ra.vlor s township ......... _ ........ .. T'!j.s'.'ot township, incl. Tolsnot town._

,msnottown ......... -.... - ....... . Wils.on township, incl. Wilson town. __

Wilson town ....................... .


Boontllle townsl1ip ..•••••.• ; ••• Buck Shoal townsllip ........... : : : :: : :i?eetpBCree

1kt towll8!tip ................ .

... as ern ownsh1p ............ • : ... . Fnll Creek townsl1ip Forln;sh township .. :::::::::::::·:::: Knobs township, incl. .Jonesvillovill Lit~~tstillo ................. ::

Little ~a~T:°~~~~"r;;1;ip ·:::: ::::::. ·:· lllf?rm•!·•~n.'ls t•.1 chnngcs in minor

civil div1s10us incomplete.


Brush Creek township ............. .. Burnsville township •••••• Cianey m,.er township .... :::::::::::: ~rahtree township .................. ..

gypt township .. • • • • • •• • · Green Mountain town•hip •• · ....... •• .Jack's Creek township .... ::::::::::::

Pensacola township ..•••.•••••.•• Ratuseytown township "· •• South 'rar township .. :::::::::::::::·

310 018 :mo 4:13

l, 280 107

1, 211 3<8 887 !120 403 004 050

3, Wl2 1, Oi>O 4, o.rn a, 2so 1, oao 1, 022 1, 7UB 2, 700

2•JO 75

2, 082 2, 15ii l, 511' 1,402

675 073 684

1, 000 804 573 700 907 750

1, 4f>7 1, o:io 1, 207 1, 071

883 1, 053

000 1, 170 l, 077


1, 700 l~O 991

1,400 1, 012 1,434

81 o:m

1,152 782

2, 017 313

3, 972 1,475

l, 183 1, 460 1, 250 1, 530 1, 525 1,414 1, 615

220 1, 847


305 700

1,s;s 7 IO 825 564 003

517 075 502

320 41:!

··-· •HiO 7a7

887 205 585 370 328 300 fitj(}

2, 500 1, Oil. 3, 880 l, 13'1 1, s2a

751 l, 2~0 1,87'1

-'i.'fi20· :I, 720 1, 110

70•! 000 4il4

11 rmo 675 642 606.

1, 002 027

1, ao2 1, 120

900 760 072 804

l, 005 l, 300

l, 47•1 77

011,l l, 178 1, lOU l, 108

030 1, 007

555 1,271

· · ii,'i7o · 1, 030

l, 058 1, 3110 1, 230 1, 353 l, 102 11 420 1, 451


[ni<lf.n. In 1875, fl'Om ft, nf JI no In 1875, pnrt o :mowing


In '77, i1t. lo Ston;y Crook.

l•'orumrly llolllon.

· In '77, pt. to Rtony 01'!1~k.

Iu 1877, fr. pl,H. of Onltl8· hol'o' nn<l l'llrnvlllo.

l!'o1•morly Joy1rnetown.

405 ·1 lu 1878, .piirt. tq GroDu f>05 [M:ounlain.

1, 20~ 4R:l I ;IJ'or~1 'ly Li ttlo Oro ht.ref\, 781 [(,rPok &J'nolt's C11mk.

· · ... - · · 1 In 1878, fr.1mrta of'llmRh 040 In 1872, pt. ofllollow J>o11.

larann11xo1l, inl878, 11t.

310 to Groon Mouutiiln.

4521 In 1872[ pnrt of Jfollow 3 14 l'uplnr 1innoxc4.

Page 53: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.



Nom.-The following ;rninco1'1'.01·ate1l places have been ~eturnec1 sepai:ately ])y the enum.erators. The list is not by any means complete, as very many euumerators have failed to scpnrate such bodies of })Opulation, 'l'b.o popul::ttion of these places has of course been included in the townships in which thcy-arn respectively situated. '!'ho figures can be considered as only approximate, as'tlrn limit; of such places are not sharply defined.

Name of place.

A liliottshurg .......... .. .Apex ................. .. llllattie's l!'oril. ........ . Deaver Creek ......... .. Belvidere .............. . Bentonville ........... .. Bethnnia ............... . Bethany Church ...... .. Beufah ................ .. Beulah ville ............ . Blu!f ................. .. Boonville .............. . Brown's Summit ....... . But·nt Chimney ......•.. Ilynum Cotton Mllls .. .. Ourolina :1.Wla ......... . qe\lar ~'alls ........... .. Chn111Grove ........... . Clarksville ............. . Cl1Lrldon ............... . Columbia .............. . Commons··-····--------Danbur,y .............. .. Double Shoals Cotton

MlJIH. Dymoll(J City .......... . Earpsboronl.(lt ......... . Elizt1bethtuwn .....•.••. Elkin ................. .. Ii""'ar111ingtun. _. _ •••.••••. lfranldin ·····---·-·· Franklinville .......... . Freedman town ....... .. Fulton ............... .. Garyslmrir .•. , ......... . Germantown ............... . (;lnlf ................... . Hnllsville .............. .. Ramptonvillo .••.••••••• Harrell's Sturo ........ ..

ii~~~~~m~:::::: :: :::::: Jmnea City ............ .


Abbottsbnrg ..•..••••• WhiteOalc ......... .. Catawba Hpringa .•.•. Rockfish ............. . Bclviilcre ........... .. Bentonville ••..••..••. Bethania ............. . Bethany ............ .. Beulah ............... . Limestone .......... .. Hocldlsh ............. . Boonville ............ . Monroe ............... · Cool SJll'iug ............. .. .. Bnl<lwm ............. . FanceLt . ................ . Ccdnl' Gruvo ......... . Litaker ............. .. Chicamnconiico .. ...... . Brown Jlfarsh ........ . Columbia ............... . Eclentou ................ . :Mimdow ............ .. Double Shaula ...... ..

Griffin's ........... ;· ... O'Neal ............. .. Eliznbllthtown ...•.... Hotel .............. . F1trrnington .... ......... . 11'ranklin. -- ........... . Cellttr Grove ......... . Iincolntou ........... . :D,ulton .............. . Oconccchee •••..•••••• Meadow ............. . Gulf ............... .. Llmestono ........... . DeepCreek ........ .. Franklin ............ . Hayesville ........... . Forbush ............. . No.7 ................. .


Blnden ............... . Walrn .............. .. Lincoln ............. .. Cumberland ........ .. Perquimans ......... .. Johnston ............ . Forsyth .............. . Iroddl .............. .. .Johnston ............ . D111ilin ............... . Curnuerland ......... . Yal1kin .............. . Guilford ..•••••••••••. ltutlwrford .......... . Chathnm .•.••••••••••. .A.lamance ........... ~. ltnctlolph ............ . Rowan ..... .-•••••• ·;. •• Dam ................. . Bladen ............. .. Hnmlolplt ........... .. Chowan ............... . Stokes .............. . Cleaveland .......... .

:Mo.rtin ............... . .Jolm•tou ............ . Bladen .............. .

~'~;Jfii:::::::::: ·:: :::: J\fncon ............... . Ihu<lol1>h ..••..••••••. Lincoln .•••.•. , •..•.•. D1wio ................ . No1·thampton ........ . Stokes ............... . C!mtlui.m ............ ,. Duplin ........... .-.c .. Ymlldn ............. .. Sampson ............ ..

~1:Cfkin.·::: ::::::: :: : : : Craven ............... .

Po,Pula. t10n.

277 228

73 1D7 01 27

105 98 50 32

135 46 94

110 97

272 248 26 OB 75

167 182 144 150

84 44

212 137 150 207 BOO 226

80 97

130 140

50 BO 68

111 02

1, 100

Namo of place. Township. County.


.Jamestown ............ . Lawsonvillo ........... . Leech ville ............ .. Lewisville ............ .. Liberty Rill ........... . Little '\v usbington ...••. Lockvilio .............. . I.ocust Level .......... . Longtown ............. . Lowcaville ............ .. Mason ................. . Mountain Island ...... .. Mount.A.fry .......... . Mnrph;y ............... . New Salem ............ . Nixonton .............. . Orcgon llill ............ . Ore Knob .............. . Pantego .............. .. Pikcvillo ............. ,, .. l'lcasant Garden .••..... Quincrlyvillc .......... . ltundlmnan's Jlfills ..... . Rieh Square .......... .. Ilockflsh ............... . Ruth"rfot•dton ......... . Shiloh ................. . Silver Hill ............ .. Smith (}rove .......... .. Stantonslmrg .•.....•••. Trout.man1s ........... .•. Union ................ ..

~~~~'!r,;!\ITe·: :::: :::::: Wanp;hton ............ . ·wobster ............... . Wentworth ........... .. "\VestDend ........... .. Whitehall ............ .. Woodlawn Cotton Mills. Yntlklnville .......... .. Yanceyville ........... ..

Jamestown ......... .. Peter's Creek ........ . Pantego ............. . Lewisville ........... .. 1l'arhoro1

................... .

Gol!lshoro' ........... . Capo Fear ........... . Furr's . ................. .. Blick Shoal .......... . Catawba Sprinirs .... . House's Creek ....... . River lle111l .......... . 1fonnt .A.iry ......... . Murphy ............ .. Randleman .......... . Nixonton ............ . Richlaml. ............ . Peak Creek .......... . Pantego ............. . Pikeville ............ . .l!.,l!ntress ...................... .. Swirt Creek .•....••••• llantlleman ............. ~ Square ............... . Rockflsh ............. . Hutlrnrfor<lton ....... . Shiloh .............. .. Silver Ilill ........... . :farmin:gton .. ............ . Stantonsburg •••.••••• Falls town ........... :. Haint John's ....... : .. . Curdtnck ........... .. Morehead ........... .. Broad Bay ........... . "\Vebster ............ .. ·wentworth .......... . Little Yadldn .•.....•. Indian Springs .... ; ... South Point .••...•..•. Liberty ............. .. Yo.nceyville .......... .

Guilford ............ .. :->tokes ............... . Beaufort ............. . :Forsyth .............. . E<lgccombe .......... . Wayne .............. . Chatham ..................... .. Stanley.; ............ . Yadkin ............. .. Liucoln .............. . Wako ................ . Gaston ............... . Surry ............... . Cherokee ........... .. Uandolph ........... .. Pasf!notank., ........ . Beaufort ............. . Ashe ............... .. Beaufort ............. .

:n1I!~~;i:::::::: ::: : :: Pitt ................. .. Randolph •.•.••••••••• Not-thampton ........ . Cumberland ••.•••.•.. Rntllctford ......... .. Cunulcn ............. .. Dnviilson ............ . Davie ................ . Wilson .............. .. Iredell .............. .. Ilertforu ............ .. Hyile ................ . Guilforrl ........... .' •• Forsyth .............. . Ja.ckaon· . : ........... . Rockingha1n ................ .. Yailkin .............. . Wayne ............... . Gaston ••• ; .......... .. Yadkin .............. . Caswell .............. .



90 (13 69 48

260 250 72 35 48 91

268 321 519 170 87 07

142 472 71

122 15 01

1,027 03

20G aoo

05 {).!

108 72 71 95

100 ll15 311 107 242 77 59

222 120 837


~-i_u_N_o_R~c-rv~rL~D-rv~rs_r_o_N_s_.~_ 1 _1s~s-o._1_s_~_o_._ 1 _~-R~E_M_.A._n_.rr_s_.~--ii-~·-M_r_N_o_1_t_c_rv_IL~-D-1v_·_1s_r_o_N_s_.~.:l.1_s_~_,o_. _1_s_r_o_.,:~~-It_E_M_A_n_K~s-·~~ ADA MB.

Bratton townshil!·······----··· .... :.-. l•'m11klintownslnp .......... , ........ . Grnen township .... , ................ . .Jefferson township .................. . Liberty townttbip .................... . Mnnc!iestcrtwp., incl. Ma.uchestcrvil!.

Mnnclrnster villa.go _ ......................... . Meigs township ..................... . Mouroe township ................... .. Oliver township ...................... . Scotttownship ...................... . S11rigg to"\\'llSll.iP. ..... __ ................... . Tiffin tw1>., inc . West Union vil111go ..

\Vest Union villago ................ . Wayne township ................... .. "\Vii1clrnatertwp., incl. \Vhwhestorvill.

'Wine-heater vi!litgo .••••••..•••.•••••


.Amnrnfa township .................. .. Auglaize township .................. .. Ilnth townsl1ip ...................... .. German township, incl. Elida village ..

Elidt1 village ................... · .. .. Jnr.kson twp., incl. Lafayette village ..

Lafayette village.. .. ............ .. Marion t.wp., incl. part of Delphos vii!.

Delphos l"iilage (part of) ......... .. Momoe township, incl. Cairo village ..

Uairo villa go . . • .. • . .................. . Ott:iw1t township, incl. Lima cit.y ..•...

Limadty ......................... .. \Vii.rel 1. ........................ ..

" 2 . ..................................... . 3 ......................... . 4 .......................... .

Porn· towns hill· .. , .... : ............ .. Riclilnntl twp., mcl. the follow .villages.

nccwPr Dam village ................... .. lllnffton village .................... .

Slrnwn~e township .................. .. Spcncort.wp:, incl. Spencerville village.

Spencel:villo village .................... ...... .

1,053 l, 541 1,886 3,444 1, 355 1, 493 J, 455 2, 124 1,400 1, 004 1, 1U2 2. GJ2

2,~i~ 11 125 1 404 '550

1, 4fi0 1, 749 1, 5.l2 1, 580

302 l 893 '3·m

4, 488 2, 003 2, 182

316 7, 669 7,567 2,443 2,478

1.g~l 1,465 3, 372

853 1, 200 l, 241 1, 646


In 1877, fr. pt. ofFrnnlrlin. 2, 172 I.n 1877, 1iart to·Bl'u.t.ton. 1, R:J3 2,268 1, 377

982 942

1, 748 1, 304 1, 069 l, 409 2, 086 1, 858

480 1, lUO 1, 475


1, 1176 1 '155 1:402

nsa 1, 801

337 2, 920 1, 027 1, 739

·4: (;62' 4, 500

1, 235 2,139

'"""489" 1, 109 1, 153



Sugar Creek township ............... . Dlllphos villagn (in 1fnrinn twp.,

.Allen co., nnd Washington twp., Yun Wert co.).

Clenr Creek twp., incl. Sitvnunah vill .. Hn.vnnnah village . .. .. .. • • .. .. . ..

Grcenn twp., incl. tho following villa .. LoULlonvi!le village (pnrt of) ....... . Pirrr,\"ville village ................... ·

Hanov"er tw1i., incl. pt. of Loudonville village.

Loudonville village (fart of). .. ..... Jackson township, inc . Polk ·village ••

Polk village ...................... .. Lake townsllip ..................... ,. hlifiliu township ..................... . Milton township .................... . J\fohicnn twp., Incl. the following vills .

.Jeromevil!o villnp:e ................ . Mohican village ................... ,.

Mont.£;onrnr:.: twp., incl. Ashlal\(l viii'. .Aslnund v11lago ...•.•..•••••.••..••.

Orange township .................... .. l'eiTv township ........... : ........ .. ltugglcs township ................... .. Sullivan township .' .................. . Troy township ...................... . Vermillion township ................ ..

Lo1ulonville villago (in Greene nnd Hanover).


Amlover townsliip .................. .. Ashtalntl11 tWJl., incl. Ashtnbnln vill..

Ashtabula villap:!l .................. . AnstinlJtn·,gtownship ............... . Chcny Vnlhiy township ............. . Colebrook township .................. . Gonucnut tW]J .. tntl. Connennt village.

Conneaut Tillu.g.c .... .... ~·• .. ...... ~.

1,032 3, 814

1, 1"4 342

2,287 218 476


1, 270 1, 486

3J5 880 846

J, 102 1,693

314 141

4, 038 3, OM 1,448 1,492

726 795 715

2, 209 1,497

1, 166 5. 522 4,44:1 1, 208

608 956

2, tl·l7 ! 1, 25'1·

I, 016 1, 667

1, 108 . 39! 1, 818

""i,"832" In 1870, inchuling all of Louilunville.

""i;4ii9' 701 781

1, 240 lJ £i61


"'4,"ti29' 2,601 1,485 1,452

758 . 825

7fi7 2, 687

811 In 1870, repo_rted in Hnn. over.

921 3,30.j. 1, 090 1, 111

12a 800

3,010 l,1Ga

Page 54: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.




Denmark townBhip .••••••.••••••••••. IJ1.11'Jo1kt tOWUl'ihip - ........... • • • ......... . Gt:m1va twp., im:l. Gt·nr~va village ....... .

C't'llt''·a.village .......................... . Ila1·1wr•fi•·l1l tmnrnhip .............. .. lllnt'nGr1r(·c t.nvnslu11 .............. . J 1·tli·r~un twp .. ind. J dfersou village ..

Jt·ih·rson villa:re ........................ . Kiu;,:.ville t-0wuHhip ................ .. J.A·D1JX.tltWD!;}Jip ............................... . Monrol~ toww':lhip .......................... . Mt.1rJ.!~Hl twp., ind. Ituek Cre(!k village.

Uu1:kC1·t·t·k vilb;::c ...................... .. Ntl\ L,:unetowm1hip ....................... . lJrwdl township ................... .. Pjt:t·1H>nt tff'liVW:~liip ............................ .. l'lynumtlJ townslJip ......................... . ~Utllru1mrl tuwnBhip .............................. . ]lu1!1" t•JlVlJt,bip ..................... ., fi:J.yl1rook tbwnship .............................. .. Hbd!iP!rl tovrnobip .................. .. '.J:ruwlmll tuwnship ................. .. V\'"~n·n~: towu1-1ltip ............................... .. \Villiam~fidtl tf>WUohip ............. . Wintl>;Or towDHhip .................. ..


-~ 1"1nmler trrwn•hi11 ................ .. ..A.tu·n tuwnri,l1ip ................................. . Athi·n~ tm~·.nkhip1 incl . .Atlu:nH village.

J~:;;,~·;;;;~n:\~\~g;'. :: : : : :: : : : : : : : : :: :: : :. tuw1rnhip ................................... . l'art!rnge Hrwnship ............................... .. lJow-r townRhip ..................... . L<1• tow1rnh_ifl, incl Albany '·illage. _.

Ap.iany vil_lage .................... .. Lotl1 rown•lnp ...................... .. I~vmt: tuwnMhin ........................................ . Trimh1" tff•vn~bip. . .. . .. . .. . . .. •••• Tr~,,- ti1~1:1Hh_ir•1 incl. Coolvilfo villa~8 ..

!Attilnlh! v1llaq~ ............................. . >\ :th·rk~• to,msln[>. ....... ~ .......... . York t.,p,, ind. Nclsonvill~ vilhwo Nt~ltWuvilh: village .................... : .. :::


f1ay towtt•ltip ....................... . 1Ju,t~wu•1w't twp .. incl. the foll. vllls ..

Cndt·radlfo Y1lfage._ .................. . Wapnktmern villa)(u •••.••..••••....

G•·rrIJan twp., iud. New Bremen vill .. !\f·W Bn•mt:n villa()'~ ...

GtJ~hentownship ... ~ .: . ~- :::::::::::: Jaekil<!ll twp., inel Miuiswr villa"c; .••

lh111Rter villru,se ...••..• ~. --· .•• ~ .... . tfµ;.m tffWli~lJ.jih ... ··-··••••••••• ........ . ,, o

1u1lton t<1wns i11 .................. ..

.no 1 etow1rnLi11 ........................ . i:n.!iibt-ta towntthip ....................... . l;amt ~a1:v's twp., incl Saint Mary's

"V1lla~e. ~~aint .Mu~ .. ~ village u•··-····-· .. ... ~ !'lU 10WDHbl]L ...... ,.,. ..................... ~ Umon townHhip ....... . ":w1hin~ton !UWDSbip .• :::::::::::::: \\ an1etWJ1., mcl. Wavnesftelrl villnue

Waync•licld village .............. ~.:

1880. 1870.

697 61:!

3, lG7 J, 9U3 1, 116

708 1, 9J2 I, 008 1, 621

820 1,459 1,223

558 893 973

1, 046 uo

1, 011 608

1, :J84 GRS 9GU 835 074 904

], 423 l,H92 4, nt7 ~,457 l, 1173 1,499 l, 3U8 1, 736 1, 086

409 1,550 2, 207 1, 3fl7 1, 8fJ8

3t3 1, 957 n,4as 3, UU5

1, 346 4, 971

260 '2, 705 2,2:m 1, J(;D

7UU 1, 991 ], 123 l,20G 1, 4:l6 1,303 l, 450 3, 147

l, 745 1, lGO l, 590 1, 515 1, 288


1,499 1, 705

31!4 2,208 2,028 1,970 s, srn 2,395 3,819

10,402 8,0'.:m 1,2:11 2,027 1,m;:1 1, F82 1,332 4, 361

1, 128 l, 977 2, 241 1,ll~O

4:14 4,531 2,435 1,oJ'J 1, 719 1,349 1,420 I

54-1 3i2

2, 298 1, ouu 1.1~0

'799 1, 712

869 1, 758

752 1,419 1, 083

491 7US 936 990 G57 883 009

1,421 770

l, 084 817 802 Sil

l,iill l,22G 3, 277 1, GOO 1,014 1, 543 1,272 1, 097 1, 140

480 1 551 1: 972 1 37U 1: 8:10

334 1, 695 2, 652 1,080

1, 005 3,0f.i9

Jll7 2, mo l, 7GO

528 5:!4

11502 HG~ 900

1, 2<12 1,159 1,290

. 2,420

1,370 877

1,462 840


1, 308 1,484

200 2, 163 1, 711'2 1,850 Ii, 211 1, 178

'"o;aiii. 4,033

• ",j," i7ci.

1,om; 1, 777 2,042 1, 684

42:1 4,UO!I 2,063 l,367 1, 700 l ''40 1:5us

TABLE III.-OHIO-Oontinued.



Byr<l township ...................... . Clarke township .................... .. Eagle township ..................... . Jo'runklin township .................. . Green twp., incl. Monot Omli hamlet ..

:Mount Orn!J hamlet...... . ........ . Huntington twf'" incl. A!Jcrcleen vill..

..A.lmr<leen vil ago ........................ . Jackson township ................... . J offerson twp., incl. Russellville vii! ..

Russellville village ............... .. Lowis twp., incl. Higginsport villttge .•

Higginsport village ............... .. Perry twp., incl. Fayetteville vi!h1go ..

Fayetteville village; ............... . Pike township ...................... . Pleaaanttwp.,ind, Georgetown village

Georgetown village, ............... . Scott township ..................... .. Sterling township ................. .. Uuipn tOW!Jship, incl. Riploy vlllnge •.

Ripley vrllago ................... .. Washington township ............... .


FaMlol<l twp., incl. IIamilton city .••. Hamilton city ..................... .

\V1mll ......................... .. " 2 ................................... .

3 ......................... .. 4 .......................... .

Hanover township .•.•••...•.•.•...••• Leu~ou twp., inc.I. :Micl<llctown villago.

.MHlclletown vr,llitge ............... .. faherty townslnp ...... .... : . ...... .. Mntlison township . . .. . . . ........... . Miltiml twp., incl. Somerville village ..

Somervillo village ................. . Morgun township .......................... . Oxfo1:cl 1ow!1sbip, incl. Oxforcl villngo.,

Oxford v1llntJO ......................... _ ........ . Reily township ................... : ... Ross township ...................... .. Saint Clnir towns!iip............. . .. . Union twp., incl. tho following villa ...

Port Union vill~go .... .' ........... . West Clrnstor vrlltLge .............. .

WlL.rne twp., incl. tho followin ~ villa. Jaeksonlmrg villngo ........ "'. ...... . Seven.Mile village ...................... .


Angnsta township ................... . Drown townHhip ... ; ................. . Centre twp., incl. Carrollton village .. .

Carrollton village .................. . ~ast township ...................... .. 1! ox ~ownship ....................... . Harrison township ................... . Lee township ....................... . Lumlon township; ................................... . :Monroe township........ . . . .. . . .... . Ornngo twp., incl. Lees burgh vilh1go .. p L"esburgh vlllago ................ .. Rerry township .................... ..

lJo~e towuslri1i. ..................... .. mon_ t.owrJRhip .................... ..

Washmgton township ....... : ...... ..


tdams township ................... ..

Gcmcord townshif. ................... . oshen t"!P., inc. l\fechanicshnrgyill. Mc~homcsbtn·g vill11go ................ .

Hii;r1·1~on ~wp., .incl. Sptiughills village J~~,~~if~~~n~]}jngc .............. .. Jolmson towns!/ ................... .

¥all Hivcr ~own~11ii} ~ ::::::::: :::::: :: l.t1sh twp., rn_cl. the following villages.

North Lewrnbnrp; villa go .•••••..••• ·w out1stock villa"e

Salem township .. ~.::::::--::::--··-­Uuion t.wp., incl. :Mutual villan-e • • · · ·'

Mutual village ................. ~- ........ .. Urbanct townsliip, incl. Urbana cit"y: :: WU1·bam1ctt.v .................. : .. ..

nyue township .................... .


Bethel twp., incl. the followino-villa~es Donnelsville village ....... :; ••• -~ .. N llW Carlisle vllla~e ..

Germ au townshi " •• .. • · ........ Greene twp., incl 1it: "ciicii:fto~ viii~~~.

Clifton village (part of) ......... -~ ..

I Harmony townshi.v ..... M11diso!1 twp., incl South "(jJi~~.j~~t~~

villnge South Charlcstou village .......... ..

1sso. 1s70.

1, 209 1, 701 1, 2·10 l, 1U5 1, 1116

242 a, ~~g

003 1, HOO

478 3, 188

762 2,808

890 1, 330 2, 040 3,2!)3 1, 22·1 1, 0112 5, 770 2 5'10 1: 200

H,602 12, 122

2, 0'10 a, 2Bl 3,6'17 2,0H 1, an2 o, 775 4,5:18 1, 458 2, Gri5 1, 881

:170 1, 884 a,OM 1, 7,Ja 1,400 1, 003 1, 252 2, 103

7U 281

1, 728 108 ~51

l, 120 2, 30r. 11 fiUO l, JaO

808 1, 27G 1, 075

0:13 005

l, 28:1 1, 1127

408 1, 040 l, 105

08-1 7GO

1. 445 1, 157 2, 007 1, 522

on 151

1, 901 2,470 1, 097 2, mo

mm R8B

2, 108 1, il88

189 7, 781 6, 2f12 1, 031

3, 131 lO·i 818

2, 100 l,[)24

21 1, 846 2, 306


1, 251 1, 091 l, 100 1, 225 1, 400

··3;020· 871 OOG

1, 207 ario

2, 817 riao

a, Olli 307

1, :n4. 2, OOG 1, 0:17 1, 070 1, B!l4 5, uoo 21 a: . .m 1, 082

lB 1 512 11, 081

. "i." 400. Ci, 243 3, 0·16 l, 4,ia !\4ti0 1, 828

B8!l 1, 807 B, 050 1, 7:18 1, 012 ]I 705 1, 187 ~1 01a

l1 015 2, 02~ 1, :.!27

Hl:I 827

1, 110 1, 02·1

001 8:11 o:n

1, 2117

Oll2 l, lOO

001) 7•10

1, 238 1, 035 1, Ull5

g,JO OJ•I 172

1, 8:11 2, 207 1, 803 1, 780


--i;sa:r 1, 000

0, 103 4, 270 1,.720

a, osa

1, 018 1,404

""i;82i" 1, 965



Page 55: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.




Mncl River township, incl. Enon vi!l.. Enon villn.gc ........ ................... .

Moorellel<l township ................. . l'ike township ...... ; ............... .. Pl!lns11nt township, incl. C11tnwb11 vill.

Cntawbn. . ..................... . Sp1-in.gllclcl tw11., incl. Springfield city.

SJ1rmg-flohl ctty ................... .. IV11rcl 1. ........................ ..

" 2 ................................ . 3 .......................... . •! ......................... . 5 .......................... . 0 .......................... . 7 .......................... . 8 .......................... . 0 ........................ .

Clifton vill11go {in Grneno twp., Clarke co., arnl in Mi11mi twp., Greeno county).

O!.BllMONT. I TI1tt1wi1t township, incl. Botavi11 village

Jlittavitt villng" .................. . Jrmnlrlin townshi11, incl. l!'clicity viii..

!i'ulleity villn~e . .............. .' ......... . Goshen townslnl1 ................... .. Jackson tow1rnh p ................... . llilimui tow1rnhip1 incl. the following

Yilln·~l'S: Lovl•lnIHl vilfoge .......................... . Miamivillti village ................. .

Monroe towrn~hil' ...... ............... . Ohiotownship, iucl. NowRichmoml vill

NL1Wlticbmoml \rlllago ............... . l'foron township .................... .. Storni Lick township, incl. Boston vii!.

Boston villttl(o ........ _, ...... .. T1tt.n township, incl. Bethel village .••.

Ilothl'! villnlljo ...................... . Uulo•n tow11sli1p ................... .. 'Vnshlnirt on township, incl. tlie fol·

lowing villages: Moscow \'ilhgo .................... . Novlllo villnge .................... ..

Wnvno townsliip ................... .. 'V!l)inmsb11rgtownship,incl.,Willi1tma·

hmg·villago. 'Villi!tmslmrg village .............. .


Atlnms township ..................... . •· Clwstor townsliip ................... ..

O!nrlrn t WJl., incl. Martiusvillo village. ~I.lrtinsyilJc vi1111go .. • .. .... - ...

Gr<1"n township, iucl. NowVionn11vlll. Now Vimnut village .............. _ ..

,folforsou 1ownshi11 ............... .. Libert.I' township, incl. Port Williams

\'ill\l~O. Port Willimns village ..... , .........

Mal'lon township, hrnl. llhtuchestorvill. Jllnuehestm· villngo .............. ..

Rlchlnrnl township, incl. S1tbi11a village Sahirntvillaµ:o , ......... _ ......... .

Un'on township, incl. \Vilmlngton viii. Wilmington village ............... ..

Vm·1Hm to~vnsh~p, incl. Clnrksvillevill. Olltrksv1llo v1llll!(C ................ ..

'l'nshington to;vnshlp .............. .. '\Y!t\'nt> townslu)l ................... .. 'Wilson township ................... ..


lluUor township .................. .. Cmitrot.ownship, incl. Now Lis hon vill.

N"ow Lisbon village ................ . Elkl'lln townshi11 ................... .. l!'itirilt1hl twp., incl. Columbi11na. villa.go[

Colnmbinnavillage ................ . Ji'I'llnklln towuship ................... . II1>noy01• tmvMhip, incl. Ifanover vlll. ·

.Jinnovcr vilJngu ... -............... - - -Knox townslup .............. c ....... .

Livor1rnol township, incl. East Livor­pool villitge.

Enst, Livo1•pool vilhtge ............ .. M1ulison t:ow1rnhip ................. .. Mi<lclltiton township ................ .. Perry townshi[l, incl. Salem villitge .. .

Snimn'vl111>go ...................... . S11int Clnil' tow1mhlp ................ .. Salmn to;vns)1ip1 incl. Lcotoni11 village. I

Leutm11<L v1ll:1go .............. ·.· .. Unit,y twp., iucl..Enst Palestino v1llal(e

Bnst I>nlostine village . - - ...... - ... . '\V1tshln<rto11 townehip, incl. Sallno­

villo Yillngo. Sitlinovlllo vill<Lgo ................ ..

'\Y•trno township .................. . West twp., ilrnl. B<Lst.Rochcstervlllagel

East Ho<!hcster village ............. •.

lSSO. 187'0,

1, 812 362

1 345 1: 758 1, 581

250 24 455 20: 730 2, 211 2, 100 2, 005 l, 306 2, 067 s, 308 2, 000 1, 351 1, 706


3, 687 1, 015 3, 402 1, 047 1, 008 1, 761 4, 340

595 211

2, 101 3, 531 2, 545 1, 084 1, 871

307 2, 754

582 1, 002 2, 876

510 445

2, 104 2, 330

70;) I

921 1, 443 2, 006

355 2, 758

707 1,448 1, as2

181 1, 056

776 2, 338

757 5, 051 2, 745 1, 552

307 1, 204 l, 448 1, 159

1, 500 3, 710 2 0''8 i: 457 3, 178 1, 223

809 2, 258

443 2, 240 0, 229

5, 568 1, 144 1, 590 4, 808 4, 041 l, 186 5, 1'12 2 552 a:m 1, 047 a,102

2, 302 848

2, 050 150

1, 873

.. i; 208' 1, 582 1, 553

318 15, 540 12, 052

3, 334 827

3, 208 055

1, 876 1, 058 3,401

.. 2;oas· 3, 381 2, 510 1, 773 1, 880

"2,'678' 634

1 9"0 2;8i8

443 422

l, 000 2, 383


883 1, 173 1, 877

264 2,492

573 l, 445 1, 184

184 1, 502

513 1, 854

"4; 221· 2, 023 1, 513

380 1, 250 1, 267 1, 157

1, 5ii8 2, sm l, 569 1, 335 2, 652

870 806

2, 310 481

2, 151 2, 907

2, 105 1, 202 1, 327 4, 388 3, 700 1, 150 3, 199 1, 200 2, 286

2, 228

1, 429 76U

1, 985




Yellow Creek township, incl. Wells-ville village. -

Wellsville village ................. ..


.A.dams township ..................... . Bedford township ................... .. Bethlehem township ................ .. Clarke township ..................... ' Crawforcl township ................. .. Franklin township .................. .. Jackson township ................. - .. Jefferson township ................. .. Keene township .................... .. Lafayette township ................. . Linton township, incl. Plainfield vill ..

Plainfield village ........... ·-· .... .. Mill Creek township ................ .. Monroe township .................... . Now Castle township ............ -. ... . Oxford township .................... .. Perry township ..................... .. Pike township ....................... . Tiverton township ................... . Tuscarawas township, incl. Coshocton

village. Coshocton village ................. ..

Viririnia townsllip ........................ . 1Vn'Rhinirton tow1rnl1ip ................. . White Eyes twp., incl .A.vondalovill ..

.A.vontlale village .................. ..


Auburn township .................... . Bucyrus township, incl. Bucyrus vill ..

Bucyrus village .................. -- ........ -Chatll'elil township .................. . Cranberry township, incl.Now '\Vnsh­

ington village. New Wnshin~ton village .......... .

Dullua township ..................... . Holmes township ................... .. Jackson township,"incl. Crestline vill.

Crestline villag-e ........... ............... . Jefferson township, incl. Leesville

Cross-Roads village. Leesville Cross·Roacls village ...... .

Lilierty township ................... .. Lykins township .... .. .. ........... . I'olk township, incl. Galion city ...... .

Gnlion city ....................... . Sanclnsky township ................. .. Texas to"wnshi11 ...................... . •rorl township .......... - ........... .. VPrnon township .................... . Whetstone township ............... ..


Ileclforcl township, incl. Boclforcl village Bcdfurtl vllla~o . -. ................. ..

Brecksville townsiup ............ , ... . ' Brooklyn township, mcL the following · ,;illa1res:

Brookln'f village .................. .. West Ulevefan<l villnge ........... ..

Chaarin Fulls township, incl. Chagrin

is•t·"· 81 ons I


1,246 921 836

1, 041 1,431 1, 053. 1,969 l, 143

839 1, 018 1, 918

300 020

1, 003 885

1,201 DOI 720 940

4, 082

3,0-11 1, 180

7t9 960 83

1, 170 51 (173 a, 835 1, 2G6 1,824

075 500

11 660 3, 210 2, 848 1, 224

213 1, 670 11 225 o, 518 0, G35

658 587

1, 090 1, 038 1, 840

1, 787 7U6

J, 093 4, 433 '

l, 295 1, 781 1, 502

3, 088


l, 113 918 850 867

1, 245 9i2

1, 767 1,059

7B7 920


686 83~

1, 005 1, 140

932 773 804

2, 'i'~5

1, 754 1,014

768 9~3

910 4, 184 3,066 l, 247 1, 281

273 370

1, 572 4,021 2, 2ill

1, 597 1, 140 4, 309 3,m

566 l, 15U

088 l, 490

1, 788 828

1, 007 a, 712


1,321 " Falls vi1lage.

Chagrin Fnlls village .. .. .. .. .. .. • .. 1, 211 1, 016 Cleveland city an<l Clovelancl town: 160, 140 92, 829

ship {coextensive).

W~rcl ~ :::: :::::::::::: ::::::::::::: ~'. ~~~ 3 .......................... - .. 3,010 4.c ........................... 11,412 5 ......................................... ll, 521 6 ............................. 20,142 7 ............................. 10,442

i ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~:~~

!: ~ ;·:::;:::.:::::·:·:_ .. :::::: lt m I :·:·::: :: ~~ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ii: ii~~ i::::::::

Dover township .. . . •. . . •. . ..... .... . 1, 784 l, ~5 Enst Cleveland township, incl. the fol. 3, 6731 5, OoO

lowing villages: East Olevclancl \'illage .. _..... ...... 2, 876 ....... . GirnYille vilJaae . .. . .. . • .. .. .. .. .. • . 797 .. • ... • ·

Enclicl township7 incl. Euclid village.. 2, 7i0 1 2. 188 Euclicl village....... ............ ... 699 ........ I

Inclepemlence township, incl. Incle· 1, 093 1, 701 pentleuce village. "

Im{ependcnco ;illage ..... .... ...... 20. f""8ii2'f

I M:wficltl lownsh1p..... ... . ... •• . ... .. 870 1 ·

I' Micicllebnr)l;h twp., incl. Berea village. i 4, 053 I 31,, ~6282 Berea village ..................... ··I 1, 682 I


In 1872, pt. to Jefferson.

Inl872, fr. pt. of Jack.eon.

In 18i8, ch.1rterecl ns a.· fcity.

Page 56: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.


TAnLE III.-OHIO-Oontinned.

Mixon crvrL n_1_v_n,_·r_o_x_s. __ 1

)_1_s_s_o. I 1s1'0. ___ n_E_:M_a_n_Ks_. _____ MIN_'_o_n_c_r_v_1_L_n_r_v_1_s_ro_N_'s_. __ 1

_1_s_s_o_. 1s70.


Nt•whurgh townflhip ..•..•.•••••.••••• OlmotMI tw\•·· ind.• H1mte<I 1''alls yH( . Ulm~tdl }aHH ''illage ...........•...

OrHU~t~ town~bip ..................... -1•~u1w1 tuw11nhip ...................... -·. l~{~'t.1101-t t11ww;hip .................... . l~o',ulwn tinvn~I.lip ........................ . _:.:.i1lnn tuwnl'hip ........................ . StbiU!.!svilh! towmfl1ip .•••••...•.•••••. Wundlb\'ille townoliip .••••• , ........ .


.AaamH t1rp., irwl. t11n following- vills .. }Hw!for•l Yilia~t· (liart uf) ........... . (it:ttyril1ur;.: villagu ...................... .

.\lku t'>'vrnsltip .................... .. Dn1wn t.o"-:n,,:;hIJt, incl Dallas ,-ilhge .. 1

ltJ1ll::.i1>1 nlht~•: ............................... . IlutJ..1· tuWIJHUip .................... .. l'r~nklin t<iwn•f1ip .................. .. (;1·rm~m tHWIJrdJip, incl. Pale8tine vill.

l)ul•:~tim: village ..• _ ...•. ~ ......... . Gn·•uvilk twp., i~cl. Greenvill~ Yill ••

(jrt:U.i\'ilfo yiJfa;:i:.e ..................... ··1 Ifl<rri•on twp., ind. Niow Matlisun \'ill.

Nt·w .lktfi))olJ -rilfa~e ................. . Ja•'.1:-~,1111 t~IJ·1ipd. U.llionCityvilla:,!e.

t'"uwn C1H· vd1a;.re ..................... . ~f!..,..;is"iirww·'a r:H_vr'llBhip ...................... ! ~!tur~tt:: tOWUl'!!Hp ................ - •• -- • -- - • Nt·:.t.Y~~ tuw11.&hip ................................ . l•urtaJ<On town~hip ...................

1 lUd1lanll tnwmihip ..................... . 'l'wiu t •;;p., iu.d. tlH.~ folluwing Yillngos)

.A?t.:a.num vdlagt:i ... * ...... ,. ................... . ltlmca •·lllagi; .................... .

Y!lJl 1~Ut't!ll tuil'fll;jliip ....................... . \h)lllMU tJJWnship .................. . \\:'1.l1in;i;tun tu~n~hip ............... . w """" town•blp, mcl. v1,rsaillea vill..

.. V1·r}.!uHks l:ilfuge .................... . 'l:vrk t'HHU1h1p .......................... ,

1Jr:ulfonl \'illage tin Adams twp., J

!Jark1,, ~o ._and in Ncwlmrry tWJ!., .Mialllt co.).


Ai!ama townRl1ip .................... . Jlt,tfauce townaliip, incl Defl•nce vill.

1 l 1biiance vi! ................... .

l~daw1m· township .................. . ''!nw,i:tmrnahlp .................... .

llid.:•nll<' tw11 ,mel. llkksville village' Ifaka,·ilh: ,-nia~e ................... j M' ~1::n1ulV1w!"Bhip ...................

1 ;<'.1',," t1'"'""'"P;··"'········.- ....... . ~.l IIJft tllWllK.btp ........................... . :N.!Jhh• tU\\"tud1ip ........................ h .... ..

~~l{1·!1bu.l tuwnohip .................. . ~t ~u ~1twusltip ....... __ ...................... .

'I a.Lmgt1>n tuwn;hip ............... .


~1;1·~~11ire townr1hip ........................ ~--J~1Jm lOWWdtiJJ ........... 0 .,.u ................ .

J~?'OlHl tm·rn~Mp ..... 0 ,. ... • .................. ..

Com·or1l tuwnshi1• .............................. .. iJdawari· twv .• ind.Delawaru city ... . l>w:~··7r en,-...................... .

t ~- ................................. . .. -- ............ ---....................... . i· ::::::::::::::::::::::::::

flt·Ur,':l t1nv;t~l1ij;" ....................... ,. ....... •

I!~rl''" t(JWll•liir;:·:::::::::::::::: ::: lift1!?mto11 tOWll~bip ......................... . Lil•· rt,>' tnwn,.Lip.. • • 2!.irll>brou~h town~i;i;:;: :::· •• · • • •• ···1 lffi1l'i!'t• t10l>HL'llihi ~ ................... ..

1 ixfo\ iJ i ""n•lli~ inci ·xaJ;i;):;.iiiiig. ~-· ..l.~:11ln· l"Jllarru .. .

l'1111.t!?" t£f\'V"IU:!lJi ' .. • ..................... " ...... • .... • l'.uilw1r t<twu"uf1i ·::::::······· .. ····· ;')fio·10 t,,~,n~riiI• iw:L oll£1~a'.'Dtl~~·,x1i ···

t ~.truwkl' "\"iUA("e · •• Tb1rt1p\'!l.'ri.l t·;Wtm'filP .......................... .. 1f r111r1.nto,,;·ll\ril,11i

1.. , ........................... .

Troy town~hij1 ••• :::::::::: :::::::::::

l, 013 1,817

404 783

1,444 2, ffi'U 1, 124

8G7 l, 029 1,409

6, 227 l, 570

38:J 812

l,4J2 2, 001 J, f/HU

899 896


2, 820 2, 201 5;m 21a 2J2 2~8

1, ~40 I 781 1, WJ11 I, 239

"42 221 1, 7:39 l, fi24 1, 871 l, 3H6 1, 809 1, 743

204 26! 6, 807 5, ll88 a,5ijU 21 a:w 2, 174 2, 007

514 4;J2 2,8'"l 2, 088 1, 127 702 1, GOG 798 1,400 1,226 1, 082 1, 093 1, 280 978 l, 2;,2 1, 10::". '> i~14 l, UU8 •• 77°8 450

128 150 1 51'' l, ~12 1: i35 ~24 1, 612 :I, 537 2, 702 1, ll83 1, 163 ' ...... .. l,000 707 l, ~73 409

1,509 G, 840 5, 907 1.505 1,302 2,Bi=-1 11212 1,226 I, 096 1,460

912 l, 427 11 fi!:!G 1,3:.!U

1, 6ii6 1, ae8 1, 178 1,478 ~.091 6,894 l,4B8 1, 270 1 ""18 1;ii60 l,>1!18 1, 045 1, 144

f.l(i2 1,481

360 1,227 ·l.266

483 92:;

1,209 1,007

:!till 8[J( 8WJ mi4

2.(142 l '" 0 J:V~R 1, !llll 1, ua~

8>8 2,3:12 "l»·m ··;for :

1,220 :J,615 2,750 1, mo 1,18! 1,287

946 595

1, GGG 807

1, 1114 1, ORO 1, om

1,330 1,330 1, 108 1,092 6,861 5, 641

·1:or.o· 1, 140

587 1, 3115

562 1,206 1, 250

41i! 8111

1,2:")5 1J542

.• iiiiii 907 FOO

1, 741 1,3.U

UHi 1,48.1

OD7 838

l, 6'.!2 ,, '>10 .. , 7;4

In 1873, incorporated.


Oxfortl township, i:O:cJ. North Monroe. ville village.

North Monroeville villttge ••••.•.... Perkins township. .. ............. .. Sandusky ci~.Y and Portland twp. (CO·

extensive). Ward 1 ............................ .

H 2 .................................. . a ............................ . 4 ............................ . 5 ........................... .

Vermillion twp., inul. Vermillion vill.. Vermillion village ................. .


.A.manila twp., illel. the following villa .A.mamlu village ............ • ........ New StraRhurg village ......•....••. Itoyalton vHlago .................... _.

Bel'JIC township, lnel. Sugar Grtlvovill Sugar Grove village .................

Bloom twp., incl. the following villa .. -Orecncastlo village . . . • . . . • .••..••. J" efr'erson village ................... Lithopolis villa;::o .................

Clear Creek twp., incl. tlio follow, villa. Oaklaml villngo ..................... Stoutsville vilhtge . .. .. • .. .......

Gretmflel<l t.wp., incl. the follow. vllls. Carroll village ..................... Dnmontville village .........••.•••. Gesselvillo villngo .................. Haveusport vil!ago .................

Hocking townshi11 .................... Lillerty tcwp., !nc!. tho following vills ..

Ilalt1more village .................. M Il'o'~il Yilll1l(0 ._ ......................

a111son township .................... P!easanttw:r, .. incl. Plensantvillo vill ..

P!ensnntv11lt> \'illage. • • . . ........ lticblnnd twp., incl. lhc followln"vills.

ltushvillo village ............ ~ ...... West Rushvillu villltgo.. . ......

Rush Creek twp., Incl. tho foll. phtces. Geneva villi;ge ................ ;. , ... Lancnstcr city ......................

Wa-rd !. ..........................

" E::::::::::::::::::::::::::: H .t~:::::::::::::::::::::::::

Violet t:JR., lt_icl, tho following villa ... Lockv1! ov1ll:tge ................... l'iclrnringt~n village .......... : ..... Waterloo vrllago ....................

Walnut twp., incl. Now Salem vllln"B Now Salem village ............... ~.:


Concord township •••••• : .... GJ>eene townslli}l : • ...... ... • ... .. • .. J"a~ier township ............. :.:::::: Jc crson twp., mcl. J"eiforaonville vill MJ"d!fm·sonville ~·i!lago ............... : Ma rlRon townalup ....................

r~in~~;~~n8~~1nio.illi1iiii>il1ii viii;io · p Bloominghn:g village •.•....... : .•. :

er'!Y townsl!iJl .................... ; . Umon twp., me!. Wnshln.,ton village W"\Vuahiugton village ...... °. ................ :

ayne township .....................


Blcntlon twp., incl. Westerville villa"c• W e:;tPr1·iHo yiJJ1vro • 0


Brown townshi. .• ~. • ·"" • ~ • • · · • · • · • · · Clinf,on (OW!IHh~ ... :::::::::::::::::· Columlms city :;ml Montgomery twp.




]'ranklin 'to»¥;;~1;iy:: · .............. · · · Ifomilton towr!slup .:::::::::::::::::: Ja';kson t.yp., l_ncl. GroYc Cityvillngo

Grove C1fv YI!la~c J"efl'eraon township.:::::::·::::::::::

1, 231

121 l, 8i8

15, 8B8

3, 314 8, 008 a, am a, 354 2, 850 1, 044 1, 060

l, 840 37r.

35 170

2, 025 2U2

2, 170 01 80

404 2, OHO

mo 3,10

2, o~o 288 17 VO 7V

2,412 a, 010

480 287

1, IJ87 2, 281

3H4 1, fi02

227 212

8, 005 2U

6, 80:1 1, 004 1, 4<10 l, 60!

810 1, 07!> 2, 107

lW lRH 202

2, 070 106

008 010

2, (172 2, D25

374 1, 405

071 2, 045

f>20 l,320 0, 175 a, 10s 1, 027

2,rnr. 1, 1·18

082 1, 7(;0

fil, G47

4,510 4,471 2, 010 a, so! 5, urn 2, 200 2, 807 3,8l!l

·4, 753 3, DOO 2, 032 5, 440

1, 288


.. i,'833' 721

1, li47

44 lli8

a, Or.6 254

2, 071 vu 70

301, 1, 743

152 100

1,!!44 187 10 ns 83

2, OOCi a, ooo

•!HO 220

l ')0'' 2;,327

"i,'ni7. 221 185

. ·4;725.

. ·2,'iiifr' Ull 105

85 2, 072


081 870

1,002 2, tm2

212 1, 300

743 l, 742

312 1,lM 4, 471 2,117 l,33G

1, 771 74'1 RlO

1, 800 31, 27·!

2,U7t ...... .. 2, 710 '. ..... .. a. s10 I 2, 020 1, 485' 1, 827 2, 002 / 1, 02a

JOO lof3 1, 288 I 1, 405


In 1873, p11rt to M:n1·1ou,


Page 57: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.


TABLE III.-OHIO-Oontinued.

\ iss; 1s,-o.-- REMAii:~. - -=r-=~=:=~~~1~-~~~~~~~----l~~s~.-i-1s~oJ ----··· -----·-----i ---------·------1 GitE•E"'E-cont1'nued, ----•i---1


1, ·------

FltANKLtN-contjnuell. ..,

Madison township, incl. tho following 3, 8ii3 3, 440 Spring Valley township, incl. Spring 1 5621 1 555 I villages: Valle.)' village. '

1 ' i

Groveport village................... 650 627 Spring Valley village . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . 370 200 I Canal Winchester village........... 8;,o 633. Sugar Creek township, incl. Bell- 1, 588 l, 482 \

M1trion township .•. . .. ...... ......... 2, 342 In1873, fro1npurtofMont- · brook village. MitllintmvuRhip ................. · ..... 1,845 "'"i;562" fgomery. Bellbrookvilla~e -·······-··r-----·- 425 3U9 Norwich townBhip, incl. Hilliar<! vi!l. 1, GOO 1, 032 I Xe!,~nship, incl. Xenia city..... 10, 381 8, 631

Billi1ml village..................... 400 {!82 Xewm0a1• 1<1at1·~.··.·.·.·.·.·. ·.·.·.·.:·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·. 7, 02G u, 377 j Perry township....................... 1, 489 1, 297 1, 104 .••...•. Plain twp., incl. New Albany village.. l, 270 1, 293 " 2 ....•.. · • ···•··•· ·•·•••. .•. 1, 166


.... ..... .


New Allrnny vi!lafio ............ .... 213 3 ...••...... ·•·••• ... . .•••• l, 647 .••.••• 1

1 Pleasantbtwp., incl. arrisburgvilfoge 2, I~~ 1, 81~~ 11

-4 ....••• ·············-···· •• 1, 813


........ . P;;iud~to~'Jsb°t~~~~::::: :: : : : :: : : : : : : 1 9'0 1, 304 Clifton ~ii1;j£0. ·«;~· "Ji{;~;;il. ·t,~p.:. 1

' ~i~ .. ""2i.:i ·1 In 1870.repor!Edi~ Miami Sharon t;vp., incl_. \Vorthington vill .. 1: 021 11 480 Greene co., and in Greene twp., I twp., Greeno co.

\Vo1·thmgton v1llago .. , . . . ..•• •. . ... 450 Clarke co.). ! Truro twp., incl. Roynoldslmrg vill.. . 1, 955 1, 800 I

Reynohlslmrg village............... 375 457 Gl.iEUNSEY. Washington township................ 1, 3~6 l, 334

FUL Adams township . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... . . . 806 1 7621 · TON. Cambridge twp., incl. Cambridge vill. 4, 605 I 3, 024

Amboy township..................... 1, 291 1, 089 Cambridge village - . •. •.. • .• .• • . . .•. 2, 883 2 193 Cl!esterfiel!l t~wnshi11 ..••.. ··: ... . .• . l, 011 026 Center township.··•·················· l, 233 I 1: 0161 Clinton t'~l' .. me!. \Vauseon nll!tge . . 3, 725 .3, 235 J"ackson townshiJ.> · · · · .... ··· ... · ·· ·· · 1, 140 867

Wauseon villiige............ .••..... 1, 905 1, 474 J"efferson township •.......... •....... 931 904 Do . tow sh'p 1 0, 8 030 Knox township....................... 904 810 1'

1 or · n l • • - • • • · • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • " · Liberty township . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • • . . . . 1, 503 l 163 I ]'rankliu township.................... 1, 207 099 Lo lo 1 tow ship l 300 l' 313 Fulton tmvnship ...................... l 559 1,H28 Ill ll'-OITY n ............... · 1 - ,.

Ge t · I .• "b 11 ·11 2', 989 o 4- 0 l\Imlisou township • . . . . • . • • • • . . . . . . . . . 1, 100 l, 170 I rman wp., me · =rcu a < v1 c1go. · ~, 1 Jllillwoocltownship, incl. the following 1, 984 l, 524 I

Archbald village .... -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 035 a73 vlll cs Gorham tow1iship, incl. Fayettu vill.. 2, 027 1, 055 ag · :

Fayette villngo . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 579 ~uak11~ Uit:y villngo ................ · 1 594 . _ ••.••. 1 p·1 t hi 990 87g • Salesv11lo village.................... 266 172 I

irn .owns P-······················· llfonroetownsliip ..................... 1 1,080 1,01_8 I ~oyalt~n township.,.················· 1, 09G 871 Oxf01·d township, incl. Fnirview· vill .. l, 01.5 1, 709 Swan Creek townslup . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . l, 528 1, too Fair . 'Un n 1"' 3"7 I York township, incl. Delta vi!lago . . . . 2, 572 2, 209 · vrnw vi gu · · · · · · · · · · · - · - · • • • · · "" '

D It 'll 8'9 7r.3 I lli~hlancl ~wp., ,Incl. Senecaville vill •• 1, 4:m l, 40_4 e av1 age........................ 0 0 Senecav1llov11lagc ........... _...... 402 316 GALLIA. Spencer tw11., incl. Cumberland viii . . 1, 5!i2 1, 3fi9

Cumherlau<1 village................. 519 310 .A<ldis?n township • . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . 1, 440 1, 340 Valley township...................... 009 834 Cheslnre townslnp... ... .. ... . . .. . . • . 2, 030 1, 895 \Vnsh

1ington township .......••.•...•. 742 712

Cl t · I Ch b b ·11 1 r. 07 1 400 West aml township................... 925 889 lly wp., me " .am ors nrg v1 age '" ' Wheoliug township................... l, 284 l, 090

Chambersburg village······-··· ·•· 202 ··:_.:_·~·.::·: 7-~:711-: 0·: __ .:I Wills t • sb'p 1'ncl W h'agtonv'll 1 8"" 1 670 Gallip~lis~w~ .. incl .. Gallipolis city... 5,227 · 1 • · as 1 1 · • uu •

Galhpohs city ...••......••......... 4,400 Washington villago •••....... _...... 600 554-W:ml 1...... .... ......... ..... ... l, 104

" 2.. .•. • .•.. .. . .....•• •••.••• 1, 001 llAUILTON, 3 .....•.....••......••.•.... 1,270 4 ......•.. ··············•·•· 875

Green township . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 532 Grcenfio1<1 township .......... __ . ... . . 1, 200 Gnynn twp., Incl. Crown City village. 2, 2i7

Cr~\\'11 Uity vil~age .. _ - ...... -.. - . . . 248 Hurr1snn township.................... l, 426 Huntington township··-····-·----·-· 1, 7G8 Morgan township ...............•.•.•.


1, 405 Ohio township........................ 1,429 Perry township, incl. Patriot yi1111gc.. 1, 329

Patriot villago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Ra<·.coon township . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 1, 821 Springtlel!l towns!Jip . . . . . • • . • . . . . • . . . 1, 782 \Valunt township ........... :......... 1, 892


Auburn township .................... . Bainbridge township ........•.•.•.••.. Burton township ....•................ Chardon township, incl. Charclun vill .

Chardon village .................... . Chester township ..•..•••............. Claridon township .........••.....•... Hamhclen township .................. , Runtsburgh township ............... . M i<l<lleffol<l township ...........•..... Mont.ville township_..... . .......... . Munson township .............••..... Newbury township ................••. Parkman township ..............•••.. llussoll township ...................•. '.rhompson township .... .' ............ . Troy township ...•..........•.........

GllEEXE. Bath township, incl. tho following

villrvrcs: ~ Falrficl!l~Yillago ................... . Os horn village ..................... .

Beaver Creek township ........•...... Ccesnr Creek township ........... _ ... . Ceclul'Yillo twp .. incl. Cedm·villn vill ..

Ceclarvlllo villa go ................•.. J"efi'ersou township ................. . Miami township, incl. tho following

villai:es: Clifton village (part of) .•.........•. Yellow Springs village ............•.

NcwJaspertownship ·-··-··········· Ross township . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 8ilvcr Creek twp., including J"um<'s·

town villng<i. .J nme:.;town village ...... ........... .

19 p

780 083

1, 130 1, 702 l, 081

748 808 066 810 835 824 774 889 061 71:!

1,.021 901


3RO 650

2, 470 1, 174 2, 702 l, 181 l, 643 2, 733

280 1, 877 l, Ota 1, '135 2, 155


1, 577 l,386 1, 270

""i; 329" 1, 600 1, 403

9i8 1, 514

l, 700 1, 8~4 1, 732

783 000

l, U04 1, 772

RBi 727 !ltl1l 70i 824 732 70[) 7111 801 033 8115

1, O!J5 832

2, 684

897 631)

2, 281) 1,114 2, 361

753 1, 277 2,784

.•••.••• I 1, 435 1, 084 1, 076 l, 701

• ii32

In 1870, inelmling Clifton vi11agr.

nil of

Anderson twp., incl. :lfount \V11.shing- 4, 15i 4,077 ion viJ!cigc.

l\fouu1; Washington village........... 393 Cincinnati city nud Cincinnati tw11. ~255, 139

(coextonsive). 210, 230 Includes all of Cincin-

1 nati, am! parts of Mill

"\Vari! 1. ....................•••••... II 2 ........ •••••••· •••••'···•••••

3 ............................ . 4 .•••.•••••.•••••••••••••••••• 5 ........... - - . -....... - - ~ - - - -0 .....•. ··•···•••··• .••••..••. 7 ..•......•.. ·•···•····••· ••• 8 ······· ··········· ···-······ 9 ......•• - .••..•.....••• ~ ..••.

10 .......••. -·· •.•.... ·- •...•.• ll. ...... - .................... . 12 .......................... . rn ........ ··········· -··· .... . 14 ........... ; ..•...........•. 15 .... .• • •. ···•·· ....••.•• 16 ·······-··-················· 17. ········•··· ····•····· ..... . 18 .•.... ••••••·•·••· ..••...••• 10 ........................... . 20 . ...... ~--- .. -·· ... ·- .. - - .. ·-2l ········-················-·· 22 ............................. .

~i: :::::: :::::: :::::: :: :: :·:: ::~ 25. ·-·-·. ---·--·· .. ·--· - - ..... ..

Colerain township ... -.............. - . Colum)iln, t"'.Jl., ii!lll. Madisonville vill.

MnchsonYillo v1Jlnge ......••••... - • · Crosby township ......•••..... -... -· -Delhi twp., incl. thefollowiugYillages., IT~me l?ity yillage ..........•....• ·• Rn·c1·side village .............. - •• • ·

Green Lwp., incl. Westwoocl village ••. WestwoOll village ............•..•••.

Harrison twp., incl. part of Harrison villngn.

Ilarrisou village (part of) ....••..•• · Miami twp., incl. tho following vills ..

Cloves village .....•..•.....••• -. · · • North Bend village ...........•...•.

Mill Creek twp., incl. thu following '\"illages:

A vo!J(lale village. -............ · · · · · · Uolleae Ilill villa go ......... ~ .• - • · · Soint'Bernard villa.l(e .......... - · ·

Spencer t,ownship, incl. 'Linwoorl vi!L -Linwoncl villngA ........ -... - . - . · · · ·

I Creek, SpE--nc:er, and Storrs townohips.

12, 702 .•••• : •• O, 801 .: •.....

12, 488 12, 813 S,2i5 8, 017 91535 7, 108 9, 022

12. 205 11,491 10, 485 11, 732

D, 111 0, 119 9, 071 D, 398 0,408 9, 176 9, 433

12, 047 11, 888 12, 801 10, 351 51622 3 7l)?

v:ao6 1,274 l,043 4, 738

........ , ·-····-·i ::::::::1: ......... ···-····1 ··3;iJii9"•

--~·-~~~.I 2,514 2, 620

422 1, 268 4,851 ··4;356· 2J~~ ··-· 758" 1, 500 2, 317

830 412

11, 2sn

2, 552


740 •••••••· 1,0:?2 ····-··-

~~g l..~·-~~_I

Page 58: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.


986 2,eso I, O~u 1 57[1 1'. s:;o

l, 025 13U

1,474 364

1,261 1,286


1, 575 1, 3i7

--~~~] . j

" DO!} I 157

1, 469

•l, li9 J.304

],!!84 l, 380 n, 553 1 4, 073 4, 63:i I 3, 315 i,mm 1, 2og, l,101 J,011 J,2.J2 007 9~7 OU()

1, l5I l, 167 1, EGO 1, 336

417 31!1 014 ' 80[!

l g;5 I l 540 'uu1 j


780 1,045 1,(;79 I

. ( 3Da I 2s1" ~71 1 ........ 1

3,500 ........ .

I '

·1 I 2,42811, 250 i l,Ull ....... J 1, 610 1, 2:;9 t

l,~nl 1.~g~1 l, 030 92& ! l, 740 1, 2f>4 i

249 171 i 2, 1. 76 1, 412

llil7 ••••••••

3,~~~ ··2;308'! 1, 7GO •..•... J

1158 ••••••• .\ 576 1126 !)"~2 4i>1 982 671

1,449 900 5, 492 4, 002 :r, 940 2,61() 1,(1:14 ·••••••·

857 [ ...••... 1,24ll ; .••.•••. ~001 ....... .

1, 035 759 1, 16'!1 • 8fll 1,Wl · &83

342 f 27711

~-' dk~ i 726 i l,~'.!1 i J, 232 \

n.m 1

1 2J~! I 1,817 1,435 1,~16 i 1,um

Sfl2 [I 306 j l,gb1 .• ~ ' _1, ~~~! l, :m I 1, 227 l, 6:1.1 1· l, f47

414 3c•9 j 1,:m4 / 1,012. 1,075 1,1171 1,410 I 1, 202 ··

509 ·••·••••

TABLl~ III.-OHIO-Oontinued ..


Nottingham township .....•.••....... Rumle.I' township .................... . Short Creek twp., incl. Uanisvillo vi!!.

Hanisvillo villngo ........•......... Stock township ..............•........ Washington township ............... .


Bartlow t.wr,., incl. Deshlei• village ... . Deshler village ................... .

Damascus township ................. . Flat !lock township ................ . Freedom township .••••............... HatTison town•hip ................... . J,ib~rty tw:i;i., incl. f;ibcrty Center vill.

Liberty Uenter village ............ .. Marion iow1ml1ip ................... .. Monme township............ . .... . N apolcon twl/., incl. N 11pol"on vi!lngo

N11poleon v1lla:re ................... . Pleasant. township ................... . Ricbfiel<l township .................. . Ridgcvlllo township ................. . Washington township ..•......•...•.


Brush Creek township, incl. Sinkin« Springs Yillage. M

Sinking Hprings villup;e ............ . Clu.y township ....................... . Concol'll township . . . . • . . .• . • • . . . ..• Dmlson twp., incl. Lynchburg village

Lym:hlmrg vlllago ................. . Fairfield twJ.l:• incl. Leesbl1l'p; village.

Lee&bnrg v1llngo ................. . Hamer township .................... . .T•!cksoD township ................... . Ltberty twp., incl. Hill&boro' villn"o .•.

Bil!Hbom' village ........... :.-~ ... . Madison twp., incl. Grccnfielc! villalle

Grt"'nfiel<l village . . • . . • . . . • .. • ... Marshall tuwnshl1i . . .. . ........... . N c.w Market 1ownship .............. . Pamt twp., incl. N ~w l'etcr•lmrg vill

New l'eforsbnrg village .......... . Penn township ..................... . ij'li"u towuslup ..•...... ; ........... :

uinn towni;lnp ·····--·---·····--···· WP~hington township ...........••... White Q,1k towDship ......•....•....


Benton townshiJ! ...................... . Ffls township, mcl. Logan villngo •...

G ogan villa go ...................... .

0011 Ilopc township .... : •......•..•. Greeh townsllip ..................... . ~-rau~cl townslup.................. . . p arion townR!np ................... .

S e1.rtry township ..................... .

a Creek township ...........•.•..

~~~1\0o~~~~p ::···· .. ··············· Washington iJ'wnship :::::: ::::::::::


Berlin township ........... • ........ .. German town~hip ....... ----------·--· Hardy township, incl. Millcrsb11rn- vill

Mi!Jersbur" villarrc " Killbuck to,;'n · 0 • .. • • • • • • • • • • .. • •

Knox towns hi ship ..... ·••········· .. ·

I Mechanic towYi81;ip::::::::::::::::::. 1.fomo11 township ....•...............

I PPah.1t.totwnshlp ..................... ,

ra1rie ownsbip , Richlanrl town sh:·"··" · • • • • • · ·" • • · · • • · ;, ~ipley townslti11'.~.:::::::::::::::::::

ll H_~lt Creek township ................ . \, alnnt Creek towirnhip W'ushiug_ton townsl1ip .. :~::::::::::· ..


) i:rummn township ..................... . •1 <~l~rl;sil<'lc! township ................. · 11 I• a1rJlel1l townRl1ip · !!' l•'it<:hvill() t:wr , incl: Clint~U: ;;;iia~..;~:: · 1 Clhiton village ...••••••.. -~ •.. I Greenfl~liltown.hip .••••• . .... ·

I Grecnwieh twp., inr.1. Gre"nwich vill Greenwid1 vill:ip;c ••••••..••••.••• : ·

I Hai'thrnl towl_lshiJi. . . . . . . . . ..... . Lyme t~WPsb1p, incl. part of Tlollnvuc

"11lnJ!e. , Rcllevno vlllap;e (pnl't of) ........... .

I New Haven to~nship, incl. pt. of Ply.

mouth village. · Plymouth village (part of)., ••••.••.


964 1, 201 1, 831

318 713

. 1, 211

1, 064 71i2

1, 415 1, 701 l,235 1, a;2 1, 040

504 1, 202 1, 148 4, fi04 u, 0:12 1, 773

857 J, l!D l, 240

1, 051

107 1, •J.10 1, 285 1, 871

664 ~. •l70

018 1, 051

0'12 5, 381 fJ,234 a, uos 2, 104

Sil 1, 080 2,470

227 1, 507 1, 144 1, 453

044 1, 248

1, 628 5, 105 2, 000 I, 083 2, o;o l, 202 ), 420 J,DD5 1, 480 1,411 2, 272 1, 268

1, 378 1, 517 31 2!JO 1, 814 1, 8i5 1, 005 1, 271 1, Oi!4 1, 381 1, 402 1,403 1, 859 1,404 1,871 1, 410

1, 092 l, 042 11 359

822 177 900

1, 3i0 017 9.i4

2, 07;)

1,432 1, 207




!121 1, ms 1, 700

2U8 771

l, 008


.. i; i7o 1, 184

812 1, 2!l[i 1, 700

f>lll 01i8

3, fl:l<J 2, 018

800 aoo 704

1, 1'11

l, 001

200 1, B45 1, !J02 l, 710

17C 2, nou

fiG8 Ur.II !J05

Ii, 180 2,818 a. ~01 1, 712

8~1 l, 107 2,4rn

210 1,471 l, 02[) l, 455

1172 1, OM!

1, 448 3, 700 1, 8'l7

IJ80 11 fil3 1, B43 l, fiOl 1, 745 1, 17U l, 651 1, aou 1, 534

1, 007 1, 408 2, 857 1, 11{'7 1, 121

904 1, OCG

021 1, 212 1, 413 1, 242 l, 101 1, 250 1, 321 1, 285

080 1, 062 1, 382


... ·054· 881

O:i3 :i, aso

1, 210 l, 221

•••••••• 1


--~-· -·-"-'

In 1870, incl. nll of Bolio· vua.

Page 59: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.



usso. 1870.


New London twp., incl. New London 1, 76! villngo.

Now London village ..•......•...••. 1, 011 Norwnlk township, incl. Norwalk city. 7, 078

Norwalk city ....................... 5, 704 'Vnr<l 1. .......................... J s·>5

" 2 ........................... 1: oi2 3 ........................... 1, 1"0 4 ........................... J, 717

No1•wich township ..••.....••.•...... 1, 157 Pnrtt towrn1hip ....................... 1, 10'1 IUchmoml township ....•••...•••.... 1, 014 Itillgellclcl twp., incl. Monroeville vill. 2,mm

Monroeville village ..•....•••••..... 1, 221 Ilipley townshi~. . .................. J, 038 Sherman towns 1p ................... 1, 223 r.rownscn<l towm~hip ·-- - ·- --- . -- ---- -- 1, 40j Wakeman township .................. 1,450

Bullcnw villagu (in Lyme twp., 2, 109 Huron co., nml in York twp., Sun-1lnsky co.).

Plymouth village (in New Hiwrn 1, 145 twp., H!ll'mi co., and Pl~·mouth twp., R1cblantl co.).


Bloomfieltl township .................. 1, 507 Franklin township .................... 1, 502 Hamilton township .•••••.•.•••••••••. 810 tl nr.lrnon towushiI'I .... - .... - .. -- . - .... 1, 869 Jeifor•on township, incl. part of Oak 2, 443

nm village. O:tk Hill villngci (part of) .•..••..•••. 411

Liberty township ..................... 1, 784 Lick townshi!', inul. Jackson villngo •• 5, 213

Jackson vii ago ..................... 3, 021 Mnclison township, iucl. part of Onk 2, 113

Hill villago . Oak Hill villag11 (part of)...... . .... 235

Milton township, 'rnc!. '\\T ellstonvillage. 3, 404 '\Vollston village ••• ; ................ 952

Scioto township ...................... 1, 57q 'Vnshington township ................ 1, 403

Oak TI ill villa go (in Jefferson nml 040 llfndison).


Brush Creek to1V11ship................ 623 CrossUrccktownship, incl. Now .Ale.x· 1, 711

anclrln,vilingo. New Alexancltfa village ...... ••• ••. 175

Islnml ()reek township ..••..•......... , 2, 020 Knox tnwushtp .............. · .. · · · .. · 1 2, 011 Mount Pkusnnttownship, incl. Mount 1, 582

l'lensant villnge. Mount JlfonRnn t villa go .... - -. -.... .

l?osa tnwntildp. -- .................... . Salem township, incl. Richmoncl v!Jl .

Richmond village ............ - ..... . Saline township, incl. Irondale villngo.

003 74l

1, ~gr i 1 4"0 'aoo Ironclnlo vilhigo....... .,. .. .. .

Smitl~llohl t·WP:• incl. Sw:i~6t1l1l villugel 1, 8~7 v1llag~ .... •';;,".fl':'' ........

1 5.10

Sprm"J\el<l townslnp .•. ,. . .• . . ..... 8l7 Stoub~nville township, incl. Stouben· 1


13, 150 villo oit.y.

Stoulienville city .. . .. . . . .• . • • • • • •• 12, 003

w:T(" ~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~:::~::~~~~] nij 5................. ...... ...... 1,458

• 6 ........................... 1,321 \\Tm'l'Cll township..................... 1, 923 Wnvne twp., illCll. Bloomflohl village.. 1, 751

Blnomfieltl villn.g11 .. . . . . .. . . . .. . • . . 175 Wulls townsh!/i, incl. Lagrimgovillage. 1, t0

601 I..1agrungev1 lngo -----·····-··----·- u


llorlin towuRhip .............. - ...... . Brown town•hip ..................... . Entler township .................... · · Clay township, incl. Martinsburg vill.

mo 1, ~~~

1, 475

678 5, 752 4,498

'i, i72' 1, 297

880 2, 5:13 l, 34! 1, 089 l, 260 1,300 1.216 1, 219

1, 775 1, 065 1, 108 11 ua2 3, Ou~

l, 747 3, 746 2, 010 2, 174

· · 2," s72 1, 505 1, 133

007 I, 800

107 1, G~O 1. 801 I 1,504

5631 685

l, 7081' 405

l 0~2 '751

1, 701 515 826

10, 2U7

--~·-~~:.1 .. ··-·

~:::::::II ""i,"a37 1.m

1,4141 228

8871 l, 242

70[ 040

llfortinslmrg village ••.............. Clinton twp., incl. Mount Vemon cit.y.

926 mo o. 213 · · 5; aiio ·

5, 240 4, 876 1, 050

lllount Vernon city ................ .. Wnr<ll ........................... .

Ii 2 ....... , ------··-- ....... . II 3 ........ ··•••• •••··•· • •·•·••• II 4 ..... ••••••••• •••••• • •• •• • •• " 5 ....... ....... ······ ........ .

ColJco-o townRhip, incl. Gum bier viii .. Gn.~1\Jiervillugo .................... .

IIarrison township ......... -. ....... .. Rillhwtwp.,incl. thofollowingv!llagcs

Ccntcrl>urgvil1age .................. . Hilliar village ..................... ·

Uownr<1 township .................... . ,Jncli:son township ..... - ...... ·······-,Tefl'orann townsh:p ................. ..

635 060 013

1, 685 805 576 723

1, 14l 400

o~~ 1--··soti" 806 818 967 ' l,.ll0$ ~

1'ABLE III.-OHIO-Oo1itinueu.


In 1870, reportctl in Huron county.

MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1ssu. I 1s,-o. I UElL\.ltKS. I 1 1----------------1---;----1---------i KNOX-continuecl. 1 I

II Li)JeTt.V township .. ,.................. l, 0341\ o:m i Muldlebury township .. . .. . .. • . .. . .. 011 D~O I Milforcl township .. . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . ..




. 1, o9~09~ J,

Miller township .... . . . . .. .. . .. • . .. ••. _ Momoc township ................... 1, o:n 1, 087 : Morgan town,hip...... .•••.•. .. . 728 04;; 1

Morris township, incl. part of Freel- 833 1, SOU I . ericktown village.

Fredericktown villal(e (pn1t of).... 70 : ........ I Pike township . .. .. .. .. .• .. .. . . .. l, ;i,,7 i l, 301 I Pleasant townsltip .. . . • . • .• • . . . . .. .. • l, 0:12 i Fill Union tmvm;hip ...... ...... ... . .. . . .. 1, 'i~81 l, 017 , 'Varno township, incl. part of Fret!· 1, 6~1 l, U58 .


• In lfiiO, incl. all of Fred-" erfoktown village. J cricktmvu villa~e.

Fredericktown village (part of) Tm ........ 1 Fredericktown vilia~e (in Morris s:;o I ......... In 1870, reported in

aml Wayne). j Wayne.

LAKe. 1


Cnncor<l township .................. · 1 TU i97 : Kirt111111l township... . . . • . • - . . .. . • • . 08 ~ 1, 020 1

Leroy township ................. ·.... 7~2 811 I'

1!1ulis?n twr., incl. Mmlison village... 2 i .. 'O 2, 913 Ma<l1son village......... .. ......

1 '7~3 7fi7

:Mentor tOW!JShip, incl. Mentor villa;;". I 1 82! 1, 64i6 l\lrnton·1llagu . . ...... .. ... .. . '~Ill 410 I

Paint·BYillBtwp., incl. Pain~svillevill 5 Gin 4,995 Pairnavillovillngn .................. :1;nn 3,728

Pl•rrvtuwnship ............ . ....... J131G 1,!?tJR "rinOughl•.v twp., incl. \Villougllby 21 524 21 510

Yillago. WillouglilJy village ............ .


Ail1 township ..................... .. lh·catur township ...........•........

• i Eliza\rnth township .................. . Favettn township ............... . IIa'rnUton township1 incl. Hanging

ltock vill•µo. Hrmging Hock v_illaAC- .. ........... .

LawrPnco townslnp ................. .. Mnt~Oll township . '. -· - ... o• ...... --

l'orry township .•.........•..•.... Homo twp., incl Millersport village ..

1.tillt!rspmt village ...••......•...... SvmmP!i towuAhip ------ ........... . Union twp .. incl. P1octorvillu villngc ..

llroctorville village....... . . .. . Upper tOWJ!ship, ind. Ironton l'it.y ... .

Ironton city ................... , .. . Wnt1ll ......................... ..

II 2 ·••••• ··••· • •••· ······•· " ~ .......................... . Ii 4 ..... ·····----- ·-···-··· " G •··••• ...................... .

j Washinl(tun towpsbip ..•.•..•. ~ ..••. JI 'Virnlsurtownslup .•••..•.....•..•.••.

; I,JCK!Nfl.

l;I Benningt~!n township.:- -.... - · .... . Howlhw G!"ecn townslup ........... .

I Bnrlin1~tont11wnship ·······-------···

I Etlen towuship .. .. .. .. .. .. . ....... .

I Etna tuwnsllip .......... - ...... ..

I l'.nllsln~rg towns~i1i. .............. . I li ran klm town sh tp . . . . . . ...... . I Gmuvillo twp .. incl. Gram·i!le village. jl GranvilleYilla;.(e ................... I .: Hnnovcr twp., incl. Tinnovcrvillagc . . . :

1 llanovrryil111go .................... .

II !Iarrison township ................ . I Hurtfm1l twp .. i11cl. llartforcl vilfagc ..

II Hn1·tfor1l villa;:~ ................... .

II Ilo111mell tuwnslnp ................. .. I Je1·sev tuwnship1 ind.Jersey villngo ..

!I Jeriie~·villuge .................... . 11 T,iberty township ............... .. i I.iickin:rtow:n;":lhip ............. ----··· i Limn.tuwnRlll}l ------······· ........ . I hlatli~on township ------------·-·· .. -

Man· Ann township .......... -. ..... . 1 JiicKl'an tuwushif........... .. ' ... .. 1 Mouruo t\Yp .. inc. Johnstown vHlag-e..

Johnstown villngo ................. . ~ewnrk tff'iYnship1 inel. Newark cit.y.

I\ Kcmtrkcity ....................... . , 'Vaull ........................ ..

Iii K ewt~~llJ~;I~~;: i~~~~ :~~~.~~: ~:J,~ii.: [I

. Saint Lonis:illc ... mago .......... .. ' Perrv townslnp ...... · • ...... · · .. ••• ·

Saint Albans township, incl. Alexan·, '[ <lr:ht villagp, 1

.A.Jexnnclri<L Y.illnge - - - . - - • . . .. - - . '. 1 Union tltWnijhip, incl Ilebronvillago . ., 1 Hellrou village ...... ····.-·-·-.--· ----i

I Washington twp., in!'!. Utwa v1llnge .. :

Utica. village. -- - ...... -- - . ---- ..... .

1, 001 867

11 G30 1,476 2, IJ43 1, 761 41 risn a, a57 2,308 2, 0~2 1, ms 1, los I O~! ·1

I, 788 ""i,'245" 2,0~1 1, 884 ~I ~17 2, 215 :!, fJl:! 2, 096

2:;0 1,099 99;; 2,4f:ill 1, 940

39,; 11, 663 7, 832

f{,857 5, 680 1. 778 1, 802 1, 000 11 GO~ 2, JOO 1,444 • 'i,"4-46 2,220 1, 043

~~~ 1.~~ I l, 1.7:1 1, 061

707 7~2 J, 160 1 204

O.'U 1

Rfi5 818 847

2, 114 2, 127 1,127 1,109 ], 2:!6 1, 165

3ll2 322 1, HeD l 242 1, 1641 1: Oi7

349 229 1, 062 I 1, 009 1, ~~~ 1 1, ~g~

752 837 1,2.;u &so 1, 803 l, 642

DcO 959 9.•1 so4 981 090

1, 339 1, 119 278 2-11

10, 6131 7, 617 o, 600 0, 698 2,2571 ...... .. 2. 5~9 ·-·· ... . 2, 399 ....... . 2,4-15 ;. ---- -1, a32 I 1, 283

215 ! 166 1. 03! ! 897 ], 187 i 1, 110

26!): 1.m! 1, 521 ;


3031 1,855 478

l ~52 'ii84

Page 60: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.


TABLE III.-OHIO-Uontiuued.

__ M_rn._'o_n_._c_r_v_r_L_n_1v_1_s_·1_o_N_s_._ 1sso. i 1s>to. ____ n_E_' M_A_R_rr_s_. ___ , __ ·_M_r_N_o_n_. _c_1v_rL_n_r_v_1_s1_o_N_s_. __ ,_•_s_s_o_. 1soro. -"'--R--E-M_a_n_rrs.


Blopmfield township··---------··--··· Boke's Creek twp., hie!. tlrnfoll. vills .••

l!idgewnyvlllage (part of} .•••. ____ _ West Mnnslleld village .... ------- __

lial'rison township---·--·- ..... ····- .. Jdferson twp., incl. Znnesfiekl villa go.

z~nesficld villn.go ••. --········ ·--··· Lake twp., ineL Bellefontaine vmago ..

Bellefontaine village. - -• --.••.• __ ••• ·wanl 1 ... ---·····-----·-·········

u 2 ··-·------·------------···· 3 ....... ---·---·-··-···-··-· 4 ............ -----------····

Liberty twp.,lucl. West Llhcrty vi!L. W~st Liberty villago ·-· ... -· -··· -­

McArthur twp .. incl. Ilnnts"l"Jllo vill. _ Huntsville villai:e --- -· .. -·- .. --· - -­

Minini twp., incl. the follow._vill:iges ... · De Graff villago .......... _. -····--Quine,\' villag!i ... : .•.••••. ·----·. --·

Monroe town•h1p ... _ .... - _ .....•..•.. Pm·ry township .•. ····-·--····-····--Pleasant townslup ................... . Richlnnrl twp., in<'l. Belle Centro viii ..

Belle Centrn vHhige . • . • . . . ....... . Rus!J Creek townslilp, incl. Rnshsyl-

vnnia vHlnge. _ nushs~·lvnnilL yj}[age ............. .

Stokes township .. .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . Union township ................ ·---· Washington township .............. . Zane twp, lncl. West Mill1Uolrnrg vii-

In i:-e. West Mi<l<llelmrgvilhgo ·········-· Ricl~eway villa~e (in Uokt~'s CrN•k

twp.~ Log~11 co., ontl in Hnle twp., Ifa1·drn co.).


Aml1ersttwp.,lne!.NorthAmherstdU· North Amherstvlllngo ---------····

A.van township ......•. ~.. . ----· Black :River twp., incl.Loruiu villago

Lol'ain villngo -···-··-------·-······ Brighton town3hip ...... ·--·-----·-·· Brownhelm township ....... ··--····-Cnnul~~n township ...... ---- ........ --()mlisl<J townshir.---· ·· · · -· • · -· --·-·· Columbia towns 1ip ... - ........ ··-·-·-Eaton townsh!Jl .. . . .. .. .. - ...... _ .. Elyria townslnp, incl. Ely1fa villngo ..

Ely1fa village .•..... -........ -- __ . Grafton township • __ •• _ •• ___ ........ . liemietta township._ .. ---·-···.-·-··· Huntington township .... - - .•...... _. La Gmngc tWl!·j inel. La Grange vill ..

La Graugev1l age-··---···--··---· Penfield township··-·-··--·······--·· l'ittsfielll township ··--· ···---····--· lU1lgm·llle township_ ..... ---·-·-----­Rocllcste1· township . . .. . .. .. .. • . . ltussia townohlp, Incl. Oberlin ,·illugo.

Oberlin vlllngo .•. - ...... - ...... .. Sbefllel<l township;, ____ -----··· ..... . Wellington twp., inr,l.Wellington vill

Wellington Yill11go •.• --. ···--· ......


Adamstownship -'····---·--·-··· Monclova townAhip . _ ...... _. . . . . ..... . Oregon township··--·· .. --·· ........ .

Provid!'nce township ....... ·-- ...... . Jtichlh•l<l townR!Jip ...... -----· ..... . Spencer townsl1ip....... . . . . . . . . .. .. Hpringficlcl towrrnhijJ ............•••. S\".'~;nfou township ......... ........... . Syh·nnin twp., incl. Sylvnnin ''illngo ..

Sylvania "l"illngu .................. . Toledo city ........ _ ................. .

Wanll ... _ .......... _ ......... ____ _

u 2 ----·----- .. ........ : .............. __ . 1, a ............................... --·····-· II 4 ................................. ,.. ll 5 """"""""""•••·••••·•···•·•··· " 6 ····--·----·--- .................. . II 7 ............................................. .

II 8 ............. """'""""""' •••••• 'Vnshington township ............ -·

Wnter-villo two., incl. 'V!Jifo Honse Yilla!l;u. ·

Whitc•Housevillago ... ---·-·· -·· Wnyncr.firl1t iwp., incl. l'loulh Tuleilo

or Mnnmce Cit:v Yi!lagc. South Toledo or Maumee City "l"ilL.

895 1, 017

0:1 333 9<8

1, 572 307

4, 640 S, 098 1,141

770 1, 044 1, 043 l,GGG

715 1, 570

429 2, 157

9G5 442

1, !JU3 1. 007 1, 123 1, 761

4!14 2, 2U5

445 l, 095

78J 886 n:rn

3 2W 1: 5~2 2,t1G7 !, 937

1, ~~~ J, 497

908 1, 329

911G 1, IGL 5, 048 4, 777 1,2il7

804 767

1,420 fill 735 U7G

1, coo 7BB

4,370 3, 24:J 1, 040 2,384 1, 811

1, 511 1, 031 2, 321

l, 164 1,070

080 705 t58

1,421 523

50, 137

6, 318

4,933 5, 4S2 5, 357 0, 400 4, 1117 7, 1~5

094 1, 634

282 3, 753 3, 182

1,624 741

J, 400 322

1, 768 624 320

l, i172 922 904

1, 401 ~70


310 673 7G3 812 879



1, 024 838

508 J,461

85S 1,210

892 1, 052 4, 07G 3,03B

000 027 834

1, 300

740 OeO

l,4i7 ODl

4, 207 2, 888

97:! l, 891 1, 281

050 833

1, 803

863 822 053 j 701 I 447

1, 400

31, 584

2, 112 11 ~o 7, 40G


..... .

1, ~~31 1, coo ,J.4 i--~·

2, 03U I 2, 045

1, 780 1, 779

Incluiles part of wnr<l 8, [Tolerlo city.

In 1873, pt. of Man!Jnttun annexed; incl. pnrt of ward 0, Toledo city.

In 1873, parts of AllamR, Urngon, nncl \Vashinp;­fon llTIIIPXPCl.

Iu Port Lawrcnca uncl Washington.

In Po!'t Lawrence, Do. Do. Do. l}o.

· [rence. In Orci:on and PortLaw­ln Port Law1Tnce mul

Wnf!hington. (rencc. In Adams nml Port Lnw­In 187R, pt. of l>fa11liattnn

r.nuexe<l; incl. parts of wards l and 7, 'l'ole1lo city. .


Cnnuan township········----· ........ . Darby twp., incl. Plain City village .. .

Plain City village .. - ................ . Deer Creelt township ................ . l•'nirficl<l township ......... - ........ .. Jl'fforson townHlup, Incl. West Jeffer-

son villttgB. West Jefferscm villngl~ ............. .

Monroe township ................... _ Oak Run township .• ---··------ ...... . Puint township .................. _:. Pike township ....... --·--·--- ....... . Pleasant township, incl. Mount Ster-

ling village. Mount "Sterling villngo ... _ ........ _

Rang" township, incl. Miilw11y·village. Jifiilwax village .................. ..

Soml\rford twp,. incl. Somerford village. Somerford viliago ............. ··-···

Stokes twp., incl. 8outh Solon village. Sun th Solon village ................ .

Uniou towns!Jip, incl. London village .. London villnge ....••. ·-····· ......


A.ustintowu township ....... .. BPnvcrtownship .... --·-··-······--Berlin township ........... _ .•... ____ • lloardman tow11shi11, incl. part of Po-

'lnml village. Pol!rn1l villa1;1e (part of)._ •• -•.. _. _.

CanUelll twp., me!. Cunllcl<l villago ... . Can1l1·lll village ••••• ---··· ....... _

Coitsville township···-·-.·-·· ....... . Ellsworth to"·nsh!p ·-·------------'·· Gos!Jen township ... _ ............. ··-Grei•n tow11ship ···--- ---··· ......... . Jacl<son tr>w1rnhip ------------·····--· Miltou township·--···--···· ......... . l'olaud township, incl.11art of Polan<l

Yillng<'. , P_olnnd villn~e (part of) .... - .... ___ . Smith townHlnp , ... ··---·---······-­Springfid<l township ···-········--·-· Yuun~stmvn township, incl. Youn1r9.

town city. 0

Youngstown city·····--·--------·-· ·wnrd 1 ...... _ ........... ···----·

II 2 •••:•••••••• '• ••• •••••••••• " a------------·-············ II 4 •••••·•·••···•••••••••••••• 'I 5 •••••••• ••••• ••••••'•·• •• ... !

Polan<1 Yillagu (inBoarllmnn uni! l'o­lnnil).


Big Island township .............. ··-· Bowling Green township" ............ . Clarl<lon twp., incl. ()11lclionia Yillage ..

t:nlt~donia village ..................... . Grand towns!Jip ...... ····'····---·---Graml Prairie town•hip ........... . GrePn Camp townsllip, incl. Grct•n

Cnmp Yillnge. · GrPon Camp vilfage .......... .

Marion township, incl. Marion .,:illago .. 1\Inrion village .............. ____ .. ..

.hlontgonwr.v township, incl. the f'ol-)owing villngcli: -

I La Rnovi!lnge ...... - .... - ... -. New Bloomington villngo ---···· .••.

Pleasant township ..... ----·- ..... - •. Prospect township, incl. Prospect vill.

Prospectvillnge ---·····------···--· Richlurnl towns11ip ··-··-·----· .. -···· Salt Hock township ........ -·-·· .... . Scott towns!Jip ................. _ .... . 'rnlly township ..... _ .... _ ........... . Waldo townshlp, incl. Wnldo village ..

'Valdo Yillage ...................... .


Brunswick township ... ---·-·-········ Chatham township ·-·-------- ....... . Gl'anger tow11sblp .... - . • . • . ..... __ . Guilforcl t1yp., incl. Seville village ..•

SeYllle v1llagc .................... . llnnisville township ............... . Hinckley townshi}l ............. ·--·-Homer township ................ _ ... .. Ln Fayette town.hip .. -•........... - . Litchtlel<l township ......... __ .. LIYerpoul twp., incl. Liverpool ..-il!ago.

Liverpool vill:tge ..•.. - . - ......... _ · .. l\[Nlin'.' twJl \incf. part ot: Meclina vill.

Mi;<hna v1l age (pa1t of) ......... _ .. Mont'·.ille t:vp., incl. pt. o\' Medina vill

.llkdma v1lln)!.o (part of) .......... .. Sharon towuship ....... - ............ .. Spencer towushiJl·····---· .......... ..

896 1, 120

665 910

1, 653 2, 301

720 050 613

1,420 548


482 1, 884

284 958 323

l, 285 262

4, 443 3, 007

2, 502 2, 150

862 900

53 1, 528

650 1, 2BL

715 1,445 I, 794

048 088

2, 512

399 1, 941 2,474

21, 175

15,4Bfi 4, fi4G 5, 023 2, 914 1, 396 lJ 550


I, 226 1, 219 1, 771

:~~ 485

1, 362

:112 5, 151 3, 899 1, 71i5

614 271

1, 188 1, 724

uoo 1, 210

55L 553 878 907 248

043 1, 000 1, 008 1, 872

fi80 1, 382

062 803

11 1U5 853

1, 330 IDS

l, 849 1, OGO 1, 304

425 1, 195


729 988

823 1, 210 1, 888

403 450 055 394

1, 330

389 1, B67



2, uoo ... i .. iiio.


1, 918 1, 933

963 817

53 1, 5t3

040 1, 161

652 1,475 1, 733

909 744


400 1, 685 2, lUO

10, 837

8, 075


3,480 2, 531 1,451

1, 078 1,2so 1, 140

351 495 770

1, 029 247

980 980 987

1, suo 597

1, 18~ 072 880

1, JOU 800

l, 42,)

1, ooa 865

1, 097 294

1, 131 I 029


Page 61: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.



-------~------- --- --·-. nr1curnA-continuc(l.

'\Vml•worth twp., incl. tho followini:; • viJ!n~CS:

\V1ultlwmth villnc;o ..............••. Western Starvill11go ............... .

WeBtfield township ................. . York township ...................... .

l\Icclirnt village (in Modina nml Mont· v,illo).


Bctll'orcl township .. • . .. • .. .. ...... .. ()bester township .................... . Columbia township ................. .. Lebanon township ................... . Letart township ................... .. Olivo to1vnship ...................... .. Orange townslnp .................... .. Rntlaml township ................... .. Sulem township ...................... . Salisbury township, incl. tho fol.lowing

rilaccs: '1.fol<llcport village ................. .

'\Varcl 1 .......................... . " 2 ····--·······--·-----·--·--a ........................ ..

4 ......................... .. 5 ......... ···········-·---·

r·~-v~~a.~~ ~1:~:::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::: II 2 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••

a ......................... .. 4 ......................... ..

Scipio township ................ , ..... . Sutton township, incl. Racine vllfago ..

Racine village ..................... .


Blaok Crook township ............... . J3ntler township ................... . Center to,vnship ................... .. Dublin twp., incl. Shano'sCrossingvill.

Shane's Crossing village .•...•...... Franklin township ........ _ .......... . Gibson township ........ _ ........ _ ... Granville township ........ _ ........ .. Hopewell township ... -.............. .. Jeffot·son Lwp., incl. Cclinn ''illngo . . .

Cclin11 village .................... .. J,iuerty township ................... _. J\'farion tow1rnhip ................... .. Recovery township ................. . Union township, incl. Menllou village.

Mernlon viilage .. .. .. .. .......... . Washington township ............ ,. ...


Jlothel township .. : . .. .......... Brown township, incl. Flotclwrvillago.

Flotchor village .. . .. .. . .. . .. ..


Concord township, incl. T1·oy village'.. 'froy viii ago ...................... ..

Elizalrnth township ... - ..... : ........ . LostUrt•ek tw,r_., incl. Casstown village['

Casstown v1llngo .................. . Monroe township, incl. Tippecanoe

Cit,y village. I Tippecanoe City village ........... .

Nuwbei:ry tw:\i., iirnl. tho fo!iow. villa .. Bra(lfor<l v1 Inge (part of) ......... .. Uovington village .................. .

Newton twp., incl. Pleasant Tiill vili.. Pleasant Hill village .......••......

S1iring Creek township, incl. Hunters-ville village. j

Tiunlersville village .. _ ........... .. Staunton township ..... _ ........... .. Union township, me!. Milton village ..

Milton village .................... .. Wnshlugton twp., incl. Piquit city ..•..

Piq1rn cit.y ........................ .. '\V11r<ll ................ _ ........ ..

u 2 ............................ . a .... -.................... .. 4 .......................... .

Bradfonl village (in NewbeITytwp., Miami county, arnl in Aclnms tw11., Darke county). '


.A.clams township ............. _ ..... .. Jlenton township ................... .. Bethel township .................... .. Uentl'r twp., incl. Wooilsfiel<l village ..

W oodslieltl village ...•........•..... Jl'rrmkliu t.ow11shi1i ........••....... - .. Green township .................... .. J'nckson township ................ _ ••. Lee township ...................... .. Mn)nga town.ship .................... . Ohio tuwns.h11) ....................... ·

2, 837

1, 219 112

1, 045 902

1, 484

1, 720 1, 752 1, 116 2, 020 1, 365 2, 24i

022 2, 340 1, 668

10, 002

3 032 1

765 800 725 458 284

G, ~¥~ 1, 143 2, 632

007 l, 720 4, 406


1, 441 1, 595 1, 450 2,027

404 1, 015 1,462 l, 610 1, 185 2,406 1, :J4U 1, 196 l, 033 l, 272 1, 820

242 1, 384

1, 854 ] 863 '384

5. 354 3, 803 1, 327 1, 450

331 2. s2n 1,401 4, 615

fiH~ 1,458 2,820

46[ 1, 682

223 1, 292 3, 850

688 7, 204 6, 031 1, 077 1, 051 l, 478 1, 525 1, 373

1,317 037

1, 11i5 2, 770

861 1, 251 1, 207 l, 382 1, 241 1, 520 1, 005

2, 283


1, 023 886

1, 150

1, 645 1, 650 1, 286 1 823 1: 310 l, 863

828 2, 471 1, 718

10, 726

2, 230


1, 701 4, 369


1, 087 1, 801 l, 255 1, 590

240 831

1,.100 1, 234

804 1, 5;,7

850 779

l, 876 1, 118 1,475

164 1, 148

1, 801 1, 630

306 4, 701 3, 005 J, 236 1, 367

241 2, 704

1, 204 31-G()5

100 1, 0[0 2,241

324 1, 606

233 1, 317 3, 201

455 7, 272 5, 907


1, 201 087

1, 284 2, 585

753 1,418 'l, 282 1,354 l, 114 1, 577 ~ 1, 801 l

TABLE III.-OHIO-Continned.

11 _"'rnon crm nmsroNS. irss•t~,.J_. . REM:•n«_s. __

I MONl'.OE-continue<l. / I


, Perr,\'townshqi ....................... 1,214' 1,IJG Sulcm1 twp., incl. Clarington village... 2, 377 [ ~. lOG

Clarington village.................. 915


ns Seneca towns!Jip, incl. Calais viJiage ·- 1, 302 l, 242

Calais village ..... ...... .. ......... 159 120 Summit township..................... 014 070 Sunshnry twp., incl. l3eallsvillevillagc. 1, OGU 1, ~.J?_, ~

Beallsviile village .. .. .. • . • • . .. • .. .. 30 l -. Switzerlancl township .......... -..... 1,220 1,34-2 Washiug~on t~vp .. incl. Graysville ,.ill. 1, 8lG 1, 720

Graysv1llev1lh1ge .. -...... _......... 174 mu 'Vaynetownshlp ........... - ...... - .. l,28G l,2:'i2


Butler twp., incl. the follow. villages.. 2, 196 Cham hers burg village.............. lll'i

2, 153 165 313

2, 541 Vamlaliavillalje ................ _. 315

Oliiy twp., incl. tull follmving villages 3, 003 Bi·oobillll village. ... . .. .... .. .. .. . 574 Philips!mrg village ................ ·I . 2Hi

D:iyton city ........................... , 38, G78 187

30, 47,1

W~r<IL::::·.:·.::·.::::::::::::::j ~:iigg 3 ............................ . 4 ••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••• 5 ............. ····------------6 .... -....................... . 7 ................ _ .......... .. 8 ............................ . 0 ..... -..................... ..

II lQ. •••• •• •••••· •. ······••. "" • •· u ll .

German twp.; ·i;;~1: · ~~.;,;.:~i:.;~ ·;iii:: Germantown village···--·-··------·

Harrison township .................. .. Jackson twp., incl. Farmersville vill ..

Furmersville village ............ - ... Jefferson tuwnRhip ._ ............... .. Madison town~hip ....... , ........... . UiYer townsliin ...... ...... ------Miami twp., incl. Miamialmrg village.

Miamlsburg village ........ _ ....... . Pe'i~·twp .. incl. N.ew Lebanon village.

New Lobn.non ......... · ...... . Randolph township ................. .. Van Buren township ................. . '\rushington township, incl. Centre-

ville village. Centreville village ............... ..

WaJnC township ................... ..


Bloom township .................. : .. : Bristol tO'.m"hip .................... . · Uentre township .................... ..

Deerfield township ................. .. llomcr township ..................... . Malta townshi1i, incl. :Malta. village .. .

1faltn, village ... - ................. .. Manchester township .•..•..•........ Marlon township -. . . .. . . .. . . ...... .. :II eigsville tow11al1ip . -... - .. - ....... .. Morgan township, incl. :McConnells.

ville village. McConnells ville village ......••..••.

Penn township ..................... .. Union township .................. .. Windsor twp , incl. Stockport ..-i!lage

Stockport village .................. . York township .......... _ .......... ..


Bennington township ............... .. Uanaan township ................... .. Cardin~ton twp., incl Cardington vill.

Cardmgton village ................ .. Cheater twp, incl.Cheatervillevillage.

Chesterville vip11gc .............. ., .. Congress township ..••.........•..... Franklin township............ . ... Gilead tw11., ind. Mount Gilead village.

1fonut Gileail ,·iJlage ............. . Harmony township .. -................ . Lincoln township ......... _ ........ .. North Bloomfi<•hl township ....... - .. .

~~::i?"t~~~t?b~::::~:::::::::::::::::: SouthBloomfielcl twp., incl. Sparta viii.

Sporta vi111tge ...................... . Troyt_ownship .... ;· ................. . Washmgton towns.,1p ............... c Westfiel<l t»wnahip ................ : ..


.A.uams township .................... .. Blue Rock township ................. . Brush Creek township,_ ............ .. C11ss township ...................... . Clay township, incl. Roseville village ..

Roseville village .................. .

2.006 2;aoo 2,975 4,734 5,Rl·i

4 !3"81 I .. ••••••••

2,774 ........ l,306 , ........ 5,0681 ....... a, 45L 3, 197 1, 61R ! 1, 440 2, 007 2, 116 2, 451 2, 170

794 3L2 6, uuu 3, 350 2,306 2, 097 2,091 l, ~67 5,024 4,418 1, 036 1, 425 2,272 2, 029

76 ·2;077' 2,327 2, 0~3 !!, 600 1, 78·1 1, 758

274 1, rn1 1, 160

598 987 1,448 1, 460 1, 164 l,~~ 1, 035 l, 693 l, 000 1,574 1, 625

652 513 723 712

1, 989 2,074 l, 201 l, 295 2, -005 2, 185

1,473 1, 046 1, 245 1,242 1, 595 1, fi83 2, 392 < 2,251

335 289 1, 112 016

9361 890 I 1, 087 1,100 2, 376 2, mu l, 365 918

075 1,073 266 28'2

1, 262 l,a47 057 1, 011

2, 653 2, 017 1, 216 1, 087

697 773 901 015

1, 227 1, 194 1, 106 J, 044

916 953 1, 067 1, 115

235 197 730 696 983 016 j

1, 199 1, 322

785 727 l, 188 1, 093 1, 210 1, 292

962 851 8R7 776 5::11 426

InDaxtoua.ndMadH!ver. In Da.ytun 1 Harrison, aurl

Ma<l lUv«r. In D:i:fi~nancl¥;~Rfrer.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

In Ila~·ton ancl Harrison. Do. Do.

In Dayton and MHdRi..-cr.

E:<clnaivc of pm·t ofDa)·· · [ton city.

Exclusive of part of Day. [ton cit~'.

Page 62: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.


T.A:BLE III.-OHIO-Oontinue<l.


I ' I -·····-··· ............... --·-· ·----·----1------: __ , ________ _. ___ -· MroK•l>Gtrn-cm11inued. I I l 1· l'EllllY-coutinued.

I I I . . l''llllR towmihip .••.......•.......•.... i l, 73:! 3. 301 Jiarriaon township .................. . I!mTisou twj'·· ind. Tn_rlorsYille \0 ill.. [ J, 245 , l, 1071' Hope.well township .................. .

'l'aylorfwil e village.--· ...... ----· .. 1 atil 544 Jackson township·----· ............ _ .. Uiglilantl towuship .•..•••....•. ·-----! !J:YI . 78! MacliHon township •............. · .••••• Hojwwell town•~i\I .. ... .. .. .. . . . I l, UH 11, 70~ I Monday Creek township .••.••........ JaekHnn twp., inl'I. Fmze.vsliurg Yill .. , i, 51111 1, 1741· Monroe township . . ............. .

l•~razt·y~]nir;! \"illago ............. ·1· 484 325 l'ike twp., incl. Now Lexington vill .. Jdfonmn towusbip, incl. lJ1't'S1.lP11 yi]. 1, !:!30 1, 156 New Lexington vilhtgo ....... ,. .. · ..

lagP. i Plensant townAltip .. . ....•....•... Dfl'!o:ifl1·n village .....•..••••. - .•.•.. :' 1, 2041 1, IM I H(~ncling townshi1> 1 iQPl. SomeI'BBt vill

J .. kkinµ:township ...•.•••.•.......•.. ! fl4h !102 Somersct.vilhi~o ...•.......... M:t~li"•n to;vu,•hip .................... f l, !~d I, 072 Sult Lick township, incl. Shawnee vill. lh·igstown1r1.lt111 ..•. ........ .•• • .••.. 1 l1 01~B I 1,4U 8hawnN~ villngt} .............. . Monn:",~ownshi_P-, ..... .. .. .. .. .. .• j ~H~ BZ~ I T~1\11·1rn to.wnship, incl. 'l'homville vill. Mu:sl' t1~l\lll-'htp ...•.•.•••....•. 1 11 Olri l, fJ1b 1ltot•JJ1·1lle v1llrtgi~ ................... . N1.·W"tt1J1l"nl). 1 m1·l CTnilmto\\'llYillage.I 2,~:Jo


~.:JH9 ! U uioutown \'illu;J;O ....... - - ••••••. · [ ~2.~ 2871 l'JCKA w AY.

J'•:IT,\' to\\""llShiJ) .••..•• ·......... •• ], O.iO !Hll ltid1 lbll town•hip........... . ... I 1, 41lJ I 1, 4114 UirclcYill!l twp., incl. Circlevilfo city .. Halem twp_.. in<) .• \1lams\'ilfo village .. I g;4 UH Cirrleville city . .. .............. .

Ailan1KYtlk nlla~o ................. 1 2811 , 280 Wnr!l 1 ....................... . Salt Creek tuwnohiJ> .................. i l, J!il 11, 131 " 2 8prinp;fi.-!1ltownHhlJ) ............... ! l,~80 4,022 a·:::::::~::::::::.:~::::·::~ Uui1~n t~\"fJ., incl • .Xev..· CoucDrtl vill.1gc. i 11 703 11 04:~ 4 ........................ .

N1:v.:Cmwo11lvii1~y:~o ............... I 51~ 488 5 ......................... . ~~u•lnn~oton t

1o;<n•htp .............. , 1, 3U" 11, 242 Darhy to;vllsbip.... .. . . . .... .

aynetovms np............ .. .... j l,fiO:) l 5UB Deer Creek township, incl. \Villiams· Zuni:H\'il.Je city and .zam'""ille WWII· I 18, na 10: Oil port village.

lllntl (eoexttmuve).


, I 1 "rillinmsport villagn.... . ...... .

W~1d L~~::~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~:I ~·,:~~~ [:~:.·~~}11 n::::ir,~l~~~~Wet~ :~:~;::~t-1: ~~~~~,~--1

I - Jackson township ................. . Ii.······ .. ··· ...... · .... -... ·· 2, 3~1

1 ....... 1 l\fodison township ................. .

t: ~~~~~ -~~~~~ :~~~::~~~:.~~~~~-.:'11.i ~:, ~1-:1:: ~:: ~~ : 1;1

~~~t~~£~t~1r;1i::~~:~~~·~~,:~'.~l~:~'.1~: . . Perry twp., incl. Ni;w Holland \'illa"O JCOH!.E. ! I \ N•;w .llollnn!l villitgo .......... : . :

i . I Plclmwaytownship ............ .. Ileaw·r t= .. incl Willlam<\1urg\'l'l] .. ·,: 1 ~,~I ] oo• t SnltCreektownslnp,incl.'£mlto11vill .. ,. ,._, . ,o-" , '°' I Tm•lt ·11

\\.,.illia·niilhnri! ,-jlla~u ·-· .•. . ... ! :Hi!J I' ~1;~ i , • ' on VI flA"B • • ••• •••• - • • •••••

I~n"'.ldi1·1'l township ......... ---··-···ll 1,0UU 1 078 1 Scrnto townsbip1 incl. Gommercin.l llnffalo towD><hii•· .................. _.. ~U4 I "Ht> Point Yilhlge.

:-;arahsvi111~,-Ulagfr ...•. _ ....•. -~--: 249 2:i6 Wnlm:tt.owusltip .................. . C1·nl<'l' hl'ft., inn!. 8arah•,·Hle vi111t"o •• i I, 8:ill


l, 703 1 Commorcial Point villagn .......... .

Flkt<w 1· 1

Waslnngtoutownship ............. .. rin: .. ,,: t~~:~~.;j;:::::::::::::::::::::.•1 U~?i i·~~~ l WaynetownHhijl ................... . ,JacKS<•ntowllribip .............. l,207 1:10l) Jdl":r•:,11 twp., incl. Mi<ltUelmrg vj,11.. I 1, 503 1, 27&

:M~luJ•,l.mrg Tilhge . .. . . . .. . · 1 102 JIG llm1on twn.~ ineJ. su_mmedielll villarro l, 58~ 1, 73:l

.. :-;.nmm(·rtieltl'\"illag:ij .............. ~- 4~5 470 ~'!l:lt•tnwuJthip --······ ...... J,4:2i.J 1, l'.!l Olln•townHhir1, ind. C:Llu\Vdl;illage .. \ 2,3:12 1,81U

C"l<lwdl vil~w1• 6'12 Hl!l

~t~~~~.t~~~l~~::~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:\ ~: ~~ d~ "")Dct<iwnship ............... -•.••.. 1' 761 70() 1


fiO(I 2, 712 1, Hn7

V20 3,61G

o:Ju 1, ~9~

a9-> ~.r,1;,

l,OH :?, OH-1 )

~· !;:~~ I '38[

!!, 683 987

1,009 i /;~~I

11 458 ~ r,R? I

1:215 i l,~~ I

770 l !174 i 0!19 '


OG:> , 4:>4.1

1, 346 I I I

li09 1, 152 1, 036

UH> 2, 174

5;)8 i; 2.32

455 2,100 1, 131 11246

fJ43 1, 148

1, 687

788 404 1G3

I, 14() . 1, 081 r

717 In 1870, incl. in Crane. 1, 686 In 1870, including Ant-

~iiI [ werp village.

!1971 901 !

1, ~!34 ! 1, 195 i 3· S.ill 1 ...... · In 1873, frotu part of Sali :!. 72'.! ' ......... ! {Lick.

Braver township .. .. .. . . . . .. .. .. .. n.,11ton township ................... .. Creek township ........•...•... Jaclrnon township ............ : .. .... . l\I~ri?u township .. .. . .. .. .. .. ..... . M1ffim townshi1i.: ................ .. Newton township............. . .. .. :i;ebhlo townsh_ip ................... .. I (~e-Pt!O twp.1 u1cl, Wavel'l\' villncro p W11Yerl.vvillage ........ : ...... ".::: , e_rry township .... : ............... ..

I Hmoto town~hiJ:l .... ·: .............. ..

1 Seal township, mcl. l'1kl'ton yiJJa"e

,I Pi~ct•lon vi1l:tgo ............... ~-.::: :I Sunflsh township .•.•.• [ Union township ....... :.::::::::::::.

! I 110U'l'AGE.

/I Atwater township .. .. . .. .. . ... .. .. . . .

II ~;.::~fi~1~\\~.~~·Jriij1':: .............. ::. I Clmrh•stown townshi1; ·7 · • • • · • • • • • - • i D"erfiultl township' · .. · · • .. · .... · .. I Edinhu_rg townsqip ::::::.:::::: :::: ::

I Vi anklm .townsb1p, ill!,]. Kent villa"O.

Kent village . . . . . . .. .. r:.-

Frccdom ~owns hip ............ : : ·:::. GmTottsYtllo.townshipand l'illn"c (co-

extrns1n~}. 0

I Hiram township .................. ..

I Mantua township · · N<'lson township.::::::::.::::::::::·· Pultuym township · · Paris' township .... :::::::::::· Itan<lolplt tow11Rhip ...... Havennn. tow.nship, incl. Rl~~~i~;;~ ·,:fJi:

;Ravenna \'11lnge . .. .. .......... .. Rootstown townalti<i ... Shalersville townsli'ip .. ::: :: : :: · ·••• · · Streetsboro' township .. · • .. Snjll.el<l township ..... ::::::::::::::· Wmdham township., ............... ::


Dixon township .......... . q~s~cr tow~shii) ~~: ~ · ~ : . .... _ ... _. _ .. f,rWat1stwp., mcl. thefollowingvllln"CS

!'St Elkton vil!Rge ............ ~. ' ·wmcbestcr Y:llln"o ·

Ilarri~on twp" incfLc;~istii~·ii ;.iji: · · Lewrnbnrg village ........... : ..... -_·_·I

LSSO. 1810.

J, 562 1, 284 1, 8!lll

714 1, oao 1, 780 8, ouo 1, ar.7 1, o:;a a, au7 l, 207 3, 070 2, 770 1, 000


0, 541 0, O•IO I, 060 1, fi·15 11 017

081 l, 14B ]

1 fl{)O

1, UDO

313 I, •!01

aoa 1 :no '800

1, 880 1,1:m 20~

1, 70-l •178

11 5l4 1 1 Hi~

4:!fi 2, am

Hill 1, mn 1, 115


7;;0 l,4H

047 2, 1Hl7

008 l, 2BO I, 300 l, 504 2, 725 1, fi30

870 021

1, 411 UG5 070 070

1, 147 OOIJ

1, 030 0:1:1 08.i 010

4, 141 a, 300

804 000

l, 058 ], 150

800 l, 105

000 1, 0~4 4, 224 :l, 2l)) 1, 217

OllO 702

1, 530 l, 020

l, 162 803

2, 180 247 502

2, 603 400

1, 202 1, ~00 l, 1ia9

085 l, 165 1, 120 2, 310

mm f.Hi!i

a, :134 1, 153 1, 340


5, 022 G, •107

1, ii·IR J, 1!58

514 J, 271

2M~ I 1, 202

88:1 I 1, 8/0

llf>7 2:1:1

l,•U5 .120

11 m12 1, 750

407 1, 5·:lf>

'i,' o:iil · 1 O!lll 700

09'1 1, l!U

7-iil 1, 840

H13 1, 108 1, l!IH .114:.?2 2, H::!O 1 "II'' '?,1il

772 1, <151

038 028 051

1, 18(} M2 O!il 675

1, 025 !!20

a, oa1 781

1, ~3<1 1, 126 11 35(;

8·18 (!Ill

I, 564 'l •l"'l 2; lHR 1, lOll

077 700

1, 4'14 805

1, 123 805

2, 023 150 4!.IO

I) n{)4 "• UDl


In 187n, pnrl to Co11l,

In 1874, from JH11·l.s u I Hit-nm 11ml N1'IB011.

In 187<!., imrt. 1.o Onrrnt•1.H· [vlllt•.

In 1874. p111·L Lo ll1t1·1"11t,Jtt· [ Y1ll11.

Page 63: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.


TABLE III.-OHIO-Oontinued.

REMARKS. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. J 1sso. ~-:~1 ___ R_E_.M:_.i_R_K_s_. __ 11 .· .MIN0It CIVIL DIVISIONS.

l'llEJlI,U-continucd. I I noss-continued.

.1ss~. /1sro. I ------:-----------

Israel township....................... 1, 807 1, 751 ! Sclot!' !own ship, incl. Chillicothe city. JackBon township . . . . . . . . . .. ... . . .... 1, 389 1, 430 1 Clnlhcothc city ••..••....•.......••. Jeft'rlrson twp., Incl. New Paris village. 2, 24·1 1, 053 J 'Vnrd 1 ....•••••••••.••..........•

New Puri• village.......... . . . . . . . 835 " •

Lauie~f~~';:~~}~\~~',}lll~lirt~art of \Vest1 1, 90U 1, 034 ,·! " ~: .. · :_:_._::_:_:_:_~ ·.:.:_::_:_· :_· :_· ..... ~ :_· -_: :_· :.:. :_:_:. West .A.Jexan<lri1t village (part of).. 432 165 " . .

Jlfonroo twp , incl. El Dorado villal(<l_.. 1, 080 ' 1, 631 I " fi · • • · .. • • • • • - • • • • • · · · · - · · El Dorado villaµe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •. 337 . Sprinµfu•ifl townRhiti .........•........

Somers twp., incl. Cam<1en village.... 2, 233 1, 86~~ Twin township ..•••....•............• Camden village............... 800 •


Union township .•..................• Twin township, incl. part of °'Vest 1, nm 1, 700

.A.foxan<l ri a village.

12, 689 10, 938 I, 018 1, 045 1, 813 1, 053 2, 2()2 1,407 1,287 2,447 2, 527

11, 238 8,920

"i,'238'1 2, 203 2, WO

I w .. st .A.h•xnn<lrin. 'Village (part of) .. 364 200 I' BA.'IDUSKY. Washington twp., incl. Eaton village. 4, 118 3, 414

Eaton village...... ................ 2, 143 1,718 Balh-ille township .••••....•..•...... 1 \Vest Alcxamlria village (in Lanier 796 455 l!'r1m10ut city . . . . • . • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . ~. I

nml Twin). \ I ·ward 1 ........................... .

11 :: L:::::::·:::::::::::::::::::

1, 052 8, 446 J,084. a; 141 2, 567 1, 654 4,495 2,380

[montcit_v. 1, 781 lfaclnsh-e of part of Fl'O· 5, 4u5 In Ballville and San­


l'llTNAM. Ii " 4

I Grncn Cre;,j,· t~·l;,;kci.· ti;.; "ioii:..:in~g~·s.

Illa1wlmrcl twp., incl. Gil\Joa village . . . 1, 787 1, 593 Cly do villng<> ......•....••..••.•.•.. Gilhoavillage. ..••..........• ••••. 287 315 I Gmt•u Spriugvillago (p11rt of) ...••.

Greensburg towusl1ip.... .•••... ... ... 040 770 .Tnclrnon townshl11· •....•.•.•.•..•..... ,Tnelrnon township ....• ....••.••.. ••. l, 047 737 · llfarlisou twp., ind. Gibsonburgl1 yjJ!.. ,JpnningH township ............ _ .. _. 1, 443 11 050 Gibsnnlrn.rgh village .......... ---··· Lihert,1' townsh!p. .•.•... ... .• . • • ••••. 1, 530 l,·41~01 It!co towns hit• ............ ., ........ .

380 1,485 1, 886

589 949

1, 1121

."i..:i5o· 985

!l27 1,401 • Monroe townslup. ••••. .•.. .. . • ••. • .. 788 " Hll".I' townHht[l . .. ...•....•...••....

Monterey township. . ....... •.. ... l, 354 979 Sani!uaky township .....•...•.•.•.•.. Ottawa township, me!. Ottawa village. 3, 177 2, 837 Seu ti; to\vnsulp .....•........••.•••.••.

Ott.awavillngo ....•..•...•.•..•.•. 1,2oa 1, 12U i 'l'ownsoncl 1.ownsl1i11 ................. .

1, 785 1,45~ 1, 607 2, 008

1, mQ. Exclusive of part of Fre· 1, 274' [mont city. 1, 290 .. ~'.~~-1 Palmer township.................... UW 434 'Vn~hiugtou.twp.,incl. Limlsoyvilluge

l'erry town1d1ip . ...•........ -- .... - . . 11 073 6a7 T..1mt1Rey vdbgo ..... - .. ----·--· .. 409 l,002 2,310

737 2, 109

l'leaaant township,. incl. Col•1mbus 3, 013 1, 053 Woodvilln township •..•...•........ Grove village. York twp., ind. pt. of Bellevue vlllogo.

1, 418 I .. :·.~~-I 0olumbns Grovo village............ 1, 392 578 Ilt•llc-rn!l village (part of) .•••.•.•.... lWey townshi11. .•. .. . . ........•• .. • • . 1, 48·1 1, 084 nelfovne village (in York twp., San· Sn~ar Greek townRhip . ....••.. .. 1, 300 1, 037 1luskyco.,andLymetwp.,Huron Unwn township, fll[~l. Kalida village . . 1, 398 l, 031 countv).

Kalida village . . . . . . . .. • . . . .. • . . . . . . 404 290 " Green Spi·ini;, viii. (iu Green Creek Van Buren t~p., inel. the foll. yilJages. 2, 44+ 1, 350 townshi11, <ianclnsky co., and Ad·


Bellmore v11lage.. .•.• .. .•.••.• •. . • • . 445 261 mus towusltiJl, Seneca co.). Leipsic village...................... 68l


Illoomiuggrove township ...•.•.••••... Butler township .. · ............. . Cass township, incl. Shiloh village ... .

Shiloh village ..•..............•.•.. Frauklin township·----· .. -·. -- ....... . ,J nckson township . . . ...•...... J elfersou towuslnp, incl. Bellville vill ..

llelh-ille village ..........•...•...... Madison township, incl. Mansfield city.

Jllnnsfieltl cit.y ............• ' .•••.•. Wanll ..••.••.••••..••••..•...•.

" 2. ··------·---··-----····-· 3 ........................... .

Mifiih:•tojn~blp·:::::::::::::::::::::I Monroe to.wnslnp, incl. J,ucas village ..

Lucas village ................ - . . . • Perry townRhip ................... - .. Plymouth townsliip, incl. part of Ply-

, mouth yillaµ;e. Plymouth village (pa:rt of) ..••••••..

Sandusky townsliip. . ....•....... Sharon townsilip, incl. Shelby village ..

Shelbyvi11112e .............•••....•. 8pl'ingfi1•ltl township . . . . . . . . . - . . . . Troy township, incl. Lexington village.

Lexington villago ...... H··--···----· Washington to~nship .•.......•...... 'Veller township ......... , .........•.. \Vol'thington township, incl. lntlc-

1>erillenr.e village. Inclepenrlence village .....•••••.. - .. Plymoutll village (in Plymouth twp.,

Richlantl co., and in New Raven twp., Huron co.).


Buckskin t.wp., incl. Ron th Salem \'ill.. So11\h Salem villar"' .... . .. .•

Colerain township, rncl. Adelphi viii .. .A.rlclphi village........... . ..... .

Concol'cl township, incl. Frankfort vill Frankfort villitgfl. . ...... , ..

Deerllt'lcl twp., ~ncl.Clnrkshnrg village.

1, 181 780

1, 614 6fll 067 077

21440 07l

11, 675 D, ~50 2,207 2, 740 2,279 2, Gal

930 l, 888

38! 656

l, 700

708 723

2, 981 1, 871 1, 017 1 4->4 , 508

1, 509 1, 076 2, ooo I

394 1, 1451

2, a11 2011

1, 941i 469

3t 801 542

1, 475 308

1, 199 768

1, 274 207 943 934

2, 251 720

~: ~~g i ::::::::\

808 11 572

312 686

1, 609

682 2,762 l, 807 2, 040

830 482

l, 490 l, 140 1, 870


~I ::!29

l 1 G:m 417

2, 77~ 5Hl

1, 223


Bloo:u township...................... 2,211 Brnsh Creek township................ 2, 093 Clay township........................ l, 148 Green townshi1> . --···--····--· ,........ 11 035 Hnrrison townshi11 . . . • • . •. • • .. • • . . • . . 1, 825

I Jefferso11 townshi[l .......... ••. .•.•. 010

I llindi•nn towne~lp. .. .. ....... .• . . . . .. 1, 852

II 1lorg1m townslup . . . ..• - . - . . . . . . .1, om Nile townsl1ip, incl. Bnenit Vista yiJl .. l, 005

I Bnenn ViHtn. village. . ............ \ 854

l'orter township.................. .. 2,274 I Portsmnntli elt.~· 1tncl W1tyne township 11, a21

I (coextensive).

Warcl 1 .. . . .. .•...•.........• ...... l, 773 "2 ............................ 2,309

1 ~: ·::::::::~:::::::::::::::::. ~:~~~ s. . . ... . ..... ••...• .•. . . . . ... 2, om

' 0 .......................... 2,237

2, 203 1, 410

927 1, 882 i 1, oa2 I

559 1, 5781

758 1, 473 j

........ : 1, ~65 i

10, v92 '•

···---·· ·····-··1i

In-1870, inclu1ling all of Rush township. ................. ..• 778 l'lymouth. • Union township..................... 1,168

038 552 724

In 1870, inclmHng Lex· [ini:ton village.

In lb70, incl. in Sprin;:r­[lleld.

In 1870, reported in Ril'11· Lind county.

Valley towuHh Ip . • . . . . • • . . . • . • . . . . . . . . 951 Vernon town8hip ............. ,....... 1,481 l, U24

l., 085 'Vashingtou township............... l, 131


.A.dams township, incl. part of Green Sprin~ villaue.

G!'een Spriµg villai(e (part ofl ..... . Big Swings twp., incl. the foll. vills .. .

Ach'rnn vi11a._ge ... --·-·----· ---··· New Itiegel village ................ .

Bloom township, incl. Bloom ville Yili .. Bloom \'illB village ................. .

Cl};\t~11 l~wnship, incl. Tiffin cit.y ... . I1ftm mf.y ......................... .

\Vard 1 •...••......••...•••..... H ~ ••• .,,,. • .,' • ., .................. .

:1 •.....••••••••••......••••. 4 ···•·• •.•... .-........... . 5. ·····-············ .•....

Ed1~n to\VnHhip ........................ . Ilopewdl luwushlp . . . .. . . . . . .... . Jackson townHhip, incl. part uf ]l~os·

toria Yillage. _Fostmfa villa1;1e (part of) ..••.•.•••

·1 1, 024 1, 537

331 ...•••.. 2, 048 2, 084

211 257 367 236

:: u~ --~:-~:~-! 7, 870 5, 648 I

1, 328 ..•.••• ., l, 534 .. ·-····' 1, 0071 ........ : 1,378 ···•·•• ~

l: ~~~ 1

-i;.is:ij 1, 6:1~ 1, 370 ' 1, au& 1. 1:n I

Clarksburg village .•••...••.•.•.••.. :Franklin township . . . .....•...•••. Grm~n townshin, Kingston vill . . _

1, 233

2,~~ 1, 082 l, 808

L1berL~·-townsl11p .. .. ...... Loudon t.c1wuship, incl. pt. of Fostoria


158 j ...... I 2, 157 l, 068 4, 315 3, 133 In 1870, including all of

Fostoria. Kingston village .•.......•..•••.•... Him·ison township ....•...•.••...•... Hnntiugton township ...•.•••.••.••••. Jpfter•on iownahip ...•........•...... Lilmrty township ........•.•..•.•..... Paint township ................••. raxt~u t~wnsh~j1, inc:I. nainbri<lgo vnI. I

J3cunln·1clgo YI lagc ....... ---- ......... .

1, 226 2,400 l, 060 l, 575 l.153 2, 110

825 (

B·l5 1, 150 2, B67 l, 013 1, 400 I, UOL J, 738

647 I

Fostoria vlllage (part of) ..••••..••. Pleasant townsh:!p .................... \ Tiee•l township....... . ... . . . ..... . Scipio to\~'IIS~ll'· incl. ncpnhlicvillage.1

llepublteY1l ttge ........................ I township .•..••....••..••.. ···I Thompson t-0wnship ................. .

3, 040 1-······. 1,417 l,tl52 1, 5~7 I 1, aa~ 1, S:JG i l, C3,, . 715 I 481 I 1, 510 ! 1, 683 1, 901 i 2, 070

Page 64: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.


TABLE III.-OHIO-Oontinuecl .

MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1 sso. is,-o. . Ml!\OR cmL mns·r~~;--·-11s~o. i 1sro. REMARKS. Ii

·····-~-E~~~:~~<~;::~.---··-:---i--- ·----------·11------T-It_U_M_U_U_L_L-. ------!------ ---

'.\'<•nlcf• to~•hlp, incl. Attka ,-illage .. l 2, 231 lj 1, 78! 1/1

Ilazetta township, incl. Cortlaml vill .. A tt11'l1 nlla:.:•• . . • .. . . ...•••..••••. ' GG3 370 Cortland village .•...•.•..••....•... :F1i/.\tori11 villagt.' (in .Jackson aml ' :!, 569 I 1, 733 In 1870, report~·d h.1 I.ou· 1 JUoom~cld townsh_ip. -- ...... - -- - ..... . I~omlnn twp:-; .. S.•n•!Ca en., aml in 1 clon towuslnp, Seneca Braccv1lletownsh1p ...•.•............ W•sltin;:tou twp .. Hancock ro.). I county. I Bristol township ..........••.••.•..•..

Gr«•·n SJtrin:.: Yill1tgo lin A1lams 720


.. ... . . . Brookfiel<l t"'vnship .••••....•...•.... twp., N~m;('a co .. aml in Green Champion townshif1 ................... . Crt:t:k Hqt., :-:5:.imh1nkyto.). Farmington to~ns ii11 ····---~·-·---··

I 1

Fowler townslnp. . • . . . . . • • . • . . . . . •.• rl!El.UY. Greene township .................... .

c11.r.1tfiD t<n:n~hip, iucl. SiUney Yillag'e.11 4, 018 3, 591 Gustavus toWDHhip. ·---- ......... '.. ••. 1'11lnu ,·1llaJJ:1' . ••• •• . ... . • . • • . .. .••. 3, 823 2, 808 • Hartford township .................. .

Cyut!Jian township ..•.. : •..••. ....••. i 1, 8:l5 I 1, 597 Howlaml township .......••.....•.••. Diuomor<.'.townsbip, ind. Anrnn·ilfage.j 2, 257 I 1, 700 I Ilubbartl t-0wnsh\p .......••••••••••.

Anna nllu;:P ........................ : 266 . .•..... Johnston townslup .................. . 1:ranklin town~hip .••..•......••..•.. j 900 I 830 Kinsman township ..•.......•....... lit"f'eni:t<>•rnol.up .....••..•••.......•. .' 1,447 I l, 25! I Libert.y townsl.1ip. :· ................. . Jarbnn towMllip .•..••.•••••..•..... I 1, 852 ! 1, 461 Lordstown township .•....•........... i.A>ra.1ui1: townHhip ............. _,. ....•. : l, 7ao I I, 707 1 Mecca township .. -..................... . ¥'(J.1tan u:.wn~hip ..................... I 1, 545 I 1

1 ~109 J\fesoputamia township ............... .

()range tuwn•!iip .•••...•••. ··········1 984 951 Newton tw!.'., incl. Nuwton l!'alls vill . P.-rry t<1wn•ln11. ..•.•. .... .•...•..•... l, 242

1 1, 208 Newton J•111ls village ....•••••...•.•

Sal<•mtwp.,ind.P,,rtJefft,rsonvillage. 1,576 I 1,428 Southington township ..•........•.... Pmt ,J..Jit'r8on villal(e ..••.......•••• I· 421 410 Vernon township ......•.•.••••.•.....

Van llml"n town, hip ................ I 1, 647 1, fl81 Warren townsh p, incl. Warren city .. Turtle fJn>«k town~hiJ•·· ......•....... I 1, 3:;9 11, 2ao Vienna townshij' .................... .

Wa~}Jir~~tontwp .. ind.Lo<:Jdngton vill. 1 1, 04U 11 O!J2 '\Varren city Lockmgtoonllage .................. 1



211 ~•:n1J-:::::::::::::::::::::::::: or.rnK. •

1 1 3 ..••.....•................

Ikthl• brm t<!wn8hip, irll'l.Xavamivill.

1 2, 304 I 2, 148 We11;thersfiel,d twp., incl. tho foll. vills.

:;'i11vam: vill"ll"· ................. ··' BGi 11~meml Rulgo villago ...•........ Ca!ftont1rn:nship,incl.Gantoncity.: •. 114,8i3 "jii;6i2" I Nilesvil111ge". ....•.. .' ..•.•.•••.••.

TUSCAitAWAB. Can!<lil city ..••••••••••••.••••••••• I 12,258 8, 660 1

"Hrd 1 ....•.•••.•.•••.••.•••..•.. 1 4, 100

.. ~ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::\ H~~ J~~k:"m !"""i;t"llip - •.....••.••..••••• ) 2, 07~ 1, 616 Lalu t<.1"An~lnp ., .................. ~-' 2,17 1 2,113 J.01wr.·nc1Jtwp.,inclthefollowin"Yills.I 4 :i:il 3 366

~~anal Fnltun vill:t(!l' ..•..... ~- •..• ·I l; 106 1' 048 ";nrth Lawr<·n<:o nllagu ..••........ 494 I .. .' 1'.~mng.r;town ')lfagn .........••... ··I ~481' ... :~::~

Lf·xn~gton t~p., mcl.thefollo~ingvills. D, 287 5, 700 .\)h~n. "evil_la;:"·····················j 4,!i3G 4,003 I.rn1.1nlle nlla)(n...... ....•. ........ 164 . 204 ~Iount pnion vi~la~t1 ........ __ ....•• ·· 1 327

1 315

J.!:irl_l•-•'.f• townslnp. .••••. .•••.•.•.... 1,o42 I 1 870 I .N1m1•)!1!Jr-n t~·p., incl Louisville vill.. 3, 114 ' ~· 040

I<1mr.v1ij\: v1Ha~t~ ,. .................. I 1,050 ! ... ' .... . 01malmr~towuebip,mcl.OmmburgyilJ._l 2 2981 2 046 , O~nalmrgT!ll3:Ae ... ··· .............. :


507 •• '-·--·J I anR u,wn~bip, md. Mmen·a villa"e ' o 639 2 62"

Mim:1Ta-riUagr- ................. 0 -·t-~ 56~1 '.:> 1''"~'· 1 ~•wn•h.ip;incl. lll:aBBillon ciir: :: 9, 219 i" • o, 021 II

ll\~~ll1°nc·uy ······················' G,saa 1 5,185

::rd~:::::::::::::~::::::::::::; tH: 1:::::::: Pikt• tnvrus}~i·J;·· .... ·· •····· ·r···-···i l, ~20 ) .. --···-I Plain tnwu411!1 .. · · •••••· •••••• ········1 i• ~14 j 1· a:n \ 0au~1~~~·wn~hip.\;,:1.w;~:;e~t;~;g·~i-1i: i i' 2~ i· ii~ :..; \\ a.Jm-~shur~ \"llla~c .••••.. .... 1 '6')'l i '4·1~ j . ugarCn"'t:k town!-41lip ................... 1 9 rJ8-; I 1 ... :.9 '1111'.Af'li.}"i.lWA!o:I tOWnhhip ............... • • ···1 ;;

1 gr.!! ] 0 •


\, t ''atthmgtun t1.rwn!!ihip .............. :::::! 2: 187 i ti1o I

! ! M'.MMI1'. ·

Alm.u city ........................... : lG, 512 i 10, OOG I Incl. all of Mi<hllebury I . anu pts. of ckiventry · • l'ortoge, Springfie!il'

aud Tillmadge. · ' 3, 103 •••·•••· 2,fi60 i-~------: !!, 7Si i- ••..••. 3, 609 1 ••.••••• 2, 406 ! ....... . 1, 687 i 904

1, 039 i 1, 034 1, 2~1 I 1, 142

A.ubnrn township .........•......... Bucks township .•••.•••••........... : Clay townsh)p • . . .......•.••.....• , . Dover twp., rnel. Canal Dovor vil!ao-o F~~N!{ D~<"el'Y~llago ............. ~.:

d . wnshtp ............. . Franklin township ............ : : : : : : Goslicn. twp., incl. New Philatlolphia

J ~"';~\~ff~,1eiiii1ia· viiiiiie ·::: : : : : : : :

, euerson township .......•.•...•..... JJ~wreuce towuslnp .... _ ........ __ .. Mill to'Ynshif!. incl. tho following villa:

Denmson v1llngo ............... . UhrichsviJIB villtt"e . . · · · · · ·

[ Oxforcl township,in1ll. N c;eo;,;;,j.; ·~iii·

I Newcomers village ................ :

, Perry twp., incl. Wcstohestervillago .. I Westchester villa"o

Rush township ... !: ... :::::::::······ Salem tw;.., incl. PortWnshingto1~ :,;iii· S Pa_r\' u,shington village .. : ....... : , an y ownsliip ..•...•. Sugar Creek township • • • • • • · · · • · • · · u. to ] " ............... .


,;~~i:,n ;;;~~~W1 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Warwick towns1firi ·: · · ·"' ••• · •• · · • • • · Washington township:::::::::::::::: va.knto town~hip .................... .


.:r ow11sl11p ...................... .

I . UN!Oll.



4-ll~n t.ownship: ••••• ._ ••..•...........


01>;1.horne twp;, me!. lhilhwoo1! v. m11,.,0 • l\.1chwoo<l Yllltvro ~

Dnrh;r to:v11sh\1i,ln~i. U;;i0·0.;:iiJ~· ~iJi": Umonv11le vlll11go

'. Dover townshi · · · · · · · • • · • · · • • .. ·

II. Jackson townsRip-················:···

Jerome township · · · · · · · • · · · · · • • · • • · I Leeshurg townshi1;::::.:····· ········· 1·1 Liberty townsllip · · · · • · · •·· • • ·

Mill Creek towns hi···· · · · · · · · · · · · ·

I Paris tow1!ship, inc1'.Mn'.iy8.;:ilie·,:11i~g· · ·

I T,~f~l~~~;~s~Jllng~• ·:::::::::::::·: ~: l,i§~ lh,233·

1;13 •••••• 2, 311.5 i 1, s17 Exclusirn 2, ~(J4 i 1, 861

2,203 l 1,887 .

l,WJ 1··i;•4o\


Um~n twp., met Milford Centor vill · M1l~orcl Center villl1go ..••••...••• • ·

Washmgton township . · · of rnrt of I Yorktownship ..••••.. ::::::::::::::· [Akrnn city. !I .. ·


1, 817 I, 520 977 ! 9821

1, 070 ' 1, 009 2, o~>!? I 1, 821 i 2, f~O 1


" ·1:iiii4"i Exclusirn 1, 27'~ , 1, U18 • 21 J3~ ! ~'OS;; t Exclusive

911 . 92;, i 1, 4~5 ' 1, 277 Exclusive

7 ,G 729

·of part· of r .\krun city. of 1mrt ot' [Akron ri).y of part of [Akrondty.

Ilarrison townshiJl Hoaglin town 1 · · • · • · · • • • • · • • · • • · • • J uckson town

8 i~P · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·: Jennings tow:a~f · ··· ·••· ·· ·•··• · ·•• Lihurty townshil.::······· ···•··•••·

1 PlVcas1111t twp., incl. V ;jj\ W 01;t \·iiia,;o · an ·wort.village .•••••........ .'.~ ..

Ridge township Tuop.v town~11ip, i1~~i."u;,~voy.vii1fi;,'.ci ..

onvoy v1lla1r0 • C"I • •

Union townsl1ip .:::::::::::::::::::: ·

1, 400 GIO ~35

1, OlD 1, 102 2, 050

800 l, li>2

H!H 803 uan

1, as2 702

5, 102 700

1, 22·! 4, Ofi8

805 050 742

1, 358 575 010

1, 018 1, OOJ n, u:m 4,•128 11 GfiO 1, 870

800 6, f>Ha 1, lnO a, 870

1, ,100 1, 120 11 20B 4-, 107 2, 208

81'1 1, 1011 5, 220

3, 070 1, 258 1, 723 51 511~ l, 518 2, 700 1, 008

020 l, 208

216 1, oa7 2. 457

0!14 1, 8Ci4 1, •102

7!4 800

11 525 l, 080 1, 205 1, oeo

1, a:ia 2, 758 1, H17 1, 171

200 1, 000 l, 454 1, 503 1, 5:i2 1, 308

807 a, 718 2, OOl 1, 307 1, 5B5

400 1, 164 1, 540

1, 481 1, 180

800 1, 230 1, ti5:1 5, 41n 4, 070

1, 587 1, 010

380 1, 020

708 OM U8B

2, (Jn7 820

1, orio 871 015 11118

1, B14 Oo.I

<l, fi88 P03

1, 021l 2, 420

8(i8 o:rn 700

1, 280

71111 030

1, 1a2 1!l OlHi !l,4r.7

1, 20t 11 127 1, 205 a, n1n 1, mm

781 DUB

1h ono 3, 143 1, 058 l, 471l a, •!all

R28 1, li41 1, 007

701 l, 081l

lll8 077

l, 725 4'.12i;

l, 1(13 1, 482

742 822

l, 387 1, ua 1, 1:12 1, 0•11

1, 108' 1, 047

4!16 1, 142

·· · ·020· 035

1, 402 1, 4-10 1, 414

708 2, 838 1, 4>11 1, 141 1, ll:!O

372 810

1, 301

l., 310 022 240 014

1, 17·l a, o8a 2, 025

l, 400 1, 00·1 ..........



Page 65: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.



l !


TABLE III.-OHIO-Oontinuetl.


---~-. --- ---- ··--·---~-~---YA-~ WEltT-coutinucd.

'Washington twp., ind. tho foll. vills .. . Dt• lphos villo g" (part of) ........... . Jlfiddle Point village .............. ..

Willsbir" twp., incl. Willshire village. Willshiro,·illago .................. .

Y0£1~1i~~~s~.1Y1~ge. · (i~~ · "w~~i1i~·ii~~ · twp. 1 Vnn W crt co., and in Marion twp., Allen co.).


Brown township ............. ., ..... .. Clinton townBlnp, incl. llnmdcn viii ...


Ilnmclen villngo ................... :. Engle township ................... .. Elk township, incl. Mc.\rllrnr village.!

McArt.Jmr village ............ ·-~·--HnniBon township ................... . Jackson township . . . • • .. .• .. .. . . ... . Knmrtownship ...................... . Madison twp., incl. Zaleski villago .. .•

Znleski villa1w ..................... . Ri.,hlarnl township .•...........•..•.. Swan townBhip ...................... . Vin Lon township .. . . .. . ......... . Wilkesville twp., incl. Wilkesyillc vill.

Wilkesville village ................ .

WARRE!<I. I Clear Creek township, incl. 8pring. 'I

liorough villog<" Sprin!!horuugh villago ..... --·---··I

Dcerilel<l twp., incl. Mason village ····1 :Mn son Yi11ngo ...... -........ __ ..... .

l!'ranklin twp., incl. l"ranklin ''illnge. · 1 l!-.ranldin villago . .................. .

llnmilton twp., incl. M11lnovillovillngo. :Maineville villngB .•••.•..•.....••..

Harlan twp., i~cl. Dntlcrville village .. Butlcrvlllo nllnge ................. .

1..fassill twp., incl._Jinrvoyshurgvillage. Ila1•ycyslmrg v11la~o ............. ..

Salum twp., incl. tho.following villages. Fre<forrnkRlnn·g v1lln.go ------ --····. :Morrow vilfogo .. . .. . . .. . . .. ...... . Itochester village .. .. ........... ..

Turtle Cr< ck twp., incl. Lchnnon vill .. 1

Lehnnon village ....................



Union towuship ............ ------ ... . '\Vttshington township ............... . Wavnc twp., incl. '\Ynynesvi!le village.

Wayucsville villnge .............. --1

wASm:rnToN. )

A <lams ~'vp.,incl. B~iell's Lowcllvillage I Buell s Lowell village ............. .

Aurelius township ................... . B11rlow township........ . .......... . Belpre township ..................... . Decatur township ................... . Dunlrnm township .................. .. Fnirliohl township .................. .. Fentfog township .................... . Grarnl View towirnhip, incl.Now l\fat.

amtiras villag:r. Now llfatamoras village ............ .

lndcpcndeneo township .••••...•...... La.wnmco township...... . . . . . . . . ... . Lihert,y township .................... . J,mlJow township . . . .. ........... .. :Marietta twr,.,inc!. the followingplacca.

Harmm· nllage .................... . JIInrietta city ..................... ..

Wanl 1. ......................... . II 2.••••••··••·-·• ·•••·•••••••

3 ....................... .. Muskini:rum township ................ . Ncwporr. township ................... . l'almer township .....................


. Salem township ...................... . Warren township .................... . W aterforcl township, incl. Beverly vill.

never]y vi11ago ···--· ·--·-· -- --· ... . Woitortown township ................ . '\YcHley township ................... ..


naughrnnn townsllip, incl. pnrts of the following villages:

Jlfa1:shnll.vilic Yillai::e ( of) ...... , Orv1llo v1llago (part ot) ......... ..

Carnwn township, incl. part of Bnr­hau k village.

Burbank village (part of) ......... . Chester township...... . . .. . .. . . . .. . Chippewa twp., incl. thefollowingvllls. Doylr~town villag-e ................ · 1 .M:arsl111llville village ( art of) .... ..

Clinton township, inc1. /R1rcve village. ,. 8hrcvo villuge ·----- ...... ,. .......... J

3, 815 l, 811

442 1, DOS

508 l, 304 3, 814

1, 241 1, U08

520 J, 044 2, 000

000 1, 172 1, 288

047 2,217 11175 l, 668 1, 005 1, 131 1, 812


2, 782

553 I 2, 011

431 4, 148 2, 385 2, 523

32! 2, 242

167 1, 431

530 2, 052

52 046 lJa

5,700 2, 703 ], 110 1, 3DO 2, DO!


l, 850 322 090

J, 200 2, 030 1, 504

DOO 731

1, 2i5 2, 663

2, 241 040 lW

1, 044 208 983

1, 007

1, 297 1, 724

3M 081

2, 063 861 782

l, 2D4 559

1, 023 090

1,814 I 1, 002

65G 1,472

2, 605

477 1, 905

387 3, 012 l, 832

2,~~ 2,3DO

101 1, 270

388 2,102

64 708 155

5, 650 2, 740 J, 089 J, 220 2, OU~


1, 780 350 799

1, 104 2,"402 l,437

7;i5 F"!!·i

1,358 2,273

406 l, 305 2,860 1, 032 1, 082 7, 015 11 511 5, 218

631 l, 79! 2, 335 1, 014 1,875 R, 830 1, 572 5, 444 1, 739 l, 950 ::::::::(

Jn 1877, part of Union an· [nexe<l.

l, 7~6 ' 1, 350 · "i," i:iii" I In 1877, part of U11ion an· 2, 548 I. 2, 00~ [nexed.

501 on I 1, 038 1, 010 I · 1, 003 1, GO!

1 In 1877, po.rL of Union an·

2, ~~~ 2, ~n 1


l, 894 1, 450 In 1877, part of Union an· l, 4B2 l, 4-50 fncxc<l.


304 522

2, 135

248 2, 10{; a, :i27 ], 040

?2 2, 077



ws aw

l, 007 In 1870, i11cl. all of Bnr­bauk vHlngc.

] 1'21 2: 510

fif)l 24

1, fi02 470


1---1-------· -----··---~-·--·

\VAYNF..-continuccl. , I

Congress twp., incl. the full. villages .. . Burbank village (part of) .......... . Congi·1~sH villn.go .............. -.... . '\Vest Salem village ............... ..

East Union township ............... • 1 Fwnklin t.-0wnship .................. .. Greene township, inul. part of On·ille


Orville viliage {part of) ............. ! Milton township . . . . .. . .. .. .. . ...•. I'aint twp., incl. ~fount Eaton village l~•mnt I~'.1t'?u village ...... --- .... -- .

I'lnm townslnp ...................... 1

Salt Creek township, incl. l<rcclericks- 1

1 lmrg villnge.

Fredericlrnhmg village ............ : Sugar Creek twp., incl. Dalton village :

Dalton village .............. .. Wayne tow11sliip ................. .. "\Vo~Ater township, incl. Wooster city

"\'\ ooster city .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . Bnrbapk village (in CanannnrnlCon­

gress). hlarsbollville villa.go (in Ilaughman

1 mul Chip]rnwa). Orville village (in Baughman aml



2. 851 I 2. 581

a6~ 1···· 3o9' 878 I 113

2, 048 l, 865 l, 460 11, ~02 3, 300 2, 715

910 I 410 1, FGi I 1, 524 1, 474 1, 418

iJgg ! 1.~~' 1, 775 I 1, 5931

550 r.39 2, 093 2, 006 !

480 412 I 1, 831 l, 714 ' 7, Of.H 0, 564 ; G 840 51 419 ~ '293 258 In 1Hi0, rep·11 1u1 wholly

, in Canaan. 322 i U70

1, 441 745 !

Brn1ly townshiJJ, incl. West Unit,y vm. I 1, 985 1, 081' ~ West Unit,y vilh1gn ................. 1 88! 537 :

~riclgownte-r to.wnsllip ..... ,. ..... "'I 1, 398 l, 207 i townslnp ..................... 1 1, 689 1 6''8 1

Flor1Jnce .township, incl. Eden village.I 2, 228 1: 078 1


E<fon vtllage..... .. .. . .. . . .. ....... : 513 ,Jeft'ersontownsbip ..................... 1 1,n;:1 '"i;56!" :Mnclisontownsl1ip,incl. I'ioneervillnge.j 1, 708 l, 532

I' Jonoor village .................... " 75! I 338 Mill Creek township ................. ! 1, 102 1, 181 North West township .. . . . ... .. . .. . 1, 582 1, 521 Pulasld township, incl. Drrnn village.. 4, 430 3, 547

Brsnn village ...... . ~----·····-·· 2,052 2,284 Saint Joseph twp., incl. Edgerton vill. 2, 073 , 1, 844

Etlgerton village.................... 782 090 Sprili1,.>iicl1l township, incl. Stryker viJI. 2, 117 l, 981

Strrlrnr vflla;::e ..................... , 66.'.l 671 Supei·iortwp., mcl. :Montpelier Yillago. I J, 846 , 1, 027

:Montpelier vilfago .................. , 400 1· ....... 1

' . WOOll. I I I I Illoom towns Ii ip, incl. pnrt of Jerry 2, 022 1, 394 I

City Yillngt'. I 1 I J"el'!'Y City villngo (part of) ......... 1 124 : ........ :

Centro townsl!iJl, incl. part of Dowling I' 2, 023


1 1, 331 I Grcwn Y1llnge. I

Bowling Green village (part of) .... 7D2 471 ' l!'ree<lom twp., incl. Pemberville vlll.. 1, 667 1, 089 I

Pmuben•ille vill:igo. ... . . . .... ...... 644 ........ ] IIenr.v twp., 1:ncl. No'(th Baltimore vill. 1, 688 I 685 I

North Dnltrn1ore v11lagu . . .. . .... ... 701 ........ 1.

Jackson townshi11 ................... 1

1, 028 I 347 Lak~i townsh~p, incl. l\lillhnrg village.! 2, 207 i 1, 120 !

M1llburgv1llage .......... .. ...... ; 483 ,1



Libertytow11ship, incl. part of Portage! l, 202 I 965 Village. 1

I'ortage vi1111go (11arL of) ......... II 110 ........


:Mid<ll<•~on to!Ynship, incl. Haskins ,.m 1, ~06 1, ;21 Hnskms village .....................


.~81 -43 . Milt!'n tov.;nship, i,ncl. the follow. vllls. 2, 181 1, 464

:11111tou Center village.......... . . . .. 106 ....... . . '\Veston Yillage (part of) ........•..


1 32 ........ J :Montgomery twp., incl. the foll. vllls . . 2, 2. 83 1, 030 I

Freeport village . . . . . • .. . . . .. ... .. . . 216 , .... .. Rising Sun villogc.................. 344 ...... ..

l'eITy twp., incl. West l\Iill Gro\•e vlll I 1, 474 I 1, 323 : West :Mill Grovn village ........... • 1 2221 ...... ..

PerryslntTgtwp,., incl. Pc;rryshurgvill. 4, 112 4, 10~ In 1874, part to Ilom1. :Pcrryslmrgvll1nge ............................ 1,009 1,831>

Plain iownsliiP., incl. part of Bowling l, 08j , 1, 710 I Green village. ' 'I

Bowling Groen village (part of) . . • . 747 435 I'ortnge township, int1l. parts of the 1, 434 1, 069

I following villages: I

Jm·ry City villnµ:" (pa1·t of)......... j~~ ' I'ort:1gcn·il)age (part of)............ .. ...... ; I 8•4 f t of PPrrvs·

. Ross tow11sh1J1...... ...... ........... fi3D ........ 1 n 1 ' ' r. P • • Troy tuwnshijl............ ..... .... . 1,407 1, Oii7 · [burg. Wnshington twp., incl. 'fontognnyvill. l,rii!~ 1, 321

Tontogany village.................... -.---922 .. Webstm' township.................... 1, 1D7 Weston township, incl. tho foll. vills .. 2, 351 1, 833

Gram! Rar.ills village .. . • .. . . .. . . .. 332 Waston v1llngo (part of) ... . . . . ..... OGO ........ Rowling Grc~n villngo (in Centre 1, 530 906

anrl I'Jnin). Jeny City villnge (in Bloom aucl 224

i'ortage),' l'ortags village (in Libet'ty and 30!

,, P01·tagc) . Weston village(in Milton nrnlWcs· 098

ton). • · 1

Page 66: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.


TAnLm III.-OHIO-Oontinued.

1880.1187'0. / REMAitKS. II MI~OR crvIL DIVISIONS. J 1sso. I 1s,-o.1 REMARKS.

------W-YA!_N_n_o_T_.------/--- ----, ,----w-Y-A-~--n-o-·r---c-o_n_t-in_u_e_d_. ___ ----,----------


.Antrim township, incl. part of N c>acla I, 928 1, 061


In 1870, exclusive of part Marseilles twp., incl.Marseilles>illage. 840 003 I village. . of Nevada village. i\I arseilles villago. ..•... .... .. ..... . 273 051

Nova(fa villnae (part of) . .. .. . . .. .• . 790 Mifllin towuship ......... : . .. .. . . . . . . . I, 455 BOO Crane twp., in<~. Upper Sandusky vii!. 5, 027 3, 87u I Pitt township ..... -........ - .. -- -.. . .. 1, 268 001 I

u1iper Sarnlusk.v yH!age ............ R, 540 2, 5Gi Richlaml townsbip .......... -- ........ 1, 60.~~ 1, .~17841 J

Cr:nvford township, incl. Camyvillago. 2 21U 1, 800 I Jfalge 1ownship...... ..... ...... .... .. "" Carevvi!lage . ..... . ........ l'.148 692 Salem township ....................... 1,547 l, 1031

Edc•n township, ind.part of Nevada 1,793 l,423 In 1870, oxclusiV<!flfpart S,l'.camm·etownship .............. : ..... 1,058 850" · ,·illa_gl!. of Nevada village, Tymochtee town•h1p . .. .. .. . . . .. . . 1, 620 I, 031

Juclrnnn township, incl. Kirby village 1, :!31 771 the respective town. Nev:ulitvlllaire (part.of)............ 240 'Ne,·ad:nillap;e(in.AntrimandEdenl. 1,0~6 828 ,·In 1870, the portions in

Kirby Yillap;o. ...... ................ 204 shi1ia not aacertainccl.


NO"rn.-Tlrn followiug 11ni11corporatecl phtc<'s lmYe beim rntmne<l H(lpamtely by the euumeratorR. The list is not lly any means.complete, as Ycry many mmmerators hnvo failed to sepanito sncl1 bodies of populatiou. The popnl:ttfou.of these plaees has, of eonrse, lwcn inclncl(l(l in tl1e towmhips in whicl1 they are respectively sitnatecl. The figures can be cmrnitleretl as only approximate, as the limits of such iilaccs are uoL sbarply defined, ·

:n:y. =~ l~opllla: !/ Name of 11lace. II Township. Conntv, Popnln-tion. I J t10n.

Addison . .. .. .. .. . .. . ... Jackson ...... ~-:~~~ Chnmpaign~~ ~~-~:~~ ~1 Blo~mingville=~~ ~xfo:.~~~ ~~-..... Erio --~:~~-:~-=~~ -- 41 Adrlison ................ Ad!lison .............. Galpa................. 7~ Boliva!' ................. Lawrence ............. '.l'uscarawaa .......... 504 Adena ........... ... ... Sm1t.11fiel<l ............ ,Jellerson .. .... . . . .. .. 4;1 Bond Hill. .............. Mill CrcBk ............ Ifamilton. .. . . .. .... .. 393

Name of pince. Township,

.Ai. .................... I"ulton ................ Fulton................ 104 Bonu ................... Salem ................. Washington.......... 40 Allensburg ............. Dmlson ............... Hiµ;hlnml ............ : 61 1lo~ton ................. Somerset ............ :1 Belmont .. -........... 00 Allentown .... : ......... German .............. Allen ......... ;....... 7il Boston ................. Boston ................ Snmmit............... mo 11iS~~0''.'.~::::::: ::::: :: ~~~~~~·::::·:::::: :::: g~~~~~0 :: ::: :: :: :::::: l~~ R~~;~~~;iii~::::::::::::: ~~i~n-~i:~::::::::::::: ~~:~h-~:::::::::::::::: ~i~ Alton ................... l'rnirio ............... Franklin............. 00 Bowerston .............. Monroe ..... · .......... Harrison............. 320 .Alv:ula ................. Dig Spring ........ , ... Seneca................ US llow«rville ......... --- .. Jefferson ............. Greene .......... ·...... 84 Amnlthea ............... Illendon .............. F.rnnklin.............. 87 llowlusville ............ ll1oorfieltl ............. Cla1·Jrn................ 53 .Amanda ................ Lemon ............... Buller................ 273 Bi·1ulrn•r ............... Montgomery ........ Wo01! ................ 281 Amelia ................. natavia ............... Clenuont............. 185 Br:ulyville .............. 'l'wig;~ ................ Adams............... 93 .Anwlia ............... Pierce .................... tlo ................ 196 Br:m(:l1Hill ............. Miami ............... Clermont............. 71 Am1•sville .............. Ames ................. Athens................ 150 Brandon ................ Miller ................ Knox ................. , 06 .Amit.1· .................. Pike .................. Knox................. 110 Brnmli; ................ Bethel. ............... lliinmi............... 241 Amsterdam .............. Springfield ........... Jelfornon ............. 106 Br"cksvillo ............. Brecksville .......... Cuyahoga ............


110 Amsterdam ............. B?wlingGroen ....... Lickillg............... :!7 . llr!mwn ................ nnshUreck .......... l•'alrfi!111L...... ...... 248 Annapolis .............. Ltllorty ............... Cmwfor(l ............. 35011 llmlgcv1llo ............. Perry ............... Muskingum.......... 34 Annapolis .............. Salem· ...... : ......... Jeffm·son ............. 131 llri<lgovillo ., ........... Whe'elin~ ............. Guernsey ............ 30 .Antiquit.v .............. J,et11rt, . ._ . .i .... ~ ....... Meigs................. HI llr!ghton ................ Ra1111011y ............ Cl11rke.... ........... 03 A11pl0Crook ............ EastUnton ........... Wa.vne ............... H8ii Br1ghtcm ............... ............. Cuyaltogct .............


33·1 .A11pleton ............... Bennington ........... Licking.............. 0.0 I Br\mlh•ltl ............... 1lr1mfield ............. Portage............... 125 Amhiu. ................. Mason ............... Lawmnce............. 4G Bnstol ............... Pike .................. Perry................. 110 A1·lington .............. Madiso;1 .............. Hancor:k............. 136 ,Bristolville ............ Bristol. ............... 'l'rumbull ............ 147 Arnheim ................ Frnnkhn ............. Brown................ 08 Jlrol'k .................. York ................ Dnrko ................ 45 Athalia ............... J:ome ................. Lawrrnco............. 2iil Brnoldlehl ............. Brookfie!<l ............ 'fa•umbull............. 200 Atwater Station ........ Atwater .............. Portngr> .. ,........... 220


Brown~town ............ 'Vashington .......... Brown................ 40 -'}1u1ri.,~r':.ta:::·.::· .• ··.· .. --.--· .. ·.· .Augusta .............. Carroll............... 206 llrownsYillo ........... BowlingGreen ........ I,icking............... 280 ""' •• Aururct ............... "Portae;o............... 222 Jlrowns'."ille ............ Bm1ton .............. Monroo............... 84 .Anstinlmrg ............. .Austinburg ........... Asht>ilmla............ 318 Jlrnw1willo ............ NewLymo ............ A.shtahula............ 12'1 A.Ya .................... Nulilo .. 1 ............. )fohle................. 28 Jlrmrnrsbnrg ........... Noble ................ Dcllanco.............. .180 llnchmnn ............... Clar .................. Montgomery.......... 178 Bucluman ............... Pebble ................ Pike;................. 71 Bnlwrsville ............. A1lnms ............... Coshocton............ 2;;:1 Jluclltd ................ York .................. A.thens .... ;.......... 417 Bangs ................. Liberty ..... : ......... Knox................. 50 Bucklnncl. .............. Logan ................ Auglatzo.............. 106 Barcsville .............. Ohio .................. Monroo............... 341 lllwna Visfa ............ Greeno ............ Fayette............. 91 BaHC{)m ................ Hopewell._ ............ Seneca................. 160 llnfonl.. ................ Cla.v------·----------- Highlnn<l ............. 125 Bafowantown ........... llfoldlebury ........... Knox................. 30 Burghllill ............ Vernon ............... '.t'rum\mlL............ 222 Bayard ................. West ................. Columbiana........... 111 Burgoon ................ Jnck•on ............. Santlusk.v............. 110 BuachCity .............. SngnrCre~k .......... Stark................. 282 Burlington .............. Genuan .............. Fulton................ 90 BeamaYil!o .............. 1\ichlund ............. Darlrn ................ 125 llmton ................. Burton ............... Ge11ug11............... 480 Beartlstown ............. Bloom ....... , ........ \Vood................. 311 Jlmton ................. Bnnp;hruan ........... Wayne............... 180 BeM•er .................. Beaver .............. Pike................. 95 B.vhalia ...... '. .......... \Vnahington .......... Union................ 50 Ilenvertown ............. VctuHurcn ............. Montgomer:f.......... 170 Jlyini..rfon ............... Mifflin ................ Pike.................. 50 BelfaHt., ................ Jnclrsnn .............. Hi;i;hland ......... :... OU Byl"lm .................. Bath ................. Grr>eno .:............. 53 Bl'llePomt ............. 1 Concor(l .............. Delaware............. 81 Cnhlo ................... '\Va~·no ............... Chnmpnii;n ........... 107 Belle Valley ............ Nollie ................. Nohl<1................. 57 Uudiz,Jnnction ......... German ............. Harrison............. 181 Belfovermm ...... -----. '£.vmochteo ........... '\V}·andot............. 112 Caknlt:i ............... Saint.Clair ............ Columbiana........... UG ll••lmont ................ ' Goshep ............... Belmont.............. s



I California ............... Anderson ............. Hamilton ............. 1 376 Beloit ................... Smith ................ Maluming ............ Calilornia ............... Marion ..... -. ......... Pike.................. 177 Belpre ............... ·. Belpre ................ Washington.......... 901 I' Cahforui<t ............. Green ................ Adams............... 52 Ucnton· ................. G1·cen ................ llrown .... ,........... 20 California ............... Fairfielil. ............. Madison............. 134 Benton ................. Salt Creek ............ Holmes............... 1


?, ! Camclcn ........ ~ ........ Columhia ............. Hamilton............. 63 Renton-~---···-------·· 1~cxns ................... Cr~iwford............... ~ Cnnrnron .............. Adams: ............... ltic.mroe .............. 176 Bentonville ............. Sp1igg ................ .AtlamR .... ,.......... 280 Camp Denison .......... 8ymnie9 .............. Ifamiltou ............. 202

il~~ll~ :::~:::::::::::::: ~~~t~~-::: ::::::::::: ~~1~~:~;::::::::: :: : :: : ~~~ 8::~;:~;:.;:1ii,;:::::::::::: ri~~f~~!'.::::: :::::: :::: ir~1~~e~: :::::::::::::: m Berlin ................ lliiltnn ................ ,Jackson.............. 216: Ca111Ll I.ewis\•illo ....... T11scarnwas ........... Coshocton .......... :. 251 IlerlinHeights ......... Dllrliu ................ Erie.................. 42,1 1 Caru.1' Town ....... : .... PS'te


;i_J,- • .• ··.·.·.·.·.·_-_-_-_._-__ ··.-•• NH1i1g11111.~11_1_'_'1.·.-.- ... _·_-_· __ -_--__ .. _-. 40 Berne ................... Bern(\ ................ Fnirfiol1l .............. 47 Um·Jislo................ ., 157 Bel'I'!·sville ............. Washington .......... Hiµ:hlnn(l ............. 47 Carlisle ................ J11ckson .............. Bromi................ 63 Bethanv ................. Libertv ............... Butler. __ ............. 13U Carlisle Station ......... l'rankhn ... · .......... Warren............... 107 DettsYillo .................. do~------·-····-··· Seneca................ fi15 Caroliue ................ Venice ................ Seneca................ 05 BigSpringa ............. Rush Creek ........... Logan................ 51 Ca1·thav:cn:L ............. Marion ............... Mercer.............. 18 Bii·mingl•am ............ Florence .............. Erio.. ............... 238 CaTyvillc ............... Aclams ............ : .. Champaign........... 164

~:shhr.vilte ............. Homer ................ l11o1·ga11............... 8 Casialia ................ w:rl~~~:::~::::::::::. ~~ir"k·c·:::::::::::::::·. 117

Ill~~en~L~~~0.::::::::::: f;{~~n::::::::::::·:::: ::i?;~ 0.::::::::::::::: ~~ 8~~If~-~::::::::::::·::::: Crane ................. P~'ulding. ........... m Bl:L1lcnsburg ............ Gla.v .................. Knox_ ..... _......... 45 Cedarville .............. Belpre ................ Washington.......... 104 BIMmdale .............. Bloom ................ Wood ................ 130, Centerfi«l•l ............. J<'nirfiel!l. ............. Higltlnnd............. 130 Bloomfield ............ ;. Clark ................ Coshocton............ Ol ! CllnlerPoint. .......... Cynthian ............. Sht•lb)'................ 35 Jltoom~eltl. ............. Bloornfielcl..: ......... Trumlmll ....... ·...... .JOO' Ct·nterville ............. Raccoon .............. Gallia ................. ! 272 D oomlieltl .............. Highlaml ............. Musking11m .......... 170, Centerl"ille ............. Harlem .............. Delawam .............


117 Blooming.Grove ........ North Bloomfield ..... Morrow.............. 10;; Centerville ... , ......... Wayne ............... Clinton............... 109 Blnom!ngt~n·-··········1 Wilson ---------------1 Cliut~n ............... I rn2' Ce11treton ................ Norwich ............ Huron ................ , 132 Bloommgv1lle ........... Benton ............... Hockmg ... .,.......... 105 Uhamllersv1ll~---------- Salt Creek ............ Muskingum.......... 181

Page 67: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.


f ! I

l i~ !


TABLE III.-OHIO-Oontiuued.

-===-=--=-=--=-=-=-=-=~-====c=============~=====·- ====== Namo of place. Township.

---------- -------~----

Clmrloo ............••••. Clu1sntown .•..........•. Chutl11tm ......•......•. Chnttnnoogt1 ............ .

81~:~~h\~~)~: ~:: ~:::: : : : : : : Clwsl,cr ............... . (Jhestcrficltl. ....••.•.••. Chnviot. . .....•....... Chicago Junction ...... .

Bmwu ••.•........•.. Pcrr.v ................ . Newton .........•..... J,ilJGrty ..••••..•...... Dowr .............. . CheRhire ............. . <nu~ster .. ............. : . 1\fa1·iou ............ : .. Green .......... :. .. New Ifav1m 1<ml Rich-



Paulcling ............ . Brown .............•.. Licking .•••..•.•..•. Mercer .......•••...•. A.thens ..•...•.•...•• Gnllia . ............. . Meigs ................. . . Morgan.-. ............ . Ifamiltou .........••.. lluro11 . .........•.....

Cltickns1LW .............. l\inrion . ............ Mel'Cel' . ............ . Chili . . . . .. • . . . . . . . . . . . . Crawfor,l . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coshocton ........... . Chilo . . . . . . . . • •• • . • . • • • I•'mnklin . . . . . • . . • . • . . _c.\'J




1; ..••.•• · .•••. ·.· .•.•.

Clark1R Corucl'R-·-··-·-· Monron. ............. w

Clarlrnfielil. ....••••...•• Cl11rlrnfiel!l. ........... lluron .•............. Clay Cm1ter ..•.•.•....•• Clay ........•......... OWtwa .............. . Clliyavillo....... •. • •. . • . '\V<'stlarnl............. G1w111soy ........... . Chtytou ...•..•...••...•. Nowl\l\rr.v ............ :M;iuml ..••...•..•....• Clifton . . . . ••• ••. . . . . 111ill CrMk ..........•. Ilnmilton ......••...•. Clinton V11Jlny ·-·-·· .... Jp:fl'erson ............. Clinton .............. . Olintonvilh; . .............. Clinton ................. Franklin ............ . Coal l:un . . . . . . • • . . . . . Wntmfonl. .. . . . ...•.. WaHltington ...••..... Cochrnnsville.... ••.•.. .Tnclrnou ....•.......•. Mnuroe .............. . Cold Creek .............. ~{nl'garettn. ............. J~rio ·---·····-······· Cohlwatm· .............. llutlor ................ J\Icrcer .•.........•.•• Cullni.xo Corners ........... Oxt'o1·d.- ............... Butler .............. . Coll1•gn Corncrn . • . . . . . . Israel................ 1'1·cl>le ..•....•....... Collins . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . 'l'ownaeml •••••. ·•.••.. Huron .....••......•.. Cnllinavillo .. • . • . .. • . • . . :lUilfor<l . • . . . . . . • . . . . . Buller ......•..•....• Golt011 .......... ·•• • •• .. . '\VnHhington . •• • •• • • .. Henry ....•.•..•...... Colmnbia ................. Limn.. . ................ Licking ............ . Cnlumllit» .............. Nrnth West .••••..... Williams •.........•• Oomnrnrcinl ............ G-reen ................ Adanrn .............. . Concord ................ Groene ................ Clarke ............... . Couovt~r .................... Drown ............... ~ l\liami ............... . Coming ....•........... Monroo. ..'.. ... . . . . Peny .....•••....•... Cor0Uw1'8..... .... .. . . . . "Venice ................ Seneca ................. . Oortsvillo ..••...• - . • . • . . Greeno ..... ·.. . . . . . . . . rnnrke ......•..•...... Corwin................ \UC'f

11n1)0•1nie .... ·.·• .. ·•.· .. ·.·.•.·.·.·.·· Warren .........••...

Gory...... . . • • . • . . . . . . • . I111ucock....... . ..... Cmint,y Infirmary •••••• Cnnftehl .•..••........ llfnlwninp: ....••.••... Coznclnle ................ llnmilton ............. '\Vnrren ....•••.•.•• ··I C1·1twfordsville •••••••.•. Cmwforcl ..•••••••••.. W.l"arnlot ............ . Cross Itonds .............. Chester ................ Clinton ............... . CnhtL.. .• . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . 'Vnshington . • • . . . . • • . !lo ............... . .••.••..........•• Milton .•..••..•.•••.•. Wood······-········· O.vnthinmi ..••...••..• -- rI.Io1ttm'ry

1_11.0.n .... · .. ·.·.··.·. ·.· .. ·.·.·.· Piko .....••••...... ·•.

Dnll1rnl11n·g . . .•. . . . .. • • . '\VtuTen. . •••.••••. Jlnlzoll .......•••.•.•.... L('Ti


1J1• ·.:.·.·.·.·.·· •• · .... ·.·.·.·. Washington ......•..•

D111m1scus ....... _.... • Mahoning .......... . Dnmnews ············-· 13utlcr ...••.••••••.•.. C:olumbiamt. ..•....•.• Dau ville . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • . Rnlcm....... • • • • • • . • . :rir .. i~a .............. .. Dnm·i1111 . . . . • • . • . . . . . . . . Union . • . • . • .• • • . . . . . Knox ....•...•...... Dnnvllln . . . . . . . . • • . . . Rmucr................ Hi~hlund .•.......•.. -. Dal'rtown. ...•....... •• Milfor<l ....•.......... Du tier ...... · .. · .••.. · 1 D:nvn ........•••.•....•. Hichfaml ...••...•... Ilnl'ko ........•..••.•• lkmvertou .............. York .............. · ... :Morgun ............. .

~::~~t1'.'.l;l::::::::: : :: : : : i\~::~\i:,iii·::::::::::::: f,~;~~~~:: :: ::: : ::·:::: llem·ll.,ltl . . . . .. . • . . . . . . . Union . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . '\Ynnen ........... . 1111 Kalil •••.......•..••. Vemon ............... Gr:nvfor1l ••••••.••••. lldlti ............. ····-· I>elht ................. Hamil1"'11 •••••••••.••. llt>ll Hoy................ 111omoo.. .. . •. . • • • • • • . Can-oil ..........•... lh~nrnnrk ................. Cnnnun .................. :Morrow .............. . ])mmiHon . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • Norton....... • . • . . . . Summit ............. . Ilmdm·Uity .....•....••• J"nclrnonallllJofferson. Nohle .•......•....... llinlton........... . . . • . . Pike . .. . .. .. ... . . .. . . . <Jlnrko ............... . Dingrnanshnrg..... . • . . Clinton •••.....••.... ·I Rholhy .....•.••...... Dixon .......•••.•.••• Tully ............... ·-' Vnn IV.-rt .••......•.. Ilonuvii~tl. .......•...•.. Yoric ...••••.••••..•.. 1


Athens ............ ··• Ilotlp:1mllo ......••...... NewLymo., •.•....... A."lltalmla ... , ....... . Dot Ison................. Clay ................ ·· 1 Moutl(111nery ......... · 1

Do<lsom· illo. . . . . • • . . . . . . Tlm\,on . . . . . . . . . . . . • Highland .....•....•. -. Jluhlin ...... . .• • .. . . . . '\Vasbiugton .........


l!'nmklin ..•....•.. ·· · l11me1rn1H li'alh~·-······· "\Y,nynu .................. M.nskingum ........ -·-· llu111l:is. .•. . . . . • . ... . . . C!mton ..•••.......•• Vrntou .........•••••. Dumh·t~- ..... ...... ... ~Vu,Ync . .............. I 'l'nscnni;was ............ . Dung1.m110.u ..••..•...... .................


Uolnwlnuna ........... . Ilunlmrnv11Io .........•. Oltver ............•.•. Adams ............... . Ilupont.... . .. . .• . .• . . . Perry ............•••••


Putnam ....••. ••·•·· .• Bttirlepnrt....... ........ l!loom ................. Morgan .... .......... . En~levillo ......••.......... <lo ......•••........ i \V ootl ...........•. • · . East Allinucn ......•.••. Smith .......•••• - ..... ! 1Inlwniug ....•••. ···· 1'nHt Fnirllel<l • . . . . . . • l'nil'!illlil . . . • . . . • • . . . . . Golnmhiana .... -·. • ... J<:nst Lewistown . • • . . . • . llimwr.. ... . . . . . . . . . . Jilnbouing ..... ' .. · · •. Ji11stJ,iborty ............

1 Gr!"cn ........ -· ••••.. Summit ..•....•....•..

l~nstl.1ihert'y ...... ...... . Pcl'l'V'··---···· ........ Lngan .............. . East. l\lomo"o ..•......•. Fnidiel<l .••••••••..... l:lighln11rl. .......... . Ji11Hton ............•.•... Chippcw1> .••••.....• \Vay11~1 ............ . Enst .Ricbfiohl .. . • .. . •• . 1Uchtlolt1 ...•..• :. . .. Sumnnt ........ · · · ·· · I J•.:nst Hicblarnl ..••..••... Hlehlnnd .•.••......... Belmont······.:. · · · .

1 J~nst ltinggold '......... Wnlnnt.. .. • •• . . . . . • . . Pickaway ...•••...... -Enst Sprinp:fiel<l . •. .• • • . Spriugfie!U .......•••.. Clarke··············· ·1 Ens I; S11ri11«tlel!l..... •• S11lom ...•..••.....••. Jefferson ......•...•. · EaHt Unio1l',. ••..••. ··-· Stuck ...••...•••.•.••. Noble .•••. •.••• : •·.· ··1 11<·.Jde.v.................. Washington ••. . .. . • • . Cm-roll ...•.••...... · .. Eokm"nnsvillo ..•....•••. Wayne •.•••.......••. Adams .....•...•..... Eden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. • . . Brown............... Delaware .••..••...... Edunton.H····--·-·····' 'Vn~·nu ................ Clermont .......... ···· lMmwilfo ......•........ E1h;n ..••..........•.. \Vynn<lot ·············I fallnhnrg ....... :. .. . . . . Edinburg ..•••....•••. l'ortagc .. ··· ··:·······I };1Hson. . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . Gil.,1Hl . . . . . . • • . • • • . . . Morrow •...•••..• ··· ..

1 ]:dwnrdsvillc ..•........ Springfiehl.. .••..••... Clark~ -· .....•...• 1 m lHt . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . A lll'eli us.............. '" nshmf,<i:Oll . • • . . . . . . '

Ell< ton.................. Elkrun ....•.... _ .... ., Columbiana ......... !

Poriula- I Name of rilace. I tion. I I

··~ 1· ~lliottsville ...•...••.••. ,-K-n--ox-. -.-.• -.-. -•• -.-•. -.-.-•• -.l-J-effi_e_r_s_on-.-•• -.-.-.• -.-.-•• -.-.1

Township. Gounty.

1fi} Ellsworth ..•........... Wnsbingt-On .•••••••.. Jaclrnon ............ ..

Elmwood.............. Mill Creek .....•.••••• Hamilton .•••••••••••. 67 II Enterprise ....•..••..• · 1 Lanier ................ Preble •••••.•••.••••••

18j Essex ..................... ,Jackson ............... Union ........................... . ma Etna ........••...••.••.. Etna ......•..•........ Licking .............. . 171i Euphemia .............. Hnrrison .....•...•.•. Preble ............... . 4·15 llun,kuville ............. Waahini,<ton .....•..•. Jackson ............. . a2:; I~v.ms1w1 t ....•........ · 1 Titnn ..•.•.•.....•.• ·· 1 Defiance .••••..•••••• G02 E1·mtonville ..••...••.•. S111il!g ................ .A.dams .............. .

Ewing ...... ------...... 'Vllshington .............. Hocking .................. . ;m Ewiugtuu . ................. Huntingllon .......... Gallia. ........................ .

~l if !f~~2 H ~~i~, +- -:E4~~E+ llU 1<:111·rno11nt .•...••••••••. Goshen .............. Belmont .......•.•••.. 118 Fairport ....••......•... PaineHvi!le ........... Lake .•••.•••...


i, ~i~ ~~i~:~i~::: :::::: :::::::: R~:~~~y-.-:.·_·_·:_·-::. :::: ~~~~f:,~~1 ::~:::::::::: 08 Fallst:oro ..•..•........ \ Foils .....•.••.....•••. Hocking .•••..•.•••••

220 l;'urrnet·Ucnter ......... ]'armer ................. Defiancci ................... . 110 Farm<'rstown •......•••.

11 German............... Holmes .•••.•.••...... I

7l Ji';lJ'llll'l'HVille .•••.••.•.. 1

Huntington ........... lt<>HS ........................ i 2:J7 !l'.trmiugtou .............


1 Farmington ............. Trumbull ............ ] 18·1 Fnrrnin;;ton . . . . . . . . . . . . eoJemiu . •• . . . . . . . . . .• Belmont ......•.••... · 1 1-rn .Inucustlo ............... , En.gfo . ............... Brown ................ . ~00 .Flat Hock ...... ..... : Tluimpson ............ Sene?a .... ............ . ll!i Fluodwooil ....••••.. 1 York ..•........•..•.. Athens •••..•••..... 1

11B ]!'lm'l•nee ................ 1 Pultnev. . ...•.••••.. Belmont ....••..•••. ··1 189 Flornnceville ........... : 8]lrindlel1l . •. . . • • • ... Glarkc ..•.•..••.••.••. 102 l!'luri!la.. .. . .......... 1 Flat Hoek .....••..•.. H<,nr~· ...•...•........

85 Footville ..........•.•. : 'J'rnmhnll ......••... Ashtabula .....••..... 118 Fort Ancient ........... I 'iVasltlngton ....••... Wmwn .....•..•.... ··I 100 Fort,JefforHun .......... :Neave ..•.....•.••. Darke •.•... ··········1 270 Fortlcnuing,s ......... ! Jc1mings ·-------·--·· Putnam ................. .

!H Fort Scuem1 ....... ----~- l)lc1..1snut .. ...... '-: ...... Seneca ............... . fi7 :Foster1:;;CroHsing ...•.•. I llnmiltuu nntl Deer- \\~mTl:!ll .................. .

i~f. I l!'owlt•1· City ......... J Pi~~1~: ...• · ........•... 'Vynndot •.••••••••.• i 90 l<'mnkl!n ............... .' ll'runldin ...••..••••... I II~ni~on .•••...• -·····I

lrn II F1 edorwksburg ........ Monroe ..•••...•...... Jihumt ···-·· .••••• ··-!il Frcderi.ektowu ..•••.... Saint <Jlair •..••••.•.•. I C?ln!llbiana ...••••••• 11 I l!'retl1>111:t .•••..•..••.•• McKean ....••..•.•••. Lrnkmg. ··········--·

167 I F1·"1;dom ...••.••..••.•.. Marion., .........•... Noble ....•.••..•••••. 248 , Frei•port ............... Washington .......... ·warren ...•..••••••.•• 140 !I: Fr1~rahurg ............... Lewis ........... _ ...... .! Urow:n ........ ........... . 40 i French Greek....... .. Avon ....•.• ··········I Lowm._ .•••.•••••.... ·12 ii Frirn<lsllip .......•..••. Nila ..................


Scioto ···-· ·····-···· H1U i' Frylmrg .................... ~~uEihet~ ................

1 Auglaize ,. ................ f

107 ·1 Fnltla ..........••..•...• Enoch .•.•......•••..


. Nohle ..•.••••....•..•• 1 Sil 1 Furmamlale. •... ..• . .. F11irtlrlrl ............•. Butler .•.•.•... ·····-·i

2"4 , Gahn11u1> ••...•.•••.•..•. M1lllin ..•............ Franklin •••...•..•••• lilil 'I t.laleuu ...........•...•


: .Brush 91·eek ......... 1 Scioto .........• ······! 260 Galena ......•.•.•....•. Berksb1re ............. I Defaware.-- ......•.• • ~Ofi UnlliaFurnace .......... .I Greenfiolcl ............ Gallia ................. .1 2:19 Galloway ······----·····I Prairie.;. .............. Franklin ............ J 2fi8 1! qauµ;es ................ Bl.o_omin~'Tnve .........

1 ~ichland . ........... .

1:""1U i Uu1111 ...••••........... Uthon ........ ,;. ·--···I Knox: ........ · ... · ....... . 311 : G:m·s illills ............. Mayfiel!l. ....... ······1· Cuyn1!oga ..•...•..••• 72 : G».vspOl't • . . . . . • . . . . . . . . Bluo Rock . • .• . • • .. • Mnskmgum ......... .

2H8 Geuntown .............. Turtle Greek ..•.. ···I Warren ..•.•.........• 664 Georgesville .••......•.. Pleas~nt ·············1 Franklin ....••.•.•••.

:;3 Ueorgntown ··H·•······ Knox . .............. Colnmbia1n1 .......... . 2H.i th!orgctown ············I Shmt,Creek ......... .!Harrison ............... . 2;}G ' G"rmautowu .......... I Liherty ......•.••••. ·I Wasbingwu ......... .

n;, Gett.yslmrg ............. 1Teffer1:1011 ·······--····i· l>reUle'. .............. . 200 Gibcsonville ·····-······/ Lilttrel ·--·-··········· llocking ........... . 40 Gilfonl ................ ·1 IIanoYer ............. _, Columl1inrni ......•.••

1aG U-ihnore ........ ...... ~ 'Vn:-;liington ···-···--·! T1~sca._rawns ....... . . 87 UiugbumlJm·g ...... .... ~lnnroe ............... I M1ann -- -··········1 71i Ula8.!J.OW ············-·--1· 8:1lem .............. · ... Tuscarawas .....•.....

1-!!i Gkucoe . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . Hir~hlaml ....... - . . .. . Belmont .............. i ;i14 <~natl'·!lhu.tten .......... 1 (~ay ....... -·· .......


1 i:i;u~cttrawas ..........


i !!HJ U. oes_St,at1011 .••.....•... I Xt'1.1u1 .. , ....... ---····· (:J"rcene -··············

U4- Gomer .................. , S11garCreek ...•.•.... Allen ................ . Hi Gootl Hope ..........••. ·I Waynll _ .•.....•••.••.. Fayett"; -.••...... 1:.10 Hom:H~'·ille .............. Urlmua ................ Champa1gn ··--· ....... 1

ti7 Uoslwu .•..•..•..••... · 1 Goshen ....•.•..••.•. · 1 Ulernwnt . ·. • · · · •• ••. 105 UrmHl. View .............. Grand View ............ \Vashingtou .............. 1

35 frratiot .•.••...•.••... Ilopcwel! ............. Lieking .. : ....•...•.•• nu Gmtiut .......... ·······1·. ·:do •.••••...•.•••...


J\foskin,i:um ········-· 3::4 Great \Yestem .....••. 1\ichlaml .....•..•.•.. Belmont ............. . 1~~ i~f~~~~:iif:::: :::::: ::1 ::::{\fa·:::::::::::::::: P,~!~i~'.~~: :::::: :::::: 16-l Urcenshurg ............. I Gret•n ................... \ Hummit ................... ~ 1:11 Gret!11to,vn . ............. Lal,;:e ....................... Htark ..................... . Hili GrctffHvillu ............. ,Jr.ttersun .............. 1 I-Cnox .................... . 111 (}ypsum . •. ... . •. . . . . . . l'ortag11 ....•••. ' .•.... ! l?Haw:i ... · ...••• ··•• I

86 Hagersto.wn .............. Ornuge ··············-! LnIToU ................... I

m: !~~:r!}~ill;,::::::::::::: ~o~!~t'.':::::::::::::::i ~~t~:;::::::::::::::::I 210 Hammomlsville ....••.•• l:faline •.•...••.•••..•.. i Jefferson •.•...•••••. ,

33 Harlem....... ..... ..• Ilmlem ..•........ ····I Delaw11re .••......•• ·1· fl8 Harlem Springs ..•...... J.e(1 .••..•.•••••. ·····-' Cn1Toll .....•..• ·•· .••.

1 l!iO H:n·mony .........••..•. Ha1mony ......•.•..• ' Clarke .•.•...•••••. 2;;0 Hmrishin·g ·············I :Kimishillen .......•.•. I Stark •..•. · ·• ······,

fiO Harrislnn·g .•.•••••.... Randolph ....•.. ···-·· Montgomery .......... i 127 Tiarrison ................. 1 lliram ............... l)o.rtagc ........... ........... 1

152 flarrisouville ..... ·····i. Harrison ................


1 8c1~to ...... --········\ 120 Hurrisouville .............. 1 Scipio ............... Meigs ....... ·-·······i 75 llarslrnsville ............ i Olh·er ................ Aclnnrn .....•.......... r U2 Ilarshmaus1·i110 .•••••.•. ! Mail Ri,·cr ••.••..•••• : llumgumery ......... .,


Popula· ti on.

118 152 136

54. 71

236 269

86 292

22 63 85

107 48 39

477 281 106 290 ~9

353 445 120 45 10

142 78

l!R 2i7 150 120

12 245

G7 34 03

lli4 123 202

126 rn2 104 70 &l 81 85

170 2t~ 66

137 84 6!

235 214 250 136 182

98 153 99 88 gg Oi

106 130 49

119 72 64

116 114 371 162 336 103 94 68 fJ4

291 163 16? 6i ~g

l\rJ 49 49

240 2il0

81 ~6

ms 2!11 231 2:11 3li5

70 1sg

Hl 1:m 1;:}2 H

!16 lW

ft2 196

Page 68: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.


TABLE III.-OHIO-Oontiuued.

Namf' of place. Township.

"~--·· :;- :-;;:.-:::_:::"-:'."_;;:._~...:;:...-

I \

-·~·--,---·1 ---------·-··-~)-.... ................ : Vall<:>y .••• •. •••• •. . .. . Guernser ............ .

il~~:W£;r :::: ::::::: :: : ~~f.~:~j'._:_:_:_: ::: : ::: :::1 ~l::fli~::: :_::::-:: ::: : : Huvc .. 1sviIIe .......... .......... __ r Yi:rmillion .......... .. f .A8hluud .............. . lfa~·tsvilln .............. , JaeJ;sun ·········--···! \Vood .............. . Ut·l1!umlvillo ........... , .Al•.'XUIHler ............. .A.thens .............. -lfrh:na ..... ---····-----i anckson ·····-······-·i Sandusky ............ . lfrndr.~·Hbur~ .. -·······i Kit:I~woud ·····-----··j ~dm.ont ........ H••··

lfrst<1rn1 ................ , U111on ................ , J,rom1 .............. .. Hi!!hlaw1toY.n ............... ; \\'nshington ............... : Colnmhiaua .......... . Hill Grnrn ............. -' .... 1fo ................. : Darke .............. ..

w~~:~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~} f I~~f ~~i~~~~~~~~~; ~J ~~rs~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, Ifoll:iwl .......... ,. .... S1irlr!gfifld ........... ! Lnc·aR ............. , .. llollanslmr~ ---·······-·' llu1T1Hon ............... Darke ............... . Hulme:n•ilk ................... I>rairfo ............. Holmes .............. . Ilorn<'r ...... ....... H•·----: Burlington ........... Lieking .......... ., .. . Ifomeworth ........... .' Knox ................. ! Columl.Jiantt. - .... - - .. . llonHtown ............ 1 WonHt«r ............. Wayne ............. .. !fopl"iown .............. ; Sprlngfie)ll ........... I:oss._. ............... . Ifop•·wdl ............... 1 Hopewell .............


lluskmgu111 ........ ..

n::;~ii~.~~'.1!:.: ::::::::::: ~~~::;~o".::::::::::::: iI::1:'~~:::: :::::::: :: : Jii»J;insYille ............ Nohle ................


Noble ............. .. IfoueJ;town ............. ! .fackHon ...... .. . .. .. . Hancock ............. . Houston ........... , .... Loramie .............. , Shelby .............. . Jfuhl1unl ............... ' llnhhnrd .............. I Tmmlmll ........... .. li.rntt,·ille .............. I Uberty.. ... .. .. .. . . .. Delaware .. .. .. . . •.•. lh<·ria .................. : Wn•hin~on .. .. .... Morrow ............. .. Jtlal10 ................... 1 SunfM11imlPohblc .•. 1 Piko ................. . Int!«r>r·ndence .......... ',·ltichlaml ........... I Dnfiance ............. . Imlaotr,\-. ............... : l>elhi ............... '..I Ramilton ............ . lmlni;tr.r ................ : York ................. [ Belmont ....... : .... .. In·~!le .................. : ~ic_kin::i • .• ... . ...... l.fn~ldngum ........ .. lrv;u1 ................... i i_:,111on ......... ~ •••..•••. )Union.: ............ .. I•k8b01·01~ilh ........... ! Washington ....... ··· / Hocking ............ ··/ J'acka.onv!lii, ............ , Jac_ksun ..............


No\ifo ............... . JackH011nll1: ............ 1 Me1µ:s ................ Adum6 ............... /

~tf ~1J-:~-?~~\jt\\\~t: ~~j]·~-(~11~~\~~~'.~;: ~~:I;;~~))~):~)~~):1

Joi1m1ol_l'RCr1rricrs. ....... 1' Norton ................ / Summit ............... .

Johnsr1Ue ............... l'c·rrv. ················1 MuITO\Y ................ . -Jmrnti~m ................... ! .An~dnize ................. l'aullliug ............... . 1{unsaR ................. 1. Lib1:1-tv ............... Seneca ............... . l\:t•1•nr~ ...................... : ](t·t.:"lJH· ..................... Coslloctun .................. . li:dforville ............. :Palmer ............... l'utnam ............ . ~e.llog~'l·ilfo ............ Monroe ............... I .Ashtabnla .......... .. l•t11110n•lmrg ........... :, Wa;,·ne ............... Nollie ............... .. l~!:ni<ington ............ i Ifa11over .............

1 Columbiana ......... ..

l~1lgur\ ................ !Loud@ ............... 1

CaIToll ............. .. Jf~ lime: ................ ! Killliuck .............. Holmes ............. .. ~!lll:&\"ill" .............. ) Ring•~ille ............ 1 Ashtabula ......... .. l~!llOTili\ll ................


Kin•man ............. 1

Trt!mbnll ............ .

~i~l\·~~_:11~ :::::: ::::::::!, ~cirii~~fci. ·:::::::::::::1 ¥,~~:::::: :::: :: ::: ~11(."(\~ile .............. \ Washingtou .......... I .A.uglaize .. : ......... ..

;•oSU ............ -. ... Salem ................... do ............. .. £·'f."r .................. ,Cheshire .............. , Gallia ................

1 L~fa~~~~:::::: ::::·::::: ~~~~:::::: ::::::::::::; ~~\~~~1i:::::::::::::·. I.afaydte .............. .' Dc•erCreck ........... [ },fa<lison ............ 1 Lafa;'l•tte ............... · Butler .......... ' Richlan1l ............ I Lagon~~a .•• ... .... .. .. .. 8pringficl1l.. .......... ' Ularke .. -~· ........... ! L~tkn:-;ule ............... : Dan!->ilry .............. i Ottawa ............. I l.a1mrt<: ... _....... • ••.. Ca1·lrnle .............. !Lorain.: .............. ', Luhnnpl~·nllc ........... , Lemon................ Ilutfor ................ I

t'.:ib1~~ :::_:. :: :::::::::: kii~i;;:::: ::::: :::::: :, i~~~~-:::::::::·-- · -- ·I l~t.1~11hr.rnU ............. ~"utt .. _ .............. 1


i\forion ........ :::::::! U!tt~sl_mr~ ............. · CIJ1•ster .............. \Vnsue ............... ! ~t!r.i'.t~i/~~~~: ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~~{.~;: ~~-:·:·:~·:·:·: ~~J ~~~~~t: ~~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ r .. mt!'IlffllllC' ........... fatmnan .............. I Clat·kp I I.<:anttslmrg ........... , Wa:rn:n ............... 1 '.l.'rumlJ;1ii:--·---------

~;~;~:1~i.~~~~~~~~~~~~~:, r~tE~~~~;~~;~:~:~~j filf:~~~<rncu ,_1 an

1 nn............... T mon .............. I Bro1v11 · I

.,\.Jvn; .... ·-·-----·---·-- Ifarl:m ..•. : ......... ::1 \Ynrren.··----.········1 L!'WlR!CIWll w ]J' I ............... 1

~!~,~~~-!~!:~-:::::::::::::. ~~~f!;~~:~~:::::::::::' tr~:i~~~~~~::::::::::' iifi1'~(.~ -- -- • · • -- .. • • • . ::l!'!'"'s•m1:wa .. .. .. • -1 Darke .............. .:J I' ·\ " pd ............ l'an·lrnlil. ............. 1 Matlison · ;

1 ·t~~~-iJf,.01iL. ............... •lo ..... ,. ............ ; nutler .:::::::::::::·: i· M'l .............. BowlmgGreen ........ 1 J,\cking. . ! J.f~l~~ 1 I• ............ Linton ................ / Coshocton·:::::::::::::

L. · -- · ..... - ........ IIa11nony I ClarJ;c; I !ttl" 8amlusky ........ I'itt · ............. 1,,.,. -. ............... /

I.Jttk York E<l •• • ...... · -- .. • ... " yarnlot .. . • .. • ..... 1

Ult'k.. ..... ::::::::::::: Mllr~r,i" ............. ,. .. rlo ................. \ I.orkhmirnc. . Ha.m'Jt ............... ! Rnnx., .............. ., Lockli • ......... Cl t on ............. I Frnnklm ..............


.Lxarnta"r".;,:,: · .......... 1

.- ay i.:i:--------·------ 1 Tuscarawas .......... 1 Locn~t Riclge ::::::::::: 1,f{;~ m .............. i, ~uams ............. ..

I .. odi . . .. .. .. . • .. Ifarrf;,:;u ......... --·1 ro'!n ................ I Logam·iJlt .. . .. • • • 1'1 '" : t e ............ I JUedmn, .............. "1

····-·-·-····- l!~san .................. Logan ................ :

gg f~~~'}!,'.11~.~?;· ::: :: :::::: fiil~?,;·t:::::: :: : : ::::::: ~It·~~3·::::::::::::: :: : mo Longview Asylum...... Mill Crcok .. .. .. .. .. . Hmniltou ........ • ... .

01 Lovclarnl .... .......... Symmes .................. do ............... .. 503 Lowellville .. . .. .. .. .. .. \'ohm cl . • .. .. .. .. .. • .. Mahoning .......... .. 218 Lower Salem ............ Salem ................. Washington ......... .

92 Loydsville .. . • . .. .. .. . .. RichJnrnL... .. • .. . • .. . Ilolmont ............ .. 111 I L1icasvilln .............. Vnll<W ................ Sr.ioto ............... .. 280 Lumhcrtou .. .. .. .... • • Lihcrtv.............. Clinton ............. .. :J76 Lyndon .......... ,...... Buclrnkin ............ : HosA .. .. - ......... .. ul Lyons .. .. • .. .. . .. .. .. .. Hoynlton .. .. . .. . . .. .. Jlulton .............. ..

180 McCutchenville ........ 'fyinochteo .... • .. • .. . \Vynrnlut, .......... .. 14! McDonaldsville .. . .. • .. Jaclrnon .. .. . .. .. .. .. . Stark .............. .. 45 I Macedon .. .. .. . .. .... .. ·washington .. . .. .. • .. Mercer ._. ............ .

101 ; l\facedonilt...... .. ... :. Nm-thfieltl........... Snmmit ............. .. 005 ·1· i\l cGonigle's Station.... lfanover....... .... • • • Jlntlor .............. .. 051 },fack•hurg ............. , .Aurelius.............. \Ynshlugton ........ .. 245 McLuney .......... : .... I ITarrison .............. Porrv ................ . 344 Macleir:t ................ Columhia..... ••. . .. . Hnn\iltou ........... .. 200 i },fodison ............... 1 MndiHon........ .... .. Jlullor ............... . 233 Madism!hurg .......... -1 ·wayno.... .. . .. .. .. .. \Vn;·uo .............. .

47 }fagnol111 .... _ .......... IllJso.. .. ... . . . . . . . . . ... Cm·roll .......... ..... . 27 l\fagnolia .•• ... .. .. .. . .. Samly .. • .. • .. .. .. • • .. Stark ............... . 95 1\Irtlag;n..•................. J\fulnga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Monroo ........... ~ ... . 07 Mulottvmo .. .. .. .. . .. .. IlnrriSon.............. I'm1lcli11g ........... .. G8 Maneltestc-l' ............. Franklin.............. S11mmit .............. . 41 , l.fantmt. ... .. .. . . .... .. . Adams................ Gum'nHt'Y ........... ..

11~ I Mantua Station ......... Muntmt. .............. l'orfag11 ............. .. VD .'l>fltpleton .• .. . .. .. .. .. .. Osimhurg............. Stark: .............. ..

1, 511 .1Uarnt1wn............... ,f nckson . . . . . ... .. .. . . . .. {~lnrmo11i1 .......... .' .. 05 l\l•m•ngo............... Jlenningtou........... llforr<IW ............. ..

228 .Mnrion ....... : . . . . . . . . Aid.................... J~n,wroncu ............. . 100 l\fark Center ............ Murk ............... Uollunco .......... · .. ..

70 Jifarllwrough .. .. .. • .. .. M11rlhorougb .. .. . • • .. St.arlt ................ . 217 ~nrnltu_ll ............... I Mnrsl.11111 .............. IIighlttml ........... .. 82 arshheld .............


Watedoo ...... ...... Athens ............. .. .132 Martin .................. , Clay ........... .< ..... Ottttwa ............. .. · 88 Martinsyillo ............ Ornngo ............... Moip;H ............... ..

liB 1l'Iar.rsY1llo...... .. .. .. .. Mnrion .. .. .. .. • .. • . .. l\fo1:cnr ............. .. 47 1Uussiovil~ .... .. . .. ... Scioto ................. Hoss ................. .

125 Masterville.. .... .. . .. .. Nortli................. JfarriHnn ........... .. 75 l.fourl'a .... .. . . .. .. .. • • . Union .. • • .. .. .. .. .. . Jlnth.n• ............... .

181 MnxYillo ............... l'om...... ...... ..... Hnron ............... . IM I Maysville ............... ' Snlt Crock........... Wt1\'llll ............. .. 131 I :liiechonicstown......... Fox. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. C1wi·ol1............ . 135 Medway...... .. .. .. .. .. IleUiel................ Cltn·l.rn ............ ::.: mo I ~elhern .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. C~ntel' .... • • .. .. .. .. • . Williama ............ . 204 .w.elmore........... . . . . I~den . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S('Jrnnn •. ........•...... 198 , Memphi.~ ............... Wayno ............... Clinton ............. .. 109 \ :liforcer .... _. ............ Il11hlln ................ 1 ::lforfl<•t' .............. . IG~ I Mesopotnnurt •• • .. .. . • .. Mesopotamia .........

1 'l'rnllt lmll ..... c .... , •.

Do l>Ietnmorn .............. Am hoy........... .. . I!'nlto11 ............... . 189 M~ix:icp .......... :.. ... •r.vmochtr.o ........... Wy11111lot .........••••

89 M!umi .................. Wl1iiowator ........... Uri111ilton .......... .. 107 M!<l!lleborou~h ......... H;1rh1n ................ War1•(111 ............. .. 176 M!d!lloton .... .. .. .. .. • \\ ~yno . • .. .. .. .. . .. .. Cl111m1mign ........ .. 26~ M:dd_lcton .............. Fmrll<>hl .............. Colm11bl111111 ......... . 4~J M!Jilm ........... : . .. . Mifllin .. .. . . .. .. .. • .. . AHhlnrnl ............. . 2o? M~lford................. i\Iia111i . • • .. • .. .. .. .. .. Olormont ............ . 3a M;llhrook, .... .. .. . ... l'lain .. .. .. .. . .. . .. • .. Wayiw .............. .

206 !:ML!nlleclgov~llo ... ._ ....... Jnsl'N'.--·-- ........... !•)iy<•tto ............ .. 108 ! ler~po1t ._............ Wn nut............... .n 111rlloli1 ............ . llD M!l!cr s St11lrnn. .. .. .. .. German.. .. .. .. . .. .. . Hal'l'ison ............. . 199 Millerstown . . . . . . . . . . . . ,Tolmson . . . • . . . • • • • • • Ch1unpaip;n .......... .

50, :M~llerst~wn .. .. .. .... .. Moll!'oe .... • • • .. .. . . .. Pl\l-r,y ................ . 148 llI1Um·sv1lle ... .. . .. .. .. . ,Jackso:1 ... . .. . . • .. .. . Hornhrnky ........... .. 18! MM!li!l?.'t ................. Fmuklm ..............


C.:olm_nblnn11 .......... . 79 !ll'"!lle ................ I:oss .................. Butl"l' .............. ..

47~ .M!llville ................ Hci?to ................. Dolt1waro ............ . 61 M!llwuo1l ., ............. Union ................ Knox ............ .. 95 M;ltons\nll'g ............ Malnga ........... ··--1 Momoo ............ : : : 36 M:1t~i;iv~~ .. .. • • .. .. . .. Madison .... . .. .. . • • • . Il11tlt1r .............. .. 91 M:!ne1al C1~.Y ............ Wat1!rloo ............. Atlwns . . 70 M!neral f'omt .. . . .... .. Snrnl.r ................ f Tnscnra\viis ·::::::::: .' ~3 M!nersv1ll" ............. Sutton ................


Moiµ;s. : . ............ . 12g M!"go .... .. .. •• •• .... • • Wayne........... . • .. Chnmpnign

6_ ~~mp;o .... .. .... ... .. . .. ~tm!lleuville...... .. . Jelforson .. : : : : : : : : : : : 100 ..... ogaclorl\ ............... Sullwlrl .... .. . I I'orti1"0 1381 Mogad?ro ............... Springfielll ... :.::::::: Snmnilt;.'.'.".".'.".'.'.':.:::: 165 Afoha"k ................


J<1.fforson I Coshodon 82 I lliononcns .............. Crane ... :.~·.-:::.:::::: w;·mHi;1t .......... ..

328 Monroe .............. ·--1 Lemon J n °fl · ........... .. 99 l.:Ionroo Centro M , · • • "· ...... · -- ·' n • 01 " · · "· • .. · · .. • ·

153 llionroeYil!e .. :::. :::::: Br~~~l~C~~-cl~ ::: : :: : : : :', t~~N,~~~~~a .. · .... · .... 92 ¥

1onta,nk .... _. ........... , Columbia ............. linmiiton'.'.'.'.:::::::::

141 "outgomcr.i ..... c ....... / Sycamoro ................. ilo ·'· . . . 294 ll1oorolk•l1l .............. I llfoorefichl............ ITnrrison · · " .. · • • •

14410 ~,.rr0ood:m1~ ............... I Franklin .. · ............ \Viiyno •. '.·:.-.·:::::::.::

" . re~ sv11lo....... .. • .. . Ros"...... .. .. .. .. • . .. Cm'!'oll 120 Mormn" Sun I • l ............... . 220 1.lorrisYlllo .......... ~n~ ................. l'r_eblo .............. .. 360 Moscow ... .":::::::::::· y-~8 .ll!>gton ........ _. ·i Clmton ............. .. 110 Moscow .............. --1 S~~~~~,C~c~k · · · · · · · · · Coshoot<m .....••..•••

• 144 Mounrlsville ........... or~. . ...... -- · Wayne .. • .......... .. RO Mount Cannel .• .. .. .. . . m;),~n- ...... -- · -- · .. -- Nol~le ............... ..

115 MonntEphrai111 ........ So ................ C!mmont, ........... .. 28 M01mtRollx ............ W~e~~, ................ Noh'.? ................ .

J82 Motmt,Jctferson ........ LorKmic'""" ....... ~Y"H"11 --·----·--·----50 },fount Lihorty Lib 't .. · · .... ·.... } "' 'Y" · .... " .. " ·" 28 Moimt Olivet.:::::::::: Wa~~~~ .............. · C!1ox: .. • ............ .

285 MonntPerr,v ............ Madison"···-- ........ ~eJi;iont ...... ·••· .. .. 55 MonntPisgah Oh' ............. '. cr1,v ............... ..

124 ~rount 1_'1eusant-.-~:.-.::::,iinei1i:::::::: ·:: · rc1i:;~1~lZ~~ ......... · --42 1 ~ount 1:1eas.nnt . ........ "\Vfishin.a:ton .......... Hocking · · · · · · ·"' ·• .. m :i onntSt~rhng ......... Hopcwoll ............. Mu~kingn;,~·::::::::::

19.7 105 7:l7 .197 810 l!lR ian 21}o)

7!1 1·1~ 210 2~0

Of> 7fi

:no 70

2•10 no

lU!l 1117

87 :111

l!ll l<ll

7:1 11:1:1 ~7

216 1011 144

m. 118 Ill() ~85 11:1 101 a.13 77 27

101 110

!lO ra 87

loo 'fllll

no 2HU 10

.12-1 2an 1118 llli ~75

4G Hfi Ill!

:!10 7112·

HH 171 180 2~

lBH IH fi:J Vil

2no. lllll :178 1B2 lOfi 100 °'12

l, a!O 178 371 uoo lllil

80 !iO

no:i 48 05 80

208 2fJ:J M 44

171 Ol sr. 27 1)1,l

180 107 lffl

7:1 17!l

70 108

80 871 70


Page 69: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.


TABLE III.-OHIO-Continuecl.


Numo of place. Township. County. Pot)lula- Name of place. I Township. I -County~-- - I Po_pula-

----------1--------- , __________ ~ ! ~::__ },WuntVictory ......... Hale ................•. Hardin............... 574 Pon_coaatburg ...•....•.. , Ma<}isou .............. I Fayettc .........•.....

1• 175

lr,['imntvillo .............. Homer ............... Morgan............... 20 j Paris ...•............•.. Pa1·1s ................. Stark................. 2211 Mowryf:own ...•........ White Ol1k ..•• ..... Highlancl ............. 120 Pnrkma11 ...•.........•. Parkman ............. ! Gcomga ..•.•.......... I 2:15 Moxahafa ............... Pleasant. ............. lw'".,t


8•0 •••.• ·.·.·.-•• ·.·.·.·-.-.-.·.·. 875 Parle Place - .•••...•.... SJ?riugficld .......••••. I H11m!lton ············" 31

Murdock ................ Hamilton............. .. 31 Pataskala ..•.........•.. Lima ..•...••...•.•.. 1 L1ckmg ..••. ......•.. 034 Napoleon .......•....... Itichland ............ , Holmes............... 1371 P~niherton ...•.•....... P.~rry ................. Shelby................ 228 N1rnhport .....•......... Licldng ............. Muskingum .••••• .... 141 Pendleton···--· ........ Riley .•.....•••.•..... Putnam.............. 156 Nashville ............... Wa•hington .....•••. Holmes............... 217 Peny ................... Perry ....••........... Lake ........•... ~.... 170 Nn1innalMilit111·yHome. Jefferson............ Montgomery.......... 3,454' Perryslmrg ............ J'aclrnon .............. Asl.iland ..•....•....•. G~ Nenpolis ............... Providence .......... Lucas................. 100 Perryvilh1 ..•.•......•. l'm'l'J'················· Carroll ... .'............ 130 Ncfl"s Hiding ........... Pultney •........•..•. Belmont............. 04 Petershurg ............. Springfiel<l. .......... Malwning .......••... 362 Ncptum1. ............... Center ................ Mercer............... 132 Petershm·g ..........••. s,vcamoro ....... . ... ·w~·amlot .•..•. .•..... 77 New Alexande1-... ... . .. ·west . • . . . . •. . . . . .. . . . Columbiana..... . . . . . 80 Pct.tisvillc........ •. . . . . Clinton and German.. Fulton............... 107 Ncnv,\ntioch ........... Green: ............... : Clinton............... 180 Pharisburg .......••• Leesburg ............. Union................ 77 New Baltimore ......... Marlhorough ......•••. Stark................. 16<1 PhilliJJBhurg .•••••...•.. ,Jefferson ............. Tuscarawas ........... I J70 New lledfonl .•••....... Crawford ....•........ Coshocton .. . .. •. . . •.. 13'1 Pigeon Run............ Tuscarawas...... . .. Stark................. 247 Newberg .......•........ faown ................ Paulding ...•.....•... 24 Pike .................. Canaan .............. Wu:\'ne ....•.... ···-- ~U3 New Berlin ............. Plain ................. Stark................. 207 Pikeville....... . ... .• . Grecn>ille .••••.. •••. Darke...... .... .•.••. uo New Birmingbam ..... <lllonroc ........••..•.. Guernsey............. 211 P!sgnh ..•.•••.....•...•. Uuion ....•.......•... Butler ...•...... ···-··I 74 New1loston .......... Paint ..... , ........... Highlanii.............. 86 P1t.tshll1'g ...•........... 1Chester ...••......•.. 1\Vayne............... 124 New Burlington ........ Chester ....••...••.••. Clinton............. . 250 Plain City .•...•....•••. [ Jerome ..••. ·········J Union ...•.... ··-1 24:1 New Burlington ........ Spring Valley ......... Greene .. .-............. li4 l'luinville ............... ) Columhla .•••.....•... If:tmilton ••..•......•. 200 New Cmli" ..........•... Starr ........•...•.... Hocldng .•... ......•.. 03 Plattsburg .......•.••••. I Harmony .......••.... 1 Clarke................ "3 New Califomin. .••..... ,Jerome· ............ Union................ lii2 Pluttsville .•............


C~reene ...........•..•. I Shclb,·................ J04 New Carlifile ........... Walnut Creek....... Holmes............... 114 Pleasant Grove ......... Colerain ...•....•..... llelmont. •..•...•..••• j 00 New Castle ....•........ -Hamilton .••.....•.... Lawrence............. 250 Pleasant Hill·-·-··· .... Pierce···········--··· Clermont............. 72 New Castle ............ Green ............•..•. Monroe............... iiG Pleasanton ....•........ Ale>:ander .•.....••... .A.thens............... 1U7 New CChambhe

1rshdurg .... West···'·····•······· '.lqo


1?ai,'!,!a"s1. ·.•.·.·.• .• ·.·.·.-· 170~ ~1leasanthPlain .......... Hpurlan ...........•••..


M\Varren............... 151 New 'nm er nn .....•. '\Yarren ....... ..... ... .. ~ .1; :1:mout ·-·'··. ....•... eny,..,.............. ontgomery ..••••••• 187 New Dover ..••......... Dover················ Union ..•.•. ·····-··· 112 ·Pomt Isabel. •.•......•. Washmgton ··········1 CleT'lUont ······-······ mo New Franklin .....•.... Paris ............•.•. Stark................. 170 Po!nt Pleasant ...•..•... :Monroe ................... !lo.·-·-·········-·· 121 New Gar<lfn .......••... Hanover ..•..•..•.... Columbiana........... lii2 Pomt Pleasant ..•...•. Valley .........••.••.. Guernsey............. 288 New llamphire ........


1c11s •. ,h,cn····-·.·· .. ·.·.·.·.·· .. ·.·•·.·· Auglaize.............. 112 Porter ......•........... Sprlngfiehl.. ....••.... Gallia................. 17!l

New Hannony .......... BroWJ1................ 43. Porte1·sville ........•.•.. ncarficld .•.........•. l'erry................. 50 New 1Iarrislmrg ........ Harrison .........•.... CmToll................ 100 Portlnnd ................ J,ehanon ......•••..... Meigs................ 141 New Ilarrison .......... Adams ................ Darke ......•....•.... 70 Powt•U .................. Lillerty ............... Dt•l'1ware ...... ....•.• ml New lfaven ............ Nc~ .. ','svh!Iyn;··e·n·.·· .. ·.·.·.· .. ··.•.·.· Hamilton... ..... ..•. 190 l'owellsville ..........•. Green ................ Scioto................. 09 New Jlayen....... ...... c • JI11rou .. .............. 183 l'owlrntan Point ........ York ................. Belmont.............. 225 N cw Hope . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scott...... . . . . . . . . . . . . Bro"·n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 I' rest.on . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . Cass . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . llfuskingam .......... ! !l!l New Hope .............. Jaelrnon ............. Prellfo ...... ...... ..•. 152 Pricctowu ..........••.. Salem ............. ····1 Bighlanu ...•.........


1 147 NcwJefforson .••.....•. GNnrnn ............... Harrison.............. 262 Pulnsld ................. Pulasl<i .............. Williams............. 145 New Lexington ......... f:ai!·lleld .•......•.•.•. Highland............. 130 Puln8kiville .......••••. l•'ranltlln .............. :Morrow ............. ! 51 New Lexington ......... '.rwm ......... · ....... Prohlo .......••..•••.. 132 Quincy ............••... Pnl!ncy ............... Belmont .......•...••.


110 New Lima .............. Rullan<l .......••.... , Meigs................. 23 lfoinsl!orough .......... Paint ...........•.... Higblan1l .•.... ......• 21l.IJ NewLomlon ............ l\{orgnn ........... : ... Butlnr............... 281 ltumlolph ............... Randolph ..•••........ Portage ............... I 230 New .Market .••........ New Market .......••. Highland............. 145 lfawson ....•. ······---· Union ...•.•.......... Hancock.............. 227 Now llfmtinsliurg ...•.. l'errr ................. Fayette.............. ms Ra:vsville ...........•••. '\V'1tyne ..........•.... \Va11'en ....•...••.•.•. 1


lln New Mi1hlleton ........ Sprh'igtleld ............ Mahoning ···'·····-· 100 Reu Lion ............... Cle1i1·Creek ............. do................. 103 NewMountJ'leasant .... Swan ..............•.. Vinton............... 44 Itemls~nrg .........••••. P.l!tin ............•.••. 1·wa,j'no ............... J 148 Newpoit ......•......... M1•igs .......••....•. Adams............... 50 Iteetlv1llu ••••.......•.•. Oln'!>. ................ Meigs................. 192 Kewpm·t ............... Paint .........•........ Madison.............. 175 Reesvillo .•.••.. .... ... Richlnml. ..•...••.....

1 Clinton............... 245

Newp01t.... ........ ... ~1,1;1n1th_•_"_tn ___ ··.·.••·.· .. ··.· .. ·· .. · S~elhy ...• :........... 248 Rehoboth.............. Clayton ........•...••. l'er1y................. IG2 Newpol't ................ ..u Tu1<curawas. .......... 159 ltoinersville .......•.... Manchester ....••.... Morgon............... 126

N"'v Po!'tnge ............ Norton .........•..... Summit............... 76 j~,~',~rt1~~!~:::::::· .. ·:.·.·· .. ·: ifir0i;;io_:::::· .. ··.·.:::.·.·.· nl'~m~·::::::·.:::·.·.·.:·.·. 349

Nuw ltl~n<lii1g ........... lleatliug ................ Pne •. 1r1;r)

1,'8.0.n.: .. _·.·-· .. ·· .. ··.·.·•· .• ·•• 118 85

New Rumley ..•...... Ilnmlev............... 170 IUchlnml. .....•......•. Riehlnml ............. Logan................ 116 New Sprin~ficltl ........ Spriuir'fiel!l ........... Mahoning ...... ....•. 234 Richmond Dalo ......... J'efforson ............. Hoss.................. 234 ~e~,'.':ttoonn8,-_ 1, 11 .e. __ ••·••· •• ··•·•• •• •· L\\~l.~e~·.11·1t8! .··.·.·.·.· .. ·.··.·.·.·.·.·.·. Union................ 17fi lUtlg1wille .............. Ck•nrCreek ....•••.... W'nrreu............... 74 ., .. .. Clermont............. 160 ltinggol!l --··-· ......... Union ................ Morgan............... 80 Newtown ............... A111lerson ............. Hamilton............. 424 Rix's.Uills· .•...•••••..•. 1Uehlllll ............. Mnsl<ingum........... 102 Nmv Trenton .••........

1 ll!ount Pleasant ...... .i;eJferson .. . . . . .•.. •. 102 I Hobhertsvill<> .••••..•....


l'a1·is .................


1Stn.1'lf ···•·• · ······-·· · ~-'·~27 New·waterfonl. ........ Unity ................ 0 Lulumbiana........... 192


Roe e~ter ............. lloche.ster ............• oram................ " New '\Vinchester ........ Wlwtstone ..•.....••.. Crawford............. E9 I Hockv1lle ............... Green ............... Adams................ 3fl :Nicholsville ............. Monroe ............... Clm·mont ............• 65 Hockvillo ............... IUuo Rock .•.•••.•. ; •. I Muskingum.......... 100 Nineveh ................ Pierce .................... t1u ................... 57 ~ Hofle1·sv.ille ............. .Auburn ...............


'ruscurawns...... ..... 212 North Denton ........... Smith ................. Mahoning............ rn1 Ro lcrsville .............


Madfaon ............. San11lusky...... .. ••• .



North C1mtm ........... Monroe········--····· Ashtahula .•...•..•. 48 Itollersville ............. Scott ..•....... ······1 .. 1 o ............••••. North1iP1t1 CL~nter .. ..... Nortllfit~lcl .. . . . .. . .. Smumit.. .. . . . ... .. .. .. . 11!.) Rome ................ ~-- G1·ecn . ................. . Atfams ......... - . ..... .. 2~5 Nmth Gre1·nl\el<l ....... l'eny ·······-~---····· Logan................ mi Home ................... Prairie .......... ······1 l•'ranklin...... ..... .•. 84 Nmth llam1iton ........ Pike ........•......... Olurkc................ 173 Rome .............. · ..... Blooming Grove ...... JUchlmul.............. 2UU North I111hrntry........ Canton............... Stark................. 122 Roseoo ..•. , .......•.... Jnc\rnon ..•..•........ Coshocton............ ~81.~ ,North,Tackson .......... ,Juckson ...........•.. !fahoning ..•......•.. 200 lloselli\l ..... : .......•. Missis•inewa .••...... Darlrn .............. .. North Liberty......... Pike .................. R:noic .....•.... ...... 133 Ituseugm·dcn .......•••.. :Marion ............... / l\Iercer....... ....... 1-! North Libert.~· .......... ~'11i·ne ...••.......... tf'hhms_. ........• ...••. *~9 ~osevilfo .... ·· ......... :ff•~·l:ison .......... ···1 rzn·y ···· ··· · ······ · ii~ North I .. itna .... -·--··-·· •eiiver.................... , a onu1g --·-·--·---- ... 5 o~seau ................ 1nou ................ ...... ~rgt~n....... ... ..... -''OO North Rollinson . . . . . . . . Whetstone............ Cmwfor!l .. _.... . . . . . 182 ltnssvillo ...•.... - . . . . . S11ring Creek .. -·... .. ..uia1111 .... · .... · ... · •· North Star ....•....... ·wahash ............... Dnrko ........... .... 04 ltoun<lhead ·--··········1 ltoun!lhoacl ........... Hur1lin .•.••. ··-······ 176 Nortll '.roledo ........... \Vashington ..•. ~--'·· Lucns........... ...... 250 11 Ruwshnry ........•..••. l'err~'. ..........•..••. Ashl:tnd .......•.. ·••· ms North Uniontown ...••.. J'nckson ...•.......... Highland.... . . ...... 17 Itow>ille ................ Bucks ...•...•....... Tuscarawns ...... ··-· ~~~ North Wm~hiu~rton .... 'Vashington .......... lIRr<lin............. ...... 134 ! Itu:xabel .................... Concor(l ............... Ross -·······--· -----· North ·wou1lbury ....... l'erry ................. Mor1·ow ... .. .•. •.•.. •. 128 j(1 Itoynlton .......•.. ·'··· Uo~·alton .•••.. . ...... Cuyahoga ....... ··-·- 84 Norton .......••......•.. Troy ...........•...••. Delawa1·c ··········-- IM) lturnl •..•...... ········\ lTl'ank\ln ......•.•..... Clermont ····-········1 01 Norwich ...............

1 Union ...........••.. Muskingum ....••..•


205 Russell Station......... Uuiun ................. ! Highlaull .••.......•.. r 124 Oakfield ................


1;1e1rnnnt .............. Pe;<ry................. 130. Russia··--·············! J,ornmie ............. 1 Shelby ............... 1 01 Oaklaml ................ qirnstm·.-··········-·' I Clmton .......•••...•.


fiS Rutlanc1 .......... , ..... , Uutlnn<l .............. : 1'fcigs ................ i laU Oakley .................


Colnmhrn ............. Hamilton............. 200 Snint.Tohn's ............ I Murion .........•..... I Mel'cor ..•.........••. , 127 Onl<woutl. ...•.•.•....... Brown .......•• .'..... l'imhling.. ........... 23 Saint l\1:1L1·tin's .......... Penr ··········-····· .. Brown ·······-······-·1 50 Oceoh1 .. ~ •......•....... Tod ................... Crawford............. 279 Saint Paris .•........... I J'uhuson .......•...... ! Champaign··-········ 1, 099 OJJ;tlcn -----··----------- Adams ............... Clinton ···--·----·--·-I . 47 Salem .................... UnnduJph ............ u. Montgomery·............ 2~b Olrnuna ................. 1\f

1urp:un .........•..... BNutbller .... ••.•••...... 1

80.11 SSallte!1


Centre ..... ······i c~'11font1. ••••.•.•••.••••• ~:;g~ ··············-·/ 80 Olive ..............•.... O h-e ................. o c.. ....... ...... a ·lo................. 11y orL.............. 1'~-·-·····-······'·

Omnge · 01·an"e Asliluml 1U3 Smuanthli ............... : Pe1in .........•...... Highlnn<l. ·······-····! 10! Or~n!!o :::~:::::::::~::. Ox.roFc1.:::::::~::::::· Coshocto~·:::::::::::: 04 Sanrpson .................. 1 Nl~ave .................... Darke ..................... !.. 47

-· S u' S T 289 Omngel!urg ............ J'efforson ..•••......... Preble................ 13 sanl~illo ·······••····· '\Vndir. "f ······ ...... 1 Bnscurawas ·-···----·: 283 Omnlieville .•....••..... Hartford .......••..... Trumbull............. 277 ,u1'l

1m1a ..•........•.... I as mg on .••••..... ,

11[°wn .••..••......... , !!0

5 Orwe11. .•..........••... Orwell ................ Ashtahula ....••.••... as5 Sari is.................. ,ce . ...... : ..•...•.... !" onroe ···-·········· Oftcrville .............•. Monterey .••.......... Putnam.···-·........ 187 8ciotoville. _., .....•.... l'orter .............•.. Scioto .••......••.•.•. i G~~ Ottokee................ Dover ..•.....•....... 1''ulton................ 159 SSceleyaville ..•....••.... Nan11~hester ........... ~!organ ..•••.•.....•.. ;

32 Ozark .................•. Sunsbury ............. Monroe·'···········-· 5070 I 8;;f~,;·::::::::.::::.·:::: 1

.~ad~s~~-:::::::::::::: d~~{~::::::::::::::::i 214 Pngetown . . . . . . • . . . . . . . Bennington . . . . . . . . . . . Mol'l'ow......... . . . • . . 1

, 113 Pageville ...... .....•. Scipio ..•••...•......• :Meigs................. 145

0 s8'ehwdella_v

11ille .•..•...••.•• KHirk:,

1·too<l ···••· ······ ~~a~@~······ .•...... ,

140 l'aintersville ........•... CrosarCreek .......... Groene................ D ' a ev1 e .............. r1n11 .on............. ···-·-········; Palestine .••••.......... Pierce ................


Clm111ont ....•. ........ 130 I S.honesville ............. : Saµnl' Creek .....••... 'J'usca_rawas .......... ! 3~ l'alestino. . ..... ....•... Gi·cenu . ... .. . . ••. . .. Shelby................ 08 1 Shannon ................

1 Muskingum·········· 11lus1!mgum ·•·•·· · · · ·1 41'.ill

Palmyra .•..•..••..•.... llerl!u .•.............. Knox ...... ·······--·· !i5 II ">hnrou._ ................. Sycamore ............. Hnm11ton. ······'····· J

Page 70: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.


TABLE III.-OHIO-Oontinned.

Township. Cormty. Popula. tion.

==- Nam::=f=1=1-l=a~ce=.======T=-o=~=:=:=~=ip=_=. ~~~~=1= __ ===C=u=1=m=t=y,=. ====p=_ u:,~l.a-j! Name of place.

Sharon .................. Sharon .......•..•••.. N_o_b_le-.-.-.-•. -.-.-.. -.-.-.-.. -.-.-.'----12

0_0-44 ,-V;;ng-1:>08~--.·.---.-.·_·-.--•• --•••• -._-_.-_.-_._.-_.-.

1-RB ___ l






-m-__ fi-.c-_1-_c1_-._-_.-•.. -... -.• -.. -.:-:-.·-.·l -BJ-a-uc-t,ll-<es-ro_n_-_-_ .• ·--.-.. -·.·.-.. -.• -.• -.. _.-_.-•. -.·l---/l-O Sharon Uentre .............. clo . . . . . . . ... ... . . . . J\1mlina - . ... .. . • . . . . . . ' · 310 Sharonville............. ,Jackson . . . . . . . . • . .. . Pike.... . . .. ... . ... . . 173 Venice.................. Margaretta........... Erie .. .. . . . ..• . . . •• • . . llti Shenandoall ............ Blooming Grove ...•.. Richland .. ... . . . ..... 70 Vorona ................. Harrison ............. Preble................ 221 Shepherdstown . . . . . . . .. \Vlw,,ling......... .• .. Delmont.............. 54 Vicmrn - . . • . . . . . . . . . . .. . Harmony............. Clarke................ 170 Sherwood............... Delaware . . . •. . . . . . . . . Defiance.............. 195 Vinton....... . . . . . ... . . Huntingdon . . . . . . . . . . Gallia................ 1U6 SilverUreck, ........... TaylorUreek ......••. H1mlin ............... . 38 Wuhlsburg ............ Scott ................. Brown................ 19 Sligo . . ......•...... Adam•................ Ulinton. .•. ... . . . . . . .. 87 \Vulrnfieltl ............. Greenville ............ Darke ..•.••...•• ;. ... 15 Smithville ...... ...•. Greene . ...•... ... . . ..


"r"r'n,·s"on' ·.·.·. · .. ·.·.·.•·.·.·.· .. •.· 540 Wukeman ....... .. . . .. \Valrnman ............ Huron................ 582 omyrna ..............•. F1·ecport.............. 100 \Vallwn<ling ............ NcwCastle .......... Coshocton............ 70 Socinh·ilfo ............. Dcerliel<l ........••••. 11runen............... f9 ·warner ................ Salem ...•........... \Vashlngton.......... 54 Some1·ton ............... Somerset ............. Belmont.............. 159 \Varsnw ............... Jefferson ............ Coshonton ............ 277 Sonora .................. Perry ........•........ Muskingum......... 183 Warsaw ................ Delhi ................. Hamilton............. 148 SonthArlington ........ Clay .................. MontgomHry......... 140 Washington ............ Washington ......... : 1Hchlam1.............. 50 South Lebanon ..•...... Hamilton ......•...... Warren............... 42 \Vashingtonvillo ...... { c+reen . . .. . .. . . . .. .. .. Mahoning ....... 282 } 958 South Olive............ UliYo ................. Noble................. 105 Salem ................. Columbiana ..... 670 I SonthPcrry ........... Perry ..... ., ..•........ Hocking.............. 182 Woterfonl ............. ll1iddlcbury ........... Knox:················ 104 HoutltlUuge ............ Austintown ........... llfahoning .......•.... 307 Wat~rford .............. ·waterford ............ \Vaslnngton.......... 110 South \Vooclbury ....... Peru .................. Morrow............... 80 \Viiterloo .............. Symmes .............. J,awrenco. ...... .•.... 49 Spencer ................. Spencer............... l\Iecllna.. ... ...•.. .... 159 Watertown ............. \Vatcrtown ...... .- .... ·washiugton ..........


177 Spenc~r's Station .......

811mwood ............. Guernsey............. U9 ',!atkc~vllle...... .... .. ~y1111teu'~villo ............ ULu0;ns............. ..•. 3~92 Sp1'ingfielc1. ............• ·prlngfleld .........•. Ilmnilton ............. 2M "at ms ............... =i reek............ n10n ................ u

Spring Hill ............. lJover . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . lfolton . .. .. ....... ... 147 \Vitt.tsville .............. Fox ................... Urrrroll. .. . . . . .. . .. .... 2!i Spring lllonntain . ..•... Monroe............... Uual10cton . .. . . . .. . . . . 55 ·wayneAhnrg . . . . . .. .. . Auburn ............ :.. Crawfor<l............. 47 Spruce Vale ............ Saint Clair ............ Uulumh!ana............ :ll \Veaver's Station ....... Nrnn-u .............. Darke................ 69 Stafford ..•............. Frnnldin .. . . . . ... . . . . Monro11... .. ... . ...... 172 \Veaverville .......... \Vadsworth ........... ll'lcdina. .. . ... . . ... . . 22 Stanlo:vville ............ l!'earing ............... W11shin1,'1:on .. ,....... 55 \Velisfor ................ Bloom ................ Scioto............... 222 Staunton ............... Uoncor<l .............. 1''a;·ctte . . ..... ....... - 68 \Vengm· L11wn .. ... .. . Uln,v .............. -. .. l\Iontgomory .... . . . . . . 40 St111mton ............... Stmmton .•........... 1\linmi ............... 63 \VestBnlt-irnore ............. do ..................... do................. 78 Steam Corners .......... Troy .................. .ilforrow............... 62 "\VPstBcdliml ........ Ilcllford......... .... Uoshocton ............ 185 Stcinersvillo ............ York . . .. .. . . ... ... . . . lldmont ...... ... . . . . 50 \Vestboro' .............. Jefferson ......•...... Ulintou. .. . .. . .. . ... .. 2~8 Stelvideo ............... Itichlarnl ............ Darke .... .-........... 60 \VeRt.Carlislo ........... l'ikc .................. Uoslweton ............ lfi4 Straitsville ............. Coul ...•.• ..... ..... l't'1Ty.- .........•. .... 308 \Vest Charleston ....... BethPl ................ Miami............... 126 Strasbmgh ............. 1"r1111klin •.•.. ....... •ruscamwas ...... .... 181 \Vest :mumingtun ...... Farmingt.on .......... Trumbull........ .... 2li0 Strnther's ............. l'ula111l.............. Muhoning ...... ..... 1R8 \Vestfi!'l<l. ........... Westfield ............. Morrow............... 135 Snllielcl. ................ Suflield .............. PortRge . . .. .... .. ... 110 \Vt>st Jeffersun ......... Jefferson ............. "\Villiams ........ ..... 91 Sugar Grove ............


Rpringfii•lrl . . . . . .. . . .. Ularke . . . .. ...... .... 146 West Lafayette ......... Lat'arette.. ... .. ... . . Coshocton............ 250 Sug~r'rreeRiclge ....... Gon~orcl .............. Highland............. 79 \VestLanmrntcr ........ J,.mii·son ............. Fayette................ 110 Sulln·nu ................ Sullmm --···· ....... Ashland.............. 117 \Vl'kt Lebanon ........ Paint ................. Wavno. ...• 145 Summitville ............ I•'ranklln ............. Uolnmbiunn. ...•... ... fi9 West Lihert.y.: ........ : Vernon ............... Cra\1·J'ord ... : : : :: : : :: : 58 Snnhlll'y ................ Berkshire ..••••....... ])plftwnm ............ 340 "\Vest Manchester ....... Momoo .............. Preble............. •. 229 Sunbury ..............


Gornrnn ............... Montgom"r~·.......... 119 \Yest Miami City ...•... Harrison .............. Montgomery.......... 311 Swamlcrs .............. Franklin ............ Shelby .... .'........... G7 Westminster ........... Auglnizo ............. Allen................. 225 Swanton ................ l'nltcm&SwanCreek. l•'ultoi1............... 385 \Vest Newton ............ do ..................... do................. 99 Hycanloto . .............. S.n·amore · ............ 'Y;vmHlut .............. 272 "\Vest Point ................ Ctm:,rress -·---'··.·----- Jtforrow................... 87 Hylmnin· .............•.. 1\IcKenn ............. Licking............... 46 West ltlchftehl ........ J{!chflclcl ............. Summit............... 327 Symmes' Uorners ....... Fairfield ... . . . . . . llntlcr ... ... ...•.. .... 101 \Y.,st Sonom ............ Unrrison .............. l'rl•ble.......... ... ... 139

~b~~~~0.::::::::::;:::: ~~~~:;:' :::::: :::: :::: :: ~~~!fi~o~·t·::::::::::::· 1' ~~~ ~~~f,~f1~~~~~:~.::::::: ~I~Anfi?;~~:::::::::::: Sh~;~~~;j~,;;::::::::::. i~g

'l'nllmaclge Centro ...... 'l'allmadge . .... .. . .. . Summit.............. 370 Westville. . ......... Smith ................. Mahoning ........... I 41 Taylorsvillo ............ Hun1b1gton ........... Jlrown ... ... ...... .. 77 "\Yest Wheeling ... , ..... l'~1ltnAy ............... Belmont .............. 1 470 TaylorovillB .. . . . . . . . . . . White Oak . . . . . . . . . . . Ilighlantl . . . . . . . . .. . . . 50 Wharton . ... . . . . . . . . . . Richlnnd. .. . . . . .. . . . . Wvandot............ 309 Tcinperanccvillo .......


Somei·set ............. Behnont ........ ...... 145 \Vl!Celtrsburg .......... l'orter ................ Scioto................ 4~2 'rhornastown .......... , Springflelcl ........... Summit .•............


350 Wheeling ............... W'hceling ............. Guernsey ............. ! 45 Thompsonville ........ ·1 llf0111oe ............... J'.,ny. ...... .... .. . . . 52 \Vhite Oak Valley ....... Scott ................. Brown................ 48 T\Jornport .............. 'l'horn .................... <1(1 •. • ••• ...... •••• 125 'Vllittlescy •.........•. -1 Lafayette ............. Medina ...............


: 59 Three Locusts......... 'l'ully ................ Marion............... 108 \Vlllettsvillo ............ Union .... ...... ..... Highlaml. ...... ...... HO

~l~-~to~:::::::::::::;::. ~~;•;:~rn."::::~::::.:::· ~~~~~fu~a:·::::·::::::' 103 WilliamsU1mter ..... : .. Uenter .............. WH!iams ............. 109 Tiverton ................ TivNtou .............. Goshoctou ............ ii~ ~~mJ:~~;~pg,i;,~ :::::::::: ~,:1Jl~~~1~.:::::::::·::: ~~:C~~~:::::::::::::: 1~~ 'l'ownsood Center ....... •rownsentl ............ Huron................ 175 Wilmot ................. Sugm: Creek .•........ Stu1·k..... ..... ... .... 412 •rranqnility............ Sco!L ................. A.dams............... 42 , Wilson's Milla .......... llfavfielcl. ............. Unynhogn. ............ 00 Tremont .............•. <h•rrnan ..•........... Uln.rlrn................ 270 \Vinohester ............. Bloomfiolcl ........... Jackson.............. 64 Trenton .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Madison . . . . . . . .. . . . . . Butler................ 377 Wintlham .. . . . . .. . . . . Windham . ... .. . . . . . Portage............... 358 'rr<•nton ................ \Varwick ............. Tuscarawas ...••... .. 314 Wineslmrg ............. Paint ................. Holmes.............. 230 'rrimble ................ 'l'rimhle .............. A.thens •..... ... ..... 121 \Vinfielcl. ............... Dover ................ Tnscm·nwlla... ...•.... 115

··rn>twood .----·--------· Mmlhmn ..... ·----·---· :Montgomery............ 09 Wing11rt'a Corners..... Holmes ................ C1·awfor<1 ... .... ....... 88 Troy .................... 'l'ro~-. ................. Ashland.............. 177 IV!1u:ma ··.-'·· .......... Bn~ler ··:··· .......... Colmnhiana ...... ····1 128 •rwenty.MiloStancl. .... Ueerfiel<l ...•......... \Vnrren ............. 47 W1Lhnmsv1llo ........... Umou ................ Clermont............. 177 Twinsbnrgh .......•••.. 'bvinHhurgh .......... Snmmit......... ...... 201 "\Volf's Station .......... Salem ................ Tuscamwas........... 100 Ty~1oc\Jtec .......•••... 'l\mochtee ........... Wyandot............. 38 ·wooclsrlale .............. Madison . ..... ... ..... Butler ............... · I 05 Umon_ ...••......•.•••.. 'l'nrtloUreek ......... \Yiirren............... f75 Wootlville ............. Woo1lville ............ Sandusky............ 406. Union ................. Ilandolph ............. Montgomery.......... 224 \Voodville .............. Wa:yne. ...... ..•. ... Clermont ........ ·····1 63 Unionport .............. Wayne ............... ,fofforsnn............. 87 ·w:vanclot .............. Antrim ............... \Vyumlot............. 130 Un!ontuwn ............. Wheeling............. Ilelmont .. ...... ...... 1G3 Wyoming ............... Springtiel<l. ........... Hamilton............. 840 Umontown ............. r.nke ..... -··········· Stm·k ................ 2141()3 Yye().l!;l,m.-t_u_1_• ..... ·.·.·.·.·.·.· .. ·.·.·.·.· F_,n"1~1:tllo1ifi-(ejlrc1"'e.·k_· __ ·· .. ·· .. ·.·.·.·.· H.r~"ffiretlrinS<Jn···.· .. ·.··.'-.··.·.· .. ·.·." 70 Un!onville .•..••..••... M.l'igsvillo ............ l\Iorga_n ...... ········I , " " 70 Un!opol!s ............... IT~lon ................ Auglmze .............. 1 116 York············'······ York .. .-............. , Meclina............. 164 Umty ...................


Ohver ................ Adnms ...............


H9 Youngsville ............


Wavno ...•........... A.dams................ 76 Unity ................... Unity ................ Uolumbiana........ ... 220 1 Zimmermanville ........ Beaver Creek ..•.....


c+reeno ....•.. .••..... 98 Utopia .•................ Franklin .............. Ull'1wont ... .-... .... lJG

1 Zoar .................... J,nwrence ............. Tnscamwus........... 201

Vanatta ................ Newton ......•....... Licking............... rn Ii Zoar .................. :·I Hamilton ..... -.•..... Warren............... 23

OREGON. ~~::::::::::::=:::=:===.-=====:::::=---=---~~-- ---·--· --·

l.IIXOR ~VIL DIVI~~Ns._ 1880. 1870. ..~ ... ,. __ ~'j:xoR CD"L mvw10N~lSSO. I lS>0.1.~--R-E-;\f_A_R_K_s._ llAKim.

11 nAKER-continued. I

.Auburn precinct:.................... 202 442 El Dorado precinct............ 138 ........ In 1870, notsepamtelyre· BnmtRivet•precinct ................ 21~ 70 In 1874, pa1t to Conner turned; in 1872, pt. to

I Creek; in 1870, pa1·t to I • Slone;_ in 1874, pt. to Virtue Mino. I . Quartz Gulch.

Ulark'sCreek precinct............... 187 342 In 1870, 1mlilis1iec1 as I'· l!'ort·Snmterprecinct................ 201 Jn 1870,notscpnratelyre-


Clnrksvi le, in 1880, pt. I tmnPrl. to Clearyville. i Humholclt Ilasin precinct............. 139 260 In 1870, pnhli8her1 as

Ulearyville IJ!'PCinct ....•. ...... ... . . 01 .. .. . . . In 1880, fr. pt. of' Clark's ,i 1

IInmLolrlt; in 1880, all Creek. [Gnlel1. I! - I of Ameliii nmwxed.

Cluver Creek precinct.............. 45 .•...... In 1878, fr. pt. of Qnnrtz . North Powcler precinct............... 276 ....


Jn 1871•, J'.Ot s<·r.nrnkly re· Conner Urcek precinct............... 145 I·....... In 1874, fr. pt. of Dnrnt turned.

, River. I Plcn~ant Valley precine-t. ............ 1 J90 .. . . . . . Lo. i:o.

Page 71: 1880 Census: Volume 1. Statistics of the Population of the ... · Champlin ..... Champlin ..... llcnneriin..... 246 1\Iirmetonlm "'·-·-······ l\linnctonlrn .••..••••.



'l'.A.BLE III.-OHEGON-Oontinued. ~~··-----.- --~~·-

__ M_I_N_o_n_c_Iv_1L_D_1_v_r_s1_0_N_'s_··_,I ~88~ 1~~0~ I ____ RE~fAilKS. ·11 MINOR ;rvrL DIVISIONS. ! 1880. ! 1870. REMA.l:Ks.

I I - --:1·----- -;oos. --~1-1- --. llAKFltt-continucd.

Pocabont~s precinct, incl. Baker city .. Jlalwr mty ......................... .

Quartz Gulch precinct ••...•..•......

I,t,ye Valle;: precinct ................ .. Stone precn1et ...................... .. Virtue Mine precinct .•••.........••..

Wingvillo precinct ................. ..


.Alsea precinct ....................... . C?rvnllia pre~inet., incl. Uorvullis city

Corl'allls mty ....... .............. .. Elk City }lrecinct ................... .. King's Va!loy p1·eci11ct ............... .. Lower .Alsea precinct ................ . Monroe precinct .... · ................ .. l\fudil;,• precinct ................... . Philomath precinct .................. . Ronp Creek precinct·-- .............. . Summit precinct . ., ................ .. 'l'ido \Vatm· precincl .................. . Toledo precinct ..................... . •rum Tum precinct ................. . \Villnmutte precinct ...........••..•. Yaqnina prcc., incl. Newport town .. ..

Nmvporttown .................... .. Informutionnstocl1angcain minor

ch·il divisions incompfote.


lle11"1"cr Crook precinct ..• , ....•..•.... Unnby, Cmwruah1 New Ern., and 'Onion

precincts. Cnscnde precinct ................... . Cuttings precinct .................... . Engle Creek precinct ............... .. Harding, Highland, Springwnter, and

Violn jircicincts. Lower Moln la precinct ••.••.......... :.rarqnnms precinct .... '" ........... .. ·:.iarshflelc!, Milwnnkee, tlll<l Rock

Creek precincts. , 11•egon C!Ly prcc., incl. Oregon city ...

·, ... ;~~·~~g1~n~~~y~~t::: :::: ::: : : : _ ~::.:::: .Plensnnt Hill precinct .•..••..•••..... Soda Springs 1n·ccinct ••••...••.•....

Tnalatin precinct ................... .. Upper Molall11 precinct .......... : .. ..


.Astorifl precinct, incl. Astoria city ..•.

As!orin cit~- ........................ C!ntsop precinct ......................

Clifton precinct .......................

Fishl1nwlq1rceinct .................... ,Jo]m D11y 1n·eclnct .................... Knapp11 precinct .....................

Lewis ancl Clark 11rcci11ct .••••.•......

Mishamika precinct ..................

Sensi<lo prrcinct ...................... Upper Astoria precinct, incl. U11per

Ast,oria town. I U11per Astoria town •.•.•.••.••.....

Vcs1rnr precinct ...................... Westport precinct .................... I

I Young's River precinct ...............


.Aulmrn nrnl Nchnlem precincts ..... .. Gltlfalrnnic frecinct ................ .. Dce1· Islan< precinct ................ . Marshlnrnl 1irccinct .................. . Onk l'oint precinct • : •................

Rnujer precinct ..................... . S;,m·ies Island :precinct ........... "··. Scappoose precmct ................. .. Union precinct ...................... .


}' ~~~ .. .. .. . In 1870, not separntdr re- / llarn1on r,recinct ..................... ! 91 '- ...... I In 1874, fl'on1 pt.1!~1i:~: '-1 8 I 312 I • • rtmncd. lleav('d:ilough precinct ............. I 111 : 122 Sincu 1870, ]lt. lu Coquille

O n 1874, fr. pt. of El Do- 'I ; 1 I City precinct. rn<lo; in 1878, pm·t tu: llrewsterValleyp!'ccinct ........... 1 144 i .......


1 Inl8TU,frorupt.ofNorth

122 Clover Ureek. ; . I / Coquille.

381 73 . [mclo. : Burton Prairie prncinct ............ --1 148 'i ·....... Do. Do.

150 In 18~2, \r. pt. of .EJ Do- :, Coos City precinct...... .. ... .. .. ... 200 , ....... ·I Siuce 1870, from part of In l81G, ir. pt. of ),umt ·1 1· I · M11Tsl1tiel1].

River. ' Coos River precinct.................. 206 mo '1 In 1874, pt. to SnmnH; in 187 In 1870, not separately re- ' 1878, pt. to Nm·th Cooa

turned. I I llirnr. Co1111ill" precinct..................... 4C4 i 210 1 In'72,11t.t0Rnll'sl'rnitfo. Co<1nil\~ Cil,V JJrecinct, incl. Coqnille 200 !· ....... i Sine" rn7o, fr. pt8. of llea-I .

3·27 ........ 1, 7<6

In 187n, not sepnmtf'lyt·c-Do. Do.

C...1ty village. i I Yl•l' Slough mul llall"s

I f I Prairie.

Cor1uille City village ..... .......... 176 ; ........ ! l, 128 04

504 1!13 801 H40 746 540 lfl3 86

2:12 185 181 217 52

406 l, 14-1

ii80 H05 520 9.15

408 531

1, 122

1, 707 1, 203

430 331 191

261 390

3, 981

2, 80:! 4~1


40 75




81 1, 670

713 46



302 146 128 mo 142

372 68

168 496

[turn<'cl. In 1870, not separately I'll·

Do. Do. [turner].

Inl870,not sepm·atelyl'e-Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. llo, Do. Do.

[tnrnecl. In 1870,notscp11ratcl;· re·

Do. Do.

[13Prt\'l'r. 310 In 1870, pnhliAhe1l as

Not separately.returne<l.

240 279

In 1870. pt. to Eagle Creek. In 1876, pt. to llighlnml. Jn 1870, fr. pt. of Cnscad!'. JS ot separately rctnme<l.

318 In 1870, part to Soc1a 397 [SJ1ri11gs.

Not separately retnrne<l.

1, 382

145 2CO

In 1876, fr. pts. of Lower Molulla,:\nd Upper Mo­lalla.

234 358 In 1876, part to Soda


003 In 1872, pt. to Kn¥cpa; in 1874, part to oung's Tiiwr; in 1876, part to Lewis anc! Clark; in 1877, pt. to Upper .As-tori11.

030 206 In 1874, pt. to Sensi11e; in

1870, JI~· to Lewis nrnl Clnrk.

In 1875, fr. pt. of \\r1,st-port. [Riwr.

In 1878, fl'. pt. ofYoun~'s ...... -:.. ln 1878, fr. pt. ofKnappa.

Jn 1872, fr. pt. of ;\Htmfa; in '78, pt. to J o!Jn Dny.

In 1876, fr. parts of As-tori11 and Clatsop.

In 18781 fr.1>t. of Yonng1a Hiver.

In 1874,fr. pt. of Clatsop. In 1877, from part of As-

toria. [port.

""'"86 In 1880, fr. pt. of West-In 1875, pt. to Clifton; in

1880, pt. to V<•SJllll'. In 1874, fr. pt. of .A stm in;

in 1878, J>ts. to Fish· lrawk an<l Misltnwak11.

Not separately returne<l. Jn 1876, o,1k Point.

!17 [!em nml Oak Point. In 1870, fr. pts. of Ncha·

177 In 1871, ]lt. to N<'halPm; in 1876, pt. to Clat•ka- · nie an<l Marshland.

116 •• 72 In 1870, pub!. as San'l"ie s.

237 I 144 In J870, puulished as Saint Helen's,

Empil'eCit.y1irec.inct .••••.........•.• 1

412 \ . :!81 '. In'U,pt.toSouthSJon,,lt· Enchanted Ptahie precinct . ....... ··~· 148 41 ! [in lt<7G, part to Lal~1~: llall's I'mirie preehwt ................ / 385 -, ..... ·-·I lnl.872, fr. pt. ofCrn111ille;

I j am"e 1870, patt to Co-l I I <Juilfo City.

.Tohn•on's precinct ................... 1 110 I 73 • Lake precinct ........................ ! fiO •••. i In 1876, fr.11t. uf}:mpire

• , [ Cit~·; in WlO, part to Tcu-~fik«

~Iarsldlel<l pt•ee., incl. Marshfield twn.1 1, ~~g · 402 j Sincu '74, pt. toC1msCit;'. Mursh

1!ieltl town ................... .' ~l['>_ ........ 1 [Co~uillc.

,\fissmu· precinct .................... 1 _ ....... I Sinee 1870, fr. pt. ufSb1il! North Coos ltiver precinct ............ !, 103 ' ........ \ In 1878, fr011q1t. .,f Coos

1 ! 1' l:h"fl'. llandolpl1 precinct ............ ~-·-···-·1 :lr1a l 152 ! In 1~74,pait to Harnlun. South i:Hongh precinct................ 185 i' ! lu !.fi74, fr. pt. of' Er]~Jlire

r Crt.\'. [ I.1n•r. 8unnwr prcduct ...................... 1 lfi8 ' I.n 1874, front pt. of t:ouil '!'cu- ~Iii" precinct .. • • . . . .. . . • • . . • .. • . :ia 1

......... In 1880, from pt. of Lake.

. •

ci;1mY. I 1 I ! [I:ivc•r. B1i;Il~·mlprec1nct ................... ~HI Bl r-····---: Inl872,fr. pt. of Uogrn! Chetcoe JJreciuct .. . • .. • .. .. . .. .. .. . .. 2BO i 129 i [Urfunl. Flora's Creek precinct .............. · IH7 1 ••••••• • i In 1872, fron1 pt. of l'urt 'ewcaRtlr.precinct· .................... 1 50 l. ...... J Do. Do. J'lcnsant Rill precinct ................ , 2l:J Ii ...... --1 In 1872, fr. pt. uf . mwr. . I'urt Orfor<l precinct .................. I 223 168 I In 1812, parts to Flora's

! C1·1,.•k am! N"'lrnnstle. Rogne m ver precinr,t .. . .. . • • ....... : 262 207 /I In 1872, pts. to Dil! Bend

! I ant! l'leiU!ant nm. DOUG I.AS,

Colapooia p~cciuct, iucl. Oaklarnl city. I' 1, 4D5 l, 110 ' Oaklarnl city........................ 869 ........ !

Camas Valley precinct . . .... . .. .• . .. 2491 1061 Caiionville precinct...... . .. .. .. .. .. 9:!1 788 Cole's Valley nr.eciuct ......•..•..... ·1 408 :n2 I Cow Urcck precinct................... 295 105 I Deer Creek prcc., incl. Roselm1'J' city.-\ 1, 059 9~91

Ilosehul'g ~ity .. .. .. . . .. . . • • .. . .. .. 8332~ .... 1• ~6 •.

Elkton prccmct...... ..... ..... • .... .. " " G1ll'llim'f precinct. . . .. .. ... .... .. .. 576 206 I LookinJJ:-G:ass precinct............... 758 480 Mount 8cott precinct ......... .... • .. ~185 ~uU7~ I J\Iyrtlc Creek precinct ..... , .. • • . .. .. "" • 1 Pass Urcek precinct . ............ ..• .. 613 . . .. .. •. In 1873,!a. Scottshnr)l; Tlr<'Cinct.............. .. .. "!-,1 2~ 2

1?_,} rren-Miieprecinc.b -------··········--· uv " Wilbur precinct...................... 200 2·JS [ Yon<'alla pr!Jcinct.................... 489 404 In 1873, pt. t<> Pass Creek.

GUA.'iT. I " i ! [ antl Blitzen. .Alnml J>rPcinct ...... ... ............ liil ........


: Iu 1878, fr. pt. ofDnn<ler Ueiw<·r Crec.l< Camp Curry nml War- 21:! ,· .......

1 Not separately returned.

1wr prt:~int'ts. ~ ' CaiionCityprecinct.................. 558 [ 423 i Inlk72,fr.LowerarnlUp-

I I, per Caiion City pncs.; .

in 1873, part to Harne~-. Dun<lur aml Blitzcn precinct.......... 08 : .. • .. . • . In 1874, fr. pt. of Har1w~·;



in 1878. pm1 to Alv11rt1. Elk Creek precinct................... 1:;0 '.: 103 Iu 1870, published na Elk. (~ranite precinct.......... ..... ...... 200 ' 448 Ilarney precinct ......................


! 151 : ........ , In 18i3, fr. part o.f Cniion : Cit~; in 18<4. part to I Duiuler aml Blitzen.

Hny Stack i1rerinct .................. j 148 ' ........ Iu 1878, from 1•t. ufN<•rth ' : Fork.

,Tohn Day precinct .................... ! 500 j 279 j In 1> 72, part to ~ii1dle. Lon!! Creek prednct. ................. ! 1@'1 ........ : In 1878, from pt. of Xorth lllalheuqirecinct .................... f 20 ) ........ 1 [Fork. Jlfarvsville prednct ................... I 450 1 127 (Da.v. 1tlidiile preciuct .. .. . ... : ........... i 2441 ........ [ In rn;2, from pt. of ,f 11lm .Monumental prccimJt ................. [ 100 ........ / In 1880, from ]It. nfOlirn

l Creek. North Fork precinct .................. j J92 ....... .,·In 1Ki2, fr. ori~ilrnl lmTi·

1 i tory; in '78, J>!s. to Uoy

I' I / Stl\Ck oml Long Cn•llli. Olive Creek precinct ................. ., SR 181!;,; In 1872, all of Wiuters

I · · 1 annexed; In l R&J, part

I to Monumental. Tioek Creek precinct .................. , 1~5 I 30 I In 1878, part to Bteiwer South Forl>precinct .................. ! 97 l 49 [Creek. Union precinct.---····----- _ ........ 548 l 523 ·

Informationnstuchangcsinminor I j civ:il divisions incomplete. •