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7/25/2019 16 Selection and Acquisitions Review Presentation SLIS 2015 1/131 SELECTION AND ACQUISITION: PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE ELVIRA B. LAPUZ [email protected]

16 Selection and Acquisitions Review Presentation SLIS 2015

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ELVIRA B. [email protected]

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• Basics of library collection building

• Conduct of community analysis

• Collection Development Policy

• Materials evaluation and selection• Methods of acquisition

• Weeding/De-selection

• valuation of library collection

• Current issues and concerns in collectiondevelopment

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COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT• Came into &ide use in the %'"!(s to

replace selection

• “a more encompassing term reflectingthe thoughtful process of developing alibrary collection in response to

institutional priorities and communityor user needs and interests.” –(Johnson, 2009

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COLLECTIONDEVELOPMENT)ibrary tas* that entails planning, selecting,

acquiring, budgeting, materials processing,

circulating  for use of customers/clienteles and

evaluation+ ,hese core functions build the library(scollection for a particular user community+

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• ,he process of ma*ing certain the information

needs of the people using the collection are

met   in a timely and economic manner usinginformation resources produced both inside and

outside of the organi.ation vans %'012+

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General Principles of Collection


• Focus on established need NOT on abstractstandards

•Be responsive to the needs of users and non-users

• Work on being part of cooperative programson different levels

• Consider all information formats• It is a biased work • earn be!ond the classroom "#vans$ %&&&'

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• Proposed in the %'0!s as an umbrella term under

&hich collection development  &as to be subsumed

• 3t is collection development 4 decisions about&eeding canceling serials storage and preservation

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• These are processes that infuence decisionsabout acquisition, retention, and provision oaccess to inormation sources in support o theidentied needs o a given community (Osborn,

1990)• “A process o inormation gathering,communication, coordination, policy ormulation,evaluation and planning. These processes in turn

infuence decisions about the acquisition,retention, and provision o access to inormationsources in support o the intellectual needs o agiven library community.” – !ohnson, "##$%

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Community analysis – needs assessment

Formulating Collection Development





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Library Coll!"io# Co$%"#!i&

)ibrary collections e5ist to meet the diverse lifelong

learning needs of their users and communities+

)a&s and policies guide practice+

fficient &or*flo&s and practices help provide

organi.ed and e5pedient access to users+

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6ource7 Competency 3nde5 for the )ibrary 8ield #!%9



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Library Coll!"io# Co$%"#!i& <cquisition and Processing

Manages the processes by &hich library

materials are ordered received andtrac*ed

Manages the e5penditures and accounting

for acquisitions

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Coll!"io# D'lo%$#" a#( Ma#a)$#"


• Builds and maintains a collection of resources in many formats

based on a determination of community needs

• stablishes and applies selection and evaluation criteria to

build a collection of high-quality and relevant resources• =esearches and designs systems and services to provide

optimal access to resources

• >nderstands and establishes collection development policies

and procedures

• nsures that the collection is current useful and in good


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• &dentiying'(no)ing your community

•Needs assessment  – data gatheringon )hat (ind o inormation is needed

• *athering patron input

• +onsideration o )ants, needs, use and


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N(& ? issues for the community institutionor person that require one or more solutions

*a#"&  ? things that the group or person is

&illing to e5pend time effort or money toacquire

D$a#(&  ? are &ants that a group or

person is &illing to ta*e action to achieve

pay for it requesting it calling etc+2

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Data gathered in needs

assessmentthe communitys use a particular productor service

persons attitude about the product or

service-ne) products or services that)ould be o

interest to the community

etent o patrons use o a particularproduct or service


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Why conduct a needs assessment@

• /or developing collections

• /or planning ne) services

• /or locating service points

• /or assessing physical acility requirements

• /or ma(ing ad0ustments to sta1ng pattern

• /or collection assessment

• /or budget planning and ad0usting undallocations

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Mar+"i#)Mar+"i#)Process of determining the user

communities( &ants and need

developing products and services

ncouraging users and potential

users to use these products andservices

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Library Marketing Library Marketing involves using strategic planning techniques to

anticipate and respond to the collection related

needs and &ants of the individuals and groups&hom the library serves ? (Baker and Wallace)

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Mar+" r&ar!,

• Athe function that lin!s the consumer,

customer, and public to the mar!eter

through information•I#-or$a"io#  identify and define

mar*eting opportunities and problems

determine actions monitor performance and

improve understanding of mar*eting as aprocess

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Market research in library 

Community analysis

eeds assessment

eeds analysis- all researches or studies that see! to ac"uire as much

information as possible about the community – userspotentials users supporters and funding bodies

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 “selection policies” or “acquisitionspolicies” 

A written statement  of the plan todevelop collection in the lirary

A plan of action to guide the staff!sthin"ing and decision ma"ing 

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Uses of a Collection Development Polic#

• It informs ever!one about the nature and scope of the


• It informs ever!one of collecting priorities

• It forces thinking about organi(ational priorities forthe collection

• It generates some degree of commitment to meeting

organi(ations goals

• It sets standards for inclusion and e)clusion• It reduces the influence of a single selector and

 personal biases

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Uses of a Collection Development Polic#


• It provides a training and orientation tool for the

new staff 

•It helps ensure a degree of consistenc! overtimeand regardless of staff turnover 

• It guides staff in handling complaints

• It aids in weeding and evaluating the collection

• It aids in rationali(ing budget allocations

• It provides a public relations document

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Uses of a Collection Development Polic# !%"

• It provides a means of assessing overall performanceof the collection development program

• It provides outsiders with information about the

 purpose of collection development "an accountabilit!


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Common feat&res of CDP

2b0ectives o the3ibrary

+ommunity and itsneed identied

4urpose o the5election process /unctions o the

library +ontet o selection Authority or selection 6esponsibility or

implementation 4riorities types o use

and categories omaterials%

+ontroversial issues

5tatement oncensorship

+ategories o inclusion 5tatement on /reedom

to 6ead 5election criteria +ollection standards 7

quantity +ollection development

targets 5election methods 7

organi8ation Acquisitions categories

and coverage 2rdering methods

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'orm&lation of a CDP• 4olicy committee sta1ng

• 9etermination o preliminary policy

concerns• /ormulation o the drat policy

• 6evie) and revision o the drat policy

• 4olicy implementation anddissemination

• 2n:going evaluation process

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 The heart o the collection developmentprocess

 The process o deciding )hich materials toacquire or a library collection; mayinvolve deciding bet)een items thatprovide inormation about the samesub0ect, systematically determining qualityand value <vans, "##=%

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Selection Process

>. 5electors must identiy collection needsin terms o sub0ects and specic types omaterials

". 9etermining ho) much money isavailable

?. 9eveloping a plan or identiying

potentially useul materials to acquire@. +onducting search or the desired


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• Academic libraries

• 4ublic libraries• 5chool edia +enters

• 5pecial libraries

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(ases of SelectionStatements regarding intellectual freedom

such as:

Library Bill of Rights

Freedom to Read Statements,

/irst Amendment to the Bnited 5tates+onstitution

other similar documents7 they are importantconsiderations in determining what typesof materials will be included in thecollection

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Stan)ar)s of collection )evelopment 

5tandards that may be used to evaluateand measure collection and libraryperormance,IFLA Guidelines


<Cective means or getting library supportA rame)or( or comparison4rovide or the minimums or volumes,

ependitures, or collection levels )hichbecome the minimum target goals orlibraries


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The Librarian as selector

Ideally, a Competent Librarian selector  should be someone )ho is7

&nterested in boo(s and other materials assources o inormation

Dith sincere understanding o the needs oidentied clienteles

Dell inormed and has unbiased opinion to beable to evaluate and provide sound decisions

Able to see the library as a service point to apluralistic society

A learner and open to changesEno)ledgeable o the )or(ings o the library as

an inormation centerAble to understand personal biases and

)ea(nesses and provide balance

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Resonsibilit! "or Selection

• 2rdinarily, the 3ibrarian is in charge o selection.• School edia Centers : locally elected or

appointed school board, by la); , includingadministrators, supervisors, teachers, librarymedia specialists, students, and even community

residents•  !cademic Library  – the members o the acultyand the librarian in:charge

• Special Library  – basically, selection in speciallibraries is not the responsibility eclusive to thelibrarian but is a tas( dictated by the prevailing

need o the most active users o the collection.• "ublic Library  – as epected, the members o the

community )ill have a signicant role in materialsselection and decisions to purchase and acquire.

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#o$ to %isco&er reso'rces "orE&al'ation(4ublisher mailings, lists, catalogs, fyers,


+hec(ing )ebsites and 24A+s o otherlibraries

/rom vendors and suppliers )ebsites

3ibrary maga8ines and 0ournals

4articipating in conerences and

net)or(ing )ith other librarians

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• 5ub0ect matter

• +onstruction quality

• 4otential use

• 6elation to the collection

• Fibliographic considerations


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Selection of 'iction

Some questions to as" to help in theevaluation of #or"s of fiction$

• %s it true to life&• 'as it vitality and consistency incharacter depiction&

• %s the plot original&• %s dramatic interest sustained&• Does it stimulate&

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• Authority• Currency

• Scope

• %nterest• (rgani)ation

• Format

• Special Features• Cost

• Accuracy

• %mpartiality

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Continuing resources

* publication in an! medium$ defined in **C+% 2002 asissued over time with no predetermined conclusion$including bibliographic resources issued successivel! indiscrete parts and integrating resources into which updatesare incorporated without remaining discrete, #)amplesinclude serials "periodicals$ newspapers$ etc,'$

monographic series$ and updating loose leaf services$online databases$ and websites, (Reitz, Online Dictionary

 for Library and Information Science)

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“A publication issued in successive parts,usually in regular intervals, and as rule,intended to be continued indenitely,include periodicals, annuals reports,yearboo(s, etc.% and memoirs,proceedings, and transactions osocieties.” (ALA Glossar o! Librar and In!or"ation S#ien#e)

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“a publication )ith a distinctive title intendedto appear in successive usually unbound%numbers as parts at stated or regularintervals, and, as a rule, or an indenitetime. <ach part generally contains articles

by several contributors. Ge)spapers, )hosechie unction it is to disseminate ne)s, andthe memoirs, proceedings, 0ournals, etc. osocieties are not considered periodicals.” (ALA

Glossar o! Librar and In!or"ation S#ien#e)

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“a periodical publication especially dealing)ith matters o current interest: oten usedor o1cial or semi:o1cial publications ospecial groups”

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a periodical that usually contains amiscellaneous collection oarticles, stories, poems, andpictures and is directed at the

general reading public

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Selection Criteria "orSerials

• 4urpose,scope and

audience• Accuracy

• 3ocal interest

• /ormat issues

• &ndeing cost

• 9emand

• Availability

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• supplementary materials that can provideup:to:date inormation

• evaluated as other printed materials are

and most o the selection criteria or boo(sare equally applicable

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• a generic term or both microlmsand microche

a ormat not li(ed much by so manypeople

• the ormat that libraries resort to

• a good ormat or materials that are

seldom used• also good alternative ormat or rareand archival materials.

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M&lti*Me)ia Main Points for Consideration

• Fudget allocation

• 9urability• Audio Hisual quality

• <ase o repair

• Type o equipment required

• AH technology that is long:lasting

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E'al.a"io# Cri"ria -or M.l"i/


•Programming factors

•Content factors•,echnical factors

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STILL PICTURES• /ilmstrips

• 5lides

• Transparencies• /lat pictures include paintings, posters,postcards, photographs and other pictorialmaterials%

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• *il.s : +omes in variety o si8es7 the I, 5uperJ, >Kmm and ?= mm; the I#mm is the ormatused in theatrical releases and is also theormat collected by lm archives

• Vi%eo recor%in,s :$ideos are e%tre"el &o&ular 'it librar &atrons

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Grahic Materials

• include maps, photographs and globes

• "roblems* little biblio+ra&i# #ontrol and"ain+ de#isions as to 'eter #ir#ulate

#R be used onl 'itin te &re"ises o! telibrar  

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Other Me%ia

• 4rinted usic• usic sheets and scores ull si8eor miniature%

• 4roblem o sourcing andbibliographic control

• odels, dioramas

• *ames

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obsolete technolo,!obsolete technolo,!


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Electronicreso'rces• An all encompassing term to include sourcesin digital ormat7 electronic serials, e:serials,

electronic 0ournals, online 0ournals, digital 0ournals, electronic boo(s, e:boo(s

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/ene0ts o" ha&in, e)reso'rces inlibraries

ease o searchingremote accessconsolidation o many volumes and yearsreduction in thet and mutilation

+ontent can etracted and manipulated5imultaneous useeasy eport o inormationreduced costs or binding, storage, and stac(

maintenancehyperlin(saccess outside normal library hours

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Electronic serialsAny 0ournal, maga8ine, e8ine, )eb8ine,

ne)sletter, or type o electronic serial publication)hich is made available online

 These are either supplied directly by the

publishers or via aggregator services

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valuating e-resources

• =ead product description and other literatures from the vendor 

• =equest for 8ree ,rial access and get the most from that free trial

• Consider pricing scheme

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Eval&ation Criteria for ElectronicReso&rces

• Content

• Access

• *echnical support

• Cost• +egal considerations

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E&al'ation criteria "or InternetReso'rces: Content 

• Authority

• 4ublishing

body• Heriability'Accuracy

• +urrency

• Fias

• Appropriateness

o ormat• Audience

• 4urpose

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E&al'ation criteria "or Internet

Reso'rces:  A##ess


•2rgani8ation•9o)nload time


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E&al'ation criteria "or

Internet Reso'rces: -esi+n




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Selection Tools• These are sources that provideassistance to the librarian in selectingmaterials or acquisitions.

• There are tools that provide evaluativeinormation and are selective in nature,)hile other tools are morecomprehensive lists o titles available

or purchase.

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*ICTION• Fiction atalog . #e$ %or!& 'ilson, 90)*

 < guide to adult fiction found most in useful in public

libraries published periodically &ith annual


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l!"io# Tool& -or oo+&

l!"i' &o.r!&

• Boo* revie&s

• Boo* lists

• ABest of and

=ecommended )ists



• Publishers( sources

• Enline boo*stores

• Directories of print

and non-print boo*s

• ationalbibliographies

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• 4rovide descriptive and evaluativeinormation that can be used in place

o physically eamining the actual boo(• a(es comparisons to similar )or(s tohelp the librarian determine )hetherthe boo( being revie)ed should beadded to the library collection

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/oo3 Re&ie$


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+e,sites containin- revie+s 


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+e,sites containin- revie+s,""%boo+%a)!o$

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+e,sites containin- revie+s


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+e,sites containin- revie+s


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.(est of. an) Recommen)e) Lists

• For non-current revie#s

• Can e used as chec"lists to ma"e sure that aparticularly good oo" is not missed

• %f the selectors "no# that the lirary community,sreading choices are influenced yrecommendations they may #ant to considerrecommended lists in the oo" selection process

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Literary Lists at /ttp011+++2literar#list2com1

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Reso'rces• 3istings o boo(s published in aparticular country

• Bseul or veriying the

bibliographic and purchasinginormation• 4ublisher sources, onlineboo(stores, directories o in print

and out o print boo(s, andnational bibliographies

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#nline Boo$stores

Allo)s the selector to search andpurchase print boo(s over the &nternet

+an provide a quic( and easy )ay tond publication inormation or a )iderange o boo(s.

A convenient method or purchasing

boo(s that is needed very quic(ly.

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#nline Boo$stores• "earth's biggest bookstore"  is at . ###/ama)on/com0 #hich is a full-service online oo"store providing lists ofest-sellers a#ard-#inners and e1cerpts

from revie# sources/• Barnes and Noble at .###/arnesandnole/com0 offers over one million oo"s that can esearched for and purchased over the

%nternet/• http7//&&&+nationalboo*store+com+ph/

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Directories "or In Print /oo3s

an% O't)O")Print /oo3s • 5ources or nding bibliographic andpurchasing inormation or boo(s that areavailable or purchase, are about to be

published, or are no longer being printed.

• <amples o titles included in this categoryare7 Forthcoming Boo$s, %ee$lyRecord, Boo$s in "rint &BI"'

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Directories "or In Print /oo3san% O't O" Print /oo3s

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National Bibliographies 

• useul or chec(ing )hich library o)nsa particular )or( in a particularcountry.

• Bsually published by the national orstate libraries

• <amples 7 British National

Bibliography, National (nionCatalog, Bibliographie NationaleFran)aise, *eutscheNationalbibliographie

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National /iblio,rahies

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Selection Tools for M&lti*Me)ia

• Hideos7 Coi#e, Librar .ournal, $ideoLibrarian, $ideo Re/ie', $ideo Sour#e ooand o'ers Co"&lete $ideo -ire#tor 

• Audio aterials7 Publiser2s 3eel ,

 AudioFile, 3ilson Librar ulletin, Librar .ournal, Audioboo Re/ie' • *raphic aterials7 Carto+ra& andGeo+ra&i# In!or"ation Sste"s 

• icroorms7 Guide to 4i#ro!or"s in Print ,

5ational Re+ister o! 4i#ro!or" 4asters

S l ti T l " M lti

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Selection Tools "or M'lti)Me%ia

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Selection Tools "or

Serials• 5elective guides: Librar .ournal and5e' 4a+a6ine Re/ie' 

• 9irectories o 4eriodicals andGe)spapers7 Ulri#2s InternationalPeriodi#als -ire#tor  6.6. Fo)(er%,Serials -ire#tor  <F5+2%, 7eInternational -ire#tor o! Little

4a+a6ines and S"all Presses, Gale-ire#tor o! Publi#ations and road#ast4edia 

• 5erials 3ist7 Reader2s Guide toPeriodi#al Literature; 5e' Serials 7itles 

l "i T l - i l l "i T l - i l

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l!"io# Tool& -or rial&l!"io# Tool& -or rial&

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(oo3 p&,lis/in-(oo3 p&,lis/in- 

the ro%'ction o" rinte%.aterials

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'&nctions of p&,lis/ers0'&nctions of p&,lis/ers0

• Taps sources o materials manuscripts%

• 6aise and supply the capital to ma(e theboo(s

• Aid in the development o the manuscript• +ontract or the manuacturing printing andbinding o boo(s%

• 9istribute boo(s, including promotion andadvertising.

• aintain records o sales, contracts, andcorrespondence relating to the productionand sale o boo(s

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Pro%'cers in the P'blishin, In%'str!Pro%'cers in the P'blishin, In%'str!

• Trade publishers

• 4roessional'5pecialty publishers

<l:Li publishers• Bniversity'5cholarly publishers

• 5mall presses

• *overnment presses

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Tra( %.bli&,r&Tra( %.bli&,r&

• 4roduce )ide variety o titles, bothction and non:ction

• Dide sales potentials

• ? ma0or mar(ets7 boo(stores,libraries and )holesalers

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Professional/6pecialty publishers

• 8e& output in a limited sub:ect• 3ntended for a limited number of audience

• =equires e5pensive graphic preparations

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Pa%rba!+ %.bli&,r&Pa%rba!+ %.bli&,r&

Muality trade ormass:mar(etpaperbac(s

3o):pricedbecause o massdistributions

5horter shel lie

than hardcovers

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<l:Li publishers<l:Li publishers

 Targets the primaryand secondaryschools

Ligh:ris( venturebecause preparationo tets require largeamount o money,time and energy

4ressure to change

content rom time totime

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#i'r&i"y!,olarly %.bli&,r&#i'r&i"y!,olarly %.bli&,r&<ist to produce

scholarly boo(s6eceive subsidiesost are part o

academic institutions

or learned societies4roduce scholarly

boo(s that more otenare not acceptable tocommercial


$all %r&&&$all %r&&&!"/#$/%" 98

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• ostly literary presses

• /unctions the same )ay as largetrade publishers

• 2ne:person operations

• /e) advertisements and revie)s

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Go'r#$#" %r&&&Go'r#$#" %r&&&

• Dorlds largest publishers

• 2ten publish essential andinepensive materials on topics li(enutrition, arming, travel, etc.

IS(N 4 International!"/#$/%" 100

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IS(N InternationalStan)ar) (oo3 N&m,er

A unique ten:digit or thirteen:digitnumber divided into parts, )hich mustbe printed on the verso o the title

page or any other prominent position.*roup number, publisher pre, titlenumber, chec( digit


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ACQUISITIONSACQUISITIONS• The process o securing materials or thelibrary collection, )hether by purchase, asgits, or through echange programs <vans,"##=%

• 4rimarily concerned )ith the ordering,claiming and receipt o materials or thelibrary *orman, >$$J%

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 <cquisitions Methods

• 8irm order • 6tanding order 

• <pproval plan

• Blan*et order 

• 6ubscription

• Fifts and e5changes

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Goals of t/e Ac5&isitions DepartmentGoals of t/e Ac5&isitions Department

 To maintain a high level o accuracyin all )or( procedures

 To (eep )or( processes simple, to

achieve the lo)est possible cost To develop close, riendly )or(ing

relationships )ith other library unitsand )ith vendors

 To acquire material as quic(ly aspossible

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Ac5&isitions ProcessAc5&isitions Process

•6equest processing

•4reorder )or('Fibliographicverication


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Important )ecisions to ma3eImportant )ecisions to ma3e

,efore placin- an or)er0,efore placin- an or)er0

•Dhich acquisition method

to use•Dhat vendor to use

•Dhere to get the money

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Or)erin- +or3 flo+Or)erin- +or3 flo+ 

- 2eceiving requests and recommendations

- vendor selection- 3reparation of 3urchase (rder 43(5

- assigning order numers for control and trac"ing

- sumission of orders through mail fa1 or e-mail- order receipt and verification

- claims and follo#-ups- receipt of ordered items

- chec"ing deliveries against 3urchase (rder and

pac"ing slip6list- chec"ing physical condition of delivered materials- property mar"ing y stamping or emossing

- approving invoices for payment

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So.e co..on roble.s in theSo.e co..on roble.s in the

receit o" .aterials or%ere%:receit o" .aterials or%ere%:

• )rong entries'data in the invoice

• )rong edition sent• items ordered but not received

• &tems not ordered but shipped

• Too many or not enough copies• &mperect copies received

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Dealers1S&ppliers• 7holesaler or 8oer

• 2etailer – local oo"stores oo" dealers

oo" clus foreign vendors• 3ulisher

• (ut-of-print antiquarian and rare oo"dealers

'actors to consi)er in c/oosin-'actors to consi)er in c/oosin-

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'actors to consi)er in c/oosin-'actors to consi)er in c/oosin-

s&pplier0s&pplier0 Economy and efficiency Economy and efficiency 

• 5ervice – representatives, contact numbers,)ebsites, etc.

• Muality o service

• 5peed o ulllment

• 9iscounts and pricing

• +ompanys nancial viability

• Hendors ability to )or( )ith the librarys

automation system• 5pecial services available

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Ven%or)a%%e% ser&icesVen%or)a%%e% ser&ices

Acquisition assistance – i.e. searching andverication

Automated selection assistance programsFoo( rental plans+ataloging and shel ready processing+ustomi8ed management data<lectronic nancial transactionsore than one inormation ormat4rovision o electronic tables o contents or machine

readable data3ibrary urniture3ibrary supplies

Cooperative collectionCooperative collection

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development and resource sharingdevelopment and resource sharing

• Agreement bet)een t)o or more libraries• +oordinated acquisitions

• !oint acquisitions

Benefits of CooperativeBenefits of Cooperative!"/#$/%" 112

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pcollection development collection development 

• &ncreased potential or improved access• *reater possibility o stretching limitedresources

• 5haring that can result to greater staCspeciali8ation

• &mproved services to clients by enhancedpresence o library

• +reate improvements in the )or(ingrelationships among cooperative libraries

(&)-etin- an) 'inance(&)-etin- an) 'inance

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(&)-etin- an) 'inance(&)-etin- an) 'inance

 <llocating funds6ound financial record *eeping

ncumbering ? setting aside funds for ordered


6te&ardship and sound financial management

 <ccounting and auditing operational audits

compliance audits financial audit2

3ricing Schemes for e resources3ricing Schemes for e resources

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3ricing Schemes for e-resources3ricing Schemes for e-resources

•  <nnual flat rate• 8ree &ith print subscription

• =educe price for electronic only

•  <ugmented prices for both print and online

• 5tra cost for print

• Price based on number of physical sites or 3nternet Protocol3P2 addresses

• Price based on the number of potential users

• Pay per connect time

• Pay per article accessed or retrieved

• Bundling or pac*aging a group of titles

• Consortia pricing for a group of libraries

• Discounts on multiyear contracts


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•Also termed as 8'eedin+”

•6emoval o an item rom the

librarys active collection orthe purpose o eitherdiscarding or sending it storage

Reasons for )e*Reasons for )e*

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Reasons for )e*Reasons for )e*

selection0selection0• To keep the librar! collection in best possible condition• *lleviate space problems$ especiall! for small libraries

• Improve accessibilit! of the collections removing old

or seldom used materials

Criteria forCriteria for

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Criteria forCriteria for



unsolicited and un&anted gifts

obsolete boo*s especially in the sciences

superseded editionsboo*s that are infested dirty shabby &orn out

 :uvenile etc+

boo*s &ith small print brittle paper and missing

pagesunused unneeded volumes of sets

periodicals &ith no inde5es

Pro,lems in De*selectionPro,lems in De*selection

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Pro,lems in De*selectionPro,lems in De selection

• 3ac( o time'Ta(es time rom theregular routine

• 3ac( o staC to do evaluation omaterials or de selection

• +ost involved and propertyaccountability o librarian

• Actual practice is seldom done – 8tebi++er te #olle#tion te better 

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EVALUATIONEVALUATIONCollection assessment  – systematic

quantitative and qualitative measurement othe degree to )hich a librarys collectionmeets the librarys goals and ob0ectives and

the needs o its users

Collection e+aluation – systematicconsideration o a collection to determine itsintrinsic merit or its “goodness” it see(s to

eamine or describe collections either intheir o)n terms or in relation to othercollections and chec(ing mechanisms lists,standards, etc.%

Aims of Eval&ationAims of Eval&ation !"/#$/%" 120

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• To understand the scope, depth and

utility o the collection• To prepare a guide to and a basis orcollection development

• To measure the preparation o a

collection development policy and tomeasure its eCectiveness

• To determine the adequacy or quality othe collection

• To help rectiy inadequacies in libraryholdings and to suggest )ays to improvethem

Aims of Eval&ation !$"Aims of Eval&ation !$"

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Aims of Eval&ation !$"Aims of Eval&ation !$"

• To ocus resources on areas needingattention• To aid 0ustication or budget increases• To demonstrate to administrators that

something is being done about thedemands or “more unding”• To establish the eistence o specialstrengths and )ea(nesses in thecollection

• To chec( the need or )eeding'de:selection and collection control

Eval&ation Met/o)sEval&ation Met/o)s

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Eval&ation Met/o)sEval&ation Met/o)s

•Collection centere) * chec"ing list

- iliographies and catalogs

- e1pert opinion

- comparative use statistics

- collection standards

Eval&ation Met/o)sEval&ation Met/o)s

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Eval&ation Met/o)sEval&ation Met/o)s

Use*centere)* circulation studies- user6opinion studies- analysis of %++ statistics- citation studies

- in-house use studies- shelf availaility- simulated use studies- document delivery tests

Evaluation of Electronic $esourcesEvaluation of Electronic $esources

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Evaluation of Electronic $esourcesEvaluation of Electronic $esources

%ncorporate elements of selection*echnical infrastructure%nformation contentConsider support issues and management


Service quality%mpact usefulness and adoption

-- 4Charles McClure5

Maintenance an) Care ofMaintenance an) Care of

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t/e Collectiont/e Collection





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ese at o

a broad range o activities intended to prevent,retard or stop deterioration o materials or toretain the intellectual content o materials nolonger physically intact !ohnson, "##@%



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Goninvasive physical or chemical methodsemployed to ensure the survival omanuscripts, boo(s, and other documents!ohnson, "##@%

$ t ti$estoration

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$estoration$estorationreturning a boo(, document, or other materialas nearly as possible to its original condition,it can include methods such as mending,repairing, rebinding, and de:acidication

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DEVELOPMENTDEVELOPMENT Automation o the acquisition


Access vs. o)nership9igital preservation+opyright ' air use<thical issues

+ensorship6esource sharing

!uggested te"ts#!uggested te"ts#

F d d d M t G * 6 + ll ti t

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vans F+ d&ard and Margaret Garnos*y 6aponaro+ +ollection anagement-asics. "th ed+ 6ta+ Barbara Calif+ 7 )ibraries >nlimited #!%#+

vans F+ d&ard+ eveloping /ibrary and nformation +enter +ollections+ Hth ed+Westport Connecticut 7 )ibraries >nlimited #!!H+

Iohnson Peggy+ 8undamentals of Collection Development and Management+ #nd ed+ Chicago7 <merican )ibrary <ssociation #!!'+

  Jat. William <+ Collection Development7 ,he 6election of Materials for )ibraries+

e& Kor* 7 Lolt =inehart and Winston %'0!

  McFra& L+8+ 1olicies and 1ractices in iscarding. )ibrary ,rends 9Ianuary

%'H"2 7 #1!

  =eit. Ioan M+ nline ictionary for /ibrary and nformation 3cience+ )ibraries



WebIunction Competency 3nde5 for the )ibrary 8ield #!%9+ =etrieved fromhttp7//&eb:unction+org/documents/&eb:unction/Competency;3nde5;for;the;)ibrary;8ield+html+ 0 <pril #!%9

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Than3 !o'


GOODLUC1444El'ira a&iba& La%.

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